0 00:00:30,700 --> 00:00:43,003 English by Goldenbeard Spanish by Commotion7 Dual by Barel 1 00:00:43,700 --> 00:00:46,003 EN LA CONFERENCIA DE BERLÍN DE 1884 2 00:00:46,023 --> 00:00:48,110 LOS PODERES COLONIALES DEL MUNDO 3 00:00:48,130 --> 00:00:53,798 TOMARON LA DECISIÓN DE DIVIDIR EL CONGO AFRICANO 4 00:00:55,009 --> 00:00:57,332 EL REY LEOPOLDO DE BÉLGICA 5 00:00:57,352 --> 00:00:59,635 SE APROPIÓ DE LA EXTENSA CUENCA DEL CONGO 6 00:00:59,655 --> 00:01:04,565 RICA EN MARFIL Y MINERALES 7 00:01:06,225 --> 00:01:08,563 CINCO AÑOS DESPUÉS 8 00:01:08,583 --> 00:01:11,017 YA HABÍA ACUMULADO UNA IMPORTANTE DEUDA 9 00:01:11,037 --> 00:01:16,351 EN SU AMBICIÓN POR EXPLOTAR SU NUEVA COLONIA 10 00:01:19,228 --> 00:01:21,451 DESESPERADO POR OBTENER FONDOS 11 00:01:21,471 --> 00:01:26,114 Y CON POCOS RECURSOS PARA FINANCIAR SU EJÉRCITO 12 00:01:26,722 --> 00:01:29,457 ENVIÓ AL CONGO A LEON ROM 13 00:01:29,477 --> 00:01:31,263 SU MÁS LEAL SIRVIENTE 14 00:01:31,283 --> 00:01:35,486 A BUSCAR LOS LEGENDARIOS DIAMANTES DE OPAR 15 00:01:40,083 --> 00:01:44,087 EL CONGO AFRICANO 16 00:02:17,040 --> 00:02:18,600 Monsieur Rom... Monsieur Rom. 17 00:02:25,120 --> 00:02:26,304 Opar. Opar. 18 00:02:28,500 --> 00:02:32,814 (INHALES DEEPLY) We found it. La encontramos. 19 00:02:40,160 --> 00:02:41,253 Captain Moulle? ¿Capitán Moulle? 20 00:02:46,200 --> 00:02:47,937 Form your lines. Formen filas. 21 00:02:48,480 --> 00:02:50,515 (GUNS COCKING) 22 00:02:55,800 --> 00:02:57,406 Maxims ready, sir! ¡Las Maxims están listas, señor! 23 00:03:03,360 --> 00:03:04,938 CAPTAIN MOULLE: Steady. Firmes. 24 00:03:10,840 --> 00:03:12,144 Wait. Esperen. 25 00:03:21,240 --> 00:03:22,482 Fire! ¡Disparen! 26 00:03:35,160 --> 00:03:37,309 (GUNFIRE STOPS) 27 00:03:43,040 --> 00:03:44,355 CAPTAIN MOULLE: Fall in! ¡A sus posiciones! 28 00:04:38,200 --> 00:04:40,140 (YELLS) 29 00:04:40,160 --> 00:04:42,593 (MEN GRUNTING) 30 00:04:57,560 --> 00:04:59,098 Stand your ground! ¡Defiendan su posición! 31 00:05:15,720 --> 00:05:17,720 (GROANING) 32 00:06:11,800 --> 00:06:14,153 (GRUNTING) 33 00:06:18,600 --> 00:06:20,953 (CHOKING) 34 00:06:36,680 --> 00:06:39,044 Chief Mbonga, I presume? ¿Jefe Mbonga, supongo? 35 00:06:40,160 --> 00:06:41,916 How do you know my name? ¿Cómo sabe mi nombre? 36 00:06:43,960 --> 00:06:45,582 You're the man I came to see. He venido a verlo a usted. 37 00:07:02,680 --> 00:07:05,343 These are what you came for. Esto es lo que vino a buscar. 38 00:07:11,000 --> 00:07:12,796 What would you do for them? ¿Qué haría por conseguirlo? 39 00:07:14,640 --> 00:07:16,244 Whatever is necessary. Lo que sea necesario. 40 00:07:17,960 --> 00:07:23,466 There is one thing I desire above all else. Hay una sola cosa que deseo más que nada. 41 00:07:23,480 --> 00:07:25,273 Bring it to me. Tráigamelo. 42 00:07:25,680 --> 00:07:28,050 Bring him to me. Tráigamelo a él. 43 00:07:28,680 --> 00:07:30,826 And you shall have your diamonds. Y tendrá los diamantes. 44 00:07:35,280 --> 00:07:37,021 All I need is a name. Solo necesito un nombre. 45 00:07:49,614 --> 00:07:56,902 LA LEYENDA DE TARZÁN 46 00:08:03,311 --> 00:08:06,791 LONDRES, INGLATERRA 47 00:08:14,520 --> 00:08:18,180 His Serene Highness, King Leopold of Belgium, Su alteza Serenísima, el rey Leopoldo de Bélgica... 48 00:08:18,200 --> 00:08:21,540 has extended an invitation to Lord Greystoke ha enviado a Lord Greystoke... 49 00:08:21,560 --> 00:08:25,620 to take a royal tour of the Congo Free State a recorrer el Estado Libre del Congo... 50 00:08:25,640 --> 00:08:28,620 to visit the schools and churches he's built para que visite las escuelas e iglesias que ha construido... 51 00:08:28,640 --> 00:08:32,340 to acknowledge the success of his anti-slavery initiatives sea testigo del éxito de sus iniciativas antiesclavistas... 52 00:08:32,360 --> 00:08:34,876 and to open trade discussions. y habrá negociaciones comerciales. 53 00:08:35,200 --> 00:08:37,679 (WALNUT SHELLS CRACKING) 54 00:08:41,640 --> 00:08:46,780 Lord Greystoke, let me explain the Africa situation. Lord Greystoke, déjeme explicarle la situación en África. 55 00:08:46,800 --> 00:08:48,800 Mmm. 56 00:08:49,600 --> 00:08:52,332 King Leopold controls the Congo. El rey Leopoldo controla el Congo. 57 00:08:53,080 --> 00:08:58,380 He's defaulting on his loans, and needs a business partner to fill the gap. No está pagando sus préstamos y necesita un socio que lo cubra. 58 00:08:58,400 --> 00:09:00,990 Your invitation is a perfect opportunity Su invitación es la oportunidad perfecta... 59 00:09:01,280 --> 00:09:05,060 for Her Majesty's government to get involved. para que se involucre el gobierno de Su Majestad. 60 00:09:05,080 --> 00:09:09,421 Consider the jobs we would create for the poor natives of the Congo. Considere los trabajos que crearíamos para los pobres nativos del Congo. 61 00:09:10,259 --> 00:09:13,940 - (SHELLS CLANKING) - (GEORGE GROANS) And I thought the Civil War was long. Y yo creía que la Guerra Civil era larga. 62 00:09:13,960 --> 00:09:16,088 Dr. Williams, you are a guest here. Dr. Williams, usted es un invitado aquí. 63 00:09:16,440 --> 00:09:19,353 GEORGE: Prime Minister, if you're not going to say it, Primer Ministro, si no va a decirlo... 64 00:09:19,373 --> 00:09:20,784 permítame hacerlo a mí. 65 00:09:20,804 --> 00:09:24,980 allow me. You are Tarzan. ¡Usted es Tarzán! 66 00:09:25,000 --> 00:09:25,708 Lord of the Apes, King of the Jungle. El Amo de los Simios. El Rey de la Selva. 67 00:09:25,728 --> 00:09:28,300 PUNCH Lord Greystoke, sale por su almuerzo 68 00:09:28,320 --> 00:09:29,929 "Me Tarzan, you Jane!" "¡Yo Tarzán, Tú Jane!". 69 00:09:30,280 --> 00:09:32,205 Tarzan! Tarzan. ¡Tarzán! 70 00:09:34,080 --> 00:09:37,020 King Leopold's inviting you because you're a celebrity. El rey Leopoldo lo invita porque es una celebridad. 71 00:09:37,040 --> 00:09:39,900 He wants to show you the schools and churches he built. Quiere mostrarle las escuelas e iglesias que construyó. 72 00:09:39,920 --> 00:09:42,380 You "ooh" and "ah" in front of the newspapers, Usted se asombra frente a los periódicos... 73 00:09:42,400 --> 00:09:46,661 and he's validated by Africa's favorite son. y él recibe la aprobación del hijo favorito de África. 74 00:09:46,760 --> 00:09:50,740 England pays his debts. We make money. Inglaterra paga sus deudas. Nosotros ganamos dinero. 75 00:09:50,760 --> 00:09:53,367 - Ham sandwich. Easy. - Hmm. ¡Más fácil imposible! 76 00:09:53,560 --> 00:09:55,983 So, Your Majesties, Sus Majestades... 77 00:09:56,440 --> 00:09:59,223 can we get this show on the road? ¿Podemos comenzar? 78 00:10:05,840 --> 00:10:07,840 (SLURPS) 79 00:10:14,191 --> 00:10:15,126 No. 80 00:10:15,146 --> 00:10:17,980 No. - No? - For Heaven's sake, why not? - ¿No? - Por el amor de Dios, ¿por qué no? 81 00:10:18,000 --> 00:10:20,305 Well, I've already seen Africa. Ya he estado en África. 82 00:10:22,320 --> 00:10:23,353 And it's hot. Y hace calor. 83 00:10:24,040 --> 00:10:26,378 Excuse me? Did you say "hot"? ¿Disculpe? ¿Dijo "calor"? 84 00:10:30,040 --> 00:10:33,968 Please send my apologies to His Serene Highness. Envíenle mis disculpas a Su Alteza Serenísima. 85 00:10:38,000 --> 00:10:39,997 And my name isn't Tarzan. Y mi nombre no es Tarzán. 86 00:10:40,720 --> 00:10:42,449 It's John Clayton III. Es John Clayton III. 87 00:10:42,840 --> 00:10:45,594 Son of John and Lady Alice Clayton. Hijo de John y Lady Alice Clayton. 88 00:10:46,040 --> 00:10:51,032 Fifth Earl of Greystoke, member of the House of Lords. Quinto Conde de Greystoke, miembro de la Casa de los Lores. 89 00:10:57,080 --> 00:10:58,537 GEORGE: Mr. Clayton. Sr. Clayton. 90 00:10:58,920 --> 00:11:01,389 Lord Clayton. My apologies. Lord Clayton. Disculpe. 91 00:11:01,560 --> 00:11:04,620 George Washington Williams. Diplomatic envoy for the United States. George Washington Williams. Enviado diplomático de Estados unidos. 92 00:11:04,640 --> 00:11:07,060 - I was sent by President Harrison. - JOHN: To do what? - Me envió el presidente Harrison. - ¿A hacer qué? 93 00:11:07,080 --> 00:11:08,555 Join up with the Queen's emissary. A unirme al emisario de la Reina. 94 00:11:08,760 --> 00:11:12,700 America was the first country to recognize King Leopold's claim on the Congo. EE.UU. fue el primero en reconocer el reclamo del rey Leopoldo sobre el Congo. 95 00:11:12,720 --> 00:11:15,180 You don't want to lose your place at the trough. No querrá perder su lugar en el comedero. 96 00:11:15,200 --> 00:11:16,354 Look... Mire... 97 00:11:17,560 --> 00:11:20,263 I need your invitation to get in. Necesito su invitación para participar. 98 00:11:20,600 --> 00:11:27,109 I'm afraid my intentions aren't exactly what I expressed to your government or mine. Me temo que mis intenciones no son lo que expresé a su gobierno o al mío. 99 00:11:27,600 --> 00:11:31,420 And what exactly do you want, Dr. Williams? ¿Y qué quiere exactamente, Dr. Williams? 100 00:11:32,320 --> 00:11:36,700 Leopold spent the last seven years getting control of the Congo. Leopoldo pasó los últimos siete años tomando control del Congo. 101 00:11:36,720 --> 00:11:39,340 He used up his entire fortune building that railroad of his, Usó toda su fortuna para construir su ferrocarril... 102 00:11:39,360 --> 00:11:42,340 then shut off access to 99% of the country. y bloqueó el acceso al 99% del país. 103 00:11:42,360 --> 00:11:43,399 Why? ¿Por qué? 104 00:11:43,480 --> 00:11:45,660 Because he wants to be the first monarch in history ¿Por qué quiere ser el primer monarca...? 105 00:11:45,680 --> 00:11:48,260 who doesn't want people to see his good deeds? ¿que no quiere que la gente vea sus proezas? 106 00:11:48,280 --> 00:11:49,842 I don't buy it. No me lo creo. 107 00:11:50,600 --> 00:11:52,033 T ell me this, Lord Clayton. Dígame algo, Lord Clayton. 108 00:11:52,440 --> 00:11:58,806 How does a bankrupt king keep the whole of the Congo working? ¿Cómo hace un rey quebrado para mantener en funcionamiento a todo el Congo? 109 00:11:59,960 --> 00:12:00,990 Slavery? ¿Con esclavitud? 110 00:12:02,600 --> 00:12:05,594 I hope I'm wrong, but I need to know. Espero equivocarme, pero necesito saberlo. 111 00:12:05,960 --> 00:12:09,100 And for the sake of your friends back home, Y por el bien de sus amigos en su tierra natal, usted también. 112 00:12:09,120 --> 00:12:11,155 you do, too. 113 00:12:12,320 --> 00:12:16,500 Accept Leopold's invitation and take me with you. Acepte la invitación de Leopoldo y lléveme con usted. 114 00:12:16,520 --> 00:12:18,757 You know Africa off the beaten path. Conoce los lugares más remotos de África. 115 00:12:19,160 --> 00:12:21,608 The languages, the people, the customs. Las lenguas, la gente, las costumbres. 116 00:12:22,320 --> 00:12:23,530 If we find anything amiss, Si encontramos algo inadecuado... 117 00:12:23,840 --> 00:12:29,599 then I need someone to tell the world that they'll believe. necesito que alguien creíble se lo comunique al mundo. 118 00:12:37,200 --> 00:12:42,124 I'll make all the arrangements. I'll see you in Liverpool. Haré todos los arreglos, nos vemos en Liverpool. 119 00:12:48,360 --> 00:12:50,395 (EXHALES SHARPLY) 120 00:12:54,601 --> 00:12:58,423 MANSIÓN GREYSTOKE 121 00:13:00,160 --> 00:13:02,718 (COWS MOOING) 122 00:13:12,360 --> 00:13:14,759 (THUNDER RUMBLING) 123 00:13:14,800 --> 00:13:16,586 JOHN CLAYTON II: My family. Mi familia. 124 00:13:18,720 --> 00:13:20,995 I have done all I can to protect them. He hecho todo lo posible para protegerlos. 125 00:13:25,320 --> 00:13:29,666 We have been surrounded by predators since the shipwreck. Estamos rodeados de depredadores desde el naufragio. 126 00:13:29,843 --> 00:13:34,140 (INFANT CRYING) The jungle consumes everything. La selva lo consume todo. 127 00:13:34,160 --> 00:13:38,380 It preys on the old, the sick, the wounded, the weak. Devora a los viejos, los enfermos, los heridos, los débiles. 128 00:13:38,400 --> 00:13:40,128 But never the strong. Pero nunca a los fuertes. 129 00:13:44,080 --> 00:13:46,744 Today, I buried my Alice. Hoy, enterré a mi Alice. 130 00:13:47,840 --> 00:13:49,697 My dear Alice. Mi querida Alice. 131 00:13:52,160 --> 00:13:54,171 Now I fear for my child. Ahora temo por mi hijo. 132 00:13:56,360 --> 00:13:58,066 God help us. Que Dios nos ayude. 133 00:13:58,082 --> 00:14:00,580 (SNORTS) God help him. Que Dios lo ayude a él. 134 00:14:00,600 --> 00:14:02,669 (DISTANT ROARING) 135 00:14:16,800 --> 00:14:18,800 (GRU NTS) 136 00:14:27,280 --> 00:14:29,280 (SCREAMING) 137 00:14:34,600 --> 00:14:36,794 (INFANT CRYING) 138 00:14:54,720 --> 00:14:57,278 (COOING) 139 00:15:05,480 --> 00:15:08,152 (SNARLING) 140 00:15:09,880 --> 00:15:12,313 (ROARS) 141 00:15:15,840 --> 00:15:19,860 JANE: The most dangerous beast in Africa is so powerful, La bestia más peligrosa de África es tan poderosa... 142 00:15:19,880 --> 00:15:23,966 it can snap a crocodile's back with a single bite. que puede partirle la espalda a un cocodrilo de un solo mordisco. 143 00:15:25,123 --> 00:15:28,471 (WHISPERING) Anyone? ¿Alguien sabe? 144 00:15:29,120 --> 00:15:31,175 MARY: Is it a hippopotamus? ¿Es un hipopótamo? 145 00:15:31,360 --> 00:15:35,122 Yes! Precisely. Well done, Mary. ¡Sí! Así es. Muy bien. Mary. 146 00:15:37,600 --> 00:15:38,740 Now, Ahora... 147 00:15:38,760 --> 00:15:43,492 can anyone tell me what my favorite bird sounds like? ¿alguno puede decirme cómo suena mi pájaro favorito? 148 00:15:43,560 --> 00:15:46,219 - Anyone? - (WHISPERING) ¿Alguno? 149 00:15:49,680 --> 00:15:52,113 (MIMICKING BIRD'S CALL) 150 00:16:02,080 --> 00:16:03,780 BOY: How do you travel through the jungle? 151 00:16:03,800 --> 00:16:06,438 Why'd you leave the jungle? 152 00:16:06,642 --> 00:16:09,540 (INDISTINCT CHATTERING) BOY 2: Look at his hands! ¡Miren sus manos! 153 00:16:09,560 --> 00:16:11,418 CHILDREN: Whoa! ¡Vaya! 154 00:16:12,600 --> 00:16:14,621 I grew up running on all fours. Crecí corriendo en cuatro patas. 155 00:16:15,560 --> 00:16:17,685 It changed the bone structure. Me cambió la estructura de los huesos. 156 00:16:22,240 --> 00:16:24,259 BOY 3: Do you swing on things inside? ¿Te cuelgas de cosas adentro? 157 00:16:24,640 --> 00:16:26,310 Like, when you go upstairs? ¿Cómo cuando vas arriba? 158 00:16:26,960 --> 00:16:29,003 Oh, I never take the stairs. Nunca uso las escaleras. 159 00:16:30,080 --> 00:16:31,341 I usually take the curtains. Generalmente uso las cortinas. 160 00:16:32,591 --> 00:16:37,372 BOY 3: Amazing! Is it true your mum was a monkey? ¿Es cierto que tu mamá era un mono? 161 00:16:38,040 --> 00:16:39,344 Well, of course not. Claro que no. 162 00:16:40,200 --> 00:16:42,395 My mum was Alice Clayton. Mi mamá era Alice Clayton. 163 00:16:46,080 --> 00:16:47,919 I can't wait to see Wasimbu again. No veo la hora de volver a Wasimbu. 164 00:16:48,080 --> 00:16:49,660 - How many children would he have now? - Jane. - ¿Cuántos hijos tendrá? - Jane. 165 00:16:49,680 --> 00:16:51,812 We know about Keko. She's what, four? Sabemos de Keko. ¿Cuántos tiene, cuatro? 166 00:16:51,880 --> 00:16:53,780 - Everyone would have children. - Jane. - Todos tendrían hijos. - Jane. 167 00:16:53,800 --> 00:16:55,820 I mean, eight years just feels like a lifetime! ¡Ocho años es una eternidad! 168 00:16:55,840 --> 00:16:57,049 This isn't a holiday. No son vacaciones. 169 00:16:57,280 --> 00:16:59,352 How many corsets does a diplomat bring? ¿Cuántos corsés lleva un diplomático? 170 00:16:59,600 --> 00:17:01,174 I can't take you. No puedo llevarte. 171 00:17:01,557 --> 00:17:02,596 Yo diría que ninguno. 172 00:17:02,616 --> 00:17:05,260 - I say zero. - Four. Cuatro. 173 00:17:05,280 --> 00:17:07,791 I suppose a British lady should faint at least twice to justify the silly title. Una británica debería desmayarse dos veces para justificar el título tonto. 174 00:17:07,811 --> 00:17:08,893 No es seguro allí. 175 00:17:08,913 --> 00:17:11,820 It isn't safe there. Of course it's not safe there, John! ¡Claro que no es seguro, John! 176 00:17:11,840 --> 00:17:16,660 You take a nap in the wrong place, you've got a 50-50 chance of being eaten. Si te duermes donde no debes, tienes 50% de probabilidades que te coman. 177 00:17:16,680 --> 00:17:18,686 Ladies. Albert. Señoritas. Albert. 178 00:17:25,920 --> 00:17:29,685 You can't possibly still think there is a danger, John. No puedes seguir pensando que es peligroso, John. 179 00:17:32,000 --> 00:17:34,665 And you haven't spoken his name in years. No has dicho su nombre en años. 180 00:17:38,160 --> 00:17:39,359 Talk to me. Háblame. 181 00:17:41,240 --> 00:17:43,473 Mbonga is not my concern. Mbonga no es mi preocupación. 182 00:17:44,120 --> 00:17:45,362 You are. Tú lo eres. 183 00:17:46,000 --> 00:17:47,886 We lost a baby. Perdimos un bebé. 184 00:17:48,080 --> 00:17:51,024 The last thing you need is more stress. Lo último que necesitas es más estrés. 185 00:17:53,840 --> 00:17:54,998 Yes, well... Sí. 186 00:17:56,320 --> 00:17:57,937 Thank you for the reminder. Gracias por recordármelo. 187 00:17:59,360 --> 00:18:03,200 Well, in case you forgot, we both grew up there. Por si lo olvidaste, los dos crecimos allí. 188 00:18:03,560 --> 00:18:06,100 So, perhaps I will fulfill your duties for the Queen, Así que quizá yo cumpla con tus deberes con la Reina... 189 00:18:06,120 --> 00:18:11,994 and you can stay here hybridizing coconuts and playing ping-pong. y tú puedes quedarte aquí a hibridar cocos y jugar pimpón. 190 00:18:12,600 --> 00:18:14,899 (SIGHS) I want to go home. Quiero irme a casa. 191 00:18:15,200 --> 00:18:16,302 This is our home. Esta es nuestra casa. 192 00:18:19,280 --> 00:18:21,331 Trying to keep me here won't work! ¡Tratarme de mantenerme aquí no funcionará! 193 00:18:21,560 --> 00:18:22,980 (OUTER DOOR SLAMS) 194 00:18:23,000 --> 00:18:25,035 (DOOR OPENS) 195 00:18:44,840 --> 00:18:47,319 (CHITTERING) 196 00:19:17,840 --> 00:19:19,840 (GROWLING) 197 00:19:25,920 --> 00:19:27,920 (SCREAMING) 198 00:19:27,960 --> 00:19:31,393 - (ROARING) - (SCREECHING) 199 00:19:38,600 --> 00:19:40,600 (SCREAMING) 200 00:19:45,760 --> 00:19:47,760 (ROARING) 201 00:19:53,720 --> 00:19:55,948 (GROWLING) 202 00:20:08,400 --> 00:20:10,400 (GROWLS) 203 00:21:38,210 --> 00:21:42,447 OFICINA COLONIAL JOHN CLAYTON 204 00:21:45,920 --> 00:21:51,415 JOHN CLAYTON II: John, my son, you are the heir to Greystoke, our future. John, hijo mío, eres el heredero de Greystoke, nuestro futuro. 205 00:21:53,080 --> 00:21:56,793 England is your home, not this wretched place. Inglaterra es tu hogar, no este lugar deplorable. 206 00:21:57,400 --> 00:21:58,456 If I don't survive, Si no sobrevivo... 207 00:22:00,920 --> 00:22:02,805 I pray that someone will save you. ruego que alguien te rescate. 208 00:22:38,800 --> 00:22:40,800 (GRUNTS) 209 00:23:00,600 --> 00:23:04,558 Promise me you'll stay with the Kuba the whole time. Prométeme que te quedarás con los Kuba todo el tiempo. 210 00:23:53,252 --> 00:23:55,860 (GEORGE LAUGHS) GEORGE: Not a chance, ma'am. Ni lo pienses Janey. 211 00:23:55,880 --> 00:24:00,300 A kick from one of these Walker Colts is pretty nasty. Un culatazo de uno de estos Walker Colts es bastante doloroso. 212 00:24:00,320 --> 00:24:02,540 As a matter of fact, that's why they went out of style. De hecho, por eso dejaron de hacerlos. 213 00:24:02,560 --> 00:24:05,935 Pretty little ladies like you kept knocking themselves in the face. Las jovencitas lindas como tú siempre se golpeaban la cara con ellos. 214 00:24:05,955 --> 00:24:09,900 (JAN E SCOFFS) I'll bet I could hit that log over there, first try. Apuesto a que le doy a ese tronco de ahí en el primer intento. 215 00:24:09,920 --> 00:24:12,035 Oh! (CHUCKLES) 216 00:24:15,480 --> 00:24:16,624 JOHN: Jane? ¿Jane? 217 00:25:01,560 --> 00:25:03,441 He's known them since they were cubs. Los conoce desde que eran cachorros. 218 00:25:12,979 --> 00:25:17,060 BOMA LES DA LA BIENVENIDA A JOHN CLAYTON III 219 00:25:17,080 --> 00:25:19,433 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 220 00:25:35,160 --> 00:25:37,100 MAJOR KERCKHOVER: Force Publique, move aside. Fuerza Pública, muévanse. 221 00:25:37,120 --> 00:25:39,458 Force Publique, move aside! Fuerza Pública, ¡muévanse! 222 00:25:41,200 --> 00:25:45,900 I want port of entry, I want port of disembarkation for every passenger. Quiero el puerto de entrada y el desembarque para cada pasajero. 223 00:25:45,920 --> 00:25:47,373 Yes, sir. These are the last. Sí, señor. Estos son los últimos. 224 00:25:47,640 --> 00:25:50,129 - Sir. - Thank you. Thank you. - Señor. - Gracias. 225 00:25:54,825 --> 00:25:58,979 DESEMBARQUE Jane Clayton 226 00:26:04,277 --> 00:26:05,300 Disculpe, señor. 227 00:26:05,320 --> 00:26:06,400 Excuse me, sir. 228 00:26:06,420 --> 00:26:07,654 El registro. 229 00:26:07,674 --> 00:26:11,229 The ledger. Yes, thank you. Sí, gracias. 230 00:26:16,160 --> 00:26:18,309 (TRAIN WHISTLE BLOWS) 231 00:26:32,160 --> 00:26:34,354 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 232 00:26:37,120 --> 00:26:40,902 MAJOR KERCKHOVER: Gramophone, Mr. Rom's stateroom. Lleve el gramóforo al camarote del Sr. Rom. 233 00:26:42,480 --> 00:26:43,671 ROM: Mr. Frum. ¡Sr. Frum! 234 00:26:45,040 --> 00:26:46,392 Those crates go in the hold. Esas cajas van en la bodega. 235 00:26:46,800 --> 00:26:50,940 Champagne? And music? Your entire operation just fell apart. ¿Champaña? ¿Y música? Su operación fracasó. 236 00:26:50,960 --> 00:26:54,180 Have faith, Mr. Frum. Faith is for missionaries. - Tenga fe, Sr. Frum. - La fe es para los misioneros. 237 00:26:54,200 --> 00:26:55,390 He gave you the slip. Él los evadió. 238 00:26:57,320 --> 00:27:00,246 MAJOR KERCKHOVER: Make sure the rest goes down below. Asegúrense que el resto vaya abajo. 239 00:27:00,800 --> 00:27:04,020 ROM: Our invitation has been snubbed, Mr. Frum. Despreciaron nuestra invitación, Sr. Frum. 240 00:27:04,040 --> 00:27:09,140 They jumped ship further up the coast, and they are on their own little tour home. Saltaron del barco cerca de la costa y van por su cuenta rumbo a su hogar. 241 00:27:09,160 --> 00:27:13,060 So, from Boma up to here will take me three days. Desde Boma hasta aquí me llevará tres días. 242 00:27:13,080 --> 00:27:16,113 I shall deliver Tarzan and return. Entregaré a Tarzán y regresaré. 243 00:27:16,200 --> 00:27:17,728 A week's delay. Una semana de retraso. 244 00:27:18,000 --> 00:27:20,660 You're in no position to ask for anything, Mr. Rom. No está en posición de pedir nada, Sr. Rom. 245 00:27:20,680 --> 00:27:22,473 Your king's payment was due three months ago. La deuda de su rey venció hace tres meses. 246 00:27:22,493 --> 00:27:23,580 Sí. 247 00:27:23,600 --> 00:27:25,669 Yes. 248 00:27:27,800 --> 00:27:29,800 (BELL RINGING) 249 00:27:32,400 --> 00:27:35,900 I manipulated my firm to keep this deal alive. Manipulé a mi firma para mantener vigente este trato. 250 00:27:35,920 --> 00:27:38,540 You agreed because you'll get stinking rich, so don't get trutty. Accedió porque se volverá rico así que no se ponga emotivo. 251 00:27:38,560 --> 00:27:39,980 Now, you must buy us more time. Ahora debe ganarnos más tiempo. 252 00:27:40,000 --> 00:27:42,042 I already bought all the time... Ya gané todo el tiempo posible. 253 00:27:42,280 --> 00:27:45,300 Look, it's really very easy. You sail out to the arriving fleet Es muy fácil. Se acerca la flota que va llegando... 254 00:27:45,320 --> 00:27:50,504 and tell them payment must be made in Boma for security reasons. y les dice que el pago debe hacerse en Boma por motivos de seguridad. 255 00:28:06,880 --> 00:28:08,381 Opar had better not be a myth. Más vale que Opar no sea un mito. 256 00:28:11,760 --> 00:28:15,020 Bring me the rest, and you'll have your mercenaries. Tráigame el resto, y tendrá a sus mercenarios. 257 00:28:15,040 --> 00:28:16,611 But if you fail to make good this time, Pero si falla esta vez... 258 00:28:16,920 --> 00:28:19,740 my firm will go to the Belgian parliament for compensation. mi firma acudirá al parlamento belga para pedir compensación. 259 00:28:19,760 --> 00:28:23,540 Your king will lose this land, and who do you think he will blame? Su rey perderá su tierra, y ¿a quién cree que culpará? 260 00:28:23,560 --> 00:28:24,942 Leon Rom? ¿A Leon Rom? 261 00:28:58,000 --> 00:28:59,295 Tarzan, you look funny. Tarzán, te ves gracioso. 262 00:29:00,076 --> 00:29:04,060 (CHUCKLES) (SPEAKING OTHER LANGUAGE) ¡Tú decías que eran pezuñas! 263 00:29:04,080 --> 00:29:06,354 (LAUGHING) 264 00:29:11,112 --> 00:29:16,656 ¿Dónde está mi hija norteamericana? 265 00:29:18,760 --> 00:29:20,095 Wukonseeni! ¡Wukonseeni! 266 00:29:20,200 --> 00:29:22,980 - Sangonini! - Janey! - ¡Sangonini! - ¡Janey! 267 00:29:23,000 --> 00:29:25,340 - Sangonini. - Ton moh nah nah ha lah. - Sangonini. - Ton moh nah nah ha lah. 268 00:29:25,360 --> 00:29:26,980 (ALL CHEERING) 269 00:29:27,000 --> 00:29:29,592 (ALL SINGING IN OTHER LANGUAGE) 270 00:29:33,520 --> 00:29:34,624 JANE: Keikoo. ¡Keikoo! 271 00:29:36,400 --> 00:29:37,946 (BOTH SPEAKING OTHER LANGUAGE) ¿Tienes pequeños? 272 00:29:39,999 --> 00:29:42,217 Tú eres muy hermosa... 273 00:29:42,237 --> 00:29:46,540 Y Wasimbu tiene un aspecto muy gracioso. 274 00:29:46,560 --> 00:29:48,560 (LAUGHS) 275 00:29:51,320 --> 00:29:54,640 - (SINGING STOPS) - (ALL CHEERING) 276 00:29:57,880 --> 00:29:59,022 Wasimbu? ¿Wasimbu? 277 00:29:59,640 --> 00:30:01,527 Oh, my God! ¡Dios mío! 278 00:30:05,160 --> 00:30:07,939 Janey Porter. Welcome home. Janey Porter. Bienvenida a casa. 279 00:30:08,720 --> 00:30:12,312 (ALL CONTINUE SINGING IN OTHER LANGUAGE) 280 00:30:17,480 --> 00:30:22,605 WASIMBU: As is custom, no one has entered until you returned. Como es costumbre. No entró nadie hasta que volvieras. 281 00:30:30,520 --> 00:30:32,497 This is where Jane grew up. Aquí es donde creció Jane. 282 00:30:34,400 --> 00:30:37,883 Her father taught English in the village. Su padre enseñaba literatura en la aldea. 283 00:30:48,480 --> 00:30:51,436 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 284 00:31:06,400 --> 00:31:09,081 (BOTH SPEAKING OTHER LANGUAGE) ¿Por qué no tienen vigías? 285 00:31:12,153 --> 00:31:14,902 Rumores del sur. 286 00:31:14,922 --> 00:31:17,718 Comerciantes de esclavos que secuestran personas. 287 00:31:17,738 --> 00:31:20,271 Ya nada es como antes. 288 00:31:20,291 --> 00:31:21,522 No voy a beber... 289 00:31:21,542 --> 00:31:26,460 Well, I'm not going to drink some foaming cup of you-know-what-it-is-and-won't-tell-me. una copa espumosa de algo que no quieren decirme qué es. 290 00:31:26,480 --> 00:31:28,480 (SPEAKING OTHER LANGUAGE) George le tiene miedo a la cerveza. 291 00:31:30,464 --> 00:31:34,940 (ALL LAUGHING) GEORGE: That's funny to everybody, huh? Mmm-hmm. Eso es gracioso para todos. 292 00:31:34,960 --> 00:31:37,620 - (COUGHING) - (ALL LAUGHING) 293 00:31:37,640 --> 00:31:39,640 Whoo! 294 00:31:46,920 --> 00:31:49,797 (PEOPLE SINGING IN OTHER LANGUAGE) 295 00:31:55,520 --> 00:31:57,567 They're singing the legend of Tarzan. Están cantando la leyenda de tarzán. 296 00:31:59,560 --> 00:32:03,393 For many moons, he was thought to be an evil spirit. Durante muchas lunas fue considerado un espíritu maligno. 297 00:32:03,520 --> 00:32:05,312 A ghost in the trees. Un fantasma en los árboles. 298 00:32:10,960 --> 00:32:13,188 (ROARING) 299 00:32:15,680 --> 00:32:19,549 They speak of his power over the animals of the jungle. Hablan de su poder por sobre los animales de la selva. 300 00:32:20,440 --> 00:32:22,732 Because his spirit came from them. Porque su espíritu se forjó junto a ellos. 301 00:32:32,920 --> 00:32:34,493 He understood them Él los entendía... 302 00:32:37,040 --> 00:32:38,432 and learned to conquer them. y aprendió a conquistarlos. 303 00:32:44,640 --> 00:32:48,540 His ape mother, Kala, loved him as her own, Su madre simia, Kala, lo amaba como a su propio hijo... 304 00:32:48,560 --> 00:32:53,757 and his ape brother, Akut, treated him with kindness and respect. y su hermano simio, Akut, lo trataba con amabilidad y respeto. 305 00:32:56,880 --> 00:32:58,880 (EXHALES SHARPLY) 306 00:32:59,560 --> 00:33:02,700 He considered all men to be his enemies, Consideraba a todos los hombres sus enemigos... 307 00:33:02,720 --> 00:33:06,648 since other tribes would hunt his troop as a rite of passage. ya que otras tribus perseguían a su tropa como rito. 308 00:33:08,080 --> 00:33:10,195 (EXHALES SHARPLY) 309 00:33:17,720 --> 00:33:19,471 JANE: Chief Muviro knew what he was. Jefe Muviro sabía cómo era él. 310 00:33:19,491 --> 00:33:20,540 Era bueno con él... 311 00:33:20,560 --> 00:33:22,560 He was good to him, 312 00:33:22,640 --> 00:33:25,300 since no man ever started with less. ya que ningún hombre había empezado con menos que él. 313 00:33:25,320 --> 00:33:27,912 (SINGING CONTINUES) 314 00:33:36,600 --> 00:33:39,431 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 315 00:33:51,960 --> 00:33:52,967 John? ¿John? 316 00:33:59,080 --> 00:34:01,752 (JOHN MIMICKING BIRD CALLING) 317 00:34:04,840 --> 00:34:07,303 Blue-bottom rufous towhee. Rufous Towhee Azulado. 318 00:34:08,800 --> 00:34:10,386 Mating call. Llamada de apareamiento. 319 00:34:12,960 --> 00:34:15,016 Be still, my beating heart. Tranquilo, corazón mío. 320 00:34:25,975 --> 00:34:29,560 (JOHN MIMICKING BIRD CALLING) Mandrill. Mandril. 321 00:34:29,880 --> 00:34:31,705 Also a mating call. También una llamada de apareamiento. 322 00:34:36,960 --> 00:34:39,234 (JOHN GROWLING) 323 00:34:41,120 --> 00:34:42,410 Cheetah. Chita. 324 00:34:43,640 --> 00:34:44,673 Mating call. Llamada de apareamiento. 325 00:34:45,840 --> 00:34:48,795 JANE: Ten, nine, Diez, nueve... 326 00:34:49,120 --> 00:34:52,022 eight, seven, ocho, siete... 327 00:34:53,000 --> 00:34:57,418 six, five, four, seis, cinco, cuatro... 328 00:34:58,680 --> 00:34:59,792 three, tres... 329 00:35:03,600 --> 00:35:04,907 two... dos... 330 00:35:14,880 --> 00:35:17,525 I know you took my handkerchief. Sé que tomaste mi pañuelo. 331 00:35:19,000 --> 00:35:21,500 We're from America, and my father is a professor. Somos de Estados Unidos, y mi padre es profesor. 332 00:35:21,520 --> 00:35:24,021 So, I didn't grow up believing in spirits. Así que no crecí creyendo en los espíritus. 333 00:35:33,040 --> 00:35:34,263 Hello. Hola. 334 00:35:36,200 --> 00:35:37,592 You're welcome to have it. Quédatelo si quieres. 335 00:35:40,560 --> 00:35:42,061 Will you speak to me? ¿Puedes hablarme? 336 00:35:57,320 --> 00:35:59,320 Um... 337 00:36:03,960 --> 00:36:05,960 (CHUCKLES) 338 00:36:10,840 --> 00:36:14,503 You must know that this is very peculiar. Debes saber que esto es muy peculiar. 339 00:36:15,072 --> 00:36:21,223 (SNIFFS) I'm not sure my father would find this very appropriate. No sé si a mi padre le parecería muy apropiado. 340 00:36:21,243 --> 00:36:23,980 (CONTINUES SNIFFING) But, um... (CLEARS THROAT) Pero... 341 00:36:24,000 --> 00:36:28,323 We must make an effort to embrace customs... debemos hacer un esfuerzo por aceptar las costumbres... 342 00:36:29,720 --> 00:36:32,238 Oh! I don't think so, wild man! ¡No creo, hombre salvaje! 343 00:36:33,376 --> 00:36:36,586 (EXHALES) No, no, no. Wait! ¡No! ¡Espera! 344 00:37:19,200 --> 00:37:21,838 (FAINT CRY IN THE DISTANCE) 345 00:37:34,120 --> 00:37:37,156 (PANICKED CHATTER IN OTHER LANGUAGE) 346 00:37:43,520 --> 00:37:45,999 (WOMEN SOBBING) 347 00:37:56,720 --> 00:38:00,199 (SPEAKING OTHER LANGUAGE) Facilitemos las cosas. ¿Hablas alguna de las lenguas bantúes? 348 00:38:01,880 --> 00:38:04,188 I speak many languages. Hablo muchas lenguas. 349 00:38:06,425 --> 00:38:09,425 (GUN COCKS) Kneel! ¡Arrodíllate! 350 00:38:10,160 --> 00:38:13,116 Kuba chief never kneels. El jefe Kuba nunca se arrodilla. 351 00:38:13,240 --> 00:38:15,753 (OFFICERS SHOUTING) 352 00:38:16,240 --> 00:38:16,739 - OFFICER: Down! All of you! - Get down! ¡Abajo! 353 00:38:16,759 --> 00:38:18,761 ¡Al suelo! 354 00:38:19,320 --> 00:38:21,389 Take aim! 355 00:38:22,200 --> 00:38:24,200 (GROANS) 356 00:38:26,400 --> 00:38:28,958 (OFFICERS CONTINUE SHOUTING) 357 00:38:30,240 --> 00:38:32,300 Come on! 358 00:38:32,320 --> 00:38:33,420 (GUN COCKS) 359 00:38:33,440 --> 00:38:35,440 (GRUNTING) 360 00:38:40,240 --> 00:38:42,240 (CHOKING) 361 00:38:44,640 --> 00:38:46,640 (ALL GRUNTING) 362 00:38:53,400 --> 00:38:54,586 OFFICER: Hold him still! ¡Sujétenlo fuerte! 363 00:39:00,440 --> 00:39:02,282 Tighter! Tighter! ¡Más fuerte! 364 00:39:02,440 --> 00:39:04,440 (GRUNTING) 365 00:39:05,160 --> 00:39:09,760 You ain't so tough, you grotty little monkey boy. No eres tan fuerte, chico mono asqueroso. 366 00:39:15,760 --> 00:39:19,113 - (GRUNTING) - (ROPES TIGHTENING) 367 00:39:23,120 --> 00:39:27,875 Some legend, Mr. Rom. Chief Mbonga will be disappointed. Vaya leyenda, Sr. Rom. El jefe Mbonga estará decepcionado. 368 00:39:32,040 --> 00:39:33,725 Round up 10 of the strongest. Reúne a diez de los más fuertes. 369 00:39:34,320 --> 00:39:36,980 - We'll need porters. - Yes, sir. - Necesitaremos cargadores. - Sí, señor. 370 00:39:37,000 --> 00:39:38,618 This guy right here, sir. Este tipo de aquí, señor. 371 00:39:38,638 --> 00:39:42,695 (KUBA PEOPLE PROTESTING) Grab him, men. You're coming with me! Agárrenlo, hombres. ¡Tú vienes conmigo! 372 00:39:53,400 --> 00:39:54,504 JANE: Let go of me! ¡Suéltenme! 373 00:39:54,960 --> 00:39:57,393 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 374 00:39:58,880 --> 00:40:00,030 John! ¡John! 375 00:40:00,600 --> 00:40:04,318 - (INDISTINCT CHATTER) - (JANE GRUNTING) 376 00:40:05,199 --> 00:40:06,657 ¡Suéltenme! 377 00:40:06,677 --> 00:40:12,180 Get off! John! Must have been something the first moment you saw her. Debió ser excitante la primera vez que la viste. 378 00:40:12,200 --> 00:40:14,699 After all the negresses and baboons. Después de todos los negros y babuinos. 379 00:40:15,120 --> 00:40:16,420 (MIMICKING BABOONS) 380 00:40:16,440 --> 00:40:18,601 (MAJOR KERCKHOVER LAUGHING) 381 00:40:18,621 --> 00:40:19,660 ¡John! 382 00:40:19,680 --> 00:40:21,954 JANE: John! 383 00:40:23,280 --> 00:40:26,633 - (GUN FIRES) - (GROANS) 384 00:40:30,640 --> 00:40:32,640 (GROANS) 385 00:40:38,160 --> 00:40:40,160 (GUNS COCKING) 386 00:40:44,440 --> 00:40:46,668 (PANICKED CHATTER) 387 00:40:48,264 --> 00:40:50,264 Rápido. 388 00:40:50,916 --> 00:40:53,866 No me mires. Nunca me mires, ¿sí? 389 00:40:53,886 --> 00:40:56,293 ¡Quítame las manos de encima! 390 00:41:04,800 --> 00:41:06,800 (GRUNTING) 391 00:41:11,040 --> 00:41:13,220 MAJOR KERCKHOVER: Mr. Rom, we'll bring him down. Sr. Rom, lo bajaremos. 392 00:41:13,240 --> 00:41:15,302 Go! Go! ¡Ve! 393 00:41:15,480 --> 00:41:17,480 (GRUNTS) 394 00:41:21,280 --> 00:41:22,305 Get the Maxims loaded! ¡Preparen las Maxims! 395 00:41:22,880 --> 00:41:24,062 Hurry! ¡Rápido! 396 00:41:26,760 --> 00:41:28,760 (GROANS) 397 00:41:31,400 --> 00:41:35,714 Focus fire on the boilers. Below the chimney. Concentren los disparos en las calderas. Bajo la chimenea. 398 00:41:38,400 --> 00:41:40,058 Pull away! ¡Zarpen! 399 00:41:43,360 --> 00:41:46,283 Where do you think you're going? No tengo tiempo para esto. Mi abuela es más rápida que tú. 400 00:41:49,280 --> 00:41:51,679 (JANE BREATHING HEAVILY) 401 00:41:55,720 --> 00:41:57,725 I need you to scream for me. Necesito que grites. 402 00:42:00,120 --> 00:42:01,518 Like a damsel? ¿Cómo una damisela? 403 00:42:02,360 --> 00:42:04,360 (SPITS) 404 00:42:13,520 --> 00:42:15,100 No matter. No importa. 405 00:42:16,120 --> 00:42:18,163 He's Tarzan, you're Jane. Él es Tarzán, y tú, Jane. 406 00:42:20,760 --> 00:42:22,081 He'll come for you. Él vendrá por ti. 407 00:42:25,320 --> 00:42:27,320 (GRUNTS) 408 00:42:37,800 --> 00:42:40,144 John! John! ¡John! 409 00:42:44,120 --> 00:42:46,357 John! John... ¡John! 410 00:42:47,760 --> 00:42:49,760 (GASPING) 411 00:43:04,000 --> 00:43:06,831 (WOMEN SOBBING) 412 00:43:11,320 --> 00:43:12,889 They came for me, Kwete. Vinieron por mí, Kwete. 413 00:43:12,960 --> 00:43:14,948 KWETE: This was not done by you. Esto no es obra tuya. 414 00:43:16,480 --> 00:43:17,889 Do you know who they were? ¿Sabes quiénes eran? 415 00:43:18,600 --> 00:43:21,420 We've heard of whites that come and fight for money, Hemos oído de blancos que vienen a pelear por dinero... 416 00:43:21,440 --> 00:43:25,593 do not wear Belgian colors... Called Force Publique. - y no usaban colores belgas. - Se llaman Fuerza Pública. 417 00:43:25,640 --> 00:43:28,300 The man I interviewed in Belgium told me about them. El hombre que investigué en Bélgica me contó sobre ellos. 418 00:43:28,320 --> 00:43:29,930 Did anyone mention a man named Rom? ¿Alguien mencionó a un tal Rom? 419 00:43:31,120 --> 00:43:32,609 Nobody gave up any names. Nadie dio nombres. 420 00:43:32,800 --> 00:43:37,945 But Leon Rom is King Leopold's envoy to the Congo. Pero León Rom es el enviado del rey Leopoldo al Congo. 421 00:43:38,480 --> 00:43:39,613 Any other revelations? ¿Alguna otra revelación? 422 00:43:40,680 --> 00:43:42,002 Not from me. No de mi parte. 423 00:43:43,160 --> 00:43:44,523 Why do you say they came to get you? ¿Por qué dices que vinieron por ti? 424 00:43:49,880 --> 00:43:51,880 (GRUNTS) 425 00:43:52,200 --> 00:43:56,380 JOHN: The boat is traveling upstream, which will slow it down. El barco va contracorriente. Ósea que irá más lento. 426 00:43:56,400 --> 00:43:59,410 We should get to Mbonga's mountain before them if we take this route through the Mangani lands. Debemos llegar a la montaña de Mbonga antes que ellos, si tomáramos estas ruta... 427 00:43:59,430 --> 00:44:01,664 a través de las tierras Mangani. 428 00:44:01,720 --> 00:44:02,940 How do you know where they're going? ¿Cómo sabes hacia dónde van? 429 00:44:02,960 --> 00:44:05,260 - KWETE: This route... - JOHN: It's longer. - Esta ruta... - Es más larga. 430 00:44:05,280 --> 00:44:07,180 But it is where they are building the railroad. Pero es donde construyen el ferrocarril. 431 00:44:07,200 --> 00:44:08,985 We can ride it part of the way. Podemos tomar parte del camino... 432 00:44:10,240 --> 00:44:11,484 Good. Bien. 433 00:44:13,280 --> 00:44:14,571 GEORGE: John? ¿John? 434 00:44:15,400 --> 00:44:16,748 John? ¿John? 435 00:44:18,000 --> 00:44:19,455 John! ¡John! 436 00:44:20,360 --> 00:44:22,510 Fine! I'm still coming with you. ¡Bien! Igual voy con ustedes. 437 00:44:23,400 --> 00:44:24,699 You can't keep up. No puedes seguir el ritmo. 438 00:44:25,000 --> 00:44:28,860 I might not be able to keep up with Tarzan, but I sure as hell can keep up with you. Quizá no pueda seguir a Tarzán, pero sí a ti. 439 00:44:28,880 --> 00:44:31,980 It is not wise. Falling behind means certain death. No es sensato. Quedarse atrás significa la muerte. 440 00:44:32,000 --> 00:44:33,860 I spent over half my life in the wilds. Pasé la mitad de mi vida en la selva. 441 00:44:34,040 --> 00:44:36,567 Besides, nobody here is better than me with a rifle. Además, nadie aquí es mejor que yo con un rifle. Ese de ahí... 442 00:44:36,587 --> 00:44:39,860 That one right there, he'd still be choked out redder than a cardinal's ass estaría ahogado a esta altura, si no fuera por mí. 443 00:44:39,880 --> 00:44:41,724 if it weren't for me. And that's... Y eso es... 444 00:44:41,859 --> 00:44:44,460 (YELPS) You think I care about my life? ¿Cree que me importa mi vida? 445 00:44:44,480 --> 00:44:46,144 Get your mitts off me! ¡Quítame las manos de encima! 446 00:44:46,360 --> 00:44:48,820 - If you had just... - If I'd just what? - Si hubiera... - Si hubiera hecho ¿qué? 447 00:44:48,840 --> 00:44:50,586 Left you in England in your castle? ¿Dejarte en Inglaterra en tu castillo? 448 00:44:51,800 --> 00:44:56,556 They have my wife and their families. Tienen a mi esposa, y a sus familias. 449 00:45:47,840 --> 00:45:52,500 Whoever you are, we're here by royal invitation. Quienquiera que seas, estamos aquí por invitación de la realeza. 450 00:45:52,520 --> 00:45:54,633 As guests of King Leopold. Como invitados del rey Leopoldo. 451 00:45:55,760 --> 00:46:00,224 Lady Clayton, I orchestrated the invitation. Lady Clayton yo concerté la invitación. 452 00:46:00,480 --> 00:46:02,310 And you were not included. Y usted no estaba incluida. 453 00:46:03,160 --> 00:46:04,670 Nor was Dr. Williams. Tampoco el Dr. Williams. 454 00:46:07,880 --> 00:46:12,500 A tribe of savages is trying to tear your husband apart Una tribu de salvajes están intentando matar a su esposo. 455 00:46:12,520 --> 00:46:14,417 and maybe butcher him and eat him. Quizá descuartizarlo y comérselo. 456 00:46:15,080 --> 00:46:18,860 And I'm going to deliver him to them. And once they've dispatched with him, Y yo se los voy a entregar. Y una vez que lo hayan matado... 457 00:46:18,880 --> 00:46:24,497 (LAUGHING) Dr. Williams will not be left as a witness, that's clear. el Dr. Williams no quedará como testigo, eso es claro. 458 00:46:25,000 --> 00:46:26,962 Which begs the question, Lo cual plantea una pregunta... 459 00:46:27,920 --> 00:46:29,566 where does that leave you? ¿en qué lugar queda usted? 460 00:46:36,800 --> 00:46:40,481 You'll notice none of the natives are smiling. Notará que ninguno de los nativos sonríe. 461 00:46:47,120 --> 00:46:48,648 That one's your friend? ¿Ese es su amigo? 462 00:46:51,240 --> 00:46:52,490 They all are. Todos lo son. 463 00:47:00,640 --> 00:47:03,060 You do know that the right side of your mustache ¿Sabe que tiene el lado derecho del bigote...? 464 00:47:03,080 --> 00:47:05,436 is just a little lower than the left? ¿más bajo que el izquierdo? 465 00:47:30,640 --> 00:47:32,640 (PANTING) 466 00:47:43,120 --> 00:47:45,678 (GEORGE WHEEZING) 467 00:47:46,720 --> 00:47:48,755 (GROWLS) 468 00:47:49,157 --> 00:47:52,157 GEORGE: John! John! ¡John! 469 00:48:05,160 --> 00:48:07,878 (GEORGE PANTING) 470 00:48:09,040 --> 00:48:11,040 (COUGHING) 471 00:48:15,120 --> 00:48:16,375 Different kind of wilds. Distintos tipos de salvajismo. 472 00:48:23,480 --> 00:48:25,960 (TRAIN WHISTLE BLOWS IN THE DISTANCE) 473 00:48:26,160 --> 00:48:30,122 How are we supposed to catch a train going 40 miles an hour? ¿Cómo vamos a tomar un tren que va a 65 km/h? 474 00:48:33,160 --> 00:48:34,269 Gravity. Gravedad. 475 00:48:50,440 --> 00:48:51,538 Shit! ¡Diablos! 476 00:48:53,320 --> 00:48:54,540 (GEORGE SCREAMING) 477 00:48:54,560 --> 00:48:57,278 (GEORGE GROANING) 478 00:49:01,840 --> 00:49:03,840 (PANTING) 479 00:49:23,760 --> 00:49:25,954 (TRAIN WHISTLE BLOWING) 480 00:49:31,680 --> 00:49:33,680 (PANTING) 481 00:49:58,680 --> 00:50:00,095 Climb on my back. Súbase a mi espalda. 482 00:50:04,405 --> 00:50:07,825 (GEORGE GRUNTS) Right. Legs, too. Bien. las piernas también. 483 00:50:08,080 --> 00:50:10,080 (GRUNTING) 484 00:50:12,360 --> 00:50:15,958 Don't think for a second you're saving my life. No pienses por un segundo que me estás salvando la vida. 485 00:50:17,240 --> 00:50:19,673 (TRAIN WHISTLE BLOWING) 486 00:50:21,960 --> 00:50:24,029 (GEORGE SCREAMING) 487 00:50:40,120 --> 00:50:42,120 (THUDDING) 488 00:51:26,840 --> 00:51:29,159 (ALL GRUNTING) 489 00:51:40,800 --> 00:51:42,800 (GRUNTS) 490 00:51:46,840 --> 00:51:49,238 Give me the keys to the chains. Deme las llaves de la cadena. 491 00:51:49,280 --> 00:51:51,280 (GLASS SHATTERING) 492 00:51:57,880 --> 00:51:59,880 (BOTH GRUNTING) 493 00:52:04,240 --> 00:52:07,502 JOHN: Are you the commander? Don't tell him anything. - ¿Usted es el comandante? - No le diga nada. 494 00:52:07,912 --> 00:52:13,746 (GUN COCKING) Those are some mighty big earlobes you got there, son. Tienes los lóbulos muy grandes, hijo. 495 00:52:14,200 --> 00:52:16,200 (GUN FIRES) 496 00:52:17,880 --> 00:52:20,381 Do you think that was a lucky shot? ¿Cree que eso fue un golpe de suerte? 497 00:52:21,200 --> 00:52:22,226 (BOTH SPEAKING FRENCH) No hablo inglés. 498 00:52:22,246 --> 00:52:24,756 ¿Cuál es su trabajo aquí? 499 00:52:27,080 --> 00:52:28,650 I'm just an engineer for the bridge. Trabajo como ingeniero en el puente. 500 00:52:29,800 --> 00:52:33,480 And how many men have been enslaved to build your bridge? ¿Y a cuántos hombres han esclavizado para construir su puente? 501 00:52:33,920 --> 00:52:35,488 Eight hundred. Ochocientos. 502 00:52:35,600 --> 00:52:36,982 Plus, this group of natives. Más este grupo de nativos. 503 00:52:38,160 --> 00:52:41,460 Please, I'm here to build bridges for Monsieur Rom's new army. Por favor, construyo puentes para el nuevo ejército de Monsieur Rom. 504 00:52:41,480 --> 00:52:43,068 I have no part in that. No tengo parte en eso. 505 00:52:43,840 --> 00:52:45,115 What army? ¿Qué ejército? 506 00:52:50,920 --> 00:52:55,116 ENGINEER: The railroads, combined with the navigable rivers Los ferrocarriles, combinados con los ríos navegables... 507 00:52:55,240 --> 00:53:00,624 put 60% of Congo within three days of a fort. dejaron al 60% del Congo a tres días de un fuerte. 508 00:53:01,920 --> 00:53:04,740 The forts are done, but the army has not come. Los fuertes están listos. Pero el ejército no ha venido. 509 00:53:04,760 --> 00:53:06,065 Where are they? ¿Dónde están? 510 00:53:06,200 --> 00:53:07,466 I don't know. No lo sé. 511 00:53:07,920 --> 00:53:09,691 They were supposed to be here months ago. Deberían haber llegado hace meses. 512 00:53:10,240 --> 00:53:12,700 But they said the King is yet to pay for them. Pero dijeron que el rey debe pagar por ellos. 513 00:53:12,720 --> 00:53:14,124 How many are there? ¿Cuántos son? 514 00:53:16,560 --> 00:53:17,667 Twenty thousand. Veinte mil. 515 00:53:19,280 --> 00:53:21,402 And they are not regular soldiers. Y no son soldados comunes. 516 00:53:22,440 --> 00:53:23,784 They are mercenaries. Son mercenarios. 517 00:53:24,800 --> 00:53:26,950 Known to enjoy killing for a living. Les gusta dedicarse a matar. 518 00:53:27,040 --> 00:53:29,022 Twenty thousand men, 50 forts. Veinte mil hombres, cincuenta fuertes. 519 00:53:29,160 --> 00:53:33,385 That's 400 bloodthirsty bastards armed with a Maxim gun Son 400 bastardos sedientos de sangre... 520 00:53:33,800 --> 00:53:35,940 and repeating rifles at each one. armados con una ametralladora Maxim y rifles de repetición cada uno. 521 00:53:35,960 --> 00:53:40,460 He'll end up enslaving the entire country to get what he wants. Terminará esclavizando a todo el país para conseguir lo que quiere. 522 00:53:40,480 --> 00:53:42,574 People won't stand a chance. La gente no tendrá opción. 523 00:53:43,680 --> 00:53:45,343 What is Mr. Rom's part in this? ¿Qué tiene que ver el Sr. Rom con esto? 524 00:53:45,680 --> 00:53:50,127 It's his plan. He is in charge of all of it. Es su plan. Él está a cargo de todo esto. 525 00:53:51,600 --> 00:53:55,181 They expect he will be named Governor General soon. Esperan a que pronto lo designen Gobernados General. 526 00:54:02,760 --> 00:54:04,240 JANE: No, no, no. Wait! No. ¡Espera! 527 00:54:10,320 --> 00:54:12,089 Wait! Please! ¡Espera! ¡Por favor! 528 00:54:21,840 --> 00:54:23,140 (ROARING) 529 00:54:23,160 --> 00:54:25,160 (GASPS) 530 00:54:27,840 --> 00:54:29,840 (ROARING) 531 00:54:38,160 --> 00:54:41,230 (GROANING) 532 00:54:56,720 --> 00:54:58,720 (WAILING) 533 00:55:23,720 --> 00:55:26,199 (WAILING) 534 00:55:31,840 --> 00:55:33,909 (CONTINUES WAILING) 535 00:55:55,240 --> 00:55:57,240 (GUNS COCKING) 536 00:56:00,360 --> 00:56:01,648 (SPEAKING OTHER LANGUAGE) Debes saltar. 537 00:56:01,720 --> 00:56:02,607 Shut it, clucker! ¡Cállate, idiota! 538 00:56:02,627 --> 00:56:06,847 Tendrán que perseguirte en la selva por la noche. 539 00:56:10,277 --> 00:56:17,180 (MEN LAUGHING) Now, if you do anything unladylike in there, Si haces algo impropio de una dama allí... 540 00:56:17,200 --> 00:56:18,930 he drowns. él se ahoga. 541 00:56:38,160 --> 00:56:39,943 JANE: Enjoying your peep show? ¿Disfrutando de espiar? 542 00:56:43,160 --> 00:56:47,627 Of course I know you can see me, Lady Clayton. Obviamente sé que puede verme, Lady Clayton. 543 00:57:00,000 --> 00:57:02,140 Are you a religious man, Mr. Rom? ¿Es religioso, Sr. Rom? 544 00:57:02,360 --> 00:57:04,819 Oh. No. Madagascar spider silk. No. Es de seda de araña de Madagascar. 545 00:57:08,160 --> 00:57:13,340 My priest purchased it for me in Jerusalem when I was nine. Mi sacerdote me lo compró en Jerusalén cuando tenía nueve años. 546 00:57:13,360 --> 00:57:16,860 Sounds like you and your priest were awfully close. Parece que usted y su sacerdote eran muy unidos. 547 00:57:16,880 --> 00:57:18,024 Why? ¿Por qué? 548 00:57:25,680 --> 00:57:30,620 I want you to know, I think your husband had no right to bring you along. Quiero que sepa que creo que su esposo no tenía derecho a traerla. 549 00:57:30,640 --> 00:57:31,863 I brought myself, Mr. Rom. Yo quise venir, Sr. Rom. 550 00:57:32,040 --> 00:57:33,361 Of course. Por supuesto. 551 00:57:33,400 --> 00:57:36,020 But he was supposed to be the only casualty. Pero él debía ser la única víctima. 552 00:57:36,040 --> 00:57:40,852 Aside from the entire country of people you're enslaving, of course. Además de toda la gente del país que está esclavizando, obviamente. 553 00:57:41,320 --> 00:57:42,658 Would you pass the pepper? ¿Me pasaría la pimienta? 554 00:57:49,200 --> 00:57:51,200 (GROANING) 555 00:58:15,960 --> 00:58:18,260 It can also serve as a necklace. También sirve de collar. 556 00:58:18,280 --> 00:58:20,395 (JANE SCOFFS) 557 00:58:30,720 --> 00:58:36,420 On my last visit to Europe, I attended a few lectures at the Sorbonne. En mi última visita a Europa, fui a un par de conferencias en el Scobonne. 558 00:58:36,440 --> 00:58:39,445 The King of France got a soft clap. El Rey de Francia era amable. 559 00:58:39,560 --> 00:58:44,620 Henry Morton Stanley, a bastard orphan by birth, got a standing ovation. Henry Morton Stanley un bastardo huérfano de nacimiento, recibió una ovación. 560 00:58:44,640 --> 00:58:46,640 (CHUCKLES) 561 00:58:47,120 --> 00:58:48,965 People love a good story. A la gente le gustan las buenas historias. 562 00:58:50,720 --> 00:58:55,291 Yeah, a few are born blue bloods, like your husband. Sí, algunos nacen en familias aristocráticas como su esposo. 563 00:58:57,960 --> 00:59:00,620 But everyone can relate to a low-born scrapper Pero todos pueden identificarse con un humilde de cuna... 564 00:59:00,640 --> 00:59:04,420 who rescued his king from bankruptcy and saved the honor of his nation. que rescató a su rey de la bancarrota y salvó el honor de su nación. 565 00:59:04,440 --> 00:59:06,864 That is a man who will never be forgotten. Ese es el hombre que nunca será olvidado. 566 00:59:11,560 --> 00:59:14,540 My king's army is due in six days. El ejército de mi rey llega en seis días. 567 00:59:14,560 --> 00:59:18,963 All I've left to do is deliver Tarzan to Chief Mbonga. Lo único que me queda hacer es entregar a Tarzán al jefe Mbonga. 568 00:59:20,520 --> 00:59:25,051 (CHUCKLES) Yeah, I'd hoped you'd recognize the name. Sí, esperaba que reconociera al nombre. 569 00:59:26,320 --> 00:59:29,620 I'm aware of his obsessive desire to kill your husband, Sé que él tiene una obsesión por matar a su esposo... 570 00:59:29,640 --> 00:59:35,087 but I've yet to discover the cause. What did Tarzan do? pero aún debo descubrir la causa. ¿Qué hizo Tarzán? 571 00:59:35,960 --> 00:59:38,715 He killed his only son. Mató a su único hijo. 572 00:59:41,200 --> 00:59:44,758 - Oh. - Hmm. 573 00:59:45,880 --> 00:59:52,389 And get ready, because that is nothing compared to what he will do to you. Y prepárese porque eso no es nada comparado con lo que hará con usted. 574 00:59:52,520 --> 00:59:54,999 (INHALES DEEPLY) 575 00:59:55,200 --> 01:00:01,327 Your husband's wildness disturbs me more than I can easily express. El salvajismo de su esposo me perturba más de lo que puedo expresar. 576 01:00:01,680 --> 01:00:05,169 Whereas your spirit... Mientras que el espíritu que veo en usted... 577 01:00:17,080 --> 01:00:19,690 My knife, please. Deme mi cuchillo, por favor. 578 01:00:21,040 --> 01:00:22,747 Slowly. Lentamente. 579 01:00:22,760 --> 01:00:24,683 Your friend won't float. Su amigo no va a flotar. 580 01:00:35,040 --> 01:00:36,713 Thank you. Gracias. 581 01:00:40,560 --> 01:00:42,540 (RINGS BELL) 582 01:00:42,560 --> 01:00:44,560 (DOOR OPENS) 583 01:00:46,960 --> 01:00:49,260 Lady Clayton's finished. Lady Clayton ya terminó. 584 01:00:49,280 --> 01:00:51,220 (SCOFFS) 585 01:00:51,240 --> 01:00:56,220 A normal man can do the impossible to save the woman he loves. Un hombre normal puede hacer lo imposible para salvar a una mujer que ama. 586 01:00:56,240 --> 01:00:59,072 My husband is no normal man. Mi esposo no es un hombre normal. 587 01:01:03,560 --> 01:01:05,560 (DOOR CLOSES) 588 01:01:15,800 --> 01:01:18,233 (BRAKES SCREECHING) 589 01:01:28,760 --> 01:01:30,620 KWETE: You cannot go alone. No puedes ir solo. 590 01:01:30,640 --> 01:01:33,580 They'd consider seven a raid. Si ven siete personas, lo considerarían una redada. 591 01:01:33,600 --> 01:01:35,366 None of us would survive. No sobreviviría nadie. 592 01:01:37,760 --> 01:01:41,020 This says it's against the law to pay natives to work. Aquí dice que es ilegal pagarle a los nativos para trabajar. 593 01:01:41,040 --> 01:01:44,700 And this is the ledger of all the slaves taken so far. Y esto es el registro de los esclavos llevados hasta ahora. 594 01:01:44,720 --> 01:01:47,187 Slave labor, diamonds everywhere. Trabajo forzado, diamantes por todos lados. 595 01:01:47,200 --> 01:01:51,220 Rom's going to make his monarch the richest king in the world. Rom va a hacer su monarca el rey más rico del mundo. 596 01:01:51,240 --> 01:01:52,898 Dr. Williams, you have your evidence. Dr. Williams, ya tiene sus pruebas. 597 01:01:54,480 --> 01:01:56,798 I'll take care of Rom. Yo me encargaré de Rom. 598 01:01:57,760 --> 01:02:00,307 (SPEAKING OTHER LANGUAGE) Tiene que haber otra forma, John. 599 01:02:01,560 --> 01:02:03,933 Well, I have no choice. No tengo opción. 600 01:02:03,960 --> 01:02:05,609 We'd lose two days going around. Perdería dos días yendo alrededor. 601 01:02:05,720 --> 01:02:08,300 - Going around what? - Mangani. - ¿Yendo alrededor de qué? - Mangani. 602 01:02:08,320 --> 01:02:10,152 Those gorillas you used to live with? ¿Esos gorilas con los que vivías? 603 01:02:10,960 --> 01:02:12,300 They're not gorillas. No son gorilas. 604 01:02:12,320 --> 01:02:14,847 Gorillas are gentle. Mangani are not. Los gorilas son amables. Los Mangani no. 605 01:02:23,000 --> 01:02:25,980 I never left a friend in trouble, or a partner in the lurch. Nunca abandoné a un amigo en problemas... 606 01:02:26,000 --> 01:02:28,340 I'm not about to start now. ni a un compañero en aprietos. No voy a hacerlo ahora. 607 01:02:28,360 --> 01:02:31,233 Stop calling me "doctor." My name's George. Deja de llamarme "doctor". Me llamo George. 608 01:02:31,400 --> 01:02:34,660 We'll keep your proof safe, George. Mantendremos tu prueba a salvo, George. 609 01:02:34,680 --> 01:02:35,993 I know. Lo sé. 610 01:02:36,800 --> 01:02:38,223 Meet us in Boma. Nos encontramos en Boma. 611 01:02:39,080 --> 01:02:40,220 If we don't make it back... Si no volvemos... 612 01:02:40,240 --> 01:02:42,780 We will. With your families. Lo haremos. Con sus familias. 613 01:02:42,800 --> 01:02:45,648 ...get the books to my grandfather in London. Dale los libros a mi abuelo en Londres. 614 01:02:46,000 --> 01:02:47,220 Still not waiting for you. No voy a esperarlo. 615 01:02:47,240 --> 01:02:48,672 Tell me something I didn't know. Dime algo que no sepa. 616 01:02:48,680 --> 01:02:50,829 (ALL CHEERING) 617 01:03:01,280 --> 01:03:04,950 What I wouldn't give for a horse right now. Lo que daría por un caballo ahora. 618 01:03:05,200 --> 01:03:07,053 Why is it people don't ride zebras? ¿Por qué la gente no anda en cebra? 619 01:03:07,800 --> 01:03:09,984 Well, horses kick to escape. Los caballos patean para escaparse. 620 01:03:10,040 --> 01:03:12,900 Zebras continue until you're dead. Las cebras continúan hasta que estás muerto. 621 01:03:12,920 --> 01:03:14,620 "Zee-bra," "zeb-ra." "Tom-ay-to," "to-mah-to." Son más o menos lo mismo. 622 01:03:14,640 --> 01:03:17,540 It's nearly impossible to take the wild out of something born to it. Es casi imposible quitarle lo salvaje a algo que nació así. 623 01:03:17,560 --> 01:03:19,266 It seemed to have worked with you. Parecía haber funcionado contigo. 624 01:03:20,720 --> 01:03:23,890 Look, I feel foolish for asking, Me siento tonto por preguntar... 625 01:03:24,320 --> 01:03:26,900 but can you really talk to the animals? pero ¿en serio puedes hablar con los animales? 626 01:03:26,920 --> 01:03:31,634 You're an educated man, Dr. Williams. You tell me. Es un hombre culto, Sr. Williams. Dígame usted. 627 01:03:32,320 --> 01:03:34,514 (OSTRICHES TRILLING) 628 01:03:39,400 --> 01:03:41,549 (SQUAWKING) 629 01:03:41,720 --> 01:03:44,628 (LAUGHING NERVOUSLY) Hey! Hey, pretty lady! ¡Hola, hermosa! 630 01:03:46,320 --> 01:03:47,939 That's a male. Ese es un macho. 631 01:03:48,480 --> 01:03:51,380 He's warning us to stay clear. Nos está advirtiendo que no nos acerquemos. 632 01:03:51,400 --> 01:03:55,220 You're trying to tell me those things are deadly? ¿Intentas decirme que esas cosas son mortales? 633 01:03:55,240 --> 01:03:57,140 If you get too close, he'll knock you to the ground Si se acerca demasiado, lo derribará... 634 01:03:57,160 --> 01:04:00,790 and disembowel you with those three-inch talons. y lo destripará con esas garras de 8 cm. 635 01:04:01,040 --> 01:04:02,804 No ostrich is going to kill me. Ningún avestruz me va a matar. 636 01:04:03,720 --> 01:04:05,620 Well, then try and ride him. Intente montarla como a un caballo. 637 01:04:05,640 --> 01:04:08,396 (SCOFFS) You'd like that, wouldn't you? Te gustaría verlo, ¿no? 638 01:04:08,920 --> 01:04:10,920 (SQUAWKS) 639 01:04:13,520 --> 01:04:14,900 Oh... 640 01:04:14,920 --> 01:04:17,751 (THUNDER RUMBLING) 641 01:04:25,120 --> 01:04:28,980 GEORGE: Damn! That is one odious aroma. Whew, God! ¡Diablos! Qué horrible aroma. ¡Dios! 642 01:04:29,000 --> 01:04:31,061 JOHN: Keep your voice low. Baje la voz. 643 01:04:31,680 --> 01:04:34,352 (MANGANI GRUNTING) 644 01:04:35,160 --> 01:04:36,864 Is that them? ¿Son ellos? 645 01:04:42,214 --> 01:04:44,940 (GROWLS) You don't want to do that, George. No querrás hacer eso, George. 646 01:04:44,960 --> 01:04:48,985 Kill one, and the rest won't stop until they have torn you to pieces. Si matas a uno, el resto no pasará hasta hacerte pedazos. 647 01:04:50,240 --> 01:04:51,945 So how do you want to play this, then? ¿Qué quieres hacer entonces? 648 01:04:52,360 --> 01:04:56,715 Their leader will come down, and we'll fight. Vendrá su líder, y lucharemos. 649 01:04:57,480 --> 01:04:59,247 You're going to fight one of those? ¿Vas a enfrentar a uno de ellos? 650 01:04:59,360 --> 01:05:02,695 I wish. I have to fight Akut. Eso quisiera. Debo enfrentar a Akut. 651 01:05:04,200 --> 01:05:05,791 He was my brother once. Fue mi hermano una vez. 652 01:05:06,760 --> 01:05:08,493 And now he'll consider me a deserter. Y ahora me considera un desertor. 653 01:05:08,920 --> 01:05:12,136 Whatever happens, do not interfere. Pase lo que pase, no interfieras. 654 01:05:13,160 --> 01:05:14,558 Understand? ¿Entendido? 655 01:05:14,560 --> 01:05:15,858 Mmm-hmm. Sí. 656 01:05:21,280 --> 01:05:22,565 GEORGE: Christ Almighty. Santo Dios. 657 01:05:25,600 --> 01:05:27,065 That's Akut? ¿Ese es Akut? 658 01:05:28,000 --> 01:05:31,277 You sure you don't want me to shoot him? ¿Seguro que no quieres que le dispare? 659 01:05:34,000 --> 01:05:35,531 Promise me. Prométemelo. 660 01:05:38,840 --> 01:05:41,592 (EXHALING SHARPLY) 661 01:05:43,680 --> 01:05:46,511 (GROWLING) 662 01:05:47,720 --> 01:05:49,720 (GRUNTS) 663 01:05:59,520 --> 01:06:01,555 (ROARING) 664 01:06:13,560 --> 01:06:15,675 (GROANING) 665 01:06:20,760 --> 01:06:22,875 (GROANING LOUDLY) 666 01:06:33,400 --> 01:06:35,833 (GRUNTING) 667 01:06:49,920 --> 01:06:52,797 (GROANING) 668 01:06:59,920 --> 01:07:01,932 Get on your knees and bow. Ponte de rodillas y haz una reverencia. 669 01:07:02,440 --> 01:07:04,286 Right now! ¡Ahora! 670 01:07:04,920 --> 01:07:06,937 Expose your most vulnerable parts! ¡Expone tus partes más vulnerables! 671 01:07:16,360 --> 01:07:18,360 (ROARING) 672 01:07:22,120 --> 01:07:24,420 (PANTING) You want me to lick his nuts, too? ¿Quieres que le chupe las pelotas también? 673 01:07:24,440 --> 01:07:26,065 If you want to live. Si quieres vivir. 674 01:07:27,600 --> 01:07:28,860 George... George... 675 01:07:28,960 --> 01:07:30,164 I wasn't going to! ¡No iba a hacerlo! 676 01:07:31,120 --> 01:07:32,561 Well, it looked like you were. Parecía que sí. 677 01:07:32,800 --> 01:07:34,800 (GRUNTING) 678 01:07:40,840 --> 01:07:43,831 (GROANING) 679 01:07:48,040 --> 01:07:50,040 (PANTING) 680 01:07:52,160 --> 01:07:53,686 GEORGE: Is he coming back? ¿Está volviendo? 681 01:07:53,720 --> 01:07:57,083 No. It was quite decisive. No. Fue bastante concluyente. 682 01:07:57,280 --> 01:08:00,300 If this bite gets infected, you're going to have problems. Si se te infecta la mordedura, tendrás problemas. 683 01:08:00,320 --> 01:08:01,706 Then there is this. Luego está esto. 684 01:08:06,040 --> 01:08:08,580 Now, you know I was not going to lick his... Sabes que no iba a chuparles las... 685 01:08:08,600 --> 01:08:12,774 It looked like you were. - Well, I wasn't. - (GROANS LOUDLY) - Parecía que sí. - No es cierto. 686 01:08:15,240 --> 01:08:19,745 You aren't going anywhere until we get this stitched up. No irás a ninguna parte hasta que cosamos esto. 687 01:08:24,720 --> 01:08:26,193 Are you eating them? ¿Te las estás comiendo? 688 01:08:27,040 --> 01:08:29,460 - Tastes like bacon. - Ew. Saben a tocino. 689 01:08:29,480 --> 01:08:31,820 You get us a nice, fat snake, I'd grub on that. Si consigues una serpiente linda y gorda, no la como. 690 01:08:31,840 --> 01:08:35,300 Snake's good meat. I ain't eating no damn ant. La serpiente tiene buena carne. Ni me comeré una maldita hormiga. 691 01:08:35,320 --> 01:08:36,918 Well, suit yourself. Como gustes. 692 01:08:38,240 --> 01:08:40,407 And when you're finished, chew the flowers into a poultice and wipe it on the cut with a rubber. Y cuando termines, mastica las flores hasta hacer un emplasto... 693 01:08:40,427 --> 01:08:44,344 y úntatelo en la herida con vid de caucho. 694 01:08:44,360 --> 01:08:45,990 It'll hold. Se quedará pegado. 695 01:08:48,840 --> 01:08:52,140 Are you aware that you always say you're not going to do something right before you do it? ¿Eres consciente de que siempre dices que no harás algo antes de hacerlo? 696 01:08:52,160 --> 01:08:58,316 Yeah? Well... That's only since I've been saddled with your company. ¿Sí? Eso es solo desde que me uní a ti. 697 01:08:59,760 --> 01:09:01,120 How is it? ¿Cómo va eso? 698 01:09:01,240 --> 01:09:02,593 It's manageable. Es manejable. 699 01:09:03,480 --> 01:09:04,868 Pain... El dolor... 700 01:09:06,960 --> 01:09:09,050 I got too much experience with it. Tengo demasiada experiencia con eso. 701 01:09:16,017 --> 01:09:20,405 (SIGHS) The Civil War was dark fighting. La Guerra Civil fue una lucha difícil. 702 01:09:20,880 --> 01:09:22,866 But I was proud to be part of it. Pero me sentí orgulloso de ser parte. 703 01:09:25,120 --> 01:09:27,053 Changed me, though. Aunque me cambió. 704 01:09:27,960 --> 01:09:32,689 Afterward, I was a walking, talking powder keg. Después de eso, era una bomba andante. 705 01:09:34,440 --> 01:09:38,587 Joined up to fight Maximilian down in Mexico. Me uní para luchar contra Maximiliano en México. 706 01:09:39,480 --> 01:09:44,287 Then worked as an Indian fighter. Luego trabajé luchando contra los indígenas. 707 01:09:44,400 --> 01:09:46,750 Did both those for the money. Hice esas cosas por dinero. 708 01:09:48,920 --> 01:09:50,914 I was young. Era joven. 709 01:09:51,520 --> 01:09:53,381 But that's no excuse. Pero esa no es excusa. 710 01:09:55,520 --> 01:09:57,520 (SIGHS) 711 01:09:58,560 --> 01:10:00,482 Mexico was bad. México fue duro. 712 01:10:02,280 --> 01:10:04,341 But what we did to the Indians... Pero lo que les hicimos a los indígenas... 713 01:10:04,560 --> 01:10:06,560 (SCOFFS) 714 01:10:14,480 --> 01:10:16,597 I'm no better than those Belgians. no soy mejor que esos belgas. 715 01:10:19,520 --> 01:10:22,192 (ELEPHANTS TRUMPETING) 716 01:10:46,000 --> 01:10:47,374 My old friend. Mi viejo amigo. 717 01:11:04,000 --> 01:11:07,978 The Teke say an elephant's eyes speak the greatest language. Los Take dicen que los ojos del elefante hablan el mejor lenguaje. 718 01:11:10,600 --> 01:11:14,020 What else can make you feel so much without a word? ¿Quién más puede hacerte sentir tanto sin una palabra? 719 01:11:14,040 --> 01:11:16,314 (BABY ELEPHANT TRUMPETING) 720 01:12:14,400 --> 01:12:16,600 (HIPPOS SNORTING AND GRUNTING) 721 01:12:33,760 --> 01:12:38,100 Is Mr. Rom ready for some more scintillating conversation? ¿El Sr. Rom está listo para seguir con su conversación seductora? 722 01:12:38,120 --> 01:12:42,020 He was the only reason you weren't serviced. Él fue el único motivo por el cual no la sometieron. 723 01:12:42,040 --> 01:12:43,778 JANE: Serviced? ¿Someter? 724 01:12:43,800 --> 01:12:45,790 Is that what your mother would call it? ¿Así lo llamaría su madre? 725 01:12:49,640 --> 01:12:52,452 (SPEAKING OTHER LANGUAGE) Prométeme que no te quedarás a pelear. 726 01:12:52,560 --> 01:12:52,845 Shut your mouth! ¡Cierra la boca! 727 01:12:52,865 --> 01:12:56,915 ¿Puedes reunir a las tribus? 728 01:13:00,360 --> 01:13:02,793 (INHALES DEEPLY) 729 01:13:03,960 --> 01:13:05,960 (GRUNTING) 730 01:13:07,480 --> 01:13:10,860 MAJOR KERCKHOVER: Stop the boat! Stop the boat! ¡Detengan el barco! 731 01:13:10,880 --> 01:13:12,391 Turn it around! ¡Den la vuelta! 732 01:13:14,000 --> 01:13:16,194 (BOAT WHISTLE BLOWING) 733 01:13:18,160 --> 01:13:19,460 (PULLING UP CAGE) 734 01:13:19,480 --> 01:13:21,629 (GRUNTING) 735 01:13:29,120 --> 01:13:31,120 (GASPING) 736 01:13:34,080 --> 01:13:37,137 Stop shooting! You'll hit the girl! ¡No disparen más! ¡Le darán a la chica! 737 01:13:49,160 --> 01:13:50,769 That woman. Vaya mujer. 738 01:13:51,640 --> 01:13:53,993 (BOTH PANTING) 739 01:14:06,520 --> 01:14:09,078 (BIRDS SQUAWKING) 740 01:14:21,720 --> 01:14:22,967 Wait! ¡Espera! 741 01:14:23,760 --> 01:14:26,860 They'll follow my tracks. Go and get help. Seguirán mis huellas. Ve a pedir ayuda. 742 01:14:26,880 --> 01:14:27,967 Go! ¡Ve! 743 01:14:33,680 --> 01:14:35,680 (GASPS) 744 01:14:36,120 --> 01:14:38,348 (ROARING) 745 01:15:27,120 --> 01:15:29,269 (GROWLING) 746 01:15:49,760 --> 01:15:51,829 (GROWLING) 747 01:15:59,480 --> 01:16:01,556 JANE: Promise you won't hurt them? ¿Me prometes que no me lastimarás? 748 01:16:17,640 --> 01:16:20,994 - (GUN FIRES) - No! Stop! ¡No! ¡Basta! 749 01:16:32,840 --> 01:16:35,398 (DISTANT SCREAMING) 750 01:16:37,960 --> 01:16:39,688 JANE: Please, stop! ¡Por favor, basta! 751 01:16:41,360 --> 01:16:42,522 John! ¡John! 752 01:16:42,560 --> 01:16:44,560 (PANTING) 753 01:16:50,680 --> 01:16:52,653 JANE: Stop! Stop it! Stop! ¡Basta! 754 01:16:55,640 --> 01:16:57,640 (GRUNTING) 755 01:17:00,080 --> 01:17:01,405 Stop it! Please! ¡Basta! ¡Por favor! 756 01:17:04,840 --> 01:17:07,095 Please! Please! ¡Por favor! 757 01:17:07,160 --> 01:17:10,431 Come on! MAJOR KERCKHOVER: Move out! - ¡Vamos! - ¡Retírense! 758 01:17:12,320 --> 01:17:14,594 (GROWLING) 759 01:17:26,200 --> 01:17:28,200 (PANTING) 760 01:17:36,720 --> 01:17:38,140 (ROARING) 761 01:17:38,160 --> 01:17:39,420 (GUN COCKING) 762 01:17:39,440 --> 01:17:41,668 (BREATHING SHAKILY) 763 01:17:52,600 --> 01:17:54,600 (GROWLS) 764 01:17:55,720 --> 01:17:57,720 (PANTING) 765 01:18:03,160 --> 01:18:05,195 (WHIMPERING) 766 01:18:16,000 --> 01:18:18,353 (RUSTLING) 767 01:18:25,000 --> 01:18:26,180 (TWIG SNAPS) 768 01:18:26,200 --> 01:18:27,260 (GASPS) 769 01:18:27,280 --> 01:18:28,780 (GROWLING) 770 01:18:28,800 --> 01:18:32,791 - (ROARS) - (JOHN GRUNTING) 771 01:18:56,640 --> 01:18:59,278 (JOHN ULULATING) 772 01:19:01,440 --> 01:19:03,123 MAJOR KERCKHOVER: What was that? ¿Qué fue eso? 773 01:19:03,143 --> 01:19:04,934 Tarzán. 774 01:19:04,954 --> 01:19:09,380 ROM: Tarzan. Although it sounded different than I thought. Aunque sonaba diferente de lo que pensaba. 775 01:19:09,400 --> 01:19:10,409 Better. Mejor. 776 01:19:12,960 --> 01:19:15,552 (GEORGE PANTING) 777 01:19:25,000 --> 01:19:26,164 Schmidt-Rubin. Achmidt-Rubin. 778 01:19:26,320 --> 01:19:28,320 (GUN COCKING) 779 01:19:32,240 --> 01:19:33,478 John! ¡John! 780 01:19:35,520 --> 01:19:36,875 John! ¡John! 781 01:19:37,360 --> 01:19:38,578 Stop! ¡Detente! 782 01:20:02,080 --> 01:20:04,433 (KALA SHRIEKING) 783 01:20:06,880 --> 01:20:08,880 (WHIMPERS) 784 01:20:22,600 --> 01:20:25,113 (EXHALING SHARPLY) 785 01:20:37,840 --> 01:20:39,840 (GASPS) 786 01:20:48,120 --> 01:20:50,120 (GRUNTS) 787 01:21:01,600 --> 01:21:03,794 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 788 01:21:54,720 --> 01:21:56,720 (GRUNTING) 789 01:22:02,200 --> 01:22:03,544 JANE: John! ¡John! 790 01:22:10,960 --> 01:22:13,847 Now, you feel my pain. Sientes mi dolor. 791 01:22:16,560 --> 01:22:18,560 (YELLING) 792 01:22:30,120 --> 01:22:32,120 (ALL GRUNTING) 793 01:22:39,720 --> 01:22:41,994 (YELLS) 794 01:22:47,120 --> 01:22:49,917 (PANTING) 795 01:22:50,920 --> 01:22:53,592 (MBONGA CONTINUES YELLING) 796 01:23:16,520 --> 01:23:18,520 (BOTH PANTING) 797 01:23:21,760 --> 01:23:25,020 JOHN: I'm not your enemy. Rom's buying an army with your jewels. Yo no soy tu enemigo. Rom comprará un ejército con sus joyas. 798 01:23:25,040 --> 01:23:27,740 - They cannot touch us! - You know nothing! - ¡No pueden tocarnos! - ¡Tú no sabes nada! 799 01:23:27,760 --> 01:23:31,500 Your lands are full of diamonds. He'll come back for them. Tus tierras están llenas de diamantes. Él volverá por ellos. 800 01:23:31,520 --> 01:23:33,520 (GROANING) 801 01:24:00,614 --> 01:24:03,940 (GRUNTS) Your chief is under my knife! ¡Su jefe está bajo mi control! 802 01:24:03,960 --> 01:24:06,028 You are under my knife! ¡Ustedes están bajo mi control! 803 01:24:07,520 --> 01:24:08,760 Finish it. Acábalo. 804 01:24:09,280 --> 01:24:10,700 Finish it! ¡Acábalo! 805 01:24:10,840 --> 01:24:12,132 Stop! ¡Detente! 806 01:24:13,280 --> 01:24:16,077 (BOTH PANTING) 807 01:24:19,080 --> 01:24:22,180 Your son killed the only person who ever cared about me. Tu hijo mató a la única persona que se preocupó por mí. 808 01:24:22,200 --> 01:24:23,256 It was an animal. Era un animal. 809 01:24:23,400 --> 01:24:26,215 She was my mother. Era mi madre. 810 01:24:29,360 --> 01:24:30,880 MBONGA: How was he to know? ¿Cómo iba a saberlo? 811 01:24:32,800 --> 01:24:35,684 My son was just a boy! ¡Mi hijo apenas era un niño! 812 01:24:36,080 --> 01:24:37,998 Not like you! ¡No como tú! 813 01:24:40,880 --> 01:24:43,081 Where was your honor? ¿Dónde estaba tu honor? 814 01:24:55,200 --> 01:24:56,856 I had none. No tenía honor. 815 01:24:59,120 --> 01:25:00,523 I had none. No tenía honor. 816 01:25:02,400 --> 01:25:04,400 (AKUT ROARING) 817 01:25:23,320 --> 01:25:25,833 (MANGANI ROARING) 818 01:25:40,120 --> 01:25:42,651 GEORGE: Can we please just stop this? ¿Podemos parar esto, por favor? 819 01:25:42,840 --> 01:25:46,700 We won't get all of you, or you us. No los mataremos a todos ustedes, ni ustedes a nosotros. 820 01:25:46,720 --> 01:25:47,889 But Rom will. Pero Rom sí lo hará. 821 01:25:48,720 --> 01:25:50,664 GEORGE: He'll wipe you out. Los va a exterminar. 822 01:25:50,880 --> 01:25:55,207 Every last one of you. Like you never even existed. A cada uno de ustedes. Como si nunca hubieran existido. 823 01:25:57,040 --> 01:25:58,789 You think that's impossible? ¿Te parece imposible? 824 01:25:59,800 --> 01:26:03,842 You're looking at a man that's seen it happen. Estás viendo a un hombre que lo ha visto con sus propios ojos. 825 01:26:21,120 --> 01:26:23,473 (BREATHING SHAKILY) 826 01:26:30,480 --> 01:26:33,357 (JOHN ULULATING) 827 01:26:43,400 --> 01:26:46,072 (SIGHING IN RELIEF) 828 01:27:11,871 --> 01:27:15,500 PUERTO DE BOMA 829 01:27:17,120 --> 01:27:19,314 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 830 01:27:36,120 --> 01:27:38,182 Rom's got the diamonds. There's 1,000 men down there and 20,000 more on the way. Rom tiene los diamantes. Hay 1,000 hombres allí. 831 01:27:38,202 --> 01:27:40,376 Veinte mil más en camino. 832 01:27:41,200 --> 01:27:42,372 We're screwed. Estamos arruinados. 833 01:27:42,480 --> 01:27:45,999 Where are you going? To get some friends. - ¿A dónde vas? - A buscar a unos amigos. 834 01:27:46,680 --> 01:27:49,033 (TRAIN WHISTLE BLOWING) 835 01:28:04,120 --> 01:28:06,712 SOLDIER: All men, stations! 836 01:28:12,800 --> 01:28:15,119 (SHIP WHISTLE BLOWING) 837 01:28:31,880 --> 01:28:33,880 (GUN FIRES) 838 01:28:34,120 --> 01:28:36,394 (ROARING) 839 01:29:02,880 --> 01:29:06,141 It doesn't matter. He's too late. No importa. Es demasiado tarde. 840 01:29:16,800 --> 01:29:18,382 Move! Move! ¡Muévanse! 841 01:29:18,520 --> 01:29:19,601 Fall back! ¡Retírense! 842 01:29:28,440 --> 01:29:30,440 (ROARS) 843 01:29:33,280 --> 01:29:34,460 (TRAIN WHISTLE BLOWING) 844 01:29:34,480 --> 01:29:36,629 (MEN SHOUTING) 845 01:29:38,160 --> 01:29:40,160 (RATTLING) 846 01:29:43,600 --> 01:29:45,980 (PANICKED SCREAMING) 847 01:29:46,000 --> 01:29:47,137 Bring her! ¡Tráela! 848 01:29:47,760 --> 01:29:49,760 (GRUNTING) 849 01:29:59,360 --> 01:30:01,395 (ALL PANTING) 850 01:30:08,600 --> 01:30:11,556 (KUBA SCREAMING) 851 01:30:12,480 --> 01:30:14,515 (SCREAMING) 852 01:30:16,040 --> 01:30:17,164 Grab the diamonds. Toma los diamantes. 853 01:30:18,840 --> 01:30:20,955 Run! 854 01:30:22,240 --> 01:30:23,433 John! No! No! John! ¡John! ¡No! 855 01:30:23,453 --> 01:30:25,453 ¡John! 856 01:30:27,560 --> 01:30:28,811 John! ¡John! 857 01:30:44,360 --> 01:30:46,509 (BRAYS) 858 01:30:53,680 --> 01:30:55,833 Get to the boat! Move! ¡Vayan al barco! ¡Muévanse! 859 01:30:58,720 --> 01:31:00,720 (SCREAMING) 860 01:31:05,560 --> 01:31:07,560 (YELPS) 861 01:31:07,880 --> 01:31:09,458 We're coming! Hang on! ¡Ya vamos! ¡Resiste! 862 01:31:56,680 --> 01:31:57,708 John? ¿John? 863 01:32:09,320 --> 01:32:10,495 FRUM: That's the payment. Ese es el pago. 864 01:32:13,280 --> 01:32:15,256 Lower the skiff, and don't dally. Baja el esquife y no te demores. 865 01:32:22,080 --> 01:32:25,608 SOLDIER: Did you see him there? Is he down there? ¿Lo viste ahí? ¿Está ahí abajo? 866 01:32:31,480 --> 01:32:34,874 1886 model Maxim machine gun. Ametralladora Maxim modelo 1886. 867 01:32:37,560 --> 01:32:40,212 This is way better than my Walker Colts. Esto es mucho mejor que mis Walker Colts. 868 01:32:58,200 --> 01:33:00,519 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 869 01:33:04,240 --> 01:33:06,240 (SCREAMS) 870 01:33:13,080 --> 01:33:15,308 (GRUNTING) 871 01:33:50,920 --> 01:33:52,920 (CHOKING) 872 01:34:01,760 --> 01:34:02,942 FRUM: Mr. Rom! ¡Sr. Rom! 873 01:34:05,720 --> 01:34:07,310 Mr. Frum, you portly coward! Sr. Frum, ¡gordo cobarde! 874 01:34:07,560 --> 01:34:09,828 Come and get your diamonds! ¡Venga por sus diamantes! 875 01:34:15,610 --> 01:34:19,728 (GRUNTING) Farewell, sweet lord. Adiós, dulce lord. 876 01:34:21,120 --> 01:34:23,071 Take Tarzan with you. Llévate a Tarzán contigo. 877 01:34:24,960 --> 01:34:26,798 The future belongs to me. El futuro me pertenece a mí. 878 01:34:38,000 --> 01:34:40,228 (GROANING) 879 01:34:40,600 --> 01:34:43,079 (LOW GROWLING) 880 01:34:43,560 --> 01:34:45,754 (LOW GROWLING) 881 01:34:49,800 --> 01:34:50,816 What was that? ¿Qué dijiste? 882 01:34:52,625 --> 01:34:53,660 Llamada de apareamiento. 883 01:34:53,680 --> 01:34:55,908 Mating call. 884 01:35:02,040 --> 01:35:04,040 (GRUNTING) 885 01:35:28,280 --> 01:35:29,780 (GRUNTS) 886 01:35:29,800 --> 01:35:32,313 (CROCODILES GROWLING) 887 01:35:38,440 --> 01:35:40,440 (GASPING) 888 01:35:42,720 --> 01:35:43,950 Tarzan! ¡Tarzán! 889 01:35:44,600 --> 01:35:46,084 Tarzan! ¡Tarzán! 890 01:35:48,160 --> 01:35:49,081 John! ¡John! 891 01:35:49,101 --> 01:35:50,100 ¡John! 892 01:35:50,120 --> 01:35:51,380 John! 893 01:35:51,400 --> 01:35:54,789 (ROM SCREAMING) 894 01:35:57,480 --> 01:35:59,480 (HISSING) 895 01:36:26,240 --> 01:36:28,878 (ALL CHEERING) 896 01:36:51,440 --> 01:36:54,396 (ALL CHANTING) 897 01:36:55,760 --> 01:36:58,512 (CHEERING CONTINUES) 898 01:37:01,920 --> 01:37:03,920 (FRUM PANTING) 899 01:37:05,360 --> 01:37:07,839 (ALL ULULATING) 900 01:37:10,080 --> 01:37:13,320 We're not going to wade into that mess for free. No vamos a meternos es ese lío gratuitamente. 901 01:37:15,200 --> 01:37:16,465 Raise the anchor! ¡Suban el ancla! 902 01:38:00,640 --> 01:38:02,504 Ain't this a hell of a thing? Es increíble. 903 01:38:13,320 --> 01:38:15,725 - Nice outfit there, Janey. - (CHUCKLES) Lindo atuendo, Janey. 904 01:38:18,200 --> 01:38:21,202 You looked like you're about to give me a hug. Parece como si estuvieras por darme un abrazo. 905 01:38:21,640 --> 01:38:23,132 No, I wasn't. No lo creo. 906 01:38:24,480 --> 01:38:26,196 Looked like you were. Parecía que sí. 907 01:38:27,000 --> 01:38:29,558 (LAUGHING) 908 01:38:33,240 --> 01:38:35,753 (TRIBES CHEERING) 909 01:38:52,320 --> 01:38:55,391 GEORGE: An open letter to His Serene Majesty, Leopold II, King of the Belgians. Una carta abierta a Su Majestad Serenísima Leopoldo II... 910 01:38:55,411 --> 01:38:58,275 rey de los belgas. 911 01:38:59,400 --> 01:39:00,943 Every charge I'm about to bring Cada acusación que estoy por hacer... 912 01:39:01,160 --> 01:39:03,660 against your Majesty's personal government of the Congo contra el gobierno personal del Congo de Su Majestad... 913 01:39:03,680 --> 01:39:06,260 has been carefully investigated. estuvo sujeta a una minuciosa investigación. 914 01:39:06,280 --> 01:39:11,300 We have witnesses, documents, letters, and official records Tenemos testigos, documentos, cartas y registros oficiales... 915 01:39:11,320 --> 01:39:15,100 to bring to your attention and to verify our claims para presentarles y para verificar nuestras acusaciones. 916 01:39:15,120 --> 01:39:21,507 of your systematic abuse and enslavement of the Congolese people. De su abuso sistemático y esclavitud del pueblo congolés. 917 01:39:23,040 --> 01:39:28,424 George Washington Williams. July 18th, 1890. George Washington Williams 18 de julio de 1890. 918 01:39:54,937 --> 01:39:58,505 UN AÑO DESPUÉS 919 01:40:06,880 --> 01:40:09,632 (KUBA WOMEN SINGING IN OTHER LANGUAGE) 920 01:40:39,360 --> 01:40:42,989 JANE: They are singing the legend of Tarzan. Están cantando la leyenda de Tarzán. 921 01:40:49,520 --> 01:40:53,272 For many moons, he was thought to be an evil spirit. Durante muchas lunas fue considerado un espíritu maligno. 922 01:40:54,440 --> 01:40:56,095 A ghost in the trees. Un fantasma de los árboles. 923 01:41:02,640 --> 01:41:07,484 They speak of his power over the animals of the jungle. Hablan de su poder por sobre los animales de la selva. 924 01:41:08,200 --> 01:41:10,401 Because his spirit came from them. Porque su espíritu se forjó junto a ellos. 925 01:41:13,800 --> 01:41:15,259 He understood them, Él los entendía... 926 01:41:23,840 --> 01:41:26,117 and learned to be as one with them. y aprendió a ser uno de ellos. 927 01:41:27,793 --> 01:41:35,999 LA LEYENDA DE TARZÁN English by Goldenbeard Spanish by Commotion7 Dual by Barel