7 00:01:27,430 --> 00:01:28,900 Mama! 8 00:01:30,674 --> 00:01:33,240 Eric! 9 00:01:41,954 --> 00:01:43,974 Mama! 38 00:04:33,263 --> 00:04:35,847 Understand this, Eric. 39 00:04:36,571 --> 00:04:39,563 These Nazi's I'm not like them. 40 00:04:44,007 --> 00:04:46,840 Genes are the key, yes? 41 00:04:47,283 --> 00:04:49,174 But their goals? 42 00:04:49,407 --> 00:04:54,369 Blue eyes, Blonde hair, pathetic. 44 00:04:59,485 --> 00:05:01,095 Eat the chocolate. 45 00:05:02,416 --> 00:05:03,667 It's good. 46 00:05:04,168 --> 00:05:05,363 Want some? 47 00:05:07,452 --> 00:05:09,333 I want to see my mama. 48 00:05:15,843 --> 00:05:22,081 Genes are the keys that unlocks the door to a new age, Erik. 49 00:05:22,510 --> 00:05:25,885 A new future for mankind. 50 00:05:26,222 --> 00:05:27,897 Evolution. 51 00:05:28,933 --> 00:05:31,412 You know what I'm talking about? 52 00:05:32,720 --> 00:05:36,262 It's a simple thing I ask of you. 53 00:05:36,399 --> 00:05:41,877 A little coin is nothing compared to a big gate. 54 00:05:42,776 --> 00:05:43,818 Is it. 55 00:05:54,212 --> 00:05:55,255 Yes. 56 00:05:58,890 --> 00:06:01,165 I've tried, Herr Doctor. 57 00:06:01,166 --> 00:06:04,604 I can't...I don't... 58 00:06:05,726 --> 00:06:07,279 It's impossible. 59 00:06:09,578 --> 00:06:15,192 The only thing I can say for the Nazi's. is their methods seem to produce results. 61 00:06:17,808 --> 00:06:19,775 I'm sorry, Erik. 63 00:06:30,573 --> 00:06:31,615 Mama. 64 00:06:32,665 --> 00:06:34,128 My darling. 65 00:06:34,583 --> 00:06:36,520 How are you? 66 00:06:40,294 --> 00:06:42,212 Here's what we're going to do. 67 00:06:42,958 --> 00:06:45,225 I'm going to count to three. 68 00:06:46,137 --> 00:06:49,275 And you're going to move the coin. 69 00:06:49,762 --> 00:06:54,460 You don't move the coin, I pull the trigger. 70 00:06:56,271 --> 00:06:58,163 Understand? 71 00:06:59,492 --> 00:07:00,535 One. 72 00:07:01,730 --> 00:07:02,773 Mama. 73 00:07:02,774 --> 00:07:04,251 You can do it. 74 00:07:09,395 --> 00:07:10,438 Two. 75 00:07:13,055 --> 00:07:15,052 Everything is good. 77 00:07:25,477 --> 00:07:27,001 Mother: Everything is good. 78 00:07:28,980 --> 00:07:30,579 Everything is good. 79 00:07:31,194 --> 00:07:32,237 Three. 82 00:07:53,473 --> 00:07:55,573 Yes, wonderful! 84 00:08:05,539 --> 00:08:06,582 Excellent. 86 00:08:34,809 --> 00:08:35,852 Noooo. 89 00:08:51,076 --> 00:08:52,912 Outstanding, Eric. 90 00:08:54,105 --> 00:08:57,882 So we unlocked your gift with anger. 91 00:08:58,791 --> 00:09:02,598 Anger and pain. 92 00:09:04,624 --> 00:09:06,129 You and me. 93 00:09:07,405 --> 00:09:10,252 We're going to have a lot of fun together. 163 00:14:09,025 --> 00:14:11,858 Possession of this gold is illegal. 164 00:14:12,083 --> 00:14:13,914 I should inform the police. 165 00:14:14,242 --> 00:14:15,964 Let's not play this game. 166 00:14:16,130 --> 00:14:18,048 Where did you get it? 167 00:14:18,706 --> 00:14:20,089 A friend. 168 00:14:20,090 --> 00:14:22,446 He recommended your bank, most highly. 169 00:14:24,581 --> 00:14:25,624 I see. 170 00:14:25,793 --> 00:14:27,777 Do you know our terms, sir? 171 00:14:28,424 --> 00:14:29,467 Yes. 172 00:14:30,727 --> 00:14:33,195 And you should know mine. 173 00:14:35,730 --> 00:14:38,872 This gold is what remains of my people. 174 00:14:39,681 --> 00:14:42,665 Melted from their possessions. 175 00:14:43,255 --> 00:14:45,372 Torn from their teeth. 176 00:14:45,578 --> 00:14:48,740 And you're going to help me find the bastards responsible for it. 178 00:14:53,945 --> 00:14:55,730 Don't touch that alarm. 179 00:14:58,194 --> 00:14:59,322 I want Schmidt. 180 00:15:01,097 --> 00:15:02,471 Klaus Schmidt. 181 00:15:02,730 --> 00:15:03,772 Where is he? 182 00:15:03,897 --> 00:15:06,227 Out clients don't provide addresses. We're not... 183 00:15:06,228 --> 00:15:08,082 Not that sort of bank? 184 00:15:16,645 --> 00:15:17,946 Metal fillings, eh? 185 00:15:17,947 --> 00:15:18,999 Not gold. 186 00:15:19,000 --> 00:15:21,262 Worried someone might steal them? 187 00:15:21,263 --> 00:15:25,078 Argentina! Schmidt is in Argentina! 188 00:15:25,838 --> 00:15:28,651 Villa Gesell. Please, please! 190 00:15:45,263 --> 00:15:46,306 Thank you. 191 00:15:50,930 --> 00:15:53,471 I would love to kill you. 192 00:15:57,392 --> 00:15:59,374 So, mark my words. 193 00:15:59,826 --> 00:16:02,757 If you warn anyone I'm coming, 194 00:16:04,299 --> 00:16:05,712 I will find you. 280 00:22:31,641 --> 00:22:34,549 - Good evening, my friends! - Good evening! 281 00:22:34,550 --> 00:22:35,825 - Hot, no? - Yes... 282 00:22:35,826 --> 00:22:37,769 One beer, please. 284 00:23:01,436 --> 00:23:02,673 German beer. 285 00:23:02,927 --> 00:23:03,969 Of course. 286 00:23:03,970 --> 00:23:07,769 Yes, it's Bitburger. You like it? 287 00:23:14,054 --> 00:23:15,436 The best. 288 00:23:20,739 --> 00:23:22,936 What brings you to Argentina? 289 00:23:25,036 --> 00:23:28,571 The climate, I'm a pig farmer. 290 00:23:32,684 --> 00:23:35,662 Tailor, since I was a boy. 291 00:23:36,127 --> 00:23:38,692 My father made the finest suits in Düsseldorf. 292 00:23:39,550 --> 00:23:41,882 My parents were from Düsseldorf. 293 00:23:41,886 --> 00:23:43,453 - Ah. - Yeah. 294 00:23:43,810 --> 00:23:45,031 What was their name? 295 00:23:45,329 --> 00:23:46,870 They didn't have a name. 296 00:23:48,726 --> 00:23:50,588 It was taken away from them. 297 00:23:51,049 --> 00:23:52,445 By pig farmers,... 298 00:23:53,712 --> 00:23:55,013 ...and tailors. 299 00:24:24,076 --> 00:24:25,822 Blood and honor. 300 00:24:25,896 --> 00:24:27,983 Which would you care to shed first? 301 00:24:28,188 --> 00:24:30,187 We were under orders. 302 00:24:30,188 --> 00:24:31,310 Blood then. 304 00:24:34,016 --> 00:24:35,130 Freeze, asshole. 305 00:24:35,567 --> 00:24:37,061 Come on, shoot. 308 00:24:57,263 --> 00:24:59,649 Who...what are you? 309 00:25:02,230 --> 00:25:04,710 Let's just say I'm Frankenstein's monster. 414 00:31:53,820 --> 00:31:55,093 Herr Doctor... 415 00:31:59,379 --> 00:32:01,483 Little Erik Lehnsherr. 418 00:32:10,233 --> 00:32:12,943 What kind of greeting is that? 698 00:54:38,105 --> 00:54:39,148 Where are you going? 699 00:54:39,388 --> 00:54:40,861 To our farm. 701 00:54:42,785 --> 00:54:43,828 Open the back. 702 00:54:44,208 --> 00:54:45,775 As you wish, as you wish. 705 00:55:08,189 --> 00:55:10,907 Anything back there? - Nothing, it's empty. 706 00:55:14,280 --> 00:55:15,923 - Everything okay? - Yes. 723 00:56:44,400 --> 00:56:46,674 To your health. 737 00:58:05,311 --> 00:58:08,888 Be calm. Forget my face. Yes. 837 01:08:33,985 --> 01:08:35,028 Hello. 838 01:08:36,698 --> 01:08:44,987 Once again, my sympathies for your treatment at the hands of the CIA. 839 01:08:45,604 --> 01:08:47,376 These Americans are ruthless. 840 01:08:48,364 --> 01:08:52,524 Now they have their missiles placed in Turkey. 841 01:08:53,709 --> 01:08:58,440 I expect you'll be planning missile sites of your own. 842 01:08:58,558 --> 01:09:04,873 Somewhere you know the American early-warning system won't help. 843 01:09:05,486 --> 01:09:09,746 I hear Cuba is lovely this time of year. 844 01:09:10,164 --> 01:09:12,957 And so close to Florida. 845 01:09:14,038 --> 01:09:15,732 Missiles in Cuba? 846 01:09:18,277 --> 01:09:19,630 You're serious? 847 01:09:20,646 --> 01:09:23,254 We may as well declare war. 852 01:09:42,030 --> 01:09:45,160 Hello, General Armivolkoff. 853 01:09:48,401 --> 01:09:50,194 It's nothing. 882 01:12:00,727 --> 01:12:02,678 Captain, no sign of any American Ships. 883 01:12:03,395 --> 01:12:05,825 Maintain course, full ahead. 897 01:13:14,230 --> 01:13:15,950 Dear comrades. 898 01:13:15,951 --> 01:13:23,517 The United States have dispatched war ships for Cuba. 899 01:13:24,099 --> 01:13:28,019 This leaves us with no choice. 900 01:13:29,359 --> 01:13:32,778 Comrade First Secretary. 901 01:13:33,523 --> 01:13:36,622 We must send in our fleet. 902 01:13:39,360 --> 01:13:41,326 Dispatch the fleet! 1169 01:34:23,469 --> 01:34:28,798 Captain, we already have our orders. Why so eager for new ones? 1170 01:34:29,826 --> 01:34:33,515 I lived through one war, Comrade. 1171 01:34:34,669 --> 01:34:36,758 I'd prefer not to start another. 1172 01:34:39,216 --> 01:34:41,248 Battle stations, Now! 1174 01:34:51,136 --> 01:34:54,157 Fleet reports all weapons ready. 1175 01:34:54,344 --> 01:34:56,265 Communications officer: From the Kremlin, sir. 1176 01:34:56,684 --> 01:35:00,714 New orders. As of 1025 hours, the cargo vessel Aral sea, is hereby ordered to... 1177 01:35:00,716 --> 01:35:04,004 ...reverse course and return to port in Odessa. 1178 01:35:04,005 --> 01:35:05,467 Communications officer: Aral Sea, come in. 1179 01:35:06,177 --> 01:35:07,855 Aral Sea, come in. 1180 01:35:08,848 --> 01:35:10,264 They are not responding. 1181 01:35:10,265 --> 01:35:11,841 Officer: She's not turning around. 1182 01:35:11,842 --> 01:35:14,477 Aral Sea, you are ordered to turn around. 1183 01:35:14,478 --> 01:35:16,195 Do not cross the line. 1187 01:35:47,114 --> 01:35:50,111 Aral Sea, you are ordered to turn around. 1195 01:36:09,242 --> 01:36:11,477 We have lost control of our cargo ship. 1196 01:36:11,478 --> 01:36:14,274 She's been instructed to stop. Do not fire. 1197 01:36:14,275 --> 01:36:16,104 Repeat, do not fire. 1204 01:37:02,320 --> 01:37:03,147 No! 1211 01:37:25,410 --> 01:37:27,227 Congratulations, Commander. 1212 01:37:27,837 --> 01:37:31,725 You just averted a nuclear war. 1213 01:37:32,223 --> 01:37:33,266 What? 1214 01:37:33,670 --> 01:37:35,083 Take him to the brig. 1215 01:37:35,335 --> 01:37:37,190 What? What just happened? 1382 01:54:31,081 --> 01:54:33,759 - Fire.