1 00:00:15,660 --> 00:00:17,030 Guy Sensei! 2 00:00:18,990 --> 00:00:21,160 That was Guy's final move! 3 00:00:22,160 --> 00:00:22,910 What happened? 4 00:00:42,370 --> 00:00:45,700 I almost died, you bastard! 5 00:00:51,330 --> 00:00:54,830 Your flame is about to go out. 6 00:00:55,780 --> 00:00:59,030 But in gratitude for such a great time, 7 00:00:59,780 --> 00:01:01,950 I'll finish you off before you turn to ash on your own! 8 00:01:09,660 --> 00:01:11,530 He kicked away my Truthseeker Orb?! 9 00:01:15,910 --> 00:01:17,280 Bushier Brow Sensei… 10 00:01:34,530 --> 00:01:35,700 Naruto… 11 00:01:36,740 --> 00:01:39,490 You seem a little different from before. 12 00:01:41,030 --> 00:01:42,660 What did Obito do? 13 00:01:43,370 --> 00:01:44,200 Yeah… 14 00:01:45,240 --> 00:01:47,370 I'm still trying to figure it out myself. 15 00:01:49,200 --> 00:01:51,450 But I think I can change everything now! 16 00:03:22,530 --> 00:03:26,900 To Rise Up 17 00:03:54,360 --> 00:03:56,150 That node's chakra hasn't gone out. 18 00:03:57,650 --> 00:04:00,400 What's going on? What did he do? 19 00:04:11,030 --> 00:04:13,610 Don't tell me he stopped the end result of the Eight Gates?! 20 00:04:29,780 --> 00:04:32,610 He touched the Truthseeker Orb, so how can he—? 21 00:04:33,610 --> 00:04:36,320 Is it because I haven't finished healing yet? 22 00:04:37,650 --> 00:04:38,450 No! 23 00:04:39,150 --> 00:04:41,360 His power is suddenly growing?! 24 00:04:42,320 --> 00:04:42,740 Son! 25 00:04:42,990 --> 00:04:44,900 Lend me some of your chakra, okay? 26 00:04:45,030 --> 00:04:45,740 All right! 27 00:04:56,110 --> 00:04:59,360 Sage Art: Lava Style Rasen Shuriken! 28 00:05:03,570 --> 00:05:04,740 Th-This is bad! 29 00:05:05,450 --> 00:05:06,070 Limbo! 30 00:05:08,900 --> 00:05:12,490 What?! He dodged…my Limbo?! 31 00:05:16,820 --> 00:05:17,610 All right! 32 00:05:21,650 --> 00:05:22,740 Burst! 33 00:05:59,150 --> 00:06:00,650 The tree's been severed! 34 00:06:20,650 --> 00:06:23,450 Take me within you. 35 00:06:24,700 --> 00:06:25,360 Who is that?! 36 00:06:27,570 --> 00:06:29,150 Take the Divine Tree… 37 00:06:30,900 --> 00:06:32,070 Ten Tails… 38 00:06:33,820 --> 00:06:37,450 …everything, into you. 39 00:06:46,200 --> 00:06:48,860 Did Naruto do it? 40 00:06:49,450 --> 00:06:51,740 Guy Sensei is over there too! 41 00:07:58,780 --> 00:08:00,150 The tree disappeared! 42 00:08:08,070 --> 00:08:08,990 Guy Sensei! 43 00:08:10,530 --> 00:08:12,200 Bushier Brow Sensei is gonna be okay! 44 00:08:12,820 --> 00:08:14,650 He's not gonna die! 45 00:08:15,110 --> 00:08:16,950 Naruto, you healed him? 46 00:08:17,570 --> 00:08:20,320 But I thought he had activated all Eight Gates… 47 00:08:21,530 --> 00:08:24,400 I feel like I can do all sorts of things… 48 00:08:24,780 --> 00:08:26,240 the way I am right now! 49 00:08:33,700 --> 00:08:36,570 He touched Madara's rods, but he wasn't affected… 50 00:08:39,780 --> 00:08:43,530 What happened to him while he was dying? 51 00:08:45,030 --> 00:08:47,450 Can you teleport, Lord Second? 52 00:08:52,700 --> 00:08:54,070 I see… 53 00:08:54,950 --> 00:08:58,820 Yeah… Since I'm linked to the Fourth's markings. 54 00:08:59,780 --> 00:09:00,780 But unfortunately… 55 00:09:01,490 --> 00:09:04,780 At my current strength, I can only teleport one person. 56 00:09:04,950 --> 00:09:05,780 That's plenty. 57 00:09:06,610 --> 00:09:08,610 I alone need to go. 58 00:09:09,360 --> 00:09:10,110 Sasuke! 59 00:09:12,280 --> 00:09:15,400 His wind… has gotten even stronger. 60 00:09:16,950 --> 00:09:21,610 Sasuke… I wanted to see where your wind would take you… 61 00:09:22,110 --> 00:09:23,610 But I've witnessed enough. 62 00:09:24,950 --> 00:09:30,030 In fact, from now on, we'll only be a burden to you. 63 00:09:31,450 --> 00:09:34,110 So we're not gonna be ordered around anymore. 64 00:09:34,650 --> 00:09:36,200 That sounds good to me too. 65 00:09:37,740 --> 00:09:38,450 Sasuke… 66 00:09:43,240 --> 00:09:43,740 Hey… 67 00:09:44,780 --> 00:09:47,860 Why are you trying to give up, guys? 68 00:09:49,610 --> 00:09:52,700 I… I… 69 00:10:06,030 --> 00:10:08,780 Bushy Brow and Gaara, take care of Bushier Brow Sensei. 70 00:10:09,950 --> 00:10:10,860 Naruto… 71 00:10:12,110 --> 00:10:15,070 Thank you for…Guy Sensei… 72 00:10:16,950 --> 00:10:17,780 Naruto… 73 00:10:21,900 --> 00:10:26,740 When you become Hokage, let's have a drink together. 74 00:10:28,070 --> 00:10:28,700 You got it! 75 00:10:36,030 --> 00:10:36,740 Is that Naruto?! 76 00:10:41,280 --> 00:10:42,030 Obito… 77 00:10:42,950 --> 00:10:43,780 You… 78 00:10:50,570 --> 00:10:51,780 You're an enemy. 79 00:10:52,700 --> 00:10:55,490 You hurt and killed many of my comrades… 80 00:10:56,700 --> 00:10:59,650 I don't want to say this, but… 81 00:11:00,450 --> 00:11:03,780 I'm going to consider you an ally just this once. 82 00:11:08,110 --> 00:11:10,860 Thank you for saving Naruto. 83 00:11:11,990 --> 00:11:14,530 I have one final favor to ask you. 84 00:11:15,740 --> 00:11:19,610 Not as an ally, but as an enemy… 85 00:11:26,400 --> 00:11:27,570 I understand now… 86 00:11:28,610 --> 00:11:30,610 The Divine Tree itself… 87 00:11:36,400 --> 00:11:39,490 The time has come for all to become one. 88 00:11:46,530 --> 00:11:48,650 Is it because I met Super Gramps Sage 89 00:11:48,700 --> 00:11:50,570 and got more power from him? 90 00:11:51,360 --> 00:11:53,610 I can feel it clearly even from here… 91 00:11:54,150 --> 00:11:56,780 The other half of Super Gramps' power. 92 00:11:57,530 --> 00:11:59,610 You cannot take me down. 93 00:12:00,030 --> 00:12:02,570 Essentially, I am completely immortal now. 94 00:12:03,700 --> 00:12:05,610 I have obtained eternity! 95 00:12:06,650 --> 00:12:07,780 You idiot! 96 00:12:07,820 --> 00:12:09,900 I'm not taking you down… 97 00:12:15,360 --> 00:12:17,700 We're gonna take you down! 98 00:12:19,700 --> 00:12:22,360 Your time has come, Madara. 99 00:12:25,700 --> 00:12:28,360 One has awakened the Six Paths' Senjutsu… 100 00:12:28,450 --> 00:12:31,570 and the other awakened the Rinnegan, huh? 101 00:12:32,150 --> 00:12:37,860 However…I possess both of those powers! 102 00:12:40,240 --> 00:12:42,240 This is the final battle! 103 00:12:43,860 --> 00:12:46,740 My powers versus yours… 104 00:12:47,570 --> 00:12:51,150 Let's settle who is superior, once and for all! 105 00:13:05,200 --> 00:13:07,950 Sage Art: Shadow Style Thunder Blast! 106 00:13:17,820 --> 00:13:19,070 Sasuke's gone?! 107 00:13:27,860 --> 00:13:29,570 This left eye… 108 00:13:29,740 --> 00:13:31,280 So that's what it can do… 109 00:13:31,950 --> 00:13:34,740 Teleportation? This distance? 110 00:13:34,990 --> 00:13:37,900 No, he didn't teleport! 111 00:13:41,280 --> 00:13:43,280 You should pay attention! 112 00:13:43,740 --> 00:13:44,740 Limbo! 113 00:13:46,610 --> 00:13:47,900 What is that?! 114 00:13:52,030 --> 00:13:53,280 He did it again! 115 00:13:54,490 --> 00:13:55,950 Sage Art! 116 00:13:56,860 --> 00:13:59,110 Gale Style: Fang of Light! 117 00:14:02,780 --> 00:14:04,240 It's coming again! 118 00:14:04,400 --> 00:14:05,610 Over there! 119 00:14:08,780 --> 00:14:10,030 It didn't hit. 120 00:14:16,820 --> 00:14:18,740 Sasuke, it's headed your way! 121 00:14:18,740 --> 00:14:21,450 Something I can't see is ambling around you. 122 00:14:21,490 --> 00:14:24,030 Oh yeah? I can see it clearly! 123 00:14:24,530 --> 00:14:27,860 These guys can see my Limbo… 124 00:14:30,650 --> 00:14:33,990 It's…another Madara. 125 00:14:38,570 --> 00:14:41,450 So he can see it with his Rinnegan… 126 00:14:42,570 --> 00:14:47,150 And that one, can't see it but senses it… 127 00:14:47,570 --> 00:14:48,700 Naruto! 128 00:14:49,490 --> 00:14:51,820 Looks like our physical attacks… 129 00:14:51,860 --> 00:14:55,150 have no effect on the other Madara. 130 00:14:55,650 --> 00:14:56,610 Yeah! 131 00:14:59,360 --> 00:15:04,740 Normally, one shouldn't be able to sense or see it from this realm… 132 00:15:05,780 --> 00:15:10,320 That "me" exists in the invisible world of "Limbo." 133 00:15:10,610 --> 00:15:14,240 How did they both obtain such power so suddenly? 134 00:15:16,780 --> 00:15:18,650 That Sasuke Uchiha… 135 00:15:18,860 --> 00:15:21,650 He was the only one who awakened the straight pattern, 136 00:15:21,700 --> 00:15:23,700 Choku-Tomoe Sharingan just like mine. 137 00:15:31,610 --> 00:15:36,400 Perhaps Sasuke and I share a bond that goes beyond blood. 138 00:15:37,400 --> 00:15:38,490 Well then… 139 00:15:38,650 --> 00:15:42,700 That left eye should suit me perfectly! 140 00:15:56,740 --> 00:16:00,740 So, that's your left eye's ability as well. 141 00:16:04,740 --> 00:16:07,360 Then try it. 142 00:16:09,070 --> 00:16:11,400 That's not enough to kill you, is it? 143 00:16:12,990 --> 00:16:15,610 So the Six Paths' Sage Chakra can affect 144 00:16:15,650 --> 00:16:18,450 the shadow Madara too, huh? 145 00:16:20,780 --> 00:16:23,150 That wound on his right arm… 146 00:16:24,070 --> 00:16:27,740 is from blocking Naruto's first attack earlier. 147 00:16:34,780 --> 00:16:37,030 It seems your shadow returns to your body 148 00:16:37,070 --> 00:16:39,030 after a certain amount of time. 149 00:16:39,610 --> 00:16:44,530 Naruto, when his shadow emerges again, go after it. 150 00:16:45,150 --> 00:16:47,650 I'll take on the visible one. However… 151 00:16:48,780 --> 00:16:51,570 I used to hate it when you would order me around… 152 00:16:51,610 --> 00:16:53,530 Some things never change, huh? 153 00:16:53,740 --> 00:16:55,740 Let me finish. 154 00:16:56,610 --> 00:16:59,110 This is our chance. 155 00:17:00,360 --> 00:17:02,990 Madara and his shadow will probably stay merged 156 00:17:03,030 --> 00:17:04,740 for a little while longer. 157 00:17:05,360 --> 00:17:06,700 I don't care what it is, 158 00:17:06,740 --> 00:17:09,650 but get a Sage Power Jutsu ready. 159 00:17:10,200 --> 00:17:11,820 One that seals movement. 160 00:17:13,530 --> 00:17:18,490 Then you should use my chakra to build your Sealing Jutsu. 161 00:17:18,570 --> 00:17:20,740 Thanks…ummm… 162 00:17:20,780 --> 00:17:21,610 It's Shukaku! 163 00:17:27,490 --> 00:17:30,650 He's estimating the Limbo's duration, 164 00:17:30,700 --> 00:17:34,570 activation interval and how to counter it… 165 00:17:34,740 --> 00:17:36,740 He's got a sharp intuition, 166 00:17:36,780 --> 00:17:39,650 calm analyzing and judgment skills, 167 00:17:39,650 --> 00:17:42,700 and a Choku-Tomoe Sharingan just like mine. 168 00:17:42,820 --> 00:17:45,650 If he had only been born before Obito… 169 00:17:45,700 --> 00:17:47,780 he would be my… 170 00:17:49,320 --> 00:17:52,700 No… There's no point in reflecting now. 171 00:17:52,700 --> 00:17:54,490 No matter what's happened, 172 00:17:54,530 --> 00:17:58,400 I must keep in mind that these two aren't ordinary brats. 173 00:17:59,740 --> 00:18:02,700 I need to get my other eye back soon. 174 00:18:03,070 --> 00:18:06,240 Sage Art: Magnet Style Rasengan! 175 00:18:07,740 --> 00:18:10,360 And I have Six Paths Power too… 176 00:18:10,950 --> 00:18:12,240 Chidori! 177 00:18:13,570 --> 00:18:15,900 Naruto, shoot that towards me! 178 00:18:16,110 --> 00:18:17,530 I'll take care of the rest. 179 00:18:17,570 --> 00:18:21,030 It's a bit irritating, but there's no time to argue! 180 00:18:31,860 --> 00:18:33,900 Why am I here? 181 00:18:50,150 --> 00:18:52,900 Naruto, the jutsu the Sage of Six Paths gave you… 182 00:18:52,950 --> 00:18:54,320 You know it, right? 183 00:18:54,490 --> 00:18:56,610 Yeah, the time is now! 184 00:18:57,570 --> 00:18:58,610 What? 185 00:18:58,650 --> 00:18:59,740 He moved? 186 00:19:03,150 --> 00:19:05,400 He substituted his shadow? 187 00:19:07,110 --> 00:19:08,030 Over there! 188 00:19:10,740 --> 00:19:14,280 Sasuke, I'll hold this one down, so go after the real one! 189 00:19:19,860 --> 00:19:23,820 Seems like his Rinnegan can't reach this distance. 190 00:19:24,610 --> 00:19:29,200 I'm starting to understand your left eye's abilities, Sasuke. 191 00:19:31,320 --> 00:19:32,610 Hurry, Sasuke! 192 00:19:33,240 --> 00:19:34,900 Madara is heading straight for… 193 00:19:37,740 --> 00:19:39,030 Kakashi Sensei! 194 00:20:02,990 --> 00:20:05,320 Hurry and destroy my Rinnegan… 195 00:20:06,360 --> 00:20:09,200 I can't hold off Black Zetsu any longer. 196 00:20:17,450 --> 00:20:20,070 I must admit Sasuke sure is fast. 197 00:20:27,650 --> 00:20:28,570 Kamui! 198 00:20:34,240 --> 00:20:35,360 Damn! 199 00:20:35,530 --> 00:20:37,070 Just his upper body, huh? 200 00:20:44,610 --> 00:20:45,820 Hurry! 201 00:20:46,950 --> 00:20:48,070 I know! 202 00:20:53,400 --> 00:20:54,780 Oh no, you don't! 203 00:22:38,860 --> 00:22:41,320 The Rinnegan will fall into Madara's hands. 204 00:22:41,780 --> 00:22:45,280 If he ends up with both eyes, terrible things will happen. 205 00:22:45,700 --> 00:22:50,110 Terrible things? How much worse can it get? 206 00:22:50,110 --> 00:22:53,950 If both Rinnegan are restored to their true owner… 207 00:22:54,110 --> 00:22:57,400 Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "The Infinite Dream" 208 00:22:58,110 --> 00:23:01,700 …I fear no one will be able to stand against him. 209 00:23:01,740 --> 00:23:04,790 THE INFINITE DREAM 210 00:23:04,850 --> 00:23:18,150 Tune in again! 211 00:23:18,150 --> 00:23:20,150