1 00:00:02,697 --> 00:00:05,088 _ 2 00:00:05,497 --> 00:00:08,704 Your father has proved to be an awful traitor. 3 00:00:08,705 --> 00:00:11,704 The girl is innocent. She should be given a chance 4 00:00:11,705 --> 00:00:13,105 to prove her loyalty. 5 00:00:13,331 --> 00:00:14,954 You must write to Lady Catelyn. 6 00:00:14,955 --> 00:00:17,829 If you would help your father, urge your brother 7 00:00:17,830 --> 00:00:19,230 to keep the king's peace. 8 00:00:19,538 --> 00:00:20,954 Tell him to come to King's Landing, 9 00:00:20,955 --> 00:00:22,747 and swear his fealty to Joffrey. 10 00:00:25,122 --> 00:00:27,580 You're sure this is the only copy in Winterfell? 11 00:00:41,788 --> 00:00:43,704 Daenerys is not her father. 12 00:00:43,705 --> 00:00:46,621 And she never will be. With the right counsel. 13 00:00:46,622 --> 00:00:48,414 I am her hand, not her head. 14 00:00:48,830 --> 00:00:50,496 I can't make her decisions for her. 15 00:00:50,497 --> 00:00:53,039 You need to find a way to make her listen. 16 00:00:55,580 --> 00:00:58,496 It's called Longclaw. It was my father's sword. 17 00:00:58,497 --> 00:01:00,662 It was meant for my son, Jorah. 18 00:01:00,663 --> 00:01:02,371 He brought dishonor to our house, 19 00:01:02,372 --> 00:01:05,871 but he had the grace to leave the sword before he fled 20 00:01:05,872 --> 00:01:07,331 from Westeros. 21 00:01:07,914 --> 00:01:10,996 Clegane, look into the flames. What do you see? 22 00:01:12,039 --> 00:01:14,914 There's a mountain. Looks like an arrowhead. 23 00:01:15,456 --> 00:01:18,747 The dead are marching past. Thousands of 'em. 24 00:01:18,997 --> 00:01:20,496 Cersei thinks the army of the dead 25 00:01:20,497 --> 00:01:21,871 is nothing but a story. 26 00:01:21,872 --> 00:01:24,330 What if we prove her wrong, bring one of these things 27 00:01:24,331 --> 00:01:26,538 down to King's Landing and show her the truth? 28 00:01:29,622 --> 00:01:31,247 We're all on the same side. 29 00:01:32,622 --> 00:01:34,022 We're all breathin'. 30 00:03:18,442 --> 00:03:22,171 - Synced and corrected by SOMNATH YADAV - -- Join me on instagram @somnath66 - 31 00:04:07,622 --> 00:04:09,954 - You all right? - Mm. 32 00:04:09,955 --> 00:04:12,163 Ever been north before? 33 00:04:12,164 --> 00:04:13,829 Never seen snow before. 34 00:04:13,830 --> 00:04:15,704 Beautiful, eh? 35 00:04:15,705 --> 00:04:17,246 I can breathe again. 36 00:04:17,247 --> 00:04:19,413 Down south, the air smells like pig shit. 37 00:04:19,414 --> 00:04:21,038 You've never been down south. 38 00:04:21,039 --> 00:04:22,954 - I've been to Winterfell. - That's the North. 39 00:04:24,372 --> 00:04:26,496 How do you live up here? 40 00:04:26,497 --> 00:04:28,371 How do you keep your balls from freezing off? 41 00:04:28,372 --> 00:04:30,871 You got to keep moving. That's the secret. 42 00:04:30,872 --> 00:04:34,913 Walking's good, fighting's better, fucking's best. 43 00:04:34,914 --> 00:04:38,371 There's not a living woman within a hundred miles of here. 44 00:04:38,372 --> 00:04:40,747 We have to make do with what we've got. 45 00:04:46,372 --> 00:04:48,954 This one is maybe not so smart. 46 00:04:48,955 --> 00:04:50,871 Davos says he's a strong fighter. 47 00:04:50,872 --> 00:04:54,371 Good. That's more important than being smart. 48 00:04:54,372 --> 00:04:57,580 Smart people don't come up here looking for the dead. 49 00:04:59,122 --> 00:05:02,413 So, you met this Dragon Queen, huh? 50 00:05:02,414 --> 00:05:03,787 And? 51 00:05:03,788 --> 00:05:07,163 She'll only fight beside us if I bend the knee. 52 00:05:07,164 --> 00:05:09,579 You spent too much time with the Free Folk. 53 00:05:09,580 --> 00:05:11,289 Now you don't like kneeling. 54 00:05:14,247 --> 00:05:16,579 Mance Rayder was a brave man. 55 00:05:16,580 --> 00:05:18,413 A proud man. 56 00:05:18,414 --> 00:05:22,247 The King-beyond-the-Wall never bent the knee. 57 00:05:23,580 --> 00:05:27,247 How many of his people died for his pride? 58 00:05:39,955 --> 00:05:42,579 You still mad at us, boy? 59 00:05:42,580 --> 00:05:44,621 You sold me to a witch. 60 00:05:44,622 --> 00:05:46,038 A priestess. 61 00:05:46,039 --> 00:05:48,954 I'll admit, it is a subtle distinction. 62 00:05:48,955 --> 00:05:52,121 We're fighting a great war. Wars cost money. 63 00:05:52,122 --> 00:05:53,996 I wanted to be one of you. 64 00:05:53,997 --> 00:05:57,038 I wanted to join the Brotherhood, but you sold me off 65 00:05:57,039 --> 00:05:58,996 like a slave. 66 00:05:58,997 --> 00:06:00,996 Do you know what she did to me? 67 00:06:00,997 --> 00:06:02,579 She strapped me down on a bed, 68 00:06:02,580 --> 00:06:05,413 - she stripped me naked... - Sounds all right so far. 69 00:06:05,414 --> 00:06:08,163 - and put leeches on me. - Was she naked, too? 70 00:06:08,164 --> 00:06:09,621 She needed your blood. 71 00:06:09,622 --> 00:06:11,288 Yes, thank you. I know that. 72 00:06:11,289 --> 00:06:14,246 - Could have been worse. - She wanted to kill me! 73 00:06:14,247 --> 00:06:16,282 They would have killed me if wasn't for Davos. 74 00:06:16,283 --> 00:06:18,247 But they didn't, did they? 75 00:06:18,414 --> 00:06:20,163 So, what you whinging about? 76 00:06:20,164 --> 00:06:21,829 I'm not whinging. 77 00:06:21,830 --> 00:06:24,787 Your lips are moving and you're complaining about something. 78 00:06:24,788 --> 00:06:26,829 That's whinging. 79 00:06:26,830 --> 00:06:28,621 This one's been killed six times. 80 00:06:28,622 --> 00:06:30,331 You don't hear him bitching about it. 81 00:06:40,538 --> 00:06:41,955 Good lad. 82 00:06:46,414 --> 00:06:50,163 The first time I went north of the Wall was with your father. 83 00:06:50,164 --> 00:06:51,787 He was a good man. 84 00:06:51,788 --> 00:06:54,913 He deserved a better son. 85 00:06:54,914 --> 00:06:56,954 Were you with him at the end? 86 00:06:56,955 --> 00:07:00,038 I was a prisoner of the wildlings. 87 00:07:00,039 --> 00:07:02,038 But we avenged him. 88 00:07:02,039 --> 00:07:03,537 I want you to know that. 89 00:07:03,538 --> 00:07:06,537 Every mutineer found justice. 90 00:07:06,538 --> 00:07:09,371 Can't think of a worse way for him to go. 91 00:07:09,372 --> 00:07:10,871 The Night's Watch was his life. 92 00:07:10,872 --> 00:07:13,704 He would have died to protect every one of those men. 93 00:07:13,705 --> 00:07:15,163 And they butchered him. 94 00:07:15,164 --> 00:07:18,371 I hate that he died that way. 95 00:07:18,372 --> 00:07:21,038 My father was the most honorable man I ever met. 96 00:07:21,039 --> 00:07:23,829 He was good all the way through. 97 00:07:23,830 --> 00:07:27,079 And he died on the executioner's block. 98 00:07:27,080 --> 00:07:31,246 Your father wanted to execute me, you know? 99 00:07:31,247 --> 00:07:32,787 I heard. 100 00:07:32,788 --> 00:07:35,079 He was in the right, of course. 101 00:07:35,080 --> 00:07:37,579 Didn't make me hate him any less. 102 00:07:37,580 --> 00:07:40,580 - I'm glad he didn't catch you. - Me, too. 103 00:07:49,080 --> 00:07:50,829 Your father gave me this sword. 104 00:07:50,830 --> 00:07:54,372 Changed the pommel from a bear to a wolf... 105 00:07:58,039 --> 00:07:59,622 but it's still Longclaw. 106 00:08:06,039 --> 00:08:07,913 Lord Commander Mormont 107 00:08:07,914 --> 00:08:10,538 thought you'd never come back to Westeros. 108 00:08:12,039 --> 00:08:14,413 But you are back, 109 00:08:14,414 --> 00:08:18,371 and it's been in your family for centuries. 110 00:08:18,372 --> 00:08:20,164 It's not right for me to have it. 111 00:08:23,788 --> 00:08:25,746 He gave it to you. 112 00:08:25,747 --> 00:08:27,955 I'm not his son. 113 00:08:33,955 --> 00:08:36,122 I brought shame onto my house. 114 00:08:37,788 --> 00:08:39,830 I broke my father's heart. 115 00:08:42,622 --> 00:08:45,122 I forfeited the right to claim this sword. 116 00:08:47,289 --> 00:08:48,954 It's yours. 117 00:08:48,955 --> 00:08:51,080 May it serve you well... 118 00:08:52,456 --> 00:08:54,122 and your children after you. 119 00:09:19,997 --> 00:09:22,829 Father used to watch us from up here. 120 00:09:22,830 --> 00:09:25,330 He wouldn't say much. 121 00:09:25,331 --> 00:09:26,704 You probably don't remember. 122 00:09:26,705 --> 00:09:28,705 You were inside knitting all the time. 123 00:09:30,039 --> 00:09:31,456 I remember. 124 00:09:33,580 --> 00:09:36,538 One time, the boys were shooting arrows with Ser Rodrik. 125 00:09:37,872 --> 00:09:40,163 I came out here after, 126 00:09:40,164 --> 00:09:42,413 and Bran had left his bow behind, 127 00:09:42,414 --> 00:09:45,038 just lying on the ground. 128 00:09:45,039 --> 00:09:47,414 Ser Rodrik would have cuffed him if he saw. 129 00:09:49,914 --> 00:09:52,996 There was one arrow in the target. 130 00:09:52,997 --> 00:09:56,662 There was no one around, just like now. 131 00:09:56,663 --> 00:09:58,538 No one to stop me. 132 00:10:00,497 --> 00:10:02,163 So I started shooting. 133 00:10:02,164 --> 00:10:04,537 And every shot, I had to go up there 134 00:10:04,538 --> 00:10:07,830 and get my one arrow and walk back and shoot it again. 135 00:10:09,331 --> 00:10:11,080 I wasn't very good. 136 00:10:12,622 --> 00:10:15,621 Finally, I hit the bull's-eye. 137 00:10:15,622 --> 00:10:18,038 Could have been the 20th shot or the 50th. 138 00:10:18,039 --> 00:10:19,496 I don't remember. 139 00:10:19,497 --> 00:10:22,914 But I hit the bull's-eye, and I heard this. 140 00:10:25,331 --> 00:10:26,829 I looked up, 141 00:10:26,830 --> 00:10:28,579 and he's standing right here, 142 00:10:28,580 --> 00:10:30,247 smiling down at me. 143 00:10:32,747 --> 00:10:35,829 I knew what I was doing was against the rules. 144 00:10:35,830 --> 00:10:40,246 But he was smiling, so I knew it wasn't wrong. 145 00:10:40,247 --> 00:10:41,788 The rules were wrong. 146 00:10:43,414 --> 00:10:46,456 I was doing what I was meant to be doing, and he knew it. 147 00:10:49,331 --> 00:10:51,080 Now he's dead. 148 00:10:52,580 --> 00:10:54,829 Killed by the Lannisters 149 00:10:54,830 --> 00:10:56,456 with your help. 150 00:11:00,122 --> 00:11:01,522 What? 151 00:11:11,122 --> 00:11:13,330 That's your pretty handwriting. 152 00:11:13,331 --> 00:11:15,163 Septa Mordane used to crack my knuckles 153 00:11:15,164 --> 00:11:16,914 'cause I couldn't write as well as you. 154 00:11:18,997 --> 00:11:22,954 "Robb, I write to you today with heavy heart. 155 00:11:22,955 --> 00:11:25,121 Our good King Robert is dead, 156 00:11:25,122 --> 00:11:26,954 killed from wounds he took in a boar hunt." 157 00:11:26,955 --> 00:11:28,455 You don't have to read it. I remember. 158 00:11:28,456 --> 00:11:30,163 "Father has been charged with treason. 159 00:11:30,164 --> 00:11:33,121 He conspired with Robert's brothers against my beloved Joffrey 160 00:11:33,122 --> 00:11:34,954 and tried to steal his throne. 161 00:11:34,955 --> 00:11:36,787 The Lannisters are treating me well 162 00:11:36,788 --> 00:11:38,787 and providing me with every comfort. 163 00:11:38,788 --> 00:11:41,121 I beg you, come to King's Landing, 164 00:11:41,122 --> 00:11:42,996 swear fealty to King Joffrey, 165 00:11:42,997 --> 00:11:45,205 and prevent any strife between the great houses 166 00:11:45,206 --> 00:11:46,996 of Lannister and Stark. 167 00:11:46,997 --> 00:11:49,205 Your faithful sister, Sansa." 168 00:11:49,206 --> 00:11:51,621 They forced me to do it. 169 00:11:51,622 --> 00:11:52,787 Did they? 170 00:11:52,788 --> 00:11:55,079 With a knife at your throat? 171 00:11:55,080 --> 00:11:56,537 Did they put you on a rack and stretch you 172 00:11:56,538 --> 00:11:58,246 until your bones started to pop? 173 00:11:58,247 --> 00:12:00,163 You don't know what it was like. I was a child. 174 00:12:00,164 --> 00:12:03,996 So was I. I would have let them kill me before I betrayed my family. 175 00:12:03,997 --> 00:12:06,829 They told me it was the only way to save Father. 176 00:12:06,830 --> 00:12:09,372 And you were stupid enough to believe them. 177 00:12:11,122 --> 00:12:14,330 I remember you standing on that platform with Joffrey and Cersei 178 00:12:14,331 --> 00:12:16,038 when they dragged Father to the block. 179 00:12:16,039 --> 00:12:17,662 I remember the pretty dress you were wearing. 180 00:12:17,663 --> 00:12:20,039 I remember the fancy way you did your hair. 181 00:12:21,872 --> 00:12:22,996 You were there? 182 00:12:22,997 --> 00:12:24,288 I was there. 183 00:12:24,289 --> 00:12:27,163 Standing in the crowd near Baelor's statue. 184 00:12:27,164 --> 00:12:28,954 And what did you do? 185 00:12:28,955 --> 00:12:31,371 Did you come running to the rescue? 186 00:12:31,372 --> 00:12:34,163 Did you fight off the Lannisters and save Father? 187 00:12:34,164 --> 00:12:36,787 - I wanted to. - But you didn't, just like me. 188 00:12:36,788 --> 00:12:39,371 I didn't betray him. I didn't betray Robb. 189 00:12:39,372 --> 00:12:43,039 I didn't betray our entire family for my beloved Joffrey. 190 00:12:45,372 --> 00:12:48,371 You should be on your knees, thanking me. 191 00:12:48,372 --> 00:12:52,246 We're standing in Winterfell again because of me. 192 00:12:52,247 --> 00:12:54,455 You didn't win it back, Jon didn't win it back. 193 00:12:54,456 --> 00:12:56,537 He lost the Battle of the Bastards. 194 00:12:56,538 --> 00:12:58,288 The Knights of the Vale won the battle, 195 00:12:58,289 --> 00:12:59,913 and they rode north for me. 196 00:12:59,914 --> 00:13:03,205 While you were off, where? Traveling the world? 197 00:13:03,206 --> 00:13:06,038 - I was training. - Training. 198 00:13:06,039 --> 00:13:07,913 Well, while you were training, 199 00:13:07,914 --> 00:13:11,163 I suffered things you could never imagine. 200 00:13:11,164 --> 00:13:13,788 Oh, I don't know about that. I can imagine quite a lot. 201 00:13:15,622 --> 00:13:18,537 You never would have survived what I survived. 202 00:13:18,538 --> 00:13:21,122 I guess we'll never know. 203 00:13:25,247 --> 00:13:27,080 What are you going to do with that letter? 204 00:13:28,580 --> 00:13:30,039 I don't know yet. 205 00:13:31,580 --> 00:13:34,371 Who did you show it to? Where did you find it? 206 00:13:34,372 --> 00:13:36,455 You're scared, aren't you? 207 00:13:36,456 --> 00:13:38,579 What are you scared of? 208 00:13:38,580 --> 00:13:40,579 You didn't commit any crimes. 209 00:13:40,580 --> 00:13:42,413 - No one's going to hang you. - Well, Arya... 210 00:13:42,414 --> 00:13:44,871 You're scared I'll show it to Jon and he'll be angry. 211 00:13:44,872 --> 00:13:48,246 No, that's not Jon. He'll understand. 212 00:13:48,247 --> 00:13:50,205 You were just a scared little girl, 213 00:13:50,206 --> 00:13:52,413 all alone with the wicked Lannisters. 214 00:13:52,414 --> 00:13:56,288 Do you know how happy Cersei would be right now if she saw us fighting? 215 00:13:56,289 --> 00:13:58,288 This is exactly what she wants. 216 00:13:58,289 --> 00:14:00,371 This is what she's always wanted... to tear us apart. 217 00:14:00,372 --> 00:14:02,955 You're scared the Northern lords will read it. 218 00:14:04,456 --> 00:14:06,163 They wouldn't think much of Lady Sansa 219 00:14:06,164 --> 00:14:09,163 if they knew how she did Cersei's bidding. 220 00:14:09,164 --> 00:14:12,163 What would little Lyanna Mormont say? 221 00:14:12,164 --> 00:14:15,330 She's younger than you were when you wrote this. 222 00:14:15,331 --> 00:14:17,830 Are you going to say, "But I was just a child?" 223 00:14:20,538 --> 00:14:22,413 You're angry. 224 00:14:22,414 --> 00:14:25,621 Sometimes anger makes people do unfortunate things. 225 00:14:25,622 --> 00:14:28,247 Sometimes fear makes them do unfortunate things. 226 00:14:30,247 --> 00:14:32,122 I'll go with anger. 227 00:15:02,955 --> 00:15:05,038 You're the one they call "the Dog." 228 00:15:05,039 --> 00:15:06,871 Fuck off. 229 00:15:06,872 --> 00:15:08,662 They told me you were mean. 230 00:15:08,663 --> 00:15:11,079 Were you born mean or you just hate wildings? 231 00:15:11,080 --> 00:15:13,455 I don't give two shits about wildings. 232 00:15:13,456 --> 00:15:15,163 It's gingers I hate. 233 00:15:15,164 --> 00:15:17,038 Gingers are beautiful. 234 00:15:17,039 --> 00:15:20,621 We are kissed by fire, just like you. 235 00:15:20,622 --> 00:15:23,538 Don't point your fucking finger at me. 236 00:15:27,788 --> 00:15:30,913 Did you trip into the fire when you were a baby? 237 00:15:30,914 --> 00:15:32,662 I didn't trip, I was pushed. 238 00:15:32,663 --> 00:15:34,579 And ever since, you've been mean. 239 00:15:34,580 --> 00:15:36,205 Will you fuck off? 240 00:15:36,206 --> 00:15:38,163 I don't think you're truly mean. 241 00:15:38,164 --> 00:15:39,705 You have sad eyes. 242 00:15:40,997 --> 00:15:42,704 You want to suck my dick, is that it? 243 00:15:42,705 --> 00:15:45,413 - Dick? - Cock. 244 00:15:45,414 --> 00:15:47,413 Ah, dick. 245 00:15:47,414 --> 00:15:48,704 I like it. 246 00:15:48,705 --> 00:15:50,746 I bet you do. 247 00:15:50,747 --> 00:15:53,371 Nope, it's pussy for me. 248 00:15:53,372 --> 00:15:56,371 I have a beauty waiting for me back at Winterfell. 249 00:15:56,372 --> 00:15:58,496 If I ever get back there. 250 00:15:58,497 --> 00:16:01,246 Yellow hair, blue eyes, 251 00:16:01,247 --> 00:16:03,455 the tallest woman you've ever seen. 252 00:16:03,456 --> 00:16:04,914 Almost as tall as you. 253 00:16:07,080 --> 00:16:09,246 - Brienne of Tarth. - You know her? 254 00:16:09,247 --> 00:16:11,579 You're with Brienne of fucking Tarth? 255 00:16:11,580 --> 00:16:13,954 Well, not with her yet. 256 00:16:13,955 --> 00:16:17,579 - But I see the way she looks at me. - How does she look at you? 257 00:16:17,580 --> 00:16:20,038 Like she wants to carve you up and eat your liver? 258 00:16:20,039 --> 00:16:21,787 You do know her. 259 00:16:21,788 --> 00:16:23,246 We've met. 260 00:16:23,247 --> 00:16:25,371 I want to make babies with her. 261 00:16:25,372 --> 00:16:28,371 Think of them... great big monsters. 262 00:16:28,372 --> 00:16:29,954 They'd conquer the world. 263 00:16:29,955 --> 00:16:33,537 How did a mad fucker like you live this long? 264 00:16:33,538 --> 00:16:35,289 I'm good at killing people. 265 00:16:38,206 --> 00:16:39,829 You don't look much like him. 266 00:16:39,830 --> 00:16:41,288 Who's that? 267 00:16:41,289 --> 00:16:43,330 Your father. 268 00:16:43,331 --> 00:16:45,413 I suppose you favor your mother. 269 00:16:45,414 --> 00:16:47,787 You knew him? 270 00:16:47,788 --> 00:16:49,579 'Course I did. 271 00:16:49,580 --> 00:16:51,163 When he was Hand, 272 00:16:51,164 --> 00:16:53,537 he sent me off hunting for the Mountain. 273 00:16:53,538 --> 00:16:54,996 Your wildling friend told me 274 00:16:54,997 --> 00:16:57,288 the red woman brought you back. 275 00:16:57,289 --> 00:17:01,455 Thoros has brought me back six times. 276 00:17:01,456 --> 00:17:04,537 We both serve the same lord. 277 00:17:04,538 --> 00:17:06,455 I serve the North. 278 00:17:06,456 --> 00:17:08,496 The North didn't raise you from the dead. 279 00:17:08,497 --> 00:17:10,496 The Lord of Light never spoke to me. 280 00:17:10,497 --> 00:17:11,871 I don't know anything about him. 281 00:17:11,872 --> 00:17:13,496 I don't know what he wants from me. 282 00:17:13,497 --> 00:17:16,871 - He wants you alive. - Why? 283 00:17:16,872 --> 00:17:19,288 I don't know. 284 00:17:19,289 --> 00:17:22,662 That's all anyone can tell me... "I don't know." 285 00:17:22,663 --> 00:17:24,496 So, what's the point in serving a god 286 00:17:24,497 --> 00:17:26,996 if none of us knows what he wants? 287 00:17:26,997 --> 00:17:29,704 I think about that all the time. 288 00:17:29,705 --> 00:17:32,787 I don't think it's our purpose to understand. 289 00:17:32,788 --> 00:17:36,163 Except one thing... we're soldiers. 290 00:17:36,164 --> 00:17:38,829 We have to know what we're fighting for. 291 00:17:38,830 --> 00:17:42,038 I'm not fighting so some man or woman I barely know 292 00:17:42,039 --> 00:17:45,079 can sit on a throne made of swords. 293 00:17:45,080 --> 00:17:47,496 So, what are you fighting for? 294 00:17:47,497 --> 00:17:48,897 Life. 295 00:17:50,164 --> 00:17:51,996 Death is the enemy. 296 00:17:51,997 --> 00:17:55,289 The first enemy and the last. 297 00:17:57,122 --> 00:17:58,522 But we all die. 298 00:18:00,206 --> 00:18:02,537 The enemy always wins. 299 00:18:02,538 --> 00:18:04,787 And we still need to fight him. 300 00:18:04,788 --> 00:18:06,746 That's all I know. 301 00:18:06,747 --> 00:18:10,205 You and I won't find much joy while we're here, 302 00:18:10,206 --> 00:18:12,455 but we can keep others alive. 303 00:18:12,456 --> 00:18:15,247 We can defend those who can't defend themselves. 304 00:18:18,538 --> 00:18:21,455 "I am the shield that guards the realms of men." 305 00:18:21,456 --> 00:18:25,288 Maybe we don't need to understand any more than that. 306 00:18:25,289 --> 00:18:27,496 Maybe that's enough. 307 00:18:27,497 --> 00:18:28,897 Aye. 308 00:18:30,456 --> 00:18:32,206 Maybe that's enough. 309 00:18:39,997 --> 00:18:42,580 That's what I saw in the fire. 310 00:18:43,747 --> 00:18:45,788 A mountain like an arrowhead. 311 00:18:47,705 --> 00:18:49,122 Are you sure? 312 00:18:52,164 --> 00:18:53,580 We're getting close. 313 00:19:01,580 --> 00:19:03,580 Do you know what I like about you? 314 00:19:05,872 --> 00:19:09,079 - I honestly don't. - You're not a hero. 315 00:19:09,080 --> 00:19:10,621 Oh. 316 00:19:10,622 --> 00:19:13,413 Well, I've been heroic on occasion. 317 00:19:13,414 --> 00:19:16,205 I once charged through the Mud Gate of King's Landing and... 318 00:19:16,206 --> 00:19:17,996 I don't want you to be a hero. 319 00:19:17,997 --> 00:19:21,288 Heroes do stupid things and they die. 320 00:19:21,289 --> 00:19:23,330 Drogo, Jorah, Daario, 321 00:19:23,331 --> 00:19:26,621 even this... Jon Snow... 322 00:19:26,622 --> 00:19:29,288 they all try to outdo each other. 323 00:19:29,289 --> 00:19:31,455 Who can do the stupidest, bravest thing. 324 00:19:31,456 --> 00:19:34,455 It's interesting, these heroes you name. 325 00:19:34,456 --> 00:19:36,662 Drogo, Jorah, Daario, 326 00:19:36,663 --> 00:19:39,579 even this... Jon Snow. 327 00:19:39,580 --> 00:19:41,704 They all fell in love with you. 328 00:19:41,705 --> 00:19:44,662 - Jon Snow's not in love with me. - Oh, my mistake. 329 00:19:44,663 --> 00:19:46,371 I suppose he stares at you longingly 330 00:19:46,372 --> 00:19:49,289 because he's hopeful for a successful military alliance. 331 00:19:52,788 --> 00:19:55,246 He's too little for me. 332 00:19:55,247 --> 00:19:57,079 I didn't mean... 333 00:19:57,080 --> 00:20:00,246 As heroes go, he is quite little. 334 00:20:00,247 --> 00:20:02,662 I know you're brave. 335 00:20:02,663 --> 00:20:04,622 I wouldn't have chosen a coward as my Hand. 336 00:20:09,663 --> 00:20:12,537 So, if all goes well, 337 00:20:12,538 --> 00:20:14,830 I'll finally get to meet your sister. 338 00:20:16,372 --> 00:20:18,163 From everything you've told me about her, 339 00:20:18,164 --> 00:20:20,496 she'd rather murder me than speak with me. 340 00:20:20,497 --> 00:20:24,330 Oh, first, she'd torture you in some horrible way, 341 00:20:24,331 --> 00:20:25,731 then she'd murder you. 342 00:20:26,872 --> 00:20:30,371 Nobody trusts my sister less than I do, believe me. 343 00:20:30,372 --> 00:20:32,163 But if we go to the capital, 344 00:20:32,164 --> 00:20:34,996 we'll go with two armies, we'll go with three dragons. 345 00:20:34,997 --> 00:20:38,746 Anyone touches you, King's Landing burns down to the foundation stones. 346 00:20:38,747 --> 00:20:40,787 And right now, she's thinking of how to set a trap. 347 00:20:40,788 --> 00:20:42,371 Of course she is. 348 00:20:42,372 --> 00:20:44,662 And she's wondering what trap you're laying for her. 349 00:20:44,663 --> 00:20:46,121 Are we? 350 00:20:46,122 --> 00:20:48,289 Laying any traps? 351 00:20:50,289 --> 00:20:53,621 If we want to create a new and better world, 352 00:20:53,622 --> 00:20:56,746 I'm not sure deceit and mass murder is the best way to start. 353 00:20:56,747 --> 00:20:59,538 Which war was won without deceit and mass murder? 354 00:21:01,206 --> 00:21:03,330 Yes, you'll need to be ruthless 355 00:21:03,331 --> 00:21:05,205 if you're going to win the throne. 356 00:21:05,206 --> 00:21:07,246 You need to inspire a degree of fear. 357 00:21:07,247 --> 00:21:09,621 But fear is all Cersei has. 358 00:21:09,622 --> 00:21:12,455 It's all my father had, and Joffrey. 359 00:21:12,456 --> 00:21:14,371 It makes their power brittle 360 00:21:14,372 --> 00:21:18,163 because everyone beneath them longs to see them dead. 361 00:21:18,164 --> 00:21:20,704 Aegon Targaryen got quite a long way on fear. 362 00:21:20,705 --> 00:21:22,371 He did. 363 00:21:22,372 --> 00:21:24,996 But you once spoke to me of breaking the wheel. 364 00:21:24,997 --> 00:21:26,455 Aegon built a wheel. 365 00:21:26,456 --> 00:21:28,662 If that's the kind of queen you want to be, 366 00:21:28,663 --> 00:21:31,246 how are you different from all the other tyrants that came before you? 367 00:21:31,247 --> 00:21:34,662 So we walk into the lions' den. 368 00:21:34,663 --> 00:21:36,330 My brother promised me he'd keep a grip 369 00:21:36,331 --> 00:21:37,954 on the Lannister forces. 370 00:21:37,955 --> 00:21:41,829 Forgive me, but I don't care about any Lannister promises. 371 00:21:41,830 --> 00:21:43,121 Except yours. 372 00:21:43,122 --> 00:21:45,246 And I promised him 373 00:21:45,247 --> 00:21:47,788 I'd keep you from doing anything impulsive. 374 00:21:49,206 --> 00:21:50,606 Impulsive? 375 00:21:54,122 --> 00:21:56,829 This will be a difficult negotiation. 376 00:21:56,830 --> 00:22:00,371 We're sitting down with people who want to see us both headless. 377 00:22:00,372 --> 00:22:02,871 My sister is likely to say something provocative. 378 00:22:02,872 --> 00:22:05,413 - And? - And you have been known 379 00:22:05,414 --> 00:22:07,579 to lose your temper from time to time, 380 00:22:07,580 --> 00:22:08,913 as all great leaders do. 381 00:22:08,914 --> 00:22:11,330 When have I lost my temper? 382 00:22:11,331 --> 00:22:13,871 Burning the Tarlys, for instance. 383 00:22:13,872 --> 00:22:15,413 That was not impulsive. 384 00:22:15,414 --> 00:22:18,246 That was necessary. 385 00:22:18,247 --> 00:22:20,163 - Perhaps. - Perhaps? 386 00:22:20,164 --> 00:22:23,746 Perhaps the father needed to die and not the son. 387 00:22:23,747 --> 00:22:26,455 Perhaps they both needed time to contemplate their mistakes 388 00:22:26,456 --> 00:22:28,746 in the solitude of a cold cell. 389 00:22:28,747 --> 00:22:31,163 We had no time to discuss the possibilities 390 00:22:31,164 --> 00:22:33,205 before you ended their possibilities. 391 00:22:33,206 --> 00:22:34,913 One could be forgiven for thinking you're taking 392 00:22:34,914 --> 00:22:36,746 your family's side in this debate. 393 00:22:36,747 --> 00:22:38,579 I am taking their side. 394 00:22:38,580 --> 00:22:40,288 You need to take your enemy's side 395 00:22:40,289 --> 00:22:42,288 if you're going to see things the way they do. 396 00:22:42,289 --> 00:22:44,246 And you need to see things the way they do 397 00:22:44,247 --> 00:22:46,288 if you're going to anticipate their actions, 398 00:22:46,289 --> 00:22:49,621 respond effectively, and beat them. 399 00:22:49,622 --> 00:22:51,954 Which I want you to do very much. 400 00:22:51,955 --> 00:22:55,455 Because I believe in you and in the world you want to build. 401 00:22:55,456 --> 00:22:58,121 But the world you want to build 402 00:22:58,122 --> 00:22:59,704 doesn't get built all at once. 403 00:22:59,705 --> 00:23:02,829 Probably not in a single lifetime. 404 00:23:02,830 --> 00:23:05,662 How do we ensure that your vision endures? 405 00:23:05,663 --> 00:23:08,622 After you break the wheel, how do we make sure it stays broken? 406 00:23:11,164 --> 00:23:14,496 You want to know who sits on the Iron Throne after I'm dead. 407 00:23:14,497 --> 00:23:15,897 Is that it? 408 00:23:17,331 --> 00:23:19,246 You say you can't have children, 409 00:23:19,247 --> 00:23:22,537 but there are other ways of choosing a successor. 410 00:23:22,538 --> 00:23:24,662 The Night's Watch has one method. 411 00:23:24,663 --> 00:23:27,038 The ironborn, for all their many flaws, have another. 412 00:23:27,039 --> 00:23:29,746 We will discuss the succession after I wear the crown. 413 00:23:29,747 --> 00:23:31,496 Your Grace, I saw hundreds of arrows 414 00:23:31,497 --> 00:23:33,829 fly towards you when you fought on the Blackwater Rush, 415 00:23:33,830 --> 00:23:35,913 and I saw hundreds of arrows miss. 416 00:23:35,914 --> 00:23:38,537 But any one of them could have found your heart and ended your... 417 00:23:38,538 --> 00:23:41,704 You've been thinking about my death quite a bit, haven't you? 418 00:23:41,705 --> 00:23:43,288 Is this one of the items you discussed 419 00:23:43,289 --> 00:23:44,996 with your brother in King's Landing? 420 00:23:44,997 --> 00:23:47,455 I'm trying to serve you by planning for the long term. 421 00:23:47,456 --> 00:23:49,038 Perhaps if you planned for the short term, 422 00:23:49,039 --> 00:23:51,080 we wouldn't have lost Dorne and Highgarden. 423 00:23:54,164 --> 00:23:58,372 We will discuss the succession after I wear the crown. 424 00:24:37,080 --> 00:24:38,480 Look! 425 00:24:46,997 --> 00:24:48,397 A bear. 426 00:24:49,747 --> 00:24:51,414 Big fucker. 427 00:24:58,914 --> 00:25:01,247 Do bears have blue eyes? 428 00:27:06,080 --> 00:27:07,747 We have to get him back to Eastwatch. 429 00:27:10,080 --> 00:27:11,480 Flask. 430 00:27:30,538 --> 00:27:31,938 Go on. 431 00:27:48,372 --> 00:27:49,621 You all right? 432 00:27:49,622 --> 00:27:53,371 I just got bit by a dead bear. 433 00:27:53,372 --> 00:27:56,122 Aye, you did. 434 00:27:57,997 --> 00:27:59,914 Funny old life. 435 00:28:01,830 --> 00:28:03,662 Right, then. 436 00:28:03,663 --> 00:28:05,580 We're off. 437 00:28:31,497 --> 00:28:34,704 - Where did she get it? - I don't know. 438 00:28:34,705 --> 00:28:36,830 She seems very resourceful. 439 00:28:39,414 --> 00:28:40,913 You're worried. 440 00:28:40,914 --> 00:28:42,579 We're asking 20,000 men 441 00:28:42,580 --> 00:28:46,330 to fight with us in the worst winter any of them have ever seen. 442 00:28:46,331 --> 00:28:49,330 The weather will be the least of their problems. 443 00:28:49,331 --> 00:28:52,121 Many of them will be happy to find a good reason to go home. 444 00:28:52,122 --> 00:28:55,621 - You question their loyalty? - Their loyalty is to Jon. 445 00:28:55,622 --> 00:28:58,246 Jon is not here. I haven't heard from him in weeks. 446 00:28:58,247 --> 00:29:00,288 You're the Lady of Winterfell. 447 00:29:00,289 --> 00:29:02,997 The king chose you to rule in his absence. 448 00:29:04,830 --> 00:29:06,787 And rule you have. 449 00:29:06,788 --> 00:29:10,121 Wisely, ably. 450 00:29:10,122 --> 00:29:12,871 They see that. They respect you. 451 00:29:12,872 --> 00:29:14,288 Some may even prefer you. 452 00:29:14,289 --> 00:29:15,704 Yes, they turned their backs on Jon 453 00:29:15,705 --> 00:29:17,121 when it was time to retake Winterfell, 454 00:29:17,122 --> 00:29:18,787 then they named him their king, 455 00:29:18,788 --> 00:29:20,662 and now they're ready to turn their backs on him again. 456 00:29:20,663 --> 00:29:22,913 How far would you trust men like that? 457 00:29:22,914 --> 00:29:24,996 They're all bloody wind vanes. 458 00:29:24,997 --> 00:29:27,038 If they found out that I wrote that letter, 459 00:29:27,039 --> 00:29:28,537 a woman who's already married 460 00:29:28,538 --> 00:29:32,079 not one, but two enemies of her house... 461 00:29:32,080 --> 00:29:35,121 By the time Jon comes back, he'll have no army left. 462 00:29:35,122 --> 00:29:36,914 Arya's not like them. 463 00:29:39,331 --> 00:29:40,746 She's your sister. 464 00:29:40,747 --> 00:29:42,537 You may have disagreements, 465 00:29:42,538 --> 00:29:44,996 but she would never betray her family. 466 00:29:44,997 --> 00:29:47,537 She would if she thought I was going to betray Jon. 467 00:29:47,538 --> 00:29:49,455 Is that what she thinks? 468 00:29:49,456 --> 00:29:51,371 I don't know what she thinks. 469 00:29:51,372 --> 00:29:53,414 I don't know her anymore. 470 00:29:55,705 --> 00:29:58,247 Perhaps Lady Brienne could help. 471 00:30:00,705 --> 00:30:04,704 She's sworn to protect both of Catelyn Stark's girls, 472 00:30:04,705 --> 00:30:06,105 is she not? 473 00:30:07,538 --> 00:30:08,955 She is. 474 00:30:13,414 --> 00:30:17,288 And if one of you were planning to harm the other in any way, 475 00:30:17,289 --> 00:30:19,414 wouldn't she be honor bound to intercede? 476 00:30:22,456 --> 00:30:23,914 She would. 477 00:30:36,955 --> 00:30:40,371 - Something I've always wanted to know. - All right. 478 00:30:40,372 --> 00:30:44,621 How drunk were you when you charged through the breach on Pyke? 479 00:30:44,622 --> 00:30:48,414 If I'm being honest, I don't remember charging through the breach. 480 00:30:50,289 --> 00:30:53,954 Some of the lads told me about it the next morning. 481 00:30:53,955 --> 00:30:56,330 Sounded like a good scrap. 482 00:30:56,331 --> 00:30:58,621 Aye. 483 00:30:58,622 --> 00:31:00,913 It was a proper scrap. 484 00:31:00,914 --> 00:31:04,288 The ironborn thought you were some kind of god, 485 00:31:04,289 --> 00:31:06,622 the way you were waving that flaming sword. 486 00:31:07,997 --> 00:31:11,704 I thought you were the bravest man I ever saw. 487 00:31:11,705 --> 00:31:13,580 Just the drunkest. 488 00:31:54,372 --> 00:31:55,787 Where's the rest of them? 489 00:31:55,788 --> 00:31:58,039 If we wait long enough, we'll find out. 490 00:34:28,164 --> 00:34:29,704 Run back to Eastwatch. 491 00:34:29,705 --> 00:34:31,913 Get a raven to Daenerys, tell her what's happened. 492 00:34:31,914 --> 00:34:35,289 - I'm not leaving you. - You're the fastest. Go, now. 493 00:34:36,830 --> 00:34:39,205 You're faster without the hammer. Give it. 494 00:34:39,206 --> 00:34:40,606 Give it! 495 00:34:48,414 --> 00:34:51,038 - Come on! - Run! 496 00:34:51,039 --> 00:34:52,538 Come on! 497 00:34:59,040 --> 00:35:00,580 Stop! 498 00:35:18,331 --> 00:35:19,731 Go! 499 00:38:07,039 --> 00:38:09,371 What happened? 500 00:38:09,372 --> 00:38:10,871 Where are the others? 501 00:38:10,872 --> 00:38:14,079 Raven, we need to send a raven. 502 00:38:14,080 --> 00:38:15,872 Get the maester, now! 503 00:38:57,331 --> 00:38:58,731 Thoros? 504 00:39:02,122 --> 00:39:03,580 Thoros. 505 00:39:21,705 --> 00:39:23,914 They say it's one of the better ways to go. 506 00:39:37,788 --> 00:39:42,455 Lord of Light, show us the way. 507 00:39:42,456 --> 00:39:45,997 Come to us in our darkness and lead Your servant into the light. 508 00:39:51,414 --> 00:39:53,372 We have to burn his body. 509 00:39:56,414 --> 00:39:58,787 We'll all be close behind him 510 00:39:58,788 --> 00:40:02,663 unless the Lord of Light is kind enough to send us a bit of fire. 511 00:40:11,705 --> 00:40:14,205 Lord of Light, 512 00:40:14,206 --> 00:40:16,871 come to us in our darkness, 513 00:40:16,872 --> 00:40:19,580 for the night is dark and full of terrors. 514 00:40:43,497 --> 00:40:45,372 We'll all freeze soon. 515 00:40:46,580 --> 00:40:48,497 And so will the water. 516 00:40:52,247 --> 00:40:55,205 When you killed the white walker, 517 00:40:55,206 --> 00:40:59,079 almost all the dead that followed it fell. 518 00:40:59,080 --> 00:41:00,954 Why? 519 00:41:00,955 --> 00:41:03,205 Maybe he was the one who turned them. 520 00:41:03,206 --> 00:41:06,579 We can go for the walkers. 521 00:41:06,580 --> 00:41:09,372 No. 522 00:41:10,914 --> 00:41:13,705 We need to take that thing back with us. 523 00:41:16,872 --> 00:41:19,330 There's a raven flying for Dragonstone now. 524 00:41:19,331 --> 00:41:22,746 Daenerys is our only chance. 525 00:41:22,747 --> 00:41:25,705 No. There's another. 526 00:41:28,372 --> 00:41:29,772 Kill him. 527 00:41:30,872 --> 00:41:32,580 He turned them all. 528 00:41:36,914 --> 00:41:38,314 You don't understand. 529 00:41:39,788 --> 00:41:41,496 The Lord brought you back. 530 00:41:41,497 --> 00:41:43,704 He brought me back. 531 00:41:43,705 --> 00:41:46,787 No one else. Just us. 532 00:41:46,788 --> 00:41:49,164 Did He do it to watch us freeze to death? 533 00:41:51,622 --> 00:41:54,829 Careful, Beric. You lost your priest. 534 00:41:54,830 --> 00:41:56,621 This is your last life. 535 00:41:56,622 --> 00:41:59,704 I've been waiting for the end for a long time. 536 00:41:59,705 --> 00:42:02,371 Maybe the Lord brought me here to find it. 537 00:42:02,372 --> 00:42:06,246 Every lord I've ever met's been a cunt. 538 00:42:06,247 --> 00:42:09,122 Don't see why the Lord of Light should be any different. 539 00:42:22,331 --> 00:42:23,731 My lady. 540 00:42:33,955 --> 00:42:35,871 My lady? 541 00:42:35,872 --> 00:42:39,997 It's an invitation to King's Landing. 542 00:42:46,289 --> 00:42:48,330 My lady, you are the Lady of Winterfell. 543 00:42:48,331 --> 00:42:50,913 I am, and you will represent my interests 544 00:42:50,914 --> 00:42:52,496 at this gathering as you see them. 545 00:42:52,497 --> 00:42:55,872 They invited you. They want you there. 546 00:42:57,372 --> 00:42:59,413 I will not set foot in King's Landing 547 00:42:59,414 --> 00:43:01,996 while Cersei Lannister is queen. 548 00:43:01,997 --> 00:43:03,704 If they want another Stark prisoner, 549 00:43:03,705 --> 00:43:05,496 they can come and take me. 550 00:43:05,497 --> 00:43:08,246 Until then, I'll remain where I belong. 551 00:43:08,247 --> 00:43:10,163 I have work to do here. 552 00:43:13,080 --> 00:43:14,787 It's not safe. 553 00:43:14,788 --> 00:43:16,621 Ser Jaime will be there. 554 00:43:16,622 --> 00:43:19,205 You said he treated you honorably before. 555 00:43:19,206 --> 00:43:21,205 I'm not worried about me. 556 00:43:21,206 --> 00:43:24,371 It's not safe leaving you with Littlefinger. 557 00:43:24,372 --> 00:43:26,662 I have many guards who would happily 558 00:43:26,663 --> 00:43:28,121 imprison him or behead him 559 00:43:28,122 --> 00:43:29,496 whether or not you're here. 560 00:43:29,497 --> 00:43:31,704 And you trust their loyalty? 561 00:43:31,705 --> 00:43:35,371 You trust he hasn't been speaking to them all behind your back? 562 00:43:35,372 --> 00:43:38,746 Let me at least leave Podrick behind to watch over you. 563 00:43:38,747 --> 00:43:40,371 He has become a competent swordsman... 564 00:43:40,372 --> 00:43:44,829 I do not need to be watched over or minded or cared for. 565 00:43:44,830 --> 00:43:46,079 I'm not a child, 566 00:43:46,080 --> 00:43:48,996 I am the Lady of Winterfell, and I am home. 567 00:43:48,997 --> 00:43:51,039 This is the safest place for me. 568 00:43:52,372 --> 00:43:54,537 My lady, 569 00:43:54,538 --> 00:43:58,394 I swore an oath to protect you and your sister. If I abandon you... 570 00:43:58,395 --> 00:44:00,545 The trip to King's Landing is long, Lady Brienne, 571 00:44:00,580 --> 00:44:03,121 and you won't be traveling on summer roads. 572 00:44:03,122 --> 00:44:06,247 The sooner you leave, the better your chances of making it on time. 573 00:44:09,747 --> 00:44:11,147 Yes, my lady. 574 00:44:33,997 --> 00:44:35,954 You can't. 575 00:44:35,955 --> 00:44:37,829 The most important person in the world 576 00:44:37,830 --> 00:44:40,537 can't fly off to the most dangerous place in the world. 577 00:44:40,538 --> 00:44:42,579 - Who else can? - No one. 578 00:44:42,580 --> 00:44:44,579 They knew the risks when they left. 579 00:44:44,580 --> 00:44:46,122 You can't win the throne if you're dead. 580 00:44:47,622 --> 00:44:49,662 You can't break the wheel if you're dead. 581 00:44:49,663 --> 00:44:51,954 So, what would you have me do? 582 00:44:51,955 --> 00:44:53,746 Nothing. 583 00:44:53,747 --> 00:44:55,830 Sometimes nothing is the hardest thing to do. 584 00:44:58,206 --> 00:45:01,622 If you die, we're all lost. 585 00:45:03,289 --> 00:45:06,537 Everyone, everything. 586 00:45:06,538 --> 00:45:10,205 You told me to do nothing before and I listened to you. 587 00:45:10,206 --> 00:45:11,997 I'm not doing nothing again. 588 00:46:08,705 --> 00:46:10,830 Dumb cunt. 589 00:46:32,039 --> 00:46:34,414 Oh, fuck. 590 00:47:12,955 --> 00:47:14,497 Fuck it. 591 00:48:36,997 --> 00:48:38,397 Yah! 592 00:48:47,372 --> 00:48:48,772 Yah! 593 00:49:08,414 --> 00:49:09,814 Fall back! 594 00:49:11,331 --> 00:49:14,164 - Fall back! - Come on! 595 00:49:40,414 --> 00:49:42,330 Help me! 596 00:52:38,080 --> 00:52:39,480 Go! 597 00:52:54,497 --> 00:52:55,897 Jon! 598 00:54:46,164 --> 00:54:47,662 Go! 599 00:54:47,663 --> 00:54:50,164 Go now! Leave! 600 00:57:47,080 --> 00:57:49,038 Uncle Benjen! 601 00:57:49,039 --> 00:57:50,439 How? 602 00:57:52,622 --> 00:57:55,371 - You ride for the pass. - Come with me. 603 00:57:55,372 --> 00:57:57,330 There's no time. 604 00:57:57,331 --> 00:57:59,206 Go! 605 00:59:13,622 --> 00:59:15,496 We'll meet again, Clegane. 606 00:59:15,497 --> 00:59:17,830 Fucking hope not. 607 00:59:47,456 --> 00:59:49,663 It's time to go, Your Grace. 608 00:59:51,580 --> 00:59:53,039 A bit longer. 609 01:00:16,872 --> 01:00:18,914 Rider approaching! 610 01:00:27,414 --> 01:00:29,621 Open the gate! 611 01:02:11,788 --> 01:02:13,788 Not what you're looking for? 612 01:02:15,538 --> 01:02:18,955 I have hundreds of men here at Winterfell, all loyal to me. 613 01:02:20,747 --> 01:02:22,456 They're not here now. 614 01:02:24,955 --> 01:02:27,205 What are these? 615 01:02:27,206 --> 01:02:28,622 My faces. 616 01:02:31,122 --> 01:02:32,954 Where did you get them? 617 01:02:32,955 --> 01:02:37,205 In Braavos, while I was training to be a Faceless Man. 618 01:02:37,206 --> 01:02:39,372 What does that mean? 619 01:02:41,955 --> 01:02:43,871 Back in Braavos, 620 01:02:43,872 --> 01:02:46,537 before I got my first face, 621 01:02:46,538 --> 01:02:48,871 there was a game I used to play. 622 01:02:48,872 --> 01:02:51,079 The Game of Faces. 623 01:02:51,080 --> 01:02:52,871 It's simple... 624 01:02:52,872 --> 01:02:55,371 I ask you a question about yourself, 625 01:02:55,372 --> 01:02:58,787 and you try to make lies sound like the truth. 626 01:02:58,788 --> 01:03:01,829 If you fool me, you win. 627 01:03:01,830 --> 01:03:05,496 If I catch a lie, you lose. 628 01:03:05,497 --> 01:03:07,704 Let's play. 629 01:03:07,705 --> 01:03:10,787 I don't want to play. 630 01:03:10,788 --> 01:03:14,579 How do you feel about Jon being king? 631 01:03:14,580 --> 01:03:17,746 Is there someone else you think should rule the North instead of him? 632 01:03:17,747 --> 01:03:21,662 Those faces, what are they? 633 01:03:21,663 --> 01:03:24,038 You want to do the asking? 634 01:03:24,039 --> 01:03:26,079 Are you sure? 635 01:03:26,080 --> 01:03:27,913 The Game of Faces didn't turn out so well 636 01:03:27,914 --> 01:03:29,662 for the last person who asked me questions. 637 01:03:29,663 --> 01:03:31,622 Tell me what they are. 638 01:03:34,747 --> 01:03:37,914 We both wanted to be other people when we were younger. 639 01:03:39,080 --> 01:03:41,455 You wanted to be a queen, 640 01:03:41,456 --> 01:03:44,747 to sit next to a handsome, young king on the Iron Throne. 641 01:03:46,247 --> 01:03:48,537 I wanted to be a knight, 642 01:03:48,538 --> 01:03:51,622 to pick up a sword like Father and go off to battle. 643 01:03:53,955 --> 01:03:57,787 Neither of us got to be that other person, did we? 644 01:03:57,788 --> 01:04:01,414 The world doesn't just let girls decide what they're going to be. 645 01:04:02,788 --> 01:04:04,413 But I can now. 646 01:04:04,414 --> 01:04:07,537 With the faces, I can choose. 647 01:04:07,538 --> 01:04:09,830 I can become someone else. 648 01:04:11,289 --> 01:04:13,621 Speak in their voice, 649 01:04:13,622 --> 01:04:15,247 live in their skin. 650 01:04:17,830 --> 01:04:20,456 I could even become you. 651 01:04:27,955 --> 01:04:30,662 I wonder what it would feel like 652 01:04:30,663 --> 01:04:32,830 to wear those pretty dresses... 653 01:04:34,622 --> 01:04:37,039 to be the Lady of Winterfell. 654 01:04:39,497 --> 01:04:41,830 All I'd need to find out... 655 01:04:43,955 --> 01:04:45,355 is your face. 656 01:05:43,914 --> 01:05:45,538 I'm sorry. 657 01:05:47,872 --> 01:05:49,663 I'm so sorry. 658 01:06:01,247 --> 01:06:03,538 I wish I could take it back. 659 01:06:05,580 --> 01:06:07,580 I wish we'd never gone. 660 01:06:11,080 --> 01:06:12,580 I don't. 661 01:06:14,247 --> 01:06:16,580 If we hadn't gone, I wouldn't have seen. 662 01:06:18,580 --> 01:06:20,538 You have to see it to know. 663 01:06:22,331 --> 01:06:23,914 Now I know. 664 01:06:27,289 --> 01:06:30,246 The dragons are my children. 665 01:06:30,247 --> 01:06:32,913 They're the only children I'll ever have. 666 01:06:32,914 --> 01:06:34,538 Do you understand? 667 01:06:40,331 --> 01:06:44,746 We are going to destroy the Night King and his army. 668 01:06:44,747 --> 01:06:46,622 And we'll do it together. 669 01:06:48,538 --> 01:06:50,580 You have my word. 670 01:06:53,955 --> 01:06:55,414 Thank you, Dany. 671 01:06:57,247 --> 01:06:58,621 "Dany"? 672 01:07:00,122 --> 01:07:02,289 Who was the last person who called me that? 673 01:07:04,122 --> 01:07:06,954 I'm not sure. Was it my brother? 674 01:07:06,955 --> 01:07:09,788 Mm, not the company you want to keep. 675 01:07:10,955 --> 01:07:12,497 All right. 676 01:07:14,289 --> 01:07:15,689 Not "Dany." 677 01:07:19,788 --> 01:07:21,788 How about "my queen"? 678 01:07:25,247 --> 01:07:28,621 I'd, uh, bend the knee, but... 679 01:07:28,622 --> 01:07:31,787 What about those who swore allegiance to you? 680 01:07:31,788 --> 01:07:34,997 They'll all come to see you for what you are. 681 01:07:50,830 --> 01:07:52,497 I hope I deserve it. 682 01:07:54,497 --> 01:07:56,331 You do. 683 01:08:16,872 --> 01:08:18,538 You should get some rest. 684 01:10:16,955 --> 01:10:19,788 - Synced and corrected by SOMNATH YADAV - -- Join me on instagram @somnath66 - 685 01:11:42,771 --> 01:11:44,536 _ 686 01:12:13,164 --> 01:12:16,456 There is only one war that matters. And it is here.