1 00:02:36,040 --> 00:02:38,395 MajidMrtg Êåíå ÊæÓØ : ãÇÏÑ ÈÒÑ. 2 00:02:43,560 --> 00:02:44,754 ˜íå? 3 00:02:44,960 --> 00:02:47,235 ãäã ÓÑ ˜ææáæ ¡ ÑÌÈ. 4 00:02:47,440 --> 00:02:48,714 ÑãÒ ÚÈæÑ Ñæ íÇÏÊ ÑÝÊå? 5 00:02:50,000 --> 00:02:53,993 The crops come in knee just a few among us ... 6 00:02:54,200 --> 00:02:57,192 ... I would like to show you something the groin to the knee ... 7 00:02:57,400 --> 00:02:59,277 It was the last year. 8 00:02:59,560 --> 00:03:01,949 But it was still something with crops, right? 9 00:03:02,160 --> 00:03:04,720 Wait a minute, before buds ... 10 00:03:04,920 --> 00:03:10,119 ... a blind calf does not limp. 11 00:03:10,840 --> 00:03:13,434 A calf blind box does not before the buds 12 00:03:13,640 --> 00:03:14,959 Come on, that opens enter. 13 00:03:17,800 --> 00:03:22,749 Ah, Adriano, make a pass . I still irritates me enough! 14 00:03:23,040 --> 00:03:25,679 Yes, grandmother, instead of playing with Inter ... 15 00:03:25,880 --> 00:03:27,313 ... if you took Manchester ... there was Rooney. 16 00:03:27,640 --> 00:03:31,269 But you're sitting on my precious box. 17 00:03:32,040 --> 00:03:34,759 Stand up from there You'll get're sitting with your big buttocks. 18 00:03:35,080 --> 00:03:36,798 Stand up, get up now. 19 00:03:37,000 --> 00:03:40,197 What there was, I took the game you wanted and flowers. 20 00:03:40,400 --> 00:03:42,152 Come on, why you treat me like that? 21 00:03:42,360 --> 00:03:44,590 Besides, every time you bring daisies ... 22 00:03:44,800 --> 00:03:46,836 ... or a bonsai nor Coltsfoot. 23 00:03:47,400 --> 00:03:49,868 And when I find your bonsai or your Coltsfoot Grandma? 24 00:03:50,520 --> 00:03:52,397 You picked them the cemetery a few. 25 00:03:52,600 --> 00:03:54,158 Really shame on you. 26 00:03:54,360 --> 00:03:56,396 - Stand up from there. - Take your flowers. 27 00:03:56,600 --> 00:03:59,160 Go get up out of here. Shoot yourself in front of me. 28 00:04:01,600 --> 00:04:03,716 You'll not sit still on the trunk. 29 00:04:03,920 --> 00:04:05,399 This trunk is what I hold most valuable. 30 00:04:05,600 --> 00:04:08,273 I see what that was valuable. 31 00:04:08,480 --> 00:04:10,948 You'll see what's in it when I'm dead, that's all. 32 00:04:11,160 --> 00:04:13,469 You're not even interested in turning around the trunk. 33 00:04:13,680 --> 00:04:15,079 I forbid you, enough is enough. 34 00:04:15,320 --> 00:04:19,313 I'll die without seeing it. You're an animal. 35 00:04:19,520 --> 00:04:21,476 I know how strong they found thee! 36 00:04:21,680 --> 00:04:22,430 Shame. 37 00:04:22,640 --> 00:04:24,551 And nobody knows what job you do 38 00:04:24,760 --> 00:04:26,432 You make the big shot in the neighborhood. 39 00:04:26,640 --> 00:04:29,438 You beat them all. Everyone complains about you 40 00:04:29,640 --> 00:04:30,789 ? was bored. 41 00:04:31,000 --> 00:04:33,878 I made myself a philosophy of it all as I always say. 42 00:04:34,080 --> 00:04:37,550 Before the onset of bud the calf does not limp. 43 00:04:38,000 --> 00:04:41,310 I repeat all the time trying to put you in mind. 44 00:04:41,520 --> 00:04:44,557 Think about it when you do something, the wall when you're bored 45 00:04:45,200 --> 00:04:47,998 Oh, that guy there! You know who it is? 46 00:04:48,200 --> 00:04:51,431 It's your grandfather, a strangler bear well-built your Grandfather. 47 00:04:51,640 --> 00:04:55,713 At the time of Sultan Hamit, He has created an advertising agency. 48 00:04:55,920 --> 00:04:58,753 And you know that he worked in this agency? 49 00:04:59,240 --> 00:05:01,037 Hakan, son of Uncle Hakan. 50 00:05:01,240 --> 00:05:02,309 This brat Hakan. 51 00:05:02,520 --> 00:05:06,195 Hakan the brats. You, you're like him. Be a good person. 52 00:05:06,400 --> 00:05:08,356 I'll talk frankly Grandmother. 53 00:05:08,560 --> 00:05:10,835 This wanker Hakan, I want to know anything about him. 54 00:05:11,040 --> 00:05:13,508 We did not need him but not then! 55 00:05:13,720 --> 00:05:15,597 Ah, if I could finally see you become someone. 56 00:05:15,800 --> 00:05:17,552 ... if I could see a girl at your side. 57 00:05:17,760 --> 00:05:20,035 When do I see? I'm going to go away without seeing it. 58 00:05:20,240 --> 00:05:21,878 Well, you're gay? Are you gay? 59 00:05:22,080 --> 00:05:23,911 Listen Grandmother you speak not there. 60 00:05:24,120 --> 00:05:26,714 If you were not my Grandmother I would have already broken the jaws. 61 00:05:26,920 --> 00:05:28,399 You're a bad guy, disappear. 62 00:05:28,600 --> 00:05:30,830 You do not even know why I called you. 63 00:05:31,040 --> 00:05:32,598 And why you called me? That's why I came. 64 00:05:32,800 --> 00:05:34,870 I brought the game you wanted. The flowers you want. 65 00:05:35,080 --> 00:05:37,878 I am not come empty handed. And the more you yell at me. 66 00:05:38,080 --> 00:05:40,469 I ask three things. No more. 67 00:05:40,680 --> 00:05:42,432 Dis. You always want something. 68 00:05:42,640 --> 00:05:44,835 You'll find work and work. 69 00:05:45,080 --> 00:05:46,832 Wait, I'll write it all. 70 00:05:47,040 --> 00:05:47,950 Otherwise, I will not remember it. 71 00:05:48,160 --> 00:05:51,357 That dog you piss on his head. Come on, remember what I say. 72 00:05:51,560 --> 00:05:52,629 Dis. 73 00:05:53,000 --> 00:05:55,878 One, you'll find a job you're going to work. 74 00:05:56,960 --> 00:05:59,679 Work. Listen, you annoy me with these stories work. 75 00:05:59,880 --> 00:06:01,711 ... now there's a crisis. 76 00:06:01,920 --> 00:06:05,629 Work is not included in my genes. My DNA is out of order. 77 00:06:06,120 --> 00:06:08,873 Two, you'll marry. And carry your boat. 78 00:06:09,080 --> 00:06:12,959 You'll marry. It's easy to say. You'll marry. 79 00:06:13,160 --> 00:06:14,354 It's easy to say. 80 00:06:14,560 --> 00:06:15,913 Me too, it's thirty two years I want it. 81 00:06:16,120 --> 00:06:17,519 I'm in the situation Elizabeth. 82 00:06:17,720 --> 00:06:19,551 I also want to have a wife. 83 00:06:19,760 --> 00:06:22,911 Three, you'll get respect, you'll be a good guy. 84 00:06:23,200 --> 00:06:25,156 Respect it will win. 85 00:06:25,360 --> 00:06:27,794 I am a respectable so that was easy. 86 00:06:28,240 --> 00:06:29,878 Moreover, when I go out into the neighborhood. 87 00:06:30,080 --> 00:06:31,832 ... everything that the village account scum. 88 00:06:32,040 --> 00:06:33,678 . they are all at attention. 89 00:06:33,880 --> 00:06:38,237 I told you three things. Do not fall at home without having made. 90 00:06:38,480 --> 00:06:40,516 Okay, I'll do something. I'll think of something. 91 00:06:40,720 --> 00:06:42,676 Do not come back here before become someone. Go, broom. 92 00:06:42,880 --> 00:06:44,791 Okay, I'll do what you want. 93 00:06:45,000 --> 00:06:46,956 I'll do it promised but chatterbox. 94 00:06:47,160 --> 00:06:49,674 It is this Playstation, eh? that way you amuse yourself. 95 00:06:49,880 --> 00:06:51,552 You're still with me you let go. 96 00:06:51,760 --> 00:06:53,796 What you remains as honor. 97 00:06:54,000 --> 00:06:55,035 Go, go t out of here! 98 00:06:55,240 --> 00:06:56,593 Ah, it's not damage these insults. 99 00:06:56,800 --> 00:06:58,916 Go away! Disappear! 100 00:06:59,120 --> 00:07:00,519 Okay, okay. I'll do. 101 00:07:00,720 --> 00:07:02,312 I'll do anything you want. 102 00:07:02,520 --> 00:07:03,191 Bastard, get up now! 103 00:07:06,720 --> 00:07:10,508 Oh, granny, where it's fate this thing to work. 104 00:07:11,040 --> 00:07:14,077 I was sitting quietly before this window. 105 00:07:14,280 --> 00:07:16,919 ... I watched quietly people pass. Look at this. 106 00:07:23,800 --> 00:07:25,028 I can not do. 107 00:07:25,560 --> 00:07:26,595 I will. 108 00:07:27,520 --> 00:07:31,274 Hello, I call for the ad. Where are you? 109 00:07:31,680 --> 00:07:34,717 Finally, it Tuzla a bit far for me. 110 00:07:34,920 --> 00:07:37,753 You could not come to my house, to Gung ren? 111 00:07:37,960 --> 00:07:39,916 Well, what as a boss. 112 00:07:40,120 --> 00:07:42,588 ... you may come in an employee? 113 00:07:43,080 --> 00:07:45,913 And why? And what, We despise you now? 114 00:07:46,120 --> 00:07:50,033 No, I can not go to Tuzla. Go hang! 115 00:07:50,240 --> 00:07:52,470 Just because he gives the job we'll get to his feet. 116 00:07:52,680 --> 00:07:54,432 Come here tell me what job you'll give me. 117 00:07:54,640 --> 00:07:56,312 We want a pet. 118 00:07:57,880 --> 00:07:59,074 ? has it could fit me? 119 00:07:59,600 --> 00:08:01,192 I am an animal but not domestic. 120 00:08:01,400 --> 00:08:03,197 But not my friend. 121 00:08:03,400 --> 00:08:04,435 But no. 122 00:08:04,640 --> 00:08:05,959 No. 123 00:08:06,160 --> 00:08:07,479 Go. 124 00:08:07,680 --> 00:08:08,590 But no. 125 00:08:08,800 --> 00:08:09,915 ? was possible. 126 00:08:16,720 --> 00:08:17,550 Hello! 127 00:08:18,160 --> 00:08:19,752 No, it's not Aliye, hello. 128 00:08:19,960 --> 00:08:22,474 I have experience. I am expert pedicure. 129 00:08:22,680 --> 00:08:24,875 I cut myself toenails. 130 00:08:25,080 --> 00:08:27,150 After I lick even the white parts. 131 00:08:27,360 --> 00:08:30,477 Me, I do not care. I already licked the feet of women. 132 00:08:30,760 --> 00:08:32,273 Who do I speak? 133 00:08:33,240 --> 00:08:35,595 Who are you now? 134 00:08:36,160 --> 00:08:37,957 Me, forget it. You, who are you? 135 00:08:38,720 --> 00:08:41,075 It was I who called you. Who are you? 136 00:08:42,080 --> 00:08:44,196 I'll break your face. Where are you, eh? 137 00:08:44,400 --> 00:08:46,868 Listen, do not insult me. I'll break your mouth otherwise. 138 00:08:47,080 --> 00:08:48,718 I insult you even more. 139 00:08:49,000 --> 00:08:54,518 Hey, no insults, eh! Come on in Gung ren. 140 00:08:54,720 --> 00:08:56,438 Come, come see Gung ren. 141 00:08:56,880 --> 00:08:58,836 Hey, I called for the ad me. 142 00:08:59,040 --> 00:09:02,271 I can not do this job myself I can not. Thank you very much. 143 00:09:02,480 --> 00:09:04,596 I called, but I can not thank you. 144 00:09:05,160 --> 00:09:07,879 I call for the ad. You apparently looking for someone. 145 00:09:08,360 --> 00:09:09,839 Stop now, stop. 146 00:09:10,040 --> 00:09:13,157 Look no further, I am the person you're looking for my friend. 147 00:09:30,600 --> 00:09:32,716 Good evening 148 00:09:32,920 --> 00:09:34,592 I just pizza Kopernik. 149 00:09:34,800 --> 00:09:37,837 As it says on my badge the pizzas are the hottest. 150 00:09:38,040 --> 00:09:42,238 I made a pizza Kopernik. 151 00:09:42,440 --> 00:09:49,471 The pizza Kopernik Kopernik, the hottest pizza in the galaxy ... 152 00:09:53,040 --> 00:09:55,793 ... Copernicus. 153 00:09:56,000 --> 00:09:58,355 Okay it was understood. I can take my order. 154 00:09:58,560 --> 00:10:01,677 Excuse me, is what they tell us have learned. Keep it to see. 155 00:10:02,640 --> 00:10:07,111 You have chosen well. Congratulations, you're a smart guy. 156 00:10:07,720 --> 00:10:08,675 Donne. 157 00:10:09,480 --> 00:10:11,072 How much? 158 00:10:11,280 --> 00:10:13,669 Let's see you put in for how the boss? 159 00:10:14,240 --> 00:10:16,913 28.70 but for you it will be 14.35. 160 00:10:17,120 --> 00:10:18,269 And why? 161 00:10:18,480 --> 00:10:20,596 Ah, because in coming, you know, it smelled awfully good. 162 00:10:20,800 --> 00:10:22,791 And I could not help myself. 163 00:10:23,000 --> 00:10:25,560 Since I'm small it scares me Then I opened the pizza. 164 00:10:25,760 --> 00:10:28,479 I have not received yours, I took the Specials. 165 00:10:28,680 --> 00:10:30,238 ? was wrong or what! I want to me about it. 166 00:10:30,440 --> 00:10:31,555 Listen, friend. 167 00:10:31,760 --> 00:10:34,274 This is my first delivery, you will not make me history, eh. 168 00:10:34,480 --> 00:10:37,233 Go, take please. I am not you bring me a whole pizza. 169 00:10:38,600 --> 00:10:40,636 ? it was half a pizza, eh? 170 00:10:40,840 --> 00:10:42,558 And what shall make thee a whole pizza, eh? 171 00:10:42,760 --> 00:10:44,239 Besides you've already overeating, you're like a bear. 172 00:10:44,440 --> 00:10:46,635 ? did what if t ' share one with me? 173 00:10:46,840 --> 00:10:49,593 Besides, I've given away a whole. It's in the promo that I ate. 174 00:10:49,800 --> 00:10:50,869 What's your problem? 175 00:10:51,080 --> 00:10:54,277 Come on, tell me, What is your problem, eh? 176 00:10:54,920 --> 00:10:57,434 That's because you're bigger than yourself egocentric? 177 00:10:57,640 --> 00:10:59,392 ? did what if you partake with me your pizza. 178 00:10:59,600 --> 00:11:00,715 Good God 179 00:11:00,920 --> 00:11:03,753 Moreover, by dint of being selfish 're stingy and become huge. 180 00:11:04,080 --> 00:11:06,753 Even if you're still hungry for three months away die. 181 00:11:07,560 --> 00:11:09,471 Ok, give me money. 182 00:11:09,680 --> 00:11:13,036 Curse you going, wholesale cheap, dirty selfish. 183 00:11:13,240 --> 00:11:15,834 Okay, do not pay, wholesale cheap, dirty selfish. 184 00:11:16,840 --> 00:11:20,958 Egoi? Iste who disagree. Selfish! 185 00:11:22,920 --> 00:11:26,549 Well, you're crazy or what? Is that treats customers like that? 186 00:11:27,080 --> 00:11:29,355 In addition, you ate the pizza type. 187 00:11:29,560 --> 00:11:31,357 I felt like, we will not die? 188 00:11:31,560 --> 00:11:33,551 You're a funny guy. 189 00:11:33,760 --> 00:11:36,638 The guy wanted us to paste a trial. I hardly deterred. 190 00:11:36,840 --> 00:11:40,037 Hou, it scares me, I am really scared. 191 00:11:40,440 --> 00:11:43,557 I'll ledge. This box has a name. 192 00:11:43,760 --> 00:11:46,149 Anyway, I quit. Go, take this. 193 00:11:46,360 --> 00:11:47,076 I have. 194 00:11:47,600 --> 00:11:50,478 Take your machine. Oh, sorry, it fell from my hands. 195 00:11:50,680 --> 00:11:52,557 - I have. - Take your pizza, too. 196 00:11:52,760 --> 00:11:54,318 - Take your helmet too. - Go away, scram! 197 00:12:04,520 --> 00:12:07,114 What this guy. Forget it, break up! 198 00:12:08,120 --> 00:12:10,076 - I'll smash your face. - Casse toi. 199 00:12:18,200 --> 00:12:21,670 Come friends, we made a single file. Just like that sweetie. 200 00:12:21,880 --> 00:12:24,553 Now everyone puts their hands on the shoulder of the person in front. 201 00:12:24,760 --> 00:12:27,513 Go put your hand, the redhead. Put your hand there. 202 00:12:28,040 --> 00:12:30,395 Well, now you'll stay in single file. As a train. 203 00:12:30,600 --> 00:12:32,795 It is the express box here. 204 00:12:33,000 --> 00:12:34,991 As the express train to Anatolia, I want you all to see. 205 00:12:36,480 --> 00:12:37,959 Be disciplined. 206 00:12:39,920 --> 00:12:42,115 Look at that, as kilos. 207 00:12:42,320 --> 00:12:43,673 Yes, unfortunately. 208 00:12:44,200 --> 00:12:46,794 After you eat like an ogre you can no longer get up. 209 00:12:47,000 --> 00:12:49,468 . in your chair, and you wonder why do you two hundred pounds? 210 00:12:49,680 --> 00:12:51,113 The day I watch the birds. I do the trick. 211 00:12:51,320 --> 00:12:54,039 Take a bag, give me money. Make the extra. 212 00:12:54,240 --> 00:12:55,514 You give too, do the extra. 213 00:12:55,720 --> 00:12:57,073 I know what I give. 214 00:12:57,280 --> 00:12:59,032 Okay, the money I put in the tips box. 215 00:12:59,240 --> 00:13:00,559 Your salt, you forgot your salt. 216 00:13:00,760 --> 00:13:03,320 Tonight, there will your husband say the food is not salty, go away. 217 00:13:03,800 --> 00:13:04,949 Welcome. 218 00:13:05,200 --> 00:13:09,557 Molasses, tahini, eh big boy, and ben. 219 00:13:12,000 --> 00:13:17,358 Motex love ... Well, my grandfather. There's the clinch tonight or what? 220 00:13:17,920 --> 00:13:21,595 Where is my squirrel? Where is my caterpillar? 221 00:13:21,960 --> 00:13:24,315 You'll make a salad mixed tonight? There's a game tonight? 222 00:13:24,520 --> 00:13:26,636 You're cutting meat smuggling tonight? 223 00:13:26,880 --> 00:13:28,996 But what meat smuggling? 224 00:13:29,480 --> 00:13:30,799 It takes more extra large. 225 00:13:31,000 --> 00:13:35,278 It's not too big for it now? They say it's not very big. 226 00:13:35,480 --> 00:13:39,314 It's not too big for it now? If it will not do all that you got back. 227 00:13:42,000 --> 00:13:43,672 Well, I pay and I'm going, eh. 228 00:13:43,880 --> 00:13:47,270 Donne, he says he will play one game tonight. 229 00:13:48,200 --> 00:13:51,112 10.70. For you it will be 20.70 230 00:13:51,360 --> 00:13:55,069 Go see see rascal. Tonight y'aura the melee. 231 00:13:56,480 --> 00:13:58,869 Listen, do not use those mint, it burns. 232 00:13:59,200 --> 00:14:00,792 Go, strength in the kidneys. Like that. 233 00:14:01,000 --> 00:14:05,516 Tat tat tat tat. As an engine. Okay my grandfather? Tataki tataki. 234 00:14:05,920 --> 00:14:07,319 Bravo to you. 235 00:14:08,000 --> 00:14:10,878 It is the same neighborhood He became a teen to 27 years. 236 00:14:11,080 --> 00:14:13,833 At 25 he was not even a hair under the arms, the idiot. 237 00:14:14,040 --> 00:14:17,669 He buys 3-4 packets daily. You ask him thou do not 238 00:14:17,880 --> 00:14:20,269 You ask, there's a girl? No. 239 00:14:20,480 --> 00:14:22,118 What he makes of it all, I know. 240 00:14:22,320 --> 00:14:24,436 The last time they saw make balls and roll. 241 00:14:24,640 --> 00:14:30,237 Pear, banana, avocado, eggplant. 242 00:14:30,440 --> 00:14:31,953 Well, young man. 243 00:14:32,600 --> 00:14:33,555 Yes, boss 244 00:14:33,760 --> 00:14:36,638 Since this morning, I get Complaints always because of you. 245 00:14:37,000 --> 00:14:38,353 Really? What they complain? 246 00:14:38,560 --> 00:14:41,438 In all, he remains you than to beat one. 247 00:14:41,640 --> 00:14:43,631 Go away and it quickly your card too. 248 00:14:43,840 --> 00:14:44,750 I'll turns, going into. 249 00:14:45,280 --> 00:14:48,078 Listen, it's also me who resigns OK? 250 00:14:48,280 --> 00:14:50,430 Go, go go. Go, hurry, go. 251 00:14:50,640 --> 00:14:53,279 There's no Go, go, eh? j'te make me eat the leek. 252 00:14:53,480 --> 00:14:54,879 - Casse toi. - J'te make me eat the leek. 253 00:14:55,080 --> 00:14:58,595 Casse toi, go outside, the mentally ill. 254 00:14:59,400 --> 00:15:02,119 I have never seen such a thing in my life advance kind of sick. 255 00:15:03,040 --> 00:15:05,600 Finally, when the guy told me to hurry and all ... 256 00:15:05,800 --> 00:15:07,756 ... it made me mad, I gave my resignation, and I left. 257 00:15:07,960 --> 00:15:12,158 Good God, that they eat up your resignation. You resign and make you proud. 258 00:15:12,360 --> 00:15:14,396 ? a means anything what you did, eh? 259 00:15:15,040 --> 00:15:17,679 I'll not leave tread my honor and my pride, right? 260 00:15:17,880 --> 00:15:20,997 If you had the honor and pride you would work. 261 00:15:21,800 --> 00:15:24,234 Finally, I will try tomorrow also the medical sector. 262 00:15:24,440 --> 00:15:26,829 Ah yes, also tried that. And then kill you in a few. 263 00:15:27,280 --> 00:15:29,669 Arise, go. Come play a PES 264 00:15:29,880 --> 00:15:31,916 I'll show you now to get you thinking 265 00:15:32,120 --> 00:15:33,155 SEP also? 266 00:15:33,360 --> 00:15:34,475 Come on, get up. 267 00:15:34,680 --> 00:15:36,113 You seem very sure of yourself 268 00:15:36,320 --> 00:15:36,877 I am very sure of myself. 269 00:15:37,080 --> 00:15:38,308 I'll put a beating. 270 00:15:38,520 --> 00:15:40,078 Go. Who will pluck the other? Go. 271 00:15:40,280 --> 00:15:42,157 Not present there. Arise. 272 00:15:42,360 --> 00:15:43,110 What does it matter? 273 00:15:43,320 --> 00:15:45,914 How many times have I told you to put anything there. 274 00:15:46,120 --> 00:15:47,519 ? it was my precious trunk more valuable than you. 275 00:15:47,720 --> 00:15:49,312 And then what if there's soup on it? 276 00:15:49,520 --> 00:15:50,669 No, put it there, not there. 277 00:15:50,880 --> 00:15:54,031 Good God. You fucked me everywhere look at that. 278 00:15:54,240 --> 00:15:57,596 I'll zigouiller. 279 00:16:00,000 --> 00:16:01,479 Go, go again. 280 00:16:01,680 --> 00:16:03,989 I play with here, Who is them? 281 00:16:04,200 --> 00:16:05,553 Inter're you? 282 00:16:12,600 --> 00:16:13,749 Hello. 283 00:16:13,960 --> 00:16:15,678 My God! A buffalo fat. 284 00:16:17,560 --> 00:16:19,391 Excuse me, I panicked a little. 285 00:16:19,600 --> 00:16:20,510 What do you have? 286 00:16:21,800 --> 00:16:23,199 You're pregnant? 287 00:16:24,160 --> 00:16:25,593 This is an external fertilization, What is it? 288 00:16:25,920 --> 00:16:27,273 I am constipated. 289 00:16:30,240 --> 00:16:33,357 - How many days? - 7-8, same 9. 290 00:16:38,480 --> 00:16:40,675 I imagine not the condition of your intestines! 291 00:16:40,880 --> 00:16:44,350 This smell, this cloud of dust. The fog that flows through everything. 292 00:16:44,560 --> 00:16:48,519 My stomach is damn! You've taken a sick trend. 293 00:16:50,160 --> 00:16:53,675 You have chronic diarrhea ... 294 00:16:54,840 --> 00:16:56,796 Ah, you panicked. 295 00:16:57,000 --> 00:16:58,149 It is a very painful disease. 296 00:16:58,360 --> 00:17:01,193 Look, the vessels of the umbilical wall will die ... 297 00:17:01,400 --> 00:17:04,995 ... through that hole called umbilicus, will pass the feces ... 298 00:17:05,200 --> 00:17:08,510 ... in medical language and 'shit' in popular parlance ... 299 00:17:08,720 --> 00:17:10,995 ? was going to flow into the bed like that. 300 00:17:11,200 --> 00:17:13,111 I will practice alternative medicine. 301 00:17:15,520 --> 00:17:18,478 Suppository! It's good medicine alternative. 302 00:17:18,680 --> 00:17:20,113 You know how to use it? 303 00:17:20,320 --> 00:17:21,196 I know. 304 00:17:21,400 --> 00:17:24,153 We explain that everything is clear. 305 00:17:24,360 --> 00:17:26,874 Everything is clear to the customer 306 00:17:27,080 --> 00:17:32,518 If not, there are people who swallow with water. Now you concentrate here 307 00:17:33,800 --> 00:17:35,233 What's this? 308 00:17:38,720 --> 00:17:39,835 What's this? 309 00:17:41,120 --> 00:17:42,633 Viewing it is like that on you. 310 00:17:42,840 --> 00:17:44,671 There are two big cheeks. 311 00:17:44,920 --> 00:17:47,593 It's small in a normal person. In you there cheeks like that. 312 00:17:47,800 --> 00:17:49,233 You are separated, etc.. Normal. 313 00:17:49,440 --> 00:17:50,759 I'll explain later! It's like that. 314 00:17:50,960 --> 00:17:56,830 Petroleum jelly around, That way, well enough Vaseline. 315 00:17:57,040 --> 00:17:59,349 Etale well with hands. 316 00:18:00,920 --> 00:18:02,273 After the suppository. 317 00:18:03,680 --> 00:18:08,959 The beginning is rough, the end is chic. You take, you put the tip here. 318 00:18:09,160 --> 00:18:12,994 What are you talking about, you crazy or what! 319 00:18:13,200 --> 00:18:15,236 Come Madam, I'll help you. 320 00:18:15,440 --> 00:18:17,032 Why are you so help me! 321 00:18:17,240 --> 00:18:19,879 Are not you ashamed to work such perverse with you eh! 322 00:18:22,920 --> 00:18:26,390 Dear Neriman. She put everything into it. 323 00:18:26,600 --> 00:18:28,875 Excuse me, but it was nine tons of dried dung in his stomach. 324 00:18:29,080 --> 00:18:32,390 We ask the help we deals with rude, perverse! 325 00:18:32,600 --> 00:18:36,354 But you're a rude man, You're cynical. 326 00:18:37,720 --> 00:18:40,518 I understand your general will. 327 00:18:40,720 --> 00:18:44,349 Remove me this Take away my uniform. 328 00:18:45,360 --> 00:18:48,352 I'll hang my Oath Prostate here. 329 00:18:48,560 --> 00:18:51,438 Let suppository. I will present my resignation and I'm going. 330 00:19:09,400 --> 00:19:10,549 Continue! 331 00:19:10,760 --> 00:19:13,149 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Let's go. 332 00:19:16,120 --> 00:19:18,475 Oh I swear I have diarrhea because of the emotion. 333 00:19:18,680 --> 00:19:20,511 In addition to the increased pressure air, you know. 334 00:19:20,720 --> 00:19:22,836 ... it's going to take my pants now. ? has happened to you too? 335 00:19:23,040 --> 00:19:24,792 No. Never mind, forget it now. 336 00:19:25,000 --> 00:19:28,709 I control the economy class. And you control the business. 337 00:19:28,920 --> 00:19:29,670 What is Business? 338 00:19:29,880 --> 00:19:32,917 This is the part that is until curtain. For businessmen. 339 00:19:33,120 --> 00:19:35,793 From this side of the curtain is the notable ie businessmen. 340 00:19:36,000 --> 00:19:36,796 Yes, absolutely. 341 00:19:37,000 --> 00:19:39,070 I understand, agree, I'll check. 342 00:19:39,320 --> 00:19:42,551 Sir, I wish you good day. Although coming from Atlas Jet. 343 00:19:43,120 --> 00:19:45,270 Good evening ladies and gentelmen ... 344 00:19:45,760 --> 00:19:49,275 Welcome on board for flying to the Atlas Jet. 345 00:19:50,200 --> 00:19:51,713 - Your business? - Textiles 346 00:19:52,120 --> 00:19:54,076 - Very good. Yours? - Tourism, sir. 347 00:19:54,280 --> 00:19:56,840 - Well, yours? - The food sector 348 00:19:57,240 --> 00:19:59,800 - Food! Yours? - I'm with textiles. 349 00:20:00,000 --> 00:20:03,913 It is said that two who love textiles always occur. And you? 350 00:20:05,840 --> 00:20:07,353 - Yes? - Your job, your occupation? 351 00:20:07,560 --> 00:20:09,039 Why do you ask? 352 00:20:09,240 --> 00:20:12,994 I must be sure that our travelers of Business are businessmen. 353 00:20:13,200 --> 00:20:14,428 I am a film producer. 354 00:20:16,040 --> 00:20:19,874 Looking madam, we can guess more or less the subjects of your films 355 00:20:20,080 --> 00:20:22,355 Congratulations, you're in the right direction! 356 00:20:23,160 --> 00:20:23,592 Well, you know? 357 00:20:26,000 --> 00:20:28,468 Away, away. What is your profession? 358 00:20:28,680 --> 00:20:30,636 But what profession you tease! 359 00:20:30,960 --> 00:20:32,279 I'll tease you now! 360 00:20:32,480 --> 00:20:34,516 Go away behind. Rude. 361 00:20:34,720 --> 00:20:36,756 You're a slacker. Species of Cargo Koray. Go away behind. 362 00:20:36,960 --> 00:20:38,757 It occupies the seats of Business. 363 00:20:39,880 --> 00:20:42,952 Excuse us. We had a Small security problem. 364 00:20:43,160 --> 00:20:46,755 Do not look mr. And mrs. Brown there is a small problem. 365 00:20:47,080 --> 00:20:48,149 What is your profession? 366 00:20:51,440 --> 00:20:56,309 Your endeavor Belts as shown. 367 00:20:57,760 --> 00:21:03,392 Watch the belt comes off like that and closes like that. 368 00:21:03,840 --> 00:21:06,195 It's very easy, no trouble to explain. 369 00:21:06,600 --> 00:21:09,034 Our plane has eight outputs. 370 00:21:09,240 --> 00:21:10,958 Exits! Turn the head all. 371 00:21:11,160 --> 00:21:13,720 After I do not want to say I have not seen, I could not. 372 00:21:13,920 --> 00:21:16,354 ? it, look, 2 back 2 behind and 2 here. 373 00:21:19,720 --> 00:21:20,914 Ah! Security card. 374 00:21:21,920 --> 00:21:23,353 Do not look at all this. 375 00:21:23,560 --> 00:21:26,996 ? it you do that, it will tilt the body forward. 376 00:21:27,200 --> 00:21:29,873 If the plane crashes, everyone hugged each other. 377 00:21:30,080 --> 00:21:32,036 Anyway we will all die to ninety percent. 378 00:21:32,520 --> 00:21:35,671 Viewing lights everywhere, after tell me ... 379 00:21:35,880 --> 00:21:38,713 ... we are in the dark Mr. host for help. 380 00:21:39,320 --> 00:21:41,072 We show, lights everywhere. 381 00:21:41,280 --> 00:21:42,998 If the cabin pressure varies, on your head. 382 00:21:43,200 --> 00:21:46,476 Heeh oxygen! Then we air if the pressure drop ... 383 00:21:46,680 --> 00:21:48,079 ... the lid open, Where is the cover? 384 00:21:48,280 --> 00:21:50,157 This is the cover man. This will open. 385 00:21:50,360 --> 00:21:55,150 Take that, withdrew here, the head with the rubber band like that. 386 00:21:56,160 --> 00:22:01,314 First the children. There is upside down, the child first. 387 00:22:02,240 --> 00:22:04,993 Life jackets are under headquarters, set to your size. 388 00:22:05,200 --> 00:22:08,636 His clips are then simply clipped on. 389 00:22:08,840 --> 00:22:12,196 Two handles red above strongly support! 390 00:22:12,920 --> 00:22:16,151 Heeyy, heeey, removed. 391 00:22:28,680 --> 00:22:30,318 Do not my tires hair. 392 00:22:37,280 --> 00:22:39,430 But I was going to crack, Derya yaa. 393 00:22:39,640 --> 00:22:41,870 In high blood pressure, and bottom diarrhea, sir. 394 00:22:42,080 --> 00:22:44,116 In addition to air pressure, I swear I was going to explode. 395 00:22:44,320 --> 00:22:45,639 But we must not draw These laces Recep! 396 00:22:45,840 --> 00:22:47,319 "But we must not draw These laces Recep? " 397 00:22:47,520 --> 00:22:49,556 We've probably learned to show the traveler. 398 00:22:49,760 --> 00:22:52,957 But one time, there are two capillaries ... 399 00:22:53,160 --> 00:22:56,835 ... neck up ... brain, and feeding the lobe of my brain ... 400 00:22:57,040 --> 00:23:02,956 When blood flow disappears, it's knock-out! 401 00:23:03,640 --> 00:23:05,153 You're drawn to good account. 402 00:23:05,360 --> 00:23:06,509 Yes, thank you. 403 00:23:06,800 --> 00:23:08,438 You do not attach your belt? 404 00:23:08,640 --> 00:23:10,198 You insult me. 405 00:23:10,400 --> 00:23:12,038 You insult me. 406 00:23:12,440 --> 00:23:16,433 Our family is one of the first Families of Aviation. 407 00:23:16,680 --> 00:23:20,070 I was seven years I was playing with force 12-14 G. 408 00:23:20,360 --> 00:23:23,909 I resisted. What are you talking about, eh ... 409 00:23:24,800 --> 00:23:27,917 My grandmother is one of Turkish women who first flew. 410 00:23:28,120 --> 00:23:29,997 She flew with Soybean Safiye first. 411 00:23:30,200 --> 00:23:31,838 Safiye Soybean? But who is it? 412 00:23:33,040 --> 00:23:36,112 Oh my dear! More you're an air hostess? 413 00:23:36,320 --> 00:23:38,151 In addition you are a flight attendant? 414 00:23:38,360 --> 00:23:40,112 You do not know the first Turkish woman who was robbed? 415 00:23:40,320 --> 00:23:42,197 It's too bad for you! There is an airport on the other side too. 416 00:23:42,400 --> 00:23:43,879 You do not know the airport Safiye Soybean? 417 00:23:44,080 --> 00:23:47,356 But it Sabiha G? Kçen, No related Safiye Soybean! 418 00:23:48,440 --> 00:23:52,672 Ah, it's possible a misnomer. My memory of words is loaded. 419 00:23:53,080 --> 00:23:54,354 But it is funny. 420 00:23:55,440 --> 00:23:56,634 But what is it? 421 00:24:00,920 --> 00:24:02,672 Dear travelers. 422 00:24:02,880 --> 00:24:04,836 We are in turbulence. 423 00:24:05,040 --> 00:24:06,598 Please fasten your seatbelts ... 424 00:24:06,800 --> 00:24:07,869 - What's that! - A turbulence. 425 00:24:08,320 --> 00:24:10,151 I will ask Commander. 426 00:24:10,680 --> 00:24:12,033 It's always the fault Commander. 427 00:24:12,240 --> 00:24:13,878 It should fly the plane instead of talking. 428 00:24:14,080 --> 00:24:15,354 Get back to side. 429 00:24:15,920 --> 00:24:17,353 You can look at me? 430 00:24:17,920 --> 00:24:20,309 Hey, get out! Out! 431 00:24:21,080 --> 00:24:22,308 What's happening man? 432 00:24:22,520 --> 00:24:26,513 Come here. Who are your artistic poses? 433 00:24:26,720 --> 00:24:28,631 Awake, You put on the head. 434 00:24:28,840 --> 00:24:32,389 Pilot the aircraft properly. Do not put it in the turbulence. 435 00:24:32,600 --> 00:24:34,909 Pilot the aircraft instead of the artist. 436 00:24:35,120 --> 00:24:36,599 You're on a straight road. 437 00:24:36,800 --> 00:24:38,313 - Nothing! - Nothing, nothing, nothing! 438 00:24:38,520 --> 00:24:40,590 You have neglected the hair and head, 439 00:24:40,800 --> 00:24:42,836 I am a genius. I am a pilot, the better. 440 00:24:43,040 --> 00:24:44,473 Go away, driving your plane. 441 00:24:44,680 --> 00:24:48,878 Driver correctly! You're on flat ground. 442 00:24:49,080 --> 00:24:50,911 No way, there is nothing it is air. 443 00:24:51,120 --> 00:24:53,839 Listen, listen, rude! 444 00:24:54,680 --> 00:24:55,999 ? then! 445 00:24:57,400 --> 00:24:59,914 They will also be hats like you. 446 00:25:00,880 --> 00:25:02,632 What there was my dear? What there was my son? 447 00:25:02,840 --> 00:25:04,558 Rub, rub ... 448 00:25:05,960 --> 00:25:08,474 But what do you son? Tell me what you got? 449 00:25:08,680 --> 00:25:12,309 This atmospheric pressure. I had some gas in my stomach. 450 00:25:12,520 --> 00:25:14,988 ? has come to men working. 451 00:25:15,200 --> 00:25:18,556 I submitted my resignation Because of these difficulties. 452 00:25:19,280 --> 00:25:20,599 Another resignation? 453 00:25:20,800 --> 00:25:21,835 Yes, and what then. 454 00:25:22,040 --> 00:25:24,076 But how many resignations, you bastard? 455 00:25:24,280 --> 00:25:26,953 It is impossible to give 17 resignations in 20 days! 456 00:25:27,160 --> 00:25:28,195 What are we going Grandma do? 457 00:25:28,400 --> 00:25:31,073 The real sector does not suit us. Not for me the business life. 458 00:25:31,280 --> 00:25:33,748 Look at your grandfather, he introduced an advertising agency. 459 00:25:33,960 --> 00:25:36,599 He is the son of your uncle who is responsible of its operations. It is very rich. 460 00:25:36,800 --> 00:25:38,313 You can go, I spoke with Hakan. 461 00:25:38,520 --> 00:25:39,669 What did you talk about? 462 00:25:39,880 --> 00:25:41,871 I spoke with him. It will give you your due. 463 00:25:42,080 --> 00:25:45,311 But what should? Are you an official register. 464 00:25:45,520 --> 00:25:48,114 We live in a country democratic and secular. 465 00:25:48,320 --> 00:25:50,038 Do you have right? Justice? 466 00:25:50,240 --> 00:25:52,629 You are the owner, associate of the company. 467 00:25:52,840 --> 00:25:54,478 The guy waiting there. Go ahead. 468 00:25:54,680 --> 00:25:56,352 But leaves fall do not send me there. 469 00:25:56,560 --> 00:25:57,788 - Go ahead. - But do not send me home Hakan. 470 00:25:58,000 --> 00:25:59,592 - Go ahead. - But, please. 471 00:25:59,800 --> 00:26:01,119 ? was just you making me nervous. 472 00:26:01,320 --> 00:26:03,629 Okay, give me the address, That's enough, it never ends. 473 00:26:03,840 --> 00:26:06,752 With the same tone of voice, you talk Torture as a Japanese. 474 00:26:06,960 --> 00:26:08,678 Go see, if not, I am anxious to die ... 475 00:26:08,880 --> 00:26:10,029 Give me the exact address. 476 00:26:10,240 --> 00:26:12,674 Ok. I give and after you leave. 477 00:26:12,880 --> 00:26:14,154 Give the address, give it. 478 00:26:14,360 --> 00:26:16,191 - Okay. ? screams it. - Say ... 479 00:26:17,080 --> 00:26:18,433 You've forgotten, is not it? 480 00:26:18,640 --> 00:26:20,710 How will you find me a job with your little brain. 481 00:26:20,920 --> 00:26:23,639 I can not find a job. I tell you to ask your right. 482 00:26:23,840 --> 00:26:25,114 I do not Hakan all go. 483 00:26:25,320 --> 00:26:27,788 Not my son, you go. If not, I'll never forgive you. 484 00:26:56,160 --> 00:26:58,230 Hello. It is here Hakan smoothness? 485 00:26:58,680 --> 00:26:59,795 Hakan smoothness? 486 00:27:00,000 --> 00:27:01,319 Hakan Ivedik. My nephew. 487 00:27:01,520 --> 00:27:02,873 Mr. Hakan is in a meeting. 488 00:27:03,080 --> 00:27:04,593 Where is exactly the meeting room? 489 00:27:04,800 --> 00:27:06,199 Thank you. I can find myself. 490 00:27:06,400 --> 00:27:08,550 Do you have an appointment? But. Sir, one second. 491 00:27:08,880 --> 00:27:11,314 My friends, these are Japanese leaders the world in the automotive sector. 492 00:27:11,520 --> 00:27:14,318 If we get this case, we representatives of the Middle East. 493 00:27:14,520 --> 00:27:15,748 You realize its importance. 494 00:27:15,960 --> 00:27:18,633 The launch date is set, reports of cost. 495 00:27:18,840 --> 00:27:23,834 Heeey! What are you doing, species of animal? 496 00:27:24,040 --> 00:27:25,314 You're a boss? You're a boss eh? 497 00:27:25,520 --> 00:27:28,398 You have grown plus you do a meeting? 498 00:27:28,600 --> 00:27:29,999 My brave. My brave. 499 00:27:30,280 --> 00:27:32,953 Excuse me my friends I interrupted your meeting ... 500 00:27:33,160 --> 00:27:35,037 ... but he is my nephew. 501 00:27:35,240 --> 00:27:36,832 We grew up together since our childhood. 502 00:27:37,040 --> 00:27:39,759 One day he told me, Recep, I feel bad ... 503 00:27:39,960 --> 00:27:42,520 ... He told me: I am 18 years but I have not fucked. 504 00:27:43,760 --> 00:27:45,034 Come into my room, Recep 505 00:27:45,240 --> 00:27:47,674 After he told me, wait, wait, listen ... 506 00:27:47,880 --> 00:27:48,949 ... there are girls, I speak carefully. 507 00:27:49,160 --> 00:27:51,390 He said my brother, me ... always, He said I'm 22. 508 00:27:51,600 --> 00:27:54,876 ... he always says Eleanor, always with Elizabeth. 509 00:27:55,080 --> 00:27:57,878 After I told my son to agree I'll take you to school. 510 00:27:58,080 --> 00:28:01,072 I say school, but you understand, that is to say a brothel. 511 00:28:01,280 --> 00:28:03,999 I took him to Karak? Y He entered ... 512 00:28:04,200 --> 00:28:06,077 I wait outside the door, OK? 513 00:28:06,280 --> 00:28:08,555 While waiting at the door I hear voices. 514 00:28:09,320 --> 00:28:11,231 Recep, pass in my room. 515 00:28:13,040 --> 00:28:15,759 I thought it was the voice the girl that was handed him. 516 00:28:16,120 --> 00:28:18,680 Recep dear, let us go into my room. 517 00:28:19,680 --> 00:28:21,636 - But what is there then? - We're in a meeting. 518 00:28:21,840 --> 00:28:24,877 You could not? Hee, t? R? V? R?, Lepista, criquette. What? 519 00:28:25,080 --> 00:28:26,718 Recep My dear, come into my room. 520 00:28:26,920 --> 00:28:28,273 You have a room? 521 00:28:28,480 --> 00:28:30,675 You've become boss You have a room too? 522 00:28:30,880 --> 00:28:31,835 You can continue. 523 00:28:47,560 --> 00:28:49,676 Recep Oh, how years have passed? 524 00:28:49,880 --> 00:28:51,233 10-15 years can be. 525 00:28:51,440 --> 00:28:53,670 Is not it? Yes it goes fast. 526 00:28:54,840 --> 00:28:58,469 Do not stand gossiping, talking stuff. Let the business. 527 00:28:58,680 --> 00:29:00,716 Now my dear Hakan, I think my grandmother called you. 528 00:29:00,920 --> 00:29:02,194 No, she did not call. 529 00:29:02,400 --> 00:29:04,152 - She did not call? - No. 530 00:29:06,680 --> 00:29:08,636 So I explain the topic. 531 00:29:08,840 --> 00:29:11,559 Now I decided to return in commerce. 532 00:29:11,760 --> 00:29:13,193 With the encouragement my grandmother. 533 00:29:13,400 --> 00:29:16,039 I tried my luck in various sectors. 534 00:29:16,240 --> 00:29:18,674 The tourism sector, the field of medicine. 535 00:29:18,880 --> 00:29:22,270 The aviation sector, food and other sectors more ... 536 00:29:22,480 --> 00:29:25,836 ... but you know the state of our country. 537 00:29:26,040 --> 00:29:30,477 Everyone has accepted a place They have trained cadres ... 538 00:29:30,680 --> 00:29:34,150 ... since there is 17 to 18 million starving unemployed youth, 539 00:29:34,360 --> 00:29:35,713 ... I am now among them. 540 00:29:35,920 --> 00:29:39,196 That is to say that the area is difficult. The real sector does not accept you. 541 00:29:39,400 --> 00:29:40,992 It does not take cover. 542 00:29:41,200 --> 00:29:44,112 True. Trade is difficult. We are also fighting. 543 00:29:44,320 --> 00:29:48,916 Difficult. Very difficult. I worked hard. 544 00:29:49,320 --> 00:29:55,839 It requires knowledge of popular and powerful people. 545 00:29:56,240 --> 00:29:57,719 You understand me? 546 00:29:58,080 --> 00:30:02,358 I said, we have a society ready for our Grand father ... 547 00:30:02,560 --> 00:30:07,031 Alaaddin ... I thought our fathers We have moved ... 548 00:30:07,240 --> 00:30:10,550 ... they left their young son, So the task ahead. 549 00:30:10,760 --> 00:30:13,479 This time the mission we must work. 550 00:30:13,840 --> 00:30:17,435 I thought I should discuss this With Hakan, we can. 551 00:30:17,640 --> 00:30:21,679 ... we associate my intelligence and agility for an association ... 552 00:30:21,880 --> 00:30:23,552 But Recep, what association? 553 00:30:24,040 --> 00:30:26,600 These cases are difficult. The sector Advertising is very different. 554 00:30:26,800 --> 00:30:29,872 ? listen to me my brother. What I say gently? 555 00:30:30,400 --> 00:30:34,188 I tell you that I too have rights on society of our great father. " 556 00:30:34,760 --> 00:30:37,433 You're his little son. And me too. 557 00:30:37,640 --> 00:30:39,835 Thus, an association is mandatory. 558 00:30:40,040 --> 00:30:42,998 Not business for you. I have studied this in school. 559 00:30:43,200 --> 00:30:46,033 I am not talking about school. 560 00:30:46,240 --> 00:30:50,916 I'll go mad. I right about this company. 561 00:30:51,120 --> 00:30:54,157 I swear I will trace a line and take half. 562 00:30:54,760 --> 00:30:56,591 Who is that you do not want 563 00:30:56,800 --> 00:31:00,270 I swear that I will file a trial. I'll break your face before you go. 564 00:31:01,320 --> 00:31:02,719 But my brother, why you say that? 565 00:31:03,040 --> 00:31:05,235 Heyyt. Shut up. 566 00:31:06,840 --> 00:31:08,398 Do not bored. 567 00:31:08,600 --> 00:31:11,478 Okay my dear brother. Be calm. What can you do here? 568 00:31:11,680 --> 00:31:15,355 What are you doing now? What are you doing, eh? 569 00:31:15,560 --> 00:31:16,675 I am the boss. 570 00:31:16,880 --> 00:31:19,110 Yes you are the boss. So I'm half-owner. 571 00:31:19,520 --> 00:31:23,593 Understand? Tell me I'm half-owner. 572 00:31:23,800 --> 00:31:25,791 Tell me. Tell me I'm half-owner. 573 00:31:26,000 --> 00:31:29,959 Come here. Tell me I'm the half-owner. Tell me. 574 00:31:30,200 --> 00:31:31,553 You are the half-owner. 575 00:31:31,760 --> 00:31:33,193 Tell me the Half pattern. 576 00:31:33,400 --> 00:31:35,960 - You are the half-owner. - And that's it. 577 00:31:37,040 --> 00:31:38,871 As you ask as wages? 578 00:31:39,320 --> 00:31:41,914 Of course, now professionally ... 579 00:31:42,120 --> 00:31:45,749 ... money is never a priority, but in talking anyway. 580 00:31:45,960 --> 00:31:49,555 You know that today, the limit of wages for a family of 581 00:31:49,760 --> 00:31:51,159 4 person ... is 800-900 YTL ... 582 00:31:51,360 --> 00:31:53,920 ... and I am a family one person ... 583 00:31:54,320 --> 00:31:57,392 ... 200 YTL sodexo more more Akbil but eh full, full Akbil. 584 00:31:57,600 --> 00:32:01,036 I'll take the Metrobus and other means of transport. 585 00:32:02,000 --> 00:32:06,357 Ok. It is agreed. I must go to the meeting. 586 00:32:06,760 --> 00:32:10,799 Heeyyt Sit down, idiot. You do can not go there now. 587 00:32:11,480 --> 00:32:15,029 You're not going to introduce myself employees of the company with the title? 588 00:32:25,800 --> 00:32:27,950 My friends. Look at all here. 589 00:32:28,480 --> 00:32:32,314 Okay, let your affairs. Mr. Recep is my relative. 590 00:32:32,520 --> 00:32:34,636 Now it will be with us. 591 00:32:35,120 --> 00:32:37,076 We were here when you were not there. 592 00:32:37,280 --> 00:32:41,876 Nobody was there. We were there. We were there. 593 00:32:42,080 --> 00:32:44,355 That's our grandfather who founded this company. 594 00:32:44,560 --> 00:32:51,079 He founded the company with carts on land. 595 00:32:53,960 --> 00:32:56,076 But Recep why you clamps to people? 596 00:32:56,280 --> 00:32:59,352 I am a little nervous, because it my first day of sponsorship. 597 00:32:59,960 --> 00:33:03,350 Excuse me Mr. Hakan, what would be his position? 598 00:33:03,560 --> 00:33:08,031 Heyyy look at me, Clark Kent I'll be the missionary position. 599 00:33:08,960 --> 00:33:11,793 We have not determined yet we shall see later. 600 00:33:12,000 --> 00:33:14,150 Hakan, you say nothing about my position ... 601 00:33:14,360 --> 00:33:16,590 ... half-boss? 602 00:33:18,240 --> 00:33:21,038 My friends, Mr. Recep is the half-owner. 603 00:33:21,240 --> 00:33:23,879 It is my equivalent. That's enough for now. 604 00:33:24,640 --> 00:33:27,029 My brother, I returned to the meeting. 605 00:33:27,240 --> 00:33:30,073 Come! Society needs to you. Well my man. Do not return 606 00:33:30,280 --> 00:33:31,269 Without taking ... 607 00:33:44,360 --> 00:33:48,558 My friends. From the first minute, I found ... 608 00:33:48,760 --> 00:33:50,193 ... some mental disorders. 609 00:33:50,840 --> 00:33:53,308 Now I am going to speak these disorders. 610 00:33:53,520 --> 00:33:56,830 Later I will join you. We'll talk about the deal flow. 611 00:33:57,480 --> 00:33:58,993 Good work. 612 00:34:12,000 --> 00:34:14,070 They do not understand art. 613 00:34:14,280 --> 00:34:16,919 Please take a point of view of art. 614 00:34:21,920 --> 00:34:23,478 Hey girls, will you watch? 615 00:34:24,280 --> 00:34:26,510 It is very clear and there a. .. 616 00:34:26,720 --> 00:34:28,153 ... in the motionblur televise behind you. 617 00:34:28,800 --> 00:34:30,711 There motionblur. 618 00:34:30,920 --> 00:34:32,876 Pay attention to all this, please. 619 00:34:33,200 --> 00:34:35,031 Life is hard working girls. 620 00:34:35,240 --> 00:34:37,435 You can be as high horse physiologically. 621 00:34:37,640 --> 00:34:39,835 But you must also be dynamic. 622 00:34:40,040 --> 00:34:42,031 Mad, insubordinate, solitary. 623 00:34:42,920 --> 00:34:46,959 Therefore in TVs sensitive, sensitive ... 624 00:34:47,160 --> 00:34:52,359 ... TJK TV channel is always open. Here and throughout society. 625 00:34:54,840 --> 00:34:57,149 You understand me? Ding! 626 00:34:57,360 --> 00:35:00,079 The competition has begun, Dear viewers, I'll see. 627 00:35:00,440 --> 00:35:01,793 Okay sir. 628 00:35:02,000 --> 00:35:04,753 The key is to be very strong. Horse. 629 00:35:04,960 --> 00:35:05,995 Strong. 630 00:35:11,240 --> 00:35:14,357 You understand me? 631 00:35:14,560 --> 00:35:16,790 Go ahead, dynamism, synergy, dynamism, synergy and dynamism. 632 00:35:17,000 --> 00:35:19,230 Hop dynamic hip hop ... 633 00:35:22,280 --> 00:35:23,554 That's right. 634 00:35:29,240 --> 00:35:32,596 Hey you, those of cabinet I will continue. 635 00:35:32,800 --> 00:35:35,234 I will inspect and then I come back. What is my daughter? 636 00:35:35,440 --> 00:35:39,149 Do not hang here your personal towels please. 637 00:35:39,360 --> 00:35:42,113 Use them at home, will not expose here. 638 00:35:42,320 --> 00:35:44,629 And now, it removes all of your arm. 639 00:35:44,840 --> 00:35:46,751 Why you put nuts? 640 00:35:46,960 --> 00:35:48,757 Why do you walk with dried fruit? 641 00:35:48,960 --> 00:35:51,554 Do not answer at all what I say, if not, I bumped into. 642 00:35:51,760 --> 00:35:54,274 He asks me "what position. Impudent. Work properly. 643 00:35:54,480 --> 00:35:58,837 Hang up the phone. We must make savings. 644 00:35:59,040 --> 00:36:03,113 Before Hakan, water mill always flowing, always flowing. 645 00:36:03,680 --> 00:36:04,954 But no! 646 00:36:05,160 --> 00:36:08,391 It is the company of my grandfather. There was an economic crisis. 647 00:36:08,600 --> 00:36:10,875 And you use the Photoshop? 648 00:36:11,080 --> 00:36:13,036 - Yes. - It's 4 or CS CS 5? 649 00:36:13,240 --> 00:36:14,719 - 4 Cs. - Bravo my daughter. 650 00:36:14,920 --> 00:36:16,558 Layer layer works agree sonny? 651 00:36:16,760 --> 00:36:20,036 Ok my dear, my darling, The Photoshop ah? 652 00:36:20,240 --> 00:36:22,674 I appreciate your relationship. I appreciate your relationship to both. 653 00:36:22,880 --> 00:36:25,758 But you're one of Pirates of the Caribbean? 654 00:36:25,960 --> 00:36:27,518 You're a pirate of the Caribbean? 655 00:36:27,720 --> 00:36:29,870 Go away, I shall now throw you away. 656 00:36:30,080 --> 00:36:32,116 Go comb your hair a little. Go comb your hair. 657 00:36:33,800 --> 00:36:37,236 Oh my beautiful daughter. How old are you, my daughter? 658 00:36:37,440 --> 00:36:38,316 27. 659 00:36:38,520 --> 00:36:40,670 Bravo my daughter. What You want to be when you grow up? 660 00:36:40,880 --> 00:36:41,710 We'll see. 661 00:36:41,920 --> 00:36:43,956 Oh look at my little darling. It is so small. 662 00:36:44,160 --> 00:36:46,879 Next year come with your costumes 23 April, children's party. 663 00:36:47,080 --> 00:36:49,071 You can put a costume Norwegian national. 664 00:36:49,280 --> 00:36:52,795 You'll be the boss of the company April 23 for a single day. 665 00:36:54,760 --> 00:36:58,958 But going away. Go away. 666 00:36:59,680 --> 00:37:02,513 It bothers the girl. 667 00:37:02,760 --> 00:37:05,149 Yes, bravo my girl. What is it darling? 668 00:37:05,560 --> 00:37:07,710 What is it darling? 669 00:37:08,880 --> 00:37:12,316 It's a phone? Do not put next to your computer! 670 00:37:12,520 --> 00:37:14,875 You work with machines worth millions of dollars. 671 00:37:15,080 --> 00:37:17,958 ? may damage the EBS, the ESR the RAS machine. 672 00:37:18,520 --> 00:37:21,751 It tells you in each bus. You have not yet understood. 673 00:37:22,280 --> 00:37:25,317 Look at that! 2 employees at a table. 674 00:37:25,520 --> 00:37:28,717 Impossible! 'll Find another table. 675 00:37:29,040 --> 00:37:30,917 Take your notebook too. 676 00:37:32,000 --> 00:37:35,037 It is an action intended to Increase your performance. 677 00:37:35,240 --> 00:37:37,959 Bravo. Go ahead. Works well. Bravo. 678 00:37:38,160 --> 00:37:40,754 Well, I like the colors behind. Very good. 679 00:37:46,360 --> 00:37:49,557 When I went to the address I found it before me. 680 00:37:49,760 --> 00:37:54,151 I said "Hakan you can not direct all alone ... 681 00:37:54,360 --> 00:37:55,918 ... agency founded by my grandfather. " 682 00:37:56,120 --> 00:37:58,236 He immediately began to reverse. 683 00:37:58,440 --> 00:38:02,513 He told me to give my dear Recep. You're also half-owner. 684 00:38:02,720 --> 00:38:06,508 He is a man of good faith reasonable, talkative and unscrupulous. 685 00:38:06,720 --> 00:38:08,551 You have a job now you should find a girl. 686 00:38:09,040 --> 00:38:12,077 - I'll jump on it. - Be polite. 687 00:38:12,280 --> 00:38:14,475 I'm not rude, but I just found a job. 688 00:38:14,720 --> 00:38:16,392 - Find yourself a girl too. - But OK. 689 00:38:16,600 --> 00:38:19,319 - You'll find me and take it. - I'll take it, damn it. 690 00:38:19,520 --> 00:38:20,475 I'll see the girl. 691 00:38:20,680 --> 00:38:23,353 But you was spinning so wools, why you tell me about girls? 692 00:38:23,560 --> 00:38:25,835 You'll find one now. Do not shout louder than me. 693 00:38:26,040 --> 00:38:28,031 You'll find one now, do not shout louder than me. ? was enough! 694 00:38:28,240 --> 00:38:31,118 - You're rude poh, poh! - Poh, poh! 695 00:38:31,320 --> 00:38:35,871 Watch this rude dishonest, debauched, rude 696 00:38:47,560 --> 00:38:49,949 Where is everybody? 697 00:38:50,360 --> 00:38:54,114 It is only 12:30, they started to abscond from tomorrow. 698 00:38:54,920 --> 00:38:58,879 Where are these people? These machines operate in a vacuum. 699 00:38:59,080 --> 00:39:01,799 These devices consume electricity. 700 00:39:02,000 --> 00:39:04,719 It is the society of my Grandfather, my grandfather. 701 00:39:18,480 --> 00:39:20,755 Bravo my son. Bravo to you. 702 00:39:20,960 --> 00:39:24,430 I congratulate you. Good boy. Good boy. 703 00:39:24,640 --> 00:39:27,871 Where are these people? You're the only one here I congratulate you. 704 00:39:28,080 --> 00:39:29,672 It is Mr. Recep 12:30, It's lunchtime. 705 00:39:29,880 --> 00:39:32,235 Why did not you go with them ? ls are not your friends? 706 00:39:32,440 --> 00:39:34,670 - But I do not like them. - But why? 707 00:39:34,880 --> 00:39:36,233 They are all idiots. 708 00:39:36,440 --> 00:39:39,273 True. Especially this group the middle, really stupid. 709 00:39:39,480 --> 00:39:42,358 Idiot. So you do not have much buddies here 710 00:39:42,560 --> 00:39:43,310 Not much here. 711 00:39:44,120 --> 00:39:46,839 - So no girlfriend either. - I have many girlfriends. 712 00:39:47,160 --> 00:39:49,549 How much? How awful. 713 00:39:49,880 --> 00:39:51,791 They are on the Internet. 714 00:39:52,120 --> 00:39:56,113 They say that a lot of girls Internet is true? 715 00:39:56,320 --> 00:39:57,639 True Mr Recep. 716 00:39:57,840 --> 00:39:59,876 I require between 1 and 2 daughters. 717 00:40:00,080 --> 00:40:04,358 Finally I passed the phase of the job. I am the 2nd phase, that of marriage. 718 00:40:04,560 --> 00:40:07,870 Can be found. There are sites research sites for meetings. 719 00:40:08,080 --> 00:40:10,230 But hush! 720 00:40:11,000 --> 00:40:14,754 I tell you I want a girl marry me, you speak to me research. 721 00:40:15,160 --> 00:40:15,956 Impossible? 722 00:40:16,160 --> 00:40:18,515 - Excuse me Mr. Recep - Do not say research your step-sister! 723 00:40:18,720 --> 00:40:21,359 Ok. So are building a profile sites ordinary. 724 00:40:21,560 --> 00:40:24,279 Between and is the profile. 725 00:40:24,480 --> 00:40:26,710 Save me from this life. 726 00:40:26,960 --> 00:40:30,589 We have opened. First we must find a nickname. 727 00:40:30,800 --> 00:40:34,349 - Nick who? - Nickname. A pseudonym. 728 00:40:34,560 --> 00:40:36,516 - Why a pseudonym. - You have one? 729 00:40:36,720 --> 00:40:39,234 Our common with my nickname grandfather "bears heavy and awkward. 730 00:40:39,480 --> 00:40:41,311 "Ours big and awkward" is not a little harsh? 731 00:40:41,520 --> 00:40:43,556 You can not say for severe the nickname of my grandfather. 732 00:40:43,760 --> 00:40:45,716 She must accept me, as I am. 733 00:40:45,920 --> 00:40:48,832 The babes come to my And not to brag my window. 734 00:40:49,040 --> 00:40:51,838 Anyway, sooner or later it will Finally, the " 'bears large and clumsy. 735 00:40:52,080 --> 00:40:53,957 Ok. Now I need your hobbies. 736 00:40:54,160 --> 00:40:56,390 My hobbies? 737 00:40:56,600 --> 00:40:57,635 On sport. 738 00:40:57,840 --> 00:41:00,070 - The racing horses. - The racing horses 739 00:41:00,280 --> 00:41:02,157 - Hee - Others? 740 00:41:02,720 --> 00:41:06,030 - Close Combat. I knock on the guy. I bang though. 741 00:41:06,240 --> 00:41:07,719 If I knock, I knocked on the bottom. 742 00:41:07,920 --> 00:41:12,118 Ok. He knocks well. There are others? 743 00:41:12,320 --> 00:41:16,029 - I'm sentimental. - It is sentimental. 744 00:41:16,240 --> 00:41:17,832 I'm aggressive. I complexes. 745 00:41:18,040 --> 00:41:20,873 But I'm like a cat in myself. 746 00:41:21,080 --> 00:41:26,313 Aggressive, complexed, like a cat in itself. 747 00:41:26,520 --> 00:41:28,078 - Yes. - Okay. 748 00:41:28,280 --> 00:41:31,955 And finally, we need a profile photo. 749 00:41:32,160 --> 00:41:33,878 - Okay, let us take one. - Take in-one. 750 00:41:35,680 --> 00:41:37,318 Smile Mr. Recep. 751 00:41:37,520 --> 00:41:41,274 - But countdown 3 at 1 - 3, 2, 1. 752 00:41:42,080 --> 00:41:43,991 - It's ok. - It's ok? 753 00:41:44,200 --> 00:41:45,349 - Yes look. - Hee. 754 00:41:45,920 --> 00:41:49,196 - I will complete this evening at home. - Go see if the chick has arrived. 755 00:41:49,400 --> 00:41:51,436 - But not right away. - But why? 756 00:41:51,640 --> 00:41:53,198 For what it is not possible immediately. 757 00:41:53,400 --> 00:41:55,914 I will complete this evening. Tomorrow we will have two for sure. 758 00:41:56,120 --> 00:41:58,839 He agreed. Ok, then tomorrow. 759 00:41:59,040 --> 00:42:00,155 Tomorrow. 760 00:42:00,360 --> 00:42:02,669 Now you can call me brother Recep instead of Mr. Recep. 761 00:42:02,880 --> 00:42:05,314 - We had a share. - Okay, brother, Recep 762 00:42:05,520 --> 00:42:07,670 Hey, I'll break your arms, your head. 763 00:42:08,480 --> 00:42:11,233 - I said close combat. - Excuse me brother, Recep. 764 00:42:32,520 --> 00:42:36,149 Brother Recep. But brother Recep 765 00:42:37,840 --> 00:42:38,477 Hee. 766 00:42:38,680 --> 00:42:40,113 But what you do, it is a camera? 767 00:42:40,320 --> 00:42:42,436 Hey, do not gossip, we are busy. We photocopied. 768 00:42:42,640 --> 00:42:44,756 - I have good news. - What is happening? 769 00:42:44,960 --> 00:42:47,349 - I made an appointment. - Really? 770 00:42:47,560 --> 00:42:49,198 - I swear - Really? 771 00:42:49,400 --> 00:42:53,473 - I swear. - My God. I am very happy. 772 00:42:53,680 --> 00:42:56,592 I am very excited. I swear, I am very excited 773 00:42:56,800 --> 00:42:59,439 I swear, I'm very excited. 774 00:43:00,040 --> 00:43:02,600 I swear that you managed I congratulate you sincerely. 775 00:43:02,800 --> 00:43:03,915 Come here! 776 00:43:04,880 --> 00:43:08,429 It's great. So I'm going to put myself in order. 777 00:43:08,640 --> 00:43:11,279 But first photographed this moment to remember. 778 00:43:11,480 --> 00:43:13,118 - But what are you doing? - Hold that. 779 00:43:13,320 --> 00:43:14,639 - But you've broken. - Come, come. 780 00:43:14,840 --> 00:43:15,716 But there Radiation inside. 781 00:43:22,640 --> 00:43:24,835 What are you doing brother Recep? But they will be mistaken. 782 00:43:25,040 --> 00:43:27,395 We do not loitering for us. 783 00:43:27,600 --> 00:43:30,034 In fact, all my buddies are the animal world. 784 00:43:30,240 --> 00:43:32,913 This is the first time I met someone on the Internet. 785 00:43:33,120 --> 00:43:34,792 There is nothing to get excited about. ? a will be very good. 786 00:43:35,000 --> 00:43:37,673 The nickname of the girl is daisygirl. Her clothes are pink. 787 00:43:37,880 --> 00:43:40,758 - Wait I'll see if it came? - It has come? 788 00:43:40,960 --> 00:43:44,555 - No, so calm. - I am an explosion of adrenaline. 789 00:43:44,760 --> 00:43:47,991 Look at my mouth, my tongue is dried. Look, you see? 790 00:43:48,200 --> 00:43:50,395 I'll take some drink. You want some? 791 00:43:50,600 --> 00:43:51,828 - No. - Okay, honey. 792 00:43:55,920 --> 00:43:57,399 - Thank you. - Sorry. 793 00:43:57,840 --> 00:44:00,877 Hello my darling. Can you give me an Orangina? 794 00:44:01,160 --> 00:44:04,436 - Sorry, we do not Orangina. - Then give me a glass of lime. 795 00:44:05,000 --> 00:44:08,356 - We do not. - Give me a cup of sage tea. 796 00:44:08,920 --> 00:44:10,592 But we no tea sage. 797 00:44:12,240 --> 00:44:14,629 Okay, then I'll make tea mint and lemon. Vas' y. 798 00:44:14,840 --> 00:44:17,070 But we can not make a mint tea and lemon here. 799 00:44:17,280 --> 00:44:19,475 - Then give me an orchid. - We have no orchids either. 800 00:44:19,880 --> 00:44:23,270 - No boza either? - We only sell coffee. 801 00:44:23,480 --> 00:44:25,675 OK Give me the M? Rra then. Vas' y. 802 00:44:26,240 --> 00:44:27,719 But we do not m? rra either. 803 00:44:27,920 --> 00:44:30,593 But this is not Starbucks here? 804 00:44:31,600 --> 00:44:34,910 You have nothing. Satisfaction the customer is very important. 805 00:44:35,480 --> 00:44:38,870 You can choose from the menu sir. 806 00:44:39,080 --> 00:44:40,957 - They are the ones we sell. - Let me see. 807 00:44:43,040 --> 00:44:45,793 The menu is good. It is full. 808 00:44:47,040 --> 00:44:50,430 What do you suggest? I do not understand. 809 00:44:50,720 --> 00:44:55,635 A caramel macchiato. I put in the extra espresso shot. 810 00:44:55,840 --> 00:44:59,389 Okay, okay. Karamallimohnettu zopressoshotter. 811 00:44:59,600 --> 00:45:02,592 - What is that menu. Tall large venti? - Tolgrandevinti. 812 00:45:02,840 --> 00:45:05,434 But which man? These are three different quantities. 813 00:45:05,640 --> 00:45:07,517 Tolgrentifinti is finished but go ahead. 814 00:45:07,720 --> 00:45:09,756 My God, I'll wait until morning? 815 00:45:09,960 --> 00:45:10,631 Your name? 816 00:45:11,520 --> 00:45:13,795 And what, you want to check my identity? 817 00:45:14,000 --> 00:45:16,514 No, that's not it. You must give me your name ... 818 00:45:16,720 --> 00:45:20,190 ... so I can call you once your order is ready. 819 00:45:20,400 --> 00:45:24,632 I do not give my name to people I do not know. 820 00:45:24,840 --> 00:45:27,798 It's my habit. Write me nickname. "Bear big and clumsy. 821 00:45:29,160 --> 00:45:33,153 Okay sir "Bear big and clumsy. 822 00:45:34,080 --> 00:45:36,310 Write, write well, "Bear big and clumsy. 823 00:45:36,520 --> 00:45:38,033 Excuse me Could I have a towel? 824 00:45:38,240 --> 00:45:39,832 - Daisygirl? - What? 825 00:45:40,040 --> 00:45:42,998 I'm "big, clumsy bear. Daisygirl, right? 826 00:45:43,200 --> 00:45:44,519 But what a daisy? 827 00:45:44,720 --> 00:45:48,349 I'm "big, clumsy bear. Rose, we had an appointment. 828 00:45:48,560 --> 00:45:50,835 - What are you talking about? - Strangle a bear like that. 829 00:45:51,040 --> 00:45:53,429 Are you crazy? Wacky. Go away. 830 00:45:53,640 --> 00:45:55,596 My God! My God! 831 00:45:55,800 --> 00:45:58,189 My God! 832 00:45:58,400 --> 00:45:59,833 Recep Brother? 833 00:46:00,040 --> 00:46:03,430 I lost my eye. My eye! 834 00:46:04,200 --> 00:46:06,191 My kidneys. 835 00:46:06,400 --> 00:46:08,072 My God. 836 00:46:08,760 --> 00:46:10,079 My God. 837 00:46:13,360 --> 00:46:15,510 You want me to breath? 838 00:46:15,720 --> 00:46:19,998 My eye. I can not see. Where am I? 839 00:46:20,200 --> 00:46:22,634 Take me to the exit. Take me to the exit. 840 00:46:23,320 --> 00:46:25,515 My God! 841 00:46:25,720 --> 00:46:26,994 My God! 842 00:46:33,120 --> 00:46:36,908 They've damn Ali Kerem. They have ruined me Nerd Ali. 843 00:46:37,360 --> 00:46:39,920 You did not help, You did not saved. Pour it in my eye. 844 00:46:40,120 --> 00:46:40,996 Ok. 845 00:46:41,680 --> 00:46:45,355 My God. The girl was sprayed pepper spray on my eyes. 846 00:46:45,560 --> 00:46:47,357 You have nothing do ... Verse here. 847 00:46:47,560 --> 00:46:48,754 Ok. 848 00:46:49,360 --> 00:46:55,469 It made me blind. They have made me blind Nerd Ali. 849 00:46:55,680 --> 00:46:57,477 It was you who wanted this nickname. 850 00:46:57,680 --> 00:47:00,240 But tell me you were stupid. This nickname is a bit rigid. 851 00:47:00,440 --> 00:47:02,351 It is you who is mad computer. 852 00:47:02,560 --> 00:47:03,913 Ok. You know What will we do? 853 00:47:04,120 --> 00:47:06,714 We are a new profile and we find a new nickname. 854 00:47:07,200 --> 00:47:10,829 Do what you want. They have made me blind. 855 00:47:11,160 --> 00:47:13,116 They gave me a scarf, N? Rdali. 856 00:47:13,320 --> 00:47:15,880 There he does a movie that you like him? We can use your hero? 857 00:47:16,080 --> 00:47:18,435 - The film that I like is Karate Kid. - Karate Kid, it has nothing to do? 858 00:47:18,640 --> 00:47:21,518 But I like it very much. Lacquer shine. Lacquer shine. 859 00:47:21,720 --> 00:47:24,871 There was a Miyagisan. Bz?? Pp, he caught chopstickle. 860 00:47:25,080 --> 00:47:26,991 - Okay, Karate Kid. - Write. 861 00:47:27,200 --> 00:47:28,155 Karate Kid. 862 00:47:28,360 --> 00:47:31,033 Then we write things Far East for your hobbies. 863 00:47:31,240 --> 00:47:33,708 Write things on the Far East. 864 00:47:33,920 --> 00:47:36,036 Besides there are several people who come from the Far East in my family. 865 00:47:36,240 --> 00:47:38,117 - From the Far East? - We were born in Kars. 866 00:47:38,320 --> 00:47:39,548 But Kars is the Far East? 867 00:47:39,760 --> 00:47:43,355 It is the Middle West? Garbage. Kars is the Middle West? 868 00:47:43,560 --> 00:47:47,917 Kars is the Far East Turkey. 869 00:47:48,440 --> 00:47:50,431 Want to write sushi to your favorite meals? 870 00:47:50,640 --> 00:47:51,834 Write. Write what you want. 871 00:47:52,320 --> 00:47:54,197 - Sushi is delicious? - Yes. It is a Japanese dish. 872 00:47:54,400 --> 00:47:55,913 Okay write. Write if it's Japanese. 873 00:47:59,240 --> 00:47:59,911 Ok. 874 00:48:03,040 --> 00:48:06,476 I feel a little better. The chick will come tonight? 875 00:48:06,680 --> 00:48:08,636 Not tonight but We have one or two tomorrow. 876 00:48:08,840 --> 00:48:11,035 Ok. I count on you. 877 00:48:11,240 --> 00:48:13,959 If it will be like last time, I'll give you the hairdryer. 878 00:48:14,160 --> 00:48:18,233 I swear I'll pass the hairdryer. 879 00:48:18,440 --> 00:48:20,112 - Agree - Be careful. A bientôt. 880 00:48:24,400 --> 00:48:27,949 Yes girls. We'll see your situation in the capital. 881 00:48:28,400 --> 00:48:31,597 It is said that one should not believe prediction. 882 00:48:31,920 --> 00:48:35,071 Is not it, Elizabeth? Oh I adore you. 883 00:48:35,280 --> 00:48:36,315 - Make a wish. -? Was there. 884 00:48:39,040 --> 00:48:40,359 Your wish will come true. 885 00:48:44,680 --> 00:48:45,874 Viewing now I tell you frankly what I see. 886 00:48:46,080 --> 00:48:47,798 Do not be angry. 887 00:48:49,040 --> 00:48:52,316 You have something that swells. 888 00:48:53,360 --> 00:48:54,918 You were inflated. 889 00:48:55,120 --> 00:48:56,473 Pay attention to him. 890 00:48:57,440 --> 00:48:59,954 Viewing is transparent, You see? 891 00:49:00,160 --> 00:49:01,115 Yes, she told the truth. 892 00:49:01,320 --> 00:49:06,474 Yes but you know that only Berkecan does not understand me. 893 00:49:06,840 --> 00:49:09,877 He criticizes me constantly and I can not bind me. 894 00:49:10,080 --> 00:49:11,559 I'm down. 895 00:49:11,760 --> 00:49:15,639 But why are you talking about like a seal? 896 00:49:17,840 --> 00:49:20,912 What's this? Disillusioned you. 897 00:49:21,120 --> 00:49:24,669 - Yes, the next. - Recep Brother, you have a message. 898 00:49:24,880 --> 00:49:27,792 I told you not to call me Brother Recep in society! 899 00:49:28,640 --> 00:49:30,915 You have to tell Mr Recep. Tell me Mr. Recep. 900 00:49:31,120 --> 00:49:32,792 - Mr Recep. - Go away now. Vas' y. 901 00:49:33,400 --> 00:49:37,279 Go away. Give the Clementine. 902 00:49:40,920 --> 00:49:43,832 There was something bloated to you. To you too. 903 00:49:44,360 --> 00:49:47,272 ? afraid to be the same for both. Be careful. 904 00:49:47,480 --> 00:49:49,914 I'll explain that. I have a little rendezvous. 905 00:49:50,120 --> 00:49:51,439 I'll be right back. A while ago. 906 00:49:51,640 --> 00:49:53,312 Do not go, agreement, Elizabeth? 907 00:49:53,520 --> 00:49:55,272 I returned Clementina. 908 00:50:03,120 --> 00:50:05,634 Brother Recep. Brother Recep. 909 00:50:06,440 --> 00:50:07,793 But Brother Recep. 910 00:50:08,800 --> 00:50:11,030 But why are you blocking me ... 911 00:50:11,280 --> 00:50:13,157 ... when my breathing exercise? - But what lock you sleep. 912 00:50:13,440 --> 00:50:15,715 I try to be calm. 913 00:50:15,920 --> 00:50:17,831 I am very excited Come with me inside. 914 00:50:18,040 --> 00:50:20,076 What will I do next you as your guardian? 915 00:50:20,280 --> 00:50:22,794 - You can hold my hand? - I'll hold your hand more. 916 00:50:23,000 --> 00:50:25,594 - Oh please. - But you'll be ridiculous to the girl. 917 00:50:27,120 --> 00:50:31,238 Go ahead, between now be calm. Sit at table number 12. 918 00:50:31,440 --> 00:50:34,193 You act as if you came here every night and you usually eat sushi. 919 00:50:34,400 --> 00:50:36,994 Understood. I am very calm. 920 00:50:37,200 --> 00:50:40,272 I will like if I sit still to table 12 and I eat sushi. 921 00:50:40,480 --> 00:50:41,708 - Yes. -? Has would be very good. 922 00:50:41,920 --> 00:50:42,557 Is very quiet. 923 00:50:42,760 --> 00:50:45,593 I am very excited. I swear that my legs no longer support my body. 924 00:50:45,800 --> 00:50:47,756 There are two days that I get excited in this life. 925 00:50:47,960 --> 00:50:51,077 The day I was made the vaccine and the day when I make a vaccine. 926 00:50:51,280 --> 00:50:52,076 But what with the vaccine? 927 00:50:52,280 --> 00:50:54,999 Maybe I'll make a vaccine the girl after Di? ner. 928 00:50:55,200 --> 00:50:58,476 I understand. Okay, go between now. 929 00:50:58,720 --> 00:51:00,153 - Go on, count on me. - I count on you. 930 00:51:00,360 --> 00:51:02,635 Go on, count on me. Go on, count on me my man. 931 00:51:03,920 --> 00:51:05,990 Okay, I count on you brother Recep. 932 00:51:10,200 --> 00:51:12,555 - Hello young man - Come, sir, welcome. 933 00:51:12,760 --> 00:51:14,432 - Your name is Fatih? - Yes, Mr. Fatih. 934 00:51:14,640 --> 00:51:18,918 A friend has a reservoir my name to the table 12. 935 00:51:19,120 --> 00:51:21,395 - You mean reservation? - Yes, a reservation. 936 00:51:21,600 --> 00:51:22,715 Come, it's there. 937 00:51:22,920 --> 00:51:24,672 Wait a minute, I warn you first. 938 00:51:24,880 --> 00:51:28,077 This appointment with this girl is very important to me. 939 00:51:28,280 --> 00:51:30,271 This is the first time I have Sushico home. 940 00:51:30,480 --> 00:51:34,189 Whenever I call you Fatih, call me brother Recep ... 941 00:51:34,400 --> 00:51:36,356 ... as if I were still here and that you know me very well. Got it? 942 00:51:36,560 --> 00:51:37,595 Yes, sir. 943 00:51:37,800 --> 00:51:40,394 After I tell you, brings Fatih I usually order ... 944 00:51:40,600 --> 00:51:43,478 ... tell me you agree Recep brother, immediately ... 945 00:51:43,680 --> 00:51:45,671 ... Well dressed table right? Anything you think. Got it? 946 00:51:45,880 --> 00:51:47,552 - I understand. - How you gonna call? 947 00:51:47,760 --> 00:51:49,671 - Brother Recep - I say Fatih come here. 948 00:51:49,880 --> 00:51:51,438 - Brother Recep. - Bravo, my man. 949 00:51:51,640 --> 00:51:54,757 If you make a mistake I'll break your face. Go away. 950 00:51:59,440 --> 00:52:03,069 Bon appetite. 951 00:52:03,520 --> 00:52:05,351 - Here, here sir. - Thank Fatih. 952 00:52:07,800 --> 00:52:09,313 How many guests with you? 953 00:52:09,720 --> 00:52:12,109 There will be a single lady. So, for how many people? 954 00:52:12,320 --> 00:52:14,788 You think I'm a pervert? We'll dee? Ner face-to-head. 955 00:52:15,000 --> 00:52:17,389 Do you want to take a cold drink while waiting for your friend? 956 00:52:17,600 --> 00:52:20,751 Yes please. It's a good idea. Bring me what you want. 957 00:52:20,960 --> 00:52:21,790 Yes sir. 958 00:52:22,000 --> 00:52:24,514 Hey, wait, wait. Bring me some bread, bread. 959 00:52:24,720 --> 00:52:26,233 Here there is no bread, brother Recep. 960 00:52:26,440 --> 00:52:28,670 But what does it mean, there is no bread here. 961 00:52:29,160 --> 00:52:31,230 I am not your client for years? 962 00:52:31,440 --> 00:52:34,238 But sending someone for bread. 963 00:52:34,440 --> 00:52:35,555 Okay brother Recep. 964 00:52:35,760 --> 00:52:38,991 Go away. Rude. He said there was no bread. 965 00:53:00,280 --> 00:53:01,679 That is, your pain ... 966 00:53:02,120 --> 00:53:04,998 Thank you my dear. A meal without bread is impossible! 967 00:53:05,200 --> 00:53:07,191 - And your wine. - Thank you my dear. 968 00:53:07,760 --> 00:53:10,513 Should be checked is not it? ContrôIons quality. 969 00:53:17,640 --> 00:53:20,234 Not very good. This is not exactly the flavor I want. 970 00:53:20,800 --> 00:53:22,074 Give me. 971 00:53:24,400 --> 00:53:26,391 No, it does not suit me. 972 00:53:30,200 --> 00:53:31,679 Let's try a little white. 973 00:53:32,720 --> 00:53:33,994 Thank you my dear. 974 00:53:36,240 --> 00:53:38,959 I tasted through the nasal cavity you know? Not good, take it. 975 00:53:44,240 --> 00:53:46,708 It was the closest. But that's not it. 976 00:53:46,920 --> 00:53:48,273 We did not find. 977 00:53:48,480 --> 00:53:50,118 You do not pee in glass is not it? 978 00:53:51,480 --> 00:53:53,311 A little hard. It's Bavaria? 979 00:53:58,320 --> 00:54:01,392 It was the last bottle of store, there are no others. 980 00:54:09,200 --> 00:54:10,315 Why are you watching? 981 00:54:11,160 --> 00:54:12,275 Why are you watching? 982 00:54:15,160 --> 00:54:16,878 No, this is not taste that I want. 983 00:54:17,080 --> 00:54:20,595 The flavor is good but the roundness and the body is not the way I want. 984 00:54:20,800 --> 00:54:21,755 Here, you can win. 985 00:54:22,040 --> 00:54:24,156 Anyway, I am not a person who likes wine. 986 00:54:24,360 --> 00:54:25,839 Why do we always give the wine? 987 00:54:26,080 --> 00:54:28,071 Bring me a barrel of beer. 988 00:54:29,680 --> 00:54:30,954 Go ahead. My God. 989 00:54:31,160 --> 00:54:32,718 Okay, Recep Abi. 990 00:54:32,920 --> 00:54:35,912 You force the client to drink wine. Requires the customer to drink wine. 991 00:54:38,560 --> 00:54:41,233 I'm embarrassed not yet meet the girl. 992 00:54:45,200 --> 00:54:48,078 - Karate Kid? - Yakuza. 993 00:54:48,280 --> 00:54:49,429 Yes. 994 00:54:51,920 --> 00:54:53,194 Nice to meet you. 995 00:54:53,400 --> 00:54:57,791 - Me too. - But the sweat in your hand. 996 00:54:58,440 --> 00:55:01,512 We must wipe his hands before to meet with someone. 997 00:55:03,240 --> 00:55:08,189 How do I look? Is I am like you hoped? 998 00:55:08,880 --> 00:55:12,714 You want me to be clear? ? it we are with friends. 999 00:55:13,680 --> 00:55:17,070 Your cover is damaged a little. I tell you. 1000 00:55:17,400 --> 00:55:20,039 Your cover is declining. Struck, crushed, decomposed. 1001 00:55:20,400 --> 00:55:22,994 You're good for an agent. 1002 00:55:24,160 --> 00:55:27,391 Well, it's nice to have a beauty soul, I do not know the rest. 1003 00:55:28,160 --> 00:55:31,038 In addition we do not live in the spirit world. 1004 00:55:31,240 --> 00:55:33,959 The exterior beauty of a woman is also important to me. 1005 00:55:34,480 --> 00:55:36,516 I do not understand Karate Kid. 1006 00:55:36,720 --> 00:55:39,234 I know you Ferral, I know you ferrai. 1007 00:55:41,000 --> 00:55:43,230 - Heh, come on son. - He is angry too. 1008 00:55:44,760 --> 00:55:48,116 Viewing Fatih. You are in Water inaccurate. 1009 00:55:49,760 --> 00:55:53,719 - You're funny Karate Kid, I swear. - Sure. 1010 00:55:55,200 --> 00:55:57,589 - Do you like sushi then? - Yes it's true. 1011 00:55:58,480 --> 00:56:00,948 Me too. It is a lifestyle for me. 1012 00:56:01,400 --> 00:56:04,358 I mean, I know very Although the sushi for almost 3 years. 1013 00:56:04,680 --> 00:56:09,470 A lifestyle, a philosophy. I want to share an anecdote with you. 1014 00:56:10,680 --> 00:56:13,319 When we came to Istanbul I was the only child of my family. 1015 00:56:13,560 --> 00:56:17,348 That's why I was capricious, I eat nothing but sushi. 1016 00:56:17,560 --> 00:56:20,552 Every morning I have to take two nigiri to wake me up. 1017 00:56:21,120 --> 00:56:23,714 My mother worked in the clothing sector. 1018 00:56:23,920 --> 00:56:25,399 Around d '? Mraniye. 1019 00:56:27,000 --> 00:56:30,754 I'll never forget one day fall ... 1020 00:56:31,040 --> 00:56:34,953 ... my mother back at home, with a little bread in hand. 1021 00:56:36,840 --> 00:56:40,958 We were so poor put it ... 1022 00:56:41,560 --> 00:56:43,949 ... two california rolls in the bread ... 1023 00:56:44,520 --> 00:56:46,715 ... and a tempura ebu ... 1024 00:56:47,760 --> 00:56:50,194 it ... we shared and we ate. 1025 00:56:52,280 --> 00:56:54,430 I always feel bad when I said that. 1026 00:56:54,800 --> 00:56:56,313 I am and come back to those days. 1027 00:56:58,400 --> 00:57:02,029 I am now able prepare king flat ... 1028 00:57:02,240 --> 00:57:04,231 ... queen of plates. 1029 00:57:04,440 --> 00:57:06,192 I am finally well today. 1030 00:57:06,400 --> 00:57:10,757 My mother fed us all morning with wasabi. 1031 00:57:11,280 --> 00:57:13,714 I ate it. That is why I am also robust. 1032 00:57:13,920 --> 00:57:16,434 She made us eat one by one. 1033 00:57:16,680 --> 00:57:20,150 She was given the sentence for ascend. My beloved mother. 1034 00:57:20,960 --> 00:57:22,109 My mother. 1035 00:57:24,640 --> 00:57:27,234 You know the butter Japanese. 1036 00:57:28,200 --> 00:57:29,872 I eat every morning. 1037 00:57:30,080 --> 00:57:31,559 Look, I take it as bread, you see? 1038 00:57:31,760 --> 00:57:33,876 I'm just like that. 1039 00:57:34,080 --> 00:57:35,593 I put on it like that. 1040 00:57:35,800 --> 00:57:38,439 But beware. Wasabi it stings, it may bother you. 1041 00:57:38,640 --> 00:57:41,950 The spice we do nothing. My God. 1042 00:57:57,920 --> 00:57:59,273 What up? 1043 00:58:01,080 --> 00:58:04,072 But I tell thee that wasabi is spicy, is not. 1044 00:58:10,680 --> 00:58:13,240 Put the sushi in your mouth. This will reduce the effect. 1045 00:58:13,600 --> 00:58:14,999 That? 1046 00:58:17,080 --> 00:58:18,308 But what is it then? 1047 00:58:18,520 --> 00:58:21,114 But nothing, except that raw fish. ? then. 1048 00:58:21,320 --> 00:58:22,753 - From raw fish? - Yes. 1049 00:58:28,640 --> 00:58:31,234 But what do you have? Go away. 1050 00:58:41,640 --> 00:58:45,872 Damn! Disgusting. He has eaten everything. 1051 00:58:46,080 --> 00:58:49,789 Why did not you eat the whole restaurant? Species of animal, idiot. 1052 00:58:50,320 --> 00:58:52,754 Damn! 1053 00:58:52,960 --> 00:58:54,712 I'm really sorry excuse me. 1054 00:58:54,920 --> 00:58:58,390 Damn your in your sushi and wasabi. Damn! 1055 00:58:59,520 --> 00:59:01,556 I'm going to the toilet. 1056 00:59:02,200 --> 00:59:06,716 When I speak, you should look me in the eyes. 1057 00:59:07,360 --> 00:59:09,954 You see what happens because of you. 1058 00:59:10,240 --> 00:59:12,993 There was the raw fish that I had not eaten and it is also thanks to you. 1059 00:59:14,400 --> 00:59:16,960 But what I did Abi? I only wanted your happiness. 1060 00:59:17,160 --> 00:59:19,754 This gas pepper my happiness, eh? 1061 00:59:21,000 --> 00:59:24,709 Raw fish is my happiness? "I did not want your happiness" 1062 00:59:24,920 --> 00:59:27,798 "I've always wanted your happiness Abi. Always your happiness, your happiness always. " 1063 00:59:28,000 --> 00:59:30,673 - Like sand, Abi. - But it was like sand. 1064 00:59:31,000 --> 00:59:35,073 Species false Quasimodo. 'll Ring your bell. 1065 00:59:35,320 --> 00:59:36,753 Idiot. 1066 00:59:37,080 --> 00:59:40,356 We did not find the babes on Internet, they are lies. 1067 00:59:40,680 --> 00:59:42,955 We have detailed the event. 1068 00:59:43,160 --> 00:59:46,152 Then we must go where find babes in high society. 1069 00:59:47,200 --> 00:59:49,634 Really? Where? 1070 00:59:49,880 --> 00:59:51,916 - Yoga for example. - Yoga? 1071 00:59:52,120 --> 00:59:54,395 - Yoga. - We will do yoga? 1072 00:59:54,600 --> 00:59:57,910 Yes, we do yoga. There are super babes there. 1073 00:59:58,120 --> 01:00:00,953 Okay, take in a photo we drink for change. " 1074 01:00:01,160 --> 01:00:04,118 Come to yoga. - Okay, but you can prevent light. 1075 01:00:04,360 --> 01:00:07,113 I am well shut your mouth Now, I will show you the light. 1076 01:00:07,320 --> 01:00:09,038 A grandfather with his white beard, come boy, come my boy ... 1077 01:00:09,360 --> 01:00:13,035 ... come to me son, come ... 1078 01:00:14,880 --> 01:00:15,869 Hey! 1079 01:00:27,040 --> 01:00:30,635 What? There is nobody Here, the customer waits. 1080 01:00:30,840 --> 01:00:32,751 Welcome sir. How can I help you? 1081 01:00:32,960 --> 01:00:36,430 Excuse me, I have not seen my baby. I came to yoga. 1082 01:00:36,640 --> 01:00:39,712 Of course. We have a meeting available in half an hour. 1083 01:00:39,920 --> 01:00:42,150 What kind of yoga do you want? 1084 01:00:42,360 --> 01:00:45,989 - Which types do you offer? - There Feng shui yoga, tai chi yoga. 1085 01:00:46,760 --> 01:00:49,718 Then tahsin yoga. 1086 01:00:50,560 --> 01:00:53,552 - That's the costume? - Yes, the costumes. 1087 01:00:53,920 --> 01:00:56,832 I wear it since elementary school. Not counterfeit. 1088 01:00:57,480 --> 01:00:58,595 I understand. Well then. 1089 01:00:58,800 --> 01:01:01,473 Please enter if you wish, my friends help you. 1090 01:01:01,680 --> 01:01:02,795 Okay, thank you. 1091 01:01:04,640 --> 01:01:07,200 Hello everyone, welcome. 1092 01:01:07,840 --> 01:01:11,628 We learn first philosophy of yoga. 1093 01:01:12,440 --> 01:01:14,396 Hello Master. 1094 01:01:14,800 --> 01:01:18,475 I thought we were going to do yoga, and we have social relations. 1095 01:01:20,040 --> 01:01:25,717 But everyone here is like with corpses. 1096 01:01:27,920 --> 01:01:29,956 Please sit down please. 1097 01:01:30,320 --> 01:01:33,312 One moment, we will sit. Thank you Master. 1098 01:01:34,240 --> 01:01:36,356 Bismillahirahmanirahim. 1099 01:01:36,560 --> 01:01:40,439 We welcome our new friend. 1100 01:01:41,920 --> 01:01:48,109 Yes ladies, the yoga is the art of relaxing and repose of the soul. 1101 01:01:48,320 --> 01:01:50,993 He is always relaxed this guy? 1102 01:01:51,200 --> 01:01:53,839 Yes Master Nilgün is a woman always calm and relaxed. 1103 01:01:54,040 --> 01:01:58,397 ? has seen this, it is very quiet. Where are you boy? 1104 01:01:59,160 --> 01:02:05,110 We begin our movement by the relaxation of our muscles. 1105 01:02:06,560 --> 01:02:09,154 Our first impulse is the lotus. 1106 01:02:11,600 --> 01:02:15,195 Master's crossed legs home. That is the pot. 1107 01:02:15,400 --> 01:02:17,630 No sir, that's how to sit cross-legged ... 1108 01:02:17,840 --> 01:02:21,310 ... among the barbarians of Central Asia. 1109 01:02:21,600 --> 01:02:25,434 Lotus is one of its main movements of yoga ... 1110 01:02:25,640 --> 01:02:28,518 But Master, do you not have fun with we spoke not a word lotus. 1111 01:02:28,720 --> 01:02:31,996 For years all people Anatolian sit cross-legged. 1112 01:02:32,920 --> 01:02:38,870 Finally, yes sir. Now we pass the second movement. 1113 01:02:39,160 --> 01:02:41,799 Chiwawa. 1114 01:02:54,280 --> 01:02:57,272 Now wait a second Lord, forgive me. 1115 01:02:57,480 --> 01:03:00,711 Do not tilt the body in all Speaking of chiwawa or miwawa. 1116 01:03:00,920 --> 01:03:03,070 It is a movement of inclination body, Master. 1117 01:03:03,280 --> 01:03:05,953 Do not laugh at us Chiwawa saying. 1118 01:03:06,160 --> 01:03:08,628 It is the movement of bank body. That is the inclination. 1119 01:03:08,840 --> 01:03:11,149 Please sir do not interfere. 1120 01:03:11,360 --> 01:03:14,033 Master, I am not, but look the position of the Irish. 1121 01:03:15,240 --> 01:03:18,073 Not even my God. Oh my God. 1122 01:03:18,320 --> 01:03:20,151 Viewing the motion that we that we do to relax. 1123 01:03:20,520 --> 01:03:22,829 They tend the body to relax, gosh. 1124 01:03:23,040 --> 01:03:24,359 But as it relaxes Master? 1125 01:03:24,560 --> 01:03:27,233 This position suffering, How do we relax? 1126 01:03:27,440 --> 01:03:28,429 I tremble now. 1127 01:03:28,640 --> 01:03:35,159 Done. Yes, we take lotus our movement ... 1128 01:03:35,760 --> 01:03:41,118 ... ensure the discharge after a little meditation. 1129 01:03:41,720 --> 01:03:44,837 They always change the position, plus he says are relaxed. 1130 01:03:45,040 --> 01:03:48,510 We close our eyes ... 1131 01:03:48,720 --> 01:03:52,713 we ... imagine a forest. 1132 01:03:53,400 --> 01:03:57,154 The birds around us. 1133 01:03:57,440 --> 01:03:58,634 Closed Master. 1134 01:03:58,840 --> 01:04:04,472 Butterflies, flowers, we are in serenity. 1135 01:04:05,160 --> 01:04:08,835 Sleep. 1136 01:04:09,040 --> 01:04:11,190 RELAXON. 1137 01:04:12,880 --> 01:04:14,791 Sleep. 1138 01:04:16,200 --> 01:04:18,270 Silence. 1139 01:04:19,120 --> 01:04:21,759 Excuse me, Master, I'm sleepy, forgive me. 1140 01:04:23,200 --> 01:04:28,433 And disclaim all our misdeeds. 1141 01:04:29,880 --> 01:04:31,279 Disclaim them. 1142 01:04:31,560 --> 01:04:32,913 Master we disclaim, for sure? 1143 01:04:33,120 --> 01:04:38,592 Disclaim. Disclaim harm. 1144 01:04:42,240 --> 01:04:44,196 But what are you doing? 1145 01:04:44,720 --> 01:04:48,474 You said disclaim harm and then I reached. 1146 01:04:48,760 --> 01:04:51,638 Do not say phew, ottoman, you emerges, too. 1147 01:04:51,840 --> 01:04:55,071 You emerge on the carpet. I hear from here. 1148 01:04:56,440 --> 01:04:59,830 What harm is high, when her boyfriend is caught, he immediately said whew, ottoman. 1149 01:05:00,040 --> 01:05:04,192 ? was enough, but enough is enough. Out. What a disgusting individual! 1150 01:05:04,400 --> 01:05:06,152 I swear, I am sorry, Master. 1151 01:05:06,480 --> 01:05:10,792 Does it suit you that? You white in your hair. 1152 01:05:11,240 --> 01:05:14,596 You're a guy like Adnan? Enses, ? has does not suit you at all. 1153 01:05:14,800 --> 01:05:17,712 You have nothing to do with yoga, you know nothing. 1154 01:05:17,920 --> 01:05:20,992 I've taught yoga by his master. 1155 01:05:21,200 --> 01:05:25,637 I took private lessons the fourteenth Dalai Lama in person. 1156 01:05:25,880 --> 01:05:29,031 If you speak with master, hasters of it will not at all ... 1157 01:05:29,240 --> 01:05:33,791 I swear I knock my heel on your face. 1158 01:05:34,560 --> 01:05:38,394 I do not know the number the more silly. He told you so. 1159 01:05:38,600 --> 01:05:40,795 He said there was fourteen ninnies in the classroom. 1160 01:05:41,040 --> 01:05:43,156 In two, four, five, fourteen. 1161 01:05:43,480 --> 01:05:44,390 Out. 1162 01:05:44,600 --> 01:05:49,720 Go away. Idiot. Scots Come, let's go. 1163 01:05:50,760 --> 01:05:54,548 Come, let's go. You are with me Scot or not? 1164 01:05:54,760 --> 01:05:57,194 Let the Scots. But when you come. 1165 01:05:58,040 --> 01:06:01,999 Too bad for you. Check it out then. 1166 01:06:02,720 --> 01:06:05,234 We came the yoga class ... 1167 01:06:05,440 --> 01:06:07,749 ... or the morgue to find bitches. 1168 01:06:07,960 --> 01:06:10,872 Here, you will play with your ball too. 1169 01:06:13,920 --> 01:06:15,273 Out. 1170 01:06:15,560 --> 01:06:17,198 Go away. 1171 01:06:27,240 --> 01:06:29,595 Hello my dear Hakan. Can I come? Thank you. 1172 01:06:30,240 --> 01:06:32,435 We disagree with leaders of society. 1173 01:06:32,640 --> 01:06:35,996 I decided to ask your advice. 1174 01:06:36,280 --> 01:06:40,068 Photocopies of correspondence should be Times New Roman or ... 1175 01:06:40,280 --> 01:06:44,478 ... verdana bold italic, or ariel tahoma bold italic or ... 1176 01:06:44,680 --> 01:06:48,036 ... or sinclair or t? my new novel? 1177 01:06:48,240 --> 01:06:49,832 But what Recep you talking about? 1178 01:06:51,400 --> 01:06:54,790 Excuse me, what should be done anonymous invitations? 1179 01:06:55,000 --> 01:06:57,309 I'll fuck Your invitations anonymous ... 1180 01:06:57,520 --> 01:06:59,511 We are talking about something here. Go away. Go away. 1181 01:07:00,200 --> 01:07:03,476 I'll see you at your table. Flirt with the waitress tea. 1182 01:07:05,320 --> 01:07:07,550 What are these invitations Hakan my dear? 1183 01:07:07,760 --> 01:07:10,479 Invitations launch that we will arrange for the Japanese. 1184 01:07:10,800 --> 01:07:13,872 Why I have not received Hakan these invitations? 1185 01:07:14,640 --> 01:07:17,359 This is not for you Recep. What you gonna do there? 1186 01:07:17,560 --> 01:07:20,199 Forget the Japanese chatter There. In addition, it is an unnerving atmosphere. 1187 01:07:20,400 --> 01:07:23,437 - Why? I'm half-owner. - They should put a tuxedo and more. 1188 01:07:23,640 --> 01:07:26,074 How do you know that I'm not a tuxedo, idiot? 1189 01:07:26,280 --> 01:07:28,191 - You have one? - Of course I have. 1190 01:07:28,400 --> 01:07:30,834 - A dark color? - Very dark. 1191 01:07:31,520 --> 01:07:33,192 Okay, so you can come, come. 1192 01:07:33,400 --> 01:07:36,312 Thank you, God be with you. You're an intelligent man. 1193 01:07:36,560 --> 01:07:40,235 - We can bring a friend? - Yes. 1194 01:07:40,720 --> 01:07:44,599 - For curly hair. - You can bring anyone you want. 1195 01:07:44,800 --> 01:07:46,392 Thank you. May God be with you. 1196 01:07:46,960 --> 01:07:50,748 We add a "please call back" these invitations? 1197 01:07:50,960 --> 01:07:52,154 No. 1198 01:07:52,360 --> 01:07:55,193 Okay, thank you. Thank you. Well, later. 1199 01:07:55,400 --> 01:07:59,632 Do not work too well, you're too tired. You look like a raccoon. 1200 01:08:14,600 --> 01:08:17,751 There was not a local best quality is very bad here. 1201 01:08:17,960 --> 01:08:20,599 But you can not find better than that. Here is Modesan. 1202 01:08:20,800 --> 01:08:23,519 The local Metin. I think Metin will walk industry. 1203 01:08:24,000 --> 01:08:28,790 Oh dear, my brother Recep. You are welcome. 1204 01:08:29,320 --> 01:08:31,311 Hello Metin Abi. 1205 01:08:31,880 --> 01:08:34,394 Hello, my dear friend. How can I help you? 1206 01:08:34,600 --> 01:08:37,398 Abi, that's what we need we welcome the Japanese ... 1207 01:08:37,600 --> 01:08:41,115 ... I need a dress, a tux that is appropriate to the atmosphere. 1208 01:08:41,320 --> 01:08:45,757 I'll tell you something. I swear you're lucky. 1209 01:08:46,520 --> 01:08:50,035 We could not sew a Tuxedo Even if you ordered before one year. 1210 01:08:50,400 --> 01:08:54,234 I held a Japanese There was an embroidery behind. 1211 01:08:54,440 --> 01:08:56,908 Try it, you'll see. 1212 01:08:57,120 --> 01:09:00,157 When you enter the room, If there is one thousand five hundred people ... 1213 01:09:00,360 --> 01:09:02,316 ... all the room you determine. - Give it, I try everything on. 1214 01:09:02,520 --> 01:09:06,798 - At your orders. Immediately. - My friend is also without costume. 1215 01:09:07,000 --> 01:09:08,991 We can also find him keeping fit and proper ... 1216 01:09:09,200 --> 01:09:11,350 ... for he is not unhappy the poor. 1217 01:09:11,560 --> 01:09:15,519 Of course. There is a tas Clothing nephew. 1218 01:09:15,760 --> 01:09:19,719 I'll pay. Hakan paid my first salary, 200 TL. 1219 01:09:20,960 --> 01:09:26,193 Oh dear. This jacket of number one ... 1220 01:09:26,400 --> 01:09:28,118 Take it with joy. 1221 01:09:28,320 --> 01:09:31,278 Abi, the fabric is excellent, But is not this a little beating? 1222 01:09:31,480 --> 01:09:34,631 But no, not at all. There is nothing else more original. 1223 01:09:35,120 --> 01:09:37,873 But look, it fits you perfectly. 1224 01:09:38,080 --> 01:09:41,470 - Abi, I think it is wrong. - But when it does not, fool. 1225 01:09:41,720 --> 01:09:44,393 You do not understand how to. I am the dean of fashion. 1226 01:09:44,600 --> 01:09:47,353 But what do you understand fashion you. Idiot. Idiot. 1227 01:09:47,560 --> 01:09:50,233 He is the dean of fashion. Metin Abi. Get out. 1228 01:09:50,440 --> 01:09:53,000 Kind of bumbling. What held he wears, what kind. 1229 01:09:53,440 --> 01:09:56,398 But these are kids They are ignorant. Do not listen to those here. 1230 01:09:56,920 --> 01:10:00,549 You see, the rosette on the heart is the rosette Prime Minister of Japan. 1231 01:10:00,840 --> 01:10:03,513 Returns. The same on the back too. 1232 01:10:03,720 --> 01:10:06,678 Everyone will stick to you. 1233 01:10:06,880 --> 01:10:09,633 You put the ball and goes. 1234 01:10:24,080 --> 01:10:26,036 Come here, boom, come. 1235 01:10:26,680 --> 01:10:28,398 Come, walk, walk. 1236 01:10:28,600 --> 01:10:31,194 It is also the artist pending before me. 1237 01:10:32,360 --> 01:10:35,557 The jacket has the air of nothing in the shop. 1238 01:10:35,760 --> 01:10:37,034 ... he became the number 10 here. 1239 01:10:37,240 --> 01:10:39,117 Son, it has a fashion house is a dean. 1240 01:10:39,320 --> 01:10:41,993 The guy did say: "the material remains rambling here. 1241 01:10:42,200 --> 01:10:45,351 "When thou art among the people, it takes all the electricity and atmosphere. 1242 01:10:45,560 --> 01:10:47,198 ... and give it to you above. 1243 01:10:47,400 --> 01:10:48,799 - He was right. - Of course he was right. 1244 01:10:49,000 --> 01:10:50,433 - The do you? - Take it. What is it? 1245 01:10:50,640 --> 01:10:52,358 - A sofa, sir. - A sofa? 1246 01:10:52,560 --> 01:10:55,757 Look at the size of the sofa, excuse me, look at the size of our buttocks. 1247 01:10:56,560 --> 01:10:58,869 A sofa as small as it can not satisfy me. 1248 01:11:00,000 --> 01:11:02,639 Even if you're printing on the cheek the sofa is not enough for this dish. 1249 01:11:03,760 --> 01:11:05,079 Take-in. 1250 01:11:06,520 --> 01:11:07,714 I am. 1251 01:11:10,720 --> 01:11:13,109 - It's delicious. - Yes. Consider that one too. 1252 01:11:14,640 --> 01:11:17,552 - Oh, long live! - What's that? 1253 01:11:17,760 --> 01:11:19,637 - It's caviar, sir. - But what is that caviar? 1254 01:11:19,840 --> 01:11:21,193 Fish eggs. 1255 01:11:29,200 --> 01:11:31,589 That Damn you all. 1256 01:11:31,800 --> 01:11:37,079 We are eating the dirtiest part fish, a feast to a thousand dollars. 1257 01:11:37,400 --> 01:11:40,437 - The most disgusting part of the fish. - But what did you do? 1258 01:11:40,640 --> 01:11:42,949 We should not eat shit fish. 1259 01:11:51,680 --> 01:11:55,798 Sir, they thank you much For this marvelously, is receiving. 1260 01:11:56,000 --> 01:11:59,231 But I beg you, I will promise you thanks for coming. Thank you very much. 1261 01:12:01,560 ---> 01:12:06,509 Hi l am very big fun of yours. When your Gullit? 1262 01:12:12,040 ---> 01:12:15,157 Hi! Miss in india where are you yaaa 1263 01:12:15,680 ---> 01:12:18,069 - Mais t'es dingue? - For the Kenya? 1264 01:12:21,320 ---> 01:12:23,709 Meto! Meto! Regarde. Regarde ce type. 1265 01:12:23,920 ---> 01:12:26,388 C'est le signe de notre organisation. 1266 01:12:26,600 ---> 01:12:29,034 Oui. Oui. 1267 01:12:29,240 ---> 01:12:33,153 Ce type devrait être le grand chef du Moyen-Orient. 1268 01:12:33,360 ---> 01:12:37,273 Il doit l'être certainement. 1269 01:12:42,000 ---> 01:12:45,231 Monsieur, il se sont intéressés beaucoup à cette personne. 1270 01:12:45,440 ---> 01:12:48,000 Ils disent qu'ils voudraient faire sa connaissance. 1271 01:12:49,280 ---> 01:12:52,955 Recep. Recep. Viens. 1272 01:12:53,680 ---> 01:12:55,636 - Moi? - Viens, abi, viens. 1273 01:13:00,800 ---> 01:13:01,915 Qu'est-ce qui arrive Hakan? 1274 01:13:02,120 ---> 01:13:04,634 Ce sont nos clients japonais, ils veulent faire ta connaissance. 1275 01:13:04,840 ---> 01:13:06,876 Hirochi, Makato, Meto. 1276 01:13:07,200 ---> 01:13:10,351 Enchanté Meto, enchanté aussi d'avoir fait ta connaissance Makato. 1277 01:13:10,560 ---> 01:13:13,233 Enchanté Hirochi. J'aime beaucoup les japonais. 1278 01:13:13,440 ---> 01:13:15,351 Ce sont des personnes respectueuses. De très braves gens. 1279 01:13:15,560 ---> 01:13:17,471 Tu sais, je parle très bien le japonais. 1280 01:13:20,440 ---> 01:13:22,351 Ne me la mets pas là, mets-la ici. 1281 01:13:25,400 ---> 01:13:27,516 Et si ces gens comprenaient le turc... 1282 01:13:27,720 ---> 01:13:30,598 Regarde, y en a encore une. T'as trop enfoncé, retire. 1283 01:13:34,200 ---> 01:13:35,838 Eh oui, tu ris. 1284 01:13:37,320 ---> 01:13:39,709 ?a c'est une blague turque. Turkish joke. 1285 01:13:40,760 ---> 01:13:44,389 Vous êtes des gars formidables, moi je vous estime beaucoup. 1286 01:13:44,600 ---> 01:13:48,878 Vous êtes tous les bienvenus dans notre pays. Bienvenus mes gaillards. 1287 01:13:53,680 ---> 01:13:57,468 Monsieur, ils demandent votre permission pour aller aux toilettes. 1288 01:13:57,680 ---> 01:14:01,355 Ils peuvent y aller, mais dis-leur de bien viser le trou, compris? 1289 01:14:01,560 ---> 01:14:04,950 Je ne veux pas voir des éclaboussures. Qu'ils soulèvent le couvercle. 1290 01:14:05,880 ---> 01:14:08,872 Abi, t'as transformé ce coin en une écurie. T'es vraiment bizarre, ouf. 1291 01:14:09,080 ---> 01:14:12,390 Que faire, ce sont les relations humaines. Les relations humaines réciproques. 1292 01:14:12,720 ---> 01:14:15,678 C'est la le langage international. J'ai montré mon affection, ma chaleur. 1293 01:14:15,880 ---> 01:14:17,552 J'ai montré l'effet du Turc. 1294 01:14:17,760 ---> 01:14:19,796 Quelle façon de parler, Recep? Ce ne sont pas tes copains intimes. 1295 01:14:20,000 ---> 01:14:22,230 L'ambiance est d'ailleurs assez tendue. 1296 01:14:22,440 ---> 01:14:25,238 Excuse-moi, mais l'ambiance est tendue par ce que ta fête est comme mes fesses. 1297 01:14:25,560 ---> 01:14:28,996 Je regrette, mais tu l'as faite comme dans une maison de mort. 1298 01:14:29,200 ---> 01:14:31,953 Je n'ai pas regardé à la dépense, j'ai fait venir le meilleur DJ. 1299 01:14:32,160 ---> 01:14:33,388 Tout est vraiment parfait. 1300 01:14:33,600 ---> 01:14:37,559 Une fête ne se fait pas comme ça. Le DJ, l'ambiance, ça ne va pas du tout. 1301 01:14:37,960 ---> 01:14:41,430 Tu dois me laisser faire, l'amusement, c'est mon boulot. 1302 01:14:41,640 ---> 01:14:43,915 Je te prie Recep, ne t'en mêles pas. S'il te plaît, ne t'occupe de rien. 1303 01:14:44,120 ---> 01:14:46,680 D'accord, fais comme tu veux... Où est la cabine DJ? 1304 01:14:54,320 ---> 01:14:58,598 Je regrette mon frère, est-ce qu'il y a dans ce setup musical... 1305 01:14:58,800 ---> 01:15:02,349 ...une entrée de carte mémoire USA? - Oui monsieur. 1306 01:15:02,840 ---> 01:15:04,398 - Où est-elle? - ?ci. 1307 01:15:04,760 ---> 01:15:07,354 Eh oui, c'est une très belle entrée. Très belle entrée. 1308 01:15:08,040 ---> 01:15:11,635 - Mon Dieu! Ils emportent ma bagnole! - Ou ça? 1309 01:15:11,960 ---> 01:15:14,872 Regarde, là-bas, est-ce qu'ils emportent une bagnole là-bas, c'est ta voiture? 1310 01:15:15,080 ---> 01:15:17,435 - Je ne sais pas, j'irai voir. - Vas-y, idiot. 1311 01:15:17,640 ---> 01:15:19,870 Ils emportent ta bagnole, crétin. Quel idiot... 1312 01:15:21,200 ---> 01:15:24,749 Son IQ est à zéro. Il veut faire le DJ, attends, je vais voir. 1313 01:15:32,360 ---> 01:15:36,148 La musique out, l'autre CD in... 1314 01:15:48,040 ---> 01:15:51,476 Joue. Jouez donc. 1315 01:15:57,600 ---> 01:16:00,797 Oh, quel amusement. 1316 01:17:33,880 ---> 01:17:38,749 Ils n'acceptent pas une campagne à faire en octobre. 1317 01:17:39,160 ---> 01:17:41,958 Ils disent qu'ils ne signeront pas dans ces conditions. 1318 01:17:42,160 ---> 01:17:44,116 Mais nous avions déjà parlé des conditions de cette campagne. 1319 01:17:44,320 ---> 01:17:46,595 Pourquoi ont-il changé d'avis maintenant? Demande-leur. 1320 01:18:00,800 ---> 01:18:05,271 Cours, mon fils. Cours. 1321 01:18:08,880 ---> 01:18:11,394 Viens ici, viens auprès de ton père... 1322 01:18:11,600 ---> 01:18:14,717 Attrape et viens mon fils. 1323 01:18:14,920 ---> 01:18:18,515 Monsieur Recep, un peu de silence, svp., Il y a une réunion dedans en ce moment. 1324 01:18:18,720 ---> 01:18:21,598 S'il y a une réunion, vous devez m'appeler aussi, mon ami. 1325 01:18:25,640 ---> 01:18:30,555 Mets-toi là. Un enfant tranquille, respectueux. 1326 01:18:30,760 ---> 01:18:32,113 Vraiment ces Japonais. Qu'est-ce qui se passe ici, Hakan? 1327 01:18:32,320 ---> 01:18:35,471 - Nous sommes en réunion maintenant. - Pourqoi ne m'avez-vous pas appelé? 1328 01:18:35,680 ---> 01:18:38,319 - Ne suis-je pas un demi-patron? - D'ailleurs tout s'est confondu maintenant. 1329 01:18:38,720 ---> 01:18:41,553 - Mais qu'est-ce qui se passe? - Ils ne veulent pas signer l'accord. 1330 01:18:41,760 ---> 01:18:44,399 Ils ne signent pas l'accord? 1331 01:18:45,160 ---> 01:18:47,754 Je vais arranger ça. Reviens, reviens. 1332 01:18:52,720 ---> 01:18:54,836 Quel est donc le problème? 1333 01:18:59,120 ---> 01:19:02,999 Takashi he, Makat he? Hiroshi. 1334 01:19:05,560 ---> 01:19:09,189 Mais est votre problème? Vous voulez faire les artistes avec nous? 1335 01:19:11,480 ---> 01:19:13,755 Etes-vous venus ici pour faire les artistes? 1336 01:19:15,040 ---> 01:19:17,156 Vous mangez et buvez depuis trois jours. 1337 01:19:17,360 ---> 01:19:19,555 Ce garçon se charge même de vos frais d'hôtel. 1338 01:19:21,120 ---> 01:19:23,714 Ils bossent depuis quatre mois pour ce travail. 1339 01:19:24,360 ---> 01:19:26,191 Quel est donc votre problème? 1340 01:19:26,720 ---> 01:19:28,597 Soyez raisonnables. 1341 01:19:28,800 ---> 01:19:31,268 Soyez raisonnables, ne nous faites pas devenir fous, hein. 1342 01:19:31,480 ---> 01:19:34,870 Je jure que je vous casse la gueule, je le jure. 1343 01:19:35,840 ---> 01:19:40,709 Je jure que je vous lance la chaussure, ne nous faites pas devenir fous, hein. 1344 01:19:42,360 ---> 01:19:46,638 Si vous lui faites un tort, c'est comme si vous le faisiez à moi-même. 1345 01:19:48,560 ---> 01:19:49,959 A mon avis, nous devons signer. 1346 01:19:50,160 ---> 01:19:51,388 Oui, il y a le grand chef... 1347 01:19:51,600 ---> 01:19:52,715 ...signons immédiatement. 1348 01:19:52,920 ---> 01:19:55,309 Tourne tout de suite la page, ils ont dix secondes pour signer. 1349 01:19:59,760 ---> 01:20:01,671 Voilà, soyez un peu en harmonie. 1350 01:20:01,880 ---> 01:20:04,474 Vous voyez, nous appliquons nous aussi les lois d'harmonisation avec l'Europe. 1351 01:20:04,680 ---> 01:20:08,514 Faites-le aussi, nous aurons des rapports réciproques. 1352 01:20:08,960 ---> 01:20:12,270 Nous allons nous rencontrer plusieurs fois, ou bien nous irons a Tokyo, monsieur. 1353 01:20:12,480 ---> 01:20:16,314 Vous venez et nous arrangeons des mariages, on aura ainsi des rapports de famille. 1354 01:20:16,800 ---> 01:20:17,949 ?a va, Hakan? 1355 01:20:18,160 ---> 01:20:19,878 Est-ce qu'ils ont signé, je ne songe pas? 1356 01:20:20,080 ---> 01:20:22,230 - Ils ont signé, t'inquiète pas. - Recep, t'es génial. 1357 01:20:22,440 ---> 01:20:24,271 Ne fais pas des gestes stupides. 1358 01:20:24,480 ---> 01:20:26,710 Abi, ces gens sont des géants mondiaux. Nous les avons matés. 1359 01:20:26,920 ---> 01:20:30,310 Moi je vais te mater, ne parle pas devant un géant mondial. 1360 01:20:30,520 ---> 01:20:35,275 Veux-tu retirer a foutue de main. Travaille bien, fiston. 1361 01:20:35,760 ---> 01:20:37,955 Vous enverrez les chaussures à l'étranger. 1362 01:20:38,240 ---> 01:20:39,070 Elle est réelle cette signature? 1363 01:20:39,680 ---> 01:20:42,956 Je voudrais inviter maintenant avec vos applaudissements, le titulaire de l'agence 1364 01:20:43,160 ---> 01:20:46,630 publicitaire Alaaddin qui a signé le plus important accord publicitaire. 1365 01:20:46,840 ---> 01:20:50,515 ...Monsieur Hakan... Hakan ?vedik. 1366 01:20:51,240 ---> 01:20:52,912 Bravo patron. 1367 01:20:56,080 ---> 01:20:58,310 Mon gaillard, mon gaillard... 1368 01:21:01,800 ---> 01:21:04,678 Merci beaucoup. Je suis heureux de vous voir. 1369 01:21:05,120 ---> 01:21:08,317 Notre société est devenue une marque mondiale... 1370 01:21:08,520 ---> 01:21:10,192 ...dans très peu de temps. 1371 01:21:10,400 ---> 01:21:13,551 Le vrai architecte de notre réussite est mon frère, mon neveu... 1372 01:21:13,760 ---> 01:21:17,639 ...mon associé, Recep Ivedik. 1373 01:21:18,360 ---> 01:21:21,397 C'est pour cette raison que Recep Ivedik doit faire un discours. 1374 01:21:21,600 ---> 01:21:22,919 Recep tu peux venir ici, s'il te plait... 1375 01:21:23,120 ---> 01:21:26,317 Mais non Hakan, non, débrouille-toi, ne me mêle pas s'il te plait. 1376 01:21:26,520 --> 01:21:30,593 But Recep going, we do not dissatisfied. Applaud, for encouragement. 1377 01:21:30,800 --> 01:21:34,475 But do not applaud, do not applaud, but do not applaud. 1378 01:21:35,040 --> 01:21:37,110 Thank you, thank you. May God be with you. 1379 01:21:45,520 --> 01:21:48,956 - But what are you doing? - Dead cats, dead cats. 1380 01:21:49,520 --> 01:21:51,636 I'll smash your face now. 1381 01:21:52,400 --> 01:21:53,594 Excuse us. 1382 01:21:59,720 --> 01:22:02,473 And now Recep ivedik. 1383 01:22:05,480 --> 01:22:07,311 But what I'm going to say What I am saying? 1384 01:22:07,520 --> 01:22:10,876 But go ahead, talks about the global world economy, you can do. 1385 01:22:11,080 --> 01:22:12,957 Okay go. Go ahead, okay, go away. 1386 01:22:13,440 --> 01:22:17,638 Yes, I greet you all with respect. 1387 01:22:17,920 --> 01:22:22,152 Firstly, I mean that it surprised me a lot ... 1388 01:22:22,360 --> 01:22:25,397 ... to see so many bigwigs in Istanbul. 1389 01:22:25,600 --> 01:22:28,672 You are all aligned as string. Be a little lords. 1390 01:22:29,840 --> 01:22:36,029 Let me tell you about my philosophy who is my rock billions since my childhood. 1391 01:22:37,000 --> 01:22:38,592 The grasshopper and the ant. 1392 01:22:38,800 --> 01:22:41,519 The grasshopper and the ant were in the fields 1393 01:22:41,720 --> 01:22:43,756 The ant said "listen well son, because the sun ... 1394 01:22:43,960 --> 01:22:45,359 ... global warming ... 1395 01:22:45,560 --> 01:22:48,279 ... the dollar will surge and price of oil collapsed. " 1396 01:22:48,480 --> 01:22:50,436 So be correct and works hard. " 1397 01:22:50,640 --> 01:22:54,713 The grasshopper replied "how do you know? You live underground. 1398 01:22:54,920 --> 01:22:57,957 In a hole in the ground, bringing you live in the dirt people ... 1399 01:22:58,160 --> 01:23:00,833 ... to your home. It's not you who will teach me. 1400 01:23:01,040 --> 01:23:03,349 "You swim in the saliva of people as in a pool, go away ". 1401 01:23:03,880 --> 01:23:05,950 She replied "We'll meet again." And she went. 1402 01:23:06,160 --> 01:23:09,152 The winter came, the ant gives a feast in his house. 1403 01:23:09,360 --> 01:23:11,590 There are also about 25 buddies and girlfriends, they play well. 1404 01:23:11,800 --> 01:23:13,677 Someone rings the doorbell. 1405 01:23:13,880 --> 01:23:16,599 They open the door, the cicada appears disheveled and exhausted. 1406 01:23:16,800 --> 01:23:20,793 "You see" said the ant "in summer we had spoken with you in the fields. " 1407 01:23:21,000 --> 01:23:24,754 "Have you one or two cans of boiled wheat butter and vegetable 'asked her. 1408 01:23:24,960 --> 01:23:28,999 The ant replied, "but you're really an idiot ... 1409 01:23:29,200 --> 01:23:31,634 ... a fool. 1410 01:23:32,080 --> 01:23:33,798 I warned you, "she said. 1411 01:23:34,000 --> 01:23:36,594 "You remember that I warned you, carrying seeds on my back. 1412 01:23:36,800 --> 01:23:41,191 ... I had warned you, "she said. "Otherwise I would not ... 1413 01:23:41,400 --> 01:23:42,594 ... not angry. " 1414 01:23:42,800 --> 01:23:44,438 The grasshopper replied: But why do you scream? 1415 01:23:44,640 --> 01:23:47,154 Does not annoys me, Besides, I do not feel well. 1416 01:23:47,360 --> 01:23:49,794 The ant replied, "Go away now, otherwise I swear ... 1417 01:23:50,000 --> 01:23:51,991 ... I'll call raccoons. 1418 01:23:52,200 --> 01:23:53,394 But you get the hell out, then. "She said. 1419 01:23:53,600 --> 01:23:56,398 He grabbed his antennae, and broke her hind leg ... 1420 01:23:56,600 --> 01:23:58,909 ... there was a terrible fight, with blood flowing everywhere. 1421 01:23:59,200 --> 01:24:01,668 The evening all dispersed. 1422 01:24:01,880 --> 01:24:04,314 I do not know why I told it, but finally, in conclusion ... 1423 01:24:05,040 --> 01:24:10,478 ... meaning that the seals are very only. 1424 01:24:11,400 --> 01:24:13,595 Finally I'm sorry. 1425 01:24:13,800 --> 01:24:18,078 Each day 45 cm glacier melts on our planet, but the devil ... 1426 01:24:18,280 --> 01:24:21,750 I swear the devil ... Let's drop everything. 1427 01:24:21,960 --> 01:24:23,359 I have a principle. 1428 01:24:24,200 --> 01:24:30,753 Look, a cow's milk does not box bud before planting. 1429 01:25:08,440 --> 01:25:10,749 I greet you all with respect. 1430 01:25:18,160 --> 01:25:19,434 Take pictures. 1431 01:25:44,520 --> 01:25:47,876 Kind of con, you still used my words? 1432 01:25:48,080 --> 01:25:49,513 But these are my words grandma. 1433 01:25:49,720 --> 01:25:50,470 Really? 1434 01:25:50,680 --> 01:25:53,956 The expression of milk a cow can box not until the budding ... 1435 01:25:54,160 --> 01:25:55,070 ... it's mine. 1436 01:25:55,280 --> 01:25:58,670 But it's hard to please you. Well I bought you a PlayStation 3. 1437 01:25:58,880 --> 01:26:03,032 I want a TV to high definition now. 1438 01:26:03,280 --> 01:26:05,919 Okay I'll buy you a TV High Definition. 1439 01:26:06,120 --> 01:26:07,951 Okay, that's good. And do you do with the problem of girls? 1440 01:26:08,160 --> 01:26:11,277 We will solve the great mother. I can not do everything at once. 1441 01:26:11,480 --> 01:26:13,436 When do you marry? When do you find a girl? 1442 01:26:13,640 --> 01:26:15,278 When are you going take him home? 1443 01:26:15,480 --> 01:26:17,436 I'll take the girl with the TV. 1444 01:26:17,640 --> 01:26:19,676 Come I'll win In the game of PES. 1445 01:26:20,040 --> 01:26:21,439 Go away. You have talked too much, enough. 1446 01:26:22,120 --> 01:26:25,032 Then play the PlayStation 3. I'll install it first. 1447 01:26:25,280 --> 01:26:27,555 Yes but we can not who will win. 1448 01:26:27,920 --> 01:26:30,388 Maybe I'll win twice you take one by one. 1449 01:26:30,600 --> 01:26:30,918 Arise. 1450 01:26:44,760 --> 01:26:48,275 - Why did we come here? - Golf is a lifestyle. 1451 01:26:48,480 --> 01:26:50,357 Now you must learn all that. 1452 01:26:51,640 --> 01:26:54,598 ? has played our game as çelik Comak? 1453 01:26:54,800 --> 01:26:56,836 Not quite. Wait I'll show you. 1454 01:26:58,960 --> 01:27:01,599 Now look, the feet are parallel to the ball like that. 1455 01:27:01,800 --> 01:27:02,915 It's like that? 1456 01:27:03,120 --> 01:27:05,156 No, not parallel like that. Turn a little. 1457 01:27:05,360 --> 01:27:06,110 Like that? 1458 01:27:06,320 --> 01:27:07,355 No. Just right. Parallel. 1459 01:27:07,560 --> 01:27:08,072 Like that? 1460 01:27:08,280 --> 01:27:11,636 Like that. Very good. You broke a little tricks. 1461 01:27:11,840 --> 01:27:13,637 No. Ok. Very good. 1462 01:27:13,840 --> 01:27:15,353 The position as to shit? 1463 01:27:15,560 --> 01:27:18,870 Not quite. Ah. Just get up like that. 1464 01:27:19,080 --> 01:27:20,832 The right breast while a little. 1465 01:27:21,040 --> 01:27:22,712 - What are you doing? - Recep just here. 1466 01:27:22,920 --> 01:27:25,480 But. What are you doing? 1467 01:27:25,720 --> 01:27:26,789 I'll watch. 1468 01:27:27,000 --> 01:27:29,594 But you lean on me under the pretext of showing! 1469 01:27:29,800 --> 01:27:31,279 But no Recep. I tell thee golf here. 1470 01:27:31,480 --> 01:27:33,948 He took me to the fields on the pretext learn to play golf ... 1471 01:27:34,160 --> 01:27:36,196 ... he relies on me constantly. Rude. 1472 01:27:36,400 --> 01:27:39,915 - Take time under the tree too. - But there are people around. 1473 01:27:40,120 --> 01:27:43,317 Go worry about your green box. Go into your world. 1474 01:27:43,680 --> 01:27:45,750 If you know as much as that, cast it yourself. ? then! 1475 01:27:45,960 --> 01:27:48,030 This move will be my gift to you. 1476 01:27:52,800 --> 01:27:55,872 What happened? Hii? Tiriviri, what happened? 1477 01:27:56,600 --> 01:27:59,672 My grandfather played golf, He played on horseback. 1478 01:27:59,880 --> 01:28:02,474 That way, on horseback, He threw like that on the horse. 1479 01:28:02,680 --> 01:28:04,955 This game comes from our fathers. 1480 01:28:05,600 --> 01:28:07,716 I am the fourteenth hole. I'll wait. 1481 01:28:07,960 --> 01:28:10,315 I played for eight years I could never do such a blow. 1482 01:28:10,960 --> 01:28:13,713 Bah dis donc. I do not play golf. 1483 01:28:23,960 --> 01:28:26,235 What's happening? - Rewind. 1484 01:28:26,440 --> 01:28:29,159 - We play golf here. - You back up a bit? 1485 01:28:29,360 --> 01:28:31,237 It is the scope of your father here? 1486 01:28:31,440 --> 01:28:33,396 But the fight you seek? 1487 01:28:33,840 --> 01:28:35,558 - But going away - You draw back, yes? 1488 01:28:35,760 --> 01:28:38,991 - We play golf. - I pass the car here. 1489 01:28:40,640 --> 01:28:43,598 - But be calm abi. - I'll bump the lever on the head. 1490 01:28:43,800 --> 01:28:47,315 I'll smash your mouth with lever. I swear. 1491 01:28:48,480 --> 01:28:52,393 - Recep, what are you doing? - But what you are worth now? 1492 01:28:53,240 --> 01:28:55,435 Recep abi waits. We are on the trail of golf 1493 01:28:55,640 --> 01:28:59,189 I tell you nicely. I'll smash your face. 1494 01:29:00,080 --> 01:29:02,833 But Abi advance is a track of golf. Do not get into fights here. 1495 01:29:03,040 --> 01:29:04,553 You're the artist or what? 1496 01:29:04,760 --> 01:29:06,193 Sorry. 1497 01:29:14,640 --> 01:29:17,029 I'm under pressure my son and my grandmother. 1498 01:29:17,280 --> 01:29:20,352 I'll seem quiet but my grandmother has aged much 1499 01:29:20,720 --> 01:29:23,678 It may be old, but his mind works very well. 1500 01:29:24,080 --> 01:29:29,837 Find me a continuous, make yourself estimate, do you estimate 1501 01:29:30,480 --> 01:29:33,677 And then, marry up, marry up. I am under pressure. 1502 01:29:35,080 --> 01:29:38,197 My brother, all is resolved. One day a girl comes, you will marry. 1503 01:29:38,400 --> 01:29:41,198 No, we have also almost all solved thanks to you. 1504 01:29:41,400 --> 01:29:43,038 It was the prestige. 1505 01:29:43,240 --> 01:29:45,310 It remains only a single girl we need to find a solution. 1506 01:29:45,600 --> 01:29:47,318 Worry, he found a solution. 1507 01:29:47,880 --> 01:29:50,394 -? You enjoy a tomato? - Very good. ? was just the campaign? 1508 01:29:50,600 --> 01:29:52,795 But no, this is not the campaign it's organic, organic. 1509 01:29:53,000 --> 01:29:55,560 I paid 35 pounds a kilo. 1510 01:29:55,760 --> 01:29:58,149 I always eat organic. 1511 01:29:58,440 --> 01:30:02,228 If you brought a knife, could have been cut into slices. 1512 01:30:02,440 --> 01:30:04,431 But what is a knife? These are habits snobs. 1513 01:30:04,640 --> 01:30:07,200 You take the tomato and the places you like that. 1514 01:30:07,560 --> 01:30:09,471 That's how we demand tomatoes. Take. 1515 01:30:14,320 --> 01:30:17,551 But what's that, sonny? 1516 01:30:17,760 --> 01:30:18,636 Sorry. 1517 01:30:19,080 --> 01:30:22,072 Go play there. Go play the other side. 1518 01:30:22,280 --> 01:30:23,508 Calm down. 1519 01:30:23,720 --> 01:30:26,951 You throw us the ball on the head while we take a picnic here. 1520 01:30:27,320 --> 01:30:29,959 If you throw it again I swear I'll cut your ball. 1521 01:30:30,280 --> 01:30:33,909 I swear that I will cut it. Bugger off. 1522 01:30:35,600 --> 01:30:36,953 But you're crazy, you? 1523 01:30:37,160 --> 01:30:41,153 Make no signs of hand and arm. If not, I will launch an egg on the head. 1524 01:30:42,280 --> 01:30:47,070 You will receive a tomato on his head. Does not annoys me. 1525 01:30:55,360 --> 01:30:57,157 - Kerem - Yes, my dear. 1526 01:30:57,360 --> 01:30:59,828 I have my birthday party this weekend. You coming? 1527 01:31:00,040 --> 01:31:00,597 Certainly I have, I have no fault. 1528 01:31:00,800 --> 01:31:03,189 This will be a feast in costume. We must dress in a particular way. 1529 01:31:03,400 --> 01:31:04,071 - We will. - Very good. 1530 01:31:04,280 --> 01:31:07,955 But then we come too? We have too? 1531 01:31:08,480 --> 01:31:10,948 - Brother we go? - He did not invite. 1532 01:31:11,160 --> 01:31:14,152 - But there will be interesting girls the earth. - He has not asked, son. 1533 01:31:14,640 --> 01:31:18,315 - Let's go anyway. - But he did not invite me to his feast. 1534 01:31:18,520 --> 01:31:20,988 - Okay, but we go anyway. - Stop to give you air. 1535 01:31:21,200 --> 01:31:26,274 Why do you give yourself airs, because he invited you and not me? 1536 01:31:27,040 --> 01:31:30,350 - You'll have as your invitation. - I'm sorry. Shut up. 1537 01:31:30,960 --> 01:31:33,155 Assignment, idiot. 1538 01:32:02,040 --> 01:32:04,873 You take me by force to a party where I was not invited ... 1539 01:32:05,080 --> 01:32:07,116 ... and plus, you got in there myself disguised as a rabbit. 1540 01:32:07,320 --> 01:32:08,036 This is not something to do! 1541 01:32:08,240 --> 01:32:10,390 But do not get worried. Look, you're very cute like that. 1542 01:32:11,160 --> 01:32:13,799 Oh my God! But it's not possible! 1543 01:32:14,000 --> 01:32:16,798 Go with the girls to talk to them. You see, there are a bunch of girls. 1544 01:32:17,000 --> 01:32:18,353 - Where are they? - Look. 1545 01:32:19,040 --> 01:32:20,519 - That's right girls? - Yes. 1546 01:32:20,720 --> 01:32:23,473 That's right girls, an elephant and a monkey ... 1547 01:32:23,680 --> 01:32:25,159 ... and the other an orang-utan. 1548 01:32:25,360 --> 01:32:27,396 Well, and you're a rabbit. You're very nice now ... 1549 01:32:28,080 --> 01:32:30,310 I'll throw you a slap and will show you sympathy. 1550 01:32:30,520 --> 01:32:32,795 Participates in the atmosphere. Become an unsociable. 1551 01:32:33,000 --> 01:32:36,231 It's not you who teach me to be sociable. I know how to make relationships. 1552 01:32:45,040 --> 01:32:47,554 But you think Snow White? 1553 01:32:47,760 --> 01:32:52,788 You do not eat anything that you give the witch, right? 1554 01:32:53,000 --> 01:32:55,639 Do not forget, if it gives you an apple is poison. 1555 01:32:55,840 --> 01:32:58,718 Observe good cause everything you take. 1556 01:32:58,920 --> 01:33:00,638 But I'll break your face. 1557 01:33:00,840 --> 01:33:03,593 I'm watching as if it were a movie. I'll feel like a movie. 1558 01:33:04,320 --> 01:33:07,039 Madam, I'm in big trouble with this costume too ... 1559 01:33:07,240 --> 01:33:09,276 ... I wonder if you could not I measure the voltage? 1560 01:33:09,480 --> 01:33:10,595 - I measure - Go ahead. 1561 01:33:10,800 --> 01:33:12,711 - Very high. - Very high, is not it? 1562 01:33:12,920 --> 01:33:16,595 - Your heart beats too loudly. - Because of the panorama. 1563 01:33:16,800 --> 01:33:19,234 Could you measure my little tension, too? 1564 01:33:20,000 --> 01:33:22,912 I do not say where you will measure ... 1565 01:33:27,400 --> 01:33:31,598 Two toasted sandwiches with cheese double, and tea in a glass. 1566 01:33:31,800 --> 01:33:33,438 Go running. Courses and bring them. 1567 01:33:34,080 --> 01:33:36,958 Give to Caesar what is Caesar's. Go ahead, walk. 1568 01:33:37,640 --> 01:33:40,200 - It fits you well your costume. - Thanks, yours too. 1569 01:33:40,400 --> 01:33:42,072 You're very clever you, go ahead. 1570 01:33:42,680 --> 01:33:44,557 But go away, give no punches. Go ahead, walk. 1571 01:33:45,080 --> 01:33:46,877 They are annoying. 1572 01:33:47,080 --> 01:33:50,311 Mona Lisa? Mary Claire? 1573 01:33:52,360 --> 01:33:55,238 Marilyn Manson? Marilyn Monroe. 1574 01:33:56,200 --> 01:33:59,397 It is true that you go out with Einstein, but it was true? 1575 01:34:00,080 --> 01:34:03,197 But no. It is true that you were with Einstein? 1576 01:34:03,800 --> 01:34:07,076 Shame on you son of a walk like a clown? Go, walk. 1577 01:34:07,480 --> 01:34:09,710 And then what. He also wrote to Marilyn Monroe. 1578 01:34:12,720 --> 01:34:15,280 So is the American struggle. 1579 01:34:15,680 --> 01:34:17,750 If this is the American struggle, we know too. 1580 01:34:28,560 --> 01:34:30,152 I demolished a man. 1581 01:34:48,480 --> 01:34:50,391 Phew, I'm exhausted. 1582 01:34:50,600 --> 01:34:52,989 Where is that idiot Ali Kerem? Where is this guy? 1583 01:34:53,320 --> 01:34:56,039 My God, but I'll break your face. I'll break your face. 1584 01:34:57,360 --> 01:34:59,112 But why dost thou trample me? That's me. 1585 01:34:59,320 --> 01:35:01,197 Son, why do you make me panic? 1586 01:35:01,400 --> 01:35:03,277 Why do I scare you? The costume is made like that. 1587 01:35:03,480 --> 01:35:05,994 You do not need to wear a costume to be a monkey. 1588 01:35:06,200 --> 01:35:09,431 Did you also look like a baboon. Idiot. 1589 01:35:10,280 --> 01:35:12,555 How are you, Ali Kerem? Your dress is beautiful. 1590 01:35:12,760 --> 01:35:13,476 Thank you. 1591 01:35:13,680 --> 01:35:16,797 - Your dress is also very beautiful. - Thank you my dear, I'll really appreciate it. 1592 01:35:17,320 --> 01:35:20,710 - What is it? It is a grizzly bear? -? Has seemed a grizzly bear? 1593 01:35:20,920 --> 01:35:22,911 Look what I have on my head. Look. I have two ear flaps on the head. 1594 01:35:23,120 --> 01:35:25,270 Look what I have on the buttocks, there is a pompon. 1595 01:35:25,480 --> 01:35:27,710 Look, the palms of my hands is white. You've never seen a grizzly like this? 1596 01:35:27,920 --> 01:35:31,390 Excuse me, looking at your face, I thought you were a bear. 1597 01:35:31,600 --> 01:35:32,828 Shut up. 1598 01:35:33,040 --> 01:35:34,268 Shut up. 1599 01:35:34,480 --> 01:35:36,550 He thought I was a bear looking at my face. 1600 01:35:36,760 --> 01:35:39,194 And me, looking at you, I thought that you were an idiot. Idiot. 1601 01:35:39,400 --> 01:35:41,834 Look at his hair, he has a chandelier. 1602 01:35:42,040 --> 01:35:44,873 Let the candles to illuminate here during the night. Poor idiot. 1603 01:35:45,080 --> 01:35:49,119 Go away, go away, file. What a con. What a con. 1604 01:35:49,480 --> 01:35:51,516 -? Happenin ', brother, calm down. - Idiot. 1605 01:35:55,240 --> 01:35:57,959 Thus opens the lid of this thing. My hands are full. Opens. 1606 01:35:59,760 --> 01:36:02,957 - How? - Recep HeIlo is I, your grandmother. 1607 01:36:03,160 --> 01:36:05,469 - Yes grandmother. - There is too much noise over there. 1608 01:36:05,680 --> 01:36:07,910 I can not hear you. Where are you, bastard? 1501 01:29:30,480 --> 01:29:33,677 And then, marry up, marry up. I am under pressure. 1502 01:29:35,080 --> 01:29:38,197 My brother, all is resolved. One day a girl comes, you will marry. 1503 01:29:38,400 --> 01:29:41,198 No, we have also almost all solved thanks to you. 1504 01:29:41,400 --> 01:29:43,038 It was the prestige. 1505 01:29:43,240 --> 01:29:45,310 It remains only a single girl we need to find a solution. 1506 01:29:45,600 --> 01:29:47,318 Worry, he found a solution. 1507 01:29:47,880 --> 01:29:50,394 -? You enjoy a tomato? - Very good. ? was just the campaign? 1508 01:29:50,600 --> 01:29:52,795 But no, this is not the campaign it's organic, organic. 1509 01:29:53,000 --> 01:29:55,560 I paid 35 pounds a kilo. 1510 01:29:55,760 --> 01:29:58,149 I always eat organic. 1511 01:29:58,440 --> 01:30:02,228 If you brought a knife, could have been cut into slices. 1512 01:30:02,440 --> 01:30:04,431 But what is a knife? These are habits snobs. 1513 01:30:04,640 --> 01:30:07,200 You take the tomato and the places you like that. 1514 01:30:07,560 --> 01:30:09,471 That's how we demand tomatoes. Take. 1515 01:30:14,320 --> 01:30:17,551 But what's that, sonny? 1516 01:30:17,760 --> 01:30:18,636 Sorry. 1517 01:30:19,080 --> 01:30:22,072 Go play there. Go play the other side. 1518 01:30:22,280 --> 01:30:23,508 Calm down. 1519 01:30:23,720 --> 01:30:26,951 You throw us the ball on the head while we take a picnic here. 1520 01:30:27,320 --> 01:30:29,959 If you throw it again I swear I'll cut your ball. 1521 01:30:30,280 --> 01:30:33,909 I swear that I will cut it. Bugger off. 1522 01:30:35,600 --> 01:30:36,953 But you're crazy, you? 1523 01:30:37,160 --> 01:30:41,153 Make no signs of hand and arm. If not, I will launch an egg on the head. 1524 01:30:42,280 --> 01:30:47,070 You will receive a tomato on his head. Does not annoys me. 1525 01:30:55,360 --> 01:30:57,157 - Kerem - Yes, my dear. 1526 01:30:57,360 --> 01:30:59,828 I have my birthday party this weekend. You coming? 1527 01:31:00,040 --> 01:31:00,597 Certainly I have, I have no fault. 1528 01:31:00,800 --> 01:31:03,189 This will be a feast in costume. We must dress in a particular way. 1529 01:31:03,400 --> 01:31:04,071 - We will. - Very good. 1530 01:31:04,280 --> 01:31:07,955 But then we come too? We have too? 1531 01:31:08,480 --> 01:31:10,948 - Brother we go? - He did not invite. 1532 01:31:11,160 --> 01:31:14,152 - But there will be interesting girls the earth. - He has not asked, son. 1533 01:31:14,640 --> 01:31:18,315 - Let's go anyway. - But he did not invite me to his feast. 1534 01:31:18,520 --> 01:31:20,988 - Okay, but we go anyway. - Stop to give you air. 1535 01:31:21,200 --> 01:31:26,274 Why do you give yourself airs, because he invited you and not me? 1536 01:31:27,040 --> 01:31:30,350 - You'll have as your invitation. - I'm sorry. Shut up. 1537 01:31:30,960 --> 01:31:33,155 Assignment, idiot. 1538 01:32:02,040 --> 01:32:04,873 You take me by force to a party where I was not invited ... 1539 01:32:05,080 --> 01:32:07,116 ... and plus, you got in there myself disguised as a rabbit. 1540 01:32:07,320 --> 01:32:08,036 This is not something to do! 1541 01:32:08,240 --> 01:32:10,390 But do not get worried. Look, you're very cute like that. 1542 01:32:11,160 --> 01:32:13,799 Oh my God! But it's not possible! 1543 01:32:14,000 --> 01:32:16,798 Go with the girls to talk to them. You see, there are a bunch of girls. 1544 01:32:17,000 --> 01:32:18,353 - Where are they? - Look. 1545 01:32:19,040 --> 01:32:20,519 - That's right girls? - Yes. 1546 01:32:20,720 --> 01:32:23,473 That's right girls, an elephant and a monkey ... 1547 01:32:23,680 --> 01:32:25,159 ... and the other an orang-utan. 1548 01:32:25,360 --> 01:32:27,396 Well, and you're a rabbit. You're very nice now ... 1549 01:32:28,080 --> 01:32:30,310 I'll throw you a slap and will show you sympathy. 1550 01:32:30,520 --> 01:32:32,795 Participates in the atmosphere. Become an unsociable. 1551 01:32:33,000 --> 01:32:36,231 It's not you who teach me to be sociable. I know how to make relationships. 1552 01:32:45,040 --> 01:32:47,554 But you think Snow White? 1553 01:32:47,760 --> 01:32:52,788 You do not eat anything that you give the witch, right? 1554 01:32:53,000 --> 01:32:55,639 Do not forget, if it gives you an apple is poison. 1555 01:32:55,840 --> 01:32:58,718 Observe good cause everything you take. 1556 01:32:58,920 --> 01:33:00,638 But I'll break your face. 1557 01:33:00,840 --> 01:33:03,593 I'm watching as if it were a movie. I'll feel like a movie. 1558 01:33:04,320 --> 01:33:07,039 Madam, I'm in big trouble with this costume too ... 1559 01:33:07,240 --> 01:33:09,276 ... I wonder if you could not I measure the voltage? 1560 01:33:09,480 --> 01:33:10,595 - I measure - Go ahead. 1561 01:33:10,800 --> 01:33:12,711 - Very high. - Very high, is not it? 1562 01:33:12,920 --> 01:33:16,595 - Your heart beats too loudly. - Because of the panorama. 1563 01:33:16,800 --> 01:33:19,234 Could you measure my little tension, too? 1564 01:33:20,000 --> 01:33:22,912 I do not say where you will measure ... 1565 01:33:27,400 --> 01:33:31,598 Two toasted sandwiches with cheese double, and tea in a glass. 1566 01:33:31,800 --> 01:33:33,438 Go running. Courses and bring them. 1567 01:33:34,080 --> 01:33:36,958 Give to Caesar what is Caesar's. Go ahead, walk. 1568 01:33:37,640 --> 01:33:40,200 - It fits you well your costume. - Thanks, yours too. 1569 01:33:40,400 --> 01:33:42,072 You're very clever you, go ahead. 1570 01:33:42,680 --> 01:33:44,557 But go away, give no punches. Go ahead, walk. 1571 01:33:45,080 --> 01:33:46,877 They are annoying. 1572 01:33:47,080 --> 01:33:50,311 Mona Lisa? Mary Claire? 1573 01:33:52,360 --> 01:33:55,238 Marilyn Manson? Marilyn Monroe. 1574 01:33:56,200 --> 01:33:59,397 It is true that you go out with Einstein, but it was true? 1575 01:34:00,080 --> 01:34:03,197 But no. It is true that you were with Einstein? 1576 01:34:03,800 --> 01:34:07,076 Shame on you son of a walk like a clown? Go, walk. 1577 01:34:07,480 --> 01:34:09,710 And then what. He also wrote to Marilyn Monroe. 1578 01:34:12,720 --> 01:34:15,280 So is the American struggle. 1579 01:34:15,680 --> 01:34:17,750 If this is the American struggle, we know too. 1580 01:34:28,560 --> 01:34:30,152 I demolished a man. 1581 01:34:48,480 --> 01:34:50,391 Phew, I'm exhausted. 1582 01:34:50,600 --> 01:34:52,989 Where is that idiot Ali Kerem? Where is this guy? 1583 01:34:53,320 --> 01:34:56,039 My God, but I'll break your face. I'll break your face. 1584 01:34:57,360 --> 01:34:59,112 But why dost thou trample me? That's me. 1585 01:34:59,320 --> 01:35:01,197 Son, why do you make me panic? 1586 01:35:01,400 --> 01:35:03,277 Why do I scare you? The costume is made like that. 1587 01:35:03,480 --> 01:35:05,994 You do not need to wear a costume to be a monkey. 1588 01:35:06,200 --> 01:35:09,431 Did you also look like a baboon. Idiot. 1589 01:35:10,280 --> 01:35:12,555 How are you, Ali Kerem? Your dress is beautiful. 1590 01:35:12,760 --> 01:35:13,476 Thank you. 1591 01:35:13,680 --> 01:35:16,797 - Your dress is also very beautiful. - Thank you my dear, I'll really appreciate it. 1592 01:35:17,320 --> 01:35:20,710 - What is it? It is a grizzly bear? -? Has seemed a grizzly bear? 1593 01:35:20,920 --> 01:35:22,911 Look what I have on my head. Look. I have two ear flaps on the head. 1594 01:35:23,120 --> 01:35:25,270 Look what I have on the buttocks, there is a pompon. 1595 01:35:25,480 --> 01:35:27,710 Look, the palms of my hands is white. You've never seen a grizzly like this? 1596 01:35:27,920 --> 01:35:31,390 Excuse me, looking at your face, I thought you were a bear. 1597 01:35:31,600 --> 01:35:32,828 Shut up. 1598 01:35:33,040 --> 01:35:34,268 Shut up. 1609 01:36:08,120 --> 01:36:10,998 Grandmother, excuse me, I'm at a party in costume. 1610 01:36:11,200 --> 01:36:14,237 I attend with my future wife. His family has organized to learn. 1611 01:36:15,080 --> 01:36:19,471 - All parents of girls are stupid. - I feel terrible, I'm going. Course. 1612 01:36:19,680 --> 01:36:22,114 - Where are you? - I'm going to the hospital, son. 1613 01:36:22,320 --> 01:36:26,472 - At what hospital? - At what hospital, my daughter? 1614 01:36:26,680 --> 01:36:29,831 - A Numune Hospital - It seems we are going to Numune Hospital. 1615 01:36:30,040 --> 01:36:33,157 Okay, okay, hang up, we arrive. Hang up immediately, we come from. 1616 01:36:33,360 --> 01:36:35,476 Bring my step-daughter, son, my stepdaughter. 1617 01:36:35,680 --> 01:36:37,398 - Supports up on the back. - Do not bother me. 1618 01:36:37,600 --> 01:36:40,637 Bring me my stepdaughter otherwise, I do forgive you. 1619 01:36:40,840 --> 01:36:43,593 Okay, I bring. I bring it, Grandma. 1620 01:36:43,800 --> 01:36:45,916 Do you mostly do not worry, heal quickly. Well, hang up. 1621 01:36:46,120 --> 01:36:49,237 Recep speaks my son, I spoke with the phone nurse. 1622 01:36:49,440 --> 01:36:51,795 ? it has returned and it appears to him. But nothing comes or we spring. 1623 01:36:52,400 --> 01:36:54,118 - Madame? - What? 1624 01:36:54,320 --> 01:36:56,276 - I take my phone. - You can not take it. 1625 01:36:56,480 --> 01:36:59,597 2 or 3 units of meter, what it may be disguised as a devil? 1626 01:36:59,920 --> 01:37:02,229 - What happened? -? Is a very bad boy. 1627 01:37:02,720 --> 01:37:06,235 But where is Hakan? Would you remove what you got on your head? 1628 01:37:06,440 --> 01:37:08,431 He still rides with the letter Z. I tell you things are bad. 1629 01:37:08,640 --> 01:37:11,029 They are currently hospitalized grandmother. - Then leave quickly. 1630 01:37:11,240 --> 01:37:12,753 We must go. It's urgent. 1631 01:37:12,960 --> 01:37:15,394 But I said that I will also my future wife. 1632 01:37:15,600 --> 01:37:18,034 - Well, where do we find the girl? - I do not know. 1633 01:37:18,920 --> 01:37:20,876 It will eventually go with someone we know. 1634 01:37:21,080 --> 01:37:21,910 - Yes. 1635 01:37:22,480 --> 01:37:24,994 I have an idea or two, Ali Kerim. " 1636 01:37:25,360 --> 01:37:27,555 - What is it? - I have very good ideas. 1637 01:37:37,320 --> 01:37:40,153 Son, What is this outfit? 1638 01:37:40,360 --> 01:37:42,112 Grandma, I'm in high society. 1639 01:37:42,320 --> 01:37:45,835 And this is a sign of wealth among them. They cover the whole body hair. 1640 01:37:46,120 --> 01:37:50,830 Hakan, Hakan, who is this outfit? Are you part of a religious sect? 1641 01:37:52,240 --> 01:37:55,118 No grandma, I was given a shawl, because I was cold. 1642 01:37:56,200 --> 01:37:59,715 Son, have you brought my stepdaughter? 1643 01:38:00,200 --> 01:38:03,192 But when did I hurt? Frankly, you amaze me. 1644 01:38:03,400 --> 01:38:05,630 I always do what you ask, of course I have made. 1645 01:38:05,840 --> 01:38:08,638 Come here, darling, this is my grandmother. 1646 01:38:08,840 --> 01:38:10,558 Come on darling, my love. 1647 01:38:11,040 --> 01:38:13,554 - Have a good recovery. - But what's she's ugly girl! 1648 01:38:13,760 --> 01:38:15,591 That's all you've been able to find, son? 1649 01:38:15,800 --> 01:38:18,633 Well, it is a bit ugly, what? It is love ... 1650 01:38:18,840 --> 01:38:22,037 love lands on the grass and shit. - But this is worse than shit. 1651 01:38:22,240 --> 01:38:24,754 - Abi, I am offended. - Do not address yourself to me and said Abi. 1652 01:38:24,960 --> 01:38:27,679 If I knock your head with my fist, I send emergency. 1653 01:38:27,880 --> 01:38:30,678 Is not it my love? Oh dear. 1654 01:38:31,320 --> 01:38:35,313 Sonny, I ask you one last thing. These are my last wishes. 1655 01:38:35,520 --> 01:38:38,956 Tell me, grandmother. I am ready to do whatever you ask me. 1656 01:38:39,440 --> 01:38:41,749 - There was the chest in mahogany, son. - Yes, I know. 1657 01:38:41,960 --> 01:38:44,758 - There was the chest in mahogany, son. - Yes, the trunk of mahogany. 1658 01:38:46,240 --> 01:38:49,710 My God, she left the poor woman. Grandma ... 1659 01:38:52,760 --> 01:38:53,954 Here she comes. 1660 01:38:54,160 --> 01:38:57,311 - There was the chest in mahogany, son. - Yes, the trunk of mahogany. I understand. 1661 01:38:57,520 --> 01:39:02,150 - There is this mahogany chest, my little Recep. - I understand, tell me the rest. 1662 01:39:03,920 --> 01:39:08,357 My God, she said mahogany chest and leaves his sentence in half, the poor woman. 1663 01:39:08,680 --> 01:39:14,038 Grandma, Grandma, look she returns, she returns to life. 1664 01:39:14,440 --> 01:39:17,591 - There was this chest mahogany ... - Look, I'll stop the serum. 1665 01:39:17,800 --> 01:39:19,711 Say what you have to say about this chest mahogany. 1666 01:39:19,920 --> 01:39:22,639 Oh dear Recep, You know, this mahogany chest. 1667 01:39:22,840 --> 01:39:24,637 I understand, grandmother, there was a chest made of mahogany. 1668 01:39:24,840 --> 01:39:26,398 Finish your sentence for heaven's sake. 1669 01:39:26,600 --> 01:39:29,114 Just leave it in your ass. 1670 01:39:30,440 --> 01:39:33,000 You see, she insulted me. 1671 01:39:33,200 --> 01:39:36,192 She made her last joke amount in my chest in mahogany. 1672 01:39:36,400 --> 01:39:39,836 My God, do not stay that way ... Hurry, hurry. 1673 01:39:40,040 --> 01:39:43,635 The doctor, the doctor The doctor is not there? 1674 01:39:45,640 --> 01:39:47,915 Come Doctor, let if you can save. 1675 01:39:48,120 --> 01:39:50,759 My grandmother may she live Doctor? 1676 01:39:50,960 --> 01:39:54,316 My grandmother may she live Doctor? 1677 01:40:31,120 --> 01:40:32,758 A real bastard. 1678 01:40:32,960 --> 01:40:35,269 He overwhelmed the poor woman. 1679 01:40:38,600 --> 01:40:40,033 My God. 1680 01:40:41,680 --> 01:40:43,591 But it smells like feet? 1681 01:40:44,720 --> 01:40:45,835 No. 1682 01:40:49,360 --> 01:40:51,351 It's my grandmother's beloved. 1683 01:40:52,320 --> 01:40:54,117 She was still sitting on that chair. 1684 01:40:54,320 --> 01:41:00,111 She always played by play-station. You know, I was his only concern. 1685 01:41:01,760 --> 01:41:04,672 She always wanted to my welfare. 1686 01:41:08,680 --> 01:41:10,557 It had no teeth in the mouth. 1687 01:41:10,760 --> 01:41:12,876 She spoke, saying the poor bob, bob, bob. 1688 01:41:13,080 --> 01:41:14,877 She spoke here as a chicken. 1689 01:41:18,000 --> 01:41:23,313 You see, she had written a list what to do to me. 1690 01:41:25,200 --> 01:41:27,668 We found a job. And have regained respectability. 1691 01:41:29,600 --> 01:41:32,273 But I will not longer necessary me create a family. 1692 01:41:34,520 --> 01:41:36,988 Finally my grandmother was my only family 1693 01:41:37,360 --> 01:41:40,113 Do not say silly things, Recep, we are not a family? 1694 01:41:40,520 --> 01:41:43,080 - Who are we? What is your name? - Ivedik 1695 01:41:43,280 --> 01:41:44,554 - What's my name? - Ivedik. 1696 01:41:44,760 --> 01:41:46,637 We are Ivedik. Nobody can stop us. 1697 01:41:46,840 --> 01:41:48,592 Henceforth, we will direct all Company. 1698 01:41:48,800 --> 01:41:50,153 I'm always on your side. That's all ... 1699 01:41:50,360 --> 01:41:52,999 Do not wandering Hakan. Please, I would not be a burden to you. 1700 01:41:53,200 --> 01:41:55,794 But no, my dear Recep, Nothing will happen. 1701 01:41:56,000 --> 01:41:58,560 Yes, brother. What he says is true. I am also with you. 1702 01:42:00,480 --> 01:42:03,472 Very good, very good. Eat slowly. 1703 01:42:03,680 --> 01:42:04,999 Eat slowly and you'll die. 1704 01:42:05,200 --> 01:42:06,519 Do not put it there, remove it from there. 1705 01:42:06,720 --> 01:42:08,551 It puts the halva on my chest in mahogany. 1706 01:42:08,760 --> 01:42:10,876 It puts the halva on the chest in mahogany my grandmother. 1707 01:42:11,080 --> 01:42:13,389 - Sorry. - You're a rude. 1708 01:42:15,080 --> 01:42:17,435 You're a clown with curly hair. 1709 01:42:20,640 --> 01:42:23,950 - My condolences. - Thank you, thank you to all friends. 1710 01:42:24,160 --> 01:42:25,752 Thank you. Thank you. It is a beautiful scarf. 1711 01:42:25,960 --> 01:42:26,756 My condolences. 1712 01:42:27,480 --> 01:42:29,198 Thank you. Thank you. Your take too. How you measure? 1713 01:42:29,520 --> 01:42:31,715 - Thank you. My love to Mehmet. You greet me your son. 1714 01:42:31,920 --> 01:42:33,194 My condolences. 1715 01:42:33,400 --> 01:42:36,836 Thank you. Amen, amen. Thank you dear aunt. 1716 01:42:38,080 --> 01:42:39,149 My condolences. 1717 01:42:39,360 --> 01:42:42,272 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you all. 1718 01:42:42,480 --> 01:42:45,119 There is noise? You were still here? Excuse me, I have not seen. 1719 01:42:45,520 --> 01:42:48,239 Thank you my dear. Thank you. My God, my God. 1720 01:42:48,720 --> 01:42:52,315 - Thanks, dear friend. - If you need, you call me. 1721 01:42:52,520 --> 01:42:53,714 I'll call you. Do not worry. 1722 01:42:54,840 --> 01:42:56,319 - My dear Recep. - My dear Hakan. 1723 01:42:57,440 --> 01:43:00,000 Go on vacation and rest. 1724 01:43:00,200 --> 01:43:03,112 - You come to the company whenever you want. - Okay. Thank you. 1725 01:43:03,520 --> 01:43:04,873 A bientôt. 1726 01:43:06,880 --> 01:43:11,396 My God. Here is a house of mourning. 1727 01:43:12,520 --> 01:43:16,354 Here is a house of death. They eat halva, they have eaten. 1728 01:43:16,560 --> 01:43:19,279 They stayed here like a herd of buffalo. 1729 01:43:20,080 --> 01:43:22,275 Would you leave me alone leave me alone with my privacy. 1730 01:43:22,680 --> 01:43:24,079 I suffer. 1731 01:43:30,680 --> 01:43:32,636 Oh my God. 1732 01:44:23,360 --> 01:44:24,839 What is it? 1733 01:44:26,480 --> 01:44:28,835 Look, it was still she has done yet. 1734 01:44:33,800 --> 01:44:35,597 My poor darling. 1735 01:44:41,640 --> 01:44:43,392 My God. 1736 01:44:43,600 --> 01:44:45,955 How did you think of this photo? I do not understand. 1737 01:44:49,160 --> 01:44:52,357 How do you do to take these pictures? 1738 01:44:54,200 --> 01:44:56,839 She gave the camera women of the neighborhood ... 1739 01:44:57,040 --> 01:44:58,871 ... look, she made the motion. 1740 01:44:59,080 --> 01:45:01,719 Besides, nothing else could have come out of the chest. 1741 01:45:02,520 --> 01:45:04,317 I ask you, what's up? 1742 01:45:04,520 --> 01:45:06,511 You'll see my death. What up? 1743 01:45:06,720 --> 01:45:09,712 You'll see my death. We have already seen. 1744 01:45:16,320 --> 01:45:18,515 You made me laugh again. 1745 01:45:19,680 --> 01:45:24,390 I will miss you very much. You've loaded several things. 1746 01:45:24,600 --> 01:45:26,716 And you left without seeing them. 1747 01:45:31,160 --> 01:45:33,355 My poor darling grandmother. 1748 01:45:40,520 --> 01:45:43,114 I get angry when I look. 1749 01:46:12,400 --> 01:46:13,913 But what are you doing? 1750 01:46:14,320 --> 01:46:15,673 The girl is wild. 1751 01:46:16,080 --> 01:46:18,036 Why you put yourself with a girl you do not know? 1752 01:46:18,240 --> 01:46:19,389 It is a beauty of India. 1753 01:46:27,840 --> 01:46:29,319 Do not make me say ... 1754 01:46:30,640 --> 01:46:32,278 - Thank you. - Get out. 1755 01:46:32,480 --> 01:46:33,310 The next. 1756 01:46:35,520 --> 01:46:38,080 Excuse me a moment. Hello to all. 1757 01:46:39,640 --> 01:46:41,517 Why you retires you, my daughter? 1758 01:46:41,800 --> 01:46:46,954 Good evening gentlemen. 1759 01:46:47,760 --> 01:46:49,876 An old man with such a beard. Come my child, come my child. 1760 01:46:52,720 --> 01:46:53,755 Do not laugh, do not laugh. 1761 01:46:56,680 --> 01:46:58,033 By raising a little ... 1762 01:47:00,400 --> 01:47:03,597 But say it. Feel in the blacks, of course. 1763 01:47:05,760 --> 01:47:09,389 Very good. Very good. Son, go ahead, pull the boom. 1764 01:47:13,000 --> 01:47:14,831 Arise now, get the boy. 1765 01:47:18,400 --> 01:47:19,628 Where did it go? 1766 01:47:20,960 --> 01:47:23,474 I'm not here where I have not been called. 1767 01:47:23,680 --> 01:47:24,954 Come, let us go. 1768 01:47:28,000 --> 01:47:29,592 We do not come too? 1769 01:47:33,000 --> 01:47:35,309 - Come. - But I say he has not called. 1770 01:47:36,240 --> 01:47:38,595 I'll shit in her mouth and face now. 1771 01:47:39,560 --> 01:47:42,597 It does not bonsai, plant or camel. 1772 01:47:46,320 --> 01:47:48,072 - Yes. - I swear I'll make you hurt. 1773 01:47:48,280 --> 01:47:49,349 I'll take your money. For money. 1774 01:47:49,560 --> 01:47:52,233 No difference. My God. 1775 01:47:53,440 --> 01:47:55,078 My God ... chair. I had said you were a bear. 1776 01:47:55,840 --> 01:47:57,558 Whether you're a bear. 1777 01:47:58,840 --> 01:48:59,558 By MajidMrtg majid_majid30@ymail.com