1 00:00:01,240 --> 00:00:04,790 NARRATOR: Are alien visitors coming to Earth in spacecraft? 2 00:00:05,070 --> 00:00:08,960 WILLIAM HENRY: These mysterious lights appear to be intelligently directed. 3 00:00:09,450 --> 00:00:13,680 NARRATOR: Or could some be coming here by other means? 4 00:00:13,860 --> 00:00:15,480 DAVID CHILDRESS: When we think of encounters with extraterrestrials, 5 00:00:15,570 --> 00:00:18,450 it’s quite possible that they are using 6 00:00:18,540 --> 00:00:21,780 some interdimensional way of traveling. 7 00:00:21,870 --> 00:00:25,380 NARRATOR: There are those who believe that not all close encounters 8 00:00:25,470 --> 00:00:28,170 are of the physical kind... 9 00:00:28,260 --> 00:00:30,690 JOHN BRANDENBURG: Would we perceive life in these parallel universes 10 00:00:30,870 --> 00:00:34,200 as like a ghost or a spirit? An angel? 11 00:00:34,290 --> 00:00:38,610 NARRATOR: ...and that alien contact often happens without our knowledge... 12 00:00:38,790 --> 00:00:41,400 CAROLINE CORY: It exists beyond the visible spectrum. 13 00:00:41,490 --> 00:00:43,740 So the fact that we don’t see it, 14 00:00:43,830 --> 00:00:45,180 doesn’t mean it’s not there. 15 00:00:45,270 --> 00:00:48,510 NARRATOR: ...and leaving no trace. 16 00:00:48,690 --> 00:00:51,480 RABBI ARIEL BAR TZADOK: Maybe we’re not really dealing with extraterrestrials 17 00:00:51,570 --> 00:00:55,980 from outer space, but ultra-terrestrials 18 00:00:56,070 --> 00:00:59,130 coming from parallel space. 19 00:01:01,830 --> 00:01:03,990 NARRATOR: There is a doorway 20 00:01:04,080 --> 00:01:06,870 in the universe. 21 00:01:06,960 --> 00:01:09,750 Beyond it is the promise of truth. 22 00:01:11,280 --> 00:01:13,530 It demands we question everything 23 00:01:13,620 --> 00:01:15,870 we have ever been taught. 24 00:01:15,960 --> 00:01:20,100 The evidence is all around us. 25 00:01:20,280 --> 00:01:23,610 The future is right before our eyes. 26 00:01:23,700 --> 00:01:26,310 We are not alone. 27 00:01:26,400 --> 00:01:29,640 We have never been alone. 28 00:01:36,030 --> 00:01:38,730 NARRATOR: Pisgah National Forest. 29 00:01:40,350 --> 00:01:43,140 Burke County, North Carolina. 30 00:01:43,230 --> 00:01:46,830 As darkness descends on the Brown Mountains, 31 00:01:47,010 --> 00:01:51,060 strange glowing orbs materialize on the horizon. 32 00:01:51,150 --> 00:01:54,750 They hover over the range for a few seconds at a time, 33 00:01:54,930 --> 00:01:57,810 and then mysteriously vanish. 34 00:01:57,900 --> 00:02:02,490 The Brown Mountain Lights have been observed for centuries. 35 00:02:02,580 --> 00:02:05,910 There are Indian accounts as early as the 13th century. 36 00:02:06,000 --> 00:02:09,240 Back in the antebellum days, some plantation owner 37 00:02:09,420 --> 00:02:11,490 was hunting there, disappeared. 38 00:02:11,670 --> 00:02:13,380 Some of the people from his plantation, 39 00:02:13,470 --> 00:02:16,080 slaves we would presume, went looking for him, 40 00:02:16,260 --> 00:02:19,410 they disappeared; never explained. 41 00:02:19,500 --> 00:02:22,650 But that night, these lights were seen. 42 00:02:22,740 --> 00:02:25,980 For decades, these lights have been talked about, 43 00:02:26,070 --> 00:02:27,240 studied, and no one is sure 44 00:02:27,420 --> 00:02:29,040 exactly what causes these lights. 45 00:02:29,130 --> 00:02:30,660 There are many theories about them, 46 00:02:30,750 --> 00:02:32,640 but nobody really knows for sure. 47 00:02:32,820 --> 00:02:36,060 There’s the very curious story 48 00:02:36,240 --> 00:02:38,490 of a person named Ralph Lael 49 00:02:38,580 --> 00:02:40,110 who claimed that he was following 50 00:02:40,290 --> 00:02:42,450 the Brown Mountain Light one night 51 00:02:42,540 --> 00:02:48,840 and that it led him into a secret cave full of crystals. 52 00:02:48,930 --> 00:02:54,150 And a booming voice then told him about extraterrestrials... 53 00:02:56,670 --> 00:02:59,370 ...and that they had the technology to go 54 00:02:59,460 --> 00:03:01,530 from one dimension to another, 55 00:03:01,620 --> 00:03:03,420 to appear and disappear. 56 00:03:03,510 --> 00:03:06,210 NARRATOR: Extraterrestrials... 57 00:03:06,300 --> 00:03:09,450 appearing and disappearing? 58 00:03:09,630 --> 00:03:12,060 Moving between dimensions? 59 00:03:12,150 --> 00:03:14,850 While it may sound like a fanciful story, 60 00:03:14,940 --> 00:03:17,820 the Brown Mountain Lights have confounded attempts 61 00:03:18,000 --> 00:03:20,880 at conventional explanation for centuries. 62 00:03:20,970 --> 00:03:24,390 And this phenomenon, while baffling, 63 00:03:24,480 --> 00:03:26,010 is not entirely unique. 64 00:03:28,440 --> 00:03:33,210 All over the world, there are these anomalous lights. 65 00:03:35,640 --> 00:03:37,800 One of the most famous is the Marfa Lights 66 00:03:37,890 --> 00:03:40,500 in West Texas. 67 00:03:40,680 --> 00:03:44,190 There is an area of the Mekong River 68 00:03:44,280 --> 00:03:46,710 between Thailand and Laos, where lights appear 69 00:03:46,890 --> 00:03:48,690 on the river every spring. 70 00:03:48,870 --> 00:03:51,570 And it’s a well-known phenomenon in that area. 71 00:03:51,660 --> 00:03:56,250 We have these lights, too, that appear in the Bay of Bengal, 72 00:03:56,430 --> 00:03:58,680 and fishermen believe that they are the lights 73 00:03:58,770 --> 00:04:01,830 of dead fishermen who are sometimes guiding them 74 00:04:01,920 --> 00:04:03,990 to their deaths, 75 00:04:04,080 --> 00:04:08,400 or, conversely, they’re helping them get back to shore. 76 00:04:10,290 --> 00:04:14,340 These incredible occurrences of mysterious lights 77 00:04:14,430 --> 00:04:16,680 that appear to be intelligently directed 78 00:04:16,860 --> 00:04:19,920 as if they’re alive; and people have the sense 79 00:04:20,100 --> 00:04:22,710 that they’re coming from somewhere else, 80 00:04:22,890 --> 00:04:26,400 coming from other planets, perhaps even other dimensions. 81 00:04:26,490 --> 00:04:30,090 GIORGIO TSOUKALOUS: When these lights are seen, in my opinion, 82 00:04:30,270 --> 00:04:33,960 it’s the result of a technological process. 83 00:04:34,050 --> 00:04:36,660 Some type of technology is involved. 84 00:04:36,840 --> 00:04:40,350 And that technology would have to be extraterrestrials. 85 00:04:42,780 --> 00:04:45,390 NARRATOR: Could there really be an alien connection 86 00:04:45,480 --> 00:04:48,090 to these seemingly intangible orbs, 87 00:04:48,270 --> 00:04:51,420 often referred to as "ghost" lights? 88 00:04:51,510 --> 00:04:55,560 Might they offer a brief glimpse into other worlds, 89 00:04:55,740 --> 00:05:00,600 possibly within other dimensions beyond our reality? 90 00:05:00,690 --> 00:05:04,560 Are they extraterrestrial, from another planet? 91 00:05:04,740 --> 00:05:08,340 Were they ultra-dimensional, from a different dimension? 92 00:05:08,430 --> 00:05:10,410 That all depends who you ask. 93 00:05:10,500 --> 00:05:13,740 But the one thing that all held in common 94 00:05:13,830 --> 00:05:17,250 was there is a greater reality in which we exist. 95 00:05:17,430 --> 00:05:22,110 NARRATOR: In the modern world, there is an invisible sea of wireless data. 96 00:05:22,290 --> 00:05:25,170 Radio waves, microwaves, 97 00:05:25,260 --> 00:05:29,850 and various other frequencies exist everywhere that go unseen. 98 00:05:29,940 --> 00:05:33,360 And in fact, what humans are able to perceive 99 00:05:33,450 --> 00:05:35,790 with the naked eye is extremely limited. 100 00:05:38,400 --> 00:05:45,150 The human visible spectrum goes only from 380 to 770 nanometers. 101 00:05:45,240 --> 00:05:49,020 This means that humans are only capable of perceiving 102 00:05:49,110 --> 00:05:53,070 one octave of light of this entire spectrum. 103 00:05:53,250 --> 00:05:57,030 The fact that we cannot see the rest of the spectrum 104 00:05:57,210 --> 00:06:00,000 does not mean it’s not there. 105 00:06:00,090 --> 00:06:04,320 NARRATOR: Technology has enabled humankind to become aware 106 00:06:04,500 --> 00:06:07,470 of much that cannot be perceived with the five senses. 107 00:06:07,560 --> 00:06:11,610 But could there be far more that exists, even outside 108 00:06:11,790 --> 00:06:16,380 the range of humanity’s most sophisticated technology? 109 00:06:16,380 --> 00:06:20,610 Perhaps even hidden dimensions and alternate universes 110 00:06:20,790 --> 00:06:23,490 that exist right next to our own. 111 00:06:23,580 --> 00:06:27,360 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and point 112 00:06:27,540 --> 00:06:29,340 to cutting-edge scientific research 113 00:06:29,430 --> 00:06:33,930 that may have located proof of these alternate, unseen worlds. 114 00:06:36,810 --> 00:06:38,970 Pasadena, California. 115 00:06:41,490 --> 00:06:44,730 October 2015. 116 00:06:44,820 --> 00:06:47,520 A team of scientists 117 00:06:47,700 --> 00:06:50,220 at the California Institute of Technology 118 00:06:50,310 --> 00:06:52,470 utilizes data collected 119 00:06:52,560 --> 00:06:54,900 by the powerful Planck satellite telescope 120 00:06:55,080 --> 00:06:57,240 to examine physical evidence of the Big Bang. 121 00:07:00,840 --> 00:07:03,810 To their astonishment, they also discover evidence 122 00:07:03,990 --> 00:07:07,500 of so-called hot spots, places where our universe 123 00:07:07,680 --> 00:07:11,550 could actually be coming into contact with others. 124 00:07:13,170 --> 00:07:15,330 MICHAEL DENNIN: Picture two balloons being blown up 125 00:07:15,420 --> 00:07:18,120 really close together, and they happen to touch 126 00:07:18,210 --> 00:07:20,550 or bounce off each other, or even just come very close 127 00:07:20,730 --> 00:07:22,350 enough to interact. 128 00:07:22,440 --> 00:07:24,960 That will leave an imprint in our universe 129 00:07:25,050 --> 00:07:28,290 that will show up in this cosmic microwave background signal. 130 00:07:30,360 --> 00:07:32,700 BRANDENBURG: This raises the question, would we perceive 131 00:07:32,880 --> 00:07:35,400 other dimensions and other universes 132 00:07:35,580 --> 00:07:37,650 with other dimensionalities? 133 00:07:37,740 --> 00:07:43,230 This also raises the question of whether life and intelligence 134 00:07:43,320 --> 00:07:45,750 could exist in these parallel universes, 135 00:07:45,840 --> 00:07:49,440 and would we perceive this as, like, a ghost or a spirit? 136 00:07:49,620 --> 00:07:51,240 An angel? 137 00:07:51,330 --> 00:07:53,400 CHILDRESS: When we think of the Brown Mountain Lights, 138 00:07:53,580 --> 00:07:56,280 it’s quite possible that they are interdimensional, 139 00:07:56,370 --> 00:07:58,170 or even from another universe. 140 00:07:58,350 --> 00:08:01,860 And it makes you wonder what other unseen energies 141 00:08:01,950 --> 00:08:05,910 are everywhere that we’re unaware of and can’t detect. 142 00:08:08,520 --> 00:08:10,230 NARRATOR: Could the Brown Mountain Lights 143 00:08:10,410 --> 00:08:13,740 actually be emanating from a parallel universe? 144 00:08:13,830 --> 00:08:17,430 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 145 00:08:17,520 --> 00:08:19,590 and they suggest 146 00:08:19,770 --> 00:08:22,110 that intimate knowledge of these inhabited worlds 147 00:08:22,290 --> 00:08:26,070 can be found in the world’s most sacred texts. 148 00:08:32,460 --> 00:08:33,900 NARRATOR: Seaford, New York. 149 00:08:33,990 --> 00:08:38,580 February 1958. 150 00:08:38,670 --> 00:08:42,270 In a relatively unassuming suburban ranch home, 151 00:08:42,360 --> 00:08:47,220 an unseen force begins to terrorize the Hermann family. 152 00:08:47,400 --> 00:08:51,720 Screw tops mysteriously pop off bottles. 153 00:08:51,810 --> 00:08:53,880 Objects fly across the room. 154 00:08:53,970 --> 00:08:56,850 Furniture topples over. 155 00:08:57,030 --> 00:09:00,000 CHRISTOPHER BADER: After this phenomenon went on for several weeks, 156 00:09:00,180 --> 00:09:01,890 the Hermanns became confused, 157 00:09:01,980 --> 00:09:04,500 perhaps even a little bit frightened. 158 00:09:04,590 --> 00:09:06,930 They reported the phenomena to the police department. 159 00:09:07,110 --> 00:09:08,730 A couple of police detectives came over. 160 00:09:10,890 --> 00:09:12,960 YOUNG: A psychological investigation would look into 161 00:09:13,050 --> 00:09:14,490 the family dynamics. 162 00:09:14,670 --> 00:09:16,830 Is there something happening at this particular point 163 00:09:16,920 --> 00:09:19,530 in their journey that causes distress 164 00:09:19,620 --> 00:09:22,680 they’re not aware of so that the physical vibrations 165 00:09:22,860 --> 00:09:24,570 would affect their surroundings? 166 00:09:27,630 --> 00:09:31,590 Eventually, the parapsychology lab at Duke University came in 167 00:09:31,680 --> 00:09:32,940 to investigate the case. 168 00:09:33,030 --> 00:09:35,910 The Duke lab talked about poltergeist phenomena 169 00:09:36,090 --> 00:09:38,340 as possibly the release of emotional energy, 170 00:09:38,430 --> 00:09:40,500 particularly from adolescents or young children, 171 00:09:40,680 --> 00:09:42,480 or kids going through puberty. 172 00:09:42,660 --> 00:09:44,370 The idea being that they were confused, 173 00:09:44,460 --> 00:09:45,900 they didn’t know what was happening to their bodies, 174 00:09:46,080 --> 00:09:47,700 they had emotional energy and trauma. 175 00:09:47,790 --> 00:09:50,040 They were operating under the assumption 176 00:09:50,130 --> 00:09:53,460 that the poltergeist phenomena was due to telekinetic energy 177 00:09:53,550 --> 00:09:55,800 being released by the young boy in the family. 178 00:09:55,980 --> 00:09:58,950 These things were seen by a whole group of people. 179 00:09:59,130 --> 00:10:02,190 Even some of the experts saw the phenomenon. 180 00:10:02,280 --> 00:10:05,250 Can this be something from another dimension? 181 00:10:05,430 --> 00:10:07,230 It’s not clear. Is this a group hallucination? 182 00:10:07,320 --> 00:10:11,010 Are they somehow channeling the sighting to each other? 183 00:10:11,190 --> 00:10:14,160 The psychic expert said it’s often an adolescent girl, 184 00:10:14,250 --> 00:10:16,500 so she watched the girl to see if somehow 185 00:10:16,590 --> 00:10:17,760 it was happening when she was there. 186 00:10:17,940 --> 00:10:19,650 But it didn’t really pan out, 187 00:10:19,830 --> 00:10:22,530 so it didn’t follow classic lines, and yet 188 00:10:22,620 --> 00:10:25,770 there were lots of witnesses, experts, 189 00:10:25,950 --> 00:10:28,380 and no explanation was ever found. 190 00:10:28,470 --> 00:10:31,530 Years later, Steven Spielberg wove the tale 191 00:10:31,620 --> 00:10:34,770 into a fine movie that was a big hit... 192 00:10:34,860 --> 00:10:36,660 Poltergeist. 193 00:10:39,090 --> 00:10:42,420 NARRATOR: If this poltergeist event was not simply the result 194 00:10:42,600 --> 00:10:46,200 of telekinetic energy, as some investigators suspected, 195 00:10:46,290 --> 00:10:48,090 then what can explain it? 196 00:10:48,180 --> 00:10:52,140 Was the Hermann family really haunted by ghosts? 197 00:10:52,320 --> 00:10:54,660 Or could they have encountered an entity 198 00:10:54,750 --> 00:10:56,460 from another dimension? 199 00:10:56,640 --> 00:10:59,070 We know science has been able to measure 200 00:10:59,250 --> 00:11:03,300 all sorts of invisible things: the electromagnetic field, 201 00:11:03,480 --> 00:11:07,440 the heat signature of objects and people. 202 00:11:07,620 --> 00:11:10,950 So the fact that we don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. 203 00:11:11,040 --> 00:11:15,000 Any contact that we have with an interdimensional being 204 00:11:15,090 --> 00:11:19,680 is actually happening beyond our normal visual spectrum. 205 00:11:19,770 --> 00:11:22,470 There is no question in my mind 206 00:11:22,650 --> 00:11:26,340 that there is more than one species 207 00:11:26,520 --> 00:11:30,120 right here on the Earth that is operating 208 00:11:30,210 --> 00:11:33,180 within different frequency ranges. 209 00:11:33,360 --> 00:11:36,060 That’s why we don’t really see them. 210 00:11:36,150 --> 00:11:40,740 Most of our extraterrestrial encounters are interdimensional. 211 00:11:40,830 --> 00:11:44,340 These beings are not coming from far away, 212 00:11:44,520 --> 00:11:48,390 they are actually within our human plane, 213 00:11:48,480 --> 00:11:51,090 only existing in another dimension. 214 00:11:51,270 --> 00:11:56,220 And all we’re doing is crossing from one dimension to another 215 00:11:56,310 --> 00:11:59,460 within this earthly reality. 216 00:11:59,550 --> 00:12:01,890 It doesn’t mean that all extraterrestrial encounter 217 00:12:02,070 --> 00:12:03,510 is interdimensional. 218 00:12:03,690 --> 00:12:05,940 In fact, I believe it’s both. 219 00:12:06,030 --> 00:12:10,530 NARRATOR: Could the Hermann poltergeist and others like it 220 00:12:10,620 --> 00:12:14,040 have been caused by beings from another dimension? 221 00:12:14,220 --> 00:12:16,560 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest 222 00:12:16,740 --> 00:12:20,070 that such an audacious concept is possible, 223 00:12:20,160 --> 00:12:23,490 and believe this could also help explain the existence 224 00:12:23,580 --> 00:12:28,080 of everything from so-called ghosts to angels and demons. 225 00:12:28,260 --> 00:12:30,330 For their proof, 226 00:12:30,420 --> 00:12:32,670 they point to a particular phrase found 227 00:12:32,760 --> 00:12:35,100 in multiple religious texts. 228 00:12:35,190 --> 00:12:39,330 A phrase in the Hebrew Talmud, as well as the Quran, 229 00:12:39,510 --> 00:12:41,220 which details the existence 230 00:12:41,400 --> 00:12:45,450 of seven levels of heaven and Earth. 231 00:12:45,630 --> 00:12:48,510 TZADOK: What are the seven levels of heaven? 232 00:12:48,600 --> 00:12:49,860 Some associate them with the different planets 233 00:12:49,950 --> 00:12:51,660 of our solar system. 234 00:12:51,750 --> 00:12:55,170 But others refer to them as being parallel dimensions. 235 00:12:55,350 --> 00:12:58,950 So when we speak of the other worlds, 236 00:12:59,040 --> 00:13:03,630 which people have interacted with throughout the centuries, 237 00:13:03,720 --> 00:13:06,960 maybe we’re not really dealing with extraterrestrials 238 00:13:07,050 --> 00:13:09,300 from outer space, 239 00:13:09,480 --> 00:13:15,240 but ultra-terrestrials coming from parallel space. 240 00:13:15,420 --> 00:13:18,120 NARRATOR: Could it be that what are commonly understood to be ghosts 241 00:13:18,210 --> 00:13:20,460 are not spirits of the deceased, 242 00:13:20,550 --> 00:13:23,430 but entities from other dimensions 243 00:13:23,610 --> 00:13:26,760 that, while able to manipulate things in our world, 244 00:13:26,940 --> 00:13:30,360 cannot be fully perceived by humans? 245 00:13:33,150 --> 00:13:35,580 Jabal Al-Nour, 246 00:13:35,670 --> 00:13:39,810 six miles north of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. 247 00:13:39,990 --> 00:13:43,320 602 AD. 248 00:13:43,410 --> 00:13:46,560 While in deep meditation within the Hira Cave, 249 00:13:46,740 --> 00:13:50,970 the prophet Muhammad is visited by an otherworldly messenger, 250 00:13:51,060 --> 00:13:53,670 the archangel Gabriel. 251 00:13:53,760 --> 00:13:57,720 HENRY: Muhammad was meditating in a cave when suddenly, 252 00:13:57,900 --> 00:14:02,490 as if out of nowhere, the archangel Gabriel manifested. 253 00:14:02,580 --> 00:14:05,910 In the Quran, they describe Gabriel as standing on 254 00:14:06,090 --> 00:14:08,250 or between horizons. 255 00:14:08,340 --> 00:14:10,230 This is a tip-off that we’re dealing 256 00:14:10,320 --> 00:14:12,660 with an interdimensional being. 257 00:14:12,750 --> 00:14:15,810 Because in ancient texts, it means that they had the ability 258 00:14:15,900 --> 00:14:20,220 to phase in between dimensions, to take on a physical form 259 00:14:20,400 --> 00:14:23,910 and then to revert back to their light body form. 260 00:14:24,000 --> 00:14:27,240 NARRATOR: According to the Islamic tradition, 261 00:14:27,420 --> 00:14:32,100 Gabriel provided Muhammad revelations direct from Allah. 262 00:14:32,280 --> 00:14:34,530 These teachings would inform the Quran, 263 00:14:34,710 --> 00:14:37,320 and become the basis for the Muslim faith, 264 00:14:37,410 --> 00:14:40,380 the second largest religion in the world. 265 00:14:40,470 --> 00:14:43,350 Might it really be that the messenger Gabriel 266 00:14:43,440 --> 00:14:46,680 was an interdimensional being from an unseen realm 267 00:14:46,770 --> 00:14:49,200 here to assist humankind? 268 00:14:49,380 --> 00:14:51,180 CHILDRESS: Here we have 269 00:14:51,360 --> 00:14:55,140 an angel who’s basically acting like an extraterrestrial 270 00:14:55,230 --> 00:14:57,480 who even has some kind of aircraft 271 00:14:57,660 --> 00:14:59,820 that he’s flying Muhammad around in. 272 00:15:00,000 --> 00:15:01,980 When we think of space travel 273 00:15:02,070 --> 00:15:04,320 and encounters with extraterrestrials, 274 00:15:04,410 --> 00:15:06,660 it’s quite possible that they are using 275 00:15:06,840 --> 00:15:10,980 some interdimensional way of traveling, but it doesn’t mean 276 00:15:11,160 --> 00:15:13,590 that they are necessarily interdimensional, 277 00:15:13,680 --> 00:15:16,920 or even from another universe, but they have the technology 278 00:15:17,010 --> 00:15:20,430 to go from one dimension to another, 279 00:15:20,520 --> 00:15:25,560 to appear and disappear, and it all has to do with technology. 280 00:15:25,650 --> 00:15:27,810 NARRATOR: Could it really be 281 00:15:27,990 --> 00:15:31,950 that religious prophets like Muhammad have gained access 282 00:15:32,130 --> 00:15:35,370 to parallel dimensions beyond our known reality? 283 00:15:35,460 --> 00:15:38,700 Dimensions from which they and other advanced beings 284 00:15:38,880 --> 00:15:42,300 might access our world via interdimensional highways 285 00:15:42,390 --> 00:15:46,620 that allow them to move without any space or time restrictions? 286 00:15:46,710 --> 00:15:50,130 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 287 00:15:50,310 --> 00:15:54,090 and suggest further evidence can be found by examining 288 00:15:54,180 --> 00:15:57,420 a shamanistic practice in Australia that dates back 289 00:15:57,510 --> 00:16:01,380 thousands of years: Dreamtime. 290 00:16:07,770 --> 00:16:10,470 NARRATOR: The Australian Outback. 291 00:16:10,650 --> 00:16:13,980 Located hundreds of miles from the bustle 292 00:16:14,070 --> 00:16:17,580 of the major city centers of Sydney and Melbourne, 293 00:16:17,670 --> 00:16:20,730 this sparsely-populated region of the continent 294 00:16:20,820 --> 00:16:23,070 is home to an indigenous population 295 00:16:23,160 --> 00:16:27,750 that can trace their roots back over 40,000 years. 296 00:16:27,930 --> 00:16:30,540 Through ceremonial trances, 297 00:16:30,630 --> 00:16:34,140 elders claim to be able to freely access a realm 298 00:16:34,320 --> 00:16:37,740 where they connect with ancestral beings. 299 00:16:37,830 --> 00:16:41,070 They refer to this alternate reality as the Dreaming, 300 00:16:41,250 --> 00:16:43,590 or Dreamtime. 301 00:16:43,680 --> 00:16:45,480 YOUNG: The task of the traveler, the dreamer, 302 00:16:45,570 --> 00:16:48,540 is to connect the two worlds, is to bring the reality 303 00:16:48,720 --> 00:16:50,880 of the dream... which they consider superior 304 00:16:50,970 --> 00:16:53,130 to the reality of what we call waking life... 305 00:16:53,220 --> 00:16:58,530 to bring that over because it is full of guidance and treasures. 306 00:16:58,710 --> 00:17:01,950 Dreamtime allows the indigenous people of Australia 307 00:17:02,040 --> 00:17:04,110 to travel back in time, 308 00:17:04,200 --> 00:17:07,890 or at least visit with ancestors very far back in time. 309 00:17:08,070 --> 00:17:11,220 They say back to their original ancestors. 310 00:17:11,310 --> 00:17:15,090 NARRATOR: The Aboriginal artwork depicts these ancestors 311 00:17:15,180 --> 00:17:17,970 with oblong heads and large eyes, 312 00:17:18,150 --> 00:17:20,220 an appearance that ancient astronaut theorists 313 00:17:20,310 --> 00:17:21,930 find eerily similar 314 00:17:22,020 --> 00:17:25,890 to modern-day accounts of Grey aliens. 315 00:17:25,980 --> 00:17:31,380 But Australia’s Dreamtime is not an isolated anomaly. 316 00:17:31,470 --> 00:17:36,060 In fact, shamans and holy men in numerous other world cultures 317 00:17:36,150 --> 00:17:39,570 speak of alternate realms. 318 00:17:39,750 --> 00:17:43,440 Throughout Asia, Hindus and Buddhists believe 319 00:17:43,530 --> 00:17:46,320 in the existence of infinite universes. 320 00:17:46,410 --> 00:17:50,640 The Yoruba of West Africa believe another realm exists 321 00:17:50,820 --> 00:17:53,340 above the physical realm. 322 00:17:53,520 --> 00:17:57,480 In the Kabbalah, it is taught that there are 125 levels 323 00:17:57,570 --> 00:18:00,720 between humans and the creator. 324 00:18:00,810 --> 00:18:05,580 And even in North America, many native tribes perform ceremonies 325 00:18:05,670 --> 00:18:09,090 that connect them with unseen entities. 326 00:18:09,270 --> 00:18:11,250 But if spiritual leaders 327 00:18:11,430 --> 00:18:14,580 really are able to see into other dimensions, 328 00:18:14,760 --> 00:18:17,190 is it possible that there may be a way 329 00:18:17,280 --> 00:18:21,330 for all humans to obtain such vision? 330 00:18:21,510 --> 00:18:25,020 The Upper Amazon region of South America. 331 00:18:27,270 --> 00:18:29,070 For hundreds of years, medicine men here 332 00:18:29,160 --> 00:18:33,120 have utilized a plant-based drug called ayahuasca 333 00:18:33,210 --> 00:18:37,800 for healing and to access otherworldly realms. 334 00:18:37,890 --> 00:18:39,330 YOUNG: In these ceremonies 335 00:18:39,420 --> 00:18:41,130 and altered states that are conjured up 336 00:18:41,220 --> 00:18:43,470 in the Amazon and other places, 337 00:18:43,650 --> 00:18:47,880 there is information that seems to be of great value. 338 00:18:48,060 --> 00:18:53,640 Ayahuasca makes the curtains between realities vanish. 339 00:18:53,730 --> 00:18:57,690 Such journeys are central to shamanistic initiatory rituals. 340 00:18:57,780 --> 00:19:01,200 Whether they are breaking through to parallel realities 341 00:19:01,290 --> 00:19:03,000 or exploring the hidden dimensions 342 00:19:03,090 --> 00:19:05,160 of their own inner worlds, 343 00:19:05,340 --> 00:19:08,310 these experiences are dramatically significant 344 00:19:08,400 --> 00:19:10,650 in the lives of the travelers. 345 00:19:10,830 --> 00:19:12,450 HENRY: One of the great revelations 346 00:19:12,540 --> 00:19:14,070 of the ayahuasca experience 347 00:19:14,160 --> 00:19:18,030 is that they experience ancient ancestors 348 00:19:18,210 --> 00:19:20,820 as well as extraterrestrial beings, 349 00:19:20,910 --> 00:19:22,710 suggesting that, in fact, the ancestors 350 00:19:22,890 --> 00:19:25,230 and the extraterrestrials are the same beings. 351 00:19:28,650 --> 00:19:30,270 NARRATOR: The ayahuasca brew 352 00:19:30,360 --> 00:19:32,340 is made from two ingredients: 353 00:19:32,430 --> 00:19:35,130 a root from one specific plant, 354 00:19:35,220 --> 00:19:38,550 and a leaf from an entirely different species. 355 00:19:38,640 --> 00:19:41,610 The active ingredient in the prepared concoction 356 00:19:41,790 --> 00:19:44,670 is dimethyltryptamine, or DMT. 357 00:19:44,850 --> 00:19:47,370 This powerful psychedelic chemical 358 00:19:47,550 --> 00:19:51,240 is found in small quantities within the human body. 359 00:19:51,330 --> 00:19:54,120 The substance is believed to be released 360 00:19:54,300 --> 00:19:57,630 into the human endocrine system and floods the pineal gland 361 00:19:57,720 --> 00:20:01,230 upon death and during near-death experiences. 362 00:20:01,410 --> 00:20:04,560 While mainstream scientists consider the action 363 00:20:04,740 --> 00:20:08,070 of the ayahuasca to be purely hallucinogenic, 364 00:20:08,160 --> 00:20:11,130 some modern researchers believe 365 00:20:11,220 --> 00:20:14,910 the substance can open doorways to new realities. 366 00:20:22,290 --> 00:20:25,980 McQUEEN: DMT seems to be able to alter 367 00:20:26,070 --> 00:20:30,750 our brain wiring in a way that allows us to perceive 368 00:20:30,930 --> 00:20:33,540 in more than four dimensions. 369 00:20:33,630 --> 00:20:37,680 Dimethyltryptamine might be the mechanism to allow 370 00:20:37,770 --> 00:20:42,540 our perception of these other alternate realities. 371 00:20:42,630 --> 00:20:45,330 It’s like the key to a receiver. 372 00:20:45,420 --> 00:20:47,940 You pop the key into the receiver and it activates 373 00:20:48,120 --> 00:20:52,080 not just a part of the brain, it literally reorients 374 00:20:52,260 --> 00:20:53,970 all of the receivers in the brain 375 00:20:54,060 --> 00:20:56,670 to pick up more information. 376 00:20:56,760 --> 00:21:00,450 NARRATOR: The question of just how ancient healers 377 00:21:00,630 --> 00:21:03,510 stumbled across this particular combination 378 00:21:03,600 --> 00:21:05,580 in a jungle containing tens of thousands 379 00:21:05,760 --> 00:21:10,530 of plant and vine species remains a mystery. 380 00:21:10,620 --> 00:21:12,330 CHILDRESS: What we’re looking at here 381 00:21:12,420 --> 00:21:16,200 are incredible, remarkable plants 382 00:21:16,290 --> 00:21:19,710 that are using receptors in our brains to help us 383 00:21:19,800 --> 00:21:23,040 have these otherworldly experiences, 384 00:21:23,220 --> 00:21:26,910 contact otherworldly beings. 385 00:21:27,000 --> 00:21:32,220 So who has created this incredible biological catalyst 386 00:21:32,400 --> 00:21:34,650 for humans to use? 387 00:21:34,830 --> 00:21:38,340 You have to wonder if extraterrestrials themselves 388 00:21:38,430 --> 00:21:40,230 didn’t have a hand in this. 389 00:21:40,410 --> 00:21:44,190 NARRATOR: Could it really be that our ancient ancestors 390 00:21:44,280 --> 00:21:47,340 were given the key to access hidden worlds 391 00:21:47,430 --> 00:21:49,860 by extraterrestrial beings? 392 00:21:50,040 --> 00:21:53,280 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 393 00:21:53,370 --> 00:21:55,980 and suggest that modern-day research 394 00:21:56,070 --> 00:21:58,500 may be rediscovering the potential 395 00:21:58,680 --> 00:22:02,100 of these psychedelic substances. 396 00:22:02,190 --> 00:22:04,980 Boulder, Colorado. 397 00:22:05,070 --> 00:22:07,500 Psychologists 398 00:22:07,590 --> 00:22:10,020 at the Center for Medicinal Mindfulness 399 00:22:10,200 --> 00:22:13,260 explore the therapeutic benefits of psychedelic agents 400 00:22:13,350 --> 00:22:14,880 in cases of trauma, 401 00:22:15,060 --> 00:22:17,760 depression and addiction. 402 00:22:17,850 --> 00:22:21,360 Along with psychedelic cannabis, researchers explore 403 00:22:21,540 --> 00:22:25,230 the effects of DMT on the human mind. 404 00:22:25,320 --> 00:22:28,920 Curiously, experiencers often claim 405 00:22:29,100 --> 00:22:31,980 to not only be able to see alternate realities, 406 00:22:31,980 --> 00:22:34,680 but also to have two-way communication 407 00:22:34,770 --> 00:22:38,730 with inhabitants of these hidden worlds. 408 00:22:38,820 --> 00:22:42,780 Some people have experiences of angelic beings, 409 00:22:42,870 --> 00:22:45,120 some people have what would be considered 410 00:22:45,300 --> 00:22:47,910 classical alien abduction experiences, 411 00:22:48,000 --> 00:22:51,240 where they feel like they’re being pulled into space 412 00:22:51,330 --> 00:22:54,660 and either operated on, uh, healed in some way. 413 00:22:54,840 --> 00:22:57,630 And that some are experiencing 414 00:22:57,720 --> 00:23:00,600 hyper-technological civilization 415 00:23:00,780 --> 00:23:04,380 that somehow evolved beyond four-dimensional spaces, 416 00:23:04,470 --> 00:23:06,720 and that they’re helping us wake up 417 00:23:06,900 --> 00:23:09,960 to that capacity in ourselves. 418 00:23:10,050 --> 00:23:13,290 NARRATOR: Many who use these drugs 419 00:23:13,380 --> 00:23:16,260 believe they connect them to an even greater reality, 420 00:23:16,440 --> 00:23:20,400 allowing them to channel communication from unseen realms 421 00:23:20,490 --> 00:23:22,920 that exist all around us. 422 00:23:23,010 --> 00:23:26,070 But is it possible that some people are able to access 423 00:23:26,250 --> 00:23:28,950 other dimensions without the aid 424 00:23:29,040 --> 00:23:32,100 of psychedelic agents or spiritual ceremonies? 425 00:23:32,280 --> 00:23:35,430 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 426 00:23:35,520 --> 00:23:38,670 and, as evidence, point to modern day seers 427 00:23:38,850 --> 00:23:41,910 who claim to be able to observe events that are happening 428 00:23:42,090 --> 00:23:44,520 in another place and time. 429 00:23:52,260 --> 00:23:54,690 NARRATOR: Menlo Park, California. 430 00:23:54,780 --> 00:23:57,030 The 1970s. 431 00:23:57,120 --> 00:24:00,540 The United States Central Intelligence Agency 432 00:24:00,720 --> 00:24:03,690 enlists scientists at the Stanford Research Institute 433 00:24:03,780 --> 00:24:06,840 for a highly classified, and controversial study. 434 00:24:07,020 --> 00:24:09,360 They want to test 435 00:24:09,450 --> 00:24:11,610 whether psychics can be effectively used 436 00:24:11,700 --> 00:24:14,490 for intelligence gathering. 437 00:24:14,670 --> 00:24:16,380 VIVANCO: Remote viewing is developed 438 00:24:16,470 --> 00:24:20,340 in the early 1970s at the request of the CIA, 439 00:24:20,430 --> 00:24:22,680 and what they found was that, 440 00:24:22,770 --> 00:24:25,290 yes, they could turn psychics into spies. 441 00:24:25,470 --> 00:24:27,450 This developed into a full protocol 442 00:24:27,630 --> 00:24:30,690 and a methodology in order to 443 00:24:30,780 --> 00:24:33,120 send people to remote locations 444 00:24:33,300 --> 00:24:36,000 that they could not send physical people 445 00:24:36,090 --> 00:24:38,430 and get information, bring it back. 446 00:24:38,520 --> 00:24:42,480 NARRATOR: Five decades later, many law enforcement agencies 447 00:24:42,660 --> 00:24:45,360 continue to consider remote viewing a valuable tool, 448 00:24:45,450 --> 00:24:49,590 but just how it works remains a mystery. 449 00:24:49,770 --> 00:24:53,460 The way that I perceive remote viewing to work 450 00:24:53,550 --> 00:24:55,710 is outside of space time. 451 00:24:55,890 --> 00:24:59,400 We move through another dimension, in a sense, 452 00:24:59,580 --> 00:25:01,830 outside of our 3-D physical reality 453 00:25:01,920 --> 00:25:03,990 to gain information. 454 00:25:04,170 --> 00:25:06,060 NARRATOR: Is it possible that remote viewers 455 00:25:06,240 --> 00:25:09,390 are able to witness events happening in distant locations 456 00:25:09,480 --> 00:25:11,370 because they are actually traveling, 457 00:25:11,550 --> 00:25:15,690 not physically, but mentally through other dimensions? 458 00:25:15,780 --> 00:25:18,300 Does the key to accessing alternate realms 459 00:25:18,480 --> 00:25:20,100 exist within the mind? 460 00:25:24,960 --> 00:25:27,750 In May 2019, 461 00:25:27,840 --> 00:25:29,280 Former British intelligence officer, 462 00:25:29,370 --> 00:25:31,710 Nick Pope, visited the ECETI Ranch 463 00:25:31,890 --> 00:25:34,950 in the Pacific Northwest to witness this theory 464 00:25:35,040 --> 00:25:36,570 being put to the test. 465 00:25:36,750 --> 00:25:40,620 ECETI is home to the Enlightened Contact 466 00:25:40,710 --> 00:25:43,500 with Extraterrestrial Intelligence Organization. 467 00:25:43,680 --> 00:25:47,190 UFO hunters consider it a major hot spot 468 00:25:47,370 --> 00:25:49,440 for unexplained aerial phenomena. 469 00:25:49,530 --> 00:25:54,030 Over the past 33 years, scientists from Boeing, 470 00:25:54,210 --> 00:25:56,190 NASA and Lockheed Skunk Works 471 00:25:56,280 --> 00:26:00,330 have come to ECETI to research the activity in the sky. 472 00:26:00,510 --> 00:26:05,820 But what sets ECETI apart from other UFO watch organizations 473 00:26:05,910 --> 00:26:08,610 is that their most powerful observational tool 474 00:26:08,700 --> 00:26:12,480 is not a telescope, it’s remote viewers. 475 00:26:12,570 --> 00:26:15,900 I was in charge of the British government’s 476 00:26:15,990 --> 00:26:18,870 real-life X-files project. 477 00:26:18,960 --> 00:26:22,740 We looked at UFOs, crop circles, alien abductions. 478 00:26:22,830 --> 00:26:24,360 Anything mysterious 479 00:26:24,540 --> 00:26:26,790 and unexplained, I did it. 480 00:26:26,970 --> 00:26:32,910 Remote viewing might be tapping into unknown dimensions. 481 00:26:33,000 --> 00:26:35,970 I know this sounds like science fiction, but actually it isn’t. 482 00:26:36,060 --> 00:26:37,860 Some of the work being done at places like 483 00:26:38,040 --> 00:26:40,380 the Large Hadron Collider are now 484 00:26:40,560 --> 00:26:42,720 quite seriously looking at the concept 485 00:26:42,810 --> 00:26:45,150 of other dimensions. 486 00:26:45,330 --> 00:26:48,930 NARRATOR: At ECETI, ex-government remote viewing expert, 487 00:26:49,110 --> 00:26:50,910 -John VIVANCO... -Hi, there. 488 00:26:51,000 --> 00:26:53,430 NARRATOR: ...and UFO sky watcher, Peter Slattery, 489 00:26:53,610 --> 00:26:55,860 lead a team of remote viewers. 490 00:26:55,950 --> 00:26:59,280 Today they are working on an experiment 491 00:26:59,370 --> 00:27:02,700 that will combine human observation and remote viewing 492 00:27:02,790 --> 00:27:05,220 in an attempt to better understand 493 00:27:05,400 --> 00:27:08,190 what has become a recent increase in UFO sightings 494 00:27:08,280 --> 00:27:10,890 over Washington state’s Mount Adams. 495 00:27:10,980 --> 00:27:13,500 So let me know, please, 496 00:27:13,680 --> 00:27:15,930 what are your respective backgrounds with this? 497 00:27:16,110 --> 00:27:18,270 I am a remote viewer. I’ve been, uh, 498 00:27:18,360 --> 00:27:20,430 doing this professionally for 20 years, 499 00:27:20,520 --> 00:27:23,220 over 20 years now, and I run a team of remote viewers, 500 00:27:23,310 --> 00:27:25,650 and we work operational type projects for clients, 501 00:27:25,830 --> 00:27:29,070 and we look at different types of phenomena 502 00:27:29,160 --> 00:27:31,950 that can’t be explained through conventional means. 503 00:27:32,130 --> 00:27:34,470 I’m known as an experiencer slash contactee, 504 00:27:34,650 --> 00:27:36,450 but also I hold sky watch events. 505 00:27:36,540 --> 00:27:38,430 So we’re gonna do a sky watch and just see what happens. 506 00:27:38,610 --> 00:27:39,870 Where are we gonna do that? 507 00:27:39,960 --> 00:27:41,940 We’re just gonna go to the sky watch field here, 508 00:27:42,120 --> 00:27:43,830 -so let’s go and check it out. -Okay, great. 509 00:27:43,920 --> 00:27:46,980 NARRATOR: As Nick joins Peter to conduct field surveillance, 510 00:27:47,070 --> 00:27:51,480 John has stationed two remote viewers in a windowless room, 511 00:27:51,570 --> 00:27:55,170 armed with nothing more than a pencil and a drawing pad. 512 00:27:55,260 --> 00:27:58,140 The way it works is that a remote viewer 513 00:27:58,320 --> 00:28:01,020 is given a random eight-digit number 514 00:28:01,200 --> 00:28:03,900 connected to what they’re supposed to remote view. 515 00:28:03,990 --> 00:28:06,780 Now they don’t get what they’re supposed to remote view, 516 00:28:06,870 --> 00:28:09,300 only the number, that’s it. 517 00:28:09,480 --> 00:28:12,900 They’re gonna be at the location of whatever it is, 518 00:28:12,990 --> 00:28:14,880 through the mind describing 519 00:28:15,060 --> 00:28:16,140 exactly what that is. 520 00:28:18,030 --> 00:28:20,100 So what are these remote viewers actually 521 00:28:20,280 --> 00:28:21,630 gonna be doing in there? 522 00:28:21,720 --> 00:28:24,510 It’s not so much viewing; we get visual snippets 523 00:28:24,690 --> 00:28:26,580 and a lot of body sensations. 524 00:28:26,670 --> 00:28:28,560 Basically, they’re gonna be drawing and writing 525 00:28:28,740 --> 00:28:30,450 a lot on papers. 526 00:28:30,540 --> 00:28:32,610 And afterwards, once we’ve 527 00:28:32,700 --> 00:28:35,850 got the data, how are we actually going to analyze it? 528 00:28:35,940 --> 00:28:38,730 So I will collect that information 529 00:28:38,910 --> 00:28:40,260 from them when they’re done, 530 00:28:40,350 --> 00:28:42,600 and then in the morning we can meet up 531 00:28:42,690 --> 00:28:44,220 and see if we can come up with, uh, 532 00:28:44,310 --> 00:28:45,750 some explanation for what went on. 533 00:28:45,930 --> 00:28:48,180 Well, great, that sounds good. 534 00:28:48,270 --> 00:28:49,800 I hope that we’re gonna have some 535 00:28:49,890 --> 00:28:52,410 interesting and meaningful results. 536 00:28:52,500 --> 00:28:56,460 NARRATOR: After discussing the details of the evening’s plans, 537 00:28:56,550 --> 00:28:58,980 Peter and Nick part ways with John 538 00:28:59,160 --> 00:29:02,040 and join the rest of the sky watch team in the field. 539 00:29:02,130 --> 00:29:05,100 Pete, I see the team has grown somewhat. 540 00:29:05,280 --> 00:29:06,630 SLATTERY: We’ve got Adam here with us. 541 00:29:06,720 --> 00:29:08,070 He’s gonna be helping out with the satellite 542 00:29:08,250 --> 00:29:09,600 tracker and-and monitoring the gear. 543 00:29:09,780 --> 00:29:12,120 It’s just very important to be very quick off the mark, 544 00:29:12,210 --> 00:29:13,830 knowing what’s what. 545 00:29:13,920 --> 00:29:16,620 Sometimes we can have two things in the sky at the same time, 546 00:29:16,800 --> 00:29:18,510 and one of them could be a satellite, the other not. 547 00:29:18,690 --> 00:29:19,860 People can mix it up, 548 00:29:20,040 --> 00:29:21,390 so when we’re focused on the sky, it’s great 549 00:29:21,480 --> 00:29:23,280 that somebody’s focused on the satellite tracker. 550 00:29:23,460 --> 00:29:25,530 Great, so we’re essentially making sure 551 00:29:25,620 --> 00:29:26,880 -we don’t miss anything? -Oh, definitely, yeah. 552 00:29:26,970 --> 00:29:28,680 We don’t want to muddle things up. 553 00:29:28,770 --> 00:29:31,830 NARRATOR: The team gets to work setting up the watch station 554 00:29:32,010 --> 00:29:35,250 before the Sun goes down for the evening. 555 00:29:35,340 --> 00:29:38,310 They will be using various technology, including 556 00:29:38,490 --> 00:29:40,470 infrared cameras in order to capture 557 00:29:40,560 --> 00:29:42,900 any anomalies in the sky. 558 00:29:42,990 --> 00:29:47,400 The location for their watch overlooks Mount Adams, 559 00:29:47,580 --> 00:29:51,720 the largest active volcano in Washington state and a hot spot 560 00:29:51,810 --> 00:29:53,790 for UFO sightings. 561 00:29:53,970 --> 00:29:55,320 In fact, 562 00:29:55,500 --> 00:29:58,560 Mount Adams is associated with the first UFO case 563 00:29:58,650 --> 00:30:01,980 to ever make nationwide headlines. 564 00:30:04,770 --> 00:30:07,110 In June of 1947, 565 00:30:07,290 --> 00:30:10,170 aviator and businessman Kenneth Arnold 566 00:30:10,350 --> 00:30:13,770 claimed to have witnessed nine UFOs flying in tandem 567 00:30:13,770 --> 00:30:18,180 from Mount Rainier at incredible speeds. 568 00:30:18,360 --> 00:30:23,400 He reported that they performed a number of unusual maneuvers 569 00:30:23,490 --> 00:30:27,900 and then disappeared into Mount Adams. 570 00:30:28,080 --> 00:30:29,700 As night sets in, 571 00:30:29,790 --> 00:30:32,850 the team has all eyes glued to the sky 572 00:30:33,030 --> 00:30:34,380 and on the lookout for any objects 573 00:30:34,470 --> 00:30:36,720 that might cross their path. 574 00:30:36,810 --> 00:30:41,400 Utilizing real-time satellite tracking data, 575 00:30:41,580 --> 00:30:44,640 they can anticipate the arrival of all manmade traffic 576 00:30:44,730 --> 00:30:47,250 passing over their airspace. 577 00:30:47,430 --> 00:30:48,960 -SLATTERY: Hey, is that a satellite? -WALLBERG: Yup. 578 00:30:49,050 --> 00:30:51,750 NARRATOR: Including the International Space Station, 579 00:30:51,930 --> 00:30:53,910 or ISS. 580 00:30:54,000 --> 00:30:56,340 POPE: Adam, how are we on the timing with the ISS? 581 00:30:56,430 --> 00:30:57,870 WALLBERG: Uh, one more minute. 582 00:30:57,960 --> 00:31:00,120 POPE: And which direction? West? 583 00:31:00,210 --> 00:31:03,000 Uh, it’s gonna be coming from the west moving to the east. 584 00:31:03,090 --> 00:31:04,350 Look at how bright this thing is. 585 00:31:04,530 --> 00:31:06,420 Whoa! Oh, there it is there. 586 00:31:06,510 --> 00:31:08,670 See? 587 00:31:08,850 --> 00:31:11,190 -That’s the space station. Can you see that? -WALLBERG: That’s the ISS, yep. 588 00:31:11,280 --> 00:31:13,170 POPE: Okay. 589 00:31:13,260 --> 00:31:16,860 NARRATOR: While the field team watches the sky, 590 00:31:17,040 --> 00:31:19,650 the remote viewers are sketching 591 00:31:19,830 --> 00:31:22,710 visual representations of whatever comes to them. 592 00:31:22,800 --> 00:31:27,750 Incredibly, as the International Space Station passes overhead, 593 00:31:27,840 --> 00:31:30,720 both women begin to draw virtually identical 594 00:31:30,810 --> 00:31:32,880 rectangular objects. 595 00:31:33,060 --> 00:31:35,490 Well, it’s not a UFO, 596 00:31:35,580 --> 00:31:38,460 but it’s still a pretty spectacular thing. 597 00:31:38,640 --> 00:31:40,530 Yeah, it’s pretty epic to see. 598 00:31:40,620 --> 00:31:44,760 NARRATOR: After spotting a few other satellites in the sky, 599 00:31:44,940 --> 00:31:47,370 Nick and Peter notice a mysterious, 600 00:31:47,460 --> 00:31:49,080 fast-moving object, 601 00:31:49,260 --> 00:31:51,600 one that does not appear to be a satellite. 602 00:31:51,780 --> 00:31:54,030 SLATTERY: There’s one right there right now. 603 00:31:54,120 --> 00:31:57,000 Look how quick it is. Is that a satellite? 604 00:31:57,090 --> 00:31:59,070 I’ve got it on camera. 605 00:31:59,250 --> 00:32:01,320 -WALLBERG: Where are you at? -SLATTERY: East, 606 00:32:01,410 --> 00:32:03,390 southeast. 607 00:32:05,460 --> 00:32:07,440 WALLBERG: I see nothing on the tracker. 608 00:32:07,620 --> 00:32:09,960 SLATTERY: Can you see it up here, guys? 609 00:32:10,050 --> 00:32:13,290 Okay, I definitely saw it up in that section of the sky 610 00:32:13,380 --> 00:32:15,180 with my naked eye. 611 00:32:15,270 --> 00:32:18,420 It-it just caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. 612 00:32:18,600 --> 00:32:21,840 I turned around, saw it for a few seconds, 613 00:32:21,930 --> 00:32:24,090 -and then it faded. -That’s exactly what I saw. 614 00:32:24,270 --> 00:32:26,070 POPE: And there was nothing 615 00:32:26,160 --> 00:32:28,410 -on the monitor at all? -Nope, nothing at all. 616 00:32:28,590 --> 00:32:29,670 That section of the sky was clear. 617 00:32:31,560 --> 00:32:32,910 POPE: And that’s satellites. 618 00:32:33,000 --> 00:32:36,060 What about aircraft and flight paths? 619 00:32:36,150 --> 00:32:39,210 -ADAM: Nope, everything was clear. -Okay. 620 00:32:39,300 --> 00:32:42,000 Well, it was something. 621 00:32:42,180 --> 00:32:46,050 NARRATOR: No satellites or aircraft on the tracking monitor? 622 00:32:46,140 --> 00:32:48,480 Is it possible 623 00:32:48,570 --> 00:32:52,530 that the team just saw an extraterrestrial spacecraft? 624 00:32:52,710 --> 00:32:58,560 And if so, was it also recorded by the remote viewers? 625 00:33:08,370 --> 00:33:12,420 NARRATOR: ECETI Ranch, Trout Lake, Washington. 626 00:33:12,510 --> 00:33:15,210 The morning after successfully capturing 627 00:33:15,390 --> 00:33:18,270 an anomalous object during their evening sky watch session... 628 00:33:18,360 --> 00:33:20,790 -John, good to see you again. -Good to see you, Nick. 629 00:33:20,880 --> 00:33:23,220 NARRATOR: ...Nick Pope meets up with John VIVANCO 630 00:33:23,400 --> 00:33:26,820 to see how the remote viewing portion of the experiment went. 631 00:33:26,910 --> 00:33:29,160 Nick is eager to discover 632 00:33:29,250 --> 00:33:32,670 if the remote viewers picked up the same objects in the sky 633 00:33:32,760 --> 00:33:34,740 that he witnessed with his own eyes, 634 00:33:34,830 --> 00:33:38,880 and perhaps even perceived additional details. 635 00:33:41,130 --> 00:33:44,190 So the remote viewers were tasked 636 00:33:44,280 --> 00:33:46,530 on two different things last night, 637 00:33:46,620 --> 00:33:50,580 and I wanted them to describe the first object 638 00:33:50,760 --> 00:33:54,270 on the sky watch that was determined to be a satellite. 639 00:33:54,450 --> 00:33:57,870 Right. So they have no idea that you are asking them 640 00:33:57,960 --> 00:33:59,580 -to look at a satellite... -No. 641 00:33:59,670 --> 00:34:01,470 ...and that the satellite is-is almost the target? 642 00:34:01,650 --> 00:34:03,900 Exactly. So are you ready to go through the first one? 643 00:34:04,080 --> 00:34:07,140 -Yes. -Okay. 644 00:34:07,320 --> 00:34:10,110 So this right here is energy. 645 00:34:10,200 --> 00:34:12,900 This is determined to be energy by this remote viewer, 646 00:34:12,990 --> 00:34:15,240 and talking about how it’s crackling, 647 00:34:15,420 --> 00:34:17,670 hits and bounces of burst. It’s like static. 648 00:34:17,760 --> 00:34:19,470 So this is a mixture, essentially, 649 00:34:19,560 --> 00:34:22,440 of almost like a stream of consciousness, 650 00:34:22,620 --> 00:34:24,600 -what they are describing here in words. -Right, exactly, right. 651 00:34:24,690 --> 00:34:26,850 POPE: And then a visual representation of it. 652 00:34:26,940 --> 00:34:28,110 VIVANCO: Mm-hmm. Right. 653 00:34:28,290 --> 00:34:29,640 Let me show you the next scan. 654 00:34:29,820 --> 00:34:32,700 This subject is talking about 655 00:34:32,790 --> 00:34:36,840 a dense material, thick gray, cylindrical object. 656 00:34:36,930 --> 00:34:43,140 Now, this different viewer is getting the same type of box. 657 00:34:43,230 --> 00:34:45,570 -It’s got lights blinking. -POPE: And these are 658 00:34:45,750 --> 00:34:47,190 completely independent from each other? 659 00:34:47,280 --> 00:34:50,610 -Right. -Wow. One, two, pretty much the same. 660 00:34:50,790 --> 00:34:54,390 -VIVANCO: Pretty much the same. -Wow. Impressive. 661 00:34:54,480 --> 00:34:56,550 So, but let me show you this here. 662 00:34:56,640 --> 00:34:59,520 There’s a burst of communication is what I find interesting. 663 00:34:59,700 --> 00:35:03,570 And you have these, uh, almost looks like solar panels on it. 664 00:35:03,660 --> 00:35:04,920 POPE: Now, we actually saw 665 00:35:05,100 --> 00:35:06,360 the International Space Station last night, 666 00:35:06,540 --> 00:35:10,410 and it actually has those two separate light panels, 667 00:35:10,500 --> 00:35:11,580 like, what makes it different 668 00:35:11,760 --> 00:35:13,830 from most conventional satellites. 669 00:35:13,920 --> 00:35:16,170 -Could this be what we’re looking at here? -VIVANCO: Absolutely. 670 00:35:16,260 --> 00:35:18,780 If what you saw first identified as a satellite, 671 00:35:18,870 --> 00:35:20,760 -then, yeah, absolutely. -Wow. 672 00:35:20,940 --> 00:35:23,460 NARRATOR: Two separate remote viewers, 673 00:35:23,550 --> 00:35:26,970 both depicting objects that are consistent with the makeup 674 00:35:27,060 --> 00:35:29,760 of the International Space Station. 675 00:35:29,850 --> 00:35:33,900 It is an impressive coincidence, but not as impressive 676 00:35:33,990 --> 00:35:38,490 as what John VIVANCO is about to reveal to Nick Pope, 677 00:35:38,580 --> 00:35:43,350 as concerns the mysterious UFO they spotted in the night sky. 678 00:35:43,530 --> 00:35:46,230 So that’s a bona fide UFO. We can’t explain that. 679 00:35:46,320 --> 00:35:49,830 And it blinked out. It completely disappeared. 680 00:35:49,920 --> 00:35:52,170 What was the first thing you saw? 681 00:35:52,350 --> 00:35:54,510 Well, the first anomalous thing we saw 682 00:35:54,600 --> 00:35:56,580 was a flash of light in the sky. 683 00:35:56,670 --> 00:35:58,020 I saw it myself. 684 00:35:58,200 --> 00:36:00,540 We had a satellite tracker up and running. 685 00:36:00,720 --> 00:36:03,600 We eliminated that possibility. There was no satellite. 686 00:36:03,690 --> 00:36:06,570 -So this was anomalous. -That’s interesting. 687 00:36:06,660 --> 00:36:08,550 VIVANCO: So we get to this page here. 688 00:36:08,640 --> 00:36:10,440 Now they’re getting an energy and a structure. 689 00:36:10,620 --> 00:36:12,690 It’s this reflective, metallic, 690 00:36:12,870 --> 00:36:16,020 the feeling thing, almost like a mirage. 691 00:36:16,110 --> 00:36:19,260 Glowing blue color, very faint pinging sound. 692 00:36:19,350 --> 00:36:20,790 That’s interesting. 693 00:36:20,970 --> 00:36:22,860 POPE: This is a visual representation? 694 00:36:22,950 --> 00:36:24,840 This is visual representation, so... 695 00:36:25,020 --> 00:36:27,270 -POPE: And it says energy, so... -Energy, right. 696 00:36:27,360 --> 00:36:30,240 Energy seems to be moving outward in many directions. 697 00:36:30,330 --> 00:36:32,220 So I think what they’re trying to do here is display 698 00:36:32,400 --> 00:36:34,740 -the energy, the ball. -Right. 699 00:36:34,830 --> 00:36:36,630 All right. 700 00:36:36,810 --> 00:36:39,510 You prepare to be weirded out here. 701 00:36:39,600 --> 00:36:41,220 POPE: Okay. 702 00:36:41,310 --> 00:36:43,650 VIVANCO: This subject is described 703 00:36:43,830 --> 00:36:45,540 as a crystal blue color. 704 00:36:45,540 --> 00:36:48,600 It’s angelic and floaty. 705 00:36:48,780 --> 00:36:50,220 Wow. 706 00:36:50,310 --> 00:36:53,730 So is this a person? What is this? 707 00:36:53,910 --> 00:36:56,070 VIVANCO: I’m not sure what this is. 708 00:36:56,160 --> 00:36:57,960 This subject here, I mean, uh, 709 00:36:58,050 --> 00:37:02,460 this-this is clearly some sort of person, or-or is it? 710 00:37:02,640 --> 00:37:05,160 I mean, if we’re talking about something anomalous, 711 00:37:05,250 --> 00:37:08,490 is the possibility here that, if this was a UFO, 712 00:37:08,670 --> 00:37:09,840 that this is some sort of occupant? 713 00:37:09,930 --> 00:37:11,730 VIVANCO: There is that possibility. 714 00:37:11,820 --> 00:37:14,340 NARRATOR: An occupant? 715 00:37:14,520 --> 00:37:18,480 Did this remote viewer actually see inside the object 716 00:37:18,570 --> 00:37:21,900 that the field team witnessed from the ground? 717 00:37:21,990 --> 00:37:25,320 And if so, could this confirm that what they saw 718 00:37:25,410 --> 00:37:29,370 was an extraterrestrial spacecraft? 719 00:37:29,460 --> 00:37:33,060 VIVANCO: This remote viewer is also getting a subject here, 720 00:37:33,240 --> 00:37:36,750 and they are calling this flash of light a subject, 721 00:37:36,840 --> 00:37:38,820 which is curious. 722 00:37:39,000 --> 00:37:42,330 And when you see this, uppercase P and a lowercase P, 723 00:37:42,420 --> 00:37:45,120 they mean that subject is a paraphysical, 724 00:37:45,300 --> 00:37:47,910 which means, in remote viewing, it is something 725 00:37:48,000 --> 00:37:49,890 outside of our 3-D reality. 726 00:37:49,980 --> 00:37:52,410 So this subject, according to this remote viewer, 727 00:37:52,590 --> 00:37:55,380 is a flash of light on the mountain, 728 00:37:55,470 --> 00:37:58,890 and this subject exists outside of our 3-D reality. 729 00:37:58,980 --> 00:38:00,060 -That is spooky. I mean... -Yeah. 730 00:38:00,150 --> 00:38:02,310 ...we saw a flash of light on the mountain. 731 00:38:02,400 --> 00:38:06,450 Are we saying here that this flashing light on the mountain, 732 00:38:06,630 --> 00:38:09,600 and that these sessions suggest that this is, like, 733 00:38:09,690 --> 00:38:12,480 -something to do with extraterrestrials? -You know, 734 00:38:12,660 --> 00:38:17,160 all I can say is what the remote viewers got. 735 00:38:17,250 --> 00:38:19,950 And from my perspective, 736 00:38:20,040 --> 00:38:22,650 -I think you’ve got a true anomaly there. -Wow. 737 00:38:22,830 --> 00:38:26,610 NARRATOR: If what both the field team and the remote viewers 738 00:38:26,700 --> 00:38:30,570 observed was, in fact, an extraterrestrial craft, 739 00:38:30,660 --> 00:38:33,720 did it suddenly appear and then disappear 740 00:38:33,900 --> 00:38:37,860 because it was entering our world from another dimension? 741 00:38:38,040 --> 00:38:41,100 And do the sketches made by the remote viewers suggest 742 00:38:41,190 --> 00:38:43,980 that they may have perceived not only this craft, 743 00:38:44,070 --> 00:38:46,680 but even its occupants? 744 00:38:46,860 --> 00:38:51,090 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes... 745 00:38:51,180 --> 00:38:53,880 and suggest we may be close to becoming 746 00:38:53,970 --> 00:38:56,850 interdimensional beings ourselves. 747 00:39:02,790 --> 00:39:04,680 NARRATOR: The Salyut 7 Space Station. 748 00:39:04,860 --> 00:39:08,280 July 12, 1984. 749 00:39:08,370 --> 00:39:13,320 Soviet cosmonauts Oleg Atkov, Leonid Kizim, 750 00:39:13,410 --> 00:39:16,830 and Vladimir Solovyov send an odd and alarming transmission 751 00:39:17,010 --> 00:39:18,450 back to Earth. 752 00:39:18,540 --> 00:39:23,310 They claim that seven enormous winged humanoid beings, 753 00:39:23,490 --> 00:39:27,090 around 90 feet in height, and emanating ethereal light, 754 00:39:27,270 --> 00:39:30,510 suddenly appeared outside the space station. 755 00:39:30,600 --> 00:39:34,020 They remained there for ten minutes, 756 00:39:34,200 --> 00:39:38,160 and then appeared to fade away. 757 00:39:38,250 --> 00:39:42,480 I think that somewhere out there, there’s a highway. 758 00:39:42,570 --> 00:39:46,710 A highway containing the souls of millions of aliens 759 00:39:46,800 --> 00:39:50,760 that are traveling across the galaxy 760 00:39:50,940 --> 00:39:52,740 at the speed of light, 761 00:39:52,920 --> 00:39:56,250 looking at the wonders of the universe 762 00:39:56,340 --> 00:40:00,570 at the maximum velocity allowed by Albert Einstein. 763 00:40:00,660 --> 00:40:02,820 And, if it’s right next to us, 764 00:40:02,910 --> 00:40:06,690 could we humans detect this superhighway? 765 00:40:06,870 --> 00:40:08,490 No. 766 00:40:08,580 --> 00:40:12,540 NARRATOR: But if alien entities are able to cross over 767 00:40:12,630 --> 00:40:14,790 from their universe into ours, 768 00:40:14,880 --> 00:40:17,670 how long will it be before we discover 769 00:40:17,850 --> 00:40:20,460 how to cross over into theirs? 770 00:40:20,550 --> 00:40:25,050 TZADOK: Right now, contact between dimensions is limited. 771 00:40:25,140 --> 00:40:28,290 Right now, we are in exile from one another. 772 00:40:28,470 --> 00:40:31,890 But the future is to bring the worlds together 773 00:40:31,890 --> 00:40:34,860 so that human consciousness will exist 774 00:40:35,040 --> 00:40:37,830 in dual dimensions naturally. 775 00:40:37,920 --> 00:40:40,170 The only way we’re going to get there 776 00:40:40,260 --> 00:40:44,040 is if we understand the laws of physics differently. 777 00:40:44,130 --> 00:40:47,910 Or if we include new laws of physics 778 00:40:48,090 --> 00:40:51,780 that combine the visible and the non-visible, 779 00:40:51,870 --> 00:40:55,020 the physical and the non-physical, 780 00:40:55,200 --> 00:40:59,070 and approach reality from a multidimensional, 781 00:40:59,250 --> 00:41:01,590 interdimensional perspective. 782 00:41:01,680 --> 00:41:04,290 Not from a linear perspective. 783 00:41:04,470 --> 00:41:07,440 TZADOK: Everyone will know the truth. 784 00:41:07,620 --> 00:41:09,960 There will be enlightenment for all. 785 00:41:10,050 --> 00:41:14,010 The unseen will be seen. 786 00:41:16,440 --> 00:41:18,240 NARRATOR: As scientists continue to unravel 787 00:41:18,420 --> 00:41:20,220 the secrets of the universe, 788 00:41:20,310 --> 00:41:23,280 will they discover irrefutable evidence 789 00:41:23,370 --> 00:41:25,260 of a multiverse? 790 00:41:25,440 --> 00:41:28,050 And if so, might this explain 791 00:41:28,140 --> 00:41:30,390 the numerous paranormal encounters 792 00:41:30,480 --> 00:41:33,360 that humans have reported having with ghosts, 793 00:41:33,450 --> 00:41:38,490 demons and other ethereal beings? 794 00:41:38,580 --> 00:41:42,270 Perhaps the notion of aliens landing on Earth in spaceships 795 00:41:42,450 --> 00:41:43,890 is an old-fashioned one. 796 00:41:43,980 --> 00:41:46,410 And the ability of aliens 797 00:41:46,500 --> 00:41:49,020 to travel from one universe to another 798 00:41:49,200 --> 00:41:52,260 and communicate with humans is as limitless 799 00:41:52,350 --> 00:41:54,600 as the capabilities of our brains. 800 00:41:57,570 --> 00:42:01,350 If true, we will find that our extraterrestrial neighbors 801 00:42:01,440 --> 00:42:05,670 could be much closer than we think.