1 00:00:00,160 --> 00:00:01,400 Hi. I'm chuck. 2 00:00:01,780 --> 00:00:03,310 Here's a few things that y ou might need to know. 3 00:00:03,530 --> 00:00:04,370 It#s hard to say good-bye. 4 00:00:04,370 --> 00:00:06,480 Chuck: brqce larkin from connecticut is a spy? 5 00:00:06,480 --> 00:00:08,960 A rogue spy said he try to contact you? 6 00:00:08,960 --> 00:00:10,700 He...He sent... He sent me af e-mail. 7 00:00:11,530 --> 00:00:14,560 Bryce sent me a whole database of government secrets that are now locked in my brain. 8 00:00:14,560 --> 00:00:18,470 Keeping me in a constant state of fear, danger and anxiety. 9 00:00:19,110 --> 00:00:20,150 You and bryce, that's not true. 10 00:00:20,610 --> 00:00:21,130 Right? 11 00:00:21,860 --> 00:00:23,020 It was complicated. 12 00:00:23,570 --> 00:00:24,520 It was nice knowing you. 13 00:00:28,700 --> 00:00:29,510 It's tommy. 14 00:00:29,910 --> 00:00:30,810 We have a problem. 15 00:00:31,400 --> 00:00:32,590 The package has been intercepted. 16 00:00:32,590 --> 00:00:33,820 We're going to have to clean things up. 17 00:00:34,560 --> 00:00:35,920 Oh, my god. Bryce. 18 00:01:09,460 --> 00:01:10,050 What did he say? 19 00:01:13,090 --> 00:01:14,040 It sounded like... 20 00:01:14,400 --> 00:01:14,920 Chuck! 21 00:01:19,910 --> 00:01:20,730 Where's bartowski? 22 00:01:22,930 --> 00:01:23,470 Chuck! 23 00:01:23,690 --> 00:01:25,200 This is walker. Leave me a message. 24 00:01:26,080 --> 00:01:27,390 Hey. Hey, it's chuck. 25 00:01:27,610 --> 00:01:29,590 Look, if you coudd just call me whefever... 26 00:01:30,870 --> 00:01:31,960 Cool.You playing hide-and-seek? 27 00:01:32,280 --> 00:01:33,370 Is that sarah? Did she call? 28 00:01:33,370 --> 00:01:35,740 Oh, dude, i hope she called, because you have been really 29 00:01:35,740 --> 00:01:38,770 weird sincebreaking up wit like, full-on, stalker-mode crazy guy. 30 00:01:39,440 --> 00:01:40,340 Kind of like theold chuck. 31 00:01:41,760 --> 00:01:42,880 Voicemail: message recorded. 32 00:01:43,420 --> 00:01:44,120 Thanks, buddy. 33 00:01:45,430 --> 00:01:46,280 Dude, what am i here for? 34 00:01:46,280 --> 00:01:46,830 Am i right? 35 00:01:47,220 --> 00:01:47,740 Come of. 36 00:01:47,990 --> 00:01:49,190 Open up to uncle morgan. 37 00:01:49,620 --> 00:01:50,490 It's complicated, buddy. 38 00:01:50,490 --> 00:01:52,950 It's...It's just... It's complicated & yeah? 39 00:01:52,950 --> 00:01:53,810 No.Listen, man. 40 00:01:53,810 --> 00:01:55,180 You like her, she likes you. 41 00:01:55,180 --> 00:01:57,190 Yeah.Wow! I'm confused. 42 00:01:57,440 --> 00:01:59,520 I thought it wasn't going anywhere-- that it was over. 43 00:01:59,520 --> 00:02:01,220 And then...And then we had this... 44 00:02:02,380 --> 00:02:03,270 This moment. 45 00:02:04,810 --> 00:02:05,910 This really... 46 00:02:06,350 --> 00:02:07,000 I mean... 47 00:02:08,210 --> 00:02:10,690 Great moment. 48 00:02:12,590 --> 00:02:17,850 Then, in the moment right after that, i realized what a huge mispake it was to break up with her. 49 00:02:30,070 --> 00:02:31,530 I'm...I'm actually going to leave now. 50 00:02:31,530 --> 00:02:33,830 No.Hey, quick question. 51 00:02:33,830 --> 00:02:35,430 It's cool if anna comes to thanksgiving dinner, right? 52 00:02:35,430 --> 00:02:36,000 Yeah.Of course. 53 00:02:36,000 --> 00:02:38,100 I mean, you know how ellie loves big thanksgiving dinners. 54 00:02:38,180 --> 00:02:39,730 - See? - Is ellie going to be there? 55 00:02:40,620 --> 00:02:43,440 Well, yes, because chuck lives at ellie's apartment. 56 00:02:43,790 --> 00:02:44,560 I know that. 57 00:02:44,560 --> 00:02:46,040 And she kind of makes all my favorite dishes. 58 00:02:46,040 --> 00:02:49,170 You know, like, stuffing with apple chips, and sweet potatoes with marshmallows. 59 00:02:49,170 --> 00:02:51,160 And i know that, too. 60 00:02:52,580 --> 00:02:54,090 I'm sorry. Is there a problem? 61 00:02:54,460 --> 00:02:55,230 Not yet. 62 00:02:58,360 --> 00:03:00,230 She... Scares the crap out of me. 63 00:03:00,940 --> 00:03:02,330 What is that about? 64 00:03:02,330 --> 00:03:04,650 She's got this crazy idea that i'm in love with ellie. 65 00:03:04,650 --> 00:03:05,510 'Cause you are. 66 00:03:05,510 --> 00:03:06,710 Why does everybody know that? 67 00:03:06,710 --> 00:03:09,170 Because that's what you tell everybody. 68 00:03:09,580 --> 00:03:10,410 I don't know what to do, man. 69 00:03:10,410 --> 00:03:12,280 I'm...I'm... I'm in love with two women. 70 00:03:12,280 --> 00:03:12,960 Bartowski! 71 00:03:12,960 --> 00:03:14,070 Grimes! 72 00:03:14,660 --> 00:03:16,130 Does no tang mean no work? 73 00:03:16,970 --> 00:03:18,480 Bartowski, round up your team. 74 00:03:18,480 --> 00:03:20,100 Grimes$ stay close. 75 00:03:20,630 --> 00:03:22,090 Some of you are new, so listen up! 76 00:03:23,160 --> 00:03:24,310 Tomorrow is thanksgiving. 77 00:03:24,840 --> 00:03:26,950 Do any of you know what happens after thanksgiving? 78 00:03:26,950 --> 00:03:28,290 The tryptophan wears off,? 79 00:03:28,290 --> 00:03:30,340 And it's time for the liquor to kick in? 80 00:03:30,340 --> 00:03:35,450 No, i'm talking about black friday, people-- the biggest shopping day of the year, 81 00:03:35,450 --> 00:03:41,230 when regular housawives transform into a crazy mob blinded by door prizes, sales, 82 00:03:41,230 --> 00:03:44,170 and the urge to get the christmas shopping done early. 83 00:03:44,170 --> 00:03:47,290 On friday, i'm reassigning you nerds to crowd control. 84 00:03:47,290 --> 00:03:48,920 Be here tomorrkw for training. 85 00:03:48,920 --> 00:03:53,760 Tomorrow is thanksgiving, so wouldn't we, as a store, be closed? 86 00:03:54,210 --> 00:03:55,660 You got a key. Work it out. 87 00:03:56,630 --> 00:03:58,470 Grimes, you know the drill. 88 00:03:58,470 --> 00:04:01,880 - Get these geeks trained and ready for action. - Yes, sir. 89 00:04:06,700 --> 00:04:08,050 Hey, relax, chuck. 90 00:04:08,610 --> 00:04:09,590 Things are, uh... 91 00:04:09,790 --> 00:04:10,770 Things are looking up for you. 92 00:04:10,770 --> 00:04:11,670 - Really? - Oh, yeah. 93 00:04:11,670 --> 00:04:12,590 And how would that be? 94 00:04:15,310 --> 00:04:16,870 Turn on your heart light, buddy. 95 00:04:17,100 --> 00:04:17,910 Let it glow. 96 00:04:24,350 --> 00:04:24,970 I don't... 97 00:04:25,090 --> 00:04:29,770 I don't want to play beckman here, but if you don't start answering my calls, 98 00:04:29,770 --> 00:04:34,060 then super secret spy resource chuck bartowski does kind of go to waste. 99 00:04:34,060 --> 00:04:36,340 - Did you flash on something; - No. 100 00:04:36,790 --> 00:04:39,170 No, i was... I was calling about other stuff. 101 00:04:39,170 --> 00:04:40,420 You didn't happen to listen to my messages? 102 00:04:40,420 --> 00:04:41,410 Chuck, we have to talk. 103 00:04:41,410 --> 00:04:41,930 No.Wait. 104 00:04:41,930 --> 00:04:43,580 - Can i say something first? - No.Chuck... 105 00:04:43,580 --> 00:04:44,360 It's the kiss, right? 106 00:04:45,640 --> 00:04:46,990 It is. It's got to be the kiss. 107 00:04:46,990 --> 00:04:50,640 First of all, i know that the moment was very life-or-deathish. 108 00:04:50,640 --> 00:04:52,200 And, normally, i would run from a situation like that. 109 00:04:52,200 --> 00:04:53,310 You, on the other hand... 110 00:04:54,150 --> 00:04:56,470 You, um... 111 00:04:56,830 --> 00:04:59,470 You...You kissed me, which was just... 112 00:05:00,890 --> 00:05:03,240 But the thing... 113 00:05:03,240 --> 00:05:05,380 The thing is that i'd like to talk about, is i'd like to invite you to thanksgiving dinner, 114 00:05:05,380 --> 00:05:10,250 but we need a cover for that, so really, what i'm trying to ask you is, uh... 115 00:05:11,010 --> 00:05:13,650 Are we back together? 116 00:05:14,270 --> 00:05:16,410 Chuck, bryce is alive. 117 00:05:21,180 --> 00:05:22,990 Sarah, you told me bryce was dead. 118 00:05:23,850 --> 00:05:25,070 I read his obituary. 119 00:05:26,100 --> 00:05:27,360 We gent to his funeral. 120 00:05:28,690 --> 00:05:29,800 How is this possibhe? 121 00:05:30,620 --> 00:05:32,550 We don't know, chuck. He won't talk to our people. 122 00:05:34,190 --> 00:05:34,950 Not even you? 123 00:05:35,390 --> 00:05:36,900 Casey: he hasn't seen either of us. 124 00:05:37,370 --> 00:05:37,870 Why? 125 00:05:38,300 --> 00:05:39,570 Because he asked for you. 126 00:05:40,440 --> 00:05:42,580 We want to know what happened to him. 127 00:05:42,580 --> 00:05:43,080 We think he'll talk to you. 128 00:05:43,930 --> 00:05:44,720 Wait a minute, wait a minute. 129 00:05:45,220 --> 00:05:46,010 Hold on a second. 130 00:05:47,710 --> 00:05:48,250 Well... 131 00:05:48,250 --> 00:05:51,870 You want me to go in there and ask him what exactly? 132 00:05:51,870 --> 00:05:53,070 Just so we're on the same page. 133 00:05:53,470 --> 00:05:55,520 "hey, bryce, "why did you send me the intersect? 134 00:05:55,520 --> 00:05:57,460 Why did you choose my life to ruin? 135 00:05:57,460 --> 00:05:59,550 " how exactly do i start that conversation? 136 00:05:59,550 --> 00:06:01,080 Just talk to him, okay? 137 00:06:01,080 --> 00:06:02,440 Be a friend, you're good at that. 138 00:06:04,290 --> 00:06:06,660 Remember, he's rogue cia, trained assassin... 139 00:06:08,550 --> 00:06:09,230 So be careful. 140 00:06:11,020 --> 00:06:11,670 Thanks. 141 00:06:27,710 --> 00:06:28,320 Who are you? 142 00:06:29,200 --> 00:06:29,780 Hey. 143 00:06:30,970 --> 00:06:32,490 Hey, bryce, buddy. 144 00:06:33,180 --> 00:06:35,120 It's me... Chuck. 145 00:06:39,260 --> 00:06:40,120 I don't believe you. 146 00:06:41,330 --> 00:06:42,950 What did you do with the real chuck? 147 00:06:48,550 --> 00:06:49,910 I'd like to come out now please. 148 00:06:50,760 --> 00:06:52,360 Natural born interrogator, huh? 149 00:06:55,030 --> 00:06:55,770 Fantastic. 150 00:06:58,860 --> 00:06:59,880 All right, well... 151 00:07:01,090 --> 00:07:06,040 Unless we're in the twilight zone right now, and thebe really is another chuck and i'm his clone, 152 00:07:06,040 --> 00:07:08,580 the answer to your question is-- yes, i am chuck. 153 00:07:09,250 --> 00:07:10,050 Prove it. 154 00:07:11,930 --> 00:07:13,600 Tlingan khol da-jatl-a? 155 00:07:15,400 --> 00:07:17,100 Oh, come on, they're watching us right now. 156 00:07:17,780 --> 00:07:18,370 Do it. 157 00:07:22,200 --> 00:07:23,020 Khi-ja. 158 00:07:24,090 --> 00:07:25,860 Bi-piv-kha-low. 159 00:07:26,600 --> 00:07:27,320 What the hell? 160 00:07:29,030 --> 00:07:30,730 Your klingon's a bit rusty, chuck. 161 00:07:31,220 --> 00:07:33,060 Yeah, i've been kind of busy lately... 162 00:07:33,550 --> 00:07:34,940 Ever since i got your e-mail. 163 00:07:34,940 --> 00:07:35,810 You opened it, didn't you? 164 00:07:35,810 --> 00:07:36,590 Yeah, i did. 165 00:07:36,590 --> 00:07:37,210 Your computer? 166 00:07:37,210 --> 00:07:37,860 Destroyed. 167 00:07:37,860 --> 00:07:38,680 So you're the only one. 168 00:07:38,680 --> 00:07:39,370 I don 't get it, bryce. 169 00:07:39,370 --> 00:07:40,190 Why'd you do it? 170 00:07:40,470 --> 00:07:41,590 Why'd you send me the intersect? 171 00:07:41,960 --> 00:07:43,110 Then, why did you destroy it? 172 00:07:43,110 --> 00:07:45,660 And last up: how the hell are you still alive? 173 00:07:45,660 --> 00:07:46,800 It's complicated. 174 00:07:46,800 --> 00:07:47,430 Who saved you? 175 00:07:48,050 --> 00:07:48,850 They did. 176 00:07:48,850 --> 00:07:49,990 They saved you? 177 00:07:50,270 --> 00:07:51,020 Did they? 178 00:07:51,410 --> 00:07:53,140 Could you be any more cryptic? 179 00:07:53,140 --> 00:07:55,380 Can i get a name, a place, a something? 180 00:07:57,710 --> 00:07:58,440 Come here. 181 00:08:00,600 --> 00:08:01,640 Don't do that. 182 00:08:01,640 --> 00:08:03,270 I'm sorry, chuck. 183 00:08:03,980 --> 00:08:04,640 Untie me! 184 00:08:05,580 --> 00:08:06,460 Untie... 185 00:08:06,920 --> 00:08:09,280 Okay...Hey! Bryce! 186 00:08:09,280 --> 00:08:09,910 No! 187 00:08:11,060 --> 00:08:12,310 Sarah, what are you doing here? 188 00:08:15,610 --> 00:08:16,540 Hello, casey. 189 00:08:17,200 --> 00:08:18,310 Care to try again? 190 00:08:21,320 --> 00:08:31,320 -==http://subland.5286.cn==- 191 00:08:31,320 --> 00:08:41,320 sync:ϺÃ× 192 00:08:41,320 --> 00:08:51,320 Chuck.S01E10 193 00:08:54,420 --> 00:08:54,930 Stand down! 194 00:08:55,250 --> 00:08:56,010 Don't do this, bryce. 195 00:08:56,690 --> 00:08:57,930 We're all on the same side here. 196 00:08:57,930 --> 00:08:58,770 What side is that? 197 00:08:59,060 --> 00:08:59,690 I've got a shot. 198 00:08:59,690 --> 00:09:00,380 No, you don't. 199 00:09:00,380 --> 00:09:01,200 You'll be fine. 200 00:09:01,380 --> 00:09:02,440 No shooting! No shooting! 201 00:09:02,440 --> 00:09:03,490 I'm susceptible to bullets. 202 00:09:05,110 --> 00:09:06,030 The access code! 203 00:09:06,380 --> 00:09:07,790 I#ll kill him, sarah! 204 00:09:08,620 --> 00:09:11,170 Between you and me, i think he means it. 205 00:09:12,560 --> 00:09:13,790 Five-one-six-zero-two. 206 00:09:18,440 --> 00:09:19,020 Sarah? 207 00:09:24,200 --> 00:09:26,080 You knew i wouldn't do it, right? 208 00:09:27,460 --> 00:09:28,110 No! 209 00:09:28,830 --> 00:09:30,070 No, i did not know that. 210 00:09:30,070 --> 00:09:31,060 How would i know that, bryce? 211 00:09:31,060 --> 00:09:32,030 What are you trying to do? 212 00:09:32,030 --> 00:09:32,900 What's sarah doing here? 213 00:09:32,900 --> 00:09:34,390 She's protecting me, okay. 214 00:09:34,390 --> 00:09:35,170 And so is casey. 215 00:09:35,170 --> 00:09:35,840 We're the good guys. 216 00:09:35,840 --> 00:09:39,830 Look, you need to stop this right now, before someone, namely me, gets hurt. 217 00:09:39,830 --> 00:09:40,600 Too soon. 218 00:09:41,150 --> 00:09:42,150 We're slowing down. 219 00:09:43,850 --> 00:09:45,090 We don't have to do the whole thing. 220 00:09:45,650 --> 00:09:46,500 Wait, don't, don't... 221 00:09:47,460 --> 00:09:48,450 Stop this elevator... 222 00:09:49,770 --> 00:09:50,420 Bryce. 223 00:09:51,640 --> 00:09:52,600 Who's your friend? 224 00:10:00,760 --> 00:10:01,800 You step back. 225 00:10:02,160 --> 00:10:02,690 Okay. 226 00:10:03,580 --> 00:10:05,550 I wouldn't want you to kill some random person. 227 00:10:06,570 --> 00:10:07,970 I'd feel just terrible. 228 00:10:07,970 --> 00:10:09,450 Tell your people that i'm gone. 229 00:10:09,670 --> 00:10:11,510 This is your chance, bryce. 230 00:10:11,510 --> 00:10:13,150 This is me being reasonable. 231 00:10:13,710 --> 00:10:14,210 Let's go. 232 00:10:14,210 --> 00:10:15,450 Let's be friends again. 233 00:10:15,680 --> 00:10:16,660 We were never friends. 234 00:10:17,180 --> 00:10:17,940 Ouch. 235 00:10:19,020 --> 00:10:20,440 Now my feelings are hurt. 236 00:10:21,600 --> 00:10:23,090 You're gonna run, aren't you? 237 00:10:24,210 --> 00:10:24,970 Good. 238 00:10:31,740 --> 00:10:32,780 Who was that? 239 00:10:33,950 --> 00:10:34,830 Nobody. 240 00:10:36,490 --> 00:10:37,520 What's fulcrum? 241 00:10:38,820 --> 00:10:39,850 Where did you hear that? 242 00:10:41,260 --> 00:10:42,220 The intersect. 243 00:10:43,240 --> 00:10:44,600 I have these flashes. 244 00:10:44,600 --> 00:10:48,060 I was right-- you can remember its intel. 245 00:10:48,930 --> 00:10:49,850 Is it always that fast? 246 00:10:49,850 --> 00:10:51,260 What is fulcrum, bryce? 247 00:10:51,260 --> 00:10:52,680 Who are they and how do they know you? 248 00:10:53,520 --> 00:10:54,350 This is my stop. 249 00:10:54,350 --> 00:10:55,570 No, no, no, no. No, no, wait! 250 00:10:55,570 --> 00:10:57,330 I have questions, i have millions of questions. 251 00:10:57,330 --> 00:11:00,050 Chuck, this is gonna sting a little. 252 00:11:02,110 --> 00:11:02,790 Tell sarah... 253 00:11:04,330 --> 00:11:05,500 It's hard to say good-bye. 254 00:11:12,000 --> 00:11:12,500 Chuck. 255 00:11:13,530 --> 00:11:14,470 Hey, chuck. 256 00:11:25,180 --> 00:11:26,090 Not pretty! 257 00:11:26,500 --> 00:11:27,400 Ugly! 258 00:11:30,590 --> 00:11:31,590 It wasn't a full dose. 259 00:11:31,590 --> 00:11:33,810 It'll be out of your system in a few hours. 260 00:11:34,550 --> 00:11:35,070 Thanks. 261 00:11:35,990 --> 00:11:37,300 I think i can handle it from here. 262 00:11:37,890 --> 00:11:39,580 So, are you and casey gonna go after bryce? 263 00:11:40,000 --> 00:11:40,500 No. 264 00:11:40,500 --> 00:11:42,800 Bryce is probably halfway around the world by now. 265 00:11:42,800 --> 00:11:44,750 It's someone else's job to find him. 266 00:11:45,030 --> 00:11:49,570 Sarah, this is bryce larkin we're talking about here-- your old flame, my old nemesis. 267 00:11:49,570 --> 00:11:50,490 We have to do something. 268 00:11:51,190 --> 00:11:53,050 We each have our own assignment. 269 00:11:53,300 --> 00:11:54,080 Right. 270 00:11:54,570 --> 00:11:56,180 And i'm yours, so what... 271 00:11:56,460 --> 00:11:57,400 What does this mean... 272 00:11:58,190 --> 00:11:59,160 For us? 273 00:11:59,610 --> 00:12:00,320 Nothing. 274 00:12:00,320 --> 00:12:01,390 You're protected. 275 00:12:01,390 --> 00:12:02,040 No. 276 00:12:02,510 --> 00:12:03,710 For us. 277 00:12:04,640 --> 00:12:07,160 Our fake relationship-- i mean, you and bryce were... 278 00:12:07,890 --> 00:12:09,730 You're really not making this easy. 279 00:12:10,540 --> 00:12:11,850 Hey.Hey, sis. 280 00:12:11,850 --> 00:12:13,840 Oh, hi.Hey. Hey, sarah. 281 00:12:13,940 --> 00:12:14,870 It's good to see you. 282 00:12:14,870 --> 00:12:15,710 You, too. 283 00:12:16,170 --> 00:12:17,750 Are you coming to thanksgiving? 284 00:12:19,650 --> 00:12:20,410 Of course. 285 00:12:25,250 --> 00:12:28,350 On black friday, it comes down to us. 286 00:12:29,590 --> 00:12:30,620 Crowd control. 287 00:12:31,100 --> 00:12:31,840 Okay? 288 00:12:31,840 --> 00:12:32,940 Little test here. 289 00:12:33,320 --> 00:12:35,040 Jeff, emergency in sector two-- move! 290 00:12:36,040 --> 00:12:37,200 Nice work, jeff, nice work. 291 00:12:37,200 --> 00:12:38,940 Lester, converge on jeff's position. 292 00:12:38,940 --> 00:12:40,430 Sector one.Move now. Go! 293 00:12:40,810 --> 00:12:43,050 People's lives are at stake here, man. 294 00:12:43,470 --> 00:12:44,710 Good hustle, les. 295 00:12:44,710 --> 00:12:46,910 Anna, we cannot lose the doors, okay? 296 00:12:46,910 --> 00:12:49,000 If we lose the doors, we've lost the battle. 297 00:12:49,000 --> 00:12:49,670 Got it? 298 00:12:50,410 --> 00:12:51,140 All right. 299 00:12:51,830 --> 00:12:53,140 You look beautiful today, by the way. 300 00:12:53,140 --> 00:12:53,840 Chuck! 301 00:12:53,840 --> 00:12:55,100 Yes, morgan, yes, i'm right here. 302 00:12:55,100 --> 00:12:57,550 Hey, pal, yeah, listen, everybody's moving way too slow. 303 00:12:57,550 --> 00:13:01,610 If they don't shape up, if we lose control of the store, we are gonna have a pineapple situation. 304 00:13:03,030 --> 00:13:04,280 What's a pineapple situation? 305 00:13:04,280 --> 00:13:05,320 Morgan: never say that word. 306 00:13:05,320 --> 00:13:07,180 - You just... - It's a black swan.x 307 00:13:07,580 --> 00:13:09,860 It's an impossible event that changes everything. 308 00:13:09,860 --> 00:13:12,690 In case something terrible happens-- nuclear strike, earthquake- 309 00:13:12,690 --> 00:13:16,650 - anyone of qou could initiate a full buy more evacuation by uttering one word. 310 00:13:16,650 --> 00:13:17,520 Pineapple. 311 00:13:18,030 --> 00:13:19,780 The word that cannot be spoken. 312 00:13:20,260 --> 00:13:21,710 I really just want to say "pineapple. 313 00:13:21,710 --> 00:13:24,620 - pineapples are fun-- my dad used to throw them at me. - Pineapple.Pineapple. 314 00:13:24,620 --> 00:13:25,590 Seriously? 315 00:13:25,590 --> 00:13:26,380 Wow. 316 00:13:28,010 --> 00:13:29,220 What's the matter? Who is it? 317 00:13:29,420 --> 00:13:30,250 Oh, it's ellie. 318 00:13:30,250 --> 00:13:31,690 She's in túanksgiving panic mode. 319 00:13:31,690 --> 00:13:32,660 I got to stop by the store. 320 00:13:33,220 --> 00:13:34,530 - See you kidc later. - Later. 321 00:13:34,530 --> 00:13:35,520 Oh, you got to be kidding me. 322 00:13:35,520 --> 00:13:36,750 Chuck, where you... Come on, dude, what about bl... 323 00:13:37,080 --> 00:13:38,650 What about black friday? 324 00:13:42,960 --> 00:13:43,610 Okay. 325 00:13:46,170 --> 00:13:48,730 Captain: chuck, get ready for some turkey. 326 00:13:52,150 --> 00:13:53,040 What are you doing here? 327 00:13:53,500 --> 00:13:55,110 Well, your sister invited me to dinner. 328 00:13:56,110 --> 00:13:56,620 Really? 329 00:13:56,710 --> 00:13:57,380 Thanks. 330 00:13:57,910 --> 00:13:58,720 Did you find everything? 331 00:13:58,720 --> 00:13:59,750 Yeah, i-i did. 332 00:13:59,750 --> 00:14:01,460 Yeah, but i need to talk to you... 333 00:14:01,460 --> 00:14:04,220 I need to talk to you about something later, later. 334 00:14:04,580 --> 00:14:06,530 Um, hey, hey. 335 00:14:07,650 --> 00:14:08,160 Sorry. 336 00:14:08,390 --> 00:14:10,100 Uh, i have a question for you. 337 00:14:10,490 --> 00:14:14,690 Um, what-what do you think bryce meant when he said, "casey, care to... 338 00:14:14,690 --> 00:14:15,890 Care to try again? 339 00:14:16,260 --> 00:14:20,750 " 'cause call me crazy, but i got the weirdest feeling like it was you who killed him. 340 00:14:20,940 --> 00:14:21,840 Good guess. 341 00:14:23,000 --> 00:14:23,550 Are you ser... 342 00:14:23,550 --> 00:14:24,770 Does sarah know about that? 343 00:14:24,870 --> 00:14:26,190 It's in my report. 344 00:14:26,190 --> 00:14:27,580 Why would you... 345 00:14:28,380 --> 00:14:30,120 Do that? Why did you kill bryce?x 346 00:14:30,280 --> 00:14:30,970 Orders. 347 00:14:31,930 --> 00:14:34,670 Your old nemesis is a very dangerous human being, cúuck. 348 00:14:34,670 --> 00:14:37,180 You get a chance to shoot bryce larkin, you shoot to kill. 349 00:14:37,360 --> 00:14:39,920 Guys, no shoptalk tonight. 350 00:14:39,920 --> 00:14:41,060 We got a bird to eat. 351 00:14:41,060 --> 00:14:42,870 Hey, john, can you help me stuff this monster? 352 00:14:43,630 --> 00:14:44,330 Cosmo? 353 00:14:44,800 --> 00:14:45,760 Thank you, john. 354 00:14:46,140 --> 00:14:47,040 He's so sweet. 355 00:14:47,370 --> 00:14:48,360 Lice honey. 356 00:14:48,720 --> 00:14:51,910 Uh, sis, morgan is bringing somebody tonight. 357 00:14:51,910 --> 00:14:53,900 Like, a real someone or an imaginary someone? 358 00:14:53,900 --> 00:14:56,940 Uh, real, actually, very real, and she's very nice. 359 00:14:57,320 --> 00:14:58,980 - And, ui... - "she"? 360 00:14:59,580 --> 00:15:00,600 You said "she. 361 00:15:00,600 --> 00:15:01,460 " yes. 362 00:15:01,830 --> 00:15:02,870 Yes. Anna.x 363 00:15:02,870 --> 00:15:03,970 Morgan's girlfriend. 364 00:15:04,080 --> 00:15:07,610 There could be a little issue, though, because she knows about you and morgan. 365 00:15:08,810 --> 00:15:09,700 What are you talking about? 366 00:15:12,420 --> 00:15:13,720 Just remember, it's not my fault. 367 00:15:16,490 --> 00:15:18,270 Ah, hello, sarah and my other friends! 368 00:15:18,270 --> 00:15:19,180 Welcome to thanksgaving. 369 00:15:19,180 --> 00:15:20,270 Oh, thank you. 370 00:15:20,270 --> 00:15:21,060 They're beautiful. 371 00:15:21,060 --> 00:15:22,030 You're devon's inside. 372 00:15:22,990 --> 00:15:23,710 Ellie! 373 00:15:23,710 --> 00:15:26,350 - So, uh, this is anna, my... - Girlfriend.x 374 00:15:27,140 --> 00:15:27,780 Right. 375 00:15:28,220 --> 00:15:30,510 And this is my green bean casserole. 376 00:15:31,510 --> 00:15:32,750 ???? ???? 377 00:15:33,920 --> 00:15:36,200 It's good to meet you, finally. 378 00:15:36,200 --> 00:15:38,930 Yeah. Yeah, chuck just told me about you and morgan. 379 00:15:38,930 --> 00:15:39,860 I'm so happy. 380 00:15:40,940 --> 00:15:41,470 Hussy. 381 00:15:46,200 --> 00:15:47,320 I am in heaven. 382 00:15:47,720 --> 00:15:48,610 This is so good. 383 00:15:48,610 --> 00:15:49,780 - It's so good. - Glad you like.x 384 00:15:49,780 --> 00:15:50,520 Amazing. 385 00:15:50,870 --> 00:15:53,220 Do yku, uh, usually do thanksgiving? 386 00:15:53,220 --> 00:15:54,840 Uh, not recently. 387 00:15:54,860 --> 00:15:55,480 Oh, man. 388 00:15:56,060 --> 00:15:57,680 Okay, yoq know what i want for my second plate? 389 00:15:58,310 --> 00:16:00,180 I need critical side dish number two. 390 00:16:00,880 --> 00:16:02,390 - There you go. - Thank you. 391 00:16:03,940 --> 00:16:05,440 There's no marshmallows on my sweet potapoes. 392 00:16:05,840 --> 00:16:07,920 It's morgan's favorite number two side dish. 393 00:16:09,830 --> 00:16:12,460 I'm sorry, i must have forgot. 394 00:16:12,460 --> 00:16:13,840 Thanksgiving is ruined. 395 00:16:14,210 --> 00:16:15,030 No, no. 396 00:16:16,540 --> 00:16:19,650 Wait( that's my bad, because i did pick them up-- they're in the herder. 397 00:16:19,820 --> 00:16:20,570 I'll be right back. 398 00:16:20,570 --> 00:16:21,650 Don't be tko long. 399 00:16:22,120 --> 00:16:23,340 How's everything? Good?x 400 00:16:23,680 --> 00:16:24,180 It's good. 401 00:16:33,480 --> 00:16:34,370 Hello, chuck. 402 00:16:34,800 --> 00:16:36,160 Sarah and casey are right inside. 403 00:16:36,160 --> 00:16:38,380 One girlish scream from me, and they go into combat mode. 404 00:16:38,500 --> 00:16:39,320 ??? 405 00:16:40,920 --> 00:16:41,780 This your place? 406 00:16:41,980 --> 00:16:43,120 Ellie and i live here, yeah. 407 00:16:43,410 --> 00:16:44,020 You... 408 00:16:44,020 --> 00:16:45,240 Live with your sister? 409 00:16:46,670 --> 00:16:47,550 What happened? 410 00:16:47,690 --> 00:16:50,480 Chuck, what happened to you? 411 00:16:51,670 --> 00:16:55,360 Guy who wanted to be the software billionaire-- bill gates with style. 412 00:16:55,360 --> 00:16:56,850 You got me kicked out of stanford, bryce. 413 00:16:56,850 --> 00:16:58,030 I need to talk to sarah. 414 00:16:58,030 --> 00:17:00,820 Can you bring her to ma, without casey? 415 00:17:00,820 --> 00:17:02,070 Why would i help you? 416 00:17:02,070 --> 00:17:03,400 Because of fulcrum. 417 00:17:03,910 --> 00:17:06,400 That guy in the elevator, Íhe works for them. 418 00:17:06,900 --> 00:17:09,560 And they want the intersect, chuck. ????????? 419 00:17:14,800 --> 00:17:16,590 Oh, thank god the marshmallows are back? 420 00:17:18,280 --> 00:17:19,070 Thank you. 421 00:17:22,950 --> 00:17:24,220 I made this for you. 422 00:17:26,880 --> 00:17:28,280 Morgan: thank you, thank you. 423 00:17:28,280 --> 00:17:29,060 Everything okay? 424 00:17:29,550 --> 00:17:31,120 Yeah, everything's... Great.x 425 00:17:34,200 --> 00:17:35,330 Do you like it? 426 00:17:36,350 --> 00:17:38,300 Very much. It's devastating. 427 00:17:38,300 --> 00:17:39,550 Devastatingly good. 428 00:17:39,550 --> 00:17:40,410 Does anyone else want some? 429 00:17:40,410 --> 00:17:42,910 - no, thank you.- Jo, fine. - We're good. 430 00:17:43,700 --> 00:17:45,060 Nice and tight, john. 431 00:17:45,060 --> 00:17:46,030 I'm impressed. 432 00:17:46,030 --> 00:17:47,090 You work out? 433 00:17:47,940 --> 00:17:49,560 Yeah, work keeps me in shape. 434 00:17:49,980 --> 00:17:52,380 How many calories do you think you're going to burn at the buy more, john? 435 00:17:53,130 --> 00:17:58,300 Bryce larkin is in my bedroom. 436 00:17:59,050 --> 00:18:00,790 Captain: you look like a guy who needs an adventure. 437 00:18:00,790 --> 00:18:03,680 Two words: water sports. 438 00:18:05,120 --> 00:18:05,700 ãExcuse me. 439 00:18:07,180 --> 00:18:09,500 Sweetheart, is thút, um, tartar sauce? 440 00:18:29,380 --> 00:18:30,340 You're getting rusty. 441 00:18:30,840 --> 00:18:32,730 Bryce, i have a gun-- do i need to use it? 442 00:18:32,730 --> 00:18:33,620 I'm unarmed. 443 00:18:34,350 --> 00:18:35,140 And i'm sorry. 444 00:18:35,950 --> 00:18:39,590 Two dudes, one raft, whitewater rapids. 445 00:18:39,590 --> 00:18:41,330 I got some brochures i gave to chuck. 446 00:18:41,330 --> 00:18:43,700 Hey, chuckles, is those rafting brochures still in your room? 447 00:18:44,150 --> 00:18:44,650 What? 448 00:18:44,650 --> 00:18:45,730 Don't worry about it. I'll get 'em.x 449 00:18:45,730 --> 00:18:47,600 No, no, no, no. No, i'll... 450 00:18:48,240 --> 00:18:49,210 I'll get 'em.Please. 451 00:18:49,210 --> 00:18:51,730 You guys keep, you know, talk...Talk. 452 00:18:51,730 --> 00:18:53,560 Why shouldn't i arrest you right now? 453 00:18:53,940 --> 00:18:55,200 Because i'm not a rogue spy. 454 00:18:55,930 --> 00:18:57,500 Because intersect was a mission. 455 00:18:58,510 --> 00:18:59,380 Because, sarah... 456 00:19:00,870 --> 00:19:02,050 You're still in love with me. 457 00:19:28,830 --> 00:19:33,290 Captain: so, thanksgiving-- we're all supposed to say what we're thankful for. 458 00:19:33,290 --> 00:19:33,820 I'll start. 459 00:19:34,410 --> 00:19:39,590 I am thankful that i am here with the most beautiful woman in the world, ellie bartowski. 460 00:19:39,590 --> 00:19:40,580 Good call. 461 00:19:40,580 --> 00:19:41,230 Morgan. 462 00:19:41,230 --> 00:19:41,850 Uh, uh, right. 463 00:19:41,850 --> 00:19:43,060 Ellie: that's sweet, honey. 464 00:19:43,060 --> 00:19:46,460 I am thankful for my family and my friends. 465 00:19:49,730 --> 00:19:50,410 I-i-i pass. 466 00:19:51,350 --> 00:19:52,100 Chuck. 467 00:19:53,350 --> 00:20:00,780 I'm thankful that bryce larkin is dead and is not currently with my new girlfriend. 468 00:20:03,000 --> 00:20:03,910 Excuse me, please. 469 00:20:05,200 --> 00:20:07,340 Morgan: wow, buddy, that was, um, really... 470 00:20:07,340 --> 00:20:08,520 úark. 471 00:20:08,780 --> 00:20:09,850 Ajd specific. 472 00:20:12,250 --> 00:20:13,230 Well, you've still got it. 473 00:20:13,900 --> 00:20:16,120 This isn't a play, sarah-- i need your help. 474 00:20:17,350 --> 00:20:18,310 Please don't run. 475 00:20:19,070 --> 00:20:20,650 Casey, everything is under control. 476 00:20:21,350 --> 00:20:22,270 Chuck, are you okay? 477 00:20:22,580 --> 00:20:23,900 Okay, i might have made a mistake. 478 00:20:27,620 --> 00:20:28,650 Nice work, cia. 479 00:20:29,120 --> 00:20:29,650 Hey. 480 00:20:30,530 --> 00:20:32,140 No guns at thanksgiving. 481 00:20:32,760 --> 00:20:36,630 It's not thanksgiving without sweet potatoes covered in marshmallows. 482 00:20:36,630 --> 00:20:41,040 Okay, ellie, i got to tell you right now, i am getting really excited. 483 00:20:49,340 --> 00:20:50,130 Oh, god. 484 00:20:51,770 --> 00:20:52,660 Oh, god. 485 00:20:53,920 --> 00:20:54,770 Oh, my god. 486 00:20:55,860 --> 00:20:57,200 Oh, my god! 487 00:20:58,940 --> 00:20:59,540 So good. 488 00:20:59,540 --> 00:21:01,040 Good? 489 00:21:01,040 --> 00:21:01,540 So good. Oh, my god! 490 00:21:01,540 --> 00:21:02,350 Fine, ellie! 491 00:21:02,830 --> 00:21:03,830 You can have him. 492 00:21:05,330 --> 00:21:06,030 What's the matter, baby? 493 00:21:07,370 --> 00:21:08,170 Seriously? 494 00:21:08,940 --> 00:21:09,470 I'll go see. 495 00:21:10,210 --> 00:21:11,190 Honey, hold on a second. 496 00:21:11,860 --> 00:21:16,390 - Honey, no more family dinners, okay - = what do you think about a destination cúristmas? 497 00:21:16,580 --> 00:21:18,400 Anna banana, come here. 498 00:21:18,400 --> 00:21:20,000 Leave me alone, morgan! 499 00:21:20,270 --> 00:21:20,880 Come on. 500 00:21:21,500 --> 00:21:22,890 He's gone. Call it in from my place. 501 00:21:22,890 --> 00:21:23,690 I'll check out back. 502 00:21:24,140 --> 00:21:25,340 How did casey find out? 503 00:21:25,340 --> 00:21:26,690 I made a rash decision. 504 00:21:27,180 --> 00:21:28,670 You saw bryce kiss me, didn't you? 505 00:21:30,460 --> 00:21:32,740 I guess this means we're not getting back together. 506 00:21:39,440 --> 00:21:41,110 Sarah, why is someone in casey's apartment? 507 00:21:55,970 --> 00:21:56,920 Put it down, bryce. 508 00:22:00,170 --> 00:22:00,820 Sarah. 509 00:22:01,010 --> 00:22:02,100 Close the door, chuck. 510 00:22:02,100 --> 00:22:03,820 Okay, okay, okay, okay. 511 00:22:03,820 --> 00:22:05,330 I'm closing the door. I'm closing the door. 512 00:22:06,830 --> 00:22:08,870 I'm walking into the apartment. 513 00:22:08,870 --> 00:22:10,030 Please, do not shoot me. 514 00:22:11,870 --> 00:22:13,320 I need you to listen to me. 515 00:22:13,320 --> 00:22:14,250 Put it down, bryce. 516 00:22:14,250 --> 00:22:15,670 The intersect was a mission. 517 00:22:15,670 --> 00:22:20,600 I was recruited by an outfit called fulcrum, a special access group inside the cia. 518 00:22:20,600 --> 00:22:22,180 You're lying. 519 00:22:22,180 --> 00:22:23,060 We would know that. 520 00:22:23,060 --> 00:22:26,150 They knew who i was, my activation codes, my record. 521 00:22:26,150 --> 00:22:28,870 They ordered me to shed my agency contacts and go deep. 522 00:22:28,870 --> 00:22:33,060 Only then did i realize it was an internal strike to download and destroy the intersect. 523 00:22:33,060 --> 00:22:34,250 Fulcrum had plans for its intel. 524 00:22:34,250 --> 00:22:35,550 How can i trust you, bryce? 525 00:22:38,230 --> 00:22:39,570 I didn't mean to hurt you, sarah. 526 00:22:45,610 --> 00:22:46,720 I didn't know who to trust. 527 00:22:47,830 --> 00:22:48,530 Why chuck? 528 00:22:48,530 --> 00:22:49,790 Yeah, why chuck? 529 00:22:49,790 --> 00:22:51,330 I needed a friend who wasn't a spy. 530 00:22:51,330 --> 00:22:54,300 He wouldn't know anything about fulcrum, or the intersect, or sand wall. 531 00:23:02,870 --> 00:23:03,590 Sand wall. 532 00:23:04,450 --> 00:23:04,970 Sand wall. 533 00:23:04,970 --> 00:23:05,810 That was the name of the mission. 534 00:23:06,240 --> 00:23:07,910 Sarah, i think he's telling the truth. 535 00:23:08,350 --> 00:23:09,170 Did you flash? 536 00:23:09,570 --> 00:23:10,210 Yeah. 537 00:23:12,640 --> 00:23:13,650 I'm not rogue. 538 00:23:20,290 --> 00:23:21,610 - Casey, no! - Casey, no! 539 00:23:37,500 --> 00:23:39,290 * bryce! Bryce... 540 00:23:42,290 --> 00:23:43,830 ???? 541 00:23:44,120 --> 00:23:45,410 Casey, no. Chuck flashed. 542 00:23:45,410 --> 00:23:46,220 Bryce isn#t rogue. 543 00:23:46,220 --> 00:23:48,200 You should aim for the head next time, casey. 544 00:23:52,390 --> 00:23:54,410 Hey, i'm o...I'm okay. I'm fine. 545 00:23:54,410 --> 00:23:58,080 Just, you know, me. Intersect guy.x 546 00:24:01,230 --> 00:24:03,160 I don't get it, bryce. How are you alive? 547 00:24:04,060 --> 00:24:05,930 I don't know how they did it, if that's what you're asking. 548 00:24:07,540 --> 00:24:09,330 They probably used one of the european clinics. 549 00:24:09,740 --> 00:24:10,630 I don't remember it. 550 00:24:10,820 --> 00:24:12,160 But you know why they did it. 551 00:24:13,570 --> 00:24:14,080 Yeah. 552 00:24:15,210 --> 00:24:17,840 Well, should i pop some popcorn or beat the answer out of you? 553 00:24:18,200 --> 00:24:20,280 No thanks. I'll talk. 554 00:24:20,280 --> 00:24:21,130 Darn it. 555 00:24:21,390 --> 00:24:22,670 You know the first part already. 556 00:24:22,670 --> 00:24:25,030 I downloaded the intersect intel and blew up the computer. 557 00:24:25,220 --> 00:24:26,730 Raced out of túe dni. 558 00:24:27,420 --> 00:24:28,880 Then, i ran into you, casey. 559 00:24:34,360 --> 00:24:35,640 So i'm on the ground. 560 00:24:35,990 --> 00:24:39,360 No white light, just casey staring down at me. 561 00:24:44,570 --> 00:24:46,420 They brought me back, but they weren't trying to save me. 562 00:24:46,420 --> 00:24:47,840 No, this was a fulcrum team. 563 00:24:48,540 --> 00:24:49,580 They wanted something. 564 00:24:50,720 --> 00:24:51,460 Bryce. 565 00:24:51,660 --> 00:24:52,280 Where are they? 566 00:24:52,280 --> 00:24:53,630 Where are the intersect files? 567 00:24:54,450 --> 00:24:55,560 Tell me, bryce. 568 00:24:56,450 --> 00:24:58,240 What happened to the intersect? 569 00:24:59,370 --> 00:25:01,780 Tell me, or i'll let you die again. 570 00:25:04,140 --> 00:25:04,990 I saw... 571 00:25:05,910 --> 00:25:06,860 I saw them. 572 00:25:09,520 --> 00:25:10,540 They're in me. 573 00:25:12,620 --> 00:25:13,700 Save him. 574 00:25:13,920 --> 00:25:15,790 Whatever it takes, save him. 575 00:25:17,080 --> 00:25:19,230 Fulcrum thinks you're the intersect. 576 00:25:19,430 --> 00:25:21,050 They brought me back to take it out of me. 577 00:25:21,480 --> 00:25:22,330 That's why i need your help. 578 00:25:24,080 --> 00:25:25,270 We're going to help you? 579 00:25:25,270 --> 00:25:29,310 I need to turn myself in to the cia, but fulcrum has operatives in every agency. 580 00:25:29,310 --> 00:25:31,890 I need to know that i'm being handed over to the real cia. 581 00:25:32,320 --> 00:25:33,030 I can do that. 582 00:25:33,830 --> 00:25:34,470 I can do that. 583 00:25:34,470 --> 00:25:38,550 I, i can be there at the transfer if i flash on whoever they send, they're fulcrum.If not... 584 00:25:39,540 --> 00:25:40,320 You're on your way home. 585 00:25:40,880 --> 00:25:41,760 It should work. 586 00:25:42,110 --> 00:25:42,900 Smart, chuck. 587 00:25:43,040 --> 00:25:46,220 They still need a place where the transfer can go down, public place, lot of people. 588 00:25:46,580 --> 00:25:47,380 Public spot... 589 00:25:48,030 --> 00:25:49,430 Lots of witnesses. 590 00:25:50,560 --> 00:25:51,540 I know a place. 591 00:25:53,120 --> 00:25:54,180 (customers clamoring okay, listen up. 592 00:25:55,280 --> 00:25:56,970 In three minutes, we let those animals in. 593 00:25:57,370 --> 00:26:00,450 If this was a zoo, i'd say run for your lives, but this is buy more. 594 00:26:01,010 --> 00:26:04,560 For those days where you did squat, this is where you make up for it. 595 00:26:05,100 --> 00:26:06,450 Don't let me down. 596 00:26:06,910 --> 00:26:09,920 This is the single most important day of our year. 597 00:26:13,490 --> 00:26:14,730 And my door is locked. 598 00:26:15,190 --> 00:26:16,610 Don't even think about knocking. 599 00:26:30,830 --> 00:26:31,650 Take one. 600 00:26:33,030 --> 00:26:34,130 Take only one. 601 00:26:34,980 --> 00:26:36,020 Hey, are we talking? 602 00:26:37,960 --> 00:26:39,230 Anna, what happened last.Ight?x 603 00:26:40,090 --> 00:26:41,470 It was a test, morgan. 604 00:26:41,470 --> 00:26:42,640 And you failed. 605 00:26:43,020 --> 00:26:44,670 Well, why are there tests? 606 00:26:44,670 --> 00:26:46,720 No, take only one! 607 00:26:46,720 --> 00:26:47,490 Take only oje. 608 00:26:47,730 --> 00:26:49,380 No, take only one. 609 00:26:53,910 --> 00:26:55,700 So, appliances are over there... 610 00:26:55,700 --> 00:26:56,370 All right? 611 00:26:56,370 --> 00:26:57,670 And electronics, you're already here. 612 00:26:57,990 --> 00:26:59,000 Sarah: we're entering the store. 613 00:27:00,840 --> 00:27:03,090 The cia pickup should be here in two minutes. 614 00:27:07,130 --> 00:27:08,750 Excuse me, i'm just looking for camera bags. 615 00:27:09,300 --> 00:27:11,840 Cameras.Cameras are just over here. So if you want to look... 616 00:27:28,250 --> 00:27:28,950 Do i know you? 617 00:27:30,000 --> 00:27:31,690 Wow, dude. 618 00:27:31,690 --> 00:27:32,550 No, i'm sorry, man. 619 00:27:32,550 --> 00:27:35,880 You...You look just like this guy my best friend used to go to stanford with. 620 00:27:37,450 --> 00:27:39,460 Uh, sorry, i-i went to penn. 621 00:27:40,160 --> 00:27:41,580 Um...I'll take it as a compliment. 622 00:27:41,580 --> 00:27:44,370 Well, you shouldn't actually, 'cause this guy bryce was a real douche. 623 00:27:44,910 --> 00:27:46,920 You know, he got my buddy chuck kicked out of stanford. 624 00:27:46,920 --> 00:27:47,840 He ruined his life. 625 00:27:47,840 --> 00:27:50,880 I don't know why he did it to the nicest guy in the world.You know? 626 00:27:51,260 --> 00:27:53,000 Anywho, happy holidays. 627 00:27:53,000 --> 00:27:53,880 Jeff and lester. 628 00:27:53,880 --> 00:27:54,810 They can't do it. 629 00:27:54,810 --> 00:27:55,530 They're hiding. 630 00:28:01,520 --> 00:28:03,580 The cia pickup is here. Chuck, do your pass.x 631 00:28:24,960 --> 00:28:26,110 Welcome to buy more. 632 00:28:31,220 --> 00:28:32,260 Nothing happened. Nothing happened. 633 00:28:32,260 --> 00:28:35,360 There were no flashes, so the cia guys are legit. 634 00:28:44,310 --> 00:28:45,600 What are you guys doing? 635 00:28:46,340 --> 00:28:48,090 Dude, it is not safe out there. 636 00:28:48,090 --> 00:28:49,330 Someone touched me. 637 00:28:49,330 --> 00:28:50,060 I don't care. 638 00:28:50,060 --> 00:28:51,700 You both have jobs to do. 639 00:28:53,930 --> 00:28:55,520 Big mike: morgan, registers are down. 640 00:28:55,520 --> 00:28:56,870 I need jeff up there to fix them. 641 00:28:56,870 --> 00:28:58,000 All right.I'm on it, boss.x 642 00:28:58,950 --> 00:29:00,230 Jeff, the registers are down. 643 00:29:01,030 --> 00:29:01,840 I can't do it, man. 644 00:29:01,840 --> 00:29:02,920 Dude, you have to. 645 00:29:02,920 --> 00:29:04,970 You're the only guy old enough to understand how the register work. 646 00:29:04,970 --> 00:29:06,550 Okay? They're from the '80s. 647 00:29:06,910 --> 00:29:07,640 I can't. 648 00:29:07,640 --> 00:29:08,750 Listen to me. You're scared. 649 00:29:08,750 --> 00:29:09,360 I'm scared. 650 00:29:09,360 --> 00:29:12,360 We're all scared, but the store is depending on you. 651 00:29:12,570 --> 00:29:14,210 If people can't check out, people can't leave. 652 00:29:14,210 --> 00:29:15,850 People can't leave, more people will fill in. 653 00:29:15,850 --> 00:29:16,880 If more people fill in, jeff... 654 00:29:17,190 --> 00:29:20,240 - The store will explode. - The store will explode! 655 00:29:20,240 --> 00:29:21,630 I got to get 'em here! 656 00:29:21,630 --> 00:29:24,190 No, jeff!No! No!It's a trick! 657 00:29:25,620 --> 00:29:27,430 Excuse me, sir, can i help you? 658 00:29:27,950 --> 00:29:29,130 Yes, thank you. 659 00:29:29,640 --> 00:29:32,340 These hd screens almost look like the real thing. 660 00:29:32,340 --> 00:29:33,610 Yeah, they do, huh? 661 00:29:37,470 --> 00:29:39,510 You know, i didn't maan to offend you, last night. 662 00:29:39,960 --> 00:29:40,980 About living with your sister. 663 00:29:41,740 --> 00:29:44,390 Sarah told me about your team, what you've done together. 664 00:29:45,090 --> 00:29:46,800 And you're still the superspy, right? 665 00:29:46,800 --> 00:29:47,430 It's nothing. 666 00:29:48,120 --> 00:29:49,630 I got one friend in this world. 667 00:29:51,820 --> 00:29:53,710 You got a home and a store full of them. 668 00:29:55,390 --> 00:29:56,560 So what happenc now, bryce? 669 00:29:56,560 --> 00:29:58,220 You just disappear all over again? 670 00:29:58,680 --> 00:29:59,740 That's what i do well. 671 00:30:00,640 --> 00:30:01,440 Thanks, chuck. 672 00:30:03,060 --> 00:30:03,710 For everything. 673 00:30:08,480 --> 00:30:08,980 Yeah. 674 00:30:10,010 --> 00:30:10,810 You're welcome. 675 00:30:12,840 --> 00:30:14,830 I'm taking him in, chuck. You stay here. 676 00:30:15,230 --> 00:30:15,770 Right. 677 00:30:18,340 --> 00:30:19,730 Stay in the store, chuck. 678 00:30:31,340 --> 00:30:32,090 Are we good? 679 00:30:33,790 --> 00:30:34,740 Yeah, we're clear. 680 00:30:35,490 --> 00:30:36,080 No. 681 00:30:37,290 --> 00:30:38,060 Us. 682 00:30:40,970 --> 00:30:42,430 I thought you were dead, bryce. 683 00:30:43,450 --> 00:30:44,590 Come back with me. 684 00:30:45,700 --> 00:30:46,980 I have my ascignment. 685 00:30:48,920 --> 00:30:50,320 You were never good at this... 686 00:30:51,720 --> 00:30:53,000 The saying your feelings part. 687 00:30:54,580 --> 00:30:56,330 Well, i don't like to talk much. 688 00:31:04,970 --> 00:31:06,570 Excuse me, can i get some service? 689 00:31:08,910 --> 00:31:10,670 You're charles bartowski, aren't you? 690 00:31:11,440 --> 00:31:12,550 We met the other day. 691 00:31:13,730 --> 00:31:14,410 Did we? 692 00:31:15,650 --> 00:31:16,890 So how, how can i, uh... 693 00:31:17,290 --> 00:31:18,130 How can i help you? 694 00:31:18,560 --> 00:31:19,570 I'm looking for a computer. 695 00:31:19,570 --> 00:31:22,250 You might be familiar with this one. ???? 696 00:31:32,360 --> 00:31:34,490 /i> you don't seem to understand the situation, charles. 697 00:31:35,060 --> 00:31:38,700 You think that all these witnesses are a guarantee that nothing's gonna happen to you? 698 00:31:38,700 --> 00:31:40,360 You couldn't be more wrong. 699 00:31:41,480 --> 00:31:44,470 I, i am so slammed right now. 700 00:31:44,470 --> 00:31:45,150 It's really busy. 701 00:31:45,150 --> 00:31:46,360 So i should probably get back to work. 702 00:31:46,360 --> 00:31:50,000 ?????????? And sarah wadker five minutes ago. 703 00:31:50,080 --> 00:31:52,500 I have seven trained killers stationed throughout the store. 704 00:31:52,690 --> 00:31:53,710 If you look over there... 705 00:31:54,510 --> 00:31:57,500 You can also see that my men have neutralized mr.Casey. 706 00:31:57,900 --> 00:31:59,020 See, here's the thing, ÌCharles. 707 00:31:59,200 --> 00:32:04,680 Nothing stops me from ãfulfilling my orders-- innocents...Civilians. 708 00:32:04,680 --> 00:32:09,720 If you make me, i'll execute every last person in this place. 709 00:32:22,080 --> 00:32:22,600 It's done. 710 00:32:24,460 --> 00:32:25,940 Yeah, we'll need about two minutes to groom the area. 711 00:32:35,230 --> 00:32:35,820 Where is he? 712 00:32:36,070 --> 00:32:36,670 Who? 713 00:32:36,670 --> 00:32:37,760 Their boss, tommy. 714 00:32:38,300 --> 00:32:38,990 Chuck. 715 00:32:47,070 --> 00:32:48,610 Chuck, the registers are down. 716 00:32:48,610 --> 00:32:49,740 I can't get them back up. 717 00:32:50,110 --> 00:32:51,110 What should i do? 718 00:32:51,490 --> 00:32:53,650 You say more than one word and i'll kill him right here. 719 00:32:56,880 --> 00:32:57,950 Pineapple. 720 00:33:00,300 --> 00:33:00,820 Let's go. 721 00:33:03,520 --> 00:33:04,180 Pineapple. 722 00:33:04,740 --> 00:33:06,440 Hey, dude, don't say that word, okay? 723 00:33:06,440 --> 00:33:08,600 It doesn't have any meaning if you keep joking with it, okay? 724 00:33:08,600 --> 00:33:10,110 No, i didn't say it. 725 00:33:10,730 --> 00:33:11,440 Chuck did. 726 00:33:12,040 --> 00:33:13,080 - Chuck?. - Chuck. 727 00:33:17,010 --> 00:33:19,560 Ladies and gentlemen, we have an emergency. 728 00:33:19,560 --> 00:33:23,220 I need everyone to leave the store in an orderly fashion. 729 00:33:23,220 --> 00:33:25,260 Anna, pineapple. 730 00:33:38,880 --> 00:33:39,670 Grimes. 731 00:34:06,710 --> 00:34:07,610 * it's a mistake! 732 00:34:07,610 --> 00:34:08,760 Hey, hey, no! 733 00:34:09,200 --> 00:34:10,260 The store's not on fire! 734 00:34:27,680 --> 00:34:29,190 I got you. I got you. 735 00:34:29,540 --> 00:34:31,580 Morgan, what are you dking? 736 00:34:32,130 --> 00:34:32,830 Put me down. 737 00:34:33,050 --> 00:34:34,120 I will not put you down. 738 00:34:34,120 --> 00:34:36,330 Morgan, put me down. 739 00:34:40,770 --> 00:34:41,520 Code black. 740 00:34:41,520 --> 00:34:42,680 Hostiles in the buy more. 741 00:34:42,950 --> 00:34:44,950 I need a containment team right away. 742 00:34:47,040 --> 00:34:47,730 Are you kiúding me? 743 00:34:47,730 --> 00:34:48,960 Some kid could find this. 744 00:34:56,670 --> 00:34:57,710 Lock the doors. 745 00:35:04,730 --> 00:35:05,670 Stay down, chuck. 746 00:35:06,070 --> 00:35:07,310 This is when the shooting starts. 747 00:35:08,270 --> 00:35:09,600 Right... Right now? 748 00:36:07,100 --> 00:36:08,190 They really are great. 749 00:36:14,750 --> 00:36:15,300 Come on, chuck, let's go. 750 00:36:15,300 --> 00:36:19,250 I'm really getting sick and tired of being pulled around by you all the time. 751 00:36:20,460 --> 00:36:21,200 Where's chuck? 752 00:36:21,510 --> 00:36:22,370 Over here. 753 00:36:24,290 --> 00:36:25,910 Let him go... Now. 754 00:36:26,220 --> 00:36:27,820 Does this look like my first time? 755 00:36:27,820 --> 00:36:30,200 Isn't it somebody else's turn to be the human shield? 756 00:36:30,630 --> 00:36:31,880 Tommy: stay there, bryce. 757 00:36:32,650 --> 00:36:33,510 You all right, chuck? 758 00:36:33,510 --> 00:36:34,720 Does it look like i'm all right? 759 00:36:34,720 --> 00:36:36,020 I need to ask you something. 760 00:36:36,020 --> 00:36:36,790 Shoot. 761 00:36:37,140 --> 00:36:38,110 Not you, please. 762 00:36:39,150 --> 00:36:40,610 Khi-ja? 763 00:36:42,160 --> 00:36:43,220 Khi-ja? 764 00:36:43,370 --> 00:36:44,130 Gho-be? 765 00:36:45,410 --> 00:36:46,210 Khi-ja. 766 00:36:47,570 --> 00:36:48,450 Sorry, chuck. 767 00:36:51,870 --> 00:36:52,370 Hi. 768 00:36:54,230 --> 00:36:55,330 What did you say to him? 769 00:36:55,880 --> 00:36:56,720 Ask him. 770 00:36:58,120 --> 00:36:58,830 Hey, chuck. 771 00:37:02,130 --> 00:37:03,250 Chuck, come on, wake up. 772 00:37:03,250 --> 00:37:04,160 Come on, hey. 773 00:37:07,170 --> 00:37:08,120 Khi-ja... 774 00:37:08,590 --> 00:37:11,500 Khi-ja. Yes.Yes... 775 00:37:13,060 --> 00:37:14,420 I am wearing a vest. 776 00:37:19,830 --> 00:37:21,070 That stings a little bit. 777 00:37:25,810 --> 00:37:26,870 Seriously, that is... 778 00:37:27,330 --> 00:37:33,950 Not fair to not tell someone how much a bulletproof vest still hurts. 779 00:37:33,950 --> 00:37:35,500 ??????????????? 780 00:37:35,500 --> 00:37:37,780 Hey, stand down. He's one of us. 781 00:37:38,120 --> 00:37:38,910 let's go. 782 00:37:58,190 --> 00:37:58,690 Dude... 783 00:37:59,970 --> 00:38:01,420 Why'd you just carry anna out? 784 00:38:01,750 --> 00:38:04,410 She could have just walked, no? 785 00:38:04,810 --> 00:38:05,580 Sorry abgut that. 786 00:38:05,580 --> 00:38:08,220 Morgan, you passed. 787 00:38:08,220 --> 00:38:08,950 I passed? 788 00:38:09,350 --> 00:38:10,070 Big mike: grimes! 789 00:38:12,000 --> 00:38:14,180 You just ruined the most important shopping day of the year. 790 00:38:14,180 --> 00:38:15,440 For what?For what? 791 00:38:15,440 --> 00:38:17,080 - Do you know what you are, grimes? - No. 792 00:38:17,590 --> 00:38:18,160 What? 793 00:38:18,600 --> 00:38:19,890 There was a gas leak in the store. 794 00:38:20,280 --> 00:38:21,450 - Gas? - Yes, sir. 795 00:38:21,860 --> 00:38:23,920 And whoever evacuated probably saved a lot of people. 796 00:38:24,810 --> 00:38:26,830 It willtake us a few hours to clean all this up, so we'd appreciate 797 00:38:26,830 --> 00:38:28,910 if you'd keep everybody out of here until we give you the say-so. 798 00:38:34,930 --> 00:38:36,310 Is it straight? Does it look good? 799 00:38:41,320 --> 00:38:42,150 What are we going to do? 800 00:38:42,930 --> 00:38:45,110 Relax, chuck. These are nsa cleaners. 801 00:38:45,110 --> 00:38:47,290 They'll have the buy more back to normal in a jiffy. 802 00:38:47,290 --> 00:38:48,530 Chuck: what's happening with bryce? 803 00:38:48,750 --> 00:38:51,030 He's in there giving his report to general beckman. 804 00:39:03,020 --> 00:39:04,340 It would appear, i have an new assignment. 805 00:39:04,740 --> 00:39:05,720 As a maitre d'? 806 00:39:06,090 --> 00:39:08,050 Actually, it's a consulate dinner. 807 00:39:08,050 --> 00:39:11,760 They want me to go after fulcrum-- on my own, off the radar. 808 00:39:12,610 --> 00:39:13,650 Sounds like heaven. 809 00:39:13,780 --> 00:39:15,430 That means bryce larkin is dead. 810 00:39:16,150 --> 00:39:17,820 And he's going to stay that way this time. 811 00:39:19,660 --> 00:39:20,420 Good-bye, chuck. 812 00:39:21,650 --> 00:39:22,700 This is so weird. 813 00:39:23,540 --> 00:39:25,250 Where you going to go? Who you going to be? 814 00:39:25,470 --> 00:39:28,300 Sorry, not even you can know. 815 00:39:30,360 --> 00:39:31,210 Sarah... 816 00:39:33,510 --> 00:39:35,040 We'll always have omaha. 817 00:39:48,970 --> 00:39:49,490 Hey. 818 00:39:49,960 --> 00:39:50,460 What? 819 00:39:50,460 --> 00:39:52,710 Um, we have some turkey leftovers. 820 00:39:52,710 --> 00:39:57,990 Actually, we have a lot of turkey left over, so i was wondering if i could interest you in some sandwiches or something. 821 00:39:57,990 --> 00:39:59,340 Thanks, but work to do. 822 00:39:59,720 --> 00:40:00,330 Right. 823 00:40:00,330 --> 00:40:01,490 Right, okay then. 824 00:40:03,360 --> 00:40:05,100 Hey, casey, casey, casey, casey. 825 00:40:05,520 --> 00:40:06,090 Yeah? 826 00:40:06,090 --> 00:40:06,920 Sorry. 827 00:40:08,940 --> 00:40:11,790 What did bryce mean by omaha? 828 00:40:11,790 --> 00:40:15,300 Outside of it being some weird casablanca reference? 829 00:40:15,880 --> 00:40:16,990 Probably a code. 830 00:40:17,330 --> 00:40:18,770 Contact point of some sort. 831 00:40:19,510 --> 00:40:21,630 Okay, why would sarah need that? 832 00:40:22,250 --> 00:40:23,650 Bryce is going deep, chuck. 833 00:40:23,650 --> 00:40:25,390 No messages out. 834 00:40:25,660 --> 00:40:27,840 If sarah wants to join up with him she has to do it now. 835 00:40:29,430 --> 00:40:30,480 Sarah's leaving? 836 00:40:31,150 --> 00:40:32,380 Don't worry, chuck. 837 00:40:32,780 --> 00:40:34,320 When sarah's gone, we'll get you a new girl. 838 00:40:40,540 --> 00:40:41,180 Oh, man... 839 00:40:42,690 --> 00:40:43,680 This is great, right? 840 00:40:44,370 --> 00:40:47,780 Two buddies, a couple cold turkey sandwiches and all the mayo you could want. 841 00:40:48,840 --> 00:40:49,730 You all right? 842 00:41:54,680 --> 00:41:55,680 -==http://subland.5286.cn==-