1 00:00:01,837 --> 00:00:04,504 NARRATOR: Unexplained sightings in space... 2 00:00:04,573 --> 00:00:08,438 SETH SHOSTAK: Shuttle astronauts will report that they've seen things 3 00:00:08,474 --> 00:00:10,709 that might be due to an alien presence. 4 00:00:11,746 --> 00:00:16,048 NARRATOR: strange formations on the surface of Mars... 5 00:00:17,220 --> 00:00:19,720 ERICH VON DANIKEN: Now, some NASA scientists say this is all 6 00:00:19,755 --> 00:00:21,721 just a light and shadow game. 7 00:00:22,959 --> 00:00:27,758 NARRATOR: ..and lunar missions rumored to have secret agendas. 8 00:00:28,696 --> 00:00:31,264 LOGAN HAWKES: The race for the Moon, was it a race to 9 00:00:31,333 --> 00:00:34,901 reach technology that was left behind by an extraterrestrial race? 10 00:00:36,436 --> 00:00:41,007 NARRATOR: Is NASA sharing all that it knows about the universe? 11 00:00:41,176 --> 00:00:44,077 Or are they protecting us from the truth? 12 00:00:44,180 --> 00:00:46,513 MICHAEL BARA: The Brookings Report says very specifically, 13 00:00:46,581 --> 00:00:48,748 number one, don't tell anybody. 14 00:00:48,783 --> 00:00:53,052 If you tell anybody, it will shatter the fabric of our civilization. 15 00:00:53,821 --> 00:00:57,190 NARRATOR: Millions of people around the world believe we have 16 00:00:57,259 --> 00:01:01,261 been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. 17 00:01:01,296 --> 00:01:03,630 What if it were true? 18 00:01:03,698 --> 00:01:08,968 Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? 19 00:01:09,037 --> 00:01:14,774 And, if so, might our extraterrestrial origins be revealed through 20 00:01:14,809 --> 00:01:16,777 the NASA connection? 21 00:01:33,145 --> 00:01:43,545 sync and corrections by bellows www.addic7ed.com 22 00:01:52,146 --> 00:01:55,315 NARRATOR: July 20, 1969. 23 00:01:55,350 --> 00:01:57,517 Okay, engine stop. 24 00:01:57,586 --> 00:01:58,985 We copy you down, Eagle. 25 00:01:59,020 --> 00:02:01,921 Tranquility Base here. 26 00:02:01,990 --> 00:02:02,822 The Eagle has landed. 27 00:02:02,857 --> 00:02:07,260 NARRATOR: American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" 28 00:02:07,329 --> 00:02:11,531 Aldrin become the first humans to land on the Moon. 29 00:02:11,600 --> 00:02:18,034 "That's one small step for man, but one giant leap for mankind." 30 00:02:19,841 --> 00:02:27,513 BUZZ ALDRIN: We aliens who happened to go down the ladder on July 20, 31 00:02:27,549 --> 00:02:34,721 1969, were certainly part of a magnificent race that was able 32 00:02:34,789 --> 00:02:39,328 to all of sudden appear in the garden of Eden. 33 00:02:41,696 --> 00:02:45,198 STORY MUSGRAVE: Landing on the Moon happened because of courage. 34 00:02:45,233 --> 00:02:46,032 We had the courage. 35 00:02:46,067 --> 00:02:47,866 We were willing to take the risk. 36 00:02:47,902 --> 00:02:50,502 We had a president who was behind us and said you're gonna do it. 37 00:02:53,875 --> 00:02:56,409 DAVID MORRISON: I look at those people from the Apollo era 38 00:02:56,478 --> 00:02:59,879 as heroes, not just the astronauts that went, but the 39 00:02:59,914 --> 00:03:04,186 hundred thousand people on the ground that made it possible. 40 00:03:06,421 --> 00:03:08,988 They worked on an exact plan. 41 00:03:09,057 --> 00:03:11,658 They knew where they wanted to go. 42 00:03:11,726 --> 00:03:15,463 They developed the technology, And, by golly, they pulled it off. 43 00:03:18,399 --> 00:03:21,567 It was a tremendous accomplishment, perhaps the 44 00:03:21,603 --> 00:03:25,872 greatest scientific technical accomplishment in human history. 45 00:03:28,742 --> 00:03:30,810 Houston, it's Tranquility, how do you read? 46 00:03:30,879 --> 00:03:33,313 Tranquility Base, this is Houston, loud and clear. 47 00:03:33,581 --> 00:03:37,784 NARRATOR: For more than two and a half hours, Armstrong and 48 00:03:37,852 --> 00:03:40,920 Aldrin stood on the surface of the Moon. 49 00:03:40,955 --> 00:03:45,458 Video transmissions showed the two astronauts collecting rock 50 00:03:45,527 --> 00:03:50,029 samples, taking photographs, and planting an American flag 51 00:03:50,098 --> 00:03:52,365 in the lunar soil. 52 00:03:52,434 --> 00:03:56,202 But what might these men have done away from the camera? 53 00:03:56,271 --> 00:04:00,807 Could there have been another, perhaps, top-secret mission, 54 00:04:00,875 --> 00:04:03,611 as ancient astronaut theorists believe? 55 00:04:06,447 --> 00:04:11,651 DAVID CHILDRESS: When Apollo 11 first landed on the Moon, 56 00:04:11,720 --> 00:04:14,654 there were certain sites that they were to look at. 57 00:04:14,723 --> 00:04:18,658 And even as they orbited the Moon there were certain areas of 58 00:04:18,727 --> 00:04:22,795 the Moon that they were to examine carefully and photograph. 59 00:04:22,797 --> 00:04:29,135 And you have to ask yourself if NASA already had certain parts 60 00:04:29,170 --> 00:04:32,972 of the Moon picked out, and the reason they had picked 61 00:04:33,007 --> 00:04:37,643 out these areas was because there was artificial structures 62 00:04:37,679 --> 00:04:40,680 on the Moon and they knew it. 63 00:04:45,919 --> 00:04:48,888 NARRATOR: According to NASA records, the area of the Moon 64 00:04:48,923 --> 00:04:52,492 called the Sea of Tranquility was chosen for the first lunar 65 00:04:52,527 --> 00:04:55,197 landing based on its flat surface. 66 00:04:57,532 --> 00:05:00,366 But some researchers suggest this site was chosen because on 67 00:05:00,435 --> 00:05:06,174 that date, its coordinates lined up directly under Orion's Belt. 68 00:05:07,776 --> 00:05:11,210 BARA: The way they picked the landing sites was that they first chose the 69 00:05:11,279 --> 00:05:14,514 specific date, the specific latitude and longitude, the 70 00:05:14,549 --> 00:05:17,116 specific time that they would land. 71 00:05:17,118 --> 00:05:19,519 And then you have to work your way back from that to create 72 00:05:19,554 --> 00:05:20,953 what's called the launch window. 73 00:05:22,022 --> 00:05:26,893 The person who picked all of the Apollo landing dates and landing 74 00:05:26,961 --> 00:05:32,397 times, including the mission for Apollo 11, was a man named Farouk El-Baz. 75 00:05:32,398 --> 00:05:36,136 His father just happened to be an expert on the ancient 76 00:05:36,171 --> 00:05:38,805 Egyptian stellar religion. 77 00:05:41,342 --> 00:05:43,510 NARRATOR: According to ancient Egyptian beliefs, 78 00:05:43,578 --> 00:05:47,514 ceremonies performed directly under Orion's Belt produce a 79 00:05:47,582 --> 00:05:55,055 sacred alignment, one through which humans could communicate with Osiris. 80 00:05:55,690 --> 00:05:58,725 BARA: To the ancient Egyptians, that constellation 81 00:05:58,760 --> 00:06:02,429 actually was a literal living embodiment of the great god Osiris. 82 00:06:02,497 --> 00:06:07,534 Sirius was the same representation of his wife, sister and consort, Isis. 83 00:06:07,602 --> 00:06:12,839 Together, those two essentially ruled the skies, and the life of 84 00:06:12,874 --> 00:06:16,543 the Egyptian people themselves was dictated by the rotation, 85 00:06:16,611 --> 00:06:20,346 the movement and the placement of those two celestial objects 86 00:06:20,382 --> 00:06:21,649 in the heavens. 87 00:06:23,717 --> 00:06:26,786 BARA: Apollo 11 had landed at a specific day and a 88 00:06:26,855 --> 00:06:31,558 specific time where the three belt stars of Orion were on the horizon. 89 00:06:31,626 --> 00:06:37,697 At that time, 33 minutes after landing, Buzz Aldrin, the second 90 00:06:37,732 --> 00:06:42,202 man to walk on the Moon, a 33 Degree Scottish Rite Freemason was, in fact, 91 00:06:42,237 --> 00:06:49,409 performing a ceremony on board the lunar module with Neil Armstrong. 92 00:06:49,478 --> 00:06:52,579 What they were doing was pouring wine into chalices, breaking 93 00:06:52,647 --> 00:06:57,517 bread and doing what essentially is called a communion ceremony. 94 00:06:57,752 --> 00:06:59,986 Now the interesting thing about the communion ceremony is that 95 00:07:00,055 --> 00:07:02,655 although its Catholic, it actually has its origins in a 96 00:07:02,724 --> 00:07:06,893 much deeper, farther back ritual which was an offering to 97 00:07:06,928 --> 00:07:08,728 the god Osiris himself. 98 00:07:08,763 --> 00:07:13,399 So they are performing, essentially, an offering to Osiris himself. 99 00:07:13,768 --> 00:07:17,705 So I think that's why that they landed on the Moon at that date and time. 100 00:07:18,673 --> 00:07:21,241 PHILIP COPPENS: Certain rituals have to be performed at 101 00:07:21,276 --> 00:07:25,078 certain moments in time, whereby this link with this nonhuman 102 00:07:25,113 --> 00:07:26,546 intelligence will happen. 103 00:07:26,848 --> 00:07:30,617 The priestly class of our ancestors, either through 104 00:07:30,685 --> 00:07:35,121 technology or through certain means, really were very much the 105 00:07:35,190 --> 00:07:37,957 class which sought out contact with this nonhuman intelligence. 106 00:07:37,959 --> 00:07:41,361 And they were the ones who were trained to do this, very much 107 00:07:41,429 --> 00:07:45,298 like the scientists of today, which we have trained to be the 108 00:07:45,367 --> 00:07:48,735 people who are going to go into outer space. 109 00:07:55,676 --> 00:07:58,278 NARRATOR: Left behind on the Moon were scientific 110 00:07:58,346 --> 00:08:04,017 instruments, an American flag, and a small plaque commemorating 111 00:08:04,085 --> 00:08:07,420 the Apollo 11 mission. 112 00:08:07,455 --> 00:08:11,457 But there were other items left as well, a bag containing 113 00:08:11,526 --> 00:08:17,263 a gold replica of an olive branch, and a silicon disk with recorded 114 00:08:17,299 --> 00:08:22,567 messages of peace and goodwill from 73 world leaders. 115 00:08:23,103 --> 00:08:26,839 Why were these symbolic messages sent up into space? 116 00:08:26,874 --> 00:08:31,644 Who was NASA expecting to meet on the Moon? 117 00:08:31,946 --> 00:08:35,348 HAWKES: When we talk about the Apollo Moon mission, there's some theory 118 00:08:35,383 --> 00:08:40,052 that suggest that massive cities may exist on the dark side of the Moon, 119 00:08:40,121 --> 00:08:46,192 cities that NASA was aware of, that the Moon missions were all 120 00:08:46,227 --> 00:08:50,863 about and that artifacts from these ancient ruin sites have 121 00:08:50,898 --> 00:08:52,231 been brought back to Earth. 122 00:08:52,233 --> 00:08:55,301 Is it possible it wasn't Moon rocks we were picking up and 123 00:08:55,370 --> 00:08:59,006 bringing back as specimens, but perhaps alien technology? 124 00:09:01,043 --> 00:09:03,209 VON DANIKEN: If extraterrestrials were here on 125 00:09:03,244 --> 00:09:06,879 planet, I'm sure they were here, we should also find evidence 126 00:09:06,914 --> 00:09:11,984 on the Moon because the Moon is the place for a stopover. 127 00:09:12,053 --> 00:09:14,253 You have a mother spaceship. 128 00:09:14,322 --> 00:09:16,222 You need some sort of refuel. 129 00:09:16,257 --> 00:09:20,259 Whatever this refuel is, could be raw material, could be stone, 130 00:09:20,328 --> 00:09:24,163 could be uranium, could be whatever is in the surface of the Moon. 131 00:09:24,165 --> 00:09:28,667 So it would make sense that we find some indications on the 132 00:09:28,736 --> 00:09:32,571 Moon, technological indications, that somebody was here. 133 00:09:34,741 --> 00:09:38,911 NARRATOR: Over the past several years, officials with 134 00:09:38,946 --> 00:09:42,681 NASA's space program have admitted to misplacing original 135 00:09:42,750 --> 00:09:47,753 recordings of some Moon landings, and losing rocks 136 00:09:47,789 --> 00:09:51,023 collected from the lunar surface. 137 00:09:51,092 --> 00:09:54,360 Could this be, as ancient astronaut theorists believe, 138 00:09:54,429 --> 00:09:58,664 lost evidence of possible alien contact? 139 00:09:58,699 --> 00:10:04,303 Some claim that photos NASA has taken of both the Moon and Mars 140 00:10:04,372 --> 00:10:08,607 indicate they know more than they are telling us. 141 00:10:08,609 --> 00:10:11,277 DAVID ICKE: We're going to have to come to terms with the 142 00:10:11,345 --> 00:10:16,482 with the fact that we have been told the most monumental 143 00:10:16,517 --> 00:10:21,321 collective lie, all our lives, about technologically-advanced, 144 00:10:21,356 --> 00:10:26,459 nonhuman groups that are fundamentally impacting upon life on Earth. 145 00:10:26,495 --> 00:10:30,930 And you will find the evidence for that on the far side of the Moon, 146 00:10:30,965 --> 00:10:33,435 and no doubt, Mars, too. 147 00:10:35,470 --> 00:10:38,771 BARA: Every time you look at a photograph from an unmanned 148 00:10:38,807 --> 00:10:42,375 probe of the planet Mars, there's almost always something 149 00:10:42,444 --> 00:10:46,614 truly weird that doesn't belong there that looks structural. 150 00:10:48,282 --> 00:10:51,384 Carl Sagan himself used to talk about the pyramids of Elysium, 151 00:10:51,419 --> 00:10:54,757 which were these very large, tetrahedral pyramids on Mars. 152 00:10:54,758 --> 00:10:57,726 VON DANIKEN: We have some strange pictures from the 153 00:10:57,727 --> 00:11:04,428 surface of the back of the Moon and from the surface of Mars. 154 00:11:04,467 --> 00:11:10,304 Some strange pictures which seems to show artificial stuff, 155 00:11:10,373 --> 00:11:13,474 some ancient buildings. 156 00:11:14,843 --> 00:11:20,950 On Mars, we had one day photograph by Mariner, we had a face on Mars. 157 00:11:24,285 --> 00:11:27,587 And in later picture, the face did not exist anymore. 158 00:11:27,622 --> 00:11:31,125 But around the face, there was still something like a gate. 159 00:11:32,360 --> 00:11:38,765 Now, some NASA scientists say this is all just a light and shadow game. 160 00:11:39,601 --> 00:11:44,337 Others, also from NASA, say the pyramids are real on Mars. 161 00:11:44,405 --> 00:11:48,107 So, at this moment, I don't know what is true. 162 00:11:48,243 --> 00:11:51,377 BARA: There are some people that think that with the Roswell 163 00:11:51,412 --> 00:11:54,313 crash, that the US government established communications with 164 00:11:54,382 --> 00:11:56,683 extraterrestrial beings. 165 00:11:57,418 --> 00:12:00,486 There are some who think that we did not establish such contact 166 00:12:00,555 --> 00:12:02,889 until the Apollo missions themselves. 167 00:12:02,924 --> 00:12:05,458 And there are other people who think that we really don't have 168 00:12:05,493 --> 00:12:09,262 any direct contact with extraterrestrial species. 169 00:12:09,497 --> 00:12:13,099 My personal belief is that at some point along the way, NASA 170 00:12:13,168 --> 00:12:17,004 did have a direct pipeline to the ETs. 171 00:12:18,339 --> 00:12:23,242 NARRATOR: But if NASA has possessed evidence of extraterrestrial life, as 172 00:12:23,278 --> 00:12:28,080 ancient astronaut theorists believe, what are they hiding? 173 00:12:41,929 --> 00:12:44,564 NARRATOR: Might NASA really have found evidence of the 174 00:12:44,599 --> 00:12:48,901 existence of extraterrestrial life on the Moon? 175 00:12:48,937 --> 00:12:53,806 And could there be further proof of an alien presence as 176 00:12:53,842 --> 00:12:57,910 witnessed by astronauts on the space shuttle and the 177 00:12:57,946 --> 00:13:01,414 International Space Station? 178 00:13:04,506 --> 00:13:09,642 NARRATOR: NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California 179 00:13:10,513 --> 00:13:16,417 On December 5, 2011, astronomers working with the Kepler space 180 00:13:16,452 --> 00:13:19,687 telescope announced the discovery of a planet they 181 00:13:19,722 --> 00:13:23,924 called Kepler-22b, orbiting within what's known as the 182 00:13:23,960 --> 00:13:26,759 habitable zone of a distant star. 183 00:13:28,064 --> 00:13:30,364 SIMON P. WORDEN: Today's discovery is a tantalizing 184 00:13:30,399 --> 00:13:35,034 indication that, with time, Kepler may find true earth analogs. 185 00:13:35,638 --> 00:13:39,039 SETH SHOSTAK: Kepler-22b is about 600 light-years away from 186 00:13:39,075 --> 00:13:40,808 Earth, so that's a long way. 187 00:13:40,876 --> 00:13:44,712 But it is, in fact, in an orbit that means that the daytime 188 00:13:44,747 --> 00:13:47,948 temperatures on that planet might be comparable to a summer 189 00:13:47,984 --> 00:13:51,652 in San Francisco, so that's the first time we found a planet 190 00:13:51,721 --> 00:13:55,354 that might have liquid oceans, maybe a thick atmosphere, maybe even life. 191 00:13:55,425 --> 00:13:58,225 DAVID MORRISON, PH.D.: What we'd ultimately like to do, 192 00:13:58,261 --> 00:14:03,630 first, is just understand how other planetary systems are made up. 193 00:14:04,000 --> 00:14:08,068 But then, we really would like to find Earth-like planets. 194 00:14:08,104 --> 00:14:12,374 Planets in the habitable zone of sun-like stars. 195 00:14:13,276 --> 00:14:18,245 NARRATOR: But is it possible that NASA scientists have been 196 00:14:18,281 --> 00:14:21,283 searching for life they already know exists? 197 00:14:23,019 --> 00:14:27,755 Some believe previous voyages into space have uncovered 198 00:14:27,790 --> 00:14:30,890 evidence of an extraterrestrial presence. 199 00:14:34,762 --> 00:14:36,695 Houston, Discovery, how do you read? Over. 200 00:14:36,696 --> 00:14:38,831 Discovery, Houston, read you loud and clear. 201 00:14:38,901 --> 00:14:41,035 Go for main engines start. 202 00:14:41,103 --> 00:14:43,003 Main engines up and burning. 203 00:14:43,039 --> 00:14:47,441 Three, two, one, zero and liftoff! 204 00:14:47,476 --> 00:14:51,011 Roger. Roll, Discovery. 205 00:14:51,047 --> 00:14:55,449 NARRATOR: On September 12, 1991, the space shuttle 206 00:14:55,484 --> 00:15:02,922 Discovery STS-48 flew nearly 350 miles above the surface of the Earth. 207 00:15:05,628 --> 00:15:10,197 Its crew, led by Captain John Creighton, performed several 208 00:15:10,232 --> 00:15:12,900 missions, including the deployment of an upper 209 00:15:12,968 --> 00:15:14,936 atmosphere research satellite. 210 00:15:15,571 --> 00:15:17,037 He is go for free drift. 211 00:15:17,073 --> 00:15:19,540 Okay, we're in free drift. 212 00:15:19,576 --> 00:15:22,209 NARRATOR: But while the astronauts occupied themselves 213 00:15:22,244 --> 00:15:27,247 with various tasks, a video camera at the rear cargo bay 214 00:15:27,316 --> 00:15:33,621 door captured footage that NASA claims no longer exists. 215 00:15:34,357 --> 00:15:38,492 But a number of amateurs who were directly monitoring the 216 00:15:38,527 --> 00:15:43,597 transmissions have produced what they allege is genuine footage 217 00:15:43,666 --> 00:15:46,600 from STS-48. 218 00:15:46,669 --> 00:15:50,771 The video shows what appears to be a series of unidentified 219 00:15:50,840 --> 00:15:57,077 glowing objects and flashing lights that change direction 220 00:15:57,113 --> 00:16:02,383 and accelerate rapidly. 221 00:16:02,385 --> 00:16:05,753 CHILDRESS: Apparently, the space shuttle was surrounded by 222 00:16:05,788 --> 00:16:13,360 some kind of UFO, flying saucer type of craft, some kind of a 223 00:16:13,396 --> 00:16:16,530 shield, at one point, was supposedly put around the 224 00:16:16,565 --> 00:16:23,636 shuttle briefly, and then, the UFO and everything disappeared. 225 00:16:24,740 --> 00:16:27,674 BARA: One of the astronauts openly states over an open 226 00:16:27,710 --> 00:16:31,312 channel, "Hey, we're being tracked by an alien spacecraft." 227 00:16:31,547 --> 00:16:33,280 (rhythmic beeping) 228 00:16:33,349 --> 00:16:36,083 Then all of a sudden, all the transmission just ceases. 229 00:16:36,118 --> 00:16:39,086 And I think what happened was, is that he must have realized he 230 00:16:39,121 --> 00:16:41,755 was on the public channel, not the private channel, and he 231 00:16:41,791 --> 00:16:44,258 probably very, very quickly switched over to the private 232 00:16:44,293 --> 00:16:46,664 channel to describe what it was he was seeing. 233 00:16:50,299 --> 00:16:54,134 MUSGRAVE: I knew everyone, and I heard stories from everyone. 234 00:16:54,170 --> 00:16:56,437 Nobody brought me any evidence. 235 00:16:56,472 --> 00:17:00,274 So, one side of the coin... it's everywhere out there. 236 00:17:00,309 --> 00:17:01,642 Has it been here? 237 00:17:01,710 --> 00:17:03,178 I have no evidence. 238 00:17:04,814 --> 00:17:09,616 NARRATOR: NASA officials claim the video images show ice 239 00:17:09,652 --> 00:17:13,153 particles glinting in the sun. 240 00:17:16,324 --> 00:17:19,560 But is it possible that video transmissions from the space 241 00:17:19,595 --> 00:17:24,733 shuttle captured more than what NASA officials want to admit? 242 00:17:26,769 --> 00:17:30,471 SHOSTAK: Occasionally, astronauts, shuttle astronauts, 243 00:17:30,506 --> 00:17:34,174 will report that they've seen things or experienced things in 244 00:17:34,243 --> 00:17:40,147 space that they can't explain and that might be due to an alien presence. 245 00:17:40,182 --> 00:17:42,816 GIORGIO A. TSOUKALOS: Ever since humankind launched itself 246 00:17:42,852 --> 00:17:47,154 into space, there have been reports where astronauts 247 00:17:47,189 --> 00:17:51,492 describe something that they saw while being up in the spaceship. 248 00:17:51,527 --> 00:17:59,032 And we have to remind ourselves that those stories were reported 249 00:17:59,068 --> 00:18:05,873 by astronauts, and not by some kind of crazy people. 250 00:18:05,941 --> 00:18:14,781 NARRATOR: In 1996, video captured aboard the space shuttle Columbia STS-80 251 00:18:14,817 --> 00:18:23,190 reportedly shows a number of fast-moving objects just outside the craft. 252 00:18:23,225 --> 00:18:28,395 These unidentified objects appear as bright streaks. 253 00:18:28,430 --> 00:18:32,232 Analysis of their speeds and directions have prompted some 254 00:18:32,301 --> 00:18:35,702 researchers to dismiss the claims that the objects were 255 00:18:35,738 --> 00:18:38,972 shuttle debris or meteors. 256 00:18:38,974 --> 00:18:41,708 BARA: There's space shuttle video of two very specific 257 00:18:41,744 --> 00:18:45,812 missions... STS-48 and STS-80... which clearly show what appear 258 00:18:45,848 --> 00:18:50,050 to be powered vehicles operating in low earth orbit, defying all 259 00:18:50,085 --> 00:18:53,820 the laws of physics and clearly performing the way UFOs or 260 00:18:53,856 --> 00:19:00,661 extraterrestrial spacecraft are supposedly able to perform. 261 00:19:00,696 --> 00:19:04,064 NARRATOR: But American astronauts are not the only 262 00:19:04,099 --> 00:19:10,904 space travelers reporting otherworldly encounters. 263 00:19:10,940 --> 00:19:16,843 In 1985, Soviet cosmonauts aboard the Salyut 7 reported 264 00:19:16,879 --> 00:19:20,381 seeing seven celestial beings orbiting Earth. 265 00:19:21,283 --> 00:19:24,518 CHILDRESS: Six cosmonauts claimed that, as they looked out 266 00:19:24,553 --> 00:19:28,956 of the window of the space station, they saw what they 267 00:19:29,024 --> 00:19:35,095 described as winged angels surrounding their ship, and that 268 00:19:35,130 --> 00:19:40,601 these were luminous beings looking like people but also 269 00:19:40,636 --> 00:19:45,872 having... bizarrely... wings on them, and they're in space. 270 00:19:45,874 --> 00:19:50,544 So you have to wonder, what's going on here, and were these 271 00:19:50,579 --> 00:19:55,449 angels some kind of extraterrestrials in special 272 00:19:55,484 --> 00:19:59,820 space suits or with fields around them, and they were 273 00:19:59,855 --> 00:20:03,624 investigating the Soviet space station? 274 00:20:03,659 --> 00:20:08,829 And then suddenly, bang, they just vanished. 275 00:20:08,897 --> 00:20:13,300 NARRATOR: If reports from trained scientists are true, is 276 00:20:13,335 --> 00:20:17,838 this proof that extraterrestrial intelligence has been trying to 277 00:20:17,873 --> 00:20:21,041 contact us? 278 00:20:21,043 --> 00:20:24,845 SEAN DAVID MORTON: Gordon Cooper approached the United 279 00:20:24,880 --> 00:20:28,348 Nations about them actually setting up a bureau at the United Nations for 280 00:20:28,417 --> 00:20:30,017 extraterrestrial contact. 281 00:20:30,085 --> 00:20:34,321 EDGAR MITCHELL: This is not unknown knowledge. 282 00:20:34,356 --> 00:20:37,190 There are people that know and there seems to be perhaps 283 00:20:37,226 --> 00:20:41,361 several different species of aliens visiting here, and it 284 00:20:41,397 --> 00:20:45,499 looks like, likely, they have been for a long, long time. 285 00:20:45,534 --> 00:20:48,368 NARRATOR: Might NASA really be withholding classified 286 00:20:48,404 --> 00:20:55,008 information regarding the existence of extraterrestrial beings? 287 00:20:55,044 --> 00:20:59,379 Perhaps the answer can be found by taking a look at NASA's 288 00:20:59,415 --> 00:21:01,816 curious origins. 289 00:21:05,460 --> 00:21:09,830 NARRATOR: July 29, 1958. 290 00:21:09,865 --> 00:21:13,267 Responding to the successful launch of the Soviet space 291 00:21:13,302 --> 00:21:17,538 satellite Sputnik, President Dwight Eisenhower signs the 292 00:21:17,573 --> 00:21:23,342 National Aeronautics and Space Act, officially establishing NASA. 293 00:21:24,646 --> 00:21:31,151 MORRISON: NASA was formed in 1958 partly out of a previously 294 00:21:31,186 --> 00:21:35,221 existing government agency called NACA that just dealt with 295 00:21:35,257 --> 00:21:39,826 aeronautics and then with the early space program that was 296 00:21:39,861 --> 00:21:43,296 being developed by the army and the air force. 297 00:21:43,331 --> 00:21:46,332 MITCHELL: NASA was established to take the United 298 00:21:46,368 --> 00:21:51,638 States into space and to be a contender in the new direction 299 00:21:51,673 --> 00:21:57,246 that humanity was moving of exploring space and out into our solar system. 300 00:21:59,681 --> 00:22:03,650 NARRATOR: The president and congress established NASA as 301 00:22:03,685 --> 00:22:06,186 part of the Department of Defense. 302 00:22:06,521 --> 00:22:09,489 The official reason was to prevent the Soviets from 303 00:22:09,524 --> 00:22:14,828 stealing U.S. technology, but some believe the real motive for 304 00:22:14,863 --> 00:22:18,531 this classification was not to hide information from the 305 00:22:18,567 --> 00:22:23,703 Soviets but to keep it secret from the American public. 306 00:22:23,738 --> 00:22:28,007 BARA: A lot of people have the idea that NASA is a civilian 307 00:22:28,043 --> 00:22:32,112 science agency, and it's not. 308 00:22:32,114 --> 00:22:35,014 It says right there in the act of Congress that created it, 309 00:22:35,050 --> 00:22:38,718 anything that they discover is subject to classification and 310 00:22:38,753 --> 00:22:43,356 being kept secret and being kept from the American people. 311 00:22:43,391 --> 00:22:46,860 The Brookings Report, which was commissioned by NASA right after 312 00:22:46,895 --> 00:22:50,530 NASA itself was created, essentially was commissioned for 313 00:22:50,565 --> 00:22:54,067 the purpose of deciding what NASA should do if in fact they 314 00:22:54,136 --> 00:22:59,239 made some sort of extraterrestrial contact... if 315 00:22:59,307 --> 00:23:02,542 they either found artifacts on the Moon or on Mars or if they 316 00:23:02,577 --> 00:23:05,912 had direct contact with a superior intelligence, what they 317 00:23:05,981 --> 00:23:09,249 should do, and the Brookings Report says very specifically, 318 00:23:09,284 --> 00:23:11,551 number one, don't tell anybody. 319 00:23:11,586 --> 00:23:15,088 If you tell anybody, it will shatter the fabric of our civilization. 320 00:23:15,157 --> 00:23:18,258 It will destroy us. 321 00:23:21,195 --> 00:23:25,231 NARRATOR: Some researchers believe the evidence of NASA's 322 00:23:25,267 --> 00:23:29,002 hidden agenda can be found in the close ties between its 323 00:23:29,037 --> 00:23:33,573 founding scientists and secret societies. 324 00:23:33,608 --> 00:23:37,744 BARA: These secret societies had at their core essentially a 325 00:23:37,779 --> 00:23:41,781 belief that they were directly descended from these great gods 326 00:23:41,850 --> 00:23:45,585 of ancient Egypt, Isis, Osiris, and Horus, and they considered 327 00:23:45,620 --> 00:23:49,622 these gods to be truly the source of their bloodline but 328 00:23:49,691 --> 00:23:55,595 also that these gods themselves came from space. 329 00:23:55,630 --> 00:23:57,964 At the very top, you had the Freemasons. 330 00:23:57,999 --> 00:24:02,368 You had James Webb, who was a director of NASA. 331 00:24:02,404 --> 00:24:05,305 You had a man named Kenneth Kleinknecht, who was the head of 332 00:24:05,340 --> 00:24:08,875 the Mercury Program, the Apollo Program, the Gemini Program. 333 00:24:08,910 --> 00:24:11,978 He was a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason. 334 00:24:12,013 --> 00:24:14,781 Below them, you had the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, or 335 00:24:14,816 --> 00:24:17,317 followers of Aleister Crowley. 336 00:24:17,352 --> 00:24:20,820 People like Jack Parsons down at JPL were all put together, and 337 00:24:20,855 --> 00:24:24,157 so they all ended up under the very same roof with the very 338 00:24:24,192 --> 00:24:28,428 same agenda and the very same belief system. 339 00:24:28,430 --> 00:24:31,831 HAWKES: We see this practice of passing knowledge down 340 00:24:31,866 --> 00:24:36,402 through a secret society go back all the way to the days of the 341 00:24:36,438 --> 00:24:44,177 Illuminati... who believed that a select few of the elite were 342 00:24:44,212 --> 00:24:47,647 smart enough, were capable of handling this secret knowledge 343 00:24:47,682 --> 00:24:50,083 but not the population at large. 344 00:24:50,085 --> 00:24:53,186 So the question remains, has this knowledge been passed down 345 00:24:53,221 --> 00:24:56,356 through secret societies for generations? 346 00:24:56,424 --> 00:25:00,660 And this may predate the secret societies that we know about in 347 00:25:00,695 --> 00:25:06,332 modern times all the way back to the days of the pharaohs. 348 00:25:06,368 --> 00:25:10,703 NARRATOR: Like the ancient Egyptians, could NASA's founding 349 00:25:10,739 --> 00:25:14,674 fathers have shared the belief that humans descended from 350 00:25:14,709 --> 00:25:19,345 extraterrestrial beings? 351 00:25:19,381 --> 00:25:25,385 What did the members of these secret societies know about space travel? 352 00:25:28,555 --> 00:25:33,793 And how did the ancient past influence their work? 353 00:25:33,828 --> 00:25:37,697 Those who suspect these NASA officials operated a hidden 354 00:25:37,732 --> 00:25:43,236 agenda point to the repeated use of the number 33... an extremely 355 00:25:43,305 --> 00:25:47,206 important symbolic figure in secret societies. 356 00:25:48,241 --> 00:25:52,245 BARA: If you look at the very first landing strip at Cape 357 00:25:52,314 --> 00:25:55,081 Canaveral, where we would be landing aircraft and eventually 358 00:25:55,150 --> 00:25:59,719 bringing the space shuttle back, it was runway 33. 359 00:25:59,754 --> 00:26:02,922 If you look at the launchpad at White Sands, New Mexico, the 360 00:26:02,957 --> 00:26:08,928 only launchpad is launchpad number 33. 361 00:26:08,963 --> 00:26:12,231 So it seems to permeate throughout NASA, this number 362 00:26:12,267 --> 00:26:15,568 over and over again, and the fact that it's connected to 363 00:26:15,603 --> 00:26:19,205 Freemasonry makes you kind of wonder if maybe there was some 364 00:26:19,240 --> 00:26:20,406 other deeper symbolism working. 365 00:26:20,442 --> 00:26:21,407 Houston. 366 00:26:21,443 --> 00:26:22,709 You are a go for landing. 367 00:26:22,744 --> 00:26:24,077 Over. 368 00:26:24,145 --> 00:26:30,583 700 feet, 21 down, 33 degrees. 369 00:26:30,618 --> 00:26:33,152 NARRATOR: Researchers believe the connection to ancient 370 00:26:33,188 --> 00:26:37,323 Egyptian beliefs can also be found in the emblem of NASA's 371 00:26:37,359 --> 00:26:40,093 Apollo Space Program. 372 00:26:40,128 --> 00:26:44,097 They claim that the large "A" in the star field stands not for 373 00:26:44,165 --> 00:26:48,935 the Greek god Apollo but for Asar... the Egyptian god more 374 00:26:49,003 --> 00:26:52,238 commonly known as Osiris. 375 00:26:52,273 --> 00:26:55,775 This is indicated by the cluster of three stars in the center of 376 00:26:55,844 --> 00:27:01,781 the "A," which represent the stars of Orion's Belt. 377 00:27:01,783 --> 00:27:06,285 CHILDRESS: You have to wonder if stars like Orion and Sirius 378 00:27:06,321 --> 00:27:11,958 are very important to NASA, because this is where the... 379 00:27:11,993 --> 00:27:15,528 ancient traditions, including Egyptian, have said that the 380 00:27:15,563 --> 00:27:20,566 space gods came from, this is our origins. 381 00:27:20,568 --> 00:27:23,536 NARRATOR: Similarly, researchers point out that the 382 00:27:23,571 --> 00:27:27,774 symbol on the Mercury Mission patches is nearly identical to a 383 00:27:27,809 --> 00:27:31,778 major icon of ancient Egypt. 384 00:27:31,813 --> 00:27:34,313 BARA: If you look at the mission patches, the symbol for 385 00:27:34,349 --> 00:27:37,550 Mercury is really similar to the Egyptian ankh, and it's kind of 386 00:27:37,585 --> 00:27:40,787 ironic that you have this sort of Egyptian symbolism in what's 387 00:27:40,822 --> 00:27:43,823 supposed to be a representation of Mercury the Messenger. 388 00:27:43,858 --> 00:27:50,496 It's supposed to be a Greek mythology rather than an Egyptian mythology. 389 00:27:50,565 --> 00:27:53,499 NARRATOR: Is it possible that, like ancient alien 390 00:27:53,535 --> 00:27:57,804 theorists, NASA scientists believe extraterrestrials 391 00:27:57,839 --> 00:28:01,808 visited Earth in the distant past? 392 00:28:01,843 --> 00:28:05,812 Perhaps further evidence can be found in the inventions of the 393 00:28:05,847 --> 00:28:11,017 unlikely mastermind behind NASA's space program... former 394 00:28:11,085 --> 00:28:15,153 Nazi SS officer Wernher Von Braun. 395 00:28:19,333 --> 00:28:20,933 NARRATOR: London, England. 396 00:28:20,969 --> 00:28:24,436 September 8, 1944. 397 00:28:24,505 --> 00:28:26,939 (missile whistling through air) 398 00:28:26,974 --> 00:28:29,107 (explosion) 399 00:28:29,143 --> 00:28:33,013 A 13-ton ballistic missile explodes on impact... 400 00:28:33,749 --> 00:28:37,250 killing three and wounding 17. 401 00:28:42,555 --> 00:28:46,925 The Vengeance Weapon 2, more commonly known as the V-2 402 00:28:46,961 --> 00:28:52,297 rocket, had been fired from deep within Nazi Germany. 403 00:28:52,333 --> 00:28:55,767 The liquid-propellant weapon proved to be the world's first 404 00:28:55,803 --> 00:28:59,938 long-range computer-guided missile, and the first man-made 405 00:28:59,974 --> 00:29:02,376 object to enter outer space. 406 00:29:04,011 --> 00:29:08,180 This incredible technology was the brainchild of a man who 407 00:29:08,249 --> 00:29:13,018 would eventually become the face of NASA, a 32-year-old 408 00:29:13,054 --> 00:29:16,187 engineering genius named Wernher Von Braun. 409 00:29:17,558 --> 00:29:20,693 HENRY STEVENS: Dr. Von Braun was acknowledged by everyone as 410 00:29:20,761 --> 00:29:23,294 the greatest scientific mind in Germany. 411 00:29:24,031 --> 00:29:28,568 He found a way to steer a rocket at 4,000 miles an hour. 412 00:29:29,804 --> 00:29:33,038 He put a combustion chamber that was cooled by the liquid fuel 413 00:29:33,107 --> 00:29:35,207 itself, and redesigned the fuel 414 00:29:35,242 --> 00:29:37,275 chamber, and he put a guidance system on it. 415 00:29:37,812 --> 00:29:44,449 He was an expert at every facet of rocketry, which is really unheard of. 416 00:29:46,887 --> 00:29:51,189 NARRATOR: Von Braun's passion for rocketry began at an early age. 417 00:29:52,593 --> 00:29:56,729 As a youth, he read science fiction novels by H.G. Wells and 418 00:29:56,797 --> 00:30:01,734 Jules Verne, and was exposed to mythical stories of the Norse 419 00:30:01,802 --> 00:30:07,406 god Tyr, a sky god that ruled over Mars and provided knowledge 420 00:30:07,441 --> 00:30:09,476 and technology to humans. 421 00:30:11,078 --> 00:30:14,380 COPPENS: Wernher Von Braun, from childhood, was absolutely 422 00:30:14,415 --> 00:30:17,715 convinced that we had to go "out there." 423 00:30:18,185 --> 00:30:19,752 It possessed him. 424 00:30:19,787 --> 00:30:23,922 And so he was absolutely convinced that mankind had a 425 00:30:23,958 --> 00:30:27,159 mission, and also that he had a role to perform. 426 00:30:27,695 --> 00:30:31,263 He feels absolutely confident that he will be able to go to 427 00:30:31,332 --> 00:30:35,768 Mars, find evidence of an extraterrestrial civilization 428 00:30:35,803 --> 00:30:37,736 there, and from then onwards, 429 00:30:37,805 --> 00:30:40,171 will actually go further into space to do this. 430 00:30:40,307 --> 00:30:42,741 MUSGRAVE: Von Braun wanted to go into space. 431 00:30:42,777 --> 00:30:45,077 He wanted to go to the stars. 432 00:30:45,146 --> 00:30:48,080 But then, of course, he got so good at rocketry, the Germans 433 00:30:48,149 --> 00:30:50,749 wanted him dropping V-2's on London. 434 00:30:51,085 --> 00:30:54,086 He was very good at that. 435 00:30:54,121 --> 00:30:57,423 NARRATOR: During World War II Von Braun worked as the 436 00:30:57,491 --> 00:31:01,894 technical director at Germany's Peenemunde Research Center, 437 00:31:01,929 --> 00:31:07,098 where he built rockets not for space travel but as weapons of war. 438 00:31:11,304 --> 00:31:14,907 His brilliance as a rocket scientist earned him a spot in 439 00:31:14,942 --> 00:31:20,780 the SS, among Hitler's most trusted scientists and officers. 440 00:31:21,849 --> 00:31:25,015 BARA: Hitler's SS was nothing more than a secret society. 441 00:31:25,352 --> 00:31:29,288 What the SS believed was that the Aryan himself was this 442 00:31:29,356 --> 00:31:33,724 direct, pure bloodline that came from Isis and Osiris and Horus and Seth. 443 00:31:34,562 --> 00:31:38,363 Von Braun learned about the myths of the superiority of the 444 00:31:38,399 --> 00:31:41,700 Aryan race and their rightful place in the stars and where 445 00:31:41,735 --> 00:31:42,601 they had come from. 446 00:31:42,637 --> 00:31:44,136 So it makes complete sense that 447 00:31:44,171 --> 00:31:46,604 Von Braun would become fascinated with space. 448 00:31:46,841 --> 00:31:50,643 The mission became to get back up to the stars, to rejoin the 449 00:31:50,678 --> 00:31:54,680 gods, to show them that we could do as they had done and travel 450 00:31:54,715 --> 00:31:58,818 to the stars, travel to the planets, and basically go back 451 00:31:58,853 --> 00:32:02,420 and reclaim our proper place in the universe. 452 00:32:04,559 --> 00:32:08,294 NARRATOR: Although the V-2 rocket was far more advanced 453 00:32:08,329 --> 00:32:12,698 than any other fired during World War II, it was not enough 454 00:32:12,734 --> 00:32:15,535 to prevent Germany's defeat. 455 00:32:18,572 --> 00:32:23,042 Six weeks after the last V-2 fell on England, Von Braun 456 00:32:23,077 --> 00:32:26,546 surrendered to the advancing American forces. 457 00:32:26,581 --> 00:32:32,952 VON BRAUN: I myself, and everybody you see here, have decided to go west. 458 00:32:33,321 --> 00:32:36,589 NARRATOR: Von Braun and his team of scientists were brought 459 00:32:36,624 --> 00:32:40,593 to the United States under a controversial classified program 460 00:32:40,695 --> 00:32:43,062 known as Operation Paperclip. 461 00:32:43,097 --> 00:32:45,097 (camera shutter clicks) 462 00:32:45,099 --> 00:32:47,266 JIM MARRS: After the war, we decided that we were gonna be 463 00:32:47,335 --> 00:32:51,604 adversaries with the Soviet Union and that we needed to have 464 00:32:51,706 --> 00:32:55,942 the technological jump on them, so we brought these Nazi 465 00:32:56,010 --> 00:32:59,612 scientists over, whitewashed their Nazi background and rolled 466 00:32:59,681 --> 00:33:02,550 them into our military industrial complex. 467 00:33:03,985 --> 00:33:06,886 NARRATOR: While continuing his work designing military 468 00:33:06,955 --> 00:33:11,023 missiles, Von Braun published a series of books and magazine 469 00:33:11,059 --> 00:33:15,428 articles that described his concepts for a lunar landing... 470 00:33:15,463 --> 00:33:20,932 a manned mission to Mars... and even an orbiting space station. 471 00:33:21,135 --> 00:33:24,370 VON BRAUN: The entire wheel will slowly rotate at three 472 00:33:24,405 --> 00:33:26,639 revolutions per minute. 473 00:33:26,708 --> 00:33:30,476 The resulting centrifugal force will produce an artificial 474 00:33:30,511 --> 00:33:34,080 gravity for the men in the rim. 475 00:33:34,148 --> 00:33:37,450 Notice that the floors are placed so that the men stand 476 00:33:37,485 --> 00:33:40,152 with their heads towards the hub. 477 00:33:40,188 --> 00:33:45,489 NARRATOR: But why was Von Braun so intent on traveling into space? 478 00:33:45,726 --> 00:33:49,194 MORTON: Wernher Von Braun was very much the public scientific 479 00:33:49,229 --> 00:33:51,762 face of the American space program. 480 00:33:52,533 --> 00:33:56,034 He was obsessed, by the way, with not just going to the Moon 481 00:33:56,103 --> 00:33:59,370 but also going beyond that and eventually building colonies on Mars. 482 00:34:00,741 --> 00:34:03,242 SHOSTAK: The deal was to build a rocket that didn't just 483 00:34:03,277 --> 00:34:05,711 go up a couple of hundred miles, but a rocket that could make it 484 00:34:05,746 --> 00:34:08,147 a quarter of a million miles, all the way to the Moon. 485 00:34:08,949 --> 00:34:12,151 VON BRAUN: If we were to start today on an organized and 486 00:34:12,186 --> 00:34:16,822 well-supported space program, I believe a practical passenger 487 00:34:16,857 --> 00:34:20,594 rocket could be built and tested within ten years. 488 00:34:22,163 --> 00:34:25,097 MUSGRAVE: Von Braun went to work on a Jupiter-C, which was 489 00:34:25,166 --> 00:34:27,399 an upgraded V-2. 490 00:34:27,435 --> 00:34:31,103 But what is unbelievable is, he went from an upgraded V-2 to a 491 00:34:31,172 --> 00:34:37,943 Saturn F-1, which is even today, 45 years later, still the most 492 00:34:37,978 --> 00:34:41,080 powerful and the most reliable and the best rocket engine 493 00:34:41,115 --> 00:34:46,453 that's ever existed, even though he did that 45 years ago. 494 00:34:47,555 --> 00:34:52,191 NARRATOR: On May 5, 1961, less than three years after 495 00:34:52,226 --> 00:34:57,129 joining NASA, Von Braun stood watch as one of his rockets 496 00:34:57,198 --> 00:35:00,798 rockets carried Alan Shepard up into space. 497 00:35:02,970 --> 00:35:09,274 20 days later, on May 25, 1961, President Kennedy announced his 498 00:35:09,310 --> 00:35:11,643 goal to send a man to the Moon. 499 00:35:11,745 --> 00:35:15,114 PRESIDENT KENNEDY: We choose to go to the Moon in this decade 500 00:35:15,149 --> 00:35:18,484 and do the other things, not because they are easy but 501 00:35:18,519 --> 00:35:20,452 because they are hard. 502 00:35:20,488 --> 00:35:25,324 Because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of 503 00:35:25,392 --> 00:35:27,928 our energies and skills. 504 00:35:29,396 --> 00:35:32,831 NARRATOR: But then, according to the National Security Action 505 00:35:32,933 --> 00:35:37,970 Memorandum number 271, JFK followed up his dramatic 506 00:35:38,005 --> 00:35:41,673 announcement by secretly proposing to merge NASA's space 507 00:35:41,709 --> 00:35:44,842 program with that of the Soviets. 508 00:35:45,513 --> 00:35:49,348 But why, when it appeared that Americans were finally moving 509 00:35:49,416 --> 00:35:53,652 ahead in the race for space, would JFK offer to share 510 00:35:53,687 --> 00:35:56,153 technologies with America's rival? 511 00:35:56,957 --> 00:35:59,324 HAWKES: According to conspiracy theorists, it's 512 00:35:59,360 --> 00:36:03,262 because something was discovered along the way, and that 513 00:36:03,297 --> 00:36:09,666 discovery was alien visitation did exist, and they already knew about it. 514 00:36:10,037 --> 00:36:14,206 The race for the Moon, was it a race between two nations, or was 515 00:36:14,275 --> 00:36:18,710 it a race by two nations to reach technology on the Moon 516 00:36:18,746 --> 00:36:22,948 that was left behind by an extraterrestrial race? 517 00:36:24,884 --> 00:36:29,188 NARRATOR: Is it possible Von Braun's rockets had drawn the 518 00:36:29,223 --> 00:36:33,192 attention of otherworldly beings, as some ancient 519 00:36:33,227 --> 00:36:36,395 astronaut theorists believe? 520 00:36:36,463 --> 00:36:42,201 What did NASA's scientists expect to find on the Moon? 521 00:36:42,236 --> 00:36:47,605 And might they also have been looking for evidence of life on Mars? 522 00:36:56,938 --> 00:36:58,905 NARRATOR: The Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida. 523 00:37:00,112 --> 00:37:02,512 Three, two, one. 524 00:37:02,547 --> 00:37:05,749 Engines start. 525 00:37:05,784 --> 00:37:10,420 NARRATOR: On November 26, 2011, scientists with NASA's Jet 526 00:37:10,455 --> 00:37:15,791 Propulsion Laboratory launched their 19th unmanned mission to Mars. 527 00:37:20,531 --> 00:37:24,267 The Mars Science Laboratory is expected to enter the Martian 528 00:37:24,302 --> 00:37:29,272 atmosphere in August 2012. 529 00:37:29,307 --> 00:37:33,643 After deploying its parachute and landing on the surface, an 530 00:37:33,712 --> 00:37:38,415 automobile-sized remote... controlled rover named Curiosity 531 00:37:38,483 --> 00:37:43,119 will probe the Red Planet's past and present ability to sustain 532 00:37:43,155 --> 00:37:44,954 microbial life. 533 00:37:45,589 --> 00:37:48,089 SHOSTAK: It's going to be able to roam around the surface of Mars. 534 00:37:48,192 --> 00:37:50,192 It's pretty fast compared to our old rovers. 535 00:37:50,428 --> 00:37:52,427 It can go the length of a football field in an hour. 536 00:37:53,631 --> 00:37:56,699 But it can also analyze the surface of Mars and it's trying 537 00:37:56,734 --> 00:37:59,402 to find out, look, was there ever liquid water here, lakes, 538 00:37:59,437 --> 00:38:00,704 oceans, that kind of thing? 539 00:38:01,639 --> 00:38:03,705 What about the chemical composition of the soil? 540 00:38:04,743 --> 00:38:07,911 Is it the kind of thing that indicates that Mars was once a 541 00:38:07,980 --> 00:38:09,379 kinder, gentler world? 542 00:38:09,915 --> 00:38:13,381 It's not looking directly for life. We still don't do that. 543 00:38:14,652 --> 00:38:17,820 MORRISON: We have evidence that, although Mars is very cold 544 00:38:17,922 --> 00:38:23,493 now, has a very thin atmosphere, it once had a thick atmosphere, 545 00:38:23,528 --> 00:38:29,232 blue sky, clouds, rain, liquid water... the ingredients we think 546 00:38:29,267 --> 00:38:30,835 would be possible for life. 547 00:38:32,837 --> 00:38:37,807 So it's quite reasonable to imagine that life formed there long ago. 548 00:38:37,842 --> 00:38:42,645 The question is: could the life have survived as the planet got colder? 549 00:38:42,680 --> 00:38:45,248 Could it have gone below the surface, for instance? 550 00:38:45,884 --> 00:38:46,853 We think so. 551 00:38:50,488 --> 00:38:54,457 NARRATOR: If Wernher Von Braun's visions of space travel 552 00:38:54,492 --> 00:38:59,329 could become reality and land a man on the Moon, could his 553 00:38:59,364 --> 00:39:03,969 concept of human travel to Mars become a fact as well? 554 00:39:06,504 --> 00:39:11,674 And might NASA still be secretly developing his ideas... plans 555 00:39:11,776 --> 00:39:14,342 first drawn up nearly 60 years ago? 556 00:39:15,180 --> 00:39:18,848 BARA: If you look at the research that was being done in 557 00:39:18,884 --> 00:39:23,019 field dynamics and very, very exotic physics back in the 1950s 558 00:39:23,121 --> 00:39:27,156 and even into the early 1960s, it's pretty clear that we were 559 00:39:27,192 --> 00:39:31,194 on a very exciting path towards very, very powerful breakthrough 560 00:39:31,263 --> 00:39:35,498 propulsion systems that would essentially allow us to create 561 00:39:35,533 --> 00:39:38,534 flying saucers that could travel very easily and very short 562 00:39:38,603 --> 00:39:42,005 amounts of time between the Earth and the Moon and between 563 00:39:42,040 --> 00:39:45,675 the Earth and Mars, so it makes complete sense that we do have 564 00:39:45,710 --> 00:39:48,611 this secret private program that maybe even a lot of the guys 565 00:39:48,647 --> 00:39:51,213 inside NASA themselves don't know about. 566 00:39:52,150 --> 00:39:55,018 ROBERT H. FRISBEE: In the more near term, NASA and other 567 00:39:55,053 --> 00:40:01,524 space agencies talk about moving out into the solar system, and 568 00:40:01,559 --> 00:40:06,029 there we're looking at using a variety of extraterrestrial 569 00:40:06,064 --> 00:40:11,334 materials to produce propellants for rockets, oxygen for life 570 00:40:11,403 --> 00:40:14,236 support, even building materials. 571 00:40:15,407 --> 00:40:20,877 CHILDRESS: Many researchers believe that the overt NASA 572 00:40:20,912 --> 00:40:26,349 missions are really a cover for what they call a secret space 573 00:40:26,384 --> 00:40:31,054 program and that the secret space program is using different 574 00:40:31,089 --> 00:40:38,094 technology than rockets, more of an alien-type technology, some 575 00:40:38,196 --> 00:40:45,768 kind of antigravity type of craft, and that those craft, 576 00:40:45,837 --> 00:40:52,842 rather than rockets, could be going to bases on the Moon that 577 00:40:52,877 --> 00:40:56,779 would be secret bases, also manned by the American 578 00:40:56,848 --> 00:41:02,118 government or the secret space program, and that from those 579 00:41:02,153 --> 00:41:08,157 bases on the Moon, we could even be journeying in these retro... 580 00:41:08,259 --> 00:41:10,661 engineered spacecraft to Mars. 581 00:41:14,331 --> 00:41:18,634 NARRATOR: According to scientists, the possibility of 582 00:41:18,670 --> 00:41:24,239 transforming Mars into an Earth... like planet is theoretically possible. 583 00:41:25,943 --> 00:41:28,110 MUSGRAVE: I think Mars is terraformable. 584 00:41:29,214 --> 00:41:32,982 Terraforming means to take life to a place that has no life and 585 00:41:33,018 --> 00:41:35,018 start growing the life there. 586 00:41:35,053 --> 00:41:37,652 I think Mars is unbelievably terraformable. 587 00:41:39,858 --> 00:41:43,860 MORRISON: I can't imagine we'll ever reach a destination 588 00:41:43,928 --> 00:41:49,098 that answers all our questions, but as an astrobiologist, I 589 00:41:49,134 --> 00:41:53,669 think in the next 25 or 30 years, we have a very good 590 00:41:53,705 --> 00:41:57,673 chance of finding evidence of life beyond Earth. 591 00:41:57,709 --> 00:42:01,010 There's a real prospect we'll be able to answer that fundamental 592 00:42:01,046 --> 00:42:02,880 question: are we alone? 593 00:42:06,050 --> 00:42:12,221 NARRATOR: Most NASA scientists agree that future exploration of space will 594 00:42:12,323 --> 00:42:14,992 uncover life on other planets. 595 00:42:16,728 --> 00:42:20,363 But could it also reveal proof that the gods of the ancient 596 00:42:20,398 --> 00:42:25,301 world were, in fact, extraterrestrials, as ancient 597 00:42:25,336 --> 00:42:27,537 astronaut theorists believe? 598 00:42:27,572 --> 00:42:30,540 BARA: NASA'S real core mission in the beginning was 599 00:42:30,575 --> 00:42:35,511 essentially to go to the Moon, retrieve evidence of the fact 600 00:42:35,547 --> 00:42:38,848 that there was a prior advanced civilization in the solar 601 00:42:38,883 --> 00:42:40,917 system, and bring it back. 602 00:42:41,553 --> 00:42:44,854 In other words, prove that, in fact, we are descended from 603 00:42:44,889 --> 00:42:49,457 these gods Isis, Osiris, Horus, and Seth. 604 00:42:49,727 --> 00:42:52,695 Now that that goal has been accomplished, NASA's purpose 605 00:42:52,730 --> 00:42:57,700 seems to be to be part of this very, very slow revelation of information. 606 00:42:57,735 --> 00:43:04,307 TSOUKALOS: NASA asks the question of human origins. 607 00:43:04,342 --> 00:43:09,345 Where did we come from, why are we here, and where are we going? 608 00:43:09,747 --> 00:43:11,914 They're dealing with space. 609 00:43:12,016 --> 00:43:16,719 And according to the ancient alien theory our origins are not 610 00:43:16,754 --> 00:43:21,757 here on Earth... but up there. 611 00:43:21,759 --> 00:43:26,060 Space truly is the final frontier. 612 00:43:30,767 --> 00:43:35,404 NARRATOR: If ancient knowledge guided us to the Moon, 613 00:43:35,440 --> 00:43:40,442 what might the ancient past reveal about our future here on Earth? 614 00:43:43,349 --> 00:43:46,881 And with NASA's continuing explorations of space, 615 00:43:47,717 --> 00:43:51,175 might we finally find proof of alien beings? 616 00:43:51,375 --> 00:43:56,075 Or proof of our own alien origins? 617 00:43:56,075 --> 00:43:59,075 sync and corrections by bellows www.addic7ed.com