1 00:00:02,002 --> 00:00:03,737 Okay, we've got power to the laser. 2 00:00:04,671 --> 00:00:06,839 I should've brought an umbrella. 3 00:00:07,211 --> 00:00:08,511 What for? It's not going to rain. 4 00:00:08,512 --> 00:00:11,047 I know that, but with skin as fair as mine, 5 00:00:11,048 --> 00:00:14,450 moon burn is a real possibility. 6 00:00:14,451 --> 00:00:16,151 That's a "bazinga," right? 7 00:00:16,152 --> 00:00:18,820 One of my best, don't you think? 8 00:00:21,796 --> 00:00:23,202 Howard, do you want to double-check 9 00:00:23,203 --> 00:00:24,500 the equatorial mount on the laser? 10 00:00:24,501 --> 00:00:26,488 We need it locked onto the Sea of Tranquility. 11 00:00:26,489 --> 00:00:27,914 You got it. 12 00:00:27,915 --> 00:00:30,061 Oh, Raj, no. 13 00:00:30,062 --> 00:00:33,158 Billions of dollars have gone into inventing the Internet 14 00:00:33,159 --> 00:00:35,164 and filling it with pictures of naked women, 15 00:00:35,165 --> 00:00:37,951 so we don't have to peep through windows. 16 00:00:37,952 --> 00:00:39,301 It's not like that. 17 00:00:39,302 --> 00:00:40,417 I'm watching someone's TV. 18 00:00:40,418 --> 00:00:42,013 The Good Wife is on. 19 00:00:43,776 --> 00:00:48,195 I tell you, this is my new Grey's Anatomy. 20 00:00:48,196 --> 00:00:49,140 Leonard, Leonard. 21 00:00:49,141 --> 00:00:50,285 What is that? What is that? 22 00:00:50,286 --> 00:00:53,586 Relax, it's just a dirty sock. 23 00:00:53,587 --> 00:00:55,817 How on earth can you say 24 00:00:55,818 --> 00:00:58,473 "dirty sock" and "relax" in the same sentence? 25 00:00:58,474 --> 00:01:02,951 Sheldon, the world is filled with dirty discarded socks. 26 00:01:02,952 --> 00:01:05,163 Not my world. 27 00:01:06,832 --> 00:01:10,035 Hey, you know who'd really dig seeing this experiment? Penny. 28 00:01:10,036 --> 00:01:13,591 I wasn't aware that lunar ranging was her thing. 29 00:01:13,592 --> 00:01:16,580 Although, I suppose the retro-reflector left on the moon 30 00:01:16,581 --> 00:01:20,307 by Neil Armstrong does qualify as a shiny object. 31 00:01:21,181 --> 00:01:22,860 Why don't you ask her to come up? 32 00:01:22,861 --> 00:01:23,761 I don't know, it's still 33 00:01:23,762 --> 00:01:25,140 a little weird since, you know... 34 00:01:25,141 --> 00:01:26,780 She dumped you? She didn't dump me. 35 00:01:26,781 --> 00:01:29,798 We were just in different places in the relationship. 36 00:01:29,799 --> 00:01:31,544 I fail to see how a relationship 37 00:01:31,545 --> 00:01:35,000 can have the qualities of a geographic location. 38 00:01:35,001 --> 00:01:35,939 Oh, it's very simple. 39 00:01:35,940 --> 00:01:37,512 Leonard was living in a little town 40 00:01:37,513 --> 00:01:39,156 called "Please don't leave me" 41 00:01:39,157 --> 00:01:43,311 while Penny had just moved to the island of "Buh-bye." 42 00:01:45,790 --> 00:01:46,966 Screw you guys. 43 00:01:46,967 --> 00:01:48,472 I'm gonna go see if she's home. 44 00:01:48,473 --> 00:01:50,183 If it's not too much trouble, 45 00:01:50,184 --> 00:01:52,158 I'd like to point this at the moon now. 46 00:01:52,159 --> 00:01:53,195 Wait a second. 47 00:01:53,196 --> 00:01:55,072 The good wife is crying. 48 00:01:56,111 --> 00:01:57,849 Something's very wrong. 49 00:01:59,225 --> 00:02:02,540 ♪ Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state ♪ 50 00:02:02,541 --> 00:02:06,225 ♪ Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started... Wait! ♪ 51 00:02:06,226 --> 00:02:07,864 ♪ The Earth began to cool ♪ 52 00:02:07,865 --> 00:02:10,409 ♪ The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools ♪ 53 00:02:10,410 --> 00:02:13,091 ♪ We built the Wall ♪ ♪ We built the pyramids ♪ 54 00:02:13,092 --> 00:02:15,769 ♪ Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery ♪ 55 00:02:15,770 --> 00:02:17,680 ♪ That all started with a big bang ♪ 56 00:02:17,681 --> 00:02:18,655 ♪ Bang! ♪ 57 00:02:18,665 --> 00:02:22,665 The Big Bang Theory 3x23 The Lunar Excitation Original Air Date on May 24, 2010 58 00:02:22,675 --> 00:02:25,975 -- Sync, corrected by elderman -- -- for www.addic7ed.com -- 59 00:02:27,025 --> 00:02:28,325 Oh, hi. What's going on? 60 00:02:28,392 --> 00:02:31,194 We're up on the roof bouncing laser beams off the moon. 61 00:02:31,195 --> 00:02:33,296 I'm sorry, what? 62 00:02:33,297 --> 00:02:34,697 It's pretty cool. 63 00:02:34,698 --> 00:02:36,165 We've got a two-meter parabolic reflector and everything. 64 00:02:36,166 --> 00:02:37,699 I thought you might want to see it. 65 00:02:37,700 --> 00:02:38,800 That makes no sense. 66 00:02:38,801 --> 00:02:40,335 Um... 67 00:02:40,336 --> 00:02:42,269 How can you bounce stuff off the moon? 68 00:02:42,270 --> 00:02:44,937 There's no gravity. 69 00:02:44,938 --> 00:02:46,205 Uh, Leonard, 70 00:02:46,206 --> 00:02:48,575 this is Zack. Zack, Leonard. Hey. 71 00:02:48,576 --> 00:02:50,807 Oh, sorry, I didn't know you were busy. Maybe another time. 72 00:02:50,808 --> 00:02:51,805 Yeah, maybe. 73 00:02:51,806 --> 00:02:53,398 Hey, I want to see this laser thing. 74 00:02:53,399 --> 00:02:55,118 Oh, but what about the party? 75 00:02:55,119 --> 00:03:01,174 It's a surprise party-- doesn't matter when we get there. 76 00:03:01,175 --> 00:03:02,886 Okay, well, yeah, come on up. 77 00:03:09,313 --> 00:03:10,233 So, how'd you two guys meet? 78 00:03:10,836 --> 00:03:13,010 My company designs the menus doesn't for the Cheesecake Factory. 79 00:03:13,020 --> 00:03:15,840 Your company? Well,, my dad, but... 80 00:03:15,850 --> 00:03:17,270 but me and my sister are VPs. 81 00:03:18,852 --> 00:03:20,957 So... menus. 82 00:03:21,667 --> 00:03:24,687 I know it sounds easy but there's a lot of science that goes in designing one. 83 00:03:31,050 --> 00:03:33,623 Happy now? I'm moving the dirty sock. 84 00:03:36,009 --> 00:03:36,962 Thank you. 85 00:03:38,060 --> 00:03:40,886 Raj, keep an eye out for other one. 86 00:03:41,481 --> 00:03:43,486 Hey, guys, this is my friend Zack. 87 00:03:43,487 --> 00:03:44,340 Hey. 88 00:03:44,341 --> 00:03:45,827 Hello. Whoa! 89 00:03:45,828 --> 00:03:46,947 Ist the laser? 90 00:03:46,948 --> 00:03:48,720 It's bitchin'. 91 00:03:48,721 --> 00:03:50,126 Yes. 92 00:03:50,127 --> 00:03:53,320 In 1917, when Albert Einstein established 93 00:03:53,321 --> 00:03:55,812 the theoretic foundation for the laser in his paper 94 00:03:55,813 --> 00:03:58,706 "Zur Quantentheorie der Strahlung," his fondest hope 95 00:03:58,707 --> 00:04:01,899 was that the resultant device be bitchin'. 96 00:04:02,586 --> 00:04:04,792 Well, mission accomplished. 97 00:04:08,080 --> 00:04:09,733 Let me explain what we're doing here. 98 00:04:09,734 --> 00:04:10,653 Um, in 1969, 99 00:04:10,654 --> 00:04:12,393 the astronauts on Apollo 11 100 00:04:12,394 --> 00:04:14,099 positioned reflectors on the surface of the moon, 101 00:04:14,100 --> 00:04:15,672 and we're going to shoot a laser off 102 00:04:15,673 --> 00:04:17,512 one of them and let the light bounce back 103 00:04:17,513 --> 00:04:18,966 into this photomultiplier. 104 00:04:18,967 --> 00:04:20,705 Oh! That's very cool. 105 00:04:20,706 --> 00:04:21,859 One question. 106 00:04:21,860 --> 00:04:24,985 How can you be sure it won't blow up? 107 00:04:24,986 --> 00:04:26,005 The laser? 108 00:04:26,006 --> 00:04:27,345 The moon. 109 00:04:31,039 --> 00:04:33,512 See, now this is a man for Penny. 110 00:04:34,700 --> 00:04:36,958 That's a great question, Zack. 111 00:04:36,959 --> 00:04:37,811 No, it's not. 112 00:04:37,812 --> 00:04:38,798 Sheldon! 113 00:04:38,799 --> 00:04:40,118 Play nice. 114 00:04:40,119 --> 00:04:41,372 It's not a great question. 115 00:04:41,373 --> 00:04:42,778 How could somebody possibly think 116 00:04:42,779 --> 00:04:44,517 we're going to blow up the moon? 117 00:04:45,538 --> 00:04:48,531 That's a great question. 118 00:04:49,351 --> 00:04:50,437 Don't worry about the moon. 119 00:04:50,438 --> 00:04:52,777 We-We set our laser to stun. 120 00:04:52,778 --> 00:04:54,818 Smart. 121 00:04:56,033 --> 00:04:57,971 Now, we'll be able to see the beam when it leaves, 122 00:04:57,972 --> 00:04:59,711 but it won't be strong enough when it comes back 123 00:04:59,712 --> 00:05:00,850 to be seen by the naked eye. 124 00:05:00,851 --> 00:05:02,823 Naked. 125 00:05:06,971 --> 00:05:09,177 Right. Uh... funny. 126 00:05:09,178 --> 00:05:11,837 Uh, that device, there, will measure the photons that return 127 00:05:11,838 --> 00:05:14,077 and let us see it on this computer. 128 00:05:14,078 --> 00:05:15,950 Raj, get them some glasses. 129 00:05:15,951 --> 00:05:18,309 Cool, it's gonna be in 3-D? 130 00:05:24,951 --> 00:05:27,910 Preparing to fire laser at the moon. 131 00:05:27,911 --> 00:05:29,430 Make it so. 132 00:05:33,631 --> 00:05:35,117 There it is. There's the spike! 133 00:05:35,118 --> 00:05:37,090 2.5 seconds for the light to return. 134 00:05:37,091 --> 00:05:38,630 That's the moon! We hit the moon! 135 00:05:43,245 --> 00:05:44,664 That's your big experiment? 136 00:05:44,665 --> 00:05:47,091 All that for a line on the screen? 137 00:05:47,092 --> 00:05:48,511 Yeah, but, uh, 138 00:05:48,512 --> 00:05:49,917 think about what this represents. 139 00:05:49,918 --> 00:05:50,937 The fact that 140 00:05:50,938 --> 00:05:53,177 we can do this is the only way 141 00:05:53,178 --> 00:05:55,050 of definitively proving that there are man-made objects 142 00:05:55,051 --> 00:05:57,643 on the moon, put there by a member of a species 143 00:05:57,644 --> 00:06:00,803 that only 60 years before had just invented the airplane. 144 00:06:00,804 --> 00:06:02,829 What species is that? 145 00:06:05,504 --> 00:06:06,656 I was wrong. 146 00:06:06,657 --> 00:06:08,682 Penny can do better. 147 00:06:08,683 --> 00:06:11,089 Okay, guys, thank you, it's been fun. Yeah, thanks. 148 00:06:11,090 --> 00:06:14,301 Should we invite them to the party? No, just keep walking. 149 00:06:16,651 --> 00:06:19,644 He must be very skilled at coitus. 150 00:06:22,119 --> 00:06:24,277 I'm telling you, dude, the only way 151 00:06:24,278 --> 00:06:26,984 to feel better about Penny going out with other guys 152 00:06:26,985 --> 00:06:30,530 is for you to get back on the whores. 153 00:06:32,304 --> 00:06:33,690 Horse. 154 00:06:33,691 --> 00:06:34,743 What? 155 00:06:34,744 --> 00:06:36,517 The phrase is "get back on the horse," 156 00:06:36,518 --> 00:06:38,843 not "whores." 157 00:06:39,429 --> 00:06:41,668 That's disgusting, dude. 158 00:06:41,669 --> 00:06:44,294 No, it's not... 159 00:06:44,295 --> 00:06:46,434 Never mind. 160 00:06:46,435 --> 00:06:47,521 He is right, though. 161 00:06:47,522 --> 00:06:50,147 If you want, I can turn you on to this great new 162 00:06:50,148 --> 00:06:52,187 dating site I found. No, thanks. 163 00:06:52,188 --> 00:06:54,327 You sure? They say they can find a match for anybody. 164 00:06:54,970 --> 00:06:56,542 Have they found a match for you? 165 00:06:56,543 --> 00:06:59,435 Tons. I've had, like, eight dates in the last month. 166 00:06:59,436 --> 00:07:03,370 And 12 if you count the ones who showed up and left. 167 00:07:03,371 --> 00:07:05,072 I can't bring the nitrogen tank down. 168 00:07:05,073 --> 00:07:07,216 Why not? All right, let me restate that. 169 00:07:07,217 --> 00:07:09,245 It's very heavy, and I don't want to. 170 00:07:10,943 --> 00:07:11,885 I'll help you. 171 00:07:11,886 --> 00:07:13,136 Thank you. 172 00:07:13,606 --> 00:07:16,496 Lift with your knees, not your back. 173 00:07:16,497 --> 00:07:18,496 Good night. 174 00:07:20,830 --> 00:07:22,528 You know what would be fun? 175 00:07:22,529 --> 00:07:25,842 Signing Sheldon up for online dating. 176 00:07:25,843 --> 00:07:26,848 Yeah, right. 177 00:07:26,849 --> 00:07:27,826 No, think about it. 178 00:07:27,827 --> 00:07:29,137 We make it an experiment. 179 00:07:29,138 --> 00:07:30,549 Like when Frankenstein's monster 180 00:07:30,550 --> 00:07:33,448 was lonely and he found a wife. 181 00:07:33,449 --> 00:07:35,568 He didn't find a wife. 182 00:07:35,569 --> 00:07:39,208 They built him a wife out of dead body parts. 183 00:07:40,153 --> 00:07:42,307 Okay, we'll call that plan B. 184 00:07:48,878 --> 00:07:50,846 Coming! 185 00:07:53,382 --> 00:07:56,317 Damn you, you rat bastard. 186 00:07:56,318 --> 00:07:58,018 Are you drunk? 187 00:07:58,019 --> 00:08:01,488 Zack was a perfectly nice guy, and then you ruined him! 188 00:08:01,589 --> 00:08:03,256 How did I ruin him? 189 00:08:03,384 --> 00:08:04,684 'Cause in the olden days, 190 00:08:04,685 --> 00:08:08,221 I never would've known he was so stupid. 191 00:08:10,602 --> 00:08:13,136 Come on, he wasn't that stupid. 192 00:08:13,137 --> 00:08:14,237 Yes, he was! 193 00:08:14,238 --> 00:08:16,072 He thought you were gonna blow up the moon! 194 00:08:15,864 --> 00:08:18,831 Okay, yeah, he's stupid. 195 00:08:20,310 --> 00:08:22,178 He spent the entire night bragging 196 00:08:22,179 --> 00:08:25,847 about how he invented the word "appe-tease." 197 00:08:28,751 --> 00:08:31,118 How is that my fault? 198 00:08:31,119 --> 00:08:34,121 You have destroyed my ability to tolerate idiots. 199 00:08:34,122 --> 00:08:35,522 Now, come with me. 200 00:08:35,523 --> 00:08:36,757 Wh-Where are we going? 201 00:08:36,758 --> 00:08:38,124 We're gonna have sex. 202 00:08:38,125 --> 00:08:40,326 Why? I mean, okay. 203 00:08:41,762 --> 00:08:43,729 What's going on? 204 00:08:43,730 --> 00:08:45,664 Put on your noise- canceling headphones, 205 00:08:45,665 --> 00:08:47,832 'cause it's gonna get loud. 206 00:08:49,401 --> 00:08:52,670 Oh! Not this again. 207 00:09:06,358 --> 00:09:10,691 In what universe is this low-pulp? 208 00:09:12,595 --> 00:09:14,395 Good morning, Penny. 209 00:09:14,396 --> 00:09:17,130 What, do you have eyes in the back of your head? 210 00:09:17,131 --> 00:09:19,900 When one gets beaten up every other day in school, 211 00:09:19,901 --> 00:09:23,003 one of necessity develops a keen sense of hearing. 212 00:09:23,972 --> 00:09:26,240 Incidentally, one can get beaten up in school 213 00:09:26,241 --> 00:09:29,376 simply by referring to oneself as "one." 214 00:09:29,377 --> 00:09:30,678 I'm making English muffins. 215 00:09:30,679 --> 00:09:33,214 Would you like an English muffin? 216 00:09:33,215 --> 00:09:35,750 Oh, thanks, I'm not hungry. FYI, 217 00:09:35,751 --> 00:09:39,649 my noise-canceling headphones proved ineffective last night. 218 00:09:39,650 --> 00:09:42,681 Yeah, sorry about that. As a native Texan, 219 00:09:42,682 --> 00:09:45,350 I must say I've never heard the phrase "yee-haw" 220 00:09:45,351 --> 00:09:47,418 used in quite that context. 221 00:09:47,419 --> 00:09:49,386 Oh, God. 222 00:09:50,488 --> 00:09:52,522 "Oh, God." 223 00:09:52,523 --> 00:09:55,824 That I've heard on multiple occasions. 224 00:09:59,695 --> 00:10:03,333 In what universe is that lightly toasted? 225 00:10:05,972 --> 00:10:08,640 This has to be the worst day of my life. 226 00:10:09,842 --> 00:10:11,542 Good morning, Leonard. 227 00:10:11,543 --> 00:10:14,745 How many times have I asked you not to do that? 228 00:10:14,746 --> 00:10:18,614 Counting this instance? 317. 229 00:10:19,683 --> 00:10:21,049 Where's Penny? 230 00:10:21,050 --> 00:10:23,051 She returned to her apartment. 231 00:10:23,052 --> 00:10:25,253 I presume to shower and vomit. 232 00:10:25,254 --> 00:10:28,054 Not necessarily in that order. 233 00:10:28,055 --> 00:10:29,823 I wonder why she didn't say good-bye. 234 00:10:29,824 --> 00:10:34,827 Are you expecting me to offer an explanation of human behavior? 235 00:10:34,828 --> 00:10:36,796 I know. I just thought as an outsider, 236 00:10:36,797 --> 00:10:39,465 you might be able to provide a fresh perspective. 237 00:10:43,236 --> 00:10:47,906 I have no difficulty believing you're not butter. 238 00:10:50,710 --> 00:10:52,110 Oh, hey. Oh, hi. 239 00:10:52,111 --> 00:10:54,045 Um, I gotta run. Early shift. 240 00:10:54,046 --> 00:10:55,814 Okay, I'll walk down with you. 241 00:10:55,815 --> 00:10:57,716 So, last night was fun, huh? 242 00:10:57,717 --> 00:10:59,117 Yeah, it must have been. 243 00:10:59,118 --> 00:11:02,552 I just threw up in my closet. 244 00:11:02,553 --> 00:11:03,586 Bummer. 245 00:11:03,587 --> 00:11:05,321 Anyway, I was thinking tonight maybe 246 00:11:05,322 --> 00:11:06,688 we could catch a movie. 247 00:11:06,689 --> 00:11:08,589 Oh, yeah, tonight's not great for me. 248 00:11:08,590 --> 00:11:10,057 Doesn't have to be tonight. 249 00:11:10,058 --> 00:11:12,392 I'm free pretty much always. 250 00:11:12,393 --> 00:11:15,261 Leonard, last night was a mistake. 251 00:11:15,262 --> 00:11:18,230 When you say "mistake," do you mean a fortunate mistake, 252 00:11:18,231 --> 00:11:21,332 like the discovery of penicillin? 253 00:11:21,333 --> 00:11:22,933 Look, I'm sorry. 254 00:11:22,934 --> 00:11:25,503 I was drunk, I was lonely, I hated Zack. 255 00:11:25,504 --> 00:11:27,338 Can we just forget it ever happened? 256 00:11:27,339 --> 00:11:30,540 No, it's pretty well imprinted on my brain. 257 00:11:30,541 --> 00:11:33,009 Especially the whole rodeo thing. 258 00:11:33,010 --> 00:11:34,677 Oh, God! 259 00:11:34,678 --> 00:11:35,978 So, that's it? 260 00:11:35,979 --> 00:11:37,579 Wham, bam, thank you, Leonard? 261 00:11:37,580 --> 00:11:40,148 Look, I said I'm sorry. Can't u please let it go? 262 00:11:40,149 --> 00:11:41,748 How am I supposed to let it go? 263 00:11:41,749 --> 00:11:43,617 You used me for sex! 264 00:11:46,822 --> 00:11:49,157 Morning, Mrs. Gunderson. 265 00:11:49,158 --> 00:11:50,725 Good morning, Leonard. 266 00:11:50,726 --> 00:11:53,895 Or should I say "yee-haw"? 267 00:12:00,935 --> 00:12:03,503 Holy crap. What? 268 00:12:03,504 --> 00:12:07,707 We finally have proof that aliens walk among us. 269 00:12:07,708 --> 00:12:08,841 Excuse me? 270 00:12:08,842 --> 00:12:11,710 The dating site matched a woman with Sheldon. 271 00:12:11,711 --> 00:12:13,211 You're kidding. 272 00:12:13,212 --> 00:12:14,412 An actual woman? 273 00:12:14,413 --> 00:12:17,713 Yeah, look. Breasts and everything. 274 00:12:17,714 --> 00:12:20,982 Trust me, breasts doesn' necessarily mean woman. 275 00:12:20,983 --> 00:12:23,350 Since when? I'll show you a picture 276 00:12:23,351 --> 00:12:26,386 Trust of my Uncle Louie in a bathing suit sometime. 277 00:12:27,955 --> 00:12:29,723 Leonard, you gotta see this. 278 00:12:29,724 --> 00:12:31,425 We found a match for Sheldon. 279 00:12:31,426 --> 00:12:32,726 Great. 280 00:12:32,727 --> 00:12:35,328 Maybe she can have sex with him, and then walk out on him 281 00:12:35,329 --> 00:12:38,364 the next morning without so much as a "How do you do?" 282 00:12:38,365 --> 00:12:39,798 Do you know what he's talking about? 283 00:12:39,799 --> 00:12:40,999 Nope. Why don't you ask him? 284 00:12:41,000 --> 00:12:42,167 Leonard, what are you talking about? 285 00:12:42,168 --> 00:12:43,369 I don't want to talk about it. 286 00:12:43,370 --> 00:12:45,705 That was a lousy suggestion. 287 00:12:45,706 --> 00:12:47,573 Whatever. Right now, 288 00:12:47,574 --> 00:12:50,108 Dr. Sheldon Cooper has to send an e-mail 289 00:12:50,109 --> 00:12:51,842 to his perfect match. 290 00:12:51,843 --> 00:12:55,111 "Greetings, fellow life-form..." 291 00:12:57,848 --> 00:13:01,684 If she can do it, I can do it. If she can do it, I can do it. 292 00:13:01,685 --> 00:13:03,787 If she can do it, I can do it. 293 00:13:03,788 --> 00:13:05,690 I can't do it. 294 00:13:07,059 --> 00:13:09,294 Hello? Oh, hi. Hey. 295 00:13:09,295 --> 00:13:10,629 Hi, Leslie. 296 00:13:12,398 --> 00:13:14,432 Leonard Hofstadter. What're you doing here? 297 00:13:14,433 --> 00:13:16,765 Uh, I know! It's been a while! 298 00:13:16,766 --> 00:13:18,132 Yeah, 18 months. 299 00:13:18,133 --> 00:13:20,500 Right. Right. 300 00:13:20,501 --> 00:13:23,402 So how you doing? 301 00:13:23,403 --> 00:13:25,436 Fine. You? 302 00:13:25,437 --> 00:13:26,837 Uh, not bad. 303 00:13:26,838 --> 00:13:29,406 You remember when we used to have sex 304 00:13:29,407 --> 00:13:32,640 and you said that it didn't mean anything, it was just for fun? 305 00:13:32,641 --> 00:13:33,641 Yeah. 306 00:13:33,642 --> 00:13:37,078 You, uh, want to do that again? 307 00:13:38,850 --> 00:13:40,621 What happened? Blondie dumped you? 308 00:13:40,622 --> 00:13:41,788 She didn't dump me. 309 00:13:41,789 --> 00:13:44,157 We were just in different places in the relationship. 310 00:13:44,158 --> 00:13:45,591 Right. 311 00:13:45,592 --> 00:13:47,960 Um... anyway, apparently, 312 00:13:47,961 --> 00:13:50,529 it's okay to go back to people you're no longer seeing 313 00:13:50,530 --> 00:13:52,664 and have recreational sex with them. 314 00:13:52,665 --> 00:13:53,598 Uh-huh. 315 00:13:53,599 --> 00:13:56,334 So, what do you say? 316 00:13:56,335 --> 00:13:58,469 Let me think about it. 317 00:14:05,408 --> 00:14:08,577 She's not coming back. 318 00:14:09,779 --> 00:14:11,980 Uh-oh. 319 00:14:11,981 --> 00:14:13,948 She wants to meet us. 320 00:14:13,949 --> 00:14:15,483 Not us. Him. 321 00:14:15,484 --> 00:14:17,885 Yes, but him doesn't even know about her. 322 00:14:17,886 --> 00:14:20,987 Well, him about to find out about her. 323 00:14:20,988 --> 00:14:23,256 Really? Us gonna tell him? 324 00:14:23,257 --> 00:14:25,291 Who's going to tell whom about what? 325 00:14:25,292 --> 00:14:26,459 Sheldon. 326 00:14:26,460 --> 00:14:28,027 Hey. Hi. 327 00:14:28,028 --> 00:14:30,028 Your surprise confuses me. 328 00:14:30,029 --> 00:14:32,097 I live here. 329 00:14:32,932 --> 00:14:34,365 Right. 330 00:14:34,366 --> 00:14:38,169 So, listen, what are you doing tomorrow afternoon? 331 00:14:38,170 --> 00:14:39,603 Be more specific. 332 00:14:39,604 --> 00:14:40,804 4:30. 333 00:14:40,805 --> 00:14:42,039 That's not afternoon. 334 00:14:42,040 --> 00:14:43,507 That's preevning. 335 00:14:43,508 --> 00:14:45,509 What? 336 00:14:45,510 --> 00:14:47,177 It's a time of day I invented. 337 00:14:47,178 --> 00:14:49,713 It better defines the ambiguous period 338 00:14:49,714 --> 00:14:53,283 between afternoon and evening: preevning. 339 00:14:53,284 --> 00:14:56,886 I'm fairly certain it will catch on as it fills a desperate need. 340 00:14:56,887 --> 00:14:58,354 Right, okay. 341 00:14:58,355 --> 00:15:00,757 What are you doing tomorrow preevning? 342 00:15:00,758 --> 00:15:02,292 Well, tomorrow's Saturday. 343 00:15:02,293 --> 00:15:04,059 Saturday night is laundry night. 344 00:15:04,060 --> 00:15:07,126 So I'll be spending the preevning pre-sorting 345 00:15:07,127 --> 00:15:08,658 and pre-soaking. 346 00:15:08,659 --> 00:15:12,360 Okay, what if I were to tell you, tomorrow, at 4:30, 347 00:15:12,361 --> 00:15:14,962 you could meet a woman who has been scientifically chosen 348 00:15:14,963 --> 00:15:16,930 to be your perfect mate? 349 00:15:16,931 --> 00:15:20,266 I would snort in derision and throw my arms in the air, 350 00:15:20,267 --> 00:15:24,069 exhausted by your constant tomfoolery. 351 00:15:24,070 --> 00:15:25,571 But it's true. 352 00:15:27,340 --> 00:15:30,175 But we-we put all your vital information 353 00:15:30,176 --> 00:15:31,376 into this dating site, 354 00:15:31,377 --> 00:15:33,477 answered all their questions just like you would, 355 00:15:33,478 --> 00:15:35,312 and they found a match for you. 356 00:15:35,313 --> 00:15:37,547 Her name is Amy Farrah Fowler. 357 00:15:37,548 --> 00:15:38,949 Please. 358 00:15:38,950 --> 00:15:40,750 Even assuming you could answer any question 359 00:15:40,751 --> 00:15:42,551 the way I would, the algorithms used 360 00:15:42,552 --> 00:15:44,987 by matchmaking sites are complete hokum. 361 00:15:44,988 --> 00:15:47,222 And that's exactly the answer we gave to the question: 362 00:15:47,223 --> 00:15:48,890 "What is your attitude towards online dating?" 363 00:15:48,891 --> 00:15:52,827 Howard wanted to write "mumbo jumbo," but I said no. 364 00:15:52,828 --> 00:15:56,563 Our Sheldon would say "hokum." 365 00:15:58,466 --> 00:16:00,933 Come on, where's your scientific curiosity? 366 00:16:00,934 --> 00:16:02,367 Well, most of it is being applied 367 00:16:02,368 --> 00:16:03,902 to unraveling the secrets of the universe 368 00:16:03,903 --> 00:16:05,437 while the rest of it's wondering why 369 00:16:05,438 --> 00:16:07,372 I'm having this conversation with you. 370 00:16:07,373 --> 00:16:09,341 Okay, how about this. 371 00:16:09,342 --> 00:16:13,078 Even Spock had a date once every seven years. 372 00:16:13,079 --> 00:16:14,246 He didn't date. 373 00:16:14,247 --> 00:16:15,514 It was pon farr. 374 00:16:15,515 --> 00:16:17,882 His blood boiled with mating lust. 375 00:16:17,883 --> 00:16:20,652 Well, why-why don't you start with a cup of coffee, 376 00:16:20,653 --> 00:16:24,622 and you can pon farr Amy Farrah Fowler later. 377 00:16:24,623 --> 00:16:26,157 I don't drink coffee. 378 00:16:26,158 --> 00:16:28,124 All right, you can have a hot chocolate. 379 00:16:28,125 --> 00:16:30,290 As I will not be engaging in this nonsense, 380 00:16:30,291 --> 00:16:31,689 my choice of beverage is moot. 381 00:16:31,690 --> 00:16:32,757 But for the record, 382 00:16:32,758 --> 00:16:34,125 I only drink hot chocolate 383 00:16:34,126 --> 00:16:36,260 in months with an "R" in them. 384 00:16:36,261 --> 00:16:37,895 Why? 385 00:16:37,896 --> 00:16:40,064 What's life without whimsy? 386 00:16:41,833 --> 00:16:44,534 Okay, I'm out. 387 00:16:49,771 --> 00:16:53,406 Sheldon, I've hidden the dirty sock 388 00:16:53,407 --> 00:16:55,808 from the roof somewhere in your apartment. 389 00:16:57,910 --> 00:17:00,611 Unless you are willing to come with us to meet this girl, 390 00:17:00,612 --> 00:17:02,780 it will remain there forever. 391 00:17:04,282 --> 00:17:06,149 You're bluffing. 392 00:17:06,150 --> 00:17:08,317 Are you willing to risk it? 393 00:17:09,219 --> 00:17:11,620 Curse you. 394 00:17:33,410 --> 00:17:36,312 30 feet. 395 00:17:43,252 --> 00:17:45,553 Oh. Hey, Leonard. 396 00:17:45,554 --> 00:17:49,155 I was a perfectly happy, geeky, little lonely guy, 397 00:17:49,156 --> 00:17:52,123 and you ruined me! 398 00:17:52,124 --> 00:17:54,024 Are you drunk? 399 00:17:54,025 --> 00:17:56,760 Come on. We're gonna have sex, and it's not gonna mean a thing! 400 00:17:56,761 --> 00:18:00,229 Are you out of your mind?! 401 00:18:02,299 --> 00:18:05,868 I'm really starting to think there's a double standard here. 402 00:18:11,471 --> 00:18:12,772 In a few minutes, 403 00:18:12,806 --> 00:18:15,574 when I gloat over the failure of this enterprise, 404 00:18:15,575 --> 00:18:17,442 how would you prefer I do it? 405 00:18:17,443 --> 00:18:18,777 The standard "I told you so"? 406 00:18:18,778 --> 00:18:20,412 The classic "neener-neener"? 407 00:18:20,413 --> 00:18:23,181 Or just my normal look of haughty derision? 408 00:18:25,417 --> 00:18:26,984 You don't know we're wrong yet. 409 00:18:26,985 --> 00:18:29,920 Haughty derision it is. 410 00:18:29,921 --> 00:18:31,254 Excuse me. 411 00:18:31,255 --> 00:18:32,455 I'm Amy Farrah Fowler. 412 00:18:32,456 --> 00:18:33,689 You're Sheldon Cooper. 413 00:18:33,690 --> 00:18:35,690 Hello, Amy Farrah Fowler. 414 00:18:35,691 --> 00:18:38,658 I'm sorry to inform you that you have been taken in 415 00:18:38,659 --> 00:18:40,993 by unsupportable mathematics 416 00:18:40,994 --> 00:18:42,961 designed to prey on the gullible and the lonely. 417 00:18:42,962 --> 00:18:45,063 Additionally, I'm being blackmailed 418 00:18:45,064 --> 00:18:46,998 with a hidden dirty sock. 419 00:18:46,999 --> 00:18:51,201 If that was slang, I'm unfamiliar with it. 420 00:18:51,202 --> 00:18:54,871 If it was literal, I share your aversion to soiled hosiery. 421 00:18:54,872 --> 00:18:56,372 In any case, 422 00:18:56,373 --> 00:18:58,440 I'm here because my mother and I have agreed 423 00:18:58,441 --> 00:19:00,675 that I will date at least once a year. 424 00:19:00,676 --> 00:19:01,976 Interesting. 425 00:19:01,977 --> 00:19:05,280 My mother and I have the same agreement about church. 426 00:19:05,281 --> 00:19:07,584 I don't object to the concept of a deity, 427 00:19:07,585 --> 00:19:10,786 but I'm baffled by the notion of one that takes attendance. 428 00:19:10,787 --> 00:19:14,556 Well, then you might want to avoid East Texas. 429 00:19:14,557 --> 00:19:15,757 Noted. 430 00:19:15,758 --> 00:19:17,358 Now, before this goes any further, 431 00:19:17,359 --> 00:19:19,794 you should know that all forms of physical contact 432 00:19:19,795 --> 00:19:23,096 up to and including coitus are off the table. 433 00:19:24,699 --> 00:19:26,866 May I buy you a beverage? 434 00:19:28,268 --> 00:19:30,435 Tepid water, please. 435 00:19:38,275 --> 00:19:40,676 Good God, what have we done? 436 00:19:41,277 --> 00:19:44,878 -- Sync, corrected by elderman -- -- for www.addic7ed.com --