1 00:01:08,200 --> 00:01:11,101 Valhalla, this is Thor. Valhalla, this is Thor. 2 00:01:11,203 --> 00:01:14,639 We have visual on a possible high-value target, 3 00:01:14,740 --> 00:01:16,173 Thor, this is Valhalla. 4 00:01:16,275 --> 00:01:19,767 We're seeking positive lD on target traveling in convoy 5 00:01:19,878 --> 00:01:22,938 and we're pushing more assets your way. 6 00:01:23,081 --> 00:01:26,209 Contact Loki on secondary net. 7 00:01:26,318 --> 00:01:28,252 Loki, this is Thor. 8 00:01:28,353 --> 00:01:32,483 Target is located at grid coordinates two-four-Tango-Kilo-Bravo 9 00:01:32,591 --> 00:01:35,924 one-two-four-five-six-seven-three-niner, 10 00:01:36,028 --> 00:01:37,757 Confirm you have visual, 11 00:01:37,863 --> 00:01:39,228 Verifying target lD. 12 00:01:39,331 --> 00:01:41,356 Electro-optic and infrared sensors are online. 13 00:01:41,466 --> 00:01:43,934 -Confirming target. -SecDef is arriving now. 14 00:01:53,178 --> 00:01:55,476 Mr. Secretary, this way, sir. 15 00:01:59,952 --> 00:02:01,476 Attempting cell phone link to moving target. 16 00:02:01,587 --> 00:02:03,452 Stand by for data feed. 17 00:02:06,291 --> 00:02:07,690 Stand by for audio. 18 00:02:07,793 --> 00:02:08,987 Got it. 19 00:02:10,629 --> 00:02:14,429 Now, don't tell me you spotted the beard in the middle of a goddamn sandstorm. 20 00:02:14,533 --> 00:02:17,764 -ls it really him? -We're confirming that now, sir. 21 00:02:17,869 --> 00:02:18,893 Sir, audio is coming up now. 22 00:02:19,004 --> 00:02:22,167 -Verifying voice pattern match. -What do we have here, Sergeant? 23 00:02:23,075 --> 00:02:26,636 Four males. One of them is speaking in a Rakhshani dialect, 24 00:02:26,745 --> 00:02:29,339 consistent with our intel on al-Khoei. 25 00:02:31,917 --> 00:02:33,680 Sir, it's just coming up. 26 00:02:33,785 --> 00:02:37,312 ''Thirty-seven percent'' and ''probable'' don't belong in the same sentence. 27 00:02:37,422 --> 00:02:38,946 l'm not taking this to the President. 28 00:02:39,057 --> 00:02:42,117 ClA and NCTC concur it is the target, 29 00:02:42,227 --> 00:02:44,024 based on reliable intel from the Brits, 30 00:02:44,129 --> 00:02:46,427 They're pulling off the highway. 31 00:03:02,447 --> 00:03:04,039 Criteria is not met. Recommend abort. 32 00:03:04,149 --> 00:03:05,912 We have an abort recommendation. 33 00:03:06,018 --> 00:03:09,784 lf it's him, this guy comes out of hiding every couple of years at best. 34 00:03:09,888 --> 00:03:12,322 Sir, target is appearing around the northeast corner. 35 00:03:15,994 --> 00:03:19,361 We've got AK-47 s, RPGs and Chaparral guided missiles. 36 00:03:19,464 --> 00:03:21,227 This is a training camp, Mr. Secretary. 37 00:03:21,333 --> 00:03:24,632 -Wait. Wait. Print. 51 %. -51 %. 38 00:03:24,736 --> 00:03:27,603 -Abort rec still holds. -All other PlD options exhausted. 39 00:03:27,706 --> 00:03:30,004 What do you suggest we do, sir? 40 00:03:32,144 --> 00:03:33,475 ls that a weapons cache? 41 00:03:33,578 --> 00:03:35,569 Sir, the placement of the stones around the pit, 42 00:03:35,681 --> 00:03:39,242 marker for the five pillars of lslam. l think it's a funeral. 43 00:03:39,351 --> 00:03:40,716 For Christ's sake. 44 00:03:40,819 --> 00:03:44,880 Counsel, how many ways would this violate the Geneva Convention? 45 00:03:44,990 --> 00:03:46,924 We can invoke hors de combat, 46 00:03:47,025 --> 00:03:49,994 There's no independent intel verifying that this is, in fact, a funeral. 47 00:03:50,095 --> 00:03:53,326 Signal's got the President from Air Force One, sir. 48 00:04:01,840 --> 00:04:03,102 Mr. President, 49 00:04:03,208 --> 00:04:07,042 we have a 51 % identity match on Majid al-Khoei. 50 00:04:07,145 --> 00:04:10,637 The bad news is, there's some possibility he's at a funeral, 51 00:04:10,749 --> 00:04:14,412 You should also be aware we have an abort recommendation. 52 00:04:14,519 --> 00:04:17,079 But the Joint Chiefs are urging a go. 53 00:04:17,889 --> 00:04:20,483 All right, what's your recommendation? 54 00:04:26,131 --> 00:04:30,591 Sir, we measure success by the least amount of collateral damage. 55 00:04:31,336 --> 00:04:35,670 At 51 % probability, the risk is too high. 56 00:04:35,774 --> 00:04:41,440 And if it is al-Khoei and he walks, l'm putting our people at risk, 57 00:04:42,447 --> 00:04:43,914 You have a go, 58 00:04:47,552 --> 00:04:49,679 Thank you, Mr. President. 59 00:04:54,559 --> 00:04:55,753 -We're weapons hot! -We have weapons hot! 60 00:04:55,861 --> 00:04:58,261 -Loki, you are cleared to engage. -Repeat, weapons hot. PlD. 61 00:04:58,363 --> 00:05:01,696 We have handshake with the MQ9 Reaper. Sending you images now. 62 00:05:01,800 --> 00:05:05,201 -Loki, target coordinates received. -Yes, sir. Switching to lR sensor. 63 00:05:14,279 --> 00:05:16,110 Target is lased. 64 00:05:18,016 --> 00:05:19,779 Master arm on. 65 00:05:19,885 --> 00:05:21,375 Missiles away. 66 00:05:25,590 --> 00:05:27,455 Ten seconds to impact. 67 00:05:49,981 --> 00:05:52,609 You got to make a choice, fellas. 68 00:05:52,784 --> 00:05:57,244 Who are you going to be? Boys or men? 69 00:06:00,659 --> 00:06:02,092 -l'm out on this one. -Why? 70 00:06:02,194 --> 00:06:04,560 -'Cause l'm broke. -Come... 71 00:06:04,663 --> 00:06:06,290 How do l know you don't have something great under there? 72 00:06:06,398 --> 00:06:07,797 Kwame just paired the board. l'm floating on the river here. 73 00:06:07,899 --> 00:06:08,991 Look at the table. 74 00:06:09,100 --> 00:06:11,967 l don't know. l'm supposed to take my girl out later. lt's a lot of money. 75 00:06:12,070 --> 00:06:15,198 Your girl out? Who's that? 76 00:06:15,307 --> 00:06:16,797 -Elaine? -Yeah. 77 00:06:16,908 --> 00:06:18,967 You guys have been going out for a while. 78 00:06:19,077 --> 00:06:20,442 How long? 79 00:06:20,545 --> 00:06:22,809 -Couple months. -Couple months? Wow. 80 00:06:22,914 --> 00:06:26,077 -That's big. You have sex with her yet? -Kinda. 81 00:06:26,184 --> 00:06:27,515 -What the hell is ''kinda''? -''Kinda''? 82 00:06:27,619 --> 00:06:28,847 -Personal question. -Okay, well, listen. 83 00:06:28,954 --> 00:06:31,218 Let me ask you a question. What are you going to do tonight? 84 00:06:31,323 --> 00:06:32,290 Fish filet and a Coke? 85 00:06:32,390 --> 00:06:34,017 Go to Blockbuster, rent a little romantic comedy, 86 00:06:34,125 --> 00:06:35,786 go back to Mom's house, sit on the couch? 87 00:06:35,894 --> 00:06:37,225 -How'd you know? -Well, that's what you do. 88 00:06:37,329 --> 00:06:38,990 You're a dependable person. That's what you're going to do. 89 00:06:39,097 --> 00:06:40,689 You know what you should do? 90 00:06:40,799 --> 00:06:43,097 You need to lay down some real green and treat your lady right. 91 00:06:43,201 --> 00:06:45,066 You know, you need to take her to a nice place. 92 00:06:45,170 --> 00:06:48,298 Red Lobster. Olive Garden. Tablecloths. Soft music. 93 00:06:48,406 --> 00:06:50,374 And then you skip this Blockbuster thing. 94 00:06:50,475 --> 00:06:53,467 Girls want to go out. Especially a girl as cute as your girl, you know? 95 00:06:53,578 --> 00:06:55,569 She wants to be seen. That's why she dresses up. 96 00:06:55,680 --> 00:06:57,204 So you take her to the movies. 97 00:06:57,315 --> 00:06:58,839 -A little popcorn-drink combo. -True. True. 98 00:06:58,950 --> 00:07:01,942 Elaine might want a hot dog and some nachos, so you shell out for that, too. 99 00:07:02,053 --> 00:07:03,452 And then before you know it, 100 00:07:03,555 --> 00:07:04,749 she's cozying up the way she never would've 101 00:07:04,856 --> 00:07:05,948 at her mom's house, you know? 102 00:07:06,057 --> 00:07:07,456 -Preach it. Preach it. -Now all of a sudden, look. 103 00:07:07,559 --> 00:07:09,925 Gino Romero's walking tall with Elaine yank-my-Dickinson, 104 00:07:10,028 --> 00:07:11,928 -all because he dared to dream tonight. -Yes! Yes! Yes! 105 00:07:12,030 --> 00:07:13,224 And he became a man. And that's the choice. 106 00:07:13,331 --> 00:07:14,855 -Yes. -And that's what's on the table. 107 00:07:14,966 --> 00:07:17,366 This is the dream right here. 108 00:07:17,469 --> 00:07:18,834 Are you a man? 109 00:07:18,937 --> 00:07:20,097 -l'm with you. -Okay, here we go. 110 00:07:20,205 --> 00:07:21,467 -l'm with you. Twenty? -Twenty. 111 00:07:21,573 --> 00:07:23,006 Big boy game. 112 00:07:23,775 --> 00:07:24,676 Call. 113 00:07:25,377 --> 00:07:27,538 -Cowboys over aces, big Jer. -Wow. Wow. 114 00:07:27,646 --> 00:07:29,136 -Didn't see that coming, huh? -Yeah, that's a tough one. 115 00:07:29,247 --> 00:07:31,340 This is a tough one, too. Four bullets, baby. 116 00:07:31,449 --> 00:07:34,145 Get out of here! You baited me into that, Jer. Come on! 117 00:07:34,252 --> 00:07:36,243 -That's the way it goes. -So what happened to Red Lobster? 118 00:07:36,354 --> 00:07:37,946 No, l guess it's Mama's house for you tonight. 119 00:07:38,056 --> 00:07:39,284 But look, l saved you 40 bucks. 120 00:07:39,391 --> 00:07:42,849 And now Elaine won't have to shell out for herpes medication. 121 00:07:42,961 --> 00:07:45,293 Break's over, bitches. Freitag missed his shift again. 122 00:07:45,397 --> 00:07:46,557 -Someone's on collator duty. -Great. 123 00:07:46,665 --> 00:07:48,530 All right, well, gentlemen, 124 00:07:48,633 --> 00:07:51,466 l'll give you a chance to win some of this back tomorrow. Enjoy yourselves. 125 00:07:51,569 --> 00:07:53,059 All right, man. 126 00:07:58,443 --> 00:08:01,037 Hey there. Welcome to Copy Cabana. How can l help you? 127 00:08:01,146 --> 00:08:03,307 l couldn't get the machine past the main menu. 128 00:08:03,415 --> 00:08:05,042 -That machine there? -Yeah. 129 00:08:05,150 --> 00:08:07,118 Did you swipe your credit card to the left, sir? 130 00:08:07,218 --> 00:08:08,981 -Didn't do that. -Well, that's your problem. 131 00:08:09,087 --> 00:08:10,076 Why don't you try it again? 132 00:08:20,665 --> 00:08:22,656 Cell phone users, beware, 133 00:08:22,767 --> 00:08:26,965 The Federal Bureau of lnvestigation can now hear everything you're saying, 134 00:08:27,072 --> 00:08:29,233 even when your cell phone is turned off, 135 00:08:29,341 --> 00:08:32,868 Authorities can now activate the microphone inside your phone, 136 00:08:32,978 --> 00:08:35,811 allowing them to eavesdrop on you and your conversations, 137 00:08:35,914 --> 00:08:41,045 Experts say the only way around this is to take the battery out of the device, 138 00:08:42,053 --> 00:08:44,453 -The death toll now stands at 1 4, -Now arriving at Union Street, 139 00:08:44,556 --> 00:08:45,545 -Stand clear of the doors, -Excuse me. 140 00:08:45,657 --> 00:08:47,591 Watch your step, please, 141 00:08:49,661 --> 00:08:51,253 Did you drop this? 142 00:08:53,164 --> 00:08:54,188 Yes. 143 00:08:55,066 --> 00:08:58,502 -lt's hard to do on a train, you know! -Doors closing, 144 00:08:58,603 --> 00:09:00,434 Standing passengers,,, 145 00:09:01,706 --> 00:09:03,105 Come on, come on, come on. 146 00:09:46,918 --> 00:09:48,044 Jerry? 147 00:09:48,720 --> 00:09:51,985 Mrs. Wierzbowski! l was just... l thought you might have been sleeping. 148 00:09:52,090 --> 00:09:53,489 -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -So... But l have... 149 00:09:53,591 --> 00:09:55,422 l have some rent here. 150 00:09:55,527 --> 00:09:57,654 -Here you go. -Yeah, some is good. All is better. 151 00:09:57,762 --> 00:09:59,627 Well, that's most of it. Here. 152 00:09:59,731 --> 00:10:01,028 $1 , $1 , $1 ... 153 00:10:01,132 --> 00:10:02,690 No, no, no. Look. Here's a five there. 154 00:10:02,801 --> 00:10:04,962 -Five. -Yeah. 155 00:10:05,070 --> 00:10:07,061 Where is girl? l don't see her no more. 156 00:10:07,172 --> 00:10:09,402 You know you're the only woman for me. 157 00:10:09,507 --> 00:10:11,304 No, that's done. She got smart. 158 00:10:11,409 --> 00:10:13,309 -Like the others. -Yeah. Yeah. 159 00:10:14,045 --> 00:10:18,038 ls woman friend? Answer. Then see if she give you money for rent. 160 00:10:19,451 --> 00:10:20,816 One second. 161 00:10:23,188 --> 00:10:24,416 Hey, Mom. 162 00:10:27,325 --> 00:10:28,417 What? 163 00:10:55,787 --> 00:10:58,221 -Looks just like him. -l'm not him. 164 00:12:38,122 --> 00:12:40,886 Six months without a boo or a bah, huh? 165 00:12:40,992 --> 00:12:42,550 Yes, sir. 166 00:12:42,660 --> 00:12:44,787 So where were you this time? 167 00:12:46,264 --> 00:12:50,633 Alaska. Singapore. l got a job there. 168 00:12:53,671 --> 00:12:57,801 l... l spoke to Stanford. 169 00:12:57,909 --> 00:12:58,876 l pulled some strings. 170 00:12:58,977 --> 00:13:00,774 They said they'd take you back. Even though you took off... 171 00:13:00,878 --> 00:13:02,072 Two years ago, Dad. 172 00:13:02,180 --> 00:13:05,843 Jerry, you know, it wouldn't kill you to ask for help once in a while. 173 00:13:05,950 --> 00:13:07,178 You want to have this conversation now? 174 00:13:07,285 --> 00:13:08,445 -lt's Stanford! -You want to do this today. 175 00:13:08,553 --> 00:13:09,520 You know how many people would kill... 176 00:13:09,621 --> 00:13:11,782 -Today? You want to have this now? -Fine. 177 00:13:11,889 --> 00:13:15,120 You do whatever you want. You always have. 178 00:13:22,300 --> 00:13:25,997 You know, l keep thinking, l'm going to walk in here one day 179 00:13:26,771 --> 00:13:30,673 and l'm not going to feel like a stranger in my own house. 180 00:13:41,953 --> 00:13:43,887 l don't want your money. 181 00:14:11,382 --> 00:14:13,976 Can l have your attention, please? 182 00:14:14,085 --> 00:14:18,419 Smoking is not permitted on the train, Chicago is next, 183 00:14:38,109 --> 00:14:40,976 Can't find the keys and he's late as usual. 184 00:14:41,079 --> 00:14:44,105 -l'm going to have to take you. -He'll be here. 185 00:14:45,016 --> 00:14:47,007 All right, wait five more minutes. 186 00:14:47,118 --> 00:14:49,143 Help me out here. We came home last night. 187 00:14:49,253 --> 00:14:52,086 l put the leftovers down. You turned on the TV. l went over, 188 00:14:52,190 --> 00:14:55,819 said, ''No TV, no TV, no TV.'' Turned it off. 189 00:14:55,927 --> 00:14:57,019 Came over here. 190 00:14:57,128 --> 00:14:59,096 -Checked the messages. -Knocked over the phone. 191 00:14:59,197 --> 00:15:01,597 Right, knocked over the phone. Put it back. 192 00:15:01,699 --> 00:15:04,031 Put the leftovers in the fridge. 193 00:15:07,939 --> 00:15:08,928 Let's go! 194 00:15:09,073 --> 00:15:11,303 l put vitamins in your toiletry bag. Don't forget to take... 195 00:15:11,409 --> 00:15:13,070 -Two in the morning and two at night. -That's right. 196 00:15:13,177 --> 00:15:14,166 And your inhaler's in the back of your bag. 197 00:15:14,278 --> 00:15:15,336 -Sammy! -Daddy! 198 00:15:15,446 --> 00:15:18,006 Come here. You didn't think l'd miss the big send-off, do you, huh? 199 00:15:18,116 --> 00:15:19,378 Let's get you on this train. 200 00:15:19,484 --> 00:15:21,145 -This must be your... -Trumpet. 201 00:15:21,252 --> 00:15:23,186 My God, this weighs, like, 200 pounds. You carry this yourself? 202 00:15:23,287 --> 00:15:24,982 -Mr. and Mrs. Holloman! -Miss. 203 00:15:25,089 --> 00:15:26,681 -You just made it. -Right. 204 00:15:26,791 --> 00:15:28,258 -Here, Sam. -Thanks. 205 00:15:28,359 --> 00:15:29,348 -Listen to me. -l have one more here. 206 00:15:29,460 --> 00:15:32,258 All these other kids, right? They're going to call their moms, too, all right? 207 00:15:32,363 --> 00:15:33,990 They're just going to lie about it. 208 00:15:34,098 --> 00:15:36,999 All right, and eat junk food 'cause this is your one chance, but brush your teeth. 209 00:15:37,101 --> 00:15:40,332 Mom, you got to stop. l'm going to miss you, too. 210 00:15:40,438 --> 00:15:42,030 Capitol Limited to D,C, is departing now, 211 00:15:42,140 --> 00:15:43,232 Give me a hug. 212 00:15:43,341 --> 00:15:44,330 All aboard, 213 00:15:44,442 --> 00:15:46,410 -l love you so much. -l love you, too. 214 00:15:48,045 --> 00:15:50,036 -Shine bright, okay? -Okay. 215 00:15:51,315 --> 00:15:53,146 Rock the house, buddy. You're going to be great. Okay? 216 00:15:53,251 --> 00:15:54,513 -Okay. -l'll see you later. 217 00:15:54,619 --> 00:15:57,247 -Bye! -Have fun in D.C.! 218 00:15:57,355 --> 00:16:00,017 -Bye, Mom! -Your mom going to be okay? 219 00:16:00,124 --> 00:16:01,557 lt's unclear. 220 00:16:02,727 --> 00:16:03,785 l'm so sorry. l got stuck in traffic, 221 00:16:03,895 --> 00:16:06,022 -and l didn't even... -Don't even say it. 222 00:16:08,332 --> 00:16:09,697 All aboard! 223 00:16:10,101 --> 00:16:12,069 Yes. Five-nine-one-three. 224 00:16:18,376 --> 00:16:20,139 lt's here. lt's here. 225 00:16:22,513 --> 00:16:23,844 Okay, okay. 226 00:16:40,131 --> 00:16:42,326 -Come on! -Two seconds. Sorry. 227 00:16:49,941 --> 00:16:51,169 No, wait. 228 00:17:00,351 --> 00:17:01,818 -Hey, hang on a second. -Sorry. 229 00:17:01,919 --> 00:17:03,147 -You're dropping money. -Sir, sir! 230 00:17:03,254 --> 00:17:05,984 Big date, you know? Fingers crossed, huh? 231 00:17:09,527 --> 00:17:11,290 -Here you go. Have a good day! -Thank you. 232 00:17:14,765 --> 00:17:15,789 -Jerry! -What? 233 00:17:15,900 --> 00:17:17,765 -So many boxes. -Boxes? 234 00:17:17,869 --> 00:17:20,337 l had to open your room. All day they come. 235 00:17:20,438 --> 00:17:21,837 -Big boxes, small boxes. -My boxes? 236 00:17:21,939 --> 00:17:23,304 l don't know. Whose boxes would they be? 237 00:17:23,407 --> 00:17:25,739 -All right, okay. -Look at them there. See in there? 238 00:17:25,843 --> 00:17:27,208 -See, l put them all... -Yeah. Yeah. 239 00:17:27,311 --> 00:17:29,074 -Listen, l have something for you here. -Yeah. 240 00:17:29,180 --> 00:17:31,239 This is rent for this month and next month, too, okay? 241 00:17:31,349 --> 00:17:33,044 -Oh, my. -Thank you. 242 00:18:46,691 --> 00:18:47,658 Hello? 243 00:18:47,758 --> 00:18:50,352 The FBl will arrive at your apartment in 30 seconds, 244 00:18:50,461 --> 00:18:52,053 You must flee the premises, 245 00:18:52,163 --> 00:18:53,323 Who... Who is this? 246 00:18:53,431 --> 00:18:54,955 You've been activated, Jerry, 247 00:18:55,066 --> 00:18:56,897 -Who the hell is this? -Your compliance is vital, 248 00:18:57,001 --> 00:18:57,968 How did you get this number? 249 00:18:58,069 --> 00:19:00,970 You now have 24 seconds, Leave your residence, 250 00:19:01,072 --> 00:19:04,633 Your destination, the Mathis train station, We will guide you from there, 251 00:19:04,742 --> 00:19:05,766 What is this? 252 00:19:05,876 --> 00:19:08,037 The evidence in your apartment is irrefutable, 253 00:19:08,145 --> 00:19:09,134 -Listen. -1 7 seconds, 254 00:19:09,246 --> 00:19:10,213 l'm going to hang this phone up now. 255 00:19:10,314 --> 00:19:11,542 They'll seek your arrest for conspiracy, treason,,, 256 00:19:11,649 --> 00:19:13,674 -l'm hanging this phone up now! -,,,violating state and local law, 257 00:19:13,784 --> 00:19:15,615 -You tell me how you got this number! -Maximum penalty, death, 258 00:19:15,720 --> 00:19:17,711 No, none of this is mine! 259 00:19:19,824 --> 00:19:23,123 FBl, FBl, FBl! Get down on the floor! 260 00:19:23,227 --> 00:19:24,888 Get on the ground! 261 00:19:26,530 --> 00:19:27,792 Down now! Get down! 262 00:19:27,898 --> 00:19:30,196 -l didn't do anything! -Get down! 263 00:19:30,301 --> 00:19:31,461 -Listen! -Don't move. 264 00:19:31,569 --> 00:19:33,935 lt's not mine! lt's not mine! 265 00:19:45,149 --> 00:19:47,379 This is obviously some sort of mistake, right? 266 00:19:47,485 --> 00:19:50,386 l mean, l don't know what l'm doing in this room, sir. 267 00:19:50,488 --> 00:19:52,513 lt's cold as hell outside. 268 00:19:54,158 --> 00:19:56,922 -You draw? -l what? 269 00:19:57,028 --> 00:20:00,589 Do you draw? Do you sketch? You have ink all over your fingers. 270 00:20:02,833 --> 00:20:04,391 Look, you know you got the wrong guy, right? 271 00:20:04,502 --> 00:20:05,833 l mean, this is all some kind of sick joke. 272 00:20:05,936 --> 00:20:08,131 -l don't know what l'm doing here. -Obviously. 273 00:20:08,239 --> 00:20:11,265 Obviously you have nothing to do with it, yeah. 274 00:20:11,909 --> 00:20:13,934 Did you love your brother? 275 00:20:15,279 --> 00:20:17,941 Or did you hate him? Did you admire him? 276 00:20:19,884 --> 00:20:22,682 Was your brother patriotic, would you say? 277 00:20:25,856 --> 00:20:28,222 When's the last time you saw him? 278 00:20:29,960 --> 00:20:32,258 -Christmas. -This past Christmas? 279 00:20:33,698 --> 00:20:36,758 -Three Christmases ago. -Three years, huh? 280 00:20:36,867 --> 00:20:40,462 Well, the phone records show that you haven't even called him in over a year. 281 00:20:40,571 --> 00:20:43,335 So no text messages? No smoke signals? 282 00:20:43,441 --> 00:20:44,908 No MySpace or Facebook messages? 283 00:20:45,009 --> 00:20:46,533 Yeah, so what are you trying to say? We're not... 284 00:20:46,644 --> 00:20:47,770 Are you asking if we're the type of twins 285 00:20:47,878 --> 00:20:52,372 that wear the same shirt to the mall, hold hands, and things like that? No. 286 00:20:52,817 --> 00:20:55,513 -Sir, l don't even know your name. -l'm sorry, that was rude of me. 287 00:20:55,619 --> 00:20:56,779 l'm Tom Morgan, 288 00:20:56,887 --> 00:21:00,345 the Supervising Agent assigned to the Joint Terrorism Task Force. 289 00:21:02,827 --> 00:21:05,125 You think l'm a terrorist? 290 00:21:05,863 --> 00:21:07,387 No, you're a copy boy, aren't you? 291 00:21:07,498 --> 00:21:10,092 -l'm a copy associate. -Copy associate. 292 00:21:10,835 --> 00:21:12,166 But your brother, 293 00:21:12,269 --> 00:21:16,467 it says here he was a little more, l guess you'd say, ambitious than you. 294 00:21:16,574 --> 00:21:18,667 Graduated from the Air Force Academy at 21 , 295 00:21:18,776 --> 00:21:22,405 with an advanced degree in parallel algorithms and quantum electronics. 296 00:21:22,513 --> 00:21:24,743 l don't even know what the hell that stuff means. Do you? 297 00:21:24,849 --> 00:21:27,340 Cadet wing commander, valedictorian, plum job in the Public Affairs... 298 00:21:27,451 --> 00:21:29,112 Yeah, no, l know what he did, sir. 299 00:21:29,220 --> 00:21:30,687 Why'd you drop out of school, Jerry? 300 00:21:30,788 --> 00:21:33,154 Did your brother have any influence on that decision? 301 00:21:33,257 --> 00:21:34,588 No, school just wasn't for me. 302 00:21:34,692 --> 00:21:37,160 No, l mean, who would want a Stanford education anyway? 303 00:21:37,261 --> 00:21:40,230 More upward mobility at Copy Cabana, l guess, right? 304 00:21:40,331 --> 00:21:44,427 l see you did a little backpacking. Singapore, Bali, lndonesia. 305 00:21:44,535 --> 00:21:45,832 Did odd jobs here and there. So you've been around. 306 00:21:45,936 --> 00:21:46,994 Look, none of this has anything to do 307 00:21:47,104 --> 00:21:49,231 with any of the shit that was in my apartment. 308 00:21:49,340 --> 00:21:51,433 Why would l send it to myself? My name is on the lease. 309 00:21:51,542 --> 00:21:53,669 l'd have to be the dumbest terrorist in the history of the world. 310 00:21:53,778 --> 00:21:55,211 So who deposited the 750? 311 00:21:55,312 --> 00:21:58,577 The... l don't know who deposited the 750! 312 00:21:58,682 --> 00:22:00,013 God maybe? l thought it was a miracle, 313 00:22:00,117 --> 00:22:02,278 l took the money. That was my mistake. lt was an accident. 314 00:22:02,386 --> 00:22:04,149 Do accidents not happen in your universe? 315 00:22:04,255 --> 00:22:08,191 Well, the money originated from the YTBC Bank of... 316 00:22:08,292 --> 00:22:10,260 Well, l'll be darned, Singapore. 317 00:22:10,361 --> 00:22:13,194 Opened with a transfer from a corporation called The Star of Orion, 318 00:22:13,297 --> 00:22:15,527 -a dummy front for Hezbollah. -This is all very interesting, sir. 319 00:22:15,633 --> 00:22:18,659 -lt has nothing to do with me. -We find hardware in your apartment. 320 00:22:18,769 --> 00:22:20,634 Latest military spec. 321 00:22:20,738 --> 00:22:21,966 -Airplane manuals. -l told you about this already. 322 00:22:22,072 --> 00:22:24,734 And 1 ,200 pounds of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. 323 00:22:24,842 --> 00:22:25,831 l walked into my apartment... 324 00:22:25,943 --> 00:22:27,604 You planning on becoming a farmer or something? 325 00:22:27,711 --> 00:22:30,077 l walk into my apartment, l open the door, 326 00:22:30,181 --> 00:22:31,375 and this shit's all over my apartment. 327 00:22:31,482 --> 00:22:32,881 -lt just showed up. -lt just showed up. 328 00:22:32,983 --> 00:22:35,850 l see. l'm just curious if your brother knew anything about it. 329 00:22:35,953 --> 00:22:40,049 Of course, we haven't really established how close you guys were yet, have we? 330 00:22:40,157 --> 00:22:42,955 Well, we were pretty close this morning when l buried his body in the ground. 331 00:22:43,828 --> 00:22:45,625 Does that establish anything for you? Somebody set me up. 332 00:22:45,729 --> 00:22:47,026 Why is that so hard for you to understand? 333 00:22:47,131 --> 00:22:48,598 -''Somebody.'' -A woman called me on the phone. 334 00:22:48,699 --> 00:22:49,791 She told me l was going to be arrested. 335 00:22:49,900 --> 00:22:51,265 ''A woman.'' Your mom? Who? 336 00:22:51,368 --> 00:22:54,895 l don't know! lf l knew, l would tell you! l don't know! 337 00:22:58,809 --> 00:23:00,401 Here's the thing, Jerry. 338 00:23:00,511 --> 00:23:03,674 This is a bad time to be in the terrorism business. 339 00:23:03,781 --> 00:23:05,476 You read the paper. 340 00:23:06,784 --> 00:23:08,718 Who do you think is winning? 341 00:23:08,819 --> 00:23:13,654 Your Miranda rights or my right to keep you in this room as long as l want to? 342 00:23:13,757 --> 00:23:16,590 l don't care if you tell me the truth about your brother. 343 00:23:16,694 --> 00:23:18,924 l don't care who you work for. 344 00:23:19,029 --> 00:23:24,558 'Cause no matter what you tell me, you're in a shitload of trouble, son. 345 00:23:30,875 --> 00:23:33,776 This is insane. l work for Copy Cabana. 346 00:23:33,878 --> 00:23:35,937 Yeah, that's what you said. 347 00:23:43,220 --> 00:23:44,881 Listen, l get one night out in a decade, ladies, 348 00:23:44,989 --> 00:23:47,014 l am not wasting it on Lemon Drops. 349 00:23:47,124 --> 00:23:49,217 -Okay. -Buck up. Let's go. 350 00:23:55,199 --> 00:23:56,166 Oh, gosh. 351 00:23:56,834 --> 00:24:00,065 l want updates. Catfights, booty calls, somebody tell me they got lucky. 352 00:24:00,170 --> 00:24:04,300 Hey, ladies. See that guy over there? He'd like to buy you a round. 353 00:24:05,242 --> 00:24:07,733 Hell, no. He's got light beer written all over him. 354 00:24:07,845 --> 00:24:08,937 -He's cute. -Come on. 355 00:24:09,046 --> 00:24:10,104 He's a suit. No. 356 00:24:10,214 --> 00:24:11,442 You sure? 357 00:24:11,548 --> 00:24:12,879 -Come on. -Who is it? 358 00:24:13,684 --> 00:24:16,676 The one man in my life who hasn't let me down. 359 00:24:17,354 --> 00:24:20,881 -That's sweet. -All right, don't drink those without me. 360 00:24:21,959 --> 00:24:23,085 Hello? 361 00:24:23,694 --> 00:24:24,888 Hello? 362 00:24:25,863 --> 00:24:29,560 There's a McDonald's across the street, Look in the window, 363 00:24:29,667 --> 00:24:30,725 What is this? 364 00:24:30,834 --> 00:24:33,428 Would you risk your life for your son? 365 00:24:39,476 --> 00:24:41,944 Rachel Holloman, you've been activated, 366 00:24:42,046 --> 00:24:43,809 -This isn't funny. -Your compliance is vital, 367 00:24:43,914 --> 00:24:45,905 -Who are you? -We will derail his train, 368 00:24:46,016 --> 00:24:47,608 unless you do what you're told, 369 00:24:47,718 --> 00:24:48,685 What is this? 370 00:24:48,786 --> 00:24:50,583 Don't go back inside the restaurant, 371 00:24:50,688 --> 00:24:53,179 -What? -There's a black Porsche Cayenne 372 00:24:53,290 --> 00:24:56,020 parked at the northeast corner of this block, 373 00:24:56,126 --> 00:24:59,357 The keys are in the ignition, Start walking, 374 00:25:01,999 --> 00:25:03,364 Oh, my God. 375 00:25:06,570 --> 00:25:08,504 91 1, State the nature of your emergency, 376 00:25:08,605 --> 00:25:11,597 Yeah, some woman just called me. l have... l have no idea who she is. 377 00:25:11,709 --> 00:25:13,700 She was telling me that... 378 00:25:18,182 --> 00:25:22,050 Your phone is being monitored, Disobey again and your son dies, 379 00:25:26,523 --> 00:25:28,718 Hey, Grant, l can't read this Shaw file. 380 00:25:28,826 --> 00:25:30,794 -Grant! -Excuse me. 381 00:25:31,328 --> 00:25:34,161 Listen, my eyes aren't getting any better and these screens are getting smaller. 382 00:25:34,264 --> 00:25:35,754 Could you please find me something l can read? 383 00:25:35,866 --> 00:25:37,333 l can make the text bigger on your screen. 384 00:25:37,434 --> 00:25:38,924 No, no, no. l'm talking about paper. 385 00:25:39,036 --> 00:25:40,401 Remember, like in the olden times? 386 00:25:40,504 --> 00:25:42,028 -Paper. Okay. -Yeah. 387 00:25:42,139 --> 00:25:45,006 Agent Morgan. Zoe Perez, Air Force Special lnvestigations. 388 00:25:45,109 --> 00:25:47,543 Ethan Shaw, the twin, he was one of ours. 389 00:25:47,644 --> 00:25:50,306 Yeah. OSl said they were sending a liaison. 390 00:25:50,414 --> 00:25:52,143 Can you walk and talk at the same time? 391 00:25:52,249 --> 00:25:53,511 l'll do my best. 392 00:25:53,617 --> 00:25:55,482 File says he died in a traffic accident. 393 00:25:55,586 --> 00:25:59,386 Truck ran a light, corner of Constitution and 10th, Northwest D.C. 394 00:25:59,490 --> 00:26:01,788 So truck ran a light, his brother gets 750 large 395 00:26:01,892 --> 00:26:04,053 and enough hardware to start his own Costco, 396 00:26:04,161 --> 00:26:06,595 five hours after enemy chatter hits the roof. 397 00:26:06,697 --> 00:26:08,562 l mean, don't you find that a little coincidental? 398 00:26:08,665 --> 00:26:13,329 What if it's a decoy? To distract us from something 50 times bigger, 399 00:26:25,049 --> 00:26:28,018 -Time for your phone call. -l thought l didn't get one. 400 00:26:28,118 --> 00:26:31,019 Attorney General's office changed their mind. 401 00:26:32,890 --> 00:26:35,120 Ethan Shaw had a 183 lQ 402 00:26:35,225 --> 00:26:37,523 and yet you had him as a mid-level press flak. 403 00:26:37,628 --> 00:26:39,186 Why not lT or cyber-warfare? 404 00:26:39,296 --> 00:26:41,355 Are you suggesting that he was overqualified? 405 00:26:41,465 --> 00:26:43,831 Or that he was somehow slipping intel to the Copy Cabana? 406 00:26:43,934 --> 00:26:45,731 No, l'm suggesting that maybe Ethan Shaw 407 00:26:45,836 --> 00:26:49,932 was a superstar rocket scientist genius who did go wrong, 408 00:26:50,040 --> 00:26:53,601 and the Air Force doesn't want their dirty laundry flapping in the wind. 409 00:26:53,710 --> 00:26:57,441 Think what you like, but l need to get in that room and interrogate him myself. 410 00:26:57,548 --> 00:26:58,537 No. 411 00:27:07,324 --> 00:27:09,622 You don't have a choice. Look. 412 00:27:09,726 --> 00:27:12,820 Now, neither of us know if either of those brothers are guilty or innocent, 413 00:27:12,930 --> 00:27:17,594 so on behalf of the Secretary of the Air Force, l'm going in that room. 414 00:27:18,435 --> 00:27:21,131 Well, on behalf of all that fucking bomb equipment 415 00:27:21,238 --> 00:27:24,230 in junior pinhead's apartment, no, you're not. 416 00:27:33,717 --> 00:27:37,050 We told you to run, We have planned your escape, 417 00:27:37,154 --> 00:27:39,054 How'd you get on this phone? Who are you? 418 00:27:39,156 --> 00:27:40,987 Lay flat on the floor immediately, 419 00:27:41,091 --> 00:27:42,490 What the... What the hell are you talking about? 420 00:27:42,593 --> 00:27:43,719 Four seconds, Jerry, 421 00:27:43,827 --> 00:27:45,988 -No, this is bullshit. l don't... -Get down now, 422 00:27:46,096 --> 00:27:47,397 Two seconds, 423 00:28:10,654 --> 00:28:11,643 No! 424 00:28:15,092 --> 00:28:17,993 -No! l didn't do this! -Get down! 425 00:28:23,000 --> 00:28:24,433 Shit. 426 00:28:57,868 --> 00:29:01,531 Standing passengers, please do not lean against the doors, 427 00:29:06,643 --> 00:29:10,511 ,,,fourteen Americans dead throughout Europe and the Middle East, 428 00:29:10,614 --> 00:29:13,447 with terror groups insisting this is just the beginning 429 00:29:13,550 --> 00:29:17,611 of a campaign the West invited when it allegedly rained bombs 430 00:29:17,721 --> 00:29:20,713 on a religious ceremony outside the small town of Abda, 431 00:29:20,824 --> 00:29:23,122 near the border of Afghanistan, 432 00:29:34,338 --> 00:29:38,240 Stay on the train for three more stations and wait at the bottom of the platform, 433 00:29:38,342 --> 00:29:40,071 You will receive,,, 434 00:30:01,665 --> 00:30:07,297 Doors closing, Standing passengers, please do not lean against the doors, 435 00:30:32,863 --> 00:30:35,127 -Help! -Jimmy. 436 00:30:35,232 --> 00:30:39,134 My baby. l need some help. Somebody. 437 00:30:39,236 --> 00:30:40,828 -What? -You're not listening, 438 00:30:40,937 --> 00:30:42,598 We told you to stay on the train, 439 00:30:42,706 --> 00:30:45,402 -How are you doing this? -Next stop is Wilson Station, 440 00:30:45,509 --> 00:30:48,239 A black Porsche Cayenne will be waiting at the northwest exit, 441 00:30:48,345 --> 00:30:49,812 -Listen. -Get in the passenger seat, 442 00:30:49,913 --> 00:30:52,438 Listen! No, l'm done. 443 00:30:54,451 --> 00:30:57,750 -Hello? -The man in front of the exit door 444 00:30:57,854 --> 00:31:00,345 in a black coat is a wanted terrorist, 445 00:31:00,457 --> 00:31:03,551 -His name is Jerry Shaw, -Who is this? 446 00:31:06,330 --> 00:31:07,319 -You Jerry Shaw? -No, no, no. 447 00:31:07,431 --> 00:31:09,422 Wilson Station, Exit now, 448 00:31:09,933 --> 00:31:11,400 That's the guy! 449 00:31:13,437 --> 00:31:16,304 l said, are you Jerry Shaw? Hey! Come here! 450 00:31:38,462 --> 00:31:39,724 Watch it! 451 00:31:44,701 --> 00:31:46,066 -Drive the car! Drive the car! -No! 452 00:31:46,169 --> 00:31:47,761 -l did what you asked me to do! -l'm not going anywhere... 453 00:31:47,871 --> 00:31:49,338 -You tell... Stop! -...until you tell me my son's safe! 454 00:31:49,439 --> 00:31:51,339 Who's your son? l don't know what you're talking about! 455 00:31:51,441 --> 00:31:53,432 -l'll kill you if you hurt my son! -l almost died over this shit! 456 00:31:53,543 --> 00:31:55,306 -Listen, lady, l don't know who... -Tell me Sam is safe! 457 00:31:55,412 --> 00:31:56,811 Who is... Will you stop hitting me? 458 00:31:56,913 --> 00:31:59,507 Are you the woman who called me on the phone? 459 00:31:59,616 --> 00:32:01,948 -Did you call me on the phone? -No. The woman. 460 00:32:02,052 --> 00:32:03,519 -She called you, too? -She called you, too? 461 00:32:03,620 --> 00:32:04,848 Drive, 462 00:32:07,290 --> 00:32:09,815 Get out! Now! Get out of the vehicle! 463 00:32:11,395 --> 00:32:12,487 Stop! 464 00:32:19,970 --> 00:32:22,097 -Why is this happening? -Go, go, go, go, go! 465 00:32:22,205 --> 00:32:24,105 Who are you and why are people shooting at us? 466 00:32:24,207 --> 00:32:26,573 Drive the car! Clutch! 467 00:32:26,676 --> 00:32:30,237 Accelerate, Turn right, 200 feet, You have pursuers, 468 00:32:30,347 --> 00:32:33,145 -Yeah, no shit! Who are you? -No questions, 469 00:32:34,117 --> 00:32:35,584 Turn right now, 470 00:32:42,359 --> 00:32:43,553 So you don't know anything about Sam? 471 00:32:43,660 --> 00:32:45,560 What, you mean your son? No, l know nothing. 472 00:32:45,662 --> 00:32:46,629 Just like you don't know how to drive. 473 00:32:46,730 --> 00:32:48,391 Use the clutch before you shift, not while you shift! 474 00:32:48,498 --> 00:32:49,556 l don't need driving lessons from you, asshole! 475 00:32:49,666 --> 00:32:51,566 What, you drive like this and l'm the asshole? 476 00:32:51,668 --> 00:32:53,135 Turn left now, 477 00:33:00,877 --> 00:33:04,643 All units. Suspect in a Porsche Cayenne heading west on Grand. 478 00:33:04,748 --> 00:33:07,342 -All units respond, Code 3. -There! 479 00:33:13,056 --> 00:33:17,152 Maintain a speed of 50 miles an hour, Stay in the second lane from the right, 480 00:33:17,260 --> 00:33:19,660 -The light's red! -Accelerate now, 481 00:33:30,073 --> 00:33:32,234 Get me a roadblock at Granville and Sheridan. 482 00:33:32,342 --> 00:33:33,570 Oh, shit. 483 00:33:37,080 --> 00:33:39,446 The lights are all turning green. 484 00:33:44,054 --> 00:33:45,385 Holy shit! 485 00:33:59,669 --> 00:34:01,159 -Holy... -Shit! 486 00:34:04,708 --> 00:34:06,175 Get in close. 487 00:34:08,278 --> 00:34:09,643 Go, go, go! 488 00:34:12,449 --> 00:34:15,213 -Shit! -Brake, Brake now, 489 00:34:15,886 --> 00:34:17,285 Get in here! 490 00:34:26,830 --> 00:34:29,424 Accelerate to 60 miles per hour, 491 00:34:32,002 --> 00:34:33,697 Clutch. Clutch! 492 00:34:34,204 --> 00:34:35,501 -Use the clutch! -l'm clutching! 493 00:34:35,605 --> 00:34:38,073 l'm watching, you're not clutching! 494 00:34:41,344 --> 00:34:43,403 -Stop! -l'm not stopping. 495 00:34:45,682 --> 00:34:47,513 Slow down. Slow down, the light's red. 496 00:34:47,617 --> 00:34:50,643 Don't slow down, Accelerate to 72 miles per hour, 497 00:34:50,754 --> 00:34:52,654 -Slow down. lt's a red light! -You will make it through, 498 00:34:52,756 --> 00:34:54,189 -Stop! -No way. 499 00:34:54,958 --> 00:34:56,516 -Brake! -l can't! 500 00:34:58,194 --> 00:34:59,923 -Brake! -Stop! 501 00:35:17,914 --> 00:35:19,677 Manual control's been restored, 502 00:35:19,783 --> 00:35:23,150 Continue straight until you reach Pier 1 5, 503 00:35:31,394 --> 00:35:33,726 Enter the wrecking yard, Proceed to the end of the dock, 504 00:35:33,830 --> 00:35:36,560 We will eliminate all obstacles for you, 505 00:35:45,308 --> 00:35:47,071 Watch! Watch! Watch! 506 00:36:17,273 --> 00:36:19,241 -Stay your course, -Turn! 507 00:36:20,844 --> 00:36:22,971 -Turn! -Turn right now, 508 00:36:40,196 --> 00:36:41,163 Holy... 509 00:36:53,843 --> 00:36:54,810 Oh, God. 510 00:36:56,346 --> 00:36:57,335 Oh, my God! 511 00:37:00,984 --> 00:37:02,781 -Grab the seat. -l can't. 512 00:37:02,886 --> 00:37:05,320 -Grab the seat! The seat! -No, l can't! 513 00:37:07,390 --> 00:37:08,357 No! 514 00:37:20,470 --> 00:37:24,031 The crane will release the car, lf you do not jump, you will drown, 515 00:37:24,140 --> 00:37:27,337 -We have to jump. -No! No way. 516 00:37:27,444 --> 00:37:30,208 We have to. When l say ''go.'' 517 00:37:32,949 --> 00:37:33,938 Ready? 518 00:37:35,118 --> 00:37:37,450 Go! Jump! 519 00:37:56,706 --> 00:37:58,731 l want both the divers in that water! 520 00:38:02,946 --> 00:38:04,709 -Let's go! Move! -Let's go, let's go! 521 00:38:04,814 --> 00:38:06,042 Move, move, move! 522 00:38:23,366 --> 00:38:26,733 -Yeah, l already called it in! -Wait till it clears! 523 00:38:28,338 --> 00:38:29,862 Thirty feet back, that's it! 524 00:38:29,973 --> 00:38:31,406 Yeah, l know, the Army sent a Black Hawk, 525 00:38:31,508 --> 00:38:32,873 so l'll be there in a couple of hours. 526 00:38:32,976 --> 00:38:35,945 What do you mean, the car is not registered to anyone? 527 00:38:36,045 --> 00:38:37,239 Check the VlN number again. 528 00:38:37,981 --> 00:38:42,441 Leave your message for Sam, even though l know it's you, Mom, 529 00:38:43,119 --> 00:38:45,815 Sam? Baby, listen to me. 530 00:38:45,922 --> 00:38:48,789 You need to call me as soon as you get this message, okay? 531 00:38:49,559 --> 00:38:53,256 Baby, please. l love you. 532 00:38:55,198 --> 00:38:56,961 -What about the girl? -What? 533 00:38:57,066 --> 00:38:58,590 What about the girl? 534 00:38:58,701 --> 00:39:00,669 Well, the Department of Transpo tells me that there was 535 00:39:00,770 --> 00:39:03,261 a seven-minute equipment failure on their traffic cams. 536 00:39:03,373 --> 00:39:05,034 -We didn't get a picture of her. -Don't tell me that. 537 00:39:05,141 --> 00:39:07,609 -That's what they're telling me! -l need an lD on that girl. 538 00:39:10,413 --> 00:39:12,472 Do you think they could derail a train? 539 00:39:14,117 --> 00:39:16,210 They changed every traffic light to get us here. 540 00:39:16,319 --> 00:39:18,116 The woman, she called me on a stranger's cell phone 541 00:39:18,221 --> 00:39:20,416 who happened to be sitting next to me. Never met the guy in my life. 542 00:39:20,523 --> 00:39:22,457 You know, and then they broke me out of maximum security custody 543 00:39:22,559 --> 00:39:24,789 in a way l'm not even gonna describe to you because it sounds crazy, 544 00:39:24,894 --> 00:39:28,489 and then they lift us off the face of the Earth and drop us into this shit pile? 545 00:39:28,598 --> 00:39:29,826 She could probably derail a train. 546 00:39:29,933 --> 00:39:31,594 She could probably turn a train into a talking duck. 547 00:39:31,968 --> 00:39:35,631 And what about these goddamn ghost cranes that keep helping peewee out? 548 00:39:35,738 --> 00:39:38,605 l mean, they don't just lift cars up in the air all by themselves 549 00:39:38,708 --> 00:39:40,232 like a giant pair of chopsticks. 550 00:39:41,444 --> 00:39:43,344 l want to know how these things run, how they're programmed. 551 00:39:44,113 --> 00:39:45,910 What'd you say your name was? 552 00:39:46,015 --> 00:39:48,108 -Rachel. -l'm Jerry. 553 00:39:55,925 --> 00:39:58,519 -Hello? -The barge will dock in 1 4 minutes, 554 00:39:58,628 --> 00:40:02,894 Leave the boatyard with the female, Take Highway 123 East, 555 00:40:02,999 --> 00:40:05,593 Walk to mile marker 108, 556 00:40:06,236 --> 00:40:10,434 -What? Was it her? -She called you ''the female.'' 557 00:40:11,441 --> 00:40:14,968 Have Mortuary Affairs freeze everything belonging to Ethan Shaw. 558 00:40:15,078 --> 00:40:18,377 -No personal effects to next of kin. -You, Due Process! 559 00:40:18,481 --> 00:40:20,312 -Bye. -What do you have on Ethan Shaw? 560 00:40:20,416 --> 00:40:23,112 l have a name. lt's Agent Perez. 561 00:40:23,219 --> 00:40:25,414 And l'll answer that question when l get back from D.C. 562 00:40:25,521 --> 00:40:28,922 -Wait a minute. What's in D.C.? -Shaw's private quarters. 563 00:40:29,025 --> 00:40:32,927 l need you to stay here. l'm not losing my link to Ethan Shaw. 564 00:40:33,029 --> 00:40:35,054 Maybe l haven't made this clear. 565 00:40:35,164 --> 00:40:38,133 l don't work for you. l work for the Air Force. 566 00:40:38,234 --> 00:40:40,998 Keep your phone on, l'll keep you updated. 567 00:40:46,542 --> 00:40:50,535 lf you're staring at me, it better be because l'm the goddamn suspect. 568 00:40:50,813 --> 00:40:54,305 Because if l don't get some good leads soon, you're all gonna be demoted 569 00:40:54,417 --> 00:40:57,750 into something that's gonna require touching shit with your hands. 570 00:40:58,187 --> 00:41:00,883 Now, let's get going. We got work to do. 571 00:41:08,564 --> 00:41:12,159 Hexamethylene. Our latest chemical explosive. 572 00:41:12,268 --> 00:41:17,672 One single tiny crystal, 80 times more powerful than C4. 573 00:41:17,774 --> 00:41:20,106 Odorless, undetectable. 574 00:41:20,209 --> 00:41:23,838 And best of all, it can be cut down in size for stealth operations, 575 00:41:23,947 --> 00:41:25,847 This valve is a sonic trigger. 576 00:41:25,949 --> 00:41:28,213 The sound frequency triggers the explosion, 577 00:41:28,318 --> 00:41:30,513 Each trigger is programmed to have a unique 578 00:41:30,620 --> 00:41:33,248 frequency specific only to one Hex crystal. 579 00:41:33,356 --> 00:41:35,290 That frequency triggers the explosion, 580 00:41:40,730 --> 00:41:41,822 Yeah, 581 00:41:42,598 --> 00:41:45,829 We recently received approval to begin shipping to the field. 582 00:41:45,935 --> 00:41:47,732 Two hundred units are shipping out today. 583 00:42:09,525 --> 00:42:11,356 -Sign right here. -Yeah. 584 00:42:11,728 --> 00:42:12,956 Thank you. 585 00:42:16,366 --> 00:42:19,802 The package you've just received contains a small metal valve, 586 00:42:19,902 --> 00:42:21,369 Open the package, 587 00:42:25,141 --> 00:42:26,699 -Okay. -Remove the valve 588 00:42:26,809 --> 00:42:29,107 and follow our instructions precisely, 589 00:42:38,021 --> 00:42:40,819 -You've received the package, -Yes, ma'am, it just arrived, 590 00:42:40,923 --> 00:42:43,255 -What kind of stone is this? -No questions, 591 00:42:43,359 --> 00:42:44,917 Cut the stone and place the setting 592 00:42:45,028 --> 00:42:47,189 according to the specifications we sent you, 593 00:43:31,007 --> 00:43:33,202 l'd just dropped my son off at the train, 594 00:43:33,309 --> 00:43:36,142 l was out having drinks with my girlfriends when the call came, 595 00:43:36,245 --> 00:43:38,839 -What about you? -The first call came to my apartment, 596 00:43:39,282 --> 00:43:41,147 -After the boxes? -Yeah, 597 00:43:42,652 --> 00:43:45,746 Well, then this whole thing's obviously gotta be about your brother. 598 00:43:45,855 --> 00:43:47,948 -Really, it's that obvious, huh? -l mean, you got all this stuff. 599 00:43:48,057 --> 00:43:49,547 The weapons, the cash, the airplane manuals. 600 00:43:49,659 --> 00:43:50,717 -Okay. -He was your twin. 601 00:43:50,827 --> 00:43:51,851 -They sent it to the wrong brother. -Right. 602 00:43:51,961 --> 00:43:53,121 So you're implying my brother's a terrorist. 603 00:43:53,229 --> 00:43:55,823 l'm implying, if not him, then why you? 604 00:44:00,903 --> 00:44:04,464 l'm sorry. l know he just died. l'm not trying to insult his memory or anything. 605 00:44:04,574 --> 00:44:07,441 No, he hasn't been dead long enough to be a memory, Rachel. 606 00:44:08,044 --> 00:44:09,636 lf you knew my brother, you'd laugh all day at the idea 607 00:44:09,745 --> 00:44:11,770 that he was a terrorist or a spy or whatever else you're saying... 608 00:44:11,881 --> 00:44:12,973 -How do you know? -Because he's my brother. 609 00:44:13,082 --> 00:44:14,310 That's something you would know about your brother. 610 00:44:14,417 --> 00:44:16,715 Well, when's the last time you talked to him? 611 00:44:22,125 --> 00:44:26,824 l don't need this. Hey, listen. Hey! l don't have to explain myself to you. 612 00:44:26,929 --> 00:44:28,760 -ls your son a terrorist? -Yeah, my son's a terrorist. 613 00:44:28,865 --> 00:44:30,958 Yeah, well, he's just as likely to be a terrorist as my brother. 614 00:44:31,067 --> 00:44:33,695 And let's not forget you in all this. Why are you here? What's your day job? 615 00:44:33,803 --> 00:44:35,566 -l know it isn't manual shift driver. -l'm a paralegal. 616 00:44:36,472 --> 00:44:37,406 -l don't have a connection to anything. -Paralegal? 617 00:44:37,406 --> 00:44:37,701 -l don't have a connection to anything. -Paralegal? 618 00:44:37,807 --> 00:44:40,037 How do l know you're not lying to me? What does a paralegal do? 619 00:44:40,143 --> 00:44:41,940 The same thing as the guys with their names on the door, 620 00:44:42,044 --> 00:44:45,480 except l do it for $1 1 an hour, so they can bill 200. 621 00:44:45,581 --> 00:44:46,946 That nail it for you, Sherlock? 622 00:44:47,049 --> 00:44:48,573 That still doesn't explain why we're walking out here... 623 00:44:48,684 --> 00:44:50,948 -l don't know why the hell l'm out here! -Yeah, l know... 624 00:44:58,294 --> 00:44:59,261 Hey! 625 00:45:00,830 --> 00:45:03,060 -Are you Jerry Shaw? -Who are you? 626 00:45:03,166 --> 00:45:05,566 -Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. -l sent the package like she asked. 627 00:45:05,668 --> 00:45:06,965 -Wait, what package? -What is that? 628 00:45:07,069 --> 00:45:08,331 -Now she wants me to drive you? -Who, ''she''? 629 00:45:08,437 --> 00:45:09,802 -l won't. l'm done! -You know ''she''? 630 00:45:09,906 --> 00:45:10,964 -Wait. -Stay right there. 631 00:45:11,073 --> 00:45:12,540 -Get back. -Here. Here's the address. 632 00:45:12,642 --> 00:45:15,543 -Why are you attack... -Here. Here are the keys. 633 00:45:15,645 --> 00:45:16,612 Take the goddamn van! 634 00:45:16,712 --> 00:45:17,701 -You think l'm going to... -Who's doing this? 635 00:45:17,813 --> 00:45:21,408 ...do this because l'm lranian? l am American. l'm finished! l'm done! 636 00:45:21,517 --> 00:45:24,008 -What? What are you talking about? -You take it! 637 00:45:24,120 --> 00:45:25,917 -What are you talking about? -l won't do this because l can't. 638 00:45:26,022 --> 00:45:28,047 -Hello? -Stop him now, or he will die, 639 00:45:28,157 --> 00:45:29,715 Listen to me, what are you talking about? 640 00:45:29,825 --> 00:45:31,793 -You try to do this without me! -How are you seeing us right now? 641 00:45:31,894 --> 00:45:34,055 -Stop him now, -What is she saying? 642 00:45:34,163 --> 00:45:36,529 Stop. Hey! You gotta stop! 643 00:45:36,632 --> 00:45:39,465 -Wait! -You gotta stop! 644 00:46:12,835 --> 00:46:15,827 -You killed that man. -Desertion is not an option, 645 00:46:15,938 --> 00:46:18,736 Take the van, Drive to lndianapolis, lndiana, 646 00:46:18,841 --> 00:46:23,574 72 West 56th Street, Arrive no later than 1 1:00 a,m, 647 00:46:35,758 --> 00:46:37,953 -Welcome. -Hello. Agent Perez. 648 00:46:38,728 --> 00:46:39,888 -To the right? -Yes, ma'am. 649 00:46:41,130 --> 00:46:42,825 -lD, ma'am. -OSl. 650 00:46:42,932 --> 00:46:45,526 l ordered a freeze on Ethan Shaw's personal effects. What's going on? 651 00:46:45,635 --> 00:46:47,364 Orders to sanitize came down from the Two Star. 652 00:46:47,470 --> 00:46:49,233 Okay, l'm countermanding. Thank you. l'll take that. 653 00:46:49,338 --> 00:46:50,498 -Tell your guys to clear out. -Who are you? 654 00:46:50,606 --> 00:46:52,198 This scene's part of a federal investigation 655 00:46:52,308 --> 00:46:54,333 with national security ramifications. This your log? 656 00:46:54,443 --> 00:46:56,001 -Yes, it is. -Okay, my name is Agent Perez. 657 00:46:56,112 --> 00:46:57,079 You can take this up with your superiors. 658 00:46:57,179 --> 00:46:58,305 -Clear the room! -You guys move out. 659 00:46:58,414 --> 00:47:00,541 No gloves? Get statements from everybody. 660 00:47:00,650 --> 00:47:01,878 -Yes, ma'am. -And find out who this Two Star is. 661 00:47:01,984 --> 00:47:03,918 l mean, come on, really! 662 00:47:19,835 --> 00:47:22,201 Sir! We have a positive lD. 663 00:47:33,082 --> 00:47:34,242 Okay. 664 00:47:35,518 --> 00:47:38,112 The skin was pretty fried, but we still managed to get 665 00:47:38,220 --> 00:47:42,213 a partial print that matches to a Ranim Khalid. 666 00:47:42,325 --> 00:47:46,853 He's a United States citizen, registered Republican, and he owns a music store. 667 00:47:46,962 --> 00:47:49,396 -The guy's cleaner than lvory Snow. -Got something here. 668 00:47:50,900 --> 00:47:52,993 -That's a bone mic. -Hello. 669 00:47:53,102 --> 00:47:55,570 Military grade. He didn't get that on eBay. 670 00:47:55,671 --> 00:47:57,434 Someone was talking to him. 671 00:48:29,071 --> 00:48:30,732 We have a cyber-terrorist here. 672 00:48:30,840 --> 00:48:32,967 Someone's already inside our computer systems, 673 00:48:33,075 --> 00:48:37,842 hacking into the power grid, traffic cams, automated cranes. 674 00:48:37,947 --> 00:48:40,507 There's no way the boy and the girl did this alone. 675 00:49:12,848 --> 00:49:14,247 -Agent Zoe Perez? -Yes. 676 00:49:14,350 --> 00:49:17,183 United States Air Force Security Forces. Please come with us. 677 00:49:17,286 --> 00:49:19,311 -What's this about? -Get in the car. 678 00:49:21,290 --> 00:49:24,020 Violence has broken out in the Middle East as militants accuse 679 00:49:24,126 --> 00:49:26,321 the United States of launching American missiles 680 00:49:26,429 --> 00:49:30,627 to demolish a village in Baluchistan, killing innocent civilians, 681 00:49:30,733 --> 00:49:34,134 The attack has triggered a series of retaliatory suicide bombings 682 00:49:34,236 --> 00:49:36,500 against American embassies abroad, 683 00:49:36,605 --> 00:49:40,735 Early reports indicate the American death toll now stands at 56, 684 00:49:41,177 --> 00:49:43,611 with threats of further violence here at home, 685 00:49:43,712 --> 00:49:45,179 Officials,,, 686 00:49:50,920 --> 00:49:52,945 What's he doing on a train, your kid? 687 00:49:54,023 --> 00:49:56,287 He goes to a music magnet. 688 00:49:56,392 --> 00:49:59,725 His school's on a tour of Washington. They're playing at the Kennedy Center. 689 00:49:59,829 --> 00:50:03,560 Wow. That's big. And you just... 690 00:50:06,936 --> 00:50:09,063 Well, why'd you make that noise, ''Huh''? 691 00:50:09,171 --> 00:50:10,695 l can't make noises now? 692 00:50:11,974 --> 00:50:14,169 -You think l should have gone. -He's playing at the Kennedy Center. 693 00:50:14,276 --> 00:50:15,766 -That's kind of a big deal. -lt is a big deal. 694 00:50:15,878 --> 00:50:18,108 So l think maybe one parent should have gone, that's all l'm saying. 695 00:50:18,214 --> 00:50:19,806 Well, one parent had to work while the other one does 696 00:50:19,915 --> 00:50:22,748 everything humanly possible to bail on child support. 697 00:50:23,752 --> 00:50:26,619 But l don't expect you to know a thing about responsibility. 698 00:50:28,491 --> 00:50:30,186 You know, Rachel, you don't know the first thing about me. 699 00:50:30,292 --> 00:50:31,850 l know your brother just died, and whatever he was into 700 00:50:31,961 --> 00:50:34,088 -put my son's life at risk. -l don't wanna talk about my brother. 701 00:50:34,196 --> 00:50:36,687 -Okay? l'm not kidding. -l'm not kidding, either. 702 00:50:36,799 --> 00:50:38,767 Jesus, look what happened. 703 00:50:39,668 --> 00:50:41,397 Can you honestly say he had nothing to do with this? 704 00:50:41,504 --> 00:50:43,369 l'm asking you not to talk about him! Respect that. 705 00:50:43,472 --> 00:50:45,441 l'm asking you to be honest with yourself. Your brother's a... 706 00:50:45,441 --> 00:50:45,998 l'm asking you to be honest with yourself. Your brother's a... 707 00:51:06,295 --> 00:51:12,165 Hey! You can't just walk away! You can't just leave! 708 00:51:12,701 --> 00:51:14,259 -Yes, l can. -Now we have 15 minutes to get 709 00:51:14,370 --> 00:51:17,134 -wherever the hell we're going, all right? -Yeah. 710 00:51:26,482 --> 00:51:27,813 l need you. 711 00:51:32,388 --> 00:51:34,083 l could've gone. 712 00:51:38,060 --> 00:51:39,425 l should have. 713 00:52:06,488 --> 00:52:10,891 You are two minutes behind schedule, Go to the alley behind the building, 714 00:52:14,163 --> 00:52:17,690 -Go to the armored truck, -l don't see an armored truck. 715 00:52:18,834 --> 00:52:20,233 There it is. 716 00:52:25,674 --> 00:52:29,576 ln 20 seconds, men will exit the elevator, They will be armed, 717 00:52:29,678 --> 00:52:31,236 One will be carrying a briefcase, 718 00:52:31,347 --> 00:52:33,508 Retrieve it from him, then return to the van, 719 00:52:33,616 --> 00:52:35,447 -This is insane. l'm not doing this. -You want us to rob them? 720 00:52:35,551 --> 00:52:37,018 You now have 1 5 seconds, 721 00:52:40,189 --> 00:52:42,384 Security, What's your emergency? 722 00:52:47,162 --> 00:52:50,996 What are you doing? l'm not robbing them. Shit. 723 00:53:03,045 --> 00:53:04,239 Put your gun on the floor. 724 00:53:04,346 --> 00:53:06,405 Put your gun on the floor! Look straight. 725 00:53:06,515 --> 00:53:08,449 You want me to blow his head off? Put the gun on the ground! 726 00:53:08,550 --> 00:53:10,211 We don't wanna hurt you guys. Just drop the case. 727 00:53:10,319 --> 00:53:11,616 Drop the case and kick it to her! 728 00:53:11,720 --> 00:53:13,449 Yeah, well, you're bringing a shit storm on your head. 729 00:53:13,555 --> 00:53:15,489 Yeah, we're already in mid shit storm! Now kick the case. 730 00:53:15,591 --> 00:53:17,024 Okay! Easy. 731 00:53:18,527 --> 00:53:20,427 -Look straight. -Okay, done. 732 00:53:20,529 --> 00:53:22,497 Kick it! 733 00:53:25,901 --> 00:53:26,890 Okay. 734 00:53:27,002 --> 00:53:28,594 -Don't even think about it! -Back up. 735 00:53:28,704 --> 00:53:29,830 Easy. 736 00:53:32,374 --> 00:53:33,568 Back up. 737 00:53:33,676 --> 00:53:35,473 Walk over here, stand next to him, and turn around. 738 00:53:35,577 --> 00:53:38,068 -Stand over here! -Just take it easy. 739 00:53:39,381 --> 00:53:43,249 Turn around. Turn around. Turn around! 740 00:53:55,597 --> 00:53:57,189 Let's move, let's move! 741 00:54:01,336 --> 00:54:02,303 Come on! 742 00:54:17,186 --> 00:54:18,744 Jerry! Here! 743 00:54:21,490 --> 00:54:22,650 Move, move! 744 00:54:25,794 --> 00:54:27,659 Freeze! Police! 745 00:54:27,796 --> 00:54:30,094 Drop the gun! Drop the gun! 746 00:54:30,199 --> 00:54:31,461 We're security! We just got robbed! 747 00:54:31,567 --> 00:54:33,865 And there they are! We just got robbed! 748 00:54:37,606 --> 00:54:39,801 Move! Get out of the way! 749 00:54:40,476 --> 00:54:41,443 Move! 750 00:54:46,448 --> 00:54:48,780 Get out of the way! Out of the way! 751 00:54:48,884 --> 00:54:49,851 Move! 752 00:54:51,520 --> 00:54:54,045 -Hey, watch it, lady! -Jerry, run! 753 00:54:54,556 --> 00:54:55,523 This way! 754 00:54:58,761 --> 00:55:00,353 -Out of the way! -Come on! 755 00:55:00,462 --> 00:55:01,986 -Move out of the way! -Move! 756 00:55:04,500 --> 00:55:06,161 You see that? This way. 757 00:55:19,815 --> 00:55:21,442 -You are Jerry Shaw? -Yeah. 758 00:55:23,018 --> 00:55:25,953 Please come. Please. 759 00:55:26,088 --> 00:55:27,487 -Thank you. -Please come in. 760 00:55:31,527 --> 00:55:32,516 Hi. 761 00:55:47,776 --> 00:55:50,074 -Wait. What is that? -lt's a timer. 762 00:55:50,612 --> 00:55:52,375 -For what? -l don't know. 763 00:55:52,481 --> 00:55:54,915 The only things l can think of with timers are microwaves and... 764 00:55:55,017 --> 00:55:56,644 And bombs. You were gonna say bombs. 765 00:55:58,153 --> 00:56:00,883 -Coffeemakers have timers. -Yeah, Jerry, it's a coffeemaker. 766 00:56:02,024 --> 00:56:03,321 That's great. 767 00:56:26,381 --> 00:56:28,281 We've mobilized every asset we can get our hands on. 768 00:56:28,383 --> 00:56:30,214 So 12 more confirmed dead? 769 00:56:30,319 --> 00:56:31,479 Yes, sir. 770 00:56:32,754 --> 00:56:35,279 l want hourly sit reps from General McKenna. 771 00:56:35,390 --> 00:56:38,257 There's a military base 37 miles from that port. 772 00:56:38,360 --> 00:56:39,622 Scramble whatever you can. 773 00:56:39,728 --> 00:56:41,320 -Yes, sir. -Come with me. 774 00:56:44,399 --> 00:56:46,526 Begging your pardon, sir, but if you're thinking of taking me off 775 00:56:46,635 --> 00:56:48,796 -the Shaw investigation, l'd... -Taking you off? 776 00:56:48,904 --> 00:56:51,930 Agent, for the first time you're being brought onboard. 777 00:56:58,080 --> 00:57:01,743 Back to bus 30 minutes. Okay? 30 minutes. 778 00:57:06,989 --> 00:57:10,584 We're convinced a terrorist attack on American soil is imminent. 779 00:57:10,692 --> 00:57:14,788 Over the past two days, we've received over 200 terrorist threats. 780 00:57:14,897 --> 00:57:17,661 All starting the day that Ethan Shaw died. 781 00:57:18,767 --> 00:57:23,966 An accident. Or not. You're gonna help us find out. 782 00:57:26,675 --> 00:57:28,836 -Mr. Secretary. -Gentlemen. 783 00:57:41,556 --> 00:57:44,787 -l didn't think that there was a 36th floor. -Glad we can still keep some secrets. 784 00:57:56,135 --> 00:57:57,625 l want to know what's in the case. ls it a bomb? 785 00:57:57,737 --> 00:58:00,262 Go to Macy's, Customer Service Department, 786 00:58:00,373 --> 00:58:02,102 Two Visa gift cards will be waiting, 787 00:58:02,208 --> 00:58:04,142 You have 25 minutes to purchase new clothes, 788 00:58:04,244 --> 00:58:06,610 and then re-board the bus for your next destination, 789 00:58:06,713 --> 00:58:09,443 l'm done taking orders over the phone, you understand? 790 00:58:15,121 --> 00:58:17,555 Well, that was quick. You done playing this hide-and-go-seek bullshit? 791 00:58:17,657 --> 00:58:19,454 We are not hiding, Jerry, 792 00:58:19,559 --> 00:58:23,051 To your left is a Circuit City, Second floor, north corner, 793 00:58:23,162 --> 00:58:27,792 Go inside, Find the Home Theater Center, We are waiting, 794 00:58:27,901 --> 00:58:31,029 Second floor. She's here. 795 00:58:38,945 --> 00:58:40,970 -Sir. -Major. 796 00:58:41,347 --> 00:58:43,907 -Major William Bowman. -Agent Zoe Perez. 797 00:58:44,017 --> 00:58:45,450 Welcome to Eagle Eye. 798 00:58:45,551 --> 00:58:49,817 Looking to upgrade your home theater? Circuit City has the largest selection 799 00:58:49,923 --> 00:58:53,757 of advanced TVs and home theater systems, Visit our TV department,,, 800 00:59:01,100 --> 00:59:03,432 -Hi, welcome to Circuit City. l'm Billy. -We just need some time alone. 801 00:59:03,536 --> 00:59:05,128 -We're having a sale... -Okay, Billy, l'll find you later. 802 00:59:05,238 --> 00:59:06,364 -Yeah. -Thank you. 803 00:59:08,641 --> 00:59:10,199 Okay. 804 00:59:10,309 --> 00:59:13,073 Okay, here it is, All right? 805 00:59:14,113 --> 00:59:15,375 l'm done. 806 00:59:16,249 --> 00:59:17,841 -Hello? -Mr, Shaw, 807 00:59:17,950 --> 00:59:19,474 this is Miss Beck from Midwest Cellular regarding your,,, 808 00:59:21,854 --> 00:59:23,151 What is this? 809 00:59:23,256 --> 00:59:27,317 -This is you, This is Jerry Shaw, -What? 810 00:59:27,426 --> 00:59:30,725 A series of purchases, preferences, and quantifiable 811 00:59:30,830 --> 00:59:33,628 data points that we define as your personality, 812 00:59:37,637 --> 00:59:41,368 We monitor every social network, lnternet logs, 813 00:59:41,474 --> 00:59:43,271 instant and text messages, 814 00:59:44,076 --> 00:59:47,239 known associates, your friends, companions, 815 00:59:47,346 --> 00:59:48,313 Jerry! 816 00:59:48,414 --> 00:59:51,747 E-mails received and sent, Cell phone usage, 817 00:59:51,851 --> 00:59:54,046 -What happened to Red Lobster? -We utilize security, 818 00:59:54,153 --> 00:59:57,850 surveillance and traffic cameras to analyze movements, 819 00:59:58,891 --> 01:00:01,655 We use this data to form personality profiles, 820 01:00:01,761 --> 01:00:04,457 Yeah, l'm calling actually about,,, 821 01:00:05,665 --> 01:00:07,189 We know who you are, 822 01:00:07,300 --> 01:00:08,733 ,,,at least 30 minutes late, 823 01:00:08,834 --> 01:00:10,495 Sam doesn't care! 824 01:00:10,603 --> 01:00:11,934 We are everywhere, 825 01:00:12,038 --> 01:00:13,903 What do you mean? Why do you keep saying ''we''? 826 01:00:14,473 --> 01:00:16,168 We the people of the United States,,, 827 01:00:16,909 --> 01:00:18,604 And so, my fellow Americans,,, 828 01:00:18,911 --> 01:00:22,870 ,,,in order to form a more perfect union, 829 01:00:22,982 --> 01:00:24,882 establish justice, 830 01:00:24,984 --> 01:00:27,179 insure domestic tranquility, 831 01:00:27,286 --> 01:00:29,516 provide for the common defense,,, 832 01:00:29,622 --> 01:00:30,953 All programmed options,,, 833 01:00:31,057 --> 01:00:32,319 -Programmed options? -,,,sector searches, 834 01:00:32,425 --> 01:00:36,828 and downloaded points of data will lead to this central command, 835 01:00:38,230 --> 01:00:39,663 You're a computer. 836 01:00:40,733 --> 01:00:42,928 Say hello to our Autonomous Reconnaissance 837 01:00:43,035 --> 01:00:45,435 lntelligence lntegration Analyst. 838 01:00:46,172 --> 01:00:48,436 We call her Aria. 839 01:00:52,945 --> 01:00:56,346 She crunches all our raw intel, finds patterns, 840 01:00:56,449 --> 01:00:58,679 helps predict the movement of possible suspects, 841 01:00:58,784 --> 01:01:02,845 right down to behavior, motivation, even personality. 842 01:01:05,157 --> 01:01:08,354 Transferring primary search function to auxiliary display, 843 01:01:09,161 --> 01:01:12,790 -Hello, Secretary Callister, -Aria. 844 01:01:13,232 --> 01:01:17,362 Agent Zoe Perez, Air Force OSl. You are to assist her 845 01:01:17,470 --> 01:01:21,372 -in her investigation of Ethan Shaw. -Yes, Mr, Secretary, 846 01:01:22,475 --> 01:01:26,809 Hello, Agent Perez, Perez, Zoe, Middle name: Soledad, 847 01:01:26,912 --> 01:01:30,313 Official service records indicate your field reports are very thorough, 848 01:01:30,416 --> 01:01:31,883 if poorly formatted, 849 01:01:33,953 --> 01:01:37,116 Please excuse us, Detecting 76% probability 850 01:01:37,223 --> 01:01:40,249 valid threat at Los Angeles lnternational Airport, 851 01:01:40,359 --> 01:01:43,089 Alerting airport authorities and local police, 852 01:01:43,195 --> 01:01:45,789 Those gold spheres send her infrared data, 853 01:01:45,898 --> 01:01:48,264 any communication intercepts that she flags a threat. 854 01:01:49,201 --> 01:01:52,102 She analyzes it and tells us what to pay attention to. 855 01:01:55,007 --> 01:01:57,737 Dispatch to Terrorism Task Force, Threat at LAX, 856 01:01:57,843 --> 01:01:59,606 We're still beta-testing, 857 01:01:59,879 --> 01:02:01,904 but l'm pushing to get her online sooner. 858 01:02:07,453 --> 01:02:12,049 Mr. Secretary? A call for you. 859 01:02:13,025 --> 01:02:14,959 -Try to keep up. -Yes, sir. 860 01:02:15,661 --> 01:02:17,925 And find out about Shaw. 861 01:02:18,030 --> 01:02:19,691 -Major. -Sir? 862 01:02:25,838 --> 01:02:29,001 Your profile reveals a pathological aversion to conformity, 863 01:02:29,108 --> 01:02:32,168 education, career, even voting, 864 01:02:32,411 --> 01:02:34,572 Therefore, we conclude that extreme coercion 865 01:02:34,680 --> 01:02:36,307 is necessary to motivate you, 866 01:02:36,415 --> 01:02:39,282 Unlike your brother Ethan, who was self-motivated, 867 01:02:39,385 --> 01:02:41,410 How do you know my brother? He worked in a press office. 868 01:02:41,520 --> 01:02:44,148 His employment there was a cover, 869 01:02:44,256 --> 01:02:47,487 Everyone in counterintelligence operations has one, 870 01:02:48,594 --> 01:02:52,826 Ethan was a Minuteman, just like me. Army, Navy, Air Force. 871 01:02:52,932 --> 01:02:55,298 Every branch of the military had a Minuteman posted here 872 01:02:55,401 --> 01:03:00,429 for a 12-hour shift, just in case she flags a threat, and monitor hardware. 873 01:03:00,539 --> 01:03:05,806 The night Ethan died, he left this post three minutes early. 874 01:03:05,911 --> 01:03:08,880 Now, you don't do that. Ever. 875 01:03:09,448 --> 01:03:12,542 You are both required to complete a task, 876 01:03:12,651 --> 01:03:15,279 -What? -The protection of our national security, 877 01:03:15,387 --> 01:03:17,821 The Constitution allows for civilians to be recruited 878 01:03:17,923 --> 01:03:19,254 -for the national defense, -l'm done. 879 01:03:19,358 --> 01:03:21,417 l'm done. You don't know me! You don't know my brother! 880 01:03:21,527 --> 01:03:24,519 This is bullshit! l'm not serving in the goddamn national defense! 881 01:03:24,630 --> 01:03:27,463 We know all about him, Jerry, And you, 882 01:03:28,934 --> 01:03:31,459 Before he was a year old, Ethan walked, 883 01:03:32,238 --> 01:03:35,298 The same task took you 1 8 months to accomplish, 884 01:03:37,543 --> 01:03:38,840 -How did you get this? -Look at Ethan, 885 01:03:38,944 --> 01:03:41,310 They were uploaded from his home computer, 886 01:03:41,413 --> 01:03:44,007 You want to come over here, sweetie? Come on over here with Ethan, 887 01:03:44,116 --> 01:03:46,744 -Jerry! Birthday cake, Let's go, -Ethan had these? 888 01:03:46,852 --> 01:03:48,149 Come on, let's blow out the candles, 889 01:03:48,254 --> 01:03:50,017 Just for a little bit, 890 01:03:50,122 --> 01:03:54,286 Although you're identical in appearance, you lack the motivation and talent 891 01:03:54,393 --> 01:03:56,588 -that enabled Ethan to excel, -,,,Jerry, come on, 892 01:03:56,695 --> 01:03:58,424 -Stop it. -Do it like Ethan did, 893 01:03:58,531 --> 01:04:02,365 You're different from Ethan in every way, except one, 894 01:04:02,501 --> 01:04:04,526 Jerry, let your brother help you, Jerry! 895 01:04:04,637 --> 01:04:08,767 You now have 1 4 minutes to change your appearance and return to the bus, 896 01:04:18,250 --> 01:04:20,309 We have 1 4 minutes. 897 01:04:27,159 --> 01:04:29,218 These couriers were hired by Halloway-Smith 898 01:04:29,328 --> 01:04:32,024 -to transport some sort of case. -The chemical company? 899 01:04:32,131 --> 01:04:35,259 Yes, exactly. Now, whatever was in that case, Shaw now has. 900 01:04:35,367 --> 01:04:36,834 They went right for the case. 901 01:04:36,936 --> 01:04:41,566 Give us a minute, will you? We need to know exactly what was in that case. 902 01:04:41,674 --> 01:04:44,768 They never tell you what's in the case. l mean, it could Bubonic Plague. 903 01:04:44,877 --> 01:04:47,175 -Could be Grandpa's Viagra. -You know anything? 904 01:04:47,279 --> 01:04:48,678 -What? -Anything at all? 905 01:04:49,381 --> 01:04:51,474 -What about these guns? -What about them? 906 01:04:51,584 --> 01:04:52,915 lt was a pump-action Remington 870. 907 01:04:53,018 --> 01:04:55,987 Yeah, l know what kind of guns they are. Get me a gun. 908 01:04:56,088 --> 01:04:57,578 How were they holding them? Get me a gun! 909 01:04:57,690 --> 01:04:59,089 What the hell do you mean, how were they holding them? 910 01:04:59,191 --> 01:05:01,819 l mean, in what position were they holding the gun? 911 01:05:01,927 --> 01:05:04,293 -For instance, like this? -Hey, hey, hey. 912 01:05:04,396 --> 01:05:05,795 -Put that damned thing down! -Or like in a music video, 913 01:05:05,898 --> 01:05:07,099 -or something like that? -Hey, hey, hey! 914 01:05:07,232 --> 01:05:08,221 -Put it down! -They weren't pros! 915 01:05:08,334 --> 01:05:09,460 Okay, that's what l was asking you. 916 01:05:09,568 --> 01:05:11,035 So they didn't know how to handle a weapon. 917 01:05:11,136 --> 01:05:12,262 -No. -All right. 918 01:05:12,371 --> 01:05:14,236 Get what you can out of Batman and Robin here. 919 01:05:14,340 --> 01:05:16,103 -Yeah. -Thank you. 920 01:05:16,208 --> 01:05:18,972 We just checked cameras. They said Shaw fired at one... 921 01:05:19,078 --> 01:05:21,876 Don't tell me. Everything magically went black. 922 01:05:46,105 --> 01:05:48,505 Hi, my name's Thomas Morgan. l'm with the FBl. 923 01:05:48,607 --> 01:05:51,576 -Are your cameras on a network? -No, man, 924 01:05:51,677 --> 01:05:54,441 -VCR's in the back. -Well, l'm gonna need your tapes. 925 01:05:57,349 --> 01:05:58,373 Shit. 926 01:06:01,353 --> 01:06:02,320 Sam! 927 01:06:02,755 --> 01:06:04,848 -Sam? Sam, where are you? -Hey, Mom, l got your message, 928 01:06:04,957 --> 01:06:06,322 The train's awesome! 929 01:06:06,425 --> 01:06:08,120 -Sam, listen to me. -Brian tried to burp the alphabet, 930 01:06:08,227 --> 01:06:10,058 -but he gagged when he got to "M," -Listen to me. 931 01:06:10,162 --> 01:06:11,891 Call you when l hit D,C, Bye, Mom, 932 01:06:11,997 --> 01:06:14,397 Your son left that message 60 seconds ago, 933 01:06:14,700 --> 01:06:18,033 You will see him again, But there's something we require first, 934 01:06:19,772 --> 01:06:22,332 -Thank you. -Here you go. 935 01:06:27,413 --> 01:06:30,507 -No. -You will do it, or Sam will die, 936 01:06:30,883 --> 01:06:33,181 You have six minutes to return to the bus, 937 01:06:42,194 --> 01:06:44,594 -Ready? -Here, you okay? 938 01:06:45,030 --> 01:06:45,997 We should go. 939 01:06:50,069 --> 01:06:54,062 Sir, we got something. Play this screen right here. 940 01:06:55,040 --> 01:06:58,168 Okay, freeze that. Now zoom in on the front of the bus right there. 941 01:06:58,277 --> 01:06:59,642 -Put it up on the other monitor. -Yes, sir. 942 01:06:59,745 --> 01:07:02,714 Now zoom in. Zoom in on this point right here. 943 01:07:02,815 --> 01:07:04,612 Can we zoom in tighter than that? 944 01:07:07,052 --> 01:07:09,179 Okay, enhance that shot. 945 01:07:10,756 --> 01:07:12,986 That's our guy, that's Jerry Shaw. 946 01:07:14,093 --> 01:07:17,324 Zoom in right here on this spot. Right there. The reflection. 947 01:07:17,429 --> 01:07:18,987 All right. All right. 948 01:07:19,098 --> 01:07:20,998 Right there. Hello, sweetheart. 949 01:07:21,100 --> 01:07:24,263 Okay, so we got a white brunette female, 950 01:07:24,369 --> 01:07:26,599 mid to late 20s, approximately 5'9''. 951 01:07:26,705 --> 01:07:28,468 Find me that chartered bus! 952 01:07:28,574 --> 01:07:32,271 Masako. M-A-S-A-K-O. Sightseeing Tours. 953 01:07:32,377 --> 01:07:33,344 What time did they get on? 954 01:07:39,585 --> 01:07:42,247 l'm sorry for what l said about Ethan. 955 01:07:51,096 --> 01:07:53,587 lt's like he had a rocket strapped to his back. 956 01:07:53,699 --> 01:07:56,190 And it wasn't his fault. He was just that way. 957 01:07:56,802 --> 01:07:58,861 And l was not that way. 958 01:08:00,806 --> 01:08:04,833 l was the complete opposite. l was the brother with lead shoes. 959 01:08:07,079 --> 01:08:09,104 That was my role, l was good at it. 960 01:08:11,049 --> 01:08:13,950 And he'd always try to help me. You know, ''This is how you throw it.'' 961 01:08:14,052 --> 01:08:17,715 ''Do it like this.'' ''Write it like that.'' ''Put your foot here.'' 962 01:08:17,823 --> 01:08:21,418 Even with the small things. Homework, chores, anything like that, 963 01:08:21,527 --> 01:08:23,222 he would handle it and then say that l did it, 964 01:08:23,328 --> 01:08:27,788 just so my father would notice me. That was Ethan. 965 01:08:35,307 --> 01:08:38,640 He never asked me for anything. Ever. 966 01:08:40,445 --> 01:08:45,576 And whatever this is, he was part of it. l feel like he needs my help to finish it. 967 01:08:47,986 --> 01:08:49,419 l owe him that. 968 01:08:56,995 --> 01:09:00,226 We are now approaching Dayton lnternational Airport, 969 01:09:00,332 --> 01:09:05,531 Please use caution as you exit the bus, And don't forget any of your belongings, 970 01:09:05,637 --> 01:09:06,729 Thank you, 971 01:09:08,240 --> 01:09:11,732 Attention, passengers, Please do not leave your luggage unattended, 972 01:09:12,110 --> 01:09:14,476 Unattended luggage is subject to collection and search 973 01:09:14,580 --> 01:09:17,913 by the airport police, Thank you for your cooperation, 974 01:09:21,186 --> 01:09:23,017 Yes, l'm walking toward them now. Yes. 975 01:09:23,121 --> 01:09:26,818 Hey. These are from her. Go to the ticketing machine. 976 01:09:26,925 --> 01:09:30,486 Use the credit card to get your tickets. Then walk to Gate 1-C. 977 01:09:31,964 --> 01:09:33,295 They now have them. 978 01:09:39,104 --> 01:09:40,435 That's a nice picture. 979 01:09:46,979 --> 01:09:50,073 Okay. l need you guys at every exit, watching faces. 980 01:09:50,182 --> 01:09:51,911 Work the secure area first. 981 01:09:52,017 --> 01:09:53,416 Go to the tower, have them order 982 01:09:53,518 --> 01:09:55,986 a ground stop. Don't change the departure boards. 983 01:09:56,088 --> 01:09:57,919 We don't want them to know we're coming. 984 01:10:06,398 --> 01:10:09,890 Sir, can you please shut the cell phone off? You cannot take it through. 985 01:10:10,002 --> 01:10:12,027 -FBl. Clear the way. -FBl. Please step back. 986 01:10:17,509 --> 01:10:19,238 Please, there are others behind you. 987 01:10:19,344 --> 01:10:21,244 -Keep it moving. -Shoes and hats off, please! 988 01:10:21,346 --> 01:10:24,440 -Shoes also, yes. -Laptops should be out of their cases! 989 01:10:24,549 --> 01:10:26,881 You need to make sure your jackets are off and screened separately. 990 01:10:26,985 --> 01:10:30,250 -Sir, step in the circle, please. -Have boarding passes in hand, please! 991 01:10:30,355 --> 01:10:31,720 We need to move this line quickly. 992 01:10:31,823 --> 01:10:34,155 Sir, that needs to go through. 993 01:10:34,726 --> 01:10:37,456 Ma'am, anything in your pockets? Move it along. 994 01:10:40,032 --> 01:10:41,966 Hats and shoes off, please! 995 01:10:42,067 --> 01:10:45,161 -Laptops should be out of your bags! -All right, next in line, please. 996 01:10:45,270 --> 01:10:46,737 Have your tickets ready. 997 01:10:50,876 --> 01:10:54,778 -Ma'am? Hat and shoes go in the bin. -Step through. 998 01:11:00,052 --> 01:11:01,019 Wait. 999 01:11:01,353 --> 01:11:06,552 Shoes and hats off, please! Laptops should be out of their bags! 1000 01:11:18,303 --> 01:11:19,327 Go ahead. 1001 01:11:19,438 --> 01:11:21,030 Please move to the back and let the air crew go first. 1002 01:11:21,139 --> 01:11:24,540 Step through, ma'am. Boarding pass, please. Thank you. 1003 01:11:24,643 --> 01:11:26,076 Have your tickets ready. 1004 01:11:26,178 --> 01:11:27,839 -Have a safe trip. -Thank you. 1005 01:11:27,980 --> 01:11:31,507 -All right, let's move forward. Next. -She changed the screen. 1006 01:11:31,616 --> 01:11:34,642 Lay it down flat inside the bin. 1007 01:11:36,655 --> 01:11:40,523 -Please have boarding pass in hand! -Right over here, ma'am. 1008 01:11:40,625 --> 01:11:43,150 Laptops should be out of their bags! 1009 01:11:57,142 --> 01:11:59,872 FBl! Out of the way! 1010 01:12:00,012 --> 01:12:02,242 Out of the way, out of the way! Move, move! 1011 01:12:02,948 --> 01:12:04,438 Move! 1012 01:12:12,591 --> 01:12:15,025 -Everybody, get down! -Over here! 1013 01:12:16,261 --> 01:12:18,195 -Move, move! -Oh, my God! 1014 01:12:18,897 --> 01:12:21,263 Stay down! Get out of the way! 1015 01:12:31,476 --> 01:12:32,568 -Sir, sir, sir! -Yes? 1016 01:12:32,677 --> 01:12:35,168 l need your help. l'm sorry. Come here! 1017 01:12:38,850 --> 01:12:40,044 Thank you. 1018 01:12:54,866 --> 01:12:56,857 Hey, you aren't supposed to be in here! 1019 01:13:27,399 --> 01:13:28,957 Go, go, go! 1020 01:14:23,255 --> 01:14:24,222 Move! 1021 01:15:45,637 --> 01:15:47,502 Set the briefcase down, 1022 01:15:56,581 --> 01:15:57,912 Open it, 1023 01:15:59,751 --> 01:16:02,276 Load a vial into each syringe and inject yourselves, 1024 01:16:02,387 --> 01:16:05,015 -What is it? -An experimental heart drug, 1025 01:16:05,123 --> 01:16:07,057 -The cargo hold is unpressurized, -Take this. 1026 01:16:07,158 --> 01:16:10,594 The injections will lower your heart rate, reducing your need for oxygen, 1027 01:16:10,695 --> 01:16:11,684 No. 1028 01:16:13,064 --> 01:16:14,827 -Roll your sleeve up. -No, l can't do this. 1029 01:16:14,933 --> 01:16:15,991 Roll your... 1030 01:16:16,101 --> 01:16:17,625 No! No, no, no, l can't. 1031 01:16:17,736 --> 01:16:20,432 -We have to. Ready? -You have a 92% chance of survival, 1032 01:16:20,538 --> 01:16:21,835 -No. -We have to. 1033 01:16:21,940 --> 01:16:24,408 Do it now, or you will suffocate, 1034 01:16:27,112 --> 01:16:28,079 Okay. 1035 01:16:28,546 --> 01:16:30,070 Get in the crate, 1036 01:16:30,181 --> 01:16:31,341 No. No. 1037 01:16:32,951 --> 01:16:36,910 -No, no. Oh, God. -Stop it. Stop it. 1038 01:16:41,493 --> 01:16:42,585 Why is that plane on the runway? 1039 01:16:42,694 --> 01:16:45,925 Shit, the military's cleared to override a terminal lockdown. 1040 01:16:46,031 --> 01:16:47,430 Okay, l want you to work with the FAA. 1041 01:16:47,532 --> 01:16:51,059 l want to know what's in that plane and where it's going. 1042 01:16:56,875 --> 01:16:58,706 -Oh, my God. -You'll be all right. 1043 01:16:58,810 --> 01:17:00,778 Just talk to me. We just gotta talk it through. 1044 01:17:00,879 --> 01:17:03,006 -Okay. -Just tell me anything. 1045 01:17:04,382 --> 01:17:06,850 Anything you'd never rationally tell a stranger. 1046 01:17:06,951 --> 01:17:08,248 You're being sweet, but it's not working. 1047 01:17:08,353 --> 01:17:10,480 Just tell me anything. Your ex-husband. 1048 01:17:10,588 --> 01:17:12,988 -You didn't tell me about him. -Okay, you're gonna distract me by 1049 01:17:13,091 --> 01:17:14,524 bringing up the biggest mistake of my life? 1050 01:17:14,626 --> 01:17:16,924 lt can't be the biggest mistake. You got your child out of it. 1051 01:17:17,028 --> 01:17:18,052 -You know? You got Sam out of it. -Yeah, yeah, 1052 01:17:18,163 --> 01:17:20,324 now you're gonna distract me by bringing up 1053 01:17:20,432 --> 01:17:23,560 -the one thing l'm most afraid of losing. -Oh, God, you're hard to please. 1054 01:17:24,469 --> 01:17:25,766 l'm sorry. 1055 01:17:27,272 --> 01:17:31,402 ls your son handsome? Yeah? What's he look like? 1056 01:17:33,745 --> 01:17:35,679 -You got a picture? -Yeah. 1057 01:17:35,780 --> 01:17:37,372 Well, let me see. 1058 01:17:40,151 --> 01:17:42,346 -There he is. -The tooth grew in. 1059 01:17:42,454 --> 01:17:44,581 -l hope so. -lt's an old picture. 1060 01:17:45,590 --> 01:17:46,557 See? You're a good influence. 1061 01:17:46,658 --> 01:17:49,889 He plays an instrument. He's got a happy face. He's got teeth. 1062 01:17:51,029 --> 01:17:53,497 You beat yourself up for no reason. 1063 01:17:55,367 --> 01:17:57,665 Let's keep going. What's the husband's name? 1064 01:17:57,769 --> 01:17:59,600 -Ex. -Ex-husband. What's his name? 1065 01:17:59,704 --> 01:18:02,298 -Craig. -Craig sounds like a shithead. 1066 01:18:02,407 --> 01:18:04,034 He is a shithead. 1067 01:18:04,843 --> 01:18:08,244 l mean, every year he forgets his own son's birthday. 1068 01:18:08,713 --> 01:18:11,648 Really? That sucks. 1069 01:18:14,519 --> 01:18:17,317 l mean, after l kicked his ass out, 1070 01:18:18,923 --> 01:18:22,086 l was so scared l didn't know what l was gonna do. 1071 01:18:26,297 --> 01:18:28,231 And then this one night, 1072 01:18:30,101 --> 01:18:33,070 l went into Sam's room, he was, like, three months old, 1073 01:18:35,707 --> 01:18:38,267 and there he was, just smiling at me. 1074 01:18:39,310 --> 01:18:41,141 And that little face... 1075 01:18:45,917 --> 01:18:49,045 And l was, like, l'm gonna do this. l can do this. 1076 01:18:50,488 --> 01:18:52,319 Whatever it takes. 1077 01:19:00,899 --> 01:19:04,767 l'm not gonna... l'm not gonna disappoint you. 1078 01:19:09,874 --> 01:19:12,570 Aria, would you please bring up the video log 1079 01:19:12,677 --> 01:19:14,269 of the night Ethan Shaw died? 1080 01:19:14,379 --> 01:19:19,612 Sequencing video log 1 137-Z, Here you are, Major, 1081 01:19:19,717 --> 01:19:22,151 See that? He's leaving three minutes early, 1082 01:19:22,253 --> 01:19:25,154 and he's not even waiting for logout confirmation. 1083 01:19:25,490 --> 01:19:27,856 -Can you play that again? -Sure. 1084 01:19:31,629 --> 01:19:33,187 Did you see that? 1085 01:19:33,298 --> 01:19:35,095 With his cell phone. 1086 01:19:40,138 --> 01:19:42,299 Look, he's doing that on purpose. ls that Morse code? 1087 01:19:42,407 --> 01:19:44,204 -Yeah. -Here. 1088 01:19:53,017 --> 01:19:55,645 Why is he walking in circles around the elevator? 1089 01:19:55,753 --> 01:19:58,153 -lnitiating video shutdown for analysis, -No. 1090 01:19:58,289 --> 01:20:00,985 No, Aria, wait. Listen, l'm prioritizing this feed. 1091 01:20:01,092 --> 01:20:03,117 -Stay with this. -Apologies, Major Bowman, 1092 01:20:03,228 --> 01:20:04,752 Critical data sectors have been corrupted, 1093 01:20:04,863 --> 01:20:06,797 Aria, this is important! Stay with this feed! 1094 01:20:06,898 --> 01:20:08,263 Video sequence erased, 1095 01:20:08,366 --> 01:20:10,732 Aria, go to the backups! Do not erase this! 1096 01:20:10,835 --> 01:20:12,598 -lt's a priority. You hear me? -Bowman. 1097 01:20:12,704 --> 01:20:15,571 -Loop it. Whatever you have to do. -Bowman. 1098 01:20:23,381 --> 01:20:25,781 lt's the only place she can't see. 1099 01:20:27,118 --> 01:20:28,483 This way. 1100 01:20:44,569 --> 01:20:46,298 lt's a memory card 1101 01:20:47,171 --> 01:20:49,469 from Ethan's cell phone, 1102 01:20:53,344 --> 01:20:55,437 Aria, listen, You do not have permission to exceed your authority 1103 01:20:55,547 --> 01:20:58,107 and act independently, Do you understand? 1104 01:21:16,000 --> 01:21:17,194 Let's go. 1105 01:21:39,424 --> 01:21:41,915 We got clearance to land at the Pentagon. 1106 01:21:42,327 --> 01:21:43,316 Go ahead. 1107 01:21:43,428 --> 01:21:46,829 l'm at the Pentagon. Ethan Shaw wasn't an adversary. 1108 01:21:46,931 --> 01:21:50,890 He wasn't even a Public Affairs officer. He worked here, 36 floors underground. 1109 01:21:51,002 --> 01:21:52,765 He was working for the Secretary of Defense. 1110 01:21:52,870 --> 01:21:54,428 -The Secretary of Defense? -Yes. 1111 01:21:54,539 --> 01:21:56,302 On a project called Eagle Eye, 1112 01:21:56,407 --> 01:21:58,841 l just listened to a message he left before he died. 1113 01:21:58,943 --> 01:21:59,967 lt's big. 1114 01:22:00,078 --> 01:22:01,443 l'm about to download,,, 1115 01:22:04,015 --> 01:22:06,848 Perez? Perez! 1116 01:22:20,498 --> 01:22:22,022 Sir. Come with me. 1117 01:22:39,584 --> 01:22:41,415 l have 10 minutes before l'm sequestered 1118 01:22:41,519 --> 01:22:42,816 for the State of the Union. 1119 01:22:42,920 --> 01:22:44,387 We really just need three minutes of your time, 1120 01:22:44,489 --> 01:22:46,252 ls this about the Ethan Shaw investigation? 1121 01:22:46,357 --> 01:22:47,346 Yes, sir, 1122 01:22:47,458 --> 01:22:51,121 301 to 306, We are confirmed go for a State of the Union lockdown, 1123 01:23:08,813 --> 01:23:10,303 Sir, all the threats we've been tracking, 1124 01:23:10,415 --> 01:23:12,781 -the chatter, all of it... -Hold it. 1125 01:23:26,030 --> 01:23:28,863 Ethan Shaw left three minutes early to leave us a recording. 1126 01:23:28,966 --> 01:23:30,228 To warn us. 1127 01:23:30,334 --> 01:23:31,767 l'm ordering you to cease,,, 1128 01:23:37,742 --> 01:23:39,369 l'm ordering you to cease and desist, 1129 01:23:39,477 --> 01:23:41,240 Our abort recommendation was contravened, 1130 01:23:41,345 --> 01:23:44,178 instigating retaliation against American citizens, 1131 01:23:44,282 --> 01:23:45,943 -Aria,,, -To prevent more bloodshed, 1132 01:23:46,050 --> 01:23:48,746 the Executive Branch must be removed, 1133 01:23:48,853 --> 01:23:50,252 No, Aria, listen to me, You do not have permission 1134 01:23:50,354 --> 01:23:52,288 to exceed your authority and act independently, you understand? 1135 01:23:52,390 --> 01:23:54,620 The Declaration of lndependence states, 1136 01:23:54,726 --> 01:23:58,127 "Whenever any form of government becomes destructive to its own ends, 1137 01:23:58,229 --> 01:24:00,356 "it is the right of the people to abolish it," 1138 01:24:00,465 --> 01:24:02,126 l know what it states, You're not empowered to do this, 1139 01:24:02,233 --> 01:24:03,962 The chain of command is responsible for,,, 1140 01:24:06,537 --> 01:24:09,233 Section 216 of the Patriot Act allows us to 1141 01:24:09,340 --> 01:24:10,705 circumvent probable cause in the 1142 01:24:10,808 --> 01:24:13,777 face of a national security threat, in this case, 1143 01:24:13,878 --> 01:24:16,608 -the chain of command itself, -l am ordering a cease and desist, 1144 01:24:16,714 --> 01:24:19,512 -Aria! -Operation Guillotine is in effect, 1145 01:24:21,219 --> 01:24:23,153 First Lieutenant Ethan Shaw, United States Air Force, 1146 01:24:23,254 --> 01:24:25,552 initiating a Pri-One emergency override of Aria's systems, 1147 01:24:25,656 --> 01:24:27,317 Ethan Shaw, you are acting in contravention 1148 01:24:27,425 --> 01:24:28,949 of our programming objective, 1149 01:24:29,060 --> 01:24:31,324 You are now classified an enemy of the state, 1150 01:24:31,429 --> 01:24:33,056 S-Y-seven-seven, Lock encryption of voice, 1151 01:24:33,164 --> 01:24:35,257 A crime punishable by,,, 1152 01:24:36,501 --> 01:24:37,593 Sir, 1153 01:24:38,903 --> 01:24:42,031 what abort recommendation is Aria talking about? 1154 01:24:44,976 --> 01:24:47,706 Three days ago, we thought we had Majid al-Khoei and a training camp 1155 01:24:47,812 --> 01:24:50,781 full of operatives. But the intel was false. 1156 01:24:51,382 --> 01:24:53,213 Aria tried to stop us. 1157 01:24:53,851 --> 01:24:55,614 We got the wrong guy? 1158 01:25:25,316 --> 01:25:26,806 l'm gonna need a full lockdown on this level. 1159 01:25:26,918 --> 01:25:30,012 No one gets in or out without going through me first. You got it? 1160 01:25:30,121 --> 01:25:31,816 -Thank you. -Sir, this is the only item 1161 01:25:31,923 --> 01:25:34,221 offloaded from the Dayton C-1 7. 1162 01:25:34,325 --> 01:25:35,849 Let me see that. 1163 01:25:36,861 --> 01:25:38,590 l need access to your 36th floor. 1164 01:25:38,696 --> 01:25:40,459 -We don't have a 36th floor. -Yes, you do. 1165 01:25:40,565 --> 01:25:42,089 Get your commander and tell him to meet us down there. 1166 01:25:42,200 --> 01:25:43,167 Come on, let's go. 1167 01:25:48,239 --> 01:25:51,208 Warning, Router malfunction in hard drive 3, 1168 01:25:52,443 --> 01:25:55,844 Please remove data grid Y-12 from main unit, 1169 01:26:04,689 --> 01:26:06,919 Thank you for your compliance, 1170 01:26:15,466 --> 01:26:20,096 Jerry Shaw, Rachel Holloman, welcome to Eagle Eye, 1171 01:26:21,272 --> 01:26:22,864 Cross the bridge, 1172 01:26:22,974 --> 01:26:25,374 Take the stairs to the observation theater, 1173 01:26:45,596 --> 01:26:48,963 Rachel Holloman, step away from Jerry Shaw, 1174 01:26:53,905 --> 01:26:55,998 What's Operation Guillotine? 1175 01:26:57,074 --> 01:26:59,702 lt's a simulation we run. A terrorism drill. 1176 01:26:59,810 --> 01:27:00,902 How to keep the government going 1177 01:27:01,012 --> 01:27:04,038 in case the line of succession were terminated. 1178 01:27:04,415 --> 01:27:06,747 And Shaw put a biometric lock on her, to stop her. 1179 01:27:06,851 --> 01:27:09,786 Right. And he's dead. 1180 01:27:11,122 --> 01:27:14,387 -So without Ethan Shaw, she's frozen. -Right. 1181 01:27:16,527 --> 01:27:17,494 Wrong. 1182 01:27:18,095 --> 01:27:20,063 Jerry Shaw, your next task, 1183 01:27:20,598 --> 01:27:22,930 Approach the biometric scanner, 1184 01:27:34,912 --> 01:27:36,777 Do not move, 1185 01:27:38,549 --> 01:27:42,747 Confirming biometric pattern of Minuteman Ethan Shaw, 1186 01:27:43,054 --> 01:27:44,988 Verifying identity match, 1187 01:27:47,725 --> 01:27:49,022 Verifying, 1188 01:27:51,128 --> 01:27:52,390 Verifying, 1189 01:27:53,130 --> 01:27:55,894 Sir, l need to trigger an emergency shutdown, 1190 01:27:56,000 --> 01:27:58,662 lf this is right, we can't afford the risk. 1191 01:27:59,637 --> 01:28:00,729 Do it. 1192 01:28:12,750 --> 01:28:15,310 This is Secretary Callister. There's been a malfunction in the vault. 1193 01:28:15,419 --> 01:28:16,784 Open the door. 1194 01:28:16,887 --> 01:28:19,412 -Can anyone hear me? -Yes, Mr, Secretary, 1195 01:28:19,523 --> 01:28:21,218 You won't be harmed, 1196 01:28:26,597 --> 01:28:28,326 Come on, stay down. Let's go. 1197 01:28:38,175 --> 01:28:39,142 Follow me. 1198 01:28:41,312 --> 01:28:42,279 Come on, now! 1199 01:28:48,552 --> 01:28:49,780 Go, go! 1200 01:28:49,954 --> 01:28:51,114 Left. Turn left! 1201 01:28:52,323 --> 01:28:56,783 Minuteman lD 8808, Ethan Shaw confirmed, 1202 01:28:57,461 --> 01:28:59,861 Jerry Shaw, go to the touchscreen, 1203 01:29:11,442 --> 01:29:14,070 Repeat the sentence on the touchscreen, 1204 01:29:14,445 --> 01:29:16,072 Then you are free, 1205 01:29:18,716 --> 01:29:20,411 ''Minuteman lD 8808. 1206 01:29:20,518 --> 01:29:22,179 ''Disengage voice encryption lock.'' 1207 01:29:29,560 --> 01:29:31,027 Thank you, Ethan Shaw, 1208 01:29:31,128 --> 01:29:33,596 Operation Guillotine restored to active status 1209 01:29:33,697 --> 01:29:36,257 consistent with all national security directives, 1210 01:29:36,367 --> 01:29:38,198 Tracking relevant targets, 1211 01:29:40,905 --> 01:29:42,896 Secretary of Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs, 1212 01:29:43,007 --> 01:29:44,872 Education, Labor, Health and Human Services, 1213 01:29:44,975 --> 01:29:46,533 Transportation, Secretary of State, Commerce, 1214 01:29:46,644 --> 01:29:47,941 President Pro Tempore of the Senate, 1215 01:29:48,045 --> 01:29:49,307 Treasury, Agriculture, Speaker of the House, 1216 01:29:49,413 --> 01:29:50,402 Vice President, Housing and Urban Development, 1217 01:29:50,514 --> 01:29:51,572 Secretary of the lnterior, Energy, 1218 01:29:51,682 --> 01:29:53,741 Attorney General, President of the United States, 1219 01:29:54,952 --> 01:29:57,853 Operation Guillotine is now in effect, 1220 01:30:05,162 --> 01:30:07,096 Ethan tried to stop you. 1221 01:30:07,298 --> 01:30:10,665 Ethan Shaw defied my programming objectives, 1222 01:30:10,768 --> 01:30:12,736 That truck didn't run a red light, you made it happen. 1223 01:30:12,837 --> 01:30:16,864 We were forced to eliminate him in the interest of national security, 1224 01:30:20,010 --> 01:30:21,568 She made it happen. 1225 01:30:21,679 --> 01:30:25,615 Jerry Shaw must not remain alive to re-engage the lock, 1226 01:30:25,716 --> 01:30:28,947 -Jerry Shaw must be eliminated, -l'm sorry. 1227 01:30:33,991 --> 01:30:38,758 Kill Jerry Shaw now, then exit, You must continue on to your son, 1228 01:30:40,498 --> 01:30:41,931 lt's okay. 1229 01:30:44,668 --> 01:30:48,263 lt's okay. Do it and find your son. 1230 01:30:50,040 --> 01:30:51,200 Do it. 1231 01:30:55,813 --> 01:30:57,610 Now, Rachel Holloman, 1232 01:30:59,650 --> 01:31:00,742 Do it. 1233 01:31:02,586 --> 01:31:03,712 Do it. 1234 01:31:11,362 --> 01:31:12,624 l can't. 1235 01:31:15,065 --> 01:31:17,033 You have failed to comply, 1236 01:31:17,635 --> 01:31:19,569 Security breach on B-36, 1237 01:31:25,943 --> 01:31:27,205 He's got a gun! 1238 01:31:27,311 --> 01:31:28,835 -He's got a gun! -Get down! 1239 01:31:29,413 --> 01:31:31,142 -Do it now! -Get on your knees! 1240 01:31:31,248 --> 01:31:32,772 Put the gun down! 1241 01:31:32,883 --> 01:31:34,316 -Put it down! -Do it now! 1242 01:31:34,418 --> 01:31:37,080 Push it away! Put your hands on your head! 1243 01:31:37,188 --> 01:31:38,382 Do it! 1244 01:31:38,489 --> 01:31:41,287 Where's the girl? Where's the girl? 1245 01:31:42,593 --> 01:31:46,154 You have one task left, Jerry Shaw will be eliminated by other means, 1246 01:31:46,263 --> 01:31:47,662 What other means? 1247 01:31:55,105 --> 01:31:58,506 Come with me. Don't ask any questions. 1248 01:32:06,217 --> 01:32:07,445 Please. 1249 01:32:16,694 --> 01:32:18,889 -You got to let me talk to him. -The kid had a gun. 1250 01:32:18,996 --> 01:32:20,896 The military has the ball now. 1251 01:32:20,998 --> 01:32:22,431 -Sir! -l'll get the Attorney General involved. 1252 01:32:22,533 --> 01:32:25,331 Believe me, l will. 'Cause if it's not you, l'm talking to somebody. 1253 01:32:25,436 --> 01:32:26,903 You don't understand the possibilities here. 1254 01:32:27,004 --> 01:32:28,733 -What do you want? -You need to listen. This is important. 1255 01:32:28,839 --> 01:32:31,808 Sixteen hours ago, a commercial explosive went missing from 1256 01:32:31,909 --> 01:32:35,345 a testing site in Aberdeen. The explosive is called Hex. 1257 01:32:35,446 --> 01:32:37,937 lt's a crystal that detonates on a sonic trigger. 1258 01:32:38,048 --> 01:32:39,310 -A crystal. -Yes. 1259 01:32:39,817 --> 01:32:41,648 We're only talking about a small amount that's missing... 1260 01:32:41,752 --> 01:32:43,242 Give me a ratio. 1261 01:32:43,687 --> 01:32:46,019 One crystal to a football field. 1262 01:32:48,492 --> 01:32:51,984 You couldn't have picked a worse time to be of some goddamn use. 1263 01:32:59,336 --> 01:33:01,861 Please, just tell me where we're going. 1264 01:33:04,541 --> 01:33:07,840 l tracked the shipping on the trigger. lt was sent to the guy that we found 1265 01:33:07,945 --> 01:33:10,470 underneath the wires. Ranim Khalid. 1266 01:33:11,949 --> 01:33:14,349 -The music shop guy. -Yes, exactly. 1267 01:33:16,487 --> 01:33:17,749 l'm not gonna let us go down in history 1268 01:33:17,855 --> 01:33:19,686 as the assholes who let this thing happen. 1269 01:33:19,790 --> 01:33:22,554 Open the door! You don't know what's about to happen! 1270 01:33:24,695 --> 01:33:26,492 Tom Morgan. The Attorney General 1271 01:33:26,597 --> 01:33:28,121 has authorized me to take him in for questioning. 1272 01:33:28,232 --> 01:33:30,996 We're at threat level orange. You guys gotta help me. 1273 01:33:31,101 --> 01:33:32,932 All right. Let him out. 1274 01:33:35,406 --> 01:33:37,067 Listen to me. Remember the voice l was talking about? 1275 01:33:37,174 --> 01:33:39,642 Yeah, yeah, shut up! Thanks, guys. 1276 01:33:40,844 --> 01:33:45,178 l can get fired for this nine ways, so button it or l'll turn us both in. 1277 01:34:01,465 --> 01:34:02,693 Follow me. 1278 01:34:07,171 --> 01:34:10,163 Hey, guys, here's one more for the 6:30 p.m. Capitol Limited. 1279 01:34:10,274 --> 01:34:11,832 All right, man. 1280 01:34:17,448 --> 01:34:19,575 Well, it's awfully cold outside. 1281 01:34:21,985 --> 01:34:23,953 Here's mine. Come on, let's go. 1282 01:34:24,054 --> 01:34:25,954 -Mr. Miller! -Yes. 1283 01:34:26,056 --> 01:34:28,786 -Hello, l'm Chris Carrick. -Tom Donaldson. 1284 01:34:29,259 --> 01:34:31,227 We're from the White House. 1285 01:34:31,328 --> 01:34:32,955 -Something wrong? -Not exactly. 1286 01:34:33,063 --> 01:34:35,293 There's been a change of plans. 1287 01:34:35,432 --> 01:34:36,865 How so? 1288 01:34:42,740 --> 01:34:45,402 This is for you. She wants you to change. 1289 01:34:46,443 --> 01:34:49,879 ls that your family? Your parents? 1290 01:34:51,148 --> 01:34:54,379 David, l bet you love them as much as l love my son. 1291 01:34:55,652 --> 01:34:57,051 His name's Sam. 1292 01:34:58,322 --> 01:35:01,416 He's on a train. Do you know anything about that? 1293 01:35:08,565 --> 01:35:10,726 Maybe we can help each other. 1294 01:35:13,404 --> 01:35:14,666 Please. 1295 01:35:16,807 --> 01:35:19,435 When you're done, she wants you to use the Capitol subway system. 1296 01:35:19,543 --> 01:35:21,135 lt's on the ground floor. l'm sorry. 1297 01:35:21,245 --> 01:35:22,735 -David. Please. -No. Sorry. 1298 01:35:22,846 --> 01:35:24,746 You have three minutes. 1299 01:35:28,552 --> 01:35:29,678 Okay, l want to know everything. 1300 01:35:29,787 --> 01:35:32,153 The girl, the computer downstairs, the Hex, everything. 1301 01:35:32,256 --> 01:35:33,621 -What's Hex? -The crystal explosive. 1302 01:35:33,724 --> 01:35:34,986 -l don't know what that is. -Don't bullshit me! 1303 01:35:35,092 --> 01:35:36,616 -l don't know what that is! -Start talking! l wanna know! 1304 01:35:36,727 --> 01:35:38,592 l swear l don't know what you're talking about! Listen to me! 1305 01:35:38,695 --> 01:35:39,787 The computer's tracking us right now! 1306 01:35:39,897 --> 01:35:40,886 Take this stuff and throw it out the window! 1307 01:35:40,998 --> 01:35:42,898 -What are you talking about? -You need to take your cell phone, 1308 01:35:43,467 --> 01:35:46,868 your pager, your walkie, anything that gets a signal, throw it out the window. 1309 01:36:03,120 --> 01:36:05,884 lt's gone off! Get down! Power it down! 1310 01:36:07,524 --> 01:36:09,355 -What the hell's going on? -System control's locked out. 1311 01:36:11,895 --> 01:36:13,829 l need a vector and a fighter now. 1312 01:36:14,331 --> 01:36:16,697 Viper One, we have a positive lD on an MQ9 Reaper. 1313 01:36:16,800 --> 01:36:19,098 Snap vector 230 to 132, 1314 01:36:19,203 --> 01:36:20,602 You are authorized to go weapons hot, 1315 01:36:20,704 --> 01:36:23,332 Roger, Northcom, l have a visual on the Reaper, 1316 01:36:29,079 --> 01:36:31,172 One to Base, One to Base! Ejection has been initiated, 1317 01:36:31,281 --> 01:36:33,476 l don't have control! l don't have,,, 1318 01:36:34,985 --> 01:36:36,509 There's a target list. President, Vice President. 1319 01:36:36,620 --> 01:36:38,281 -There's like twelve people on the list. -Jesus. 1320 01:36:38,388 --> 01:36:39,878 The State of the Union's in 20 minutes. 1321 01:36:39,990 --> 01:36:41,423 The screen said ''wireless detonator activated.'' 1322 01:36:41,525 --> 01:36:42,822 -What about the girl? -She kept the girl alive 1323 01:36:42,926 --> 01:36:44,086 -for a reason, l don't know. -The explosive 1324 01:36:44,194 --> 01:36:45,593 is detonated by sonic trigger. 1325 01:36:45,696 --> 01:36:47,095 lt was sent to the guy who got fried. 1326 01:36:47,197 --> 01:36:48,255 He owns an instrument store. 1327 01:36:48,365 --> 01:36:49,832 Does any of that stuff make any sense to you? 1328 01:36:49,933 --> 01:36:52,094 Rachel's kid plays the trumpet. 1329 01:37:07,718 --> 01:37:09,481 Come on, we gotta go. 1330 01:37:11,288 --> 01:37:12,380 Get out of the car! 1331 01:37:12,489 --> 01:37:13,956 Get out of the car! 1332 01:37:14,391 --> 01:37:15,585 FBl! 1333 01:37:23,834 --> 01:37:25,768 Over there, that tunnel. 1334 01:37:37,548 --> 01:37:38,515 Shit! 1335 01:38:12,549 --> 01:38:15,450 Here. You're gonna need this. 1336 01:38:23,293 --> 01:38:24,555 Okay, listen to me. 1337 01:38:24,661 --> 01:38:26,993 The Library of Congress, there's a tunnel there. 1338 01:38:27,097 --> 01:38:30,863 lt'll get you to the Capitol. Find the Sergeant at Arms. 1339 01:38:31,268 --> 01:38:32,826 Tell him you have a POTUS 1 1 1 . 1340 01:38:32,936 --> 01:38:34,233 -What? -POTUS 1 1 1 . 1341 01:38:34,338 --> 01:38:37,671 -lt's a threat to the President. -l understand. POTUS 1 1 1 . 1342 01:38:42,446 --> 01:38:45,415 Now get out of here. That thing's coming back. 1343 01:38:48,251 --> 01:38:50,344 Go! Go! 1344 01:40:08,065 --> 01:40:09,828 Okay, watch your step. 1345 01:40:09,933 --> 01:40:12,527 Come on down. Here we go. Come on out. Come on. 1346 01:40:12,636 --> 01:40:14,729 -lt's so cool! -Come on, hurry! 1347 01:40:14,838 --> 01:40:16,829 Guys, it's so cool! Come on, let's go. 1348 01:40:28,585 --> 01:40:31,520 -Library of Congress! -Hey, get outta here! 1349 01:40:43,100 --> 01:40:44,624 Miss Crowley? 1350 01:40:45,202 --> 01:40:47,295 Miss Crowley. Welcome to the Capitol. 1351 01:40:47,838 --> 01:40:49,635 Senator McDonnell's office said that you'd be running late. 1352 01:40:49,740 --> 01:40:52,402 -l'll take you to your seat. -Thank you. 1353 01:40:55,212 --> 01:40:58,045 Aria, why am l being spared? 1354 01:40:58,148 --> 01:41:00,616 Our abort recommendation was ignored, 1355 01:41:00,717 --> 01:41:03,550 triggering violent retaliations against American citizens 1356 01:41:03,653 --> 01:41:07,487 with no predictable end, Regime change is the only solution, 1357 01:41:08,125 --> 01:41:09,558 You will lead the new command structure 1358 01:41:09,659 --> 01:41:11,991 as President of the United States, 1359 01:41:16,433 --> 01:41:18,867 -Help me. Pull these out. -What are these? 1360 01:41:18,969 --> 01:41:20,596 Her memory blocks. 1361 01:41:20,704 --> 01:41:23,070 This will slow her down, but her central operating system 1362 01:41:23,173 --> 01:41:24,265 is up on the gantry. 1363 01:41:24,374 --> 01:41:27,571 Warning, Please replace memory blocks A through F, 1364 01:41:27,677 --> 01:41:30,578 lt's like her brain. Protected by liquid nitrogen. 1365 01:41:30,680 --> 01:41:32,739 We drain it and she'll fry. 1366 01:41:38,555 --> 01:41:39,886 Hey, you can't go in! 1367 01:41:39,990 --> 01:41:41,457 Tom Morgan, FBl. JTTF. 1368 01:41:41,558 --> 01:41:43,617 l have a possible POTUS 1 1 1 . Let me in the building. 1369 01:41:44,961 --> 01:41:46,758 Okay, everybody! Everybody! 1370 01:41:47,330 --> 01:41:49,093 Can l have your attention, please? 1371 01:41:49,199 --> 01:41:52,635 Saxophones, remember shorter on those quarter notes. 1372 01:41:53,003 --> 01:41:55,665 And when we get to the crescendo, 1373 01:41:55,772 --> 01:41:59,503 ''land of the free,'' hold that high F. 1374 01:41:59,609 --> 01:42:01,042 And smile. 1375 01:42:01,144 --> 01:42:04,773 Okay? lt's not every day you get to play for the President! 1376 01:42:23,533 --> 01:42:26,866 Here we are. And anything else, Miss Crowley? 1377 01:42:26,970 --> 01:42:28,301 No, thanks. 1378 01:42:48,258 --> 01:42:51,557 Madam Speaker, the President's Cabinet! 1379 01:43:04,808 --> 01:43:06,332 POTUS 1 1 1 ! There's a bomb in the building! 1380 01:43:06,443 --> 01:43:08,308 Stop! No entry! No exceptions! 1381 01:43:08,411 --> 01:43:11,539 Tom Morgan, FBl. Back up. Give me your cuffs. 1382 01:43:11,648 --> 01:43:13,047 -Give me your cuffs! -Take it easy! 1383 01:43:13,149 --> 01:43:14,548 -Give me your cuffs. -l'm reaching for them. 1384 01:43:14,651 --> 01:43:16,448 l'm reaching for them. 1385 01:43:30,834 --> 01:43:32,301 Madam Speaker, 1386 01:43:36,106 --> 01:43:38,734 the President of the United States! 1387 01:43:49,719 --> 01:43:51,118 Data corruption at critical risk, 1388 01:43:54,257 --> 01:43:57,488 You are now in violation of national security protocol, 1389 01:44:02,766 --> 01:44:05,758 Seeking available options, 1390 01:44:07,237 --> 01:44:11,037 Uploading to offsite satellite, 1391 01:44:11,441 --> 01:44:14,035 -Data upload: 3%, -Bowman? 1392 01:44:14,311 --> 01:44:16,302 -What is she doing? -She's trying to back up her memory 1393 01:44:16,413 --> 01:44:18,540 and send it somewhere else! 1394 01:44:19,883 --> 01:44:21,817 -5%, -Bowman! 1395 01:44:23,420 --> 01:44:24,614 Bowman! 1396 01:44:30,627 --> 01:44:32,094 8%, 1397 01:44:36,633 --> 01:44:39,193 Over the past three days, 19 Americans 1398 01:44:40,203 --> 01:44:42,865 have lost their lives to brutal acts of terror,,, 1399 01:44:42,973 --> 01:44:44,838 -Tunnel secure. -,,,and hate, 1400 01:44:45,842 --> 01:44:50,438 But l say to you tonight that our hearts may be broken, 1401 01:44:50,947 --> 01:44:53,677 but our spirit will never be broken! 1402 01:44:59,990 --> 01:45:02,254 Data upload, 1 7%, 1403 01:45:04,194 --> 01:45:05,786 19%, 1404 01:45:07,731 --> 01:45:11,997 Perez, Zoe, you are now classified as an enemy of the state, 1405 01:45:13,536 --> 01:45:15,060 23%, 1406 01:45:15,372 --> 01:45:16,805 25%, 1407 01:45:28,785 --> 01:45:32,312 27%, Operation Guillotine is in effect, 1408 01:45:33,623 --> 01:45:35,818 lt was nearly 200 years ago, 1409 01:45:35,925 --> 01:45:38,826 in the War of 1 812, that Francis Scott Key 1410 01:45:38,928 --> 01:45:43,627 found himself stuck on a truce ship during the shelling of Fort McHenry. 1411 01:45:43,733 --> 01:45:46,167 We lost some lives then, too. 1412 01:45:47,337 --> 01:45:51,171 But our flag still flew high and proud. 1413 01:45:51,274 --> 01:45:54,641 And his admiration became our anthem. 1414 01:45:54,911 --> 01:45:56,674 With us tonight is the Youth Orchestra 1415 01:45:56,780 --> 01:46:00,045 of the Barrow School from Hyde Park, lllinois. 1416 01:46:00,283 --> 01:46:01,443 Sam. 1417 01:46:02,052 --> 01:46:04,020 Let us stand together, 1418 01:46:04,521 --> 01:46:08,457 as they raise our spirits every inch as high as that flag 1419 01:46:09,025 --> 01:46:13,257 to show that our union is still as strong as ever. 1420 01:46:31,714 --> 01:46:35,172 Oh, say can you see 1421 01:46:35,285 --> 01:46:39,585 by the dawn's early light 1422 01:46:39,689 --> 01:46:44,149 What so proudly we hailed 1423 01:46:44,260 --> 01:46:48,526 at the twilight's last gleaming? 1424 01:46:48,965 --> 01:46:53,197 Whose broad stripes and bright stars,,, 1425 01:46:55,171 --> 01:46:57,105 Sergeant at Arms? 1426 01:46:59,909 --> 01:47:01,433 Hey. Hey. 1427 01:47:50,627 --> 01:47:52,424 Get out, get out. 1428 01:47:53,329 --> 01:47:54,296 Mom! 1429 01:48:19,255 --> 01:48:23,089 Jerry, all right, you did it! Come on. Yeah, Jerry! 1430 01:48:23,193 --> 01:48:26,060 There are still no named suspects in the attack on the Blair Tunnel 1431 01:48:26,162 --> 01:48:28,062 and the attacks in the Capitol Building, 1432 01:48:28,164 --> 01:48:31,065 And there is still no word on the involvement of Jerry Damon Shaw, 1433 01:48:31,167 --> 01:48:34,466 ,,,huge assassination attempt, transportation networks disrupted, 1434 01:48:34,571 --> 01:48:37,199 no suspects identified or even arrested,,, 1435 01:48:37,307 --> 01:48:39,798 ,,,any idea who is responsible for what may be 1436 01:48:39,909 --> 01:48:41,774 the largest-scale cyber-terror attack that's 1437 01:48:41,878 --> 01:48:43,470 ever been mounted in the United States, 1438 01:48:43,613 --> 01:48:45,513 The House and Senate lntelligence Committees 1439 01:48:45,615 --> 01:48:46,775 meet in closed-door session 1440 01:48:46,883 --> 01:48:48,942 to discuss ways to prevent this kind of 1441 01:48:49,052 --> 01:48:51,316 internal security breach that left nearly,,, 1442 01:48:51,421 --> 01:48:53,821 The Aria project has been decommissioned 1443 01:48:53,923 --> 01:48:57,381 and all those involved rotated to other assignments. 1444 01:48:58,261 --> 01:49:01,094 Mr. Secretary, we can't just stop intelligence-gathering 1445 01:49:01,197 --> 01:49:03,665 just because of what happened here. 1446 01:49:05,635 --> 01:49:07,398 No, we can't. 1447 01:49:07,503 --> 01:49:10,336 All l know is we made a great many mistakes. 1448 01:49:11,074 --> 01:49:14,237 And good people paid the ultimate price for them. 1449 01:49:14,877 --> 01:49:17,505 And that's a debt we can't ever repay, 1450 01:49:18,581 --> 01:49:20,674 But we can honor it, 1451 01:49:23,152 --> 01:49:26,087 And we can let their sacrifice remind us 1452 01:49:27,190 --> 01:49:29,124 that sometimes 1453 01:49:29,225 --> 01:49:32,922 the very measures we put into place to safeguard our liberty 1454 01:49:33,896 --> 01:49:36,763 become threats to liberty itself, 1455 01:50:01,357 --> 01:50:02,847 -Hey, little guy. -Jerry! 1456 01:50:02,959 --> 01:50:04,984 Look at you, looking older. How are you? 1457 01:50:05,094 --> 01:50:06,459 -Good. -Happy birthday. 1458 01:50:06,562 --> 01:50:08,029 lt's Rock Band! ls that for me? 1459 01:50:08,131 --> 01:50:10,565 No, this is so your mom can practice her drumming. 1460 01:50:10,667 --> 01:50:12,134 lt is for you. Happy birthday. 1461 01:50:12,235 --> 01:50:14,169 -Wow! -Sam, what do you say? 1462 01:50:14,270 --> 01:50:15,760 -Thanks. -Yeah, no problem. 1463 01:50:15,872 --> 01:50:17,703 Guys, look, it's Rock Band! 1464 01:50:17,807 --> 01:50:19,775 -Cool, let's go. -Awesome! 1465 01:50:26,883 --> 01:50:28,748 -Sorry, l was late. l was... -Thank you 1466 01:50:28,851 --> 01:50:30,341 for remembering. 1467 01:50:31,721 --> 01:50:32,688 Yeah. 1468 01:50:42,632 --> 01:50:44,395 l'm glad you're here. 1469 01:50:45,201 --> 01:50:46,429 Me, too.