1 00:00:00,200 --> 00:00:01,300 Hi. I'm Chuck. 2 00:00:01,300 --> 00:00:03,000 Here are a few things that you might need to know. 3 00:00:03,000 --> 00:00:05,300 As the assistant manager and your boss, 4 00:00:05,300 --> 00:00:06,600 it's my duty to inform you that 5 00:00:06,600 --> 00:00:08,900 I have had several complaints from customers about you. 6 00:00:08,900 --> 00:00:10,800 General, what exactly is the Cipher? 7 00:00:10,800 --> 00:00:14,800 The Cipher is the artificial brain for the new Intersect computer. 8 00:00:14,800 --> 00:00:16,800 Tomorrow, the new computer will be on-line, 9 00:00:16,800 --> 00:00:19,600 and Operation Bartowski will officially be over.?? 10 00:00:19,600 --> 00:00:21,200 Enjoy the rest of your life, Chuck. 11 00:00:21,200 --> 00:00:23,700 You can do anything. I have seen you in action. 12 00:00:23,800 --> 00:00:25,500 Anything you wanted, you could have. 13 00:00:25,500 --> 00:00:27,000 You want to go on a date sometime? 14 00:00:28,000 --> 00:00:28,900 Okay. 15 00:00:29,300 --> 00:00:31,900 We have to call off the date. The Intersect was destroyed. 16 00:00:31,900 --> 00:00:33,100 What? But the Cipher... 17 00:00:33,100 --> 00:00:35,100 It was a Trojan horse, a sabotage device. 18 00:00:35,100 --> 00:00:36,700 The moment it came on-line... 19 00:00:38,400 --> 00:00:40,600 You're still the only Intersect. 20 00:00:45,400 --> 00:00:46,300 I don't get it. 21 00:00:47,400 --> 00:00:49,500 This time today, I was supposed to be a free man. 22 00:00:49,500 --> 00:00:50,500 No more Intersect. 23 00:00:50,500 --> 00:00:54,100 Possibly reclining on a beach with a colada and some undisclosed companion. 24 00:00:54,100 --> 00:00:55,900 - What the hell happened? - It's technical. 25 00:00:56,300 --> 00:00:58,300 If it's a computer malfunction, maybe I can help? 26 00:00:58,300 --> 00:00:59,400 You know that's my department. 27 00:00:59,400 --> 00:01:01,900 It exploded into a million little pieces and Agent Graham with it. 28 00:01:01,900 --> 00:01:03,800 You want to help, better get yourself some rubber gloves. 29 00:01:03,800 --> 00:01:05,400 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Graham is dead? 30 00:01:05,700 --> 00:01:07,300 We're playing for keeps here, Chuck. 31 00:01:08,900 --> 00:01:10,800 Well, at the risk of sounding callous, 32 00:01:10,800 --> 00:01:12,200 where does that leave us with the new Intersect? 33 00:01:12,200 --> 00:01:13,900 If I were you, I'd get used to working at the Buy More. 34 00:01:13,900 --> 00:01:15,500 You ain't leaving anytime soon. 35 00:01:17,600 --> 00:01:19,300 ?? 36 00:01:19,300 --> 00:01:20,200 Gentlemen, 37 00:01:21,000 --> 00:01:23,600 females, as the new assistant manager, 38 00:01:23,600 --> 00:01:24,500 I just want you to know that 39 00:01:24,500 --> 00:01:26,700 things are gonna run a little differently around here. 40 00:01:27,000 --> 00:01:29,000 Because we did our time together in the trenches, 41 00:01:29,000 --> 00:01:31,000 I know what screwups most of you are. 42 00:01:31,000 --> 00:01:32,300 For example, Jeffrey, 43 00:01:32,300 --> 00:01:33,500 you spend the hours of 3:00 and 5:00 44 00:01:33,500 --> 00:01:35,800 sleeping in stall two of the employee bathroom. 45 00:01:35,800 --> 00:01:37,700 Dude, that was our secret. 46 00:01:38,200 --> 00:01:39,400 - Morgan? - Oh, boy. 47 00:01:39,400 --> 00:01:42,400 No more borrowing company DVDs and then just re-shrink-wrapping them. 48 00:01:42,400 --> 00:01:44,000 What? That's outrageous, man. 49 00:01:44,000 --> 00:01:45,100 - I've never heard of such a thing. - Yeah. 50 00:01:45,100 --> 00:01:46,200 I'm actually insulted that you would... 51 00:01:46,200 --> 00:01:47,300 Oh, but... 52 00:01:47,300 --> 00:01:49,000 - Oh, no. - Oh, okay, like... 53 00:01:49,000 --> 00:01:50,400 Okay, okay, company DVDs you're saying? 54 00:01:50,400 --> 00:01:51,300 - Right. - Right. 55 00:01:51,300 --> 00:01:52,500 Please, call me Mr. Patel, 56 00:01:52,500 --> 00:01:56,200 or boss, or for our Latin friend, eljefe. Questions? 57 00:01:56,200 --> 00:01:57,200 Uh, Chuck, when are the we...? 58 00:01:57,200 --> 00:01:59,200 Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! 59 00:01:59,300 --> 00:02:01,400 All questions addressed directly to me. 60 00:02:01,600 --> 00:02:02,900 - El jefe? - Thank you. 61 00:02:02,900 --> 00:02:04,700 When are we offering our low-interest Buy More credit cards? 62 00:02:04,700 --> 00:02:07,100 Ah, yes, yes, yes, yes. 63 00:02:07,700 --> 00:02:08,900 - Today. - Today. 64 00:02:08,900 --> 00:02:10,400 Morgan, get the displays out. 65 00:02:10,400 --> 00:02:12,500 Any other questions? Good. Dismissed! 66 00:02:12,500 --> 00:02:14,200 I can't believe this is my life. 67 00:02:14,700 --> 00:02:17,200 Morgan, do you remember a time when I actually had potential? 68 00:02:17,200 --> 00:02:19,500 Are you kidding me? Yeah, you were bursting with it. 69 00:02:20,000 --> 00:02:21,700 Man, I'm glad that's over with. 70 00:02:23,000 --> 00:02:23,900 I'm kidding. Come on, 71 00:02:24,000 --> 00:02:26,400 we all know that you're gonna go on to do great things, 72 00:02:26,400 --> 00:02:27,400 all right, great things, 73 00:02:27,400 --> 00:02:31,000 but until that day, just know that no matter how bad your life gets, 74 00:02:31,700 --> 00:02:33,200 you get to go home to that. 75 00:03:14,600 --> 00:03:15,300 Is that, uh... 76 00:03:15,300 --> 00:03:16,900 Is that a real kiss or a cover kiss? 77 00:03:16,900 --> 00:03:18,300 'Cause I'm confused right now. 78 00:03:18,300 --> 00:03:20,000 It's a "we have a national security emergency, 79 00:03:20,000 --> 00:03:21,800 and I need to speak to you privately" kiss. 80 00:03:21,800 --> 00:03:23,200 See, I knew I felt something... 81 00:03:23,800 --> 00:03:24,700 ?? 82 00:03:25,200 --> 00:03:26,100 Hey, I got an idea. 83 00:03:26,100 --> 00:03:28,200 Why don't we blow off this whole national security thing, 84 00:03:28,200 --> 00:03:30,100 and go down to Mexico for a couple of days? 85 00:03:30,100 --> 00:03:32,500 I'll get the daiquiris if the CIA picks up the plane tickets. 86 00:03:32,500 --> 00:03:33,300 Coach is fine. 87 00:03:33,300 --> 00:03:34,900 Chuck, I told you we can't be together. 88 00:03:34,900 --> 00:03:36,200 It's unprofessional. 89 00:03:36,600 --> 00:03:37,900 Well, correct me if I'm wrong, 90 00:03:37,900 --> 00:03:40,200 but weren't you with Bryce Larkin, super spy, 91 00:03:40,200 --> 00:03:41,500 when you two were working together? 92 00:03:41,500 --> 00:03:43,100 Bryce was a spy. You're an asset. 93 00:03:43,100 --> 00:03:44,900 And my job is to protect you. 94 00:03:44,900 --> 00:03:46,400 Wait a minute. Why are we in a freezer? 95 00:03:46,400 --> 00:03:48,000 All this to protect your toppings? 96 00:03:50,600 --> 00:03:52,800 What the hell? 97 00:03:55,900 --> 00:03:57,700 This is new. What is this place? 98 00:03:57,700 --> 00:04:00,000 Well, CIA decided to spring for new digs. 99 00:04:00,500 --> 00:04:02,200 Finally, a first-rate operation. 100 00:04:05,700 --> 00:04:07,600 Looks... expensive. 101 00:04:08,400 --> 00:04:10,700 Does this mean you guys are planning on staying for a while? 102 00:04:10,800 --> 00:04:12,800 That depends on you, Chuck. 103 00:04:13,200 --> 00:04:14,400 How does it depend on me? 104 00:04:14,400 --> 00:04:17,400 Colt fed us a Trojan horse that blew up the Intersect. 105 00:04:17,400 --> 00:04:19,200 The real Cipher is still out there. 106 00:04:19,200 --> 00:04:21,700 Our intel tells us it may be in the possession 107 00:04:21,700 --> 00:04:24,500 of the former KGB operative, Sasha Banacheck. 108 00:04:24,500 --> 00:04:26,300 We believe she's in town to sell it. 109 00:04:26,300 --> 00:04:28,600 If we think she's got it, why don't we grab her and find out? 110 00:04:28,600 --> 00:04:31,500 Sasha Banacheck was in a Bulgarian prison for seven years. 111 00:04:31,500 --> 00:04:32,900 They got nothing out of her. 112 00:04:32,900 --> 00:04:35,700 The good news is one agent was able to get close. 113 00:04:35,700 --> 00:04:37,200 He's the reason she went away, 114 00:04:37,200 --> 00:04:39,600 and he knows more about her than anyone alive. 115 00:04:39,600 --> 00:04:42,300 That agent is Roan Montgomery. 116 00:04:42,300 --> 00:04:43,200 Crap. 117 00:04:44,300 --> 00:04:45,300 The guy hates me. 118 00:04:45,300 --> 00:04:47,600 My supervisor in operative training. Flunked me twice. 119 00:04:47,600 --> 00:04:49,300 Well, he's off the grid now. 120 00:04:49,300 --> 00:04:51,900 Use the Intersect to find Agent Montgomery. 121 00:04:51,900 --> 00:04:53,100 All right. 122 00:04:53,200 --> 00:04:55,100 Guys, sounds like a blast. 123 00:04:55,100 --> 00:04:57,700 Really, uh, but you can count me out on this one. 124 00:04:58,200 --> 00:04:59,900 No more dangling me off of buildings, 125 00:04:59,900 --> 00:05:01,600 no more guns being pointed at my head, 126 00:05:01,600 --> 00:05:03,100 no more putting my life in danger. 127 00:05:03,100 --> 00:05:08,200 I am going back to my peaceful, quiet, albeit degrading life at the Buy More, 128 00:05:08,200 --> 00:05:09,500 so have fun on the mission, 129 00:05:09,500 --> 00:05:12,100 and really love what you've done with the place. 130 00:05:12,800 --> 00:05:14,700 Is there a problem with the asset? 131 00:05:15,500 --> 00:05:18,700 No problem, General. I have the situation under control. 132 00:05:19,000 --> 00:05:20,200 Chuck, wait. 133 00:05:20,600 --> 00:05:22,800 - ?? - Sarah, look, you're right, okay? 134 00:05:22,800 --> 00:05:23,700 I'm not a real spy. 135 00:05:23,700 --> 00:05:25,900 I'm not cut out for this adrenaline-pumping, 136 00:05:25,900 --> 00:05:28,300 chase-the-bad-guy, risk-life-and-limb daily existence. 137 00:05:28,300 --> 00:05:30,200 Okay, look, the sooner we get the Cipher back, 138 00:05:30,200 --> 00:05:31,800 the sooner you can have the Intersect removed, 139 00:05:31,800 --> 00:05:33,200 and the sooner you can be free 140 00:05:33,200 --> 00:05:36,100 to live whatever life you choose with whomever you choose. 141 00:05:37,200 --> 00:05:38,200 What are you saying? 142 00:05:39,000 --> 00:05:43,300 I'm saying that you can have everything that you've always wanted. 143 00:05:45,700 --> 00:05:46,900 Let me see the file. 144 00:05:58,900 --> 00:06:00,000 ?? 145 00:06:01,400 --> 00:06:03,700 Okay. Uh, the guy lives in Palm Springs. 146 00:06:03,700 --> 00:06:05,500 He knows a lot of ladies.?? 147 00:06:07,800 --> 00:06:08,700 ?? 148 00:06:08,700 --> 00:06:09,500 So, 149 00:06:09,700 --> 00:06:11,100 what's the deal with this Roan guy? 150 00:06:11,100 --> 00:06:13,700 He's a legend in the department. Incredible spy. 151 00:06:13,700 --> 00:06:15,400 Real old-school James Bond type. 152 00:06:15,400 --> 00:06:16,700 Overrated if you ask me. 153 00:06:16,700 --> 00:06:18,200 What was the class that you failed? 154 00:06:18,300 --> 00:06:20,500 Infiltrating and Inducement of Enemy Personnel. 155 00:06:20,500 --> 00:06:23,200 Yeah, in the academy, we call it Seduction School. 156 00:06:23,200 --> 00:06:25,000 Yeah, like I need a class. 157 00:06:25,500 --> 00:06:27,200 Wait. Someone's already been here. 158 00:06:33,600 --> 00:06:35,700 Yeah, and they tossed the place. 159 00:06:42,200 --> 00:06:44,000 Oh, my God. Oh, uh, maybe... 160 00:06:44,000 --> 00:06:44,900 maybe I should wait in the car. 161 00:06:44,900 --> 00:06:47,200 I'm still having nightmares about the last few dead bodies. 162 00:06:50,900 --> 00:06:53,000 Sugar, I got a flight to catch. 163 00:06:58,000 --> 00:07:00,000 This is the guy who's supposed to help us? 164 00:07:01,100 --> 00:07:03,000 I'm going to be the Intersect forever. 165 00:07:05,400 --> 00:07:07,100 chuck S02 ep02 166 00:07:08,400 --> 00:07:13,400 www.1000fr.com presents 167 00:07:15,500 --> 00:07:20,400 Sync:FRS@¹âÏË 168 00:07:43,900 --> 00:07:45,600 Morning, sunshine. 169 00:07:47,200 --> 00:07:49,500 What do you say we hit the shower for a quickie? 170 00:07:50,700 --> 00:07:51,700 Sorry, Chuck. 171 00:07:51,700 --> 00:07:54,900 And you know what? It would be nice if we had some romance on occasion. 172 00:07:54,900 --> 00:07:56,900 I got a good 42 minutes 173 00:07:56,900 --> 00:07:59,900 before I have to perform an emergency endotracheal intubation. 174 00:08:00,200 --> 00:08:01,300 That's very funny. 175 00:08:01,300 --> 00:08:04,000 Do you realize that you have not taken me on one single romantic date 176 00:08:04,000 --> 00:08:04,900 since we've been engaged? 177 00:08:04,900 --> 00:08:06,100 Took you out last week. 178 00:08:06,400 --> 00:08:07,300 ??To Subway... 179 00:08:07,300 --> 00:08:08,900 with Chuck and his little bearded friend. 180 00:08:08,900 --> 00:08:10,500 It's not exactly every girl's dream. 181 00:08:10,500 --> 00:08:12,200 - No offense, Chuck. - None taken. 182 00:08:12,400 --> 00:08:14,700 I guess I have been remiss in the romance department. 183 00:08:14,700 --> 00:08:16,900 What we need to be is more like Chuck and Sarah. 184 00:08:17,000 --> 00:08:17,800 Excuse me. 185 00:08:17,800 --> 00:08:19,700 Every time you see her, your eyes light up. 186 00:08:19,700 --> 00:08:21,700 I mean, how do you keep that spark alive? 187 00:08:22,200 --> 00:08:24,500 I-I... You know, I don't think I should be getting involved in... 188 00:08:24,500 --> 00:08:25,900 Come on. What's the secret, bro? 189 00:08:25,900 --> 00:08:27,200 You know what? We-We kind of just... 190 00:08:27,200 --> 00:08:28,800 You know, we pretend like we're not really dating, 191 00:08:28,800 --> 00:08:29,600 which is weird, I know, 192 00:08:29,600 --> 00:08:33,400 but it-it forces me to have to win her over again and again. 193 00:08:35,600 --> 00:08:36,500 And again. 194 00:08:36,500 --> 00:08:38,000 That is so sweet. 195 00:08:38,000 --> 00:08:42,400 Honey, see, all I'm talking about is simply an evening of wining and dining. 196 00:08:42,400 --> 00:08:43,500 I hear you, babe. 197 00:08:43,500 --> 00:08:44,900 Mission accepted. 198 00:08:45,400 --> 00:08:47,000 The mission is the Cipher. 199 00:08:47,000 --> 00:08:50,000 The brains of the Intersect, the most important piece. 200 00:08:50,000 --> 00:08:51,200 If Sasha Banacheck has the Cipher, 201 00:08:51,200 --> 00:08:53,600 we got 24 hours max before she unloads it. 202 00:08:53,600 --> 00:08:56,000 What's wrong? Did you find Agent Montgomery? 203 00:08:56,000 --> 00:08:56,900 We did. It's just... 204 00:08:56,900 --> 00:08:59,200 he's having a bit of trouble remaining... 205 00:08:59,700 --> 00:09:00,700 upright. 206 00:09:08,400 --> 00:09:11,000 ??water, aspirin. The guy's out. 207 00:09:13,000 --> 00:09:15,400 ??if we want Sasha Banacheck, it's up to us. 208 00:09:15,400 --> 00:09:16,900 G man, G man, G man. 209 00:09:16,900 --> 00:09:18,700 Hello, Giorgio. 210 00:09:21,300 --> 00:09:22,600 ?? 211 00:09:22,600 --> 00:09:24,600 I suggest going old-school. Torture it out of her. 212 00:09:24,600 --> 00:09:26,200 Torture will never work. 213 00:09:36,100 --> 00:09:37,500 Hello, Diane. 214 00:09:38,400 --> 00:09:39,600 Hello, Roan. 215 00:09:40,700 --> 00:09:44,400 The only way to get Sasha Banacheck is to seduce her. 216 00:09:44,400 --> 00:09:46,700 - Well, duty calls. - Not you, Agent Frankenstein. 217 00:09:46,700 --> 00:09:48,400 She'll peg you as CIA in an instant. 218 00:09:48,400 --> 00:09:50,200 We need somebody innocuous. 219 00:09:50,200 --> 00:09:52,500 Someone with whom she can let her guard down. 220 00:09:53,100 --> 00:09:57,500 Essentially, the last person in the world she'd ever suspect of being an agent. 221 00:09:57,800 --> 00:09:59,800 Charles, I'd like to have these Nerd Herd invoices 222 00:09:59,800 --> 00:10:01,300 logged into the computer by later today. 223 00:10:01,300 --> 00:10:03,400 Uh, Lester, these are all from your jobs. 224 00:10:03,400 --> 00:10:06,300 Correct, and during your brief tenure as the assistant manager, 225 00:10:06,300 --> 00:10:07,500 you should have had me deal with it. 226 00:10:07,500 --> 00:10:10,100 You didn't. Now I have to clean up your mess. 227 00:10:10,300 --> 00:10:11,300 Come on, brother. 228 00:10:11,600 --> 00:10:12,900 Time for you to show me something. 229 00:10:14,400 --> 00:10:15,400 Let's go, Lover Boy. 230 00:10:15,400 --> 00:10:17,200 I need your services in a romantic capacity. 231 00:10:17,200 --> 00:10:20,200 Oh, I'm flattered. I just hope Sarah's involved. 232 00:10:20,300 --> 00:10:23,000 So, your date tonight will be with Sasha Banacheck. 233 00:10:23,000 --> 00:10:23,800 Um, I'm sorry. What? 234 00:10:23,800 --> 00:10:27,000 You mean previously tortured in a Bulgarian prison Sasha Banacheck? 235 00:10:27,000 --> 00:10:28,900 Don't worry. Casey and I will be there for cover. 236 00:10:28,900 --> 00:10:32,100 Just approach her at the bar, and get her to invite you up, 237 00:10:32,100 --> 00:10:34,200 and see if you flash on anything in her room. 238 00:10:34,200 --> 00:10:35,400 One small problem. 239 00:10:35,600 --> 00:10:36,600 Why is she gonna choose me? 240 00:10:36,600 --> 00:10:38,200 Because you're not going to be you. 241 00:10:38,500 --> 00:10:39,600 You're going to be me. 242 00:10:41,500 --> 00:10:43,600 I'll teach you everything you need to know. 243 00:10:44,000 --> 00:10:46,500 First, the proper way to drink a martini. 244 00:10:46,600 --> 00:10:49,900 Hold by stem, nod to mark. 245 00:10:52,100 --> 00:10:53,900 Slowly tilt back. 246 00:10:58,100 --> 00:11:01,200 A moment to learn, a lifetime to perfect. 247 00:11:01,600 --> 00:11:02,700 Let's get to work. 248 00:11:05,200 --> 00:11:06,100 ?? 249 00:11:06,100 --> 00:11:08,800 His liver must look like camouflage. 250 00:11:12,600 --> 00:11:13,800 Hey, Morgan, you seen Chuck? 251 00:11:14,200 --> 00:11:16,000 He, uh, left early. Why? What's up? 252 00:11:16,000 --> 00:11:18,300 I wanted to see if he could make himself scarce tonight. 253 00:11:18,300 --> 00:11:20,700 Planning a romantic evening with my lady. 254 00:11:21,400 --> 00:11:22,400 ?? 255 00:11:22,600 --> 00:11:24,500 Check you out, you big softy. 256 00:11:24,600 --> 00:11:26,800 What's on the agenda, if I may be so bold? 257 00:11:26,800 --> 00:11:27,800 Not sure. 258 00:11:27,800 --> 00:11:29,900 I may pick up some flowers, 259 00:11:30,200 --> 00:11:33,800 some-some candles, vino, feed each other some?? 260 00:11:35,500 --> 00:11:37,000 You know about Ellie and shrimp, right? 261 00:11:37,500 --> 00:11:39,700 - No. What? - Famous Nantucket trip of '92. 262 00:11:39,700 --> 00:11:42,100 Spent days curled up on a bathroom floor. 263 00:11:42,100 --> 00:11:44,900 For years, she couldn't go near a beach without vomiting. 264 00:11:44,900 --> 00:11:45,900 What else you got? 265 00:11:46,600 --> 00:11:48,000 Her favorite dessert, pecan pie. 266 00:11:48,000 --> 00:11:49,500 Okay, she likes pecan pie. 267 00:11:49,500 --> 00:11:51,700 Not her, you know, "stuck on a desert island" all-time favorite, 268 00:11:51,700 --> 00:11:52,900 but she likes it. 269 00:11:53,800 --> 00:11:56,200 Morgan, I know my fiancée. 270 00:11:56,300 --> 00:11:57,100 Really? 271 00:11:57,900 --> 00:11:59,400 How long have you been in love with Ellie for? 272 00:11:59,400 --> 00:12:01,500 Three years? Give or take. 273 00:12:02,200 --> 00:12:03,200 Take a walk for a second. 274 00:12:04,200 --> 00:12:06,100 I have dedicated myself to the study of that woman 275 00:12:06,100 --> 00:12:07,600 for the better part of 19 years. 276 00:12:07,600 --> 00:12:09,400 So I hate to pull rank here, homeboy, 277 00:12:09,400 --> 00:12:11,200 but I think I know Ellie a little bit better than you. 278 00:12:11,200 --> 00:12:13,200 All right? For example. For example. 279 00:12:13,400 --> 00:12:15,000 What is Ellie's favorite song of eighth grade? 280 00:12:15,000 --> 00:12:16,600 ??Eighth grade. 281 00:12:17,100 --> 00:12:18,500 You don't know. That's okay. 282 00:12:18,500 --> 00:12:19,700 You came to the right place, all right? 283 00:12:19,700 --> 00:12:21,900 We are gonna set her off. 284 00:12:22,800 --> 00:12:24,200 You're not gonna wear that shirt though, right? 285 00:12:26,800 --> 00:12:28,400 I need to see what I'm dealing with. 286 00:12:28,400 --> 00:12:30,600 Assume your partner is the mark. 287 00:12:30,700 --> 00:12:31,900 How would you seduce her? 288 00:12:32,500 --> 00:12:33,500 That's an excellent question. 289 00:12:33,500 --> 00:12:36,800 I-I would probably start with the, uh, 290 00:12:36,800 --> 00:12:38,100 bedroom eyes maybe. 291 00:12:38,100 --> 00:12:40,500 You know, the old, uh, Bartowski eyebrow dance. 292 00:12:40,900 --> 00:12:42,500 Then come in at you like this. 293 00:12:42,500 --> 00:12:44,800 You know? And then I'd start firing the guns at you, you know. 294 00:12:44,800 --> 00:12:46,800 - Hey, baby... - Hey, don't encourage him! 295 00:12:46,800 --> 00:12:48,200 This isn't happy hour at Chili's. 296 00:12:48,200 --> 00:12:49,700 This is Sasha Banacheck. 297 00:12:50,000 --> 00:12:52,000 I don't know, I-I would probably, you know, 298 00:12:52,000 --> 00:12:53,600 I'd-I'd-I'd be myself, 299 00:12:53,600 --> 00:12:55,100 and I'd try and make her laugh a little bit, 300 00:12:55,100 --> 00:12:57,100 find a common cultural interest-- music. 301 00:12:57,100 --> 00:12:58,300 Be yourself? 302 00:12:58,500 --> 00:13:01,900 You think a woman like this could ever fall for a guy like you? 303 00:13:03,100 --> 00:13:04,000 I don't know. 304 00:13:04,000 --> 00:13:06,000 Barring any national security emergency, 305 00:13:06,000 --> 00:13:07,100 I think I might have a shot. 306 00:13:07,100 --> 00:13:07,700 Be reasonable. 307 00:13:07,700 --> 00:13:10,700 This is a gorgeous, sophisticated woman, and you're... 308 00:13:10,700 --> 00:13:13,000 Passionate and-and sweet and caring. 309 00:13:13,000 --> 00:13:13,900 Really? 310 00:13:14,500 --> 00:13:16,300 Tall, dark and caring. What a combo! 311 00:13:16,300 --> 00:13:19,100 I didn't mean it like that. He-he has a lot to offer. 312 00:13:19,100 --> 00:13:21,500 Fine. Let me see this caged passion. 313 00:13:21,800 --> 00:13:23,000 - Kiss him. - Excuse me? 314 00:13:23,000 --> 00:13:26,900 I don't think that's necessary at this particular juncture right now, Roan. 315 00:13:26,900 --> 00:13:29,000 I'm-I'm solid as a rock in that department. 316 00:13:29,000 --> 00:13:31,900 What's wrong? Don't you find Agent Walker attractive? 317 00:13:32,700 --> 00:13:35,800 Of course I find her attractive. 318 00:13:35,800 --> 00:13:38,700 It's just that I had a burrito earlier, and I'm trying to be respectful. 319 00:13:38,700 --> 00:13:41,700 While I admire your chivalry, if you can't kiss her now, 320 00:13:41,700 --> 00:13:44,600 what makes you think you're gonna be able to kiss Sasha Banacheck 321 00:13:44,600 --> 00:13:46,800 when the entire mission is on the line? 322 00:13:46,900 --> 00:13:47,800 Chuck, it's okay. 323 00:13:47,800 --> 00:13:50,200 - Really? - Yes. Yes. 324 00:13:58,500 --> 00:13:59,700 - There. - Perhaps I've moved too fast. 325 00:13:59,700 --> 00:14:00,700 Have you had intercourse before? 326 00:14:00,700 --> 00:14:02,900 Okay, you know what? You're crazy. This is crazy. 327 00:14:02,900 --> 00:14:04,200 I don't have to take lessons from you. 328 00:14:04,200 --> 00:14:05,400 Really? Maybe I picked the wrong agent. 329 00:14:05,400 --> 00:14:07,000 ??I'll get Agent Casey to kiss her. 330 00:14:07,000 --> 00:14:08,300 You really want me to kiss her?! 331 00:14:08,400 --> 00:14:10,100 - Desperately. - Fine. 332 00:14:24,100 --> 00:14:24,800 Bravo. 333 00:14:25,800 --> 00:14:27,600 I better fix my lipstick. Excuse me. 334 00:14:27,600 --> 00:14:28,300 Sure. 335 00:14:31,300 --> 00:14:33,600 Something tells me that wasn't the first time that's happened. 336 00:14:33,600 --> 00:14:36,000 What? No. No. We're totally professional. 337 00:14:36,000 --> 00:14:37,100 That's... we work together. 338 00:14:37,100 --> 00:14:38,300 Don't worry, Charles. 339 00:14:38,300 --> 00:14:39,800 I'll teach you how to get her, too. 340 00:14:39,900 --> 00:14:42,400 But first, we're gonna need more gin. 341 00:14:42,800 --> 00:14:43,800 ?? 342 00:14:49,700 --> 00:14:51,700 Okay, you make sure his mic works. 343 00:14:51,700 --> 00:14:53,200 I'll go load up the weapons. 344 00:14:54,100 --> 00:14:55,500 Well, it may not be the steamiest, 345 00:14:55,500 --> 00:14:59,400 but we probably have the strangest relationship in Los Angeles. 346 00:14:59,400 --> 00:15:00,500 I doubt that. 347 00:15:00,600 --> 00:15:02,200 Morgan is still dating, right? 348 00:15:02,600 --> 00:15:03,600 Good point. 349 00:15:04,500 --> 00:15:07,400 Tonight will be fine. I wouldn't take Roan's advice too seriously. 350 00:15:07,400 --> 00:15:08,500 Just be yourself. 351 00:15:08,500 --> 00:15:10,800 I doubt Chuck Bartowski's gonna be charming anyone. 352 00:15:10,800 --> 00:15:11,700 Why not? 353 00:15:12,200 --> 00:15:13,500 Worked on me. 354 00:15:15,600 --> 00:15:17,000 We need to talk about protection. 355 00:15:17,000 --> 00:15:19,000 I don't think it's gonna get that far, Roan. 356 00:15:19,000 --> 00:15:20,100 I mean a gun. 357 00:15:21,000 --> 00:15:22,900 Why do you think she's known as the Black Widow? 358 00:15:23,400 --> 00:15:26,100 She's African-American and her husband died. 359 00:15:26,100 --> 00:15:28,400 Because she kills all her mates. 360 00:15:39,700 --> 00:15:40,600 Big Mike? 361 00:15:40,800 --> 00:15:42,900 Hey. Uh, you wanted to see me? 362 00:15:43,400 --> 00:15:46,000 First, I'm digging the new vest. 363 00:15:46,200 --> 00:15:47,800 Oh, thank you. 364 00:15:47,800 --> 00:15:48,700 Next, 365 00:15:48,700 --> 00:15:50,700 why aren't my credit card displays out? 366 00:15:50,900 --> 00:15:52,900 Yeah, I've-I've told Morgan three times, sir, 367 00:15:52,900 --> 00:15:54,700 but don't worry, I am on it. 368 00:15:54,700 --> 00:15:56,200 They ain't listening to you, huh? 369 00:15:57,000 --> 00:15:58,000 Just a matter of time, sir. 370 00:15:58,000 --> 00:16:00,400 Look, Patel, the problem is they don't fear you. 371 00:16:00,500 --> 00:16:01,400 Yeah. 372 00:16:01,400 --> 00:16:03,200 Yeah, you're right. They don't. They don't. 373 00:16:03,200 --> 00:16:04,400 How do I get them to fear me? 374 00:16:04,400 --> 00:16:05,800 Don't you watch Animal Planet? 375 00:16:05,800 --> 00:16:08,300 Find the wounded gazelle and pounce! 376 00:16:08,700 --> 00:16:10,500 Thus endeth the lesson. 377 00:16:25,300 --> 00:16:27,400 If he survives the night, it'll be a miracle. 378 00:16:27,400 --> 00:16:29,400 Shh! He can hear you. 379 00:16:29,400 --> 00:16:30,700 Thanks for the vote of confidence. 380 00:16:30,700 --> 00:16:32,800 Don't be nervous, Chuck. We'll be watching your every move. 381 00:16:32,800 --> 00:16:33,700 Now, Charles, I'm gonna walk you 382 00:16:33,700 --> 00:16:36,500 through the world-famous four-pronged Montgomery attack. 383 00:16:36,500 --> 00:16:39,200 First, work the room. 384 00:16:49,100 --> 00:16:52,200 When you enter a room, every eye should be upon you. 385 00:16:52,200 --> 00:16:55,000 You could leave the bar with any woman you desire. 386 00:16:55,000 --> 00:16:58,100 But you have chosen her. 387 00:16:58,800 --> 00:17:00,400 Easy, Chuck. You're doing great. 388 00:17:00,400 --> 00:17:03,700 Next, she'll need to be well lubricated. 389 00:17:04,100 --> 00:17:08,300 Ice-cold dirty martini, three olives. 390 00:17:11,500 --> 00:17:13,000 Excuse me, is this seat taken? 391 00:17:14,500 --> 00:17:15,800 I'll take that as a no. 392 00:17:16,100 --> 00:17:17,500 Charles Carmichael. 393 00:17:17,500 --> 00:17:18,800 And you are? 394 00:17:18,800 --> 00:17:19,700 Bored. 395 00:17:19,900 --> 00:17:22,200 Well, maybe I can change that. Garçon! 396 00:17:22,400 --> 00:17:23,300 - ?? - Yes, sir, 397 00:17:23,300 --> 00:17:26,500 please, uh, two ice-cold dirty martinis, three olives. 398 00:17:26,500 --> 00:17:27,300 Thank you. 399 00:17:28,200 --> 00:17:30,800 That's very nice. But I no longer drink. 400 00:17:31,400 --> 00:17:33,300 Doesn't drink? That's absurd. 401 00:17:33,300 --> 00:17:36,400 How is this boy supposed to seduce her without alcohol? 402 00:17:36,400 --> 00:17:38,500 Don't worry, Chuck. It'll be fine. 403 00:17:38,800 --> 00:17:42,100 I should probably cut back, too. Lot of calories in those martinis. 404 00:17:42,400 --> 00:17:45,100 Enjoy your martinis, Mr. Carmichael. 405 00:17:46,000 --> 00:17:48,100 It's okay, Chuck. Don't get discouraged. 406 00:17:48,100 --> 00:17:50,300 That was just round one.?? 407 00:17:50,300 --> 00:17:52,500 you're calm, confident, charming. 408 00:17:52,500 --> 00:17:55,100 Yeah, apparently not. She left after 12 seconds. 409 00:17:55,100 --> 00:17:56,600 You're still alive, aren't you? 410 00:17:56,600 --> 00:17:57,600 That's a victory. 411 00:17:59,100 --> 00:18:00,800 Okay, Chuck, here we go. 412 00:18:00,800 --> 00:18:02,800 A woman wants a man to take control. 413 00:18:02,800 --> 00:18:05,700 Even though she won't say it, she wants to be rescued. 414 00:18:05,700 --> 00:18:07,500 Actually, that's not true, Chuck. 415 00:18:07,500 --> 00:18:10,200 Some women prefer a man who can take a backseat. 416 00:18:10,800 --> 00:18:13,000 I'm not talking about you, darling. I'm talking about the Black Widow. 417 00:18:13,000 --> 00:18:14,000 So am I. 418 00:18:14,100 --> 00:18:16,400 Maybe he doesn't need to try and pretend to be someone else. 419 00:18:16,400 --> 00:18:19,300 I promise you, Chuck Bartowski, on his own, can seduce this woman. 420 00:18:19,300 --> 00:18:20,500 I appreciate all of that, 421 00:18:20,500 --> 00:18:22,600 but can we focus on the mission for a second, please? 422 00:18:22,600 --> 00:18:23,700 Yes, Charles. 423 00:18:23,700 --> 00:18:24,800 All right, the third prong. 424 00:18:25,300 --> 00:18:27,200 The woman is an absolute Francophile. 425 00:18:27,200 --> 00:18:30,300 Just the mention of St. Tropez makes her woozy. 426 00:18:33,500 --> 00:18:36,600 I hate to keep bothering you, but you look so familiar. 427 00:18:36,600 --> 00:18:39,000 Perhaps we met in St. Tropez. 428 00:18:40,600 --> 00:18:42,000 At the Intercontinental. 429 00:18:42,000 --> 00:18:43,600 ?? 430 00:18:50,300 --> 00:18:53,300 Antoine the piano player is best in Europe, don't you agree? 431 00:18:53,300 --> 00:18:56,000 Oh, I'm a big, big fan of Antoine's. 432 00:18:56,000 --> 00:18:57,500 Wouldn't miss him for the world. 433 00:18:57,900 --> 00:19:00,000 Antoine has been dead for six years. 434 00:19:00,900 --> 00:19:03,800 Ah, poor Antoine. That's tragic. 435 00:19:03,800 --> 00:19:06,400 That is a shame. No one ever called. 436 00:19:09,700 --> 00:19:12,400 But you prefer the new piano player Marcel. 437 00:19:12,400 --> 00:19:14,900 For my money though, I prefer Marcel. 438 00:19:14,900 --> 00:19:18,000 Better solos, longer jams, just more of an accomplished pianist, 439 00:19:18,000 --> 00:19:19,400 but maybe that's just me. 440 00:19:22,200 --> 00:19:23,400 I have to agree. 441 00:19:24,700 --> 00:19:27,700 Barkeep, a refill for the lady, please. 442 00:19:31,200 --> 00:19:32,300 To Antoine. 443 00:19:33,300 --> 00:19:34,700 May he rest in peace. 444 00:19:41,300 --> 00:19:44,700 Are you prepared for an evening of intense seduction? 445 00:19:44,800 --> 00:19:45,800 Can't wait. 446 00:19:45,800 --> 00:19:48,000 This is very sweet. What did you do? 447 00:19:48,000 --> 00:19:49,500 Patience, babe. 448 00:19:49,500 --> 00:19:51,200 First, some tunes. 449 00:19:51,400 --> 00:19:52,700 I'm taking it old-school. 450 00:19:52,700 --> 00:19:55,300 Does the eighth grade lunchroom ring any bells? 451 00:19:55,900 --> 00:20:00,200 ??Richard Marx, "Repeat Offender." 452 00:20:00,200 --> 00:20:01,300 Okay. 453 00:20:01,300 --> 00:20:03,500 Next, a little something for the sweet tooth. 454 00:20:03,500 --> 00:20:04,500 Your favorite dessert. 455 00:20:04,500 --> 00:20:07,500 Seriously, babe, what would you do for a Klondike bar? 456 00:20:07,500 --> 00:20:09,600 I guess we'll find that out later. 457 00:20:09,900 --> 00:20:10,900 Not much. 458 00:20:10,900 --> 00:20:13,900 And finally, for the evening's entertainment, 459 00:20:14,300 --> 00:20:16,600 your favorite all-time movie. 460 00:20:16,600 --> 00:20:17,600 Casablanca. 461 00:20:17,600 --> 00:20:19,800 No. Sister Act. 462 00:20:22,300 --> 00:20:25,000 Honey, why, out of all the movies in the world, 463 00:20:25,000 --> 00:20:26,700 would Sister Act be my favorite? 464 00:20:26,700 --> 00:20:28,900 Morgan said he sat behind you in the theater, 465 00:20:28,900 --> 00:20:30,400 and you were hysterical the whole time. 466 00:20:30,400 --> 00:20:32,700 I have no recollection of that. 467 00:20:32,700 --> 00:20:36,200 You consulted Morgan for an evening of intense seduction? 468 00:20:36,600 --> 00:20:38,300 Technically, he has known you longer. 469 00:20:39,300 --> 00:20:40,800 Okay. You know what? 470 00:20:40,800 --> 00:20:45,600 Just for future reference, my favorite dessert is pecan pie. 471 00:20:45,600 --> 00:20:47,200 Well, that's what I said. 472 00:20:47,600 --> 00:20:48,800 Hey, wait, where you going? 473 00:20:48,900 --> 00:20:50,600 I have to be up at 5:00 a.m. 474 00:20:50,600 --> 00:20:51,300 What about our date? 475 00:20:51,300 --> 00:20:52,500 Well, why don't you call Morgan, 476 00:20:52,500 --> 00:20:55,100 since evidently you planned his favorite evening. 477 00:20:55,200 --> 00:20:55,900 Okay? 478 00:20:59,300 --> 00:21:01,100 That furry little bastard. 479 00:21:02,900 --> 00:21:05,400 So how long have you and Charles been cavorting? 480 00:21:06,600 --> 00:21:08,600 You mean, how long have we been working together? 481 00:21:08,600 --> 00:21:09,900 ??Don't play coy. 482 00:21:10,100 --> 00:21:11,200 You have feelings for him. 483 00:21:11,200 --> 00:21:13,800 I mean, real, non-spy emotions. 484 00:21:13,800 --> 00:21:17,100 Don't be ridiculous. What, because I'm protective of him as an asset? 485 00:21:17,100 --> 00:21:19,400 No. The way you kissed him. 486 00:21:20,000 --> 00:21:22,300 I think you've had too much to drink. 487 00:21:22,400 --> 00:21:23,500 No such thing. 488 00:21:25,100 --> 00:21:26,800 That's real professional. Look at what you did! 489 00:21:26,800 --> 00:21:29,900 I know. That's expensive gin. 490 00:21:32,300 --> 00:21:33,400 Itchy ear there. 491 00:21:33,400 --> 00:21:36,000 So actually, it was invented by a Hungarian baker 492 00:21:36,000 --> 00:21:37,800 to commemorate the defeat of the Turks. 493 00:21:37,800 --> 00:21:40,500 And that is the true history behind the croissant. 494 00:21:40,800 --> 00:21:43,200 That's just a little pastry trivia for you. 495 00:21:43,200 --> 00:21:46,400 You are a fountain of information, Mr. Carmichael. 496 00:21:46,400 --> 00:21:47,100 Well... 497 00:21:48,000 --> 00:21:51,000 Quand etiez vous a Paris pour la derniere fois? 498 00:21:54,600 --> 00:21:58,300 ?? 499 00:22:00,500 --> 00:22:02,100 Enchante. 500 00:22:02,700 --> 00:22:04,400 And what bands are you into? 501 00:22:05,100 --> 00:22:07,500 If you'd just admit I'm right, we could move on. 502 00:22:07,500 --> 00:22:11,800 Anything you perceived is me wanting him to think I like him. 503 00:22:11,800 --> 00:22:14,000 I assure you, I have no feelings for Chuck. 504 00:22:14,000 --> 00:22:16,000 He is just an asset. 505 00:22:18,700 --> 00:22:20,600 Okay, we're back up. Can you hear us? 506 00:22:20,600 --> 00:22:22,400 Good night, Mr. Carmichael. 507 00:22:24,000 --> 00:22:26,500 Mission failed. Black widow's on the move. 508 00:22:26,600 --> 00:22:28,100 Great. You know, I hope you're happy. 509 00:22:28,100 --> 00:22:30,700 I told you, he's an analyst, not a spy! 510 00:22:37,700 --> 00:22:38,800 Way to go, Casanova. 511 00:22:38,800 --> 00:22:40,800 You're going to have the Intersect in your head forever. 512 00:22:41,500 --> 00:22:43,500 Okay, everybody, let's pack it up. 513 00:22:44,900 --> 00:22:47,700 Roan, what is the fourth prong of the famous assault? 514 00:22:47,700 --> 00:22:49,500 The mission is over, Charles. It's too dangerous. 515 00:22:49,500 --> 00:22:50,800 You're not ready for this. 516 00:22:50,800 --> 00:22:52,200 I'm ready. What is it? 517 00:22:52,200 --> 00:22:53,800 Be a bastard. 518 00:22:53,900 --> 00:22:55,300 When you say bastard, you mean...? 519 00:22:55,300 --> 00:22:57,400 - I mean not you, Chuck. - ?? 520 00:22:57,400 --> 00:23:00,900 Not sensitive or caring or sweet. Be everything you're not. 521 00:23:00,900 --> 00:23:02,800 Be Carmichael. 522 00:23:05,400 --> 00:23:07,400 - Hey, Missy? - Don't call her missy. 523 00:23:07,400 --> 00:23:09,100 Yes, Mr. Carmichael? 524 00:23:09,600 --> 00:23:11,500 I just want to tell you, you're a fool. 525 00:23:11,700 --> 00:23:12,700 Excuse me? 526 00:23:12,700 --> 00:23:14,100 No, I don't think I will. 527 00:23:14,300 --> 00:23:16,900 See, you're heading up to your room right now to get ready for bed. 528 00:23:16,900 --> 00:23:19,400 Floss, creams, maybe watch a little TV. 529 00:23:19,500 --> 00:23:21,200 And then just before you drift off to sleep, 530 00:23:21,200 --> 00:23:23,900 you're going to have one final, terrifying thought. 531 00:23:23,900 --> 00:23:24,900 Really? What's that? 532 00:23:24,900 --> 00:23:27,700 That you passed up an evening with the greatest lover you'll ever know. 533 00:23:28,700 --> 00:23:29,700 And who might that be? 534 00:23:29,700 --> 00:23:31,500 Oh, you're looking at him, sister. 535 00:23:31,900 --> 00:23:33,600 A man trained in the art of seduction. 536 00:23:33,600 --> 00:23:34,800 A man who has traveled the world, 537 00:23:34,800 --> 00:23:37,000 sampling women of every different culture and creed. 538 00:23:37,000 --> 00:23:39,400 So I will offer one final time before boarding my jet 539 00:23:39,400 --> 00:23:42,200 and heading off to an undisclosed rendezvous, of which I am already late. 540 00:23:42,200 --> 00:23:44,200 Can I buy you a club soda? 541 00:23:45,000 --> 00:23:46,100 No, thank you. 542 00:23:46,400 --> 00:23:47,900 Okay, I just thought I'd ask. Have a good night. 543 00:23:47,900 --> 00:23:51,400 But you can take me up to my room and make mad, passionate sex to me. 544 00:23:53,200 --> 00:23:54,700 I've still got it. 545 00:24:19,600 --> 00:24:22,000 Make yourself a drink, Mr. Carmichael. 546 00:24:22,500 --> 00:24:24,500 I'm going to slip into something... 547 00:24:25,900 --> 00:24:27,600 ...a little bit more comfortable. 548 00:24:27,600 --> 00:24:30,000 Yeah, do that. Take your time, doll. 549 00:24:30,400 --> 00:24:32,200 I'll just, uh, be here. 550 00:24:35,300 --> 00:24:36,700 Where the hell are you guys? 551 00:24:37,200 --> 00:24:39,800 You worked too quick, stallion. We didn't have time to set up. 552 00:24:40,100 --> 00:24:41,100 It's okay, Chuck. We're on our way. 553 00:24:41,100 --> 00:24:42,500 Did you flash on anything? 554 00:24:54,900 --> 00:24:56,700 Abort mission! Abort mission! Abort mission! 555 00:24:58,200 --> 00:24:59,000 Gentleman. 556 00:24:59,000 --> 00:25:00,400 You secure this area. 557 00:25:00,700 --> 00:25:02,600 Ms. Banacheck and I are going to need some privacy. 558 00:25:02,600 --> 00:25:06,000 If the hotel room is rockin', then... 559 00:25:06,300 --> 00:25:07,800 we're probably having sex. 560 00:25:09,200 --> 00:25:10,200 Get me out of here right now. 561 00:25:10,200 --> 00:25:13,000 Charles, don't worry. Roan Montgomery will get you out of this. 562 00:25:13,000 --> 00:25:14,000 I've been in worse situations. 563 00:25:14,000 --> 00:25:16,700 Did I ever tell you about the time in Thailand 564 00:25:16,700 --> 00:25:19,700 with the king's daughter up on the palace roof... 565 00:25:19,700 --> 00:25:22,700 No, you failed to mention it. How do I get out of here right now? 566 00:25:22,900 --> 00:25:24,300 I want you to go out on the balcony. 567 00:25:29,000 --> 00:25:30,000 Okay, now what? 568 00:25:30,000 --> 00:25:32,800 I want you to take a bedsheet, tie it around your waist, 569 00:25:32,800 --> 00:25:35,600 climb up on the railing, and leap off the ledge. 570 00:25:36,700 --> 00:25:39,000 Are you out of your mind?! I'm not a real spy. 571 00:25:39,000 --> 00:25:40,300 I don't leap! 572 00:25:41,600 --> 00:25:42,800 There you are. 573 00:25:51,500 --> 00:25:53,100 It's a little chilly out there, hmm? 574 00:25:53,100 --> 00:25:56,900 No, not at all. No, it's quite pleasant tonight. 575 00:25:58,600 --> 00:25:59,500 Come on. 576 00:26:00,000 --> 00:26:02,900 - Why so shy, hmm? - Well, uh, um... 577 00:26:02,900 --> 00:26:05,200 uh, well, 'cause... 'cause we just kind of met, 578 00:26:05,200 --> 00:26:07,300 and, uh, kind of seeing someone right now. 579 00:26:09,400 --> 00:26:11,200 I'm going to do things to you. 580 00:26:11,400 --> 00:26:14,000 you never, never-never dreamed possible. 581 00:26:14,000 --> 00:26:17,000 Well, I have a very vivid imagination. 582 00:26:17,700 --> 00:26:19,000 Hello, Roan. 583 00:26:19,200 --> 00:26:22,100 You shouldn't have sent a boy to do a man's job. 584 00:26:23,800 --> 00:26:25,100 Get out of there! Now! 585 00:26:25,100 --> 00:26:26,600 No-no, wait, wait! Wait, wait,wait. Why would you... 586 00:26:26,600 --> 00:26:28,100 oh, my God, that's a huge knife! 587 00:26:28,100 --> 00:26:29,600 Look, you don't want to do this. ?? 588 00:26:29,600 --> 00:26:31,200 I'm a young guy...?? 589 00:26:31,200 --> 00:26:33,000 Don't beg for you life, Mr. Carmichael. 590 00:26:33,000 --> 00:26:34,500 You have nothing to offer. 591 00:26:34,700 --> 00:26:37,400 Well, I have this. 592 00:26:39,800 --> 00:26:42,300 Roan, how did Thailand work again? 593 00:26:45,100 --> 00:26:46,000 Roan?! 594 00:26:46,500 --> 00:26:47,900 Roan! 595 00:26:49,700 --> 00:26:51,300 Happy anniversary, honey. 596 00:26:52,900 --> 00:26:53,800 Pervert! 597 00:26:53,800 --> 00:26:54,800 No! 598 00:26:57,000 --> 00:26:59,100 To a night of infinite possibilities. 599 00:27:03,500 --> 00:27:05,500 Sorry to interrupt. Enjoy your night. 600 00:27:09,200 --> 00:27:10,600 ?? Please tell me somebody saw that. 601 00:27:10,600 --> 00:27:12,500 Leaped from the balcony, lands with a flourish. 602 00:27:12,500 --> 00:27:14,500 And the Russian judge gives it a 9.4. 603 00:27:14,500 --> 00:27:17,400 Oh, and by the way I have a little thing called the Cipher if anyone's interested. 604 00:27:17,400 --> 00:27:20,400 Yes, Mr. Carmichael, I'm very interested. 605 00:27:22,400 --> 00:27:24,800 There could be more. We need to get out of here. 606 00:27:26,500 --> 00:27:29,200 If you ever want to see your fellow agents alive again, 607 00:27:29,300 --> 00:27:31,100 meet me tomorrow with the Cipher. 608 00:27:31,200 --> 00:27:33,700 6th and Alameda, 10:00 p.m. 609 00:27:33,800 --> 00:27:34,700 Come alone. 610 00:27:35,500 --> 00:27:36,400 Roan? 611 00:27:36,700 --> 00:27:37,800 Roan? 612 00:27:40,200 --> 00:27:41,800 Why are we here so late? 613 00:27:41,800 --> 00:27:43,100 If you're not going to respect me... 614 00:27:44,900 --> 00:27:46,100 you will fear me. 615 00:27:47,000 --> 00:27:48,400 May I present... 616 00:27:49,800 --> 00:27:52,600 The wheel of misfortune. 617 00:27:52,600 --> 00:27:55,500 We had a version of this in my home when I was growing up. It is... 618 00:27:56,000 --> 00:27:57,100 very effective. 619 00:27:57,300 --> 00:27:59,000 Now, my pretty, pretty staff... 620 00:27:59,000 --> 00:28:01,800 I shall choose one of you to christen the wheel. 621 00:28:02,500 --> 00:28:03,600 Mr. Grimes. 622 00:28:06,600 --> 00:28:07,800 He's not spinning. 623 00:28:08,000 --> 00:28:09,400 Hold on a second, baby. 624 00:28:09,800 --> 00:28:10,600 I'll spin. 625 00:28:11,200 --> 00:28:12,200 I got this. 626 00:28:22,400 --> 00:28:23,600 It's all good, guys. 627 00:28:27,400 --> 00:28:28,400 ?? 628 00:28:28,400 --> 00:28:30,900 You've got to be kidding me. That's, that's just my luck. 629 00:28:30,900 --> 00:28:32,000 You can't fire him. 630 00:28:32,100 --> 00:28:34,100 Anna, it's not me. The wheel has spoken. 631 00:28:34,100 --> 00:28:35,900 I would love to help, but it's out of my hands. 632 00:28:35,900 --> 00:28:39,000 Fine, if he's fired, I quit. 633 00:28:39,900 --> 00:28:41,300 that's your choice then. 634 00:28:41,300 --> 00:28:43,600 If Anna leaves, I have to follow my heart. 635 00:28:43,600 --> 00:28:45,700 I told you, you've got no shot. 636 00:28:45,700 --> 00:28:47,600 Jeffrey! Jeffrey! Jeffrey, stay here! 637 00:28:47,600 --> 00:28:50,100 Without Jeff, this place blows. 638 00:28:50,100 --> 00:28:50,900 What?! 639 00:28:51,400 --> 00:28:53,500 Okay, fine! Fine! Go! 640 00:28:53,900 --> 00:28:55,700 Go! Who needs you? 641 00:28:55,700 --> 00:28:58,200 You're all fired! You're all fired! 642 00:28:58,200 --> 00:28:59,900 Do I have your attention now? 643 00:29:00,200 --> 00:29:02,400 Do I have your attention now?! 644 00:29:08,500 --> 00:29:10,600 You know, she's going to kill them. 645 00:29:12,600 --> 00:29:14,600 Well, I guess I'm just going to have to take my chances then. 646 00:29:14,600 --> 00:29:16,200 But I can't save them alone. 647 00:29:16,200 --> 00:29:17,400 I need your help, Roan. 648 00:29:17,400 --> 00:29:18,900 They knew what they were getting into. 649 00:29:19,900 --> 00:29:21,100 That's the game we play. 650 00:29:22,900 --> 00:29:23,900 If you show up, 651 00:29:23,900 --> 00:29:27,600 there will be three dead agents instead of just two. 652 00:29:28,400 --> 00:29:29,800 What, so that's it? 653 00:29:29,900 --> 00:29:31,700 What happened to being the world's greatest spy? 654 00:29:33,000 --> 00:29:34,400 That was a long time ago. 655 00:29:36,400 --> 00:29:40,500 Roan Montgomery is not the man you see before you. 656 00:29:43,200 --> 00:29:46,000 My life may be boring and cowardly, 657 00:29:46,000 --> 00:29:48,300 but I'm alive. 658 00:29:48,400 --> 00:29:50,700 That's more than most in my line of work can claim. 659 00:29:50,700 --> 00:29:53,700 But you're a legend, Roan. Don't you understand that? 660 00:29:54,300 --> 00:29:57,300 So how can you just sit there and watch them die? 661 00:29:57,400 --> 00:30:00,800 Because I'm not in love with one of the agents. 662 00:30:02,200 --> 00:30:03,400 I'm not... 663 00:30:04,900 --> 00:30:08,000 I care about them. I care about both of them. 664 00:30:09,100 --> 00:30:11,200 Besides, we heard what she said. Okay? 665 00:30:11,400 --> 00:30:12,700 To her, I'm just an asset. 666 00:30:12,700 --> 00:30:14,300 No, you're not. 667 00:30:15,600 --> 00:30:16,400 Trust me. 668 00:30:16,700 --> 00:30:19,500 The lady doth protest too much. 669 00:30:21,400 --> 00:30:22,400 But, Charles, 670 00:30:23,300 --> 00:30:24,700 you have to ask yourself, 671 00:30:25,400 --> 00:30:27,900 is she worth dying for? 672 00:30:32,600 --> 00:30:33,600 Yes. 673 00:30:36,300 --> 00:30:37,400 Poor boy. 674 00:30:38,900 --> 00:30:41,600 Lesson number one of being a spy: 675 00:30:42,100 --> 00:30:45,800 never fall in love. 676 00:30:47,100 --> 00:30:49,000 Well, then, I guess I'm not much of a spy. 677 00:30:51,300 --> 00:30:52,800 And you're not much of a legend. 678 00:30:53,900 --> 00:30:56,200 Listen to me very carefully. I'm trying to reach General Beckman. 679 00:30:56,200 --> 00:30:57,800 My name is Chuck Bartowski. 680 00:30:58,300 --> 00:31:00,400 What do you mean I'm not listed? Look, I'm a spy, all right? 681 00:31:00,400 --> 00:31:01,600 Try my alias, Charles Carmichael. 682 00:31:01,600 --> 00:31:03,900 I'm trying to contact General Beckman. 683 00:31:03,900 --> 00:31:05,500 I need to speak with her before tonight. 684 00:31:05,500 --> 00:31:07,000 Nothing? Yeah, of course nothing. 685 00:31:07,000 --> 00:31:08,700 Just have General Beckman call me as soon as possible. 686 00:31:08,700 --> 00:31:10,200 All right, it's an emergency. 687 00:31:14,300 --> 00:31:15,100 Morning. 688 00:31:15,800 --> 00:31:16,900 Oh, hey, Chuck. 689 00:31:17,700 --> 00:31:20,000 - What's going on? - Some trouble on the home front. 690 00:31:20,300 --> 00:31:21,600 I totally screwed up. 691 00:31:21,600 --> 00:31:23,600 Went to Morgan for romance advice. 692 00:31:23,600 --> 00:31:25,900 Yeah, that's, uh, that's never a great policy. 693 00:31:25,900 --> 00:31:26,700 ??Yeah. 694 00:31:26,700 --> 00:31:28,800 I've got to do something to make this up to your sis. 695 00:31:28,800 --> 00:31:30,400 What are you thinking about doing? 696 00:31:30,400 --> 00:31:32,000 What I should've done last night. 697 00:31:32,400 --> 00:31:34,400 Cover this place in rose petals, 698 00:31:34,400 --> 00:31:37,900 roaring fire, simple candlelit dinner, pecan pie. 699 00:31:37,900 --> 00:31:39,500 Maybe give her a foot massage in the tub. 700 00:31:39,500 --> 00:31:42,600 That's a natural place, I think, to stop giving me details. 701 00:31:42,600 --> 00:31:43,500 So why don't you? 702 00:31:43,500 --> 00:31:45,400 Well, when, you know? 703 00:31:45,400 --> 00:31:47,200 I've got to be at work in like 20 minutes. 704 00:31:47,200 --> 00:31:48,900 Got a 5:00 a.m. call tomorrow. 705 00:31:49,400 --> 00:31:51,300 I'll do it. I just hope I'm not too late. 706 00:32:02,400 --> 00:32:03,200 ??Charles. 707 00:32:03,200 --> 00:32:04,100 Where is everybody? 708 00:32:04,100 --> 00:32:05,500 Oh, you mean your coworkers? 709 00:32:05,500 --> 00:32:06,200 Sure. 710 00:32:06,200 --> 00:32:07,700 Yeah, we had little a disagreement last night, Charles, 711 00:32:07,700 --> 00:32:08,900 and some things needed to be done. 712 00:32:08,900 --> 00:32:10,800 I fired the majority of the staff. 713 00:32:11,200 --> 00:32:12,500 You what?! 714 00:32:13,500 --> 00:32:15,100 I'm dead! I'm dead! When Big Mike gets here, 715 00:32:15,100 --> 00:32:16,300 he's going to see there's no one in the store, 716 00:32:16,300 --> 00:32:18,000 then he's going to fire me. Charles, you've got to help me, man. 717 00:32:18,000 --> 00:32:19,700 - How can I help you? - Ask them to come back to work. 718 00:32:19,700 --> 00:32:20,700 Why don't you?? 719 00:32:20,700 --> 00:32:22,200 'Cause then they won't fear me!?? 720 00:32:22,200 --> 00:32:23,500 Michael! Michael! 721 00:32:23,500 --> 00:32:25,200 - So nice to see you, sir. - Gentlemen. 722 00:32:27,400 --> 00:32:28,600 Something amiss, Patel? 723 00:32:29,100 --> 00:32:30,500 Morgan's on an errand, Anna's in the stockroom... 724 00:32:30,500 --> 00:32:32,600 - I mean your vest. - Huh? Oh, yeah. 725 00:32:32,600 --> 00:32:34,400 It's in my locker. I was going to change right now. 726 00:32:34,400 --> 00:32:36,100 And the manager's only donuts? 727 00:32:36,100 --> 00:32:37,300 They're on your desk, sir. 728 00:32:38,000 --> 00:32:39,400 Tight ship you're running, Patel. 729 00:32:40,400 --> 00:32:41,300 Gentlemen. 730 00:32:45,300 --> 00:32:46,600 Maybe he won't ever notice. 731 00:32:46,600 --> 00:32:49,500 Depends on how long it takes him to eat a box of donuts. 732 00:32:49,500 --> 00:32:50,500 Right.?? 733 00:32:50,900 --> 00:32:51,800 Thank you for coming. 734 00:32:51,800 --> 00:32:58,800 What I didn't mention last night was that everybody gets one practice spin. 735 00:32:58,800 --> 00:33:02,600 So in all fairness, I got to give Morgan here another shot, okay? 736 00:33:02,600 --> 00:33:03,900 Here we go, come on now. 737 00:33:04,500 --> 00:33:06,000 No one is spinning the wheel. 738 00:33:06,000 --> 00:33:07,000 You want us back, 739 00:33:07,000 --> 00:33:09,000 you're going to have to make some changes around here. 740 00:33:12,800 --> 00:33:14,200 Okay. Okay. 741 00:33:14,200 --> 00:33:17,100 Labor negotiations are part of the process. Thoughts, musings? 742 00:33:18,100 --> 00:33:19,300 We want two-hour lunch breaks. 743 00:33:19,300 --> 00:33:20,200 No way. 744 00:33:20,200 --> 00:33:22,700 Okay, okay, okay. Okay, okay. 745 00:33:22,700 --> 00:33:24,600 You got it, you got it. You drive a hard bargain. 746 00:33:24,800 --> 00:33:25,300 What else? 747 00:33:25,300 --> 00:33:29,400 Unlimited bathroom time for both resting and relaxation. 748 00:33:29,900 --> 00:33:32,200 - Done. - And you spin the wheel. 749 00:33:35,200 --> 00:33:38,100 Anna, Anna, I don't think that's necessary. 750 00:33:38,100 --> 00:33:39,000 We were getting... 751 00:33:39,000 --> 00:33:41,200 We're doing well here. I don't think that I... 752 00:33:41,200 --> 00:33:44,000 Live by the sword, die by the sword. 753 00:33:44,500 --> 00:33:46,000 You don't even know what that means. 754 00:33:54,100 --> 00:33:58,400 - Yeah, diaper station duty! - Baby needs wipe. Baby needs wipe. 755 00:34:00,000 --> 00:34:01,300 Nice, nicely done. 756 00:34:01,700 --> 00:34:03,600 Oh, yeah, you just go ahead and bring that up to the front. 757 00:34:18,100 --> 00:34:19,500 Mr. Bartowski. 758 00:34:21,400 --> 00:34:23,100 Lovely cover they've got you working. 759 00:34:23,500 --> 00:34:27,600 Perhaps you would like to elaborate on what you meant last night by "legend." 760 00:34:27,600 --> 00:34:30,700 I meant what I said. You were great. Once. 761 00:34:31,100 --> 00:34:33,000 Now, are you here to help, or are you just browsing? 762 00:34:33,000 --> 00:34:35,200 I suppose that depends on what your plan is for tonight. 763 00:34:36,000 --> 00:34:37,600 My plan is to show up at the meeting spot 764 00:34:37,600 --> 00:34:39,900 and exchange the Cipher for Casey and Sarah. 765 00:34:41,800 --> 00:34:43,800 You're determined to risk your life for these people? 766 00:34:43,800 --> 00:34:44,500 They do it for me. 767 00:34:44,500 --> 00:34:46,100 Then perhaps we should revise your plan. 768 00:34:46,100 --> 00:34:48,400 Come up with something that doesn't get us all killed. 769 00:34:48,900 --> 00:34:49,900 I'm open to that. 770 00:35:06,800 --> 00:35:09,100 I have a package for Sasha Banacheck. 771 00:35:10,600 --> 00:35:11,600 You need to sign. 772 00:35:18,300 --> 00:35:19,100 Hello? 773 00:35:19,100 --> 00:35:20,800 All right, here's how this is going to go down. 774 00:35:20,800 --> 00:35:22,900 You want the Cipher, you play by my rules. 775 00:35:22,900 --> 00:35:26,400 Meet me at 9000 Burbank Boulevard and bring the hostages. 776 00:35:31,700 --> 00:35:32,600 It's her. 777 00:35:33,000 --> 00:35:34,000 Answer it. 778 00:35:35,600 --> 00:35:36,400 Hello? 779 00:35:37,500 --> 00:35:38,600 Oh, sorry, yeah. 780 00:35:38,600 --> 00:35:40,200 You're just going to want to take the 5 North. 781 00:35:40,200 --> 00:35:41,600 That's probably the easiest. You, you... 782 00:35:41,600 --> 00:35:43,700 Burbank Boulevard exit, you're going to make a left at the light. 783 00:35:43,700 --> 00:35:45,200 Sorry, just... you can find it. 784 00:36:02,700 --> 00:36:03,800 Greetings! 785 00:36:04,900 --> 00:36:06,300 I see you found your way. 786 00:36:10,000 --> 00:36:11,600 Hope traffic wasn't too bad. 787 00:36:13,700 --> 00:36:16,000 As you can see, I have the Cipher. 788 00:36:16,900 --> 00:36:18,600 Once my friends are safely out of the store, 789 00:36:18,600 --> 00:36:20,000 I'll tell you where to find it. 790 00:36:20,300 --> 00:36:21,400 It's been a pleasure working with you, 791 00:36:21,400 --> 00:36:23,800 and I wish you luck in all your future enterprises. 792 00:36:24,000 --> 00:36:26,100 Remember, we'll always have Paris. 793 00:36:58,100 --> 00:36:58,900 Well... 794 00:36:59,700 --> 00:37:02,500 now that your savior is trapped with the Cipher, 795 00:37:02,600 --> 00:37:04,300 I no longer need hostages. 796 00:37:04,300 --> 00:37:05,000 So, good-bye. 797 00:37:05,000 --> 00:37:05,900 I... 798 00:37:06,600 --> 00:37:08,100 wouldn't do that if I were you. 799 00:37:09,800 --> 00:37:10,900 Roan. 800 00:37:11,000 --> 00:37:12,000 Hello, Sasha. 801 00:37:13,000 --> 00:37:14,700 I should have killed you years ago. 802 00:37:14,700 --> 00:37:16,200 Yes. Probably. 803 00:37:16,300 --> 00:37:17,800 Would you please drop your guns? 804 00:37:17,800 --> 00:37:19,100 Who the hell is that? 805 00:37:19,500 --> 00:37:21,600 That is Roan Montgomery. 806 00:37:28,800 --> 00:37:30,100 Stand back, Roan... 807 00:37:31,400 --> 00:37:32,600 ...or I'll kill her. 808 00:37:33,400 --> 00:37:35,000 No, no, no, no. 809 00:37:35,400 --> 00:37:36,500 Charles. Where are you? 810 00:37:36,700 --> 00:37:37,500 I'm on the roof. 811 00:37:37,500 --> 00:37:39,600 Charles, remember Thailand? 812 00:37:39,600 --> 00:37:41,800 This is not time for one of your stories, Roan. 813 00:37:42,100 --> 00:37:44,700 Remember Thailand! 814 00:37:44,700 --> 00:37:45,500 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 815 00:37:45,500 --> 00:37:48,100 you were on the palace roof and you tied a bedsheet to... 816 00:37:48,300 --> 00:37:50,300 No. No, no, no, no, no. 817 00:37:51,000 --> 00:37:52,600 Charles, time to be a spy. 818 00:37:52,600 --> 00:37:54,400 I'm not. I'm not a spy. 819 00:37:56,300 --> 00:37:58,900 Bring me the Cipher right now or I'll kill her! 820 00:38:01,100 --> 00:38:02,600 I guess you got to die sometime. 821 00:38:15,900 --> 00:38:17,700 It'd just be nice if it wasn't today. 822 00:38:19,400 --> 00:38:23,400 Sarah! 823 00:38:25,700 --> 00:38:26,400 Chuck? 824 00:38:27,500 --> 00:38:28,200 Chuck? 825 00:38:28,500 --> 00:38:29,600 Are you okay? 826 00:38:29,900 --> 00:38:31,900 I'm fine. I'm fine. How are you? 827 00:38:31,900 --> 00:38:32,800 I'm fine. 828 00:38:34,000 --> 00:38:37,000 Now, that's what I call a spy. 829 00:38:50,700 --> 00:38:52,100 I ain't new. 830 00:38:52,700 --> 00:38:53,900 Excellent work, team. 831 00:38:53,900 --> 00:38:56,200 Thanks to your efforts, we have the Cipher. 832 00:38:56,200 --> 00:38:58,900 General, you should know that Chuck was invaluable on this mission. 833 00:38:58,900 --> 00:39:02,000 He also risked his life several times to save ours. 834 00:39:02,000 --> 00:39:03,800 Your country thanks you, Chuck. 835 00:39:03,800 --> 00:39:05,700 Hopefully, we can now rebuild the Intersect 836 00:39:05,700 --> 00:39:08,100 and this nightmare can be over for you. 837 00:39:08,400 --> 00:39:09,500 Have a nice day. 838 00:39:09,500 --> 00:39:10,200 Wait! 839 00:39:10,400 --> 00:39:13,900 Actually, while I appreciate all of your kind words, 840 00:39:13,900 --> 00:39:16,300 if we're going to continue to coexist happily, 841 00:39:16,600 --> 00:39:19,600 I think that the government needs to start pulling their weight around here. 842 00:39:20,300 --> 00:39:22,300 What did you have in mind, Chuck? 843 00:39:22,300 --> 00:39:24,300 Ellie, I just want to apologize again. 844 00:39:24,300 --> 00:39:26,400 I know I may seem like Mr. Smooth, 845 00:39:26,400 --> 00:39:29,400 but the truth is, I don't have a million moves. 846 00:39:30,300 --> 00:39:31,800 All I know is I love you. 847 00:39:31,800 --> 00:39:33,700 I don't need moves, Devon. 848 00:39:33,800 --> 00:39:35,900 Just the fact that you're trying is enough. 849 00:39:52,600 --> 00:39:53,900 Is that pecan pie? 850 00:39:54,600 --> 00:39:58,400 I can't believe I fell for that! You're the sweetest man... 851 00:39:59,500 --> 00:40:00,900 No biggie, babe. 852 00:40:04,400 --> 00:40:06,700 Well, be sure and thank the CIA for me. 853 00:40:06,700 --> 00:40:07,700 It's our pleasure. 854 00:40:08,500 --> 00:40:11,200 I suppose I should thank you for saving my life. 855 00:40:11,200 --> 00:40:12,800 Oh, you've done it for me a time or two. 856 00:40:12,800 --> 00:40:14,100 I'm probably still in debt. 857 00:40:14,100 --> 00:40:16,400 ??that was pretty impressive. 858 00:40:16,700 --> 00:40:17,800 Right? 859 00:40:18,100 --> 00:40:18,900 I mean, come on. 860 00:40:18,900 --> 00:40:21,000 I-I know I'm just an asset, 861 00:40:21,000 --> 00:40:22,500 but, between the two of us, 862 00:40:22,500 --> 00:40:25,500 I mean, have you ever seen anyone do something like that before? 863 00:40:26,100 --> 00:40:27,400 I think it's safe to say, Chuck, 864 00:40:27,400 --> 00:40:30,300 that I've never seen anyone quite like you. 865 00:40:31,200 --> 00:40:32,300 Well, Agent Casey, 866 00:40:32,900 --> 00:40:34,600 thanks for the accommodations. 867 00:40:34,600 --> 00:40:35,400 Agent Montgomery. 868 00:40:35,400 --> 00:40:37,100 The reason I failed you twice 869 00:40:37,100 --> 00:40:41,200 was that your partner at the time was too pretty to pass. 870 00:40:41,700 --> 00:40:43,900 Should have failed her a few more times. 871 00:40:43,900 --> 00:40:45,100 Should have known. 872 00:40:50,300 --> 00:40:52,000 Adieu, Agent Walker. 873 00:40:52,600 --> 00:40:54,700 It was a real pleasure, Agent Montgomery. 874 00:40:55,700 --> 00:40:57,900 Well, I'll, um... I'll see you later, Chuck. 875 00:41:02,600 --> 00:41:03,500 Let her go. 876 00:41:05,200 --> 00:41:09,300 A great man once said it will give her the illusion of being pursued. 877 00:41:11,100 --> 00:41:12,200 You trust me? 878 00:41:12,800 --> 00:41:13,700 - Yeah. - Good. 879 00:41:13,700 --> 00:41:15,400 Do you own a white dinner jacket? 880 00:41:15,400 --> 00:41:16,700 - No. - Rent one. 881 00:41:16,700 --> 00:41:19,400 Tonight you will show up with a bottle of Château Margaux, 882 00:41:19,400 --> 00:41:22,400 the dinner jacket, and a single red rose, 883 00:41:22,700 --> 00:41:26,100 known in several countries as the Montgomery. 884 00:41:29,500 --> 00:41:30,400 Good-bye, Charles. 885 00:41:30,800 --> 00:41:31,900 Good-bye, Roan. 886 00:41:32,800 --> 00:41:34,000 Hello, Diane. 887 00:41:34,300 --> 00:41:36,400 Yeah, on my way to the airport. 888 00:41:36,900 --> 00:41:38,400 Should be at Dulles by the morning. 889 00:42:07,000 --> 00:42:08,000 Chuck! 890 00:42:08,700 --> 00:42:09,800 Hi. 891 00:42:11,600 --> 00:42:12,800 Hello, Chuck. 892 00:42:14,400 --> 00:42:15,900 - Bryce? - Miss me?