1 00:00:27,728 --> 00:00:29,593 Check out Heidi and Spencer over here. 2 00:00:29,797 --> 00:00:32,391 Oh, someone is not pleased 3 00:00:32,566 --> 00:00:36,002 with his choice of interior on the new 7 Series. 4 00:00:39,073 --> 00:00:40,734 - Got a runner. - Pickpocket? 5 00:00:46,580 --> 00:00:48,309 You've lost him. 6 00:00:50,551 --> 00:00:52,712 Try in the parking level. 7 00:00:53,554 --> 00:00:55,021 There. 8 00:00:56,624 --> 00:00:58,717 Frank, situation on B-level, two guys. 9 00:00:58,926 --> 00:01:00,416 On it. 10 00:01:05,299 --> 00:01:07,893 - I don't see them. - Maybe they went up. 11 00:01:11,238 --> 00:01:13,138 Oh, my God. 12 00:01:19,313 --> 00:01:21,178 Frank, status? 13 00:01:53,280 --> 00:01:55,612 - Clothes. - Never a good idea. 14 00:01:55,816 --> 00:01:56,840 Why not? 15 00:01:57,017 --> 00:01:59,986 Ever had a friend, family member get you clothes? 16 00:02:00,354 --> 00:02:01,480 Definitely not clothes. 17 00:02:02,790 --> 00:02:03,814 Jewelry? 18 00:02:03,991 --> 00:02:06,824 Jewelry's special, sends a message of intimacy between two people. 19 00:02:07,027 --> 00:02:08,392 And who doesn't love intimacy? 20 00:02:08,595 --> 00:02:11,530 Especially the intimate kind of intimacy. 21 00:02:15,636 --> 00:02:17,968 - Wait, who are we talking about? - Maybe not jewelry. 22 00:02:18,172 --> 00:02:20,800 - Somebody want to help me out here? - Hetty's birthday. 23 00:02:21,008 --> 00:02:23,533 Every year it's the same deal, doesn't want a gift or a party. 24 00:02:23,744 --> 00:02:26,144 So every year you give her a gift and throw her a party. 25 00:02:26,313 --> 00:02:27,791 - Of course. - What if she doesn't want one? 26 00:02:27,815 --> 00:02:29,612 What if she says she doesn't, really does? 27 00:02:29,817 --> 00:02:32,047 - Her feelings could be hurt. - Exactly. 28 00:02:32,252 --> 00:02:34,846 She's gonna be really angry if she actually doesn't and you do. 29 00:02:35,055 --> 00:02:36,647 Exactly. 30 00:02:36,824 --> 00:02:39,019 Come on, G., you know Hetty better than anyone. 31 00:02:39,226 --> 00:02:40,716 And birthdays are complicated. 32 00:02:40,928 --> 00:02:42,896 And so is Hetty. 33 00:02:43,397 --> 00:02:45,058 Sorry, guys. 34 00:02:45,265 --> 00:02:46,562 What about clothes? 35 00:02:49,236 --> 00:02:50,897 Yeah. 36 00:03:08,555 --> 00:03:10,182 Nell's been here less than a week 37 00:03:10,357 --> 00:03:11,915 and already taking over whistle duties? 38 00:03:12,159 --> 00:03:13,387 Eric is not a happy camper. 39 00:03:13,560 --> 00:03:14,584 He shouldn't worry. 40 00:03:14,762 --> 00:03:17,424 It won't be long before she's folded her tent like all the others. 41 00:03:17,598 --> 00:03:19,463 - Because? - The many mysteries of Hetty. 42 00:03:19,666 --> 00:03:23,432 For some reason intelligence analysts just seem to rub her the wrong way. 43 00:03:24,304 --> 00:03:26,738 Corporal Thomas Porter, stationed out of Camp Pendleton. 44 00:03:26,907 --> 00:03:29,068 Security guard discovered his body. 45 00:03:29,243 --> 00:03:32,076 It was in the parking garage of the Beverly Hills Rodeo Collection. 46 00:03:34,214 --> 00:03:36,614 Mini-mall of the rich and famous. 47 00:03:36,784 --> 00:03:37,944 Long way from Pendleton. 48 00:03:38,118 --> 00:03:40,746 It's a long way from a Pendleton corporal's pay grade. 49 00:03:41,688 --> 00:03:45,556 The hand was severed at the wrist and it's missing. 50 00:03:45,726 --> 00:03:48,820 What's not is his watch, car keys and wallet which was full of... 51 00:03:48,996 --> 00:03:50,588 Cash and credit cards. 52 00:03:50,764 --> 00:03:53,756 Beverly Hills P.D. Is working up forensics. 53 00:03:55,502 --> 00:03:58,494 - So obviously robbery's not a motive. - Why us, Hetty? 54 00:03:58,739 --> 00:04:01,139 Corporal Porter was an administrative clerk 55 00:04:01,308 --> 00:04:03,742 in Camp Pendleton's G-2 office. 56 00:04:03,911 --> 00:04:08,712 Everyone in that office has top secret security clearance, even clerks. 57 00:04:15,355 --> 00:04:20,349 I was just getting to that, Ms. Jones. But thank you. 58 00:04:20,527 --> 00:04:25,590 Director Vance wants us to pay special attention to Corporal Porter's death. 59 00:04:25,799 --> 00:04:28,359 Make sure we haven't been compromised. 60 00:04:28,535 --> 00:04:32,699 And Beverly Hills P.D. Has agreed that we'll take the lead in this. 61 00:04:32,873 --> 00:04:34,238 Security cam footage? 62 00:04:34,441 --> 00:04:37,205 Security guards saw a man we believe is our killer, 63 00:04:37,377 --> 00:04:40,835 and then shortly after he and another man were in a struggle in the garage 64 00:04:41,048 --> 00:04:43,141 just a few minutes before they found Porter's body. 65 00:04:43,317 --> 00:04:45,808 But it's too quick to get anything useful. 66 00:04:45,986 --> 00:04:49,319 - Took his hand for a reason. - Porter worked in intelligence. 67 00:04:49,490 --> 00:04:53,153 Maybe his prints get him access to sensitive material. 68 00:04:55,062 --> 00:04:56,324 Very possible. 69 00:04:56,530 --> 00:04:59,624 What else do we have besides Porter's intel specialty? 70 00:05:00,534 --> 00:05:02,832 Single, lives on base housing. 71 00:05:03,036 --> 00:05:05,903 Enlisted four years ago out of Orange County. 72 00:05:06,073 --> 00:05:08,837 He completed a tour in Iraq just a few weeks ago. 73 00:05:09,009 --> 00:05:11,705 His civilian and military records are clean. 74 00:05:11,879 --> 00:05:13,676 Porter's C.O. Is doing an intelligence audit 75 00:05:13,847 --> 00:05:16,213 to determine if there's any sensitive material missing. 76 00:05:16,383 --> 00:05:18,248 And Beverly Hills P.D. Did a phone interview 77 00:05:18,418 --> 00:05:21,353 which produced two people worth talking to. 78 00:05:22,189 --> 00:05:24,555 PFC James Winston was in his unit. 79 00:05:24,725 --> 00:05:27,353 Something wonky was going on between them. 80 00:05:27,528 --> 00:05:30,656 And then there's Corporal Andrew Peterson, Porter's best friend. 81 00:05:30,831 --> 00:05:32,230 He works in the motor pool. 82 00:05:32,866 --> 00:05:36,029 Deeks, Kensi, work with Beverly Hills P.D. Forensics. 83 00:05:36,937 --> 00:05:40,304 I understand you're a tea drinker. 84 00:05:44,578 --> 00:05:48,036 "There is no trouble so great or grave 85 00:05:48,215 --> 00:05:51,707 that cannot be diminished by a nice cup of tea." 86 00:06:15,842 --> 00:06:18,402 - PFC James Winston? - Yes, sir. 87 00:06:18,979 --> 00:06:23,279 - High school quarterback? - La Habra High, 2006 city champs. 88 00:06:23,450 --> 00:06:27,113 Think you'd hit that any harder if Corporal Porter's picture was on it? 89 00:06:28,722 --> 00:06:29,746 NCIS? 90 00:06:33,060 --> 00:06:34,357 Look, I liked Tommy. 91 00:06:34,561 --> 00:06:37,894 - His C.O. Said you had issues. - We did, he owed me. 92 00:06:38,432 --> 00:06:40,491 - How much? - A couple of grand. 93 00:06:40,734 --> 00:06:44,602 - A lot of money on a PFC's salary. - Not enough to kill him over. 94 00:06:45,606 --> 00:06:47,597 Look, I was pissed he was slow in paying me back. 95 00:06:47,774 --> 00:06:51,301 I'm not saying I wasn't, but he'd borrowed from me before 96 00:06:51,478 --> 00:06:53,639 and he always came through. 97 00:06:53,814 --> 00:06:56,248 He said he had something going on, wouldn't be much longer. 98 00:06:56,416 --> 00:06:57,747 What kind of something? 99 00:06:57,918 --> 00:06:59,818 Business deal was supposed to pay off big. 100 00:07:00,420 --> 00:07:02,650 He was real excited about it. 101 00:07:05,392 --> 00:07:06,882 Where were you the day he was killed? 102 00:07:07,427 --> 00:07:08,519 In my barracks room. 103 00:07:09,262 --> 00:07:11,196 You got somebody that can vouch for you? 104 00:07:11,398 --> 00:07:14,697 Just my rack and the throne, too many Jacks the night before. 105 00:07:15,802 --> 00:07:18,396 - Do you mind? - Be my guest. 106 00:07:19,673 --> 00:07:21,800 Give it your best shot. 107 00:07:30,951 --> 00:07:32,441 Thanks. 108 00:07:35,555 --> 00:07:38,820 I was a receiver, a damn good wide receiver. 109 00:07:39,526 --> 00:07:41,517 But you wanted to be a quarterback. 110 00:07:41,695 --> 00:07:43,185 Everybody wants to be a quarterback. 111 00:07:43,363 --> 00:07:46,196 Quarterbacks are the stars, get all the glory, they get the applause. 112 00:07:46,366 --> 00:07:49,164 - They get the girls. - Yeah, that too. 113 00:07:49,369 --> 00:07:50,734 Okay, thanks. 114 00:07:50,937 --> 00:07:52,871 Beverly Hills P.D. Forensics came in. 115 00:07:53,073 --> 00:07:55,837 Corporal Porter died from massive blood loss after his jugular vein 116 00:07:56,009 --> 00:07:57,738 and carotid artery were severed. 117 00:07:57,944 --> 00:08:01,436 The throat cut and hand amputation were made by, 118 00:08:01,648 --> 00:08:03,809 and I quote here, "A very sharp blade 119 00:08:03,984 --> 00:08:06,748 between 7 and 12 inches in length." 120 00:08:06,987 --> 00:08:09,717 Well, that would describe any number of ka-bar combat knives. 121 00:08:09,956 --> 00:08:12,083 That could describe any number of all kinds of knives. 122 00:08:12,259 --> 00:08:14,459 Including ones used at the sushi restaurant at the mall. 123 00:08:14,528 --> 00:08:17,190 A sushi chef would have murdered Corporal Porter? 124 00:08:17,998 --> 00:08:19,898 Omakase can be tricky, Kensi. 125 00:08:22,235 --> 00:08:24,203 - You know, because if you... - I got it, okay? 126 00:08:24,404 --> 00:08:25,604 - I don't think... - Thank you. 127 00:08:25,706 --> 00:08:27,901 - No, I mean just to clarify. - I get it. 128 00:08:28,775 --> 00:08:31,243 - It means "chef'ss..." - We're good. 129 00:08:31,845 --> 00:08:34,405 So how well did you know Porter, Corporal Peterson? 130 00:08:34,581 --> 00:08:36,981 Tom and I hit it off the first day we met. 131 00:08:37,184 --> 00:08:39,209 We were the only Marines into football. 132 00:08:39,419 --> 00:08:41,114 Real football. 133 00:08:41,354 --> 00:08:42,582 Soccer. 134 00:08:42,756 --> 00:08:45,782 He was Man U, I'm Arsenal. 135 00:08:45,992 --> 00:08:47,960 Anybody in their right mind hates the Red Devils. 136 00:08:48,128 --> 00:08:50,722 But I loved him for loving the game. 137 00:08:53,500 --> 00:08:56,867 You don't have a clue, of course. Not many Americans do. 138 00:08:57,037 --> 00:08:59,904 Except every four years when the World Cup comes around. 139 00:09:00,073 --> 00:09:01,973 Then they all pretend to give a crap. 140 00:09:02,142 --> 00:09:04,906 Do you have any idea who would've wanted to kill your buddy? 141 00:09:06,313 --> 00:09:08,213 He was a cool dude. 142 00:09:08,815 --> 00:09:11,079 - Diane must be devastated. - Diane? 143 00:09:11,818 --> 00:09:15,720 His girlfriend, Diane Farley, works at Easy Mart. 144 00:09:15,889 --> 00:09:17,948 They were thinking about getting married, except... 145 00:09:18,825 --> 00:09:20,224 Except what? 146 00:09:20,927 --> 00:09:22,986 She thought that he was cheating on her. 147 00:09:23,163 --> 00:09:25,563 Not sure why, he was crazy about that girl. 148 00:09:29,236 --> 00:09:31,500 The parking garage has four surveillance cams. 149 00:09:31,671 --> 00:09:34,765 Let's start with the one near the entrance. 150 00:09:37,410 --> 00:09:40,902 All right, I've cued it back an hour before they found the body. 151 00:09:41,114 --> 00:09:44,743 - Corporal Porter drove a grey... - A grey Nissan. 152 00:09:45,418 --> 00:09:46,442 There. 153 00:09:46,620 --> 00:09:47,814 Time of entry, 2:25. 154 00:09:48,054 --> 00:09:50,682 Seven minutes before the guard found his body. 155 00:09:50,924 --> 00:09:53,791 - Let's see if we can find him on one... - On one of the other cams. 156 00:09:58,265 --> 00:10:00,324 You and I have a problem? 157 00:10:01,334 --> 00:10:05,634 I wouldn't exactly call it a problem, more like a situation. 158 00:10:06,173 --> 00:10:07,367 Maybe a problem. 159 00:10:08,809 --> 00:10:09,935 Because I'm new. 160 00:10:10,677 --> 00:10:13,669 - No, because you... - Finish your sentences. 161 00:10:13,847 --> 00:10:15,109 Yeah. 162 00:10:15,816 --> 00:10:18,717 It has to do with being a Type A with borderline ADD 163 00:10:18,885 --> 00:10:21,080 and control issues with men I admire. 164 00:10:21,288 --> 00:10:23,984 It's something I'm aware of, working on 165 00:10:24,157 --> 00:10:26,717 and hope one day to have a measure of control over. 166 00:10:26,893 --> 00:10:29,453 - You admire me? - Stop. 167 00:10:30,597 --> 00:10:32,292 Stop the tape. 168 00:10:38,538 --> 00:10:41,029 Whoever cut off Corporal Porter's hand... 169 00:10:44,911 --> 00:10:47,141 Wanted what was inside that case. 170 00:10:47,672 --> 00:10:49,139 Yeah. 171 00:11:01,260 --> 00:11:04,229 Standard issue Smith and Wesson 100 series handcuffs. 172 00:11:04,430 --> 00:11:07,957 Twenty-five bucks online. It doesn't make sense. 173 00:11:08,134 --> 00:11:10,261 Bolt cutters could have snapped them off no problem. 174 00:11:10,470 --> 00:11:12,961 Nothing unusual about the briefcase either. 175 00:11:13,172 --> 00:11:15,231 So the $64,000 question is... 176 00:11:15,441 --> 00:11:16,965 What's in the briefcase? 177 00:11:17,176 --> 00:11:18,541 It could be anything. 178 00:11:18,744 --> 00:11:21,611 Well, the most obvious is classified material from his G-2 unit. 179 00:11:21,814 --> 00:11:24,612 They're halfway through the audit and nothing's come up compromised. 180 00:11:24,784 --> 00:11:27,184 Drugs, bearer bonds, securities, jewelry. 181 00:11:27,353 --> 00:11:30,015 Or the most basic of all, cash. 182 00:11:30,189 --> 00:11:32,180 Well, Eric said the bank and credit card accounts 183 00:11:32,358 --> 00:11:34,451 haven't shown any unusual deposits or charges. 184 00:11:34,660 --> 00:11:37,652 Sure, but cash like that never sees the inside of a bank. 185 00:11:37,830 --> 00:11:40,492 If the money was dirty, they wouldn't want a paper trail. 186 00:11:40,666 --> 00:11:42,566 Maybe he was here to spend it. 187 00:11:45,171 --> 00:11:48,334 Corporal Peterson said he was thinking about getting married. 188 00:11:48,508 --> 00:11:50,032 An engagement ring from Tiffany's? 189 00:11:51,010 --> 00:11:53,501 You have no idea what that little blue box means to a girl. 190 00:11:54,313 --> 00:11:55,780 Oh, but I do. 191 00:11:59,685 --> 00:12:01,516 Does Hetty cook? 192 00:12:01,687 --> 00:12:04,087 Well, if she does, it's with a pot from Singapore, 193 00:12:04,290 --> 00:12:08,192 a spoon given to her by a shaman, and a cookbook written in Swahili. 194 00:12:08,361 --> 00:12:10,829 I'm more of a frozen Pizza Pocket guy myself. 195 00:12:10,997 --> 00:12:13,022 Well, the ladies must love that. 196 00:12:13,199 --> 00:12:15,190 It's all about the wine pairing. 197 00:12:23,943 --> 00:12:25,570 Diane? 198 00:12:26,946 --> 00:12:28,607 Hi, can I help you find something? 199 00:12:29,448 --> 00:12:32,076 Is there anywhere we could talk? 200 00:12:34,720 --> 00:12:37,382 Look, if I leave the floor they're gonna dock my pay. 201 00:12:37,590 --> 00:12:39,217 And since Tom and I weren't married yet, 202 00:12:39,392 --> 00:12:41,417 the bereavement leave doesn't apply. 203 00:12:41,594 --> 00:12:43,960 - Have you found out who did this? - Not yet. 204 00:12:44,130 --> 00:12:46,928 We were hoping that you could help us out. 205 00:12:51,203 --> 00:12:52,568 That's my supervisor. 206 00:12:54,540 --> 00:12:58,032 Deeks, I see a Crock-Pot in your future. 207 00:13:00,379 --> 00:13:03,280 - Deeks? - Right, Crock-Pot. 208 00:13:05,251 --> 00:13:07,845 - Over there. - Hi, do you sell Crock-Pots? 209 00:13:11,958 --> 00:13:13,425 Was Tom in any kind of trouble? 210 00:13:14,360 --> 00:13:15,486 No. 211 00:13:15,661 --> 00:13:18,095 No, not that I knew about, he was a really great guy. 212 00:13:18,297 --> 00:13:20,060 I'm sure he was. 213 00:13:20,232 --> 00:13:22,063 But someone killed him and... 214 00:13:24,737 --> 00:13:27,069 They did that for a reason, Diane. 215 00:13:28,641 --> 00:13:32,008 When he came back from Iraq, he was different. 216 00:13:32,244 --> 00:13:33,336 Different how? 217 00:13:33,512 --> 00:13:39,109 All he could talk about were sports cars, plasma TVs, 218 00:13:39,318 --> 00:13:40,342 expensive watches. 219 00:13:40,519 --> 00:13:43,818 - You were thinking of getting married. - Yeah. 220 00:13:45,124 --> 00:13:47,183 Yeah, we were looking at rings. 221 00:13:48,260 --> 00:13:52,196 I even found one. It was just a simple band 222 00:13:52,398 --> 00:13:56,425 with a tiny diamond, 223 00:13:57,937 --> 00:13:59,837 but I really loved it. 224 00:14:02,008 --> 00:14:04,533 But he said it wasn't big enough. 225 00:14:06,445 --> 00:14:08,470 That could be guilt. 226 00:14:09,315 --> 00:14:10,805 Was he cheating on you? 227 00:14:11,317 --> 00:14:13,547 Tom liked to flirt. 228 00:14:13,719 --> 00:14:16,711 He did, that was just him. 229 00:14:20,159 --> 00:14:22,559 But I was jealous. 230 00:14:27,667 --> 00:14:29,066 So stupid. 231 00:14:30,569 --> 00:14:32,298 So stupid. 232 00:14:38,177 --> 00:14:40,975 The contents of Porter's car. 233 00:14:41,180 --> 00:14:43,171 Gas station receipt from the Orange County station 234 00:14:43,349 --> 00:14:44,714 the morning of Porter's murder. 235 00:14:44,950 --> 00:14:48,886 Forty bucks of unleaded and a $1.50 for "Ultra Trank?" 236 00:14:49,588 --> 00:14:51,021 Ultra's a line of herbal drinks 237 00:14:51,190 --> 00:14:53,351 formulated to boost brain function and enhance moods. 238 00:14:53,526 --> 00:14:55,153 Trank is supposed to calm you down. 239 00:14:55,327 --> 00:14:57,192 - Trank like... - Tranquilizer. 240 00:14:57,396 --> 00:14:59,057 You're good. 241 00:14:59,699 --> 00:15:02,896 Sorry, nervous sarcasm. It's another of my personality flaws. 242 00:15:03,069 --> 00:15:06,402 I have a lot of them but I'm aware of them, that's the good thing. 243 00:15:06,572 --> 00:15:08,233 You realize you finished my sentence? 244 00:15:09,241 --> 00:15:12,210 I wouldn't consider it a problem yet. 245 00:15:13,579 --> 00:15:15,274 Here's what is. 246 00:15:15,481 --> 00:15:17,745 Most people would want the opposite of trank, 247 00:15:17,917 --> 00:15:19,908 if you're leaving for a road trip in the morning. 248 00:15:20,119 --> 00:15:23,179 Unless you're about to do something that makes you nervous. 249 00:15:23,355 --> 00:15:26,916 Very good, said sincerely. 250 00:15:29,595 --> 00:15:32,257 Got an ATM receipt from the same gas station. 251 00:15:32,498 --> 00:15:34,466 He took out 60 bucks. 252 00:15:34,633 --> 00:15:37,761 You don't take out cash if you have enough to fill a briefcase. 253 00:15:38,904 --> 00:15:40,064 Parking receipts. 254 00:15:40,272 --> 00:15:41,637 One from the Rodeo Collection. 255 00:15:41,807 --> 00:15:44,605 The other from United Parking, downtown. 256 00:15:44,777 --> 00:15:47,644 - Hm. When? - Two days ago. 257 00:15:48,547 --> 00:15:51,107 That's two trips to Los Angeles in 48 hours. 258 00:15:51,317 --> 00:15:53,114 Where's the garage downtown? 259 00:15:54,153 --> 00:15:56,212 Inside the California jewelry Mart. 260 00:15:57,123 --> 00:16:00,058 Two hundred stores of wholesale heaven, G. 261 00:16:00,226 --> 00:16:02,421 A lot of the merchandise gets sold to retailers, 262 00:16:02,595 --> 00:16:04,790 a lot of stores sell direct. 263 00:16:04,964 --> 00:16:06,727 Porter was either here to find a middle man 264 00:16:06,899 --> 00:16:08,730 to help him unload the goodies in that case. 265 00:16:08,901 --> 00:16:11,836 Or buy some goodies at bargain prices with the cash in the case. 266 00:16:12,037 --> 00:16:13,561 Jewelry Mart 101. 267 00:16:13,773 --> 00:16:16,003 The thing is his girlfriend said that he was impulsive 268 00:16:16,175 --> 00:16:17,665 when it came to spending. 269 00:16:17,843 --> 00:16:20,107 That's not the kind of guy that's gonna drive 100 miles 270 00:16:20,279 --> 00:16:21,940 to the Jewelry Mart to get a bargain. 271 00:16:22,114 --> 00:16:25,049 The question is what was he selling and who was he selling it to? 272 00:16:31,190 --> 00:16:33,750 - You think she'd use it? - Hetty likes letters. 273 00:16:34,627 --> 00:16:36,288 It is exotic. 274 00:16:36,462 --> 00:16:37,861 Beautiful, isn't it? 275 00:16:38,364 --> 00:16:40,832 From the Bengal region of East India, circa 1940. 276 00:16:41,066 --> 00:16:43,261 - How much? - Fourteen thousand. 277 00:16:45,371 --> 00:16:46,463 Not rupees. 278 00:16:46,639 --> 00:16:48,630 Ha-ha. Not rupees. 279 00:16:49,875 --> 00:16:51,172 You ever seen this guy? 280 00:16:55,014 --> 00:16:57,073 Take a different approach. 281 00:16:59,652 --> 00:17:02,212 If somebody wanted to sell something they shouldn't be selling, 282 00:17:02,388 --> 00:17:04,686 who would they go to around here? 283 00:17:06,692 --> 00:17:09,092 Jacob Rosen, third floor. 284 00:17:15,801 --> 00:17:18,361 Ten fifteen, early lunch. 285 00:17:18,838 --> 00:17:20,999 Security panel's not lit. 286 00:17:21,974 --> 00:17:25,034 You don't leave a store full of jewels without turning on the alarm. 287 00:17:35,054 --> 00:17:36,885 Mr. Rosen? 288 00:18:14,660 --> 00:18:16,127 Thank you. 289 00:18:20,232 --> 00:18:22,291 So the guy with the letter opener was right. 290 00:18:22,468 --> 00:18:24,368 Jacob Rosen is the man you went to 291 00:18:24,570 --> 00:18:26,561 if you had things of questionable origin to sell. 292 00:18:26,772 --> 00:18:28,501 He'd find you a buyer for a price. 293 00:18:29,241 --> 00:18:31,436 - The hand, Sam. - I know. 294 00:18:31,610 --> 00:18:34,511 Whoever cut off Rosen's didn't take it like they did Porter's. 295 00:18:34,680 --> 00:18:36,807 - Why? - Didn't need to. 296 00:18:36,982 --> 00:18:40,076 - It wasn't attached to a briefcase. - Why do you cut it off? 297 00:18:40,953 --> 00:18:42,147 To send a message? 298 00:18:43,889 --> 00:18:45,083 Maybe. 299 00:18:45,290 --> 00:18:48,191 L.A.P.D. Is actually being reasonable. 300 00:18:48,427 --> 00:18:51,191 Because this homicide is part of our ongoing criminal investigation, 301 00:18:51,396 --> 00:18:53,330 they're down for us taking whatever we need. 302 00:18:53,532 --> 00:18:56,365 I don't think it's a matter of being reasonable, Sam. 303 00:18:56,535 --> 00:19:00,266 - Because of their caseload? - Because Jacob Rosen was old school. 304 00:19:06,145 --> 00:19:07,442 No computer? 305 00:19:08,480 --> 00:19:09,970 No computer. 306 00:19:12,718 --> 00:19:13,776 In this day and age, 307 00:19:13,952 --> 00:19:16,716 why would you write anything but your signature by hand? 308 00:19:16,955 --> 00:19:19,822 - Doesn't make sense. - It's ridiculous. 309 00:19:20,025 --> 00:19:23,461 What have I done to put together a group 310 00:19:23,629 --> 00:19:28,532 with no appreciation of the handwritten word? 311 00:19:29,234 --> 00:19:34,365 Even banal ledger entries have intrinsically more meaning to the writer 312 00:19:34,573 --> 00:19:38,065 and by extension to the reader as well. 313 00:19:40,045 --> 00:19:43,742 - I'm at a loss. - Unfortunately, Hetty, so are we. 314 00:19:45,317 --> 00:19:47,308 Maybe not. 315 00:19:47,986 --> 00:19:50,477 Looks like he did business with at least four jewelry stores 316 00:19:50,656 --> 00:19:52,521 near Rodeo Drive on a regular basis. 317 00:19:54,026 --> 00:19:55,550 We ran backgrounds on the employees 318 00:19:55,727 --> 00:19:57,354 and owners of the four jewelry stores. 319 00:19:57,529 --> 00:19:59,554 None seem to have any relevance. 320 00:19:59,731 --> 00:20:01,528 Except for one. 321 00:20:01,733 --> 00:20:03,701 Aziz Anshiri is a devout Muslim 322 00:20:03,869 --> 00:20:06,702 and owner of the Anshiri jewelry on Brighton Way. 323 00:20:06,905 --> 00:20:09,738 He was a prominent jeweler during Saddam Hussein's regime, 324 00:20:09,975 --> 00:20:12,068 serving the president's family himself on occasion. 325 00:20:12,277 --> 00:20:14,211 Now, during Corporal Porter's tour in Iraq, 326 00:20:14,413 --> 00:20:17,280 his squad leader was accused of stealing valuables 327 00:20:17,482 --> 00:20:19,507 from a house that they raided in Baghdad. 328 00:20:19,685 --> 00:20:21,744 Not just any valuables. 329 00:20:21,920 --> 00:20:24,115 Ancient jewelry looted from the National Museum 330 00:20:24,289 --> 00:20:25,779 when we invaded in '03. 331 00:20:26,024 --> 00:20:28,083 Porter was questioned, but not implicated. 332 00:20:28,293 --> 00:20:30,784 The National Museum was home to some of the greatest treasures 333 00:20:30,996 --> 00:20:32,896 from Ancient Babylon and Mesopotamia. 334 00:20:33,098 --> 00:20:35,862 U.S. Didn't bomb it, but we also didn't secure it afterwards. 335 00:20:36,034 --> 00:20:39,128 So when the museum employees split for their safety, 336 00:20:39,304 --> 00:20:41,204 Iraqis went on a looting spree. 337 00:20:41,406 --> 00:20:43,203 Not our finest hour. 338 00:20:43,408 --> 00:20:46,036 Over half of the artifacts are still missing today. 339 00:20:46,245 --> 00:20:49,772 Oh, and Jacob Rosen's phone records 340 00:20:50,015 --> 00:20:52,779 indicate that he called Aziz Anshiri just a few days ago. 341 00:20:57,522 --> 00:20:59,922 So maybe Porter did the same thing his squad leader did. 342 00:21:00,092 --> 00:21:01,923 Stole something in Iraq he had already stolen 343 00:21:02,094 --> 00:21:04,756 - from the museum and took it home. - Only he didn't get caught. 344 00:21:04,963 --> 00:21:06,931 And then Jacob Rosen hooked him up with Anshiri, 345 00:21:07,099 --> 00:21:09,124 Porter tried to sell it to him. 346 00:21:09,668 --> 00:21:13,069 And then Anshiri, being a devout Muslim and a friend of Saddam, 347 00:21:13,272 --> 00:21:15,172 took offence to the theft and killed him. 348 00:21:15,407 --> 00:21:16,431 Why cut off his hand? 349 00:21:16,608 --> 00:21:19,076 Porter must have had the key to the handcuffs on him, right? 350 00:21:19,244 --> 00:21:23,738 It takes time to sever a limb, besides being incredibly, you know, messy. 351 00:21:23,949 --> 00:21:26,179 It's a strict interpretation of Sharia law. 352 00:21:26,418 --> 00:21:29,182 It calls for the cutting off of the thief'ss hands as punishment. 353 00:21:29,421 --> 00:21:32,584 In Anshiri's mind, Jacob Rosen was as bad as Porter. 354 00:21:32,758 --> 00:21:34,658 He killed him and cut off his hand as well. 355 00:21:35,761 --> 00:21:37,194 He might be trying to make a point. 356 00:21:37,362 --> 00:21:39,626 It's a good theory, but it's just a theory. 357 00:21:39,798 --> 00:21:42,198 We've got to get close to Anshiri. 358 00:21:42,701 --> 00:21:45,795 Feel out his interest in old school jewelry. 359 00:21:45,971 --> 00:21:48,439 This is the Rolex M-Series. 360 00:21:48,607 --> 00:21:53,567 Milgauss green, Faraday cage construction, 361 00:21:53,779 --> 00:21:56,441 40 millimeter polished steel bezel. 362 00:21:57,349 --> 00:22:01,376 Rumored to become the most collected Rolex ever. 363 00:22:01,586 --> 00:22:04,885 Mm-hm. Does it shoot poisonous gas or anything cool? 364 00:22:08,593 --> 00:22:10,527 You scratch it, you buy it. 365 00:22:14,700 --> 00:22:17,635 And Ms. Blye, it's your wrist 366 00:22:17,803 --> 00:22:22,331 that hopefully makes the biggest impression on Mr. Anshiri. 367 00:22:22,541 --> 00:22:24,805 From Ancient Babylonia. 368 00:22:25,010 --> 00:22:30,642 Displayed in Baghdad's National Museum until the U.S. Invasion. 369 00:22:32,517 --> 00:22:34,212 - How did you...? - Did you...? 370 00:22:43,128 --> 00:22:44,618 There's the happy couple now. 371 00:22:44,830 --> 00:22:46,422 What do you think? Lady and the Tramp? 372 00:22:46,631 --> 00:22:48,030 More like Beauty and the Beast. 373 00:22:50,068 --> 00:22:52,628 Uh-oh, trouble in paradise. 374 00:22:52,838 --> 00:22:54,897 - Do you buy them as a couple? - It's L.A. 375 00:22:55,073 --> 00:22:57,940 Even a troll can score a supermodel if he's rolling large. 376 00:22:58,176 --> 00:23:00,701 - So where does that leave us? - Don't sweat it, G. 377 00:23:00,912 --> 00:23:03,346 - I have a charming personality. - Uh-huh. 378 00:23:03,515 --> 00:23:06,882 And you? You're kind of screwed. 379 00:23:07,085 --> 00:23:09,212 I attract more of an intellectual type. 380 00:23:09,421 --> 00:23:10,945 - Oh, yeah? - Uh-huh. 381 00:23:11,156 --> 00:23:13,056 Good luck with that. 382 00:23:17,863 --> 00:23:20,354 Good afternoon. How can I help you? 383 00:23:20,899 --> 00:23:22,764 We are looking for an engagement ring. 384 00:23:22,968 --> 00:23:25,232 - Of course. - A big one. 385 00:23:25,871 --> 00:23:28,931 She told me that size doesn't matter. 386 00:23:32,043 --> 00:23:34,443 - There you go. - Oh, my God. 387 00:23:34,679 --> 00:23:36,169 Look at that one. 388 00:23:36,782 --> 00:23:39,876 Oh, it's so beautiful, my sweet. 389 00:23:41,052 --> 00:23:42,542 Excellent choice. 390 00:23:46,925 --> 00:23:50,292 A beautiful diamond for a beautiful woman. 391 00:23:53,432 --> 00:23:55,730 That's an interesting bracelet. 392 00:23:56,835 --> 00:23:58,496 Do you mind if I ask you where you got it? 393 00:23:58,737 --> 00:24:01,001 - Oh, it was a gift. - From who? 394 00:24:01,940 --> 00:24:03,066 A friend. 395 00:24:07,512 --> 00:24:08,638 I can't help you. 396 00:24:10,749 --> 00:24:11,773 You must leave. 397 00:24:16,354 --> 00:24:19,152 - What were you doing in there? - Trying to make it look convincing. 398 00:24:19,324 --> 00:24:21,986 You suck at being convincing, Deeks. Who the hell says "my sweet"? 399 00:24:22,227 --> 00:24:25,754 - It's a term of endearment. - In like 1945. 400 00:24:25,931 --> 00:24:28,764 Callen, we need to watch this guy. He's definitely sketchy. 401 00:24:28,967 --> 00:24:31,333 We're talking about Anshiri, right? 402 00:24:35,440 --> 00:24:37,738 Princess? Princess. 403 00:24:39,344 --> 00:24:41,608 - What? - Don't worry about it. 404 00:24:54,292 --> 00:24:55,316 Thank you. 405 00:24:55,494 --> 00:24:56,961 Just be careful with the car, okay? 406 00:24:57,128 --> 00:24:59,028 Of course, sir. 407 00:25:00,332 --> 00:25:02,300 Anshiri seems nervous. 408 00:25:02,467 --> 00:25:05,197 The only way to find out why he's nervous is to be inside with him. 409 00:25:05,904 --> 00:25:06,962 Here's the bonus, Sam. 410 00:25:07,138 --> 00:25:09,629 I'm hungry and it's gonna be on Hetty's dime. 411 00:25:09,841 --> 00:25:11,365 You got to get more current, G. 412 00:25:11,543 --> 00:25:15,479 This place is flavor of the month. Four weeks to get a res. 413 00:25:15,647 --> 00:25:17,478 It's L.A. 414 00:25:17,649 --> 00:25:19,549 Then we do what everybody else in L.A. Does. 415 00:25:19,784 --> 00:25:20,842 Buy our way in? 416 00:25:21,052 --> 00:25:22,815 Lie. 417 00:25:33,164 --> 00:25:35,928 You got to take a photo and send it to Eric. 418 00:25:38,370 --> 00:25:39,928 Those losers in marketing won't believe 419 00:25:40,105 --> 00:25:42,437 we got reservations at this place. 420 00:25:42,841 --> 00:25:44,672 - Got it. - No photo. 421 00:25:44,843 --> 00:25:48,609 - Relax, hey, relax. - Hey, my man. 422 00:25:54,553 --> 00:25:57,021 Federal agents, stand down, stand down. 423 00:26:18,243 --> 00:26:19,767 - Yeah. - Got the pic. 424 00:26:19,945 --> 00:26:22,607 Facial rec took all of two seconds to get a hit. 425 00:26:23,348 --> 00:26:25,111 His name is Salim Al-Jamal. 426 00:26:25,350 --> 00:26:27,875 He's a major player in terrorist funding for Al-Qaeda. 427 00:26:43,334 --> 00:26:44,961 Salim Al-Jamal. 428 00:26:45,169 --> 00:26:47,694 A businessman that funnels money to the Middle East 429 00:26:47,872 --> 00:26:49,999 to finance Islamic terrorist training camps. 430 00:26:50,174 --> 00:26:51,471 I did not know this. 431 00:26:51,642 --> 00:26:54,202 I only know him as a potential client, that's all. 432 00:26:55,413 --> 00:26:57,313 It's the truth. 433 00:26:58,649 --> 00:27:00,344 How about this guy? 434 00:27:02,887 --> 00:27:04,821 You recognize him? 435 00:27:08,860 --> 00:27:10,987 His name was Corporal Thomas Porter. 436 00:27:12,864 --> 00:27:14,195 I've never seen this man before. 437 00:27:14,399 --> 00:27:17,232 You were meeting with him to buy ancient artifacts. 438 00:27:17,402 --> 00:27:19,666 A meeting that was arranged by Jacob Rosen. 439 00:27:19,871 --> 00:27:21,805 No, that's not true. 440 00:27:22,006 --> 00:27:25,601 You consider yourself to be a true believer, Mr. Anshiri? 441 00:27:28,513 --> 00:27:30,344 Sam, what does the Qur'an say about lying? 442 00:27:30,548 --> 00:27:32,607 It's considered an abomination. 443 00:27:35,853 --> 00:27:38,378 You are trying to use my religion against me. 444 00:27:41,926 --> 00:27:43,086 It won't work. 445 00:27:47,565 --> 00:27:50,534 Anshiri's a mean decorator, he's got some cool stuff. 446 00:27:50,701 --> 00:27:54,137 Yeah, if you like living in a museum. 447 00:27:58,076 --> 00:28:00,408 We're looking for a knife, right? 448 00:28:03,381 --> 00:28:07,545 It's decorative. You'd have a tough time slicing bread. 449 00:28:18,429 --> 00:28:20,761 What are you doing in my house? 450 00:28:22,733 --> 00:28:24,598 - Mrs. Anshiri? - Who are you? 451 00:28:25,303 --> 00:28:26,770 We're federal agents. 452 00:28:26,971 --> 00:28:28,404 You have no right to be here. 453 00:28:28,606 --> 00:28:30,870 Actually, we do, ma'am. It's called a FISA warrant. 454 00:28:32,310 --> 00:28:36,076 We have to search your house. I promise we'll be respectful. 455 00:28:36,280 --> 00:28:38,373 Where is my husband? 456 00:28:39,383 --> 00:28:41,681 - You met Porter. - No. 457 00:28:41,919 --> 00:28:44,080 He tried to sell you artifacts stolen from Iraq. 458 00:28:44,288 --> 00:28:45,915 I did not meet this man. 459 00:28:46,124 --> 00:28:47,955 You did meet this man and you killed this man. 460 00:28:48,126 --> 00:28:51,254 And following strict Sharia law, you cut off the thief'ss hand as punishment. 461 00:28:51,429 --> 00:28:52,453 I did not do that. 462 00:28:52,630 --> 00:28:55,098 Then you took the artifacts and you sold them to raise money 463 00:28:55,266 --> 00:28:57,496 for Al-Jamal terrorist activities. 464 00:28:59,470 --> 00:29:03,600 You invade my country under false pretences. 465 00:29:03,774 --> 00:29:08,541 You allow our National Museum and our palaces to be plundered. 466 00:29:08,713 --> 00:29:11,443 You bomb our villages to kill our women and children. 467 00:29:11,616 --> 00:29:13,516 And you call me a terrorist? 468 00:30:07,405 --> 00:30:08,963 Deeks. 469 00:30:15,079 --> 00:30:16,239 Hey... 470 00:30:18,115 --> 00:30:20,845 This one was used for more than slicing bread. 471 00:30:36,801 --> 00:30:40,293 Well, I pushed him, and he broke. 472 00:30:40,504 --> 00:30:45,032 Yeah, only he broke left when we expected him to break right. 473 00:30:46,877 --> 00:30:49,903 That kind of moral outrage is hard to fake. 474 00:30:55,753 --> 00:30:56,777 Kensi. 475 00:30:56,954 --> 00:30:58,080 I think we found the knife. 476 00:30:58,256 --> 00:31:00,724 Deeks is sending Callen a picture right now. 477 00:31:00,891 --> 00:31:02,290 Incoming to your cell. 478 00:31:02,460 --> 00:31:05,623 We can definitely confirm Anshiri's devoutness, in his house. 479 00:31:05,830 --> 00:31:09,561 A Qur'an, scriptures, prayer rugs, and his wife wears a hijab. 480 00:31:10,268 --> 00:31:11,530 Got it. 481 00:31:11,736 --> 00:31:12,930 We have the photo. 482 00:31:15,139 --> 00:31:16,902 Is the knife resting on a paper bag? 483 00:31:17,108 --> 00:31:19,474 Yeah, it was inside it hidden in a tool box. 484 00:31:20,077 --> 00:31:21,840 We'll get back to you. 485 00:31:22,780 --> 00:31:24,509 What is it? 486 00:31:24,682 --> 00:31:28,140 The Sharia amputation ritual for theft is very specific. 487 00:31:28,352 --> 00:31:31,014 The knife doesn't matter, but what does is what it's wrapped in. 488 00:31:31,188 --> 00:31:35,352 It would be a sacred ceremonial cloth, not a paper bag. 489 00:31:35,593 --> 00:31:38,289 So whoever hid the knife got the ritual wrong. 490 00:31:38,496 --> 00:31:41,363 Anshiri is devout, he wouldn't have got it wrong. 491 00:31:41,599 --> 00:31:45,592 As much as I don't like him, G., he's being set up. 492 00:31:57,014 --> 00:32:00,780 So the necklace you found was a small part of what Queen Puabi 493 00:32:00,984 --> 00:32:04,249 was adorned with when she was buried in the Royal Tomb of Ur 494 00:32:04,488 --> 00:32:08,015 2500 years ago in Mesopotamia, now modern day Iraq. 495 00:32:08,225 --> 00:32:10,284 The tomb was discovered in 1922. 496 00:32:10,527 --> 00:32:15,055 What made the find remarkable was that it had avoided looters for centuries. 497 00:32:15,232 --> 00:32:18,531 After the jewelry was put on display in Iraq's National Museum, 498 00:32:18,702 --> 00:32:22,229 it took a mere 60 years for it to be looted by locals after we invaded. 499 00:32:22,439 --> 00:32:26,102 So the necklace was left with the knife to set up Anshiri. Which means... 500 00:32:26,276 --> 00:32:28,210 A lot more of Queen Puabi's jewelry 501 00:32:28,378 --> 00:32:31,074 is still in the case Corporal Porter was carrying. 502 00:32:37,554 --> 00:32:38,612 She does that. 503 00:32:38,822 --> 00:32:41,882 Its return would mean a lot for Iraq-U.S. Relations. 504 00:32:42,092 --> 00:32:43,787 That's if we can find it before it's sold. 505 00:32:44,795 --> 00:32:47,093 So whoever killed Porter and set up Anshiri 506 00:32:47,264 --> 00:32:49,129 either knew Porter or he knew Rosen. 507 00:32:49,333 --> 00:32:50,425 Or both. 508 00:32:51,835 --> 00:32:54,736 Kensi, Deeks, get back to Rosen's boxes. 509 00:32:54,938 --> 00:32:56,496 - See if you can find a vector. - Done. 510 00:32:56,673 --> 00:32:58,538 Eric, this guy probably drove to Anshiri's. 511 00:32:58,742 --> 00:33:00,232 Check for nearby traffic cams. 512 00:33:02,312 --> 00:33:05,645 The closest traffic cam is on the corner of Bedford and Elvado. 513 00:33:05,816 --> 00:33:09,047 - Just two blocks down. - Eric, there. 514 00:33:10,921 --> 00:33:12,752 That's it all right. 515 00:33:13,791 --> 00:33:15,656 Windows are too dark to make the driver. 516 00:33:15,859 --> 00:33:18,953 No, Sam, it's the car that we recognize. 517 00:33:19,563 --> 00:33:21,997 That same SUV entered the parking garage 518 00:33:22,199 --> 00:33:25,191 just an hour before Porter was killed. 519 00:33:25,969 --> 00:33:28,164 If I can adjust the angle, we might be able to... 520 00:33:28,338 --> 00:33:30,772 - To see the license plate. - To see the license plate. 521 00:33:32,576 --> 00:33:34,100 On it. 522 00:33:34,945 --> 00:33:36,936 The car belongs to... 523 00:33:40,284 --> 00:33:42,184 PFC Winston. 524 00:33:42,619 --> 00:33:44,450 The one Porter owed money to. 525 00:33:45,355 --> 00:33:47,380 Quarterbacks. 526 00:34:05,475 --> 00:34:07,636 Would you mind being quiet? 527 00:34:07,845 --> 00:34:09,972 I am trying to concentrate. 528 00:34:12,716 --> 00:34:14,183 - Are you mad at me? - Dogs go mad. 529 00:34:14,351 --> 00:34:15,841 People, people get angry. 530 00:34:20,424 --> 00:34:22,654 Is this about the jewelry store? 531 00:34:23,861 --> 00:34:26,193 I was just trying to sell the fact that we were a couple. 532 00:34:26,396 --> 00:34:29,092 Yeah, whatever, like anybody would believe that we're a couple. 533 00:34:29,266 --> 00:34:30,699 Right, you are so not my type. 534 00:34:35,272 --> 00:34:37,240 - Would you care to explain... - Found something. 535 00:34:42,913 --> 00:34:45,245 You got this wrong, I can prove I was on base all day. 536 00:34:45,415 --> 00:34:46,541 Your car wasn't. 537 00:34:46,717 --> 00:34:48,514 I have no idea how that could have happened. 538 00:34:48,685 --> 00:34:51,176 Maybe because you gave it to whoever you hired to do the job. 539 00:34:51,355 --> 00:34:52,995 No, that's not true, I didn't hire anyone. 540 00:34:54,091 --> 00:34:55,558 - Kensi. - We found a vector. 541 00:34:55,759 --> 00:34:57,693 A name on one of Jacob Rosen's payment ledgers. 542 00:34:57,861 --> 00:34:59,260 He worked for Rosen as a courier. 543 00:34:59,463 --> 00:35:01,897 - Who had access to your keys? - No one. 544 00:35:02,099 --> 00:35:04,659 Somebody could have made a copy. A car wash, a mechanic? 545 00:35:04,868 --> 00:35:07,359 I wash it myself, the repairs... 546 00:35:09,573 --> 00:35:11,803 It was a personal vehicle, he's not supposed to. 547 00:35:11,975 --> 00:35:14,910 - Who's he, Winston? - A guy I know in the motor pool. 548 00:35:15,112 --> 00:35:16,807 That would be Corporal Peterson. 549 00:35:19,216 --> 00:35:21,707 He didn't show up for work this morning, left us a man short. 550 00:35:21,885 --> 00:35:22,909 Any idea where he may be? 551 00:35:23,086 --> 00:35:24,747 Not in his barracks room, we checked. 552 00:35:24,922 --> 00:35:28,085 Maybe with his girlfriend in San Isidro. He spends a lot of time there. 553 00:35:28,258 --> 00:35:30,226 - The girlfriend's name? - Ellen. 554 00:35:30,427 --> 00:35:33,260 - Ellen what? - No idea, sir. 555 00:35:37,067 --> 00:35:39,592 Eric, give me a name for Corporal Andrew Peterson's girlfriend 556 00:35:39,770 --> 00:35:41,431 in San Isidro, I need it fast. 557 00:35:41,638 --> 00:35:42,696 - Name? - Ellen. 558 00:35:42,906 --> 00:35:44,203 No last. 559 00:35:44,708 --> 00:35:46,300 Do they always expect miracles? 560 00:35:46,510 --> 00:35:48,102 - Pretty much. - Awesomer. 561 00:35:48,312 --> 00:35:50,109 Into Peterson's cell records. 562 00:35:50,314 --> 00:35:53,408 I got a number he calls in San Isidro a lot. 563 00:35:54,251 --> 00:35:56,742 - Reverse directory for an Ellen... - Rodriguez. 564 00:35:56,954 --> 00:35:59,252 - 6241... - Garvey Court Road. 565 00:36:01,725 --> 00:36:03,989 - Nice work. - You too. 566 00:36:40,130 --> 00:36:41,620 Stop, federal agents. 567 00:36:56,179 --> 00:36:58,647 He's making a run for the border, Sam. 568 00:37:28,845 --> 00:37:30,369 The border fence ends in five miles. 569 00:37:30,547 --> 00:37:32,242 He crosses over, he's in Mexico. 570 00:37:32,449 --> 00:37:33,711 It's not gonna happen. 571 00:37:48,465 --> 00:37:51,332 Hands out the window where we can see them, now. 572 00:37:55,272 --> 00:37:57,604 That's an order, Marine. 573 00:38:30,740 --> 00:38:33,300 Director Vance. 574 00:38:33,510 --> 00:38:35,944 Peterson was the missing link. 575 00:38:36,113 --> 00:38:39,082 Porter tells his best friend about what he'd stolen in Iraq. 576 00:38:39,249 --> 00:38:42,275 Peterson hooks him up with his old boss, who hooks him up with Anshiri. 577 00:38:42,786 --> 00:38:45,482 Best friend kills Porter and Rosen, sets up Anshiri, 578 00:38:45,655 --> 00:38:48,419 and uses Winston's car while he's in L.A. So he can't be ID'd. 579 00:38:48,625 --> 00:38:50,024 Yeah, it would've been a good plan 580 00:38:50,193 --> 00:38:53,287 if it wasn't for a certain wide receiver that knew about Sharia. 581 00:38:53,463 --> 00:38:55,522 Someone has to put points on the board. 582 00:38:59,302 --> 00:39:00,792 Here comes the birthday girl. 583 00:39:02,172 --> 00:39:07,132 Beverly Hills P.D. Discovered this among Corporal Porter's belongings. 584 00:39:08,111 --> 00:39:10,443 I assured them we'd know what to do with it. 585 00:39:11,848 --> 00:39:15,443 Director Vance wants you all to know how pleased he is 586 00:39:15,619 --> 00:39:18,144 that you were able to recover the artifacts. 587 00:39:18,989 --> 00:39:20,718 Well done. 588 00:39:24,661 --> 00:39:26,128 She seems down. 589 00:39:26,630 --> 00:39:28,063 Birthdays can be depressing. 590 00:39:28,298 --> 00:39:30,789 Especially when no one buys you a gift or throws you a party. 591 00:39:30,967 --> 00:39:35,199 Hey, it's what she wanted, and for once, we didn't cave. 592 00:39:48,485 --> 00:39:52,717 Happy birthday, Hetty, from all of us. 593 00:39:58,828 --> 00:40:02,594 I thought it would go perfect with your... 594 00:40:02,832 --> 00:40:04,459 Saffron jacket. 595 00:40:04,968 --> 00:40:06,401 Exactly. 596 00:40:07,370 --> 00:40:10,339 But this is from you alone. 597 00:40:11,174 --> 00:40:13,233 No. 598 00:40:23,987 --> 00:40:27,081 It's beautiful, my dear. 599 00:40:28,692 --> 00:40:31,525 So, what's wrong with all of you? 600 00:40:32,195 --> 00:40:35,631 This is a party, not a wake. 601 00:40:35,799 --> 00:40:39,098 The single malt's in my desk. 602 00:40:42,105 --> 00:40:44,232 Well, that went well. 603 00:40:44,641 --> 00:40:47,940 Hey, you got a banjo and a chewing tobacco please? 604 00:40:50,380 --> 00:40:52,245 Happy birthday. 605 00:40:57,387 --> 00:40:59,446 - Hetty, happy birthday. - Happy birthday. 606 00:40:59,656 --> 00:41:01,749 - Happy birthday. - Thanks. 607 00:41:13,169 --> 00:41:14,636 Hello? 608 00:41:14,804 --> 00:41:19,070 Diane, hey. Special Agent Kensi Blye, NCIS. 609 00:41:20,543 --> 00:41:24,741 I was wondering if I could drop by. I, um... 610 00:41:25,649 --> 00:41:27,913 I have something that Tom left for you. 611 00:41:28,084 --> 00:41:32,919 Really? He left something for me? Sure.