1 00:00:13,340 --> 00:00:15,500 There's a full moon out tonight, Sasuke. 2 00:00:25,960 --> 00:00:26,880 What…? 3 00:00:28,130 --> 00:00:30,170 Come on out… 4 00:00:30,500 --> 00:00:31,420 Nine Tails! 5 00:02:02,460 --> 00:02:07,170 Itachi's Story - Light and Darkness: The Genius 6 00:02:07,210 --> 00:02:10,130 What is this sensation? 7 00:02:15,670 --> 00:02:16,420 There, there… 8 00:02:17,880 --> 00:02:19,050 Don't cry, Sasuke. 9 00:02:19,800 --> 00:02:23,300 No matter what happens, your big brother will definitely protect you… 10 00:02:24,340 --> 00:02:25,710 Summoning Jutsu! 11 00:02:36,130 --> 00:02:37,050 No way! 12 00:02:41,460 --> 00:02:43,090 Go, Nine Tails! 13 00:03:02,300 --> 00:03:03,920 It's okay. There, there! 14 00:03:05,630 --> 00:03:06,840 It's the Nine Tails! 15 00:03:06,880 --> 00:03:08,550 The Demon Fox is on the loose! 16 00:03:12,170 --> 00:03:13,460 What's going on?! 17 00:03:13,590 --> 00:03:15,210 Just run, you idiot! 18 00:03:36,000 --> 00:03:36,960 Sasuke! 19 00:03:38,420 --> 00:03:41,130 It's okay. You got a little scared, huh? 20 00:03:52,710 --> 00:03:54,090 This is an announcement from the Leaf Police! 21 00:03:54,210 --> 00:03:56,920 All civilians are to evacuate to the southeast shelter! 22 00:03:58,710 --> 00:04:00,130 The southeast shelter! 23 00:04:04,340 --> 00:04:08,800 Dad! Mom! 24 00:04:09,250 --> 00:04:10,210 Come here! 25 00:04:15,130 --> 00:04:17,340 Itachi! 26 00:04:18,050 --> 00:04:18,840 Hurry! 27 00:04:20,050 --> 00:04:20,840 Okay! 28 00:04:30,590 --> 00:04:31,500 We're going to the shelter. 29 00:04:35,960 --> 00:04:37,420 This way! Hurry! 30 00:04:39,920 --> 00:04:40,670 Mom! 31 00:04:40,800 --> 00:04:41,880 Keep going. 32 00:04:41,920 --> 00:04:42,750 Itachi? 33 00:04:43,460 --> 00:04:44,460 Everyone will be there. 34 00:04:46,000 --> 00:04:46,960 Please stay calm! 35 00:04:47,710 --> 00:04:49,050 You're safe here! 36 00:04:49,550 --> 00:04:50,300 Father! 37 00:04:52,380 --> 00:04:54,380 I knew you would be all right. 38 00:04:55,000 --> 00:04:55,960 Get to the shelter quickly. 39 00:04:57,670 --> 00:04:58,210 Okay. 40 00:05:08,130 --> 00:05:10,170 We drove it out of the village. 41 00:05:10,670 --> 00:05:13,250 Don't let up. Keep attacking! 42 00:05:14,000 --> 00:05:16,090 Just about everyone has been evacuated. 43 00:05:16,420 --> 00:05:18,550 Captain, we'll go after the Nine Tails as well. 44 00:05:18,920 --> 00:05:21,630 The Leaf Police Force is to remain and protect the civilians. 45 00:05:21,710 --> 00:05:22,590 But Captain! 46 00:05:23,250 --> 00:05:24,960 These are the Village's orders. 47 00:05:27,590 --> 00:05:28,880 What was that just now?! 48 00:05:30,340 --> 00:05:32,590 Looks like they sealed the Nine Tails… 49 00:05:35,500 --> 00:05:36,460 …somehow. 50 00:05:58,000 --> 00:05:59,250 Many lives were lost 51 00:05:59,300 --> 00:06:03,960 including the Fourth Hokage Minato and his wife, Kushina… 52 00:06:05,000 --> 00:06:07,630 The facts behind the incident are still unknown… 53 00:06:08,210 --> 00:06:10,090 Life is born… 54 00:06:11,340 --> 00:06:16,920 But for now, let us mourn our comrades… 55 00:06:18,090 --> 00:06:21,130 And life…dies. 56 00:06:28,960 --> 00:06:30,050 Itachi! 57 00:06:34,460 --> 00:06:35,750 Thank you for before… 58 00:06:36,460 --> 00:06:38,130 Because of you, I was safe! 59 00:06:39,050 --> 00:06:40,840 I'm glad you didn't die. 60 00:06:47,550 --> 00:06:48,250 Your younger sister? 61 00:06:49,000 --> 00:06:50,050 Younger brother. 62 00:06:50,420 --> 00:06:51,750 Can I hold him? 63 00:06:52,000 --> 00:06:53,000 No. 64 00:06:53,380 --> 00:06:54,380 Why not? 65 00:06:55,500 --> 00:06:56,670 I don't want him to cry. 66 00:06:56,960 --> 00:06:58,460 You're not gonna cry, are you? 67 00:07:04,170 --> 00:07:05,340 There, there! 68 00:07:06,500 --> 00:07:07,090 There, there! 69 00:07:09,630 --> 00:07:10,800 There, there! 70 00:07:15,090 --> 00:07:17,380 Aww, come on! 71 00:07:20,750 --> 00:07:25,000 The Nine Tails' attack caused devastation throughout the village. 72 00:07:25,670 --> 00:07:26,960 For the reconstruction, 73 00:07:27,000 --> 00:07:30,250 we've decided to revise a number of the village's boundaries. 74 00:07:31,050 --> 00:07:34,460 We'd like the Aburame Clan to move into this district. 75 00:07:35,050 --> 00:07:38,670 The clan previously submitted a request to occupy the forest, 76 00:07:38,710 --> 00:07:41,210 so we took that into consideration. 77 00:07:42,920 --> 00:07:45,090 The Nara Clan's territory was not part of the stricken area, 78 00:07:45,130 --> 00:07:46,420 so they will remain where they are. 79 00:07:47,130 --> 00:07:49,710 The Leaf Police Force headquarters which sustained damage, 80 00:07:49,750 --> 00:07:51,000 will be rebuilt here. 81 00:07:53,210 --> 00:07:55,750 And the Uchiha Clan will move along with the headquarters… 82 00:07:55,800 --> 00:07:57,000 Lord Danzo! 83 00:07:57,500 --> 00:07:59,050 The Uchiha Clan makes up the Leaf Police Force 84 00:07:59,090 --> 00:08:00,420 that protects the Hidden Leaf. 85 00:08:00,880 --> 00:08:03,920 As such, that location is too far from the village center. 86 00:08:04,750 --> 00:08:06,920 We wouldn't be able to act swiftly in an emergency. 87 00:08:07,920 --> 00:08:10,750 We have the ANBU Black Ops for such emergencies. 88 00:08:13,710 --> 00:08:18,420 The Leaf Police has to commute to the training grounds, does it not? 89 00:08:18,920 --> 00:08:22,960 This location is near an area that's ideal for training. 90 00:08:23,590 --> 00:08:27,050 You can use that area exclusively for the Uchiha's training grounds. 91 00:08:28,750 --> 00:08:29,670 Continuing on… 92 00:08:30,920 --> 00:08:33,170 In conjunction with the reconstruction of the Leaf Police Headquarters, 93 00:08:33,210 --> 00:08:35,710 the Uchiha Clan will also relocate. 94 00:08:36,920 --> 00:08:38,630 Home and buildings that were spared will be… 95 00:08:44,090 --> 00:08:45,750 During the Nine Tails Incident, 96 00:08:45,800 --> 00:08:49,050 we Uchiha were not called upon because they feared that 97 00:08:49,090 --> 00:08:51,210 we would use our Sharingan to manipulate the Nine Tails. 98 00:08:51,710 --> 00:08:54,250 Even worse, there are some who say 99 00:08:54,300 --> 00:08:56,800 that the Uchiha caused the Nine Tails Incident! 100 00:08:56,920 --> 00:09:00,250 They are sending us to the outskirts of the village in order to keep an eye on us! 101 00:09:00,550 --> 00:09:02,710 This is just like during the Second Hokage's era 102 00:09:02,750 --> 00:09:06,920 when the Uchiha were rounded up and isolated in one part of the village! 103 00:09:06,920 --> 00:09:08,960 This time, it's even farther away! 104 00:09:08,960 --> 00:09:11,090 The village suspects us! 105 00:09:11,250 --> 00:09:14,050 Captain, we can't accept this decision! 106 00:09:14,170 --> 00:09:15,630 We should reject it outright! 107 00:09:16,050 --> 00:09:18,590 Captain! 108 00:09:19,050 --> 00:09:20,960 You are absolutely right. 109 00:09:22,130 --> 00:09:25,050 But the other clans have accepted their respective relocations as well. 110 00:09:25,840 --> 00:09:27,800 The Uchiha cannot be the lone voice of dissent. 111 00:09:27,880 --> 00:09:29,210 But Captain! 112 00:09:29,500 --> 00:09:31,420 I'll do what I can to negotiate the conditions. 113 00:09:32,050 --> 00:09:34,630 But we must accept the move. 114 00:09:35,340 --> 00:09:38,170 Pass the word around. That is all. 115 00:09:38,960 --> 00:09:40,130 Dismissed. 116 00:09:43,050 --> 00:09:44,050 How do you feel? 117 00:09:44,840 --> 00:09:46,300 Let's go and see it, Father. 118 00:09:48,420 --> 00:09:50,000 The new training grounds. 119 00:09:53,750 --> 00:09:55,550 I like it here. 120 00:09:55,960 --> 00:09:57,000 Is that so? 121 00:09:57,550 --> 00:10:00,090 Father, teach me jutsu… 122 00:10:00,590 --> 00:10:02,050 Generational Uchiha Jutsu… through the generations. 123 00:10:02,420 --> 00:10:03,250 All right! 124 00:10:12,670 --> 00:10:14,090 This is a fundamental Uchiha Ninjutsu… 125 00:10:14,840 --> 00:10:16,800 Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu. 126 00:10:16,880 --> 00:10:19,000 All right, the signs are… 127 00:10:26,250 --> 00:10:26,960 I did it! 128 00:10:31,960 --> 00:10:33,250 What a surprise. 129 00:10:34,050 --> 00:10:35,460 That's my boy. 130 00:10:38,380 --> 00:10:40,050 We'll be moving in no time, huh? 131 00:10:41,090 --> 00:10:41,920 Yeah. 132 00:10:43,670 --> 00:10:44,920 What's the matter? 133 00:10:52,800 --> 00:10:54,000 We're surrounded… 134 00:10:54,340 --> 00:10:56,960 I wish it was my imagination, but… 135 00:10:58,300 --> 00:10:59,210 What is it? 136 00:11:00,000 --> 00:11:01,000 It's nothing… 137 00:11:01,960 --> 00:11:05,000 "In no time," huh? The same could be said about you, Itachi. 138 00:11:06,590 --> 00:11:08,420 Since you're going to be six years old soon. 139 00:11:09,130 --> 00:11:13,840 CONGRATULATIONS ON ENTERING THE ACADEMY 140 00:11:27,860 --> 00:11:30,530 Congratulations on your acceptance into the Academy, everyone! 141 00:11:31,360 --> 00:11:32,450 From this day forth, 142 00:11:32,490 --> 00:11:36,900 do your best to reach your goals to become a shinobi. 143 00:11:42,650 --> 00:11:48,530 I'm sure some of you have already been taught ninjutsu in your households… 144 00:11:48,740 --> 00:11:50,650 But here at the Academy, you will also train 145 00:11:50,700 --> 00:11:54,030 to coordinate and work together as a team when you are in a group. 146 00:11:54,360 --> 00:11:57,700 The fundamentals are very important, make sure you learn them well. 147 00:12:24,450 --> 00:12:26,530 All right, Kamano. What's the answer? 148 00:12:27,070 --> 00:12:28,570 I don't know! 149 00:12:29,990 --> 00:12:31,700 Then…Itachi? 150 00:12:32,400 --> 00:12:34,820 The seal is for the Water Style: Water Bomb Jutsu. 151 00:12:35,200 --> 00:12:36,490 Correct. 152 00:12:37,150 --> 00:12:38,320 Keep that in mind everyone. 153 00:12:38,320 --> 00:12:39,650 It will be on the test. 154 00:12:40,490 --> 00:12:42,610 Itachi…Come at me. 155 00:12:51,990 --> 00:12:52,820 All right! 156 00:12:53,490 --> 00:12:54,530 Begin! 157 00:13:02,490 --> 00:13:03,360 The match is over! 158 00:13:10,780 --> 00:13:11,950 Okay, okay… 159 00:13:14,780 --> 00:13:17,360 Sorry, Sasuke. Some other time, okay? 160 00:13:23,530 --> 00:13:24,360 Welcome home, Father! 161 00:13:25,450 --> 00:13:26,780 Please teach me jutsu! 162 00:13:27,450 --> 00:13:28,490 Jutsu? 163 00:13:29,030 --> 00:13:30,740 Aren't they teaching you at the Academy? 164 00:13:31,700 --> 00:13:32,860 It's too easy. 165 00:13:36,150 --> 00:13:37,700 I guess it would be for you. 166 00:13:38,740 --> 00:13:39,990 Wait for me at the training grounds. 167 00:13:40,780 --> 00:13:41,320 Okay! 168 00:13:42,070 --> 00:13:43,900 Make sure you're home by dinner. 169 00:13:44,320 --> 00:13:45,400 Got it! 170 00:13:48,780 --> 00:13:50,360 Look over there! It's Itachi! 171 00:13:50,400 --> 00:13:51,280 Where? 172 00:13:51,360 --> 00:13:53,030 Oh, he's walking. He's so cool! 173 00:13:53,070 --> 00:13:54,150 Oh, he's looking this way! 174 00:13:54,780 --> 00:13:56,530 This is not good. 175 00:13:56,650 --> 00:13:58,650 Don't you think, gentlemen? 176 00:13:59,360 --> 00:14:00,860 For his sake, 177 00:14:00,900 --> 00:14:04,450 if he gets swept up by all of this and gets the wrong idea… 178 00:14:04,610 --> 00:14:06,070 I agree. 179 00:14:07,030 --> 00:14:09,360 He's stuck up! 180 00:14:09,490 --> 00:14:11,700 It's me! He's looking at me! 181 00:14:11,740 --> 00:14:12,450 No, it's me! 182 00:14:12,650 --> 00:14:13,740 He started walking again! 183 00:14:13,780 --> 00:14:15,200 Itachi's walking! 184 00:14:15,780 --> 00:14:17,030 He's walking! 185 00:14:21,200 --> 00:14:21,990 It's decided then… 186 00:14:22,650 --> 00:14:23,530 - Yeah! - Right! 187 00:14:42,320 --> 00:14:43,490 Ouch! 188 00:14:45,450 --> 00:14:47,650 Don't jump out at us like that, idiot! 189 00:14:47,820 --> 00:14:51,490 "Idiot"? Who are you calling "idiot"? 190 00:14:51,950 --> 00:14:53,740 You guys must be freshmen! 191 00:14:54,530 --> 00:14:55,780 You… 192 00:14:57,070 --> 00:14:58,610 …run into someone… 193 00:14:59,900 --> 00:15:01,530 and call 'em an "idiot"…? 194 00:15:02,320 --> 00:15:04,450 You ran into us! 195 00:15:04,490 --> 00:15:06,110 What did you say?! 196 00:15:12,200 --> 00:15:13,530 Hold it! 197 00:15:19,610 --> 00:15:21,780 Who the hell are you? 198 00:15:22,490 --> 00:15:24,110 A friend of theirs? 199 00:15:30,950 --> 00:15:32,700 All the freshmen this year are… 200 00:15:34,320 --> 00:15:37,740 …stuck up! 201 00:15:45,990 --> 00:15:47,780 - Wow! - Wow! 202 00:15:49,450 --> 00:15:50,780 Take him to the infirmary. 203 00:15:51,490 --> 00:15:52,650 O-Okay. 204 00:15:53,570 --> 00:15:55,990 Itachi, you're really strong, my friend! 205 00:15:56,570 --> 00:15:57,530 "My friend"? 206 00:15:57,740 --> 00:16:01,110 Even upperclassmen are easy targets for you, sir! 207 00:16:01,650 --> 00:16:02,360 "Sir"? 208 00:16:02,570 --> 00:16:03,860 Move it, move it! 209 00:16:03,990 --> 00:16:06,070 Master Itachi is coming through! 210 00:16:06,450 --> 00:16:07,490 "Master"? 211 00:16:09,280 --> 00:16:10,780 Make way! 212 00:16:11,490 --> 00:16:13,110 It's Master Itachi! 213 00:16:13,900 --> 00:16:15,570 - Move it! Make way! - Stop it… 214 00:16:15,700 --> 00:16:16,950 - Outta the way! - Please… 215 00:16:17,900 --> 00:16:18,990 Don't… 216 00:16:21,700 --> 00:16:23,400 There is birth… 217 00:16:24,860 --> 00:16:26,280 and death… 218 00:16:30,400 --> 00:16:31,400 Life… 219 00:16:32,860 --> 00:16:33,740 flocks together… 220 00:16:35,030 --> 00:16:36,570 SHINOBI 221 00:16:37,030 --> 00:16:38,320 What is a shinobi? 222 00:16:40,400 --> 00:16:43,490 What is a village? 223 00:16:44,820 --> 00:16:47,320 First in every class, according to your progress report… 224 00:16:47,990 --> 00:16:49,200 That's my boy. 225 00:16:50,070 --> 00:16:50,900 Father… 226 00:16:51,360 --> 00:16:52,320 Hmm? 227 00:16:52,610 --> 00:16:53,950 Teach me jutsu. 228 00:16:54,860 --> 00:16:57,280 I want to know more about being a shinobi. 229 00:16:57,490 --> 00:17:00,070 In cases like this, always make sure you have an escape route. 230 00:17:00,400 --> 00:17:03,450 This is important. If you're in a four-man team… 231 00:17:10,280 --> 00:17:11,820 You're very talented for your age. 232 00:17:15,900 --> 00:17:17,570 I'm no match for you, Shisui. 233 00:17:18,990 --> 00:17:19,780 Oh come on… 234 00:17:20,450 --> 00:17:21,530 What's wrong? 235 00:17:21,900 --> 00:17:23,860 Does the Academy bore you so much that you're ditching? 236 00:17:26,150 --> 00:17:27,860 I'm not ditching. 237 00:17:41,860 --> 00:17:44,360 You guys! That's unfair! 238 00:18:06,530 --> 00:18:08,530 What's with that look? 239 00:18:18,780 --> 00:18:20,860 Hey! Cut it out! 240 00:18:21,110 --> 00:18:22,530 Hey you, stop! 241 00:18:29,280 --> 00:18:29,900 Itachi! 242 00:18:30,320 --> 00:18:31,530 Take this! 243 00:18:47,820 --> 00:18:48,700 What happened? 244 00:18:49,280 --> 00:18:50,200 He disappeared?! 245 00:18:50,490 --> 00:18:52,740 Yeah, he disappeared! He disappeared! 246 00:18:54,570 --> 00:18:55,610 That's a clone… 247 00:18:56,200 --> 00:18:57,110 No… 248 00:18:57,530 --> 00:18:59,030 It's a Shadow Clone Jutsu! 249 00:19:00,400 --> 00:19:01,400 What's the matter? 250 00:19:02,400 --> 00:19:03,400 I have to get back. 251 00:19:04,450 --> 00:19:05,200 You do? 252 00:19:07,530 --> 00:19:08,320 Shisui… 253 00:19:11,490 --> 00:19:13,400 Why is there fighting in life? 254 00:19:14,200 --> 00:19:15,360 Who knows? 255 00:19:15,780 --> 00:19:16,570 But… 256 00:19:18,530 --> 00:19:21,490 If the fighting can be stopped, I'd like to stop it. 257 00:19:22,320 --> 00:19:23,280 Me too! 258 00:19:29,490 --> 00:19:30,530 See you later. 259 00:19:32,610 --> 00:19:34,030 Aside from the clone jutsu 260 00:19:34,070 --> 00:19:37,320 which is a requirement for graduating the Academy, 261 00:19:37,360 --> 00:19:40,650 Itachi Uchiha has already mastered the Shadow Clone Jutsu, a forbidden jutsu. 262 00:19:41,400 --> 00:19:43,450 He excels in all other subjects. 263 00:19:43,650 --> 00:19:46,740 There's no purpose in keeping him at the Academy any longer. 264 00:19:47,280 --> 00:19:49,570 Isn't he just a freshman? 265 00:19:49,610 --> 00:19:50,490 Yes. 266 00:19:50,700 --> 00:19:53,400 That doesn't matter. This has happened before. 267 00:19:53,990 --> 00:19:56,110 That was a different era. 268 00:19:56,530 --> 00:19:58,530 This is not the age of war. 269 00:19:58,900 --> 00:20:01,280 The boy is a genius, no? 270 00:20:01,360 --> 00:20:03,610 I've never seen a student like him. 271 00:20:04,950 --> 00:20:08,200 So it will be better for Itachi to let him graduate? 272 00:20:09,700 --> 00:20:10,740 Graduate? 273 00:20:11,360 --> 00:20:13,490 After only a year at the Academy? 274 00:20:13,950 --> 00:20:14,700 Yeah. 275 00:20:15,360 --> 00:20:18,400 The teacher said as long as both parents agree. 276 00:20:18,700 --> 00:20:20,900 They want to talk to you at school. 277 00:20:21,990 --> 00:20:22,950 I see… 278 00:20:24,200 --> 00:20:25,400 That's my boy. 279 00:20:37,820 --> 00:20:39,530 GRADUATES' INFORMATION SESSION 280 00:20:39,530 --> 00:20:41,320 GRADUATES' INFORMATION SESSION Graduates! 281 00:20:42,110 --> 00:20:45,900 You will now be assigned missions from the village. 282 00:20:46,570 --> 00:20:49,490 We'll be forming three-man teams 283 00:20:49,530 --> 00:20:52,530 led by one jonin… 284 00:20:52,860 --> 00:20:56,450 and you will be undertaking your mission under their guidance. 285 00:20:59,860 --> 00:21:02,900 And now, I will announce the teams! 286 00:22:37,430 --> 00:22:39,220 Big Brother! What is this? 287 00:22:39,260 --> 00:22:41,300 This is…from back then! 288 00:22:42,050 --> 00:22:44,720 Life is born, and life dies… 289 00:22:45,550 --> 00:22:48,140 But life is saved again… 290 00:22:49,300 --> 00:22:50,260 Well… 291 00:22:50,430 --> 00:22:54,640 When I saved them back then, I didn't really have any deep feelings. 292 00:22:56,050 --> 00:22:59,350 Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "The Pain of Living" 293 00:23:00,470 --> 00:23:03,130 It just affected me… 294 00:23:03,220 --> 00:23:04,800 Itachi's Story - Light and Darkness: The Pain of Living 295 00:23:04,820 --> 00:23:17,800 Tune in again!