1 00:00:00,020 --> 00:00:02,060 (THEME MUSIC PLAYS) 2 00:00:17,860 --> 00:00:21,900 RAMITA NAVAI: We're entering a world where women are disappearing... 3 00:00:24,060 --> 00:00:25,700 (CELL DOOR CLANKS) 4 00:00:25,700 --> 00:00:28,700 ..where they're jailed without trial, 5 00:00:28,700 --> 00:00:30,780 their fate unknown... 6 00:00:38,860 --> 00:00:41,260 ..where girls are abducted from their homes 7 00:00:41,260 --> 00:00:41,500 ..where girls are abducted and forcibly married... 8 00:00:41,500 --> 00:00:43,780 and forcibly married... 9 00:00:47,380 --> 00:00:48,980 ..where women live in hiding... 10 00:00:48,980 --> 00:00:50,340 (WOMAN CRIES) 11 00:00:50,340 --> 00:00:50,580 (WOMAN CRIES) and in fear of their lives... 12 00:00:50,580 --> 00:00:53,020 ..hunted and in fear of their lives... 13 00:00:57,540 --> 00:01:02,020 ..and those who speak out risk imprisonment. 14 00:01:18,860 --> 00:01:21,060 This is the Afghanistan 15 00:01:21,060 --> 00:01:25,500 the Taliban don't want the world to see. 16 00:01:46,100 --> 00:01:49,700 After the Taliban swept to power and proclaimed Islamic law, 17 00:01:49,700 --> 00:01:49,980 After the Taliban swept to power and proclaimed Islamic law, we began investigating the fate of Afghanistan's women, 18 00:01:49,980 --> 00:01:54,340 we began investigating the fate of Afghanistan's women, 19 00:01:54,340 --> 00:01:56,820 often working undercover. 20 00:01:58,980 --> 00:02:02,260 The regime had pledged to protect women's rights, 21 00:02:02,260 --> 00:02:04,980 but we'd heard reports that in the west of the country 22 00:02:04,980 --> 00:02:09,060 young women had started disappearing without trace. 23 00:02:10,500 --> 00:02:12,500 I had the name of one of them. 24 00:02:12,500 --> 00:02:14,980 We're going to call her Maryam. 25 00:02:17,540 --> 00:02:20,020 (ISLAMIC CALL TO PRAYER OVER LOUDSPEAKERS) 26 00:02:26,660 --> 00:02:29,980 (TRAFFIC BUZZES) 27 00:02:33,220 --> 00:02:34,700 In Herat city centre 28 00:02:34,700 --> 00:02:36,340 the Taliban were on the watch 29 00:02:36,340 --> 00:02:39,220 for anyone who might be a threat to their rule 30 00:02:39,220 --> 00:02:43,020 or anyone breaking their strict interpretation of Islamic law. 31 00:02:45,780 --> 00:02:47,020 The day before 32 00:02:47,020 --> 00:02:50,580 they'd shot dead a doctor who failed to stop at a checkpoint. 33 00:02:51,900 --> 00:02:54,140 We keep hearing that Taliban Intelligence 34 00:02:54,140 --> 00:02:54,380 We keep hearing is really strong here in Herat 35 00:02:54,380 --> 00:02:56,260 is really strong here in Herat 36 00:02:56,260 --> 00:02:58,020 and that there are informants everywhere, 37 00:02:58,020 --> 00:02:58,260 and that there are informants everywhere, so, while everything seems normal, 38 00:02:58,260 --> 00:03:00,180 so, while everything seems normal, 39 00:03:00,180 --> 00:03:01,460 when you talk to people here, 40 00:03:01,460 --> 00:03:05,100 there's a real atmosphere of fear and mistrust. 41 00:03:12,500 --> 00:03:17,180 The brother of Maryam, the missing woman, was waiting on a side street. 42 00:03:18,140 --> 00:03:21,380 He didn't want to be seen with journalists. 43 00:03:23,620 --> 00:03:25,140 We would soon find 44 00:03:25,140 --> 00:03:29,300 this was a country where many people were afraid to talk. 45 00:03:42,420 --> 00:03:45,700 Maryam had disappeared three weeks ago. 46 00:03:46,860 --> 00:03:49,740 Her mother showed me pictures of her graduating 47 00:03:49,740 --> 00:03:51,660 just before the Taliban takeover. 48 00:03:51,660 --> 00:03:53,220 (SPEAKS IN LOCAL LANGUAGE) Mm-hm. 49 00:03:53,220 --> 00:03:56,300 Her dream was to become a film director. 50 00:04:15,500 --> 00:04:18,300 They've packed all her things away 51 00:04:18,300 --> 00:04:20,140 and they just... 52 00:04:20,140 --> 00:04:24,060 Her mother broke down crying as she's going through her things now. 53 00:04:25,900 --> 00:04:27,540 Ah... 54 00:04:49,860 --> 00:04:52,420 We asked a group of female lawyers in Herat 55 00:04:52,420 --> 00:04:52,660 We asked a group of female lawyers to look into Maryam's disappearance. 56 00:04:52,660 --> 00:04:55,060 to look into Maryam's disappearance. 57 00:04:56,020 --> 00:04:59,820 The Taliban had banned them from working and were watching them, 58 00:04:59,820 --> 00:05:00,060 The Taliban had banned them but they agreed to help. 59 00:05:00,060 --> 00:05:01,900 but they agreed to help. 60 00:05:03,500 --> 00:05:07,100 Within days the lawyers called us to a secret meeting. 61 00:05:07,100 --> 00:05:11,380 They had inside information on what might have happened to Maryam. 62 00:05:12,180 --> 00:05:15,620 These women say they are risking their lives just by being here, 63 00:05:15,620 --> 00:05:18,300 but they've come because they think it's important the world knows 64 00:05:18,300 --> 00:05:21,340 what's happening to women and girls in Herat. 65 00:05:22,580 --> 00:05:24,220 Their contacts had told them 66 00:05:24,220 --> 00:05:28,260 that the Istikhbarat, the feared Taliban Intelligence service, 67 00:05:28,260 --> 00:05:28,500 that the Istikhbarat, the feared was jailing women without trial 68 00:05:28,500 --> 00:05:30,660 was jailing women without trial 69 00:05:30,660 --> 00:05:32,860 for so-called moral crimes, 70 00:05:32,860 --> 00:05:35,860 such as travelling without a male relative. 71 00:06:00,980 --> 00:06:03,420 The lawyer said it suited the Taliban 72 00:06:03,420 --> 00:06:07,300 to keep what the regime was doing to the women secret. 73 00:06:23,860 --> 00:06:27,180 (TRAFFIC HUMS) 74 00:06:30,140 --> 00:06:33,900 Maryam's family had finally received news of her. 75 00:06:33,900 --> 00:06:35,300 Salaam. Salaam. 76 00:06:35,300 --> 00:06:35,540 Salaam. (SPEAKS IN LOCAL LANGUAGE) 77 00:06:35,540 --> 00:06:37,140 (SPEAKS IN LOCAL LANGUAGE) 78 00:06:38,340 --> 00:06:40,780 Maryam was alive. 79 00:06:40,780 --> 00:06:45,140 She was being held in Herat Central Prison. 80 00:06:45,140 --> 00:06:47,540 The family received a letter 81 00:06:47,540 --> 00:06:49,940 from their daughter 82 00:06:49,940 --> 00:06:51,860 that was smuggled out of prison. 83 00:06:52,820 --> 00:06:55,420 Her sister read it out to us. 84 00:07:01,660 --> 00:07:05,340 In her letter Maryam said that some friends had been arrested 85 00:07:05,340 --> 00:07:09,140 for riding in a taxi without a male relative. 86 00:07:09,140 --> 00:07:12,220 They called from a police station asking for help. 87 00:07:12,220 --> 00:07:12,460 They called from a police station When Maryam arrived 88 00:07:12,460 --> 00:07:13,700 When Maryam arrived 89 00:07:13,700 --> 00:07:17,500 she too was arrested by Taliban Intelligence agents. 90 00:07:53,820 --> 00:07:57,460 Maryam's family asked the Taliban authorities about her, 91 00:07:57,460 --> 00:07:57,700 Maryam's family asked but they denied she was in jail. 92 00:07:57,700 --> 00:07:59,940 but they denied she was in jail. 93 00:08:02,140 --> 00:08:03,620 To find out the truth, 94 00:08:03,620 --> 00:08:07,580 without mentioning Maryam's name, we asked to film in the prison. 95 00:08:13,260 --> 00:08:16,500 A week later the Taliban sent their answer. 96 00:08:17,620 --> 00:08:20,940 We've been told we can film in the men's section, 97 00:08:20,940 --> 00:08:22,820 and, when we're there, we're going to see if we can get permission 98 00:08:22,820 --> 00:08:23,060 and, when we're there, we're going to film in the women's section. 99 00:08:23,060 --> 00:08:24,940 to film in the women's section. 100 00:08:30,260 --> 00:08:33,780 The new Taliban prison governor, Mullah Mohammad Nabi Khalil, 101 00:08:33,780 --> 00:08:34,020 The new Taliban prison governor, was waiting for us. 102 00:08:34,020 --> 00:08:35,540 was waiting for us. 103 00:08:36,500 --> 00:08:40,780 He wanted to show the world he ran his prison correctly. 104 00:09:01,820 --> 00:09:04,300 Our tour of the men's wing began, 105 00:09:04,300 --> 00:09:07,020 watched by a dozen Taliban escorts. 106 00:09:08,180 --> 00:09:11,620 We were told not to speak to prisoners. 107 00:09:15,460 --> 00:09:18,780 (SPEAKS IN LOCAL LANGUAGE) 108 00:09:21,380 --> 00:09:23,820 (SPEAKS IN LOCAL LANGUAGE) 109 00:09:23,820 --> 00:09:26,820 The governor said there were over 700 men, 110 00:09:26,820 --> 00:09:30,100 mostly charged with theft and awaiting trial. 111 00:09:46,260 --> 00:09:49,180 Eventually, the prison chief agreed to take us 112 00:09:49,180 --> 00:09:54,100 to where we suspected Maryam and the other women were being held. 113 00:10:03,260 --> 00:10:05,580 We're about to enter the women's prison, 114 00:10:05,580 --> 00:10:05,820 We're about to enter and he's already told me 115 00:10:05,820 --> 00:10:07,420 and he's already told me 116 00:10:07,420 --> 00:10:10,980 that we can't interview any of the prisoners on camera. 117 00:10:10,980 --> 00:10:12,980 I'm going to see if I can chat to them. 118 00:10:13,940 --> 00:10:15,620 Using a hidden camera 119 00:10:15,620 --> 00:10:17,500 I started to film. 120 00:10:19,020 --> 00:10:22,460 Around 40 women were huddled in a courtyard. 121 00:10:24,340 --> 00:10:28,660 At least another 50 were locked up in nearby cells. 122 00:10:31,180 --> 00:10:34,860 They were the missing women we'd been looking for. 123 00:10:34,860 --> 00:10:35,900 Salaam. 124 00:11:11,820 --> 00:11:14,020 No-one knew I was filming, 125 00:11:14,020 --> 00:11:18,300 but the prison chief sent orders to stop talking to the prisoners. 126 00:11:18,300 --> 00:11:21,060 (MAN SPEAKS INDISTINCTLY) 127 00:11:25,300 --> 00:11:27,060 Then I spotted a young woman 128 00:11:27,060 --> 00:11:31,140 I recognised from the photographs her mother had shown me. 129 00:11:34,620 --> 00:11:36,380 It was Maryam. 130 00:11:36,380 --> 00:11:38,300 How are you doing? 131 00:11:38,300 --> 00:11:41,580 I spoke in English so the guards wouldn't understand. 132 00:11:41,580 --> 00:11:41,820 I spoke in English Why have you been taken? 133 00:11:41,820 --> 00:11:43,500 Why have you been taken? 134 00:11:45,060 --> 00:11:46,980 And what for? What crime? 135 00:11:58,500 --> 00:11:59,620 OK. 136 00:11:59,620 --> 00:11:59,860 I'm a prison guard told Maryam to stop speaking English. OK. 137 00:11:59,860 --> 00:12:04,180 I'm a prison guard told Maryam to stop speaking English. 138 00:12:04,180 --> 00:12:08,700 Maryam told me what she knew the guard would want to hear. 139 00:12:11,300 --> 00:12:12,500 Uh-uh. 140 00:12:14,500 --> 00:12:15,540 OK. 141 00:12:18,860 --> 00:12:20,860 Good to see you. Good to see you. Great to speak to you. 142 00:12:20,860 --> 00:12:22,140 Thank you so much. 143 00:12:25,340 --> 00:12:27,020 We were asked to leave. 144 00:12:29,220 --> 00:12:34,340 The Taliban has insisted to the world it protects women's rights, 145 00:12:34,340 --> 00:12:36,780 but what had begun as a search for Maryam 146 00:12:36,780 --> 00:12:40,500 had revealed dozens of women jailed without trial 147 00:12:40,500 --> 00:12:40,740 had revealed dozens of women for leaving their husbands 148 00:12:40,740 --> 00:12:42,580 for leaving their husbands 149 00:12:42,580 --> 00:12:46,660 or for sheltering in refuges from domestic abuse 150 00:12:46,660 --> 00:12:50,100 or even just for travelling unaccompanied. 151 00:13:00,420 --> 00:13:04,740 Maryam's family could now search for ways to free her. 152 00:13:10,540 --> 00:13:13,580 (TRAFFIC BUZZES) 153 00:13:27,300 --> 00:13:28,780 In the capital 154 00:13:28,780 --> 00:13:30,260 we found an underground network 155 00:13:30,260 --> 00:13:34,180 of young women running secret safe houses. 156 00:13:35,140 --> 00:13:39,620 They were helping other women and their families escape the Taliban. 157 00:13:40,580 --> 00:13:42,060 The regime says 158 00:13:42,060 --> 00:13:46,660 it doesn't persecute people for the jobs they held in the past, 159 00:13:46,660 --> 00:13:49,820 but the network's experience was different. 160 00:14:08,140 --> 00:14:11,500 Hundreds of men and women have disappeared or been murdered, 161 00:14:11,500 --> 00:14:16,100 including female police officers, lawyers and journalists. 162 00:14:33,300 --> 00:14:37,300 The network called a family seeking refuge in the city. 163 00:14:39,660 --> 00:14:40,860 MAN: (ON PHONE) Hello? 164 00:14:54,220 --> 00:14:57,620 Many of the families hope to leave Afghanistan. 165 00:15:03,740 --> 00:15:07,300 The women organising the network lived in hiding. 166 00:15:07,300 --> 00:15:10,180 The Taliban was searching for them too. 167 00:15:28,780 --> 00:15:32,460 Another family was about to arrive in Kabul. 168 00:15:35,940 --> 00:15:38,740 I just got a phone call from one of the women's network. 169 00:15:38,740 --> 00:15:41,740 She says that they've received an urgent message 170 00:15:41,740 --> 00:15:44,940 about a family that have fled Takhar Province. 171 00:15:44,940 --> 00:15:48,420 They fled the Taliban and they're on their way to Kabul now. 172 00:15:48,420 --> 00:15:48,660 They fled the Taliban and They don't know anyone here, 173 00:15:48,660 --> 00:15:50,020 They don't know anyone here, 174 00:15:50,020 --> 00:15:50,260 they've got no money They don't know anyone here, 175 00:15:50,260 --> 00:15:52,060 they've got no money and they need help. 176 00:15:53,500 --> 00:15:57,100 The network planned to meet the family outside Kabul 177 00:15:57,100 --> 00:16:00,420 and bring them to a safe house inside the city. 178 00:16:01,380 --> 00:16:06,140 It would mean a dangerous journey through Taliban checkpoints. 179 00:16:12,100 --> 00:16:14,340 To make sure they're not being followed 180 00:16:14,340 --> 00:16:18,020 they change taxis several times. 181 00:16:18,020 --> 00:16:21,180 I was filming with a hidden camera. 182 00:16:28,380 --> 00:16:32,140 They met the family in a room near a bus station. 183 00:16:34,060 --> 00:16:38,340 Aisha, her husband and four children had travelled 15 hours 184 00:16:38,340 --> 00:16:40,660 at constant risk of arrest. 185 00:16:43,460 --> 00:16:47,740 They'd abandoned their possessions and were destitute. 186 00:16:55,180 --> 00:16:58,220 (SPEAKS IN LOCAL LANGUAGE) 187 00:17:01,620 --> 00:17:04,060 They were taken to a safe house. 188 00:17:16,180 --> 00:17:18,820 Aisha had been a radio journalist, 189 00:17:18,820 --> 00:17:22,140 but, although the Taliban pledged there'd be a free press, 190 00:17:22,140 --> 00:17:25,140 dozens of journalists have been attacked or arrested, 191 00:17:25,140 --> 00:17:29,700 and, the week before, they'd stepped up their search for Aisha. 192 00:17:40,940 --> 00:17:43,780 She says the Taliban arrested her brother, 193 00:17:43,780 --> 00:17:47,900 torturing him in the hope he'd reveal Aisha's whereabouts. 194 00:18:17,220 --> 00:18:19,700 (TRAFFIC DRONES) 195 00:18:19,700 --> 00:18:19,900 (TRAFFIC DRONES) (BIRDS TWITTER) 196 00:18:19,900 --> 00:18:22,220 (BIRDS TWITTER) 197 00:18:23,540 --> 00:18:28,340 Some women in Kabul still dared to openly challenge the Taliban's claims 198 00:18:28,340 --> 00:18:28,580 Some women in Kabul still dared to to uphold the rights of women. 199 00:18:28,580 --> 00:18:30,820 to uphold the rights of women. 200 00:18:32,380 --> 00:18:34,580 We came across a demonstration, 201 00:18:34,580 --> 00:18:38,260 which I joined, filming with a hidden camera. 202 00:18:45,420 --> 00:18:47,060 One of the Taliban's first actions 203 00:18:47,060 --> 00:18:47,300 was to close One of the Taliban's first actions 204 00:18:47,300 --> 00:18:50,060 was to close the Ministry of Women's Affairs, 205 00:18:50,060 --> 00:18:50,300 was to close describing it as having no function. 206 00:18:50,300 --> 00:18:53,340 describing it as having no function. 207 00:18:53,340 --> 00:18:58,540 These women all worked there and were demanding their jobs back. 208 00:19:09,860 --> 00:19:14,700 (CAR HORNS BLARE) 209 00:19:14,700 --> 00:19:17,580 Our director filmed at a distance. 210 00:19:19,580 --> 00:19:22,580 But agents from the Taliban Intelligence service arrived, 211 00:19:22,580 --> 00:19:22,820 But agents from the Taliban breaking up the protest 212 00:19:22,820 --> 00:19:24,140 breaking up the protest 213 00:19:24,140 --> 00:19:24,380 and threatening our director breaking up the protest 214 00:19:24,380 --> 00:19:26,740 and threatening our director with violence 215 00:19:26,740 --> 00:19:26,980 before taking his camera. and threatening our director with violence 216 00:19:26,980 --> 00:19:28,900 before taking his camera. 217 00:19:28,900 --> 00:19:32,060 (SPEAKS IN LOCAL LANGUAGE) 218 00:19:40,140 --> 00:19:41,780 The protesters scattered 219 00:19:41,780 --> 00:19:44,940 and we drove off before we could be detained. 220 00:19:44,940 --> 00:19:47,780 The Taliban says these protests are banned 221 00:19:47,780 --> 00:19:48,020 The Taliban says in the interests of public security. 222 00:19:48,020 --> 00:19:51,220 in the interests of public security. 223 00:19:51,220 --> 00:19:51,460 (ISLAMIC CALL TO PRAYER in the interests of public security. 224 00:19:51,460 --> 00:19:55,180 (ISLAMIC CALL TO PRAYER OVER LOUDSPEAKERS) 225 00:19:55,180 --> 00:19:59,060 We've been in touch with quite a few women protesters here in Kabul, 226 00:19:59,060 --> 00:19:59,300 We've been in touch with quite but the same thing keeps happening - 227 00:19:59,300 --> 00:20:00,700 but the same thing keeps happening - 228 00:20:00,700 --> 00:20:02,180 we arrange to meet them 229 00:20:02,180 --> 00:20:02,420 and they pull out we arrange to meet them 230 00:20:02,420 --> 00:20:04,140 and they pull out because the Taliban get to them, 231 00:20:04,140 --> 00:20:06,660 see them at protests and the threats start. 232 00:20:06,660 --> 00:20:09,460 But there's one women's group who continue to meet, 233 00:20:09,460 --> 00:20:12,460 and they're allowing us to join them at a secret meeting tomorrow. 234 00:20:22,260 --> 00:20:25,260 (CHATTER IN LOCAL LANGUAGE) 235 00:20:25,260 --> 00:20:27,220 In the past few months 236 00:20:27,220 --> 00:20:30,380 this group had organised 52 protests 237 00:20:30,380 --> 00:20:34,140 demanding the reopening of girls schools. 238 00:20:34,140 --> 00:20:35,860 They were the first women we met 239 00:20:35,860 --> 00:20:38,620 willing to show their faces on camera. 240 00:20:39,580 --> 00:20:42,060 Before the Taliban took over, 241 00:20:42,060 --> 00:20:44,260 Lena was a lawyer. 242 00:21:00,060 --> 00:21:02,980 Wahida was a librarian. 243 00:21:12,700 --> 00:21:15,460 Arifa had been about to open a restaurant. 244 00:21:15,460 --> 00:21:15,700 Arifa had been about to open Overnight she lost everything. 245 00:21:15,700 --> 00:21:18,140 Overnight she lost everything. 246 00:21:40,980 --> 00:21:42,820 (GROUP SPEAKS IN LOCAL LANGUAGE) 247 00:21:42,820 --> 00:21:45,620 The group debated their next step. 248 00:21:45,620 --> 00:21:48,340 The Taliban Intelligence service 249 00:21:48,340 --> 00:21:51,540 had that week warned the women to stop their protests 250 00:21:51,540 --> 00:21:51,780 had that week warned or face jail or even death. 251 00:21:51,780 --> 00:21:54,420 or face jail or even death. 252 00:21:56,420 --> 00:21:58,780 (SPEAKS IN LOCAL LANGUAGE) 253 00:22:44,260 --> 00:22:46,660 In Herat Maryam was still in prison. 254 00:22:51,700 --> 00:22:54,020 Because there was no trace of her in the system 255 00:22:54,020 --> 00:22:54,260 Because there was no trace of her and no crime had been recorded, 256 00:22:54,260 --> 00:22:56,020 and no crime had been recorded, 257 00:22:56,020 --> 00:22:58,660 her family had been able to use their connections 258 00:22:58,660 --> 00:23:02,020 and negotiate directly with the Taliban. 259 00:23:07,500 --> 00:23:09,700 There'd been a breakthrough. 260 00:23:09,700 --> 00:23:13,500 (SPEAKS IN LOCAL LANGUAGE) 261 00:23:16,620 --> 00:23:21,500 Her mother was just standing at the house gates waiting for her daughter. 262 00:23:29,940 --> 00:23:33,540 (CRIES) 263 00:23:36,940 --> 00:23:41,460 Finally, Maryam and her mother were reunited. 264 00:23:41,460 --> 00:23:45,140 (BOTH CRY) 265 00:23:52,980 --> 00:23:57,260 Maryam's friends had also been released and were with her. 266 00:24:05,860 --> 00:24:07,220 Maryam told us 267 00:24:07,220 --> 00:24:07,460 that when she went to the police Maryam told us 268 00:24:07,460 --> 00:24:10,220 that when she went to the police station to help her friends 269 00:24:10,220 --> 00:24:10,460 that when she went to the police a Talib had taken her phone. 270 00:24:10,460 --> 00:24:12,460 a Talib had taken her phone. 271 00:24:37,700 --> 00:24:41,500 The other girls said they were tasered and beaten too. 272 00:25:11,380 --> 00:25:13,140 The other prisoners told them 273 00:25:13,140 --> 00:25:17,380 they'd also been jailed without any investigation or trial. 274 00:25:28,860 --> 00:25:33,420 Maryam and her friends said the Taliban offered them an escape route. 275 00:26:06,820 --> 00:26:08,300 Just as we were leaving 276 00:26:08,300 --> 00:26:11,980 one of the women took me aside and told me they are now marked women, 277 00:26:11,980 --> 00:26:15,860 that the families are blaming them for dishonouring the community 278 00:26:15,860 --> 00:26:17,380 and that nobody will marry them. 279 00:26:17,380 --> 00:26:21,060 She also says that none of those women can leave their homes 280 00:26:21,060 --> 00:26:23,100 not just because they're scared of the Taliban 281 00:26:23,100 --> 00:26:25,340 but because they're scared of the neighbours. 282 00:26:25,340 --> 00:26:28,340 They've gone from one prison to another. 283 00:26:28,340 --> 00:26:28,580 They've gone from one prison (CHILDREN SHOUT AT PLAY) 284 00:26:28,580 --> 00:26:32,260 (CHILDREN SHOUT AT PLAY) 285 00:26:35,500 --> 00:26:37,180 We'd heard reports 286 00:26:37,180 --> 00:26:38,460 that, in another province, 287 00:26:38,460 --> 00:26:41,180 Talibs were using violence and intimidation 288 00:26:41,180 --> 00:26:41,420 Talibs were using violence to force young girls into marriage, 289 00:26:41,420 --> 00:26:43,660 to force young girls into marriage, 290 00:26:43,660 --> 00:26:47,180 despite the regime announcing the practice was forbidden. 291 00:26:49,020 --> 00:26:51,340 We travelled north to Badakhshan 292 00:26:51,340 --> 00:26:54,820 through the Salang Tunnel and the Hindu Kush Mountains. 293 00:27:08,620 --> 00:27:11,100 Salaam. (SPEAKS IN LOCAL LANGUAGE) 294 00:27:22,380 --> 00:27:26,700 Faizabad was one of the last northern cities to fall to the Taliban. 295 00:27:26,700 --> 00:27:26,940 Faizabad was one of the last northern (TRAFFIC BUZZES) 296 00:27:26,940 --> 00:27:29,860 (TRAFFIC BUZZES) 297 00:27:31,220 --> 00:27:35,580 Now fighters from the mountains roamed the streets. 298 00:27:38,460 --> 00:27:43,180 If they wanted to snatch girls for marriage, no-one could stop them. 299 00:27:47,380 --> 00:27:50,380 This is footage we verified, 300 00:27:50,380 --> 00:27:50,620 and we know the identities This is footage we verified, 301 00:27:50,620 --> 00:27:53,460 and we know the identities of those involved. 302 00:27:54,460 --> 00:27:57,300 Taliban fighters have tied a man to a tree 303 00:27:57,300 --> 00:27:57,540 Taliban fighters and are beating him with rifle butts. 304 00:27:57,540 --> 00:28:00,340 and are beating him with rifle butts. 305 00:28:00,340 --> 00:28:03,380 (INDISTINCT YELLING) 306 00:28:06,020 --> 00:28:07,740 He'd encountered the fighters 307 00:28:07,740 --> 00:28:11,780 abducting a girl to be forcibly married to a Taliban commander 308 00:28:11,780 --> 00:28:12,020 abducting a girl to be forcibly and tried to intervene. 309 00:28:12,020 --> 00:28:13,780 and tried to intervene. 310 00:28:17,620 --> 00:28:20,740 (INDISTINCT YELLING) 311 00:28:20,740 --> 00:28:24,020 The attack lasted 30 minutes. 312 00:28:27,260 --> 00:28:30,100 (INDISTINCT YELLING) 313 00:28:33,220 --> 00:28:36,260 I've spoken to four contacts so far here in Badakhshan Province 314 00:28:36,260 --> 00:28:36,500 I've spoken to four contacts and they've all told me 315 00:28:36,500 --> 00:28:37,740 and they've all told me 316 00:28:37,740 --> 00:28:37,980 that the Taliban are forcefully and they've all told me 317 00:28:37,980 --> 00:28:41,780 that the Taliban are forcefully taking women and girls as brides, 318 00:28:41,780 --> 00:28:44,460 and one person said it just happened to her own cousin, 319 00:28:44,460 --> 00:28:46,980 but they're all too scared to even meet me 320 00:28:46,980 --> 00:28:51,700 because Faizabad is a small town and the Taliban monitor everything. 321 00:29:04,580 --> 00:29:07,700 A wealthy businessman met with us secretly. 322 00:29:07,700 --> 00:29:07,940 A wealthy businessman He said, a few weeks earlier, 323 00:29:07,940 --> 00:29:09,460 He said, a few weeks earlier, 324 00:29:09,460 --> 00:29:12,220 his 19-year-old cousin had been forced to marry 325 00:29:12,220 --> 00:29:16,820 a powerful Taliban commander 40 years older than her. 326 00:29:28,340 --> 00:29:31,540 The Taliban commander had come to the girl's home, 327 00:29:31,540 --> 00:29:36,700 put a gun to her father's head and demanded his consent to the marriage. 328 00:30:02,340 --> 00:30:05,580 In a different province we met another man 329 00:30:05,580 --> 00:30:09,620 who'd also witnessed a girl being kidnapped by the Taliban. 330 00:30:35,260 --> 00:30:38,580 When he challenged the Taliban, they turned on him. 331 00:30:38,580 --> 00:30:38,820 When he challenged the Taliban, (CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS) 332 00:30:38,820 --> 00:30:39,620 (CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS) 333 00:30:48,540 --> 00:30:49,580 (CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS) 334 00:30:54,260 --> 00:30:55,260 (CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS) 335 00:30:55,260 --> 00:30:58,580 Neighbours saved him, pleading for his life. 336 00:30:58,580 --> 00:31:01,740 He told us the Taliban were increasingly aggressive, 337 00:31:01,740 --> 00:31:01,980 He told us the Taliban especially towards women. 338 00:31:01,980 --> 00:31:03,660 especially towards women. 339 00:31:35,300 --> 00:31:37,940 What's striking about being in the countryside 340 00:31:37,940 --> 00:31:42,220 is that we're hearing so many stories of abuse at the hands of the Taliban, 341 00:31:42,220 --> 00:31:44,460 but none of these stories are getting out. 342 00:31:44,460 --> 00:31:46,700 The area's remote, journalists have fled 343 00:31:46,700 --> 00:31:50,580 and the Taliban beat anyone caught filming something they don't like. 344 00:31:56,900 --> 00:31:58,380 Under the Taliban 345 00:31:58,380 --> 00:32:02,460 more than half of Afghanistan's media outlets have closed, 346 00:32:02,460 --> 00:32:02,700 more than half of Afghanistan's but in Faizabad 347 00:32:02,700 --> 00:32:03,980 but in Faizabad 348 00:32:03,980 --> 00:32:04,220 Radio Sada-e-Banoan - but in Faizabad 349 00:32:04,220 --> 00:32:07,100 Radio Sada-e-Banoan - The Voice Of Women - 350 00:32:07,100 --> 00:32:07,340 Radio Sada-e-Banoan - was still on air. 351 00:32:07,340 --> 00:32:09,020 was still on air. 352 00:32:09,980 --> 00:32:13,020 (RADIO HOST SPEAKS IN LOCAL LANGUAGE) 353 00:32:23,860 --> 00:32:26,660 The station was founded and run by women, 354 00:32:26,660 --> 00:32:26,900 The station but now only men were in the studio. 355 00:32:26,900 --> 00:32:29,660 but now only men were in the studio. 356 00:32:43,460 --> 00:32:46,340 The Talib information chief's first caller 357 00:32:46,340 --> 00:32:48,580 was a journalist from the radio station 358 00:32:48,580 --> 00:32:51,020 asking if she was allowed to return to work. 359 00:33:24,980 --> 00:33:28,020 (SPEAKS IN LOCAL LANGUAGE) 360 00:33:33,300 --> 00:33:35,860 (CHATTER IN LOCAL LANGUAGE) 361 00:33:44,540 --> 00:33:47,940 (DOG BARKS) 362 00:33:49,540 --> 00:33:51,940 Later, when the station was off air, 363 00:33:51,940 --> 00:33:56,500 we returned to meet its founder and head, Najia Sorosh. 364 00:33:58,820 --> 00:33:59,860 Hello? 365 00:33:59,860 --> 00:34:00,060 Najia, salaam. Hello? 366 00:34:00,060 --> 00:34:01,460 Najia, salaam. 367 00:34:08,740 --> 00:34:12,540 The Taliban had banned Najia from the office when men were present, 368 00:34:12,540 --> 00:34:12,780 The Taliban had banned Najia from citing Islamic law. 369 00:34:12,780 --> 00:34:14,700 citing Islamic law. 370 00:34:17,180 --> 00:34:21,540 She said they wanted her to resign and she was being threatened. 371 00:34:45,020 --> 00:34:49,300 The Taliban had told her women could no longer host phone-ins 372 00:34:49,300 --> 00:34:53,260 in case they inflamed the passions of male callers. 373 00:35:14,220 --> 00:35:15,780 A few days later 374 00:35:15,780 --> 00:35:18,180 Najia would flee the province, 375 00:35:18,180 --> 00:35:22,140 saying the threats against her had become too much. 376 00:35:25,060 --> 00:35:28,140 (CHATTER IN LOCAL LANGUAGE) 377 00:35:42,420 --> 00:35:45,340 After being released from prison in Herat 378 00:35:45,340 --> 00:35:49,260 Maryam had contacted the underground women's network in Kabul. 379 00:35:54,140 --> 00:35:57,740 We filmed as they met Maryam outside the airport. 380 00:35:57,740 --> 00:36:01,620 Her brother and younger sister had come too. 381 00:36:06,500 --> 00:36:09,220 The guys have just arrived at the emergency safe house. 382 00:36:09,220 --> 00:36:12,060 They're going to stay here for the next few days 383 00:36:12,060 --> 00:36:15,940 until they find them a more permanent safe house to live in. 384 00:36:15,940 --> 00:36:19,140 And they're going to now debrief them. 385 00:36:50,660 --> 00:36:54,140 Maryam was pinning her hopes on going abroad. 386 00:37:19,260 --> 00:37:21,460 I'm waiting to see Bilal Karimi. 387 00:37:21,460 --> 00:37:24,980 He's the deputy government spokesperson. 388 00:37:24,980 --> 00:37:25,220 He's the deputy And I want to put 389 00:37:25,220 --> 00:37:26,420 And I want to put 390 00:37:26,420 --> 00:37:28,940 some of the allegations we've been hearing to him. 391 00:37:31,820 --> 00:37:33,420 (KNOCKS) Hello. 392 00:37:56,500 --> 00:38:01,300 We covered some cases of women who were arrested and imprisoned 393 00:38:01,300 --> 00:38:01,540 We covered some cases of women for immorality, 394 00:38:01,540 --> 00:38:02,980 for immorality, 395 00:38:02,980 --> 00:38:06,060 and their cases were not officially registered. 396 00:38:06,060 --> 00:38:08,300 They were being held without charge. 397 00:38:27,940 --> 00:38:31,860 I've spoken to young women who told me 398 00:38:31,860 --> 00:38:32,100 I've spoken to young women that, when they were arrested, 399 00:38:32,100 --> 00:38:34,420 that, when they were arrested, 400 00:38:34,420 --> 00:38:34,660 Taliban officers that, when they were arrested, 401 00:38:34,660 --> 00:38:39,420 Taliban officers used tasers to electrocute them. 402 00:38:52,460 --> 00:38:55,860 I've also spoken to former female prisoners 403 00:38:55,860 --> 00:38:58,260 who've said that some prisoners were told 404 00:38:58,260 --> 00:39:01,500 if they married Talibs, they would be released. 405 00:39:01,500 --> 00:39:01,740 if they married Talibs, Will you investigate that? 406 00:39:01,740 --> 00:39:03,620 Will you investigate that? 407 00:39:07,820 --> 00:39:09,620 I've spoken to some families 408 00:39:09,620 --> 00:39:15,100 who've told me that Talibs are forcefully marrying women and girls. 409 00:39:15,100 --> 00:39:16,420 Why is this happening? 410 00:39:45,620 --> 00:39:48,460 International Women's Day was approaching. 411 00:39:48,460 --> 00:39:52,540 There were rumours women would mark it with demonstrations. 412 00:39:54,140 --> 00:39:56,420 We met up again with Arifa, 413 00:39:56,420 --> 00:39:58,020 part of the protest group 414 00:39:58,020 --> 00:40:01,860 who demonstrated when the Taliban first came to power. 415 00:40:23,260 --> 00:40:27,980 Two of Arifa's friends we'd met earlier had been jailed. 416 00:40:30,860 --> 00:40:33,740 She showed me footage of Lena and Wahida, 417 00:40:33,740 --> 00:40:37,020 who'd been forced to make public confessions 418 00:40:37,020 --> 00:40:40,740 that they'd been paid by foreign governments. 419 00:41:23,140 --> 00:41:25,660 International Women's Day. 420 00:41:25,660 --> 00:41:28,820 The Taliban set up extra checkpoints across Kabul. 421 00:41:30,420 --> 00:41:33,140 The protest group hoped to stage a demonstration, 422 00:41:33,140 --> 00:41:33,380 The protest group but some of them were being watched. 423 00:41:33,380 --> 00:41:35,620 but some of them were being watched. 424 00:41:38,260 --> 00:41:40,500 We're on our way to meet the protesters, 425 00:41:40,500 --> 00:41:42,300 but they've already told me 426 00:41:42,300 --> 00:41:45,100 that they're having problems leaving their homes. 427 00:41:45,100 --> 00:41:45,340 that they're having problems One of them left a voice message 428 00:41:45,340 --> 00:41:47,580 One of them left a voice message 429 00:41:47,580 --> 00:41:51,860 to tell me that there were two Talibs right on her street. 430 00:41:51,860 --> 00:41:55,260 So, the Talibs do not want women protesting today. 431 00:42:03,020 --> 00:42:05,500 It was too dangerous to hold a street protest, 432 00:42:05,500 --> 00:42:09,740 but Arifa and the other women gathered in private. 433 00:42:12,900 --> 00:42:15,260 (CHATTER IN LOCAL LANGUAGE) 434 00:42:54,220 --> 00:42:57,740 (CHATTER IN LOCAL LANGUAGE) 435 00:43:14,580 --> 00:43:17,100 Arifa took to the stage. 436 00:43:26,220 --> 00:43:30,940 She had brought with her a work by the poet Mohammad Sharif Saiidi, 437 00:43:30,940 --> 00:43:33,780 written for the women of Afghanistan. 438 00:44:03,340 --> 00:44:05,540 (APPLAUSE) 439 00:44:10,820 --> 00:44:12,300 A few days later 440 00:44:12,300 --> 00:44:17,500 the Taliban broke their promise to allow girls back to school. 441 00:44:17,500 --> 00:44:22,380 But they continue to insist that they respect the rights of women. 442 00:44:23,740 --> 00:44:28,900 The women we met said that with every day their hopes evaporate... 443 00:44:29,860 --> 00:44:32,540 ..and their lives diminish. 444 00:44:58,940 --> 00:45:00,940 Captions by Red Bee Media 445 00:45:00,940 --> 00:45:03,140 Copyright Australian Broadcasting Corporation