1 00:00:01,367 --> 00:00:05,067 This is my boss, Charles Bartowski. 2 00:00:05,133 --> 00:00:06,733 A computer repairman with all the 3 00:00:06,734 --> 00:00:09,033 government's secrets in his head. 4 00:00:13,901 --> 00:00:16,234 This is his girl, Sarah Walker. 5 00:00:16,300 --> 00:00:18,701 A CIA agent with more than just killer looks. 6 00:00:22,634 --> 00:00:24,901 And when these two spies first met, 7 00:00:24,968 --> 00:00:27,300 it was love at first fight. 8 00:00:37,901 --> 00:00:39,466 That's where I come in. 9 00:00:39,467 --> 00:00:41,066 I'm Morgan. It's my job 10 00:00:41,067 --> 00:00:42,933 to keep an eye on the both of them, 11 00:00:42,934 --> 00:00:45,067 which isn't always easy. 12 00:01:03,434 --> 00:01:04,967 Oh, hey, dude. 13 00:01:04,968 --> 00:01:06,399 I had the most incredible dream, man. 14 00:01:06,400 --> 00:01:08,300 I was, uh... Hey. 15 00:01:08,968 --> 00:01:10,666 Uh, do you want some? 16 00:01:10,667 --> 00:01:12,567 Hello? Morgan? 17 00:01:13,701 --> 00:01:15,199 Hi. 18 00:01:15,200 --> 00:01:16,600 Do you want some orange juice? 19 00:01:16,601 --> 00:01:18,934 Orange juice? Orange juice. 20 00:01:19,000 --> 00:01:20,466 Absolutely. Man, that sounds good. 21 00:01:20,467 --> 00:01:21,466 Vitamin Ds are 22 00:01:21,467 --> 00:01:22,967 very important- Vitamin Cs. 23 00:01:22,968 --> 00:01:24,032 Vitamin C, singular. 24 00:01:24,033 --> 00:01:26,567 Great. Sorry. 25 00:01:26,634 --> 00:01:28,233 The jug's so big. 26 00:01:28,234 --> 00:01:30,767 Jug- I'm sorry, I... 27 00:01:30,834 --> 00:01:33,267 I hate you, Chuck. I hate you. 28 00:01:38,367 --> 00:01:39,466 Good morning, buddy. 29 00:01:39,467 --> 00:01:41,166 Okay, I get it. 30 00:01:41,167 --> 00:01:42,633 You're having tons and tons of sex. 31 00:01:42,634 --> 00:01:43,967 Congratulations, Warren Beatty. 32 00:01:43,968 --> 00:01:45,399 Who said anything about... 33 00:01:45,400 --> 00:01:46,900 Your big, goofy grin said it, okay? 34 00:01:46,901 --> 00:01:48,666 And, you know, it's kind of an insult for those of us 35 00:01:48,667 --> 00:01:49,867 living in the apartment who aren't having sex. 36 00:01:49,868 --> 00:01:52,133 Which is me. 37 00:01:52,200 --> 00:01:54,300 Sorry. Sorry about that. 38 00:01:54,367 --> 00:01:55,733 I'm just really happy. 39 00:01:55,734 --> 00:01:56,999 Well, duh. You're dating 40 00:01:57,000 --> 00:01:58,366 a leggy Valkyrie who has an aversion to clothing. 41 00:01:58,367 --> 00:01:59,900 Says the guy who likes to sleep 42 00:01:59,901 --> 00:02:01,299 in the nude. 43 00:02:01,300 --> 00:02:02,566 Au buffo. 44 00:02:02,567 --> 00:02:04,233 Oh, well, I'll have you know that I've actually 45 00:02:04,234 --> 00:02:06,367 made the very painful concession of wearing pajamas. 46 00:02:06,434 --> 00:02:07,867 I mean, you never know 47 00:02:07,868 --> 00:02:09,500 when she's going to be stopping by now and... 48 00:02:09,501 --> 00:02:11,401 Well, I think you can pretty much count on Sarah being here 49 00:02:11,467 --> 00:02:13,032 every night, because I'm about to ask her 50 00:02:13,033 --> 00:02:14,533 if she wants to move in. 51 00:02:14,534 --> 00:02:17,267 Okay. Well, you two probably have a lot 52 00:02:17,334 --> 00:02:19,234 to talk about. 53 00:02:22,400 --> 00:02:24,066 Hi. 54 00:02:24,067 --> 00:02:25,333 I was going to surprise you. 55 00:02:25,334 --> 00:02:26,666 Take you out to a nice dinner 56 00:02:26,667 --> 00:02:28,734 and give you your own key. 57 00:02:28,801 --> 00:02:30,566 But... 58 00:02:30,567 --> 00:02:32,501 How would you like to move in? 59 00:02:32,567 --> 00:02:35,067 Why would we do that? 60 00:02:36,634 --> 00:02:37,967 Why? Well, 61 00:02:37,968 --> 00:02:40,501 because I figured since you're sleeping here 62 00:02:40,567 --> 00:02:41,800 most nights anyway... 63 00:02:41,801 --> 00:02:43,066 We're not a normal couple, 64 00:02:43,067 --> 00:02:45,400 so why do we need to pretend like we have a normal life? 65 00:02:45,467 --> 00:02:46,633 Who's pretending? 66 00:02:46,634 --> 00:02:48,299 Okay, I, I didn't mean it like that. 67 00:02:48,300 --> 00:02:51,133 I love working with you and I love being with you, so... 68 00:02:51,200 --> 00:02:53,234 Why mess with a good thing, right? 69 00:02:54,267 --> 00:02:55,666 We can talk more after work. 70 00:02:55,667 --> 00:02:56,967 Right, yeah. 71 00:02:56,968 --> 00:02:58,500 Yeah, we'll talk more after work, 72 00:02:58,501 --> 00:03:00,601 'cause I know how good 73 00:03:00,667 --> 00:03:01,833 a thing this is. 74 00:03:01,834 --> 00:03:02,967 What are you doing? 75 00:03:02,968 --> 00:03:05,067 Well, I left my gun in my hotel room. 76 00:03:05,133 --> 00:03:08,300 No, what are you doing, storing your guns in my couch? 77 00:03:08,367 --> 00:03:10,734 Morgan Morgan could find those. What, you've not heard 78 00:03:10,801 --> 00:03:11,867 of the 30-foot rule? 79 00:03:11,868 --> 00:03:13,868 As a matter of fact, no, I have not. 80 00:03:13,934 --> 00:03:16,567 A good agent should never be without a backup weapon. 81 00:03:16,634 --> 00:03:18,066 Well, have you ever heard of the Bartowski rule? 82 00:03:18,067 --> 00:03:19,666 No firearms in my apartment. 83 00:03:19,667 --> 00:03:22,367 Well, not if you want to live with a spy. 84 00:03:23,934 --> 00:03:26,067 Hey, Chuck. Got your message. 85 00:03:26,133 --> 00:03:27,733 Everything is fine. 86 00:03:27,734 --> 00:03:29,634 Sorry we can't talk. We're moving to a new clinic. 87 00:03:29,701 --> 00:03:30,867 We're here, babe. 88 00:03:30,868 --> 00:03:33,567 Hang up. Love you. Bye. 89 00:03:38,601 --> 00:03:40,333 Excuse me, Doctors Without Borders. 90 00:03:40,334 --> 00:03:42,634 Any idea where the field clinic is? 91 00:03:42,701 --> 00:03:44,601 Nothing? 92 00:03:45,701 --> 00:03:48,300 Babe, I think this is the clinic. 93 00:03:48,367 --> 00:03:49,933 Honey, I have seen more patients 94 00:03:49,934 --> 00:03:51,834 in two weeks than I've seen in my first 95 00:03:51,901 --> 00:03:53,366 few years as a doctor. 96 00:03:53,367 --> 00:03:54,566 You have any idea 97 00:03:54,567 --> 00:03:56,132 who the men with the guns are? 98 00:03:56,133 --> 00:03:57,633 The UN wear blue berets 99 00:03:57,634 --> 00:03:59,667 and the FDLR wear black berets. 100 00:03:59,734 --> 00:04:02,667 Great, but Devon, these guys aren't wearing any berets. 101 00:04:02,734 --> 00:04:04,066 Hey. Hey. 102 00:04:04,067 --> 00:04:05,967 Whoever they are, they're in charge. 103 00:04:07,467 --> 00:04:10,267 Honey, what have we gotten ourselves into? Remember what they said 104 00:04:10,334 --> 00:04:12,166 about this being the toughest job you'll ever love? 105 00:04:12,167 --> 00:04:13,999 We're making a difference. 106 00:04:14,000 --> 00:04:16,701 I know, I know. That's not what's getting to me. 107 00:04:16,767 --> 00:04:18,901 What's getting to me is the not showering 108 00:04:18,968 --> 00:04:20,099 and the not sleeping and the not knowing 109 00:04:20,100 --> 00:04:21,566 who the men with the guns are. 110 00:04:21,567 --> 00:04:23,467 Hmm? 111 00:04:24,567 --> 00:04:26,333 Well, how about a date night? 112 00:04:26,334 --> 00:04:27,900 I'll cook dinner for you tonight. 113 00:04:27,901 --> 00:04:29,868 Just you and me under the stars. 114 00:04:29,934 --> 00:04:31,834 Okay. 115 00:04:32,667 --> 00:04:34,433 I'm sure it'll clear up any minute. 116 00:04:34,434 --> 00:04:35,433 Mm, mwa. 117 00:04:35,434 --> 00:04:37,099 You're my boy. 118 00:04:37,100 --> 00:04:38,500 Over here! Follow me. 119 00:04:38,501 --> 00:04:39,833 You're in charge. 120 00:04:39,834 --> 00:04:40,999 What do you mean 121 00:04:41,000 --> 00:04:42,166 "we're not in charge"? 122 00:04:42,167 --> 00:04:44,267 Are you demoting us, General? No. 123 00:04:44,334 --> 00:04:46,801 You will be acting in an observational capacity 124 00:04:46,868 --> 00:04:48,099 on this mission. 125 00:04:48,100 --> 00:04:49,466 The primary agents 126 00:04:49,467 --> 00:04:51,534 are named Craig and Laura Turner. 127 00:04:51,601 --> 00:04:53,333 Never heard of them. 128 00:04:53,334 --> 00:04:55,132 AKA George and Bitsy Witherspoon? 129 00:04:55,133 --> 00:04:56,366 The CIA team who stopped 130 00:04:56,367 --> 00:04:58,267 the Air France hijacking in '86? 131 00:04:58,334 --> 00:05:00,300 AKA John and Suzie Smythe? 132 00:05:00,367 --> 00:05:02,334 The ones who broke up the Uranium smuggling ring 133 00:05:02,400 --> 00:05:03,566 back in '91. 134 00:05:03,567 --> 00:05:05,433 I could go on and on 135 00:05:05,434 --> 00:05:07,767 listing the Turner's aliases and accomplishments. 136 00:05:07,834 --> 00:05:09,566 So, they've been around the CIA block. 137 00:05:09,567 --> 00:05:10,833 Well, that's good for them 138 00:05:10,834 --> 00:05:13,501 They have also been married for the last 30 years- 139 00:05:13,567 --> 00:05:14,733 more or less. 140 00:05:14,734 --> 00:05:18,501 And this is relevant to us, how? 141 00:05:18,567 --> 00:05:20,634 As long as you and Agent Bartowski insist 142 00:05:20,701 --> 00:05:22,433 on keeping a personal relationship, 143 00:05:22,434 --> 00:05:25,234 I insist you learn how to go about it properly. 144 00:05:25,300 --> 00:05:27,634 Your mission is to watch and learn from the best 145 00:05:27,701 --> 00:05:29,634 couple the CIA has ever produced. 146 00:05:29,701 --> 00:05:31,333 Hmm. 147 00:05:31,334 --> 00:05:32,399 And you, Colonel Casey... 148 00:05:32,400 --> 00:05:34,801 I'll head on down to Pendleton, 149 00:05:34,868 --> 00:05:36,233 recertify my weapons training. 150 00:05:36,234 --> 00:05:38,634 It's not your training that concerns me. 151 00:05:38,701 --> 00:05:40,701 I'm talking about Morgan Grimes. 152 00:05:40,767 --> 00:05:42,801 It was your idea to make him a part of the team. 153 00:05:42,868 --> 00:05:46,000 It's your job to make him field-ready. 154 00:05:46,067 --> 00:05:47,833 You can't be serious, General. 155 00:05:47,834 --> 00:05:49,533 He's a diamond in the rough- 156 00:05:49,534 --> 00:05:52,767 very, very rough, but I'm sure you'll make him 157 00:05:52,834 --> 00:05:55,167 sparkle. 158 00:05:56,567 --> 00:05:58,534 Diamond. 159 00:05:59,767 --> 00:06:01,667 Diamond in the rough... 160 00:06:05,200 --> 00:06:06,967 Would you please sit down? 161 00:06:06,968 --> 00:06:08,132 You're making me nervous. 162 00:06:08,133 --> 00:06:09,933 The Turners are going to be here any minute. 163 00:06:09,934 --> 00:06:11,199 What, you've never met 164 00:06:11,200 --> 00:06:13,267 a CIA agent before? You, what- come on. 165 00:06:13,334 --> 00:06:14,800 You heard Beckman- these guys 166 00:06:14,801 --> 00:06:16,533 are the best of the best. They're a super spy couple. 167 00:06:16,534 --> 00:06:19,234 I don't want them thinking we're a couple of rubes. 168 00:06:19,300 --> 00:06:21,501 What a dump! 169 00:06:21,567 --> 00:06:23,767 Can you imagine being stationed here? 170 00:06:23,834 --> 00:06:26,434 Remember when the CIA held rooms for us 171 00:06:26,501 --> 00:06:28,299 at the Grand Ambassador? 172 00:06:28,300 --> 00:06:31,067 Ah, the salad days! 173 00:06:32,334 --> 00:06:33,633 What'd you say their names were again? 174 00:06:33,634 --> 00:06:36,267 I believe their names are Bertruski or Bertrowski. 175 00:06:36,334 --> 00:06:38,066 Something ethnic. 176 00:06:38,067 --> 00:06:39,266 Two young agency hotshots. 177 00:06:39,267 --> 00:06:41,400 And they're here. And they're here! 178 00:06:48,000 --> 00:06:52,234 Dear God, it's us 30 years ago. 179 00:06:52,300 --> 00:06:55,367 Look, Sarah, that's us in 30 years. 180 00:06:57,746 --> 00:07:03,135 Transcript by www.addic7ed.com 181 00:07:38,834 --> 00:07:41,133 So there you have it: Operation Mongoose. 182 00:07:41,200 --> 00:07:43,667 Made it out of Berlin with half the KGB 183 00:07:43,734 --> 00:07:46,100 on my tail. If it hadn't been for that woman 184 00:07:46,167 --> 00:07:48,534 in the fur coat with the AK-47... 185 00:07:48,601 --> 00:07:50,166 Enough with the Cold War stories, 186 00:07:50,167 --> 00:07:51,600 darling... 187 00:07:51,601 --> 00:07:52,766 You're boring our hosts. 188 00:07:52,767 --> 00:07:53,900 No-no, no. 189 00:07:53,901 --> 00:07:56,434 This is, this is, this is fascinating, uh, 190 00:07:56,501 --> 00:07:58,233 to me at-at least. 191 00:07:58,234 --> 00:08:01,000 A toast, Charles, to old spy stories. 192 00:08:01,067 --> 00:08:03,000 Oh, Mrs. Turner, can I get you a drink? 193 00:08:03,067 --> 00:08:05,234 No, thank you. I'm fine 194 00:08:05,300 --> 00:08:07,166 with my water. 195 00:08:07,167 --> 00:08:10,100 The wife does not partake, so I guess I'll just have 196 00:08:10,167 --> 00:08:12,067 to toast for both of us. 197 00:08:14,734 --> 00:08:17,868 A serviceable Manhattan, Charles. 198 00:08:19,534 --> 00:08:21,701 Is there something wrong with your cherry? 199 00:08:21,767 --> 00:08:23,934 Actually, a true Manhattan is made 200 00:08:24,000 --> 00:08:26,934 with a rare and delicate marasca cherry... 201 00:08:28,167 --> 00:08:29,433 The only place you can find those, 202 00:08:29,434 --> 00:08:31,166 here in LA would be... 203 00:08:31,167 --> 00:08:33,267 The Grand Ambassador. The Grand Ambassador. 204 00:08:33,334 --> 00:08:34,500 Don't be a booze snob, 205 00:08:34,501 --> 00:08:36,099 darling. Getting back to your 206 00:08:36,100 --> 00:08:38,000 story, though, the woman in the fur coat, 207 00:08:38,033 --> 00:08:39,700 I'm assuming, was you, Mrs. Turner? 208 00:08:39,701 --> 00:08:42,300 Mm. That's how the two of you met? 209 00:08:42,367 --> 00:08:43,366 How we got divorced. 210 00:08:43,367 --> 00:08:45,434 The hussy in the fur was 211 00:08:45,501 --> 00:08:46,633 a Russian double agent. 212 00:08:46,634 --> 00:08:48,333 I thought the two of you were married. 213 00:08:48,334 --> 00:08:50,099 Remarried- three times. 214 00:08:50,100 --> 00:08:52,000 Some women are too special 215 00:08:52,067 --> 00:08:53,967 to marry just once. 216 00:08:55,901 --> 00:08:58,167 My, look at the time. 217 00:08:58,234 --> 00:08:59,999 Goodness, we'd better get going. 218 00:09:00,000 --> 00:09:01,867 Oh, so soon? 219 00:09:01,868 --> 00:09:03,901 This has been just great. 220 00:09:03,968 --> 00:09:05,868 Sarah and I cannot wait to work with the two of you. 221 00:09:05,934 --> 00:09:07,199 Oh, you won't have to. 222 00:09:07,200 --> 00:09:08,900 The mission is tonight, Charles. 223 00:09:08,901 --> 00:09:11,033 The target is Otto Von Vogel. 224 00:09:11,100 --> 00:09:12,299 Otto has created 225 00:09:12,300 --> 00:09:14,200 a decryption program 226 00:09:14,234 --> 00:09:16,767 that could render CIA security useless. 227 00:09:16,834 --> 00:09:19,267 Tonight's party is a smoke screen for him 228 00:09:19,334 --> 00:09:21,834 to meet potential buyers. Our job is to access 229 00:09:21,901 --> 00:09:24,667 Otto's master suite, where he stores the software. 230 00:09:24,734 --> 00:09:26,233 Okay, great. What do you want us to do? 231 00:09:26,234 --> 00:09:27,500 Your job: 232 00:09:27,501 --> 00:09:29,534 Watch and learn. 233 00:09:31,234 --> 00:09:33,601 I can't wait to watch these two in action. 234 00:09:33,667 --> 00:09:35,901 It is going to be great. 235 00:09:35,968 --> 00:09:37,500 What? 236 00:09:37,501 --> 00:09:39,132 So what are Chuck and Sarah up to tonight? 237 00:09:39,133 --> 00:09:41,200 Some sort of sexy spy dinner party? 238 00:09:41,267 --> 00:09:43,801 Shh! Oh, right. Sorry, sorry. 239 00:09:43,868 --> 00:09:45,533 I don't know. You ask me, this whole 240 00:09:45,534 --> 00:09:47,233 man gig's starting to become a real snore, you know? 241 00:09:47,234 --> 00:09:49,834 When am I going to put the hurt on some terrorist? You know, get in there? 242 00:09:49,901 --> 00:09:52,000 Whatever it is you think you know 243 00:09:52,067 --> 00:09:55,267 about being a spy, you're wrong, hmm? 244 00:09:55,334 --> 00:09:58,033 Oh, oh... Okay. 245 00:09:58,100 --> 00:09:59,600 You're a child. 246 00:09:59,601 --> 00:10:01,266 You're a liability to the team. 247 00:10:01,267 --> 00:10:03,167 You're not doing anything until you've been properly trained. 248 00:10:03,168 --> 00:10:04,466 Understood? 249 00:10:04,467 --> 00:10:05,766 Wait a minute- does that mean...? 250 00:10:05,767 --> 00:10:06,933 I can't believe I'm going to say this. 251 00:10:06,934 --> 00:10:08,132 I'm going to Langley! 252 00:10:08,133 --> 00:10:10,634 You're not going anywhere, jackass. 253 00:10:10,701 --> 00:10:12,066 I can teach you everything you need to know 254 00:10:12,067 --> 00:10:13,967 right here in the store. Come on. 255 00:10:14,834 --> 00:10:16,868 Oh, yeah. Start with the neck thing. That was awesome! 256 00:10:23,601 --> 00:10:26,367 So, that's Otto, I take it. 257 00:10:26,434 --> 00:10:28,132 Avoid him and his guards. 258 00:10:28,133 --> 00:10:30,701 If anyone asks who you are, tell them 259 00:10:30,767 --> 00:10:32,399 you're our nephew, Bernard. 260 00:10:32,400 --> 00:10:33,800 Actually, tell them she's our niece. 261 00:10:33,801 --> 00:10:34,967 No offense, Charles. 262 00:10:34,968 --> 00:10:36,868 No, none taken. 263 00:10:37,634 --> 00:10:39,099 Shall we work the room first? 264 00:10:39,100 --> 00:10:41,000 After you, my love. 265 00:10:41,901 --> 00:10:43,801 Here we go. 266 00:10:45,767 --> 00:10:47,533 How's the tennis elbow, Monty? 267 00:10:47,534 --> 00:10:48,999 Can I give you a word of advice? 268 00:10:49,000 --> 00:10:50,299 Eat and rest. 269 00:10:50,300 --> 00:10:51,766 You see, consummate professionals. 270 00:10:51,767 --> 00:10:53,968 I mean, what do you think makes them such a great spy team? 271 00:10:54,033 --> 00:10:56,367 Um, a lifetime of training. 272 00:10:56,434 --> 00:10:58,701 Very funny. I'm talking about them being a couple. 273 00:10:58,767 --> 00:11:00,566 I honestly can't believe the CIA 274 00:11:00,567 --> 00:11:01,999 doesn't hire more of us. 275 00:11:02,000 --> 00:11:04,334 They're not that great. Oh, don't be jealous. 276 00:11:04,400 --> 00:11:07,267 I'm not jealous. I'm just saying they're not that great. 277 00:11:08,834 --> 00:11:11,534 Sarah, we, uh, we may have a slight problem. 278 00:11:16,200 --> 00:11:18,634 There you are Otto, old boy! 279 00:11:18,701 --> 00:11:19,933 We heard you were in town 280 00:11:19,934 --> 00:11:21,533 and assumed you were having a party. 281 00:11:21,534 --> 00:11:24,968 I don't recall putting you two on the guest list. 282 00:11:27,434 --> 00:11:28,800 I'm just kidding. 283 00:11:28,801 --> 00:11:30,701 Look at your faces! 284 00:11:31,501 --> 00:11:33,601 Oh, Otto, you are terrible. 285 00:11:33,667 --> 00:11:36,234 As they say in my country, 286 00:11:36,300 --> 00:11:38,968 "mein Haus ist ihr Haus." 287 00:11:40,367 --> 00:11:42,968 Textbook subversion. Not bad. 288 00:11:43,033 --> 00:11:45,133 You know, we could take a page 289 00:11:45,200 --> 00:11:47,667 out of the Turners' playbook. 290 00:11:49,367 --> 00:11:51,267 You're not going to ask me to move in with you again, are you? 291 00:11:51,268 --> 00:11:54,167 No, why... Well, not now. Maybe later. 292 00:11:55,767 --> 00:11:58,067 At ease. 293 00:11:58,133 --> 00:11:59,733 All right, there are three qualities 294 00:11:59,734 --> 00:12:01,299 that make for an effective field agent: 295 00:12:01,300 --> 00:12:02,299 Subversion, Me. 296 00:12:02,300 --> 00:12:03,299 Stealth... Me. 297 00:12:03,300 --> 00:12:05,501 Strength... 298 00:12:05,567 --> 00:12:06,666 First things first. 299 00:12:06,667 --> 00:12:09,367 See that customer over there? 300 00:12:10,868 --> 00:12:12,533 Oh, my goodness- super-hottie? 301 00:12:12,534 --> 00:12:14,132 Yeah, I clocked her when she first came in. 302 00:12:14,133 --> 00:12:15,566 I want you to get her phone number. 303 00:12:15,567 --> 00:12:17,466 Yeah, right. 304 00:12:17,467 --> 00:12:18,700 No, seriously, what's the first step? 305 00:12:18,701 --> 00:12:19,933 A spy must be able 306 00:12:19,934 --> 00:12:21,934 to manipulate any target at any time. 307 00:12:22,000 --> 00:12:23,800 In the field, it can make the difference 308 00:12:23,801 --> 00:12:24,967 between life and death. 309 00:12:24,968 --> 00:12:27,567 Copy that. Yes, sir. 310 00:12:27,634 --> 00:12:29,066 Ooh, what about her, though? 311 00:12:29,067 --> 00:12:30,700 Silver-tops really eat me up. 312 00:12:30,701 --> 00:12:32,601 You have your target. Engage. 313 00:12:38,567 --> 00:12:40,567 * * 314 00:12:46,334 --> 00:12:48,834 Get on with it. 315 00:12:53,901 --> 00:12:55,801 Hmm. 316 00:13:00,200 --> 00:13:02,100 Target has been neutralized. 317 00:13:03,467 --> 00:13:05,434 I thought Bartowski was hopeless. 318 00:13:13,534 --> 00:13:15,434 * * 319 00:13:20,400 --> 00:13:22,334 Well, I'm not sure where the Turners went. 320 00:13:22,400 --> 00:13:24,300 Maybe they already made their move. 321 00:13:27,000 --> 00:13:29,033 I thought she said she didn't drink? 322 00:13:29,100 --> 00:13:31,100 Yeah. 323 00:13:32,534 --> 00:13:34,366 Hit me. 324 00:13:34,367 --> 00:13:37,868 Hi. Hi, Mrs. Turner, uh... 325 00:13:37,934 --> 00:13:40,300 Sarah and I were just wondering if the mission 326 00:13:40,367 --> 00:13:42,634 is still going according to plan. 327 00:13:42,701 --> 00:13:44,099 Is, um, something wrong? 328 00:13:44,100 --> 00:13:45,233 Her. 329 00:13:45,234 --> 00:13:47,767 It's disgusting. 330 00:13:47,834 --> 00:13:50,100 Man's old enough to be her father! 331 00:13:50,167 --> 00:13:53,634 Perhaps he's just giving her some fatherly advice? 332 00:13:53,701 --> 00:13:55,366 Bastard left his Mic on. 333 00:13:55,367 --> 00:13:58,000 CRAIG You are a very, naughty girl. 334 00:13:58,067 --> 00:14:00,167 It's too bad my wife is here. 335 00:14:00,234 --> 00:14:03,434 Perhaps we can hook up later at my hotel? 336 00:14:03,501 --> 00:14:06,634 The man's nothing but a CIA-sanctioned gigolo. 337 00:14:06,701 --> 00:14:09,467 Oh... you don't mean that. 338 00:14:10,701 --> 00:14:12,032 Oh, wait, uh, 339 00:14:12,033 --> 00:14:13,166 where, where are you going? 340 00:14:13,167 --> 00:14:15,100 Upstairs to steal the software. 341 00:14:15,167 --> 00:14:16,633 At least one of us 342 00:14:16,634 --> 00:14:18,534 is still a professional. 343 00:14:22,834 --> 00:14:24,333 I'll handle this. 344 00:14:24,334 --> 00:14:25,766 Here, let me... Get... 345 00:14:25,767 --> 00:14:28,133 Get your hands off me! Please, you're fighting me. 346 00:14:28,200 --> 00:14:29,833 Don't touch me! You're making a scene. 347 00:14:29,834 --> 00:14:31,333 Don't touch me! 348 00:14:31,334 --> 00:14:32,766 Dear Lord, my back. 349 00:14:32,767 --> 00:14:33,933 Oh, this is not good. 350 00:14:33,934 --> 00:14:35,733 It's an old service injury. 351 00:14:35,734 --> 00:14:38,300 Oh, you threw your back out with a Havana hooker. 352 00:14:38,367 --> 00:14:40,734 It was all in the line of duty, my dear. Oh, right, yeah. 353 00:14:40,801 --> 00:14:42,700 Give us a moment. Don't even start with me. 354 00:14:42,701 --> 00:14:44,667 It will fix itself- the back, not her. 355 00:14:44,734 --> 00:14:46,566 We should get out of here 356 00:14:46,567 --> 00:14:49,100 before they blow all of our covers. 357 00:14:49,167 --> 00:14:51,300 Don't touch me! 358 00:14:51,367 --> 00:14:52,867 What about the software? 359 00:14:52,868 --> 00:14:55,334 Let's show the Turners how it's done, hmm? 360 00:14:55,400 --> 00:14:57,534 Is there a nurse here? 361 00:14:57,601 --> 00:15:00,033 Someone in a short skirt? 362 00:15:03,434 --> 00:15:06,467 Master suite. Master suite... 363 00:15:06,534 --> 00:15:08,534 Master suite. Yeah. 364 00:15:13,534 --> 00:15:15,801 Otto's safe has to be around here 365 00:15:15,868 --> 00:15:17,934 somewhere. 366 00:15:19,734 --> 00:15:21,634 Gesundheit. Thank you. 367 00:15:21,701 --> 00:15:23,299 There's got to be a cat around here. 368 00:15:23,300 --> 00:15:25,300 My allergies are going crazy. 369 00:15:25,367 --> 00:15:28,834 Whoa. Hey! Look at this! 370 00:15:30,000 --> 00:15:31,199 Our buddy, Otto, into some 371 00:15:31,200 --> 00:15:33,901 kinky stuff, even by German standards. 372 00:15:37,968 --> 00:15:39,433 Chuck? 373 00:15:39,434 --> 00:15:40,600 Yeah? 374 00:15:40,601 --> 00:15:42,501 Put the whip down. 375 00:15:43,167 --> 00:15:45,067 Why? 376 00:16:01,900 --> 00:16:03,800 Not a fan of the whip, are you, big fella? 377 00:16:09,867 --> 00:16:13,200 I'll just put this away and let you get back to your cat nap. 378 00:16:13,267 --> 00:16:15,167 Ow, gee! 379 00:16:28,601 --> 00:16:29,932 Chuck! Mm-hmm? 380 00:16:29,933 --> 00:16:30,932 Run! 381 00:16:30,933 --> 00:16:32,833 Yeah, go, go, go, go! 382 00:16:34,301 --> 00:16:35,500 The software- 383 00:16:35,501 --> 00:16:37,401 the software is on the tiger's collar. 384 00:16:38,100 --> 00:16:40,000 Get the chair. 385 00:16:41,800 --> 00:16:43,166 If I just had my tranq gun. 386 00:16:43,167 --> 00:16:45,066 No, no, that's not a tranq gun. 387 00:16:45,067 --> 00:16:46,233 I am not letting you shoot a tiger. 388 00:16:46,234 --> 00:16:47,767 They are endangered and majestic. 389 00:16:47,768 --> 00:16:49,967 Do you have any better ideas? I think what we need 390 00:16:50,034 --> 00:16:52,067 to be asking ourselves is what would the Turners do? 391 00:16:52,134 --> 00:16:53,533 Survive in the field, 392 00:16:53,534 --> 00:16:55,366 an agent also has to employ stealth. 393 00:16:55,367 --> 00:16:56,500 Good. Done- are you kidding me? 394 00:16:56,501 --> 00:16:57,600 I move like a cat. 395 00:16:57,601 --> 00:16:59,534 I want you to steal something for me. 396 00:16:59,601 --> 00:17:00,999 Look at these hands- small and nimble. 397 00:17:01,000 --> 00:17:03,134 Steal anything in the store. Look at this. Boom. Done. 398 00:17:03,200 --> 00:17:04,366 I got... No! 399 00:17:04,367 --> 00:17:05,500 I have something a little 400 00:17:05,501 --> 00:17:07,401 more difficult in mind. 401 00:17:08,601 --> 00:17:10,099 Oh, come on, really? 402 00:17:10,100 --> 00:17:11,466 Suck it up. 403 00:17:11,467 --> 00:17:13,534 Target acquired. 404 00:17:13,601 --> 00:17:15,466 Okay, okay, the Turners aren't perfect. 405 00:17:15,467 --> 00:17:17,099 I'm willing to modify my opinion. 406 00:17:17,100 --> 00:17:18,533 She's a drunk and he's a philanderer. 407 00:17:18,534 --> 00:17:20,099 As a team, they're a total mess. 408 00:17:20,100 --> 00:17:22,134 Well, come on, they're not completely without their charms. 409 00:17:22,200 --> 00:17:24,267 I mean, there could be worse people that we could turn into. 410 00:17:24,334 --> 00:17:26,233 I would rather be eaten alive by a tiger. 411 00:17:26,234 --> 00:17:28,501 Speaking of, I am done waiting around for Otto to find us. 412 00:17:28,567 --> 00:17:30,333 Let's get the software and get out of here. 413 00:17:30,334 --> 00:17:32,467 Shh-shh-shh. 414 00:17:32,534 --> 00:17:34,467 I've heard that noise before. 415 00:17:34,534 --> 00:17:37,501 It sounds like... 416 00:17:46,567 --> 00:17:48,634 Your mission, 417 00:17:48,701 --> 00:17:50,967 moron, is to steal Big Mike's keycard. 418 00:17:59,267 --> 00:18:01,467 See? What'd I tell you? 419 00:18:01,534 --> 00:18:05,668 Sleeping just like Big Mike after eating a baker's dozen. 420 00:18:05,734 --> 00:18:07,066 Okay, shh. 421 00:18:07,067 --> 00:18:08,967 Shh. Shh. 422 00:18:13,668 --> 00:18:15,066 Okay, give me the gun. I'll cover you. 423 00:18:15,067 --> 00:18:16,433 No, no, no, I'll cover you. 424 00:18:16,434 --> 00:18:18,467 You get the collar. No, trust me. 425 00:18:18,534 --> 00:18:20,366 You have that, that feline instinct. 426 00:18:20,367 --> 00:18:22,166 I know how to use a gun better than you do. 427 00:18:22,167 --> 00:18:24,434 See, still don't think that's a great idea. 428 00:18:24,501 --> 00:18:26,401 Just do it. Okay, fine. 429 00:19:10,234 --> 00:19:12,134 * * 430 00:19:26,668 --> 00:19:28,601 Oh, my God! 431 00:19:31,701 --> 00:19:33,366 Why didn't you shoot it! 432 00:19:33,367 --> 00:19:34,767 It was about to eat me. 433 00:19:34,768 --> 00:19:36,199 You said he was majestic. 434 00:19:36,200 --> 00:19:38,434 He's a little majestic. 435 00:19:38,501 --> 00:19:40,401 Come on. 436 00:19:49,067 --> 00:19:50,466 Grimes? 437 00:19:50,467 --> 00:19:51,966 I told you 438 00:19:51,967 --> 00:19:53,700 I don't like people looking at me when I'm asleep. 439 00:19:53,701 --> 00:19:55,601 Mm-hmm. I know, it's just 440 00:19:55,668 --> 00:19:57,466 you had me so worried, I... 441 00:19:57,467 --> 00:19:59,199 For a second there, I thought you were dead. 442 00:19:59,200 --> 00:20:00,199 What's that in your hand? 443 00:20:00,200 --> 00:20:01,366 This is your keycard. 444 00:20:01,367 --> 00:20:03,033 Yeah, and, uh, I thought it was cutting off 445 00:20:03,034 --> 00:20:04,899 your air supply, your air-air pipe. Mm-hmm. 446 00:20:04,900 --> 00:20:06,799 You know and then your esophagi. And then, I'm looking 447 00:20:06,800 --> 00:20:08,366 and I'm like, there's jelly all over... Give me that. 448 00:20:08,367 --> 00:20:10,033 Yeah. You can take it, 449 00:20:10,034 --> 00:20:11,866 'cause I was just going to wash it for you. I'm a grown man. 450 00:20:11,867 --> 00:20:14,167 Yeah, you are. I can clean up after myself. 451 00:20:14,234 --> 00:20:16,033 Naturally. 452 00:20:16,034 --> 00:20:17,934 But you can get me another one of those doughnuts. 453 00:20:22,900 --> 00:20:25,933 Thank you for going to all this trouble. 454 00:20:26,000 --> 00:20:28,334 Babe, I'm your husband. 455 00:20:28,401 --> 00:20:29,733 It's my job to take care of you, honey. 456 00:20:29,734 --> 00:20:31,933 Still, I feel silly. 457 00:20:32,000 --> 00:20:33,832 You know, there's people here with real problems. 458 00:20:33,833 --> 00:20:35,366 You get to feel how you feel. 459 00:20:35,367 --> 00:20:36,700 It's a lot to adjust to. 460 00:20:36,701 --> 00:20:39,833 I guess I'm having a hard time shaking the whole 461 00:20:39,900 --> 00:20:41,333 city girl thing. 462 00:20:41,334 --> 00:20:42,700 I'm sort of... 463 00:20:42,701 --> 00:20:44,033 Out of my element. 464 00:20:44,034 --> 00:20:46,701 I'm not really an outdoorsy type. 465 00:20:47,867 --> 00:20:49,767 Don't move, babe. 466 00:20:50,601 --> 00:20:52,366 Devon, what are you looking at? 467 00:20:52,367 --> 00:20:54,267 Don't breathe. Do not... 468 00:21:02,768 --> 00:21:05,000 It's okay. 469 00:21:05,067 --> 00:21:06,400 You're the new guys, right? 470 00:21:06,401 --> 00:21:09,200 The husband and wife team? Yeah, I'm, uh, Justin. 471 00:21:09,267 --> 00:21:10,300 Camp security coordinator. 472 00:21:10,301 --> 00:21:13,467 Um... you might want to set up camp 473 00:21:13,534 --> 00:21:15,534 a little further away from the perimeter. 474 00:21:15,601 --> 00:21:16,566 The animals get a little 475 00:21:16,567 --> 00:21:18,066 curious at night. 476 00:21:18,067 --> 00:21:20,200 You okay, honey? Oh, yeah. 477 00:21:20,267 --> 00:21:22,099 We're making a difference. We're making a difference. 478 00:21:22,100 --> 00:21:23,600 Sorry I wasn't around when you guys arrived. 479 00:21:23,601 --> 00:21:25,033 Outside of your snake friend here, 480 00:21:25,034 --> 00:21:26,633 we're all very grateful to have you both here. 481 00:21:26,634 --> 00:21:28,466 Yeah, we need all the doctors we can find. 482 00:21:28,467 --> 00:21:29,633 Thanks. 483 00:21:29,634 --> 00:21:31,099 Yeah, anytime. 484 00:21:31,100 --> 00:21:33,867 And, uh... welcome to Africa. 485 00:21:34,933 --> 00:21:36,300 Yeah. 486 00:21:36,301 --> 00:21:37,433 We're okay. 487 00:21:37,434 --> 00:21:39,534 We'll be all right. 488 00:21:41,601 --> 00:21:43,567 We're all right. 489 00:21:45,800 --> 00:21:48,367 Okay, here's the deal: We'll call 490 00:21:48,434 --> 00:21:50,334 the Turners from the road. 491 00:21:50,900 --> 00:21:52,799 Impressive. 492 00:21:52,800 --> 00:21:54,768 You know, I didn't think they had it in them. 493 00:21:56,134 --> 00:21:57,466 What are you guys doing? 494 00:21:57,467 --> 00:22:00,234 We're teaching you a little something about spying. 495 00:22:00,301 --> 00:22:01,799 Lesson one: trust no one... 496 00:22:01,800 --> 00:22:04,067 Except your partner, of course. 497 00:22:04,134 --> 00:22:05,500 We'll take Otto's software. 498 00:22:05,501 --> 00:22:07,768 Wha...? What?! No, no! 499 00:22:07,833 --> 00:22:10,134 You're the Turners! You can't be 500 00:22:10,200 --> 00:22:11,533 doing this to us. 501 00:22:11,534 --> 00:22:13,300 Don't feel bad, Charles. 502 00:22:13,301 --> 00:22:15,201 We're the best at this. 503 00:22:20,834 --> 00:22:22,532 What do you mean, they went rogue? 504 00:22:22,533 --> 00:22:24,200 General, Mrs. Turner pulled a gun on me. 505 00:22:24,201 --> 00:22:26,434 And might I add, I think she may have 506 00:22:26,500 --> 00:22:28,834 a bit of a problem with the, uh, sauce. 507 00:22:28,900 --> 00:22:30,699 Uh, the Turners stole Otto's software. 508 00:22:30,700 --> 00:22:34,434 The Turners are two of the most decorated spies in the CIA. 509 00:22:34,500 --> 00:22:37,434 There must be some explanation for their behavior. 510 00:22:37,500 --> 00:22:38,833 I suggest you find it. 511 00:22:38,834 --> 00:22:40,967 Well, I'd be happy to track them down 512 00:22:41,034 --> 00:22:42,833 if you want to ask them yourself. 513 00:22:42,834 --> 00:22:44,033 Colonel, you have your mission. 514 00:22:44,034 --> 00:22:45,233 Oh, yeah, how is that 515 00:22:45,234 --> 00:22:46,632 field training with Morgan going? 516 00:22:46,633 --> 00:22:47,799 Put it this way. 517 00:22:47,800 --> 00:22:49,900 He makes you look like a natural-born operative. 518 00:22:49,967 --> 00:22:52,267 If you can't make Morgan Grimes field-ready, 519 00:22:52,334 --> 00:22:55,301 I'm sending you both to boot camp in Pendleton. 520 00:22:55,368 --> 00:22:57,334 That is all. 521 00:22:58,900 --> 00:23:00,532 Great. This is just great. 522 00:23:00,533 --> 00:23:01,833 This is, this is perfect. 523 00:23:01,834 --> 00:23:03,467 Not only did the Turners sell us out, 524 00:23:03,468 --> 00:23:05,500 they make us look like complete amateurs in the process. 525 00:23:05,567 --> 00:23:06,899 Chuck, why are you doing dishes? 526 00:23:06,900 --> 00:23:08,766 Please? I'm a Bartowski. 527 00:23:08,767 --> 00:23:11,867 This is what we do to deal with stress. We clean. 528 00:23:11,934 --> 00:23:14,201 Okay, I can see that you're upset. 529 00:23:14,267 --> 00:23:16,900 I am upset. The Turners were supposed to be our role models, 530 00:23:16,967 --> 00:23:18,733 and instead, they turn out to be these 531 00:23:18,734 --> 00:23:20,566 coldhearted double-crossing traitors. 532 00:23:20,567 --> 00:23:22,066 And now, now you're never gonna move in with me. 533 00:23:22,067 --> 00:23:23,400 Chuck, we're not the Turners. 534 00:23:23,401 --> 00:23:24,766 Yeah, I know. 535 00:23:24,767 --> 00:23:27,201 But I kind of liked the idea that we could become them. 536 00:23:27,267 --> 00:23:28,266 Well, right now, 537 00:23:28,267 --> 00:23:29,899 we really need to focus on finding them. 538 00:23:29,900 --> 00:23:33,401 Sarah, how? The Turners have been spying for 30 years. 539 00:23:33,468 --> 00:23:35,734 They've got dozens of aliases and a million different places 540 00:23:35,800 --> 00:23:37,133 they could disappear to. 541 00:23:37,134 --> 00:23:38,733 Whatever beach they're on right now 542 00:23:38,734 --> 00:23:40,499 I hope that Mr. Turner's enjoying 543 00:23:40,500 --> 00:23:41,899 his perfect little Manhattan. 544 00:23:41,900 --> 00:23:43,300 The Grand Ambassador. 545 00:23:43,301 --> 00:23:45,166 What? He said last night 546 00:23:45,167 --> 00:23:47,267 that that was the only place in Los Angeles 547 00:23:47,334 --> 00:23:49,401 that had the right kind of cherries. 548 00:23:49,468 --> 00:23:51,233 Hold, hold on a second. Hold on. 549 00:23:51,234 --> 00:23:52,400 You... you don't actually think 550 00:23:52,401 --> 00:23:54,000 they're still hanging around here, do you? 551 00:23:54,001 --> 00:23:57,234 Well, they might if they already had a buyer for the software. 552 00:23:57,301 --> 00:23:59,767 They picked the wrong couple to stab in the back. 553 00:23:59,834 --> 00:24:01,800 This is how I deal with stress. 554 00:24:04,967 --> 00:24:06,867 Here we go. 555 00:24:11,167 --> 00:24:12,467 Yes, she's gonna help you. 556 00:24:12,468 --> 00:24:15,468 Can you take care of this lady? Thank you. 557 00:24:21,368 --> 00:24:23,368 Hey, it's Chuck. Leave a message. 558 00:24:23,434 --> 00:24:27,567 Hi. Uh, I don't know if you got any of my other messages, Chuck. 559 00:24:27,633 --> 00:24:30,067 I don't know. It's just kind of helping me 560 00:24:30,134 --> 00:24:32,034 to talk them out over the machine. 561 00:24:32,067 --> 00:24:34,633 I can't really talk to Devon about anything. 562 00:24:34,700 --> 00:24:36,433 He's, like, born to be here. 563 00:24:36,434 --> 00:24:37,833 The villagers love him. 564 00:24:37,834 --> 00:24:39,233 They have this nickname for him. 565 00:24:39,234 --> 00:24:40,866 We can't really pronounce it in Bantu, 566 00:24:40,867 --> 00:24:42,066 but it loosely translates 567 00:24:42,067 --> 00:24:44,667 to "Dr. Super Fantastic White Person." 568 00:24:44,734 --> 00:24:47,567 I'm just tired. 569 00:24:47,633 --> 00:24:49,567 I'm just tired, and I'll feel better 570 00:24:49,633 --> 00:24:50,966 when I get some sleep. 571 00:24:50,967 --> 00:24:54,334 Okay, I love you and I miss you. 572 00:24:54,401 --> 00:24:56,700 I'll talk to you soon. 573 00:24:58,401 --> 00:24:59,966 Ellie. Yeah? 574 00:24:59,967 --> 00:25:01,266 How are you? 575 00:25:01,267 --> 00:25:03,633 Great. You know, if you ever need to talk, 576 00:25:03,700 --> 00:25:04,733 you can always come to me. 577 00:25:04,734 --> 00:25:05,799 It's just one of my jobs. 578 00:25:05,800 --> 00:25:09,334 I'm fine. I'm fine. 579 00:25:09,401 --> 00:25:10,899 Good. 580 00:25:10,900 --> 00:25:12,834 Mm, I'm not fine. 581 00:25:12,900 --> 00:25:16,134 Huh. I-I have a little brother, 582 00:25:16,201 --> 00:25:19,067 and, uh, we used to camp out in our backyard. 583 00:25:19,134 --> 00:25:20,833 I would, I would pitch a tent 584 00:25:20,834 --> 00:25:22,133 and make s'mores, the whole thing. 585 00:25:22,134 --> 00:25:23,400 He'd fall asleep, 586 00:25:23,401 --> 00:25:25,266 and I'd sneak back inside and set the alarm 587 00:25:25,267 --> 00:25:27,867 for the morning and get in there before he could wake up. 588 00:25:27,934 --> 00:25:32,434 I just... Justin, I'm not built for this. 589 00:25:32,500 --> 00:25:33,699 That's not true. 590 00:25:33,700 --> 00:25:35,333 I've seen you with your patients, Ellie. 591 00:25:35,334 --> 00:25:38,334 You are built for being a doctor here. 592 00:25:38,401 --> 00:25:41,967 Now, it might take time to get used to the other stuff, but... 593 00:25:42,034 --> 00:25:43,934 It's worth it. 594 00:25:48,900 --> 00:25:51,667 Thank you, Justin. 595 00:25:51,734 --> 00:25:53,532 Welcome. 596 00:25:53,533 --> 00:25:55,934 Mmm! 597 00:25:56,001 --> 00:25:57,766 I can get used to this. 598 00:25:57,767 --> 00:25:59,333 You will, darling, 599 00:25:59,334 --> 00:26:02,267 as soon as we make the sale. 600 00:26:02,334 --> 00:26:05,167 30 years, we always did what's right. 601 00:26:05,234 --> 00:26:07,767 I keep thinking of those poor, young agents. 602 00:26:07,834 --> 00:26:09,632 What a pair of saps. 603 00:26:09,633 --> 00:26:11,433 Reminded me of us. 604 00:26:11,434 --> 00:26:13,867 I just hope we didn't hurt their career. 605 00:26:13,934 --> 00:26:16,368 They never had a career, not with the CIA. 606 00:26:16,434 --> 00:26:18,834 You saw how they looked at each other. 607 00:26:18,900 --> 00:26:21,201 They're obviously in love. 608 00:26:21,267 --> 00:26:23,201 And we're not? 609 00:26:23,267 --> 00:26:25,468 Oh, no, no, we're still in love. 610 00:26:25,533 --> 00:26:28,034 A different sort of love. 611 00:26:28,101 --> 00:26:31,001 It's just more like a... an old bourbon. 612 00:26:31,067 --> 00:26:33,600 So now I'm old? Aged to perfection, my dear. 613 00:26:33,667 --> 00:26:36,134 How about that little piece of jailbait at the party? 614 00:26:36,201 --> 00:26:38,234 Was that you trying to cork a younger vintage? 615 00:26:38,301 --> 00:26:40,234 I see where you're going with the metaphor. 616 00:26:40,301 --> 00:26:42,967 No, she was just part of the mission; a diversion. 617 00:26:43,034 --> 00:26:45,734 How many times have I heard that excuse, you lecherous old...?! 618 00:26:45,800 --> 00:26:47,900 She was planning on having breast enhancement surgery, and she asked my advice. 619 00:26:47,967 --> 00:26:49,532 You'd like to give her an operation, wouldn't you? 620 00:26:49,533 --> 00:26:51,934 She was obviously in awe of me, if not in love. 621 00:26:52,001 --> 00:26:54,101 Room service! 622 00:26:54,167 --> 00:26:56,700 Go ahead and leave it. 623 00:27:03,034 --> 00:27:04,934 All clear. 624 00:27:10,334 --> 00:27:13,067 "Compliments of the Bartowski's." 625 00:27:13,134 --> 00:27:15,368 Darling, do we know any Bartowski...? 626 00:27:19,667 --> 00:27:22,134 How did you ever find us? 627 00:27:22,201 --> 00:27:24,600 You're the only room that ordered 12 Manhattans. 628 00:27:24,667 --> 00:27:26,900 We learned from the best. 629 00:27:26,967 --> 00:27:29,900 You don't know what that weapon is, do you? 630 00:27:29,967 --> 00:27:31,599 What? Are you kidding me? 631 00:27:31,600 --> 00:27:34,867 Sig 229 nine millimeter, 13-round magazine. 632 00:27:34,934 --> 00:27:36,666 Laser grip, full metal jacket, sir. 633 00:27:36,667 --> 00:27:38,867 Impressive. 634 00:27:38,934 --> 00:27:40,766 Yeah, well, I play a lot of first-person shooters. 635 00:27:40,767 --> 00:27:43,067 Well, this isn't a video game. 636 00:27:43,134 --> 00:27:45,267 Hey, whoa-whoa. 637 00:27:45,334 --> 00:27:47,234 Thank you. 638 00:27:47,267 --> 00:27:48,599 All right. 639 00:27:48,600 --> 00:27:50,767 Here we go. No problem. 640 00:27:50,834 --> 00:27:51,966 Morgan, you got this. 641 00:27:51,967 --> 00:27:53,133 Just like Call of Duty. 642 00:27:53,134 --> 00:27:55,468 Squeeze the trigger... 643 00:27:55,533 --> 00:27:57,533 Oh! 644 00:27:57,600 --> 00:27:59,367 Holy cow! I think your gun 645 00:27:59,368 --> 00:28:00,766 just exploded in my hand! 646 00:28:00,767 --> 00:28:02,532 Sit down! There's nothing wrong with the gun. 647 00:28:02,533 --> 00:28:04,200 Hmm? Sit down! 648 00:28:04,201 --> 00:28:06,734 No, I-I think should... Sit! 649 00:28:06,800 --> 00:28:08,700 Yes, sir. 650 00:28:10,633 --> 00:28:12,734 You're firing me, aren't you? 651 00:28:12,800 --> 00:28:14,233 Oh, my God, this is even 652 00:28:14,234 --> 00:28:16,234 worse than when I got canned from Underpants, Etc. 653 00:28:16,301 --> 00:28:18,900 It's not the end of the world. 654 00:28:18,967 --> 00:28:21,401 Oh, come on! That's what you all say when you fire me. 655 00:28:21,468 --> 00:28:22,499 I blew it. 656 00:28:22,500 --> 00:28:24,434 I blew my one chance to be a spy, 657 00:28:24,500 --> 00:28:25,833 and the thing is, Casey, 658 00:28:25,834 --> 00:28:27,699 all I wanted to do was be a part of this team. 659 00:28:27,700 --> 00:28:30,934 Know how you feel. 660 00:28:31,001 --> 00:28:32,766 You know, Morgan, you were there for me 661 00:28:32,767 --> 00:28:34,467 when I was out on my ass with the agency. 662 00:28:34,468 --> 00:28:37,934 I just want you to know I'm here for you now. 663 00:28:38,001 --> 00:28:39,901 Really? 664 00:28:41,101 --> 00:28:43,667 Not just like spy or work or Buy More, 665 00:28:43,734 --> 00:28:45,634 you mean like a friend. 666 00:28:47,934 --> 00:28:49,834 Let's just keep that on the down low, huh? 667 00:28:49,835 --> 00:28:52,101 Done. Shh. But I need you to know something. 668 00:28:52,167 --> 00:28:54,067 I've been canned from a lot of places. 669 00:28:54,068 --> 00:28:57,034 By a lot of people, and... you were the best, sir. 670 00:28:59,034 --> 00:29:00,733 Whew! 671 00:29:00,734 --> 00:29:04,001 Let's not let ourselves get carried away here, Charles. 672 00:29:04,067 --> 00:29:05,499 Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Turner. 673 00:29:05,500 --> 00:29:06,933 Is that what you think, 674 00:29:06,934 --> 00:29:08,566 that I'm getting carried away? How did you think 675 00:29:08,567 --> 00:29:10,500 we would react after what you did? 676 00:29:10,567 --> 00:29:12,667 What have we really done at this point, Sarah? 677 00:29:12,734 --> 00:29:14,934 We didn't sell Otto's software, 678 00:29:15,001 --> 00:29:16,666 so technically, we're not yet traitors. 679 00:29:16,667 --> 00:29:17,666 Am I correct? 680 00:29:17,667 --> 00:29:19,333 It was his idea to steal it. 681 00:29:19,334 --> 00:29:21,834 He forced me to act like a drunk at the party. 682 00:29:21,900 --> 00:29:24,667 I only wish his lecherous Lothario routine was an act. 683 00:29:24,734 --> 00:29:27,301 She's lying! I wanted to bring the software back. 684 00:29:27,368 --> 00:29:29,567 It was her idea to sell it on the black market. 685 00:29:29,633 --> 00:29:31,367 Oh, no, no, you can't lie to the... 686 00:29:31,368 --> 00:29:32,632 You can lie to me. 687 00:29:32,633 --> 00:29:34,100 Your duplicity amazes me. 688 00:29:34,101 --> 00:29:35,899 Quiet! 689 00:29:35,900 --> 00:29:38,468 Enough, okay? 690 00:29:38,533 --> 00:29:40,468 It is one thing to betray your agency, 691 00:29:40,533 --> 00:29:42,533 it is another to betray your partner. 692 00:29:42,600 --> 00:29:44,600 You were supposed 693 00:29:44,667 --> 00:29:46,400 to come here and teach us. 694 00:29:46,401 --> 00:29:48,533 Teach us how to be a great spy couple. 695 00:29:51,201 --> 00:29:55,201 You really think we're that bad? 696 00:29:55,267 --> 00:29:57,368 Only because you were once great, yeah. 697 00:29:58,667 --> 00:30:00,166 We were great, 698 00:30:00,167 --> 00:30:02,767 remember? 699 00:30:02,834 --> 00:30:04,767 Check back with me in 30 years, Charles. 700 00:30:06,468 --> 00:30:08,900 The CIA has a way of breaking young idealists. 701 00:30:08,967 --> 00:30:11,267 Especially if they're in love. 702 00:30:16,633 --> 00:30:19,434 Good, the marshals are here. 703 00:30:24,167 --> 00:30:26,067 It's Otto! 704 00:30:32,101 --> 00:30:34,633 And his pussycat. 705 00:30:44,234 --> 00:30:47,033 How, how did your good friend Otto find us? 706 00:30:47,100 --> 00:30:49,734 Did you two sell us out again? 707 00:30:49,801 --> 00:30:52,167 The collar has a tracking device. 708 00:30:52,234 --> 00:30:54,434 All right, where do you keep your backup guns? 709 00:30:54,501 --> 00:30:56,032 Surely, you've heard 710 00:30:56,033 --> 00:30:58,067 of the 30-foot rule, Charles. 711 00:31:01,134 --> 00:31:03,067 Time to flash, time to flash. 712 00:31:04,401 --> 00:31:07,200 No guns, no flash. 713 00:31:07,267 --> 00:31:09,701 Honey, darling, would you mind telling me what you've done 714 00:31:09,768 --> 00:31:12,868 with our small cache of weapons? I got rid of them, sweetheart. 715 00:31:12,933 --> 00:31:14,967 You actually listened to me? I can't quite believe it myself. 716 00:31:15,033 --> 00:31:17,467 What have you done with the gun that you had at the hotel? I left them in the car. 717 00:31:17,534 --> 00:31:19,601 Why would you...? Because you told me to! 718 00:31:19,667 --> 00:31:21,567 Rookies. You take care of them 719 00:31:21,601 --> 00:31:23,501 I'll take care of Otto. 720 00:31:26,167 --> 00:31:28,234 You're making a big mistake. 721 00:31:28,300 --> 00:31:30,267 Hi, how you doing? 722 00:31:30,334 --> 00:31:32,234 Good Lord! 723 00:31:34,501 --> 00:31:36,467 Sorry to drop in on you like this. 724 00:31:38,367 --> 00:31:41,134 Sasha always feels at home wherever she goes. 725 00:31:41,200 --> 00:31:43,267 You don't mind if she looks around? 726 00:31:43,334 --> 00:31:46,467 What, uh, what-what-what's going on? 727 00:31:46,534 --> 00:31:48,400 Uh, who are you people? 728 00:31:48,401 --> 00:31:50,199 You know exactly who I am. 729 00:31:50,200 --> 00:31:52,100 The question is, who are you? 730 00:31:52,134 --> 00:31:55,167 Wait a minute. You're the guy! 731 00:31:55,234 --> 00:31:58,033 Baby, this is the guy with the mansion up in the hills! 732 00:31:58,100 --> 00:32:00,000 Oh, oh, I told you this would happen. 733 00:32:00,033 --> 00:32:02,501 I'm so sorry. My boyfriend thinks that it's really funny 734 00:32:02,567 --> 00:32:04,400 to crash rich people's parties. 735 00:32:04,401 --> 00:32:05,966 Where are the two 736 00:32:05,967 --> 00:32:07,533 CIA agents you're hiding? 737 00:32:07,534 --> 00:32:08,633 I'm sorry. What? 738 00:32:08,634 --> 00:32:10,032 I believe you know them 739 00:32:10,033 --> 00:32:11,533 as Mr. and Mrs. Turner. 740 00:32:11,534 --> 00:32:14,267 I'm a, I'm a little confused here. 741 00:32:14,334 --> 00:32:16,601 Why would CIA agents be in our apartment? 742 00:32:16,667 --> 00:32:18,601 Because this isn't a real apartment. 743 00:32:18,667 --> 00:32:20,868 This is a CIA safe house. 744 00:32:20,933 --> 00:32:24,667 And you two are not a real couple. 745 00:32:24,734 --> 00:32:26,099 You are spies. 746 00:32:26,100 --> 00:32:28,501 Ah! 747 00:32:28,567 --> 00:32:30,634 I'm on to you. 748 00:32:30,701 --> 00:32:31,700 This is a practical joke, isn't it? 749 00:32:31,701 --> 00:32:32,700 I bet this is from your brother. 750 00:32:32,701 --> 00:32:34,366 Okay, oh... 751 00:32:34,367 --> 00:32:35,767 You're a spy, honey. We're spies. 752 00:32:35,768 --> 00:32:37,233 Scary spies. You know what? 753 00:32:37,234 --> 00:32:38,932 I've always felt like I've got a James Bond-y thing 754 00:32:38,933 --> 00:32:40,833 going on about me. You do. You could be, 755 00:32:40,868 --> 00:32:42,099 like, uh, Octopussy or something like that. 756 00:32:42,100 --> 00:32:43,133 Oh, yeah. 757 00:32:43,134 --> 00:32:44,266 Now you're being really insulting. 758 00:32:44,267 --> 00:32:46,834 Listen, whoever you are, 759 00:32:46,900 --> 00:32:49,334 all I ask is 760 00:32:49,401 --> 00:32:51,299 that you hand over the Turners. 761 00:32:51,300 --> 00:32:53,334 You have until the count 762 00:32:53,401 --> 00:32:54,600 of drei. 763 00:32:54,601 --> 00:32:57,334 Eins, zwei... 764 00:32:57,401 --> 00:33:00,033 Stop. Please stop with the countdown. 765 00:33:00,100 --> 00:33:02,667 Ah, if I could just have a brief sidebar with my girlfriend, 766 00:33:02,734 --> 00:33:04,634 that would be great. 767 00:33:05,401 --> 00:33:06,932 Good. Thanks. 768 00:33:06,933 --> 00:33:10,501 These guys really take it seriously. 769 00:33:10,567 --> 00:33:12,734 This is very good, though. Very real. 770 00:33:12,801 --> 00:33:14,299 I say we hand them over. We can't do that. 771 00:33:14,300 --> 00:33:15,633 Why not? They sold us out. 772 00:33:15,634 --> 00:33:17,299 Because then we'd be no better than the Turners. 773 00:33:17,300 --> 00:33:18,966 Well, maybe they're right. Maybe we're going to 774 00:33:18,967 --> 00:33:20,633 end up just like them- a couple of traitors. 775 00:33:20,634 --> 00:33:22,534 Do you really believe that? 776 00:33:26,501 --> 00:33:28,467 No. 777 00:33:31,967 --> 00:33:33,933 I'm sorry, sir. Uh, but I-I really... 778 00:33:34,000 --> 00:33:35,933 I don't, I don't think we can help you. 779 00:33:36,000 --> 00:33:37,900 I'm sorry to hear that. 780 00:33:40,267 --> 00:33:42,032 Guard them. 781 00:33:42,033 --> 00:33:43,099 Uh, yeah, I don't think 782 00:33:43,100 --> 00:33:46,801 that kitty litter box is big enough. 783 00:33:46,868 --> 00:33:48,433 Good girl, Sasha. 784 00:33:48,434 --> 00:33:50,334 Take her outside. 785 00:33:59,134 --> 00:34:01,034 Sure you're all right? Yeah. 786 00:34:01,100 --> 00:34:02,800 Espionage wasn't my only aspiration. 787 00:34:02,801 --> 00:34:04,500 I mean, I could always join the competitive eating circuit. 788 00:34:04,501 --> 00:34:06,634 Well, dare to dream. 789 00:34:15,134 --> 00:34:16,566 The Turners are very clever. 790 00:34:16,567 --> 00:34:18,299 It appears your guests left in a hurry. 791 00:34:18,300 --> 00:34:20,066 This is unbelievable. 792 00:34:20,067 --> 00:34:22,300 The Turners have left us holding the bag again? 793 00:34:22,367 --> 00:34:25,334 I can assure you, this will be the last time. 794 00:34:25,401 --> 00:34:26,733 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Otto. 795 00:34:26,734 --> 00:34:28,366 Hold on a second. Clearly, 796 00:34:28,367 --> 00:34:30,367 The Turners have betrayed us both; that means that we're all 797 00:34:30,434 --> 00:34:32,266 on the same side here, so put your guns down 798 00:34:32,267 --> 00:34:35,033 and let us help you hunt down those backstabbing bastards. 799 00:34:35,100 --> 00:34:36,199 They're the lowest of the low, okay? 800 00:34:36,200 --> 00:34:37,299 CIA scum. 801 00:34:37,300 --> 00:34:40,334 Let them go, Otto. 802 00:34:40,401 --> 00:34:43,367 But they're not without their moments. 803 00:34:43,434 --> 00:34:45,900 What the hell is this? 804 00:34:49,267 --> 00:34:52,167 Wh-What is it, Casey? What? 805 00:34:52,234 --> 00:34:54,032 Shh! 806 00:34:54,033 --> 00:34:55,566 It's a Bengal tiger. 807 00:34:55,567 --> 00:34:56,932 Female. 808 00:34:56,933 --> 00:34:58,834 Fully grown. 809 00:34:58,900 --> 00:35:00,800 Avoid eye contact. 810 00:35:00,801 --> 00:35:03,534 If she charges, 811 00:35:03,601 --> 00:35:05,366 make yourself as big as possible. 812 00:35:05,367 --> 00:35:06,800 Easy for you to say. 813 00:35:06,801 --> 00:35:08,466 It's us you want. 814 00:35:08,467 --> 00:35:09,666 We've got the software. 815 00:35:09,667 --> 00:35:11,567 What are you two doing? 816 00:35:11,601 --> 00:35:13,601 Showing you we're not traitors, Charles. 817 00:35:13,667 --> 00:35:15,701 What should we do? 818 00:35:15,768 --> 00:35:17,566 Shh! You're gonna get us killed. 819 00:35:17,567 --> 00:35:19,467 No. 820 00:35:22,334 --> 00:35:24,801 Listen to me. Listen to me. Just hear me out. Hear me out. 821 00:35:24,868 --> 00:35:26,666 This country needs men like you, Casey. 822 00:35:26,667 --> 00:35:29,100 Okay? What do I do? 823 00:35:29,167 --> 00:35:31,467 I sell refrigerators, you know? I mean, if I die, what? 824 00:35:31,534 --> 00:35:32,800 They'll shop at Large Mart. Big deal. 825 00:35:32,801 --> 00:35:35,267 But there is a way I can serve my country. 826 00:35:35,334 --> 00:35:39,100 What are you doing? I'm luring the tiger into Ellie and Awesome's apartment. 827 00:35:39,167 --> 00:35:41,267 You're not. Yes, I am, and listen to me. No matter 828 00:35:41,334 --> 00:35:43,032 what you hear in there, promise me you will not 829 00:35:43,033 --> 00:35:44,133 go in there after me. 830 00:35:44,134 --> 00:35:46,234 Semper fi-dizzle. 831 00:35:49,667 --> 00:35:51,567 Come on, kitty, kitty, kitty. 832 00:35:56,834 --> 00:35:58,734 Sasha. 833 00:36:21,567 --> 00:36:24,601 Oh! Okay. 834 00:36:24,667 --> 00:36:26,868 Did you see that? Told you I was good for something. 835 00:36:26,933 --> 00:36:28,833 Yeah. Move. 836 00:36:30,000 --> 00:36:31,933 We have to bring you in. 837 00:36:32,000 --> 00:36:33,867 You know I can't let you go. 838 00:36:33,868 --> 00:36:35,099 That's funny. 839 00:36:35,100 --> 00:36:36,899 I would have said the same thing 30 years ago. 840 00:36:36,900 --> 00:36:38,032 After what we did? 841 00:36:38,033 --> 00:36:39,967 You would have shot us dead where we stand. 842 00:36:40,033 --> 00:36:42,501 Which would be perfectly justifiable. 843 00:36:47,434 --> 00:36:48,800 And yet unnecessary. 844 00:36:48,801 --> 00:36:50,533 Wouldn't you agree, Sarah? 845 00:36:50,534 --> 00:36:53,000 They did save us. 846 00:36:57,367 --> 00:36:59,967 Sorry, darling. 847 00:37:00,033 --> 00:37:03,534 It's over. 848 00:37:17,434 --> 00:37:18,766 Good work, Team. 849 00:37:18,767 --> 00:37:20,834 Our cryptographers are analyzing Otto's software 850 00:37:20,900 --> 00:37:22,233 as we speak. 851 00:37:22,234 --> 00:37:24,100 Thanks to you, our nation's 852 00:37:24,101 --> 00:37:26,368 communications network remains secure. 853 00:37:26,434 --> 00:37:27,599 Thank you, General. 854 00:37:27,600 --> 00:37:28,599 And now, 855 00:37:28,600 --> 00:37:30,700 on to the subject of the Turners 856 00:37:30,767 --> 00:37:32,433 and their actions. 857 00:37:32,434 --> 00:37:34,066 Actually, General, if I might be able to say something 858 00:37:34,067 --> 00:37:35,100 on behalf of the Turners... 859 00:37:35,101 --> 00:37:37,001 General. No, Sarah. I think I... 860 00:37:37,034 --> 00:37:39,301 No, Chuck. It's okay. I got it. 861 00:37:39,368 --> 00:37:41,567 The Turner's double-cross was actually a triple-cross. 862 00:37:41,633 --> 00:37:43,532 By stealing the software from us, 863 00:37:43,533 --> 00:37:45,367 they were able to lure Otto into a trap, 864 00:37:45,368 --> 00:37:46,532 and we were able to capture him. 865 00:37:46,533 --> 00:37:48,767 It was a daring bit of spycraft. 866 00:37:48,834 --> 00:37:51,734 I would expect nothing less from the Turners. 867 00:37:51,800 --> 00:37:53,734 I just hope you and Agent Bartowski 868 00:37:53,800 --> 00:37:55,400 were able to learn something 869 00:37:55,401 --> 00:37:56,733 from these two exemplary operatives. 870 00:37:56,734 --> 00:37:59,001 As a matter of fact, General, 871 00:37:59,067 --> 00:38:00,233 yes, working with the Turners 872 00:38:00,234 --> 00:38:04,267 was... quite humbling. 873 00:38:04,334 --> 00:38:06,633 You must be ready to move on to your next assignment. 874 00:38:06,700 --> 00:38:08,934 Thanks but no thanks, General. 875 00:38:09,001 --> 00:38:10,467 E- Excuse me? 876 00:38:10,468 --> 00:38:12,367 No more assignments. 877 00:38:12,368 --> 00:38:14,800 What my husband means to say 878 00:38:14,867 --> 00:38:16,632 is, we're retiring. 879 00:38:16,633 --> 00:38:18,800 But you can't just walk away. 880 00:38:18,867 --> 00:38:19,933 You are the best of the best. 881 00:38:19,934 --> 00:38:23,167 Who will possibly take your place? 882 00:38:25,633 --> 00:38:27,033 You... 883 00:38:27,034 --> 00:38:28,666 Are you sure? Really? 884 00:38:28,667 --> 00:38:30,834 I mean, thank you. 885 00:38:30,900 --> 00:38:33,001 * * 886 00:38:33,067 --> 00:38:36,001 Watch each other's backs, you two. 887 00:38:36,067 --> 00:38:38,667 And I wish you many happy marriages. 888 00:38:48,201 --> 00:38:50,201 * * 889 00:39:15,633 --> 00:39:16,666 Please tell me that Chuck is joking 890 00:39:16,667 --> 00:39:18,066 about them sending me to boot camp. 891 00:39:18,067 --> 00:39:19,233 'Cause, oh, man. 892 00:39:19,234 --> 00:39:20,433 They're gonna make me shave my beard. 893 00:39:20,434 --> 00:39:21,566 Hmm. Relax. 894 00:39:21,567 --> 00:39:22,666 You passed. 895 00:39:22,667 --> 00:39:24,467 Huh? I failed every test. 896 00:39:24,468 --> 00:39:25,966 With flying colors. 897 00:39:25,967 --> 00:39:28,468 You have got to be hands down, bar none 898 00:39:28,533 --> 00:39:30,333 the worst candidate I've ever trained. 899 00:39:30,334 --> 00:39:33,368 But you've got one thing going for you. 900 00:39:33,434 --> 00:39:35,100 You got balls. 901 00:39:35,101 --> 00:39:37,334 I do? 902 00:39:37,401 --> 00:39:38,966 How many Marines you know would go 903 00:39:38,967 --> 00:39:40,867 up against a Bengal tiger unarmed? Yeah. 904 00:39:40,900 --> 00:39:42,733 You'd have to be a complete idiot. 905 00:39:42,734 --> 00:39:43,933 Well, that's the thing. You know... 906 00:39:43,934 --> 00:39:46,434 That's, that's me in a nutshell. 907 00:39:46,500 --> 00:39:48,867 Lesser men, they'd run away from danger, and I'm, uh.. 908 00:39:52,001 --> 00:39:53,901 Casey? 909 00:40:00,600 --> 00:40:02,233 Dude. 910 00:40:02,234 --> 00:40:04,134 You turned my sister's apartment 911 00:40:04,201 --> 00:40:06,234 into a kitty litter box. 912 00:40:06,301 --> 00:40:07,599 I know. I'm sorry, man. 913 00:40:07,600 --> 00:40:08,799 I just... How was I supposed to know 914 00:40:08,800 --> 00:40:10,700 the tiger wasn't housebroken? 915 00:40:12,767 --> 00:40:13,933 Oh, my God. 916 00:40:13,934 --> 00:40:15,133 Great. You're here. 917 00:40:15,134 --> 00:40:16,467 Guys, we got to get this place fixed up 918 00:40:16,468 --> 00:40:17,766 before Devon and Ellie get back. 919 00:40:17,767 --> 00:40:19,066 Well, actually, 920 00:40:19,067 --> 00:40:20,967 I was gonna start with our place. 921 00:40:23,468 --> 00:40:24,899 Our place? 922 00:40:24,900 --> 00:40:29,167 That is, if your offer for me to move in still stands? 923 00:40:29,234 --> 00:40:31,134 Yeah. 924 00:40:33,301 --> 00:40:34,532 I'm sorry that I freaked out 925 00:40:34,533 --> 00:40:35,833 when you asked me to move in with you. 926 00:40:35,834 --> 00:40:38,867 It's just, you know how I grew up. 927 00:40:38,934 --> 00:40:40,900 I spent my life living in hotel rooms under fake names. 928 00:40:40,967 --> 00:40:42,766 I've been trained to survive 929 00:40:42,767 --> 00:40:44,333 a thousand different situations in the field, 930 00:40:44,334 --> 00:40:47,600 but nobody ever taught me how to have a normal life. 931 00:40:47,667 --> 00:40:50,368 Well, I hate to break it to you, but I don't think 932 00:40:50,434 --> 00:40:52,500 we're ever going to live a normal life. 933 00:40:52,567 --> 00:40:55,267 Well, I'd like to have something to fall back on 934 00:40:55,334 --> 00:40:57,633 when our spy life is over. 935 00:41:04,434 --> 00:41:06,600 Devon, sweetie, where are you? 936 00:41:09,567 --> 00:41:11,468 Devon? 937 00:41:11,533 --> 00:41:13,433 Baby? 938 00:41:14,267 --> 00:41:16,267 Ah, baby, you're burning up. 939 00:41:16,334 --> 00:41:18,533 I'll be right back. Help! 940 00:41:23,533 --> 00:41:24,799 Sorry, El. 941 00:41:24,800 --> 00:41:26,666 I thought we could do some good work here. 942 00:41:26,667 --> 00:41:27,833 You do not apologize. 943 00:41:27,834 --> 00:41:29,734 Now it's my job to take care of you, okay? 944 00:41:32,867 --> 00:41:33,866 Thank you. 945 00:41:33,867 --> 00:41:35,233 I alerted the airport. 946 00:41:35,234 --> 00:41:36,566 There's an ambulance waiting for you, 947 00:41:36,567 --> 00:41:38,300 so you can skip customs and drive straight 948 00:41:38,301 --> 00:41:40,100 onto the tarmac. Thank you. 949 00:41:40,101 --> 00:41:41,733 Your husband's going to be fine. 950 00:41:41,734 --> 00:41:43,634 I know, I know. 951 00:41:44,468 --> 00:41:46,368 I just can't believe we're leaving so soon. 952 00:41:46,434 --> 00:41:48,266 There are plenty of ways you can help back home. 953 00:41:48,267 --> 00:41:49,599 Take care. 954 00:41:49,600 --> 00:41:51,500 All right. Feel better. 955 00:42:06,900 --> 00:42:08,066 They just left. 956 00:42:08,067 --> 00:42:10,034 I took care of the husband. 957 00:42:10,101 --> 00:42:12,468 Made it look like malaria. 958 00:42:12,533 --> 00:42:14,433 She doesn't suspect a thing. 959 00:42:14,434 --> 00:42:25,121 Transcript by www.addic7ed.com