0 00:00:00,000 --> 00:01:13,441 বাংলা সাবটাইটেল তৈারি করেছে "সাজু"... Sazu489... 1 00:01:13,441 --> 00:01:16,069 জেম্স ম্যাককুলান, তুমি একটা স্কটিশ শুয়ার.. 2 00:01:16,177 --> 00:01:19,669 তুমি মিলিটারি আর্মির রাজনৈতিক প্রতারণার অপরাধ খুঁজে পেয়েছ 3 00:01:19,781 --> 00:01:22,978 আমাদের প্রভুর শত্রুরা, রাজা লুইস ১৩, 4 00:01:23,084 --> 00:01:26,053 এমনকি তুমি নিজে আর্মিদের তার বিরুদ্ধে করেছ. 5 00:01:26,621 --> 00:01:31,923 তোমার প্রভু একজন নোঙরা জিনিসের আরুচিকর বস্তা যে নিজের জোটকে ক্ষতম করেছে. 6 00:01:33,027 --> 00:01:34,619 তার বিরুদ্ধে আমার দ্বিতীয়বার ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করা উচিৎ. 7 00:01:34,729 --> 00:01:39,632 তুমি ক্রাউনকে পরাস্থ করার চেষ্ঠা করেছ শত্রুদের সাথে ষড়যন্ত্রের মাধ্যমে. 8 00:01:39,734 --> 00:01:42,965 তোমার নির্বোধ রাজার মত নয়, তার শত্রুরা তা জানে 9 00:01:43,071 --> 00:01:47,405 সেটা সত্য ম্যাককুলাম, নিয়তি সেনা মোতায়েনে সদয় হয়নি, 10 00:01:47,509 --> 00:01:49,101 কিন্তু যুদ্ধ তো হয়েছে! 11 00:01:49,210 --> 00:01:51,940 তোমার বাকরুদ্ধ হওয়ার আগে আর কিছু কি বলার আছে? 12 00:01:52,046 --> 00:01:53,536 হ্যা, আছে! 13 00:01:53,648 --> 00:01:56,014 সত্যিই ম্যাককুলান বেশ শক্তিশালী এবং সাহসী 14 00:01:56,117 --> 00:01:58,210 তাহলে তুমি কোনদিন তা কল্পনাও করনি. 15 00:01:58,319 --> 00:02:02,255 আমার ছেলেরা আমার যাওয়া পর্যন্ত চালিয়ে যাবে 16 00:02:02,357 --> 00:02:03,722 যদি পারার মত পারে! 17 00:02:03,825 --> 00:02:06,623 এবঙ, আল্লাহ চাহে তো, তাদের ছেলেরা. 18 00:02:06,728 --> 00:02:09,288 এটা আমার মৃত্যুর মধ্য দিয়ে হবেনা! 19 00:02:09,397 --> 00:02:12,798 আমরা তোমাকে খুন করতে যাচ্ছিনা, ম্যাককুলান. 20 00:02:12,901 --> 00:02:15,461 আমরা একটি উদাহরণ তৈরি করতে যাচ্ছি! 21 00:02:18,106 --> 00:02:23,703 তবে নারী-পুরুশ-শিশুরা তোমার বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাময় চেহারা হয়ত আবার দেখবে, 22 00:02:24,245 --> 00:02:28,181 তোমার এই মুখসটা পরা উচিৎ তোমার প্রাকৃতিক জীবনের জন্য. 23 00:02:28,283 --> 00:02:32,151 না! না! না! না! 24 00:02:45,567 --> 00:02:48,058 আমার পূর্ব পুরুষের চার শতকের কাছাকাছি... 25 00:02:48,169 --> 00:02:50,933 দুনিয়ার সবচেয়ে বৃহৎ অস্ত্রবাজিতা 26 00:02:51,606 --> 00:02:53,972 কিন্তু এই শতকে হয়ত, আমি তাদের সবার জন্য আরো ভালো করব. 27 00:02:54,945 --> 00:02:58,412 "ন্যানোমাইটস, খাটিঁ ছোট সৈনিক... 28 00:02:58,513 --> 00:03:01,676 সঠিকভাবে তৈরি করা হয়েছে বিচ্ছিন্ন করার জন্য এবং ক্যানসার সেল নষ্ঠ করার জন্য. 29 00:03:01,783 --> 00:03:03,080 কিন্তু মার্স ইন্ডাস্ট্রিতে, 30 00:03:03,217 --> 00:03:05,651 এবং ন্যাটোর কিঞ্চিৎ আর্থিক সহযোগীতায়, 31 00:03:05,753 --> 00:03:08,984 আমরা আবিষ্কার করেছি কিভাবে প্রোগ্রামের সাহায্যে যে কোনা কিছু করা যায়. 32 00:03:09,090 --> 00:03:11,684 উদাহরণ স্বরুপ, ধাতু ধ্বংষ করা. 33 00:03:12,460 --> 00:03:15,896 দুনিয়ার সর্ব প্রথম ন্যানোমাইট ওয়ারহেডের সর্বপ্রথম পরিক্ষাটি দেখুন. 34 00:03:17,298 --> 00:03:20,597 এগুলোর এক একটি ওয়্যারহেড ৭ মিলিওন ন্যানোমাইটস ধারণ করে. 35 00:03:20,702 --> 00:03:23,694 এবঙ একটি ট্যাংকের সব কিছু ধ্বংষ করার সামর্থ এর আছে. 36 00:03:24,806 --> 00:03:26,330 এমনকি পুরো শহর পর্যন্ত. 37 00:03:29,177 --> 00:03:34,046 দেুখুন, এটি কত তাড়াতাড়ি এর সামনের সবকিছু কিভাবে নষ্ঠ করে দিচ্ছে. 38 00:03:34,515 --> 00:03:38,542 আর একবার লেলিয়ে দিলেই, আর কখোনো ন্যানোমাইটস থামবে না, কখোনো না. 39 00:03:38,653 --> 00:03:40,416 যতক্ষন না তার লক্ষ ধ্বংষ হয়, 40 00:03:40,521 --> 00:03:43,285 এই ট্রিগার ওয়্যারহেড বন্ধ করার একমাত্র মাধ্যম 41 00:03:43,391 --> 00:03:47,691 এটি ন্যানোমাইটস এর শর্ট সার্কিট, নাচাওয়া কোন নির্দেশের জন্য. 42 00:03:47,795 --> 00:03:50,889 সুপ্রিও সুধি, আমি এটা আগামিকার সকালে প্রকাশ করতে যাচ্ছি, 43 00:03:50,999 --> 00:03:55,459 আপনাদের নির্দেশ মোতাবেক ন্যানোটেক ওয়্যারহেড আমার কিরগিস্থান থেকে রিলিজ হবে, 44 00:04:13,354 --> 00:04:16,323 আস্ত্রবাক্স যাচ্ছে. ই,টি,এ দুই মিনিট ন্যাটো টিম থেকে. 45 00:04:26,934 --> 00:04:29,300 ঠিকআছে, শোন সবাই. ন্যাটো সবার উপরের ভালো চায়. 46 00:04:29,404 --> 00:04:32,032 এজন্য আমরা সবাই এখানে. আমরা কালো চিতা সামনে এবং পেছন থেকে পেয়েছি. 47 00:04:32,140 --> 00:04:33,471 রেনো প্যাকেজটি মধ্যখানথেকে পরিবহন করছে. 48 00:04:33,574 --> 00:04:37,032 সবসময়ের জন্যসর্বনিম্ন দুরত্ব বজায় রাখ. উপরথেকে এ্যাপাচি আমাদের কাভার দেবেবে. 49 00:04:37,145 --> 00:04:40,239 বিস্তারিত, সাবধান, যাও, ছেলেরা. 50 00:04:40,515 --> 00:04:42,779 ক্যাপ্টেন হাউসার, মি.ম্যাককুলান একটি স্বাক্ষর চাচ্ছেন. 51 00:04:42,884 --> 00:04:44,146 এটা বিষ্ফোরণ হতে যাচ্ছেনা, তাই না? 52 00:04:44,252 --> 00:04:46,618 তারা এখনপর্যন্ত অস্ত্রসজ্জিত নয়, এবং সুইচগুলি ভেতরে. 53 00:04:46,721 --> 00:04:49,519 সব একই, তুমি বললে আমি এড়িয়ে যাব. 54 00:04:51,459 --> 00:04:52,892 -এই, বিল? -বল? 55 00:04:52,994 --> 00:04:55,019 রেনোতে এটা পর, হয়েছে? 56 00:04:56,464 --> 00:04:57,624 ঠিকআছে, মেয়েরা! চল! 57 00:05:16,084 --> 00:05:18,609 ওকে, এ্যাপাচিরা, আমরা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ, অতএব, চোখ খোলা রাখবে, 58 00:05:18,720 --> 00:05:21,120 ঠিকআছে. গাঞ্চি যাওয়ার সমস্ত পথই আকাশ পরিষ্কার আছে. 59 00:05:30,098 --> 00:05:33,067 -এই, ডুক, আমি ভাবছি. -তুমি জান, আমাকে আগে থেকে জানান হয়েছিল. 60 00:05:33,167 --> 00:05:34,600 আমরা এটা ভাবছি যে আমাদের কোথায় এটা হস্তান্তর করতে হবে. 61 00:05:34,702 --> 00:05:36,329 -এয়ার ফোর্সকে বলবেনা. -এয়ার ফোর্স! 62 00:05:36,437 --> 00:05:38,667 আমি কি বলেছি? আমি ভাবি আমরা এই কথোপকথোন শেষ করেছি. 63 00:05:38,773 --> 00:05:40,331 তুমি শেষ করেছ, আমি নই. 64 00:05:40,441 --> 00:05:41,408 তুমি জান, আমি কবে থেকে উড়ছি. 65 00:05:41,509 --> 00:05:42,567 -আমার ১৩ বছর বয়স থেকে -১৩ বছর বয়স থেকে. 66 00:05:42,677 --> 00:05:45,145 তুমি জান, তোমার আব্বুর ফসল কাটার গুড়ি গোনার সময় আমি এটা ভাবিনি. 67 00:05:47,615 --> 00:05:49,242 আমি ভাবছি জেট, বুঝলে. জেট. 68 00:05:49,350 --> 00:05:52,183 এবং তুমি জান আমাদের যাবার সময়- সবসমই আমি জিতেছি. 69 00:05:52,553 --> 00:05:54,180 তুমি এটা বাতাসে উঠাতে চাও? -হ্যা. 70 00:05:54,288 --> 00:05:57,451 -আমি তোমাকে একটা টারমোপ্লেন কিনে দেব. -তবে আমি তা চালাব. 71 00:05:58,860 --> 00:06:00,384 সত্যি? তারা সেই হালকা রঙের চকখড়ি গ্রহণ করবে? 72 00:06:00,495 --> 00:06:02,224 আরে...ফুল বাবু... কেন আমাকে একটা ভাল কারন দিচ্ছনা 73 00:06:02,330 --> 00:06:05,731 কারণ আমি ভুমিতে থাকতে চাই, যুদ্ধের সময়, ওড়বার সময় নয়. 74 00:06:17,879 --> 00:06:20,575 অভিযাত্রী ১, এটা অভিযাত্রী ২, নাইট ভিশনে যাচ্ছে. 75 00:06:20,681 --> 00:06:22,581 -ঠিক আছে. -আগে বাড় আর থাম. 76 00:06:22,683 --> 00:06:24,480 আমাকে একটু বিচ্ছিন্নতা দাও. 77 00:06:24,585 --> 00:06:26,951 অভিযাত্রী ১, এটা অভিযাত্রী ২, এন,ভি,এস এ যাচ্ছে. 78 00:06:27,054 --> 00:06:28,021 ঠিকআছে. 79 00:06:30,958 --> 00:06:32,550 এই, ডুক, আমাদের আগের কথা কি মনে করতে পারিনা? 80 00:06:32,660 --> 00:06:34,423 ৪০ ক্লিকের রিকন টিমের সাথে? 81 00:06:34,529 --> 00:06:37,987 -হ্যা. তো? -বেশ, আমরা মাত্র ৪০ কিলোমিটার পেরিয়েছি. 82 00:06:40,268 --> 00:06:43,169 -দেখ, দেখ! -রাস্তা এখনো পরিষ্কার, স্যার. 83 00:06:43,271 --> 00:06:45,933 ঠিকআছে. আমরা ছাড়া এখানে কিছুই নেই. 84 00:06:53,681 --> 00:06:56,548 টম, স্বয়ংক্রিয় ফ্লেয়ার চালু কর আর স্ক্যান কর... 85 00:06:56,651 --> 00:06:57,879 ওমা... 86 00:06:58,352 --> 00:06:59,683 ওটা আবার কোন জাহান্নামী চিস? 87 00:07:05,626 --> 00:07:07,025 অভিযাত্রী ১, তুমি আঘাত পেতে যাচ্ছ. 88 00:07:11,732 --> 00:07:12,892 থাম! 89 00:07:15,703 --> 00:07:17,671 -নেমে যাচ্ছে! নেমে যাচ্ছে! -পেছাও! পেছাও! পেছাও! 90 00:07:17,772 --> 00:07:20,172 সমস্ত ইউনিট, আমরা আক্রান্ত! তারা ওয়্যারহেডের জন্য এসেছে! 91 00:07:20,274 --> 00:07:21,298 অভিযাত্রী ২, আক্রমণ কর! 92 00:07:21,409 --> 00:07:24,435 -ঔ পুটকী দুটোকে মাটিতে ফেল! -ঠিকআছে. তাদের কিছু আঘাত দাও! 93 00:07:27,348 --> 00:07:29,908 টমিগান. ফায়ার করছে, ফায়ার করছে, ফায়ার করছে,! 94 00:07:32,653 --> 00:07:33,915 -মিসাইল প্রস্তুত. -মেলাও আর ছোড়. 95 00:07:34,021 --> 00:07:35,420 -মেলাও আর ছোড়.! মিসাইল বন্দ! 96 00:07:39,727 --> 00:07:41,285 তারা তাদের আকাশে থাকতেই গুলি করেছে. 97 00:07:44,832 --> 00:07:46,094 ওহ, আল্লাহ. 98 00:07:55,142 --> 00:07:57,235 -অভিযাত্রী ২ নেমে যাচ্ছে! আমরা আমাদের বিমান হারাচ্ছি! -তারা আমাদের আঘাত করছে! 99 00:07:57,345 --> 00:07:59,905 সমস্ত ইউনিট, পলাও! আমি আবার বলছি, সমস্ত ইউনিট, পলাও! 100 00:08:10,258 --> 00:08:13,159 আমি স্যামের ঐ জিনিসটা চাই! তাকে আলোকিত করা! আলোকিত কর! 101 00:08:22,136 --> 00:08:24,036 সে কাছাকাছি এসে পড়েছে. ধর তাকে, ৫০তম! 102 00:08:30,544 --> 00:08:32,011 আসছে! 103 00:08:34,415 --> 00:08:35,643 ধর! 104 00:08:40,187 --> 00:08:41,484 তুমি ঠিক আছ? 105 00:08:41,589 --> 00:08:44,615 হ্যা, কিন্তু পায়ে একটু ব্যাথা. ঐটা কি জাহান্নামী জিনিস ছিল? 106 00:09:32,506 --> 00:09:34,133 -আস, আমরা এই যুদ্ধে পদার্পণ করি. -সাবধান, আমার পা! 107 00:09:34,241 --> 00:09:35,765 আস, দোস্ত, চল যাই. চল যাই, ওঠ, চল! 108 00:09:40,247 --> 00:09:42,112 ডুক, তুমি ঐ ওয়্যারহেড টা নেবে! 109 00:09:42,216 --> 00:09:44,446 চপ কর! আমি আগে তোমাকে এখান থেকে নিয়ে যাই! 110 00:09:46,620 --> 00:09:48,815 আক্রমণ শুরু! ডান পাশে, ডান পাশে! 111 00:09:54,829 --> 00:09:56,592 ওঠ, ওঠ, ওঠ, ওঠ! 112 00:09:58,532 --> 00:09:59,931 আমার জাহান্নামী পা! 113 00:10:01,635 --> 00:10:03,034 -তুমি এখানে অপেক্ষা কর, ঠিকআছে? -তুমি কোথায় যাচ্ছ? 114 00:10:03,137 --> 00:10:04,365 আমাকে ঔ বাক্সটা নিতে যেতে হবে. 115 00:10:10,177 --> 00:10:11,735 বিমান বাহিনী, ঠিকআছে. 116 00:10:13,781 --> 00:10:15,214 একটু নড়বেনা! 117 00:10:20,454 --> 00:10:22,820 -হ্যাল্লো, ডুক. -এ্যানা? 118 00:10:24,892 --> 00:10:27,622 এখন, তোমাকে স্বীকার করতে হবে, তোমার আসা উচিৎ ছিল. 119 00:10:39,206 --> 00:10:40,230 এ্যানা! 120 00:10:43,110 --> 00:10:44,270 এ্যানা! 121 00:11:18,979 --> 00:11:20,310 বাই-বাই. 122 00:11:26,987 --> 00:11:29,217 এ্যানা! এ্যানা! 123 00:11:42,903 --> 00:11:44,165 আমাকে গুলি করথে বাধ্য করোনা. 124 00:11:47,408 --> 00:11:48,898 আসছে! 125 00:12:10,831 --> 00:12:12,128 বসে পড়. জাহান্নমী... বসে পড়! 126 00:12:12,233 --> 00:12:14,463 -আস্ত্র নীচে রাখুন, স্যার. -আমরা শত্রু নই. 127 00:12:14,568 --> 00:12:16,798 আমার দিকে তোমার অস্ত্র তাক করলে তুমি আমার বন্ধু নও, এখন. তুমি কি? 128 00:12:16,904 --> 00:12:17,962 প্লিস বাক্সটা হাতবদল করুন, স্যার. 129 00:12:18,072 --> 00:12:20,540 আমি তোমাকে চিনিনা, এবং আমি তাও জানিনা তারা কোন জাহান্নামী ছিল. 130 00:12:20,641 --> 00:12:22,472 এবং আমার খোঁজা পর্যন্ত, আমি কোনকিছু নামাচ্ছিনা. 131 00:12:22,576 --> 00:12:23,804 এবং আমি কোনকিছু হস্তান্তর করছিনা. 132 00:12:23,911 --> 00:12:26,539 যদি এটা আমাদের জন্য না হয়, আমি ওখান থেকে চলে যাব তোমার ছেলেদের এই অবস্থায় থাকাকালিন. 133 00:12:26,647 --> 00:12:29,241 -তাহলে বাক্স হস্তান্তর কর. -তোমার দল কি? 134 00:12:29,350 --> 00:12:30,442 সেটা এধরনের. 135 00:12:30,551 --> 00:12:32,610 কারো সাথে তোমার এরকম কাথা হয়ত থাকতে পারে 136 00:12:37,358 --> 00:12:38,950 তোমার নাম আর র‌্যাংক কি? 137 00:12:39,693 --> 00:12:42,093 -তোমার আগে. -আমার দল শুধু তোমাদের জীবণ রক্ষা করেছে, ছেলে. 138 00:12:42,196 --> 00:12:44,357 তোমরা ধন্যবাদ বলার জন্য কোথায় নিয়ে যাবে. 139 00:12:44,465 --> 00:12:45,830 এটা তানা এটা সদা মন থেকে আসছে. 140 00:12:45,933 --> 00:12:48,163 আমি কিছু বলিনি এই মিশনের কোন সাহায্যের ব্যাপারে. 141 00:12:48,269 --> 00:12:49,702 অতএব তোমার দলকে কেন নামতে বলনি? 142 00:12:49,803 --> 00:12:51,430 এটা আমরা বৃহৎ তুর্কি যুদ্ধে রুপান্তর করতে পারতামনা. 143 00:12:51,539 --> 00:12:52,699 হ্যা. 144 00:12:54,008 --> 00:12:55,134 আর না. 145 00:12:55,576 --> 00:12:57,237 সহযে, রিপকোর্ড. 146 00:12:57,344 --> 00:12:59,005 -তুমি আমাকে কিভাবে চেন? -দক্ষ মার্ক্সম্যান হিসেবে, 147 00:12:59,113 --> 00:13:03,049 দ্বিতীয়বার তোমার যুদ্ধে. অস্ত্র দক্ষ, জেট দক্ষ. 148 00:13:03,484 --> 00:13:04,917 -আমি তোমাকে বলেছি -এখন না, রিপ. 149 00:13:05,019 --> 00:13:09,513 আমার না জেনারেল কেইল্টন এ্যাবেরন্যাথি. হয়ত তুমি আমার ব্যাপারে শুনেছ, ডুক. 150 00:13:09,623 --> 00:13:12,490 জেনারেল হাওক. আফগানিস্থান, ন্যাটোর সর্বোচ্চ কামান্ড. 151 00:13:12,593 --> 00:13:16,495 হ্যা, ওটা আমার শেষ চাকরী ছিল. আমি এখন সম্পূর্ন নতুন এবং এ থেকে আলাদা. 152 00:13:17,097 --> 00:13:20,032 এই, আমার এখনই নিরাপত্তার জন্য ট্র্যাকিং বিকন বন্ধ করতে হবে. 153 00:13:20,134 --> 00:13:23,831 অস্ত্রের বাক্সটা নিচে নামাও, ছেলে, এবং আমাদের ওগুলোকে পরিবহন করতে দাও. 154 00:13:23,938 --> 00:13:25,667 অসম্ভব. আমি এর জন্য চুক্তিবদ্ধ. 155 00:13:25,773 --> 00:13:28,333 এটা আমার মিশন, আমার প্যাকেজ. আমি এটা নিয়েছি, আমি ডেলিভারি দেব. 156 00:13:28,442 --> 00:13:31,878 বেশ, সেটা ভাল. কিন্তু মনে হয় এখন দ্বীপান্তর স্বল্পতা বেশ আল্প. 157 00:13:31,979 --> 00:13:34,709 অতএব আমার টিম আলফা তোমার কাছে ডেলিভার করবে. 158 00:13:35,282 --> 00:13:36,613 আর আপনি আসলে কোথায় আছেন, স্যার? 159 00:13:37,218 --> 00:13:39,049 আস, তুমি নিজেই দেখ. 160 00:13:52,700 --> 00:13:54,429 আমি ভেবেছিলাম তোমাদের সব স্পেশাল লোকদের এটা করতে কষ্ঠ হবে. 161 00:13:54,535 --> 00:13:57,129 আমাদের কষ্ট হয়েছে, কিন্তু আমরা সংবেদনশীও বটে. 162 00:13:58,505 --> 00:13:59,767 বুঝেছি. ধন্যবাদ. 163 00:13:59,873 --> 00:14:02,501 ওয়াও, এখানে কিছু প্রিমো জিনিসপত্র আছে. 164 00:14:03,844 --> 00:14:06,506 এই, ভাই, তুমি কিছু খাটিঁ পশম সেখানে পেয়েছিলে. 165 00:14:06,614 --> 00:14:08,138 এবঙ কুং-ফু হাত. 166 00:14:08,249 --> 00:14:09,944 -থাম -ঠিকআছে. 167 00:14:10,050 --> 00:14:11,517 এটা কোন ধরনের উপকরণ? এনিওয়ে 168 00:14:11,619 --> 00:14:14,053 এটা সুসংবদ্ধ আর্মি নয়, এটা একটা ঝোকেঁর উপর টিকে আছে. 169 00:14:14,455 --> 00:14:16,514 তুমি বৃটিশ. তুমি কি, ফ্রেন্জ দক্ষিণ আফ্রিকান? 170 00:14:16,624 --> 00:14:18,148 মরোক্কো. যেখানে জন্মেছিলাম? 171 00:14:18,259 --> 00:14:20,454 ডুক জন্মায়নি. সে সরকারের ইস্যু ছিল. 172 00:14:21,028 --> 00:14:23,394 -তোমার ব্যপারে বল? -ও কথা বলতে পারেনা. 173 00:14:23,497 --> 00:14:25,465 -কেন? -সে কিছু বলেনা, তাই! 174 00:14:26,033 --> 00:14:28,524 সে কাথা বলেনা. তাহলে, তোমরা প্রাই একই রকম. 175 00:14:28,636 --> 00:14:30,467 কিন্তু এটা তুমি আমাকে বলতে পারনা নাম, ঠিক? 176 00:14:30,571 --> 00:14:31,833 বলার জন্য আমাদের বাজি ধরতে হবে. 177 00:14:31,939 --> 00:14:34,840 তোমরা তাদের পেছনে যাচ্ছ যারা আমাদরে আক্রমণ করেছিল, এ্যা? 178 00:14:36,777 --> 00:14:39,644 বেশ, যেই হোক এবং যাই হোক এই ইউনিটের, 179 00:14:40,714 --> 00:14:42,079 আমি যোগ দিতে চাই. 180 00:15:17,318 --> 00:15:18,444 জেনারেল. 181 00:15:18,752 --> 00:15:20,151 -কি খবর, মেয়ে? -ভাল কাজ, জোস. 182 00:15:20,254 --> 00:15:21,619 বিশিষ্ঠ মাত্রার! 183 00:15:21,922 --> 00:15:25,255 মৃত্তিকাগহ্বরে তোমার স্বাগতম, ডুক. আমি তোমাদের দুজন সম্পর্কে অনেক পড়েছি. 184 00:15:25,359 --> 00:15:27,520 বেশ, তুমি বিশ্বাস করতে পারবেনা যা কিছু তুমি পড়েছ. দেখ, এটা আসলে... 185 00:15:27,628 --> 00:15:30,426 কয়েক বছর আগে, আমি বুঝতে পারছি এমনকি আমরা তোমাকে দলবদ্ধ করতে চেয়েছিলাম. 186 00:15:30,531 --> 00:15:32,897 আমি কোনদিন কোন দলে যোগ দেবার প্রশ্নের সম্মুখিন হইনি. -সত্যি? 187 00:15:33,000 --> 00:15:35,366 চার বছর আগে থাইল্যান্ডের কথা তোমার মনে নেই? 188 00:15:35,469 --> 00:15:37,528 তোমার ঐ বার দ্ধংস করার আগে তো? 189 00:15:37,638 --> 00:15:39,230 চার বছর আগেকার, আমার ছেলেরা ইস্যু করেছিল. 190 00:15:39,340 --> 00:15:40,671 মানে, তার ইস্যু ইস্যুই ছিল. 191 00:15:41,542 --> 00:15:43,533 আমি আমার সারা জীবন ধরে মিলিটারিদের সাথে আছি. 192 00:15:43,644 --> 00:15:46,044 এবং সবচেয়ে দেখার সেই গতিলেখযন্ত্র অভিজানের মত. 193 00:15:46,146 --> 00:15:49,013 ঠিক আছে, তুমি আমার বিশুদ্ধতা পরিক্ষা করেছ, আমার মনে হয় করব. 194 00:15:49,116 --> 00:15:52,244 টেকনিক্যালি, জি,আই, জোর কোন অস্তিত্ব নেই, কিন্তু ছিল, 195 00:15:52,353 --> 00:15:54,514 এটা উচ্চতর নারী এবং পুরুষের সমন্নয়ে তৈরি. 196 00:15:54,621 --> 00:15:58,113 দুনিয়ার সবচেয়ে ভাল মিলিটারি সদস্যদের নিয়ে, আলফা ডগ্স. 197 00:15:59,460 --> 00:16:02,088 তাছাড়া সবই অকৃতকার্য হবে, আমরা নই. 198 00:16:03,263 --> 00:16:05,731 দশ জাতি প্রথম বছরেই স্বাক্ষর করেছে, 199 00:16:05,833 --> 00:16:08,859 একসাথে কাজ করা, সেয়ার করা. এখন আমাদের ২৩ টি আছে. 200 00:16:11,238 --> 00:16:13,001 -ঐটা কি? -কপটবেশ জ্যাকেট. 201 00:16:13,140 --> 00:16:16,109 এটা তোমার পেছনে থাকা সবকিছুর ছবি তোলো এবং তা সামনে উপস্থাপন করতে পারে. 202 00:16:18,312 --> 00:16:21,372 -মি. ম্যাককুলান, স্যার. -তাকে টেলিপ্রিসেন্সের মাধ্যমে তালি দাও. 203 00:16:21,482 --> 00:16:23,177 -তাহলে কে আমাদের আক্রমন করল? -এটা সত্য যে এটা অজানা. 204 00:16:23,283 --> 00:16:24,511 কিন্তু একটা বিষয় পরিষ্কার, 205 00:16:24,618 --> 00:16:27,178 সে উচ্চতর ইনটেল শ্রেণীর মেয়ে এবং অস্ত্রবাজিতায় অতি দক্ষ, 206 00:16:27,287 --> 00:16:29,118 তার মানে তার পেছনে বহুৎ জান্নামী টাকায় ঢাকা আছে. 207 00:16:29,223 --> 00:16:31,783 তাদের কোন ধরনের পেছানোর সামর্থ আছে যা তার আমাদের ধরার আগেই করেছে, 208 00:16:31,892 --> 00:16:34,861 হ্যা, এটাই একমাত্র কারণ আমরা সেখানে কেন মার খেলাম? 209 00:16:34,962 --> 00:16:37,260 আমাদের তার সম্পর্কে সবকিছু খুঁজে বের করতে হবে. 210 00:16:37,364 --> 00:16:39,059 জ্ঞাত হওয়া অর্ধযুদ্ধের মত. 211 00:16:41,301 --> 00:16:43,496 ভদ্রলোকেরা, মি. ম্যাককুলান, 212 00:16:43,937 --> 00:16:47,270 মার্সের সি.ই.ও ইন্ডস্ট্রি এবং এই ওয়্যারহেডের নির্মাতা. 213 00:16:47,374 --> 00:16:50,138 জেনারেল, পরিষ্কারভাবে আপনি সেই নিরাপত্তার দায়িত্বে ছিলেন যা আমি ঠিক করেছিলাম. 214 00:16:50,244 --> 00:16:54,010 তুমি কি বললে? আমার টিম যা করার দারকার তা সেখানে করেছে, 215 00:16:54,114 --> 00:16:56,981 -এবং অনেক ভালো লোক মারা গিয়েছে. -হ্যা, কিন্তু তুমি হওনি. 216 00:16:57,084 --> 00:17:00,713 মিশন শ্রেনীবদ্ধ ছিল, অতএব পরিষ্কারভাবে কেউ আমাদের বিরোধীতা করেছিল. 217 00:17:00,821 --> 00:17:04,689 এই চারটি ওয়্যারহেড তৈরির জন্য আমার ১০ বছর আর ১৩ বিলিওন টাকা খরচ করতে হয়েছে. 218 00:17:04,792 --> 00:17:07,454 তোমার কাজ, ক্যাপ্টেন, তাদের রক্ষা করা ছিল. 219 00:17:07,561 --> 00:17:10,189 এবং এটা যদি জেনারেল হাওকের জন্য না হত, তাহলে তোমাকে হারতে হত. 220 00:17:10,297 --> 00:17:13,960 এটা কোন ন্যায্য ছিলনা. সে দেরীতে তার কর্তব্য পালন করেছে. 221 00:17:14,568 --> 00:17:16,433 বেশ, তবে তা যথেষ্ঠ ছিলনা. 222 00:17:16,537 --> 00:17:19,506 এখন, তোমাকে যে জারজ আক্রমণ করেছিল সে তোমাকে আর খুজে বের করতে পারছনা, 223 00:17:19,606 --> 00:17:22,131 বাক্সের ভেতর লুকিয়ে থাকা ট্রাকিং বিকনটা তোমাকে নষ্ঠ করতে হবে. 224 00:17:22,242 --> 00:17:25,143 -আমরা ইতিমধ্যে তা করেছি. -খুব ভাল. 225 00:17:25,245 --> 00:17:28,408 কিন্তু আমাকে একটু পরীক্ষা করতে দাও, এটা ড্যামেজ হতে পারে. 226 00:17:36,857 --> 00:17:38,449 এটা খুলুন, প্লিজ. 227 00:17:39,560 --> 00:17:41,027 আমার স্ক্যান বলছে এটা সম্পুর্ণ ঠিকআছে, স্যার. 228 00:17:41,128 --> 00:17:45,428 -কোড নম্বর কি? -৫-২-৯-৪-৪-০. 229 00:18:09,289 --> 00:18:12,122 দয়াকরে আপনাদের কর্মকান্ড আমাকে অবগত করবেন, জেনারেল. 230 00:18:16,697 --> 00:18:18,221 ব্রেকার? 231 00:18:18,332 --> 00:18:22,132 যে লোক আমার ভয়েস এ্যানালাইজার ছিল সে উপরে গিয়েছিল, এবং সাইডওয়ের নীচে নেমেছিল. 232 00:18:22,236 --> 00:18:25,637 ম্যাককলিনের মত এ্যাঙ্গেলে কাজ করা, তিনি আমাদের ধরতে চায়নি. 233 00:18:25,939 --> 00:18:28,999 আমরা মৃত্যুর সম্মুখীন. আমাদের ঔ ওয়্যারহেডগুলো এখনই দরকার! 234 00:18:29,109 --> 00:18:32,101 তুমি তা জানতে! এটার জন্য দশ বছর ধরে বসে আছি, 235 00:18:32,212 --> 00:18:36,114 ন্যাটোর অলক্ষে আমি টাকা দিচ্ছি, এটা অনেক সহজ কাজের মত ছিল, আমি তা ভেবেছিলাম. 236 00:18:36,216 --> 00:18:39,083 তুমি যদি তোমার অতি পছন্দের ফ্যাক্টরিটা ধ্বংষ করে দিতে বলতে, 237 00:18:39,186 --> 00:18:40,346 আমার এই অবস্থার ধারনা ছিলনা. 238 00:18:40,454 --> 00:18:42,979 এবং এই কর্মকান্ডের ভেতর দিয়ে আমরা আমাদের বিশুদ্ধাত হারিয়েছি. 239 00:18:43,090 --> 00:18:45,183 এটা ন্যাটোর দোষ হওয়া উচিৎ ছিল! 240 00:18:49,263 --> 00:18:50,730 কি হয়েছিল? 241 00:18:51,965 --> 00:18:54,559 -তুমি কি তাকে দেখার পর বিব্রত বোধ করেছিলে? -না. 242 00:18:54,935 --> 00:18:57,369 এখানে তার সাথে কোন কিছুউ করার ছিলনা. 243 00:18:58,572 --> 00:19:00,301 আমার ঈর্ষকাতরতা ক্ষমা কর. 244 00:19:06,513 --> 00:19:08,378 তুমি কি ঔ বাক্সটা ট্র্যাক করেছ? 245 00:19:08,482 --> 00:19:11,246 তারা, অবস্যই, হ্যামিং বিকন অচল করেছে. 246 00:19:11,818 --> 00:19:14,651 খুব তাড়াতাড়ি গ্রহণ করার জন্য আমি তাদের একটা কোড দিয়েছিলাম. 247 00:19:15,989 --> 00:19:20,449 এটা মিশরে. মাটির গর্তে, শুধুমাত্র গোপন কাজের জন্য তৈরি করা হয়েছে. 248 00:19:21,562 --> 00:19:23,655 আমি ঔ ওয়্যারহেডগুলো ফিরিয়ে আনব. 249 00:19:25,098 --> 00:19:26,588 আমি আশা করি. 250 00:19:29,636 --> 00:19:32,867 আমি যদি সত্যিই সেথানে থাকতাম, আমি মনেকরি তুমি আমাকে স্পর্শ করতে দিতে. 251 00:19:32,973 --> 00:19:36,500 -আমি একটা জেট পাঠাব. -ব্যাবসা আগে. 252 00:19:37,077 --> 00:19:39,477 ব্যাবসা, আমি বিবাহিত, মনে আছে? 253 00:19:40,814 --> 00:19:44,648 তুমি যদি আমাগে প্রথম জায়গায় পাঠাতে, তাহলে এটা একক্ষণে হয়ে যেত. 254 00:19:46,119 --> 00:19:49,418 আমি তোমাকে এখন পাঠাচ্ছি, ঝড়ো ছায়া. আর যেন ভূল না হয়. 255 00:19:49,523 --> 00:19:52,492 অবস্যই সময়তালিকার আর কোন মিমাংসা হবেনা. 256 00:19:52,593 --> 00:19:54,618 আামার জন্য তার দিকে খেয়াল রেখ. 257 00:19:54,728 --> 00:19:59,131 আমেরিকান রাজনিতী, রাজ্যপাল, গাসিষ্ঠসভার সদষ্যরা, কংগ্রেস সদস্যবৃন্দ. 258 00:19:59,232 --> 00:20:00,961 এখন পর্যন্ত কোন বিস্ময়কর কছিুই করনি. 259 00:20:01,068 --> 00:20:03,400 এটা আমরাই মিমাংসা করতে যাচ্ছি, মি.জারটান 260 00:20:31,632 --> 00:20:35,193 গোখরা রাজা, চমকপ্রদ প্রণী. 261 00:20:35,302 --> 00:20:38,635 প্রকৃতির কঠোর আহরণকরী এবং প্রাণঘাতী উদ্দেশ্যের চিত্রকর. 262 00:20:38,739 --> 00:20:41,139 এর কর্মক্ষমতা এখনও অদেখা. 263 00:20:41,608 --> 00:20:44,668 এর সামান্য এক কামড়ের বিশ এক প্রপ্তবয়ষ্ক হাতি মারার জন্য কিছুই না 264 00:20:44,778 --> 00:20:47,975 -খুব ভাল. -এ পর্যন্ত আমার ২০ জন নেয়-ভাইপার তৈরি করেছি. 265 00:20:48,081 --> 00:20:50,879 -তোমার ঊনিশতম পদক্ষেপের আগেই. -এটা কাজ করে? 266 00:20:50,984 --> 00:20:56,115 এর ন্যানোমাইট সলুশনের জন্য আমরা একেকজনকে ১,০০০ ইংজেকশন করেছি. 267 00:20:56,223 --> 00:20:58,919 যথন তারা শেষ আর্তনাদ করে, 268 00:20:59,026 --> 00:21:01,017 মস্তিষ্ক স্ক্যান তখন সম্পূর্ন অচল 269 00:21:01,128 --> 00:21:03,255 আত্ম-রাক্ষার অঞ্চলের বহিরাবরেণ... 270 00:21:03,363 --> 00:21:04,728 ইংরেজী বলেন, ডক্টর? 271 00:21:08,068 --> 00:21:10,263 তারা কোন ভয় অনুভব করেনা. 272 00:21:14,007 --> 00:21:17,534 কোর্শিয়াল স্নায়ূগুচ্ছ তখন পুরোপুরি নিষ্ক্রিয়তা প্রকাশ করে. 273 00:21:18,578 --> 00:21:23,641 তারা কোন ব্যাথা অনুভব করেনা. নৈতিকতার ধারণা তাদের থেকে বিচ্ছিন্ন হয়ে যায়. 274 00:21:23,750 --> 00:21:27,686 তারা কোন অনুতাপ বোধ করেনা, অনুশোচনাও না. 275 00:21:31,024 --> 00:21:34,619 ন্যানোমাইটস একসাথে হয়ে একধনের যুদ্ধাবস্থা সৃষ্টি করে, 276 00:21:34,728 --> 00:21:38,391 প্রথমে রোধ করে, তারপর কোবরার বিষ বহিষ্কার করে. 277 00:21:42,903 --> 00:21:45,030 এবং তারা পুরোপুরি অনুগত? 278 00:21:47,140 --> 00:21:48,471 অবশ্যই. 279 00:21:49,843 --> 00:21:52,744 আসল পৃথিবীর কার্যক্রম মরণশীল. 280 00:21:53,313 --> 00:21:57,010 তাহলে, তুমি আমাকে বল, এটা কি কাজ করে? 281 00:21:58,218 --> 00:22:01,187 ঝড়ো ছায়ার সাথে একটি অভিজন দলকে সঙ্কেত সথানে পাঠাও 282 00:22:01,288 --> 00:22:05,554 ঠিকআছে. জো'রা কখনও জানবেনা তাদের কে আক্রমণ করল. 283 00:22:08,995 --> 00:22:12,089 বিশতম নিও-ভাইপার ইতিমধ্যে ওয়াশিংটন-ডিসির দিকে প্রস্তুত করা হয়েছে. 284 00:22:12,199 --> 00:22:13,393 এবং আপনার সংকেতের অপেক্ষা করছে. 285 00:22:13,500 --> 00:22:16,731 তুমি ভাল করেছ. তুমি কর্মক্ষেত্রে ক্যাবার ক্লিয়ার পাঠিয়েছ. 286 00:22:16,837 --> 00:22:19,738 প্রেসিডেন্সিয়ার জ্বালানী-কোঠাও প্রস্তুত হয়েছে 287 00:22:19,840 --> 00:22:22,308 এখন, আমার যদি একটা ওয়্যারহেড কলবাজারে বিক্রি করি, 288 00:22:22,409 --> 00:22:23,671 আমি আমার গবেষণা চালিয়ে যেতে পারতাম. 289 00:22:23,777 --> 00:22:25,768 আমি মুল্যায়ন করছি আপনি জ্ঞানের জন্য পিপাসার্ত, ডক্টর. 290 00:22:25,879 --> 00:22:28,177 কিন্তু এই দুনিয়া তো বিশৃঙ্খল. না. 291 00:22:29,182 --> 00:22:32,811 একীভবনের জন্য কি দরকার, নেতৃত্ব. 292 00:22:33,954 --> 00:22:38,448 এটা নৈরাজ্যের বাইরে নিয়ে একজনকে নিয়ন্ত্রণ করতে হবে. 293 00:22:41,194 --> 00:22:43,924 বেইজিং, মসকো, ওয়াসিংটন... 294 00:22:44,364 --> 00:22:46,025 যখন এই মিসাইলগুলো ছোড়া হবে, 295 00:22:46,133 --> 00:22:49,193 সারা পৃথিবী পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে ক্ষমতাবান মানুষের দিকে চেয়ে নেবে. 296 00:22:50,771 --> 00:22:54,070 যখন আমার কাজ শেষ হবে, টাকা নিজেই নিজের দায়িত্ব নেবে. 297 00:22:54,174 --> 00:22:57,200 তুমি তোমার সব গবেষণার কাজ করতে পারবে, তুমি যা চাও. 298 00:23:03,483 --> 00:23:06,475 আমাদরে চতুরী ক্যামেরায় এই ছবিটি ধরা পড়েছে. 299 00:23:06,586 --> 00:23:09,350 এখন আমার তার মুখে একটি অসীম স্ক্যান করছি. 300 00:23:11,691 --> 00:23:13,181 এই, এটা না... 301 00:23:13,760 --> 00:23:16,820 আমরা যেকোনা সার্ভার থেকে ছবি আনতে পারি, দুনিয়ার যেকোন স্থান থেকে. 302 00:23:16,930 --> 00:23:20,093 হ্যা. সবাই একইভাবে একই স্থানথেকে ছবি নেয়. 303 00:23:20,200 --> 00:23:22,361 ফুটবল খেলা, এ.টি.এম মেশিন, এয়ারপোর্ট... 304 00:23:22,469 --> 00:23:25,597 আমরা তাকে খুঁজব, এবং তারপর খুজব কে তাকে পাঠিয়েছে. 305 00:23:25,705 --> 00:23:27,969 -ন্যাটো থেকে, স্যার. -তুমি ঠিক আছ? 306 00:23:28,975 --> 00:23:30,602 কি হয়েছিল তার? 307 00:23:32,245 --> 00:23:36,011 বেশ, এটা দেখায় যে আমি এই ওয়্যারহেড অফিসিয়াল রক্ষক হিসেবে তৈরি করেছি. 308 00:23:36,116 --> 00:23:38,141 তোমার এখানকার মিশন শেষ হওয়ার মত দেখায়, ডুক. 309 00:23:38,251 --> 00:23:40,845 যখন তুমি তাদের সরাবে, সে তোমার সাথে আসবে, তুমি তা জান, ঠিক? 310 00:23:40,954 --> 00:23:43,616 এবং তার মানুষিকতায়, সে তোমাকে খুজেঁ বের করবে. 311 00:23:43,723 --> 00:23:44,690 তুমি কি বলতে চাইছ? 312 00:23:44,791 --> 00:23:47,521 তোমারা তাকে ধরারা পরে আমরা যোগ দিতে চাই. 313 00:23:47,627 --> 00:23:50,653 জেনারেল, এটা আমদের দলের ক্ষয় যেটা আমরা ওখানে পেয়েছিলাম, এটা পরিশোধ যোগ্য. 314 00:23:50,764 --> 00:23:54,495 জি.আই,জোর অংশ হওয়ার কথা তুমি বলোনা. তোমাকে বলা হয়েছিল. 315 00:23:55,669 --> 00:23:58,934 তুমি শত্রুর গতিবিধী চার বছর আগে বলেছিলে. এখন আমি প্রস্তুত, চল এটা হোক. 316 00:23:59,039 --> 00:24:00,836 বেশ, আমি আমার লোকদেরও হারেয়েছি, ক্যাপটেন. 317 00:24:00,941 --> 00:24:02,568 -তুমি যদি প্রতিষোধ নিতে চাও... -আমি তাকে জানি. 318 00:24:02,676 --> 00:24:03,665 মানে? 319 00:24:03,777 --> 00:24:06,405 তুমি বলেছ জানা হলো অর্ধযুদ্ধ, ঠিক? 320 00:24:06,513 --> 00:24:08,447 বেশ, আমি জানি সে কে. 321 00:24:08,915 --> 00:24:11,543 সে উজ্জল সাদা-সোনালী চুল বিশিষ্ঠ নারী ছিল. তার নাম এ্যানা লিউয়িস. 322 00:24:11,651 --> 00:24:14,017 তার সম্পর্কে তোমার যা জানার প্রয়োজন তা আমি বলতে পারব, 323 00:24:14,120 --> 00:24:15,815 অন্তত: চার বছর আগ পর্যন্ত. 324 00:24:15,922 --> 00:24:18,186 তারপর, স্পষ্টভাবে, বেশ কিছু পরিবর্তন হয়েছে. 325 00:24:38,411 --> 00:24:39,935 শেষপর্যন্ত, আমর বউ ঘরে এল. 326 00:24:44,517 --> 00:24:47,418 হ্যাল্লো, ডানিয়েল. প্রতিরক্ষা বাহিনীর সর্বাধিনায়কের সাথে তোমার সাক্ষাত কেমন হলো? 327 00:24:47,520 --> 00:24:50,819 তিনি রোমাঞ্চময় ছিলেন. সেটা ক্ষুতহীন বেগবর্ধকভাবে সম্পাদন হয়েছে. 328 00:24:50,924 --> 00:24:53,256 আমি চাই তুমি সেখানে থাক. 329 00:24:53,360 --> 00:24:55,624 তুমি এবং তোমার ছোট্ট ল্যাব কর্মচারীরা খুব চালাক. 330 00:24:55,729 --> 00:24:58,357 -মনটে কারলো কেমন ছিল? -আমি তাই করেছি যা আগে করতাম. 331 00:24:58,465 --> 00:25:01,161 -আমি ধরছি আমার কৃতজ্ঞ হওয়া উচিৎ. -সব স্বামিরাই তাই. 332 00:25:01,268 --> 00:25:04,135 বেশিরভাগ স্বমিরই এরকম রহস্যময় স্ত্রী থাকেনা. 333 00:25:04,237 --> 00:25:06,467 তারা পরিষ্কারভাবে জানে তারা কোথায় আছে আর কি করছে. 334 00:25:06,573 --> 00:25:07,835 তারা মনে করে তা জানে. 335 00:25:07,941 --> 00:25:11,104 এ্যানা, আমি যুদ্ধ করতে চাইনা, আমি তেমাকে খুব মিস করেছি. 336 00:25:11,211 --> 00:25:13,543 বেশ, আমি কখনও ভাল যুদ্ধ করিনি. 337 00:25:15,448 --> 00:25:19,407 কিন্তু তোমার সাথে নয়, প্রিয়তমা. আমাকে ফ্রেস হতে দাও আমি নিচে আসছি. 338 00:25:19,519 --> 00:25:22,579 আমি তোমাকে ভালবাসি, আমার সুন্দরী বউ. 339 00:25:28,762 --> 00:25:32,994 ম্যাককুলান ব্যারনকে খুন করার নির্দেশ দিয়েছে যদি সে তোমাকে স্পর্শ করে. 340 00:25:33,099 --> 00:25:35,932 বেশ, সে আমার স্বামি. অবশ্যই সে আমাকে স্পর্শ করবে. 341 00:25:36,036 --> 00:25:39,437 এবং পাশাপশি, আমাদের স্পর্শের পরে তার ল্যাবের কাজকর্ম আরও ভাল যাবে. 342 00:25:39,539 --> 00:25:41,473 এবং এটা গুরুত্বপূর্ন জিনিস বটে. 343 00:25:42,108 --> 00:25:44,338 তাহলে তুমি কি করছ? আমার কাছে গোয়েন্দাগিরী করছ? 344 00:25:45,378 --> 00:25:48,973 যদি এটা কাছে গোয়েন্দাগিরী হয়, তুমি তা কখনও জানবেনা. 345 00:25:52,485 --> 00:25:53,975 কাছে আসছ. 346 00:25:54,688 --> 00:25:56,656 তুমি আমার সবচেয়ে প্রিয় ছাত্রী ছিলে. 347 00:25:58,491 --> 00:26:01,187 আমি তোমর সাথে আসব ঔ ওয়্যারহেগুলো উদ্ধার করতে. 348 00:26:01,294 --> 00:26:02,761 আমরা যাব. 349 00:26:26,286 --> 00:26:27,651 আরে, এ্যানা. 350 00:26:30,290 --> 00:26:34,351 ঠিকআছে, তবে, আমি চাচ্ছি আমাদের বিকীর্ণ হওয়ার আগে এটা করতে. 351 00:26:42,369 --> 00:26:45,736 ডুক, এটা সুন্দর. খুবই সুন্দর. 352 00:26:45,839 --> 00:26:48,706 আমি শুধু এটার মধ্যে একটি কিনতে যাচ্চি, তাহলে কেন নয়? 353 00:26:51,478 --> 00:26:52,968 তাহলে তুমি কি বলছ? 354 00:26:53,079 --> 00:26:55,877 বল হ্যা, তুমি বোকা. সে আসল আমেরিকার হিরো. 355 00:26:55,982 --> 00:26:57,074 মেজাজ ভাল করা জন্য ধন্যবাদ, রেক্স. 356 00:26:57,183 --> 00:26:59,515 আমি দু:খিত. আমি শুধু তোমার পেছনের পদের জন্য প্রস্তাব করতে এসেছি. 357 00:26:59,619 --> 00:27:01,348 কি?ইতিমধ্যে সময় হয়ে গেছে? 358 00:27:01,454 --> 00:27:04,252 -হ্যা, আমাদের ০৫০০ তে যেতে হবে. -এটা... 359 00:27:05,058 --> 00:27:07,686 হ্যা, এটা, ঠিক? এজন্য তুমি রেক্সকে ল্যাব থেকে সরিয়ে নিচ্ছ. 360 00:27:07,794 --> 00:27:12,094 -এ্যানা, দেখ, আমি দু:খিত. কিন্তু আমি পারিনা... -হ্যা, হ্যা, সংগঠিত, অতি গোপনীয়, 361 00:27:12,198 --> 00:27:13,756 তুমি যদি আমাকে বলতে, আমাকে তোমার খুন করতে হত, ব্লা-ব্লা-ব্লা. 362 00:27:13,867 --> 00:27:15,201 এবং সুসংগঠিত তথ্য মোতাবেক, তুমি এখন পর্যন্ত আমাকে জবাব দাওনি. 363 00:27:15,201 --> 00:27:17,863 এবং সুসংগঠিত তথ্য মোতাবেক, তুমি এখন পর্যন্ত আমাকে জবাব দাওনি. 364 00:27:19,172 --> 00:27:22,733 হ্যা, হ্যা. অবস্যই হ্যা. 365 00:27:23,977 --> 00:27:25,535 এক শর্তে. 366 00:27:26,279 --> 00:27:29,680 আমার কাছে তোমাকে প্রতিজ্ঞা করতে হবে যে, তুমি আমার প্রতিভায় বাধা দেবেনা. 367 00:27:29,783 --> 00:27:31,751 চালাক ভই কষ্ঠ পেয়েছে! 368 00:27:32,419 --> 00:27:34,751 তার একটিই মাত্র পরিবার যা আমরা ছেড়ে এসেছি. 369 00:27:35,855 --> 00:27:37,755 কথা দাও, ডুক. 370 00:27:37,857 --> 00:27:39,188 আমি কথা দিলাম. 371 00:27:41,828 --> 00:27:45,264 -এই! আমার পছন্দের তিন লোক. -মি, উইম্স. ভাল লোক? 372 00:27:45,365 --> 00:27:46,593 -হ্যা. -দেখ. 373 00:27:46,699 --> 00:27:50,396 ওয়াও. সুন্দর পাথর. অনেক ভালোবাসা. 374 00:27:51,271 --> 00:27:53,068 -তুমি কি প্রস্তাব দিচ্ছ/ -আসলে আমার কার্যকলাপ করা শেষ. 375 00:27:53,173 --> 00:27:56,609 -আমি ইতিমধ্যেই হ্যা বলে দিয়েছি. -ওহ আল্লাহ! অভিনন্দন! 376 00:27:56,709 --> 00:28:00,167 Beautiful! You guys are like the little white couple on the wedding cake. 377 00:28:00,580 --> 00:28:02,673 How cute. Give me some love. 378 00:28:03,750 --> 00:28:05,980 Congratulations. Wait. It's not official. 379 00:28:06,086 --> 00:28:08,020 - What? - It's not official. 380 00:28:08,121 --> 00:28:10,749 -Not until you answer my question. -Okay. 381 00:28:11,925 --> 00:28:13,586 Do you love my boy? 382 00:28:15,495 --> 00:28:18,293 Always and forever. 383 00:28:22,936 --> 00:28:25,632 You may have blackmailed your way onto this team. 384 00:28:25,738 --> 00:28:27,603 Doesn't mean I've got to like it. 385 00:28:28,174 --> 00:28:31,007 But it does mean I've gotta get you mission ready, 386 00:28:31,411 --> 00:28:32,708 Joe style. 387 00:28:33,680 --> 00:28:37,514 Standing in front of you are Delta- 6 Accelerator suits. 388 00:28:37,617 --> 00:28:39,517 - What does it accelerate? - You. 389 00:28:39,619 --> 00:28:43,555 It'll make you run faster, jump higher and hit harder than any of your enemies. 390 00:28:44,090 --> 00:28:45,421 Let's suit up. 391 00:28:45,525 --> 00:28:49,689 Head-to-toe hydraulics and highly pressurized pneumatics. 392 00:28:51,998 --> 00:28:54,933 An advanced cybernetics heads-up display helmet, 393 00:28:55,034 --> 00:28:56,763 which feeds into the suit. 394 00:28:56,870 --> 00:28:58,838 You think it, it does it. 395 00:29:01,474 --> 00:29:03,271 Twin gas-propelled grappling spears 396 00:29:03,376 --> 00:29:06,436 and triple-explosive, heat-seeking, fire-and-forget rockets. 397 00:29:06,546 --> 00:29:08,173 And my personal favorite, 398 00:29:08,281 --> 00:29:11,114 a 1 0- millimeter caseless Gatling submachine gun, 399 00:29:11,217 --> 00:29:15,449 capable of firing 50 rounds per second. Fully self-contained firepower. 400 00:29:15,555 --> 00:29:17,648 Perfect for a couple of cowboys like you. 401 00:29:19,058 --> 00:29:21,754 I just missed everything you said. Hey, how do I look? 402 00:29:21,861 --> 00:29:23,351 -Pretty cool, huh? -Any questions? 403 00:29:40,647 --> 00:29:41,807 Yo, Sergeant Stone. 404 00:29:41,915 --> 00:29:44,611 -Are they Joes? -Hell, no. They're jokes. 405 00:29:45,185 --> 00:29:46,243 Boys. 406 00:29:47,120 --> 00:29:48,644 You're gonna need these. 407 00:29:54,928 --> 00:29:57,897 Just so you know, when I get a target in my sights, 408 00:29:58,665 --> 00:30:00,155 I take it down. 409 00:30:01,000 --> 00:30:02,194 Oh, shit! 410 00:30:05,071 --> 00:30:06,800 -Again. -Again? 411 00:30:22,088 --> 00:30:26,218 Just so you know, some targets are harder to hit than others. 412 00:30:31,464 --> 00:30:34,058 -Again. -You're gonna need that helmet. 413 00:30:45,511 --> 00:30:47,206 Stand down, Snake Eyes. 414 00:30:47,313 --> 00:30:49,281 All right. Walk away. It's over. This ain't pay-per-view. 415 00:30:54,220 --> 00:30:55,585 I'm nasty with it! 416 00:30:55,688 --> 00:30:56,712 You missed one. 417 00:30:56,823 --> 00:30:58,723 Come on. That gotta be some kind of a record or something. 418 00:30:58,825 --> 00:31:01,453 - The record is all 20 killed. -Who did that? Let me guess. 419 00:31:01,561 --> 00:31:04,086 -Snake Eyes? - No. Me. 420 00:31:04,197 --> 00:31:08,258 If you're gonna shoot at something, kill it. Otherwise, take up knitting. 421 00:31:16,943 --> 00:31:18,638 Beginner's luck. Stay focused. 422 00:31:25,151 --> 00:31:27,016 -Again. -Again? 423 00:31:33,326 --> 00:31:35,556 I have never seen Snake Eyes take a hit. 424 00:31:36,229 --> 00:31:37,787 They're Joes. 425 00:31:39,232 --> 00:31:40,290 Maybe. 426 00:31:46,906 --> 00:31:48,032 Let's go. 427 00:31:48,775 --> 00:31:52,871 Hey, man, Breaker told me that Scarlett graduated college at 1 2 years old. 428 00:31:53,212 --> 00:31:55,373 She's like some freaky little deadly genius. 429 00:31:55,481 --> 00:31:57,847 -Rip. I get it, Rip. You like her. -Sorry, my bad. 430 00:32:01,154 --> 00:32:04,646 - To hell with it. -Rip. Rip. 431 00:32:07,327 --> 00:32:09,818 Into the valley of death rode the 600. 432 00:32:09,929 --> 00:32:12,523 Hey, what are you doing? A little beach reading? 433 00:32:14,300 --> 00:32:15,324 Okay. 434 00:32:17,403 --> 00:32:21,100 Look, I think you and me got off on the wrong foot. 435 00:32:21,641 --> 00:32:26,271 See, I'm attracted to you. And you, you're attracted to me. 436 00:32:26,713 --> 00:32:28,305 And him, the damn Zen master, 437 00:32:28,414 --> 00:32:30,245 he creeps me out. What I'm trying to say is... 438 00:32:30,350 --> 00:32:32,818 - We're attracted to each other. -Thank you! 439 00:32:32,919 --> 00:32:35,615 That's what you're saying. It's not what I'm saying. 440 00:32:36,255 --> 00:32:37,415 It's not? 441 00:32:38,558 --> 00:32:40,253 So, what are you saying? 442 00:32:43,296 --> 00:32:46,823 Attraction is an emotion. Emotions are not based in science. 443 00:32:46,933 --> 00:32:50,733 And if you can't quantify or prove that something exists, well, 444 00:32:50,837 --> 00:32:52,737 in my mind, it doesn't. 445 00:32:54,407 --> 00:32:56,500 Okay. I'll get back to you on that one. 446 00:32:57,176 --> 00:32:59,644 Attention! General on deck! 447 00:32:59,746 --> 00:33:02,146 At ease. Duke, 448 00:33:02,248 --> 00:33:05,740 you scored in the top half percent of all people we've ever tested. 449 00:33:06,386 --> 00:33:10,083 Rip, if we average your scores with Duke's, you pass, too. 450 00:33:10,556 --> 00:33:11,955 - Welcome aboard. -Thank you, sir. 451 00:33:12,058 --> 00:33:14,390 -Provisionally, of course. -Thank you, sir. 452 00:33:34,046 --> 00:33:37,243 Sir, sensors detecting seismic activity to the southwest. 453 00:33:37,350 --> 00:33:39,045 Probably just a tremor, but have a team check it. 454 00:34:27,467 --> 00:34:29,298 There's our little weapons case. 455 00:34:29,402 --> 00:34:32,371 All right. You three, guard the machines. 456 00:35:00,800 --> 00:35:02,995 -Sorry to disturb you, sir. -That's all right, Corporal. 457 00:35:03,102 --> 00:35:06,902 I need you to sign here, here and here. And also here, here... 458 00:35:18,384 --> 00:35:20,079 Goodbye, sweetheart. 459 00:35:25,391 --> 00:35:27,951 That's right. You don't kill women. 460 00:35:28,060 --> 00:35:30,585 For you, Zartan, I'd make an exception. 461 00:35:59,025 --> 00:36:00,583 Warheads, Rip! Come on! 462 00:36:05,898 --> 00:36:07,024 Go, go! 463 00:36:11,137 --> 00:36:13,571 We've got the warheads. Prep the Mole Pods for evac. 464 00:36:13,673 --> 00:36:15,800 -We're on our way. -We're already on it. 465 00:36:32,525 --> 00:36:34,755 -Now how do we get out of here? - Follow me. 466 00:36:37,096 --> 00:36:38,893 Like that's gonna happen. 467 00:36:49,775 --> 00:36:51,970 Find the control room. Open the exterior hatch. 468 00:36:52,078 --> 00:36:54,012 - And secure this area. - We're on it. 469 00:36:58,985 --> 00:37:00,077 Clear. 470 00:37:10,930 --> 00:37:12,022 Go, go! 471 00:37:14,967 --> 00:37:18,403 -Can you fly one of these things? -Don't move! Ana, put the case down. 472 00:37:19,138 --> 00:37:21,606 Fine. Done. 473 00:37:24,210 --> 00:37:26,178 Stop. Ana, stop right there. 474 00:37:26,278 --> 00:37:28,838 -You can't shoot me, can you? - I will if I have to. 475 00:37:28,948 --> 00:37:31,644 Deep down, you're still the same man I fell in love with. 476 00:37:31,751 --> 00:37:35,312 - Don't force this. -What could have been. Right, Duke? 477 00:37:36,389 --> 00:37:38,721 Just give me the case, God damn it. 478 00:37:38,824 --> 00:37:43,887 -Move and I'm gonna blow her away. -Do it. You already killed me once. 479 00:37:44,730 --> 00:37:45,992 Duke, watch out! 480 00:37:58,577 --> 00:37:59,669 Ana, drop the case! 481 00:38:14,260 --> 00:38:15,386 Hello, brother. 482 00:38:42,088 --> 00:38:43,146 Damn! 483 00:38:48,094 --> 00:38:49,356 Eat this! 484 00:39:13,452 --> 00:39:14,783 Hey, genius! 485 00:40:28,828 --> 00:40:30,159 See you, Duke. 486 00:40:59,058 --> 00:41:02,027 -How many warheads? -Four, Mr. President. 487 00:41:02,127 --> 00:41:05,290 -Any threats? Demands? -None so far, sir. 488 00:41:05,397 --> 00:41:07,365 We take this to mean the terrorists are unfocused. 489 00:41:07,466 --> 00:41:09,366 -No clear goals. - No. 490 00:41:10,836 --> 00:41:12,827 It means they intend to use them. 491 00:41:14,073 --> 00:41:15,597 General Hawk is stable now, 492 00:41:15,708 --> 00:41:18,040 but he won't be conscious for another day or so. 493 00:41:18,143 --> 00:41:19,872 He's one tough bastard. 494 00:41:32,024 --> 00:41:33,116 Hey. 495 00:41:36,228 --> 00:41:37,991 -You all right? - I'm fine. 496 00:41:38,731 --> 00:41:41,564 -I didn't want anyone to see me like this. -Why? 497 00:41:42,768 --> 00:41:44,827 I don't know. All the men we lost, General Hawk wounded, 498 00:41:44,937 --> 00:41:46,564 my neck just doesn't seem important. 499 00:41:46,672 --> 00:41:50,665 You almost lost your life out there. You have a reason to be concerned. 500 00:41:52,978 --> 00:41:55,071 First fight I lost since I was a kid. 501 00:41:56,882 --> 00:41:58,907 My father taught me to win. 502 00:41:59,018 --> 00:42:04,684 Look, I don't see how you could teach anybody to win everything every time. 503 00:42:06,725 --> 00:42:08,158 I mean, look at you. 504 00:42:08,627 --> 00:42:10,117 You're still here, right? 505 00:42:10,596 --> 00:42:12,962 You get knocked down, you get back up. 506 00:42:13,098 --> 00:42:15,225 Maybe that's what he wanted you to learn. 507 00:42:17,736 --> 00:42:20,637 But then again, that would be an emotional response, 508 00:42:20,739 --> 00:42:23,401 one that can't be explained or quantified. 509 00:42:40,426 --> 00:42:43,657 Hey. Looks like we're all seeing ghosts today, huh? 510 00:44:22,157 --> 00:44:23,556 Storm Shadow! 511 00:44:27,529 --> 00:44:30,657 English, Storm Shadow. Where are your manners? 512 00:44:31,032 --> 00:44:32,465 He is hungry. 513 00:44:32,867 --> 00:44:36,894 We need to invite him in and show him the path. 514 00:44:37,372 --> 00:44:41,365 -He is a cur, a weakling! -He does not fight like one. 515 00:44:46,981 --> 00:44:49,279 Now, what shall we call you? 516 00:44:55,557 --> 00:44:57,855 This belonged to an ancestor of mine. 517 00:44:58,626 --> 00:45:01,026 He was caught selling arms to both sides. 518 00:45:01,129 --> 00:45:04,326 The French forced him to wear it for the rest of his life. 519 00:45:04,432 --> 00:45:07,924 They called him Destro, destroyer of nations. 520 00:45:08,470 --> 00:45:09,903 So why do you keep it? 521 00:45:10,004 --> 00:45:12,666 So that I never forget the most important rule in dealing arms. 522 00:45:12,774 --> 00:45:15,334 Let me guess. Never sell to both sides? 523 00:45:15,443 --> 00:45:17,911 Never get caught selling to both sides. 524 00:45:20,949 --> 00:45:23,213 Take the warheads to Paris. Have them weaponized. 525 00:45:23,318 --> 00:45:25,445 -Then I want you to test one. - Test one? 526 00:45:25,553 --> 00:45:28,249 We'll let CNN show the world how well they perform. 527 00:45:29,691 --> 00:45:31,750 Fear is a great motivator. 528 00:45:35,163 --> 00:45:39,259 I have a target in mind, one the French will never forget, 529 00:45:40,135 --> 00:45:43,434 as I've never forgotten what they did to Clan McCullen. 530 00:45:53,348 --> 00:45:56,283 -Are you ready, Mr. Zartan? -Born ready, Doctor. 531 00:45:56,384 --> 00:45:58,352 This is going to be the achievement of a lifetime. 532 00:45:58,453 --> 00:46:01,422 Yes, as a master of disguise, you have no equal, my friend. 533 00:46:01,523 --> 00:46:05,459 Eighteen months of studying my target, learning mannerisms, 534 00:46:05,560 --> 00:46:07,357 but the devil is in the details. 535 00:46:07,462 --> 00:46:10,226 Gentlemen, let's get it going. 536 00:46:10,331 --> 00:46:11,525 One more thing. 537 00:46:11,633 --> 00:46:14,227 I'll control my own brain, thank you very much. 538 00:46:17,705 --> 00:46:19,036 Let's do this. 539 00:46:37,926 --> 00:46:41,453 -Wow. That was a bit nasty. - Think so? 540 00:46:42,730 --> 00:46:44,391 Let's run some tests. 541 00:46:46,034 --> 00:46:52,030 Eye color. Skin tone. Hair follicles. 542 00:46:52,540 --> 00:46:56,374 And initiating facial reconstruction tests. 543 00:47:07,055 --> 00:47:08,750 We gotta find out who's holding their leash. 544 00:47:08,856 --> 00:47:12,314 With their weaponry, financing and intel, these guys are high-line pros. 545 00:47:12,427 --> 00:47:14,122 That limits the possibilities. 546 00:47:14,229 --> 00:47:17,528 -Hey, the weapons case. - What? 547 00:47:17,632 --> 00:47:19,224 Remember, McCullen had us open the weapons case? 548 00:47:19,334 --> 00:47:21,029 - What about it? -I bet you he gave us a code 549 00:47:21,135 --> 00:47:23,296 that reactivated the tracking beacon. 550 00:47:23,404 --> 00:47:26,896 You're right. McCullen, that son of a bitch. 551 00:47:27,008 --> 00:47:29,374 So, McCullen uses NATO to fund his R&D 552 00:47:29,477 --> 00:47:31,138 and then he steals the warheads back. 553 00:47:31,246 --> 00:47:35,910 -And who says you're not a thinker? -Hey, I found her. 554 00:47:37,051 --> 00:47:38,416 Yeah, that's her all right. 555 00:47:38,519 --> 00:47:42,421 Her name is Ana de Cobray. Baroness, if you're feeling formal. 556 00:47:42,523 --> 00:47:46,050 Baroness? Wow, she really traded up, huh? Financially, of course. 557 00:47:46,160 --> 00:47:48,219 - Who's he? -Daniel de Cobray. 558 00:47:48,329 --> 00:47:51,059 Big shot French scientist. Runs a lab in Paris. 559 00:47:51,165 --> 00:47:54,100 - Lab? What kind of lab? - Particle accelerator. 560 00:47:55,370 --> 00:47:58,771 Oh, my God. They're going to use him to weaponize the warheads. 561 00:47:59,674 --> 00:48:01,665 Well, that's where she's going. 562 00:48:01,776 --> 00:48:02,936 I like croissants. 563 00:48:34,642 --> 00:48:37,372 -Go, go, go, go! -Come on! Let's go! Let's go! 564 00:48:37,578 --> 00:48:39,068 Pull up on the truck! 565 00:48:42,750 --> 00:48:44,183 Go, go, go! 566 00:48:45,286 --> 00:48:48,380 - Two o'clock! -Go, go, go, go, go! 567 00:48:48,489 --> 00:48:49,820 Go, let's move! 568 00:48:52,927 --> 00:48:55,555 -ln the alley! -Get down, get down! 569 00:48:55,663 --> 00:48:56,960 You see them? 570 00:48:59,300 --> 00:49:02,360 - Two more on the left! - Get down! 571 00:49:02,470 --> 00:49:04,938 Dubble Bubble? It always helps me. 572 00:49:06,641 --> 00:49:09,201 Yeah. Hey, you good? 573 00:49:10,011 --> 00:49:11,342 - Yeah? - Yeah. 574 00:49:13,381 --> 00:49:16,043 All right, Mr. Science Officer, you're up, okay? 575 00:49:16,150 --> 00:49:18,050 You don't find it in four minutes, you get out of there. 576 00:49:18,152 --> 00:49:22,145 That house will not be there in five. I already called for the air strike. 577 00:49:22,256 --> 00:49:23,587 Come on! Here we go! 578 00:49:26,361 --> 00:49:28,226 I got you! Go, go, go, go! 579 00:49:30,298 --> 00:49:31,959 Oh, crap! 580 00:49:35,269 --> 00:49:36,463 Rooftop! 581 00:49:39,640 --> 00:49:41,301 Hey, Duke, I gotta level with you. 582 00:49:41,409 --> 00:49:44,742 -I hate it when you level with me. -It's going to be a long five minutes. 583 00:49:50,485 --> 00:49:53,682 No, no, no! It's too early. It's too early! 584 00:49:54,355 --> 00:49:56,983 - Duke! - Rex! Rex! 585 00:50:17,044 --> 00:50:18,170 Rex. 586 00:50:22,150 --> 00:50:24,084 Duke! Come on. We gotta go. 587 00:50:24,185 --> 00:50:25,675 -I gotta get Rex. -We gotta go, man! 588 00:50:25,787 --> 00:50:28,585 Black Hawk's waiting! We gotta go! Nothing you can do! 589 00:50:28,689 --> 00:50:30,657 -Nothing you can do, man! Come on! -I gotta get Rex. 590 00:50:35,696 --> 00:50:38,290 Ready. Aim. Fire. 591 00:50:39,167 --> 00:50:40,794 Forward, march. 592 00:51:34,088 --> 00:51:36,215 Are you going to sign in or shall l? 593 00:52:00,648 --> 00:52:01,706 Ana? 594 00:52:03,651 --> 00:52:04,879 Who is this? 595 00:52:05,586 --> 00:52:07,053 Hey! What are you doing? 596 00:52:07,154 --> 00:52:09,088 -What's going on here? -I need you to do something for me 597 00:52:09,190 --> 00:52:11,021 and I don't have much time. 598 00:52:11,726 --> 00:52:13,455 What are these things? 599 00:52:13,561 --> 00:52:14,960 They're warheads, dear. 600 00:52:15,062 --> 00:52:18,725 And I need you to weaponize them for me, or we'll kill everyone in here. 601 00:52:20,768 --> 00:52:23,532 Hey! This is a civilian laboratory! 602 00:52:24,238 --> 00:52:26,934 We don't have the correct programming protocols for weaponizing! 603 00:52:27,041 --> 00:52:31,137 The protocols are in the case. I told you, I don't have much time. 604 00:52:43,391 --> 00:52:45,188 Hey, is that Dubble Bubble? 605 00:52:45,793 --> 00:52:46,953 But it's my last piece. 606 00:52:47,862 --> 00:52:50,558 -Come on, give it to me. -All right, there you go. 607 00:52:50,665 --> 00:52:53,600 All right. Stick to the plan. Scarlett, Snake Eyes, take the front. 608 00:52:53,701 --> 00:52:56,192 Rip, Duke, take the back. Breaker will be our eyes and ears. 609 00:52:56,304 --> 00:52:57,532 I'll give the orders from here. 610 00:52:57,638 --> 00:53:00,402 -You do what I say, when I say. Got it? -Yes, Daddy. 611 00:53:48,990 --> 00:53:50,184 Here. 612 00:53:50,891 --> 00:53:53,018 -They're all alive. -Merci, Daniel. 613 00:54:10,544 --> 00:54:13,445 I told you I'd kill him if he touched you again. 614 00:54:13,814 --> 00:54:15,805 I heard you the first time. 615 00:54:21,489 --> 00:54:22,156 Okay, we're almost there. Scarlett, you better put your suit on. 616 00:54:22,156 --> 00:54:24,420 Okay, we're almost there. Scarlett, you better put your suit on. 617 00:54:34,669 --> 00:54:35,966 That's her. 618 00:54:43,077 --> 00:54:44,840 Take that Hummer, Snake! 619 00:55:09,370 --> 00:55:11,429 Careful. They're worth millions of dollars each. 620 00:55:11,539 --> 00:55:13,166 Millions of dollars. Got it. 621 00:55:14,508 --> 00:55:18,103 - Jesus. -My bad. My bad. Won't happen again! 622 00:55:21,615 --> 00:55:23,014 Thanks a lot, buddy! 623 00:55:23,417 --> 00:55:26,909 Come on, Scarlett, babe. You in or out? We gotta get in this fight! 624 00:55:38,566 --> 00:55:41,865 Tracking signal is good. Don't let go of that truck, Snake Eyes. 625 00:56:15,035 --> 00:56:16,730 Let's get that bastard off the roof. 626 00:56:45,900 --> 00:56:47,197 Look out! 627 00:56:50,604 --> 00:56:52,162 Hey, Heavy, it's getting thick out here! 628 00:56:52,273 --> 00:56:54,673 Yeah, I know. They're driving right into the heaviest traffic. 629 00:56:54,775 --> 00:56:56,299 What kind of escape route is that? 630 00:56:56,410 --> 00:56:59,402 Maybe they're not trying to escape. Maybe they're heading somewhere. 631 00:56:59,513 --> 00:57:01,310 -Possible target? - Yes. 632 00:57:03,818 --> 00:57:07,481 Some place with a lot of metal. 633 00:57:10,958 --> 00:57:14,860 -They're going to blow it up. All units! -Guys, you have to stop them! 634 00:57:14,962 --> 00:57:16,361 Yeah, we're working on it. 635 00:57:16,564 --> 00:57:17,553 I mean right now! 636 00:57:17,665 --> 00:57:20,429 They're going to detonate one of the warheads on the Eiffel Tower! 637 00:57:54,268 --> 00:57:55,394 Crush him! 638 00:57:56,604 --> 00:57:57,764 Snake! 639 00:58:03,611 --> 00:58:05,203 He's underneath. Kill him! 640 00:58:17,491 --> 00:58:19,959 That redhead is really starting to piss me off. 641 00:58:23,597 --> 00:58:24,621 Shit! 642 00:58:25,733 --> 00:58:26,927 Oh, God! 643 00:58:28,502 --> 00:58:30,265 I got you. I got you. 644 00:58:31,705 --> 00:58:32,729 -Nice save, slick. -Come on, 645 00:58:32,840 --> 00:58:35,400 don't start being all nice to me now. Gotta go. 646 00:58:40,080 --> 00:58:41,240 Get in! 647 00:58:45,252 --> 00:58:48,221 All right, Rip, let's take this thing down! Hang on, Snake! 648 00:58:57,131 --> 00:58:59,326 Try this on for size, boys. 649 00:59:14,214 --> 00:59:15,374 Oh, shit! 650 00:59:34,234 --> 00:59:35,758 We lost them! 651 00:59:36,070 --> 00:59:37,628 Cut through that building across the street. 652 00:59:37,738 --> 00:59:39,330 - Where's the door? - Make one! 653 00:59:39,440 --> 00:59:41,067 Right! Come on, Rip! 654 00:59:42,176 --> 00:59:43,939 I'm coming. I'm coming! 655 00:59:45,212 --> 00:59:47,180 I don't have them! Where are they? 656 01:00:09,503 --> 01:00:12,097 -They're evacuating the Tower. -We're only 2 kilometers away. 657 01:00:12,206 --> 01:00:14,299 Snake, we're running out of time. You gotta do something. 658 01:00:14,408 --> 01:00:15,705 It's now or never. 659 01:00:25,252 --> 01:00:28,244 -He gave up. -He never gives up. 660 01:00:41,235 --> 01:00:42,429 Coming through! 661 01:01:04,324 --> 01:01:06,758 Okay, that was crazy. I didn't expect that. 662 01:01:07,861 --> 01:01:10,295 -What happened to you? -I went through the train. 663 01:01:10,397 --> 01:01:12,865 -What happened to you? -I jumped over it. 664 01:01:13,300 --> 01:01:16,326 - You can do that? -Yeah. I told you to read that manual. 665 01:01:16,437 --> 01:01:17,870 There's a manual? 666 01:01:22,009 --> 01:01:24,477 Next time, I'll drive. 667 01:01:37,524 --> 01:01:39,754 Here. Take the kill switch. 668 01:01:50,070 --> 01:01:51,628 Come on. Get out of the way! 669 01:01:54,241 --> 01:01:56,402 Hey, guys, they're alive and they're on the move. 670 01:01:56,510 --> 01:01:59,775 And they've activated the warhead. I'm tracking the kill switch now. 671 01:02:01,281 --> 01:02:02,475 Duke! Duke, it's on the Baroness! 672 01:02:02,583 --> 01:02:05,108 Storm Shadow has one of the warheads, and it's armed! 673 01:02:15,929 --> 01:02:18,557 Get out of my way! Get out! 674 01:02:19,566 --> 01:02:20,999 Get out! 675 01:02:22,269 --> 01:02:23,293 Nice shoes. 676 01:02:34,081 --> 01:02:35,639 You get the warhead, I'll get the kill switch. 677 01:02:35,749 --> 01:02:36,977 Yeah, I'm on it. 678 01:03:00,007 --> 01:03:01,668 Damn, that ninja's fast! 679 01:03:05,145 --> 01:03:06,169 No. 680 01:03:31,138 --> 01:03:32,366 Oh, no! 681 01:03:45,118 --> 01:03:47,279 -Bloody hell. - No. 682 01:04:08,675 --> 01:04:10,040 They're gonna eat through the entire city. 683 01:04:10,143 --> 01:04:11,906 Duke, you have to hit that kill switch! 684 01:04:44,311 --> 01:04:45,972 Oh, God. 685 01:05:08,769 --> 01:05:09,861 Disarmed. 686 01:05:23,450 --> 01:05:25,884 Congratulations, Duke. You just saved Paris. 687 01:05:28,789 --> 01:05:30,313 Or at least most of it. 688 01:06:00,287 --> 01:06:03,415 - Is that blood? -Spaghetti sauce. Don't ask. 689 01:06:04,358 --> 01:06:06,223 -They got Duke. - We know. 690 01:06:06,626 --> 01:06:09,117 -What are you doing? -Plugging into his cerebral cortex. 691 01:06:09,229 --> 01:06:10,253 I hate to break the news to you, 692 01:06:10,364 --> 01:06:12,628 but I don't think he's gonna give you much in his dead condition. 693 01:06:12,733 --> 01:06:14,598 The brain survives a couple of minutes after death. 694 01:06:14,701 --> 01:06:17,329 We can retrieve the electrical impulses from his most recent memories 695 01:06:17,437 --> 01:06:19,530 -and convert them to images. -Well, can we find Duke? 696 01:06:19,639 --> 01:06:21,197 We need to find the other three warheads first. 697 01:06:21,308 --> 01:06:24,471 If this guy remembers his way home, maybe we can find both. 698 01:06:25,312 --> 01:06:28,509 Okay, here come the images. Let's see where this guy's been. 699 01:06:34,087 --> 01:06:35,111 - He's still alive! - He can't be. 700 01:06:35,222 --> 01:06:36,280 He's got 3-inch needles in his head! 701 01:06:36,390 --> 01:06:39,484 -Hey, dead guys don't breakdance! -What's happening, Breaker? 702 01:06:39,593 --> 01:06:42,391 -Nanomites, they're eating him. - Must be some sort of self- destruct. 703 01:06:42,496 --> 01:06:45,021 -Hurry, Breaker! -Come on, come on, come on. 704 01:06:46,633 --> 01:06:48,567 No. No! 705 01:06:50,737 --> 01:06:52,136 No, no, no! 706 01:06:53,874 --> 01:06:56,342 The beauty of nanotechnology. 707 01:06:58,011 --> 01:07:00,206 - We are screwed. -Relax. I got everything I could. 708 01:07:00,313 --> 01:07:02,440 What? Then what the hell was the, "No, no, no, no!" for? 709 01:07:02,549 --> 01:07:03,709 That was for McCullen. 710 01:07:03,817 --> 01:07:06,513 -They were watching us. -Okay. So what did you get? 711 01:07:06,620 --> 01:07:07,985 Actually, not that much. Just images. 712 01:07:08,088 --> 01:07:09,988 Come on, Frenchie. I thought you said you was the best at this. 713 01:07:10,090 --> 01:07:11,387 - I am the best at this! -All right. 714 01:07:11,491 --> 01:07:13,015 -Nobody can do what I just did. -Okay. 715 01:07:15,629 --> 01:07:16,994 Wait, no. 716 01:07:17,497 --> 01:07:19,362 - What are you doing. - We are the good guys. 717 01:07:21,101 --> 01:07:22,830 -Put your hands up, Rip. - We don't have time for this! 718 01:07:22,936 --> 01:07:24,665 We're not allowed to engage with friendly forces. 719 01:07:24,771 --> 01:07:27,672 They don't look too friendly to me. I gotta get my boy. 720 01:07:27,774 --> 01:07:29,639 -Look, Captain... -Rip! 721 01:07:54,801 --> 01:07:57,031 We're still trying to locate the three remaining warheads, sir. 722 01:07:57,137 --> 01:07:59,935 - What's the status of the Joes? -They've been detained. 723 01:08:00,040 --> 01:08:03,498 -The French are pretty upset. -Of course they're upset. 724 01:08:05,212 --> 01:08:06,645 Get me the French Ambassador. 725 01:08:15,188 --> 01:08:17,986 ...in a matter of seconds by a strike by a missile... 726 01:08:18,091 --> 01:08:19,422 Hey, no, no! 727 01:08:20,694 --> 01:08:23,720 Please don't touch that! That's my equipment. It's very... 728 01:08:24,998 --> 01:08:26,625 Okay, he's touching it. 729 01:08:27,934 --> 01:08:30,027 -Nice going, slick. - It's not his fault. 730 01:08:30,136 --> 01:08:32,229 He's just emotional. 731 01:08:32,806 --> 01:08:34,899 -Here, let me look at that. - I'm fine. 732 01:08:35,008 --> 01:08:37,374 Just trying to help. General! 733 01:08:42,349 --> 01:08:48,049 The French have agreed to let you all go on the condition that none of you return. 734 01:08:49,222 --> 01:08:50,246 Ever. 735 01:08:50,357 --> 01:08:52,518 - Never? - It could be worse. 736 01:08:52,626 --> 01:08:54,253 What do you mean by never? Like, never, never, ever? 737 01:08:54,361 --> 01:08:55,828 There's more. 738 01:08:55,929 --> 01:08:59,490 All of you have been recalled by your respective heads of state. 739 01:08:59,599 --> 01:09:01,999 Team Alpha is to return to the Pit. 740 01:09:03,370 --> 01:09:04,928 What about Duke? 741 01:09:11,845 --> 01:09:14,143 Call McCullen. Tell him we have the three warheads. 742 01:09:14,247 --> 01:09:15,475 Right away. 743 01:09:18,018 --> 01:09:19,986 Why didn't you just kill me? 744 01:09:20,086 --> 01:09:22,953 McCullen has something special in mind for you. 745 01:09:23,056 --> 01:09:24,250 McCullen. 746 01:09:26,393 --> 01:09:27,917 What happened to you? 747 01:09:28,028 --> 01:09:29,393 Now you care? 748 01:09:30,797 --> 01:09:31,855 Okay. 749 01:09:33,233 --> 01:09:34,598 I am sorry. 750 01:09:35,802 --> 01:09:37,770 I'm sorry about Rex. 751 01:09:38,505 --> 01:09:41,099 I'm sorry that I couldn't bring Rex home. 752 01:09:42,042 --> 01:09:45,011 And I'm so sorry that I couldn't face you afterwards. 753 01:09:46,479 --> 01:09:48,845 Well, everybody's sorry about something. 754 01:10:56,583 --> 01:10:57,948 Master! 755 01:10:58,518 --> 01:10:59,712 Master. 756 01:11:21,408 --> 01:11:23,672 Okay, so what about Duke? We're just gonna forget about him? 757 01:11:23,777 --> 01:11:24,971 We've got our orders. 758 01:11:25,078 --> 01:11:27,012 Look, man, what if it was one of your guys? 759 01:11:27,113 --> 01:11:29,604 What if it was Scarlett or Breaker? What would you do then? 760 01:11:29,716 --> 01:11:32,082 Looks pretty remote. Might be a good location for a base. 761 01:11:32,185 --> 01:11:34,949 Snow. That leaves us with what, a third of the earth? 762 01:11:35,055 --> 01:11:36,215 Yeah. 763 01:11:38,425 --> 01:11:40,757 -Hey, is that McCullen's shadow? -What you got? 764 01:11:40,860 --> 01:11:43,226 -Spherical trigonometry. - I must have missed that class. 765 01:11:43,329 --> 01:11:45,297 If you know the height of the object, the length of the shadow, 766 01:11:45,398 --> 01:11:46,831 and the time and date that the image was captured, 767 01:11:46,933 --> 01:11:49,128 -you can figure out its location. -That's why I missed that class. 768 01:11:49,235 --> 01:11:50,998 All right, Breaker, give it to me. What have we got? 769 01:11:51,104 --> 01:11:56,303 Okay. McCullen is 1 80 centimeters tall. His shadow is 46 centimeters. 770 01:11:56,409 --> 01:11:58,138 This image has decayed 6%, 771 01:11:58,244 --> 01:12:01,611 which means it's 51 hours and 1 7 minutes old. 772 01:12:02,148 --> 01:12:03,979 That's at the polar icecap. 773 01:12:04,084 --> 01:12:05,608 -Heavy. -Yep. 774 01:12:07,353 --> 01:12:08,320 What do you say, sir? 775 01:12:08,421 --> 01:12:10,685 I said you've been ordered back to the Pit, 776 01:12:11,825 --> 01:12:14,988 but I didn't say when and I didn't say which route to take. 777 01:12:18,131 --> 01:12:19,621 Maybe a northern one. 778 01:12:36,950 --> 01:12:38,508 That is a lot of ice. 779 01:12:38,618 --> 01:12:40,950 Thousands of miles across and 1 0 stories thick. 780 01:12:41,054 --> 01:12:43,989 Locating McCullen's base will be like finding a needle in a coal mine. 781 01:12:44,090 --> 01:12:46,115 -Haystack. -Oh, right. 782 01:12:46,593 --> 01:12:48,254 Haystack in a coal mine. 783 01:13:37,210 --> 01:13:39,269 No! McCullen has plans for him! 784 01:13:46,553 --> 01:13:47,747 Enough! 785 01:14:01,835 --> 01:14:03,359 And what was your plan? 786 01:14:03,970 --> 01:14:06,404 Run 3,000 miles across the ice? 787 01:14:11,611 --> 01:14:13,101 Stupid soldier. 788 01:14:21,588 --> 01:14:22,987 Move it. 789 01:14:23,456 --> 01:14:25,321 -That's strange. - What? 790 01:14:25,658 --> 01:14:28,354 When they stole the weapons case, I set my scanner 791 01:14:28,461 --> 01:14:31,726 to look out for the tracking beacon in case it came back on. 792 01:14:31,831 --> 01:14:34,595 -And it just came back on. -That's my boy! 793 01:14:55,688 --> 01:14:56,712 Three left. 794 01:14:56,823 --> 01:15:00,589 Take the warheads to the missiles. I want them ready to launch in one hour. 795 01:15:00,827 --> 01:15:02,351 It will be done. 796 01:15:10,570 --> 01:15:12,538 My beautiful Lady of the Lake. 797 01:15:21,114 --> 01:15:22,706 This bother you? 798 01:15:24,384 --> 01:15:28,514 It's funny, isn't it? The entire balance of power in the world about to shift, 799 01:15:28,621 --> 01:15:32,022 two guys can still have a stare-down over who gets the girl. 800 01:15:49,542 --> 01:15:51,669 I'm gonna make you very unhappy. 801 01:15:51,778 --> 01:15:53,746 -I'm already unhappy. -Get up! 802 01:16:06,092 --> 01:16:08,686 Video from the Aqua Cam is coming online now. 803 01:16:09,228 --> 01:16:10,661 Bloody hell. 804 01:16:10,997 --> 01:16:14,023 They've built a military base under the polar icecap. 805 01:16:14,133 --> 01:16:17,034 It's the perfect location. Nearly undetectable, easily defensible. 806 01:16:17,136 --> 01:16:19,696 -Duke's got to be in there somewhere. - And the warheads. 807 01:16:19,806 --> 01:16:21,899 We have to find a quiet way to get inside. 808 01:16:24,410 --> 01:16:27,174 Elevator cables. They've got a surface entrance. 809 01:16:27,280 --> 01:16:31,512 Guys, there's something else. Going to sonar view. 810 01:16:32,218 --> 01:16:34,516 They've got tunnels running through the ice pack. 811 01:16:34,620 --> 01:16:36,884 Hey, look, they've got their own attack subs. 812 01:16:36,990 --> 01:16:38,480 Okay, what's that? 813 01:16:38,591 --> 01:16:41,253 - Missile tubes. - Must be for the nanomite warheads. 814 01:16:41,361 --> 01:16:44,626 Take us up. I'll create a distraction from outside and keep them busy 815 01:16:44,731 --> 01:16:47,325 while you lot infiltrate the facility from above. We'll find Duke... 816 01:16:47,433 --> 01:16:48,957 - Grab the warheads. -Kill all the bad guys. 817 01:16:49,869 --> 01:16:53,066 As you all know, Team Alpha is under direct orders 818 01:16:53,172 --> 01:16:55,606 to return to their respective national bases. 819 01:16:55,708 --> 01:16:59,735 But I have something I need to do which goes against all orders. 820 01:17:00,713 --> 01:17:03,443 So, if any of you decide that you have to leave now, 821 01:17:03,549 --> 01:17:06,313 I will certainly not hold it against you. 822 01:17:16,329 --> 01:17:17,353 Okay, then. 823 01:17:18,564 --> 01:17:19,724 What are you gonna do with the warheads? 824 01:17:19,832 --> 01:17:22,528 You take to your training well. That's good. 825 01:17:22,635 --> 01:17:24,398 Still trying to develop intel. 826 01:17:24,504 --> 01:17:26,699 -So you won't mind telling me. - lsn't it obvious? 827 01:17:26,806 --> 01:17:29,001 I'm a businessman. I'm going to use them. 828 01:17:29,108 --> 01:17:30,710 Millions of people are gonna die if you launch those warheads, 829 01:17:30,710 --> 01:17:31,574 Millions of people are gonna die if you launch those warheads, 830 01:17:31,677 --> 01:17:32,701 so what is it that you want? 831 01:17:32,812 --> 01:17:36,942 To strike fear into the hearts of every man, woman and child on the planet. 832 01:17:37,617 --> 01:17:39,847 Then they'll turn to the person with the most power. 833 01:17:39,952 --> 01:17:41,010 You? 834 01:17:41,687 --> 01:17:43,177 No, not me. 835 01:17:43,289 --> 01:17:45,450 -You're not seeing the whole picture. - Then tell me. 836 01:17:45,558 --> 01:17:47,583 I don't wanna spoil the surprise. 837 01:17:58,004 --> 01:17:58,993 Guests. 838 01:17:59,105 --> 01:18:01,938 Meet the genius behind all my nanotechnology. 839 01:18:02,041 --> 01:18:04,771 Genius? You are too kind. 840 01:18:05,244 --> 01:18:08,372 As you can see, we are loading my nanomite warheads 841 01:18:08,481 --> 01:18:10,312 into the high-V missiles. 842 01:18:10,416 --> 01:18:13,146 Once at maximum velocity, Mach 5, 843 01:18:13,519 --> 01:18:16,716 not even the Joes have the technology to catch them. 844 01:18:16,823 --> 01:18:19,917 So, who's this? Another recruit? 845 01:18:20,927 --> 01:18:22,918 Albeit a rather unwilling one. 846 01:18:23,029 --> 01:18:25,463 I'll prepare him for the procedure. 847 01:18:46,686 --> 01:18:49,314 All teams, listen up, this is General Hawk. 848 01:18:49,422 --> 01:18:52,516 The mission is a go. I say again, the mission is a go. 849 01:18:53,226 --> 01:18:54,193 Good luck, Joes. 850 01:19:24,557 --> 01:19:27,117 -The teams have been deployed, sir. -Get me a satellite uplink. 851 01:19:27,226 --> 01:19:29,694 I wanna see everything that's going on down there. 852 01:19:42,542 --> 01:19:43,702 You picking up anything? 853 01:19:43,809 --> 01:19:46,175 Negative. There's nothing on the scanner. 854 01:19:58,791 --> 01:20:00,520 -Nice shooting. -Thank you. 855 01:20:02,428 --> 01:20:04,157 We're a long way from Miami. 856 01:20:05,598 --> 01:20:08,431 That's a Night Raven. They actually built one. 857 01:20:08,534 --> 01:20:11,094 Looks fast. That McCullen got some gadgets. 858 01:20:12,505 --> 01:20:17,943 MARS lndustries manufactures 70% of all arms on this planet. 859 01:20:18,344 --> 01:20:20,039 70%. 860 01:20:21,113 --> 01:20:24,139 Did you know that, Duke? 861 01:20:24,750 --> 01:20:29,551 There are two sides to McCullen's operation, the Sword and the Shield. 862 01:20:29,922 --> 01:20:32,390 The Sword creates and sells weaponry. 863 01:20:32,491 --> 01:20:36,894 The Shield creates defensive technology, like high-tech bunkers, 864 01:20:36,996 --> 01:20:39,055 which are supposed to protect one from anything 865 01:20:39,165 --> 01:20:42,066 from a nuclear blast to a nanomite warhead. 866 01:20:42,168 --> 01:20:46,400 Unfortunately, the bunker in which I took shelter 867 01:20:46,505 --> 01:20:48,200 was just a prototype. 868 01:20:48,307 --> 01:20:49,740 Who are you? 869 01:21:02,455 --> 01:21:03,683 Rex? 870 01:21:04,790 --> 01:21:07,384 You son of a bitch! Ana buried you! 871 01:21:07,493 --> 01:21:09,927 Moving ceremony, I'm sure. 872 01:21:10,029 --> 01:21:12,088 The three-volley salute. 873 01:21:12,198 --> 01:21:15,190 Boots on the ground. A folded flag in her arms. 874 01:21:15,301 --> 01:21:17,735 Why? Why didn't you just come in? 875 01:21:17,837 --> 01:21:20,772 Because I discovered something. 876 01:21:23,976 --> 01:21:26,308 ...subject number 23. 877 01:21:28,180 --> 01:21:30,080 This will only hurt a little. 878 01:21:30,182 --> 01:21:32,582 What comes next, more so. 879 01:21:32,685 --> 01:21:35,153 Listen, Mindbender, do whatever it takes. 880 01:21:35,254 --> 01:21:36,721 So will I. 881 01:21:36,822 --> 01:21:40,087 Remember, science requires sacrifice. 882 01:21:41,360 --> 01:21:43,828 -It's beautiful, isn't it? -Stay where you are! 883 01:21:45,264 --> 01:21:47,027 Are you going to shoot me? 884 01:21:49,368 --> 01:21:52,269 These aren't chemical or nuclear, are they? 885 01:21:52,371 --> 01:21:53,531 No. 886 01:21:53,639 --> 01:21:55,937 They're something much, much better. 887 01:21:56,042 --> 01:21:57,407 It is beautiful. 888 01:21:59,445 --> 01:22:01,777 Nanomites, it's beyond... 889 01:22:02,281 --> 01:22:04,715 It's light years ahead of what anyone else is doing in the field. 890 01:22:05,418 --> 01:22:06,908 Proximity alert. 891 01:22:07,019 --> 01:22:10,716 Aerial attack imminent. All personnel to the bunker. 892 01:22:15,394 --> 01:22:18,056 Come on. Come on! What? 893 01:22:18,164 --> 01:22:20,496 What are you doing? Don't close that. Don't... 894 01:22:21,934 --> 01:22:25,199 If we live, I'll show you everything. 895 01:22:29,909 --> 01:22:33,811 We survived that blast, somewhat. 896 01:22:33,913 --> 01:22:38,213 And Dr. Mindbender and I escaped with his research, which I perfected 897 01:22:38,317 --> 01:22:41,377 and which you will now experience first-hand. 898 01:22:41,487 --> 01:22:43,751 Does Ana know about this? About you? 899 01:22:43,856 --> 01:22:46,416 No, and she never will. 900 01:22:48,994 --> 01:22:50,552 Commence the launch sequence. 901 01:22:50,663 --> 01:22:56,226 Commencing launch sequence. T-minus four, three, two, one. 902 01:22:56,669 --> 01:22:58,102 Ignite primary engines. 903 01:22:59,672 --> 01:23:01,264 We have ignition. 904 01:23:07,079 --> 01:23:08,876 They're launching the missiles! 905 01:23:45,151 --> 01:23:48,416 We lost the Beijing missile. Warhead three is down, sir. 906 01:23:48,521 --> 01:23:50,546 - Alert all defenses. -Yes, sir. 907 01:23:50,656 --> 01:23:51,953 He's here. 908 01:24:03,569 --> 01:24:05,935 - What about the other two? -We gotta find the kill switches. 909 01:24:06,038 --> 01:24:07,198 They're already way too far out of range. 910 01:24:07,306 --> 01:24:10,002 Somebody has to get up there and shoot those things down. 911 01:24:10,109 --> 01:24:13,408 Well, I guess that's me. 912 01:24:14,213 --> 01:24:15,510 - Sir. - What is it? 913 01:24:15,614 --> 01:24:17,548 STRATCOM is tracking three warheads 914 01:24:17,650 --> 01:24:19,413 that have just launched off the polar icecap. 915 01:24:19,518 --> 01:24:20,507 One was downed immediately. 916 01:24:20,619 --> 01:24:22,519 The other two are currently entering the upper atmosphere. 917 01:24:22,621 --> 01:24:24,054 We need to get you down to the bunker, sir. 918 01:24:24,156 --> 01:24:26,818 Well, they haven't made any demands. What's their plan? 919 01:24:29,195 --> 01:24:31,186 Now, this is very cool. 920 01:24:31,697 --> 01:24:33,995 -Yeah, but can you fly it? -I can fly anything. 921 01:24:34,099 --> 01:24:36,624 You just find a way to guide me to those warheads. 922 01:24:36,735 --> 01:24:38,999 -Right. Ripcord... - Yeah? 923 01:24:41,907 --> 01:24:43,670 - Good luck. - Thanks. 924 01:24:44,043 --> 01:24:45,772 -Hey, do me a favor. - Yeah? 925 01:24:45,878 --> 01:24:47,937 - Save Duke. -You got it. 926 01:24:57,523 --> 01:24:58,785 Let's go! 927 01:25:10,135 --> 01:25:12,433 The floor is pressure-plated and laser-protected. 928 01:25:12,538 --> 01:25:15,735 Anything larger than a quarter that touches that floor gets fried. 929 01:25:18,777 --> 01:25:22,975 You left me for dead, Duke, and look at me. 930 01:25:24,149 --> 01:25:26,743 Now you'll know what it's like to be a monster. 931 01:25:34,193 --> 01:25:36,093 - We don't have much time. - Ana? 932 01:25:45,971 --> 01:25:47,461 Oh, my God. 933 01:25:49,308 --> 01:25:51,868 - Ana! -Security, to the operating chamber! 934 01:25:51,977 --> 01:25:54,502 - Rex! -I press this, she dies. 935 01:25:54,613 --> 01:25:57,844 -You did this to your own sister! -I loved my sister. 936 01:25:57,950 --> 01:26:01,852 Do you have any idea the state she was in with me dead, you gone? 937 01:26:03,155 --> 01:26:06,124 Have you ever felt truly alone? 938 01:26:07,059 --> 01:26:11,086 I gave her a way to deal with the pain. I gave her purpose. 939 01:26:11,297 --> 01:26:14,130 You could have stopped all of this just by letting her know you were alive! 940 01:26:14,233 --> 01:26:16,428 Science requires sacrifice. 941 01:26:16,535 --> 01:26:18,969 All she's done was because of you! 942 01:26:19,071 --> 01:26:22,165 And because of you, Duke. You abandoned her. 943 01:26:22,274 --> 01:26:25,471 -Let's not forget that point. -I'm gonna kill you, Rex. 944 01:26:30,115 --> 01:26:32,140 - Is she still alive? - For now. 945 01:26:32,251 --> 01:26:34,913 I thought we had complete control. You said this couldn't happen. 946 01:26:35,020 --> 01:26:36,044 I didn't think it could. 947 01:26:36,155 --> 01:26:39,784 I've never seen anyone override the programming, even momentarily. 948 01:26:39,892 --> 01:26:41,621 She did this for him. 949 01:26:42,227 --> 01:26:45,788 The pain must have been excruciating. 950 01:26:54,340 --> 01:26:55,932 What you'll have to do 951 01:26:56,041 --> 01:26:59,704 is to rewire the laser panel's brain by carefully... 952 01:27:01,480 --> 01:27:03,778 -Or you can just stab it. - This is Scarlett. We're in. 953 01:27:04,683 --> 01:27:05,707 Deploy the SHARCs! 954 01:27:06,485 --> 01:27:07,747 Detaching SHARCs 1-3... 955 01:27:07,853 --> 01:27:10,754 Detaching SHARCs Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta. 956 01:27:10,856 --> 01:27:13,347 -Full speed ahead. -Detaching SHARCs. 957 01:27:13,459 --> 01:27:16,860 SHARCs Victor, Franklin, Tango into flanking positions. 958 01:27:16,962 --> 01:27:19,294 All right, boys. Attack formation. 959 01:27:32,711 --> 01:27:35,305 Fan out. Wait until the Joes break formation. 960 01:27:35,714 --> 01:27:38,444 Stay tight. Here they come. 961 01:28:01,006 --> 01:28:03,406 -Fire up the pulse cannon! -We're on it, sir. 962 01:28:06,845 --> 01:28:08,244 - I'll do it! - Put it down! 963 01:28:08,347 --> 01:28:09,837 Your choice, Duke. 964 01:28:10,582 --> 01:28:12,174 Charging pulse cannon. 965 01:28:24,763 --> 01:28:26,458 Everybody stay tight on the enemy craft. 966 01:28:26,565 --> 01:28:28,430 Don't let that cannon catch you out in the open. 967 01:28:28,534 --> 01:28:30,229 Bogey at 10 o'clock. 968 01:28:30,335 --> 01:28:32,064 I'm hit! I'm hit! I'm hit! 969 01:28:33,172 --> 01:28:36,835 Missile 2, all telemetry and propulsion systems nominal. 970 01:29:04,837 --> 01:29:07,067 -Ripcord, can you hear me? -Loud and clear, buddy. 971 01:29:07,172 --> 01:29:09,299 Doing Mach 6 and loving it! 972 01:29:10,175 --> 01:29:12,143 Come on, girl. Time to show me what you got. 973 01:29:14,747 --> 01:29:17,648 Okay, Rip, I have the coordinates of the other two warheads. 974 01:29:17,750 --> 01:29:20,412 The closest target is Moscow. You'll have to hit that one first. 975 01:29:20,519 --> 01:29:22,009 Target two is Washington. 976 01:29:26,325 --> 01:29:27,724 You'll be safe down in this bunker, sir. 977 01:29:27,826 --> 01:29:30,556 -How soon before it strikes the city? -Seventeen minutes, sir. 978 01:29:30,662 --> 01:29:33,062 -It's all up to the Joes now. -Please hurry, Mr. President. 979 01:29:33,165 --> 01:29:34,860 We need to get you buttoned up. 980 01:29:52,951 --> 01:29:55,818 General Hawk, we've lost our engines. We're completely disabled. 981 01:29:55,921 --> 01:29:59,015 Somebody take out that damn cannon. There's 200 Joes on that sub. 982 01:29:59,124 --> 01:30:01,058 We're on it, sir. All right, Snake, 983 01:30:01,160 --> 01:30:02,457 the cannon control room should be right there, 984 01:30:02,561 --> 01:30:04,461 where all the laser conduits converge. 985 01:30:05,464 --> 01:30:09,025 Did you think she loved you? Did you imagine your life with her? 986 01:30:09,535 --> 01:30:11,400 All I know is, neither one of you deserve her. 987 01:30:11,503 --> 01:30:13,994 - That's it. She dies! -Don't do it, Rex! 988 01:30:27,019 --> 01:30:28,281 Come on. 989 01:30:30,589 --> 01:30:31,817 I'm gonna get you out of here. 990 01:30:33,859 --> 01:30:34,985 Get up! 991 01:30:35,627 --> 01:30:37,288 You're coming with me. 992 01:30:53,545 --> 01:30:56,912 Ripcord, the Moscow missile will impact in four minutes. 993 01:30:57,015 --> 01:30:58,505 All right, I got a visual on it. 994 01:30:59,017 --> 01:31:00,143 Dead ahead. 995 01:31:01,086 --> 01:31:03,350 You have to knock it down before it re-enters the atmosphere. 996 01:31:03,455 --> 01:31:05,150 If those nanomites hit the ground, it's all over. 997 01:31:05,324 --> 01:31:06,621 They'll destroy the whole city. 998 01:31:06,725 --> 01:31:08,249 Houston, we have a problem. 999 01:31:08,360 --> 01:31:11,659 - The fire controls are not in here. -What do you mean, not in there? 1000 01:31:11,997 --> 01:31:13,658 I mean, I don't see them anywhere. 1001 01:31:14,533 --> 01:31:15,898 It must be voice- activated. 1002 01:31:16,001 --> 01:31:17,229 Okay. Fire! 1003 01:31:19,238 --> 01:31:22,332 Shoot! Blast away! Bust a cap! 1004 01:31:23,909 --> 01:31:27,003 -Nothing's happening! -I bet it's in a different language. 1005 01:31:27,112 --> 01:31:30,275 Wait a minute. McCullen is Scottish. Maybe the plane responds to Celtic. 1006 01:31:30,382 --> 01:31:33,442 -Try Teine. - What? 1007 01:31:33,552 --> 01:31:37,420 -Teine. It's Celt, Scottish for fire. -Okay, got it. 1008 01:31:46,365 --> 01:31:48,731 Nice going, ace. You just saved Moscow. 1009 01:31:48,834 --> 01:31:51,598 Just doing my job. Now guide me to Washington. 1010 01:31:57,976 --> 01:32:01,070 Yeah. Yeah, thanks, that's great news. I'll let him know. 1011 01:32:01,179 --> 01:32:04,012 Sir, one of the Joes shot down the warhead heading for Moscow. 1012 01:32:04,116 --> 01:32:05,413 Thank God. 1013 01:32:10,088 --> 01:32:12,352 What are you doing? Oh, my God! 1014 01:32:17,562 --> 01:32:18,927 It's done. 1015 01:32:31,910 --> 01:32:35,641 Hello, Mr. President. Mr. McCullen sends his regards. 1016 01:32:36,515 --> 01:32:37,948 Oh, my God. 1017 01:32:39,885 --> 01:32:41,614 So, that's what this is all about. 1018 01:32:44,122 --> 01:32:46,090 All right. Keep tight, boys. 1019 01:32:46,191 --> 01:32:49,058 All guns on that cannon. Torpedoes away! 1020 01:33:00,872 --> 01:33:01,998 I've just lost my wingman. 1021 01:33:02,107 --> 01:33:04,166 Retargeting Joe submarine. 1022 01:33:06,678 --> 01:33:08,236 I've got a shot. 1023 01:33:29,067 --> 01:33:32,332 Pulse cannon fault. Pulse cannon fault. 1024 01:33:33,005 --> 01:33:35,030 Cannon now offline. 1025 01:33:45,384 --> 01:33:48,683 -The whole damn system's down. -I'm trying to bring it back online. 1026 01:33:55,694 --> 01:33:56,752 Now you die. 1027 01:34:19,718 --> 01:34:20,980 Launch immediately. 1028 01:34:21,086 --> 01:34:23,077 -Chart a course up to the ice pack. -Yes, sir. 1029 01:34:38,637 --> 01:34:41,105 -We gotta go after Rex and McCullen. - How could it be Rex? 1030 01:34:42,707 --> 01:34:44,572 Hey, Scarlett, it's Duke! 1031 01:34:44,676 --> 01:34:46,303 - He looks fine. -But what's he doing with her? 1032 01:34:58,557 --> 01:35:01,685 Okay, we got a track on McCullen's sub. He's headed up into the ice pack. 1033 01:35:04,796 --> 01:35:05,922 Duke, behind us! 1034 01:35:09,668 --> 01:35:11,829 Looks like they're onto us. Ana, shoot those guys. 1035 01:35:11,937 --> 01:35:12,995 Love to. 1036 01:35:57,315 --> 01:36:01,012 When our master was killed, you took a vow of silence. 1037 01:36:01,786 --> 01:36:04,084 Now you will die without a word. 1038 01:36:08,093 --> 01:36:10,425 All right, the second one in my sights. 1039 01:36:10,529 --> 01:36:13,726 Okay, Rip, you only got 30 seconds before it enters the lower atmosphere. 1040 01:36:26,912 --> 01:36:28,004 I got you! 1041 01:36:36,221 --> 01:36:37,711 -Ripcord, you missed. - The warhead has entered 1042 01:36:37,822 --> 01:36:38,811 the lower atmosphere. 1043 01:36:38,924 --> 01:36:40,892 I know, I know! I'm on it, I'm on it! 1044 01:36:44,796 --> 01:36:45,854 Shit! 1045 01:36:47,999 --> 01:36:50,263 -I can't shake these guys. -Duke, I'm out! 1046 01:36:50,635 --> 01:36:53,229 -All right, let's see what we got here. -Black Ray, Eliminator, LAW. 1047 01:36:53,338 --> 01:36:56,000 Laser Artillery Weapon. That sounds good. 1048 01:37:02,380 --> 01:37:03,574 - Scarlett! -Hey, Duke! 1049 01:37:03,682 --> 01:37:04,740 I'm going after McCullen and Rex. 1050 01:37:04,849 --> 01:37:05,907 You guys better get the hell out of there. 1051 01:37:06,017 --> 01:37:08,042 I can't. Rip has one more warhead to take down. 1052 01:37:08,153 --> 01:37:09,142 Rip, where is he? 1053 01:37:16,494 --> 01:37:19,292 The missile's just gone drone. It's going in for the kill! 1054 01:38:21,359 --> 01:38:23,793 Sir, there's a hostile Mantis craft coming up behind us. 1055 01:38:23,895 --> 01:38:25,192 - Seal the door. - Sir. 1056 01:38:31,636 --> 01:38:33,126 There you are. 1057 01:38:43,081 --> 01:38:44,946 One got through. I hit them! 1058 01:38:47,652 --> 01:38:49,449 Duke! They're back! 1059 01:38:53,358 --> 01:38:55,690 Going hot in three, two, one. 1060 01:39:08,440 --> 01:39:11,102 There's gotta be another way around to Rex and McCullen. 1061 01:39:11,209 --> 01:39:13,541 Charting new course for alternate route. 1062 01:39:21,619 --> 01:39:23,610 Twenty seconds until impact. 1063 01:39:23,722 --> 01:39:25,212 Come on, come on, come on. 1064 01:39:28,626 --> 01:39:30,253 You're too close, Rip! Back off! 1065 01:39:30,362 --> 01:39:34,389 Actually, I think I'm just about close enough. 1066 01:39:52,117 --> 01:39:53,948 He's taking the nanomites back into the upper atmosphere. 1067 01:40:03,795 --> 01:40:06,161 Ripcord, get out of that plane! 1068 01:40:06,264 --> 01:40:07,959 Almost there! 1069 01:40:10,602 --> 01:40:12,331 Eject, Ripcord, eject! 1070 01:40:22,547 --> 01:40:25,038 He did it. He actually did it. 1071 01:40:25,650 --> 01:40:26,810 Ripcord? 1072 01:40:29,354 --> 01:40:30,685 Ripcord? 1073 01:40:33,224 --> 01:40:34,282 Ripcord! 1074 01:40:34,392 --> 01:40:36,383 Didn't I ask you not to yell at me? 1075 01:40:38,997 --> 01:40:43,195 Everybody, listen up! We still have a lot of Joes out there in harm's way. 1076 01:40:43,301 --> 01:40:44,427 Let's bring them home. 1077 01:40:47,839 --> 01:40:50,467 - Did it work? -Yes, yes, it worked. 1078 01:40:51,810 --> 01:40:55,576 Good. Because I think I'm about to get arrested, again. 1079 01:40:57,182 --> 01:40:58,171 Don't move! 1080 01:40:58,283 --> 01:40:59,841 -Hey, hey, same team, same team! -Hands up! 1081 01:40:59,951 --> 01:41:01,612 Same team. 1082 01:41:01,719 --> 01:41:03,346 Okay, okay, okay. 1083 01:41:08,960 --> 01:41:12,088 - What's our status? - We've lost aft thrusters and the sonar. 1084 01:41:12,197 --> 01:41:15,826 -We're running blind. - Kill them. Kill all the Joes. 1085 01:41:15,934 --> 01:41:18,801 -Detonate the ice pack. -Right away, sir. 1086 01:41:27,111 --> 01:41:30,239 They're telling the other ships to abort. He's gonna blow the ice pack. 1087 01:41:30,348 --> 01:41:32,942 This is Duke calling all Joes. The ice pack's coming down! 1088 01:41:33,051 --> 01:41:34,211 There's a ton of steel and ice 1089 01:41:34,319 --> 01:41:35,308 -headed your way! - What? 1090 01:41:39,357 --> 01:41:42,053 Everybody, pull back! Pull back now! 1091 01:41:48,333 --> 01:41:50,426 Door! The door, the door! Get the door! 1092 01:41:53,805 --> 01:41:55,067 Come on! 1093 01:42:02,480 --> 01:42:05,916 Ana, we could get out of here right now, free and clear, safe and sound. 1094 01:42:09,320 --> 01:42:11,914 -Let's get them. -That's my girl. 1095 01:42:25,036 --> 01:42:27,869 -This is cutting it close, Duke. -I'm not letting those two get away. 1096 01:42:31,042 --> 01:42:32,703 Come on, guys, get out of there! 1097 01:42:40,652 --> 01:42:41,949 Snake! 1098 01:43:22,093 --> 01:43:24,960 - This is Scarlett. We're all clear. -This is Duke. We're clear, too. 1099 01:43:25,063 --> 01:43:26,690 Yo, Joe! 1100 01:43:32,737 --> 01:43:34,102 Yeah! 1101 01:43:51,522 --> 01:43:54,116 Now that we have a moment to ourselves, 1102 01:43:55,093 --> 01:43:56,526 I've designed something 1103 01:43:56,628 --> 01:43:59,597 -especially for you, James. - No! 1104 01:44:01,165 --> 01:44:03,099 This will only hurt a little. 1105 01:44:04,936 --> 01:44:08,372 What comes next, more so. 1106 01:44:13,444 --> 01:44:16,777 Nanomites, perfect little healers. 1107 01:44:30,395 --> 01:44:34,092 I've finally taken my place in a long line of McCullens. 1108 01:44:34,198 --> 01:44:40,398 James McCullen is no more. Now you are Destro. 1109 01:44:42,674 --> 01:44:44,835 What have you done to me? 1110 01:44:52,450 --> 01:44:57,979 The time has come for the cobra to rise up and reveal himself. 1111 01:45:00,792 --> 01:45:05,092 You will call me Commander. 1112 01:45:16,708 --> 01:45:19,506 This is Captain Duke Hauser. Prepare to be boarded. 1113 01:45:21,479 --> 01:45:22,571 Sir. 1114 01:45:25,349 --> 01:45:28,978 You are relentless, Duke. I'll give you that much. 1115 01:45:30,088 --> 01:45:33,854 And what's to stop me from blowing you out of the water? 1116 01:45:33,958 --> 01:45:37,325 Self-preservation. I'm taking you in, Rex. 1117 01:45:41,165 --> 01:45:42,996 You and what army? 1118 01:45:44,402 --> 01:45:45,664 My army. 1119 01:46:01,719 --> 01:46:05,177 You know, Duke, this has only just begun. 1120 01:46:10,995 --> 01:46:12,622 I'll be waiting for you. 1121 01:46:25,076 --> 01:46:27,909 I've never seen encoding like this. I mean, physically, she's fine, 1122 01:46:28,012 --> 01:46:30,640 but when Rex programmed them, he sure didn't want them taken out. 1123 01:46:30,748 --> 01:46:33,080 -So there's nothing you can do for her? -lt'll take some time, 1124 01:46:33,184 --> 01:46:35,084 but we'll take them out. 1125 01:46:40,057 --> 01:46:41,649 Till we get those things out of your head, 1126 01:46:41,759 --> 01:46:43,818 Iooks like you're gonna be seeing a lot of me around here. 1127 01:46:43,928 --> 01:46:47,989 You can't save me, Duke. No one can, not after all I've done. 1128 01:46:48,566 --> 01:46:50,431 Look, that wasn't you. 1129 01:46:53,304 --> 01:46:55,135 I'm not giving up on you. 1130 01:47:29,407 --> 01:47:32,001 -Man, we look good. -Yeah, well, you better get used to it. 1131 01:47:32,109 --> 01:47:34,873 Heavy Duty thinks you guys ought to stick around permanently. 1132 01:47:34,979 --> 01:47:36,173 So, you're asking us, right? 1133 01:47:36,280 --> 01:47:37,372 Yeah, Because he didn't sound like he was asking. 1134 01:47:37,481 --> 01:47:38,607 Because you gotta be asked to join the G.I. Joes. 1135 01:47:38,716 --> 01:47:40,013 I'm asking. 1136 01:47:40,551 --> 01:47:41,609 Well, I'm in. 1137 01:47:41,719 --> 01:47:45,985 -How do you feel about this? -I feel very emotional. 1138 01:47:46,891 --> 01:47:50,349 All Joes mobilize and ready check for Operation Mongoose. 1139 01:47:50,461 --> 01:47:53,726 All ground transports, rendezvous at Base Brothers Grimm. 1140 01:47:53,831 --> 01:47:56,732 All Howler Hunters will rendezvous at Base Roman Ruin. 1141 01:47:56,834 --> 01:47:58,392 Good luck, Joes. 1142 01:48:30,368 --> 01:48:32,427 Mr. President, it's good to see you. 1143 01:48:32,536 --> 01:48:34,401 -Thank you. And you. -It's nice to have you back safely, sir. 1144 01:48:34,505 --> 01:48:36,097 -Thank you. John. -Welcome back, sir. 1145 01:48:36,207 --> 01:48:39,142 Thank you. Thank you all so much. 1146 01:48:39,142 --> 02:00:00,000 facebook.com/sazu489