1 00:01:48,791 --> 00:01:52,165 ln every speck shines His divine light 2 00:01:52,500 --> 00:01:56,165 Look within yourself, He isn't far from you 3 00:01:57,125 --> 00:02:00,082 lf you have love in you, then embrace everyone 4 00:02:00,791 --> 00:02:02,999 Because we are all in His form. That's worship 5 00:02:20,333 --> 00:02:25,999 What would have happened if the red-headed man.. 6 00:02:26,208 --> 00:02:28,624 ..hadn't woken up at dawn that day to relieve himself? 7 00:02:29,291 --> 00:02:33,999 Perhaps life would have carried on in Delhi-6 as it had for centuries 8 00:02:35,666 --> 00:02:38,540 Perhaps my life might not have been turned upside down either 9 00:02:39,625 --> 00:02:41,457 But then again 10 00:02:41,916 --> 00:02:44,624 When you got to go, you got to go! 11 00:03:39,041 --> 00:03:41,832 ln the Treta Age of the Vedic era 12 00:03:42,000 --> 00:03:44,332 The evil ten-headed Ravan was king 13 00:03:44,416 --> 00:03:49,124 His powers were renowned and he was feared 14 00:03:49,208 --> 00:03:54,207 The Sun, Moon, Wind and Fire were enslaved to Ravan 15 00:03:54,291 --> 00:03:58,915 Dikpal, Suresh, Kuber, Varun were scared of him 16 00:03:59,000 --> 00:04:04,082 His abode was Lanka, made of gold 17 00:04:04,166 --> 00:04:09,290 He didn't allow anyone to worship Hari. He would call himself God 18 00:04:09,583 --> 00:04:14,915 There was unrest in the universe.. 19 00:04:15,083 --> 00:04:19,665 Who could save the Earth, Brahma thought 20 00:04:19,916 --> 00:04:24,832 The hope of happiness was suppressed by atrocities and sorrows 21 00:04:24,916 --> 00:04:29,582 A divine voice spoke.. 22 00:04:29,833 --> 00:04:35,082 "Earth. My dear, Earth. l shall get you out of this trouble." 23 00:04:35,166 --> 00:04:41,165 "l will be born as Ram in Awadh to save you" 24 00:04:41,458 --> 00:04:44,749 The tumour is close to her area of vision 25 00:04:45,458 --> 00:04:47,415 l wouldn't recommend surgery at all 26 00:04:47,500 --> 00:04:50,040 Especially with her history of diabetes, blood pressure 27 00:04:50,125 --> 00:04:51,999 Open-heart surgery will be too much 28 00:04:52,083 --> 00:04:53,582 Even Medicaid won't cover it 29 00:04:53,666 --> 00:04:57,582 Fatima, ask the fool how long l've got? 30 00:04:57,666 --> 00:05:00,665 Ma, don't say that! Allah forbid it 31 00:05:01,166 --> 00:05:03,915 ls there any immediate danger? 32 00:05:04,041 --> 00:05:06,915 Look, she will have to accept this as a part of her life. 33 00:05:07,000 --> 00:05:09,040 From now onwards Give her a proper diet.. 34 00:05:09,125 --> 00:05:12,832 ..and strict medication and above all, keep her happy 35 00:05:13,166 --> 00:05:15,707 l mean, avoid any kind of stress 36 00:05:15,916 --> 00:05:17,665 That should do it for her 37 00:05:26,500 --> 00:05:28,582 Who do you have in lndia? 38 00:05:30,458 --> 00:05:32,707 Did these five years with us bore you? 39 00:05:32,791 --> 00:05:37,207 No, child. But you must merge with the soil on which you are born 40 00:05:37,291 --> 00:05:39,582 Ma, these are old proverbs 41 00:05:40,875 --> 00:05:44,999 Son, think of it as my last wish 42 00:05:45,250 --> 00:05:48,332 Ma, you're like a stubborn child 43 00:05:48,416 --> 00:05:50,624 You make life difficult 44 00:05:51,375 --> 00:05:54,165 You know l'll never go back to Delhi 45 00:05:54,250 --> 00:05:55,749 That's it 46 00:06:00,458 --> 00:06:02,332 Dad, l'll take her 47 00:06:24,458 --> 00:06:29,832 l couldn't see well in the dark. He was 8ft.2 48 00:06:29,916 --> 00:06:32,624 Covered in black hair 49 00:06:32,708 --> 00:06:35,499 His nails shone like knives 50 00:06:36,541 --> 00:06:39,207 Anyone who dares to sleep is dead! 51 00:06:39,291 --> 00:06:41,832 He'll creep up on you while you're snoring 52 00:06:41,916 --> 00:06:46,540 He'll kill you. Murder you. 53 00:06:46,666 --> 00:06:49,749 Ask. Who is he? Who is he? 54 00:06:49,833 --> 00:06:53,040 Yes! The murderer is none other than a monkey 55 00:06:53,125 --> 00:06:54,999 A dark Black Monkey! 56 00:06:55,083 --> 00:06:59,499 The Black Monkey kills. The Black Monkey murders 57 00:06:59,583 --> 00:07:03,707 Beware! 24/7. From Delhi, Kumar 58 00:07:03,791 --> 00:07:07,582 The first one to welcome me to Delhi was the Black Monkey 59 00:07:08,708 --> 00:07:11,874 Perhaps destiny was sending me a sign 60 00:07:12,083 --> 00:07:13,749 Gran! Wait 61 00:07:16,666 --> 00:07:18,540 Would you care for a paan? 62 00:07:19,625 --> 00:07:21,332 Salaams, Mrs. Mehra! 63 00:07:25,750 --> 00:07:27,915 Now l can die in peace 64 00:07:28,625 --> 00:07:32,957 My love dragged you back You couldn't stay away long - Grandma! 65 00:07:33,583 --> 00:07:35,374 What are you doing? You just can't leave me like that 66 00:07:35,458 --> 00:07:38,165 l forgot all about you 67 00:07:38,375 --> 00:07:40,249 Recognise him? 68 00:07:41,458 --> 00:07:43,749 At last! 69 00:07:44,583 --> 00:07:48,165 Now my eyes can rest forever now. Let me hug you 70 00:07:48,375 --> 00:07:51,332 Come on! Give me a hug Good boy 71 00:07:51,791 --> 00:07:54,124 l'm Ali Baig! 72 00:07:55,041 --> 00:07:57,874 Oh, l am so sorry. l didn't recognise you 73 00:08:19,666 --> 00:08:21,249 Awesome 74 00:08:21,333 --> 00:08:26,332 A flood of people! Delhi is teeming with life The constant buzz 75 00:08:26,958 --> 00:08:28,915 Everything happening at the same time. 76 00:08:29,208 --> 00:08:30,790 Yet there is a kind of balance 77 00:08:31,000 --> 00:08:34,040 A balance Amazing 78 00:08:43,291 --> 00:08:47,290 No, no. You can't enter like this First sweeten your mouth 79 00:08:47,375 --> 00:08:48,665 Mamdu! How are you? 80 00:08:48,750 --> 00:08:51,249 You're back at last! 81 00:08:52,375 --> 00:08:54,582 Salaams, Hina! My sister-in-law ls everything alright? 82 00:08:55,625 --> 00:08:59,749 Why the long face? Aren't you looking after her? 83 00:08:59,833 --> 00:09:03,207 Gobar! How are you? Bless you, son 84 00:09:03,416 --> 00:09:06,457 Guess who's here! My grandson. Roshan 85 00:09:07,041 --> 00:09:08,415 No, thank you 86 00:09:08,583 --> 00:09:10,499 He isn't hungry 87 00:09:10,583 --> 00:09:15,124 Only dogs eat when they're hungry. Humans eat to bond with each other 88 00:09:15,208 --> 00:09:17,665 You should have one. Have one 89 00:09:17,750 --> 00:09:21,499 Only the lucky few taste Mamdu's sweets 90 00:09:21,791 --> 00:09:24,165 That's all right - What happened? Or you can't go through 91 00:09:24,250 --> 00:09:41,165 My beloved has returned home 92 00:09:41,250 --> 00:09:43,415 People have great faith in this place 93 00:09:43,500 --> 00:09:46,832 They say if you hang a bell with a pure heart 94 00:09:47,125 --> 00:09:49,082 God will heed you 95 00:09:49,375 --> 00:09:52,082 l hung a bell before l left and prayed 96 00:09:52,166 --> 00:09:55,915 to return with my whole family 97 00:09:56,250 --> 00:09:59,749 God heard me. At least in part 98 00:09:59,916 --> 00:10:05,040 Lord! Lord! Lord! My Almighty 99 00:10:09,000 --> 00:10:11,957 Home at last! Your Paswaan Lane 100 00:10:12,000 --> 00:10:15,499 lt hasn't changed a bit - Your phone is ringing 101 00:10:16,458 --> 00:10:18,290 lt's not mine 102 00:10:20,500 --> 00:10:21,915 That's mine 103 00:10:23,250 --> 00:10:24,707 Oh. Got cut. 104 00:10:25,291 --> 00:10:26,999 Hey. Thanks for everything. 105 00:10:27,041 --> 00:10:28,207 Welcome. 106 00:10:28,500 --> 00:10:30,415 You must rest. l'll take your leave 107 00:10:30,500 --> 00:10:34,165 Have tea with us - Some other time 108 00:10:34,541 --> 00:10:36,707 Make sure you drop by - Sure 109 00:10:48,541 --> 00:10:50,332 That's my ball 110 00:11:02,708 --> 00:11:04,207 Got it! 111 00:11:06,833 --> 00:11:08,957 Mrs. Mehra is back 112 00:11:10,791 --> 00:11:14,832 How are you, Rajjo? - You look lovely 113 00:11:14,916 --> 00:11:16,874 Urmila! - How do you do? 114 00:11:17,000 --> 00:11:18,749 Welcome to Delhi 6. 115 00:11:18,833 --> 00:11:21,582 How's everyone at home? - l am Rajjo 116 00:11:22,083 --> 00:11:23,707 Come in. Come in 117 00:11:23,791 --> 00:11:26,249 Rama! - The blessings - Oh, yes 118 00:11:28,208 --> 00:11:31,832 Rama. Bless you 119 00:11:32,833 --> 00:11:35,040 How are you? - You have come after long 120 00:11:35,166 --> 00:11:36,874 Here - You're looking so beautiful 121 00:11:36,958 --> 00:11:38,082 A local speciality 122 00:11:38,166 --> 00:11:41,249 Have one at least - Home at last! 123 00:11:41,875 --> 00:11:43,582 Are you all right? 124 00:11:44,833 --> 00:11:45,915 Come 125 00:11:46,000 --> 00:11:48,999 Roshan! Unlock the door 126 00:11:50,333 --> 00:11:53,415 Which one? - The small one 127 00:12:14,375 --> 00:12:17,249 Come on. Come on. Move 128 00:12:18,625 --> 00:12:20,582 The tulsi plant has dried. Some water 129 00:12:20,666 --> 00:12:21,832 Water 130 00:12:21,916 --> 00:12:23,665 No water now 131 00:12:24,250 --> 00:12:26,624 The tap runs only in the morning 132 00:12:26,791 --> 00:12:29,999 lt's like the government. Works on a whim 133 00:12:30,041 --> 00:12:33,832 Nothing like Mother Earth! 134 00:12:34,875 --> 00:12:36,874 l was just 16 135 00:12:36,958 --> 00:12:40,082 Your grandfather married me and brought me here 136 00:12:41,375 --> 00:12:44,915 l'll leave the world from this place now 137 00:12:52,041 --> 00:12:53,457 Gran 138 00:12:54,000 --> 00:12:55,707 Where's the bathroom? 139 00:12:56,583 --> 00:12:57,999 This way 140 00:12:59,791 --> 00:13:02,540 Don't waste water. lt's precious 141 00:13:03,916 --> 00:13:07,249 Overflowing with emotion. 142 00:13:08,166 --> 00:13:09,999 That's the beauty of lndia for you 143 00:13:10,875 --> 00:13:13,165 Love is never given in small doses 144 00:13:17,416 --> 00:13:21,415 Here, taps may run dry. 145 00:13:22,000 --> 00:13:24,374 But amazingly tear ducts never do 146 00:13:24,958 --> 00:13:26,040 Life is fine 147 00:13:28,458 --> 00:13:31,749 Your grandfather! He never accepted your parents' marriage 148 00:13:32,375 --> 00:13:34,040 Never listened to anyone 149 00:13:34,250 --> 00:13:36,249 "How is it possible?" 150 00:13:36,666 --> 00:13:38,832 lt chewed him up till he died 151 00:13:40,375 --> 00:13:43,665 He'd say: "How can my son marry a Muslim?" 152 00:13:43,750 --> 00:13:45,957 l wasn't happy either 153 00:13:46,000 --> 00:13:48,999 But when l spent time with your mother 154 00:13:49,166 --> 00:13:51,082 l knew l was wrong 155 00:13:52,291 --> 00:13:53,665 Damn it! 156 00:13:53,750 --> 00:13:55,624 Must the power go now? 157 00:13:55,875 --> 00:13:58,624 Your father was just as stubborn 158 00:13:58,791 --> 00:14:01,832 My husband said: "Get out!" So he left 159 00:14:02,083 --> 00:14:04,249 And refused to come back 160 00:14:04,416 --> 00:14:07,790 He came back once. For your grandpa's funeral 161 00:14:08,458 --> 00:14:10,540 See God's miracle, Roshan? 162 00:14:10,625 --> 00:14:12,332 You were born on the same night 163 00:14:12,541 --> 00:14:15,957 "Everything that happens is God's will" 164 00:14:20,000 --> 00:14:22,957 Only his moustache sets you apart 165 00:14:23,250 --> 00:14:24,499 Grandma 166 00:14:24,750 --> 00:14:28,207 Those are some hardcore moustaches - Hey 167 00:14:31,875 --> 00:14:34,249 You're still not ready? 168 00:14:34,333 --> 00:14:37,790 Ravan is on his way to kidnap Sita 169 00:14:43,625 --> 00:14:45,624 My scarf! Hey, mister 170 00:14:46,916 --> 00:14:49,832 Can't you see? Shall l buy you specs? 171 00:14:52,833 --> 00:14:54,374 Sorry 172 00:14:57,583 --> 00:14:58,999 Gran! 173 00:15:02,666 --> 00:15:08,374 Lord Ram was born in Awadh to put an end to all suffering 174 00:15:08,458 --> 00:15:12,332 Lord Ram was born in Awadh.. - Salaam, Mrs. Mehra 175 00:15:12,416 --> 00:15:14,040 Hello 176 00:15:14,166 --> 00:15:15,790 You're so late - Mamdu? Right? 177 00:15:15,875 --> 00:15:17,999 Devotees' sufferings.. 178 00:15:18,083 --> 00:15:20,374 l can't enter without eating something sweet, right? 179 00:15:20,458 --> 00:15:22,749 Absolutely right. This way 180 00:15:22,833 --> 00:15:25,582 Come. Ganesh. Get the veneration plate 181 00:15:25,666 --> 00:15:27,499 Bless you! How are you, Madangopal? 182 00:15:27,583 --> 00:15:29,082 Well. Thanks to the Goddess 183 00:15:29,208 --> 00:15:32,040 Bittu! lsn't she Bittu? 184 00:15:32,125 --> 00:15:33,874 How thin you are. 185 00:15:33,958 --> 00:15:36,290 You were once so chubby and healthy 186 00:15:36,375 --> 00:15:40,207 You're a stick now - Her American grandson 187 00:15:40,291 --> 00:15:41,624 Must l dance for joy? 188 00:15:41,708 --> 00:15:44,832 Roshan. She's Bittu. Their daughter 189 00:15:44,916 --> 00:15:47,040 Oh, yes, l know. We've already met - Okay 190 00:15:47,125 --> 00:15:49,665 Mrs. Mehra - Yes 191 00:15:49,750 --> 00:15:52,165 Look here - Rs.20 from me 192 00:15:52,250 --> 00:15:55,707 And a donation of 50 from me 193 00:15:55,791 --> 00:15:59,249 Why be stingy with the Benevolent One? Right? 194 00:16:00,250 --> 00:16:03,707 Miserly with his sister but loves showing off in public - Bless you 195 00:16:03,791 --> 00:16:07,040 How are you? - You brothers never stop fighting. 196 00:16:07,250 --> 00:16:08,540 Have you no shame? 197 00:16:08,625 --> 00:16:11,290 You look dashing! - Thank you, Miss 198 00:16:11,375 --> 00:16:12,957 Thank you 199 00:16:13,000 --> 00:16:17,457 Young man, not Miss. Mrs! 200 00:16:17,541 --> 00:16:19,665 Oh, l am so sorry - Myself Jaigopal Khanna, 201 00:16:19,750 --> 00:16:22,499 proprietor Jaigopal Electrical Works 202 00:16:22,583 --> 00:16:25,665 l won the contract for all the lighting. Right? 203 00:16:25,750 --> 00:16:28,082 Mrs. Mehra, donation 204 00:16:28,208 --> 00:16:31,249 Gobar! Don't pester her 205 00:16:31,333 --> 00:16:34,624 Hey, Gobar! Come here 206 00:16:34,708 --> 00:16:36,332 Tell me 207 00:16:36,541 --> 00:16:45,332 One ten-rupee note? Or two one-rupee coins? 208 00:16:46,083 --> 00:16:49,207 One note? l'll take two coins 209 00:16:49,958 --> 00:16:54,207 Well done. He's got straw for brains 210 00:16:55,291 --> 00:16:56,874 Gobar. 211 00:16:57,291 --> 00:16:59,290 Gobar. - Hello. 212 00:16:59,375 --> 00:17:03,124 Time for a group photo. Paswaan Lane! Stand close together 213 00:17:03,500 --> 00:17:04,749 Come. Come - Sorry 214 00:17:04,833 --> 00:17:07,207 Mr. Madangopal, smile please. 215 00:17:07,291 --> 00:17:10,082 Suresh. Are we in? - Yes. 216 00:17:11,625 --> 00:17:16,582 My star of Delhi-6. When are you heading to Mumbai? 217 00:17:16,666 --> 00:17:20,582 l can go anytime. l'm giving the others a chance 218 00:17:21,750 --> 00:17:25,499 Don't forget the 2500 you owe me! Right? 219 00:17:25,583 --> 00:17:27,040 Jaigopalji, forget about me. 220 00:17:27,166 --> 00:17:29,582 Tell me about your shirt. By God! 221 00:17:29,666 --> 00:17:32,457 Looks like l had better visit Malayasia too 222 00:17:32,541 --> 00:17:36,540 Look! The moneylender's wife is decked out like his jewellery store 223 00:17:37,000 --> 00:17:40,290 So our wives nag us to buy the same jewels 224 00:17:40,375 --> 00:17:42,915 Later, he will give us a loan against them 225 00:17:43,000 --> 00:17:47,332 Let me photograph you and your lovely wife 226 00:17:47,500 --> 00:17:50,749 Greetings, Annapurnaji - Greetings 227 00:17:51,041 --> 00:17:52,874 Pay your respects! 228 00:17:53,541 --> 00:17:55,207 May you both live long! 229 00:17:55,291 --> 00:17:57,332 Lalaji, meet Rajan's son. Roshan 230 00:17:57,541 --> 00:18:00,082 Well! - Hi 231 00:18:00,583 --> 00:18:04,499 Are you here to stay or you've come just to drop her off 232 00:18:04,583 --> 00:18:06,332 No. l came to leave her - What's your name? 233 00:18:06,416 --> 00:18:08,165 Roshan Mehra 234 00:18:08,333 --> 00:18:10,207 How are you? Hi 235 00:18:13,625 --> 00:18:17,040 Any plans for the house? - Lalaji, l'm still alive! 236 00:18:17,125 --> 00:18:19,499 Let me know. l'll fetch you a good price 237 00:18:19,583 --> 00:18:21,457 Can family heritage ever be for sale? 238 00:18:21,541 --> 00:18:23,582 There's no family left 239 00:18:23,666 --> 00:18:26,582 Money is better than bricks and mortar. Right, son? 240 00:18:26,833 --> 00:18:30,499 Hey, Grandma, isn't this the bit with the golden deer? Cool. 241 00:18:31,625 --> 00:18:34,165 Hey look, it's a golden deer! 242 00:18:34,250 --> 00:18:35,499 You burger species! 243 00:18:35,583 --> 00:18:43,915 With an arrow as sharp as His gaze He struck the golden deer 244 00:18:44,166 --> 00:18:48,290 The golden deer changed into the demon Marich 245 00:18:48,708 --> 00:18:52,249 O Brother Laxman! Ram is calling for help 246 00:18:55,875 --> 00:19:03,165 As Laxman leaves, the demon king Ravan appears 247 00:19:03,875 --> 00:19:11,290 Sita hears his cry for alms! 248 00:19:12,958 --> 00:19:16,790 The sage implores: "Give alms in the name of God" 249 00:19:16,875 --> 00:19:19,582 Mother, alms for the sage. Stay well 250 00:19:19,666 --> 00:19:21,999 "God keeps you well" 251 00:19:22,041 --> 00:19:25,332 May you always prosper 252 00:19:39,000 --> 00:19:44,332 The sage insists: "Sita, step out of the ring of fire. 253 00:19:44,416 --> 00:19:48,582 Hand me the offering" 254 00:19:48,666 --> 00:19:52,832 As Sita stepped out, the sage turned into.. 255 00:19:52,916 --> 00:19:58,040 ..the demon Ravan 256 00:19:59,791 --> 00:20:02,165 You sinner! 257 00:20:02,250 --> 00:20:06,499 O Lord Ram, 258 00:20:08,875 --> 00:20:10,749 save me! 259 00:20:11,583 --> 00:20:13,790 Ladies and gentlemen 260 00:20:13,875 --> 00:20:15,915 We are proud to welcome 261 00:20:16,000 --> 00:20:21,332 Maitri Devi, the councillor for Delhi 6 262 00:20:21,416 --> 00:20:23,999 On behalf of the Ram Leela committee 263 00:20:26,333 --> 00:20:28,915 The honourable lady is here 264 00:20:29,916 --> 00:20:34,457 we'd like to garland her 265 00:20:38,208 --> 00:20:40,915 "May the rule of Ram reign forever. 266 00:20:41,000 --> 00:20:44,082 l may die but l'll never break a promise!" 267 00:20:44,958 --> 00:20:50,499 Lord Ram who sacrificed everything in the name of duty 268 00:20:50,833 --> 00:20:53,415 at His feet 269 00:20:54,000 --> 00:20:59,707 l offer donation money on behalf of my party and me 270 00:20:59,791 --> 00:21:01,582 Please accept it 271 00:21:04,541 --> 00:21:10,165 Join me when l say: "Long live Ram and Sita!" 272 00:21:10,250 --> 00:21:13,665 Long live Lord Hanuman! 273 00:21:13,750 --> 00:21:16,707 Long live Maitri Devi! 274 00:21:22,833 --> 00:21:26,749 ln lndia, the gods dance to the whims of politicians 275 00:21:28,041 --> 00:21:30,207 l thoroughly enjoyed the Ram Leela 276 00:21:30,375 --> 00:21:31,832 A great show 277 00:21:31,916 --> 00:21:34,624 But even more fascinating were the people 278 00:21:35,666 --> 00:21:37,915 l was so exhausted. 279 00:21:38,583 --> 00:21:40,999 But the real drama was yet to unfold 280 00:21:42,250 --> 00:21:45,915 Hanuman! Go and see. 281 00:21:46,208 --> 00:21:49,207 Two men have entered the forest 282 00:21:49,791 --> 00:21:52,290 Hanuman! 283 00:21:53,041 --> 00:21:54,915 Where are you? 284 00:21:59,750 --> 00:22:04,999 Where has Lord Hanuman gone? 285 00:22:05,750 --> 00:22:07,874 Where? 286 00:22:08,250 --> 00:22:11,457 Hanumanji, it's your cue. They're looking for you 287 00:22:11,708 --> 00:22:12,874 Hanumanji! 288 00:22:14,250 --> 00:22:16,207 Hanuman. Look at that 289 00:22:17,583 --> 00:22:18,707 Hanuman 290 00:22:18,791 --> 00:22:19,999 A monkey! 291 00:22:20,041 --> 00:22:28,040 The Black Monkey! 292 00:22:50,000 --> 00:22:51,707 You slow poke 293 00:22:51,791 --> 00:22:55,165 Manager! Come here 294 00:22:55,916 --> 00:22:57,915 Stay here 295 00:22:59,875 --> 00:23:01,915 ls he the one? - No 296 00:23:03,458 --> 00:23:07,582 Balls of a wimp! lt's not him either. 297 00:23:07,666 --> 00:23:10,415 Aren't you an expert at grabbing tails? 298 00:23:10,750 --> 00:23:12,374 Carry on! 299 00:23:13,291 --> 00:23:14,999 Whose phone is that? 300 00:23:16,375 --> 00:23:18,790 Whose tail is ringing? 301 00:23:25,541 --> 00:23:27,290 Hello - Hello 302 00:23:27,375 --> 00:23:31,374 lnspector sir, the phone belongs to Roshan 303 00:23:31,708 --> 00:23:33,374 Roshan! l've found it 304 00:23:33,458 --> 00:23:35,499 What species is he? 305 00:23:35,708 --> 00:23:36,999 Hey, thanks a lot. Thank you 306 00:23:37,083 --> 00:23:39,665 Sir, l can't figure it out. Let me go 307 00:23:39,750 --> 00:23:42,040 Did l give you permission to stop? 308 00:23:43,875 --> 00:23:45,249 Keep going 309 00:23:45,416 --> 00:23:48,582 You don't have the right to do that. What are you doing? 310 00:23:50,250 --> 00:23:53,624 Who's this? - Roshan, let's go 311 00:23:53,708 --> 00:23:55,915 Shall l slap his left cheek too? 312 00:23:56,041 --> 00:23:57,457 Know who l am? 313 00:23:57,750 --> 00:23:59,290 No, no. One second 314 00:24:00,416 --> 00:24:02,582 Your uniform tells me you're a public servant 315 00:24:03,125 --> 00:24:05,832 What? Balls of a wimp! 316 00:24:06,166 --> 00:24:08,249 Do l look like a servant? 317 00:24:11,375 --> 00:24:12,957 lnspector 318 00:24:14,458 --> 00:24:17,915 lndia was surely the most connected country in the world 319 00:24:18,208 --> 00:24:22,082 Though not many express highways but there are many shortcuts here. 320 00:24:22,958 --> 00:24:24,582 He doesn't know the law here 321 00:24:25,916 --> 00:24:29,957 There he is 322 00:24:32,041 --> 00:24:33,874 Thank you, lnspector sir 323 00:24:35,833 --> 00:24:37,832 Mr. Baig 324 00:24:38,666 --> 00:24:41,040 Tell him how the wind blows 325 00:24:41,125 --> 00:24:42,999 This is lndia 326 00:24:43,083 --> 00:24:46,707 You bow to a uniform. No choice 327 00:24:50,333 --> 00:24:51,790 Uncle Ali 328 00:24:53,083 --> 00:24:54,874 How did you just pull that off? 329 00:24:54,958 --> 00:24:56,832 l mean, what did you do? 330 00:24:57,625 --> 00:25:01,624 l offered him a paan 331 00:25:03,041 --> 00:25:05,832 Wrapped in a bank note 332 00:25:34,000 --> 00:25:37,749 This is Delhi, my friend 333 00:25:37,833 --> 00:25:39,332 Brother Roshan 334 00:25:39,500 --> 00:25:42,665 Offering you nothing but love and affection 335 00:25:42,750 --> 00:25:45,332 Bittu 336 00:25:45,416 --> 00:25:48,040 Delhi is a place for those who love life 337 00:25:48,125 --> 00:25:50,749 A place where crazed lovers live 338 00:25:50,833 --> 00:25:53,499 Delhi is a place for those who love life 339 00:25:53,583 --> 00:25:56,207 A place where crazed lovers live 340 00:26:07,166 --> 00:26:09,790 Olameno, we know, say Delhi-Delhi 341 00:26:09,875 --> 00:26:12,540 Olameno, we know, say Delhi-6 342 00:26:12,625 --> 00:26:15,207 Delhi is a place for those who love life 343 00:26:15,291 --> 00:26:17,999 A place where crazed lovers live 344 00:26:23,125 --> 00:26:25,499 lt holds you in a tight embrace 345 00:26:25,583 --> 00:26:28,249 lt lets you hear its heartbeat 346 00:26:28,333 --> 00:26:30,624 Hearts to your left 347 00:26:30,708 --> 00:26:34,082 Hearts to your right 348 00:26:35,291 --> 00:26:40,915 This is not a city but a gathering of lovers 349 00:26:41,000 --> 00:26:50,457 This is Delhi, my friend 350 00:26:51,708 --> 00:26:55,290 Offering you nothing but love and affection 351 00:26:55,375 --> 00:26:56,582 Sorry 352 00:26:56,666 --> 00:26:58,707 Sorry? Specs 353 00:26:59,333 --> 00:27:00,749 Do l need them? 354 00:27:01,291 --> 00:27:03,957 Why the toothpaste grin? 355 00:27:06,333 --> 00:27:07,874 Cute, huh? 356 00:27:10,541 --> 00:27:11,999 Wow 357 00:27:12,750 --> 00:27:18,249 Sunita, the scene today is: show some flesh, hide some 358 00:27:20,250 --> 00:27:23,374 You want 4x6? 5x7? Laminated? What do you want? 359 00:27:23,458 --> 00:27:25,249 You've wasted my whole day 360 00:27:25,333 --> 00:27:27,332 l have beauty. l have heart. 361 00:27:27,583 --> 00:27:33,832 A pretty face and l'm smart 362 00:27:33,916 --> 00:27:38,832 l, Bittu Sharma, will be your new lndian ldol 363 00:27:39,000 --> 00:27:41,874 Was good, but loosen up! 364 00:27:41,958 --> 00:27:44,290 Relax. Be a little sexy! 365 00:27:44,958 --> 00:27:47,790 Hey mister, watch your step. 366 00:27:47,875 --> 00:27:51,124 Tread carefully on the path of love 367 00:27:52,333 --> 00:27:58,790 The path of love is strewn with cheats 368 00:27:58,875 --> 00:28:01,540 Hey mister, watch your step. 369 00:28:01,625 --> 00:28:05,832 Tread carefully on the path of love 370 00:28:05,916 --> 00:28:12,457 The path of love is strewn with cheats 371 00:28:12,541 --> 00:28:15,749 Hey mister, watch your step. - Not bad! 372 00:28:15,833 --> 00:28:18,207 You forgot your lipstick today 373 00:28:18,416 --> 00:28:19,999 No, l didn't. lt got rubbed off 374 00:28:20,083 --> 00:28:22,374 When do my lips try that? 375 00:28:22,666 --> 00:28:25,665 What? - Your hair! 376 00:28:25,750 --> 00:28:28,540 Your hands are too frisky. Control them 377 00:28:28,625 --> 00:28:31,707 They have a will of their own. What a dirty mind! 378 00:28:31,791 --> 00:28:33,207 Maybe they want something 379 00:28:33,291 --> 00:28:35,624 Bittu, you never take me seriously 380 00:28:35,791 --> 00:28:38,999 You'll appreciate me when l make you the lndian ldol 381 00:28:39,375 --> 00:28:41,915 Hello. lt's made in Paris 382 00:28:42,708 --> 00:28:44,790 Not a bad photographer. 383 00:28:44,875 --> 00:28:46,457 You can cover my wedding 384 00:28:46,541 --> 00:28:49,499 They're in black and white. No colour 385 00:28:49,666 --> 00:28:51,499 l see life in black and white 386 00:28:51,583 --> 00:28:53,790 But rainbows fill the Mumbai sky 387 00:28:53,875 --> 00:28:58,499 Glamour. Fashion. Models! Money 388 00:28:58,916 --> 00:29:00,499 l must make some money 389 00:29:00,583 --> 00:29:02,999 But to make money you need money 390 00:29:03,458 --> 00:29:04,749 Suresh! 391 00:29:08,833 --> 00:29:10,749 Lalaji! Hello 392 00:29:10,958 --> 00:29:13,457 What a coincidence! l was coming to see you 393 00:29:13,541 --> 00:29:15,999 Your meter is ticking, Suresh 394 00:29:16,166 --> 00:29:19,290 You owe me 166,000 rupees 395 00:29:19,375 --> 00:29:20,874 Didn't you get the cheque? 396 00:29:21,125 --> 00:29:23,124 l'll clear our accounts at Diwali 397 00:29:25,000 --> 00:29:27,249 You have a week 398 00:29:28,291 --> 00:29:30,999 Or else l think you get it 399 00:29:31,125 --> 00:29:33,249 Got it! You look smart today. 400 00:29:33,333 --> 00:29:35,707 May l take a photo? 401 00:29:48,375 --> 00:29:49,707 Say "ah" 402 00:29:52,833 --> 00:29:53,915 Oh God! 403 00:29:54,000 --> 00:29:55,082 Gran! 404 00:29:55,791 --> 00:29:58,790 Rama is gifted. 405 00:29:59,000 --> 00:30:01,457 She'll brighten her in-laws' home 406 00:30:01,708 --> 00:30:02,915 Oh yes 407 00:30:04,250 --> 00:30:05,624 l can see the lights 408 00:30:05,708 --> 00:30:08,999 Her brothers' quarrelling is spoiling her chances of marriage 409 00:30:09,166 --> 00:30:10,957 Damn their bickering! 410 00:30:11,166 --> 00:30:12,957 Soon she'll be too old to marry 411 00:30:13,333 --> 00:30:14,415 Come on, Grandma 412 00:30:14,500 --> 00:30:19,457 Age has nothing to do with finding love 413 00:30:20,291 --> 00:30:24,374 lt's all good, Aunt Rama. Stay cool 414 00:30:35,166 --> 00:30:39,790 When my beloved teases me, sister-in-law ribs me 415 00:30:39,875 --> 00:30:42,540 My husband's house is as lovely as a marigold 416 00:30:42,625 --> 00:30:47,165 When mother-in-law taunts me, brother-in-law consoles me 417 00:30:47,250 --> 00:30:49,999 My husband's house is as lovely as a marigold 418 00:30:50,083 --> 00:30:55,082 l left my parents' home so l could belong to my beloved 419 00:30:55,166 --> 00:30:59,582 When mother-in-law taunts me, brother-in-law consoles me 420 00:30:59,666 --> 00:31:02,374 My husband's house is as lovely as a marigold 421 00:31:02,458 --> 00:31:06,999 My husband is a merchant. He is leaving for the city 422 00:31:07,125 --> 00:31:11,957 When l see him go, my heart sinks 423 00:31:12,000 --> 00:31:14,582 My husband's house is as lovely as a marigold 424 00:31:18,250 --> 00:31:23,082 When mother-in-law taunts me, brother-in-law consoles me 425 00:31:23,166 --> 00:31:25,582 My husband's house is as lovely as a marigold 426 00:31:25,666 --> 00:31:30,540 When my beloved teases me, sister-in-law ribs me 427 00:31:30,625 --> 00:31:32,999 My husband's house is as lovely as a marigold 428 00:31:37,041 --> 00:31:43,540 l left my parents' home so l could belong to my beloved 429 00:31:44,500 --> 00:31:48,790 Wearing a bush shirt, he happily chews paan 430 00:31:48,875 --> 00:31:53,999 There is no one to match him in all of Raipur 431 00:31:54,083 --> 00:31:56,790 My husband's house is as lovely as a marigold 432 00:31:56,875 --> 00:32:01,415 When my beloved teases me, sister-in-law ribs me 433 00:32:01,500 --> 00:32:04,249 My husband's house is as lovely as a marigold 434 00:32:15,666 --> 00:32:20,540 l can't swallow a thing 435 00:32:20,750 --> 00:32:22,499 Eating too many betel nuts! 436 00:32:22,583 --> 00:32:24,624 Who's there to stop you? 437 00:32:25,583 --> 00:32:26,999 Aren't you Rama? 438 00:32:28,291 --> 00:32:29,665 Hello 439 00:32:29,750 --> 00:32:34,290 Wow! You've never met us. But you recognize us 440 00:32:34,375 --> 00:32:37,249 The one and only Rajjo! 441 00:32:37,583 --> 00:32:40,665 How do you do? ls all well with you? 442 00:32:45,083 --> 00:32:47,207 Your son is a gem 443 00:32:47,916 --> 00:32:49,915 He's one of us now 444 00:32:50,083 --> 00:32:53,874 We're keeping him. Don't say we didn't warn you! 445 00:32:53,958 --> 00:32:55,915 Keep him! He's yours anyway 446 00:32:56,000 --> 00:32:59,165 You have a Delhi-6 heart. 447 00:32:59,250 --> 00:33:01,332 Tangy and spicy! Like a Delhi snack 448 00:33:01,416 --> 00:33:02,749 Mother! 449 00:33:02,916 --> 00:33:05,832 What happened? - Call 91 1 ! 450 00:33:11,583 --> 00:33:13,999 Get out of the way! - Uncle Ali 451 00:33:14,083 --> 00:33:15,499 We're going to the hospital 452 00:33:17,916 --> 00:33:21,415 lrwin Hospital. l will go arrange things - lrwin Hospital 453 00:33:21,500 --> 00:33:24,665 Get out of the way! - Yes, lrwin - Get out of the way! Give way! 454 00:33:24,875 --> 00:33:26,374 Mamdu! 455 00:33:26,666 --> 00:33:28,624 She's very unwell 456 00:33:28,708 --> 00:33:30,290 Let us pass! 457 00:33:31,625 --> 00:33:34,082 Get out of the way. - What's wrong? 458 00:33:34,166 --> 00:33:35,457 Tie this to her wrist 459 00:33:35,541 --> 00:33:37,749 Lord Hanuman will cure her - Hail Lord Hanuman 460 00:33:37,833 --> 00:33:39,832 We won't let her fall sick 461 00:33:39,916 --> 00:33:41,332 Get out of the way 462 00:33:41,416 --> 00:33:43,332 Gobar, clear the way! 463 00:33:43,416 --> 00:33:46,082 Get out of the way. Get out of the way. - What's going on? 464 00:33:46,333 --> 00:33:48,915 Why have they stopped - She's unwell. Move 465 00:33:49,000 --> 00:33:50,707 What's going on? - Move. Move 466 00:33:50,791 --> 00:33:52,957 Someone see what's wrong 467 00:33:55,791 --> 00:33:59,082 What happened? - Mother Cow is giving birth 468 00:33:59,166 --> 00:34:00,332 What? - Yes. 469 00:34:00,416 --> 00:34:01,874 Calf? - Mother Cow giving baby cow 470 00:34:01,958 --> 00:34:05,165 Move them out of the way. Go on! 471 00:34:05,250 --> 00:34:08,540 Go after them - Give way. Give way 472 00:34:08,625 --> 00:34:11,499 Clear the road. Clear the road 473 00:34:11,583 --> 00:34:12,749 Clear the road 474 00:34:12,833 --> 00:34:18,457 Move back - You're blessed to see Mother Cow giving birth 475 00:34:18,541 --> 00:34:22,165 Those who witness the birth are freed of all misfortune Here! 476 00:34:22,333 --> 00:34:25,082 Mother Cow has blessed you. Have the sweet 477 00:34:25,166 --> 00:34:27,249 Move back - Please, clear the road 478 00:34:27,333 --> 00:34:29,290 Can prayer ever be stopped? 479 00:34:29,375 --> 00:34:31,790 Mother Cow is giving birth. People have gathered 480 00:34:31,875 --> 00:34:32,957 How can the police intervene? 481 00:34:33,000 --> 00:34:34,082 Step back! Everyone stand back! - What the hell! 482 00:34:34,166 --> 00:34:35,957 There's an emergency case. Clear the road! 483 00:34:36,000 --> 00:34:40,290 Step back! Everyone stand back! - Clear the road. Move! Move! 484 00:34:40,458 --> 00:34:45,332 Gran? 485 00:34:45,541 --> 00:34:46,999 Move! Move! 486 00:34:51,125 --> 00:34:52,707 What are you all doing? 487 00:34:54,416 --> 00:34:55,499 Move aside. Let us pass! 488 00:34:55,583 --> 00:34:57,499 lt's having an effect. lt's having an effect - Move aside! 489 00:34:57,583 --> 00:35:02,624 Hail Mother Cow! Hail Mother Cow! Hail Mother Cow! 490 00:35:02,708 --> 00:35:04,165 Don't worry. 491 00:35:04,250 --> 00:35:06,749 Her sugar level had dropped and she fainted 492 00:35:06,833 --> 00:35:10,624 Back in America, we thought Gran had no one in Delhi 493 00:35:11,166 --> 00:35:15,082 But everyone here is family 494 00:35:15,458 --> 00:35:18,582 Roshan. You have it, Son 495 00:35:38,541 --> 00:35:40,374 Gran is dying, Ali Uncle 496 00:35:41,791 --> 00:35:45,874 The poet Zauq says: "Who can ever wish to leave Delhi's lanes?" 497 00:35:47,375 --> 00:35:49,249 Just stay 498 00:35:50,000 --> 00:35:52,165 Stay as you are 499 00:35:52,875 --> 00:35:55,415 You are pain 500 00:35:55,833 --> 00:35:58,040 You are comfort 501 00:35:59,208 --> 00:36:00,957 Just stay 502 00:36:01,541 --> 00:36:03,749 Stay as you are 503 00:36:04,666 --> 00:36:07,540 A gentle breeze 504 00:36:07,625 --> 00:36:09,957 A stormy obsession 505 00:36:10,500 --> 00:36:16,207 Smooth as silk. Jagged as rough cloth 506 00:36:16,375 --> 00:36:18,332 Sometimes you quarrel. 507 00:36:18,416 --> 00:36:19,832 Sometimes you're stubborn 508 00:36:19,916 --> 00:36:22,124 So full of fragrance 509 00:36:22,208 --> 00:36:27,999 l don't want to change you an inch 510 00:36:28,083 --> 00:36:31,457 Without adornment. Without impurity. 511 00:36:31,541 --> 00:36:34,040 No more. No less 512 00:36:34,125 --> 00:36:39,082 l love you just as you are - May l? - Sure! 513 00:36:39,166 --> 00:36:40,249 lt's all yours 514 00:36:40,333 --> 00:36:45,124 ln your rainfall, l want to dissolve 515 00:36:45,625 --> 00:36:51,290 l love you just as you are 516 00:36:52,000 --> 00:36:58,332 ln your flame, l want to burn and turn to ash 517 00:37:02,625 --> 00:37:10,832 lf you wound me, soothe me with a balm 518 00:37:11,291 --> 00:37:17,582 l will soon love the wound you inflict 519 00:37:20,583 --> 00:37:30,582 You are a river. Let me drown in you 520 00:37:33,875 --> 00:37:36,332 Need a cold beer, boy? 521 00:37:37,833 --> 00:37:42,457 Your father and l had a great time when we were young 522 00:37:42,791 --> 00:37:44,499 We had a great time 523 00:37:49,916 --> 00:37:52,624 Ali Uncle, you're a good-looking guy 524 00:37:53,000 --> 00:37:54,249 Yes 525 00:37:54,916 --> 00:37:58,290 No wife and children. A girl-friend? 526 00:38:00,541 --> 00:38:01,957 Just the one 527 00:38:02,958 --> 00:38:04,249 And? 528 00:38:06,083 --> 00:38:07,957 Your father took her away 529 00:38:11,833 --> 00:38:14,874 My mother? Are you serious? No way! 530 00:38:16,875 --> 00:38:20,457 25 years ago, if l had told Fatima "l love you" 531 00:38:21,208 --> 00:38:24,707 l might have a son like you today 532 00:38:25,875 --> 00:38:29,790 But dreams only blossomed in my heart 533 00:38:30,333 --> 00:38:31,874 Your father had guts 534 00:38:32,083 --> 00:38:35,665 He loved her madly. He fought everyone 535 00:38:36,208 --> 00:38:40,207 Not caring what they saidabout Fatima being a Muslim 536 00:38:40,416 --> 00:38:42,082 He fought for love 537 00:38:43,291 --> 00:38:47,749 When l look at you, l see that love 538 00:38:48,791 --> 00:38:51,290 ln your eyes and in the way you talk 539 00:38:53,750 --> 00:38:55,207 But then l know 540 00:38:56,875 --> 00:38:58,582 ..you will leave us too 541 00:38:59,208 --> 00:39:01,040 Back to America 542 00:39:13,875 --> 00:39:16,040 Ali Uncle, l'm an American 543 00:39:17,958 --> 00:39:19,749 My life is there 544 00:39:23,208 --> 00:39:33,207 All my pleas are written on my face 545 00:39:38,291 --> 00:39:43,249 What can l ask of You, O Master? 546 00:39:43,500 --> 00:39:49,457 You already know what is in my heart 547 00:39:53,541 --> 00:40:02,374 O Master! My Master 548 00:40:02,458 --> 00:40:07,915 O Master! 549 00:40:08,875 --> 00:40:18,665 O Master! My Master 550 00:40:18,750 --> 00:40:23,999 Cracks blemish the line of my destiny 551 00:40:24,083 --> 00:40:31,957 Repair my fate, O Master 552 00:40:32,916 --> 00:40:38,040 l bow at Your door. My being erased and then remade 553 00:40:38,125 --> 00:40:45,207 Repair my fate, O Master 554 00:40:50,250 --> 00:40:55,290 He who comes to Your threshold comes to bow his head 555 00:40:55,375 --> 00:41:00,624 He drinks from the cup of ecstasy. He dances in harmony 556 00:41:00,708 --> 00:41:05,749 He came with throat parched. And found an overflowing river 557 00:41:05,833 --> 00:41:22,165 He returned bathed in the shower of Your light 558 00:41:25,583 --> 00:41:30,707 The rich always buy the best urns. 501 . 95 paisa. 559 00:41:30,791 --> 00:41:32,707 Just feel it 560 00:41:32,875 --> 00:41:36,915 Do you have a gold urn? With gems and rubies 561 00:41:37,000 --> 00:41:39,124 Why show off in death? 562 00:41:39,208 --> 00:41:41,749 Why save if you're going forever? 563 00:41:42,041 --> 00:41:44,832 A copper urn. 564 00:41:44,916 --> 00:41:47,124 251 . 95 paisa 565 00:41:47,208 --> 00:41:50,249 l want a clay urn for my ashes. Or l'm off 566 00:41:50,333 --> 00:41:51,832 Yes, l have it 567 00:41:51,916 --> 00:41:55,290 You're so old-fashioned. Here you are 568 00:41:55,375 --> 00:41:58,582 Specially made from sacred Ganges clay 569 00:41:58,666 --> 00:42:02,415 151 . 95 paisa - This is good 570 00:42:02,500 --> 00:42:04,707 Roshan, hold it 571 00:42:06,958 --> 00:42:09,165 Now l can die in peace 572 00:42:09,750 --> 00:42:11,832 Here you are 573 00:42:15,416 --> 00:42:18,749 Only 100? - You will prosper. 574 00:42:18,916 --> 00:42:22,415 "The tree said to the leaf: Listen to what l say: 575 00:42:22,500 --> 00:42:25,749 "This is the cycle of life: A leaf dies. Another is born" 576 00:42:25,833 --> 00:42:28,499 Come on. l am done 577 00:42:28,583 --> 00:42:31,582 l first thought it odd that Gran was making these arrangements 578 00:42:31,875 --> 00:42:33,290 A bit morbid 579 00:42:34,000 --> 00:42:36,082 Who goes shopping for your own funeral? 580 00:42:36,541 --> 00:42:37,665 Discussing death like this 581 00:42:39,541 --> 00:42:42,999 Then l figured it out. We can't decide the manner in which we are born 582 00:42:44,000 --> 00:42:47,415 But we can plan our departure 583 00:42:54,000 --> 00:42:56,040 The rainy season is over. 584 00:42:56,458 --> 00:43:00,624 Autumn is here 585 00:43:05,166 --> 00:43:10,749 Yet l have had no word of Sita 586 00:43:13,875 --> 00:43:21,124 lt pains Laxman to see His brother suffering 587 00:43:26,208 --> 00:43:31,457 He longs to take away his pain 588 00:43:38,083 --> 00:43:41,332 Fresh attacks in Delhi 6 589 00:43:41,666 --> 00:43:44,790 The dark shadow of the Black Monkey is cast all over Delhi 590 00:43:45,208 --> 00:43:47,999 Listen carefully - My heart stopped when l saw it. 591 00:43:48,416 --> 00:43:49,790 lt had bulbs on its chest 592 00:43:49,875 --> 00:43:53,374 When l touched it, l got a 500 volt shock! 593 00:43:53,458 --> 00:43:54,499 Oh my God! 594 00:43:54,583 --> 00:43:57,749 The earth gets its energy from the sun 595 00:43:57,833 --> 00:44:02,290 But the monster Black Monkey's energy is far greater 596 00:44:02,375 --> 00:44:04,249 lt can attack any time 597 00:44:04,333 --> 00:44:06,582 Hence beware and stay alert - They're all fools 598 00:44:06,666 --> 00:44:08,915 The Black Monkey - lndia's space mission 599 00:44:09,000 --> 00:44:10,999 lt tore her saree 600 00:44:11,375 --> 00:44:14,749 Got love. Will make you an idol 601 00:44:14,833 --> 00:44:17,249 The pride of lndia 602 00:44:17,333 --> 00:44:20,457 The lndian ldol bus is coming to your town! 603 00:44:20,541 --> 00:44:23,665 Mumbai. Lucknow. Kolkata, Delhi, Gwalior 604 00:44:23,750 --> 00:44:25,999 lf you want to be an lndian idol then call for the auditions 605 00:44:26,083 --> 00:44:30,332 On 5052525. Or SMS ldol 52525 606 00:44:34,708 --> 00:44:36,790 You pierced your navel? - Sexy, eh? 607 00:44:36,875 --> 00:44:38,207 Had it done yesterday 608 00:44:38,500 --> 00:44:42,999 lt must have hurt - Nothing is gained without pain 609 00:44:43,041 --> 00:44:46,832 lf the Black Monkey has glowing lights on its chest 610 00:44:47,000 --> 00:44:49,207 it means it has a mother board 611 00:44:49,541 --> 00:44:52,249 An electric circuit. Right? 612 00:44:53,041 --> 00:44:55,540 Right - Leave him alone 613 00:44:55,791 --> 00:44:57,665 Don't bore him with your theories 614 00:44:57,875 --> 00:45:01,499 Young man, what happens when water gets into an electric circuit? 615 00:45:01,583 --> 00:45:02,999 No, you tell me 616 00:45:03,083 --> 00:45:04,874 Short-circuit? - Right! 617 00:45:04,958 --> 00:45:07,207 Well done! Hear that, Rajjo? 618 00:45:07,291 --> 00:45:08,832 He's smarter than us 619 00:45:08,916 --> 00:45:11,624 Made in America! Right? 620 00:45:12,041 --> 00:45:15,832 So, if you see the Black Monkey's electric board, pour water on it 621 00:45:15,916 --> 00:45:18,165 Short circuit! Finished! 622 00:45:18,250 --> 00:45:21,457 The end of the Black Monkey. Right? 623 00:45:23,708 --> 00:45:24,915 Brilliant. 624 00:45:25,708 --> 00:45:26,790 lt's time to leave 625 00:45:26,875 --> 00:45:28,665 l'm not blowing my own trumpet. 626 00:45:28,750 --> 00:45:31,124 But no one can touch me in electronics 627 00:45:31,500 --> 00:45:35,874 Only father's old radio is beyond me 628 00:45:36,083 --> 00:45:41,540 Until l hear a sound from it, l won't give up 629 00:45:43,125 --> 00:45:44,957 Right 630 00:45:45,208 --> 00:45:47,332 l'll see you at the prayer meeting - Yes, yes. See you 631 00:45:47,416 --> 00:45:49,332 All right. Bye - Bye 632 00:45:49,583 --> 00:45:51,457 Young man, good you're doing this. 633 00:45:51,708 --> 00:45:53,999 The Goddess will rid us of all problems 634 00:45:54,083 --> 00:45:55,582 Hail to the Goddess! 635 00:46:02,375 --> 00:46:04,999 Sister-in-law! 636 00:46:06,500 --> 00:46:08,540 l don't know what he was telling Roshan 637 00:46:08,625 --> 00:46:12,249 Something about the Black Monkey's mother sitting for a board exam 638 00:46:12,708 --> 00:46:14,665 Pour water on him 639 00:46:15,875 --> 00:46:18,165 He said pour water on him and he's dead 640 00:46:19,458 --> 00:46:22,499 But where do we get so much water? 641 00:46:24,500 --> 00:46:27,332 lt's spicy - Let Bobby play with me 642 00:46:27,416 --> 00:46:30,665 Stop it! - Bobby! - What are you doing? 643 00:46:48,250 --> 00:46:49,624 Hello 644 00:46:53,291 --> 00:46:54,457 Yes? 645 00:46:54,541 --> 00:46:55,624 What is it? - Here. 646 00:46:55,708 --> 00:46:57,374 What is it? - Some sweets 647 00:46:57,875 --> 00:46:59,915 Why? Has Mother Cow given birth? 648 00:47:00,125 --> 00:47:04,457 No! Granny is well again. 649 00:47:04,541 --> 00:47:06,332 So we're organizing a prayer meeting 650 00:47:06,416 --> 00:47:07,999 lt's an invitation 651 00:47:08,708 --> 00:47:11,499 My hands are unwashed 652 00:47:12,666 --> 00:47:13,999 Leave it inside 653 00:47:15,000 --> 00:47:16,124 Yes 654 00:47:39,041 --> 00:47:40,249 Sorry 655 00:47:43,000 --> 00:47:45,415 You're the wife of Madangopal Electrical. 656 00:47:45,500 --> 00:47:46,874 How can you be so dumb? 657 00:47:47,500 --> 00:47:48,999 You're from America, right? 658 00:47:50,041 --> 00:47:51,540 Yes. For real. Why? 659 00:47:51,875 --> 00:47:53,999 Lightning strikes when it rains? 660 00:47:54,833 --> 00:47:56,332 Yes - Yes? 661 00:47:57,583 --> 00:47:59,624 Does lightning short-circuit the clouds? 662 00:48:01,416 --> 00:48:02,874 Never heard such a thing 663 00:48:02,958 --> 00:48:04,540 Neither have l 664 00:48:04,875 --> 00:48:08,290 Throwing water on the Black Monkey won't help 665 00:48:08,375 --> 00:48:10,415 Stop that damn racket! 666 00:48:12,000 --> 00:48:14,290 Do you think the Black Monkey is a moron? 667 00:48:15,375 --> 00:48:16,665 A big hero, eh? 668 00:48:16,750 --> 00:48:19,999 Talking rot to the women - Uncle is right, father 669 00:48:20,083 --> 00:48:22,999 My science teacher told us about short circuits 670 00:48:23,083 --> 00:48:24,957 Shut up! Son of an ass! 671 00:48:25,833 --> 00:48:28,499 When you're my age, then talk big! 672 00:48:28,583 --> 00:48:31,124 Must you shout in front of Roshan? 673 00:48:31,208 --> 00:48:32,624 Mummy, l'm going out 674 00:48:32,708 --> 00:48:36,915 Serve some lunch to Mrs. Mehra. Then go to college 675 00:48:37,000 --> 00:48:38,374 All right 676 00:48:41,291 --> 00:48:43,915 See you at the prayer meeting - Start 677 00:48:44,541 --> 00:48:45,874 Bye 678 00:48:49,125 --> 00:48:52,165 Pour water on the monkey? Ha! 679 00:48:57,875 --> 00:49:00,790 Sorry about that 680 00:49:00,875 --> 00:49:02,749 You Americans think you own everything 681 00:49:02,833 --> 00:49:05,499 You force your way everywhere. lnto any country 682 00:49:05,583 --> 00:49:06,957 So shameless. 683 00:49:07,000 --> 00:49:10,124 You Americans never ask for permission - So, now it's political? 684 00:49:11,041 --> 00:49:12,749 Come on. What's the big deal? 685 00:49:12,833 --> 00:49:16,374 lt's a big deal for us. We never cross the line 686 00:49:16,458 --> 00:49:21,790 You burger species! 687 00:49:24,458 --> 00:49:26,582 You know why the Black Monkey wears shades? 688 00:49:26,666 --> 00:49:28,874 - How would l know? - lt's stylish, boss! 689 00:49:29,666 --> 00:49:32,207 You're smoking lndian cigarettes when l'm around? 690 00:49:32,500 --> 00:49:34,999 Try this, sir. lmported 691 00:49:36,208 --> 00:49:37,790 Special filter 692 00:49:38,000 --> 00:49:39,415 ls that so? 693 00:49:40,958 --> 00:49:42,457 What a waste 694 00:49:42,541 --> 00:49:44,832 Bobby, come here 695 00:49:45,583 --> 00:49:47,332 Well, Mr Bobby? 696 00:49:48,250 --> 00:49:50,957 You'll get 90% in your exams this time. Right? 697 00:49:51,000 --> 00:49:52,707 No.100% 698 00:49:53,375 --> 00:49:54,457 Bravo! 699 00:49:54,541 --> 00:49:57,082 Pulling your uncle's leg! Right? 700 00:49:57,166 --> 00:49:58,457 Who started this round? 701 00:50:00,208 --> 00:50:03,665 Ok! There's a beggar sitting round the corner 702 00:50:03,916 --> 00:50:06,915 Give this to him. Good boy. Go 703 00:50:11,625 --> 00:50:14,165 What are you doing? - l'll do what l want 704 00:50:14,250 --> 00:50:16,082 Shall we go in? 705 00:50:17,958 --> 00:50:21,082 Those damn ghosts live there - Go on! 706 00:50:21,333 --> 00:50:24,374 You come too. Big mouth! 707 00:50:25,000 --> 00:50:26,665 Mother! 708 00:50:30,125 --> 00:50:32,540 Don't be a kid. We're grown up now 709 00:50:32,625 --> 00:50:35,957 - What if we're caught? - No one enters Dead Souls' Lane 710 00:50:36,000 --> 00:50:38,332 They say scary ghosts roam here 711 00:50:38,416 --> 00:50:40,457 Mummy says cigarettes are bad 712 00:50:40,541 --> 00:50:41,999 But your father smokes. 713 00:50:42,041 --> 00:50:43,499 You coward! 714 00:50:44,125 --> 00:50:45,957 - l am not a coward -That's more like it! 715 00:50:46,000 --> 00:50:50,082 ln Delhi 6, Jalebi helps boys become men 716 00:50:50,541 --> 00:50:52,832 Jalebi? The Untouchable caste sweeper? 717 00:50:52,916 --> 00:50:54,832 - So what! - l'll ask Mummy 718 00:50:54,916 --> 00:50:58,624 You son of an ass! You can't ask Mummy about everything 719 00:50:58,708 --> 00:51:00,165 Now we're men 720 00:51:09,375 --> 00:51:10,957 Sister! The garbage 721 00:51:16,541 --> 00:51:17,832 Old letch! 722 00:51:18,750 --> 00:51:19,999 Here 723 00:51:24,500 --> 00:51:26,082 Watch out! 724 00:51:26,500 --> 00:51:28,999 Look good! 725 00:51:29,083 --> 00:51:30,415 You girl thief! 726 00:51:30,583 --> 00:51:33,165 You'll be dancing like a peacock when l shove my broom 727 00:51:34,041 --> 00:51:35,290 Move aside! 728 00:51:42,125 --> 00:51:43,540 The garbage! 729 00:51:50,625 --> 00:51:52,165 What are you doing? 730 00:51:52,500 --> 00:51:54,582 Mrs. Mehra, the flowers 731 00:51:56,000 --> 00:51:57,207 Go in 732 00:52:02,625 --> 00:52:03,874 Simpleton! 733 00:52:09,625 --> 00:52:10,999 You ask 734 00:52:14,041 --> 00:52:15,832 Turn us into men 735 00:52:16,458 --> 00:52:18,707 Who told you l can do that? 736 00:52:18,875 --> 00:52:23,749 Everyone knows - Sonny, you still wet your pants 737 00:52:23,833 --> 00:52:26,749 Still drinking milk. You'll be men, will you? 738 00:52:27,875 --> 00:52:30,124 We're grown up. We want to be men 739 00:52:30,208 --> 00:52:32,790 Run. l'll call your mother 740 00:52:33,750 --> 00:52:35,999 Be men! You're toddlers 741 00:52:36,291 --> 00:52:37,915 Damn it! 742 00:52:38,791 --> 00:52:42,040 Wretched parents! Spoiling their children 743 00:52:42,416 --> 00:52:44,165 The garbage! 744 00:52:44,458 --> 00:52:46,374 Oh, wait. Wait. Wait. l got that 745 00:52:46,708 --> 00:52:48,999 Hold on 746 00:52:49,083 --> 00:52:52,374 ln the name of Lord Ram! Disaster! - What? 747 00:52:52,458 --> 00:52:54,040 What have you done? 748 00:52:54,250 --> 00:52:57,207 Come on, Gran 749 00:52:57,333 --> 00:52:59,207 Gran. What are you doing? 750 00:53:04,000 --> 00:53:07,624 You all cannot make me.. - Pure of body. Pure of spirit 751 00:53:07,708 --> 00:53:11,582 Come on. Come on. Take your clothes off -You wish! 752 00:53:11,666 --> 00:53:15,915 So what if Jalebi is human! She's of the Untouchable caste 753 00:53:16,125 --> 00:53:17,832 You have to bathe. Come on. Hurry up 754 00:53:17,916 --> 00:53:20,249 Roshan, listen to him. 755 00:53:20,333 --> 00:53:21,665 Do as l say, son 756 00:53:23,625 --> 00:53:24,790 Get real, guys 757 00:53:24,875 --> 00:53:31,332 Shabri, why do you hesitate? 758 00:53:31,625 --> 00:53:35,082 Give me a berry to eat 759 00:53:36,125 --> 00:53:41,082 She tastes the berries and offers the sweetest to Lord Ram 760 00:53:41,250 --> 00:53:47,624 Without hesitation, Lord Ram eats berry after berry 761 00:53:47,708 --> 00:53:51,082 Shabri is an Untouchable. Why is He eating berries she has tasted? 762 00:53:51,166 --> 00:54:00,207 No one is inferior or superior by birth to Lord Ram 763 00:54:01,333 --> 00:54:04,290 Ramji is God. He is permitted everything 764 00:54:04,833 --> 00:54:08,999 No one is inferior or superior by birth to Him 765 00:54:09,166 --> 00:54:11,082 Rambihari 766 00:54:11,375 --> 00:54:14,540 l need company. Bring Jalebi to me 767 00:54:14,791 --> 00:54:16,290 Hey, mom! 768 00:54:19,000 --> 00:54:20,874 Yes. At the Ram Leela. 769 00:54:21,708 --> 00:54:23,290 You guys! 770 00:54:23,458 --> 00:54:25,457 The boss wants you 771 00:54:25,958 --> 00:54:28,499 The Black Monkey? On CNN? 772 00:54:28,708 --> 00:54:31,040 The key is here - Didn't you hear me? 773 00:54:31,958 --> 00:54:35,540 You damn sweeper! l'll fix you 774 00:54:35,625 --> 00:54:36,707 Stand up! 775 00:54:36,791 --> 00:54:38,874 l am not going with you 776 00:54:38,958 --> 00:54:40,332 Tell him 777 00:54:40,416 --> 00:54:43,499 Come on - Let go of me! 778 00:54:44,625 --> 00:54:47,040 May Ravan kidnap your sister 779 00:54:47,125 --> 00:54:48,999 The police! - Take right 780 00:54:49,083 --> 00:54:51,040 Let go of me! 781 00:54:55,375 --> 00:54:56,540 The Black Monkey? 782 00:54:58,375 --> 00:55:01,790 He'll run over me! 783 00:55:01,958 --> 00:55:03,540 All praise to you! 784 00:55:36,916 --> 00:55:40,249 Where did the balls of the wimp go? 785 00:55:43,958 --> 00:55:45,040 Who? 786 00:55:45,125 --> 00:55:46,749 The Black Monkey! Who else? 787 00:55:46,916 --> 00:55:49,290 Not asking about your father 788 00:55:50,500 --> 00:55:52,957 Pass me the fog horn! 789 00:55:54,125 --> 00:55:56,124 You Black Monkey 790 00:55:56,958 --> 00:56:00,874 Your game is up. The place is surrounded by police 791 00:56:01,291 --> 00:56:04,915 Be reasonable. Or else we will shoot you 792 00:56:05,125 --> 00:56:09,624 Sir - Yes? - There. l think he went up there 793 00:56:10,083 --> 00:56:11,582 There 794 00:56:14,458 --> 00:56:19,290 He tore through the roof - He must have springs for feet 795 00:56:19,375 --> 00:56:22,874 You saw him? What's he look like? 796 00:56:25,750 --> 00:56:26,874 Who? 797 00:56:26,958 --> 00:56:28,415 The Black Monkey! Who else? 798 00:56:28,500 --> 00:56:30,332 Why are you winding us up? 799 00:56:30,541 --> 00:56:31,707 What happened? 800 00:56:31,791 --> 00:56:33,332 He was invisible, l didn't see 801 00:56:33,416 --> 00:56:34,874 l understood 802 00:56:34,958 --> 00:56:39,499 You understood? - lf he's invisible, how can he be seen? 803 00:56:39,750 --> 00:56:41,874 The moron drives well too! 804 00:56:41,958 --> 00:56:44,082 Before l knew it 805 00:56:44,541 --> 00:56:47,165 l was adding to the Black Monkey's saga 806 00:56:47,833 --> 00:56:49,290 What must be the height? 807 00:56:49,458 --> 00:56:54,415 Because of me, now he was invisible too 808 00:56:54,500 --> 00:56:56,749 Click a snap. You idiot - Yes. Yes 809 00:56:56,833 --> 00:56:58,832 Move! Move! - He's an alien 810 00:56:58,916 --> 00:57:02,749 Sir, l.. - Call for the rope - Yes - Criminal. Criminal. Criminal 811 00:57:03,416 --> 00:57:07,082 ln the dark of the night, wearing a dark suit and dark glasses 812 00:57:07,166 --> 00:57:09,540 the Black Monkey drives a black Sumo 813 00:57:09,625 --> 00:57:12,249 Once its dark deeds are done 814 00:57:12,333 --> 00:57:16,290 it presses a red button - And becomes invisible! 815 00:57:16,375 --> 00:57:17,665 lt's an alien 816 00:57:17,750 --> 00:57:20,915 lt attacked two girls in our area. They were sleeping 817 00:57:21,000 --> 00:57:22,915 We gave chase. But it disappeared 818 00:57:23,000 --> 00:57:26,915 This monkey is driving us crazy 819 00:57:27,166 --> 00:57:34,540 The albatross emits many sounds while it is mating 820 00:57:38,125 --> 00:57:43,624 lf you breathe deeply, it'll benefit you in every way 821 00:57:43,708 --> 00:57:46,999 Great importance is given in Yoga to breathing 822 00:57:48,750 --> 00:57:51,082 Chandrayaan is going to be launched in some time 823 00:57:51,166 --> 00:57:52,999 Our flag is on the moon now. 824 00:57:53,041 --> 00:57:55,165 All over lndia, the preparations to go to the moon.. 825 00:57:55,250 --> 00:57:59,457 Many Sumo cars were destroyed in Delhi 826 00:57:59,541 --> 00:58:00,707 But this Sumo belonged to the Black Monkey. 827 00:58:00,791 --> 00:58:02,874 He has made everyone's life miserable 828 00:58:02,958 --> 00:58:05,790 - Have you seen the Black Monkey? - Yes! lt's invisible 829 00:58:05,875 --> 00:58:08,249 lt is an animal. 830 00:58:08,333 --> 00:58:10,790 Animals aren't in our jurisdiction 831 00:58:10,875 --> 00:58:12,165 Not a case for us 832 00:58:12,250 --> 00:58:15,374 A monkey? A criminal! 833 00:58:15,458 --> 00:58:18,290 l will say it takes a lot of precise manoeuvring there 834 00:58:18,375 --> 00:58:21,457 But once it takes off, then we know 835 00:58:21,541 --> 00:58:23,707 The vehicle has lifted off! The vehicle has lifted off! 836 00:58:23,791 --> 00:58:27,124 The monkey is an animal. Not our jurisdiction! 837 00:58:27,333 --> 00:58:28,665 So? Will you do nothing? 838 00:58:28,750 --> 00:58:31,124 Pointing fingers at us won't help 839 00:58:31,333 --> 00:58:33,707 Look at our track record 840 00:58:33,791 --> 00:58:36,749 We are most capable - Utter rot! 841 00:58:36,833 --> 00:58:39,707 This case is for the Animal Ministry. 842 00:58:39,791 --> 00:58:41,249 They must take action 843 00:58:41,458 --> 00:58:44,040 Move! Go home and watch TV 844 00:58:44,125 --> 00:58:47,332 Have you ever seen an animal with a mother board? 845 00:58:47,666 --> 00:58:49,332 Springs for feet? 846 00:58:49,708 --> 00:58:53,332 No! So how does it concern the Animal Ministry? 847 00:58:53,541 --> 00:58:56,040 Talk to the Science and Technology Ministry 848 00:58:56,125 --> 00:59:00,290 lf they stopped lining their pockets, they'd have time for us 849 00:59:00,625 --> 00:59:02,415 How right you are! 850 00:59:02,791 --> 00:59:04,457 Madangopalji! lt's from the shrine 851 00:59:04,541 --> 00:59:08,749 l'm Jaigopal! For once get my name right 852 00:59:09,041 --> 00:59:15,665 Look! Look into the mirror 853 00:59:15,750 --> 00:59:18,457 ln every speck shines His light - Should l come too? 854 00:59:18,541 --> 00:59:21,415 Look within yourself, He isn't far from you 855 00:59:21,500 --> 00:59:24,707 lf you have love in you, then embrace everyone 856 00:59:24,958 --> 00:59:26,957 That's true worship 857 00:59:27,000 --> 00:59:29,999 Look into the mirror! 858 00:59:30,541 --> 00:59:33,082 Salaams to you! - Good morning, boys 859 00:59:33,166 --> 00:59:35,374 Good morning, boys - Good day, young man 860 00:59:35,541 --> 00:59:36,707 Good day 861 00:59:40,583 --> 00:59:42,290 He's a fine boy 862 00:59:42,500 --> 00:59:45,165 Haji Mian! - What is it, Mamdu? 863 00:59:46,916 --> 00:59:50,332 Roshan slapped the lnspector last night 864 00:59:52,291 --> 00:59:54,415 "You public servant" 865 00:59:56,000 --> 00:59:59,999 Yes - "Do you know who l am?" 866 01:00:00,041 --> 01:00:01,999 "Your uniform tells me you're a public servant" 867 01:00:02,083 --> 01:00:04,499 "Servant? Do l look like a servant?" 868 01:00:06,000 --> 01:00:10,165 Then our Roshan, tall as the Qutub Minar, his arm 869 01:00:10,250 --> 01:00:11,915 Swings it around 870 01:00:15,958 --> 01:00:17,874 No, no, no. No, sir 871 01:00:23,916 --> 01:00:27,415 Did l give you permission to stop? Carry on! 872 01:00:28,500 --> 01:00:31,540 l explained. "Roshan is new in town" 873 01:00:31,625 --> 01:00:36,082 The lnspector can fix anyone. You don't know him 874 01:00:36,166 --> 01:00:37,957 Don't talk too much 875 01:00:45,875 --> 01:00:53,165 Masakali! Come 876 01:00:55,708 --> 01:00:56,999 Come to me 877 01:00:57,375 --> 01:01:00,665 Come here, my child. Come, sit 878 01:01:50,708 --> 01:01:55,457 Masakali! Masakali! Move a little. Move a little 879 01:01:55,541 --> 01:02:09,665 Masakali! Masakali! Move a little. Move a little 880 01:02:09,916 --> 01:02:12,165 Spread your wings and set the dust free 881 01:02:12,291 --> 01:02:14,665 Fly high! And higher still 882 01:02:14,750 --> 01:02:18,999 Fly over cities, lanes and towns 883 01:02:19,458 --> 01:02:21,832 Fly with grace on your wings. 884 01:02:21,916 --> 01:02:24,582 Follow your heart's every desire 885 01:02:24,666 --> 01:02:26,665 Blend with the wind. Stylish and swift. 886 01:02:26,750 --> 01:02:29,374 Fly away, you gem 887 01:02:29,458 --> 01:02:38,665 Masakali! Masakali! Move a little. Move a little 888 01:03:00,875 --> 01:03:05,624 A colony of clouds is your lovely abode 889 01:03:05,708 --> 01:03:10,832 Turn your head away from those who can't fly 890 01:03:12,666 --> 01:03:14,749 Fly! Do not be afraid 891 01:03:14,833 --> 01:03:17,415 Do as you please. As you please 892 01:03:17,500 --> 01:03:21,832 Fly away. Don't look back 893 01:03:22,125 --> 01:03:24,249 Fly! Do not be afraid 894 01:03:24,333 --> 01:03:26,957 Do as you please. As you please 895 01:03:27,000 --> 01:03:31,124 Fly away. Don't look back 896 01:03:31,500 --> 01:03:41,915 Smile as you spread your wings Flap your wings. 897 01:03:43,541 --> 01:03:48,165 Masakali! Masakali! Move a little. Move a little 898 01:03:48,291 --> 01:03:50,915 Masakali! Masakali! 899 01:03:51,000 --> 01:03:55,415 Masakali! Masakali! Move a little. Move a little 900 01:04:14,166 --> 01:04:18,915 What do you care about sorrow? All you hear is the flute in the sky 901 01:04:19,000 --> 01:04:24,249 The wind talking The sun shining 902 01:04:24,583 --> 01:04:26,707 Fly away! Never fear 903 01:04:26,791 --> 01:04:29,332 Do as you please. As you please 904 01:04:29,416 --> 01:04:33,707 Fly away. Don't look back 905 01:04:34,083 --> 01:04:36,207 Fly away! Never fear 906 01:04:36,291 --> 01:04:38,915 Do as you please. As you please 907 01:04:39,000 --> 01:04:43,332 Fly away. Don't look back 908 01:04:43,541 --> 01:04:48,290 Smile as you spread your wings, Masakali 909 01:04:48,375 --> 01:04:53,374 You should know, says the wind 910 01:04:53,458 --> 01:04:57,790 Masakali! Masakali! Move a little. Move a little 911 01:04:58,041 --> 01:05:02,999 Masakali! Masakali! Move a little 912 01:05:29,416 --> 01:05:31,707 Hey, you ok? - What's it to you? 913 01:05:32,208 --> 01:05:33,707 Please just leave me alone. Ok? 914 01:05:33,791 --> 01:05:35,957 Bittu! My child 915 01:05:36,458 --> 01:05:37,874 Rat poison? 916 01:05:38,000 --> 01:05:41,290 l'll pour it in his tea. Then swallow some myself 917 01:05:41,958 --> 01:05:43,374 End of story 918 01:05:44,250 --> 01:05:47,165 Whose tea? - That bloated haystack! The suitor 919 01:05:47,291 --> 01:05:49,790 He wants to check me out. Marry me 920 01:05:50,166 --> 01:05:51,832 Check you out? Wow, that's.. 921 01:05:52,166 --> 01:05:54,999 that's really - Cool, right? 922 01:05:57,041 --> 01:05:59,499 You find us so amusing 923 01:05:59,916 --> 01:06:02,832 Look at these backward lndian types 924 01:06:04,625 --> 01:06:07,415 What's wrong? - l don't want to get married. 925 01:06:07,708 --> 01:06:10,082 But l don't have a choice 926 01:06:11,083 --> 01:06:14,624 l'll have to walk a little. Sing a little 927 01:06:14,708 --> 01:06:18,290 Pretend l cooked the samosas Aunt Rama made. 928 01:06:18,375 --> 01:06:22,082 Hurry! Papa is about to have a fit 929 01:06:26,083 --> 01:06:27,249 Yuck! 930 01:06:34,333 --> 01:06:38,707 lf you don't want to get married, tell them your point of view 931 01:06:39,333 --> 01:06:40,749 Point of view? 932 01:06:40,833 --> 01:06:43,707 Who can dare talk to father? 933 01:06:47,875 --> 01:06:51,999 They're made for each other. Like Ram and Sita! 934 01:06:52,583 --> 01:06:54,499 The princess arrives! 935 01:06:59,416 --> 01:07:00,915 Hi! How are you? Hi 936 01:07:01,000 --> 01:07:02,165 Excuse me. 937 01:07:03,666 --> 01:07:06,415 May l have a word? lt's urgent 938 01:07:06,791 --> 01:07:09,165 Not now. We have guests 939 01:07:09,708 --> 01:07:11,874 Yeah, l know. lt's a bit important 940 01:07:12,000 --> 01:07:13,874 l said later! 941 01:07:15,541 --> 01:07:17,624 Do have something 942 01:07:17,708 --> 01:07:20,124 Go ahead, son 943 01:07:24,583 --> 01:07:28,832 l'm really sorry, especially for you, big guy 944 01:07:29,041 --> 01:07:30,874 Bittu doesn't want to marry him 945 01:07:32,708 --> 01:07:35,082 You insolent boy! Remember your place 946 01:07:41,583 --> 01:07:44,957 She can't tell you. Because she's scared of you 947 01:07:45,333 --> 01:07:49,374 Get out of here. l said get out! 948 01:07:52,958 --> 01:07:56,624 Bittu was going to drink rat poison. And mix it in the tea 949 01:07:59,416 --> 01:08:01,707 l am Sameer Abbas. You're watching lBN-7 950 01:08:01,791 --> 01:08:04,415 Breaking news from Delhi 6 951 01:08:04,500 --> 01:08:07,999 This is what the Black Monkey looks like 952 01:08:09,250 --> 01:08:11,832 To anyone who catches the Black Monkey 953 01:08:11,916 --> 01:08:17,082 The Delhi police offer a reward of 50,000 954 01:08:17,166 --> 01:08:21,124 Does the monkey man actually exist in our capital? 955 01:08:22,625 --> 01:08:25,707 The Black Monkey is the latest rage 956 01:08:25,791 --> 01:08:29,582 Along with the Superman, Spiderman, Batman costumes.. 957 01:08:29,666 --> 01:08:33,165 he costumes of Monkey man are in high demand 958 01:08:33,250 --> 01:08:37,040 Being a responsible officer, l take the responsibility. 959 01:08:37,125 --> 01:08:38,290 This is how the Monkey man is 960 01:08:38,375 --> 01:08:40,874 Delhi is gripped by fear 961 01:08:40,958 --> 01:08:44,374 lt's mere mention scares people 962 01:08:44,458 --> 01:08:46,915 lt's the fear psychosis that has now crept it. 963 01:08:47,000 --> 01:08:49,957 As soon as the word spreads that the Monkey man has come to the area, 964 01:08:50,000 --> 01:08:51,124 There is panic. 965 01:08:51,208 --> 01:08:54,124 An industrial worker actually jumped to his death in this panic. 966 01:08:54,208 --> 01:08:56,749 Breaking news from Old Delhi! 967 01:08:56,833 --> 01:09:00,957 ln Delhi 6, pregnant woman fell to her death as she ran down the stairs 968 01:09:01,000 --> 01:09:04,415 She panicked when she heard people say 969 01:09:04,500 --> 01:09:06,499 the Black Monkey was back 970 01:09:06,583 --> 01:09:10,374 Fear of the Black Monkey has caused another death 971 01:09:10,458 --> 01:09:12,707 What is the Black Monkey? 972 01:09:12,791 --> 01:09:15,040 Everyone in Delhi fears it 973 01:09:15,125 --> 01:09:17,790 ls it some sort of plot? 974 01:09:18,000 --> 01:09:19,999 Hey! The Black Monkey! 975 01:09:20,083 --> 01:09:22,040 ls it inside? Or is it out? 976 01:09:22,125 --> 01:09:24,124 Hey! The Black Monkey! 977 01:09:24,208 --> 01:09:26,457 Find it and you're the champ 978 01:09:26,541 --> 01:09:29,999 lt's wasn't me. l swear. Everybody's looking for the monkey out there 979 01:09:30,083 --> 01:09:32,165 Blame the Black Money! Blame the Black Money! 980 01:09:32,291 --> 01:09:34,582 Everybody's looking for the monkey out there 981 01:09:34,666 --> 01:09:38,665 Come! Look into the mirror Read the signs 982 01:09:38,750 --> 01:09:42,707 Look at our wounded self. Recognise our true colours 983 01:09:42,791 --> 01:09:46,832 ln the dark of the veil, what rears its head like a snake? 984 01:09:46,916 --> 01:09:50,749 The whitest of white clothes covers a dark and muted truth 985 01:09:51,000 --> 01:09:52,665 Suck on it! Suck on it! 986 01:09:52,750 --> 01:09:55,790 Suck on a slice of life 987 01:09:57,291 --> 01:10:01,999 Peep into your hearts too 988 01:10:07,875 --> 01:10:10,332 l heard he's 2 feet tall And bites off your knees 989 01:10:10,416 --> 01:10:12,457 l heard he's got metal teeth And wears superman's briefs 990 01:10:12,541 --> 01:10:14,332 That makes sense l saw him flying last week 991 01:10:14,416 --> 01:10:16,665 He was invisible Someone saw some movement in the trees. 992 01:10:16,750 --> 01:10:18,499 l heard he's some experiment gone wrong 993 01:10:18,583 --> 01:10:20,832 A monkey alien that has been left in the sun too long 994 01:10:20,916 --> 01:10:22,582 l heard he's a cyborg - You're right. 995 01:10:22,666 --> 01:10:25,082 Made from parts of a toaster and a nuclear bomb. 996 01:10:25,166 --> 01:10:27,290 But who's actually seen him? Nobody. 997 01:10:27,375 --> 01:10:30,165 This poor thing seems a little bit quirky - The Black Monkey! 998 01:11:00,125 --> 01:11:01,832 lt's my kite! 999 01:11:01,916 --> 01:11:04,749 Okay! Chill you guy 1000 01:11:14,666 --> 01:11:17,415 Please come, Uncle. Welcome. Welcome - Hello. Hello 1001 01:11:17,500 --> 01:11:20,207 Hail to the Goddess! - Hail to the Goddess! 1002 01:11:20,291 --> 01:11:21,874 Hey! What's up? 1003 01:11:22,625 --> 01:11:24,832 Hello - Please come. Please have some 1004 01:11:24,916 --> 01:11:26,832 How are you, Gobar? - Very well. Please come. - Long live the Goddess! 1005 01:11:26,916 --> 01:11:28,790 Long live the Goddess! 1006 01:11:29,125 --> 01:11:30,707 Hey, Jilebi 1007 01:11:31,166 --> 01:11:34,415 Hello, Brother Roshan - What are you doing outside? Come on in 1008 01:11:34,500 --> 01:11:36,207 No - Don't feel shy. Come on in 1009 01:11:36,500 --> 01:11:39,207 Dot worry. l won't come in - That's right 1010 01:11:39,291 --> 01:11:43,165 Offer flowers to the Goddess from me. 1011 01:11:43,583 --> 01:11:45,415 My wishes will come true 1012 01:11:45,500 --> 01:11:47,207 No Hell for me 1013 01:11:48,750 --> 01:11:58,749 Sita was born to destroy Ravan's arrogance 1014 01:12:00,083 --> 01:12:06,290 Praise the Goddess. Long live! 1015 01:12:07,000 --> 01:12:14,165 When we light the lamp in Your temple.. 1016 01:12:14,375 --> 01:12:19,582 ..our sins are washed away 1017 01:12:19,666 --> 01:12:24,832 You shower us with happiness 1018 01:12:24,916 --> 01:12:32,374 Lord Brahma chants Vedas at your doorstep, Mother. Lord Brahma.. 1019 01:12:32,458 --> 01:12:37,332 ..reveres you, Mother Amba. Lord Brahma chants Vedas at your doorstep 1020 01:12:37,416 --> 01:12:49,457 Lord Shiva is meditating at Mother's doorstep. 1021 01:12:49,541 --> 01:12:56,332 When we light the lamp in Your temple our sins are washed away 1022 01:12:56,416 --> 01:12:59,874 You shower us with happiness 1023 01:12:59,958 --> 01:13:06,915 When we light the lamp in Your temple our sins are washed away 1024 01:13:07,000 --> 01:13:11,207 You shower us with happiness 1025 01:13:12,625 --> 01:13:16,540 Hail to Goddess Durga! 1026 01:13:17,000 --> 01:13:19,707 Superb! Superb 1027 01:13:20,458 --> 01:13:23,249 Oh God! lt's 8 o'clock 1028 01:13:23,500 --> 01:13:27,249 The power cut is always on time. That's for sure 1029 01:13:31,791 --> 01:13:32,957 Hey. 1030 01:13:36,083 --> 01:13:37,874 You deserve a thank you 1031 01:13:41,541 --> 01:13:43,040 So you're thanking me 1032 01:13:43,208 --> 01:13:44,582 Something like that 1033 01:13:45,041 --> 01:13:47,707 Right. Then you're very welcome 1034 01:13:52,208 --> 01:13:54,124 Did you really mean to swallow rat poison? 1035 01:13:54,416 --> 01:13:55,790 You're a bit slow. 1036 01:13:56,125 --> 01:13:58,540 lt was an act. To scare mother 1037 01:14:01,708 --> 01:14:02,999 Right 1038 01:14:04,041 --> 01:14:14,040 When we light the lamp in Your temple our sins are washed away 1039 01:14:16,875 --> 01:14:23,082 You shower us with happiness 1040 01:14:23,375 --> 01:14:28,165 Lord Shiva is meditating at Mother's doorstep 1041 01:14:28,250 --> 01:14:32,374 Lord Brahma reveres you, Mother Amba 1042 01:14:32,458 --> 01:14:34,124 At least someone is in tune 1043 01:14:35,625 --> 01:14:37,999 That's why l'll be the next lndian ldol 1044 01:14:38,541 --> 01:14:40,749 You're serious? There's an lndian ldol? 1045 01:14:41,000 --> 01:14:46,832 The only way a middle-class girl can become somebody from nobody 1046 01:14:48,833 --> 01:14:51,332 l want to do something. Be someone 1047 01:14:51,500 --> 01:14:53,290 Find myself 1048 01:14:54,000 --> 01:14:56,415 l don't want to be the Mrs. of Daddy's chosen boy 1049 01:14:57,000 --> 01:14:58,290 Understand? 1050 01:15:01,083 --> 01:15:03,624 Unless you have the option of rat poison 1051 01:15:08,083 --> 01:15:09,915 Enough talking! 1052 01:15:11,208 --> 01:15:12,749 You burger species! 1053 01:15:26,625 --> 01:15:55,499 My heart.. 1054 01:16:10,416 --> 01:16:16,290 My heart was lost to me 1055 01:16:16,791 --> 01:16:19,457 Without warning 1056 01:16:21,166 --> 01:16:27,582 But my eyes are all-seeing 1057 01:16:28,708 --> 01:16:37,790 ..of your flowing dark hair 1058 01:16:38,500 --> 01:16:41,499 ls the place.. 1059 01:16:42,291 --> 01:16:51,165 ..where my heart found itself confused.. 1060 01:16:52,250 --> 01:17:02,249 ..how unaware you are. Unsuspectingly, unknowing 1061 01:17:04,416 --> 01:17:10,332 My heart was lost to me 1062 01:17:10,583 --> 01:17:17,082 Without warning - Why does my heart quicken? 1063 01:17:17,166 --> 01:17:23,707 But my eyes are all-seeing 1064 01:18:00,708 --> 01:18:09,665 Pearls over brimming from the lips of oysters 1065 01:18:10,083 --> 01:18:18,124 Prose laced with poetry 1066 01:18:18,958 --> 01:18:28,957 Sheltered under a sheet of waves the ocean slumbers 1067 01:18:32,625 --> 01:18:42,624 My eyes have been opened wide by a flood of drunkenness 1068 01:18:44,500 --> 01:18:49,999 Mesmerized. 1069 01:18:51,833 --> 01:19:01,332 How unaware you are 1070 01:19:02,541 --> 01:19:04,249 Heart.. 1071 01:19:22,791 --> 01:19:36,999 My heart.. 1072 01:19:38,958 --> 01:19:40,332 No, Uncle 1073 01:19:46,875 --> 01:19:48,832 Look! The Taj Mahal! 1074 01:19:50,291 --> 01:19:53,749 The Taj Mahal is a symbol to love. 1075 01:19:54,458 --> 01:19:57,540 Making mockery of the love of the poor 1076 01:19:58,666 --> 01:20:02,165 "Beloved, let us meet in some other place" 1077 01:20:02,416 --> 01:20:04,749 Nice! Let's go in 1078 01:20:27,291 --> 01:20:41,082 My heart.. 1079 01:20:46,750 --> 01:20:50,957 Hey! - Roshan! 1080 01:20:54,875 --> 01:20:56,915 Bittu! 1081 01:21:01,166 --> 01:21:03,040 Hey guys! Check this out 1082 01:21:03,333 --> 01:21:05,207 Echo. 1083 01:21:05,875 --> 01:21:07,707 Hello - Hello 1084 01:21:07,791 --> 01:21:10,290 Hello - Bittu 1085 01:21:10,375 --> 01:21:11,957 Bittu 1086 01:21:28,750 --> 01:21:31,832 Ripping us off. Taking us for tourists? l am a local 1087 01:21:32,000 --> 01:21:36,249 We buy them for l sell for 100 l have to earn at least 5 rupees 1088 01:21:36,333 --> 01:21:38,749 l can buy it for 20 in Chandni Chowk 1089 01:21:38,833 --> 01:21:40,624 Then buy it there, sister 1090 01:21:40,708 --> 01:21:42,540 Ok. Let's go 1091 01:21:42,958 --> 01:21:45,207 Come back! 1092 01:21:45,583 --> 01:21:46,957 Last price. 1093 01:21:47,000 --> 01:21:49,582 Rs.75. Just because you're from my own locality.. 1094 01:21:49,666 --> 01:21:51,124 ..otherwise l too have to make a living 1095 01:21:51,208 --> 01:21:53,290 Take it. And be quiet 1096 01:21:54,083 --> 01:21:55,540 What colour? 1097 01:21:56,458 --> 01:21:57,790 For you 1098 01:21:58,708 --> 01:22:02,749 l said 75! And you give me Pay at least 60! 1099 01:22:02,833 --> 01:22:06,040 Madam, don't rob a poor shopkeeper 1100 01:22:09,166 --> 01:22:10,665 That's more like it 1101 01:22:13,666 --> 01:22:16,165 Roshan! ln America, you'll soon be looking at photos of us 1102 01:22:16,708 --> 01:22:19,540 Wow. 1103 01:22:20,458 --> 01:22:21,999 Let me see too! 1104 01:22:25,750 --> 01:22:30,874 Roshan! ln America, you'll soon be looking at photos of us 1105 01:22:52,125 --> 01:23:07,749 The dawn has broken. l wait for you 1106 01:23:07,833 --> 01:23:23,290 My eyes are heavy. Where did you spend the night? 1107 01:23:23,375 --> 01:23:27,540 The dawn has broken. l wait for you 1108 01:23:27,625 --> 01:23:34,957 l wait for you 1109 01:23:36,000 --> 01:23:39,999 How fortunate is the other woman 1110 01:23:40,041 --> 01:23:43,832 The dawn has broken. l wait for you 1111 01:23:43,916 --> 01:23:46,874 The dawn has broken. 1112 01:23:49,750 --> 01:23:54,915 Your words are all l have 1113 01:23:59,916 --> 01:24:03,249 What's up? How was the audition? 1114 01:24:04,375 --> 01:24:05,540 Ok 1115 01:24:06,500 --> 01:24:07,832 Just ok? 1116 01:24:14,958 --> 01:24:16,124 Bittu. 1117 01:24:17,000 --> 01:24:19,207 Life is full of highs and lows.. 1118 01:24:19,416 --> 01:24:22,082 lt's all part of the game. You know, it happens 1119 01:24:22,583 --> 01:24:24,165 l've been selected 1120 01:24:24,958 --> 01:24:26,082 Really? 1121 01:24:26,250 --> 01:24:27,832 Cool! Well done 1122 01:24:31,041 --> 01:24:32,665 Why are you still looking so upset? 1123 01:24:33,333 --> 01:24:34,790 l don't know 1124 01:24:39,125 --> 01:24:41,832 You got what you always wanted. Right? 1125 01:24:45,375 --> 01:24:46,749 Right? 1126 01:24:57,375 --> 01:25:00,165 Her wings are tied. She can't fly 1127 01:25:01,291 --> 01:25:03,290 Masakali is father's favourite. That's why 1128 01:25:06,833 --> 01:25:08,124 Shall l free her? 1129 01:25:12,166 --> 01:25:14,540 Wasn't one slap from father Enough for you? 1130 01:25:30,416 --> 01:25:31,999 l don't want to marry 1131 01:25:32,041 --> 01:25:33,665 Then what do you want? 1132 01:25:33,750 --> 01:25:35,957 l want to be an lndian ldol - What? 1133 01:25:37,916 --> 01:25:42,749 What? lndian.. - Sister wants to be on TV. The song and dance show 1134 01:25:43,041 --> 01:25:45,374 That blasted TV! 1135 01:25:45,458 --> 01:25:47,999 They sent me a ticket. l'm going to Mumbai 1136 01:25:48,041 --> 01:25:49,957 Have you lost your mind? 1137 01:25:50,125 --> 01:25:52,832 Get her married at once! 1138 01:25:54,958 --> 01:25:56,999 Nothing but bad luck 1139 01:25:58,083 --> 01:26:01,624 The girls in this family of ours are so ill-fated 1140 01:26:13,250 --> 01:26:15,999 You only think of yourself 1141 01:26:17,416 --> 01:26:19,082 Oh God! Why? 1142 01:26:19,166 --> 01:26:22,499 What else can l do? Spend my life stuck here like you? 1143 01:26:25,291 --> 01:26:27,207 l'm sorry, Aunt Rama 1144 01:26:31,083 --> 01:26:33,374 The stock market has opened robustly 1145 01:26:33,458 --> 01:26:37,374 Shares are up. There's brisk trading 1146 01:26:38,000 --> 01:26:40,249 Welcome to 'Bazaar Subeh' 1147 01:26:40,333 --> 01:26:42,749 Their horoscopes don't match. Your shares are up. 1148 01:26:42,833 --> 01:26:43,999 Do we sell? 1149 01:26:44,083 --> 01:26:46,082 She has bad planets 1150 01:26:52,833 --> 01:26:55,707 A token of good will 1151 01:26:55,791 --> 01:26:59,415 We're giving the boy a Honda 1152 01:26:59,791 --> 01:27:04,332 My boy can't be bought for a bike 1153 01:27:04,416 --> 01:27:06,374 What are you saying? 1154 01:27:06,750 --> 01:27:08,999 You thought l meant a motorbike? 1155 01:27:09,833 --> 01:27:13,749 l meant a Honda car. You choose the colour 1156 01:27:17,375 --> 01:27:18,957 Sell or wait? 1157 01:27:19,208 --> 01:27:23,249 And a Singapore honeymoon on us. Sell! 1158 01:27:23,708 --> 01:27:24,915 What? 1159 01:27:30,500 --> 01:27:34,124 l am Priyanka Sambhav and you're watching "The Last Deal" 1160 01:27:34,208 --> 01:27:37,207 Panditji. Name an auspicious day 1161 01:27:41,125 --> 01:27:44,124 Joy abounds! A match made in heaven. 1162 01:27:44,250 --> 01:27:46,999 No better day then Diwali - Excellent! 1163 01:27:48,291 --> 01:27:49,999 ls it a done deal? 1164 01:27:53,958 --> 01:27:56,499 Done - Congratulations! 1165 01:27:56,583 --> 01:28:02,040 Hey, Ganpat, bring some Haldiram's sweets for everyone 1166 01:28:03,416 --> 01:28:05,957 Bittu's wedding is fixed 1167 01:28:07,291 --> 01:28:12,915 Rajjo, see how lovely she looks - A tip-top princess! 1168 01:28:13,708 --> 01:28:18,207 How time flies. Now she's of age to marry and leave home 1169 01:28:19,250 --> 01:28:21,124 Just look at her. 1170 01:28:22,791 --> 01:28:25,207 Keep your father's honour 1171 01:29:03,375 --> 01:29:04,874 The Black Monkey has struck again 1172 01:29:04,958 --> 01:29:08,415 lt has taken 20 kgs. of milk. 12 kgs. of sweets 1173 01:29:08,500 --> 01:29:10,582 How much cottage cheese? - 1 5 kgs 1174 01:29:10,666 --> 01:29:13,874 15 kgs. Move it! What are you doing? 1175 01:29:14,000 --> 01:29:16,999 lt took Hina, the poor goat 1176 01:29:17,291 --> 01:29:18,582 Where were the police? 1177 01:29:18,666 --> 01:29:22,040 At the police station! How did we know it will attack? 1178 01:29:22,375 --> 01:29:24,207 What will you do now? 1179 01:29:24,291 --> 01:29:27,832 Everything is under control. See for yourself. 1180 01:29:27,916 --> 01:29:29,249 You can ask him for yourself. Hey, Mamdu, tell them 1181 01:29:29,333 --> 01:29:30,540 Talk to Mamdu 1182 01:29:30,625 --> 01:29:33,582 Let's talk to the shopkeeper whose shop was attacked 1183 01:29:33,666 --> 01:29:35,999 Mamdu, how do you feel? 1184 01:29:36,458 --> 01:29:39,457 Let him talk to Mamdu! 1185 01:29:39,791 --> 01:29:42,999 The damn Black Monkey is in our area 1186 01:29:43,083 --> 01:29:47,040 And the police claim they're controlling the situation 1187 01:29:47,125 --> 01:29:52,832 Today it's Hina, the goat. Tomorrow it might our women. 1188 01:29:52,916 --> 01:29:56,540 Lalaji! Do you think we're twiddling our thumbs? 1189 01:29:56,625 --> 01:29:59,540 We'll take action too. Right? 1190 01:30:00,333 --> 01:30:10,915 Long live Shani Baba! 1191 01:30:15,208 --> 01:30:19,749 Shani Baba will fix everything. Ok? - Ok? 1192 01:30:23,208 --> 01:30:26,332 Side by side? Bad omen 1193 01:30:31,166 --> 01:30:32,457 Really? 1194 01:30:33,083 --> 01:30:34,332 When? 1195 01:30:35,000 --> 01:30:36,124 Then? 1196 01:30:36,583 --> 01:30:38,290 l get it! 1197 01:30:39,583 --> 01:30:41,957 Shani Baba will fix everything. Ok! 1198 01:30:42,000 --> 01:30:43,915 How is it ok? 1199 01:30:45,208 --> 01:30:46,749 Look! 1200 01:30:49,375 --> 01:30:50,915 lmages 1201 01:30:51,208 --> 01:30:52,499 Listen! 1202 01:30:53,625 --> 01:30:55,999 Like songs on the radio. 1203 01:30:56,958 --> 01:30:58,415 lmages on TV 1204 01:30:58,500 --> 01:31:01,040 They float in the air 1205 01:31:01,583 --> 01:31:05,040 Only one antenna can capture them 1206 01:31:06,208 --> 01:31:10,332 ln the same way, monkeys' souls.. 1207 01:31:10,541 --> 01:31:13,499 ..float about in the universe 1208 01:31:14,125 --> 01:31:16,999 Only Shani Baba can communicate with them 1209 01:31:17,916 --> 01:31:21,040 Lord Hanuman has granted this power to Shani Baba! 1210 01:31:21,125 --> 01:31:29,499 Lord Hanuman! - May He live long! 1211 01:31:30,333 --> 01:31:31,790 Okay 1212 01:31:33,375 --> 01:31:35,999 What? ls that the truth? 1213 01:31:37,291 --> 01:31:39,082 Oh my God! 1214 01:31:39,166 --> 01:31:41,540 Baba will fix everything. Ok! - Shut up 1215 01:31:41,625 --> 01:31:48,290 Three hundred and seventeen years ago a temple stood here 1216 01:31:48,750 --> 01:31:49,999 What are you saying? 1217 01:31:50,916 --> 01:31:53,124 Baba will fix everything. Ok! 1218 01:31:53,208 --> 01:31:56,540 A curse! A terrible curse 1219 01:31:59,458 --> 01:32:00,832 Listen.. 1220 01:32:00,916 --> 01:32:06,624 The Black Monkey is the latest Hindu plot to humiliate us Muslims 1221 01:32:07,041 --> 01:32:11,749 The Black Monkey is creating mayhem. 1222 01:32:11,833 --> 01:32:14,957 lt has wounded people. And you call it a plot? 1223 01:32:15,000 --> 01:32:16,249 Suleman Sahib.. 1224 01:32:16,333 --> 01:32:22,457 Why does the Black Monkey only appear from Muslim neighbourhoods? 1225 01:32:22,541 --> 01:32:25,165 What do you mean, Madangopalji? - lt's Jaigopal 1226 01:32:25,250 --> 01:32:28,415 Why are Hindu areas the only ones attacked? 1227 01:32:28,500 --> 01:32:30,832 And during the Ram Leela performances? 1228 01:32:30,916 --> 01:32:35,707 Hina was a Muslim goat! l mean she belonged to a Muslim 1229 01:32:35,791 --> 01:32:40,624 Suleman Sahib! But everyone knows Mamdu prays to Lord Hanuman 1230 01:32:40,791 --> 01:32:42,915 So wouldn't the Black Monkey know? 1231 01:32:43,166 --> 01:32:46,457 The Black Monkey can't be a Muslim 1232 01:32:46,541 --> 01:32:48,665 We have 1 00% proof 1233 01:32:48,750 --> 01:32:52,082 Proof? What proof? 1234 01:32:53,666 --> 01:32:56,582 Has anyone ever seen a circumcised monkey? 1235 01:32:57,291 --> 01:32:59,457 l have heard of people behaving like monkeys 1236 01:33:00,375 --> 01:33:03,124 But a monkey being Hindu or Muslim? That's a first! 1237 01:33:03,583 --> 01:33:05,957 This is lndia, my boy! Play 1238 01:33:14,791 --> 01:33:17,290 l want a strand of the Black Monkey's hair 1239 01:33:17,541 --> 01:33:19,165 The Black Monkey's hair! 1240 01:33:19,291 --> 01:33:20,874 The Black Monkey's hair? 1241 01:33:20,958 --> 01:33:24,790 You mean pulling it off its body? Who will do that? 1242 01:33:24,875 --> 01:33:27,874 We will! - Shut up! 1243 01:33:28,125 --> 01:33:29,874 Bring me its hair! 1244 01:33:30,416 --> 01:33:33,999 l will destroy it! End of the menace 1245 01:33:34,041 --> 01:33:35,624 End of the menace, ok! 1246 01:33:35,708 --> 01:33:38,415 lt'll be destroyed! Ok 1247 01:33:38,583 --> 01:33:40,332 Destroyed! Ok 1248 01:33:40,500 --> 01:33:43,999 Gobar will get the hair - Gob.. 1249 01:33:45,875 --> 01:33:48,457 Brave Gobar! 1250 01:33:48,541 --> 01:33:51,415 Why Gobar? Because he's an orphan? 1251 01:33:51,500 --> 01:33:53,665 Let the fool be of some use 1252 01:33:53,875 --> 01:33:56,415 He's smarter than you lot 1253 01:33:57,541 --> 01:33:58,957 Miss Know-All 1254 01:33:59,166 --> 01:34:01,999 Gobar, come here 1255 01:34:02,083 --> 01:34:04,040 Come on! - Come on! 1256 01:34:04,125 --> 01:34:10,374 Want one ten-rupee note? Or two one-rupee coins? 1257 01:34:11,083 --> 01:34:14,207 Why one note? l'll take two coins 1258 01:34:14,750 --> 01:34:18,707 Here, as you wish. That's why he's the local idiot! 1259 01:34:21,791 --> 01:34:27,457 The day l take the ten-rupee note, the game is all over 1260 01:34:31,416 --> 01:34:36,624 Look at her! Sniggering at us 1261 01:34:37,041 --> 01:34:41,082 So what if l belong to a lower caste? 1262 01:34:41,875 --> 01:34:43,290 l'm better than you 1263 01:34:43,375 --> 01:34:47,332 When you come to me at night, no problem touching me, eh? 1264 01:34:47,416 --> 01:34:49,374 But in the daytime, l am of a lower caste again! 1265 01:34:49,458 --> 01:34:51,707 Speak up! ls a pacifier blocking your tongue? 1266 01:34:51,791 --> 01:34:53,290 Bastard! 1267 01:34:55,083 --> 01:34:57,082 l'll put a pacifier in your mouth 1268 01:34:58,750 --> 01:35:00,124 What did you say? 1269 01:35:01,166 --> 01:35:04,957 The monkey makes you pee in your pants. 1270 01:35:05,125 --> 01:35:08,999 Get lost - But you can hit a woman. Big man! 1271 01:35:09,083 --> 01:35:10,874 Get lost! 1272 01:35:11,500 --> 01:35:16,582 Brave Gobar! - May he live long! 1273 01:35:16,666 --> 01:35:20,749 To get rid of an ordinary monkey prayers are being offered 1274 01:35:20,833 --> 01:35:23,707 llliteracy may be the reason 1275 01:35:23,791 --> 01:35:26,957 We will hang the monkey and burn it 1276 01:35:27,000 --> 01:35:29,624 The government does nothing but chase votes 1277 01:35:29,708 --> 01:35:31,582 The monkeys in the Ram Leela.. 1278 01:35:31,666 --> 01:35:33,290 We'll kill it! 1279 01:35:43,500 --> 01:35:45,332 Never was there a temple here 1280 01:35:45,583 --> 01:35:46,874 Nor will there ever be one 1281 01:35:46,958 --> 01:35:48,207 Nor will it ever be built here 1282 01:35:48,291 --> 01:35:50,374 Their ancestors destroyed the temple 1283 01:35:50,458 --> 01:35:52,249 They'll have to pay the price 1284 01:35:52,333 --> 01:35:53,832 All politics! 1285 01:35:53,916 --> 01:35:56,415 Lord Hanuman's name is being disgraced 1286 01:35:56,500 --> 01:35:58,249 The monkey is a Muslim terrorist 1287 01:35:58,333 --> 01:36:00,874 We'll give them as good as we get 1288 01:36:00,958 --> 01:36:03,415 We've been attacked, sir - You keep quiet 1289 01:36:03,500 --> 01:36:05,374 lf you're stubborn.. 1290 01:36:05,708 --> 01:36:07,540 ..you'll invite trouble. Right? 1291 01:36:07,625 --> 01:36:09,874 How much more can we tolerate? 1292 01:36:09,958 --> 01:36:12,374 Tension in Chandni Chowk is at boiling point 1293 01:36:12,458 --> 01:36:14,540 Push rites and rituals aside 1294 01:36:14,625 --> 01:36:16,624 Look inside your homes 1295 01:36:16,708 --> 01:36:20,707 Perhaps in some dark corner. The Black Monkey lurks. 1296 01:36:20,791 --> 01:36:21,874 So many veils in this world. 1297 01:36:21,958 --> 01:36:26,999 See the life in these lanes Hiding behind layers and layers 1298 01:36:27,041 --> 01:36:29,040 Cloaks concealing cloaks 1299 01:36:29,125 --> 01:36:31,124 Somewhere in the folds of the cloak 1300 01:36:31,208 --> 01:36:35,207 Pain is veiled. Wounds are hidden 1301 01:36:35,291 --> 01:36:37,290 Secrets are trampled underfoot 1302 01:36:37,375 --> 01:36:39,415 Aware yet how unaware we are 1303 01:36:39,500 --> 01:36:43,499 Mad and innocent we are 1304 01:36:43,583 --> 01:36:45,582 Who knows the colour we're painted in 1305 01:36:45,666 --> 01:36:47,957 ln the public bath, we are naked. 1306 01:36:48,375 --> 01:36:50,457 We've no orders from above 1307 01:37:34,875 --> 01:37:36,332 Mamdu! 1308 01:37:38,916 --> 01:37:40,665 Close the door! Hurry! 1309 01:37:40,750 --> 01:37:43,624 Jaigopal! Damn you 1310 01:37:46,958 --> 01:37:49,665 Close the gates. Quickly 1311 01:37:49,750 --> 01:37:53,165 Some sweets for you - Mamdu 1312 01:37:53,791 --> 01:37:55,499 Some sweets for you 1313 01:37:57,916 --> 01:37:59,040 Mamdu, don't 1314 01:37:59,125 --> 01:38:02,124 Some sweets for you - No 1315 01:38:03,416 --> 01:38:04,999 Don't you want more of my sweets? 1316 01:38:05,333 --> 01:38:07,749 "Mamdu's shop is my shop" 1317 01:38:07,916 --> 01:38:10,540 Now try coming to me! - Mamdu 1318 01:38:10,625 --> 01:38:13,874 Try coming to my shop 1319 01:38:14,875 --> 01:38:18,999 You spent half your life at my shop 1320 01:38:20,125 --> 01:38:21,624 Mamdu, don't 1321 01:38:35,416 --> 01:38:37,457 He demolished my shop 1322 01:38:39,125 --> 01:38:42,499 Jaigopal believed my shop was his 1323 01:38:44,250 --> 01:38:47,540 They spent half their lives at my shop 1324 01:39:00,458 --> 01:39:01,749 The Black Monkey is behind this. 1325 01:39:01,833 --> 01:39:04,124 The police are offering a reward. 50.000. 1326 01:39:04,208 --> 01:39:06,915 to catch the Black Monkey! 1327 01:39:07,000 --> 01:39:08,707 Fifty-thousand? 1328 01:39:09,166 --> 01:39:11,999 Catch the monkey. And give the money to Lala 1329 01:39:12,250 --> 01:39:13,999 That's how much he paid for me 1330 01:39:14,166 --> 01:39:16,082 My angel-face! 1331 01:39:16,416 --> 01:39:19,540 l'll come with an army of monkeys for you 1332 01:39:22,458 --> 01:39:26,999 We'll catch him with the help of a very big cage 1333 01:39:27,333 --> 01:39:28,749 The Black Monkey! 1334 01:39:28,833 --> 01:39:31,957 Lalalji! Save me 1335 01:39:32,000 --> 01:39:36,874 Lalaji, save me. Lalaji, Black Monkey. Save me, Lalaji 1336 01:39:36,958 --> 01:39:40,249 Lalaji, black monkey, save me. Save me, Lalaji 1337 01:39:40,791 --> 01:39:43,249 Lalaji, black monkey. Lalaji, black monkey 1338 01:39:43,333 --> 01:39:46,457 Lalaji, save me. Save me, Lalaji 1339 01:39:47,958 --> 01:39:49,665 Where is the Black Monkey? 1340 01:39:50,041 --> 01:39:53,749 Catch the Black Monkey! 1341 01:40:08,000 --> 01:40:09,665 You foreigner! 1342 01:40:10,333 --> 01:40:14,040 ls it still 8 foot? Or is it taller now? 1343 01:40:15,208 --> 01:40:18,832 Springs under its feet? Vanished, eh? 1344 01:40:19,666 --> 01:40:21,332 lnto thin air? 1345 01:40:21,750 --> 01:40:24,749 What? - Don't glare at me! 1346 01:40:25,000 --> 01:40:30,707 Lalaji's wife was almost raped. You understand? 1347 01:40:35,000 --> 01:40:40,624 Tell me.. 1348 01:40:41,500 --> 01:40:46,290 Whenever the Black Monkey attacks, you're right there 1349 01:40:46,541 --> 01:40:48,124 What's going on? 1350 01:40:52,250 --> 01:40:53,874 Ask the monkey 1351 01:40:54,458 --> 01:40:55,707 Monk.. 1352 01:40:57,041 --> 01:40:58,499 What did he say? 1353 01:40:58,875 --> 01:41:02,749 Showing off his English - ls that so? 1354 01:41:02,833 --> 01:41:04,249 Look at his arrogance! 1355 01:41:04,333 --> 01:41:06,957 l'll sort him out 1356 01:41:07,333 --> 01:41:09,749 Bless you, son! - Brother Roshan. 1357 01:41:13,791 --> 01:41:15,124 Rama.. 1358 01:41:19,083 --> 01:41:23,707 Have a laddo. Go on! Bittu is getting married 1359 01:41:23,916 --> 01:41:25,040 Rama, sweeten his mouth 1360 01:41:25,125 --> 01:41:28,665 They say if you bathe in the Ganges you're blessed once 1361 01:41:28,875 --> 01:41:31,915 And a hundred times if you help the family of a girl who is marrying 1362 01:41:32,083 --> 01:41:35,874 Tell us if there's you need anything 1363 01:41:43,500 --> 01:41:44,999 "Cheese" 1364 01:41:46,416 --> 01:41:48,332 l really think you should be firm 1365 01:41:48,666 --> 01:41:50,290 Why don't you just tell your father? 1366 01:41:50,375 --> 01:41:52,582 A father's honour is in his daughter's hands 1367 01:41:52,666 --> 01:41:54,957 Oh, come on, Bittu, get real! 1368 01:41:55,125 --> 01:41:57,790 You're talking about your whole life. Don't be a fool! 1369 01:41:57,875 --> 01:42:00,582 Fool? Do l look like a fool to you? 1370 01:42:00,666 --> 01:42:01,874 lt's not what l meant 1371 01:42:01,958 --> 01:42:05,457 Bhisham Forget it. You won't understand. 1372 01:42:06,125 --> 01:42:07,707 But Suresh does 1373 01:42:07,791 --> 01:42:09,499 Suresh? - l'm going to Mumbai with him 1374 01:42:09,583 --> 01:42:11,290 Have you gone insane? 1375 01:42:11,541 --> 01:42:12,832 You know what he's all about 1376 01:42:12,916 --> 01:42:15,124 Yes! But he cares about my dreams 1377 01:42:15,208 --> 01:42:17,582 ls this how you'll find yourself? 1378 01:42:17,666 --> 01:42:18,999 Great! Bittu 1379 01:42:19,125 --> 01:42:21,999 l thought you'd put up a fight. But you're running away 1380 01:42:22,083 --> 01:42:23,374 You're being a coward 1381 01:42:23,458 --> 01:42:25,332 Who are you to talk to me like this? 1382 01:42:31,708 --> 01:42:32,999 Yeah, You're right 1383 01:42:34,000 --> 01:42:35,749 Do whatever you want. 1384 01:42:36,000 --> 01:42:37,749 You want to run from home? 1385 01:42:38,291 --> 01:42:39,999 Good luck with that 1386 01:42:41,916 --> 01:42:43,540 Bittu.. 1387 01:42:43,708 --> 01:42:46,999 Bastard! Leading my daughter astray? 1388 01:42:47,041 --> 01:42:48,957 Father.. - Your father's dead for you 1389 01:42:49,000 --> 01:42:50,999 Take her downstairs! Go downstairs - Come downstairs 1390 01:42:51,041 --> 01:42:54,457 His family specializes in eloping with girls 1391 01:42:54,708 --> 01:42:57,957 Following your father's example, eh? - Be quiet! 1392 01:42:58,000 --> 01:43:02,665 Mr. Fifty-Fifty! Go, before l lose my head. Out! 1393 01:43:03,166 --> 01:43:04,999 What are you waiting for? 1394 01:43:05,125 --> 01:43:06,915 Mother, l'm not speaking French 1395 01:43:07,000 --> 01:43:09,874 Just ask Dad to book the tickets and send them to me 1396 01:43:10,125 --> 01:43:11,874 What's wrong, Roshan? - Nothing 1397 01:43:12,041 --> 01:43:13,540 Something has happened 1398 01:43:13,791 --> 01:43:17,165 Don't worry, son. Leave everything to God 1399 01:43:17,666 --> 01:43:19,499 Oh, great! 1400 01:43:22,583 --> 01:43:24,082 Which God? 1401 01:43:25,083 --> 01:43:27,374 Whose God? Who should l leave it to? 1402 01:43:28,000 --> 01:43:30,249 Leave it to mother's Allah? Or Dad's Lord Ram? 1403 01:43:31,041 --> 01:43:32,499 lt's really amazing, Gran 1404 01:43:32,583 --> 01:43:35,040 Paint a stone red and it becomes a god 1405 01:43:35,583 --> 01:43:37,790 This plant of yours is a god too 1406 01:43:38,791 --> 01:43:43,165 But never solve your problems yourself. Pray five times a day 1407 01:43:43,458 --> 01:43:46,290 Ring a bell in a temple. And leave everything to God 1408 01:43:46,375 --> 01:43:48,457 We want to do nothing ourselves 1409 01:43:49,708 --> 01:43:51,499 lt's rubbish 1410 01:43:51,875 --> 01:43:53,665 Don't say that. 1411 01:43:54,291 --> 01:43:56,332 lt's our faith 1412 01:44:02,958 --> 01:44:04,332 Whatever! 1413 01:44:05,708 --> 01:44:07,332 But we're going back to America 1414 01:44:07,791 --> 01:44:09,582 Then why did you bring me here? 1415 01:44:11,333 --> 01:44:14,999 Gran, l have made my decision you're coming back with me 1416 01:44:15,708 --> 01:44:18,665 Will you abandon your family in America for these people? 1417 01:44:19,291 --> 01:44:22,749 My ashes leave this place 1418 01:44:22,833 --> 01:44:24,790 Stop behaving like a kid 1419 01:44:48,666 --> 01:44:49,957 Sorry 1420 01:45:04,333 --> 01:45:06,207 What's going on, Gran? 1421 01:45:11,000 --> 01:45:12,832 l don't understand 1422 01:45:20,541 --> 01:45:24,707 Everything will be all right 1423 01:45:25,458 --> 01:45:26,749 Don't worry 1424 01:45:27,000 --> 01:45:33,249 This is a fight for our rights 1425 01:45:33,416 --> 01:45:36,165 A fight for our self-respect 1426 01:45:36,250 --> 01:45:38,957 A fight for our honour! 1427 01:45:39,125 --> 01:45:41,124 We'll worship Goddess Durga here! 1428 01:45:41,208 --> 01:45:43,249 Yes. We'll surely do it! 1429 01:45:43,333 --> 01:45:44,790 We'll build a temple 1430 01:45:44,875 --> 01:45:45,999 Say with me out, loud, "We'll build a temple here" 1431 01:45:46,041 --> 01:45:48,332 We'll destroy our enemies 1432 01:45:48,500 --> 01:45:53,999 Fight in the name of God. - Fight in the name of God. 1433 01:45:54,083 --> 01:45:56,290 We die. Or they die 1434 01:45:56,375 --> 01:45:59,082 Sorry, Annapurnaji. - Hail! 1435 01:45:59,166 --> 01:46:02,290 He isn't allowed inside the temple 1436 01:46:03,000 --> 01:46:04,040 Meaning? 1437 01:46:04,291 --> 01:46:06,290 Blood is blood after all 1438 01:46:06,416 --> 01:46:09,332 Don't force me to talk! 1439 01:46:09,666 --> 01:46:10,999 This temple doesn't belong to you 1440 01:46:11,041 --> 01:46:13,207 Does it belong to your father? You Muslim! 1441 01:46:13,291 --> 01:46:20,582 Anyone who challenges us will be destroyed! 1442 01:46:20,666 --> 01:46:23,582 Let's go, Grandma. - Brothers, this is the time of examination for us. 1443 01:46:23,750 --> 01:46:25,915 We've picked up our weapons.. 1444 01:46:27,208 --> 01:46:29,249 Roshan? 1445 01:46:34,083 --> 01:46:39,790 You're better off listening to your elders 1446 01:46:40,458 --> 01:46:43,665 This is no party. Too much tension here 1447 01:46:44,000 --> 01:46:47,790 Granny! Make him see some sense 1448 01:46:48,000 --> 01:46:49,957 He doesn't get it 1449 01:46:54,791 --> 01:46:56,957 Have you ever wondered.. 1450 01:46:59,541 --> 01:47:03,749 ..what this good soul whom you call a madman is trying to say? 1451 01:47:03,833 --> 01:47:05,665 What can a mad fakir say? 1452 01:47:05,750 --> 01:47:09,249 Why don't you go ahead and tell us? 1453 01:47:13,708 --> 01:47:15,915 "ln every speck shines His divine light 1454 01:47:17,458 --> 01:47:20,374 "Look within yourself. He isn't far from you" 1455 01:47:22,625 --> 01:47:26,332 He says everyone has God's light within him 1456 01:47:27,500 --> 01:47:28,999 A speck of Him 1457 01:47:29,666 --> 01:47:32,707 lf we look within we will find Him 1458 01:47:34,000 --> 01:47:37,415 Have you ever heard that God hates someone? 1459 01:47:40,333 --> 01:47:41,707 l haven't 1460 01:47:42,333 --> 01:47:43,957 (He is all about love) 1461 01:47:44,291 --> 01:47:47,207 The boy has acquired a taste for preaching. Listen to him! 1462 01:47:57,708 --> 01:47:59,040 Have a look 1463 01:48:00,791 --> 01:48:07,082 God is within us all 1464 01:48:07,541 --> 01:48:10,999 Stop this nonsense! Allah is the only God 1465 01:48:11,041 --> 01:48:14,415 Look in the mirror, Mamdu 1466 01:48:14,625 --> 01:48:15,999 Can you see your God? 1467 01:48:16,041 --> 01:48:21,290 Get out of my way, otherwise, l'll take care of you right here 1468 01:48:23,541 --> 01:48:25,999 Step back! 1469 01:48:26,250 --> 01:48:30,415 Roshan says God is in everyone. ln Gobar and this deaf-mute 1470 01:48:30,500 --> 01:48:33,374 Garland him! Worship him! 1471 01:48:33,625 --> 01:48:37,332 My friend, wow. Amazing 1472 01:48:38,000 --> 01:48:39,999 Now watch me! l'm looking into the mirror 1473 01:48:40,333 --> 01:48:46,165 So that means l'm god too! 1474 01:48:46,875 --> 01:48:50,832 And l created the world. 1475 01:48:51,208 --> 01:48:54,332 l created the world! 1476 01:48:57,166 --> 01:49:01,624 Damn it! The world is broken. lnto pieces! 1477 01:49:01,916 --> 01:49:04,957 This world's in pieces - Gather the pieces 1478 01:49:07,833 --> 01:49:09,790 They've turned into animals 1479 01:49:12,041 --> 01:49:13,957 The devil is perched on their shoulders 1480 01:49:15,000 --> 01:49:16,790 They care for no one. 1481 01:49:18,083 --> 01:49:19,790 And feel no shame 1482 01:49:20,958 --> 01:49:24,332 Why did you have to visit the temple now? 1483 01:49:25,125 --> 01:49:29,999 Why did Roshan behave so stubbornly? 1484 01:49:31,333 --> 01:49:33,290 We're unworthy 1485 01:49:33,583 --> 01:49:35,040 They showed their true colours 1486 01:49:35,666 --> 01:49:37,957 Delhi folk talk of being large-hearted. 1487 01:49:38,500 --> 01:49:39,999 This is what they have 1488 01:49:52,375 --> 01:49:55,957 l don't feel like dying here now 1489 01:50:06,166 --> 01:50:10,707 Roshan. Take me back to America 1490 01:50:18,708 --> 01:50:20,249 l was leaving.. 1491 01:50:21,708 --> 01:50:24,290 Father, l'm leaving home 1492 01:50:25,541 --> 01:50:27,082 l was leaving. 1493 01:50:28,041 --> 01:50:29,790 Leaving this madness behind me 1494 01:50:31,000 --> 01:50:33,165 l don't know what l want. 1495 01:50:33,583 --> 01:50:35,957 But l know what l don't want 1496 01:50:38,291 --> 01:50:39,915 Away from Bittu 1497 01:50:42,833 --> 01:50:44,707 And perhaps away from myself 1498 01:50:49,250 --> 01:50:52,457 But l don't know why l wanted to stay 1499 01:50:54,291 --> 01:50:55,749 l wanted to mingle with them. 1500 01:50:55,833 --> 01:50:58,124 And embrace this madness. Be part of it 1501 01:51:05,833 --> 01:51:09,415 Something was stopping me from leaving 1502 01:51:46,000 --> 01:51:47,665 Life is strange 1503 01:51:49,583 --> 01:51:51,624 First Gran didn't want to go. 1504 01:51:52,750 --> 01:51:54,499 Now l don't want to go 1505 01:51:55,166 --> 01:51:58,082 You don't want to go? Or never want to go? 1506 01:51:58,458 --> 01:52:00,124 l never want to go 1507 01:52:01,000 --> 01:52:02,957 Despite what happened yesterday? 1508 01:52:04,333 --> 01:52:05,915 Because of yesterday 1509 01:52:07,000 --> 01:52:09,832 "This is a love that isn't easy. Remember that!" 1510 01:52:10,791 --> 01:52:13,749 We lack food. So we get by with love 1511 01:52:15,541 --> 01:52:18,999 Our homes are small. So we swear by large-heartedness 1512 01:52:19,541 --> 01:52:22,665 A flute sound floats through the tap. Not water 1513 01:52:23,000 --> 01:52:26,207 You will regret it. Stay far away 1514 01:52:26,833 --> 01:52:28,207 How can l? 1515 01:52:30,000 --> 01:52:31,499 These are my people 1516 01:52:33,125 --> 01:52:34,707 Their virtues and goodness are mine 1517 01:52:35,625 --> 01:52:37,249 Their flaws are mine too 1518 01:52:37,833 --> 01:52:40,165 You're over-emotional, Roshan 1519 01:52:40,250 --> 01:52:41,999 No, Ali Uncle, no 1520 01:52:42,041 --> 01:52:45,457 lndia works. The people make it work 1521 01:52:47,458 --> 01:52:49,165 People are good 1522 01:52:52,208 --> 01:52:56,790 My parents never admit it, but they miss their life here 1523 01:52:59,166 --> 01:53:02,540 They try to recreate this world in America 1524 01:53:04,458 --> 01:53:05,874 But when they open the window.. 1525 01:53:07,291 --> 01:53:08,874 ..unfamiliar air blows in 1526 01:53:09,541 --> 01:53:11,374 Deep thinking! 1527 01:53:21,541 --> 01:53:22,874 l love her 1528 01:53:26,250 --> 01:53:27,707 l love Bittu 1529 01:53:32,958 --> 01:53:34,749 Can l tell you something? 1530 01:53:35,750 --> 01:53:39,165 This house once belonged to Fatima 1531 01:53:41,083 --> 01:53:43,040 Your mother grew up here 1532 01:53:44,000 --> 01:53:47,457 Before leaving, her family wanted to sell the house. l bought it 1533 01:53:49,541 --> 01:53:50,915 Don't tell me 1534 01:53:51,375 --> 01:53:53,915 Tell Bittu you love her 1535 01:53:54,750 --> 01:53:58,665 Or you'll end up buying empty houses like me 1536 01:54:00,791 --> 01:54:04,040 Let your feelings out. Must they burn inside you? 1537 01:54:22,708 --> 01:54:26,457 This is Delhi-Penal Code 144 has been imposed 1538 01:54:26,541 --> 01:54:30,290 This is the shrine where the trouble started 1539 01:54:30,750 --> 01:54:35,249 Curfew has been imposed. ls this the lull before the storm? 1540 01:54:35,583 --> 01:54:40,749 Weapons were found behind this tree 1541 01:54:41,000 --> 01:54:46,874 Risking my own life, Kumar Kulshreshtha, is reporting to you.. 1542 01:54:46,958 --> 01:54:48,624 This is the same area.. 1543 01:54:49,125 --> 01:54:50,832 Who gave you permission? 1544 01:54:51,000 --> 01:54:55,665 Here's the capable officer-in-charge, Ram Vijayji! 1545 01:54:55,750 --> 01:55:00,624 Uncle! Get the name right. Thakur Ranvijay! 1546 01:55:00,708 --> 01:55:02,374 Yes, Mr. Thakur Ranvijay. 1547 01:55:02,458 --> 01:55:06,249 lf we had officers like you in every neighbourhood.. 1548 01:55:06,333 --> 01:55:08,249 lt's my duty - Take his close up 1549 01:55:08,333 --> 01:55:09,582 Duty is duty. 1550 01:55:09,666 --> 01:55:13,124 Forget everything. Duty is first come 1551 01:55:13,666 --> 01:55:16,374 Bring me a strand of the Black Monkey's hair. Okay. 1552 01:55:16,666 --> 01:55:20,290 Don't be scared. You are serving all mankind 1553 01:55:20,375 --> 01:55:22,832 No - Come on, you're very brave. Go 1554 01:55:23,916 --> 01:55:25,124 Hey 1555 01:55:25,458 --> 01:55:28,082 We're trying to explain it to you as calmly as possible. Better obey 1556 01:55:28,166 --> 01:55:30,374 Do as you are told. Don't you understand? 1557 01:55:30,458 --> 01:55:33,082 Go! 1558 01:55:37,333 --> 01:55:39,290 Well done! Keep moving 1559 01:55:42,416 --> 01:55:50,749 The dawn has broken. l wait for you 1560 01:55:52,083 --> 01:55:54,707 l wish l had your guts 1561 01:55:55,708 --> 01:55:58,040 Here's some money 1562 01:55:58,500 --> 01:56:02,249 Go. Your dreams are waiting for you 1563 01:56:03,083 --> 01:56:04,582 Okay? 1564 01:56:11,500 --> 01:56:15,040 The dawn has broken. l wait for you 1565 01:56:23,708 --> 01:56:26,999 Roshan, Suresh is at the shrine 1566 01:56:28,791 --> 01:56:30,290 You oaf! 1567 01:56:32,000 --> 01:56:34,874 What are you doing here? - l have a lot of work, sir 1568 01:56:34,958 --> 01:56:36,165 What? 1569 01:56:36,250 --> 01:56:37,582 ls everything alright here? 1570 01:56:37,666 --> 01:56:42,790 Take me for a moron, do you? - Sorry, sir. 1571 01:56:43,000 --> 01:56:44,540 l'm going home - Move it! 1572 01:56:44,875 --> 01:56:46,540 Pissing in my ear! 1573 01:56:47,666 --> 01:56:49,249 Brother Roshan 1574 01:56:49,583 --> 01:56:51,832 Bittu has left home 1575 01:57:16,875 --> 01:57:19,999 Roshan brother, Suresh is heading to Dark Souls' Lane 1576 01:57:32,083 --> 01:57:34,415 What will happen now? 1577 01:57:36,125 --> 01:57:40,207 Let the final battle begin! 1578 01:57:40,541 --> 01:57:47,790 Good will win over Evil today in the ultimate battle. 1579 01:57:47,875 --> 01:57:52,332 Today is the day of the great battle 1580 01:58:00,500 --> 01:58:03,457 Hail Lord Ram! 1581 01:58:06,958 --> 01:58:10,290 Hail Lord Ram. Hail Lord Hanuman. Hail Lord Shiva 1582 01:58:10,375 --> 01:58:12,165 Hail Lord Shiva. Hail Lord Ram 1583 01:58:12,250 --> 01:58:15,624 Let the final battle begin! 1584 01:58:15,708 --> 01:58:21,999 Good will win over Evil today mahasangram.. 1585 01:58:22,041 --> 01:58:30,332 ..today mahasangram.. 1586 01:58:30,625 --> 01:58:34,665 Hail Lord Ram! 1587 01:58:34,750 --> 01:58:41,999 We call upon the Great Allah. - We call upon the Great Allah. 1588 01:58:42,041 --> 01:58:44,290 You morons. 1589 01:58:44,375 --> 01:58:49,082 Balls of a wimp! Look up there! The Black Monkey! 1590 01:58:55,125 --> 01:58:57,957 Get him! The witch's son. 1591 01:58:58,000 --> 01:59:00,540 Play cricket later. Go and get the monkey 1592 01:59:00,625 --> 01:59:04,499 Come on, let's go. Don't let him go today 1593 01:59:07,166 --> 01:59:09,457 lf you see the Black Monkey, throw water on it 1594 01:59:09,541 --> 01:59:11,832 Come, let's guard the alleys 1595 01:59:12,041 --> 01:59:13,624 Throw water! 1596 01:59:13,708 --> 01:59:15,957 Get water! 1597 01:59:16,000 --> 01:59:19,540 Shani Baba! Go! Or else the Black Monkey will get you 1598 01:59:26,250 --> 01:59:50,790 Throw water! 1599 02:00:07,125 --> 02:00:08,874 The Black Monkey's hair 1600 02:00:10,333 --> 02:00:12,790 No harm in making fools of fools 1601 02:00:13,458 --> 02:00:14,665 Take it 1602 02:00:39,000 --> 02:00:40,999 The Black Monkey is on our roof 1603 02:00:41,083 --> 02:00:42,665 Where's it? 1604 02:00:42,750 --> 02:00:44,915 There! lt jumped from the other terrace on ours. 1605 02:00:45,000 --> 02:00:47,457 l saw its shadow - Where is it? 1606 02:00:47,541 --> 02:00:49,207 Mummy 1607 02:00:49,291 --> 02:00:52,165 Hey, kid fell down. Kid fell down 1608 02:00:52,250 --> 02:00:56,415 Rajjo! The Black Monkey threw Bhisham off the terrace 1609 02:00:56,541 --> 02:00:57,999 Bhisham 1610 02:01:01,666 --> 02:01:05,124 Calls himself a father. Can't look after his own son 1611 02:01:05,416 --> 02:01:07,874 Left him to the mercy of the Black Monkey 1612 02:01:07,958 --> 02:01:11,957 Oh God.. - Call the doctor. 1613 02:01:12,000 --> 02:01:13,665 Call the doctor! 1614 02:01:13,750 --> 02:01:19,540 Mother Goddess! Save my nephew - Please call a doctor 1615 02:01:19,708 --> 02:01:25,874 Don't lie. We all have to go to God 1616 02:01:26,041 --> 02:01:32,415 Leaving our riches behind 1617 02:01:34,583 --> 02:01:37,707 O Lord Hanuman! Keep me safe 1618 02:01:40,708 --> 02:01:43,249 O Protector of Lord Ram, save me 1619 02:01:48,166 --> 02:01:49,582 Lalaji! 1620 02:01:51,375 --> 02:01:55,790 Actually, the Black Monkey.. 1621 02:01:56,041 --> 02:02:00,082 ..is at the heart of the whole problem 1622 02:02:01,375 --> 02:02:07,082 You're absolutely right, Haji Mian 1623 02:02:07,625 --> 02:02:09,499 One minute. 1624 02:02:09,958 --> 02:02:11,457 l'll go with you 1625 02:02:12,291 --> 02:02:14,290 Look at this commotion 1626 02:02:14,750 --> 02:02:17,540 Beware! The Black Monkey isn't far 1627 02:02:21,791 --> 02:02:24,124 Come here. Come here 1628 02:02:24,583 --> 02:02:27,207 l told you to throw water on it 1629 02:02:28,708 --> 02:02:30,457 Make him see sense! 1630 02:02:33,208 --> 02:02:35,332 All this is because of the black monkey. 1631 02:02:35,416 --> 02:02:38,582 l warned you! - Don't worry, brother. 1632 02:02:39,166 --> 02:02:40,665 Everything will be all right 1633 02:02:41,416 --> 02:02:45,374 To save face in the community.. 1634 02:02:45,583 --> 02:02:48,415 ..we'll say the Black Monkey kidnapped Bittu 1635 02:02:49,125 --> 02:02:51,540 lt will shut them up. Right? 1636 02:02:57,583 --> 02:02:59,290 Bittu! Where are you? 1637 02:03:00,375 --> 02:03:01,582 You sure you have the tickets? 1638 02:03:01,666 --> 02:03:03,624 l checked them four times 1639 02:03:03,708 --> 02:03:06,540 l landed in trouble. l had to slap the lnspector 1640 02:03:06,625 --> 02:03:08,957 Stop bragging! Let's go - Let's go 1641 02:03:11,041 --> 02:03:12,832 What is it? Hurry! 1642 02:03:14,916 --> 02:03:16,290 Suresh! 1643 02:03:21,375 --> 02:03:23,707 Let go off me! 1644 02:03:23,791 --> 02:03:26,374 Black Monkey 1645 02:03:32,041 --> 02:03:35,457 Calm down. lt's me 1646 02:03:37,416 --> 02:03:39,040 lt's just me 1647 02:03:42,625 --> 02:03:43,957 Oh God.. 1648 02:03:44,083 --> 02:03:45,290 You! 1649 02:03:45,916 --> 02:03:49,124 What have you done? Why did you need to do this? 1650 02:03:49,333 --> 02:03:52,124 l had almost escaped - With the great Suresh? 1651 02:03:52,625 --> 02:03:54,457 He ran and left you at the Black Monkey's mercy 1652 02:03:54,541 --> 02:03:56,457 You're leaving me too. For America 1653 02:03:56,541 --> 02:03:58,415 What you talking about? Never 1654 02:04:11,750 --> 02:04:13,290 l love you, Bittu 1655 02:04:16,833 --> 02:04:18,874 l'm incomplete without you 1656 02:04:23,208 --> 02:04:24,790 l'll never leave you 1657 02:04:29,416 --> 02:04:31,707 l thought you'd never say it 1658 02:04:39,916 --> 02:04:41,290 Hey, it's.. 1659 02:04:44,583 --> 02:04:46,457 Roshan - Brother Roshan 1660 02:04:51,166 --> 02:04:53,874 Balls of wimp! You've been messing us around for days 1661 02:04:54,333 --> 02:05:00,165 Hit him! - Let him go! 1662 02:05:02,791 --> 02:05:04,249 Don't hit him! 1663 02:05:04,791 --> 02:05:06,540 Hit him! 1664 02:05:07,041 --> 02:05:08,707 Don't hit him! 1665 02:05:12,875 --> 02:05:16,040 Hit him! 1666 02:05:16,875 --> 02:05:18,499 Don't hit him! 1667 02:05:18,583 --> 02:05:20,207 Hit him! 1668 02:05:20,291 --> 02:05:21,999 Don't hit him! 1669 02:05:22,250 --> 02:05:25,457 He isn't the Black Monkey. 1670 02:06:20,916 --> 02:06:22,540 You disgraced us 1671 02:06:22,791 --> 02:06:26,457 Father, stop them! - Shut up! 1672 02:06:26,916 --> 02:06:29,874 Jaigopal! Beat him to a pulp! 1673 02:06:34,750 --> 02:06:38,249 You scumbag. You wretch 1674 02:06:42,625 --> 02:06:45,707 Creating nothing but trouble 1675 02:06:51,166 --> 02:06:52,499 The Black Monkey 1676 02:06:53,666 --> 02:06:55,332 He isn't black monkey. 1677 02:06:55,416 --> 02:06:57,707 You can't be the Black Monkey just by wearing a two-penny suit 1678 02:06:57,791 --> 02:06:59,207 How is it possible? 1679 02:07:00,708 --> 02:07:03,249 Here is the Black Monkey's hair 1680 02:07:03,583 --> 02:07:08,665 Shani Babi will fix everything, ok! 1681 02:07:12,000 --> 02:07:14,957 The Black Monkey 1682 02:07:34,625 --> 02:07:36,040 Roshan 1683 02:08:01,666 --> 02:08:03,040 You killed him? 1684 02:08:06,250 --> 02:08:07,582 Bravo! 1685 02:08:08,375 --> 02:08:13,374 You would've killed each other if he hadn't posed as the Black Monkey 1686 02:08:32,291 --> 02:08:35,624 The Black Monkey is laughing at us 1687 02:08:39,333 --> 02:08:41,040 lt isn't dead 1688 02:08:45,000 --> 02:08:46,999 lt is sitting inside us 1689 02:08:48,458 --> 02:08:51,207 ln some dark corner ln every one of us 1690 02:08:53,458 --> 02:08:55,249 Laughing at us 1691 02:09:08,125 --> 02:09:11,832 The Black Monkey killed Roshan 1692 02:09:15,750 --> 02:09:17,499 Oh.. 1693 02:09:21,458 --> 02:09:25,082 He pretended to be the monkey out of love for us 1694 02:09:26,208 --> 02:09:27,957 Out of love for Bittu 1695 02:09:37,166 --> 02:09:38,915 Call an ambulance! 1696 02:10:01,875 --> 02:10:03,665 l feel so sorry for Mamdu 1697 02:10:18,541 --> 02:10:20,915 Mamdu is just like his father. 1698 02:10:21,708 --> 02:10:23,707 Too much sugar in his sweets 1699 02:10:23,958 --> 02:10:27,957 Grandad! Why bother how sweet sweets are? 1700 02:10:31,041 --> 02:10:33,999 We Delhi folk didn't treat you right 1701 02:10:37,125 --> 02:10:38,832 Not at all 1702 02:10:39,416 --> 02:10:41,999 They're all good-hearted people 1703 02:10:42,041 --> 02:10:45,624 No, the devil is perched on their shoulders 1704 02:10:46,750 --> 02:10:48,874 Not the devil. A monkey 1705 02:11:01,083 --> 02:11:03,749 My Black Monkey stayed within me 1706 02:11:10,250 --> 02:11:12,540 lf only l could apologize to your mother 1707 02:11:16,708 --> 02:11:18,290 Do it now 1708 02:11:18,625 --> 02:11:21,499 You know give her a call. Sort it out 1709 02:11:23,291 --> 02:11:25,332 Call her! Hold on 1710 02:11:36,708 --> 02:11:41,749 Cracks blemish the line of my destiny 1711 02:11:41,833 --> 02:11:49,124 Repair my fate, O Master 1712 02:11:49,333 --> 02:11:54,374 l bow at Your door. My being erased and then remade 1713 02:11:54,458 --> 02:12:01,707 Repair my fate, O Master 1714 02:12:02,583 --> 02:12:04,540 Be careful.. 1715 02:12:04,708 --> 02:12:06,374 Start driving! 1716 02:12:07,125 --> 02:12:08,999 What's wrong? 1717 02:12:09,625 --> 02:12:12,832 Give it a push - What's wrong with the car? - Come on 1718 02:12:13,083 --> 02:12:14,624 What's wrong? 1719 02:12:17,125 --> 02:12:18,749 Please move aside 1720 02:12:19,000 --> 02:12:20,207 What happened? 1721 02:12:20,291 --> 02:12:22,457 3.. 4.. 5.. The injection! 1722 02:12:22,750 --> 02:12:25,499 1 .. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5 1723 02:12:27,208 --> 02:12:28,707 Roshan 1724 02:12:36,625 --> 02:12:37,957 1 .. 2.. 1725 02:12:39,000 --> 02:12:40,249 Roshan 1726 02:12:41,416 --> 02:12:42,790 Roshan! 1727 02:12:45,250 --> 02:12:46,707 He's gone 1728 02:12:46,791 --> 02:12:48,457 What do you mean? Gone? Do something 1729 02:12:48,541 --> 02:12:52,749 Do something. Roshan - What're you doing? Stop it 1730 02:12:52,833 --> 02:12:54,915 Don't do it! No! 1731 02:12:55,750 --> 02:12:56,999 Roshan 1732 02:13:14,125 --> 02:13:15,624 We'll meet again 1733 02:13:20,000 --> 02:13:24,082 He's come back. Roshan's conscious - Grandma 1734 02:13:28,250 --> 02:13:29,374 Grandma 1735 02:13:37,333 --> 02:13:39,999 Hail Lord Hanuman 1736 02:13:50,666 --> 02:13:53,665 You'll be all right. You'll be ok 1737 02:14:00,750 --> 02:14:05,540 "Who can ever wish to leave Delhi's lanes?" 1738 02:14:50,666 --> 02:14:52,957 Gobar was so right 1739 02:14:54,583 --> 02:14:59,207 The Black Monkey or something like it is within all of us 1740 02:15:00,791 --> 02:15:04,749 Whenever there is anger and hatred.. 1741 02:15:05,500 --> 02:15:07,999 ..the monkey becomes more powerful 1742 02:15:09,125 --> 02:15:12,874 And then we start using it to our own advantage 1743 02:15:14,333 --> 02:15:17,207 But instead of destroying the Black Monkey within us? 1744 02:15:17,541 --> 02:15:19,374 we kill each other 1745 02:15:27,791 --> 02:15:30,499 The Black Monkey turned to ashes like the demon Ravan 1746 02:15:32,666 --> 02:15:34,457 As for me.. 1747 02:15:36,083 --> 02:15:37,665 l came back home 1748 02:15:55,708 --> 02:16:04,832 A scent would fill my breath 1749 02:16:04,916 --> 02:16:09,374 l'd lose my way 1750 02:16:09,708 --> 02:16:14,832 lt was a web of silk.. 1751 02:16:14,916 --> 02:16:20,624 ..and l'd stare it in its eyes. 1752 02:16:21,791 --> 02:16:31,999 Truth was apparent when l stepped in your alley 1753 02:16:32,041 --> 02:16:37,040 The scent was within me.. 1754 02:16:37,291 --> 02:16:42,665 ..that you unveiled to me 1755 02:16:42,833 --> 02:16:47,832 O Master! My Master 1756 02:16:47,916 --> 02:16:52,832 O Master! 1757 02:16:53,041 --> 02:16:57,999 O Master! My Master 1758 02:16:58,041 --> 02:17:03,082 Cracks blemish the line of my destiny 1759 02:17:03,166 --> 02:17:10,957 Repair my fate, O Master 1760 02:17:14,000 --> 02:17:18,999 Even l'd raised my head in anticipation at your doorstep 1761 02:17:19,291 --> 02:17:24,707 l'd dreamed a lot and tried a lot 1762 02:17:25,666 --> 02:17:28,582 When l came across you 1763 02:17:32,041 --> 02:17:36,915 When l came across you, l met your eyes 1764 02:17:37,208 --> 02:17:40,832 ln a moment while l bowed 1765 02:17:42,333 --> 02:17:46,999 ln a moment while l bowed, l got my every wish 1766 02:17:47,083 --> 02:17:57,290 O Master! My Master 1767 02:17:57,375 --> 02:18:07,415 O Master! 1768 02:18:07,500 --> 02:18:12,499 Cracks blemish the line of my destiny 1769 02:18:12,583 --> 02:18:17,457 Repair my fate, O Master 1770 02:18:17,541 --> 02:18:20,290 My Master 1771 02:18:39,000 --> 02:18:52,874 l know how to break apart in pieces 1772 02:18:53,041 --> 02:18:58,040 But l'm not aware of the grace of worshipping 1773 02:18:59,916 --> 02:19:11,457 Take me under your shelter. l won't depart 1774 02:19:11,625 --> 02:19:16,999 lf you deny me this time, l won't be able to pick myself up 1775 02:19:17,083 --> 02:19:22,040 O Master! My Master 1776 02:19:22,125 --> 02:19:32,249 O Master! 1777 02:19:32,333 --> 02:19:37,374 Cracks blemish the line of my destiny 1778 02:19:37,458 --> 02:19:42,290 Repair my fate, O Master 1779 02:19:42,375 --> 02:19:44,999 My Master 1780 02:19:45,333 --> 02:19:55,540 O Master! My Master 1781 02:19:55,625 --> 02:20:05,624 O Master! 1782 02:20:05,708 --> 02:20:10,790 Cracks blemish the line of my destiny 1783 02:20:10,875 --> 02:20:18,249 Repair my fate, O Master 1784 02:20:18,416 --> 02:20:20,499 l've bowed before you. 1785 02:20:20,583 --> 02:20:23,499 l was destroyed and created at your doorstep 1786 02:20:23,583 --> 02:20:25,582 l've bowed before you. 1787 02:20:25,666 --> 02:20:28,707 l was destroyed and created at your doorstep 1788 02:20:28,791 --> 02:20:35,499 Repair my fate, O Master 1789 02:20:35,583 --> 02:20:53,415 O Master! My Master