1 00:00:00,794 --> 00:00:05,394 NARRATOR: Lasers with the power to cut through solid stone, 2 00:00:05,795 --> 00:00:11,395 acoustic chambers that might able interplanetary communication, 3 00:00:12,396 --> 00:00:17,196 and architecture designed to harness cosmic energy. 4 00:00:18,397 --> 00:00:23,297 Are these dramatic examples of our own modern day technology? 5 00:00:23,498 --> 00:00:29,698 Or are they examples of astounding achievements used in the ancient past? 6 00:00:29,899 --> 00:00:34,598 The only way that these huge cubes of stone were removed from the mountain 7 00:00:34,599 --> 00:00:38,999 is by some kind of laser-like instrument able to liquify rock. 8 00:00:39,800 --> 00:00:43,371 These temples were used to communicate with the gods 9 00:00:43,372 --> 00:00:45,706 and resonate with cosmic energies. 10 00:00:46,608 --> 00:00:49,507 BILL BIRNES: People see this as an example of help given to 11 00:00:49,545 --> 00:00:52,179 an earthly civilization by--- 12 00:00:52,182 --> 00:00:54,482 ancient aliens. 13 00:00:54,883 --> 00:00:58,516 NARRATOR: Millions of people around the world believe we have 14 00:00:58,520 --> 00:01:01,786 been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. 15 00:01:01,924 --> 00:01:04,625 What if it were true? 16 00:01:04,627 --> 00:01:09,494 Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? 17 00:01:09,965 --> 00:01:13,465 And could the proof be found by examining the construction 18 00:01:13,466 --> 00:01:17,268 methods of our planet's ancient engineers? 19 00:01:33,409 --> 00:01:36,409 sync and corrected by Bellows 20 00:01:50,771 --> 00:01:53,974 Peru, South America. 21 00:01:53,976 --> 00:01:55,910 The Andes Mountains. 22 00:01:57,012 --> 00:02:02,315 9,000 feet above sea level, in an area the Inca people once 23 00:02:02,317 --> 00:02:04,951 called the Sacred Valley, lie 24 00:02:04,953 --> 00:02:08,519 the ruins of the ancient city of Ollantaytambo. 25 00:02:09,157 --> 00:02:13,460 Once serving as both a temple and a fortress, mainstream 26 00:02:13,462 --> 00:02:19,632 historians claim Ollantaytambo was built around 1440 AD by the 27 00:02:19,634 --> 00:02:22,635 Inca Emperor Pachacuti. 28 00:02:22,637 --> 00:02:26,539 But some scholars believe Ollantaytambo was built upon the 29 00:02:26,541 --> 00:02:29,247 ruins of a far older city-- 30 00:02:29,548 --> 00:02:33,848 one whose origins remain unknown. 31 00:02:34,549 --> 00:02:38,015 FOERSTER: The gate behind me is called the Gateway of the Gods, 32 00:02:38,120 --> 00:02:42,620 and it was build several thousand years before the Inca arrived here. 33 00:02:43,921 --> 00:02:47,091 It was built by a culture we call the Urin Pacha. 34 00:02:47,095 --> 00:02:51,097 We give them that name because we have no idea who they were, 35 00:02:51,099 --> 00:02:53,899 where they came from or where they went. 36 00:02:57,403 --> 00:03:02,275 It is clearly evident that the earliest parts of Ollantaytambo 37 00:03:02,277 --> 00:03:07,211 dates to at least 12,000 years old, if not older. 38 00:03:11,586 --> 00:03:15,186 JESUS GAMARRA: From the research, I have been able to determine 39 00:03:15,187 --> 00:03:17,687 this was built by the Arak civilization. 40 00:03:18,189 --> 00:03:21,061 The Arak people are as ancient 41 00:03:21,063 --> 00:03:26,130 as what would be the equivalent to Adam or the first humans. 42 00:03:29,901 --> 00:03:32,072 NARRATOR: But how could the earliest humans on earth have 43 00:03:32,074 --> 00:03:35,207 produced such astonishing stonework 44 00:03:35,209 --> 00:03:40,243 with massive interlocking blocks precisely fitted together? 45 00:03:41,083 --> 00:03:42,916 Or have constructed aqueducts 46 00:03:42,918 --> 00:03:46,951 and irrigation systems that still function today? 47 00:03:48,556 --> 00:03:54,489 Or have moved and set colossal stones of granite, each weighing more than 50 tons? 48 00:03:57,465 --> 00:04:01,131 ANDREW COLLINS: Ollantaytambo is a mountain fortress. 49 00:04:02,170 --> 00:04:07,737 It's renowned specifically for the incredible size blocks 50 00:04:07,782 --> 00:04:10,081 that were used in its construction. 51 00:04:10,082 --> 00:04:15,481 Most particularly those that are found on its highest level, the highest point 52 00:04:15,482 --> 00:04:16,982 on this mountain. 53 00:04:16,983 --> 00:04:21,318 There are six of these positioned in a line, 54 00:04:21,420 --> 00:04:28,923 and they were transported from another mountain where, the source says, 55 00:04:28,925 --> 00:04:33,192 across a plain, across a river and then up the mountain. 56 00:04:33,568 --> 00:04:37,267 And, of course, the biggest mystery is, how the hell were they 57 00:04:37,271 --> 00:04:42,404 not only able to cut these things but to move them up this mountain? 58 00:04:42,777 --> 00:04:46,143 STEPHEN VANDER HART: In modern day, if we were gonna move a 50 ton bolder 59 00:04:46,217 --> 00:04:49,516 we would have to assemble a special transportation unit, 60 00:04:49,517 --> 00:04:54,417 consisting of steel girders, several axles, hydraulic jacks 61 00:04:54,418 --> 00:04:58,192 Moving it up the hill, we'd probably have to change the face of the hill--- 62 00:04:58,193 --> 00:05:00,994 build a road, maybe anchor it, 63 00:05:00,996 --> 00:05:05,462 using some kind of cable-and-pulley system-- several different options, 64 00:05:05,534 --> 00:05:09,500 none of which would be available to the people who lived way back then. 65 00:05:10,739 --> 00:05:15,542 FOERSTER: These six giant slabs of red granite have stood here 66 00:05:15,543 --> 00:05:20,943 for thousands of years because of the beautiful engineering of the ancients. 67 00:05:21,983 --> 00:05:25,883 If there's a major earthquake, these shims can ride up and down, 68 00:05:25,920 --> 00:05:30,853 absorbing the shock of the earthquake, and that keeps the giant slabs in place. 69 00:05:32,260 --> 00:05:37,093 The ability to fit perfectly- fitting stones of several tons in weight together 70 00:05:37,099 --> 00:05:41,532 so that a single human hair can't fit in between them is not a question 71 00:05:41,536 --> 00:05:46,037 of sweat or man-hours, it's a question of technology. 72 00:05:53,475 --> 00:05:57,916 Main stream archaeologists claim the dense, hard granite 73 00:05:58,018 --> 00:06:02,185 was cut and shaped by means of stone or bronze tools. 74 00:06:03,158 --> 00:06:07,525 But evidence of such tools has never been found at the site. 75 00:06:08,163 --> 00:06:12,533 And stranger still is the means by which the mammoth rocks are 76 00:06:12,534 --> 00:06:18,934 bonded into place, as if fused together by an unknown form of energy. 77 00:06:21,643 --> 00:06:24,908 JASON MARTELL: It's almost as if two stones are leaned together 78 00:06:25,019 --> 00:06:29,118 and infused them with some type of high radiation beam or a laser 79 00:06:29,119 --> 00:06:32,318 that then would fuse the rocks together. Then they could stack a third rock and 80 00:06:32,319 --> 00:06:33,819 another fused area. 81 00:06:33,820 --> 00:06:37,221 There is no explanation for how they had the ability to create 82 00:06:37,258 --> 00:06:41,524 such a high heat source and fuse these rocks in such an intricate fashion. 83 00:06:43,931 --> 00:06:47,497 NARRATOR: Further evidence of the mysterious methods used by 84 00:06:47,535 --> 00:06:50,068 ancient craftsmen can be found nearby--- 85 00:06:50,741 --> 00:06:53,941 at the Temple of the Condor. 86 00:06:53,942 --> 00:07:00,045 Here, enormous slabs of andesite stone were quarried from what is 87 00:07:00,047 --> 00:07:02,813 known as "The Wall of Living Rock." 88 00:07:02,883 --> 00:07:07,182 FOERSTER: The Temple of the Condor is curious because we find 89 00:07:07,221 --> 00:07:11,721 huge cube-like sections of stone-- andesite, which is very hard-- 90 00:07:11,792 --> 00:07:14,825 have been removed from the mountain with such accuracy 91 00:07:14,897 --> 00:07:17,297 that we can't find a scratch in the surface. 92 00:07:17,299 --> 00:07:22,133 The corners also are not sharp. They're perfectly rounded, 93 00:07:22,135 --> 00:07:24,773 and no one can explain how this could have been achieved. 94 00:07:24,774 --> 00:07:30,740 GIORGIO TSOUKALOS: The rock surface looks rough but when you touch it 95 00:07:30,782 --> 00:07:34,482 it feels as smooth as a bathroom mirror. 96 00:07:34,483 --> 00:07:40,483 which means some type of vitrification process was used. 97 00:07:40,585 --> 00:07:46,558 And at the bottom of where this alcove was cut out, we can see a 98 00:07:46,560 --> 00:07:47,860 crisscross pattern. 99 00:07:47,862 --> 00:07:52,465 And in my opinion, they are actually saw marks. 100 00:07:52,967 --> 00:08:00,071 To me, this pattern is irrefutable proof for ancient machining. 101 00:08:01,577 --> 00:08:04,743 ERICH VON DANIKEN: Prehistoric tools would never work. 102 00:08:04,979 --> 00:08:10,000 You see, Ollantaytambo is mostly made out of andesite. 103 00:08:10,018 --> 00:08:15,084 To cut andesite, you need something which is harder than andesite. 104 00:08:15,128 --> 00:08:20,128 You could use a diamond, but there was no tool in Stone Age time 105 00:08:20,129 --> 00:08:24,529 to cut these rocks, so it must have been extraterrestrial tool. 106 00:08:24,730 --> 00:08:28,302 NARRATOR: Might the ancient engineers of Ollantaytambo 107 00:08:28,303 --> 00:08:32,503 really have used tools acquired from otherworldly sources, 108 00:08:32,541 --> 00:08:35,774 as ancient astronaut theorists contend? 109 00:08:36,611 --> 00:08:40,914 Perhaps clues can be found by examining the earliest creation 110 00:08:40,916 --> 00:08:43,550 myths of the Andes Mountains. 111 00:08:44,252 --> 00:08:49,255 In them, the ancient ancestors, or founders, were described as 112 00:08:49,257 --> 00:08:53,960 a brother and sister-- referred to as "Children of the Sun." 113 00:08:54,062 --> 00:08:59,362 Sent by the "Sun God," these mysterious beings arrived on 114 00:08:59,366 --> 00:09:03,233 Earth with something described as a golden wedge. 115 00:09:07,984 --> 00:09:13,483 DAVID CHILDRESS: Was this golden wedge some sort of hand-held device that could 116 00:09:13,484 --> 00:09:19,684 cut stone, and even possibly levitate the giant blocks into place? 117 00:09:19,685 --> 00:09:24,754 If the golden wedge used by the Children of the Sun was really 118 00:09:24,759 --> 00:09:30,993 some kind of high-tech device for cutting stone or levitating stone, 119 00:09:30,998 --> 00:09:34,965 it would probably have been given to them by extraterrestrials. 120 00:09:38,205 --> 00:09:41,771 TSOUKALOS: The fact that Ollantaytambo specifically has 121 00:09:41,843 --> 00:09:46,343 this story about this golden wedge leads me to think that 122 00:09:46,381 --> 00:09:50,981 some type of extraterrestrial activity took place there 123 00:09:51,019 --> 00:09:54,152 thousands and thousands of years ago. 124 00:09:55,456 --> 00:10:00,956 And that some type of sophisticated extraterrestrial technology was used 125 00:10:00,996 --> 00:10:07,097 in order to achieve some of those amazing feats of engineering that we can 126 00:10:07,168 --> 00:10:10,104 see at Ollantaytambo today. 127 00:10:12,006 --> 00:10:18,139 BIRNES: What you can't explain is the moving of 50-ton stones up 128 00:10:18,148 --> 00:10:23,515 the sheer face of a cliff to create the walls of the fortress. 129 00:10:23,851 --> 00:10:29,486 That, in and of itself, required more than cranes, more than lifts, 130 00:10:29,522 --> 00:10:34,160 more than scaffolds. It required something like an 131 00:10:34,162 --> 00:10:41,562 anti-gravitational device, or a tractor beam to lift that much stone that high. 132 00:10:43,504 --> 00:10:46,704 That's why people see this as an example of help given 133 00:10:46,744 --> 00:10:51,645 to an earthly civilization by ancient aliens. 134 00:10:57,547 --> 00:11:02,153 Do the incredible accomplishments of the early people of the Andes Mountains 135 00:11:02,190 --> 00:11:08,590 really provide proof that early man was in contact with otherworldly beings? 136 00:11:09,763 --> 00:11:14,498 If so, wouldn't there be even more incredible evidence? 137 00:11:16,303 --> 00:11:19,603 There are those who believe such evidence does exist, 138 00:11:19,609 --> 00:11:24,612 hidden within the ruins of a Mesoamerican metropolis. 139 00:11:27,020 --> 00:11:32,394 Central Mexico, 35 miles northeast of Mexico City. 140 00:11:34,832 --> 00:11:37,966 Here in a highlands plateau, 141 00:11:37,968 --> 00:11:43,268 lies the enormous archeological site of the ancient city of Teotihuacan. 142 00:11:45,976 --> 00:11:51,380 Established around 100 B.C., and lasting until its fall between 143 00:11:51,382 --> 00:11:55,684 the seventh and eighth centuries, Teotihuacan was one 144 00:11:55,686 --> 00:11:59,855 of the largest cities in the ancient world, with over 150,000 145 00:11:59,857 --> 00:12:02,224 inhabitants at its peak. 146 00:12:02,226 --> 00:12:07,025 DAVID CHEETHAM, PH.D: When you enter the city, you are immediately struck by 147 00:12:07,098 --> 00:12:12,067 sort of that modern layout of a city. You have a Street of the Dead 148 00:12:12,069 --> 00:12:16,970 that goes for miles, along which you have all of the major 149 00:12:17,041 --> 00:12:18,541 ceremonial architecture, 150 00:12:20,043 --> 00:12:22,876 including some of the largest buildings ever erected in the New World. 151 00:12:25,049 --> 00:12:28,383 NARRATOR: According to scholars, the advanced design of 152 00:12:28,385 --> 00:12:33,388 Teotihuacan suggests that ancient builders had knowledge, 153 00:12:33,390 --> 00:12:37,559 not only of architecture, but of complex mathematical and 154 00:12:37,561 --> 00:12:39,495 astronomical sciences. 155 00:12:40,597 --> 00:12:45,467 From the air, the city's layout strangely resembles a computer 156 00:12:45,469 --> 00:12:47,202 circuit board with two large 157 00:12:47,204 --> 00:12:51,504 processor chips-- the Sun Pyramid and the Moon Pyramid. 158 00:12:56,043 --> 00:12:59,915 Researchers have also found numerous and remarkable 159 00:12:59,917 --> 00:13:03,017 similarities to the Great Pyramids of Egypt. 160 00:13:06,038 --> 00:13:09,938 PHILIP COPPENS: When we look at these buildings, we find the same mathematics 161 00:13:09,939 --> 00:13:12,839 incorporated into them than what we find in the Great Pyramids 162 00:13:12,840 --> 00:13:14,740 and the surrounding pyramids of the Giza Plateau. 163 00:13:17,441 --> 00:13:20,040 ARLAN ANDREWS: The Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza 164 00:13:20,041 --> 00:13:25,240 and the Sun Pyramid at Teotihuacan apparently have about the same base, 165 00:13:25,241 --> 00:13:27,741 almost 750 feet square. 166 00:13:28,042 --> 00:13:32,414 TSOUKALOS: The base perimeter of the Pyramid of the Sun is 167 00:13:32,416 --> 00:13:34,950 four Pi times its height. 168 00:13:34,952 --> 00:13:39,688 In Giza, it's two pi times its height. 169 00:13:39,690 --> 00:13:44,456 Essentially, the Pyramid of the Sun is exactly half as tall 170 00:13:44,493 --> 00:13:46,893 as the Pyramid of Giza. 171 00:13:49,494 --> 00:13:53,266 COPPENS: Teotihuacan is created according to a specific layout. 172 00:13:54,238 --> 00:13:55,004 The Temple of the Sun, 173 00:13:55,606 --> 00:13:57,073 the Temple of the Moon, 174 00:13:57,675 --> 00:13:59,675 and the Temple of Quetzalcoatl 175 00:13:59,977 --> 00:14:02,611 are in the same layout as Orion's Belt, 176 00:14:02,613 --> 00:14:08,180 which is basically the formation, which the three pyramids of the Giza Plateau 177 00:14:08,183 --> 00:14:10,183 have been laid out into, as well. 178 00:14:12,822 --> 00:14:16,123 NARRATOR: Might the design and layout of Teotihuacan 179 00:14:16,161 --> 00:14:20,928 be comparable to that of Giza because of similar influence 180 00:14:20,965 --> 00:14:25,763 by extraterrestrial visitors, as ancient astronaut theorists believe? 181 00:14:26,371 --> 00:14:29,936 CHILDRESS: When you have similar pyramid complexes, 182 00:14:30,002 --> 00:14:33,302 like the ones at Teotihuacan, and the ones at Giza 183 00:14:33,303 --> 00:14:38,603 you have to kind of think that the same builders, the same designers 184 00:14:38,604 --> 00:14:42,001 are behind these giant complexes. 185 00:14:44,502 --> 00:14:47,802 NARRATOR: But perhaps the most intriguing aspect of Teotihuacan 186 00:14:47,803 --> 00:14:52,702 is the finding by archeologists, of the extensive use of mica 187 00:14:52,703 --> 00:14:54,703 embedded in numerous structures. 188 00:14:54,803 --> 00:15:00,503 A mineral only found 3,000 miles away, in Brazil 189 00:15:01,803 --> 00:15:07,603 JOEL PALKA: It is found in all buildings, housing complexes, temples and, 190 00:15:07,699 --> 00:15:09,999 along the roads, it is found everywhere. 191 00:15:11,100 --> 00:15:14,600 COLLINS: These mica sheets were probably transported 192 00:15:14,601 --> 00:15:19,001 from thousands of miles away, from Brazil. That's the nearest source. 193 00:15:19,402 --> 00:15:21,602 Now, what would you wanna do that? 194 00:15:21,603 --> 00:15:26,003 Obviously they were not there for decoration, because you couldn't see them 195 00:15:28,003 --> 00:15:33,403 Mica has some electrical properties that make it very good for being an isolator 196 00:15:33,404 --> 00:15:38,206 It resists the transformation of electricity, it's also very good at being 197 00:15:38,208 --> 00:15:41,343 able to be stable at high temperatures so that it can be 198 00:15:41,345 --> 00:15:43,311 used in furnace windows and oven windows. 199 00:15:43,780 --> 00:15:46,515 It is clear so you can see through it, and at the same 200 00:15:46,517 --> 00:15:47,682 time, it stands up to the 201 00:15:47,684 --> 00:15:49,884 temperature and electrical, uh, discharges. 202 00:15:50,688 --> 00:15:53,021 COPPENS: So we know that they must have had a very specific 203 00:15:53,057 --> 00:15:55,223 and good reason to incorporate it. 204 00:15:55,226 --> 00:15:58,492 And the only possible reasons really why they would be doing this 205 00:15:58,595 --> 00:16:01,061 is because somehow it was part of some technology. 206 00:16:02,966 --> 00:16:05,734 NARRATOR: Recently, archeologists have also 207 00:16:05,736 --> 00:16:09,237 discovered large quantities of mica crystals in a 208 00:16:09,239 --> 00:16:10,708 subterranean chamber. 209 00:16:12,610 --> 00:16:15,477 As well as, in several shafts that run 210 00:16:15,479 --> 00:16:17,846 beneath the Avenue of the Dead. 211 00:16:19,448 --> 00:16:23,914 TSOUKALOS: There is an underground shaft that goes from the mica chamber 212 00:16:23,953 --> 00:16:27,621 in direction of the Pyramid of the Sun. 213 00:16:30,227 --> 00:16:34,229 So is it possible that this mica chamber contained some type of 214 00:16:34,231 --> 00:16:36,932 an energy-producing device, 215 00:16:37,034 --> 00:16:42,570 a power plant that fed some of the other pyramids? 216 00:16:44,241 --> 00:16:45,742 It is possible. 217 00:16:48,244 --> 00:16:50,679 CHILDRESS: There's many similarities between the 218 00:16:50,681 --> 00:16:54,416 pyramids at Teotihuacan and the pyramids at Giza. 219 00:16:54,418 --> 00:16:57,886 Both have inner chambers. 220 00:16:57,888 --> 00:17:01,056 It's thought by some that the Great Pyramid itself was a 221 00:17:01,058 --> 00:17:07,228 massive microwave generator, literally sending a beam up to a 222 00:17:07,230 --> 00:17:12,700 satellite, or powering some other kind of spacecraft or installation. 223 00:17:14,605 --> 00:17:18,137 We could have had the same thing happening here at Teotihuacan. 224 00:17:20,476 --> 00:17:26,247 NARRATOR: If the Pyramid of the Sun were really designed to 225 00:17:26,249 --> 00:17:29,884 generate power, as ancient astronaut theorists believe, 226 00:17:29,886 --> 00:17:34,255 could its mica-lined chambers and shafts have served as an 227 00:17:34,257 --> 00:17:37,459 interconnecting power grid for the entire city? 228 00:17:38,061 --> 00:17:41,062 Or could the use of mica have served 229 00:17:41,064 --> 00:17:44,631 another, perhaps more protective purpose? 230 00:17:49,608 --> 00:17:52,607 MARTELL: NASA uses mica to deflect the heat on many of their crafts, 231 00:17:52,608 --> 00:17:53,808 such as, the space shuttle. 232 00:17:53,909 --> 00:17:58,345 On reentry, the bottom part of the space shuttle is all lined 233 00:17:58,382 --> 00:18:01,948 with mica and is a perfect deflector of large amounts of heat. 234 00:18:03,620 --> 00:18:05,987 CHILDRESS: Could the mica at Teotihuacan also have been 235 00:18:05,989 --> 00:18:09,824 used to shield and protect the ancient people perhaps from the 236 00:18:09,826 --> 00:18:14,329 blast of an extraterrestrial rocket taking off? 237 00:18:14,331 --> 00:18:18,098 Or even the radiation maybe from some kind of spacecraft? 238 00:18:20,837 --> 00:18:26,474 But if the ancient builders of Teotihuacan used 239 00:18:26,476 --> 00:18:30,478 mica for the purposes of power generation and radiation 240 00:18:30,480 --> 00:18:34,149 protection, then where did their advanced engineering and 241 00:18:34,151 --> 00:18:36,317 construction knowledge come from? 242 00:18:37,654 --> 00:18:39,853 TSOUKALOS: The earliest descriptions of Teotihuacan 243 00:18:39,857 --> 00:18:44,624 talk about gods descending from the sky in ships 244 00:18:44,695 --> 00:18:50,262 or winged serpents, and that something extraordinary happened there. 245 00:18:52,402 --> 00:18:55,437 WILLIAM HENRY: Teotihuacan, like the ancient Egyptian pyramids, 246 00:18:55,438 --> 00:18:57,338 are believed to have been built by the Gods. 247 00:18:57,339 --> 00:19:01,243 And the gods ascended into the heavens in craft that we today 248 00:19:01,245 --> 00:19:02,813 think could be rocket ships. 249 00:19:05,015 --> 00:19:07,448 The builders certainly must have learned the secrets from 250 00:19:07,518 --> 00:19:08,819 the gods themselves. 251 00:19:11,321 --> 00:19:12,988 MARTELL: An interesting similarity with many of these 252 00:19:12,990 --> 00:19:16,225 ancient sites were reports of the gods ascending and 253 00:19:16,227 --> 00:19:17,527 descending from the heavens. 254 00:19:18,629 --> 00:19:22,330 It's very possible that these were actually being used as landing sites. 255 00:19:22,666 --> 00:19:25,867 So it's very possible that the knowledge to build Teotihuacan 256 00:19:25,869 --> 00:19:28,802 was given to us by extraterrestrials. 257 00:19:31,707 --> 00:19:35,510 NARRATOR: Do the ancient legends of flying alien beings 258 00:19:35,512 --> 00:19:40,015 and other strange creatures provide proof that ancient 259 00:19:40,017 --> 00:19:44,253 aliens did, in fact, influence the incredible architectural 260 00:19:44,255 --> 00:19:46,555 achievements of Teotihuacan? 261 00:19:47,157 --> 00:19:52,427 Perhaps more clues can be found on the other side of the planet 262 00:19:52,429 --> 00:19:57,263 and carved into the walls of sacred Indian temples. 263 00:19:59,796 --> 00:20:01,713 The Republic of India. 264 00:20:02,915 --> 00:20:05,882 Situated on the subcontinent of South Asia, 265 00:20:05,884 --> 00:20:08,885 in the southern portion of the country, 266 00:20:09,356 --> 00:20:14,326 are the ruins of a vast temple complex known as Vijayanagara. 267 00:20:15,628 --> 00:20:18,099 Translated as "the city of victory," 268 00:20:18,300 --> 00:20:21,866 this site once was the prosperous capital of the 269 00:20:21,903 --> 00:20:25,870 largest and most powerful Hindu kingdom in all of India. 270 00:20:28,272 --> 00:20:33,475 CHILDRESS: Vijayanagara is said to have been built in the 14th century A.D. 271 00:20:33,480 --> 00:20:37,279 However, there's a lot of evidence to show that it is a much older city. 272 00:20:37,327 --> 00:20:42,626 And in fact, Hindu legends say that the ancient king, Rama 273 00:20:42,627 --> 00:20:48,727 mad with his monkey god friend, Hanuma they're at a cave at Vijayanagara 274 00:20:48,828 --> 00:20:52,464 and this would put the city, back many thousands of years. 275 00:20:55,605 --> 00:20:59,804 This general region of Southern India had human occupation, 276 00:20:59,805 --> 00:21:02,005 perhaps, hundreds of thousands of years. 277 00:21:03,806 --> 00:21:07,512 While the city of Vijayanagara is certainly the largest 278 00:21:07,514 --> 00:21:09,547 settlement that ever existed, 279 00:21:09,549 --> 00:21:13,386 there were civilizations that existed there much earlier. 280 00:21:13,387 --> 00:21:18,490 According to scholars, the temples of 281 00:21:18,492 --> 00:21:22,494 Vijayanagara were built using ancient geometric and 282 00:21:22,496 --> 00:21:27,866 mathematical formulas found only in Vastu Shastra, 283 00:21:27,868 --> 00:21:33,004 a traditional Hindu system of design based on aligning art and 284 00:21:33,006 --> 00:21:35,640 architecture with the elemental 285 00:21:35,642 --> 00:21:46,214 properties of earth, water, air, fire and space. 286 00:21:48,393 --> 00:21:52,993 Vastu architecture is unique, because it creates structures, 287 00:21:52,994 --> 00:21:58,794 that are supposed to resinate with earth and cosmic energies. 288 00:22:00,296 --> 00:22:01,499 When you create a structure, you 289 00:22:01,501 --> 00:22:05,601 want the building to be in harmony with the earth. 290 00:22:09,573 --> 00:22:14,545 If you think as the earth as embedded in a space nervous system 291 00:22:14,547 --> 00:22:20,347 and that the solar system is embedded in a space universe, 292 00:22:20,686 --> 00:22:24,187 it's all one nervous system. 293 00:22:24,490 --> 00:22:27,659 Well, the earth itself is tied to the rest of the universe by 294 00:22:27,661 --> 00:22:33,361 this, and receives and emanates energy by using this nervous system. 295 00:22:33,966 --> 00:22:36,799 And these temples illustrate that perfectly. 296 00:22:38,704 --> 00:22:42,706 It could be that these spaces were used as a technology to go 297 00:22:42,708 --> 00:22:46,475 deep within human consciousness and communicate with the gods. 298 00:22:50,879 --> 00:22:54,085 The origins of Vastu architecture can be traced 299 00:22:54,087 --> 00:22:58,089 in ancient India Sangam literature to a mythic hero 300 00:22:58,091 --> 00:23:04,496 called Mamuni Mayan, who lived some 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. 301 00:23:04,898 --> 00:23:10,432 But who, or what, was this mysterious ancient figure? 302 00:23:12,603 --> 00:23:17,741 According to Hindu beliefs, Mamuni Mayan is revered as the 303 00:23:17,743 --> 00:23:22,511 Visvakarman-- the lord of creation-- and the deity who 304 00:23:22,582 --> 00:23:27,282 designed and fabricated the divine architecture of the universe. 305 00:23:27,754 --> 00:23:32,892 But might this god really have been an extraterrestrial entity, 306 00:23:32,893 --> 00:23:36,659 as ancient astronaut theorists believe? 307 00:23:38,598 --> 00:23:43,133 Researchers point to clues carved in stone throughout the 308 00:23:43,135 --> 00:23:46,068 ancient Vastu temples of Vijayanagara. 309 00:23:47,673 --> 00:23:51,006 CHILDRESS: Vijayanagara was thought to be a city that 310 00:23:51,043 --> 00:23:53,778 connected people to the gods. 311 00:23:54,280 --> 00:23:58,382 The gods themselves were said to have lived in this city-- 312 00:23:58,384 --> 00:24:01,085 Shiva and--- and Rama. 313 00:24:01,087 --> 00:24:07,754 Many of the strange statues there are of certain aspects of Vishnu. 314 00:24:07,827 --> 00:24:13,528 And he looks like some kind of strange extraterrestrial god. 315 00:24:13,566 --> 00:24:17,966 These are statues that still exist today at Vijayanagara. 316 00:24:21,437 --> 00:24:24,974 According to the myths and legends, this is a very holy place. 317 00:24:25,011 --> 00:24:28,043 B. VIURIAKSHI: Why? Because of Rama, one of the reincarnation of Vishnu 318 00:24:28,079 --> 00:24:30,379 Rama is a God, he had to be displaced. 319 00:24:30,383 --> 00:24:32,684 That's how this place has become very sacred. 320 00:24:36,754 --> 00:24:40,354 Through their evidence of the actual nature of the Hindu Gods, 321 00:24:40,355 --> 00:24:43,455 can be found at ancient Hindu scriptures. 322 00:24:44,056 --> 00:24:47,956 Epic poems, like the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, 323 00:24:47,957 --> 00:24:53,657 and sacred texts called Vedic literature contain multiple references 324 00:24:53,658 --> 00:24:57,358 to flying objects of various shapes and sizes. 325 00:24:58,859 --> 00:25:03,259 In the ancient Vedic literature, they say that they had the ***, 326 00:25:03,260 --> 00:25:04,760 PATRICK FLANAGAN: which are anti-gravity air crafts 327 00:25:06,061 --> 00:25:08,461 and they'd let them flew around on them. 328 00:25:08,562 --> 00:25:15,262 And the Vimani's construction is detailed in a Mahabharata and some of the other 329 00:25:15,263 --> 00:25:19,031 ancient books that come to us from that time, and stories. 330 00:25:19,032 --> 00:25:28,837 In Vijayanagara you have the traditional Hindu Vastu architecture. 331 00:25:28,908 --> 00:25:31,742 You have, therefore, the stone 332 00:25:31,744 --> 00:25:35,879 temples that are, uh, conical in shape. 333 00:25:35,915 --> 00:25:42,020 So the architecture itself was sort of a copy of the airships 334 00:25:42,022 --> 00:25:47,756 or rockets or spaceships that they called Vimanas. 335 00:25:49,960 --> 00:25:54,297 At Vijayanagara, they were using Vastu technology. 336 00:25:54,367 --> 00:25:59,868 And Vastu technology has been used to make flying vehicles. 337 00:25:59,906 --> 00:26:05,572 The technology is there to create weapons, to probably 338 00:26:05,578 --> 00:26:10,012 create an energy that could power a spaceship. 339 00:26:16,025 --> 00:26:19,124 DÄNIKEN: The Vimanas we would be called today, space shuttle. 340 00:26:19,125 --> 00:26:23,225 Flying machines, now we have different sort of space shuttle, 341 00:26:23,226 --> 00:26:27,461 A Russian space shuttle doesn't look like an American space shuttle and so on. 342 00:26:29,167 --> 00:26:32,502 So in ancient India, we have different descriptions of 343 00:26:32,504 --> 00:26:37,307 Vimanas with wings, with all kinds of lights and so on, and 344 00:26:37,309 --> 00:26:42,380 out of these Vimanas so-called gods came. 345 00:26:44,882 --> 00:26:48,582 NARRATOR: Might the early people of South India really 346 00:26:48,587 --> 00:26:51,853 have been taught advanced building techniques to harness 347 00:26:51,857 --> 00:26:53,658 powerful cosmic energy? 348 00:26:54,960 --> 00:26:59,727 And if so, might this have been done so that early man could 349 00:26:59,798 --> 00:27:02,197 connect with other distant worlds, 350 00:27:02,199 --> 00:27:04,900 as ancient astronaut theorists believe? 351 00:27:06,137 --> 00:27:10,206 CHILDRESS: Vijayanagara would have been one of many cities 352 00:27:10,208 --> 00:27:14,745 around the planet built by the extraterrestrial gods. 353 00:27:14,847 --> 00:27:18,849 It was part of a network of ancient cities around the planet 354 00:27:18,851 --> 00:27:21,051 that included megalithic cites 355 00:27:21,053 --> 00:27:25,619 in South America, on Pacific islands, in India and Egypt and 356 00:27:25,690 --> 00:27:28,023 Africa and other areas of the Middle East. 357 00:27:28,360 --> 00:27:32,228 It was one of their special cities that they had built 358 00:27:32,230 --> 00:27:33,265 thousands of years ago. 359 00:27:35,267 --> 00:27:39,136 NARRATOR: Did ancient man really incorporate the wisdom 360 00:27:39,138 --> 00:27:43,306 and expertise of cosmic travelers into the architecture 361 00:27:43,308 --> 00:27:45,377 of their monumental buildings? 362 00:27:45,579 --> 00:27:50,481 If so, wouldn't additional evidence of such contact exist 363 00:27:50,483 --> 00:27:53,218 elsewhere in the world? 364 00:27:55,020 --> 00:27:59,122 What if there were recent findings of the use of machine 365 00:27:59,124 --> 00:28:03,292 technology discovered in ancient Egypt? 366 00:28:07,691 --> 00:28:09,391 NARRATOR: Luxor, Egypt 367 00:28:11,092 --> 00:28:13,824 Here, along the east bank of the Nile River, 368 00:28:13,895 --> 00:28:18,995 lie the archaeological remains of the vast Karnak temple complex, 369 00:28:19,000 --> 00:28:22,903 dating to the 32nd century B.C. 370 00:28:24,605 --> 00:28:31,276 With its numerous structures, including great halls, obelisks, 371 00:28:31,278 --> 00:28:36,781 and an avenue of sphinxes, Karnak represents the combined 372 00:28:36,783 --> 00:28:41,587 achievement of many generations of Egypt's ancient builders. 373 00:28:42,888 --> 00:28:46,421 MARTELL: When one travels to Luxor and gazes upon the Karnak Temple 374 00:28:46,470 --> 00:28:51,869 we see large pillars, oversized obelisks, and what's very amazing about this area 375 00:28:51,870 --> 00:28:56,469 is that it's one of the few places where over 30 Pharaohs contributed 376 00:28:56,470 --> 00:29:00,470 to its sheer size and wealth of knowledge over a vast period of time. 377 00:29:01,971 --> 00:29:06,142 NARRATOR: For centuries, archaeologists and scholars have 378 00:29:06,180 --> 00:29:10,378 considered Karnak to be one the most dramatic examples of 379 00:29:10,379 --> 00:29:14,317 of the remarkable technological ability of early man. 380 00:29:15,656 --> 00:29:19,224 But do the construction techniques used in building 381 00:29:19,226 --> 00:29:23,927 these incredible monuments reveal evidence of something more-- 382 00:29:24,029 --> 00:29:26,831 something not of this earth? 383 00:29:30,402 --> 00:29:32,870 COPPENS: When we start looking at hieroglyphs, we are 384 00:29:32,872 --> 00:29:36,772 amazed as to how beautiful and how carefully they have been carved. 385 00:29:39,913 --> 00:29:43,880 The technology which we see is clearly of a perfection which 386 00:29:43,905 --> 00:29:47,504 it's beautiful, and almost makes our heart cry 387 00:29:47,505 --> 00:29:49,405 whenever you come face to face with it. 388 00:29:50,600 --> 00:29:54,500 NARRATOR: Experts believe the most impressive evidence 389 00:29:54,501 --> 00:29:58,101 of advanced machining can be found at Karnak tall 390 00:29:58,102 --> 00:30:02,202 4-sided tapering monuments, called obelisks. 391 00:30:03,903 --> 00:30:08,103 CHILDRESS: The obelisk is carved with the same inscriptions on four sides. 392 00:30:08,104 --> 00:30:13,704 They're all exactly the same, and they are all beautifully cut 393 00:30:13,705 --> 00:30:19,205 and articulated hieroglyphs into this red granite stone. 394 00:30:19,799 --> 00:30:23,199 We would look at it today and say that would be some of machine 395 00:30:23,200 --> 00:30:24,100 that carved these things out 396 00:30:24,801 --> 00:30:31,701 For example, there were slots, they were only .14 inches wide, half inch deep. 397 00:30:31,702 --> 00:30:34,602 When you look inside you can see, the bottom of them were made 398 00:30:34,603 --> 00:30:37,403 ANDREWS: by a rotating tool. So this was a tool that 399 00:30:37,404 --> 00:30:42,504 punched in, came out, stepped down, punched in, came out, --- 400 00:30:42,506 --> 00:30:46,609 The human hand, no matter how good you are, could never do that. 401 00:30:47,981 --> 00:30:50,781 The tool marks themselves, the precision, 402 00:30:50,785 --> 00:30:55,885 the depth, the rotating impressions that were made were not done by hand. 403 00:30:57,891 --> 00:31:03,391 Some of those were so precisely engraved as to require machine tools to do it. 404 00:31:06,199 --> 00:31:08,599 The tool kit that we see, 405 00:31:08,601 --> 00:31:11,300 that the ancient Egyptians were supposed to use-- there is no way 406 00:31:11,337 --> 00:31:14,737 that any of those tools could produce the results that we saw. 407 00:31:15,309 --> 00:31:18,844 NARRATOR: To many scholars, the apparent precision used in 408 00:31:18,846 --> 00:31:23,648 the construction of the obelisks at Karnak suggests a 21st- 409 00:31:23,650 --> 00:31:26,120 century level of expertise. 410 00:31:30,122 --> 00:31:33,122 CHRISTOPHER DUNN: Precision is what our civilization is built on. 411 00:31:33,193 --> 00:31:40,594 To craft something to within 2/10,000th of an inch or 1,000th of an inch 412 00:31:40,687 --> 00:31:45,887 is quite common today, because that tolerance or that precision 413 00:31:45,888 --> 00:31:47,988 is necessary and it has purpose. 414 00:31:48,089 --> 00:31:52,789 But how can we explain such precision in ancient construction? 415 00:31:54,890 --> 00:31:58,590 TSOUKALOS: If you look at the Ramses statue, it is so perfect 416 00:31:58,591 --> 00:32:01,991 that you wonder how was this even done? 417 00:32:02,692 --> 00:32:04,692 With allegedly primitive tools? 418 00:32:04,693 --> 00:32:10,693 Because today, we could only do this, with machines. 419 00:32:12,294 --> 00:32:17,098 DUNN: So the way we check the symmetry of the Ramses statue is 420 00:32:17,170 --> 00:32:21,603 to take two images of the same photographs, make transparencies, 421 00:32:21,640 --> 00:32:23,974 and compare the left to the right. 422 00:32:24,011 --> 00:32:28,311 We flip it over and bring it over the original, 423 00:32:28,383 --> 00:32:33,454 and as we can see, we have a perfect match. 424 00:32:36,755 --> 00:32:41,327 The ancient Egyptians were very skilled at working granite. 425 00:32:41,328 --> 00:32:47,065 I cannot see how they could have created what they created with 426 00:32:47,067 --> 00:32:51,336 the tools that are commonly accepted to have been in the 427 00:32:51,338 --> 00:32:53,205 ancient Egyptians' toolbox, 428 00:32:53,207 --> 00:33:00,774 such as copper chisels or stone chisels, wooden mallets, stone balls. 429 00:33:04,448 --> 00:33:08,352 But if as many historians and archaeologists contend 430 00:33:08,354 --> 00:33:11,588 the ancient builders did not possess the equivalent 431 00:33:11,624 --> 00:33:15,692 of modern tools, how were these monuments built with such 432 00:33:15,728 --> 00:33:17,296 mathematical precision? 433 00:33:18,398 --> 00:33:22,533 Perhaps the answer can be found by comparing an example of 434 00:33:22,535 --> 00:33:26,436 ancient sculpture with one made by more modern methods. 435 00:33:28,140 --> 00:33:35,410 We can compare the aluminum model, the face machine, the striations coming 436 00:33:35,481 --> 00:33:40,082 down the face with the striations coming down the face 437 00:33:40,153 --> 00:33:45,690 of the statue at Karnak in Egypt, and also the tool marks, 438 00:33:45,692 --> 00:33:49,694 so where we see above the eyebrow, the dig in right there, 439 00:33:49,696 --> 00:33:53,864 where the-- kind of shows us what kind of tools or the shape 440 00:33:53,866 --> 00:33:54,901 of the tools that they used. 441 00:33:56,603 --> 00:34:03,108 So the elements that bring this machining to ancient statue are 442 00:34:03,110 --> 00:34:09,382 not just the symmetry but also the the geometry, the precision, 443 00:34:09,384 --> 00:34:14,684 and the tool marks, and we have all three elements 444 00:34:15,186 --> 00:34:17,953 in modern machining and ancient statuary. 445 00:34:21,292 --> 00:34:25,797 It's an enormously difficult thing to do by hand without 446 00:34:25,799 --> 00:34:28,899 introducing some mechanical systems. 447 00:34:29,002 --> 00:34:32,772 Seems to me to be impossible. 448 00:34:36,974 --> 00:34:39,978 NARRATOR: But if the tool marks seen on the Ramses statue 449 00:34:39,980 --> 00:34:43,582 appear identical to those made made by modern methods, 450 00:34:43,984 --> 00:34:48,553 wouldn't it prove that the ancient builders had access to machines 451 00:34:48,555 --> 00:34:50,922 and perhaps even electricity? 452 00:34:53,524 --> 00:34:58,294 CHILDRESS: Allegedly they did not have electricity, power tools. 453 00:34:58,331 --> 00:35:00,497 Supposedly, they didn't have diamond saws. 454 00:35:01,034 --> 00:35:05,236 But yet, they're doing things that would require precision 455 00:35:05,238 --> 00:35:07,972 work, precision tools. 456 00:35:07,974 --> 00:35:10,040 So where did they get those things? 457 00:35:10,143 --> 00:35:13,678 How could they have had these advanced machining tools that 458 00:35:13,680 --> 00:35:17,514 we've only just acquired ourselves today in our civilization? 459 00:35:18,218 --> 00:35:20,051 So one answer would have to be 460 00:35:20,053 --> 00:35:22,486 they'd gotten it from ancient aliens. 461 00:35:24,324 --> 00:35:27,325 NARRATOR: Might the early Egyptian builders have had 462 00:35:27,327 --> 00:35:30,829 access to extraterrestrial knowledge and technology? 463 00:35:31,331 --> 00:35:36,234 Or might the ancient builders have been aliens themselves? 464 00:35:36,636 --> 00:35:41,341 According to ancient astronaut theorists, the answer is yes. 465 00:35:41,342 --> 00:35:45,475 And for proof, they point to a tiny island 466 00:35:45,477 --> 00:35:48,377 in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. 467 00:35:51,141 --> 00:35:52,240 Malta, 468 00:35:53,042 --> 00:35:57,376 a small island nation in the center of the Mediterranean Sea, 469 00:35:57,378 --> 00:35:59,880 just south of Italy. 470 00:36:01,682 --> 00:36:05,717 Scholars believe the first inhabitants migrated here from 471 00:36:05,719 --> 00:36:09,856 the nearby island of Sicily in 5200 B.C. 472 00:36:10,958 --> 00:36:15,828 Today, stone structures on the Maltese island of Gozo are 473 00:36:15,830 --> 00:36:19,665 considered by archeologists to be among the greatest 474 00:36:19,667 --> 00:36:25,100 achievements by ancient builders anywhere in the world. 475 00:36:28,011 --> 00:36:34,011 The temples on Malta and Gozo are 1,000 years older than the pyramids of Egypt. 476 00:36:35,312 --> 00:36:39,049 They are the earliest monumental architecture in the world. 477 00:36:39,787 --> 00:36:44,220 There are engineering features in these temples that are just astonishing. 478 00:36:44,325 --> 00:36:50,462 We're talking about walls enclosing space---paved walkways--- 479 00:36:50,464 --> 00:36:52,431 they were ceilinged at one time. 480 00:36:52,433 --> 00:36:56,401 Definitely much more complex than anything else that was 481 00:36:56,403 --> 00:36:58,636 appearing on earth for a very long time. 482 00:37:01,241 --> 00:37:04,042 NARRATOR: Built before metal tools or the wheel had been 483 00:37:04,044 --> 00:37:08,680 invented, experts are baffled by the sheer scale of the 484 00:37:08,682 --> 00:37:12,383 construction and the use of vertically arranged monolithic 485 00:37:12,385 --> 00:37:15,352 stones, each weighing over 20 tons. 486 00:37:16,791 --> 00:37:21,656 FLANAGAN: It's only been in recent years, that we developed instruments, 487 00:37:21,700 --> 00:37:25,600 that are accurate enough to appreciate that some of these ancient societies 488 00:37:25,601 --> 00:37:30,401 were able to shape stones to optical accuracy, 489 00:37:30,402 --> 00:37:35,002 optical accuracy greater that we are able to do today. 490 00:37:35,005 --> 00:37:38,475 And so they must have had some kind of advanced technology 491 00:37:38,479 --> 00:37:40,045 enabling them to do that. 492 00:37:40,347 --> 00:37:44,316 NARRATOR: But if the ancient builders of Malta had used 493 00:37:44,318 --> 00:37:47,984 advanced technology, where did it come from? 494 00:37:48,255 --> 00:37:53,525 Researchers believe answers may be found among Malta's numerous mysteries-- 495 00:37:53,595 --> 00:37:58,862 including the so-called cart ruts, which can be found all over Malta. 496 00:38:02,199 --> 00:38:07,670 These parallel incisions in the bedrock have been identified as cart ruts 497 00:38:07,740 --> 00:38:09,106 because that's what they look like. 498 00:38:09,443 --> 00:38:12,476 What they really were, what their purpose was, 499 00:38:12,512 --> 00:38:14,711 we don't know. There's nothing written. 500 00:38:15,282 --> 00:38:20,886 ANDREWS: The cart ruts on Malta are about four feet wide. 501 00:38:20,888 --> 00:38:23,922 They're uniformly spaced. 502 00:38:23,924 --> 00:38:26,691 Some of them run hundreds of yards. 503 00:38:26,927 --> 00:38:29,061 Some of them run miles. 504 00:38:29,363 --> 00:38:35,129 According to the studies of them, they've probably been there up to 10,000 years ago 505 00:38:35,522 --> 00:38:39,522 Because some of the ancient temples have got wider on the top of the ruts 506 00:38:39,623 --> 00:38:43,123 NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut theories believe 507 00:38:43,124 --> 00:38:46,923 the cart ruts may, in fact, be evidence, 508 00:38:46,924 --> 00:38:51,224 that Malta was one of Earth's earliest industrial work sites. 509 00:38:52,824 --> 00:38:56,323 CHILDRESS: It seems like what these cart ruts really were, 510 00:38:56,324 --> 00:39:00,224 was some kind of ancient railway. 511 00:39:00,225 --> 00:39:05,931 And this railway was then to move heavy machinery, much as we 512 00:39:05,933 --> 00:39:11,970 would use today in a mining operation, even the way rockets 513 00:39:11,972 --> 00:39:14,705 are rolled out onto a launch pad. 514 00:39:17,444 --> 00:39:20,512 NARRATOR: Further evidence of the use of advanced technology 515 00:39:20,514 --> 00:39:23,580 on Malta can be found underground. 516 00:39:24,084 --> 00:39:28,820 In 1902, construction workers, while building the foundation 517 00:39:28,822 --> 00:39:33,525 for several houses, accidentally discovered a mysterious 518 00:39:33,527 --> 00:39:37,994 underground sanctuary dating to 2500 B.C. 519 00:39:38,532 --> 00:39:42,000 Called the Hypogeum, the subterranean structure was 520 00:39:42,002 --> 00:39:48,239 revealed to be three levels deep--- all hewn from solid stone. 521 00:39:48,375 --> 00:39:50,876 ENEIX: It's been estimated that they removed more than 522 00:39:50,878 --> 00:39:56,180 2,000 tons of stone from these subterranean chambers to create 523 00:39:56,182 --> 00:40:00,985 a space that beautifully replicates the temples above ground. 524 00:40:04,222 --> 00:40:08,026 NARRATOR: Perhaps one of the greatest mysteries concerning 525 00:40:08,028 --> 00:40:11,495 the Hypogeum involve the acoustical properties 526 00:40:11,566 --> 00:40:15,100 in what is called the "Oracle Room." 527 00:40:17,065 --> 00:40:22,363 The acoustic properties within this are absolutely extraordinary, 528 00:40:22,364 --> 00:40:26,764 because what happens is that if a person is within the Oracle Room, 529 00:40:26,765 --> 00:40:31,965 the way that their voice is carried is heard within the whole of the complex. 530 00:40:34,065 --> 00:40:37,564 The ancients were using this profound sound technology 531 00:40:37,565 --> 00:40:40,664 in order to put themselves in a deep state of trance, 532 00:40:40,665 --> 00:40:44,964 in order to access higher human conciousness, they wanted 533 00:40:44,965 --> 00:40:49,165 to go deep within, in order to connect themselves with star energy 534 00:40:51,366 --> 00:40:53,738 NARRATOR: Might the Oracle Room have been used to 535 00:40:53,740 --> 00:40:55,741 communicate with ancient gods? 536 00:40:56,643 --> 00:40:59,443 Or, perhaps, celestial ancestors? 537 00:41:00,647 --> 00:41:05,183 Or do its advanced acoustics suggest that early Maltese 538 00:41:05,185 --> 00:41:09,421 people had mastered the science of sonic manipulation, 539 00:41:10,023 --> 00:41:14,758 the ability to manipulate solid matter through audio frequencies? 540 00:41:16,029 --> 00:41:19,030 FLANAGAN: One of the main things that I've realized is 541 00:41:19,032 --> 00:41:25,570 that they're using something called fractal nonlinear resonance. 542 00:41:25,572 --> 00:41:29,908 And we're now discovering in the field of material science that 543 00:41:29,910 --> 00:41:36,848 nonlinear resonances of sound waves, microwaves, magnetic 544 00:41:36,850 --> 00:41:42,820 waves, that we are able to actually change matter in ways 545 00:41:42,822 --> 00:41:44,457 that we never dreamed possible. 546 00:41:46,159 --> 00:41:50,361 NARRATOR: If the Oracle Room was used to harness the power of 547 00:41:50,363 --> 00:41:54,532 audio waves, as many ancient astronaut theorists believe, 548 00:41:54,534 --> 00:41:59,571 is it possible the prehistoric builders used sonic technology 549 00:41:59,573 --> 00:42:02,740 to help build Malta's mammoth temples? 550 00:42:03,243 --> 00:42:09,077 CHILDRESS: The builders had this advanced knowledge of sonic technology. 551 00:42:09,315 --> 00:42:14,485 And, in fact, sound technology can be used for all kinds of 552 00:42:14,487 --> 00:42:18,023 applications, including levitation or anti-gravity. 553 00:42:19,025 --> 00:42:22,893 COLLINS: All around the world, there are myths and 554 00:42:22,895 --> 00:42:28,800 legends relating to how large structures came into being. 555 00:42:29,202 --> 00:42:33,371 They talk about the movement of stones through the use of sound, 556 00:42:33,373 --> 00:42:39,978 about the use of instruments or the banging, the ringing--- 557 00:42:40,380 --> 00:42:45,882 that will elevate stones enough so that they can be pushed as if 558 00:42:45,884 --> 00:42:49,018 they've become completely weightless. 559 00:42:49,990 --> 00:42:54,391 CHILDRESS: It would appear that the builders at Malta had 560 00:42:54,393 --> 00:42:57,997 very advanced knowledge of things we're just now discovering. 561 00:42:57,998 --> 00:43:01,831 And you would think that they got this knowledge from extraterrestrials. 562 00:43:03,036 --> 00:43:06,772 NARRATOR: Enormous blocks of stone--- 563 00:43:06,774 --> 00:43:12,210 mysterious carving techniques--- and mathematical precision 564 00:43:12,212 --> 00:43:15,578 that rivals anything possible in the modern age. 565 00:43:18,682 --> 00:43:22,153 Might the tools and technology that went into building 566 00:43:22,155 --> 00:43:25,724 the world's most magnificent ancient structures have come 567 00:43:25,726 --> 00:43:27,760 from distant galaxies? 568 00:43:28,862 --> 00:43:34,266 Or were the ancient engineers really extraterrestrial beings? 569 00:43:34,268 --> 00:43:39,871 Perhaps the answer can be found, not out in space but in plain 570 00:43:39,873 --> 00:43:44,543 sight all over the world-- an answer which suggests that 571 00:43:44,545 --> 00:43:48,880 the ancient builders may have served to be the architects, not 572 00:43:48,882 --> 00:43:53,252 of the past, but of our future. 573 00:43:53,753 --> 00:43:56,718 sync and corrected by Bellows www.addic7ed.com