1 00:00:08,801 --> 00:00:10,615 Who would you say is the father? Quién dirías que es el padre? 2 00:00:10,635 --> 00:00:12,718 You. Tú. 3 00:00:12,760 --> 00:00:17,259 I'm going to put a prince in your belly. Voy a poner un príncipe en tu vientre. 4 00:00:17,551 --> 00:00:21,072 Our queen has a keen sense of 'poetic justice'. Nuestra reina tiene un agudo sentido de 'Justicia poética'. 5 00:00:21,092 --> 00:00:22,573 What would she do for the man ¿Qué haría por el hombre 6 00:00:22,593 --> 00:00:25,573 who rids her of her treasonous brothers? que la libera de sus hermanos traidores? 7 00:00:25,593 --> 00:00:28,740 My name... my real name... Mi nombre ... mi nombre real ... 8 00:00:28,760 --> 00:00:30,865 is Aegon Targaryen. es Aegon Targaryen. 9 00:00:30,885 --> 00:00:32,448 It's true, Dany. Es cierto, Dany. 10 00:00:32,468 --> 00:00:34,239 If it were true... Si fuera cierto ... 11 00:00:34,259 --> 00:00:36,406 you'd have a claim to 'The Iron Throne'. tú tendrías derecho a reclamar 'El Trono de Hierro'. 12 00:00:36,426 --> 00:00:38,823 She doesn't like your queen, does she? A ella no le gusta tu reina, ¿Verdad? 13 00:00:38,843 --> 00:00:40,740 She's defending our family. Ella está defendiendo nuestra familia. 14 00:00:40,760 --> 00:00:43,134 I'm her family, too. Soy su familia, también. 15 00:00:43,676 --> 00:00:45,885 Don't forget that. No te olvides de eso. 16 00:05:26,967 --> 00:05:31,197 We're here to say goodbye to our brothers and sisters. Estamos aquí para decir adiós a nuestros hermanos y hermanas. 17 00:05:31,217 --> 00:05:34,551 To our fathers and mothers. A nuestros padres y madres. 18 00:05:35,384 --> 00:05:37,509 To our friends. A nuestros amigos. 19 00:05:38,134 --> 00:05:40,031 Our fellow men and women Nuestros compañeros, hombres y mujeres 20 00:05:40,051 --> 00:05:44,072 who set aside their differences... que dejaron de lado sus diferencias ... 21 00:05:44,092 --> 00:05:46,593 to fight together... para luchar juntos ... 22 00:05:47,259 --> 00:05:49,823 and die together y morir juntos 23 00:05:49,843 --> 00:05:52,801 so that others might live. para que otros pudiéramos vivir. 24 00:05:54,384 --> 00:05:56,781 Everyone in this world Todo el mundo en este mundo 25 00:05:56,801 --> 00:06:01,031 owes them a debt that can never be repaid. tiene una deuda con ellos que nunca podrá ser devuelta. 26 00:06:01,051 --> 00:06:04,031 It is our duty and our honor Es nuestro deber y nuestro honor 27 00:06:04,051 --> 00:06:08,259 to keep them alive in memory... mantenerlos vivos en nuestra memoria ... 28 00:06:08,426 --> 00:06:11,134 for those who come after us... para los que vienen después de nosotros ... 29 00:06:11,343 --> 00:06:15,114 and those who come after them... y los que vengan después de ellos ... 30 00:06:15,134 --> 00:06:19,134 for as long as men draw breath. hasta nuestro último aliento. 31 00:06:20,051 --> 00:06:24,906 They were the shields that guarded the realms of men. Eran los escudos que protegían los reinos de los hombres. 32 00:06:24,926 --> 00:06:29,760 And we shall never see their like again. Y nunca veremos a otros como ellos. 33 00:08:59,259 --> 00:09:01,885 To your health. A su salud. 34 00:09:27,885 --> 00:09:30,343 Have you seen Arya? ¿Has visto a Arya? 35 00:09:30,885 --> 00:09:32,781 You can still smell the burning bodies, Todavía se pueden oler los cuerpos quemados, 36 00:09:32,801 --> 00:09:34,364 and that's where your head is at. ¿y es en eso en lo que piensas?. 37 00:09:34,384 --> 00:09:37,448 - I just want to thank her for... - I'm sure you do. - Sólo quiero darle las gracias por ... - Estoy seguro de que lohaces. 38 00:09:37,468 --> 00:09:38,781 Look, it's not about that. Mira, no se trata de eso. 39 00:09:38,801 --> 00:09:40,615 Of course it's about that, you twat!. Por supuesto que se trata de eso, ¡idiota!. 40 00:09:40,635 --> 00:09:41,781 Why shouldn't it be? ¿Por qué no tendría que ser así? 41 00:09:41,801 --> 00:09:46,009 The dead are dead. You're not. Los muertos, muertos están. Tú no lo estás. 42 00:09:58,343 --> 00:10:00,843 Gendry. Gendry. 43 00:10:02,259 --> 00:10:04,676 That's right, isn't it? Es tu nombre, ¿No? 44 00:10:10,176 --> 00:10:11,323 Yes, Your Grace. Sí, Excelencia. 45 00:10:11,343 --> 00:10:14,551 You're Robert Baratheon's son. Eres el hijo de Robert Baratheon. 46 00:10:19,926 --> 00:10:21,947 You are aware he took my family's throne Eres consciente de que él tomó el trono de mi familia 47 00:10:21,967 --> 00:10:24,364 and tried to have me murdered? y trató de asesinarme? 48 00:10:24,384 --> 00:10:27,989 I didn't even know he was my father until after he was dead. Yo ni siquiera supe que era mi padre hasta después de que había muerto. 49 00:10:28,009 --> 00:10:31,281 Yes, he's dead. Sí, está muerto. 50 00:10:31,301 --> 00:10:33,885 His brothers are too. Sus hermanos también lo están. 51 00:10:34,343 --> 00:10:38,740 So who's Lord of Storm's End now? Entonces, ¿Quién es ahora El Señor de Bastión de Las Tormentas ? 52 00:10:38,760 --> 00:10:40,072 I don't know, Your Grace. No lo sé, Excelencia. 53 00:10:40,092 --> 00:10:42,926 Does anyone? ¿Alguien lo es? 54 00:10:52,217 --> 00:10:56,593 I think you should be Lord of Storm's End. Creo que deberías de ser el Señor de Bastión de Las Tormentas. 55 00:11:00,301 --> 00:11:01,615 I can't be. I'm a bastard. No puedo serlo. Soy un bastardo. 56 00:11:01,635 --> 00:11:06,197 No, you are Lord Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End, No, ahora tú eres Señor Gendry Baratheon de Bastión de LasTormentas, 57 00:11:06,217 --> 00:11:09,448 the lawful son of Robert Baratheon. Hijo legítimo de Robert Baratheon. 58 00:11:09,468 --> 00:11:14,217 Because that is what I have made you. Porque eso es lo que te nombro. 59 00:11:21,259 --> 00:11:25,239 To Lord Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End. Por El Señor Gendry Baratheon de Bastión de Las Tormentas. 60 00:11:25,259 --> 00:11:27,531 To Gendry! ¡Por Gendry! 61 00:11:27,551 --> 00:11:29,823 Lord Gendry! ¡Señor Gendry! 62 00:11:29,843 --> 00:11:31,823 Gendry! ¡Gendry! 63 00:11:31,843 --> 00:11:36,156 - Gendry! - Gendry! - ¡Gendry! - ¡Gendry! 64 00:11:36,176 --> 00:11:38,926 Lord Gendry! ¡Señor Gendry! 65 00:11:39,259 --> 00:11:41,176 Gendry! ¡Gendry! 66 00:11:43,426 --> 00:11:46,217 That's easy, isn't it? Eso es fácil, ¿Verdad? 67 00:11:47,551 --> 00:11:50,740 - A fitting reward for a hero. - Uh, hold on. - Una buena recompensa para un héroe. - Eh, espera. 68 00:11:50,760 --> 00:11:54,615 And a Lord of Storm's End who will be forever loyal to you. Y un Señor del Bastión de Las Tormentas, que será para siempre fiel a ti. 69 00:11:54,635 --> 00:11:56,531 - Come, my lord. - See? - Ven, mi señor. - ¿Ves? 70 00:11:56,551 --> 00:12:00,926 You're not the only one who's clever. Tú no eres el único que es inteligente. 71 00:12:08,635 --> 00:12:12,593 I have to go down and get another barrel. Tengo que ir abajo y a por otro barril. 72 00:12:14,926 --> 00:12:17,865 We fought dead things and lived to talk about it. Luchamos contra muertos y vivimos para hablar de ello. 73 00:12:17,885 --> 00:12:23,092 If this isn't the time to drink, when is? Si este no es el momento de beber, ¿Cuando es? 74 00:12:31,384 --> 00:12:32,989 The last time I saw her, La última vez que la ví, 75 00:12:33,009 --> 00:12:36,364 I told her I'd kill her if I ever saw her again. Le dije que la mataría si la veía de nuevo. 76 00:12:36,384 --> 00:12:39,197 - I'm sure you had your reasons. - I did. - Estoy seguro de que tenías tus razones. - Si. 77 00:12:39,217 --> 00:12:43,676 - I do. - So did you? - Y las tengo. - Entonces, ¿Que pasó? 78 00:12:43,843 --> 00:12:45,823 Never got the chance. Nunca tengo la oportunidad. 79 00:12:45,843 --> 00:12:48,343 She did it to herself. Ella lo hizo por sí misma. 80 00:12:49,593 --> 00:12:52,509 Or her God did it to her. O su Dios lo hizo por ella. 81 00:12:54,051 --> 00:12:55,781 Lord of Light. Señor de la Luz. 82 00:12:55,801 --> 00:13:00,156 We play his game for him, we fight his war and win, Jugamos su juego por él, luchamos su guerra y ganamos, 83 00:13:00,176 --> 00:13:01,865 and then y ahora 84 00:13:01,885 --> 00:13:03,239 he fucks off. Nos jode. 85 00:13:03,259 --> 00:13:08,114 No signs, no blessings. Who knows what he wants? No hay señales, no hay bendiciones. ¿Quién sabe lo que quiere? 86 00:13:08,134 --> 00:13:10,281 I don't imagine thinking about that subject No creo que pensando eso 87 00:13:10,301 --> 00:13:12,156 will leave you any happier than before. estés más feliz que antes. 88 00:13:12,176 --> 00:13:16,343 And what if I'm not trying to be happy? ¿Y que pasa si no trato de ser feliz? 89 00:13:16,676 --> 00:13:18,801 Then you're in luck. Entonces estás de suerte. 90 00:13:20,301 --> 00:13:22,781 We may have defeated them, Es posible que los hayamos derrotado, 91 00:13:22,801 --> 00:13:27,718 but we still have us to contend with. pero todavía tenemos que contenernos. 92 00:13:30,676 --> 00:13:33,760 Thank you. I feel much better. Gracias. Me siento mucho mejor. 93 00:13:46,384 --> 00:13:48,426 More ale! Más cerveza! 94 00:13:50,009 --> 00:13:52,343 This is clever. Eso es inteligente. 95 00:13:52,760 --> 00:13:56,531 Even better than the saddle I designed for you. Incluso mejor que la silla que he diseñado para tí. 96 00:13:56,551 --> 00:13:58,906 It's the same as the one Daeron Targaryen built Es la misma que construyó Daeron Targaryen 97 00:13:58,926 --> 00:14:02,656 for his crippled nephew, 120 years ago. para su sobrino lisiado, hace 120 años. 98 00:14:02,676 --> 00:14:04,573 I liked that one. Me gustó una como esa. 99 00:14:04,593 --> 00:14:07,823 You know our history better than anyone. Usted sabe nuestra historia mejor que nadie. 100 00:14:07,843 --> 00:14:11,031 That will be useful as 'Lord of Winterfell'. Eso será útil como 'Señor de Invernalia'. 101 00:14:11,051 --> 00:14:13,072 I'm not 'Lord of Winterfell'. No soy 'Señor de Invernalia'. 102 00:14:13,092 --> 00:14:18,092 You're the only surviving trueborn son of Ned Stark. Tú eres el hijo verdadero y único superviviente de Ned Stark. 103 00:14:20,967 --> 00:14:22,615 You don't want it. Tú no quieres. 104 00:14:22,635 --> 00:14:26,051 I don't really want anymore. Realmente no quiero. 105 00:14:27,092 --> 00:14:29,426 I envy you. Te envidio. 106 00:14:31,426 --> 00:14:34,259 You shouldn't envy me. No debes envidiarme. 107 00:14:34,760 --> 00:14:37,760 Mostly I live in the past. Sobre todo, yo vivo en el pasado. 108 00:14:42,134 --> 00:14:43,615 - All of it!. - Go on!. - ¡Todo!. - ¡Vamos!. 109 00:14:43,635 --> 00:14:46,281 - No, not in one go. - Go on. I believe in you. - No, no de una vez. - Vamos. Creo en ti. 110 00:14:46,301 --> 00:14:48,406 We have to celebrate our victory. Hay que celebrar nuestra victoria. 111 00:14:48,426 --> 00:14:50,781 Vomiting is not celebrating. Vómitar no es estar de fiesta. 112 00:14:50,801 --> 00:14:52,656 Yes, it is. Sí lo es. 113 00:14:52,676 --> 00:14:54,031 Ah! Ah! 114 00:14:54,051 --> 00:14:56,551 To the Dragon Queen! Por la Reina de los dragones! 115 00:14:57,967 --> 00:15:03,092 To Arya Stark, the hero of Winterfell! A Arya Stark, la héroe de Invernalia! 116 00:15:04,676 --> 00:15:08,885 - Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! - Drink! - Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah!- ¡A beber! 117 00:15:19,635 --> 00:15:22,468 I'm fine! ¡Tengo suficiente! 118 00:15:34,843 --> 00:15:35,906 Your turn. Tu turno. 119 00:15:35,926 --> 00:15:38,364 Um... Un ... 120 00:15:38,384 --> 00:15:42,509 You are an only child. Tú, eres hija única. 121 00:15:42,635 --> 00:15:44,323 - I told you I was. - You didn't. - Te dije que lo era. - No lo hicistes. 122 00:15:44,343 --> 00:15:47,239 - I did. - I surmised it. - Si te lo dije. - Lo he supuesto. 123 00:15:47,259 --> 00:15:49,781 Drink. ¡Bebamos. 124 00:15:49,801 --> 00:15:51,114 Go again. Otra vez. 125 00:15:51,134 --> 00:15:52,531 Why does he get to go again? ¿Por qué otra vez? 126 00:15:52,551 --> 00:15:54,489 Because it's my game. Porque es mi juego. 127 00:15:54,509 --> 00:16:00,134 You have danced with Renly Baratheon. Has bailado con Renly Baratheon. 128 00:16:00,176 --> 00:16:01,072 No. No. 129 00:16:01,092 --> 00:16:03,468 Drink. Bebe. 130 00:16:03,593 --> 00:16:05,448 The other way around! ¡Al revés! 131 00:16:05,468 --> 00:16:07,740 I saw him riding that thing. Lo vi montar esa cosa. 132 00:16:07,760 --> 00:16:10,573 - We all did. - No. No. - Todos lo hicimos. - No no. 133 00:16:10,593 --> 00:16:13,906 I saw him riding that thing. Lo vi montar esa cosa. 134 00:16:13,926 --> 00:16:15,989 - That's right, you did. - I did. - Así es, lo hiciste. - Lo ví. 135 00:16:16,009 --> 00:16:19,823 That's why we all agreed to follow him. Es por eso que todos estamos de acuerdo en seguirle. 136 00:16:19,843 --> 00:16:23,051 That's the kind of man he is. Ese es el tipo de hombre que es. 137 00:16:23,801 --> 00:16:26,197 He's little... Es pequeño ... 138 00:16:26,217 --> 00:16:27,865 ...but he's strong. ... pero él es fuerte. 139 00:16:27,885 --> 00:16:30,823 Strong enough to befriend an enemy suficientemente fuerte como para hacerse amigo de un enemigo 140 00:16:30,843 --> 00:16:33,092 and get murdered for it! y ser asesinado por ello! 141 00:16:33,176 --> 00:16:35,531 Most people get bloody murdered, La mayoría de la gente muere asesinada, 142 00:16:35,551 --> 00:16:36,823 they stay that way. y así se quedan. 143 00:16:36,843 --> 00:16:39,468 Not this one. Este no. 144 00:16:40,051 --> 00:16:42,323 Yeah, I didn't have much say in that. Sí, yo no tendría mucho que decir sobre eso. 145 00:16:42,343 --> 00:16:45,448 Ah! He comes back and keeps fighting. Ah! Regresó y sigue luchando. 146 00:16:45,468 --> 00:16:49,031 Here, north of the Wall, and then back here again. Aquí, al norte del muro, y luego volver aquí otra vez. 147 00:16:49,051 --> 00:16:52,573 He keeps fighting. He keeps fighting. Él sigue luchando. Él sigue luchando. 148 00:16:52,593 --> 00:16:55,573 He climbed on a fucking dragon and fought. Se subió en un puto dragón y luchó. 149 00:16:55,593 --> 00:16:58,239 What kind of person climbs on a fucking dragon? ¿Qué clase de persona es capaz de subirse a un puto dragón? 150 00:16:58,259 --> 00:17:02,509 A madman or a king! Un loco o un rey! 151 00:17:16,092 --> 00:17:18,906 - Drink. - Drink. - Bebamos!. - A Beber. 152 00:17:18,926 --> 00:17:20,843 Drink. Bebe. 153 00:17:50,593 --> 00:17:51,740 Wrong! ¡Incorrecto! 154 00:17:51,760 --> 00:17:54,843 Wrong, wrong, wrong! Drink! Mal, mal, mal! ¡Bebe! 155 00:17:55,967 --> 00:17:57,197 Mm! Mm! 156 00:17:57,217 --> 00:18:01,323 You were married. Before Sansa. Estabas casado. Antes de Sansa. 157 00:18:01,343 --> 00:18:03,635 Drink. Bebe. 158 00:18:07,760 --> 00:18:09,947 You're drinking wine, but you prefer ale! Estás bebiendo vino, pero prefieres cerveza! 159 00:18:09,967 --> 00:18:11,885 No! No! 160 00:18:24,801 --> 00:18:26,843 You're a virgin. Eres virgen. 161 00:18:31,384 --> 00:18:33,156 That's a statement about the present. Eso es una declaración sobre el presente. 162 00:18:33,176 --> 00:18:36,156 At no point in the past, up until this very moment, En ningún momento en el pasado, hasta este momento, 163 00:18:36,176 --> 00:18:39,176 have you slept with a man. te has acostado con un hombre. 164 00:18:39,801 --> 00:18:41,843 Or a woman. O una mujer. 165 00:18:47,217 --> 00:18:49,072 I have to piss. Tengo que orinar. 166 00:18:49,092 --> 00:18:53,156 We did it! We faced those icy fucks. ¡Lo hicimos! Nos enfrentamos a esos jodidos helados. 167 00:18:53,176 --> 00:18:55,823 Looked right into their blue eyes, Les miramos directamente a los ojos azules, 168 00:18:55,843 --> 00:18:58,217 and here we are. y aquí estamos. 169 00:18:58,676 --> 00:19:04,134 Now, which one of you cowards shit in my pants? Ahora bien, ¿Cuál de ustedes cobardes de mierda caga en mis pantalones? 170 00:19:05,801 --> 00:19:08,967 Please pardon me for a moment. Por favor, perdóneme por un momento. 171 00:19:27,593 --> 00:19:30,009 Drink it! Bébelo! 172 00:19:50,426 --> 00:19:52,656 And after all that, Y después de todo eso, 173 00:19:52,676 --> 00:19:56,281 this fucker comes north and takes her from me. este hijo de puta viene del norte y me la quita. 174 00:19:56,301 --> 00:19:59,217 Just takes her, like that. Sólo se la lleva, así. 175 00:20:00,217 --> 00:20:01,906 I mean it, Clegane. Me refiero a que, Clegane. 176 00:20:01,926 --> 00:20:03,573 My heart is broken. Mi corazón esta roto. 177 00:20:03,593 --> 00:20:04,906 Don't touch me. No me toque. 178 00:20:04,926 --> 00:20:07,259 You can touch me. Puedes tocarme a mí. 179 00:20:07,551 --> 00:20:09,656 I'm not afraid of wildlings. No tengo miedo de los salvajes. 180 00:20:09,676 --> 00:20:12,426 Maybe you should be. Tal vez deberías. 181 00:20:15,760 --> 00:20:18,051 Well, Clegane... Bueno, Clegane ... 182 00:20:18,176 --> 00:20:20,740 it's time to drown our sorrows. es el momento para ahogar nuestras penas. 183 00:20:20,760 --> 00:20:23,426 I'm not done with my drink. No he terminado con mi bebida. 184 00:20:23,551 --> 00:20:25,489 You saved the day. Pasó el día. 185 00:20:25,509 --> 00:20:26,947 You owe me one. Me debes una. 186 00:20:26,967 --> 00:20:31,865 - Don't forget that. - For the rest of my days. - No se olvide de eso. - Para el resto de mis días. 187 00:20:31,885 --> 00:20:33,114 Are you ready now? ¿Estás listo ahora? 188 00:20:33,134 --> 00:20:36,259 This is my drink. Esta es mi bebida. 189 00:20:40,801 --> 00:20:43,509 All right! ¡Todo bien! 190 00:20:50,259 --> 00:20:55,301 She could have made you happy, for a little while. Ella te podría haber hecho feliz, por un rato. 191 00:20:56,259 --> 00:20:59,781 There's only one thing that'll make me happy. Sólo hay una cosa que me haga feliz. 192 00:20:59,801 --> 00:21:00,781 And what's that? ¿Y qué es eso? 193 00:21:00,801 --> 00:21:04,176 That's my fucking business. Eso es cosa mía, joder!!. 194 00:21:07,885 --> 00:21:10,781 Used to be you couldn't look at me. Antes no podías ni mirarme. 195 00:21:10,801 --> 00:21:13,114 That was a long time ago. Eso fue hace mucho tiempo. 196 00:21:13,134 --> 00:21:15,906 I've seen much worse than you since then. He visto mucho peores que tú desde entonces. 197 00:21:15,926 --> 00:21:17,947 Yes, I've heard. Sí, Eso he oído. 198 00:21:17,967 --> 00:21:20,698 Heard you were broken in. He oido que te asaltó. 199 00:21:20,718 --> 00:21:23,343 Heard you were broken in rough. Oí que te tomaron por la fuerza. 200 00:21:23,468 --> 00:21:25,865 And he got what he deserved. Y obtuvo lo que se merecía. 201 00:21:25,885 --> 00:21:28,217 I gave it to him. Se lo dí a él. 202 00:21:28,593 --> 00:21:30,635 How? ¿Cómo? 203 00:21:30,926 --> 00:21:33,051 Hounds. Sabuesos. 204 00:21:35,885 --> 00:21:38,551 You've changed, Little Bird. Has cambiado, Little Bird (Pequeña ave). 205 00:21:44,009 --> 00:21:45,448 None of it would have happened Nada de esto habría sucedido 206 00:21:45,468 --> 00:21:47,364 if you'd left King's Landing with me. si hubieras dejado el Desembarco del Rey conmigo. 207 00:21:47,384 --> 00:21:51,384 No Littlefinger, no Ramsay... Sin Meñique, sin Ramsay ... 208 00:21:52,009 --> 00:21:54,259 none of it. nada de eso. 209 00:22:01,635 --> 00:22:04,239 Without Littlefinger, and Ramsay and the rest, Sin Meñique, y Ramsay y el resto, 210 00:22:04,259 --> 00:22:08,760 I would have stayed a Little Bird all my life. Hubiera sido una pequeña ave durante toda la vida. 211 00:22:28,259 --> 00:22:33,384 - Hey! - Pour another one. - ¡Oye! - Pón otro. 212 00:22:43,801 --> 00:22:45,967 Don't shoot. No dispares. 213 00:22:48,009 --> 00:22:50,947 It's nighttime, it's freezing, and everyone's celebrating. Es de noche, hace mucho frío, y todo el mundo está celebrando. 214 00:22:50,967 --> 00:22:53,531 You should be celebrating with them. Deberías de estar celebrando con ellos. 215 00:22:53,551 --> 00:22:55,926 I am celebrating. Estoy celebrando. 216 00:22:56,801 --> 00:22:59,760 Yeah, I am too. Sí, yo también. 217 00:23:01,009 --> 00:23:02,989 I'm not Gendry Rivers anymore. Ya no soy GENDRY Rivers nunca mas. 218 00:23:03,009 --> 00:23:06,448 I'm Gendry Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End. Soy Gendry Baratheon, Señor de Bastión de Las Tormentas. 219 00:23:06,468 --> 00:23:09,801 By order of the queen. Por orden de la reina. 220 00:23:10,509 --> 00:23:12,801 Congratulations. Felicidades. 221 00:23:15,092 --> 00:23:17,114 I don't know how to be lord of anything. No sé cómo ser señor de nada. 222 00:23:17,134 --> 00:23:18,823 I hardly know how to use a fork. Casi no sé cómo usar un tenedor. 223 00:23:18,843 --> 00:23:20,823 All I know is that you're beautiful, Todo lo que sé es que eres hermosa, 224 00:23:20,843 --> 00:23:22,031 and I love you, y te amo, 225 00:23:22,051 --> 00:23:23,947 and none of it will be worth anything y nada de esto tendrá valor 226 00:23:23,967 --> 00:23:26,134 if you're not with me. si no estás conmigo. 227 00:23:26,468 --> 00:23:28,468 So be with me. Así que ven conmigo. 228 00:23:31,967 --> 00:23:37,593 Be my wife. Be the Lady of Storm's End. Sé mi esposa. Se la Señora de Bastión de Las Tormentas. 229 00:23:57,676 --> 00:24:00,156 You'll be a wonderful lord, Serás un señor maravilloso, 230 00:24:00,176 --> 00:24:04,573 and any lady would be lucky to have you. y cualquier mujer sería afortunada de tenerte. 231 00:24:04,593 --> 00:24:07,051 But I'm not a lady. Pero no soy una dama. 232 00:24:07,468 --> 00:24:09,843 I never have been. Nunca lo he sido. 233 00:24:11,176 --> 00:24:13,176 That's not me. Esa no soy yo. 234 00:24:38,343 --> 00:24:40,718 You didn't drink. Tú no bebistes. 235 00:24:42,551 --> 00:24:45,656 - I didn't drink? - In the game. - ¿Que no bebí? - En el juego. 236 00:24:45,676 --> 00:24:50,843 - I drank. - In the game. This is Dornish. - Bebí. - En el juego. Esto es Dornish. 237 00:24:51,718 --> 00:24:56,281 This is not the game. This is only drinking. Esto no es el juego. Esto sólo es beber. 238 00:24:56,301 --> 00:24:58,426 Suit yourself. Como quiera. 239 00:25:08,384 --> 00:25:12,760 You keep it warm enough in here. Tienes esto bastante caliente. 240 00:25:14,134 --> 00:25:17,197 It's the first thing I learnt when I came to the North. Es la primera cosa que aprendí cuando llegué al Norte. 241 00:25:17,217 --> 00:25:18,656 Keep your fire going. Mantener el fuego. 242 00:25:18,676 --> 00:25:21,072 Every time you leave the room, put more wood on. Cada vez que dejas la habitación, poner más leña. 243 00:25:21,092 --> 00:25:23,781 That's very diligent. Very responsible. Eso está muy bien. Muy responsable. 244 00:25:23,801 --> 00:25:25,740 - Piss off. - You know the first thing - Vete a la mierda. - Ya sabes lo primero que 245 00:25:25,760 --> 00:25:27,615 I learned in the North? Aprendí en el Norte? 246 00:25:27,635 --> 00:25:30,718 I hate the fucking North. No me gusta el puto del Norte. 247 00:25:30,885 --> 00:25:33,092 It grows on you. Te acostumbras 248 00:25:33,801 --> 00:25:37,656 I don't want things growing on me. No quiero acostumbrarme. 249 00:25:37,676 --> 00:25:41,072 How about Tormund Giantsbane? ¿Qué hay de Tormund Matagigantes? 250 00:25:41,092 --> 00:25:43,593 Has he grown on you? ¿Te has acostumbrado? 251 00:25:44,259 --> 00:25:47,259 He was very sad when you left. Se puso muy triste cuando te marchaste. 252 00:25:47,760 --> 00:25:50,593 You sound quite jealous. Pareces celoso. 253 00:25:52,426 --> 00:25:54,926 I do, don't I? Si. ¿No puedo? 254 00:25:58,967 --> 00:26:01,801 It's bloody hot in here. Hace maldito calor aquí. 255 00:26:10,593 --> 00:26:12,967 Oh, move aside. Oh, quita de ahí. 256 00:26:17,635 --> 00:26:19,656 What are you doing? ¿Qué estás haciendo? 257 00:26:19,676 --> 00:26:22,134 I'm taking your shirt off. Estoy quitándote tu camisa. 258 00:27:08,009 --> 00:27:11,573 I've never slept with a knight before. Nunca me he acostado con un 'Caballero' antes. 259 00:27:11,593 --> 00:27:16,197 I've never slept with anyone before. Nunca me he acostado con nadie antes. 260 00:27:16,217 --> 00:27:19,989 Then you have to drink. Those are the rules. Entonces tienes que beber. Esas son las reglas. 261 00:27:20,009 --> 00:27:22,384 I told you... Te lo dije... 262 00:27:36,885 --> 00:27:39,384 Are you drunk? ¿Estas borracho? 263 00:27:43,051 --> 00:27:45,051 No. No. 264 00:27:49,051 --> 00:27:51,343 Only a little. Bueno, Solo un poco. 265 00:28:00,509 --> 00:28:03,217 I didn't know Ser Jorah well... No conocía bien a Ser Jorah ... 266 00:28:03,635 --> 00:28:05,885 but I know this. pero se esto. 267 00:28:06,593 --> 00:28:08,573 If he could have chosen a way to die, Si él hubiera podido elegir una forma de morir, 268 00:28:08,593 --> 00:28:11,615 it would have been protecting you. hubiera sido protegiéndote. 269 00:28:11,635 --> 00:28:13,635 He loved me. Él me quería. 270 00:28:15,593 --> 00:28:18,718 And I couldn't love him back. Y yo no podía. 271 00:28:19,801 --> 00:28:22,551 Not the way he wanted. No de la manera que él quería. 272 00:28:25,009 --> 00:28:27,635 Not the way I love you. No de la forma que te amo. 273 00:28:29,760 --> 00:28:32,217 Is that all right? ¿Esta todo bien? 274 00:29:10,509 --> 00:29:13,593 I wish you'd never told me. Desearía que nunca me lo hubieras dicho. 275 00:29:13,843 --> 00:29:18,072 If I didn't know, I'd be happy right now. Si no lo supiera, ahora sería feliz 276 00:29:18,092 --> 00:29:20,301 I try to forget. Trato de olvidar. 277 00:29:20,967 --> 00:29:22,406 Tonight I did for a while, Esta noche lo hice por un tiempo, 278 00:29:22,426 --> 00:29:26,489 and then I saw them gathered around you. y luego vi que se reunieron a tu alrededor. 279 00:29:26,509 --> 00:29:30,114 I saw the way they looked at you. Vi la forma en que ellos te miraban. 280 00:29:30,134 --> 00:29:32,509 I know that look. Conozco esa mirada. 281 00:29:33,176 --> 00:29:36,740 So many people have looked at me that way, but never here. Muchas personas me han mirado a mí de esa manera, pero nunca aquí. 282 00:29:36,760 --> 00:29:39,343 Never on this side of the sea. Nunca en este lado del mar. 283 00:29:39,801 --> 00:29:41,156 I told you I don't want it. Te dije que no lo quiero. 284 00:29:41,176 --> 00:29:43,781 It doesn't matter what you want. No importa lo que quieres. 285 00:29:43,801 --> 00:29:45,656 You didn't want to be King in the North. Tú no querías ser Rey en el Norte. 286 00:29:45,676 --> 00:29:48,323 What happens when they demand you press your claim, ¿Que ocurrirá cuando ellos te presionen para que reclames el trono 287 00:29:48,343 --> 00:29:50,843 and take what is mine? y tomes lo que me pertenece? 288 00:29:53,301 --> 00:29:55,197 I'll refuse. Rehusaré. 289 00:29:55,217 --> 00:29:57,823 You are my queen. I don't know what else I can say. Tú eres mi reina. No sé qué más puedo decir. 290 00:29:57,843 --> 00:30:00,114 You can say nothing. No puedes decir nada. 291 00:30:00,134 --> 00:30:01,656 To anyone, ever. A nadie, nunca. 292 00:30:01,676 --> 00:30:03,740 Never tell them who you really are. Nunca le diga a ellos lo que realmente eres. 293 00:30:03,760 --> 00:30:06,239 Swear your brother and Samwell Tarly to secrecy, Que tu hermano y Samwell Tarly guarden el secreto, 294 00:30:06,259 --> 00:30:07,531 and tell no one else. y no se lo digan a nadie mas. 295 00:30:07,551 --> 00:30:09,239 Or it will take on a life of its own O esta situación se acelerará 296 00:30:09,259 --> 00:30:11,031 and you won't be able to control it y no podrás controlarla 297 00:30:11,051 --> 00:30:12,323 or what it does to people. o lo que suceda a la gente. 298 00:30:12,343 --> 00:30:14,906 No matter how many times you bend the knee, No importa cuántas veces dobles la rodilla, 299 00:30:14,926 --> 00:30:17,885 no matter what you swear. no importa lo que jures. 300 00:30:22,051 --> 00:30:27,509 I want it to be the way it was between us. Yo quiero que la cosa sigua como era entre nosotros. 301 00:30:34,718 --> 00:30:36,573 I have to tell Sansa and Arya. Tengo que decírselo a Sansa y Arya. 302 00:30:36,593 --> 00:30:43,031 Sansa will want to see me gone and you on the Iron Throne. Sansa querrá que me vaya y verte a tí en el Trono de Hierro. 303 00:30:43,051 --> 00:30:44,781 She won't. No lo hará. 304 00:30:44,801 --> 00:30:47,906 She's not the girl you grew up with. Ella no es la chica con la que creciste. 305 00:30:47,926 --> 00:30:50,281 Not after what she's seen, No después de lo que ha visto, 306 00:30:50,301 --> 00:30:54,926 not after what they've done to her. no después de lo que han hecho con ella. 307 00:30:56,301 --> 00:30:58,239 I owe them the truth. Les debo la verdad. 308 00:30:58,259 --> 00:31:01,197 Even if the truth destroys us? ¿Incluso si la verdad nos destruye? 309 00:31:01,217 --> 00:31:04,926 - It won't. - It will. - No lo hará. - Si lo hará. 310 00:31:05,468 --> 00:31:08,489 I've never begged for anything... Nunca he rogado por nada ... 311 00:31:08,509 --> 00:31:10,740 but I'm begging you. pero te lo suplico. 312 00:31:10,760 --> 00:31:14,760 Don't do this. Please. No hagas esto. Por favor. 313 00:31:20,384 --> 00:31:22,760 You are my queen. Tú eres mi reina. 314 00:31:23,343 --> 00:31:26,217 Nothing will change that. Nada va a cambiar eso. 315 00:31:28,134 --> 00:31:30,843 And they are my family. Y ellos son mi familia. 316 00:31:31,801 --> 00:31:34,468 We can live together. Podemos vivir juntos. 317 00:31:39,384 --> 00:31:41,384 We can. Podemos. 318 00:31:42,551 --> 00:31:45,301 I've just told you how. Ya te dije como. 319 00:32:20,426 --> 00:32:23,301 Half are gone. La mitad han muerto. 320 00:32:26,134 --> 00:32:28,635 The Northmen as well. Los Hombres del Norte también. 321 00:32:34,009 --> 00:32:37,239 And the Golden Company has arrived in King's Landing, Y la Compañía Dorada ha llegado a Desembarco del Rey, 322 00:32:37,259 --> 00:32:39,323 courtesy of the Greyjoy fleet. cortesía de la Flota Greyjoy. 323 00:32:39,343 --> 00:32:43,114 The balance has grown distressingly even. El balance incluso ha crecido alarmantemente. 324 00:32:43,134 --> 00:32:45,989 When the people find out what we have done for them, Cuando las personas se enteren de lo que hemos hecho por ellos, 325 00:32:46,009 --> 00:32:47,323 that we saved them... que les salvamos ... 326 00:32:47,343 --> 00:32:51,656 Cersei will make sure they don't believe it. Cersei se asegurará de que no se lo crean. 327 00:32:51,676 --> 00:32:53,364 We will hit her hard. Vamos a golpear con fuerza. 328 00:32:53,384 --> 00:32:57,031 We will rip her out root and stem. Vamos a arrancar el tallo por la raiz. 329 00:32:57,051 --> 00:32:59,740 The objective here is to remove Cersei El objetivo es eliminar a Cersei 330 00:32:59,760 --> 00:33:04,426 without destroying King's Landing. sin destruir Desembarco del Rey. 331 00:33:05,551 --> 00:33:09,448 Thankfully, she's losing allies by the day. Afortunadamente, está perdiendo aliados cada día. 332 00:33:09,468 --> 00:33:12,364 Yara Greyjoy has retaken the Iron Islands Yara Greyjoy ha vuelto a tomar las Islas del Hierro 333 00:33:12,384 --> 00:33:13,740 in her queen's name. a nombre de su reina. 334 00:33:13,760 --> 00:33:16,489 The new Prince of Dorne pledges his support. El nuevo Príncipe de Dorne compromete su apoyo. 335 00:33:16,509 --> 00:33:18,615 No matter how many lords turn against her, No importa cuántos Señores se vuelven contra ella, 336 00:33:18,635 --> 00:33:20,489 as long as she sits on the Iron Throne, siempre y cuando ella se siente en el Trono de Hierro, 337 00:33:20,509 --> 00:33:25,217 she can call herself Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. que puede llamarse la reina de los siete reinos. 338 00:33:25,551 --> 00:33:27,364 We need the capital. Necesitamos la capital. 339 00:33:27,384 --> 00:33:29,197 I watched the people of King's Landing Vi a la gente de Desembarco del Rey 340 00:33:29,217 --> 00:33:31,573 rebel against their king when they were hungry, rebelarse contra su rey cuando tenían hambre, 341 00:33:31,593 --> 00:33:33,865 and that was before winter began. y eso fue antes de que comenzara el invierno. 342 00:33:33,885 --> 00:33:39,114 Give them the opportunity and they will cast Cersei aside. Démosle la oportunidad y echarán a un lado Cersei. 343 00:33:39,134 --> 00:33:41,573 We'll surround the city. Vamos a rodear la ciudad. 344 00:33:41,593 --> 00:33:43,906 If the Iron Fleet tries to ferry in more food, Si la Flota de Hierro intenta transportar más alimentos, 345 00:33:43,926 --> 00:33:46,072 the dragons will destroy them. los dragones los destruirán. 346 00:33:46,092 --> 00:33:48,573 If the Lannisters and the Golden Company attack, Si los Lannister y la Compañía Dorada atacan,, 347 00:33:48,593 --> 00:33:50,323 we'll defeat them in the field. los derrotaremos en el campo. 348 00:33:50,343 --> 00:33:54,072 Once the people see that Cersei is our only enemy, Una vez que la gente vea que Cersei es nuestro único enemigo, 349 00:33:54,092 --> 00:33:57,092 her reign is over. su reinado ha terminado. 350 00:34:01,259 --> 00:34:02,781 All right. De acuerdo. 351 00:34:02,801 --> 00:34:05,989 The men we have left are exhausted. Los hombres que nos quedan están agotadOs. 352 00:34:06,009 --> 00:34:07,281 Many of them are wounded. Muchos de ellos están heridos. 353 00:34:07,301 --> 00:34:09,239 They'll fight better if they have time Van a luchar mejor si tienen tiempo 354 00:34:09,259 --> 00:34:11,635 to rest and recuperate. para descansar y recuperarse. 355 00:34:11,926 --> 00:34:14,134 How long do you suggest? ¿Cuánto tiempo sugiere? 356 00:34:14,301 --> 00:34:15,865 I can't say for certain, No puedo decirlo con certeza, 357 00:34:15,885 --> 00:34:19,926 not without talking to the officers. No sin hablar con los oficiales. 358 00:34:21,301 --> 00:34:24,239 I came north to fight alongside you Vine del norte para luchar a su lado 359 00:34:24,259 --> 00:34:28,031 at great cost to my armies and myself. con un gran costo de mis ejércitos y para mí. 360 00:34:28,051 --> 00:34:30,947 Now that the time has come to reciprocate, Ahora que ha llegado el momento de corresponder, 361 00:34:30,967 --> 00:34:32,823 you want to postpone. desea posponerlo. 362 00:34:32,843 --> 00:34:35,781 It's not just our people. It's yours. No es sólo nuestra gente. Es también los suyos. 363 00:34:35,801 --> 00:34:37,489 You want to throw them into a war Quiere echarlos en una guerra 364 00:34:37,509 --> 00:34:39,114 they're not ready to fight? que ellos no están listos para luchar? 365 00:34:39,134 --> 00:34:40,906 The longer I leave my enemies alone, Cuanto más tiempo les dejo mis enemigos 366 00:34:40,926 --> 00:34:43,426 the stronger they become. más fuertes se vuelven. 367 00:34:45,967 --> 00:34:49,573 The Northern forces will honor their promises Las fuerzas del Norte cumplirán sus promesas 368 00:34:49,593 --> 00:34:50,947 and their allegiance y su lealtad 369 00:34:50,967 --> 00:34:55,468 to the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. a la Reina de los Siete Reinos. 370 00:34:58,843 --> 00:35:01,676 What you command, we will obey. Lo que mandes, obedeceremos. 371 00:35:05,426 --> 00:35:07,072 So... Asi que... 372 00:35:07,092 --> 00:35:10,072 if all are in agreement... si todos están de acuerdo ... 373 00:35:10,092 --> 00:35:12,989 Jon and Ser Davos will ride down the Kingsroad Jon y Ser Davos viajarán por el camino real 374 00:35:13,009 --> 00:35:14,448 with the Northern troops con las tropas del Norte 375 00:35:14,468 --> 00:35:17,072 and the bulk of the remaining Dothraki and Unsullied. y la mayor parte de los restantes Dothraki e Inmaculados. 376 00:35:17,092 --> 00:35:19,489 A smaller group of us will ride to White Harbor, Un grupo más pequeño de nosotros irá a Puerto Blanco, 377 00:35:19,509 --> 00:35:21,489 and sail from there to Dragonstone y navegará desde allí a Dragonstone 378 00:35:21,509 --> 00:35:25,281 with our queen and her dragons accompanying us from above. con nuestra reina y sus dragones 379 00:35:25,301 --> 00:35:28,031 Ser Jaime has chosen to remain here, Ser Jaime ha decidido permanecer aquí, 380 00:35:28,051 --> 00:35:32,343 as a guest of the Lady of Winterfell. como invitado de la Señora de Invernalia. 381 00:35:33,384 --> 00:35:36,281 We have won the Great War. Hemos ganado la Gran Guerra. 382 00:35:36,301 --> 00:35:39,051 Now we will win the Last War. Ahora vamos a ganar la última guerra. 383 00:35:39,343 --> 00:35:41,406 In all Seven Kingdoms, En todos los siete reinos, 384 00:35:41,426 --> 00:35:45,281 men will live without fear and cruelty los hombres vivirán sin miedo ni crueldad 385 00:35:45,301 --> 00:35:47,718 under their rightful queen. bajo su legítima reina. 386 00:36:00,176 --> 00:36:02,343 We need a word. Necesitamos hablar. 387 00:36:05,468 --> 00:36:08,489 You understand we'd all be dead if not for her. Comprenden que estaríamos muertos si no fuera por ella. 388 00:36:08,509 --> 00:36:10,865 We'd be corpses marching down to King's Landing. Seríamos cadáveres yendo a Desembarco del Rey. 389 00:36:10,885 --> 00:36:12,364 Arya's the one that killed the Night King. Arya es quién mató al rey la noche. 390 00:36:12,384 --> 00:36:14,531 Her men gave their lives defending Winterfell... Sus hombres dieron sus vidas defendiendo Invernalia ... 391 00:36:14,551 --> 00:36:16,197 And we will never forget them. Y nunca los olvidaremos. 392 00:36:16,217 --> 00:36:18,156 That doesn't mean that I want to kneel to someone who... Eso no quiere decir que quiera a arrodillarme ante alguien que ... 393 00:36:18,176 --> 00:36:20,906 I swore myself and the North to her cause. Juré a mí mismo y del Norte a su causa. 394 00:36:20,926 --> 00:36:23,468 I respect that. Respeto eso. 395 00:36:25,092 --> 00:36:27,448 You respect it? Lo respetas? 396 00:36:27,468 --> 00:36:30,217 We needed her. La necesitábamos. 397 00:36:30,593 --> 00:36:34,217 We needed her army, her dragons. Necesitábamos su ejército, sus dragones. 398 00:36:35,009 --> 00:36:36,865 You did the right thing. Usted hizo lo correcto. 399 00:36:36,885 --> 00:36:39,364 And we're doing the right thing telling you Y estamos haciendo lo correcto diciéndote 400 00:36:39,384 --> 00:36:41,926 we don't trust your queen. que no confiamos en tu reina. 401 00:36:42,843 --> 00:36:45,197 - You don't know her yet. - I'll never know her. - No la conocéis aún - Nunca lo haré. 402 00:36:45,217 --> 00:36:46,573 She's not one of us. Ella no es uno de nosotros. 403 00:36:46,593 --> 00:36:48,573 If you only trust the people you grew up with, Si sólo confías en las personas con que creciste, 404 00:36:48,593 --> 00:36:49,989 you won't make many allies. no harás muchos aliados. 405 00:36:50,009 --> 00:36:51,615 That's all right. Está bien. 406 00:36:51,635 --> 00:36:53,823 I don't need many allies. No necesito muchos aliados. 407 00:36:53,843 --> 00:36:57,406 - Arya... - We're family. - Arya ... - Somos una familia. 408 00:36:57,426 --> 00:36:59,635 The four of us. Nosotros cuatro. 409 00:36:59,718 --> 00:37:02,426 The last of the Starks. El último de los Stark. 410 00:37:05,468 --> 00:37:07,926 I've never been a Stark. Nunca he sido un Stark. 411 00:37:08,092 --> 00:37:09,740 You are. Lo eres. 412 00:37:09,760 --> 00:37:12,823 You're just as much Ned Stark's child as any of us. Eres tan hijo de Ned Stark como cualquiera de nosotros. 413 00:37:12,843 --> 00:37:14,781 You're my brother. Tu eres mi hermano. 414 00:37:14,801 --> 00:37:18,114 Not my half-brother or my bastard brother. No mi medio hermano o mi hermano bastardo. 415 00:37:18,134 --> 00:37:20,676 My brother. Mi hermano. 416 00:37:27,217 --> 00:37:29,967 It's your choice. Es tu elección. 417 00:37:36,134 --> 00:37:39,343 I need to tell you something. Necesito deciros algo. 418 00:37:39,843 --> 00:37:45,343 But you have to swear you'll never tell another soul. Pero tenéis que jurar que nunca diréis nada a ninguna otra alma. 419 00:37:46,635 --> 00:37:48,967 What is it? ¿Qué es? 420 00:37:49,259 --> 00:37:52,364 You have to swear it, before I tell you. Debéis jurarlo ante que lo diga. 421 00:37:52,384 --> 00:37:54,031 How can I promise to keep a secret ¿Cómo puedo prometer guardar un secreto 422 00:37:54,051 --> 00:37:55,656 if I don't even know what it is? si ni siquiera sé lo que es? 423 00:37:55,676 --> 00:37:58,343 Because we're family. Porque somos una familia. 424 00:38:02,426 --> 00:38:04,426 Swear it. Jurarlo. 425 00:38:04,718 --> 00:38:07,134 I swear it. Lo juro. 426 00:38:10,801 --> 00:38:12,801 I swear it. Lo juro. 427 00:38:19,843 --> 00:38:22,134 Tell them. Díselo. 428 00:38:31,676 --> 00:38:35,217 So she's going to stay here with you? Así que se va a quedar aquí contigo? 429 00:38:36,676 --> 00:38:41,885 She's sworn to protect the Stark girls, so... Ella ha jurado proteger a las niñas Stark, así que ... 430 00:38:43,217 --> 00:38:45,676 Say something snide. Dí algo sarcástico. 431 00:38:45,885 --> 00:38:46,947 I'm happy. Estoy feliz. 432 00:38:46,967 --> 00:38:49,718 I'm happy that you're happy. Estoy feliz de que estés feliz. 433 00:38:51,635 --> 00:38:57,009 I'm happy that you'll finally have to climb for it. Estoy feliz de que finalmente tendrás que subir por ella. 434 00:38:57,051 --> 00:39:01,531 Do you know how long I've waited to tell tall-person jokes? ¿Sabes cuánto tiempo he esperado a contar chistes de personas altas? 435 00:39:01,551 --> 00:39:03,906 To climbing mountains. Para escalar montañas. 436 00:39:03,926 --> 00:39:06,384 To climbing mountains. Para escalar montañas. 437 00:39:07,967 --> 00:39:11,031 - What's she like down there? - What? - ¿Cómo es ella allí abajo? - ¿Qué? 438 00:39:11,051 --> 00:39:13,072 That's not your concern. Eso no te importa. 439 00:39:13,092 --> 00:39:15,698 I haven't been with a woman for years. No he estado con una mujer desde hace años. 440 00:39:15,718 --> 00:39:17,281 - Give me a morsel. - You're a dog. - Dame un bocado. - Eres un perro. 441 00:39:17,301 --> 00:39:19,239 I am the Imp, and I demand to know. Soy el impedido, y exijo saber. 442 00:39:19,259 --> 00:39:22,051 I knew you were fucking her. Yo sabía que estabas follándotela. 443 00:39:22,967 --> 00:39:24,947 A pair of tall, blond toffs. Un par de amantess altos, rubios. 444 00:39:24,967 --> 00:39:26,698 Must be like looking in the mirror. Debe ser como mirarse en el espejo. 445 00:39:26,718 --> 00:39:29,551 Ser Bronn of the Blackwater. Ser Bronn de Aguasnegras. 446 00:39:30,176 --> 00:39:31,989 Where's your drink? ¿Dónde está su bebida? 447 00:39:32,009 --> 00:39:34,197 What are you... What are you doing up North? ¿Qué estás ... ¿Qué haces en el norte? 448 00:39:34,217 --> 00:39:35,740 What are you doing with that? ¿Qué haces con eso? 449 00:39:35,760 --> 00:39:37,364 Oh, this? ¿Oh esto? 450 00:39:37,384 --> 00:39:39,426 This is for you. Esto es para ti. 451 00:39:39,926 --> 00:39:41,072 For both of you. Para ustedes dos. 452 00:39:41,092 --> 00:39:43,239 You're supposed to be south. Se supone que debes estar al sur. 453 00:39:43,259 --> 00:39:45,239 You boys are a pair of gold-plated cunts. Ustedes, muchachos, son un par de coños chapados en oro. 454 00:39:45,259 --> 00:39:46,823 - Do you know that? - That's a bit rude. - ¿Sabes que? - Eso es un poco desagradable. 455 00:39:46,843 --> 00:39:49,114 Year after year, I've shoveled Lannister shit, Año tras año, aguantando a la mierda de los Lannister 456 00:39:49,134 --> 00:39:52,114 - and what do I have to show? - You're a knight, thanks to me. - y para qué? - Eres un caballero, gracias a mí. 457 00:39:52,134 --> 00:39:53,781 Thanks to me. And that title's worth as much Gracias a mi. Y el valor de ese título como mucho 458 00:39:53,801 --> 00:39:56,072 as a blond hair from your brother's ballsack. como un cabello rubio de las pelotas de tu hermano. 459 00:39:56,092 --> 00:39:57,740 Power resides where men believe... El poder reside en que los hombres creen ... 460 00:39:57,760 --> 00:39:59,781 Shut your mouth. Cállate la boca. 461 00:39:59,801 --> 00:40:02,197 - I'm just trying... - I've never hit a dwarf before, - Sólo estoy tratando de ... - Nunca he golpeado a un enano antes, 462 00:40:02,217 --> 00:40:04,156 but say another word and I will belt you. pero dí otra palabra y lo haré 463 00:40:04,176 --> 00:40:06,781 See, I don't believe you'd do that, after all... Mira, no lo creo, después de todo ... 464 00:40:06,801 --> 00:40:08,615 You couldn't do it on your best day, No podías ni en tus mejores días, 465 00:40:08,635 --> 00:40:09,781 you one-handed fuck. tú, un jodido manco. 466 00:40:09,801 --> 00:40:11,448 And your best days are long gone. Y tus mejores días han quedado atrás. 467 00:40:11,468 --> 00:40:13,031 You broke my nose! Me rompiste la nariz! 468 00:40:13,051 --> 00:40:14,823 - I did not break your nose. - How do you know? - No te he roto la nariz. - ¿Cómo lo sabes? 469 00:40:14,843 --> 00:40:17,197 Because I've been breaking noses since I was your size, Porque he estado rompiendo narices desde que tenía tu tamaño, 470 00:40:17,217 --> 00:40:20,197 and I know what it sounds like. Now listen. y sé como suena. Ahora escuchad. 471 00:40:20,217 --> 00:40:22,865 Your sister offered me Riverrun. Su hermana me ofreció Aguasdulces. 472 00:40:22,885 --> 00:40:24,448 Nice big castle, good lands, Niza gran castillo, buenas tierras, 473 00:40:24,468 --> 00:40:26,573 plenty of peasants who do what they're told. un montón de campesinos que hacen lo que se les dice. 474 00:40:26,593 --> 00:40:29,323 - And you trust Cersei... - I knew your sister was dead - Y usted confía Cersei ... - Yo sabía que su hermana estaba muerta 475 00:40:29,343 --> 00:40:31,197 the second I saw those dragons. cuando vi esos dragones. 476 00:40:31,217 --> 00:40:32,865 Now, your army may be torn to shit, Ahora, el ejército puede que esté hecho una mierda, 477 00:40:32,885 --> 00:40:35,156 but I'd still bet on your Dragon Queen to win. pero apuesto por vuestra 'Reina Dragón' como ganadora 478 00:40:35,176 --> 00:40:38,906 And it just so happens I'm a betting man. Y da la casualidad de que soy un hombre de apuestas. 479 00:40:38,926 --> 00:40:43,843 If Cersei's dead, she can't pay up. Si Cersei muere, no me puede pagar. 480 00:40:44,176 --> 00:40:46,406 Mmm, that's good. Of course, the odds change Mmm, Está bueno. Por supuesto, las probabilidades cambian 481 00:40:46,426 --> 00:40:48,489 if the Dragon Queen's Hand turns up dead. Si la mano de la Reina del Dragón aparece muerto. 482 00:40:48,509 --> 00:40:51,448 Maybe a few of her top generals get picked off one by one. Tal vez algunos de sus principales generales mueran de uno en uno... 483 00:40:51,468 --> 00:40:53,448 - All of a sudden... - May I speak? - De repente ... - ¿Puedo hablar? 484 00:40:53,468 --> 00:40:58,134 Why not? Only death will shut you up. ¿Por qué no? Sólo la muerte hará que te calles. 485 00:40:59,509 --> 00:41:02,406 We made a deal long ago. Do you remember? Hicimos un trato hace mucho tiempo. ¿Te acuerdas? 486 00:41:02,426 --> 00:41:03,656 If anyone offered me money Si alguien me ofreció dinero 487 00:41:03,676 --> 00:41:05,989 to kill you, you'd pay me double. por matarte, tú me pagarías el doble. 488 00:41:06,009 --> 00:41:08,468 What's double Riverrun? ¿Cuál es el doble Aguasdulces? 489 00:41:08,509 --> 00:41:10,509 Highgarden. Altojardín. 490 00:41:11,676 --> 00:41:13,239 You could be Lord of the Reach. Usted podría ser el Señor del Dominio. 491 00:41:13,259 --> 00:41:16,156 - Highgarden? Are you mad? - It's better than being dead. - ¿Altojardín? ¿Estas loco? - Es mejor que estar muerto. 492 00:41:16,176 --> 00:41:17,448 He's not going to kill us. Él no va a matarnos. 493 00:41:17,468 --> 00:41:21,217 He wouldn't be talking to us if... Él no estaría hablando con nosotros si ... 494 00:41:22,217 --> 00:41:23,531 The way I see it, La manera en que lo veo, 495 00:41:23,551 --> 00:41:26,281 I only need one of the Lannister brothers alive. Sólo necesito a uno de los hermanos Lannister vivos. 496 00:41:26,301 --> 00:41:28,489 Highgarden will never belong to a cutthroat. Altojardín nunca va a pertenecer a un asesino. 497 00:41:28,509 --> 00:41:30,698 No? Who were your ancestors, ¿No? ¿Quiénes eran sus antepasados?, 498 00:41:30,718 --> 00:41:32,947 the ones who made your family rich? los que han hecho su familia rica 499 00:41:32,967 --> 00:41:34,615 Fancy lads in silk? ¿Muchachos de lujo en seda? 500 00:41:34,635 --> 00:41:36,364 They were fucking cutthroats. Fueron unos putos asesinos. 501 00:41:36,384 --> 00:41:38,865 That's how all the great houses started, isn't it? Así fue como comenzaron todas las grandes casas, ¿Verdad? 502 00:41:38,885 --> 00:41:41,364 With a hard bastard who was good at killing people. Con un bastardo duro que era bueno para matar personas. 503 00:41:41,384 --> 00:41:43,781 Kill a few hundred people, they make you a lord. Matar a unos pocos cientos de personas, te convierten en 'Señor'. 504 00:41:43,801 --> 00:41:45,865 Kill a few thousand, they make you king. Matar a unos pocos miles, te hacen Rey. 505 00:41:45,885 --> 00:41:50,364 And then all your cocksucking grandsons can ruin the family Y entonces todos sus soplapollas de nietos pueden arruinar la familia 506 00:41:50,384 --> 00:41:52,926 with their cocksucking ways. con sus decisiones de jilipollas. 507 00:41:55,760 --> 00:41:57,760 Highgarden. Altojardín. 508 00:41:58,551 --> 00:42:01,092 Give me your word. Dame tu palabra. 509 00:42:01,843 --> 00:42:04,301 You have my word. Tienes mi palabra. 510 00:42:05,176 --> 00:42:09,656 None of this means a thing until we take King's Landing. Nada de esto importa hasta que tomemos Desembarco del Rey 511 00:42:09,676 --> 00:42:12,156 We ride south in the morning. Vamos de camino al sur por la mañana. 512 00:42:12,176 --> 00:42:13,406 We could use an officer Nos vendría bién un oficial 513 00:42:13,426 --> 00:42:15,740 with knowledge of the city's defenses. con conocimiento de las defensas de la ciudad. 514 00:42:15,760 --> 00:42:17,072 Oh, no. Oh, no. 515 00:42:17,092 --> 00:42:19,740 No, my fighting days are done. No, mis días de combate han acabado. 516 00:42:19,760 --> 00:42:22,865 But I still got a few killing days left, you hear me? Pero aún así me quedan algunos.¿Comprenden? 517 00:42:22,885 --> 00:42:25,573 I'll come find you when the war is done. Os buscaré cuando se hace la guerra. 518 00:42:25,593 --> 00:42:28,885 Till then, don't die. Hasta entonces, no muráis. 519 00:42:52,676 --> 00:42:55,801 For fuck's sake!. ¡Por el amor de Dios!. 520 00:42:56,343 --> 00:42:58,426 On your own? ¿Solo, por su cuenta? 521 00:42:58,635 --> 00:43:01,134 Not anymore. Ya no. 522 00:43:01,635 --> 00:43:04,259 I don't like crowds. No me gustan las multitudes. 523 00:43:04,926 --> 00:43:06,967 Me neither. Yo tampoco. 524 00:43:07,176 --> 00:43:09,406 Why not? They all love you now. Por qué no? Todos ellos te aman ahora. 525 00:43:09,426 --> 00:43:12,009 You're the big hero. Eres su gran heroína. 526 00:43:12,176 --> 00:43:14,760 Don't like heroes. No me gustan los héroes. 527 00:43:15,718 --> 00:43:20,448 It must have felt good sticking a knife in that horned fucker. Te habrás sentido a gusto clavándole el cuchillo a ese hijo de puta 528 00:43:20,468 --> 00:43:23,176 Felt better than dying. Fué mejor que morir. 529 00:43:25,635 --> 00:43:28,615 You're heading to King's Landing? ¿Te diriges a Desembarco del Rey? 530 00:43:28,635 --> 00:43:32,364 I have some unfinished business. Tengo algunos asuntos pendientes. 531 00:43:32,384 --> 00:43:34,801 Me too. Yo también. 532 00:43:39,885 --> 00:43:43,009 I don't plan on coming back. No pienso en volver. 533 00:43:44,384 --> 00:43:47,009 Neither do I. Yo tampoco. 534 00:43:47,635 --> 00:43:52,009 Gonna leave me to die again if I get hurt? Me vas a dejar morir de nuevo si me lastimo? 535 00:43:52,343 --> 00:43:54,259 Probably. Probablemente. 536 00:44:37,551 --> 00:44:39,551 My lady. Mi Señora. 537 00:44:42,801 --> 00:44:47,551 "My lord" is the standard response. "Mi señor" es la respuesta estándar. 538 00:44:47,967 --> 00:44:50,384 Why her? ¿Porqué ella? 539 00:44:53,426 --> 00:44:55,489 You know she loves your brother. Tú sabes que ella ama a tu hermano. 540 00:44:55,509 --> 00:44:58,823 That doesn't mean she'll be a good queen. Eso no quiere decir que va a ser una buena reina. 541 00:44:58,843 --> 00:45:02,989 You seem determined to dislike her. Estás empeñada en que no te guste. 542 00:45:03,009 --> 00:45:04,239 A good relationship Una buena relación 543 00:45:04,259 --> 00:45:05,656 between the Iron Throne and the North entre el Trono de Hierro y el Norte 544 00:45:05,676 --> 00:45:07,489 has been the core of every peaceful, ha sido el núcleo de cada pacífico, 545 00:45:07,509 --> 00:45:09,156 prosperous reign we've ever known. próspero reinado que siempre hemos conocido. 546 00:45:09,176 --> 00:45:10,740 Jon will be Warden of the North, Jon será Guardián del Norte, 547 00:45:10,760 --> 00:45:14,448 so a good relationship seems likely. por lo que una buena relación parece probable. 548 00:45:14,468 --> 00:45:17,740 I don't expect him to spend much time here going forward. No creo que pase mucho más tiempo aquí. 549 00:45:17,760 --> 00:45:21,760 Well, I suppose that's up to him. Bueno, supongo que depende de él. 550 00:45:24,092 --> 00:45:26,468 Sansa, look at me. Sansa, mírame. 551 00:45:31,217 --> 00:45:33,448 With Jon in the capital, Con Jon en la capital, 552 00:45:33,468 --> 00:45:36,197 you'll be the true power in the North. tú serás el verdadero poder del Norte. 553 00:45:36,217 --> 00:45:38,072 I'd feel much better about the future Me sentiría mucho mejor en el futuro 554 00:45:38,092 --> 00:45:39,489 if I left here today believing si me voy pensando 555 00:45:39,509 --> 00:45:41,156 that you and Daenerys were allies. que tú y Daenerys sóis buenos aliados. 556 00:45:41,176 --> 00:45:44,989 What are you worried about? Jon's taking our army with him. ¿Qué te preocupa? Jon toma nuestro ejército 557 00:45:45,009 --> 00:45:46,740 Your queen still has her dragons... Tu Reina tiene sus dragones ... 558 00:45:46,760 --> 00:45:48,926 She's your queen too. Ella es tu reina también. 559 00:45:54,967 --> 00:45:57,281 You don't have to be her friend. Tú no tienes por qué ser su amiga. 560 00:45:57,301 --> 00:45:59,281 But why provoke her? Pero ¿Por qué provocarla? 561 00:45:59,301 --> 00:46:01,615 How is that in the best interest of your family, ¿Cómo es que en el mejor interés de su familia, 562 00:46:01,635 --> 00:46:06,051 - or the North, or...? - You're afraid of her. - o el Norte, o ...? - Tienes miedo de ella. 563 00:46:06,509 --> 00:46:12,843 Every good ruler needs to inspire a bit of fear. Todo buen gobernante tiene que inspirar un poco de miedo. 564 00:46:13,426 --> 00:46:15,781 I don't want Jon to go down there. No quiero a Jon ahí abajo. 565 00:46:15,801 --> 00:46:19,531 The men in my family don't do well in the capital. A los hombres de mi familia no les va bien en la capital. 566 00:46:19,551 --> 00:46:22,323 No; but as your brother once told me, No; pero como tu hermano me dijo una vez, 567 00:46:22,343 --> 00:46:24,718 he's not a Stark. no es un Stark. 568 00:46:29,301 --> 00:46:31,676 Are you all right? ¿Estás bien? 569 00:46:37,176 --> 00:46:39,823 Her people love her, you've seen that. Su gente la aman; Tú lo has visto. 570 00:46:39,843 --> 00:46:42,239 You've seen how they fight for her. Has visto cómo luchan por ella. 571 00:46:42,259 --> 00:46:47,426 She wants to make the world a better place. Ella quiere hacer del mundo un lugar mejor. 572 00:46:47,760 --> 00:46:50,843 I believe in her. Creo en ella. 573 00:47:04,718 --> 00:47:07,051 Tyrion. Tyrion. 574 00:47:08,885 --> 00:47:11,531 What if there's someone else? ¿Qué pasa si hay alguien más? 575 00:47:11,551 --> 00:47:14,176 Someone better? Alguien mejor? 576 00:47:21,509 --> 00:47:25,551 You're not gonna ride the dragon south? No vas a montar al dragón hacia el sur? 577 00:47:27,259 --> 00:47:29,426 Just a horse. Sólo un caballo. 578 00:47:29,760 --> 00:47:30,989 Rhaegal needs to heal. Rhaegal necesita curarse. 579 00:47:31,009 --> 00:47:32,781 He doesn't need me weighing him down. Él no necesita que yo le agobie. 580 00:47:32,801 --> 00:47:37,406 You weigh as much as two fleas fucking. Pesas lo mismo que dos jodidas pulgas. 581 00:47:37,426 --> 00:47:40,072 I'm taking the Free Folk home. Yo cojo La Casa Free Folk. 582 00:47:40,092 --> 00:47:42,906 We've had enough of the south. Ya tuvimos bastante con el sur. 583 00:47:42,926 --> 00:47:46,967 The women down here don't like me. No le gusto a las mujeres de aquí. 584 00:47:47,051 --> 00:47:50,217 This is the North, you know. Este es el Norte, ya sabes. 585 00:47:50,468 --> 00:47:54,406 And the Free Folk are welcome to stay. Y el pueblo Free Folk es bienvenido si se quieren quedar. 586 00:47:54,426 --> 00:47:56,156 It isn't home. Esto no es una casa. 587 00:47:56,176 --> 00:47:57,698 We need room to wander. Necesitamos espacio para pasear. 588 00:47:57,718 --> 00:47:59,865 I'll take them back through Castle Black Voy a regresar a través de Castillo Negro 589 00:47:59,885 --> 00:48:02,406 as soon as the winter storms pass. tan pronto como pasen las tormentas de invierno. 590 00:48:02,426 --> 00:48:05,092 Back where we belong. Volver a donde pertenecemos. 591 00:48:08,051 --> 00:48:10,448 It's where he belongs too. Es donde debe estar también. 592 00:48:10,468 --> 00:48:14,406 A direwolf has no place in the south. Un lobo no tiene lugar en el sur. 593 00:48:14,426 --> 00:48:17,801 Will you take him with you? ¿Te lo puedes llevar? 594 00:48:18,051 --> 00:48:21,009 He'll be happier up there. Estará feliz allí. 595 00:48:21,051 --> 00:48:23,343 So would you. Así que lo haría. 596 00:48:24,343 --> 00:48:27,760 I wish I was going with you. Me gustaría irme contigo. 597 00:48:31,134 --> 00:48:33,426 This is farewell, then. Esta es la despedida, entonces. 598 00:48:34,009 --> 00:48:36,676 You never know. Nunca se sabe. 599 00:48:41,885 --> 00:48:45,134 You've got the North in you. Tienes el Norte en ti. 600 00:48:45,635 --> 00:48:48,092 The real North. El verdadero Norte. 601 00:49:19,593 --> 00:49:22,823 Yes, well, the nights have been getting longer Sí, bueno, las noches han sido cada vez más largas 602 00:49:22,843 --> 00:49:25,489 and there wasn't that much to do in Oldtown. y no había mucho que hacer en 'Oldtown'. 603 00:49:25,509 --> 00:49:28,197 There's only so many books a person can read, so we... Sólo.. tantos libros para leer, por lo que ... 604 00:49:28,217 --> 00:49:32,926 I'm sure he knows how it happens, Sam. Estoy seguro de que él sabe lo que sucede, Sam. 605 00:49:34,217 --> 00:49:38,885 If it's a boy, we want to name him Jon. Si se fuera un niño, queremos ponerle el nombre de Jon. 606 00:49:40,217 --> 00:49:42,718 I hope it's a girl. Espero que sea una niña. 607 00:50:00,551 --> 00:50:04,676 You're the best friend I ever had. Eres el mejor amigo que he tenido. 608 00:50:05,134 --> 00:50:08,176 You too, Sam. Tú también, Sam. 609 00:51:07,718 --> 00:51:10,989 Think of the past 20 years. Pensar en los últimos 20 años. 610 00:51:11,009 --> 00:51:13,989 The war, the murder, the misery. La guerra, el asesinato, la miseria. 611 00:51:14,009 --> 00:51:16,489 All of it because Robert Baratheon loved someone Todo ello porque Robert Baratheon amó a alguien 612 00:51:16,509 --> 00:51:19,426 who didn't love him back. que no le correspondió 613 00:51:20,509 --> 00:51:22,676 How many others know? ¿Cuántos más lo saben? 614 00:51:23,468 --> 00:51:26,156 Including us? Eight. incluyendo nosotros? Ocho. 615 00:51:26,176 --> 00:51:28,323 Well, then it's not a secret anymore. Bueno, entonces no es un secreto. 616 00:51:28,343 --> 00:51:30,197 It's information. Es una información. 617 00:51:30,217 --> 00:51:33,615 If a handful of people know now, hundreds will know soon. Si un puñado de personas lo saben ahora, cientos lo sabrán pronto. 618 00:51:33,635 --> 00:51:35,114 Then what happens? Entonces, ¿Qué sucederá? 619 00:51:35,134 --> 00:51:36,781 She loses the North. Ella pierde el norte. 620 00:51:36,801 --> 00:51:39,656 She loses the Vale, Sansa will make sure of that. Ella pierde el Valle, Sansa se asegurará de ello. 621 00:51:39,676 --> 00:51:41,156 No, it's worse than that. No, Es peor que eso. 622 00:51:41,176 --> 00:51:43,989 He has the better claim to the throne. Él tiene el mejor derecho al trono. 623 00:51:44,009 --> 00:51:46,281 He doesn't want the throne. Él no quiere el trono. 624 00:51:46,301 --> 00:51:49,906 I'm not sure it matters what he wants. No estoy seguro de que importe lo que quiere. 625 00:51:49,926 --> 00:51:53,239 The fact is, people are drawn to him. El hecho es que las personas se sienten atraídos por él. 626 00:51:53,259 --> 00:51:55,967 Wildlings, Northmen. Salvajes, hombres del norte. 627 00:51:56,967 --> 00:51:59,217 He's a war hero. Es un héroe de guerra. 628 00:52:02,676 --> 00:52:05,843 He loves our queen. Él ama a nuestra reina. 629 00:52:06,384 --> 00:52:08,676 And she loves him. Y ella lo ama. 630 00:52:09,885 --> 00:52:13,323 If we marry them, they could rule together. Si los casan, se podrían gobernar juntos. 631 00:52:13,343 --> 00:52:14,573 She's his aunt. Ella es su tía. 632 00:52:14,593 --> 00:52:15,989 That never stopped a Targaryen before. Eso nunca detuvo a un Targaryen antes. 633 00:52:16,009 --> 00:52:17,781 No, but Jon grew up in Winterfell. No, pero Jon creció en Invernalia. 634 00:52:17,801 --> 00:52:22,051 Is marrying your aunt common in the North? ¿Se casa con su tía común en el Norte? 635 00:52:22,801 --> 00:52:24,531 You know our queen better than I do. Conoces a nuestra reina mejor que yo. 636 00:52:24,551 --> 00:52:27,323 Do you think she wants to share the throne? ¿Crees que ella quiere compartir el trono? 637 00:52:27,343 --> 00:52:29,947 She does not like to have her authority questioned. A ella no le gusta que se cuestione su autoridad. 638 00:52:29,967 --> 00:52:31,281 Something she has in common Algo que tiene en común 639 00:52:31,301 --> 00:52:33,947 with every monarch who ever lived. con todos los monarcas que han existido. 640 00:52:33,967 --> 00:52:35,823 I worry about her state of mind. Me preocupa su estado de ánimo. 641 00:52:35,843 --> 00:52:38,031 We are advisors to the queen. Somos asesores de la reina. 642 00:52:38,051 --> 00:52:43,384 Worrying about her state of mind is our job. Preocuparse por su estado mental es nuestro trabajo. 643 00:52:49,343 --> 00:52:52,531 We still have to take King's Landing. Todavía tenemos que tomar Desembarco del Rey. 644 00:52:52,551 --> 00:52:55,197 Maybe Cersei will win and kill us all. Tal vez Cersei gane y nos mate a todos. 645 00:52:55,217 --> 00:52:58,509 That would solve our problems. Eso resolvería nuestros problemas. 646 00:55:01,051 --> 00:55:04,509 Get to the skiff. Now! Vete adentro. ¡Ahora! 647 00:55:05,593 --> 00:55:07,114 Spears! ¡Lanzas! 648 00:55:07,134 --> 00:55:10,092 They're coming round again! ¡Vienen de nuevo! 649 00:55:17,718 --> 00:55:19,239 Go! ¡Adelante! 650 00:55:19,259 --> 00:55:20,531 Clear! ¡Despejado! 651 00:55:20,551 --> 00:55:22,489 Man your stations! ¡Cada hombre a su puesto! 652 00:55:22,509 --> 00:55:25,176 No! ¡No! 653 00:55:42,092 --> 00:55:46,676 - Go! Go! - Clear! - Go! ¡Vamos! - ¡Despejado! 654 00:56:20,384 --> 00:56:22,468 Missandei? Missandei? 655 00:56:23,051 --> 00:56:25,301 Missandei! Missandei! 656 00:56:30,384 --> 00:56:32,801 Missandei! Missandei! 657 00:56:36,718 --> 00:56:38,781 Our message was well-received, then? ¿Fué bien recibido nuestro mensaje, entonces? 658 00:56:38,801 --> 00:56:42,156 Your people have heard the Usurper is coming. Nuestra gente sabe que una usurpadora está por llegar. 659 00:56:42,176 --> 00:56:44,740 They are grateful for your protection Están agradecidos por su protección 660 00:56:44,760 --> 00:56:49,134 within the walls of the Red Keep. dentro de los muros de la Fortaleza Roja. 661 00:56:49,384 --> 00:56:51,406 You're certain about the dragon? ¿Estás seguro de lo del dragón? 662 00:56:51,426 --> 00:56:53,740 I saw it sink beneath the waves. Vi como se hundía bajo las olas. 663 00:56:53,760 --> 00:56:57,009 That must have been glorious. Eso ha debido der ser glorioso. 664 00:56:58,217 --> 00:57:01,343 The glory is yours, my queen. La gloria es suya, mi Reina. 665 00:57:01,843 --> 00:57:04,406 When the war is won, the Lion shall rule the land, Cuando se gana la guerra, el León gobernará la tierra, 666 00:57:04,426 --> 00:57:07,092 the Kraken shall rule the sea... Kraken dominará el mar ... 667 00:57:07,468 --> 00:57:12,676 and our child shall one day rule them all. y nuestro hijo gobernará a todos. 668 00:57:27,509 --> 00:57:30,217 She's coming for you. Ella viene a por ti. 669 00:57:30,343 --> 00:57:32,551 Of course she is. Por supuesto que así es. 670 00:57:34,343 --> 00:57:36,114 Keep the gates open. Mantén las puertas abiertas. 671 00:57:36,134 --> 00:57:38,823 If she wants to take the castle, she'll have to murder Si ella quiere tomar el castillo, tendrá que asesinar 672 00:57:38,843 --> 00:57:43,343 thousands of innocent people first. a miles de personas inocentes en primer lugar. 673 00:57:47,426 --> 00:57:51,926 So much for "the Breaker of Chains." Lo mismo para "la encadenada" 674 00:58:03,468 --> 00:58:05,989 We will storm the city, my Queen. Vamos a asaltar la ciudad, mi Reina. 675 00:58:06,009 --> 00:58:09,281 We will kill your enemies. All of them. Vamos a matar a sus enemigos. Todos ellos. 676 00:58:09,301 --> 00:58:11,384 Your Grace. Excelencia. 677 00:58:11,967 --> 00:58:15,698 I promised you I would look you in the eye and speak directly Le prometí mirarla a los ojos y hablarle directamente 678 00:58:15,718 --> 00:58:20,051 if I ever thought you were making a mistake. si alguna vez creía que había cometido un error. 679 00:58:21,593 --> 00:58:25,343 This is a mistake. Esto es un error. 680 00:58:26,885 --> 00:58:31,031 You saw my child fall from the sky. Viste mi hijo cayendo en el cielo. 681 00:58:31,051 --> 00:58:33,114 They took Missandei. Se llevaron Missandei. 682 00:58:33,134 --> 00:58:35,197 Cersei needs to be destroyed, Cersei debe ser destruida, 683 00:58:35,217 --> 00:58:39,489 but if we attack King's Landing with Drogon and the Unsullied pero si atacamos 'Desembarco del Rey' con Drogon y los Inmaculados 684 00:58:39,509 --> 00:58:40,781 and the Dothraki, y los Dothrakis, 685 00:58:40,801 --> 00:58:43,031 tens of thousands of innocents will die. decenas de miles de inocentes morirán. 686 00:58:43,051 --> 00:58:47,823 That is why Cersei is bringing them into the Red Keep. Es por ello que Cersei los trae a la Fortaleza Roja. 687 00:58:47,843 --> 00:58:51,573 These are the people you came here to protect. Estas son las personas a las que vinimos a proteger. 688 00:58:51,593 --> 00:58:53,281 I beg you, Your Grace. Yo le pido, Excelencia, 689 00:58:53,301 --> 00:58:57,072 no not destroy the city you came to save. no destruir la ciudad que vino a salvar. 690 00:58:57,092 --> 00:59:02,926 Do not become what you have always struggled to defeat. No se convierta en lo que siempre ha intentado derrotar. 691 00:59:05,760 --> 00:59:10,801 Do you believe we're here for a reason, Lord Varys? ¿Cree que estamos aquí por una razón, Lord Varys? 692 00:59:12,259 --> 00:59:16,489 I'm here to free the world from tyrants. Estoy aquí para liberar al mundo de los tiranos. 693 00:59:16,509 --> 00:59:18,967 That is my destiny... Ese es mi destino ... 694 00:59:19,301 --> 00:59:24,259 and I will serve it, no matter the cost. y voy a hacerlo, sin importar el costo. 695 00:59:29,217 --> 00:59:32,114 It could be a fortnight before Jon and the allied armies Podría ser una quincena antes de Jon y los ejércitos aliados 696 00:59:32,134 --> 00:59:34,197 make it to 'King's Landing'. lleguen a 'Desembarco del Rey'. 697 00:59:34,217 --> 00:59:37,114 In the meantime, demand Cersei surrender. Mientras tanto, pida a Cersei su rendición. 698 00:59:37,134 --> 00:59:41,989 Offer her her life in exchange for the throne. Ofrézcale vivir a cambio del Trono. 699 00:59:42,009 --> 00:59:44,573 If there's a chance to avoid the coming slaughter, Si hay una posibilidad de evitar la masacre, 700 00:59:44,593 --> 00:59:47,072 we should make the effort. debemos hacer el esfuerzo. 701 00:59:47,092 --> 00:59:51,967 Speaking to Cersei will not prevent a slaughter. Hablar a Cersei no evitará una masacre. 702 00:59:52,217 --> 00:59:53,865 But perhaps it's good the people see Pero tal vez sea bueno que la gente vea 703 00:59:53,885 --> 00:59:57,947 that Daenerys Stormborn made every effort to avoid bloodshed, que Daenerys de la Tormenta que hará todo lo posible para evitar el derramamiento de sangre, 704 00:59:57,967 --> 01:00:01,301 and Cersei Lannister refused. y Cersei Lannister se negó. 705 01:00:02,009 --> 01:00:03,489 They should know whom to blame Ellos deben saber a quién culpar 706 01:00:03,509 --> 01:00:07,635 when the sky falls down upon them. cuando el cielo caiga sobre ellos. 707 01:00:19,801 --> 01:00:23,364 I've served tyrants most of my life. He servido a tiranos la mayor parte de mi vida. 708 01:00:23,384 --> 01:00:26,656 They all talk about destiny. Todos ellos hablan del destino. 709 01:00:26,676 --> 01:00:29,989 She's a girl who walked into a fire with three stones Ella es una mujer que entró al fuego con tres piedras 710 01:00:30,009 --> 01:00:32,740 and walked out with three dragons. y salió con tres dragones. 711 01:00:32,760 --> 01:00:35,573 How could she not believe in destiny? ¿Cómo no creer en el destino? 712 01:00:35,593 --> 01:00:37,531 Perhaps that's the problem. Tal vez ese es el problema. 713 01:00:37,551 --> 01:00:38,823 Her life has convinced her Su vida la ha convencido 714 01:00:38,843 --> 01:00:40,781 that she was sent here to save us all. que fue enviada aquí para salvarnos a todos. 715 01:00:40,801 --> 01:00:43,718 And how do you know she wasn't? Y ¿Cómo sabes que no es así? 716 01:00:44,967 --> 01:00:48,885 Then there's the problem of Jon Snow. Luego está el problema de Jon Nieve. 717 01:00:53,384 --> 01:00:57,698 Perhaps it's actually a solution. Quizás es en realidad una solución. 718 01:00:57,718 --> 01:00:59,197 You know them both. Tú conoces a los dos. 719 01:00:59,217 --> 01:01:04,343 Tell me, who do you think would make a better ruler? Dime, ¿Quién cree usted que sería un mejor gobernante? 720 01:01:07,635 --> 01:01:09,448 He doesn't want the throne. Él no quiere el Trono. 721 01:01:09,468 --> 01:01:11,989 That's why he bent the knee. Por eso inclinó la rodilla. 722 01:01:12,009 --> 01:01:14,156 Have you considered the best ruler ¿Ha considerado que el mejor gobernante 723 01:01:14,176 --> 01:01:16,656 might be someone who doesn't want to rule? fuera alguien que no quiere gobernar? 724 01:01:16,676 --> 01:01:19,031 We're discussing treason. Estamos hablando de traición. 725 01:01:19,051 --> 01:01:21,781 Don't pretend you haven't thought about it. No finjas que no ha pensado en ello. 726 01:01:21,801 --> 01:01:27,134 Of course I've thought about it. Thoughts aren't treason. Por supuesto que he pensado en ello. Pensar no es traición. 727 01:01:27,217 --> 01:01:31,323 He's temperate and measured. He's a man, Él es templado y medido. Es un hombre, 728 01:01:31,343 --> 01:01:34,156 which makes him more appealing to the lords of Westeros, lo que le hace más atractivo para los Señores de Poniente, 729 01:01:34,176 --> 01:01:36,489 whose support we are going to need. cuyo apoyo que vamos a necesitar. 730 01:01:36,509 --> 01:01:37,989 Joffrey was a man. Joffrey era un hombre. 731 01:01:38,009 --> 01:01:40,323 I don't think a cock is a true qualification, No creo que una polla sea una verdadera cualificación, 732 01:01:40,343 --> 01:01:41,531 as I'm sure you'd agree. como estoy seguro de que estaría de acuerdo. 733 01:01:41,551 --> 01:01:43,573 And he's the heir to the throne. Y él es el heredero de la corona. 734 01:01:43,593 --> 01:01:49,593 Yes, because he's a man. Cocks are important, I'm afraid. Sí, porque es un hombre. Los 'penes' son importantes, me temo. 735 01:01:50,468 --> 01:01:53,573 What about my earlier proposal? ¿Qué pasa con mi anterior propuesta? 736 01:01:53,593 --> 01:01:57,406 They could rule together as king and queen. Ellos podrían gobernar juntos como Rey y Reina. 737 01:01:57,426 --> 01:01:59,823 She's too strong for him. Ella es demasiado fuerte para él. 738 01:01:59,843 --> 01:02:03,448 She'd bend him to her will, as she already has. Ella le haría plegarse a su voluntad, como ya lo ha hecho. 739 01:02:03,468 --> 01:02:06,615 He could temper her worst impulses. Él podría moderar sus peores impulsos. 740 01:02:06,635 --> 01:02:09,593 As you have? ¿Como lo hace usted? 741 01:02:11,676 --> 01:02:14,843 You're drinking quite a lot. Estás bebiendo mucho. 742 01:02:16,259 --> 01:02:19,947 A Targaryen father and a Stark mother. Un padre Targaryen y una madre Stark. 743 01:02:19,967 --> 01:02:22,947 Jon's the one man alive who might actually be able Jon es el único hombre vivo que podría realmente ser capaz 744 01:02:22,967 --> 01:02:24,906 to keep the North in the Seven Kingdoms. de mantener el Norte en los Siete Reinos. 745 01:02:24,926 --> 01:02:26,573 How many Kings and Queens have you served? ¿Cuántos reyes y reinas que ha servido? 746 01:02:26,593 --> 01:02:28,031 Five? Six? I've lost count. ¿Cinco? ¿Seis? He perdido la cuenta. 747 01:02:28,051 --> 01:02:29,906 - You've always known my reasons. - At a certain point, - Siempre has sabido mis razones. - Hasta cierto punto, 748 01:02:29,926 --> 01:02:31,615 you choose a person you believe in, eliges una persona que crees, 749 01:02:31,635 --> 01:02:33,197 and you fight for that person. y luchar por esa persona. 750 01:02:33,217 --> 01:02:36,301 Even if you know it's a mistake? ¿Incluso sabiendo que es un error? 751 01:02:37,134 --> 01:02:39,843 I believe in our Queen. Creo en nuestra Reina. 752 01:02:41,384 --> 01:02:44,593 She'll make the right choice. Ella va a tomar la decisión correcta. 753 01:02:45,176 --> 01:02:50,051 With the help of her loyal advisors. Con la ayuda de sus asesores leales. 754 01:02:51,801 --> 01:02:54,239 You know where my loyalty stands. Usted sabe dónde está mi lealtad. 755 01:02:54,259 --> 01:02:56,615 You know I will never betray the Realm. Usted sabe que nunca traicionaré al Reino. 756 01:02:56,635 --> 01:02:57,989 What is the Realm? ¿Qué es el Reino? 757 01:02:58,009 --> 01:03:00,197 A vast continent, home to millions of people, Un vasto continente, el hogar de millones de personas, 758 01:03:00,217 --> 01:03:02,239 most of whom don't care who sits on the Iron Throne. A la mayoría de ellos no les importa quién está sentado en el Trono de Hierro. 759 01:03:02,259 --> 01:03:04,281 Millions of people, many of whom will die Millones de personas, muchos de los cuales van a morir 760 01:03:04,301 --> 01:03:07,031 if the wrong person sits on that throne. si la persona equivocada se sienta en ese trono. 761 01:03:07,051 --> 01:03:08,323 We don't know their names, No sabemos sus nombres, 762 01:03:08,343 --> 01:03:10,281 but they're just as real as you and I. pero son tan reales como tú y yo 763 01:03:10,301 --> 01:03:11,573 They deserve to live. Ellos merecen vivir. 764 01:03:11,593 --> 01:03:15,509 They deserve food for their children. Merecen comida para sus hijos. 765 01:03:17,259 --> 01:03:23,551 I will act in their interest, no matter the personal cost. Voy a actuar en su propio interés, sin importar el costo personal. 766 01:03:23,676 --> 01:03:27,343 So, what happens to her? Entonces, ¿Que ocurre con ella? 767 01:03:34,301 --> 01:03:36,509 Please. Por favor. 768 01:03:37,801 --> 01:03:39,885 Don't. No. 769 01:03:43,551 --> 01:03:47,531 I've spoken as honestly as I can. He hablado tan honestamente como he podido. 770 01:03:47,551 --> 01:03:51,259 Each of us has a choice to make. Cada uno de nosotros tiene que tomar una decisión. 771 01:03:51,301 --> 01:03:55,259 I pray we choose wisely. Rezo para que lo hagamos sabiamente. 772 01:04:05,176 --> 01:04:07,072 I'm just about to start it. Estoy a punto de empezar. 773 01:04:07,092 --> 01:04:08,573 Good luck. Buena suerte. 775 01:04:10,593 --> 01:04:12,239 All right, I'll put another one on it. Está bien, voy a poner otro. 778 01:04:16,301 --> 01:04:17,573 That's it, thanks. Eso es todo, gracias. 779 01:04:17,593 --> 01:04:19,239 Thank you. Gracias. 781 01:04:20,676 --> 01:04:21,989 We need some more water. Necesitamos un poco más de agua. 784 01:04:33,259 --> 01:04:35,301 What happened? ¿Que pasó? 785 01:04:39,926 --> 01:04:44,364 Euron Greyjoy ambushed Queen Daenerys and her fleet. Euron Greyjoy emboscó a la Reina Daenerys y su flota. 786 01:04:44,384 --> 01:04:47,406 One of the dragons was killed, several ships destroyed, Uno de los dragones ha muerto; varios barcos destruidos, 787 01:04:47,426 --> 01:04:50,593 Missandei captured. Missandei capturado. 788 01:04:51,468 --> 01:04:55,698 I always wanted to be there when they execute your sister. Siempre quise estar allí cuando ejecuten a su hermana. 789 01:04:55,718 --> 01:05:00,426 Seems like I won't get the chance. Parece que no voy a tener la oportunidad. 790 01:06:05,176 --> 01:06:08,823 They're going to destroy that city. Ellos van a destruir esa ciudad. 791 01:06:08,843 --> 01:06:10,406 You know they will. Sabes que lo harán. 792 01:06:10,426 --> 01:06:13,718 Have you ever run away from a fight? ¿Alguna vez has huido de una pelea? 793 01:06:14,676 --> 01:06:17,156 You're not like your sister. You're not. Tú no eres como su hermana. No lo eres. 794 01:06:17,176 --> 01:06:19,364 You're better than she is. Eres mejor que ella. 795 01:06:19,384 --> 01:06:21,989 You're a good man and you can't save her. Eres un buen hombre y que no puede salvarla. 796 01:06:22,009 --> 01:06:23,989 You don't need to die with her. No es necesario que mueras con ella. 797 01:06:24,009 --> 01:06:26,551 Stay here. Quédate aquí. 798 01:06:27,426 --> 01:06:29,760 Stay with me. Quédate conmigo. 799 01:06:30,468 --> 01:06:33,426 Please. Por favor. 800 01:06:33,509 --> 01:06:35,509 Stay. Quédate. 801 01:06:41,176 --> 01:06:44,009 You think I'm a good man? ¿Crees que soy un buen hombre? 802 01:06:47,760 --> 01:06:50,531 I pushed a boy out a tower window, Empujé un niño por una ventana de la torre, 803 01:06:50,551 --> 01:06:52,698 crippled him for life lo lisié de por vida 804 01:06:52,718 --> 01:06:54,718 for Cersei. Por Cersei. 805 01:06:56,801 --> 01:07:00,740 I strangled my cousin with my own hands He estrangulado a mi primo con mis propias manos 806 01:07:00,760 --> 01:07:03,885 just to get back to Cersei. sólo para volver con Cersei. 807 01:07:05,885 --> 01:07:07,281 I would have murdered Hubiera matado 808 01:07:07,301 --> 01:07:11,573 every man, woman and child in Riverrun cada hombre, mujer y niño en Aguasdulces 809 01:07:11,593 --> 01:07:13,718 for Cersei. por Cersei. 810 01:07:21,593 --> 01:07:24,426 She's hateful. Ella es odiosa. 811 01:07:25,301 --> 01:07:27,551 And so am I. Y yo también. 812 01:10:01,635 --> 01:10:03,635 My Lord. Mi Señor. 813 01:10:05,926 --> 01:10:09,031 Queen Daenerys demands Cersei's unconditional surrender Reina Daenerys exige la rendición incondicional de Cersei 814 01:10:09,051 --> 01:10:13,406 and the immediate release of Missandei of Naath. y la liberación inmediata de Missandei de Naath. 815 01:10:13,426 --> 01:10:17,906 Queen Cersei demands Daenerys's unconditional surrender. Reina Cersei exige la rendición incondicional de Daenerys. 816 01:10:17,926 --> 01:10:23,615 If she refuses, Missandei of Naath will die here and now. Si se niega, Missandei de Naath va a morir aquí y ahora. 817 01:10:23,635 --> 01:10:25,635 Qyburn... Qyburn ... 818 01:10:26,092 --> 01:10:27,947 you're a rational man. eres un hombre racional. 819 01:10:27,967 --> 01:10:30,989 Or so I flatter myself, my Lord. O al menos de eso presumo, mi Señor. 820 01:10:31,009 --> 01:10:33,468 We have a chance here, Tenemos una oportunidad aquí, 821 01:10:33,718 --> 01:10:37,281 perhaps our last chance, to avoid carnage. tal vez nuestra última oportunidad, para evitar la matanza. 822 01:10:37,301 --> 01:10:39,301 Yes. Sí. 823 01:10:40,051 --> 01:10:42,051 Help me. Ayúdame. 824 01:10:42,217 --> 01:10:45,156 I don't want to see this city burn. No quiero ver a esta ciudad ardiendo. 825 01:10:45,176 --> 01:10:50,448 I don't want to hear the screams of children burning alive. No quiero oír los gritos de los niños quemándose vivos. 826 01:10:50,468 --> 01:10:54,426 No, it is not a pleasant sound. No, no es un sonido agradable. 827 01:10:55,635 --> 01:10:58,781 I... I don't want to hear it. Yo ... no quiero oírlo. 828 01:10:58,801 --> 01:11:01,301 Help me save this city. Ayúdame a salvar esta ciudad. 829 01:11:02,259 --> 01:11:04,989 My Lord, I am only a mouthpiece for our queen. Mi Señor, no soy más que una boquilla de nuestra Reina. 830 01:11:05,009 --> 01:11:06,781 Your Queen. Tu Reina. 831 01:11:06,801 --> 01:11:08,989 Cersei is Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Cersei es la Reina de los Siete Reinos. 832 01:11:09,009 --> 01:11:10,197 You are her subject. Eres su súbdito. 833 01:11:10,217 --> 01:11:12,323 Her reign is over. Su reinado ha terminado. 834 01:11:12,343 --> 01:11:14,947 You understand this. Help her understand it. Tu entiendes esto. Ayúdale a ella a que lo entienda. 835 01:11:14,967 --> 01:11:18,823 We understand nothing of the sort. No creemos nada de eso. 836 01:11:18,843 --> 01:11:21,448 Your queen's last dragon is vulnerable. El último dragón de su Reina es vulnerable. 837 01:11:21,468 --> 01:11:24,448 Your armies are battle-weary and depleted, Sus ejércitos están cansados y agotados, 838 01:11:24,468 --> 01:11:29,760 while ours have been reinforced with the Golden Compan... mientras que los nuestros se han reforzado con la 'Compañía Dorada ... 839 01:11:45,635 --> 01:11:47,865 Ready! ¡Listo! 840 01:11:47,885 --> 01:11:49,926 Nock! ¡Carguen! 841 01:11:51,801 --> 01:11:54,009 Draw! ¡Apunten! 842 01:12:59,301 --> 01:13:04,072 I know you don't care about your people. Sé que no te preocupan tu gente. 843 01:13:04,092 --> 01:13:06,885 Why should you? ¿Por qué deberías? 844 01:13:07,384 --> 01:13:11,967 They hate you and you hate them. Ellos te odian y tú los detestas. 845 01:13:16,468 --> 01:13:19,926 But you're not a monster. Pero no eres un monstruo. 846 01:13:20,967 --> 01:13:23,176 I know this. Yo lo sé. 847 01:13:24,301 --> 01:13:29,134 I know this because I've seen it. Lo sé porque lo he visto. 848 01:13:31,009 --> 01:13:35,448 You've always loved your children. Siempre has amado a tus hijos. 849 01:13:35,468 --> 01:13:37,947 More than yourself, Más de ti misma, 850 01:13:37,967 --> 01:13:40,426 more than Jaime... more than Jaime... 851 01:13:42,217 --> 01:13:44,676 more than anything. más que nada. 852 01:13:46,635 --> 01:13:49,301 I beg you. Te lo ruego. 853 01:13:50,509 --> 01:13:55,967 If not for yourself, then for your child. Si no es por tí, hazlo por tu hijo 854 01:13:57,509 --> 01:14:00,114 Your reign is over, Tu reinado ha terminado, 855 01:14:00,134 --> 01:14:05,134 but that doesn't mean your life has to end. pero eso no significa que tu vida tiene que terminar. 856 01:14:06,009 --> 01:14:10,885 It doesn't mean your baby has to die. Esto no significa que tu bebé tenga que morir. 857 01:14:56,718 --> 01:15:02,384 If you have any last words, now is the time. Si tienes algo último que decir, ahora es el momento. 858 01:15:25,134 --> 01:15:27,426 Dracarys!. ¡Dracarys!. 859 01:15:35,635 --> 01:15:38,259 No. No. 860 01:16:53,259 --> 01:16:59,259 Translated and Dualmix by Barel