1 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:11,400 www.susaav.com 2 00:00:15,000 --> 00:00:30,000 Kalaallisuumut nutserisoq: susaav.com 3 00:00:31,000 --> 00:00:33,630 Moskva, Rusland 4 00:00:44,490 --> 00:00:52,500 Tassami ajortuararpassuit pinerullugit, inuannilu kukkunikka pillugit. 5 00:00:52,770 --> 00:00:55,000 Pingaarneq tassaavoq ... 6 00:00:58,910 --> 00:01:02,000 Tassaavunga Iron Man. 7 00:01:38,740 --> 00:01:42,080 - Kukkuvunga. - Peerukkuit ajunnginnerussaaq. 8 00:01:44,670 --> 00:01:48,950 Tammarusunngilanga kukkunikuullunga... 9 00:02:38,500 --> 00:02:41,000 ARCA NUKISSIORFIK 10 00:04:47,470 --> 00:04:51,130 ... Ornitarput 4500 meter ungasitsigiinnalerpoq. 11 00:05:45,500 --> 00:05:49,884 Stark takutitsinera Flushing, New York 12 00:06:46,240 --> 00:06:52,049 Nuanneq takullusi. Maqaasigassinga? 13 00:06:52,050 --> 00:06:56,199 Paarsigama. Taamaalereerp... 14 00:06:56,200 --> 00:07:04,050 Oqanngilanga nunarsuaq sivisuumik eqqissineqartoq pinerullunga. 15 00:07:07,170 --> 00:07:12,689 Oqarnianng.. sumi mattusimallunga. 16 00:07:12,690 --> 00:07:16,960 Oqaluttuatsialanni imminut nittarsaattunga. 17 00:07:20,360 --> 00:07:26,019 Oqanngilanga Onkel Sam maaniikkunnaartoq toqqissilluni issiarujoortoq 18 00:07:26,020 --> 00:07:33,840 Alutorsarluni paasinnginnakku kinaasoq, ajugaasimaarutigalugit ullugissaarnikka. 19 00:07:38,550 --> 00:07:46,200 Qujanaq, eqqaaniaqinasinga. Ilissi pinngilassi 20 00:07:46,210 --> 00:07:48,539 Uagut pinnata, eqqaallugit kinguaassat. 21 00:07:48,540 --> 00:07:52,289 Kinguaassanut kingornussassat eqqaaginnarpakka. 22 00:07:52,290 --> 00:07:56,409 Taamaammat ukiorsuaq taamanili 64´-mi. 23 00:07:56,410 --> 00:08:00,699 Takujuminarnerpaaq angutini arnanilu nunarsuarmiut toqqagassaat 24 00:08:00,700 --> 00:08:06,759 nukissanik mumisitsisoq tunilluta atorsinnaasunik siunissami ajunnginnerusumik. 25 00:08:06,760 --> 00:08:16,330 Pinnata, taamaammat nipaannanga oqarniarpunga tikilluaritsi takutitsinermut. 26 00:08:18,530 --> 00:08:23,659 Maanna pulaartorput eqqaajuagassaq. 27 00:08:23,660 --> 00:08:28,000 Tikilluaqqusiuk ataataga Howard. 28 00:08:28,500 --> 00:08:33,499 Tekonolgi ajornartoqanngilaq, inuunerinneq, peqqinneq. 29 00:08:33,500 --> 00:08:38,500 Inuiaat oqaluttuarisaanerani siullermeertumik nunarsuarmi eqqissineq. 30 00:08:38,660 --> 00:08:44,299 Suliagullu STARK INDUSTRY-mi tassaaneruvoq siunissaq pillugu illoqarfiliaq. 31 00:08:44,300 --> 00:08:48,109 Tekonologi periarfissaqarpoq inuiannut. 32 00:08:48,110 --> 00:08:49,310 Toqunartoq 200% 33 00:08:52,640 --> 00:08:55,389 Qanittumik teknologi ulluinnarnut akuleruttussaavoq. 34 00:08:55,390 --> 00:08:59,249 Pikkunaannera tammarluni periarfissat allat pilerlutik. 35 00:08:59,250 --> 00:09:05,040 Inuuneq atoruminarnerulerluni. Tassalu Stark takutitsineq, tikilluaritsi. 36 00:09:09,890 --> 00:09:13,219 Takutitsineq takorannersoq takkussimavoq 37 00:09:13,220 --> 00:09:15,439 tamarmillu qaqisarfik qimanniarsaraat, pisinnaanngikkunik ernumassanngillat 38 00:09:15,440 --> 00:09:17,730 ukioq kingulleq. 39 00:09:18,720 --> 00:09:24,799 Maani inersuarmi kikkut tamarmik nunarsuarmeersut peqataapput. 40 00:09:24,800 --> 00:09:26,759 Piareerpit, ingerlavugut. 41 00:09:34,250 --> 00:09:35,180 Sunaana? 42 00:09:42,450 --> 00:09:44,569 Sianerina. 43 00:09:49,600 --> 00:09:53,290 - Assappassuit. - Ajulaanng... 44 00:09:53,300 --> 00:09:55,259 - Peqqillutit aniguivutit. - Biilimmi? Takusassiat kingulliit? 45 00:09:55,260 --> 00:09:57,379 - Biilinut ilaasoq? - Neriuppunga. 46 00:09:57,820 --> 00:09:59,059 - Kinaavit? - Politiit. 47 00:09:59,060 --> 00:10:00,429 - Ajoqaaq. - Nuanneq naapillutit. 48 00:10:01,030 --> 00:10:03,389 - Aqussaanga, ajunngila? - Suminngaak? 49 00:10:02,790 --> 00:10:04,599 - Redcord-miik. - Maani sulerisutit? 50 00:10:04,600 --> 00:10:07,319 - Qinerikkit. - Nanivarma. 51 00:10:07,320 --> 00:10:11,370 - Suniartutimmaa? - Eqqartuussivimmi pisussat. 52 00:10:13,480 --> 00:10:15,729 - Kukkusumut tunniunniarpat. - Aap, uannuunngilaq. - Tigussavara. 53 00:10:15,730 --> 00:10:21,249 Ullaakkut qulingiluanut takkunnissat isumagissagakku. 54 00:10:21,250 --> 00:10:22,999 - Tassa politiijuvutit? - Politiit kattuffianiik. 55 00:10:23,000 --> 00:10:25,549 - Soorunami skilt pigivat? - Kusagaajuk? 56 00:10:29,340 --> 00:10:30,849 DC-mut qanoq ungasitsigiva? 57 00:10:30,850 --> 00:10:33,990 DC 400 km. 58 00:10:34,790 --> 00:10:39,869 Mr. Stark apeqqarissaarneq nangeqqillugu, Mr. Stark, qaa. 59 00:10:39,870 --> 00:10:43,069 - Nangiinnarit. - Akornusersinnaavakkit? 60 00:10:43,070 --> 00:10:46,909 - Ilumoorpa, sorsunnermi sakkussialiortartutit. - Ilumuunngilaq. 61 00:10:46,910 --> 00:10:48,879 - Naamik. - Naamik. 62 00:10:48,880 --> 00:10:50,399 Apeqqutaavoq sakkussiaq qanoq nassuiassanerit. 63 00:10:50,400 --> 00:10:53,749 - Iron Man sakkui - Isumassarsiakka allattugaataanngillat. 64 00:10:53,750 --> 00:10:58,109 - Qanoq nassuiarsinnaavigit? - Nassuiarlugit eqqortumik Mr 65 00:10:58,110 --> 00:11:08,000 - Tassa nassuiaatissara. atortugissut atortut - Sakkussiaapput, Mr. Stark nassuiartariaqass... 66 00:11:08,090 --> 00:11:15,109 - Nalilersorneqarpatalu tassaapp... - Naamik sakkussiaapput Iron man USA-mut tunniuttariaqakkat. 67 00:11:15,110 --> 00:11:17,210 Puiguinnaruk. 68 00:11:17,290 --> 00:11:24,549 Iron Man-vunga atisallu ataasiuvugut, atortui tunniutissappata tunniutiinnassaanga. 69 00:11:24,550 --> 00:11:28,479 Inussiaateqarneq assigaa naalagaaffimmit attartortittagaq. 70 00:11:28,480 --> 00:11:36,330 - Ilisimatuujunngilanga. - Attartortagaq, senator-iunasorisoq. 71 00:11:36,480 --> 00:11:40,589 I am not a weapons expert. We brought in an expert in arms. 72 00:11:40,590 --> 00:11:46,489 I would call Dustin Hammer our main weapons contractor today. 73 00:11:46,490 --> 00:11:50,189 Let it be recorded that I see Mr. Hammer entered the chamber. 74 00:11:50,190 --> 00:11:55,530 And I wonder when it will reach the weapons expert who speaks. 75 00:11:58,640 --> 00:12:03,129 Actually yes, I am not an expert, it's you. 76 00:12:03,130 --> 00:12:06,659 You are the example. Senator, if I may. 77 00:12:06,660 --> 00:12:11,009 It may not be an expert, you know Who was the expert? 78 00:12:11,010 --> 00:12:13,379 Who do you think? Haward Stark. 79 00:12:13,380 --> 00:12:17,869 A father to us. And for the entire military industry Tony. 80 00:12:17,870 --> 00:12:22,219 But it must be clear that no dajar distributed flowers, was a lion. 81 00:12:22,220 --> 00:12:26,089 We all know why we are here in these six months Tony Stark has created a weapon 82 00:12:26,090 --> 00:12:31,769 with many possibilities and he insists it is a shield. 83 00:12:31,770 --> 00:12:36,469 Confinenme He does not say, as we I know cringe. 84 00:12:36,470 --> 00:12:39,219 As I like to feel safe, actually yes. 85 00:12:39,220 --> 00:12:42,019 I would not lock the home. 86 00:12:42,020 --> 00:12:47,429 But never will we live in a world full of threats. 87 00:12:47,430 --> 00:12:50,419 While Mr. Stark does not have the ability to predict. 88 00:12:50,420 --> 00:12:55,580 Thank you, God bless Iron Man and the country. 89 00:12:55,920 --> 00:12:57,829 Very well said Mr. Hammer. 90 00:12:57,830 --> 00:13:02,959 The committee now invites the lieutenant colonel James Rhodes to the camera. 91 00:13:02,960 --> 00:13:04,330 Rhodey "? 92 00:13:10,810 --> 00:13:13,519 Friend, do not expect to see you here. 93 00:13:13,520 --> 00:13:19,369 - Tony, what happens and accept with a vine?. - Ok, I did not believe that. 94 00:13:19,370 --> 00:13:23,809 I have here a full report of the gun Iron Man, compiled by Colonel Rhodes. 95 00:13:23,810 --> 00:13:28,009 Colonel for registration can read subsection 4 on page 57. 96 00:13:28,010 --> 00:13:30,619 Do you request to read specific parts my report Senator? 97 00:13:30,620 --> 00:13:31,870 If Mr. 98 00:13:31,990 --> 00:13:36,109 I was told it was going to testify more comprehensive and detailed. 99 00:13:36,110 --> 00:13:39,499 - There have been changes, I understand Mr. - He tells me to read paragraphs out of context does not reflect ... 100 00:13:39,500 --> 00:13:45,399 Colonel read it I understand. Thank you. 101 00:13:45,400 --> 00:13:46,520 Very good. 102 00:13:47,740 --> 00:13:54,249 Messrs. and not operating in any of the branches Government is a possible Iron Man 103 00:13:54,250 --> 00:14:00,769 RISKS to the security of the nation and their interests, but after I summarize 104 00:14:00,770 --> 00:14:04,439 that the benefits of Iron Man far outweigh its potential RISKS. 105 00:14:04,440 --> 00:14:07,169 - Enough colonel. - And he gives to Mr. Stark in the chain ... 106 00:14:07,170 --> 00:14:11,340 I do not like the idea but would consider became secretary of defense. 107 00:14:12,490 --> 00:14:14,689 If they ask me nice. 108 00:14:14,690 --> 00:14:18,519 Now I want to show the images included in the report if I may. 109 00:14:18,520 --> 00:14:23,089 Forgive me, I think it is premature images reveal that the general public. 110 00:14:23,090 --> 00:14:28,129 Colonel I understand, but if I could give it to us, I appreciate it. 111 00:14:28,130 --> 00:14:31,860 Can we see them? 112 00:14:32,110 --> 00:14:37,529 Intelligence suggests that images in these pictures are attempts manned 113 00:14:37,530 --> 00:14:39,699 copy the Iron Man's suit Mr. Stark. 114 00:14:39,700 --> 00:14:44,389 This has been confirmed by allies local intelligence on the ground. 115 00:14:44,390 --> 00:14:49,700 Indicating that the suits are operating at this time in the world. 116 00:14:49,880 --> 00:14:51,250 Rhody "I may? 117 00:14:53,130 --> 00:14:58,230 Good. I have control on the screen. 118 00:14:58,820 --> 00:15:01,899 The weather is clear. Well let's see what happens. 119 00:15:01,900 --> 00:15:08,080 If direct their attention to Nor apparently screens in Korea. 120 00:15:15,640 --> 00:15:22,329 - He wants to turn it off, apagenla. - Iran. 121 00:15:22,330 --> 00:15:26,049 Here I see no immediate threat Is that Justin Hammer? 122 00:15:26,050 --> 00:15:31,360 When I have seen on the ground. Juston welcomes you on TV. 123 00:15:32,480 --> 00:15:35,840 Now turn to left right. 124 00:15:37,760 --> 00:15:39,440 Why? 125 00:15:42,290 --> 00:15:47,099 I say most have five years and that suit carrier delays 20. 126 00:15:47,100 --> 00:15:50,119 I just want to clarify that the pilot survived the test. 127 00:15:50,120 --> 00:15:52,669 His point is that we have finished, I do not think ... 128 00:15:52,670 --> 00:15:56,019 - And my point is they would have to thank me. - Why? 129 00:15:56,020 --> 00:16:00,729 Because I am his great shield. And it works, we are safe, the country is secure. 130 00:16:00,730 --> 00:16:03,579 They want my property, not the will, but they did a great favor. 131 00:16:03,580 --> 00:16:07,520 I privatized world peace. 132 00:16:09,310 --> 00:16:11,269 What more do you want? 133 00:16:11,270 --> 00:16:12,470 And now. 134 00:16:12,840 --> 00:16:15,579 They want to work with these Stupid asses. 135 00:16:15,580 --> 00:16:17,549 Well Mr. Stark, fine. 136 00:16:17,550 --> 00:16:21,479 We went into cattle, we entered cattle. 137 00:16:21,480 --> 00:16:24,999 - Thanks. - It was a pleasure. 138 00:16:25,000 --> 00:16:28,349 Give me that hand. 139 00:16:28,350 --> 00:16:30,899 My commitment is to the people. 140 00:16:30,900 --> 00:16:36,259 I will serve this great nation in far as I please. 141 00:16:36,260 --> 00:16:41,850 And if something has been proven is that I do always do what I please. 142 00:17:14,810 --> 00:17:17,149 Dad was already awake. 143 00:17:17,150 --> 00:17:21,229 Welcome home, congratulations the opening was a great success. 144 00:17:21,230 --> 00:17:22,859 Like his audience in the Senate. 145 00:17:22,860 --> 00:17:28,760 Again I say that refrezcante is to see in a video with clothes on. 146 00:17:30,500 --> 00:17:36,670 Hey you. I promise I'm going to dismantle and I'll make a tricycle with your nuts. 147 00:17:36,900 --> 00:17:40,279 Tell me how much this day I take nastiness. 148 00:17:40,280 --> 00:17:45,380 2.36 liters to counteract the symptoms. 149 00:17:45,570 --> 00:17:48,130 Check my level of palladium. 150 00:17:48,930 --> 00:17:52,099 Toxicity in the blood 24%. 151 00:17:52,100 --> 00:17:57,810 It seems that the continued use of the suit Iron man accelerated his condition. 152 00:17:58,710 --> 00:18:02,080 Another core is exhausted. 153 00:18:04,490 --> 00:18:06,589 Are running very fast. 154 00:18:06,590 --> 00:18:09,609 I have run simulations with all known elements. 155 00:18:09,610 --> 00:18:13,880 None serves to beneficial owners the nucleus of palladium. 156 00:18:15,000 --> 00:18:18,510 It will end on time and Mr. options 157 00:18:21,860 --> 00:18:26,710 Unfortunately, the reactor that keeps him alive so is killing. 158 00:18:26,750 --> 00:18:29,919 Ms. Potts is coming I recommend you ... 159 00:18:29,920 --> 00:18:31,160 Silence. 160 00:18:33,910 --> 00:18:35,290 Is this a joke? 161 00:18:36,660 --> 00:18:39,109 - What are you thinking? - Yes. 162 00:18:39,110 --> 00:18:40,719 - What are you thinking? - Yes. 163 00:18:40,720 --> 00:18:43,649 I think I'm busy and you angry I do not know why. 164 00:18:43,650 --> 00:18:46,019 Are you resfriadad?, I do not want to get sick. Do not come near me. 165 00:18:46,020 --> 00:18:48,729 Surrender our art collection to modern ... 166 00:18:48,730 --> 00:18:51,589 - Scouts of America. - Scouts of America? 167 00:18:51,590 --> 00:18:54,799 If an organization pays penalty, personally not packed. 168 00:18:54,800 --> 00:18:58,549 But basically yes and no collection is nnuestra my collection I got it. 169 00:18:58,550 --> 00:19:03,059 No, and you know one thing I think I can considering that our collection 170 00:19:03,060 --> 00:19:06,329 the time invested for 10 years healing works because ... 171 00:19:06,330 --> 00:19:07,729 If a tax deduction. 172 00:19:07,730 --> 00:19:10,579 Listen, there are 800 things from which we must talk. 173 00:19:10,580 --> 00:19:12,439 Seriously, we need to talk. 174 00:19:12,440 --> 00:19:15,419 Babas stop wasting time another machine is already doing that part. 175 00:19:15,420 --> 00:19:17,199 It is a waste of time. 176 00:19:17,200 --> 00:19:20,669 I need to use cover your mouth you feel better. Do you mind? 177 00:19:20,670 --> 00:19:22,789 - That rude. - Nothing is more important to expo. 178 00:19:22,790 --> 00:19:27,049 - It's my main concern. - The expo is your ego crazy. 179 00:19:27,050 --> 00:19:31,159 Look at this. This really is art. 180 00:19:31,160 --> 00:19:33,129 I'm going to hang up. 181 00:19:33,130 --> 00:19:34,769 - You want to have it. - I hang. 182 00:19:34,770 --> 00:19:37,659 - Will seek to put it. - You're crazy, this is a complete disaster. 183 00:19:37,660 --> 00:19:40,299 - What did not you understand? - No shares are rising as never before. 184 00:19:40,300 --> 00:19:42,189 - You have to look out for. - I'll give you an example. 185 00:19:42,190 --> 00:19:43,739 - I change the subject. - No, no, no. 186 00:19:43,740 --> 00:19:47,239 You will not remove Parde Newman that wall to put it. 187 00:19:47,240 --> 00:19:50,449 I will not remove it, I will replace with this and see how it looks. 188 00:19:50,450 --> 00:19:53,289 Ok, well, my point is that since signed contracts. 189 00:19:53,290 --> 00:19:55,979 - What are. - Do not say that because I feel that ... 190 00:19:55,980 --> 00:19:58,839 And there are lots of plastic trees that was your idea indeed. 191 00:19:58,840 --> 00:20:02,799 - Already have these people in their hands. - It was my idea, I do not care about people liberal. 192 00:20:02,800 --> 00:20:07,669 It's boring, boring, I warn you I already got bored, do it yourself. 193 00:20:07,670 --> 00:20:09,799 - Do what? - I have an idea, everything is solved. 194 00:20:09,800 --> 00:20:12,549 - You run the company. - Yes, I'm trying manjera the company. 195 00:20:12,550 --> 00:20:14,099 - It was your idea, you have to move forward. - And you do not give me the information I ask. 196 00:20:14,100 --> 00:20:15,399 - I ask you to. - Then I. 197 00:20:15,400 --> 00:20:16,959 - That's what I try to do it. - I need to do so. 198 00:20:16,960 --> 00:20:18,689 - Never are you listening to me. - You too. 199 00:20:18,690 --> 00:20:21,669 I want to give a decision. 200 00:20:21,670 --> 00:20:24,359 Why do not you leave me? 201 00:20:24,360 --> 00:20:26,419 What I drank Tony? 202 00:20:26,420 --> 00:20:27,530 Chlorophyll. 203 00:20:28,710 --> 00:20:34,200 It is official, you irrevocably appoint director Stark Industries executive from today. 204 00:20:36,700 --> 00:20:42,959 Yes, that's it, ok. In fact I've been thinking a lot. 205 00:20:42,960 --> 00:20:47,009 Believe it or not, I was looking candidates. 206 00:20:47,010 --> 00:20:49,899 I tried to imagine who would my worthy successor. 207 00:20:49,900 --> 00:20:53,650 And then I realized that you. 208 00:20:57,620 --> 00:21:00,969 You've always been you, I thought but would have legal problems. 209 00:21:00,970 --> 00:21:03,799 I have the right to choose my successor. 210 00:21:03,800 --> 00:21:06,420 And my successor will be you. 211 00:21:08,520 --> 00:21:11,160 Congratulations. 212 00:21:11,400 --> 00:21:13,569 - I take it. - Just do not know what to say. 213 00:21:13,570 --> 00:21:16,290 Baby do not think. 214 00:21:26,350 --> 00:21:29,700 I'm glad you came. 215 00:21:54,290 --> 00:21:57,610 It is a rich prize. 216 00:22:00,310 --> 00:22:03,540 Please can you come to sign the transfer of power. 217 00:22:03,640 --> 00:22:04,270 Your turn. 218 00:22:11,140 --> 00:22:12,539 - Sorry. - What was that? 219 00:22:12,540 --> 00:22:14,459 They are mixed martial arts. Reciste more. 220 00:22:14,460 --> 00:22:16,999 That's called dirty boxing is not new. 221 00:22:17,000 --> 00:22:20,910 Since boxing, boxing. 222 00:22:21,600 --> 00:22:26,450 I promise that this will be the only Tony time I ask you your company silks. 223 00:22:27,230 --> 00:22:30,139 Sorry, I need you to sign. 224 00:22:30,140 --> 00:22:33,800 Lesson friend, never take away the eyes ... 225 00:22:35,750 --> 00:22:37,000 I'm tired. 226 00:22:37,420 --> 00:22:39,389 - What's your name girl? - Rushman, Natalie Rushman. 227 00:22:39,390 --> 00:22:41,349 - Come in going to church. - No, I think she ... 228 00:22:41,350 --> 00:22:45,409 - If it appears to the court and if I think. - No problem. 229 00:22:45,410 --> 00:22:48,360 I regret very eccentric. 230 00:22:59,260 --> 00:23:00,890 What? 231 00:23:05,070 --> 00:23:08,480 - Can you give a lesson? - Sure. 232 00:23:11,170 --> 00:23:12,689 - What? - She who is he? 233 00:23:12,690 --> 00:23:17,539 She is smart and Natalie is potentially The following sexual harassment claim. 234 00:23:17,540 --> 00:23:20,309 - Keep seeing it with those eyes. - I want to know more. 235 00:23:20,310 --> 00:23:23,949 - Is there anything wrong with that? - And you have excellent assistants waiting to see Tony. 236 00:23:23,950 --> 00:23:26,369 I have no time to be with her or interview, she is. 237 00:23:26,370 --> 00:23:27,730 Only she is. 238 00:23:27,960 --> 00:23:29,699 - You had already boxed? - A little. 239 00:23:29,700 --> 00:23:32,279 Doing Taeboo, in gym or on the street? 240 00:23:32,280 --> 00:23:34,999 How do you spell your last name Natalie? 241 00:23:35,000 --> 00:23:37,300 R U S H M A N 242 00:23:37,310 --> 00:23:38,979 Are you going to search google? 243 00:23:38,980 --> 00:23:41,429 If not let me interview her. 244 00:23:41,430 --> 00:23:47,169 Miss Go but so awesome. Can speak French, Italian, Russian, Latin. 245 00:23:47,170 --> 00:23:51,329 - Latin, who speaks latin? - Nobody speaks latin is a dead language. 246 00:23:51,330 --> 00:23:53,669 You can read here or you can write but no one speaks Latin. 247 00:23:53,670 --> 00:23:56,219 You modeled in Töpler? She modeled in Töpler. 248 00:23:56,220 --> 00:23:59,079 - Well ... - The need is sexy, has it all. 249 00:23:59,080 --> 00:24:02,700 Lesson 1 never thine eyes your opponent. 250 00:24:05,910 --> 00:24:07,040 Feliz. 251 00:24:07,450 --> 00:24:08,779 That's what I meant. 252 00:24:08,780 --> 00:24:10,199 - I slip. - Really? 253 00:24:10,200 --> 00:24:11,880 I'm going. 254 00:24:12,060 --> 00:24:14,859 I saw a technical knockout. 255 00:24:14,860 --> 00:24:19,039 - Mr. I need to press. - You have a quiet strength and eyes .. 256 00:24:19,040 --> 00:24:22,070 A print of his thumb. 257 00:24:23,900 --> 00:24:28,430 - Hey How are you going? - Well almost finished now. 258 00:24:29,160 --> 00:24:32,089 - You're the boss. - Is everything Mr. Stark? 259 00:24:32,090 --> 00:24:36,580 - No. - Yes, Ms. Rushman's all I really appreciate it. 260 00:24:39,190 --> 00:24:42,150 - I want one. - No. 261 00:24:49,580 --> 00:24:52,709 Welcome to the Monaco Grand Prix Historique. 262 00:24:52,710 --> 00:24:56,830 Here is where they will be expectacular competition. 263 00:25:13,670 --> 00:25:15,579 Whatever happens in those 20 minutes is important. 264 00:25:15,580 --> 00:25:17,139 Do you question it? 265 00:25:17,140 --> 00:25:18,599 - Mr. Stark. - Hello. 266 00:25:18,600 --> 00:25:20,889 - How was your flight? - Excellent, I love it. 267 00:25:20,890 --> 00:25:23,129 - Is the photographer for the association. - I issues. 268 00:25:23,130 --> 00:25:24,330 Take this. 269 00:25:24,640 --> 00:25:26,789 - You made me. - How do you forced? 270 00:25:26,790 --> 00:25:29,949 Do not question, she smiles. 271 00:25:29,950 --> 00:25:31,139 That would be good. 272 00:25:31,140 --> 00:25:32,319 - This way. - Thanks. 273 00:25:32,320 --> 00:25:34,829 - You look fantastic. - It is very nice. 274 00:25:34,830 --> 00:25:36,989 And unprofessional, what is the agenda? 275 00:25:36,990 --> 00:25:39,719 - There is a meeting at 9:30. - Perfect bring us want. 276 00:25:39,720 --> 00:25:42,329 - Yes, if you can. - Thanks, please. 277 00:25:42,330 --> 00:25:43,250 Ok. 278 00:25:43,490 --> 00:25:46,180 Mr How are you? 279 00:25:46,560 --> 00:25:47,959 Congratulations on the job. 280 00:25:47,960 --> 00:25:49,329 He is much agradesco Thank you. 281 00:25:49,330 --> 00:25:51,709 - Dilon. - Hello. 282 00:25:51,710 --> 00:25:53,679 The engines are fantastic. 283 00:25:53,680 --> 00:25:54,769 And I am creating an electric Jet. 284 00:25:54,770 --> 00:25:56,010 - So? - Yes 285 00:25:56,050 --> 00:25:57,530 Work on that. 286 00:25:57,560 --> 00:26:00,679 - Hey, Want a massage? - No, I do not want Nataly do anything. 287 00:26:00,680 --> 00:26:02,819 - But I wanted to surprise you with this. - I know Tony. 288 00:26:02,820 --> 00:26:03,590 Do not be so. 289 00:26:04,730 --> 00:26:06,529 "Antony are you? 290 00:26:06,530 --> 00:26:08,609 - My least favorite person. - How are you? 291 00:26:08,610 --> 00:26:11,369 Not only rich here that sponsors a car. 292 00:26:11,370 --> 00:26:14,429 Christine Everhart know of Runity. 293 00:26:14,430 --> 00:26:16,199 - What? - What? 294 00:26:16,200 --> 00:26:17,809 - Yes. - If more or less. 295 00:26:17,810 --> 00:26:20,099 - If you already know. - This is the woman points to her. 296 00:26:20,100 --> 00:26:22,789 It is the new director of Stark Industry Congratulations. 297 00:26:22,790 --> 00:26:26,329 I know, I know, my editor would kill me if you do not interview our number of powerful women. 298 00:26:26,330 --> 00:26:28,289 - If you do that? - Sure. 299 00:26:28,290 --> 00:26:30,669 You know this girl is covering for variaty. 300 00:26:30,670 --> 00:26:32,399 I gave him the opportunity. 301 00:26:32,400 --> 00:26:34,359 - Right? - Yes. 302 00:26:34,360 --> 00:26:36,749 She pinned the year Tony past. 303 00:26:36,750 --> 00:26:40,039 - What part wrote in the article? - And it was impressive, he did very well. 304 00:26:40,040 --> 00:26:41,540 Thank you. 305 00:26:41,640 --> 00:26:43,609 I think I'll go to the bathroom. 306 00:26:43,610 --> 00:26:46,359 - Hey bro How is everything? - I'm fine. 307 00:26:46,360 --> 00:26:48,090 Sorry. 308 00:26:48,320 --> 00:26:49,909 Pose for the photo. Now here. 309 00:26:49,910 --> 00:26:52,799 It is the first time they meet, hear. 310 00:26:52,800 --> 00:26:54,359 Is it the first time they meet in years? 311 00:26:54,360 --> 00:26:56,919 Dredge Since his contract. 312 00:26:56,920 --> 00:26:59,379 - When was delayed ... - It's not what I heard. 313 00:26:59,380 --> 00:27:02,049 What is the difference between delay and cancellation? 314 00:27:02,050 --> 00:27:04,179 - The truth. - No truth is that ... 315 00:27:04,180 --> 00:27:05,459 Why not keep it? 316 00:27:05,460 --> 00:27:09,089 The truth is that I intend to present something that is on your business. 317 00:27:09,090 --> 00:27:12,779 If you invent something that works I'll see if I can find a hole. 318 00:27:12,780 --> 00:27:14,899 - Mr. Stark. - Yes. 319 00:27:14,900 --> 00:27:16,529 Your table is over there. 320 00:27:16,530 --> 00:27:17,469 I have a place this year. 321 00:27:17,470 --> 00:27:20,410 You may need a hole Cristy. 322 00:27:22,260 --> 00:27:26,060 33% of toxicity in the blood. 323 00:27:42,670 --> 00:27:45,880 Any other bad idea? 324 00:27:54,370 --> 00:27:57,239 Tony and I are well. I love this, there is rivalry. 325 00:27:57,240 --> 00:27:59,439 To withdraw from the market was something good ... 326 00:27:59,440 --> 00:28:02,770 And see all there is between ... 327 00:28:03,690 --> 00:28:06,069 But what if you have a race car? 328 00:28:06,070 --> 00:28:09,229 - Then go for a walk. - I ask one. 329 00:28:09,230 --> 00:28:11,200 Well we ... 330 00:28:21,240 --> 00:28:22,970 Nataly, Nataly. 331 00:28:25,280 --> 00:28:25,820 If Miss Potts. 332 00:28:25,860 --> 00:28:28,639 - What is this? - No, she was not aware. 333 00:28:28,640 --> 00:28:30,609 This can not happen. Why act like a child? 334 00:28:30,610 --> 00:28:35,069 - Of course I understand, how can I help? - Where is Harris? 335 00:28:35,070 --> 00:28:38,849 - Out. - Allar need to Harris. 336 00:28:38,850 --> 00:28:39,440 I go for it. 337 00:28:39,860 --> 00:28:43,089 With Tony there is no rivalry or competition, Do you understand? 338 00:28:43,090 --> 00:28:44,739 - Hey ... - I need you ... 339 00:28:44,740 --> 00:28:46,989 - Sorry I read ... - I need to do ... 340 00:28:46,990 --> 00:28:48,789 - What? - I have to make a call. 341 00:28:48,790 --> 00:28:52,200 - Where ... - You are a great person, now I have great material. 342 00:30:34,830 --> 00:30:35,970 My God! 343 00:30:44,050 --> 00:30:44,870 Speeding! 344 00:30:48,570 --> 00:30:49,360 Hold on. 345 00:31:55,300 --> 00:31:57,209 - The portal pages. - Toma. 346 00:31:57,210 --> 00:31:58,969 - Are the keys? - In my pocket. 347 00:31:58,970 --> 00:32:00,180 Beware! 348 00:33:01,450 --> 00:33:02,460 No way. 349 00:33:09,370 --> 00:33:10,110 Are you okay? 350 00:33:11,250 --> 00:33:11,830 Yes. 351 00:33:12,430 --> 00:33:14,219 - Who wanted to kill him or me? - I wanted to scare him. 352 00:33:14,220 --> 00:33:15,399 Hardly the story! 353 00:33:15,400 --> 00:33:17,839 - You're crazy, you're crazy! - Improved security. 354 00:33:17,840 --> 00:33:19,509 I just attacked! I want more security. 355 00:33:19,510 --> 00:33:21,779 - Subete now. - We need more security. 356 00:33:21,780 --> 00:33:27,500 It's a shame. Just gets worse every time ... 357 00:33:27,910 --> 00:33:28,940 My God! 358 00:33:34,700 --> 00:33:37,009 - I have it! - Dale again, give again! 359 00:33:37,010 --> 00:33:39,170 It's your fault. 360 00:33:40,210 --> 00:33:42,730 What I have here what I have. 361 00:33:43,070 --> 00:33:44,549 - Tony! - Give the portfolio. 362 00:33:44,550 --> 00:33:47,050 Give your portfolio! 363 00:33:56,100 --> 00:33:59,640 Please! What do you expect? 364 00:35:26,370 --> 00:35:30,130 You fool, you lost. 365 00:35:34,440 --> 00:35:38,000 You fool, you lost. Stark. 366 00:35:54,430 --> 00:35:58,170 Mr. Stark does not really think this could happen. 367 00:35:58,540 --> 00:35:59,080 So. 368 00:35:59,320 --> 00:36:02,329 My apologies, is rewarded. 369 00:36:02,330 --> 00:36:05,730 Then we'll discuss. 370 00:36:09,830 --> 00:36:13,960 - Thank you, I go alone. - This will be Mr. 371 00:36:27,980 --> 00:36:32,800 Good technology. 2 cycles per second could be improved. 372 00:36:37,030 --> 00:36:39,860 You could double rotations. 373 00:36:42,500 --> 00:36:45,189 Focus recursores at each level of plasma lonizado. 374 00:36:45,190 --> 00:36:49,029 Effective, not very efficient. 375 00:36:49,030 --> 00:36:51,630 But a copy is acceptable. 376 00:36:52,130 --> 00:36:56,479 I do not understand with a little tact You could earn good money selling 377 00:36:56,480 --> 00:37:01,559 North Korea, China, Iran. Or direct to the black market. 378 00:37:01,560 --> 00:37:04,719 One can see that you got friends slums. 379 00:37:04,720 --> 00:37:11,400 You come from families of thieves and thugs. 380 00:37:11,400 --> 00:37:17,469 Like all guilty. You try to rewrite your story. 381 00:37:17,470 --> 00:37:23,519 And you forget about all the lives that Stark family destroyed. 382 00:37:23,520 --> 00:37:26,379 Speaking of thieves, where did you get the design? 383 00:37:26,380 --> 00:37:33,060 - My father, Anton Vanko. - Do not know. 384 00:37:33,840 --> 00:37:36,909 My father is the reason that you vivo. 385 00:37:36,910 --> 00:37:40,690 Today I am alive for your attempt murder and failure 386 00:37:40,840 --> 00:37:41,650 Sure. 387 00:37:44,390 --> 00:37:50,100 If God can make a blood, people stop believing in it. 388 00:37:50,640 --> 00:37:56,370 And there will be a lot of blood in the water. And the sharks will come. 389 00:37:57,410 --> 00:38:04,179 Now all I have to sit through. As the world consumes you. 390 00:38:04,180 --> 00:38:06,299 Where do you see the world consume me? 391 00:38:06,300 --> 00:38:09,439 You already know, the prison right? I will send a bar soap. 392 00:38:09,440 --> 00:38:12,329 Tony Hey before you go. 393 00:38:12,330 --> 00:38:17,100 Palladium of heart, go way to die. 394 00:38:22,990 --> 00:38:24,590 Thank you. 395 00:38:32,240 --> 00:38:35,939 Inconsevible It proves that the genius is out of the bottle. 396 00:38:35,940 --> 00:38:41,159 You have no idea of what makes Iron man believes, is his toy. 397 00:38:41,160 --> 00:38:48,229 I was at a hearing in which the Mr. Stark said that these suits us 398 00:38:48,230 --> 00:38:53,229 there is nowhere, no in others exist elsewhere or elsewhere. 399 00:38:53,230 --> 00:38:57,119 At least 5 or 10 years. Monaco And then we realize that ... 400 00:38:57,120 --> 00:39:00,510 - These suits already exist ... - Silence. 401 00:39:01,650 --> 00:39:05,580 Should give me a medal. To be honest. 402 00:39:08,510 --> 00:39:09,810 What's that? 403 00:39:09,880 --> 00:39:13,230 This is your ... your food. 404 00:39:14,800 --> 00:39:20,490 - And you you prepare? - Yes Where do you think I was three hours? 405 00:39:21,270 --> 00:39:26,950 Tony, why not tell me what happens? 406 00:39:30,280 --> 00:39:33,000 I do not want to go home. 407 00:39:35,540 --> 00:39:39,069 You have to cancel my birthday and I invite you a. .. we are in Europe to Venice 408 00:39:39,070 --> 00:39:42,309 - Or other hand if you remember? - Yes. 409 00:39:42,310 --> 00:39:45,710 It is a great place to linger. 410 00:39:45,880 --> 00:39:49,069 - Come on. - Just do not think it's the best time. 411 00:39:49,070 --> 00:39:52,429 - Because there are problems. - Think it might be a good idea. 412 00:39:52,430 --> 00:39:54,549 - Well ... - And we could. 413 00:39:54,550 --> 00:39:56,499 Being the CEO would to do ... 414 00:39:56,500 --> 00:39:59,689 As Director have all the right permissions. 415 00:39:59,690 --> 00:40:02,009 - Really? - A corporate retreat. 416 00:40:02,010 --> 00:40:04,139 - Just you and me. - That's not something. 417 00:40:04,140 --> 00:40:07,679 You and I, to recharge batteries and think of solutions. 418 00:40:07,680 --> 00:40:10,880 Not everyone works with drummer Tony. 419 00:40:43,580 --> 00:40:44,280 Look inside. 420 00:41:32,420 --> 00:41:33,739 Where you going? 421 00:41:33,740 --> 00:41:35,860 Who are you? 422 00:42:16,720 --> 00:42:21,000 Well, there you are. There you are. 423 00:42:22,550 --> 00:42:26,440 This one is a real pleasure. Welcome. 424 00:42:26,870 --> 00:42:31,080 And these wives what they are doing there quítenselas please. 425 00:42:31,270 --> 00:42:33,159 Forgive me for that. 426 00:42:33,160 --> 00:42:38,429 I am a fan of yours, would not spotting our first meeting as well. 427 00:42:38,430 --> 00:42:40,769 It is not an animal, what happens? 428 00:42:40,770 --> 00:42:44,979 - It's a human being. - Thanks. 429 00:42:44,980 --> 00:42:48,990 - Go. - Are we going? 430 00:42:52,000 --> 00:42:52,520 Yeah, yeah. 431 00:42:52,660 --> 00:42:53,700 All right. 432 00:42:53,870 --> 00:42:56,139 My name is Justin Hammer I want to do business with you. 433 00:42:56,140 --> 00:42:58,830 Please sit down. 434 00:43:00,200 --> 00:43:02,119 To eat. What we have today Jack? 435 00:43:02,120 --> 00:43:06,430 - We carpaccio of salmon. - Carpaccio of salmon. 436 00:43:07,420 --> 00:43:10,359 What pleases you, here it is. I GUSD dessert first. 437 00:43:10,360 --> 00:43:14,939 I sent him to bring San Francisco. He's Italian. 438 00:43:14,940 --> 00:43:17,809 Organic ice cream, I always I've just. 439 00:43:17,810 --> 00:43:21,540 To you I would do it Tony Stark. 440 00:43:22,700 --> 00:43:26,409 What I want to ask Tony Stark such as race and you stood in front 441 00:43:26,410 --> 00:43:30,469 God and everybody. He was of ... wow. 442 00:43:30,470 --> 00:43:34,499 As you sent her a message. I know you know that you listen. 443 00:43:34,500 --> 00:43:38,389 So you could not enviarna further and wasting your talent. 444 00:43:38,390 --> 00:43:43,089 If you let me make a suggestion one comes to the office and you're done. 445 00:43:43,090 --> 00:43:47,619 I think ... if Medeja, what we must stop the legacy itself. 446 00:43:47,620 --> 00:43:52,269 This is what kills you and I were like the same things. 447 00:43:52,270 --> 00:43:56,849 Ivan Vanko, the only difference between you and me is that I have all the resources. 448 00:43:56,850 --> 00:44:02,179 I think, if I may, that you need my resources. 449 00:44:02,180 --> 00:44:07,820 A support, a benefactor. And that I can be me. 450 00:44:18,190 --> 00:44:22,079 Ok, you speak Spanish? Because if I needed a translator to come. 451 00:44:22,080 --> 00:44:25,419 I do not know if you understood everything I told you. 452 00:44:25,420 --> 00:44:27,799 - Very good man. - Very good man. 453 00:44:27,800 --> 00:44:28,950 Very good man. 454 00:44:32,700 --> 00:44:37,410 Hey ... I want my bird. 455 00:44:37,520 --> 00:44:41,679 - A bird, Do you want a bird? - I want my bird. 456 00:44:41,680 --> 00:44:44,659 - Do you want a bird, I bring you another? - I want my bird. 457 00:44:44,660 --> 00:44:49,559 Of course it is not impossible, I bring. What are you talking about this pet 458 00:44:49,560 --> 00:44:51,479 Russia will have to bring? 459 00:44:51,480 --> 00:44:54,439 The fundamentals in the company remain very, very firm. 460 00:44:54,440 --> 00:44:56,309 Despite the event in Monaco. 461 00:44:56,310 --> 00:44:58,369 - The AP wants to profit. - Tell him I'm gone. 462 00:44:58,370 --> 00:45:00,519 - Where? - Do not want to be bothered. 463 00:45:00,520 --> 00:45:02,079 It's down there. 464 00:45:02,080 --> 00:45:03,100 Yes, but ... 465 00:45:03,230 --> 00:45:08,649 But their continued and erratic behavior may make many people question 466 00:45:08,650 --> 00:45:12,059 - If this man can protect us. - Iron Man has never failed to protect us. 467 00:45:12,060 --> 00:45:14,099 Monaco's event proves it. 468 00:45:14,100 --> 00:45:16,170 Mr. Full Search 469 00:45:16,590 --> 00:45:22,429 Anton Vanko was a Russian scientist who defected and went to USA in 1963. 470 00:45:22,430 --> 00:45:25,839 But he was accused of spying and was deported in 1967. 471 00:45:25,840 --> 00:45:33,029 His son Ivan who is also a physicist, was charged with sobiéticas sell weapons plutonium to Pakistan. 472 00:45:33,030 --> 00:45:38,160 He spent 15 years in prison Tuqui, there are no more records. 473 00:45:42,220 --> 00:45:46,169 Tony, you have to go up and confront this situation now. 474 00:45:46,170 --> 00:45:49,919 Hey, I was talking to National Guard throughout the day. 475 00:45:49,920 --> 00:45:53,059 I tried to convince them not was necessary to send tanks to 476 00:45:53,060 --> 00:45:57,919 throw your doors and tear them away. They want Tony costumes. 477 00:45:57,920 --> 00:45:59,520 It canzo play. 478 00:45:59,880 --> 00:46:02,859 You said that nobody would have this technology in 20 years. 479 00:46:02,860 --> 00:46:05,959 And guess what, we knew that someone already have. 480 00:46:05,960 --> 00:46:09,650 It includes not just theoretical. 481 00:46:09,720 --> 00:46:12,100 Are you listening? 482 00:46:13,610 --> 00:46:14,610 Are you okay? 483 00:46:15,960 --> 00:46:16,580 Ok. 484 00:46:19,120 --> 00:46:19,970 Quiet. 485 00:46:23,490 --> 00:46:24,450 Are you okay? 486 00:46:24,480 --> 00:46:27,309 Take me to the desktop. 487 00:46:27,310 --> 00:46:29,379 - Once the box of cigars. - Yes. 488 00:46:29,380 --> 00:46:34,270 - The palladium. - Breathe, breathe. 489 00:46:38,160 --> 00:46:40,949 - Is it normal that leave you smoke? - No, you have damage to the plutonium. 490 00:46:40,950 --> 00:46:43,820 On the wall of reactor. 491 00:46:46,980 --> 00:46:49,550 "Tony will you put this in your body? 492 00:46:53,840 --> 00:46:56,720 What do you think of the technological puzzle on your neck? 493 00:46:57,420 --> 00:46:58,620 It urticaria. 494 00:47:14,540 --> 00:47:15,380 Thank you. 495 00:47:16,040 --> 00:47:17,170 What time? 496 00:47:18,360 --> 00:47:19,540 I see you. 497 00:47:19,560 --> 00:47:22,869 This solitary act of plainsman it is not necessary, you have to do it alone. 498 00:47:22,870 --> 00:47:26,549 I would like to believe, really I do but you have to believe me. 499 00:47:26,550 --> 00:47:30,920 Contrary to public opinion is just what I'm doing. 500 00:47:39,420 --> 00:47:42,879 My workshop is humble abode, you can work on everything. 501 00:47:42,880 --> 00:47:45,189 It should be fun to be dead, right? 502 00:47:45,190 --> 00:47:46,190 Impress. 503 00:47:46,410 --> 00:47:48,229 Here they are. I love it. 504 00:47:48,230 --> 00:47:51,079 Ready to fight. I tend to be like a street child. 505 00:47:51,080 --> 00:47:54,719 Fix prototype production and what I am enthusiastic. 506 00:47:54,720 --> 00:47:55,710 They're yours. 507 00:48:01,870 --> 00:48:06,479 No, no, no it does not work. You will be able to access As the system generate encryption keys. 508 00:48:06,480 --> 00:48:09,379 Would you podríasmos generate a key pair encrypted? 509 00:48:09,380 --> 00:48:19,169 Do you charge you Jack? Forget it. 510 00:48:19,170 --> 00:48:19,950 You're clever. 511 00:48:21,560 --> 00:48:24,670 - What? - Your software sucks. 512 00:48:25,750 --> 00:48:26,310 Well. 513 00:48:28,370 --> 00:48:33,500 You are good, able to evade my security system with a ... 514 00:48:34,450 --> 00:48:36,749 I want to show you where you will be working. 515 00:48:36,750 --> 00:48:40,000 Or if you want to climb, go. 516 00:48:40,440 --> 00:48:42,519 What do you think? Are they not? 517 00:48:42,520 --> 00:48:48,039 Although these are only sample But worth 125. 7 million each. 518 00:48:48,040 --> 00:48:48,980 No. .. 519 00:48:51,730 --> 00:48:54,469 Bring the request. 520 00:48:54,470 --> 00:48:57,229 The pilot will go inside. 521 00:48:57,230 --> 00:49:01,229 And I have not had luck find volunteers. 522 00:49:01,230 --> 00:49:04,959 I managers, and leave. 523 00:49:04,960 --> 00:49:08,369 - What can I do? - That in the long run these down to the Pentagon put me 524 00:49:08,370 --> 00:49:10,409 at least 25 years. 525 00:49:10,410 --> 00:49:16,499 I want an old iron man forever young, Stark want to go to Expo and his party actually lost Tony. 526 00:49:16,500 --> 00:49:20,030 - Yes you understand me? - I understand no problem. 527 00:49:20,220 --> 00:49:25,300 Fabulous, I love him. Longer time if it was him, I told you, I sensed. 528 00:49:30,010 --> 00:49:33,539 Concentration of 89% palladium Mr. 529 00:49:33,540 --> 00:49:35,599 You know that clock used today Mr. Stark. 530 00:49:35,600 --> 00:49:37,050 Let me see. 531 00:49:41,230 --> 00:49:43,369 Should I cancel the party? 532 00:49:43,370 --> 00:49:44,150 I think so. 533 00:49:44,520 --> 00:49:46,899 - If it is ... - Very inappropriate. 534 00:49:46,900 --> 00:49:50,840 - Exactly send more messages. - Inappropriate. 535 00:49:55,860 --> 00:49:57,110 Like it? 536 00:49:58,900 --> 00:50:04,080 The golden brown, strange here. 537 00:50:07,770 --> 00:50:11,340 Give me that and Siqueiros and te ... 538 00:50:21,220 --> 00:50:23,649 Nataly Really do not know what to think you. 539 00:50:23,650 --> 00:50:25,539 Where do you tell? 540 00:50:25,540 --> 00:50:26,790 There. 541 00:50:28,320 --> 00:50:32,409 I make you a hypothetical question? A little odd. 542 00:50:32,410 --> 00:50:37,640 If this was your last party birthday, how do I hold? 543 00:50:39,270 --> 00:50:45,590 I would do whatever I wanted Mr. With the person I wanted. 544 00:51:15,970 --> 00:51:18,299 If Mr. understand. 545 00:51:18,300 --> 00:51:21,639 No, not going to be Mr. necessary I will. 546 00:51:21,640 --> 00:51:27,130 Mr I PUEG ensure that less than 24 hours Iron Man will be fine. 547 00:51:33,360 --> 00:51:34,230 Hi Pepper. 548 00:51:34,590 --> 00:51:38,879 - What are you doing, I need something? - Anything? 549 00:51:38,880 --> 00:51:42,450 - Look at that. - You must be kidding. 550 00:51:47,710 --> 00:51:49,729 - I go for it. - No, no. 551 00:51:49,730 --> 00:51:52,269 Peper this is ridiculous, I just to support this idiot. 552 00:51:52,270 --> 00:51:53,909 If I understand, I speak with him. 553 00:51:53,910 --> 00:51:57,960 If I do or what I do. 554 00:51:58,610 --> 00:52:05,050 The question that always make me is Tony, How are you going to the bathroom in the suit? 555 00:52:05,380 --> 00:52:06,380 Just so. 556 00:52:11,150 --> 00:52:14,860 Well boys we saw a lot, Thank you. 557 00:52:15,600 --> 00:52:18,519 Thanks I love them. 558 00:52:18,520 --> 00:52:22,449 Nice party, thanks Tony, all here we thank you. 559 00:52:22,450 --> 00:52:27,840 Since you are enjoying tonight now we must say goodbye. 560 00:52:28,120 --> 00:52:32,319 No, but if there is Peper cake no, do not turn out the light. 561 00:52:32,320 --> 00:52:34,439 You are wild, you trust me do it. 562 00:52:34,440 --> 00:52:36,419 It's time to sleep now. 563 00:52:36,420 --> 00:52:38,169 - Tony no - A kiss. 564 00:52:38,170 --> 00:52:40,129 Early without the suit. 565 00:52:40,130 --> 00:52:41,679 Yes, but it is not. 566 00:52:41,680 --> 00:52:43,010 I could donate. 567 00:52:43,250 --> 00:52:46,209 You just tell them to be ok, is time to go. 568 00:52:46,210 --> 00:52:47,600 If you want. 569 00:52:48,970 --> 00:52:52,300 Talk tell them to be nice. 570 00:52:55,420 --> 00:52:59,539 Gentlemen, the party is over, although the party is over for me for hours. 571 00:52:59,540 --> 00:53:03,880 The afterparty starts in 15 minutes. 572 00:53:06,270 --> 00:53:11,170 If you do not like there Peper is a wall. 573 00:53:29,920 --> 00:53:30,780 Give me more. 574 00:53:49,170 --> 00:53:52,500 I will prepare a fruit cocktail. 575 00:54:00,880 --> 00:54:03,910 Just finish the party at once! 576 00:54:06,010 --> 00:54:06,790 Largo. 577 00:54:13,290 --> 00:54:17,220 You do not deserve to use that suit. Take it off! 578 00:54:18,010 --> 00:54:21,479 - Hey Dj. - If Mr. Stark. 579 00:54:21,480 --> 00:54:25,100 Dame drums to entertain the day. 580 00:54:28,060 --> 00:54:31,360 It's your last chance, take off the suit. 581 00:54:40,580 --> 00:54:44,080 Now return it to its place authorities of hurting it. 582 00:54:49,960 --> 00:54:52,810 Mala punterpía. 583 00:54:59,190 --> 00:55:02,650 Very well, but that does not need to mate 584 00:55:03,470 --> 00:55:04,520 Take that Tony. 585 00:55:13,260 --> 00:55:14,360 Enough? 586 00:55:15,500 --> 00:55:16,709 - Nataly. - Miss Potts. 587 00:55:16,710 --> 00:55:18,489 Do not tell me you Miss Potts do not fool me. 588 00:55:18,490 --> 00:55:21,590 And I tell you something since you came ... 589 00:55:26,810 --> 00:55:28,090 We run. 590 00:55:34,730 --> 00:55:37,750 I want to take it. 591 00:56:16,930 --> 00:56:19,499 - Low hand. - Do you have what it takes to wear that suit. 592 00:56:19,500 --> 00:56:23,059 - We have to do this friend. - Want to be the war machine?, Shoot. 593 00:56:23,060 --> 00:56:25,179 - Put it down Tony! - Then you will not. 594 00:56:25,180 --> 00:56:28,460 Put it down Tony. Lower your hand! 595 00:57:35,860 --> 00:57:39,039 Edwards, Lt. Col. James I entering the base, we are at 500 meters 596 00:57:39,040 --> 00:57:46,720 request permission to land on the Angara 22. 597 00:58:23,240 --> 00:58:24,790 Colonel. 598 00:58:26,070 --> 00:58:27,060 Mayor. 599 00:58:32,860 --> 00:58:35,549 You have to go inside. 600 00:58:35,550 --> 00:58:36,560 Clear the area. 601 00:58:58,620 --> 00:59:02,350 Mr. I have to ask to get off Mr. donut 602 00:59:06,220 --> 00:59:08,359 I told you I do not want to join your super secret clique. 603 00:59:08,360 --> 00:59:12,389 Oh, no, you had forgotten you alone. 604 00:59:12,390 --> 00:59:13,669 How are you cleave? 605 00:59:13,670 --> 00:59:19,950 Excuse me I do not want to be rude but I see the eye or the patch? 606 00:59:21,100 --> 00:59:24,889 Honestly a lot and took I do not know if it's real or what? 607 00:59:24,890 --> 00:59:26,889 - I am very, very real. - Ok. 608 00:59:26,890 --> 00:59:28,549 The real person in your life. 609 00:59:28,550 --> 00:59:32,750 - What bad luck. - That was not good at all. 610 00:59:33,270 --> 00:59:36,060 I've been worse. 611 00:59:36,700 --> 00:59:40,390 The perimeter is secure but not can be a long time. 612 00:59:43,310 --> 00:59:46,649 - You're fired. - You do not decide that part. 613 00:59:46,650 --> 00:59:50,589 Tony I want to introduce the agent Romano. 614 00:59:50,590 --> 00:59:53,879 I spy Shio, when we learned Your bad the director sent us. 615 00:59:53,880 --> 00:59:57,049 - I suggest you apologize. - You've done a lot. 616 00:59:57,050 --> 01:00:00,749 Your girl Promoted to Director, 're giving away all your stuff. 617 01:00:00,750 --> 01:00:05,229 Leave your friend to go with your armor. Hey if I knew nothing more ... 618 01:00:05,230 --> 01:00:07,249 You do not know nothing, took I gave him. 619 01:00:07,250 --> 01:00:09,029 No, no, no, what did what? 620 01:00:09,030 --> 01:00:12,569 You are Iron Man and only the took the case. 621 01:00:12,570 --> 01:00:15,499 The brother entered and has struck you your suit. 622 01:00:15,500 --> 01:00:17,859 - Is that possible? - According to the database 623 01:00:17,860 --> 01:00:22,760 Mr. Stark is of redundancies that prevent unauthorized use. 624 01:00:24,690 --> 01:00:26,849 - What you want from me? - What do we want from you? 625 01:00:26,850 --> 01:00:29,449 No, that want you to have me. Because you become a problem. 626 01:00:29,450 --> 01:00:35,949 One problem that I have to solve. and contrary to what you think you're not the center of my universe. 627 01:00:35,950 --> 01:00:38,789 I have bigger problems than you in the Southeast. 628 01:00:38,790 --> 01:00:40,120 Give. 629 01:00:41,540 --> 01:00:44,659 Now what will I going to steal a kidney? 630 01:00:44,660 --> 01:00:49,729 They may do something horrible 5 seconds, what just me? 631 01:00:49,730 --> 01:00:54,199 What did we do for you? Lithium dioxide will make you feel calm. 632 01:00:54,200 --> 01:00:58,249 - Tony want to come back to work. - Thank you give me a couple of boxes and I'm okay. 633 01:00:58,250 --> 01:01:02,029 - There is no cure and is only for the moment. - And do not think it's going to be easy. 634 01:01:02,030 --> 01:01:04,329 Trust me I am working on that. 635 01:01:04,330 --> 01:01:08,679 I searched for something that replaces the PD and I tried every combination. 636 01:01:08,680 --> 01:01:15,540 - And every permutation of all elements. - Well, I came to tell you that I missed another combination. 637 01:01:17,470 --> 01:01:19,900 Look what I brought. 638 01:01:24,760 --> 01:01:27,690 I brought you something Ivan. 639 01:01:30,140 --> 01:01:33,629 - I brought your bird Ivan. - This is not my bird. 640 01:01:33,630 --> 01:01:37,559 What is not? It's a bird, if it is. 641 01:01:37,560 --> 01:01:39,819 It took me bring this bird, is precious. 642 01:01:39,820 --> 01:01:42,769 - It's a beautiful bird. - And got it directly from Russia. 643 01:01:42,770 --> 01:01:46,120 Do not lie this is not my bird. 644 01:01:47,530 --> 01:01:51,749 Look at that bird but not this is a fine specimen. 645 01:01:51,750 --> 01:01:56,660 But please do not cling things and let it go. 646 01:01:58,320 --> 01:02:01,269 A moment and what is that? 647 01:02:01,270 --> 01:02:05,620 That's not a helmet. What is that? 648 01:02:12,350 --> 01:02:16,809 Ivan, what's this? Jack. 649 01:02:16,810 --> 01:02:19,689 That's a helmet, I do not looks like a helmet. 650 01:02:19,690 --> 01:02:21,149 How can you put your head there? 651 01:02:21,150 --> 01:02:23,679 - You can be the head there? - No. 652 01:02:23,680 --> 01:02:25,639 Let's see you try to put it. Do it gets the cebeza. 653 01:02:25,640 --> 01:02:31,789 Ivan's head does not fit, you see? Not a head is a helmet. 654 01:02:31,790 --> 01:02:36,199 I need someone there to put a person into that dress, understand? 655 01:02:36,200 --> 01:02:38,759 - As an android. - What better android? 656 01:02:38,760 --> 01:02:40,919 "An android is better? But why is better? 657 01:02:40,920 --> 01:02:45,659 People are the problem, believe me. Best android. 658 01:02:45,660 --> 01:02:49,579 Ivan aware I will, I brought the bird. 659 01:02:49,580 --> 01:02:55,179 And you said no problem, that's what Ivan said, no problem. 660 01:02:55,180 --> 01:02:58,619 I want a suit, the government wants the suit like Iron Man 661 01:02:58,620 --> 01:03:02,149 "Sientiendes? That's what people want. 662 01:03:02,150 --> 01:03:03,489 With that they are happy. 663 01:03:03,490 --> 01:03:10,850 Hammer, do not cling to things let it go. 664 01:03:14,470 --> 01:03:19,240 Have to impress everyone Ivan the show. 665 01:03:19,360 --> 01:03:22,940 Got it? I go crazy You Ivan. 666 01:03:30,190 --> 01:03:34,909 It is impressive, with this I will leave in peace the senator. 667 01:03:34,910 --> 01:03:38,239 - And if it works? - Ready for missions. 668 01:03:38,240 --> 01:03:42,530 Right, come Hammer to put weapons. 669 01:03:43,040 --> 01:03:45,379 - Mr. - Hammer Jostin going to make a desmostración 670 01:03:45,380 --> 01:03:47,849 of arms in the expo. We present you with this. 671 01:03:47,850 --> 01:03:51,829 - Mr. do not think the expo is appropriate. - Colonel's got to do this soon. 672 01:03:51,830 --> 01:03:54,549 - And we have to make it easy. - If general. 673 01:03:54,550 --> 01:03:59,019 - Colonel this is an order. - Yes Mr. 674 01:03:59,020 --> 01:04:02,519 Nice Job, your country is proud lot. 675 01:04:02,520 --> 01:04:03,560 Thank you, Mr. 676 01:04:10,000 --> 01:04:13,409 On your chest is based on technology and was incomplete. 677 01:04:13,410 --> 01:04:19,259 No, was complete, only that it was not very effective until the miniaturized and put it on my no. 678 01:04:19,260 --> 01:04:22,909 Haward said the reactor was only Rar a step to something bigger. 679 01:04:22,910 --> 01:04:26,739 Hiba energy starting a career that was to overshadow the arms. 680 01:04:26,740 --> 01:04:30,909 Looking for something huge, something so that would make a special reactor 681 01:04:30,910 --> 01:04:33,779 shone like a nuclear pile Triple A. 682 01:04:33,780 --> 01:04:36,149 Is the only or Anton Vanko help you do it? 683 01:04:36,150 --> 01:04:38,789 Anton Vanko is the other side that story. 684 01:04:38,790 --> 01:04:43,559 Anton, I just wanted to be rich and when your father found out, he was deported. 685 01:04:43,560 --> 01:04:47,329 When the Russians knew he could not, he was sent to the Siberian cold. 686 01:04:47,330 --> 01:04:51,889 And he spent 20 years, drunk and angry, not the environment for a child to grow. 687 01:04:51,890 --> 01:04:56,759 Unfortunately poor tubiste fortune of seeing his son Ivan monaka. 688 01:04:56,760 --> 01:04:59,499 You said you did not sample all What do you tried it? 689 01:04:59,500 --> 01:05:00,460 What do I need? 690 01:05:00,650 --> 01:05:04,769 He said you were the only person knowledge and resources that could 691 01:05:04,770 --> 01:05:07,519 - Finish what he started. - He said? 692 01:05:07,520 --> 01:05:10,099 What happens if you're that? Are you? 693 01:05:10,100 --> 01:05:16,870 So if you are, be you who solve the riddle of your heart. 694 01:05:20,270 --> 01:05:23,219 I do not know who gave you that information but he was not my best fan. 695 01:05:23,220 --> 01:05:25,009 What do you remember most it? 696 01:05:25,010 --> 01:05:29,009 It was cold and calculating, never I loved, I never said that it landed well. 697 01:05:29,010 --> 01:05:33,399 Then it is hard to digest that I say he thought that the future depends on me and lets me ... 698 01:05:33,400 --> 01:05:37,779 Understand that what you want? We speak of someone whose happiest day 699 01:05:37,780 --> 01:05:40,289 - Was when I went to boarding school. - That's not true. 700 01:05:40,290 --> 01:05:42,259 Well then surely you know better me. 701 01:05:42,260 --> 01:05:44,599 The truth of things, yes. 702 01:05:44,600 --> 01:05:47,469 He was one of the founding members of shiokara. 703 01:05:47,470 --> 01:05:48,700 What? 704 01:05:49,040 --> 01:05:50,079 I have meeting at 2. 705 01:05:50,080 --> 01:05:52,419 - No, no, no, wait, what does this? - Are you good, right? 706 01:05:52,420 --> 01:05:53,999 - No, I'm fine. - You will not be responsible? 707 01:05:54,000 --> 01:05:55,529 "I'll see what I do not know it is? 708 01:05:55,530 --> 01:05:59,219 Natasha Stark will continue to work without being discovered. 709 01:05:59,220 --> 01:06:01,499 - You remember Corson agent? - Yes 710 01:06:01,500 --> 01:06:08,410 Tony, do not forget I have his eye on you. 711 01:06:13,590 --> 01:06:17,600 Disable communications have no contact with the world, good luck. 712 01:06:22,110 --> 01:06:26,859 Look, first I need a good massage Spending time in the laboratory. 713 01:06:26,860 --> 01:06:30,559 If you had a kidnapping that brought us coffee all in a coffee shop would be perfect. 714 01:06:30,560 --> 01:06:36,649 I did not come to that. The Director Fury, authorized me to use the method is necessary to not go. 715 01:06:36,650 --> 01:06:42,169 If you try to leave or try to deceive I'm going to electrocute and see the TV while you suffer. 716 01:06:42,170 --> 01:06:44,679 - Did you understand? - I think you understand. 717 01:06:44,680 --> 01:06:47,480 Enjoy your favorite movie. 718 01:06:50,790 --> 01:06:53,920 Owned by Howard Stark. 719 01:07:12,050 --> 01:07:16,099 - Is the power supply colonel? - Mayor this is not a scientific exercise. 720 01:07:16,100 --> 01:07:18,939 Concentrate on putting weapons. 721 01:07:18,940 --> 01:07:20,040 Yes, Mr. 722 01:07:20,880 --> 01:07:30,200 Oh, yeah, oh yeah, my birthday or what? This looks like a circus, I do not. 723 01:07:31,810 --> 01:07:34,029 Is that what you think it is? 724 01:07:34,030 --> 01:07:35,440 Yes, indeed. 725 01:07:35,480 --> 01:07:37,889 What can you offer? 726 01:07:37,890 --> 01:07:40,649 What what I can offer you Mr.? 727 01:07:40,650 --> 01:07:43,619 Well the first thing that I can AFREC is update your software. 728 01:07:43,620 --> 01:07:48,390 - And secondly ... - Do not talk about it, I'm talking about weapons. 729 01:07:49,050 --> 01:07:52,040 Then talk to the right. 730 01:07:53,310 --> 01:07:56,859 This is a semi-automatic 9 millimeters. 731 01:07:56,860 --> 01:08:00,309 Regular. Right. 732 01:08:00,310 --> 01:08:04,269 M24 pump shotgun. Load of 5 shots. 733 01:08:04,270 --> 01:08:06,369 No, forget it, Uds. get it. From what I'm talking about. 734 01:08:06,370 --> 01:08:10,079 As the world rankings. The Fn 2000 from Belgium. 735 01:08:10,080 --> 01:08:12,599 Much better than waffles. 736 01:08:12,600 --> 01:08:16,159 It is beautiful but it shows that is not what are looking for, so I put it here. 737 01:08:16,160 --> 01:08:18,749 This is a launching grenades 40 mm. 738 01:08:18,750 --> 01:08:23,919 Gases, smoke, this was already known. "Nor? 739 01:08:23,920 --> 01:08:26,289 I'll tell you, size does matter. 740 01:08:26,290 --> 01:08:28,229 And do not say it's not true. 741 01:08:28,230 --> 01:08:32,579 This is a portable M134762 6 guns. 742 01:08:32,580 --> 01:08:34,919 They call it the hand lathes. That makes dust. 743 01:08:34,920 --> 01:08:39,690 And tell the guy there gaspacho because ground meat. 744 01:08:45,050 --> 01:08:49,620 Here are the Cuban Dad Coiba is the same as Christ. 745 01:08:50,220 --> 01:08:54,739 This is a vehicle with Kinetic Space 1. With a secondary explosion of cyclotrimethylene. 746 01:08:54,740 --> 01:08:56,309 E intramina RDH. 747 01:08:56,310 --> 01:09:00,479 Able to operate a bunker. Underneath the Bunker that already exploited. 748 01:09:00,480 --> 01:09:06,339 If I could write a book. A book that would Ulysses was written in crayon 749 01:09:06,340 --> 01:09:11,239 And I would tell, this is my Eiffel Tower. My 3rd of Ragmanio. 750 01:09:11,240 --> 01:09:15,159 My mercy is completely very elegant and beautiful. 751 01:09:15,160 --> 01:09:20,870 And it has the capacity reduce to zero the population of any structure. 752 01:09:21,350 --> 01:09:24,140 I call the ex-wife. 753 01:09:27,430 --> 01:09:30,730 It's the best I have. 754 01:09:34,260 --> 01:09:37,649 What do you want? Tell me please, you're a sphinx. 755 01:09:37,650 --> 01:09:39,629 I do not know what you're thinking. 756 01:09:39,630 --> 01:09:41,459 - I think we want. " - What do you want? 757 01:09:41,460 --> 01:09:43,070 Everything. 758 01:09:45,320 --> 01:09:46,250 Unbelievable. 759 01:09:55,870 --> 01:09:59,600 ARC REACTOR ANTON Vanke - STARK HOWARD 760 01:10:04,430 --> 01:10:09,200 Vanke DEFAULT SEARCH THE SCIENTIFIC SOBIETICOS USA. 761 01:10:17,650 --> 01:10:18,630 Action. 762 01:10:22,010 --> 01:10:25,949 Now everything is possible with technology. 763 01:10:25,950 --> 01:10:31,139 Better life, new health and first time in human history. 764 01:10:31,140 --> 01:10:33,969 The possibility of world peace. 765 01:10:33,970 --> 01:10:39,449 'm Howard Stark and everything needed for the future is here. 766 01:10:39,450 --> 01:10:44,370 The future for tomorrow ... Wait. 767 01:10:47,860 --> 01:10:52,970 'm Howard Stark and everything needed for the future is here. 768 01:10:53,180 --> 01:10:58,510 I and the group would like Stark Industry tell you ... 769 01:10:58,690 --> 01:11:00,239 "Tony what are you doing? 770 01:11:00,240 --> 01:11:01,919 What is that? Let. 771 01:11:01,920 --> 01:11:04,139 Leave it and put it where it was. 772 01:11:04,140 --> 01:11:06,319 Where is your mother? Mary. 773 01:11:06,320 --> 01:11:10,430 Goodbye, ya, ya, and take it. 774 01:11:10,590 --> 01:11:15,570 Well I guess now, I get back into ... 775 01:11:19,690 --> 01:11:22,440 Are they waiting for? 776 01:11:22,540 --> 01:11:29,820 Department of all Stark Industries course I would like to show my ass. 777 01:11:30,250 --> 01:11:36,479 That is, we've got. What a ridiculous way of earning a living. 778 01:11:36,480 --> 01:11:42,980 Anything is possible with technology. 779 01:11:54,930 --> 01:12:01,619 Tony, you're too young to understand now so I decided to tape it for you. 780 01:12:01,620 --> 01:12:05,190 I built it for you. 781 01:12:05,390 --> 01:12:10,039 Someday you will realize that they represent much more than people's inventions. 782 01:12:10,040 --> 01:12:15,650 It represents the work of my life. This is the key to the future. 783 01:12:18,110 --> 01:12:20,979 I limited technology my time. 784 01:12:20,980 --> 01:12:28,160 But one day you'll find out and when you do change the world. 785 01:12:28,910 --> 01:12:31,829 But it is and always will be. 786 01:12:31,830 --> 01:12:37,380 My greatest creation is you. 787 01:12:55,360 --> 01:12:56,120 Hello Mr. 788 01:12:56,640 --> 01:12:58,359 - How much? - $ 6 6. 789 01:12:58,360 --> 01:13:01,419 - I have ten could cash ... ten. - Not Sr. is that a lot. 790 01:13:01,420 --> 01:13:03,939 Why not? All right take it. 791 01:13:03,940 --> 01:13:06,269 - Is that a lot. - Okay, take, take. 792 01:13:06,270 --> 01:13:09,799 - Thanks. - I do not like to give me things. 793 01:13:09,800 --> 01:13:10,919 If you put it there perfect. 794 01:13:10,920 --> 01:13:12,409 - Are you Iron Man? - Sometimes. 795 01:13:12,410 --> 01:13:14,769 I'm sure it's you 796 01:13:14,770 --> 01:13:16,899 I speak of a trademark that was obtained illegally. 797 01:13:16,900 --> 01:13:21,299 - Miss Potts Mr. Stark is reused a. .. - Quiet, well, it is only a second. 798 01:13:21,300 --> 01:13:23,229 Can you retire? Vali "right? 799 01:13:23,230 --> 01:13:27,469 Our position is that Stark and Industry has continues to own and Soft Mac platform. 800 01:13:27,470 --> 01:13:33,419 When Mr. Stark announced that he was Iron Man, came a promise. 801 01:13:33,420 --> 01:13:36,909 - Confident that he would look after us. - Yes, but. 802 01:13:36,910 --> 01:13:40,909 - And that is what is not. - Now we know that his secretary. 803 01:13:40,910 --> 01:13:45,359 The famous Virginia Pepper Potts is CEO of Stark Industry. 804 01:13:45,360 --> 01:13:47,899 - Is he qualified for the job? - No. 805 01:13:47,900 --> 01:13:51,469 Because not doing anything repair. 806 01:13:51,470 --> 01:13:52,010 Silence. 807 01:13:52,430 --> 01:13:55,349 Berk, Berk escúchameno tell me that having the best lawyers 808 01:13:55,350 --> 01:13:58,239 patents are not going to fight for that. 809 01:13:58,240 --> 01:14:02,240 - After this bag. - So what the president signed an order. 810 01:14:02,650 --> 01:14:06,459 Speaking on the expo. He will present tomorrow afternoon. 811 01:14:06,460 --> 01:14:10,209 - What if Tony's going? - I can? 812 01:14:10,210 --> 01:14:13,039 - No, not going to go. - I like to go. 813 01:14:13,040 --> 01:14:14,060 Goodbye. 814 01:14:14,370 --> 01:14:16,039 - Got a minute? - No. 815 01:14:16,040 --> 01:14:18,529 Please and hung you have 30 seconds. 816 01:14:18,530 --> 01:14:22,579 - ... 29, 28, ... - Ok, I came over here and I thought ... 817 01:14:22,580 --> 01:14:26,579 - But came to apologize. - So you did not come to apologize? 818 01:14:26,580 --> 01:14:33,279 Look, that's obvious and I will correct but the truth I have not been very honest with 819 01:14:33,280 --> 01:14:37,429 and I tell you ... Want to move this?, is that it's crazy. 820 01:14:37,430 --> 01:14:40,720 - It looks like a Ferris wheel. - No. 821 01:14:41,910 --> 01:14:45,079 Do you know how short is life? 822 01:14:45,080 --> 01:14:50,549 And if I ever expressed and indeed is a revelation for me and I do not care. 823 01:14:50,550 --> 01:14:55,309 Well I care, it would be nice, no I hope you ... I, what I mean ... 824 01:14:55,310 --> 01:15:01,879 I will stop here, because if I say again I'm going to release something that will hurt. 825 01:15:01,880 --> 01:15:03,549 - Did you hear? - Good is ... 826 01:15:03,550 --> 01:15:06,279 "I try to lead this company have any idea what that is? 827 01:15:06,280 --> 01:15:09,599 - Yes. - People trust you to be Iron Man 828 01:15:09,600 --> 01:15:14,470 and you disappear, whatever I do is to turn off your fire and support the allegations. 829 01:15:16,450 --> 01:15:20,970 I'm trying to do the job you belonged to. 830 01:15:23,070 --> 01:15:26,050 Did you buy strawberries for me? 831 01:15:26,530 --> 01:15:30,349 Did you know that there is only one thing on earth I'm allergic to? 832 01:15:30,350 --> 01:15:33,320 Allergic to strawberries. 833 01:15:34,060 --> 01:15:39,009 That's progress Pepers, I knew there was a correlation between you and strawberries. 834 01:15:39,010 --> 01:15:41,029 - I need you. - And me too. 835 01:15:41,030 --> 01:15:44,710 - It's what I try to tell you. - Out of here. 836 01:15:48,070 --> 01:15:51,539 - Miss Potts. - What?, Happens. 837 01:15:51,540 --> 01:15:55,540 - The plane leaves in 25 minutes. - Thanks. 838 01:15:56,430 --> 01:15:57,789 "Head is offered something else? 839 01:15:57,790 --> 01:16:00,119 - Not now. - No, maybe just ... 840 01:16:00,120 --> 01:16:02,089 ... Another time. 841 01:16:02,090 --> 01:16:05,119 I lost two children in the divorce. 842 01:16:05,120 --> 01:16:05,900 That's funny. 843 01:16:10,910 --> 01:16:15,850 It will fit well here, Nataly? Here in the company? 844 01:16:17,010 --> 01:16:19,309 Nataly Is your name right? 845 01:16:19,310 --> 01:16:23,109 - I thought they understood Uds. 2. - That's not true. 846 01:16:23,110 --> 01:16:26,680 So just hate me. 847 01:16:27,000 --> 01:16:27,000 No. 848 01:16:27,040 --> 01:16:31,149 In fact since you're here, maybe could you and natalie mudansa planning all this. 849 01:16:31,150 --> 01:16:32,180 Yes of course. 850 01:16:38,590 --> 01:16:43,169 - I sorpende you kept quiet. - You are very good for this. 851 01:16:43,170 --> 01:16:45,459 How do you do? "Just do it and now? 852 01:16:45,460 --> 01:16:47,109 Triple impostor, had never seen anything like it. 853 01:16:47,110 --> 01:16:50,669 Do you have something real? What are you talking about Latin? 854 01:16:50,670 --> 01:16:52,789 Does that mean what? What did you say? 855 01:16:52,790 --> 01:16:56,950 You can drive home or I ask that you collect. 856 01:16:57,330 --> 01:16:58,730 What good are. 857 01:17:28,600 --> 01:17:31,960 THE KEY OF THE FUTURE IS HERE 858 01:17:56,370 --> 01:18:01,270 Jerry could digitize the model Please, I need a projection manipulated. 859 01:18:08,860 --> 01:18:13,210 Scanning the model of Stark Expo Full 1974. 860 01:18:13,690 --> 01:18:17,859 - Jerry, how many buildings are there? - Does the store Mr. Waffles Belgian? 861 01:18:17,860 --> 01:18:21,440 No, it was rhetoric, I see. 862 01:18:33,080 --> 01:18:35,069 What do you think is that Charlie? 863 01:18:35,070 --> 01:18:40,710 No, I know it might be a ... ... In this case the core would be around here. 864 01:18:41,820 --> 01:18:44,330 Stresses the area. 865 01:18:52,440 --> 01:18:55,639 Here are the roads, delete it. 866 01:18:55,640 --> 01:18:57,949 What is it trying to do Mr.? 867 01:18:57,950 --> 01:19:03,419 I am discovering, correcting, I rediscovered an item. 868 01:19:03,420 --> 01:19:05,979 Remove the gardens, the masseter and trees. 869 01:19:05,980 --> 01:19:10,010 Parking, exits, entrances. 870 01:19:12,610 --> 01:19:19,230 Structure of protons and neutrons using flags as weapons. 871 01:19:42,290 --> 01:19:48,010 Almost 20 years dead. And keep giving me lessons. 872 01:19:52,340 --> 01:19:57,359 The theoretical element should serve as a substitute for palladium. 873 01:19:57,360 --> 01:19:58,360 Thanks Dad. 874 01:19:58,770 --> 01:20:02,760 Unfortunately it is impossible synthesize it. 875 01:20:05,750 --> 01:20:09,390 Get ready for a remodel going to materialize! 876 01:20:55,020 --> 01:20:59,119 - They say that mocked the perimeter. - If that was three years ago, Where have you been? " 877 01:20:59,120 --> 01:21:03,439 - Doing things. - If too and it worked. 878 01:21:03,440 --> 01:21:07,359 Look for our good work for you and your fabulous secret organization. 879 01:21:07,360 --> 01:21:10,810 Will you let me work or I'll to scold? 880 01:21:11,520 --> 01:21:14,620 What is this doing here? 881 01:21:15,430 --> 01:21:16,070 That's right. 882 01:21:17,360 --> 01:21:19,859 - Did I pass? - Have you any idea what it is? 883 01:21:19,860 --> 01:21:22,849 It's just what I need to that works. 884 01:21:22,850 --> 01:21:24,040 Raise it. 885 01:21:24,890 --> 01:21:31,080 Ya, ya, knee, that is and lower it. 886 01:21:31,500 --> 01:21:32,290 Ok. 887 01:21:33,570 --> 01:21:37,009 "Perfectly level. Disturbed me what you want? 888 01:21:37,010 --> 01:21:40,749 Nothing, I'm going. I was reassigned. 889 01:21:40,750 --> 01:21:42,429 Hug want me in New Mexico. 890 01:21:42,430 --> 01:21:44,809 - Fantasy Land of Enchantment. - That I was told. 891 01:21:44,810 --> 01:21:47,709 - Top secret? - That seems. 892 01:21:47,710 --> 01:21:50,369 - Luck. - Thanks, I need. 893 01:21:50,370 --> 01:21:54,720 - Yes, more than you think. - Not much. 894 01:22:12,050 --> 01:22:15,010 Starting prismatic accelerator. 895 01:22:20,610 --> 01:22:24,100 Point of maximum energy. 896 01:23:07,990 --> 01:23:08,650 It was easy. 897 01:23:25,480 --> 01:23:28,220 Congratulations Mr. 898 01:23:28,740 --> 01:23:31,790 It has created a new element. 899 01:23:38,780 --> 01:23:42,649 Mr. el reactor has accepted the modified kernel. 900 01:23:42,650 --> 01:23:45,310 Begin to run diagnostics. 901 01:23:50,570 --> 01:23:51,180 Hello Ivan. 902 01:23:51,950 --> 01:23:55,819 Hey I'm with Senator, can we go to see the design of the androids? 903 01:23:55,820 --> 01:24:00,079 - The androids are no good for me. - How do you not, are you talking about? " 904 01:24:00,080 --> 01:24:05,319 - But it can present my demonstration. - But what's the difference? 905 01:24:05,320 --> 01:24:07,899 Presentation, without flying, unarmed. 906 01:24:07,900 --> 01:24:11,959 I think so, then what can they do? is a demonstration of weapons. 907 01:24:11,960 --> 01:24:16,309 - I can do to salute. - Do you can say hi? 908 01:24:16,310 --> 01:24:19,259 How they can say hi? What does that mean Ivan? 909 01:24:19,260 --> 01:24:23,779 That was not what we agreed, first costumes and then you promised me you promised me androids. 910 01:24:23,780 --> 01:24:29,780 - Everything will be alright. - That was not what I wanted. 911 01:24:40,270 --> 01:24:43,490 Hey here's the Birdman. 912 01:24:44,530 --> 01:24:47,139 So you love your bird? So is not it? 913 01:24:47,140 --> 01:24:50,059 If it's your bird?, I'm confused. 914 01:24:50,060 --> 01:24:52,809 You said it was not and now are great friends. 915 01:24:52,810 --> 01:24:55,189 You love that bird right? 916 01:24:55,190 --> 01:24:58,470 You know what, take him away. 917 01:25:01,790 --> 01:25:04,209 The pillows, too. 918 01:25:04,210 --> 01:25:08,380 Both. Quítenselos shoes. 919 01:25:11,820 --> 01:25:17,889 I took your stuff, Is that how you feel? You feel bad, either. 920 01:25:17,890 --> 01:25:20,910 So I feel comom! 921 01:25:21,280 --> 01:25:25,769 We had a contract! I saved you Ivan! 922 01:25:25,770 --> 01:25:29,889 And you'd give me clothes. That was the deal. 923 01:25:29,890 --> 01:25:32,639 And you are not covered. 924 01:25:32,640 --> 01:25:38,290 I do not know if you're a genius or a fraud? I do not know who you are. 925 01:25:39,010 --> 01:25:43,289 I have something really, really incredible hand. 926 01:25:43,290 --> 01:25:46,979 And if not, I'll be at your mercy tonight. 927 01:25:46,980 --> 01:25:50,919 Now I have got better technology Stark myself. 928 01:25:50,920 --> 01:25:54,989 So are the costumes you made to look like toys next to my show. 929 01:25:54,990 --> 01:25:58,600 Ivan If you understand dear? 930 01:26:00,090 --> 01:26:04,380 I do not know if you noticed, but I do not I speak Russian! 931 01:26:07,390 --> 01:26:12,119 I'm going to retire and I'm going to expo and I sleep with someone. 932 01:26:12,120 --> 01:26:17,050 These two, they're going to care. Do not make them angry. 933 01:26:17,240 --> 01:26:21,719 When you return we will renegotiate the terms of our agreement. 934 01:26:21,720 --> 01:26:26,019 And you shall comply with that promised because otherwise. 935 01:26:26,020 --> 01:26:28,999 You will be as you were when you took imprisonment, a corpse. 936 01:26:29,000 --> 01:26:30,200 Got it? 937 01:26:31,530 --> 01:26:34,780 If you want to see me on TV. 938 01:26:43,270 --> 01:26:45,619 Babas "could clean all this? 939 01:26:45,620 --> 01:26:47,219 You know that I ... 940 01:26:47,220 --> 01:26:48,989 Incoming call with the number Mr. blocked 941 01:26:48,990 --> 01:26:51,359 Now I can talk on the phone perfect. 942 01:26:51,360 --> 01:26:54,999 - Coulson as is the land of enchantment. - Hey Tony. 943 01:26:55,000 --> 01:27:00,599 - How are you?, Duplicated cycles. - You what? 944 01:27:00,600 --> 01:27:04,129 You said twice cycles, more power and if it works. 945 01:27:04,130 --> 01:27:06,459 You sound very happy to be dead. 946 01:27:06,460 --> 01:27:07,770 Just like you. 947 01:27:10,210 --> 01:27:11,350 Rastréala. 948 01:27:11,430 --> 01:27:15,109 Now the real story of your last name be revealed. 949 01:27:15,110 --> 01:27:16,300 Where? 950 01:27:16,650 --> 01:27:19,819 Accessing the Oracle network. East Coast. 951 01:27:19,820 --> 01:27:26,449 What your father did to my family for 40 years will do to yours. 952 01:27:26,450 --> 01:27:29,799 - In 40 minutes. - Sounds good, you have to meet to discuss it. 953 01:27:29,800 --> 01:27:33,559 Interstate Area, Manhattan and surroundings. 954 01:27:33,560 --> 01:27:36,520 I hope you're ready. 955 01:27:37,680 --> 01:27:38,640 Trace complete. 956 01:27:43,100 --> 01:27:45,540 IN DEFENSE OF PEACE 957 01:27:50,260 --> 01:27:53,559 If you want to test me I think well. 958 01:27:53,560 --> 01:27:56,019 And while it assembles the suit, Armal now. 959 01:27:56,020 --> 01:28:00,070 - Do not know if ... - Do not want to hear Charly turbo. 960 01:28:02,870 --> 01:28:06,420 That's better. More. 961 01:28:07,660 --> 01:28:08,660 Yes! 962 01:28:19,820 --> 01:28:21,339 I'll leave the car here ok. 963 01:28:21,340 --> 01:28:24,000 - Thanks. - Sure. 964 01:28:49,170 --> 01:28:52,089 I like this audience, thanks for coming. 965 01:28:52,090 --> 01:28:56,970 Ladies and gentlemen long This nation has placed its men 966 01:28:57,710 --> 01:28:57,769 and women in a serious RISKS. 967 01:28:57,770 --> 01:29:03,320 Then came Iron Man and we thought that the days of the killings were over. 968 01:29:03,460 --> 01:29:06,489 Unfortunately we did not have access to such technology. 969 01:29:06,490 --> 01:29:09,739 That's not fair, not correct. I think that's wrong. 970 01:29:09,740 --> 01:29:11,649 There is no, how horrible. 971 01:29:11,650 --> 01:29:15,459 Sinembargo was a great innovation and diverted attention worldwide. 972 01:29:15,460 --> 01:29:21,540 But today my friends, the press faces a new problem. 973 01:29:21,700 --> 01:29:25,090 They are on the verge of being exhausted ink. 974 01:29:32,310 --> 01:29:35,099 Ladies and gentlemen. 975 01:29:35,100 --> 01:29:41,660 Today I present the new face of the armed forces of our country. 976 01:29:41,900 --> 01:29:44,860 The Hammer droids! 977 01:29:58,620 --> 01:30:01,360 Air Force. 978 01:30:19,910 --> 01:30:21,560 Marines! 979 01:30:33,560 --> 01:30:34,840 Yes, Yes! 980 01:30:38,280 --> 01:30:41,910 They are better than a cheerleader Do not you think? 981 01:30:42,400 --> 01:30:44,549 Even with this revolutionary technology. 982 01:30:44,550 --> 01:30:48,849 It will always be necessary for man was present at the site of the battle. 983 01:30:48,850 --> 01:30:53,379 Ladies and gentlemen I have the honor present the first prototype of the suit. 984 01:30:53,380 --> 01:30:56,489 Able to respond to a variety of weapons and attacks. 985 01:30:56,490 --> 01:31:01,840 And to his crew the pilot teninte Colonel James Rhodes. 986 01:31:02,260 --> 01:31:03,270 James? 987 01:31:23,500 --> 01:31:27,240 For the country and its allies have heard ... 988 01:31:42,760 --> 01:31:43,939 We have problems. 989 01:31:43,940 --> 01:31:45,099 Tony are no civilians here. 990 01:31:45,100 --> 01:31:48,429 They ordered me to come, we should not do this now. 991 01:31:48,430 --> 01:31:49,210 Say hello. 992 01:31:50,060 --> 01:31:51,540 Yes very good! 993 01:31:51,950 --> 01:31:54,149 These people are happy, we to get them here. 994 01:31:54,150 --> 01:31:57,469 - Maximum 5 minutes. - You hit in your house? 995 01:31:57,470 --> 01:32:00,379 Listen I think that works with Vanko. 996 01:32:00,380 --> 01:32:02,980 Vanko "still alive? 997 01:32:04,590 --> 01:32:06,279 - Where? - What? 998 01:32:06,280 --> 01:32:08,559 Where is Vanko? Who? 999 01:32:08,560 --> 01:32:10,050 Dime. 1000 01:32:17,520 --> 01:32:19,079 What are you doing here, tell me? 1001 01:32:19,080 --> 01:32:22,209 Oh, no, no, what happens? 1002 01:32:22,210 --> 01:32:24,209 I can not move, I have no control the suit. 1003 01:32:24,210 --> 01:32:27,890 Tony get out now, the whole system is invaded. 1004 01:32:27,920 --> 01:32:30,570 We have to fix it out. 1005 01:32:36,500 --> 01:32:37,300 Off. 1006 01:32:41,490 --> 01:32:42,900 No, no! 1007 01:32:52,090 --> 01:32:55,210 - Unlock, I need me. - Roger. 1008 01:32:57,730 --> 01:32:59,959 Tony, Tony, my gun is ready, I have white. 1009 01:32:59,960 --> 01:33:03,450 - And what is it? - It's you. 1010 01:33:06,820 --> 01:33:07,930 Tony flies! 1011 01:33:24,650 --> 01:33:25,839 What, what's going on? 1012 01:33:25,840 --> 01:33:28,509 - I have no control of the Software. - How can we not control? 1013 01:33:28,510 --> 01:33:30,149 I think that control from another computer. 1014 01:33:30,150 --> 01:33:32,669 - It's impossible, I want the guards. - The phones do not work. 1015 01:33:32,670 --> 01:33:35,629 - Locate them to their phones. - The phones do not funcionana. 1016 01:33:35,630 --> 01:33:38,739 - We blocked access to the main system. - Who took away access to the system? 1017 01:33:38,740 --> 01:33:41,139 Pepper please stay away if everything is in order. 1018 01:33:41,140 --> 01:33:42,869 - If you or not. - Yes, I'm serious. 1019 01:33:42,870 --> 01:33:45,249 The truth if Tony had not come, this is not happening. 1020 01:33:45,250 --> 01:33:47,669 Please acompañense Thank you. 1021 01:33:47,670 --> 01:33:50,940 We have to get people out of here. 1022 01:33:51,110 --> 01:33:54,689 Who did this? Who is behind? 1023 01:33:54,690 --> 01:33:58,649 - Ivan, Ivan, Ivan Vanko. - Where is he? 1024 01:33:58,650 --> 01:34:02,060 In my laboratory. 1025 01:34:03,380 --> 01:34:05,029 - With the police department. - No, no, no. 1026 01:34:05,030 --> 01:34:06,939 - To send to headquarters. - No, honey. 1027 01:34:06,940 --> 01:34:08,469 Thanks yes that is quick. 1028 01:34:08,470 --> 01:34:11,269 And you do not want to see take off. 1029 01:34:11,270 --> 01:34:13,960 Tell me everything you know about this. 1030 01:34:20,250 --> 01:34:20,750 More friend. 1031 01:34:21,380 --> 01:34:24,000 Mr Engine Restart 1032 01:34:40,700 --> 01:34:43,129 No one answers me, What's happening? 1033 01:34:43,130 --> 01:34:45,979 - Get in the car, take me with them. - I will not carry anywhere. 1034 01:34:45,980 --> 01:34:50,860 - So I drive? - No, I condusco up, now what? 1035 01:35:14,700 --> 01:35:15,930 DISABLED 1036 01:35:46,190 --> 01:35:47,220 Well done. 1037 01:35:50,150 --> 01:35:53,730 - Tones have a lot behind you. - Then let us leave the expo. 1038 01:35:58,370 --> 01:36:03,410 When we reach the perimeter you care. I'm going in to break the Russian. 1039 01:36:05,830 --> 01:36:08,990 - Look straight ahead. - Yes I get it. 1040 01:36:30,310 --> 01:36:31,970 Another less. 1041 01:36:38,250 --> 01:36:41,239 Listen to Tony and a group split denuevo go to the expo. 1042 01:36:41,240 --> 01:36:42,020 Thank you. 1043 01:36:46,310 --> 01:36:47,779 I'm getting closer. 1044 01:36:47,780 --> 01:36:50,850 It too, cuidate. 1045 01:37:04,960 --> 01:37:07,699 - Stay in the car. - I'm staying here. 1046 01:37:07,700 --> 01:37:09,669 I told you to stay in the car. 1047 01:37:09,670 --> 01:37:14,209 Why did you get that? I will not let you come alone. 1048 01:37:14,210 --> 01:37:17,170 Want to help quench not smoke. 1049 01:37:18,320 --> 01:37:19,240 Intruder Alert. 1050 01:37:20,290 --> 01:37:23,030 Hey, can not enter. 1051 01:38:03,850 --> 01:38:04,510 TAKES OFF 1052 01:38:06,680 --> 01:38:10,339 Miss each group communicates Andriod in their own language. 1053 01:38:10,340 --> 01:38:12,169 Choose one and concentrate in that. 1054 01:38:12,170 --> 01:38:15,110 "They tried to Russian?, Try Russian. 1055 01:39:00,640 --> 01:39:02,110 I have it. 1056 01:39:17,190 --> 01:39:19,039 - Still no control? - Yes. 1057 01:39:19,040 --> 01:39:23,500 Then I want to prepare yourself you are about to get wet on this ride. 1058 01:39:24,680 --> 01:39:27,580 Wait, wait, wait. 1059 01:39:44,230 --> 01:39:45,210 He left. 1060 01:39:50,150 --> 01:39:52,969 Sorry friend but the only way eliminated them. 1061 01:39:52,970 --> 01:39:53,790 Where are you? 1062 01:40:05,700 --> 01:40:06,640 What do you do? 1063 01:40:07,010 --> 01:40:09,430 Rebooting Rhodey suit. 1064 01:40:14,650 --> 01:40:15,520 Tony. 1065 01:40:21,570 --> 01:40:24,100 It gave me access. 1066 01:40:31,340 --> 01:40:32,570 Now restart. 1067 01:40:33,560 --> 01:40:37,280 - Your friend is back. - Thank you. 1068 01:40:37,980 --> 01:40:42,169 All perfect with the new reactor and gives you a lot more energy and your vital signs are promising. 1069 01:40:42,170 --> 01:40:44,479 If for the moment I'm not dying. Thank you. 1070 01:40:44,480 --> 01:40:46,599 What do you mean you're dying? Did you say dying enserio? 1071 01:40:46,600 --> 01:40:48,819 Are you? No, not anymore. 1072 01:40:48,820 --> 01:40:51,589 - What, what's going on? - I was going to say, did not want to alarm you. 1073 01:40:51,590 --> 01:40:54,539 - Hibas're dying to tell me Tony. - I have not seen ... 1074 01:40:54,540 --> 01:40:57,469 - Why did not you say to me? - My plan was to cook up a homelet and tell you. 1075 01:40:57,470 --> 01:41:00,369 Already discussed in the honeymoon Tony have company. 1076 01:41:00,370 --> 01:41:03,459 - I think someone is looking for. - Thanks. Peppers. 1077 01:41:03,460 --> 01:41:06,059 - Do you feel better already? - I'm fine, do not be angry. 1078 01:41:06,060 --> 01:41:08,449 - I'm going to apologize when ... - If I get angry. 1079 01:41:08,450 --> 01:41:10,419 ... I am advocating an attack of Hameroides. 1080 01:41:10,420 --> 01:41:14,850 - Okay. There please. - We could go to Venice. 1081 01:41:17,580 --> 01:41:20,720 Roy, wake up friend you need. 1082 01:41:20,900 --> 01:41:23,700 You are awake reacts. 1083 01:41:26,160 --> 01:41:29,100 That barbarian you back your armor. 1084 01:41:30,830 --> 01:41:36,010 - Are you okay? - I think so. 1085 01:41:36,020 --> 01:41:38,219 - Hey Tony sorry. - Okay. 1086 01:41:38,220 --> 01:41:40,959 - No, I should have more confidence in you. - I'll put in that position, forget it. 1087 01:41:40,960 --> 01:41:43,669 No, I know it's your fault but I want say sorry. 1088 01:41:43,670 --> 01:41:46,899 Thanks, is what I wanted to hear. Pareja. 1089 01:41:46,900 --> 01:41:50,499 They are becoming closer. Can you think of a plan? 1090 01:41:50,500 --> 01:41:53,869 We wanted to be up, so that the greatest weapon must be up. 1091 01:41:53,870 --> 01:41:54,890 Yeah right. 1092 01:41:56,260 --> 01:41:58,399 - And you friend, where are you going? - What are you talking about? 1093 01:41:58,400 --> 01:42:01,509 - He spoke to me. - They want a big gun you're not the big gun. 1094 01:42:01,510 --> 01:42:03,759 - Tony do not be jealous. - No, is that your decorations do not scare. 1095 01:42:03,760 --> 01:42:05,879 - I have seen powerful. - Okay. 1096 01:42:05,880 --> 01:42:10,179 List your top and I attract. 1097 01:42:10,180 --> 01:42:12,129 Do not stay here, is you worst area there. 1098 01:42:12,130 --> 01:42:16,780 - If you already have your place and mine? - Tony is the worst area, this place will kill you. 1099 01:43:03,170 --> 01:43:06,370 - Did you like? - Yes, yes. 1100 01:43:14,730 --> 01:43:16,180 Duck! 1101 01:43:26,500 --> 01:43:29,139 I think you ought to start with that. 1102 01:43:29,140 --> 01:43:33,780 If only serves forgive chief once, is that it ends. 1103 01:43:34,170 --> 01:43:37,560 I said it five minutes ago. 1104 01:43:38,090 --> 01:43:40,879 Take away Mr. that is here. 1105 01:43:40,880 --> 01:43:42,459 - Sorry. - You are arrested Mr. 1106 01:43:42,460 --> 01:43:45,059 - Are you kidding right? - Hands on the back. 1107 01:43:45,060 --> 01:43:48,010 I just want to help. 1108 01:43:49,680 --> 01:43:54,259 I got it, I know what you do. Intended to indict, well this is done. 1109 01:43:54,260 --> 01:43:56,959 You think as you eliminate director competition. 1110 01:43:56,960 --> 01:44:00,659 Okay, you think you have problems? I'm going to Cauís a problem. 1111 01:44:00,660 --> 01:44:04,650 We'll see you sooner than that think. 1112 01:44:08,120 --> 01:44:11,109 When you get the other I think they should place in the southeast and northeast exit. 1113 01:44:11,110 --> 01:44:14,369 Yes, we suspended the train coming Point of Willes. 1114 01:44:14,370 --> 01:44:16,789 Put buses for people using these lines. 1115 01:44:16,790 --> 01:44:20,469 - Yes, you coming with us? - No, I will stay until everything is resolved. 1116 01:44:20,470 --> 01:44:21,510 Right. 1117 01:44:23,840 --> 01:44:27,959 Attention is approaching a android again, this is different. 1118 01:44:27,960 --> 01:44:30,920 It has a lot more driving energy. 1119 01:44:40,640 --> 01:44:42,939 What a pleasure to return. 1120 01:44:42,940 --> 01:44:45,680 This is gonna get ugly. 1121 01:44:47,180 --> 01:44:51,770 I have something special Vanko I realize its Bunker to her. 1122 01:44:52,510 --> 01:44:53,310 What? 1123 01:45:02,900 --> 01:45:03,900 Is the Hammer? 1124 01:45:04,890 --> 01:45:05,600 Yes. 1125 01:45:06,880 --> 01:45:08,200 I got it. 1126 01:45:59,670 --> 01:46:03,109 Rhode, must be done. Want to be a hero? 1127 01:46:03,110 --> 01:46:04,310 What? 1128 01:46:05,200 --> 01:46:08,519 I said I could use a companion. Do raise your hand. 1129 01:46:08,520 --> 01:46:09,369 Is that your idea? 1130 01:46:09,370 --> 01:46:13,830 I'm with you, do, do, do it. 1131 01:46:53,130 --> 01:46:55,909 All of these exploit Andriod must be out of here. 1132 01:46:55,910 --> 01:46:56,930 Peper. 1133 01:47:35,680 --> 01:47:38,409 Tony really can not stand it, and can not stand. 1134 01:47:38,410 --> 01:47:40,099 Do not take it then? What about me look at me? 1135 01:47:40,100 --> 01:47:42,119 My body can not control much stress. 1136 01:47:42,120 --> 01:47:44,239 I do not know whether to kill or jump hibas vacuum. 1137 01:47:44,240 --> 01:47:46,089 - Or? - Or break the entire company. 1138 01:47:46,090 --> 01:47:48,379 I think I did well. 1139 01:47:48,380 --> 01:47:52,659 I refuse to reassign me. That is all. 1140 01:47:52,660 --> 01:47:55,920 What did you say? Is that it? 1141 01:47:56,620 --> 01:48:01,199 I'm surprised, I think I am not surprised. I understand you have no excuses. 1142 01:48:01,200 --> 01:48:05,119 - No, sorry please do not look for excuses. - If you are not excuses but you have to find anything. 1143 01:48:05,120 --> 01:48:08,359 - No, not excuses, I know that it is justified ... - Hey you deserve more. 1144 01:48:08,360 --> 01:48:12,710 - Well ... - I have always taken good care. 1145 01:48:13,260 --> 01:48:16,830 I was in trouble and always helped me. 1146 01:48:17,320 --> 01:48:18,789 - Thanks. - Yes. 1147 01:48:18,790 --> 01:48:21,149 - Thanks for understanding. - How will my return address? 1148 01:48:21,150 --> 01:48:25,269 - I'll see that ... - Yes, but and the press, it only takes a week in the post ... 1149 01:48:25,270 --> 01:48:27,429 - But if you took years. - I do not know. 1150 01:48:27,430 --> 01:48:30,820 As if it was the first president. 1151 01:48:41,740 --> 01:48:44,389 - Claro. - No, I'm not. 1152 01:48:44,390 --> 01:48:46,469 Was it true? We can prove it. 1153 01:48:46,470 --> 01:48:51,949 For me if it was weird. It is as well as two crows fighting over grapes. 1154 01:48:51,950 --> 01:48:55,049 - I, and gave up ... - Yes, well that is not ... 1155 01:48:55,050 --> 01:48:57,449 I heard no justification whatever you said. 1156 01:48:57,450 --> 01:49:00,209 - Do not have to go? - I got here first, consiganse quarter. 1157 01:49:00,210 --> 01:49:02,829 - I thought we would not do jokes. - It's the last I promise. 1158 01:49:02,830 --> 01:49:05,639 - You were right there for sure. - Thank you as well. 1159 01:49:05,640 --> 01:49:11,409 Hey my car was destroyed in the explosion and I'm going to stay with the suit one time. 1160 01:49:11,410 --> 01:49:15,900 - No I do not like the idea. - It was not question. 1161 01:49:20,320 --> 01:49:25,260 How do I resign if I do not approve? 1162 01:49:34,830 --> 01:49:38,850 DRAFT AVENDERS PRELIMINARY REPORT 1163 01:49:42,570 --> 01:49:45,340 I do not want to read it. 1164 01:49:45,460 --> 01:49:47,419 I do not know whether to leave you to get involved more. 1165 01:49:47,420 --> 01:49:53,879 And this is moreover ajente Romanoff and a report is yours. 1166 01:49:53,880 --> 01:49:54,850 Read it. 1167 01:49:56,630 --> 01:50:00,219 Mr Personality Summary Stark is obsessive compulsive. 1168 01:50:00,220 --> 01:50:03,730 In my defense, was last week. 1169 01:50:04,680 --> 01:50:08,369 Obvious destructive tendencies, was going to die, please. 1170 01:50:08,370 --> 01:50:09,790 And all I have. 1171 01:50:10,360 --> 01:50:14,350 Classic Case "Narsizismo? 1172 01:50:15,050 --> 01:50:15,700 Right. 1173 01:50:17,080 --> 01:50:21,949 Another is here, assessment of recruitment for project Avenger, Iron Man himself. 1174 01:50:21,950 --> 01:50:25,170 - I have to think about it. - Continued. 1175 01:50:26,640 --> 01:50:30,509 Tony Stark, is not recommended? 1176 01:50:30,510 --> 01:50:35,319 Did not see the point, such as approved and disapproved? 1177 01:50:35,320 --> 01:50:40,209 I have a new heart, I'm being good with Peppers. 1178 01:50:40,210 --> 01:50:44,319 I have a semi-stable relationship. 1179 01:50:44,320 --> 01:50:49,650 What makes us think this operation is that only you will use a consultant. 1180 01:50:55,900 --> 01:50:58,470 They have to be paid. 1181 01:51:00,000 --> 01:51:05,899 Although this wage could save if instead you do me a favor. 1 207 1182 01:51:05,900 --> 01:51:09,239 They're coming and I will be decorated Rhodey Washington y. .. 1183 01:51:09,240 --> 01:51:10,660 No one comes. 1184 01:51:11,980 --> 01:51:14,530 I'll see what I can do. 1185 01:51:15,420 --> 01:51:21,249 It is a pleasure and an honor to deliver these two medals to Lt. Col. 1186 01:51:21,250 --> 01:51:25,189 James Rhodes and Mr. Tony Stark. Who is a great ... 1187 01:51:25,190 --> 01:51:28,520 A great national treasure. 1188 01:51:29,860 --> 01:51:32,749 Thanks lieutenant colonel for his excepsional action in the field. 1189 01:51:32,750 --> 01:51:36,160 - He deserves this. - Thanks. 1190 01:51:37,490 --> 01:51:42,219 Mr. Stark thanks for that excepsional performance. 1191 01:51:42,220 --> 01:51:44,790 He deserves this. 1192 01:51:45,380 --> 01:51:52,220 I'm so sorry. With his career just a painful sting. 1193 01:51:52,780 --> 01:51:56,889 Get ready for the photo. 1194 01:51:56,890 --> 01:52:08,490 Downloaded From www.NguyenVanHuy.Info