1 00:00:05,356 --> 00:00:08,114 Narrator: It was the cradle of western civilization 2 00:00:08,192 --> 00:00:12,419 And a culture that credited everything to the gods. 3 00:00:13,205 --> 00:00:16,940 Ric rader: The greeks very much believed the gods were physically 4 00:00:16,975 --> 00:00:17,941 Part of our lives. 5 00:00:17,976 --> 00:00:19,609 Narrator: The greek gods 6 00:00:19,644 --> 00:00:22,813 Were said to possess incredible technology. 7 00:00:23,548 --> 00:00:26,024 Hugh newman: The lightning rod of zeus, 8 00:00:26,026 --> 00:00:27,450 Could wipe out whole cities 9 00:00:27,527 --> 00:00:29,002 In one fell swoop. 10 00:00:29,037 --> 00:00:31,529 The trident of poseidon 11 00:00:31,531 --> 00:00:33,573 Could cause earthquakes. 12 00:00:34,284 --> 00:00:36,851 Narrator: The gods imparted advanced knowledge. 13 00:00:36,929 --> 00:00:39,562 And they even coupled with humans. 14 00:00:39,640 --> 00:00:41,940 David childress: They're creating these demigods 15 00:00:42,017 --> 00:00:45,102 And genetically manipulating humans. 16 00:00:45,955 --> 00:00:51,324 Narrator: Were the greek gods the product of our ancestors' imaginations? 17 00:00:51,402 --> 00:00:54,094 Or were they otherworldly visitors 18 00:00:54,129 --> 00:00:57,130 Directing the course of humanity? 19 00:00:57,207 --> 00:01:01,484 Giorgio a. Tsoukalos: The greeks clearly said that the gods were real. 20 00:01:01,561 --> 00:01:03,503 And you have to ask the question, 21 00:01:03,581 --> 00:01:08,567 Are our ancestors talking about extraterrestrials? 22 00:01:10,646 --> 00:01:13,096 Narrator: There is a doorway 23 00:01:13,174 --> 00:01:15,823 In the universe. 24 00:01:15,825 --> 00:01:19,036 Beyond it is the promise of truth. 25 00:01:20,439 --> 00:01:22,589 It demands we question everything 26 00:01:22,666 --> 00:01:24,892 We have ever been taught. 27 00:01:24,927 --> 00:01:28,921 The evidence is all around us. 28 00:01:28,997 --> 00:01:32,733 The future is right before our eyes. 29 00:01:32,768 --> 00:01:35,285 We are not alone. 30 00:01:35,362 --> 00:01:38,972 We have never been alone. 31 00:01:40,267 --> 00:01:42,184 ♪ 32 00:01:49,685 --> 00:01:51,034 Narrator: Greece. 33 00:01:51,111 --> 00:01:53,186 Located in southeastern europe 34 00:01:53,263 --> 00:01:55,372 With thousands of islands 35 00:01:55,448 --> 00:01:57,991 Throughout the aegean and ionian seas, 36 00:01:58,026 --> 00:02:00,159 This popular tourist destination 37 00:02:00,161 --> 00:02:04,122 Is visited by roughly 30 million people each year. 38 00:02:04,124 --> 00:02:09,219 They come not only to experience greece's mediterranean climate 39 00:02:09,296 --> 00:02:10,887 And idyllic beaches, 40 00:02:10,964 --> 00:02:14,407 But also to walk amongst the ruins 41 00:02:14,485 --> 00:02:19,429 Of a great empire that thrived more than 2,000 years ago. 42 00:02:20,716 --> 00:02:22,790 The greek empire, which lasted 43 00:02:22,868 --> 00:02:26,127 From the ninth century to the second century bc, 44 00:02:26,205 --> 00:02:30,315 Made enormous advances in science and mathematics... 45 00:02:31,326 --> 00:02:33,801 ...Founded the olympic games... 46 00:02:34,546 --> 00:02:37,989 ...Invented democracy as a system of governance, 47 00:02:38,067 --> 00:02:43,102 And established the foundation of western civilization. 48 00:02:43,180 --> 00:02:44,421 We owe virtually 49 00:02:44,497 --> 00:02:46,589 Almost every aspect of our society 50 00:02:46,666 --> 00:02:49,426 To the ancient greek culture, 51 00:02:49,502 --> 00:02:52,504 What they brought together at that time. 52 00:02:53,590 --> 00:02:55,165 Certainly, we in the western world 53 00:02:55,242 --> 00:02:58,902 Are the heirs of ancient greece, there's no doubt about that. 54 00:02:59,679 --> 00:03:02,222 William henry: Thinking about what happened in greece, 55 00:03:02,257 --> 00:03:05,775 You've got some of the greatest minds ever. 56 00:03:05,852 --> 00:03:07,377 These are the people that 57 00:03:07,454 --> 00:03:09,671 Created or opened the gateway 58 00:03:09,748 --> 00:03:13,192 To the western mind, to the way we think today. 59 00:03:14,278 --> 00:03:17,938 Michio kaku: People today know the names of aristotle, 60 00:03:18,014 --> 00:03:20,348 Plato and socrates. 61 00:03:20,426 --> 00:03:22,625 In mathematics and sciences, 62 00:03:22,702 --> 00:03:24,578 People know the names of archimedes 63 00:03:24,613 --> 00:03:28,598 And also pythagoras of the pythagorean theorem. 64 00:03:28,633 --> 00:03:30,934 So it's amazing that the ancient greeks 65 00:03:30,969 --> 00:03:33,536 Could illuminate the artistic 66 00:03:33,613 --> 00:03:35,172 And scientific world 67 00:03:35,207 --> 00:03:37,031 For thousands of years to come. 68 00:03:37,109 --> 00:03:39,609 Macgillivray: You have the greek playwrights-- 69 00:03:39,644 --> 00:03:42,720 Sophocles, euripides. 70 00:03:42,722 --> 00:03:44,614 You have the architects... 71 00:03:44,691 --> 00:03:46,575 The architects of the parthenon, 72 00:03:46,651 --> 00:03:48,126 Ictinus and callicrates. 73 00:03:48,203 --> 00:03:51,296 And then you have hippocrates, with medicine. 74 00:03:51,373 --> 00:03:53,982 The list is never-ending. 75 00:03:55,735 --> 00:03:58,311 Narrator: Perhaps just as extraordinary as the fact 76 00:03:58,388 --> 00:04:00,480 That the towering intellectual figures 77 00:04:00,557 --> 00:04:03,316 Of ancient greece are still known today 78 00:04:03,393 --> 00:04:05,694 Is that every one of them 79 00:04:05,696 --> 00:04:09,414 Credited their accomplishments to the gods. 80 00:04:10,542 --> 00:04:13,568 The prevalence of gods 81 00:04:13,645 --> 00:04:15,812 In the lives of human beings 82 00:04:15,814 --> 00:04:18,982 In classical mythological stories 83 00:04:19,017 --> 00:04:20,634 Tells us that the greeks 84 00:04:20,669 --> 00:04:23,845 Very much believed the gods were a part of our lives. 85 00:04:24,940 --> 00:04:27,683 If you were to build a temple, right, 86 00:04:27,759 --> 00:04:30,793 You needed the inspiration of these gods 87 00:04:30,871 --> 00:04:34,998 Because you were doing something that was bigger than human. 88 00:04:35,033 --> 00:04:37,117 So they are the foundation. 89 00:04:37,152 --> 00:04:38,768 They are the inspiration for human beings 90 00:04:38,803 --> 00:04:42,172 Creating works of art of all stripes 91 00:04:42,207 --> 00:04:46,709 That are far bigger than human beings themselves. 92 00:04:46,786 --> 00:04:49,270 Narrator: Greek gods like zeus, 93 00:04:49,381 --> 00:04:54,200 Apollo and athena remain household names even today... 94 00:04:55,086 --> 00:04:59,280 ...And the myths about their origins, battles, and adventures 95 00:04:59,358 --> 00:05:03,302 Continue to be retold to modern audiences. 96 00:05:04,220 --> 00:05:06,029 The ancient greek gods, in many ways, 97 00:05:06,064 --> 00:05:07,464 Are still alive with us today. 98 00:05:07,540 --> 00:05:09,016 No matter where you are in the world, 99 00:05:09,051 --> 00:05:11,685 Everybody knows who apollo is, who zeus is, 100 00:05:11,720 --> 00:05:13,312 Who aphrodite is. 101 00:05:14,106 --> 00:05:15,822 You'll see it in advertising, 102 00:05:15,824 --> 00:05:17,524 Everywhere you look, you'll see that 103 00:05:17,559 --> 00:05:20,193 There is this influence 104 00:05:20,228 --> 00:05:23,839 Of these characters from greek mythology. 105 00:05:23,915 --> 00:05:25,598 When I was growing up, 106 00:05:25,676 --> 00:05:28,918 I followed avidly the american space program 107 00:05:28,995 --> 00:05:32,347 Where you had the mercury program, 108 00:05:32,424 --> 00:05:33,665 The gemini program, 109 00:05:33,742 --> 00:05:35,208 The apollo program. 110 00:05:35,243 --> 00:05:38,128 It's all based on the greek gods. 111 00:05:40,323 --> 00:05:42,340 Narrator: According to greek mythology, 112 00:05:42,342 --> 00:05:46,419 Before the time of zeus and the other iconic greek gods 113 00:05:46,496 --> 00:05:48,196 That we're familiar with today, 114 00:05:48,273 --> 00:05:50,891 There was another race of powerful beings 115 00:05:50,926 --> 00:05:52,775 Called the titans. 116 00:05:52,852 --> 00:05:54,027 Macgillivray: For the ancient greeks, 117 00:05:54,103 --> 00:05:57,356 The titans were the first generation of gods. 118 00:05:58,167 --> 00:06:01,101 They were the six male, six female gods 119 00:06:01,177 --> 00:06:03,511 Who were born of the earth, gaia, 120 00:06:03,589 --> 00:06:06,122 And heaven coming together. 121 00:06:06,975 --> 00:06:09,292 Kathleen mcgowan: The word "titan" exists in our language now 122 00:06:09,369 --> 00:06:12,445 And refers to something that's big and great. 123 00:06:12,480 --> 00:06:13,914 And that's what the titans were. 124 00:06:13,916 --> 00:06:15,873 They were this generation of gods 125 00:06:15,875 --> 00:06:16,950 That were larger than life. 126 00:06:17,628 --> 00:06:20,845 Ultimately, the titans find themselves in a war 127 00:06:20,847 --> 00:06:22,639 With the next generation of gods, 128 00:06:22,715 --> 00:06:25,199 Who we know as the olympians. 129 00:06:26,302 --> 00:06:30,130 Narrator: The olympians are represented by 12 powerful gods 130 00:06:30,206 --> 00:06:33,116 Led by zeus, who is the god of thunder, 131 00:06:33,151 --> 00:06:36,520 And the son of the titan king cronus. 132 00:06:37,556 --> 00:06:38,588 Ultimately, 133 00:06:38,740 --> 00:06:42,475 The titans and the olympians are not able to coexist, 134 00:06:42,510 --> 00:06:44,719 And an epic war is waged 135 00:06:44,796 --> 00:06:46,947 Called the titanomachy. 136 00:06:48,241 --> 00:06:49,407 Joining the gods 137 00:06:49,484 --> 00:06:52,969 In this ten-year-long battle are a number of strange beings, 138 00:06:53,004 --> 00:06:56,506 Including humanoid creatures with hundreds of arms, 139 00:06:56,583 --> 00:07:00,460 And one-eyed giants called the cyclops. 140 00:07:01,246 --> 00:07:04,748 In the end, the olympians emerge victorious 141 00:07:04,750 --> 00:07:08,885 And establish an earthly base atop mount olympus. 142 00:07:09,821 --> 00:07:12,747 Rader: There is an actual mount olympus in greece. 143 00:07:12,824 --> 00:07:14,141 Because it is so high, 144 00:07:14,176 --> 00:07:16,276 It's ringed in clouds, 145 00:07:16,352 --> 00:07:18,861 And so that's where the gods live 146 00:07:18,896 --> 00:07:21,272 That you are not allowed to see. 147 00:07:21,274 --> 00:07:23,683 Henry: We're told it was shrouded by a mist 148 00:07:23,718 --> 00:07:25,669 So that human eyes couldn't see it. 149 00:07:25,704 --> 00:07:27,279 And it was a technology center. 150 00:07:27,355 --> 00:07:28,705 You had hephaestus there, 151 00:07:28,740 --> 00:07:32,108 The greek god of smithcraft, alchemy and technology 152 00:07:32,185 --> 00:07:34,327 That was creating these extraordinary weapons, 153 00:07:34,362 --> 00:07:37,271 The thunderbolt of zeus, and all these magical weapons, 154 00:07:37,349 --> 00:07:39,299 The breastplate of athena. 155 00:07:39,375 --> 00:07:41,776 He also made robots, assistants. 156 00:07:41,853 --> 00:07:42,877 You couldn't describe 157 00:07:42,879 --> 00:07:44,871 A better scenario if you were talking about 158 00:07:44,948 --> 00:07:46,723 Extraterrestrials coming to earth 159 00:07:46,799 --> 00:07:49,784 And establishing a mountain compound or sanctuary. 160 00:07:50,529 --> 00:07:54,389 It sounds very much like some kind of a military compound. 161 00:07:55,967 --> 00:07:59,810 Narrator: Zeus reigned over all the gods and humans, 162 00:07:59,888 --> 00:08:01,629 And each of the olympians 163 00:08:01,707 --> 00:08:05,299 Had domain over certain aspects of existence. 164 00:08:05,377 --> 00:08:07,810 Poseidon ruled the sea. 165 00:08:07,887 --> 00:08:11,047 Athena was the goddess of wisdom. 166 00:08:11,783 --> 00:08:15,368 Apollo's domain was light, music and poetry, 167 00:08:15,403 --> 00:08:17,937 As well as healing and prophecy. 168 00:08:18,014 --> 00:08:22,075 Aphrodite was the goddess of beauty and passion. 169 00:08:22,110 --> 00:08:25,061 And ares the god of war. 170 00:08:25,930 --> 00:08:28,431 Macgillivray: The greek gods are purely anthropomorphic. 171 00:08:28,508 --> 00:08:31,468 They're seen to control natural forces... 172 00:08:32,553 --> 00:08:36,072 ...But they're men and women up in the infinite ether. 173 00:08:36,107 --> 00:08:37,224 And the olympian gods 174 00:08:37,259 --> 00:08:40,276 Would often come down and interact with humans. 175 00:08:40,896 --> 00:08:44,505 Tsoukalos: The greek pantheon of gods were not gods 176 00:08:44,583 --> 00:08:46,507 As we think of them today. 177 00:08:46,585 --> 00:08:49,152 They descended from the sky 178 00:08:49,187 --> 00:08:52,638 And they interacted with humans. 179 00:08:52,715 --> 00:08:55,408 So you have to ask the question, 180 00:08:55,443 --> 00:08:57,535 Are we really talking about 181 00:08:57,537 --> 00:08:58,778 Bona fide gods 182 00:08:58,855 --> 00:09:00,454 In ancient greece? 183 00:09:00,456 --> 00:09:02,115 Or was it something else? 184 00:09:02,191 --> 00:09:05,968 Is it possible that the pantheon of greek gods 185 00:09:06,045 --> 00:09:10,531 Didn't consist of a figment of our ancestors' imagination, 186 00:09:10,609 --> 00:09:12,208 But physical beings 187 00:09:12,243 --> 00:09:16,796 That actually mingled amongst man back in the day? 188 00:09:17,549 --> 00:09:21,984 Narrator: Is it possible that the gods, who played such a vital role 189 00:09:22,061 --> 00:09:26,039 In the lives of the ancient greeks, truly existed? 190 00:09:26,741 --> 00:09:29,567 While it may sound like a fantastical notion, 191 00:09:29,569 --> 00:09:31,894 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest 192 00:09:31,971 --> 00:09:34,647 It is a very real possibility, 193 00:09:34,724 --> 00:09:37,391 And point to an important site 194 00:09:37,469 --> 00:09:39,252 Within the greek empire 195 00:09:39,287 --> 00:09:41,921 Where it was discovered that at least some aspects 196 00:09:41,923 --> 00:09:46,251 Of the ancient myths are based in real history. 197 00:09:50,573 --> 00:09:52,257 ♪ 198 00:09:53,076 --> 00:09:56,403 Narrator: Hisarlik, turkey. 1870. 199 00:09:56,438 --> 00:09:59,622 German businessman and amateur archaeologist 200 00:09:59,700 --> 00:10:02,675 Heinrich schliemann begins excavations 201 00:10:02,710 --> 00:10:03,843 In this small village 202 00:10:03,953 --> 00:10:07,088 Which was an important site within the greek empire 203 00:10:07,165 --> 00:10:10,116 More than 2,000 years ago. 204 00:10:10,794 --> 00:10:13,369 For years, he has been obsessed with finding 205 00:10:13,446 --> 00:10:15,279 The legendary city of troy 206 00:10:15,281 --> 00:10:18,024 That is at the center of the trojan war 207 00:10:18,101 --> 00:10:21,077 Described in homer's epic, the iliad. 208 00:10:22,130 --> 00:10:24,205 The story of the trojan war 209 00:10:24,282 --> 00:10:27,517 Is one of the most important stories 210 00:10:27,552 --> 00:10:29,853 Of the greek mythological cycle. 211 00:10:30,455 --> 00:10:36,017 Our main source is homer, but it relies upon much earlier 212 00:10:36,019 --> 00:10:40,196 Oral compositions that probably were going around 213 00:10:40,231 --> 00:10:43,700 In greek culture for hundreds of years. 214 00:10:44,302 --> 00:10:47,311 Narrator: According to the legend, the trojan war began 215 00:10:47,313 --> 00:10:49,814 When helen, wife to king menelaus 216 00:10:49,816 --> 00:10:52,058 Of the greek city-state of sparta, 217 00:10:52,135 --> 00:10:54,544 Fell in love with trojan prince paris 218 00:10:54,579 --> 00:10:57,722 And secretly ran off with him to troy. 219 00:10:57,799 --> 00:11:00,867 Her actions sparked a bloody ten-year war 220 00:11:00,902 --> 00:11:04,103 Between the trojans and the greeks. 221 00:11:04,848 --> 00:11:07,891 Rader: The greeks were able to defeat the trojans 222 00:11:07,926 --> 00:11:09,876 By sneaking this wooden horse 223 00:11:09,911 --> 00:11:12,228 Which was full of greek soldiers, 224 00:11:12,263 --> 00:11:13,838 Into the city of troy 225 00:11:13,840 --> 00:11:15,632 Where they were able to wreak havoc 226 00:11:15,634 --> 00:11:18,051 And ultimately, you know, win the war. 227 00:11:19,120 --> 00:11:22,496 Doran: One of the aspects of the stories of the trojan war 228 00:11:22,574 --> 00:11:27,001 That is quite interesting is that the gods take sides. 229 00:11:27,078 --> 00:11:29,813 Some are more on the side of the trojans, 230 00:11:29,848 --> 00:11:32,265 Some are more on the side of the greeks. 231 00:11:33,101 --> 00:11:35,509 Narrator: At the time of heinrich schliemann's 232 00:11:35,587 --> 00:11:37,620 1870 excavation, 233 00:11:37,697 --> 00:11:40,323 Mainstream scholars had long maintained 234 00:11:40,358 --> 00:11:43,934 That the ancient greek story was a work of fiction 235 00:11:44,012 --> 00:11:47,196 And that troy never existed. 236 00:11:47,273 --> 00:11:50,524 Heinrich schliemann was this extraordinary character 237 00:11:50,602 --> 00:11:54,195 Who, I guess, he must've been quite rebellious as a child 238 00:11:54,305 --> 00:11:57,298 Because he wouldn't accept the given facts. 239 00:11:58,235 --> 00:11:59,901 When heinrich schliemann was growing up, 240 00:11:59,978 --> 00:12:02,720 All of greek mythology was mythology. 241 00:12:02,722 --> 00:12:05,247 And heinrich schliemann refused to believe that. 242 00:12:06,167 --> 00:12:09,393 Robert schoch: In modern times, most scholars thought that 243 00:12:09,395 --> 00:12:13,289 Homer and his writing about the trojan war 244 00:12:13,324 --> 00:12:15,108 Was just a good story. 245 00:12:15,110 --> 00:12:18,778 Academic scholars just did not take troy seriously. 246 00:12:18,813 --> 00:12:23,616 However, heinrich schliemann took homer seriously. 247 00:12:24,161 --> 00:12:27,003 Narrator: Details from the iliad had convinced schliemann 248 00:12:27,005 --> 00:12:29,171 That the remnants of troy would be found 249 00:12:29,248 --> 00:12:31,248 In the turkish village of hisarlik 250 00:12:31,250 --> 00:12:34,835 Beneath a 65-foot-tall earthen mound. 251 00:12:35,488 --> 00:12:40,424 In may 1873, schliemann uncovered a hoard of gold, 252 00:12:40,426 --> 00:12:44,103 Valuable artifacts and jewelry that matched up 253 00:12:44,105 --> 00:12:45,671 With the riches mentioned in the iliad, 254 00:12:45,748 --> 00:12:49,325 And declared that the search was over-- 255 00:12:49,360 --> 00:12:52,687 He had discovered the city of troy. 256 00:12:53,482 --> 00:12:56,524 Lo and behold, he found troy. 257 00:12:57,760 --> 00:13:02,355 He found a site which matched everything described in homer. 258 00:13:02,431 --> 00:13:06,784 So he brought to life the concept that we can 259 00:13:06,786 --> 00:13:09,178 Look at some of these ancient myths 260 00:13:09,213 --> 00:13:10,913 And realize that there's 261 00:13:10,915 --> 00:13:14,684 A genuine historical basis to it. 262 00:13:14,719 --> 00:13:16,902 For hundreds of years, people thought that 263 00:13:16,980 --> 00:13:20,673 The greeks had achievements in architecture and sciences, 264 00:13:20,708 --> 00:13:22,224 But when it comes to history, 265 00:13:22,301 --> 00:13:25,803 The story of the trojan war, the trojan horse, 266 00:13:25,805 --> 00:13:28,264 "nope. It's all myth." 267 00:13:28,299 --> 00:13:30,867 But then archaeologists found it. 268 00:13:30,902 --> 00:13:32,869 They found the ruins of troy. 269 00:13:32,904 --> 00:13:36,356 And we know there was the trojan war 270 00:13:36,391 --> 00:13:39,483 Just like the way the ancients called it. 271 00:13:40,061 --> 00:13:43,304 Newman: When it comes to places like troy in turkey, 272 00:13:43,381 --> 00:13:45,306 It does really suggest that 273 00:13:45,383 --> 00:13:49,001 These myths and legends and epic tales 274 00:13:49,036 --> 00:13:51,103 May have some reality to them. 275 00:13:51,923 --> 00:13:54,040 Macgillivray: Heinrich schliemann opened a whole new chapter 276 00:13:54,075 --> 00:13:56,092 In the history books for us. 277 00:13:56,168 --> 00:13:58,678 What had previously been mythology 278 00:13:58,754 --> 00:14:02,215 Was now tangible archaeology. 279 00:14:02,917 --> 00:14:04,984 Narrator: For ancient astronaut theorists, 280 00:14:05,019 --> 00:14:08,421 The discovery of troy is highly significant 281 00:14:08,423 --> 00:14:11,424 Because it opens the possibility that other aspects 282 00:14:11,500 --> 00:14:15,854 Of greek mythology are also based in history. 283 00:14:17,281 --> 00:14:20,400 Tsoukalos: Are these stories a true history 284 00:14:20,435 --> 00:14:25,188 That we've misinterpreted as just fantasy? 285 00:14:25,223 --> 00:14:27,289 The ancient greek gods were 286 00:14:27,366 --> 00:14:32,303 Physical beings that actually mingled amongst man 287 00:14:32,380 --> 00:14:34,296 In the ancient mythologies. 288 00:14:34,298 --> 00:14:38,951 The ancient astronaut theory proposes that these encounters 289 00:14:39,028 --> 00:14:41,954 Actually happened in real life. 290 00:14:42,031 --> 00:14:44,373 They were here, not spiritual beings, 291 00:14:44,450 --> 00:14:46,308 They were here with their body. 292 00:14:46,310 --> 00:14:47,326 You can touch them. 293 00:14:47,404 --> 00:14:49,278 They were talking, they were building, 294 00:14:49,313 --> 00:14:52,932 They were doing something, they were not spiritual beings. 295 00:14:55,078 --> 00:14:56,152 Narrator: Is it possible, 296 00:14:56,187 --> 00:14:58,562 As ancient astronaut theorists suggest, 297 00:14:58,564 --> 00:15:01,974 That greek mythology is based on actual events 298 00:15:02,051 --> 00:15:06,170 And encounters with otherworldly beings? 299 00:15:06,247 --> 00:15:08,256 Perhaps further clues can be found 300 00:15:08,332 --> 00:15:12,652 By examining just how the greek gods were described. 301 00:15:13,538 --> 00:15:16,723 Mcgowan: The gods in the greek mythology are all very, 302 00:15:16,758 --> 00:15:18,808 Very human in their attributes. 303 00:15:18,843 --> 00:15:21,235 The greek gods are, are jealous. 304 00:15:21,312 --> 00:15:22,662 They're angry. They're passionate. 305 00:15:22,738 --> 00:15:24,856 They hate each other. They love each other. 306 00:15:25,674 --> 00:15:27,300 Macgillivray: They kill, they attack each other, 307 00:15:27,335 --> 00:15:30,845 They attack humans, especially. 308 00:15:31,514 --> 00:15:33,673 They have children out of wedlock. 309 00:15:33,749 --> 00:15:37,994 They wage wars with each other. They trick each other. 310 00:15:38,863 --> 00:15:41,422 There's nothing entirely divine about them 311 00:15:41,499 --> 00:15:43,590 Other than they have specific powers. 312 00:15:44,610 --> 00:15:47,770 Narrator: In the greek myths, the powers of the gods 313 00:15:47,847 --> 00:15:52,616 Often come in the forms of magical devices, weapons, 314 00:15:52,618 --> 00:15:54,327 And flying machines. 315 00:16:27,970 --> 00:16:29,053 They have airships, 316 00:16:29,130 --> 00:16:31,697 They have superpowers and weapons. 317 00:16:32,449 --> 00:16:37,086 It would seem that the gods are using technology. 318 00:16:37,088 --> 00:16:38,221 Von daniken: In my opinion, 319 00:16:38,256 --> 00:16:40,906 It was the technology of extraterrestrials. 320 00:16:40,983 --> 00:16:42,833 And it is not just a fiction. 321 00:16:42,835 --> 00:16:46,262 It's not just fantasy. It's not just the imagination. 322 00:16:46,338 --> 00:16:48,280 It is a true story. 323 00:16:48,358 --> 00:16:52,351 The old greek gods were extraterrestrials. 324 00:16:52,428 --> 00:16:56,388 Narrator: Could it be that the greek gods were alien beings 325 00:16:56,390 --> 00:16:59,308 Who came to earth thousands of years ago? 326 00:17:00,020 --> 00:17:02,769 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 327 00:17:02,771 --> 00:17:05,839 And suggest the stories about them 328 00:17:05,950 --> 00:17:08,184 Reveal even more profound truths 329 00:17:08,186 --> 00:17:12,321 About the origins of the human race. 330 00:17:16,294 --> 00:17:18,127 Narrator: The greek island of crete. 331 00:17:18,204 --> 00:17:19,628 1900. 332 00:17:19,705 --> 00:17:21,855 A team of british archaeologists, 333 00:17:21,933 --> 00:17:24,100 Led by sir arthur evans, 334 00:17:24,135 --> 00:17:27,712 Begins excavating the ruins of an ancient palace. 335 00:17:28,656 --> 00:17:32,300 In their efforts to unearth the sprawling complex, 336 00:17:32,376 --> 00:17:33,860 They come across a structure 337 00:17:33,895 --> 00:17:37,430 Eerily matching one of the most fearsome places 338 00:17:37,465 --> 00:17:41,308 In all of greek mythology-- 339 00:17:41,386 --> 00:17:44,228 The labyrinth of king minos. 340 00:17:45,774 --> 00:17:47,606 According to the legend, 341 00:17:47,608 --> 00:17:49,733 The elaborate maze of the labyrinth 342 00:17:49,735 --> 00:17:52,052 Was constructed by order of king minos 343 00:17:52,130 --> 00:17:57,700 To entrap a monstrous creature known as the minotaur. 344 00:17:59,161 --> 00:18:01,328 Mcgowan: This legend of the minotaur 345 00:18:01,406 --> 00:18:02,413 Is one of the most important 346 00:18:02,490 --> 00:18:03,705 And prevalent legends 347 00:18:03,707 --> 00:18:05,582 Of the ancient greek mythology. 348 00:18:06,227 --> 00:18:09,995 One day, king minos of crete angers the god poseidon. 349 00:18:10,072 --> 00:18:13,031 Poseidon, being angry at minos, 350 00:18:13,109 --> 00:18:16,319 Casts a spell over his wife pasiphae, 351 00:18:16,354 --> 00:18:21,349 That she might fall in love with this great white bull. 352 00:18:22,326 --> 00:18:23,601 And through the mating of the bull, 353 00:18:23,678 --> 00:18:26,345 The minotaur is born. 354 00:18:26,422 --> 00:18:29,606 The minotaur is half human and half bull as a result. 355 00:18:29,684 --> 00:18:30,950 And he is ferocious, 356 00:18:31,026 --> 00:18:33,435 And he feeds on the flesh of humans. 357 00:18:34,205 --> 00:18:37,539 Andrew collins: The legend of king minos 358 00:18:37,616 --> 00:18:38,907 And the labyrinth 359 00:18:38,909 --> 00:18:42,537 Is something that was seen to be a fable 360 00:18:42,613 --> 00:18:48,017 Until the explorations of the palace in crete. 361 00:18:48,719 --> 00:18:53,539 What arthur evans uncovered was an entire palace 362 00:18:53,616 --> 00:18:56,174 That seemed to be dedicated over 363 00:18:56,176 --> 00:18:58,452 To a bull cult. 364 00:18:58,529 --> 00:19:03,807 There were frescos showing people leaping over bulls. 365 00:19:03,809 --> 00:19:06,018 There were bulls' horns, 366 00:19:06,053 --> 00:19:08,354 Bulls' heads everywhere. 367 00:19:10,074 --> 00:19:12,074 Mcgowan: The palace is an elaborate structure, 368 00:19:12,151 --> 00:19:17,579 With moving walls and mazes actually built into the palace. 369 00:19:17,656 --> 00:19:19,656 It became very clear 370 00:19:19,658 --> 00:19:22,492 Upon looking at the structure of this palace, 371 00:19:22,494 --> 00:19:25,580 That this was the original labyrinth. 372 00:19:26,490 --> 00:19:28,874 Narrator: If the structure found in crete 373 00:19:28,876 --> 00:19:31,744 Really is the fabled labyrinth of king minos, 374 00:19:31,820 --> 00:19:35,581 Then is it possible that the story of the minotaur 375 00:19:35,658 --> 00:19:39,009 Is based on actual events? 376 00:19:39,011 --> 00:19:41,888 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 377 00:19:41,997 --> 00:19:46,125 But suggest that what is described in the legend 378 00:19:46,127 --> 00:19:49,978 Is not literally a bull mating with a human. 379 00:19:49,980 --> 00:19:53,298 The story of the minotaur is an astounding story 380 00:19:53,376 --> 00:19:55,451 Of the creation of a hybrid being. 381 00:19:56,129 --> 00:19:58,345 And what's interesting about this is that daedalus, 382 00:19:58,423 --> 00:19:59,863 This genius engineer, 383 00:19:59,865 --> 00:20:02,441 Crafts this cow-shaped container, 384 00:20:02,518 --> 00:20:06,462 That minos's wife is to enter into this container 385 00:20:06,538 --> 00:20:09,265 And mate with this sacred bull. 386 00:20:09,300 --> 00:20:10,599 This sounds like some kind of 387 00:20:10,634 --> 00:20:12,542 Genetics lab that's been created here 388 00:20:12,544 --> 00:20:15,212 For the specific purpose to mate a human 389 00:20:15,214 --> 00:20:16,464 With a sacred bull. 390 00:20:17,291 --> 00:20:20,059 The minotaur is the result of that mating. 391 00:20:20,061 --> 00:20:22,886 So when we peel back the layers of this story, 392 00:20:22,888 --> 00:20:24,705 We can easily interpret this 393 00:20:24,782 --> 00:20:27,850 As an example of ancient gene splicing. 394 00:20:29,954 --> 00:20:31,454 Michael carter: There are plenty of myths 395 00:20:31,489 --> 00:20:36,542 That talk about these hybrids in the tales of greece. 396 00:20:37,411 --> 00:20:41,054 There was a centaur, half horse, half man... 397 00:20:41,799 --> 00:20:46,902 If we look at the mermaid-- a woman and part fish-- 398 00:20:47,604 --> 00:20:51,323 With genetics, with experimentation, 399 00:20:51,400 --> 00:20:53,025 Maybe these beings 400 00:20:53,101 --> 00:20:55,094 Really did walk the earth, 401 00:20:55,129 --> 00:20:57,003 And our ancestors were depicting 402 00:20:57,005 --> 00:20:58,714 What they saw around them. 403 00:20:59,683 --> 00:21:02,092 Narrator: In the greek mythological tradition, 404 00:21:02,094 --> 00:21:04,594 There are many instances of the gods 405 00:21:04,596 --> 00:21:06,689 Creating hybrid animals 406 00:21:06,724 --> 00:21:10,434 And even more that involve their manipulation of humans, 407 00:21:10,511 --> 00:21:13,980 Including the creation of the human race. 408 00:21:14,865 --> 00:21:16,532 According to greek mythology, 409 00:21:16,608 --> 00:21:20,853 The titan prometheus formed figurines of humans out of mud, 410 00:21:20,929 --> 00:21:25,641 And the olympian athena breathed life into them. 411 00:21:25,717 --> 00:21:29,845 It is also said that prometheus brought us civilization. 412 00:21:29,880 --> 00:21:31,121 That he gave us writing, 413 00:21:31,123 --> 00:21:33,866 He gave us language, he gave us arithmetic. 414 00:21:34,644 --> 00:21:36,794 Narrator: The greek myths go on to speak 415 00:21:36,871 --> 00:21:39,796 Of mortals and immortals comingling 416 00:21:39,798 --> 00:21:43,592 To create hybrids who were half human and half god. 417 00:21:55,306 --> 00:21:58,390 Macgillivray: These sexual interactions would produce 418 00:21:58,467 --> 00:22:00,467 What they called the demigods, 419 00:22:00,545 --> 00:22:04,296 Somebody who was half man, half god, 420 00:22:04,331 --> 00:22:05,614 Or half woman, half god. 421 00:22:06,325 --> 00:22:10,143 And these demigods became very, very powerful 422 00:22:10,145 --> 00:22:12,079 In their own right. 423 00:22:26,970 --> 00:22:28,929 Narrator: Much like the myths of ancient greece, 424 00:22:28,931 --> 00:22:32,508 Stories of humans mixed with the bloodlines of gods 425 00:22:32,584 --> 00:22:36,036 Appear in many cultures throughout the ancient world... 426 00:22:36,780 --> 00:22:39,231 ...From the deities known as the anunnaki 427 00:22:39,233 --> 00:22:41,917 Depicted in early sumerian writings, 428 00:22:41,952 --> 00:22:44,569 To the biblical book of enoch, 429 00:22:44,571 --> 00:22:48,123 Which tells of fallen angels, called the watchers, 430 00:22:48,200 --> 00:22:51,869 Who mated with humans to create the nephilim. 431 00:22:52,996 --> 00:22:55,631 Carter: We are told that the sons of god 432 00:22:55,707 --> 00:23:00,086 Came down to earth and mated with earth women. 433 00:23:00,121 --> 00:23:02,712 Now, this is in all mythology, 434 00:23:02,714 --> 00:23:06,132 Whether it's greek, whether it's sumerian, 435 00:23:06,134 --> 00:23:08,210 Uh, whether it's hindu. 436 00:23:08,287 --> 00:23:11,430 And so, we have to ask ourselves, 437 00:23:11,465 --> 00:23:15,284 These are new human beings that are being created. 438 00:23:15,319 --> 00:23:17,653 How is this happening? 439 00:23:17,688 --> 00:23:20,489 Narrator: According to ancient astronaut theorists, 440 00:23:20,566 --> 00:23:22,549 The parallels in these accounts 441 00:23:22,627 --> 00:23:25,461 May be evidence of extraterrestrials 442 00:23:25,496 --> 00:23:30,240 Intentionally mingling their dna with mankind. 443 00:23:30,242 --> 00:23:32,834 The greek gods can be placed 444 00:23:32,911 --> 00:23:34,394 In the same category 445 00:23:34,505 --> 00:23:37,790 As the anunnaki, the guardians of the sky, 446 00:23:37,825 --> 00:23:40,142 And the so-called watchers. 447 00:23:40,177 --> 00:23:41,843 They're all the same. 448 00:23:41,920 --> 00:23:46,515 Meaning extraterrestrials observed humankind 449 00:23:46,592 --> 00:23:50,302 And also guided our development. 450 00:23:50,337 --> 00:23:52,271 We have the curious stories 451 00:23:52,306 --> 00:23:54,247 Of the greek gods 452 00:23:54,325 --> 00:23:56,892 Creating these heroes or demigods. 453 00:23:57,002 --> 00:23:59,861 And so we can kind of see here 454 00:23:59,863 --> 00:24:04,549 How the gods or the extraterrestrials are 455 00:24:04,551 --> 00:24:08,194 Genetically manipulating humans. 456 00:24:08,872 --> 00:24:11,157 Narrator: Could the greek stories of the demigods 457 00:24:11,192 --> 00:24:15,227 Serve as evidence of an extraterrestrial agenda 458 00:24:15,229 --> 00:24:17,163 To genetically evolve and guide 459 00:24:17,198 --> 00:24:19,748 The development of humankind? 460 00:24:20,560 --> 00:24:23,460 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 461 00:24:23,462 --> 00:24:26,705 And they suggest even more compelling evidence 462 00:24:26,707 --> 00:24:29,008 That there was an otherworldly presence 463 00:24:29,043 --> 00:24:30,283 In ancient greece 464 00:24:30,361 --> 00:24:35,047 Can be found by examining the country's oldest structures, 465 00:24:35,123 --> 00:24:36,640 Which were said to have been built 466 00:24:36,642 --> 00:24:39,810 By a race of giants. 467 00:24:43,131 --> 00:24:47,026 Narrator: The ancient greek story of king minos first appears 468 00:24:47,061 --> 00:24:49,195 In homer's epic poem the iliad, 469 00:24:49,230 --> 00:24:53,415 And takes place around 2500 bc, 470 00:24:53,492 --> 00:24:58,387 Roughly 1,300 years before the rise of the greek empire. 471 00:24:59,022 --> 00:25:02,875 According to greek mythology, this is "the golden age," 472 00:25:02,910 --> 00:25:06,670 The time when humans shared the earth with the gods-- 473 00:25:06,672 --> 00:25:11,692 As well as many other strange creatures like the minotaur. 474 00:25:11,694 --> 00:25:13,935 You're talking about tons of giants, 475 00:25:14,012 --> 00:25:16,680 Tons of monsters, tons of scary beings. 476 00:25:18,117 --> 00:25:19,391 Cyclopes, 477 00:25:19,426 --> 00:25:22,094 You've got hybrids of monsters, 478 00:25:22,170 --> 00:25:25,146 But they're all existing together 479 00:25:25,148 --> 00:25:28,275 Somehow in the same place. 480 00:25:29,186 --> 00:25:30,903 Narrator: In the ancient texts, 481 00:25:30,938 --> 00:25:33,513 Greece was home to an advanced society 482 00:25:33,591 --> 00:25:36,199 During this so-called golden age, 483 00:25:36,277 --> 00:25:39,428 And ancient astronaut theorists suggest 484 00:25:39,463 --> 00:25:41,280 Remnants of that civilization 485 00:25:41,356 --> 00:25:44,933 May be located near the city of argos, 486 00:25:44,968 --> 00:25:46,543 Where there are ruins 487 00:25:46,545 --> 00:25:48,620 Of a mysterious megalithic structure 488 00:25:48,622 --> 00:25:52,424 That is unlike any other structure in greece. 489 00:25:53,127 --> 00:25:55,594 Macgillivray: Outside of argos there's a really beautifully built 490 00:25:55,629 --> 00:25:57,887 Pyramidal building at hellinikon, 491 00:25:57,889 --> 00:26:00,098 Which is a total mystery. 492 00:26:00,100 --> 00:26:01,934 Really, really, very, very mysterious. 493 00:26:03,320 --> 00:26:06,605 The architecture looks archaic... 494 00:26:07,408 --> 00:26:09,641 ...And it's unique in that sense. 495 00:26:09,718 --> 00:26:13,045 It's a place where you can actually go into the pyramid. 496 00:26:13,680 --> 00:26:16,906 Schoch: The pyramid of hellinikon is quite small. 497 00:26:16,908 --> 00:26:18,834 It's maybe only 23 feet 498 00:26:18,910 --> 00:26:21,987 By 30 feet by maybe 12 feet tall. 499 00:26:22,064 --> 00:26:24,957 But it's incredibly interesting. 500 00:26:24,992 --> 00:26:27,976 We don't really know what its purpose was, 501 00:26:28,011 --> 00:26:31,905 And even more controversial 502 00:26:31,982 --> 00:26:33,682 Is the dating of it. 503 00:26:34,485 --> 00:26:39,680 Narrator: In 1995, scientists working at the academy of athens 504 00:26:39,757 --> 00:26:41,448 Dated samples from the site 505 00:26:41,525 --> 00:26:44,426 Using a new and experimental method called 506 00:26:44,461 --> 00:26:46,662 Optical thermoluminescence. 507 00:26:46,697 --> 00:26:50,024 The results were staggering. 508 00:26:50,851 --> 00:26:52,851 The pyramid at hellinikon, 509 00:26:52,928 --> 00:26:54,519 According to their results... 510 00:26:55,363 --> 00:26:59,116 ...Is one of the oldest pyramids on earth. 511 00:27:00,043 --> 00:27:01,877 The pyramid of hellinikon 512 00:27:01,953 --> 00:27:07,299 Dates to 2720 bc. 513 00:27:07,901 --> 00:27:10,352 Newman: The hellinikon pyramid is thought to be 514 00:27:10,387 --> 00:27:13,138 Originally built by the mycenaeans, but... 515 00:27:13,215 --> 00:27:16,825 If the dating is correct of 2720 bc, 516 00:27:16,902 --> 00:27:19,628 Then this is over a thousand years older. 517 00:27:19,705 --> 00:27:22,455 So we have to question who really built this. 518 00:27:23,317 --> 00:27:27,068 Narrator: The dating of the pyramid of hellinikon places it 519 00:27:27,145 --> 00:27:29,905 In the same era as the so-called golden age 520 00:27:29,981 --> 00:27:35,427 When gods and strange creatures were said to exist on earth. 521 00:27:35,504 --> 00:27:38,914 Curiously, just eight miles to the north 522 00:27:38,990 --> 00:27:41,033 Is another structure that does not match 523 00:27:41,068 --> 00:27:43,919 The construction style of the greek empire, 524 00:27:43,995 --> 00:27:46,722 But features masonry strikingly similar 525 00:27:46,757 --> 00:27:49,333 To that of the pyramid of hellinikon. 526 00:27:50,644 --> 00:27:54,513 Standing within the ancient site of mycenae is an incredible 527 00:27:54,589 --> 00:27:58,676 Megalithic structure called the treasury of atreus. 528 00:27:59,904 --> 00:28:01,670 The treasury of atreus at mycenae was 529 00:28:01,747 --> 00:28:04,348 This massive structure... 530 00:28:05,526 --> 00:28:08,994 ...Built into the hillside with huge blocks, 531 00:28:09,029 --> 00:28:12,080 Conglomerate stone being brought into place, 532 00:28:12,115 --> 00:28:17,169 Including the lintel that goes over the threshold 533 00:28:17,171 --> 00:28:20,989 Going into the tomb which weighs 250 tons. 534 00:28:20,991 --> 00:28:23,942 What's telling about mycenae is that we have 535 00:28:24,019 --> 00:28:26,628 Multiple construction styles there. 536 00:28:26,705 --> 00:28:30,449 And the oldest one is the most sophisticated. 537 00:28:30,525 --> 00:28:34,119 And the same masonry style exists 538 00:28:34,196 --> 00:28:36,671 At the pyramid of hellinikon, 539 00:28:36,673 --> 00:28:40,901 About a ten-minute drive from present-day mycenae. 540 00:28:40,978 --> 00:28:45,797 So, clearly, the two were part of the same kingdom at the time. 541 00:28:45,874 --> 00:28:48,951 Narrator: For ancient astronaut theorists, 542 00:28:48,986 --> 00:28:51,770 The notion that these megalithic structures could both 543 00:28:51,805 --> 00:28:57,109 Date back more than 4,700 years is extraordinary. 544 00:28:57,144 --> 00:28:59,945 But even more intriguing is the fact 545 00:28:59,980 --> 00:29:02,572 That the greek stories say they were built 546 00:29:02,574 --> 00:29:05,166 By a race of giant humanoid beings 547 00:29:05,168 --> 00:29:08,303 Who lived during the golden age. 548 00:29:09,006 --> 00:29:10,755 Macgillivray: According to the ancient greeks, 549 00:29:10,832 --> 00:29:12,565 The treasury of atreus at mycenae 550 00:29:12,643 --> 00:29:14,460 Was created by the cyclopes. 551 00:29:16,146 --> 00:29:20,165 Huge, giant builders that had a single, circular eye 552 00:29:20,242 --> 00:29:23,018 In the middle of their forehead, and they were credited 553 00:29:23,094 --> 00:29:26,154 With lifting these huge blocks into place. 554 00:29:26,932 --> 00:29:31,526 Narrator: In greek mythology, the cyclops were related to the titans, 555 00:29:31,603 --> 00:29:35,898 The first generation of gods, and were master craftsman. 556 00:29:36,800 --> 00:29:40,869 They created zeus's thunderbolt, poseidon's trident, 557 00:29:40,946 --> 00:29:43,763 And hades' cap of invisibility. 558 00:29:43,841 --> 00:29:46,174 And they were credited with building 559 00:29:46,209 --> 00:29:48,618 The ancient megaliths of greece. 560 00:29:49,305 --> 00:29:52,848 Newman: The cyclops were thought to be master masons 561 00:29:52,883 --> 00:29:54,533 And advanced metallurgists, 562 00:29:54,609 --> 00:29:57,168 And also were able to quarry stone 563 00:29:57,170 --> 00:30:00,205 In a profoundly brilliant way. 564 00:30:00,883 --> 00:30:03,383 If you look around the site of mycenae, 565 00:30:03,385 --> 00:30:06,612 You see amazing construction all over the site. 566 00:30:06,647 --> 00:30:09,807 So, is there some reality to these stories? 567 00:30:10,801 --> 00:30:12,342 Is there actual giants 568 00:30:12,419 --> 00:30:14,202 Who were involved in the construction 569 00:30:14,237 --> 00:30:16,154 Of sites like mycenae? 570 00:30:16,807 --> 00:30:20,842 Narrator: As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, 571 00:30:20,920 --> 00:30:23,270 The pyramid of hellinikon 572 00:30:23,272 --> 00:30:26,198 And the treasury of atreus provide further evidence 573 00:30:26,233 --> 00:30:31,394 That the golden age of the gods was more than just a myth. 574 00:30:31,472 --> 00:30:33,321 This idea is not something 575 00:30:33,398 --> 00:30:35,707 That was just pulled out of thin air. 576 00:30:36,410 --> 00:30:40,745 In fact, it also connects to other stories of gods 577 00:30:40,822 --> 00:30:42,655 Around the world. 578 00:30:42,733 --> 00:30:46,635 Many of the ancient egyptian texts that have been translated 579 00:30:46,670 --> 00:30:51,873 Speak of a so-called golden age of ancient egypt 580 00:30:52,025 --> 00:30:57,479 At a time when human beings mingled side by side 581 00:30:57,514 --> 00:31:00,899 With the so-called gods. 582 00:31:01,710 --> 00:31:04,853 Now, this is something that has been recorded orally 583 00:31:04,930 --> 00:31:06,605 And also in a written language 584 00:31:06,681 --> 00:31:10,609 For thousands of years, around the world. 585 00:31:10,685 --> 00:31:12,961 And you have to ask the question, 586 00:31:13,038 --> 00:31:18,016 Are our ancestors all talking about the same 587 00:31:18,051 --> 00:31:20,777 Visiting extraterrestrials? 588 00:31:21,538 --> 00:31:23,939 Narrator: Is it possible that the structures 589 00:31:23,974 --> 00:31:25,591 Like the treasury of atreus 590 00:31:25,626 --> 00:31:30,429 And the pyramid of hellinikon were built during a time 591 00:31:30,464 --> 00:31:32,313 When humans shared the earth 592 00:31:32,390 --> 00:31:35,392 With visitors from another world? 593 00:31:36,236 --> 00:31:37,853 Perhaps further clues can be found 594 00:31:37,888 --> 00:31:41,807 By examining another mysterious megalithic site, 595 00:31:41,842 --> 00:31:43,108 Where the greeks claimed 596 00:31:43,143 --> 00:31:46,695 They could speak directly to the gods. 597 00:31:55,572 --> 00:31:58,156 Narrator: Located on the slopes of mount parnassus, 598 00:31:58,233 --> 00:32:00,125 This site was a religious center 599 00:32:00,160 --> 00:32:04,237 Throughout the entire timeline of the greek empire. 600 00:32:04,314 --> 00:32:08,667 When homer wrote the iliad in the eighth century bc, 601 00:32:08,743 --> 00:32:12,471 When socrates established western philosophy 602 00:32:12,506 --> 00:32:15,173 In the fifth century bc, 603 00:32:15,208 --> 00:32:17,934 And when alexander the great conquered egypt 604 00:32:17,936 --> 00:32:19,511 In the fourth century bc, 605 00:32:19,587 --> 00:32:23,364 Delphi was the place where people went 606 00:32:23,366 --> 00:32:26,526 To communicate directly with the gods. 607 00:32:27,612 --> 00:32:30,489 Delphi is this extraordinarily powerful place. 608 00:32:30,598 --> 00:32:32,874 I mean, you can feel it when you go there today. 609 00:32:33,652 --> 00:32:38,196 Delphi became hugely important throughout classical antiquity. 610 00:32:38,273 --> 00:32:40,849 Everybody, especially the ruling elite, 611 00:32:40,884 --> 00:32:43,626 Would go and they would pose a question. 612 00:32:43,628 --> 00:32:44,853 Nobody would go to war, 613 00:32:44,888 --> 00:32:46,629 Nobody would even start a trade excursion, 614 00:32:46,631 --> 00:32:48,373 Nobody would do anything, 615 00:32:48,450 --> 00:32:50,783 Without going and consulting the oracle. 616 00:32:50,785 --> 00:32:52,344 And the oracle would 617 00:32:52,379 --> 00:32:55,847 Channel basically an answer then from the gods. 618 00:32:56,717 --> 00:33:01,236 Narrator: The oracle was a high priestess known as the pythia, 619 00:33:01,312 --> 00:33:04,239 Who held court at the temple of apollo, 620 00:33:04,315 --> 00:33:07,192 Which lies mostly in ruins today. 621 00:33:09,079 --> 00:33:10,696 According to ancient texts, 622 00:33:10,731 --> 00:33:13,048 Those seeking counsel from the gods 623 00:33:13,083 --> 00:33:14,700 Were put in a meditative state 624 00:33:14,735 --> 00:33:18,478 Before entering the innermost sanctuary of the temple, 625 00:33:18,555 --> 00:33:19,996 Where they would offer gifts 626 00:33:19,998 --> 00:33:23,125 And present their questions to the oracle. 627 00:33:24,194 --> 00:33:26,911 The way the oracle at delphi functioned was... 628 00:33:27,589 --> 00:33:31,674 ...The pythia, the priestess sat over a crevice which was 629 00:33:31,676 --> 00:33:33,768 Within the temple of apollo. 630 00:33:33,845 --> 00:33:37,489 She would inhale whatever fumes were coming up from the crevice, 631 00:33:37,491 --> 00:33:40,058 And she would then get an answer from apollo, 632 00:33:40,093 --> 00:33:42,001 A divine answer from above. 633 00:33:43,046 --> 00:33:45,438 Jonathan young: There was a crack in the stone there, 634 00:33:45,515 --> 00:33:48,150 And there was a kind of vapor of gas that was coming, 635 00:33:48,185 --> 00:33:50,676 Which put her into an altered state. 636 00:33:51,346 --> 00:33:55,774 Although we do not know what the altered state was like, 637 00:33:55,850 --> 00:33:58,793 Maybe she was tapping into something. 638 00:33:58,870 --> 00:34:02,130 Henry: Current research on the pythia at delphi 639 00:34:02,207 --> 00:34:04,465 Is asking the question, was there perhaps 640 00:34:04,542 --> 00:34:06,960 Some kind of psychedelic connection there? 641 00:34:08,338 --> 00:34:11,214 Narrator: According to ancient astronaut theorists, 642 00:34:11,216 --> 00:34:14,234 The notion that chemically altering the mind 643 00:34:14,311 --> 00:34:17,378 Might facilitate a connection with otherworldly beings 644 00:34:17,413 --> 00:34:21,800 Is supported by experiments with a powerful hallucinogen 645 00:34:21,876 --> 00:34:25,437 Called dimethyltryptamine, or dmt. 646 00:34:26,406 --> 00:34:29,149 Between 1990 and 1995, 647 00:34:29,226 --> 00:34:32,568 Scientists at the university of new mexico 648 00:34:32,570 --> 00:34:36,264 Administered dmt to 60 volunteers 649 00:34:36,341 --> 00:34:37,682 And were surprised to find 650 00:34:37,759 --> 00:34:41,069 That many of them had very similar visions, 651 00:34:41,146 --> 00:34:42,487 Including encounters 652 00:34:42,564 --> 00:34:46,174 With strange beings who reportedly said, 653 00:34:46,251 --> 00:34:49,352 "now we can communicate with you." 654 00:34:50,096 --> 00:34:53,832 Henry: Recent research suggests that hallucinogenic experiences 655 00:34:53,908 --> 00:34:56,267 Actually open portals of communication 656 00:34:56,269 --> 00:34:58,470 With otherworldly beings. 657 00:34:58,505 --> 00:35:02,140 And perhaps this is what was going on back at delphi as well. 658 00:35:03,060 --> 00:35:05,593 Narrator: In the greek mythological tradition, 659 00:35:05,670 --> 00:35:08,163 Zeus not only chose the exact location 660 00:35:08,198 --> 00:35:11,983 Where the pythia would receive messages from the gods-- 661 00:35:11,985 --> 00:35:14,318 He also placed a mysterious object 662 00:35:14,320 --> 00:35:17,364 At the oracle called the omphalos. 663 00:35:18,508 --> 00:35:21,927 Just what the omphalos was remains a mystery, 664 00:35:21,962 --> 00:35:26,873 Since it reportedly disappeared in 395 ad. 665 00:35:27,768 --> 00:35:29,684 But a roman replica of the stone 666 00:35:29,719 --> 00:35:32,720 Has been preserved at the museum of delphi, 667 00:35:32,797 --> 00:35:36,374 Supporting the notion that it truly existed. 668 00:35:36,451 --> 00:35:39,361 Mcgowan: It's a fascinating stone, it's very beautiful. 669 00:35:39,396 --> 00:35:44,065 And it, it appears to be covered in a type of crisscross pattern. 670 00:35:44,734 --> 00:35:46,868 It's possible that the omphalos stone was 671 00:35:46,903 --> 00:35:48,703 Some type of communication device 672 00:35:48,738 --> 00:35:52,040 Between the people on the ground and the people in the sky. 673 00:35:52,642 --> 00:35:57,153 Childress: The ancient greeks built their famous temple at delphi 674 00:35:57,155 --> 00:35:59,731 Around this omphalos stone, 675 00:35:59,766 --> 00:36:02,917 And it was the power center of the world. 676 00:36:02,994 --> 00:36:08,056 And this omphalos stone was also supposed to be a vehicle 677 00:36:08,091 --> 00:36:11,226 For communicating with the gods. 678 00:36:11,261 --> 00:36:13,819 So you have to wonder, was it really 679 00:36:13,897 --> 00:36:17,399 Some special stone that could help people 680 00:36:17,434 --> 00:36:19,901 Communicate with extraterrestrials? 681 00:36:20,678 --> 00:36:23,571 Narrator: Is it possible that the ancient greeks 682 00:36:23,606 --> 00:36:25,273 Were given specific instructions 683 00:36:25,350 --> 00:36:28,076 On where to build the temple of apollo 684 00:36:28,111 --> 00:36:30,836 By an otherworldly visitor? 685 00:36:30,914 --> 00:36:34,006 One who utilized both the vapors from the earth 686 00:36:34,084 --> 00:36:36,267 And some mysterious technological device 687 00:36:36,344 --> 00:36:40,197 To facilitate a means of communication? 688 00:36:40,908 --> 00:36:43,241 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 689 00:36:43,276 --> 00:36:46,794 And suggest that delphi's otherworldly connection 690 00:36:46,871 --> 00:36:51,866 Was established long before the rise of the greek empire, 691 00:36:51,868 --> 00:36:54,536 During the so-called golden age 692 00:36:54,571 --> 00:36:58,447 When the gods were said to be present on earth. 693 00:36:59,125 --> 00:37:02,627 As evidence, they point to mysterious ruins 694 00:37:02,704 --> 00:37:05,947 That feature the same type of cyclopean masonry 695 00:37:06,057 --> 00:37:10,068 Found at mycenae and the pyramid of hellinikon. 696 00:37:10,954 --> 00:37:15,148 Officially, delphi is dated to about the sixth century bc, 697 00:37:15,150 --> 00:37:17,883 But there are earlier constructions at the site. 698 00:37:18,737 --> 00:37:23,698 And these are the gigantic cyclopean and polygonal walls 699 00:37:23,733 --> 00:37:26,150 That are not just in the main part of the site. 700 00:37:26,227 --> 00:37:28,069 If you actually look around carefully, 701 00:37:28,146 --> 00:37:30,613 You find them half buried down 702 00:37:30,615 --> 00:37:33,183 Near the entrance at the lowest levels, 703 00:37:33,259 --> 00:37:34,650 And it really does suggest 704 00:37:34,728 --> 00:37:37,003 That the site could be much, much older. 705 00:37:37,080 --> 00:37:38,463 And this was used for not hundreds, 706 00:37:38,498 --> 00:37:40,590 Possibly thousands of years. 707 00:37:40,667 --> 00:37:44,819 Narrator: According to the ancient greeks, figures like zeus, 708 00:37:44,854 --> 00:37:48,831 Athena and apollo continued to guide them 709 00:37:48,909 --> 00:37:51,442 Well beyond the golden age. 710 00:37:51,519 --> 00:37:54,454 And ancient astronaut theorists suggest 711 00:37:54,531 --> 00:37:56,280 These otherworldly beings 712 00:37:56,315 --> 00:38:00,001 Inspired an extraordinary moment in history 713 00:38:00,036 --> 00:38:04,906 That would shape the world for centuries to come. 714 00:38:08,929 --> 00:38:10,536 Narrator: Starting with the harnessing of fire 715 00:38:10,647 --> 00:38:12,788 Hundreds of thousands of years ago, 716 00:38:12,790 --> 00:38:14,815 There have been moments in human history 717 00:38:14,817 --> 00:38:18,461 Of sudden and significant advancement... 718 00:38:19,398 --> 00:38:21,047 ...Like the renaissance, 719 00:38:21,124 --> 00:38:23,341 The industrial revolution, 720 00:38:23,376 --> 00:38:27,053 And the founding of the united states. 721 00:38:28,331 --> 00:38:30,240 But some scholars believe 722 00:38:30,316 --> 00:38:32,183 The most significant period of all 723 00:38:32,218 --> 00:38:36,688 Occurred in athens around 2,500 years ago. 724 00:38:37,574 --> 00:38:39,965 In the span of a single lifetime, 725 00:38:40,043 --> 00:38:43,194 Dozens of history's most brilliant minds emerged 726 00:38:43,229 --> 00:38:45,746 And achieved monumental advancements 727 00:38:45,823 --> 00:38:49,684 That would reverberate through the ages. 728 00:38:49,760 --> 00:38:53,496 It was a time known as the greek miracle. 729 00:38:55,125 --> 00:38:57,733 It goes almost without saying 730 00:38:57,811 --> 00:39:00,711 That without ancient greece, 731 00:39:00,713 --> 00:39:03,489 And without the so-called greek miracle, 732 00:39:03,567 --> 00:39:06,675 Civilization today would not be the same. 733 00:39:07,220 --> 00:39:11,330 Newman: Some of the most profound philosophers lived at this time. 734 00:39:11,332 --> 00:39:15,894 Plato, for instance, he created these remarkable 3d geometries. 735 00:39:16,946 --> 00:39:18,680 The dodecahedron. 736 00:39:18,715 --> 00:39:22,266 Pythagoras related the harmony of the cosmos 737 00:39:22,343 --> 00:39:23,509 And all within it 738 00:39:23,587 --> 00:39:26,437 To mathematical formulas and geometry. 739 00:39:26,590 --> 00:39:29,716 And different philosophers came up with different ideas 740 00:39:29,792 --> 00:39:32,944 Looking at this much more kind of practical way 741 00:39:33,020 --> 00:39:36,431 Of understanding life and the cosmos. 742 00:39:37,133 --> 00:39:40,301 Tsoukalos: You had socrates, hippocrates, aristotle, 743 00:39:40,336 --> 00:39:43,588 Sophocles, euripides, herodotus, 744 00:39:43,623 --> 00:39:46,107 And the list goes on. 745 00:39:46,142 --> 00:39:49,385 They all lived at the same time. 746 00:39:49,387 --> 00:39:50,978 So my question is... 747 00:39:51,722 --> 00:39:56,559 ...Is it possible that they had a direct connection 748 00:39:56,561 --> 00:39:59,562 With the physical extraterrestrials 749 00:39:59,564 --> 00:40:04,216 That were monitoring earth at that time? 750 00:40:04,218 --> 00:40:07,662 And my answer to that is a resounding yes. 751 00:40:07,738 --> 00:40:10,998 Narrator: Whether the greek miracle happened by chance 752 00:40:11,075 --> 00:40:16,121 Or by extraterrestrial design, one thing is certain-- 753 00:40:16,156 --> 00:40:18,781 The accomplishments of the ancient greeks 754 00:40:18,783 --> 00:40:22,293 Helped to shape the world for centuries to come. 755 00:40:22,328 --> 00:40:24,845 We see and we experience 756 00:40:24,880 --> 00:40:26,714 The gifts of the ancient greeks 757 00:40:26,791 --> 00:40:28,424 Every day in our modern lives 758 00:40:28,426 --> 00:40:29,408 In the 21st century. 759 00:40:29,486 --> 00:40:33,004 They gave us everything from democracy 760 00:40:33,039 --> 00:40:35,690 To the most extraordinary architecture and art. 761 00:40:35,725 --> 00:40:39,477 We see it in our nation's capital, in washington, d.C. 762 00:40:39,512 --> 00:40:43,148 The extraordinary greek temple architecture. 763 00:40:43,183 --> 00:40:46,233 Kaku: You go to paris, you go to london, 764 00:40:46,235 --> 00:40:49,654 All the architecture comes from ancient greece. 765 00:40:49,689 --> 00:40:52,131 And then you learned about the mathematics 766 00:40:52,133 --> 00:40:54,450 That made these monuments possible. 767 00:40:54,452 --> 00:40:56,210 All of that coming from ancient greece. 768 00:40:56,287 --> 00:40:59,847 Macgillivray: Anybody who does science will be still using terms 769 00:40:59,849 --> 00:41:04,002 That were coined in archaic and classical greece. 770 00:41:04,037 --> 00:41:05,803 We're still using 771 00:41:05,880 --> 00:41:07,839 Ancient greek words and concepts. 772 00:41:07,874 --> 00:41:10,132 So the western world is very, 773 00:41:10,134 --> 00:41:13,794 Very much indebted to, to ancient greece. 774 00:41:14,539 --> 00:41:16,380 Childress: If it's true that almost everything 775 00:41:16,457 --> 00:41:18,457 Of the western world that we have today 776 00:41:18,459 --> 00:41:21,669 Has its birthplace in ancient greece, 777 00:41:21,746 --> 00:41:23,888 Then perhaps it would mean 778 00:41:23,965 --> 00:41:27,859 That modern civilization itself can be traced back 779 00:41:27,894 --> 00:41:30,211 To these extraterrestrials, 780 00:41:30,246 --> 00:41:32,030 These gods of olympus. 781 00:41:33,174 --> 00:41:35,057 Narrator: Could it be that the incredible 782 00:41:35,059 --> 00:41:38,060 Mythological tales of ancient greece 783 00:41:38,138 --> 00:41:42,181 Tell the story of humankind's true origins? 784 00:41:42,851 --> 00:41:46,293 And that the world we live in today is the product 785 00:41:46,295 --> 00:41:48,671 Of extraterrestrial visitation 786 00:41:48,673 --> 00:41:52,600 That took place thousands of years ago? 787 00:41:52,677 --> 00:41:55,428 Perhaps we will receive the answer 788 00:41:55,505 --> 00:41:59,307 When visitors descend from the sky once again, 789 00:41:59,342 --> 00:42:03,377 And we come face-to-face with our alien ancestors. 790 00:42:03,455 --> 00:42:06,564 Captioning provided by a+e networks