1 00:00:46,672 --> 00:00:48,715 Repeat after me, okay? 2 00:01:07,109 --> 00:01:08,901 Oh, Paul, leave me alone. 3 00:01:26,503 --> 00:01:29,172 -Bon appétit. -Bon appétit. 4 00:01:39,516 --> 00:01:40,725 Butter. 5 00:01:48,400 --> 00:01:50,651 Oh, my goodness. 6 00:01:51,904 --> 00:01:54,071 You have to taste this. 7 00:01:56,575 --> 00:01:57,658 Here. 8 00:02:07,044 --> 00:02:08,377 I mean. . . It's. . . 9 00:02:08,462 --> 00:02:09,712 -I know. -But I'm. . . 10 00:02:09,797 --> 00:02:13,216 I know. I know. I know. 11 00:02:17,054 --> 00:02:21,390 Look at that! Oh, Paul, it's so beautiful ! 12 00:02:28,398 --> 00:02:29,732 Slow down. 13 00:02:31,068 --> 00:02:32,318 Sorry. 14 00:02:41,411 --> 00:02:44,330 This is it. Look, right. . . Just stop. 15 00:02:46,959 --> 00:02:50,795 I can't believe we get to live here. 16 00:02:52,464 --> 00:02:53,798 Paul ! 17 00:03:19,324 --> 00:03:21,492 Is this a mistake? Should we have stayed in Brooklyn? 18 00:03:21,577 --> 00:03:24,495 We're gonna love Queens. Queens is beautiful. 19 00:04:11,168 --> 00:04:12,919 Moving truck's here. 20 00:04:24,181 --> 00:04:25,473 You okay? 21 00:04:25,724 --> 00:04:28,434 -Everything is falling down. -Hey. 22 00:04:28,852 --> 00:04:30,811 What are we doing here? 23 00:04:31,021 --> 00:04:32,605 Repeat after me. 24 00:04:32,689 --> 00:04:37,860 -Nine hundred square feet. -Nine hundred square feet. 25 00:04:39,488 --> 00:04:40,863 Plus, it's close to your office. 26 00:04:40,948 --> 00:04:44,033 Plus, it's close to my office, but we don't have to move. 27 00:04:44,117 --> 00:04:49,205 We could renege on the lease, repack everything and live in the Jeep. 28 00:04:51,083 --> 00:04:53,960 You're right. You're right. 29 00:04:55,921 --> 00:04:58,673 -Eric, what is that noise? -What noise? 30 00:05:01,009 --> 00:05:03,719 Is it going to be like this every night? 31 00:05:06,556 --> 00:05:07,807 Maybe. 32 00:05:13,814 --> 00:05:15,022 Jule? 33 00:05:17,484 --> 00:05:19,235 It's Versailles. 34 00:05:21,989 --> 00:05:24,824 I'm so happy you like it, darling. 35 00:06:43,153 --> 00:06:45,488 Good morning, Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, 36 00:06:45,781 --> 00:06:46,947 LMDC . 37 00:06:47,365 --> 00:06:50,826 Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, Julie Powell. 38 00:06:51,161 --> 00:06:56,248 -My son died in the second tower. -I'm sorry. 39 00:07:00,337 --> 00:07:01,754 I'm so sorry. 40 00:07:02,881 --> 00:07:05,299 Are you the person to speak to if I don't like the plan for the memorial 41 00:07:05,383 --> 00:07:07,927 -that was in this morning's Times? -You can speak to me. 42 00:07:08,011 --> 00:07:10,346 -Do you have any power? -No. 43 00:07:10,430 --> 00:07:14,266 I wanna speak to someone with power. I don't like the plan. 44 00:07:14,351 --> 00:07:16,560 I don't like the plan either. 45 00:07:17,104 --> 00:07:20,314 You people are a bunch of heartless bureaucratic goons. 46 00:07:20,398 --> 00:07:21,982 l am not a heartless bureaucratic goon. 47 00:07:22,067 --> 00:07:25,277 l am just a person in a cubicle, and I am doing the best I can, ma'am. 48 00:07:25,362 --> 00:07:28,239 This is my sixth phone call and the only thing anyone ever tells me is 49 00:07:28,323 --> 00:07:31,283 I have to fill out a form to get in line for an insurance payment. 50 00:07:31,368 --> 00:07:35,287 And you do. But, I mean, if you don't wanna fill out a form I will fill one out for you, 51 00:07:35,372 --> 00:07:37,456 but you're still going to have to come in and sign it. 52 00:07:37,541 --> 00:07:40,376 -To your cubicle? -Yes. 53 00:07:41,628 --> 00:07:44,171 l feel terrible about what you're going through, Mr. Diamond, but. . . 54 00:07:44,256 --> 00:07:47,299 You have no idea what I'm going through, Ms. Powell. You have no idea. 55 00:07:47,467 --> 00:07:50,386 -Please don't yell at me. -This whoIe thing is completeIy inefficient. 56 00:07:50,470 --> 00:07:51,887 -Please stop yelling at me. -It's ridicuIous. 57 00:07:51,972 --> 00:07:54,515 -My 3-year-oId is more capabIe of heIping. -I am your friend. 58 00:07:55,809 --> 00:07:59,353 And now the doctor says there's fibergIass in his Iungs. 59 00:07:59,437 --> 00:08:04,441 He coughs. He never stops coughing. I don't know what to do. 60 00:08:04,609 --> 00:08:06,944 His wife says there's so much crap in his lungs he can't breathe, 61 00:08:07,028 --> 00:08:10,281 and now his insurance is refusing to pay for this drug that might really work. 62 00:08:10,365 --> 00:08:13,742 -Tell her to call the Health Department. -That's an answering machine. 63 00:08:13,827 --> 00:08:17,246 Andrea Gomez in the mayor's office. 64 00:08:17,581 --> 00:08:20,457 Thank you. Thank you. 65 00:08:33,054 --> 00:08:35,347 Chocolate cream pie. 66 00:08:38,393 --> 00:08:41,353 -You know what I love about cooking? -What's that? 67 00:08:41,438 --> 00:08:43,856 I love that after a day when nothing is sure, 68 00:08:43,940 --> 00:08:50,196 and when I say "nothing" I mean nothing, you can come home and absolutely know 69 00:08:50,280 --> 00:08:54,116 that if you add egg yolks to chocolate and sugar and milk, 70 00:08:54,201 --> 00:08:57,661 it will get thick. It's such a comfort. 71 00:08:58,788 --> 00:09:00,080 Bad day? 72 00:09:02,209 --> 00:09:04,126 When will this pie be ready? 73 00:09:04,211 --> 00:09:06,879 Soon, but I have to make the whipped cream first and let it set. 74 00:09:06,963 --> 00:09:09,465 I'll be here. It's a masterpiece. 75 00:09:12,219 --> 00:09:14,637 Ritual Cobb salad lunch tomorrow. 76 00:09:15,472 --> 00:09:17,640 Dreading, dreading, dreading. 77 00:09:20,143 --> 00:09:21,185 Subway. 78 00:09:21,269 --> 00:09:22,728 -Hi. -Hi. 79 00:09:22,812 --> 00:09:24,188 How are you? 80 00:09:26,149 --> 00:09:27,816 What can I get for you ladies? 81 00:09:27,901 --> 00:09:29,944 I wilI have a Cobb salad, no bleu cheese. 82 00:09:30,028 --> 00:09:32,905 -Cobb salad, no beets. -Cobb salad, no bacon. 83 00:09:32,989 --> 00:09:35,157 -Cobb salad, no eggs. -Okay, tell them. . . 84 00:09:35,242 --> 00:09:40,162 Are you listening carefully, Tracy? Tell them to take the offer up to 1 85. 85 00:09:40,330 --> 00:09:41,747 -Here she goes. -Repeat after me, Tracy. 86 00:09:41,831 --> 00:09:43,791 -1 -8-5. -What's going on? 87 00:09:44,834 --> 00:09:46,877 And call me the second you hear back. 88 00:09:47,963 --> 00:09:50,464 My assistant. It's almost not worth having one. 89 00:09:50,548 --> 00:09:52,383 I know. Yesterday I said to Allison, 90 00:09:52,467 --> 00:09:54,635 "Go to the pharmacy, get me a pair of black pantyhose." 91 00:09:54,719 --> 00:09:56,595 She came back and said, "They didn't have any." 92 00:09:56,680 --> 00:10:01,058 I said, "Did you try another pharmacy?" I mean, really. 93 00:10:01,142 --> 00:10:04,019 Or Bloomingdale's. What's wrong with trying Bloomingdale's? 94 00:10:04,104 --> 00:10:06,772 Yeah, I don't get it. If only I could be my own assistant. 95 00:10:06,856 --> 00:10:08,232 You can be. 96 00:10:08,984 --> 00:10:12,111 Fire your assistant and don't hire a replacement. 97 00:10:12,612 --> 00:10:14,822 No, that's not what I mean, Julie. 98 00:10:14,906 --> 00:10:17,032 Excuse me. Oh. . . 99 00:10:17,492 --> 00:10:20,244 -Oh, those are cute. -Oh, thanks. Thanks. 100 00:10:20,328 --> 00:10:25,833 Okay, tell them 1 90 , 1 -9-0 . Great. 101 00:10:26,001 --> 00:10:28,544 "1-9-0." What? What are you up to? 102 00:10:28,628 --> 00:10:32,548 $1 90 million. We're assembling a parcel at Midtown. 103 00:10:32,632 --> 00:10:35,259 Oh, wow. Oh, oh, that is so great, Cassie. 104 00:10:35,343 --> 00:10:36,969 A parcel of what? 105 00:10:38,179 --> 00:10:39,305 Buildings. 106 00:10:39,472 --> 00:10:42,141 We're gonna tear them alI down and put up a high-rise. 107 00:10:42,225 --> 00:10:43,767 -To your parcel. -Thank you. 108 00:10:47,439 --> 00:10:49,857 And enough about you, here's to me. 109 00:10:49,941 --> 00:10:54,862 As of yesterday, I am the senior vice president in charge of corporate publicity. 110 00:10:55,113 --> 00:10:56,697 -No. -Which means I get a raise 111 00:10:56,781 --> 00:11:00,659 and I can borrow haIf a million dollars at 2% if I want to. 112 00:11:00,744 --> 00:11:02,703 -Great. -If you want to? 113 00:11:03,705 --> 00:11:06,457 -So how's your job, Julie? -Oh, it's. . . 114 00:11:06,583 --> 00:11:08,667 -I can only imagine. Heartbreaking. -So sad. 115 00:11:08,752 --> 00:11:10,586 -Painful. -Not in a bad way. 116 00:11:10,670 --> 00:11:13,756 -Excuse me. Oh, God, I forgot. -Excuse me. 117 00:11:14,632 --> 00:11:15,632 -Hello? -Hello? 118 00:11:15,717 --> 00:11:16,759 -Hi. -Hi. 119 00:11:16,843 --> 00:11:20,804 Hey, Jules? I have got to interview you for this piece that I'm writing. 120 00:11:20,889 --> 00:11:23,599 Sure, Annabelle, great. I'd be honored. 121 00:11:24,768 --> 00:11:26,185 Call Julie about interview. 122 00:11:26,269 --> 00:11:29,980 Find out about dry cleaning. Find out before dinner on Thursday. 123 00:11:30,065 --> 00:11:31,565 Saturday party. 124 00:11:33,318 --> 00:11:34,360 No. 125 00:11:34,444 --> 00:11:37,738 I cannot computer-coach you every day while I'm with my girlfriends. 126 00:11:37,822 --> 00:11:40,115 What is it about? The article? 127 00:11:40,408 --> 00:11:44,286 It's about our generation turning 30. 128 00:11:45,163 --> 00:11:50,459 People turning 30 . Oh, my life, I am so busy. 129 00:11:50,627 --> 00:11:53,629 I don't know when I can fit you in. 130 00:11:54,714 --> 00:11:58,467 May I remind you, I don't want to see you, you want to see me? 131 00:11:58,551 --> 00:12:00,761 Yeah. Would a breakfast work? 132 00:12:04,641 --> 00:12:06,558 l believed her. What kind of idiot am l? 133 00:12:06,643 --> 00:12:10,104 She said, "It's about our generation turning 30." 134 00:12:10,188 --> 00:12:12,648 What'd you expect? Annabelle was always a liar. 135 00:12:12,899 --> 00:12:16,110 "Julie Powell, once the editor of the Amherst literary magazine, 136 00:12:16,194 --> 00:12:18,862 "the one we all knew would be 'The One,' 137 00:12:18,988 --> 00:12:22,366 "temped for eight years before giving up on her novel, 138 00:12:22,450 --> 00:12:25,577 "and now works in a cubicle as a mid-level bureaucrat, 139 00:12:25,662 --> 00:12:28,997 "attempting to deal with the aftereffects of 9/11 ." 140 00:12:29,082 --> 00:12:33,001 Oh, God, you memorized it? How pathetic. 141 00:12:33,169 --> 00:12:34,962 She left so much out. 142 00:12:36,673 --> 00:12:38,340 Anyway, the picture was good. 143 00:12:38,425 --> 00:12:40,843 -I looked fat. -Just your face. 144 00:12:45,890 --> 00:12:49,393 I forgot to tell you. Do you know what Annabelle's doing now? 145 00:12:49,477 --> 00:12:52,312 -Sarah told me. A blog. -Of what? 146 00:12:52,480 --> 00:12:55,441 What do you mean "of what"? A blog of Annabelle. 147 00:12:55,525 --> 00:12:58,235 Of every thought that passes through her brain. 148 00:12:58,361 --> 00:13:01,530 Her stupid, vapid, insipid. . . 149 00:13:03,783 --> 00:13:05,576 I could write a blog. 150 00:13:05,994 --> 00:13:07,244 I have thoughts. 151 00:13:07,370 --> 00:13:10,289 And you're a writer, which is more than I can say for Annabelle. 152 00:13:10,373 --> 00:13:12,749 -If only that were true. -You wrote a novel. 153 00:13:12,834 --> 00:13:16,378 HaIf a novel. And no one wanted to publish it. 154 00:13:16,880 --> 00:13:19,756 You're not a writer unless someone publishes you. 155 00:13:19,883 --> 00:13:23,594 See, that's what's so great about blogs. You don't have to be published. 156 00:13:23,678 --> 00:13:29,141 You can just go online, press enter and there it is, out there. 157 00:13:29,309 --> 00:13:31,226 What would I write a blog about? 158 00:13:31,311 --> 00:13:33,061 You're an editor, tell me. 159 00:13:33,146 --> 00:13:36,732 Why don't you write about how much you love Queens? 160 00:13:38,776 --> 00:13:40,235 A short blog. 161 00:13:42,155 --> 00:13:46,074 You could write about your job. 162 00:13:47,702 --> 00:13:50,412 If I wrote a blog about my job and anyone at work ever read it. . . 163 00:13:50,497 --> 00:13:53,081 -I mean, hello. -This is good. 164 00:13:53,750 --> 00:13:55,334 This is really good. 165 00:13:55,418 --> 00:13:59,296 On top of which, the whole idea of writing a blog is to get away from what I do all day. 166 00:13:59,380 --> 00:14:02,966 The way that cooking is a way that I get away from what I do all day. 167 00:14:03,092 --> 00:14:05,302 So write a blog about cooking. 168 00:14:07,639 --> 00:14:11,225 I'm not a real cook, like Julia Child or Mario Batali. 169 00:14:11,434 --> 00:14:14,102 Julia Child wasn't always Julia Child. 170 00:14:19,567 --> 00:14:22,152 If I really wanted to learn to cook, 171 00:14:22,445 --> 00:14:25,906 I could just cook my way through Julia Child's cookbook. 172 00:14:25,990 --> 00:14:27,950 I could blog about that. 173 00:14:28,284 --> 00:14:32,329 I have a copy. I stole it from my mother last time I was in Texas. 174 00:14:34,290 --> 00:14:39,044 When I was eight, my father's boss came to dinner and it was a really big deal, 175 00:14:39,128 --> 00:14:41,797 and my mother made boeuf bourguignon. 176 00:14:41,965 --> 00:14:46,635 But it wasn't just boeuf bourguignon. It was Julia's boeuf bourguignon. 177 00:14:47,011 --> 00:14:51,473 And it was like she was there, like Julia was there in the room, 178 00:14:52,141 --> 00:14:57,479 on our side like some great big good fairy. 179 00:14:58,481 --> 00:15:01,275 And everything was going to be all right. 180 00:15:04,821 --> 00:15:08,824 I'm gonna try to fIip this thing over now, 181 00:15:09,033 --> 00:15:12,119 which is a rather daring thing to do. 182 00:15:12,704 --> 00:15:13,954 She changed everything. 183 00:15:14,038 --> 00:15:18,250 Before her, it was frozen food and can openers and marshmallows. 184 00:15:18,334 --> 00:15:20,335 Don't knock marshmallows. 185 00:15:21,170 --> 00:15:23,213 When you fIip anything, 186 00:15:23,339 --> 00:15:27,509 you've just got to have the courage of your convictions. 187 00:15:27,885 --> 00:15:31,555 Especially if it's a Loose sort of mass Like... 188 00:15:31,681 --> 00:15:34,641 That didn't go very well. 189 00:15:35,018 --> 00:15:36,310 But, you see, when I fIipped it, 190 00:15:36,394 --> 00:15:40,022 -I didn't have the courage I needed... -She's so adorable. 191 00:15:40,565 --> 00:15:42,774 ...the way I shouId've. 192 00:15:43,484 --> 00:15:46,278 But you can aIways put it together. 193 00:15:46,613 --> 00:15:51,241 And you're aIone in the kitchen. Who's to see? 194 00:15:52,535 --> 00:15:54,620 Pearls. The woman is wearing pearls in the kitchen. 195 00:15:54,704 --> 00:15:57,873 ...you've just got to practice, Like the piano. 196 00:15:58,875 --> 00:16:00,959 I'm Julia child. 197 00:16:01,252 --> 00:16:02,669 Bon appétit. 198 00:16:02,962 --> 00:16:05,547 -Bon appétit. -Bon appétit. 199 00:16:06,174 --> 00:16:08,342 Bon appétit. 200 00:16:08,551 --> 00:16:12,971 Julia child is coauthor of the book Mastering the Art of French Cooking. 201 00:16:21,898 --> 00:16:23,065 Bon appétit. 202 00:16:26,069 --> 00:16:29,696 "For the servantless American cook." That's me, all right. 203 00:16:33,785 --> 00:16:36,161 Okay, here's a problem. I've never eaten an egg. 204 00:16:36,245 --> 00:16:39,164 And I have a hyperacidic stomach. We'll deal. 205 00:16:40,625 --> 00:16:44,836 So I'll cook my way through the Julia Child cookbook 206 00:16:44,921 --> 00:16:46,630 and write a blog about it. 207 00:16:46,714 --> 00:16:49,383 -But I'll probably need a deadline. -Why? 208 00:16:49,926 --> 00:16:52,302 Because otherwise it'll be like everything else I do. 209 00:16:52,387 --> 00:16:53,970 'Cause let's face it, I never finish anything. 210 00:16:54,055 --> 00:16:56,098 -Hey. -Well, it's true. 211 00:16:56,766 --> 00:16:59,101 You know why I think it is? 212 00:16:59,185 --> 00:17:01,186 -ADD. -You have ADD? 213 00:17:01,354 --> 00:17:04,314 Yes. That's why I'm so bad at housework. 214 00:17:05,108 --> 00:17:06,692 Oh, is that it? 215 00:17:07,318 --> 00:17:08,944 I'm just saying, a deadline would be good. 216 00:17:09,028 --> 00:17:10,529 So a deadline. "l love deadlines. 217 00:17:10,613 --> 00:17:14,032 "l love the sound they make as they go whooshing past." 218 00:17:14,117 --> 00:17:16,284 -Hitchhiker's Guide to the GaIaxy. -I mean it. 219 00:17:16,369 --> 00:17:19,996 -Okay, so a year, or so. -A year? 220 00:17:21,290 --> 00:17:23,709 This thing weighs like two pounds. 221 00:17:23,793 --> 00:17:29,131 I have a full-time job. Sometimes I don't get home until 8:00 or 9:00 and. . . 222 00:17:29,549 --> 00:17:32,050 It's crazy. It's crazy. 223 00:17:32,301 --> 00:17:35,095 -Is it crazy? -Yes. Yes. 224 00:17:36,097 --> 00:17:39,015 -Okay, you want to do Blog Z? -Yes. 225 00:17:39,225 --> 00:17:40,684 Blog Z it is. 226 00:17:42,645 --> 00:17:44,146 Nobody here 227 00:17:45,773 --> 00:17:48,692 but us servantless American cooks. 228 00:17:48,943 --> 00:17:53,739 "Servantless American cooks." 229 00:17:53,990 --> 00:17:55,991 -What do you think? -Love it. 230 00:17:56,826 --> 00:17:58,452 "Start blogging." 231 00:17:59,871 --> 00:18:02,622 "The JuIie/Julia Project." 232 00:18:02,915 --> 00:18:05,876 The Book, Mastering the Art of French Cooking. 233 00:18:05,960 --> 00:18:10,505 First edition, 1961 by Simone Beck, Louisette Bertholle, 234 00:18:10,590 --> 00:18:15,927 and, of course, Julia child, the woman who taught America to cook and to eat. 235 00:18:16,971 --> 00:18:20,056 It's 40 years Iater and no one can touch her. 236 00:18:20,349 --> 00:18:26,146 The Challenge, 365 days, 524 recipes. 237 00:18:26,439 --> 00:18:28,690 The Contender, JuIie Powell. 238 00:18:28,900 --> 00:18:31,610 Government empIoyee by day, renegade foodie by night. 239 00:18:31,694 --> 00:18:35,113 Risking her marriage, her job, and her cat's well-being, 240 00:18:35,198 --> 00:18:38,200 she has signed on for a deranged assignment. 241 00:18:38,284 --> 00:18:40,869 How far it will go, no one can say. 242 00:19:06,646 --> 00:19:10,649 Dear CharIie, we're settIed in finally, and Julia Loves it here. 243 00:19:11,067 --> 00:19:13,109 She wants to stay forever. 244 00:19:13,694 --> 00:19:17,572 You know how famously grouchy the French can be, dear brother. 245 00:19:17,657 --> 00:19:19,908 Everyone here is so delightful. 246 00:19:21,285 --> 00:19:23,829 But Julia brings out the best in a poIecat. 247 00:19:23,913 --> 00:19:25,205 So charming. 248 00:19:25,289 --> 00:19:29,084 So she thinks they're the most wonderfuI peopIe in the worId. 249 00:19:30,127 --> 00:19:32,838 I feel that I am French. 250 00:19:34,966 --> 00:19:37,884 I just must be. 251 00:19:38,803 --> 00:19:41,638 Well, you might be. 252 00:19:44,183 --> 00:19:49,187 As for staying here forever, I have to say, I wouIdn't mind it myseIf. 253 00:19:50,398 --> 00:19:51,773 And I'm so glad that you came, 254 00:19:51,858 --> 00:19:53,066 -I can't tell you. -It was a very nice show. 255 00:19:53,150 --> 00:19:54,943 -Thanks for coming. -I enjoyed it. 256 00:19:55,152 --> 00:19:59,531 -Paul, congratulations. Excellent exhibit. -Thanks so much, Jack. 257 00:19:59,615 --> 00:20:02,200 Jack Donovan, this is my wife, Julia. 258 00:20:02,702 --> 00:20:07,956 -lt was such a wonderful exhibition, Paul. -Thank you. Thank you. 259 00:20:08,749 --> 00:20:12,544 -I am so proud of you. -Oh, good. 260 00:20:12,879 --> 00:20:15,797 French people eat French food ! 261 00:20:16,632 --> 00:20:20,969 -Every single day! I can't get over it. -They do. 262 00:20:23,723 --> 00:20:27,851 You know I love you so much, I'm gonna let you take the first bite. 263 00:20:28,102 --> 00:20:31,646 -That's so good. -Before I even had. . . It's good, is it? 264 00:20:36,527 --> 00:20:38,820 What should I do, do you think? 265 00:20:40,239 --> 00:20:41,615 About what? 266 00:20:43,117 --> 00:20:46,411 I don't really want to go back into government work. 267 00:20:46,829 --> 00:20:50,123 You know, but l. . . Shouldn't I find something to do? 268 00:20:51,834 --> 00:20:55,295 These wives don't do anything here. 269 00:20:56,130 --> 00:20:58,924 -That's not me. It's just not me. -I know. 270 00:20:59,800 --> 00:21:03,219 l saw a notice on the bulletin board at the embassy 271 00:21:03,971 --> 00:21:06,014 for hat-making lessons. 272 00:21:09,518 --> 00:21:11,019 You like hats. 273 00:21:12,188 --> 00:21:13,563 I do, I do. 274 00:21:16,025 --> 00:21:17,108 I do. 275 00:21:19,737 --> 00:21:22,364 What is it that you really like to do? 276 00:21:23,783 --> 00:21:24,866 Eat. 277 00:21:27,870 --> 00:21:31,706 -It's what I like to do. -I know, I know. I know. I know. 278 00:21:32,166 --> 00:21:34,626 -And you are so good at it. Look at you ! -I am good at it. 279 00:21:34,710 --> 00:21:37,128 -Now. How good you are. -I'm growing in front of you. 280 00:21:50,601 --> 00:21:53,353 l was thinking of taking bridge lessons. 281 00:21:55,189 --> 00:21:59,776 -You like bridge. -I do. I like the idea of bridge. 282 00:21:59,902 --> 00:22:03,279 Four points for an ace, three points for a king, 283 00:22:03,364 --> 00:22:06,741 two points for a queen, one point for a jack. 284 00:22:06,951 --> 00:22:08,994 And breast your cards. 285 00:22:10,287 --> 00:22:13,915 Do you have any French cookbooks in English? 286 00:22:14,542 --> 00:22:18,211 -I'm afraid not. -Gosh. 287 00:22:34,979 --> 00:22:36,604 The salesperson. She. . . 288 00:22:39,567 --> 00:22:44,571 Had no idea. . . Because, you see, there is no French cookbook in English. 289 00:22:44,905 --> 00:22:48,366 And all I have is this Joy of Cooking by lrma Rombauer, 290 00:22:48,451 --> 00:22:51,703 which is an excellent, excellent cookbook, but it's not French. 291 00:22:51,787 --> 00:22:54,414 So I did ask my friend Avis De Voto 292 00:22:54,498 --> 00:22:57,459 to look around in the United States to see if she could find. . . 293 00:23:02,423 --> 00:23:05,967 Right. Right. 294 00:23:06,177 --> 00:23:10,180 Gosh, I thought I was speaking French to you ! 295 00:23:19,482 --> 00:23:21,232 Oh, my goodness! 296 00:23:22,818 --> 00:23:24,986 What do we have here? 297 00:23:25,404 --> 00:23:27,906 -It's a copy of. . . -It's my memoirs. 298 00:23:30,117 --> 00:23:31,367 Oh, look. 299 00:23:32,828 --> 00:23:36,706 Oh, it's fantastic! But it's in French ! 300 00:23:37,792 --> 00:23:39,542 -You'll get there. You'll get there. -Thank you, darling. 301 00:23:39,627 --> 00:23:42,670 I know. I'm learning. I'm trying. I'm really. . . 302 00:23:43,380 --> 00:23:45,173 Happy birthday to me. 303 00:23:45,800 --> 00:23:47,634 Happy birthday. 304 00:23:50,554 --> 00:23:53,681 -What can this mean? -What? 305 00:23:58,187 --> 00:24:02,690 -"Wash the thighs." -No, "bathe." Bathe the thighs. 306 00:24:02,858 --> 00:24:06,152 -Look, but then. . . -Where? 307 00:24:06,487 --> 00:24:09,072 "ln butter." I know that. But what is the. . . 308 00:24:09,156 --> 00:24:13,034 "Bathe the thighs in butter and then stuff the. . ." 309 00:24:13,119 --> 00:24:14,119 What's that word? 310 00:24:14,203 --> 00:24:16,121 -The hen ! -Right. Hen. 311 00:24:16,205 --> 00:24:21,543 "Until she just can't take it anymore." 312 00:24:25,005 --> 00:24:26,339 -lt doesn't say that. -lt does. 313 00:24:26,423 --> 00:24:31,302 I'll show you later in the dictionary. I'll go through the whole recipe with you. 314 00:24:32,221 --> 00:24:35,974 -Why don't I go to cooking school? -Why don't you? 315 00:24:36,058 --> 00:24:38,560 -I'm serious. -So am l. 316 00:24:40,104 --> 00:24:41,479 Oh, my God. 317 00:24:47,319 --> 00:24:50,113 What if you hadn't fallen in love with me? 318 00:24:51,115 --> 00:24:52,574 But I did. 319 00:24:58,038 --> 00:24:59,789 Oh, gosh. 320 00:25:08,674 --> 00:25:11,968 Yesterday was Tuesday, August 1 3th, 2002. 321 00:25:12,261 --> 00:25:15,680 Day one. 364 days to go. 322 00:25:17,349 --> 00:25:19,184 I cooked artichokes with hollandaise sauce 323 00:25:19,268 --> 00:25:22,979 which is meIted butter that's been whipped into a frenzy with egg yoIks 324 00:25:23,063 --> 00:25:25,815 untiI it's died and gone to heaven. 325 00:25:26,192 --> 00:25:29,944 And let me say this. Is there anything better than butter? 326 00:25:30,029 --> 00:25:31,738 Think it over. Every time you taste something 327 00:25:31,822 --> 00:25:36,159 that's deIicious beyond imagining, and you say, "What is in this?" 328 00:25:36,327 --> 00:25:39,454 The answer is aIways going to be "butter." 329 00:25:39,622 --> 00:25:40,872 It's incredible. 330 00:25:40,956 --> 00:25:42,707 It's been whisked into submission, that's why. 331 00:25:42,791 --> 00:25:46,711 The day there's a meteorite heading toward the earth and we have 30 days to Iive, 332 00:25:46,795 --> 00:25:49,380 I am going to spend it eating butter. 333 00:25:49,965 --> 00:25:52,508 Here's my finaI word on the subject. 334 00:25:53,093 --> 00:25:56,763 You can never have too much butter. 335 00:25:58,641 --> 00:26:00,266 August 24th, day 1 1 . 336 00:26:00,351 --> 00:26:03,228 Is this what you mean when you say, "Don't crowd the mushrooms"? Is this a crowd? 337 00:26:03,312 --> 00:26:07,398 353 days to go. A horribIe day at work. 338 00:26:07,566 --> 00:26:09,609 An oId grandma who Iooked as if she wouIdn't harm a fIy 339 00:26:09,693 --> 00:26:12,153 called me a penciI-pushing capitaIist dupe. 340 00:26:12,238 --> 00:26:15,865 But then I came home and cooked chicken with cream, mushrooms and port, 341 00:26:15,950 --> 00:26:17,825 and it was totaI bIiss. 342 00:26:18,077 --> 00:26:19,452 Here's the big news. 343 00:26:19,536 --> 00:26:22,747 I had been cooking mushrooms the wrong way my entire Iife. 344 00:26:22,831 --> 00:26:26,709 Don't crowd the mushrooms, otherwise they won't brown. 345 00:26:26,794 --> 00:26:29,337 Are you Iistening, whoever you are? 346 00:26:30,297 --> 00:26:31,422 You're gonna love that one. 347 00:26:31,507 --> 00:26:32,674 Day 22. 348 00:26:32,841 --> 00:26:34,425 This one's really good with fig jam. 349 00:26:34,510 --> 00:26:38,554 I got carried away in Dean & DeLuca Iast night and spent haIf my take-home pay. 350 00:26:38,639 --> 00:26:40,890 And the first thing I reaIized when I got to the subway 351 00:26:40,975 --> 00:26:43,268 with my groceries, a bag of cat Iitter, 352 00:26:43,352 --> 00:26:47,939 a bottIe of oIive oiI I absoIuteIy couId not Iive without, and a huge bunch of branches 353 00:26:48,023 --> 00:26:51,651 was that the branches were probabIy not a good idea. 354 00:26:52,069 --> 00:26:53,111 Sorry. 355 00:26:53,195 --> 00:26:56,155 They were sIapping foIks in the face right and Ieff and I was sweating Like a pig. 356 00:26:56,240 --> 00:27:01,577 Not surprising, since I've been way too busy cooking fattening food to bother exercising. 357 00:27:01,996 --> 00:27:06,207 And then I came home and got a big vote of confidence from my mother. 358 00:27:06,542 --> 00:27:09,377 Remind me again why you're doing this... 359 00:27:09,670 --> 00:27:12,213 -Blog. -Whatever it's called. 360 00:27:13,090 --> 00:27:16,342 It's a regimen, Mom. Like doing sit-ups. 361 00:27:16,427 --> 00:27:19,762 -Well, it's just adding pressure. -What pressure? 362 00:27:19,847 --> 00:27:22,807 You have a full-time job, you have a husband, 363 00:27:22,891 --> 00:27:25,810 and now you're gonna get sick from bIogging. 364 00:27:25,894 --> 00:27:29,230 -It's sort of like being in AA. -What are you saying? 365 00:27:30,190 --> 00:27:33,234 lt gives you something you have to do every day, one day at a time. 366 00:27:33,319 --> 00:27:35,236 How do you know this Iingo? 367 00:27:35,321 --> 00:27:37,363 Honey, are you an aIcohoIic? 368 00:27:37,448 --> 00:27:40,450 I'm saying it's good for me to have short-term goals. 369 00:27:40,534 --> 00:27:43,619 Well, that is silly. That is just pIain silly. 370 00:27:44,079 --> 00:27:45,997 Who's reading this bIog? 371 00:27:46,081 --> 00:27:48,124 People. People are reading it, I'm sure. 372 00:27:48,208 --> 00:27:50,001 Well, it's something you decided to do, 373 00:27:50,085 --> 00:27:53,296 and you can decide not to, and not one singIe person's gonna mind. 374 00:27:53,380 --> 00:27:55,923 No. Don't you get it? I just started. 375 00:27:56,008 --> 00:27:59,218 I can't stop, I have to finish. It's all I've got. 376 00:28:00,262 --> 00:28:02,472 Hello? Hello? 377 00:28:04,099 --> 00:28:05,308 Stupid dead phone. 378 00:28:05,392 --> 00:28:07,435 Hey, it's not all you got. 379 00:28:08,270 --> 00:28:10,772 I know. I know. I didn't mean that. 380 00:28:13,192 --> 00:28:15,526 Yesterday, I poached an egg. 381 00:28:15,778 --> 00:28:17,362 It seemed Like the perfect thing to do 382 00:28:17,446 --> 00:28:21,032 on perhaps the second worst workday in recorded history. 383 00:28:21,116 --> 00:28:23,409 Explain to me how you've never eaten an egg in your whole life. 384 00:28:23,494 --> 00:28:25,745 I've had eggs in, like, cakes. 385 00:28:26,455 --> 00:28:29,499 Never had an "egg" egg. l was a very willful child. 386 00:28:29,583 --> 00:28:30,792 It's simmering. 387 00:28:30,876 --> 00:28:35,129 I had this notion, God knows why, that poaching eggs wouId be simpIe. 388 00:28:36,173 --> 00:28:37,465 But I was deepIy wrong. 389 00:28:37,549 --> 00:28:40,385 "lmmediately and gently push the white over the yolk with a wooden spoon 390 00:28:40,469 --> 00:28:43,221 "for two to three seconds." lmmediately. 391 00:28:49,186 --> 00:28:50,478 Disgusting. 392 00:28:50,562 --> 00:28:53,314 Oh, maybe the eggs aren't fresh. Julia says the eggs have to be fresh. 393 00:28:53,399 --> 00:28:54,941 They are fresh. 394 00:28:55,484 --> 00:28:59,487 Okay. You don't have to bite my head off. I'm just quoting Julia. 395 00:28:59,947 --> 00:29:03,282 It took three of us, crammed into the kitchen over a pot of simmering water, 396 00:29:03,367 --> 00:29:05,701 but, eventually, we naiIed it. 397 00:29:05,786 --> 00:29:07,495 -Hello. -Welcome. 398 00:29:07,704 --> 00:29:09,330 How cute is that? 399 00:29:09,832 --> 00:29:15,044 And I ate my very first egg of my whoIe Iife, ever, ever, ever. 400 00:29:16,672 --> 00:29:21,008 l thought eggs were going to be greasy and slimy, but it tastes like 401 00:29:22,219 --> 00:29:24,637 cheese sauce. Yum. 402 00:29:25,722 --> 00:29:27,473 Julia Child, you are so good. 403 00:29:27,558 --> 00:29:28,933 -Cheers. -Cheers. 404 00:29:29,017 --> 00:29:31,561 And, may I say, excellent wine? 405 00:29:31,770 --> 00:29:34,939 -Do you think Julia knows about you? -I wish. 406 00:29:35,232 --> 00:29:39,110 I have this fantasy that she comes for dinner and I show her my new lemon zester. 407 00:29:39,194 --> 00:29:40,987 We become very close. 408 00:29:42,698 --> 00:29:45,199 The truth is, no one knows about me. 409 00:29:45,826 --> 00:29:49,370 l feel like I'm just sending things into this giant void. 410 00:29:49,872 --> 00:29:53,416 Which reminds me. Annabelle's blog. Have you read it lately? 411 00:29:53,500 --> 00:29:54,542 Yes. 412 00:29:55,127 --> 00:29:57,879 -It's sort of funny. -Is it? 413 00:29:58,505 --> 00:30:02,216 She's dating this rich guy who owns a plane. His name's Lester. 414 00:30:02,301 --> 00:30:07,847 And they do it in the air. People love it. It's a huge hit. 415 00:30:09,057 --> 00:30:11,976 What do you think it means if you don't like your friends? 416 00:30:12,060 --> 00:30:14,520 -It's completely normal. -Men like their friends. 417 00:30:14,605 --> 00:30:17,982 We're not talking about men. Who's talking about men? 418 00:30:19,026 --> 00:30:23,738 So it's five weeks down, 47 to go, and I feeI fantastic. 419 00:30:24,114 --> 00:30:28,868 Sometimes, I can't heIp but wonder. Is there anyone out there reading me? 420 00:30:28,952 --> 00:30:32,121 But I'm sure you are, aren't you? Somebody? 421 00:30:33,248 --> 00:30:34,457 Anybody? 422 00:30:36,084 --> 00:30:38,211 Ernestine, I have a comment. 423 00:30:45,135 --> 00:30:47,303 My mother. Doesn't count. 424 00:30:52,226 --> 00:30:56,395 Today we will begin by learning to boil eggs. 425 00:30:57,397 --> 00:31:02,485 First, you must make sure that the egg is fresh. 426 00:31:03,070 --> 00:31:05,696 l was so hoping that. . . 427 00:31:06,657 --> 00:31:10,743 Well, for something a little more advanced, Madame Brassart. 428 00:31:11,119 --> 00:31:14,455 But you are not an advanced cook. 429 00:31:14,623 --> 00:31:17,667 But I do know how to boil an egg. 430 00:31:18,585 --> 00:31:21,128 Do you know how to bone a duck? 431 00:31:21,296 --> 00:31:24,882 No, but that's exactly the sort of thing 432 00:31:24,967 --> 00:31:28,636 that I'm very interested in learning how to do. 433 00:31:32,266 --> 00:31:35,518 There is one other class, but you will not like it. 434 00:31:35,644 --> 00:31:40,356 It's for professionneI, which you will never be, I'm sure. 435 00:31:40,816 --> 00:31:43,818 All men. All Gls. 436 00:31:44,736 --> 00:31:46,362 And very expensive. 437 00:31:46,446 --> 00:31:50,241 I cannot imagine that you would ever want to pay the tuition. 438 00:31:50,826 --> 00:31:52,076 How much? 439 00:31:53,704 --> 00:31:55,955 So the onion is ready, but. . . 440 00:32:19,563 --> 00:32:21,772 You must hold the knife, first of all, like this. 441 00:32:21,857 --> 00:32:24,233 Wrist, easy. Leave the thumb here. 442 00:32:25,027 --> 00:32:27,695 The hand and the knife are one. 443 00:32:27,779 --> 00:32:30,990 And the hand, the other hand, you must protect it. 444 00:32:31,199 --> 00:32:33,909 Here, you must cut only the onion. Yes? 445 00:32:33,994 --> 00:32:36,120 -Not me. -Yes. 446 00:32:36,204 --> 00:32:39,915 And then, you put your thumb here and the other fingers here. 447 00:32:51,345 --> 00:32:52,511 Jule? 448 00:32:53,305 --> 00:32:55,598 You're being a little over-competitive, don't you think? 449 00:32:55,682 --> 00:32:58,976 Well, you should've seen the way those men looked at me. 450 00:32:59,061 --> 00:33:04,899 As if I were some frivolous housewife, just looking for a way to kill time. 451 00:33:06,860 --> 00:33:08,069 Well. . . 452 00:33:11,698 --> 00:33:13,741 -Where are you going? -Not here. 453 00:33:13,825 --> 00:33:16,077 -You hungry? -No. 454 00:33:17,996 --> 00:33:19,205 Good. 455 00:33:23,960 --> 00:33:25,127 Ta-da! 456 00:33:47,484 --> 00:33:49,694 WelI done, Madame Child. 457 00:33:52,781 --> 00:33:57,952 Dear Avis, I'm in my third week at Le Cordon BIeu, 458 00:33:58,120 --> 00:34:00,246 and I'm in utter bIiss. 459 00:34:00,747 --> 00:34:05,000 Every morning the aIarm goes off at 6:30, and I Ieap out of bed. 460 00:34:05,085 --> 00:34:06,293 I'm up! 461 00:34:06,378 --> 00:34:12,133 By 7:30 I'm in cIass, in my apron, peeIing potatoes. 462 00:34:12,426 --> 00:34:16,345 Then we cook stock and we bone fish. 463 00:34:16,430 --> 00:34:21,308 We dress pigeons. We make pastry with so much butter, 464 00:34:21,393 --> 00:34:24,770 it aImost stops your heart just to Iook at it. 465 00:34:25,021 --> 00:34:29,233 My teacher moves so quickIy I'm sometimes Iost. 466 00:34:29,317 --> 00:34:33,195 But I'm way ahead of the others in the cIass, all of them men, 467 00:34:33,280 --> 00:34:39,326 and all of them very unfriendIy, untiI they discovered I was fearIess. 468 00:34:39,786 --> 00:34:42,997 Something I reaIized about the same time they did. 469 00:34:43,707 --> 00:34:49,837 Morning cIass ends at 1 2:30, then I go home and make Iunch for PauI. 470 00:34:53,675 --> 00:34:56,510 Then PauI takes a nap. 471 00:34:58,847 --> 00:35:03,684 And Iater in the affernoon, he goes back to the embassy and I go back to schooI. 472 00:35:05,604 --> 00:35:09,190 You must have a mortar and pestle. 473 00:35:09,357 --> 00:35:14,236 Incidentally, my father is horrified I'm going to cooking schooI. 474 00:35:14,321 --> 00:35:17,364 Offered to give me extra money to hire a cook. 475 00:35:18,700 --> 00:35:23,287 Go on. Fun ! Joy! This is what matters. 476 00:35:23,371 --> 00:35:25,956 I'm probabIy the onIy American I know in Paris 477 00:35:26,041 --> 00:35:31,170 who thinks shopping for food is as much fun as buying a dress. 478 00:35:31,546 --> 00:35:33,464 Course, you'd think so too, if you Iived in a country 479 00:35:33,548 --> 00:35:37,843 where absoIuteIy nothing comes in my size. 480 00:35:38,595 --> 00:35:42,598 By the way, did you know that if you don't dry meat, 481 00:35:42,724 --> 00:35:45,100 it won't brown properIy? 482 00:35:45,560 --> 00:35:51,398 Irma Rombauer doesn't say a word about it in the Joy of Cooking. 483 00:35:52,150 --> 00:35:55,736 Avis, I am in heaven here. 484 00:35:55,904 --> 00:35:59,073 I've been Iooking for a career all my Iife... 485 00:35:59,407 --> 00:36:02,660 -Happy Valentine's Day. -...and I've found it. 486 00:36:04,371 --> 00:36:06,872 We met in Ceylon when we were in the OSS. 487 00:36:06,957 --> 00:36:09,375 But he never noticed me at first. 488 00:36:09,459 --> 00:36:12,253 Well, that's not true. I noticed you. l noticed your legs straightaway. 489 00:36:12,337 --> 00:36:14,505 Oh, you were such a roué. 490 00:36:14,840 --> 00:36:18,968 -All the women were mad for him. -Can you blame them? 491 00:36:19,052 --> 00:36:21,595 Anyway, we were sent off to China. 492 00:36:21,930 --> 00:36:25,850 Absolutely delicious, if I do say so myself. 493 00:36:26,017 --> 00:36:27,226 Julia. 494 00:36:27,310 --> 00:36:29,687 When you finish your term, you'll be teaching at Cordon Bleu. 495 00:36:29,771 --> 00:36:31,605 No, I don't think so. 496 00:36:31,773 --> 00:36:35,359 The woman who runs it absolutely hates me! 497 00:36:35,443 --> 00:36:38,362 Come on. Oh, no one could possibly hate you. 498 00:36:39,072 --> 00:36:40,865 That's true. But she does. 499 00:36:40,949 --> 00:36:42,491 Were you spies? 500 00:36:44,411 --> 00:36:47,288 No. Yes. No. 501 00:36:48,707 --> 00:36:50,291 Oh, so cagey, right? 502 00:36:51,793 --> 00:36:56,005 You were in the Office of Strategic Services and you were not spies? 503 00:36:56,214 --> 00:36:58,632 l was only a file clerk. 504 00:36:59,551 --> 00:37:04,597 But Paul? Paul designed all of the secret war rooms for General Mountbatten. 505 00:37:04,931 --> 00:37:07,141 Well, just maps and exhibits and things. lt wasn't. . . 506 00:37:07,225 --> 00:37:10,603 He did ! He single-handedly won the war for us. 507 00:37:10,687 --> 00:37:14,773 Well, I had to. Someone did. I mean, it was dragging on, wasn't it? 508 00:37:14,983 --> 00:37:19,236 Anyway, so there we were in China, just friends having dinner, 509 00:37:23,366 --> 00:37:25,659 and it turned out to be Julia. 510 00:37:27,120 --> 00:37:29,622 lt turned out to be Julia all along. 511 00:37:34,169 --> 00:37:38,172 Julia, you are the butter to my bread, and the breath to my life. 512 00:37:38,673 --> 00:37:40,674 l love you, darling girl. 513 00:37:41,843 --> 00:37:43,677 Happy Valentine's Day. 514 00:37:49,935 --> 00:37:51,477 Dear CharIie, 515 00:37:51,561 --> 00:37:55,105 Julia in front of her stove has the same fascination for me 516 00:37:55,190 --> 00:37:58,108 as watching a kettIe drummer at the symphony. 517 00:37:58,693 --> 00:38:01,612 The oven door opens and shuts so fast, 518 00:38:01,696 --> 00:38:06,533 you hardIy notice the deff thrust of a spoon as she dips into a casseroIe, 519 00:38:06,618 --> 00:38:08,619 and up to her mouth for a taste check 520 00:38:08,703 --> 00:38:11,872 Like a perfectIy-timed doubIe beat on the drums. 521 00:38:12,040 --> 00:38:14,208 Then with her bare fingers, 522 00:38:14,292 --> 00:38:18,587 she snatches a set of cannelloni out of the pot of boiIing water, 523 00:38:18,672 --> 00:38:19,922 and she cries, 524 00:38:20,006 --> 00:38:23,050 "These damn things are as hot as a stiff cock." 525 00:38:24,636 --> 00:38:26,095 -She said what? -I know. 526 00:38:26,179 --> 00:38:29,765 -Julia Child said, "Hot as a. . ." -I know, I'm shocked. 527 00:38:30,308 --> 00:38:35,562 It's from a letter that Paul Child wrote to his twin brother Charlie in 1 949 , 528 00:38:35,647 --> 00:38:37,898 when Julia was just starting classes at Le Cordon Bleu. 529 00:38:37,983 --> 00:38:41,110 So Julia and Paul, beaucoup, beaucoup. 530 00:38:41,194 --> 00:38:44,363 -I know. Just goes to show you. -What? 531 00:38:44,447 --> 00:38:47,491 You can never tell about a person's sex life by looking at them. 532 00:38:47,575 --> 00:38:49,368 They were so in love. 533 00:38:53,707 --> 00:38:55,666 Hot sauce from a reader. 534 00:38:55,750 --> 00:39:00,254 And today I had 1 2 comments from readers, and I didn't know any of them. 535 00:39:01,631 --> 00:39:04,550 Thanks to all my faithfuI readers for this Ioot. 536 00:39:04,634 --> 00:39:08,345 I have now completed 65 recipes in 47 days. 537 00:39:14,686 --> 00:39:18,397 On track with 1 03 recipes in just over two months. 538 00:39:18,481 --> 00:39:19,523 Looks like a cupcake. 539 00:39:19,607 --> 00:39:21,859 Lobster thermidor is coming up, 540 00:39:21,943 --> 00:39:26,280 and I am going to have to murder and dismember a crustacean. 541 00:39:26,656 --> 00:39:28,615 How will I ever do this? 542 00:39:29,075 --> 00:39:31,702 Last night our sIeep machine, the one we have by our bed 543 00:39:31,786 --> 00:39:35,039 to drown out the noise of freight trucks rumbIing past our apartment, 544 00:39:35,123 --> 00:39:37,875 was speaking to me. And it was saying, 545 00:39:37,959 --> 00:39:39,543 "Lobster killer. 546 00:39:40,336 --> 00:39:43,338 "Lobster killer, lobster killer, lobster killer." 547 00:39:45,383 --> 00:39:48,218 One of my readers said that if you put lobsters in the freezer, 548 00:39:48,303 --> 00:39:50,179 it sort of numbs them. 549 00:39:56,728 --> 00:39:59,897 Then I got another comment that said, "Man up, kill the damn lobster. 550 00:39:59,981 --> 00:40:02,232 "Just take a knife and do it." 551 00:40:07,614 --> 00:40:09,114 It's alive! 552 00:40:09,199 --> 00:40:10,407 Eric. 553 00:40:15,747 --> 00:40:17,081 Oh, God. 554 00:40:18,750 --> 00:40:21,168 "A note on dealing with live lobsters. 555 00:40:21,252 --> 00:40:25,005 "If you object to steaming a live lobster," yes, 556 00:40:25,090 --> 00:40:29,051 "plunge the point of the knife into the head between the eyes." 557 00:40:30,345 --> 00:40:33,388 Oh, Julia, you make it sound so simple. 558 00:40:33,473 --> 00:40:35,057 Lobster killer. 559 00:40:35,391 --> 00:40:39,186 Eric. 560 00:40:39,270 --> 00:40:41,021 Get out of here. 561 00:40:41,356 --> 00:40:44,441 I don't need you at all. You are completely useless. 562 00:40:44,526 --> 00:40:48,779 I'm just gonna throw them into the water 563 00:40:48,863 --> 00:40:52,157 and put the lid on and that will be that. 564 00:40:52,242 --> 00:40:54,493 Fine. 565 00:40:58,123 --> 00:40:59,331 Hello. 566 00:41:00,208 --> 00:41:01,416 Goodbye. 567 00:41:04,045 --> 00:41:11,510 I'm sorry. 568 00:41:28,611 --> 00:41:29,903 You okay? 569 00:41:31,948 --> 00:41:33,240 Okay. 570 00:41:35,618 --> 00:41:37,244 Okay. All right. 571 00:41:38,746 --> 00:41:40,372 All right, boys. 572 00:41:40,915 --> 00:41:43,208 There's a new sheriff in town. 573 00:41:45,837 --> 00:41:50,799 Lobster killer. 574 00:41:56,973 --> 00:41:58,557 Under control. 575 00:41:58,933 --> 00:42:00,559 You are a saint. 576 00:42:01,519 --> 00:42:04,563 Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 577 00:42:04,647 --> 00:42:06,773 -Thank you. -You're welcome. 578 00:42:10,486 --> 00:42:11,695 -I can't. I can't. -You can. 579 00:42:11,779 --> 00:42:13,906 -No, I can't. I have a lot to do. -You can. 580 00:42:13,990 --> 00:42:15,115 -Eric, I can't. -I'm good. 581 00:42:15,200 --> 00:42:16,283 -Eric. -Just give me one more, give me one more. 582 00:42:16,367 --> 00:42:19,953 -Just one more. -Fine. Go, I have so much to do. Get! 583 00:42:20,038 --> 00:42:21,288 Out! 584 00:42:25,168 --> 00:42:27,211 -Hey, thank you so much. -Hey, man. How you doing? 585 00:42:27,295 --> 00:42:28,378 Happy birthday. 586 00:42:28,463 --> 00:42:29,630 Yeah, terrific. Good to see you. 587 00:42:29,714 --> 00:42:32,090 -Cake. -Cake. Brother-in-law. 588 00:42:32,175 --> 00:42:33,884 -Love you so much. -Hey, man. 589 00:42:33,968 --> 00:42:35,427 Hi, hi, hi, hi. 590 00:42:35,511 --> 00:42:38,680 Bon appétit. 591 00:42:40,308 --> 00:42:41,642 Happy birthday, Julie. 592 00:42:41,726 --> 00:42:43,769 -Happy birthday. -Hi ! Thanks, sweetheart. 593 00:42:43,853 --> 00:42:46,897 Oh, thanks for coming all out here. Hey, you. 594 00:42:48,149 --> 00:42:51,235 Here's an incredible thing. When Julia and Paul met, she was a virgin. 595 00:42:51,319 --> 00:42:52,694 -Really? -Wow . 596 00:42:52,779 --> 00:42:55,155 She was, like, practically 40 . 597 00:42:55,240 --> 00:42:57,324 -You serious? -How does anyone even know that? 598 00:42:57,408 --> 00:43:00,494 There were all these letters that Julia wrote to her friend Avis De Voto. 599 00:43:00,578 --> 00:43:04,289 And Paul wrote to his brother, and no one threw anything out, as far as I can tell. 600 00:43:04,374 --> 00:43:07,417 When they got married, she could barely boil an egg. 601 00:43:07,502 --> 00:43:08,710 lsn't that amazing? 602 00:43:08,795 --> 00:43:10,003 Really? 603 00:43:11,005 --> 00:43:14,466 -Braised cucumbers are a revelation. -This is good. 604 00:43:14,550 --> 00:43:17,135 I'm obsessed with her. I'm totally obsessed. 605 00:43:17,220 --> 00:43:18,470 She's totally obsessed. 606 00:43:18,554 --> 00:43:20,847 Well, it's good that you are, because this is amazing. 607 00:43:20,932 --> 00:43:22,474 Seriously. So good. 608 00:43:22,558 --> 00:43:26,270 Well, savor it, because that's all there is. I mean, lobster, major bucks. 609 00:43:26,354 --> 00:43:29,356 Why don't you put a PayPal thing on the website? 610 00:43:29,440 --> 00:43:31,275 People could send in money if they felt like it. 611 00:43:31,359 --> 00:43:33,277 Oh, yeah. Absolutely. 612 00:43:33,361 --> 00:43:35,279 You have fans, your readers love you. 613 00:43:35,363 --> 00:43:38,115 I do? I have fans? 614 00:43:38,199 --> 00:43:39,950 Yeah, you do. 615 00:43:41,244 --> 00:43:43,996 -Well, I can't ask them for money. -Why not? 616 00:43:44,080 --> 00:43:48,917 l think you should do the PayPal thing. That way we could have more lobster. 617 00:43:49,002 --> 00:43:54,131 -Harder. Get them. Get them. Hey, hey, hey! -Thirty. Thirty. Thirty. Thirty. Thirty. 618 00:43:57,385 --> 00:43:59,511 Happy birthday, sweetheart. 619 00:44:01,806 --> 00:44:03,181 Thank you. 620 00:44:16,487 --> 00:44:18,238 Just like Julia's. 621 00:44:21,075 --> 00:44:23,744 Only hers were probably the real deal. 622 00:44:24,495 --> 00:44:26,246 They're beautiful. 623 00:44:26,331 --> 00:44:28,081 Help you put it on. 624 00:44:31,753 --> 00:44:34,004 Let's give this a shot here. 625 00:44:38,760 --> 00:44:40,218 How's that? 626 00:44:41,471 --> 00:44:42,637 Yeah. 627 00:44:43,514 --> 00:44:45,140 I'm 30. 628 00:44:46,100 --> 00:44:48,769 l thought it was gonna be terrible, 629 00:44:49,437 --> 00:44:53,482 but thanks to you, and thanks to Julia, 630 00:44:53,566 --> 00:44:56,109 it feels like I'm gonna get through. 631 00:44:58,446 --> 00:44:59,654 Cake. 632 00:45:00,782 --> 00:45:02,908 More cake. How do you like that cake? 633 00:45:09,957 --> 00:45:11,291 Hey, you. 634 00:45:13,795 --> 00:45:15,420 I'm going to bed. 635 00:45:22,804 --> 00:45:25,472 Ernie, 53 comments on my lobster blog. 636 00:45:25,556 --> 00:45:26,807 Shut up. 637 00:45:29,644 --> 00:45:31,436 -Julie Powell. -This the person I speak to 638 00:45:31,521 --> 00:45:32,562 if I got a probIem? 639 00:45:32,647 --> 00:45:33,897 Yes, sir. What is your problem? 640 00:45:33,981 --> 00:45:36,525 Too much food, not enough sex. 641 00:45:37,819 --> 00:45:39,111 Eric, that's not funny. 642 00:45:39,195 --> 00:45:41,530 I thought it was pretty funny. 643 00:45:41,989 --> 00:45:43,073 Okay, it was. 644 00:45:43,157 --> 00:45:44,741 -Hey, guess what? -What? 645 00:45:44,826 --> 00:45:48,703 You are the third most popular blog on salon.com. 646 00:45:49,247 --> 00:45:51,456 -I am? -Yes, you are. 647 00:45:51,541 --> 00:45:52,707 l am ! 648 00:45:53,167 --> 00:45:56,253 So I figure for every one who writes in, 649 00:45:56,337 --> 00:46:00,340 there are, I don't know, hundreds that don't. Don't you think? 650 00:46:00,508 --> 00:46:05,262 It's like there's this whole group of people who are sort of connected to me. 651 00:46:06,347 --> 00:46:08,432 They need me in some way. 652 00:46:09,016 --> 00:46:12,853 Like, if I didn't write, they would really be upset. 653 00:46:13,688 --> 00:46:18,233 They'd probably take, like, poison, try to kill themselves. 654 00:46:47,889 --> 00:46:49,181 Julia. 655 00:46:50,224 --> 00:46:51,600 Are you still making hats? 656 00:46:51,684 --> 00:46:54,227 Oh, no, I abandoned it. 657 00:46:54,312 --> 00:46:58,773 But I am ready to graduate from the Cordon Bleu. 658 00:46:59,317 --> 00:47:03,570 I can't get the damn woman who runs the school to schedule the test. 659 00:47:03,905 --> 00:47:07,407 Madame Brassart? Is that the woman you are speaking of? 660 00:47:07,658 --> 00:47:09,409 She is a bitch. 661 00:47:10,661 --> 00:47:12,454 She is, you're right. 662 00:47:12,872 --> 00:47:18,001 l think she's almost the only person in the world I honestly can't stand. 663 00:47:19,921 --> 00:47:22,839 She is not the only person I can't stand. 664 00:47:23,674 --> 00:47:25,091 Do you two know each other? 665 00:47:25,176 --> 00:47:28,011 You should. Julia Child, Simone Beck. 666 00:47:28,429 --> 00:47:30,847 -Simca. -Simca, how do you do? 667 00:47:31,641 --> 00:47:34,601 And this is my friend Louisette Bertholle. 668 00:47:36,771 --> 00:47:39,022 I can't believe you haven't met. 669 00:47:39,106 --> 00:47:42,067 Simca and Louisette are writing a cookbook. 670 00:47:42,860 --> 00:47:45,445 -For Americans. -Really? 671 00:47:46,072 --> 00:47:48,740 Why do you need to take a stupid test? 672 00:47:49,534 --> 00:47:52,577 So I can get a diploma. So I can teach. 673 00:47:53,287 --> 00:47:55,789 You don't need a diploma to teach. 674 00:47:56,415 --> 00:47:57,832 You're probably right. 675 00:47:57,917 --> 00:48:00,710 -Avis says the same thing. -Who is Avis? 676 00:48:00,795 --> 00:48:04,798 My friend, Avis De Voto, who lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 677 00:48:05,132 --> 00:48:06,883 She's very wise. 678 00:48:07,051 --> 00:48:11,346 But I can't help it. I want a diploma. 679 00:48:12,473 --> 00:48:15,141 l am very conventional. 680 00:48:18,688 --> 00:48:20,814 I don't know what to do. 681 00:48:21,566 --> 00:48:26,570 Well, why don't you write to the horrible Madame Brassart 682 00:48:26,654 --> 00:48:27,946 and threaten her? 683 00:48:28,030 --> 00:48:29,614 Threaten her? With what? 684 00:48:29,699 --> 00:48:31,950 The United States of America. 685 00:48:32,034 --> 00:48:33,243 Yes! 686 00:48:33,327 --> 00:48:36,329 Tell her the American ambassador personally wants you 687 00:48:36,414 --> 00:48:38,331 to take the examination. 688 00:48:38,416 --> 00:48:40,500 No, no, no, no, no, no. 689 00:48:40,585 --> 00:48:43,086 l couldn't do that. Heavens, no! 690 00:48:43,170 --> 00:48:46,881 The American ambassador. Hardly even know the man. 691 00:48:47,550 --> 00:48:48,925 Of course you can. 692 00:48:49,010 --> 00:48:51,094 Dear Madame Brassart, 693 00:48:51,554 --> 00:48:54,180 everyone at the American embassy, 694 00:48:54,265 --> 00:48:57,851 incIuding my dear friend the ambassador, 695 00:48:57,935 --> 00:49:03,607 will be very surprised if I'm not allowed to take my examination. 696 00:49:03,691 --> 00:49:05,859 You will write the recipes 697 00:49:06,444 --> 00:49:09,529 for oeufs mollets. Cotelettes de veau en surprise, 698 00:49:09,614 --> 00:49:12,032 et crême renversée au carameI. 699 00:49:13,576 --> 00:49:18,246 Cotelettes de veau en surprise. 700 00:49:19,874 --> 00:49:24,544 l had no idea what veal en surprise was. None. 701 00:49:24,629 --> 00:49:29,966 Cooked it in class. It's a veal chop with mushrooms in a bag. 702 00:49:30,051 --> 00:49:33,219 A paper bag. That's the surprise. 703 00:49:33,304 --> 00:49:35,597 You open the bag, surprise! 704 00:49:36,766 --> 00:49:42,228 Veal and mushrooms, it's just I've never flunked a test in my entire life. 705 00:49:42,313 --> 00:49:47,233 -I am an A student. -You can ask to take it again. 706 00:49:51,572 --> 00:49:53,907 -I can? -Of course. 707 00:49:53,991 --> 00:49:57,077 Meanwhile, you can come teach with us. 708 00:49:59,538 --> 00:50:00,622 Gosh ! 709 00:50:01,082 --> 00:50:04,751 Is it true you plan to teach? 710 00:50:04,835 --> 00:50:08,421 Yes, we're going to teach Americans in Paris how to cook. 711 00:50:09,006 --> 00:50:14,928 Madame Child, I must tell you, you have no real talent for cooking. 712 00:50:15,930 --> 00:50:20,392 But the Americans will never know the difference. 713 00:50:31,195 --> 00:50:35,240 We are, I am sorry to say, entering aspics. 714 00:50:35,991 --> 00:50:39,869 An aspic is sort of a beef-fIavored Jell-O moId. 715 00:50:39,954 --> 00:50:41,621 Doesn't that sound deIicious? 716 00:50:42,164 --> 00:50:44,708 I can't imagine why no one makes them anymore. 717 00:50:44,792 --> 00:50:46,292 You begin with a caIf's foot, 718 00:50:46,377 --> 00:50:49,546 which I am in possession of thanks to my sainted husband, 719 00:50:49,630 --> 00:50:53,550 and you boiI it untiI your kitchen smells Like a tannery. 720 00:50:54,343 --> 00:50:58,388 And then it geIs in the refrigerator and you fIip it onto a pIate. 721 00:50:58,723 --> 00:51:01,725 Which, according to Julia child, is supposed to be easy. 722 00:51:01,809 --> 00:51:06,062 And all I can say about that, no offense intended, JuIia, is 723 00:51:06,814 --> 00:51:08,064 the bitch Iied. 724 00:51:09,358 --> 00:51:10,817 Shit. 725 00:51:14,238 --> 00:51:16,865 -Shit! -How many more aspics are there? 726 00:51:17,408 --> 00:51:18,575 Seven. 727 00:51:19,618 --> 00:51:21,536 No one wilI know if you don't do them. 728 00:51:21,620 --> 00:51:24,748 It's not like there's, like, the Aspic Police or something. 729 00:51:24,832 --> 00:51:26,291 You could lie. 730 00:51:26,375 --> 00:51:28,626 I can't. I just can't. 731 00:51:28,711 --> 00:51:32,756 Julia wilI know. It's like she's watching me. I'm under her influence. 732 00:51:32,840 --> 00:51:36,009 I'm becoming a much better person because of her. 733 00:51:36,343 --> 00:51:39,053 Yuck! The sink! Look at this! 734 00:51:42,475 --> 00:51:45,393 l hate it here! Did you put something down the sink? 735 00:51:45,478 --> 00:51:46,436 You hate it here? 736 00:51:46,520 --> 00:51:49,773 How am I supposed to cook anything in this kitchen? 737 00:51:49,857 --> 00:51:54,152 It's no wonder that my mold fell apart. I don't suppose we have any Drano. 738 00:51:54,236 --> 00:51:56,237 Not unless you bought it. 739 00:51:56,864 --> 00:51:59,449 I do all of this and I'm supposed to buy Drano, too? 740 00:51:59,533 --> 00:52:03,369 Right now, you are so not under the influence of Julia Child. 741 00:52:06,791 --> 00:52:11,628 What if I don't make my deadline, Eric? I'lI have wasted a whole year of my life. 742 00:52:11,712 --> 00:52:14,923 l used to be thin and now I'm getting fat. 743 00:52:15,007 --> 00:52:16,216 -Fat? -On top of which, 744 00:52:16,300 --> 00:52:17,801 I have to bone a whole duck. 745 00:52:17,885 --> 00:52:19,969 -When? -At some point. 746 00:52:20,054 --> 00:52:23,223 -Can you even conceive of boning a duck? -No, I can't. 747 00:52:23,307 --> 00:52:25,099 Of course you can't. 748 00:52:28,395 --> 00:52:31,606 I'm sure you all remember, because it was onIy a few days ago, 749 00:52:31,690 --> 00:52:34,067 that I had a meItdown over my aspic 750 00:52:34,151 --> 00:52:37,821 and vowed to transform myseIf into a better human being. 751 00:52:39,156 --> 00:52:42,867 And then I was trussing the poulet rôti à la normande, 752 00:52:42,952 --> 00:52:46,579 which is roast chicken stuffed with chicken Iivers and cream cheese, 753 00:52:46,664 --> 00:52:51,125 and it fell on the fIoor and the stuffing fell out into a big gooey mess. 754 00:52:52,336 --> 00:52:55,296 So, Iong story short, another meItdown. 755 00:52:55,381 --> 00:52:56,881 This is crazy. 756 00:52:57,258 --> 00:52:58,675 Worse than the Iast. 757 00:53:01,095 --> 00:53:03,263 I can't even truss. 758 00:53:03,931 --> 00:53:07,851 And I cried Like a small, emotionally disturbed child. 759 00:53:08,727 --> 00:53:10,270 I'm a mess. 760 00:53:16,485 --> 00:53:18,486 l got it. I got it. 761 00:53:19,613 --> 00:53:20,697 Hello? 762 00:53:22,700 --> 00:53:24,158 Yeah, who's this? 763 00:53:26,996 --> 00:53:28,371 Can you hold on just one second? 764 00:53:28,455 --> 00:53:32,292 I'm not sure if she's here. She might've stepped out. Hold on. 765 00:53:38,048 --> 00:53:42,051 Hey, it's a reporter from The Christian Science Monitor. 766 00:53:42,136 --> 00:53:44,262 He wants to write about you. 767 00:53:46,974 --> 00:53:48,224 He does? 768 00:53:48,309 --> 00:53:51,394 l should tell him to call back, right? 769 00:53:51,478 --> 00:53:53,688 No, no, I'll take it. 770 00:53:58,652 --> 00:53:59,819 Hello? 771 00:54:01,530 --> 00:54:02,572 Yes? 772 00:54:03,741 --> 00:54:06,075 You want to bring who to dinner? 773 00:54:07,703 --> 00:54:11,080 No, of course, I know who that is. I know exactly who that is. 774 00:54:11,165 --> 00:54:12,832 Who? Who, who, who, who? 775 00:54:14,418 --> 00:54:17,253 That would be great, that would be completely amazing. 776 00:54:17,338 --> 00:54:18,630 Goodbye. 777 00:54:19,340 --> 00:54:22,508 -Who? -Guess who's coming to dinner? 778 00:54:23,177 --> 00:54:24,594 Oh, my God. 779 00:54:26,430 --> 00:54:28,514 To Les Trois Gourmandes. 780 00:54:29,183 --> 00:54:31,017 One for all and all for one. 781 00:54:32,144 --> 00:54:33,186 Yes! 782 00:54:34,188 --> 00:54:37,315 All right. I had such a horrible time 783 00:54:37,399 --> 00:54:41,778 converting these recipes from the metric system. 784 00:54:41,862 --> 00:54:45,698 -Measurements do not matter. -Oh, but they do! 785 00:54:46,700 --> 00:54:49,118 They absolutely do. 786 00:54:49,203 --> 00:54:50,620 This is one of the biggest arguments 787 00:54:50,704 --> 00:54:53,122 Louisette and I had when we worked on our cookbook. 788 00:54:53,207 --> 00:54:55,208 Which is finally finished. 789 00:54:55,292 --> 00:54:59,629 Sent off to the publisher. Soon Simca and I will be famous. 790 00:54:59,713 --> 00:55:02,465 We'll be the next Mrs. Joy of Cooking. 791 00:55:03,759 --> 00:55:07,553 Maybe. All right. Well, let's try. Let's just give it a. . . 792 00:55:08,889 --> 00:55:10,223 Can I help? 793 00:55:15,562 --> 00:55:17,522 Yeah. lt is mieux. 794 00:55:20,025 --> 00:55:24,779 So, yes. They're early. Americans! 795 00:55:25,155 --> 00:55:30,743 Dear Dorothy, your sister, JuIia, is now a cooking teacher. 796 00:55:30,828 --> 00:55:35,081 We have three students who pay $2 a cIass. 797 00:55:35,165 --> 00:55:38,751 BareIy enough to cover the cost of the food, but who cares? 798 00:55:38,836 --> 00:55:43,798 Simca, Louisette, and I are Les Trois Gourmandes. 799 00:55:43,966 --> 00:55:47,343 AIthough sometimes we are onIy Les Deux Gourmandes 800 00:55:47,428 --> 00:55:50,930 because Louisette turns out to have headaches 801 00:55:51,015 --> 00:55:55,560 and doctor's appointments she scheduIes during cIass. 802 00:55:55,644 --> 00:55:57,687 I have a little headache. 803 00:55:59,314 --> 00:56:02,567 You'll meet them both when you come here next month, 804 00:56:02,651 --> 00:56:06,362 unIess, of course, Louisette is having a stomachache. 805 00:56:06,447 --> 00:56:11,993 Perfection. And even if it isn't, never apologize. 806 00:56:12,077 --> 00:56:15,329 No excuses! No explanations. 807 00:56:16,206 --> 00:56:19,292 Louisette abandoned us, another stomachache. 808 00:56:19,376 --> 00:56:20,877 And the day before that, 809 00:56:20,961 --> 00:56:25,548 she left class before we even finished making the chocolate Bavarian cream. 810 00:56:25,924 --> 00:56:30,636 I can't believe that's the only time her dentist could see her. 811 00:56:30,721 --> 00:56:33,097 Keep an eye out, we don't want to miss Dorothy. 812 00:56:33,182 --> 00:56:35,558 It's impossible to miss your sister. 813 00:56:39,146 --> 00:56:41,147 I don't see her! 814 00:56:43,650 --> 00:56:46,486 -There she is. -Dorothy! 815 00:56:51,575 --> 00:56:54,660 Hi, Julia! I missed you ! 816 00:56:54,745 --> 00:56:56,079 So good to see. . . 817 00:56:56,163 --> 00:56:58,081 -Paul ! -Hi. Hi, sweetie. 818 00:56:58,165 --> 00:57:01,876 I've had an adventure on the ocean liner! 819 00:57:01,960 --> 00:57:05,088 -I didn't get sick once! -Good girl ! How about your legs? 820 00:57:05,172 --> 00:57:08,341 People were dropping like flies all around me! 821 00:57:10,886 --> 00:57:13,679 -Look. -Oh, my goodness. 822 00:57:13,764 --> 00:57:15,431 Look at that. 823 00:57:17,267 --> 00:57:23,564 All I think about all day is food and then I dream about it all night. 824 00:57:24,525 --> 00:57:26,317 lt is true, she's obsessed. 825 00:57:26,401 --> 00:57:29,070 If I didn't sit in the kitchen, I'd never see her. 826 00:57:29,196 --> 00:57:34,158 Last week, I dreamed that l made cassoulet for Dad, 827 00:57:34,701 --> 00:57:37,120 and he hated it, of course. 828 00:57:37,204 --> 00:57:39,622 He doesn't understand any of this. 829 00:57:39,706 --> 00:57:41,541 l almost feel sorry for him. 830 00:57:41,625 --> 00:57:44,710 He wanted so much for us to stay in Pasadena, 831 00:57:44,795 --> 00:57:47,630 marry Republicans, and breed like rabbits. 832 00:57:48,048 --> 00:57:50,675 -Why didn't we? -Too tall. 833 00:57:50,759 --> 00:57:52,468 Let's face it, it's true. 834 00:57:52,553 --> 00:57:55,304 From the beginning, you just don't fit in. Literally. 835 00:57:55,389 --> 00:57:58,182 -So then you don't. -I know, it's true. 836 00:57:58,267 --> 00:58:01,310 Do not bait Father about politics when he comes. 837 00:58:01,395 --> 00:58:03,813 -No. -Or he won't pick up the check. 838 00:58:03,897 --> 00:58:06,941 -He won't, will he? -I can't make any promises. 839 00:58:07,025 --> 00:58:09,986 -He loves Senator McCarthy. -Oh, I know. 840 00:58:10,070 --> 00:58:11,237 -Pasadena. -Pasadena. 841 00:58:11,321 --> 00:58:12,405 Jinx. 842 00:58:20,205 --> 00:58:22,248 Dort, do you have. . . You have the Brie. 843 00:58:22,332 --> 00:58:23,958 -Is this the Brie? -Yes. Yes, that's the Brie. 844 00:58:24,042 --> 00:58:27,044 Is that not the most wonderful cheese you ever had in your life? 845 00:58:27,129 --> 00:58:28,963 -Yes! -Yes. 846 00:58:29,047 --> 00:58:30,715 The answer's yes. 847 00:58:34,970 --> 00:58:40,224 l got the chef at Chez la Mère Michel to give me the recipe for beurre blanc. 848 00:58:40,309 --> 00:58:42,643 Beurre bIanc. What's beurre bIanc? 849 00:58:42,728 --> 00:58:46,397 -Butter in a white wine vinegar reduction. -I love butter. 850 00:58:47,232 --> 00:58:49,400 You whisk them together, 851 00:58:49,484 --> 00:58:54,155 and the acid in the vinegar works on the milk solids in the butter 852 00:58:54,239 --> 00:58:57,366 so that the butter, instead of melting, becomes this 853 00:58:57,451 --> 00:59:00,536 creamy, light, frothy, 854 00:59:00,621 --> 00:59:04,457 with kind of a fantastic subtle kind of. . . 855 00:59:05,125 --> 00:59:06,292 Tangy. 856 00:59:07,127 --> 00:59:08,878 lt has a tanginess. 857 00:59:09,504 --> 00:59:10,880 Tanginess? 858 00:59:11,131 --> 00:59:12,298 Yes. 859 00:59:13,300 --> 00:59:14,800 Well, that's. . . 860 00:59:16,762 --> 00:59:18,554 That's who I married. 861 00:59:19,431 --> 00:59:21,224 Anyway, 862 00:59:21,308 --> 00:59:25,978 you serve it on fish and it's splendid. I'm going to make it for you. 863 00:59:26,063 --> 00:59:27,772 -That'll be divine. -Yeah. 864 00:59:27,856 --> 00:59:30,358 And, Dort, we're going to throw you a party. 865 00:59:31,818 --> 00:59:34,445 -Really? -Very exciting. 866 00:59:34,529 --> 00:59:37,740 By the way, there's a man that I want to introduce you to. 867 00:59:37,824 --> 00:59:39,575 I think you'll really. . . 868 00:59:39,660 --> 00:59:40,910 He's. . . 869 00:59:41,995 --> 00:59:43,329 Tall. He's very tall. 870 00:59:43,413 --> 00:59:45,831 -Pardon? -Tall. He's very. 871 00:59:45,916 --> 00:59:48,209 -Extremely tall. -I'm extremely tall. 872 00:59:49,336 --> 00:59:51,879 -But he's even taller, so that's good. -He is even taller. 873 00:59:51,964 --> 00:59:53,005 Well, that's good. 874 01:00:04,184 --> 01:00:05,518 All right. 875 01:00:06,937 --> 01:00:08,396 Pretty good. 876 01:00:12,734 --> 01:00:13,859 But not great. 877 01:00:28,625 --> 01:00:31,377 Hello, ladies. Anybody want anything? 878 01:00:31,753 --> 01:00:32,878 Yes. 879 01:00:32,963 --> 01:00:35,631 Help yourself. The tapenade is marvelous. 880 01:00:35,716 --> 01:00:37,550 Julia, there you are. 881 01:00:39,177 --> 01:00:40,428 John ! 882 01:00:41,388 --> 01:00:42,513 There you are. 883 01:00:42,597 --> 01:00:44,724 Now, where is this sister of yours? 884 01:00:44,808 --> 01:00:46,976 She's right over there. Hi, John. 885 01:00:47,060 --> 01:00:48,769 -Hi, Paul. -There. 886 01:00:50,897 --> 01:00:52,481 So we've told her a lot about you. 887 01:00:52,566 --> 01:00:54,859 Well, I don't want to interrupt her conversation. 888 01:00:54,943 --> 01:00:58,446 With lvan Cousins? They just met. 889 01:00:58,655 --> 01:01:02,074 I can't imagine Dorothy running off with lvan Cousins. 890 01:01:40,697 --> 01:01:42,323 Dearly beloved. . . 891 01:01:56,671 --> 01:01:58,506 John, this is lovely. 892 01:01:58,590 --> 01:02:01,384 I've never been to a wedding like this before. 893 01:02:01,468 --> 01:02:02,927 Here, Julia. 894 01:02:04,179 --> 01:02:06,972 -What a beautiful wedding. -Thanks, Pops. 895 01:02:07,307 --> 01:02:10,518 l am not enthusiastic about this marriage. 896 01:02:11,228 --> 01:02:14,730 Well, you weren't very enthusiastic about ours, either. 897 01:02:14,815 --> 01:02:15,981 True. 898 01:02:17,609 --> 01:02:20,194 How are things at the embassy, Paul? 899 01:02:20,862 --> 01:02:23,656 Fine. Thank you, Phila. Thank you. 900 01:02:24,199 --> 01:02:28,911 Well, not fine, really, because they've cut our library allowance by 90%. 901 01:02:29,579 --> 01:02:32,915 lt seems that Senator McCarthy has very long arms. 902 01:02:32,999 --> 01:02:35,418 Senator McCarthy is a man who knows his mind. 903 01:02:35,502 --> 01:02:38,754 l admire a man who knows his mind. 904 01:02:39,631 --> 01:02:43,676 Well, we know lots of people in Washington who have lost their jobs, 905 01:02:43,760 --> 01:02:47,596 after years in government service, for no reason whatsoever. 906 01:02:47,681 --> 01:02:52,351 And Paul had to make a list of every single book in the embassy library. 907 01:02:52,853 --> 01:02:56,230 Surely you're not suggesting that the French government is any better. 908 01:02:56,314 --> 01:02:58,607 -And. . . -Shall we dance? 909 01:02:58,692 --> 01:03:00,526 Come on, dance with me. 910 01:03:00,610 --> 01:03:01,944 Excuse us. 911 01:03:03,196 --> 01:03:06,532 You said you didn't want to talk about it, then you went and talked about it. 912 01:03:06,616 --> 01:03:07,950 I know, I never learn. 913 01:03:49,493 --> 01:03:51,368 Where's my big sprig? 914 01:03:54,080 --> 01:03:56,207 Up here, whipping away. 915 01:03:57,125 --> 01:04:00,961 And for dinner, mayonnaise? 916 01:04:04,341 --> 01:04:07,343 -That's good. -That is good, isn't it? 917 01:04:07,427 --> 01:04:11,472 -Very. From your sister. -I'm going to send this recipe to Avis. 918 01:04:11,556 --> 01:04:13,599 I'm very excited about it. 919 01:04:14,434 --> 01:04:18,270 -I think it's a breakthrough. -Well, it tastes like it. 920 01:04:31,326 --> 01:04:33,118 Dorothy is pregnant. 921 01:04:38,250 --> 01:04:39,291 Paul. 922 01:04:42,212 --> 01:04:45,089 lsn't that wonderful? 923 01:04:47,425 --> 01:04:48,467 Yes. 924 01:04:54,975 --> 01:04:57,977 Okay. 925 01:04:58,603 --> 01:05:00,479 -I'm so happy. -I know. 926 01:05:03,817 --> 01:05:05,025 I know. 927 01:05:06,027 --> 01:05:11,699 If you warm the bowl slightly before you beat in the egg yolk, 928 01:05:11,783 --> 01:05:13,659 it changes everything. 929 01:05:14,828 --> 01:05:19,665 Foolproof mayonnaise. Absolutely foolproof. 930 01:05:23,253 --> 01:05:24,753 l typed it up. 931 01:05:30,802 --> 01:05:34,513 -You disagree? -About the mayonnaise? Not at all. 932 01:05:34,889 --> 01:05:36,807 I'm sure you're exactly right. 933 01:05:36,891 --> 01:05:42,229 Scientific workability. That's my motto. 934 01:05:43,982 --> 01:05:45,149 Julia. 935 01:05:46,151 --> 01:05:47,860 We have a little problem. 936 01:05:48,528 --> 01:05:51,822 -Our editor. . . -For our cookbook. 937 01:05:51,906 --> 01:05:54,325 . . .thinks our book is not in English. 938 01:05:54,409 --> 01:05:56,535 But your book is in English. 939 01:05:57,037 --> 01:05:59,330 They are giving it a rejection. 940 01:05:59,831 --> 01:06:03,667 But they suggest that if we are continuing with it, 941 01:06:04,794 --> 01:06:07,796 we should get a collaborator who could take what we have 942 01:06:07,881 --> 01:06:10,591 and make it work for American cooks. 943 01:06:13,595 --> 01:06:16,096 Would you do it, Julia? 944 01:06:17,974 --> 01:06:19,892 Would I do it? 945 01:06:24,939 --> 01:06:26,023 Yes. 946 01:06:29,110 --> 01:06:34,239 We are now going to pIay a round of "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner." 947 01:06:34,699 --> 01:06:38,786 This Wednesday, I am going to be pIaying host to a distinguished guest. 948 01:06:38,870 --> 01:06:40,120 CIue number one. 949 01:06:41,498 --> 01:06:44,500 The degree of separation between Julia child and me 950 01:06:44,584 --> 01:06:48,003 is about to shrink by a factor of about a thousand. 951 01:06:48,088 --> 01:06:49,129 A thousand. 952 01:06:49,214 --> 01:06:53,300 In answer to your questions, no, it is not Amanda Hesser ofThe New York Times 953 01:06:53,385 --> 01:06:55,928 or Nigella Lawson, or Ina Garten. 954 01:06:56,471 --> 01:06:58,263 But here's cIue number two, 955 01:06:58,765 --> 01:07:01,225 i will be making boeuf bourguignon, 956 01:07:01,309 --> 01:07:04,186 which was the first dish our distinguished guest cooked 957 01:07:04,270 --> 01:07:07,940 upon reading Mastering the Art of French Cooking for the first time. 958 01:07:08,024 --> 01:07:11,360 Boeuf bourguignon. Julia Child's boeuf bourguignon. 959 01:07:11,444 --> 01:07:16,240 Well, since no one guessed my mystery guest, I'm going to have to tell you all. 960 01:07:16,574 --> 01:07:19,284 It's Judith Jones, the editor who's responsibIe 961 01:07:19,369 --> 01:07:22,746 for getting JuIia's cookbook pubIished way back when, 962 01:07:22,831 --> 01:07:26,458 the woman who recognized history in an onionskin manuscript. 963 01:07:26,543 --> 01:07:29,753 She's oIder and probabIy not used to eating at 1 0:00 at night, 964 01:07:29,838 --> 01:07:34,299 which is why I'm being diIigent about this and making the stew the night before. 965 01:07:34,384 --> 01:07:36,135 And as I cook it, 966 01:07:36,219 --> 01:07:40,139 I aImost feeI as if Julia and I are communicating over space and time 967 01:07:40,223 --> 01:07:42,766 on a deep, spirituaI, mysticaI IeveI. 968 01:07:42,851 --> 01:07:46,645 AIthough, mostIy, I'm just taIking to myseIf. 969 01:07:47,480 --> 01:07:50,774 -How long does it take to cook? -Two and a haIf hours. 970 01:07:56,740 --> 01:07:57,990 WeIcome. 971 01:07:58,700 --> 01:08:00,701 I'm Julia child. 972 01:08:01,453 --> 01:08:06,331 And today we're going to make a holiday foast, or les fètes d'holiday. 973 01:08:06,416 --> 01:08:11,253 And we're going to start with haIf-boned chicken or poularde demi-désossée. 974 01:08:11,588 --> 01:08:16,967 Now, first, remove the Iiver and fry it up with some onions for a IittIe snack 975 01:08:17,051 --> 01:08:21,138 or perhaps a deIicious Iiverwurst which you can spread on a cracker, 976 01:08:21,222 --> 01:08:24,349 a Ritz cracker, a saItine. 977 01:08:24,726 --> 01:08:25,934 Saltine. 978 01:08:26,019 --> 01:08:29,605 Or if you have a pet, a cat or a dog, they Love Iiver. 979 01:08:29,689 --> 01:08:31,023 Save the Iiver. 980 01:08:31,107 --> 01:08:33,609 -Save the liver. -Save the liver. 981 01:08:33,693 --> 01:08:34,818 Now, you pIace the chicken on its stomach 982 01:08:34,903 --> 01:08:38,864 and cut aIong the backbone to the pope's nose, Like so. 983 01:08:39,032 --> 01:08:40,491 Crack! 984 01:08:41,785 --> 01:08:44,411 Now I've done it, I've cut the dickens out of my finger. 985 01:08:44,496 --> 01:08:46,914 Well, I'm gIad, in a way, this happened. 986 01:08:46,998 --> 01:08:50,626 You know, accidents do occur from time to time in the kitchen. 987 01:08:50,710 --> 01:08:53,879 We've never really discussed what to do. 988 01:08:53,963 --> 01:08:56,673 First, you must stop the bIeeding. 989 01:08:58,301 --> 01:09:02,012 The best way is with direct pressure on the apron, Like so. 990 01:09:03,264 --> 01:09:05,766 You want to raise your hand over your head. 991 01:09:05,850 --> 01:09:10,229 I recommend naturaI coaguIants, such as chicken Iiver. 992 01:09:10,855 --> 01:09:13,899 Another reason not to throw away the Iiver. 993 01:09:15,026 --> 01:09:18,904 Oh, God, it's throbbing! A tourniquet, that's it. 994 01:09:18,988 --> 01:09:20,781 Why are you all spinning? 995 01:09:20,907 --> 01:09:24,618 Well, I think I'm going to go to sIeep now. Bon appétit. 996 01:10:09,414 --> 01:10:12,291 No, no, no! 997 01:10:23,887 --> 01:10:28,557 Well, it's just a big, dry collection of recipes. 998 01:10:28,641 --> 01:10:31,059 It doesn't work at all. 999 01:10:31,144 --> 01:10:35,355 I'm just gonna have to throw most of it out and start all over again ! 1000 01:10:37,317 --> 01:10:39,818 This has got to be a cookbook 1001 01:10:39,903 --> 01:10:44,656 that makes French cooking accessible to Americans who do not have cooks. 1002 01:10:45,867 --> 01:10:48,160 Who are servantless. 1003 01:10:49,954 --> 01:10:51,496 Is that a word? 1004 01:10:51,664 --> 01:10:54,291 Servantless. 1005 01:10:55,335 --> 01:10:57,169 I think it is a word. 1006 01:10:58,338 --> 01:10:59,630 Julia? 1007 01:11:02,300 --> 01:11:07,554 -What if we had to leave Paris? -Why would we have to leave Paris? 1008 01:11:08,097 --> 01:11:11,141 Because my assignment was for four years. 1009 01:11:11,225 --> 01:11:14,061 So then we still have time. 1010 01:11:14,854 --> 01:11:16,355 Eight months. 1011 01:11:18,191 --> 01:11:23,111 And this cookbook is not something you can finish in eight months. 1012 01:11:23,196 --> 01:11:28,200 No. But two years seems possible. 1013 01:11:30,787 --> 01:11:31,954 Julia. 1014 01:11:34,916 --> 01:11:37,167 What if they transfer me someplace else? 1015 01:11:37,251 --> 01:11:39,002 Would they do that? 1016 01:11:39,712 --> 01:11:40,879 Yes. 1017 01:11:41,422 --> 01:11:43,757 They don't really care about me. 1018 01:11:45,218 --> 01:11:48,553 Paul. Of course they do. 1019 01:11:51,224 --> 01:11:52,891 They don't, really. 1020 01:11:54,560 --> 01:11:56,561 Well, if we can't stay in Paris, 1021 01:11:56,646 --> 01:11:59,815 then I'll just mail the pages to Louisette and Simca 1022 01:11:59,899 --> 01:12:01,483 and they can mail them back to me. 1023 01:12:01,567 --> 01:12:06,196 That's why they invented the mail system and carbon paper and onionskin copies, 1024 01:12:06,280 --> 01:12:09,241 or I can just jump on the train to Paris 1025 01:12:09,325 --> 01:12:14,204 whenever the three of us absolutely have to work together, you know. 1026 01:12:14,288 --> 01:12:19,084 Or the two of us, actually, because as we know, Louisette does next to nothing. 1027 01:12:20,795 --> 01:12:23,755 But we would still be somewhere in Europe. 1028 01:12:23,840 --> 01:12:25,674 Don't you think? 1029 01:12:25,758 --> 01:12:30,637 It's very hard to say, given the current political climate. 1030 01:12:33,391 --> 01:12:36,393 Senator McCarthy does not like people like us. 1031 01:12:37,103 --> 01:12:39,271 Us? Why? What have we done? 1032 01:12:41,190 --> 01:12:44,276 We haven't done anything. That's not the point. 1033 01:12:44,944 --> 01:12:49,698 The point is, we were in China. And that's practically sufficient. 1034 01:12:49,782 --> 01:12:51,950 Well, meanwhile, we're still here. 1035 01:12:52,035 --> 01:12:54,661 -Yes, we are. You're right. -Yes. 1036 01:12:55,413 --> 01:12:57,164 Here's to the book. 1037 01:12:58,041 --> 01:13:00,876 French Cooking for All! 1038 01:13:02,795 --> 01:13:07,924 Or French Home Cooking. Do you like that? Which one do you like? 1039 01:13:08,009 --> 01:13:09,634 I like them both. 1040 01:13:10,136 --> 01:13:16,975 Dear Avis, encIosed is part of our cookbook from the chapter on sauces. 1041 01:13:17,268 --> 01:13:20,812 Naturally, it must not be shown to anyone 1042 01:13:20,980 --> 01:13:24,608 unIess you are sure they are not, never have been, 1043 01:13:24,692 --> 01:13:28,570 and won't have anything to do with the pubIishing business. 1044 01:13:28,654 --> 01:13:31,823 There are peopIe who wouId Love nothing more 1045 01:13:31,908 --> 01:13:35,285 than to steaI this hollandaise recipe. 1046 01:13:37,288 --> 01:13:40,832 We're late! Do you suppose she'll be there? 1047 01:13:40,917 --> 01:13:44,503 Louisette? Of course she'll be there. It's at her house. 1048 01:13:44,962 --> 01:13:47,339 l was making a little joke. 1049 01:13:48,174 --> 01:13:51,468 -What's this about, anyway? -Louisette wouldn't tell me. 1050 01:13:51,552 --> 01:13:53,845 She said it was a surprise. 1051 01:13:54,013 --> 01:13:58,100 Maybe she's dropping out of the project. That would be heavenly. 1052 01:13:58,184 --> 01:14:00,102 -Julia. -Well, it would. 1053 01:14:05,525 --> 01:14:10,320 My friends, this is lrma Rombauer. 1054 01:14:11,405 --> 01:14:13,490 Mrs. Joy? 1055 01:14:14,784 --> 01:14:18,578 The first edition of the Joy of Cooking took me a year to write. 1056 01:14:18,663 --> 01:14:22,749 Only a year? lncluding testing the recipes? 1057 01:14:23,459 --> 01:14:28,296 Well, I didn't really test all the recipes. There were so many of them. 1058 01:14:28,381 --> 01:14:32,551 And then I found a publisher, a small printer in St. Louis. 1059 01:14:33,094 --> 01:14:35,011 How much money did he pay you? 1060 01:14:35,096 --> 01:14:38,515 l paid him. $3,000 . 1061 01:14:38,599 --> 01:14:42,185 -$3,000? -A small fortune. 1062 01:14:42,270 --> 01:14:46,606 But I had a little life insurance money because my husband. . . 1063 01:14:48,067 --> 01:14:50,318 -No! -He killed himself? 1064 01:14:50,403 --> 01:14:51,736 Yes. 1065 01:14:51,821 --> 01:14:55,115 And I thought, "Well, what else am l gonna do with the insurance money?" 1066 01:14:55,199 --> 01:14:57,325 And then, the book began to sell 1067 01:14:57,410 --> 01:15:01,246 and Bobbs-Merrill picked it up, so now I had a real publisher. 1068 01:15:01,330 --> 01:15:03,248 And they gave you some money? 1069 01:15:03,332 --> 01:15:04,541 Absolutely not. 1070 01:15:04,625 --> 01:15:08,170 They swindled me. They stole my copyright, 1071 01:15:08,254 --> 01:15:11,339 and now there's a new edition, and guess what? 1072 01:15:11,424 --> 01:15:15,093 -What? -The index is a complete calamity. 1073 01:15:15,178 --> 01:15:20,056 If you're looking for City Chicken, you're not gonna find it under "C ." 1074 01:15:20,141 --> 01:15:21,349 Really? 1075 01:15:22,143 --> 01:15:24,603 It's under "Drumsticks, Mock." 1076 01:15:25,897 --> 01:15:27,272 No. 1077 01:15:28,441 --> 01:15:30,984 All she wanted to talk about 1078 01:15:31,694 --> 01:15:35,197 was how her publisher had cheated her 1079 01:15:35,281 --> 01:15:38,491 out of thousands of dollars in royalties. 1080 01:15:38,576 --> 01:15:40,911 lt just made me realize this. . . 1081 01:15:41,537 --> 01:15:45,457 Not going to be simple, this getting published business. 1082 01:15:45,541 --> 01:15:47,626 This is from Avis, for you. 1083 01:15:54,675 --> 01:15:56,218 Oh, my. Well. 1084 01:16:00,139 --> 01:16:02,098 What does she say now? 1085 01:16:03,434 --> 01:16:06,603 Avis loves my sauce chapter. 1086 01:16:06,687 --> 01:16:08,772 That's wonderful, darling. 1087 01:16:09,148 --> 01:16:10,315 Oh, no. 1088 01:16:11,776 --> 01:16:17,530 She showed it to someone. Which I specifically asked her not to do. 1089 01:16:17,990 --> 01:16:22,410 She showed it to an editor at Houghton Mifflin in Boston, 1090 01:16:22,495 --> 01:16:27,457 and the Boston editor showed it to the head of publishing and. . . 1091 01:16:27,541 --> 01:16:28,917 Paul ! Paul ! 1092 01:16:29,335 --> 01:16:32,045 Yes? What, what, what? What, what? 1093 01:16:32,922 --> 01:16:34,381 They want to. . . 1094 01:16:35,049 --> 01:16:37,300 They want to publish our book. 1095 01:16:37,843 --> 01:16:39,719 That's great news! 1096 01:16:39,804 --> 01:16:42,264 And they want to give us an advance. 1097 01:16:42,348 --> 01:16:43,515 How much? 1098 01:16:43,599 --> 01:16:47,644 -$250! -No. 1099 01:16:47,770 --> 01:16:51,523 And when the book is finished, $500 more! 1100 01:16:51,607 --> 01:16:53,066 I'm so proud of you. 1101 01:16:53,150 --> 01:16:55,527 The editor loves the book! 1102 01:16:57,780 --> 01:17:00,198 She just loves it. 1103 01:17:04,578 --> 01:17:08,081 "So with the smell of burned stew still in the air, 1104 01:17:08,165 --> 01:17:11,459 "l woke up dying of stomach cramps. 1105 01:17:11,544 --> 01:17:13,003 "l called in sick." 1106 01:17:13,087 --> 01:17:15,797 And went back to bed for several hours. 1107 01:17:16,382 --> 01:17:19,634 Put it in. Put it in the blog in case someone in your office reads it. 1108 01:17:19,719 --> 01:17:23,221 And went back to bed for several hours. 1109 01:17:24,473 --> 01:17:29,019 By noon, I was somehow abIe to straighten myseIf up to a standing position. 1110 01:17:29,103 --> 01:17:30,103 What are you making? 1111 01:17:30,187 --> 01:17:33,148 Bought the ingredients for boeuf bourguignon all over again. 1112 01:17:33,232 --> 01:17:34,316 Boeuf bourguignon. 1113 01:17:34,400 --> 01:17:36,151 Dragged myseIf home. 1114 01:17:37,028 --> 01:17:39,529 And made another boeuf bourguignon. 1115 01:17:40,906 --> 01:17:44,159 And for dessert, a raspberry Bavarian cream. 1116 01:17:45,661 --> 01:17:47,829 By the end of the day, I feIt fine. 1117 01:17:47,913 --> 01:17:49,664 I was cooking dinner for a Iegend, 1118 01:17:49,749 --> 01:17:52,625 even though I'd never really heard of her untiI a few months ago. 1119 01:17:52,710 --> 01:17:55,420 Maybe she'll offer you a book contract. 1120 01:17:55,546 --> 01:17:57,172 What if she does? 1121 01:17:57,631 --> 01:18:02,093 I mean, what would that mean? That would mean I might be a writer. 1122 01:18:03,262 --> 01:18:06,097 How much money do people make for books? 1123 01:18:06,432 --> 01:18:09,601 Like an advance? I have no idea. 1124 01:18:09,769 --> 01:18:12,479 -$1 00 ,000? -Don't even say it. 1125 01:18:21,280 --> 01:18:22,447 Hello? 1126 01:18:24,158 --> 01:18:25,200 Hi. 1127 01:18:27,203 --> 01:18:31,956 I know. I know, I know. lt is here, too. Cats and dogs. 1128 01:18:34,794 --> 01:18:41,049 I know. 1129 01:18:41,133 --> 01:18:42,634 Well, thanks. 1130 01:18:43,469 --> 01:18:44,552 Bye. 1131 01:18:47,640 --> 01:18:49,140 So not coming. 1132 01:18:52,603 --> 01:18:55,855 That was the guy from The Christian Science Monitor. 1133 01:18:56,941 --> 01:18:58,525 It's raining. 1134 01:18:59,318 --> 01:19:02,779 And we live in Long lsland City and she's, like, older. 1135 01:19:03,739 --> 01:19:05,323 It's mortitying. 1136 01:19:05,866 --> 01:19:08,660 But on the bright side, more stew for us. 1137 01:19:09,120 --> 01:19:12,664 Just for once, could you not look on the bright side? 1138 01:19:12,748 --> 01:19:16,501 Yeah. Well, it's not the end of the world. 1139 01:19:18,212 --> 01:19:23,258 l thought, I really did think, I just did. l thought "book contract." 1140 01:19:23,342 --> 01:19:25,468 Me, Judith Jones, happily ever after. 1141 01:19:25,553 --> 01:19:27,804 And then we'd have a little money 1142 01:19:27,888 --> 01:19:31,015 and we wouldn't live over a pizzeria for the rest of our lives. 1143 01:19:31,100 --> 01:19:32,892 How am I gonna explain this? 1144 01:19:32,977 --> 01:19:37,147 My readers are gonna be really upset. They were so into it. 1145 01:19:37,231 --> 01:19:41,776 -Your readers are gonna be really upset. -I never should've told everyone. 1146 01:19:42,278 --> 01:19:43,528 They'll live. 1147 01:19:44,822 --> 01:19:46,156 Somehow, 1148 01:19:47,658 --> 01:19:51,035 your readers will live. 1149 01:19:53,873 --> 01:19:56,166 -Is it bland? -Not anymore. 1150 01:19:57,209 --> 01:19:58,209 Thank you for telling me that. 1151 01:19:58,294 --> 01:20:01,963 You almost let me feed Judith Jones bland boeuf bourguignon. 1152 01:20:02,047 --> 01:20:04,257 This is a nightmare. l told everyone she was coming. 1153 01:20:04,341 --> 01:20:05,717 They will survive. 1154 01:20:05,801 --> 01:20:08,845 And when this year's over, and I cannot wait until it is, 1155 01:20:08,929 --> 01:20:12,474 your readers will somehow get on with their lives. 1156 01:20:13,058 --> 01:20:16,311 -And I won't, is that what you're saying? -I don't know. I have no idea. 1157 01:20:16,395 --> 01:20:19,022 I mean, what's gonna happen when you're no longer the center of the universe? 1158 01:20:19,106 --> 01:20:20,982 That's just great. 1159 01:20:21,066 --> 01:20:24,777 l am finally totally engaged in something. 1160 01:20:24,862 --> 01:20:26,821 Okay, maybe I'm being a little narcissistic. 1161 01:20:26,906 --> 01:20:28,990 A little? On a scale of 1 0? 1162 01:20:29,783 --> 01:20:33,453 Okay, a 9 .3. But what do you think a blog is? It's me, me, me day after day. 1163 01:20:33,537 --> 01:20:35,163 l thought it'd be fun. How stupid is that? 1164 01:20:35,247 --> 01:20:37,499 lt just turns out to be a lot of what you call "meltdowns," 1165 01:20:37,583 --> 01:20:38,625 but they don't feel like meltdowns. 1166 01:20:38,709 --> 01:20:41,503 They feel like I'm living with a totally self-absorbed person 1167 01:20:41,587 --> 01:20:44,047 who writes this stuff for a bunch of complete strangers. 1168 01:20:44,131 --> 01:20:46,841 And it's supposed to be a big adventure, but it's not. 1169 01:20:46,926 --> 01:20:48,676 It's our life. It's our marriage. 1170 01:20:48,761 --> 01:20:52,055 And, here, in this room, it doesn't feel like an adventure, it feels like shit. 1171 01:20:52,139 --> 01:20:54,057 -lt was your idea! -I know, I'm so sorry. 1172 01:20:54,141 --> 01:20:57,644 What the hell was I thinking? And I'll tell you something else. 1173 01:20:57,728 --> 01:20:59,562 l am not a saint. 1174 01:20:59,647 --> 01:21:01,523 -Yes, you are. -No, I'm not! 1175 01:21:01,607 --> 01:21:03,274 -Yes, you are! -No, I'm not! 1176 01:21:03,359 --> 01:21:07,195 And it makes me feel like an asshole every time you say it! 1177 01:21:07,279 --> 01:21:09,531 And do not write about this in your blog. 1178 01:21:09,615 --> 01:21:11,866 -About what? -About this fight! 1179 01:21:13,994 --> 01:21:15,537 I'm outta here. 1180 01:21:34,390 --> 01:21:36,933 -You all right, Julia? -Yes, fine. 1181 01:21:37,017 --> 01:21:39,978 I'm perfectly fine. 1182 01:21:40,688 --> 01:21:44,899 Dear Avis, we finished packing today, 1183 01:21:44,984 --> 01:21:49,195 and tomorrow we Ieave beLoved Paris for Marseilles. 1184 01:21:49,280 --> 01:21:53,700 PauI has been appointed CuIturaI Affairs Commissioner for the South of France. 1185 01:21:53,784 --> 01:21:58,705 I'm having a hard time pretending to be anything but devastated. 1186 01:21:59,039 --> 01:22:01,666 I'm going to go buy some bread. 1187 01:22:01,750 --> 01:22:06,838 The advantage of Marseilles is that it won't have the distractions of Paris. 1188 01:22:07,965 --> 01:22:10,508 So we'll be abIe to finish the book. 1189 01:22:11,635 --> 01:22:13,261 AIthough not on deadIine. 1190 01:22:15,222 --> 01:22:17,515 At Ieast we're still in France. 1191 01:22:21,020 --> 01:22:25,315 Dear Avis, I don't know what we've done to deserve it 1192 01:22:25,399 --> 01:22:27,692 but here we are in Germany. 1193 01:22:28,027 --> 01:22:32,405 Actually in a suburb of Bonn called PIittersdorf on the Rhine, 1194 01:22:32,489 --> 01:22:36,367 which sounds much more picturesque than it is. 1195 01:22:36,660 --> 01:22:40,413 By the way, there is no chance we'll meet our new deadIine. 1196 01:22:40,497 --> 01:22:43,916 We'll be at Ieast two more years. 1197 01:22:45,044 --> 01:22:48,254 MeanwhiIe, PauI has been called to Washington. 1198 01:22:48,339 --> 01:22:50,298 We have no idea why. 1199 01:22:50,382 --> 01:22:54,344 Well, they're going to promote you, finally. They have to. 1200 01:22:54,845 --> 01:22:58,973 Well, I don't know why they have to call me back to Washington to tell me that. 1201 01:22:59,058 --> 01:23:01,476 They could just send a telex. lt'd be a lot cheaper. 1202 01:23:02,561 --> 01:23:04,687 Well, they're going to reassign you, then. 1203 01:23:04,772 --> 01:23:08,191 They'll ask you whether you prefer Paris or Paris. 1204 01:23:11,445 --> 01:23:14,489 It's a possibility. It's not likely, but it is a possibility. 1205 01:23:14,573 --> 01:23:16,783 And if they are moving us back to Paris, 1206 01:23:16,867 --> 01:23:20,495 I can look for an apartment when I'm there next week. 1207 01:23:21,872 --> 01:23:23,456 Good idea, yes? 1208 01:23:24,041 --> 01:23:27,001 l promise I'll call you the minute they tell me 1209 01:23:27,086 --> 01:23:29,837 we're being transferred back to Paris, all right? 1210 01:23:29,922 --> 01:23:31,589 All right. 1211 01:23:32,424 --> 01:23:33,883 -I know, darling. I know. -I think it could happen. 1212 01:23:33,967 --> 01:23:35,551 lt could happen, I know. 1213 01:23:35,636 --> 01:23:36,844 Stay right there. That's perfect. 1214 01:23:36,929 --> 01:23:38,680 -Say cheese, ducky. -Move your hand. 1215 01:23:38,764 --> 01:23:40,598 -Good. Great. -Put your legs together, darling. 1216 01:23:41,517 --> 01:23:42,850 It's very simple. 1217 01:23:42,935 --> 01:23:46,771 We're just going to tell her she should have a smaller share of the royalties 1218 01:23:46,855 --> 01:23:53,027 because it is clear she can't put in the 40 hours a week you and I are spending on it. 1219 01:23:53,112 --> 01:23:55,363 -Sixty is more like it. Eighty. -Exactly. 1220 01:23:55,447 --> 01:24:01,494 -You and I are vaches enragees. -That's exactly what we are. Mad cows. 1221 01:24:01,787 --> 01:24:06,290 But I can't bring myself to say this to Louisette. 1222 01:24:06,917 --> 01:24:10,712 -You're going to have to do it. -I wilI do it. We must be cold-blooded. 1223 01:24:10,796 --> 01:24:13,965 l shall love her much more when this is settled. 1224 01:24:15,801 --> 01:24:20,555 lt isn't that you're not helping to some extent. 1225 01:24:20,639 --> 01:24:22,306 But I am helping. 1226 01:24:22,975 --> 01:24:26,644 lt was my idea to add peas to the coq au vin recipe. 1227 01:24:26,729 --> 01:24:29,522 We know, and that was a wonderful idea, 1228 01:24:30,190 --> 01:24:33,025 but the book has become a magnum opus. 1229 01:24:33,110 --> 01:24:35,153 But we are a team. 1230 01:24:35,821 --> 01:24:39,073 We are Les Trois Gourmandes. One for all. 1231 01:24:39,158 --> 01:24:43,703 Yes, it's absolutely true, Louisette. Yes, it's true. 1232 01:24:43,787 --> 01:24:47,665 And you have been very valuable to the project. 1233 01:24:47,750 --> 01:24:48,916 Thank you. 1234 01:24:49,001 --> 01:24:53,504 But. . . 1235 01:24:55,466 --> 01:24:57,467 l am getting a divorce. 1236 01:24:58,177 --> 01:25:01,304 -What? -Jean-Luc is leaving me. 1237 01:25:03,474 --> 01:25:09,854 I'm so sorry. Louisette. Just forget that I even mentioned it. 1238 01:25:10,522 --> 01:25:13,274 But it isn't fair for Louisette to get the same amount of money that we do. 1239 01:25:13,358 --> 01:25:15,777 Simca, this is not the time to discuss this. She's getting a divorce. 1240 01:25:15,861 --> 01:25:18,029 But she doesn't do the work. 1241 01:25:19,907 --> 01:25:23,284 You don't do the work, so your share should be 1 0%. 1242 01:25:24,161 --> 01:25:25,536 Ten percent? 1243 01:25:25,954 --> 01:25:27,997 You're not doing the work. 1244 01:25:28,207 --> 01:25:29,665 Twenty-five. 1245 01:25:30,042 --> 01:25:31,292 -Fifteen. -Twenty. 1246 01:25:31,376 --> 01:25:33,628 Eighteen and not a penny more. 1247 01:25:34,588 --> 01:25:37,256 And where it says our names, l think it should say, 1248 01:25:37,341 --> 01:25:42,386 "By Julia Child and Simone Beck, with Louisette Bertholle." 1249 01:25:43,263 --> 01:25:45,890 -"With"? -And in smaller type. 1250 01:25:45,974 --> 01:25:47,558 No, no, no, no, Simca. 1251 01:25:47,643 --> 01:25:52,522 Our names exactly the. . . Exactly. . . And alphabetical. Alphabetical. 1252 01:25:57,069 --> 01:26:00,863 But it was not even her idea to put the peas in the coq au vin. 1253 01:26:00,948 --> 01:26:03,991 -No. -But it bothers me. 1254 01:26:07,454 --> 01:26:08,663 For me? 1255 01:26:09,081 --> 01:26:14,836 Dear Avis, we've been through our own version of Kafka. 1256 01:26:14,920 --> 01:26:18,005 PauI went off to Washington, and in my innocence 1257 01:26:18,090 --> 01:26:21,259 I thought it must be because the United States government 1258 01:26:21,343 --> 01:26:24,554 had finally reaIized how vaIuabIe he was. 1259 01:26:25,305 --> 01:26:29,016 Far from it. He was being investigated. 1260 01:26:30,310 --> 01:26:33,938 He spent three days being grilled in a windowIess room 1261 01:26:34,064 --> 01:26:38,901 with a foot-high stack of papers ominousIy sitting on the tabIe. 1262 01:26:38,986 --> 01:26:42,280 They asked him about our friends, our books, 1263 01:26:42,364 --> 01:26:44,949 our China years, our patriotism. 1264 01:26:45,033 --> 01:26:48,870 They even asked him if he was a homosexuaI. 1265 01:26:48,954 --> 01:26:51,831 -Are you a homosexual, Mr. Child? -No. 1266 01:26:53,000 --> 01:26:54,959 l am not a homosexual. 1267 01:26:55,711 --> 01:26:57,795 This is not a joke. 1268 01:26:59,172 --> 01:27:01,048 I'm well aware of that. 1269 01:27:01,133 --> 01:27:06,304 He came home exonerated but thoroughIy bruised. 1270 01:27:06,638 --> 01:27:08,639 Julia, it was a nightmare. 1271 01:27:11,643 --> 01:27:13,477 What am I going to do? 1272 01:27:14,021 --> 01:27:16,981 l feel like my entire life has been a waste. 1273 01:27:17,900 --> 01:27:20,234 -Paul. -I have one more posting, 1274 01:27:21,445 --> 01:27:23,738 then I'll retire and then what? 1275 01:27:27,993 --> 01:27:29,744 We'll figure it out. 1276 01:27:34,291 --> 01:27:36,918 l just don't know what it was all for. 1277 01:27:38,879 --> 01:27:40,171 You know? 1278 01:27:43,508 --> 01:27:45,676 You at least have the book. 1279 01:27:46,511 --> 01:27:48,512 Well, it's your book, too. 1280 01:27:49,306 --> 01:27:50,473 lt is. 1281 01:27:52,351 --> 01:27:54,894 Without you, it wouldn't be a book. 1282 01:27:55,479 --> 01:27:58,689 Not that Simca and I'll ever be done with it. 1283 01:28:00,192 --> 01:28:03,819 -Someday you'll be done with it. -I'm beginning to wonder. 1284 01:28:21,588 --> 01:28:23,464 So to wrap things up, 1285 01:28:23,548 --> 01:28:27,510 at 6:22 Iast night, guess who wasn't coming to dinner? 1286 01:28:28,345 --> 01:28:29,595 That's right. 1287 01:28:29,680 --> 01:28:33,265 It began pouring down rain and Judith Jones canceIed. 1288 01:28:33,350 --> 01:28:35,226 I was utterIy crushed. 1289 01:28:36,687 --> 01:28:37,812 And then on top of everything, 1290 01:28:37,896 --> 01:28:41,315 I had a horribIe fight with my husband and he Ieff me. 1291 01:28:55,664 --> 01:28:59,333 The boeuf bourguignon was delloicus, not that I ate it. 1292 01:28:59,418 --> 01:29:03,629 As for the raspberry Bavarian cream, I am taking it to the office. 1293 01:29:10,345 --> 01:29:11,637 Morning. 1294 01:29:12,931 --> 01:29:14,682 Julie, could you come in here? 1295 01:29:14,766 --> 01:29:17,018 l didn't tell him, I swear. 1296 01:29:17,144 --> 01:29:18,310 Julie? 1297 01:29:23,859 --> 01:29:25,901 -Feeling better? -Much. 1298 01:29:27,946 --> 01:29:31,157 So you burned the stew? 1299 01:29:31,783 --> 01:29:35,453 But that's not why I didn't come to work. l didn't come to work because I had. . . 1300 01:29:35,537 --> 01:29:37,371 Stomach flu. 1301 01:29:37,456 --> 01:29:39,248 Listen, it's a free country. 1302 01:29:39,332 --> 01:29:44,462 But this little thing of yours on the lnternet, I do not want to show up in it. Okay? 1303 01:29:44,963 --> 01:29:48,299 And if you don't feel like coming in to work, let me know. 1304 01:29:48,383 --> 01:29:52,636 Somebody wilI want this job. We're trying to do something here. 1305 01:29:54,681 --> 01:29:56,015 I'm sorry. 1306 01:29:57,559 --> 01:29:59,602 Anyone else would fire you. 1307 01:29:59,686 --> 01:30:01,812 A Republican would fire you. 1308 01:30:02,564 --> 01:30:04,273 I'm not a schmuck. 1309 01:30:10,614 --> 01:30:13,657 I'm in shock. I can't believe it. 1310 01:30:14,034 --> 01:30:18,162 You're like "The Ones." If you and Eric can't make it work, who can? 1311 01:30:18,580 --> 01:30:23,334 All sorts of people can. Just not me because I am a bitch. 1312 01:30:24,169 --> 01:30:26,170 l am, Sarah. I'm a bitch. 1313 01:30:27,422 --> 01:30:29,340 I know. I know you are. 1314 01:30:31,176 --> 01:30:32,927 By the way, Garth and I broke up. 1315 01:30:33,011 --> 01:30:36,597 Oh, God, I didn't even ask. l am a one-way street, just like Eric says. 1316 01:30:36,681 --> 01:30:39,183 It's okay. I wasn't in love with him. 1317 01:30:39,267 --> 01:30:41,602 Do you really think I'm a bitch? 1318 01:30:42,020 --> 01:30:44,438 -Well, yeah. -I know. 1319 01:30:44,523 --> 01:30:46,023 But who isn't? 1320 01:30:47,567 --> 01:30:48,734 Julia. 1321 01:30:50,862 --> 01:30:53,614 I've been thinking about me and JuIia. 1322 01:30:53,698 --> 01:30:57,409 She was a secretary for a government agency and I am, too. 1323 01:30:57,494 --> 01:31:01,872 A really nice guy married her. A really nice guy married me. 1324 01:31:02,749 --> 01:31:04,291 Both of us were Iost 1325 01:31:04,376 --> 01:31:07,878 and both of us were saved by food in some way or other. 1326 01:31:07,963 --> 01:31:13,342 So major overIaps. But let's face it, I am not Julia child. 1327 01:31:14,094 --> 01:31:18,180 Julia child never Iost her temper just because something boiIed over, 1328 01:31:18,265 --> 01:31:21,976 or collapsed in the oven, or just pIain fell through. 1329 01:31:23,061 --> 01:31:26,480 And she was never horribIe to her husband, I'm sure. 1330 01:31:26,565 --> 01:31:28,983 And she never behaved Like, "Who has time to be married?" 1331 01:31:29,067 --> 01:31:32,570 Which is how I behave sometimes, I'm sorry to say. 1332 01:31:32,654 --> 01:31:36,991 I wish I were more Like her. She deserved her husband and I don't. 1333 01:31:37,075 --> 01:31:38,701 That's the truth. 1334 01:31:39,161 --> 01:31:41,912 Well, anyway, that's the truth for now. 1335 01:31:41,997 --> 01:31:43,497 Yogurt for dinner. 1336 01:32:08,064 --> 01:32:12,443 Hi, you've reached Eric Powell at Archaeology magazine. Leave a message. 1337 01:32:13,528 --> 01:32:16,280 I hated sIeeping without you Iast night. 1338 01:32:17,073 --> 01:32:18,657 Where are you? 1339 01:32:18,992 --> 01:32:20,367 l miss you. 1340 01:32:51,858 --> 01:32:54,902 -Hello? -Honey, is something wrong? 1341 01:32:56,154 --> 01:32:57,154 No. 1342 01:32:58,156 --> 01:33:00,157 Why would you think that? 1343 01:33:00,242 --> 01:33:02,743 Are you and Eric having some kind of probIem? 1344 01:33:02,827 --> 01:33:04,078 Of course not. 1345 01:33:04,162 --> 01:33:06,997 -Is he there and you can't taIk? -He's not here. 1346 01:33:07,082 --> 01:33:11,043 I just read your bIog, and it was strange and uncharacteristically thoughtfuI. 1347 01:33:11,127 --> 01:33:12,836 -Where is he? -Out. 1348 01:33:14,089 --> 01:33:16,090 He went out to get pizza. 1349 01:33:16,341 --> 01:33:18,342 Have you stopped cooking? 1350 01:33:18,885 --> 01:33:22,513 Just temporarily. Just taking a little break from cooking. 1351 01:33:22,722 --> 01:33:23,931 Well, get back to it. 1352 01:33:24,015 --> 01:33:27,601 It's gonna be good for you to finish something for once in your Iife. 1353 01:33:27,686 --> 01:33:30,604 -Julia didn't give up. -Who says I'm giving up? 1354 01:33:30,689 --> 01:33:33,399 Well, I'm just saying don't. 1355 01:34:21,865 --> 01:34:22,948 Hey. 1356 01:34:25,618 --> 01:34:27,077 Are you back? 1357 01:34:27,579 --> 01:34:29,079 Please be back. 1358 01:34:31,166 --> 01:34:32,833 What's for dinner? 1359 01:34:49,184 --> 01:34:53,979 Well, Avis said she'd be here. Even if we were late. 1360 01:34:54,064 --> 01:34:56,565 Well, if she's not here, we can take a taxi. 1361 01:34:56,649 --> 01:34:58,817 They probably have taxis in Boston. 1362 01:34:58,902 --> 01:35:02,738 She'll be here. Wearing a plaid jacket. 1363 01:35:03,698 --> 01:35:06,158 That's how I'm to recognize her. 1364 01:35:06,534 --> 01:35:10,079 What do you mean, "recognize her"? Has she changed? 1365 01:35:13,458 --> 01:35:14,708 Well. . . 1366 01:35:15,627 --> 01:35:20,130 "Look for the middle-aged woman in a plaid jacket." 1367 01:35:21,007 --> 01:35:23,342 -So. . . -You and Avis have never met? 1368 01:35:23,426 --> 01:35:25,177 We're just pen pals. 1369 01:35:25,804 --> 01:35:27,554 You don't know each other? 1370 01:35:27,639 --> 01:35:29,681 Well, we do. We write. 1371 01:35:29,766 --> 01:35:32,559 But how did you start writing one another? 1372 01:35:34,312 --> 01:35:37,356 That's a long story. 1373 01:35:38,191 --> 01:35:43,654 Avis' husband, Bernard De Voto, now dead, was a wonderful, wonderful writer. 1374 01:35:44,239 --> 01:35:49,326 He wrote an article in Harper's Magazine all about stainless steel knives 1375 01:35:50,328 --> 01:35:53,705 -and how he absolutely detested them. -Yes. 1376 01:35:53,790 --> 01:35:59,795 And so I wrote him a fan letter because he was 1 00% right 1377 01:36:00,463 --> 01:36:02,339 and Avis wrote me back. 1378 01:36:02,799 --> 01:36:05,843 And so I wrote her back. And she wrote me back. 1379 01:36:07,053 --> 01:36:10,472 Well, it's been eight years, I think. 1380 01:36:22,026 --> 01:36:24,445 -Avis. -Julia. 1381 01:36:27,907 --> 01:36:31,243 -My darling friend. -Look at you. 1382 01:36:34,205 --> 01:36:37,207 Brilliant friend. Bless you. 1383 01:36:37,792 --> 01:36:43,464 This is a very impressive undertaking, Mrs. Child and Mrs. Beck. 1384 01:36:43,548 --> 01:36:45,883 Well, thank you very, very much. 1385 01:36:46,092 --> 01:36:48,510 And your editor loves it. 1386 01:36:48,928 --> 01:36:51,138 I do. I think it's brilliant. 1387 01:36:51,806 --> 01:36:54,766 There's really nothing else like it on the market. 1388 01:36:54,851 --> 01:36:59,855 -The problem is not just the length. -It's 700 pages. 1389 01:37:00,231 --> 01:37:04,776 -Yes, we know. lt is long. -Yes, we know it's long. 1390 01:37:04,861 --> 01:37:10,282 You have 700 pages of just sauce and poultry recipes. 1391 01:37:11,075 --> 01:37:15,454 We were thinking that you could publish it in a series of volumes. 1392 01:37:15,538 --> 01:37:17,581 Volume One, Sauces. 1393 01:37:17,665 --> 01:37:19,958 -Volume Two. . . -Poultry. 1394 01:37:21,002 --> 01:37:22,085 Yes. 1395 01:37:23,213 --> 01:37:29,176 Volume Three, Fish. Meat, vegetables, and desserts. 1396 01:37:29,260 --> 01:37:32,554 That's one, two, three. . . That's six volumes. 1397 01:37:33,264 --> 01:37:34,431 Eggs. 1398 01:37:35,099 --> 01:37:38,560 -Eggs. -Eggs. Seven. Seven volumes. 1399 01:37:39,145 --> 01:37:42,231 But we don't want to publish an encyclopedia. 1400 01:37:42,315 --> 01:37:44,650 l thought this was intended for housewives. 1401 01:37:44,734 --> 01:37:49,154 Yes, housewives want something quick, with a mix. 1402 01:37:50,198 --> 01:37:51,365 Like this. 1403 01:37:53,618 --> 01:37:56,328 But if I may speak for everyone, 1404 01:37:56,412 --> 01:38:00,999 if you were willing to revise it, I'm sure we would all be interested. 1405 01:38:04,587 --> 01:38:08,131 Simca, I am so sorry. 1406 01:38:08,466 --> 01:38:11,385 You just picked the wrong collaborator. 1407 01:38:11,469 --> 01:38:16,306 Yes, I should have worked with this woman, "Baked Alaska in a Flower Pot." 1408 01:38:17,016 --> 01:38:22,271 We'll just take the book away from Houghton Mifflin and find another publisher. 1409 01:38:22,981 --> 01:38:27,693 We have just begun to fight. Julia, your book is a masterpiece. 1410 01:38:27,777 --> 01:38:29,736 What is Marshmallow Fluff? 1411 01:38:29,821 --> 01:38:35,742 And keep the advance, by the way. Keep the entire $250 . 1412 01:38:35,827 --> 01:38:37,744 Don't give them back a penny of it. 1413 01:38:37,829 --> 01:38:43,667 Why did we ever decide to do this anyway? What were we thinking? 1414 01:38:43,751 --> 01:38:45,377 Who can remember? 1415 01:38:46,671 --> 01:38:47,838 I can. 1416 01:38:49,299 --> 01:38:54,553 We wanted to write a French cookbook for American women who do not have cooks. 1417 01:38:54,637 --> 01:39:00,517 So then, that's what we'lI do. We'll just do it all over again. 1418 01:39:01,519 --> 01:39:03,854 And that's that. lt'll be easy. 1419 01:39:05,023 --> 01:39:11,028 It will. The dessert section is done. Thanks to Simca, it is brilliant. 1420 01:39:11,946 --> 01:39:13,280 Thank you. 1421 01:39:13,615 --> 01:39:16,283 I just haven't typed it up yet. 1422 01:39:16,367 --> 01:39:20,871 But that will give me something to do in Oslo. 1423 01:39:52,070 --> 01:39:56,073 Eric, come see the world's most beautiful chicken. 1424 01:40:07,585 --> 01:40:08,794 Naughty. 1425 01:40:15,009 --> 01:40:16,093 Wow . 1426 01:40:17,845 --> 01:40:19,262 Oh, my God. 1427 01:40:22,558 --> 01:40:25,477 lt feels so good. No, I'm serious. I love it! 1428 01:40:26,896 --> 01:40:29,731 l just want to savor this moment. 1429 01:40:30,149 --> 01:40:32,150 The moment when anything is possible. 1430 01:40:32,235 --> 01:40:37,155 The moment that you can just imagine they're going to love everything you did 1431 01:40:37,240 --> 01:40:42,119 and it's going to sell a million copies and change the world. 1432 01:40:43,079 --> 01:40:46,915 Yes. But I think it calls for a great bottle of wine. 1433 01:40:46,999 --> 01:40:48,750 -Don't you think? -Yes. 1434 01:40:48,835 --> 01:40:50,502 What's for dinner? 1435 01:40:54,924 --> 01:40:56,758 What if she doesn't eat pork? 1436 01:40:56,843 --> 01:41:01,430 She's a food writer. Of course she eats pork. You'll be fine. You'll be fine. 1437 01:41:01,514 --> 01:41:04,474 You're right. I know you're right. I'm sure you're right. 1438 01:41:05,309 --> 01:41:07,102 -ls she early? -She's right on time. 1439 01:41:07,186 --> 01:41:08,687 -I'll finish, I'll finish. -Thank you, thank you. 1440 01:41:08,771 --> 01:41:12,816 You are a terrible human being. And very difficult to live with. 1441 01:41:14,402 --> 01:41:15,485 Who is it? 1442 01:41:15,570 --> 01:41:17,654 Amanda Hesser from The New York Times. 1443 01:41:18,573 --> 01:41:19,823 Come in. 1444 01:41:24,996 --> 01:41:27,497 You have such a sense of Julia when you do something like this, 1445 01:41:27,582 --> 01:41:29,624 as a teacher, as a voice. 1446 01:41:29,709 --> 01:41:32,919 I have conversations with her while I'm cooking. 1447 01:41:33,004 --> 01:41:36,506 And I feel like she is there with me in the kitchen. 1448 01:41:36,591 --> 01:41:38,425 She's like your imaginary friend. 1449 01:41:38,509 --> 01:41:39,593 Yes. 1450 01:41:40,636 --> 01:41:42,763 And, of course, she is the person I write for every day. 1451 01:41:42,847 --> 01:41:45,515 Although, I don't think she ever reads it. I don't know. 1452 01:41:45,600 --> 01:41:47,476 I'm dying to meet her. 1453 01:41:47,602 --> 01:41:51,646 I would like to be a bridesmaid in her wedding in 1 946. 1454 01:41:52,690 --> 01:41:56,693 I realize that that would take an inexplicable episode of time travel, 1455 01:41:56,778 --> 01:41:59,613 but that is the sort of thing that I think about. 1456 01:41:59,697 --> 01:42:02,115 We're planning a pilgrimage to Julia's Cambridge kitchen 1457 01:42:02,200 --> 01:42:04,451 in the Smithsonian museum when this is over. 1458 01:42:04,535 --> 01:42:09,247 But first, I have to finish. I have 15 days and 24 recipes, 1459 01:42:10,249 --> 01:42:12,709 and I stilI have to bone a duck. 1460 01:42:16,714 --> 01:42:20,550 I read somewhere that it was bad form to say "yum" while you're eating, but "yum." 1461 01:42:44,492 --> 01:42:48,703 Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, this is Julie Powell. Please hold. 1462 01:42:48,788 --> 01:42:51,915 Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, this is Julie Powell. Can you hold? 1463 01:42:51,999 --> 01:42:53,291 -Yes. -Great. 1464 01:42:53,376 --> 01:42:55,669 -Lower Manhattan Development. . . -JuIie, it's Sarah. 1465 01:42:55,753 --> 01:42:57,587 The Now York Times. I can't beIieve it! 1466 01:42:57,672 --> 01:43:00,799 I know. I know, I know, I know, I know. Can I call you back? 1467 01:43:00,883 --> 01:43:02,592 I have to call you back. Hold on. 1468 01:43:02,677 --> 01:43:05,011 Hello, this is Julie Powell. How can I help you? 1469 01:43:07,473 --> 01:43:09,474 -Hi. -Hey. 1470 01:43:10,852 --> 01:43:13,728 Guess what? Messages on machine? 1471 01:43:15,106 --> 01:43:16,523 Sixty-five. 1472 01:43:16,941 --> 01:43:19,317 -Sixty-five? -Sixty-five. 1473 01:43:24,365 --> 01:43:28,368 If this is the JuIie Powell in this morning's New York Times, this is Judy CIain. 1474 01:43:28,452 --> 01:43:30,871 I'm an editor at LittIe Brown and I wanted to taIk to you about 1475 01:43:30,955 --> 01:43:33,206 whether you were interested in writing a book. 1476 01:43:33,291 --> 01:43:38,086 You can call me at (21 2) 049-0067 . 1477 01:43:39,839 --> 01:43:42,257 Hi, this is Sarah ChaIfant. I am a Iiterary agent. 1478 01:43:42,341 --> 01:43:43,592 I don't know if you have an agent, 1479 01:43:43,676 --> 01:43:46,845 but I wouId Love to taIk to you about representing you. 1480 01:43:47,471 --> 01:43:51,224 -i'm a producer at the CBS Morning News. -Eric, I'm going to be a writer! 1481 01:43:51,309 --> 01:43:52,976 You are a writer. 1482 01:43:56,480 --> 01:43:59,316 This is Ruth Spungen, i'm an editor at Food & Wine Magazine. 1483 01:43:59,400 --> 01:44:03,570 PIease give me a call at (21 2) 1 57-3245. 1484 01:44:03,863 --> 01:44:06,239 -I have to make a pear tart. -Later. 1485 01:44:06,324 --> 01:44:10,702 Hi. It's Mom. You're in The New York Times! 1486 01:44:10,786 --> 01:44:13,163 I can't tell ya, everybody is calling. 1487 01:44:13,247 --> 01:44:15,916 And Aunt Jessie's cousin Dorrie in AbiIene, 1488 01:44:16,000 --> 01:44:18,251 the one with the husband who won the pie-eating contest 1489 01:44:18,336 --> 01:44:20,045 and is a crossword puzzIe nut, 1490 01:44:20,129 --> 01:44:23,506 they have a subscription to The New York Times. They saw it in AbiIene. 1491 01:44:23,591 --> 01:44:26,092 Everyone is so excited! 1492 01:44:26,469 --> 01:44:28,887 This is Ken Dryer. I'm an editor at Random House, 1493 01:44:28,971 --> 01:44:32,599 and I just read your bIog and it's great. And we'd Love to pubIish something. 1494 01:44:32,683 --> 01:44:34,601 I'm an editor at Bon Appetit. 1495 01:44:34,685 --> 01:44:37,604 Hi, I'm a producer at the Food Network. We'd Love to meet with you. 1496 01:44:37,688 --> 01:44:39,230 -TaIk to you. -We have some ideas. 1497 01:44:39,315 --> 01:44:41,399 I don't know whether you're thinking of turning this into... 1498 01:44:41,484 --> 01:44:42,442 -A book. -A movie. 1499 01:44:42,526 --> 01:44:44,402 -A teIevision series. -A one-woman show. 1500 01:44:44,487 --> 01:44:45,612 -Call me. -Call me. 1501 01:44:45,696 --> 01:44:46,947 Call me. 1502 01:44:50,242 --> 01:44:51,785 Thank you, God. 1503 01:44:58,709 --> 01:44:59,918 Gimlets. 1504 01:45:00,920 --> 01:45:02,420 -Here you go. -Thank you. 1505 01:45:02,505 --> 01:45:04,506 -Hi, this is JuIie. -And Eric. 1506 01:45:04,590 --> 01:45:06,925 -And we are busy cooking. -And bIogging. 1507 01:45:07,009 --> 01:45:10,220 And other stuff, so Ieave a message. 1508 01:45:10,304 --> 01:45:13,306 -You make them better. -I just make them stronger. 1509 01:45:13,391 --> 01:45:15,725 Hi, it's Barry Ryan from the Santa Barbara News-Press, 1510 01:45:15,810 --> 01:45:18,979 and I'm writing an articIe about Julia child's 90th birthday 1511 01:45:19,063 --> 01:45:20,855 and I asked her about your bIog, 1512 01:45:20,940 --> 01:45:26,027 and, frankIy, she was kind of a pill about it so I thought maybe you'd want to comment. 1513 01:45:26,779 --> 01:45:27,946 Hello? 1514 01:45:28,406 --> 01:45:29,739 Yes, it is. 1515 01:45:33,744 --> 01:45:35,245 She said that? 1516 01:45:36,580 --> 01:45:38,456 Julia Child said that? 1517 01:45:42,628 --> 01:45:44,421 Has she read my blog? 1518 01:45:48,426 --> 01:45:51,428 No, I don't really wanna comment. 1519 01:45:52,680 --> 01:45:54,723 But thank you for calling. 1520 01:45:59,520 --> 01:46:01,062 Julia hates me. 1521 01:46:06,444 --> 01:46:07,527 Jule? 1522 01:46:10,281 --> 01:46:11,740 They hate us. 1523 01:46:12,450 --> 01:46:13,491 Who? 1524 01:46:14,326 --> 01:46:15,952 Houghton Mifflin. 1525 01:46:28,382 --> 01:46:31,634 -They don't hate you. -They do. They absolutely do. 1526 01:46:32,970 --> 01:46:35,138 No, they say the book is good. 1527 01:46:35,222 --> 01:46:37,182 But they don't want to publish it. 1528 01:46:37,266 --> 01:46:41,603 Well, they think it's too expensive. They think it's "economically prohibitive." 1529 01:46:41,687 --> 01:46:47,984 Eight years of our lives just turned out to be something for me to do 1530 01:46:49,612 --> 01:46:51,988 so I wouldn't have nothing to do. 1531 01:46:53,449 --> 01:46:54,699 Oh, well. 1532 01:46:55,409 --> 01:46:56,659 Boo-hoo. 1533 01:46:58,913 --> 01:47:00,163 Now what? 1534 01:47:03,042 --> 01:47:04,626 -You're a teacher. -Yeah. 1535 01:47:04,710 --> 01:47:06,211 You can teach. 1536 01:47:07,421 --> 01:47:09,506 Right? We'll go home and. . . 1537 01:47:10,341 --> 01:47:11,841 Where's home? 1538 01:47:12,510 --> 01:47:14,177 Where do we live? 1539 01:47:18,808 --> 01:47:21,643 -Home is wherever we are. -Yeah. 1540 01:47:22,144 --> 01:47:26,231 All right? And we'll work it out. We'll figure it out. 1541 01:47:27,441 --> 01:47:29,776 -You can teach in our kitchen. -True. 1542 01:47:29,860 --> 01:47:31,528 You can teach on television. 1543 01:47:35,157 --> 01:47:36,533 Television? 1544 01:47:36,867 --> 01:47:38,201 -Me? -Yes. 1545 01:47:38,911 --> 01:47:39,953 -Paul. -No, Julia. 1546 01:47:40,037 --> 01:47:43,706 l think you would be excellent on television. I do. 1547 01:47:44,542 --> 01:47:46,042 -Paul ! -I do. I do. 1548 01:47:46,127 --> 01:47:47,293 Don't. . . 1549 01:47:47,837 --> 01:47:50,046 I'm not kidding you. I'm not. 1550 01:47:51,590 --> 01:47:53,842 Someone is going to publish your book. 1551 01:47:53,926 --> 01:47:57,804 Someone is going to read your book and realize what you've done. 1552 01:47:57,888 --> 01:48:00,056 Because your book is amazing. 1553 01:48:00,141 --> 01:48:02,934 Your book is a work of genius. 1554 01:48:03,519 --> 01:48:06,646 Your book is going to change the world. 1555 01:48:09,483 --> 01:48:10,733 Do you hear me? 1556 01:48:12,987 --> 01:48:15,238 You are so sweet. 1557 01:48:17,408 --> 01:48:18,575 You are 1558 01:48:19,827 --> 01:48:21,452 the sweetest man. 1559 01:48:26,250 --> 01:48:27,375 Fuck them. 1560 01:48:32,756 --> 01:48:35,508 Judith, would you take a look at this? 1561 01:48:35,593 --> 01:48:37,927 Our intrepid literary scout, Avis De Voto, 1562 01:48:38,012 --> 01:48:41,556 is friends with some woman who's written a huge French cookbook. 1563 01:48:41,640 --> 01:48:44,267 Houghton Mifflin just turned it down. 1564 01:48:44,894 --> 01:48:48,813 "French Recipes for American Cooks." Terrible title. 1565 01:48:49,273 --> 01:48:50,899 Have fun, Judith. 1566 01:49:24,892 --> 01:49:36,027 Yum. 1567 01:49:37,947 --> 01:49:39,155 Oh, my. 1568 01:49:47,998 --> 01:49:51,251 -Here it is. Of course. -What. . . 1569 01:49:52,002 --> 01:49:54,837 -Who's that? -I don't know. 1570 01:49:59,051 --> 01:50:01,094 Special delivery for Mrs. Julia Child. 1571 01:50:01,178 --> 01:50:02,470 Chilly! 1572 01:50:05,349 --> 01:50:06,891 There you are. 1573 01:50:33,961 --> 01:50:35,586 Dear Mrs. child, 1574 01:50:35,671 --> 01:50:38,172 we have read your superb French cookbook, 1575 01:50:38,257 --> 01:50:42,010 studying it, cooking from it, estimating, and so on. 1576 01:50:42,094 --> 01:50:44,929 And we have come to the concIusion that it is a unique book 1577 01:50:45,014 --> 01:50:47,348 that we wouId be very proud to pubIish. 1578 01:50:47,558 --> 01:50:49,434 Paul ! Paul ! 1579 01:50:49,518 --> 01:50:51,728 What? What, what, what, what? 1580 01:50:52,563 --> 01:50:53,730 Knopf. . . 1581 01:50:54,106 --> 01:50:56,649 Knopf wants to publish our book. 1582 01:50:56,734 --> 01:50:58,735 Is it "K-nopf" or "Nopf"? 1583 01:50:59,236 --> 01:51:01,112 -Who cares? -Who cares? 1584 01:51:01,238 --> 01:51:05,658 They want to offer us an advance of $1 ,500 . 1585 01:51:05,743 --> 01:51:07,076 Oh, my God. 1586 01:51:08,203 --> 01:51:13,166 "We believe that your book wilI do for French cooking in America 1587 01:51:13,250 --> 01:51:17,170 "what Rombauer's the Joy of Cooking did for standard cooking. 1588 01:51:17,254 --> 01:51:19,672 "And we will sell it that way." 1589 01:51:19,757 --> 01:51:21,090 Julia! 1590 01:51:22,551 --> 01:51:25,303 When we meet, which I hope will be very soon, 1591 01:51:25,387 --> 01:51:28,848 I especially wanna taIk to you about the titIe of the book. 1592 01:51:28,932 --> 01:51:32,477 Because it is of the utmost importance that the titIe distinguish this book 1593 01:51:32,561 --> 01:51:35,146 from all the other cookbooks on the market. 1594 01:51:36,648 --> 01:51:40,818 -Is this the way you normally do this? -Absolutely not. 1595 01:51:47,451 --> 01:51:50,703 "Mastering the Art of French Cooking." 1596 01:51:53,582 --> 01:51:54,624 What do you think? 1597 01:51:54,708 --> 01:51:59,712 Well, at this point, I have no idea whatsoever. 1598 01:51:59,797 --> 01:52:02,924 -Julia, that won't do. -All right, then. 1599 01:52:04,051 --> 01:52:05,635 l love it. 1600 01:52:07,221 --> 01:52:10,807 She said "hate"? Julia Child used the word "hate"? 1601 01:52:11,892 --> 01:52:12,934 No. 1602 01:52:13,602 --> 01:52:17,897 But she said I wasn't respectful, or serious, or something. 1603 01:52:17,981 --> 01:52:20,733 How much more serious could a person be? 1604 01:52:21,527 --> 01:52:25,321 Do you think she thinks I'm sort of using her? 1605 01:52:25,989 --> 01:52:28,199 She can't have read your blog. 1606 01:52:28,283 --> 01:52:29,867 Did she read it? 1607 01:52:30,077 --> 01:52:32,245 He didn't know if she'd read it. 1608 01:52:32,329 --> 01:52:35,164 But she definitely had an opinion about it. 1609 01:52:35,249 --> 01:52:39,001 Do you think it's because I use the "F" word every so often? 1610 01:52:39,670 --> 01:52:41,879 Could be. Who knows? 1611 01:52:42,840 --> 01:52:46,426 Look, there's something wrong with her if she doesn't get what you're doing. 1612 01:52:46,510 --> 01:52:48,261 There is nothing wrong with her. Nothing. 1613 01:52:48,345 --> 01:52:50,638 I've spent a year with her. She's perfect. 1614 01:52:50,722 --> 01:52:53,057 The Julia Child in your head is perfect, 1615 01:52:53,142 --> 01:52:56,727 the Julia Child that doesn't understand what you're doing is not perfect. 1616 01:52:56,812 --> 01:52:59,730 The one in your head is the one that matters. 1617 01:53:02,359 --> 01:53:04,235 I'm never gonna meet her. 1618 01:53:05,487 --> 01:53:07,488 But you already know her. 1619 01:53:09,366 --> 01:53:12,618 -Thank you. -You're welcome. Anytime. 1620 01:53:14,204 --> 01:53:17,206 -She saved me. -You saved yourself. 1621 01:53:17,499 --> 01:53:20,960 I was drowning and she pulled me out of the ocean. 1622 01:53:21,044 --> 01:53:22,920 Don't get carried away. 1623 01:53:25,883 --> 01:53:27,592 Julia child began Iearning to cook 1624 01:53:27,676 --> 01:53:30,303 because she Loved her husband, and she Loved food, 1625 01:53:30,387 --> 01:53:32,180 and she didn't know what eIse to do with herseIf. 1626 01:53:32,264 --> 01:53:35,308 And, in the process, she found joy. 1627 01:53:35,392 --> 01:53:38,769 I didn't understand this for a Iong time, but I do now. 1628 01:53:38,854 --> 01:53:40,771 Julia taught me that. 1629 01:53:40,856 --> 01:53:43,566 But here's what Julia really taught me. 1630 01:53:46,945 --> 01:53:47,987 So here we are. 1631 01:53:48,530 --> 01:53:50,740 One day to go and one recipe. 1632 01:53:53,243 --> 01:53:57,997 You may think that boning a duck is an impossibIe feat. 1633 01:53:58,081 --> 01:54:00,166 -And the whoIe procedure... -Nothing is impossible. 1634 01:54:00,250 --> 01:54:04,795 ...can take as Iong as 45 minutes the first time because of fear. 1635 01:54:05,631 --> 01:54:07,256 Don't be afraid. 1636 01:54:07,674 --> 01:54:09,592 No fear, Julia. No fear. 1637 01:54:09,676 --> 01:54:12,637 Take your knife, confront the duck. 1638 01:54:12,721 --> 01:54:15,056 Confronting the duck. You're my duck. 1639 01:54:15,140 --> 01:54:19,393 You make a deep sIit down the back of the bird 1640 01:54:20,270 --> 01:54:25,608 all the way from the neck down to the taiI to expose the backbone. 1641 01:54:25,776 --> 01:54:30,238 And with a small, sharp knife, its edge aIways cutting against the bone... 1642 01:54:30,322 --> 01:54:33,991 I did it. Look at that, Julia. It looks just like yours. 1643 01:54:35,410 --> 01:54:38,788 ...down one side of the bird... ...pulling the fIesh. 1644 01:54:38,872 --> 01:54:43,376 Thread the boned duck on a board, face skin side down. 1645 01:54:43,460 --> 01:54:46,128 ...patting it into pIace. Roll out the dough. 1646 01:54:46,213 --> 01:54:51,467 ...two hours and remove it from the oven and let it cooI for severaI hours. 1647 01:54:51,552 --> 01:54:54,637 lt looks exactly the way it's supposed to look. 1648 01:54:55,931 --> 01:54:58,099 Here you go. Can you grab the plates, too? 1649 01:54:58,183 --> 01:55:00,393 -You sure? -I got it. 1650 01:55:02,479 --> 01:55:03,813 Coming around. 1651 01:55:06,316 --> 01:55:08,109 Here she comes. Wow! 1652 01:55:09,945 --> 01:55:12,655 Thank you. La pièce de résistance. 1653 01:55:13,740 --> 01:55:18,369 365 days. 524 recipes. 1654 01:55:22,416 --> 01:55:25,001 -Congratulations! -Thank you, guys. 1655 01:55:26,545 --> 01:55:29,338 Babe. It's fantastic. 1656 01:55:30,173 --> 01:55:31,465 So great. 1657 01:55:32,676 --> 01:55:34,677 l love it. I love it. 1658 01:55:38,473 --> 01:55:41,517 Eric, I could never have done this without you. 1659 01:55:42,561 --> 01:55:44,270 As someone once said, 1660 01:55:44,354 --> 01:55:47,857 you are the butter to my bread, the breath to my life. 1661 01:55:50,027 --> 01:55:51,527 To my husband. 1662 01:55:52,988 --> 01:55:54,572 l love you, babe. 1663 01:55:55,616 --> 01:55:56,824 Thank you. 1664 01:55:56,908 --> 01:55:58,367 So it's over. 1665 01:55:59,202 --> 01:56:03,956 The project has come to a cIose. We're back exactIy where we started, 1666 01:56:04,041 --> 01:56:07,418 Eric, me, the cat, sIightIy worse for wear, 1667 01:56:07,502 --> 01:56:10,379 sitting in the outer boroughs, eating. 1668 01:56:11,006 --> 01:56:12,798 So thanks, everybody. 1669 01:56:13,133 --> 01:56:14,675 And guess what? 1670 01:56:15,385 --> 01:56:17,219 Bon appétit. 1671 01:56:30,651 --> 01:56:34,403 See how the counters are raised? She had them made special. 1672 01:56:37,699 --> 01:56:40,284 There's her famous mortar and pestle. 1673 01:56:41,370 --> 01:56:42,870 If you say so. 1674 01:56:43,538 --> 01:56:45,289 -Perfect. -Take my picture. 1675 01:56:46,750 --> 01:56:47,875 Okay. 1676 01:56:49,920 --> 01:56:52,630 That's nice. Give me something else. 1677 01:56:52,714 --> 01:56:54,924 Here we go. Talking to her. 1678 01:56:55,050 --> 01:56:56,634 That's good. 1679 01:56:57,386 --> 01:56:58,511 One more. 1680 01:56:58,595 --> 01:56:59,804 Very sweet. 1681 01:57:01,098 --> 01:57:03,641 That's it. That's the one. 1682 01:57:04,434 --> 01:57:05,935 That's the one. 1683 01:57:07,187 --> 01:57:08,604 Just give me a second. 1684 01:57:25,789 --> 01:57:27,498 l love you, Julia. 1685 01:58:23,680 --> 01:58:25,181 There you are! 1686 01:58:27,100 --> 01:58:29,059 That smells good. What are we having? 1687 01:58:29,144 --> 01:58:31,228 Navarin d'agneau. 1688 01:58:38,612 --> 01:58:40,279 Something for you. 1689 01:58:41,612 --> 01:58:46,279 Julie and Julia (2009) 720p.Blu-ray.DTS.x264-METiS.English Upload to subscene.com by ViSTA™-VNHD