1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,025 Tuesday! See you next Tuesday! Why did 2 00:00:00,025 --> 00:00:00,050 Tuesday! See you next Tuesday! Why did I 3 00:00:00,025 --> 00:00:00,050 Tuesday! See you next Tuesday! Why did I do 4 00:00:00,025 --> 00:00:00,440 Tuesday! See you next Tuesday! Why did I do it?! 5 00:00:01,040 --> 00:00:04,480 NARRATOR: Previously on MasterChef Australia, 6 00:00:04,480 --> 00:00:06,880 a monumental mystery box. 7 00:00:06,880 --> 00:00:09,800 CONTESTANTS: Whoa! 8 00:00:09,800 --> 00:00:12,480 ..provided massive inspiration... 9 00:00:12,480 --> 00:00:13,880 Ooh, that's big. 10 00:00:13,880 --> 00:00:15,240 DECLAN: It's a behemoth. 11 00:00:15,240 --> 00:00:18,680 It's a big box, and I'm hoping to bring a big dish. 12 00:00:18,680 --> 00:00:22,640 ..and even bigger praise from the judges. 13 00:00:22,640 --> 00:00:23,640 ANDY: Oh, yeah, baby. 14 00:00:23,640 --> 00:00:25,760 MELISSA: I think it was almost perfect. 15 00:00:25,760 --> 00:00:28,000 Really, really beautiful. Mwah! 16 00:00:28,000 --> 00:00:30,400 Your custard is epic. 17 00:00:30,400 --> 00:00:32,600 The texture is like velvet. 18 00:00:32,600 --> 00:00:34,480 The pastry shell is unbelievable. 19 00:00:34,480 --> 00:00:36,320 I even like the fact it was busted. 20 00:00:36,320 --> 00:00:37,480 Thank you. 21 00:00:37,480 --> 00:00:43,080 Tonight, the bottom three face a heavy Pressure Test. 22 00:00:43,080 --> 00:00:46,480 LARISSA: It's every single emotion that you could possibly have. 23 00:00:46,480 --> 00:00:49,360 And it's a tall order. 24 00:00:53,920 --> 00:00:56,600 (TENSE MUSIC) 25 00:01:09,440 --> 00:01:11,920 (APPLAUSE) 26 00:01:27,720 --> 00:01:28,960 Good morning. 27 00:01:28,960 --> 00:01:31,240 I hope you had a good night's rest. 28 00:01:31,240 --> 00:01:34,640 You're going to need all the energy that you can muster this week, 29 00:01:34,640 --> 00:01:38,400 because the big challenges keep on coming. 30 00:01:38,400 --> 00:01:42,040 And this Pressure Test is no exception. 31 00:01:42,040 --> 00:01:45,080 Theo, you're looking clear-eyed, focused. 32 00:01:45,080 --> 00:01:46,280 Are you ready for what's ahead? 33 00:01:46,280 --> 00:01:49,120 I actually had a really good sleep last night, weirdly. 34 00:01:49,120 --> 00:01:51,320 It's 'cause Andy told you to have a good night's sleep. 35 00:01:51,320 --> 00:01:52,920 Mate, wait till tonight. 36 00:01:52,920 --> 00:01:54,840 Yeah. Yeah. (JUDGES LAUGH) 37 00:01:55,880 --> 00:01:58,000 Declan, what about you? Where's the head at? 38 00:01:58,000 --> 00:01:59,520 I'm in a good headspace. 39 00:01:59,520 --> 00:02:02,320 I prefer to be down here than up there, I think. 40 00:02:02,320 --> 00:02:04,320 You know, it's gonna be an awesome opportunity, 41 00:02:04,320 --> 00:02:08,520 and elimination's scary, but I'm just gonna go for it. 42 00:02:08,520 --> 00:02:10,320 That's a brilliant perspective to have, 43 00:02:10,320 --> 00:02:12,480 because you don't get a choice today. 44 00:02:12,480 --> 00:02:15,560 You can't go up there, so you might as well make the most of it. 45 00:02:15,560 --> 00:02:18,000 And I can promise you, whatever happens today, 46 00:02:18,000 --> 00:02:21,120 you will learn and you will be a better cook at the end. 47 00:02:21,120 --> 00:02:22,200 Amazing. 48 00:02:23,960 --> 00:02:26,120 Larissa. Yes. 49 00:02:26,120 --> 00:02:28,720 You've been eliminated before. You know what this feels like. 50 00:02:28,720 --> 00:02:30,960 How do you feel this time around? 51 00:02:30,960 --> 00:02:33,720 I feel much more calm coming into the kitchen 52 00:02:33,720 --> 00:02:35,360 since being eliminated. 53 00:02:35,360 --> 00:02:37,240 I obviously don't want to be here again. 54 00:02:37,240 --> 00:02:41,320 But I feel like I'm in a... as good as possible frame of mind. 55 00:02:41,320 --> 00:02:45,080 OK, to the task at hand. 56 00:02:45,080 --> 00:02:49,560 This is the biggest Pressure Test we have ever set at this stage 57 00:02:49,560 --> 00:02:52,280 in the competition, both in cook time 58 00:02:52,280 --> 00:02:54,840 and, interestingly, 59 00:02:54,840 --> 00:02:56,320 in height. 60 00:02:56,320 --> 00:02:58,080 CONTESTANTS: Oh! Oh, God! 61 00:02:58,080 --> 00:03:00,480 Oh, damn! Oh! 62 00:03:00,480 --> 00:03:03,760 The chef who set it is a master at his craft. 63 00:03:03,760 --> 00:03:08,600 He's been working in pastry for over 20 years. 64 00:03:08,600 --> 00:03:12,000 He honed his craft at Sydney's Black Star Pastry, 65 00:03:12,000 --> 00:03:15,640 but now he and his business partner have conquered the globe. 66 00:03:15,640 --> 00:03:18,960 They have shops in Tokyo, Sydney and Melbourne 67 00:03:18,960 --> 00:03:21,280 that sell out daily. 68 00:03:21,280 --> 00:03:23,880 People line up around the block 69 00:03:23,880 --> 00:03:28,680 to sample their version of an Australian classic. 70 00:03:29,760 --> 00:03:33,280 Please welcome, from Tokyo Lamington... 71 00:03:35,480 --> 00:03:37,160 ..Eddie Stewart! 72 00:03:37,160 --> 00:03:40,600 (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) 73 00:03:40,600 --> 00:03:42,720 JOCK: It's the biggest cloche ever. 74 00:03:50,520 --> 00:03:51,720 LARISSA: It's a big cloche. 75 00:03:52,800 --> 00:03:55,280 It's a custom-made tall cloche 76 00:03:55,280 --> 00:03:58,400 and there's dessert under it, I know it. 77 00:03:58,400 --> 00:04:00,800 Make way! Make way. Oh, yes! 78 00:04:00,800 --> 00:04:03,040 They said it was gonna be big. 79 00:04:05,400 --> 00:04:07,200 Eddy, how are you, mate? Nice to see you. 80 00:04:07,200 --> 00:04:08,680 You too. Hello. 81 00:04:08,680 --> 00:04:10,440 How are you, mate? 82 00:04:10,440 --> 00:04:12,160 That's a big lamington. 83 00:04:13,640 --> 00:04:18,880 Eddie, before we turn our attention to that cloche of trouble, 84 00:04:18,880 --> 00:04:20,600 how are you? 85 00:04:20,600 --> 00:04:21,760 Awesome. 86 00:04:21,760 --> 00:04:24,080 Why lamingtons? What's going on? 87 00:04:24,080 --> 00:04:26,240 What's...what's the fascination with lamingtons? 88 00:04:26,240 --> 00:04:27,680 My quick answer is, "Why not?" 89 00:04:27,680 --> 00:04:29,640 We find lamingtons as a perfect vehicle 90 00:04:29,640 --> 00:04:31,920 to be creative with, because it's two bits of sponge, 91 00:04:31,920 --> 00:04:33,840 you can put whatever you want in the middle. 92 00:04:33,840 --> 00:04:35,280 I see the fascination. 93 00:04:35,280 --> 00:04:37,880 Even after I've had 15, 16 of them, 94 00:04:37,880 --> 00:04:40,400 I still see the fascination of lamingtons. 95 00:04:40,400 --> 00:04:43,600 But opening a store, that's a whole other level. 96 00:04:43,600 --> 00:04:45,400 How did that come about? It's funny. 97 00:04:45,400 --> 00:04:47,160 We actually started selling lamingtons in Tokyo, 98 00:04:47,160 --> 00:04:48,200 of all countries. 99 00:04:48,200 --> 00:04:51,440 We thought, "You know what? Let's open a lamington shop." 100 00:04:51,440 --> 00:04:53,120 What's the bestseller at the moment? 101 00:04:53,120 --> 00:04:55,840 I would say OG would be our bestseller, 102 00:04:55,840 --> 00:04:58,960 followed by Charcoal Pumpkin. 103 00:04:58,960 --> 00:05:01,440 Pumpkin, eh? (CHUCKLES) 104 00:05:01,440 --> 00:05:04,360 Eddie, do you want to put 'em out of their misery? 105 00:05:04,360 --> 00:05:05,560 Absolutely. 106 00:05:08,040 --> 00:05:09,080 So today... 107 00:05:09,080 --> 00:05:10,960 (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC) 108 00:05:12,200 --> 00:05:14,160 (DRAMATIC MUSIC) 109 00:05:18,160 --> 00:05:20,800 ..you're gonna be cooking my... 110 00:05:23,680 --> 00:05:26,240 ..Tokyo Lamington Tower. CONTESTANTS: Oh! 111 00:05:26,240 --> 00:05:27,800 Oh! 112 00:05:30,480 --> 00:05:32,040 Wowza. 113 00:05:32,040 --> 00:05:34,800 (DARKLY DRAMATIC MUSIC) 114 00:05:50,720 --> 00:05:53,080 That's a lot of lamingtons. 115 00:05:54,160 --> 00:05:59,800 Eddie's Lamington Tower is going to be tricky and difficult, 116 00:05:59,800 --> 00:06:02,280 and that scares me a little bit. 117 00:06:02,280 --> 00:06:04,800 Declan, you're a builder, mate. 118 00:06:04,800 --> 00:06:07,280 You ever built anything this high in your kitchen before? 119 00:06:07,280 --> 00:06:09,200 (LAUGHS) Never something like this, 120 00:06:09,200 --> 00:06:12,080 and, look, we're not gonna be building one thing today. 121 00:06:12,080 --> 00:06:14,200 We've got five at hand, 122 00:06:14,200 --> 00:06:19,200 so...yeah, definitely gonna be out of my comfort zone, so... 123 00:06:19,200 --> 00:06:20,640 Have you made lamingtons before? 124 00:06:20,640 --> 00:06:23,760 Um, I've eaten a lot, but I... (DECLAN AND LARISSA LAUGH) 125 00:06:23,760 --> 00:06:25,560 ..I haven't made them before. 126 00:06:25,560 --> 00:06:28,520 Alright, come on in, guys, let's have a closer look. 127 00:06:28,520 --> 00:06:31,440 Eddie, why don't you take one by one. Let's start at the top. 128 00:06:31,440 --> 00:06:33,280 So, first up, we've got the tres leches, 129 00:06:33,280 --> 00:06:36,120 which is our three-milks-cake lamington. 130 00:06:37,320 --> 00:06:38,520 What are we looking at, Eddie? 131 00:06:38,520 --> 00:06:40,520 So we've got a dulce de leche in the middle, 132 00:06:40,520 --> 00:06:42,280 we've got a whipped vanilla custard, 133 00:06:42,280 --> 00:06:44,480 and between two layers of vanilla sponge 134 00:06:44,480 --> 00:06:46,760 dipped in white chocolate and then in coconut. 135 00:06:46,760 --> 00:06:48,400 Alright, what have we got next? 136 00:06:48,400 --> 00:06:49,800 Next up, we've got Snickers. 137 00:06:49,800 --> 00:06:50,920 In this one, 138 00:06:50,920 --> 00:06:53,520 we have got a caramel-peanut layer on the bottom, 139 00:06:53,520 --> 00:06:57,760 we've got a milk chocolate mousse between two layers of vanilla sponge 140 00:06:57,760 --> 00:06:59,960 dipped in chocolate and then peanuts. 141 00:06:59,960 --> 00:07:01,440 I'll just try it, just in case... 142 00:07:01,440 --> 00:07:03,200 (LAUGHTER) Absolutely, sure, that's fine. 143 00:07:06,040 --> 00:07:07,600 WOMAN: Yum! 144 00:07:07,600 --> 00:07:09,600 The chocolate, it's just, like, 145 00:07:09,600 --> 00:07:11,960 you get that sort of classic lamington, 146 00:07:11,960 --> 00:07:14,120 but then it's, like, that peanut, it's so good. 147 00:07:15,960 --> 00:07:17,440 Number three. 148 00:07:17,440 --> 00:07:20,720 Number three, we have our strawberry matcha. 149 00:07:20,720 --> 00:07:21,800 Ooh! 150 00:07:21,800 --> 00:07:23,400 WOMAN: Looks so good! 151 00:07:26,120 --> 00:07:27,720 Oh, wow, look at that. 152 00:07:27,720 --> 00:07:30,600 So, inside, we've got two layers of vanilla sponge, 153 00:07:30,600 --> 00:07:31,880 we've got a strawberry mousse, 154 00:07:31,880 --> 00:07:33,760 and then it's dipped in white chocolate 155 00:07:33,760 --> 00:07:36,040 and then coconut which has been doused in matcha. 156 00:07:36,040 --> 00:07:37,680 That's matcha-y. 157 00:07:37,680 --> 00:07:40,120 I noticed you're not eating any of your lamingtons, Eddie. 158 00:07:40,120 --> 00:07:42,360 Oh, I've had my fair share of lamingtons over the years. 159 00:07:42,360 --> 00:07:43,560 (LAUGHS) 160 00:07:44,560 --> 00:07:46,920 Next... WOMAN: Oh, my gosh. 161 00:07:46,920 --> 00:07:49,080 ..the Yuzu. Yum! 162 00:07:49,080 --> 00:07:51,200 Yuzu meringue lamington. 163 00:07:52,960 --> 00:07:55,240 So in this one, 164 00:07:55,240 --> 00:07:57,480 we have got a yuzu curd... 165 00:07:59,680 --> 00:08:02,640 ..a vanilla whipped cream... WOMAN: Yes! 166 00:08:02,640 --> 00:08:04,080 ..vanilla sponge... 167 00:08:05,320 --> 00:08:07,920 ..then it's dipped in an Italian meringue and torched. 168 00:08:10,920 --> 00:08:12,160 Well, that's... 169 00:08:12,160 --> 00:08:13,200 That curd. 170 00:08:13,200 --> 00:08:15,760 Really powerful. LARISSA: Just so good. 171 00:08:15,760 --> 00:08:18,800 Your balance of flavours, saltiness, sweetness. 172 00:08:18,800 --> 00:08:22,400 When sugar goes into the sponge, you don't want a sweetness overload. 173 00:08:22,400 --> 00:08:24,160 Alright, the fifth one. 174 00:08:24,160 --> 00:08:28,000 And then the fifth one, we have got charcoal pumpkin lamington. 175 00:08:28,000 --> 00:08:30,040 (CONTESTANTS GASP) MAN: Ooh, wow. 176 00:08:30,040 --> 00:08:32,200 So, we've got a pumpkin puree in the middle, 177 00:08:32,200 --> 00:08:33,640 vanilla sponge, 178 00:08:33,640 --> 00:08:36,960 a white chocolate charcoal dip, 179 00:08:36,960 --> 00:08:40,040 and then we've got charcoal coconut on the outside. 180 00:08:41,280 --> 00:08:44,360 It actually eats really well, but the pumpkin is amazing. 181 00:08:44,360 --> 00:08:47,160 LARISSA: Pressure Test challenge, 182 00:08:47,160 --> 00:08:49,520 I know that this is gonna come down to the wire. 183 00:08:50,520 --> 00:08:53,480 ANDY: Righto, you've seen the tower, you've tasted the tower, 184 00:08:53,480 --> 00:08:56,280 and now it's your turn to try and make the tower. 185 00:08:57,600 --> 00:09:00,400 There is no way to sugar-coat this. 186 00:09:00,400 --> 00:09:02,320 It is gonna be a long one. 187 00:09:02,320 --> 00:09:05,560 We're giving you a total... 188 00:09:05,560 --> 00:09:07,200 ..of five hours... 189 00:09:07,200 --> 00:09:09,080 (CONTESTANTS EXCLAIM AND WHISTLE) 190 00:09:10,960 --> 00:09:13,160 ..to complete the Tokyo Lamington Tower. 191 00:09:13,160 --> 00:09:14,160 Wow. 192 00:09:14,160 --> 00:09:16,200 Oh! 193 00:09:16,200 --> 00:09:18,760 And you will need every single minute. 194 00:09:21,720 --> 00:09:24,320 The recipe, equipment and all the ingredients 195 00:09:24,320 --> 00:09:26,040 are at your benches. 196 00:09:26,040 --> 00:09:29,040 Your job is to replicate this tower 197 00:09:29,040 --> 00:09:31,440 as closely as possible 198 00:09:31,440 --> 00:09:33,120 in both looks and taste. 199 00:09:33,120 --> 00:09:35,840 The cook whose tower is furthest from this one, 200 00:09:35,840 --> 00:09:37,520 unfortunately, they're going home. 201 00:09:38,920 --> 00:09:40,880 Eddie, do you want to kick them off, mate? 202 00:09:40,880 --> 00:09:42,280 Let's get started! 203 00:09:42,280 --> 00:09:44,680 Good luck, guys. I think you'll need it today. 204 00:09:44,680 --> 00:09:46,920 Time starts now. 205 00:09:46,920 --> 00:09:50,440 (EXCITING MUSIC) WOMAN: Go, go, go, go, go! 206 00:09:59,160 --> 00:10:01,560 THEO: First thing I do when I get to my bench 207 00:10:01,560 --> 00:10:05,200 is pick up this recipe, and it's hefty. 208 00:10:05,200 --> 00:10:07,000 'Cause there's 26 elements to get through. 209 00:10:07,000 --> 00:10:09,400 So now I'm getting a bit scared. 210 00:10:09,400 --> 00:10:13,800 11 pages of...of ingredients and methods, 211 00:10:13,800 --> 00:10:15,960 and, yeah, definitely overwhelming. 212 00:10:17,480 --> 00:10:20,000 Jesus, what am I doing? 213 00:10:24,640 --> 00:10:26,960 LARISSA: It's been a wild ride for me. 214 00:10:26,960 --> 00:10:29,280 I have experienced every single emotion 215 00:10:29,280 --> 00:10:30,800 that you could possibly have 216 00:10:30,800 --> 00:10:33,080 in the MasterChef journey. 217 00:10:34,160 --> 00:10:37,920 I've won the most incredible advantage. 218 00:10:37,920 --> 00:10:38,920 Eggs? 219 00:10:38,920 --> 00:10:40,960 I've also been eliminated. 220 00:10:40,960 --> 00:10:42,040 Eggs? 221 00:10:42,040 --> 00:10:45,400 I came back and now I'm in a Pressure Test. 222 00:10:45,400 --> 00:10:49,360 I have this funny sense of peace about this cook today. 223 00:10:49,360 --> 00:10:50,840 We got 'em. 224 00:10:50,840 --> 00:10:52,240 I feel oddly calm. 225 00:10:52,240 --> 00:10:54,520 Alright, so... 226 00:10:54,520 --> 00:10:57,480 And I see that the first thing is sponge. 227 00:10:57,480 --> 00:11:00,000 (READS) "In the bowl, use the whisk attachment. 228 00:11:00,000 --> 00:11:01,760 "Add the egg whites and cream of tartar." 229 00:11:01,760 --> 00:11:04,000 Nailing the sponge is super-important. 230 00:11:04,000 --> 00:11:05,240 Egg whites. 231 00:11:05,240 --> 00:11:07,640 Because it is going to be the carrier 232 00:11:07,640 --> 00:11:09,520 of every single one of these lamingtons. 233 00:11:09,520 --> 00:11:12,920 If I don't nail the sponge, none of these are gonna work. 234 00:11:14,720 --> 00:11:16,360 I've got a giant bowl. 235 00:11:16,360 --> 00:11:19,560 I've sifted my flour and other ingredients. 236 00:11:19,560 --> 00:11:21,040 I can get straight to business. 237 00:11:21,040 --> 00:11:22,440 Ooh, so smooth! 238 00:11:22,440 --> 00:11:25,480 I've got my egg whites whipping with the sugar, 239 00:11:25,480 --> 00:11:28,080 and I'm starting my egg-yolk mixture. 240 00:11:30,560 --> 00:11:32,040 Oh, shit! 241 00:11:32,040 --> 00:11:33,640 So heavy! 242 00:11:36,360 --> 00:11:38,680 THEO: So, I'm working on my sponge. 243 00:11:38,680 --> 00:11:43,320 That's the biggest part of this. You need to get that right. 244 00:11:43,320 --> 00:11:44,320 What? 245 00:11:44,320 --> 00:11:47,040 GRACE: Everyone else has sifted theirs, so just check it. 246 00:11:48,720 --> 00:11:49,880 Oh, sieve three times. 247 00:11:49,880 --> 00:11:51,320 Oh, yeah. 248 00:11:51,320 --> 00:11:54,440 GRACE: Oh! (CHUCKLES) Read, Theo, read! 249 00:11:54,440 --> 00:11:57,320 Then I realise I haven't sifted the flour. 250 00:11:59,840 --> 00:12:02,760 Guys, you've always got to sift, yeah? 251 00:12:02,760 --> 00:12:05,800 (METALLIC CLATTER) 252 00:12:05,800 --> 00:12:08,520 (MAN WHISPERS) What's he doing? What's he doing? 253 00:12:08,520 --> 00:12:09,800 Is he doing... 254 00:12:11,400 --> 00:12:13,400 I haven't read the recipe properly. 255 00:12:13,400 --> 00:12:15,720 This is the one thing I was supposed to do 256 00:12:15,720 --> 00:12:17,440 and I've already made a mistake. 257 00:12:32,400 --> 00:12:35,080 GRACE: Oh! (CHUCKLES) Read, Theo, read! 258 00:12:35,080 --> 00:12:37,760 I realise I haven't sifted the flour. 259 00:12:38,960 --> 00:12:41,360 Guys, you've always got to sift, yeah? 260 00:12:41,360 --> 00:12:42,960 I haven't read the recipe properly. 261 00:12:42,960 --> 00:12:45,240 This is the one thing I was supposed to do 262 00:12:45,240 --> 00:12:46,800 and I've already made a mistake, 263 00:12:46,800 --> 00:12:49,400 so now I have to go back and do it again. 264 00:12:49,400 --> 00:12:51,600 And this is taking up time that I don't have. 265 00:12:53,720 --> 00:12:55,440 Alright. 266 00:12:58,240 --> 00:13:01,160 Oh, look at that! WOMAN: Wow! 267 00:13:05,920 --> 00:13:09,120 Holy moly! That looks good. 268 00:13:11,160 --> 00:13:12,960 Smells like pizza. 269 00:13:17,080 --> 00:13:18,520 CATH: Nice, Dec. MAN: Good job, Deccy. 270 00:13:18,520 --> 00:13:19,640 Nice, Declan. 271 00:13:22,320 --> 00:13:23,720 DECLAN: My sponge is in the oven. 272 00:13:23,720 --> 00:13:29,480 Now it's time to work on my Tres Leches Lamington custard filling. 273 00:13:29,480 --> 00:13:32,560 So, cutting into Eddie's lamington 274 00:13:32,560 --> 00:13:34,800 and then, like, tasting it, 275 00:13:34,800 --> 00:13:37,240 that custard filling, 276 00:13:37,240 --> 00:13:39,400 Just sort of explodes with milky goodness. 277 00:13:43,640 --> 00:13:45,360 (WHISPERS) This caster sugar. 278 00:13:45,360 --> 00:13:48,360 (PRESSING MUSIC) 279 00:13:50,760 --> 00:13:53,720 Gonna stay positive for five hours. 280 00:13:53,720 --> 00:13:55,200 Yeah, you do. 281 00:13:55,200 --> 00:13:56,960 Theo. Hello. 282 00:13:56,960 --> 00:13:58,760 Wow, that's nice and smooth. EDDIE: Ooh, very good. 283 00:13:58,760 --> 00:14:00,680 I like it. It looks textbook, yeah. 284 00:14:00,680 --> 00:14:02,480 But everyone else has got theirs in the oven. 285 00:14:02,480 --> 00:14:05,040 Yeah. And this is the first step. 286 00:14:05,040 --> 00:14:10,080 Being perfect is essential, but not finishing is also a disaster. 287 00:14:10,080 --> 00:14:11,600 Yeah, for sure. Thanks, guys. You know? 288 00:14:11,600 --> 00:14:13,400 Any words of advice? Push on. 289 00:14:13,400 --> 00:14:14,680 Thank you. Thank you. "Push on!" 290 00:14:14,680 --> 00:14:17,320 That's what he says in the kitchen! "Push on!" 291 00:14:17,320 --> 00:14:18,800 (LAUGHTER) 292 00:14:18,800 --> 00:14:22,480 The danger in falling behind today means that I could go home. 293 00:14:22,480 --> 00:14:26,120 So I start pouring it in, I level it off, 294 00:14:26,120 --> 00:14:27,480 I think it looks good... 295 00:14:27,480 --> 00:14:29,280 Heat it up, bro. Push! Push! 296 00:14:29,280 --> 00:14:31,320 Just be careful, careful. 297 00:14:31,320 --> 00:14:34,720 35 minutes down, I finally get my sponge in the oven. 298 00:14:34,720 --> 00:14:36,480 Doing fine, mate, doing fine. Great work. 299 00:14:36,480 --> 00:14:38,120 Great work, Theo. 300 00:14:38,120 --> 00:14:41,320 Got to get working on my custard. Need to make up time on this. 301 00:14:42,520 --> 00:14:43,840 DECLAN: My custard's done, 302 00:14:43,840 --> 00:14:46,840 so I whack it into the fridge, 303 00:14:46,840 --> 00:14:49,440 to move onto my Snickers caramel filling. 304 00:14:49,440 --> 00:14:54,600 Eddie's Snickers peanut caramel, it's out of this world. 305 00:14:54,600 --> 00:14:56,640 72g of water. 306 00:14:56,640 --> 00:14:59,360 Caramel's something that I am familiar with. 307 00:14:59,360 --> 00:15:02,720 I know it's sugar and water, so I get that on the stove 308 00:15:02,720 --> 00:15:04,520 with a thermometer in there, 309 00:15:04,520 --> 00:15:06,960 just monitoring temperature. 310 00:15:06,960 --> 00:15:07,960 OK. 311 00:15:07,960 --> 00:15:10,960 You want to give it a stir and you want to give it a mix, 312 00:15:10,960 --> 00:15:13,360 but you've got to let it do its thing. 313 00:15:13,360 --> 00:15:15,640 I've made caramel with my grandma, 314 00:15:15,640 --> 00:15:18,080 and she says, "Don't you bloody touch it, Declan. 315 00:15:18,080 --> 00:15:21,040 "Don't go dipping the spoon in there. 316 00:15:21,040 --> 00:15:23,120 "Leave that to caramelise." 317 00:15:23,120 --> 00:15:26,320 OK, talk to me. Good work, Declan! 318 00:15:26,320 --> 00:15:28,960 LARISSA: Small saucepan, large saucepan? Come on. 319 00:15:28,960 --> 00:15:31,440 So, cake's in the oven, the custard's in the fridge. 320 00:15:31,440 --> 00:15:32,880 Completely. 321 00:15:32,880 --> 00:15:34,720 I have to get onto my caramel. 322 00:15:34,720 --> 00:15:36,880 I weigh up my sugar, I weigh up my water, 323 00:15:36,880 --> 00:15:38,120 I put it on the stove, 324 00:15:38,120 --> 00:15:40,920 and I'm stirring it to try and get it to dissolve. 325 00:15:43,200 --> 00:15:45,360 That's not working so well for me. 326 00:15:45,360 --> 00:15:46,720 ANTONIO: Don't stir. PHIL: Leave it. 327 00:15:46,720 --> 00:15:48,760 Don't stir, just leave it. Don't stir it. Don't... 328 00:15:48,760 --> 00:15:50,680 Don't stir it? Yeah, don't stir, leave it. 329 00:15:50,680 --> 00:15:52,400 It crystallises. 330 00:15:52,400 --> 00:15:54,120 People at the gantry are yelling at me, 331 00:15:54,120 --> 00:15:55,800 telling me not to stir it, 332 00:15:55,800 --> 00:15:58,600 but I just...I can't help myself. 333 00:16:00,480 --> 00:16:02,960 So I'm stirring it and stirring it. 334 00:16:02,960 --> 00:16:04,640 It's making a bit of a mess. 335 00:16:04,640 --> 00:16:06,120 Don't touch it! (LAUGHS) 336 00:16:06,120 --> 00:16:08,760 I just want to see if it's dissolved. 337 00:16:11,960 --> 00:16:13,480 (GROANS IN FRUSTRATION) Leave it alone. 338 00:16:15,200 --> 00:16:16,480 What's going on with it? 339 00:16:16,480 --> 00:16:18,280 And I think it's crystallising. 340 00:16:18,280 --> 00:16:19,680 Oh, shit. 341 00:16:19,680 --> 00:16:21,200 Big problem. 342 00:16:21,200 --> 00:16:22,200 Alright. 343 00:16:22,200 --> 00:16:24,440 I'm gonna have to start again. Don't stir it next time. 344 00:16:24,440 --> 00:16:26,640 Hot sugar. 345 00:16:27,720 --> 00:16:30,320 You're a fifth of the way through the marathon. 346 00:16:30,320 --> 00:16:32,720 One hour down, four to go. 347 00:16:32,720 --> 00:16:34,920 (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) 348 00:16:43,080 --> 00:16:46,400 WOMAN: What's happened? She...stirred the caramel. 349 00:16:46,400 --> 00:16:49,480 There is no choice. I have to make a second caramel. 350 00:16:49,480 --> 00:16:52,080 So, I get the second caramel happening, 351 00:16:53,520 --> 00:16:54,560 (SPOON CLINKS) 352 00:16:54,560 --> 00:16:56,280 Come on, please. 353 00:16:58,480 --> 00:17:00,160 I'm not sure that's gonna be OK. 354 00:17:02,760 --> 00:17:04,440 (TENSE MUSIC) 355 00:17:06,920 --> 00:17:08,160 (DRAMATIC MUSIC) 356 00:17:08,160 --> 00:17:10,600 I think my sugar's bad again. No. 357 00:17:10,600 --> 00:17:12,480 It's crystallised on top. On top? 358 00:17:12,480 --> 00:17:13,760 Yeah. 359 00:17:13,760 --> 00:17:15,440 I'm gonna have to go for a third. 360 00:17:15,440 --> 00:17:16,920 I don't know. 361 00:17:18,160 --> 00:17:20,440 Holy crap, why am I doing this? 362 00:17:21,440 --> 00:17:23,000 Nearly there. Breathe. 363 00:17:24,160 --> 00:17:25,520 It shouldn't be this complicated. 364 00:17:25,520 --> 00:17:27,320 Uh... 365 00:17:27,320 --> 00:17:29,160 "Place in the s..." 366 00:17:29,160 --> 00:17:30,440 (SIGHS) 367 00:17:32,960 --> 00:17:34,560 THEO: I'm making my custard 368 00:17:34,560 --> 00:17:37,680 and I know I should be working on my caramel by now, 369 00:17:37,680 --> 00:17:40,400 but I'm behind. 370 00:17:40,400 --> 00:17:42,800 I'm under this massive pressure 371 00:17:42,800 --> 00:17:45,160 and I just want to go, go, go, go, go. 372 00:17:45,160 --> 00:17:47,840 Oh, my Lord. This is intense. 373 00:17:49,880 --> 00:17:52,160 Oh, it's coming together. It's alright, it's coming together. 374 00:17:52,160 --> 00:17:55,240 It's your best custard yet, Theo. (LAUGHS) 375 00:17:56,480 --> 00:17:59,160 Now that my custard is the custard of dreams, 376 00:17:59,160 --> 00:18:00,960 I need to move onto the caramel. 377 00:18:00,960 --> 00:18:03,640 Yes, I'm working on my Snickers caramel. 378 00:18:03,640 --> 00:18:04,880 I'm feeling good. 379 00:18:04,880 --> 00:18:09,440 "Remove from the heat and carefully pour in warmed cream. 380 00:18:09,440 --> 00:18:11,200 "Whisking till combined." 381 00:18:12,320 --> 00:18:15,640 This is gonna be a major element for the Snickers caramel lamington. 382 00:18:15,640 --> 00:18:19,360 And I just need to keep working it until it gets a bit smoother. 383 00:18:20,440 --> 00:18:23,960 So, my caramel's done, and I'm happy with it. 384 00:18:23,960 --> 00:18:26,480 I hope Nan's proud of my caramel. 385 00:18:27,720 --> 00:18:29,160 So thank God for Nan. 386 00:18:30,320 --> 00:18:33,240 THEO: So, I'm working on my caramel. 387 00:18:33,240 --> 00:18:36,960 I've got my sugar on the boil. I think I'm going OK, yeah. 388 00:18:36,960 --> 00:18:39,640 I'm just a bit slower than what I probably would like to be, 389 00:18:39,640 --> 00:18:43,640 but that's pretty normal for me, so got to just pump up the pace a bit. 390 00:18:43,640 --> 00:18:46,440 So I take my caramel to that colour that I remember 391 00:18:46,440 --> 00:18:47,720 what Eddie's was, 392 00:18:47,720 --> 00:18:49,600 and then I remove it from the heat. 393 00:18:49,600 --> 00:18:51,520 Good work there. Good work. Good job, Theo. 394 00:18:51,520 --> 00:18:52,840 Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. 395 00:18:52,840 --> 00:18:54,640 And I add my cream. Good job! 396 00:18:54,640 --> 00:18:58,920 And I'm whisking that in. That caramel is perfect. 397 00:18:58,920 --> 00:19:02,160 That is... That is stunning, Theo. 398 00:19:02,160 --> 00:19:05,520 I'm just working on my caramel for the third time. 399 00:19:05,520 --> 00:19:07,600 This is not what I wanted to be doing. 400 00:19:07,600 --> 00:19:10,200 I'm trying to not let it rattle me, because if I get rattled, 401 00:19:10,200 --> 00:19:11,560 that's where I'm gonna fall behind. 402 00:19:13,240 --> 00:19:15,160 Yeah, I can see, it's good. 403 00:19:15,160 --> 00:19:16,840 I think I finally got it to work. 404 00:19:17,880 --> 00:19:20,280 This caramel is looking good. 405 00:19:20,280 --> 00:19:24,760 I'm... (LAUGHS) ..minimising the sugar up the sides. 406 00:19:28,320 --> 00:19:30,400 So, now the sugar's a nice amber colour, 407 00:19:30,400 --> 00:19:32,720 I need to mix it in with the warm cream 408 00:19:32,720 --> 00:19:34,440 to make this gooey, sticky caramel. 409 00:19:35,520 --> 00:19:39,680 And I pick up the sugary caramel and I pour it into the cream, 410 00:19:39,680 --> 00:19:41,200 whisking vigorously. 411 00:19:41,200 --> 00:19:42,920 Oh, dear. 412 00:19:42,920 --> 00:19:43,960 (DRAMATIC MUSIC) 413 00:19:43,960 --> 00:19:48,160 And it, like, seizes, instantly seizes, 414 00:19:48,160 --> 00:19:52,160 and I have this, like, sugary clump on my whisk. 415 00:19:52,160 --> 00:19:53,840 No! Come on. 416 00:20:01,000 --> 00:20:05,520 CATH: Larissa, sweetie, you can do it, you can do it. 417 00:20:05,520 --> 00:20:07,280 LARISSA: No! 418 00:20:08,640 --> 00:20:10,880 No! Come on. 419 00:20:10,880 --> 00:20:12,960 (DRAMATIC CHORAL MUSIC) 420 00:20:12,960 --> 00:20:14,960 Larissa, Larissa, stop, stop, stop. Yo. 421 00:20:14,960 --> 00:20:16,000 You're meant to go... 422 00:20:16,000 --> 00:20:18,760 It's got to be cream into caramel, not caramel into cream. 423 00:20:19,880 --> 00:20:20,880 That's why that's happening. 424 00:20:20,880 --> 00:20:23,080 EDDIE: And take it off the heat when you do it 425 00:20:23,080 --> 00:20:24,680 so it doesn't boil over. 426 00:20:24,680 --> 00:20:26,360 And it's... That's... Yeah. 427 00:20:26,360 --> 00:20:28,080 We're starting again. 428 00:20:28,080 --> 00:20:29,600 The fourth time. 429 00:20:29,600 --> 00:20:33,080 You're 90 minutes down, 3.5 hours to go. Come on. 430 00:20:33,080 --> 00:20:35,280 (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) 431 00:20:35,280 --> 00:20:36,680 Let's go! 432 00:20:36,680 --> 00:20:38,760 (SPIRITED MUSIC) 433 00:20:38,760 --> 00:20:41,760 Let's go, guys. Not touching it. 434 00:20:41,760 --> 00:20:44,840 DECLAN: Do I want to toast my nuts a bit more, or... 435 00:20:44,840 --> 00:20:49,720 My yuzu curd from my yuzu meringue lamington is done, 436 00:20:49,720 --> 00:20:54,720 and also my pumpkin filling for my pumpkin lamingtons. 437 00:20:56,960 --> 00:21:00,520 I'm moving onto my Snickers mousse. 438 00:21:00,520 --> 00:21:02,360 Eddie's mousse... 439 00:21:03,880 --> 00:21:07,560 ..it was soft and chocolatey, velvety, 440 00:21:07,560 --> 00:21:09,080 but not overpowering. 441 00:21:09,080 --> 00:21:11,840 Chocolate. Oh, 29 degrees. 442 00:21:11,840 --> 00:21:15,840 "Pour the cream into the bowl. Whisk until soft peaks. 443 00:21:15,840 --> 00:21:19,200 "Working quickly, add one-third of cream to chocolate." 444 00:21:19,200 --> 00:21:22,760 29 degrees, that's what we want it at. 445 00:21:22,760 --> 00:21:24,240 I'm a big fan of mousse. 446 00:21:24,240 --> 00:21:26,320 I make it a fair bit at home. 447 00:21:26,320 --> 00:21:29,680 So the mousse is another element that I'm semi-comfortable with. 448 00:21:31,160 --> 00:21:34,240 I'd say that's about a third of the cream, 449 00:21:34,240 --> 00:21:36,280 stir to combine. 450 00:21:36,280 --> 00:21:40,480 Stirring, stirring, stirring. 451 00:21:42,200 --> 00:21:45,960 Alright, Snickers mousse. WOMAN: Yummy, Declan. 452 00:21:45,960 --> 00:21:47,880 Snickers mousse, done. 453 00:21:47,880 --> 00:21:50,040 Yeah, so the mousse is done 454 00:21:50,040 --> 00:21:52,240 and now I need to move onto my strawberry mousse 455 00:21:52,240 --> 00:21:55,560 for my strawberry matcha lamington. 456 00:21:55,560 --> 00:21:57,360 RHIANNON: That looks beautiful, Theo. 457 00:21:57,360 --> 00:21:59,040 Now I'm onto my strawberry mousse. 458 00:22:00,160 --> 00:22:03,360 I look up, and somehow I've caught up to Declan. 459 00:22:03,360 --> 00:22:04,840 I've picked up the pace now. 460 00:22:04,840 --> 00:22:06,840 I'm feeling a lot better about the cook. 461 00:22:06,840 --> 00:22:08,960 GRACE: You've caught up. You're doing really well. 462 00:22:11,960 --> 00:22:13,240 Oh, shit. 463 00:22:16,200 --> 00:22:18,120 Fourth caramel looks spectacular. 464 00:22:18,120 --> 00:22:19,400 I refer back to my recipe 465 00:22:19,400 --> 00:22:23,800 just to make sure that I am covering off all bases. 466 00:22:23,800 --> 00:22:26,880 "Pour in warmed cream, whisking to combine." 467 00:22:26,880 --> 00:22:28,600 And the cream is ready to pour in. 468 00:22:28,600 --> 00:22:30,240 Alright. RUE: Yep. 469 00:22:30,240 --> 00:22:32,520 Off? Yep. 470 00:22:33,760 --> 00:22:35,440 Whisk. 471 00:22:35,440 --> 00:22:37,040 Yep. 472 00:22:39,040 --> 00:22:40,040 Whew! 473 00:22:44,960 --> 00:22:48,600 WOMAN: Come on, babe, you got it. That's it. 474 00:22:48,600 --> 00:22:49,600 Whoo! 475 00:22:49,600 --> 00:22:53,560 I'm whisking vigorously the cream into the caramel... 476 00:22:53,560 --> 00:22:55,000 Oh! 477 00:22:55,000 --> 00:22:56,880 ..and it's beautiful. 478 00:22:56,880 --> 00:23:00,200 (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) 479 00:23:00,200 --> 00:23:02,600 I know. Thank you. Thank you, everyone. 480 00:23:02,600 --> 00:23:07,200 I must say, there's very few times that I remember such anxiety 481 00:23:07,200 --> 00:23:09,320 about pouring something into something. 482 00:23:09,320 --> 00:23:10,560 Alright, so... 483 00:23:10,560 --> 00:23:12,000 And I got it. 484 00:23:12,000 --> 00:23:14,120 I finally made my caramel. 485 00:23:14,120 --> 00:23:15,680 It paid off, hey? 486 00:23:16,840 --> 00:23:20,080 Because I'm so far behind because of the caramel, 487 00:23:20,080 --> 00:23:22,480 I'm having to do multiple things at once 488 00:23:22,480 --> 00:23:23,800 and jump steps ahead 489 00:23:23,800 --> 00:23:26,840 just in order to keep on top of the recipe. 490 00:23:26,840 --> 00:23:27,960 I'm on the strawberry mousse. 491 00:23:27,960 --> 00:23:29,600 I have the yuzu on. 492 00:23:29,600 --> 00:23:32,000 I'm starting on my Snickers mousse. 493 00:23:32,000 --> 00:23:34,880 I still need to make my pumpkin cream filling. 494 00:23:34,880 --> 00:23:37,600 I just keep pushing on. I've got so many things on the go. 495 00:23:37,600 --> 00:23:39,600 I'm gonna have to keep hustling, and hustle hard 496 00:23:39,600 --> 00:23:41,760 because I don't want to go home again. 497 00:23:41,760 --> 00:23:44,960 OK, let's go back to what we're... How are we here? 498 00:23:48,400 --> 00:23:49,680 Time to check on my sponge. 499 00:23:49,680 --> 00:23:50,680 Happy. 500 00:23:50,680 --> 00:23:52,400 Ooh, he's very happy. I like it. 501 00:23:52,400 --> 00:23:56,600 Nice and spongy, and probably the thickest part, 502 00:23:56,600 --> 00:23:58,920 and comes out clean. 503 00:23:58,920 --> 00:24:00,080 EDDIE: Nice. 504 00:24:00,080 --> 00:24:02,480 So I'm gonna take that out. 505 00:24:02,480 --> 00:24:04,640 It's got a nice sort of golden crust to it. 506 00:24:12,880 --> 00:24:15,200 Oh! RHIANNON: Oh, nice, Dec! 507 00:24:15,200 --> 00:24:17,480 That looks lovely! Whoo-hoo! 508 00:24:17,480 --> 00:24:19,400 Well done! 509 00:24:19,400 --> 00:24:22,400 (BUSY PIANO MUSIC) 510 00:24:22,400 --> 00:24:23,720 LARISSA: Oh! 511 00:24:23,720 --> 00:24:26,160 I need to get my sponge cake out of the oven. 512 00:24:26,160 --> 00:24:27,200 She's ready. 513 00:24:28,920 --> 00:24:31,760 She's definitely ready. 514 00:24:31,760 --> 00:24:37,320 I'm just starting on cutting my giant sponge slab into lamingtons. 515 00:24:37,320 --> 00:24:39,000 Alright, what do I need? 516 00:24:39,000 --> 00:24:40,640 I've got... No, I've got a cake knife. 517 00:24:40,640 --> 00:24:43,600 We have very specific measurements for the sponge. 518 00:24:43,600 --> 00:24:45,240 They have to fit in these little moulds, 519 00:24:45,240 --> 00:24:47,800 so you have to cut them to the absolute perfect size. 520 00:24:50,120 --> 00:24:53,280 "Use a serrated knife. Slice five rectangles from the sponge." 521 00:24:53,280 --> 00:24:54,480 That's a good-looking sponge. 522 00:24:54,480 --> 00:24:56,280 Very nice. Thank you. 523 00:24:56,280 --> 00:24:57,960 25cm long. 524 00:24:59,000 --> 00:25:00,880 And 6.5cm wide. 525 00:25:03,840 --> 00:25:05,920 When I cut the big slabs, 526 00:25:05,920 --> 00:25:08,120 I'm really happy with how they're looking. 527 00:25:08,120 --> 00:25:09,120 Yeah, looks good, Larissa. 528 00:25:09,120 --> 00:25:11,320 I know the judges are gonna be there measuring them, 529 00:25:11,320 --> 00:25:12,720 so I have to get it right. 530 00:25:12,720 --> 00:25:16,920 I think Larissa works in a bakery. (LAUGHTER) 531 00:25:16,920 --> 00:25:19,640 Now I have to jump backwards to finish my other elements. 532 00:25:20,920 --> 00:25:25,840 I want these to all be formal and...and perfect size, 533 00:25:25,840 --> 00:25:27,680 so I've got the ruler. 534 00:25:28,960 --> 00:25:30,720 It's time to cut my sponge, 535 00:25:30,720 --> 00:25:33,240 and cutting the sponges to size is a crucial step 536 00:25:33,240 --> 00:25:36,280 so I can have enough portions for 20 lamingtons. 537 00:25:36,280 --> 00:25:38,600 This is the most most crucial part, 538 00:25:38,600 --> 00:25:41,600 so I don't want to screw it up. 539 00:25:41,600 --> 00:25:44,160 25's there. 540 00:25:44,160 --> 00:25:46,160 By 6.5. 541 00:25:46,160 --> 00:25:49,360 So I just jump straight on that, 542 00:25:49,360 --> 00:25:52,560 and you know I just go 25x6 and cut that out. 543 00:25:52,560 --> 00:25:56,000 I do another one, cut that out, 544 00:25:56,000 --> 00:25:57,720 and then I'm like, "Hang on a second." 545 00:25:58,960 --> 00:26:00,280 What's he doing? 546 00:26:00,280 --> 00:26:02,680 That's not gonna be 25. 547 00:26:02,680 --> 00:26:06,320 I just don't think, mathematically, it's gonna work out. 548 00:26:07,560 --> 00:26:09,520 Working from the left, so... 549 00:26:10,520 --> 00:26:11,960 ..with the sponge to the right. 550 00:26:14,640 --> 00:26:16,640 Declan. How are we? 551 00:26:16,640 --> 00:26:18,560 How you doing, mate? Yeah, good. 552 00:26:18,560 --> 00:26:23,040 I've just realised I could have done something quite detrimental. 553 00:26:23,040 --> 00:26:24,720 What have you done? 554 00:26:24,720 --> 00:26:27,440 So, I missed the part 555 00:26:27,440 --> 00:26:30,680 where it says, "Working from the left side of the sponge 556 00:26:30,680 --> 00:26:32,400 "to the right side of the sponge..." 557 00:26:32,400 --> 00:26:33,400 Mm. 558 00:26:33,400 --> 00:26:36,120 I've cut this way... 559 00:26:37,240 --> 00:26:39,560 ..rather than cutting this way. 560 00:26:41,200 --> 00:26:42,200 Right. 561 00:26:42,200 --> 00:26:44,600 Oh, my goodness. 562 00:26:44,600 --> 00:26:46,720 (DRAMATIC MUSIC) 563 00:27:00,800 --> 00:27:02,480 Oh, my goodness. 564 00:27:03,760 --> 00:27:08,280 I've just realised I could have done something quite detrimental. 565 00:27:08,280 --> 00:27:12,560 I've cut this way rather than cutting this way. 566 00:27:14,000 --> 00:27:16,120 Right. You know what I mean? 567 00:27:16,120 --> 00:27:17,920 Yes. So... 568 00:27:19,400 --> 00:27:21,760 I guess you've just got to try and jigsaw it together.. 569 00:27:21,760 --> 00:27:23,800 Yeah. ..to get five moulds of lamingtons. 570 00:27:23,800 --> 00:27:26,680 You gotta, like, push. Alright, thank you, guys. 571 00:27:26,680 --> 00:27:29,240 Cutting the sponges to size is a crucial step, 572 00:27:29,240 --> 00:27:30,600 and I've screwed this up. 573 00:27:30,600 --> 00:27:33,000 PHIL: Let's go, Deccy. Head down now, focus, mate. Come on. 574 00:27:33,000 --> 00:27:35,040 I know I'm gonna have three prefect logs... 575 00:27:35,040 --> 00:27:36,040 Three. 576 00:27:36,040 --> 00:27:38,680 ..and then I'm just gonna have to jigsaw out the following two. 577 00:27:38,680 --> 00:27:41,560 I'll be able to do this. I'll be able to do this. 578 00:27:42,680 --> 00:27:44,280 WOMAN: Alright, Theo. 579 00:27:44,280 --> 00:27:47,360 Measure it, measure it, measure it, measure it, and then cut it. 580 00:27:47,360 --> 00:27:49,600 I need to turn my attention to cutting the sponge, 581 00:27:49,600 --> 00:27:53,520 and I need to be precise in cutting these. 582 00:27:55,320 --> 00:27:57,280 PHIL: Measure twice, cut once, mate. 583 00:27:57,280 --> 00:27:58,440 Alright! 584 00:27:58,440 --> 00:28:02,400 I've got my five sponge rectangles, and they all look so good. 585 00:28:02,400 --> 00:28:03,880 I'm so happy with them. 586 00:28:03,880 --> 00:28:06,200 Now I'm getting it. 587 00:28:06,200 --> 00:28:08,080 I've got all my elements ready, 588 00:28:08,080 --> 00:28:11,600 and now I can work on actually filling my lamingtons. 589 00:28:12,960 --> 00:28:16,960 At this point, I'm feeling really energised. 590 00:28:16,960 --> 00:28:18,080 Oh, Mama! 591 00:28:18,080 --> 00:28:20,880 It's motor on, I've got to get to the end. 592 00:28:20,880 --> 00:28:22,800 JOCK: Alright, you're into the final stage. 593 00:28:22,800 --> 00:28:25,160 You've had an incredible four hours. 594 00:28:25,160 --> 00:28:27,160 You've only got one hour to go. 595 00:28:27,160 --> 00:28:31,000 Come on, guys! (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) 596 00:28:33,080 --> 00:28:34,360 Come on, let's go! 597 00:28:35,360 --> 00:28:37,120 (CONTESTANTS YELL) 598 00:28:37,120 --> 00:28:39,400 Thank you for that. Thank you. 599 00:28:39,400 --> 00:28:41,120 RALPH: Let's go, guys, let's go! 600 00:28:41,120 --> 00:28:44,800 ROBBIE: Coming together now. There's still probably lots to do. 601 00:28:44,800 --> 00:28:46,280 Snickers mousse. 602 00:28:47,920 --> 00:28:51,920 DECLAN: First layer is the tres leches lamington. 603 00:28:53,920 --> 00:28:57,440 Time to drizzle my sponge with my milk soak. 604 00:28:57,440 --> 00:29:02,160 And I add dulce de leche in the centre. 605 00:29:03,560 --> 00:29:05,040 And then the custard. 606 00:29:06,200 --> 00:29:09,680 I cut the lamington log into four sort of portions. 607 00:29:10,840 --> 00:29:14,520 And I've got to dip it in my white chocolate sauce, 608 00:29:14,520 --> 00:29:18,320 take it out and then roll it in my shredded coconut. 609 00:29:18,320 --> 00:29:21,200 Just finishing up my tres leches 610 00:29:21,200 --> 00:29:23,320 and then I need to move onto the Snickers one. 611 00:29:23,320 --> 00:29:26,240 GRACE: You're doing so good. Almost there. 612 00:29:26,240 --> 00:29:27,800 MAN: Good job. 613 00:29:29,080 --> 00:29:32,400 THEO: I first put a layer of caramel, 614 00:29:32,400 --> 00:29:34,440 then I fill it with my chocolate mousse. 615 00:29:34,440 --> 00:29:35,640 Good work, Theo. 616 00:29:35,640 --> 00:29:38,400 And I dip them in the coating. 617 00:29:38,400 --> 00:29:39,720 You need a nice thin layer, 618 00:29:39,720 --> 00:29:42,480 and also a thin layer of nuts, 619 00:29:42,480 --> 00:29:44,600 because that's how it is, bro. 620 00:29:47,320 --> 00:29:49,480 Working on my Snickers lamington, 621 00:29:49,480 --> 00:29:53,080 like, it's flavour combinations that I love, 622 00:29:53,080 --> 00:29:54,520 so double dip of chocolate... 623 00:29:55,960 --> 00:29:59,040 ..and sprinkle it with those delicious toasted peanuts. 624 00:30:00,440 --> 00:30:03,520 That wasn't meant to happen, 'cause they're supposed to double-dip them. 625 00:30:03,520 --> 00:30:04,520 OK. 626 00:30:04,520 --> 00:30:07,560 LARISSA: So, I'm up to the Snickers situation, 627 00:30:07,560 --> 00:30:10,200 the Snickers dipping, and I remember the Snickers... 628 00:30:11,960 --> 00:30:14,120 ..Lamington to be covered in peanuts. 629 00:30:14,120 --> 00:30:16,000 WOMAN: Not too much. 630 00:30:16,000 --> 00:30:18,040 I can't remember how many peanuts. 631 00:30:19,520 --> 00:30:21,360 RALPH: 632 00:30:29,520 --> 00:30:30,800 WOMAN: No! 633 00:30:30,800 --> 00:30:33,800 It looked like sprinkles. It looked like sprinkles, yeah. 634 00:30:35,040 --> 00:30:38,600 JOCK: It's time to build those towers of trouble! 635 00:30:38,600 --> 00:30:41,040 You've only got 10 minutes to go. Come on. 636 00:30:41,040 --> 00:30:43,720 (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) 637 00:30:52,240 --> 00:30:54,000 DECLAN: I've done my pumpkin lamington, 638 00:30:54,000 --> 00:30:56,880 and my strawberry matcha lamington. 639 00:30:56,880 --> 00:30:59,880 I've still got to torch my yuzu meringue lamington. 640 00:30:59,880 --> 00:31:01,920 And he's got to torch it. Yeah. 641 00:31:01,920 --> 00:31:04,920 I've got the blowtorch and I'm torching my meringues. 642 00:31:04,920 --> 00:31:07,000 ROBBIE: Come on, Dec. Good one, mate. Come on. 643 00:31:07,000 --> 00:31:10,440 Onto the home stretch now, Larissa. LARISSA: I know. 644 00:31:10,440 --> 00:31:12,440 Thank you. 645 00:31:12,440 --> 00:31:16,120 I'm really happy with the meringue. It's looking lovely. 646 00:31:16,120 --> 00:31:18,200 Beautiful work, Larissa. 647 00:31:18,200 --> 00:31:20,400 So, I'm torching the meringue. 648 00:31:23,400 --> 00:31:27,720 I really remember Eddie's meringues to be lightly browned 649 00:31:27,720 --> 00:31:30,320 and quite smooth and lovely, 650 00:31:30,320 --> 00:31:32,440 so I want to really try and replicate that. 651 00:31:36,520 --> 00:31:38,040 Good job, Larissa. 652 00:31:38,040 --> 00:31:40,960 I've finished all the lamingtons, so I just need to get them on safely. 653 00:31:45,800 --> 00:31:47,960 I've nearly finished assembling my tower, 654 00:31:47,960 --> 00:31:51,440 and I've torched my meringues, and... 655 00:31:55,000 --> 00:31:56,880 "All sides and on top." 656 00:31:56,880 --> 00:31:59,320 It doesn't say, "All four sides and top of the cube." 657 00:31:59,320 --> 00:32:02,640 Two minutes to go! ANDY: Two minutes! 658 00:32:02,640 --> 00:32:04,800 (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) 659 00:32:04,800 --> 00:32:08,320 Come on, guys! Good job, mate, good job! 660 00:32:08,320 --> 00:32:10,960 ROBBIE: Yeah, Deccy! Yeah, mate! 661 00:32:10,960 --> 00:32:14,120 (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) 662 00:32:16,760 --> 00:32:18,760 Come on! 663 00:32:18,760 --> 00:32:22,000 Am I torching the bottom of the meringues? 664 00:32:22,000 --> 00:32:23,760 Do it! That's meringues. That's meringues. 665 00:32:23,760 --> 00:32:25,280 On the bottom? 666 00:32:25,280 --> 00:32:27,840 Or "all sides" as in all sides? 667 00:32:27,840 --> 00:32:29,720 I didn't do the bottom of the meringue. 668 00:32:29,720 --> 00:32:31,360 A few more minutes. Come on. 669 00:32:32,400 --> 00:32:34,520 Four sides and the top of the cube. 670 00:32:34,520 --> 00:32:36,200 OK, quick. Oh! 671 00:32:37,440 --> 00:32:40,360 (HEARTBEAT THUDS) 672 00:32:40,360 --> 00:32:42,080 It's alright, it's alright, take a breath. 673 00:32:43,280 --> 00:32:46,040 I'm feeling super-flustered right now. 674 00:32:48,000 --> 00:32:50,000 Don't worry. You don't have time. 675 00:32:50,000 --> 00:32:52,160 I don't want to go home again. You got this. 676 00:32:53,320 --> 00:32:54,320 You got this. 677 00:32:54,320 --> 00:32:56,400 So I'm second-guessing myself. 678 00:32:56,400 --> 00:32:58,480 Just get it on the plate! 679 00:32:59,480 --> 00:33:01,240 That's it! Good work! 680 00:33:01,240 --> 00:33:04,680 After five hours, here we go... 681 00:33:04,680 --> 00:33:07,640 JUDGES AND CONTESTANTS: 10, 9, 8, 682 00:33:07,640 --> 00:33:10,640 7, 6, 5, 683 00:33:10,640 --> 00:33:14,040 4, 3, 2, 1. 684 00:33:14,040 --> 00:33:16,160 (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) 685 00:33:22,280 --> 00:33:25,000 WOMAN: Good job! You did it! 686 00:33:25,000 --> 00:33:27,680 Whoo-hoo! You did it! 687 00:33:27,680 --> 00:33:30,480 LARISSA: Feeling super-spent and super-emotional. 688 00:33:30,480 --> 00:33:31,560 But I'm so... 689 00:33:31,560 --> 00:33:34,160 I really wanted to finish and I wanted to do a good job. 690 00:33:34,160 --> 00:33:36,800 I wanted to, like, if this is my last cook in this kitchen, 691 00:33:36,800 --> 00:33:40,080 I want it to be, like, I want to go out with doing a great job. 692 00:33:42,880 --> 00:33:44,160 (SOBS AND SNIFFLES) 693 00:33:44,160 --> 00:33:47,440 I've had a really roller-coaster time since I've been here. 694 00:33:56,000 --> 00:33:58,960 NARRATOR: Get inspired by our fabulous home cooks. 695 00:33:58,960 --> 00:34:03,960 Stream full episodes of MasterChef Australia now on 10 play. 696 00:34:07,000 --> 00:34:10,360 Wow, what a behemoth of a Pressure Test. 697 00:34:10,360 --> 00:34:14,080 Unfortunately, one of them is about to go home. 698 00:34:15,240 --> 00:34:17,000 So shall we get the first one in? 699 00:34:17,000 --> 00:34:19,000 Let's do it. Let's do it. 700 00:34:19,000 --> 00:34:21,040 (SOMBRE MUSIC) 701 00:34:21,040 --> 00:34:23,760 Hi, mate. Theo. 702 00:34:26,120 --> 00:34:27,680 (THEO SIGHS) 703 00:34:29,720 --> 00:34:32,680 Nice to sit down. (ALL LAUGH) 704 00:34:33,840 --> 00:34:36,320 Let's dive into that. 705 00:34:36,320 --> 00:34:37,840 How do you think you actually went? 706 00:34:39,000 --> 00:34:41,120 I think I went really well, to be honest. 707 00:34:44,720 --> 00:34:47,440 And I tried my best with everything. 708 00:34:50,560 --> 00:34:53,680 Well, we've got a few lamingtons to eat, 709 00:34:53,680 --> 00:34:55,720 so we might get stuck in. 710 00:34:55,720 --> 00:34:56,720 Yeah. 711 00:34:56,720 --> 00:34:57,720 Thanks, mate. 712 00:34:57,720 --> 00:35:00,640 Appreciate it. Thank you very much. Thank you, Theo. 713 00:35:04,080 --> 00:35:07,080 (TENSE MUSIC) 714 00:35:25,440 --> 00:35:27,160 EDDIE: Colours look good. 715 00:35:27,160 --> 00:35:31,400 Size is pretty consistent, but see what's on the inside's like. 716 00:35:50,560 --> 00:35:52,040 Alright. 717 00:35:58,320 --> 00:35:59,720 His sponge is pretty on point. 718 00:35:59,720 --> 00:36:01,520 Yeah, the sponge is great. The sponge is great. 719 00:36:03,560 --> 00:36:06,320 I wouldn't be able to fault the sponge myself. 720 00:36:06,320 --> 00:36:08,640 His layering's great. 721 00:36:08,640 --> 00:36:10,520 Mm, dulce de leche's delicious. 722 00:36:11,920 --> 00:36:13,280 Pretty good all round. 723 00:36:13,280 --> 00:36:15,280 I couldn't really fault much, to be honest. 724 00:36:16,360 --> 00:36:20,680 From a flavour perspective, all of them are really good. 725 00:36:20,680 --> 00:36:23,400 The yuzu, his custard is delicious. 726 00:36:23,400 --> 00:36:26,200 Altogether, I think Theo's done a great job. 727 00:36:26,200 --> 00:36:28,280 Mm, I totally agree. 728 00:36:28,280 --> 00:36:30,000 I'm thrilled for Theo. 729 00:36:30,000 --> 00:36:33,520 I think that he has done a superlative job. 730 00:36:36,320 --> 00:36:38,560 In general, I think the flavours are really sound... 731 00:36:40,160 --> 00:36:42,960 ..and most of the textures are excellent. 732 00:36:42,960 --> 00:36:45,000 Theo came in beaming, 733 00:36:45,000 --> 00:36:47,200 and now you can taste why. 734 00:36:47,200 --> 00:36:50,320 Yep. You know, and you can see why. 735 00:36:50,320 --> 00:36:53,400 Start with the sponge, which everyone's raved about. 736 00:36:53,400 --> 00:36:55,320 If he goes out and opens a little bakery, 737 00:36:55,320 --> 00:36:59,160 he's got to have sponge on the menu, 'cause that's absolutely textbook. 738 00:36:59,160 --> 00:37:00,280 It's light, it's airy, 739 00:37:00,280 --> 00:37:02,600 it looked the business when it was in the oven. 740 00:37:03,600 --> 00:37:07,400 All of the cross-sections on mine are absolutely on point. 741 00:37:07,400 --> 00:37:09,720 Flavour-wise, man, I can't really... 742 00:37:09,720 --> 00:37:11,160 ..can't really knock much. 743 00:37:11,160 --> 00:37:12,720 Nice work, Theo. 744 00:37:14,360 --> 00:37:17,360 (PENSIVE MUSIC) 745 00:37:20,320 --> 00:37:23,280 DECLAN: What a wild ride today has been. 746 00:37:23,280 --> 00:37:27,000 Being a Pressure Test, like, it's got to look as much like Eddie's, 747 00:37:27,000 --> 00:37:29,680 if not taste just as much like Eddie's. 748 00:37:31,720 --> 00:37:33,360 Good luck, mate. 749 00:37:33,360 --> 00:37:35,240 So I think, yeah, I'm a bit worried 750 00:37:35,240 --> 00:37:36,720 about how they're looking, 751 00:37:36,720 --> 00:37:40,880 because I stuffed the measurements out of my sponge. 752 00:37:40,880 --> 00:37:43,760 But I hope I've executed all these flavours. 753 00:37:51,280 --> 00:37:52,600 Declan. Hello. 754 00:37:52,600 --> 00:37:54,000 Hello, how are we? 755 00:37:54,000 --> 00:37:56,080 Well, more importantly, how are you? 756 00:37:57,080 --> 00:37:59,080 Um, yeah, wow. 757 00:37:59,080 --> 00:38:01,760 A little bit rough round the edges. 758 00:38:03,880 --> 00:38:05,120 What a day. 759 00:38:05,120 --> 00:38:07,120 What a day it's been. 760 00:38:07,120 --> 00:38:09,480 What did you learn about yourself 761 00:38:09,480 --> 00:38:11,400 during that five-hour Pressure Test? 762 00:38:12,640 --> 00:38:16,880 I learnt that when I put my mind to something, 763 00:38:16,880 --> 00:38:18,240 I really can do it. 764 00:38:18,240 --> 00:38:20,760 So many elements in this, 765 00:38:20,760 --> 00:38:22,560 it is very overwhelming. 766 00:38:22,560 --> 00:38:25,720 But I really just tried to keep my cool today. 767 00:38:27,160 --> 00:38:28,880 Alright, thank you. Thank you, guys, very much. 768 00:38:28,880 --> 00:38:30,440 Well done. Thank you. Enjoy. 769 00:38:35,080 --> 00:38:38,120 EDDIE: He's cut them lengthways, but not the width. 770 00:38:38,120 --> 00:38:40,520 These are... Four of mine are more cube-shaped. 771 00:38:40,520 --> 00:38:41,760 This one's a bit more rectangular. 772 00:39:01,480 --> 00:39:04,280 The sponge, I would say it's very good. 773 00:39:04,280 --> 00:39:07,880 It's probably not as good as Theo's, 774 00:39:07,880 --> 00:39:09,280 but it's still up there. 775 00:39:10,920 --> 00:39:13,320 Flavour-wise, it's actually pretty good. 776 00:39:15,000 --> 00:39:17,920 All in all, I reckon he's done a really great job. 777 00:39:19,400 --> 00:39:22,920 If I was to nitpick, the coating on the Snickers 778 00:39:22,920 --> 00:39:24,200 is a little thick, 779 00:39:24,200 --> 00:39:26,840 which, you know, came down to double-dipping. 780 00:39:26,840 --> 00:39:30,600 There's a couple of edges that are probably about, you know, 781 00:39:30,600 --> 00:39:32,000 three-mil thick. 782 00:39:32,000 --> 00:39:33,440 Apart from that, 783 00:39:33,440 --> 00:39:37,880 like, the cross-sections of all mine were really on point. 784 00:39:37,880 --> 00:39:40,720 And I was worried about him, because he cut his sponge wrong, 785 00:39:40,720 --> 00:39:43,360 so he had to get a little bit of left-over piece 786 00:39:43,360 --> 00:39:46,560 and stuff in the end of it, so I was worried if we'd actually see that, 787 00:39:46,560 --> 00:39:48,480 but it doesn't look like anyone has really noticed, 788 00:39:48,480 --> 00:39:49,480 which is great. 789 00:39:49,480 --> 00:39:51,760 Wow, like he's really impressed me. 790 00:39:51,760 --> 00:39:54,800 I really love the texture of the meringue. 791 00:39:55,800 --> 00:39:58,000 The amount of burnish torching 792 00:39:58,000 --> 00:40:02,080 gives everything just a lovely marshmallow-y flavour to it. 793 00:40:02,080 --> 00:40:04,240 I think he's done an excellent job. 794 00:40:04,240 --> 00:40:07,120 Yeah, you can tell - you can tell he was very meticulous 795 00:40:07,120 --> 00:40:09,040 in his little, you know, the mousses, 796 00:40:09,040 --> 00:40:11,560 the curds, the creams. 797 00:40:11,560 --> 00:40:14,240 Like, that is the perfect Italian meringue. 798 00:40:15,640 --> 00:40:18,240 I've got so much admiration for Declan, 799 00:40:18,240 --> 00:40:21,200 the way he handled himself throughout this challenge. 800 00:40:21,200 --> 00:40:22,720 I think he's done an incredible job, 801 00:40:22,720 --> 00:40:24,920 and in terms of flavour and structure, 802 00:40:24,920 --> 00:40:26,760 it's not that far away from yours, mate. 803 00:40:26,760 --> 00:40:28,640 Not at all. Very close. 804 00:40:28,640 --> 00:40:31,760 I'm the same, you know, with the coating on the Snickers one, 805 00:40:31,760 --> 00:40:33,560 it's a little bit thick. 806 00:40:33,560 --> 00:40:34,760 There's a couple of faults, 807 00:40:34,760 --> 00:40:36,640 so you just never know what can happen here. 808 00:40:38,400 --> 00:40:41,920 (INTENSE MUSIC) 809 00:40:43,920 --> 00:40:48,400 It was such a strenuous, hard cook, and... 810 00:40:49,480 --> 00:40:53,200 ..I completed the cook against some pretty big obstacles. 811 00:40:53,200 --> 00:40:55,520 Good luck. 812 00:40:55,520 --> 00:40:56,600 Thank you. 813 00:40:56,600 --> 00:40:58,640 I've really only just come back into the competition 814 00:40:58,640 --> 00:41:00,280 with my Second Chance Apron, 815 00:41:00,280 --> 00:41:04,080 which was the biggest advantage in MasterChef history. 816 00:41:04,080 --> 00:41:05,560 Hi. Larissa. 817 00:41:05,560 --> 00:41:08,640 So I really hope that I haven't blown my second chance. 818 00:41:20,000 --> 00:41:23,400 Emotional challenge, that, wasn't it? It was, it was so emotional. 819 00:41:23,400 --> 00:41:25,600 I got eliminated and I came back 820 00:41:25,600 --> 00:41:28,880 and then I went back into elimination, so it's a big deal. 821 00:41:28,880 --> 00:41:29,880 Yeah. 822 00:41:31,120 --> 00:41:32,840 It was a hard challenge. 823 00:41:33,840 --> 00:41:35,440 I think I had a really great start. 824 00:41:36,680 --> 00:41:39,960 And then I had to do my sugar four times... 825 00:41:41,040 --> 00:41:42,480 ..before I got it to work. 826 00:41:44,080 --> 00:41:45,480 Like, for me to finish this cook, 827 00:41:45,480 --> 00:41:47,480 I had to be three steps ahead in some points. 828 00:41:47,480 --> 00:41:48,800 Yeah. 829 00:41:50,240 --> 00:41:53,640 I just wanted to say well done for continually picking yourself back up 830 00:41:53,640 --> 00:41:54,800 and keep pushing... 831 00:41:54,800 --> 00:41:56,920 Thank you. ..despite having those knocks. 832 00:41:56,920 --> 00:41:59,440 So, we're gonna taste this now, thanks. 833 00:41:59,440 --> 00:42:02,120 Thank you. Thanks so much, guys. Thanks, Larissa. 834 00:42:04,880 --> 00:42:08,200 What do we think of the look, guys? She's a bit rough and ready. 835 00:42:10,600 --> 00:42:13,600 She had a little trouble with some of the coating. 836 00:42:13,600 --> 00:42:16,880 And you can see it obviously looks different to yours. 837 00:42:18,520 --> 00:42:21,040 They're big lamingtons. 838 00:42:40,040 --> 00:42:41,320 Um... 839 00:42:41,320 --> 00:42:43,240 ..big challenge. 840 00:42:43,240 --> 00:42:45,520 Big Pressure Test. 841 00:42:45,520 --> 00:42:47,080 Big problems. 842 00:42:49,000 --> 00:42:52,160 The Snickers one, 843 00:42:52,160 --> 00:42:55,040 like, there's so much peanut on that, it's mental. 844 00:42:55,040 --> 00:42:59,040 It's not really Snickers anymore, it's more of a peanut lamington, 845 00:42:59,040 --> 00:43:00,920 which is obviously not your intention. 846 00:43:00,920 --> 00:43:03,560 The structure, pretty big. 847 00:43:03,560 --> 00:43:05,920 They feel pretty clumsy. 848 00:43:05,920 --> 00:43:07,520 It's a shame. 849 00:43:08,720 --> 00:43:11,520 Yeah, I have to agree with Jock with most of those points. 850 00:43:11,520 --> 00:43:13,600 You know, a little bit disappointed. 851 00:43:13,600 --> 00:43:15,120 There's not much yuzu curd in there. 852 00:43:15,120 --> 00:43:18,520 Peanuts on the outside, doesn't really do it for me. 853 00:43:18,520 --> 00:43:20,320 It's, you know, a bit freestyle. 854 00:43:20,320 --> 00:43:22,360 But, I don't know, I don't get that. 855 00:43:24,160 --> 00:43:26,600 I think as soon as she got flustered with the caramel, 856 00:43:26,600 --> 00:43:27,960 it just went downhill from there. 857 00:43:30,080 --> 00:43:34,280 While I commend her fighting spirit, I think it's safe to say 858 00:43:34,280 --> 00:43:36,400 there are some discernible differences. 859 00:43:37,400 --> 00:43:39,120 On a day where the other two boys 860 00:43:39,120 --> 00:43:40,360 have, you know, come in 861 00:43:40,360 --> 00:43:42,600 and absolutely knocked it out of the park, 862 00:43:42,600 --> 00:43:44,600 there's big problems on this. 863 00:43:50,280 --> 00:43:54,320 Well, five hours down and 20 lamingtons later, 864 00:43:54,320 --> 00:43:56,240 you're all still standing! 865 00:43:56,240 --> 00:43:57,480 Yeah. Barely, yeah. 866 00:43:57,480 --> 00:43:58,520 Just. 867 00:43:58,520 --> 00:44:01,720 It would have been so easy just to take one look at Eddie's tower 868 00:44:01,720 --> 00:44:03,440 and just let the pressure get to you. 869 00:44:03,440 --> 00:44:06,720 But all of you brought us a completed dish, 870 00:44:06,720 --> 00:44:09,080 which is a huge feat in itself. 871 00:44:10,080 --> 00:44:12,080 Eddie, were you impressed with what you've seen today? 872 00:44:12,080 --> 00:44:13,960 Absolutely. 873 00:44:13,960 --> 00:44:15,920 Hats off to you guys for what you achieved 874 00:44:15,920 --> 00:44:17,880 and the amazing towers that you brought out. 875 00:44:17,880 --> 00:44:20,680 Well done! (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) 876 00:44:22,920 --> 00:44:26,000 Give it up for Eddie Stewart! 877 00:44:29,160 --> 00:44:31,560 It was impressive. Mm. 878 00:44:31,560 --> 00:44:34,120 What a bloody tough cook that was. 879 00:44:35,360 --> 00:44:38,240 We've got to give credit where credit's due. 880 00:44:38,240 --> 00:44:39,800 Theo. 881 00:44:40,920 --> 00:44:43,560 Mate, your sponge, it was fantastic. 882 00:44:43,560 --> 00:44:45,440 In terms of taste, 883 00:44:45,440 --> 00:44:48,720 all of the lamingtons, they were delicious. 884 00:44:48,720 --> 00:44:52,040 Even Eddie said he couldn't really fault them. 885 00:44:52,040 --> 00:44:53,720 So, mate, well done. 886 00:44:53,720 --> 00:44:56,040 (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) 887 00:44:57,120 --> 00:44:58,560 Oh, my God! 888 00:44:58,560 --> 00:45:00,720 Thank you, mate, thank you. 889 00:45:02,920 --> 00:45:04,040 Declan. 890 00:45:04,040 --> 00:45:07,760 Visually, the insides of your lamingtons... 891 00:45:09,120 --> 00:45:10,240 ..they were perfect. 892 00:45:11,280 --> 00:45:13,880 Flavour-wise, it was fantastic. 893 00:45:13,880 --> 00:45:16,080 Oh! Wow. 894 00:45:16,080 --> 00:45:17,240 Well done. Thank you. 895 00:45:18,720 --> 00:45:20,480 Larissa. Yes. 896 00:45:20,480 --> 00:45:22,840 We admired your perseverance today. 897 00:45:22,840 --> 00:45:25,840 You really put your all into the cook. 898 00:45:27,800 --> 00:45:30,320 But your lamingtons, 899 00:45:30,320 --> 00:45:31,760 unfortunately, 900 00:45:31,760 --> 00:45:33,640 were inconsistent across the board. 901 00:45:33,640 --> 00:45:35,320 OK. 902 00:45:35,320 --> 00:45:38,920 So, I'm so sorry, Larissa, 903 00:45:38,920 --> 00:45:40,640 but unfortunately you're going home. 904 00:45:40,640 --> 00:45:44,200 (WISTFUL MUSIC) 905 00:45:44,200 --> 00:45:47,840 That's OK, I'm totally, totally OK with that. 906 00:45:47,840 --> 00:45:49,200 Honesty, I just... 907 00:45:49,200 --> 00:45:51,400 I'm so proud of myself after today's cook. 908 00:45:51,400 --> 00:45:53,680 Yeah, my cup is full, no regrets. 909 00:45:53,680 --> 00:45:55,960 Like, I'm good. 910 00:45:55,960 --> 00:45:58,160 (APPLAUSE) 911 00:45:58,160 --> 00:46:00,160 Thank you. All good. 912 00:46:00,160 --> 00:46:01,280 Thank you. 913 00:46:01,280 --> 00:46:02,760 Thank you. (THEO SPEAKS INDISTINCTLY) 914 00:46:02,760 --> 00:46:03,960 Thank you. 915 00:46:03,960 --> 00:46:06,280 Sorry, it's time to say goodbye again! 916 00:46:06,280 --> 00:46:08,080 Thank you so much, Andy. No, thank you. 917 00:46:08,080 --> 00:46:10,600 Well done today. I'm going really this time, yeah. 918 00:46:10,600 --> 00:46:12,600 Keep smashing it, OK? Thank you so much. 919 00:46:12,600 --> 00:46:13,680 You're so lovely. 920 00:46:13,680 --> 00:46:15,520 So great today. Really. Thank you. Thank you. 921 00:46:15,520 --> 00:46:17,120 Can I give you a hug too? 922 00:46:17,120 --> 00:46:19,760 I know my time has been a wild ride. 923 00:46:19,760 --> 00:46:22,200 Well done. Thank you. Thanks. 924 00:46:22,200 --> 00:46:24,160 And we've had, like, the highs and the lows. 925 00:46:24,160 --> 00:46:25,640 Thank you so much. 926 00:46:25,640 --> 00:46:27,880 (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) 927 00:46:31,040 --> 00:46:33,480 Give it up for Larissa, everybody! 928 00:46:33,480 --> 00:46:36,760 (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) 929 00:46:36,760 --> 00:46:40,080 But so grateful that I came here. 930 00:46:43,440 --> 00:46:46,720 NARRATOR: Tomorrow night on MasterChef Australia... 931 00:46:46,720 --> 00:46:49,760 ANDY: This is the ultimate playground for foodies. 932 00:46:49,760 --> 00:46:52,320 ..it wouldn't be Big Week 933 00:46:52,320 --> 00:46:55,560 without a big Service Challenge. 934 00:46:55,560 --> 00:46:58,200 Excuse me? I knew it was going to be big. 935 00:46:58,200 --> 00:46:59,280 My God. 936 00:46:59,280 --> 00:47:00,280 But I didn't think 937 00:47:00,280 --> 00:47:01,720 it was going to be that big. 938 00:47:01,720 --> 00:47:03,240 How will they handle 939 00:47:03,240 --> 00:47:06,200 cooking for thousands? 940 00:47:06,200 --> 00:47:08,360 DECLAN: Like, this is ridiculous. 941 00:47:09,880 --> 00:47:11,480 Oh, my God. 942 00:47:17,240 --> 00:47:19,560 Captions by Red Bee Media