1 00:00:50,003 --> 00:00:51,043 HE GROANS 2 00:01:55,003 --> 00:01:56,003 Come on! 3 00:01:59,523 --> 00:02:01,363 ELECTRONIC VOICE: 'Doors closing.' 4 00:02:12,043 --> 00:02:14,003 'Doors opening.' 5 00:02:21,003 --> 00:02:23,003 'Doors closing.' 6 00:02:34,003 --> 00:02:36,003 'Doors opening.' 7 00:03:29,003 --> 00:03:31,003 PHONE RINGS 8 00:03:32,003 --> 00:03:34,003 'Right man.' 9 00:03:34,003 --> 00:03:35,363 Wrong woman. 10 00:03:41,003 --> 00:03:43,003 I know she was staying at this hostel. 11 00:03:43,003 --> 00:03:45,003 I saw her. 12 00:03:45,003 --> 00:03:48,003 She came out of here maybe three or four hours ago. 13 00:03:48,003 --> 00:03:50,003 No. She was never here. 14 00:03:53,523 --> 00:03:56,003 SIRENS WAIL 15 00:04:01,003 --> 00:04:05,003 The introduction of ID cards into the United Kingdom 16 00:04:05,003 --> 00:04:07,003 has been a huge success. 17 00:04:07,003 --> 00:04:09,003 CHEERING 18 00:04:09,003 --> 00:04:12,003 More than 25 million of us carry the card, 19 00:04:12,003 --> 00:04:15,003 but as we anticipated with a voluntary system, 20 00:04:15,003 --> 00:04:19,683 those who pose the most threat are those least likely to carry one. 21 00:04:19,683 --> 00:04:21,003 MAN: I haven't got one! 22 00:04:21,003 --> 00:04:23,003 LAUGHTER 23 00:04:24,843 --> 00:04:26,003 We need this TIA vote. 24 00:04:26,003 --> 00:04:29,003 An hour ago we had the numbers. What happened? 25 00:04:29,003 --> 00:04:31,003 They went and got two out of hospital, 26 00:04:31,003 --> 00:04:34,003 but unless they raid the morgue, we're still one ahead. 27 00:04:34,003 --> 00:04:37,003 PHONE RINGS Excuse me. 28 00:04:37,003 --> 00:04:38,003 Stephen. 29 00:04:38,003 --> 00:04:41,003 Something's happened. 'Now is really not a good time.' 30 00:04:41,003 --> 00:04:42,003 I need to see you. 31 00:04:42,003 --> 00:04:45,003 Not possible, my love. We're bare knuckle all night. 32 00:04:45,003 --> 00:04:48,003 Reason versus judiciary, and reason is having a very hard time. 33 00:04:48,003 --> 00:04:49,003 Eleanor, please! 34 00:04:50,003 --> 00:04:52,003 This is very, very serious. 35 00:04:52,003 --> 00:04:55,003 'Tomorrow. Come and see me tomorrow.' 36 00:04:55,003 --> 00:04:57,003 I can't go home. I'm frightened. 37 00:04:58,003 --> 00:05:00,003 Check into a hotel, we'll sort it out in the morning. 38 00:06:03,003 --> 00:06:05,003 ON TV: 'Meanwhile, in the Killi Faizo refugee camp 39 00:06:05,003 --> 00:06:07,003 'on the Afghan border with Pakistan, 40 00:06:07,003 --> 00:06:11,043 'it is now thought that up to 286 people may have died 41 00:06:11,043 --> 00:06:15,003 'from a mysterious virus that has affected the area. 42 00:06:15,003 --> 00:06:17,003 'Aid agencies and government research departments 43 00:06:17,003 --> 00:06:19,003 'are combining in an effort to...' 44 00:06:19,003 --> 00:06:21,003 KNOCKING MAN: Housekeeping. 45 00:06:22,203 --> 00:06:25,003 Good evening, sir. 46 00:06:25,003 --> 00:06:27,003 - Turn your bed down? - No, thank you. 47 00:06:27,003 --> 00:06:28,003 No problem. 48 00:06:32,003 --> 00:06:33,683 Polish your shoes? 49 00:06:33,683 --> 00:06:36,003 I'll have them back for you in the morning. 50 00:06:36,003 --> 00:06:37,843 - Good as new. - There's no need. 51 00:06:37,843 --> 00:06:39,003 It's complimentary, sir. 52 00:06:40,003 --> 00:06:42,003 'Mr Speaker, 53 00:06:42,003 --> 00:06:45,363 'the introduction of a compulsory ID card 54 00:06:45,363 --> 00:06:48,363 'and the expansion of the national database 55 00:06:48,363 --> 00:06:52,523 'in the form of the TIA bill is a logical progression 56 00:06:52,523 --> 00:06:59,003 'of this government's unrelenting fight against crime and terrorism. 57 00:06:59,003 --> 00:07:02,003 'Mr Speaker, 58 00:07:02,003 --> 00:07:06,003 'with TIA, there will be nowhere to hide. 59 00:07:06,003 --> 00:07:11,003 'This government is going to drain the swamp.' 60 00:07:12,003 --> 00:07:17,003 ALARM RINGS 61 00:07:45,003 --> 00:07:47,003 HE GRUNTS 62 00:07:47,003 --> 00:07:49,003 MUFFLED SHOUTING 63 00:08:16,003 --> 00:08:19,003 Some people claim they can smell it. 64 00:08:22,523 --> 00:08:24,003 Electricity. 65 00:08:25,003 --> 00:08:28,003 Have a sniff. That's about 15,000 volts. 66 00:08:31,003 --> 00:08:33,003 Who are you? 67 00:08:33,003 --> 00:08:34,003 Every home should have one. 68 00:08:58,043 --> 00:09:01,003 COMPUTER: 'Patching agent TIA database. 69 00:09:02,003 --> 00:09:04,003 'Host programme activated. 70 00:09:05,843 --> 00:09:08,363 'Reviewing science database. 71 00:09:08,363 --> 00:09:11,003 'Microbiologists.' What is this place? 72 00:09:11,003 --> 00:09:13,003 Have a seat. 73 00:09:17,043 --> 00:09:19,523 I've got a question for you. 74 00:09:21,003 --> 00:09:25,003 How many microbiologists does it take 75 00:09:25,003 --> 00:09:27,003 to change a light bulb? 76 00:09:27,003 --> 00:09:30,003 Go on, have a stab at it. How many do you think? 77 00:09:31,003 --> 00:09:32,003 I don't know. 78 00:09:32,003 --> 00:09:35,003 Just the one, but you'd better ask quick, 79 00:09:35,003 --> 00:09:36,843 cos they're dropping like flies. 80 00:09:38,003 --> 00:09:39,043 15 microbiologists, 81 00:09:39,043 --> 00:09:43,003 all dead in the last three years, and not one from natural causes. 82 00:09:43,003 --> 00:09:45,003 Not one. 83 00:09:46,003 --> 00:09:47,003 Ring any bells? 84 00:09:49,003 --> 00:09:51,003 Look, I don't know. 85 00:09:51,003 --> 00:09:55,003 See, five Brits, three Americans, five Israelis. 86 00:09:55,003 --> 00:09:57,003 The Israelis all went together. 87 00:09:57,003 --> 00:10:01,003 Shot down on a commercial flight by a rogue missile, apparently. 88 00:10:01,003 --> 00:10:03,003 And two Russians. 89 00:10:03,003 --> 00:10:05,203 This guy here committed suicide. 90 00:10:05,203 --> 00:10:08,003 Shot himself in the head, twice. 91 00:10:12,003 --> 00:10:15,003 Dead microbiologist number 16. 92 00:10:15,003 --> 00:10:17,003 Professor John Moreton. Now, you know him. 93 00:10:22,843 --> 00:10:25,003 I-I met him once... 94 00:10:26,003 --> 00:10:28,003 ..for a few minutes. I don't know him. 95 00:10:30,003 --> 00:10:31,683 Why did you meet? 96 00:10:31,683 --> 00:10:34,203 Because I was looking for someone, 97 00:10:34,203 --> 00:10:37,003 and I thought Moreton might know where they were. 98 00:10:39,003 --> 00:10:42,003 I want to know who you are and what you want. 99 00:10:42,003 --> 00:10:44,003 Who were you trying to find? 100 00:10:47,003 --> 00:10:49,003 Dr Yasim Anwar. 101 00:10:49,003 --> 00:10:50,363 Why ask if you already know? 102 00:10:50,363 --> 00:10:53,003 See, all these people, they're all dead, 103 00:10:53,003 --> 00:10:55,843 and they all specialised in either infectious diseases 104 00:10:55,843 --> 00:10:58,003 or DNA sequencing. 105 00:10:58,003 --> 00:11:01,003 Professor Moreton here, he fits the same pattern. 106 00:11:01,003 --> 00:11:03,003 Worked for a biotech company, 107 00:11:03,003 --> 00:11:06,003 sometime advisor for the government on nasty diseases. 108 00:11:06,003 --> 00:11:07,523 Well, I wouldn't know, and I don't care, 109 00:11:07,523 --> 00:11:10,003 because none of this has anything to do with me. 110 00:11:11,003 --> 00:11:13,003 Nadir Al Fulani. 111 00:11:14,003 --> 00:11:16,683 You met her. 112 00:11:20,003 --> 00:11:21,003 Where did you meet her? 113 00:11:30,003 --> 00:11:31,363 - Where did you meet her? 114 00:11:31,363 --> 00:11:34,523 - In my apartment. - Oh, yeah? Where is she now? 115 00:11:34,523 --> 00:11:36,363 She's dead. 116 00:11:38,843 --> 00:11:41,003 She was sick, very sick. 117 00:11:41,003 --> 00:11:43,003 I don't know what was wrong with her. 118 00:11:43,003 --> 00:11:44,003 I found her in my apartment, in a coma. 119 00:11:44,003 --> 00:11:46,003 I didn't get to talk to her. 120 00:11:46,003 --> 00:11:48,043 - Where's the body? - I don't know. 121 00:11:48,043 --> 00:11:51,003 I don't know. 122 00:11:51,003 --> 00:11:52,003 It disappeared. 123 00:11:52,003 --> 00:11:54,203 Along with Dr Yasim Anwar, 124 00:11:54,203 --> 00:11:57,003 your dead brother's wife. 125 00:11:58,003 --> 00:12:01,003 And you went along to see Dr Anwar, 126 00:12:01,003 --> 00:12:03,843 so that she could tell you where Nadir's body was? 127 00:12:03,843 --> 00:12:06,363 No. Dead or alive, I had no interest in Nadir Al Fulani. 128 00:12:06,363 --> 00:12:08,003 Only Dr Anwar? 129 00:12:09,003 --> 00:12:10,003 Yes. 130 00:12:10,003 --> 00:12:12,363 What's so special about Dr Yasim Anwar? 131 00:12:12,363 --> 00:12:16,003 I came back from China to bury my brother. 132 00:12:16,003 --> 00:12:18,003 I don't know anything about this or any of these people. 133 00:12:29,003 --> 00:12:32,003 Why her? 134 00:12:34,003 --> 00:12:38,003 Why did you need to see Yasim Anwar? 135 00:12:38,003 --> 00:12:39,523 I had to see her again! I just had to! 136 00:12:39,523 --> 00:12:41,003 One more time. I had to. 137 00:12:41,003 --> 00:12:45,003 You spent one night with her, and you had to see her again, eh? 138 00:12:51,003 --> 00:12:53,003 Oh, no. 139 00:12:53,003 --> 00:12:55,683 Oh, no, wait a minute. 140 00:12:55,683 --> 00:12:58,003 No, no, no. 141 00:13:03,003 --> 00:13:06,003 You came back to bury your brother. You turn up late. 142 00:13:08,003 --> 00:13:10,003 I was on time, 143 00:13:10,003 --> 00:13:11,843 and unlike you, 144 00:13:11,843 --> 00:13:14,003 I hung around for the after-coffin party. 145 00:13:14,003 --> 00:13:16,843 You didn't even stay to toast your brother's memory, 146 00:13:16,843 --> 00:13:18,363 and this is what I'm thinking here. 147 00:13:18,363 --> 00:13:22,003 You spent the night of your brother's funeral... 148 00:13:23,003 --> 00:13:25,003 ..banging your brother's wife. 149 00:13:27,003 --> 00:13:29,003 Oh, that's good. 150 00:13:30,203 --> 00:13:32,003 HE LAUGHS 151 00:13:36,003 --> 00:13:38,003 That's really good. 152 00:13:40,003 --> 00:13:41,683 Fond of him, were you? 153 00:13:45,003 --> 00:13:47,043 She played you, boy. 154 00:13:49,003 --> 00:13:53,203 She played you like a fish, then disappeared. 155 00:13:56,003 --> 00:13:57,523 Sorry, my friend. 156 00:13:57,523 --> 00:14:00,003 I had you down as a player. 157 00:14:00,003 --> 00:14:01,523 HE SCREAMS 158 00:14:11,003 --> 00:14:13,003 Congratulations, Minister. 159 00:14:13,003 --> 00:14:15,203 Now we just have to win it outside the House. 160 00:14:15,203 --> 00:14:17,003 It's all in place, 161 00:14:17,003 --> 00:14:19,003 we kick the campaign off first thing tomorrow. 162 00:14:19,003 --> 00:14:21,003 'Hello, this is Stephen Ezard, please leave a message.' 163 00:14:21,003 --> 00:14:23,003 Stephen, it's Eleanor. 164 00:14:23,003 --> 00:14:24,523 Where are you? 165 00:14:24,523 --> 00:14:27,003 Why couldn't you go home? What's happened to you? 166 00:14:27,003 --> 00:14:28,003 Call me back, will you? 167 00:14:30,003 --> 00:14:33,003 Do we have any idea where Yasim Anwar is? 168 00:14:33,003 --> 00:14:35,043 We hired in a double-blind so it can't come back at us. 169 00:14:35,043 --> 00:14:38,003 There's a danger of exposure if we try to make contact. 170 00:14:38,003 --> 00:14:39,363 - Sir, Madam. - Hello. 171 00:14:39,363 --> 00:14:42,003 There's no calling him back. He'll either disappear, 172 00:14:42,003 --> 00:14:44,003 or he'll continue until he's fulfilled his contract. 173 00:14:46,003 --> 00:14:48,003 With a cost of how many more innocent victims? 174 00:14:48,003 --> 00:14:50,003 George, John Moreton was innocent. 175 00:14:50,003 --> 00:14:53,003 Yasim Anwar is innocent. 176 00:14:56,003 --> 00:14:59,003 What the hell was Stephen Ezard doing in there? 177 00:15:01,003 --> 00:15:02,003 As far as I can tell, 178 00:15:02,003 --> 00:15:03,683 he hasn't alerted anyone to what he saw. 179 00:15:03,683 --> 00:15:05,003 Not yet, anyway. 180 00:15:05,003 --> 00:15:07,003 We need to understand him. 181 00:15:08,003 --> 00:15:10,003 What he knows, how he's involved. 182 00:15:13,003 --> 00:15:15,003 Then we can take a decision on him. 183 00:15:17,003 --> 00:15:20,003 ENGINE REVS 184 00:15:22,003 --> 00:15:25,003 TYRES SCREECH 185 00:16:04,003 --> 00:16:09,003 TV CHATTER 186 00:16:09,003 --> 00:16:10,003 'Breaking news now. 187 00:16:10,003 --> 00:16:12,363 'We're getting reports of two deaths in the city, 188 00:16:12,363 --> 00:16:14,003 'and we're going live...' 189 00:16:14,003 --> 00:16:15,003 Eleanor, call me back. 190 00:16:16,523 --> 00:16:19,683 'The two bodies were found by early morning cleaning staff. 191 00:16:19,683 --> 00:16:22,003 'A police spokesman confirmed that a man and a woman 192 00:16:22,003 --> 00:16:25,003 'had apparently died from gunshot wounds. 193 00:16:25,003 --> 00:16:27,003 'Professor John Moreton was considered to be 194 00:16:27,003 --> 00:16:29,043 'one of the country's leading microbiologists.' 195 00:16:31,003 --> 00:16:33,523 'John was a brilliant scientist. 196 00:16:35,003 --> 00:16:36,003 'Dedicated... 197 00:16:37,003 --> 00:16:39,003 '..highly respected.' 198 00:16:39,003 --> 00:16:42,683 'Police inquiries have centred on examining CCTV footage 199 00:16:42,683 --> 00:16:44,003 'inside the building. 200 00:16:44,003 --> 00:16:47,003 'I've been told to expect a further statement at any time.' 201 00:17:20,003 --> 00:17:22,003 WOMAN: Stephen, what's happened? 202 00:17:22,003 --> 00:17:24,003 You said if anything out of the ordinary happens, 203 00:17:24,003 --> 00:17:26,003 that I shouldn't go to the police, I should talk to you. 204 00:17:27,003 --> 00:17:29,003 I need to do that. 205 00:17:32,843 --> 00:17:35,003 Ministerial drivers know more state secrets 206 00:17:35,003 --> 00:17:38,363 than the intelligence services, and they are totally discreet. 207 00:17:38,363 --> 00:17:40,003 Stephen... 208 00:17:41,003 --> 00:17:43,003 ..what's happened? 209 00:17:43,003 --> 00:17:46,003 - What do you mean, kidnapped? - By a complete lunatic. 210 00:17:46,003 --> 00:17:48,003 - What did he want? - Don't know. 211 00:17:48,003 --> 00:17:51,003 Look, it's nothing to do with me. I was looking for Michael's wife. 212 00:17:51,003 --> 00:17:52,843 - Why? - Look, that's not important. 213 00:17:52,843 --> 00:17:55,003 I was there by accident. When I came to, 214 00:17:55,003 --> 00:17:58,003 Moreton's body was on the ground, and... 215 00:17:58,003 --> 00:18:01,003 I handled the gun, I panicked, and then and then I ran. 216 00:18:01,003 --> 00:18:05,003 You have no idea how big I've gone on you. 217 00:18:05,003 --> 00:18:08,003 Websites, newspapers, television. 218 00:18:08,003 --> 00:18:10,003 PHONE RINGS Yes. 219 00:18:14,003 --> 00:18:15,523 Commander, thank you. 220 00:18:15,523 --> 00:18:18,003 Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. 221 00:18:20,003 --> 00:18:21,043 It was suicide. 222 00:18:22,363 --> 00:18:25,003 Moreton shot the receptionist, and turned the gun on himself. 223 00:18:25,003 --> 00:18:28,003 No, no, it wasn't suicide. I was there, I saw someone. 224 00:18:28,003 --> 00:18:30,003 Think it through. 225 00:18:30,003 --> 00:18:32,003 You saw a dead woman. 226 00:18:32,003 --> 00:18:36,003 Moreton must have shot her, knocked you out, and shot himself. 227 00:18:36,003 --> 00:18:38,843 The police have it all on camera. 228 00:18:38,843 --> 00:18:42,003 - Then they'll have me, too. - There was no mention of you. 229 00:18:42,003 --> 00:18:43,203 They'll want to question you, 230 00:18:43,203 --> 00:18:46,683 but we'll ask them to keep your name out of it until any formal inquest, 231 00:18:46,683 --> 00:18:48,003 hopefully several months from now. 232 00:18:48,003 --> 00:18:50,003 They may not agree, but it's worth a try. 233 00:18:50,003 --> 00:18:53,003 - Suicide? They're certain? - They found a note. 234 00:18:53,003 --> 00:18:56,003 Moreton and the receptionist were lovers. 235 00:18:57,003 --> 00:18:59,523 Well, what about the lunatic with the electric fence? 236 00:18:59,523 --> 00:19:02,003 Brought you back to your hotel unharmed. 237 00:19:05,003 --> 00:19:08,003 Those "access denied" buttons I warned you not to press... 238 00:19:11,003 --> 00:19:12,843 Well, did your "lunatic" tell you 239 00:19:12,843 --> 00:19:15,003 what your involvement was in all of this? 240 00:19:16,683 --> 00:19:18,523 Well, he's probably working for us. 241 00:19:18,523 --> 00:19:21,003 There are so many levels of security now. 242 00:19:21,003 --> 00:19:23,003 And I'm sure he's come to the conclusion 243 00:19:23,003 --> 00:19:24,683 that you're perfectly harmless. 244 00:19:26,003 --> 00:19:28,003 How many biochemists does it take to change a light bulb? 245 00:19:29,523 --> 00:19:31,003 Please! 246 00:19:35,523 --> 00:19:37,003 Focus. 247 00:19:38,003 --> 00:19:42,003 I know Michael's death has been a huge sadness, 248 00:19:42,003 --> 00:19:44,003 a terrible upset. 249 00:19:46,003 --> 00:19:48,523 But you've got a very long and important day ahead of you. 250 00:19:48,523 --> 00:19:51,003 Put last night behind you, 251 00:19:51,003 --> 00:19:53,003 and concentrate on TIA. 252 00:19:53,003 --> 00:19:56,003 Now, go home and relax. 253 00:19:56,003 --> 00:19:58,043 No amount of worrying will bring Michael back. 254 00:20:46,363 --> 00:20:48,003 Which one? 255 00:20:49,003 --> 00:20:50,003 The old man. 256 00:20:51,043 --> 00:20:54,003 Get details, everything he saw. 257 00:20:54,003 --> 00:20:55,683 Mr Nye, be careful. 258 00:20:57,003 --> 00:20:59,003 Landmines. HE CHUCKLES 259 00:21:44,003 --> 00:21:47,003 He heard two explosions, saw smoke. 260 00:21:47,003 --> 00:21:51,003 The vehicle had burnt itself out by the time he got here. 261 00:21:51,003 --> 00:21:52,003 No survivors. 262 00:21:56,003 --> 00:21:58,003 How long between him hearing the explosions 263 00:21:58,003 --> 00:21:59,003 and him getting here? 264 00:21:59,003 --> 00:22:01,003 He was the other side of that ridge, 265 00:22:01,003 --> 00:22:04,003 and on foot, so at least 20, 30 minutes. 266 00:22:06,003 --> 00:22:10,003 There was another man, already here, up on that hill, watching. 267 00:22:12,003 --> 00:22:15,003 When the old man showed up, he disappeared. 268 00:22:15,003 --> 00:22:17,003 Younger? Older? Tall? Short? 269 00:22:17,003 --> 00:22:21,003 He was like you, a Westerner. 270 00:22:24,003 --> 00:22:25,043 What about a vehicle? 271 00:22:26,363 --> 00:22:28,003 No vehicle. 272 00:22:28,003 --> 00:22:29,003 No sound of one, either. 273 00:22:30,003 --> 00:22:32,003 The man on the hill was on foot. 274 00:22:34,003 --> 00:22:36,003 You've got no use for that. 275 00:22:36,003 --> 00:22:37,003 He'd like the shoe. 276 00:22:39,003 --> 00:22:41,003 He's already got the other one. 277 00:22:52,003 --> 00:22:55,523 Mr Nye, what are you looking for? 278 00:22:57,003 --> 00:22:59,003 Tyre tracks. 279 00:22:59,003 --> 00:23:00,843 The old man said no vehicle. 280 00:23:00,843 --> 00:23:04,683 How can a Westerner, like me, get out here without a vehicle? 281 00:23:04,683 --> 00:23:06,683 So the camera missed him. 282 00:23:08,003 --> 00:23:09,523 Must have. 283 00:23:12,363 --> 00:23:15,003 You had the hawk up in the sky for how long after the jeep was hit? 284 00:23:15,003 --> 00:23:18,003 Five minutes, no longer. Then we were gone. 285 00:23:18,003 --> 00:23:20,003 So, between you going and the old man arriving, 286 00:23:20,003 --> 00:23:23,003 there was a 20 minute window in which we have no idea what happened. 287 00:23:23,003 --> 00:23:24,363 A man without a vehicle. 288 00:23:26,003 --> 00:23:27,363 Yeah. 289 00:23:46,003 --> 00:23:48,003 Those dead refugees... 290 00:23:48,003 --> 00:23:50,003 start digging. 291 00:24:04,003 --> 00:24:09,003 COMPUTER: 'Receiving data from 0.0.315 292 00:24:09,003 --> 00:24:12,003 'on secure transfer protocol.' 293 00:24:26,003 --> 00:24:29,003 'Starting facial recognition software.' 294 00:24:36,003 --> 00:24:39,003 REPORTER: But TIA surely has possibilities, Lord Cawston? 295 00:24:39,003 --> 00:24:40,003 'Well, if we joined everything up, 296 00:24:40,003 --> 00:24:42,003 'then we'd be drowning in information, 297 00:24:42,003 --> 00:24:44,003 'much of it contradictory information. 298 00:24:44,003 --> 00:24:48,203 'All we are going to end up with is another UK database disaster.' 299 00:24:48,203 --> 00:24:50,003 Stephen Ezard? 300 00:24:50,003 --> 00:24:53,003 These databases, they never work? 301 00:24:53,003 --> 00:24:54,003 Well, you say that... 302 00:24:54,003 --> 00:24:56,003 'Well, Of course they never work! 303 00:24:56,003 --> 00:24:58,003 'The idea that TIA will introduce 304 00:24:58,003 --> 00:25:01,003 'a greater bureaucratic efficiency is a nonsense. 305 00:25:01,003 --> 00:25:03,003 'The public services won't benefit from it. 306 00:25:03,003 --> 00:25:07,003 'They'll just be strangled by 60 million different sets of data 307 00:25:07,003 --> 00:25:10,003 'all trying to talk to each other.' 308 00:25:10,003 --> 00:25:11,523 - It's beige, by the way. - What is? 309 00:25:11,523 --> 00:25:13,003 The colour of the universe. 310 00:25:13,003 --> 00:25:15,003 Thanks to genius here, 311 00:25:15,003 --> 00:25:17,003 it takes four days to explain the shape of it, 312 00:25:17,003 --> 00:25:20,003 but some Simple Simon in a garden shed and a homemade telescope 313 00:25:20,003 --> 00:25:22,003 managed to work out the fucking colour, 314 00:25:22,003 --> 00:25:24,003 and it's beige! 315 00:25:24,003 --> 00:25:28,003 REPORTER: 'So, Stephen Ezard, a country strangled by information?' 316 00:25:28,003 --> 00:25:30,003 'Yeah, well, that's a worry. 317 00:25:31,003 --> 00:25:33,003 'Or it would be, if it was true.' 318 00:25:33,003 --> 00:25:35,003 I've been listening to this rubbish argument all day long. 319 00:25:35,003 --> 00:25:38,003 Think of TIA as an encyclopaedia, an huge amount of information. 320 00:25:38,003 --> 00:25:41,003 Good encyclopaedia include several points of view on any given subject, 321 00:25:41,003 --> 00:25:43,003 including contradictory ones. 322 00:25:43,003 --> 00:25:46,003 Now, yes, a moron would be overwhelmed by it, confused, 323 00:25:46,003 --> 00:25:48,003 but if you ask specific, intelligent questions, 324 00:25:48,003 --> 00:25:50,003 you'll be able to extract the correct information. 325 00:25:50,003 --> 00:25:53,003 The TIA is enabled to ask itself specific intelligent questions, 326 00:25:53,003 --> 00:25:55,363 even when operated by a moron, and it asks those questions 327 00:25:55,363 --> 00:25:58,003 and gets the correct information at a phenomenal speed. 328 00:25:58,003 --> 00:26:00,523 REPORTER: 'Lord Cawston, Mr Ezard, thank you.' 329 00:26:00,523 --> 00:26:04,003 PHONE RINGS 330 00:26:04,003 --> 00:26:05,523 Phwoar. 331 00:26:05,523 --> 00:26:07,003 Focus group feedback. 332 00:26:07,003 --> 00:26:08,363 "Ezard doesn't give a toss, 333 00:26:08,363 --> 00:26:11,003 "so he comes across as honest." 334 00:26:13,003 --> 00:26:15,003 They love him. 335 00:26:15,003 --> 00:26:16,003 The people love him. 336 00:26:42,003 --> 00:26:44,003 PHONE RINGS 337 00:26:46,363 --> 00:26:49,043 Hello? 'Good news from our source.' 338 00:26:49,043 --> 00:26:51,003 The cameras weren't working in Moreton's lab. 339 00:26:51,003 --> 00:26:54,003 The police have no plans to interview you or anybody else. 340 00:26:54,003 --> 00:26:56,683 'It's as if you were never there.' Thank God. 341 00:26:56,683 --> 00:26:59,003 Oh, and Stephen, thank you for earlier, 342 00:26:59,003 --> 00:27:00,003 the feedback's been brilliant. 343 00:27:01,523 --> 00:27:03,003 'Bye.' 344 00:27:11,683 --> 00:27:14,003 Why were you following John Moreton? 345 00:27:14,003 --> 00:27:15,003 - What? - Why?! 346 00:27:15,003 --> 00:27:16,003 - I-I wasn't. - Liar! 347 00:27:16,003 --> 00:27:17,843 He phoned me, told me. 348 00:27:17,843 --> 00:27:19,003 You were asking about Michael, about me. 349 00:27:19,003 --> 00:27:23,003 Then, that night, Moreton was dead, murdered! 350 00:27:23,003 --> 00:27:25,003 - I was trying to find you. - Why? 351 00:27:25,003 --> 00:27:26,003 I was looking for you. 352 00:27:26,003 --> 00:27:28,003 I have been going crazy ever since you vanished, 353 00:27:28,003 --> 00:27:29,683 looking for you! 354 00:27:31,003 --> 00:27:32,003 After that night together... 355 00:27:33,003 --> 00:27:34,043 ..I had to find you. 356 00:27:36,003 --> 00:27:37,523 I took a job, a government job. 357 00:27:37,523 --> 00:27:39,003 The only reason I took the job is cos I knew 358 00:27:39,003 --> 00:27:42,003 it would give me access to information that I needed to... 359 00:27:42,003 --> 00:27:44,003 to track you down. 360 00:27:44,003 --> 00:27:46,003 I cyber-stalked you. 361 00:27:46,003 --> 00:27:48,363 I used satellite surveillance, street cameras. 362 00:27:48,363 --> 00:27:50,003 I knew about your meeting with Moreton, 363 00:27:50,003 --> 00:27:52,003 and the man who pretended to live downstairs, 364 00:27:52,003 --> 00:27:53,683 and helped you to move Nadir's body. 365 00:27:53,683 --> 00:27:57,003 With TIA, you can find out everything about anybody and... 366 00:27:57,003 --> 00:27:59,523 I followed you last night to your meeting with Moreton. 367 00:27:59,523 --> 00:28:02,003 - I went into the lab. - What did you see? 368 00:28:02,003 --> 00:28:03,003 Two dead bodies. 369 00:28:04,003 --> 00:28:06,003 I don't understand what's happening. I... 370 00:28:06,003 --> 00:28:08,203 I haven't got a clue what's going on any more. 371 00:28:08,203 --> 00:28:11,003 I can't read the signs, I don't understand the language. 372 00:28:11,003 --> 00:28:13,003 Away four years, it feels like a different world. 373 00:28:13,003 --> 00:28:15,003 Not that I paid attention to how it was before, 374 00:28:15,003 --> 00:28:16,203 but it wasn't like this, it can't have been. 375 00:28:16,203 --> 00:28:18,003 - Why did you come after me? - I had to. 376 00:28:20,003 --> 00:28:21,683 If you'd left a note... 377 00:28:21,683 --> 00:28:24,003 I didn't want to involve you. 378 00:28:24,003 --> 00:28:25,003 In what? 379 00:28:29,003 --> 00:28:30,003 The receptionist... 380 00:28:32,003 --> 00:28:34,003 ..I think they killed her by mistake. 381 00:28:34,003 --> 00:28:35,003 It was meant to be me. 382 00:28:37,003 --> 00:28:40,203 Stephen, you should be back in China. 383 00:28:40,203 --> 00:28:42,003 No, if this has anything to do with Michael, 384 00:28:42,003 --> 00:28:44,003 I have a right to know. 385 00:28:48,003 --> 00:28:50,003 I'm certain now that Michael was murdered. 386 00:28:52,003 --> 00:28:54,003 He was trying to uncover a link 387 00:28:54,003 --> 00:28:57,003 between a hep B vaccine and the sickness. 388 00:28:58,003 --> 00:29:02,003 Michael persuaded Nadir to fly over with a vaccine for Moreton to test, 389 00:29:02,003 --> 00:29:07,003 but before she got it to Moreton, her apartment was broken into, 390 00:29:07,003 --> 00:29:09,003 the vaccine was stolen... 391 00:29:09,003 --> 00:29:11,003 and then she got sick. 392 00:29:11,003 --> 00:29:13,003 What did she die from? 393 00:29:13,003 --> 00:29:16,003 She injected herself with the vaccine a few months earlier, 394 00:29:16,003 --> 00:29:18,043 to persuade a group of kids to take the jab. 395 00:29:18,043 --> 00:29:20,003 But you're not certain that was the cause? 396 00:29:20,003 --> 00:29:22,003 No. 397 00:29:22,003 --> 00:29:24,683 She had the same signs of the sickness, 398 00:29:24,683 --> 00:29:27,003 but she could have picked it up through contact. 399 00:29:27,003 --> 00:29:30,003 So it could be contagious? 400 00:29:30,003 --> 00:29:33,003 I got a sample of her blood to Moreton. 401 00:29:34,003 --> 00:29:37,003 That's where I was when Mike was buried. 402 00:29:38,003 --> 00:29:40,203 Moreton ran tests. 403 00:29:40,203 --> 00:29:45,003 Didn't want to talk over the phone. I went to see him, but... 404 00:29:45,003 --> 00:29:46,683 I never got to talk to him. 405 00:29:46,683 --> 00:29:49,003 What happened to Nadir's body? 406 00:29:49,003 --> 00:29:52,003 - It's safe. - From what? 407 00:29:53,203 --> 00:29:55,003 If it contains any answers... 408 00:29:56,003 --> 00:29:59,003 ..whoever is trying to hide this link between the death 409 00:29:59,003 --> 00:30:01,003 and the vaccine may be after it. 410 00:30:05,843 --> 00:30:08,003 No. Never seen her. 411 00:30:11,003 --> 00:30:12,003 HE GRUNTS 412 00:30:15,003 --> 00:30:19,003 A couple of nights she stayed. A couple of nights! 413 00:30:19,003 --> 00:30:21,003 Argh! Ah! 414 00:30:22,003 --> 00:30:25,003 There was another guy, just like you, looking for her, 415 00:30:25,003 --> 00:30:27,003 showing her photo around. 416 00:30:30,003 --> 00:30:33,003 Him. That's him. He was looking for her. 417 00:30:37,003 --> 00:30:38,003 Argh! 418 00:31:02,003 --> 00:31:04,003 - Is that the last of them? - Yes. 419 00:31:05,523 --> 00:31:07,003 Burn them. 420 00:31:08,003 --> 00:31:10,003 Burn them all. 421 00:31:10,003 --> 00:31:13,003 ENGINE STARTS 422 00:31:40,003 --> 00:31:42,003 I hope I didn't wake you. 423 00:31:44,003 --> 00:31:47,003 'I miss you. Both of you. 424 00:31:48,003 --> 00:31:49,003 'I just want you to know that... 425 00:31:51,003 --> 00:31:55,003 '..I'm very lucky to have such a beautiful and wonderful family.' 426 00:31:57,363 --> 00:31:59,003 And I'll see you all very soon. 427 00:32:03,003 --> 00:32:05,003 HE SIGHS 428 00:32:10,203 --> 00:32:13,003 Michael said you could be a little obsessive. 429 00:32:13,003 --> 00:32:15,003 I know that it shouldn't have happened. 430 00:32:16,003 --> 00:32:17,843 But it did. 431 00:32:28,003 --> 00:32:30,003 I was a good wife to Michael. 432 00:32:30,003 --> 00:32:32,003 I really was. 433 00:32:35,003 --> 00:32:37,003 I'm just not a very good widow. 434 00:32:43,003 --> 00:32:46,003 The last time I felt safe was... 435 00:32:46,003 --> 00:32:47,003 being held by you. 436 00:32:49,003 --> 00:32:50,003 We could get away from here. 437 00:32:52,003 --> 00:32:54,003 Somewhere remote. 438 00:32:55,003 --> 00:32:56,003 Southern Europe. 439 00:32:56,003 --> 00:32:58,003 I've got money, they gave me an advance. 440 00:32:58,003 --> 00:33:00,003 No, no, no, no. 441 00:33:07,003 --> 00:33:10,003 'John was a brilliant scientist. 442 00:33:10,003 --> 00:33:13,003 'Dedicated, highly respected, 443 00:33:13,003 --> 00:33:15,003 'and admired by those who knew him. 444 00:33:16,203 --> 00:33:19,003 'As was Wendy. Wendy...' 445 00:33:19,003 --> 00:33:21,843 Lawrence Cooper is in the same field as Moreton. 446 00:33:23,003 --> 00:33:25,003 I know Moreton thought him a good man. 447 00:33:25,003 --> 00:33:28,003 - He might help me. - With what? 448 00:33:28,003 --> 00:33:29,843 Nadir's autopsy. 449 00:33:31,003 --> 00:33:33,363 I can do it. 450 00:33:33,363 --> 00:33:37,003 But I'll need Cooper to tell me what to extract so I can run tests. 451 00:33:37,003 --> 00:33:39,003 You could cut open somebody that you knew? 452 00:33:39,003 --> 00:33:41,003 I need to know why she died. 453 00:33:41,003 --> 00:33:43,203 Have it done properly, an official postmortem. 454 00:33:43,203 --> 00:33:46,003 - Make it legal. - I don't trust the authorities. 455 00:33:46,003 --> 00:33:49,003 Now you sound like Michael, conspiracy theories and plots. 456 00:33:49,003 --> 00:33:52,043 Moreton didn't trust them, and he knew better than me. 457 00:33:52,043 --> 00:33:54,523 Michael went to the proper authorities 458 00:33:54,523 --> 00:33:56,003 and told them about his suspicions. 459 00:33:56,003 --> 00:33:58,003 He was dead a week later. 460 00:34:00,683 --> 00:34:02,003 I need evidence. 461 00:34:02,003 --> 00:34:04,003 No-one is going to listen to me without it. 462 00:34:04,003 --> 00:34:06,003 I can't prove Michael was murdered. 463 00:34:07,003 --> 00:34:09,003 I just know he was. 464 00:34:09,003 --> 00:34:13,003 - Moreton too, and the receptionist. - That could have been suicide. 465 00:34:13,003 --> 00:34:15,003 Stephen, it's OK. 466 00:34:15,003 --> 00:34:17,003 You don't have to get involved. 467 00:34:20,003 --> 00:34:22,003 I'll be gone in the morning. I promise. 468 00:34:22,003 --> 00:34:25,003 No, no, you're staying here. What if someone's after you? 469 00:34:25,003 --> 00:34:27,003 And you can't just walk up to Cooper and proposition him. 470 00:34:27,003 --> 00:34:29,003 We need to know more about him, 471 00:34:29,003 --> 00:34:30,683 make that sure he's likely to be sympathetic. 472 00:34:30,683 --> 00:34:33,003 - How can we do that? - I can find out about anyone. 473 00:34:34,203 --> 00:34:37,003 You're not going anywhere. 474 00:35:07,003 --> 00:35:09,683 PHONE RINGS 475 00:35:09,683 --> 00:35:11,363 'Hello. 476 00:35:11,363 --> 00:35:14,003 'Guess who?' 477 00:35:14,003 --> 00:35:16,003 I'll give you a hint. 478 00:35:16,003 --> 00:35:17,003 Baghdad. 479 00:35:19,003 --> 00:35:21,003 'Now, don't panic. 480 00:35:21,003 --> 00:35:23,203 'We don't want to upset Mr Nye.' 481 00:35:27,003 --> 00:35:31,003 Put your hazards on. Health and Safety would have a fit. 482 00:35:32,363 --> 00:35:36,043 Put them on, so I know you care about your health and safety. 483 00:35:40,003 --> 00:35:42,683 Now, we need a trade. 484 00:35:43,683 --> 00:35:46,003 Some information for your life. 485 00:36:14,003 --> 00:36:16,003 REPORTER: 'Fire crews and ambulance services 486 00:36:16,003 --> 00:36:18,003 'are working round the clock.' - Dancing. 487 00:36:18,003 --> 00:36:21,003 - That's all they were doing. - Dancing. 488 00:36:21,003 --> 00:36:23,043 They were a target because they were young, 489 00:36:23,043 --> 00:36:25,003 they were innocent. 490 00:36:25,003 --> 00:36:27,043 We're up against fascist scum 491 00:36:27,043 --> 00:36:29,843 who want to destroy our hope, our vitality, 492 00:36:29,843 --> 00:36:31,003 the very essence of who we are. 493 00:36:33,003 --> 00:36:36,203 Please, tell the Prime Minister that we won't fail. 494 00:36:36,203 --> 00:36:39,003 We'll use TIA in its entirety. 495 00:36:40,683 --> 00:36:43,043 He knows that. That's why he chose you. 496 00:36:43,043 --> 00:36:45,003 But I'll tell him. 497 00:36:48,003 --> 00:36:49,683 Has anyone seen Stephen? 498 00:36:49,683 --> 00:36:51,003 He said he'd be here for the meeting, 499 00:36:51,003 --> 00:36:53,003 can't find him anywhere. 500 00:36:53,003 --> 00:36:54,003 PHONE RINGS 501 00:37:07,003 --> 00:37:10,003 COMPUTER: 'Accessing science database. 502 00:37:10,003 --> 00:37:12,003 'Searching microbiologists. 503 00:37:13,203 --> 00:37:16,003 'Professor Lawrence Cooper. 504 00:37:18,003 --> 00:37:23,003 'Employment, lecturer, University of Central London.' 505 00:37:23,003 --> 00:37:24,683 Stephen Ezard, isn't it? 'Logging off.' 506 00:37:24,683 --> 00:37:26,003 Barbara Turney. 507 00:37:26,003 --> 00:37:28,003 I'm from the Prime Minister's office. 508 00:37:28,003 --> 00:37:29,003 Hello. 509 00:37:29,003 --> 00:37:31,683 I've seen your promotional work on TIA, it's very good. 510 00:37:31,683 --> 00:37:34,003 I like your clear, no-nonsense approach. 511 00:37:34,003 --> 00:37:35,003 - Well done. - Thank you. 512 00:37:35,003 --> 00:37:37,003 I don't want to interrupt anything important, 513 00:37:37,003 --> 00:37:41,003 but I noticed in the corridor there's a hunting party out for you. 514 00:37:41,003 --> 00:37:43,003 - Oh? - A TIA briefing meeting 515 00:37:43,003 --> 00:37:45,003 you're supposed to be at. - Right. 516 00:38:03,003 --> 00:38:06,003 'Welcome, Ms Turney. 517 00:38:07,523 --> 00:38:10,003 'Retrieving previous data. 518 00:38:10,003 --> 00:38:14,003 'Stephen Ezard viewed Professor Lawrence Cooper.' 519 00:38:15,363 --> 00:38:19,363 TIA can cross-reference acquaintance and activity, 520 00:38:19,363 --> 00:38:22,003 so it would automatically profile individuals 521 00:38:22,003 --> 00:38:25,003 who try to avoid joining the database. 522 00:38:25,003 --> 00:38:27,003 If someone interacts with anyone on the database, 523 00:38:27,003 --> 00:38:30,003 and they themselves are not registered, 524 00:38:30,003 --> 00:38:31,003 they will be flagged 525 00:38:31,003 --> 00:38:33,363 and the system will automatically investigate them. 526 00:38:36,003 --> 00:38:39,043 We'll be able to enhance citizen profiling. 527 00:38:39,043 --> 00:38:42,003 We've all got used to the idea of profiling, 528 00:38:42,003 --> 00:38:43,003 especially in air travel. 529 00:38:43,003 --> 00:38:46,203 With TIA, we'll be able to go nationwide. 530 00:38:46,203 --> 00:38:50,003 It's used to identify the buying patterns of customers, 531 00:38:50,003 --> 00:38:53,003 predict customers who are likely to change credit card affiliations, 532 00:38:53,003 --> 00:38:55,003 or those susceptible to certain offers. 533 00:38:55,003 --> 00:38:59,003 With TIA we'll have enough information on all UK citizens 534 00:38:59,003 --> 00:39:01,203 to predict individuals with likely intent 535 00:39:01,203 --> 00:39:03,043 of criminal or terrorist acts. 536 00:39:24,523 --> 00:39:27,003 Stephen. Come in, come in. 537 00:39:29,003 --> 00:39:31,043 Where's Yasim? 538 00:39:31,043 --> 00:39:34,003 In the shower. 539 00:39:34,003 --> 00:39:35,003 Why are you here? 540 00:39:35,003 --> 00:39:39,523 Same reason as you. We're on the same side. 541 00:39:39,523 --> 00:39:41,003 What happened to you? 542 00:39:41,003 --> 00:39:44,003 I got caught up in this lot. 543 00:39:44,003 --> 00:39:46,003 Magna Carta demo. 544 00:39:47,043 --> 00:39:49,003 We're an anti-ID movement. 545 00:39:49,003 --> 00:39:52,003 We'd collected over half a million signatures 546 00:39:52,003 --> 00:39:55,003 to petition for the 15th of June to become a national holiday. 547 00:39:55,003 --> 00:39:57,003 Magna Carta Day. 548 00:39:57,003 --> 00:40:00,003 Just to remind everyone how important those rights are. 549 00:40:02,003 --> 00:40:03,003 Return to sender, I think. 550 00:40:05,523 --> 00:40:08,003 I owe a lot to Michael. 551 00:40:08,003 --> 00:40:10,003 He woke me up. He got me involved. 552 00:40:10,003 --> 00:40:12,203 - In what? - In what was going on around me. 553 00:40:12,203 --> 00:40:15,003 I was never a joiner, always a spectator. 554 00:40:15,003 --> 00:40:18,003 He changed all that in an afternoon. 555 00:40:18,003 --> 00:40:19,003 Hi, Stephen. 556 00:40:23,003 --> 00:40:27,523 It's a shame you never saw Yasim and Michael together as a couple. 557 00:40:27,523 --> 00:40:31,003 I've never seen two people who were so meant to be together. 558 00:40:41,003 --> 00:40:43,003 What's he doing here? 559 00:40:43,003 --> 00:40:46,003 He's found me a clinic that I can use for the autopsy. 560 00:40:51,003 --> 00:40:53,003 He's got a big heart. 561 00:40:53,003 --> 00:40:54,843 He's been wonderful. 562 00:40:57,003 --> 00:41:00,003 He was devoted to Michael, so... 563 00:41:00,003 --> 00:41:02,003 we need to be discreet. 564 00:41:09,003 --> 00:41:11,003 What about Cooper? 565 00:41:11,003 --> 00:41:13,523 I think he's worth a try. 566 00:41:13,523 --> 00:41:15,003 He's top of his field, 567 00:41:15,003 --> 00:41:17,003 no-one's got a bad word to say about him. 568 00:41:17,003 --> 00:41:19,003 His politics appear sympathetic. 569 00:41:19,003 --> 00:41:22,003 He's giving a lecture tonight at UCL. 570 00:41:22,003 --> 00:41:23,523 I'll be there. 571 00:41:32,003 --> 00:41:34,363 COOPER: 'Close your eyes and relax.' 572 00:41:34,363 --> 00:41:36,363 I want you to imagine... 573 00:41:36,363 --> 00:41:40,003 that you are a nasty, virulent virus. 574 00:41:41,003 --> 00:41:43,003 Now, a quick look round the hall tells me 575 00:41:43,003 --> 00:41:46,003 that some of you will find this easier than others. 576 00:41:49,003 --> 00:41:50,523 You can open your eyes. 577 00:41:52,003 --> 00:41:53,683 That's my virus. 578 00:41:53,683 --> 00:41:55,003 He's called Alan. 579 00:41:55,003 --> 00:41:57,003 Which is also the name of the bastard 580 00:41:57,003 --> 00:41:59,003 who keeps stealing my parking slot. 581 00:41:59,003 --> 00:42:00,003 LAUGHTER 582 00:42:00,003 --> 00:42:03,003 Now, I want you to see the world from your virus's point of view. 583 00:42:03,003 --> 00:42:05,843 Obviously, you want to spread yourself around 584 00:42:05,843 --> 00:42:07,003 to as many humans as possible, 585 00:42:07,003 --> 00:42:11,203 but the last thing you want to do is to kill them all off, 586 00:42:11,203 --> 00:42:13,523 because then you'd have nowhere to live. 587 00:42:15,003 --> 00:42:17,003 If you're going to be a successful virus, 588 00:42:17,003 --> 00:42:21,003 you have to learn how to tread carefully. 589 00:42:21,003 --> 00:42:26,003 So, first off, I want to take a look at decreased virulence phenomenon, 590 00:42:26,003 --> 00:42:31,003 the different ways in which a virus can hide within the host's body, 591 00:42:31,003 --> 00:42:35,003 sometimes lying dormant in localised clusters of nerve cells 592 00:42:35,003 --> 00:42:37,003 for the life of the host. 593 00:42:54,003 --> 00:42:56,203 TYRES SCREECH 594 00:43:14,003 --> 00:43:16,003 Holy shit. Illegals. 595 00:43:16,003 --> 00:43:20,003 This is Delta-seven, Delta-seven. We're at HZ22. 596 00:43:20,003 --> 00:43:22,203 We've got an IM50. Repeat, an IM50. 597 00:43:27,003 --> 00:43:31,003 ALARM BLARES 598 00:44:35,003 --> 00:44:37,363 Stay where you are. 599 00:44:37,363 --> 00:44:39,003 Get your hands on the vehicle. 600 00:45:20,003 --> 00:45:23,003 CHATTER 601 00:45:36,003 --> 00:45:38,003 Excuse me, Professor Cooper, can I have a word? 602 00:45:38,003 --> 00:45:39,523 Oh, I'm sorry, I'm rather busy. 603 00:45:39,523 --> 00:45:42,003 My name's Stephen Ezard. It's very important. 604 00:45:42,003 --> 00:45:43,203 Ezard? 605 00:45:43,203 --> 00:45:46,003 Ezard's Theorem? 606 00:45:47,003 --> 00:45:48,043 Yeah. 607 00:45:52,003 --> 00:45:55,003 You're suggesting I take part in a backstreet autopsy? 608 00:45:55,003 --> 00:45:59,003 More of a private clinical examination. 609 00:45:59,003 --> 00:46:00,043 Well, this isn't your field. 610 00:46:00,043 --> 00:46:02,043 - What's your role? - I'm just a messenger. 611 00:46:02,043 --> 00:46:05,003 But you obviously believe it, or you wouldn't be here. 612 00:46:05,003 --> 00:46:07,363 I don't know what I believe, 613 00:46:07,363 --> 00:46:10,003 but if an examination came up with the answers, 614 00:46:10,003 --> 00:46:12,363 then I think it might be worth the effort. 615 00:46:13,843 --> 00:46:15,003 John Moreton obviously thought so. 616 00:46:16,043 --> 00:46:19,523 The doctor in question wanted you to look at the evidence. 617 00:46:31,003 --> 00:46:32,683 To be honest, 618 00:46:32,683 --> 00:46:34,363 we all have misgivings about John's death. 619 00:46:36,003 --> 00:46:37,363 It is true, those last few days, 620 00:46:37,363 --> 00:46:39,003 he looked like he was under a lot of pressure. 621 00:46:40,003 --> 00:46:43,003 Maybe because of this. 622 00:46:43,003 --> 00:46:48,003 But I don't know anyone who was more unlikely to commit suicide. 623 00:47:17,003 --> 00:47:18,043 Hm. 624 00:47:20,003 --> 00:47:22,003 Ezard has such a brilliant mind. 625 00:47:23,843 --> 00:47:26,683 Shame we couldn't confide in him, bring him on side. 626 00:47:26,683 --> 00:47:28,843 Then he might not have been so useful. 627 00:47:30,003 --> 00:47:31,003 And Russell? 628 00:47:32,843 --> 00:47:35,003 He's been doing what he's good at... 629 00:47:35,003 --> 00:47:36,203 disappearing. 630 00:47:36,203 --> 00:47:39,003 It must stop. Now. 631 00:47:41,003 --> 00:47:42,203 Everything. 632 00:47:42,203 --> 00:47:44,683 We agreed to let it play. 633 00:47:44,683 --> 00:47:47,683 Our man is still out there looking for Yasim Anwar. 634 00:47:47,683 --> 00:47:49,003 There's nothing we can do. 635 00:47:51,003 --> 00:47:53,003 Our group came in last night in a container. 636 00:47:53,003 --> 00:47:55,003 We have one of them, and he's talking. 637 00:47:55,003 --> 00:47:56,003 About what? 638 00:47:56,003 --> 00:47:59,003 Our mystery man on the hill, so he should be with us soon. 639 00:48:02,003 --> 00:48:06,003 George, we can contain this. Try to see the bigger picture. 640 00:48:09,003 --> 00:48:12,003 Keep your nerve. It's what you're good at. 641 00:48:20,003 --> 00:48:25,003 Cooper said yes, he'll do it. This is what he needs from the body. 642 00:48:27,003 --> 00:48:29,683 STEPHEN: What's wrong? 643 00:48:29,683 --> 00:48:32,003 Andrew was supposed to meet here me an hour ago, 644 00:48:32,003 --> 00:48:33,003 to show me the clinic, 645 00:48:33,003 --> 00:48:36,003 so I could check if it was suitable for the autopsy. 646 00:48:36,003 --> 00:48:37,363 YASIM: He didn't show up. 647 00:48:37,363 --> 00:48:40,003 STEPHEN: If we go back to the flat, he'll know where to find us. 648 00:48:40,003 --> 00:48:43,003 - I don't know. He's... - Stephen! 649 00:48:43,003 --> 00:48:44,203 How you doing? 650 00:48:44,203 --> 00:48:47,003 Get in. I want to talk to your girlfriend. 651 00:48:57,003 --> 00:48:59,003 Strip. 652 00:48:59,003 --> 00:49:00,003 Both of you. 653 00:49:01,003 --> 00:49:03,843 Everything off! Right fucking now! 654 00:49:05,003 --> 00:49:07,843 He's tagged for sure, maybe you too. 655 00:49:07,843 --> 00:49:10,003 He's that stupid, he probably let them shove one up his arse. 656 00:49:10,003 --> 00:49:11,523 Put these on. 657 00:49:15,003 --> 00:49:18,003 Put everything in this bag. Everything. 658 00:49:47,003 --> 00:49:49,003 Where's Nadir's body? 659 00:49:55,003 --> 00:49:57,003 You know, your brother wasn't killed by a landmine. 660 00:49:58,843 --> 00:50:02,003 His jeep was hit by two RPGs. 661 00:50:02,003 --> 00:50:04,523 I've spoken to the scumbag who set it up. 662 00:50:04,523 --> 00:50:08,003 That's all you get for now. It's your turn. 663 00:50:08,003 --> 00:50:10,003 Where's Nadir's body? 664 00:50:16,003 --> 00:50:18,203 It'll probably take about nine shots to kill him. 665 00:50:20,003 --> 00:50:21,003 He's a definite screamer. 666 00:50:21,003 --> 00:50:25,003 You're going to break after the second shot. 667 00:50:25,003 --> 00:50:26,003 THEY SCREAM 668 00:50:31,003 --> 00:50:35,003 Don't tell him anything. Never give into his kind! Never! 669 00:50:35,003 --> 00:50:38,003 Argh! Argh! 670 00:50:38,003 --> 00:50:39,003 OK! 671 00:51:40,003 --> 00:51:42,003 Get out of there, move! 672 00:52:21,003 --> 00:52:23,363 Andrew? Oh, no. 673 00:52:25,683 --> 00:52:28,003 No. SHE SOBS 674 00:52:33,003 --> 00:52:35,003 This is where she was buried. 675 00:52:37,003 --> 00:52:39,003 They take the bodies away and burn them. 676 00:52:43,003 --> 00:52:44,003 What did you want with her? 677 00:52:50,003 --> 00:52:51,003 She was my daughter. 678 00:53:07,003 --> 00:53:08,003 Wait. 679 00:53:10,003 --> 00:53:11,203 Who killed Andrew? 680 00:53:14,003 --> 00:53:16,003 Who is doing this? 681 00:53:16,003 --> 00:53:17,843 Who is killing them? 682 00:53:21,003 --> 00:53:23,843 Please, help us! 683 00:53:36,003 --> 00:53:39,843 CHEERING 684 00:54:06,003 --> 00:54:09,003 SHE SOBS 685 00:54:11,003 --> 00:54:12,843 Come on. 686 00:54:15,003 --> 00:54:16,363 Let's go home. 687 00:54:43,003 --> 00:54:45,003 Subtitles by accessibility@itv.com