1 00:00:16,040 --> 00:00:18,880 WIND 2 00:01:54,510 --> 00:01:56,300 Welcome. 3 00:01:56,550 --> 00:01:58,760 It's been a while Lord Sixth. 4 00:02:00,510 --> 00:02:02,390 I apologize for being late. 5 00:02:02,470 --> 00:02:05,350 Have the other Kage arrived already? 6 00:02:06,180 --> 00:02:09,390 Yes, they just arrived. 7 00:02:12,140 --> 00:02:14,430 6TH HOKAGE I don't see the Mizukage… 8 00:02:14,430 --> 00:02:17,180 6TH HOKAGE Due to inclement weather en route, 9 00:02:17,180 --> 00:02:20,140 6TH HOKAGE they are running about a half a day behind. 10 00:02:20,140 --> 00:02:21,800 6TH HOKAGE During this time, 11 00:02:21,800 --> 00:02:24,300 6TH HOKAGE please relax and enjoy what our village has to offer. 12 00:02:24,510 --> 00:02:27,100 I've assigned Hidden Leaf Shinobi to accompany you. 13 00:02:27,720 --> 00:02:29,470 By the way, Lord Sixth. 14 00:02:29,550 --> 00:02:32,100 I understand Naruto is going to marry. 15 00:02:32,470 --> 00:02:33,970 Yes, so you've heard? 16 00:02:33,970 --> 00:02:38,800 I've prepared a wedding gift from the Hidden Rock. 17 00:02:39,010 --> 00:02:42,140 May I ask you to present it at the wedding celebration? 18 00:02:42,140 --> 00:02:45,260 The Hidden Cloud will also be sending a gift. 19 00:02:45,640 --> 00:02:46,970 I ask the same of you. 20 00:02:47,640 --> 00:02:48,550 I understand. 21 00:02:48,760 --> 00:02:51,100 I'm sure Naruto will be very happy. 22 00:02:51,100 --> 00:02:54,140 Naruto…is getting married, huh? 23 00:02:54,300 --> 00:02:58,070 The Kazekage's Wedding Gift 24 00:02:58,850 --> 00:03:01,970 We didn't hear anything about Naruto getting married! 25 00:03:02,220 --> 00:03:05,640 Temari, you were here just a little while ago… 26 00:03:05,720 --> 00:03:07,010 You must've heard about it! 27 00:03:07,100 --> 00:03:07,970 Y-Yeah… 28 00:03:08,050 --> 00:03:09,890 Why didn't you tell us?! 29 00:03:11,970 --> 00:03:14,180 Shut up! I forgot, okay?! 30 00:03:14,260 --> 00:03:15,970 What's come over you? 31 00:03:16,100 --> 00:03:17,800 Y-You're being scary. 32 00:03:18,390 --> 00:03:22,350 In any case, we should prepare a wedding gift. 33 00:03:22,760 --> 00:03:25,550 Since it will be from the Kazekage, we should get something extravagant. 34 00:03:25,720 --> 00:03:26,970 Extravagant, huh? 35 00:03:26,970 --> 00:03:29,220 Do you think Naruto would appreciate that? 36 00:03:29,850 --> 00:03:32,850 You think Naruto wouldn't be happy with something extravagant? 37 00:03:34,640 --> 00:03:38,680 CONGRATULATIONS! 38 00:03:39,350 --> 00:03:40,850 When you put it that way… 39 00:03:40,930 --> 00:03:43,010 Gaara! It's been a very long time! 40 00:03:44,140 --> 00:03:45,220 Yes, it certainly has. 41 00:03:45,300 --> 00:03:48,850 We are going to show you around the village 42 00:03:48,930 --> 00:03:51,260 until Lord Mizukage arrives! 43 00:03:51,470 --> 00:03:52,800 Hey, Lee. 44 00:03:52,890 --> 00:03:55,550 He's here for the Five Kage Conference 45 00:03:55,640 --> 00:03:57,640 and we're on duty as well. 46 00:03:57,720 --> 00:04:00,100 Don't get too casual. 47 00:04:00,180 --> 00:04:02,600 No, let's not stand on ceremony. 48 00:04:02,680 --> 00:04:03,850 We appreciate your company. 49 00:04:03,930 --> 00:04:05,260 We're looking forward to it. 50 00:04:05,350 --> 00:04:09,140 So, is there somewhere you want to go first? 51 00:04:09,800 --> 00:04:11,100 Let's see… 52 00:04:11,550 --> 00:04:14,430 Actually, I want to know what kinds of things Naruto likes. 53 00:04:14,510 --> 00:04:17,100 What Naruto likes? 54 00:04:17,300 --> 00:04:18,600 Let's see… 55 00:04:19,550 --> 00:04:21,510 I know just the place! 56 00:04:21,600 --> 00:04:23,010 I'll take you there now! 57 00:04:23,100 --> 00:04:25,010 Great. Are you both coming? 58 00:04:25,010 --> 00:04:26,180 Of course! 59 00:04:29,430 --> 00:04:31,970 I'm just going to relax here. 60 00:04:32,470 --> 00:04:35,180 It will be awkward if I run into him. 61 00:04:36,100 --> 00:04:37,180 What's up, Temari? 62 00:04:37,260 --> 00:04:38,930 You seem weirdly irritated… 63 00:04:39,510 --> 00:04:41,180 There's nothing going on! 64 00:04:41,260 --> 00:04:43,300 You guys just go! 65 00:04:44,930 --> 00:04:47,600 RAMEN ICHIRAKU 66 00:04:49,970 --> 00:04:50,850 Hello! 67 00:04:50,930 --> 00:04:53,640 Oh! Welcome, Iruka Sensei! 68 00:04:54,010 --> 00:04:56,390 I'd like a large miso char siu ramen. 69 00:04:56,470 --> 00:04:57,890 Sure thing! 70 00:04:58,050 --> 00:05:01,550 But, Iruka Sensei, you've been coming around a lot lately. 71 00:05:01,640 --> 00:05:03,430 Don't be rude, Ayame! 72 00:05:03,510 --> 00:05:05,010 He's a very important customer! 73 00:05:06,930 --> 00:05:10,510 What's going on with you? You seem to be troubled. 74 00:05:10,970 --> 00:05:11,970 Well… 75 00:05:12,510 --> 00:05:15,430 Everyone's in a tizzy over what to get Naruto 76 00:05:15,510 --> 00:05:17,350 for his wedding gift for the past few days. 77 00:05:17,430 --> 00:05:19,180 It doesn't involve me since I'm not a shinobi. 78 00:05:19,260 --> 00:05:22,300 But I still want to give him something. And I came up with… 79 00:05:22,390 --> 00:05:24,010 this! 80 00:05:24,140 --> 00:05:25,680 FREE RAMEN PASS ICHIRAKU A free ramen pass? 81 00:05:26,680 --> 00:05:27,850 Oh! Not this. 82 00:05:29,180 --> 00:05:31,300 RAMEN FREE PASS FOR ONE YEAR ICHIRAKU 83 00:05:31,800 --> 00:05:36,100 I see… He gets to eat free ramen for a limited time. 84 00:05:36,180 --> 00:05:38,680 I'm sure this'll make him very happy. 85 00:05:38,760 --> 00:05:41,600 But I wonder about a whole year… 86 00:06:06,140 --> 00:06:08,640 A year is too long. 87 00:06:08,720 --> 00:06:10,180 Too long… 88 00:06:10,350 --> 00:06:11,760 RAMEN FREE PASS FOR SIX MONTHS ICHIRAKU 89 00:06:11,890 --> 00:06:14,180 It's the same with half a year. 90 00:06:14,220 --> 00:06:15,970 Yeah, you're right… 91 00:06:17,010 --> 00:06:18,010 I see. 92 00:06:18,100 --> 00:06:21,180 You want to give Naruto a wedding gift too? 93 00:06:21,600 --> 00:06:23,050 He'll definitely be overjoyed! 94 00:06:23,140 --> 00:06:26,850 So, does that mean you have something already, Lee? 95 00:06:26,970 --> 00:06:27,970 Of course! 96 00:06:28,050 --> 00:06:29,050 I see. 97 00:06:29,350 --> 00:06:32,220 This is the first time I'm getting something like a wedding gift. 98 00:06:32,390 --> 00:06:35,800 I don't have a clue on what to get. 99 00:06:36,140 --> 00:06:41,010 Then you must consider what a wedding is in the first place! 100 00:06:42,390 --> 00:06:44,970 What is a wedding ceremony? 101 00:06:45,050 --> 00:06:48,350 What is absolutely necessary for a wedding ceremony? 102 00:06:48,640 --> 00:06:51,050 Wouldn't that be…love? 103 00:06:51,680 --> 00:06:53,890 I'm getting a bad feeling about this… 104 00:06:53,970 --> 00:06:56,050 "What is a wedding ceremony?" 105 00:06:56,680 --> 00:06:59,100 That's a very philosophical question. 106 00:06:59,180 --> 00:07:00,510 Yes, it is. 107 00:07:00,600 --> 00:07:02,850 So think about it this way… 108 00:07:03,180 --> 00:07:06,470 What is absolutely necessary for a wedding ceremony? 109 00:07:06,550 --> 00:07:09,010 Absolutely necessary for a wedding…? 110 00:07:09,550 --> 00:07:12,550 Wouldn't that be…love? 111 00:07:15,850 --> 00:07:17,010 Yes! 112 00:07:17,010 --> 00:07:19,430 LOVE That was my answer too! 113 00:07:19,430 --> 00:07:21,430 LOVE Why is this going exactly the same way as before?! 114 00:07:22,930 --> 00:07:26,140 However, my mentor whom I greatly respect, Guy Sensei, 115 00:07:26,220 --> 00:07:28,010 didn't stop there. 116 00:07:28,100 --> 00:07:30,010 He realized that it's the bride and groom 117 00:07:30,010 --> 00:07:32,010 who are most important in a wedding… 118 00:07:32,010 --> 00:07:33,970 and if you put yourself into their shoes, 119 00:07:33,970 --> 00:07:37,100 you would see what would be the best gift. 120 00:07:38,930 --> 00:07:40,680 And the result of that was… 121 00:07:41,010 --> 00:07:43,430 I got them dumbbells! 122 00:07:44,180 --> 00:07:46,100 D-Dumbbells? 123 00:07:46,430 --> 00:07:48,430 I'm only a shinobi… 124 00:07:48,510 --> 00:07:50,510 so I think that's most suitable thing for me to present. 125 00:07:50,600 --> 00:07:53,720 However, Gaara, you are the Kazekage, so we must consider your position. 126 00:07:53,800 --> 00:07:58,720 So, I think some extravagant barbells would be great! 127 00:07:59,970 --> 00:08:02,050 B-Barbells, huh… 128 00:08:02,720 --> 00:08:05,050 I don't know about barbells… 129 00:08:05,140 --> 00:08:08,260 But I agree with the "extravagant" part. 130 00:08:08,550 --> 00:08:10,260 ICHIRAKU – Hello! – Welcome! 131 00:08:10,390 --> 00:08:11,850 Iruka Sensei! 132 00:08:11,930 --> 00:08:14,180 Hey, Lee! We meet again! 133 00:08:15,010 --> 00:08:18,890 Gaara, let me introduce Iruka Sensei, Naruto's teacher. 134 00:08:19,100 --> 00:08:22,140 Iruka Sensei, this is Gaara the Kazekage! 135 00:08:22,220 --> 00:08:24,180 H-How do you do? 136 00:08:24,760 --> 00:08:27,850 Why is Lord Kazekage with you two? 137 00:08:28,220 --> 00:08:31,010 We've been assigned to show him around the village 138 00:08:31,010 --> 00:08:33,140 until the Five Kage Conference begins. 139 00:08:33,470 --> 00:08:37,800 Gaara is also thinking about a wedding gift for Naruto. 140 00:08:38,050 --> 00:08:41,100 Naruto and Gaara are friends. 141 00:08:41,430 --> 00:08:42,680 Friends?! 142 00:08:44,600 --> 00:08:47,470 Anyway, we're going to send an extravagant gift 143 00:08:47,550 --> 00:08:49,640 representative of the Hidden Sand. 144 00:08:49,800 --> 00:08:51,930 I'm very grateful to the Lord Kazekage 145 00:08:52,010 --> 00:08:55,100 for making such an extravagant gesture… 146 00:08:55,180 --> 00:08:57,720 and I'm sure Naruto will be overjoyed as well. 147 00:08:57,970 --> 00:08:59,970 Now, if you will please excuse me. 148 00:09:06,350 --> 00:09:09,550 See? Naruto's gonna be happy! 149 00:09:09,890 --> 00:09:12,180 His own teacher confirmed that. 150 00:09:12,180 --> 00:09:13,350 You think so? 151 00:09:13,430 --> 00:09:16,470 One thing's for sure, Naruto loves flashy things! 152 00:09:16,680 --> 00:09:20,010 There's no way he won't be happy with an extravagant gift. 153 00:09:20,140 --> 00:09:21,510 I see… 154 00:09:21,600 --> 00:09:23,470 I guess I'm gonna go big and grand too, 155 00:09:23,550 --> 00:09:25,050 and give him a year's free pass— 156 00:09:25,140 --> 00:09:26,260 Father… 157 00:09:27,720 --> 00:09:28,760 Y-Yes… 158 00:09:29,100 --> 00:09:32,100 Pops, I'll have a large miso char siu ramen! 159 00:09:32,180 --> 00:09:33,180 What is that? 160 00:09:33,720 --> 00:09:35,930 Naruto's favorite item on the menu. 161 00:09:36,010 --> 00:09:38,550 It has an extravagant helping of char sui. 162 00:09:38,930 --> 00:09:40,720 Even his ramen is extravagant? 163 00:09:41,800 --> 00:09:43,720 Then I'll have that too. 164 00:09:43,800 --> 00:09:44,970 Me too. 165 00:09:44,970 --> 00:09:46,510 Okay, Pops… 166 00:09:46,600 --> 00:09:49,760 A large miso char siu ramen for all of us! 167 00:09:49,970 --> 00:09:51,010 Hold it! 168 00:09:51,100 --> 00:09:54,800 Make mine a regular, without char siu, and for the topping… 169 00:09:54,930 --> 00:09:56,050 Topping? 170 00:09:56,430 --> 00:09:58,430 Seems Naruto fish cake is ranked number one. 171 00:09:59,140 --> 00:10:02,600 Way back, it used to be the least popular. 172 00:10:02,680 --> 00:10:04,760 These days, it's Naruto fish cake, hands down. 173 00:10:05,050 --> 00:10:06,850 That's the kinda effect he's had. 174 00:10:07,050 --> 00:10:09,140 Then I'll have the regular miso ramen, 175 00:10:09,220 --> 00:10:10,890 with the Naruto fishcake topping. 176 00:10:11,260 --> 00:10:14,100 Please add that to mine too. 177 00:10:14,180 --> 00:10:17,970 TOPPING MENU #1 NARUTO FISHCAKE #2 CHAR SIU #3 MENMA All right! I'll give you an extravagant helping of the topping! 178 00:10:20,470 --> 00:10:22,640 Boy, did we eat. 179 00:10:23,220 --> 00:10:25,680 Where would you like to go next? 180 00:10:27,050 --> 00:10:28,350 Are you all right? 181 00:10:28,430 --> 00:10:31,550 You've been deep in thought this whole time. 182 00:10:32,300 --> 00:10:36,300 I was thinking about what to give Naruto as the Kazekage. 183 00:10:36,800 --> 00:10:38,100 As the Kazekage? 184 00:10:38,180 --> 00:10:40,850 Kankuro wants to give something extravagant, 185 00:10:40,930 --> 00:10:42,970 but that just doesn't sit right with me. 186 00:10:43,220 --> 00:10:44,430 I see… 187 00:10:44,510 --> 00:10:46,260 Hey, c'mon, Gaara… 188 00:10:47,140 --> 00:10:48,510 But after listening to Naruto's teacher 189 00:10:48,600 --> 00:10:51,140 and the ramen shop's proprietor, I'm convinced. 190 00:10:51,260 --> 00:10:53,220 As long as it makes Naruto happy. 191 00:10:53,350 --> 00:10:54,890 That's more like it! 192 00:10:54,970 --> 00:10:57,510 I'll help in any way I can too! 193 00:10:59,100 --> 00:10:59,970 – Huh? – Huh? 194 00:11:01,140 --> 00:11:02,100 Huh? 195 00:11:03,140 --> 00:11:06,300 Hey, you Hidden Sand and Leaf guys! 196 00:11:06,390 --> 00:11:09,010 Guess who I am, yay! 197 00:11:09,010 --> 00:11:10,850 What an awful rap… 198 00:11:10,930 --> 00:11:13,970 You're Lord Killer Bee, the bodyguard of Lord Raikage, right? 199 00:11:14,010 --> 00:11:16,720 Isn't anyone accompanying you in the village? 200 00:11:16,800 --> 00:11:20,100 I prefer my freedom. 201 00:11:20,180 --> 00:11:23,050 My brother's at the conference reception. 202 00:11:23,140 --> 00:11:25,640 Me, I prefer a village exploration. 203 00:11:26,010 --> 00:11:27,140 By the way, Kazekage, 204 00:11:27,220 --> 00:11:30,600 are you planning on giving Naruto a wedding gift? 205 00:11:30,680 --> 00:11:32,350 Yes, I intend to. 206 00:11:32,510 --> 00:11:35,100 Finding a gift is my personal mission. 207 00:11:35,180 --> 00:11:38,680 Let's do our best to make a good decision, yay. 208 00:11:39,050 --> 00:11:42,010 Sounds like the Hidden Cloud are really into this. 209 00:11:42,100 --> 00:11:44,140 Our gift will be something to marvel at. 210 00:11:44,220 --> 00:11:46,350 Listen well and remember that. 211 00:11:46,510 --> 00:11:49,970 Seriously? Do you have to answer in rap all the time? 212 00:11:50,390 --> 00:11:52,180 PURE SAKE LONG LIFE LIGHTNING CONGRATULATIONS Decorated for a special occasion… 213 00:11:52,180 --> 00:11:54,350 PURE SAKE LONG LIFE LIGHTNING CONGRATULATIONS Sake produced by the Hidden Cloud… 214 00:11:54,350 --> 00:11:56,800 Ten giant kegs of which we're proud, yay. 215 00:11:56,890 --> 00:12:00,220 Hidden Cloud beef of super high-quality… 216 00:12:00,300 --> 00:12:04,800 We'll present it roasted whole, in its entirety, yay. 217 00:12:05,260 --> 00:12:06,970 Premium games… 218 00:12:07,050 --> 00:12:09,140 The best of the best. 219 00:12:09,220 --> 00:12:11,260 Ten great games, no less. Yay! 220 00:12:11,350 --> 00:12:13,010 That sums up my presentation. 221 00:12:13,100 --> 00:12:15,010 A wedding's an important celebration. 222 00:12:15,100 --> 00:12:16,100 Yay. 223 00:12:16,470 --> 00:12:18,180 A-Amazing! 224 00:12:18,260 --> 00:12:21,720 I didn't get the details because of your rap… 225 00:12:21,800 --> 00:12:24,180 but I did get that it'll be extravagant. 226 00:12:24,640 --> 00:12:28,300 So what's the Hidden Sand getting? 227 00:12:28,390 --> 00:12:31,010 Have you already ordered it? 228 00:12:31,050 --> 00:12:33,100 Well…that's just it. 229 00:12:33,760 --> 00:12:35,220 Okay! Okay! 230 00:12:35,300 --> 00:12:37,100 I apologize, I should have realized… 231 00:12:37,180 --> 00:12:40,100 Our gifts are so extravagant that it's made you hesitant. 232 00:12:40,180 --> 00:12:42,350 But that's not important. 233 00:12:42,470 --> 00:12:43,220 Huh? 234 00:12:43,300 --> 00:12:44,970 Doesn't matter if it's not fancy, 235 00:12:44,970 --> 00:12:47,300 what comes from the heart is the best choice. 236 00:12:47,390 --> 00:12:49,050 That's what'll make Naruto rejoice, yay! 237 00:12:50,100 --> 00:12:52,100 Don't patronize us! 238 00:12:52,680 --> 00:12:54,100 K-Kankuro?! 239 00:12:54,180 --> 00:12:57,640 We're gonna give a gift that equals the Hidden Cloud's! 240 00:12:58,300 --> 00:12:59,930 We plan to cover the reception hall 241 00:13:00,010 --> 00:13:02,390 with flowers grown in the Hidden Sand! 242 00:13:03,180 --> 00:13:05,300 And to highlight the celebration dinner, 243 00:13:05,390 --> 00:13:07,850 we'll send the finest tuna in the land…a whole bluefin! 244 00:13:08,350 --> 00:13:13,010 And we'll prepare boxes of sweets as wedding favors for every guest! 245 00:13:14,050 --> 00:13:15,970 How's that?! 246 00:13:16,050 --> 00:13:17,350 Hold it. Who said anything about—? 247 00:13:17,430 --> 00:13:18,930 Amazing! 248 00:13:19,010 --> 00:13:22,050 You came up with all that in such a short time! 249 00:13:22,140 --> 00:13:24,100 No…we haven't decided— 250 00:13:25,100 --> 00:13:28,430 Oh, I forgot something important. 251 00:13:28,510 --> 00:13:30,300 Fool, ya fool. 252 00:13:30,390 --> 00:13:33,050 For entertainment, Brother might perchance… 253 00:13:33,140 --> 00:13:35,800 perform the "Hidden Cloud Dance." 254 00:13:35,930 --> 00:13:37,550 Yay. 255 00:13:38,010 --> 00:13:39,260 The Raikage… 256 00:13:39,350 --> 00:13:41,640 The Hidden Cloud Dance, you say?! 257 00:13:41,720 --> 00:13:43,760 No, no, no… no way, no way… 258 00:13:43,850 --> 00:13:45,470 So now you get the drift… 259 00:13:45,550 --> 00:13:49,050 How the party will get a lift, yay 260 00:13:51,760 --> 00:13:54,350 T-This is bad! At this rate… 261 00:13:54,430 --> 00:13:55,800 Gaara will lose! 262 00:13:56,050 --> 00:13:59,010 No, giving a gift isn't about winning or losing. 263 00:13:59,300 --> 00:14:00,680 Dance... 264 00:14:00,850 --> 00:14:01,640 Huh? 265 00:14:01,850 --> 00:14:03,430 Show up the Raikage… 266 00:14:03,510 --> 00:14:06,010 and dance too, Gaara! 267 00:14:06,010 --> 00:14:08,550 That is the only way! 268 00:14:12,300 --> 00:14:14,920 The Mizukage should be arriving soon. 269 00:14:15,340 --> 00:14:18,250 Then we should call the Kazekage. 270 00:14:20,920 --> 00:14:21,800 Lord Kakashi… 271 00:14:21,880 --> 00:14:23,210 Drop the "lord." 272 00:14:24,800 --> 00:14:27,380 We received a request to adjust the entertainment time 273 00:14:27,460 --> 00:14:31,340 allotted at Naruto and Hinata's wedding reception. 274 00:14:31,670 --> 00:14:33,340 Huh? What's that? 275 00:14:33,800 --> 00:14:36,300 How come I wasn't told about a wedding reception?! 276 00:14:36,460 --> 00:14:37,630 At whose request? 277 00:14:37,960 --> 00:14:40,750 It's from…Lord Raikage's bodyguard… 278 00:14:40,960 --> 00:14:42,090 What?! 279 00:14:42,460 --> 00:14:46,130 He mentioned the "Hidden Cloud Dance" by the Raikage. 280 00:14:46,130 --> 00:14:49,710 Okay! Gaara will do the "Hidden Sand Samba." 281 00:14:49,800 --> 00:14:52,250 Oh! This is getting more and more exciting. 282 00:14:52,340 --> 00:14:55,380 Stop joking. I can't dance. 283 00:14:55,920 --> 00:14:58,500 Besides, it wouldn't make Naruto happy. 284 00:14:58,800 --> 00:15:02,630 Actually, I think he might take the initiative and join in. 285 00:15:02,920 --> 00:15:04,380 W-What…?! 286 00:15:08,590 --> 00:15:09,670 Y-You're right. 287 00:15:09,750 --> 00:15:10,880 Still… 288 00:15:10,960 --> 00:15:13,880 The Kazekage shouldn't dance in front of people! 289 00:15:14,000 --> 00:15:16,460 But he said the Raikage is going to dance! 290 00:15:20,710 --> 00:15:23,340 The Raikage's gift of dance is a must-see 291 00:15:23,420 --> 00:15:27,920 If you miss this opportunity, behind the times you'll be, yay. 292 00:15:29,340 --> 00:15:30,960 That fool! 293 00:15:31,960 --> 00:15:36,170 I beg your pardon if I make a scene… 294 00:15:36,750 --> 00:15:40,670 No, I doubt there will be a need for you to intervene. 295 00:15:40,750 --> 00:15:44,130 DUMPLINGS The Raikage's wedding gift of dance is a must-see 296 00:15:44,210 --> 00:15:47,500 If you miss this opportunity, behind the times you'll be, yay. 297 00:15:47,670 --> 00:15:50,050 Wedding… Behind the times? 298 00:15:52,460 --> 00:15:53,920 I'll kill you. 299 00:15:59,800 --> 00:16:02,550 I now call this Five Kage Conference to order. 300 00:16:07,130 --> 00:16:09,130 However, before we begin… 301 00:16:09,630 --> 00:16:13,050 In regard to wedding gifts for Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hyuga… 302 00:16:13,130 --> 00:16:17,500 I ask that you use your good sense and keep things in moderation. 303 00:16:19,920 --> 00:16:23,050 And so, let's move on to our agenda. 304 00:16:30,550 --> 00:16:31,800 H-Hey… 305 00:16:37,880 --> 00:16:40,500 S-Sorry about last time. 306 00:16:41,000 --> 00:16:42,460 No… I'm sorry as well. 307 00:16:42,960 --> 00:16:45,250 Want to get a bite to eat? 308 00:16:51,750 --> 00:16:53,210 Might as well… 309 00:16:53,880 --> 00:16:55,050 LEAF INN 310 00:16:55,130 --> 00:16:56,500 RESERVED FOR A SPECIAL EVENT TODAY 311 00:17:15,300 --> 00:17:16,840 Lord Kazekage… 312 00:17:16,920 --> 00:17:18,960 So, you were still here in the village! 313 00:17:19,460 --> 00:17:21,920 The conference ran long… 314 00:17:22,000 --> 00:17:23,920 So, I decided to stay the night. 315 00:17:24,590 --> 00:17:28,590 I'm grateful that you've chosen our ramen for dinner! 316 00:17:28,840 --> 00:17:31,960 Well… I've never had anything so delicious. 317 00:17:31,960 --> 00:17:34,210 And I've never had such a compliment. 318 00:17:34,920 --> 00:17:39,000 By the way, I heard about the remarks Lord Hokage made 319 00:17:39,090 --> 00:17:41,210 about Naruto and Hinata's wedding gifts… 320 00:17:41,840 --> 00:17:43,000 It was to be expected. 321 00:17:43,090 --> 00:17:45,420 Things were getting out of hand. 322 00:17:45,840 --> 00:17:49,420 I'm sure everyone's feeling remorseful now. 323 00:17:51,710 --> 00:17:53,340 Even I… 324 00:17:53,800 --> 00:17:57,000 And I went overboard too. I apologize. 325 00:17:57,090 --> 00:17:58,550 Don't worry about it. 326 00:17:58,670 --> 00:17:59,960 Oh! Iruka Sensei. 327 00:18:00,050 --> 00:18:01,090 Welcome! 328 00:18:02,550 --> 00:18:05,670 Lord Kazekage… I just overheard you. 329 00:18:05,750 --> 00:18:07,880 I want to apologize too. 330 00:18:07,960 --> 00:18:09,920 But Naruto's teacher shouldn't… 331 00:18:10,210 --> 00:18:12,380 When I met you last time… 332 00:18:12,880 --> 00:18:14,960 I'm very grateful to the Lord Kazekage 333 00:18:15,050 --> 00:18:18,170 for making such an extravagant gesture… 334 00:18:18,250 --> 00:18:20,750 and I'm sure Naruto will be overjoyed as well. 335 00:18:21,500 --> 00:18:24,090 I'm at fault too, for putting it like that. 336 00:18:25,000 --> 00:18:26,920 I'm very sorry. 337 00:18:27,380 --> 00:18:29,840 There's nothing to be sorry about! 338 00:18:31,000 --> 00:18:34,300 I was just…simply happy. 339 00:18:34,920 --> 00:18:37,130 I learned that Naruto has wonderful friends 340 00:18:37,210 --> 00:18:40,300 who will go above and beyond to celebrate him. 341 00:18:41,340 --> 00:18:42,960 Friends…huh. 342 00:18:43,800 --> 00:18:45,800 Thank you very much. 343 00:18:45,880 --> 00:18:48,090 No, I want to thank you too. 344 00:18:48,210 --> 00:18:48,920 Huh? 345 00:18:49,800 --> 00:18:52,590 I was confused, and you've cleared it up for me. 346 00:18:52,800 --> 00:18:55,800 I was thinking only about appearances, 347 00:18:55,880 --> 00:18:58,460 and forgot the most basic thing. 348 00:18:59,090 --> 00:19:00,500 What do you mean? 349 00:19:01,880 --> 00:19:04,710 I'm going to honor Naruto not as the Kazekage, 350 00:19:04,800 --> 00:19:06,840 but as his friend. 351 00:19:07,460 --> 00:19:09,050 Would that be all right? 352 00:19:11,840 --> 00:19:13,000 Of course. 353 00:19:13,380 --> 00:19:16,590 A large miso char siu ramen with Naruto fishcake topping! 354 00:19:16,670 --> 00:19:18,000 Oh, thank you. 355 00:19:18,090 --> 00:19:19,710 What'll you have, Iruka Sensei? 356 00:19:19,800 --> 00:19:20,840 Make mine the same… 357 00:19:20,920 --> 00:19:23,300 A large miso char siu ramen with Naruto fishcake topping. 358 00:19:23,380 --> 00:19:24,250 Coming right up! 359 00:19:27,050 --> 00:19:29,840 Dad, I'm done cleaning up here. 360 00:19:29,920 --> 00:19:31,380 Okay, thanks! 361 00:19:31,460 --> 00:19:33,000 Not going home yet? 362 00:19:33,090 --> 00:19:34,670 I'm gonna go on ahead. 363 00:19:34,750 --> 00:19:36,550 Make sure you lock up! 364 00:19:36,960 --> 00:19:38,590 All right… Finished! 365 00:19:42,840 --> 00:19:45,250 NARUTO CONGRATULATIONS ALL YOU CAN EAT FOREVER 366 00:19:48,130 --> 00:19:49,380 Have a safe trip back home. 367 00:19:49,670 --> 00:19:52,050 Gaara! Please come again! 368 00:19:52,050 --> 00:19:54,420 It would be great if you come back on your own next time, 369 00:19:54,500 --> 00:19:56,210 and not on official Kazekage business. 370 00:19:56,590 --> 00:19:59,090 Yes, that won't be too long from now. 371 00:20:00,960 --> 00:20:02,960 For Naruto and Hinata's wedding. 372 00:20:02,960 --> 00:20:05,340 I'm sorry, but I don't plan on bringing 373 00:20:05,420 --> 00:20:08,340 a special gift from the Hidden Sand. 374 00:20:08,460 --> 00:20:09,920 Huh? Why? 375 00:20:09,920 --> 00:20:10,920 Let him finish! 376 00:20:10,920 --> 00:20:14,590 I want to honor them personally, as a friend. 377 00:20:14,960 --> 00:20:17,250 I think that will please Naruto more. 378 00:20:17,630 --> 00:20:19,000 Gaara! 379 00:20:19,090 --> 00:20:20,300 Gaara… 380 00:20:20,920 --> 00:20:23,800 Yes, please do that. 381 00:20:31,250 --> 00:20:34,050 I think it turned out for the best. 382 00:20:34,130 --> 00:20:36,960 Feels like everything's all settled! 383 00:20:37,050 --> 00:20:39,090 You're in a good mood, Temari. 384 00:20:39,170 --> 00:20:41,090 N-No, I'm not! 385 00:20:41,880 --> 00:20:45,960 Besides, seeing you so depressed is more shocking, Kankuro! 386 00:20:46,000 --> 00:20:47,340 You can't blame him, 387 00:20:47,420 --> 00:20:49,750 since we're not going all out with an extravagant gift. 388 00:20:49,840 --> 00:20:51,920 No, that doesn't bother me. 389 00:20:52,000 --> 00:20:55,130 I'm just disappointed we won't get to see you dance, Gaara. 390 00:20:55,250 --> 00:20:57,920 No, there's still hope! 391 00:20:57,920 --> 00:21:00,170 He can dance as Naruto's friend! 392 00:21:03,130 --> 00:21:04,380 No chance. 393 00:21:05,820 --> 00:21:08,820 16 MORE DAYS UNTIL THE WEDDING 394 00:22:39,750 --> 00:22:41,750 To the one million Shino fans out there, 395 00:22:41,840 --> 00:22:42,960 I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. 396 00:22:43,050 --> 00:22:45,130 It's been said for over ten years that I don't stand out much. 397 00:22:45,210 --> 00:22:47,090 Finally, a story with me as the lead! 398 00:22:47,420 --> 00:22:50,000 It's because I've been chosen to go on a mission 399 00:22:50,090 --> 00:22:51,550 to find a wedding gift for Hinata! 400 00:22:51,630 --> 00:22:52,500 And there– 401 00:22:52,590 --> 00:22:53,880 Sorry to keep you all waiting! 402 00:22:53,960 --> 00:22:56,800 I play an active role next time on Naruto Shippuden: 403 00:22:56,880 --> 00:23:00,920 "Hidden Leaf Story, The Perfect Day for a Wedding, Part 5: The Last Mission" 404 00:23:01,000 --> 00:23:04,250 I'm the lead! Oh, where's Shino? 405 00:23:04,340 --> 00:23:07,380 Is it true that I don't stand out? 406 00:23:08,780 --> 00:23:28,710 Tune in again!