1 00:00:45,400 --> 00:00:49,300 I C E A G E 3 DAWN OF THE DINOSAURS 2 00:03:16,990 --> 00:03:20,950 It's happening! 3 00:03:22,730 --> 00:03:26,690 Wait up guys! 4 00:03:32,840 --> 00:03:35,550 The baby is coming! The baby is coming! I'm having a baby. 5 00:03:35,760 --> 00:03:39,260 - Code blue code blue. - Or pink if it's a girl 6 00:03:39,260 --> 00:03:42,960 Coming up baby! Coming up baby! I'm coming Ellie! 7 00:03:42,960 --> 00:03:45,250 We got it. 8 00:03:58,180 --> 00:04:04,230 - Ellie Ellie! Where are you? Where am I? - Manny! 9 00:04:05,380 --> 00:04:09,340 I told you! It was just a kick. 10 00:04:10,280 --> 00:04:14,310 Oh... right! Right... Oh wow! 11 00:04:14,340 --> 00:04:19,210 Oh you really gave daddy a scare! Daddy got silly. 12 00:04:19,240 --> 00:04:25,600 Daddy fall down cliff and go boom boom boom. Silly daddy! 13 00:04:29,570 --> 00:04:34,850 Sorry folks. False alarm. It was just a kick. 14 00:04:34,890 --> 00:04:38,220 - Do you know who I want to kick? - That's the third false alarm this week. 15 00:04:38,220 --> 00:04:41,980 Allright show's over... break it up break it up! 16 00:04:42,080 --> 00:04:45,830 Oh I see someone else who has a bun in the oven? 17 00:04:45,840 --> 00:04:48,340 I'm not pregnant! 18 00:04:48,650 --> 00:04:52,780 Too bad. You'd make a wonderful mother. 19 00:04:52,820 --> 00:04:55,530 Manny I know you're excited. I am too. 20 00:04:55,550 --> 00:04:58,030 But you're getting a little carried away. 21 00:04:58,070 --> 00:05:00,190 Okay okay... 22 00:05:00,200 --> 00:05:03,560 Boy you're starting to sound like Diego. 23 00:05:03,770 --> 00:05:08,460 Wait a second... Where is Diego? 24 00:06:01,740 --> 00:06:05,080 My hooves are burning baby! They are burning! 25 00:06:05,190 --> 00:06:10,400 Oh look at this! I got to tiptoe! I got to tiptoe! Eat my dust dingo! 26 00:06:13,220 --> 00:06:18,010 - Huh can I look now? - Easy don't freak out the baby. 27 00:06:18,120 --> 00:06:22,080 The baby is fine. It's the freaked out daddy I'm worried about. 28 00:06:22,110 --> 00:06:25,270 Ah uh uh! No peeking. 29 00:06:25,310 --> 00:06:30,310 - Voila! Playground for junior... - Oh wow! 30 00:06:38,030 --> 00:06:41,990 It's amazing. 31 00:06:51,790 --> 00:06:58,050 - Oh Manny... - I made it myself. Our family. 32 00:07:02,430 --> 00:07:05,460 Hey why aren't I up there? 33 00:07:05,980 --> 00:07:09,900 - You can be on ours. - You'd fit right in. 34 00:07:09,940 --> 00:07:15,360 Of course it's still work in progress. Few rough edges here and there. 35 00:07:15,780 --> 00:07:19,350 I don't believe it! You're trying to baby proof nature. 36 00:07:19,350 --> 00:07:21,720 Baby proof nature? Get outta here. 37 00:07:21,760 --> 00:07:25,690 That's ridiculous. 38 00:07:26,000 --> 00:07:30,580 Manny this is the world our baby's gonna grow up in. You can't change that. 39 00:07:30,620 --> 00:07:35,450 Of course I can I'm the biggest thing on earth. 40 00:07:35,490 --> 00:07:41,710 Okay big daddy I can't wait to see how you handle the teen years. 41 00:07:41,740 --> 00:07:46,540 Come on Sid. I don't want you touching anything. This place is for kids. 42 00:07:46,850 --> 00:07:53,110 Are you a kid? Don't answer that. 43 00:08:02,180 --> 00:08:07,080 Diego there you are. You missed the big surprise. 44 00:08:07,120 --> 00:08:11,220 - I'll check it out later. - Okay. See ya! 45 00:08:11,250 --> 00:08:14,030 You know I think there's something bothering Diego. 46 00:08:14,030 --> 00:08:15,420 No I'm sure everything's fine. 47 00:08:15,940 --> 00:08:16,940 You should talk to him. 48 00:08:16,940 --> 00:08:19,910 Guys don't talk to guys about guy problems. 49 00:08:19,940 --> 00:08:25,190 - We just punch each other on the shoulders. - That's stupid! 50 00:08:25,230 --> 00:08:30,440 To a girl but for a guy that's like six months of therapy. 51 00:08:30,480 --> 00:08:35,340 Okay Okay I'm going. 52 00:08:36,900 --> 00:08:40,140 - Hey! - Oww! 53 00:08:41,490 --> 00:08:46,600 - Why'd you do that? - I don't know. 54 00:08:46,910 --> 00:08:52,820 So listen! Ellie thinks theres something bothering you... 55 00:08:52,860 --> 00:08:58,910 Actually I've been thinking that soon it might be time for me to head out. 56 00:08:59,320 --> 00:09:03,250 Okay. So I'll just tell her that you're fine. It was nothing. 57 00:09:03,290 --> 00:09:06,440 Look who are we kidding Manny? I'm losing my edge. 58 00:09:06,440 --> 00:09:09,590 I'm not really built for chaperoning playdates. 59 00:09:09,590 --> 00:09:11,070 What do you talking about? 60 00:09:11,100 --> 00:09:15,070 Having a family that's huge. And I'm happy for you but... 61 00:09:15,380 --> 00:09:19,970 - It's your adventure not mine. - So you don't want to be around my kid? 62 00:09:20,010 --> 00:09:23,100 No no no... That's... You're taking this the wrong way. 63 00:09:23,130 --> 00:09:26,820 No go! Go find some adventure Mr. adventure guy! 64 00:09:26,850 --> 00:09:31,440 Don't let my boring domestic life hit you on the bottom on your way out. 65 00:09:31,480 --> 00:09:35,610 Isn't Ellie supposed to be the one with the hormonal imbalance? 66 00:09:35,650 --> 00:09:39,640 Manny wait! No one has to leave. 67 00:09:39,680 --> 00:09:42,700 - So? - That's why guys don't talk to guys. 68 00:09:43,320 --> 00:09:48,230 - Why? What happened? - Diego's leaving. 69 00:09:48,640 --> 00:09:54,540 Whoa whoa! This should be the best time of our lives. We're having a baby. 70 00:09:54,570 --> 00:10:00,430 - No Sid. They're havin' a baby - Yeah but we're a herd. We're a family 71 00:10:01,370 --> 00:10:05,850 Look things have changed. Manny has other priority's now. 72 00:10:06,370 --> 00:10:12,210 Face it Sid. We had a great run but... now it's time to move on. 73 00:10:12,630 --> 00:10:18,150 - So it's just the two of us. - No Sid. It's not the two of us. 74 00:10:18,190 --> 00:10:21,910 Crash and Eddie are coming with us? 75 00:10:21,940 --> 00:10:26,700 Just Crash? Just Eddie? 76 00:10:28,270 --> 00:10:32,120 Goodbye Sid! 77 00:10:41,930 --> 00:10:47,140 Okay calm down. Calm down. I'm good at making friends. 78 00:10:47,180 --> 00:10:51,100 I'll make my own herd. That's what I'll do! 79 00:10:51,410 --> 00:10:56,530 Hey! "Me amigo's. Que pasa?" 80 00:11:02,370 --> 00:11:06,850 Well at least you still got your looks. 81 00:11:16,130 --> 00:11:19,570 Oh great! 82 00:11:25,620 --> 00:11:29,480 Anybody here? 83 00:11:48,770 --> 00:11:51,480 Hello? 84 00:11:57,420 --> 00:12:03,260 Oh poor guys! I know what it's like to feel abandoned. 85 00:12:07,540 --> 00:12:13,580 Don't worry you're not alone anymore. 86 00:12:43,510 --> 00:12:46,220 There you go. 87 00:12:58,840 --> 00:13:01,710 Stay here! You take care of your brother now. 88 00:13:01,720 --> 00:13:03,740 Momma's coming right back. 89 00:13:03,780 --> 00:13:08,330 Momma's coming baby! 90 00:13:12,710 --> 00:13:15,210 I got you. 91 00:13:17,290 --> 00:13:20,940 What did I just tell you kids? 92 00:14:26,530 --> 00:14:28,930 Oh thank you thank you thank you! 93 00:14:29,450 --> 00:14:33,620 Bad eggs rotten eggs! A heart attack you almost gave me. 94 00:14:33,730 --> 00:14:40,610 Oh I'm sorry darling! It's just that I love you so much. 95 00:14:40,650 --> 00:14:42,900 Hello! 96 00:14:43,430 --> 00:14:47,540 I'd like to present Eggbert Shelly and Yoko. 97 00:14:47,580 --> 00:14:51,660 Sid whatever you're doing. It's a bad idea! 98 00:14:52,080 --> 00:14:53,640 Shh! My kids will hear you. 99 00:14:53,640 --> 00:14:56,770 They're not your kids Sid. Take them back. 100 00:14:56,810 --> 00:14:59,220 - You're not meant to be a parent. - Why not? 101 00:14:59,220 --> 00:15:01,630 First sign: stealing someone else's eggs. 102 00:15:01,670 --> 00:15:05,430 Second sign: one of them almost became an omelet. 103 00:15:06,050 --> 00:15:08,760 Sid someone must be worried sick looking for them. 104 00:15:08,760 --> 00:15:11,470 No they were underground in ice. 105 00:15:11,510 --> 00:15:16,860 If it wasn't for me they'd be... Egg sickles. 106 00:15:16,900 --> 00:15:21,380 Sid I know what you're going through. You're gonna have a family too someday. 107 00:15:21,480 --> 00:15:28,890 You gonna meet a nice girl with... with low standards no real options or sense of smell... 108 00:15:28,920 --> 00:15:33,480 - What Manny means to say is... - No I get it. I'll take them back. 109 00:15:33,580 --> 00:15:39,110 You have your family and I'm better off alone. By myself. 110 00:15:39,420 --> 00:15:43,590 A fortress of solitude. 111 00:15:43,630 --> 00:15:47,260 In the ice for ever! 112 00:15:47,300 --> 00:15:50,850 Alone lonely loner.. 113 00:15:50,890 --> 00:15:53,710 - That's a lot of aloners. - Precisely! 114 00:15:54,230 --> 00:15:57,090 - Sid wait. - No no it's ok. 115 00:15:57,090 --> 00:16:01,730 He'll bounce back it's one of the advantages of being Sid. 116 00:16:11,330 --> 00:16:15,500 Why should I take you back. I love kids. 117 00:16:15,710 --> 00:16:22,070 I'm responsible loving nurturing. What do you think? 118 00:16:23,730 --> 00:16:27,800 I knew you would agree. 119 00:16:29,370 --> 00:16:35,420 Oh oh don't cry! I'll find a dry place. 120 00:16:40,000 --> 00:16:43,860 Let me just dry you off. 121 00:16:46,780 --> 00:16:50,740 I don't know being a parents a lot of work. 122 00:16:51,050 --> 00:16:54,180 Maybe I'm not ready. 123 00:18:30,640 --> 00:18:35,220 Mamma mama mama! 124 00:18:38,140 --> 00:18:41,690 I'm a mommy. 125 00:18:42,210 --> 00:18:45,030 Where's mommy? 126 00:18:46,170 --> 00:18:49,300 Here I am! 127 00:18:50,340 --> 00:18:53,680 There you go nice clean faces. 128 00:19:09,630 --> 00:19:12,660 I got it! I got it! 129 00:19:15,790 --> 00:19:19,850 Stop it no. 130 00:19:21,830 --> 00:19:25,170 Hey no biting! 131 00:19:27,150 --> 00:19:32,160 I'm sorry no it's okay it's okay. Don't cry! Why you still crying? 132 00:19:32,190 --> 00:19:38,200 Are you hungry? Maybe you're hungry. I know just the thing. 133 00:19:41,860 --> 00:19:49,780 ...this is animal I am your baby and this is my milk 134 00:19:50,200 --> 00:19:56,140 Ahhhh! I thought you were a female! 135 00:21:20,080 --> 00:21:26,130 I'm sorry but you can't go in. Manny says It's just for kids. 136 00:21:26,170 --> 00:21:31,450 Wait a minute... You are kids! 137 00:21:31,480 --> 00:21:34,640 Just don't break anything! 138 00:21:34,680 --> 00:21:41,250 - The Sloth says the playground's open! - No wait. Not for everyone! 139 00:21:46,260 --> 00:21:49,590 No no. Don't touch that! 140 00:21:54,390 --> 00:21:58,450 - What are they? - Who cares? Their fun! 141 00:21:58,660 --> 00:21:59,960 Mommy his not sharing. 142 00:21:59,970 --> 00:22:03,870 - Aren't you gonna do something. - Why my kid had it first. 143 00:22:03,910 --> 00:22:09,680 - Did not! - Did to! 144 00:22:09,710 --> 00:22:13,260 - What is the matter with you? - I'm a single mother with 3 kids. 145 00:22:13,260 --> 00:22:16,700 I could use a little compassion. 146 00:22:17,850 --> 00:22:22,650 - No don't! - No don't! Stop! 147 00:22:23,580 --> 00:22:29,110 - Ronald! - Whoa! That's insane. 148 00:22:31,090 --> 00:22:34,640 Stop! Stop! Stop! 149 00:22:37,450 --> 00:22:43,290 - Hold on little Johnny! - I'm trying! 150 00:22:44,750 --> 00:22:48,820 You know experts say that you should let the kids eat whatever they want. 151 00:22:49,340 --> 00:22:55,590 - Do you think my ankles look fat? - Ankles. What ankles? 152 00:22:57,470 --> 00:23:01,540 Ronald where did you come from? 153 00:23:02,370 --> 00:23:04,460 Oh no! 154 00:23:05,080 --> 00:23:09,260 Okay come on! Spit him out! If you don't spit out little Johnny 155 00:23:09,290 --> 00:23:13,320 we're leaving the playground this instantly... One... 156 00:23:13,630 --> 00:23:18,220 Two... Don't make me say "three". 157 00:23:19,060 --> 00:23:23,650 - There we are! A picture of health. - That's not little Johnny. 158 00:23:23,680 --> 00:23:27,820 - Well better than nothing. - Madison! 159 00:23:28,340 --> 00:23:31,570 - Come on barf him up! - Sid! 160 00:23:31,780 --> 00:23:37,200 - Hello Manny! - Little Johnny! 161 00:23:39,180 --> 00:23:43,250 Oh wait... No! No! 162 00:23:43,660 --> 00:23:46,690 Oh I'm really sorry. 163 00:23:51,900 --> 00:23:53,470 This place is totalled. 164 00:23:53,470 --> 00:23:58,160 - And we didn't reck it. - We're losing our touch bro! 165 00:23:58,790 --> 00:24:03,690 The important thing is that no one got hurt. Except for that guy. 166 00:24:03,720 --> 00:24:07,860 And and those three... and her. 167 00:24:09,730 --> 00:24:14,390 I told you to take them back and you kept them! Now look what they've done. 168 00:24:14,420 --> 00:24:16,930 Okay granted we do have some discipline issues. 169 00:24:16,930 --> 00:24:19,430 Eating kids is not a discipline issue. 170 00:24:19,470 --> 00:24:25,340 - But he spit them out! - Well that's super! Lets give him a gold star! 171 00:24:25,370 --> 00:24:26,960 They don't belong here Sid. 172 00:24:26,970 --> 00:24:31,740 Whatever they are wherever you found them take them back. 173 00:24:31,770 --> 00:24:35,800 Manny I'm not getting rid of my kids! 174 00:24:35,840 --> 00:24:39,030 Earthquake! 175 00:24:39,350 --> 00:24:43,520 It's Okay It's okay mamma's here! 176 00:24:44,560 --> 00:24:48,630 Do earthquakes shriek? 177 00:25:15,110 --> 00:25:21,580 - I thought those guys were extinct. - Well then that is one angry fossil. Sid! 178 00:25:22,200 --> 00:25:25,750 Come on inside inside inside. 179 00:25:40,870 --> 00:25:45,040 Nobody move a muscle! 180 00:26:14,960 --> 00:26:18,930 No no no don't cry. 181 00:26:20,700 --> 00:26:24,870 We are poor little lambs who have lost our way. 182 00:26:24,910 --> 00:26:28,100 Baah baaah! Ahhhh! 183 00:26:37,590 --> 00:26:43,020 - Sid! Give them to her. She's their mother. - How do I know she's their mother? 184 00:26:43,120 --> 00:26:46,930 What do you want a birth certificate? She's a Dinosaur! 185 00:26:46,930 --> 00:26:50,730 Well I've put in the blood sweat and tears to raise them. 186 00:26:50,770 --> 00:26:56,780 - For a day! Give them back you lunatic! - Look these are my kids! 187 00:26:57,410 --> 00:27:02,510 And you're gonna have to go through me to get them! 188 00:27:06,060 --> 00:27:10,650 - Sid! - Help! 189 00:27:16,590 --> 00:27:22,120 - Run! - Don't you have anything better to do? 190 00:27:22,740 --> 00:27:27,640 - Help! - Sid? 191 00:27:42,450 --> 00:27:46,940 - Sid must be down there. - Well his dead! Real shame. 192 00:27:47,040 --> 00:27:51,800 - He will be missed. - Oh no no no! Not so fast! 193 00:27:51,840 --> 00:27:57,520 Okay. Ellie this is where I draw the line. You Crash and Eddie back to the village. 194 00:27:57,550 --> 00:27:59,440 Yeah that's gonna happen. 195 00:27:59,440 --> 00:28:03,200 Ellie! You saw that thing? This is gonna be dangerous. 196 00:28:03,240 --> 00:28:04,770 Talk to the trunk. 197 00:28:04,770 --> 00:28:09,350 Oh great! After we save Sid I'm gonna kill him. 198 00:28:09,880 --> 00:28:12,120 - Ladies first! - Age before beauty! 199 00:28:12,120 --> 00:28:16,130 - No pain no gain! - What pain? 200 00:28:25,200 --> 00:28:29,370 - Sid? - Sid? 201 00:28:38,860 --> 00:28:44,810 Oh no no no! Not good. Not good. 202 00:28:45,120 --> 00:28:48,980 Ellie! Ellie! Wait up! 203 00:28:50,540 --> 00:28:54,030 Okay look if you feel anything even if it's nothing... 204 00:28:54,040 --> 00:28:57,530 ...you gotta tell me. And we're outta here. 205 00:28:58,260 --> 00:29:03,260 We need a code word. Yeah something that says "the baby's coming. " 206 00:29:03,580 --> 00:29:07,750 Hmm. How about "Aaah! The baby's coming!" How's that? 207 00:29:07,850 --> 00:29:13,380 Nah too long. We need something short and punchy like uh... "peaches"! 208 00:29:13,480 --> 00:29:14,790 Peaches? 209 00:29:14,790 --> 00:29:18,690 I love peaches they're sweet and round and fuzzy. 210 00:29:18,800 --> 00:29:21,620 - Just like you. - You think I'm round? 211 00:29:21,720 --> 00:29:28,600 Uh... Round is good. Round is foxy! 212 00:29:37,990 --> 00:29:41,740 Stay close. 213 00:30:00,820 --> 00:30:06,240 - Are you guys havin' the same dream I am? - We've been living above an entire world. 214 00:30:06,280 --> 00:30:10,730 And we didn't even know it. 215 00:30:31,170 --> 00:30:35,230 Run for it! Hurry. 216 00:30:41,180 --> 00:30:46,560 - Diego what are you doing here? - Sight seeing. Looking for Sid same as you! 217 00:30:46,600 --> 00:30:48,060 Well aren't you noble. 218 00:30:48,060 --> 00:30:52,440 This is not the time guys. We need all the help we can get! 219 00:31:02,760 --> 00:31:05,780 Never mind! 220 00:31:14,130 --> 00:31:19,410 Here boy. Here come on! 221 00:31:19,440 --> 00:31:21,860 Are you nuts! We're not getting on that thing! 222 00:31:21,860 --> 00:31:25,490 It's either this dinosaur or that one! 223 00:31:27,790 --> 00:31:33,940 Pregnant lady wants a lift. Yabba dabba Do! 224 00:31:42,800 --> 00:31:46,760 Don't ever yabba dabba do that again! 225 00:31:51,560 --> 00:31:57,710 - I feel so... puny. - How do you think I feel? 226 00:32:08,870 --> 00:32:11,790 Ouch! 227 00:32:19,710 --> 00:32:23,780 Take cover! 228 00:33:09,660 --> 00:33:15,810 Dude you're awesome! You're like the brother I never had! Me too. 229 00:33:27,180 --> 00:33:30,830 Can we keep him? 230 00:33:31,660 --> 00:33:33,040 - Buck. - What? 231 00:33:33,070 --> 00:33:36,770 The name's Buck. Short for Buckminster. 232 00:33:37,190 --> 00:33:40,530 Long for "Buh!". 233 00:33:41,670 --> 00:33:44,910 A little dull. 234 00:33:45,010 --> 00:33:48,660 - What are you doing here? - Our friend was taken by a dinosaur. 235 00:33:48,870 --> 00:33:54,600 Well his dead. Welcome to my world. Now uh go home. 236 00:33:54,810 --> 00:33:56,390 - Off you pop! - Not without Sid. 237 00:33:56,430 --> 00:34:00,030 Ellie wait maybe the deranged hermit has a point. 238 00:34:00,130 --> 00:34:03,820 Manny! We came this far we're gonna find him. 239 00:34:03,820 --> 00:34:06,280 I got tracks. 240 00:34:06,910 --> 00:34:10,030 Let's go. 241 00:34:10,770 --> 00:34:16,390 If you go in there you'll find your friend... in the AFTER-LIFE! 242 00:34:16,430 --> 00:34:21,090 How do you know oh great and wisely weasely one? 243 00:34:29,020 --> 00:34:34,820 Mummy dinosaur carrying three babies and... some floppy green thing? 244 00:34:34,850 --> 00:34:37,290 Yeah we're friends with the floppy green thing. 245 00:34:37,290 --> 00:34:38,920 You got all that from the tracks? 246 00:34:39,230 --> 00:34:43,720 No not really. I saw 'em come through here earlier. She's headed for Lava Falls. 247 00:34:44,970 --> 00:34:47,640 That's where they care for the newborns. 248 00:34:47,680 --> 00:34:51,850 To get there! You got to go through the jungle of misery. 249 00:34:51,890 --> 00:34:55,810 Across the chasm of death. 250 00:34:56,230 --> 00:35:01,130 - To the plates of wow. - Wow! 251 00:35:01,230 --> 00:35:06,550 Okay! Good luck with the slow decadence to madness we're gonna go now. 252 00:35:06,660 --> 00:35:09,510 Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! 253 00:35:09,520 --> 00:35:13,800 What you... You think this is some sort of tropical getaway? 254 00:35:13,800 --> 00:35:16,880 You can't protect your mate mate! 255 00:35:16,980 --> 00:35:20,260 What are you gonna do with those... those flimsy tusks? 256 00:35:20,270 --> 00:35:23,860 When you run into the Beast? 257 00:35:24,280 --> 00:35:27,720 I call him "Rudy". 258 00:35:27,820 --> 00:35:34,710 Oh good. Good. I was worried it was something intimidating like Sheldon or Tim. 259 00:35:34,810 --> 00:35:38,040 Wait! You mean there's something bigger than Mommy Dinosaur? 260 00:35:38,150 --> 00:35:39,190 Aye! 261 00:35:39,290 --> 00:35:41,590 - Aye? - Aye! Aye! 262 00:35:41,690 --> 00:35:47,110 - He's the one that gave me this. - Whoa! He gave you that patch? 263 00:35:47,150 --> 00:35:52,540 - For free? That's so cool. - Yeah maybe he'll give us one too! 264 00:35:55,980 --> 00:36:00,880 Welcome to my world! 265 00:36:01,820 --> 00:36:06,350 - Abandon all hope he who enters there! - Alright we get it. 266 00:36:06,350 --> 00:36:10,890 Doom and despair. Yadda yadda yadda! 267 00:37:23,250 --> 00:37:28,890 Sounds like a jungle of misery to me. 268 00:37:39,940 --> 00:37:44,530 - Hold on. - Why? What's wrong? Peaches? 269 00:37:44,840 --> 00:37:50,050 - No it's just I got a funny feeling. - You're hungry low blood sugar! 270 00:37:50,470 --> 00:37:53,270 - There's some fruit. - No Manny! 271 00:37:53,290 --> 00:37:55,860 I wouldn't do that if I were you. 272 00:37:55,890 --> 00:37:58,550 This isn't exactly your playground. 273 00:37:58,610 --> 00:38:01,840 Like I'm going to be afraid of a pretty flower. 274 00:38:04,340 --> 00:38:08,400 - Bet you didn't see that coming? - Manny? 275 00:38:08,610 --> 00:38:12,680 For the record I blame you for this. 276 00:38:13,200 --> 00:38:17,160 Stop eating our friends plant! 277 00:38:21,020 --> 00:38:27,170 - That's it I'm tearing it up from the roots. - Do that and it'll clamp-shut forever. 278 00:38:27,490 --> 00:38:29,900 Alright preggers. Don't get your trunk in a knot. 279 00:38:29,940 --> 00:38:32,160 I'll have them out of there before they're digested. 280 00:38:32,160 --> 00:38:33,640 Digested? 281 00:38:33,670 --> 00:38:35,570 They'll be nothing but bones in 3 minutes. 282 00:38:35,570 --> 00:38:39,370 - Well maybe 5 for the fat one. - I'm not fat! 283 00:38:40,520 --> 00:38:41,600 I feel tingly. 284 00:38:41,600 --> 00:38:43,750 Don't say that when you're pressed up against me. 285 00:38:44,270 --> 00:38:49,800 - Not that kind of tingly. - I can feel it too. 286 00:38:49,840 --> 00:38:53,680 - Help someone help us! - Hurry! 287 00:38:53,710 --> 00:38:57,520 It's time to get... Buck wild. 288 00:39:06,280 --> 00:39:09,510 Who's fat now? 289 00:39:31,720 --> 00:39:34,120 No! 290 00:40:13,740 --> 00:40:19,060 - Tourists. - Puked on by a plant. Awesome! 291 00:40:19,270 --> 00:40:24,480 - Say something. - Thanks for saving us. 292 00:40:24,790 --> 00:40:28,240 Will you help us find the floppy green thing? 293 00:40:28,240 --> 00:40:30,530 - That's not necessary. - Yes it is. 294 00:40:32,720 --> 00:40:37,830 Alright I'll help ya. But I got rules. Rule number one: 295 00:40:37,860 --> 00:40:41,790 Always listen to Buck. Rule number two: 296 00:40:42,210 --> 00:40:47,530 Stay in the middle of the trail. Rule number three: 297 00:40:50,860 --> 00:40:55,450 He who has gas travels at the back of the pack. 298 00:40:56,910 --> 00:41:01,810 - Come on then! Chop chop! - We should all have our heads examined. 299 00:41:01,850 --> 00:41:08,170 That's rule number four. Now let's go find your friend. 300 00:41:26,840 --> 00:41:30,800 Oh it's okay it's okay. Don't worry we're gonna be fine. 301 00:41:30,840 --> 00:41:35,490 Please swing a little more to... 302 00:41:38,720 --> 00:41:44,040 See she's putting us down... 303 00:41:44,360 --> 00:41:48,530 No! I'm too young to be eaten. 304 00:41:49,260 --> 00:41:55,510 Wow! Nice mucus. And I don't care for everyone. 305 00:42:08,230 --> 00:42:12,870 Listen these things get complicated. Maybe we can work something out. 306 00:42:12,910 --> 00:42:17,510 I can have them on Sundays to Tuesdays? Wednesdays to Fridays? Weekends! 307 00:42:24,400 --> 00:42:27,630 It's okay mommas okay! 308 00:42:29,710 --> 00:42:35,340 If you eat me it will send a bad message. 309 00:42:38,370 --> 00:42:42,330 Ha! Score one for the sloth! 310 00:42:45,770 --> 00:42:49,940 And the scores all tied up. 311 00:42:53,070 --> 00:42:59,430 - Do you think the beast will find Sid? - Or more importantly us? 312 00:42:59,470 --> 00:43:05,790 Rudy? Are you joking? He's relentless. He knows all sees all eats all. 313 00:43:06,520 --> 00:43:09,440 So that's a "yes". 314 00:43:12,470 --> 00:43:16,640 Hey get off my lawn! Go on shoo! 315 00:43:21,020 --> 00:43:26,820 I knew that guy when he was a caterpillar. You know before he came out. 316 00:43:26,860 --> 00:43:31,820 So you're just living down here by your wits! All on your own no responsibilities? 317 00:43:31,860 --> 00:43:33,500 Not one! It's incredible. 318 00:43:33,500 --> 00:43:38,430 No dependence no limits the greatest life a single guy can have. 319 00:43:38,460 --> 00:43:41,420 Did you hear that? This is my kind of place. 320 00:43:41,450 --> 00:43:47,610 Hello? No no. I can't really talk right now. I'm trying to recover a dead sloth. 321 00:43:49,380 --> 00:43:54,560 Now they're following me! I know they think I'm crazy. 322 00:43:54,590 --> 00:43:59,810 Okay... We're going into the Chasm of Death I'm gonna lose you. I love you too. 323 00:44:00,120 --> 00:44:04,290 - Alright. Goodbye goodbye bye. - Okay follow me! 324 00:44:04,920 --> 00:44:08,880 That's you in three weeks. 325 00:44:25,140 --> 00:44:30,570 - So why do they call it the chasm of death? - Well we tried 'big smelly crack'. 326 00:44:30,600 --> 00:44:35,260 - But that just made everybody giggle. - Well now what? 327 00:44:38,180 --> 00:44:43,290 - Madam... - She is not doing that. 328 00:44:43,320 --> 00:44:46,000 Rule number one. 329 00:44:48,500 --> 00:44:52,050 Come on mammoth. You supposed to have a good memory. 330 00:44:52,080 --> 00:44:54,860 Always listen to Buck. 331 00:44:58,300 --> 00:45:03,060 Now! Eyes forward! Back straight... and... uh yes... 332 00:45:03,100 --> 00:45:05,170 Breathe in the toxic fumes and you'll probably die. 333 00:45:05,180 --> 00:45:06,230 Toxic fumes. 334 00:45:06,330 --> 00:45:11,230 - Just another day in paradise. - Wait! 335 00:45:11,270 --> 00:45:13,420 Geronimo! 336 00:45:23,430 --> 00:45:26,930 - Ellie! You okay? - You have to try this. 337 00:45:26,930 --> 00:45:30,420 Alright now pile on everyone couldn't be easier. 338 00:45:35,320 --> 00:45:42,510 Don't panic! Just some technical difficulties. Keep holding it in boys. 339 00:45:45,640 --> 00:45:52,530 - I can't take it anymore. - He breathe it. And now I'm breathing it. 340 00:45:54,200 --> 00:45:58,780 - Hey we're not dead. - You sound ridiculous. 341 00:45:58,820 --> 00:46:02,530 Me? You should hear you. 342 00:46:04,620 --> 00:46:07,400 Alright alright. And one and two... 343 00:46:07,440 --> 00:46:12,440 - Christmas Christmas time is here... - Are you crazy? 344 00:46:14,420 --> 00:46:16,720 It's not poison. 345 00:46:22,660 --> 00:46:24,750 It's so disturbing. 346 00:46:26,410 --> 00:46:32,360 - Stop laughing all of you! - "Stop laughing all of you!" 347 00:46:34,340 --> 00:46:37,880 What's rule number one? 348 00:46:40,080 --> 00:46:42,740 They're just laughing what's so bad about that? 349 00:46:42,740 --> 00:46:45,390 They died laughing. 350 00:46:47,690 --> 00:46:52,640 - Stop laughing! - Do you know what's funny though? 351 00:46:52,680 --> 00:46:57,590 We're trying to save Sid and now we're all gonna die! 352 00:46:57,900 --> 00:47:03,220 - And I don't even like Sid. - Who does? He's an idiot! 353 00:47:04,160 --> 00:47:08,330 Thanks for getting me into this mess. It's the most fun I've had in years. 354 00:47:08,370 --> 00:47:14,380 Thank you for deserting the herd. That was totally super. 355 00:47:19,590 --> 00:47:25,540 Stop that! Don't you see? We're all gonna die. 356 00:47:29,810 --> 00:47:32,110 We gotta do everything huh? 357 00:47:38,990 --> 00:47:46,180 - Sometimes I wet my bed. - That's alright. Sometimes I wet your bed. 358 00:47:56,610 --> 00:47:59,680 I'm not sure how much of that you could hear? 359 00:47:59,690 --> 00:48:02,760 Oh I heard all of it. 360 00:48:02,800 --> 00:48:07,450 - You wet my bed? - That was gas talk dude. 361 00:48:07,870 --> 00:48:12,770 - Well we better get moving. - Aren't we forgetting something? 362 00:48:15,170 --> 00:48:17,470 I'm so lonely. 363 00:48:34,880 --> 00:48:40,200 Okay. Here you go guys... Muncher muncher. 364 00:48:45,200 --> 00:48:47,710 What? You're not gonna eat your vegetables? 365 00:48:47,710 --> 00:48:52,710 How you going to become big and strong dinosaurs? 366 00:48:55,730 --> 00:48:59,640 No... I raised them vegetarian. 367 00:48:59,750 --> 00:49:04,390 It's a healthier lifestyle. I mean look at me. 368 00:49:05,220 --> 00:49:10,120 Excuse me. I'm trying to have a conversation here. 369 00:49:15,550 --> 00:49:20,970 No no no! That's not for us kids. Way to feathery and fleshy and... 370 00:49:21,490 --> 00:49:24,200 ...and alive! 371 00:49:30,350 --> 00:49:35,980 No no no! We do not eat live animals period. 372 00:49:36,020 --> 00:49:40,150 Now go fly. Be free. 373 00:49:41,820 --> 00:49:45,780 Little flightless bird. 374 00:49:46,830 --> 00:49:48,370 My bad. 375 00:49:48,580 --> 00:49:50,960 Hey where you going? 376 00:49:51,000 --> 00:49:53,920 This is how you resolve a conflict? 377 00:49:54,130 --> 00:49:56,840 No wonder you're single. 378 00:49:59,340 --> 00:50:02,160 Oh come on! Am I talking to myself here? 379 00:50:02,180 --> 00:50:04,660 I say they're vegetarian. You say "Grrr". 380 00:50:04,690 --> 00:50:07,130 I say "Can we talk about this?". You say "Grrr". 381 00:50:07,150 --> 00:50:09,870 - I don't call that communication. - Grrr! 382 00:50:09,910 --> 00:50:13,000 See? That's your answer to everything. 383 00:50:18,730 --> 00:50:20,300 Grrr! 384 00:50:25,200 --> 00:50:30,310 What are you afraid of? You're the biggest thing on Earth. 385 00:50:32,390 --> 00:50:34,690 Aren't you? 386 00:50:47,100 --> 00:50:51,890 - They'll never survive. It's dangerous by day. - But it's even worse at night. 387 00:50:51,930 --> 00:50:56,870 - Plus the guide is a lunatic! - What? You mean Buck? Oh he's whacko. 388 00:50:56,900 --> 00:50:58,230 I am not. 389 00:50:58,240 --> 00:51:00,390 - Totally bonkers! - And his feet smell. 390 00:51:00,400 --> 00:51:01,800 - Shut up! - You shut up! 391 00:51:01,840 --> 00:51:04,100 Oh you little... 392 00:51:04,720 --> 00:51:09,690 - He's strangling his own foot. - Shouldn't we get moving? 393 00:51:09,720 --> 00:51:14,630 - And give Rudy a midnight snack? Not likely. - The skulls right take a load of mammals. 394 00:51:15,040 --> 00:51:21,720 We'll camp here. Now who's hungry? I am. You don't need the calories! 395 00:51:25,260 --> 00:51:31,100 There I was... My back against the wall. No way out. 396 00:51:31,210 --> 00:51:40,170 Perched on a razor's edge of oblivion. Staring into the eye of the great white beast. 397 00:52:41,170 --> 00:52:46,800 - Were you killed? - Sadly yes. But I lived. 398 00:52:48,370 --> 00:52:53,690 Never had I felt so alive than when I was so close... To death. 399 00:52:53,720 --> 00:52:56,080 Just before Rudy could suck me down his gullet. 400 00:52:56,090 --> 00:53:01,190 I grabbed hold of that roast pink fleshy thing that dangles at the back of the throat. 401 00:53:01,510 --> 00:53:09,190 I hung on to that sucker and I swung back and forth back and forth. 402 00:53:09,220 --> 00:53:17,880 Back... and forth and back. Until finally I let go and shot right out of his mouth. 403 00:53:18,090 --> 00:53:22,880 I may have lost an eye that day. But I got this. 404 00:53:22,920 --> 00:53:25,870 Rudy's tooth... 405 00:53:25,910 --> 00:53:31,590 It's like the old saying: "An eye for a tooth". A nose for a chin. A butt for a"... 406 00:53:31,620 --> 00:53:35,860 It's an old saying. But uh it's not a very good one. 407 00:53:35,860 --> 00:53:37,270 You are super-weasel. 408 00:53:37,590 --> 00:53:41,440 - Ultra-weasel. - Diesel-weasel. 409 00:53:45,300 --> 00:53:47,350 What? He is. 410 00:53:47,390 --> 00:53:51,350 Now let me tell you about the time I used to sharpen clam-shell to turn a T-Rex. 411 00:53:51,390 --> 00:53:54,270 - Into a T-Rachel - Yes master. 412 00:53:54,480 --> 00:53:57,500 Wow that's enough fairy-tales for one night. 413 00:53:57,500 --> 00:54:01,980 - Come on Ellie. You should rest now... - Pff.. Life at the party. 414 00:54:02,090 --> 00:54:05,340 Alright you guys get some shut-eye I'll keep watch. 415 00:54:05,340 --> 00:54:07,510 Don't worry Buck we got this. 416 00:54:08,030 --> 00:54:13,460 - Night time is possum time. - Yeah we own the night baby. 417 00:54:26,390 --> 00:54:29,200 Good night Rudy. 418 00:54:40,770 --> 00:54:43,490 Wait wait. What about me? 419 00:54:57,980 --> 00:55:05,490 Sleep well kids. We have a busy day tomorrow. Forging Hunting... 420 00:55:05,520 --> 00:55:11,220 Missing my friends. Probably are not missing me. 421 00:55:13,520 --> 00:55:15,810 What... 422 00:55:24,670 --> 00:55:29,260 You're a real softie you know that? 423 00:55:50,640 --> 00:55:52,830 Manny? 424 00:55:56,580 --> 00:56:00,330 Crash? Eddie? 425 00:56:03,360 --> 00:56:05,650 Manny? 426 00:56:23,490 --> 00:56:26,720 What's going on? Are you okay? 427 00:56:27,450 --> 00:56:31,060 I'm sorry. I just wanted to keep you safe and 428 00:56:31,100 --> 00:56:34,500 Now you're in the most dangerous place in the world. 429 00:56:34,540 --> 00:56:40,430 This isn't your fault. It's bigger than both of us. We have to get Sid. 430 00:56:40,460 --> 00:56:46,320 Yeah but If I had been a better friend to him... we wouldn't be here. 431 00:56:46,360 --> 00:56:48,420 Better friend? Are you plucking my whiskers? 432 00:56:48,460 --> 00:56:53,410 You risked your life your mate and your baby to save your buddy! 433 00:56:53,930 --> 00:56:58,730 Not the best husband or father but... a damn good friend. 434 00:58:16,520 --> 00:58:18,080 Everybody stop! 435 00:58:19,230 --> 00:58:22,560 I smell something. 436 00:58:25,590 --> 00:58:29,650 Hmm it smells like a buzzard's butt fell off. 437 00:58:30,280 --> 00:58:32,680 - And then got sprayed on by a bunch of skunks. - That's Sid. 438 00:58:34,140 --> 00:58:36,750 Mammal's we have ourselves a crime scene. 439 00:58:39,770 --> 00:58:44,570 Half eaten carcass! Hunk of... Oh no! 440 00:58:44,980 --> 00:58:46,860 Broccoli! 441 00:58:46,970 --> 00:58:48,300 Here's what I think happened: 442 00:58:48,300 --> 00:58:52,280 Dinosaur attacked Sid Sid fights back with piece of broccoli. 443 00:58:52,800 --> 00:58:57,180 - Leaving dinosaur a vegetable. - Are you nuts? 444 00:58:57,390 --> 00:59:00,000 Sid's not violent or co-ordinated. 445 00:59:00,000 --> 00:59:04,170 - Yeah and where's the dinosaur? - Alright alright. Good point. 446 00:59:04,380 --> 00:59:05,730 Theory two: 447 00:59:05,840 --> 00:59:10,910 Sid's eating broccoli. Dinosaur eats Sid. Dinosaur steps on broccoli. 448 00:59:10,950 --> 00:59:15,530 - Leaving broccoli a vegetable. - Buck when exactly did you lose your mind? 449 00:59:15,640 --> 00:59:20,540 Umm... 3 months ago. I woke up one morning married to a pineapple. 450 00:59:20,580 --> 00:59:23,670 An ugly pineapple. 451 00:59:24,090 --> 00:59:25,490 But I loved her. 452 00:59:25,490 --> 00:59:29,720 Uh Buck! I think you missed a little clue over here. 453 00:59:31,180 --> 00:59:38,690 Your friend might be alive. But not for long. Rudy's closing in. 454 00:59:38,690 --> 00:59:39,790 Wow... 455 00:59:39,830 --> 00:59:45,460 You got it. The plates of wow. Or whatever's left of them. 456 01:00:54,390 --> 01:00:59,390 Single file everyone. Head for Lava Falls. 457 01:01:11,380 --> 01:01:16,130 - What's that sound? - It's the wind. It's speaking to us. 458 01:01:16,160 --> 01:01:20,870 - What's it saying? - I don't know. I don't speak "wind". 459 01:01:28,900 --> 01:01:30,280 Ellie? 460 01:01:30,280 --> 01:01:34,430 I'm fine don't worry about me. I'm just taking my... 461 01:01:37,140 --> 01:01:39,220 Ellie! Whoa! 462 01:01:40,680 --> 01:01:45,380 - Manny! - Get to the ledge! 463 01:01:59,770 --> 01:02:04,740 - Ellie! - Ellie where are you? 464 01:02:04,770 --> 01:02:12,070 - It's okay I'm up here. - Hang on Ellie. We'll be right there. 465 01:02:32,400 --> 01:02:35,740 Wait! Sloth down! 466 01:02:38,450 --> 01:02:45,650 Wait... Time out. Hold up. Jeez you guys are getting fast. 467 01:02:48,570 --> 01:02:53,570 It's not so bad down here. Nice weather friendly neighbours. 468 01:02:59,720 --> 01:03:02,540 Hi neighbour! 469 01:03:04,630 --> 01:03:07,860 - Rudy... - Rudy! 470 01:03:08,380 --> 01:03:10,570 - Never heard that kind of dino before. - That's Sid. 471 01:03:10,590 --> 01:03:12,130 We'll have to move fast. 472 01:03:12,760 --> 01:03:14,740 Manny pineapples! 473 01:03:14,740 --> 01:03:17,720 - Pineapples? - She gets cravings. 474 01:03:17,760 --> 01:03:22,450 - Pomegranates grapefruits nectarines. - She's ordering a fruit cocktail. 475 01:03:23,180 --> 01:03:30,760 - Come on think. Peaches! - Peaches? Peaches! 476 01:03:30,800 --> 01:03:34,550 The baby! What what what now! 477 01:03:34,570 --> 01:03:38,100 - This not good. - The baby is coming! 478 01:03:38,130 --> 01:03:42,810 - Can you try to hold it in! - Can somebody slap him for me? 479 01:03:42,840 --> 01:03:47,450 - Just sit tight we're coming! - There's only one thing to do. 480 01:03:47,480 --> 01:03:49,080 Opossums you're with me. 481 01:03:49,090 --> 01:03:51,510 Manny you take care of Ellie until we get back. 482 01:03:51,550 --> 01:03:54,320 What? No you can't leave now. She's off the trail. 483 01:03:54,320 --> 01:03:55,250 What about rule number 2? 484 01:03:55,280 --> 01:03:58,950 Rule number 5 says you can ignore rule number 2 if there's a female involved. 485 01:03:59,370 --> 01:04:03,750 Or possibly a cute dog. I just make up these rules as I go along. 486 01:04:03,750 --> 01:04:05,210 Yeah but but but... She's... You have to! 487 01:04:05,730 --> 01:04:13,550 - Manny it's alright. I got your back. - Now you're talking. Come on lads! 488 01:04:16,570 --> 01:04:21,120 - Take care of our sister Mr. - No pressure. 489 01:04:21,160 --> 01:04:23,870 What does that mean "I've got your back"? I'd rather they cover the front. 490 01:04:24,390 --> 01:04:26,640 That's where all the good stuff is isn't it? 491 01:04:26,660 --> 01:04:28,250 We gotta move! 492 01:04:33,150 --> 01:04:38,260 Okay! Alright. It's okay. Daddy's daddy's coming. 493 01:04:38,370 --> 01:04:42,220 I gotta say sweet heart you really got timing... 494 01:05:02,040 --> 01:05:06,940 Go away! Go away! Shoo! Afraid of danger! Afraid of danger! 495 01:05:19,340 --> 01:05:22,680 Don't worry it's just lava. Deadly 496 01:05:22,720 --> 01:05:25,910 Violent lava! 497 01:05:41,140 --> 01:05:44,060 - Boys are you ready for adventure? - Yes sir! 498 01:05:44,160 --> 01:05:46,350 - For danger? - Yes sir! 499 01:05:46,350 --> 01:05:51,250 - For death! - Uh can you repeat the question? 500 01:06:02,100 --> 01:06:04,390 That's right. Come on! 501 01:06:06,790 --> 01:06:11,900 - Have you ever flown one of these before? - No first time actually. 502 01:06:18,990 --> 01:06:20,970 There she is. 503 01:06:21,000 --> 01:06:22,950 - Ellie! - Manny! 504 01:06:26,810 --> 01:06:28,840 I need to get to her. 505 01:06:28,890 --> 01:06:32,130 Listen I'll protect Ellie. You stop those guys. 506 01:06:32,160 --> 01:06:37,550 Manny if they reach her it'll be to late. You have to trust me. 507 01:06:40,160 --> 01:06:42,870 Alright let's do it. 508 01:07:18,530 --> 01:07:21,030 My paws are burning baby! They burning! 509 01:07:21,060 --> 01:07:23,120 I gotta tiptoe tiptoe tiptoe... 510 01:07:23,430 --> 01:07:30,170 - Excuse me twinkle toes. Giving birth here. - Oh right. Sorry! You're okay? 511 01:07:30,210 --> 01:07:33,540 Am I okay? Do you know anything about child birth? 512 01:07:33,540 --> 01:07:36,880 No not really but Manny's coming.. 513 01:07:43,450 --> 01:07:49,600 - Diego I'm scared! Can I hold your paw? - Yeah of course... 514 01:07:49,640 --> 01:07:54,820 Just go with the pain. It's just a contraction. 515 01:08:07,120 --> 01:08:09,970 - Look! He's right there. - Roger! 516 01:08:09,980 --> 01:08:12,820 - No Sid. - I know. Roger! 517 01:08:12,850 --> 01:08:16,720 How about we get Sid first and then go back for Roger. 518 01:08:16,730 --> 01:08:19,110 Oh never mind. 519 01:08:29,750 --> 01:08:31,940 Oh Buck. 520 01:08:46,540 --> 01:08:52,900 - Wait wait! Sid's that way! - Tell that to them. 521 01:08:54,150 --> 01:08:56,650 Bring it on you chicken headed freaks! 522 01:09:14,690 --> 01:09:19,170 Don't worry about a thing. You're doing fine. 523 01:09:19,210 --> 01:09:23,970 It's going great. Ah excuse me. 524 01:09:25,950 --> 01:09:29,250 - Just keep breathing. - Diego! 525 01:09:29,290 --> 01:09:32,630 Just breathe that's the important thing. 526 01:09:40,130 --> 01:09:42,630 Grab that ammo. 527 01:09:45,450 --> 01:09:48,680 - Bogey at 3 o'clock. - Fire! 528 01:09:57,230 --> 01:10:00,680 This is awesome! 529 01:10:02,650 --> 01:10:05,050 Light it up! 530 01:10:05,570 --> 01:10:07,980 - Yeah! - Hasta la vista birdie! 531 01:10:19,970 --> 01:10:22,470 Let's get our... 532 01:10:23,400 --> 01:10:29,770 Mayday! Mayday! We're losing altitude! Hold these. 533 01:10:31,640 --> 01:10:37,270 - That tastes like fish. - Okay. That's just weird. 534 01:10:37,590 --> 01:10:40,190 - I love you bro! - I know! 535 01:10:40,720 --> 01:10:43,790 Snap out of it come on! Pull! 536 01:10:54,250 --> 01:10:58,130 This is the end of Sid the sloth. 537 01:11:05,320 --> 01:11:07,510 - Help! - No Sid. It's me. 538 01:11:07,530 --> 01:11:09,700 - And me! - And me! 539 01:11:09,710 --> 01:11:13,670 I don't want to panic anybody but who's flying this thing? 540 01:11:26,490 --> 01:11:29,200 No no wait my kids! 541 01:11:31,910 --> 01:11:35,460 I never even got to say goodbye. 542 01:11:37,860 --> 01:11:42,710 - You can do it. Push! Push! - I can't do it. 543 01:11:42,710 --> 01:11:44,320 Just one more big push. 544 01:11:44,840 --> 01:11:51,000 You have no idea what I'm going through. Okay forget I said that. Let's do this together. 545 01:12:00,800 --> 01:12:06,170 I liked you guys better when you were extinct. 546 01:12:06,380 --> 01:12:10,080 Oh I'm getting dizzy. 547 01:12:12,160 --> 01:12:16,440 Manny. Come on buddy. I think we're getting close. 548 01:12:51,270 --> 01:12:58,320 She's perfect. I think we should call her Ellie. 549 01:12:58,360 --> 01:13:03,130 - Little Ellie... - I've got a better name... Peaches. 550 01:13:03,130 --> 01:13:04,720 Peaches? 551 01:13:04,750 --> 01:13:11,810 Why not? She's sweet and round and covered with furs. 552 01:13:12,540 --> 01:13:15,040 I love it. 553 01:13:17,340 --> 01:13:18,710 I saw that tough guy. 554 01:13:18,710 --> 01:13:20,780 No no that last dino caught my eye with a claw and... 555 01:13:20,880 --> 01:13:28,180 - Alright so I'm not made of stone. - Incoming! 556 01:13:28,220 --> 01:13:30,260 It's Sid! 557 01:13:34,120 --> 01:13:35,320 Oh it's a boy! 558 01:13:35,320 --> 01:13:38,500 - That's its tail. - It's a girl. 559 01:13:38,920 --> 01:13:42,930 Hi sweetheart! It's uncle Sid... Yes it is. 560 01:13:43,460 --> 01:13:46,530 Oh you're so beautiful. Oh she is... 561 01:13:46,630 --> 01:13:50,490 She looks just like her mother. Thank goodness! 562 01:13:50,600 --> 01:13:53,520 Oh no offence Manny. No offence. You're beautiful on the inside. 563 01:13:53,930 --> 01:13:55,920 It's good to have you back Sid. 564 01:13:56,020 --> 01:14:01,650 Never thought I would say this but... I missed you buddy. 565 01:14:04,360 --> 01:14:10,520 Now I wish my kids were here. You could have been friends. 566 01:14:10,550 --> 01:14:12,700 Ellie! 567 01:14:15,410 --> 01:14:21,150 - I promised myself I wouldn't cry. - I didn't. 568 01:14:24,700 --> 01:14:27,280 I forgot what it was like to be part of a family. 569 01:14:27,280 --> 01:14:31,160 What about you? Ever thought about having kids? 570 01:14:33,870 --> 01:14:38,460 Alright mammal's. Let's get you home. 571 01:16:03,550 --> 01:16:08,130 This is it mammal's. Right where you started. This was fun. 572 01:16:08,170 --> 01:16:12,720 - We could make it a regular thing. - I don't know about that. 573 01:16:13,030 --> 01:16:18,840 Right Right. Yes cos' of all the uh mortal peril. Of-Course. 574 01:16:18,870 --> 01:16:23,770 - Oh well the Buck stops here! - We couldn't have done it without you. 575 01:16:24,300 --> 01:16:28,780 Well obviously. But good times just the same... 576 01:16:29,200 --> 01:16:32,530 We're not alone are we? 577 01:16:35,660 --> 01:16:38,060 Hello Rudy! 578 01:16:46,090 --> 01:16:48,590 Run! 579 01:16:54,220 --> 01:16:59,440 Over here you colossal fossil! Looking for something? 580 01:17:01,100 --> 01:17:06,530 Why don't you come and get it? To the cave! Go! 581 01:17:07,780 --> 01:17:12,260 - Stay with the baby. - We'll be fine. Go! 582 01:17:18,310 --> 01:17:20,500 Wuss! 583 01:17:32,180 --> 01:17:34,370 Pop goes the weasel! 584 01:17:45,110 --> 01:17:48,970 Shoo shoo! Come on! Move! 585 01:17:50,320 --> 01:17:53,340 Diego... Catch! 586 01:18:03,560 --> 01:18:07,680 Through the hole over the valley. One more loop... 587 01:18:07,790 --> 01:18:09,930 Come on lads! Heev! 588 01:18:23,690 --> 01:18:27,860 Better luck next time snowflake. This isn't gonna hold him long. Let's go! 589 01:18:28,070 --> 01:18:30,570 Hold up guys! 590 01:18:52,260 --> 01:18:54,870 Way to go Mom-Zilla! 591 01:19:26,250 --> 01:19:30,940 Come here kids. Well let me tell you something. You're where you belong now. 592 01:19:30,980 --> 01:19:36,370 And I'm sure you're gonna grow up to be giant horrifying dinosaurs. 593 01:19:36,400 --> 01:19:38,870 Just like your mother. 594 01:19:40,540 --> 01:19:43,010 Momma... 595 01:19:43,040 --> 01:19:46,690 ...take good care of our kids. 596 01:20:13,280 --> 01:20:16,150 - You were a good parent Sid. - Thanks! 597 01:20:16,180 --> 01:20:19,020 - Can I baby-sit for you? - Not a chance. 598 01:20:19,540 --> 01:20:23,290 - Oh come on! I work cheap. - Alright. I'll think about it. 599 01:20:23,810 --> 01:20:27,770 - Yes! - Never happened. 600 01:20:30,800 --> 01:20:35,600 - He's gone. What am I supposed to do now? - That's easy. 601 01:20:36,010 --> 01:20:41,440 - Come with us. - You mean... up there? 602 01:20:42,270 --> 01:20:47,760 I never thought of going back. I've been down here so long it feels like up to me. 603 01:20:47,800 --> 01:20:51,050 I'm not sure I can fit-in up there anymore. 604 01:20:51,050 --> 01:20:55,930 So look at us. We look like a normal herd to you? 605 01:20:55,970 --> 01:20:58,120 Ouch! 606 01:21:23,140 --> 01:21:25,750 So long big guy! 607 01:21:36,700 --> 01:21:40,040 That's our queue. Come on Peaches. 608 01:21:40,450 --> 01:21:42,640 He's alive. 609 01:21:43,580 --> 01:21:45,880 Buck... 610 01:21:46,190 --> 01:21:50,150 - I... I gotta... - Yeah... 611 01:21:50,460 --> 01:21:55,680 Besides this world should really stay down here. 612 01:21:56,090 --> 01:22:01,210 - Take care of 'em tiger. - "Always listen to Buck. " 613 01:22:01,240 --> 01:22:03,710 We're almost out. 614 01:22:33,010 --> 01:22:38,010 - Is everybody okay? - Where's Buck? 615 01:22:39,260 --> 01:22:43,810 Don't worry. He's where he wants to be. 616 01:22:43,850 --> 01:22:45,640 Is he going to be okay? 617 01:22:45,650 --> 01:22:48,330 Are you kidding? Nothing can kill that weasel. 618 01:22:48,370 --> 01:22:51,670 It's Rudy I'm worried about. 619 01:23:02,000 --> 01:23:08,670 I know this baby thing isn't for you. But whatever you decide to do... 620 01:23:08,710 --> 01:23:13,320 I'm not leaving buddy. Life of adventure... It's right here. 621 01:23:13,360 --> 01:23:16,990 Well I got a whole speech here. I've been working on it. 622 01:23:16,990 --> 01:23:19,410 How can I show you that I'm strong and... 623 01:23:19,450 --> 01:23:23,370 ...sensitive? Noble yet caring? 624 01:23:24,210 --> 01:23:26,390 Thanks! 625 01:23:40,160 --> 01:23:44,230 Ah they grow so fast huh? Look at my kids. 626 01:23:44,440 --> 01:23:47,350 Seems they were born one day and then gone the next. 627 01:23:47,360 --> 01:23:51,740 - They were Sid. - Yeah it was a lot of work. 628 01:24:03,100 --> 01:24:07,690 It's right sweetheart. Welcome to the Ice Age. 629 01:26:48,470 --> 01:26:59,000 @hamIL