1 00:00:59,363 --> 00:01:03,003 PHONE RINGS 2 00:01:03,003 --> 00:01:04,003 BEEP 3 00:01:05,003 --> 00:01:06,043 HE SPEAKS OWN LANGUAGE 4 00:01:19,003 --> 00:01:20,203 BEEPING 5 00:01:31,003 --> 00:01:32,003 Thank you. 6 00:01:39,843 --> 00:01:41,003 BEEPING 7 00:02:02,003 --> 00:02:04,003 PHONE RINGS 8 00:02:05,843 --> 00:02:07,003 BEEP 9 00:02:12,003 --> 00:02:13,003 BEEP 10 00:03:23,003 --> 00:03:24,203 PILOT: 'The weather today in London 11 00:03:24,203 --> 00:03:26,003 'is much the same as it was in Beijing, 12 00:03:26,003 --> 00:03:28,203 'although a couple of degrees cooler. 13 00:03:28,203 --> 00:03:31,003 'We are expected to arrive at London Heathrow 14 00:03:31,003 --> 00:03:32,363 'in around four hours from now. 15 00:03:32,363 --> 00:03:35,003 'That's as long as we don't get stuck in any holding patterns...' 16 00:03:35,003 --> 00:03:36,843 HE COUGHS '..which puts us 17 00:03:36,843 --> 00:03:39,003 'just over 45 minutes behind schedule. 18 00:03:39,003 --> 00:03:42,003 'So, relax, and enjoy the rest of the flight.' 19 00:03:42,003 --> 00:03:44,003 HE COUGHS 20 00:03:45,003 --> 00:03:46,043 MAN: Excuse me. 21 00:03:57,003 --> 00:03:59,003 Excuse me. HE COUGHS 22 00:03:59,003 --> 00:04:00,003 COUGHING 23 00:04:04,003 --> 00:04:05,843 MAN SNEEZES 24 00:04:36,363 --> 00:04:40,003 ANNOUNCER: 'All passengers from flight EZ759, 25 00:04:40,003 --> 00:04:44,003 'please proceed immediately to security.' 26 00:04:46,003 --> 00:04:48,003 BEEPING 27 00:04:59,003 --> 00:05:02,003 - Mr Ezard? Mr Stephen Ezard? - Yes? 28 00:05:02,003 --> 00:05:03,003 ID, please. 29 00:05:11,003 --> 00:05:12,003 BEEP 30 00:05:12,003 --> 00:05:14,003 Come with us, please, sir. 31 00:05:14,003 --> 00:05:16,003 You're being fast-tracked. 32 00:05:24,003 --> 00:05:26,003 HORN BEEPS 33 00:05:26,003 --> 00:05:27,523 This is very helpful. 34 00:05:27,523 --> 00:05:30,683 - Who laid this on? - I have no idea, sir. 35 00:05:37,523 --> 00:05:39,363 Is it a wedding or a wetting, sir? 36 00:05:42,003 --> 00:05:44,003 Who organised this? 37 00:05:46,003 --> 00:05:50,003 All I've got is, er, Mr Stephen Ezard, 38 00:05:50,003 --> 00:05:54,003 Beijing flight, going to North London, Highgate Church. 39 00:05:54,003 --> 00:05:56,003 It's my brother's funeral. 40 00:05:56,003 --> 00:05:58,003 Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, sir. 41 00:06:02,003 --> 00:06:03,203 Can't we go any faster? 42 00:06:03,203 --> 00:06:06,003 I really am very late. My plane was delayed. 43 00:06:06,003 --> 00:06:10,003 I'm afraid we don't have clearance to break monitored speed, sir. 44 00:06:10,003 --> 00:06:11,003 Monitored speed? 45 00:06:12,363 --> 00:06:16,003 I've been away... almost four years. 46 00:06:16,003 --> 00:06:19,003 You'll be noticing the changes, then, sir. 47 00:06:23,003 --> 00:06:26,003 But one saying was dear to Michael's heart. 48 00:06:26,003 --> 00:06:30,003 'The insignificant man makes demands on others, 49 00:06:30,003 --> 00:06:34,003 "the significant man makes demands on himself." 50 00:06:34,003 --> 00:06:39,003 All of us here today know that Michael was a very significant man. 51 00:06:39,003 --> 00:06:41,683 - Michael Ezard? - Yes. 52 00:06:46,003 --> 00:06:48,003 Are you the brother? 53 00:06:48,003 --> 00:06:49,003 Yes. 54 00:06:50,043 --> 00:06:52,003 We couldn't wait. 55 00:07:16,523 --> 00:07:20,003 I didn't know Michael had a brother until today. 56 00:07:21,003 --> 00:07:24,003 Didn't think there'd be such a large crowd. 57 00:07:24,003 --> 00:07:26,043 Those who knew him loved him. 58 00:07:26,043 --> 00:07:29,003 Still, at least you got here in time to throw dirt on the coffin. 59 00:07:29,003 --> 00:07:31,003 That's important. 60 00:07:40,003 --> 00:07:42,523 I've known Michael for years. 61 00:07:42,523 --> 00:07:46,003 A lovely, lovely man. You must be so proud. 62 00:07:48,003 --> 00:07:49,003 Yes. 63 00:07:51,003 --> 00:07:53,003 We'd lost contact for four years. 64 00:07:53,003 --> 00:07:55,843 I knew he was working in some sort of voluntary organisation 65 00:07:55,843 --> 00:07:58,003 in the Middle East, but, well, I thought he was looking 66 00:07:58,003 --> 00:08:02,003 for something more prop... Er, permanent. 67 00:08:02,003 --> 00:08:05,003 Michael changed people's lives. 68 00:08:06,003 --> 00:08:08,003 - What do you do? - Erm... 69 00:08:10,843 --> 00:08:14,003 Michael... was like a brother. 70 00:08:33,003 --> 00:08:34,003 Down here! 71 00:08:39,843 --> 00:08:41,003 Well, this is nice. 72 00:08:41,003 --> 00:08:44,003 Yeah. Grew up here. 73 00:08:45,003 --> 00:08:47,003 Ended up sharing the place with my brother. 74 00:08:47,003 --> 00:08:51,003 Er, you haven't, er, forgotten anything, sir? 75 00:08:51,003 --> 00:08:53,683 Er, no, I don't think so. 76 00:09:01,003 --> 00:09:03,003 Who did you say sent y...? 77 00:09:18,043 --> 00:09:19,683 BEEP 78 00:09:19,683 --> 00:09:22,003 BUZZING 79 00:10:37,003 --> 00:10:39,003 COUGHING 80 00:10:48,003 --> 00:10:50,003 DOOR CREAKS 81 00:10:53,003 --> 00:10:55,003 Hello? 82 00:11:18,003 --> 00:11:20,003 PHONE BEEPS 83 00:11:30,003 --> 00:11:32,003 No blood, no girl. 84 00:11:49,003 --> 00:11:51,683 Oh, erm, I'm... I'm from upstairs. 85 00:11:51,683 --> 00:11:54,683 - Ah, a friend of Michael's? - His brother. 86 00:11:54,683 --> 00:11:56,523 I didn't know he had one. 87 00:11:56,523 --> 00:11:59,003 Batz. Andrew Batz. 88 00:11:59,003 --> 00:12:01,363 Erm, Stephen Ezard. 89 00:12:01,363 --> 00:12:03,843 Come in, Stephen. Come in, come in. 90 00:12:12,203 --> 00:12:16,003 I moved in about a year ago. I haven't touched the place yet. 91 00:12:23,003 --> 00:12:28,003 Erm, I've been away quite a long time, and, erm... 92 00:12:31,003 --> 00:12:36,203 I know Michael... likes to have an open house policy... 93 00:12:36,203 --> 00:12:39,003 Oh, yeah. Some guests are noisier than others. 94 00:12:39,003 --> 00:12:43,003 Only met Michael a couple of times, but you can tell straight away, 95 00:12:43,003 --> 00:12:45,003 he's a lovely man, lovely man. 96 00:12:47,003 --> 00:12:49,003 I think some of them take advantage, 97 00:12:49,003 --> 00:12:51,003 overstay their welcome. - Yes. 98 00:12:51,003 --> 00:12:53,003 - Do you know who's staying now? - No idea. 99 00:12:54,003 --> 00:12:56,003 I've heard some music, footsteps. 100 00:12:56,003 --> 00:12:58,003 Well, I'm sure I'll sort it out. 101 00:12:58,003 --> 00:13:00,003 How-How is Michael? 102 00:13:32,003 --> 00:13:34,003 Stay. Stay and talk. It might help. 103 00:13:34,003 --> 00:13:37,003 No, I'll be fine. Thank you. 104 00:13:57,003 --> 00:13:59,003 CLATTERING 105 00:14:10,523 --> 00:14:12,003 Who are you? 106 00:14:13,043 --> 00:14:15,003 Yasim. 107 00:14:15,003 --> 00:14:16,003 Yasim who? 108 00:14:16,003 --> 00:14:19,003 Same as you. Ezard. 109 00:14:19,003 --> 00:14:20,003 I'm Michael's wife. 110 00:14:22,003 --> 00:14:23,003 Well, his widow. 111 00:14:25,003 --> 00:14:27,003 I didn't know Michael was married. 112 00:14:27,003 --> 00:14:29,003 I knew he had a brother. 113 00:14:29,003 --> 00:14:31,003 A famous one, too. 114 00:14:31,003 --> 00:14:32,363 Ezard's Theorem. 115 00:14:32,363 --> 00:14:35,003 There's a woman lying in there, unconscious... 116 00:14:35,003 --> 00:14:37,003 Nadir. 117 00:14:37,003 --> 00:14:40,003 Nadir? Nadir who? 118 00:14:40,003 --> 00:14:43,003 Nadir bint Ahmed bin Saleh Al-Fulani. 119 00:14:44,203 --> 00:14:46,003 Well, she looks very ill. 120 00:14:46,003 --> 00:14:48,003 - She is. - I'll enough to need a doctor. 121 00:14:50,003 --> 00:14:51,003 I am a doctor. 122 00:15:01,003 --> 00:15:04,003 Nadir, we have a visitor, baby. 123 00:15:04,003 --> 00:15:05,683 Stephen, Michael's brother. 124 00:15:05,683 --> 00:15:08,523 Which is wonderful, really, really wonderful 125 00:15:08,523 --> 00:15:13,003 because what we need most of all is a cook. 126 00:15:20,003 --> 00:15:25,003 OK, my love, I'm gonna give you a shot of morphine. 127 00:15:36,003 --> 00:15:39,003 PHONE RINGS 128 00:15:40,003 --> 00:15:42,003 RINGING CONTINUES 129 00:15:42,003 --> 00:15:43,003 PHONE BEEPS 130 00:15:46,683 --> 00:15:49,003 I've got pictures. 131 00:15:52,003 --> 00:15:56,003 She left in a hurry, yesterday. 132 00:15:57,003 --> 00:15:59,003 She's dropped something. 133 00:16:00,003 --> 00:16:02,003 It could be a blood sample. 134 00:16:02,003 --> 00:16:04,003 'Full surveillance. Find the girl.' 135 00:16:06,003 --> 00:16:07,003 HE SIGHS 136 00:16:12,003 --> 00:16:15,003 If you are Michael's wife, why weren't you at his funeral? 137 00:16:17,003 --> 00:16:18,363 I had a patient to look after. 138 00:16:21,003 --> 00:16:22,003 Medicines to collect. 139 00:16:22,003 --> 00:16:24,003 Who is Nadir bin Saleh Al-Fulani? 140 00:16:24,003 --> 00:16:27,003 An aid worker, same as Michael. 141 00:16:28,003 --> 00:16:30,003 We all worked for the same charity 142 00:16:30,003 --> 00:16:32,003 on a Hepatitis B inoculation programme. 143 00:16:32,003 --> 00:16:33,003 What's wrong with her? 144 00:16:34,683 --> 00:16:36,003 I don't know. 145 00:16:43,683 --> 00:16:45,003 How exactly did Mich...? 146 00:16:53,003 --> 00:16:55,003 So, why China? 147 00:16:58,003 --> 00:17:00,003 That's where I work best. 148 00:17:01,003 --> 00:17:02,683 Because? 149 00:17:02,683 --> 00:17:04,003 It's peaceful. 150 00:17:07,003 --> 00:17:09,003 It's very... foreign. 151 00:17:09,003 --> 00:17:11,203 I haven't got a clue what's going on, 152 00:17:11,203 --> 00:17:14,003 the world doesn't intrude, I can concentrate, 153 00:17:14,003 --> 00:17:17,003 I'm not distracted by the minutiae of other people's lives. 154 00:17:17,003 --> 00:17:21,003 Michael told me something about your work, studying killer bees. 155 00:17:22,363 --> 00:17:27,203 Several years ago, I developed a... mathematical model, 156 00:17:27,203 --> 00:17:30,003 the genesis of which was a statistical analysis 157 00:17:30,003 --> 00:17:32,043 of insect swarm, in which killer bees played a component. 158 00:17:32,043 --> 00:17:34,523 A very small, theoretical component. 159 00:17:34,523 --> 00:17:38,003 And all this time, I had you in a bee keeper's outfit. 160 00:17:39,003 --> 00:17:41,003 Another one of Michael's good stories. 161 00:17:47,843 --> 00:17:50,003 Yasim, we have to talk about Michael. 162 00:17:50,003 --> 00:17:51,683 All I had was a phone call. 163 00:17:51,683 --> 00:17:53,003 What happened? 164 00:17:58,003 --> 00:18:02,003 I was, erm, in a medical tent... 165 00:18:03,003 --> 00:18:05,003 '..working.' 166 00:18:06,003 --> 00:18:08,003 'I saw him flash past in his jeep. 167 00:18:09,043 --> 00:18:11,683 'He always drove too fast.' 168 00:18:13,203 --> 00:18:16,683 He went into the mountains to deliver medical supplies. 169 00:18:18,003 --> 00:18:19,203 He hit a land mine. 170 00:18:21,203 --> 00:18:24,003 He didn't come back. 171 00:18:42,003 --> 00:18:45,003 I'm so sorry, my darling. I shouldn't have left you. 172 00:18:45,003 --> 00:18:47,003 I won't leave you again. 173 00:18:49,003 --> 00:18:50,843 The blood sample? 174 00:18:50,843 --> 00:18:54,003 All taken care of. That's why I had to leave you. 175 00:18:54,003 --> 00:18:56,523 The doctor will run tests. 176 00:18:56,523 --> 00:18:59,003 We'll hear back from him in a few days. 177 00:20:22,003 --> 00:20:25,683 Whoever he is, whatever he is... he's an old one. 178 00:20:25,683 --> 00:20:27,003 Police? 179 00:20:27,003 --> 00:20:31,003 No. He'd have made six phone calls and taken a dump by now. 180 00:20:32,003 --> 00:20:33,843 One of ours? 181 00:20:33,843 --> 00:20:35,003 God knows. 182 00:20:35,003 --> 00:20:38,003 What's he doing in Nadir Al-Fulani's flat? 183 00:20:42,003 --> 00:20:43,003 SWITCH CLICKS 184 00:21:23,003 --> 00:21:25,843 Shit! He's seen us. 185 00:22:40,043 --> 00:22:42,003 Help me turn her body. 186 00:23:06,843 --> 00:23:08,003 HISSING 187 00:23:08,003 --> 00:23:10,523 It's just air escaping. 188 00:23:11,683 --> 00:23:14,003 I can manage now. You can go. 189 00:23:47,683 --> 00:23:49,003 Tell me about today. 190 00:23:49,003 --> 00:23:51,003 Tell me about Michael's funeral. 191 00:23:57,003 --> 00:23:59,683 They drove me out to where he'd been blown up. 192 00:24:01,003 --> 00:24:03,003 I collected body parts... 193 00:24:04,003 --> 00:24:06,003 ..what little I could find. 194 00:24:06,003 --> 00:24:09,003 Nothing was recognisable. 195 00:24:12,003 --> 00:24:14,003 That's when I said my goodbyes. 196 00:24:23,003 --> 00:24:24,043 Well... 197 00:24:25,683 --> 00:24:27,003 ..was it a good funeral? 198 00:24:29,003 --> 00:24:30,003 I missed it. 199 00:24:31,003 --> 00:24:33,003 Well, most of it. 200 00:24:33,003 --> 00:24:36,003 And it was Humanist. 201 00:24:36,003 --> 00:24:39,003 There was no vicar, except everybody acted like one. 202 00:24:39,003 --> 00:24:41,003 Michael was buried with our parents. 203 00:24:43,003 --> 00:24:45,003 I didn't expect anyone to come, 204 00:24:45,003 --> 00:24:48,003 but there were hundreds of them from all over the world. 205 00:24:48,003 --> 00:24:50,363 And... they loved him. 206 00:24:51,843 --> 00:24:53,043 They really loved him. 207 00:24:53,043 --> 00:24:57,003 Yeah, Michael had a knack of making everyone think 208 00:24:57,003 --> 00:24:58,523 they were special to him. 209 00:24:58,523 --> 00:25:02,003 A complete stranger would suddenly feel they'd met a friend for life. 210 00:25:02,003 --> 00:25:05,003 SHE SNIFFLES I hate him! 211 00:25:06,003 --> 00:25:10,003 I hate him! I hate him for dying like that! 212 00:25:10,003 --> 00:25:14,843 It was so like him... roaring away in that stupid jeep. 213 00:25:16,003 --> 00:25:17,003 Self-important. 214 00:25:17,003 --> 00:25:21,003 He had to take care of everything and everyone! 215 00:25:21,003 --> 00:25:23,003 I'm glad I wasn't there today... 216 00:25:24,003 --> 00:25:28,003 ..to see all those brave, smiling faces, 217 00:25:28,003 --> 00:25:31,003 hugs and laughter, tears and jokes. 218 00:25:31,003 --> 00:25:35,003 That's exactly what it was like - one big, happy Humanist family. 219 00:25:36,203 --> 00:25:38,003 All claiming him as theirs. 220 00:25:39,523 --> 00:25:41,003 He was mine! 221 00:25:41,003 --> 00:25:43,003 It's good I didn't go. 222 00:25:43,003 --> 00:25:48,003 I'd have been screaming at them, "Say something bad. 223 00:25:48,003 --> 00:25:51,523 "Say something nasty, cruel, dirty. 224 00:25:51,523 --> 00:25:54,003 "Say something HONEST!" 225 00:26:02,003 --> 00:26:04,003 He never made me feel special. 226 00:26:06,003 --> 00:26:08,003 Ever. 227 00:26:10,003 --> 00:26:12,003 All I got was resentment. 228 00:26:14,003 --> 00:26:16,003 The day I learnt to walk, 229 00:26:16,003 --> 00:26:19,003 he went out into the back garden and dug bear traps. 230 00:26:20,203 --> 00:26:23,003 I couldn't believe that I was born into a family with him in it. 231 00:26:23,003 --> 00:26:26,203 He was loud, chaotic, demanding, self-centred. 232 00:26:29,003 --> 00:26:32,003 And he was the reason I spent so much time locked in my room - 233 00:26:32,003 --> 00:26:33,003 to escape him. 234 00:26:39,003 --> 00:26:41,003 On the plane on the way over... 235 00:26:42,363 --> 00:26:45,003 ..I was dreading having to say something at the church 236 00:26:45,003 --> 00:26:48,003 to my imaginary congregation of two because you can't lie at a funeral, 237 00:26:48,003 --> 00:26:50,683 standing beside the coffin. You just can't. 238 00:26:53,003 --> 00:26:55,003 There was a woman from, erm, South America. 239 00:26:55,003 --> 00:26:58,363 She'd wrestled her way past crocodiles to get there, 240 00:26:58,363 --> 00:27:03,203 but I resented every step that I took to get to his grave. 241 00:27:11,003 --> 00:27:12,683 I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. 242 00:27:54,523 --> 00:27:56,003 God almighty. 243 00:27:58,003 --> 00:27:59,363 Why here? 244 00:27:59,363 --> 00:28:03,003 The cameras don't work, inside or out. 245 00:28:03,003 --> 00:28:05,003 And it's highly unlikely that in here... 246 00:28:06,003 --> 00:28:08,003 ..you'll bump into anyone who knows you. 247 00:28:09,003 --> 00:28:11,003 - Morning. - Good morning. 248 00:28:13,003 --> 00:28:15,003 Coffee and an Olympic. 249 00:28:15,003 --> 00:28:16,003 WAITRESS: Coming up. 250 00:28:16,003 --> 00:28:19,003 He's David Russell. A hybrid. 251 00:28:19,003 --> 00:28:22,003 Desk and field - highly regarded in both. 252 00:28:23,003 --> 00:28:26,003 Extensive Middle Eastern experience, fluent in Farsi. 253 00:28:26,003 --> 00:28:28,003 A useful re-tread in the war on terror. 254 00:28:29,003 --> 00:28:31,003 - Re-tread? - Brought out of retirement. 255 00:28:31,003 --> 00:28:35,003 All hands to the pump. But he had a falling out 256 00:28:35,003 --> 00:28:38,003 with the younger management. Apparently, terrified of him. 257 00:28:38,003 --> 00:28:40,003 - Coffee. - Two years ago, he disappeared. 258 00:28:40,003 --> 00:28:42,843 There's no record of where he went or what he's been doing. 259 00:28:42,843 --> 00:28:45,003 Russell is rather good at disappearing. 260 00:28:45,003 --> 00:28:48,003 That and wet operations. 261 00:28:50,003 --> 00:28:51,043 Assassination. 262 00:28:53,003 --> 00:28:55,003 Christ! 263 00:28:56,003 --> 00:28:58,003 Why is he looking for her? 264 00:28:59,003 --> 00:29:01,203 We have to assume it's the same reason as us. 265 00:29:04,003 --> 00:29:08,523 Then it's got away from us. We have to go wider. 266 00:29:08,523 --> 00:29:12,003 We can't carry it between the three of us. 267 00:29:13,003 --> 00:29:14,003 You're both wrong. 268 00:29:15,003 --> 00:29:18,003 If you look carefully... BEEP 269 00:29:18,003 --> 00:29:20,003 ..with his experience, 270 00:29:20,003 --> 00:29:22,003 if he had any understanding at all of how explosive this is, 271 00:29:22,003 --> 00:29:25,003 he'd have expected us to have the girl's apartment covered, 272 00:29:25,003 --> 00:29:26,203 but he didn't. 273 00:29:26,203 --> 00:29:31,003 There, see? That's the first time he knew we were in there. 274 00:29:31,003 --> 00:29:32,003 So what's going through his mind 275 00:29:32,003 --> 00:29:34,003 is that this is much bigger than he thought. 276 00:29:34,003 --> 00:29:36,003 Then he comes back to the surveillance car 277 00:29:36,003 --> 00:29:37,683 to show his face. 278 00:29:38,843 --> 00:29:41,363 He doesn't want us to make a mistake. He wants us to know 279 00:29:41,363 --> 00:29:43,003 exactly who he is. 280 00:29:43,003 --> 00:29:46,203 He doesn't know why we're interested in the girl, 281 00:29:46,203 --> 00:29:49,043 so he wants us to come after him, and to give it away. 282 00:29:49,043 --> 00:29:52,003 Which would suggest both arrogance and a certain desperation 283 00:29:52,003 --> 00:29:55,003 to find Nadir bint Ahmed bin Saleh Al-Fulani. 284 00:29:55,003 --> 00:29:57,003 Yes, it would. 285 00:29:57,003 --> 00:29:58,683 Olympic. 286 00:30:03,003 --> 00:30:04,203 DOOR SLAMS 287 00:30:04,203 --> 00:30:07,003 FOOTSTEPS 288 00:30:15,003 --> 00:30:18,003 KEYPAD BEEPS 289 00:30:18,003 --> 00:30:20,003 LOCK BEEPS 290 00:30:26,003 --> 00:30:28,203 KEYPAD BEEPS 291 00:30:31,003 --> 00:30:34,003 ELECTRICAL HUM 292 00:31:07,003 --> 00:31:09,003 DOORBELL RINGS 293 00:31:20,003 --> 00:31:22,003 DOORBELL RINGS 294 00:31:25,003 --> 00:31:27,003 Stephen, wait! 295 00:31:31,043 --> 00:31:33,003 DOORBELL RINGS 296 00:31:33,003 --> 00:31:35,003 Shh. Shh. 297 00:31:37,003 --> 00:31:42,003 PHONE RINGS 298 00:31:42,003 --> 00:31:43,683 ANSWER MACHINE: 'Hi there, it's Michael. 299 00:31:43,683 --> 00:31:46,003 'Leave a message. Better still, send money.' 300 00:31:46,003 --> 00:31:48,003 BEEP 301 00:31:48,003 --> 00:31:50,203 MAN: 'Message for Stephen Ezard. This is Bryan Holland. 302 00:31:50,203 --> 00:31:52,523 'I run a company called Inquirendo, 303 00:31:52,523 --> 00:31:56,683 'and we'd very much like to talk to you about funding your work. 304 00:31:56,683 --> 00:31:58,003 'We've sent a car for you. 305 00:31:58,003 --> 00:32:00,843 'The driver should be there with you now.' 306 00:32:00,843 --> 00:32:03,003 W-Wait. Wait a second, please. 307 00:32:04,003 --> 00:32:05,003 Fantastic. 308 00:32:05,003 --> 00:32:08,003 I'll see them tomorrow. I couldn't leave you, not now. 309 00:32:08,003 --> 00:32:10,003 I know what to do, who to call, all the formalities. 310 00:32:10,003 --> 00:32:13,683 Stephen, I'm used to it - it's part of my job. 311 00:32:15,003 --> 00:32:16,003 He's on his way. 312 00:32:23,003 --> 00:32:25,003 DOORBELL RINGS Five minutes! 313 00:32:30,003 --> 00:32:31,003 Michael's voice... 314 00:32:34,003 --> 00:32:35,003 It's OK. 315 00:32:37,003 --> 00:32:39,003 Thank you... 316 00:32:41,003 --> 00:32:43,003 ..for helping me... 317 00:32:44,003 --> 00:32:46,003 ..chase death away. 318 00:32:50,003 --> 00:32:52,003 DOORBELL RINGS Go. 319 00:32:52,003 --> 00:32:54,003 Go and get the money. 320 00:32:55,003 --> 00:32:57,003 I'll take care of things here. 321 00:33:24,003 --> 00:33:25,363 BEEP 322 00:33:39,003 --> 00:33:40,003 BEEP 323 00:33:58,683 --> 00:34:01,003 Bryan Holland. 324 00:34:01,003 --> 00:34:04,003 Andrew Wilcox. I'm a huge fan. 325 00:34:04,003 --> 00:34:06,003 I was a couple of years behind you at Cambridge. 326 00:34:06,003 --> 00:34:08,003 You were already a legend. 327 00:34:10,003 --> 00:34:13,003 Stephen, why don't you bring us up to speed on your work? 328 00:34:14,043 --> 00:34:16,003 Erm, have you got the time? 329 00:34:16,003 --> 00:34:19,003 Good God, man, of course we have. It would be an honour. 330 00:34:20,203 --> 00:34:22,003 Let Rich be the Ricci curvature 331 00:34:22,003 --> 00:34:24,203 where the Gammas are the Christoffel symbols. 332 00:34:24,203 --> 00:34:26,203 The idea is to show that, under the Ricci flow, 333 00:34:26,203 --> 00:34:29,683 positive curvature tends to spread outwards, er, 334 00:34:29,683 --> 00:34:33,003 until at infinite time, the manifold will achieve constant curvature. 335 00:34:33,003 --> 00:34:36,003 Now, let us consider a generalisation of this 336 00:34:36,003 --> 00:34:38,003 if the form "f" is a nice smooth function. 337 00:34:38,003 --> 00:34:41,003 Even in this state, the flow will develop singularities 338 00:34:41,003 --> 00:34:43,003 in finite time, but by using a local version 339 00:34:43,003 --> 00:34:45,003 of the Gromov compactness theorem, I've been able to get a model 340 00:34:45,003 --> 00:34:48,003 of all... possible... singularities. 341 00:34:50,683 --> 00:34:52,003 Fantastic. 342 00:34:54,003 --> 00:34:55,003 And that proves what? 343 00:34:55,003 --> 00:34:59,683 Erm, it's... it's part of a proof of, erm... 344 00:35:00,843 --> 00:35:03,003 ..the affirmation of a conjecture I made earlier. 345 00:35:03,003 --> 00:35:05,203 But the whole proof would take a lot longer to explain. 346 00:35:05,203 --> 00:35:07,003 I could if you had the time. 347 00:35:07,003 --> 00:35:11,003 It's topology, Bryan, rubber sheet geometry. 348 00:35:11,003 --> 00:35:12,683 Stephen's work is well on the way 349 00:35:12,683 --> 00:35:14,043 to explaining the shape of the universe. 350 00:35:14,043 --> 00:35:16,003 And what shape's that? 351 00:35:17,003 --> 00:35:19,843 The beauty of what Stephen has just shown us 352 00:35:19,843 --> 00:35:22,363 is in how the equation explores itself. 353 00:35:22,363 --> 00:35:24,363 The harmony of numbers. 354 00:35:24,363 --> 00:35:26,683 - Think of it as music. - No, no, no. 355 00:35:26,683 --> 00:35:28,003 It's not at all like music. 356 00:35:28,003 --> 00:35:31,003 But for explaining it to a non-mathematician like Bryan... 357 00:35:31,003 --> 00:35:33,683 If it's not like music, how does that help? 358 00:35:33,683 --> 00:35:36,003 I thought it had something to do with killer bees. 359 00:35:36,003 --> 00:35:39,363 Pure research is something that Inquirendo are proud to support, 360 00:35:39,363 --> 00:35:42,003 and we would like to fund your research 361 00:35:42,003 --> 00:35:44,003 for the next three years. 362 00:35:45,003 --> 00:35:47,003 Thank you. That's... 363 00:35:47,003 --> 00:35:49,003 That's very generous. Erm... 364 00:35:49,003 --> 00:35:52,003 How did you know that I needed funding? 365 00:35:52,003 --> 00:35:56,003 Well, as I'm sure you know, the International Mathematical Union 366 00:35:56,003 --> 00:35:59,003 is a hot bed of gossip - who's in, who's out, who's hot, who's not. 367 00:35:59,003 --> 00:36:00,683 The chatter about you is non-stop. 368 00:36:00,683 --> 00:36:04,003 The genius who went to ground in China, 369 00:36:04,003 --> 00:36:07,003 the youngest mathematician ever to be awarded a Fields Medal, 370 00:36:07,003 --> 00:36:10,003 a future Nobel Prize winner. It's great publicity for us. 371 00:36:10,003 --> 00:36:13,003 There's just one small favour we'd like to ask you in return. 372 00:36:15,003 --> 00:36:16,003 Oh? 373 00:36:16,003 --> 00:36:18,003 The Victoria bomb. 374 00:36:18,003 --> 00:36:20,843 You'd have felt the shock waves of that one all the way to China. 375 00:36:20,843 --> 00:36:23,003 It changed the way a lot of people thought. 376 00:36:23,003 --> 00:36:25,003 Those that could think for themselves. 377 00:36:25,003 --> 00:36:27,363 An atrocity on that scale? 378 00:36:27,363 --> 00:36:31,003 People weren't prepared to live with that level of insecurity any more. 379 00:36:31,003 --> 00:36:33,203 And that's where we can help. 380 00:36:33,203 --> 00:36:36,523 We're in the national database business. 381 00:36:36,523 --> 00:36:41,003 And this... is the future of that business. 382 00:36:42,843 --> 00:36:44,363 Now, any expansion of the National Register 383 00:36:44,363 --> 00:36:46,003 or DNA databases 384 00:36:46,003 --> 00:36:49,003 has always had the anxiety brigade jumping up and down. 385 00:36:49,003 --> 00:36:51,003 So we were left with national databases 386 00:36:51,003 --> 00:36:53,003 that didn't talk to each other. 387 00:36:53,003 --> 00:36:56,043 In truth, everyone knew it was only a matter of time before they did. 388 00:36:56,043 --> 00:37:00,043 The Victoria bomb, and the others, just hurried the inevitable along. 389 00:37:00,043 --> 00:37:04,003 Well, here she is - the Intrusive State Machine. 390 00:37:04,003 --> 00:37:05,003 Big Brother. 391 00:37:05,003 --> 00:37:08,843 A simple laptop. It's all about what Tallulah here can access. 392 00:37:08,843 --> 00:37:13,843 And what she can access is T-I-A. 393 00:37:15,003 --> 00:37:18,003 - Sorry? - TIA. Total Information Awareness. 394 00:37:18,003 --> 00:37:21,003 TIA is the entire UK on one database - 395 00:37:21,003 --> 00:37:25,003 birth to death, day-to-day, up-to-date, and in real-time. 396 00:37:25,003 --> 00:37:28,363 A completely new generation of interaction. 397 00:37:28,363 --> 00:37:30,683 Absolute surveillance. 398 00:37:30,683 --> 00:37:33,003 With TIA, all the walls come down. 399 00:37:33,003 --> 00:37:36,003 Yeah, with encryption, it guarantees only the right people have it, 400 00:37:36,003 --> 00:37:39,003 so they can get to know all about the wrong people. 401 00:37:39,003 --> 00:37:41,003 Self-funding in ten years, with strict government controls 402 00:37:41,003 --> 00:37:43,363 on data sales to the private sector. 403 00:37:43,363 --> 00:37:46,003 That's what Tallulahs will be doing from this room. 404 00:37:46,003 --> 00:37:47,203 And all linked to your ID card. 405 00:37:47,203 --> 00:37:49,843 What has any of this got to do with me? 406 00:37:49,843 --> 00:37:53,003 TIA is about to become law, and it should be a shoo-in. 407 00:37:53,003 --> 00:37:56,003 We designed and built it, so we've got the contract to run it. 408 00:37:56,003 --> 00:37:58,003 Naturally, we liaise with the government, 409 00:37:58,003 --> 00:38:01,003 and we want you to be our man in Whitehall. 410 00:38:01,003 --> 00:38:03,003 Just to make sure it is a shoo-in. 411 00:38:03,003 --> 00:38:04,003 - Me? - Mm. 412 00:38:04,003 --> 00:38:08,003 As a sort of mascot, you know, to calm last-minute jitters, 413 00:38:08,003 --> 00:38:09,523 both inside government and the media. 414 00:38:09,523 --> 00:38:12,003 Your early statistical model work at Cambridge, 415 00:38:12,003 --> 00:38:15,003 it fits this like a glove. You're perfect for it. 416 00:38:15,003 --> 00:38:17,003 The genius who gave the world Ezard's Theorem, 417 00:38:17,003 --> 00:38:20,003 the man tipped for the Nobel, supports TIA. 418 00:38:20,003 --> 00:38:22,003 I'm not tipped for anything. I know nothing of TIA. 419 00:38:22,003 --> 00:38:23,003 Ah, you just put your name to it. 420 00:38:23,003 --> 00:38:25,203 - I couldn't. - You're not against it? 421 00:38:25,203 --> 00:38:28,003 I don't have an opinion about it one way or another. 422 00:38:28,003 --> 00:38:31,003 I mean, you won't have to do very much at all. 423 00:38:31,003 --> 00:38:33,003 We'd crib you up on everything. 424 00:38:33,003 --> 00:38:35,003 I couldn't think of anyone less suitable. 425 00:38:35,003 --> 00:38:36,003 I'm not remotely political. 426 00:38:36,003 --> 00:38:38,363 I hate talking, explaining... people. 427 00:38:38,363 --> 00:38:42,203 Perfect! You won't hang around to make a career out of it. 428 00:38:42,203 --> 00:38:45,003 The bees won't even know you've been away. 429 00:38:48,003 --> 00:38:50,003 Unless you do this for us, 430 00:38:50,003 --> 00:38:52,203 it won't be possible for us to fund your work. 431 00:38:52,203 --> 00:38:54,683 Give us a few weeks, 432 00:38:54,683 --> 00:38:57,003 and we'll give you three years' financial support. 433 00:38:57,003 --> 00:38:59,003 Thank you. But... 434 00:39:00,003 --> 00:39:02,003 ..but no. 435 00:39:12,003 --> 00:39:15,523 He won't be needing a car. Arrogant bastard. 436 00:39:15,523 --> 00:39:17,523 As if earning a living's beneath him. 437 00:39:17,523 --> 00:39:19,003 Perhaps "mascot" was wrong. 438 00:39:19,003 --> 00:39:21,003 "Shape of the universe?" 439 00:39:21,003 --> 00:39:23,003 Wanker doesn't know what makes the world go round. 440 00:39:23,003 --> 00:39:25,363 Ezard's Theorem? Complete bollocks. 441 00:39:25,363 --> 00:39:27,003 It isn't. 442 00:39:27,003 --> 00:39:30,003 It'll be a disaster if it comes out he turned us down. 443 00:39:31,203 --> 00:39:34,003 PHONE BEEPS 444 00:39:34,003 --> 00:39:35,003 He'll come round. 445 00:39:42,003 --> 00:39:43,003 Taxi! 446 00:39:59,003 --> 00:40:00,003 ID, please, sir. 447 00:40:08,003 --> 00:40:10,003 BEEP 448 00:40:12,003 --> 00:40:13,363 Ezard. Stephen Ezard? 449 00:40:13,363 --> 00:40:15,003 Yes. 450 00:40:15,003 --> 00:40:16,003 BEEP 451 00:40:16,003 --> 00:40:19,203 The Underground system won't be working for another hour at least. 452 00:40:19,203 --> 00:40:21,003 You're better off on foot, sir. 453 00:40:22,043 --> 00:40:24,003 Thank you. 454 00:40:53,003 --> 00:40:54,523 Yasim? 455 00:40:56,003 --> 00:40:57,003 Yasim? 456 00:40:59,003 --> 00:41:00,003 Yasim? 457 00:41:05,003 --> 00:41:07,003 Yasim? 458 00:41:21,043 --> 00:41:24,003 Stephen! Come in, come in. 459 00:41:24,003 --> 00:41:28,003 Someone's been in the apartment... this morning. 460 00:41:28,003 --> 00:41:30,003 Did you hear anything, see anything? 461 00:41:31,203 --> 00:41:33,003 Think! 462 00:41:33,003 --> 00:41:35,003 From about ten. 463 00:41:35,003 --> 00:41:38,003 I can't have been gone more than two, three hours. 464 00:41:39,203 --> 00:41:43,003 No. Sorry. Not a thing. Did they take much? 465 00:41:46,003 --> 00:41:47,523 It's as if no-one was ever there. 466 00:41:47,523 --> 00:41:50,203 Stephen... come in. 467 00:41:50,203 --> 00:41:53,003 Come in and talk about Michael. I think someone needs tea and a hug. 468 00:41:53,003 --> 00:41:55,003 No! No... 469 00:41:55,003 --> 00:41:57,003 No, thank you. 470 00:42:25,003 --> 00:42:27,003 SHE LAUGHS 471 00:42:35,003 --> 00:42:37,003 WHISTLING 472 00:43:00,003 --> 00:43:01,683 DOORBELL RINGS 473 00:43:12,003 --> 00:43:15,203 Well, you could just look a little pleased to see me. 474 00:43:24,003 --> 00:43:26,003 I'm so sorry about Michael. 475 00:43:29,003 --> 00:43:32,003 And for not making it to the funeral. 476 00:43:36,003 --> 00:43:38,003 How was it between you two? 477 00:43:40,003 --> 00:43:42,003 There was always that reassurance, living with you, 478 00:43:42,003 --> 00:43:45,003 that, if needed, the kitchen could be turned into an operating theatre 479 00:43:45,003 --> 00:43:47,003 at a moment's notice. 480 00:43:47,003 --> 00:43:50,003 And here I am, messing it up. 481 00:43:51,003 --> 00:43:53,003 Just like old times, hey? 482 00:43:54,043 --> 00:43:56,843 Eleanor, this is very kind of you. 483 00:43:56,843 --> 00:44:00,683 It's just that today's been a little bit confusing, and... 484 00:44:00,683 --> 00:44:02,003 Is that why you passed up on a generous offer 485 00:44:02,003 --> 00:44:04,003 of three years' worth of funding? 486 00:44:06,003 --> 00:44:08,003 The car that picked you up from the airport 487 00:44:08,003 --> 00:44:10,003 and took you to the funeral, that was me. 488 00:44:13,003 --> 00:44:16,003 I have clearly paid more attention over the years 489 00:44:16,003 --> 00:44:18,003 to your brilliant career than you have to mine. 490 00:44:23,043 --> 00:44:25,003 I'm a government minister now. 491 00:44:26,523 --> 00:44:28,003 Oh. 492 00:44:28,003 --> 00:44:32,003 And it's my job to make sure TIA gets onto the statute book. 493 00:44:33,683 --> 00:44:38,003 I recommended you to Inquirendo. They jumped at the idea, of course. 494 00:44:38,003 --> 00:44:40,683 But surely you know me better than anyone. I... 495 00:44:40,683 --> 00:44:43,523 Social charm and the ability to mix with colleagues 496 00:44:43,523 --> 00:44:46,003 is a distinct disadvantage. 497 00:44:47,003 --> 00:44:50,003 - You'd be perfect. - As a mascot? 498 00:44:51,043 --> 00:44:53,003 Eat. 499 00:45:00,003 --> 00:45:01,683 And then I've got a treat for you. 500 00:45:03,003 --> 00:45:06,003 CHURCH ORGAN MUSIC 501 00:45:19,003 --> 00:45:21,843 CHORAL SINGING 502 00:45:21,843 --> 00:45:23,003 ID, please. 503 00:45:23,003 --> 00:45:24,843 There you go. 504 00:45:24,843 --> 00:45:26,003 BEEP 505 00:45:26,003 --> 00:45:27,043 Thank you. 506 00:45:30,003 --> 00:45:32,523 SCANNER BEEPS 507 00:45:32,523 --> 00:45:36,003 CHORAL SINGING CONTINUES 508 00:45:39,003 --> 00:45:41,003 SCANNER BEEPS 509 00:45:42,683 --> 00:45:44,003 Thank you. 510 00:45:51,003 --> 00:45:54,003 CHORAL SINGING CONTINUES 511 00:45:59,003 --> 00:46:02,003 THEY SING 512 00:46:06,003 --> 00:46:10,683 THEY SING 513 00:47:02,003 --> 00:47:04,043 MAN OVER RADIO: 'Locate target and wait for instruction. 514 00:47:04,043 --> 00:47:06,003 'Stay in position.' 515 00:47:14,003 --> 00:47:16,003 BEEP 516 00:47:19,003 --> 00:47:22,003 CHEERING ON TV 517 00:47:35,003 --> 00:47:37,843 CHORAL SINGING 518 00:47:37,843 --> 00:47:40,003 THEY SING 519 00:47:42,003 --> 00:47:44,003 THEY SING 520 00:47:52,203 --> 00:47:55,523 CHORAL SINGING CONTINUES 521 00:48:12,363 --> 00:48:14,003 A couple of rogue tenors, 522 00:48:14,003 --> 00:48:17,003 and the Rex Tremendae was a little lumpy, 523 00:48:17,003 --> 00:48:19,003 but not bad, not bad at all. 524 00:48:19,003 --> 00:48:21,003 Stephen, they're school children. 525 00:48:24,003 --> 00:48:27,043 Why did we have to go through that security sheep dip to get in here? 526 00:48:27,043 --> 00:48:30,003 The audience - a mix of the Commons and the Lords. 527 00:48:30,003 --> 00:48:32,043 We're here for a show of solidarity. 528 00:48:34,003 --> 00:48:36,003 Come and meet some people. 529 00:48:37,003 --> 00:48:39,003 Don't worry, they're not politicians. 530 00:48:46,363 --> 00:48:50,003 The school lost six children in the Victoria Station bombing. 531 00:48:51,003 --> 00:48:54,003 Out of the 213 killed, nearly 30 were children. 532 00:48:56,003 --> 00:48:58,003 Tonight was a celebration of courage, 533 00:48:58,003 --> 00:49:00,683 an act of defiance against barbarism. 534 00:49:04,003 --> 00:49:06,523 Hand wipe? They're antiseptic. 535 00:49:08,203 --> 00:49:10,003 I am who I am. 536 00:49:10,003 --> 00:49:12,043 I wouldn't want you any other way. 537 00:49:15,003 --> 00:49:18,003 We stop a lot of atrocities, Stephen, 538 00:49:18,003 --> 00:49:20,003 but every time one gets past us, 539 00:49:20,003 --> 00:49:23,003 we put pieces of information together to understand how, 540 00:49:23,003 --> 00:49:24,363 who, why. 541 00:49:25,683 --> 00:49:28,003 TIA will help us put that information together 542 00:49:28,003 --> 00:49:32,003 before it happens. TIA finds needles in haystacks. 543 00:49:33,043 --> 00:49:37,003 People can't just disappear or melt away. 544 00:49:39,003 --> 00:49:41,523 Look, I understand how important your work is, 545 00:49:41,523 --> 00:49:45,003 and to do great work, you can only think about mathematics. 546 00:49:45,003 --> 00:49:46,363 It's just so distracting. 547 00:49:46,363 --> 00:49:51,003 I know, and I know how hard you fight to keep a pure mind. 548 00:49:52,003 --> 00:49:54,003 Yeah. 549 00:49:54,003 --> 00:49:55,523 But it's only for a few weeks. 550 00:49:56,683 --> 00:50:00,003 Having you on board will really help calm last-minute jitters. 551 00:50:00,003 --> 00:50:03,003 I wouldn't expect you to put your name to something 552 00:50:03,003 --> 00:50:05,003 you haven't examined first. 553 00:50:05,003 --> 00:50:08,043 Take a look at what we've got, pull it apart. 554 00:50:11,363 --> 00:50:13,003 At least think about it. 555 00:50:23,003 --> 00:50:26,363 PATRICK: 'Russell is at an address we've got for Michael Ezard.' 556 00:50:26,363 --> 00:50:30,003 Ezard has a brother, Stephen, who's also registered there. 557 00:50:31,043 --> 00:50:33,043 Give me five minutes, babe. 558 00:50:33,043 --> 00:50:36,003 'It's territory we went over weeks ago.' 559 00:50:36,003 --> 00:50:40,003 Whatever his motive, it looks as if he's two steps behind us. 560 00:50:40,003 --> 00:50:42,003 'If the data we have on the girl is correct,' 561 00:50:42,003 --> 00:50:43,003 she's probably no longer with us. 562 00:50:43,003 --> 00:50:46,003 Hot or cold, we need her. 563 00:50:47,003 --> 00:50:50,003 The worst outcome is her dead and not surfacing. 564 00:50:50,003 --> 00:50:51,203 PHONE BEEPS 565 00:51:40,003 --> 00:51:43,003 BUZZING 566 00:51:54,203 --> 00:51:57,003 FRONT DOOR OPENS 567 00:51:57,003 --> 00:51:58,003 KEY CLINKS 568 00:52:36,003 --> 00:52:37,683 BATHROOM DOOR CLICKS 569 00:53:26,003 --> 00:53:30,003 Eleanor, it's Stephen. I've been thinking about what you said. 570 00:53:31,003 --> 00:53:33,003 Thinking about those children. 571 00:53:33,003 --> 00:53:36,003 'Me working on TIA, I wouldn't want any civil servants 572 00:53:36,003 --> 00:53:38,003 'looking over my shoulder. I'd need to be left alone.' 573 00:53:38,003 --> 00:53:39,363 I'd make sure of it. 574 00:53:39,363 --> 00:53:41,003 'And I'd have to have complete access.' 575 00:53:42,523 --> 00:53:45,003 Be able to go anywhere, look at anything, anybody. 576 00:53:45,003 --> 00:53:49,003 No state secrets, but... otherwise, you'd have complete freedom. 577 00:53:50,003 --> 00:53:53,843 Then I'll take a look at TIA, see what it can do. 578 00:53:55,003 --> 00:53:56,003 BEEP 579 00:54:02,523 --> 00:54:04,043 You're a notional three, 580 00:54:04,043 --> 00:54:06,003 but they've dumped you in a six office. 581 00:54:06,003 --> 00:54:09,003 I'll try to get you bumped up, but it's always a shit fight. 582 00:54:09,003 --> 00:54:10,523 Thank you. 583 00:54:10,523 --> 00:54:12,003 LOCK BEEPS 584 00:54:13,003 --> 00:54:15,003 Internal directory. Every office has a number, 585 00:54:15,003 --> 00:54:17,003 all numbers are listed. Guard it with your life. 586 00:54:17,003 --> 00:54:20,003 - Place makes no sense without it. - I won't be needing it. 587 00:54:20,003 --> 00:54:22,523 I'm not planning on staying for long. 588 00:54:22,523 --> 00:54:23,683 LOCK BEEPS 589 00:54:23,683 --> 00:54:25,683 What I do need, as soon as possible, 590 00:54:25,683 --> 00:54:27,683 is clearance to use the TIA database. 591 00:54:27,683 --> 00:54:29,003 If you're down for it, you'll get it. 592 00:54:29,003 --> 00:54:31,003 If not, it's a lockout. 593 00:54:32,003 --> 00:54:35,043 And that's the stairway to heaven. Link to Number Ten. 594 00:54:37,003 --> 00:54:39,003 And this is your perch. 595 00:54:40,003 --> 00:54:41,843 BEEP 596 00:54:44,523 --> 00:54:46,003 Very much a six. 597 00:54:46,003 --> 00:54:49,003 Still, a room of your own - that's impressive. 598 00:54:53,363 --> 00:54:55,523 Your key to TIA. 599 00:54:57,003 --> 00:54:59,003 You've been validated. 600 00:54:59,003 --> 00:55:01,003 Basement level, room 759. 601 00:55:01,003 --> 00:55:03,003 BEEP 602 00:55:12,003 --> 00:55:14,003 BEEP 603 00:55:17,683 --> 00:55:22,523 COMPUTER: 'Welcome to TIA, Mr Ezard. You have Level Four clearance. 604 00:55:25,203 --> 00:55:27,003 'Yasim Anwar. 605 00:55:27,003 --> 00:55:29,003 'Nationality, Bosnian. 606 00:55:29,003 --> 00:55:33,003 'Searching Michael Ezard. Retrieving footage.' 607 00:55:39,003 --> 00:55:42,003 TV: 'An aid worker and two civilians have been killed in Afghanistan 608 00:55:42,003 --> 00:55:44,003 'when their vehicle hit a land mine 609 00:55:44,003 --> 00:55:46,203 'close to the border with Pakistan yesterday. 610 00:55:46,203 --> 00:55:50,003 'The body of Londoner Michael Ezard was discovered by security forces 611 00:55:50,003 --> 00:55:53,003 'after reports of an explosion ten miles to the south 612 00:55:53,003 --> 00:55:56,003 'at the Killi Faizo Refugee Camp.' 613 00:55:56,003 --> 00:55:59,003 COMPUTER: 'Searching Carver Foundation employees. 614 00:55:59,003 --> 00:56:01,203 'Nadir. Two results.' 615 00:56:03,003 --> 00:56:05,003 'Access denied. 616 00:56:05,003 --> 00:56:08,003 'You need Level One clearance.' 617 00:56:12,843 --> 00:56:16,003 TV: 'The illness has so far proved fatal to all those infected. 618 00:56:16,003 --> 00:56:18,043 'It is a mystery to health officials. 619 00:56:18,043 --> 00:56:23,003 'It's thought close personal contact is the cause of contamination. 620 00:56:23,003 --> 00:56:25,003 'Doctors are hoping that it has been contained, 621 00:56:25,003 --> 00:56:29,003 'but are asking anyone connected with the Killi Faizo Refugee Camp 622 00:56:29,003 --> 00:56:30,003 'to contact police.' 623 00:56:31,203 --> 00:56:34,003 I've just had an alert. Someone is in the TIA system. 624 00:56:34,003 --> 00:56:36,043 They're trying to access information on the girl. 625 00:56:36,043 --> 00:56:39,683 - Can you locate the user? - It's inside the Cabinet Office. 626 00:56:41,003 --> 00:56:42,003 I'm on it. 627 00:56:53,003 --> 00:56:56,003 COMPUTER: 'Analysing DNA from hair sample. 628 00:56:58,003 --> 00:57:00,003 'Scanning for match one. 629 00:57:00,003 --> 00:57:02,003 'Michael Ezard - deceased. 630 00:57:02,003 --> 00:57:04,003 'Scanning for match two. 631 00:57:05,003 --> 00:57:10,003 'Nadir Al-Fulani - restricted. Classified information. 632 00:57:10,003 --> 00:57:12,003 'Scanning for match three. 633 00:57:12,003 --> 00:57:16,003 'Stephen Ezard. Nationality, British. 634 00:57:16,003 --> 00:57:18,003 'Processing. 635 00:57:19,003 --> 00:57:22,003 'Match four. Yasim Anwar. 636 00:57:27,003 --> 00:57:29,003 'Processing.' 637 00:57:54,003 --> 00:57:56,003 I had to know. What do you think? 638 00:57:56,003 --> 00:57:59,003 Yes, so far, it's a good system. 639 00:57:59,003 --> 00:58:01,003 What's all this? 640 00:58:01,003 --> 00:58:06,003 Er, well, I have to test the system out against what I know. 641 00:58:06,003 --> 00:58:08,043 - Who's she? - Yasim. 642 00:58:08,043 --> 00:58:11,003 - Michael's wife. - I didn't know he was married. 643 00:58:11,003 --> 00:58:12,003 It was news to me, too. 644 00:58:12,003 --> 00:58:15,003 She's beautiful. You can tell even from a mug shot. 645 00:58:15,003 --> 00:58:16,043 Yes. 646 00:58:16,043 --> 00:58:18,003 And her? 647 00:58:18,003 --> 00:58:20,003 I dunno. Michael worked for a medical charity. 648 00:58:20,003 --> 00:58:21,843 I just opened up the employee data. 649 00:58:21,843 --> 00:58:24,003 BEEPING 650 00:58:31,523 --> 00:58:35,003 98.6. Normal... for you. 651 00:58:35,003 --> 00:58:37,003 You always did run a little hot. 652 00:58:39,003 --> 00:58:41,003 One of the camps Michael was working in, 653 00:58:41,003 --> 00:58:44,003 it's now become quarantined. Some sort of deadly mystery virus. 654 00:58:44,003 --> 00:58:47,003 But not contagious from this distance, not even to you. 655 00:58:48,203 --> 00:58:50,003 What's the map? 656 00:58:51,003 --> 00:58:53,003 It's where Michael died. 657 00:58:54,003 --> 00:58:56,003 This shows all the known land mines in the area. 658 00:58:56,003 --> 00:58:58,003 The nearest is over 30 miles 659 00:58:58,003 --> 00:59:00,003 from where Michael was supposed to have driven into one. 660 00:59:00,003 --> 00:59:03,003 That's what's so horrendous - they can be anywhere. 661 00:59:05,003 --> 00:59:07,043 - Are you spying on the neighbours? - No. 662 00:59:07,043 --> 00:59:11,003 I told you I'm testing the system against what I already know. 663 00:59:11,003 --> 00:59:12,003 It's a local authority database. 664 00:59:12,003 --> 00:59:15,203 The flat below us is listed as unoccupied, 665 00:59:15,203 --> 00:59:17,003 whereas it's inhabited by a rather large 666 00:59:17,003 --> 00:59:18,683 and creepy individual. 667 00:59:18,683 --> 00:59:22,003 Utility database reads the same information - 668 00:59:22,003 --> 00:59:24,683 no phone, no water, no power. 669 00:59:28,003 --> 00:59:30,003 I have to go. 670 00:59:30,003 --> 00:59:33,003 COMPUTER: 'Logging off. Goodbye, Mr Ezard.' 671 00:59:52,003 --> 00:59:57,003 COMPUTER: 'Welcome to TIA, Mr Nye. You have Level One clearance. 672 00:59:58,003 --> 01:00:00,363 'Retrieving previous data. 673 01:00:00,363 --> 01:00:03,003 'User, Mr Stephen Ezard. 674 01:00:05,003 --> 01:00:08,843 'Accessed reported land mine records, Afghanistan.' 675 01:00:24,003 --> 01:00:25,003 DOOR CREAKS 676 01:00:28,003 --> 01:00:29,003 Mr Batz? 677 01:00:32,003 --> 01:00:33,003 SWITCH CLICKS 678 01:00:33,003 --> 01:00:35,003 Mr Batz? 679 01:00:36,003 --> 01:00:37,003 Hello? 680 01:00:56,003 --> 01:00:58,363 "Someone needs tea and a hug." 681 01:00:58,363 --> 01:01:00,003 Bastard. 682 01:01:13,003 --> 01:01:15,003 PATRICK: 'Stephen Ezard.' 683 01:01:15,003 --> 01:01:19,003 Average family, state school, shines at Cambridge very brightly. 684 01:01:19,003 --> 01:01:22,683 Makes a name for himself - Ezard's Theorem. 685 01:01:22,683 --> 01:01:24,043 A total academic, not political, 686 01:01:24,043 --> 01:01:26,003 but that's where he meets Eleanor Brooke. 687 01:01:26,003 --> 01:01:28,003 Relationship? 688 01:01:28,003 --> 01:01:30,523 I looked into her vetting. They were together for five years. 689 01:01:30,523 --> 01:01:32,003 Brooke goes off into politics, 690 01:01:32,003 --> 01:01:35,003 and as far as I can make out, he went into killer bees. 691 01:01:35,003 --> 01:01:37,003 Similar interests, then (!) 692 01:01:37,003 --> 01:01:39,003 Found the pressures of early success difficult, 693 01:01:39,003 --> 01:01:40,363 hated academic rivalry. 694 01:01:40,363 --> 01:01:42,363 His theorem was brought into question. 695 01:01:42,363 --> 01:01:44,003 Not a man who enjoys conflict. 696 01:01:44,003 --> 01:01:46,003 Escapes to China, comes back for his brother's funeral. 697 01:01:46,003 --> 01:01:48,003 He's been very helpful. 698 01:01:48,003 --> 01:01:53,003 We missed her completely. Yasim Anwar. 699 01:01:54,003 --> 01:01:58,203 - She's Michael Ezard's wife. - And we didn't know he was married. 700 01:01:58,203 --> 01:02:01,003 Desert weddings don't always find their way onto databases. 701 01:02:02,003 --> 01:02:05,003 Is Stephen Ezard linking Yasim Anwar to the girl? 702 01:02:05,003 --> 01:02:07,003 He's looking for both of them, and in his search for the girl, 703 01:02:07,003 --> 01:02:10,003 looked at morgues and funeral homes. - So she's dead? 704 01:02:10,003 --> 01:02:11,683 Well, he obviously thinks so. 705 01:02:11,683 --> 01:02:13,003 But he doesn't know where the body is. 706 01:02:14,043 --> 01:02:16,203 Well, why does he want to find it? 707 01:02:19,003 --> 01:02:20,683 What do we know about the wife? 708 01:02:22,043 --> 01:02:27,003 Turkish mother, father a Bosnian Muslim. 709 01:02:27,003 --> 01:02:29,523 She worked in the same camps as her husband and Nadir. 710 01:02:29,523 --> 01:02:33,003 She entered the UK a few weeks ago. There's nothing else on her. 711 01:02:33,003 --> 01:02:34,003 I'll keep digging. 712 01:02:35,003 --> 01:02:40,003 And so is Ezard. He's looking into his brother's death. 713 01:02:40,003 --> 01:02:42,523 He's established that it wasn't in a land mine area. 714 01:02:42,523 --> 01:02:45,003 How much does he really know? 715 01:02:45,003 --> 01:02:47,003 The way he's turning everything over, very little. 716 01:02:47,003 --> 01:02:49,003 And he hasn't once looked over his shoulder. 717 01:02:49,003 --> 01:02:50,003 Don't block him. 718 01:02:50,003 --> 01:02:53,003 Keep on his shoulder, keystroke him, everything he touches. 719 01:02:53,003 --> 01:02:54,363 He could give us a lot more. 720 01:02:54,363 --> 01:02:57,003 COMPUTER: 'Surveillance request - Stephen Ezard.' 721 01:02:57,003 --> 01:03:00,003 TV: 'The first time I ever set eyes on you,' 722 01:03:00,003 --> 01:03:04,003 I knew I would spend the rest of my life with you. 723 01:03:05,003 --> 01:03:07,003 'I worship you... 724 01:03:08,003 --> 01:03:10,003 '..and I love you.' 725 01:03:10,003 --> 01:03:13,003 YASIM: 'I fell into your eyes, Michael Ezard.' 726 01:03:14,003 --> 01:03:16,003 I want your children. 727 01:03:18,003 --> 01:03:20,203 And I can't wait! 728 01:03:20,203 --> 01:03:22,003 I love you. 729 01:03:22,003 --> 01:03:23,043 MICHAEL: I love you. 730 01:03:23,043 --> 01:03:25,003 I love you. 731 01:03:25,003 --> 01:03:27,363 - I love you. - No, I love you. 732 01:03:54,003 --> 01:03:57,003 We are not pursuing a policy of total security, 733 01:03:57,003 --> 01:03:59,523 but we are committed to making our country 734 01:03:59,523 --> 01:04:02,003 as safe as is reasonably possible, 735 01:04:02,003 --> 01:04:06,683 and to do so, it is vital that we introduce TIA. 736 01:04:06,683 --> 01:04:09,003 This is precisely the same argument put forward 737 01:04:09,003 --> 01:04:11,003 for the introduction ID cards, 738 01:04:11,003 --> 01:04:13,003 and they have not increased the safety of this country one jot. 739 01:04:13,003 --> 01:04:17,003 With respect, Lord Cawston, the police, the security services, 740 01:04:17,003 --> 01:04:19,003 the overwhelming majority of the public, 741 01:04:19,003 --> 01:04:21,003 would disagree with you about ID cards. 742 01:04:21,003 --> 01:04:22,003 Every opinion poll... 743 01:04:22,003 --> 01:04:26,003 But what the public need to know is if TIA becomes law, 744 01:04:26,003 --> 01:04:29,003 then every person's card will not only show who they are, 745 01:04:29,003 --> 01:04:31,523 but will monitor every single second of their lives, 746 01:04:31,523 --> 01:04:33,003 both public and private. 747 01:04:33,003 --> 01:04:36,003 That really isn't the case. But what is perfectly clear 748 01:04:36,003 --> 01:04:38,003 is that we need the best intelligence 749 01:04:38,003 --> 01:04:39,683 that we can get. 750 01:04:39,683 --> 01:04:42,003 It has been a huge sea-change 751 01:04:42,003 --> 01:04:44,683 from the society that we lived in ten, 15 years ago. 752 01:04:44,683 --> 01:04:48,003 But the only important right that will be lost with this bill 753 01:04:48,003 --> 01:04:50,003 is the right to disappear, that's all. 754 01:04:50,003 --> 01:04:52,003 What the public will want reassurance on is cost, 755 01:04:52,003 --> 01:04:56,003 and the fact that these databases have, so far, 756 01:04:56,003 --> 01:04:57,683 been an absolute nightmare. 757 01:04:59,003 --> 01:05:01,003 Stephen? 758 01:05:02,003 --> 01:05:04,003 Perhaps you'd like to join in. 759 01:05:06,003 --> 01:05:07,203 Yes, em... 760 01:05:08,203 --> 01:05:10,003 Mr, erm... 761 01:05:12,003 --> 01:05:16,003 ..Gibbon says is quite correct. They're a complete nightmare. 762 01:05:16,003 --> 01:05:19,003 When governments manage them, that is. 763 01:05:19,003 --> 01:05:22,523 Even when they're contracted out, they micro-manage them to death 764 01:05:22,523 --> 01:05:24,003 and the costs goes through the roof. 765 01:05:24,003 --> 01:05:26,683 But TIA could work. It will work. 766 01:05:26,683 --> 01:05:28,003 Yes, when handled by the right people 767 01:05:28,003 --> 01:05:30,003 in the private sector. That's why we... 768 01:05:30,003 --> 01:05:32,003 But I'm not sure I agree, having read this. 769 01:05:32,003 --> 01:05:36,003 This is such a sea-change from where we were ten, 15 years ago? 770 01:05:36,003 --> 01:05:38,003 Not at all. I mean, Inquirendo, they've known about 771 01:05:38,003 --> 01:05:39,683 each and every one of us for years, 772 01:05:39,683 --> 01:05:41,683 all the important information you can sell. 773 01:05:41,683 --> 01:05:43,003 Your income, your diet, 774 01:05:43,003 --> 01:05:46,003 how much alcohol you consume, what books you read, 775 01:05:46,003 --> 01:05:48,003 how much your house is worth, last three addresses, 776 01:05:48,003 --> 01:05:50,203 who you phone, who phones you, where you travel to, 777 01:05:50,203 --> 01:05:52,003 where your children go to school. 778 01:05:52,003 --> 01:05:56,003 It would take about four minutes for them to do a complete breakdown 779 01:05:56,003 --> 01:05:57,003 of any single one of us, 780 01:05:57,003 --> 01:06:00,003 then predict, with a fair degree of certainty, anything up to 95%, 781 01:06:00,003 --> 01:06:04,003 what our attitudes would be to law and order, change, risk, 782 01:06:04,003 --> 01:06:06,003 what kind of person we're likely to marry, 783 01:06:06,003 --> 01:06:08,003 the exam grades our children will achieve, 784 01:06:08,003 --> 01:06:10,003 where we are on any day, our life expectancy 785 01:06:10,003 --> 01:06:13,003 and the amount of tax your estate would yield when you die. 786 01:06:13,003 --> 01:06:15,003 I mean, according to this, anyone who thinks TIA 787 01:06:15,003 --> 01:06:17,003 is alien or foreign to this country 788 01:06:17,003 --> 01:06:19,003 has been asleep for a decade, probably several. 789 01:06:19,003 --> 01:06:20,843 These people have been making a fortune 790 01:06:20,843 --> 01:06:22,003 out of prying into your lives, 791 01:06:22,003 --> 01:06:24,003 and you couldn't legislate against them or their type 792 01:06:24,003 --> 01:06:27,003 if you tried. Not unless you ban credit cards and the Internet, 793 01:06:27,003 --> 01:06:29,003 which would be rather, erm... 794 01:06:31,003 --> 01:06:33,003 ..totalitarian. 795 01:06:39,003 --> 01:06:44,003 COMPUTER: 'Scanning CCTV footage, NW5 area. 796 01:06:52,003 --> 01:06:54,003 'Sending to terminal. 797 01:07:11,003 --> 01:07:12,003 'Freezing image. 798 01:07:25,003 --> 01:07:26,843 'Enlarge image. 799 01:07:28,003 --> 01:07:30,003 'Freezing image. 800 01:07:50,003 --> 01:07:53,003 'Searching camera sightings in reverse order. 801 01:08:04,203 --> 01:08:08,043 'King's Cross St Pancras Station, N1. 802 01:08:37,003 --> 01:08:39,003 'Freezing image. 803 01:08:44,003 --> 01:08:47,003 'Preparing facial recognition software.' 804 01:08:54,003 --> 01:08:56,003 DIAL TONE 805 01:08:58,003 --> 01:09:00,683 DIAL TONE 806 01:09:00,683 --> 01:09:02,003 'Hello. Turney.' 807 01:09:02,003 --> 01:09:05,003 He's been at it for ten straight hours. 808 01:09:05,003 --> 01:09:07,003 'The girl must have died in his apartment. 809 01:09:07,003 --> 01:09:10,203 'Yasim Anwar and an unknown male smuggled her out in a carpet 810 01:09:10,203 --> 01:09:13,003 'and drove her away in a van.' - An unknown male? 811 01:09:13,003 --> 01:09:16,003 We're onto it. We've already located the van. 812 01:09:16,003 --> 01:09:19,003 Abandoned on waste ground, burnt out. 813 01:09:20,683 --> 01:09:23,003 Ezard managed to trace Yasim Anwar to a meeting 814 01:09:23,003 --> 01:09:25,003 she had at King's Cross a few days ago. 815 01:09:25,003 --> 01:09:27,003 Who with? 816 01:09:27,003 --> 01:09:29,003 It's not good. 817 01:09:32,003 --> 01:09:34,003 Professor John Moreton. 818 01:09:37,003 --> 01:09:40,003 DISTANT SIRENS 819 01:09:53,003 --> 01:09:55,363 DISTANT SIRENS 820 01:10:03,003 --> 01:10:05,003 HORSE WHINNIES 821 01:10:08,523 --> 01:10:10,003 Professor Moreton? 822 01:10:10,003 --> 01:10:12,003 Professor John Moreton? My name is Stephen Ezard. 823 01:10:12,003 --> 01:10:14,003 - Can I have a word? - What about? 824 01:10:14,003 --> 01:10:16,003 Yasim Anwar. 825 01:10:18,003 --> 01:10:21,003 You met her a few days ago at King's Cross Station. 826 01:10:21,003 --> 01:10:23,003 - Ezard, you say? - Yes. 827 01:10:23,003 --> 01:10:24,363 Are you Michael Ezard's brother? 828 01:10:24,363 --> 01:10:26,003 Yeah. You knew him? 829 01:10:26,003 --> 01:10:28,003 We met once, briefly. Look, I'm in rather a hurry. 830 01:10:28,003 --> 01:10:30,003 But how exactly did you meet my brother? 831 01:10:30,003 --> 01:10:34,003 I met him at one of the camps. That's where I met Yasim. 832 01:10:34,003 --> 01:10:37,003 They'd just got married. We just spent an evening together. 833 01:10:37,003 --> 01:10:40,203 You met Yasim again on the 18th of this month. 834 01:10:40,203 --> 01:10:43,003 It's a date I find difficult to forget - 835 01:10:43,003 --> 01:10:44,003 it was my brother's funeral. 836 01:10:44,003 --> 01:10:47,003 Odd, don't you think, that his wife didn't make it? 837 01:10:47,003 --> 01:10:49,003 - She was too busy meeting you. - Yes, I met her 838 01:10:49,003 --> 01:10:50,843 on my way home from work, purely by chance. 839 01:10:50,843 --> 01:10:52,003 No, it was planned. 840 01:10:52,003 --> 01:10:54,003 I can show you the CCTV footage, if you like. 841 01:10:54,003 --> 01:10:55,203 You have to look closely. 842 01:10:55,203 --> 01:10:57,043 Difficult on this screen, but on a big screen, 843 01:10:57,043 --> 01:11:00,003 it's clear she gives you something, slips it to you - a package. 844 01:11:00,003 --> 01:11:02,003 Something to test perhaps, a blood sample? 845 01:11:02,003 --> 01:11:03,683 - Absolute nonsense. - A sample taken 846 01:11:03,683 --> 01:11:06,003 from Nadir bint Ahmed bin Saleh Al-Fulani. 847 01:11:07,683 --> 01:11:09,003 She was very ill, but she was still alive 848 01:11:09,003 --> 01:11:12,003 when Yasim gave you the sample, but she died later that night. 849 01:11:12,003 --> 01:11:13,843 Perhaps she died from the same disease 850 01:11:13,843 --> 01:11:16,003 people are dying from in the camp where you met Michael and Yasim. 851 01:11:16,003 --> 01:11:18,043 I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. 852 01:11:18,043 --> 01:11:20,003 I think you do. I know all about you. 853 01:11:20,003 --> 01:11:22,843 If I had a blood sample I wanted tested for some awful disease, 854 01:11:22,843 --> 01:11:24,683 you'd be the first person I'd contact. 855 01:11:27,003 --> 01:11:30,003 Oh, for God's sakes, help me! 856 01:11:30,003 --> 01:11:32,003 Where's Yasim? 857 01:11:36,683 --> 01:11:40,003 I have no idea. I was with her for all of two minutes. 858 01:11:41,003 --> 01:11:44,003 Look, you say you're Michael's brother. 859 01:11:44,003 --> 01:11:46,003 If you are, then I'm really sorry for you. 860 01:11:46,003 --> 01:11:49,843 As I said, I only met Michael once, but it was clear he was a good man. 861 01:11:49,843 --> 01:11:53,003 Kind, generous. But I have no idea what you're talking about, 862 01:11:53,003 --> 01:11:55,043 and no interest in pursuing it. 863 01:12:12,683 --> 01:12:15,003 PHONE BEEPS 864 01:12:25,003 --> 01:12:28,003 CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS 865 01:12:32,003 --> 01:12:35,003 When exactly did you know about Moreton? 866 01:12:35,003 --> 01:12:36,003 Not long before telling you, George. 867 01:12:36,003 --> 01:12:40,003 It would be a huge mistake to withhold information from me. 868 01:12:44,363 --> 01:12:46,363 So, we have to assume 869 01:12:46,363 --> 01:12:50,003 Yasim Anwar gave a sample of the dead girl's blood 870 01:12:50,003 --> 01:12:52,003 for Moreton to test. 871 01:12:52,003 --> 01:12:54,003 DOORBELL BUZZES 872 01:13:08,003 --> 01:13:10,003 We've found Yasim Anwar. 873 01:13:10,003 --> 01:13:12,003 Moreton phoned her. She's keeping out of sight. 874 01:13:12,003 --> 01:13:14,003 As far as we can tell, she's on her own. 875 01:13:14,003 --> 01:13:17,003 Then we must deal with her and Moreton, quickly. 876 01:13:17,003 --> 01:13:19,003 And hope to God there's no-one else in the loop! 877 01:13:20,003 --> 01:13:24,003 I'm afraid God isn't being very helpful on that front. 878 01:13:27,003 --> 01:13:28,003 A few days ago, 879 01:13:28,003 --> 01:13:31,003 Dutch police detained a group of illegal immigrants. 880 01:13:31,003 --> 01:13:33,003 Nine altogether - a husband and wife, 881 01:13:33,003 --> 01:13:35,003 their two children, and five other men. 882 01:13:36,003 --> 01:13:38,003 They were handed over to Dutch immigration, 883 01:13:38,003 --> 01:13:40,003 who screened them and identified them 884 01:13:40,003 --> 01:13:43,003 as being from a camp on the Afghan-Pakistan border. 885 01:13:43,003 --> 01:13:45,003 Immigration then acted correctly and isolated them 886 01:13:45,003 --> 01:13:48,003 from the other illegal immigrants they were holding. 887 01:13:48,003 --> 01:13:51,003 Unfortunately, the chain of command then broke down. 888 01:13:52,843 --> 01:13:56,003 Someone interpreted special handling in their own unique way, 889 01:13:56,003 --> 01:13:58,003 loaded the refugees into a minibus 890 01:13:58,003 --> 01:14:01,003 and drove them to a rather good hotel for the night. 891 01:14:01,003 --> 01:14:04,003 Needless to say, there were nine no-shows for breakfast. 892 01:14:05,203 --> 01:14:07,003 Apparently, your people 893 01:14:07,003 --> 01:14:10,003 have someone inside the Binnenlandse Veiligheidsdienst. 894 01:14:10,003 --> 01:14:12,003 Dutch intelligence. 895 01:14:12,003 --> 01:14:14,003 Given the background of the refugees 896 01:14:14,003 --> 01:14:16,683 and the likelihood that they were en route to the UK, 897 01:14:16,683 --> 01:14:19,843 your person forwarded on photos and biometric details, 898 01:14:19,843 --> 01:14:22,523 just in case any of them were of special interest. 899 01:14:22,523 --> 01:14:24,003 Eight of them are not. 900 01:14:25,043 --> 01:14:28,003 Number nine clearly is. 901 01:14:38,003 --> 01:14:40,003 God almighty! 902 01:14:40,003 --> 01:14:42,843 If we were courageous enough, 903 01:14:42,843 --> 01:14:47,003 if we thought through what was best for this country in the long term, 904 01:14:47,003 --> 01:14:51,003 we would see this as a great opportunity. 905 01:15:00,003 --> 01:15:01,003 COMPUTER: 'Analysing. 906 01:15:08,523 --> 01:15:10,003 'Professor John Moreton. 907 01:15:10,003 --> 01:15:12,003 'Nationality, British. 908 01:15:12,003 --> 01:15:16,843 'Employment - research scientist, university lecturer. 909 01:15:16,843 --> 01:15:19,003 'Advisor to the MOD.' 910 01:15:21,003 --> 01:15:23,003 COMPUTER: 'Searching Magna Carta website. 911 01:15:29,003 --> 01:15:32,203 'No matches. Please refine your search. 912 01:15:39,003 --> 01:15:42,003 'List database of Magna Carta. 913 01:15:42,003 --> 01:15:44,003 'Nine results for arrest. 914 01:15:46,003 --> 01:15:49,003 'Dexter A Batz. 915 01:16:03,043 --> 01:16:06,003 'Searching ATM activity. 916 01:16:06,003 --> 01:16:08,683 'Retrieving footage. 917 01:16:31,003 --> 01:16:32,363 'Freezing image. 918 01:16:32,363 --> 01:16:37,003 'Subject location, Queen's Hostel, NE1.' 919 01:16:40,003 --> 01:16:41,683 BEEP 920 01:16:46,003 --> 01:16:48,003 You look awful. What's happened? 921 01:16:48,003 --> 01:16:50,003 Nothing. Just working. 922 01:16:50,003 --> 01:16:51,003 All night? 923 01:16:53,003 --> 01:16:56,003 I got a call, crack of dawn, a rap over the knuckles. 924 01:16:56,003 --> 01:16:58,003 I bent a few rules parachuting you in. 925 01:16:58,003 --> 01:17:02,003 Anyone who joins the Cabinet Office gets heavily vetted first. 926 01:17:02,003 --> 01:17:05,003 The voice on the phone said they did all the obvious checks on you, 927 01:17:05,003 --> 01:17:07,003 but I had to assure them you weren't the sort 928 01:17:07,003 --> 01:17:08,203 to have any bodies under the floorboards 929 01:17:08,203 --> 01:17:11,003 or have slept with any close relatives. 930 01:17:11,003 --> 01:17:12,363 And they stress that I caution you 931 01:17:12,363 --> 01:17:16,003 if anything out of the ordinary did happen, don't go to the police. 932 01:17:16,003 --> 01:17:18,003 Just call me. 933 01:17:18,003 --> 01:17:20,003 BEEPING 934 01:17:21,203 --> 01:17:23,003 Oh, and you must sign 935 01:17:23,003 --> 01:17:25,003 the Official Secrets Act first thing, 936 01:17:25,003 --> 01:17:27,003 otherwise we'll both be taken out and shot. 937 01:17:35,003 --> 01:17:36,523 BEEPING 938 01:17:47,003 --> 01:17:49,003 KNOCKING ON DOOR 939 01:17:52,003 --> 01:17:54,003 - How's my favourite minister? - Oh. 940 01:17:54,003 --> 01:17:55,363 Oh, that's nice. 941 01:17:55,363 --> 01:17:59,003 - And you want... - PM. I have to see him. 942 01:17:59,003 --> 01:18:02,003 Three minutes, not a second more, I promise. 943 01:18:03,003 --> 01:18:05,683 What's the weather like in there? 944 01:18:05,683 --> 01:18:07,683 Sunshine and showers. 945 01:18:07,683 --> 01:18:09,003 And occasional light wind. 946 01:19:27,003 --> 01:19:32,003 Hello. My name is Yasim Anwar. I'm looking for Professor Moreton. 947 01:20:24,203 --> 01:20:25,683 SILENCED GUNSHOTS 948 01:20:34,003 --> 01:20:35,363 Professor Moreton? 949 01:20:35,363 --> 01:20:37,003 Hello? 950 01:21:27,003 --> 01:21:29,003 Yasim? Yasim! 951 01:21:30,003 --> 01:21:31,003 Yasim! 952 01:21:31,003 --> 01:21:32,043 Ugh! 953 01:22:43,003 --> 01:22:46,003 Subtitles by accessibility@itv.com