1 00:00:05,397 --> 00:00:06,630 Narrator: He was a world-renowned psychic, 2 00:00:06,665 --> 00:00:10,183 Who claimed to receive visions while in a trance. 3 00:00:10,260 --> 00:00:13,436 Caroline cory: Edgar cayce would download messages 4 00:00:13,471 --> 00:00:14,771 During his sleep. 5 00:00:14,848 --> 00:00:17,016 He was able to receive messages 6 00:00:17,125 --> 00:00:18,575 On all sorts of topics, 7 00:00:18,610 --> 00:00:21,578 From past lives to future events... 8 00:00:21,613 --> 00:00:22,596 You name it. 9 00:00:22,672 --> 00:00:25,290 Narrator: He could diagnose any ailment 10 00:00:25,367 --> 00:00:27,267 And prescribe a cure. 11 00:00:27,302 --> 00:00:30,970 Giorgio tsoukalos: Edgar cayce, as a fact, has healed 12 00:00:31,048 --> 00:00:33,515 And helped thousands of people 13 00:00:33,592 --> 00:00:35,050 And did amazing things. 14 00:00:35,127 --> 00:00:38,954 Narrator: And he professed to have had encounters 15 00:00:38,956 --> 00:00:40,855 With otherworldly beings. 16 00:00:40,933 --> 00:00:45,602 Andrew collins: Edgar cayce said that he received information 17 00:00:45,637 --> 00:00:47,554 From some kind of angel. 18 00:00:47,556 --> 00:00:52,642 Narrator: Could it be that edgar cayce was not merely clairvoyant, 19 00:00:52,719 --> 00:00:57,122 But a vessel used to carry out an alien agenda? 20 00:00:57,199 --> 00:01:00,984 David childress: You have to wonder if edgar cayce wasn't chosen 21 00:01:01,061 --> 00:01:02,619 By extraterrestrials 22 00:01:02,654 --> 00:01:05,397 To be a messenger to mankind. 23 00:01:08,143 --> 00:01:10,152 Narrator: There is a doorway 24 00:01:10,229 --> 00:01:13,013 In the universe. 25 00:01:13,089 --> 00:01:17,167 Beyond it is the promise of truth. 26 00:01:17,169 --> 00:01:19,753 It demands we question everything 27 00:01:19,829 --> 00:01:22,072 We have ever been taught. 28 00:01:22,149 --> 00:01:25,592 The evidence is all around us. 29 00:01:25,627 --> 00:01:29,746 The future is right before our eyes. 30 00:01:29,781 --> 00:01:32,557 We are not alone. 31 00:01:32,559 --> 00:01:35,844 We have never been alone. 32 00:01:43,612 --> 00:01:47,272 Dolní vestonice, the czech republic. 33 00:01:47,274 --> 00:01:52,427 In 1949, archaeologists conducting excavations 34 00:01:52,504 --> 00:01:54,321 Near this ancient village 35 00:01:54,356 --> 00:01:57,448 Came upon the remains of a middle-aged woman. 36 00:01:57,450 --> 00:02:00,377 Based on the manner in which she was buried, 37 00:02:00,453 --> 00:02:03,680 And the ritual items discovered with her body, 38 00:02:03,715 --> 00:02:06,199 They determined that she was a shaman, 39 00:02:06,234 --> 00:02:10,170 And more significantly, the oldest shaman 40 00:02:10,205 --> 00:02:15,926 Ever discovered, having died roughly 30,000 years ago. 41 00:02:17,053 --> 00:02:20,805 Throughout human history, and in every culture, 42 00:02:20,807 --> 00:02:24,459 Shamans have been people who appear to have the ability 43 00:02:24,536 --> 00:02:26,854 To communicate with a higher realm, 44 00:02:26,889 --> 00:02:31,674 Cure the sick, and even see into the future. 45 00:02:31,751 --> 00:02:34,811 But perhaps the most astounding of them all 46 00:02:34,888 --> 00:02:38,298 Is a modern-day prophet from the hills of kentucky 47 00:02:38,300 --> 00:02:40,367 Named edgar cayce. 48 00:02:41,311 --> 00:02:45,012 Edgar cayce was arguably the most significant 49 00:02:45,014 --> 00:02:47,249 Christian mystic of the 20th century. 50 00:02:48,343 --> 00:02:51,761 Lynn picknett: His reputation preceded him en-enormously. 51 00:02:51,838 --> 00:02:56,507 He became incredibly famous for his readings and his healings. 52 00:02:56,509 --> 00:03:00,554 Deepak shimkhada: He was unlike any other psychic 53 00:03:00,556 --> 00:03:03,390 Who could do one ability at a time. 54 00:03:03,425 --> 00:03:07,244 He could predict the future or he could heal someone, 55 00:03:07,279 --> 00:03:08,094 All at once. 56 00:03:08,171 --> 00:03:11,981 There is no one like edgar cayce, 57 00:03:11,983 --> 00:03:13,616 Before and after him. 58 00:03:13,618 --> 00:03:18,989 Narrator: Edgar cayce was born on a southern farm in 1877 59 00:03:19,024 --> 00:03:21,091 And came from humble beginnings. 60 00:03:21,877 --> 00:03:26,054 But, over his lifetime, he would become world-renowned, 61 00:03:26,131 --> 00:03:30,041 Recording more than 14,000 psychic readings, 62 00:03:30,043 --> 00:03:32,227 Making him one of the most prolific 63 00:03:32,304 --> 00:03:35,455 And documented mediums of the 20th century. 64 00:03:35,532 --> 00:03:38,442 And, according to cayce's friends and family, 65 00:03:38,477 --> 00:03:43,646 His unique gifts were on display from a very early age. 66 00:03:44,557 --> 00:03:46,816 Corrine cayce: Edgar cayce was my great-grandfather, 67 00:03:46,818 --> 00:03:50,395 And there are these stories that I heard for my whole life 68 00:03:50,472 --> 00:03:54,107 About the breathtaking 69 00:03:54,142 --> 00:03:56,634 Level of his psychic ability. 70 00:03:57,412 --> 00:04:00,814 From a pretty early age, his psychic ability 71 00:04:00,890 --> 00:04:04,575 And his psychic experiences were happening for him. 72 00:04:04,577 --> 00:04:06,661 The stories that I would hear was that 73 00:04:06,663 --> 00:04:10,248 The way that his psychic ability kind of formally started 74 00:04:10,250 --> 00:04:13,418 Was through a very particular experience 75 00:04:13,420 --> 00:04:18,756 That happened one afternoon when he was outside by a creek 76 00:04:18,758 --> 00:04:20,500 Where he had built this little fort, 77 00:04:20,577 --> 00:04:22,435 And he was reading the bible. 78 00:04:22,470 --> 00:04:26,247 From a very young age, he discovered the bible, 79 00:04:26,325 --> 00:04:27,941 And he loved to read it. 80 00:04:27,943 --> 00:04:32,187 And he heard a woman's voice call his name. 81 00:04:32,264 --> 00:04:36,275 And he looked up, and it was a figure of a woman 82 00:04:36,351 --> 00:04:38,860 Who had wings. 83 00:04:38,937 --> 00:04:43,690 Horowitz: This feminine apparition told him that he possessed 84 00:04:43,725 --> 00:04:46,284 Some kind of extra gift of insight, 85 00:04:46,286 --> 00:04:49,479 And he was asked what did he want in life? 86 00:04:49,556 --> 00:04:52,866 And he responded that he wanted to find ways to help people, 87 00:04:52,901 --> 00:04:55,042 And this angelic apparition 88 00:04:55,044 --> 00:04:57,921 Said to him, "thy wish shall be granted." 89 00:04:57,956 --> 00:05:01,141 And thereafter, edgar's psychical 90 00:05:01,143 --> 00:05:04,469 Or clairvoyant abilities seemed to increase. 91 00:05:06,323 --> 00:05:09,049 Narrator: Cayce claimed that this winged visitor 92 00:05:09,125 --> 00:05:12,019 Soon returned and began to instruct him 93 00:05:12,054 --> 00:05:16,556 On how to unlock his incredible psychic abilities. 94 00:05:16,591 --> 00:05:18,774 His father was quizzing him on the spelling words 95 00:05:18,776 --> 00:05:22,078 That he needed to have memorized for school the next day. 96 00:05:22,155 --> 00:05:24,698 And, uh, he was getting increasingly frustrated, 97 00:05:24,733 --> 00:05:29,644 And edgar was feeling defeated and sad and very tired. 98 00:05:29,721 --> 00:05:33,656 And, finally, edgar heard a voice inside 99 00:05:33,733 --> 00:05:36,893 That was the same voice that he had heard the day before 100 00:05:36,928 --> 00:05:39,654 At the creek, this woman's voice who said, 101 00:05:39,731 --> 00:05:43,633 "if you'll sleep on your book, we can help you." 102 00:05:43,635 --> 00:05:48,188 Horowitz: Edgar went to sleep with a schoolbook under his pillow, 103 00:05:48,223 --> 00:05:51,825 And he awoke the ability to have memorized 104 00:05:51,860 --> 00:05:54,794 All the key lessons that appeared in the schoolbook. 105 00:05:54,872 --> 00:05:57,939 And this uneven student went to school the next day, 106 00:05:57,941 --> 00:05:59,349 And he aced it. 107 00:05:59,426 --> 00:06:04,621 Collins: Something was guiding him. What was this angel? 108 00:06:04,697 --> 00:06:08,258 Who was this angel? Obviously, we cannot say, but 109 00:06:08,293 --> 00:06:12,371 Cayce was being influenced by otherworldly intelligences. 110 00:06:12,447 --> 00:06:14,747 Narrator: Is it possible, 111 00:06:14,749 --> 00:06:18,709 As ancient astronaut theorists suggest, that edgar cayce 112 00:06:18,711 --> 00:06:22,330 Was visited by an otherworldly being? 113 00:06:22,440 --> 00:06:25,825 And did he truly possess psychic abilities? 114 00:06:26,795 --> 00:06:29,045 According to those who have studied edgar cayce's 115 00:06:29,080 --> 00:06:32,874 Life and readings, some of the most compelling evidence 116 00:06:32,951 --> 00:06:35,468 Can be found by examining accounts 117 00:06:35,470 --> 00:06:37,153 Of his astounding ability 118 00:06:37,230 --> 00:06:40,607 To both diagnose and cure illnesses. 119 00:06:41,726 --> 00:06:45,069 Edgar spent his first 20 years 120 00:06:45,071 --> 00:06:47,781 Focusing on health readings for people, 121 00:06:47,816 --> 00:06:50,641 But he didn't go and examine the people. 122 00:06:50,719 --> 00:06:54,937 He could access them clairvoyantly 123 00:06:55,015 --> 00:06:58,708 And actually see the condition of their body, 124 00:06:58,710 --> 00:07:01,394 The blood condition, the injuries they had had, 125 00:07:01,429 --> 00:07:06,566 And start to prescribe a way of overcoming the ailment 126 00:07:06,601 --> 00:07:08,367 They were dealing with. 127 00:07:08,445 --> 00:07:12,855 And he would give them sometimes very strange formulas 128 00:07:12,932 --> 00:07:16,435 To get through toward healing. 129 00:07:17,545 --> 00:07:20,080 Narrator: Cayce had no medical training 130 00:07:20,115 --> 00:07:22,365 And had not even attended high school. 131 00:07:22,442 --> 00:07:25,927 He claimed that visions of the past, present, 132 00:07:26,004 --> 00:07:30,598 And future would come to him while in a self-induced trance. 133 00:07:30,676 --> 00:07:34,101 It was this practice that earned him the nickname 134 00:07:34,179 --> 00:07:36,454 "the sleeping prophet." 135 00:07:36,456 --> 00:07:39,949 Edgar cayce would lay down on a couch 136 00:07:40,026 --> 00:07:44,171 And put himself into a self-induced hypnotic state. 137 00:07:45,390 --> 00:07:49,508 And his breathing would deepen, and his eyelids would flutter, 138 00:07:49,510 --> 00:07:51,236 Like they do when we're in rem sleep. 139 00:07:51,313 --> 00:07:54,380 He would wake up and have absolutely 140 00:07:54,457 --> 00:07:56,683 No memory of what he had said. 141 00:07:59,270 --> 00:08:04,165 Narrator: Although edgar cayce performed his readings while in a trance, 142 00:08:04,167 --> 00:08:08,094 A rare audio recording reveals that he spoke clearly 143 00:08:08,171 --> 00:08:10,413 And gave very specific instructions 144 00:08:10,448 --> 00:08:12,908 When providing health remedies. 145 00:08:47,452 --> 00:08:52,605 One of the most amazing, uh, health stories 146 00:08:52,682 --> 00:08:56,292 In the cayce psychic files 147 00:08:56,369 --> 00:08:58,603 Is his own wife, gertrude. 148 00:08:58,680 --> 00:09:01,522 She contracted tuberculosis. 149 00:09:01,600 --> 00:09:04,542 That was the kiss of death in those days. 150 00:09:04,544 --> 00:09:08,696 Corinne: Gertrude asked edgar to please give her a reading 151 00:09:08,774 --> 00:09:13,050 To see if she could get better, and edgar was terrified 152 00:09:13,052 --> 00:09:15,494 That what he might say might cause 153 00:09:15,572 --> 00:09:18,205 This person, who is the most precious to him, 154 00:09:18,283 --> 00:09:19,890 Harm in any way. 155 00:09:19,892 --> 00:09:22,735 But, at that point, she was going to die, 156 00:09:22,812 --> 00:09:24,020 According to the doctors. 157 00:09:24,055 --> 00:09:26,856 And so, he did give her the reading. 158 00:09:28,335 --> 00:09:30,910 And there were suggestions that were given 159 00:09:30,945 --> 00:09:34,197 In that reading for her getting better. 160 00:09:35,241 --> 00:09:36,574 Here's the formula: 161 00:09:36,576 --> 00:09:41,137 You had to get a two-gallon charred oak keg, 162 00:09:41,172 --> 00:09:45,249 And you had to put heated apple brandy in it, 163 00:09:45,251 --> 00:09:50,237 And inhale the fumes deeply into your lungs. 164 00:09:50,907 --> 00:09:55,576 All she did was inhale the fumes coming out of the keg, 165 00:09:55,654 --> 00:09:58,663 And she recovered from tuberculosis. 166 00:09:58,740 --> 00:10:03,476 And then he started, uh, prescribing this method 167 00:10:03,511 --> 00:10:07,939 To many other people, and it worked. It worked. 168 00:10:08,984 --> 00:10:11,151 Narrator: Many of the natural remedies 169 00:10:11,153 --> 00:10:13,686 Cayce prescribed are still used today. 170 00:10:13,763 --> 00:10:17,264 And, in fact, he was one of the first people 171 00:10:17,342 --> 00:10:20,760 To introduce holistic medicine to the western world, 172 00:10:20,795 --> 00:10:23,413 In which body, mind, and spirit 173 00:10:23,448 --> 00:10:26,015 Are considered together in the management 174 00:10:26,017 --> 00:10:27,900 And prevention of illnesses. 175 00:10:27,902 --> 00:10:31,445 But if some otherworldly intelligence 176 00:10:31,523 --> 00:10:34,281 Was responsible for helping him to develop 177 00:10:34,392 --> 00:10:35,892 His psychic abilities-- 178 00:10:35,968 --> 00:10:38,544 As ancient astronaut theorists suggest-- 179 00:10:38,546 --> 00:10:41,580 What could have been the purpose? 180 00:10:41,658 --> 00:10:43,925 Perhaps further clues can be found 181 00:10:44,002 --> 00:10:46,636 By examining cayce's incredible predictions 182 00:10:46,671 --> 00:10:51,399 About events that would change the course of humanity. 183 00:10:55,130 --> 00:10:59,115 Narrator: A prodigy in numerous psychic arts from a young age, 184 00:10:59,150 --> 00:11:03,644 Edgar cayce quickly rose to fame in the early 20th century 185 00:11:03,722 --> 00:11:07,707 As one of the most sought-after clairvoyants of his time. 186 00:11:08,710 --> 00:11:12,061 Horowitz: Cayce first became known nationally 187 00:11:12,096 --> 00:11:14,247 Through a story on the cover 188 00:11:14,323 --> 00:11:17,734 Of the new york times in fall of 1910. 189 00:11:17,736 --> 00:11:19,994 The headline was, "illiterate man 190 00:11:20,071 --> 00:11:23,556 Becomes a doctor when hypnotized." 191 00:11:24,442 --> 00:11:25,766 Cayce was not illiterate, 192 00:11:25,844 --> 00:11:28,361 But nor did he have much formal schooling, 193 00:11:28,437 --> 00:11:30,504 Uh, beyond his early grade school years. 194 00:11:30,582 --> 00:11:35,025 Picknett: He went from being a fairly humble farm boy, 195 00:11:35,027 --> 00:11:37,437 To being a superstar. 196 00:11:37,513 --> 00:11:42,075 And it's astonishing how quickly 197 00:11:42,110 --> 00:11:45,378 Edgar cayce became famous and influential. 198 00:11:45,413 --> 00:11:46,621 He didn't want it. 199 00:11:47,532 --> 00:11:50,099 Narrator: Although he did not aspire to it, 200 00:11:50,134 --> 00:11:54,938 Edgar cayce found both fame and fortune in the 1920s. 201 00:11:54,973 --> 00:11:59,567 Word quickly spread about his ability to not only diagnose 202 00:11:59,644 --> 00:12:03,963 And treat illnesses, but also to predict the future. 203 00:12:04,040 --> 00:12:08,209 Cayce's eerily accurate readings drew the attention 204 00:12:08,286 --> 00:12:10,103 Of thousands of believers, 205 00:12:10,138 --> 00:12:14,056 Including high-profile clients like thomas edison, 206 00:12:14,133 --> 00:12:18,127 Harry houdini, and george gershwin. 207 00:12:19,013 --> 00:12:21,906 Picknett: There's even evidence that president woodrow wilson 208 00:12:21,908 --> 00:12:23,116 Had a reading with him. 209 00:12:23,151 --> 00:12:26,119 And, indeed, other high-ranking members of the u.S. Government. 210 00:12:26,154 --> 00:12:29,722 Narrator: Cayce also claimed to receive visions 211 00:12:29,757 --> 00:12:31,790 Concerning major world events, 212 00:12:31,792 --> 00:12:35,645 And one in particular would forever change public perception 213 00:12:35,680 --> 00:12:38,089 Of his supposed talents. 214 00:12:38,917 --> 00:12:41,860 It was a prediction of a pivotal moment 215 00:12:41,936 --> 00:12:43,419 In u.S. History, 216 00:12:43,496 --> 00:12:48,274 The stock market crash of 1929. 217 00:12:48,351 --> 00:12:50,451 Van auken: In 1925, 218 00:12:50,528 --> 00:12:55,439 Edgar cayce told his biggest financial supporter 219 00:12:55,441 --> 00:12:57,817 To sell all his stocks. 220 00:12:57,852 --> 00:13:00,945 And he started to unload his stocks, 221 00:13:00,947 --> 00:13:04,290 But the market kept going up, and his friends 222 00:13:04,367 --> 00:13:07,702 Were making so much money, he bought back in. 223 00:13:08,646 --> 00:13:14,033 And then, in October of 1929, he lost everything. 224 00:13:14,110 --> 00:13:15,776 Narrator: In a matter of weeks, 225 00:13:15,778 --> 00:13:18,855 The world sank into the great depression, 226 00:13:18,857 --> 00:13:21,174 Just as edgar cayce predicted. 227 00:13:21,209 --> 00:13:24,226 But this would not be the only time edgar cayce's 228 00:13:24,303 --> 00:13:29,224 Visions seemed to accurately predict major events in history. 229 00:13:30,068 --> 00:13:33,719 Horowitz: In the mid-1930s, edgar forecast 230 00:13:33,754 --> 00:13:38,041 A great conflict on the horizon of world events. 231 00:13:38,076 --> 00:13:41,668 This was often seen as presaging 232 00:13:41,670 --> 00:13:44,054 The invasion of poland, 233 00:13:44,132 --> 00:13:46,783 And the events that led to the second world war. 234 00:13:48,252 --> 00:13:50,903 Narrator: Early on in his career as a psychic, 235 00:13:50,980 --> 00:13:54,315 Edgar cayce would become disturbed when a reading 236 00:13:54,392 --> 00:13:56,483 Predicted something ominous, 237 00:13:56,561 --> 00:13:59,228 Whether it had to do with a single individual 238 00:13:59,338 --> 00:14:02,549 Or an event that affected the entire world. 239 00:14:02,551 --> 00:14:06,611 As a devout christian, he worried that his visions 240 00:14:06,613 --> 00:14:09,055 Might be coming from a dark place. 241 00:14:09,090 --> 00:14:11,950 Corinne: It was deeply unsettling and scary for him. 242 00:14:12,026 --> 00:14:14,276 At a certain point, he fully committed to it, 243 00:14:14,353 --> 00:14:16,278 But there was a number of years 244 00:14:16,280 --> 00:14:18,505 Where he was picking it up and putting it back down, 245 00:14:18,583 --> 00:14:20,066 Wanting to have nothing to do with it. 246 00:14:20,101 --> 00:14:25,405 A constant question that he was working with is, "is this okay? 247 00:14:25,514 --> 00:14:30,534 "can I devote myself to this and be the type of christian 248 00:14:30,536 --> 00:14:34,079 That I know myself to be?" 249 00:14:34,081 --> 00:14:37,600 As more and more time went on, to hear people say to him 250 00:14:37,635 --> 00:14:40,202 How he had literally saved their life 251 00:14:40,279 --> 00:14:43,106 Or their child's life or their family member's life, 252 00:14:43,141 --> 00:14:44,924 That was really important to him. 253 00:14:46,569 --> 00:14:50,263 Narrator: In 1931, cayce told his followers 254 00:14:50,298 --> 00:14:53,883 That he now knew the source of his remarkable insights, 255 00:14:53,960 --> 00:14:55,468 And that they came to him 256 00:14:55,544 --> 00:14:59,396 From a vast otherworldly repository of information 257 00:14:59,398 --> 00:15:01,724 Called the akashic record. 258 00:15:02,644 --> 00:15:06,553 The akashic record, which is a hindu, uh, terminology, 259 00:15:06,631 --> 00:15:10,133 Is this ethereal cloud 260 00:15:10,135 --> 00:15:12,851 That exists throughout the universe, 261 00:15:12,929 --> 00:15:16,230 In which any and all knowledge-- 262 00:15:16,307 --> 00:15:20,292 Past, present, and future-- is contained. 263 00:15:20,294 --> 00:15:24,872 And some individuals are able to tap into 264 00:15:24,874 --> 00:15:30,236 This timeless resource of knowledge. 265 00:15:30,271 --> 00:15:35,424 Shimkhada: In hindu mythology, there are several instances 266 00:15:35,426 --> 00:15:39,579 Where conversation takes place between 267 00:15:39,614 --> 00:15:44,425 Some entity up in the sky and here on earth. 268 00:15:44,502 --> 00:15:46,653 And that conversation, 269 00:15:46,762 --> 00:15:49,947 That voice is called akash vani. 270 00:15:49,949 --> 00:15:53,934 Akash meaning "sky," vani meaning "speech." 271 00:15:54,579 --> 00:15:58,531 So, I think, in the case of edgar cayce, 272 00:15:58,607 --> 00:16:02,418 He's hearing some voices from up there 273 00:16:02,453 --> 00:16:06,631 While he's channeling trying to get the source. 274 00:16:09,678 --> 00:16:13,212 Narrator: Throughout history, there are numerous famous examples 275 00:16:13,289 --> 00:16:16,215 Of people who professed to access knowledge 276 00:16:16,292 --> 00:16:17,641 From another realm. 277 00:16:17,643 --> 00:16:22,479 The great 15th-century artist and inventor leonardo da vinci 278 00:16:22,481 --> 00:16:24,824 Wrote that he would stare at the flickering light 279 00:16:24,900 --> 00:16:27,485 From a candle to enter a meditative state 280 00:16:27,562 --> 00:16:30,379 In which he could access new ideas. 281 00:16:30,949 --> 00:16:34,700 In the early 20th century, genius mathematician 282 00:16:34,702 --> 00:16:38,937 Srinivasa ramanujan claimed that complex equations 283 00:16:39,015 --> 00:16:42,082 Were communicated to him in his dreams. 284 00:16:42,084 --> 00:16:46,379 And one of the pioneers of electricity, nikola tesla, 285 00:16:46,414 --> 00:16:50,550 Said that his revelation for how to harness alternating current 286 00:16:50,585 --> 00:16:54,737 Came to him in a moment when he felt that some outside source 287 00:16:54,772 --> 00:16:57,140 Had entered his consciousness. 288 00:16:58,176 --> 00:17:02,228 Nikola tesla claimed that he would envision 289 00:17:02,263 --> 00:17:05,264 These many inventions that he created. 290 00:17:05,341 --> 00:17:11,178 So, it's possible that tesla himself was tapping into 291 00:17:11,256 --> 00:17:16,366 The akashic record, just like edgar cayce was talking about. 292 00:17:16,368 --> 00:17:18,870 Jonathan young: It is as if our great thinkers 293 00:17:18,946 --> 00:17:21,630 Are tapping into something that is there 294 00:17:21,707 --> 00:17:24,399 And beyond our understanding. 295 00:17:24,477 --> 00:17:27,044 And that, perhaps, people of a certain intellect 296 00:17:27,046 --> 00:17:28,804 Are able to open to that. 297 00:17:28,881 --> 00:17:32,883 And their genius is to see beyond what we are seeing. 298 00:17:33,611 --> 00:17:36,312 Narrator: Is it possible that certain individuals 299 00:17:36,388 --> 00:17:39,699 Throughout human history, like edgar cayce, 300 00:17:39,734 --> 00:17:41,300 Had the unique ability to access 301 00:17:41,377 --> 00:17:44,136 The infinite knowledge of the universe? 302 00:17:44,213 --> 00:17:48,808 And if so, did these mystics come to this gift by chance? 303 00:17:48,884 --> 00:17:52,427 Or could they have been chosen for it? 304 00:17:52,580 --> 00:17:58,500 Collins: Because we know that edgar cayce had an incredible visitation 305 00:17:58,577 --> 00:18:02,079 From what he described as an angel, 306 00:18:02,081 --> 00:18:04,173 Could this connection 307 00:18:04,250 --> 00:18:07,460 Be something that was given to him 308 00:18:07,495 --> 00:18:09,678 By higher intelligences? 309 00:18:09,755 --> 00:18:14,066 Perhaps by extraterrestrials or extra-dimensional beings? 310 00:18:14,101 --> 00:18:16,969 Yes, of course. Absolutely. 311 00:18:18,013 --> 00:18:20,439 Childress: Because of his psychic abilities, 312 00:18:20,516 --> 00:18:23,083 He was able then to communicate 313 00:18:23,161 --> 00:18:26,436 All kinds of esoteric ideas, 314 00:18:26,438 --> 00:18:32,293 But, yet, they were coming from a very normal person. 315 00:18:32,370 --> 00:18:35,688 You have to wonder if edgar cayce wasn't chosen, 316 00:18:35,764 --> 00:18:40,509 Say, by extraterrestrials, to be a messenger to mankind. 317 00:18:41,270 --> 00:18:45,331 Narrator: If there is a reason that edgar cayce was chosen 318 00:18:45,366 --> 00:18:47,291 By an otherworldly intelligence 319 00:18:47,293 --> 00:18:51,520 To receive this knowledge, just what was that purpose? 320 00:18:51,555 --> 00:18:54,556 There are some ancient astronaut theorists 321 00:18:54,633 --> 00:18:57,618 Who believe that edgar cayce was chosen 322 00:18:57,695 --> 00:19:00,312 Not only to share visions of the future, 323 00:19:00,347 --> 00:19:04,809 But to convey lost knowledge from our ancient past. 324 00:19:13,986 --> 00:19:16,553 Narrator: Edgar cayce calls a gathering 325 00:19:16,631 --> 00:19:21,567 Of his closest supporters for a series of special readings. 326 00:19:21,644 --> 00:19:25,070 Up until this time, cayce's readings 327 00:19:25,147 --> 00:19:27,373 Most often involved future predictions 328 00:19:27,483 --> 00:19:30,092 Or remedies to heal the sick, 329 00:19:30,169 --> 00:19:33,253 But on this occasion, he will instead be called upon 330 00:19:33,331 --> 00:19:36,507 To access the ancient past. 331 00:19:36,584 --> 00:19:39,368 One of edgar cayce's fascinating readings 332 00:19:39,445 --> 00:19:41,846 Was about the great pyramid of egypt. 333 00:19:42,706 --> 00:19:45,925 The great pyramid is on the dollar bill. 334 00:19:45,960 --> 00:19:49,278 And so, everybody who has a dollar bill in their pocket 335 00:19:49,313 --> 00:19:52,965 Is carrying around a picture of the great pyramid. 336 00:19:53,042 --> 00:19:56,443 It's one of the most famous structures in the world. 337 00:19:56,445 --> 00:19:59,855 And yet, there's so much about the great pyramid of egypt 338 00:19:59,932 --> 00:20:02,925 Which remains a mystery to this day. 339 00:20:02,960 --> 00:20:07,521 Narrator: The 480-foot-tall great pyramid of giza 340 00:20:07,598 --> 00:20:10,857 Consists of over two million stone blocks 341 00:20:10,859 --> 00:20:13,619 Weighing a total of six million tons. 342 00:20:13,696 --> 00:20:17,047 It stands perfectly level 343 00:20:17,049 --> 00:20:19,716 And is more closely aligned to true north 344 00:20:19,718 --> 00:20:22,219 Than any other structure on earth, 345 00:20:22,221 --> 00:20:25,464 Built either in ancient or modern times. 346 00:20:26,484 --> 00:20:30,819 The great pyramid of giza is a marvel of architecture. 347 00:20:30,896 --> 00:20:36,192 It's something that you cannot, you just cannot replicate today. 348 00:20:37,603 --> 00:20:40,312 Which makes you wonder, 349 00:20:40,389 --> 00:20:43,032 How did they have all this knowledge 350 00:20:43,067 --> 00:20:45,993 And what kind of knowledge they had? 351 00:20:47,004 --> 00:20:49,655 Narrator: According to most egyptologists, 352 00:20:49,732 --> 00:20:51,474 The great pyramid of giza 353 00:20:51,509 --> 00:20:54,477 Was constructed during a 20-year period 354 00:20:54,512 --> 00:20:56,462 By order of the pharaoh khufu, 355 00:20:56,497 --> 00:20:59,982 Sometime around 2500 bc. 356 00:21:00,584 --> 00:21:03,970 But when edgar cayce was asked about the origins 357 00:21:04,005 --> 00:21:06,422 Of the great pyramid in 1932, 358 00:21:06,457 --> 00:21:10,859 He placed the iconic structure at a much earlier date. 359 00:21:10,936 --> 00:21:14,663 Edgar cayce said that it was actually built somewhere around 360 00:21:14,698 --> 00:21:16,916 10,490 bc, 361 00:21:16,951 --> 00:21:22,154 8,000 years before traditional egyptologists 362 00:21:22,189 --> 00:21:23,631 Said it was constructed. 363 00:21:23,707 --> 00:21:27,535 Now, in the 1930s, this is an astounding statement to make. 364 00:21:28,513 --> 00:21:31,097 Narrator: Cayce also claimed that the sphinx, 365 00:21:31,132 --> 00:21:33,298 Which sits near the great pyramid 366 00:21:33,375 --> 00:21:37,194 On the giza plateau, dates to this same period, 367 00:21:37,271 --> 00:21:41,841 Which geologist robert schoch believes is accurate, 368 00:21:41,876 --> 00:21:44,302 Based on his own examination of the monument 369 00:21:44,378 --> 00:21:46,712 And water erosion that can be found 370 00:21:46,789 --> 00:21:49,390 Around the base of the structure. 371 00:21:50,651 --> 00:21:54,036 After studying the sphinx in great detail, 372 00:21:54,071 --> 00:21:56,622 Looking at the weathering and erosion, 373 00:21:56,657 --> 00:22:01,160 I've come to the conclusion that, in fact, 374 00:22:01,162 --> 00:22:04,638 The sphinx has its origins going back to before the end 375 00:22:04,715 --> 00:22:09,869 Of the last ice age, so around 10,000 or so bce. 376 00:22:09,904 --> 00:22:11,904 This happens to be the date 377 00:22:11,939 --> 00:22:13,830 That edgar cayce was talking about. 378 00:22:13,832 --> 00:22:18,544 Narrator: Could it be that edgar cayce's reading was correct 379 00:22:18,579 --> 00:22:21,246 And that the extraordinary structures that stand 380 00:22:21,323 --> 00:22:26,886 On the giza plateau were built more than 12,000 years ago? 381 00:22:27,864 --> 00:22:31,857 During his reading, cayce also made the astounding claim 382 00:22:31,934 --> 00:22:34,684 That the builders of the pyramid were somehow 383 00:22:34,762 --> 00:22:39,248 Able to make the giant stone blocks float through the air. 384 00:22:39,283 --> 00:22:42,902 Van auken: Edgar cayce said the structure was built 385 00:22:42,937 --> 00:22:46,422 Using powers that we don't understand. 386 00:22:46,457 --> 00:22:48,849 He said the ancient egyptians 387 00:22:48,926 --> 00:22:51,376 Knew how to float stone in the air 388 00:22:51,453 --> 00:22:54,430 Like we know how to float iron on water. 389 00:22:54,465 --> 00:22:58,300 And people still wonder if it's... 390 00:22:58,377 --> 00:23:01,587 Levitation, if it's gas balloons. 391 00:23:01,622 --> 00:23:03,255 We don't know for sure. 392 00:23:04,550 --> 00:23:07,943 Narrator: Cayce's readings concerning the ancient past 393 00:23:07,978 --> 00:23:10,720 Were not limited to just egypt. 394 00:23:10,722 --> 00:23:14,374 He also commented on another topic that is well known 395 00:23:14,452 --> 00:23:19,563 To ancient astronaut theorists, the bible's book of ezekiel. 396 00:23:19,565 --> 00:23:22,775 In this text, the hebrew prophet ezekiel 397 00:23:22,810 --> 00:23:26,962 Describes a fiery chariot with wheels within wheels, 398 00:23:26,997 --> 00:23:30,783 Descending from the sky in a whirlwind. 399 00:23:30,818 --> 00:23:33,252 Edgar cayce, uh, talked about 400 00:23:33,287 --> 00:23:35,745 Ezekiel in the bible and the spinning wheels 401 00:23:35,747 --> 00:23:39,125 Being a visitation by an extraterrestrial craft. 402 00:23:40,128 --> 00:23:42,520 Cayce really seems to include 403 00:23:42,596 --> 00:23:46,181 E.T.S in the timeline of human evolution. 404 00:23:46,258 --> 00:23:48,509 He talks about extraterrestrials 405 00:23:48,586 --> 00:23:50,553 Showing up in mayan times as well. 406 00:23:51,556 --> 00:23:55,691 Narrator: Cayce said that there were undiscovered pyramids in mexico, 407 00:23:55,767 --> 00:23:58,160 The home of the mayan empire. 408 00:23:58,195 --> 00:24:01,680 A number of lost pyramids have been discovered in mexico 409 00:24:01,757 --> 00:24:03,791 Since that time. 410 00:24:03,867 --> 00:24:06,752 And as recently as 2022, 411 00:24:06,862 --> 00:24:09,572 Archaeologists uncovered the ruins 412 00:24:09,607 --> 00:24:12,457 Of an ancient maya city filled with pyramids 413 00:24:12,534 --> 00:24:15,402 In the yucatán peninsula. 414 00:24:15,404 --> 00:24:19,798 What I find fascinating about edgar cayce is the depth 415 00:24:19,875 --> 00:24:22,701 And the breadth of his insights, 416 00:24:22,703 --> 00:24:27,306 His readings, and how it's been corroborated, 417 00:24:27,308 --> 00:24:30,092 Uh, by independent researchers. 418 00:24:31,362 --> 00:24:35,455 He not only talked about ancient history and the pyramids, 419 00:24:35,533 --> 00:24:39,893 But one area in particular is his work on the essenes, 420 00:24:39,895 --> 00:24:41,320 The jewish mystics out of... 421 00:24:41,396 --> 00:24:44,023 The order out of which jesus and john the baptist emerged. 422 00:24:44,058 --> 00:24:47,318 In the 1930s, he was discussing the essenes 423 00:24:47,394 --> 00:24:50,153 And telling us what the essenes believed. 424 00:24:50,155 --> 00:24:54,324 Nobody knew anything about this before 1947, 425 00:24:54,326 --> 00:24:56,568 When the dead sea scrolls were discovered 426 00:24:56,645 --> 00:24:59,538 And then translated in the 1950s. 427 00:25:01,225 --> 00:25:02,916 Narrator: In cayce's readings, 428 00:25:02,918 --> 00:25:06,653 He provided a number of details about the essenes, 429 00:25:06,731 --> 00:25:09,939 Such as his claim that, in the essene society, 430 00:25:09,941 --> 00:25:13,326 Men and women worked and lived together. 431 00:25:13,404 --> 00:25:15,595 At the time of the reading, 432 00:25:15,597 --> 00:25:17,597 Scholars believed that the essenes 433 00:25:17,599 --> 00:25:21,543 Were a monastic society composed exclusively of men. 434 00:25:21,621 --> 00:25:24,296 However, in 1951, 435 00:25:24,298 --> 00:25:27,099 More than six years after cayce's death, 436 00:25:27,134 --> 00:25:31,436 Archaeologists discovered evidence that cayce was right. 437 00:25:31,513 --> 00:25:35,950 Men and women lived together in the essene society. 438 00:25:36,886 --> 00:25:40,478 Come to find out, edgar cayce and his readings 439 00:25:40,556 --> 00:25:43,415 Precisely match what the dead sea scrolls said. 440 00:25:43,450 --> 00:25:47,210 How can that be? Edgar cayce must have tapped in 441 00:25:47,212 --> 00:25:52,207 To the past somehow, some mysterious way. 442 00:25:53,094 --> 00:25:56,386 Narrator: Is it possible that edgar cayce was given 443 00:25:56,388 --> 00:25:59,623 A vision of humankind's long-lost past? 444 00:26:00,226 --> 00:26:02,968 And if so, could there have been a reason 445 00:26:03,003 --> 00:26:05,938 This secret knowledge was revealed to him? 446 00:26:05,973 --> 00:26:08,974 Perhaps further clues can be found by examining 447 00:26:09,051 --> 00:26:13,312 Another vision cayce had concerning ancient egypt 448 00:26:13,388 --> 00:26:16,406 And a secret repository of knowledge 449 00:26:16,408 --> 00:26:20,661 Hidden beneath the paw of the sphinx. 450 00:26:24,900 --> 00:26:27,909 Narrator: On July 1, 1932, 451 00:26:27,986 --> 00:26:29,486 While in a trance, 452 00:26:29,563 --> 00:26:32,664 Edgar cayce made an astonishing claim 453 00:26:32,741 --> 00:26:35,150 That the great pyramid of giza was built 454 00:26:35,185 --> 00:26:37,577 More than 12,000 years ago. 455 00:26:37,655 --> 00:26:41,990 He also voiced another, perhaps even more significant, 456 00:26:42,025 --> 00:26:44,943 Revelation when he declared 457 00:26:44,945 --> 00:26:47,253 That a secret chamber lies hidden 458 00:26:47,331 --> 00:26:51,183 Under the right paw of the great sphinx of giza. 459 00:26:51,927 --> 00:26:54,169 The chamber is said to contain records 460 00:26:54,204 --> 00:26:57,347 Of a highly advanced, lost civilization-- 461 00:26:57,425 --> 00:27:00,625 The same one that the greek philosopher plato 462 00:27:00,702 --> 00:27:04,045 Wrote about in the 4th century bc, 463 00:27:04,122 --> 00:27:06,272 Known as atlantis. 464 00:27:06,350 --> 00:27:08,625 Henry: The traditional concept of atlantis 465 00:27:08,627 --> 00:27:09,701 Is that it was located 466 00:27:09,778 --> 00:27:12,604 Somewhere out in the middle of the atlantic ocean, 467 00:27:12,639 --> 00:27:14,614 Beyond the straits of gibraltar. 468 00:27:14,692 --> 00:27:17,033 Edgar cayce came along 469 00:27:17,144 --> 00:27:20,012 And filled in tremendous gaps in details. 470 00:27:20,047 --> 00:27:21,897 In his trancelike state, 471 00:27:21,932 --> 00:27:25,684 He described atlantis as this very luxurious 472 00:27:25,719 --> 00:27:28,354 And enormously powerful culture. 473 00:27:28,389 --> 00:27:30,522 It had advanced technology. 474 00:27:30,557 --> 00:27:35,160 The capital city was at the center of circular canals 475 00:27:35,237 --> 00:27:38,079 With magnificent bridges that linked the canals, 476 00:27:38,156 --> 00:27:40,415 That sailing ships could sail under. 477 00:27:40,492 --> 00:27:43,702 In cayce's vision, atlantis became real. 478 00:27:43,737 --> 00:27:45,871 Cayce specifically stated that 479 00:27:45,873 --> 00:27:48,916 Atlantis was an actual, historical place. 480 00:27:49,918 --> 00:27:51,501 He said this lost world 481 00:27:51,503 --> 00:27:53,379 Was founded by supernatural beings 482 00:27:53,414 --> 00:27:55,363 That were extraterrestrial. 483 00:27:56,050 --> 00:27:59,843 So, he clearly believed or stated that there were other 484 00:27:59,845 --> 00:28:03,639 Intelligences in the universe that interfaced with humanity. 485 00:28:05,075 --> 00:28:07,476 Erich von daniken: One day, atlantis sunk, 486 00:28:07,511 --> 00:28:10,562 Which in geology makes no sense that atlantis sunk. 487 00:28:10,597 --> 00:28:13,281 Maybe there was a storm or whatever 488 00:28:13,358 --> 00:28:15,901 That destroyed atlantis, maybe it was a war. 489 00:28:15,936 --> 00:28:19,454 Collins: What edgar cayce said 490 00:28:19,531 --> 00:28:22,849 Was that the survivors of atlantis 491 00:28:22,927 --> 00:28:26,519 Moved into different parts of the ancient world. 492 00:28:26,597 --> 00:28:29,197 And they had to build 493 00:28:29,274 --> 00:28:32,284 Three so-called halls of records. 494 00:28:32,360 --> 00:28:37,305 One was to be in what we know today as the yucatán. 495 00:28:37,382 --> 00:28:40,700 Another was to be somewhere in the vicinity 496 00:28:40,778 --> 00:28:42,978 Of the island of bimini in the bahamas. 497 00:28:43,054 --> 00:28:47,132 And the third one was to be in the area 498 00:28:47,209 --> 00:28:51,060 That we now know as the giza plateau in egypt. 499 00:28:51,062 --> 00:28:54,063 And these were to be the repositories 500 00:28:54,065 --> 00:28:56,900 Of all of the knowledge and wisdom 501 00:28:56,902 --> 00:28:58,777 Of the atlantean people. 502 00:28:58,812 --> 00:29:02,281 Narrator: Did edgar cayce access information 503 00:29:02,316 --> 00:29:05,650 About an advanced extraterrestrial civilization 504 00:29:05,727 --> 00:29:09,137 That inhabited the earth thousands of years ago? 505 00:29:09,172 --> 00:29:13,917 And if so, could proof that atlantis once existed 506 00:29:13,919 --> 00:29:15,602 Lie just beneath the feet 507 00:29:15,679 --> 00:29:18,680 Of the great sphinx of giza in egypt? 508 00:29:18,757 --> 00:29:22,183 For geologist dr. Robert schoch, 509 00:29:22,260 --> 00:29:25,762 Cayce's predictions eerily echoed his own independent 510 00:29:25,764 --> 00:29:29,424 Investigation at this iconic egyptian monument. 511 00:29:30,435 --> 00:29:35,564 We conducted a number of low-energy seismographic studies 512 00:29:35,599 --> 00:29:37,416 Around the base of the sphinx. 513 00:29:37,451 --> 00:29:43,271 We placed geophones around the perimeter of the sphinx. 514 00:29:43,348 --> 00:29:45,624 We pounded on the steel plate, 515 00:29:45,700 --> 00:29:47,876 Which was laid on the surface of the ground. 516 00:29:47,953 --> 00:29:52,213 This sent energy waves or sound waves into the rock. 517 00:29:52,290 --> 00:29:55,167 And they bounce off of different layers of rock. 518 00:29:55,202 --> 00:29:59,204 And from that, we found areas that indicated 519 00:29:59,281 --> 00:30:04,300 Hollows or chambers or voids within the rock. 520 00:30:04,302 --> 00:30:07,370 We found one at the rear of the sphinx, 521 00:30:07,448 --> 00:30:11,557 And we found what looked like a tunnel-like structure 522 00:30:11,559 --> 00:30:14,060 Basically along the body of the sphinx. 523 00:30:14,138 --> 00:30:16,688 And we found a large, rectangular, 524 00:30:16,723 --> 00:30:19,224 Chamber-like structure 525 00:30:19,226 --> 00:30:22,561 Under the left paw of the sphinx. 526 00:30:22,637 --> 00:30:25,555 This was totally unexpected to us. 527 00:30:25,633 --> 00:30:29,893 I was simply looking for mineralogical changes. 528 00:30:29,895 --> 00:30:33,922 Narrator: Unfortunately, dr. Schoch's investigation 529 00:30:33,957 --> 00:30:38,393 Would be cut short before he could follow up on his findings. 530 00:30:38,428 --> 00:30:40,395 Henry: Dr. Robert schoch comes along, 531 00:30:40,430 --> 00:30:42,672 And it looks like there's a chamber there. 532 00:30:42,674 --> 00:30:46,918 The egyptian military steps in and stops the whole affair. 533 00:30:46,995 --> 00:30:49,846 That tells me that there seems to be 534 00:30:49,848 --> 00:30:53,024 Some awareness that there truly is something there, 535 00:30:53,026 --> 00:30:55,260 And that the egyptian authorities 536 00:30:55,262 --> 00:30:57,946 Wanted to keep a lid on it and have kept a lid on it 537 00:30:58,023 --> 00:30:59,231 Till this day. 538 00:30:59,266 --> 00:31:02,450 Based on our seismic analysis, 539 00:31:02,527 --> 00:31:05,579 I have no question that there is a chamber 540 00:31:05,581 --> 00:31:07,680 Under the left paw of the sphinx and that 541 00:31:07,758 --> 00:31:11,701 This is an artificial, human-made chamber. 542 00:31:11,703 --> 00:31:14,779 This is precisely where edgar cayce suggested 543 00:31:14,856 --> 00:31:18,116 A hall of records might exist. 544 00:31:18,193 --> 00:31:20,669 If we could find this time capsule, 545 00:31:20,704 --> 00:31:22,713 And it was there, I mean, this is something 546 00:31:22,789 --> 00:31:25,340 That would literally change history, 547 00:31:25,375 --> 00:31:29,552 Because there's still much to be discovered 548 00:31:29,554 --> 00:31:32,647 About the human story-- who we are, where we've been, 549 00:31:32,724 --> 00:31:34,132 Where we're coming from-- 550 00:31:34,209 --> 00:31:38,228 And that's what edgar cayce was talking about. 551 00:31:39,806 --> 00:31:44,067 Narrator: If edgar cayce really did receive information 552 00:31:44,069 --> 00:31:47,879 About a so-called hall of records beneath the sphinx, 553 00:31:47,914 --> 00:31:50,974 Could this be evidence that he was carrying out 554 00:31:51,051 --> 00:31:54,678 An extraterrestrial agenda to reveal 555 00:31:54,755 --> 00:31:57,063 Planet earth's true past? 556 00:31:57,141 --> 00:31:59,850 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 557 00:31:59,926 --> 00:32:01,676 And suggest that cayce 558 00:32:01,711 --> 00:32:07,549 Was also preparing humankind for an extraordinary future. 559 00:32:11,888 --> 00:32:13,655 Narrator: Virginia beach. 560 00:32:13,657 --> 00:32:17,175 In this rare footage from 1939, 561 00:32:17,252 --> 00:32:21,121 62-year-old edgar cayce is captured on film 562 00:32:21,198 --> 00:32:23,315 Among a growing number of followers 563 00:32:23,350 --> 00:32:27,110 Who now visit him on a daily basis seeking cures 564 00:32:27,187 --> 00:32:30,948 To their ailments and insights about the future. 565 00:32:32,342 --> 00:32:36,094 Four years later, in March of 1943, 566 00:32:36,129 --> 00:32:38,280 Cayce's fame would grow exponentially 567 00:32:38,315 --> 00:32:41,700 With the publication of his first biography, 568 00:32:41,702 --> 00:32:46,462 Titled there is a river: The story of edgar cayce. 569 00:32:46,464 --> 00:32:49,107 Corrine: There is a river by thomas sugrue 570 00:32:49,142 --> 00:32:50,700 Was getting a lot of acclaim, 571 00:32:50,778 --> 00:32:53,703 And his name was becoming more and more familiar 572 00:32:53,705 --> 00:32:54,871 To more and more people. 573 00:32:54,948 --> 00:32:58,383 Also, world war ii was well underway at that point. 574 00:32:58,460 --> 00:33:01,520 And so, the combination of people becoming aware 575 00:33:01,555 --> 00:33:04,397 That there was someone you could ask any question 576 00:33:04,399 --> 00:33:06,692 And you would get a psychic response, 577 00:33:06,727 --> 00:33:11,246 Edgar cayce started receiving vast numbers of requests 578 00:33:11,322 --> 00:33:13,306 For readings during that time. 579 00:33:13,383 --> 00:33:16,551 He started giving eight to ten readings a day. 580 00:33:17,304 --> 00:33:21,647 Van auken: His psychic readings took an extreme toll 581 00:33:21,725 --> 00:33:24,543 On his physical body. 582 00:33:24,578 --> 00:33:26,594 His youngest son told me 583 00:33:26,671 --> 00:33:30,181 That he could see that his father's body 584 00:33:30,334 --> 00:33:32,901 Was not doing well with so many readings. 585 00:33:32,936 --> 00:33:36,855 Cory: I believe, when you are in a deep trance state 586 00:33:36,931 --> 00:33:38,423 And receiving information, 587 00:33:38,500 --> 00:33:40,925 This information is coming through 588 00:33:41,002 --> 00:33:43,945 From a very, very high frequency. 589 00:33:44,022 --> 00:33:45,914 So, your brain is working 590 00:33:45,949 --> 00:33:47,607 At this very, very high frequency 591 00:33:47,717 --> 00:33:50,794 As if you're pressing on the gas nonstop. 592 00:33:50,904 --> 00:33:53,296 And that gets very exhausting. 593 00:33:53,373 --> 00:33:54,906 If you did that every day, 594 00:33:54,941 --> 00:33:57,909 Eventually, that takes a toll on you, 595 00:33:57,986 --> 00:34:01,455 And your body starts to break down. 596 00:34:01,531 --> 00:34:03,081 Corrine: In September of 1944, 597 00:34:03,116 --> 00:34:05,967 He had a series of small strokes, 598 00:34:06,044 --> 00:34:08,770 And the reading that he gave for himself said that he needed 599 00:34:08,805 --> 00:34:13,925 To rest and calm down and not work as hard as he was working. 600 00:34:15,362 --> 00:34:18,764 Narrator: On January 3, 1945, 601 00:34:18,799 --> 00:34:23,218 Edgar cayce passed away at the age of 67. 602 00:34:23,253 --> 00:34:25,419 In the final year of his life, 603 00:34:25,497 --> 00:34:31,309 Cayce performed an astounding 1,385 readings. 604 00:34:31,386 --> 00:34:34,570 Some say that cayce worked himself to death. 605 00:34:34,572 --> 00:34:37,065 This was not a means for him to get rich. 606 00:34:37,142 --> 00:34:39,025 It was a means to help humanity, 607 00:34:39,027 --> 00:34:41,394 To be a conduit of records 608 00:34:41,471 --> 00:34:44,005 From a source of universal knowledge 609 00:34:44,007 --> 00:34:46,474 That he could share with humanity. 610 00:34:46,509 --> 00:34:49,761 Narrator: Edgar cayce stated that his purpose in life 611 00:34:49,837 --> 00:34:52,572 Was to help his fellow humans. 612 00:34:52,649 --> 00:34:56,009 When he died, he left behind an enormous archive 613 00:34:56,086 --> 00:34:59,687 Of psychic readings that are still being studied today, 614 00:34:59,764 --> 00:35:03,858 And which some believe could provide important clues 615 00:35:03,935 --> 00:35:05,260 About the future. 616 00:35:05,336 --> 00:35:08,346 Cayce is also largely credited 617 00:35:08,423 --> 00:35:10,482 With introducing the modern world 618 00:35:10,517 --> 00:35:12,758 To holistic medicine. 619 00:35:12,836 --> 00:35:15,670 He's called the father of holistic medicine 620 00:35:15,780 --> 00:35:18,264 Because he was one of the first people 621 00:35:18,342 --> 00:35:20,842 To really start talking in america about 622 00:35:20,877 --> 00:35:22,377 The integration and connection 623 00:35:22,453 --> 00:35:24,496 Between our bodies and minds and spirits. 624 00:35:25,440 --> 00:35:28,500 Horowitz: He also popularized certain eastern ideas 625 00:35:28,535 --> 00:35:30,852 With which many americans were unfamiliar, 626 00:35:30,887 --> 00:35:34,447 Including karma, reincarnation, 627 00:35:34,524 --> 00:35:38,626 As well as a mind-body connection in medicine. 628 00:35:38,661 --> 00:35:43,181 Meditation as a therapeutic tool. 629 00:35:43,216 --> 00:35:44,683 Everything that you find today 630 00:35:44,718 --> 00:35:47,126 On the alternative spiritual scene was 631 00:35:47,204 --> 00:35:50,538 Heightened in public awareness through edgar cayce's readings. 632 00:35:50,573 --> 00:35:55,710 Van auken: Edgar cayce said that people had to fix their thinking, 633 00:35:55,745 --> 00:35:57,987 And you had to have higher help. 634 00:35:57,989 --> 00:36:02,750 You needed your mind on the right attitude. 635 00:36:02,827 --> 00:36:04,870 It needed to be expectant. 636 00:36:04,905 --> 00:36:08,556 And you needed some of the life force 637 00:36:08,591 --> 00:36:10,375 Of the spirit flowing better. 638 00:36:10,410 --> 00:36:14,396 Narrator: Cayce believed that a holistic approach to life 639 00:36:14,431 --> 00:36:17,340 Was not only beneficial to a person's health, 640 00:36:17,342 --> 00:36:19,551 But might also lead to more people 641 00:36:19,586 --> 00:36:22,070 Awakening their own innate psychic abilities 642 00:36:22,105 --> 00:36:25,831 And learning to access a higher realm of knowledge 643 00:36:25,909 --> 00:36:28,109 Just as he did. 644 00:36:28,186 --> 00:36:31,671 Einstein said all existence is energy, 645 00:36:31,748 --> 00:36:34,766 And that energy is being interconnected 646 00:36:34,842 --> 00:36:36,251 Through the ether. 647 00:36:36,253 --> 00:36:38,920 I think edgar was correct when he says 648 00:36:38,955 --> 00:36:40,755 That you can tap into 649 00:36:40,790 --> 00:36:43,658 All sorts of information through the ether. 650 00:36:45,362 --> 00:36:48,104 But this is not a science in a lab. 651 00:36:48,181 --> 00:36:50,949 We are talking about the state of consciousness. 652 00:36:51,025 --> 00:36:54,118 Van auken: Edgar cayce has spoken about reaching 653 00:36:54,195 --> 00:36:56,120 To a new level of holism. 654 00:36:56,273 --> 00:36:59,640 Higher mental state, higher vibrational state 655 00:36:59,717 --> 00:37:02,810 Of the body, and more spirituality. 656 00:37:02,887 --> 00:37:04,629 Even though he was a christian, 657 00:37:04,706 --> 00:37:07,982 His teachings are way beyond christianity. 658 00:37:08,059 --> 00:37:12,162 They pick up on buddhism, hinduism, daoism, 659 00:37:12,238 --> 00:37:13,813 And the kabbalah teachings. 660 00:37:13,890 --> 00:37:17,008 As humans become more enlightened, 661 00:37:17,085 --> 00:37:22,663 They can still get new information from cayce's files. 662 00:37:23,242 --> 00:37:27,410 Narrator: Could it be that, by studying edgar cayce's teachings, 663 00:37:27,412 --> 00:37:31,089 Anyone can learn how to access a higher realm? 664 00:37:31,124 --> 00:37:35,343 Perhaps further clues can be found by examining 665 00:37:35,345 --> 00:37:37,479 Edgar cayce's visions of a future 666 00:37:37,514 --> 00:37:42,092 In which humans develop profound new abilities. 667 00:37:47,491 --> 00:37:50,691 Narrator: Over the course of his life, edgar cayce gave readings 668 00:37:50,768 --> 00:37:53,686 Concerning everything from critical illnesses 669 00:37:53,688 --> 00:37:56,773 To the ancient past to major world events. 670 00:37:56,850 --> 00:38:01,260 But perhaps most intriguing among his many prophecies 671 00:38:01,338 --> 00:38:03,822 Is one that predicts the emergence 672 00:38:03,857 --> 00:38:06,674 Of an advanced group of humans. 673 00:38:06,709 --> 00:38:10,311 In July of 1932, edgar cayce predicted 674 00:38:10,463 --> 00:38:13,748 That a new type of human being would walk the earth. 675 00:38:13,783 --> 00:38:16,960 He referred to them as the fifth root race 676 00:38:17,037 --> 00:38:20,179 And described this new being as having 677 00:38:20,181 --> 00:38:25,476 Enhanced psychic powers, telekinesis, psychic ability, 678 00:38:25,553 --> 00:38:29,138 And expanded consciousness capabilities. 679 00:38:29,140 --> 00:38:31,232 Root races are a concept that emerged 680 00:38:31,309 --> 00:38:35,036 From madame h.P. Blavatsky's two-volume work, 681 00:38:35,071 --> 00:38:38,647 The secret doctrine, which was published in 1888. 682 00:38:38,649 --> 00:38:42,818 Blavatsky maintained that, over vast stretches of history, 683 00:38:42,820 --> 00:38:47,973 Humanity would be moving into different evolutionary stages, 684 00:38:47,975 --> 00:38:52,328 Uh, of expanded psychical abilities, for example. 685 00:38:52,330 --> 00:38:57,925 Edgar's predictions of an emergent generation 686 00:38:58,002 --> 00:38:59,927 In the early 21st century 687 00:38:59,962 --> 00:39:02,113 With heightened psychic abilities 688 00:39:02,189 --> 00:39:05,717 Arguably could line up with similar predictions that 689 00:39:05,752 --> 00:39:07,660 Can be gleaned from blavatsky. 690 00:39:07,662 --> 00:39:09,770 Collins: The fifth root race, 691 00:39:09,847 --> 00:39:13,432 It's something similar to the idea that a lot of 692 00:39:13,434 --> 00:39:16,110 New age people started to talk about 693 00:39:16,145 --> 00:39:18,121 From about the 1980s onwards. 694 00:39:18,198 --> 00:39:20,899 The idea that children would be born 695 00:39:20,934 --> 00:39:23,025 Much more psychically sensitive. 696 00:39:23,027 --> 00:39:26,463 They were referred to as the so-called indigo children 697 00:39:26,539 --> 00:39:28,406 Or the star children. 698 00:39:28,441 --> 00:39:31,700 And that, come the 21st century, 699 00:39:31,702 --> 00:39:36,447 There would be this huge rise in psychic powers 700 00:39:36,524 --> 00:39:41,026 Of spirituality and oneness with the cosmos. 701 00:39:41,696 --> 00:39:44,288 Cayce talked about individuals being born 702 00:39:44,365 --> 00:39:47,926 That will have psychic gifts that will be advanced. 703 00:39:47,961 --> 00:39:50,962 And I tend to believe that is what's happening on the earth. 704 00:39:51,114 --> 00:39:53,080 A lot of people are coming around to these 705 00:39:53,158 --> 00:39:55,783 Ancient ideas of metaphysics and spirituality. 706 00:39:55,818 --> 00:39:58,653 And I have encountered a lot of young people 707 00:39:58,729 --> 00:40:02,231 And worked with them who have incredible gifts. 708 00:40:02,233 --> 00:40:04,109 And we will see through time 709 00:40:04,144 --> 00:40:07,112 If there's a changing of the guard in humanity. 710 00:40:08,757 --> 00:40:11,724 Narrator: Is it possible that edgar cayce's vision 711 00:40:11,801 --> 00:40:15,161 Of a fifth root race is coming true? 712 00:40:16,330 --> 00:40:19,157 And if so, could this provide insight 713 00:40:19,233 --> 00:40:23,085 Into a greater mission behind cayce's life's work? 714 00:40:23,087 --> 00:40:25,738 There are some ancient astronaut theorists 715 00:40:25,740 --> 00:40:27,682 Who believe that these predictions 716 00:40:27,758 --> 00:40:31,302 Of humanity's future may actually be part of a plan 717 00:40:31,337 --> 00:40:36,832 To prepare us for the return of our extraterrestrial ancestors. 718 00:40:37,644 --> 00:40:42,346 Shimkhada: Edgar cayce believed that the akashic record 719 00:40:42,423 --> 00:40:46,133 Can be accessed by anyone. 720 00:40:46,211 --> 00:40:48,844 And I think that is absolutely true. 721 00:40:48,922 --> 00:40:53,007 It's just that we have not awakened ourselves. 722 00:40:53,042 --> 00:40:58,121 But if you are able access the records, like edgar cayce, 723 00:40:58,198 --> 00:41:01,532 Then the gate to universe opens up. 724 00:41:01,609 --> 00:41:04,443 I think it's very interesting to make a correspondence between 725 00:41:04,521 --> 00:41:08,589 Ancient astronaut theory and what cayce was proposing. 726 00:41:08,591 --> 00:41:10,950 The common denominator is that there was once 727 00:41:11,027 --> 00:41:14,879 A glorious past civilization where humans interacted 728 00:41:14,956 --> 00:41:17,790 With extraterrestrial beings, the gods. 729 00:41:17,867 --> 00:41:19,367 They lived amongst us. 730 00:41:19,402 --> 00:41:22,603 And one day, they will return, and humankind 731 00:41:22,605 --> 00:41:24,713 Will have full knowledge of its past, 732 00:41:24,791 --> 00:41:27,901 And we will live in a new golden age. 733 00:41:29,087 --> 00:41:33,764 Narrator: Secrets to healings bordering on miraculous, 734 00:41:33,842 --> 00:41:38,069 Lost knowledge of mankind's true ancient origins, 735 00:41:38,145 --> 00:41:42,189 Visions of a future in which all humans 736 00:41:42,266 --> 00:41:45,334 Can awaken their innate psychic abilities. 737 00:41:45,336 --> 00:41:49,430 Is it possible that edgar cayce's true purpose 738 00:41:49,507 --> 00:41:52,750 Was to demonstrate to mankind the potential 739 00:41:52,785 --> 00:41:55,870 For unlocking the secrets of the universe? 740 00:41:55,946 --> 00:41:58,906 Perhaps the truth will only be found 741 00:41:58,941 --> 00:42:01,425 By accessing the cosmic knowledge 742 00:42:01,502 --> 00:42:04,362 That exists all around us. 743 00:42:04,438 --> 00:42:06,231 Captioning provided by a+e networks