1 00:00:05,706 --> 00:00:06,839 Problem? 2 00:00:06,840 --> 00:00:09,241 This is the worst cobbler I've ever eaten. 3 00:00:09,242 --> 00:00:13,412 It tastes like it's made of actual ground-up shoemaker. 4 00:00:13,413 --> 00:00:16,983 Amusing. A play on the two meanings of "cobbler." 5 00:00:19,720 --> 00:00:22,221 Hey, guys. Guess who I found at LAX? 6 00:00:22,222 --> 00:00:23,556 My baby sister Priya. 7 00:00:23,557 --> 00:00:25,725 Excuse me, I object. 8 00:00:25,726 --> 00:00:27,927 You propose a guessing game, 9 00:00:27,928 --> 00:00:29,895 yet you don't give me enough time to guess. 10 00:00:29,896 --> 00:00:32,531 For the record, I was going to say: 11 00:00:32,532 --> 00:00:33,799 "Your sister Priya." 12 00:00:33,800 --> 00:00:37,370 Oh, Sheldon. You haven't changed a bit, have you? 13 00:00:37,371 --> 00:00:39,472 Why would I change? 14 00:00:39,473 --> 00:00:40,639 The hope has been that 15 00:00:40,640 --> 00:00:42,708 you'd eventually bend to public opinion. 16 00:00:42,709 --> 00:00:45,845 So, Priya, what brings you back to L.A.? 17 00:00:45,846 --> 00:00:47,980 I have a one-day layover on my way to Toronto. 18 00:00:47,981 --> 00:00:49,382 Corporate merger. 19 00:00:49,383 --> 00:00:50,483 Can you believe it? 20 00:00:50,484 --> 00:00:51,851 Little Priya's one of the lead attorneys 21 00:00:51,852 --> 00:00:53,285 for the biggest car company in India. 22 00:00:53,286 --> 00:00:56,322 Given that when we met her, she was finishing law school 23 00:00:56,323 --> 00:00:59,692 and planning an internship at a large Indian car company, 24 00:00:59,693 --> 00:01:01,594 it's actually extremely plausible. 25 00:01:01,595 --> 00:01:05,064 And your poll numbers just keep dropping. 26 00:01:05,832 --> 00:01:07,366 I want to catch up with all of you, 27 00:01:07,367 --> 00:01:09,101 but first I really must visit the loo. 28 00:01:09,102 --> 00:01:11,270 I'm going, too; I'll show you where it is. 29 00:01:12,072 --> 00:01:13,539 All right, this goes without saying, 30 00:01:13,540 --> 00:01:15,241 but I'm just going to say it anyway. 31 00:01:15,242 --> 00:01:17,510 Hands off my sister. 32 00:01:17,511 --> 00:01:21,347 Why would I touch her? She's covered with airplane germs. 33 00:01:21,348 --> 00:01:24,984 I'm so not talking to you. I'm talking to him. 34 00:01:24,985 --> 00:01:28,671 Hey. I've got a girlfriend now. Oh, please. 35 00:01:28,672 --> 00:01:29,789 My sister's much hotter 36 00:01:29,790 --> 00:01:31,757 than your girlfriend, and you know it. 37 00:01:31,758 --> 00:01:33,492 Let's just agree they're both hot. 38 00:01:33,493 --> 00:01:36,862 But dude, that's my sister you're talking about! 39 00:01:36,863 --> 00:01:38,631 Okay, forget who's hotter. 40 00:01:38,632 --> 00:01:41,667 The first time Priya came to L.A., Leonard and I made a pact 41 00:01:41,668 --> 00:01:44,370 out of respect to our friendship and to you 42 00:01:44,371 --> 00:01:46,472 that neither of us would hit on her. 43 00:01:46,473 --> 00:01:48,107 Did you pinky-swear? 44 00:01:50,811 --> 00:01:52,578 Yes. 45 00:01:53,647 --> 00:01:55,314 Okay, then. 46 00:01:55,315 --> 00:01:58,451 Cobbler. I'm still laughing. 47 00:01:59,486 --> 00:02:01,821 It's really nice to see you again, Leonard. 48 00:02:01,822 --> 00:02:03,923 Yeah. It's good to see you, too. 49 00:02:03,924 --> 00:02:04,924 Here you go. 50 00:02:04,925 --> 00:02:06,075 Thanks. 51 00:02:09,546 --> 00:02:10,963 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! 52 00:02:13,233 --> 00:02:15,134 Okay. 53 00:02:15,135 --> 00:02:18,754 ♪ Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state ♪ 54 00:02:18,755 --> 00:02:22,091 ♪ Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started... Wait! ♪ 55 00:02:22,092 --> 00:02:23,742 ♪ The Earth began to cool ♪ 56 00:02:23,743 --> 00:02:26,262 ♪ The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools ♪ 57 00:02:26,263 --> 00:02:28,948 ♪ We built the Wall ♪ ♪ We built the pyramids ♪ 58 00:02:28,949 --> 00:02:31,617 ♪ Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery ♪ 59 00:02:31,618 --> 00:02:33,519 ♪ That all started with a big bang ♪ 60 00:02:33,520 --> 00:02:34,389 ♪ Bang! ♪ 61 00:02:34,589 --> 00:02:37,089 ♪ The Big Bang Theory 4x06 ♪ The Irish Pub Formulation Original Air Date on October 28, 2010 62 00:02:37,289 --> 00:02:39,389 -- Sync, corrected by elderman -- -- for www.addic7ed.com -- 63 00:02:41,823 --> 00:02:44,342 So you got any special plans with your sister? 64 00:02:44,382 --> 00:02:46,783 Oh, not really. Just hang out. 65 00:02:46,784 --> 00:02:49,452 I always tell people, "If you have only one day 66 00:02:49,453 --> 00:02:53,023 in Los Angeles, make it a train day." 67 00:02:53,024 --> 00:02:54,824 Train day? 68 00:02:54,825 --> 00:02:58,195 The fun starts with brunch at Carney's in Studio City, 69 00:02:58,196 --> 00:03:01,331 a hotdog stand in a converted railroad dining car. 70 00:03:01,332 --> 00:03:02,465 Next stop, Travel Town, 71 00:03:02,466 --> 00:03:06,770 an outdoor museum featuring 43 railroad engines, 72 00:03:06,771 --> 00:03:10,373 cars, and other rolling stock from the 1880s to the 1930s. 73 00:03:10,374 --> 00:03:14,327 And, finally, we're off to the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, 74 00:03:14,328 --> 00:03:18,248 for dinner at--that's right-- the Hollywood Carney's, 75 00:03:18,249 --> 00:03:23,119 a hotdog stand in a different converted railroad dining car. 76 00:03:23,120 --> 00:03:26,223 I don't think we're going to do that. 77 00:03:26,224 --> 00:03:29,659 Well, then apparently you hate fun. 78 00:03:33,998 --> 00:03:36,099 Priya's not back yet? 79 00:03:36,100 --> 00:03:37,550 Well, I guess that's not unusual. 80 00:03:37,551 --> 00:03:39,970 Women, men, the whole sitting-standing deal. 81 00:03:39,971 --> 00:03:41,438 So what are we talking about? 82 00:03:41,439 --> 00:03:43,106 Uh, my plans with Priya. 83 00:03:43,107 --> 00:03:45,075 He rejected Train Day. 84 00:03:45,076 --> 00:03:47,644 Did you make it clear that it's two different train cars 85 00:03:47,645 --> 00:03:49,512 turned into hotdog stands? 86 00:03:49,513 --> 00:03:51,248 Abundantly. 87 00:03:51,249 --> 00:03:53,149 I guess he just hates fun. 88 00:03:53,150 --> 00:03:56,586 That's what I said! 89 00:03:59,073 --> 00:04:01,391 Okay, so... what's new with you guys? 90 00:04:01,392 --> 00:04:02,826 I have a girlfriend now. 91 00:04:02,827 --> 00:04:04,194 Hey, good for you! 92 00:04:04,195 --> 00:04:05,862 Yeah, I just want to put it out there 93 00:04:05,863 --> 00:04:06,930 in case I inadvertently 94 00:04:06,931 --> 00:04:09,699 squirt any pheromones in your direction. 95 00:04:10,468 --> 00:04:11,635 Happy? 96 00:04:13,804 --> 00:04:16,273 So, Priya, what are your plans while you're here? 97 00:04:16,274 --> 00:04:18,275 I don't know. I just have the one day. 98 00:04:18,276 --> 00:04:21,478 Do you like trains? 99 00:04:21,479 --> 00:04:22,946 Not particularly. 100 00:04:25,916 --> 00:04:30,103 You might as well just wait at the airport for your flight. 101 00:04:31,272 --> 00:04:33,306 "You are in a forest. 102 00:04:33,307 --> 00:04:34,975 "There is quicksand to the west, 103 00:04:34,976 --> 00:04:39,629 a path leads to the east." 104 00:04:39,630 --> 00:04:42,332 Go east. 105 00:04:42,333 --> 00:04:46,269 "An iron gate blocks your way." 106 00:04:46,270 --> 00:04:49,005 Open gate. 107 00:04:49,006 --> 00:04:50,507 "It's locked." 108 00:04:50,508 --> 00:04:52,676 Hmm. 109 00:04:52,677 --> 00:04:54,844 Well, so much for that. 110 00:04:57,381 --> 00:04:59,249 It's getting pretty late. How come you're still up? 111 00:04:59,250 --> 00:05:03,286 I found an emulator online that lets you play classic text-based 112 00:05:03,287 --> 00:05:05,755 computer games from the 1980s. 113 00:05:05,756 --> 00:05:07,190 That's pretty cool. 114 00:05:07,191 --> 00:05:10,593 Oh, yes. It runs on the world's most powerful graphics chip: 115 00:05:10,594 --> 00:05:12,862 imagination. 116 00:05:12,863 --> 00:05:15,665 You've really got to get out more. 117 00:05:17,568 --> 00:05:19,703 Go north. 118 00:05:19,704 --> 00:05:21,871 "You can't go that way." 119 00:05:21,872 --> 00:05:23,606 Go west. 120 00:05:23,607 --> 00:05:26,009 "A troll blocks your passage." 121 00:05:26,010 --> 00:05:28,311 Okay. Fasten your seatbelts. 122 00:05:29,714 --> 00:05:31,948 Kill troll. 123 00:05:31,949 --> 00:05:33,583 "With what?" 124 00:05:33,584 --> 00:05:35,685 With sword. 125 00:05:36,687 --> 00:05:38,254 "You don't have the sword." 126 00:05:38,255 --> 00:05:41,324 Good golly, it's as if it's actually happening to me. 127 00:05:43,293 --> 00:05:44,928 Raj finally went to bed. 128 00:05:47,898 --> 00:05:50,333 Sheldon's still up. 129 00:05:50,334 --> 00:05:52,102 You said he goes to bed at 9:00. 130 00:05:52,103 --> 00:05:54,804 Yeah, he does, but he got caught up in a computer game and... 131 00:05:54,805 --> 00:05:57,540 Hit troll with axe! 132 00:05:57,541 --> 00:06:00,910 Hit troll with axe! 133 00:06:00,911 --> 00:06:03,580 Hit troll with axe! 134 00:06:03,581 --> 00:06:05,982 My, this is one tough troll. 135 00:06:05,983 --> 00:06:07,650 Can't you get rid of him? 136 00:06:07,651 --> 00:06:10,453 If the past is any indication, no. 137 00:06:10,454 --> 00:06:12,622 Leonard, I'm trapped in quicksand! 138 00:06:12,623 --> 00:06:15,458 The axe is dragging me down! 139 00:06:15,459 --> 00:06:16,559 Drop axe! 140 00:06:16,560 --> 00:06:19,095 Drop axe, brilliant! 141 00:06:20,030 --> 00:06:23,433 Give me a minute. 142 00:06:24,902 --> 00:06:25,885 Sheldon. 143 00:06:25,886 --> 00:06:26,936 Hold on. 144 00:06:26,937 --> 00:06:27,937 Trying to figure out 145 00:06:27,938 --> 00:06:28,938 how to get the bucket, 146 00:06:28,939 --> 00:06:31,408 so I can carry the mud past the dragon. 147 00:06:31,409 --> 00:06:33,743 Sheldon, you need to work in the morning. 148 00:06:33,744 --> 00:06:34,744 I know! 149 00:06:34,745 --> 00:06:35,745 Well, then bed, mister! 150 00:06:35,746 --> 00:06:38,081 Five more minutes! 151 00:06:38,082 --> 00:06:39,482 Really? 152 00:06:39,483 --> 00:06:41,718 You're going to risk getting sleepy in the middle of your 153 00:06:41,719 --> 00:06:42,986 thermodynamic fluctuations seminar? 154 00:06:42,987 --> 00:06:45,371 You know what happens when you yawn in public. 155 00:06:49,093 --> 00:06:52,796 Everyone will see my oddly shaped uvula. 156 00:06:54,331 --> 00:06:55,832 You don't want that, do you? 157 00:06:56,700 --> 00:06:59,052 No. 158 00:06:59,053 --> 00:07:03,907 But it's a shame our society mocks the differently uvulated. 159 00:07:05,392 --> 00:07:06,443 Who was at the door? 160 00:07:06,444 --> 00:07:08,445 Uh, building manager. 161 00:07:08,446 --> 00:07:10,313 They have to fix a pipe, 162 00:07:10,314 --> 00:07:12,982 so the water'll be off tomorrow from noon to 2:00. 163 00:07:12,983 --> 00:07:14,517 That's unacceptable. 164 00:07:14,518 --> 00:07:15,935 We're supposed to be given written notice. 165 00:07:15,936 --> 00:07:17,737 Well, no, it doesn't matter-- we'll be at work. 166 00:07:17,738 --> 00:07:20,623 What if I spill tomato soup on my shirt, 167 00:07:20,624 --> 00:07:21,991 and have to come home to change, 168 00:07:21,992 --> 00:07:24,360 only to find there's no water for an enzyme soak? 169 00:07:24,361 --> 00:07:26,463 Bifurcated uvula, Sheldon! 170 00:07:26,464 --> 00:07:29,365 I'll have the chicken noodle. Good night! 171 00:07:33,621 --> 00:07:35,922 We're going to have to be very quiet. 172 00:07:40,511 --> 00:07:42,612 I know how to get the bucket! 173 00:07:42,613 --> 00:07:44,580 I can turn the axe around 174 00:07:44,581 --> 00:07:47,100 and use the handle to reach it. 175 00:07:47,101 --> 00:07:49,085 Let's see. 176 00:07:49,086 --> 00:07:51,521 Go north. 177 00:07:51,522 --> 00:07:53,106 "You are in a forest." 178 00:07:53,107 --> 00:07:54,824 Go north. 179 00:07:54,825 --> 00:07:56,259 "You are in a forest." 180 00:07:56,260 --> 00:07:57,694 Go north. 181 00:07:57,695 --> 00:08:00,363 "You are in a forest." Oh dear, I believe I'm lost. 182 00:08:00,364 --> 00:08:02,431 Well, I'll just have to get a fresh start tomorrow. 183 00:08:02,432 --> 00:08:04,317 No, no, no! You just took a wrong turn. 184 00:08:04,318 --> 00:08:05,802 You just need to map it out. 185 00:08:05,803 --> 00:08:06,803 Come on, I'll help you. 186 00:08:06,804 --> 00:08:08,271 So you stopped at the stream, 187 00:08:08,272 --> 00:08:09,989 and you turned north three times? 188 00:08:09,990 --> 00:08:11,140 Yes. 189 00:08:11,141 --> 00:08:12,742 You're right. You're lost. Good luck. 190 00:08:19,350 --> 00:08:20,333 Oh! 191 00:08:20,334 --> 00:08:21,384 Leonard. Wake up. 192 00:08:21,385 --> 00:08:22,385 Huh? Wh-- Sorry. 193 00:08:22,386 --> 00:08:23,920 For what? 194 00:08:23,921 --> 00:08:26,356 I don't know. When I'm in bed with a girl, it's just-- 195 00:08:26,357 --> 00:08:28,258 it's my go-to response. 196 00:08:28,259 --> 00:08:30,260 It's 6:00. I have to get back to Raj's 197 00:08:30,261 --> 00:08:32,095 before he wakes up and realizes I'm gone. 198 00:08:32,096 --> 00:08:34,447 Oh. Right. Sure. 199 00:08:34,448 --> 00:08:36,983 I wish you could stay in L.A. a while longer. 200 00:08:36,984 --> 00:08:38,001 Mmm, me, too. 201 00:08:38,002 --> 00:08:39,519 You know, I was thinking: 202 00:08:39,520 --> 00:08:42,438 There are some great research facilities in India. 203 00:08:42,439 --> 00:08:45,241 Where are you going with this, Leonard? 204 00:08:45,242 --> 00:08:48,995 Well, I'm just saying, you know, I don't have any real ties here, 205 00:08:48,996 --> 00:08:52,215 so if I were to move to New Delhi, we could, you know-- 206 00:08:52,216 --> 00:08:55,084 go out. 207 00:08:55,085 --> 00:08:58,721 Leonard, didn't we have this conversation five years ago? 208 00:08:58,722 --> 00:08:59,689 Well, yes, but... 209 00:08:59,690 --> 00:09:00,924 things have changed. 210 00:09:00,925 --> 00:09:02,525 You know, you're older, I'm older-- 211 00:09:02,526 --> 00:09:04,711 Look, no more superhero bed sheets. 212 00:09:04,712 --> 00:09:06,179 Sweetheart, 213 00:09:06,180 --> 00:09:09,182 just because we have fun when I come to town doesn't mean 214 00:09:09,183 --> 00:09:11,801 I want to have a serious relationship. 215 00:09:11,802 --> 00:09:12,769 It doesn't? 216 00:09:12,770 --> 00:09:14,170 Mm-mm. 217 00:09:14,171 --> 00:09:17,440 And besides, I could never bring a white boy home to my parents. 218 00:09:18,342 --> 00:09:19,509 They'd have a cow. 219 00:09:19,510 --> 00:09:22,145 Which is a much bigger deal in India. 220 00:09:22,146 --> 00:09:24,581 I'm not that white. 221 00:09:24,582 --> 00:09:26,649 My great-great-grandmother was half Cherokee. 222 00:09:26,650 --> 00:09:29,719 I know that's not the right kind of Indian, but it is something. 223 00:09:29,720 --> 00:09:31,421 You're funny. 224 00:09:31,422 --> 00:09:32,755 Leonard? 225 00:09:32,756 --> 00:09:33,923 Leonard? 226 00:09:33,924 --> 00:09:35,408 Leonard? 227 00:09:36,293 --> 00:09:37,293 What? 228 00:09:37,294 --> 00:09:38,895 I heard a woman laughing. 229 00:09:38,896 --> 00:09:43,299 Oh, uh, yeah. I was trying to see if I could laugh as a woman. 230 00:09:45,269 --> 00:09:47,937 Oh! Well, good job. Quite convincing. 231 00:09:48,639 --> 00:09:50,406 I smell perfume. 232 00:09:50,407 --> 00:09:51,474 Air freshener. 233 00:09:51,475 --> 00:09:55,044 And is that lipstick on your cheek and neck? 234 00:09:55,045 --> 00:09:56,379 Rash. That's a bad rash. 235 00:09:56,380 --> 00:09:57,981 My sympathies. 236 00:09:57,982 --> 00:10:01,484 I'm no stranger to the crimson scourge that is dermatitis. 237 00:10:02,786 --> 00:10:05,488 Can I interest you in a topical steroid 238 00:10:05,489 --> 00:10:07,457 from my lotion and unguent collection? 239 00:10:07,458 --> 00:10:10,460 Uh, yeah, yeah, that sounds great. 240 00:10:10,461 --> 00:10:12,629 Very well. I'm sure I can find something 241 00:10:12,630 --> 00:10:14,364 that will help you ditch that itch. 242 00:10:16,100 --> 00:10:18,501 Okay, he's in the bathroom. Let's go. 243 00:10:21,505 --> 00:10:24,173 Do you prefer ointment or cream? 244 00:10:26,510 --> 00:10:27,577 Cream. 245 00:10:27,578 --> 00:10:28,911 With or without a numbing agent? 246 00:10:28,912 --> 00:10:29,912 Without. 247 00:10:29,913 --> 00:10:31,314 Really, Leonard? 248 00:10:31,315 --> 00:10:33,983 There are no heroes when it comes to dermatitis. 249 00:10:33,984 --> 00:10:36,085 Fine. With. 250 00:10:36,086 --> 00:10:37,920 Prescription or non-prescription strength? 251 00:10:37,921 --> 00:10:39,355 Use your best judgment. 252 00:10:39,356 --> 00:10:44,127 Well, I think I have a nice 2009 AnaMantle HC. 253 00:10:44,128 --> 00:10:47,530 It's usually indicated for acutely inflamed hemorrhoids, 254 00:10:47,531 --> 00:10:51,901 but it also goes nicely with non-mucosal body parts. 255 00:10:52,770 --> 00:10:53,936 Sounds great. 256 00:10:53,937 --> 00:10:55,571 Excellent choice. 257 00:10:57,291 --> 00:10:59,942 Okay, hurry, hurry, hurry. 258 00:11:00,811 --> 00:11:02,962 Come on, come on, come on. 259 00:11:03,881 --> 00:11:06,115 Priya? 260 00:11:06,884 --> 00:11:08,685 Good morning, Sheldon. 261 00:11:08,686 --> 00:11:13,189 For shame, Leonard, for shame. 262 00:11:13,190 --> 00:11:15,358 And to think, 263 00:11:15,359 --> 00:11:17,510 I was ready to waste 264 00:11:17,511 --> 00:11:21,531 the last of my good hemorrhoid cream on you. 265 00:11:28,703 --> 00:11:31,422 Making pretty good time, huh? 266 00:11:31,498 --> 00:11:34,934 Is that really what you want to talk about, Leonard? 267 00:11:34,935 --> 00:11:36,386 No. 268 00:11:36,387 --> 00:11:37,804 What do you want to talk about? 269 00:11:37,805 --> 00:11:38,955 Please don't tell anyone 270 00:11:38,956 --> 00:11:40,423 I spent the night with Raj's sister. 271 00:11:40,424 --> 00:11:42,425 There it is. 272 00:11:43,394 --> 00:11:45,294 What if someone asks? 273 00:11:45,295 --> 00:11:47,897 No one's going to ask if I spent the night with Raj's sister. 274 00:11:47,898 --> 00:11:52,001 Perhaps, but they might ask me something else. 275 00:11:52,002 --> 00:11:53,336 Like what? Like 276 00:11:53,337 --> 00:11:57,857 "Has Leonard betrayed any of his friends recently?" 277 00:11:57,858 --> 00:12:00,009 Priya and I are both adults. 278 00:12:00,010 --> 00:12:01,711 I didn't betray Raj. 279 00:12:01,712 --> 00:12:05,281 In fact, you did, but I was referring to Howard. 280 00:12:05,282 --> 00:12:06,349 What are you talking about? 281 00:12:06,350 --> 00:12:08,334 April 12, 2005. 282 00:12:08,335 --> 00:12:10,420 Bob's Big Boy, Toluca Lake. 283 00:12:10,421 --> 00:12:14,023 Raj had just introduced us to Priya for the first time. 284 00:12:14,024 --> 00:12:17,160 She was enjoying the sweet taste of Hindu rebellion 285 00:12:17,161 --> 00:12:19,929 in the form of a Bob's Super Big Boy hamburger. 286 00:12:19,930 --> 00:12:21,197 In order to preserve 287 00:12:21,198 --> 00:12:24,400 your friendship, you and Howard made a pinky swear 288 00:12:24,401 --> 00:12:26,236 that neither of you would attempt to woo her. 289 00:12:27,221 --> 00:12:29,939 I had a patty melt. 290 00:12:29,940 --> 00:12:31,808 Okay, fine, I betrayed Howard. 291 00:12:31,809 --> 00:12:33,743 And Raj. All right, and Raj. 292 00:12:33,744 --> 00:12:35,395 And me. 293 00:12:35,396 --> 00:12:37,146 You? 294 00:12:37,147 --> 00:12:38,731 Violation of the Roommate Agreement's 295 00:12:38,732 --> 00:12:41,150 overnight guest notification clause. 296 00:12:41,151 --> 00:12:44,020 Okay, fine, I-I'm a horrible human being. 297 00:12:44,021 --> 00:12:46,122 I'm the Darth Vader of Pasadena. 298 00:12:46,123 --> 00:12:48,825 You're far too short to be Darth Vader. 299 00:12:49,743 --> 00:12:52,662 At best you might be a turncoat Ewok. 300 00:12:52,663 --> 00:12:56,065 My point is: Priya's gone and it would be much better 301 00:12:56,066 --> 00:12:58,751 if no one else found out about us. 302 00:12:59,586 --> 00:13:01,638 You mean you want me to keep a secret? 303 00:13:01,639 --> 00:13:02,672 Yes. 304 00:13:02,673 --> 00:13:04,340 You know I can't keep a secret. 305 00:13:04,341 --> 00:13:05,408 You can if you try. 306 00:13:05,409 --> 00:13:06,643 Think about it this way: 307 00:13:06,644 --> 00:13:09,545 um, if I were Batman and you were Alfred, 308 00:13:09,546 --> 00:13:11,481 you'd keep that secret, right? 309 00:13:11,482 --> 00:13:14,267 Why do you get to be Batman? 310 00:13:14,268 --> 00:13:16,402 Because Batman has the secret. 311 00:13:16,403 --> 00:13:18,237 Alfred has secrets, too. 312 00:13:18,238 --> 00:13:19,822 Like what? Alfred knows 313 00:13:19,823 --> 00:13:22,125 that Barbara Gordon is Batgirl. 314 00:13:22,126 --> 00:13:23,609 Which I've now just told to Batman. 315 00:13:23,610 --> 00:13:25,945 See, I cannot keep a secret. 316 00:13:29,433 --> 00:13:31,167 Ta-dah! 317 00:13:31,168 --> 00:13:32,201 What? 318 00:13:32,202 --> 00:13:34,637 Ta-dah. 319 00:13:34,638 --> 00:13:35,571 It's short for... 320 00:13:35,572 --> 00:13:37,540 ♪ Da-da-da-da! ♪ 321 00:13:37,541 --> 00:13:40,176 Kind of busy here, Sheldon. 322 00:13:40,177 --> 00:13:41,511 I know, that's why I shortened it. 323 00:13:43,314 --> 00:13:45,048 What do you want? 324 00:13:45,049 --> 00:13:48,751 I came to go over your alibi for last night. 325 00:13:48,752 --> 00:13:50,186 What alibi? 326 00:13:50,187 --> 00:13:51,120 You've asked me 327 00:13:51,121 --> 00:13:53,456 to lie on your behalf, and as you know, 328 00:13:53,457 --> 00:13:56,459 I am deeply uncomfortable with impromptu dishonesty, 329 00:13:56,460 --> 00:13:57,593 so I've provided you 330 00:13:57,594 --> 00:13:59,796 with an ironclad alibi. 331 00:13:59,797 --> 00:14:02,465 You couldn't have spent last night with Priya 332 00:14:02,466 --> 00:14:04,534 because you were with another woman. 333 00:14:04,535 --> 00:14:06,769 Oh, I'm so sure I'm gonna regret this, 334 00:14:06,770 --> 00:14:09,872 but who was I with? 335 00:14:09,873 --> 00:14:13,976 The fun-loving and morally loose Miss Maggie McGarry. 336 00:14:13,977 --> 00:14:15,411 Oh, God. 337 00:14:15,412 --> 00:14:18,514 You met her at Pasadena's most popular Irish watering hole, 338 00:14:18,515 --> 00:14:21,951 Lucky Baldwin's, where Maggie spends her nights tending bar 339 00:14:21,952 --> 00:14:25,154 with a head full of curls and a heart full of dreams. 340 00:14:25,155 --> 00:14:29,258 "Leonard, call me if you are interested in coitus. 341 00:14:30,394 --> 00:14:32,895 Sincerely, Maggie McGarry." 342 00:14:32,896 --> 00:14:34,180 And if anyone were 343 00:14:34,181 --> 00:14:39,102 to actually call that number, they will hear this. 344 00:14:39,103 --> 00:14:41,204 FEMALE TEXT-TO-SPEECH VOICE: Top of the morning to you. 345 00:14:41,205 --> 00:14:43,373 You've reached Maggie McGarry. 346 00:14:44,575 --> 00:14:48,745 Leave a message after the wee little beep. 347 00:14:49,813 --> 00:14:51,147 It's pretty convincing, huh? 348 00:14:51,148 --> 00:14:52,415 That wasn't even a real person. 349 00:14:52,416 --> 00:14:55,668 And here is the clincher: 350 00:14:55,669 --> 00:15:00,323 a lock of Maggie's flaming auburn hair. 351 00:15:00,324 --> 00:15:01,591 Where'd you get that? 352 00:15:01,592 --> 00:15:04,394 From an orangutan in the primate lab. 353 00:15:04,395 --> 00:15:05,494 An orangutan? 354 00:15:05,495 --> 00:15:06,379 Well, no one's going 355 00:15:06,380 --> 00:15:08,598 to run a DNA test on it, Leonard. 356 00:15:08,599 --> 00:15:10,666 Honestly, you overthink everything. 357 00:15:10,667 --> 00:15:13,970 Sheldon, I don't need an alibi. 358 00:15:13,971 --> 00:15:15,738 Nobody's going to ask about last night 359 00:15:15,739 --> 00:15:18,174 as long as you just zip your lip. 360 00:15:21,478 --> 00:15:22,779 Thank you. 361 00:15:22,780 --> 00:15:25,114 Now, don't worry, everything is going to be fine. 362 00:15:39,029 --> 00:15:40,029 Hey. 363 00:15:40,030 --> 00:15:41,297 Hey, Leonard, will you please tell Howard 364 00:15:41,298 --> 00:15:43,433 my sister has never been attracted to him? 365 00:15:44,101 --> 00:15:45,268 Come on, Raj, 366 00:15:45,269 --> 00:15:46,769 how am I supposed to know 367 00:15:46,770 --> 00:15:50,006 who she is attracted to or was attracted to 368 00:15:50,007 --> 00:15:54,644 or who she might be attracted to in the future? 369 00:15:54,645 --> 00:15:57,280 And I have nothing to contribute 370 00:15:57,281 --> 00:16:00,149 to this conversation. 371 00:16:01,118 --> 00:16:03,152 Because I, too, know absolutely nothing 372 00:16:03,153 --> 00:16:06,222 about Priya's preferences in male companionship. 373 00:16:07,057 --> 00:16:09,725 And with that, I will re-zip my lip. 374 00:16:10,560 --> 00:16:12,929 Hey, so what did you guys think 375 00:16:12,930 --> 00:16:14,947 of the new episode of Caprica last night? 376 00:16:14,948 --> 00:16:15,932 I didn't see it. 377 00:16:15,933 --> 00:16:16,866 Didn't see it? 378 00:16:16,867 --> 00:16:18,468 What were you doing? 379 00:16:22,306 --> 00:16:23,406 Uh, I was out. 380 00:16:23,407 --> 00:16:25,208 What, on Caprica night? 381 00:16:25,209 --> 00:16:27,510 Yeah, I, uh, went for a drink. 382 00:16:27,511 --> 00:16:28,744 Really, you? 383 00:16:28,745 --> 00:16:31,514 Where, w-where'd you go? 384 00:16:31,515 --> 00:16:33,749 To, uh... 385 00:16:39,223 --> 00:16:41,691 Lucky Baldwin's. 386 00:16:41,692 --> 00:16:45,595 Oh, I've heard of that place. 387 00:16:45,596 --> 00:16:49,332 Isn't that Pasadena's favorite Irish watering hole? 388 00:16:49,333 --> 00:16:51,100 Yes. 389 00:16:51,101 --> 00:16:52,401 Did you meet 390 00:16:52,402 --> 00:16:53,669 anyone interesting there, 391 00:16:53,670 --> 00:16:57,907 perhaps a promiscuous, redheaded barmaid? 392 00:16:57,908 --> 00:16:59,909 As a matter of fact... I-I-I-I-I can't, I can't, 393 00:16:59,910 --> 00:17:01,344 I can't do it. 394 00:17:01,345 --> 00:17:03,913 Sure you can, you're doing fine, it's very believable. 395 00:17:04,831 --> 00:17:07,383 I'm sorry, Raj, but the truth is, 396 00:17:07,384 --> 00:17:09,252 I was with Priya last night. 397 00:17:09,253 --> 00:17:10,453 Don't listen to him. 398 00:17:10,454 --> 00:17:12,221 He's still light-headed from all the Irish whiskey 399 00:17:12,222 --> 00:17:14,090 and pickled eggs in his system. 400 00:17:14,091 --> 00:17:16,025 What were you doing with Priya? 401 00:17:16,026 --> 00:17:17,059 I believe they engaged in coitus, 402 00:17:17,060 --> 00:17:18,861 but more importantly, 403 00:17:18,862 --> 00:17:20,630 if Leonard had not abandoned his story, 404 00:17:20,631 --> 00:17:23,065 would you have found it plausible? 405 00:17:23,066 --> 00:17:24,600 You slept with my sister?! 406 00:17:24,601 --> 00:17:25,535 Yeah. 407 00:17:25,536 --> 00:17:27,770 How could you? We had a pact. 408 00:17:27,771 --> 00:17:29,572 Excuse me, I think "How could you? She's my sister" 409 00:17:29,573 --> 00:17:32,775 takes precedence over a five-year-old pinky swear. 410 00:17:32,776 --> 00:17:34,193 May I point out, 411 00:17:34,194 --> 00:17:36,445 in a parallel universe, your friends are saying 412 00:17:36,446 --> 00:17:39,081 "Maggie McGarry-- she sounds lovely." 413 00:17:39,082 --> 00:17:42,552 Look, I-I admit it, I may have crossed a line here, 414 00:17:42,553 --> 00:17:46,122 but come on, Raj, your sister is a grown woman, 415 00:17:46,123 --> 00:17:49,025 and to her, I'm a forbidden piece of white chocolate. 416 00:17:49,026 --> 00:17:51,127 I don't believe it. 417 00:17:51,128 --> 00:17:52,511 This is a terrible betrayal of my trust. 418 00:17:52,512 --> 00:17:55,181 No, w-w-would it help if I told you 419 00:17:55,182 --> 00:17:59,135 that I offered her my heart, and she kind of stomped on it? 420 00:17:59,136 --> 00:18:01,904 How hard did she stomp? 421 00:18:01,905 --> 00:18:03,906 Very hard. 422 00:18:03,907 --> 00:18:06,225 Okay, I'm good. 423 00:18:08,078 --> 00:18:10,279 Well, Raj, 424 00:18:10,280 --> 00:18:13,683 I just want to say that I'd never betray your trust. 425 00:18:13,684 --> 00:18:16,235 Unlike Leonard, I respect you. 426 00:18:16,236 --> 00:18:17,253 Really? 427 00:18:17,254 --> 00:18:19,905 Mm-hmm. 428 00:18:19,906 --> 00:18:22,058 Was it out of respect that you didn't tell Raj 429 00:18:22,059 --> 00:18:24,694 about the time you dropped his iPhone in a urinal? 430 00:18:25,545 --> 00:18:28,831 Dude, I put that thing on my face! 431 00:18:28,832 --> 00:18:31,701 I think a more amusing violation of Raj's trust 432 00:18:31,702 --> 00:18:34,337 is when Howard convinced him that foreigners give presents 433 00:18:34,338 --> 00:18:37,256 to Americans on Thanksgiving. 434 00:18:38,141 --> 00:18:39,675 Hey, I didn't see you giving back 435 00:18:39,676 --> 00:18:42,511 your Snoopy snow cone maker. 436 00:18:42,512 --> 00:18:43,646 That was all a lie? 437 00:18:43,647 --> 00:18:45,781 This year's gifts are already wrapped. 438 00:18:45,782 --> 00:18:48,517 And as long as we're talking about betraying our friends, 439 00:18:48,518 --> 00:18:50,987 how about the month Sheldon spent grinding up insects 440 00:18:50,988 --> 00:18:52,722 and mixing them into Leonard's food? 441 00:18:52,723 --> 00:18:54,090 Well, excuse me. 442 00:18:54,091 --> 00:18:55,691 That was not a betrayal. 443 00:18:55,692 --> 00:18:57,827 That was an experiment to determine 444 00:18:57,828 --> 00:19:02,031 at what concentration food starts tasting "mothy." 445 00:19:02,032 --> 00:19:05,201 You put moths in my food?! 446 00:19:06,036 --> 00:19:09,071 For science. 447 00:19:09,072 --> 00:19:11,540 I can't believe you kissed my sister with moth mouth. 448 00:19:11,541 --> 00:19:15,711 Well, I can't believe you used Sheldon's toothbrush. 449 00:19:15,712 --> 00:19:18,014 You used my toothbrush? 450 00:19:18,015 --> 00:19:20,916 Not the brush part, just the little rubber thing 451 00:19:20,917 --> 00:19:24,754 to pick food from my teeth and massage my gums. 452 00:19:30,394 --> 00:19:33,429 Okay, I-I think it's safe to say 453 00:19:33,430 --> 00:19:34,930 that we've all done some things 454 00:19:34,931 --> 00:19:36,699 we're not particularly proud of. 455 00:19:37,668 --> 00:19:38,868 But come on, we're friends. 456 00:19:38,869 --> 00:19:42,838 Friends overlook each other's minor lapses. 457 00:19:44,041 --> 00:19:46,842 For the record, Howard, I'm sorry that I broke our pact. 458 00:19:46,843 --> 00:19:49,161 Thank you. 459 00:19:49,162 --> 00:19:51,997 And I'm sorry about your phone 460 00:19:51,998 --> 00:19:53,816 and Thanksgiving. 461 00:19:53,817 --> 00:19:55,184 And while we're at it, 462 00:19:55,185 --> 00:19:57,620 you don't have to wash our clothes on the Fourth of July. 463 00:19:59,089 --> 00:20:01,173 As long as we're apologizing, 464 00:20:01,174 --> 00:20:04,427 Sheldon, I'm, I'm sorry I used your toothbrush. 465 00:20:04,428 --> 00:20:06,662 And I'm sorry... 466 00:20:06,663 --> 00:20:08,164 but that behavior is beyond the pale 467 00:20:08,165 --> 00:20:09,832 and cannot be tolerated. 468 00:20:09,833 --> 00:20:11,967 We are no longer friends. 469 00:20:11,968 --> 00:20:16,005 I got you a talking Thomas the Tank Engine for Thanksgiving. 470 00:20:16,006 --> 00:20:18,974 With real puffing smoke? 471 00:20:18,975 --> 00:20:20,209 Yes. 472 00:20:21,011 --> 00:20:22,528 All right. 473 00:20:24,831 --> 00:20:26,549 But I'm watching you. 474 00:20:39,820 --> 00:20:41,270 Hey, you've got Snoopy out. 475 00:20:41,271 --> 00:20:42,488 Can I have a snow cone? 476 00:20:42,489 --> 00:20:45,358 Well, sure. 477 00:20:47,294 --> 00:20:48,277 This is pretty good. 478 00:20:48,278 --> 00:20:49,562 What flavor is this? 479 00:20:49,563 --> 00:20:52,465 Guess. 480 00:20:52,466 --> 00:20:54,066 Papaya? No. 481 00:20:54,067 --> 00:20:56,702 Guava? You're so close. 482 00:20:56,703 --> 00:20:57,703 I give up. 483 00:20:57,704 --> 00:21:00,106 Mango caterpillar. 484 00:21:02,098 --> 00:21:03,365 What are you doing?! 485 00:21:06,091 --> 00:21:07,474 You said you liked it. 486 00:21:07,475 --> 00:21:11,027 -- Sync, corrected by elderman -- -- for www.addic7ed.com --