1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:05,680 We can make this work. You don't know what I've done! 2 00:00:05,720 --> 00:00:09,640 I don't want to hurt you. That's not what I'm here for. I want to trust him. 3 00:00:09,640 --> 00:00:12,080 Ian Reed's here. He's got a gun... No! 4 00:00:15,440 --> 00:00:16,920 Zo? 5 00:00:16,920 --> 00:00:19,040 No! 6 00:00:21,920 --> 00:00:23,160 Zo? 7 00:00:25,520 --> 00:00:28,880 This programme contains some violent scenes. 8 00:00:28,880 --> 00:00:30,880 What have you done, Ian? 9 00:00:38,920 --> 00:00:43,720 'You have one new message. Ruth, Ruth, it's me, it's me, Luther! 10 00:00:43,720 --> 00:00:47,320 'It's Ian, I think he's hurt her. Send a medic. Please. 11 00:00:47,320 --> 00:00:49,280 'Just send a medic over there now!' 12 00:00:55,800 --> 00:00:56,840 You were right. 13 00:00:58,840 --> 00:01:00,680 Poor bastard. 14 00:01:00,680 --> 00:01:02,480 Poor bastard, my arse. Poor Zoe! 15 00:01:18,760 --> 00:01:20,080 Argh... 16 00:01:48,240 --> 00:01:52,000 Arrrrgh! 17 00:01:56,160 --> 00:01:57,440 Arrrgh! 18 00:02:30,480 --> 00:02:31,760 What's happening here? 19 00:02:31,760 --> 00:02:34,160 And you are, sir? Mark North. Where's Zoe? 20 00:02:38,960 --> 00:02:40,760 Ah, Jesus God. 21 00:02:42,000 --> 00:02:44,600 No, no, no... 22 00:03:51,040 --> 00:03:55,400 What's going on? About an hour ago we received a 999 call. 23 00:03:55,400 --> 00:03:57,920 Gunshots heard, 23 Parthenial Street. 24 00:03:57,960 --> 00:04:00,520 First responders found a woman dead. 25 00:04:00,520 --> 00:04:03,480 Single gunshot wound. Zoe Luther. 26 00:04:06,600 --> 00:04:09,960 No... Don't speak up for him, Justin. Not yet. 27 00:04:09,960 --> 00:04:13,760 He argued with her. That doesn't mean he did it. He was there. 28 00:04:13,760 --> 00:04:18,920 His fingerprints are all over the place, in his wife's blood. She's murdered. He's in the wind... 29 00:04:22,240 --> 00:04:23,960 What does that tell you? 30 00:04:23,960 --> 00:04:25,840 He wouldn't do it. He wouldn't do it. 31 00:04:25,840 --> 00:04:31,360 Painful as it may be, I'm afraid the evidence currently tells us otherwise. 32 00:04:39,360 --> 00:04:40,480 You ready? 33 00:04:42,000 --> 00:04:43,080 Ready. 34 00:04:49,040 --> 00:04:51,600 First thing to know, we're in damage control. 35 00:04:51,600 --> 00:04:54,840 We keep an airtight lid on this until it's resolved. 36 00:04:54,840 --> 00:04:58,280 That means no press, no briefings and no leaks. 37 00:04:58,280 --> 00:05:01,040 Well, the press will get there soon enough. 38 00:05:01,040 --> 00:05:03,760 Which is why we need Luther in custody without delay. 39 00:05:03,760 --> 00:05:07,600 I don't want any "Killer policeman at large" headlines. Are we clear? 40 00:05:07,600 --> 00:05:10,320 Teller is in charge of the investigation, but, er, 41 00:05:10,320 --> 00:05:13,200 Martin will be assisting, heavily. 42 00:05:13,200 --> 00:05:17,520 Give him your absolute co-operation. You need one of us on the ground, to advise. 43 00:05:17,520 --> 00:05:20,120 Someone who knows him. Yeah? And should that be you? 44 00:05:20,120 --> 00:05:25,520 Absolutely. It should be me. Yeah. Right, so, do you believe John Luther shot his wife tonight? 45 00:05:26,960 --> 00:05:30,440 I can't be sure. Not yet. It's just too early... 46 00:05:30,440 --> 00:05:35,040 Exactly. The last thing I need is for this operation to be hindered by your loyalty. 47 00:05:35,040 --> 00:05:38,320 DS Ripley, you'll assist Detective Chief Superintendent... 48 00:05:38,320 --> 00:05:41,440 Oh, well, with respect - sorry, Justin - but Ripley... 49 00:05:41,440 --> 00:05:45,720 He may not know Luther as well as you, but he's a damn sight better placed to be non-partisan. 50 00:05:45,720 --> 00:05:48,480 You, you remain here, you can advise as necessary. 51 00:05:48,480 --> 00:05:51,040 Sorry, I think that's a mistake. 52 00:05:51,040 --> 00:05:53,320 I'm not interested in saving John Luther. 53 00:05:53,320 --> 00:05:56,200 I want the full force of the law stamping down on his face 54 00:05:56,200 --> 00:05:59,120 before sunrise, and I want your help to do it. 55 00:05:59,120 --> 00:06:01,040 Are we clear on that? 56 00:06:02,040 --> 00:06:05,520 Good. Then let's bring him in. 57 00:06:30,920 --> 00:06:33,720 MOBILE PHONE RINGS 58 00:06:51,480 --> 00:06:52,520 MESSAGE TONE BEEP 59 00:06:52,520 --> 00:06:54,280 I know what you did, Ian. 60 00:06:54,280 --> 00:06:58,760 You tried to make it look like I killed her because you think, 61 00:06:58,760 --> 00:07:01,240 if they're coming for me, I can't come for you. 62 00:07:01,240 --> 00:07:04,200 Well, you're wrong. I am coming for you. 63 00:07:04,200 --> 00:07:08,040 All I have to do is stay free long enough to see you dead. 64 00:07:08,040 --> 00:07:10,040 And I'll do that, Ian. 65 00:07:10,040 --> 00:07:11,960 I'll see you dead. 66 00:07:22,400 --> 00:07:23,960 'I'll see you dead.' 67 00:07:35,000 --> 00:07:36,800 Justin. Justin? 68 00:07:36,800 --> 00:07:38,600 Hey. 69 00:07:39,840 --> 00:07:41,240 What do you think? 70 00:07:41,240 --> 00:07:44,280 I don't know what to think. 71 00:07:44,280 --> 00:07:45,840 Yeah, me neither. 72 00:07:45,840 --> 00:07:47,880 Thing is, though, if he didn't do it, 73 00:07:47,880 --> 00:07:49,960 where the hell is he? 74 00:07:50,880 --> 00:07:53,920 Perhaps he knows who did it and he's gone after them. 75 00:07:53,920 --> 00:07:56,880 Whatever happens, all right, 76 00:07:56,880 --> 00:07:59,240 if you hear from him, 77 00:07:59,240 --> 00:08:01,000 you contact me, OK? 78 00:08:01,000 --> 00:08:03,760 Not Teller, not Schenk. 79 00:08:03,760 --> 00:08:06,240 Me. He needs his friends. 80 00:08:08,400 --> 00:08:09,640 Yeah, of course. 81 00:08:24,520 --> 00:08:25,880 PHONE BEEPS 82 00:08:29,520 --> 00:08:31,120 I'm sorry for your loss. 83 00:08:31,120 --> 00:08:33,040 I didn't lose her. 84 00:08:33,040 --> 00:08:34,480 She was taken from me. 85 00:08:37,040 --> 00:08:38,120 You know why? 86 00:08:39,680 --> 00:08:43,000 The truth is, we're not here to talk "why". That comes later. 87 00:08:43,000 --> 00:08:45,240 Right now, it's all about "who". 88 00:08:45,240 --> 00:08:47,600 Meaning John Luther. 89 00:08:47,600 --> 00:08:50,920 That is a possibility. It's something we're looking into. 90 00:08:50,920 --> 00:08:53,400 Oh, I can't tell you the time, since I met Zoe, 91 00:08:53,400 --> 00:08:56,000 I've had to talk about this guy, John. John, John, 92 00:08:56,000 --> 00:08:59,120 poor John. Needy John. Broken John. 93 00:09:00,680 --> 00:09:03,360 I need to know anything that might have happened between 94 00:09:03,360 --> 00:09:05,880 John Luther and Zoe, over the last few days... 95 00:09:05,880 --> 00:09:07,800 They were seeing each other. Seeing? 96 00:09:07,800 --> 00:09:09,920 Yep, sleeping together. 97 00:09:11,520 --> 00:09:13,840 When did you find out? 98 00:09:13,840 --> 00:09:17,400 Look, I stayed with friends tonight. You've only got to ask them. 99 00:09:17,400 --> 00:09:21,560 We know where you were. When did you find out about John and Zoe? 100 00:09:23,080 --> 00:09:24,960 About a day and a half ago. 101 00:09:26,560 --> 00:09:29,880 I said to her, "Choose. Choose between us, 102 00:09:29,880 --> 00:09:31,600 "but stick with your choice. 103 00:09:33,960 --> 00:09:37,320 And she chose me. 104 00:09:37,320 --> 00:09:38,880 She chose me... 105 00:09:41,160 --> 00:09:43,840 ..and she paid for it. 106 00:09:43,840 --> 00:09:47,160 If that turns out to be the case, you must never blame yourself. 107 00:09:47,160 --> 00:09:52,480 If you pull the trigger on another human being, the responsibility for that is yours and yours alone. 108 00:09:54,000 --> 00:09:56,280 If John killed Zoe, 109 00:09:56,280 --> 00:09:58,800 I will not rest until I see him punished for it. 110 00:10:03,400 --> 00:10:04,720 If you'll excuse me. 111 00:10:04,720 --> 00:10:08,040 I'll have another officer come and take an official statement. 112 00:10:20,080 --> 00:10:22,080 Sorry, I, um... 113 00:10:22,080 --> 00:10:24,360 No, no, it's me. 114 00:10:24,360 --> 00:10:26,960 Sorry, I'm miles away. 115 00:10:30,480 --> 00:10:32,600 Is this actually happening? 116 00:10:34,640 --> 00:10:38,200 No. In a few minutes, I'll wake up and my alarm's going to go off. 117 00:10:38,200 --> 00:10:43,640 By the time I get in to work, I'll have forgotten I ever dreamt it. 118 00:10:45,600 --> 00:10:47,960 Um, he, he just called me. 119 00:10:47,960 --> 00:10:49,640 Who? 120 00:10:49,640 --> 00:10:52,520 Who'd you think? When? Just now. 121 00:10:52,520 --> 00:10:54,320 What did he say? Where is he? 122 00:10:54,320 --> 00:10:56,280 He just said that I did it. Again. 123 00:10:56,280 --> 00:10:58,080 Oh, Ian. 124 00:10:58,080 --> 00:11:00,240 'I know what you did, Ian. 125 00:11:00,240 --> 00:11:03,440 'You're trying to make it look like I killed her, 126 00:11:03,440 --> 00:11:06,360 'because you think if they're coming for me, 127 00:11:06,360 --> 00:11:09,760 'then I can't come for you. Well, you're wrong.' 128 00:11:11,280 --> 00:11:14,080 I just don't understand it. 129 00:11:14,080 --> 00:11:16,400 Why would he project it onto me? 130 00:11:17,920 --> 00:11:19,400 I don't know what to do. 131 00:11:19,400 --> 00:11:22,040 I'm telling you this - it feels like I'm... 132 00:11:22,040 --> 00:11:24,800 betraying him, you know? 133 00:11:24,800 --> 00:11:27,920 It doesn't matter, now you've told me. See if you can track the phone, 134 00:11:27,920 --> 00:11:29,680 get a lead on where he might be. 135 00:11:29,680 --> 00:11:32,920 Yeah, OK. If we can pin this mess on mental illness, 136 00:11:32,920 --> 00:11:36,400 then I can't be held accountable and the unit might survive. 137 00:11:36,400 --> 00:11:39,880 OK, all right. Wow, I hadn't really thought of that. 138 00:11:39,880 --> 00:11:42,080 You don't have to think like that. I do. 139 00:11:44,000 --> 00:11:47,040 I should never have taken him back. 140 00:11:47,040 --> 00:11:48,360 Oh, I knew the risk! 141 00:11:50,280 --> 00:11:53,200 God knows they warned me, "He's nitro glycerine." 142 00:11:53,200 --> 00:11:55,680 I didn't listen, because I was so bent on making it work. 143 00:11:55,680 --> 00:11:57,600 I just so wanted to make it work! 144 00:11:57,600 --> 00:11:58,640 Boss. 145 00:11:58,640 --> 00:12:00,520 It's not your fault. 146 00:12:02,240 --> 00:12:03,760 It's not your fault. 147 00:12:10,040 --> 00:12:12,080 SHE SOBS 148 00:12:20,320 --> 00:12:21,440 CLICK 149 00:13:21,160 --> 00:13:24,800 If you wanted a key, all you had to do was ask. 150 00:13:30,680 --> 00:13:32,920 I didn't think you slept. 151 00:13:32,920 --> 00:13:36,960 Oh, only lightly and not for very long. 152 00:13:36,960 --> 00:13:39,320 Why are you here? 153 00:13:39,320 --> 00:13:41,760 I just needed a place to think. 154 00:13:41,760 --> 00:13:43,280 About what? 155 00:13:51,640 --> 00:13:53,320 Zoe's dead. 156 00:13:54,840 --> 00:13:57,480 Are we speaking figuratively? 157 00:13:57,480 --> 00:13:59,440 No. 158 00:14:00,520 --> 00:14:02,720 Did you kill her? 159 00:14:02,720 --> 00:14:05,480 Would it matter? To me? 160 00:14:07,360 --> 00:14:10,200 Well, it's nice to see you retain your sense of humour. 161 00:14:10,200 --> 00:14:12,080 I mean it. 162 00:14:12,080 --> 00:14:13,840 Well, I liked her. 163 00:14:16,120 --> 00:14:18,800 But if you killed her, I'm sure you had a reason. 164 00:14:19,800 --> 00:14:21,480 Well, I didn't. 165 00:14:23,480 --> 00:14:24,960 Fine. 166 00:14:26,240 --> 00:14:28,120 Who did? 167 00:15:02,120 --> 00:15:07,680 He only smashed symbols of her relationship with this new chap. 168 00:15:09,560 --> 00:15:11,720 Makes for a very intimate scene. 169 00:15:13,680 --> 00:15:17,640 And we know that he smashes things when he's angry. 170 00:15:17,640 --> 00:15:22,000 All of which tends to align us in Luther's direction. 171 00:15:22,000 --> 00:15:26,000 Unless this was staged for our benefit. 172 00:15:26,000 --> 00:15:27,680 By whom? 173 00:15:27,680 --> 00:15:29,520 Mr North? 174 00:15:29,520 --> 00:15:31,920 It's worth considering, surely. 175 00:15:31,920 --> 00:15:34,040 Well, even if he didn't have an alibi, 176 00:15:34,040 --> 00:15:38,920 when a man stages a murder scene, he tends to make it look like 177 00:15:38,920 --> 00:15:41,320 how he thinks it should. 178 00:15:41,320 --> 00:15:44,400 It's always wrong. But this scene is... 179 00:15:44,400 --> 00:15:48,200 consistent with the thesis. 180 00:15:48,200 --> 00:15:50,720 To stage such a scene... 181 00:15:50,720 --> 00:15:56,440 correctly, would require a very chilly heart. 182 00:15:56,440 --> 00:16:00,520 Which doesn't seem compatible with a crime of rage. 183 00:16:00,520 --> 00:16:02,080 But it's not right. 184 00:16:03,280 --> 00:16:06,080 Tell me how. 185 00:16:06,080 --> 00:16:09,800 This kind of killing - jealous husband, sex, rage and all the rest of it. 186 00:16:09,800 --> 00:16:14,040 You'd expect a knife, a bludgeon of some kind. A fist. 187 00:16:14,040 --> 00:16:15,600 Not a gun. 188 00:16:15,600 --> 00:16:19,520 You don't like the choice of weapon, so that makes Luther innocent? 189 00:16:19,520 --> 00:16:21,040 I want him to be innocent. 190 00:16:21,040 --> 00:16:24,280 But, if he's not, then I'll do my job properly and without hesitation. 191 00:16:24,280 --> 00:16:25,960 That's a very brave answer. 192 00:16:25,960 --> 00:16:29,160 It's not supposed to be. It's just the way it is. 193 00:16:29,160 --> 00:16:32,680 So...are you going to kill him? 194 00:16:34,640 --> 00:16:36,160 I've thought about it. 195 00:16:38,280 --> 00:16:40,920 That's all I've thought about. 196 00:16:40,920 --> 00:16:43,880 Then why are you here? 197 00:16:43,880 --> 00:16:46,240 I just need a safe place to think. 198 00:16:51,360 --> 00:16:56,720 You know, in 1988, two psychologists published an article 199 00:16:56,720 --> 00:16:59,400 arguing that "positive self-deception" 200 00:16:59,400 --> 00:17:03,760 is a normal and advantageous part of most people's lives. 201 00:17:03,760 --> 00:17:09,000 It turns out, people lie to themselves about three things. 202 00:17:09,000 --> 00:17:12,280 They view themselves in implausibly positive ways, 203 00:17:12,280 --> 00:17:15,440 they think they have far more control over their lives 204 00:17:15,440 --> 00:17:18,240 than they actually do, 205 00:17:18,240 --> 00:17:21,520 and they believe the future will be better than 206 00:17:21,520 --> 00:17:25,040 the evidence of the present can possibly justify. 207 00:17:25,040 --> 00:17:29,520 But you're way beyond that now. 208 00:17:29,520 --> 00:17:32,600 You're on the other side of that particular mirror. 209 00:17:32,600 --> 00:17:34,960 Lying to yourself... 210 00:17:34,960 --> 00:17:38,000 isn't going to help any more. 211 00:17:38,000 --> 00:17:40,480 So, please, 212 00:17:40,480 --> 00:17:42,520 tell me again. 213 00:17:42,520 --> 00:17:44,360 Why are you here? 214 00:17:47,640 --> 00:17:50,440 Alice, I need you to help me. 215 00:17:50,440 --> 00:17:54,360 You're asking me to be your accomplice? 216 00:17:54,360 --> 00:17:55,880 Yes. 217 00:17:57,400 --> 00:17:59,120 Excellent. 218 00:17:59,120 --> 00:18:01,480 Where do we start? 219 00:18:01,480 --> 00:18:04,240 MOBILE PHONE RINGS 220 00:18:04,240 --> 00:18:05,280 Hello? 221 00:18:05,280 --> 00:18:08,080 'Justin. Can you talk?' 222 00:18:09,880 --> 00:18:12,520 Er, absolutely, yeah, I can talk. 223 00:18:12,520 --> 00:18:15,080 'You at the house?' Er, yeah. 224 00:18:15,080 --> 00:18:17,080 It wasn't me. 225 00:18:17,080 --> 00:18:19,920 Yeah, I know, I think. 226 00:18:19,920 --> 00:18:22,440 If Luther was going to do something like this, 227 00:18:22,440 --> 00:18:24,920 he'd make it look like Mark North did it. 228 00:18:24,920 --> 00:18:28,160 'He might be insane, but he's not stupid.' You're a good man, Justin. 229 00:18:28,160 --> 00:18:29,680 So where are you right now? 230 00:18:29,680 --> 00:18:32,520 You wouldn't believe me if I told you. 231 00:18:32,520 --> 00:18:34,840 I don't doubt it. Any info your end? 232 00:18:34,840 --> 00:18:40,160 No, I'm not going to compromise you more than I have to, OK? 233 00:18:40,160 --> 00:18:44,040 But don't trust Ian Reed. 234 00:18:44,040 --> 00:18:47,160 Sorry, it's a bit clattery over here. Can you repeat that? 235 00:18:47,160 --> 00:18:48,360 Don't trust Ian Reed. 236 00:18:51,120 --> 00:18:54,680 Um, can you run the details by me? 'Not now.' 237 00:18:54,680 --> 00:18:58,360 Who is that? Um, one moment. Telephone intelligence. 238 00:18:58,360 --> 00:19:00,240 Trace on Luther's phone. No news. 239 00:19:03,440 --> 00:19:07,000 Um, OK, I'm going to need a brief precis of what you've got. 240 00:19:07,000 --> 00:19:08,040 Soon as you like. 241 00:19:08,040 --> 00:19:10,560 Well, as soon as there's time, I will explain. 242 00:19:10,560 --> 00:19:12,600 We may have found the gun. 243 00:19:15,040 --> 00:19:17,640 Did you get that? I got that. 244 00:19:25,440 --> 00:19:26,800 Got it. 245 00:19:31,080 --> 00:19:33,040 It's a 9mm Beretta. 246 00:19:33,040 --> 00:19:35,960 Pass it to me and I'll clear the chamber. 247 00:19:37,920 --> 00:19:39,760 Chamber clear. Bag it. 248 00:19:45,120 --> 00:19:48,600 Forensics in the house are circumstantial. This gun is hard evidence. 249 00:19:48,600 --> 00:19:51,640 And I don't want it contaminated or "going missing" 250 00:19:51,640 --> 00:19:54,040 as a consequence of some police officer's 251 00:19:54,040 --> 00:19:56,400 misguided sense of loyalty. Seriously? 252 00:19:56,400 --> 00:19:57,440 They're good men, 253 00:19:57,440 --> 00:20:00,200 but sometimes goodness attracts its own temptations. 254 00:20:00,200 --> 00:20:02,720 'So what do we do?' 255 00:20:02,720 --> 00:20:06,360 'Well, first rule of evidence - 256 00:20:06,360 --> 00:20:08,440 'limit the amount of transfers.' 257 00:20:08,440 --> 00:20:10,160 Take it to the lab ourselves. 258 00:20:26,840 --> 00:20:27,880 They found it. 259 00:20:27,880 --> 00:20:30,640 Found what? 260 00:20:30,640 --> 00:20:31,840 The gun. 261 00:20:32,840 --> 00:20:36,640 You didn't pull the trigger, it doesn't matter. It's got no value as evidence. 262 00:20:36,640 --> 00:20:40,040 No, but if Ian Reed left a gun, he left it for a reason. 263 00:20:40,040 --> 00:20:42,120 Meaning? 264 00:20:42,120 --> 00:20:43,480 There was a gun. 265 00:20:43,480 --> 00:20:45,960 There was a gun, I touched it, I gave it to him. 266 00:20:45,960 --> 00:20:51,040 It's got my fingerprints all over it. If that's the gun he used on Zoe... 267 00:20:51,040 --> 00:20:52,800 my fingerprints are all he needs. 268 00:20:52,800 --> 00:20:56,000 And so? So it's on its way to ballistic testing, 269 00:20:56,000 --> 00:20:57,600 fingerprint analysis, 270 00:20:57,600 --> 00:20:59,640 DNA analysis. 271 00:20:59,640 --> 00:21:04,360 Well, if that happens, it's over for you. If that happens. 272 00:21:05,920 --> 00:21:07,840 But it's not going to happen. 273 00:21:21,960 --> 00:21:26,080 They're leaving from there, taking the evidence to there. We're here. 274 00:21:26,080 --> 00:21:30,320 We can get there before them as long as Schenk doesn't use the blues and twos. 275 00:21:31,840 --> 00:21:35,200 What do you know about stealing cars? Nothing. Doesn't matter. 276 00:21:35,200 --> 00:21:39,800 Because I know everything about stealing cars. Did you get anything for my... 277 00:21:41,200 --> 00:21:42,600 Hmm, thank you. 278 00:21:42,600 --> 00:21:45,920 They'll know it's you. You're not an easy man to disguise. 279 00:21:45,920 --> 00:21:47,920 That's not the point. Well, what is? 280 00:21:47,920 --> 00:21:49,800 Deniability. 281 00:21:49,800 --> 00:21:53,560 Look, if we get caught... I say you forced me to help. 282 00:21:53,560 --> 00:21:55,120 You threatened my life. 283 00:21:55,120 --> 00:21:58,120 You're not even joking, are you? Absolutely not. 284 00:21:58,120 --> 00:22:00,360 HE SIGHS 285 00:22:00,360 --> 00:22:02,320 What's wrong? 286 00:22:02,320 --> 00:22:05,880 Do you ever step outside yourself, wonder what you're doing 287 00:22:05,880 --> 00:22:07,480 and think you've gone mad? 288 00:22:08,480 --> 00:22:10,240 No. 289 00:22:12,360 --> 00:22:15,040 Look, you and I 290 00:22:15,040 --> 00:22:17,080 are who we are. 291 00:22:18,760 --> 00:22:21,680 You need to know this. Of all the people in the world, 292 00:22:21,680 --> 00:22:23,080 I will never betray you. 293 00:22:31,360 --> 00:22:33,400 We're on Iron Road. 294 00:22:33,400 --> 00:22:35,080 'Should be around 20 minutes. 295 00:22:35,080 --> 00:22:36,560 'Over.' 296 00:22:53,880 --> 00:22:54,920 TYRES SCREECH 297 00:22:57,560 --> 00:22:58,840 Are you armed? 298 00:22:58,840 --> 00:23:03,200 No. You? No. Urgent assistance required. Repeat - urgent assistance required. 299 00:23:15,320 --> 00:23:16,880 Where is it? 300 00:23:16,880 --> 00:23:18,920 In the glove box. Glove box? Yeah. 301 00:23:18,920 --> 00:23:20,480 Wait, hit me. 302 00:23:20,480 --> 00:23:23,840 What? You've got to hit me, you've got to make it look right. Go on. 303 00:23:33,920 --> 00:23:38,040 This will achieve nothing. You're not acting in a reasonable way. 304 00:23:53,720 --> 00:23:56,320 MOBILE PHONE RINGS 305 00:23:57,680 --> 00:23:59,200 Justin. What's happening? 306 00:24:00,200 --> 00:24:01,960 He took the gun. 307 00:24:03,120 --> 00:24:05,760 What do you mean? What do you mean, "he took the gun"? 308 00:24:05,760 --> 00:24:10,000 'We were taking it to the lab. He intercepted us, DCI Schenk and me.' Shit. 309 00:24:11,920 --> 00:24:13,640 All right. 310 00:24:13,640 --> 00:24:15,880 OK, you listen to me. 311 00:24:15,880 --> 00:24:17,680 You need to come in. 312 00:24:17,680 --> 00:24:19,560 All right? 313 00:24:19,560 --> 00:24:22,480 We need to start facing facts. What do you mean? 314 00:24:22,480 --> 00:24:25,440 I mean, he's not behaving like an innocent man, is he? 315 00:24:53,440 --> 00:24:55,080 Why did you do it? 316 00:24:55,080 --> 00:24:56,760 Do what? 317 00:24:58,320 --> 00:24:59,720 Your parents. 318 00:25:02,240 --> 00:25:05,000 Because I wanted to. 319 00:25:05,000 --> 00:25:06,320 How could you want that? 320 00:25:08,000 --> 00:25:11,800 Well, let's put Ian Reed in a room with you and then talk about who wants what. 321 00:25:17,040 --> 00:25:19,480 Are you sure you don't want to keep this? 322 00:25:21,000 --> 00:25:23,320 No. 323 00:25:23,320 --> 00:25:24,960 No guns. 324 00:25:26,880 --> 00:25:27,920 Suit yourself. 325 00:25:49,040 --> 00:25:51,320 Maintenance! 326 00:26:26,840 --> 00:26:28,800 MOBILE PHONE RINGS 327 00:26:36,520 --> 00:26:38,240 It's him. 328 00:26:46,400 --> 00:26:47,840 What do you want, Ian? 329 00:26:47,840 --> 00:26:49,480 I just want to talk. 330 00:26:51,000 --> 00:26:54,200 'You sound scared. Are you scared?' 331 00:26:56,480 --> 00:26:59,240 Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm scared. 'Yeah, you should be.' 332 00:27:00,760 --> 00:27:02,320 You should be scared. 333 00:27:03,840 --> 00:27:07,600 'I can't handle this. I can't deal with this, John.' 334 00:27:07,600 --> 00:27:09,440 It's in my brain. 335 00:27:11,920 --> 00:27:14,440 'It's like my head's full of spiders.' 336 00:27:14,440 --> 00:27:17,200 I can't stand it. I think I'm going mad. 337 00:27:17,200 --> 00:27:19,080 Honestly, mate. I can't stand it... 338 00:27:19,080 --> 00:27:21,720 That's not going to stop me coming for you. 339 00:27:21,720 --> 00:27:23,960 Look, I can't undo it. 340 00:27:26,120 --> 00:27:27,720 All right? I wish I could. 341 00:27:30,000 --> 00:27:31,560 Hand to God... 342 00:27:33,160 --> 00:27:36,000 ..if I could go back, I'd rather it was me that was dead. 343 00:27:38,200 --> 00:27:40,440 'I'd rather be dead than go through this.' 344 00:27:43,120 --> 00:27:45,280 That can be arranged... 345 00:27:45,280 --> 00:27:46,560 'Ian.' 346 00:27:53,760 --> 00:27:55,760 Listen, just meet me, OK? 347 00:27:55,760 --> 00:27:58,720 'Please. 348 00:27:58,720 --> 00:28:01,280 'Just, er, just hear what I've got to say. 349 00:28:03,120 --> 00:28:06,200 'And then, after that, whatever happens is in your hands.' 350 00:28:07,720 --> 00:28:09,960 All right then. 351 00:28:09,960 --> 00:28:12,320 Nine o'clock. 352 00:28:12,320 --> 00:28:14,000 Faraday Memorial. 353 00:28:21,040 --> 00:28:23,320 You're not going to do what he wants? 354 00:28:23,320 --> 00:28:24,840 Yes, I am. 355 00:28:44,360 --> 00:28:45,800 Should you be at home? 356 00:28:45,800 --> 00:28:47,800 It's just cracked a rib. I'll be fine. 357 00:28:47,800 --> 00:28:49,160 OK. 358 00:28:49,160 --> 00:28:52,920 Do we have any idea of the accomplice's ID, the woman? 359 00:28:52,920 --> 00:28:55,240 Um, I don't know. Young, white. 360 00:28:55,240 --> 00:28:58,040 Slim build. Also wore a stocking. 361 00:28:58,040 --> 00:29:01,240 She didn't speak? Neither of them spoke. 362 00:29:01,240 --> 00:29:03,080 But it was Luther? 363 00:29:03,080 --> 00:29:04,600 It was Luther. 364 00:29:06,320 --> 00:29:08,360 You're 100% positive? 365 00:29:08,360 --> 00:29:11,640 He wore a cursory disguise, a stocking-mask, 366 00:29:11,640 --> 00:29:16,240 but given that, I'd say...95%. 367 00:29:16,240 --> 00:29:20,840 Do you know what a decent defence calls 95%? Reasonable doubt. 368 00:29:20,840 --> 00:29:22,720 Was it him? 369 00:29:22,720 --> 00:29:25,040 On balance, I'd guess so. Yes. 370 00:29:25,040 --> 00:29:26,360 You'd "guess"? 371 00:29:26,360 --> 00:29:30,440 I couldn't swear to it. He killed his wife, Zoe! 372 00:29:30,440 --> 00:29:33,280 He's stolen the only hard evidence we have to convict him! 373 00:29:33,280 --> 00:29:35,200 He busted your ribs! Wake up! 374 00:29:35,200 --> 00:29:37,280 Stop protecting him! I'm not. 375 00:29:41,880 --> 00:29:43,040 John just called. 376 00:29:43,040 --> 00:29:45,280 He wants to set up a meeting. 377 00:29:49,520 --> 00:29:51,960 Rose, Rose, I can't use this. 378 00:29:51,960 --> 00:29:54,640 If we put you there, unprotected, he's going to kill you. 379 00:29:54,640 --> 00:29:57,960 It's not going to come to that. He's convinced you killed his wife. 380 00:29:57,960 --> 00:30:01,080 He's delusional. So it may come to that. Listen, I trust him. 381 00:30:01,080 --> 00:30:04,960 It'll be all right. I can bring him in. I'm not sending you in naked. 382 00:30:04,960 --> 00:30:08,560 No more than I like doing it. But this is John we're talking about. 383 00:30:08,560 --> 00:30:10,480 Look, you owe him nothing. 384 00:30:10,480 --> 00:30:12,760 He owes you. He owes us both. 385 00:30:12,760 --> 00:30:15,280 You're not going in there unprotected. Final word. 386 00:30:15,280 --> 00:30:18,320 All right, but I'm not using this. 387 00:30:18,320 --> 00:30:21,240 So what kind of thing you talking about? 388 00:30:21,240 --> 00:30:24,600 Tactical weapons support. If it looks for one moment... 389 00:30:24,600 --> 00:30:28,760 Oh, no, no. ..your life's in danger, I give the order. 390 00:30:28,760 --> 00:30:32,600 Rose... All right, we do it like this or we don't do it at all. 391 00:30:32,600 --> 00:30:34,120 Your call. 392 00:30:37,800 --> 00:30:39,840 All right, OK, fine. 393 00:30:41,840 --> 00:30:43,480 Fine. 394 00:30:44,440 --> 00:30:45,960 Bring in the shooters. 395 00:31:08,920 --> 00:31:12,320 Don't speak. Drive. 396 00:31:16,560 --> 00:31:20,760 You and I...have been through something today. 397 00:31:22,160 --> 00:31:26,000 And that makes us... comrades in arms. 398 00:31:27,040 --> 00:31:28,920 Yeah, I suppose. 399 00:31:28,920 --> 00:31:34,000 And so as a comrade, I'm asking you... 400 00:31:34,000 --> 00:31:35,280 what's troubling you? 401 00:31:35,280 --> 00:31:37,200 Eh? In what way? 402 00:31:37,200 --> 00:31:39,640 People like you and me, we know how people look 403 00:31:39,640 --> 00:31:42,920 when they're hiding something. 404 00:31:44,560 --> 00:31:47,560 Is this an accusation? Of what? 405 00:31:47,560 --> 00:31:51,720 An atypical reaction to betrayal? 406 00:31:52,680 --> 00:31:56,000 What do you want? To know what you think. 407 00:31:57,080 --> 00:31:59,160 About what? 408 00:31:59,160 --> 00:32:01,280 Luther's psychotic. 409 00:32:01,280 --> 00:32:05,280 He claims to believe Detective Chief Inspector Reed killed his wife. 410 00:32:05,280 --> 00:32:11,000 If that's so, why did he go to the trouble of stealing back that gun? 411 00:32:11,000 --> 00:32:14,520 It doesn't fit the delusional framework. 412 00:32:14,520 --> 00:32:18,360 No. I suppose not. So what's going on in Luther's head? 413 00:32:19,480 --> 00:32:22,000 Who can say? 414 00:32:22,000 --> 00:32:24,080 Well, who indeed? 415 00:32:47,360 --> 00:32:48,560 Arrgh! 416 00:32:51,000 --> 00:32:53,760 Hey! Mark, listen to me. 417 00:32:53,760 --> 00:32:55,480 Listen to me! 418 00:33:08,400 --> 00:33:09,480 I didn't do it. 419 00:33:13,480 --> 00:33:15,360 It wasn't me. 420 00:33:18,800 --> 00:33:20,560 Luther set the meet... 421 00:33:20,560 --> 00:33:22,080 here. 422 00:33:22,080 --> 00:33:23,800 For what? A chat? 423 00:33:23,800 --> 00:33:25,960 Apparently. No, he's lying. 424 00:33:25,960 --> 00:33:28,120 Of course he's lying, but why? 425 00:33:28,120 --> 00:33:32,880 You need to be there at 9am. They'll be leaving, they'll ask you to wait until they return. 426 00:33:32,880 --> 00:33:34,880 You'll be alone. And then what? 427 00:33:34,880 --> 00:33:37,400 Then you say you want to leave. They can't stop you. 428 00:33:37,400 --> 00:33:39,680 Then you come back to me. 429 00:33:39,680 --> 00:33:42,040 You're putting Reed at considerable risk. 430 00:33:42,040 --> 00:33:44,520 I'm mindful of that, sir. But he's right. 431 00:33:44,520 --> 00:33:46,840 This is the best way to bring Luther in. 432 00:33:46,840 --> 00:33:48,360 And Reed? 433 00:33:48,360 --> 00:33:50,400 Reed will be elsewhere. 434 00:33:51,800 --> 00:33:52,840 CO-19? 435 00:33:52,840 --> 00:33:54,480 Kitted and ready to go. 436 00:33:54,480 --> 00:33:59,360 And if circumstances warrant, you won't hesitate to give the kill order? 437 00:34:00,320 --> 00:34:02,320 Absolutely not. 438 00:34:06,840 --> 00:34:09,560 OK, OK. 439 00:34:21,440 --> 00:34:23,240 You're not coming? 440 00:34:23,240 --> 00:34:26,920 This doesn't fall within my compass, for which I'm grateful. 441 00:34:26,920 --> 00:34:29,480 I've no desire to see what happens next. 442 00:34:31,280 --> 00:34:33,320 You know, you don't have to be there. 443 00:34:33,320 --> 00:34:35,040 I do. 444 00:34:35,040 --> 00:34:36,720 We ready? 445 00:34:39,960 --> 00:34:42,000 I need to speak to you. 446 00:34:42,000 --> 00:34:45,160 OK. Of course. Just that we have a live situation right... 447 00:34:45,160 --> 00:34:47,600 That's OK. I can wait. You sure? Absolutely. 448 00:34:47,600 --> 00:34:50,040 I'll look after Mr North. There's really no need. 449 00:34:50,040 --> 00:34:52,880 Nonsense. I'll keep you company until the others return. 450 00:34:52,880 --> 00:34:54,400 Mr North, if I may? 451 00:35:08,200 --> 00:35:11,200 This isn't going to work if you can't control your temper. 452 00:35:11,200 --> 00:35:13,400 It's a weakness. He'll use it. 453 00:35:13,400 --> 00:35:15,320 I can control it. Well, you'd better. 454 00:35:15,320 --> 00:35:19,160 If I understand correctly, police marksmen don't shoot to wound. 455 00:35:19,160 --> 00:35:20,760 No. They shoot to stop. 456 00:35:20,760 --> 00:35:22,320 Go for the centre of mass. 457 00:35:22,320 --> 00:35:24,320 Here. The heart. 458 00:35:25,160 --> 00:35:27,440 How apropos. 459 00:35:40,120 --> 00:35:42,200 BUZZ OF POLICE RADIO 460 00:35:52,280 --> 00:35:55,720 There he is, by the stairs. 461 00:36:05,000 --> 00:36:09,120 Sergeant? We've got a clear shot and good to go. On my order. Not before. 462 00:36:09,120 --> 00:36:11,000 Received and understood. 463 00:36:11,000 --> 00:36:12,560 What do you want me to do? 464 00:36:12,560 --> 00:36:14,880 Kill you? 465 00:36:14,880 --> 00:36:17,320 Forgive you? 466 00:36:18,840 --> 00:36:21,760 I don't understand how you could believe I did this. 467 00:36:23,560 --> 00:36:27,440 You've changed your tune since the last time we spoke, Ian. 468 00:36:27,440 --> 00:36:28,760 No, John. 469 00:36:28,760 --> 00:36:32,760 I believe you did it, Ian, because you did it! 470 00:36:32,760 --> 00:36:35,480 If you really believe that, deep down, 471 00:36:35,480 --> 00:36:38,080 then why did you steal the gun? 'The gun. 472 00:36:38,080 --> 00:36:41,320 'Yeah, you did a decent job with that.' 473 00:36:41,320 --> 00:36:42,600 But it's gone now. 474 00:36:42,600 --> 00:36:46,120 And so is the only piece of hard evidence they've got against me. 475 00:36:46,120 --> 00:36:50,320 So whatever you're trying to do to save yourself, it's over. 476 00:36:50,320 --> 00:36:52,040 It's done. 477 00:36:52,040 --> 00:36:54,320 You're not answering my question. I think I am! 478 00:36:54,320 --> 00:36:55,440 'But if you didn't do it, 479 00:36:55,440 --> 00:36:58,240 'how could there be any hard evidence against you? 480 00:36:58,240 --> 00:37:00,680 'How's that possible?' What are you trying to say? 481 00:37:00,680 --> 00:37:03,240 'I've spoken to the doctors, John.' 482 00:37:03,240 --> 00:37:07,280 And what's happening to you, is called a dissociative state. 483 00:37:07,280 --> 00:37:09,000 It's the mind distancing itself 484 00:37:09,000 --> 00:37:11,560 from things that are too much for it to process. 485 00:37:11,560 --> 00:37:14,680 You blame me because you can't bear to confront what you've done. 486 00:37:14,680 --> 00:37:17,080 You're in pain, you're distressed. 487 00:37:17,080 --> 00:37:20,880 You need help. So come home. All right? Let us help you. 488 00:37:21,880 --> 00:37:23,040 HE CHUCKLES 489 00:37:27,240 --> 00:37:30,560 Thing is, Ian, you didn't come alone, did you? 490 00:37:31,560 --> 00:37:33,360 Wouldn't have the balls. 491 00:37:35,000 --> 00:37:36,600 No, you came with CO-19, who, 492 00:37:36,600 --> 00:37:40,040 right now, have their assault rifles trained on my centre of mass. 493 00:37:40,040 --> 00:37:42,120 And we do not shoot to stop. 494 00:37:42,120 --> 00:37:45,760 Not in our game, no. We shoot to kill! Ain't that right, fellas? 495 00:37:45,760 --> 00:37:49,320 Sergeant? Still clear and good to go. 496 00:37:49,320 --> 00:37:53,720 Ain't that right, boss? You got the centre of mass, right here. 497 00:37:53,720 --> 00:37:57,640 That's what we're here for, isn't it?! You prod me, you wind me up, 498 00:37:57,640 --> 00:38:00,280 I lose it, I threaten your life. 499 00:38:00,280 --> 00:38:02,440 And then you have a legal reason to shoot me. 500 00:38:02,440 --> 00:38:05,000 Bang, bang. There goes your problems out the window. 501 00:38:05,000 --> 00:38:07,720 'Oh, Luther, couldn't contain his temper.' 502 00:38:07,720 --> 00:38:09,880 John, John listen to me. You're ill. 503 00:38:09,880 --> 00:38:11,920 Ha-ha! And you're sick! 504 00:38:12,720 --> 00:38:16,400 I wonder...are you even interested in why I've come here 505 00:38:16,400 --> 00:38:19,040 if I knew what you was up to? 506 00:38:19,040 --> 00:38:22,240 I don't know. Maybe you wanted to get something off your chest. 507 00:38:22,240 --> 00:38:25,040 About something you did to Henry Madsen, maybe? 508 00:38:25,040 --> 00:38:28,960 'Oh, nice try, no, no. I've got nothing to confess.' 509 00:38:28,960 --> 00:38:32,200 Henry Madsen fell. And you know how hard I tried to save him. 510 00:38:32,200 --> 00:38:34,760 I know how hard you tried. 511 00:38:34,760 --> 00:38:37,440 No, I... 512 00:38:37,440 --> 00:38:39,960 I came out here... 513 00:38:39,960 --> 00:38:41,600 Still clear, still clear. 514 00:38:41,600 --> 00:38:44,080 (..to get you away from the locker rooms...) 515 00:38:45,600 --> 00:38:49,080 INDISTINCT SPEECH OVER RADIO What's he saying? 516 00:38:49,080 --> 00:38:51,960 ..where you're keeping the diamonds. 517 00:38:51,960 --> 00:38:54,800 Or where you were, up until about five minutes ago. 518 00:38:58,600 --> 00:39:00,320 Oh, dear. 519 00:39:00,320 --> 00:39:02,240 Oh, dear, oh, dear. 520 00:39:02,240 --> 00:39:06,920 Tick, tick, tick. I wonder where they could have gone. 521 00:39:07,560 --> 00:39:09,800 I didn't hurt Zoe, John. 522 00:39:09,800 --> 00:39:11,160 Ian, do me a favour. What? 523 00:39:11,160 --> 00:39:13,200 Don't say her name. 524 00:39:13,200 --> 00:39:16,640 Not any more. No more. All right? It's over. 525 00:39:16,640 --> 00:39:19,680 What can I do to prove it? Just tell me. Tell me, tell me what I can do. 526 00:39:19,680 --> 00:39:21,520 I thought I could listen to this. 527 00:39:21,520 --> 00:39:24,280 I thought I could stand here and listen to you lie! 528 00:39:24,280 --> 00:39:25,360 To my face! Even now! 529 00:39:25,360 --> 00:39:27,920 How can you stand there and lie, like it's nothing? 530 00:39:27,920 --> 00:39:31,280 'Because I didn't do it!' He goes for a weapon, you take the shot. 531 00:39:31,280 --> 00:39:33,280 'I didn't do it. I loved Zoe, John. 532 00:39:33,280 --> 00:39:35,000 She was like family to me. 533 00:39:35,000 --> 00:39:36,960 Wait to see a weapon, wait to see a weapon... 534 00:39:36,960 --> 00:39:39,960 So please, for her. For Zoe. Please just come home. Don't! 535 00:39:39,960 --> 00:39:42,080 I love you too, man. Don't say that! 536 00:39:42,080 --> 00:39:43,200 You piece of shit! 537 00:39:43,200 --> 00:39:46,400 All I want to do is hear you say it. Just say it one time. 538 00:39:46,400 --> 00:39:48,920 Just say what you did. 539 00:39:48,920 --> 00:39:50,360 Say it to me. 540 00:39:50,360 --> 00:39:54,560 Ian, mate, say it to me now! 541 00:39:54,560 --> 00:39:56,320 I can't! Say it! 542 00:39:56,320 --> 00:39:59,200 'No, because I didn't do it, John!' 543 00:39:59,200 --> 00:40:00,360 You did. 544 00:40:01,960 --> 00:40:05,120 He's got a knife. 'You killed her.' 545 00:40:05,120 --> 00:40:07,440 It's your fault! 546 00:40:07,440 --> 00:40:09,560 Do it. Take the shot. John! Run! 547 00:40:09,560 --> 00:40:11,400 Run! 548 00:40:11,400 --> 00:40:12,920 You got a shot, ma'am. 549 00:40:12,920 --> 00:40:16,240 Hold your fire! Hold your fire. Don't shoot him in the back. 550 00:40:16,240 --> 00:40:17,720 All units, be alert. 551 00:40:17,720 --> 00:40:21,800 Suspect John Luther leaving the area on foot, heading south-east, fast. 552 00:40:21,800 --> 00:40:24,200 Shit! Head him off! Stop him. 553 00:40:24,200 --> 00:40:26,240 Do you know what you've done? 554 00:40:26,240 --> 00:40:29,560 Yes, I do, ma'am. Don't "ma'am" me. 555 00:40:29,560 --> 00:40:30,600 Badge! 556 00:40:47,920 --> 00:40:49,480 Arrest this man. 557 00:40:52,360 --> 00:40:55,440 Come on! Argh! 558 00:40:55,440 --> 00:40:56,720 Come on! 559 00:41:00,680 --> 00:41:03,520 How'd it go? 560 00:41:03,520 --> 00:41:06,800 I got what I wanted. And how close did you come to getting shot? 561 00:41:06,800 --> 00:41:10,000 I didn't get shot. Fine. Your funeral. 562 00:41:14,360 --> 00:41:18,160 That dick! Let it go. Would you? 563 00:41:18,160 --> 00:41:20,160 "Run, John". What was he thinking? 564 00:41:20,160 --> 00:41:22,200 He thought he was being John's friend 565 00:41:22,200 --> 00:41:25,040 and it's already cost him everything. So let it go. 566 00:41:25,040 --> 00:41:26,640 What, you suspended him? 567 00:41:26,640 --> 00:41:28,560 And charged him as an accessory. 568 00:41:28,560 --> 00:41:30,360 Ripley's finished. 569 00:41:30,360 --> 00:41:33,240 That's what being John's friend does for you in the end. 570 00:41:33,240 --> 00:41:36,280 We all pay the price for it. Come on, let's get back. 571 00:41:39,760 --> 00:41:42,360 Just, um... 572 00:41:44,520 --> 00:41:46,760 ..once more, if I may. 573 00:41:49,960 --> 00:41:52,760 Um, Luther came to see you, 574 00:41:52,760 --> 00:41:56,280 er, he was distressed... He was greatly distressed, yeah. 575 00:41:58,320 --> 00:42:02,400 It feels unseemly to keep probing this, 576 00:42:02,400 --> 00:42:06,080 such a raw wound, so soon. 577 00:42:11,960 --> 00:42:15,600 I must ask what he said. He said he didn't do it. 578 00:42:15,600 --> 00:42:18,960 Well, I suppose all things are possible, 579 00:42:18,960 --> 00:42:20,760 although not equally. 580 00:42:25,120 --> 00:42:27,560 Is this going to take much longer? No, I, er, 581 00:42:27,560 --> 00:42:30,000 think I've got everything I want from you... 582 00:42:30,000 --> 00:42:33,640 If I could just ask you to wait a little bit longer. 583 00:42:33,640 --> 00:42:37,520 The insight you've given into his mental state, 584 00:42:37,520 --> 00:42:39,040 it may be of value... 585 00:42:39,040 --> 00:42:41,840 Can I please use the bathroom? Of course. 586 00:42:59,480 --> 00:43:01,480 VOICES MUTTER 587 00:43:44,080 --> 00:43:46,160 All right. Get on with it. 588 00:43:51,000 --> 00:43:52,680 Ian? 589 00:43:55,400 --> 00:43:57,720 Thank you. 590 00:44:03,920 --> 00:44:06,440 I'm sorry. The, um, um, bathroom? 591 00:44:06,440 --> 00:44:08,120 I was... Yeah, yeah. 592 00:44:08,120 --> 00:44:10,840 Yeah, it's out there, on the right. 593 00:44:10,840 --> 00:44:14,840 The, um...flush is broken on the cubicle nearest the wall. 594 00:44:14,840 --> 00:44:16,360 You might want to watch that. 595 00:44:16,360 --> 00:44:18,040 I will, thank you. 596 00:44:18,040 --> 00:44:19,560 Listen, er... 597 00:44:21,200 --> 00:44:24,200 I'm sorry... 598 00:44:24,200 --> 00:44:26,200 for your loss. She was very special. 599 00:44:26,200 --> 00:44:28,080 That's very kind. She was. 600 00:44:28,080 --> 00:44:29,640 Excuse me. 601 00:44:39,600 --> 00:44:43,040 I, er, I need to be away from here. 602 00:44:43,040 --> 00:44:45,840 Oh, yes, possibly that's the best thing. 603 00:44:45,840 --> 00:44:49,000 We could arrange an escort, 604 00:44:49,000 --> 00:44:52,080 a protective detail? I don't think Luther will be back. 605 00:44:52,080 --> 00:44:56,480 Even so, I, er, I hope you're not on your own. 606 00:44:56,480 --> 00:44:57,800 It isn't healthy. 607 00:44:57,800 --> 00:45:00,680 Yes, I, er, I have somewhere to go... 608 00:45:00,680 --> 00:45:03,000 As you wish. 609 00:45:48,560 --> 00:45:51,160 It's Mark. I'm on my way. 610 00:45:51,160 --> 00:45:52,560 All right. 611 00:45:58,200 --> 00:46:01,840 Hi, this is DCI Reed. Can you do me a favour? 612 00:46:01,840 --> 00:46:04,040 Er, can you run me a trace and track? 613 00:46:04,040 --> 00:46:06,280 OK, it's Mark North... 614 00:46:50,800 --> 00:46:53,360 SLOW BEEPING 615 00:47:08,080 --> 00:47:09,840 FASTER BEEPING 616 00:47:23,080 --> 00:47:26,600 'Tick, tick, tick. Where they could have gone.' 617 00:47:32,720 --> 00:47:34,320 'John! Run! 618 00:47:34,320 --> 00:47:35,640 'Run! 619 00:47:35,640 --> 00:47:38,120 'John! Run! 620 00:47:38,120 --> 00:47:39,840 'Run!' 621 00:47:56,960 --> 00:48:00,240 How long did you want to become a police officer, Justin? 622 00:48:03,480 --> 00:48:05,120 Since I can remember. 623 00:48:05,120 --> 00:48:07,240 And why? 624 00:48:07,240 --> 00:48:09,000 Why a police officer? 625 00:48:09,000 --> 00:48:10,960 Does it matter? 626 00:48:22,680 --> 00:48:24,520 Big family? 627 00:48:25,600 --> 00:48:26,640 Yeah, pretty big. 628 00:48:26,640 --> 00:48:28,600 They're proud of you? 629 00:48:28,600 --> 00:48:30,120 Yes. 630 00:48:36,960 --> 00:48:39,240 Family's important to you, isn't it? 631 00:48:40,960 --> 00:48:42,080 Family, 632 00:48:42,080 --> 00:48:44,800 loyalty, trust. 633 00:48:44,800 --> 00:48:47,800 And rules are important, too. 634 00:48:47,800 --> 00:48:49,880 Aren't they? Yes. 635 00:48:49,880 --> 00:48:51,520 Yes! 636 00:48:55,480 --> 00:48:59,000 So why throw it all away for nothing? 637 00:49:00,800 --> 00:49:02,440 You're not a fool. 638 00:49:10,320 --> 00:49:12,200 What have you got to lose? 639 00:49:12,200 --> 00:49:16,080 Your pride, your self respect? 640 00:49:16,080 --> 00:49:18,040 Your job? 641 00:49:18,040 --> 00:49:20,040 Well, they're all gone! 642 00:49:26,080 --> 00:49:27,480 RAPID BEEPING 643 00:49:27,480 --> 00:49:31,920 Something's happening that no-one else can quite see. 644 00:49:31,920 --> 00:49:34,640 Well, I want to see it! 645 00:49:36,240 --> 00:49:37,880 What's happening?! 646 00:49:42,720 --> 00:49:45,760 Excuse me. What is it, Martin? 647 00:49:45,760 --> 00:49:49,000 We need to find Detective Chief Inspector Reed. 648 00:49:49,000 --> 00:49:50,760 Most urgently. 649 00:50:01,000 --> 00:50:03,280 RAPID BEEPING 650 00:50:27,720 --> 00:50:29,280 Urgh! 651 00:50:29,280 --> 00:50:32,680 REED GRUNTS 652 00:50:32,680 --> 00:50:34,200 Ssh. 653 00:50:48,440 --> 00:50:50,880 So you've got North doing your dirty work for you. 654 00:50:50,880 --> 00:50:53,840 Your dead wife's boyfriend, stealing evidence. 655 00:50:53,840 --> 00:50:56,920 What is it about you, John? You corrupt everything around you. 656 00:50:56,920 --> 00:50:58,720 You turn everything to shit. 657 00:51:03,800 --> 00:51:05,560 All this. 658 00:51:05,560 --> 00:51:07,440 All this, what you did. 659 00:51:07,440 --> 00:51:10,080 For what? For greed? 660 00:51:10,080 --> 00:51:11,680 Because you were scared? 661 00:51:11,680 --> 00:51:16,040 Well, now look. What do you want me to say, John, huh? 662 00:51:17,560 --> 00:51:19,560 What, that I wish I hadn't killed Zoe? 663 00:51:21,520 --> 00:51:25,840 I do. I wish I hadn't. 664 00:51:25,840 --> 00:51:27,360 I didn't go there meaning to. 665 00:51:30,120 --> 00:51:31,160 But I did. 666 00:51:32,520 --> 00:51:36,040 And so, now we're here, just do what you got to do. 667 00:51:36,040 --> 00:51:39,000 All right, just commit. She begged you. 668 00:51:39,000 --> 00:51:44,480 Come on! Just get it over with. It'll be a relief. I'm sick of this. 669 00:51:44,480 --> 00:51:47,040 I know. 670 00:51:47,040 --> 00:51:48,640 I didn't come to kill you, Ian. 671 00:51:52,760 --> 00:51:55,440 'What, that I wish I hadn't killed Zoe? 672 00:51:57,600 --> 00:52:01,560 'I do. I wish I hadn't...' 673 00:52:08,040 --> 00:52:10,440 What, so all this - 674 00:52:10,440 --> 00:52:13,480 bringing me here, sending her boyfriend to the station, 675 00:52:13,480 --> 00:52:16,720 stealing the diamonds - that was all a play? 676 00:52:16,720 --> 00:52:19,320 You set me up for a confession? Pretty much. 677 00:52:19,320 --> 00:52:22,240 If I was you, I'd have killed me. Nothing I'd like to do more. 678 00:52:22,240 --> 00:52:25,680 Do it, come on. I've come so far, I don't even care. 679 00:52:25,680 --> 00:52:28,040 You know this is the end for me. 680 00:52:31,280 --> 00:52:32,320 No. 681 00:52:35,640 --> 00:52:38,200 Why not? Because I choose not to. 682 00:52:47,120 --> 00:52:51,280 Did she ever tell you about her and me? Zoe? 683 00:52:51,280 --> 00:52:53,880 Oh, no, she didn't. Of course she didn't. I knew that. 684 00:52:55,120 --> 00:52:56,240 What do you mean? 685 00:52:58,360 --> 00:52:59,720 It started one night... 686 00:53:01,440 --> 00:53:04,560 You'd stayed away working, once too often. 687 00:53:04,560 --> 00:53:08,480 That's not going to work, Ian. She cried afterwards. 688 00:53:08,480 --> 00:53:10,640 Yeah, washed the sheets. 689 00:53:10,640 --> 00:53:14,640 That's one of the memories I've got of her - crying, 690 00:53:14,640 --> 00:53:17,000 naked, stuffing the sheets into a machine. 691 00:53:17,000 --> 00:53:19,760 Calling me an arsehole, a bastard. 692 00:53:19,760 --> 00:53:22,160 She still made me do it again before I left. 693 00:53:22,160 --> 00:53:26,560 It's not going to work. She told I taught her how to really come. 694 00:53:26,560 --> 00:53:29,880 Ian, you can't play me. You can't make me shoot you. 695 00:53:29,880 --> 00:53:31,920 You can't choose. 696 00:53:31,920 --> 00:53:34,960 No, no, no, no, no, no, I can't play you! 697 00:53:34,960 --> 00:53:38,960 You're John Luther! Who sees all, knows all! 698 00:53:38,960 --> 00:53:41,480 Come on, John. 699 00:53:41,480 --> 00:53:46,440 after a marriage that long, that unhappy, with a woman that needy? 700 00:53:49,400 --> 00:53:51,800 Oh, there must have been quite a few. 701 00:53:51,800 --> 00:53:55,040 Maybe you knew about some of them, deep down. But you know what? 702 00:53:56,440 --> 00:53:57,880 I think I was her favourite. 703 00:53:57,880 --> 00:54:01,280 No more, Ian! Because I was her revenge. 704 00:54:01,280 --> 00:54:04,880 Every orgasm she took from me was to pay you back. Enough! 705 00:54:15,280 --> 00:54:20,800 How does it feel, eh? You murderer. Come on, how does it feel, tell me? 706 00:54:25,840 --> 00:54:26,920 No. 707 00:54:26,920 --> 00:54:28,600 HE GASPS AND COUGHS 708 00:54:28,600 --> 00:54:32,160 No. Ian Reed, 709 00:54:32,160 --> 00:54:35,560 I'm arresting you for the murder of Zoe Luther... 710 00:54:36,920 --> 00:54:38,280 Arrgh! 711 00:54:40,880 --> 00:54:42,960 You should have done it, John! 712 00:54:42,960 --> 00:54:46,720 Now look what you're making me do. Look! 713 00:54:46,720 --> 00:54:47,960 Don't... 714 00:54:48,880 --> 00:54:52,120 Now look what you're making me do! Ian... 715 00:54:52,120 --> 00:54:55,560 You should have stopped me, John! 716 00:54:55,560 --> 00:54:57,080 Ian! 717 00:54:59,200 --> 00:55:01,920 HE GASPS FOR BREATH 718 00:55:05,400 --> 00:55:06,560 Are you? 719 00:55:06,560 --> 00:55:11,680 Yeah. He swore he wasn't going to kill you. 720 00:55:11,680 --> 00:55:15,040 He thought the humiliation of prison would be worse. 721 00:55:15,040 --> 00:55:17,440 The beatings, the rapes, 722 00:55:17,440 --> 00:55:20,720 the incessant fear for your life, but I told him, 723 00:55:20,720 --> 00:55:22,920 "No, John, you're wrong. 724 00:55:22,920 --> 00:55:24,960 "Dying would be worse." 725 00:55:24,960 --> 00:55:29,080 Because well, honestly, it is, isn't it? 726 00:55:30,880 --> 00:55:33,040 Dying's just worse. 727 00:55:33,040 --> 00:55:34,840 So... 728 00:55:34,840 --> 00:55:38,080 Do I pull the trigger or not? 729 00:55:38,080 --> 00:55:40,720 No! Alice! 730 00:55:40,720 --> 00:55:44,320 Well, I'm in favour. 731 00:55:44,320 --> 00:55:48,760 Which leaves us 50-50, with one vote left to cast. Mark? 732 00:55:49,960 --> 00:55:52,360 What do you think? 733 00:55:52,360 --> 00:55:55,040 You're a liar. 734 00:55:55,040 --> 00:55:57,440 He is a liar. Deciding vote, Mark. 735 00:55:57,440 --> 00:56:00,040 Alice. 736 00:56:00,040 --> 00:56:01,240 Alice, don't. 737 00:56:01,240 --> 00:56:04,920 Wasn't it enough to take her life? Where is your respect? 738 00:56:04,920 --> 00:56:08,080 Where is your shame?! She didn't look like a whore, though, did she? 739 00:56:08,080 --> 00:56:10,000 Don't listen to him. 740 00:56:10,000 --> 00:56:14,280 Don't listen to him. I mean, not dressed, anyway. 741 00:56:14,280 --> 00:56:17,240 But strip her down, roll her round a bit. 742 00:56:17,240 --> 00:56:20,000 Ooh... Stop, stop, STOP! 743 00:56:20,000 --> 00:56:21,680 OK, listen! 744 00:56:23,400 --> 00:56:26,000 Ian, stop! Mark, I know how much you want 745 00:56:26,000 --> 00:56:27,680 to see him die, but don't do it. 746 00:56:27,680 --> 00:56:29,960 I mean she had a few good rides left in her. 747 00:56:29,960 --> 00:56:31,960 Do it! Do it! Do it! Ian, no! 748 00:56:31,960 --> 00:56:35,560 No, no, no! 749 00:56:42,680 --> 00:56:46,840 # Baby, you understand me now 750 00:56:48,000 --> 00:56:52,280 # If sometimes you see that I'm mad 751 00:56:55,320 --> 00:56:57,400 # Don't you know no-one alive 752 00:56:57,400 --> 00:57:00,680 # Can always be an angel 753 00:57:01,680 --> 00:57:04,600 # When everything goes wrong 754 00:57:04,600 --> 00:57:06,280 # You see some bad... 755 00:57:06,280 --> 00:57:08,680 DISTANT SIRENS Oh, no. 756 00:57:08,680 --> 00:57:10,240 # I'm just a soul 757 00:57:10,240 --> 00:57:14,240 # Whose intentions are good 758 00:57:14,240 --> 00:57:16,960 # Oh, Lord, please don't let me 759 00:57:16,960 --> 00:57:20,720 # Be misunderstood 760 00:57:24,160 --> 00:57:27,040 # I'm just a soul 761 00:57:27,040 --> 00:57:30,760 # Whose intentions are good 762 00:57:30,760 --> 00:57:34,000 # Oh, Lord, please don't let me 763 00:57:34,000 --> 00:57:37,200 # Be misunderstood 764 00:57:38,200 --> 00:57:40,280 Now what? 765 00:57:40,280 --> 00:57:42,360 # Don't let me be misunderstood... # 766 00:57:44,200 --> 00:57:47,240 Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd 767 00:57:47,240 --> 00:57:50,280 E-mail subtitling@bbc.co.uk