1 00:00:14,980 --> 00:00:17,100 You would not believethe day I had. 2 00:00:19,980 --> 00:00:21,350 You look good. 3 00:00:21,970 --> 00:00:25,420 So I had this perp,and I am running my ass offchasing him, 4 00:00:25,510 --> 00:00:29,610 which is not what I do,but I'm doing itbecause this guy,he hurt a kid. 5 00:00:29,750 --> 00:00:30,930 He's scum. 6 00:00:31,110 --> 00:00:33,620 And he actually shoots at me. 7 00:00:33,780 --> 00:00:36,500 He fires on me. I mean,I don't get hit,but now I'm pissed. 8 00:00:36,590 --> 00:00:38,780 So I keep running him downtotally against protocol, 9 00:00:38,860 --> 00:00:41,610 but there is no way this guyis getting away from me now. 10 00:00:41,690 --> 00:00:45,350 So I catch him,I grab him,I throw him to the ground. He's eing gravel. 11 00:00:45,400 --> 00:00:50,690 I so want to kick his ass,but I hold it in, 12 00:00:50,810 --> 00:00:53,280 cuff him,'cause I'm the good guy. 13 00:00:53,450 --> 00:00:54,770 I'm the white hat. 14 00:00:55,680 --> 00:00:58,460 Oh,white hat--I like that. 15 00:01:03,760 --> 00:01:06,390 Wait. There's,uh,there's one more. 16 00:01:06,400 --> 00:01:08,870 You have a second gun... 17 00:01:09,150 --> 00:01:11,270 hidden on your body? 18 00:01:12,080 --> 00:01:15,010 I have a second,hidden gun. 19 00:01:20,110 --> 00:01:22,530 You have a second,hidden gun. 20 00:01:32,070 --> 00:01:33,790 I love you. 21 00:01:43,320 --> 00:01:44,620 Okay,her. 22 00:01:44,880 --> 00:01:46,990 No,no,no,no. Her. 23 00:01:46,990 --> 00:01:48,160 What would I say? 24 00:01:48,310 --> 00:01:50,220 -You're a doctor. -You're a doctor. 25 00:01:51,110 --> 00:01:54,100 No. She's not right. She's not right. 26 00:01:54,110 --> 00:01:56,860 -You're scared? -No,I'm not afraid. 27 00:01:57,060 --> 00:01:58,630 It's just--I'm just out of practice. 28 00:01:58,780 --> 00:02:01,900 -Okay,when--when did youand naomi get together,college? -Yeah,college. 29 00:02:01,960 --> 00:02:05,610 -How'd you pick her up? -Uh,well,she asked me out. 30 00:02:06,110 --> 00:02:07,320 you got no game. 31 00:02:07,480 --> 00:02:09,200 He's got no game. You never had to have game. 32 00:02:09,210 --> 00:02:11,720 Hey,I have game,all right? I have all types of game. 33 00:02:11,790 --> 00:02:13,550 I'm--I'm handsome. All right? 34 00:02:13,550 --> 00:02:15,980 I just... I'd like to seeone of you two try. 35 00:02:15,980 --> 00:02:18,810 I have a woman,but if I didn't,I coulddo this in my sleep. 36 00:02:18,880 --> 00:02:19,700 Cooper. 37 00:02:21,910 --> 00:02:24,100 Okay,her. Right there. That blonde. 38 00:02:24,470 --> 00:02:25,780 Come on. Too easy. 39 00:02:27,940 --> 00:02:29,450 Not easy. Disturbing. 40 00:02:29,570 --> 00:02:32,460 I thoughtthat she spent her nightswith her coven. 41 00:02:32,550 --> 00:02:35,810 Yeah,pick a different woman,one with bloodrunning through her veins. 42 00:02:36,030 --> 00:02:37,660 Where are you going? 43 00:02:37,910 --> 00:02:39,320 Coop? Cooper? Cooper,where are you going? 44 00:02:41,900 --> 00:02:43,330 Leave with me right now. 45 00:02:45,010 --> 00:02:46,440 Don't you dare o me. 46 00:02:46,540 --> 00:02:48,380 Leave with me right now,please. 47 00:02:48,480 --> 00:02:51,430 I'll do the thingwith my tongue... twice. 48 00:02:52,980 --> 00:02:54,960 I've gotta go. I'll call you later. 49 00:02:57,230 --> 00:02:59,160 Are you serious? 50 00:03:08,050 --> 00:03:09,730 this banging has to stop. 51 00:03:10,600 --> 00:03:12,560 Fourth-floor constructiongot you down 52 00:03:12,930 --> 00:03:15,680 you know,people actually don'tlike to have their therapyin the midstof incessant banging. 53 00:03:15,750 --> 00:03:17,040 I thought you were gonna callthe construction company. 54 00:03:17,110 --> 00:03:21,010 I did,and they referred meto the leasing company,who in turn referred meto the attorney. 55 00:03:21,080 --> 00:03:25,580 Apparently they havea legal rightto carry out constructionduring business hours. 56 00:03:25,660 --> 00:03:27,450 -Who is they? -Violet... 57 00:03:28,040 --> 00:03:32,150 we rented the floor,they are a corporation,they need to remodel. 58 00:03:37,000 --> 00:03:38,330 morning. 59 00:03:43,520 --> 00:03:45,200 -No,I don't want to--what? Go ahead. 60 00:03:45,270 --> 00:03:46,740 I'm not gonnaif we're not... 61 00:03:46,990 --> 00:03:48,970 we are. Yeah,we are. We are. 62 00:03:49,550 --> 00:03:51,420 He's perfect. He's a good guy. 63 00:03:51,520 --> 00:03:55,460 -He's sweet and funnyand very pretty and--and the problem is what? 64 00:03:55,520 --> 00:03:57,290 He said it. 65 00:03:58,160 --> 00:04:00,470 Oh,god. He said it? So fast? 66 00:04:00,550 --> 00:04:01,850 I'm freaking out. Why am I freaked out? 67 00:04:01,980 --> 00:04:04,850 -Well,because you haveust issues. -I don't have trust issues. 68 00:04:04,890 --> 00:04:07,000 You cheated on derek. Derek cheated on you. 69 00:04:07,020 --> 00:04:08,470 How could you not have trust issues? 70 00:04:08,610 --> 00:04:10,000 This is not about that. 71 00:04:10,200 --> 00:04:12,740 It's about what kevin said. He said... 72 00:04:13,290 --> 00:04:15,960 what is wrong with himthat he would say it so soon? 73 00:04:16,130 --> 00:04:18,920 -Maybe he actually does--no,no,no. Don't y it. 74 00:04:20,310 --> 00:04:22,150 Trust issues. 75 00:04:22,220 --> 00:04:24,000 we've got some news. 76 00:04:24,530 --> 00:04:25,500 Big news. 77 00:04:25,640 --> 00:04:27,170 Cooper and I took samto a bar last night. 78 00:04:27,380 --> 00:04:29,870 -Since when do you go to bars? -I go to bars... 79 00:04:30,040 --> 00:04:31,660 -if I want. -News... 80 00:04:32,610 --> 00:04:35,670 cooper went homewith charlotte king. 81 00:04:36,730 --> 00:04:40,280 -Tiny blonde hurricanecharlotte king? -the one and only. 82 00:04:41,020 --> 00:04:43,930 C-c--t--cooper slept withcharlotte king. 83 00:04:44,130 --> 00:04:49,680 Oh,violet,come on. I know you're mad at meabout the construction,but come on--cooper and charlotte? 84 00:04:49,700 --> 00:04:52,080 Oh,you--you know something. 85 00:04:52,260 --> 00:04:53,700 You do. You know something. 86 00:04:53,740 --> 00:04:56,060 Violet turner,what is it? 87 00:04:56,190 --> 00:04:59,130 What,did--did he call youand give youall the juicy details? 88 00:04:59,290 --> 00:05:01,640 Did it go badly? Did itnot go badly? 89 00:05:01,690 --> 00:05:02,490 Did it go well? 90 00:05:02,580 --> 00:05:04,650 Are they--are they gonna do itagain? Have they done it before? 91 00:05:04,680 --> 00:05:05,590 How many times have theydone it before? 92 00:05:05,670 --> 00:05:07,700 Are--oh,my god. They're dating. 93 00:05:08,840 --> 00:05:11,350 -Morning. -You're dating charlotte king? 94 00:05:11,910 --> 00:05:13,860 I didn't say a word. 95 00:05:16,680 --> 00:05:19,010 So pete's been helping youwith your holistic birth plan? 96 00:05:19,090 --> 00:05:20,620 Yeah,he's been great. 97 00:05:20,690 --> 00:05:24,680 I wantto do everything natural,but daniel wants to knowthe sex. 98 00:05:24,930 --> 00:05:28,740 I want a girl. Love boys,but I want a little laura. 99 00:05:28,780 --> 00:05:31,250 this may bea little bit cold. 100 00:05:32,620 --> 00:05:34,770 sorry. I'll turn this off. 101 00:05:34,820 --> 00:05:36,250 You can take it,honey. 102 00:05:38,480 --> 00:05:39,620 He still working too hard? 103 00:05:39,710 --> 00:05:41,640 Yeah,daniel's always working. 104 00:05:41,720 --> 00:05:45,430 And he travels a lot,but he's tried to cut downsince the baby. 105 00:05:45,500 --> 00:05:48,000 It's not easy. We just boughta house in the valley. 106 00:05:48,030 --> 00:05:50,100 -And babies are expensive. -Exactly. 107 00:05:50,600 --> 00:05:53,370 But whenever he's away,he always sends flowers. 108 00:05:53,440 --> 00:05:56,200 Roses for meand daisies for the baby. 109 00:05:56,370 --> 00:06:00,320 That's the baby's name--daisy--which is whyit needs to be a girl. 110 00:06:00,400 --> 00:06:02,230 A boy named daisy? 111 00:06:02,660 --> 00:06:04,490 daniel,you're just in time. 112 00:06:04,660 --> 00:06:05,890 Here we go. 113 00:06:05,980 --> 00:06:07,700 See,there's a little arm... 114 00:06:07,920 --> 00:06:09,030 and a lile hand. 115 00:06:09,090 --> 00:06:10,740 Oh,my god. That's our baby. 116 00:06:10,740 --> 00:06:12,450 So is it a boyor a girl? 117 00:06:14,220 --> 00:06:17,660 Looks like... a little girl. 118 00:06:25,510 --> 00:06:27,310 what's wrong? 119 00:06:30,160 --> 00:06:35,490 There was a subtle abnormalityon your baby's ultrasoundthat may indicatedigeorge syndrome. 120 00:06:35,570 --> 00:06:38,610 It's a genetic disorderthat can... 121 00:06:38,690 --> 00:06:40,900 cause heart defects. 122 00:06:42,690 --> 00:06:45,970 So if our baby has it,one of us gave it to her? 123 00:06:46,050 --> 00:06:48,940 -Technically,yes,but--sometimes these thingsjust happen. 124 00:06:49,020 --> 00:06:50,210 We don't always know why. 125 00:06:50,230 --> 00:06:52,460 -Danny--now we haven't madea definitive diagnosis, 126 00:06:52,550 --> 00:06:56,840 so let's just take ita step at a timeand not jumpto any conclusions. 127 00:06:56,920 --> 00:06:58,570 Let's get you downto the lab. 128 00:07:00,040 --> 00:07:03,360 Franny,please,please take the pills. 129 00:07:03,660 --> 00:07:06,660 Henry,good to see you. It's beeway too long. 130 00:07:06,730 --> 00:07:08,660 I'm sorry I keep cancelingmy appointments. 131 00:07:08,720 --> 00:07:11,170 It--it gets harderand harder to get away. 132 00:07:11,250 --> 00:07:13,590 That's okay. I understand. Frances... 133 00:07:13,660 --> 00:07:14,880 you look lovely today. 134 00:07:14,960 --> 00:07:16,730 She doesn'tremember much anymore. 135 00:07:16,810 --> 00:07:19,690 Well,alzheimer'scan be very unforgiving. 136 00:07:19,770 --> 00:07:21,870 -Hello. -Oh,the other dr.Bennett. 137 00:07:21,900 --> 00:07:23,440 Hello,frances. 138 00:07:23,950 --> 00:07:26,100 Helen,is that you? 139 00:07:26,180 --> 00:07:29,060 Helen was her sister. She passed away a few years ago. 140 00:07:29,280 --> 00:07:31,080 I don't need those pills. 141 00:07:31,200 --> 00:07:33,190 Helen,you tl himI don't need those. 142 00:07:33,260 --> 00:07:36,820 Of course you don't,ranny,but why don't you take them? 143 00:07:36,900 --> 00:07:39,050 Let's just humor him,okay? 144 00:07:41,440 --> 00:07:44,060 She's got the magic touch,your wife. 145 00:07:45,640 --> 00:07:47,300 okay,let's--let's get you started. 146 00:07:47,380 --> 00:07:48,250 Come on,franny. 147 00:07:48,370 --> 00:07:49,530 Want to stay with helen. 148 00:07:49,650 --> 00:07:51,360 That's okay,you go ahead. 149 00:07:51,460 --> 00:07:54,040 Uh,franny and I have a--a lot to talk about. 150 00:07:59,240 --> 00:08:00,800 How you doing today,miss lady? 151 00:08:00,910 --> 00:08:03,430 -I'm okay. -Yeah? Well,you look beautiful. 152 00:08:08,370 --> 00:08:09,320 it's loud. 153 00:08:09,400 --> 00:08:10,820 It's loud in here,very loud. 154 00:08:10,890 --> 00:08:14,320 Louder in here,quieter in the exam rooms-- 155 00:08:14,390 --> 00:08:16,160 it's good for business,betterthan the other way around. 156 00:08:16,270 --> 00:08:18,720 So I put a rush on danieland laura's lab results. 157 00:08:18,780 --> 00:08:21,740 You should have somethingby noon,and you have a new patientat 11:00. 158 00:08:21,830 --> 00:08:24,150 -Thank you. -I'd like to ask... 159 00:08:25,090 --> 00:08:28,790 I'd like an officeso I could meet with patientsand finish my midwife hours. 160 00:08:28,890 --> 00:08:31,100 Well,give me some time. I'll see what I cancome up with. 161 00:08:31,160 --> 00:08:32,100 The thing is,I'd like it now. 162 00:08:32,200 --> 00:08:36,170 -Dell,I wish we hadthe space,but--actually,um,I made space. 163 00:08:41,210 --> 00:08:42,180 I'll get rid of the boxes. 164 00:08:42,270 --> 00:08:44,450 We will get you an office,dell,a proper one. 165 00:08:44,540 --> 00:08:47,100 I need an office now,today. 166 00:08:47,200 --> 00:08:50,580 All right,if you have clientsyou need to see today,you may use my office. 167 00:08:50,710 --> 00:08:53,600 We will work this out,dell. 168 00:08:56,950 --> 00:08:58,050 I don't like this. 169 00:08:58,150 --> 00:09:02,480 You lost weight,you're anemic,your blood pressure'sway too high. Thiss serious. 170 00:09:02,530 --> 00:09:04,520 I took all of the pillsyou gave me. 171 00:09:04,600 --> 00:09:06,880 They'll kick in soon enough. 172 00:09:10,610 --> 00:09:12,810 You can't go on like this. 173 00:09:13,520 --> 00:09:18,060 -Now I know that thingsare difficult with frances--every day... 174 00:09:19,020 --> 00:09:21,160 I losea little bit more of her. 175 00:09:21,260 --> 00:09:25,490 She hasn't been lucidin over a year. 176 00:09:26,010 --> 00:09:30,870 You know,there are other waysyou can look after francesand take care of yourself. 177 00:09:30,940 --> 00:09:35,020 Oh,no,sam. I told you. I'm not gonna put herin a nursing home. 178 00:09:35,070 --> 00:09:38,230 I promised herthat I wouldn't years ago. We promised each other. 179 00:09:38,310 --> 00:09:40,480 Circumstanceswere different then. 180 00:09:40,590 --> 00:09:44,210 -You didn't knowabout the alzheimer'S. -Sam,I promised her. 181 00:09:44,250 --> 00:09:49,420 When she dies,she dies in my arms--not with strangers,in my arms. 182 00:09:49,540 --> 00:09:51,810 She's the love of my life. 183 00:09:51,900 --> 00:09:57,890 I will not putthe love of my life... in a home. 184 00:10:07,120 --> 00:10:08,750 -no,addison,wait. -Hi,there. 185 00:10:09,640 --> 00:10:11,460 Thank you for seeing usso last minute. 186 00:10:11,540 --> 00:10:14,820 Daniel pulled me out of class. He said we had to havean ultrasound today. 187 00:10:14,890 --> 00:10:15,500 I was tryingto warn you. 188 00:10:15,620 --> 00:10:18,780 I have an O.B.,But daniel saidyou were the best. 189 00:10:18,880 --> 00:10:23,510 -Uh,I'm sorry.Uh,miss- -this is amy,my wife. 190 00:10:24,820 --> 00:10:26,590 You have two wives? 191 00:10:26,690 --> 00:10:28,730 -He has two wives. Did you know that? -No. 192 00:10:28,900 --> 00:10:32,150 -Daniel--I didn't planfor this to happen. 193 00:10:32,230 --> 00:10:35,070 I've been happily marriedto amy for 12 years. 194 00:10:35,280 --> 00:10:39,120 But then three years ago,I met laura. E fell in love. 195 00:10:39,180 --> 00:10:42,480 -Do they know about each other? -Please. You can't say anything. 196 00:10:42,500 --> 00:10:43,890 It's a pretty dumb move... 197 00:10:44,390 --> 00:10:46,710 bringing two wivesto the same medical practice. 198 00:10:46,790 --> 00:10:49,780 When you foundthe abnormality,I worried amy's doctorshad missed something. 199 00:10:49,870 --> 00:10:51,030 Amy's due date'sright around the corner. 200 00:10:51,110 --> 00:10:54,700 I couldn't risk somethinggoing wrong with her delivery,with our baby. 201 00:10:54,780 --> 00:10:56,230 I should throw you out of here. 202 00:10:56,310 --> 00:10:58,280 I should,but I won'T. 203 00:10:58,380 --> 00:11:02,950 I'll go aheaand do the ultrasoundbecause your wife--that wife--and her unborn childare the victims here. 204 00:11:03,030 --> 00:11:05,220 I'm doing it for them,not you. 205 00:11:05,320 --> 00:11:07,070 Let me be clear about that. 206 00:11:07,450 --> 00:11:08,840 -=www.ydy.com/bbs=- Proudly Presents 207 00:11:09,220 --> 00:11:11,230 -=www.ydy.com/bbs=- Sync:YTET-Âí´óÅÝ 208 00:11:11,730 --> 00:11:13,370 private.practice. Season 2 Episode 6 209 00:11:15,810 --> 00:11:18,460 So,amy,you're a teacher? 210 00:11:18,570 --> 00:11:21,810 Third grade. I love kids. I always have. 211 00:11:21,930 --> 00:11:23,350 We want a big family. 212 00:11:23,430 --> 00:11:25,400 And it looks likeyou're well on your way. 213 00:11:25,480 --> 00:11:26,980 Everything's okay? 214 00:11:27,780 --> 00:11:31,060 You see that flickeringright there? That isyour baby's heartbeat. 215 00:11:31,120 --> 00:11:32,650 -It's so fast. -That's normal. 216 00:11:32,680 --> 00:11:35,610 Your baby isperfectly healthy. 217 00:11:35,820 --> 00:11:38,010 Thank you,dr.Montgomer 218 00:11:38,750 --> 00:11:39,990 thank you. 219 00:11:40,190 --> 00:11:41,640 You're welcome. 220 00:11:41,900 --> 00:11:43,210 Amy. 221 00:11:45,200 --> 00:11:46,730 You told themabout charlotte. 222 00:11:46,810 --> 00:11:48,480 I didn'T. I didn'T. They guessed. 223 00:11:48,540 --> 00:11:51,510 And what do you care? You're the one who walked outof the bar with cruella. 224 00:11:51,590 --> 00:11:56,630 My relationship with charlotteis mine,not yours,to shareor mock or... 225 00:11:57,630 --> 00:11:58,300 call cruella. 226 00:11:58,410 --> 00:12:01,340 You're the one who outedyour relationship. You don't have a rightto be mad at me. 227 00:12:01,410 --> 00:12:04,270 I'm sorry. I had a few too many drinksand I did a spontaneous thing, 228 00:12:04,280 --> 00:12:07,520 and now everybodyknows about it,and that'S... 229 00:12:07,800 --> 00:12:09,320 it makes it real. 230 00:12:09,400 --> 00:12:13,190 It's very,very... very real. 231 00:12:13,260 --> 00:12:14,710 Well,real is a good thing,right? 232 00:12:14,790 --> 00:12:16,520 Yeah,I guess. 233 00:12:16,590 --> 00:12:18,000 Okay,look... 234 00:12:19,150 --> 00:12:24,010 it's truethat I don't like cruella--charlotte-- 235 00:12:24,080 --> 00:12:25,990 but that doesn't mean... 236 00:12:26,410 --> 00:12:31,190 coop,you shouldn'tbe afraid to hope,to want it to work out. 237 00:12:31,260 --> 00:12:33,020 Hoping is healthy. 238 00:12:33,980 --> 00:12:35,710 Real is a good thing? 239 00:12:35,930 --> 00:12:37,560 Real's a good thing. 240 00:12:41,720 --> 00:12:44,080 we are trying to workup here! 241 00:12:44,320 --> 00:12:45,410 That'll help. 242 00:12:45,470 --> 00:12:47,260 It's disrupting the workplace. 243 00:12:47,340 --> 00:12:49,670 I want to know who's behind it. Addison can't figure it out. 244 00:12:49,720 --> 00:12:50,850 I'm gonna do it myself. You want to help me? 245 00:12:50,900 --> 00:12:52,510 I wish I could,nancy drew,but I have children to heal. 246 00:12:52,610 --> 00:12:54,850 Fine,fine. M gonna find out. 247 00:12:59,310 --> 00:13:00,250 -hey,sam. -Yeah. 248 00:13:00,530 --> 00:13:03,930 I am thinking we should hita bar tonight after work... Try again. 249 00:13:03,950 --> 00:13:05,940 There are so manybeautiful women in L. A. 250 00:13:05,970 --> 00:13:08,870 Pete,naomi and I,we just came outof a long-term relationship. 251 00:13:08,950 --> 00:13:09,850 I don't knowif I'm ready to-- 252 00:13:09,920 --> 00:13:12,960 sam,cooper is dating. 253 00:13:13,440 --> 00:13:14,700 Well,cooper is datingthe antichrist. 254 00:13:14,780 --> 00:13:17,050 Well,at least he's dating. 255 00:13:17,130 --> 00:13:21,430 You gotta get back out there. I am making it my missionto get you a date. 256 00:13:25,590 --> 00:13:27,430 -we were just--we have to go to the hospital. 257 00:13:27,500 --> 00:13:29,300 Frances just had an accint. 258 00:13:34,320 --> 00:13:38,960 I was helping herout of the tub,and she fell and hit her head,and I-I tried to catch her. 259 00:13:39,060 --> 00:13:40,870 Relax,relax. 260 00:13:41,370 --> 00:13:44,410 All right,your blood pressure's highand your pulse is irregular. 261 00:13:44,770 --> 00:13:45,420 How's franny? 262 00:13:45,550 --> 00:13:48,500 Everything looks good,but,uh,we'll--we'll talk tothe attending before we go. 263 00:13:48,590 --> 00:13:51,780 Helen... please take me home. 264 00:13:51,820 --> 00:13:52,800 I want to go home. 265 00:13:52,880 --> 00:13:55,240 We're gonna get you homeas soon as possible. 266 00:13:55,310 --> 00:13:57,800 This situationis getting dangerousfor the both of you. 267 00:13:57,870 --> 00:13:59,710 Oh,don't start with meagain,sam. 268 00:13:59,790 --> 00:14:03,170 Did they do a C.T.Scanbefore diagnosing herwith alzheimer's? 269 00:14:03,250 --> 00:14:06,250 Her doctor saidshe didn't need another test. 270 00:14:06,860 --> 00:14:09,150 Is there something wrong? 271 00:14:09,770 --> 00:14:12,230 Everything's fine,henry. It's fine. 272 00:14:15,960 --> 00:14:17,100 Is the husband here? 273 00:14:17,180 --> 00:14:20,000 Oh,the husband just leftwith the other wife. 274 00:14:21,710 --> 00:14:24,190 -laura,hi.I'm dr.Freedman. -Hi. 275 00:14:29,680 --> 00:14:30,870 Laura... 276 00:14:31,070 --> 00:14:34,530 the baby tested positivefor digeorge syndrome. 277 00:14:34,910 --> 00:14:40,620 here is some informationyouunderstand the disorder,and we can go overall of it with you. 278 00:14:43,810 --> 00:14:47,370 Will she... will she survive? 279 00:14:47,440 --> 00:14:49,900 She'll survive delivery,but life... 280 00:14:50,090 --> 00:14:52,680 for a childwith digeorge syndromeis... 281 00:14:53,730 --> 00:14:54,790 difficult. 282 00:14:54,900 --> 00:15:01,730 Digeorge syndromeis a genetic disorder,and facial abnormalities. 283 00:15:01,810 --> 00:15:04,710 She's gonna require surgery--a number of surgeries. 284 00:15:04,790 --> 00:15:08,120 And she'll need a lifetimeof medical treatmentwith round-the-clock care. 285 00:15:08,190 --> 00:15:10,620 What am I supposed to do,dr. Wilder? 286 00:15:10,650 --> 00:15:14,880 Parents in your situation--about half of themdecide to throughwith the pregnancy. 287 00:15:14,960 --> 00:15:18,490 -The other half de--oh,god. No. 288 00:15:18,770 --> 00:15:20,320 End the pregnancy? 289 00:15:20,420 --> 00:15:23,580 We tried for so longto get pregnant. 290 00:15:23,760 --> 00:15:26,110 It took almost a year. I... 291 00:15:26,190 --> 00:15:28,900 I just... I'm not ready--I'm not ready to hear this. 292 00:15:28,980 --> 00:15:30,590 I need my husband here. 293 00:15:55,880 --> 00:15:58,500 ***For all this drillingand banging? 294 00:15:58,580 --> 00:16:02,020 I try to avoid manual labor,but I am leasing the space. 295 00:16:02,280 --> 00:16:03,610 For what? 296 00:16:03,690 --> 00:16:05,810 I'm openinga new medical practice. 297 00:16:05,930 --> 00:16:07,850 You're opening a practice here? 298 00:16:08,010 --> 00:16:09,220 What about cooper? 299 00:16:09,300 --> 00:16:11,520 -This has nothingto do with him. -He's your riend. 300 00:16:11,540 --> 00:16:13,790 This is business,and cooper is personal. 301 00:16:13,870 --> 00:16:17,090 -It's not that simple. -Maybe not for you,but I am not a therapist. 302 00:16:17,160 --> 00:16:20,620 I don't have totalk about my feelingsuntil everyone else's earsbleed. 303 00:16:21,420 --> 00:16:23,210 -You need to tell him. -I don't need to do anything. 304 00:16:23,240 --> 00:16:25,200 If you don't do it,then I will. 305 00:16:25,550 --> 00:16:28,270 Fine. I'll tell him. 306 00:16:28,610 --> 00:16:30,240 It's disgusting. 307 00:16:30,400 --> 00:16:32,390 It's disgusting and cruel. 308 00:16:32,450 --> 00:16:36,060 I mean,he is usingthese two women. --We have to tell them. 309 00:16:36,140 --> 00:16:38,240 What our patients dooutside this practiceis none of our business. 310 00:16:38,290 --> 00:16:41,130 Oh,come on,pete. It's illegal. 311 00:16:41,300 --> 00:16:42,280 I'm not saying I like it. 312 00:16:42,360 --> 00:16:44,780 I'm saying we don't havethe right to say anythingto either of these women. 313 00:16:44,830 --> 00:16:49,530 But if laura does decideto have this child,she's doing sounder the mistaken beliefthat 314 00:16:49,610 --> 00:16:53,900 she has a loyaland committed husbandto share the burdenwith her. 315 00:16:53,980 --> 00:16:56,090 I don't condonedaniel's bavior. 316 00:16:56,210 --> 00:16:59,020 but the factthat he's married to two womendoesn't mean that 317 00:16:59,090 --> 00:17:00,900 he's notcommitted to staying loyalto both of themand the children. 318 00:17:01,010 --> 00:17:02,900 He is a liar,and he shouldn't--you know... 319 00:17:02,980 --> 00:17:04,400 he doesn't deserve to raisethose children. 320 00:17:04,470 --> 00:17:08,420 That's an emotional response,not a medical one. He's their father. 321 00:17:09,070 --> 00:17:12,930 -So that gives him a free passto do whatever he wants? -You can't say anything. 322 00:17:13,080 --> 00:17:16,010 Don't you even thinkabout saying a wordto either of those women, 323 00:17:16,090 --> 00:17:18,280 or I will personally report youto the A.M.A. 324 00:17:18,360 --> 00:17:21,840 -Are you threatening me? -Don't say a word. 325 00:17:22,330 --> 00:17:23,720 Fine. 326 00:17:24,050 --> 00:17:25,500 I won't say a word. 327 00:17:31,780 --> 00:17:33,500 Didn't we talk about this? 328 00:17:36,450 --> 00:17:37,740 we did. 329 00:17:37,790 --> 00:17:40,950 -Look,I can make it work. -Why is this so urgent,dell? 330 00:17:41,140 --> 00:17:44,240 Okay,you don't want to talkabout it. I still don't want youusing this space. 331 00:17:46,660 --> 00:17:50,860 I need you to get laura larsonand amy larsonback in here again todayat theame time. 332 00:17:50,940 --> 00:17:52,170 Okay. 333 00:17:54,630 --> 00:17:57,880 listen,uh,about peteand this dating thing-- 334 00:17:57,880 --> 00:18:00,310 I think francesmight not have alzheimer'S. 335 00:18:02,770 --> 00:18:04,790 "Normal pressurehydrocephalus"? 336 00:18:04,870 --> 00:18:08,930 Yeah,her C.T.Scan showedno evidence of acute trauma. 337 00:18:08,990 --> 00:18:11,670 But there was marked dilatationin the ventricles. 338 00:18:11,750 --> 00:18:14,410 Now N.P.H.And alzheimer'shave similar symptoms. 339 00:18:14,490 --> 00:18:15,930 Okay,but what differencedoes it make? 340 00:18:16,000 --> 00:18:19,370 Her body is too frailfor her to be a candidatefor a neurosurgical procedure. 341 00:18:19,430 --> 00:18:23,090 Yeah,but there was a studythat was doneabout ten years agoin 342 00:18:23,170 --> 00:18:27,860 which a spinal tapwas performedto drain the excess fluidoff of patients with N.P.H. 343 00:18:27,930 --> 00:18:33,580 Now if she has this,the tapcould relieve the symptomsand give hera few brief periods of clarity. 344 00:18:33,640 --> 00:18:36,360 -Well,that's a big if,naomi. -It's worth a try. 345 00:18:36,430 --> 00:18:40,970 The only blessingof this disease is thatshe's not cognizant enough tounderstand her own situation. 346 00:18:41,040 --> 00:18:42,800 Do you want her to understandhow bad things are? 347 00:18:42,880 --> 00:18:45,520 I nt her to understandhow bad things are for henry. 348 00:18:45,570 --> 00:18:48,390 So then you'd put her througha spinal tap? 349 00:18:48,690 --> 00:18:51,610 If--if this were me,if this were you and me- 350 00:18:51,690 --> 00:18:54,660 -this is not you and me. -I know that. 351 00:18:54,680 --> 00:18:56,430 Well,this isa shot in the dark,naomi. 352 00:18:56,490 --> 00:18:59,730 The frances I knewwould not have wanted thisfor either of them, 353 00:18:59,810 --> 00:19:03,750 and she's the only onewho can convince henryto do what he needs to do. 354 00:19:05,890 --> 00:19:08,640 hey,uh,laura larsonand amy larson are here. 355 00:19:08,760 --> 00:19:11,040 Put amy in exam room four. 356 00:19:11,110 --> 00:19:12,280 Which exam room do you wantto put laura in? 357 00:19:12,340 --> 00:19:15,440 Let me worry about laura. 358 00:19:29,650 --> 00:19:31,440 Is theresomething else wrong? 359 00:19:31,560 --> 00:19:32,680 No. 360 00:19:32,740 --> 00:19:34,630 Uh,no. No,no. I-I... 361 00:19:35,840 --> 00:19:40,780 I just wantto make sure that you haveall the informationthat you need. 362 00:19:45,350 --> 00:19:48,280 Uh,the room's taken. I'm so sorry. Dell must havemade a mistake. 363 00:19:49,160 --> 00:19:53,650 Um,do the two of you mindhanging out in here for a momentwhile I clear this up? 364 00:19:53,670 --> 00:19:55,070 That's fine. 365 00:19:56,630 --> 00:19:59,930 Two new moms. I'm sureyou've got a lot to talk about. 366 00:20:06,780 --> 00:20:08,480 -What did you do? -Nothing. 367 00:20:10,710 --> 00:20:12,910 -What did you do? -I did not say a word. 368 00:20:12,930 --> 00:20:14,730 just get away from me! 369 00:20:14,780 --> 00:20:16,570 I've got to get out of here! 370 00:20:19,040 --> 00:20:20,980 What did you do? 371 00:20:23,700 --> 00:20:24,620 I didn't say a word. 372 00:20:24,620 --> 00:20:26,110 You got around itby a legal technicality. 373 00:20:26,110 --> 00:20:27,930 Exactly,because they hadthe right to know. 374 00:20:27,930 --> 00:20:30,240 Whether they did or not,you had rightto orchestrate that. 375 00:20:30,240 --> 00:20:32,630 I did what I would wantsomeone to do for me,pete. 376 00:20:32,630 --> 00:20:33,780 You overstepped. 377 00:20:33,780 --> 00:20:35,430 What is wrong with you today? 378 00:20:35,430 --> 00:20:36,910 do you have any ideawhat you just did? 379 00:20:36,910 --> 00:20:39,900 How long did you thinkyou could keep up this charade? 380 00:20:39,900 --> 00:20:41,860 What part of my lifeare you calling a charade? 381 00:20:41,860 --> 00:20:44,240 Take it easy. 382 00:20:45,740 --> 00:20:47,680 I've been with amysince I was 21. 383 00:20:47,680 --> 00:20:50,470 She's the woman I've beenhappily married to for 12 years. 384 00:20:50,470 --> 00:20:52,430 So happily that you went outlooking for other women? 385 00:20:52,430 --> 00:20:55,950 I never stopped loving amy,but when I met laura,it was... 386 00:20:55,950 --> 00:21:00,700 I--have you ever met someoneand just knownthere was something between you 387 00:21:00,700 --> 00:21:03,660 you couldn't resist,even if you tried? 388 00:21:03,660 --> 00:21:06,480 I could have been one ofthose guys with a wife at homeand a girlfriend on the side, 389 00:21:06,480 --> 00:21:09,080 but I married them bothbecause I wanted to dothe right thing. 390 00:21:09,080 --> 00:21:10,760 You're living a lie,daniel. 391 00:21:10,760 --> 00:21:17,380 You're cheating on two women,and cheating ruins lives. 392 00:21:21,230 --> 00:21:25,490 I'm not the onewho ruined lives here today. 393 00:21:34,730 --> 00:21:37,990 Um,as the kids would say,drama. 394 00:21:37,990 --> 00:21:40,250 Addison's patients?I think it's so sad. 395 00:21:40,250 --> 00:21:42,630 Sad but weird. 396 00:21:43,610 --> 00:21:46,830 Sad but fodder for the bestdinner party story ever. 397 00:21:47,160 --> 00:21:50,520 Addison has--she's gone crazy and... 398 00:21:50,520 --> 00:21:53,150 I love it! 399 00:21:54,200 --> 00:21:55,350 why the cold shoulder? 400 00:21:55,350 --> 00:21:56,590 I'm not--I'm not giving youthe cold shoulder. 401 00:21:56,590 --> 00:21:59,630 I'm just--I'm--I'm distracted. 402 00:22:01,170 --> 00:22:03,990 I know what this is about. 403 00:22:04,460 --> 00:22:06,360 You do? 404 00:22:06,360 --> 00:22:08,550 It's charlotte. 405 00:22:08,550 --> 00:22:11,350 I should have told youbefore I outed us. 406 00:22:11,350 --> 00:22:13,480 I'm sorry. 407 00:22:18,130 --> 00:22:21,480 you can't walk out.It's your office. 408 00:22:24,720 --> 00:22:26,860 he was nevergonna say anything. 409 00:22:26,860 --> 00:22:30,320 He had these women thinking thathe's one thing,but he's not. 410 00:22:30,320 --> 00:22:31,360 And the worse part is... 411 00:22:31,360 --> 00:22:35,550 he only felt badbecause he'd been exposed,not because of what he'd done. 412 00:22:36,290 --> 00:22:37,560 you don't look surprised. 413 00:22:37,560 --> 00:22:39,300 Well,people lie.It's human nature. 414 00:22:39,300 --> 00:22:40,250 And you're okay with that? 415 00:22:40,250 --> 00:22:43,190 Do you know how many guyon the forcehave something on the side? 416 00:22:43,190 --> 00:22:44,890 I should know.I'm their alibihalf the time. 417 00:22:44,890 --> 00:22:47,920 And you cover for them whilethey're out having affairs? 418 00:22:47,920 --> 00:22:50,650 -These guysare like my brothers. -What about their wivesback home, 419 00:22:50,650 --> 00:22:53,430 -just too bad for them? -I'm not encouraging it,addison. 420 00:22:53,430 --> 00:22:54,800 I'm just saying it happe. 421 00:22:54,800 --> 00:22:58,080 Yeah,well,maybe it shouldn't happen. 422 00:22:59,330 --> 00:23:02,070 You want to talk aboutlast night? 423 00:23:02,720 --> 00:23:05,100 What about last night? 424 00:23:09,510 --> 00:23:12,670 I gotta go.It's a work thing. 425 00:23:25,400 --> 00:23:27,770 We'll talk later,okay? 426 00:23:40,210 --> 00:23:42,690 uh,I just talked to henry,and he's agreed to dothe spinal tap. 427 00:23:42,690 --> 00:23:43,820 Oh,all right. 428 00:23:43,820 --> 00:23:45,300 Well,at leastyou got what you wanted. 429 00:23:45,300 --> 00:23:47,540 Look,sam,I know you don'tagree with me on this one-- 430 00:23:47,540 --> 00:23:49,010 you're right.I don'T.All right? 431 00:23:49,010 --> 00:23:50,330 You're putting francesat risk. 432 00:23:50,330 --> 00:23:52,400 For henry,f frances. 433 00:23:52,400 --> 00:23:54,640 I hope it is for them... 434 00:23:55,000 --> 00:23:57,010 and not for you. 435 00:24:02,260 --> 00:24:04,600 -hey,addison. -I think I may have justgone too far. 436 00:24:04,600 --> 00:24:05,680 With what? 437 00:24:05,680 --> 00:24:06,770 I followed kevin. 438 00:24:06,770 --> 00:24:08,080 What do--what do you mean,you followed him? 439 00:24:08,080 --> 00:24:09,910 At first it was justa routine surveillance. 440 00:24:09,910 --> 00:24:10,790 You are not a cop. 441 00:24:10,790 --> 00:24:14,570 I followed him to work,to the precinct,which is apparentlywhere I should've stopped. 442 00:24:14,570 --> 00:24:16,720 Oh,god.Where--whereare you now,crazy woman? 443 00:24:16,720 --> 00:24:18,100 I'm not insane.I went to the precinct. 444 00:24:18,100 --> 00:24:22,630 Five minutes later,he comes roaring outof the parking garagein another car,a van. 445 00:24:22,630 --> 00:24:24,670 Did it--did it not occur to youthat he might be working? 446 00:24:24,670 --> 00:24:26,610 Of course he could be working. 447 00:24:26,610 --> 00:24:28,150 Only maybe he's not working. 448 00:24:28,150 --> 00:24:29,390 People lie,I. 449 00:24:29,390 --> 00:24:31,750 They lie and they cheatand they ruin people's lives, 450 00:24:31,750 --> 00:24:34,090 and I am not gonna be one ofthose women who gets duped. 451 00:24:34,090 --> 00:24:38,680 Addison--addison,you needto be careful. 452 00:24:42,030 --> 00:24:45,570 or maybe he's working. 453 00:24:46,890 --> 00:24:49,190 -Addison? -I gotta go. 454 00:24:54,840 --> 00:24:57,250 get out of the car! 455 00:24:58,190 --> 00:24:59,470 I'm sorry. 456 00:24:59,470 --> 00:25:03,350 I-is there--keep your handswhere I can see themand step outof the vehicle now! 457 00:25:03,350 --> 00:25:05,690 No,no,no,no.I'm not partof any of this,though. 458 00:25:05,690 --> 00:25:08,740 Step out of the vehicle now. 459 00:25:09,560 --> 00:25:12,630 Open the doorfrom the outside. 460 00:25:20,890 --> 00:25:21,550 Turn around. 461 00:25:21,550 --> 00:25:22,550 What? 462 00:25:22,550 --> 00:25:24,290 Wh--oh! 463 00:25:24,290 --> 00:25:26,310 Oh,not handcuffs.You can't be serious. 464 00:25:26,310 --> 00:25:27,300 Who were youon the phone with? 465 00:25:27,300 --> 00:25:28,390 Oh,no.I was talkingto my friend. 466 00:25:28,390 --> 00:25:29,790 Were you calling someoneinside that building? 467 00:25:29,790 --> 00:25:31,130 No,no,no,no.I'm a doctor. 468 00:25:31,130 --> 00:25:32,100 I'm--I'm a surgeon. 469 00:25:32,100 --> 00:25:33,890 -I can show-- -whoever you are,you're obstructing justice. 470 00:25:33,890 --> 00:25:36,400 -No,I can show you-- -addison? 471 00:25:41,650 --> 00:25:44,360 Hey,kev. 472 00:25:57,100 --> 00:25:58,050 you were spying on me? 473 00:25:58,050 --> 00:26:00,250 Not spying. 474 00:26:00,760 --> 00:26:02,920 Okay,yes,spying. 475 00:26:02,920 --> 00:26:04,080 You want to tell mewhat's going on? 476 00:26:04,080 --> 00:26:05,900 I just... 477 00:26:06,730 --> 00:26:10,220 I spent all day dealing witha seemingly normal guy 478 00:26:10,220 --> 00:26:12,790 who's the liarof all liars,so... 479 00:26:12,790 --> 00:26:14,390 I checked your blackberrybefore you left. 480 00:26:14,390 --> 00:26:15,320 You did what? 481 00:26:15,320 --> 00:26:21,350 Yes,and I sawthe missed calls from leslie,and I wanted to seewho she was. 482 00:26:22,070 --> 00:26:24,860 Well,you already have. 483 00:26:24,860 --> 00:26:27,240 Officer leslie davis. 484 00:26:27,240 --> 00:26:30,920 And I wouldn't call him "she"to his face. 485 00:26:30,920 --> 00:26:32,340 Oh. 486 00:26:32,340 --> 00:26:36,190 Why are you lookingfor reasons not to trust me? 487 00:26:40,070 --> 00:26:41,840 Fine. 488 00:26:49,490 --> 00:26:51,610 -kev-- -get out. 489 00:26:57,160 --> 00:26:58,820 Kevin... 490 00:27:01,120 --> 00:27:03,790 just...just go. 491 00:27:12,700 --> 00:27:15,310 cooper the internet dateris in a healthy relationship, 492 00:27:15,310 --> 00:27:19,370 and my too-good-to-be-trueboyfriendthinks I'm a psychoticbunny boiler. 493 00:27:19,370 --> 00:27:22,220 He'll come around. 494 00:27:22,220 --> 00:27:24,560 I screwed up. 495 00:27:24,560 --> 00:27:28,770 I mean,he said what he saidand I... 496 00:27:28,770 --> 00:27:30,040 lost my mind. 497 00:27:30,040 --> 00:27:32,910 Addison,amy and lauraare here. 498 00:27:32,910 --> 00:27:35,640 -Why? -I called them. 499 00:27:37,770 --> 00:27:38,800 Why'd you bring us here? 500 00:27:38,800 --> 00:27:39,670 I thought you should talk. 501 00:27:39,670 --> 00:27:41,130 I don't want to talkabout this. 502 00:27:41,130 --> 00:27:45,050 I was up all night.I felt sick to my stomach. 503 00:27:45,050 --> 00:27:48,020 I feel likethis is my fault somehow. 504 00:27:48,020 --> 00:27:49,100 I-I should've known. 505 00:27:49,100 --> 00:27:51,180 Neither of youdid anything wrong. 506 00:27:51,180 --> 00:27:52,450 You trusted the person you love. 507 00:27:52,450 --> 00:27:54,860 Th's the normal thing to do. 508 00:27:54,860 --> 00:27:56,340 Pete's right. 509 00:27:56,340 --> 00:28:00,070 Daniel is the only person herewho's done anything wrong. 510 00:28:00,070 --> 00:28:01,020 Bastard. 511 00:28:01,020 --> 00:28:04,600 Look,you've both been burned,but maybe there's a waythat you can help each other. 512 00:28:04,600 --> 00:28:05,670 I don't want help from her. 513 00:28:05,670 --> 00:28:08,030 -Pete,we shouldn't-- -we should. 514 00:28:08,030 --> 00:28:09,730 You share a common bond. 515 00:28:09,730 --> 00:28:11,740 Your childrenare going to be siblings. 516 00:28:11,740 --> 00:28:15,100 Each of you understandswhat the other one is feelingbetter than anyone else. 517 00:28:15,100 --> 00:28:17,130 I feel lost. 518 00:28:17,130 --> 00:28:19,470 Daniel was... 519 00:28:19,470 --> 00:28:23,450 my one constant,the only thing I couldalways depend on. 520 00:28:23,450 --> 00:28:27,690 We should've made this decisionabout our baby together. 521 00:28:28,190 --> 00:28:31,950 I don't knowif I can do this by myself. 522 00:28:34,090 --> 00:28:35,250 No,no. 523 00:28:35,250 --> 00:28:37,760 I-I don't know her,and I don't want to know her. 524 00:28:37,760 --> 00:28:39,400 Look,amy,you're bothhurting right now, 525 00:28:39,400 --> 00:28:41,880 but maybe there's a chanceyou can help each otherwork through this. 526 00:28:41,880 --> 00:28:44,880 Damn it! 527 00:28:47,120 --> 00:28:48,280 I think... 528 00:28:48,280 --> 00:28:51,680 I-I thinkmy water broke. 529 00:28:55,610 --> 00:28:57,140 How much longer? 530 00:28:57,140 --> 00:28:59,260 just another minute. 531 00:28:59,260 --> 00:29:01,450 I promise. 532 00:29:01,610 --> 00:29:02,880 Thank you,helen. 533 00:29:02,880 --> 00:29:04,260 How do you feel,frances? 534 00:29:04,260 --> 00:29:05,710 What? 535 00:29:05,710 --> 00:29:06,860 Are you... 536 00:29:06,860 --> 00:29:08,360 where's the music? 537 00:29:08,360 --> 00:29:11,420 I thought there wassupposed to be music. 538 00:29:11,420 --> 00:29:12,970 She's gonna be fine. 539 00:29:12,970 --> 00:29:14,110 The worst isver. 540 00:29:14,110 --> 00:29:16,920 No,look at her.I nevershould've put her through this. 541 00:29:16,920 --> 00:29:19,890 This may work,henry,and it could give you... 542 00:29:19,890 --> 00:29:20,870 at least something. 543 00:29:20,870 --> 00:29:23,910 If only I can talk with her,even for a minute, 544 00:29:23,910 --> 00:29:29,060 look into her eyesand know that she sees me,really sees me. 545 00:29:34,610 --> 00:29:36,270 Okay,amy... 546 00:29:36,270 --> 00:29:39,170 you're about8 centimeters dilated.How are you feeling? 547 00:29:39,170 --> 00:29:40,950 Daniel was supposedto be here. 548 00:29:40,950 --> 00:29:41,830 If you want me to,I'll call him. 549 00:29:41,830 --> 00:29:43,700 I don't want to see him. 550 00:29:43,980 --> 00:29:46,780 but I don't wantto be alone. 551 00:29:53,220 --> 00:29:56,230 you haven't told cooperthe truth yet. 552 00:29:56,230 --> 00:29:59,620 You're not very good atletting things go,are you? 553 00:29:59,620 --> 00:30:01,170 You know what I think? 554 00:30:01,170 --> 00:30:02,960 I think you're scared. 555 00:30:02,960 --> 00:30:03,950 Of what? 556 00:30:03,950 --> 00:30:06,840 I think this relationshipis getting real, 557 00:30:06,840 --> 00:30:08,860 so you're just as scaredas cooper is. 558 00:30:08,860 --> 00:30:10,260 So you're tryingto sabotage it. 559 00:30:10,260 --> 00:30:13,950 Take a new job,rent the floor under him,keep it from him-- 560 00:30:13,950 --> 00:30:18,290 you want thisto blow up in your face. 561 00:30:18,290 --> 00:30:20,410 You know what I think? 562 00:30:20,410 --> 00:30:24,460 I think you're nothalf the shrinkyou think you are. 563 00:30:27,650 --> 00:30:29,320 Where are you going? 564 00:30:29,320 --> 00:30:32,360 To tell cooper the truth. 565 00:30:36,040 --> 00:30:38,390 Why isn't she responding? 566 00:30:38,390 --> 00:30:42,270 We knew we could only try,henry. 567 00:30:43,270 --> 00:30:44,620 Frances... 568 00:30:44,620 --> 00:30:49,540 remember theay last november,we were at home? 569 00:30:49,540 --> 00:30:51,540 It was raining and cold. 570 00:30:51,540 --> 00:30:53,280 You were reading in your chair. 571 00:30:53,280 --> 00:30:58,790 I saw you shivering,and I asked you if you wanted meto turn the heat up. 572 00:30:58,790 --> 00:31:01,420 And you smiled,and you said yes. 573 00:31:01,420 --> 00:31:04,450 So I went downstairsand turned the thermostat up. 574 00:31:04,450 --> 00:31:08,560 And when I came back up,I told you I-I hadone it. 575 00:31:08,560 --> 00:31:11,170 But you didn't know me. 576 00:31:11,170 --> 00:31:13,050 That was the last timewe spoke. 577 00:31:13,050 --> 00:31:17,040 Please don't let that beour last memory together. 578 00:31:17,040 --> 00:31:18,960 We need a new memory. 579 00:31:18,960 --> 00:31:22,250 This is too hard for him. 580 00:31:23,290 --> 00:31:25,650 Frances,it's me... 581 00:31:25,650 --> 00:31:27,040 helen. 582 00:31:27,040 --> 00:31:30,050 Your husband is hereand he needs your help. 583 00:31:30,050 --> 00:31:34,370 You--you need to do thisfor him. 584 00:31:34,930 --> 00:31:36,890 I'm sorry,henry. 585 00:31:36,890 --> 00:31:41,070 I'm so sorry there wasn't morethat we could do for her. 586 00:31:41,960 --> 00:31:44,840 I understand. 587 00:31:49,620 --> 00:31:51,850 Henry. 588 00:31:51,850 --> 00:31:53,060 Henry... 589 00:31:53,060 --> 00:31:54,670 -where am I? -You're here now. 590 00:31:54,670 --> 00:31:56,640 That's what's important. 591 00:31:56,640 --> 00:31:59,150 You look so beautiful. 592 00:31:59,150 --> 00:32:01,190 You look so tired. 593 00:32:01,190 --> 00:32:02,410 I've missed you. 594 00:32:02,410 --> 00:32:04,590 I've missed you every day. 595 00:32:04,590 --> 00:32:09,200 Frances,henry promised youthat he would never put youin a nursing home. 596 00:32:09,200 --> 00:32:11,760 I'm sick,aren't I? 597 00:32:11,760 --> 00:32:13,780 Yeah. 598 00:32:15,330 --> 00:32:17,770 You'll visit me every day. 599 00:32:17,770 --> 00:32:20,620 You'll come see me every dayand hold my hand. 600 00:32:20,620 --> 00:32:22,000 You promise me that? 601 00:32:22,000 --> 00:32:25,530 -But,franny-- -you promise me that,henry. 602 00:32:25,530 --> 00:32:27,290 And then... 603 00:32:27,290 --> 00:32:29,140 you let me go. 604 00:32:29,140 --> 00:32:32,790 Promise me,my love. 605 00:32:36,650 --> 00:32:39,300 I promise. 606 00:32:41,550 --> 00:32:44,850 Okay,amy,on three,I'm gonnaneed you to push,all right? 607 00:32:44,850 --> 00:32:47,770 Ready?One,two,three. 608 00:32:47,770 --> 00:32:49,720 Push. 609 00:32:50,380 --> 00:32:51,880 good.That's good.Good. 610 00:32:51,880 --> 00:32:53,320 Now take a breath. 611 00:32:53,320 --> 00:32:54,990 I hate him! 612 00:32:54,990 --> 00:32:56,200 Concentrateon your baby. 613 00:32:56,200 --> 00:32:57,470 I'm trying. 614 00:32:57,470 --> 00:32:59,600 -Breathe. -It's--it's so hard. 615 00:32:59,600 --> 00:33:00,980 Laura? 616 00:33:00,980 --> 00:33:02,590 No. 617 00:33:02,920 --> 00:33:04,010 No. 618 00:33:04,010 --> 00:33:05,000 Take my hand. 619 00:33:05,000 --> 00:33:07,270 -No. -Just take my hand. 620 00:33:07,920 --> 00:33:09,260 We'll do this together,okay? 621 00:33:09,260 --> 00:33:10,450 You can trust me. 622 00:33:10,450 --> 00:33:14,120 Okay,when I say push again,you're gonna push,amy,all right? 623 00:33:14,120 --> 00:33:15,510 -And ready? -You can do this. 624 00:33:15,510 --> 00:33:16,480 no. 625 00:33:16,480 --> 00:33:17,920 Push. 626 00:33:23,840 --> 00:33:25,460 we need to talk. 627 00:33:25,460 --> 00:33:26,810 Thank god. 628 00:33:26,810 --> 00:33:28,260 What--what do you mean,thank god? 629 00:33:28,260 --> 00:33:29,730 I mean something's beenbothering you. 630 00:33:29,730 --> 00:33:32,040 You haven't been yourself. 631 00:33:32,790 --> 00:33:36,510 Okay,I feel like you thinkthat because I'm with charlotteand things are going well 632 00:33:36,510 --> 00:33:38,390 that I'm not gonnabe there for you, 633 00:33:38,390 --> 00:33:41,180 but I--I'm here for you,violet. 634 00:33:41,180 --> 00:33:45,270 And the fact that charlotteand I are greatdoesn't change that. 635 00:33:45,270 --> 00:33:46,990 Okay? 636 00:33:50,470 --> 00:33:52,550 Let's talk. 637 00:33:53,490 --> 00:33:54,730 Oh,okay. 638 00:33:54,730 --> 00:33:57,660 I've... 639 00:33:57,660 --> 00:33:59,650 just... 640 00:34:01,500 --> 00:34:02,550 you know what?You just said it. 641 00:34:02,550 --> 00:34:07,360 I-I think I was worriedabout you and charlotteand what that meant,but... 642 00:34:07,850 --> 00:34:10,770 I just wantto see you happy,coop. 643 00:34:15,380 --> 00:34:17,130 it'sa wonderful facility,henry. 644 00:34:17,130 --> 00:34:19,980 She'll have her own roomwith 24-hour care. 645 00:34:19,980 --> 00:34:23,230 For the first timein almost 50 years,we won't be living together. 646 00:34:23,230 --> 00:34:26,020 You gonna be okay? 647 00:34:26,990 --> 00:34:29,000 I have to be. 648 00:34:29,000 --> 00:34:31,920 I promised her. 649 00:34:39,100 --> 00:34:41,020 what's wrong? 650 00:34:41,420 --> 00:34:44,500 That man loves that womanmore than anythingin the world. 651 00:34:44,500 --> 00:34:50,350 He stayed with her,for better,for worse,and,uh,nowthey're gonna be apart. 652 00:34:50,730 --> 00:34:51,930 Sam... 653 00:34:51,930 --> 00:34:55,870 just becausethey're not gonna beliving together anymore,just because... 654 00:34:55,870 --> 00:35:00,020 they won'tbe sleeping in the same bedor havingthe same conversations, 655 00:35:00,020 --> 00:35:02,950 it doesn't meanhe's gonna stop loving her. 656 00:35:02,950 --> 00:35:06,260 That man is going tolove her always. 657 00:35:06,260 --> 00:35:09,750 He's gonna love heruntil the day he dies,but... 658 00:35:09,750 --> 00:35:12,920 he needs to move on. 659 00:35:26,280 --> 00:35:30,150 I need to knoweverything there is to knowabout digeorge syndrome 660 00:35:30,590 --> 00:35:33,910 because I'm gonna keep my baby,and I need to be prepared. 661 00:35:33,910 --> 00:35:35,640 I can't stay with somebodyI can't trust. 662 00:35:35,640 --> 00:35:39,250 We are gonna be there for you,for whatever you need. 663 00:35:40,100 --> 00:35:41,520 Amy,laura,hear me out. 664 00:35:41,520 --> 00:35:42,460 Stay away from me. 665 00:35:42,460 --> 00:35:43,170 You need to leave. 666 00:35:43,170 --> 00:35:43,930 Hey,I'm talking to them,not you. 667 00:35:43,930 --> 00:35:45,130 No,not anymore. 668 00:35:45,130 --> 00:35:47,180 Please.I need to see them. 669 00:35:47,180 --> 00:35:48,670 They don't want to see you. 670 00:35:48,670 --> 00:35:51,420 -Don't make this worse by-- -I love them. 671 00:35:51,420 --> 00:35:52,730 I want to help. 672 00:35:52,730 --> 00:35:54,880 Amy just gave rth. 673 00:35:54,880 --> 00:35:58,680 Laura is dealing witha pregnancythat's takena very difficult turn. 674 00:35:58,680 --> 00:36:02,530 And they both just found outthe man they love is a liar. 675 00:36:02,530 --> 00:36:04,630 Don't make this worse. 676 00:36:04,630 --> 00:36:08,410 If you really love them,if you want to help... 677 00:36:08,410 --> 00:36:09,870 leave. 678 00:36:09,870 --> 00:36:11,890 You want me to walk away,to walk away from them? 679 00:36:11,890 --> 00:36:13,110 Right now,yes. 680 00:36:13,110 --> 00:36:14,840 And they maynever want to see you again. 681 00:36:14,840 --> 00:36:16,270 That's something you're gonnahave to live with. 682 00:36:16,270 --> 00:36:19,940 But you married them,you made commitments,and you have children. 683 00:36:19,940 --> 00:36:23,770 What I'm saying is thatyou are gonna spendthe rest of your life 684 00:36:23,770 --> 00:36:28,730 making sure that amy and laura and these childrenare taken care of. 685 00:36:33,070 --> 00:36:34,210 He still hasn't called? 686 00:36:34,210 --> 00:36:35,630 No. 687 00:36:35,630 --> 00:36:37,020 I'm sure it's notas bad as it seems. 688 00:36:37,020 --> 00:36:38,380 Oh,no,it is. 689 00:36:38,380 --> 00:36:41,490 I will never hear that sexy,S.W.A.T.-Y voice again. 690 00:36:41,490 --> 00:36:46,120 this here is my desk,and this is my chair. 691 00:36:49,570 --> 00:36:50,730 -pretty cool,right? -I like it. 692 00:36:50,730 --> 00:36:51,850 Can I spin? 693 00:36:51,850 --> 00:36:53,730 Yeah,you can spin. 694 00:36:59,980 --> 00:37:02,070 Meet betsey. 695 00:37:02,640 --> 00:37:08,230 betsey,this is addison and naomi,and thesare daddy's friends. 696 00:37:08,230 --> 00:37:09,560 Can you say hello,please? 697 00:37:09,560 --> 00:37:11,020 Hi. 698 00:37:11,960 --> 00:37:13,820 Your daughter? 699 00:37:13,820 --> 00:37:16,100 W-why didn't youtell us? 700 00:37:16,650 --> 00:37:18,250 Go make me a picture,okay? 701 00:37:18,250 --> 00:37:19,300 I'll put you here. 702 00:37:19,300 --> 00:37:21,190 Well,I wanted to,um... 703 00:37:21,570 --> 00:37:22,440 but... 704 00:37:22,440 --> 00:37:24,390 it'sa little compliced. 705 00:37:24,390 --> 00:37:27,010 I was 17... 706 00:37:27,010 --> 00:37:29,760 and her mom and iweren't together very long. 707 00:37:29,760 --> 00:37:31,670 And now? 708 00:37:32,170 --> 00:37:37,380 well,uh,her mother's an addict,and last month,she relapsed. 709 00:37:37,380 --> 00:37:39,240 I just... 710 00:37:39,620 --> 00:37:42,230 I just wanted herto be proud of me,um,you know, 711 00:37:42,230 --> 00:37:43,860 to seethat one of her parentshad it together. 712 00:37:43,860 --> 00:37:46,510 That's whyI brought her here. 713 00:37:52,400 --> 00:37:56,010 Addison,I promiseI'll have it all cleared outby tomorrow,okay? 714 00:37:59,200 --> 00:38:00,630 Hey,betsey. 715 00:38:00,630 --> 00:38:02,710 How do you likeyour daddy's office? 716 00:38:02,710 --> 00:38:03,530 I love it. 717 00:38:03,530 --> 00:38:05,500 Yeah? 718 00:38:22,560 --> 00:38:24,220 I think I'm ready. 719 00:38:24,220 --> 00:38:25,090 To leave? 720 00:38:25,090 --> 00:38:26,670 To date. 721 00:38:26,670 --> 00:38:28,170 Okay.Yeah. 722 00:38:30,620 --> 00:38:32,890 so what happens now? 723 00:38:33,350 --> 00:38:36,050 This is gonna be harderthan I thought. 724 00:38:46,660 --> 00:38:48,120 So... 725 00:38:48,120 --> 00:38:50,230 I told them... 726 00:38:50,230 --> 00:38:52,670 you're my girlfriend,and if they didn't like that, 727 00:38:52,670 --> 00:38:53,750 they were gonnahave to deal with me. 728 00:38:53,750 --> 00:38:55,600 You did? 729 00:38:56,190 --> 00:38:57,250 What about violet? 730 00:38:57,250 --> 00:39:00,800 I think she was worriedabout us coming out,but... 731 00:39:01,190 --> 00:39:02,700 I took care of it. 732 00:39:02,700 --> 00:39:04,570 That's it? 733 00:39:05,040 --> 00:39:07,060 She's happy for me... 734 00:39:08,240 --> 00:39:09,940 for us. 735 00:39:17,080 --> 00:39:20,110 I guess I misjudged her. 736 00:39:31,520 --> 00:39:33,030 did you bring your squad car? 737 00:39:33,030 --> 00:39:36,140 I need an explanation,addison. 738 00:39:36,140 --> 00:39:39,380 I chted on my husband... 739 00:39:39,890 --> 00:39:42,930 with his best friend. 740 00:39:42,930 --> 00:39:46,110 And after that... 741 00:39:46,110 --> 00:39:48,240 my ex-husbandcheated on me,too. 742 00:39:48,240 --> 00:39:51,190 So when you said,uh,you said... 743 00:39:51,190 --> 00:39:57,350 "I love you,"it took everythingto this whole other place, 744 00:39:57,350 --> 00:40:03,680 this dark placewhere the stakes were high. 745 00:40:03,680 --> 00:40:10,490 I couldn't trust you--not because of you--because of me. 746 00:40:11,860 --> 00:40:16,390 And I think I was aredbecause I do like you. 747 00:40:16,390 --> 00:40:18,430 I like you... 748 00:40:18,430 --> 00:40:22,560 a lot,kevin,and I am... 749 00:40:22,560 --> 00:40:27,070 not in a placewhere I can say what you said,but... 750 00:40:27,270 --> 00:40:30,610 I think if you wereto stick around a little while, 751 00:40:30,610 --> 00:40:40,720 I might be able to get there,because you arehonest and loyaland worthy of trust. 752 00:40:52,720 --> 00:40:55,580 I messed up. 753 00:41:12,960 --> 00:41:15,430 but I think... 754 00:41:15,430 --> 00:41:17,900 I might get there. 755 00:41:17,900 --> 00:41:21,050 -=www.ydy.com/bbs=- Proudly Presents 756 00:41:21,050 --> 00:41:25,050 Sync: YTET-Âí´óÅÝ -=www.ydy.com/bbs=- 757 00:41:25,050 --> 00:41:27,620 private.practice Season 02 Episode 06 9999 00:00:0,500 --> 00:00:2,00 www.tvsubtitles.net