3 00:01:51,279 --> 00:01:52,780 Hyperion! 4 00:03:13,736 --> 00:03:16,447 When this world was still young... 5 00:03:18,616 --> 00:03:22,537 long before man or beast roamed these lands... 6 00:03:26,874 --> 00:03:29,210 there was a war in the heavens. 7 00:03:31,212 --> 00:03:35,383 Immortals, once thought incapable of death... 8 00:03:36,300 --> 00:03:39,303 discovered they had the power to kill one another. 9 00:03:40,513 --> 00:03:45,601 - Lost in this war was a weapon- 10 00:03:46,477 --> 00:03:48,104 The Epirus Bow. 11 00:03:49,605 --> 00:03:53,234 The victors declared themselves gods 12 00:03:53,401 --> 00:03:57,363 while the vanquished were renamed Titans, 13 00:03:57,530 --> 00:04:01,659 and forever imprisoned within the bowels of Mount Tartarus. 14 00:04:03,119 --> 00:04:07,790 Eons passed. Mankind flourished. 15 00:04:07,957 --> 00:04:10,793 And the great war receded from memory. 16 00:04:14,547 --> 00:04:16,758 But the evil that once was... 17 00:04:21,345 --> 00:04:23,097 has re-emerged. 18 00:05:04,472 --> 00:05:07,308 Stop. You cannot enter here. This is sacred ground. 19 00:05:08,351 --> 00:05:09,811 Sacred for who? 20 00:05:11,687 --> 00:05:13,022 What do you want with us? 21 00:05:14,524 --> 00:05:16,234 Where is the virgin oracle? 22 00:05:20,404 --> 00:05:24,450 Defile this house further and you will risk the wrath of the gods. 23 00:05:28,079 --> 00:05:29,413 The gods? 24 00:05:32,166 --> 00:05:35,086 Gods. 25 00:05:37,338 --> 00:05:38,506 Gods. 26 00:05:40,132 --> 00:05:41,676 Go ahead, call upon them. 27 00:05:42,635 --> 00:05:45,930 Pray. Ask for their help. 28 00:05:47,849 --> 00:05:51,811 Pray to the same gods who idly stood by... 29 00:05:52,854 --> 00:05:57,066 as my wife and my children were stricken by disease. 30 00:05:58,526 --> 00:06:00,736 I, too, cried to the heavens for help. 31 00:06:03,990 --> 00:06:08,786 But instead of mercy, I was met with silence. 32 00:06:08,953 --> 00:06:11,330 And the wretched sight of my family... 33 00:06:12,206 --> 00:06:15,710 suffering like animals until their deaths. 34 00:06:17,044 --> 00:06:18,546 Your gods will no longer mock me. 35 00:06:23,301 --> 00:06:24,760 I will release the Titans. 36 00:06:24,927 --> 00:06:27,555 It's not too late to end this madness. 37 00:06:27,722 --> 00:06:30,224 Salvation can be yours, if you wish it. 38 00:06:32,059 --> 00:06:34,228 Let me enlighten you, priest. 39 00:06:42,069 --> 00:06:43,988 I will end the reign of gods. 40 00:06:59,337 --> 00:07:01,797 You wield that ax well, Theseus. 41 00:07:02,882 --> 00:07:07,261 Maybe someday we'll see you use the same determination to find a wife. 42 00:07:08,512 --> 00:07:10,222 Are you conspiring with my mother now? 43 00:07:10,640 --> 00:07:11,974 She worries about you. 44 00:07:12,683 --> 00:07:14,185 There's no need to worry about me. 45 00:07:15,186 --> 00:07:16,938 You know, being a warrior... 46 00:07:18,105 --> 00:07:21,859 is not just being able to strike your opponent down with a sword. 47 00:07:22,026 --> 00:07:26,739 It's finding good reason to draw your sword in the first place. 48 00:07:27,657 --> 00:07:29,784 I draw my sword to protect those that I love. 49 00:07:30,952 --> 00:07:32,286 What about the others? 50 00:07:32,954 --> 00:07:35,581 - The others turn their backs on me. - The weak? 51 00:07:35,748 --> 00:07:38,793 The defenseless? Who's going to protect them? 52 00:07:42,880 --> 00:07:45,883 Careful. Too much worrying will make you an old man. 53 00:07:57,812 --> 00:07:58,813 - Whore. - Oh! 54 00:08:00,398 --> 00:08:02,066 Last lights for the labyrinth. 55 00:08:03,734 --> 00:08:05,903 Last lights for the holy labyrinth. 56 00:08:10,491 --> 00:08:12,827 Let the ancestors rest in peace. 57 00:08:34,890 --> 00:08:36,475 Theseus... 58 00:08:37,810 --> 00:08:39,437 May the gods be with you. 59 00:08:41,105 --> 00:08:42,940 Thank you for the offerings. 60 00:08:43,107 --> 00:08:44,442 Another accident? 61 00:08:47,278 --> 00:08:51,991 Theseus. Maybe one day you'll join me in prayer. 62 00:08:52,158 --> 00:08:54,785 Ask the gods to grant me grandchildren before I'm too old. 63 00:08:54,952 --> 00:08:59,331 Mother, your gods are children's stories. My spear is not. 64 00:09:00,666 --> 00:09:04,211 And you know, Mother, it takes more than lighting candles to make babies. 65 00:09:05,629 --> 00:09:08,424 Besides, our priest wears a ridiculous hat. 66 00:09:09,467 --> 00:09:10,468 Theseus. 67 00:09:44,251 --> 00:09:45,377 Mother, stay here. 68 00:09:45,544 --> 00:09:46,879 Theseus. 69 00:10:07,274 --> 00:10:09,235 Fellow Hellenics! 70 00:10:09,401 --> 00:10:11,862 It is with great concern that I stand before you. 71 00:10:12,780 --> 00:10:17,284 The Heraklion king, Hyperion, has seized the Sibylline Monastery. 72 00:10:18,619 --> 00:10:20,913 He is only a day's march from here. 73 00:10:21,080 --> 00:10:24,041 We must evacuate this village immediately. 74 00:10:24,208 --> 00:10:25,876 We must fight him at the gates of our village! 75 00:10:26,043 --> 00:10:28,379 Silence, please! Quiet! 76 00:10:28,546 --> 00:10:30,047 Villagers, we stand no chance! 77 00:10:30,214 --> 00:10:33,259 - I said fall in, Lysander! - We stand no chance! 78 00:10:33,425 --> 00:10:35,052 He is weary from battle! 79 00:10:35,219 --> 00:10:39,932 Please. We ask that every man, woman and child gather your belongings. 80 00:10:40,099 --> 00:10:41,725 Leave for Mount Tartarus. 81 00:10:42,476 --> 00:10:45,646 Seek refuge behind the safety of the great wall! 82 00:10:45,813 --> 00:10:47,523 There you will be protected. 83 00:10:47,690 --> 00:10:50,901 Anyone who needs more time, the old, the infirm, 84 00:10:51,068 --> 00:10:52,778 we will escort in a day's time. 85 00:10:52,945 --> 00:10:55,322 - Only what you can carry. - Prepare your departure. 86 00:10:55,489 --> 00:10:58,075 Leave it. It's not essential. Give me that. 87 00:11:00,327 --> 00:11:02,121 Leave that. 88 00:11:03,330 --> 00:11:04,456 Move along now. 89 00:11:04,832 --> 00:11:06,167 You're with the wrong party. 90 00:11:07,918 --> 00:11:09,587 Is this not the caravan traveling to Tartarus? 91 00:11:09,753 --> 00:11:12,173 It is, but you will not be traveling among us. 92 00:11:13,215 --> 00:11:14,884 Go in the morning with your own kind. 93 00:11:15,593 --> 00:11:16,760 My kind? 94 00:11:17,761 --> 00:11:20,431 Peasants and undesirables travel tomorrow. 95 00:11:22,600 --> 00:11:24,685 My kind's blood is the same color as yours. 96 00:11:24,852 --> 00:11:26,353 - Should we spill some to prove it? - Theseus. 97 00:11:26,520 --> 00:11:27,688 Mother. 98 00:11:27,855 --> 00:11:29,356 What happens here? 99 00:11:30,524 --> 00:11:32,526 This bastard and his whore mother... 100 00:11:41,952 --> 00:11:44,371 Stop! Fall back! 101 00:11:46,123 --> 00:11:47,499 Fall back! 102 00:11:51,128 --> 00:11:52,463 - Put the sword down. - I will not! 103 00:11:52,630 --> 00:11:55,216 - Kill him! - Try! He dies first. 104 00:11:56,217 --> 00:11:58,052 What is it that you want, brother? 105 00:11:58,219 --> 00:12:01,597 It seems as though my kind travel in the morning. 106 00:12:02,431 --> 00:12:03,891 I want them to have a proper escort. 107 00:12:08,312 --> 00:12:11,440 Move again, and I will bury this in your skull. 108 00:12:12,608 --> 00:12:14,985 - What's your name? - Theseus. 109 00:12:15,152 --> 00:12:18,155 Now is not the time for violence, Theseus. Let him go. 110 00:12:19,156 --> 00:12:22,159 Only if I have your word the rest of the village will be protected. 111 00:12:22,326 --> 00:12:26,580 You have my word. I will leave capable men for the caravan tomorrow. 112 00:12:30,542 --> 00:12:32,878 - Kill this traitor! - Enough with your spectacle! 113 00:12:33,045 --> 00:12:35,506 Restrain him! Get him out of my sight! 114 00:12:35,673 --> 00:12:37,258 He's a bastard! 115 00:12:37,424 --> 00:12:39,301 Take him away and disarm him. 116 00:12:39,468 --> 00:12:40,469 Mother... 117 00:12:42,096 --> 00:12:45,182 Save your bloodlust for Heraklion veins, Theseus. 118 00:12:45,349 --> 00:12:49,103 Join our ranks. You have been trained well. 119 00:12:51,855 --> 00:12:53,357 I had a good teacher. 120 00:12:53,524 --> 00:12:56,860 I could use men of your skill at our side to defeat Hyperion's legions. 121 00:12:57,027 --> 00:13:01,448 Why would I serve you? You who would so easily abandon us. 122 00:13:02,533 --> 00:13:03,951 Let's go, Mother. 123 00:13:09,623 --> 00:13:13,627 Lysander. You're no longer part of this army. 124 00:13:16,338 --> 00:13:19,049 Relinquish your shield, your spear... 125 00:13:20,217 --> 00:13:22,303 and remain here to travel with the peasants tomorrow. 126 00:13:22,469 --> 00:13:24,305 - But you saw him... - It's done. 127 00:13:31,145 --> 00:13:32,479 I'll see you later. 128 00:13:36,483 --> 00:13:40,404 Where are your things, old man? Are you not prepared for the march? 129 00:13:41,989 --> 00:13:45,909 Such odysseys were meant for the young and expectant, 130 00:13:46,076 --> 00:13:48,495 not for a worn-out old goat like me. 131 00:13:49,163 --> 00:13:52,750 Please reconsider. You know staying here is suicide. 132 00:13:54,001 --> 00:13:58,255 If the Heraklions show up, at least I'll be spared a slow death. 133 00:13:58,422 --> 00:14:03,385 From what I understand, indecision is not their style. 134 00:14:04,928 --> 00:14:06,138 You are mad. 135 00:14:06,305 --> 00:14:07,514 No. 136 00:14:08,932 --> 00:14:10,309 Just tired. 137 00:14:12,603 --> 00:14:17,191 It's not living as such that's important, Theseus. 138 00:14:18,025 --> 00:14:19,777 It's living rightly. 139 00:14:26,575 --> 00:14:29,119 They fight with a ferocity unlike anything I've seen. 140 00:14:31,038 --> 00:14:33,457 It was as if they could see in the darkness. 141 00:14:35,209 --> 00:14:36,543 As though it suited them. 142 00:14:37,711 --> 00:14:39,380 You speak as if they're not human. 143 00:14:40,130 --> 00:14:44,176 They are human. The Heraklions bleed just as we do. 144 00:14:45,135 --> 00:14:48,013 The only difference is they fight for a belief 145 00:14:48,180 --> 00:14:50,891 which allows them to kill without restraint. 146 00:14:51,683 --> 00:14:53,310 That is why they will win. 147 00:14:53,477 --> 00:14:56,980 Lysander. I thought Helios ordered you disarmed. 148 00:14:57,731 --> 00:14:58,732 He did. 149 00:15:37,438 --> 00:15:39,440 Reveal yourself. 150 00:15:53,120 --> 00:15:54,621 Reveal yourself. 151 00:15:59,293 --> 00:16:02,629 - Father. - Athena. 152 00:16:11,472 --> 00:16:13,557 - Zeus. - No need for formalities. 153 00:16:15,309 --> 00:16:18,103 None of the other gods are looking, are they? 154 00:16:21,273 --> 00:16:22,316 What? 155 00:16:22,983 --> 00:16:26,278 When you walked up here just now, you actually looked like a father. 156 00:16:26,987 --> 00:16:28,822 Or maybe a grandfather. 157 00:16:31,241 --> 00:16:34,536 We must tread carefully here. Heed the law. 158 00:16:34,703 --> 00:16:38,165 None of the mortals on Earth should witness us in our immortal form. 159 00:16:38,332 --> 00:16:40,292 But, Father, you've come dangerously close. 160 00:16:40,459 --> 00:16:43,670 You've been influencing the boy Theseus for years. 161 00:16:43,837 --> 00:16:46,673 Yet as one of them. Never as a god. 162 00:16:46,840 --> 00:16:48,258 Only as his friend. 163 00:16:50,844 --> 00:16:52,179 And why him? 164 00:16:57,434 --> 00:16:59,186 He does not fear danger. 165 00:17:00,521 --> 00:17:04,483 Nor pain, defeat, or ridicule. 166 00:17:05,359 --> 00:17:09,530 He fears only the failure to defend that which he holds so dear. 167 00:17:12,199 --> 00:17:13,367 His loved ones. 168 00:17:14,535 --> 00:17:17,871 If there is one human who could lead them against Hyperion... 169 00:17:19,540 --> 00:17:21,375 it would be Theseus. 170 00:17:22,376 --> 00:17:24,169 But it must be his choice. 171 00:17:34,846 --> 00:17:37,516 He's a defector. He wants to meet the king. 172 00:18:51,923 --> 00:18:52,924 Move. 173 00:19:18,784 --> 00:19:21,286 You are a defector, I understand. 174 00:19:23,330 --> 00:19:25,791 - Yes, my king. - I am not your king. 175 00:19:27,626 --> 00:19:30,587 But I wish you to be. 176 00:19:31,588 --> 00:19:34,341 But you are a traitor by definition, are you not? 177 00:19:35,842 --> 00:19:39,137 What would I want with a traitor in my midst? 178 00:19:40,764 --> 00:19:44,851 I can tell you of a village that lies unprotected... 179 00:19:45,811 --> 00:19:49,356 where you can gather young women. I have plenty of women. 180 00:19:49,523 --> 00:19:53,443 - Slaves and weaponry. - I have plenty of weapons. 181 00:19:54,736 --> 00:19:57,239 What I want is the Epirus Bow. 182 00:19:58,573 --> 00:20:03,912 Like this monastery, I have moved every precious stone your people worship upon. 183 00:20:08,417 --> 00:20:10,043 And I have yet to find it. 184 00:20:26,059 --> 00:20:28,687 Have you ever met a Sibylline monk, traitor? 185 00:20:29,855 --> 00:20:34,109 Monks of his order are unwavering in their obedience to the virgin oracle. 186 00:20:34,860 --> 00:20:38,780 With the right prodding, the oracle could see where the Bow rests. 187 00:20:41,742 --> 00:20:43,076 Couldn't she, monk? 188 00:20:46,413 --> 00:20:47,873 Tell me where she is. 189 00:20:58,383 --> 00:21:00,343 I know of your faith, monk 190 00:21:02,095 --> 00:21:05,599 Sybellines are forbidden to take a life under any circumstance... 191 00:21:06,808 --> 00:21:08,143 even their own. 192 00:21:09,978 --> 00:21:13,106 You have no choice but to tell me what I want to know. 193 00:21:23,366 --> 00:21:26,912 A monk can be made to talk with or without his tongue. 194 00:21:27,871 --> 00:21:31,249 Give him to the beast. Make him tell you where the oracle is being kept. 195 00:21:37,798 --> 00:21:39,466 Do you have any children? 196 00:21:41,134 --> 00:21:42,177 Not yet. 197 00:21:43,011 --> 00:21:46,640 A man's seed can be his most brutal weapon. 198 00:21:47,307 --> 00:21:52,103 For generations, your people will stare into the eyes of their sons 199 00:21:52,270 --> 00:21:54,564 and they will see my likeness. 200 00:21:56,441 --> 00:21:59,945 I will be remembered in every glance, every smile, 201 00:22:00,111 --> 00:22:03,323 every tear that is shed for eternity. 202 00:22:03,490 --> 00:22:07,285 But before your baptism, understand that you are not 203 00:22:07,452 --> 00:22:11,998 drawn here to my flame on instinct. 204 00:22:17,337 --> 00:22:20,549 But you ran here because you are a coward. 205 00:22:23,677 --> 00:22:28,056 And the world does not need any more cowards. 206 00:22:34,521 --> 00:22:37,107 So, I shall do this world a great favor. 207 00:22:37,858 --> 00:22:39,359 Mark you as one of us... 208 00:22:41,736 --> 00:22:46,241 and rid you of your ability to populate the Earth. 209 00:22:48,535 --> 00:22:50,370 Traitor. 210 00:22:50,537 --> 00:22:52,247 Although you will not hear them... 211 00:22:55,125 --> 00:22:57,711 your forefathers weep from their graves... 212 00:22:59,337 --> 00:23:01,506 for the future of their bloodline... 213 00:23:04,134 --> 00:23:06,386 ends with you here tonight. 214 00:23:13,226 --> 00:23:14,269 Old Man? 215 00:23:17,939 --> 00:23:19,065 Old Man. 216 00:23:29,451 --> 00:23:30,535 Hello? 217 00:23:49,763 --> 00:23:55,268 Your anger rules you, Theseus. You must learn to master your emotions. 218 00:23:58,313 --> 00:24:01,942 Rhythm, Theseus. Rhythm. 219 00:24:50,657 --> 00:24:52,283 You! Burn that down! 220 00:24:55,036 --> 00:24:56,496 Get over here! 221 00:24:58,790 --> 00:25:00,834 " No! " Huh? 222 00:25:01,001 --> 00:25:01,835 Theseus! 223 00:25:34,200 --> 00:25:37,245 Wait. 224 00:25:49,549 --> 00:25:51,760 Witness hell. 225 00:25:53,386 --> 00:25:55,597 No! 226 00:25:59,517 --> 00:26:01,269 No! 227 00:26:02,687 --> 00:26:04,314 No! 228 00:26:05,690 --> 00:26:06,691 Not him. 229 00:26:07,692 --> 00:26:08,568 No! 230 00:26:08,735 --> 00:26:12,155 Give him to the jailer. He can work in the salt mines. 231 00:26:16,493 --> 00:26:18,578 His pain has just begun. 232 00:26:33,093 --> 00:26:36,387 Hyperion's legions show no mercy. 233 00:26:39,724 --> 00:26:44,604 They have destroyed every holy shrine in their quest for the Epirus Bow. 234 00:26:47,690 --> 00:26:51,027 It is only a matter of time before they find it. 235 00:26:53,029 --> 00:26:56,908 I've noticed their king takes the greatest care 236 00:26:57,075 --> 00:26:59,410 with all women who carry a child. 237 00:27:00,495 --> 00:27:02,914 And personally sees to their slaughter. 238 00:27:05,458 --> 00:27:08,461 He ventures to eradicate a Hellenic future. 239 00:27:09,629 --> 00:27:11,631 They honor no rules of engagement. 240 00:27:11,798 --> 00:27:15,468 Effective. At least thus far. 241 00:27:15,635 --> 00:27:16,636 Effective? 242 00:27:18,471 --> 00:27:21,307 - Cowardly. - That may be... 243 00:27:22,725 --> 00:27:26,312 but the Hellenics have yet to adapt, and until they do... 244 00:27:26,479 --> 00:27:28,773 Isn't it time to intervene, Zeus? 245 00:27:29,816 --> 00:27:33,153 How can you stomach bearing witness to such atrocity whilst doing nothing? 246 00:27:33,319 --> 00:27:38,241 I obey the law. No god shall interfere in the affairs of man 247 00:27:38,408 --> 00:27:40,618 unless the Titans are released. 248 00:27:40,785 --> 00:27:44,038 If we are to expect mankind to have faith in us, 249 00:27:44,205 --> 00:27:45,915 then we must have faith in them. 250 00:27:46,082 --> 00:27:48,626 We must allow them to use their own free will. 251 00:27:49,335 --> 00:27:51,171 And what if they unearth the Bow? 252 00:27:57,385 --> 00:28:01,347 If any of you come to the aid of man 253 00:28:01,514 --> 00:28:05,602 or otherwise influence the affairs of mankind as a god... 254 00:28:07,353 --> 00:28:09,189 the punishment will be death. 255 00:29:11,459 --> 00:29:13,044 Who are they? 256 00:29:13,836 --> 00:29:17,924 The virgin oracles. The Heraklions must have found their temple. 257 00:29:19,592 --> 00:29:22,262 - You don't know of them? - I don't. 258 00:29:22,929 --> 00:29:24,931 I wouldn't mind knowing them all for a night. 259 00:29:47,245 --> 00:29:50,581 When cloudless skies thunder, stand fast. 260 00:30:13,771 --> 00:30:15,106 You were a thief? 261 00:30:16,607 --> 00:30:18,318 I am a thief, my lady. 262 00:30:19,819 --> 00:30:23,031 Were it not for these chains, I'd steal your heart. 263 00:30:23,573 --> 00:30:25,658 Tonight we must flee this place. 264 00:30:27,785 --> 00:30:29,662 Whichever are strong enough to fight. 265 00:30:31,873 --> 00:30:33,333 And that man there. 266 00:30:33,499 --> 00:30:36,753 He didn't even go for the water. He won't make it till morning. 267 00:30:36,919 --> 00:30:38,171 Just be ready. 268 00:31:05,782 --> 00:31:06,699 Stay apart. 269 00:31:09,952 --> 00:31:10,953 Inside. 270 00:31:13,373 --> 00:31:14,540 Stay alive. 271 00:32:08,261 --> 00:32:12,390 Only one of them is the true oracle. A seer. She is pure. 272 00:32:14,642 --> 00:32:16,978 The others are there to protect her identity. 273 00:32:19,814 --> 00:32:23,609 The virgin oracle is blessed with visions of the future. 274 00:32:25,027 --> 00:32:29,115 Were she to be violated, her gift of prophecy would be corrupted. 275 00:32:30,658 --> 00:32:31,993 What a waste. 276 00:33:09,530 --> 00:33:11,574 - Guards! - Keys! 277 00:33:52,031 --> 00:33:53,407 You should get some sleep. 278 00:33:58,287 --> 00:34:00,706 Do you know, I am stronger than I look? 279 00:34:04,252 --> 00:34:05,586 I'll be fine. 280 00:34:13,010 --> 00:34:14,220 Perhaps... 281 00:34:15,555 --> 00:34:17,765 Perhaps you have trouble sleeping because... 282 00:34:18,975 --> 00:34:20,726 you're haunted by your visions. 283 00:34:23,563 --> 00:34:25,356 A warrior who reads minds. 284 00:34:33,406 --> 00:34:37,410 Some people do consider my visions to be a gift. 285 00:34:37,577 --> 00:34:41,455 Gift? How can it be considered a gift 286 00:34:41,622 --> 00:34:44,667 when you can see the future but you don't have the power to change it? 287 00:34:53,092 --> 00:34:54,427 Sorry. 288 00:34:59,098 --> 00:35:00,725 Why would you do such a thing? 289 00:35:02,476 --> 00:35:05,104 You risked your life to save a complete stranger. 290 00:35:05,938 --> 00:35:08,190 Only a faithless man would ask such a question. 291 00:35:08,858 --> 00:35:11,611 My mother was a woman of faith 292 00:35:11,777 --> 00:35:14,405 and her gods were absent when she needed them the most. 293 00:35:21,162 --> 00:35:22,496 As was I. 294 00:35:25,708 --> 00:35:27,543 So we both mourn. 295 00:35:29,962 --> 00:35:31,797 You for what has passed and... 296 00:35:33,591 --> 00:35:35,176 and I for what is to come. 297 00:36:00,826 --> 00:36:02,161 What happened to them? 298 00:36:06,207 --> 00:36:09,043 I gave an order for them not to be touched. 299 00:36:09,210 --> 00:36:11,587 They tried to flee, my king. 300 00:36:11,754 --> 00:36:14,215 Seven of our best men were killed in the struggle. 301 00:36:17,051 --> 00:36:20,221 Seven of your best men killed by women? 302 00:36:22,473 --> 00:36:25,393 I wish to know where the Epirus Bow rests. 303 00:36:29,939 --> 00:36:31,649 Which of you can tell me this? 304 00:36:34,902 --> 00:36:37,405 Which of you are the true oracle? 305 00:36:44,203 --> 00:36:46,664 If I'm forced to sort you out by other means 306 00:36:46,831 --> 00:36:49,625 you will experience discomfort. 307 00:36:50,376 --> 00:36:53,254 Discomfort unique to your gender. 308 00:36:54,797 --> 00:36:58,426 So you tell me, which one of you is her? 309 00:37:01,220 --> 00:37:02,972 I am the one you seek. 310 00:37:04,557 --> 00:37:05,850 No, it is I. 311 00:37:07,059 --> 00:37:08,686 I am the one you seek. 312 00:37:10,646 --> 00:37:14,400 The other one said the same thing. They all claim to be the oracle. 313 00:37:14,567 --> 00:37:15,901 The other one? 314 00:37:17,236 --> 00:37:18,571 Yes, my king. 315 00:37:19,447 --> 00:37:21,073 The other one? What other one? 316 00:37:21,240 --> 00:37:22,908 There were four of them. 317 00:37:24,702 --> 00:37:25,828 One of them escaped. 318 00:37:27,246 --> 00:37:30,040 With a group of slaves from the watering hole. 319 00:37:43,637 --> 00:37:46,098 - Mondragon. - Sire. 320 00:37:46,265 --> 00:37:48,267 Find the one that escaped. 321 00:37:48,434 --> 00:37:49,643 Bring her to me alive. 322 00:38:03,866 --> 00:38:05,201 The dark seas. 323 00:38:08,120 --> 00:38:09,914 These waters are thick with oil. 324 00:38:10,790 --> 00:38:14,418 - And the boat? - It's a Heraklion merchant ship. 325 00:38:15,002 --> 00:38:17,797 Our best bet is to ambush it and head south. 326 00:38:17,963 --> 00:38:20,925 - South is not our journey. - It is for me. 327 00:38:24,470 --> 00:38:25,805 From what I hear... 328 00:38:26,889 --> 00:38:29,767 the women down there can get to the meat of a Malaccan chestnut 329 00:38:29,934 --> 00:38:31,352 with only their tongues. 330 00:38:34,980 --> 00:38:38,150 Shall you and I test the limits of that desire, my dear? 331 00:38:40,569 --> 00:38:45,449 The gods have given me vision. Yet all you do is dream of your appetites. 332 00:38:45,616 --> 00:38:49,161 I'd rather follow my appetites than the hallucinations of a harlot. 333 00:38:49,328 --> 00:38:52,164 - She's a high priestess. - It doesn't matter to me. 334 00:38:52,331 --> 00:38:54,583 High priestess or whore, I'm heading south. 335 00:39:01,048 --> 00:39:03,133 Was it something I said? 336 00:39:04,635 --> 00:39:07,096 Well, friend, what will it be? 337 00:39:07,638 --> 00:39:11,851 South with me, or will you follow... 338 00:39:13,686 --> 00:39:15,020 the lady? 339 00:39:15,688 --> 00:39:17,022 Neither. 340 00:39:19,817 --> 00:39:23,696 I'm taking that ship north, to Hyperion's camp at the monastery. 341 00:39:26,282 --> 00:39:29,869 Your savior sounds a lot like a madman to me, Your Highness. 342 00:39:32,037 --> 00:39:36,542 Personally, I'd rather fight with a madman than against one 343 00:40:08,073 --> 00:40:09,450 Are you minding this? 344 00:40:13,495 --> 00:40:16,540 That is the mortal your father so extols, is it not? 345 00:40:23,005 --> 00:40:24,798 And he is with the oracle. 346 00:40:24,965 --> 00:40:29,219 Poseidon, if Zeus were to suspect you, we will come to your defense. 347 00:40:46,570 --> 00:40:47,571 The rear! 348 00:40:50,783 --> 00:40:52,409 I thought you said this was a merchant ship! 349 00:40:54,286 --> 00:40:55,579 I guess I was wrong. 350 00:40:55,746 --> 00:40:58,791 The sea has forever been an unpredictable domain. 351 00:41:19,395 --> 00:41:23,315 When the cloudless skies thunder... stand fast. 352 00:41:24,984 --> 00:41:27,528 - We gotta jump now! - Stand fast! 353 00:42:51,195 --> 00:42:52,738 You knew that wave would save us. 354 00:42:57,242 --> 00:43:01,997 What I see is only a glimmer of what may come to pass. 355 00:43:03,582 --> 00:43:06,585 Your actions and desires shape what lies ahead. 356 00:43:09,963 --> 00:43:11,465 What else have you seen? 357 00:43:16,762 --> 00:43:19,932 A body wrapped in a shroud on a rock. 358 00:43:21,016 --> 00:43:23,102 You holding the Epirus Bow... 359 00:43:24,686 --> 00:43:26,146 and... 360 00:43:30,109 --> 00:43:33,112 embracing Hyperion. Impossible. 361 00:43:33,278 --> 00:43:35,739 I would never embrace Hyperion. 362 00:43:36,782 --> 00:43:38,117 He killed my mother. 363 00:43:39,827 --> 00:43:41,078 Your mother. 364 00:43:42,454 --> 00:43:44,498 Was she given a proper burial? 365 00:43:47,459 --> 00:43:48,627 No. 366 00:43:49,461 --> 00:43:52,339 She still lies where Hyperion cut her down. 367 00:43:53,382 --> 00:43:57,261 Then you must bury your mother. Her faith demands it. 368 00:43:58,011 --> 00:43:59,596 I do not believe in the gods. 369 00:44:00,180 --> 00:44:01,598 But she believed. 370 00:44:03,350 --> 00:44:06,186 She believed, Theseus. 371 00:44:07,229 --> 00:44:09,148 You must return to your village. 372 00:44:31,170 --> 00:44:33,213 Have you found the oracle? 373 00:44:33,380 --> 00:44:37,176 We did, my Lord, but our men were lost before we could recover her. 374 00:44:37,342 --> 00:44:39,511 A storm swept them to sea. 375 00:44:40,971 --> 00:44:42,306 And the oracle. 376 00:44:43,932 --> 00:44:45,517 Did she survive? 377 00:44:45,684 --> 00:44:48,395 She travels towards Kolpos with the slaves. 378 00:44:48,896 --> 00:44:50,898 She could be leading them to the Bow. 379 00:44:55,027 --> 00:44:56,069 Mm. 380 00:44:59,031 --> 00:45:03,577 Send the Beast to Kolpos. We will go to Tartarus. 381 00:45:04,703 --> 00:45:06,371 - Mondragon? - Sire. 382 00:45:07,039 --> 00:45:11,710 You stay here... and set an ambush in the pit. 383 00:46:42,134 --> 00:46:44,303 I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, Mother. 384 00:46:49,891 --> 00:46:52,811 But I promise you our family name will not die with me. 385 00:51:48,773 --> 00:51:51,276 Hyperion's legions are gathering at Tartarus. 386 00:51:52,611 --> 00:51:54,487 That's where Hellenes will fall. 387 00:51:55,864 --> 00:51:57,282 That future is not set. 388 00:51:58,950 --> 00:52:02,287 But likely. It will be a slaughter. 389 00:52:03,788 --> 00:52:06,791 - You have no faith. - Heathens. 390 00:52:08,376 --> 00:52:12,422 That is true, Dareios, but not always. 391 00:52:13,006 --> 00:52:17,677 When I was just a boy, I prayed to the gods... for a horse. 392 00:52:17,844 --> 00:52:22,474 The gods never answered me, so I stole one instead. 393 00:52:27,812 --> 00:52:29,731 We're surrounded by heathens. 394 00:54:10,081 --> 00:54:13,251 It's all right. It's all right, Theseus. 395 00:54:15,545 --> 00:54:17,172 What happened to me? 396 00:54:17,338 --> 00:54:20,258 Your arm. You were poisoned. 397 00:54:26,431 --> 00:54:28,057 Where are the others? 398 00:54:29,058 --> 00:54:31,728 They're putting Dareios' body to rest. 399 00:54:50,663 --> 00:54:51,998 She was right. 400 00:54:56,044 --> 00:54:57,962 For all those years, I doubted her. 401 00:55:00,465 --> 00:55:03,927 Doubted their existence. 402 00:55:05,970 --> 00:55:08,973 Your mother's death was not in vain, Theseus. 403 00:55:11,309 --> 00:55:15,480 It was fate that brought you back. For the Bow. 404 00:55:19,943 --> 00:55:22,487 And in your hands, Theseus... 405 00:55:23,988 --> 00:55:26,074 it will bring Hellenes victory. 406 00:57:03,212 --> 00:57:07,550 You were right, Theseus. My visions are a curse. 407 00:57:08,468 --> 00:57:11,095 I want to see the world through my own eyes. 408 00:57:12,639 --> 00:57:15,183 And feel with my own heart. 409 00:57:15,808 --> 00:57:17,894 And touch with my own flesh. 410 00:57:34,661 --> 00:57:38,539 Hey, monk, I did a little shopping last night. Good weapon, huh? 411 00:57:52,637 --> 00:57:54,472 Good to you see you're still alive. 412 00:57:54,973 --> 00:57:57,558 I was worried that cow had gotten the best of you. 413 00:57:58,309 --> 00:58:01,354 It almost did. She saved my life. 414 00:58:04,065 --> 00:58:05,650 Looks like she did more than that. 415 00:58:10,071 --> 00:58:11,072 Careful. 416 00:58:12,156 --> 00:58:15,493 Just because you have that bow doesn't mean I'm going to treat you differently. 417 00:58:16,160 --> 00:58:18,788 Good. We march to the monastery. 418 00:58:20,999 --> 00:58:22,333 We have a war to fight. 419 00:58:26,838 --> 00:58:31,426 The faithful believe the Titans are still buried deep within the mountain. 420 00:58:37,265 --> 00:58:41,644 The Great Wall is the Hellenics' only hope against your army. 421 00:58:48,901 --> 00:58:50,069 Defenses? 422 00:58:50,236 --> 00:58:54,741 Originally it was a dam, but the Hellenics have since adapted it. 423 00:58:57,076 --> 00:59:00,747 No one could have anticipated the enemy you have become. 424 00:59:01,664 --> 00:59:02,999 How many are there? 425 00:59:03,666 --> 00:59:06,711 How many have made it here, Your Majesty, I'm not sure. 426 00:59:06,878 --> 00:59:08,046 How many? 427 00:59:08,796 --> 00:59:10,465 I'm not sure, Your Majesty. 428 00:59:12,800 --> 00:59:15,636 - Eight hundred. - And the gate? 429 00:59:15,803 --> 00:59:20,141 Twenty feet of marble stone, weighing over 12 tons. 430 00:59:20,308 --> 00:59:23,561 It was designed to be impenetrable, Your Majesty. 431 00:59:25,313 --> 00:59:31,152 Have you ever known of a gate designed to be anything but? 432 00:59:41,662 --> 00:59:43,456 Go be of service somewhere else. 433 01:00:01,516 --> 01:00:05,520 Where is he? I thought Hyperion was supposed to be camped here. 434 01:00:05,686 --> 01:00:10,483 We should continue. Tartarus is another two days along this ridge. 435 01:00:11,818 --> 01:00:13,152 What is that sound? 436 01:00:43,808 --> 01:00:46,310 Stay down, monk! Stavros, help me! 437 01:00:47,311 --> 01:00:48,813 Help me keep him down! 438 01:00:52,358 --> 01:00:54,610 No! No! 439 01:00:56,154 --> 01:00:59,824 My sisters! My sisters! 440 01:01:00,616 --> 01:01:02,160 They're in the bull! 441 01:01:08,791 --> 01:01:09,792 No! 442 01:01:24,515 --> 01:01:26,642 - I am the true oracle. - It's me, Phaedra! 443 01:01:26,809 --> 01:01:28,269 I am the oracle. 444 01:01:31,439 --> 01:01:32,523 Theseus. 445 01:01:33,274 --> 01:01:34,650 They're still here. 446 01:01:41,282 --> 01:01:42,408 Wait, monk! 447 01:01:44,535 --> 01:01:45,870 It's a trap! 448 01:02:01,135 --> 01:02:03,012 Monk! 449 01:02:20,071 --> 01:02:21,405 Theseus. 450 01:03:07,451 --> 01:03:09,620 Do not stop until you reach Tartarus. 451 01:03:09,787 --> 01:03:11,956 The horses will run until their hearts give out. 452 01:03:12,123 --> 01:03:15,209 Hyperion will soon have the Bow. Leave. 453 01:03:41,819 --> 01:03:44,613 Forgive me, Father. Forgive me. 454 01:03:46,282 --> 01:03:48,826 I only broke the law to protect the mortal. 455 01:04:30,201 --> 01:04:33,371 No god will ever again come to your aid. 456 01:04:34,705 --> 01:04:36,374 You are on your own! 457 01:04:39,043 --> 01:04:41,712 Do you understand, mortal? 458 01:04:42,880 --> 01:04:45,299 I have faith in you, Theseus. 459 01:04:46,050 --> 01:04:49,929 Prove me right. 460 01:04:50,554 --> 01:04:52,056 Lead your people. 461 01:05:34,140 --> 01:05:35,266 Halt! 462 01:05:52,408 --> 01:05:54,368 The horse I prayed for when I was a boy. 463 01:05:55,035 --> 01:05:56,203 What is wrong with him? 464 01:05:58,998 --> 01:06:00,124 They're dying. 465 01:06:21,979 --> 01:06:23,981 Where are the men? 466 01:06:24,148 --> 01:06:26,233 They have yet to return, sire. 467 01:06:27,109 --> 01:06:29,445 What does the sight of the bird tell you? 468 01:06:32,656 --> 01:06:33,657 Speak. 469 01:06:36,535 --> 01:06:37,661 The gods. 470 01:06:40,080 --> 01:06:41,874 They came from above. 471 01:06:42,500 --> 01:06:43,918 The gods? 472 01:06:44,084 --> 01:06:46,712 They appeared and laid waste to the men, my king. 473 01:06:49,465 --> 01:06:50,716 The gods. 474 01:06:53,594 --> 01:06:54,845 The gods. 475 01:06:55,888 --> 01:06:58,974 They protected the slave who travels with the oracle. 476 01:07:02,520 --> 01:07:05,356 The gods fight on their behalf, sire. 477 01:07:10,694 --> 01:07:13,197 If the men hear of this, there will be panic. 478 01:07:14,365 --> 01:07:17,117 I know. I know. 479 01:08:05,332 --> 01:08:08,460 In peace, sons bury their fathers. 480 01:08:09,920 --> 01:08:13,382 In war, fathers bury their sons. 481 01:08:21,181 --> 01:08:22,975 Are we at war, Father? 482 01:09:04,183 --> 01:09:06,101 I have important information for the council. 483 01:09:06,268 --> 01:09:07,436 Theseus. 484 01:09:08,062 --> 01:09:09,772 I know this man. Let him through. 485 01:09:15,944 --> 01:09:17,780 I hope you've come to join the fight. 486 01:09:30,918 --> 01:09:32,252 Where's the army? 487 01:09:42,262 --> 01:09:44,014 Tell me about the slave. 488 01:09:47,184 --> 01:09:49,353 He's from your village, is he not? 489 01:09:51,188 --> 01:09:53,023 - Answer me! - Yes. 490 01:09:54,525 --> 01:09:56,360 He was a peasant. 491 01:10:00,698 --> 01:10:02,449 As was I. 492 01:10:03,450 --> 01:10:05,369 Forgive me, Your Majesty. 493 01:10:05,536 --> 01:10:07,746 - I meant no... - Quiet. 494 01:10:07,913 --> 01:10:10,249 And his family? 495 01:10:10,416 --> 01:10:14,837 His mother was raped by some villagers. Nobody would marry her. 496 01:10:17,464 --> 01:10:18,882 He was a bastard. 497 01:10:23,387 --> 01:10:24,722 And his name? 498 01:10:25,597 --> 01:10:26,724 Theseus. 499 01:10:27,725 --> 01:10:29,893 Very well. I'll meet him. 500 01:10:40,320 --> 01:10:43,240 Helios tells me you have information that could be of use to us. 501 01:10:43,407 --> 01:10:45,701 Hyperion is in possession of the Epirus Bow. 502 01:10:47,244 --> 01:10:49,705 - The Epirus Bow? - Yes, it's a weapon forged by Heracles. 503 01:10:49,872 --> 01:10:52,499 Oh, please. I heard the same stories you did as a child. 504 01:10:52,666 --> 01:10:56,962 There are gods living in the clouds. Titans buried in the rocks. 505 01:10:57,129 --> 01:11:02,092 Listen, I was a disbeliever just like you are. But the Epirus Bow exists 506 01:11:02,259 --> 01:11:07,431 I understand there are many Hellenics who put faith in the myths and the gods, 507 01:11:07,598 --> 01:11:10,309 but we on the Hellenic council do not. 508 01:11:10,476 --> 01:11:13,312 They are metaphors, son. Nothing more. 509 01:11:13,479 --> 01:11:17,357 We are a society of laws based on negotiation and reason. 510 01:11:17,524 --> 01:11:20,778 If you try and negotiate with Hyperion, you will be the death of us all. 511 01:11:20,944 --> 01:11:23,906 If I were to accept your counsel, 512 01:11:24,072 --> 01:11:26,658 Theseus from Kolpos, what would it be? 513 01:11:26,825 --> 01:11:29,328 Seal the gates and prepare for war. 514 01:11:29,495 --> 01:11:31,622 We have Hoplite battalions returning. We can't seal the gate. 515 01:11:31,789 --> 01:11:35,667 No one will return! We are the last! 516 01:11:35,834 --> 01:11:38,170 I'm sure you'll understand if I don't accept the advice 517 01:11:38,337 --> 01:11:41,673 of an alluring palm reader and her peasant lover. 518 01:11:43,342 --> 01:11:45,511 Sir, a Heraklion envoy approaches. 519 01:11:49,056 --> 01:11:53,310 There, you see? No ruler wishes for war. 520 01:11:53,477 --> 01:11:57,397 They only wish to be taken seriously at the bargaining table. 521 01:11:58,232 --> 01:12:00,651 Alert the council. Prepare a delegation. 522 01:12:04,905 --> 01:12:05,989 Bows! 523 01:12:10,202 --> 01:12:11,203 Stop! 524 01:12:14,331 --> 01:12:18,752 Stop! Remain still, or we'll be forced to fire upon you. 525 01:12:22,965 --> 01:12:24,675 Extend your arms outward. 526 01:12:28,554 --> 01:12:30,556 He bears the olive branch of peace. 527 01:12:31,890 --> 01:12:36,562 My king wishes to speak to the one called Theseus from Kolpos. 528 01:12:40,858 --> 01:12:42,192 Theseus. 529 01:12:44,695 --> 01:12:47,281 Hyperion's envoy desires a word with you. 530 01:12:48,740 --> 01:12:52,578 Like the vision, he sends for you with arms open. 531 01:12:54,079 --> 01:12:56,164 Seeking an embrace of loyalty. 532 01:12:56,331 --> 01:12:58,000 Phaedra. 533 01:12:59,209 --> 01:13:00,919 Have you never been wrong? 534 01:13:14,224 --> 01:13:15,934 We can't protect you beyond this gate. 535 01:13:23,066 --> 01:13:24,735 I am Theseus! 536 01:13:25,235 --> 01:13:28,238 Come closer. I have a message for you. 537 01:13:29,197 --> 01:13:30,240 Don't risk it. 538 01:13:35,078 --> 01:13:36,663 At worst, you lose a peasant. 539 01:13:46,924 --> 01:13:49,551 - Better? - Uh-huh. Yes. 540 01:13:51,178 --> 01:13:53,096 Why do you cover your face? 541 01:13:53,263 --> 01:13:55,974 All are equal in Hyperion's midst. 542 01:13:56,141 --> 01:13:59,436 I myself am only a vessel for his demands. Nothing more. 543 01:14:00,562 --> 01:14:03,982 - And he asks me by name? - Indeed he does. 544 01:14:04,149 --> 01:14:05,525 And how does he know it? 545 01:14:05,692 --> 01:14:08,403 There's little the king does not know. 546 01:14:08,570 --> 01:14:10,739 He knows that you have no father. 547 01:14:10,906 --> 01:14:14,117 And like him, you were cast aside by your own people. 548 01:14:14,284 --> 01:14:15,953 Does he know of my rage? 549 01:14:17,412 --> 01:14:20,791 Does he know that I live only to see his blood at the end of my sword? 550 01:14:20,958 --> 01:14:22,960 Does he know he butchered my mother? 551 01:14:31,134 --> 01:14:35,263 Now that he's seen your face, he knows. 552 01:14:44,648 --> 01:14:45,983 You wouldn't make it. 553 01:14:47,234 --> 01:14:48,652 Coward! 554 01:14:48,819 --> 01:14:50,654 Embrace me, Theseus. 555 01:14:51,780 --> 01:14:54,825 They will never give you a seat at their table 556 01:14:54,992 --> 01:14:56,743 but you could sit at the head of mine. 557 01:14:58,161 --> 01:15:03,375 Long after this war is over, my mark will be left on this world forever. 558 01:15:05,961 --> 01:15:09,589 The sun will never set on my blood, Theseus. 559 01:15:09,756 --> 01:15:13,427 This is what I offer you. Immortality. 560 01:15:14,594 --> 01:15:17,848 Deeds are eternal. Not the flesh. 561 01:15:22,644 --> 01:15:25,814 The gods may be on your side, but tomorrow... 562 01:15:27,149 --> 01:15:28,859 I unleash the Titans. 563 01:15:33,530 --> 01:15:35,032 What was discussed? 564 01:15:36,033 --> 01:15:37,868 Seal the gate. 565 01:15:38,035 --> 01:15:41,121 - What were his demands? - Seal the gate. 566 01:15:42,289 --> 01:15:43,874 Theseus. 567 01:15:46,376 --> 01:15:48,170 Ahh... 568 01:16:10,317 --> 01:16:13,445 - That was him, wasn't it? - I was that close. 569 01:16:45,393 --> 01:16:48,271 I don't know if I can do what Zeus asks of me. 570 01:16:51,942 --> 01:16:54,319 By doubting one comes the truth, Theseus. 571 01:16:59,116 --> 01:17:00,575 The gods chose well. 572 01:18:49,184 --> 01:18:52,270 Sir, there's movement on the front. 573 01:19:16,002 --> 01:19:17,671 What is he holding? 574 01:19:20,924 --> 01:19:21,967 The Bow. 575 01:19:38,984 --> 01:19:42,112 The commanders are all dead! Fall back! 576 01:19:49,119 --> 01:19:51,037 Hold! Stand your ground! 577 01:19:51,621 --> 01:19:54,040 Hold! Stand your ground! 578 01:20:06,761 --> 01:20:08,096 Listen to me! 579 01:20:11,599 --> 01:20:12,767 Listen! 580 01:20:16,146 --> 01:20:20,233 - Who are you to tell us what to do? - I am nobody to tell you what to do! 581 01:20:20,400 --> 01:20:23,778 I am Theseus, a common man! One of you! 582 01:20:23,945 --> 01:20:27,449 I share your blood! And I share your fear! 583 01:20:28,325 --> 01:20:33,455 But to run now would offer our souls and the souls of our children 584 01:20:33,621 --> 01:20:35,332 to a terrible darkness! 585 01:20:45,091 --> 01:20:47,927 Hold! We must stand and fight! 586 01:20:48,470 --> 01:20:52,265 Their numbers count for nothing in the tunnel! Stand your ground! 587 01:20:54,601 --> 01:20:57,854 Stand your ground! Who are they that we are not? 588 01:21:00,523 --> 01:21:03,985 Just because they scald their faces and scar their bodies... 589 01:21:04,736 --> 01:21:08,281 does not mean they are braver or stronger than we are. 590 01:21:08,990 --> 01:21:10,241 They are cowards! 591 01:21:11,117 --> 01:21:12,619 They hide behind their masks. 592 01:21:13,328 --> 01:21:17,082 They are human, and they bleed like you and I. 593 01:21:23,463 --> 01:21:24,798 Listen to me! 594 01:21:25,882 --> 01:21:27,342 Stand your ground! 595 01:21:28,218 --> 01:21:30,053 Fight for honor! 596 01:21:30,220 --> 01:21:31,888 Fight for the man beside you! 597 01:21:32,055 --> 01:21:34,349 Fight for the mothers who bore you! 598 01:21:34,516 --> 01:21:36,059 Fight for your children! 599 01:21:36,226 --> 01:21:37,644 Fight for your future! 600 01:21:38,353 --> 01:21:39,896 Fight so your name survives! 601 01:21:41,398 --> 01:21:42,357 Fight... 602 01:21:43,316 --> 01:21:45,235 for immortality! 603 01:21:52,325 --> 01:21:55,370 Let us write history with Heraklion blood! 604 01:22:03,378 --> 01:22:06,089 Ready! Move! 605 01:23:29,547 --> 01:23:31,341 King Hyperion. 606 01:23:32,759 --> 01:23:36,095 We can negotiate. I see no reason... 607 01:23:46,356 --> 01:23:48,358 Theseus! 608 01:23:49,442 --> 01:23:52,779 Here I am! Theseus of Kolpos! 609 01:23:56,491 --> 01:23:58,701 - Where's your king? - He is no king. 610 01:24:20,557 --> 01:24:21,766 Stavros! The shrine! 611 01:24:45,832 --> 01:24:47,959 Theseus! I'm right behind you! 612 01:25:05,268 --> 01:25:06,603 Phaedra! 613 01:25:09,564 --> 01:25:11,232 Phaedra! 614 01:25:11,399 --> 01:25:12,734 Stay in the shrine. 615 01:25:44,807 --> 01:25:45,975 Hyperion! 616 01:25:58,071 --> 01:25:59,155 No! 617 01:26:23,012 --> 01:26:24,347 Theseus, wake up! 618 01:26:30,103 --> 01:26:31,396 Theseus! 619 01:26:34,982 --> 01:26:36,275 Theseus! 620 01:26:57,130 --> 01:26:58,381 Theseus! 621 01:26:59,966 --> 01:27:01,300 I got the Bow! 622 01:27:02,218 --> 01:27:03,678 Stavros. 623 01:27:05,388 --> 01:27:08,141 I got the Bow. Get out of here while you can! 624 01:27:10,143 --> 01:27:11,185 I'll hold them off! 625 01:27:11,352 --> 01:27:12,520 Stavros. 626 01:27:12,687 --> 01:27:15,732 Go now! I got the Bow! 627 01:27:15,898 --> 01:27:17,358 I'll hold them off while I can! 628 01:27:17,525 --> 01:27:20,528 Get out of here! Go! 629 01:27:25,575 --> 01:27:27,744 Which one of you are coming with me? 630 01:27:57,940 --> 01:28:00,359 None of you will leave this place. 631 01:28:15,208 --> 01:28:16,459 Leave here! 632 01:28:17,627 --> 01:28:19,587 This is no longer your fight. 633 01:28:21,798 --> 01:28:23,132 Find Hyperion. 634 01:29:59,604 --> 01:30:01,272 Die with your gods. 635 01:32:18,659 --> 01:32:20,077 Athena! 636 01:32:49,857 --> 01:32:50,983 Father! 637 01:32:54,111 --> 01:32:55,946 Don't forsake mankind. 638 01:34:19,196 --> 01:34:21,157 What does it feel like, knowing... 639 01:34:23,159 --> 01:34:25,536 knowing that there'll be no memory of you? 640 01:34:27,663 --> 01:34:28,998 I have won. 641 01:34:31,250 --> 01:34:34,670 My death will make me a legend. 642 01:34:43,929 --> 01:34:45,264 My deeds... 643 01:34:47,474 --> 01:34:49,727 will go down in history. 644 01:34:56,275 --> 01:34:58,235 I'm writing your history. 645 01:35:25,054 --> 01:35:26,847 Do it! 646 01:35:43,906 --> 01:35:49,620 This... is our last embrace, Hyperion. 647 01:35:52,081 --> 01:35:53,082 Look at me. 648 01:35:55,042 --> 01:35:56,502 Look at me. 649 01:35:58,963 --> 01:36:00,130 I'm the last thing... 650 01:36:01,757 --> 01:36:03,175 you will ever see. 651 01:36:07,513 --> 01:36:10,975 Witness hell. 652 01:38:32,950 --> 01:38:36,620 All men's souls are immortal. 653 01:38:39,748 --> 01:38:45,754 But the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine. 654 01:38:50,259 --> 01:38:52,970 Once a faithless man, 655 01:38:53,137 --> 01:38:57,516 Theseus gave his life to save mankind 656 01:38:57,683 --> 01:39:00,060 and earned a place amongst the gods. 657 01:39:03,313 --> 01:39:06,650 They rewarded his bravery with a gift. 658 01:39:06,817 --> 01:39:10,154 A son. Acamas. 659 01:39:41,810 --> 01:39:44,813 Don't be afraid of your visions, little one. 660 01:39:46,648 --> 01:39:48,984 - What's your name? - Acamas. 661 01:39:49,610 --> 01:39:51,320 Acamas. 662 01:39:52,654 --> 01:39:54,615 A strong name. 663 01:39:57,576 --> 01:40:02,164 I knew your father. He was a very brave man. 664 01:40:05,876 --> 01:40:09,838 Soon, it will be your time 665 01:40:11,673 --> 01:40:13,217 My time for what? 666 01:40:13,383 --> 01:40:16,261 The fight against evil never ends, Acamas. 667 01:40:16,428 --> 01:40:19,223 War is coming to the heavens. 668 01:40:20,641 --> 01:40:25,812 And your father will be there, fighting for your future. 669 01:40:28,774 --> 01:40:29,775 Acamas. 670 01:40:30,442 --> 01:40:31,527 Acamas. 671 01:40:39,868 --> 01:40:41,328 Who was that, son? 672 01:40:42,037 --> 01:40:43,038 Just... 673 01:40:45,707 --> 01:40:47,209 Just an old man. 674 01:50:24,536 --> 01:50:25,537 English - US - PSDH