1 00:00:12,180 --> 00:00:12,840 What the...? 2 00:00:21,320 --> 00:00:22,190 Where do you think you're going? 3 00:00:24,500 --> 00:00:25,930 I mean, you just don't think i can let you... 4 00:01:00,130 --> 00:01:00,790 Excuse me? 5 00:01:02,050 --> 00:01:03,620 Is there a trick to getting some help around here? 6 00:01:03,620 --> 00:01:05,870 Other then being charming and beautiful, no, ma'am. 7 00:01:05,870 --> 00:01:09,750 I need to know which of these to buy-- the 3000-z or the 3000-z-x. 8 00:01:09,750 --> 00:01:10,620 Excellent question. 9 00:01:10,620 --> 00:01:13,120 Uh, you need to talk to one of our green shirts about that. 10 00:01:13,120 --> 00:01:14,200 I can actually call one to assist you. 11 00:01:14,200 --> 00:01:15,190 I'm not a salesman. 12 00:01:15,190 --> 00:01:16,360 I'm actually part of the nerd herd. 13 00:01:16,360 --> 00:01:18,350 You must be so proud of yourself. 14 00:01:18,550 --> 00:01:20,410 I wouldn't go so far as to say proud. 15 00:01:26,100 --> 00:01:27,020 So sorry. 16 00:01:28,910 --> 00:01:29,600 One einute. 17 00:01:31,820 --> 00:01:32,680 I'll be right back. 18 00:01:39,510 --> 00:01:45,470 Chanting: mystery crisper. 19 00:01:45,470 --> 00:01:46,540 Guys, sorry, sorry to break up... 20 00:01:46,540 --> 00:01:48,010 You want in? It's gonna cost you five bucks. 21 00:01:48,790 --> 00:01:49,570 What's going on? 22 00:01:49,570 --> 00:01:51,180 Final round.Mystery crisper. 23 00:01:51,540 --> 00:01:53,740 Chanting: mystery crisper! Mystery crisper! 24 00:01:53,740 --> 00:01:57,810 The great crisper, where employee food goes to die. 25 00:01:57,810 --> 00:01:58,640 ???? 26 00:01:58,640 --> 00:02:01,610 Guys, there's going to be a riot on the sales floor if you don't get back to work. 27 00:02:01,650 --> 00:02:03,690 Chuck, shut up. 28 00:02:04,610 --> 00:02:05,320 ?? 29 00:02:05,980 --> 00:02:07,200 ???? 30 00:02:07,410 --> 00:02:09,120 He's got it? 31 00:02:09,760 --> 00:02:11,460 He's the man, the man. 32 00:02:18,040 --> 00:02:19,200 He wants his weapon. 33 00:02:28,750 --> 00:02:32,810 Morgan is so awesome. He can eat anything. 34 00:02:40,060 --> 00:02:40,610 Bartowski. 35 00:02:40,880 --> 00:02:41,700 Yeah! Yes! 36 00:02:42,300 --> 00:02:43,460 I need to see you in my office. 37 00:02:43,460 --> 00:02:45,190 I-i was just on my way. 38 00:02:47,780 --> 00:02:50,640 Daddy mad, chuck. Daddy mad. 39 00:02:50,640 --> 00:02:52,950 Might as well kiss that promotion good-bye. 40 00:02:56,460 --> 00:02:58,020 - Get in here, bartowski. - Yes, sir. 41 00:03:00,300 --> 00:03:01,110 Tell me... 42 00:03:02,120 --> 00:03:04,130 What's the best part of being buy more brass? 43 00:03:04,610 --> 00:03:05,730 The power? 44 00:03:06,460 --> 00:03:07,350 The money? 45 00:03:07,680 --> 00:03:08,410 The ladies? 46 00:03:08,410 --> 00:03:09,320 The medical. 47 00:03:09,710 --> 00:03:12,270 I couldn't give a rodent's behind about this job. 48 00:03:12,270 --> 00:03:13,230 But this... 49 00:03:13,850 --> 00:03:15,510 My body is my temple. 50 00:03:15,890 --> 00:03:17,440 And i must treat it as such. 51 00:03:18,200 --> 00:03:19,520 Is that... Is that all, sir? 52 00:03:19,520 --> 00:03:21,920 'Cause i-i really should, uh, get back to work. 53 00:03:21,920 --> 00:03:24,080 - No, that is not all.Sit down. - Okay. 54 00:03:28,200 --> 00:03:30,890 There's a guy coming in here from corporate to interview you 55 00:03:30,890 --> 00:03:33,270 and tang for the assistant manager spot. 56 00:03:33,620 --> 00:03:36,870 Now tang's has the charm of a prostate exam. 57 00:03:37,190 --> 00:03:38,810 For some reason, people seem to like you. 58 00:03:39,150 --> 00:03:41,760 If the hr guy likes you, the job is yours. 59 00:03:41,870 --> 00:03:42,970 So is the medical. 60 00:03:43,320 --> 00:03:44,330 Don't screw up. 61 00:03:44,330 --> 00:03:45,990 I'll, uh, i'll do my best. 62 00:03:45,990 --> 00:03:47,940 Make sure morgan does his best, too. 63 00:03:48,120 --> 00:03:50,740 That kid is gonna be the anchor around your neck, bartowski. 64 00:03:59,080 --> 00:04:01,870 What, we don't have enough actual cobwebs already? 65 00:04:02,270 --> 00:04:04,200 I'm getting ready for our annual halloween party. 66 00:04:04,200 --> 00:04:06,310 What time are you getting here? 67 00:04:06,310 --> 00:04:08,300 Oh, you know what, i might be late. 68 00:04:08,300 --> 00:04:12,660 They finally scheduled that promotional-interview thing for that afternoon. 69 00:04:12,660 --> 00:04:14,990 We can just make it an assistant manager party, too, then. 70 00:04:14,990 --> 00:04:16,980 Sure, yeah, if you feel like jinxing it. 71 00:04:17,960 --> 00:04:20,080 You're just finally growing up, aren't you? 72 00:04:21,120 --> 00:04:23,150 Do you think that this year would be a good time for you 73 00:04:23,150 --> 00:04:24,890 and morgan to have separate costumes? 74 00:04:25,560 --> 00:04:27,870 Excuse me, but what's wrong with our costume? 75 00:04:27,870 --> 00:04:32,220 Um, i'm sorry, but the whole two-man-sea-cucumber-thing is kind of creepy. 76 00:04:32,220 --> 00:04:35,220 First of all, it's a sandworm, okay? 77 00:04:35,220 --> 00:04:36,700 Shai-hulud, to be specific. 78 00:04:36,700 --> 00:04:40,380 And second of all, dune fans have been going nuts over our costume since the eighth grade. 79 00:04:40,380 --> 00:04:41,330 Captain: yo. 80 00:04:41,660 --> 00:04:42,540 Chuckster. 81 00:04:43,560 --> 00:04:44,770 Guess what i am? 82 00:04:45,320 --> 00:04:46,400 You're... 83 00:04:46,620 --> 00:04:47,430 Naked? 84 00:04:47,430 --> 00:04:48,380 I'm adam. 85 00:04:48,380 --> 00:04:50,470 You know, like adam and eve, adam. 86 00:04:50,470 --> 00:04:51,670 Wait till you see my snake. 87 00:04:51,670 --> 00:04:53,540 I don't want to see your snake. 88 00:04:53,940 --> 00:04:57,420 Devon, chuck here has an interview on wednesday. 89 00:04:57,750 --> 00:05:00,610 That is outstanding. 90 00:05:02,980 --> 00:05:04,170 I gotta... Excuse me. 91 00:05:04,170 --> 00:05:06,150 Hello? Hello? 92 00:05:06,150 --> 00:05:07,250 I'm getting tense! 93 00:05:07,250 --> 00:05:08,800 You know i don't like being tense. 94 00:05:08,800 --> 00:05:10,170 How can i help you relax, big mike? 95 00:05:10,170 --> 00:05:11,540 Find that jackass morgan. 96 00:05:11,540 --> 00:05:14,700 Your buddy's supposed to be working a double shift today and went awol. 97 00:05:21,550 --> 00:05:23,180 Hey, hey, buddy, morgan. 98 00:05:23,370 --> 00:05:24,250 - Where you been?What's up, buddy? - Yes. 99 00:05:24,250 --> 00:05:26,420 Where have you been? I've been trying to call you. 100 00:05:26,420 --> 00:05:28,850 I, uh, i picked up the sandworm costume from the dry cleaners. 101 00:05:28,850 --> 00:05:31,810 The ranch dressing from last year totally came out, so we're all good. 102 00:05:32,010 --> 00:05:34,330 You ready to win another buy more costume contest? 103 00:05:34,330 --> 00:05:38,190 No.No, no, 'cause you're supposed to be at work, buddy. 104 00:05:38,190 --> 00:05:41,210 Dude, i got ten big ones riding on this quote-unquote videogame, 105 00:05:41,210 --> 00:05:42,560 so can i just have, uh... 106 00:05:43,010 --> 00:05:44,750 This guy's been handing me my ass all week. 107 00:05:45,900 --> 00:05:47,540 Time to return the favor. 108 00:05:51,650 --> 00:05:53,240 ???? 109 00:06:04,310 --> 00:06:05,600 - Uh, morgan. - Yeah, buddy? 110 00:06:06,030 --> 00:06:07,450 Morgan, this guy is dangerous. 111 00:06:07,450 --> 00:06:11,090 Well, morgan's dangerous, chucky. Morgan's dangerous. 112 00:06:15,370 --> 00:06:17,180 Oh, what a baby. 113 00:06:17,800 --> 00:06:19,070 What a loser. 114 00:06:20,560 --> 00:06:22,030 How did you find me? How did you find me? 115 00:06:22,100 --> 00:06:23,100 Who else knows i'm here? 116 00:06:23,100 --> 00:06:24,050 Who do you work for? 117 00:06:24,050 --> 00:06:25,060 No one.No one. Let me go. 118 00:06:25,060 --> 00:06:26,800 Look, i don't know what you're talking about. 119 00:06:26,800 --> 00:06:27,950 I know you're a spy! 120 00:06:28,470 --> 00:06:29,170 Your watch? 121 00:06:29,170 --> 00:06:30,340 I designed that watch for the cia. 122 00:06:34,990 --> 00:06:36,500 Are there other agents waiting for me outside? 123 00:06:36,870 --> 00:06:38,410 Are there other agents waiting for me outside? 124 00:06:39,520 --> 00:06:41,040 You're not sneaking away from me. 125 00:06:41,040 --> 00:06:42,440 Wait, whoa, whoa. 126 00:06:42,440 --> 00:06:44,210 You still owe me ten bucks! 127 00:06:45,200 --> 00:06:47,340 Morgan! Morgan! 128 00:06:48,220 --> 00:06:51,340 Whoa, hey, you still owe me ten dollars! 129 00:06:53,720 --> 00:07:02,410 -==http://subland.5286.cn==- 130 00:07:03,410 --> 00:07:13,410 sync:?? ?? 131 00:07:15,410 --> 00:07:22,410 Chuck.S01E06 132 00:07:25,540 --> 00:07:26,230 Hey. 133 00:07:26,230 --> 00:07:28,210 Um, is sarah here? 134 00:07:28,210 --> 00:07:29,510 She's waiting in your room. 135 00:07:29,610 --> 00:07:30,560 Ellie: is everything okay? 136 00:07:30,560 --> 00:07:32,050 Said she had a surprise for you. 137 00:07:32,050 --> 00:07:33,610 Get in there, slugger. 138 00:07:35,050 --> 00:07:35,660 Hey. 139 00:07:36,960 --> 00:07:39,350 Who is this lazslo character? He just id'd me as an agent. 140 00:07:39,350 --> 00:07:41,790 Relax.We're looking into him. And you did the right thing. 141 00:07:41,790 --> 00:07:42,970 I...I didn't do anything. 142 00:07:42,970 --> 00:07:44,140 I just flashed on the guy. 143 00:07:44,140 --> 00:07:47,300 You followed protocol, and i'm going to check in with you first thing in the morning. 144 00:07:47,460 --> 00:07:49,290 Wait, wait.Wait, wait, hold on, hold on. Wait, um... 145 00:07:50,570 --> 00:07:55,060 Look, if it's cool with you, could you hang out for a little while? 146 00:07:55,980 --> 00:07:58,220 Look, awesome and ellie think that i'm... 147 00:07:58,580 --> 00:08:01,910 Kind of getting lucky in here, and i wouldn't want to disappoint... 148 00:08:03,200 --> 00:08:03,860 Them. 149 00:08:09,520 --> 00:08:11,810 Uh, how long do you want me to stay? 150 00:08:12,240 --> 00:08:13,860 42 minutes and 15 seconds? 151 00:08:15,110 --> 00:08:16,430 Arcade fire's first album. 152 00:08:16,430 --> 00:08:19,260 It's like an auditory aphrodisiac. 153 00:08:20,100 --> 00:08:22,200 You're not really ready for it yet. 154 00:08:24,480 --> 00:08:25,450 Here we go. 155 00:08:25,940 --> 00:08:26,670 And... 156 00:08:39,500 --> 00:08:42,220 Why were you waiting for me in my room, anyway? 157 00:08:42,220 --> 00:08:45,190 Well, i wanted to surprise you. 158 00:08:47,400 --> 00:08:50,450 Uh, it's, uh, it's us at comic-con. 159 00:08:51,130 --> 00:08:52,000 What do you think? 160 00:08:52,650 --> 00:08:54,770 It's... It's great. 161 00:08:56,390 --> 00:08:59,260 But we've never actually been to comic-con, have we? 162 00:09:01,260 --> 00:09:02,270 Wow, we... 163 00:09:02,740 --> 00:09:04,720 We actually look like a real couple. 164 00:09:05,470 --> 00:09:06,730 Well, we are a real couple. 165 00:09:06,730 --> 00:09:10,450 We're just a different sort of a couple. 166 00:09:13,670 --> 00:09:14,840 That we are. 167 00:09:24,620 --> 00:09:25,190 You! 168 00:09:27,160 --> 00:09:29,520 What do i have to do to get timely intel out of you, bartowski? 169 00:09:29,520 --> 00:09:31,090 Look, i briefed sarah last night, all right? 170 00:09:31,360 --> 00:09:32,960 Oh, i bet you did, slugger. 171 00:09:34,730 --> 00:09:37,360 I thought we were all supposed to be part of the same team here, huh-- team chuck. 172 00:09:37,360 --> 00:09:38,900 We are, but i'm starting to feel like the guy 173 00:09:38,900 --> 00:09:41,450 who always gets picked last, and i do not like feeling like 174 00:09:41,450 --> 00:09:43,170 Team chuck's little fat kid. 175 00:09:43,170 --> 00:09:46,550 Okay, you know what, the next time i have a flash, i'll come straight to you, all right, casey? 176 00:09:47,330 --> 00:09:48,370 What did you tell lazslo? 177 00:09:48,370 --> 00:09:49,180 Nothang. 178 00:09:50,190 --> 00:09:53,270 He asked me where i got my watch, and i told him my girlfriend gave it to me, okay? 179 00:09:53,270 --> 00:09:55,850 So you compromised yourself and agent walker? 180 00:09:55,850 --> 00:09:57,600 Bang up job, chuck. 181 00:10:00,650 --> 00:10:03,630 And so now you and your son are ready to video-chat. 182 00:10:04,210 --> 00:10:05,770 Thank you, young man. 183 00:10:05,770 --> 00:10:09,280 You've been-- great heavens! 184 00:10:15,420 --> 00:10:17,560 This is a whale-tail. 185 00:10:17,560 --> 00:10:21,340 Notice this illusive creature, seen here frolicking in her natural habitat-- 186 00:10:21,340 --> 00:10:23,630 - any sudden movement would- - give Me, give me this. 187 00:10:23,630 --> 00:10:24,650 Come on, come on. 188 00:10:24,650 --> 00:10:25,960 Get, shoo, shoo, shoo. 189 00:10:25,960 --> 00:10:27,650 Have fun, go find the video games. 190 00:10:28,580 --> 00:10:29,380 What was that about, man? 191 00:10:29,380 --> 00:10:30,940 Come on, i was this close to closing a sale. 192 00:10:30,940 --> 00:10:32,110 No.You know what you are, morgan? 193 00:10:32,110 --> 00:10:34,870 You are this close to getting fired for sexual harassment. 194 00:10:35,910 --> 00:10:37,830 What happened, chuck? You used to be cool. 195 00:10:37,830 --> 00:10:38,780 I-i used to be cool? 196 00:10:38,780 --> 00:10:40,660 When was that? When we were 13? 197 00:10:41,070 --> 00:10:42,640 Well, i'm sorry to go changing on you, buddy. 198 00:10:42,640 --> 00:10:46,040 But if you hadn't noticed, we are now chronologically-speaking, adults. 199 00:10:46,040 --> 00:10:48,320 So, unless you wanna work retail for the rest of your life, 200 00:10:48,320 --> 00:10:50,970 and by the way, drag me down with you in the Process, 201 00:10:50,970 --> 00:10:52,990 i would suggest that you grow up. 202 00:11:03,060 --> 00:11:04,940 "heavy is the head that wears the crown. 203 00:11:05,730 --> 00:11:08,950 " couldn't help but notice the way you handled that, uh, morgan situation. 204 00:11:08,950 --> 00:11:12,100 That was most impressive, chuck. 205 00:11:12,260 --> 00:11:13,470 That's great, that's great. 206 00:11:13,470 --> 00:11:14,840 You gave me goose bumps. 207 00:11:14,840 --> 00:11:15,680 Super, jeff. 208 00:11:34,000 --> 00:11:36,030 The intersect was correct to alert us. 209 00:11:36,030 --> 00:11:37,770 We've been looking for lazslo mahnovski 210 00:11:37,770 --> 00:11:40,990 since he escaped from los robles national labs last month. 211 00:11:41,350 --> 00:11:41,990 Who is he? 212 00:11:41,990 --> 00:11:44,210 Weapons designer. Government brain. 213 00:11:44,210 --> 00:11:46,820 The target graduated college age 14. 214 00:11:47,580 --> 00:11:49,100 Ph.D.At 17. 215 00:11:49,100 --> 00:11:53,190 Been with us ever since, working for a clandestine engineering subcontractor. 216 00:11:53,190 --> 00:11:56,220 Lazslo's not the kind of asset we can afford to lose to our enemies. 217 00:11:56,220 --> 00:11:57,870 Grade-a egghead. Got it. 218 00:11:58,180 --> 00:11:59,240 What do you want me to do with him? 219 00:11:59,240 --> 00:12:01,380 Bring him in. And take caution. 220 00:12:01,380 --> 00:12:02,830 What, is he gonna hurt me with his mind? 221 00:12:02,830 --> 00:12:05,130 Well, here's what he did to his handlers. 222 00:12:17,900 --> 00:12:21,100 Nice try, buddy, but, uh, halloween's tomorrow, okay? 223 00:12:21,400 --> 00:12:22,470 Or today, or today. 224 00:12:22,470 --> 00:12:24,300 It could be today if you want it to be today. 225 00:12:25,490 --> 00:12:26,450 I didn't kill anybody. 226 00:12:26,450 --> 00:12:27,760 Look, i-i never said you did. 227 00:12:27,760 --> 00:12:29,070 Then why am i on the fbi list? 228 00:12:29,070 --> 00:12:30,060 I don't know. Just calm down. 229 00:12:30,060 --> 00:12:31,210 I was framed, okay. 230 00:12:31,590 --> 00:12:33,390 You have to believe me. I am not a murderer. 231 00:12:33,390 --> 00:12:35,810 Okay, okay. I believe you. 232 00:12:35,810 --> 00:12:37,050 But, fyi... 233 00:12:37,420 --> 00:12:39,590 ??? 234 00:12:40,360 --> 00:12:42,310 You told the undercover agent about me, didn't you? 235 00:12:42,310 --> 00:12:44,280 He's talking to pentagon operations right now. 236 00:12:44,280 --> 00:12:46,480 I tapped into the encrypted video feed at the store. 237 00:12:46,480 --> 00:12:48,020 I helped design that home theater system. 238 00:12:48,020 --> 00:12:49,890 Look, i-i-i don't know-- gun! 239 00:12:50,760 --> 00:12:52,770 Get it.Get it. Get it. 240 00:12:52,770 --> 00:12:55,280 I got it, i got it. I got it. 241 00:13:02,680 --> 00:13:04,050 Is that a water gun? 242 00:13:04,050 --> 00:13:04,660 No. 243 00:13:05,280 --> 00:13:07,040 I'm pretty sure it's dripping on my face. 244 00:13:13,070 --> 00:13:13,870 I'm sorry. 245 00:13:16,630 --> 00:13:17,590 Name's lazslo. 246 00:13:18,820 --> 00:13:19,930 And i need help. 247 00:13:20,610 --> 00:13:21,840 What the hell am i supposed to do? 248 00:13:21,840 --> 00:13:22,840 You're on the inside. 249 00:13:23,130 --> 00:13:24,060 You have access. 250 00:13:24,480 --> 00:13:27,220 Look, unless you help me clear my name, they're gonna keep chasing me. 251 00:13:27,220 --> 00:13:28,530 You're my only hope. 252 00:13:29,690 --> 00:13:30,430 But first... 253 00:13:32,090 --> 00:13:34,590 I could really use some pancakes. 254 00:13:45,890 --> 00:13:47,230 Hey, where's chuck? 255 00:13:47,230 --> 00:13:49,730 Shouldn't you guys be practicing your snake dance? 256 00:13:49,730 --> 00:13:52,880 It's a sandworm, and... 257 00:13:52,880 --> 00:13:58,100 Chuck's not here, 'cause he's probably off doing something really mature like seeing an opera. 258 00:13:58,100 --> 00:14:00,030 Or reading. 259 00:14:00,240 --> 00:14:02,070 Come on, babe, let's help the little guy out. 260 00:14:02,450 --> 00:14:04,010 What else did you make for the cia? 261 00:14:04,010 --> 00:14:05,590 Whatever the jobs called for actually. 262 00:14:05,590 --> 00:14:07,990 I mean, if an agent wanted thermal-vision ray bans 263 00:14:10,100 --> 00:14:11,230 i'm the Guy they call. 264 00:14:12,010 --> 00:14:13,690 You're like a real-life q? 265 00:14:14,870 --> 00:14:15,370 You know. 266 00:14:18,530 --> 00:14:19,630 You know q. 267 00:14:19,960 --> 00:14:22,270 The guy who used to make all the gadgets for bond, q? 268 00:14:22,270 --> 00:14:24,110 Bond was that spy-guy, right? 269 00:14:24,440 --> 00:14:26,420 What, have they been keeping you in a friggin' cave? 270 00:14:26,420 --> 00:14:28,170 Underground lab actually. 271 00:14:29,010 --> 00:14:34,050 For the last 10 years, all i did was work in that lab pretty much. 272 00:14:34,380 --> 00:14:35,430 Well, that and play video games. 273 00:14:35,430 --> 00:14:36,340 But, uh... 274 00:14:37,050 --> 00:14:38,480 No friends, no family. 275 00:14:41,100 --> 00:14:42,350 No bond. 276 00:14:42,350 --> 00:14:45,450 No wonder you blew up all your research and busted out there. 277 00:14:45,450 --> 00:14:46,730 That's just inhumane. 278 00:14:46,980 --> 00:14:48,310 So what kind of work do you do? 279 00:14:48,780 --> 00:14:51,350 You know, it's kinda, it's kinda, uh, complicated. 280 00:14:51,350 --> 00:14:52,710 Right, but you gotta be some kind of a genius. 281 00:14:53,480 --> 00:14:54,570 Or prodigy? 282 00:14:55,070 --> 00:14:57,300 I mean feds don't bother recruiting somebody, 283 00:14:57,300 --> 00:15:01,310 guarding them with undercover agents, unless you're super-good At sometthing? 284 00:15:02,070 --> 00:15:03,120 What are you super-good at? 285 00:15:04,200 --> 00:15:07,270 Let's just say i'm a computer-guy. 286 00:15:09,440 --> 00:15:11,040 Morgan: ellie, let me ask you a question. 287 00:15:11,520 --> 00:15:14,050 Am i the kind of person you'd categorize as... 288 00:15:14,800 --> 00:15:15,680 Immature? 289 00:15:16,460 --> 00:15:19,070 - Do you really want me to answer that? - Yes. 290 00:15:19,070 --> 00:15:21,610 Be straight with me. Fire away both barrels. 291 00:15:21,610 --> 00:15:24,820 Would you mind stepping in the kitchen for a moment, morgan? 292 00:15:24,940 --> 00:15:26,130 I'll handle this one, honey. 293 00:15:34,760 --> 00:15:35,750 Ellie's room. 294 00:15:38,810 --> 00:15:46,430 There comes a time in every man's life when he reaches, well, a crossroads. 295 00:15:46,430 --> 00:15:48,960 A time when he must ask himself... 296 00:15:49,350 --> 00:15:49,930 Am i a tucker? 297 00:15:51,750 --> 00:15:53,370 Talking about your shirt, morgan. 298 00:15:53,370 --> 00:15:55,140 I wasn't always a tucker, you know. 299 00:15:55,140 --> 00:15:57,750 Then one day, it just happened. 300 00:15:57,750 --> 00:15:59,300 How do you, how do you know it's time? 301 00:15:59,300 --> 00:16:01,180 You just feel it. Go ahead.x 302 00:16:01,180 --> 00:16:02,690 Tuck her in. See how she feels. 303 00:16:02,690 --> 00:16:03,440 I don't know. 304 00:16:03,440 --> 00:16:07,190 No, i'm, i'm just kinda happy with how my shirts hang there. 305 00:16:07,190 --> 00:16:07,920 Come on. 306 00:16:08,340 --> 00:16:09,160 You're safe in here. 307 00:16:10,240 --> 00:16:10,750 Tuck her in. 308 00:16:10,750 --> 00:16:12,470 - I don't if i'm, i- - do it.Mm-hmm. 309 00:16:18,310 --> 00:16:22,420 I don't know, i-i kinda feel like my, my junk's out there for the whole world to see. 310 00:16:22,960 --> 00:16:24,540 Maybe that's the point, morgan. 311 00:16:25,010 --> 00:16:26,430 Maybe that's the point. 312 00:16:26,430 --> 00:16:30,820 If there's one thing to being a man, it's always speaking your mind. 313 00:16:31,040 --> 00:16:31,900 Whatever the cost. 314 00:16:31,900 --> 00:16:34,000 Always be direct, open and honest. 315 00:16:34,000 --> 00:16:37,000 When i was 12, i hid under ellie's bed, so i could watch her undress. 316 00:16:37,630 --> 00:16:38,360 Excellent. 317 00:16:39,240 --> 00:16:40,160 What are you looking at? 318 00:16:40,160 --> 00:16:40,930 Your hair. 319 00:16:40,930 --> 00:16:42,870 It's time to tame the mane, buddy. 320 00:16:43,500 --> 00:16:44,980 Let's talk product. 321 00:16:45,710 --> 00:16:48,070 - I gotta finish the job. - I'm sorry. 322 00:16:48,270 --> 00:16:49,780 Hey, who's that handsome guy in the mirror? 323 00:16:50,590 --> 00:16:51,510 This is great. 324 00:16:51,950 --> 00:16:55,930 I mean just being able to sit in a coffee shop and talk. 325 00:16:56,510 --> 00:16:57,300 Just talk. 326 00:16:57,620 --> 00:16:59,980 With somebody who knows what it's like working for the companq. 327 00:16:59,980 --> 00:17:03,560 You know, if i had to do it over again, i never would have gone to that pier. 328 00:17:04,180 --> 00:17:04,900 What pier? 329 00:17:05,880 --> 00:17:07,340 I was 11... 330 00:17:08,060 --> 00:17:08,840 And... 331 00:17:10,610 --> 00:17:13,500 Some agent saw me playing tetris at an arcade. 332 00:17:13,500 --> 00:17:15,790 So he asked me if i can take all these tests. 333 00:17:15,790 --> 00:17:18,350 The next thing i know, he's offering to pay my way through school. 334 00:17:18,350 --> 00:17:20,620 My parents, like, they didn't know what to do with a kid 335 00:17:20,620 --> 00:17:22,190 whose iq is higher than both theirs combined. 336 00:17:23,700 --> 00:17:24,800 So they signed me over. 337 00:17:25,570 --> 00:17:28,390 And that's when i became property of the united states government. 338 00:17:31,190 --> 00:17:32,100 Sweet story, huh? 339 00:17:34,230 --> 00:17:35,910 I'm a little, i'm a little strapped. 340 00:17:38,000 --> 00:17:39,290 You know how government work pays. 341 00:17:39,290 --> 00:17:40,100 Dude, yeah. 342 00:17:40,100 --> 00:17:41,680 No, no, no, no, don't even worry about it. 343 00:17:42,420 --> 00:17:44,210 Here. Here's an iou. 344 00:17:45,760 --> 00:17:46,570 Thanks. 345 00:17:50,000 --> 00:17:52,330 Chuck, listen you can't tell your handlers you ever saw me. 346 00:17:52,720 --> 00:17:53,720 What?Why? 347 00:17:53,720 --> 00:17:56,140 They can help you, lazslo. They're the good guys. 348 00:17:56,330 --> 00:17:57,960 There's no such thing in this business. 349 00:17:58,350 --> 00:17:59,310 I mean, you don't believe me? 350 00:17:59,310 --> 00:18:00,880 Go home and search your room. 351 00:18:00,880 --> 00:18:04,060 See what kind of bugs your good guy handlers planted on you. 352 00:18:05,050 --> 00:18:10,510 From now on, you should trust your handlers precisely as much as they trust you. 353 00:19:13,020 --> 00:19:13,890 * what the hell are these? 354 00:19:15,610 --> 00:19:17,100 Seems you already know, chuck. 355 00:19:17,100 --> 00:19:20,130 I can't believe you've been prying into my most intimate moments... 356 00:19:21,100 --> 00:19:21,610 You know what? 357 00:19:21,610 --> 00:19:25,170 I swear to god, if i find out you've been spying on my sister, i will kill you, casey. 358 00:19:25,170 --> 00:19:26,220 Intimate moments? 359 00:19:26,920 --> 00:19:28,870 Not really an issue thus far. 360 00:19:29,870 --> 00:19:33,180 At least, not in the sense of traditional two-person intimacy. 361 00:19:33,180 --> 00:19:33,830 He-he-he. 362 00:19:33,830 --> 00:19:35,770 Do you have any idea how violated i feel right now? 363 00:19:35,770 --> 00:19:36,710 You feel violated? 364 00:19:36,710 --> 00:19:38,950 No, no, no, my ears feel violated. 365 00:19:38,950 --> 00:19:43,370 'Cause they have to listen to you and that moron morgan yammering on for four hours 366 00:19:43,370 --> 00:19:46,320 about what sandwich You're gonna take if you were stranded on a deserted island. 367 00:19:46,320 --> 00:19:47,210 What are you nuts? 368 00:19:47,210 --> 00:19:49,110 Nobody was talking about sandwiches for four hours. 369 00:19:49,110 --> 00:19:49,940 Come on. 370 00:19:50,420 --> 00:19:53,300 Chuck: think about it-- this is a desert island, morgan. 371 00:19:53,300 --> 00:19:55,500 Mayonnaise simply doesn't fare well in the tropics-- 372 00:19:55,500 --> 00:19:57,380 Morgan: oh, yeah, but define sandwich. 373 00:19:57,380 --> 00:19:59,770 'Cause technically you can put anything between two slices of bread. 374 00:19:59,770 --> 00:20:01,620 For instance, could i bring... 375 00:20:01,970 --> 00:20:03,990 A jessica alba sandwich to said desert island? 376 00:20:03,990 --> 00:20:05,160 Chuck: i-i suppose. 377 00:20:06,210 --> 00:20:08,500 Well, i'll have you know, i stand by my mayonnaise theory. 378 00:20:08,500 --> 00:20:11,410 And you're still a giant douche for spying on me like that. 379 00:20:11,410 --> 00:20:15,060 Well, if it's any comfort, chuck, we planted those bugs to protect you. 380 00:20:16,160 --> 00:20:17,580 How did you find the surveillance,anyway? 381 00:20:17,580 --> 00:20:19,700 Oh,a little birdie named lazslo told me. What? 382 00:20:19,700 --> 00:20:21,730 You contacted lazslo and didn't tell me? 383 00:20:21,730 --> 00:20:22,900 I'm sorry,casey. 384 00:20:22,900 --> 00:20:25,100 Did i violate your trust? 385 00:20:36,940 --> 00:20:38,960 Willkommen to wienerlicious. 386 00:20:38,960 --> 00:20:43,180 I'm sorry,but we're geschlossen-- and that's german for "closed. 387 00:20:45,550 --> 00:20:46,720 " that's really adorable. 388 00:20:46,720 --> 00:20:47,890 Nice cover,agent walker. 389 00:20:47,890 --> 00:20:48,860 You ve a sec? 390 00:20:54,620 --> 00:20:55,480 Hello,chuck. 391 00:20:58,630 --> 00:20:59,510 What did you tell your handler? 392 00:20:59,510 --> 00:21:00,690 I told him you were innocent,okay? 393 00:21:00,690 --> 00:21:01,650 I told him,i thought you were innocent. 394 00:21:01,650 --> 00:21:03,780 And i think the best thing for you to do is go and turn yourself in. 395 00:21:03,780 --> 00:21:04,500 They can help you. 396 00:21:04,500 --> 00:21:05,860 Forget it,chuck. 397 00:21:06,610 --> 00:21:07,470 It doesn't even matter. 398 00:21:07,470 --> 00:21:08,380 Of course it matters. 399 00:21:08,380 --> 00:21:09,350 Isn't this what you wanted? 400 00:21:09,350 --> 00:21:11,670 They went through the trouble of framing me for murder. 401 00:21:11,970 --> 00:21:13,450 What's going to happen when they get me back? 402 00:21:13,450 --> 00:21:14,430 A slap on the wrist? 403 00:21:14,650 --> 00:21:16,150 There's got to be someplace you can hide me. 404 00:21:17,600 --> 00:21:18,610 Just for tonight. 405 00:21:20,390 --> 00:21:21,630 There is one place. 406 00:21:22,940 --> 00:21:24,550 So this kid just escaped? 407 00:21:24,780 --> 00:21:28,260 Look,we tried everything we could to prevent this whole thing from happening. 408 00:21:28,260 --> 00:21:30,140 And what exactly is this? 409 00:21:30,140 --> 00:21:34,630 A mentally unstable weapons designer,off his meds, and currently running around los angeles. 410 00:21:34,630 --> 00:21:35,740 And how do you know all this? 411 00:21:35,740 --> 00:21:37,140 Lazslo was my asset. 412 00:21:37,800 --> 00:21:38,800 I was the one who found him. 413 00:21:38,800 --> 00:21:41,620 I was the one who trained him,and i'm definitely the one who's going to be bringing him back. 414 00:21:41,620 --> 00:21:44,460 Look,i'm just going to be completely straight with you,walker. 415 00:21:45,140 --> 00:21:47,840 We believe that he is looking to make a bomb. 416 00:21:48,740 --> 00:21:51,690 And god help whoever's in his way when lazslo decides to go off. 417 00:21:52,970 --> 00:21:54,150 Welcome to buy more. 418 00:21:54,150 --> 00:21:55,920 ** 419 00:22:00,130 --> 00:22:01,430 this is greate! 420 00:22:03,310 --> 00:22:04,370 I'll be out before you guys open. 421 00:22:04,370 --> 00:22:07,810 And if everything works out, you will never see me again. 422 00:22:07,810 --> 00:22:10,150 Thank you,chuck,for everything. 423 00:22:10,380 --> 00:22:11,470 I really appreciate it. 424 00:22:11,470 --> 00:22:12,540 Yeah,definitely. 425 00:22:12,540 --> 00:22:14,710 Good luck disappearing,lazslo. 426 00:22:14,710 --> 00:22:15,650 Yeah. 427 00:22:15,650 --> 00:22:18,280 Oh,and i hope you don't mind, i kind of helped myself to the... 428 00:22:18,790 --> 00:22:20,300 To the bond ouevre. 429 00:22:20,300 --> 00:22:22,020 Oh,check you out. 430 00:22:22,020 --> 00:22:23,380 A view to a kill? 431 00:22:23,380 --> 00:22:25,850 That's a bold choice. Why?Is it a good one? 432 00:22:25,850 --> 00:22:28,920 Oh,dude,christopher walken playing some evil nazi villain? 433 00:22:28,920 --> 00:22:32,470 Grace jones as some a 'roid rage sex assassin? 434 00:22:32,470 --> 00:22:34,710 I think,actually,on second thought, i'm going to stay for the beginning. 435 00:22:34,710 --> 00:22:35,800 Sit. 436 00:22:40,390 --> 00:22:41,230 Who is it? 437 00:22:42,640 --> 00:22:44,740 Uh,it's my handler,sarah. 438 00:22:44,740 --> 00:22:45,910 Chuck,you got to turn it off. 439 00:22:46,600 --> 00:22:48,530 Please,chuck,she could be tracking us. 440 00:22:48,720 --> 00:22:51,440 You don't understand.If you turn me in to your handlers, it's like signing my death warrant. 441 00:22:55,820 --> 00:22:56,630 Give me your watch. 442 00:22:56,970 --> 00:22:57,920 Why? Give me your watch. 443 00:22:57,920 --> 00:22:59,410 I need to disable the transponder. 444 00:22:59,770 --> 00:23:01,430 Disable the transponder? transponder 445 00:23:01,530 --> 00:23:03,320 Yeah,but how would you do that? 446 00:23:11,510 --> 00:23:12,440 Here you go. 447 00:23:17,870 --> 00:23:19,150 You were right about the bugs,by the way. 448 00:23:19,150 --> 00:23:20,480 God knows what they put in my car. 449 00:23:20,480 --> 00:23:21,680 I've got a pretty good idea. 450 00:23:22,200 --> 00:23:24,560 I broke into it earlier,disabled the gps system. 451 00:23:24,950 --> 00:23:25,770 How did you... 452 00:23:27,160 --> 00:23:28,150 You designed my car. 453 00:23:28,150 --> 00:23:29,140 Just think,chuck. 454 00:23:29,880 --> 00:23:33,770 Right now,there is no one in the entire world who knows where we are. 455 00:23:38,400 --> 00:23:39,860 come on,chuck.Pick up the phone. 456 00:23:40,480 --> 00:23:41,170 Hey,it's chuck. 457 00:23:41,170 --> 00:23:42,200 I'll call you right back. 458 00:23:42,470 --> 00:23:43,270 damn it. 459 00:23:43,420 --> 00:23:47,030 Chuck,i want you to go to your car, lock the doors and wait for me. 460 00:23:51,070 --> 00:23:51,980 What did i tell you? 461 00:23:52,220 --> 00:23:55,290 Max zorin is one of the greatest bad guys of all time. 462 00:23:57,850 --> 00:23:59,460 You think walken was the bad guy? 463 00:24:00,990 --> 00:24:02,180 What,are you kidding? 464 00:24:02,180 --> 00:24:04,850 I mean,he did try to sink california into the pacific ocean. 465 00:24:04,850 --> 00:24:05,870 What do you think? 466 00:24:06,540 --> 00:24:08,000 Don't you get it,chuck? 467 00:24:08,510 --> 00:24:09,680 Zorin is like us. 468 00:24:09,680 --> 00:24:14,250 The nazis used him for his superior gifts the way our government uses me and you. 469 00:24:15,040 --> 00:24:17,380 I don't... Too bad zorin didn't have this home theater system. 470 00:24:17,380 --> 00:24:18,970 Screw flooding silicon valley. 471 00:24:18,970 --> 00:24:21,210 Do you know what we can do with this system if we really wanted to,chuck? 472 00:24:23,140 --> 00:24:24,340 Watch more movies? 473 00:24:24,480 --> 00:24:26,870 I haven't had a chance to play with this bad boy since i designed it. 474 00:24:33,020 --> 00:24:35,260 What is that? Strategic air command. 475 00:24:35,770 --> 00:24:39,850 We keep a fleet of b-2s in guam, kept on nuclear alert,just in case. 476 00:24:43,360 --> 00:24:44,210 What are you doing? 477 00:24:44,210 --> 00:24:46,040 Putting my tax dollars to work,chuck. 478 00:24:46,690 --> 00:24:49,090 Would you like to play a nice game of thermonuclear war? 479 00:24:49,820 --> 00:24:50,960 What about texas? 480 00:24:51,560 --> 00:24:53,450 What did texas ever do that was so great? 481 00:24:56,560 --> 00:24:57,550 Nine hours... 482 00:24:58,280 --> 00:24:59,690 Maybe we should pick somewhere closer? 483 00:25:00,700 --> 00:25:01,950 In honor of max zorin... 484 00:25:02,870 --> 00:25:04,630 Let's see how fast they get to san francisco. 485 00:25:07,390 --> 00:25:08,730 Hey,hey,hey! 486 00:25:08,730 --> 00:25:09,940 Um... 487 00:25:09,940 --> 00:25:12,280 What about,let's watch goldfinger,huh? 488 00:25:14,290 --> 00:25:15,050 What's it about? 489 00:25:15,050 --> 00:25:20,490 Uh,again,it's about this bad,misunderstood guy who just wants to blow up the world. 490 00:25:20,490 --> 00:25:22,590 It's right up your alley; i think you'll really like it. 491 00:25:26,190 --> 00:25:27,220 We can always play later. 492 00:25:27,220 --> 00:25:28,090 We can! 493 00:25:28,270 --> 00:25:29,380 We can play... 494 00:25:29,780 --> 00:25:31,680 Bomb,bomb,bomb... 495 00:25:32,590 --> 00:25:33,190 Thing later... 496 00:25:33,190 --> 00:25:34,870 I'm going to go get us some more popcorn. 497 00:25:34,870 --> 00:25:36,010 So,here,why don't you... 498 00:25:36,010 --> 00:25:37,280 You go ahead and start without me. 499 00:25:37,280 --> 00:25:39,800 And-and,uh,i'm going to be right back. 500 00:25:41,430 --> 00:25:44,030 You have 34 new messages. 501 00:25:44,030 --> 00:25:44,990 Chuck,it's casey. 502 00:25:44,990 --> 00:25:45,830 Call me. 503 00:25:47,070 --> 00:25:48,410 You think this is funny,chuck? 504 00:25:49,460 --> 00:25:51,720 If you don't call me back in the next ten seconds... 505 00:25:52,170 --> 00:25:54,720 Tie it in a knot and shove it straight up... 506 00:25:54,720 --> 00:25:58,270 chuck,i want you to go to your car, lock the doors,and wait for me. 507 00:26:05,890 --> 00:26:06,690 Where are we headed? 508 00:26:07,020 --> 00:26:08,670 I thought i asked you to turn your phone off. 509 00:26:08,670 --> 00:26:09,530 Who were you talking to? 510 00:26:09,530 --> 00:26:10,640 My handler,okay? 511 00:26:10,640 --> 00:26:12,290 She was just checking in. 512 00:26:12,290 --> 00:26:13,280 You shouldn't have done that,chuck. 513 00:26:13,280 --> 00:26:15,120 You should not have dragged them into this. 514 00:26:15,120 --> 00:26:16,880 I'm not responsible for what happens now. 515 00:26:19,410 --> 00:26:20,790 You sold me out... You sold me out! 516 00:26:20,790 --> 00:26:23,120 No,no,no,no. I just didn't want you to get hurt,okay? 517 00:26:23,720 --> 00:26:24,370 Look,relax. 518 00:26:24,370 --> 00:26:26,230 Just relax,everything is going to be cool. 519 00:26:41,850 --> 00:26:43,700 Everything is not going to be cool. 520 00:26:56,210 --> 00:26:57,570 What the hell? 521 00:27:18,850 --> 00:27:20,990 You're going to kill us! You're going to kill us! 522 00:27:38,810 --> 00:27:41,210 Well,chuck,it's been fun. 523 00:27:45,820 --> 00:27:46,610 Don't... 524 00:27:48,660 --> 00:27:50,010 Oh...Oh! 525 00:28:22,050 --> 00:28:22,990 Hey. 526 00:28:23,480 --> 00:28:24,580 You look nice. 527 00:28:24,910 --> 00:28:25,870 Thanks. 528 00:28:25,870 --> 00:28:27,060 I feel like crap. 529 00:28:27,750 --> 00:28:28,650 I screwed up. 530 00:28:29,300 --> 00:28:32,320 I severely pooched the lazslo situation last night. 531 00:28:32,780 --> 00:28:33,950 Yeah,well... 532 00:28:34,120 --> 00:28:36,650 Today,you have a job interview. 533 00:28:37,750 --> 00:28:41,360 Do you think i care about making lower management at a buy more? 534 00:28:41,360 --> 00:28:42,080 Are you kidding me? 535 00:28:42,080 --> 00:28:46,040 I aided and abetted the escape of the next ted kacyzski,sarah. 536 00:28:46,040 --> 00:28:46,870 I just... 537 00:28:48,030 --> 00:28:51,410 I can't believe that i was so wrong about that guy. 538 00:28:51,720 --> 00:28:52,980 No wonder you bugged my room. 539 00:28:52,980 --> 00:28:54,350 I'm an absolute idiot. 540 00:28:59,570 --> 00:29:03,440 You know,just because you trust people, it doesn't make you an idiot. 541 00:29:04,220 --> 00:29:06,400 Yeah,well,i should've trusted you guys a little more. 542 00:29:09,970 --> 00:29:10,890 I'm sorry. 543 00:29:12,510 --> 00:29:16,220 Well,casey got a signal on your car, and somehow the gps got turned back on 544 00:29:16,220 --> 00:29:18,080 and lazslo was heading east. 545 00:29:18,370 --> 00:29:19,650 So,i'll call you from the road. 546 00:29:19,650 --> 00:29:21,870 And don't worry,we're going to bring him in,chuck. 547 00:29:23,480 --> 00:29:24,700 Good luck today. 548 00:29:43,520 --> 00:29:45,250 Morgan! 549 00:29:45,250 --> 00:29:49,240 I don't know who you're supposed to be, but that's the most kick-ass costume ever. 550 00:29:49,450 --> 00:29:50,280 I'm sorry,michael. 551 00:29:50,280 --> 00:29:51,590 Is it halloween? 552 00:29:52,330 --> 00:29:53,400 I didn't realize. 553 00:29:56,280 --> 00:29:57,330 Morgan,hey. 554 00:29:57,720 --> 00:30:01,210 You up for a little mystery crisper holiday edition? 555 00:30:01,440 --> 00:30:04,570 I'm sure i have no idea what you're talking about,lester. 556 00:30:05,180 --> 00:30:06,020 Jeffrey. 557 00:30:08,250 --> 00:30:10,050 Hey,morgan,buddy,where were you this morning? 558 00:30:10,050 --> 00:30:11,280 I thought you wanted a ride in. 559 00:30:12,170 --> 00:30:13,210 Why are you all dressed up? 560 00:30:13,210 --> 00:30:14,640 Why are you all dressed up? 561 00:30:14,970 --> 00:30:16,560 I have a job interview today. 562 00:30:16,750 --> 00:30:18,980 Bully for you,chuck. What? 563 00:30:18,980 --> 00:30:22,170 You think you're the only one at the buy more who cares about looking professional? 564 00:30:24,150 --> 00:30:25,210 Typical. 565 00:30:25,950 --> 00:30:27,530 I never,i never said anything... 566 00:30:33,720 --> 00:30:34,650 Boo! Aah! 567 00:30:35,020 --> 00:30:36,310 Did i scare you,chuck? 568 00:30:36,310 --> 00:30:41,400 You better be scared,'cause i'm about ready to kill me a job interview,partner. 569 00:30:42,220 --> 00:30:43,400 Ka-pow! 570 00:31:07,480 --> 00:31:08,830 Lazslo is not headed east. 571 00:31:08,830 --> 00:31:10,210 He's going to the santa monica pier. 572 00:31:10,210 --> 00:31:11,410 Yeah,you don't say? 573 00:31:11,520 --> 00:31:13,420 We just found the gps in downtown. 574 00:31:13,680 --> 00:31:15,630 Lazslo ripped it out and stuck it under a big rig. 575 00:31:15,630 --> 00:31:17,090 Look,he was casing the arcade. 576 00:31:17,090 --> 00:31:18,440 It's where he was first recruited. 577 00:31:18,440 --> 00:31:20,180 There's a huge halloween party there every year. 578 00:31:20,180 --> 00:31:20,940 I think he's going to blow it up. 579 00:31:20,940 --> 00:31:22,480 Where do you think you're going? 580 00:31:22,840 --> 00:31:24,210 Um...It's you. 581 00:31:24,210 --> 00:31:25,910 Hey,hey,big mike,i... 582 00:31:25,910 --> 00:31:27,520 Can i...Can i borrow another herder? 583 00:31:27,520 --> 00:31:28,210 All the herders are out. 584 00:31:28,210 --> 00:31:30,220 You've got an interview this afternoon,or did you forget? No. 585 00:31:30,220 --> 00:31:31,450 I-i just...I'm... 586 00:31:31,650 --> 00:31:32,510 Something came up. 587 00:31:32,510 --> 00:31:34,590 Is that something more important than being assistant manager? 588 00:31:34,890 --> 00:31:37,340 Is it more important than handing over your promotion to tang? 589 00:31:37,340 --> 00:31:40,010 Please,chuck.Is it more important than big mike's relaxation? 590 00:31:40,190 --> 00:31:43,340 Look,big mike,there are just some things in life that are more important than the buy more. 591 00:31:46,760 --> 00:31:48,460 You mean,like fishing and danish? 592 00:31:56,120 --> 00:31:57,550 Excuse me. Excuse me. 593 00:31:57,550 --> 00:31:58,320 ** 594 00:32:05,140 --> 00:32:06,330 Bartowski? 595 00:32:08,570 --> 00:32:11,170 Excuse me,you-you in the gordon gecko costume. 596 00:32:11,460 --> 00:32:12,990 Have you seen chuck bartowski? 597 00:32:12,990 --> 00:32:14,110 It's time for his interview. 598 00:32:14,110 --> 00:32:16,820 I actually don't know where chuck's been keeping himself these days. 599 00:32:17,240 --> 00:32:18,340 So-sorry. 600 00:32:21,400 --> 00:32:24,050 I guess your boyfriend just couldn't take the heat,huh? 601 00:32:25,770 --> 00:32:27,690 I'm sure he's got a perfectly good excuse. 602 00:32:27,690 --> 00:32:28,650 Sure he does. 603 00:32:30,060 --> 00:32:33,370 First chuck bails on you and your stupid space-penis costume. 604 00:32:33,510 --> 00:32:36,770 And then,he doesn't even have the stones to show up for his interview. 605 00:32:36,770 --> 00:32:37,650 What a loser. 606 00:32:38,060 --> 00:32:39,510 Even by your standards. 607 00:32:39,780 --> 00:32:45,350 If i were you,i'd start interviewing for a new best friend,ma-ma-ma... 608 00:32:45,350 --> 00:32:46,530 Morgan. 609 00:32:46,760 --> 00:32:47,810 Let me ask you something. 610 00:32:48,260 --> 00:32:50,120 What do you know about chuck bartowski? 611 00:32:57,540 --> 00:32:58,730 You're not bartowski. 612 00:32:58,730 --> 00:33:01,440 Actually,i'm-i'm here to interview on my friend's behalf. 613 00:33:01,440 --> 00:33:02,050 Look... 614 00:33:02,050 --> 00:33:03,590 Please,please,just hear me out,okay? 615 00:33:03,590 --> 00:33:06,220 I know that the virtues that make for a good buy more manager are the same virtues 616 00:33:06,220 --> 00:33:07,610 that make for a best friend. 617 00:33:07,610 --> 00:33:11,900 Now,uh,chuck and i may have our differences, but i can tell yo5 this about him. 618 00:33:12,140 --> 00:33:13,920 Chuck is-is brave. 619 00:33:14,640 --> 00:33:15,900 Chuck is loyal. 620 00:33:15,900 --> 00:33:18,300 You know,chuck can quote wrath of khan word-for-word. 621 00:33:18,300 --> 00:33:19,870 And chuck is courageous. 622 00:33:19,970 --> 00:33:24,770 Chuck's got a wicked vinyl collection, and chuck has the wisdom to not eat garbage 623 00:33:24,770 --> 00:33:26,380 from the break room Crisper. 624 00:33:27,470 --> 00:33:32,520 If you want my open and honest and direct opinion, the best man for this job 625 00:33:32,690 --> 00:33:34,590 is a man by the name of chuck Bartowski. 626 00:33:39,760 --> 00:33:40,930 Some speech. 627 00:33:41,360 --> 00:33:43,900 Chuck bartowski sounds like a hell of a guy. 628 00:33:43,900 --> 00:33:44,730 He is. 629 00:33:44,730 --> 00:33:48,730 When he comes in tomorrow, he'll be working for one... 630 00:33:48,730 --> 00:33:50,710 Harold tiberius tang. 631 00:33:51,180 --> 00:33:52,370 God help you all. 632 00:34:10,010 --> 00:34:12,570 i meant to tell you earlier about your car's self-destruct function. 633 00:34:14,310 --> 00:34:15,760 One of my more inspired designs. 634 00:34:15,760 --> 00:34:17,130 Lazslo,listen. 635 00:34:17,130 --> 00:34:18,210 Relax,chuck. 636 00:34:18,550 --> 00:34:19,450 She's all yours. 637 00:34:27,450 --> 00:34:28,240 What did you just do? 638 00:34:28,240 --> 00:34:29,820 You just armed a bomb. 639 00:34:30,400 --> 00:34:32,880 That would have taken me hours to get through the fingerprint recognition system. 640 00:34:33,240 --> 00:34:34,420 Why are you doing this? What? 641 00:34:34,420 --> 00:34:35,200 Blowing stuff up? 642 00:34:35,200 --> 00:34:36,830 That's what bad guys do,chuck. 643 00:34:36,830 --> 00:34:40,090 Besides,how else was i going to punish them for what they did to me? 644 00:34:43,390 --> 00:34:46,440 Yeah? Hey,someone just armed the herder to sedf-destruct. 645 00:34:46,440 --> 00:34:48,300 Yeah.I know. 646 00:34:48,890 --> 00:34:49,710 It was me. 647 00:34:51,570 --> 00:34:52,630 Disarm the bomb right now! 648 00:34:52,630 --> 00:34:53,310 You disarm the bomb! 649 00:34:53,310 --> 00:34:54,420 How? 650 00:34:55,770 --> 00:34:56,670 Cut the wire. 651 00:34:58,750 --> 00:35:00,030 which one? The red one. 652 00:35:02,380 --> 00:35:03,110 You got to cut a wire,chuck! 653 00:35:03,110 --> 00:35:04,560 What if i cut both of them? 654 00:35:04,560 --> 00:35:06,190 Oh,like sean connery in the end of goldfinger? 655 00:35:07,210 --> 00:35:08,110 What did you just say? 656 00:35:08,290 --> 00:35:09,120 Cut the wire,chuck. 657 00:35:09,120 --> 00:35:11,590 The other night,you said you'd never seen goldfinger,so, 658 00:35:11,590 --> 00:35:13,210 how would you know what bond does at the end of The movie? 659 00:35:13,210 --> 00:35:15,240 Cut the wire,or we're dead. 660 00:35:16,480 --> 00:35:17,800 You lied to me,lazslo. 661 00:35:17,930 --> 00:35:22,380 You knew i'd believe you when you said you just wanted to live a normal,peaceful life. 662 00:35:23,620 --> 00:35:26,570 And you knew that i'd believe you about cudting the wire,but you were wrong,lazslo. 663 00:35:26,570 --> 00:35:28,110 Chuck! Wait!Wait!Stay back! 664 00:35:28,110 --> 00:35:29,410 Cut the red wire,chuck! 665 00:35:39,220 --> 00:35:40,350 you're under arrest. 666 00:35:44,040 --> 00:35:44,950 Come on. 667 00:35:56,620 --> 00:35:57,860 i liked it a little bit,all right? 668 00:35:57,860 --> 00:35:59,510 All right,now,how do i... 669 00:36:01,730 --> 00:36:02,800 hey,chuck. 670 00:36:08,150 --> 00:36:10,280 Nice costume,chuck. 671 00:36:10,510 --> 00:36:13,370 And what are you supposed to be? 672 00:36:13,370 --> 00:36:15,350 Oh,that's right. 673 00:36:15,670 --> 00:36:17,480 You're my employee. 674 00:36:19,840 --> 00:36:21,550 Aren't you going to congratulate me? 675 00:36:21,550 --> 00:36:23,390 You did hear i got the job. 676 00:36:23,390 --> 00:36:25,370 Uncontested. Yeah. 677 00:36:25,370 --> 00:36:26,580 Nice work,harry. 678 00:36:27,490 --> 00:36:32,420 Anyhow,now that you're here, i wanted to talk to you about some organizational ideas 679 00:36:32,420 --> 00:36:34,180 i had for the nerd Herd... 680 00:36:35,340 --> 00:36:36,480 Chuck,where are you going? 681 00:36:37,170 --> 00:36:38,150 Chuck? 682 00:36:38,150 --> 00:36:39,650 Chuck,i will not be ignored! 683 00:36:40,040 --> 00:36:41,000 Did morgan ever find you? 684 00:36:41,000 --> 00:36:42,690 I thought the guy was going to lose it. 685 00:36:42,690 --> 00:36:43,430 No.I-i know. 686 00:36:43,430 --> 00:36:46,670 He was really looking forward to the buy more costume contest. 687 00:36:46,670 --> 00:36:48,800 I'm talking about what he did for you. 688 00:36:50,110 --> 00:36:53,960 Giving the whole big speech to try to talk the hr guy into giving you the job? 689 00:36:55,970 --> 00:36:57,190 Morgan did that? 690 00:36:57,190 --> 00:36:59,680 And then someone went and stole his bike. 691 00:36:59,680 --> 00:37:02,280 I mean,what kind of loser would steal a guy's bike? 692 00:37:08,950 --> 00:37:09,820 Look at you two. 693 00:38:05,070 --> 00:38:06,200 I didn't think you were coming. 694 00:38:06,430 --> 00:38:07,250 I'm sorry. 695 00:38:07,250 --> 00:38:08,470 I got held up. 696 00:38:09,330 --> 00:38:11,740 Listen,morgan,i think you should be the head this year. 697 00:38:14,000 --> 00:38:14,870 Really? 698 00:38:26,320 --> 00:38:27,990 chuck?Chuck,honey?Honey? 699 00:38:27,990 --> 00:38:29,130 he's in the back. 700 00:38:31,080 --> 00:38:31,830 Hey. 701 00:38:31,830 --> 00:38:32,730 How did it go? 702 00:38:32,730 --> 00:38:36,890 Uh,the short version is that i didn't get the job. What? 703 00:38:36,890 --> 00:38:38,970 I kind of skipped out on the interview. 704 00:38:39,190 --> 00:38:40,310 it was my fault. 705 00:38:40,650 --> 00:38:41,840 Hel-lo. 706 00:38:41,840 --> 00:38:45,640 I,uh...I had a personal emergency, and chuck really came through. 707 00:38:45,640 --> 00:38:49,000 He probably wouldn't admit it, but your brother is kind of a hero. 708 00:38:54,630 --> 00:38:55,650 Would you excuse us? 709 00:38:59,020 --> 00:39:00,820 Hey,uh,buddy,you mind if... 710 00:39:00,820 --> 00:39:02,290 You eind if we take a little five minute break? 711 00:39:02,290 --> 00:39:04,210 Dude,are you kidding me?Take ten if you need it. 712 00:39:06,040 --> 00:39:08,130 So,uh,where did you get the costume? 713 00:39:08,510 --> 00:39:10,630 The cia can make anything. 714 00:39:13,190 --> 00:39:14,470 What are you... What are you doing? 715 00:39:15,550 --> 00:39:16,720 Uh...Smile. 716 00:39:18,710 --> 00:39:19,500 Smile. 717 00:39:22,850 --> 00:39:23,500 I,uh... 718 00:39:23,500 --> 00:39:30,160 I wanted to give you a new photo of us, and i figured that it should be something real. 719 00:39:30,160 --> 00:39:30,950 chuck! 720 00:39:30,950 --> 00:39:33,110 People worm!Worm!Worm!Worm! 721 00:39:33,110 --> 00:39:34,410 They're calling for the worm,bro. 722 00:39:34,600 --> 00:39:36,680 Worm!Worm!Worm! Worm!Worm!Worm!Worm...! 723 00:39:36,680 --> 00:39:38,090 I'll,uh...I'll see you outside. 724 00:39:45,150 --> 00:39:45,970 What were you guys,uh... 725 00:39:45,970 --> 00:39:47,060 What were you guys talking about? 726 00:39:47,790 --> 00:39:48,810 Oh,nothing. 727 00:39:48,810 --> 00:39:50,770 Just,uh,you know. 728 00:39:51,330 --> 00:39:58,000 Sarah was just telling me that if she were stranded on a desert island,she would bring roast beef. 729 00:39:58,690 --> 00:39:59,750 She didn't say roast beef. 730 00:39:59,750 --> 00:40:00,650 Oh,she totally... 731 00:40:00,650 --> 00:40:03,860 she completely said roast beef. oh,that's terrible. 732 00:40:04,440 --> 00:40:06,300 Oh,that's a terrible sandwich, it's a terrible sandwich. 733 00:40:06,300 --> 00:40:09,960 You know,she's smart,and she's sexy, and kudos on her costume,looked fantastic, 734 00:40:09,960 --> 00:40:11,840 but who brings roast beef To a deserted island? 735 00:40:11,840 --> 00:40:13,530 That's a terrible choice.