1 00:00:01,003 --> 00:00:03,203 BLEEPING 2 00:01:24,843 --> 00:01:26,003 BRAKES SCREECH 3 00:01:34,003 --> 00:01:35,203 You're leaving them. 4 00:01:38,003 --> 00:01:40,003 They're dead. 5 00:01:41,003 --> 00:01:42,003 Shit! 6 00:01:42,003 --> 00:01:44,003 Stop the van! 7 00:01:44,003 --> 00:01:45,683 TYRES SCREECH 8 00:01:51,003 --> 00:01:53,003 ENGINE ROARS 9 00:02:34,203 --> 00:02:37,003 What? What! 10 00:02:38,203 --> 00:02:40,003 I can't remember if I left the window open. 11 00:02:42,003 --> 00:02:43,003 Maybe I did. 12 00:02:50,843 --> 00:02:53,003 I left in a hurry. I... I forgot to close it. 13 00:02:54,003 --> 00:02:56,003 HORNS HONK 14 00:02:56,003 --> 00:02:58,003 TYRES SCREECH 15 00:02:58,003 --> 00:03:00,003 Get in if you want to find out who killed your husband! 16 00:03:00,003 --> 00:03:01,003 Don't. He doesn't know. 17 00:03:01,003 --> 00:03:04,003 I'm all you've got. Get in! 18 00:03:04,003 --> 00:03:06,843 It's not just a tag on your clothes, your whole life's tagged! 19 00:03:06,843 --> 00:03:08,003 We don't know we were tagged. 20 00:03:09,003 --> 00:03:12,203 You know for a genius, you're pretty fucking stupid! 21 00:03:12,203 --> 00:03:15,003 Stephen. Wait. 22 00:03:15,003 --> 00:03:17,523 I don't take rides from people who shoots guns at me! 23 00:03:17,523 --> 00:03:19,003 Stephen. 24 00:03:20,203 --> 00:03:22,003 Please. 25 00:03:24,003 --> 00:03:26,003 Come on, genius! 26 00:03:26,003 --> 00:03:28,003 TYRES SCREECH 27 00:03:37,003 --> 00:03:39,003 What about the civil liberties of honest citizens? 28 00:03:39,003 --> 00:03:41,523 Their freedom to go about their lives 29 00:03:41,523 --> 00:03:44,003 without fear of crime or terrorism. 30 00:03:44,003 --> 00:03:46,683 Think of how we lived ten, five, even two years ago 31 00:03:46,683 --> 00:03:48,003 and how we live now. 32 00:03:48,003 --> 00:03:51,003 And in trying to solve one set of crimes 33 00:03:51,003 --> 00:03:54,003 you are creating the conditions for far more sophisticated ones. 34 00:03:56,003 --> 00:03:59,003 Not with this system, it's new generation, 35 00:03:59,003 --> 00:04:02,003 the encryptions are impossible to by-pass even if... 36 00:04:08,003 --> 00:04:10,003 Do you know what an RFID tag is? 37 00:04:10,003 --> 00:04:13,003 - Yes. - Radio Frequency Identification. 38 00:04:14,003 --> 00:04:17,003 No thicker than a human hair, less than an inch long. 39 00:04:17,003 --> 00:04:20,003 Developed as a way of tracking stock, 40 00:04:20,003 --> 00:04:22,003 sewn into clothes, a pair of jeans 41 00:04:22,003 --> 00:04:26,003 could be traced from manufacture to warehouse, to shop, to check-out. 42 00:04:26,003 --> 00:04:28,003 Strap yourself in. 43 00:04:28,003 --> 00:04:30,003 Do it! 44 00:04:34,523 --> 00:04:36,203 A new generation of readers were developed, 45 00:04:36,203 --> 00:04:41,003 linked to a satellite. It was a relatively simple step, 46 00:04:41,003 --> 00:04:44,003 from tracking the jeans to the person who wore the jeans, 47 00:04:44,003 --> 00:04:46,003 or the jacket or the shoes or whatever. 48 00:04:48,003 --> 00:04:50,003 Believe me, genius, you were tagged. 49 00:04:52,043 --> 00:04:56,003 I'll have them back to you in the morning. Good as new. 50 00:05:10,003 --> 00:05:12,003 ENGINE ROARS 51 00:05:22,203 --> 00:05:24,003 TYRES SQUEAL 52 00:05:36,043 --> 00:05:39,003 BRAKES SCREECH 53 00:05:40,003 --> 00:05:42,003 Fucking wanker! 54 00:05:42,003 --> 00:05:45,003 Come on, you want to fucking have some with me? 55 00:06:25,003 --> 00:06:27,003 HORN BLARES 56 00:07:39,003 --> 00:07:41,003 He's not Nadir's father. 57 00:07:45,003 --> 00:07:47,003 Stepfather. 58 00:07:47,003 --> 00:07:49,003 Nadir's stepfather is dead. 59 00:07:50,003 --> 00:07:52,003 Her mother died when she was 12, 60 00:07:52,003 --> 00:07:55,003 her stepfather died two years ago. She told me. 61 00:07:58,003 --> 00:08:00,003 Then it must be true. 62 00:08:06,363 --> 00:08:08,003 OK, OK. 63 00:08:10,003 --> 00:08:11,523 I don't have to tell you anything, OK? 64 00:08:11,523 --> 00:08:13,043 And I don't have to tell you anything either. 65 00:08:13,043 --> 00:08:15,003 But I'll tell you this, 66 00:08:15,003 --> 00:08:18,003 we had a fight, OK, a big fight, bigger than normal. 67 00:08:18,003 --> 00:08:22,003 She refused to contact me, she refused to acknowledge me. 68 00:08:22,003 --> 00:08:24,003 I'm not proud of it. 69 00:08:24,003 --> 00:08:26,003 I was in a job, it took me longer than I expected. 70 00:08:26,003 --> 00:08:30,003 I came back to find my stepdaughter. Is that OK? 71 00:08:31,003 --> 00:08:33,003 Anyway, where else are you going to go? 72 00:08:50,003 --> 00:08:52,043 KEYPAD BLEEPS, LOCK CLICKS 73 00:09:03,003 --> 00:09:06,003 She used to stay here from time to time. 74 00:09:07,003 --> 00:09:08,523 Made this room her own. 75 00:09:35,003 --> 00:09:38,003 There's a suitcase full of her stuff - you're about the same size. 76 00:09:41,843 --> 00:09:44,003 Is it true that you've got three sets of identical clothes 77 00:09:44,003 --> 00:09:46,003 and you just rotate them? 78 00:09:46,003 --> 00:09:48,843 I've looked you up. There's a lot of weird stuff about you, pal. 79 00:09:51,003 --> 00:09:54,003 Pick yourself something out from downstairs. 80 00:09:54,003 --> 00:09:56,843 Recently deceased, but you're about the same size. 81 00:10:38,003 --> 00:10:40,203 Nadir Alfalani. Burn her. 82 00:12:05,683 --> 00:12:07,003 SIREN WAILS 83 00:12:12,523 --> 00:12:14,003 He'll be early, he always is. 84 00:12:16,003 --> 00:12:19,003 I know about your meeting with George Gibbon. 85 00:12:26,003 --> 00:12:27,363 Am I under surveillance? 86 00:12:29,003 --> 00:12:32,003 That's an odd question for someone in your profession. 87 00:12:33,003 --> 00:12:36,003 There's nothing sinister about my meeting him. 88 00:12:36,003 --> 00:12:39,003 It's just a hand holding exercise. 89 00:12:40,003 --> 00:12:43,003 He has doubts about keeping Michael Ezard alive. 90 00:12:44,003 --> 00:12:46,003 We've come this far at enormous risk. 91 00:12:50,003 --> 00:12:52,523 We need to keep this between the three of us. 92 00:12:53,843 --> 00:12:56,003 Circles within circles are not the answer. 93 00:13:00,003 --> 00:13:03,203 I assume you'll find him lurking in front of a Nuna Dan painting. 94 00:13:05,003 --> 00:13:06,003 Just a guess. 95 00:13:06,003 --> 00:13:07,683 He has a part share in one. 96 00:13:07,683 --> 00:13:09,003 He doesn't come to look at the art, 97 00:13:09,003 --> 00:13:12,003 he likes to see the public file past in reverence. 98 00:13:12,003 --> 00:13:15,003 It makes him feel secure about his investment. 99 00:13:47,003 --> 00:13:49,003 Who killed Andrew? 100 00:13:49,003 --> 00:13:51,003 In the coffin... 101 00:13:53,003 --> 00:13:55,003 Who was following us? 102 00:13:56,003 --> 00:13:57,683 Who is trying to kill me? 103 00:13:57,683 --> 00:13:59,003 Hired help. 104 00:13:59,003 --> 00:14:01,203 If it was in-house, they'd have got you first time. 105 00:14:01,203 --> 00:14:04,003 As for who paid for it? I don't know. 106 00:14:04,003 --> 00:14:05,003 What do you want? 107 00:14:07,683 --> 00:14:10,003 I want to hurt the people who hurt my stepdaughter. 108 00:14:11,003 --> 00:14:13,003 What about you? 109 00:14:13,003 --> 00:14:14,523 Justice for my husband. 110 00:14:16,203 --> 00:14:18,003 Bet I get mine before you get yours. 111 00:14:23,003 --> 00:14:25,203 And you just want to lay something special at her feet, yeah? 112 00:14:25,203 --> 00:14:27,683 I want to know why my brother was killed. 113 00:14:30,003 --> 00:14:33,003 We have to assume they're going to keep coming after you. 114 00:14:34,003 --> 00:14:37,003 Maybe someone thinks you know more than you do. 115 00:14:37,003 --> 00:14:39,003 If it was more than you told me. 116 00:14:39,003 --> 00:14:40,203 I've told you everything. 117 00:14:40,203 --> 00:14:45,003 Well, in that case, you'd better stay right here. 118 00:14:45,003 --> 00:14:47,683 No contact with the outside, nothing. 119 00:14:47,683 --> 00:14:51,003 No phone, no internet, not even a pigeon. 120 00:14:51,003 --> 00:14:54,003 And if you leave... you don't come back. 121 00:14:56,003 --> 00:15:00,003 As for you, Stephen, you are our secret weapon. 122 00:15:00,003 --> 00:15:03,203 You've got access to the most powerful database in the world. 123 00:15:03,203 --> 00:15:08,003 Just don't let them catch you looking at it. 124 00:15:08,003 --> 00:15:10,003 First you need to go home, 125 00:15:10,003 --> 00:15:13,003 wear their tags and get back on the system, 126 00:15:13,003 --> 00:15:14,003 then we need answers. 127 00:15:14,003 --> 00:15:18,003 Start from the very beginning - a bad batch of vaccine. 128 00:15:18,003 --> 00:15:19,683 Find the company that manufactured it. 129 00:15:19,683 --> 00:15:22,003 You can't expect Stephen to do anything. 130 00:15:27,843 --> 00:15:31,003 Whoever tagged you, now thinks you're a player... 131 00:15:32,203 --> 00:15:35,003 ..because you removed their tag. 132 00:15:36,003 --> 00:15:37,043 What am I looking for? 133 00:15:37,043 --> 00:15:40,003 I want you to sweep the apartment. 134 00:15:40,003 --> 00:15:42,003 This thing will pick up on a wire. 135 00:15:42,003 --> 00:15:45,003 It's also going to pick up microwaves, wireless networks, 136 00:15:45,003 --> 00:15:47,043 everything, but it'll filter those out 137 00:15:47,043 --> 00:15:49,003 and it'll pick up on frequencies 138 00:15:49,003 --> 00:15:52,003 reserved for covert transmissions, cameras, etc... 139 00:15:52,003 --> 00:15:55,003 Sweep for bugs but don't make it too obvious, 140 00:15:55,003 --> 00:15:56,843 there could be cameras there, 141 00:15:56,843 --> 00:15:59,003 you have to assume that all your clothes are tagged. 142 00:15:59,003 --> 00:16:04,003 Test them, leave the tags in place and wear the clothes. 143 00:16:05,523 --> 00:16:07,003 This thing. 144 00:16:07,003 --> 00:16:09,003 I designed it so a kid could use it. 145 00:16:09,003 --> 00:16:11,003 One button. BUTTON CLICKS 146 00:16:15,683 --> 00:16:18,003 Don't come back here unless I bring you. 147 00:16:31,003 --> 00:16:34,003 And she only ever used her own blood? 148 00:16:34,003 --> 00:16:39,003 A pint per painting, mixed with various fixers. 149 00:16:41,003 --> 00:16:43,003 Don't you find them rather depressing? 150 00:16:44,003 --> 00:16:47,003 It's never depressing to have one's own feelings mirrored. 151 00:16:48,363 --> 00:16:50,363 There's nothing worse than being in hell 152 00:16:50,363 --> 00:16:53,043 and have everyone insisting on bright colours and happy music. 153 00:16:54,843 --> 00:16:56,003 We're not in hell yet, George. 154 00:16:59,003 --> 00:17:02,003 We have no idea what's happened to Stephen Ezard or Yasim Anwar, 155 00:17:02,003 --> 00:17:04,203 we don't what they know, or who they know. 156 00:17:06,003 --> 00:17:08,003 We haven't a clue who David Russell is working for. 157 00:17:10,003 --> 00:17:11,003 What we do know, however, is 158 00:17:11,003 --> 00:17:14,003 that we've given Michael Ezard the freedom of the city. 159 00:17:14,003 --> 00:17:17,003 Someone who's not only capable of bringing down this government 160 00:17:17,003 --> 00:17:18,363 but could also kick off World War III. 161 00:17:18,363 --> 00:17:20,003 How close to hell do you want to get? 162 00:17:22,003 --> 00:17:25,003 George, 30 minutes ago 163 00:17:25,003 --> 00:17:28,003 Michael Ezard forced his way into the dead girl's apartment. 164 00:17:28,003 --> 00:17:31,683 He looked around non-specific, took nothing and left. 165 00:17:31,683 --> 00:17:33,003 And now we're locked onto him. 166 00:17:33,003 --> 00:17:37,003 So, he's a few streets behind everyone else. 167 00:17:37,003 --> 00:17:40,003 I think we can assume he'll lead us to his wife. 168 00:17:45,003 --> 00:17:47,003 I know we're supposed to be celebrating 169 00:17:47,003 --> 00:17:49,003 the miraculous resurrection of Michael Ezard, 170 00:17:49,003 --> 00:17:51,003 but the sooner we get him off the streets 171 00:17:51,003 --> 00:17:52,003 and into a place of safety... 172 00:17:52,003 --> 00:17:53,523 First we have to let him run. 173 00:17:53,523 --> 00:17:56,003 We need a complete picture, no loose ends. 174 00:17:56,003 --> 00:17:58,003 MOBILE RINGS Excuse me. 175 00:18:01,003 --> 00:18:02,843 Patrick Nye. 176 00:18:06,003 --> 00:18:09,003 Didn't they all double in value after she committed suicide? 177 00:18:09,003 --> 00:18:11,363 Yes. And then some. 178 00:18:13,003 --> 00:18:15,003 I bought in afterwards. 179 00:18:17,003 --> 00:18:20,003 The illegal that got picked up at the docks, it's not good. 180 00:18:20,003 --> 00:18:22,003 I'd better go and take a look. 181 00:18:31,003 --> 00:18:34,003 You don't have to go, you don't have to do this. 182 00:18:34,003 --> 00:18:36,003 You don't have to compete with Michael. 183 00:18:40,003 --> 00:18:41,003 Oh, Jesus! 184 00:18:48,003 --> 00:18:50,523 KEYPAD BLEEPS, GATE CLATTERS 185 00:18:56,003 --> 00:18:57,003 HORN HONKS 186 00:19:21,843 --> 00:19:25,003 SINGS IN OWN LANGUAGE 187 00:19:37,003 --> 00:19:38,203 It's me. 188 00:19:40,203 --> 00:19:42,003 And I'm real. 189 00:19:50,003 --> 00:19:52,003 I cried for you. 190 00:19:52,003 --> 00:19:54,003 A lot of people cried for you. 191 00:19:55,003 --> 00:19:59,843 It was a good funeral, a big crowd - you should have been there. 192 00:19:59,843 --> 00:20:01,203 Well, right now I'm better off dead. 193 00:20:04,523 --> 00:20:06,003 Where's Yasim? 194 00:20:09,003 --> 00:20:12,003 I saw her a couple of days before the funeral, 195 00:20:12,003 --> 00:20:14,003 after that, nothing. 196 00:20:15,843 --> 00:20:17,003 Before the funeral? 197 00:20:20,523 --> 00:20:23,003 So, she wasn't at my funeral? 198 00:20:23,003 --> 00:20:24,003 No. 199 00:20:27,003 --> 00:20:29,003 Why wouldn't she be there? 200 00:20:31,003 --> 00:20:33,003 Nadir? 201 00:20:33,003 --> 00:20:34,843 She wasn't there either. 202 00:20:39,683 --> 00:20:42,043 I went to her apartment, the place was trashed. 203 00:20:42,043 --> 00:20:45,003 Neighbours said they hadn't seen anybody for a couple of weeks. 204 00:20:45,003 --> 00:20:47,043 What about my brother? - He was there. 205 00:20:47,043 --> 00:20:49,003 Did you speak to him? 206 00:20:51,003 --> 00:20:53,003 He showed up late. 207 00:20:55,523 --> 00:20:59,003 When you saw Yasim before the funeral, how was she? 208 00:21:01,003 --> 00:21:03,003 She was a widow. 209 00:21:03,003 --> 00:21:06,003 She was in pain, sick with the grief. 210 00:21:06,003 --> 00:21:08,003 I did it to protect her. 211 00:21:08,003 --> 00:21:10,003 You faked your own death? 212 00:21:10,003 --> 00:21:11,003 Not exactly. 213 00:21:15,003 --> 00:21:16,683 I need you to break into this. 214 00:21:18,003 --> 00:21:20,003 It's a copy of my brother's notebook. 215 00:21:22,003 --> 00:21:25,003 I came in with some people, we need IDs. 216 00:21:25,003 --> 00:21:27,003 They're good people. 217 00:21:27,003 --> 00:21:30,003 Good, bad, we all need IDs. 218 00:21:30,003 --> 00:21:31,003 Question is, do we have cash? 219 00:21:31,003 --> 00:21:32,003 Absolutely. 220 00:21:32,003 --> 00:21:33,003 Then they get the best. 221 00:21:33,003 --> 00:21:37,003 Desktop stuff gets better all the time, perfect biometrics. 222 00:21:39,003 --> 00:21:42,003 I need one in this name... 223 00:21:44,003 --> 00:21:46,003 Anthony Cohen? 224 00:21:46,003 --> 00:21:48,003 So, you're a Jew now? 225 00:21:48,003 --> 00:21:50,003 I need to break inside a drugs company, 226 00:21:50,003 --> 00:21:51,523 find out about a vaccine, 227 00:21:51,523 --> 00:21:54,003 find out why somebody tried to kill me. 228 00:21:54,003 --> 00:21:56,003 Maybe they got to Yasim. 229 00:21:56,003 --> 00:22:00,003 Hopefully this might tell me. 230 00:22:00,003 --> 00:22:02,003 Why not just ask your brother? 231 00:22:04,003 --> 00:22:06,003 - You have brothers? - Enough for a football team. 232 00:22:06,003 --> 00:22:08,003 - You trust them? - Yeah. 233 00:22:08,003 --> 00:22:10,003 Except in goal. 234 00:22:11,683 --> 00:22:15,203 Steve is the least political person that I've ever known, 235 00:22:15,203 --> 00:22:18,003 suddenly he's fronting a government campaign 236 00:22:18,003 --> 00:22:20,003 to get us all numbered and filed. 237 00:22:20,003 --> 00:22:22,003 He's got encrypted data 238 00:22:22,003 --> 00:22:24,003 on a scientist that I was coming over to see, 239 00:22:24,003 --> 00:22:26,003 as well as data on Yasim, Nadir. 240 00:22:26,003 --> 00:22:30,003 The scientist is dead, Yasim and Nadir are missing. 241 00:22:31,003 --> 00:22:33,003 I need to know what he's up to. 242 00:22:33,003 --> 00:22:36,003 I never really thought about my brother that much before. 243 00:22:38,363 --> 00:22:40,683 I really have no idea who he is. 244 00:23:57,003 --> 00:23:59,003 DRIPPING 245 00:24:03,003 --> 00:24:05,003 DOORBELL RINGS 246 00:24:18,003 --> 00:24:20,003 What are you dressed like that for? 247 00:24:20,003 --> 00:24:22,003 Old clothes. I've been cleaning. 248 00:24:22,003 --> 00:24:25,003 You never wear different clothes. Ever. 249 00:24:29,843 --> 00:24:31,683 I'm so fucking angry with them! 250 00:24:33,003 --> 00:24:34,523 Er, with who? 251 00:24:34,523 --> 00:24:36,843 - Can I get a drink, please? - There's only water. 252 00:24:36,843 --> 00:24:38,003 I get drunk on anything. 253 00:24:44,003 --> 00:24:47,003 The part of TIA you're involved in is only the first step. 254 00:24:47,003 --> 00:24:50,003 There's going to be a policy announcement in the next phase. 255 00:24:51,003 --> 00:24:54,043 I can't tell you about it but I'm being eased out. 256 00:24:54,043 --> 00:24:56,003 Not because of anything I've done, 257 00:24:56,003 --> 00:24:59,003 it's all to do with a favour being done for somebody else. 258 00:24:59,003 --> 00:25:01,003 My portfolio's been handed over to them. 259 00:25:04,003 --> 00:25:06,003 You know, when I first saw the Cabinet table, 260 00:25:06,003 --> 00:25:08,003 I thought if I ever I get to sit at it 261 00:25:08,003 --> 00:25:11,003 I might actually have the power to change things. 262 00:25:11,003 --> 00:25:12,003 Being a junior minister, 263 00:25:12,003 --> 00:25:14,203 you soon realise why it's a coffin-shaped table. 264 00:25:14,203 --> 00:25:16,003 What's wrong? 265 00:25:16,003 --> 00:25:17,003 Nothing. 266 00:25:53,003 --> 00:25:54,003 How long has he been like this? 267 00:25:54,003 --> 00:25:56,003 - Who are you? - How long? 268 00:25:56,003 --> 00:25:57,003 About eight hours. 269 00:25:59,003 --> 00:26:02,203 If this man is sick, he's now mine, do you understand? 270 00:26:02,203 --> 00:26:04,003 We need to get him moved. 271 00:26:04,003 --> 00:26:06,003 Are you a doctor? 272 00:26:06,003 --> 00:26:08,003 He needs to be in isolation. 273 00:26:08,003 --> 00:26:13,003 It was the way it was dealt with, like, everyone knew except me. 274 00:26:13,003 --> 00:26:15,003 What is that thing? 275 00:26:15,003 --> 00:26:16,203 You're transmitting. BUZZING 276 00:26:18,003 --> 00:26:20,003 You're wired, bugged. 277 00:26:21,363 --> 00:26:26,203 I'm not wired, I'm not bugged, and I'm certainly not transmitting. 278 00:26:26,203 --> 00:26:28,003 BUZZING 279 00:26:33,203 --> 00:26:35,003 Do you want to search me? 280 00:26:57,003 --> 00:26:58,363 BLEEP 281 00:26:58,363 --> 00:27:00,003 LOW BUZZING 282 00:27:19,003 --> 00:27:21,003 LOW BUZZING 283 00:27:23,003 --> 00:27:24,003 Well? 284 00:27:29,003 --> 00:27:31,003 You're still transmitting. 285 00:27:32,043 --> 00:27:34,363 Do you want to investigate further? 286 00:27:36,003 --> 00:27:39,003 POWERS DOWN 287 00:27:40,003 --> 00:27:41,003 I'm sorry. 288 00:27:41,003 --> 00:27:42,363 Stephen... 289 00:27:44,003 --> 00:27:46,523 ..how can we get you to relax? Hmm? 290 00:27:47,523 --> 00:27:50,003 - Ever since Michael's funeral... - I know. I know. 291 00:27:50,003 --> 00:27:51,003 No, you don't know. 292 00:27:51,003 --> 00:27:54,203 Michael's death could be related to deaths of refugees, 293 00:27:54,203 --> 00:27:57,003 the deaths of scientists, biochemists, a lot of them, 294 00:27:57,003 --> 00:27:58,363 including Moreton. - Stop. 295 00:27:59,683 --> 00:28:01,003 Stephen, stop. 296 00:28:02,683 --> 00:28:04,003 Look, creating the best, 297 00:28:04,003 --> 00:28:07,363 most complicated conspiracy theory in the world 298 00:28:07,363 --> 00:28:10,003 is not going to keep Michael alive. 299 00:28:10,003 --> 00:28:12,003 Someone broke in to this place last night, 300 00:28:12,003 --> 00:28:14,003 they looked through my files and then they... 301 00:28:14,003 --> 00:28:15,003 And they what? 302 00:28:15,003 --> 00:28:18,003 They ate some food, they made a mess, they took a shower. 303 00:28:20,003 --> 00:28:22,003 And how did they break in? 304 00:28:23,003 --> 00:28:25,683 The door wasn't forced, the windows were locked. 305 00:28:25,683 --> 00:28:28,003 We call that having a key. 306 00:28:29,003 --> 00:28:30,003 This is Michael. 307 00:28:31,003 --> 00:28:34,003 Didn't he used to have this open house policy, 308 00:28:34,003 --> 00:28:36,843 he'd hand out house keys to practical strangers. 309 00:28:36,843 --> 00:28:39,003 It used to drive you crazy, remember? 310 00:28:40,003 --> 00:28:45,363 Look, it was probably someone passing by. 311 00:28:45,363 --> 00:28:48,203 They might not even know Michael's dead. 312 00:28:48,203 --> 00:28:51,003 They looked through my notebooks. 313 00:28:51,003 --> 00:28:53,003 So, they were nosey. 314 00:28:57,003 --> 00:28:59,003 Well, it looks like I'm not going to get 315 00:28:59,003 --> 00:29:01,003 my few moments of madness, am I? 316 00:29:04,003 --> 00:29:08,003 There's something I need to tell you... about TIA. 317 00:29:10,003 --> 00:29:13,003 There's a potential glitch - it could be serious. 318 00:29:14,003 --> 00:29:16,003 Data protection. 319 00:29:16,003 --> 00:29:18,003 There's a weakness when large companies 320 00:29:18,003 --> 00:29:20,363 stream employee records onto the system, 321 00:29:20,363 --> 00:29:23,363 and I need to take a look and test some parameters, 322 00:29:23,363 --> 00:29:27,003 and we might have to turn off the alarm just for my entry, 323 00:29:27,003 --> 00:29:29,003 and I'd need ministerial clearance. 324 00:29:29,003 --> 00:29:33,003 - Is that really necessary? - Yeah. 325 00:29:33,003 --> 00:29:35,003 We don't want to flag up any doubts. 326 00:29:35,003 --> 00:29:36,523 Well, that's why I want to be able 327 00:29:36,523 --> 00:29:39,003 to dip in and out of the system without anyone knowing. 328 00:29:41,003 --> 00:29:42,683 All right. 329 00:29:50,843 --> 00:29:54,003 POLICE RADIO CHATTER 330 00:30:05,003 --> 00:30:07,003 - How long's Amir been like this? - This morning. 331 00:30:07,003 --> 00:30:09,003 It might be something, nothing. 332 00:30:09,003 --> 00:30:11,003 We'll get a doctor to him. 333 00:30:11,003 --> 00:30:13,363 First ID, no ID, no doctor. 334 00:30:16,523 --> 00:30:20,003 Don't worry, I'll have you fixed up in a couple of hours. 335 00:31:01,363 --> 00:31:03,203 Yasim. 336 00:31:04,523 --> 00:31:08,003 She's not in the camps, she's not with any of her family. 337 00:31:08,003 --> 00:31:11,003 Everyone who can look, we've got looking. 338 00:31:12,203 --> 00:31:13,683 OK, good. 339 00:31:19,003 --> 00:31:21,203 You're certain you're not in the system? 340 00:31:21,203 --> 00:31:25,003 I use an American passport, I was born there. 341 00:31:25,003 --> 00:31:27,003 What about... 342 00:31:28,003 --> 00:31:29,363 ..Anthony Cohen? 343 00:31:29,363 --> 00:31:31,003 Anthony Cohen. Irish. 344 00:31:31,003 --> 00:31:33,003 Six weeks R&R in Kashmir. 345 00:31:33,003 --> 00:31:35,003 Being him will get me into the drugs company. 346 00:31:35,003 --> 00:31:38,003 Be sure this is who you want to be - an Irish Jew. 347 00:31:40,003 --> 00:31:42,843 One swipe and the system gets you forever. 348 00:31:42,843 --> 00:31:44,003 MOBILE RINGS 349 00:31:46,523 --> 00:31:48,003 It's not Yasim. 350 00:31:49,683 --> 00:31:52,003 Keep trying. 351 00:31:52,003 --> 00:31:55,003 Your brother's notebook, no way they can pass the encryptions. 352 00:31:55,003 --> 00:31:59,003 They keep trying, but they are like nothing they've ever seen before. 353 00:31:59,003 --> 00:32:02,003 COUGHING 354 00:32:09,003 --> 00:32:11,003 What's wrong with him? 355 00:32:11,003 --> 00:32:12,523 WHEEZING 356 00:32:15,003 --> 00:32:16,003 Is it contagious? 357 00:32:25,843 --> 00:32:27,003 Anything? 358 00:32:29,003 --> 00:32:31,003 No... nothing. 359 00:32:31,003 --> 00:32:34,003 Don't keep tapping the keys. 360 00:32:47,003 --> 00:32:49,003 'Patrick Nye.' 361 00:32:49,003 --> 00:32:51,003 'Employment - British Intelligence.' 362 00:32:51,003 --> 00:32:52,003 British Intelligence! 363 00:32:52,003 --> 00:32:53,003 'Senior Officer.' 364 00:32:53,003 --> 00:32:55,683 Patrick Nye. British Intelligence! 365 00:32:55,683 --> 00:32:58,003 You said you didn't know who was involved. 366 00:32:58,003 --> 00:33:00,523 I don't know the extent of the involvement. 367 00:33:00,523 --> 00:33:05,003 A senior officer, possible connections to the Cabinet Office! 368 00:33:05,003 --> 00:33:07,043 You sent Stephen in there without warning him! 369 00:33:07,043 --> 00:33:12,003 What would have happened if I had? Ad what if he had bumped into Nye? 370 00:33:12,003 --> 00:33:15,003 He wouldn't have known whether to shit himself or go blind. 371 00:33:15,003 --> 00:33:17,043 He would have picked up on that in a heartbeat. 372 00:33:17,043 --> 00:33:19,003 I was protecting him. 373 00:33:19,003 --> 00:33:22,003 You are using him and you don't trust him. 374 00:33:22,003 --> 00:33:25,003 Yeah, that's right on both counts. I know what I want, OK? 375 00:33:25,003 --> 00:33:28,003 And I know what I'm prepared to do to get it. 376 00:33:28,003 --> 00:33:30,003 You want justice, you're not going to get it, 377 00:33:30,003 --> 00:33:33,003 but you're going to keep after it because that's how you're made. 378 00:33:34,003 --> 00:33:37,003 O course I don't trust Stephen. 379 00:33:37,003 --> 00:33:39,523 What happens when the big first jump comes along, eh? 380 00:33:39,523 --> 00:33:42,003 And he decides you're just not worth it? 381 00:33:44,003 --> 00:33:46,003 No, we're both using him, baby. 382 00:34:16,003 --> 00:34:20,363 How is Nye involved? How?! 383 00:34:20,363 --> 00:34:23,523 God, you're really beginning to annoy me now, you know that? 384 00:34:23,523 --> 00:34:27,003 I'll tell you about Nye. He was at the camps. 385 00:34:27,003 --> 00:34:30,003 He was making sure that the remains of all the dead 386 00:34:30,003 --> 00:34:33,003 who died from the virus, or whatever it is, were burnt. 387 00:34:35,003 --> 00:34:38,843 That's probably the same thing that's happened to Nadir. 388 00:34:38,843 --> 00:34:41,003 - To destroy evidence. - Or to stop a plague. 389 00:34:42,003 --> 00:34:45,003 Or both. Or neither. 390 00:34:49,003 --> 00:34:51,003 Well, that did it. 391 00:34:53,203 --> 00:34:54,683 'Kellerman-Deloit...' 392 00:34:55,003 --> 00:34:59,003 Kellerman-Deloit, this is where they manufacture the Hep B vaccine. 393 00:34:59,003 --> 00:35:02,523 Stephen can break into the database, the employee records, 394 00:35:02,523 --> 00:35:05,843 see if he can find someone who worked on the vaccine, 395 00:35:05,843 --> 00:35:09,003 a sympathetic ear, someone who might want to talk. 396 00:35:09,003 --> 00:35:11,003 The company has enough data on their employees 397 00:35:11,003 --> 00:35:13,003 to profile that accurately? 398 00:35:13,003 --> 00:35:15,003 The clues are there if you know where to look. 399 00:35:15,003 --> 00:35:18,003 In TIA you can dig even deeper. 400 00:35:18,003 --> 00:35:21,003 What they buy, what they read, 401 00:35:21,003 --> 00:35:23,003 what they watch, what they look at on-line, 402 00:35:23,003 --> 00:35:26,003 their circles of acquaintance, subscriptions to organisations. 403 00:35:26,003 --> 00:35:28,683 For what we need, he'll be looking for someone 404 00:35:28,683 --> 00:35:32,003 who subscribes to something like Amnesty, Liberty, Save The Children. 405 00:35:32,003 --> 00:35:33,683 Do they vote? 406 00:35:33,683 --> 00:35:35,523 Are they politically active? 407 00:35:35,523 --> 00:35:38,003 The dots are all there, 408 00:35:38,003 --> 00:35:41,003 he has to join them up, make a picture. 409 00:35:45,003 --> 00:35:46,003 'Approved match. 410 00:35:46,003 --> 00:35:50,003 'Caroline Scott. KD employee.' 411 00:36:09,003 --> 00:36:11,843 I have an appointment with Susan Ross. 412 00:36:11,843 --> 00:36:16,003 Kellerman-Deloit, Anthony Cohen. BLEEPING 413 00:36:16,003 --> 00:36:18,003 Thank you, Mr Cohen. 414 00:36:18,003 --> 00:36:20,003 Thank you. 415 00:37:06,003 --> 00:37:07,363 BLEEP 416 00:37:11,003 --> 00:37:15,683 'Stephan Ezard accessing Kellerman-Deloit employee file. 417 00:37:15,683 --> 00:37:18,003 'Level 3 security breach.' 418 00:37:27,003 --> 00:37:29,003 It's very good of you to spare me your time. 419 00:37:29,003 --> 00:37:31,003 What exactly is it you wanted to know? 420 00:37:37,003 --> 00:37:38,683 Those four have yet to be checked. 421 00:38:04,003 --> 00:38:06,003 Yeah, that's her car. 422 00:38:06,003 --> 00:38:08,003 She'll come out in the next ten minutes 423 00:38:08,003 --> 00:38:10,003 and take a left out the car park. 424 00:38:14,003 --> 00:38:16,003 So, have you worked for him for long? 425 00:38:20,003 --> 00:38:22,003 It's not just my concern. 426 00:38:22,003 --> 00:38:25,003 There are a lot of us who think there might be 427 00:38:25,003 --> 00:38:28,003 a link between the Hep B vaccine and the virus. 428 00:38:28,003 --> 00:38:31,003 Now, every time we've tried to get records of batch numbers 429 00:38:31,003 --> 00:38:35,003 to match to the spread of the virus we've met with brick walls. 430 00:38:35,003 --> 00:38:38,003 We've bombarded the charity running the programme with questions 431 00:38:38,003 --> 00:38:40,003 and got absolutely nowhere. 432 00:38:40,003 --> 00:38:43,003 There's a fear, a silence. 433 00:38:43,003 --> 00:38:44,203 Why me? 434 00:38:44,203 --> 00:38:48,003 I saw your name on a memo you'd sent to the charity, 435 00:38:48,003 --> 00:38:50,843 some boring information about a shipping date. 436 00:38:50,843 --> 00:38:52,363 It's the only link I have. 437 00:38:56,003 --> 00:38:58,043 This should have been handled better. 438 00:38:58,043 --> 00:39:00,003 A lot better. 439 00:39:04,003 --> 00:39:05,003 We also questioned it, 440 00:39:05,003 --> 00:39:08,043 the spectre of a bad batch of vaccine, 441 00:39:08,043 --> 00:39:10,363 the damage it could do to the company. 442 00:39:10,363 --> 00:39:12,003 We found nothing, 443 00:39:12,003 --> 00:39:15,003 and we took it to two independent bodies to make sure. 444 00:39:15,003 --> 00:39:17,003 They came to the same conclusion. 445 00:39:17,003 --> 00:39:19,003 Over 400,000 have had the jab. 446 00:39:19,003 --> 00:39:23,003 About 1,000 had the jab from the same batch as the two dozen 447 00:39:23,003 --> 00:39:25,683 or so refugees that have got sick and died. 448 00:39:25,683 --> 00:39:28,003 The vaccine isn't the cause of the virus 449 00:39:28,003 --> 00:39:31,203 or whatever it is that's causing the illness. 450 00:39:33,003 --> 00:39:34,363 There isn't a link. 451 00:39:34,363 --> 00:39:37,003 No-one in the camps were aware of any investigation. 452 00:39:37,003 --> 00:39:39,843 It was thought to be too sensitive. 453 00:39:39,843 --> 00:39:42,003 The fear was that a scare story 454 00:39:42,003 --> 00:39:44,043 would stop the refugees taking the jab 455 00:39:44,043 --> 00:39:47,363 which would cost hundreds, even thousands of lives. 456 00:39:50,003 --> 00:39:53,003 And that's something you need to think about. 457 00:39:53,003 --> 00:39:57,003 I've been very candid with you, Mr Cohen. 458 00:39:57,003 --> 00:40:00,003 Now, you can walk out of here and repeat this conversation, 459 00:40:00,003 --> 00:40:04,003 it would probably cost me my job. 460 00:40:04,003 --> 00:40:08,003 But worse than that, it could start a scare story you couldn't control, 461 00:40:08,003 --> 00:40:11,843 and do a lot of harm to people who need the protection of that vaccine. 462 00:40:14,003 --> 00:40:16,003 If there was a conspiracy of silence, 463 00:40:16,003 --> 00:40:17,683 it was entirely for the good. 464 00:40:17,683 --> 00:40:22,203 My own guess is the illness is a virus and from the data I've seen... 465 00:40:24,003 --> 00:40:25,683 ..it doesn't have legs. 466 00:40:47,003 --> 00:40:48,203 Oh, come on. 467 00:41:20,003 --> 00:41:22,003 Wait! Wait! Wait! 468 00:41:22,003 --> 00:41:24,003 - We'll lose her. - Wait! 469 00:41:27,003 --> 00:41:28,363 She's getting away. 470 00:41:28,523 --> 00:41:30,003 Go, go, go. 471 00:41:48,003 --> 00:41:49,843 You all right? 472 00:41:52,003 --> 00:41:53,003 Fine. 473 00:42:26,003 --> 00:42:30,203 'Stephan Ezard's co-ordinates and position. Static.' 474 00:42:30,203 --> 00:42:32,003 TELEPHONE RINGS 475 00:42:37,003 --> 00:42:40,003 'I think you should get down here as soon as you can.' 476 00:42:49,003 --> 00:42:52,003 It's Caroline, isn't it? Caroline Scott. 477 00:42:52,003 --> 00:42:54,003 I'm Stephen, Stephen Ezard. 478 00:42:54,003 --> 00:42:57,003 I represent a group of doctors who work in refugee camps. 479 00:42:57,003 --> 00:43:00,523 They've been using the same Hep B vaccine you've been helping to make. 480 00:43:00,523 --> 00:43:02,683 How do you know my name? 481 00:43:02,683 --> 00:43:06,003 I looked through the Kellerman-Deloit employee files 482 00:43:06,003 --> 00:43:09,003 for someone who was smart, honest, and cared about the world. 483 00:43:09,003 --> 00:43:11,003 Stephen who? 484 00:43:12,003 --> 00:43:15,003 Stephen Ezard. Look, I'm not crazy, I'm not dangerous. 485 00:43:15,003 --> 00:43:19,003 We're surrounded by people, and security cameras and... 486 00:43:19,003 --> 00:43:20,523 it's safe. I just want to ask you 487 00:43:20,523 --> 00:43:22,003 a couple of questions about the vaccine. 488 00:43:22,003 --> 00:43:23,683 I just work the line. 489 00:43:23,683 --> 00:43:26,003 Look, I know this sounds odd but, erm... 490 00:43:28,003 --> 00:43:31,003 These are some of the children we've been inoculating. .. 491 00:43:32,003 --> 00:43:34,003 For their sake, just a couple of questions 492 00:43:34,003 --> 00:43:35,203 about the production process. 493 00:43:35,203 --> 00:43:41,003 Look, you've got me wrong, I'm not a scientist or a technician. 494 00:43:41,003 --> 00:43:44,003 What you are is smart and decent and I need your help. 495 00:43:44,003 --> 00:43:47,003 - I've got to get back to work. - Please. 496 00:43:47,003 --> 00:43:51,003 I don't understand what you're doing looking through confidential files. 497 00:43:51,003 --> 00:43:56,003 Just five minutes. I'll help you bag your shopping. 498 00:43:56,003 --> 00:43:57,003 Leave me alone! 499 00:44:03,683 --> 00:44:05,843 I'm sure we can progress this further. 500 00:44:05,843 --> 00:44:08,203 The Prime Minister will need any policy differences ironed out, 501 00:44:08,203 --> 00:44:11,523 then all you'd have to do is stand united against the common enemy - 502 00:44:11,523 --> 00:44:13,003 Her Majesty's Treasury. 503 00:44:18,843 --> 00:44:21,003 BLEEPING 504 00:44:34,003 --> 00:44:36,003 Thank you. 505 00:45:04,043 --> 00:45:06,043 I went ahead and saved you some time. 506 00:45:06,043 --> 00:45:10,003 I got you some bread, biscuits, detergents, toiletries, beer, wine. 507 00:45:10,003 --> 00:45:13,003 And there was a special offer on dog food, so I got two large ones. 508 00:45:13,003 --> 00:45:16,003 You got beef and rabbit last time, so I got chicken and the veg. 509 00:45:16,003 --> 00:45:17,043 I also got onto a government database. 510 00:45:17,043 --> 00:45:20,003 That last eco-protest you went on with your daughter Isabel, 511 00:45:20,003 --> 00:45:22,003 the East Midlands Airport, is listed. 512 00:45:22,003 --> 00:45:25,003 Oh, and the library book you got out, the Philip K Dick novel, um... 513 00:45:25,003 --> 00:45:28,003 Humpty Dumpty In Oakland. 514 00:45:28,003 --> 00:45:30,003 Great read, but you're two weeks overdue. 515 00:45:31,843 --> 00:45:33,003 Those children are dying. 516 00:45:33,003 --> 00:45:35,003 Is everything all right, madam? 517 00:45:43,683 --> 00:45:45,003 Since you've worked the line, 518 00:45:45,003 --> 00:45:47,003 has the production of Hep B ever changed? 519 00:45:47,003 --> 00:45:48,523 No. 520 00:45:50,003 --> 00:45:53,003 Is it possible that there could be a defective batch? 521 00:45:53,003 --> 00:45:55,003 It would be picked up. 522 00:45:55,003 --> 00:45:56,363 There's constant sampling, 523 00:45:56,363 --> 00:46:00,003 everything's heavily monitored, checked, regulated. 524 00:46:00,003 --> 00:46:03,003 No bumps, no hiccups in the last three years, nothing at all? 525 00:46:03,003 --> 00:46:04,003 No. 526 00:46:08,003 --> 00:46:10,003 Except when the line broke down. 527 00:46:11,003 --> 00:46:12,003 When was that? 528 00:46:13,043 --> 00:46:15,003 About a year, year and a half ago. 529 00:46:15,003 --> 00:46:16,203 What went wrong? 530 00:46:17,523 --> 00:46:20,003 Something with the electrics, it stopped production. 531 00:46:20,003 --> 00:46:22,003 How long for? 532 00:46:22,003 --> 00:46:24,003 A couple of weeks, maybe three. 533 00:46:25,003 --> 00:46:27,003 Yeah, three. 534 00:46:27,003 --> 00:46:28,043 And what happened to you? 535 00:46:28,043 --> 00:46:30,003 We got put on other lines. 536 00:46:30,003 --> 00:46:32,003 Close to where you were before? 537 00:46:32,003 --> 00:46:34,003 The other side of the plant. 538 00:46:35,003 --> 00:46:36,003 Did you ever go back to the line 539 00:46:36,003 --> 00:46:38,003 to see what was going on in those three weeks? 540 00:46:38,003 --> 00:46:41,003 No, the area was cordoned off, sealed. 541 00:46:41,003 --> 00:46:44,003 And they have to for hygiene - contamination risk. 542 00:46:44,003 --> 00:46:47,003 But they were technicians working there? 543 00:46:47,003 --> 00:46:48,003 Fixing the line. 544 00:46:48,003 --> 00:46:50,683 They wouldn't have been producing vaccine. 545 00:46:50,683 --> 00:46:53,683 - Can you remember the date? - My birthday. 546 00:46:53,683 --> 00:46:56,363 I got sent home on full pay. 547 00:46:58,523 --> 00:47:02,003 Now I want to know everything that's in my file. 548 00:47:04,043 --> 00:47:07,003 Barbara, what are you doing here? 549 00:47:07,003 --> 00:47:08,523 Having a think. 550 00:47:08,523 --> 00:47:10,203 And you? 551 00:47:10,203 --> 00:47:12,003 Looking for Stephen Ezard. 552 00:47:12,003 --> 00:47:14,003 He's in there. 553 00:47:16,003 --> 00:47:17,683 Minister, would it be possible 554 00:47:17,683 --> 00:47:19,363 for you to come to the Prime Minister's office. 555 00:47:19,363 --> 00:47:21,003 8:15, this evening? - Yes. 556 00:47:23,043 --> 00:47:27,003 Stephen Ezard should know that I found his hiding place. 557 00:47:27,003 --> 00:47:28,003 Third drawer down. 558 00:47:40,683 --> 00:47:43,003 15th of July for three weeks. 559 00:47:43,003 --> 00:47:46,003 If something went wrong, the date fits. 560 00:47:46,003 --> 00:47:49,363 Caroline Scott said they weren't producing vaccine, 561 00:47:49,363 --> 00:47:51,003 the line was down. 562 00:47:51,003 --> 00:47:52,003 What if she's wrong? 563 00:47:56,683 --> 00:48:01,843 That's the only access road in and out of Kellerman-Deloit. 564 00:48:01,843 --> 00:48:03,003 And that's me. 565 00:48:05,003 --> 00:48:09,003 Now if I access the automatic number plate recognition database 566 00:48:09,003 --> 00:48:12,003 for those cameras. How long do they hold the data for? 567 00:48:12,003 --> 00:48:16,003 A couple of years, in practice, forever. 568 00:48:16,003 --> 00:48:19,003 You can store a billion numbers on a pin head, why throw it away? 569 00:48:19,003 --> 00:48:22,003 We used to argue how many angels could dance on a pin head, 570 00:48:22,003 --> 00:48:24,003 now it's car numbers. 571 00:48:24,003 --> 00:48:27,003 So I've asked a simple question - 572 00:48:27,003 --> 00:48:30,003 What vehicles only passed those cameras 573 00:48:30,003 --> 00:48:33,003 from the 15th of July for next three weeks? 574 00:48:33,003 --> 00:48:37,003 Anything before the 15th July or after those three weeks is excluded. 575 00:48:39,683 --> 00:48:42,003 'Analysing matches.' 576 00:48:45,003 --> 00:48:47,003 'Analysing results.' 577 00:48:47,003 --> 00:48:48,683 - Four vehicles. - Yeah. 578 00:48:48,683 --> 00:48:52,363 And every day for three weeks - they arrive early and leave late. 579 00:48:52,363 --> 00:48:56,003 - Engineers fixing the line. - No, they have in-house engineers. 580 00:48:56,003 --> 00:48:59,003 These vehicles are bringing people in from the outside. 581 00:49:00,003 --> 00:49:02,003 We don't know why, 582 00:49:02,003 --> 00:49:04,523 we only know that they were very busy for those three weeks. 583 00:49:06,003 --> 00:49:11,003 All four of the cars are rental vehicles, 584 00:49:11,003 --> 00:49:13,203 so let's ID the drivers. 585 00:49:16,043 --> 00:49:18,003 KNOCK AT DOOR 586 00:49:19,003 --> 00:49:22,003 The bloody driver dumped me out the front, in front of the cameras. 587 00:49:22,003 --> 00:49:25,003 I must have looked like some teenager sneaking in. 588 00:49:27,003 --> 00:49:29,003 George! 589 00:49:30,003 --> 00:49:32,523 Good evening, Minister. 590 00:49:32,523 --> 00:49:38,003 We need to talk through a number of concerns. 591 00:49:38,003 --> 00:49:40,683 One of them being Stephen Ezard. 592 00:49:46,003 --> 00:49:49,843 Israeli female, US female, two British males. 593 00:49:49,843 --> 00:49:51,003 Well, one things for certain, 594 00:49:51,003 --> 00:49:54,003 they weren't engineers fixing a broken line. 595 00:49:54,003 --> 00:49:59,003 Those 15 micro-biologists, all dead in the last three years, 596 00:49:59,003 --> 00:50:01,003 you've got four of them sitting right there. 597 00:50:01,003 --> 00:50:02,043 Every one of them disappeared 598 00:50:02,043 --> 00:50:04,003 one year after visiting Kellerman-Deloit. 599 00:50:04,003 --> 00:50:06,003 So we've got something. 600 00:50:06,003 --> 00:50:08,003 We need more. 601 00:50:08,003 --> 00:50:11,683 The connections between them before that three-week period. 602 00:50:16,843 --> 00:50:19,003 'Cross-referencing data.' 603 00:50:22,003 --> 00:50:26,843 All four of them attended a seminar held by Professor Lawrence Cooper. 604 00:50:26,843 --> 00:50:28,003 He's our man. 605 00:50:32,003 --> 00:50:34,683 It passed the encryption? Thank you. 606 00:50:44,003 --> 00:50:47,003 Bepa, I've found her! 607 00:50:47,003 --> 00:50:50,003 There was one file not encrypted. 608 00:50:50,003 --> 00:50:52,843 My own brother. He was stalking her. 609 00:50:52,843 --> 00:50:55,003 He's got CCI footage of her meeting with Moreton 610 00:50:55,003 --> 00:50:57,363 and we know exactly what happened to him. 611 00:50:57,363 --> 00:50:58,843 Whatever you need. 612 00:51:08,203 --> 00:51:14,003 It does explain Stephen's rather eccentric and paranoid behaviour. 613 00:51:15,003 --> 00:51:19,003 Minister, I wish we had the luxury of time 614 00:51:19,003 --> 00:51:22,003 for you to consider your options, 615 00:51:22,003 --> 00:51:24,003 but we must act on this tonight. 616 00:51:25,203 --> 00:51:28,003 You haven't presented me with a choice. 617 00:51:30,003 --> 00:51:33,043 There's an absolute moral imperative here. 618 00:51:33,043 --> 00:51:38,003 And I take full responsibility for Stephen Ezard. 619 00:52:29,003 --> 00:52:31,003 Come on, Einstein! Let's move it! 620 00:52:31,003 --> 00:52:32,003 Let's go, let's go! 621 00:52:41,003 --> 00:52:45,203 I saw Michael, earlier today at the factory. 622 00:52:47,003 --> 00:52:48,683 It looked just like him. 623 00:52:56,003 --> 00:52:59,003 At first, I kept seeing him everywhere. 624 00:53:05,003 --> 00:53:10,003 And there are times when the thought of never seeing him again 625 00:53:10,003 --> 00:53:11,043 is overwhelming. 626 00:53:14,003 --> 00:53:16,003 I'll never stop missing him. 627 00:53:25,843 --> 00:53:27,523 You're so different. 628 00:53:30,003 --> 00:53:32,043 If Michael were in your place, he wouldn't. .. 629 00:53:32,043 --> 00:53:35,003 he wouldn't think of "us" as a problem, 630 00:53:36,003 --> 00:53:38,003 He wouldn't be looking over his shoulder. 631 00:53:38,003 --> 00:53:39,683 I'm not. 632 00:53:46,003 --> 00:53:49,043 And as lovers, you're so different. 633 00:53:51,003 --> 00:53:53,003 Not better or worse. 634 00:53:54,003 --> 00:53:55,683 Just different. 635 00:53:59,003 --> 00:54:01,003 Well, as in everything. 636 00:54:04,003 --> 00:54:06,003 The only thing Michael and I could ever agree on 637 00:54:06,003 --> 00:54:08,203 was that we must have had different fathers. 638 00:54:08,203 --> 00:54:11,003 BANG ON DOOR Come on, let's go! 639 00:54:20,003 --> 00:54:22,003 Be careful with Cooper. 640 00:54:22,003 --> 00:54:24,003 He was willing to help before. 641 00:54:33,003 --> 00:54:34,683 Tell me again. 642 00:54:36,003 --> 00:54:39,003 I get Cooper, find out about the four dead microbiologists 643 00:54:39,003 --> 00:54:41,683 and stay off the grid. OK? 644 00:55:23,683 --> 00:55:25,523 COUGHING 645 00:55:28,003 --> 00:55:31,003 COUGHING CONTINUES 646 00:55:43,003 --> 00:55:44,003 GRUNTING 647 00:56:29,003 --> 00:56:31,003 Subtitles by accessibility@itv.com