1 00:00:03,900 --> 00:00:05,670 RECORDING 2 00:00:05,670 --> 00:00:09,420 RECORDING Naruto, Hinata, congratulations on your marriage! 3 00:00:10,780 --> 00:00:11,440 Huh? 4 00:00:12,700 --> 00:00:13,400 Oh! 5 00:00:13,990 --> 00:00:15,700 What're you doing, Sai? 6 00:00:16,120 --> 00:00:17,240 Where's your congratulatory message?! 7 00:00:17,530 --> 00:00:21,080 Well, I don't think I can say it well. 8 00:00:21,080 --> 00:00:23,080 You're a former Team 7 member! 9 00:00:23,580 --> 00:00:24,870 You're gonna do this! 10 00:00:24,960 --> 00:00:26,250 RECORDING 11 00:00:26,250 --> 00:00:29,090 RECORDING Naruto, Hinata, congratulations on your marriage! 12 00:00:29,090 --> 00:00:31,010 RECORDING Hey, you're being too stiff… 13 00:00:31,130 --> 00:00:33,970 RECORDING Naruto, Hinata, congratulations on your marriage! 14 00:00:33,970 --> 00:00:36,220 RECORDING Uh, act more natural. 15 00:00:37,010 --> 00:00:39,560 Like I told you before, I don't think I can say it well. 16 00:00:43,020 --> 00:00:44,440 Naruto! Hinata! 17 00:00:44,480 --> 00:00:49,020 To the both of you... Have a hot, hot, hot married life! 18 00:00:49,150 --> 00:00:50,230 Brother Lee, you're way too close… 19 00:00:50,320 --> 00:00:53,690 When you say it, it doesn't sound like a congratulatory message… 20 00:00:53,780 --> 00:00:55,070 Something's missing! 21 00:00:55,150 --> 00:00:55,860 SPRINGTIME OF YOUTH 22 00:00:55,860 --> 00:00:57,110 SPRINGTIME OF YOUTH Guy Sensei! 23 00:00:57,110 --> 00:00:58,120 SPRINGTIME OF YOUTH My dear Lee… 24 00:00:58,530 --> 00:01:01,040 Think if your hot-blooded wish will permeate through the lens 25 00:01:01,120 --> 00:01:03,450 and be conveyed 100% to Naruto and Hinata 26 00:01:03,540 --> 00:01:05,870 when your message is played. 27 00:01:06,960 --> 00:01:10,670 It needs something symbolic on-screen. 28 00:01:10,960 --> 00:01:12,800 I know! The sunrise! 29 00:01:12,880 --> 00:01:14,760 The sun rising over the horizon 30 00:01:14,840 --> 00:01:17,050 to mark the beginning of their married life together! 31 00:01:17,130 --> 00:01:19,050 Give your message with the sunrise in the background… 32 00:01:19,140 --> 00:01:21,560 and you'll increase the impact of your hot-blooded feelings by 300%! 33 00:01:21,680 --> 00:01:23,680 Don't take them too seriously. 34 00:01:23,720 --> 00:01:24,020 RECORDING 35 00:01:24,020 --> 00:01:27,020 RECORDING Hi Naruto and Hinata! I hope you're well! 36 00:01:27,020 --> 00:01:28,480 RECORDING What's up with that? 37 00:01:28,480 --> 00:01:30,150 RECORDING Of course, they're well. 38 00:01:30,310 --> 00:01:32,730 RECORDING Hey, enough with the wisecracks! 39 00:01:33,610 --> 00:01:34,650 RECORDING Tadah! 40 00:01:34,740 --> 00:01:36,400 Hey Naruto! Hinata! 41 00:01:36,490 --> 00:01:37,780 How ya doin'? 42 00:01:37,860 --> 00:01:40,030 Hey Kiba! Don't butt in! 43 00:01:40,200 --> 00:01:42,240 – Isn't there anyone who's a friend of – I heard you were making 44 00:01:42,240 --> 00:01:43,830 – Big Brother Naruto who'll let me – a congratulatory video! 45 00:01:43,830 --> 00:01:45,290 – get a proper message? – I searched for you all over town! 46 00:01:45,580 --> 00:01:46,830 RECORDING 47 00:01:46,830 --> 00:01:50,540 RECORDING Uh, Naruto, Hinata… congratulations on your marriage.... 48 00:01:50,580 --> 00:01:53,090 Iruka Sensei, you're too nervous, c'mon! 49 00:01:53,500 --> 00:01:56,220 Sorry, sorry! I'm not good at these sorts of things. 50 00:01:56,590 --> 00:01:59,090 Just say what you feel. 51 00:01:59,220 --> 00:02:01,720 If he hears his mentor, Iruka Sensei, speaking from his heart… 52 00:02:01,800 --> 00:02:04,310 Big Bro Naruto's gonna cry! 53 00:02:04,770 --> 00:02:07,230 His mentor? That's going a bit too far. 54 00:02:08,190 --> 00:02:10,650 Okay, let's go for a comment that's deeply moving! Here we go! 55 00:02:10,770 --> 00:02:14,110 Ah… Um… Well… 56 00:02:14,980 --> 00:02:18,650 I can't think of anything so suddenly, so can we do this later? 57 00:02:23,120 --> 00:02:25,410 Since Naruto's getting married… 58 00:03:56,880 --> 00:04:00,830 Naruto's Wedding 59 00:04:01,840 --> 00:04:03,380 Naruto, Hinata… 60 00:04:04,550 --> 00:04:05,800 Naruto! Hinata! 61 00:04:07,470 --> 00:04:09,850 Congratulations on your nuptials… 62 00:04:10,600 --> 00:04:12,100 That's too stiff! 63 00:04:12,230 --> 00:04:13,140 Iruka Sensei! 64 00:04:13,230 --> 00:04:14,100 Big trouble! 65 00:04:16,940 --> 00:04:18,150 Look at what they did to the memorial statue! 66 00:04:18,150 --> 00:04:19,280 THE THIRD HOKAGE Look at what they did to the memorial statue! 67 00:04:19,860 --> 00:04:20,780 What do we do? 68 00:04:20,900 --> 00:04:24,820 Now, Sadoru Sensei, you just became an instructor recently, 69 00:04:24,910 --> 00:04:26,700 so I understand how upsetting this is. 70 00:04:26,700 --> 00:04:28,030 But this sort of thing is quite minor… 71 00:04:30,200 --> 00:04:31,200 Hey! 72 00:04:34,540 --> 00:04:36,630 Tsukune, Sansho, Mibuna! 73 00:04:36,710 --> 00:04:39,000 So, this is your doing, after all. 74 00:04:39,420 --> 00:04:41,840 How'd you know we were here? 75 00:04:41,920 --> 00:04:44,680 I know exactly what you're thinking. 76 00:04:44,760 --> 00:04:46,430 We were just playing hide-and-seek! 77 00:04:46,800 --> 00:04:48,800 Don't go off and treat us like criminals! 78 00:04:48,890 --> 00:04:49,680 Don't lie! 79 00:04:50,350 --> 00:04:53,810 I bet you enjoyed seeing Sadoru Sensei having a hard time, didn't you? 80 00:04:53,890 --> 00:04:54,940 No! 81 00:04:55,020 --> 00:04:57,650 You don't even like, have any proof. So, stop jumping to conclusions! 82 00:04:57,730 --> 00:04:58,270 I see. 83 00:04:58,810 --> 00:05:01,730 So, you guys didn't do this graffiti… 84 00:05:01,820 --> 00:05:05,820 For a prank, it looked pretty cool, so I figured it was you guys… 85 00:05:05,950 --> 00:05:07,660 Hey, you've got a good eye! 86 00:05:07,870 --> 00:05:09,990 To tell you the truth, I'm really proud of it! 87 00:05:10,080 --> 00:05:10,990 Shh! 88 00:05:12,700 --> 00:05:15,500 Make sure you clean it up completely! 89 00:05:15,750 --> 00:05:17,120 – Yes, sir… – Yes, sir… 90 00:05:17,370 --> 00:05:19,250 You're amazing, Iruka Sensei! 91 00:05:19,750 --> 00:05:24,010 Compared to Naruto's antics, this is cute. 92 00:05:24,470 --> 00:05:25,470 Naruto? 93 00:05:26,090 --> 00:05:27,970 You mean, Naruto Uzumaki? 94 00:05:29,140 --> 00:05:31,930 Were you his teacher? 95 00:05:32,140 --> 00:05:34,770 Huh? Well, yes… 96 00:05:34,770 --> 00:05:36,850 – No way! – No way! 97 00:05:36,850 --> 00:05:40,190 Naruto Uzumaki, the super-famous Naruto Uzumaki, right? 98 00:05:40,270 --> 00:05:41,690 He's on a completely different level! 99 00:05:41,770 --> 00:05:43,780 There's no way an ordinary teacher 100 00:05:43,780 --> 00:05:46,320 – like you taught him, Iruka Sensei! – Ordinary…teacher? 101 00:05:46,780 --> 00:05:48,740 You're just trying to inspire us… 102 00:05:48,820 --> 00:05:50,700 by saying that even Naruto Uzumaki was a bad kid, 103 00:05:50,780 --> 00:05:52,830 so us bad kids should try our best, right? 104 00:05:52,910 --> 00:05:56,290 Yeah, like, don't make up stories if you want to send us a message. 105 00:05:56,460 --> 00:05:57,790 I-I see… 106 00:05:58,330 --> 00:05:59,880 Well then… 107 00:05:59,960 --> 00:06:03,380 While you're at it, rake the yard and clean the toilets! 108 00:06:03,420 --> 00:06:04,840 – What?! – What?! 109 00:06:04,880 --> 00:06:06,840 – No fair! – No fair! 110 00:06:10,640 --> 00:06:13,850 "I really did teach Naruto." 111 00:06:13,930 --> 00:06:18,140 Even if I said that, students now wouldn't believe me. 112 00:06:19,730 --> 00:06:23,690 Naruto is a super-hero to them. 113 00:06:25,780 --> 00:06:26,900 Oh, there you are! 114 00:06:28,070 --> 00:06:30,990 Iruka Sensei, do you have a minute? 115 00:06:31,910 --> 00:06:32,620 Yes? 116 00:06:32,740 --> 00:06:35,580 Vice-principal? Me?! 117 00:06:35,740 --> 00:06:38,500 You've been here a long time. 118 00:06:38,750 --> 00:06:41,420 And you're popular among your colleagues. 119 00:06:41,750 --> 00:06:43,880 You would be perfect person for the job. 120 00:06:48,380 --> 00:06:50,380 15 16 17 18 121 00:06:51,220 --> 00:06:52,850 TEAM 5 TEAM 6 122 00:06:53,260 --> 00:06:55,760 Lord Kakashi, I've brought you some tea. 123 00:06:55,890 --> 00:06:58,310 Can you drop the "lord"? 124 00:06:58,480 --> 00:07:00,060 Is anything the matter, sir? 125 00:07:00,140 --> 00:07:02,310 You seem quite perturbed. 126 00:07:02,440 --> 00:07:04,770 And don't be overly formal. 127 00:07:05,070 --> 00:07:06,360 I'm not used to it. 128 00:07:08,190 --> 00:07:12,410 Anyway, the date for Naruto and Hinata's wedding is set, right? 129 00:07:12,740 --> 00:07:16,240 I'm thinking of a way for everyone to be able to attend. 130 00:07:16,490 --> 00:07:17,870 I see… 131 00:07:18,080 --> 00:07:20,210 If everyone attends the reception, 132 00:07:20,290 --> 00:07:22,790 we won't be able to fulfill any missions on that day… 133 00:07:22,880 --> 00:07:26,670 let alone handle any emergencies. 134 00:07:27,460 --> 00:07:32,130 Their close circle of friends are all significant jonin now, right? 135 00:07:32,720 --> 00:07:35,600 It would be a problem if all of them are unavailable. 136 00:07:36,100 --> 00:07:36,890 RECORDING 137 00:07:36,890 --> 00:07:39,140 RECORDING Naruto, it's been awhile. 138 00:07:39,140 --> 00:07:41,090 RECORDING I hear you're getting married— 139 00:07:41,350 --> 00:07:42,310 That's right! 140 00:07:42,390 --> 00:07:43,850 The previous Hokage, Lady Tsunade, 141 00:07:43,850 --> 00:07:47,820 had a rule in case of emergencies like this. 142 00:07:47,940 --> 00:07:48,860 Huh?! 143 00:07:49,650 --> 00:07:52,030 "One: when there is a marriage among shinobi, 144 00:07:52,110 --> 00:07:54,950 the gift that each shinobi will present will be assessed 145 00:07:55,030 --> 00:07:58,830 to determine who shall attend," it seems… 146 00:07:58,830 --> 00:08:01,410 Huh?! What's up with that? It's got to be a joke. 147 00:08:01,500 --> 00:08:04,120 It seems like a joke, but it's right here. 148 00:08:04,370 --> 00:08:05,790 You're right! 149 00:08:05,830 --> 00:08:12,010 But this is like eliminating people by the size of their gift. 150 00:08:12,380 --> 00:08:15,840 Perhaps so, but it's the rule. 151 00:08:16,010 --> 00:08:18,100 No one would agree to something 152 00:08:18,180 --> 00:08:20,560 that measures friendship like that. 153 00:08:20,970 --> 00:08:23,810 I'll be called the worst Hokage in history. 154 00:08:23,810 --> 00:08:25,980 I understand how you feel, 155 00:08:26,060 --> 00:08:28,400 but it's more important to fulfill the responsibility 156 00:08:28,480 --> 00:08:29,900 that's right before you, as the Hokage. 157 00:08:32,400 --> 00:08:33,280 Welcome! 158 00:08:33,360 --> 00:08:34,740 I'll have ramen. 159 00:08:34,820 --> 00:08:36,660 Make mine a super-size ramen! 160 00:08:37,240 --> 00:08:39,410 Oh! Iruka Sensei! 161 00:08:40,450 --> 00:08:42,700 Did you come up with a congratulatory message? 162 00:08:42,830 --> 00:08:45,920 Uh no, sorry, I forgot… 163 00:08:47,750 --> 00:08:49,500 An advancement exam?! 164 00:08:49,670 --> 00:08:53,340 One of the board officials recommended I take it to become vice-principal. 165 00:08:53,380 --> 00:08:56,800 W-Wh…? Why only Iruka Sensei? 166 00:08:56,890 --> 00:08:59,350 Does that mean I'm not among the candidates?! 167 00:08:59,430 --> 00:09:00,970 No, that's not right! 168 00:09:01,220 --> 00:09:02,720 What's the matter, Ebisu Sensei? 169 00:09:03,600 --> 00:09:05,730 N-No, nothing's the matter. 170 00:09:05,730 --> 00:09:08,110 But this is a great opportunity! 171 00:09:08,650 --> 00:09:09,480 Oh? 172 00:09:09,860 --> 00:09:11,780 His mentor is being promoted… 173 00:09:11,860 --> 00:09:14,700 This will make Naruto's wedding even more auspicious. 174 00:09:14,700 --> 00:09:18,450 Then we'll have to start calling you Vice-Principal Iruka. 175 00:09:18,530 --> 00:09:19,740 Oh, please stop. 176 00:09:20,080 --> 00:09:22,910 I haven't even decided if I'll take the test or not. 177 00:09:23,330 --> 00:09:24,370 Huh?! 178 00:09:24,450 --> 00:09:26,830 You're not going to pass up a chance like this, are you?! 179 00:09:27,040 --> 00:09:29,840 Ebisu Sensei, you look sorta glad. 180 00:09:30,210 --> 00:09:34,670 I admit I'm grateful for the chance to be promoted. Besides… 181 00:09:35,090 --> 00:09:37,720 Naruto Uzumaki, the super-famous Naruto Uzumaki, right? 182 00:09:37,800 --> 00:09:41,310 There's no way an ordinary teacher like you taught him, Iruka Sensei! 183 00:09:41,720 --> 00:09:44,730 I know I should strive to get ahead. 184 00:09:44,810 --> 00:09:51,570 But there's a part of me that wants to continue teaching kids one on one. 185 00:09:51,650 --> 00:09:53,360 Of course! 186 00:09:53,440 --> 00:09:57,150 You shine in the classroom, Iruka Sensei. You really do! 187 00:09:57,240 --> 00:09:59,740 I still think you seem a little too happy… 188 00:10:00,950 --> 00:10:02,740 What's up? 189 00:10:07,500 --> 00:10:08,620 Lord Kakashi… 190 00:10:08,790 --> 00:10:11,000 Could you drop the "lord" part? 191 00:10:11,210 --> 00:10:13,920 How long have you been there? I didn't notice you at all. 192 00:10:14,000 --> 00:10:17,670 Well, you were all going on about Iruka Sensei… 193 00:10:17,670 --> 00:10:19,340 So, I didn't want to interfere. 194 00:10:19,590 --> 00:10:20,550 Lord Kakashi… 195 00:10:20,720 --> 00:10:22,390 I mean, Kakashi… 196 00:10:22,470 --> 00:10:24,100 Is something going on with you as well? 197 00:10:24,180 --> 00:10:25,180 Oh, no… 198 00:10:25,270 --> 00:10:27,430 But what's going on with you, Iruka Sensei? 199 00:10:27,520 --> 00:10:30,900 He was asked to take the advancement exam for vice-principal! 200 00:10:31,360 --> 00:10:32,270 Vice-principal? 201 00:10:32,860 --> 00:10:35,320 Oh yeah, the position is open. 202 00:10:35,940 --> 00:10:40,030 And I'm not sure if I should take it or not. 203 00:10:40,450 --> 00:10:43,120 You? Take the advancement exam? 204 00:10:43,950 --> 00:10:46,240 Now that would be difficult. 205 00:10:46,370 --> 00:10:47,660 – Huh? – What?! 206 00:10:48,370 --> 00:10:50,790 Well… I'd better get back to work. 207 00:10:51,960 --> 00:10:52,920 Thanks! 208 00:10:53,000 --> 00:10:54,090 Thanks for coming— 209 00:10:54,170 --> 00:10:55,920 Hey, Ayame. 210 00:10:56,000 --> 00:10:57,880 Did you take Lord Kakashi's order? 211 00:10:58,090 --> 00:10:58,880 What? 212 00:10:58,970 --> 00:11:01,720 Huh?! When did he—?! 213 00:11:01,760 --> 00:11:03,510 What's going on here? 214 00:11:04,100 --> 00:11:07,600 Was he talking about Iruka Sensei taking the advancement exam? 215 00:11:07,770 --> 00:11:10,190 Why'd he say it would "be difficult" for Iruka Sensei? 216 00:11:10,770 --> 00:11:12,270 I got it! 217 00:11:13,610 --> 00:11:15,820 As the Hokage, Lord Kakashi doesn't think 218 00:11:15,900 --> 00:11:19,570 Iruka Sensei is suitable to be the vice-principal! 219 00:11:19,780 --> 00:11:20,780 – Whaa—?! – Whaa—?! 220 00:11:20,860 --> 00:11:22,660 That's what he meant. 221 00:11:23,120 --> 00:11:24,570 The advancement exam? 222 00:11:24,870 --> 00:11:26,200 Iruka Sensei? 223 00:11:26,330 --> 00:11:27,740 Even if he takes it, 224 00:11:27,740 --> 00:11:29,710 with Iruka's Sensei's skills and experience, 225 00:11:29,790 --> 00:11:33,040 getting the promotion would be difficult. 226 00:11:34,630 --> 00:11:36,710 Now, now I didn't say it! 227 00:11:36,840 --> 00:11:40,260 I'm just surmising what Lord Hokage meant. 228 00:11:40,340 --> 00:11:45,300 For him to say that taking the exam would be difficult… 229 00:11:45,550 --> 00:11:47,060 It's like saying he knows the outcome 230 00:11:47,140 --> 00:11:49,640 before Iruka Sensei even takes the exam, hey… 231 00:11:50,060 --> 00:11:51,890 You gonna stand for that, Iruka Sensei? 232 00:11:52,230 --> 00:11:56,270 You want to give Naruto something else to celebrate at his wedding, don't ya? 233 00:11:56,360 --> 00:11:58,400 Dad, don't egg him on like that. 234 00:11:58,480 --> 00:12:00,490 What're you saying? Earlier, even you were—! 235 00:12:00,690 --> 00:12:01,570 I'm taking it! 236 00:12:03,860 --> 00:12:06,580 I'm going to take the exam and I'm going to pass. 237 00:12:06,990 --> 00:12:10,410 It will be Naruto's biggest day in his life… 238 00:12:10,500 --> 00:12:12,580 and I'm going to present him with auspicious news! 239 00:12:12,660 --> 00:12:13,870 Iruka Sensei! 240 00:12:13,960 --> 00:12:14,790 Well said! 241 00:12:14,880 --> 00:12:16,920 You're the man! 242 00:12:26,970 --> 00:12:27,890 All right! 243 00:12:32,730 --> 00:12:35,400 A prank like this is old news. 244 00:12:36,310 --> 00:12:39,190 But Naruto, who used to play tricks like this, 245 00:12:39,270 --> 00:12:41,190 became the village hero. 246 00:12:41,530 --> 00:12:46,110 Maybe there's a future "Naruto Uzumaki" among you. 247 00:12:46,820 --> 00:12:50,910 Now listen, anyone can become a hero like Naruto Uzumaki! 248 00:12:51,750 --> 00:12:55,210 So believe in yourself and do your best! 249 00:12:55,330 --> 00:12:56,880 – Yes, sir! – Yes, sir! 250 00:12:57,000 --> 00:12:58,790 Not Naruto Uzumaki again?! 251 00:13:03,010 --> 00:13:03,970 What's the matter?! 252 00:13:04,470 --> 00:13:06,760 Come on, put some more spirit into it! 253 00:13:10,220 --> 00:13:12,100 Sadoru Sensei, you just have to be confident and 254 00:13:12,180 --> 00:13:13,730 take on the students head on at times like this! 255 00:13:14,020 --> 00:13:15,480 – I'm sorry. – I'm sorry. 256 00:13:15,600 --> 00:13:17,650 We're very sorry. 257 00:13:17,730 --> 00:13:19,690 I'll make sure to teach them better 258 00:13:19,770 --> 00:13:24,190 so that this never happens again, so please… 259 00:13:30,870 --> 00:13:32,120 Hey, Tsukune… 260 00:13:32,200 --> 00:13:35,330 Damaging the statue is going too far. 261 00:13:35,410 --> 00:13:38,000 Iruka Sensei will really get mad this time. 262 00:13:38,080 --> 00:13:39,080 So what? 263 00:13:46,550 --> 00:13:49,090 I figured you were up to something like this. 264 00:13:49,510 --> 00:13:50,970 I told you, didn't I? 265 00:13:51,050 --> 00:13:54,310 I know exactly what you're thinking. 266 00:13:56,230 --> 00:13:57,560 I'll say this… 267 00:13:57,640 --> 00:13:59,900 you do things on such a small scale. 268 00:14:00,900 --> 00:14:03,400 Why, to Naruto, scrawling graffiti 269 00:14:03,480 --> 00:14:05,490 on the Hokage's Great Stone Face was nothing. 270 00:14:05,570 --> 00:14:07,650 He even took the Book of Seals and 271 00:14:07,740 --> 00:14:10,160 wreaked havoc in the village. 272 00:14:11,450 --> 00:14:14,620 So, Naruto Uzumaki really was your pupil? 273 00:14:14,830 --> 00:14:15,950 Shut up! 274 00:14:16,040 --> 00:14:16,910 Who cares about Naruto! 275 00:14:17,210 --> 00:14:18,870 I am me! 276 00:14:20,500 --> 00:14:21,790 Iruka Sensei did? 277 00:14:21,880 --> 00:14:23,040 Yeah. 278 00:14:23,130 --> 00:14:25,260 He's been gung-ho ever since. 279 00:14:25,340 --> 00:14:27,720 I keep hearing good things about him from everyone. 280 00:14:27,800 --> 00:14:30,010 He's gonna make it for sure! 281 00:14:30,800 --> 00:14:34,560 Ebisu Sensei, you're looking a little too depressed now. 282 00:14:36,060 --> 00:14:37,810 I'm going out to get a bite to eat. 283 00:14:37,850 --> 00:14:39,900 Ramen again? 284 00:14:39,980 --> 00:14:43,610 Eating ramen every day isn't healthy. 285 00:14:43,690 --> 00:14:44,820 Well, that's okay. 286 00:14:45,780 --> 00:14:46,940 You're really gonna do it? 287 00:14:47,240 --> 00:14:48,280 'Course! 288 00:14:48,450 --> 00:14:51,530 Lord Hokage is gone. Now's our only chance. 289 00:14:52,070 --> 00:14:56,370 I can pull off anything Naruto Uzumaki did, just as easily. 290 00:14:56,870 --> 00:14:57,950 Let's go! 291 00:14:58,370 --> 00:15:00,080 C-Count me out! 292 00:15:00,120 --> 00:15:01,040 Me too! 293 00:15:01,830 --> 00:15:03,080 Wimps… 294 00:15:04,540 --> 00:15:05,550 Good evening. 295 00:15:05,710 --> 00:15:08,170 Oh welcome, Lord Hokage! 296 00:15:08,260 --> 00:15:10,970 Look, could you please drop the "lord." 297 00:15:11,300 --> 00:15:14,390 Huh? What's wrong Ebisu Sensei? Why are you spaced out? 298 00:15:14,510 --> 00:15:18,810 We were talking about Iruka Sensei passing the advancement exam. 299 00:15:19,100 --> 00:15:22,690 Huh? Iruka Sensei plans to take the exam? 300 00:15:22,940 --> 00:15:26,150 Sure, thanks to you, Kakashi! 301 00:15:26,650 --> 00:15:29,070 Me? What did I do? 302 00:15:29,990 --> 00:15:31,320 Anyway… 303 00:15:31,950 --> 00:15:33,570 What a delicious smell! 304 00:15:33,990 --> 00:15:34,870 Is it ramen? 305 00:15:36,030 --> 00:15:38,240 Seems like they didn't order pot stickers, though. 306 00:15:39,040 --> 00:15:41,040 Is that what happened? 307 00:15:42,290 --> 00:15:45,090 I didn't mean it that way. 308 00:15:45,380 --> 00:15:46,750 What do you mean? 309 00:15:47,000 --> 00:15:49,630 Anyway, regarding the advancement exam, they say… 310 00:15:49,710 --> 00:15:50,840 Lord Kakashi! 311 00:15:50,920 --> 00:15:53,260 How many times do I have tell you to stop it with the "lord"? 312 00:15:53,340 --> 00:15:55,220 Never mind that! Bad news! 313 00:15:55,930 --> 00:15:57,850 The Book of Seals was stolen?! 314 00:15:57,850 --> 00:16:01,230 Yes. No one knows where it is, 315 00:16:01,310 --> 00:16:03,980 and all shinobi are now searching for it. 316 00:16:04,100 --> 00:16:05,440 Don't tell me… 317 00:16:06,940 --> 00:16:08,270 Iruka Sensei! 318 00:16:12,150 --> 00:16:13,820 Sansho! Mibuna! 319 00:16:13,820 --> 00:16:15,490 Where is Tsukune?! 320 00:16:15,660 --> 00:16:18,330 We tried to stop him… 321 00:16:18,660 --> 00:16:19,870 I knew it… 322 00:16:27,000 --> 00:16:28,250 See? 323 00:16:29,380 --> 00:16:30,800 That was easy. 324 00:16:31,590 --> 00:16:34,970 Next, I'll use this and mess up the Great Stone Face. 325 00:16:35,140 --> 00:16:36,340 Stop! 326 00:16:37,430 --> 00:16:39,220 I knew I'd find you here. 327 00:16:40,140 --> 00:16:42,890 You planned to use a Shadow Clone from the Book of Seals 328 00:16:42,980 --> 00:16:45,270 and pull off a flashy prank, right? 329 00:16:45,690 --> 00:16:48,940 You wanna say that you know exactly what I'm thinking, right? 330 00:16:49,320 --> 00:16:52,440 No, I don't know what you're thinking. 331 00:16:53,400 --> 00:16:56,110 What am I doing?! 332 00:16:56,950 --> 00:16:59,370 I keep comparing students to the ones I had in the past. 333 00:16:59,700 --> 00:17:01,410 And I can't see into the heart… 334 00:17:01,490 --> 00:17:05,120 of the precious student that's standing right before me! 335 00:17:06,500 --> 00:17:07,790 Iruka Sensei… 336 00:17:09,000 --> 00:17:10,800 I realize it now, Tsukune. 337 00:17:11,710 --> 00:17:14,880 You just wanted to be acknowledged, right? 338 00:17:16,010 --> 00:17:17,430 And I didn't see that… 339 00:17:17,510 --> 00:17:19,970 and kept bragging about an old student of mine. 340 00:17:20,060 --> 00:17:21,970 How long have I been a teacher anyway? 341 00:17:23,020 --> 00:17:24,890 I'm such a fool! 342 00:17:25,190 --> 00:17:27,020 I'm sorry! 343 00:17:27,060 --> 00:17:28,400 Please forgive me! 344 00:17:30,940 --> 00:17:32,070 Did you mean it? 345 00:17:32,320 --> 00:17:33,280 Huh? 346 00:17:33,740 --> 00:17:35,900 About what you said… 347 00:17:36,320 --> 00:17:39,740 Anyone can become a hero like Naruto Uzumaki! 348 00:17:39,820 --> 00:17:43,540 So believe in yourself and do your best! 349 00:17:44,160 --> 00:17:46,160 Yeah. Of course! 350 00:17:48,540 --> 00:17:49,630 'Kay then… 351 00:17:49,830 --> 00:17:53,050 I'll try a little bit harder. 352 00:17:56,010 --> 00:17:58,930 SEALED I'm very sorry about what my student did. 353 00:17:59,510 --> 00:18:01,680 I take full responsibility. 354 00:18:01,970 --> 00:18:02,810 Oh, yeah? 355 00:18:02,890 --> 00:18:06,350 Then check and confirm the inside for me. 356 00:18:06,480 --> 00:18:07,390 Huh? 357 00:18:08,020 --> 00:18:13,190 "To me, love is life. Love is everything, you see?!" 358 00:18:13,360 --> 00:18:15,820 MAKE-OUT PARADISE There's no way I'd place the real thing 359 00:18:15,820 --> 00:18:18,610 where it can be stolen easily. 360 00:18:19,200 --> 00:18:20,490 True… 361 00:18:20,990 --> 00:18:22,780 By the way, Iruka Sensei… 362 00:18:22,950 --> 00:18:24,870 About the advancement exam… 363 00:18:24,910 --> 00:18:27,290 You were right, Kakashi. 364 00:18:27,460 --> 00:18:29,620 That position is far more than I can handle right now. 365 00:18:29,750 --> 00:18:30,500 Huh?! 366 00:18:30,580 --> 00:18:34,500 No, no… When I said it was going to be difficult, 367 00:18:34,590 --> 00:18:36,260 I meant that the advancement exam 368 00:18:36,340 --> 00:18:39,300 is on the same day as Naruto's wedding. 369 00:18:39,380 --> 00:18:40,090 What? 370 00:18:40,930 --> 00:18:42,350 You are his mentor, Iruka Sensei… 371 00:18:42,430 --> 00:18:45,270 You can't miss his wedding, right? 372 00:18:45,970 --> 00:18:48,180 So, that got me thinking… 373 00:18:48,940 --> 00:18:52,560 I'm thinking of reserving another extra day for the advancement exam. 374 00:18:54,110 --> 00:18:57,110 I really want you to become the vice-principal, Iruka Sensei, 375 00:18:57,190 --> 00:18:59,950 and serve as a shining example to all of the Academy teachers. 376 00:18:59,990 --> 00:19:00,740 I'm sorry. 377 00:19:01,740 --> 00:19:03,700 I'm not going to take the exam, after all. 378 00:19:04,120 --> 00:19:06,950 I got carried away about going to Naruto's reception 379 00:19:07,040 --> 00:19:08,750 as the newly promoted vice-principal 380 00:19:08,830 --> 00:19:12,080 and forgot about my student who was right before my eyes. 381 00:19:12,960 --> 00:19:14,750 I've failed as a teacher. 382 00:19:15,750 --> 00:19:18,840 I have no right to go celebrate with Naruto. 383 00:19:21,380 --> 00:19:23,800 First, I must take care of my current students 384 00:19:23,800 --> 00:19:26,970 and cherish the things right before me. 385 00:19:27,390 --> 00:19:30,770 Then and only then, can I properly congratulate Naruto. 386 00:19:31,640 --> 00:19:35,980 Cherish the things right before me, huh… 387 00:19:36,820 --> 00:19:39,280 …it's more important to fulfill the responsibility 388 00:19:39,360 --> 00:19:41,110 that's right before you, as the Hokage. 389 00:19:42,360 --> 00:19:45,160 You're right. I've decided too. 390 00:19:45,450 --> 00:19:47,870 Huh? What did you—? 391 00:19:50,410 --> 00:19:52,750 I asked you to assemble here today 392 00:19:52,830 --> 00:19:56,590 to relay something as your Sixth Hokage. 393 00:19:58,590 --> 00:20:01,720 Listen. I am giving you a secret mission 394 00:20:01,800 --> 00:20:04,340 in which you shall each prepare a congratulatory gift 395 00:20:04,430 --> 00:20:06,010 for Naruto and Hinata's wedding. 396 00:20:06,970 --> 00:20:12,270 Have it ready and report back one week before the reception. 397 00:20:13,020 --> 00:20:14,690 A wedding gift? 398 00:20:14,940 --> 00:20:16,310 That's great! 399 00:20:16,440 --> 00:20:17,860 – He has it all planned. – What a drag. 400 00:20:17,940 --> 00:20:19,940 Leave it to Lord Hokage! 401 00:20:20,110 --> 00:20:22,030 That is all. 402 00:20:23,910 --> 00:20:25,990 Kakashi, what is going on? 403 00:20:27,620 --> 00:20:31,040 We're going to assess each gift and give it a ranking to determine 404 00:20:31,120 --> 00:20:33,250 who will attend the wedding reception 405 00:20:33,330 --> 00:20:35,750 and who will be placed on duty for that day's missions. 406 00:20:36,130 --> 00:20:39,840 In other words, we're going to sift and screen through the gifts. 407 00:20:39,960 --> 00:20:45,180 But that's like measuring their friendship?! 408 00:20:45,470 --> 00:20:46,760 Yeah… 409 00:20:46,840 --> 00:20:50,270 But what's most important is what's right before me, right? 410 00:20:51,140 --> 00:20:54,980 I'm prepared to be called the worst Hokage in history. 411 00:20:55,650 --> 00:20:57,900 "The worst Hokage in history"? 412 00:20:58,820 --> 00:21:01,400 It's all thanks to you, Iruka Sensei! 413 00:21:02,650 --> 00:21:03,700 Wha—? 414 00:21:03,820 --> 00:21:05,320 What?! 415 00:21:05,880 --> 00:21:08,890 31 MORE DAYS UNTIL THE WEDDING 416 00:22:39,920 --> 00:22:42,840 Guy Sensei, what makes a good wedding gift? 417 00:22:42,880 --> 00:22:46,760 Since this is for Naruto… Naruto..to…to… 418 00:22:46,840 --> 00:22:49,090 Toilet paper…pa! 419 00:22:49,180 --> 00:22:52,100 Pa? Pa..pa… Oh, passion fruits? 420 00:22:52,180 --> 00:22:55,890 Ts…Ts…Tsunade's big chest, duh! 421 00:22:55,970 --> 00:22:58,810 Duh? Duh…duh…dumb bells! 422 00:22:58,980 --> 00:23:00,810 Next time on Naruto Shippuden: 423 00:23:00,900 --> 00:23:04,900 "Hidden Leaf Story, The Perfect Day for a Wedding, Part 2: A Full-Powered Wedding Gift" 424 00:23:04,980 --> 00:23:06,570 Why are you guys playing a word chain game?! 425 00:23:08,840 --> 00:23:28,460 Tune in again!