1 00:00:47,721 --> 00:00:49,401 Thank you, sir. 2 00:00:54,521 --> 00:00:55,521 Miss Ogden? 3 00:00:55,801 --> 00:00:56,841 Yes? 4 00:00:57,121 --> 00:00:58,841 It is Miss Ogden, Miss Ruby Ogden? 5 00:00:59,121 --> 00:01:00,921 Yes. Mr. Carlin, is it? 6 00:01:01,201 --> 00:01:01,961 Indeed. 7 00:01:02,201 --> 00:01:03,601 It's been a while since we've had 8 00:01:03,881 --> 00:01:05,521 the pleasure of your company in the bank. 9 00:01:05,801 --> 00:01:07,161 World travels, Mr. Carlin. 10 00:01:07,441 --> 00:01:09,521 Although I am back for a very special occasion. 11 00:01:09,801 --> 00:01:10,961 Which would be? 12 00:01:11,241 --> 00:01:13,241 My sister Julia's impending nuptials. 13 00:01:13,561 --> 00:01:15,961 Well, then, splendid. 14 00:01:16,241 --> 00:01:17,601 You hear that, Mr. Russel? 15 00:01:17,881 --> 00:01:19,361 You're not the only one getting married. 16 00:01:19,681 --> 00:01:20,561 How thrilling. 17 00:01:20,841 --> 00:01:22,441 Here comes the lucky lady now. 18 00:01:22,761 --> 00:01:24,521 I beg your pardon, Mr. Carlin. 19 00:01:24,801 --> 00:01:26,881 I wonder if you could double-check this balance sheet? 20 00:01:27,161 --> 00:01:28,321 It's giving me fits. 21 00:01:28,641 --> 00:01:30,041 Of course, Miss Rose. 22 00:01:32,801 --> 00:01:35,801 Not to state the obvious, good people, but... 23 00:01:37,521 --> 00:01:38,281 Oh, dear. 24 00:01:38,561 --> 00:01:40,521 Anyway. 25 00:01:40,801 --> 00:01:43,561 This is a robbery. 26 00:01:43,841 --> 00:01:46,441 Hmm, you there. 27 00:01:48,601 --> 00:01:51,601 In the common suit and cautious cravat, 28 00:01:51,881 --> 00:01:54,161 you must be the bank manager. 29 00:01:54,441 --> 00:01:57,681 To the vault, sir. And be quick about it. 30 00:01:57,961 --> 00:01:59,561 I do have appointments. 31 00:02:20,041 --> 00:02:21,721 You're doing well, sir. 32 00:02:22,001 --> 00:02:26,801 But it may help to breathe. 33 00:02:30,281 --> 00:02:33,201 Robbery in progress. Bank of Toronto. 34 00:02:33,521 --> 00:02:36,801 - Deal with it, Crabtree. - To the armory, lads! 35 00:02:43,881 --> 00:02:48,241 There now. That wasn't so bad, was it? 36 00:02:48,561 --> 00:02:50,401 Oh, my. 37 00:02:50,721 --> 00:02:54,681 Who do we have here? 38 00:02:54,961 --> 00:02:57,121 Mmm. 39 00:03:05,441 --> 00:03:07,321 Yes, well. 40 00:03:07,641 --> 00:03:09,841 Ladies and gentlemen, 41 00:03:10,121 --> 00:03:12,361 you have been most accommodating. 42 00:03:12,681 --> 00:03:15,321 And I thank you for your patience. 43 00:03:15,641 --> 00:03:17,961 Good day. 44 00:03:18,241 --> 00:03:21,561 He's so polite. 45 00:03:21,841 --> 00:03:22,681 He went that way. 46 00:03:22,961 --> 00:03:24,521 Murdoch, Crabtree, through the back. 47 00:03:24,801 --> 00:03:27,281 You two, get into the alley. 48 00:03:33,921 --> 00:03:37,321 Gentlemen, the pleasure was all mine. 49 00:03:48,361 --> 00:03:50,281 This constable will take your details, ma'am. 50 00:03:50,601 --> 00:03:52,401 Thank you. 51 00:03:52,721 --> 00:03:53,641 Any luck, Murdoch? 52 00:03:53,921 --> 00:03:54,721 I'm sorry, sir. 53 00:03:55,001 --> 00:03:56,361 The thief had his escape well-planned. 54 00:03:56,681 --> 00:03:57,841 Not just any thief. 55 00:03:58,121 --> 00:04:00,561 He planted a big, wet smacker on that secretary over there. 56 00:04:00,841 --> 00:04:03,001 And a tender moment it was. 57 00:04:03,281 --> 00:04:04,681 - Miss Ogden. - Ruby, my goodness. 58 00:04:04,961 --> 00:04:05,961 What are you doing here? 59 00:04:06,241 --> 00:04:08,721 I just arrived in town to help with Julia's wedding. 60 00:04:09,001 --> 00:04:11,521 Hello, Detective. Exciting times, yes? 61 00:04:11,801 --> 00:04:12,921 Most assuredly. 62 00:04:13,201 --> 00:04:14,721 I'm all atwitter. 63 00:04:15,961 --> 00:04:16,881 Make way. Make way, please. 64 00:04:17,161 --> 00:04:18,721 Paddy Glynn. Please make way. 65 00:04:19,001 --> 00:04:20,361 Inspector Brackenreid. Inspector. 66 00:04:20,681 --> 00:04:21,801 We're busy, Glynn. 67 00:04:22,081 --> 00:04:24,281 Ah, yes, and doing a fine job of catching no one I see. 68 00:04:24,601 --> 00:04:27,121 Uh, tell me, did the robber kiss any women? 69 00:04:27,401 --> 00:04:31,921 Yes, this kissing bandit struck again, all right. 70 00:04:32,201 --> 00:04:34,641 Kissing Bandit. Oh, a perfect moniker. 71 00:04:34,921 --> 00:04:36,121 Thank you. Thank you, Inspector. 72 00:04:36,401 --> 00:04:37,321 Thank you. 73 00:04:37,641 --> 00:04:39,681 What did he thank me for? 74 00:04:44,121 --> 00:04:47,321 "Kissing Bandit." I suppose I deserve that. 75 00:04:47,641 --> 00:04:49,041 Three banks in ten days. 76 00:04:49,321 --> 00:04:51,561 And each time the cheeky bugger grabs a kiss from a young lass, 77 00:04:51,841 --> 00:04:53,081 then vanishes into thin air. 78 00:04:53,361 --> 00:04:54,281 How's he doing it, Murdoch? 79 00:04:54,601 --> 00:04:56,441 Careful planning, sir? 80 00:04:56,761 --> 00:04:58,641 Three robberies, dozens of witnesses, 81 00:04:58,921 --> 00:05:00,321 and not one usable description. 82 00:05:00,641 --> 00:05:01,921 He was wearing a mask. 83 00:05:02,201 --> 00:05:03,801 Are you trying to annoy me, Murdoch? 84 00:05:04,081 --> 00:05:07,241 No, sir. I share your frustration. 85 00:05:08,961 --> 00:05:11,081 What about the latest object of the Bandit's affections? 86 00:05:11,361 --> 00:05:13,001 What's she got to say? 87 00:05:13,281 --> 00:05:15,241 Must you ask Annabelle 88 00:05:15,561 --> 00:05:17,361 to relive the experience, Detective? 89 00:05:17,681 --> 00:05:20,001 I'm afraid so, Mr. Russel. 90 00:05:20,281 --> 00:05:22,001 Miss Rose, please. 91 00:05:22,841 --> 00:05:26,961 Well, I was asking Mr. Carlin to review last month's deposits. 92 00:05:27,241 --> 00:05:28,761 They wouldn't balance for me. 93 00:05:29,041 --> 00:05:30,641 Thank you, Miss Rose. 94 00:05:30,921 --> 00:05:33,361 But I'm more interested in your recollections 95 00:05:33,681 --> 00:05:35,921 of the moments you were closest to the Bandit, 96 00:05:36,201 --> 00:05:38,361 when he kissed you and so forth. 97 00:05:38,681 --> 00:05:41,281 Oh, of course. 98 00:05:41,601 --> 00:05:44,281 His arm encircled me. 99 00:05:44,601 --> 00:05:46,561 He didn't say a word. 100 00:05:46,841 --> 00:05:50,201 I remember that his hand was warm on my waist. 101 00:05:50,521 --> 00:05:54,721 And the way that he dipped me back was like a dance. 102 00:05:55,001 --> 00:05:56,201 A dance? 103 00:05:56,521 --> 00:05:58,681 He's a criminal, darling, violent and dangerous. 104 00:05:58,961 --> 00:06:00,241 Thank you, Mr. Russel. 105 00:06:00,561 --> 00:06:02,681 All I mean to say is that he didn't hurt me. 106 00:06:02,961 --> 00:06:04,441 But your reputation. 107 00:06:04,761 --> 00:06:06,721 Taking liberties with a woman betrothed? 108 00:06:07,001 --> 00:06:09,321 Of course, you're right. 109 00:06:09,641 --> 00:06:10,841 It's over now. 110 00:06:11,921 --> 00:06:15,441 Do you recall any physical characteristics? 111 00:06:15,761 --> 00:06:17,441 Eye color, for example? 112 00:06:17,761 --> 00:06:19,321 Truth be told, I can't really say. 113 00:06:19,641 --> 00:06:22,321 I mean, my eyes were closed for most of it. 114 00:06:22,641 --> 00:06:25,721 You closed your eyes? 115 00:06:31,441 --> 00:06:34,161 Sir, none of the witnesses has given us anything to go on. 116 00:06:34,441 --> 00:06:35,841 That's it? 117 00:06:36,121 --> 00:06:38,641 Well, perhaps I'll just have a nap then. 118 00:06:38,921 --> 00:06:40,081 Sir, I simply mean that the Bandit 119 00:06:40,361 --> 00:06:42,521 has yet to make a mistake of any kind. 120 00:06:42,801 --> 00:06:43,801 Any ideas? 121 00:06:44,081 --> 00:06:46,201 Well, sir, if he's so scrupulous 122 00:06:46,521 --> 00:06:49,961 in not leaving us any clue as to his identity, 123 00:06:50,241 --> 00:06:52,561 perhaps we can attempt to bring the clue to him. 124 00:06:52,841 --> 00:06:54,081 Will that make any more sense to me 125 00:06:54,361 --> 00:06:55,281 if you say it a second time? 126 00:06:55,601 --> 00:06:57,561 Sir, I simply mean that there is a way 127 00:06:57,841 --> 00:06:58,761 to identify this Bandit, 128 00:06:59,041 --> 00:07:01,121 regardless of how many disguises he wears. 129 00:07:01,401 --> 00:07:05,281 But we'll have to wait for him to strike again. 130 00:07:05,601 --> 00:07:08,401 You're gonna build something, aren't you? 131 00:07:14,321 --> 00:07:15,401 Hello, Jules. 132 00:07:15,721 --> 00:07:16,921 Ruby! 133 00:07:17,201 --> 00:07:18,361 I thought you were in New York. 134 00:07:18,681 --> 00:07:20,041 Mm, you're the only person in the world 135 00:07:20,321 --> 00:07:23,121 I'd leave New York for, Jules, even if I did have to put 136 00:07:23,401 --> 00:07:25,041 my latest piece for The Times on hold. 137 00:07:25,321 --> 00:07:27,281 Oh, well, I'm honored. 138 00:07:27,601 --> 00:07:28,881 Mm, you should be. 139 00:07:29,161 --> 00:07:30,961 It's an expose on the gangs of New York. 140 00:07:31,241 --> 00:07:33,241 They're quite bothersome these days. 141 00:07:33,561 --> 00:07:35,041 I see. 142 00:07:36,361 --> 00:07:38,521 Father wired me to say that your upcoming nuptials 143 00:07:38,801 --> 00:07:40,201 to Darcy Garland are in disarray. 144 00:07:40,521 --> 00:07:41,681 Disarray? 145 00:07:41,961 --> 00:07:44,681 You haven't your trousseau, dress, veil, gloves, 146 00:07:44,961 --> 00:07:46,921 shoes, flower arrangements, music. 147 00:07:47,801 --> 00:07:49,641 All right, I'm a little behind. 148 00:07:49,921 --> 00:07:51,001 Behind? 149 00:07:51,281 --> 00:07:52,521 You're a disaster. 150 00:07:52,801 --> 00:07:55,721 And before you say no to me rushing to your rescue, 151 00:07:56,001 --> 00:07:57,561 father's paying for it, so it's done. 152 00:07:57,841 --> 00:08:00,681 I'm touched, but I still have to say no. 153 00:08:00,961 --> 00:08:03,521 Say the same after you see this. 154 00:08:12,761 --> 00:08:14,321 It's beautiful. 155 00:08:14,641 --> 00:08:15,681 Try it on. 156 00:08:16,921 --> 00:08:18,361 For me. 157 00:08:18,681 --> 00:08:19,881 All right. 158 00:08:22,961 --> 00:08:24,881 Oh. 159 00:08:25,161 --> 00:08:26,801 You look so bridal. 160 00:08:30,681 --> 00:08:32,561 Detective. 161 00:08:32,841 --> 00:08:35,401 Wasn't that an exciting bank robbery today? 162 00:08:35,721 --> 00:08:38,121 - Bank robbery? - Yes, at the Bank of-- 163 00:08:38,401 --> 00:08:39,561 Oh, it was thrilling. 164 00:08:39,841 --> 00:08:41,041 They're calling the thief "The Kissing Bandit." 165 00:08:41,321 --> 00:08:42,961 - Unfortunately-- - He escaped. 166 00:08:43,241 --> 00:08:45,001 But William almost had him, didn't you? 167 00:08:45,281 --> 00:08:46,601 - Well, I-- - Goodness, Ruby. 168 00:08:46,881 --> 00:08:47,681 Are you all right? 169 00:08:47,921 --> 00:08:50,361 Yes, I am. 170 00:08:53,601 --> 00:08:55,001 I--How can I help you, Detective? 171 00:08:55,281 --> 00:08:58,081 I need to borrow some walnut oil. 172 00:08:58,361 --> 00:08:59,401 Walnut oil? 173 00:08:59,721 --> 00:09:02,241 Yes, I take it you use it to stain tissue samples? 174 00:09:02,561 --> 00:09:03,441 Indeed. 175 00:09:03,761 --> 00:09:05,441 Whatever do you need it for? 176 00:09:05,761 --> 00:09:08,921 A project I'm working on. 177 00:09:16,641 --> 00:09:18,561 Here you are. 178 00:09:18,841 --> 00:09:20,841 Thank you. 179 00:09:21,121 --> 00:09:22,881 Miss Ogden. 180 00:09:26,921 --> 00:09:29,641 Jules, did you ever tell Darcy 181 00:09:29,921 --> 00:09:31,921 about your relationship with William? 182 00:09:32,201 --> 00:09:35,121 Why, of course I did. 183 00:09:35,401 --> 00:09:39,521 Oh? How did he take it? 184 00:09:39,801 --> 00:09:43,801 His usual maturity and understanding. 185 00:09:44,081 --> 00:09:48,441 He's sensible enough to know that everyone has a past. 186 00:09:48,761 --> 00:09:51,561 Well, I'm impressed. 187 00:09:51,841 --> 00:09:55,201 Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a great deal of shopping to do. 188 00:09:55,521 --> 00:09:57,121 How delightful. 189 00:10:11,561 --> 00:10:15,121 Sir, the Kissing Bandit has struck again. 190 00:10:15,401 --> 00:10:17,401 Struck might not be the right term. 191 00:10:17,721 --> 00:10:19,201 I opened the door and there it was, 192 00:10:19,521 --> 00:10:21,521 the box right there on the stoop. 193 00:10:21,801 --> 00:10:22,961 And the note? 194 00:10:23,241 --> 00:10:24,801 "Courtesy of the Kissing Bandit." 195 00:10:25,081 --> 00:10:27,761 There's $2,000 in that box. 196 00:10:28,041 --> 00:10:29,401 That's $200 less than the total 197 00:10:29,721 --> 00:10:31,881 the Kissing Bandit took from the three banks. 198 00:10:32,161 --> 00:10:33,721 So, he keeps some for himself. 199 00:10:34,001 --> 00:10:35,521 Look, every bed in the orphanage 200 00:10:35,801 --> 00:10:37,121 could be replaced with this money. 201 00:10:37,401 --> 00:10:38,961 New coats for the boys, books. 202 00:10:39,241 --> 00:10:42,601 Mr. Belford, you can't keep the money. 203 00:10:42,881 --> 00:10:45,121 But the bank's insurance will assume responsibility, no? 204 00:10:45,401 --> 00:10:49,121 That would be the case if the money hadn't been recovered. 205 00:10:49,401 --> 00:10:50,841 Of course. 206 00:10:51,121 --> 00:10:53,281 Mr. Belford, a favor. 207 00:10:53,601 --> 00:10:56,601 Please say nothing to the press should they come calling. 208 00:10:56,881 --> 00:10:59,601 The less they know, the better for our investigation. 209 00:10:59,881 --> 00:11:01,121 I understand. 210 00:11:01,401 --> 00:11:03,761 Thank you. 211 00:11:08,761 --> 00:11:11,601 Mr. Carlin, I can assure you that the Kissing Bandit case 212 00:11:11,881 --> 00:11:13,441 is our top priority. 213 00:11:13,761 --> 00:11:18,001 Your priorities won't repair reputations, Inspector. 214 00:11:18,961 --> 00:11:21,161 The public sees the banks as thieves 215 00:11:21,441 --> 00:11:23,401 for taking the money back from the orphanage, 216 00:11:23,721 --> 00:11:25,961 even though we made respectable donations to the orphanage 217 00:11:26,241 --> 00:11:27,081 in the aftermath. 218 00:11:27,361 --> 00:11:28,641 We recovered almost all the money. 219 00:11:28,921 --> 00:11:30,241 I would have thought that I'd have heard 220 00:11:30,561 --> 00:11:32,201 a "well done" from you by now. 221 00:11:32,521 --> 00:11:34,441 There is little comfort in knowing the Kissing Bandit 222 00:11:34,761 --> 00:11:35,801 is on the loose, sir, 223 00:11:36,081 --> 00:11:37,681 free to strike us again at any time. 224 00:11:37,961 --> 00:11:41,041 We're not sitting around comparing bunions, Mr. Carlin. 225 00:11:41,321 --> 00:11:42,681 We do have a plan. 226 00:11:44,321 --> 00:11:47,401 Now, had Constable Crabtree been the Kissing Bandit 227 00:11:47,721 --> 00:11:50,001 reaching into the bag for the stolen money... 228 00:11:50,281 --> 00:11:52,361 The Bandit's hands would be covered in red dye. 229 00:11:52,681 --> 00:11:53,441 Exactly. 230 00:11:53,721 --> 00:11:56,841 I call it the dye discharger. 231 00:11:57,121 --> 00:11:58,921 It's based on a new British technology 232 00:11:59,201 --> 00:12:00,401 called the Little Nipper. 233 00:12:00,721 --> 00:12:02,721 Essentially, it's a mousetrap. 234 00:12:03,001 --> 00:12:04,361 A mousetrap? 235 00:12:04,681 --> 00:12:05,921 The dye stains on the Bandit's hands 236 00:12:06,201 --> 00:12:08,441 will last several days before washing off. 237 00:12:08,761 --> 00:12:11,321 Also, some of the dye that is discharged 238 00:12:11,641 --> 00:12:13,401 will end up on the money itself. 239 00:12:13,721 --> 00:12:14,961 Brilliant, Detective. 240 00:12:15,241 --> 00:12:17,521 So even if the Kissing Bandit gets away with his next robbery, 241 00:12:17,801 --> 00:12:20,201 he can't give it away or spend it without being caught. 242 00:12:20,521 --> 00:12:21,681 Ah, you must be Carlin. 243 00:12:21,961 --> 00:12:23,201 Paddy Glynn, Toronto Gazette. 244 00:12:23,521 --> 00:12:24,601 What is he doing here? 245 00:12:24,881 --> 00:12:27,441 He's the one responsible for spreading the Bandit's fame 246 00:12:27,761 --> 00:12:31,121 far and wide with his Robin Hood comparisons. 247 00:12:31,401 --> 00:12:33,241 I'd just as soon as crack him one myself, Mr. Carlin. 248 00:12:33,561 --> 00:12:35,401 But for now, we have to stomach him. 249 00:12:35,721 --> 00:12:36,841 Charming. 250 00:12:37,121 --> 00:12:40,201 Mr. Glynn will alert the public to the next robbery 251 00:12:40,521 --> 00:12:42,281 and ask them to report any sightings 252 00:12:42,601 --> 00:12:44,121 of a dye-spattered man. 253 00:12:44,401 --> 00:12:46,121 And all you and the other bank managers have to do 254 00:12:46,401 --> 00:12:48,081 is make sure a money bag with a dye discharger 255 00:12:48,361 --> 00:12:49,241 gets handed over. 256 00:12:49,561 --> 00:12:50,601 We'll catch him red-handed. 257 00:12:50,881 --> 00:12:53,561 Oh, I like that. I like that very much. 258 00:12:53,841 --> 00:12:55,761 I do hope this works. 259 00:12:56,041 --> 00:12:57,201 It will, Mr. Carlin. 260 00:12:57,521 --> 00:12:59,201 We'll have the Kissing Bandit under lock and key 261 00:12:59,521 --> 00:13:00,601 very, very soon. 262 00:13:00,881 --> 00:13:03,041 And this time you can quote me on that. 263 00:13:13,681 --> 00:13:16,001 - Hello, Constable. - Miss Ogden. 264 00:13:16,281 --> 00:13:17,801 Did you miss me? 265 00:13:18,081 --> 00:13:19,761 Yes, certainly I have. 266 00:13:21,041 --> 00:13:21,961 What are these notes for? 267 00:13:22,241 --> 00:13:23,401 Oh, no, that's-- it's nothing. 268 00:13:23,721 --> 00:13:26,601 That's, um-- It's just a story I'm writing. 269 00:13:26,881 --> 00:13:29,841 Oh. What's it about? 270 00:13:30,121 --> 00:13:32,121 It's just a little project I've been fooling with. 271 00:13:32,401 --> 00:13:35,201 There's murder, some adventure. 272 00:13:35,521 --> 00:13:38,721 Um, Queen Victoria ends up in a bank vault towards the end. 273 00:13:39,001 --> 00:13:40,241 I'm not explaining it very well. 274 00:13:40,561 --> 00:13:42,361 Sounds wonderful. 275 00:13:42,681 --> 00:13:44,281 I've missed you, by the way. 276 00:13:44,601 --> 00:13:45,721 Oh, yes, I'm sure you have. 277 00:13:46,001 --> 00:13:47,681 Gallivanting around the world, writing for The Times? 278 00:13:47,961 --> 00:13:49,561 It has been a whirlwind, yes. 279 00:13:49,841 --> 00:13:53,841 They've sent me everywhere; San Francisco, Bombay, Russia. 280 00:13:54,121 --> 00:13:55,401 I interviewed a revolutionary there 281 00:13:55,721 --> 00:13:57,161 by the name of Vladimir Ulyanov. 282 00:13:57,441 --> 00:13:58,681 Watch out for him. 283 00:13:58,961 --> 00:14:00,441 Ulyanov, I'll be sure to, yes. 284 00:14:00,761 --> 00:14:03,161 But it all pales in comparison to organizing a wedding. 285 00:14:04,041 --> 00:14:06,281 - You'll be attending? - Indeed, I will, yeah. 286 00:14:06,601 --> 00:14:08,641 With someone special? 287 00:14:09,561 --> 00:14:10,881 Oh, I don't-- Yes, of course. 288 00:14:11,161 --> 00:14:13,241 I imagine. I mean, there are several-- 289 00:14:13,561 --> 00:14:15,761 I haven't confirmed anyone yet. 290 00:14:16,041 --> 00:14:16,961 I see. 291 00:14:17,241 --> 00:14:19,601 Well, I look forward to seeing you there. 292 00:14:19,881 --> 00:14:20,961 So do I. 293 00:14:21,241 --> 00:14:23,121 Look forward to seeing you, not... 294 00:14:24,041 --> 00:14:26,281 Attention, gentlemen, 295 00:14:26,601 --> 00:14:31,441 the Kissing Bandit has robbed the Bank of Toronto again. 296 00:14:35,241 --> 00:14:37,361 The Kissing-- 297 00:14:37,681 --> 00:14:39,681 Another impressive entrance, Inspector. 298 00:14:39,961 --> 00:14:41,401 And of course, you're too late. 299 00:14:41,721 --> 00:14:44,641 Bollocks. Was anyone hurt? 300 00:14:44,921 --> 00:14:47,081 Mr. Russel's pride may have suffered a blow. 301 00:14:47,361 --> 00:14:50,241 What am I to do against a pistol-wielding thug? 302 00:14:50,561 --> 00:14:53,561 Miss Rose, I take it the Bandit kissed you again? 303 00:14:53,841 --> 00:14:55,761 - He did, yes. - Scoundrel. 304 00:14:56,041 --> 00:14:57,361 Did you manage to hand over a money bag 305 00:14:57,681 --> 00:14:58,681 containing the dye discharger? 306 00:14:58,961 --> 00:14:59,881 Yes. 307 00:15:00,161 --> 00:15:01,881 George, notify Paddy Glynn at the Gazette. 308 00:15:02,161 --> 00:15:03,761 Sir. 309 00:15:04,041 --> 00:15:05,761 How much money did he make off with this time? 310 00:15:06,041 --> 00:15:07,361 It was so soon after the last robbery, 311 00:15:07,681 --> 00:15:09,841 there wasn't more than $100 in the vault. 312 00:15:10,121 --> 00:15:11,161 He took it all. 313 00:15:12,441 --> 00:15:14,361 He gives most of his plunder to the orphanage 314 00:15:14,681 --> 00:15:16,241 and sticks up the same bank twice 315 00:15:16,561 --> 00:15:18,601 knowing that there won't be much of anything in the vault 316 00:15:18,881 --> 00:15:19,881 the second time around. 317 00:15:20,161 --> 00:15:21,641 What if it's someone with a personal gripe 318 00:15:21,921 --> 00:15:22,801 against the Bank of Toronto? 319 00:15:23,081 --> 00:15:24,081 Personal, sir? 320 00:15:24,361 --> 00:15:27,761 Yeah, former employee or even a customer with a grudge. 321 00:15:28,041 --> 00:15:31,321 But then why rob the King's and the Dominion Banks as well? 322 00:15:31,641 --> 00:15:32,681 To throw us off. 323 00:15:32,961 --> 00:15:35,321 I suppose we shouldn't discount the possibility. 324 00:15:35,641 --> 00:15:37,081 Have the lads reinterview the employees. 325 00:15:37,361 --> 00:15:38,281 See if they can think of anyone 326 00:15:38,601 --> 00:15:39,681 with a reason to resent the bank. 327 00:15:39,961 --> 00:15:41,761 Yes, sir. 328 00:15:45,881 --> 00:15:47,601 If you'll excuse me. 329 00:15:47,881 --> 00:15:49,801 Just be quick about it. 330 00:15:50,081 --> 00:15:51,841 Scotch. 331 00:15:52,121 --> 00:15:54,721 You know I don't like to beat around the bush, Detective, 332 00:15:55,001 --> 00:15:56,521 so I'll get right to the point. 333 00:15:56,801 --> 00:15:58,121 It's about my sister. 334 00:15:58,401 --> 00:16:00,601 You must be happy for her. 335 00:16:00,881 --> 00:16:02,521 After all this time with the two of you 336 00:16:02,801 --> 00:16:04,841 being such good friends, I mean. 337 00:16:05,121 --> 00:16:07,281 I am, in fact, quite happy 338 00:16:07,601 --> 00:16:10,961 that Julia has found someone to love. 339 00:16:11,241 --> 00:16:14,761 I can't say I'm surprised by such a feeble response. 340 00:16:15,041 --> 00:16:18,761 Have you come here to insult me? 341 00:16:19,041 --> 00:16:20,161 I hadn't planned to. 342 00:16:20,441 --> 00:16:22,201 Then what? 343 00:16:22,521 --> 00:16:24,361 I haven't met the man, 344 00:16:24,681 --> 00:16:26,241 and he may be the most handsome, 345 00:16:26,561 --> 00:16:28,561 dashing, and exhilarating creature, 346 00:16:28,841 --> 00:16:31,641 but is it your opinion that Dr. Darcy Garland 347 00:16:31,921 --> 00:16:34,881 is the only man in the entire world who can make Julia happy? 348 00:16:35,161 --> 00:16:39,241 Dr. Garland is a fine fellow. He's a gentleman. 349 00:16:39,561 --> 00:16:42,161 Oh, for goodness sake. William, do you still love her? 350 00:16:43,041 --> 00:16:46,721 My feelings for Julia are my concern, Miss Ogden. 351 00:16:47,921 --> 00:16:50,361 Why are men so dimwitted when it comes to love? 352 00:16:51,281 --> 00:16:53,721 So I am feeble and dimwitted now? 353 00:16:54,001 --> 00:16:56,281 I understand that the Kissing Bandit returned to the bank 354 00:16:56,601 --> 00:16:57,921 and kissed the same woman? 355 00:16:58,201 --> 00:16:59,241 That's correct. 356 00:16:59,561 --> 00:17:00,521 And from from what I witnessed the other day, 357 00:17:00,801 --> 00:17:02,721 Miss Rose was enthralled by his touch, 358 00:17:03,001 --> 00:17:04,081 quite to her astonishment. 359 00:17:04,361 --> 00:17:05,641 Which brings me to my point. 360 00:17:05,921 --> 00:17:10,121 A woman can love a man simply because he's a useful helper, 361 00:17:10,401 --> 00:17:11,961 as is often the case. 362 00:17:12,241 --> 00:17:14,521 Or she can be so captivated that her love for him 363 00:17:14,801 --> 00:17:16,841 is quite beyond her control. 364 00:17:19,041 --> 00:17:21,121 I have no idea what you are trying to say to me. 365 00:17:21,401 --> 00:17:25,081 What I'm saying is that Miss Rose 366 00:17:25,361 --> 00:17:26,561 and even this lowly bandit 367 00:17:26,841 --> 00:17:30,081 understand that when the heart is captive, 368 00:17:30,361 --> 00:17:32,641 a second choice, no matter how useful, 369 00:17:32,921 --> 00:17:35,081 can never bring true happiness. 370 00:17:35,361 --> 00:17:38,321 Are you prepared to resign yourself to such a fate? 371 00:17:38,641 --> 00:17:41,161 I wasn't aware that I had resigned myself 372 00:17:41,441 --> 00:17:43,681 to anything in particular. 373 00:17:43,961 --> 00:17:46,361 But you have given me some insight into this case. 374 00:17:46,681 --> 00:17:48,721 I have? 375 00:17:49,001 --> 00:17:50,121 I didn't intend to. 376 00:17:50,401 --> 00:17:54,201 Yes, thank you, Miss Ogden, but I have work to do. 377 00:17:54,521 --> 00:17:55,681 Oh. 378 00:17:56,801 --> 00:17:58,761 Well... 379 00:18:06,241 --> 00:18:09,281 Oh, Miss Rose, I wonder if I might have a word? 380 00:18:09,601 --> 00:18:11,041 Oh, but I'm on my way to lunch, Detective, 381 00:18:11,321 --> 00:18:12,641 and they only give us 20 minutes. 382 00:18:12,921 --> 00:18:15,881 Yes, I'll see to it Mr. Carlin doesn't complain. 383 00:18:16,161 --> 00:18:17,881 Very well then. 384 00:18:21,361 --> 00:18:22,681 Have you been approached of late 385 00:18:22,961 --> 00:18:26,321 by any men in a flirtatious manner? 386 00:18:26,641 --> 00:18:28,001 Flirtatious? 387 00:18:28,281 --> 00:18:30,881 Yes, uh, anonymous flowers, 388 00:18:31,161 --> 00:18:33,721 a letter from a former suitor out of the blue 389 00:18:34,001 --> 00:18:34,921 professing his love? 390 00:18:35,201 --> 00:18:36,961 I can't think of such an instance. 391 00:18:37,241 --> 00:18:39,721 My goodness, such questions. 392 00:18:40,001 --> 00:18:41,201 I don't mean to alarm you. 393 00:18:41,521 --> 00:18:42,681 But given recent events, 394 00:18:42,961 --> 00:18:44,601 it's possible that the Kissing Bandit 395 00:18:44,881 --> 00:18:48,001 has been captivated by you from afar 396 00:18:48,281 --> 00:18:50,841 and has chosen to make his feelings known. 397 00:18:51,121 --> 00:18:52,801 No, No, I've received no unwelcome attention. 398 00:18:53,081 --> 00:18:55,921 - I'm engaged, after all. - Yes. 399 00:18:56,201 --> 00:18:57,721 Poor Rupert. 400 00:18:58,001 --> 00:18:59,361 I accepted his proposal of marriage, 401 00:18:59,681 --> 00:19:03,681 but that seems insufficient to ward off his jealousy. 402 00:19:04,441 --> 00:19:06,281 I suspect he loves you very much. 403 00:19:06,601 --> 00:19:07,881 Indeed. 404 00:19:08,161 --> 00:19:09,801 He's already picked out a house for us to live in 405 00:19:10,081 --> 00:19:11,201 and raise a family. 406 00:19:11,521 --> 00:19:13,241 I'll have to leave the bank, of course, he says, 407 00:19:13,561 --> 00:19:15,321 to tend to the little ones. 408 00:19:15,641 --> 00:19:17,401 It's all been planned. 409 00:19:17,721 --> 00:19:19,561 I've tried to calm his fears. 410 00:19:19,841 --> 00:19:22,361 The Kissing Bandit means nothing to me. 411 00:19:22,681 --> 00:19:29,001 What woman would risk an assured future for such a rogue? 412 00:19:29,281 --> 00:19:31,681 I can assure you the Kissing Bandit 413 00:19:31,961 --> 00:19:34,201 will be brought to justice, Miss Rose. 414 00:19:34,521 --> 00:19:38,001 And I wish you all the happiness in your future. 415 00:19:38,281 --> 00:19:39,761 My thanks, Detective. 416 00:19:46,601 --> 00:19:48,041 Sir. 417 00:19:48,321 --> 00:19:50,761 We spoke with every employee at the Bank of Toronto. 418 00:19:51,041 --> 00:19:54,721 None of them can think of anybody with a revenge motive. 419 00:19:55,001 --> 00:19:57,681 Thank you, George. 420 00:20:04,721 --> 00:20:05,801 Kisses, Murdoch? 421 00:20:07,361 --> 00:20:08,961 Yes, sir. 422 00:20:09,241 --> 00:20:13,001 I believe the kisses column may explain our Bandit's motivation. 423 00:20:13,281 --> 00:20:16,921 Of the $2,300 that he's stolen so far, 424 00:20:17,201 --> 00:20:19,241 he's only kept $300. 425 00:20:19,561 --> 00:20:21,921 A tidy sum, but hardly indicative of a man 426 00:20:22,201 --> 00:20:23,881 bent on enriching himself. 427 00:20:24,161 --> 00:20:25,201 We know that. 428 00:20:25,521 --> 00:20:27,561 He's a bloody humanitarian, or so he thinks. 429 00:20:27,841 --> 00:20:29,361 Well, he may have started out that way, sir, 430 00:20:29,681 --> 00:20:33,561 but something changed when he encountered Annabelle Rose. 431 00:20:33,841 --> 00:20:35,361 That's all just for show, though, isn't it? 432 00:20:35,681 --> 00:20:37,721 A little flair for the dramatic gesture. 433 00:20:38,001 --> 00:20:39,161 I don't think so, sir. 434 00:20:39,441 --> 00:20:40,961 I believe he went back to the Bank of Toronto 435 00:20:41,241 --> 00:20:44,361 a second time to see Miss Rose. 436 00:20:44,681 --> 00:20:46,001 I think he's in love. 437 00:20:46,281 --> 00:20:49,241 Sirs, the dye discharger just caught somebody. 438 00:20:50,001 --> 00:20:53,361 Finally, something I can understand. 439 00:20:53,681 --> 00:20:55,161 Not quite, sir. 440 00:20:56,001 --> 00:20:58,161 My wife found it on our front porch just before noon. 441 00:20:58,441 --> 00:20:59,961 There was a note. 442 00:21:00,241 --> 00:21:01,321 May I? 443 00:21:01,641 --> 00:21:03,961 How did the Bandit get around the dye discharger? 444 00:21:04,241 --> 00:21:06,721 "Dear Mr. Carlin, many heartfelt apologies 445 00:21:07,001 --> 00:21:07,841 for the inconvenience." 446 00:21:08,121 --> 00:21:09,601 So the Bandit took the money out of the bag 447 00:21:09,881 --> 00:21:11,321 without setting off the bloody mousetrap, 448 00:21:11,641 --> 00:21:12,761 transferred the trap into the box 449 00:21:13,041 --> 00:21:15,201 and then delivered it personally to Mr. Carlin's doorstep. 450 00:21:15,521 --> 00:21:18,001 Then you open it up and get splattered with ink. 451 00:21:18,281 --> 00:21:19,761 Why would he do that? 452 00:21:20,041 --> 00:21:21,601 I think the Bandit's actions 453 00:21:21,881 --> 00:21:24,081 were intended as a mocking gesture to all of us. 454 00:21:24,361 --> 00:21:26,281 I'm all too aware of that, Detective. 455 00:21:26,601 --> 00:21:30,321 Now, do something about it, for God's sake. 456 00:21:34,121 --> 00:21:36,641 I've been made a laughing stock. 457 00:21:38,801 --> 00:21:40,961 Not much of a challenge there. 458 00:21:43,321 --> 00:21:44,921 Murdoch, if you're convinced that the Bandit 459 00:21:45,201 --> 00:21:46,721 will keep returning to the Bank of Toronto, 460 00:21:47,001 --> 00:21:47,801 we'll post a constable. 461 00:21:48,041 --> 00:21:49,081 But, sir, that may deter him. 462 00:21:49,361 --> 00:21:51,641 We need to catch the Bandit in the act. 463 00:21:51,921 --> 00:21:53,641 I believe I have an idea. 464 00:21:53,921 --> 00:21:56,201 The scrutiny camera? 465 00:21:56,521 --> 00:21:57,521 Yes, sir. 466 00:21:57,801 --> 00:21:59,321 With some refinements and proper placement, 467 00:21:59,641 --> 00:22:02,801 I think we can catch the Kissing Bandit when he least expects it. 468 00:22:03,081 --> 00:22:04,721 Sir, Annabelle Rose and Rupert Russel 469 00:22:05,001 --> 00:22:06,401 are asking to see you. 470 00:22:10,641 --> 00:22:12,321 The Kissing Bandit has requested the pleasure 471 00:22:12,641 --> 00:22:15,801 of Annabelle's company this evening at 8:00. 472 00:22:16,081 --> 00:22:18,161 "The Crescent Hotel, room 304." 473 00:22:18,441 --> 00:22:20,081 The man has no morals whatsoever. 474 00:22:20,361 --> 00:22:22,561 And here is my poor, darling Annabelle, 475 00:22:22,841 --> 00:22:26,841 horror-struck and sickened by his brazen attentions. 476 00:22:28,361 --> 00:22:31,241 Miss Rose, how did you come by this invitation? 477 00:22:32,161 --> 00:22:34,041 I found it on my desk at work. 478 00:22:34,321 --> 00:22:36,401 Who knows what harm he has planned for Annabelle? 479 00:22:36,721 --> 00:22:39,081 Yes, who knows? 480 00:22:39,361 --> 00:22:41,921 Mr. Russel, I suspect that if the Bandit 481 00:22:42,201 --> 00:22:45,281 intended to harm Miss Rose, he would have done so by now. 482 00:22:45,601 --> 00:22:47,881 You're suggesting she rendezvous with this criminal? 483 00:22:48,161 --> 00:22:49,801 I forbid it. 484 00:22:50,081 --> 00:22:52,761 - Mr. Russel. - Inspector. 485 00:22:53,041 --> 00:22:55,841 I share your deep concern for Annabelle's safety. 486 00:22:56,121 --> 00:22:57,961 Finally, a rational voice. 487 00:22:58,241 --> 00:22:59,041 You'll put a stop to this? 488 00:22:59,281 --> 00:23:00,161 I will. 489 00:23:00,441 --> 00:23:02,761 The safety of your fiancée demands it. 490 00:23:03,041 --> 00:23:05,441 Well, that's settled then. 491 00:23:05,761 --> 00:23:06,961 There will be no rendezvous. 492 00:23:07,241 --> 00:23:09,721 Yet if you and I fail to do everything in our power 493 00:23:10,001 --> 00:23:12,241 to apprehend this Godless miscreant, 494 00:23:12,561 --> 00:23:13,841 there will be more victims. 495 00:23:14,121 --> 00:23:16,201 Heed this well. 496 00:23:16,521 --> 00:23:21,241 The consequence will rest with you and I, Mr. Russel. 497 00:23:21,561 --> 00:23:24,321 I cannot abide that. 498 00:23:24,641 --> 00:23:25,881 Can you? 499 00:23:28,401 --> 00:23:31,401 No, Inspector. I will allow the rendezvous. 500 00:23:31,721 --> 00:23:33,521 Forgive me, Annabelle. 501 00:23:33,801 --> 00:23:36,081 All right. 502 00:23:50,041 --> 00:23:50,921 Working on a scheme to catch 503 00:23:51,201 --> 00:23:53,081 the cheeky little bugger, are we? 504 00:23:53,361 --> 00:23:54,281 Yes, sir. 505 00:23:54,601 --> 00:23:56,761 This is a floor plan of the Crescent Hotel 506 00:23:57,041 --> 00:23:58,881 where our men will be positioned, et cetera. 507 00:23:59,161 --> 00:24:00,161 Mm, good. 508 00:24:00,441 --> 00:24:04,361 So what did Miss Ruby Ogden want with you? 509 00:24:06,721 --> 00:24:10,361 She was giving me suggestions for wedding gifts. 510 00:24:10,681 --> 00:24:11,521 Really? 511 00:24:11,801 --> 00:24:15,001 It's just that I saw her moving around here and I thought, 512 00:24:15,281 --> 00:24:17,041 "Hmm, something's afoot." 513 00:24:17,321 --> 00:24:18,561 Oh? 514 00:24:18,841 --> 00:24:20,961 The sister of the woman you've been dancing with for years 515 00:24:21,241 --> 00:24:23,201 comes calling just days before the wedding, 516 00:24:23,521 --> 00:24:24,801 all worked up into a lather. 517 00:24:25,081 --> 00:24:27,441 Tablecloths and soup spoons, was it? 518 00:24:27,761 --> 00:24:30,601 Given Julia's impending nuptials, 519 00:24:30,881 --> 00:24:34,401 Miss Ogden was unduly concerned for my happiness. 520 00:24:34,721 --> 00:24:38,561 Happiness, well, not much of a discussion then, was it? 521 00:24:38,841 --> 00:24:39,721 No. 522 00:24:40,001 --> 00:24:43,001 You were as straight as a die, as normal. 523 00:24:43,281 --> 00:24:44,681 No regrets, by my reckoning. 524 00:24:44,961 --> 00:24:45,761 No, sir. 525 00:24:46,001 --> 00:24:47,121 Head down, onwards and upwards, 526 00:24:47,401 --> 00:24:50,001 studying floor plans. 527 00:24:50,281 --> 00:24:53,921 After all, there's nothing to be done about all that, is there? 528 00:24:54,201 --> 00:24:57,441 No, sir. Nothing to be done. 529 00:24:58,521 --> 00:25:00,361 Fine. 530 00:25:00,681 --> 00:25:01,881 So what's the plan? 531 00:25:03,361 --> 00:25:06,841 The Kissing Bandit is to meet Miss Rose in room 304 532 00:25:07,121 --> 00:25:08,761 just shortly after 8:00. 533 00:25:09,041 --> 00:25:10,881 There's only one entrance to the hotel. 534 00:25:11,161 --> 00:25:12,921 I'll have Constables Higgins and Crabtree 535 00:25:13,201 --> 00:25:14,601 stationed outside the entrance 536 00:25:14,881 --> 00:25:16,841 in case the Kissing Bandit gets past us somehow 537 00:25:17,121 --> 00:25:19,121 and attempts to escape. 538 00:25:22,161 --> 00:25:25,521 Annabelle Rose will arrive by cab at the arranged time. 539 00:25:25,801 --> 00:25:27,041 And in the meanwhile, 540 00:25:27,321 --> 00:25:30,961 you and I will be lying in wait in room 302, next to room 304, 541 00:25:31,241 --> 00:25:33,521 where the rendezvous will occur. 542 00:25:38,321 --> 00:25:41,081 That's the signal. That's her. 543 00:25:51,881 --> 00:25:54,321 Shh. 544 00:25:54,641 --> 00:25:56,241 It's all right. 545 00:25:56,561 --> 00:25:58,641 Come with me. 546 00:26:01,761 --> 00:26:03,521 Yes? 547 00:26:13,601 --> 00:26:15,881 Now we wait for the Bandit. 548 00:26:16,161 --> 00:26:19,441 Sometimes this job is just too easy. 549 00:26:23,561 --> 00:26:24,961 It's beautiful. 550 00:26:25,241 --> 00:26:27,001 I apologize for the subterfuge, 551 00:26:27,281 --> 00:26:30,161 but I knew the police would be lurking. 552 00:26:30,441 --> 00:26:33,761 My fiancé insisted that I tell them. 553 00:26:34,041 --> 00:26:37,081 That was expected. Don't feel badly. 554 00:26:37,361 --> 00:26:39,561 We're here now. 555 00:26:39,841 --> 00:26:42,121 Yes. 556 00:26:42,401 --> 00:26:43,801 But I don't understand. 557 00:26:44,081 --> 00:26:45,841 You bewitched me. 558 00:26:46,121 --> 00:26:49,441 When I first saw you, I knew you were the one, 559 00:26:49,761 --> 00:26:52,921 the only one. 560 00:26:53,201 --> 00:26:54,881 But I'm betrothed. 561 00:26:55,161 --> 00:26:58,881 Your lips say otherwise when we kiss. 562 00:27:00,361 --> 00:27:01,801 Do you trust me? 563 00:27:02,081 --> 00:27:03,321 Yes. 564 00:27:03,641 --> 00:27:05,161 Then close your eyes. 565 00:27:06,121 --> 00:27:08,641 And keep them closed. 566 00:27:20,081 --> 00:27:22,881 Can't hear a thing. Not even her footsteps. 567 00:27:23,161 --> 00:27:26,721 It's as if no one's there. 568 00:27:30,641 --> 00:27:32,081 Miss Rose! 569 00:27:34,841 --> 00:27:37,121 That's them. 570 00:27:40,801 --> 00:27:42,961 They will find out soon enough. 571 00:27:43,241 --> 00:27:44,361 I must go. 572 00:27:44,681 --> 00:27:48,721 - Will I ever see you again? - That depends. 573 00:27:49,001 --> 00:27:52,081 Are you still intent on marrying your fiancé? 574 00:27:55,081 --> 00:27:56,721 Well? 575 00:27:57,001 --> 00:27:58,521 What's happening, Murdoch? 576 00:27:58,801 --> 00:28:00,361 I... 577 00:28:11,161 --> 00:28:12,161 Higgins! 578 00:28:19,601 --> 00:28:21,361 Ah, gentlemen. 579 00:28:32,241 --> 00:28:33,521 Bollocks. 580 00:28:38,081 --> 00:28:40,841 Well, he apologized sincerely for his subterfuge, 581 00:28:41,121 --> 00:28:43,961 but he had guessed the constabulary would be waiting. 582 00:28:44,241 --> 00:28:46,401 Was there anything about him that might help us? 583 00:28:46,721 --> 00:28:48,521 A physical description perhaps? 584 00:28:48,801 --> 00:28:52,161 Well, he-- he has very soft lips. 585 00:28:53,121 --> 00:28:54,321 That's all very well, 586 00:28:54,641 --> 00:28:57,201 but did he say anything that might be a clue to his identity? 587 00:28:57,521 --> 00:28:58,681 No. 588 00:28:58,961 --> 00:29:00,041 Well, what did he say? 589 00:29:00,961 --> 00:29:03,361 He asked me if I was wholly committed to Rupert. 590 00:29:03,681 --> 00:29:05,881 What did you say? 591 00:29:06,161 --> 00:29:07,881 Gave him my answer. 592 00:29:09,121 --> 00:29:13,001 Annabelle, my dear, you are unharmed. 593 00:29:13,281 --> 00:29:15,441 You are unharmed, aren't you? 594 00:29:15,761 --> 00:29:17,321 Yes, Rupert. 595 00:29:17,641 --> 00:29:19,601 Did the scoundrel touch you? 596 00:29:19,881 --> 00:29:22,321 He only wanted a moment alone with me. 597 00:29:22,641 --> 00:29:25,281 I'm afraid that, quite inadvertently, 598 00:29:25,601 --> 00:29:28,121 I've captured his heart. 599 00:29:28,401 --> 00:29:30,201 Annabelle, come with me this instant. 600 00:29:30,521 --> 00:29:32,081 We'll travel to my mother's home in Beamsville 601 00:29:32,361 --> 00:29:33,761 where we will be safe from this monster. 602 00:29:34,041 --> 00:29:35,921 - No. - What? 603 00:29:36,201 --> 00:29:38,721 I'm not in danger. 604 00:29:39,001 --> 00:29:40,641 And I'll not go with you. 605 00:29:40,921 --> 00:29:43,841 You may hunt the Kissing Bandit down in your free time 606 00:29:44,121 --> 00:29:46,561 if you wish and give him a good tongue-lashing when you see him, 607 00:29:46,841 --> 00:29:51,521 but I'm staying in the city. 608 00:30:01,361 --> 00:30:05,201 Rupert is a steadfast fellow. 609 00:30:05,521 --> 00:30:08,361 Mother will be ever so disappointed. 610 00:30:13,201 --> 00:30:15,681 It's so good to finally make your acquaintance, Darcy. 611 00:30:15,961 --> 00:30:18,001 Julia has spoken so highly of you. 612 00:30:18,281 --> 00:30:20,241 And now I can see that she's right. 613 00:30:20,561 --> 00:30:21,881 She's a lucky woman. 614 00:30:22,161 --> 00:30:23,561 I'm a lucky man, Ruby. 615 00:30:23,841 --> 00:30:24,721 I'm enjoying my position 616 00:30:25,001 --> 00:30:26,681 at the Victoria Hospital for Sick Children, 617 00:30:26,961 --> 00:30:29,281 and I'm about to have your sister's hand in marriage. 618 00:30:29,601 --> 00:30:31,081 I'm content. 619 00:30:31,361 --> 00:30:32,361 Thank you, Eleanor. 620 00:30:32,681 --> 00:30:33,801 Content? 621 00:30:34,081 --> 00:30:35,721 And would you be content to settle in Toronto 622 00:30:36,001 --> 00:30:36,841 for the long term? 623 00:30:37,121 --> 00:30:39,041 If Julia wishes it. 624 00:30:39,321 --> 00:30:40,241 Really? 625 00:30:40,561 --> 00:30:42,281 Well, if she's happy, then I'm happy. 626 00:30:42,601 --> 00:30:45,721 How selfless of you. 627 00:30:46,001 --> 00:30:47,161 What do you mean? 628 00:30:47,441 --> 00:30:49,641 Well, are you sure that you're fine 629 00:30:49,921 --> 00:30:51,321 if Julia were to remain working so closely 630 00:30:51,641 --> 00:30:52,401 with Detective Murdoch? 631 00:30:52,681 --> 00:30:53,521 Of course. 632 00:30:53,801 --> 00:30:55,361 Why wouldn't I be fine with that? 633 00:30:55,681 --> 00:30:58,401 Well, given their past romantic relationship. 634 00:30:59,441 --> 00:31:00,601 Their what? 635 00:31:02,841 --> 00:31:05,841 Oh, I--I thought you knew. 636 00:31:07,441 --> 00:31:09,521 Well... 637 00:31:09,801 --> 00:31:11,321 Water under the bridge. 638 00:31:13,041 --> 00:31:15,161 Well, the hour's getting late. 639 00:31:15,441 --> 00:31:17,121 It was a pleasure meeting you, Miss Ogden. 640 00:31:17,401 --> 00:31:19,361 Good night. 641 00:31:31,401 --> 00:31:32,881 - Ah, sir. - Morning, Murdoch. 642 00:31:33,161 --> 00:31:34,561 - Yes, good morning. - Thank you, Morris. 643 00:31:34,841 --> 00:31:37,401 Mr. Belford and the orphanage have just received the money 644 00:31:37,721 --> 00:31:39,441 from the latest Bank of Toronto robbery. 645 00:31:39,761 --> 00:31:41,921 How much are we taking back from the downtrodden this time? 646 00:31:42,201 --> 00:31:43,001 $100. 647 00:31:43,241 --> 00:31:44,681 Do we think that Mr. Goody Two-Shoes 648 00:31:44,961 --> 00:31:46,041 was in on these robberies? 649 00:31:46,321 --> 00:31:48,161 I'm having Mr. Belford brought in for questioning. 650 00:31:48,441 --> 00:31:51,441 Sir, I also installed a hidden scrutiny camera 651 00:31:51,761 --> 00:31:53,041 at the orphanage. 652 00:31:53,321 --> 00:31:57,841 In case the Kissing Bandit returned without his disguise. 653 00:31:58,121 --> 00:31:58,921 Good work, Murdoch. 654 00:31:59,161 --> 00:32:01,161 Thank you, sir. 655 00:32:01,441 --> 00:32:03,201 There you are. 656 00:32:04,761 --> 00:32:06,081 Did you sleep well? 657 00:32:06,361 --> 00:32:08,241 No. You? 658 00:32:08,561 --> 00:32:10,521 Too much on my mind. 659 00:32:10,801 --> 00:32:15,001 Um, Jules, have you spoken with Darcy this morning? 660 00:32:15,281 --> 00:32:17,641 Yes, on the telephone. Why? 661 00:32:17,921 --> 00:32:20,161 I'm just curious if he spoke of me, 662 00:32:20,441 --> 00:32:22,441 voiced his opinion of our conversation last night 663 00:32:22,761 --> 00:32:23,841 and so on. 664 00:32:24,121 --> 00:32:26,401 I believe he said you have a wild streak. 665 00:32:26,721 --> 00:32:28,081 But we know that, don't we? 666 00:32:28,361 --> 00:32:29,361 And that's all? 667 00:32:29,681 --> 00:32:31,641 Yes. 668 00:32:31,921 --> 00:32:33,041 Good. 669 00:32:33,321 --> 00:32:35,841 I'd hate to have made a poor first impression on him. 670 00:32:36,121 --> 00:32:38,281 Darcy seems a very understanding man. 671 00:32:38,601 --> 00:32:41,281 Has Father taken to him? 672 00:32:41,601 --> 00:32:44,641 I'm sure he's just relieved to finally see me married off. 673 00:32:44,921 --> 00:32:47,081 To whom is just a detail. 674 00:32:47,361 --> 00:32:50,241 I doubt if he would be as relieved were it to a policeman, 675 00:32:50,561 --> 00:32:52,721 regardless of William's many accomplishments. 676 00:32:53,001 --> 00:32:55,961 Well, that's not an issue now, is it? 677 00:32:56,241 --> 00:32:57,641 Indeed, if you had truly loved William, 678 00:32:57,921 --> 00:32:58,841 you would've married him. 679 00:32:59,121 --> 00:33:01,921 Ruby, how mean of you. 680 00:33:02,201 --> 00:33:04,001 You know I can't give William the life he wants, 681 00:33:04,281 --> 00:33:05,761 children, a family. 682 00:33:06,041 --> 00:33:07,881 I didn't mean to upset you. 683 00:33:08,161 --> 00:33:10,761 I've made my choice. I chose to move on. 684 00:33:11,041 --> 00:33:12,801 I chose to make my life without William 685 00:33:13,081 --> 00:33:15,161 so that he could have the life that he deserves. 686 00:33:16,521 --> 00:33:18,401 I can't go back now. 687 00:33:18,721 --> 00:33:21,681 Too much has happened. And I love Darcy. 688 00:33:21,961 --> 00:33:23,921 But not like you love William. 689 00:33:24,201 --> 00:33:26,521 I'm marrying Darcy. 690 00:33:26,801 --> 00:33:28,961 That should be answer enough. 691 00:33:29,241 --> 00:33:31,281 I'll not speak of this again, Ruby. 692 00:33:38,161 --> 00:33:38,961 Me? 693 00:33:39,201 --> 00:33:40,961 In cahoots with the Kissing Bandit? 694 00:33:41,241 --> 00:33:42,361 To what end? 695 00:33:42,681 --> 00:33:44,801 The money is always returned to the bank. 696 00:33:45,081 --> 00:33:46,761 That's beside the point, Mr. Belford. 697 00:33:47,041 --> 00:33:49,681 Your orphanage has received financial aid from the public 698 00:33:49,961 --> 00:33:51,081 as a result of the robberies, 699 00:33:51,361 --> 00:33:53,681 not to mention donations from the banks themselves. 700 00:33:53,961 --> 00:33:55,841 Yes, but simply stating a well-known fact 701 00:33:56,121 --> 00:33:57,841 is no proof of conspiracy. 702 00:33:59,241 --> 00:34:01,161 What is it, Constable? 703 00:34:01,441 --> 00:34:03,161 Sir, I developed the photographs 704 00:34:03,441 --> 00:34:05,921 from the scrutiny camera outside the orphanage. 705 00:34:06,201 --> 00:34:09,361 I thought you'd want to see this one right away. 706 00:34:09,681 --> 00:34:11,721 Paddy Glynn? 707 00:34:12,001 --> 00:34:13,801 So I'm arrested for giving to charity? 708 00:34:14,081 --> 00:34:16,081 Don't think you'll like those headlines, Inspector. 709 00:34:16,361 --> 00:34:19,081 Now we know why the dye discharger didn't work. 710 00:34:19,361 --> 00:34:21,361 You had prior knowledge. 711 00:34:21,681 --> 00:34:22,681 You're the Kissing Bandit. 712 00:34:22,961 --> 00:34:24,041 And you're grasping at straws. 713 00:34:24,321 --> 00:34:25,761 Don't be a smart-ass, Glynn. 714 00:34:26,041 --> 00:34:28,121 You orchestrated these robberies and played us for fools. 715 00:34:28,401 --> 00:34:29,441 I don't appreciate that. 716 00:34:29,761 --> 00:34:31,721 Inspector, the fact of the matter is, 717 00:34:32,001 --> 00:34:34,121 I give to that orphanage because it's the only home I ever knew. 718 00:34:34,401 --> 00:34:36,881 And that, gentlemen, is a matter of public record. 719 00:34:37,161 --> 00:34:39,441 Ah, yes, the public record. 720 00:34:39,761 --> 00:34:43,161 But crime reporters like you help create the public record. 721 00:34:43,441 --> 00:34:46,441 So I became the Kissing Bandit to, what, create a story? 722 00:34:46,761 --> 00:34:48,041 That's ludicrous. 723 00:34:48,321 --> 00:34:50,281 William Randolph Hearst helped create a war in Cuba 724 00:34:50,601 --> 00:34:51,881 to sell newspapers, Glynn. 725 00:34:52,161 --> 00:34:53,961 It may be ludicrous, but it's a fact. 726 00:34:54,241 --> 00:34:55,361 Can't it wait? 727 00:34:55,681 --> 00:34:59,521 I'm sorry, sir. It's the Bank of Toronto. 728 00:34:59,801 --> 00:35:02,361 The Kissing Bandit has struck again. 729 00:35:07,281 --> 00:35:08,761 Mr. Carlin? 730 00:35:11,161 --> 00:35:12,201 It was the Kissing Bandit, 731 00:35:12,521 --> 00:35:15,961 but he didn't want money this time. 732 00:35:21,241 --> 00:35:24,521 Good Lord, it's Miss Rose. 733 00:35:33,001 --> 00:35:35,761 I'm told he walked straight to Annabelle. 734 00:35:36,041 --> 00:35:38,201 He never even announced a robbery. 735 00:35:38,521 --> 00:35:41,721 He bent her back as if to kiss her then... 736 00:35:42,001 --> 00:35:44,001 You didn't witness the shooting? 737 00:35:44,281 --> 00:35:47,961 No, I had an appointment with our accountants. 738 00:35:48,241 --> 00:35:49,721 I can't believe this happened. 739 00:35:50,001 --> 00:35:52,321 Thank you, Mr. Carlin. That's all for now. 740 00:35:54,121 --> 00:35:55,281 George, what have you? 741 00:35:55,601 --> 00:35:58,121 Sir, several witnesses say they heard the Kissing Bandit 742 00:35:58,401 --> 00:36:00,081 say, "You betrayed me," 743 00:36:00,361 --> 00:36:01,561 to Miss Rose just before the shot. 744 00:36:01,841 --> 00:36:03,321 "You've betrayed me"? 745 00:36:03,641 --> 00:36:05,721 Was he talking about her tipping us off to the hotel? 746 00:36:06,001 --> 00:36:06,801 I don't think so, sir. 747 00:36:07,041 --> 00:36:08,321 Miss Rose indicated that the Bandit 748 00:36:08,641 --> 00:36:09,881 wasn't angry with her. 749 00:36:10,161 --> 00:36:11,281 Where is she? 750 00:36:11,601 --> 00:36:14,161 Oh, my God. Annabelle. 751 00:36:14,441 --> 00:36:15,761 Mr. Russell, Mr. Russel. 752 00:36:16,041 --> 00:36:17,121 Please, let me go to her. 753 00:36:17,401 --> 00:36:19,201 I'm sorry, sir, but we must preserve the scene. 754 00:36:19,521 --> 00:36:22,041 Now, I have to ask you where you were 15 minutes ago. 755 00:36:22,321 --> 00:36:23,641 Having my lunch. Now, please! 756 00:36:23,921 --> 00:36:26,601 Mr. Russel, please. George. 757 00:36:26,881 --> 00:36:29,201 Sir, a moment, please. 758 00:36:39,721 --> 00:36:42,321 It went straight through her heart. 759 00:36:44,001 --> 00:36:46,161 The barrel was perpendicular to the body. 760 00:36:46,441 --> 00:36:48,241 The powder burns suggest that the gun was pressed 761 00:36:48,561 --> 00:36:50,121 right up against her chest. 762 00:36:50,401 --> 00:36:52,201 The killer left no room for error. 763 00:36:52,521 --> 00:36:54,841 - Cold-blooded murder. - No question. 764 00:36:55,121 --> 00:36:57,641 Are you any closer to working out why he did it? 765 00:36:57,921 --> 00:36:58,921 Perhaps. 766 00:36:59,201 --> 00:37:02,201 The Bandit was overheard saying, "You betrayed me." 767 00:37:02,521 --> 00:37:04,121 Betrayed him, how? 768 00:37:04,401 --> 00:37:06,041 That remains to be seen. 769 00:37:06,321 --> 00:37:07,601 Murder seems quite out of character 770 00:37:07,881 --> 00:37:09,241 for the Kissing Bandit, don't you think? 771 00:37:09,561 --> 00:37:10,561 Hmm. 772 00:37:10,841 --> 00:37:12,201 And you're sure it wasn't Paddy Glynn? 773 00:37:12,521 --> 00:37:15,921 He was in custody at the time of Annabelle's murder. 774 00:37:16,201 --> 00:37:17,161 I know. 775 00:37:17,441 --> 00:37:18,601 But that doesn't necessarily mean 776 00:37:18,881 --> 00:37:21,201 he isn't the Kissing Bandit, does it? 777 00:37:23,721 --> 00:37:24,961 There are two Kissing Bandits? 778 00:37:25,241 --> 00:37:26,841 Everything pointed to Paddy Glynn, 779 00:37:27,121 --> 00:37:29,001 but he was with us when Miss Rose was murdered 780 00:37:29,281 --> 00:37:31,761 by someone impersonating the Kissing Bandit. 781 00:37:32,041 --> 00:37:34,001 Well, the disguise made that easy. 782 00:37:34,281 --> 00:37:36,401 So if Paddy Glynn is the Kissing Bandit-- 783 00:37:36,721 --> 00:37:38,801 Who's the Killing Bandit? 784 00:37:39,081 --> 00:37:40,921 Who could Annabelle have betrayed? 785 00:37:49,881 --> 00:37:51,641 Mr. Russel. 786 00:37:54,881 --> 00:37:58,521 How long were you and Miss Rose engaged? 787 00:38:00,281 --> 00:38:02,121 Three months next Tuesday. 788 00:38:03,321 --> 00:38:04,841 How did you meet? 789 00:38:05,121 --> 00:38:06,801 At the bank, of course. 790 00:38:08,001 --> 00:38:10,201 So you saw her every day? 791 00:38:10,521 --> 00:38:12,601 Every day falling more in love with her 792 00:38:12,881 --> 00:38:16,281 until you worked up the courage to ask her out socially? 793 00:38:16,601 --> 00:38:17,841 Yes. 794 00:38:18,121 --> 00:38:20,601 So when the Kissing Bandit took an interest in her, 795 00:38:20,881 --> 00:38:22,641 a romantic interest, 796 00:38:22,921 --> 00:38:25,041 and Miss Rose didn't protest, 797 00:38:25,321 --> 00:38:28,001 that must've angered you very much. 798 00:38:28,281 --> 00:38:29,801 And I killed her? 799 00:38:30,081 --> 00:38:32,641 You were at the bank both times the Bandit struck. 800 00:38:32,921 --> 00:38:35,001 You saw what he wore, how he moved. 801 00:38:35,281 --> 00:38:36,201 But I told you. 802 00:38:36,521 --> 00:38:38,321 I had gone to lunch when Annabelle was shot. 803 00:38:38,641 --> 00:38:41,721 She was your betrothed, Mr. Russel. 804 00:38:42,001 --> 00:38:43,921 Sweet, innocent Annabelle. 805 00:38:45,161 --> 00:38:46,201 How did it feel to know 806 00:38:46,521 --> 00:38:49,001 that the love of your life was slipping away, 807 00:38:49,281 --> 00:38:52,521 that her passions had been aroused by a complete stranger? 808 00:38:52,801 --> 00:38:54,921 Well, how would you feel? 809 00:38:56,761 --> 00:39:00,241 Angry. Confused. 810 00:39:00,561 --> 00:39:04,201 Wondering if only I had done or said something differently, 811 00:39:04,521 --> 00:39:05,841 perhaps I wouldn't be losing her. 812 00:39:06,121 --> 00:39:10,401 Now, but you--you took it one step further. 813 00:39:10,721 --> 00:39:12,841 But I loved her, Detective. 814 00:39:14,921 --> 00:39:19,441 Maybe I didn't make any grand, sweeping gestures. 815 00:39:19,761 --> 00:39:22,121 That isn't my way. 816 00:39:22,401 --> 00:39:25,601 But neither is killing her. 817 00:39:40,841 --> 00:39:43,001 Rupert Russel did not kill Miss Rose. 818 00:39:43,281 --> 00:39:44,081 For a fact? 819 00:39:44,321 --> 00:39:46,121 A strong inclination. 820 00:39:46,401 --> 00:39:48,401 Bloody marvelous. What now, Murdoch? 821 00:39:48,721 --> 00:39:50,801 Well, sir, if it's not about love-- 822 00:39:51,081 --> 00:39:52,201 It's about the money. 823 00:39:52,521 --> 00:39:55,561 It's always about the money. 824 00:39:55,841 --> 00:39:58,241 Then that would bring us back to... 825 00:40:00,081 --> 00:40:01,121 Annabelle? 826 00:40:03,401 --> 00:40:04,641 How? 827 00:40:04,921 --> 00:40:06,641 The Kissing Bandit. 828 00:40:06,921 --> 00:40:09,201 That's not possible. 829 00:40:09,521 --> 00:40:11,641 You seem pretty sure of that, Patrick. 830 00:40:12,441 --> 00:40:15,001 Because you are the Kissing Bandit. 831 00:40:15,281 --> 00:40:17,361 And you loved Annabelle Rose. 832 00:40:18,401 --> 00:40:19,601 All right, yes! 833 00:40:19,881 --> 00:40:22,321 But for God's sake, I didn't murder her! 834 00:40:22,641 --> 00:40:26,081 The real story, Paddy, from the beginning. 835 00:40:29,121 --> 00:40:32,121 I saw what happened when I added a little creativity 836 00:40:32,401 --> 00:40:33,881 to my stories about vampires. 837 00:40:34,161 --> 00:40:37,281 - A little creativity. - The public ate it up. 838 00:40:38,041 --> 00:40:39,921 So I thought of a bigger stunt. 839 00:40:40,201 --> 00:40:43,201 And I wanted to create the news, not just report it, 840 00:40:43,521 --> 00:40:47,121 so I thought of a dashing figure that the public would love. 841 00:40:47,401 --> 00:40:49,321 All I wanted was the fame as a journalist. 842 00:40:49,641 --> 00:40:51,201 Until you met Annabelle? 843 00:40:51,521 --> 00:40:54,041 Yes. 844 00:40:54,321 --> 00:40:55,521 When she yielded to that first kiss, 845 00:40:55,801 --> 00:40:57,001 how could I not return to her? 846 00:40:57,281 --> 00:40:59,401 I planned to tell her the truth that night at the hotel, 847 00:40:59,721 --> 00:41:00,761 but I... 848 00:41:02,321 --> 00:41:04,961 I never got the chance. 849 00:41:05,241 --> 00:41:08,201 And now she's gone because of my stupid stunt. 850 00:41:09,441 --> 00:41:10,921 It's my fault. 851 00:41:11,201 --> 00:41:12,721 You say that you gave all the money that you stole 852 00:41:13,001 --> 00:41:13,801 to the orphanage? 853 00:41:14,041 --> 00:41:17,281 Yes, every penny. 854 00:41:17,601 --> 00:41:19,961 You were never tempted to keep some of it for yourself? 855 00:41:20,241 --> 00:41:21,681 No. 856 00:41:21,961 --> 00:41:23,561 I wasn't in it for the money. 857 00:41:23,841 --> 00:41:26,321 Murdoch. 858 00:41:36,161 --> 00:41:37,561 Mr. Carlin and the other bank managers 859 00:41:37,841 --> 00:41:42,161 say all of the money went to the orphanage, save for $200. 860 00:41:42,441 --> 00:41:44,001 Someone's lying about the money. 861 00:41:44,281 --> 00:41:45,841 Either Belford at the orphanage... 862 00:41:46,121 --> 00:41:48,721 Or the banks. 863 00:42:01,721 --> 00:42:03,561 Detective? 864 00:42:03,841 --> 00:42:07,241 Mr. Carlin. Please sit down. 865 00:42:09,041 --> 00:42:11,321 This makes for interesting reading, eh? 866 00:42:11,641 --> 00:42:14,521 It's the bank's deposit balance sheet from last month. 867 00:42:14,801 --> 00:42:17,841 The same one Annabelle Rose queried you about. 868 00:42:18,121 --> 00:42:18,921 Oh? 869 00:42:19,161 --> 00:42:22,681 Yes, she told me it wouldn't balance for her. 870 00:42:22,961 --> 00:42:24,201 I can certainly see why. 871 00:42:24,521 --> 00:42:26,801 Someone had been skimming from the deposits. 872 00:42:27,081 --> 00:42:28,841 Miss Rose was a good worker, Detective, 873 00:42:29,121 --> 00:42:31,401 but not the best bookkeeper. 874 00:42:31,721 --> 00:42:33,121 I see. 875 00:42:33,401 --> 00:42:36,641 Well, we know that the Kissing Bandit 876 00:42:36,921 --> 00:42:39,121 gave every penny he stole to charity. 877 00:42:39,401 --> 00:42:41,121 Perhaps you can explain the discrepancy between 878 00:42:41,401 --> 00:42:42,841 what the charity reported receiving 879 00:42:43,121 --> 00:42:45,521 and what you reported stolen from the bank 880 00:42:45,801 --> 00:42:47,001 during the first robbery? 881 00:42:47,281 --> 00:42:49,361 Well, obviously, you're wrong. 882 00:42:49,681 --> 00:42:51,721 The Bandit kept a little something for himself. 883 00:42:52,001 --> 00:42:54,521 I spoke with the bank's accountants. 884 00:42:54,801 --> 00:42:56,201 You had no appointment during the time 885 00:42:56,521 --> 00:42:58,081 that Annabelle Rose was killed. 886 00:42:58,361 --> 00:43:01,201 So where were you? 887 00:43:01,521 --> 00:43:03,961 Perhaps I confused one appointment with another 888 00:43:04,241 --> 00:43:06,281 in all the upset. 889 00:43:06,601 --> 00:43:08,201 I'll check my appointment book. 890 00:43:08,521 --> 00:43:11,001 No need. I've done that for you. 891 00:43:13,721 --> 00:43:17,361 The name Farley Price appears throughout this. 892 00:43:17,681 --> 00:43:19,521 Mr. Carlin, Farley Price is known to police 893 00:43:19,801 --> 00:43:22,321 for taking bets on horse racing. 894 00:43:22,641 --> 00:43:26,521 And it turns out you owe him a tidy sum of money. 895 00:43:26,801 --> 00:43:29,601 But I digress. 896 00:43:29,881 --> 00:43:32,601 The Kissing Bandit never wore gloves 897 00:43:32,881 --> 00:43:34,841 in the initial robbery. 898 00:43:35,121 --> 00:43:37,601 Yet the Killing Bandit in this photograph 899 00:43:37,881 --> 00:43:40,561 can clearly be seen wearing some. 900 00:43:42,561 --> 00:43:46,641 Perhaps it was to cover his dye-stained hands? 901 00:43:58,321 --> 00:43:59,641 Annabelle suggested several times 902 00:43:59,921 --> 00:44:02,001 that we report the discrepancies 903 00:44:02,281 --> 00:44:03,841 to the bank's head office. 904 00:44:04,121 --> 00:44:07,641 I kept forestalling that, and she was losing patience. 905 00:44:07,921 --> 00:44:11,081 When she told me she was going to make that telephone call, 906 00:44:11,361 --> 00:44:15,721 I was forced to beg her not to, but she insisted. 907 00:44:17,881 --> 00:44:20,001 So she betrayed you? 908 00:44:22,081 --> 00:44:23,121 I am sorry. 909 00:44:23,401 --> 00:44:24,961 I'm sure. 910 00:45:02,681 --> 00:45:04,641 I hope I'm not intruding. 911 00:45:04,921 --> 00:45:08,601 Dr. Garland. Please come in. 912 00:45:12,201 --> 00:45:14,841 Detective, I don't know how to say this 913 00:45:15,121 --> 00:45:16,921 other than forthrightly, 914 00:45:17,201 --> 00:45:18,201 but it has come to my attention 915 00:45:18,521 --> 00:45:21,681 that you and Julia have had a romantic relationship. 916 00:45:23,081 --> 00:45:24,601 Yes. 917 00:45:25,521 --> 00:45:28,321 Oh. 918 00:45:31,961 --> 00:45:35,281 But it was before you and Julia met. 919 00:45:36,521 --> 00:45:38,281 I see. 920 00:45:40,281 --> 00:45:45,561 Dr. Garland, you've won Julia's hand in marriage. 921 00:45:45,841 --> 00:45:47,841 Why trouble yourself with the past? 922 00:45:51,321 --> 00:45:55,441 The past is only the past if it is dead and gone. 923 00:45:55,761 --> 00:45:59,081 Is that the case with you and Dr. Ogden? 924 00:46:00,721 --> 00:46:02,761 Yes. Yes, it is. 925 00:46:04,961 --> 00:46:06,801 I have your assurance of that? 926 00:46:07,081 --> 00:46:09,281 Dr. Garland, if you ask Julia, 927 00:46:09,601 --> 00:46:13,121 I believe she will confirm that I am a man of my word. 928 00:46:14,721 --> 00:46:16,521 Very well then. 929 00:46:22,841 --> 00:46:25,081 Julia is an extraordinary woman. 930 00:46:27,441 --> 00:46:31,201 I would fight for her in the extreme should the need arise. 931 00:46:32,761 --> 00:46:34,161 As you should. 932 00:46:34,441 --> 00:46:35,881 Very well then, Detective. 933 00:46:36,161 --> 00:46:38,601 I hope to see you at our wedding.