1 00:00:09,843 --> 00:00:10,813 - Okay. 2 00:00:10,814 --> 00:00:11,911 - Oh to the kay! 3 00:00:11,912 --> 00:00:12,952 - So, last week, gibby... 4 00:00:12,953 --> 00:00:14,047 - ...who's a freak... 5 00:00:14,048 --> 00:00:16,019 - ...said that he loves baggles. 7 00:00:16,020 --> 00:00:17,747 - You remember baggles. 8 00:00:17,752 --> 00:00:18,622 - Baggles is 9 00:00:18,623 --> 00:00:20,119 a recurring character on icarly, 10 00:00:20,121 --> 00:00:24,190 played by a large sack of yogurt. 12 00:00:24,191 --> 00:00:26,189 - So when gibby said that he loved baggles, 14 00:00:26,193 --> 00:00:27,758 Sam said... - ...then why 16 00:00:27,762 --> 00:00:29,362 don't you marry him? 17 00:00:29,363 --> 00:00:31,434 - And gibby, being the gibby that he is... 19 00:00:31,435 --> 00:00:36,035 - Said, "uh, yeah, sure, whatever." 21 00:00:36,037 --> 00:00:39,468 - Which means it's... - ...wedding time! 23 00:00:39,473 --> 00:00:41,941 [ Applause ] 24 00:00:41,942 --> 00:00:45,812 [ Crowd cheering ] 25 00:00:45,813 --> 00:00:51,351 - Father Steinberg? 26 00:00:51,352 --> 00:00:54,352 - Gibby, baggles, get out here! 27 00:00:54,355 --> 00:01:05,955 [ Music ] 28 00:01:05,966 --> 00:01:08,331 - Gibby... - Father Steinberg. 30 00:01:08,335 --> 00:01:13,137 - Baggles... [ Grunting ] 32 00:01:13,140 --> 00:01:15,238 - Ughhh... - I'm sorry... 34 00:01:15,242 --> 00:01:19,812 He has a sinus infection. 35 00:01:19,814 --> 00:01:20,814 - Let's get on with it. 36 00:01:20,815 --> 00:01:22,675 Kids have short attention spans. 37 00:01:22,683 --> 00:01:24,683 - All right. 38 00:01:24,685 --> 00:01:26,245 Gibby, do you take 39 00:01:26,253 --> 00:01:28,221 this infected sack of yogurt 40 00:01:28,222 --> 00:01:36,696 to be your... whatever? 41 00:01:36,697 --> 00:01:38,828 - I'm sorry... I'm sorry... 43 00:01:38,833 --> 00:01:42,400 I promised myself I wouldn't do this. 45 00:01:42,403 --> 00:01:46,406 Yes, I do. 46 00:01:46,407 --> 00:01:49,876 - Baggles... [ Grunting ] 48 00:01:49,877 --> 00:01:52,478 - Do you take orenthal Hayes Gibson 50 00:01:52,480 --> 00:01:54,480 to be your... whatever? 51 00:01:54,482 --> 00:02:01,087 [ Grunting ] 52 00:02:01,088 --> 00:02:07,386 - I now pronounce you, bag and wife. 54 00:02:07,394 --> 00:02:10,029 [ Glass breaking ] 55 00:02:10,030 --> 00:02:11,460 - Well, we hope you enjoyed 56 00:02:11,465 --> 00:02:12,865 this freak show wedding. 57 00:02:12,867 --> 00:02:14,834 - Join us next week for the bitter divorce. 59 00:02:14,835 --> 00:02:16,495 [ Grunting ] 60 00:02:16,504 --> 00:02:17,874 - Y'all come back now, ya hear? 61 00:02:17,875 --> 00:02:33,987 [ Music ] 62 00:02:33,988 --> 00:02:34,948 - Okay, this chicken wing 63 00:02:34,955 --> 00:02:35,845 was only in your mouth 64 00:02:35,856 --> 00:02:36,786 for like two seconds, 65 00:02:36,790 --> 00:02:39,390 and the bone is totally clean! 66 00:02:39,393 --> 00:02:40,960 How do you do it? 67 00:02:40,961 --> 00:02:42,996 - Years a'practice. 68 00:02:42,997 --> 00:02:45,164 It takes a lotta mouth coordination 70 00:02:45,166 --> 00:02:47,767 to totally master the chicken wing bite, 72 00:02:47,768 --> 00:02:51,838 scrape, and slurp. 73 00:02:51,839 --> 00:02:57,709 [ Slurping ] 74 00:02:57,711 --> 00:02:59,879 - Genius. 75 00:02:59,880 --> 00:03:00,748 - Okay, can you guys stop 76 00:03:00,749 --> 00:03:02,382 the chicken wing lesson and help me come up 78 00:03:02,383 --> 00:03:03,850 with some more names? 79 00:03:03,851 --> 00:03:05,718 - Flerbert. 80 00:03:05,719 --> 00:03:06,649 - What? 81 00:03:06,654 --> 00:03:08,254 - Ah, you said to come up with names. 83 00:03:08,255 --> 00:03:10,515 So I invented "flerbert". 84 00:03:10,524 --> 00:03:11,424 - Nooo. 85 00:03:11,425 --> 00:03:13,033 We're making a list of people to invite 87 00:03:13,034 --> 00:03:14,657 to Spencer's birthday party. 88 00:03:14,662 --> 00:03:18,331 - How 'bout... "Smelvin"? 89 00:03:18,332 --> 00:03:19,402 - I'd party with a smelvin. 90 00:03:19,403 --> 00:03:21,330 - Real people! 91 00:03:21,335 --> 00:03:22,825 And take that wedding dress off. 92 00:03:22,836 --> 00:03:24,772 - No, I paid forty bucks to rent this dress 94 00:03:24,773 --> 00:03:25,672 and I don't have to return it 95 00:03:25,673 --> 00:03:26,906 'til tomorrow. 96 00:03:26,907 --> 00:03:27,707 I'm gettin' my money's worth 97 00:03:27,708 --> 00:03:29,468 outta this rag. 98 00:03:29,476 --> 00:03:30,836 - C'mon, we need more people 99 00:03:30,844 --> 00:03:32,212 for Spencer's party. 100 00:03:32,213 --> 00:03:33,582 - Who we got so far? 101 00:03:33,583 --> 00:03:37,016 - Uh... me... you... Freddie... gibby... 103 00:03:37,017 --> 00:03:38,677 - And? 104 00:03:38,686 --> 00:03:41,716 - Flerbert and smelvin. 105 00:03:41,722 --> 00:03:42,956 - Ah! Socko! 106 00:03:42,957 --> 00:03:44,457 - No, socko's on safari 107 00:03:44,458 --> 00:03:46,926 in Africa with his cousin, uhhh... 109 00:03:46,927 --> 00:03:47,887 - Hunter. 110 00:03:47,895 --> 00:03:50,755 - Hunter. 111 00:03:50,764 --> 00:03:51,931 - What about t-Bo? 112 00:03:51,932 --> 00:03:53,870 - T-Bo and Spencer are mad at each other. 114 00:03:53,871 --> 00:03:54,897 - Why? 115 00:03:54,902 --> 00:03:56,703 - 'Cuz Spencer made fun of him for the way 117 00:03:56,704 --> 00:03:57,937 he pronounces tissue. 118 00:03:57,938 --> 00:03:59,038 - How does t-Bo say tissue? 119 00:03:59,039 --> 00:04:02,439 - "Tiss-you". 120 00:04:02,443 --> 00:04:06,312 - That's not how you pro-nounce it? 122 00:04:06,313 --> 00:04:07,383 - C'mon, Spencer's gotta have 123 00:04:07,384 --> 00:04:08,711 some friends other than us. 124 00:04:08,716 --> 00:04:10,746 - Friends his own age. 125 00:04:10,751 --> 00:04:11,881 - Spencer's book club. 126 00:04:11,885 --> 00:04:12,915 - No, he got kicked out 127 00:04:12,920 --> 00:04:14,050 after he accidentally set 128 00:04:14,054 --> 00:04:15,954 a whole box of books on fire. 129 00:04:15,956 --> 00:04:17,116 - What book were they reading? 130 00:04:17,124 --> 00:04:19,559 - Fahrenheit 451. 131 00:04:19,560 --> 00:04:20,727 - It's pro-nounced: 132 00:04:20,728 --> 00:04:21,558 Fur-in-height. 133 00:04:21,562 --> 00:04:23,962 - Gibby! 134 00:04:23,964 --> 00:04:26,465 - So Spencer has no grownup friends? 136 00:04:26,467 --> 00:04:27,727 - Really? 137 00:04:27,735 --> 00:04:28,665 - I guess, since he's always 138 00:04:28,669 --> 00:04:30,300 taking care of me, and hanging out with us 140 00:04:30,304 --> 00:04:31,938 all the time, he doesn't really have 142 00:04:31,939 --> 00:04:34,841 that many friends his own age anymore. 144 00:04:34,842 --> 00:04:36,382 - Well, I'm just gonna say... 145 00:04:36,383 --> 00:04:40,977 Dresses are really comfortable. 146 00:04:40,981 --> 00:04:41,681 Seriously. 147 00:04:41,682 --> 00:04:42,512 The air-conditioning just comes 148 00:04:42,516 --> 00:04:47,686 right up there. 149 00:04:47,688 --> 00:04:48,448 - Hey guys. 150 00:04:48,455 --> 00:04:49,485 - Hey what's up! 151 00:04:49,490 --> 00:04:50,520 You were playing tennis? 152 00:04:50,524 --> 00:04:51,691 - Yeah, but I lost. 153 00:04:51,692 --> 00:04:53,193 - I thought you were gettin' good? 155 00:04:53,193 --> 00:04:53,961 - I am. 156 00:04:53,962 --> 00:04:56,228 But I made my own tennis racquet, 158 00:04:56,230 --> 00:04:58,398 and when I got it out in the sun, 160 00:04:58,399 --> 00:05:04,537 I guess the heat just... 161 00:05:04,538 --> 00:05:09,876 - That's pretty embarassing. 162 00:05:09,877 --> 00:05:11,437 - Hey... if you played tennis 163 00:05:11,445 --> 00:05:13,446 then you were with a friend, right? 165 00:05:13,447 --> 00:05:14,647 - Sure, why? 166 00:05:14,648 --> 00:05:16,248 - Get ready to type. 167 00:05:16,250 --> 00:05:19,650 Ahhh, what friend? 168 00:05:19,653 --> 00:05:22,153 - Ryan. 169 00:05:22,156 --> 00:05:24,520 - Hey man, can I use your bathroom? 171 00:05:24,525 --> 00:05:26,092 - Sure -- it's up there to the right. 173 00:05:26,093 --> 00:05:29,662 - Coo. 174 00:05:29,663 --> 00:05:30,963 - What is he, in fourth grade? 175 00:05:30,964 --> 00:05:33,366 - Third. 176 00:05:33,367 --> 00:05:39,038 Ahhh, I gotta go fix my floppy racquet! 178 00:05:39,039 --> 00:05:40,309 - Okay, we have to find Spencer 179 00:05:40,310 --> 00:05:42,067 some friends his own age. 180 00:05:42,076 --> 00:05:42,906 - Yeah. 181 00:05:42,910 --> 00:05:44,477 - Absolutely. 182 00:05:44,478 --> 00:05:45,408 - So, when did Spencer start 183 00:05:45,412 --> 00:05:47,280 playin' teenis? 184 00:05:47,281 --> 00:05:48,251 - It's tennis! 185 00:05:48,252 --> 00:05:55,848 - I say teenis. 186 00:05:55,856 --> 00:06:01,756 - In five, four, three, two [ music ] 188 00:06:01,762 --> 00:06:05,202 I know you see somehow the world 190 00:06:05,203 --> 00:06:10,770 will change for me and be so wonderful 192 00:06:10,771 --> 00:06:14,111 live life, breathe air I know somehow 194 00:06:14,112 --> 00:06:15,508 we're gonna get there 195 00:06:15,509 --> 00:06:23,716 and feel so wonderful it's all for real 197 00:06:23,717 --> 00:06:26,018 I'm telling you just how I feel 199 00:06:26,019 --> 00:06:29,955 so wake up the members of my nation 201 00:06:29,957 --> 00:06:32,658 it's your time to be there's no chance 203 00:06:32,659 --> 00:06:36,091 unless you take one and it's time to see 205 00:06:36,096 --> 00:06:40,566 the brighter side of every situation 207 00:06:40,567 --> 00:06:42,127 some things are meant to be 208 00:06:42,136 --> 00:06:43,536 so give me your best 209 00:06:43,537 --> 00:06:46,037 and leave the rest to me 210 00:06:46,039 --> 00:06:50,406 leave it all to me leave it all to me 212 00:06:50,411 --> 00:07:09,926 just leave it all to me [ music ] 214 00:07:09,930 --> 00:07:12,999 - Hey, whaddaya think a'him? 215 00:07:13,000 --> 00:07:14,672 - He could be a friend for Spencer. 217 00:07:14,673 --> 00:07:15,468 - Perfect age. 218 00:07:15,469 --> 00:07:16,229 - Alone. 219 00:07:16,236 --> 00:07:16,966 - Doesn't look too stupid. 220 00:07:16,970 --> 00:07:17,670 - Or too smart. 221 00:07:17,671 --> 00:07:18,241 - Let's hit him up. 222 00:07:18,242 --> 00:07:29,778 - Goin' in. 223 00:07:29,816 --> 00:07:34,916 - What? - You got a name? - Yeah. Darnell. 224 00:07:34,922 --> 00:07:37,622 - You got a name? - Yeah. Darnell. - Well, hey, Darnell. 225 00:07:37,624 --> 00:07:38,862 - Yeah. Darnell. - Well, hey, Darnell. - We saw that, uh, 226 00:07:38,863 --> 00:07:41,859 - well, hey, Darnell. - We saw that, uh, you're sittin' with no friends. 227 00:07:41,862 --> 00:07:43,262 - We saw that, uh, you're sittin' with no friends. - Well... I work at night. 228 00:07:43,263 --> 00:07:45,001 You're sittin' with no friends. - Well... I work at night. And my friends have day jobs. 229 00:07:45,002 --> 00:07:46,098 - Well... I work at night. And my friends have day jobs. So, I don't have many buds 230 00:07:46,099 --> 00:07:53,206 and my friends have day jobs. So, I don't have many buds to hang with. 231 00:07:53,207 --> 00:07:55,007 So, I don't have many buds to hang with. - Well, Darnell, 232 00:07:55,008 --> 00:07:56,308 to hang with. - Well, Darnell, what if I told ya, 233 00:07:56,310 --> 00:07:57,410 - well, Darnell, what if I told ya, we have a friend for ya... 234 00:07:57,411 --> 00:07:58,811 What if I told ya, we have a friend for ya... Who's got no job? 235 00:07:58,812 --> 00:08:01,280 We have a friend for ya... Who's got no job? - None. 236 00:08:01,281 --> 00:08:02,381 Who's got no job? - None. - A cool, fun dude 237 00:08:02,382 --> 00:08:03,320 - none. - A cool, fun dude who could hang out with you 238 00:08:03,321 --> 00:08:04,447 - a cool, fun dude who could hang out with you whenever. 239 00:08:04,451 --> 00:08:07,051 Who could hang out with you whenever. - And makes sculptures... 240 00:08:07,054 --> 00:08:11,190 Whenever. - And makes sculptures... Out of garbage. 241 00:08:11,191 --> 00:08:12,459 - And makes sculptures... Out of garbage. - Sometimes... 242 00:08:12,460 --> 00:08:13,929 Out of garbage. - Sometimes... His socks... 243 00:08:13,930 --> 00:08:16,896 - Sometimes... His socks... Light up. 244 00:08:16,897 --> 00:08:22,427 His socks... Light up. - Keep talkin'. 245 00:08:22,436 --> 00:08:23,266 Light up. - Keep talkin'. [ Phone beeps ] 246 00:08:23,270 --> 00:08:24,170 - Keep talkin'. [ Phone beeps ] - What's Carly sayin'? 247 00:08:24,171 --> 00:08:24,939 [ Phone beeps ] - What's Carly sayin'? - They got their first friend 248 00:08:24,940 --> 00:08:25,638 - what's Carly sayin'? - They got their first friend for Spencer. 249 00:08:25,639 --> 00:08:27,207 - They got their first friend for Spencer. Some guy named Darnell. 250 00:08:27,208 --> 00:08:28,167 For Spencer. Some guy named Darnell. - Ah. 251 00:08:28,175 --> 00:08:28,965 Some guy named Darnell. - Ah. I used to know a guy 252 00:08:28,976 --> 00:08:32,336 - ah. I used to know a guy named Darnell. 253 00:08:32,346 --> 00:08:33,906 I used to know a guy named Darnell. - And? 254 00:08:33,914 --> 00:08:34,714 Named Darnell. - And? - Y'know, not every story 255 00:08:34,715 --> 00:08:37,975 - and? - Y'know, not every story has to be "interesting". 256 00:08:37,985 --> 00:08:38,845 - Y'know, not every story has to be "interesting". - Now let's try to find him 257 00:08:38,852 --> 00:08:39,820 has to be "interesting". - Now let's try to find him another one. 258 00:08:39,821 --> 00:08:40,750 - Now let's try to find him another one. - Right. 259 00:08:40,754 --> 00:08:44,223 Another one. - Right. A cool friend for Spencer. 260 00:08:44,224 --> 00:08:45,192 - Right. A cool friend for Spencer. - What about him? 261 00:08:45,193 --> 00:08:46,592 A cool friend for Spencer. - What about him? - Psh, no way. 262 00:08:46,593 --> 00:08:47,263 - What about him? - Psh, no way. He's wearing his towel 263 00:08:47,264 --> 00:08:50,630 - psh, no way. He's wearing his towel like a woman. 264 00:08:50,631 --> 00:08:52,499 He's wearing his towel like a woman. No dude should do that. 265 00:08:52,500 --> 00:08:53,669 Like a woman. No dude should do that. - So, did you return 266 00:08:53,670 --> 00:08:57,197 no dude should do that. - So, did you return your wedding dress? 267 00:08:57,204 --> 00:08:58,104 - So, did you return your wedding dress? - Nah. 268 00:08:58,105 --> 00:08:58,865 Your wedding dress? - Nah. I called the guys -- 269 00:08:58,872 --> 00:08:59,602 - nah. I called the guys -- they lemme keep it 270 00:08:59,606 --> 00:09:00,606 I called the guys -- they lemme keep it one more day. 271 00:09:00,607 --> 00:09:03,937 They lemme keep it one more day. - Awesome. 272 00:09:03,944 --> 00:09:05,682 One more day. - Awesome. He looks all right. 273 00:09:05,683 --> 00:09:06,779 - Awesome. He looks all right. - Yeah -- 274 00:09:06,780 --> 00:09:11,250 he looks all right. - Yeah -- that's how ya wear a towel. 275 00:09:11,251 --> 00:09:13,289 - Yeah -- that's how ya wear a towel. - C'mon... 276 00:09:13,290 --> 00:09:15,047 That's how ya wear a towel. - C'mon... Uh, 'scuze us. 277 00:09:15,055 --> 00:09:19,755 - C'mon... Uh, 'scuze us. - Yes -- excuse us. 278 00:09:19,760 --> 00:09:21,330 Uh, 'scuze us. - Yes -- excuse us. - Whatcha guys need? 279 00:09:21,331 --> 00:09:29,228 - Yes -- excuse us. - Whatcha guys need? - Take a look at this guy. 280 00:09:29,236 --> 00:09:30,196 - Whatcha guys need? - Take a look at this guy. Yeah. 281 00:09:30,203 --> 00:09:31,243 - Take a look at this guy. Yeah. How would you like to be friends 282 00:09:31,244 --> 00:09:35,007 yeah. How would you like to be friends with him? 283 00:09:35,008 --> 00:09:41,978 How would you like to be friends with him? - You know you would. 284 00:09:41,982 --> 00:09:42,612 With him? - You know you would. - Hey -- 285 00:09:42,616 --> 00:09:43,346 - you know you would. - Hey -- what time you wanna start 286 00:09:43,350 --> 00:09:44,080 - hey -- what time you wanna start the party? 287 00:09:44,084 --> 00:09:45,052 What time you wanna start the party? - I dunno. 288 00:09:45,053 --> 00:09:45,820 The party? - I dunno. I'll text Jennifer 289 00:09:45,821 --> 00:09:46,649 - I dunno. I'll text Jennifer and see what time she wants 290 00:09:46,653 --> 00:09:51,290 I'll text Jennifer and see what time she wants to start it. 291 00:09:51,291 --> 00:09:52,421 And see what time she wants to start it. - There's two guys. 292 00:09:52,426 --> 00:09:53,556 To start it. - There's two guys. - Yeah. 293 00:09:53,560 --> 00:09:54,528 - There's two guys. - Yeah. I could see them hangin' 294 00:09:54,529 --> 00:09:55,558 - yeah. I could see them hangin' with Spencer. 295 00:09:55,562 --> 00:09:57,330 I could see them hangin' with Spencer. - Oh great -- cilantro. 296 00:09:57,331 --> 00:09:58,101 With Spencer. - Oh great -- cilantro. - Oh, yeah, 297 00:09:58,102 --> 00:10:01,528 - oh great -- cilantro. - Oh, yeah, let's not get any cilantro. 298 00:10:01,535 --> 00:10:02,665 - Oh, yeah, let's not get any cilantro. - How come? 299 00:10:02,669 --> 00:10:07,239 Let's not get any cilantro. - How come? - Jennifer doesn't like it. 300 00:10:07,240 --> 00:10:08,308 - How come? - Jennifer doesn't like it. What? 301 00:10:08,309 --> 00:10:09,168 - Jennifer doesn't like it. What? - Why do you have to get 302 00:10:09,176 --> 00:10:10,206 what? - Why do you have to get your girlfriend's approval 303 00:10:10,210 --> 00:10:11,010 - why do you have to get your girlfriend's approval for everything? 304 00:10:11,011 --> 00:10:11,911 Your girlfriend's approval for everything? - I don't have to get 305 00:10:11,912 --> 00:10:12,780 for everything? - I don't have to get Jennifer's approval for-- 306 00:10:12,781 --> 00:10:15,079 - I don't have to get Jennifer's approval for-- - you love cilantro, man! 307 00:10:15,082 --> 00:10:15,882 Jennifer's approval for-- - you love cilantro, man! You and me, 308 00:10:15,882 --> 00:10:16,682 - you love cilantro, man! You and me, we've been eatin' cilantro 309 00:10:16,683 --> 00:10:18,983 you and me, we've been eatin' cilantro together since prison! 310 00:10:18,986 --> 00:10:20,116 We've been eatin' cilantro together since prison! And now your dumb girlfriend 311 00:10:20,120 --> 00:10:21,220 together since prison! And now your dumb girlfriend comes in and ruins the whole-- 312 00:10:21,221 --> 00:10:22,689 and now your dumb girlfriend comes in and ruins the whole-- - don't you call Jennifer dumb! 313 00:10:22,690 --> 00:10:23,989 Comes in and ruins the whole-- - don't you call Jennifer dumb! - Y'know what? 314 00:10:23,991 --> 00:10:24,721 - Don't you call Jennifer dumb! - Y'know what? You can just get yourself 315 00:10:24,725 --> 00:10:28,155 - y'know what? You can just get yourself another best friend. 316 00:10:28,161 --> 00:10:29,231 You can just get yourself another best friend. - Okay! 317 00:10:29,232 --> 00:10:35,968 Another best friend. - Okay! Maybe I will! 318 00:10:35,969 --> 00:10:37,839 - Okay! Maybe I will! - My older brother... 319 00:10:37,840 --> 00:10:40,338 Maybe I will! - My older brother... Loves cilantro. 320 00:10:40,340 --> 00:10:48,880 - My older brother... Loves cilantro. - Loooooooves it. 321 00:10:48,882 --> 00:10:50,720 Loves cilantro. - Loooooooves it. - Hey hey... 322 00:10:50,721 --> 00:10:51,547 - Loooooooves it. - Hey hey... - What? 323 00:10:51,551 --> 00:10:52,319 - Hey hey... - What? - That guy who just went in 324 00:10:52,320 --> 00:10:53,279 - what? - That guy who just went in that stall -- 325 00:10:53,286 --> 00:10:54,016 - that guy who just went in that stall -- perfect grownup friend 326 00:10:54,021 --> 00:10:54,651 that stall -- perfect grownup friend for Spencer. 327 00:10:54,655 --> 00:10:55,385 Perfect grownup friend for Spencer. - Yeah, 328 00:10:55,389 --> 00:10:56,119 for Spencer. - Yeah, but Carly says 329 00:10:56,123 --> 00:10:56,923 - yeah, but Carly says we already have enough. 330 00:10:56,923 --> 00:10:57,761 But Carly says we already have enough. - Oh, one more won't hurt. 331 00:10:57,762 --> 00:10:58,558 We already have enough. - Oh, one more won't hurt. - Ok well, what are you... 332 00:10:58,559 --> 00:11:04,828 - Oh, one more won't hurt. - Ok well, what are you... Don't go into the... 333 00:11:04,831 --> 00:11:05,761 - Ok well, what are you... Don't go into the... - Who are you? 334 00:11:05,766 --> 00:11:06,826 Don't go into the... - Who are you? - Gibby. 335 00:11:06,833 --> 00:11:07,733 - Who are you? - Gibby. You want a cool friend? 336 00:11:07,734 --> 00:11:09,172 - Gibby. You want a cool friend? - Get outta here! 337 00:11:09,173 --> 00:11:10,169 You want a cool friend? - Get outta here! - Just gimme 10 minutes 338 00:11:10,170 --> 00:11:11,000 - get outta here! - Just gimme 10 minutes to tell you about this guy 339 00:11:11,004 --> 00:11:11,704 - just gimme 10 minutes to tell you about this guy named Spencer. 340 00:11:11,705 --> 00:11:12,535 To tell you about this guy named Spencer. - No! 341 00:11:12,539 --> 00:11:13,269 Named Spencer. - No! - No! 342 00:11:13,273 --> 00:11:14,273 - No! - No! He's an artist... 343 00:11:14,274 --> 00:11:15,042 - No! He's an artist... He has great hair... 344 00:11:15,043 --> 00:11:16,072 He's an artist... He has great hair... He plays teenis... 345 00:11:16,076 --> 00:11:25,546 He has great hair... He plays teenis... I mean-- 346 00:11:25,552 --> 00:11:26,852 he plays teenis... I mean-- - oh c'mon... 347 00:11:26,853 --> 00:11:30,756 I mean-- - oh c'mon... Stupid soap... 348 00:11:30,757 --> 00:11:32,557 - Oh c'mon... Stupid soap... - Here ya go, sir. 349 00:11:32,559 --> 00:11:34,759 Stupid soap... - Here ya go, sir. Put your hands out. 350 00:11:34,761 --> 00:11:35,591 - Here ya go, sir. Put your hands out. - Thank you. 351 00:11:35,595 --> 00:11:38,655 Put your hands out. - Thank you. 'Preciate it. 352 00:11:38,665 --> 00:11:42,165 - Thank you. 'Preciate it. - So... how was your food? 353 00:11:42,169 --> 00:11:46,499 'Preciate it. - So... how was your food? - It was excellent. 354 00:11:46,506 --> 00:11:49,106 - So... how was your food? - It was excellent. - Oh, need a towel? 355 00:11:49,109 --> 00:11:50,939 - It was excellent. - Oh, need a towel? - Ah. Thank you again. 356 00:11:50,944 --> 00:11:53,184 - Oh, need a towel? - Ah. Thank you again. - Sure thing. 357 00:11:53,185 --> 00:11:59,480 - Ah. Thank you again. - Sure thing. - And that's for you. 358 00:11:59,486 --> 00:12:00,846 - Sure thing. - And that's for you. - Three bucks? 359 00:12:00,854 --> 00:12:01,992 - And that's for you. - Three bucks? For what? 360 00:12:01,993 --> 00:12:02,748 - Three bucks? For what? - You're the men's room 361 00:12:02,756 --> 00:12:05,756 for what? - You're the men's room attendant, right? 362 00:12:05,759 --> 00:12:08,959 - You're the men's room attendant, right? - Yyyesss. 363 00:12:08,962 --> 00:12:12,662 Attendant, right? - Yyyesss. I am the men's room attendant. 364 00:12:12,666 --> 00:12:15,696 - Yyyesss. I am the men's room attendant. That is my job. 365 00:12:15,702 --> 00:12:20,772 I am the men's room attendant. That is my job. - Well, take care. 366 00:12:20,774 --> 00:12:24,913 That is my job. - Well, take care. - This is the best job ever! 367 00:12:24,914 --> 00:12:28,380 - Well, take care. - This is the best job ever! [ Music ] 368 00:12:28,381 --> 00:12:29,211 - This is the best job ever! [ Music ] - Yo yo, 369 00:12:29,216 --> 00:12:31,446 [ music ] - Yo yo, you guys ready to go bowling? 370 00:12:31,451 --> 00:12:32,581 - Yo yo, you guys ready to go bowling? - Um, actually... 371 00:12:32,586 --> 00:12:35,686 You guys ready to go bowling? - Um, actually... - Guess who has his own ball? 372 00:12:35,689 --> 00:12:36,857 - Um, actually... - Guess who has his own ball? - You bought a bowling ball? 373 00:12:36,858 --> 00:12:38,687 - Guess who has his own ball? - You bought a bowling ball? - No. 374 00:12:38,692 --> 00:12:40,192 - You bought a bowling ball? - No. I made one. 375 00:12:40,193 --> 00:12:41,993 - No. I made one. I sculpted it! 376 00:12:41,995 --> 00:12:51,465 I made one. I sculpted it! Shhhheck it out... 377 00:12:51,471 --> 00:12:52,901 I sculpted it! Shhhheck it out... - That's not round. 378 00:12:52,906 --> 00:12:54,336 Shhhheck it out... - That's not round. - So? 379 00:12:54,341 --> 00:12:55,241 - That's not round. - So? Look, I realize it didn't 380 00:12:55,242 --> 00:12:56,510 - so? Look, I realize it didn't come out "perfect," 381 00:12:56,511 --> 00:12:57,640 look, I realize it didn't come out "perfect," but c'mon -- 382 00:12:57,644 --> 00:12:59,284 come out "perfect," but c'mon -- that's what makes it special. 383 00:12:59,285 --> 00:13:02,079 But c'mon -- that's what makes it special. - It makes you special. 384 00:13:02,082 --> 00:13:02,950 That's what makes it special. - It makes you special. - Anyway, 385 00:13:02,951 --> 00:13:04,749 - it makes you special. - Anyway, we're not really going bowling. 386 00:13:04,751 --> 00:13:08,387 - Anyway, we're not really going bowling. - Aww, what are we doing? 387 00:13:08,388 --> 00:13:11,688 We're not really going bowling. - Aww, what are we doing? - We're not doing anything. 388 00:13:11,691 --> 00:13:13,261 - Aww, what are we doing? - We're not doing anything. - You are going out to dinner 389 00:13:13,262 --> 00:13:18,297 - we're not doing anything. - You are going out to dinner with some friends. 390 00:13:18,298 --> 00:13:20,098 - You are going out to dinner with some friends. - Game time. 391 00:13:20,100 --> 00:13:21,170 With some friends. - Game time. - Spencer -- 392 00:13:21,171 --> 00:13:26,368 - game time. - Spencer -- these are your new friends. 393 00:13:26,373 --> 00:13:28,243 - Spencer -- these are your new friends. - Uhhh... 394 00:13:28,244 --> 00:13:30,241 These are your new friends. - Uhhh... Heyyyyy? 395 00:13:30,243 --> 00:13:31,683 - Uhhh... Heyyyyy? - I, uh... 396 00:13:31,684 --> 00:13:35,278 Heyyyyy? - I, uh... I brought you some cilantro. 397 00:13:35,282 --> 00:13:43,252 - I, uh... I brought you some cilantro. [ Music ] 398 00:13:43,256 --> 00:13:47,556 I brought you some cilantro. [ Music ] [ Music ] 399 00:13:47,561 --> 00:13:48,661 [ Music ] [ Music ] - ...And so this reporter 400 00:13:48,662 --> 00:13:50,162 [ music ] - ...And so this reporter from CNN asks the senator, 401 00:13:50,163 --> 00:13:51,201 - ...and so this reporter from CNN asks the senator, and he goes, 402 00:13:51,202 --> 00:13:52,058 from CNN asks the senator, and he goes, "well, I feel 403 00:13:52,065 --> 00:13:53,095 and he goes, "well, I feel "that such information 404 00:13:53,099 --> 00:13:55,067 "well, I feel "that such information should remain confidential." 405 00:13:55,068 --> 00:13:56,128 "That such information should remain confidential." - Oh my god. 406 00:13:56,136 --> 00:13:57,336 Should remain confidential." - Oh my god. - So hypocritical. 407 00:13:57,337 --> 00:13:58,267 - Oh my god. - So hypocritical. - And that's the guy pushing 408 00:13:58,271 --> 00:14:00,711 - so hypocritical. - And that's the guy pushing for campaign finance reform, 409 00:14:00,712 --> 00:14:05,437 - and that's the guy pushing for campaign finance reform, right? 410 00:14:05,445 --> 00:14:06,535 For campaign finance reform, right? - Hey, hey, 411 00:14:06,546 --> 00:14:07,376 right? - Hey, hey, you guys know who loves 412 00:14:07,380 --> 00:14:09,080 - hey, hey, you guys know who loves to talk about politics? 413 00:14:09,082 --> 00:14:10,112 You guys know who loves to talk about politics? - Tell us. 414 00:14:10,116 --> 00:14:12,076 To talk about politics? - Tell us. - Old man belly button. 415 00:14:12,085 --> 00:14:12,945 - Tell us. - Old man belly button. - Who's that? 416 00:14:12,953 --> 00:14:18,090 - Old man belly button. - Who's that? - I'll introduce ya to him. 417 00:14:18,091 --> 00:14:19,791 - Who's that? - I'll introduce ya to him. Whoa! 418 00:14:19,793 --> 00:14:25,297 - I'll introduce ya to him. Whoa! I'll tell ya about politics. 419 00:14:25,298 --> 00:14:26,198 Whoa! I'll tell ya about politics. But first: 420 00:14:26,199 --> 00:14:28,329 I'll tell ya about politics. But first: I think I'm gonna sneeze. 421 00:14:28,335 --> 00:14:30,535 But first: I think I'm gonna sneeze. Ahhhtchoooo! 422 00:14:30,537 --> 00:14:31,367 I think I'm gonna sneeze. Ahhhtchoooo! Now watch -- 423 00:14:31,371 --> 00:14:39,711 ahhhtchoooo! Now watch -- I can make him gag. 424 00:14:39,713 --> 00:14:43,449 Now watch -- I can make him gag. Right? 425 00:14:43,450 --> 00:14:44,218 I can make him gag. Right? - I think he's having 426 00:14:44,219 --> 00:14:44,917 right? - I think he's having a good time. 427 00:14:44,918 --> 00:14:46,218 - I think he's having a good time. - Yeah... 428 00:14:46,219 --> 00:14:46,919 A good time. - Yeah... Man, I'm starving. 429 00:14:46,920 --> 00:14:48,550 - Yeah... Man, I'm starving. Where's our waiter? 430 00:14:48,555 --> 00:14:54,955 Man, I'm starving. Where's our waiter? - Over there, bein' weird. 431 00:14:54,961 --> 00:14:57,129 Where's our waiter? - Over there, bein' weird. - Aw, he's not that weird. 432 00:14:57,130 --> 00:14:58,730 - Over there, bein' weird. - Aw, he's not that weird. - Uh, did you hear him take 433 00:14:58,732 --> 00:15:00,132 - aw, he's not that weird. - Uh, did you hear him take our order? 434 00:15:00,133 --> 00:15:01,333 - Uh, did you hear him take our order? "Whaaaat? 435 00:15:01,334 --> 00:15:03,002 Our order? "Whaaaat? "You want a cheeseburger? 436 00:15:03,003 --> 00:15:04,071 "Whaaaat? "You want a cheeseburger? "Okaaaaay, 437 00:15:04,072 --> 00:15:06,170 "you want a cheeseburger? "Okaaaaay, "I'll get you a cheeseburger... 438 00:15:06,172 --> 00:15:08,672 "Okaaaaay, "I'll get you a cheeseburger... With cheese on it." 439 00:15:08,675 --> 00:15:09,435 "I'll get you a cheeseburger... With cheese on it." - Yeah, 440 00:15:09,442 --> 00:15:10,172 with cheese on it." - Yeah, and when I asked 441 00:15:10,176 --> 00:15:10,976 - yeah, and when I asked for chili fries, 442 00:15:10,977 --> 00:15:12,777 and when I asked for chili fries, he was all, "whaaaat? 443 00:15:12,779 --> 00:15:14,179 For chili fries, he was all, "whaaaat? "Chili fries? 444 00:15:14,180 --> 00:15:16,510 He was all, "whaaaat? "Chili fries? "Sure, we have chili fries. 445 00:15:16,516 --> 00:15:20,886 "Chili fries? "Sure, we have chili fries. Why do..." 446 00:15:20,887 --> 00:15:21,787 "Sure, we have chili fries. Why do..." Hello. 447 00:15:21,788 --> 00:15:24,488 Why do..." Hello. - You making fun of me? 448 00:15:24,491 --> 00:15:25,359 Hello. - You making fun of me? - No. 449 00:15:25,360 --> 00:15:26,888 - You making fun of me? - No. Noooo, I was not. 450 00:15:26,893 --> 00:15:28,631 - No. Noooo, I was not. - I think you were. 451 00:15:28,632 --> 00:15:29,628 Noooo, I was not. - I think you were. - Was I making fun of him? 452 00:15:29,629 --> 00:15:30,399 - I think you were. - Was I making fun of him? - Yes. 453 00:15:30,400 --> 00:15:32,427 - Was I making fun of him? - Yes. - Sam. 454 00:15:32,432 --> 00:15:35,968 - Yes. - Sam. Look, we just want our food. 455 00:15:35,969 --> 00:15:37,039 - Sam. Look, we just want our food. - Sure. 456 00:15:37,040 --> 00:15:42,207 Look, we just want our food. - Sure. I'll getcha your food. 457 00:15:42,208 --> 00:15:43,468 - Sure. I'll getcha your food. - Uh-ohhhhh. 458 00:15:43,476 --> 00:15:44,336 I'll getcha your food. - Uh-ohhhhh. - What? 459 00:15:44,344 --> 00:15:45,344 - Uh-ohhhhh. - What? - He is gonna do somethin' bad 460 00:15:45,345 --> 00:15:46,435 - what? - He is gonna do somethin' bad to your foo-ood. 461 00:15:46,446 --> 00:15:47,846 - He is gonna do somethin' bad to your foo-ood. - No he is not. 462 00:15:47,847 --> 00:15:48,807 To your foo-ood. - No he is not. Carly? 463 00:15:48,815 --> 00:15:49,575 - No he is not. Carly? - He is not gonna do something 464 00:15:49,582 --> 00:15:51,320 Carly? - He is not gonna do something bad to Freddie's food. 465 00:15:51,321 --> 00:15:52,378 - He is not gonna do something bad to Freddie's food. - Mm-kay. 466 00:15:52,385 --> 00:15:54,415 Bad to Freddie's food. - Mm-kay. Enjoy your chili fries. 467 00:15:54,421 --> 00:15:55,321 - Mm-kay. Enjoy your chili fries. - I will. 468 00:15:55,322 --> 00:15:55,952 Enjoy your chili fries. - I will. - After he blows his nose 469 00:15:55,956 --> 00:15:56,516 - I will. - After he blows his nose on 'em. 470 00:15:56,523 --> 00:15:58,093 - After he blows his nose on 'em. - Dang it, Sam... 471 00:15:58,094 --> 00:16:01,827 On 'em. - Dang it, Sam... [ Music ] 472 00:16:01,828 --> 00:16:02,988 - Dang it, Sam... [ Music ] - Hey -- where's gibby? 473 00:16:02,996 --> 00:16:04,126 [ Music ] - Hey -- where's gibby? - In the men's room. 474 00:16:04,130 --> 00:16:05,998 - Hey -- where's gibby? - In the men's room. - Doin' what? 475 00:16:05,999 --> 00:16:07,399 - In the men's room. - Doin' what? - Working. 476 00:16:07,400 --> 00:16:13,100 - Doin' what? - Working. [ Music ] 477 00:16:13,106 --> 00:16:13,836 - Working. [ Music ] - Here's a paper towel 478 00:16:13,840 --> 00:16:19,478 [ music ] - Here's a paper towel for ya... and... a meatball. 479 00:16:19,479 --> 00:16:24,949 - Here's a paper towel for ya... and... a meatball. - Okaaaay. 480 00:16:24,951 --> 00:16:25,781 For ya... and... a meatball. - Okaaaay. Later. 481 00:16:25,785 --> 00:16:29,915 - Okaaaay. Later. - Whoa whoa whoa... ahem ahem. 482 00:16:29,923 --> 00:16:32,023 Later. - Whoa whoa whoa... ahem ahem. - Oh, sorry. 483 00:16:32,025 --> 00:16:34,585 - Whoa whoa whoa... ahem ahem. - Oh, sorry. Um... I don't have any money. 484 00:16:34,594 --> 00:16:41,567 - Oh, sorry. Um... I don't have any money. - You got a watch. 485 00:16:41,568 --> 00:16:45,237 Um... I don't have any money. - You got a watch. Thank you for using my toilet. 486 00:16:45,238 --> 00:16:46,368 - You got a watch. Thank you for using my toilet. - I think it's going well. 487 00:16:46,373 --> 00:16:47,873 Thank you for using my toilet. - I think it's going well. - Mmmmm, I dunnooo. 488 00:16:47,874 --> 00:16:48,614 - I think it's going well. - Mmmmm, I dunnooo. - Spencer's not lookin' 489 00:16:48,615 --> 00:16:50,938 - mmmmm, I dunnooo. - Spencer's not lookin' too happy. 490 00:16:50,944 --> 00:16:51,812 - Spencer's not lookin' too happy. - ...So before I could move 491 00:16:51,813 --> 00:16:52,341 too happy. - ...So before I could move here to Seattle, 492 00:16:52,345 --> 00:16:53,105 - ...so before I could move here to Seattle, I had to sell my condo. 493 00:16:53,113 --> 00:16:54,851 Here to Seattle, I had to sell my condo. - Hey! 494 00:16:54,852 --> 00:16:55,408 I had to sell my condo. - Hey! Any you guys play 495 00:16:55,415 --> 00:16:57,515 - hey! Any you guys play zombie death squad? 496 00:16:57,517 --> 00:17:00,417 Any you guys play zombie death squad? My gamer tag is buju. 497 00:17:00,420 --> 00:17:01,320 Zombie death squad? My gamer tag is buju. I made that up in the shower. 498 00:17:01,321 --> 00:17:02,551 My gamer tag is buju. I made that up in the shower. I was just washin' me, 499 00:17:02,555 --> 00:17:03,715 I made that up in the shower. I was just washin' me, and boom -- 500 00:17:03,723 --> 00:17:05,193 I was just washin' me, and boom -- popped into my head -- 501 00:17:05,194 --> 00:17:11,161 and boom -- popped into my head -- buju! Wooooooo!! 502 00:17:11,164 --> 00:17:12,132 Popped into my head -- buju! Wooooooo!! - Hey. 503 00:17:12,133 --> 00:17:12,762 Buju! Wooooooo!! - Hey. - What? 504 00:17:12,766 --> 00:17:14,226 - Hey. - What? - Where were you a minute ago? 505 00:17:14,234 --> 00:17:17,903 - What? - Where were you a minute ago? - Outside. In the alley. 506 00:17:17,904 --> 00:17:18,942 - Where were you a minute ago? - Outside. In the alley. - With a customer's 507 00:17:18,943 --> 00:17:21,008 - outside. In the alley. - With a customer's chili fries? 508 00:17:21,009 --> 00:17:23,907 - With a customer's chili fries? - Maybe. 509 00:17:23,910 --> 00:17:26,610 Chili fries? - Maybe. - Who are they for? 510 00:17:26,613 --> 00:17:28,113 - Maybe. - Who are they for? - Table nine. 511 00:17:28,114 --> 00:17:28,984 - Who are they for? - Table nine. The icarly boy 512 00:17:28,985 --> 00:17:35,687 - table nine. The icarly boy who made fun of me. 513 00:17:35,688 --> 00:17:36,788 The icarly boy who made fun of me. - Where's my coffee? 514 00:17:36,790 --> 00:17:37,790 Who made fun of me. - Where's my coffee? - Just a second! 515 00:17:37,791 --> 00:17:38,491 - Where's my coffee? - Just a second! - Hey, I'm still waiting 516 00:17:38,492 --> 00:17:39,591 - just a second! - Hey, I'm still waiting on my chili fries! 517 00:17:39,592 --> 00:17:44,362 - Hey, I'm still waiting on my chili fries! - All right! 518 00:17:44,364 --> 00:17:44,932 On my chili fries! - All right! - Seriously, 519 00:17:44,933 --> 00:17:46,099 - all right! - Seriously, if you guys enjoy live theater, 520 00:17:46,100 --> 00:17:48,467 - seriously, if you guys enjoy live theater, you've got to see the seagull 521 00:17:48,468 --> 00:17:49,698 if you guys enjoy live theater, you've got to see the seagull at the chumley. 522 00:17:49,702 --> 00:17:50,332 You've got to see the seagull at the chumley. - Oh, I love 523 00:17:50,336 --> 00:17:52,196 at the chumley. - Oh, I love the chumley theater. 524 00:17:52,205 --> 00:17:53,695 - Oh, I love the chumley theater. - Hey. Hey. 525 00:17:53,706 --> 00:17:54,366 The chumley theater. - Hey. Hey. You guys have seen 526 00:17:54,374 --> 00:17:55,042 - hey. Hey. You guys have seen the new Eddie Murphy movie, 527 00:17:55,043 --> 00:17:56,109 you guys have seen the new Eddie Murphy movie, right? 528 00:17:56,110 --> 00:17:57,639 The new Eddie Murphy movie, right? Kanga-fat?! 529 00:17:57,644 --> 00:17:59,644 Right? Kanga-fat?! He buys a kangaroo 530 00:17:59,646 --> 00:18:04,246 kanga-fat?! He buys a kangaroo and he wears a fat suit! 531 00:18:04,250 --> 00:18:05,320 He buys a kangaroo and he wears a fat suit! I hear they considered 532 00:18:05,321 --> 00:18:08,587 and he wears a fat suit! I hear they considered calling it fataroo! 533 00:18:08,588 --> 00:18:12,488 I hear they considered calling it fataroo! Both good options. 534 00:18:12,492 --> 00:18:14,092 Calling it fataroo! Both good options. - That movie is for children. 535 00:18:14,094 --> 00:18:17,329 Both good options. - That movie is for children. - And idiots. 536 00:18:17,330 --> 00:18:18,560 - That movie is for children. - And idiots. - I write poetry. 537 00:18:18,565 --> 00:18:21,765 - And idiots. - I write poetry. - Ohhhhhhh. 538 00:18:21,768 --> 00:18:22,798 - I write poetry. - Ohhhhhhh. - Your chili fries. 539 00:18:22,802 --> 00:18:23,502 - Ohhhhhhh. - Your chili fries. - 'Bout time. 540 00:18:23,503 --> 00:18:24,303 - Your chili fries. - 'Bout time. - Really. 541 00:18:24,304 --> 00:18:25,604 - 'Bout time. - Really. - Oh god, those look goooood. 542 00:18:25,605 --> 00:18:27,535 - Really. - Oh god, those look goooood. Owwww! What the hey?! 543 00:18:27,540 --> 00:18:28,070 - Oh god, those look goooood. Owwww! What the hey?! - You said 544 00:18:28,074 --> 00:18:28,812 owwww! What the hey?! - You said you didn't want chili fries. 545 00:18:28,813 --> 00:18:29,408 - You said you didn't want chili fries. - Yeah, 'cuz I thought 546 00:18:29,409 --> 00:18:30,309 you didn't want chili fries. - Yeah, 'cuz I thought my nachos were gonna come out 547 00:18:30,310 --> 00:18:31,440 - yeah, 'cuz I thought my nachos were gonna come out at the same time-- 548 00:18:31,444 --> 00:18:32,612 my nachos were gonna come out at the same time-- - you can't change your mind! 549 00:18:32,613 --> 00:18:35,082 At the same time-- - you can't change your mind! - These are for us. 550 00:18:35,083 --> 00:18:38,481 - You can't change your mind! - These are for us. - You guys... are so mean... 551 00:18:38,485 --> 00:18:40,885 - These are for us. - You guys... are so mean... And boring! 552 00:18:40,887 --> 00:18:42,187 - You guys... are so mean... And boring! - Well, you're childish. 553 00:18:42,188 --> 00:18:47,326 And boring! - Well, you're childish. - I am not!!! 554 00:18:47,327 --> 00:18:49,927 - Well, you're childish. - I am not!!! - Mmmm. Good chili fries. 555 00:18:49,929 --> 00:18:54,799 - I am not!!! - Mmmm. Good chili fries. - Carly!!! 556 00:18:54,801 --> 00:18:55,669 - Mmmm. Good chili fries. - Carly!!! - What?! 557 00:18:55,670 --> 00:18:57,636 - Carly!!! - What?! - I don't like those guys! 558 00:18:57,637 --> 00:18:58,367 - What?! - I don't like those guys! - Just give them a chance to-- 559 00:18:58,371 --> 00:18:59,571 - I don't like those guys! - Just give them a chance to-- - noooo! 560 00:18:59,572 --> 00:19:01,010 - Just give them a chance to-- - noooo! They're dull and un-fun 561 00:19:01,011 --> 00:19:01,907 - noooo! They're dull and un-fun and they talk about politics 562 00:19:01,908 --> 00:19:03,468 they're dull and un-fun and they talk about politics and taxes and live theater 563 00:19:03,476 --> 00:19:06,606 and they talk about politics and taxes and live theater and I hate them! 564 00:19:06,613 --> 00:19:07,351 And taxes and live theater and I hate them! - But you need friends 565 00:19:07,352 --> 00:19:08,347 and I hate them! - But you need friends your own age. 566 00:19:08,348 --> 00:19:11,278 - But you need friends your own age. - I do not! 567 00:19:11,284 --> 00:19:15,754 Your own age. - I do not! - Awww, c'mere....C'mere baby. 568 00:19:15,755 --> 00:19:17,715 - I do not! - Awww, c'mere....C'mere baby. It's okay, it's okay... 569 00:19:17,724 --> 00:19:25,264 - Awww, c'mere....C'mere baby. It's okay, it's okay... - Yeah... 570 00:19:25,265 --> 00:19:26,725 It's okay, it's okay... - Yeah... - Oh my god! 571 00:19:26,733 --> 00:19:28,633 - Yeah... - Oh my god! Oh my god, it's icarly!!! 572 00:19:28,635 --> 00:19:31,895 - Oh my god! Oh my god, it's icarly!!! It's icarly! Hiii! Hiiiiii!! 573 00:19:31,905 --> 00:19:32,235 Oh my god, it's icarly!!! It's icarly! Hiii! Hiiiiii!! - Hey. 574 00:19:32,238 --> 00:19:32,668 It's icarly! Hiii! Hiiiiii!! - Hey. - I love you! 575 00:19:32,672 --> 00:19:33,240 - Hey. - I love you! - How are you doing? 576 00:19:33,241 --> 00:19:33,739 - I love you! - How are you doing? - Hi. I love you. 577 00:19:33,740 --> 00:19:34,270 - How are you doing? - Hi. I love you. I'm your biggest fan 578 00:19:34,274 --> 00:19:35,012 - hi. I love you. I'm your biggest fan in the world! 579 00:19:35,013 --> 00:19:35,868 I'm your biggest fan in the world! - I'm Carly's bro. 580 00:19:35,875 --> 00:19:36,865 In the world! - I'm Carly's bro. - Oh my god! Oh my god! 581 00:19:36,876 --> 00:19:37,436 - I'm Carly's bro. - Oh my god! Oh my god! - Nice meeting you. 582 00:19:37,443 --> 00:19:37,981 - Oh my god! Oh my god! - Nice meeting you. - I need pics. 583 00:19:37,982 --> 00:19:38,837 - Nice meeting you. - I need pics. I need your picture now. 584 00:19:38,845 --> 00:19:39,535 - I need pics. I need your picture now. I need pic. 585 00:19:39,546 --> 00:19:42,446 I need your picture now. I need pic. All right. All right. Smile!!! 586 00:19:42,448 --> 00:19:43,648 I need pic. All right. All right. Smile!!! You're my favorite! Smile! 587 00:19:43,650 --> 00:19:45,180 All right. All right. Smile!!! You're my favorite! Smile! - Okay. 588 00:19:45,185 --> 00:19:46,015 You're my favorite! Smile! - Okay. - Oh god! Oh my god! 589 00:19:46,019 --> 00:19:46,649 - Okay. - Oh god! Oh my god! - Hey, you're on my lap! 590 00:19:46,653 --> 00:19:49,053 - Oh god! Oh my god! - Hey, you're on my lap! - Oh my god! --You. 591 00:19:49,055 --> 00:19:51,685 - Hey, you're on my lap! - Oh my god! --You. Smile! 592 00:19:51,691 --> 00:19:53,121 - Oh my god! --You. Smile! - You're insane. 593 00:19:53,126 --> 00:19:54,326 Smile! - You're insane. - Where's gibby?!?! 594 00:19:54,327 --> 00:19:55,027 - You're insane. - Where's gibby?!?! - Oh, he's in the men's room 595 00:19:55,028 --> 00:19:55,458 - where's gibby?!?! - Oh, he's in the men's room workin-- 596 00:19:55,461 --> 00:19:59,501 - oh, he's in the men's room workin-- - oh my god gibbyyyy! 597 00:19:59,502 --> 00:20:05,269 Workin-- - oh my god gibbyyyy! Gibby! 598 00:20:05,271 --> 00:20:07,971 - Oh my god gibbyyyy! Gibby! Oh my god meatballs! 599 00:20:07,974 --> 00:20:10,943 Gibby! Oh my god meatballs! Ah, gibbeh... 600 00:20:10,944 --> 00:20:13,344 Oh my god meatballs! Ah, gibbeh... I met gibby! I touched gibby! 601 00:20:13,346 --> 00:20:14,046 Ah, gibbeh... I met gibby! I touched gibby! Oh my god!! 602 00:20:14,047 --> 00:20:18,077 I met gibby! I touched gibby! Oh my god!! [ Screaming ] 603 00:20:18,084 --> 00:20:20,254 Oh my god!! [ Screaming ] - No! No! No! No! No! 604 00:20:20,255 --> 00:20:26,058 [ Screaming ] - No! No! No! No! No! I love you, icarly! 605 00:20:26,059 --> 00:20:28,959 - No! No! No! No! No! I love you, icarly! - Ugh, these chili fries... 606 00:20:28,962 --> 00:20:30,132 I love you, icarly! - Ugh, these chili fries... They taste weird... 607 00:20:30,133 --> 00:20:34,029 - Ugh, these chili fries... They taste weird... - I... I don't feel so good. 608 00:20:34,033 --> 00:20:34,833 They taste weird... - I... I don't feel so good. - I think... 609 00:20:34,834 --> 00:20:44,943 - I... I don't feel so good. - I think... I think I'm gonna be sick. 610 00:20:44,944 --> 00:20:48,947 - I think... I think I'm gonna be sick. - How you fellas doin' tonight? 611 00:20:48,948 --> 00:20:49,748 I think I'm gonna be sick. - How you fellas doin' tonight? Ah, when you're done in there, 612 00:20:49,749 --> 00:20:51,179 - how you fellas doin' tonight? Ah, when you're done in there, I got meatballs for ya. 613 00:20:51,184 --> 00:20:53,084 Ah, when you're done in there, I got meatballs for ya. [ Vomiting ] 614 00:20:53,086 --> 00:20:56,216 I got meatballs for ya. [ Vomiting ] Yeah. Hot, juicy meatballs. 615 00:20:56,222 --> 00:20:59,157 [ Vomiting ] Yeah. Hot, juicy meatballs. [ Vomiting ] 616 00:20:59,158 --> 00:20:59,618 Yeah. Hot, juicy meatballs. [ Vomiting ] Oh, and here's 617 00:20:59,626 --> 00:21:00,756 [ vomiting ] Oh, and here's a little soothing music, 618 00:21:00,760 --> 00:21:06,860 oh, and here's a little soothing music, while ya handle your business. 619 00:21:06,866 --> 00:21:10,596 A little soothing music, while ya handle your business. lovin' you 620 00:21:10,603 --> 00:21:16,373 while ya handle your business. lovin' you is my favorite thing to do 621 00:21:16,376 --> 00:21:19,476 lovin' you is my favorite thing to do and if you'll be mine 622 00:21:19,479 --> 00:21:24,316 is my favorite thing to do and if you'll be mine till the end of all time 623 00:21:24,317 --> 00:21:26,347 and if you'll be mine till the end of all time my heart will sing 624 00:21:26,352 --> 00:21:27,952 till the end of all time my heart will sing the sweetest part 625 00:21:27,954 --> 00:21:31,964 my heart will sing the sweetest part of this song 626 00:21:31,965 --> 00:21:36,658 the sweetest part of this song oh love 627 00:21:36,663 --> 00:21:41,233 of this song oh love gibbeh.... 628 00:21:41,234 --> 00:21:43,001 Oh love gibbeh.... for he's 629 00:21:43,002 --> 00:21:44,540 gibbeh.... for he's a jolly good Spencer 630 00:21:44,541 --> 00:21:45,137 for he's a jolly good Spencer for he's 631 00:21:45,138 --> 00:21:46,638 a jolly good Spencer for he's a jolly good Spencer 632 00:21:46,639 --> 00:21:47,199 for he's a jolly good Spencer for he's 633 00:21:47,206 --> 00:21:51,106 a jolly good Spencer for he's a jolly good Spencer 634 00:21:51,110 --> 00:21:54,146 for he's a jolly good Spencer - my feet are swollen! 635 00:21:54,147 --> 00:21:56,707 A jolly good Spencer - my feet are swollen! Where are my pills?!?! 636 00:21:56,716 --> 00:21:58,876 - My feet are swollen! Where are my pills?!?! [ Laughs ] 637 00:21:58,885 --> 00:21:59,615 Where are my pills?!?! [ Laughs ] - All right. Come on. Let's go. 638 00:21:59,619 --> 00:22:00,319 [ Laughs ] - All right. Come on. Let's go. - Okay, okay, okay... ready? 639 00:22:00,320 --> 00:22:03,350 - All right. Come on. Let's go. - Okay, okay, okay... ready? - All right. 640 00:22:03,356 --> 00:22:04,616 - Okay, okay, okay... ready? - All right. [ Applause ] 641 00:22:04,624 --> 00:22:05,324 - All right. [ Applause ] - Yeah. 642 00:22:05,325 --> 00:22:06,685 [ Applause ] - Yeah. - Yeah. 643 00:22:06,693 --> 00:22:07,633 - Yeah. - Yeah. - Happy birthday. 644 00:22:07,634 --> 00:22:10,287 - Yeah. - Happy birthday. - Thanks, kid. 645 00:22:10,296 --> 00:22:10,996 - Happy birthday. - Thanks, kid. - And happy birthday 646 00:22:10,997 --> 00:22:12,257 - thanks, kid. - And happy birthday old man belly button! 647 00:22:12,265 --> 00:22:15,695 - And happy birthday old man belly button! - Thank you Carly! 648 00:22:15,702 --> 00:22:16,232 Old man belly button! - Thank you Carly! - Okay okay, 649 00:22:16,235 --> 00:22:17,695 - thank you Carly! - Okay okay, let's eat this sucka. 650 00:22:17,704 --> 00:22:20,044 - Okay okay, let's eat this sucka. - Giant spaghetti taco time! 651 00:22:20,045 --> 00:22:23,809 Let's eat this sucka. - Giant spaghetti taco time! - Grande espagueti tacola! 652 00:22:23,810 --> 00:22:26,310 - Giant spaghetti taco time! - Grande espagueti tacola! - No! No. 653 00:22:26,312 --> 00:22:28,052 - Grande espagueti tacola! - No! No. It's my birthday, 654 00:22:28,053 --> 00:22:31,016 - no! No. It's my birthday, and I say that before we eat, 655 00:22:31,017 --> 00:22:34,117 it's my birthday, and I say that before we eat, we play Jamaican laser tag! 656 00:22:34,120 --> 00:22:35,050 And I say that before we eat, we play Jamaican laser tag! - Yeah! 657 00:22:35,054 --> 00:22:37,054 We play Jamaican laser tag! - Yeah! - Yeah! 658 00:22:37,056 --> 00:22:38,356 - Yeah! - Yeah! - Dreads on... 659 00:22:38,358 --> 00:22:40,388 - Yeah! - Dreads on... - Yup. 660 00:22:40,393 --> 00:22:42,393 - Dreads on... - Yup. - Laser weapons, mon! 661 00:22:42,395 --> 00:22:44,825 - Yup. - Laser weapons, mon! - Let's go, mon! 662 00:22:44,831 --> 00:22:48,667 - Laser weapons, mon! - Let's go, mon! - Yeah, mon! 663 00:22:48,668 --> 00:22:50,868 - Look out mon! 664 00:22:50,870 --> 00:22:52,670 - Ha, ya missed me! 665 00:22:52,672 --> 00:22:56,208 - Pyoo pyoo mon! 666 00:22:56,209 --> 00:22:58,477 - Hoppy birthday, mon! 667 00:22:58,478 --> 00:23:02,408 - I'll blast ya mutha! 668 00:23:02,415 --> 00:23:05,845 - Ya be shootin' like a woman! 669 00:23:05,852 --> 00:23:10,322 - Ya lasered me nose! 670 00:23:10,355 --> 00:23:13,055 - Hey, thanks for comin' out. Man, we got 671 00:23:13,059 --> 00:23:14,429 man, we got a sweet looking crowd. 672 00:23:14,430 --> 00:23:16,787 A sweet looking crowd. How you guys doing? Boo! 673 00:23:16,796 --> 00:23:18,596 How you guys doing? Boo! Yeah. All right. 674 00:23:18,598 --> 00:23:20,866 Yeah. All right. So what's up with pigeons? 675 00:23:20,867 --> 00:23:21,597 So what's up with pigeons? Why are they always eating junk 676 00:23:21,601 --> 00:23:23,631 why are they always eating junk off the ground? 677 00:23:23,636 --> 00:23:24,666 Off the ground? Hey, pigeons! 678 00:23:24,670 --> 00:23:26,170 Hey, pigeons! Have you heard of restaurants? 679 00:23:26,172 --> 00:23:27,612 Have you heard of restaurants? Huh? 680 00:23:27,613 --> 00:23:29,307 Huh? - [ Laughs ] 681 00:23:29,308 --> 00:23:29,708 - [ Laughs ] - Thanks. 682 00:23:29,709 --> 00:23:30,539 - Thanks. You've been a great crowd. 683 00:23:30,543 --> 00:23:35,213 You've been a great crowd. - That's fantastic. 684 00:23:35,214 --> 00:23:39,184 - That's fantastic. - Mmm... 685 00:23:39,218 --> 00:23:39,818 Captioning performed by aegis rapidtext