1 00:00:48,003 --> 00:00:52,003 CHANTING: No ID! No ID! 2 00:01:35,003 --> 00:01:36,003 Where is she? 3 00:01:38,003 --> 00:01:39,003 Yasim! Where is she? 4 00:01:41,003 --> 00:01:43,003 What have you done with her? 5 00:01:47,003 --> 00:01:48,003 Tell me she's alive. 6 00:01:51,003 --> 00:01:53,003 Just tell me she's alive! 7 00:02:15,363 --> 00:02:17,003 HE GROANS 8 00:02:26,003 --> 00:02:30,363 - My own brother. - He'll talk to me. 9 00:02:40,003 --> 00:02:42,003 Where is Yasim? 10 00:02:42,003 --> 00:02:44,003 You need to explain yourself. 11 00:02:46,003 --> 00:02:48,003 I went to your funeral. 12 00:02:49,003 --> 00:02:52,003 So did he. He was very upset. You were "like a brother" to him. 13 00:02:52,003 --> 00:02:55,003 - But you knew I wasn't dead. - Of course I didn't! 14 00:02:55,003 --> 00:02:57,003 I know that you've been following me. 15 00:03:02,003 --> 00:03:06,003 I saw you at the Kellerman-Deloit plant. 16 00:03:06,003 --> 00:03:08,003 No, I wasn't following you. But I thought I saw you there. 17 00:03:08,003 --> 00:03:11,003 I couldn't believe it, you were dead! 18 00:03:12,683 --> 00:03:15,003 - Who was in the coffin? - Why were you at Kellerman-Deloit? 19 00:03:17,003 --> 00:03:20,003 Tell me she's alive! - You need to explain yourself. 20 00:03:22,003 --> 00:03:24,003 You need to explain. 21 00:03:26,003 --> 00:03:28,003 I've opened your notebook. 22 00:03:28,003 --> 00:03:31,843 I've seen the classified files, information on Yasim, 23 00:03:31,843 --> 00:03:34,003 Nadir... - It was you in the apartment? 24 00:03:34,003 --> 00:03:37,003 Who are you working for? MI5? 6? 25 00:03:37,003 --> 00:03:40,003 Untie me, and tell me what happened, 26 00:03:40,003 --> 00:03:42,843 because I'm not going to talk to a FUCKING GHOST! 27 00:03:44,003 --> 00:03:45,203 You will answer to me. 28 00:03:45,203 --> 00:03:47,003 I want answers now. 29 00:04:04,003 --> 00:04:05,043 HE SCREAMS 30 00:04:10,003 --> 00:04:13,003 It just doesn't make sense, it's not who he is. 31 00:04:13,003 --> 00:04:15,003 So let me ask him. 32 00:04:15,003 --> 00:04:18,003 He's dug in. He's the most stubborn, pig-headed person. 33 00:04:18,003 --> 00:04:20,363 Michael, this place will be busy in one hour, 34 00:04:20,363 --> 00:04:22,003 we can't keep him here. 35 00:04:22,003 --> 00:04:25,003 And you've got a sick refugee back at your place. 36 00:04:25,003 --> 00:04:27,003 What are you going to do? 37 00:04:30,003 --> 00:04:33,003 Who is this Magna Carta prick anyway? 38 00:05:13,003 --> 00:05:16,003 I'm alive because I wasn't in the jeep. 39 00:05:17,003 --> 00:05:18,683 I sort of worked that out. 40 00:05:21,003 --> 00:05:25,003 The driver and a guy we picked up on the road were in it when it got hit. 41 00:05:26,003 --> 00:05:29,003 I'm not too sure which parts of who were in my coffin. 42 00:05:30,003 --> 00:05:32,003 There wasn't very much left of them. 43 00:05:37,843 --> 00:05:40,003 There was a pick-up truck behind us on the road. 44 00:05:40,003 --> 00:05:43,003 It vanished when we slowed down so... 45 00:05:43,003 --> 00:05:46,843 'I decided to run up to the top of a hill to see if he was following us. 46 00:05:46,843 --> 00:05:49,003 'The idea being that the jeep would carry on, 47 00:05:49,003 --> 00:05:52,003 'circle round and come back to get me. 48 00:05:52,003 --> 00:05:55,003 'Half a mile on, it got blown to pieces. 49 00:05:56,043 --> 00:05:58,003 'It was a couple of RPGs.' 50 00:05:59,843 --> 00:06:03,003 Somebody tried to kill me because I was making a noise 51 00:06:03,003 --> 00:06:05,683 about refugees getting ill and then dying. 52 00:06:08,003 --> 00:06:10,003 I decided there and then to be dead and stay dead. 53 00:06:10,003 --> 00:06:13,003 I thought I could probably find out more that way. 54 00:06:13,003 --> 00:06:15,003 Did you? 55 00:06:17,003 --> 00:06:19,843 Now you tell me where she is. 56 00:06:19,843 --> 00:06:23,003 I can't do that. You might be tagged, or under surveillance. 57 00:06:23,003 --> 00:06:25,003 Somebody tried to kill her. 58 00:06:29,003 --> 00:06:31,003 I'll tell her. 59 00:06:31,003 --> 00:06:33,003 Then she can come to you. 60 00:06:35,843 --> 00:06:39,363 Don't... follow me. 61 00:07:24,363 --> 00:07:26,003 What's the running order? 62 00:07:26,003 --> 00:07:29,003 They'll show a piece on a heart transplant, 63 00:07:29,003 --> 00:07:32,363 a mum in Aberdeen killed on the morning school run. 64 00:07:32,363 --> 00:07:35,003 By the time the kiddies come home, another mum 500 miles 65 00:07:35,003 --> 00:07:37,003 south in Bristol is having 66 00:07:37,003 --> 00:07:39,003 the Scottish heart and kidneys plumbed in. 67 00:07:39,003 --> 00:07:43,003 Old science, this time it was TIA that made the match in seconds. 68 00:07:43,003 --> 00:07:46,363 One of millions of transactions from one database. 69 00:07:46,363 --> 00:07:49,003 MOBILE RINGS 70 00:07:49,003 --> 00:07:52,003 Hi. Minister, has Stephen Ezard been in contact with you? 71 00:07:52,003 --> 00:07:54,003 No, why? 72 00:07:54,003 --> 00:07:56,003 He isn't in his apartment, 73 00:07:56,003 --> 00:07:59,003 he hasn't been into work and we have no track on him at all. 74 00:07:59,003 --> 00:08:00,003 Oh, God. 75 00:08:40,003 --> 00:08:44,003 Yes, Prime Minister, good. We'll keep watching, we'll be there soon. 76 00:08:53,043 --> 00:08:55,003 BLEEP 77 00:08:58,003 --> 00:08:59,683 BEEPING 78 00:09:01,003 --> 00:09:04,003 Oh. shit! Shit! 79 00:09:04,003 --> 00:09:06,003 ENGINE TURNS OVER 80 00:09:59,003 --> 00:10:00,203 What's wrong? 81 00:10:02,003 --> 00:10:05,003 Where's Russell? 82 00:10:05,003 --> 00:10:06,843 I don't know. 83 00:10:32,003 --> 00:10:33,203 I don't know how to tell you. 84 00:10:34,363 --> 00:10:38,003 Stephen, what happened? 85 00:10:39,003 --> 00:10:42,003 I told you I saw Michael. 86 00:10:42,003 --> 00:10:44,003 Outside the Kellerman-Deloit factory, yes. 87 00:10:44,003 --> 00:10:46,003 It was him, he's alive. He wasn't in the jeep. 88 00:10:49,003 --> 00:10:51,003 Why are you saying that? 89 00:10:51,003 --> 00:10:53,523 Because I've been with him, talking with him, arguing! 90 00:10:53,523 --> 00:10:56,003 - What's wrong with you?! - Yasim, it was him! 91 00:10:56,003 --> 00:10:59,003 I saw body parts. His bracelet was on his wrist! 92 00:10:59,003 --> 00:11:02,003 He planted it to make it look like he was dead. 93 00:11:02,003 --> 00:11:03,003 Stop it! 94 00:11:04,003 --> 00:11:07,003 It's not him, it's someone else. 95 00:11:18,003 --> 00:11:21,363 Why are you doing this? Why?! 96 00:11:21,363 --> 00:11:23,003 I'll take you to him. 97 00:11:28,003 --> 00:11:31,003 FIZZING, SCREAMING 98 00:11:34,843 --> 00:11:37,003 Go back inside. Go back inside! 99 00:11:52,003 --> 00:11:55,003 It's not him, it's not Michael. 100 00:11:57,003 --> 00:11:59,363 Oh, thank God. Oh, thank God! 101 00:12:05,003 --> 00:12:07,003 Who is he? 102 00:12:41,203 --> 00:12:43,843 - Yasim. - How could you do it? 103 00:12:45,003 --> 00:12:49,003 How? How?! 104 00:12:51,003 --> 00:12:53,523 You're dead! 105 00:12:53,523 --> 00:12:55,003 Stay dead! 106 00:13:05,003 --> 00:13:08,003 - What is this place? - Who the fuck are you? 107 00:13:08,003 --> 00:13:09,003 He's my brother. 108 00:13:10,523 --> 00:13:13,003 - The dead brother? - Yeah. 109 00:13:18,003 --> 00:13:20,003 Did you invite him to the party as well? 110 00:13:36,003 --> 00:13:38,003 'Shutting down all systems.' 111 00:13:38,003 --> 00:13:39,003 It's not much. 112 00:13:39,003 --> 00:13:41,843 'Destroy all data.' 113 00:13:41,843 --> 00:13:43,003 I realise that. 114 00:13:43,003 --> 00:13:45,003 'Deleting files.' 115 00:13:45,003 --> 00:13:48,003 Rats eat through cables, pigeons shite everywhere. 116 00:13:48,003 --> 00:13:51,203 But I liked it here. 117 00:13:51,203 --> 00:13:53,003 'System deleting.' 118 00:13:53,003 --> 00:13:54,003 Safe, you know? 119 00:13:54,003 --> 00:13:56,003 Safe and secure. 120 00:13:57,203 --> 00:14:00,003 Yasim! Yasim, let's go now! 121 00:14:04,523 --> 00:14:07,003 BLEEPING 122 00:14:09,683 --> 00:14:11,003 Who is he? 123 00:14:11,003 --> 00:14:13,043 He's Nadir's step father. 124 00:14:16,363 --> 00:14:18,003 What's going on? 125 00:14:18,003 --> 00:14:20,003 I love the smell of napalm in the morning. 126 00:14:20,003 --> 00:14:21,003 RAPID BLEEPS 127 00:14:21,003 --> 00:14:23,003 BOOMING 128 00:14:41,003 --> 00:14:44,043 I want to see him for myself. 129 00:14:44,043 --> 00:14:47,003 to confront the reality of what we've done to these people. 130 00:14:47,003 --> 00:14:48,363 What "we've" done to these people? 131 00:14:48,363 --> 00:14:51,003 We're the ones trying to effect a solution here. 132 00:14:53,003 --> 00:14:55,003 He's getting the best possible treatment. 133 00:14:55,003 --> 00:14:58,003 You mean the medical staff here know what they're treating him for? 134 00:14:58,003 --> 00:15:00,003 He's responding well. 135 00:15:10,003 --> 00:15:13,683 Responding so well that he's got up and walked out? 136 00:15:15,003 --> 00:15:18,523 Let's pray to God that he has. When they're dead they get dangerous. 137 00:15:22,003 --> 00:15:24,003 What's the time of death? 138 00:15:26,003 --> 00:15:30,203 07:35. He's written up as respiratory failure. 139 00:15:30,203 --> 00:15:33,003 Well, that covers a lot of sins. 140 00:15:33,003 --> 00:15:34,683 When can I have him? 141 00:15:36,003 --> 00:15:37,003 - Good morning. - Patrick Nye. 142 00:15:37,003 --> 00:15:41,003 I'm here to take a look at the deceased. And you are? 143 00:15:41,003 --> 00:15:43,003 Professor Lawrence Cooper. What's your interest? 144 00:15:43,003 --> 00:15:44,363 It's a security matter. 145 00:15:44,363 --> 00:15:48,003 The deceased had links to a terrorist organisation. May I? 146 00:15:55,003 --> 00:15:57,003 And your interest is? 147 00:15:57,003 --> 00:16:00,003 Nasty diseases. I've been asked to take a peek inside. 148 00:16:02,683 --> 00:16:05,003 That's our man. Thank you for your help. 149 00:16:06,523 --> 00:16:08,003 Professor Cooper. 150 00:16:09,003 --> 00:16:10,003 That's it? 151 00:16:10,003 --> 00:16:12,203 Just ticking boxes, making sure you had the right body. 152 00:16:12,203 --> 00:16:15,003 We're pretty good at that in here. 153 00:16:24,003 --> 00:16:27,043 Who wants him to take a "peek" inside? 154 00:16:30,043 --> 00:16:33,683 I need a connection to a D7 service team, please. 155 00:16:33,683 --> 00:16:37,003 George, no-one is going to be taking a "peek inside" anybody. 156 00:16:56,003 --> 00:16:57,003 KEY FOB BEEPS 157 00:17:27,003 --> 00:17:29,003 It's all starting to make sense. 158 00:17:29,003 --> 00:17:32,003 Nadir's body would have been destroyed. 159 00:17:32,003 --> 00:17:34,003 Same as in the camps. 160 00:17:34,003 --> 00:17:38,003 There's something inside the bodies that terrifies them. 161 00:17:42,203 --> 00:17:45,003 I'm sorry for what I put you through. 162 00:17:48,203 --> 00:17:50,003 I was so wrong. 163 00:17:54,003 --> 00:17:57,003 Yasim, where are you going? 164 00:17:58,003 --> 00:17:59,683 Nowhere. 165 00:18:00,843 --> 00:18:03,363 Anywhere. Away from you. 166 00:18:05,003 --> 00:18:06,363 Stephen's told me everything. 167 00:18:07,683 --> 00:18:10,003 About Andrew, about Nadir. 168 00:18:10,003 --> 00:18:13,003 The hell you've been through. Let alone what I did to you. 169 00:18:17,003 --> 00:18:21,003 Someone had just tried to kill me, I was confused, I was frightened... 170 00:18:21,003 --> 00:18:25,003 I... wept blood for you! 171 00:18:26,003 --> 00:18:28,003 At the time it seemed the right thing to do. 172 00:18:28,003 --> 00:18:32,003 It was the most stupid, cruel, hateful thing to do! 173 00:18:37,003 --> 00:18:38,003 I did it to protect you. 174 00:18:40,043 --> 00:18:44,003 I thought that if they knew I was alive, they'd come after you. 175 00:18:45,003 --> 00:18:47,003 They did! 176 00:18:51,003 --> 00:18:54,363 I've nailed it down to one batch of vaccine. 177 00:18:54,363 --> 00:18:57,003 EZ759. 178 00:18:57,003 --> 00:19:02,043 No-one survives, you get sick and then you die, 179 00:19:02,043 --> 00:19:04,003 just like Nadir. 180 00:19:04,003 --> 00:19:05,003 Nothing is worth what you did. 181 00:19:05,003 --> 00:19:07,003 Nothing! 182 00:19:07,003 --> 00:19:09,203 It's a massive cover-up. The drugs companies, 183 00:19:09,203 --> 00:19:12,003 aid charities, government organisations, 184 00:19:12,003 --> 00:19:13,003 they're all colluding. 185 00:19:13,003 --> 00:19:15,203 It's all you ever see. Never the people around you. 186 00:19:15,203 --> 00:19:18,363 The people around me were dying because of a jab we gave them. 187 00:19:20,003 --> 00:19:23,523 And it's not just the few we knew about, there are hundreds. 188 00:19:29,203 --> 00:19:32,843 I came in with a group of refugees. 189 00:19:32,843 --> 00:19:36,003 They've all had the jab and one of them is sick. 190 00:19:36,003 --> 00:19:40,003 I need you to get a blood sample, so we can get it analysed. 191 00:19:45,003 --> 00:19:48,003 Come on! It's the three of us now working together. 192 00:19:53,203 --> 00:19:55,043 What? 193 00:20:01,003 --> 00:20:02,003 Say it. 194 00:20:05,003 --> 00:20:06,683 We... 195 00:20:10,003 --> 00:20:14,003 ..we know someone that we might be able to get the blood sample to. 196 00:20:14,003 --> 00:20:18,523 He might help. Cooper. Professor Lawrence Cooper. 197 00:20:18,523 --> 00:20:20,003 Good! 198 00:20:20,003 --> 00:20:21,523 MOBILE KEYS BEEP 199 00:20:30,003 --> 00:20:32,003 It's Michael, where's Bepa? 200 00:20:33,003 --> 00:20:36,003 No, no everything's fine, more than fine. 201 00:20:40,003 --> 00:20:42,003 He's what? 202 00:20:45,003 --> 00:20:46,003 OK, thanks. 203 00:20:48,003 --> 00:20:50,003 That was one of Bepa's brothers. 204 00:20:50,003 --> 00:20:53,003 Bepa's taken Haman and the others to a train station 205 00:20:53,003 --> 00:20:54,003 headed for God knows where. 206 00:20:54,003 --> 00:20:57,003 We need to get to them before they disappear. 207 00:20:57,003 --> 00:20:59,003 You won't be able to get anywhere without ID. 208 00:20:59,003 --> 00:21:02,003 You won't get anywhere near the train station. 209 00:21:02,003 --> 00:21:03,043 Well... 210 00:21:05,003 --> 00:21:07,003 But Antony Cohen can. 211 00:21:19,003 --> 00:21:23,003 GPS RINGS, KNOCK AT DOOR 212 00:21:31,003 --> 00:21:32,523 We've found them. 213 00:21:32,523 --> 00:21:34,003 All three of them. 214 00:21:34,003 --> 00:21:36,523 They've just entered the transport system. 215 00:21:38,043 --> 00:21:40,003 I hope to God I'm right about Stephen. 216 00:21:40,003 --> 00:21:43,003 I lived with him for five years. Of course I'm right. 217 00:21:58,843 --> 00:22:01,003 I can't not be with you. 218 00:22:01,003 --> 00:22:03,003 Please don't tell him. 219 00:22:03,003 --> 00:22:05,003 Unless you tell him... 220 00:22:05,003 --> 00:22:06,683 I will lose you. 221 00:22:06,683 --> 00:22:08,003 You'll go back to him. 222 00:22:08,003 --> 00:22:10,003 Stop it. You don't know that. 223 00:22:12,003 --> 00:22:13,003 He doesn't know what? 224 00:22:17,003 --> 00:22:19,003 What's the problem? 225 00:22:20,843 --> 00:22:23,003 Russell, Nadir's stepfather. 226 00:22:23,003 --> 00:22:26,003 Going off like that, he didn't ask about you, 227 00:22:26,003 --> 00:22:28,003 he wasn't interested, wasn't curious. 228 00:22:30,003 --> 00:22:32,003 It didn't feel right. 229 00:22:32,003 --> 00:22:33,843 We've lost his trust. 230 00:22:37,003 --> 00:22:39,003 Come on, Bepa. 231 00:22:43,003 --> 00:22:44,003 SIREN 232 00:22:48,363 --> 00:22:50,363 MOBILE RINGS Open the van! 233 00:22:50,363 --> 00:22:53,003 HE EXCLAIMS ANGRILY 234 00:23:01,003 --> 00:23:03,003 Open the back door. 235 00:23:16,003 --> 00:23:21,003 Let's have everyone out, one at a time with your ID cards, please. 236 00:23:21,003 --> 00:23:23,523 No-one is gonna hurt you, it's OK. 237 00:23:23,523 --> 00:23:27,843 We just want to see your ID cards. MAN COUGHS 238 00:23:29,523 --> 00:23:32,003 That's it, thanks very much, sir. 239 00:23:33,003 --> 00:23:35,003 Thank you. 240 00:23:44,003 --> 00:23:46,003 BLEEPING 241 00:23:50,003 --> 00:23:51,003 Thank you, sir. 242 00:23:52,843 --> 00:23:54,003 OK, thank you. Move along. 243 00:24:03,003 --> 00:24:05,003 What did I tell you? Perfect biometrics. 244 00:24:05,003 --> 00:24:09,003 Perfect! Let's get you on that train and a new life. 245 00:24:14,003 --> 00:24:16,003 GPS RINGS 246 00:24:45,003 --> 00:24:48,003 COUGHING 247 00:25:06,003 --> 00:25:08,043 Stand still! Let's see your hands! 248 00:25:11,843 --> 00:25:16,003 I saw them go through. There was no problem. No problem! 249 00:25:16,003 --> 00:25:19,003 Those IDs were perfect! Perfect! 250 00:25:19,003 --> 00:25:21,003 So why did they get picked out? 251 00:25:25,523 --> 00:25:27,003 We have to go. 252 00:25:29,003 --> 00:25:32,003 Mr Ezard? Stephen Ezard? 253 00:25:59,683 --> 00:26:01,003 Thank you. 254 00:26:02,003 --> 00:26:06,003 We've been worried sick about you. You just disappeared. 255 00:26:08,003 --> 00:26:10,203 You're high profile now, Stephen. 256 00:26:10,203 --> 00:26:13,003 You could have been kidnapped by terrorists 257 00:26:13,003 --> 00:26:15,003 or criminals out to target TIA. 258 00:26:15,003 --> 00:26:17,003 - How'd you know where I was? - It's a very basic procedure. 259 00:26:17,003 --> 00:26:19,523 Posted your ID out on various systems. 260 00:26:19,523 --> 00:26:22,003 You flagged up entering the transport network. 261 00:26:22,003 --> 00:26:25,003 Cameras took over and followed you when you left. 262 00:26:26,003 --> 00:26:28,363 What were you doing in a train station? 263 00:26:30,003 --> 00:26:32,003 I was saying goodbye to someone. 264 00:26:37,003 --> 00:26:42,523 You know, I really envy your life sometimes. 265 00:26:42,523 --> 00:26:44,363 The world of pure research, 266 00:26:44,363 --> 00:26:47,003 not having to get mixed up in this messy, 267 00:26:47,003 --> 00:26:51,003 complicated world, setting your own agenda. 268 00:26:56,363 --> 00:27:00,003 This is the reason we were so desperate to get hold of you. 269 00:27:01,003 --> 00:27:03,003 It's very good news. 270 00:27:04,003 --> 00:27:06,003 I haven't told him yet. 271 00:27:06,003 --> 00:27:10,203 Stephen, Inquirendo would like to fund your research, 272 00:27:10,203 --> 00:27:14,363 not for the next three years, but for the next five. 273 00:27:14,363 --> 00:27:17,003 Business class travel, details of financial arrangements, 274 00:27:17,003 --> 00:27:18,683 generous ones. 275 00:27:18,683 --> 00:27:21,003 You're booked on a flight first thing tomorrow. 276 00:27:21,003 --> 00:27:24,683 - I can't leave first thing. - Excellent. Thank you. 277 00:27:27,003 --> 00:27:29,003 It's everything you wanted. 278 00:27:32,003 --> 00:27:34,003 It's a wonderful offer, Stephen. 279 00:27:36,003 --> 00:27:38,203 For God's sake, will you take it! 280 00:28:00,003 --> 00:28:02,683 CAR FOB BEEPS 281 00:28:53,203 --> 00:28:55,003 Where are you going? 282 00:28:55,003 --> 00:28:59,003 Back to my work, back to China. 283 00:29:02,003 --> 00:29:05,003 - They got to you. - No. 284 00:29:06,003 --> 00:29:07,683 We saw them pick you up. They got to you. 285 00:29:07,683 --> 00:29:10,003 What did they do, Stephen? Did they threaten you? 286 00:29:10,003 --> 00:29:12,003 Nobody "got to me". 287 00:29:12,003 --> 00:29:14,003 They wanted to make sure I was all right. 288 00:29:14,003 --> 00:29:17,003 They were more worried about the profile of the project 289 00:29:17,003 --> 00:29:18,843 I'd been working on than they were me. 290 00:29:18,843 --> 00:29:20,003 I need to get back to my work. 291 00:29:21,683 --> 00:29:23,003 Innocent people are dying. 292 00:29:23,003 --> 00:29:27,003 Hundreds of thousands of them die each year. Millions, I expect. 293 00:29:27,003 --> 00:29:29,683 - But not in front of your eyes. - I'm nowhere near them. 294 00:29:29,683 --> 00:29:32,203 But if you can do something If you want to blow a whistle, 295 00:29:32,203 --> 00:29:35,003 find someone who's got one newspapers, television. 296 00:29:35,003 --> 00:29:38,003 We've tried. There's no story. The facts just disappear. 297 00:29:38,003 --> 00:29:40,003 You saw what happened to Haman and the others. 298 00:29:40,003 --> 00:29:41,003 They had corrupt IDs. 299 00:29:41,003 --> 00:29:44,003 That 20 minutes earlier, worked perfectly. 300 00:29:44,003 --> 00:29:45,003 Against hand-held readers. 301 00:29:45,003 --> 00:29:46,843 A major transport system is always 302 00:29:46,843 --> 00:29:48,043 going to have more sophisticated ones. 303 00:29:48,043 --> 00:29:52,003 Without a blood sample, there's nothing more that can be done. 304 00:29:53,843 --> 00:29:56,003 We don't even know that it's the same sickness. 305 00:29:56,003 --> 00:29:59,363 And I can't find out, I'm out of a job, I have no access. 306 00:29:59,363 --> 00:30:01,003 Michael, I'm no use to you. 307 00:30:03,003 --> 00:30:04,003 All those risks that you took, 308 00:30:04,003 --> 00:30:07,003 tracking Yasim down to make sure she was OK, 309 00:30:07,003 --> 00:30:09,003 digging into Kellerman-Deloit, 310 00:30:09,003 --> 00:30:13,003 why would you do all that? - For Yasim and you. 311 00:30:13,003 --> 00:30:16,003 And now you're back together. You don't need me. 312 00:30:16,003 --> 00:30:19,003 I did everything I could. 313 00:30:19,003 --> 00:30:21,003 I've done all that I can. 314 00:30:23,043 --> 00:30:25,003 How is Yasim? 315 00:30:27,003 --> 00:30:30,003 It's difficult but we'll get there. 316 00:30:32,843 --> 00:30:35,003 Do you have any cash? 317 00:30:36,003 --> 00:30:39,003 You wouldn't believe the prejudice banks have against dead people. 318 00:30:43,003 --> 00:30:45,043 Say goodbye to her for me. 319 00:30:47,523 --> 00:30:50,003 She'd prefer to hear it from you. 320 00:30:53,843 --> 00:30:56,003 Do you know what's so sad? 321 00:30:56,003 --> 00:31:01,003 It actually felt good, the idea of working on something with you... 322 00:31:01,003 --> 00:31:02,523 something with a purpose. 323 00:31:04,003 --> 00:31:06,003 Like real brothers. 324 00:31:16,363 --> 00:31:19,003 - Take care. - You too. 325 00:31:19,003 --> 00:31:22,003 And thank you for looking after Yasim. 326 00:33:04,523 --> 00:33:07,003 PA: "This is the last call for flight BA 104 to Chicago. 327 00:33:07,003 --> 00:33:11,003 'Last call for flight BA 104 to Chicago.' 328 00:33:14,003 --> 00:33:17,003 ALARM Pass again, please, sir. 329 00:33:17,003 --> 00:33:19,003 ALARM 330 00:33:27,003 --> 00:33:30,843 That's it, sir, your keys are the problem. It's your keys. 331 00:33:37,003 --> 00:33:39,523 It's a massive cover-up the drugs companies, 332 00:33:39,523 --> 00:33:42,003 aid charities, government organisations, 333 00:33:42,003 --> 00:33:44,003 they are all colluding. 334 00:33:44,003 --> 00:33:46,003 Everything's heavily monitored, checked regulated. 335 00:33:46,003 --> 00:33:49,003 Except when the line broke down. 336 00:34:04,003 --> 00:34:07,003 Yasim, I've got it, I know what's going on. 337 00:34:07,003 --> 00:34:10,003 Call me when you get this message, we've got to see Cooper immediately. 338 00:34:19,003 --> 00:34:20,003 KNOCK ON DOOR 339 00:34:31,003 --> 00:34:33,003 Stephen Ezard didn't make his flight. 340 00:34:34,363 --> 00:34:36,843 I'm very sorry. You did your best. 341 00:34:39,003 --> 00:34:41,003 He's expecting you. 342 00:34:56,003 --> 00:34:57,003 No. 343 00:35:01,843 --> 00:35:04,003 - I'll get a top-up. - Leave the luggage. 344 00:35:30,003 --> 00:35:31,363 Oi! 345 00:35:59,003 --> 00:36:01,003 ALARM 346 00:36:28,003 --> 00:36:31,523 Us being strangers, it's killing me. 347 00:36:33,363 --> 00:36:35,003 I'm not a ghost. 348 00:36:59,003 --> 00:37:06,003 REJECTION BEEP, REJECTION BEEP 349 00:38:16,003 --> 00:38:19,003 I had it valued five years ago for insurance purposes. 350 00:38:24,003 --> 00:38:25,203 A nice tick-tock. 351 00:38:28,003 --> 00:38:34,003 You know, it's not easy selling analogue in a digital age. 352 00:38:34,003 --> 00:38:37,003 - How much? - 40. 353 00:38:39,003 --> 00:38:41,003 ID, please. 354 00:38:53,003 --> 00:38:57,003 Oh, dear. Failed. 355 00:38:58,003 --> 00:39:01,003 That's not possible. Try again. 356 00:39:04,003 --> 00:39:08,003 All right, I cannot accept goods without a valid ID. 357 00:39:08,003 --> 00:39:10,003 Well, that is a valid ID. That is who I am. 358 00:39:10,003 --> 00:39:12,003 Well, I'm sure it is. 359 00:39:12,003 --> 00:39:15,003 It's just that the system, for whatever reason, 360 00:39:15,003 --> 00:39:17,683 now regards you as NOT having a valid ID. 361 00:39:17,683 --> 00:39:21,003 And I tell you what, your clock is not the only thing that is ticking. 362 00:39:21,003 --> 00:39:24,003 There's an automatic alarm with failures now 363 00:39:24,003 --> 00:39:26,003 and depending on why your ID has failed, 364 00:39:26,003 --> 00:39:28,843 there could be a police response, invariably a rather swift one 365 00:39:28,843 --> 00:39:30,843 when it comes to establishments like ours. 366 00:40:40,043 --> 00:40:42,203 The university's closed. 367 00:40:42,203 --> 00:40:45,003 ID! Swipe your ID! 368 00:40:51,003 --> 00:40:53,003 - Swipe your ID. - I've lost it. 369 00:40:53,003 --> 00:40:57,003 Please, I need to speak to Professor Cooper, Professor Lawrence Cooper. 370 00:40:57,003 --> 00:40:59,003 You need ID. He knows me. 371 00:40:59,003 --> 00:41:01,003 Not without an ID he doesn't. 372 00:41:01,003 --> 00:41:03,003 Please, can I get a message to him? 373 00:41:08,003 --> 00:41:09,003 Please! DOOR SLAMS 374 00:41:10,843 --> 00:41:12,523 It's important!! 375 00:41:15,003 --> 00:41:17,003 SIREN BLARES IN DISTANCE 376 00:41:24,003 --> 00:41:27,523 It was always going to get away from us. 377 00:41:27,523 --> 00:41:29,843 How on earth did we think it wouldn't? 378 00:41:29,843 --> 00:41:32,003 How long has this been going on, George? 379 00:41:32,003 --> 00:41:37,003 Um,... a couple of days. That's good. 380 00:41:37,003 --> 00:41:39,003 They haven't gone public. 381 00:41:39,003 --> 00:41:41,003 They want something. 382 00:41:41,003 --> 00:41:45,003 - To trade in something like this. - We've come this far, 383 00:41:45,003 --> 00:41:48,203 I'm sure we can do business with anyone. 384 00:41:48,203 --> 00:41:51,043 We should have brought Michael Ezard in 385 00:41:51,043 --> 00:41:54,003 the moment he came back from the dead. 386 00:41:54,003 --> 00:41:57,003 Nothing is going to happen to him, he's safe where he is. 387 00:41:58,003 --> 00:42:01,003 Last update had him getting re-acquainted with his wife. 388 00:42:03,003 --> 00:42:06,003 We still need to be sure of their circles of acquaintance. 389 00:42:06,003 --> 00:42:10,003 - What about Professor Cooper? - So far not in their circle. 390 00:42:10,003 --> 00:42:11,003 And Russell? 391 00:42:12,843 --> 00:42:15,003 I'm hoping this is him. 392 00:42:15,003 --> 00:42:18,363 I'm assuming it's the retirement package he was never offered. 393 00:42:18,363 --> 00:42:21,003 Until we know, we'll need to keep all the plates spinning 394 00:42:21,003 --> 00:42:23,003 in case we've missed someone. 395 00:42:23,003 --> 00:42:25,003 I don't think we have. 396 00:42:26,003 --> 00:42:30,003 I don't think it goes beyond our man, his brother and his wife. 397 00:42:30,003 --> 00:42:33,003 I'm not sure I can spin any more. 398 00:43:09,363 --> 00:43:13,363 PROTESTORS SHOUTING 399 00:43:19,003 --> 00:43:24,003 Please, please, somebody help me. 400 00:43:24,003 --> 00:43:27,003 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! 401 00:43:27,003 --> 00:43:29,043 Help me! 402 00:43:29,043 --> 00:43:33,003 Stop, help me, help me. Help me! 403 00:43:33,003 --> 00:43:35,003 Please, help me! 404 00:43:35,003 --> 00:43:37,003 For God's sake, help me! 405 00:43:39,003 --> 00:43:41,003 HELP ME! 406 00:43:44,203 --> 00:43:48,003 - Bastards! - Wankers! 407 00:43:51,003 --> 00:43:53,003 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa! 408 00:43:53,003 --> 00:43:58,003 Oh, oh, not long on the street then, eh? Eh? 409 00:43:58,003 --> 00:44:02,203 It's the shoes that give it away, the shoes. Nice pair though. 410 00:44:08,003 --> 00:44:10,003 I know somewhere you can bed down. 411 00:44:12,003 --> 00:44:15,003 Yeah, yeah, yeah, that is right... 412 00:44:15,003 --> 00:44:19,003 that is the most vital question for you now in your new life. 413 00:44:19,003 --> 00:44:22,003 Get it wrong at your peril. 414 00:44:22,003 --> 00:44:24,003 "Can I trust this stranger?" 415 00:44:25,003 --> 00:44:27,003 In a world where strangers are frightening... 416 00:44:29,003 --> 00:44:31,003 ..in a world full of strangers. 417 00:44:36,003 --> 00:44:40,043 - I haven't got any money. - Well... 418 00:44:40,043 --> 00:44:45,003 where I've got in mind, that's probably for the best. 419 00:45:36,003 --> 00:45:39,003 - 'Ere, Wafa! - All right! 420 00:45:41,003 --> 00:45:44,203 Welcome to the swamp! 421 00:45:47,843 --> 00:45:51,003 You seem like a very private sort of person. 422 00:45:51,003 --> 00:45:54,003 Don't worry. Down here, you can be as private as you want. 423 00:45:54,003 --> 00:45:56,003 No turnstiles or cameras here. 424 00:45:56,003 --> 00:45:57,523 No-one here's got any IDs? 425 00:45:57,523 --> 00:46:00,003 Don't know. I've got six. 426 00:46:00,003 --> 00:46:03,003 But it is getting harder... they're draining the swamp. 427 00:46:03,003 --> 00:46:04,003 You know, it should be a... 428 00:46:04,003 --> 00:46:08,003 a human right, the right to be anonymous. 429 00:46:08,003 --> 00:46:09,003 The right to disappear. 430 00:46:11,003 --> 00:46:13,003 The right to just bugger off. 431 00:46:20,003 --> 00:46:23,003 That's all I ever wanted. My idea of heaven, a room of one's own. 432 00:46:28,003 --> 00:46:29,003 I used to have one once. 433 00:46:50,363 --> 00:46:54,003 If you need cash, now's your chance. 434 00:46:56,003 --> 00:46:57,003 Yo! 435 00:47:00,683 --> 00:47:02,003 I'll take one. 436 00:47:05,003 --> 00:47:07,003 So will he. 437 00:47:28,003 --> 00:47:31,003 It's good business, there's people with cash, 438 00:47:31,003 --> 00:47:32,003 but no IDs, who need operations. 439 00:47:32,003 --> 00:47:34,003 They need blood, we need the money. 440 00:47:34,003 --> 00:47:38,003 The Government and big business hate the freedom cash gives us, 441 00:47:38,003 --> 00:47:39,003 so they're trying to eliminate it. 442 00:47:39,003 --> 00:47:41,003 But the market will invent its own currency. 443 00:47:41,003 --> 00:47:44,003 - I'm good for another bag. - There's an all-nighter - 444 00:47:44,003 --> 00:47:47,003 best breakfast you'll ever have. Put some blood back in your veins. 445 00:47:47,003 --> 00:47:48,043 I'll catch up with you there. 446 00:48:12,003 --> 00:48:14,003 Give us your money! 447 00:48:15,003 --> 00:48:17,003 I've got it, I've got it. Let's go. 448 00:48:18,003 --> 00:48:20,003 Agh! 449 00:48:22,003 --> 00:48:24,003 Oh! 450 00:48:29,003 --> 00:48:32,003 HE GROANS 451 00:48:52,003 --> 00:48:56,003 Yasim? Yasim! 452 00:48:57,003 --> 00:48:59,003 Stephen. 453 00:48:59,003 --> 00:49:03,003 - Agh! - What happened to you? 454 00:49:03,003 --> 00:49:04,003 Why did you just go? 455 00:49:04,003 --> 00:49:06,003 What are you doing here? 456 00:49:06,003 --> 00:49:09,003 I'm here to see Cooper, to ask if he can help. 457 00:49:09,003 --> 00:49:11,003 I need to talk to him but they won't let me in. 458 00:49:16,003 --> 00:49:19,003 What we did... you and me, it means nothing. 459 00:49:19,003 --> 00:49:22,003 In all of this, it means nothing. But to us, it means everything. 460 00:49:22,003 --> 00:49:25,003 - I thought I'd never see you again. - I could never leave you. 461 00:49:29,003 --> 00:49:33,003 It's a tag. 462 00:49:33,003 --> 00:49:37,003 At the airport, my keys, they set off an alarm. 463 00:49:39,003 --> 00:49:42,003 There must have been a batch of vaccine that contained a tag. 464 00:49:42,003 --> 00:49:45,003 It's some experiment. An internal tag, nano-technology. 465 00:49:45,003 --> 00:49:47,043 It's what Haman and the others set off at the station. 466 00:49:47,043 --> 00:49:49,363 The experiment's gone very wrong. 467 00:49:49,363 --> 00:49:52,003 Get Cooper. We need him. 468 00:50:08,003 --> 00:50:10,003 TELEPHONE RINGS 469 00:50:10,003 --> 00:50:15,003 Yeah? 'Dr Yasim Anwar to see you.' 470 00:50:15,003 --> 00:50:17,203 I don't have any appointments. 471 00:50:21,003 --> 00:50:24,003 Er, hang on... 472 00:50:24,003 --> 00:50:26,003 I'll come down. 473 00:50:26,003 --> 00:50:28,003 OK, thank you. 474 00:50:29,003 --> 00:50:31,363 He'll be right with you. - Thanks. 475 00:51:14,843 --> 00:51:16,363 MOBILE RINGS 476 00:51:16,363 --> 00:51:18,683 We've lost Cooper. 477 00:51:18,683 --> 00:51:20,003 What? 478 00:51:22,003 --> 00:51:23,003 - When? - About an hour ago. 479 00:51:23,003 --> 00:51:26,003 It may be nothing, but he's thin air. 480 00:51:26,003 --> 00:51:28,683 - Michael Ezard? - He's fine. He's safe. 481 00:51:28,683 --> 00:51:32,003 - And George? - I don't know yet. 482 00:51:32,003 --> 00:51:36,003 I'm sure it's just more hand holding. I'll get back to you. 483 00:52:58,683 --> 00:53:00,003 SCREAMING 484 00:53:26,003 --> 00:53:29,003 Whatever happened to walking off quietly into the woods? 485 00:53:32,003 --> 00:53:35,003 We'll have to make sure he hasn't left anything lying around. 486 00:53:36,003 --> 00:53:38,003 That's already being done. 487 00:53:44,043 --> 00:53:46,203 What type of tag? 488 00:53:46,203 --> 00:53:48,683 Perhaps as small as a drop of blood. 489 00:53:48,683 --> 00:53:50,003 Maybe carried in the blood stream. 490 00:53:52,003 --> 00:53:55,003 I don't know. Cooper would have been able to help. 491 00:53:55,003 --> 00:53:57,003 The university can't find Cooper anywhere. 492 00:54:00,003 --> 00:54:02,523 I'm glad you didn't get on the plane. 493 00:54:04,003 --> 00:54:06,003 I'm starving, you must be too. 494 00:54:06,003 --> 00:54:09,003 That smells good. Why don't we get some of that? 495 00:54:18,003 --> 00:54:21,003 This is difficult. This is something 496 00:54:21,003 --> 00:54:24,003 the three of us are going to have to work out. 497 00:54:30,523 --> 00:54:33,003 Nadir took the jab 498 00:54:33,003 --> 00:54:35,003 to convince people it was safe to give their kids. 499 00:54:35,003 --> 00:54:37,003 It didn't actually fully work. 500 00:54:37,003 --> 00:54:41,003 So, she gave me the jab as well, from the same batch... 501 00:54:41,003 --> 00:54:42,003 EZ759. 502 00:54:45,003 --> 00:54:47,003 If you're right, I have the tag in me, 503 00:54:47,003 --> 00:54:49,043 and I'm also part of the same experiment. 504 00:54:53,003 --> 00:54:55,003 I didn't want to tell her. 505 00:54:55,003 --> 00:54:58,003 I just wanted things to be the way they used to be. 506 00:54:58,003 --> 00:55:00,003 Maybe not everyone gets sick. 507 00:55:02,003 --> 00:55:04,003 Everyone gets sick... 508 00:55:04,003 --> 00:55:06,003 everyone dies. 509 00:55:09,003 --> 00:55:11,843 How long? 510 00:55:11,843 --> 00:55:13,003 A couple of days. 511 00:55:15,003 --> 00:55:16,683 My body's aching like hell. 512 00:55:16,683 --> 00:55:21,523 I can feel it inside me. I didn't really think to say anything, 513 00:55:21,523 --> 00:55:24,003 because I never thought it'd happen to me. 514 00:55:38,003 --> 00:55:41,003 How am I going tell her that this time, it's for real? 515 00:55:46,003 --> 00:55:48,003 Hey, there. 516 00:55:51,043 --> 00:55:54,003 It's a bomb! 517 00:55:54,003 --> 00:55:56,003 MAN: Run! 518 00:56:00,003 --> 00:56:02,003 ALARMS BLARE 519 00:57:19,843 --> 00:57:21,843 Subtitles by accessibility@itv.com