1 00:00:00,716 --> 00:00:03,341 (Música Tensa) (TENSE MUSIC PLAYS) 2 00:00:03,716 --> 00:00:05,716 (DRAGON chillidos) (DRAGON SHRIEKS) 3 00:00:06,466 --> 00:00:08,237 [SER Davos Seaworth]:¿Qué pasa si los siete reinos SER DAVOS SEAWORTH: What if the Seven Kingdoms 4 00:00:08,257 --> 00:00:11,613 fueran gobernados por una mujer justa y un hombre honorable? were ruled by a just woman and an honorable man? 5 00:00:11,633 --> 00:00:14,424 [Samwell Tarly]:Eres Aegon Targaryen... SAMWELL TARLY: You're Aegon Targaryen... 6 00:00:14,466 --> 00:00:17,090 verdadero heredero del Trono de Hierro. true heir to the Iron Throne. 7 00:00:17,382 --> 00:00:19,591 Siempre lo has sido. You've always been. 8 00:00:20,424 --> 00:00:24,029 Daenerys Targaryen:Ella no necesita ser mi amiga. DAENERYS TARGARYEN: She doesn't need to be my friend. 9 00:00:24,049 --> 00:00:25,696 Pero yo soy su reina. But I am her Queen. 10 00:00:25,716 --> 00:00:29,321 Tyrion Lannister:Tenemos que luchar juntos ahora... TYRION LANNISTER: We must fight together now... 11 00:00:29,341 --> 00:00:30,821 o morir. or die. 12 00:00:30,841 --> 00:00:35,257 - Las cosas que hago por amor. - (Bran Stark jadeos) - The things I do for love. - (BRAN STARK GASPS) 13 00:00:45,049 --> 00:00:48,049 [] [] 14 00:02:33,965 --> 00:02:39,237 DAENERYS:Cuando era un niño, mi hermano me contaba un cuento para dormir... DAENERYS: When I was a child, my brother would tell me a bedtime story... 15 00:02:39,257 --> 00:02:43,049 sobre el hombre que mató a nuestro padre. about the man who murdered our father. 16 00:02:43,633 --> 00:02:47,029 Quien lo apuñaló en la espalda y le cortó la garganta. Who stabbed him in the back and cut his throat. 17 00:02:47,049 --> 00:02:50,029 Quién se sentó en el Trono de Hierro y observó Who sat down on the Iron Throne and watched 18 00:02:50,049 --> 00:02:53,716 como su sangre se vertía sobre el suelo. as his blood poured onto the floor. 19 00:02:54,174 --> 00:02:56,738 Me contó también otras historias. He told me other stories as well. 20 00:02:56,758 --> 00:03:01,404 Sobre todas las cosas que le haría a ese hombre... About all the things we would do to that man... 21 00:03:01,424 --> 00:03:03,321 una vez que recuperáramos los Siete Reinos once we took back the Seven Kingdoms 22 00:03:03,341 --> 00:03:05,799 y lo tuviéramos a nuestro alcance. and had him in our grasp. 23 00:03:06,799 --> 00:03:10,237 Su hermana se comprometió a enviar a su ejército hacia el norte. Your sister pledged to send her army north. 24 00:03:10,257 --> 00:03:11,404 Ella lo hizo. She did. 25 00:03:11,424 --> 00:03:13,571 No veo ningún ejército. I don't see an army. 26 00:03:13,591 --> 00:03:17,362 Veo a un hombre, con una mano. I see one man, with one hand. 27 00:03:17,382 --> 00:03:20,132 Parece que su hermana me mintió. It appears your sister lied to me. 28 00:03:22,090 --> 00:03:25,257 Ella me mintió también. She lied to me as well. 29 00:03:25,758 --> 00:03:28,529 Ella nunca tuvo la intención de enviar a su ejército hacia el norte. She never had any intention of sending her army north. 30 00:03:28,549 --> 00:03:34,487 Ella tiene la flota de -Euron Greyjoy y 20.000 nuevas tropas. She has Euron Greyjoy's fleet and 20,000 fresh troops. 31 00:03:34,507 --> 00:03:36,446 La Sociedad de oro de Essos, The Golden Company from Essos, 32 00:03:36,466 --> 00:03:38,070 comprada y pagada. bought and paid for. 33 00:03:38,090 --> 00:03:39,945 Incluso si derrotáramos a los muertos, Even if we defeat the dead, 34 00:03:39,965 --> 00:03:42,154 ella tendrá más que suficiente para destruir a los sobrevivientes. she'll have more than enough to destroy the survivors. 35 00:03:42,174 --> 00:03:44,633 ¿«Nosotros»? "We"? 36 00:03:44,799 --> 00:03:46,696 Prometí a luchar por la vida. I promised to fight for the living. 37 00:03:46,716 --> 00:03:50,090 Tengo la intención de mantener esa promesa. I intend to keep that promise. 38 00:03:51,007 --> 00:03:56,279 - Excelencia, sé que mi hermano... - ¿Igual que conocías a tu hermana? - Your Grace, I know my brother... - Like you knew your sister? 39 00:03:56,299 --> 00:03:59,654 Él, ha venido aquí solo; Sabiendo muy bien cómo iba a ser recibido. He came here alone, knowing full well how he'd be received. 40 00:03:59,674 --> 00:04:03,195 ¿Por qué lo haría si no estuviera diciendo la verdad? Why would he do that if he weren't telling the truth? 41 00:04:03,215 --> 00:04:06,195 Tal vez confiaba en que su hermano pequeño le defendería Perhaps he trusts his little brother to defend him, 42 00:04:06,215 --> 00:04:09,654 hasta el momento en que me cortara la garganta. right up to the moment he slits my throat. 43 00:04:09,674 --> 00:04:12,945 SANSA:Tienes razón. No podemos confiar en él. SANSA: You're right. We can't trust him. 44 00:04:12,965 --> 00:04:14,863 Atacó a mi padre en las calles. He attacked my father in the streets. 45 00:04:14,883 --> 00:04:17,362 Él trató de destruir mi casa y mi familia, He tried to destroy my house and my family, 46 00:04:17,382 --> 00:04:18,654 lo mismo que haría con lo suyo. the same as he did yours. 47 00:04:18,674 --> 00:04:20,654 JAIME:¿Quieres que me disculpe? JAIME: Do you want me to apologize? 48 00:04:20,674 --> 00:04:22,654 No lo haré. I won't. 49 00:04:22,674 --> 00:04:24,070 Estábamos en guerra. We were at war. 50 00:04:24,090 --> 00:04:26,821 Todo lo que hice, lo hice por mi casa y mi familia. Everything I did, I did for my house and my family. 51 00:04:26,841 --> 00:04:28,841 Y lo haría todo de nuevo. I'd do it all again. 52 00:04:29,174 --> 00:04:32,341 «Las cosas que hacemos por amor». The things we do for love. 53 00:04:37,883 --> 00:04:43,112 DAENERYS:Entonces, ¿Por qué ha abandonado su casa y su familia ahora? DAENERYS: So why have you abandoned your house and family now? 54 00:04:43,132 --> 00:04:47,174 JAIME:Debido a que esto sobrepasa la lealtad. JAIME: Because this goes beyond loyalty. 55 00:04:48,633 --> 00:04:51,299 Esto es una cuestión de supervivencia. This is about survival. 56 00:04:57,299 --> 00:05:01,049 Usted no me conoce bien, Excelencia. You don't know me well, Your Grace. 57 00:05:01,716 --> 00:05:03,863 Pero sé que Ser Jaime... But I know Ser Jaime. 58 00:05:03,883 --> 00:05:06,487 es un hombre de honor. He is a man of honor. 59 00:05:06,507 --> 00:05:08,487 Yo fui su captor una vez. I was his captor once. 60 00:05:08,507 --> 00:05:10,154 Pero cuando los dos fuimos hechos prisionero But when we were both taken prisoner 61 00:05:10,174 --> 00:05:13,195 y los hombres que nos retenían trataron de abusar de mí, and the men holding us tried to force themselves on me, 62 00:05:13,215 --> 00:05:15,716 Ser Jaime me defendió. Ser Jaime defended me. 63 00:05:15,883 --> 00:05:19,382 Y, a causa de ello, perdió su mano. And lost his hand because of it. 64 00:05:21,132 --> 00:05:25,779 Sin él, mi Señora, usted no estar viva. Without him, my lady, you would not be alive. 65 00:05:25,799 --> 00:05:28,487 Me armó, me blindó, He armed me, armored me, 66 00:05:28,507 --> 00:05:30,738 y me envió a encontrarle y llevar a casa and sent me to find you and bring you home 67 00:05:30,758 --> 00:05:35,382 porque había hecho un juramento a su madre. because he'd sworn an oath to your mother. 68 00:05:40,382 --> 00:05:42,924 ¿Usted responde por él? You vouch for him? 69 00:05:44,883 --> 00:05:46,965 BRIENNE:Sí. BRIENNE: I do. 70 00:05:50,883 --> 00:05:53,924 ¿Lucharías junto a él? You would fight beside him? 71 00:05:56,633 --> 00:05:58,924 Lo haría. I would. 72 00:06:02,382 --> 00:06:05,215 Confío en usted mi vida. I trust you with my life. 73 00:06:05,633 --> 00:06:07,529 Si usted confía en él la suya, If you trust him with yours, 74 00:06:07,549 --> 00:06:10,758 debemos dejar que se quede. we should let him stay. 75 00:06:15,090 --> 00:06:18,924 ¿Qué dice el Guardián del Norte respecto? What does the Warden of the North say about it? 76 00:06:19,132 --> 00:06:21,758 [SIGHS] [SIGHS] 77 00:06:23,549 --> 00:06:27,591 Necesitamos todos los hombres que podamos conseguir. We need every man we can get. 78 00:06:35,299 --> 00:06:36,279 Muy bien. Very well. 79 00:06:36,299 --> 00:06:38,424 [Inhala fuertemente] [INHALES SHARPLY] 80 00:06:39,132 --> 00:06:42,132 [] [] 81 00:06:57,799 --> 00:07:00,299 Gracias, Su Excelencia. Thank you, Your Grace. 82 00:07:23,257 --> 00:07:26,215 [] [] 83 00:07:37,549 --> 00:07:40,779 Ya sea que sabía que Cersei estaba mintiendo y me dejó que creyera lo contrario, Either you knew Cersei was lying and let me believe otherwise, 84 00:07:40,799 --> 00:07:42,112 o usted no lo sabía en absoluto, or you didn't know at all. 85 00:07:42,132 --> 00:07:44,279 lo que hace que sea, o un traidor o un tonto. Which makes you either a traitor or a fool. 86 00:07:44,299 --> 00:07:47,571 - Fui un tonto. - No es la primera vez. - I was a fool. - Not for the first time. 87 00:07:47,591 --> 00:07:49,696 Cersei todavía se sienta en el trono. Cersei still sits on the throne. 88 00:07:49,716 --> 00:07:51,487 Si no me puede ayudar a conseguirlo de nuevo, If you can't help me take it back, 89 00:07:51,507 --> 00:07:53,529 Encontraré otra 'Mano' que pueda hacerlo. I'll find another Hand who can. 90 00:07:53,549 --> 00:07:56,507 [Silbido del viento] [WIND WHISTLING] 91 00:07:58,466 --> 00:08:00,821 Sospecho que uno de ustedes la va a llevar, I suspect one of you will be wearing this 92 00:08:00,841 --> 00:08:03,924 antes de que todo esto haya terminado. before it's all over. 93 00:08:05,466 --> 00:08:08,549 [Conversaciones indistintas] [MEN CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] 94 00:08:09,090 --> 00:08:11,215 HOMBRE:Adelante. MAN: Coming through. 95 00:08:23,883 --> 00:08:26,883 [] [] 96 00:08:31,424 --> 00:08:34,382 [Hombres:Gruñidos] [MEN GRUNTING] 97 00:08:39,174 --> 00:08:40,696 [Sonidos metálicos] [METAL HISSES] 98 00:08:40,716 --> 00:08:43,716 [Martillo] [HAMMER CLANGING] 99 00:08:46,591 --> 00:08:49,633 [SILBIDO] [HISSING] 100 00:08:56,424 --> 00:08:58,362 ¿No tienes algo mejor que hacer? Don't you have something better to do? 101 00:08:58,382 --> 00:09:00,738 ¿No tienes todavía mi arma? You make my weapon yet? 102 00:09:00,758 --> 00:09:04,821 Tan pronto como he terminado de hacer unas pocas miles de ellas. Just as soon as I'm done making a few thousand of these. 103 00:09:04,841 --> 00:09:06,446 Tienes que hacer primero la mía. You should make mine first. 104 00:09:06,466 --> 00:09:08,571 Y asegurarte de que es más fuerte que esto. And make sure it's stronger than this. 105 00:09:08,591 --> 00:09:09,945 [CUCHILLA golpes] [BLADE THUMPS] 106 00:09:09,965 --> 00:09:12,466 Es lo suficientemente fuerte. It's strong enough. 107 00:09:15,507 --> 00:09:19,507 Va a ser más seguro en la Cripta, ya sabes. It's going to be safer down in the crypt, you know. 108 00:09:19,799 --> 00:09:21,945 ¿Vas a estar abajo en la Cripta? Are you going to be down in the crypt? 109 00:09:21,965 --> 00:09:25,279 - No, pero... - Pero usted es un luchador. - No, but... - But you're a fighter. 110 00:09:25,299 --> 00:09:27,424 He hecho mi parte. I've done my share. 111 00:09:28,466 --> 00:09:30,070 ¿Has luchado con ellos? You've fought them? 112 00:09:30,090 --> 00:09:33,174 Yo sí. Con algunos. I did. Some of them. 113 00:09:33,299 --> 00:09:34,654 ¿Cuántos? How many? 114 00:09:34,674 --> 00:09:36,674 Unos pocos. A few. 115 00:09:37,132 --> 00:09:39,341 Eso fue suficiente. That was enough. 116 00:09:41,132 --> 00:09:43,758 ¿Cómo son? What are they like? 117 00:09:43,799 --> 00:09:45,799 Malos. Bad. 118 00:09:46,507 --> 00:09:47,487 Muy malos. Really bad. 119 00:09:47,507 --> 00:09:50,132 ¿«Muy malos»? "Really bad"? 120 00:09:51,841 --> 00:09:55,571 Incluso el aprendiz de un herrero puede hacerlo algo mejor que «Muy malos». Even a smith's apprentice can do better than "really bad." 121 00:09:55,591 --> 00:09:57,945 ¿Qué es lo que parecen? ¿A qué huelen? What do they look like? What do they smell like? 122 00:09:57,965 --> 00:10:00,154 ¿Cómo se mueven? ¿Cómo de difícil es matarlos? How do they move? How hard are they to kill? 123 00:10:00,174 --> 00:10:01,821 Mira, sé que quieres luchar. Look, I know you want to fight. 124 00:10:01,841 --> 00:10:05,237 Y sé que no tienes miedo de violadores o asesinos o... And I know you're not scared of rapers or murderers or... 125 00:10:05,257 --> 00:10:07,987 Esto es diferente. Esto es... This is different. This is... 126 00:10:08,007 --> 00:10:09,446 Esta es la muerte. This is death. 127 00:10:09,466 --> 00:10:11,613 ¿Quieres saber cómo son? Muerte. You want to know what they're like? Death. 128 00:10:11,633 --> 00:10:14,466 Eso es lo que son. That's what they're like. 129 00:10:21,341 --> 00:10:23,529 Sé como es La Muerte. I know Death. 130 00:10:23,549 --> 00:10:25,404 [Exhala SOFTLY] [EXHALES SOFTLY] 131 00:10:25,424 --> 00:10:27,507 Tiene muchas caras. He's got many faces. 132 00:10:29,841 --> 00:10:32,965 Estoy deseando ver a esta. I look forward to seeing this one. 133 00:10:33,424 --> 00:10:34,987 [CHUCKLES] [CHUCKLES] 134 00:10:35,007 --> 00:10:38,007 [] [] 135 00:10:39,549 --> 00:10:44,215 ¿Mi arma? Voy a ello, ya mismo. - My weapon? - I'll get right on it. 136 00:11:16,341 --> 00:11:19,591 Lo siento por lo que te hice. I'm sorry for what I did to you. 137 00:11:21,924 --> 00:11:24,965 No lo sentístes entonces. You weren't sorry then. 138 00:11:25,174 --> 00:11:28,716 Estabas protegiendo a tu familia. You were protecting your family. 139 00:11:29,049 --> 00:11:31,237 Yo ya no soy esa clase de persona; Nunca mas. I'm not that person anymore. 140 00:11:31,257 --> 00:11:32,571 Todavía lo serías, You still would be, 141 00:11:32,591 --> 00:11:35,529 Si no me hubieras empujado por la ventana. if you hadn't pushed me out of that window. 142 00:11:35,549 --> 00:11:39,195 Y yo todavía sería Brandon Stark. And I would still be Brandon Stark. 143 00:11:39,215 --> 00:11:42,029 ¿Tu no eres...? No. - You're not? BRAN: No. 144 00:11:42,049 --> 00:11:44,362 Soy algo más ahora. I'm something else now. 145 00:11:44,382 --> 00:11:45,571 [Sonido de cuervos] [RAVEN CAWS] 146 00:11:45,591 --> 00:11:48,257 ¿No estás enojado conmigo? You're not angry at me. 147 00:11:48,382 --> 00:11:49,904 No estoy enojado con nadie. I'm not angry at anyone. 148 00:11:49,924 --> 00:11:51,987 ¿Por qué no se lo has dicho? Why didn't you tell them? 149 00:11:52,007 --> 00:11:54,654 Usted no podría ayudarnos en esta lucha You won't be able to help us in this fight 150 00:11:54,674 --> 00:11:57,257 si les permito que le maten primero. if I let them murder you first. 151 00:12:01,174 --> 00:12:03,070 ¿Qué va a ser después? What about afterwards? 152 00:12:03,090 --> 00:12:06,237 ¿Cómo se sabe que hay un después? How do you know there is an afterwards? 153 00:12:06,257 --> 00:12:09,257 [] [] 154 00:12:10,507 --> 00:12:13,591 [Conversaciones al fondo] [MEN CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] 155 00:12:16,799 --> 00:12:18,965 SOLDADO 1:El siguiente. SOLDIER 1: Next up. 156 00:12:23,924 --> 00:12:27,613 SOLDADO 2:¡Coloque un marcador en el suelo! SOLDIER 2: Put a marker in the ground! 157 00:12:27,633 --> 00:12:29,987 ¡Llevarlo hasta la pared! Bring it up to the wall! 158 00:12:30,007 --> 00:12:31,904 SOLDADO 3:Hasta la pared. Todo bien. SOLDIER 3: Up to the wall. All right. 159 00:12:31,924 --> 00:12:35,529 SOLDADO 4:De acuerdo. SOLDADO 3:De acuerdo. SOLDIER 4: All right. SOLDIER 3: All right. 160 00:12:35,549 --> 00:12:38,404 TYRION:Bueno, aquí estamos. TYRION: Well, here we are. 161 00:12:38,424 --> 00:12:39,987 Sí, aquí estamos. Yes, here we are. 162 00:12:40,007 --> 00:12:41,487 Juntos de nuevo. Together again. 163 00:12:41,507 --> 00:12:43,154 [MAN aclara la garganta] [MAN CLEARS THROAT] 164 00:12:43,174 --> 00:12:44,987 [Escupe] [SPITS] 165 00:12:45,007 --> 00:12:47,965 Y las masas gozan. And the masses rejoice. 166 00:12:48,674 --> 00:12:50,945 ¿Cómo se sienten con su nueva reina? How do they feel about their new Queen? 167 00:12:50,965 --> 00:12:53,507 Ella es su nueva reina también. She's your new Queen too. 168 00:12:54,799 --> 00:12:56,154 Ellos recuerdan lo que pasó They remember what happened 169 00:12:56,174 --> 00:12:59,446 la última vez Targaryen trajo dragones al norte. the last time Targaryens brought dragons north. 170 00:12:59,466 --> 00:13:00,654 Ellos se acercarán They'll come around 171 00:13:00,674 --> 00:13:02,487 una vez que vean que Daenerys es diferente. once they see Daenerys is different. 172 00:13:02,507 --> 00:13:04,945 ¿Y ella es... diferente? And she is? Different? 173 00:13:04,965 --> 00:13:06,321 TYRION:Lo es. TYRION: She is. 174 00:13:06,341 --> 00:13:08,571 ¿Estás seguro que ella lo es? Lo estoy. - You're sure about her? - I am. 175 00:13:08,591 --> 00:13:11,154 Ella no lo parecía estar de ti. She didn't seem sure about you. 176 00:13:11,174 --> 00:13:13,154 Es difícil culparla. It's hard to blame her. 177 00:13:13,174 --> 00:13:15,195 He cometido un error común de las personas inteligentes. I made a mistake common to clever people. 178 00:13:15,215 --> 00:13:18,237 - Subestimé a mis oponentes. - Hmm. - I underestimated my opponents. - Hmm. 179 00:13:18,257 --> 00:13:21,571 Cersei me dijo que el embarazo la había cambiado. Cersei told me the pregnancy had changed her. 180 00:13:21,591 --> 00:13:23,529 Una oportunidad para los dos para empezar de nuevo. A chance for you both to start again. 181 00:13:23,549 --> 00:13:24,904 Y yo le creí. And I believed her. 182 00:13:24,924 --> 00:13:26,654 [MAN:Esa cosa puede ir en el extremo]. MAN: That stuff can go on the end. 183 00:13:26,674 --> 00:13:30,341 ¿Estaba mintiendo sobre el bebé también? Was she lying about the baby too? 184 00:13:31,007 --> 00:13:34,007 No, esa parte es real. No, that part is real. 185 00:13:36,466 --> 00:13:40,070 Ella siempre ha sido buena en el uso de la verdad y decir mentiras. She's always been good at using the truth to tell lies. 186 00:13:40,090 --> 00:13:41,987 Yo no sería demasiado duro. I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. 187 00:13:42,007 --> 00:13:43,696 Ella me ha engañado más que nadie. She's fooled me more than anybody. 188 00:13:43,716 --> 00:13:45,945 [NIÑO:No, así está bien]. CHILD: No, he's right there. 189 00:13:45,965 --> 00:13:47,696 ¿Qué? What? 190 00:13:47,716 --> 00:13:50,195 Ella nunca te engañó. She never fooled you. 191 00:13:50,215 --> 00:13:52,945 Tú siempre supiste lo que era, You always knew exactly what she was, 192 00:13:52,965 --> 00:13:55,382 y la amabas de todos modos. and you loved her anyway. 193 00:13:56,215 --> 00:13:59,341 [PERSONAS conversaciones] [PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] 194 00:14:05,883 --> 00:14:06,987 Así que... So... 195 00:14:07,007 --> 00:14:08,237 [caballo relincha] [HORSE NEIGHS] 196 00:14:08,257 --> 00:14:12,591 Vamos a morir en Invernalia. ...we're going to die at Winterfell. 197 00:14:13,090 --> 00:14:16,591 No es la muerte que habría elegido. Not the death I would've chosen. 198 00:14:16,758 --> 00:14:18,362 Siempre imaginé I always pictured myself 199 00:14:18,382 --> 00:14:20,321 morir en mi propia cama, dying in my own bed, 200 00:14:20,341 --> 00:14:21,779 a la edad de 80, the age of 80, 201 00:14:21,799 --> 00:14:24,487 con la barriga llena de vino y ambos: La boca de una niña with a belly full of wine and BOTH: ...a girl's mouth 202 00:14:24,507 --> 00:14:28,758 - alrededor de tu pene. - Alrededor de mi pene. - around your cock. - around my cock. 203 00:14:31,257 --> 00:14:33,154 Al menos Cersei no llegará a asesinarme. At least Cersei won't get to murder me. 204 00:14:33,174 --> 00:14:35,779 Estoy seguro de que voy a sentir cierta satisfacción I'm sure I'll feel some satisfaction 205 00:14:35,799 --> 00:14:37,321 negándole a ella el placer denying her that pleasure 206 00:14:37,341 --> 00:14:40,404 mientras soy destrozado por los muertos. while I'm being ripped apart by dead men. 207 00:14:40,424 --> 00:14:43,424 [Personas discutiendo] [PEOPLE ARGUING] 208 00:14:43,591 --> 00:14:46,424 Tal vez después de mi muerte... Maybe after I'm dead... 209 00:14:46,549 --> 00:14:48,321 Voy a ir a 'Desembarco del Rey' I'll march down to King's Landing 210 00:14:48,341 --> 00:14:49,696 y desgarrarla aparte. and rip her apart. 211 00:14:49,716 --> 00:14:51,696 HOMBRE:Verás al Ejército de los Muertos. MAN: You will see the Army of the Dead. 212 00:14:51,716 --> 00:14:54,799 [PERSONAS conversaciones] [PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] 213 00:15:03,007 --> 00:15:05,007 HOMBRE:Bueno. MAN: Good. 214 00:15:07,841 --> 00:15:10,132 [Gruñidos] [MAN GRUNTING] 215 00:15:10,924 --> 00:15:13,924 [Cascos] [HOOFBEATS POUNDING] 216 00:15:15,674 --> 00:15:17,965 [Golpes] [THUDS] 217 00:15:21,341 --> 00:15:23,571 [Podrick:Bién. Sí.] PODRICK: Good. Yes, aim. 218 00:15:23,591 --> 00:15:26,090 [Gruñidos] [BOTH GRUNT] 219 00:15:26,883 --> 00:15:28,154 No se precipite. Don't rush. 220 00:15:28,174 --> 00:15:30,174 Ven... Come forward. 221 00:15:31,090 --> 00:15:32,987 - Vamos. - Ser Jaime. - Come on. - Ser Jaime. 222 00:15:33,007 --> 00:15:35,674 Señora Brienne. Lady Brienne. 223 00:15:39,424 --> 00:15:42,154 [Sonido de Espadas] [SWORDS CLASHING] 224 00:15:42,174 --> 00:15:45,487 - Ha avanzado mucho. - El esta bien. - He's come a long way. - He's all right. 225 00:15:45,507 --> 00:15:47,112 [Podrick:Una vez más. Venga.] [PODRICK: One more time. Come on] 226 00:15:47,132 --> 00:15:50,487 - Todavía tiene mucho que aprender. - Estoy seguro de que lo enseñaste. - Still has a lot to learn. - I'm sure you'll teach him. 227 00:15:50,507 --> 00:15:51,779 [Podrick:Mejor, mejor.] [PODRICK: Better, better.] 228 00:15:51,799 --> 00:15:54,321 Me han dicho que estás al mando del flanco izquierdo. I've been told you're commanding the left flank. 229 00:15:54,341 --> 00:15:55,738 Lo estoy. I am. 230 00:15:55,758 --> 00:15:58,571 Es, eh... Es buena tierra. It's, uh... It's good ground. 231 00:15:58,591 --> 00:16:00,279 Es. It is. 232 00:16:00,299 --> 00:16:03,154 La altura, debería darnos alguna ventaja. The rise, it should give us some advantage. 233 00:16:03,174 --> 00:16:04,779 Si podemos mantener una formación cerrada, If we can keep a tight formation, 234 00:16:04,799 --> 00:16:06,904 podríamos ser capaces de vencer de nuevo. we might be able to beat them back. 235 00:16:06,924 --> 00:16:09,195 [Suspirando] Sí, creo que tienes razón. [SIGHING] Yes, I think you're right. 236 00:16:09,215 --> 00:16:11,029 ¿Qué estás haciendo? ¿Qué? - What are you doing? - What? 237 00:16:11,049 --> 00:16:13,779 - Creo que usted sabe. - Sinceramente, no. - I think you know. - I truly don't. 238 00:16:13,799 --> 00:16:16,112 Nunca hemos tenido una conversación tan larga We have never had a conversation last this long 239 00:16:16,132 --> 00:16:17,904 sin que me insultaras. Ni una sola vez. without you insulting me. Not once. 240 00:16:17,924 --> 00:16:19,070 ¿Quieres que te insulte? You want me to insult you? 241 00:16:19,090 --> 00:16:22,215 ¡No! Bueno. - No! - Good. 242 00:16:27,049 --> 00:16:30,215 Vine a Invernalia porque... I came to Winterfell because... 243 00:16:34,257 --> 00:16:36,446 No soy el luchador que solía ser. I'm not the fighter I used to be. 244 00:16:36,466 --> 00:16:38,237 [] [] 245 00:16:38,257 --> 00:16:40,863 Pero estaría honrado de servir bajo tu mando, But I'd be honored to serve under your command, 246 00:16:40,883 --> 00:16:43,257 si me permites. if you'll have me. 247 00:16:51,507 --> 00:16:54,049 Será mejor que vuelva. I better get back. 248 00:17:09,424 --> 00:17:11,924 [LA PUERTA SE ABRE] [DOOR OPENS] 249 00:17:14,090 --> 00:17:15,654 Johria:Perdóname, Khaleesi. JORAH: Forgive me, khaleesi. 250 00:17:15,674 --> 00:17:17,758 [LA PUERTA SE CIERRA] [DOOR CLOSES] 251 00:17:17,965 --> 00:17:20,404 ¿Ha hecho algo para ofenderme? Have you done something to offend me? 252 00:17:20,424 --> 00:17:21,613 Jorah:Muchas cosas. JORAH: Many things. 253 00:17:21,633 --> 00:17:23,987 Hace mucho, mucho y perdonado. Long ago and long forgiven. 254 00:17:24,007 --> 00:17:26,529 Pero lo hizo perdonar, But you did forgive, 255 00:17:26,549 --> 00:17:29,090 a pesar de mis fracasos. despite my failures. 256 00:17:30,633 --> 00:17:35,007 Cuando oí que nombró a Tyrion su 'Mano', When I heard you'd named Tyrion your 'Hand', 257 00:17:35,299 --> 00:17:37,279 se me rompió el corazón. it broke my heart. 258 00:17:37,299 --> 00:17:39,029 Cuando le puse la 'Mano', When I named him 'Hand', 259 00:17:39,049 --> 00:17:41,945 No sabía si alguna vez volvería a verte. I didn't know if I'd ever see you again. 260 00:17:41,965 --> 00:17:43,904 Hiciste lo correcto. You made the right choice. 261 00:17:43,924 --> 00:17:46,779 No estaba bajo la impresión de que te gustara mucho. I wasn't under the impression you liked him very much. 262 00:17:46,799 --> 00:17:48,112 No me gustó. I didn't. 263 00:17:48,132 --> 00:17:49,654 Su boca casi no dejó de moverse His mouth hardly stopped moving 264 00:17:49,674 --> 00:17:51,195 entre Volantis y Meereen. between Volantis and Meereen. 265 00:17:51,215 --> 00:17:53,904 Era todo lo que podía hacer para no tirarlo al mar. It was all I could do not to throw him in the sea. 266 00:17:53,924 --> 00:17:56,132 [CHUCKLES] [CHUCKLES] 267 00:17:57,591 --> 00:18:02,507 Pero la mente detrás de todas esas palabras... But the mind behind all those words... 268 00:18:02,716 --> 00:18:04,779 Cometió errores. He's made mistakes. 269 00:18:04,799 --> 00:18:07,257 Errores graves. Serious mistakes. 270 00:18:08,132 --> 00:18:10,299 Como lo cometemos todos. As have we all. 271 00:18:11,007 --> 00:18:13,382 Él los asume He owns his 272 00:18:13,466 --> 00:18:15,716 y aprende de ellos. and learns from them. 273 00:18:16,007 --> 00:18:17,904 Me estás aconsejando que perdone al hombre You're advising me to forgive the man 274 00:18:17,924 --> 00:18:20,174 que robó tu posición? who stole your position? 275 00:18:20,758 --> 00:18:22,841 Sí. I am. 276 00:18:23,215 --> 00:18:25,070 Y otra sugerencia, And one other suggestion, 277 00:18:25,090 --> 00:18:27,487 si me lo permites. if you'll allow me. 278 00:18:27,507 --> 00:18:30,029 ROYCE:En el momento en que tengamos el último soldado de infantería ROYCE: The moment we can get the last infantryman 279 00:18:30,049 --> 00:18:32,571 en el recinto, hay que sellar las puertas. out onto the field, we should shut the gates. 280 00:18:32,591 --> 00:18:34,738 SANSA:Mantenerlas abiertas durante todo el tiempo que sepueda. SANSA: Keep them open for as long as you can. 281 00:18:34,758 --> 00:18:38,674 Todavía hay gente que viene del campo. There are still people coming in from the countryside. 282 00:18:43,341 --> 00:18:47,965 Señora Sansa, esperaba que pudiéramos hablar a solas. Lady Sansa, I was hoping we could speak alone. 283 00:19:04,007 --> 00:19:05,237 Pensaba que tú y yo I thought you and I 284 00:19:05,257 --> 00:19:07,237 estábamos de acuerdo antes. were on the verge of agreement before. 285 00:19:07,257 --> 00:19:09,257 Acerca de Ser Jaime. About Ser Jaime. 286 00:19:10,299 --> 00:19:13,863 Brienne ha sido leal conmigo, siempre. Brienne has been loyal to me, always. 287 00:19:13,883 --> 00:19:16,195 Confío en ella más que nadie. I trust her more than anyone. 288 00:19:16,215 --> 00:19:20,237 Me gustaría poder tener esa clase de fe en mis asesores. I wish I could have that kind of faith in my advisors. 289 00:19:20,257 --> 00:19:22,529 Tyrion es un buen hombre. Tyrion is a good man. 290 00:19:22,549 --> 00:19:25,279 Siempre fue decente hacia mí. He was never anything but decent towards me. 291 00:19:25,299 --> 00:19:29,404 No le pedí que sea mi 'Mano', simplemente porque era bueno. I didn't ask him to be my Hand simply because he was good. 292 00:19:29,424 --> 00:19:31,362 Se lo pedí I asked him to be my Hand 293 00:19:31,382 --> 00:19:34,362 porque era bueno, e inteligente, because he was good, and intelligent, 294 00:19:34,382 --> 00:19:37,758 y despiadado cuando tuviera que serlo. and ruthless when he had to be. 295 00:19:38,215 --> 00:19:41,090 Él nunca debería haber confiado Cersei. He never should have trusted Cersei. 296 00:19:41,174 --> 00:19:44,257 Tú tampoco. You never should have either. 297 00:19:46,758 --> 00:19:49,466 Pensé que conocía a su hermana. I thought he knew his sister. 298 00:19:50,299 --> 00:19:53,090 Las familias son complicadas. Families are complicated. 299 00:19:53,466 --> 00:19:56,382 Las nuestras lo han sido sin duda. Ours certainly have been. 300 00:19:57,341 --> 00:20:00,633 SANSA:Una cosa triste que tienen en común. SANSA: A sad thing to have in common. 301 00:20:01,633 --> 00:20:03,738 DAENERYS:Tenemos otras cosas en común. DAENERYS: We have other things in common. 302 00:20:03,758 --> 00:20:05,904 Los dos hemos sabido lo que significa llevar a la gente We've both known what it means to lead people 303 00:20:05,924 --> 00:20:09,362 que no están dispuestos a aceptar el dominio de una mujer. who aren't inclined to accept a woman's rule. 304 00:20:09,382 --> 00:20:11,571 Y los dos hemos hecho un trabajo muy bueno con eso, And we've both done a damn good job of it, 305 00:20:11,591 --> 00:20:14,299 por lo que puedo decir. from what I can tell. 306 00:20:15,507 --> 00:20:21,738 Y, sin embargo, no puedo evitar sentir que estamos en desacuerdo unos con otros. And yet, I can't help but feel we're at odds with one another. 307 00:20:21,758 --> 00:20:23,841 ¿Por qué es eso? Why is that? 308 00:20:27,299 --> 00:20:29,299 Su hermano. Your brother. 309 00:20:31,633 --> 00:20:34,424 Él te ama, lo sabes. He loves you, you know that. 310 00:20:35,090 --> 00:20:36,321 Eso te molesta. That bothers you. 311 00:20:36,341 --> 00:20:39,945 Los hombres hacen cosas estúpidas por las mujeres. Men do stupid things for women. 312 00:20:39,965 --> 00:20:43,007 Son fáciles de manipular. They're easily manipulated. 313 00:20:45,299 --> 00:20:47,945 Toda mi vida, he conocido un solo objetivo: All my life, I've known one goal: 314 00:20:47,965 --> 00:20:50,404 El 'Trono de Hierro'. the 'Iron Throne'. 315 00:20:50,424 --> 00:20:51,945 Recuperándolo de nuevo de la gente Taking it back from the people 316 00:20:51,965 --> 00:20:55,070 que destruyó a mi familia, y casi destruyó la tuya. who destroyed my family, and almost destroyed yours. 317 00:20:55,090 --> 00:20:58,633 Mi guerra fue contra ellos. My war was against them. 318 00:20:59,841 --> 00:21:02,299 Hasta que conocí a Jon. Until I met Jon. 319 00:21:03,466 --> 00:21:06,112 Ahora estoy aquí, a medio mundo de distancia, Now I'm here, half a world away, 320 00:21:06,132 --> 00:21:08,654 luchando la guerra de Jon, junto a él. fighting Jon's war alongside him. 321 00:21:08,674 --> 00:21:12,841 Dime, ¿Quién manipula a quién? Tell me, who manipulated whom? 322 00:21:15,716 --> 00:21:17,883 [Burla] [SCOFFS] 323 00:21:19,549 --> 00:21:24,945 Debería haberte agradecido el momento en que llegásteis. I should have thanked you the moment you arrived. 324 00:21:24,965 --> 00:21:27,341 Eso fue un error. That was a mistake. 325 00:21:29,174 --> 00:21:32,299 Estoy aquí porque me gusta tu hermano... I'm here because I love your brother... 326 00:21:32,965 --> 00:21:35,070 y confío en él... and I trust him... 327 00:21:35,090 --> 00:21:38,362 y sé que es fiel a su palabra. and I know he's true to his word. 328 00:21:38,382 --> 00:21:40,154 El es el segundo hombre en mi vida. He's only the second man in my life 329 00:21:40,174 --> 00:21:42,758 Eso es lo que puedo decir. I can say that about. 330 00:21:43,549 --> 00:21:44,863 ¿Quién fue el primero? Who was the first? 331 00:21:44,883 --> 00:21:46,696 Alguien mucho mas grande. Someone taller. 332 00:21:46,716 --> 00:21:49,424 [Ríen] [BOTH CHUCKLE] 333 00:21:51,883 --> 00:21:55,174 Y. ¿Después? And what happens afterwards? 334 00:21:55,674 --> 00:22:00,279 Derrotamos a los muertos, destruimos Cersei. We defeat the dead, we destroy Cersei. 335 00:22:00,299 --> 00:22:02,716 ¿Qué pasa entonces? What happens then? 336 00:22:03,299 --> 00:22:04,945 Tomo el Trono de Hierro. I take the Iron Throne. 337 00:22:04,965 --> 00:22:07,821 [] [] 338 00:22:07,841 --> 00:22:10,090 ¿Qué hay del Norte? What about the North? 339 00:22:10,382 --> 00:22:12,362 Fué tomado por nosotros, It was taken from us, 340 00:22:12,382 --> 00:22:14,154 y devuelto. and we took it back. 341 00:22:14,174 --> 00:22:17,863 Y dijimos que nunca más nos inclinaríamos ante nadie más. And we said we'd never bow to anyone else again. 342 00:22:17,883 --> 00:22:20,424 ¿Qué hay del Norte? What about the North? 343 00:22:26,758 --> 00:22:29,738 WoLKaN:Disculpas, mi señora. Excelencia... WOLKAN: Apologies, my lady. Your Grace... 344 00:22:29,758 --> 00:22:32,424 ¿Qué es? What is it? 345 00:22:39,257 --> 00:22:42,257 [] [] 346 00:22:53,174 --> 00:22:54,945 THEON:Mi Reina. THEON: My Queen. 347 00:22:54,965 --> 00:22:56,362 ¿Tu hermana? Your sister? 348 00:22:56,382 --> 00:22:58,404 Ella solo tiene unos pocos barcos, She only has a few ships, 349 00:22:58,424 --> 00:22:59,945 y no podía navegar aquí. and she couldn't sail them here. 350 00:22:59,965 --> 00:23:03,070 Así que, en vez de eso, está navegando hacia las Islas del Hierro So she's sailing to the Iron Islands instead, 351 00:23:03,090 --> 00:23:04,987 para llevarlos de vuelta a su nombre. to take them back in your name. 352 00:23:05,007 --> 00:23:07,466 Pero. ¿Por qué no estás con ella? But why aren't you with her? 353 00:23:12,924 --> 00:23:16,591 Quiero luchar por Invernalia, Lady Sansa... I want to fight for Winterfell, Lady Sansa... 354 00:23:17,591 --> 00:23:20,341 si me aceptas. if you'll have me. 355 00:23:21,257 --> 00:23:24,257 [] [] 356 00:23:37,132 --> 00:23:40,257 [PERSONAS conversaciones] [PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] 357 00:23:49,633 --> 00:23:51,195 Milord, no somos soldados. Milord, we're not soldiers. 358 00:23:51,215 --> 00:23:53,507 Ahora sí. You are now. 359 00:23:56,841 --> 00:23:59,487 Mira:Lo hice la mayor parte de mi vida Look, I made it through most of my years 360 00:23:59,507 --> 00:24:01,404 sin estar nunca cerca de una pelea, without ever getting near a fight, 361 00:24:01,424 --> 00:24:03,863 pero luego sobreviví a la batalla de los Bastardos. but then I survived the Battle of the Bastards. 362 00:24:03,883 --> 00:24:05,446 Justo fuera de estas paredes. Right outside these walls. 363 00:24:05,466 --> 00:24:10,404 Si pude vivir a través de eso, tú podrás sobrevivir a esto. If I can live through that, you can live through this. 364 00:24:10,424 --> 00:24:13,321 Te van a equipar con armas en la forja. They'll outfit you with weapons at the forge. 365 00:24:13,341 --> 00:24:15,341 Sigue ese camino. Right that way. 366 00:24:16,174 --> 00:24:18,382 Gracias. Thank you. 367 00:24:19,132 --> 00:24:21,738 GILLY:Cuando llegue el momento, bajarás abajo a las Criptas. GILLY: When the time comes, you'll be down in the crypts. 368 00:24:21,758 --> 00:24:23,321 Son el lugar más seguro para estar. They're the safest place to be. 369 00:24:23,341 --> 00:24:26,154 A través de ese arco justo allí. Through that archway right over there. 370 00:24:26,174 --> 00:24:28,174 Gracias. Thank you. 371 00:24:29,841 --> 00:24:32,321 [MUJER 1:Oye, oye, ¿Quién sigue, muchachos?] WOMAN 1: Hey, hey, who's next, lads? 372 00:24:32,341 --> 00:24:35,571 [MUJER 2:Gracias, señor. ¡Vuelve!] WOMAN 2: Thank you, sir. Come back! 373 00:24:35,591 --> 00:24:38,382 Teela:¿Qué camino debo seguir? TEELA: Which way should I go? 374 00:24:40,382 --> 00:24:42,321 [] [] 375 00:24:42,341 --> 00:24:44,529 ¿Por qué camino quieres ir? Which way do you want to go? 376 00:24:44,549 --> 00:24:46,863 Todos los niños van a ir abajo. All the children will be going below 377 00:24:46,883 --> 00:24:49,195 Cuando llegue el momento. when the time comes. 378 00:24:49,215 --> 00:24:52,716 Pero ambos de mis hermanos eran soldados. But both me brothers were soldiers. 379 00:24:53,674 --> 00:24:56,883 Yo quiero luchar también. I want to fight too. 380 00:25:00,382 --> 00:25:02,362 Me alegra oír eso. That's good to hear. 381 00:25:02,382 --> 00:25:04,362 Voy a estar en la Cripta con mi hijo, I'm going to be in the crypt with my son, 382 00:25:04,382 --> 00:25:06,571 y me siento mucho mejor contigo allí and I'd feel a lot better with you down there 383 00:25:06,591 --> 00:25:11,965 - para protegernos. - Estoy seguro de que mucha gente lo haría. - to protect us. - I'm sure a lot of people would. 384 00:25:15,633 --> 00:25:19,090 Todo bien. Defenderé la Cripta, entonces. All right. I'll defend the crypt, then. 385 00:25:28,424 --> 00:25:29,404 [HORN blares] [HORN BLARES] 386 00:25:29,424 --> 00:25:32,049 [MAN:¡Se acercan Jinetes!] MAN: Riders coming in! 387 00:25:41,007 --> 00:25:43,965 [] [] 388 00:25:51,883 --> 00:25:54,174 [RONCOS] [GRUNTS] 389 00:25:54,215 --> 00:25:56,279 [CHUCKLES] Mi pequeño cuervo. [CHUCKLES] My little crow. 390 00:25:56,299 --> 00:25:58,507 Pensé que te habíamos perdido. I thought we'd lost you. 391 00:25:58,549 --> 00:26:00,965 Tormund:Casi. TORMUND: Almost. 392 00:26:04,965 --> 00:26:07,799 MAN:Póngalos en los establos. MAN: Put them in the stables. 393 00:26:10,049 --> 00:26:11,613 ¿Cómo se han encontrado el uno con el otro? How did you find each other? 394 00:26:11,633 --> 00:26:13,654 Nos encontramos en 'Last Hearth' (El Ultimo Hogar). We met up at the 'Last Hearth'. 395 00:26:13,674 --> 00:26:16,507 Los muertos llegaron primero. The dead got there first. 396 00:26:19,758 --> 00:26:20,945 Y ¿'Los Umbers'? The Umbers? 397 00:26:20,965 --> 00:26:23,965 Ahora, luchando por el 'Rey de la Noche'. Fighting for the Night King now. 398 00:26:24,299 --> 00:26:26,779 Tuvimos que viajar alrededor de ellos para llegar hasta aquí. We had to travel around them to get here. 399 00:26:26,799 --> 00:26:29,446 El que no está aquí ahora Whoever's not here now 400 00:26:29,466 --> 00:26:30,738 está con ellos. is with them. 401 00:26:30,758 --> 00:26:33,654 ¿Cuánto tiempo tenemos? How long do we have? 402 00:26:33,674 --> 00:26:37,382 Antes de que salga el sol mañana. Before the sun comes up tomorrow. 403 00:26:42,466 --> 00:26:45,279 ¿La mujer grande sigue todavía aquí? The big woman still here? 404 00:26:45,299 --> 00:26:47,654 [] [] 405 00:26:47,674 --> 00:26:49,821 JON:Están viniendo. JON: They're coming. 406 00:26:49,841 --> 00:26:50,904 MAN:Siguiente. MAN: Next. 407 00:26:50,924 --> 00:26:52,987 JON:Tenemos vidriagón JON: We have dragonglass 408 00:26:53,007 --> 00:26:55,195 y el acero valyriano. and Valyrian steel. 409 00:26:55,215 --> 00:26:58,174 [Hombres gritan indistintamente] [MAN SHOUTS INDISTINCTLY] 410 00:26:59,341 --> 00:27:02,215 JON:Pero hay demasiados de ellos. JON: But there are too many of them. 411 00:27:02,424 --> 00:27:03,654 Demasiados. Far too many. 412 00:27:03,674 --> 00:27:05,654 [caballo relincha] [HORSE NEIGHS] 413 00:27:05,674 --> 00:27:08,507 Nuestro enemigo no se cansa. Our enemy doesn't tire. 414 00:27:09,758 --> 00:27:11,841 No se detiene. Doesn't stop. 415 00:27:12,549 --> 00:27:14,549 No siente. Doesn't feel. 416 00:27:14,965 --> 00:27:18,112 No podemos ganarles en una lucha directa. We can't beat them in a straight fight. 417 00:27:18,132 --> 00:27:20,674 JAIME:Entonces, ¿Qué podemos hacer? JAIME: So, what can we do? 418 00:27:21,382 --> 00:27:25,613 El 'Rey la Noche' los hizo a todos. Siguen su mando. The Night King made them all. They follow his command. 419 00:27:25,633 --> 00:27:27,758 Si él cae... If he falls... 420 00:27:28,382 --> 00:27:30,237 Llegar a él puede ser nuestra mejor oportunidad. Getting to him may be our best chance. 421 00:27:30,257 --> 00:27:33,821 Si eso es cierto, nunca va a exponerse. If that's true, he'll never expose himself. 422 00:27:33,841 --> 00:27:35,924 BRAN:Sí, lo hará. BRAN: Yes, he will. 423 00:27:36,215 --> 00:27:38,758 El vendrá por mí. He'll come for me. 424 00:27:39,424 --> 00:27:44,279 Se ha intentado antes, muchas veces, con muchos 'Cuervos de trés ojos' He's tried before, many times, with many Three-Eyed Ravens. 425 00:27:44,299 --> 00:27:46,299 ¿Por qué? Why? 426 00:27:46,507 --> 00:27:47,613 ¿Qué es lo que quiere? What does he want? 427 00:27:47,633 --> 00:27:50,215 Una noche sin fin. An endless night. 428 00:27:50,841 --> 00:27:54,863 Quiere borrar este mundo, y yo soy su memoria. He wants to erase this world, and I am its memory. 429 00:27:54,883 --> 00:27:59,090 Samwell:Eso es lo que es la muerte, ¿Verdad? SAMWELL: That's what death is, isn't it? 430 00:27:59,132 --> 00:28:01,257 Olvidar. Forgetting. 431 00:28:02,965 --> 00:28:05,215 Caer en el olvido. Being forgotten. 432 00:28:05,257 --> 00:28:06,821 Si nos olvidamos de lo que hemos sido If we forget where we've been 433 00:28:06,841 --> 00:28:07,945 y lo que hemos hecho, and what we've done, 434 00:28:07,965 --> 00:28:10,633 no seríamos hombres nunca más. we're not men anymore. 435 00:28:10,674 --> 00:28:12,571 Sólo animales. Just animals. 436 00:28:12,591 --> 00:28:15,424 Sus recuerdos no provienen de los libros. Your memories don't come from books. 437 00:28:15,591 --> 00:28:17,654 Sus historias no son solo historias. Your stories aren't just stories. 438 00:28:17,674 --> 00:28:20,237 Si quisiera borrar el mundo de los hombres, If I wanted to erase the world of men, 439 00:28:20,257 --> 00:28:22,382 Yo empezaría contigo. I'd start with you. 440 00:28:22,424 --> 00:28:23,529 ¿Cómo te va a encontrar? How will he find you? 441 00:28:23,549 --> 00:28:26,424 Su marca está en mí. His mark is on me. 442 00:28:26,965 --> 00:28:29,029 Siempre sabe dónde estoy. He always knows where I am. 443 00:28:29,049 --> 00:28:30,613 JON:Te pondremos en la Cripta, JON: We'll put you in the crypt, 444 00:28:30,633 --> 00:28:32,945 donde es más seguro. BRAN:No. - where it's safest. BRAN: No. 445 00:28:32,965 --> 00:28:34,613 Debemos atraerlo a la intemperie We need to lure him into the open 446 00:28:34,633 --> 00:28:36,446 antes que su ejército nos destruya. before his army destroys us all. 447 00:28:36,466 --> 00:28:38,446 Voy a esperarlo en el 'Bosque de los Dioses'. I'll wait for him in the Godswood. 448 00:28:38,466 --> 00:28:40,404 SANSA:¿Tú quieres que te usemos como cebo? SANSA: You want us to use you as bait? 449 00:28:40,424 --> 00:28:42,279 No vamos a dejarte solo allí. We're not leaving you alone out there. 450 00:28:42,299 --> 00:28:45,007 Él no lo estará. Yo me quedo con él. He won't be. I'll stay with him. 451 00:28:45,174 --> 00:28:47,633 Con 'El Hijo del Hierro'. With the Ironborn. 452 00:28:49,507 --> 00:28:51,987 Tomé este castillo de usted. I took this castle from you. 453 00:28:52,007 --> 00:28:54,633 Permíteme que te defienda ahora. Let me defend you now. 454 00:29:02,215 --> 00:29:05,279 Retendremos al resto de ellos todo el tiempo que podamos. We'll hold off the rest of them for as long as we can. 455 00:29:05,299 --> 00:29:06,613 TYRION:Cuando llegue el momento, TYRION: When the time comes, 456 00:29:06,633 --> 00:29:08,446 Ser Davos y yo estaremos en las paredes, Ser Davos and I will be on the walls, 457 00:29:08,466 --> 00:29:10,581 para darle la señal de encender la zanja. to give you the signal to light the trench. 458 00:29:10,601 --> 00:29:14,112 Ser Davos es perfectamente capaz de agitar una antorcha en su propia. Ser Davos is perfectly capable of waving a torch on his own. 459 00:29:14,132 --> 00:29:16,404 Usted estará en la Cripta. You'll be in the crypt. 460 00:29:16,424 --> 00:29:18,321 Excelencia, he luchado antes, Your Grace, I have fought before, 461 00:29:18,341 --> 00:29:19,487 Puedo hacerlo otra vez. I can do it again. 462 00:29:19,507 --> 00:29:21,070 Junto a los hombres y mujeres Alongside the men and women 463 00:29:21,090 --> 00:29:22,112 arriesgando sus vidas. risking their lives. 464 00:29:22,132 --> 00:29:23,821 Hay miles de ellos There are thousands of them 465 00:29:23,841 --> 00:29:25,487 y sólo uno como usted. and only one of you. 466 00:29:25,507 --> 00:29:27,195 Tú no puedes luchar como ellos You can't fight as well as they can, 467 00:29:27,215 --> 00:29:29,821 pero se puedes pensar mejor que cualquiera de ellos. but you can think better than any of them. 468 00:29:29,841 --> 00:29:32,321 Estás aquí por su mente. You're here because of your mind. 469 00:29:32,341 --> 00:29:35,132 Si sobrevivimos, te necesitaré. If we survive, I'll need it. 470 00:29:37,257 --> 00:29:39,987 Los dragones nos deberían de dar una ventaja en el campo. The dragons should give us an edge in the field. 471 00:29:40,007 --> 00:29:43,613 Si están en el campo, no están protegiendo a Bran. If they're in the field, they're not protecting Bran. 472 00:29:43,633 --> 00:29:45,154 Tenemos que estar cerca de él. We need to be near him. 473 00:29:45,174 --> 00:29:46,112 No demasiado cerca, Not too near, 474 00:29:46,132 --> 00:29:47,487 o el Rey noche no vendrá. or the Night King won't come. 475 00:29:47,507 --> 00:29:49,779 Pero lo suficientemente cerca para perseguirlo cuando lo haga. But close enough to pursue him when he does. 476 00:29:49,799 --> 00:29:51,821 El fuego de dragón ¿Lo detendrá? Dragonfire will stop him? 477 00:29:51,841 --> 00:29:53,613 No lo sé. I don't know. 478 00:29:53,633 --> 00:29:56,215 Nadie lo ha intentado. No one's ever tried. 479 00:30:01,716 --> 00:30:04,549 Todos vamos a morir. We're all going to die. 480 00:30:05,883 --> 00:30:09,341 Pero, al menos, moriremos juntos. But at least we die together. 481 00:30:12,049 --> 00:30:14,716 Vamos a descansar un poco. Let's get some rest. 482 00:30:22,507 --> 00:30:24,507 Excelencia. Your Grace. 483 00:30:35,549 --> 00:30:37,716 [LA PUERTA SE CIERRA] [DOOR CLOSES] 484 00:30:38,716 --> 00:30:40,738 TYRION: ¿Necesita ayuda? TYRION: Do you need help? 485 00:30:40,758 --> 00:30:43,049 No. No. 486 00:30:43,090 --> 00:30:45,321 Usted ha tenido un extraño viaje. You've had a strange journey. 487 00:30:45,341 --> 00:30:47,716 Más extraño que la mayoría. Stranger than most. 488 00:30:48,883 --> 00:30:51,924 Me gustaría conocerlo. I'd like to hear about it. 489 00:30:53,549 --> 00:30:55,571 Es una larga historia. It's a long story. 490 00:30:55,591 --> 00:30:58,591 Estamos atrapados en un castillo ... If only we were trapped in a castle... 491 00:30:58,924 --> 00:31:02,487 en el medio del invierno, sin ningún lugar a donde ir. in the middle of winter, with nowhere to go. 492 00:31:02,507 --> 00:31:05,591 [conversaciones] [PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] 493 00:31:24,299 --> 00:31:26,424 Missandei: Hola. MISSANDEI: Hello. 494 00:31:45,466 --> 00:31:48,112 WORM GRIS: Cuando Daenerys tenga su trono ... GREY WORM: When Daenerys takes her throne... 495 00:31:48,132 --> 00:31:51,132 no habrá lugar para nosotros aquí. there will be no place for us here. 496 00:31:51,299 --> 00:31:53,738 Soy leal a mi Reina. I am loyal to my Queen. 497 00:31:53,758 --> 00:31:56,863 Voy a luchar por ella hasta que sus enemigos sean derrotados, I will fight for her until her enemies are defeated, 498 00:31:56,883 --> 00:32:01,633 pero cuando la guerra haya terminado y la ganemos ... but when the war is over and she has won... 499 00:32:03,633 --> 00:32:06,529 [WHISPERS] ... ¿Quieres envejecer en este lugar? [WHISPERS] ...do you want to grow old in this place? 500 00:32:06,549 --> 00:32:08,904 [] [] 501 00:32:08,924 --> 00:32:11,654 ¿No hay nada más que quieras hacer?, Is there nothing else you want to do, 502 00:32:11,674 --> 00:32:14,799 ¿tra cosa que quieras ver? nothing else you want to see? 503 00:32:15,883 --> 00:32:18,007 No. Naath. 504 00:32:18,299 --> 00:32:21,841 Me gustaría ver las playas de nuevo. I'd like to see the beaches again. 505 00:32:23,174 --> 00:32:25,279 Entonces, te llevaré allí. Then I will take you there. 506 00:32:25,299 --> 00:32:28,049 Mi gente es pacífica. My people are peaceful. 507 00:32:28,215 --> 00:32:30,779 No podemos protegernos. We cannot protect ourselves. 508 00:32:30,799 --> 00:32:33,779 Mi gente no son pacíficos. My people are not peaceful. 509 00:32:33,799 --> 00:32:36,341 Nosotros os protejeremos We will protect you. 510 00:32:40,132 --> 00:32:41,279 511 00:32:41,299 --> 00:32:43,049 [MEN GRUNT] 511 00:32:41,299 --> 00:32:44,049 [MEN SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY] 512 00:32:47,007 --> 00:32:49,716 HOMBRE: Sí, señor. MAN: Yes, sir. 513 00:32:52,007 --> 00:32:54,883 ¿Todavía no se lo has dicho? Have you told her yet? 514 00:32:57,049 --> 00:32:59,049 No. No. 515 00:32:59,382 --> 00:33:01,549 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. 516 00:33:01,758 --> 00:33:03,924 Continúas siendo cuidadoso. Being careful. 517 00:33:06,215 --> 00:33:08,549 esperando el momento. Biding your time. 518 00:33:09,466 --> 00:33:12,549 A la espera de la solución ... Waiting for the perfect... 519 00:33:23,507 --> 00:33:26,549 Empieza la cuenta atrás. And now our watch begins. 520 00:33:30,215 --> 00:33:32,965 ¿Gilly? ¿El pequeño Sam? Gilly? Little Sam? 521 00:33:33,841 --> 00:33:37,591 Estarán a salvo en la Cripta. They'll be safe down in the crypt. 522 00:33:38,299 --> 00:33:40,758 Si quieres unirte a ellos ... If you want to join them... 523 00:33:44,716 --> 00:33:45,945 Para protegerlos. To protect them. 524 00:33:45,965 --> 00:33:47,613 Todo el mundo parece haber olvidado que yo he sido Everyone seems to forget that I was 525 00:33:47,633 --> 00:33:49,070 el primer hombre en matar a un caminante blanco. the first man to kill a White Walker. 526 00:33:49,090 --> 00:33:51,237 - He matado thenitas. - Thenn. - I've killed Thenns. - Thenn. 527 00:33:51,257 --> 00:33:52,779 He salvado a Gilly más de una vez. I've saved Gilly more than once. 528 00:33:52,799 --> 00:33:54,738 Robé un número considerable de libros I stole a considerable number of books 529 00:33:54,758 --> 00:33:55,987 de la biblioteca de la Ciudadela, from the Citadel library, 530 00:33:56,007 --> 00:33:58,529 sobrevivido al Puño de los Primeros Hombres. survived the Fist of the First Men. 531 00:33:58,549 --> 00:34:00,779 Me necesitas ahí fuera. You need me out there. 532 00:34:00,799 --> 00:34:02,404 Bueno, si eso es lo que ha venido a, Well, if that's what it's come to, 533 00:34:02,424 --> 00:34:04,987 - estamos realmente jodidos. - Bueno, te llama "jodido" - we really are fucked. - Well, calling you "fucked" 534 00:34:05,007 --> 00:34:06,654 No sería del todo exacta. wouldn't be strictly accurate. 535 00:34:06,674 --> 00:34:09,090 [CHUCKLES] [CHUCKLES] 536 00:34:10,424 --> 00:34:12,112 Samwell Tarly. Samwell Tarly. 537 00:34:12,132 --> 00:34:14,779 'Asesino de Caminantes Blancos'. Slayer of White Walkers. 538 00:34:14,799 --> 00:34:17,466 'Amante de Damas'. Lover of Ladies. 539 00:34:17,924 --> 00:34:19,571 Como si necesitáramos más signos de que As if we needed any more signs 540 00:34:19,591 --> 00:34:21,654 el mundo se acababa. the world was ending. 541 00:34:21,674 --> 00:34:22,904 [SIGHS] [SIGHS] 542 00:34:22,924 --> 00:34:24,654 Pensar de nuevo donde comenzamos. Think back to where we started. 543 00:34:24,674 --> 00:34:27,112 [] [] 544 00:34:27,132 --> 00:34:31,591 Nosotros, Grenn, Pyp. Us, Grenn, Pyp. 545 00:34:32,132 --> 00:34:34,571 Ahora sólo nosotros tres. Now it's just us three. 546 00:34:34,591 --> 00:34:39,257 El último que sobreviva debe quemar al resto Last man left, burn the rest of us. 547 00:34:53,674 --> 00:34:56,299 TYRION: Desearía que padre estuviera aquí. TYRION: I wish Father were here. 548 00:34:57,924 --> 00:34:59,945 Me gustaría ver la expresión de su cara I would love to see the look on his face 549 00:34:59,965 --> 00:35:01,654 cuando se diera cuenta de que dos de sus hijos when he realizes his two sons 550 00:35:01,674 --> 00:35:05,007 están a punto de morir defendiendo Invernalia. are about to die defending Winterfell. 551 00:35:05,591 --> 00:35:07,716 [Snorts] [SNORTS] 552 00:35:08,716 --> 00:35:11,633 Eso sería algo que ver. That would be something to see. 553 00:35:12,716 --> 00:35:15,674 [Silbido del viento] [WIND WHISTLING] 554 00:35:16,841 --> 00:35:20,070 TYRION: Recuerdo la primera vez que estuvimos aquí, TYRION: I remember the first time we were here, 555 00:35:20,090 --> 00:35:21,987 la primera vez que vi esta sala. the first time I saw this hall. 556 00:35:22,007 --> 00:35:22,987 JAIME: Mm. JAIME: Mm. 557 00:35:23,007 --> 00:35:25,549 Eras un león de oro. You were a golden lion. 558 00:35:25,716 --> 00:35:28,487 Yo era un putero borracho. I was a drunken whoremonger. 559 00:35:28,507 --> 00:35:30,799 Todo era tan simple. It was all so simple. 560 00:35:31,007 --> 00:35:33,279 No fue tan sencillo. It wasn't so simple. 561 00:35:33,299 --> 00:35:34,821 Yo estaba durmiendo con mi hermana I was sleeping with my sister 562 00:35:34,841 --> 00:35:37,529 y tú tenías un amigo en el mundo and you had one friend in the world 563 00:35:37,549 --> 00:35:39,112 que estaba durmiendo con su hermana. who was sleeping with his sister. 564 00:35:39,132 --> 00:35:42,382 Estaba hablando en términos relativos. I was speaking in relative terms. 565 00:35:43,174 --> 00:35:46,841 - ¿Lo hechas de menos? - Por supuesto que lo echo de menos. - Do you miss it? - Of course I miss it. 566 00:35:47,382 --> 00:35:49,529 Bueno, mis días de leones dorados se han acabado Well, my golden-lion days are done, 567 00:35:49,549 --> 00:35:52,279 pero 'Putero Borracho' sigue siendo una opción para usted. but whoremongering is still an option for you. 568 00:35:52,299 --> 00:35:53,321 [SIGHS] [SIGHS] 569 00:35:53,341 --> 00:35:55,382 No. It's not. 570 00:35:55,883 --> 00:35:59,758 Las cosas serían más fáciles si lo fuera. Things would be easier if it were. 571 00:36:01,633 --> 00:36:04,549 Los peligros de la auto-mejora. The perils of self-betterment. 572 00:36:07,674 --> 00:36:09,029 [LA PUERTA SE ABRE] [DOOR OPENS] 573 00:36:09,049 --> 00:36:11,029 Oh! Oh! 574 00:36:11,049 --> 00:36:12,613 Mi señora. My lady. 575 00:36:12,633 --> 00:36:14,571 BRIENNE: Oh, no quiero interrumpir. BRIENNE: Oh, we didn't mean to interrupt. 576 00:36:14,591 --> 00:36:16,738 Estábamos buscando un lugar cálido para ... We were just looking for somewhere warm to... 577 00:36:16,758 --> 00:36:18,613 Contemplar su muerte inminente. To contemplate your imminent death. 578 00:36:18,633 --> 00:36:20,529 Has venido al lugar correcto. You've come to the right place. 579 00:36:20,549 --> 00:36:23,029 ¿Quieres un poco de esta orina? No está mal. You want some of this piss? It's not bad. 580 00:36:23,049 --> 00:36:25,404 - No es bueno tampoco. - Gracias, mi señor. - It's not good either. - Thank you, milord. 581 00:36:25,424 --> 00:36:27,404 Yo no creo que sea prudente. I don't think that's wise. 582 00:36:27,424 --> 00:36:30,924 La batalla puede comenzar en cualquier momento. The battle might start at any moment. 583 00:36:32,674 --> 00:36:34,799 Media taza. Half cup. 584 00:36:35,883 --> 00:36:37,904 - ¿Y tu? BRIENNE: No, gracias. - And you? BRIENNE: No, thank you. 585 00:36:37,924 --> 00:36:39,487 Debería tratar de dormir un poco. I should try and get some sleep. 586 00:36:39,507 --> 00:36:41,154 JAIME: ¿De verdad creéis que alguno de nosotros JAIME: You really think any of us 587 00:36:41,174 --> 00:36:43,591 se va a dormir esta noche? are going to sleep tonight? 588 00:36:43,841 --> 00:36:46,049 Únete a nosotros. Join us. 589 00:36:46,924 --> 00:36:48,237 Vale. All right. 590 00:36:48,257 --> 00:36:50,591 Solo un poco. Just a bit. 591 00:36:56,049 --> 00:36:57,738 DAVOS: Bueno, ¿Qué tenemos aquí? DAVOS: Well, what do we have here? 592 00:36:57,758 --> 00:36:59,112 Ser Davos, únase. Ser Davos, join us. 593 00:36:59,132 --> 00:37:00,279 No, ninguno para mí, gracias. No, none for me, thanks. 594 00:37:00,299 --> 00:37:01,738 Vine aquí para esto. Came here for this. 595 00:37:01,758 --> 00:37:04,195 [Suspira] pensé que podía esperar la muerte [SIGHS] I figured I could wait to die 596 00:37:04,215 --> 00:37:07,195 congelándome las pelotas por ahí freezing my balls off out there 597 00:37:07,215 --> 00:37:11,007 o esperar a morir agradable y cálido aquí. or wait to die nice and warm in here. 598 00:37:12,965 --> 00:37:17,257 Podría ser nuestra última noche en este mundo, ya sabes. It could be our last night in this world, you know. 599 00:37:17,466 --> 00:37:20,613 Sí, bueno, estoy feliz de que estés aquí. Yes, well, I'm glad you're here. 600 00:37:20,633 --> 00:37:22,446 [Stammering] Aquí luchando con nosotros. [STAMMERING] Here fighting with us. 601 00:37:22,466 --> 00:37:24,529 Contento de que sobrevivió 'Guardia Oriente'. Glad you survived Eastwatch. 602 00:37:24,549 --> 00:37:27,112 ¿Quieres una bebida? Would you like a drink? 603 00:37:27,132 --> 00:37:29,174 He traído la mía. Brought my own. 604 00:37:35,341 --> 00:37:38,321 Te llaman "Mata-Reyes". They call you "King Killer." 605 00:37:38,341 --> 00:37:41,215 Estoy seguro de que alguien lo hace. I'm sure someone does. 606 00:37:41,257 --> 00:37:44,341 Me llaman "Matagigantes". They call me "Giantsbane." 607 00:37:44,674 --> 00:37:46,799 ¿Quieres saber por qué? Want to know why? 608 00:37:56,341 --> 00:38:00,466 Maté a un gigante cuando tenía 10 años. I killed a giant when I was 10. 609 00:38:01,174 --> 00:38:05,841 Luego me acosté con su esposa. Then I climbed right into bed with his wife. 610 00:38:06,132 --> 00:38:10,633 Cuando ella se despertó, ¿Sabes lo que hizo? When she woke up, you know what she did? 611 00:38:12,924 --> 00:38:17,487 Me amamantó durante tres meses Suckled me at her teat for three months. 612 00:38:17,507 --> 00:38:20,279 pensando que yo era su bebé. Thought I was her baby. 613 00:38:20,299 --> 00:38:23,549 Así es como me hice tan fuerte. That's how I got so strong. 614 00:38:24,215 --> 00:38:26,716 ¡La leche de gigante!. ¡Giant's milk!. 615 00:38:27,883 --> 00:38:30,883 [Tragando ruidosamente] [GULPING NOISILY] 616 00:38:40,049 --> 00:38:42,215 Mm. Mm. 617 00:38:44,049 --> 00:38:45,696 Tal vez voy a aceptar esa bebida. Maybe I will have that drink. 618 00:38:45,716 --> 00:38:48,007 [Glups] [TORMUND GRUNTS] 619 00:39:13,466 --> 00:39:15,758 [SIGHS] [SIGHS] 620 00:39:24,591 --> 00:39:25,904 Tú no sueles estar callada You never used to shut up. 621 00:39:25,924 --> 00:39:29,382 Ahora estás sentada ahí, como un mudo. Now you're just sitting there like a mute. 622 00:39:31,674 --> 00:39:33,965 Supongo que he cambiado. Guess I've changed. 623 00:39:41,466 --> 00:39:43,821 ¿Qué haces aquí? What are you doing up here? 624 00:39:43,841 --> 00:39:45,779 ¿Qué te parece? What's it look like? 625 00:39:45,799 --> 00:39:49,633 No, quiero decir, ¿Qué haces aquí? No, I mean, what are you doing up here? 626 00:39:51,132 --> 00:39:52,738 Te uniste a la Hermandad. You joined the Brotherhood. 627 00:39:52,758 --> 00:39:54,446 Fuíste más allá del Muro con Jon. You went beyond the Wall with Jon. 628 00:39:54,466 --> 00:39:56,965 Ahora estás aquí. ¿Por qué? You're here now. Why? 629 00:39:57,924 --> 00:39:59,112 ¿Cuando fue la ultima vez que When was the last time 630 00:39:59,132 --> 00:40:02,341 luchaste para alguien ademas de tí mismo? you fought for anyone but yourself? 631 00:40:04,049 --> 00:40:07,132 Luché para ti, ¿Verdad? I fought for you, didn't I? 632 00:40:16,299 --> 00:40:18,446 Oh, por el amor de Dios. Oh, for fuck's sake. 633 00:40:18,466 --> 00:40:21,299 Puede ser también en una boda sangrienta. May as well be at a bloody wedding. 634 00:40:23,215 --> 00:40:24,738 Mi señora. My lady. 635 00:40:24,758 --> 00:40:26,945 Me alegra verte otra vez. It's good to see you again. 636 00:40:26,965 --> 00:40:30,299 Siento que nos separáramos como lo hicimos. I'm sorry we parted the way we did. 637 00:40:30,507 --> 00:40:33,049 ¿Estaba en su lista? Was he on your list? 638 00:40:33,132 --> 00:40:35,341 Por un ratito. For a little while. 639 00:40:35,424 --> 00:40:37,674 Está bien. That's all right. 640 00:40:38,507 --> 00:40:42,466 El Señor de la Luz nos ha traído juntos. The Lord of Light has brought us together all the same. 641 00:40:43,591 --> 00:40:45,613 Este es su momento. This is his moment. 642 00:40:45,633 --> 00:40:47,738 - Cuando la luz ... - Thoros ya no está aquí, - When light... - Thoros isn't here anymore, 643 00:40:47,758 --> 00:40:50,654 así que espero que no estés a punto de dar un sermón. so I hope you're not about to give a sermon. 644 00:40:50,674 --> 00:40:52,195 Porque si es así, Because if you are, 645 00:40:52,215 --> 00:40:55,487 el Señor de la Luz va a preguntarse por qué te trajo de vuelta 19 veces the Lord of Light's gonna wonder why he brought you back 19 times 646 00:40:55,507 --> 00:40:57,070 sólo para verte morir cuando te joda just to watch you die when I fuck you 647 00:40:57,090 --> 00:41:00,341 - sobre esta pared de mierda. [CHUCKLES] - over this fucking wall. [CHUCKLES] 648 00:41:12,716 --> 00:41:14,883 ¿A dónde vas? Where are you going? 649 00:41:15,424 --> 00:41:17,154 No voy a pasar mis últimas horas I'm not spending my final hours 650 00:41:17,174 --> 00:41:20,215 con ustedes dos viejos caga miserables. with you two miserable old shits. 651 00:41:24,174 --> 00:41:26,195 [] [] 652 00:41:26,215 --> 00:41:28,507 [Grrr] [GRUNTS] 653 00:41:37,674 --> 00:41:40,007 [Sonido de arco] [BOWSTRING CREAKS] 654 00:41:43,466 --> 00:41:46,049 ARYA: ¿Eso es para mí? ARYA: That for me? 655 00:41:59,132 --> 00:42:01,758 Esto va a funcionar This'll work. 656 00:42:04,132 --> 00:42:05,404 La última vez que me viste, Last time you saw me, 657 00:42:05,424 --> 00:42:08,257 que quería que yo vaya a Invernalia. you wanted me to come to Winterfell. 658 00:42:08,341 --> 00:42:10,716 Tomó el camino largo, pero ... Took the long road, but... 659 00:42:11,466 --> 00:42:14,549 ¿Qué hizo el rojo de la mujer quiere de ti? What did the Red Woman want with you? 660 00:42:18,007 --> 00:42:21,571 Ella quería mi sangre por algún tipo de hechizo. She wanted my blood for some kind of spell. 661 00:42:21,591 --> 00:42:24,090 ¿Por qué la sangre? Why your blood? 662 00:42:24,716 --> 00:42:27,382 Soy el bastardo de Robert Baratheon. I'm Robert Baratheon's bastard. 663 00:42:28,007 --> 00:42:30,154 No lo sabía hasta que me lo dijo. I didn't know until she told me. 664 00:42:30,174 --> 00:42:32,446 Entonces ella me ató, me desnudó, Then she tied me up, stripped me down, 665 00:42:32,466 --> 00:42:34,841 poniendo sanguijuelas por todo mi cuerpo. put leeches all over me. 666 00:42:37,215 --> 00:42:39,237 Que... ¿Fue tu primera vez? Was that your first time? 667 00:42:39,257 --> 00:42:42,029 No, sí, nunca he tenido sanguijuelas poner todo mi pene. No, yeah, I've never had leeches put all over my cock. 668 00:42:42,049 --> 00:42:44,070 Su primera vez con una mujer. Your first time with a woman. 669 00:42:44,090 --> 00:42:45,945 GENDRY: ¿Qué? GENDRY: What? 670 00:42:45,965 --> 00:42:48,487 Yo ... yo no ... yo no estaba con ella. I... I didn't... I wasn't with her. 671 00:42:48,507 --> 00:42:51,945 ¿Estabas con otras chicas antes de eso en 'Desembarco del Rey'? Were you with other girls before that in King's Landing? 672 00:42:51,965 --> 00:42:54,633 - [burla] - O ¿Después? - [SCOFFS] - Or after? 673 00:42:55,215 --> 00:42:57,341 [Tartamudea indistintamente] [STAMMERS INDISTINCTLY] 674 00:42:57,758 --> 00:43:00,591 - ¿No te acuerdas? - [Burla] - You don't remember? - [SCOFFS] 675 00:43:01,299 --> 00:43:04,257 - Sí; Estuve. - ¿Una? - Yes, I was. - One? 676 00:43:04,466 --> 00:43:05,779 ¿Dos? Two? 677 00:43:05,799 --> 00:43:09,341 - ¿Veinte? - Bueno, yo no llevo la cuenta. - Twenty? - Well, I didn't keep count. 678 00:43:10,299 --> 00:43:11,321 Si lo hiciste. Yes, you did. 679 00:43:11,341 --> 00:43:13,633 [SIGHS] [SIGHS] 680 00:43:14,633 --> 00:43:17,174 Tres. Three. 681 00:43:21,841 --> 00:43:25,341 Probablemente vamos a morir pronto. We're probably going to die soon. 682 00:43:26,965 --> 00:43:30,674 Quiero saber lo que se siente antes de que suceda. I want to know what it's like before that happens. 683 00:43:35,965 --> 00:43:37,446 Arya, yo ... Arya, I... 684 00:43:37,466 --> 00:43:39,799 [Inhala fuertemente] [INHALES SHARPLY] 685 00:43:54,049 --> 00:43:56,341 [Ambos RISA] [BOTH CHUCKLE] 686 00:43:57,549 --> 00:44:00,007 [Ambos respirando profundamente] [BOTH BREATHING HEAVILY] 687 00:44:01,965 --> 00:44:06,007 688 00:44:13,507 --> 00:44:15,674 No soy la Mujer Roja. [GRUNTS] 688 00:44:13,507 --> 00:44:15,738 I'm not the Red Woman. 689 00:44:15,758 --> 00:44:18,424 Quítate los malditos pantalones Take your own bloody pants off. 690 00:44:30,883 --> 00:44:33,883 [Silbido del viento] [WIND WHISTLING] 691 00:44:42,215 --> 00:44:45,424 Es extraño, ¿Verdad? It's strange, isn't it? 692 00:44:46,924 --> 00:44:50,195 Casi todo el mundo ha luchado aquí con Los 'Stark' Almost everyone here's fought the Starks 693 00:44:50,215 --> 00:44:52,404 en un momento u otro. at one time or another. 694 00:44:52,424 --> 00:44:57,029 Y aquí estamos en su castillo, dispuestos a defenderlo. And here we are in their castle, ready to defend it. 695 00:44:57,049 --> 00:44:59,257 Juntos. Together. 696 00:45:01,090 --> 00:45:04,090 Por lo menos vamos a morir con honor. At least we'll die with honor. 697 00:45:08,924 --> 00:45:10,571 Creo que podríamos vivir. I think we might live. 698 00:45:10,591 --> 00:45:12,654 - [CHUCKLES] - [resopla] - [CHUCKLES] - [SNORTS] 699 00:45:12,674 --> 00:45:14,154 [DAVOS: risas] [DAVOS LAUGHS] 700 00:45:14,174 --> 00:45:16,758 Yo ... lo creo. I... I do. 701 00:45:17,382 --> 00:45:21,132 ¿Cuántas batallas hemos sobrevivios entre nosotros? How many battles have we survived between us? 702 00:45:21,466 --> 00:45:23,738 Ser Davos Seaworth. Ser Davos Seaworth. 703 00:45:23,758 --> 00:45:25,863 Sobreviviente tanto del Blackwater Survivor of both the Blackwater 704 00:45:25,883 --> 00:45:28,029 y la batalla de los bastardos. and the Battle of the Bastards. 705 00:45:28,049 --> 00:45:29,237 Todo ello sin perder una pizca All without a shred 706 00:45:29,257 --> 00:45:31,154 de la capacidad de combate. - Mm. - of combat ability. - Mm. 707 00:45:31,174 --> 00:45:35,195 Ser Jaime Lannister, héroe de Siege of Pyke. Ser Jaime Lannister, fabled hero of the Siege of Pyke. 708 00:45:35,215 --> 00:45:37,945 perdedora legendaria de la batalla de Bosque Susurrante. Fabled loser of the Battle of Whispering Wood. 709 00:45:37,965 --> 00:45:39,965 ¡Escucha Escucha! Hear, hear! 710 00:45:40,341 --> 00:45:42,029 Ser Brienne of Tarth. Ser Brienne of Tarth. 711 00:45:42,049 --> 00:45:45,112 Venció al Perro en ... Defeated the Hound in... 712 00:45:45,132 --> 00:45:47,446 Perdone: 'Señora Brienne'. Pardon me, Lady Brienne. 713 00:45:47,466 --> 00:45:49,571 Tormund: Ella no es 'Ser'? TORMUND: She's not a ser? 714 00:45:49,591 --> 00:45:51,674 ¿Usted no es un caballero? You're not a knight? 715 00:45:52,132 --> 00:45:53,571 Las mujeres no pueden ser caballeros. Women can't be knights. 716 00:45:53,591 --> 00:45:55,654 - ¿Por qué no? - Tradición. - Why not? - Tradition. 717 00:45:55,674 --> 00:45:57,758 ¿Que le jodan a la tradición!. Fuck tradition. 718 00:45:58,007 --> 00:46:01,633 Tampoco quiero ser un caballero. I don't even want to be a knight. 719 00:46:04,257 --> 00:46:05,404 Tormund: No soy un rey. TORMUND: I'm no king. 720 00:46:05,424 --> 00:46:07,779 Pero si lo fuera, But if I were, 721 00:46:07,799 --> 00:46:11,549 Te nombraría caballero 10 veces. I'd knight you 10 times over. 722 00:46:12,549 --> 00:46:15,174 JAIME: No necesitas ser rey. JAIME: You don't need a king. 723 00:46:15,341 --> 00:46:19,299 Cualquier caballero puede hacer a otro caballero. Any knight can make another knight. 724 00:46:22,007 --> 00:46:23,237 [Deja la taza] [CUP THUMPS] 725 00:46:23,257 --> 00:46:25,154 Lo demostraré. I'll prove it. 726 00:46:25,174 --> 00:46:27,446 [Desenvaina su espada] [SWORD RINGS] 727 00:46:27,466 --> 00:46:31,007 Arrodíllese, Lady Brienne. Kneel, Lady Brienne. 728 00:46:32,174 --> 00:46:33,863 [Burla] [SCOFFS] 729 00:46:33,883 --> 00:46:37,007 JAIME: ¿Quieres ser un caballero o no? JAIME: Do you want to be a knight or not? 730 00:46:40,799 --> 00:46:42,799 Arrodíllate. Kneel. 731 00:46:56,049 --> 00:46:59,049 [ música suave] [] 732 00:47:35,466 --> 00:47:38,029 En el nombre del guerrero, In the name of the Warrior, 733 00:47:38,049 --> 00:47:40,758 os exhorto a ser valiente. I charge you to be brave. 734 00:47:42,049 --> 00:47:45,090 En el nombre del padre, In the name of the Father, 735 00:47:45,549 --> 00:47:48,382 os exhorto a ser justo. I charge you to be just. 736 00:47:50,466 --> 00:47:52,321 En el nombre de la madre, In the name of the Mother, 737 00:47:52,341 --> 00:47:56,591 os exhorto a defender a los inocentes. I charge you to defend the innocent. 738 00:48:04,466 --> 00:48:07,841 Levántate, Brienne de Tarth ... Arise, Brienne of Tarth... 739 00:48:08,299 --> 00:48:11,758 caballero de los siete reinos. a knight of the Seven Kingdoms. 740 00:48:22,965 --> 00:48:25,924 [TODOS CLAPPING] [ALL CLAPPING] 741 00:48:27,965 --> 00:48:31,112 TYRION: Ser Brienne of Tarth! TYRION: Ser Brienne of Tarth! 742 00:48:31,132 --> 00:48:33,965 ¡Caballero de los Siete Reinos! Knight of the Seven Kingdoms! 743 00:48:42,883 --> 00:48:44,945 Jora: Tenemos todo lo que necesitamos para ganar esta guerra. JORAH: We have all we need to win this war. 744 00:48:44,965 --> 00:48:47,529 Lyanna: He entrenado a mis hombres, mujeres y niños. LYANNA: I have trained my men, women and children. 745 00:48:47,549 --> 00:48:49,487 He luchado antes. Puedo luchar de nuevo. I have fought before. I can fight again. 746 00:48:49,507 --> 00:48:52,738 Jora: Por favor, escúchame. Usted es el futuro de nuestra casa. JORAH: Please, listen to me. You're the future of our house. 747 00:48:52,758 --> 00:48:54,738 Lyanna: No necesitas recordármelo. LYANNA: I don't need you to remind me of that. 748 00:48:54,758 --> 00:48:57,821 Estarás más segura en la Cripta. Estas cosas que están luchando ... You'll be safer in the crypt. These things we're fighting... 749 00:48:57,841 --> 00:48:59,446 No voy a esconderme bajo tierra. I will not hide underground. 750 00:48:59,466 --> 00:49:01,321 Me comprometí a luchar por el Norte, I pledged to fight for the North, 751 00:49:01,341 --> 00:49:03,987 - y voy a luchar. - and I will fight. MAN 1: I'm meant to relieve you. 752 00:49:04,007 --> 00:49:06,883 - You got it? MAN 2: Yeah, I got it. 753 00:49:08,633 --> 00:49:11,029 Oh, lo siento, no me refiero a ... Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... 754 00:49:11,049 --> 00:49:13,132 Todo está bien. It's all right. 755 00:49:13,466 --> 00:49:15,716 Hemos terminado aqui. We're done here. 756 00:49:20,758 --> 00:49:23,674 Le deseo buena suerte, primo. I wish you good fortune, cousin. 757 00:49:24,591 --> 00:49:26,883 Gracias mi Señora. Thank you, my lady. 758 00:49:27,132 --> 00:49:28,487 - Mi señora. - Mi señora. - My lady. - My lady. 759 00:49:28,507 --> 00:49:30,716 [SE ACLARA LA GARGANTA] [CLEARS THROAT] 760 00:49:33,299 --> 00:49:35,549 ¿Qué tienes ahí? What have you got there? 761 00:49:36,215 --> 00:49:38,549 Se llama 'Heartsbane'. It's called Heartsbane. 762 00:49:38,883 --> 00:49:41,029 Es mi espada de familia. It's my family sword. 763 00:49:41,049 --> 00:49:43,549 Todavía tiene una familia. You still have a family. 764 00:49:43,799 --> 00:49:47,549 Sí. Y me encantaría defenderla con ella. Yes. And I'd love to defend them with it. 765 00:49:48,591 --> 00:49:51,758 Pero en realidad no puedo sostenerla en vertical. But I can't really hold it upright. 766 00:49:53,215 --> 00:49:57,507 Su padre, que me enseñó a ser un hombre. Your father, he taught me how to be a man. 767 00:49:58,007 --> 00:50:00,507 Hacer lo correcto. How to do what's right. 768 00:50:01,716 --> 00:50:04,007 Esto es correcto. This is right. 769 00:50:07,215 --> 00:50:10,382 Es de acero Valyriano. It's Valyrian steel. 770 00:50:11,049 --> 00:50:13,965 Sería un honor si lo tomaras. I'd be honored if you'd take it. 771 00:50:26,215 --> 00:50:28,924 La manejaré en su memoria ... I'll wield it in his memory... 772 00:50:32,299 --> 00:50:35,591 para proteger los reinos de los hombres. to guard the realms of men. 773 00:50:37,257 --> 00:50:40,466 Nos veremos cuando eso suceda. I'll see you when it's through. 774 00:50:51,299 --> 00:50:54,174 Espero que ganemos. I hope we win. 775 00:51:01,841 --> 00:51:04,863 - Será mejor que descansar un poco. - No, vamos a estar un poco más. - We'd better get some rest. - No, let's stay a bit longer. 776 00:51:04,883 --> 00:51:07,090 No nos queda vino. We're out of wine. 777 00:51:12,466 --> 00:51:14,799 ¿Qué tal una canción? How about a song? 778 00:51:15,341 --> 00:51:17,904 Uno de ustedes debe de conocer alguna. One of you must know one. 779 00:51:17,924 --> 00:51:19,279 ¿Ser Davos? Ser Davos? 780 00:51:19,299 --> 00:51:22,799 - Vas a rezar por una muerte rápida. - [CHUCKLES] - You'll pray for a quick death. - [CHUCKLES] 781 00:51:24,841 --> 00:51:27,132 Tyrion: ¿Ser Brienne? TYRION: Ser Brienne? 782 00:51:32,132 --> 00:51:33,154 Mm-mm. Mm-mm. 783 00:51:33,174 --> 00:51:35,674 Mmm... Mmm... 784 00:51:36,758 --> 00:51:41,945 Arriba en las salas de los reyes que se han ido High in the halls Of the kings who are gone 785 00:51:41,965 --> 00:51:46,487 Jenny baila con sus fantasmas Jenny would dance With her ghosts 786 00:51:46,507 --> 00:51:52,945 Los que ella había perdido y los que ella había encontrado The ones she had lost And the ones she had found 787 00:51:52,965 --> 00:51:58,174 Y los que la había amado más And the ones Who had loved her the most 788 00:51:58,424 --> 00:52:00,571 Los que se había ido The ones who'd been gone 789 00:52:00,591 --> 00:52:03,821 Por tanto tiempo For so very long 790 00:52:03,841 --> 00:52:09,215 No podía recordar sus nombres She couldn't remember Their names 791 00:52:09,257 --> 00:52:11,321 Se le dio la vuelta They spun her around 792 00:52:11,341 --> 00:52:14,654 En las viejas piedras húmedas On the damp old stones 793 00:52:14,674 --> 00:52:19,779 se apartó toda su tristeza y el dolor Spun away all her sorrow And pain 794 00:52:19,799 --> 00:52:26,257 Y ella nunca quiso salir And she never wanted To leave 795 00:52:26,382 --> 00:52:31,529 Nunca quería irse Never wanted to leave 796 00:52:31,549 --> 00:52:36,571 Nunca quiso salir Never wanted to leave 797 00:52:36,591 --> 00:52:42,090 Nunca quería irse Never wanted to leave 798 00:52:42,341 --> 00:52:47,613 Nunca quiso salir Never wanted to leave 799 00:52:47,633 --> 00:52:54,507 Nunca se quiso ir Never wanted to leave 800 00:53:36,758 --> 00:53:39,090 DAENERYS: ¿Quién es? DAENERYS: Who's that? 801 00:53:41,965 --> 00:53:44,299 Lyanna Stark. Lyanna Stark. 802 00:53:51,507 --> 00:53:54,257 Mi hermano Rhaegar ... My brother Rhaegar... 803 00:53:56,382 --> 00:54:00,362 todo el mundo me dijo que era decente y amable. everyone told me he was decent and kind. 804 00:54:00,382 --> 00:54:02,633 A él le gustaba cantar. He liked to sing. 805 00:54:02,799 --> 00:54:05,924 Dió dinero a los niños pobres. Gave money to poor children. 806 00:54:07,758 --> 00:54:10,090 Y la violó. And he raped her. 807 00:54:10,633 --> 00:54:12,674 JON: No lo hizo. JON: He didn't. 808 00:54:16,299 --> 00:54:18,299 El la amaba. He loved her. 809 00:54:23,841 --> 00:54:27,132 Se casaron en secreto. They were married in secret. 810 00:54:27,716 --> 00:54:29,487 Después de Rhaegar cayó sobre el Trident, After Rhaegar fell on the Trident, 811 00:54:29,507 --> 00:54:31,507 tuvo un hijo. she had a son. 812 00:54:32,549 --> 00:54:34,154 Robert habría matado al bebé Robert would have murdered the baby 813 00:54:34,174 --> 00:54:37,382 si hubiera llegado a enterarse, y Lyanna lo sabía. if he ever found out, and Lyanna knew it. 814 00:54:38,132 --> 00:54:40,674 Así que lo último que hizo ... So the last thing she did... 815 00:54:41,174 --> 00:54:43,321 mientras se desangró hasta morir en su cama de partos as she bled to death on her birthing bed 816 00:54:43,341 --> 00:54:46,299 fué dar el niño a su hermano ... was give the boy to her brother... 817 00:54:46,799 --> 00:54:49,174 Ned Stark ... Ned Stark... 818 00:54:50,007 --> 00:54:51,904 para criarlo como su bastardo. to raise as his bastard. 819 00:54:51,924 --> 00:54:54,883 [] [] 820 00:54:55,507 --> 00:54:57,716 Mi nombre... My name... 821 00:54:59,132 --> 00:55:01,507 Mi nombre real... my real name... 822 00:55:03,883 --> 00:55:05,487 ...es...Aegon Targaryen. is Aegon Targaryen. 823 00:55:05,507 --> 00:55:07,758 [Exhala Fuertemente] [EXHALES SHARPLY] 824 00:55:08,299 --> 00:55:11,424 - Eso es imposible. - Me gustaría que fuera. - That's impossible. - I wish it were. 825 00:55:12,174 --> 00:55:14,341 ¿Quién te dijo eso? Who told you this? 826 00:55:14,424 --> 00:55:16,424 Bran. Bran. 827 00:55:16,549 --> 00:55:18,613 - El lo vió. - ¿El lo vió? - He saw it. - He saw it? 828 00:55:18,633 --> 00:55:21,279 Y Samwell lo confirmó. And Samwell confirmed it. 829 00:55:21,299 --> 00:55:23,487 Leyó sobre su matrimonio en la Ciudadela He read about their marriage at the Citadel 830 00:55:23,507 --> 00:55:26,382 sin saber siquiera lo que significaba. without even knowing what it meant. 831 00:55:26,549 --> 00:55:29,321 Un secreto que nadie en el mundo sabía ... A secret no one in the world knew... 832 00:55:29,341 --> 00:55:33,424 a excepción de tu hermano y tu mejor amigo. except your brother and your best friend. 833 00:55:33,716 --> 00:55:36,174 ¿No parece extraño? Doesn't seem strange to you? 834 00:55:37,883 --> 00:55:40,382 Es cierto, Dany. It's true, Dany. 835 00:55:41,049 --> 00:55:43,257 Sé que lo es. I know it is. 836 00:55:46,965 --> 00:55:49,070 Si fuera cierto, If it were true, 837 00:55:49,090 --> 00:55:54,132 haría que tú seas el último heredero varón de la Casa Targaryen. it would make you the last male heir of House Targaryen. 838 00:55:58,257 --> 00:56:01,257 Tendrías derecho a reclamar el Trono de Hierro. You'd have a claim to the Iron Throne. 839 00:56:03,466 --> 00:56:06,424 [Sonido de cuerno] [HORN BLARING] 840 00:56:10,716 --> 00:56:12,799 MAN: ¡Formar! MAN: Form up! 841 00:56:14,924 --> 00:56:16,945 Den la vuelta! Get yourselves back! 842 00:56:16,965 --> 00:56:19,965 [Marchando] [MARCHING IN DISTANCE] 843 00:56:23,924 --> 00:56:26,965 [] [] 844 00:57:14,382 --> 00:57:16,237 [] [] 845 00:57:16,257 --> 00:57:22,321 Arriba en las salas de los reyes que se han ido High in the halls Of the kings who are gone 846 00:57:22,341 --> 00:57:27,779 Jenny baila con sus fantasmas Jenny would dance With her ghosts 847 00:57:27,799 --> 00:57:30,821 Los que ella había perdido The ones she had lost 848 00:57:30,841 --> 00:57:34,987 Y los que se había encontrado And the ones she had found 849 00:57:35,007 --> 00:57:42,174 Y los que la había amado más And the ones Who had loved her the most 850 00:57:43,049 --> 00:57:48,821 Los que habían estado ausente durante tanto tiempo The ones who'd been gone For so very long 851 00:57:48,841 --> 00:57:53,987 No podía recordar sus nombres She couldn't remember Their names 852 00:57:54,007 --> 00:58:00,529 Se le dio la vuelta en las viejas piedras húmedas They spun her around On the damp old stones 853 00:58:00,549 --> 00:58:05,738 se apartó toda su tristeza y el dolor Spun away all her sorrow And pain 854 00:58:05,758 --> 00:58:11,821 Y ella nunca quiso salir And she never wanted To leave 855 00:58:11,841 --> 00:58:17,613 Nunca quería salir Never wanted to leave 856 00:58:17,633 --> 00:58:23,446 Nunca quería irse Never wanted to leave 857 00:58:23,466 --> 00:58:28,446 Nunca se quiso ir Never wanted to leave 858 00:58:28,466 --> 00:58:33,915 Traducido por Barel 859 00:58:37,591 --> 00:58:40,446 Sansa Stark: Lo más heroico que podemos hacer ahora SANSA STARK: The most heroic thing we can do now 860 00:58:40,466 --> 00:58:43,070 es mirar la verdad a la cara. is look the truth in the face. 861 00:58:43,090 --> 00:58:46,090 (Música de suspense) (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAYS) 862 00:58:47,549 --> 00:58:50,424 [ (Música aumenta) ] (MUSIC INTENSIFIES) 863 00:58:50,924 --> 00:58:53,382 JON NIEVE: Se acerca 'El Rey de la Noche'. JON SNOW: The Night King is coming. 864 00:58:58,257 --> 00:59:00,633 Los muertos ya están aquí. The dead are already here. 865 00:59:01,466 --> 00:59:04,215 (Gritando) ¡¡MANTENGAN SU POSICIÓN!! (YELLING) Stand your ground! 866 00:59:10,424 --> 00:59:12,070 DAENERYS:Cuando era un niña, mi hermano DAENERYS TARGARYEN: When I was a child, 867 00:59:12,090 --> 00:59:14,070 me contaba un cuento para dormir... my brother would tell me a bedtime story 868 00:59:14,090 --> 00:59:16,279 sobre el hombre que mató a nuestro padre about the man who murdered our father 869 00:59:16,299 --> 00:59:19,404 y vio como su sangre se vertía sobre el suelo. and watched as his blood poured onto the floor. 870 00:59:19,424 --> 00:59:21,446 Me contó otras historias sobre todas las cosas que He told me other stories about all the things 871 00:59:21,466 --> 00:59:23,279 le haríamos a ese hombre we would do to that man 872 00:59:23,299 --> 00:59:26,341 una vez que recuperáramos los Siete Reinos. once we took back the Seven Kingdoms. 873 00:59:26,758 --> 00:59:30,362 (SOMBER MUSIC PLAYS) 874 00:59:30,382 --> 00:59:32,321 DB Weiss: Cuando Jaime aparece en Invernalia, D.B. WEISS: When Jaime shows up to Winterfell, 875 00:59:32,341 --> 00:59:35,237 es muy difícil para casi todo el mundo it's very difficult for almost anybody 876 00:59:35,257 --> 00:59:37,029 saber cómo se sienten al respecto. to know how to feel about it. 877 00:59:37,049 --> 00:59:39,029 Por un lado, Dany le mira On the one hand, Dany looks at him 878 00:59:39,049 --> 00:59:41,237 como la persona que mató a su padre, as the person who murdered her father, 879 00:59:41,257 --> 00:59:42,821 e incluso si se ha llegado a un acuerdo and even if she has come to terms 880 00:59:42,841 --> 00:59:46,070 con quién era su padre y lo que realmente era su padre, with who her father was and what her father really was, 881 00:59:46,090 --> 00:59:49,195 es probable que no elimine por completo el aguijón it probably doesn't entirely erase the sting 882 00:59:49,215 --> 00:59:52,987 del asesino de su padre a aparecer en su puerta. of her father's murderer showing up on her doorstep. 883 00:59:53,007 --> 00:59:56,070 DAENERYS: Su hermana se comprometió a enviar a su ejército hacia el norte. DAENERYS: Your sister pledged to send her army north. 884 00:59:56,090 --> 00:59:58,341 No veo un ejército. I don't see an army. 885 00:59:58,424 --> 01:00:02,049 Ella nunca tuvo la intención de enviar a su ejército hacia el norte. She never had any intention of sending her army north. 886 01:00:02,174 --> 01:00:04,571 David Benioff: Tyrion ha cometido una serie de errores ahora, DAVID BENIOFF: Tyrion has made a number of mistakes now, 887 01:00:04,591 --> 01:00:06,738 y Dany está realmente al final de su paciencia. and Dany's really at the end of her patience. 888 01:00:06,758 --> 01:00:10,237 Porque ella tiene un montón de cariño y respeto a Tyrion, Because she has a lot of fondness and respect for Tyrion, 889 01:00:10,257 --> 01:00:13,529 pero muchos de sus planes realmente están fuera de control. but many of his plans have really gone awry. 890 01:00:13,549 --> 01:00:16,863 Y ahora Jaime Lannister está aquí, pero no con el ejército Lannister. And now Jaime Lannister's here, but not with the Lannister army. 891 01:00:16,883 --> 01:00:20,029 - Excelencia, conozco a mi hermano ... - ¿Igual que conocía a su hermana? - Your Grace, I know my brother... - Like you knew your sister? 892 01:00:20,049 --> 01:00:23,446 Tyrion en realidad no puede defenderse porque sabe que tiene razón. Tyrion can't really fight back because he knows she's right. 893 01:00:23,466 --> 01:00:25,987 Es decir, que en realidad la hizo cometer un error grave. I mean, he really did make a grievous mistake. 894 01:00:26,007 --> 01:00:28,696 Si Tyrion tiene un defecto, If Tyrion has a flaw, 895 01:00:28,716 --> 01:00:32,070 él es un hombre muy inteligente, pero a veces las personas inteligentes he's a very clever man, but sometimes clever people 896 01:00:32,090 --> 01:00:34,841 sobreestiman su propia inteligencia. overestimate their own cleverness. 897 01:00:35,299 --> 01:00:37,195 Brienne de Tarth: Usted no me conoce bien, excelencia. BRIENNE OF TARTH: You don't know me well, Your Grace. 898 01:00:37,215 --> 01:00:39,279 Pero sé que 'Ser Jaime'. But I know Ser Jaime. 899 01:00:39,299 --> 01:00:40,696 es un hombre de honor. He is a man of honor. 900 01:00:40,716 --> 01:00:44,195 WEISS: Brienne, creo que está en el amor como alguien WEISS: For Brienne, I think she's in love with someone 901 01:00:44,215 --> 01:00:45,863 que no se da cuenta de que ello who doesn't realize that she is 902 01:00:45,883 --> 01:00:49,571 porque ese tipo de experiencia no ha sido parte de su vida. because that kind of experience hasn't been a part of her life. 903 01:00:49,591 --> 01:00:53,237 Siente cosas que no puede realmente procesar She's feeling things that she can't really process 904 01:00:53,257 --> 01:00:54,696 porque nunca se crió en un mundo because she never grew up in a world 905 01:00:54,716 --> 01:00:56,362 donde estas cosas pudieran ser una opción. where those things were an option. 906 01:00:56,382 --> 01:00:58,362 Ella está tan acostumbrada a Jaime burlándose de ella She's so used to Jaime taunting her 907 01:00:58,382 --> 01:01:01,362 y siendo el tipo desagradable Jaime Lannister mayor and being the kind of nasty Jaime Lannister of old 908 01:01:01,382 --> 01:01:03,362 que ella solo sospecha en un primer momento that she is just suspicious at first 909 01:01:03,382 --> 01:01:04,529 que está jugando ella, that he's playing her, 910 01:01:04,549 --> 01:01:07,029 y que él revelará a continuación, su verdadera intención. and that he's gonna reveal his true intent. 911 01:01:07,049 --> 01:01:08,945 No soy el luchador que solía ser, I'm not the fighter I used to be, 912 01:01:08,965 --> 01:01:11,696 pero estaría honrado de servir bajo tu mando, but I'd be honored to serve under your command, 913 01:01:11,716 --> 01:01:12,779 si me aceptas. if you'll have me. 914 01:01:12,799 --> 01:01:15,279 Él realmente cree en ella como soldado, He really believes in her as a soldier, 915 01:01:15,299 --> 01:01:16,738 y él quiere estar allí junto a ella. and he wants to be there next to her. 916 01:01:16,758 --> 01:01:21,090 Así que creo que está muy impresionado por su sinceridad. So I think she's really shocked by his sincerity. 917 01:01:24,466 --> 01:01:27,924 Señora Sansa, esperaba que pudiéramos hablar a solas. Lady Sansa, I was hoping we could speak alone. 918 01:01:29,591 --> 01:01:32,821 BENIOFF: Dany viene a Sansa como con un poco de 'rama de olivo', BENIOFF: Dany comes to Sansa with a bit of an olive branch, 919 01:01:32,841 --> 01:01:36,070 tratando de encontrar un camino dentro de ese tipo de frío exterior trying to find a way inside that kind of cool exterior 920 01:01:36,090 --> 01:01:37,362 que Sansa presenta. that Sansa presents. 921 01:01:37,382 --> 01:01:39,821 Y algo en común entre ellas es que ambas aman Jon. And one commonality between them is they both love Jon. 922 01:01:39,841 --> 01:01:42,613 Amante de Dany y de su hermana Sansa. Dany's his lover and Sansa's his sister. 923 01:01:42,633 --> 01:01:44,779 Se parece mucho al venir desde el punto de vista It's very much coming at it from the point of view 924 01:01:44,799 --> 01:01:47,696 de un monarca tratando de hacer las paces con el tema, of a monarch trying to make peace with her subject, 925 01:01:47,716 --> 01:01:49,362 de Sansa y no es del todo dispuesto and Sansa's not quite willing 926 01:01:49,382 --> 01:01:51,279 a aceptar a Dany como su monarca. No aún. to accept Dany as her monarch yet. 927 01:01:51,299 --> 01:01:53,404 Ella sospecha de las personas que por una razón. She's suspicious of people for a reason. 928 01:01:53,424 --> 01:01:55,070 ¿Qué hay del Norte? What about the North? 929 01:01:55,090 --> 01:01:57,112 Fue tomado de nosotros. It was taken from us. 930 01:01:57,132 --> 01:01:58,571 y devuelto. We took it back. 931 01:01:58,591 --> 01:02:02,195 Y dijimos que nunca más nos inclinaríamos ante nadie más. And we said we'd never bow to anyone else again. 932 01:02:02,215 --> 01:02:03,779 ¿Qué hay del Norte? What about the North? 933 01:02:03,799 --> 01:02:05,945 Ella ha tenido demasiadas experiencias duras She's had too many hard experiences 934 01:02:05,965 --> 01:02:07,945 por confiar en la gente. not to be suspicious of people. 935 01:02:07,965 --> 01:02:10,571 Y ella ve Dany como, posiblemente, una tirana, And she sees Dany as possibly a tyrant, 936 01:02:10,591 --> 01:02:12,696 como alguien que tiene una gran cantidad de poder as somebody who has a lot of power 937 01:02:12,716 --> 01:02:15,799 y está tratando de conseguir aún más. and is seeking to get even more. 938 01:02:18,174 --> 01:02:19,529 JON NIEVE: Ya llegan. JON SNOW: They're coming. 939 01:02:19,549 --> 01:02:22,487 No le podemos vencer frente a frente. You can't beat them in a straight fight. 940 01:02:22,507 --> 01:02:23,821 Theon Greyjoy: Entonces, ¿Qué podemos hacer? THEON GREYJOY: So what can we do? 941 01:02:23,841 --> 01:02:25,863 WEISS: En la escena de enfrentamiento en el castillo, suceden WEISS: In the war castle scene, there's a lot going on 942 01:02:25,883 --> 01:02:26,779 muchas cosas. under the surface. 943 01:02:26,799 --> 01:02:28,863 Lo más importante acerca de esa escena The most important thing about that scene 944 01:02:28,883 --> 01:02:31,529 es conocer el terreno que pisamos is understanding the lay of the land 945 01:02:31,549 --> 01:02:34,279 la comprensión de cuáles son sus intenciones, and understanding what their intentions are, 946 01:02:34,299 --> 01:02:36,321 cuáles son sus planes, what their plans are, 947 01:02:36,341 --> 01:02:38,195 cuáles son sus expectativas, what their expectations are, 948 01:02:38,215 --> 01:02:40,154 así entenderemos lo que estamos viendo. so we know what we're looking at. 949 01:02:40,174 --> 01:02:43,841 El 'Rey de la noche los hizo a todos. Siguen su mando. The Night King made them all. They follow his command. 950 01:02:44,341 --> 01:02:46,507 Si él cae ... If he falls... 951 01:02:47,466 --> 01:02:49,070 Llegar a él puede ser nuestra mejor oportunidad. getting to him may be our best chance. 952 01:02:49,090 --> 01:02:52,321 WEISS: Las cosas pueden no suceder acuerdo a lo planeado, WEISS: Things may not go entirely according to plan, 953 01:02:52,341 --> 01:02:53,987 por lo que pensamos que era importante so we thought it was very important 954 01:02:54,007 --> 01:02:57,863 que la gente conociera lo que todos en la sala podrían esperar que suceda, for people to know what everyone in the room expected to happen, 955 01:02:57,883 --> 01:03:00,571 estaba preocupado que sucedería, esperaba que sucediera. was worried would happen, hoped would happen. 956 01:03:00,591 --> 01:03:03,487 Además de eso, hay una gran cantidad de momentos humanos. In addition to that, there are a lot of human moments. 957 01:03:03,507 --> 01:03:05,446 Te pondremos en la Cripta, donde estarás más seguro. We'll put you in the crypt, where it's safest. 958 01:03:05,466 --> 01:03:07,487 Bran Stark: No. Voy a esperar por él en el 'Bosque de Dioses'. BRAN STARK: No. I'll wait for him in the Godswood. 959 01:03:07,507 --> 01:03:09,154 No te vamos a dejar solo allí. We're not leaving you alone out there. 960 01:03:09,174 --> 01:03:10,821 Él no lo va a estar. Yo me quedo con él. He won't be. I'll stay with him. 961 01:03:10,841 --> 01:03:14,654 Una cosa que definitivamente iba a cómo se sentía Teón One thing that was definitely going on was how Theon felt 962 01:03:14,674 --> 01:03:18,613 después de volver a Invernalia y cómo se está usando esta batalla after returning to Winterfell and how he's using this battle 963 01:03:18,633 --> 01:03:20,904 como un intento de tratar de hacer algo bueno as an attempt to try to make good 964 01:03:20,924 --> 01:03:22,571 en la medida de posible to the extent that that's possible 965 01:03:22,591 --> 01:03:25,195 por los errores horribles que hizo. on the horrible mistakes that he made. 966 01:03:25,215 --> 01:03:30,507 Tomé este castillo de usted. Dejadme que le defienda ahora. I took this castle from you. Let me defend you now. 967 01:03:35,841 --> 01:03:37,237 Tormund Matagigantes: Usted no es un caballero? TORMUND GIANTSBANE: You're not a knight? 968 01:03:37,257 --> 01:03:38,487 Las mujeres no pueden ser caballeros. Women can't be knights. 969 01:03:38,507 --> 01:03:40,696 - ¿Por qué no? - Tradicion. - Why not? - Tradition. 970 01:03:40,716 --> 01:03:44,424 Cualquier caballero puede investir a otro caballero. Any knight can make another knight. 971 01:03:45,174 --> 01:03:47,738 Arrodíllesee, Lady Brienne. Kneel, Lady Brienne. 972 01:03:47,758 --> 01:03:51,321 Brienne ha sido más que cualquier caballero de caballeros Brienne has been more knightly than any of the knights 973 01:03:51,341 --> 01:03:52,487 Creo que hemos visto. I think we've seen. 974 01:03:52,507 --> 01:03:55,321 Quiero decir, ella es un modelo de fuerza y honor I mean, she's a paragon of strength and honor 975 01:03:55,341 --> 01:03:57,362 y siendo fiel a su palabra. and being true to your word. 976 01:03:57,382 --> 01:04:00,779 Cuando Jaime la nombra, es un tipo general de validación que When Jaime knights her, it's a general kind of validation 977 01:04:00,799 --> 01:04:03,029 ella ha deseado toda su vida, pero aún más importante, she's wanted her whole life, but even more importantly, 978 01:04:03,049 --> 01:04:05,779 es la aceptación y validación por parte de Jaime, it's the acceptance and validation of Jaime, 979 01:04:05,799 --> 01:04:09,654 que, obviamente, ella tiene sentimientos who she obviously has feelings towards 980 01:04:09,674 --> 01:04:12,446 que realmente nunca ha llegado a admitir that she's never really come to terms with 981 01:04:12,466 --> 01:04:13,987 o incluso permitir que vinieran or even allowed to bubble 982 01:04:14,007 --> 01:04:15,738 a la superficie de su conciencia, to the surface of her consciousness, 983 01:04:15,758 --> 01:04:17,029 pero ahí están de todos modos, but they're there all the same, 984 01:04:17,049 --> 01:04:19,571 y podemos ver todas esas cosas que giran en su cabeza. and we can see all of those things swirling. 985 01:04:19,591 --> 01:04:22,404 TYRION LANNISTER: Ser Brienne of Tarth. TYRION LANNISTER: Ser Brienne of Tarth. 986 01:04:22,424 --> 01:04:24,237 Caballero de los Siete Reinos. Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. 987 01:04:24,257 --> 01:04:29,132 (APLAUSOS) (APPLAUSE) 988 01:04:33,049 --> 01:04:34,863 Para nosotros, lo interesante de este episodio For us, what was interesting about this episode 989 01:04:34,883 --> 01:04:36,821 es que es la última noche juntos, was always that it's our last night together, 990 01:04:36,841 --> 01:04:39,654 y todo el mundo, en mi opinión, se enfrentaría a finales de diferentes maneras. and everyone I think, would face the end in different ways. 991 01:04:39,674 --> 01:04:41,904 Probablemente vamos a morir pronto. We're probably going to die soon. 992 01:04:41,924 --> 01:04:45,549 Quiero saber lo que se siente antes de que suceda. I want to know what it's like before that happens. 993 01:04:46,090 --> 01:04:48,945 Algunos personajes quieren hacer el amor por primera vez Some characters want to make love for the first time 994 01:04:48,965 --> 01:04:50,779 porque nunca han hecho antes. because they've never done it before. 995 01:04:50,799 --> 01:04:52,112 Hay otros personajes que quieren emborracharse There are other characters who are getting drunk 996 01:04:52,132 --> 01:04:55,112 y cantar canciones, y luego están los personajes que están and singing songs, and then there are characters who are 997 01:04:55,132 --> 01:04:58,279 tratando de encontrar algún tipo de consuelo humano juntos, just trying to find some kind of human solace together, 998 01:04:58,299 --> 01:04:59,696 como Sansa y Theon. like Sansa and Theon. 999 01:04:59,716 --> 01:05:01,738 Todo el mundo se enfrenta al final de diferentes maneras, Everyone faces it in different ways, 1000 01:05:01,758 --> 01:05:03,945 pero todos están frente a ella, y por eso este episodio but they're all facing it, and that's why this episode 1001 01:05:03,965 --> 01:05:06,571 era tan importante para nosotros porque son todos estos personajes was so important to us because it's all these characters 1002 01:05:06,591 --> 01:05:07,863 que hemos seguido durante tanto tiempo, that we've been following for so long, 1003 01:05:07,883 --> 01:05:10,799 y ahora todos están frente a un enemigo común. and now they're all facing a common enemy. 1004 01:05:11,466 --> 01:05:13,799 TYRION: ¿Qué tal una canción? TYRION: How about a song? 1005 01:05:14,466 --> 01:05:17,090 Uno de ustedes debe conocer alguna. One of you must know one. 1006 01:05:17,174 --> 01:05:19,613 Podrick PAYNE: (cantando) Arriba en los pasillos PODRICK PAYNE: (SINGING) High in the halls 1007 01:05:19,633 --> 01:05:22,779 De los reyes que se han ido Of the kings who are gone 1008 01:05:22,799 --> 01:05:27,112 Jenny baila con sus fantasmas ... Jenny would dance With her ghosts... 1009 01:05:27,132 --> 01:05:29,945 BENIOFF: Daniel tiene una voz realmente preciosa, BENIOFF: Daniel's got a really lovely voice, 1010 01:05:29,965 --> 01:05:32,821 y sabíamos que queríamos una canción en este episodio. and we knew we wanted a song in this episode. 1011 01:05:32,841 --> 01:05:34,529 Hemos tenido una canción en varias de las temporadas. We've had a song in several of the seasons. 1012 01:05:34,549 --> 01:05:36,070 Hacía tiempo que no teníamos ningua, We haven't had an original in a while, 1013 01:05:36,090 --> 01:05:37,779 por lo que este parecía el episodio apropiado para ello, so this felt like the place for it, 1014 01:05:37,799 --> 01:05:38,945 y Daniel se sentía como el cantante. and Daniel felt like the singer. 1015 01:05:38,965 --> 01:05:41,195 PAYNE: Los que se habían ido PAYNE: The ones who'd been gone 1016 01:05:41,215 --> 01:05:44,529 Por tanto tiempo For so very long 1017 01:05:44,549 --> 01:05:49,654 No podía recordar los nombres She couldn't remember The names 1018 01:05:49,674 --> 01:05:55,237 Se le dio la vuelta en la piedra húmeda They spun her around On the damp old stone 1019 01:05:55,257 --> 01:05:59,571 Arroja todo su dolor y el dolor ... Spun away All her sorrow and pain... 1020 01:05:59,591 --> 01:06:02,904 La canción, creo, es en los libros de George, The song, I believe, is in George's books, 1021 01:06:02,924 --> 01:06:05,029 ummm, al menos el primer verso está en los libros, um, at least the first verse is in the books, 1022 01:06:05,049 --> 01:06:06,613 y luego, hemos añadido algunas letras and then, we added some lyrics 1023 01:06:06,633 --> 01:06:08,112 y Ramin se le ocurrió la música. and Ramin came up with the music for it. 1024 01:06:08,132 --> 01:06:12,007 PAYNE: ... nunca quiso salir PAYNE: ...never wanted to leave 1025 01:06:13,257 --> 01:06:18,362 Nunca queria irse Never wanted to leave 1026 01:06:18,382 --> 01:06:24,924 Nunca se quiso ir Never wanted to leave 1027 01:06:26,924 --> 01:06:30,024 Dual by Barel