1 00:00:04,360 --> 00:00:05,190 Good… 2 00:00:13,030 --> 00:00:14,070 Naruto! 3 00:00:20,150 --> 00:00:21,480 Stop, Madara! 4 00:00:24,280 --> 00:00:28,980 I already told you that you had little time left. 5 00:00:33,900 --> 00:00:34,820 Obito… 6 00:00:35,400 --> 00:00:39,530 He's reluctant to give up the Rinnegan to Madara… 7 00:00:39,980 --> 00:00:44,110 You stubborn fool… You're almost dead anyway! 8 00:00:53,650 --> 00:00:55,940 Hang in there! Don't give up! 9 00:00:56,900 --> 00:01:01,400 You're strong! You'll pull through! 10 00:01:05,190 --> 00:01:07,480 My chakra's almost all… 11 00:01:13,940 --> 00:01:17,440 Sasuke's not good, he's really gonna… 12 00:01:18,030 --> 00:01:20,570 At this rate, Naruto's going to… 13 00:01:21,030 --> 00:01:22,530 – die! – die! 14 00:02:58,740 --> 00:03:03,530 On the Brink of Death 15 00:03:30,200 --> 00:03:31,990 The Nine Tails' chakra… 16 00:03:42,830 --> 00:03:44,370 No heartbeat or pulse... 17 00:03:44,990 --> 00:03:45,950 No way! 18 00:03:46,740 --> 00:03:48,580 Hang in there, Naruto! 19 00:03:49,580 --> 00:03:50,740 What's going on?! 20 00:03:50,780 --> 00:03:52,530 My Medical Ninjutsu isn't working on him! 21 00:03:52,580 --> 00:03:55,330 It's probably because the Nine Tails has been extracted from him! 22 00:03:56,280 --> 00:03:57,580 That's impossible! 23 00:03:57,620 --> 00:03:58,950 Madara got him. 24 00:03:59,240 --> 00:04:01,030 But there's a way to save him! 25 00:04:01,080 --> 00:04:03,450 That's why we're hurrying! 26 00:04:03,830 --> 00:04:04,660 To where?! 27 00:04:04,780 --> 00:04:06,780 To where the Fourth Hokage is. 28 00:04:08,080 --> 00:04:10,780 Hey, kid! Kazekage! Do me a favor! 29 00:04:11,780 --> 00:04:12,830 His father… 30 00:04:12,870 --> 00:04:17,910 One-half of me is sealed inside the Fourth Hokage, Minato. 31 00:04:18,740 --> 00:04:22,740 So transplant that other half into Naruto. That will save him. 32 00:04:23,410 --> 00:04:25,240 Hurry to the Fourth Hokage! 33 00:04:25,700 --> 00:04:27,910 He has the Teleportation Jutsu. 34 00:04:28,160 --> 00:04:30,200 Can't we just contact him over there somehow and have him come here? 35 00:04:30,240 --> 00:04:31,370 That won't work! 36 00:04:31,740 --> 00:04:35,530 His Teleportation Jutsu is written into my Sealing Formula. 37 00:04:35,830 --> 00:04:38,700 Once I'm extracted, it will disappear… 38 00:04:40,370 --> 00:04:43,240 Just rush Naruto over to the Fourth Hokage. 39 00:04:43,370 --> 00:04:45,410 Got that, Gaara?! 40 00:04:59,370 --> 00:05:02,740 Kid Kazekage… I'm counting on you! 41 00:05:05,780 --> 00:05:07,910 That's what Nine Tails told me. 42 00:05:08,740 --> 00:05:12,870 Right now, there's no other way to save Naruto! 43 00:05:13,330 --> 00:05:15,160 How much longer 'til we get there? 44 00:05:15,200 --> 00:05:16,700 Several kilometers! 45 00:05:21,370 --> 00:05:24,620 I'll do whatever it takes with what little chakra I have left! 46 00:05:47,910 --> 00:05:48,910 All right! 47 00:05:53,240 --> 00:05:56,490 As long as I'm here, I am not going to let you die! 48 00:06:10,740 --> 00:06:11,910 I'm going to go at full speed! 49 00:06:12,240 --> 00:06:13,120 Right! 50 00:06:19,410 --> 00:06:23,280 If I could just…save his soul with my Forbidden Jutsu… 51 00:06:23,870 --> 00:06:26,700 I can't sense any chakra in him anymore. 52 00:06:27,950 --> 00:06:31,450 I can't even move my body… let alone use Teleportation. 53 00:06:31,830 --> 00:06:33,030 Damn you, Madara! 54 00:06:37,700 --> 00:06:39,700 Karin just went charging ahead! 55 00:06:40,740 --> 00:06:42,700 Let's go back up Karin! 56 00:06:43,580 --> 00:06:46,780 Shouldn't we wait for an opening, or have some sort of plan? 57 00:06:53,870 --> 00:06:56,830 Whoa, you're not getting past me. 58 00:06:56,950 --> 00:07:00,200 No one's answered my question yet. 59 00:07:10,740 --> 00:07:13,200 Don't get in my way! 60 00:07:23,160 --> 00:07:24,700 I'm going to Sasuke! 61 00:07:24,740 --> 00:07:26,700 Move, you bastard! 62 00:07:26,700 --> 00:07:29,120 You've got to be kidding! Karin is amazing. 63 00:07:29,330 --> 00:07:30,280 What is this?! 64 00:07:30,830 --> 00:07:33,240 The same power as Kushina Uzumaki's. 65 00:07:33,740 --> 00:07:35,740 After all this time, she's finally attained it… 66 00:07:36,700 --> 00:07:37,910 Oh no… 67 00:07:38,160 --> 00:07:41,200 You just broke my little toy! 68 00:07:41,450 --> 00:07:43,780 Do not…underestimate me! 69 00:07:52,910 --> 00:07:54,740 Double Blast! 70 00:08:00,280 --> 00:08:01,530 Not bad. 71 00:08:16,620 --> 00:08:17,870 I can't move… 72 00:08:18,870 --> 00:08:20,160 A Curse Mark! 73 00:08:21,740 --> 00:08:23,530 Too bad! 74 00:08:23,870 --> 00:08:25,280 A-Amazing… 75 00:08:25,580 --> 00:08:28,450 Orochimaru…They got past it! 76 00:08:37,990 --> 00:08:39,700 It's no big deal. 77 00:08:39,740 --> 00:08:43,030 It's too late even if you go over there anyway. 78 00:08:44,740 --> 00:08:46,700 But as for you guys… 79 00:08:46,700 --> 00:08:48,080 I'm going to take you down. 80 00:08:48,660 --> 00:08:50,700 Stop your ogling! 81 00:08:50,740 --> 00:08:52,240 We must go too. 82 00:08:53,530 --> 00:08:56,870 Still…who is he? 83 00:09:00,660 --> 00:09:01,870 Are you all right, Karin? 84 00:09:02,990 --> 00:09:05,450 Yeah… But never mind me. 85 00:09:05,870 --> 00:09:09,830 Sasuke! I can't sense Sasuke! 86 00:10:07,780 --> 00:10:10,080 So this is Six Paths power… 87 00:10:11,700 --> 00:10:13,870 Now, for that left eye. 88 00:10:30,490 --> 00:10:33,990 I'm a super elite ninja who's gonna be the Hokage someday… 89 00:10:34,030 --> 00:10:36,740 Remember my name… Naruto Uzumaki! 90 00:10:40,160 --> 00:10:42,370 I'm gonna become the Hokage! 91 00:10:42,410 --> 00:10:44,780 The Hokage that surpasses all previous Hokage, ya know! 92 00:10:45,990 --> 00:10:48,780 That silly dream you once had… 93 00:10:48,830 --> 00:10:49,870 no longer seems silly. 94 00:10:52,660 --> 00:10:55,620 I will not let you die! 95 00:10:56,780 --> 00:10:59,780 You're not going to die, no matter what! 96 00:11:01,620 --> 00:11:06,370 Your dream… is right before your eyes now! 97 00:11:13,700 --> 00:11:14,490 Who's there?! 98 00:11:45,300 --> 00:11:47,680 Depending on the situation, 99 00:11:47,720 --> 00:11:50,630 Orochimaru might try to steal Sasuke's body. 100 00:11:51,380 --> 00:11:56,220 It's what Kimimaro had wanted, but I doubt Karin would allow it. 101 00:11:58,380 --> 00:12:00,470 There's someone else where Sasuke is. 102 00:12:00,510 --> 00:12:02,430 Do you recognize the chakra? 103 00:12:04,300 --> 00:12:06,130 No! But… 104 00:12:07,720 --> 00:12:09,010 But what? 105 00:12:10,430 --> 00:12:15,380 This chakra… has a real nasty feel to it! 106 00:12:17,050 --> 00:12:19,340 Then we need to hurry even more. 107 00:12:19,630 --> 00:12:25,800 We don't know what this stranger might do to Sasuke. 108 00:12:28,470 --> 00:12:31,550 Is this the end for him? 109 00:12:35,510 --> 00:12:36,840 Damn it… 110 00:12:38,130 --> 00:12:39,470 Yikes! 111 00:12:39,760 --> 00:12:43,590 Karin! If you up the pace too much, you're going to collapse soon. 112 00:12:45,300 --> 00:12:49,380 Let's head to the others with youth power to the max! 113 00:12:49,380 --> 00:12:50,720 Lee! Tenten! 114 00:12:51,260 --> 00:12:55,300 Yes, sir! But you're falling over, Guy Sensei! 115 00:12:55,680 --> 00:12:58,630 Your body isn't keeping up with your spirit! 116 00:13:04,380 --> 00:13:06,180 That's Gaara's sand… 117 00:13:06,430 --> 00:13:08,050 I think I saw Sakura too… 118 00:13:08,720 --> 00:13:10,380 Why are they retreating? 119 00:13:12,300 --> 00:13:15,720 Kakashi hasn't overtaken and passed us yet, has he? 120 00:13:15,880 --> 00:13:16,930 No. 121 00:13:17,010 --> 00:13:19,430 The Nine Tails' chakra we got from Naruto has disappeared. 122 00:13:19,720 --> 00:13:22,510 And Sakura, a Medical Ninja, is on the move… 123 00:13:23,300 --> 00:13:27,010 I have a feeling something is going down on Kakashi's side. 124 00:13:37,010 --> 00:13:39,260 We're heading back, Lee! Tenten! 125 00:13:39,430 --> 00:13:41,300 My red-hot blood is boiling! 126 00:13:41,380 --> 00:13:43,430 It must be a super premonition! 127 00:13:48,880 --> 00:13:51,800 Nothing good can come out of being stuck with 128 00:13:51,880 --> 00:13:53,340 this hot-blooded, airhead duo! 129 00:13:54,300 --> 00:13:58,180 Neji, why did you leave me? 130 00:13:59,470 --> 00:14:01,840 Okay, let's head back. 131 00:14:02,470 --> 00:14:06,260 You want to go back, right? Fine, let's do that. 132 00:14:07,680 --> 00:14:08,800 Neji… 133 00:14:09,130 --> 00:14:11,260 I'm never going to forgive you. 134 00:14:18,050 --> 00:14:21,840 Wait for me! I'll be there as fast as I can, Kakashi. 135 00:14:23,300 --> 00:14:26,510 Hurry, Kakashi…the left eye. 136 00:14:27,470 --> 00:14:30,970 Obito's conscience is clear. Now's our chance. 137 00:14:31,300 --> 00:14:35,090 The problem is how to tear Obito away from that guy. 138 00:14:36,590 --> 00:14:39,880 And we can't hand over that left eye to the enemy… 139 00:15:09,340 --> 00:15:11,760 I feel a little heavy. 140 00:15:12,300 --> 00:15:14,470 There's something catching in my chest. 141 00:15:23,970 --> 00:15:25,880 The Sage of Six Paths' Ninja Tools, eh? 142 00:15:26,340 --> 00:15:27,380 Useless. 143 00:15:28,510 --> 00:15:30,220 But now I'm lighter. 144 00:15:46,510 --> 00:15:49,680 What will we accomplish by returning now? 145 00:15:50,260 --> 00:15:52,430 Tenten, don't grumble! 146 00:15:52,970 --> 00:15:57,260 I just have this gut feeling that some unknown horror is approaching. 147 00:15:57,340 --> 00:15:58,340 Yes, sir. 148 00:16:06,260 --> 00:16:08,220 Are you two all right?! 149 00:16:08,510 --> 00:16:09,800 Yes…! 150 00:16:14,260 --> 00:16:15,260 No way… 151 00:16:15,340 --> 00:16:17,510 These are definitely the—! 152 00:16:36,130 --> 00:16:38,630 You guys are stubborn too! 153 00:16:39,340 --> 00:16:42,380 Obito's consciousness is no longer stable. 154 00:16:43,430 --> 00:16:45,050 Let's go, Kakashi. 155 00:16:46,840 --> 00:16:48,470 Hold on, Minato! 156 00:16:50,130 --> 00:16:52,630 Switch your chakra to Sensory Mode! 157 00:17:00,680 --> 00:17:01,680 No way! 158 00:17:02,510 --> 00:17:05,010 We were distracted by what was happening here. 159 00:17:05,380 --> 00:17:06,380 There's no mistake. 160 00:17:06,470 --> 00:17:09,300 My other half has already been extracted! 161 00:17:11,220 --> 00:17:12,220 Sensei? 162 00:17:17,430 --> 00:17:18,430 Kakashi Sensei! 163 00:17:21,720 --> 00:17:22,720 What happened? 164 00:17:23,180 --> 00:17:25,340 The Nine Tails was extracted from Naruto! 165 00:17:25,930 --> 00:17:26,930 At this rate he'll—! 166 00:17:31,430 --> 00:17:32,510 Naruto… 167 00:17:34,300 --> 00:17:38,180 Fourth Hokage, I bring a message from Naruto's Nine Tails! 168 00:17:38,260 --> 00:17:40,380 He said to transplant the other half of Nine Tails 169 00:17:40,470 --> 00:17:42,340 that you have within you, into Naruto! 170 00:17:42,470 --> 00:17:44,510 That will save him! 171 00:17:46,510 --> 00:17:47,760 Oh… 172 00:17:48,300 --> 00:17:50,300 Kakashi, he's yours. 173 00:17:50,510 --> 00:17:51,510 I understand. 174 00:17:54,180 --> 00:17:55,220 I'll help! 175 00:18:08,380 --> 00:18:09,680 I'm going. 176 00:18:10,380 --> 00:18:11,340 Be careful. 177 00:18:11,340 --> 00:18:15,300 Of course! I'm not dying until I see my child's face. 178 00:18:21,380 --> 00:18:22,880 Once this baby is born… 179 00:18:23,380 --> 00:18:25,300 I'll have two things to worry about. 180 00:18:34,430 --> 00:18:35,510 Don't worry! 181 00:18:36,300 --> 00:18:37,720 I'll protect the kid! 182 00:18:38,430 --> 00:18:40,840 No matter what happens, and no matter what it takes! 183 00:18:43,510 --> 00:18:45,300 But you're busy being Hokage, 184 00:18:45,300 --> 00:18:47,720 and I get the feeling he's going to be mischievous and unreasonable 185 00:18:47,800 --> 00:18:49,840 and say he wants to be the Hokage… 186 00:18:50,340 --> 00:18:52,260 – He'll be clueless about girls… – Hey, wait! 187 00:18:52,340 --> 00:18:54,380 – And he'll defy his teachers! And… – Hold on! 188 00:18:56,090 --> 00:19:00,550 The child's not even born yet… You're worrying too much! 189 00:19:00,680 --> 00:19:02,430 Besides, how do you know it's a boy? 190 00:19:02,630 --> 00:19:06,930 Or that he'll want to be the Hokage even before it's born? 191 00:19:07,880 --> 00:19:08,880 Because… 192 00:19:11,220 --> 00:19:12,470 I'm his mother. 193 00:19:19,470 --> 00:19:21,470 In any case, I'm the Hokage. 194 00:19:22,010 --> 00:19:23,380 And I'm not going to die easily. 195 00:19:23,590 --> 00:19:24,590 And no matter what happens to me, 196 00:19:24,680 --> 00:19:26,510 I, the Hokage, will protect the child. 197 00:19:26,930 --> 00:19:27,970 Don't worry! 198 00:19:28,380 --> 00:19:30,800 You're quite confident when it comes to this baby! 199 00:19:31,380 --> 00:19:32,630 Well, of course… 200 00:19:34,430 --> 00:19:35,470 I'm his father. 201 00:19:39,130 --> 00:19:40,470 The current me can… 202 00:19:48,340 --> 00:19:49,340 This time for sure! 203 00:20:04,930 --> 00:20:05,930 What? 204 00:20:07,260 --> 00:20:08,340 That's—! 205 00:20:09,970 --> 00:20:11,300 Nine Tails… 206 00:20:13,090 --> 00:20:17,010 You're finally mine! 207 00:20:24,260 --> 00:20:25,300 What happened?! 208 00:20:37,340 --> 00:20:39,090 How's Naruto?! 209 00:20:42,220 --> 00:20:43,220 What was that? 210 00:20:45,630 --> 00:20:46,800 No way… 211 00:20:48,130 --> 00:20:49,930 Lord Madara… 212 00:20:54,090 --> 00:20:56,880 You're late, Black Zetsu… 213 00:20:58,590 --> 00:21:01,510 I decided to come to you! 214 00:22:37,050 --> 00:22:39,630 Madara, I need to ask you something. 215 00:22:40,050 --> 00:22:42,420 What am I to you? 216 00:22:43,840 --> 00:22:45,250 You're kidding, right? 217 00:22:45,500 --> 00:22:47,420 What kind of stupid question is that, to ask at this point in time? 218 00:22:47,670 --> 00:22:50,000 You are only one thing to me. 219 00:22:50,170 --> 00:22:52,460 You are he who rejects this world, 220 00:22:52,500 --> 00:22:55,380 who holds that thought in his heart and strives toward a goal. 221 00:22:56,380 --> 00:23:00,130 Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "The Two Mangekyo" 222 00:23:01,000 --> 00:23:03,300 Yes, you are… 223 00:23:03,380 --> 00:23:04,940 THE TWO MANGEKYO 224 00:23:04,940 --> 00:23:08,750 Tune in again!