1 00:01:51,307 --> 00:01:54,109 Tansy! 2 00:01:54,143 --> 00:01:56,962 Tansy! Tansy! 3 00:01:57,013 --> 00:02:00,098 Tansy! 4 00:02:16,816 --> 00:02:18,900 Tansy! 5 00:02:18,902 --> 00:02:20,952 There you are. 6 00:02:24,016 --> 00:02:26,217 I can't see her, Ramsay. 7 00:02:29,640 --> 00:02:31,306 Tansy! 8 00:02:34,766 --> 00:02:37,851 If you make it out of the woods, you win! 9 00:02:37,853 --> 00:02:40,354 Run, Tansy, run! 10 00:02:48,864 --> 00:02:51,865 - Tansy. - Where is she? 11 00:02:51,916 --> 00:02:55,168 - Tansy, Tansy, Tansy! 12 00:03:15,940 --> 00:03:17,999 Good girls. Down, girls. 13 00:03:18,119 --> 00:03:20,034 Down. 14 00:03:20,154 --> 00:03:22,069 Well done. You, too. 15 00:03:22,189 --> 00:03:25,565 - I only wounded her. - You brought her down. That's what matters. 16 00:03:25,567 --> 00:03:28,285 A fine shot. Wasn't it, Reek? 17 00:03:28,319 --> 00:03:30,487 A fine shot, master. My lady. 18 00:03:30,538 --> 00:03:32,739 Please, my lord. It hurts. 19 00:03:32,790 --> 00:03:35,409 Oh, sweet. Don't cry. 20 00:03:35,411 --> 00:03:38,060 It will be over soon. 21 00:03:39,580 --> 00:03:41,665 She thinks she's pretty. 22 00:03:41,716 --> 00:03:43,216 Let me put one through her face. 23 00:03:43,251 --> 00:03:44,801 We have to reward the hounds, love. 24 00:03:44,836 --> 00:03:45,967 They did all the hard work. 25 00:03:46,087 --> 00:03:48,424 Why? I did whatever you asked. 26 00:03:48,672 --> 00:03:50,571 But you made Myranda feel jealous. 27 00:03:50,691 --> 00:03:53,415 - Me jealous of her? - My lord, please. 28 00:03:53,929 --> 00:03:57,147 You can see that your presence has become a bit of a problem. 29 00:03:59,183 --> 00:04:01,184 Rip her! Rip her! 30 00:04:01,235 --> 00:04:03,270 Rip her! 31 00:04:05,708 --> 00:04:07,735 Not so pretty now. 32 00:04:20,455 --> 00:04:23,707 Your new hand, it's nicer than the old one. 33 00:04:23,758 --> 00:04:25,041 Wouldn't you agree, Pod? 34 00:04:25,092 --> 00:04:27,127 Is it solid gold? 35 00:04:27,178 --> 00:04:30,180 Gilded steel. You're not eating. 36 00:04:30,214 --> 00:04:32,132 Why is no one eating? 37 00:04:32,134 --> 00:04:34,935 My wife wastes away and my brother starves himself. 38 00:04:34,969 --> 00:04:36,970 - I'm not hungry. - You lost a hand, 39 00:04:37,021 --> 00:04:39,306 not a stomach. 40 00:04:39,308 --> 00:04:41,141 Try the boar. 41 00:04:41,143 --> 00:04:44,194 Cersei can't get enough of it since one killed Robert for her. 42 00:04:45,613 --> 00:04:47,481 A toast. 43 00:04:47,483 --> 00:04:50,867 To the proud Lannister children. 44 00:04:50,902 --> 00:04:53,787 The dwarf, the cripple, and the mother of madness. 45 00:04:53,821 --> 00:04:55,438 - Oh! - I'll clean it up. 46 00:04:55,473 --> 00:04:57,491 No, I'll do it. Leave us. 47 00:05:00,211 --> 00:05:02,629 It's only wine. 48 00:05:11,672 --> 00:05:13,673 I can't fight anymore. 49 00:05:13,675 --> 00:05:15,342 What about your left? 50 00:05:16,844 --> 00:05:20,180 I can hold a sword, but all my instincts are wrong. 51 00:05:20,231 --> 00:05:22,315 How can I protect the king 52 00:05:22,350 --> 00:05:24,017 when I can hardly wipe my own ass? 53 00:05:24,068 --> 00:05:26,686 You're the Lord Commander now. Command. 54 00:05:26,688 --> 00:05:29,606 Let others do the fighting. 55 00:05:29,657 --> 00:05:32,826 When was the last time Father used a sword? 56 00:05:32,860 --> 00:05:35,245 I'm not Father. I'm the Kingslayer. 57 00:05:35,279 --> 00:05:37,414 When people find out I can't slay a pigeon... 58 00:05:37,448 --> 00:05:40,700 Train, then. Learn to fight with your other hand. 59 00:05:40,702 --> 00:05:44,087 With whom? You? Men talk. 60 00:05:44,121 --> 00:05:46,673 Soon as someone discovers I can't fight, he'll tell everyone. 61 00:05:49,210 --> 00:05:52,212 You need a proper, discreet swordsman. 62 00:05:52,263 --> 00:05:55,882 As it happens, I have just the one. 63 00:06:04,642 --> 00:06:07,727 My brother tells me you can keep your mouth shut. 64 00:06:07,729 --> 00:06:09,729 Unusual talent for a sellsword. 65 00:06:09,731 --> 00:06:11,898 He tells me you shit gold 66 00:06:11,949 --> 00:06:14,784 just like your father. 67 00:06:14,819 --> 00:06:16,703 Is this place safe? 68 00:06:18,906 --> 00:06:21,241 There's this knight, Leygood, 69 00:06:21,243 --> 00:06:23,877 - got thunderbolts on his shield. - Uh-huh. 70 00:06:23,911 --> 00:06:26,413 Right here is where I fuck his wife. 71 00:06:26,415 --> 00:06:28,748 She's a screamer, that one. 72 00:06:28,750 --> 00:06:31,501 If they don't hear her, they won't hear us. 73 00:06:33,087 --> 00:06:35,755 I've never seen Valyrian steel before. 74 00:06:35,757 --> 00:06:38,141 She's a beauty. The problem is, 75 00:06:38,175 --> 00:06:40,510 if you fight with an edged blade, 76 00:06:40,561 --> 00:06:42,729 I'll have to. 77 00:06:42,763 --> 00:06:44,180 And if I fight with an edged blade, 78 00:06:44,231 --> 00:06:46,650 I'll have no one left to pay me. 79 00:06:48,436 --> 00:06:50,770 I haven't used a sparring sword since I was nine. 80 00:06:55,610 --> 00:06:57,327 Ah! 81 00:06:57,361 --> 00:07:00,664 Bold warrior you are, attacking a man when his guard's down. 82 00:07:00,698 --> 00:07:02,999 Best time to attack a man. 83 00:07:04,952 --> 00:07:07,037 Mind yourself. 84 00:07:08,873 --> 00:07:11,458 - If I still had my right hand... - Plan on growing it back? 85 00:07:26,057 --> 00:07:27,857 Come on, then. 86 00:07:39,153 --> 00:07:41,071 Open the gates! 87 00:07:43,074 --> 00:07:44,991 Riders coming in! 88 00:08:00,675 --> 00:08:03,510 Let's get these horses seen to! 89 00:08:05,813 --> 00:08:07,981 Father. Welcome home. 90 00:08:08,015 --> 00:08:12,102 Walda, this is Ramsay Snow, my bastard. 91 00:08:12,153 --> 00:08:14,187 A pleasure, Mother. 92 00:08:14,238 --> 00:08:16,272 Hello. 93 00:08:16,323 --> 00:08:18,992 See that the horses are fed, watered, and rubbed down. 94 00:08:19,026 --> 00:08:22,328 And take Lady Walda to her chambers. 95 00:08:22,363 --> 00:08:24,364 This way, my lady. 96 00:08:24,415 --> 00:08:26,499 Where is your prize? 97 00:08:26,534 --> 00:08:28,118 With the hounds. 98 00:08:29,503 --> 00:08:31,755 I'll have a look at him. 99 00:08:37,178 --> 00:08:39,379 I hear you took a hand from the Kingslayer. 100 00:08:39,430 --> 00:08:42,215 Word travels. How he screamed. 101 00:08:42,217 --> 00:08:44,718 You would have loved it. 102 00:08:54,061 --> 00:08:55,895 Father. 103 00:09:04,405 --> 00:09:06,206 What did you do to him? 104 00:09:06,240 --> 00:09:10,543 I trained him. He was a slow learner, but he learned. 105 00:09:10,578 --> 00:09:13,213 You flayed him. 106 00:09:13,247 --> 00:09:15,582 Peeled a few bits. 107 00:09:15,633 --> 00:09:17,584 Removed a few others. 108 00:09:20,087 --> 00:09:22,472 This was Balon Greyjoy's son and heir. 109 00:09:22,506 --> 00:09:24,924 We've been flaying our enemies for 1,000 years. 110 00:09:24,926 --> 00:09:27,010 The flayed man is on our banners. 111 00:09:27,061 --> 00:09:28,895 My banners, not yours. 112 00:09:28,929 --> 00:09:30,930 You're not a Bolton. You're a Snow. 113 00:09:34,602 --> 00:09:37,103 Tywin Lannister has given me the North. 114 00:09:37,154 --> 00:09:39,656 But he won't lift a finger to help me take it. 115 00:09:39,690 --> 00:09:41,574 As long as the ironborn hold Moat Cailin, 116 00:09:41,609 --> 00:09:43,810 our armies are trapped south of the Neck. 117 00:09:43,844 --> 00:09:47,113 Theon was a valuable hostage, not your plaything. 118 00:09:47,115 --> 00:09:50,583 I wanted to trade him for Moat Cailin. 119 00:09:50,618 --> 00:09:52,418 I already asked. 120 00:09:52,453 --> 00:09:55,922 Lord Greyjoy refused. Savages have no... 121 00:09:55,956 --> 00:09:58,958 You sent terms to Balon Greyjoy without my consent? 122 00:09:58,960 --> 00:10:01,044 You made me acting Lord of the Dreadfort. 123 00:10:01,095 --> 00:10:02,545 I acted. 124 00:10:08,552 --> 00:10:11,187 I had to smuggle myself into my own lands 125 00:10:11,222 --> 00:10:13,022 thanks to the Greyjoys. 126 00:10:13,057 --> 00:10:15,024 I needed Theon. 127 00:10:15,059 --> 00:10:16,976 I needed him whole. 128 00:10:17,027 --> 00:10:20,480 Theon was our enemy. 129 00:10:20,531 --> 00:10:22,532 But Reek, 130 00:10:22,566 --> 00:10:25,401 Reek will never betray us. 131 00:10:26,570 --> 00:10:29,155 I placed far too much trust in you. 132 00:10:37,965 --> 00:10:41,835 Reek, how could you let me stand before my father unshaven? 133 00:10:41,837 --> 00:10:45,338 - It's disrespectful. - I'm sorry, my lord. 134 00:10:47,558 --> 00:10:49,676 Give him the razor. 135 00:10:57,518 --> 00:11:00,770 If I'm not a Bolton, Father, what does it matter? 136 00:11:08,913 --> 00:11:10,446 Go on, Reek. 137 00:11:10,497 --> 00:11:12,916 A nice close shave. 138 00:11:33,187 --> 00:11:36,639 Reek, tell Father 139 00:11:36,690 --> 00:11:39,726 where are Bran and Rickon Stark? 140 00:11:39,728 --> 00:11:41,778 I don't know, my lord. 141 00:11:41,812 --> 00:11:43,563 You murdered them 142 00:11:43,597 --> 00:11:47,367 and displayed their corpses at Winterfell. 143 00:11:47,401 --> 00:11:50,820 Reek, 144 00:11:50,854 --> 00:11:53,072 did you murder the Stark boys? 145 00:11:53,123 --> 00:11:55,291 No, my lord. 146 00:11:55,326 --> 00:11:56,576 Just two farm boys. 147 00:11:56,627 --> 00:11:59,579 And crisped them so no one would know. 148 00:11:59,630 --> 00:12:02,248 Yes, my lord. 149 00:12:04,051 --> 00:12:06,753 The Starks have always ruled the North. 150 00:12:06,804 --> 00:12:09,472 If Bran and Rickon are alive, 151 00:12:09,506 --> 00:12:12,091 the country will rally to their side 152 00:12:12,093 --> 00:12:14,310 now that Robb Stark is gone. 153 00:12:16,480 --> 00:12:19,349 Oh, that's right, Reek. 154 00:12:20,784 --> 00:12:22,819 Robb Stark is dead. 155 00:12:22,853 --> 00:12:25,605 Sorry. 156 00:12:25,607 --> 00:12:27,907 I know he was like a brother to you. 157 00:12:27,942 --> 00:12:30,860 But my father put a knife through his heart. 158 00:12:34,164 --> 00:12:36,282 How do you feel about that? 159 00:12:49,763 --> 00:12:52,181 - You ready for a hunt? - Always. 160 00:12:52,216 --> 00:12:55,468 Find those boys and I'll give you 1,000 acres and a holdfast. 161 00:12:55,470 --> 00:12:57,520 Your pet rat have any thoughts 162 00:12:57,554 --> 00:12:59,772 on which way they went after Winterfell? 163 00:13:01,775 --> 00:13:03,943 Jon Snow is at Castle Black. 164 00:13:05,362 --> 00:13:07,313 Who the fuck is Jon Snow? 165 00:13:07,315 --> 00:13:08,698 Their bastard brother. 166 00:13:08,732 --> 00:13:10,984 He could be sheltering them. 167 00:13:11,035 --> 00:13:12,618 He may know where they are. 168 00:13:14,238 --> 00:13:17,707 Even if he doesn't, he's half Stark himself. 169 00:13:17,741 --> 00:13:19,375 Could be a threat. 170 00:13:19,410 --> 00:13:21,561 You want to prove yourself a Bolton? 171 00:13:21,595 --> 00:13:25,164 Gather whatever men you can and ride for Moat Cailin. 172 00:13:25,166 --> 00:13:27,417 Bring this creature of yours. 173 00:13:28,635 --> 00:13:30,753 Maybe he'll be of some use. 174 00:13:33,140 --> 00:13:35,174 Take the Moat for the family, 175 00:13:35,225 --> 00:13:36,893 for our family, 176 00:13:36,927 --> 00:13:39,429 and I'll reconsider your position. 177 00:13:42,516 --> 00:13:45,985 Lord Varys. Breakfasting with the king? 178 00:13:46,020 --> 00:13:49,322 I'm afraid foreigners aren't welcome at such exclusive affairs. 179 00:13:49,356 --> 00:13:52,158 - Oh, to be foreign. - Ahem. 180 00:13:52,192 --> 00:13:54,327 Shae has been noticed. 181 00:13:54,361 --> 00:13:55,862 Sansa's maid saw you with her. 182 00:13:55,864 --> 00:13:57,580 She already told your sister. 183 00:13:57,664 --> 00:13:59,866 It's only a matter of time before your father hears. 184 00:13:59,868 --> 00:14:03,036 So I'm guilty of being seen with my own wife's handmaiden. 185 00:14:03,087 --> 00:14:04,871 My father will ask you if there's anything more 186 00:14:04,873 --> 00:14:06,539 and you'll tell him some clever lie. 187 00:14:06,590 --> 00:14:08,291 No, I will not. 188 00:14:08,342 --> 00:14:11,594 How long do you imagine your father and sister would let me live 189 00:14:11,628 --> 00:14:13,963 if they suspected me of lying? 190 00:14:14,014 --> 00:14:16,382 I have no pet sellsword to protect me. 191 00:14:16,433 --> 00:14:18,468 No legendary brother to avenge me. 192 00:14:18,519 --> 00:14:20,937 Only little birds who whisper in my ear. 193 00:14:20,971 --> 00:14:22,755 Forgive me if I don't weep for you. 194 00:14:22,790 --> 00:14:25,808 No one weeps for spiders or whores. 195 00:14:25,859 --> 00:14:28,978 I have friends across the sea who could help her. 196 00:14:29,029 --> 00:14:30,530 She won't leave. 197 00:14:30,564 --> 00:14:31,814 I've told her this is a dangerous place 198 00:14:31,865 --> 00:14:33,733 so many times, she no longer believes it. 199 00:14:33,784 --> 00:14:36,736 Your father has promised to hang the next whore he finds you with. 200 00:14:36,787 --> 00:14:40,323 Have you ever known your father to make an idle threat? 201 00:14:43,377 --> 00:14:45,545 From House Tyrell and the people of the Reach, 202 00:14:45,579 --> 00:14:49,749 Your Grace, it is my honor to present you with this wedding cup. 203 00:14:49,800 --> 00:14:52,335 May you and my daughter Margaery 204 00:14:52,386 --> 00:14:54,170 drink deep and live long. 205 00:14:54,221 --> 00:14:56,589 A handsome goblet, my lord. 206 00:14:56,640 --> 00:14:59,258 Or shall I call you Father? 207 00:14:59,309 --> 00:15:01,844 I shall be honored, Your Grace. 208 00:15:09,186 --> 00:15:11,587 She's the whore I told you about. 209 00:15:11,622 --> 00:15:13,439 The dark-haired one. 210 00:15:15,109 --> 00:15:18,111 Have her brought to the Tower of the Hand before the wedding. 211 00:15:28,622 --> 00:15:29,956 A book? 212 00:15:29,958 --> 00:15:32,425 "The Lives of Four Kings." Grand Maester Kaeth's history 213 00:15:32,459 --> 00:15:34,760 of the reigns of Daeron the Young Dragon, 214 00:15:34,795 --> 00:15:39,265 Baelor the Blessed, Aegon the Unworthy, and Daeron the Good. 215 00:15:39,299 --> 00:15:40,967 A book every king should read. 216 00:15:50,144 --> 00:15:52,145 Now that the war is won, 217 00:15:52,196 --> 00:15:55,364 we should all find time for wisdom. 218 00:15:56,450 --> 00:15:58,651 Thank you, Uncle. 219 00:16:10,297 --> 00:16:12,915 One of only two Valyrian steel swords in the capital, 220 00:16:12,966 --> 00:16:16,836 Your Grace, freshly forged in your honor. 221 00:16:29,650 --> 00:16:33,669 Careful, Your Grace. Nothing cuts like Valyrian steel. 222 00:16:33,704 --> 00:16:35,988 So they say. 223 00:16:47,367 --> 00:16:49,585 Such a great sword should have a name. 224 00:16:49,620 --> 00:16:52,421 - What shall I call her? - Stormbringer. 225 00:16:52,539 --> 00:16:54,590 - Terminus. - Widow's Wail. 226 00:16:54,625 --> 00:16:57,126 - Wolfsbane. - Widow's Wail. I like that. 227 00:16:59,513 --> 00:17:01,547 Every time I use it, it'll be like cutting off. 228 00:17:01,549 --> 00:17:03,216 Ned Stark's head all over again. 229 00:17:31,662 --> 00:17:33,462 Don't. 230 00:17:35,499 --> 00:17:37,550 You want me on the desk? 231 00:17:39,670 --> 00:17:43,222 - What's wrong, my lion? - Don't call me that. 232 00:17:43,257 --> 00:17:45,925 What should I call you? 233 00:17:45,976 --> 00:17:48,928 I'm afraid our friendship can't continue. 234 00:17:48,930 --> 00:17:50,730 Our friendship? 235 00:17:50,764 --> 00:17:53,099 There's a ship waiting in the harbor bound for Pentos. 236 00:17:54,184 --> 00:17:55,351 What? 237 00:17:55,402 --> 00:17:56,819 You'll have your own cabin, of course, 238 00:17:56,853 --> 00:18:01,240 and across the Narrow Sea a house, servants. 239 00:18:02,492 --> 00:18:03,943 What is this? 240 00:18:03,945 --> 00:18:06,162 I'm a married man. 241 00:18:06,196 --> 00:18:09,081 My wife has suffered a great deal, as you well know. 242 00:18:09,116 --> 00:18:12,251 I don't want her to suffer anymore on my account. 243 00:18:12,286 --> 00:18:14,453 I need to uphold my vows. 244 00:18:14,455 --> 00:18:17,123 She doesn't want you. 245 00:18:17,125 --> 00:18:19,792 - I need to do right by her. - You don't want her. 246 00:18:19,794 --> 00:18:21,510 By our children. 247 00:18:23,797 --> 00:18:25,881 - What are you afraid of? - I'm not afraid. 248 00:18:25,932 --> 00:18:29,302 You are. You are afraid of your father and your sister. 249 00:18:29,353 --> 00:18:32,021 - You're going to run from them all your life? - I need you to leave. 250 00:18:32,055 --> 00:18:35,057 I'm not afraid of them. I'm not going to run. 251 00:18:35,108 --> 00:18:37,443 - Shae. - We will fight them together. 252 00:18:37,477 --> 00:18:39,812 It's like you said, I am yours and you are mine. 253 00:18:39,863 --> 00:18:41,981 You're a whore! 254 00:18:44,318 --> 00:18:47,203 Sansa is fit to bear my children and you are not. 255 00:18:47,237 --> 00:18:49,705 I can't be in love with a whore. 256 00:18:49,740 --> 00:18:52,158 I can't have children with a whore. 257 00:18:52,160 --> 00:18:54,877 How many men have you been with? 258 00:18:54,911 --> 00:18:57,163 500? 5,000? 259 00:19:03,003 --> 00:19:05,454 How many whores have you been with? 260 00:19:05,489 --> 00:19:07,640 I have enjoyed my time with all of them 261 00:19:07,674 --> 00:19:09,759 and I have enjoyed my time with you most of all. 262 00:19:09,810 --> 00:19:12,094 But now that time is over. 263 00:19:27,861 --> 00:19:31,080 You'll have a comfortable life in Pentos. 264 00:19:33,083 --> 00:19:35,951 Bronn will escort you to your ship. 265 00:20:01,395 --> 00:20:03,946 Hear us now. 266 00:20:03,980 --> 00:20:06,565 Accept these tokens of our faith, my lord, 267 00:20:06,567 --> 00:20:08,534 and lead us from the darkness. 268 00:20:10,120 --> 00:20:12,788 Sire, I served you well. 269 00:20:12,823 --> 00:20:15,741 Lord of Light, show us the way... 270 00:20:15,792 --> 00:20:20,212 Selyse, you're my sister! 271 00:20:20,247 --> 00:20:21,747 Yours are the stars that guide us. 272 00:20:21,798 --> 00:20:24,417 Tell him! Tell him! 273 00:20:24,584 --> 00:20:26,635 Lord of Light, protect us, 274 00:20:26,670 --> 00:20:28,421 for the night is dark and full of terrors. 275 00:20:40,567 --> 00:20:43,018 Did you see? Their souls. 276 00:20:43,069 --> 00:20:45,488 It was their souls. 277 00:20:45,522 --> 00:20:48,574 Our lord took them. Did you see? 278 00:20:55,115 --> 00:20:58,117 Lord Florent was your brother by law. 279 00:20:58,168 --> 00:21:00,453 He was an infidel. 280 00:21:00,455 --> 00:21:02,955 He worshipped the gods of his fathers 281 00:21:02,957 --> 00:21:05,124 and their fathers before him. 282 00:21:05,175 --> 00:21:07,793 They were the gods of your fathers, too. 283 00:21:07,844 --> 00:21:10,129 I ordered him to tear down his idols. 284 00:21:10,180 --> 00:21:11,630 He disobeyed. 285 00:21:11,632 --> 00:21:13,966 How many ships did he bring to your 'cause? 286 00:21:13,968 --> 00:21:15,267 How many men? 287 00:21:15,302 --> 00:21:17,636 A good deal more than you. 288 00:21:19,105 --> 00:21:20,940 Did you see, Ser Davos? 289 00:21:20,974 --> 00:21:22,274 They're with our lord now. 290 00:21:22,309 --> 00:21:24,810 Their sins all burned away. Did you see? 291 00:21:24,861 --> 00:21:27,530 I'm sure they're more than grateful, my queen. 292 00:21:41,828 --> 00:21:43,579 Meat's off. 293 00:21:44,998 --> 00:21:47,333 Our larders are almost empty. 294 00:21:47,384 --> 00:21:49,418 Serve fish, then. We're on an island. 295 00:21:49,469 --> 00:21:51,003 You hate fish. 296 00:21:51,054 --> 00:21:53,839 I hate a good many things, but I suffer them all the same. 297 00:21:55,392 --> 00:21:59,261 When Storm's End was under siege and I was starving, 298 00:21:59,312 --> 00:22:03,399 Stannis boiled soup for me from books. 299 00:22:03,433 --> 00:22:06,519 The binding glue is made from horses. 300 00:22:09,439 --> 00:22:14,076 One morning, he shot two seagulls on the beach. 301 00:22:14,110 --> 00:22:17,780 I've never tasted anything as good as grilled seagull. 302 00:22:19,032 --> 00:22:21,534 - Do you remember? - Of course I remember. 303 00:22:24,204 --> 00:22:26,839 Have you ever known true hunger, my lady? 304 00:22:26,873 --> 00:22:29,041 It's all I knew when I was a child. 305 00:22:29,092 --> 00:22:31,260 Until you found the Lord of Light? 306 00:22:31,294 --> 00:22:33,846 Until he found me. 307 00:22:40,720 --> 00:22:42,972 I fear for our daughter's soul. 308 00:22:44,691 --> 00:22:46,559 Every mother should fear for her child's soul. 309 00:22:46,561 --> 00:22:48,727 - She's a stubborn little beast. - She's a child. 310 00:22:48,729 --> 00:22:50,863 You barely know her. 311 00:22:50,897 --> 00:22:53,732 You think she's sweet because she smiles when you visit. 312 00:22:53,783 --> 00:22:56,068 She's sullen and stubborn and sinful. 313 00:22:56,070 --> 00:22:59,121 Why else would the Lord of Light have seen fit to mark her face? 314 00:22:59,155 --> 00:23:00,706 She needs the rod. 315 00:23:00,740 --> 00:23:04,209 She's my daughter. You will not strike her. 316 00:23:05,579 --> 00:23:07,246 As you command. 317 00:23:09,332 --> 00:23:11,750 Perhaps the Lady Melisandre could speak with her. 318 00:23:19,509 --> 00:23:21,143 Come in. 319 00:23:23,313 --> 00:23:25,598 Were you sleeping, Princess? 320 00:23:30,236 --> 00:23:32,605 Did you watch the ceremony on the beach? 321 00:23:32,607 --> 00:23:35,024 I heard it. 322 00:23:35,075 --> 00:23:36,659 And it frightened you? 323 00:23:36,693 --> 00:23:38,577 Ser Axel was my uncle. 324 00:23:38,612 --> 00:23:40,863 He was always kind to me. 325 00:23:40,914 --> 00:23:42,865 They're in a better place now, Princess. 326 00:23:42,916 --> 00:23:45,751 The fire cleansed them of the sins of the world. 327 00:23:45,785 --> 00:23:47,369 But they screamed. 328 00:23:47,420 --> 00:23:49,421 Women scream when they give birth. 329 00:23:49,456 --> 00:23:52,041 Afterward they are filled with joy. 330 00:23:52,092 --> 00:23:53,759 Afterward they aren't ash and bone. 331 00:23:53,793 --> 00:23:55,794 You have so many questions, don't you? 332 00:23:55,796 --> 00:23:58,013 So did I when I was a child. 333 00:23:58,048 --> 00:24:00,382 I was much like you. 334 00:24:00,433 --> 00:24:03,018 Only I wasn't a princess. 335 00:24:03,053 --> 00:24:04,637 And you didn't have this. 336 00:24:04,639 --> 00:24:06,522 No. 337 00:24:06,556 --> 00:24:09,475 But I suffered in other ways, sweet girl, believe me. 338 00:24:09,477 --> 00:24:11,894 What do you know of the gods? 339 00:24:11,945 --> 00:24:14,196 I read "The Seven-Pointed Star." 340 00:24:14,230 --> 00:24:16,982 Lies and fables. 341 00:24:17,033 --> 00:24:20,069 Septons speak of seven gods. 342 00:24:20,120 --> 00:24:21,654 There are but two... 343 00:24:21,705 --> 00:24:24,073 a god of light and love and joy 344 00:24:24,124 --> 00:24:27,743 and a god of darkness, evil, and fear. 345 00:24:27,794 --> 00:24:29,495 Eternally at war. 346 00:24:29,546 --> 00:24:33,549 There are no seven heavens and no seven hells? 347 00:24:34,834 --> 00:24:37,336 There's only one hell, Princess. 348 00:24:37,338 --> 00:24:40,506 The one we live in now. 349 00:25:14,791 --> 00:25:17,710 Hodor. 350 00:25:21,798 --> 00:25:23,048 Why did you wake me? 351 00:25:23,050 --> 00:25:26,018 You've been gone for hours. 352 00:25:26,052 --> 00:25:27,686 I was hungry. 353 00:25:27,721 --> 00:25:29,772 We're all hungry. 354 00:25:29,806 --> 00:25:31,523 I was just eating. 355 00:25:31,558 --> 00:25:34,560 Summer was eating. 356 00:25:34,644 --> 00:25:37,563 Your body can't live on the food your wolf consumes. 357 00:25:37,614 --> 00:25:40,733 Spending too much time in Summer's skin is dangerous. 358 00:25:42,318 --> 00:25:44,119 You're not a direwolf, Bran. 359 00:25:47,157 --> 00:25:49,074 Must be glorious, though. 360 00:25:49,125 --> 00:25:52,795 To run, to leap, to hunt. 361 00:25:53,963 --> 00:25:55,814 To be whole. 362 00:25:55,849 --> 00:25:58,584 I know that's tempting, 363 00:25:58,635 --> 00:26:00,919 but if you're trapped in Summer for too long, 364 00:26:00,921 --> 00:26:02,805 you'll forget what it was to be human. 365 00:26:06,793 --> 00:26:08,927 You'd forget us, Bran. 366 00:26:08,929 --> 00:26:10,846 You'd forget your mother and father. 367 00:26:10,897 --> 00:26:12,898 You'd forget your brothers and sisters. 368 00:26:12,932 --> 00:26:14,650 You'd forget Winterfell. 369 00:26:14,684 --> 00:26:16,602 You'd forget you. 370 00:26:16,604 --> 00:26:20,773 And if we lose you, we lose everything. 371 00:26:52,272 --> 00:26:55,474 Hodor, take me to the tree. 372 00:27:43,690 --> 00:27:45,691 Look for me... 373 00:27:51,114 --> 00:27:52,698 ...beneath the tree. 374 00:27:56,619 --> 00:27:58,871 - He saw us. 375 00:28:03,009 --> 00:28:04,209 North. 376 00:28:13,603 --> 00:28:15,888 I know where we have to go. 377 00:29:03,436 --> 00:29:06,321 Let it be known that Margaery of House Tyrell 378 00:29:06,356 --> 00:29:10,242 and Joffrey of the Houses Lannister and Baratheon 379 00:29:10,276 --> 00:29:14,112 are one heart, one flesh, one soul. 380 00:29:14,114 --> 00:29:16,782 Cursed be he 381 00:29:16,784 --> 00:29:20,035 who would seek to tear them asunder. 382 00:29:22,121 --> 00:29:26,508 With this kiss, I pledge my love. 383 00:29:47,864 --> 00:29:49,948 We have a new queen. 384 00:29:51,901 --> 00:29:53,869 Better her than you. 385 00:30:06,065 --> 00:30:09,001 - Bit much, wouldn't you say? - It feels proportionate. 386 00:30:09,003 --> 00:30:12,170 - Proportionate to what? - The expected extravagance. 387 00:30:12,255 --> 00:30:14,639 People who spend their money on this sort of nonsense 388 00:30:14,674 --> 00:30:16,258 tend not to have it for long. 389 00:30:16,309 --> 00:30:19,511 You ought to try enjoying something before you die. 390 00:30:19,513 --> 00:30:21,096 You might find it suits you. 391 00:30:21,147 --> 00:30:24,766 Not now, Mace. Lord Tywin and I are speaking. 392 00:30:24,817 --> 00:30:27,235 Anyway, I don't know what you're complaining about. 393 00:30:27,270 --> 00:30:28,653 I'm paying my share. 394 00:30:28,688 --> 00:30:30,989 Shall we stick golden roses in half the meat pies 395 00:30:31,024 --> 00:30:32,691 to commemorate your generosity? 396 00:30:32,693 --> 00:30:36,194 No, your heartfelt thank-you is it's own reward. 397 00:30:36,196 --> 00:30:39,197 I would imagine I'd be hearing it again before long. 398 00:30:39,232 --> 00:30:41,366 Wars are rather expensive. 399 00:30:41,417 --> 00:30:44,419 "The Iron Bank will have it's due." 400 00:30:44,454 --> 00:30:47,205 How they love to remind everyone. 401 00:30:47,207 --> 00:30:49,875 Almost as much as you Lannisters with your debts. 402 00:30:49,926 --> 00:30:51,893 I'm not worried about the Iron Bank. 403 00:30:51,928 --> 00:30:54,513 We both know you're smarter than that. 404 00:30:54,547 --> 00:30:58,633 Come, Tywin, let us celebrate young love. 405 00:31:10,530 --> 00:31:12,364 All taken care of. 406 00:31:12,398 --> 00:31:15,317 - You saw her board the ship? - Aye, she's on it. 407 00:31:15,368 --> 00:31:17,235 You saw the ship sail away? 408 00:31:17,237 --> 00:31:20,906 No one knows she's there but you, me, and Varys. 409 00:31:20,908 --> 00:31:22,824 How do you know? 410 00:31:22,875 --> 00:31:25,410 Because if someone follows me without an invitation, 411 00:31:25,412 --> 00:31:27,162 I'm the last person they ever follow. 412 00:31:27,213 --> 00:31:29,297 There's someone following you? 413 00:31:31,084 --> 00:31:32,717 She's gone. 414 00:31:32,752 --> 00:31:35,087 I know you don't want to believe it, but she is. 415 00:31:35,089 --> 00:31:38,423 Now, go drink till it feels like you did the right thing. 416 00:31:44,480 --> 00:31:46,648 Hello. 417 00:31:46,682 --> 00:31:49,184 - Hello. - Not you. 418 00:32:05,368 --> 00:32:07,452 You look exquisite, child. 419 00:32:07,503 --> 00:32:10,789 The wind has been at you, though. 420 00:32:10,840 --> 00:32:13,959 I haven't had the opportunity to tell you 421 00:32:13,961 --> 00:32:16,761 how sorry I was to hear about your brother. 422 00:32:16,796 --> 00:32:20,298 War is war, but killing a man at a wedding, 423 00:32:20,349 --> 00:32:21,933 horrid. 424 00:32:21,968 --> 00:32:24,186 What sort of monster would do such a thing? 425 00:32:24,220 --> 00:32:27,689 As if men need more reasons to fear marriage. 426 00:32:27,723 --> 00:32:29,224 My lady. My lady. 427 00:32:29,275 --> 00:32:32,527 Lord Tyrion, you see? Not as bad as all that. 428 00:32:32,562 --> 00:32:34,229 Perhaps if your pauper husband 429 00:32:34,280 --> 00:32:36,815 were to sell his mule and his last pair of shoes, 430 00:32:36,817 --> 00:32:40,152 he might be able to afford to bring you to Highgarden for a visit. 431 00:32:40,154 --> 00:32:43,205 Now that peace has come and all is right with the world, 432 00:32:43,289 --> 00:32:45,323 it would do you good to see some of it. 433 00:32:45,325 --> 00:32:48,326 You must excuse me. It's time I ate 434 00:32:48,328 --> 00:32:50,462 some of this food I paid for. 435 00:32:54,133 --> 00:32:57,002 ♪ A coat of gold ♪ 436 00:32:57,004 --> 00:32:59,671 ♪ Or a coat of red ♪ 437 00:32:59,722 --> 00:33:05,594 ♪ A lion still has claws ♪ 438 00:33:05,645 --> 00:33:08,063 ♪ And mine, ♪ ♪ my lord... ♪ 439 00:33:08,097 --> 00:33:10,515 Very good. Very good. Off you go. 440 00:33:27,283 --> 00:33:30,001 My love, why don't we make the announcement? 441 00:33:32,539 --> 00:33:34,122 Everyone. 442 00:33:34,173 --> 00:33:37,959 The queen would like to say a few words. 443 00:33:45,518 --> 00:33:47,352 We are so fortunate 444 00:33:47,386 --> 00:33:49,604 to enjoy this marvelous food and drink. 445 00:33:49,639 --> 00:33:52,140 Not all among us are so lucky. 446 00:33:52,191 --> 00:33:56,111 To thank the gods for bringing the recent war to a just end, 447 00:33:56,145 --> 00:33:59,447 King Joffrey has decreed that the leftovers 448 00:33:59,482 --> 00:34:03,201 from our feast be given to the poorest in his city. 449 00:34:14,880 --> 00:34:17,082 You're an example to us all. 450 00:34:33,349 --> 00:34:35,350 Ser Jaime, I'm very sorry. 451 00:34:35,401 --> 00:34:37,068 Ser Loras, it's quite all right. 452 00:34:39,855 --> 00:34:41,773 Your sister looks very beautiful. 453 00:34:41,824 --> 00:34:43,358 As does yours. 454 00:34:43,409 --> 00:34:46,444 So, looking forward to your wedding? 455 00:34:46,495 --> 00:34:48,830 Yes, very much. 456 00:34:48,864 --> 00:34:51,249 Our fathers are both rather keen on the prospect. 457 00:34:51,284 --> 00:34:52,784 They certainly are. 458 00:34:52,786 --> 00:34:54,085 Perhaps they should get married. 459 00:34:56,289 --> 00:34:58,707 If you were to marry Cersei, 460 00:34:58,758 --> 00:35:00,342 she'd murder you in your sleep. 461 00:35:00,376 --> 00:35:04,095 If you somehow managed to put a child in her first, 462 00:35:04,130 --> 00:35:06,264 she'd murder him, too, 463 00:35:06,299 --> 00:35:07,966 long before he drew his first breath. 464 00:35:08,017 --> 00:35:11,136 Luckily for you, none of this will happen 465 00:35:11,138 --> 00:35:13,772 because you'll never marry her. 466 00:35:16,642 --> 00:35:18,727 And neither will you. 467 00:35:32,291 --> 00:35:34,409 Your Grace. My king. 468 00:35:34,443 --> 00:35:36,328 - My queen. - Lady Brienne. 469 00:35:36,330 --> 00:35:38,630 So good of you to come. 470 00:35:38,664 --> 00:35:40,081 I'm no lady, Your Grace. 471 00:35:40,132 --> 00:35:42,500 Did you just bow? 472 00:35:42,551 --> 00:35:44,002 Apologies, Your Grace. 473 00:35:44,053 --> 00:35:46,805 I never did master the curtsy. 474 00:35:46,839 --> 00:35:48,423 You're the one who put a sword through Renly Baratheon. 475 00:35:48,474 --> 00:35:51,426 That's not true, my love. Brienne had nothing to do with it. 476 00:35:51,477 --> 00:35:53,178 A shame. 477 00:35:53,180 --> 00:35:55,847 I'd knight the man that put an end to that deviant's life. 478 00:35:57,016 --> 00:35:59,150 I just wanted to congratulate you both 479 00:35:59,185 --> 00:36:00,535 and wish you good fortune. 480 00:36:00,569 --> 00:36:02,487 The country has been at war too long. 481 00:36:02,521 --> 00:36:05,740 I hope your reign is long and peaceful. 482 00:36:05,775 --> 00:36:07,592 - Yes, yes. - Thank you. 483 00:36:07,626 --> 00:36:09,811 I hope we see more of you. 484 00:36:16,619 --> 00:36:18,670 Lady Brienne. 485 00:36:18,704 --> 00:36:21,539 You're Lord Selwyn Tarth's daughter. 486 00:36:21,541 --> 00:36:24,542 That makes you a lady whether you want to be or not. 487 00:36:24,544 --> 00:36:26,845 As you say, Your Grace. 488 00:36:26,879 --> 00:36:28,296 I owe you my gratitude. 489 00:36:28,347 --> 00:36:30,632 You returned my brother safely to King's Landing. 490 00:36:33,102 --> 00:36:35,470 In truth, he rescued me, Your Grace. 491 00:36:35,521 --> 00:36:37,238 More than once. 492 00:36:37,273 --> 00:36:39,391 Did he? 493 00:36:40,443 --> 00:36:42,060 Haven't heard that story before. 494 00:36:43,646 --> 00:36:46,231 Not such a fascinating story, I'm afraid. 495 00:36:46,282 --> 00:36:48,650 I'm sure you have many fascinating stories. 496 00:36:48,701 --> 00:36:52,804 Sworn to Renly Baratheon. Sworn to Catelyn Stark. And now my brother. 497 00:36:52,838 --> 00:36:56,324 Must be exciting to flit from one camp to the next 498 00:36:56,375 --> 00:36:59,127 serving whichever lord or lady you fancy. 499 00:36:59,161 --> 00:37:01,713 I don't serve your brother, Your Grace. 500 00:37:01,747 --> 00:37:03,882 But you love him. 501 00:37:11,924 --> 00:37:13,842 Your Grace. 502 00:37:24,403 --> 00:37:28,440 No, no, come to my chambers and I will examine you personally. 503 00:37:28,442 --> 00:37:30,742 - She'll do no such thing. - Oh, Your Grace. 504 00:37:30,776 --> 00:37:32,944 Yes, well, this young lady sought my advice... 505 00:37:32,946 --> 00:37:34,662 You should see Qyburn. He's quite good. 506 00:37:34,697 --> 00:37:37,782 - Your Grace. - Qyburn? Deplorable man. 507 00:37:37,833 --> 00:37:41,252 Brought shame on the Citadel with his repugnant experiments. 508 00:37:41,287 --> 00:37:43,621 More repugnant than your gnarled fingers on that girl's thighs? 509 00:37:43,623 --> 00:37:46,007 Your Grace, I am a man of learning. 510 00:37:46,041 --> 00:37:48,843 My little brother had you sent to the Black Cells when you annoyed him. 511 00:37:48,878 --> 00:37:50,962 What do you think I could do to you if you annoyed me? 512 00:37:50,964 --> 00:37:52,964 I never meant to annoy anyone. 513 00:37:52,966 --> 00:37:55,884 But you are. You annoy me right now. 514 00:37:55,935 --> 00:37:58,102 Every breath you draw in my presence annoys me. 515 00:37:58,137 --> 00:37:59,637 So here's what I want you to do. 516 00:37:59,639 --> 00:38:01,189 I want you to leave my presence. 517 00:38:01,223 --> 00:38:02,640 Leave this wedding right now. 518 00:38:02,691 --> 00:38:04,309 Go to the kitchens and instruct them 519 00:38:04,360 --> 00:38:07,812 that all the leftovers from the feast will be brought to the kennels. 520 00:38:07,814 --> 00:38:10,064 Your Grace, Queen Margaery... 521 00:38:10,115 --> 00:38:12,450 The queen is telling you 522 00:38:12,485 --> 00:38:14,736 the leftovers will feed the dogs 523 00:38:14,787 --> 00:38:16,988 or you will. 524 00:38:35,841 --> 00:38:38,843 A gold dragon to whoever knocks my fool's hat off. 525 00:38:50,489 --> 00:38:52,690 You're in rather a good mood. 526 00:38:52,692 --> 00:38:55,026 - I suppose I am. - I won't ask why. 527 00:38:55,028 --> 00:38:58,246 - Small pleasures. - Your Grace. Lord Tywin. 528 00:38:58,280 --> 00:38:59,831 Prince Oberyn. 529 00:38:59,865 --> 00:39:01,199 I don't believe you have met Ellaria. 530 00:39:01,201 --> 00:39:02,951 This is the Lord Hand Tywin Lannister 531 00:39:03,002 --> 00:39:05,370 and Cersei Lannister the Queen Regent. 532 00:39:05,421 --> 00:39:08,122 I suppose it is former Queen Regent now. 533 00:39:08,173 --> 00:39:11,543 Lord Hand and Lady Cersei, 534 00:39:11,594 --> 00:39:15,630 - Ellaria Sand. - My lord. My lady. 535 00:39:15,681 --> 00:39:17,382 Charmed. 536 00:39:17,433 --> 00:39:19,601 Can't say I've ever met a Sand before. 537 00:39:23,472 --> 00:39:24,973 We are everywhere in Dorne. 538 00:39:25,057 --> 00:39:27,358 I have 10,000 brothers and sisters. 539 00:39:27,393 --> 00:39:29,811 Bastards are born of passion, aren't they? 540 00:39:29,862 --> 00:39:31,229 We don't despise them in Dorne. 541 00:39:31,280 --> 00:39:32,480 No? How tolerant of you. 542 00:39:32,531 --> 00:39:34,566 I expect it is a relief, Lady Cersei, 543 00:39:34,568 --> 00:39:37,285 giving up your regal responsibilities. 544 00:39:37,319 --> 00:39:40,455 Wearing the crown for so many years must have left your neck a bit crooked. 545 00:39:40,489 --> 00:39:42,490 I suppose you'll never know, Prince Oberyn. 546 00:39:42,541 --> 00:39:44,459 It's a shame your older brother couldn't attend the wedding. 547 00:39:44,493 --> 00:39:46,828 Please give him our regards. 548 00:39:46,879 --> 00:39:48,580 With any luck, the gout will abate 549 00:39:48,631 --> 00:39:50,248 with time and he will be able to walk again. 550 00:39:50,299 --> 00:39:52,216 They call it the rich man's disease. 551 00:39:52,251 --> 00:39:53,585 A wonder you don't have it. 552 00:39:53,636 --> 00:39:55,503 Noblemen in my part of the country 553 00:39:55,554 --> 00:39:58,623 don't enjoy the same lifestyle as our counterparts in Dorne. 554 00:39:58,657 --> 00:40:00,508 People everywhere have their differences. 555 00:40:00,559 --> 00:40:03,761 In some places the highborn frown upon those of low birth. 556 00:40:03,763 --> 00:40:07,098 In other places the rape and murder of women and children 557 00:40:07,100 --> 00:40:09,067 is considered distasteful. 558 00:40:11,020 --> 00:40:14,322 What a fortunate thing for you, former Queen Regent, 559 00:40:14,356 --> 00:40:16,324 that your daughter Myrcella has been sent 560 00:40:16,358 --> 00:40:18,693 to live in the latter sort of place. 561 00:40:22,031 --> 00:40:25,833 Everyone, silence! Clear the floor. 562 00:40:28,203 --> 00:40:31,956 There's been too much amusement here today. 563 00:40:32,007 --> 00:40:35,843 A royal wedding is not an amusement. 564 00:40:35,878 --> 00:40:38,846 A royal wedding is history. 565 00:40:38,881 --> 00:40:41,382 The time has come for all of us 566 00:40:41,433 --> 00:40:43,851 to contemplate our history. 567 00:40:44,853 --> 00:40:46,220 My lords... 568 00:40:48,807 --> 00:40:50,608 my ladies... 569 00:40:51,810 --> 00:40:53,928 I give you. 570 00:40:53,963 --> 00:40:56,447 King Joffrey... 571 00:40:56,482 --> 00:40:58,950 Renly, Stannis, 572 00:40:58,984 --> 00:41:02,370 Robb Stark, Balon Greyjoy. 573 00:41:02,404 --> 00:41:05,707 The War of the Five Kings. 574 00:41:09,078 --> 00:41:11,212 I'm the rightful king. 575 00:41:12,381 --> 00:41:15,166 - King in the North! - Yes! 576 00:41:19,304 --> 00:41:22,306 Traitor. You're a traitor. 577 00:41:22,341 --> 00:41:25,593 For the Seven Kingdoms! 578 00:41:29,348 --> 00:41:31,482 Let the war begin. 579 00:41:33,819 --> 00:41:36,521 Renly, you're no king. 580 00:41:36,523 --> 00:41:39,774 Away, degenerate. Away. Away. 581 00:41:39,825 --> 00:41:42,443 Ooh, careful. 582 00:41:42,494 --> 00:41:44,996 - Go on. - I want you to be my prince. 583 00:41:52,955 --> 00:41:54,505 Stannis! 584 00:41:54,540 --> 00:41:56,974 Who's got the gold now, Stark? 585 00:41:57,009 --> 00:42:00,344 I am the rightful king. Challenge me, ruffian. 586 00:42:00,379 --> 00:42:02,180 - Take that. - I'm drowning. I'm drowning. 587 00:42:02,214 --> 00:42:04,632 I am the King in the North! 588 00:42:08,804 --> 00:42:10,805 Not wildfire! 589 00:42:18,280 --> 00:42:21,032 Pay each of them 20 gold when this is done. 590 00:42:21,066 --> 00:42:23,067 Yes, my lord. 591 00:42:23,069 --> 00:42:25,319 We'll have to find another way to thank the king. 592 00:42:29,575 --> 00:42:31,492 Charge! 593 00:42:36,215 --> 00:42:38,716 Ready, again. 594 00:42:42,471 --> 00:42:44,305 I am the King in the North! 595 00:42:46,091 --> 00:42:47,892 - Charge! - Charge! 596 00:42:47,926 --> 00:42:49,761 Yes! 597 00:42:49,812 --> 00:42:53,097 Your head! 598 00:43:27,599 --> 00:43:30,468 Fine gentlemen. 599 00:43:38,777 --> 00:43:41,229 Well fought. Well fought. 600 00:43:41,280 --> 00:43:44,148 Here you are. Champion's purse. 601 00:43:45,450 --> 00:43:49,737 Though you're not the champion yet, are you? 602 00:43:49,788 --> 00:43:53,374 A true champion defeats all the challengers. 603 00:43:53,408 --> 00:43:55,793 Surely there are others out there 604 00:43:55,828 --> 00:43:58,412 who still dare to challenge my reign. 605 00:43:58,463 --> 00:44:00,498 Uncle. 606 00:44:00,549 --> 00:44:03,801 How about you? I'm sure they have a spare costume. 607 00:44:09,842 --> 00:44:12,894 One taste of combat was enough for me, Your Grace. 608 00:44:12,928 --> 00:44:15,513 I would like to keep what remains of my face. 609 00:44:15,564 --> 00:44:18,015 I think you should fight him. 610 00:44:18,017 --> 00:44:19,851 This was but a poor imitation 611 00:44:19,853 --> 00:44:21,819 of your own bravery on the field of battle. 612 00:44:21,854 --> 00:44:24,355 I speak as a firsthand witness. 613 00:44:24,389 --> 00:44:26,407 Climb down from the high table 614 00:44:26,441 --> 00:44:28,526 with your new Valyrian sword 615 00:44:28,528 --> 00:44:31,696 and show everyone how a true king wins his throne. 616 00:44:31,747 --> 00:44:34,081 Be careful, though. 617 00:44:34,116 --> 00:44:37,168 This one is clearly mad with lust. 618 00:44:37,202 --> 00:44:41,038 It would be a tragedy for the king to lose his virtue 619 00:44:41,089 --> 00:44:43,124 hours before his wedding night. 620 00:45:13,822 --> 00:45:15,656 A fine vintage. 621 00:45:15,707 --> 00:45:17,408 Shame that it spilled. 622 00:45:17,459 --> 00:45:19,377 It did not spill. 623 00:45:19,411 --> 00:45:21,662 My love, come back to me. 624 00:45:21,713 --> 00:45:23,464 It's time for my father's toast. 625 00:45:25,250 --> 00:45:28,085 Well, how does he expect me to toast without wine? 626 00:45:30,155 --> 00:45:34,642 Uncle, you can be my cupbearer 627 00:45:34,676 --> 00:45:36,928 seeing as you're too cowardly to fight. 628 00:45:36,979 --> 00:45:39,180 Your Grace does me a great honor. 629 00:45:39,231 --> 00:45:42,600 It's not meant as an honor. 630 00:46:13,932 --> 00:46:15,466 Bring me my goblet. 631 00:46:38,040 --> 00:46:40,408 What good is an empty cup? 632 00:46:41,493 --> 00:46:42,960 Fill it. 633 00:46:56,892 --> 00:46:58,092 Kneel. 634 00:47:00,429 --> 00:47:02,847 Kneel before your king. 635 00:47:07,519 --> 00:47:09,236 Kneel. 636 00:47:15,527 --> 00:47:18,195 I said... 637 00:47:18,246 --> 00:47:20,114 kneel! 638 00:47:23,535 --> 00:47:25,102 Look, the pie. 639 00:47:39,634 --> 00:47:41,052 My queen. 640 00:47:52,531 --> 00:47:55,032 Wonderful. 641 00:47:56,401 --> 00:47:59,303 Wonderful. 642 00:47:59,337 --> 00:48:01,205 My hero. 643 00:48:04,326 --> 00:48:07,461 - Can we leave now? - Let's find out. 644 00:48:16,088 --> 00:48:17,304 Uncle. 645 00:48:20,759 --> 00:48:22,259 Where are you going? 646 00:48:22,261 --> 00:48:24,812 You're my cupbearer, remember? 647 00:48:24,846 --> 00:48:27,431 I thought I might change out of these wet clothes, Your Grace. 648 00:48:27,433 --> 00:48:30,101 No, no, no. No, you're perfect the way you are. 649 00:48:31,269 --> 00:48:33,521 Serve me my wine. 650 00:48:38,610 --> 00:48:41,495 Well, hurry up. This pie is dry. 651 00:48:49,454 --> 00:48:51,288 Mm, good. 652 00:48:51,339 --> 00:48:53,707 Needs washing down. 653 00:48:53,758 --> 00:48:56,293 If it please Your Grace, Lady Sansa is very tired. 654 00:48:56,295 --> 00:48:59,046 No. 655 00:48:59,097 --> 00:49:00,798 No, you'll wait here... 656 00:49:03,136 --> 00:49:06,387 un... 657 00:49:06,438 --> 00:49:08,472 Your Grace? 658 00:49:10,225 --> 00:49:12,860 It's nothing. 659 00:49:18,400 --> 00:49:20,985 - He's choking! - Help the poor boy. 660 00:49:24,573 --> 00:49:27,458 - Idiots, help your king. - Move away! 661 00:49:29,495 --> 00:49:32,413 - Joffrey! Joffrey! - Help him! 662 00:49:32,464 --> 00:49:34,832 - Someone help him! - Joffrey! 663 00:49:36,635 --> 00:49:39,386 - Come with me now. - Joffrey! Joffrey! 664 00:49:39,421 --> 00:49:41,639 If you want to live, we have to leave. 665 00:49:41,673 --> 00:49:42,973 Don't touch him! 666 00:49:49,097 --> 00:49:51,015 Joffrey. 667 00:49:51,017 --> 00:49:53,517 Please, Joffrey. 668 00:49:53,552 --> 00:49:57,104 Joffrey, what is it? 669 00:49:57,155 --> 00:49:59,573 Help him! 670 00:50:31,856 --> 00:50:34,308 My son. 671 00:50:39,981 --> 00:50:43,901 He's gone. Our king is gone. 672 00:50:44,736 --> 00:50:46,120 He did this. 673 00:50:48,657 --> 00:50:51,227 He poisoned my son, 674 00:50:51,500 --> 00:50:53,577 your king. 675 00:50:53,579 --> 00:50:56,247 Take him. Take him! 676 00:50:56,930 --> 00:50:58,966 Take him! 677 00:50:59,000 --> 00:51:01,135 Take him! 678 00:51:07,247 --> 00:51:18,183 Malay Dev - T2 //subscene.com/u/660635/subtitles 679 00:51:25,977 --> 00:51:29,346 ♪ In a coat of gold ♪ 680 00:51:29,381 --> 00:51:32,349 ♪ Or a coat of red ♪ 681 00:51:32,384 --> 00:51:37,988 ♪ A lion still has claws ♪ 682 00:51:38,023 --> 00:51:41,425 ♪ And mine are long ♪ 683 00:51:41,459 --> 00:51:44,428 ♪ And sharp, my lord ♪ 684 00:51:44,462 --> 00:51:50,467 ♪ As long and sharp as yours ♪ 685 00:51:50,502 --> 00:51:56,640 ♪ And so he spoke ♪ ♪ and so he spoke ♪ 686 00:51:56,675 --> 00:52:02,813 ♪ That Lord of Castamere ♪ 687 00:52:02,847 --> 00:52:05,749 ♪ And now the rains ♪ 688 00:52:05,784 --> 00:52:08,919 ♪ Weep o'er his hall ♪ 689 00:52:08,953 --> 00:52:15,359 ♪ With no one there to hear ♪ 690 00:52:15,393 --> 00:52:17,995 ♪ Yes, now the rains ♪ 691 00:52:18,029 --> 00:52:21,465 ♪ Weep o'er his hall ♪ 692 00:52:21,499 --> 00:52:27,338 ♪ And not a soul ♪ ♪ to hear. ♪