1 00:00:01,894 --> 00:00:04,628 Narrator: It is the world's most elite team of ufo hunters. 2 00:00:06,081 --> 00:00:10,325 Nick pope: It's this huge network of investigators 3 00:00:10,344 --> 00:00:12,903 Who are not just interested in ufos, 4 00:00:12,996 --> 00:00:14,996 But want to do something about it. 5 00:00:15,016 --> 00:00:18,575 Narrator: For five decades, the mutual ufo network 6 00:00:18,668 --> 00:00:20,911 Has gathered detailed evidence 7 00:00:21,004 --> 00:00:23,096 Of unexplained aerial phenomena, 8 00:00:23,190 --> 00:00:27,342 Strange encounters, and alleged alien abductions. 9 00:00:27,436 --> 00:00:29,419 Travis taylor: Out of all the cases that you've looked at, 10 00:00:29,513 --> 00:00:30,937 Have you seen anything like this? 11 00:00:31,090 --> 00:00:32,698 Not like this, and I've done over a thousand. 12 00:00:35,761 --> 00:00:38,203 Narrator: And now, they're collaborating 13 00:00:38,355 --> 00:00:40,447 With the united states government. 14 00:00:40,541 --> 00:00:43,433 Jessica tocco: Mufon has been very well received in congress. 15 00:00:43,452 --> 00:00:46,119 Whether they believe it's a uap from another world 16 00:00:46,272 --> 00:00:48,605 Or from one our adversaries, 17 00:00:48,698 --> 00:00:50,440 They want to know what's happening. 18 00:00:50,459 --> 00:00:54,111 Narrator: Could mufon have within its vast files 19 00:00:54,129 --> 00:00:57,872 Definitive proof of alien visitation? 20 00:00:57,892 --> 00:01:00,059 Giorgio tsoukalos: Here we have an outfit that has decades worth 21 00:01:00,286 --> 00:01:03,620 Of investigation, and some of their cases 22 00:01:03,639 --> 00:01:06,231 Are, in my opinion, extraterrestrial encounters. 23 00:01:09,311 --> 00:01:10,977 Narrator: There is a doorway 24 00:01:11,072 --> 00:01:13,906 In the universe. 25 00:01:14,057 --> 00:01:18,135 Beyond it is the promise of truth. 26 00:01:18,228 --> 00:01:20,728 It demands we question everything 27 00:01:20,823 --> 00:01:23,398 We have ever been taught. 28 00:01:23,417 --> 00:01:26,734 The evidence is all around us. 29 00:01:26,754 --> 00:01:30,647 The future is right before our eyes. 30 00:01:30,666 --> 00:01:33,575 We are not alone. 31 00:01:33,669 --> 00:01:36,595 We have never been alone. 32 00:01:51,946 --> 00:01:54,671 Narrator: Thousands descend on the mile high city 33 00:01:54,690 --> 00:01:58,433 To attend the 53rd international symposium on ufos. 34 00:01:58,452 --> 00:02:02,937 We had a similar case out of south carolina last year. 35 00:02:02,957 --> 00:02:04,456 Narrator: At this annual conference, 36 00:02:04,608 --> 00:02:06,516 Researchers from around the world 37 00:02:06,535 --> 00:02:08,794 Gather to share and examine 38 00:02:08,945 --> 00:02:11,964 The latest developments in the study of ufos. 39 00:02:12,115 --> 00:02:15,876 One resident claimed to have compiled a list of 110 persons 40 00:02:16,028 --> 00:02:18,028 Who had witnessed flying objects 41 00:02:18,046 --> 00:02:20,864 Out of the small town of only 2,000. 42 00:02:20,883 --> 00:02:23,049 Narrator: And it is hosted by an organization 43 00:02:23,202 --> 00:02:26,645 With the most highly trained ufo investigators in the world, 44 00:02:26,872 --> 00:02:29,890 Mufon. 45 00:02:30,042 --> 00:02:34,486 Mufon is the acronym for the mutual ufo network. 46 00:02:34,638 --> 00:02:37,731 It's the largest ufo investigation organization 47 00:02:37,825 --> 00:02:39,324 In the world, 48 00:02:39,476 --> 00:02:42,719 And its mission statement is the scientific study 49 00:02:42,738 --> 00:02:45,664 Of ufos for the benefit of mankind. 50 00:02:47,001 --> 00:02:50,169 Ron james: Mufon is a all-volunteer organization 51 00:02:50,320 --> 00:02:53,154 That's grown to well over 4,000 members worldwide 52 00:02:53,248 --> 00:02:55,174 Of field investigators and 53 00:02:55,325 --> 00:02:58,177 People that want to participate in the quest for the truth. 54 00:02:59,254 --> 00:03:02,406 At the core of mufon is an investigative body 55 00:03:02,424 --> 00:03:05,500 That exists to go out and investigate sightings 56 00:03:05,519 --> 00:03:09,504 That are worthy of investigation and compile our database. 57 00:03:09,523 --> 00:03:12,749 But over the years, mufon has grown into so much more. 58 00:03:12,768 --> 00:03:14,751 We offer kind of a community 59 00:03:14,770 --> 00:03:16,195 For people that care about the topic. 60 00:03:16,346 --> 00:03:19,865 Pope: Mufon is the coming together 61 00:03:20,016 --> 00:03:23,593 Of people who are not just interested in ufos, 62 00:03:23,687 --> 00:03:26,763 But want to do something about it. 63 00:03:26,856 --> 00:03:29,783 They want to investigate the cases. 64 00:03:29,935 --> 00:03:34,880 So, it's like this huge, uh, network 65 00:03:35,031 --> 00:03:38,625 Of like-minded people all around the united states 66 00:03:38,777 --> 00:03:40,868 And indeed the world 67 00:03:40,888 --> 00:03:44,781 Brought together by their shared passion for the subject 68 00:03:44,874 --> 00:03:46,892 And their shared interest in it. 69 00:03:48,971 --> 00:03:51,638 Hurd: I became involved after having been present 70 00:03:51,790 --> 00:03:53,957 For the phoenix lights incident 71 00:03:53,976 --> 00:03:56,718 Here in phoenix, arizona in 1997. 72 00:03:56,812 --> 00:03:59,738 My interest was captured. 73 00:04:01,650 --> 00:04:05,226 I first joined up with mufon after a trip to roswell 74 00:04:05,246 --> 00:04:07,320 With the family in 2019, 75 00:04:07,473 --> 00:04:09,823 And it got me interested in it. 76 00:04:09,975 --> 00:04:12,309 I had heard of mufon before, but I didn't think, 77 00:04:12,327 --> 00:04:13,994 Being a nurse, if I would be useful. 78 00:04:14,146 --> 00:04:17,330 But I called the headquarters to see about 79 00:04:17,483 --> 00:04:20,259 Just attending meetings, and 80 00:04:20,410 --> 00:04:23,929 I became an investigator, and I've loved it ever since. 81 00:04:25,507 --> 00:04:28,992 Roderick martin: I was 12 years old when I saw my first ufo. 82 00:04:29,011 --> 00:04:32,104 Uh, was outside, and then I lived in dallas, texas. 83 00:04:33,165 --> 00:04:36,166 I saw this little white disk, 84 00:04:36,259 --> 00:04:38,777 Uh, kind of just zig-zagging. 85 00:04:38,928 --> 00:04:42,281 So, imagine that seared into you as a young kid. 86 00:04:42,432 --> 00:04:44,265 As the years roll by, 87 00:04:44,285 --> 00:04:46,526 I noticed that there was an organization called mufon, 88 00:04:46,678 --> 00:04:48,845 Mutual ufo network. 89 00:04:48,864 --> 00:04:50,697 Then I found their website. 90 00:04:50,849 --> 00:04:53,683 Wait a minute, you can get behind the scenes. 91 00:04:53,702 --> 00:04:55,352 You can become an investigator. 92 00:04:55,445 --> 00:04:57,187 And so I said, "you know what? 93 00:04:57,280 --> 00:04:59,039 This is what I'm going to do." 94 00:04:59,133 --> 00:05:02,208 Narrator: Having now existed as an organization 95 00:05:02,361 --> 00:05:04,528 For more than five decades, 96 00:05:04,546 --> 00:05:07,955 Mufon's mission is to objectively investigate 97 00:05:07,975 --> 00:05:10,458 The hundreds of eyewitness accounts of ufos 98 00:05:10,552 --> 00:05:12,719 And other aerial phenomena 99 00:05:12,813 --> 00:05:15,939 That are reported every year across the globe. 100 00:05:17,209 --> 00:05:19,634 Ralph blumenthal: Mufon started in the '60s 101 00:05:19,653 --> 00:05:23,063 As an association of private citizens 102 00:05:23,215 --> 00:05:27,217 Who trained themselves to ask questions, to go to scenes 103 00:05:27,310 --> 00:05:29,569 Where people had reported ufos 104 00:05:29,721 --> 00:05:31,721 To question people. 105 00:05:31,815 --> 00:05:33,832 They developed a whole protocol. 106 00:05:33,983 --> 00:05:36,560 They had a very sophisticated methodology 107 00:05:36,578 --> 00:05:39,504 That they used to document these things, 108 00:05:39,656 --> 00:05:41,298 And they kept records. 109 00:05:42,509 --> 00:05:44,992 Narrator: Started in quincy, illinois, 110 00:05:45,012 --> 00:05:49,014 Mufon originally stood for "the midwest ufo network"... 111 00:05:50,184 --> 00:05:52,592 ...But by 1973, 112 00:05:52,744 --> 00:05:56,262 The organization had so many members across the country, 113 00:05:56,415 --> 00:05:59,432 Its name was changed to "the mutual ufo network." 114 00:05:59,526 --> 00:06:03,420 The group remained relatively obscure, however, 115 00:06:03,438 --> 00:06:05,012 Until 1980, 116 00:06:05,107 --> 00:06:06,940 When it played a key role 117 00:06:07,092 --> 00:06:09,701 In a sensational ufo case called 118 00:06:09,853 --> 00:06:12,496 The cash-landrum incident. 119 00:06:14,541 --> 00:06:16,357 James: Betty cash and vickie landrum 120 00:06:16,451 --> 00:06:19,378 Are driving through texas when they encounter this giant 121 00:06:19,529 --> 00:06:21,046 Diamond-shaped object... 122 00:06:23,199 --> 00:06:26,534 ...Hovering and spewing out blue flame from the bottom. 123 00:06:26,553 --> 00:06:28,870 They stopped the car to investigate. 124 00:06:28,889 --> 00:06:30,555 The local environment 125 00:06:30,707 --> 00:06:32,949 Is actually being heated by this object 126 00:06:32,968 --> 00:06:34,893 To the point where they try to touch their car 127 00:06:35,044 --> 00:06:36,186 And it's hot to the touch. 128 00:06:37,731 --> 00:06:39,547 And then what happens is they notice 129 00:06:39,566 --> 00:06:42,216 That there's an army of helicopters, 130 00:06:42,310 --> 00:06:44,051 Chinook helicopters, 131 00:06:44,071 --> 00:06:46,363 Seeming to escort this object. 132 00:06:48,575 --> 00:06:52,411 Vickie landrum: This is vickie landrum from dayton, texas. 133 00:07:09,430 --> 00:07:11,671 Now, what makes this unique is that, 134 00:07:11,823 --> 00:07:14,507 When they get home, after a couple of days, 135 00:07:14,660 --> 00:07:16,417 They start to show symptoms of being exposed 136 00:07:16,437 --> 00:07:17,936 To ionized radiation. 137 00:07:19,665 --> 00:07:22,999 David childress: The women all had their hair fall out, 138 00:07:23,018 --> 00:07:25,927 They develop cancer, and they blamed 139 00:07:25,946 --> 00:07:27,854 The u.S. Government for this. 140 00:07:27,948 --> 00:07:31,950 And this then became a very well-known court case, 141 00:07:32,101 --> 00:07:35,787 Where they were suing the u.S. Government, essentially. 142 00:07:35,939 --> 00:07:39,032 This was reported in major newspapers 143 00:07:39,184 --> 00:07:40,608 All over the united states. 144 00:07:40,627 --> 00:07:43,444 They couldn't ignore this story. 145 00:07:43,464 --> 00:07:45,205 Pope: Mufon investigators 146 00:07:45,299 --> 00:07:49,468 Got the witness statements, gathered the evidence, 147 00:07:49,619 --> 00:07:52,119 Including things like medical records, 148 00:07:52,139 --> 00:07:54,714 Which were central to the legal case. 149 00:07:54,808 --> 00:07:58,477 And, although, the witnesses didn't win their case, 150 00:07:58,628 --> 00:08:01,813 What's important was that that gets it on the record. 151 00:08:03,484 --> 00:08:05,391 Without mufon, 152 00:08:05,544 --> 00:08:08,320 It's unlikely that it would have gone to court. 153 00:08:09,881 --> 00:08:12,157 James: It helped mufon come to the forefront. 154 00:08:12,308 --> 00:08:15,068 It gave us credibility as a group. 155 00:08:15,162 --> 00:08:17,621 And it was a really establishing moment for mufon. 156 00:08:23,504 --> 00:08:25,987 You can click on this, and you can click on your state 157 00:08:26,006 --> 00:08:28,489 And see if your case is coming up due soon. 158 00:08:28,583 --> 00:08:30,842 Narrator: 40 ufo researchers 159 00:08:31,069 --> 00:08:33,236 Have arrived in this small desert community 160 00:08:33,255 --> 00:08:36,515 For the annual mufon investigator boot camp. 161 00:08:36,666 --> 00:08:39,351 This intense, three-day conference 162 00:08:39,502 --> 00:08:41,669 Offers hands on training 163 00:08:41,688 --> 00:08:44,356 In techniques used to investigate cases 164 00:08:44,583 --> 00:08:48,175 Of reported extraterrestrial visitations. 165 00:08:48,195 --> 00:08:49,361 Stay with your group. 166 00:08:49,512 --> 00:08:51,921 We have five sites. 167 00:08:51,940 --> 00:08:53,423 You guys are gonna go to the sites, 168 00:08:53,441 --> 00:08:55,592 And you're going to find stuff, 169 00:08:55,610 --> 00:08:59,279 Tag it, bag it, and you're gonna submit it. 170 00:08:59,431 --> 00:09:03,041 Mufon strives to train up their field investigators 171 00:09:03,192 --> 00:09:06,861 To know photo and video analysis. 172 00:09:06,880 --> 00:09:11,198 We're expected to know how to read astronomical charts. 173 00:09:11,218 --> 00:09:15,220 We're expected to know how to look at flight radar returns. 174 00:09:15,447 --> 00:09:17,389 And that's just the tip of the iceberg. 175 00:09:18,633 --> 00:09:21,618 Pope: One of the strengths of mufon, 176 00:09:21,711 --> 00:09:23,711 Is that it brings together people 177 00:09:23,805 --> 00:09:25,805 With different skill sets. 178 00:09:25,957 --> 00:09:29,959 So, for example, some of them will be, uh, retired cops. 179 00:09:29,978 --> 00:09:34,480 Also, people who specialize in imagery analysis. 180 00:09:34,575 --> 00:09:38,134 There are other people who know all about computers. 181 00:09:38,153 --> 00:09:40,745 So, all the different things 182 00:09:40,897 --> 00:09:44,398 That an organization investigating ufos might need, 183 00:09:44,418 --> 00:09:46,251 Someone's gonna have that skill set. 184 00:09:46,402 --> 00:09:50,830 Tsoukalos: Mufon has many members from the military, 185 00:09:50,924 --> 00:09:52,740 From the police force, 186 00:09:52,834 --> 00:09:56,577 Lawyers, phds, doctors. 187 00:09:56,597 --> 00:10:01,266 Those are highly, highly educated people. 188 00:10:01,417 --> 00:10:03,751 So, it's serious work 189 00:10:03,770 --> 00:10:06,771 That these investigators are doing. 190 00:10:09,592 --> 00:10:12,259 Pope: Mufon is not an organization 191 00:10:12,354 --> 00:10:15,280 Of wide-eyed believers. 192 00:10:15,431 --> 00:10:18,766 These are not people who think everything's an alien spaceship. 193 00:10:18,785 --> 00:10:24,180 Mufon get thousands of cases, 194 00:10:24,199 --> 00:10:27,608 And they investigate, they analyze, 195 00:10:27,628 --> 00:10:29,461 And they conclude. 196 00:10:29,612 --> 00:10:32,780 And mufon pride themselves on trying to adhere 197 00:10:32,874 --> 00:10:35,541 To the scientific method. 198 00:10:35,694 --> 00:10:37,451 Tsoukalos: The ufo phenomenon 199 00:10:37,471 --> 00:10:41,364 Goes back, in my opinion, thousands of years. 200 00:10:41,383 --> 00:10:45,477 The day when it becomes accepted knowledge globally 201 00:10:45,628 --> 00:10:47,461 That we are not alone 202 00:10:47,481 --> 00:10:50,556 And never have been alone on earth, 203 00:10:50,651 --> 00:10:55,987 I think that mufon will be part of this paradigm shift. 204 00:10:58,307 --> 00:10:59,974 Narrator: For mufon investigators, 205 00:10:59,993 --> 00:11:02,402 Determining the source of an encounter 206 00:11:02,554 --> 00:11:05,330 Is key to identifying what is truly unexplained. 207 00:11:06,482 --> 00:11:09,501 And often, the most compelling cases 208 00:11:09,652 --> 00:11:12,912 Are those in which eyewitness accounts can be corroborated 209 00:11:13,006 --> 00:11:25,166 By physical evidence. 210 00:11:25,185 --> 00:11:28,761 Narrator: Former british ministry of defence ufo investigator 211 00:11:28,914 --> 00:11:31,764 Nick pope and dr. Travis taylor, 212 00:11:31,917 --> 00:11:33,358 Who was the chief scientist 213 00:11:33,509 --> 00:11:36,343 For the u.S. Government's uap task force, 214 00:11:36,363 --> 00:11:40,757 Have arranged to meet with two seasoned mufon researchers, 215 00:11:40,775 --> 00:11:44,110 Who investigated a possible ufo landing here 216 00:11:44,204 --> 00:11:47,613 In the summer of 2022. 217 00:11:47,766 --> 00:11:52,193 I'm really fascinated to see how mufon do their investigations. 218 00:11:52,212 --> 00:11:55,029 What resources and capabilities they can bring 219 00:11:55,048 --> 00:11:57,290 To bear on these investigations. 220 00:11:57,384 --> 00:12:00,626 I find it really intriguing that at least they've taken on 221 00:12:00,779 --> 00:12:02,536 That role because, in the united states, 222 00:12:02,556 --> 00:12:05,056 There is no government office 223 00:12:05,283 --> 00:12:07,300 That's set up to take ufo reports. 224 00:12:07,452 --> 00:12:09,710 With the uap task force, 225 00:12:09,730 --> 00:12:13,547 We only looked at military, uh, scenarios. 226 00:12:13,641 --> 00:12:17,794 We never looked into civilian events in detail because 227 00:12:17,812 --> 00:12:20,964 We had no authority to go and investigate inside 228 00:12:20,982 --> 00:12:23,466 -The walls of the united states, right? -Right. 229 00:12:23,485 --> 00:12:25,818 I'm gonna be interested to look at this case 230 00:12:25,971 --> 00:12:28,972 Through the lens of the way 231 00:12:29,065 --> 00:12:31,249 We did things at the u.K. Ministry of defence. 232 00:12:31,400 --> 00:12:34,735 We took a very methodological approach 233 00:12:34,829 --> 00:12:35,920 To these sorts of things. 234 00:12:39,075 --> 00:12:42,409 Narrator: Before proceeding to the site of the alleged landing... 235 00:12:42,429 --> 00:12:46,155 -Travis taylor. -Narrator: Travis and nick meet up with robert spearing 236 00:12:46,174 --> 00:12:49,601 And jason albertson, the mufon investigators 237 00:12:49,752 --> 00:12:53,679 Who conducted the original enquiry in July 2022. 238 00:12:53,832 --> 00:12:57,350 I'm mufon's, uh, international director of investigations. 239 00:12:57,502 --> 00:12:59,110 Uh, I have a forensic background. 240 00:12:59,262 --> 00:13:01,187 And this is jay albertson. 241 00:13:01,339 --> 00:13:03,281 He's a field investigator from pennsylvania. 242 00:13:03,432 --> 00:13:04,949 I'm also retired military. 243 00:13:05,101 --> 00:13:08,119 I'm a chemical biological radiological specialist. 244 00:13:08,271 --> 00:13:10,680 So, I guess one of the biggest questions to me 245 00:13:10,698 --> 00:13:12,957 Is, uh, mufon's become so huge. 246 00:13:13,184 --> 00:13:15,276 How's it funded? Or is it all volunteer? 247 00:13:15,295 --> 00:13:17,370 Are you guys getting paid to do this? 248 00:13:17,464 --> 00:13:18,855 -No, everything's volunteer. -Albertson: No. 249 00:13:18,873 --> 00:13:20,873 That's what I thought. That's amazing. 250 00:13:21,026 --> 00:13:23,693 Mufon is mostly funded by its membership, 251 00:13:23,711 --> 00:13:26,195 And we have about 500 field investigators right now 252 00:13:26,214 --> 00:13:28,122 From all walks of life. 253 00:13:28,216 --> 00:13:30,809 Geologists, biologists, rocket scientists, you name it. 254 00:13:31,036 --> 00:13:34,554 So, what's your process when someone makes a report to mufon? 255 00:13:34,648 --> 00:13:36,130 What happens? 256 00:13:36,149 --> 00:13:38,041 When a witness submits a report, 257 00:13:38,059 --> 00:13:40,801 It goes to, uh, one of five administrators, 258 00:13:40,821 --> 00:13:42,636 And the state director will then assign it 259 00:13:42,730 --> 00:13:44,972 To a person in that area. 260 00:13:44,991 --> 00:13:46,491 Jay lived in the general area where 261 00:13:46,642 --> 00:13:49,402 The incident occurred, and 262 00:13:49,554 --> 00:13:52,146 We immediately realized that this was a case of interest. 263 00:13:52,240 --> 00:13:54,315 So, what happened? 264 00:13:54,334 --> 00:13:56,668 A woman, about 2:30 in the morning, 265 00:13:56,819 --> 00:14:00,154 -(barking) -heard her dogs barking. 266 00:14:00,173 --> 00:14:02,990 She saw a white light coming down 267 00:14:03,009 --> 00:14:05,659 In the field behind her house. 268 00:14:05,753 --> 00:14:10,089 The crickets and the cicadas had stopped making noise, 269 00:14:10,241 --> 00:14:13,759 Which is unusual in the summertime in pennsylvania. 270 00:14:13,854 --> 00:14:16,095 Albertson: The woman was scared because the dogs 271 00:14:16,247 --> 00:14:17,763 Was going crazy, running back and forth. 272 00:14:17,858 --> 00:14:20,917 And the next morning, her husband went out 273 00:14:20,935 --> 00:14:23,436 And discovered what we call a saucer circle 274 00:14:23,588 --> 00:14:25,864 About two yards in diameter. 275 00:14:27,609 --> 00:14:29,200 Albertson: The pond is to your right, 276 00:14:29,427 --> 00:14:31,685 The impression is straight ahead. 277 00:14:31,705 --> 00:14:35,874 There's three circles that are burned in the center. 278 00:14:36,025 --> 00:14:38,710 You have a 14-inch circle, 279 00:14:38,937 --> 00:14:40,861 Perfect in the center, and you have 280 00:14:40,881 --> 00:14:43,439 Two 12-inch circles on the left and right. 281 00:14:43,458 --> 00:14:46,200 And they connect with the outside impression 282 00:14:46,219 --> 00:14:48,127 That comes down. 283 00:14:48,221 --> 00:14:50,037 Taylor: Circle here, and here's the big circle. 284 00:14:50,131 --> 00:14:51,797 Albertson: Yeah, there's another one right here it looks like. 285 00:14:51,950 --> 00:14:53,182 -Taylor: Yeah. -Spearing: Could that be landing gear? 286 00:14:54,969 --> 00:14:57,729 Did the ring look dug into the ground 287 00:14:57,880 --> 00:14:59,731 Or pushed into the ground? 288 00:14:59,882 --> 00:15:02,458 The outer ring, that was pushed down about a half an inch. 289 00:15:02,477 --> 00:15:04,218 They hadn't mowed 290 00:15:04,237 --> 00:15:06,887 Before you got there, or had they mowed over this? 291 00:15:06,907 --> 00:15:08,147 No, they hadn't mowed at all. 292 00:15:08,299 --> 00:15:09,407 Albertson: Okay, got it. 293 00:15:09,558 --> 00:15:11,392 All right. 294 00:15:11,486 --> 00:15:13,486 You know, if I were going to sit here and play the role 295 00:15:13,580 --> 00:15:16,139 Of a debunker, right? I'd look at things trying to 296 00:15:16,232 --> 00:15:17,564 Figure this out and say, "oh, well, 297 00:15:17,584 --> 00:15:20,067 "I've seen when I've bent my lawn mower blade, 298 00:15:20,161 --> 00:15:22,311 It cuts perfect circles like that." 299 00:15:22,405 --> 00:15:25,331 But you couldn't cut a perfect circle around it 300 00:15:25,483 --> 00:15:26,499 -Where you did that. -No. 301 00:15:26,593 --> 00:15:27,984 I don't know how in the world, 302 00:15:28,002 --> 00:15:30,319 Even with a zero-turn radius mower, 303 00:15:30,338 --> 00:15:31,930 -You couldn't do that. -Albertson: No. 304 00:15:32,081 --> 00:15:33,431 Taylor: And then if it's actually depressed, 305 00:15:33,582 --> 00:15:34,490 That means that there's something that was heavy 306 00:15:34,583 --> 00:15:35,992 -Sitting there. -Yes. 307 00:15:36,010 --> 00:15:37,435 Uh, so I find this really interesting. 308 00:15:38,846 --> 00:15:41,847 So, when you get to the location, 309 00:15:41,942 --> 00:15:45,926 Is the first thing you do to go to these circles 310 00:15:45,946 --> 00:15:47,928 Because that's what's been brought to your attention? 311 00:15:47,948 --> 00:15:49,672 And what do you find? 312 00:15:51,025 --> 00:15:54,026 Albertson: The first thing I did was, I went to the circle. 313 00:15:54,179 --> 00:15:56,437 I was taking photographs and getting all my measurements 314 00:15:56,456 --> 00:15:58,364 First, and then, 315 00:15:58,516 --> 00:16:00,183 When I initially was down on the ground taking samples, 316 00:16:00,276 --> 00:16:03,686 I felt a burning sensation 317 00:16:03,705 --> 00:16:06,447 On the insides of my arms on certain parts 318 00:16:06,466 --> 00:16:07,873 That I-I just couldn't understand. 319 00:16:08,026 --> 00:16:12,695 Pain, nausea, headaches, 320 00:16:12,714 --> 00:16:14,288 And me being in the military, I knew 321 00:16:14,307 --> 00:16:15,881 Exactly what that could've been. 322 00:16:16,034 --> 00:16:18,384 And are you worried? Are you scared? Are you...? 323 00:16:18,536 --> 00:16:22,129 At that point I was 'cause then I knew exactly... 324 00:16:22,148 --> 00:16:23,964 -Taylor: Could be radiation or... -I knew it was a flash burn. 325 00:16:23,984 --> 00:16:25,708 It had to have been a flash burn. 326 00:16:25,727 --> 00:16:28,377 So, do you seek medical help for that? 327 00:16:28,396 --> 00:16:30,062 Yes. Yes. I went directly to the hospital. 328 00:16:31,566 --> 00:16:35,885 Yeah, they were initially just burns, and then they circled. 329 00:16:35,903 --> 00:16:38,888 They initially looked at it, and they said, "is this a bug bite?" 330 00:16:38,906 --> 00:16:40,389 And I said, "no." 331 00:16:40,483 --> 00:16:42,816 Right, because, you know, you've-- 332 00:16:42,910 --> 00:16:45,152 -Everyone's been bitten by bugs before, right? -Exactly. 333 00:16:45,171 --> 00:16:46,820 You know what that feels like. 334 00:16:46,840 --> 00:16:49,490 And-and you are saying that was not what happened. 335 00:16:49,509 --> 00:16:51,009 -This is something else. -Exactly. Yes. 336 00:16:51,236 --> 00:16:53,827 Albertson: After I talked to the doctor, 337 00:16:53,847 --> 00:16:59,258 He determined that it was unexplained skin eruption. 338 00:16:59,352 --> 00:17:01,185 What other data did you collect with this? 339 00:17:01,337 --> 00:17:04,930 When we got the lab results back from the mufon lab in missouri, 340 00:17:05,025 --> 00:17:07,583 The technician there told us that there were 341 00:17:07,602 --> 00:17:10,753 Some heavy elements within the soil itself. 342 00:17:10,846 --> 00:17:13,089 Albertson: Yeah, if you look on the back of the test here, 343 00:17:13,107 --> 00:17:16,200 It states that where it was coal mining, 344 00:17:16,352 --> 00:17:17,777 Toxic metals were present. 345 00:17:17,929 --> 00:17:20,596 Mercury, lead, arsenic, uh, 346 00:17:20,689 --> 00:17:24,100 Cadmium, aluminum, nickel, uranium. 347 00:17:24,193 --> 00:17:25,376 This was all found in the samples. 348 00:17:25,603 --> 00:17:27,453 The technician there told us that, 349 00:17:27,605 --> 00:17:29,380 When heavy elements interact 350 00:17:29,532 --> 00:17:31,698 With the residual emf field left over 351 00:17:31,718 --> 00:17:36,370 By whatever left the emf field, it can become toxic for them. 352 00:17:36,389 --> 00:17:39,115 And we believe that's what started the blistering 353 00:17:39,133 --> 00:17:40,783 On-on jay's body. 354 00:17:40,802 --> 00:17:43,636 The other thing the lab found was that 355 00:17:43,788 --> 00:17:46,547 Some of the, uh, vegetation 356 00:17:46,641 --> 00:17:50,217 Within the circle had been burnt from the inside out. 357 00:17:50,311 --> 00:17:53,963 So, I believe, when you add in that the plant matter 358 00:17:53,981 --> 00:17:56,741 Was burned from within, you have more and more evidence 359 00:17:56,892 --> 00:18:00,469 Suggesting that there was a strong residual emf field. 360 00:18:00,488 --> 00:18:02,822 Taylor: So, out of all the cases that you've looked at, 361 00:18:02,974 --> 00:18:04,064 Have you seen anything like this? 362 00:18:04,084 --> 00:18:05,732 Not like this. 363 00:18:05,752 --> 00:18:07,143 I'd say this is one of the top three cases 364 00:18:07,161 --> 00:18:09,420 I've done, and I've done over a thousand. 365 00:18:09,647 --> 00:18:11,314 Well, I'll tell you what I would like to do. 366 00:18:11,332 --> 00:18:14,166 Uh, you guys still have your investigation kit with you? 367 00:18:14,260 --> 00:18:16,669 -Yes. -I would like to go back up there, 368 00:18:16,821 --> 00:18:19,488 And you guys go back through all the measurements you made, 369 00:18:19,507 --> 00:18:21,415 And we'll get to watch and see how you did that. 370 00:18:21,434 --> 00:18:23,826 But, at the same time, we're taking another measurement 371 00:18:23,845 --> 00:18:26,996 That happened a given amount of time after the event. 372 00:18:27,014 --> 00:18:28,755 And if there are changes, 373 00:18:28,850 --> 00:18:30,757 That'll be very interesting data that we'll need to know. 374 00:18:30,852 --> 00:18:33,611 -Okay. Let's go. -Let's do it. Let's go. -Great. 375 00:18:40,011 --> 00:18:43,179 Narrator: November 7, 2022. 376 00:18:43,272 --> 00:18:48,442 Dr. Travis taylor and nick pope are in wapwallopen, pennsylvania 377 00:18:48,461 --> 00:18:53,205 To see how mufon investigates ufo sightings firsthand. 378 00:18:53,299 --> 00:18:55,282 -Taylor: Greetings. -Narrator: They arrive at the home 379 00:18:55,301 --> 00:18:57,693 Of robert and melissa skirchak. 380 00:18:57,712 --> 00:19:00,638 The skirchaks are looking for answers 381 00:19:00,789 --> 00:19:03,790 As to what occurred on their property several months earlier. 382 00:19:03,810 --> 00:19:06,035 So, where abouts did this take place? 383 00:19:06,053 --> 00:19:07,645 Robert: Right behind you in the grass area. 384 00:19:07,796 --> 00:19:08,721 Melissa: Right behind you in the grass area. 385 00:19:08,873 --> 00:19:10,064 Well, lead the way. Show us. 386 00:19:12,968 --> 00:19:14,226 -So, it was this close to the house? -Robert: Yes. 387 00:19:14,379 --> 00:19:16,212 Wow. 388 00:19:16,230 --> 00:19:17,730 -Yeah, in this area right here. -Melissa: Over here. 389 00:19:17,824 --> 00:19:20,307 I say we-we go back and get the equipment 390 00:19:20,401 --> 00:19:22,718 Out of the vehicle and then we'll let the mufon guys 391 00:19:22,811 --> 00:19:24,478 Come do their thing again. 392 00:19:24,497 --> 00:19:26,906 Narrator: Nick and travis are joined 393 00:19:27,058 --> 00:19:28,982 By mufon field investigators 394 00:19:29,076 --> 00:19:31,818 Jason albertson and robert spearing. 395 00:19:31,913 --> 00:19:35,064 Jason and robert will retest the area 396 00:19:35,082 --> 00:19:38,067 For radioactivity and collect more soil samples 397 00:19:38,085 --> 00:19:40,327 On the skirchak property. 398 00:19:40,346 --> 00:19:43,239 The goal is to see if any lingering effects 399 00:19:43,332 --> 00:19:45,090 From the initial incident remain. 400 00:19:45,185 --> 00:19:48,077 Jay's gonna check for residual radiation, 401 00:19:48,095 --> 00:19:50,688 Uh, an emf field, residual emf field, 402 00:19:50,915 --> 00:19:52,523 And we're gonna see if there's anything sub-ground, 403 00:19:52,750 --> 00:19:54,417 Metallic underneath. 404 00:19:54,435 --> 00:19:56,027 When we do that, if it's safe to go back in, 405 00:19:56,254 --> 00:19:57,603 We're gonna do some soil samples. 406 00:19:57,697 --> 00:19:59,104 -Sure. All right. -So, let's-let's do it. 407 00:19:59,199 --> 00:20:00,865 Okay. 408 00:20:01,092 --> 00:20:02,683 Taylor: Jason actually has a pretty good background 409 00:20:02,702 --> 00:20:05,094 For this type of, uh, investigation. 410 00:20:05,112 --> 00:20:07,763 He's from a military background doing chemical weapons disposal. 411 00:20:07,856 --> 00:20:09,856 So, he's familiar with radiation, 412 00:20:09,951 --> 00:20:11,358 Electromagnetic fields, 413 00:20:11,377 --> 00:20:13,619 And that type of scientific measurement... 414 00:20:13,771 --> 00:20:15,379 Now, you remember where it was? 415 00:20:15,531 --> 00:20:16,939 Taylor: ...And understanding those phenomena. 416 00:20:17,032 --> 00:20:18,958 Spearing: Just about here. 417 00:20:19,110 --> 00:20:21,702 Now, normal radiation levels in this area 418 00:20:21,721 --> 00:20:24,296 Of pennsylvania, about 50 to 68 clicks per minute? 419 00:20:24,390 --> 00:20:25,798 Yeah, that sounds about right. 420 00:20:25,950 --> 00:20:28,392 It's pretty much 65 right now, 421 00:20:28,544 --> 00:20:31,562 So I don't see any sort of dangerous radiation. 422 00:20:31,714 --> 00:20:34,214 Did you find anything with the metal detector 423 00:20:34,308 --> 00:20:35,399 On your initial search? 424 00:20:35,626 --> 00:20:37,884 Initially, no. Nope. 425 00:20:37,979 --> 00:20:40,387 Taylor: So, uh, jason, 426 00:20:40,406 --> 00:20:42,314 You said you took samples outside of the spot? 427 00:20:42,467 --> 00:20:44,242 -Yes. -So, you took, uh, 428 00:20:44,393 --> 00:20:46,652 -Soil samples from the pond, grass samples... -Yes. 429 00:20:46,804 --> 00:20:48,654 -...Water samples. -Yes. 430 00:20:48,806 --> 00:20:51,916 Soil samples here and the, uh, the soil samples near the pond 431 00:20:52,067 --> 00:20:54,067 Were not the same or they were the same as they were here? 432 00:20:54,087 --> 00:20:55,253 -They were different. -Taylor: Okay. 433 00:20:55,404 --> 00:20:57,070 The interesting thing, though, is 434 00:20:57,090 --> 00:21:01,317 That right here, just ten, 20 feet away... 435 00:21:01,410 --> 00:21:02,985 -It's different. -...You have different 436 00:21:03,004 --> 00:21:04,762 Minerals in the soil than you do there, 437 00:21:04,913 --> 00:21:07,339 And you would expect the runoff, since that's downhill, 438 00:21:07,492 --> 00:21:08,841 It all ought to be the same, 439 00:21:08,935 --> 00:21:10,509 Which is odd. 440 00:21:11,754 --> 00:21:14,513 Narrator: Jason and robert are going to take fresh samples 441 00:21:14,665 --> 00:21:17,090 Of the soil to test it again. 442 00:21:17,110 --> 00:21:19,110 Pope: Jason, this is where 443 00:21:19,261 --> 00:21:21,670 -You kind of got sick yourself, right? -Albertson: Yes. 444 00:21:21,689 --> 00:21:23,689 As soon as I got down to the ground, 445 00:21:23,841 --> 00:21:26,692 That's when I felt different spots in my arms 446 00:21:26,844 --> 00:21:28,769 And the insides of my arms. 447 00:21:28,788 --> 00:21:31,289 Yeah, we'll get some grass in here, too, from this. 448 00:21:31,516 --> 00:21:33,791 All right, and then we'll get a control sample. 449 00:21:35,520 --> 00:21:38,037 (overlapping chatter) 450 00:21:38,131 --> 00:21:39,705 Spearing: Yeah, I'm gonna hold on to this till it's labeled. 451 00:21:39,799 --> 00:21:41,590 Yeah. All right. 452 00:21:43,136 --> 00:21:46,470 So, we'll take the control sample. 453 00:21:46,622 --> 00:21:49,214 Yeah. There we go. 454 00:21:49,367 --> 00:21:52,535 So, this then gets labeled, 455 00:21:52,553 --> 00:21:54,870 Gets sent back to the lab, 456 00:21:54,889 --> 00:21:57,297 And you maintain the chain of custody. 457 00:21:57,317 --> 00:21:58,649 Taylor: You've got some initial data. 458 00:21:58,801 --> 00:22:00,467 If it was just simply something on 459 00:22:00,486 --> 00:22:02,211 The surface, it's been enough time now, 460 00:22:02,229 --> 00:22:04,213 A lot of that should've washed away. 461 00:22:04,231 --> 00:22:07,733 So, it might be that you'll find a different sample 462 00:22:07,885 --> 00:22:08,993 Than what you found before. 463 00:22:09,220 --> 00:22:11,144 Albertson: That's it. We're good. 464 00:22:11,164 --> 00:22:13,480 Taylor: I can't wait to see the results. 465 00:22:13,574 --> 00:22:17,242 Narrator: For travis and nick, the skirchak case 466 00:22:17,337 --> 00:22:20,504 Has shown them the methodical nature of mufon investigations. 467 00:22:20,656 --> 00:22:23,507 Pope: I think mufon did a great job here. 468 00:22:23,734 --> 00:22:27,678 I was very impressed with both the investigators. 469 00:22:27,830 --> 00:22:32,332 Everything I witnessed them talk about and actually do, 470 00:22:32,352 --> 00:22:36,095 Uh, resonated with me in terms of the sort of thing 471 00:22:36,189 --> 00:22:38,597 That we did in the government. 472 00:22:38,691 --> 00:22:40,766 Taylor: The case here at the skirchak residence 473 00:22:40,860 --> 00:22:44,010 Is a really interesting one because there's actually some, 474 00:22:44,030 --> 00:22:46,422 Uh, physical evidence left behind that can be investigated. 475 00:22:46,515 --> 00:22:49,367 And the mufon guys did a good job 476 00:22:49,518 --> 00:22:52,945 Taking soil samples, electromagnetic measurements, 477 00:22:53,039 --> 00:22:55,021 Gamma ray measurements, and things of that nature. 478 00:22:55,116 --> 00:22:57,933 This is the type of process that we're gonna have to 479 00:22:58,026 --> 00:23:00,026 Standardize more if we're ever going to 480 00:23:00,046 --> 00:23:01,379 Get to the bottom of this phenomena. 481 00:23:02,607 --> 00:23:04,715 Narrator: The skirchak sighting is one 482 00:23:04,942 --> 00:23:08,627 Of mufon's most intriguing cases of 2022. 483 00:23:08,779 --> 00:23:12,965 But deep in mufon's files are a host of other sightings, 484 00:23:13,117 --> 00:23:14,975 Many with video evidence... 485 00:23:16,879 --> 00:23:18,729 Narrator: ...That cannot be explained. 486 00:23:20,641 --> 00:23:22,883 Gosport, England. 487 00:23:22,902 --> 00:23:26,821 January 9, 2017. 488 00:23:27,982 --> 00:23:30,482 Just before 11:00 p.M., 489 00:23:30,635 --> 00:23:32,893 Residents of this city see something unusual 490 00:23:32,987 --> 00:23:35,562 In the night sky. 491 00:23:35,656 --> 00:23:37,489 Narrator: Dramatic video is captured 492 00:23:37,583 --> 00:23:40,709 Of three lights converging, separating... 493 00:23:43,071 --> 00:23:45,589 Narrator: ...And then reconverging. 494 00:23:45,741 --> 00:23:47,574 For mufon investigators, 495 00:23:47,593 --> 00:23:50,594 This footage was particularly exciting. 496 00:23:52,247 --> 00:23:54,840 James: What makes this video especially compelling 497 00:23:54,934 --> 00:23:59,103 Is that you have the visual evidence, multiple witnesses, 498 00:23:59,254 --> 00:24:02,440 And it still stands out as something we can't explain. 499 00:24:02,591 --> 00:24:04,608 That's what we call the "category three case." 500 00:24:04,760 --> 00:24:07,278 It's the one with the most potential to be unexplained. 501 00:24:08,931 --> 00:24:12,283 Narrator: On December 31, 2021, 502 00:24:12,510 --> 00:24:15,936 An even stranger video of an alleged ufo 503 00:24:16,030 --> 00:24:20,941 Was sent to mufon by soldiers at tooele army depot in utah. 504 00:24:20,960 --> 00:24:23,686 The soldiers filmed a strange light 505 00:24:23,704 --> 00:24:27,965 Hovering in the sky for five consecutive nights. 506 00:24:28,116 --> 00:24:31,043 Skye lafever: If it were some kind of a military plane, 507 00:24:31,195 --> 00:24:32,970 We would be able to detect it. 508 00:24:33,121 --> 00:24:35,306 We have our ways of finding out that this is a military craft. 509 00:24:35,533 --> 00:24:37,457 We can check all the information in the area. 510 00:24:37,477 --> 00:24:39,551 There was no craft at that time. 511 00:24:39,704 --> 00:24:42,554 What makes this case so interesting to us 512 00:24:42,707 --> 00:24:45,465 Is that, after this happened, 513 00:24:45,485 --> 00:24:50,154 All military personnel were released from the base. 514 00:24:50,305 --> 00:24:51,714 Childress: After the fifth night, 515 00:24:51,732 --> 00:24:54,074 Military executives suddenly showed up. 516 00:24:55,310 --> 00:24:57,644 They interviewed people. 517 00:24:57,663 --> 00:25:00,146 They told everyone on the base who had seen 518 00:25:00,166 --> 00:25:03,242 These ufos that they were dismissed. 519 00:25:03,394 --> 00:25:06,486 They told them also their clothes and things 520 00:25:06,506 --> 00:25:09,340 Had been contaminated by this ufo. 521 00:25:11,844 --> 00:25:14,345 Narrator: Are the mysterious lights in these videos 522 00:25:14,572 --> 00:25:17,664 And accounts by witnesses like the skirchaks 523 00:25:17,683 --> 00:25:22,502 Evidence that extraterrestrials are visiting our planet? 524 00:25:22,522 --> 00:25:25,764 For now, the answer remains a mystery. 525 00:25:25,916 --> 00:25:28,192 But each mufon investigation 526 00:25:28,419 --> 00:25:31,195 Is added to their ever-growing database 527 00:25:31,346 --> 00:25:36,158 In the hope that, one day, they will provide vital clues. 528 00:25:37,352 --> 00:25:39,278 Pope: Every time you investigate, 529 00:25:39,430 --> 00:25:42,114 You're adding to the database of knowledge, 530 00:25:42,208 --> 00:25:44,190 And then you look for trends. 531 00:25:44,210 --> 00:25:46,435 It's those sorts of little details 532 00:25:46,528 --> 00:25:50,530 That you just store away until they come up again. 533 00:25:50,550 --> 00:25:51,940 And then maybe it tells you something 534 00:25:52,034 --> 00:25:53,008 Interesting and important. 535 00:25:55,037 --> 00:25:57,537 Narrator: While mufon has amassed a large inventory 536 00:25:57,631 --> 00:26:00,206 Of reports they cannot explain, 537 00:26:00,301 --> 00:26:03,978 There are a few that stand out as truly astonishing. 538 00:26:05,047 --> 00:26:06,622 One of the most compelling of all 539 00:26:06,640 --> 00:26:09,291 Involved multiple witnesses 540 00:26:09,310 --> 00:26:13,145 Who saw not only a craft, 541 00:26:13,239 --> 00:26:16,824 But also alien visitors. 542 00:26:26,310 --> 00:26:29,402 Narrator: A man named randy young has come forward to report 543 00:26:29,496 --> 00:26:33,090 A ufo encounter that happened almost 50 years earlier, 544 00:26:33,317 --> 00:26:35,408 In 1975. 545 00:26:35,428 --> 00:26:38,912 The story begins when he was ten years old 546 00:26:38,931 --> 00:26:40,764 At the miracle mountains boarding school 547 00:26:40,916 --> 00:26:42,600 In hartshorne, oklahoma. 548 00:26:44,586 --> 00:26:48,254 Young: Miracle mountain was kind of out in the boonies of oklahoma. 549 00:26:48,274 --> 00:26:52,425 That day, my brother and I were out in the sandbox, 550 00:26:52,445 --> 00:26:55,112 And we saw this circular, uh, shining light that was 551 00:26:55,339 --> 00:26:57,781 Probably 2,000 or so feet up in the air. 552 00:27:00,119 --> 00:27:02,027 It didn't have the movements of an airplane. 553 00:27:02,179 --> 00:27:03,695 It was just hovering. 554 00:27:03,789 --> 00:27:07,366 And, as it got darker, this craft got closer. 555 00:27:07,460 --> 00:27:09,960 It had lights that went through the midsection 556 00:27:10,112 --> 00:27:11,520 All the way around, 557 00:27:11,613 --> 00:27:14,632 And it had this classic, saucer-type shape. 558 00:27:15,968 --> 00:27:19,544 Narrator: For decades, randy and his brother 559 00:27:19,639 --> 00:27:22,531 Kept their extraordinary encounter to themselves 560 00:27:22,549 --> 00:27:25,200 For fear of how it would be received. 561 00:27:25,219 --> 00:27:27,202 You didn't want people thinking that you're crazy, 562 00:27:27,221 --> 00:27:29,462 You didn't want to ruin your reputation. 563 00:27:29,556 --> 00:27:32,483 But, in the back of my mind, that story was always there, 564 00:27:32,634 --> 00:27:35,878 And with all that has been going on with, um, the government, 565 00:27:35,971 --> 00:27:37,470 The military, jets that are, 566 00:27:37,490 --> 00:27:38,989 You know, tracking these things, 567 00:27:39,141 --> 00:27:41,825 And there's been a lot more talk about it recently. 568 00:27:42,052 --> 00:27:44,644 I'm like, okay, if they're talking 569 00:27:44,738 --> 00:27:47,313 This big at this level, they got to hear this story. 570 00:27:47,333 --> 00:27:49,333 They need to know about what had happened in hartshorne 571 00:27:49,560 --> 00:27:52,077 In 1975, and so, I contacted mufon. 572 00:27:53,397 --> 00:27:56,231 Narrator: The report reached the desk of mindy tautfest, 573 00:27:56,324 --> 00:27:59,009 The oklahoma state mufon director. 574 00:27:59,161 --> 00:28:02,421 Tautfest: Randy filed an official report through mufon.Com, 575 00:28:02,573 --> 00:28:05,165 And I immediately knew, after reading it, 576 00:28:05,259 --> 00:28:08,352 That this case could be a very, very important case 577 00:28:08,503 --> 00:28:11,021 To all of ufo history. 578 00:28:11,173 --> 00:28:14,433 I first reached out to randy and interviewed him. 579 00:28:14,527 --> 00:28:18,344 The next person I spoke to was philip buchanan. 580 00:28:18,364 --> 00:28:20,422 Philip was one of the older children 581 00:28:20,515 --> 00:28:22,199 At the school at the time. 582 00:28:22,426 --> 00:28:24,868 And so, he has one of the more complete memories 583 00:28:25,020 --> 00:28:26,537 Of what transpired there 584 00:28:26,764 --> 00:28:29,781 And the operations of the school itself. 585 00:28:29,875 --> 00:28:33,544 And then, I spoke with the teacher via email. 586 00:28:35,272 --> 00:28:38,457 And the teacher described that some of the kids were hiding 587 00:28:38,551 --> 00:28:41,218 Under the beds because they were very terrified, 588 00:28:41,369 --> 00:28:45,222 And some of the kids were looking out the window. 589 00:28:45,449 --> 00:28:48,467 They reported to see shapeshifting 590 00:28:48,619 --> 00:28:49,893 Entities out there. 591 00:28:50,120 --> 00:28:53,397 They just said, "it keeps changing." 592 00:28:56,143 --> 00:28:59,219 James: What mindy found out after doing all that work 593 00:28:59,238 --> 00:29:01,989 Is that these kids were recalling the exact same thing. 594 00:29:03,558 --> 00:29:06,485 As these witnesses were telling their stories years later, 595 00:29:06,637 --> 00:29:08,653 One of the things mindy asked them to do 596 00:29:08,806 --> 00:29:11,731 Was to actually draw the ufo that they'd seen. 597 00:29:11,825 --> 00:29:14,810 And the consistency is amazing. 598 00:29:14,828 --> 00:29:17,145 And not only are they telling the same story, 599 00:29:17,239 --> 00:29:19,831 But they're describing the same craft. 600 00:29:19,984 --> 00:29:22,575 It shows us that these old historic cases 601 00:29:22,595 --> 00:29:24,820 Still have something to offer. 602 00:29:24,913 --> 00:29:28,673 Young: I think that, um, we need an organization like mufon. 603 00:29:28,768 --> 00:29:31,251 I think we need to have a database for all these 604 00:29:31,270 --> 00:29:32,995 Different incidents, and I think that 605 00:29:33,088 --> 00:29:35,847 We need to have, um, as many eyes 606 00:29:36,000 --> 00:29:38,166 And as many investigators on this as possible. 607 00:29:38,260 --> 00:29:39,943 We need to figure out what's going on. 608 00:29:41,522 --> 00:29:44,281 Tautfest: There's been a lot of excitement around this story 609 00:29:44,508 --> 00:29:46,191 Because there were a lot of things 610 00:29:46,343 --> 00:29:49,011 That corroborated each other. 611 00:29:49,104 --> 00:29:52,272 We find value in all ufo reports, 612 00:29:52,366 --> 00:29:54,016 And some of the older ones 613 00:29:54,034 --> 00:29:56,184 Serve to validate some other sightings 614 00:29:56,278 --> 00:29:57,944 That may be in our database. 615 00:29:58,038 --> 00:30:02,282 And so, the older historic cases really have a lot of value 616 00:30:02,301 --> 00:30:04,384 Whenever it comes to ufology. 617 00:30:06,138 --> 00:30:10,215 Tsoukalos: This cold case is one of the most fascinating cases 618 00:30:10,367 --> 00:30:13,293 That mufon's ever investigated 619 00:30:13,387 --> 00:30:15,887 Because students, 620 00:30:16,040 --> 00:30:19,057 They had not spoken to each other since 1975, 621 00:30:19,151 --> 00:30:23,821 And they all replied with the same answers, 622 00:30:24,048 --> 00:30:26,657 Which indicates that something happened, 623 00:30:26,808 --> 00:30:30,310 And everybody saw the same thing. 624 00:30:30,329 --> 00:30:32,645 In the ancient astronaut opinion, 625 00:30:32,739 --> 00:30:35,390 Those stories of ufos today 626 00:30:35,409 --> 00:30:38,836 Are the same stories that our ancestors 627 00:30:38,987 --> 00:30:41,913 In the remote past also explored. 628 00:30:42,066 --> 00:30:44,232 Their cell phone cameras 629 00:30:44,251 --> 00:30:46,009 Were the walls of caves 630 00:30:46,161 --> 00:30:49,071 And reliefs and carvings 631 00:30:49,164 --> 00:30:52,074 In which they commemorated those 632 00:30:52,167 --> 00:30:54,667 Incredibly significant events 633 00:30:54,687 --> 00:30:58,021 That they were eyewitnesses to. 634 00:30:59,692 --> 00:31:03,101 Narrator: Is mufon's growing database further evidence 635 00:31:03,195 --> 00:31:05,696 That extraterrestrial beings have been visiting 636 00:31:05,923 --> 00:31:08,256 Our planet for thousands of years, 637 00:31:08,350 --> 00:31:10,775 As ancient astronaut theorists suggest? 638 00:31:10,928 --> 00:31:14,613 And if so, what do they want? 639 00:31:14,707 --> 00:31:18,116 Perhaps clues can be found in mufon reports 640 00:31:18,268 --> 00:31:20,878 That go beyond ufo sightings 641 00:31:21,105 --> 00:31:24,214 And describe terrifying encounters. 642 00:31:29,555 --> 00:31:31,889 Narrator: Each year, the mutual ufo network 643 00:31:32,116 --> 00:31:34,449 Receives approximately 10,000 reports 644 00:31:34,468 --> 00:31:36,468 Of ufo phenomena. 645 00:31:36,562 --> 00:31:40,972 While most involve sightings of strange objects in the sky, 646 00:31:41,125 --> 00:31:43,901 In some cases, the witness claims 647 00:31:44,128 --> 00:31:47,738 To have come face-to-face with an alien entity. 648 00:31:47,965 --> 00:31:50,982 A lot of people that approach mufon 649 00:31:51,076 --> 00:31:53,893 Have these stories of having these personal encounters 650 00:31:53,913 --> 00:31:55,895 With entities that they can't explain. 651 00:31:55,915 --> 00:31:59,157 But we found over the years is that there 652 00:31:59,309 --> 00:32:02,477 Is serious validity to this phenomenon. 653 00:32:02,570 --> 00:32:07,165 Kathleen marden: I believe that worldwide there are millions of people 654 00:32:07,259 --> 00:32:09,259 Who have had these encounters, 655 00:32:09,411 --> 00:32:12,596 But it is very, very difficult for a lot of people 656 00:32:12,747 --> 00:32:14,673 To come forward. 657 00:32:14,825 --> 00:32:18,009 Maybe they told their family, maybe they told a good friend, 658 00:32:18,162 --> 00:32:19,752 And they were laughed at. 659 00:32:19,846 --> 00:32:22,105 They feel that they really need 660 00:32:22,332 --> 00:32:25,275 To talk to someone, but they can't. 661 00:32:26,928 --> 00:32:31,356 Narrator: In 2011, mufon formed the experiencer resource team, 662 00:32:31,508 --> 00:32:35,177 A program dedicated to assisting those who claim 663 00:32:35,195 --> 00:32:39,772 To have been traumatized by extraterrestrial encounters. 664 00:32:39,792 --> 00:32:44,686 Marden: We receive up to 150 reports per month from the people 665 00:32:44,705 --> 00:32:47,965 Who believe that they have had a missing time event, 666 00:32:48,192 --> 00:32:50,783 They've had a close encounter with a craft, 667 00:32:50,877 --> 00:32:54,045 Sometimes observed nonhuman entities, 668 00:32:54,139 --> 00:32:57,199 And we've worked with members of the military, 669 00:32:57,292 --> 00:32:59,792 We've worked with medical doctors, 670 00:32:59,812 --> 00:33:01,369 We've worked with business owners, 671 00:33:01,388 --> 00:33:04,539 Credible people who have a lot to lose. 672 00:33:04,558 --> 00:33:07,300 Oftentimes, they're frightened. 673 00:33:07,394 --> 00:33:10,562 So, they are seeking assistance 674 00:33:10,656 --> 00:33:13,381 In overcoming the fear 675 00:33:13,400 --> 00:33:15,808 And in gaining a better understanding 676 00:33:15,828 --> 00:33:17,661 Of what is occurring. 677 00:33:17,812 --> 00:33:20,889 Narrator: One such encounter reported to mufon 678 00:33:20,907 --> 00:33:26,244 Was made by trauma nurse earl gray anderson in 2016, 679 00:33:26,396 --> 00:33:30,632 Just weeks after he had joined mufon as a field investigator. 680 00:33:32,069 --> 00:33:35,679 Earl was at his home in los angeles when his room was 681 00:33:35,906 --> 00:33:39,182 Suddenly illuminated by a mysterious light. 682 00:33:40,410 --> 00:33:43,411 Our room started filling with light, 683 00:33:43,505 --> 00:33:46,005 And it was a light with no source. 684 00:33:46,025 --> 00:33:49,693 It wasn't coming from an object or a lamp or outside. 685 00:33:51,088 --> 00:33:53,679 And the wall opened up. 686 00:33:53,774 --> 00:33:56,925 I couldn't move. I was paralyzed. 687 00:33:57,018 --> 00:33:59,611 And that was when I first started feeling afraid. 688 00:33:59,763 --> 00:34:04,190 I saw these little diminutive creatures. 689 00:34:04,284 --> 00:34:06,543 You would call them the small grays. 690 00:34:07,862 --> 00:34:10,772 It was almost like watching a surgical team work. 691 00:34:10,791 --> 00:34:13,275 There were these tubes that they attached 692 00:34:13,368 --> 00:34:16,127 To the top of my chest, and I felt like they were 693 00:34:16,280 --> 00:34:19,798 Draining blood or-or energy, life force from me. 694 00:34:19,950 --> 00:34:21,616 I was yelling in my mind, 695 00:34:21,709 --> 00:34:23,876 And I was crying out for them to stop. 696 00:34:23,896 --> 00:34:27,956 But they were not listening to me. 697 00:34:27,974 --> 00:34:31,476 They pulled backwards, out the same way they came in. 698 00:34:31,570 --> 00:34:33,645 The wall, like, seemed to swirl, 699 00:34:33,797 --> 00:34:36,239 Almost like a little galaxy in the room. 700 00:34:38,059 --> 00:34:40,243 And it was back to normal, 701 00:34:40,470 --> 00:34:42,746 Except there was still light in our room. 702 00:34:42,973 --> 00:34:47,826 The light didn't fade for a good five minutes with no source. 703 00:34:47,920 --> 00:34:50,312 After the experience, 704 00:34:50,405 --> 00:34:54,332 I didn't tell friends and-and family. 705 00:34:54,426 --> 00:34:57,168 I mean, you're gonna feel skepticism if somebody says 706 00:34:57,321 --> 00:35:00,413 That, you know, you've just became a field investigator, 707 00:35:00,432 --> 00:35:03,916 And I'm suddenly saying that I was visited by ets. 708 00:35:03,936 --> 00:35:06,103 But it scared the hell out of me. 709 00:35:06,254 --> 00:35:08,663 It was very, very serious. 710 00:35:08,756 --> 00:35:11,108 Narrator: Earl eventually reached out 711 00:35:11,335 --> 00:35:14,185 To mufon's experiencer resource team, 712 00:35:14,279 --> 00:35:16,262 And after sharing his encounter, 713 00:35:16,281 --> 00:35:21,100 He decided to become a member of the ert himself. 714 00:35:21,120 --> 00:35:24,937 Anderson: It was very, very helpful to have someone to listen. 715 00:35:24,957 --> 00:35:27,699 And-and that's what I find in my own dealings 716 00:35:27,793 --> 00:35:29,442 With experiencers now. 717 00:35:29,461 --> 00:35:32,520 The ert is mufon's... 718 00:35:32,614 --> 00:35:35,857 It's-it's like the compassionate wing of mufon. 719 00:35:35,950 --> 00:35:38,969 Like social workers for experiencers. 720 00:35:39,196 --> 00:35:41,696 Narrator: By working closely with individuals 721 00:35:41,789 --> 00:35:43,865 Who claim to have been abducted, 722 00:35:43,958 --> 00:35:46,885 Mufon has compiled a wide range of data 723 00:35:46,979 --> 00:35:50,054 On the experiencer phenomenon. 724 00:35:51,224 --> 00:35:54,634 Tautfest: The data that we collect is pretty interesting. 725 00:35:54,728 --> 00:35:57,320 And we try to find patterns. 726 00:35:57,472 --> 00:36:00,215 It's really kind of astounding, whenever you break it down 727 00:36:00,233 --> 00:36:03,718 And look at the different commonalities 728 00:36:03,811 --> 00:36:07,222 Between these different sightings or abductions. 729 00:36:08,650 --> 00:36:13,228 Marden: Most experiencers have conscious continuous recall 730 00:36:13,246 --> 00:36:15,413 Of being awake. 731 00:36:15,507 --> 00:36:18,066 They become paralyzed. 732 00:36:18,084 --> 00:36:21,494 They have a sense of an electrical tingling 733 00:36:21,588 --> 00:36:23,922 Sensation through their bodies. 734 00:36:24,016 --> 00:36:28,518 They might hear high-pitched buzzing tones in their heads. 735 00:36:28,745 --> 00:36:32,689 We used to think that abduction occurred only once, 736 00:36:32,916 --> 00:36:36,175 But after years of research, we've realized that 737 00:36:36,195 --> 00:36:41,364 Individuals are taken multiple times over a lifetime. 738 00:36:41,591 --> 00:36:43,441 We are gaining a better understanding 739 00:36:43,535 --> 00:36:45,184 Of what is occurring. 740 00:36:45,204 --> 00:36:48,763 Narrator: With the volume of empirical data 741 00:36:48,856 --> 00:36:51,433 That has been collected over the years 742 00:36:51,451 --> 00:36:55,212 Related to mysterious sightings and reported encounters, 743 00:36:55,439 --> 00:36:58,106 Is it possible that the organization 744 00:36:58,199 --> 00:37:00,866 Could be on the verge of a major breakthrough 745 00:37:00,886 --> 00:37:02,886 In the ufo phenomenon? 746 00:37:04,389 --> 00:37:06,539 For ancient astronaut theorists, 747 00:37:06,633 --> 00:37:09,392 The answer is a resounding yes. 748 00:37:09,619 --> 00:37:13,288 And they believe it will come thanks to emerging 749 00:37:13,381 --> 00:37:16,066 Cooperative efforts between mufon 750 00:37:16,217 --> 00:37:18,902 And the united states government. 751 00:37:29,915 --> 00:37:32,657 Narrator: Ufo enthusiasts across the nation 752 00:37:32,751 --> 00:37:36,920 Tune in to watch as a congressional subcommittee holds 753 00:37:37,071 --> 00:37:40,164 A hearing on ufos for the first time 754 00:37:40,259 --> 00:37:42,150 In more than 50 years. 755 00:37:42,243 --> 00:37:45,745 Unidentified aerial phenomena are a potential 756 00:37:45,839 --> 00:37:47,580 National security threat, 757 00:37:47,599 --> 00:37:49,081 And they need to be treated that way. 758 00:37:49,101 --> 00:37:53,328 Narrator: The last hearing, held in 1968, 759 00:37:53,346 --> 00:37:55,939 Was called to discuss project blue book, 760 00:37:56,090 --> 00:38:01,019 The u.S. Government's first official ufo investigations. 761 00:38:01,171 --> 00:38:03,780 Pope: By the late '60s, 762 00:38:03,931 --> 00:38:07,025 Project blue book had been going for many years, and 763 00:38:07,177 --> 00:38:09,435 Whatever the u.S. Government knew 764 00:38:09,454 --> 00:38:13,623 About ufos behind the scenes, this public program 765 00:38:13,775 --> 00:38:17,018 Was just considered by senior military officers 766 00:38:17,111 --> 00:38:18,686 A waste of time and money. 767 00:38:18,705 --> 00:38:21,356 So, they wanted to get out of the game. 768 00:38:21,374 --> 00:38:24,134 And they got the answer they wanted. 769 00:38:24,285 --> 00:38:28,379 A recommendation that the air force disengaged from this. 770 00:38:28,473 --> 00:38:33,201 So, we've had decades of playing the whole thing down, 771 00:38:33,219 --> 00:38:35,053 And now, it's as if they're putting it out there 772 00:38:35,205 --> 00:38:37,038 In front of us all. 773 00:38:37,057 --> 00:38:41,059 We know that our service members have encountered 774 00:38:41,153 --> 00:38:43,394 Unidentified aerial phenomena. 775 00:38:43,547 --> 00:38:48,733 Pope: Some absolutely fascinating information was disclosed. 776 00:38:48,885 --> 00:38:52,737 The briefers presented evidence, 777 00:38:52,889 --> 00:38:56,074 Talked about how there had been near misses 778 00:38:56,226 --> 00:39:00,820 Between uap and military jets. 779 00:39:00,839 --> 00:39:04,507 There was discussion about how these-these objects 780 00:39:04,734 --> 00:39:07,993 Moved with no visible propulsion. 781 00:39:08,013 --> 00:39:10,329 It looks, uh, reflective in this video, 782 00:39:10,349 --> 00:39:12,907 Somewhat reflective, uh, and it quickly passes 783 00:39:13,000 --> 00:39:16,744 By cockpit of the, uh, of the aircraft. 784 00:39:16,763 --> 00:39:21,082 So, this was absolutely groundbreaking. 785 00:39:21,101 --> 00:39:24,027 Narrator: A major contributor to the hearing 786 00:39:24,178 --> 00:39:25,920 Was jessica tocco, 787 00:39:25,939 --> 00:39:28,698 A lobbyist who briefed committee members 788 00:39:28,850 --> 00:39:33,703 About civilian ufo encounters on behalf of mufon. 789 00:39:33,855 --> 00:39:37,523 The mutual ufo network was founded around the time 790 00:39:37,617 --> 00:39:39,283 That project blue book was disbanded. 791 00:39:39,378 --> 00:39:42,862 So, to work with the government on this issue, 792 00:39:42,881 --> 00:39:44,196 And that there were elected officials 793 00:39:44,290 --> 00:39:45,773 Who were very interested, 794 00:39:45,867 --> 00:39:47,959 That was groundbreaking and historic. 795 00:39:48,053 --> 00:39:52,055 Narrator: Many hailed the hearing as a historic breakthrough, 796 00:39:52,206 --> 00:39:55,892 One that could potentially usher in a new era of government 797 00:39:56,119 --> 00:39:59,787 Cooperation with civilian ufo research. 798 00:39:59,806 --> 00:40:03,400 When that day comes, mufon investigators believe 799 00:40:03,551 --> 00:40:05,384 Their large database 800 00:40:05,404 --> 00:40:08,963 Will prove vital to future investigations. 801 00:40:09,056 --> 00:40:11,390 Tautfest: Mufon stands ready to assist 802 00:40:11,410 --> 00:40:14,819 The government in any way that we can. 803 00:40:14,913 --> 00:40:17,747 We are really at the forefront 804 00:40:17,899 --> 00:40:19,582 Of ufo investigation. 805 00:40:19,734 --> 00:40:22,735 James: We have the world's largest database 806 00:40:22,754 --> 00:40:25,404 Of ufo sightings and investigations. 807 00:40:25,424 --> 00:40:26,756 Here's the thing, though, we'll never say, 808 00:40:26,983 --> 00:40:29,592 "oh, it was definitely extraterrestrial." 809 00:40:29,744 --> 00:40:31,911 We can't scientifically prove that. 810 00:40:31,930 --> 00:40:34,264 Now, we can say that it's unexplained, 811 00:40:34,415 --> 00:40:35,673 And that we don't know what it was. 812 00:40:35,825 --> 00:40:37,100 We're going after the truth. 813 00:40:38,678 --> 00:40:43,255 Tsoukalos: Mufon has amassed this treasure chest 814 00:40:43,349 --> 00:40:46,350 Of investigative reports of cases 815 00:40:46,445 --> 00:40:48,427 That are very similar 816 00:40:48,447 --> 00:40:52,282 To stories of our ancestors that say 817 00:40:52,433 --> 00:40:57,845 That they have witnessed strange events up in the sky. 818 00:40:57,939 --> 00:41:01,124 There is a connection between the two, 819 00:41:01,275 --> 00:41:04,535 And, usually, the simplest solution is the correct one. 820 00:41:04,629 --> 00:41:09,207 In my opinion, the suggestion of extraterrestrials 821 00:41:09,359 --> 00:41:11,468 Is the simplest solution 822 00:41:11,619 --> 00:41:16,030 To explain this phenomenon, this aerial thing that goes on 823 00:41:16,123 --> 00:41:19,033 Up in the sky for thousands of years. 824 00:41:19,052 --> 00:41:22,979 Narrator: From ancient depictions of disc-shaped objects 825 00:41:23,130 --> 00:41:25,130 And strange figures, 826 00:41:25,150 --> 00:41:28,392 To modern-day video footage of ufos 827 00:41:28,545 --> 00:41:32,547 And accounts of alien abductions, 828 00:41:32,565 --> 00:41:36,734 Does evidence exist that, for thousands of years, 829 00:41:36,886 --> 00:41:39,996 Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials? 830 00:41:40,223 --> 00:41:43,482 And as the public becomes more open 831 00:41:43,502 --> 00:41:46,986 To discussing this incredible possibility, 832 00:41:47,005 --> 00:41:49,154 And sharing personal experiences, 833 00:41:49,174 --> 00:41:52,900 Will we arrive at a definitive answer? 834 00:41:52,919 --> 00:41:56,420 Perhaps as the evidence continues to mount, 835 00:41:56,573 --> 00:41:58,573 And more witnesses come forward, 836 00:41:58,591 --> 00:42:02,927 We will finally arrive at the undeniable truth 837 00:42:03,021 --> 00:42:04,837 That we are not alone. 838 00:42:04,856 --> 00:42:07,690 Captioning provided by a+e networks