1 00:00:09,442 --> 00:00:11,521 Did you ever hear of necro-porn? 2 00:00:11,522 --> 00:00:14,081 This is what they're going to do to Jenny. You owe me. 3 00:00:15,345 --> 00:00:17,904 I am arresting you... Get off me! 4 00:00:17,905 --> 00:00:21,665 If he doesn't keep on doing what they tell him, they'll hurt me. 5 00:00:24,665 --> 00:00:28,104 I gather you're the policeman that stole my property. 6 00:00:28,105 --> 00:00:30,185 This is Toby. 7 00:00:31,705 --> 00:00:33,824 No! No! Agh! 8 00:00:33,825 --> 00:00:35,345 Where am I supposed to go? 9 00:00:58,681 --> 00:01:02,360 Pump number two, that's £64.19, please. 10 00:01:02,361 --> 00:01:05,081 Can I interest you in one...? Just the petrol, ta. 11 00:01:35,681 --> 00:01:37,081 What's he doing? 12 00:01:44,761 --> 00:01:47,681 He's on something. Look at him. 13 00:01:49,001 --> 00:01:51,360 You might want to give the police a call, mate. 14 00:01:51,361 --> 00:01:52,720 What's he doing exactly? 15 00:01:52,721 --> 00:01:54,081 Dunno. 16 00:01:59,161 --> 00:02:02,640 Look, just dial 999. 17 00:02:02,641 --> 00:02:06,680 And say what? "Hello, I'm calling from a petrol station, 18 00:02:06,681 --> 00:02:09,600 "there's a man on the forecourt looking at cars"? 19 00:02:09,601 --> 00:02:10,719 Just do it, mate. 20 00:02:10,720 --> 00:02:11,961 What's he doing? 21 00:02:15,841 --> 00:02:17,921 That's my car! Hey! Oi! Police, please. 22 00:02:20,961 --> 00:02:25,201 They're on their way. Five minutes. What's he on, do you think? 23 00:02:26,681 --> 00:02:30,040 Excuse me, did we lock the door? Because I think we should lock the door! 24 00:02:30,041 --> 00:02:31,081 That's a very good idea. 25 00:02:53,721 --> 00:02:54,959 Hey! Lock the door! Hurry up! 26 00:02:54,960 --> 00:02:56,241 Lock the door! I'm trying! 27 00:02:56,242 --> 00:03:00,000 Let me out! Hey! Hey! That's my car! The police will be here in a minute! 28 00:03:00,001 --> 00:03:03,401 But look at my car! Look at my car! 29 00:03:10,161 --> 00:03:13,160 Unlock this door! The police will be here in a minute. 30 00:03:13,161 --> 00:03:14,441 But look at my car! 31 00:03:14,442 --> 00:03:18,000 Oh, no, mate. 32 00:03:18,001 --> 00:03:19,441 Is he opening...? I'm not letting him do that. 33 00:03:19,442 --> 00:03:22,600 No, wait! Nobody leaves. He's going to torch the car. 34 00:03:22,601 --> 00:03:24,761 Just wait for the police. He's going to torch the car! 35 00:03:24,762 --> 00:03:27,960 Right, open the door. Just do as he says and open the bloody door! 36 00:03:27,961 --> 00:03:30,360 Be careful. Oi! Hey! Hey! You stop! 37 00:03:30,361 --> 00:03:36,000 Ah! Agh! Christ! My eyes! 38 00:03:36,001 --> 00:03:39,881 Put down the bat. Put down the bat. Argh! 39 00:03:40,921 --> 00:03:42,321 Fire bucket! Fire bucket! 40 00:03:52,041 --> 00:03:54,321 Have you locked the door? Quick! Quick! 41 00:03:56,401 --> 00:03:58,120 Take the keys. Lock it. 42 00:03:58,121 --> 00:04:00,641 Brace it! Brace it! I'm trying! 43 00:06:06,561 --> 00:06:08,280 Wakey, wakey! 44 00:06:08,281 --> 00:06:12,160 Come on, wake up. The day's half over. 45 00:06:12,161 --> 00:06:14,040 But it's nothing o'clock. 46 00:06:14,041 --> 00:06:15,401 Are you hungry? 47 00:06:34,841 --> 00:06:37,960 Do you like reading books? I'm partial to a graphic novel. 48 00:06:37,961 --> 00:06:43,121 Comics? How old are you? Graphic novels. How old are you? 49 00:06:50,841 --> 00:06:52,161 You look normal. 50 00:06:53,681 --> 00:06:54,801 Ta. 51 00:06:56,521 --> 00:07:00,600 You look weird when you look normal. You think I sleep in a tie? 52 00:07:00,601 --> 00:07:03,480 Hmm, pretty much. Except you don't so much sleep as, 53 00:07:03,481 --> 00:07:07,600 you know, power down, go into stand-by mode. 54 00:07:07,601 --> 00:07:09,480 Yeah, well... 55 00:07:09,481 --> 00:07:11,401 I took the day off. 56 00:07:12,281 --> 00:07:14,200 Why? 57 00:07:14,201 --> 00:07:18,041 Cos we've got to think about getting you... a job. 58 00:07:23,761 --> 00:07:24,801 What sort of job? 59 00:07:24,802 --> 00:07:27,760 A job. Like flipping burgers? 60 00:07:27,761 --> 00:07:30,921 Well, them burgers are not going to flip themselves, are they? 61 00:07:32,361 --> 00:07:34,880 It's, like, 2p an hour. Who am I, SpongeBob? 62 00:07:34,881 --> 00:07:38,760 I don't know what that is. He's a sponge. He flips burgers. 63 00:07:38,761 --> 00:07:42,761 Right. Well, why don't we keep flipping burgers to plan B? 64 00:07:44,521 --> 00:07:46,681 If you could do any job in the world, what would you do? 65 00:07:46,682 --> 00:07:49,760 I'd be a cool hunter. A what? 66 00:07:49,761 --> 00:07:53,800 Cool hunter. Go to seriously sick places, clubs, whatever. 67 00:07:53,801 --> 00:07:55,560 Underground, not mainstream. 68 00:07:55,561 --> 00:07:59,040 You kind of take note of what people are wearing, what slang they're using, 69 00:07:59,041 --> 00:08:01,961 what they're drinking, that sort of thing. 70 00:08:03,561 --> 00:08:07,521 It's a lot more complicated than it sounds. 71 00:08:13,121 --> 00:08:14,161 Cup of tea. 72 00:08:21,361 --> 00:08:23,441 Totally lushalicious. 73 00:08:28,161 --> 00:08:29,400 So... 74 00:08:29,401 --> 00:08:31,800 what are you going to do about the other thing? 75 00:08:31,801 --> 00:08:33,481 Being on the hook and that? 76 00:08:34,961 --> 00:08:36,681 Is that what I am? On the hook? 77 00:08:37,681 --> 00:08:38,841 Well, yeah. 78 00:08:40,081 --> 00:08:42,841 Toby won't just let us go, you know. 79 00:08:45,241 --> 00:08:46,640 I'll think of something. 80 00:09:09,121 --> 00:09:10,680 Morning. Your phone was off. 81 00:09:10,681 --> 00:09:13,360 Right. Well, keep the phone on, all it does is ring. 82 00:09:13,361 --> 00:09:16,040 Yeah. Sorry. The boss sent me. We've got a really weird one. 83 00:09:16,041 --> 00:09:20,480 Um, OK. All right, um, just wait in the car and I'll get changed. 84 00:09:20,481 --> 00:09:22,440 Why wait in the car? 85 00:09:22,441 --> 00:09:23,881 Two minutes. Two minutes. 86 00:09:28,121 --> 00:09:29,561 I've got to go to work. 87 00:09:32,161 --> 00:09:37,520 So, you, whatever you do today, make sure you hit the Jobcentre, right? 88 00:09:37,521 --> 00:09:38,840 Hand. 89 00:09:38,841 --> 00:09:40,441 What? Hand, please. 90 00:09:47,401 --> 00:09:49,680 Completely bomb dot com. 91 00:09:49,681 --> 00:09:53,921 Now, you want to keep it clean and dry and clear of infection. 92 00:09:55,561 --> 00:09:57,681 All right, Mum. 93 00:10:00,161 --> 00:10:05,321 So the stolen car belonged to the dead man, Adewale Omotoso. 94 00:10:16,441 --> 00:10:17,601 Jesus. 95 00:10:19,841 --> 00:10:21,960 White van belongs to a Steven Kimble. 96 00:10:21,961 --> 00:10:24,680 Is that the man that was blinded? Yeah, that's him. 97 00:10:24,681 --> 00:10:27,640 Acid in the water pistol. Probably hydrochloric. 98 00:10:27,641 --> 00:10:29,920 Witnesses? 99 00:10:29,921 --> 00:10:33,480 Sally Thomas and Depak Chandrapal, who locked themselves inside the shop. 100 00:10:33,481 --> 00:10:35,281 Thing is, both claim that they reckon 101 00:10:35,282 --> 00:10:37,560 the attacker intended to ram the window 102 00:10:37,561 --> 00:10:41,000 but changed his mind last minute and drove away. We know why? 103 00:10:41,001 --> 00:10:43,081 Dunno. Uniform were dealing with an altercation outside a pub 104 00:10:43,082 --> 00:10:45,880 called the Prince Regent, which is about half a mile up there. 105 00:10:45,881 --> 00:10:47,640 So they were Johnny-on-the-spot. 106 00:10:47,641 --> 00:10:50,520 They were here two minutes after the 999 call came in, 107 00:10:50,521 --> 00:10:55,280 so maybe he's heard the sirens and, you know, just ran away. 108 00:10:55,281 --> 00:10:56,681 Maybe. 109 00:10:57,961 --> 00:11:02,360 So, er, timeline. He gets here. What's the first thing he does? 110 00:11:02,361 --> 00:11:04,360 Graffitis the Corolla. 111 00:11:04,361 --> 00:11:06,760 Corolla? Where? On the roof. 112 00:11:06,761 --> 00:11:08,281 Have you done here, SOCO? Yeah. 113 00:11:14,201 --> 00:11:15,481 A compass, maybe? 114 00:11:15,482 --> 00:11:19,600 Run it by intel, see if there's any gang association. 115 00:11:19,601 --> 00:11:21,160 I was thinking - four people, 116 00:11:21,161 --> 00:11:25,880 two black, including the dead man, one white, one Asian. 117 00:11:25,881 --> 00:11:27,840 You think it was racial? 118 00:11:27,841 --> 00:11:30,800 Well, Nazis do love an insignia. 119 00:11:30,801 --> 00:11:32,920 But Kimble's white. 120 00:11:32,921 --> 00:11:34,681 He got in the way. 121 00:11:35,761 --> 00:11:37,880 Yeah. Well, look into it. 122 00:11:37,881 --> 00:11:44,361 See if there's any white-power faction affiliated with that. 123 00:11:50,681 --> 00:11:51,721 Hold it there. 124 00:11:53,321 --> 00:11:54,841 What's he doing? 125 00:11:56,801 --> 00:12:00,720 Is he tying a shoelace or something? Could be. Or reading a text? 126 00:12:00,721 --> 00:12:02,241 Kneeling down? 127 00:12:03,441 --> 00:12:04,681 Is that a thing? 128 00:12:04,682 --> 00:12:07,720 Could be getting something out of his sock? 129 00:12:07,721 --> 00:12:10,280 What could Benny do with that? Probably not much. 130 00:12:10,281 --> 00:12:13,681 Resolution's pretty low. Let me see the rest. 131 00:12:21,561 --> 00:12:23,961 I tell you what, if they hadn't have stopped him, 132 00:12:23,962 --> 00:12:27,520 he would have blown this whole place to the moon. 133 00:12:29,481 --> 00:12:31,361 Hang on, they've found the car. 134 00:12:37,441 --> 00:12:38,920 All right, 135 00:12:38,921 --> 00:12:41,760 what've we got? Not much. 136 00:12:41,761 --> 00:12:45,080 He's torched it, obviously, and that's it. 137 00:12:45,081 --> 00:12:48,640 Listen, this is taken from CCTV at the garage. Get on to uniform, 138 00:12:48,641 --> 00:12:52,520 get them to canvass the area, see if we can't put a name to that face. 139 00:12:52,521 --> 00:12:55,361 Will do. 140 00:12:56,401 --> 00:13:00,560 Is everything all right, guv? Ah... Yeah. Yeah. 141 00:13:00,561 --> 00:13:02,240 So you handle door-to-door. 142 00:13:02,241 --> 00:13:06,520 Justin... get onto intel, see if they can ID that compass. 143 00:13:06,521 --> 00:13:10,440 I'll meet you back at the factory, all right? I've got a meeting. 144 00:13:10,441 --> 00:13:12,641 You all right? Yeah, great. 145 00:13:14,521 --> 00:13:16,441 It's just... you know. 146 00:13:17,881 --> 00:13:19,680 Just what? 147 00:13:19,681 --> 00:13:20,921 I just... 148 00:13:22,001 --> 00:13:24,360 want to do it right, you know? 149 00:13:24,361 --> 00:13:26,960 Listen, if he asks you to do something and you're not sure, 150 00:13:26,961 --> 00:13:31,401 don't butt heads with him. OK? Just, well, come and see me. 151 00:13:33,761 --> 00:13:39,161 Right. Better get canvassing. Nazis, nutters, jugglers and the clowns. 152 00:13:58,361 --> 00:14:00,880 I like this bit. Watch. 153 00:14:00,881 --> 00:14:05,760 All right, show's over! Wait for it... there! 154 00:14:05,761 --> 00:14:07,280 I am arresting you... 155 00:14:07,281 --> 00:14:08,961 It's brilliant! 156 00:14:10,641 --> 00:14:13,200 Oh, and it never gets old. Honestly. 157 00:14:13,201 --> 00:14:17,841 I hear that, um... she's living with you now. 158 00:14:19,721 --> 00:14:21,480 How is... How's that working out? 159 00:14:21,481 --> 00:14:23,320 Let's not talk about Jenny, eh? 160 00:14:23,321 --> 00:14:28,161 Good for you. You can't beat a nice warm mouth to come home to. 161 00:14:29,241 --> 00:14:31,560 She did live with another man for a while. 162 00:14:31,561 --> 00:14:34,640 And he was a depraved old monster, really. 163 00:14:34,641 --> 00:14:36,720 I think she liked it, in a way. 164 00:14:36,721 --> 00:14:39,880 Being his dirty little servant. 165 00:14:39,881 --> 00:14:42,520 Daddy issues. 166 00:14:42,521 --> 00:14:44,961 Do you know why she left him? Thing is, I don't care. 167 00:14:44,962 --> 00:14:48,000 He asked how much it would cost to buy her outright, 168 00:14:48,001 --> 00:14:52,281 thereafter to do as his will dictated, one presumes. 169 00:14:53,561 --> 00:14:56,081 I've still got his number somewhere. 170 00:15:00,121 --> 00:15:03,360 Michael Saroyan. Armenian imports. 171 00:15:03,361 --> 00:15:06,400 Making aggressive moves in the local market. 172 00:15:06,401 --> 00:15:11,520 He's merging smaller operations - clubs, trafficking, girls, protection, 173 00:15:11,521 --> 00:15:15,160 all the rest of it. Another job for you... 174 00:15:15,161 --> 00:15:17,081 I'd like to know the extent of his market penetration. 175 00:15:17,082 --> 00:15:20,520 Your turf wars are your business. If that sort of thing 176 00:15:20,521 --> 00:15:23,760 ever got traced back to me... Make sure it's not. A list 177 00:15:23,761 --> 00:15:25,240 of his capital assets. 178 00:15:25,241 --> 00:15:27,840 I'd tread carefully with that sort of thing. 179 00:15:27,841 --> 00:15:30,920 No, you'll tread exactly where and how I tell you. 180 00:15:30,921 --> 00:15:36,960 A list of Saroyan's personnel today. Are we clear? 181 00:15:36,961 --> 00:15:40,080 What, do I have to ask more politely? 182 00:15:41,521 --> 00:15:44,081 I'm sick of this. Just do as you're told. 183 00:15:49,601 --> 00:15:50,761 John. 184 00:15:54,161 --> 00:15:57,081 I need what I asked for... today. 185 00:16:03,321 --> 00:16:05,601 Or we'll pop round, pay Jenny a visit. 186 00:16:06,761 --> 00:16:08,521 Yeah, open her up. See what's inside. 187 00:16:17,761 --> 00:16:19,481 Look at yourself, Frank. 188 00:16:33,801 --> 00:16:35,120 What? You know what. 189 00:16:35,121 --> 00:16:37,720 No, I don't know what. What? Tell me what. 190 00:16:37,721 --> 00:16:41,640 You don't think I can do it, do you? You actually don't think I'm capable 191 00:16:41,641 --> 00:16:44,360 of squeezing a couple of addresses out of a dirty copper. 192 00:16:44,361 --> 00:16:49,000 He's not a dirty copper. He's a man over a barrel. 193 00:16:49,001 --> 00:16:54,641 That's a completely different thing, and you handle it a completely different way. 194 00:18:42,801 --> 00:18:44,600 What have we got, Gray? 195 00:18:44,601 --> 00:18:47,960 Um, there are one or two white-power psychos in the estate, 196 00:18:47,961 --> 00:18:50,320 namely one Ryan Hayfield. 197 00:18:50,321 --> 00:18:51,601 Do we like him? 198 00:18:51,602 --> 00:18:54,640 Well, he's unemployed, long history of mental illness, 199 00:18:54,641 --> 00:18:57,040 interest in various right-of-right-wing groups. 200 00:18:57,041 --> 00:19:00,760 Lives with his mum, always a good sign in a man of 35. And that's him. 201 00:19:00,761 --> 00:19:03,520 Nah. Definitely not. 202 00:19:03,521 --> 00:19:05,720 Eliminate him. What have you got? 203 00:19:05,721 --> 00:19:08,760 I checked the compass design against local gang insignia - 204 00:19:08,761 --> 00:19:12,640 A-Road, Mothers' Square Boys, Gravehouse Boys, Hindle Street Gangs... 205 00:19:12,641 --> 00:19:15,600 Any joy? Completely joyless. 206 00:19:15,601 --> 00:19:19,480 Yeah. It never felt like tagging to me. 207 00:19:19,481 --> 00:19:21,800 Why put it on the roof, 208 00:19:21,801 --> 00:19:24,081 where no-one can see it? I don't think it's a compass. 209 00:19:24,082 --> 00:19:25,160 Oh, yeah? 210 00:19:25,161 --> 00:19:28,240 See, in my spare time, I like to read a lot of fantasy fiction. 211 00:19:28,241 --> 00:19:31,080 I think it's the Bedlam Axis. 212 00:19:31,081 --> 00:19:33,280 What's a Bedlam Axis when it's at home? 213 00:19:33,281 --> 00:19:36,640 Yeah. Bedlam Axis has been around since the 1960s. 214 00:19:36,641 --> 00:19:40,080 It's used a lot in RPG - role-playing games. 215 00:19:40,081 --> 00:19:44,200 So, the arrow going upwards indicates predictability, law and order. 216 00:19:44,201 --> 00:19:47,600 The arrow going across indicates unpredictably. 217 00:19:47,601 --> 00:19:49,041 Chaos. 218 00:19:50,841 --> 00:19:54,321 Can we see that CCTV footage of him kneeling down? 219 00:19:57,161 --> 00:19:58,800 Yeah, I... 220 00:19:58,801 --> 00:20:01,080 I don't think he's tying up his shoelace. 221 00:20:01,081 --> 00:20:04,681 You know, I tie my shoelace like this. 222 00:20:06,001 --> 00:20:09,201 I don't think he's texting either. 223 00:20:16,721 --> 00:20:19,600 I think he's making his decisions on a roll of a dice. 224 00:20:19,601 --> 00:20:22,640 Who to kill, when to kill, whether or not to kill. 225 00:20:22,641 --> 00:20:27,520 Have you come across anything like this ever before? 226 00:20:27,521 --> 00:20:29,080 No. You? 227 00:20:29,081 --> 00:20:30,640 No. 228 00:20:30,641 --> 00:20:34,080 Judging by his demeanour last night, the man was enjoying himself immensely. 229 00:20:34,081 --> 00:20:37,560 So what are the chances of there being more to come? 230 00:20:37,561 --> 00:20:40,880 Think of this as a spree that's only just started. 231 00:20:40,881 --> 00:20:45,400 Yeah, well, that may be true, but one crime does not a pattern make. 232 00:20:45,401 --> 00:20:50,680 We don't know which aspects of it he may choose to repeat. 233 00:20:50,681 --> 00:20:52,480 If any. 234 00:20:52,481 --> 00:20:55,400 I mean, if he's doing all this at the roll of a dice, 235 00:20:55,401 --> 00:20:58,881 his next kill could be any time, anywhere, any place. 236 00:21:00,081 --> 00:21:04,120 So, how do we catch him? Well, we get lucky. 237 00:21:04,121 --> 00:21:06,720 Or he gets unlucky. 238 00:21:06,721 --> 00:21:09,361 Or a combination of the two. 239 00:21:24,361 --> 00:21:27,280 Listen to me, Toby. Yeah. Listen, listen. 240 00:21:27,281 --> 00:21:31,080 I know you want to be a big boy and impress Frank, all right, 241 00:21:31,081 --> 00:21:33,720 but you need to calm down. You'll get it when I get it. 242 00:21:33,721 --> 00:21:35,880 No, no. Today. I can't. 243 00:21:35,881 --> 00:21:37,761 Yes. Yes, you can. You'll do it now. 244 00:21:37,762 --> 00:21:41,280 Listen, if that stuff isn't in my hands in the next two hours, 245 00:21:41,281 --> 00:21:42,841 do I have to tell you what'll happen? 246 00:21:42,842 --> 00:21:45,761 Unless you want me to dismember your whore. 247 00:21:47,321 --> 00:21:49,041 So just do as you're told. 248 00:22:27,801 --> 00:22:29,521 Who's fire picket? Guv, that's me. 249 00:22:29,522 --> 00:22:32,000 Well, clear the floor, then, please. 250 00:22:32,001 --> 00:22:37,200 OK, everyone. You know the drill. Let's all meet at the assembly point, please! 251 00:22:37,201 --> 00:22:39,281 Sorry, sorry, sorry! Quick as you can. 252 00:23:25,121 --> 00:23:27,561 Password...? 253 00:25:46,601 --> 00:25:48,201 All right? 254 00:25:50,001 --> 00:25:53,160 OK, everyone. We need to do a quick head-count. Sorry about this. 255 00:25:53,161 --> 00:25:54,801 Right, let's go. 256 00:27:57,921 --> 00:27:59,441 Tossers. 257 00:28:07,121 --> 00:28:09,040 Yo, John Luther, it's me. 258 00:28:09,041 --> 00:28:14,601 So I went to the Jobcentre, and they weren't amazingly pleasant to me. 259 00:28:17,041 --> 00:28:20,041 Turns out there's been this global downturn, whatever. 260 00:28:22,081 --> 00:28:25,161 So it's all quiet on the job front. 261 00:28:59,201 --> 00:29:00,841 Hello, Mum? 262 00:29:03,641 --> 00:29:06,041 You fancy meeting up for coffee or something? 263 00:29:19,441 --> 00:29:20,921 Right, it's our man. 264 00:29:22,921 --> 00:29:25,480 Definitely our man. We just don't know who he is, 265 00:29:25,481 --> 00:29:28,800 and we can't tell what he's going to do next, so... 266 00:29:28,801 --> 00:29:30,600 We've got to know where he's at. 267 00:29:30,601 --> 00:29:35,600 How do we do that? I say we get CO19 ready, monitor the emergency lines. 268 00:29:35,601 --> 00:29:38,720 If we hear anything that sounds unusual, we think it's him, 269 00:29:38,721 --> 00:29:41,481 we send in armed response. 270 00:29:42,441 --> 00:29:45,240 See if we can't catch him in the act. London's got, what, 271 00:29:45,241 --> 00:29:47,240 6,000 999 calls a day. 272 00:29:47,241 --> 00:29:50,480 Yeah, but 70% of them are time-wasters, cats up trees. 273 00:29:50,481 --> 00:29:53,880 Most of the rest is meat and potatoes. It shouldn't be too hard to set up a filter. 274 00:29:53,881 --> 00:29:54,920 Right. 275 00:29:54,921 --> 00:29:58,240 If we think it's him, we make a judgment call. 276 00:29:58,241 --> 00:30:00,121 We go in loud and heavy. 277 00:30:01,121 --> 00:30:03,560 What do you think of that plan? 278 00:30:03,561 --> 00:30:05,241 Let's do it. Sounds good. 279 00:30:14,481 --> 00:30:17,040 'Police emergency.' '..threatening to kill herself...' 280 00:30:17,041 --> 00:30:19,840 'Covered in blood. I don't know what to do...' 281 00:30:19,841 --> 00:30:22,680 'just running around with blood all over his face...' 282 00:30:22,681 --> 00:30:26,760 'I dunno, a knife or something.' 'My son, he's schizophrenic. 283 00:30:26,761 --> 00:30:28,321 'He's off his medication...' 284 00:30:30,241 --> 00:30:33,120 'I'm not being funny, but there's this really mean dog running around. 285 00:30:33,121 --> 00:30:34,401 'I know it sounds a bit... 286 00:30:34,402 --> 00:30:37,121 'But I'm just worried it's going to bite a baby or something.' 287 00:30:58,521 --> 00:31:01,240 'A woman's just been mugged. Yeah. An old lady. 288 00:31:01,241 --> 00:31:06,001 'Two blokes came up to her and just, bang, they just ran off with her bag.' 289 00:31:15,241 --> 00:31:19,201 'An inmate. I'm all covered in blood. I don't know what to do.' 290 00:32:13,081 --> 00:32:16,840 Sir. OK, boys and girls, we've got ourselves a weird one. 291 00:32:16,841 --> 00:32:20,760 Here we go. Benny, what you got for me? Random attack. Three people stabbed. 292 00:32:20,761 --> 00:32:25,840 Killer has stolen a motorcycle courier's bike, bag, helmet and jacket. 293 00:32:25,841 --> 00:32:28,800 He left the scene three minutes ago on the bike, dressed as a courier. 294 00:32:28,801 --> 00:32:33,120 All right. Here's the plan. Contact that courier's delivery company, 295 00:32:33,121 --> 00:32:36,480 find out what his next scheduled delivery is, scramble ARV, 296 00:32:36,481 --> 00:32:41,241 see if we can't get there before he does. That's him. That's him. 297 00:34:46,881 --> 00:34:49,361 Susie! Susie! Come on! 298 00:35:52,121 --> 00:35:54,761 How many? Four confirmed dead. 299 00:35:55,721 --> 00:35:58,120 Many injured. 300 00:35:58,121 --> 00:36:00,120 We missed him by... minutes. 301 00:36:00,121 --> 00:36:05,000 We don't have him and we don't know where he's going to go next. 302 00:36:05,001 --> 00:36:07,160 He'd have dumped the courier rig and moved on. 303 00:36:07,161 --> 00:36:09,240 Escape route? 304 00:36:09,241 --> 00:36:11,241 Through the car park. 305 00:37:21,321 --> 00:37:22,800 Boss, what's up? 306 00:37:22,801 --> 00:37:27,000 Justin, he's still in the building! Dressed as an employee. 307 00:37:27,001 --> 00:37:28,201 OK. Erin. 308 00:37:30,041 --> 00:37:32,721 He's still here. Make sure no-one else leaves. OK. 309 00:38:54,161 --> 00:38:55,961 Put the phone down. 310 00:39:20,161 --> 00:39:22,161 'This is John Luther. Leave a message.' 311 00:39:26,601 --> 00:39:30,401 Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on... 312 00:40:09,801 --> 00:40:11,521 All right, Mum? 313 00:40:20,441 --> 00:40:22,400 All right, Mum? 314 00:40:22,401 --> 00:40:24,480 Coffee shop closed? 315 00:40:24,481 --> 00:40:27,481 So are you sleeping with him? 316 00:40:29,201 --> 00:40:31,360 "Hello, Jen! How are you? 317 00:40:31,361 --> 00:40:34,760 "Can I tell you, you look utterly mint?" 318 00:40:34,761 --> 00:40:38,000 Are you? Utterly mint? Totally. 319 00:40:38,001 --> 00:40:40,720 Sleeping with him? 320 00:40:40,721 --> 00:40:42,521 Whatever. He's, like, 55. 321 00:40:44,441 --> 00:40:46,441 So how are you paying the rent? 322 00:40:47,881 --> 00:40:50,240 He doesn't want rent, actually. 323 00:40:50,241 --> 00:40:53,481 I bet he doesn't. 324 00:40:56,881 --> 00:41:00,161 If you knew how that man tortured your dad. 325 00:41:03,041 --> 00:41:06,960 Because you loved Dad so much, right?! Yes. 326 00:41:06,961 --> 00:41:08,641 I did. 327 00:41:11,001 --> 00:41:17,000 So you didn't try to screw John the minute Dad was cold in the ground? 328 00:41:17,001 --> 00:41:19,240 Is that what he told you? 329 00:41:19,241 --> 00:41:24,080 That's what I saw. What you think you saw. 330 00:41:24,081 --> 00:41:25,440 Mum. I saw. 331 00:41:25,441 --> 00:41:30,400 Just come home. Please. No. 332 00:41:30,401 --> 00:41:31,881 I just want us to be... What? 333 00:41:31,882 --> 00:41:35,080 "Hello, world! Hello, neighbours! Here we are! 334 00:41:35,081 --> 00:41:39,040 "Jenny and Caroline! We're normal! Look how normal we are!" 335 00:41:39,041 --> 00:41:44,040 You really are one evil little bitch. Yeah, well... 336 00:41:44,041 --> 00:41:47,520 the apple didn't fall far from the tree. 337 00:41:47,521 --> 00:41:49,600 What? 338 00:41:49,601 --> 00:41:54,040 You going to start smacking me about a bit now? Do you know what? 339 00:41:54,041 --> 00:41:55,081 Go ahead. 340 00:41:56,641 --> 00:41:59,481 I've been hit by animals a lot meaner than you. 341 00:42:05,161 --> 00:42:06,200 Take it. 342 00:42:06,201 --> 00:42:07,521 Keep it. 343 00:42:09,121 --> 00:42:11,760 Just take it. For food. For rent. 344 00:42:11,761 --> 00:42:13,800 I don't want your money. 345 00:42:13,801 --> 00:42:15,081 I'm getting a job. 346 00:42:15,082 --> 00:42:17,360 Have you got one yet? 347 00:42:17,361 --> 00:42:18,081 Not yet, no. 348 00:42:18,082 --> 00:42:20,521 Then take it. I don't want your money. 349 00:42:21,961 --> 00:42:25,720 But if I was a strange man with an erection and a video camera, 350 00:42:25,721 --> 00:42:27,601 then you'd take it, wouldn't you? 351 00:43:10,361 --> 00:43:12,720 Erin, what's up? 352 00:43:12,721 --> 00:43:14,960 You said I could come to you. 353 00:43:14,961 --> 00:43:17,400 Yeah, absolutely. 354 00:43:17,401 --> 00:43:20,121 I don't know what to do, Justin. 355 00:43:22,041 --> 00:43:25,400 What about? Luther. 356 00:43:25,401 --> 00:43:27,801 Today, during the fire alarm, he breaks into Schenk's office, 357 00:43:27,802 --> 00:43:29,360 accesses his computer. 358 00:43:29,361 --> 00:43:33,560 And don't say it, because I'm sure. I wish I wasn't, but I am. 359 00:43:33,561 --> 00:43:35,880 He's got no need to. 360 00:43:35,881 --> 00:43:39,720 Access to the database is audited. 361 00:43:39,721 --> 00:43:43,520 I mean, why else use Schenk's computer? 362 00:43:43,521 --> 00:43:46,640 Whatever he was doing, he didn't want anyone else to know he was doing it. 363 00:43:46,641 --> 00:43:47,921 Tell me that's not dirty. 364 00:43:50,161 --> 00:43:54,040 OK, yeah, on the face of it, it looks odd. 365 00:43:54,041 --> 00:43:56,760 But there'll be a reason. 366 00:43:56,761 --> 00:43:58,240 Oh, come on! 367 00:43:58,241 --> 00:44:01,120 There's loyalty and then there's... naivety. 368 00:44:01,121 --> 00:44:02,640 There's also a difference 369 00:44:02,641 --> 00:44:05,801 between getting your hands dirty and being dirty. 370 00:44:08,081 --> 00:44:10,240 This is what I get, is it? 371 00:44:10,241 --> 00:44:11,760 I've come to you for help. 372 00:44:11,761 --> 00:44:15,961 And this is it? Platitudes and denials and puppy-dog eyes? 373 00:44:20,641 --> 00:44:22,240 Right. Just leave it with me. 374 00:44:22,241 --> 00:44:25,561 Right? Thank you. 375 00:44:40,881 --> 00:44:43,880 I'm DCI John Luther. 376 00:44:43,881 --> 00:44:45,761 Question is, who are you? 377 00:44:49,961 --> 00:44:53,721 Your fingerprints didn't show up on the records. 378 00:44:54,721 --> 00:44:56,720 You're not carrying any ID. 379 00:44:56,721 --> 00:44:57,921 Just this. 380 00:45:03,121 --> 00:45:04,321 And these. 381 00:45:17,601 --> 00:45:18,881 What? 382 00:45:26,881 --> 00:45:29,761 Well, I've been using our quiet time... 383 00:45:31,281 --> 00:45:33,080 to think about this. 384 00:45:33,081 --> 00:45:34,800 What is it? 385 00:45:34,801 --> 00:45:36,320 What could it be? 386 00:45:36,321 --> 00:45:37,960 Do you know what I think? 387 00:45:37,961 --> 00:45:41,240 I reckon it's a scorecard. 388 00:45:41,241 --> 00:45:46,481 How many points, what, ten points for killing someone with a baseball bat? 389 00:45:47,921 --> 00:45:49,920 20 points for, I don't know, 390 00:45:49,921 --> 00:45:54,040 stabbing a stranger to death. Am I right? 391 00:45:54,041 --> 00:45:56,001 Is that what this is? 392 00:46:12,801 --> 00:46:15,640 Who were you trying to call 393 00:46:15,641 --> 00:46:18,440 at the office? Who was that? 394 00:46:18,441 --> 00:46:19,881 The wife? 395 00:46:22,081 --> 00:46:23,960 Girlfriend, boyfriend? 396 00:46:23,961 --> 00:46:25,561 Boyfriend. 397 00:46:26,721 --> 00:46:29,400 I didn't think it was your mum and dad. 398 00:46:29,401 --> 00:46:32,360 No, we checked the records, and it was a disposable phone, 399 00:46:32,361 --> 00:46:35,720 the only time that number has been called, 400 00:46:35,721 --> 00:46:39,641 so doesn't say Mum and Dad to me. Does it say Mum and Dad to you? 401 00:46:41,601 --> 00:46:43,600 So who was it? 402 00:46:43,601 --> 00:46:45,561 Who was it? 403 00:46:48,801 --> 00:46:50,241 Who was it? 404 00:46:56,201 --> 00:47:00,361 You know, I've been a police officer since God was a boy. 405 00:47:01,881 --> 00:47:07,400 I don't think I've sat across a table from someone 406 00:47:07,401 --> 00:47:11,721 who takes their right to silence so seriously. 407 00:47:18,721 --> 00:47:21,121 Want to say something? 408 00:47:26,681 --> 00:47:27,841 No? 409 00:47:35,161 --> 00:47:36,481 Who are you? 410 00:47:37,721 --> 00:47:39,721 We'll find out, won't we? 411 00:48:10,681 --> 00:48:12,081 John? 412 00:48:16,601 --> 00:48:17,721 Oh! 413 00:48:18,681 --> 00:48:20,601 Agh! Hello. 414 00:48:24,441 --> 00:48:25,800 You remember me? 415 00:48:25,801 --> 00:48:28,001 Of course you do. 416 00:48:29,161 --> 00:48:30,761 And what an evening that was! 417 00:48:32,681 --> 00:48:34,720 Well, I do apologise for any 418 00:48:34,721 --> 00:48:38,361 work-related injuries that you sustained. Where is he? 419 00:48:39,601 --> 00:48:41,920 The man of the house. Working. 420 00:48:41,921 --> 00:48:45,560 Bringing home the bacon, as it were. 421 00:48:45,561 --> 00:48:47,240 When will he be back? 422 00:48:47,241 --> 00:48:49,160 Whenever he can. 423 00:48:49,161 --> 00:48:50,841 And when's that? Do I look like his wife? 424 00:48:50,842 --> 00:48:53,680 Darling, you don't look like anybody's wife. 425 00:48:53,681 --> 00:48:55,561 So, anyway, door's that way. 426 00:48:57,401 --> 00:49:00,680 No, er, I can't leave. 427 00:49:00,681 --> 00:49:04,280 Not before the Big Bad John shows up 428 00:49:04,281 --> 00:49:06,801 and gives me what I'm waiting for. 429 00:49:20,001 --> 00:49:23,401 You know, I really must say, he's being disappointingly tardy. 430 00:49:25,681 --> 00:49:29,280 Yeah, definitely more dial-up than broadband. 431 00:49:29,281 --> 00:49:30,521 So you'd better be off, then. 432 00:49:33,841 --> 00:49:36,161 Did I hurt you that badly? 433 00:49:40,161 --> 00:49:43,361 I... I can't help it. 434 00:49:46,961 --> 00:49:48,721 It's the screams. 435 00:49:50,081 --> 00:49:51,440 See? 436 00:49:51,441 --> 00:49:54,160 I think they're rather like watches. 437 00:49:54,161 --> 00:49:56,200 On one level... 438 00:49:56,201 --> 00:49:59,881 the fake ones are convincing enough... 439 00:50:02,241 --> 00:50:04,761 until you've tried the genuine article. 440 00:50:11,721 --> 00:50:13,761 What's that? 441 00:50:18,641 --> 00:50:21,160 It's not yours! Ooh. 442 00:50:21,161 --> 00:50:23,281 Ooh. 443 00:50:26,481 --> 00:50:28,400 David Bowie. 444 00:50:28,401 --> 00:50:32,440 Oh, my God. That is so sweet. 445 00:50:32,441 --> 00:50:35,000 You do know you're ill? 446 00:50:35,001 --> 00:50:38,441 There's something wrong with you. 447 00:50:45,161 --> 00:50:46,761 Yeah, apparently, there is. 448 00:50:48,961 --> 00:50:52,760 When I was eight, they caught me... 449 00:50:52,761 --> 00:50:55,561 interfering with the corpse of a cat, and, er... 450 00:50:57,001 --> 00:50:59,400 I told them it was a scientific experiment. 451 00:50:59,401 --> 00:51:02,521 I was just trying to see if there were any kittens inside. 452 00:51:03,881 --> 00:51:06,641 There were no kittens. 453 00:51:10,361 --> 00:51:13,520 How are you on the money front? 454 00:51:13,521 --> 00:51:14,601 Don't you start. 455 00:51:14,602 --> 00:51:17,160 Because I've got the money if you've got the time. 456 00:51:17,161 --> 00:51:21,040 I don't do that anymore. Oh, what, cos you've found yourself? 457 00:51:21,041 --> 00:51:23,880 What is it? Because you've found some kind of 458 00:51:23,881 --> 00:51:26,720 pure core of strength and self-respect, 459 00:51:26,721 --> 00:51:29,081 or because you're learning to love yourself as a woman? 460 00:51:29,082 --> 00:51:33,440 You need to leave. If John comes back and hears you talking to me like this... 461 00:51:33,441 --> 00:51:37,240 "Talking to me like this"? I think John will do as he's told. 462 00:51:37,241 --> 00:51:39,520 I could have you bent over this table 463 00:51:39,521 --> 00:51:44,601 and there'd be nothing he could do but stand back and watch. 464 00:51:46,601 --> 00:51:48,961 Besides which, John's not here, is he? 465 00:51:51,321 --> 00:51:52,641 Hmm? 466 00:51:53,601 --> 00:51:56,081 I told him what I wanted. 467 00:52:00,441 --> 00:52:02,680 I told him what I'd do. 468 00:52:02,681 --> 00:52:07,281 But John's not here. He's not here for you, he's not here for me. 469 00:52:08,841 --> 00:52:12,480 I think he's let the both of us down. 470 00:52:12,481 --> 00:52:14,760 I'll, er, be very gentle. 471 00:52:14,761 --> 00:52:16,321 Or not. 472 00:52:17,561 --> 00:52:19,480 Get out. Come on. 473 00:52:19,481 --> 00:52:21,040 Get out! What is it? 474 00:52:21,041 --> 00:52:23,359 Has he got a thing for sullied goods? Is that what it is? 475 00:52:23,360 --> 00:52:25,121 Don't talk about him. Or does he like to be the hero? 476 00:52:25,122 --> 00:52:27,920 Putting pretty young things into his bed for gratitude? 477 00:52:27,921 --> 00:52:31,160 Eh, what does he like? What's his scene? What does he like? Hey? 478 00:52:31,161 --> 00:52:33,600 Don't, please! Does he like this? 479 00:52:33,601 --> 00:52:34,681 Does he like this? 480 00:52:56,361 --> 00:52:58,560 Boss, have you got a minute? 481 00:52:58,561 --> 00:53:02,561 Yeah. Walk... Walk out with me. 482 00:53:07,001 --> 00:53:09,240 Everything all right? 483 00:53:09,241 --> 00:53:12,081 Um, with me, yeah. 484 00:53:13,081 --> 00:53:14,441 What does that mean? 485 00:53:15,961 --> 00:53:17,001 Um... 486 00:53:18,361 --> 00:53:20,121 Were you in Schenk's office? 487 00:53:22,641 --> 00:53:25,040 When? Today, during the fire alarm. 488 00:53:25,041 --> 00:53:26,400 Who's told you that? 489 00:53:26,401 --> 00:53:28,361 No-one. It doesn't matter. 490 00:53:29,361 --> 00:53:30,561 Were you, though? 491 00:53:32,041 --> 00:53:34,480 Justin, do you trust me? Yeah. You know I do. 492 00:53:34,481 --> 00:53:37,001 All right, well, don't say what you're about to say. 493 00:53:39,121 --> 00:53:40,521 Are you in trouble? 494 00:53:48,561 --> 00:53:51,280 Things are a little messy. 495 00:53:51,281 --> 00:53:53,601 But I'm working it out. 496 00:54:07,481 --> 00:54:10,160 Toby, I've got it and I'm ready to meet you, 497 00:54:10,161 --> 00:54:12,361 so just call me and tell me where. 498 00:55:13,721 --> 00:55:14,921 Jenny? 499 00:55:18,281 --> 00:55:19,401 Jenny, where are you? 500 00:55:20,401 --> 00:55:21,961 Are you home? 501 00:55:23,561 --> 00:55:25,640 Where are you? 502 00:55:25,641 --> 00:55:27,080 I'm sorry. 503 00:55:27,081 --> 00:55:29,801 I'm really, really sorry. 504 00:57:14,601 --> 00:57:18,481 We've got another one. It's started again. There's two of them. 505 00:57:22,641 --> 00:57:25,520 Call her! I'm trying, I don't know where she is!