1 00:00:02,427 --> 00:00:06,306 NARRATOR: Millions of planets similar to our own. 2 00:00:06,306 --> 00:00:09,976 GIORGIO A. TSOUKALOS: The discoveries of exoplanets 3 00:00:09,976 --> 00:00:13,355 over the past few years have been absolutely extraordinary. 4 00:00:13,355 --> 00:00:17,692 NARRATOR: And many could soon be within the grasp of our technology. 5 00:00:17,692 --> 00:00:19,319 MICHIO KAKU: Think about it. 6 00:00:19,319 --> 00:00:21,988 Civilizations over billions of years could have 7 00:00:21,988 --> 00:00:23,990 risen and fallen 8 00:00:23,990 --> 00:00:27,536 even before the Earth was formed. 9 00:00:27,536 --> 00:00:31,540 NARRATOR: But if we can reach out in pursuit of life on other worlds, 10 00:00:31,540 --> 00:00:34,835 might they also be reaching out to us? 11 00:00:34,835 --> 00:00:39,130 And have they been doing so for thousands of years? 12 00:00:39,130 --> 00:00:42,509 BILL BIRNES: Could it be that ancient civilizations, 13 00:00:42,509 --> 00:00:45,178 ancient aliens from far away 14 00:00:45,178 --> 00:00:48,682 migrated from their home worlds 15 00:00:48,682 --> 00:00:50,517 and they found Earth? 16 00:00:50,517 --> 00:00:52,644 WILLIAM HENRY: The implications for humanity 17 00:00:52,644 --> 00:00:53,853 are enormous. 18 00:00:56,690 --> 00:00:58,775 NARRATOR: There is a doorway 19 00:00:58,775 --> 00:01:01,528 in the universe. 20 00:01:01,528 --> 00:01:04,573 Beyond it is the promise of truth. 21 00:01:05,657 --> 00:01:08,285 It demands we question everything 22 00:01:08,285 --> 00:01:10,579 we have ever been taught. 23 00:01:10,579 --> 00:01:14,374 The evidence is all around us. 24 00:01:14,374 --> 00:01:18,378 The future is right before our eyes. 25 00:01:18,378 --> 00:01:21,047 We are not alone. 26 00:01:21,047 --> 00:01:24,551 We have never been alone. 27 00:01:32,517 --> 00:01:34,686 NARRATOR: Cape Canaveral, Florida. 28 00:01:34,686 --> 00:01:38,231 April 18, 2018. 29 00:01:38,231 --> 00:01:40,901 At 6:51 p. m., 30 00:01:40,901 --> 00:01:45,822 a Falcon 9 rocket blasts off on a mission to deploy 31 00:01:45,822 --> 00:01:48,283 NASA's newest space telescope into orbit: 32 00:01:48,283 --> 00:01:52,537 the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, 33 00:01:52,537 --> 00:01:53,913 or TESS. 34 00:01:53,913 --> 00:01:57,083 TESS is like a survey of the whole sky, a survey 35 00:01:57,083 --> 00:02:00,587 of the nearest 100 light‐years or so 36 00:02:00,587 --> 00:02:04,215 of planets that would be around these stars. 37 00:02:04,215 --> 00:02:06,760 NARRATOR: Over the next decade, 38 00:02:06,760 --> 00:02:10,764 scientists expect that TESS will fulfill its primary mission: 39 00:02:10,764 --> 00:02:14,643 to discover thousands of so‐called exoplanets. 40 00:02:16,102 --> 00:02:18,271 SUMMERS: Exoplanets are planets that exist 41 00:02:18,271 --> 00:02:20,440 outside of our solar system. 42 00:02:20,440 --> 00:02:24,110 We're certainly in an exoplanet golden age of discovery. 43 00:02:24,110 --> 00:02:26,696 20 years ago, we didn't know 44 00:02:26,696 --> 00:02:28,907 if there were other Earth‐like planets in the universe. 45 00:02:28,907 --> 00:02:33,203 And now we can't imagine how we could discover things 46 00:02:33,203 --> 00:02:35,830 at a higher rate and still try to make sense of it. 47 00:02:35,830 --> 00:02:37,499 It's such a struggle just to keep up 48 00:02:37,499 --> 00:02:39,960 with the discoveries that we're making right now. 49 00:02:42,462 --> 00:02:44,464 NARRATOR: It is only recently, 50 00:02:44,464 --> 00:02:46,800 with the development of deep‐space satellites 51 00:02:46,800 --> 00:02:48,718 and high‐powered telescopes, 52 00:02:48,718 --> 00:02:51,221 that a more accurate understanding of nearby planets, 53 00:02:51,221 --> 00:02:55,058 especially planets capable of supporting human life, 54 00:02:55,058 --> 00:02:57,978 has been possible. 55 00:02:57,978 --> 00:03:01,982 But it wasn't so long ago that the notion of Earth‐like planets 56 00:03:01,982 --> 00:03:05,318 existing in our galaxy wasn't simply unknown; 57 00:03:05,318 --> 00:03:07,821 it was considered blasphemy. 58 00:03:07,821 --> 00:03:12,492 When the 16th century Italian philosopher and cosmologist 59 00:03:12,492 --> 00:03:14,828 Giordano Bruno expressed his belief 60 00:03:14,828 --> 00:03:18,999 in "an infinity of worlds" and raised the possibility 61 00:03:18,999 --> 00:03:21,501 that other planets could harbor life, 62 00:03:21,501 --> 00:03:26,047 he was charged with heresy and burned at the stake. 63 00:03:26,047 --> 00:03:28,174 KAKU: It was heretical, revolutionary, 64 00:03:28,174 --> 00:03:31,177 to believe that there could be alien life out there. 65 00:03:31,177 --> 00:03:34,514 Giordano Bruno was burned alive 66 00:03:34,514 --> 00:03:37,684 in the streets of Rome, and what was his crime? 67 00:03:37,684 --> 00:03:41,438 To say that there are aliens out there on other planets. 68 00:03:41,438 --> 00:03:44,065 HENRY: You weren't allowed to think like that. 69 00:03:44,065 --> 00:03:45,734 It challenged 70 00:03:45,734 --> 00:03:48,695 all their predispositions and their power structure. 71 00:03:48,695 --> 00:03:52,073 "No, there are no other worlds. There's nothing out there." 72 00:03:52,073 --> 00:03:53,533 But there is something out there, 73 00:03:53,533 --> 00:03:56,035 there's no question about it. 74 00:03:56,035 --> 00:03:58,997 NARRATOR: As recently as the early 1990s, 75 00:03:58,997 --> 00:04:02,625 astronomers were still unable to detect these distant planets, 76 00:04:02,625 --> 00:04:06,880 even with high‐powered telescopes. 77 00:04:06,880 --> 00:04:09,048 It's hard to see an exoplanet. 78 00:04:09,048 --> 00:04:14,304 Imagine trying to look at a firefly next to a spotlight. 79 00:04:14,304 --> 00:04:16,473 It's incredibly difficult 80 00:04:16,473 --> 00:04:18,892 because stars shine by their own light. 81 00:04:18,892 --> 00:04:21,561 They give off their own light, but planets reflect light. 82 00:04:21,561 --> 00:04:23,938 A typical star is about 83 00:04:23,938 --> 00:04:27,942 ten billion times brighter than a planet. 84 00:04:27,942 --> 00:04:30,612 NARRATOR: Thanks to remarkable 85 00:04:30,612 --> 00:04:32,614 advances in technology, 86 00:04:32,614 --> 00:04:35,909 astronomers made the very first discovery of an exoplanet 87 00:04:35,909 --> 00:04:40,413 in 1992 using an Earth‐based telescope. 88 00:04:40,413 --> 00:04:44,584 But that search kicked into high gear in 2009 89 00:04:44,584 --> 00:04:47,921 with the launch of Kepler, the first space telescope 90 00:04:47,921 --> 00:04:51,424 specially designed to find exoplanets. 91 00:04:51,424 --> 00:04:54,928 And in 2018, Kepler was replaced 92 00:04:54,928 --> 00:04:57,764 by the even more powerful TESS. 93 00:04:57,764 --> 00:05:00,433 So, one of the really cool things about TESS, 94 00:05:00,433 --> 00:05:02,352 the new satellite that NASA's put up, 95 00:05:02,352 --> 00:05:07,774 is basically it was specifically designed to detect exoplanets 96 00:05:07,774 --> 00:05:10,360 by what's called the transit method, 97 00:05:10,360 --> 00:05:12,862 which is where, when a planet goes in front of a star, 98 00:05:12,862 --> 00:05:14,614 it blocks the light briefly 99 00:05:14,614 --> 00:05:17,951 and you really see the light blink on and off. 100 00:05:17,951 --> 00:05:19,619 AMY SHIRA TEITEL: That tell‐tale dip 101 00:05:19,619 --> 00:05:21,287 is what tells you there might be something 102 00:05:21,287 --> 00:05:22,497 that's passing in front of it. 103 00:05:22,497 --> 00:05:24,165 The regularity tells you about the orbit, 104 00:05:24,165 --> 00:05:25,333 which is the easiest way 105 00:05:25,333 --> 00:05:28,670 to actually start looking for new planets. 106 00:05:28,670 --> 00:05:32,006 NARRATOR: Although the initial objective in the search 107 00:05:32,006 --> 00:05:34,926 for exoplanets was simply to determine how many stars 108 00:05:34,926 --> 00:05:38,847 in our galaxy might have planets in orbit around them, 109 00:05:38,847 --> 00:05:42,392 the actual results were staggering. 110 00:05:42,392 --> 00:05:46,980 Our galaxy has around, um, 400 billion stars. 111 00:05:46,980 --> 00:05:49,482 From what we've seen so far is, on average, 112 00:05:49,482 --> 00:05:52,485 every star has at least one planet. 113 00:05:52,485 --> 00:05:56,656 So that means that there are 400 billion, at least, 114 00:05:56,656 --> 00:05:59,367 planets in our galaxy. 115 00:05:59,367 --> 00:06:02,537 NARRATOR: 400 billion planets 116 00:06:02,537 --> 00:06:04,998 in the Milky Way galaxy alone? 117 00:06:04,998 --> 00:06:08,168 The discovery of such an extraordinary number 118 00:06:08,168 --> 00:06:11,171 of exoplanets represents a radical change 119 00:06:11,171 --> 00:06:13,715 in our understanding of the universe. 120 00:06:13,715 --> 00:06:16,843 But even more radical is the notion 121 00:06:16,843 --> 00:06:18,845 that millions of those planets 122 00:06:18,845 --> 00:06:23,183 might actually be capable of not just supporting life 123 00:06:23,183 --> 00:06:25,810 but generating it. 124 00:06:25,810 --> 00:06:30,690 And, to that end, astronomers and astrophysicists 125 00:06:30,690 --> 00:06:32,525 actively search for planets in a region 126 00:06:32,525 --> 00:06:36,487 they refer to as the Goldilocks zone. 127 00:06:36,487 --> 00:06:39,991 DENNIN: The Goldilocks zone is exactly that range for a given star 128 00:06:39,991 --> 00:06:41,618 of where water is gonna be liquid 129 00:06:41,618 --> 00:06:43,036 on a given type of planet. 130 00:06:44,704 --> 00:06:47,040 KAKU: We want a planet that is not too close, 131 00:06:47,040 --> 00:06:49,125 not too far from the mother star, 132 00:06:49,125 --> 00:06:51,044 but just right. 133 00:06:51,044 --> 00:06:53,087 Planets that may have oxygen 134 00:06:53,087 --> 00:06:55,214 and H2O, water, 135 00:06:55,214 --> 00:06:59,052 that may make possible an atmosphere 136 00:06:59,052 --> 00:07:02,388 and maybe even life. 137 00:07:02,388 --> 00:07:06,893 NARRATOR: Based upon current observations, scientists are astounded 138 00:07:06,893 --> 00:07:10,396 by the number of potentially habitable planets that exist 139 00:07:10,396 --> 00:07:12,065 in the Goldilocks zone. 140 00:07:12,065 --> 00:07:15,568 SUMMERS: With at least 400 billion planets in our galaxy, 141 00:07:15,568 --> 00:07:19,238 if you just look at one percent of that, 142 00:07:19,238 --> 00:07:21,741 you're still talking about billions of planets 143 00:07:21,741 --> 00:07:24,786 that could potentially be habitable. 144 00:07:24,786 --> 00:07:28,081 This is exciting 'cause we once thought that we were 145 00:07:28,081 --> 00:07:29,791 the only game in town, 146 00:07:29,791 --> 00:07:32,752 that can only exist on the planet Earth. 147 00:07:32,752 --> 00:07:34,837 DENNIN: The discovery of exoplanets, 148 00:07:34,837 --> 00:07:37,256 I think it's really changed our view 149 00:07:37,256 --> 00:07:40,343 of the potential for life in the universe. 150 00:07:40,343 --> 00:07:43,096 Fundamentally, I think most scientists would now agree 151 00:07:43,096 --> 00:07:46,516 that there is some form of life elsewhere in the universe. 152 00:07:46,516 --> 00:07:51,104 NARRATOR: But in spite of the abundance of habitable exoplanets, 153 00:07:51,104 --> 00:07:53,606 many scientists still cling to the notion 154 00:07:53,606 --> 00:07:57,026 that the only kind of life likely to exist outside of Earth 155 00:07:57,026 --> 00:07:59,779 is microbial or bacterial. 156 00:07:59,779 --> 00:08:04,242 They are resistant to what they claim are far‐fetched notions 157 00:08:04,242 --> 00:08:06,953 that these planets might not only contain more sophisticated 158 00:08:06,953 --> 00:08:10,665 or evolved life‐forms, but intelligent life‐forms, 159 00:08:10,665 --> 00:08:13,793 some much more evolved or technologically advanced 160 00:08:13,793 --> 00:08:15,461 than our own. 161 00:08:15,461 --> 00:08:17,296 Think about it. 162 00:08:17,296 --> 00:08:21,801 The universe is about 13.8 billion years old. 163 00:08:21,801 --> 00:08:26,973 The Earth is 4.6 billion years old. 164 00:08:26,973 --> 00:08:30,560 Civilizations, over billions of years, 165 00:08:30,560 --> 00:08:32,895 could have risen and fallen 166 00:08:32,895 --> 00:08:36,649 even before the Earth was formed. 167 00:08:36,649 --> 00:08:40,486 NARRATOR: Although the realization that the galaxy is teeming 168 00:08:40,486 --> 00:08:43,156 with Earth‐like planets has triggered a revolution 169 00:08:43,156 --> 00:08:45,450 in conventional scientific thinking, 170 00:08:45,450 --> 00:08:49,078 as far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, 171 00:08:49,078 --> 00:08:53,249 it merely confirms what they have believed all along. 172 00:08:53,249 --> 00:08:56,544 TSOUKALOS: The discoveries of exoplanets 173 00:08:56,544 --> 00:09:00,673 over the past few years have been absolutely extraordinary. 174 00:09:00,673 --> 00:09:03,384 I remember that the first time they discovered 175 00:09:03,384 --> 00:09:06,929 this first exoplanet, and me and my colleagues were like... 176 00:09:06,929 --> 00:09:10,850 were saying, "Okay, this will be the first of many." 177 00:09:10,850 --> 00:09:16,522 And now, apparently, as many as three exoplanets 178 00:09:16,522 --> 00:09:20,026 are being discovered on a daily basis. 179 00:09:20,026 --> 00:09:22,195 So what we've said all along, 180 00:09:22,195 --> 00:09:26,574 that Earth is not unique in this gigantic universe, 181 00:09:26,574 --> 00:09:29,035 turns out to be correct. 182 00:09:29,035 --> 00:09:32,497 This raises the question that we've been bringing up, 183 00:09:32,497 --> 00:09:34,665 that for thousands of years, there's evidence 184 00:09:34,665 --> 00:09:38,211 of some type of visitation from other civilizations. 185 00:09:38,211 --> 00:09:40,546 Hopefully, our sciences are able 186 00:09:40,546 --> 00:09:45,051 to now detect exoplanets, will allow us to pinpoint 187 00:09:45,051 --> 00:09:47,220 some of these actual home worlds 188 00:09:47,220 --> 00:09:49,597 where aliens have been visiting us. 189 00:09:49,597 --> 00:09:53,059 TSOUKALOS: I propose that most of those planets 190 00:09:53,059 --> 00:09:56,437 that are in this Goldilocks zone 191 00:09:56,437 --> 00:09:59,941 have life very similar to ours. 192 00:10:01,401 --> 00:10:04,237 The only question is: was it them 193 00:10:04,237 --> 00:10:07,115 who came here thousands of years ago? 194 00:10:09,158 --> 00:10:11,994 NARRATOR: But while a growing number of mainstream scientists 195 00:10:11,994 --> 00:10:15,081 do admit that intelligent life can, theoretically, 196 00:10:15,081 --> 00:10:17,417 exist elsewhere within our galaxy, 197 00:10:17,417 --> 00:10:21,129 they also argue that the distances between those planets 198 00:10:21,129 --> 00:10:25,007 and our own are too vast for any extraterrestrial visitation 199 00:10:25,007 --> 00:10:26,551 to take place. 200 00:10:26,551 --> 00:10:30,388 It is a position that puts them in direct conflict 201 00:10:30,388 --> 00:10:32,515 with ancient astronaut theorists, 202 00:10:32,515 --> 00:10:36,602 who contend that the keys to extraterrestrial space travel 203 00:10:36,602 --> 00:10:38,604 can be found in Albert Einstein's 204 00:10:38,604 --> 00:10:40,231 theory of relativity, 205 00:10:40,231 --> 00:10:44,485 and that a voyage to a distant star could take not centuries 206 00:10:44,485 --> 00:10:45,987 but seconds. 207 00:10:50,992 --> 00:10:53,536 NARRATOR: The Atacama Desert, Chile. 208 00:10:53,536 --> 00:10:56,998 August 2016. 209 00:10:56,998 --> 00:10:59,709 At the La Silla Observatory, 210 00:10:59,709 --> 00:11:02,170 astronomers searching for exoplanets 211 00:11:02,170 --> 00:11:04,297 announce the detection of an Earth‐like planet 212 00:11:04,297 --> 00:11:09,177 orbiting the closest star to our solar system, Proxima Centauri. 213 00:11:09,177 --> 00:11:13,389 They name the planet Proxima b, and describe it 214 00:11:13,389 --> 00:11:16,476 as both Earth‐like and close enough to its star 215 00:11:16,476 --> 00:11:19,979 to be capable of supporting life. 216 00:11:19,979 --> 00:11:22,607 One of the more interesting exoplanets we've found recently 217 00:11:22,607 --> 00:11:24,150 is Proxima b. 218 00:11:24,150 --> 00:11:28,529 This exoplanet is about 1.3 times the size of Earth, 219 00:11:28,529 --> 00:11:30,698 so scientists think that it might be rocky, 220 00:11:30,698 --> 00:11:33,868 which means that it could be quite similar to Earth. 221 00:11:33,868 --> 00:11:36,787 SUMMERS: Proxima b may be habitable. 222 00:11:36,787 --> 00:11:38,748 We'll be able to study it in more detail 223 00:11:38,748 --> 00:11:40,249 with large telescopes. 224 00:11:40,249 --> 00:11:42,585 And in the next ten years, we may even be able 225 00:11:42,585 --> 00:11:46,172 to get pictures of the planet. 226 00:11:49,133 --> 00:11:51,302 NARRATOR: Proxima b is located 227 00:11:51,302 --> 00:11:53,638 just over four light‐years from Earth, 228 00:11:53,638 --> 00:11:56,682 a distance of about 25 trillion miles. 229 00:11:56,682 --> 00:12:00,686 Despite the immense distance, an ambitious program 230 00:12:00,686 --> 00:12:04,982 is already underway to send spacecraft to study it. 231 00:12:04,982 --> 00:12:08,361 Called Breakthrough Starshot, the program began 232 00:12:08,361 --> 00:12:11,489 as the joint brainchild of philanthropist Yuri Milner 233 00:12:11,489 --> 00:12:15,576 and famous cosmologist, the late Stephen Hawking. 234 00:12:15,576 --> 00:12:17,995 For the first time in human history, 235 00:12:17,995 --> 00:12:21,791 we can do more than just gaze at the stars. 236 00:12:21,791 --> 00:12:24,460 We can actually reach them. 237 00:12:24,460 --> 00:12:27,004 NARRATOR: The goal of Breakthrough Starshot 238 00:12:27,004 --> 00:12:29,840 is to send tiny probes, mere centimeters thick, 239 00:12:29,840 --> 00:12:31,842 to the nearby planet. 240 00:12:33,594 --> 00:12:37,723 We take a computer chip, energize it with laser beams, 241 00:12:37,723 --> 00:12:39,767 add a parachute. 242 00:12:39,767 --> 00:12:41,394 The laser beam inflates the parachute 243 00:12:41,394 --> 00:12:45,189 and shoots the chip to the nearest star 244 00:12:45,189 --> 00:12:49,569 DENNIN: You deploy this and you basically just cruise. 245 00:12:49,569 --> 00:12:52,071 You can possibly accelerate them fairly high, 246 00:12:52,071 --> 00:12:53,906 20% the speed of light, 247 00:12:53,906 --> 00:12:58,744 and now getting to the nearest stars becomes very reasonable. 248 00:12:58,744 --> 00:13:02,331 NARRATOR: But even traveling at such high speeds, 249 00:13:02,331 --> 00:13:06,210 the probes will take 20 years to complete their journey. 250 00:13:06,210 --> 00:13:09,130 DENNIN: Light travels at a finite speed. 251 00:13:09,130 --> 00:13:10,923 A very simple example of this is: 252 00:13:10,923 --> 00:13:14,552 the Sun is eight minutes away by the way light travels. 253 00:13:14,552 --> 00:13:17,263 And most things are millions of light‐years away 254 00:13:17,263 --> 00:13:19,473 or thousands of light‐years away. 255 00:13:19,473 --> 00:13:24,353 NICK POPE: If we pick up a signal from another civilization, 256 00:13:24,353 --> 00:13:27,648 uh, that's a big thing, but it's very distant. 257 00:13:27,648 --> 00:13:30,484 They may never get here, we may never meet them, 258 00:13:30,484 --> 00:13:32,612 indeed, because of interstellar distances. 259 00:13:32,612 --> 00:13:36,157 NARRATOR: If, as ancient astronaut theorists believe, 260 00:13:36,157 --> 00:13:38,743 Earth has been visited by alien entities 261 00:13:38,743 --> 00:13:41,829 coming from exoplanets only now being discovered, 262 00:13:41,829 --> 00:13:44,915 such entities would have to overcome the primary obstacle 263 00:13:44,915 --> 00:13:50,296 to space travel, the vast distance between objects. 264 00:13:50,296 --> 00:13:52,757 You talk to many scientists, they'll say the same thing 265 00:13:52,757 --> 00:13:54,717 over and over again: 266 00:13:54,717 --> 00:13:57,178 "The distances between stars is so great, 267 00:13:57,178 --> 00:14:00,139 impossible that these aliens can visit us." 268 00:14:01,891 --> 00:14:03,726 Think for a moment, 269 00:14:03,726 --> 00:14:07,855 if they're a million years more advanced than us. 270 00:14:07,855 --> 00:14:10,066 Just realize that modern technology, 271 00:14:10,066 --> 00:14:14,487 with all our wonders, is only about 300 years old. 272 00:14:14,487 --> 00:14:18,449 NARRATOR: In recent years a growing number of astrophysicists 273 00:14:18,449 --> 00:14:20,701 have proposed that mankind's ability 274 00:14:20,701 --> 00:14:23,704 to unlock the mysteries of interstellar space travel 275 00:14:23,704 --> 00:14:26,665 might be much closer than previously thought. 276 00:14:28,376 --> 00:14:30,503 And they believe the key is by using 277 00:14:30,503 --> 00:14:34,382 a theoretically possible structure known as a wormhole, 278 00:14:34,382 --> 00:14:37,009 a bend in space‐time that was first proposed 279 00:14:37,009 --> 00:14:41,138 by Albert Einstein, which could make travel times between stars 280 00:14:41,138 --> 00:14:45,059 not only shorter, but nearly instantaneous. 281 00:14:47,061 --> 00:14:49,980 From the perspective of ultimate space travel, 282 00:14:49,980 --> 00:14:52,066 from my point of view, 283 00:14:52,066 --> 00:14:54,985 wormholes are simply, you take space... 284 00:14:54,985 --> 00:14:57,488 which can bend, in our theory of general relativity, 285 00:14:57,488 --> 00:14:59,365 the modern theory of gravity... 286 00:14:59,365 --> 00:15:01,826 you bend it around on itself so you have two layers 287 00:15:01,826 --> 00:15:04,370 that are apart and you connect them with a tunnel. 288 00:15:04,370 --> 00:15:06,205 That tunnel is a wormhole. 289 00:15:06,205 --> 00:15:08,207 They're commonly referred to as stargates 290 00:15:08,207 --> 00:15:10,292 because it gives you a way to get 291 00:15:10,292 --> 00:15:14,422 faster‐than‐light space travel across large distances. 292 00:15:14,422 --> 00:15:19,093 NARRATOR: In theory, spacecraft that can create wormholes 293 00:15:19,093 --> 00:15:21,470 would be able to travel to distant exoplanets 294 00:15:21,470 --> 00:15:25,933 in just hours, possibly even seconds. 295 00:15:25,933 --> 00:15:29,186 If extraterrestrial civilizations, 296 00:15:29,186 --> 00:15:32,440 far more advanced than humans, do exist, 297 00:15:32,440 --> 00:15:35,276 could they have discovered the secrets of space travel 298 00:15:35,276 --> 00:15:38,988 hundreds or perhaps thousands of years ago? 299 00:15:38,988 --> 00:15:43,617 And, if so, might they have even traveled here to planet Earth? 300 00:15:46,954 --> 00:15:49,248 Mount Palomar, California. 301 00:15:49,248 --> 00:15:53,169 October 6, 2013. 302 00:15:53,169 --> 00:15:56,672 A massive red star in the constellation Pegasus, 303 00:15:56,672 --> 00:15:59,884 ten times larger than our sun, 304 00:15:59,884 --> 00:16:02,761 explodes in a colossal supernova. 305 00:16:02,761 --> 00:16:05,848 For the first time, scientists are able to witness 306 00:16:05,848 --> 00:16:09,268 the death of a giant star in real time. 307 00:16:09,268 --> 00:16:12,688 But perhaps even more profound is the fact 308 00:16:12,688 --> 00:16:14,732 that, because the dying star 309 00:16:14,732 --> 00:16:17,651 is 160 million light‐years from Earth, 310 00:16:17,651 --> 00:16:21,489 astronomers are actually witnessing an event 311 00:16:21,489 --> 00:16:26,702 that took place 160 million years ago. 312 00:16:26,702 --> 00:16:29,371 So one of the things to realize about astronomy 313 00:16:29,371 --> 00:16:32,666 is almost everything we are looking at is in the past... 314 00:16:32,666 --> 00:16:35,377 'cause the light doesn't travel instantly. 315 00:16:35,377 --> 00:16:38,964 And a supernova is basically a star exploding. 316 00:16:38,964 --> 00:16:41,592 If it had any planets around it, those are wiped out. 317 00:16:41,592 --> 00:16:44,428 So, if there was a civilization or if there was life there, 318 00:16:44,428 --> 00:16:48,140 what we're seeing happen now happened very far in the past. 319 00:16:48,140 --> 00:16:51,560 NARRATOR: The violent death of the star in Pegasus 320 00:16:51,560 --> 00:16:54,230 provides dramatic confirmation that the universe 321 00:16:54,230 --> 00:16:57,066 is both ancient and dynamic. 322 00:16:57,066 --> 00:17:01,278 But ancient astronaut theorists believe such discoveries 323 00:17:01,278 --> 00:17:03,280 also provide reasons 324 00:17:03,280 --> 00:17:07,117 why an advanced extraterrestrial civilization might need to leave 325 00:17:07,117 --> 00:17:09,995 its home planet in search of other worlds. 326 00:17:11,664 --> 00:17:15,292 When astronomers look out into the, the galaxy 327 00:17:15,292 --> 00:17:18,337 for dying suns, 328 00:17:18,337 --> 00:17:22,633 if there were beings who had an advanced civilization 329 00:17:22,633 --> 00:17:24,510 around this dying sun, 330 00:17:24,510 --> 00:17:29,139 they would, in theory, want to migrate to another solar system, 331 00:17:29,139 --> 00:17:31,809 to another planet that they could inhabit. 332 00:17:31,809 --> 00:17:35,771 And it's quite possible that they did that 333 00:17:35,771 --> 00:17:38,190 and came to our planet, in fact. 334 00:17:38,190 --> 00:17:41,485 HENRY: We know that billions of years from now, 335 00:17:41,485 --> 00:17:44,572 our own star, our sun, will go supernova, 336 00:17:44,572 --> 00:17:48,325 and we are very close now to being able to venture out 337 00:17:48,325 --> 00:17:51,120 or migrate to another habitable planet. 338 00:17:51,120 --> 00:17:54,582 We can extrapolate that to ancient civilizations as well, 339 00:17:54,582 --> 00:17:57,126 ancient star civilizations, who knew that their own star 340 00:17:57,126 --> 00:17:59,169 was ready to go supernova 341 00:17:59,169 --> 00:18:04,091 and they embarked on a plan of planetary migration. 342 00:18:06,218 --> 00:18:09,013 NARRATOR: Has the story of the cosmos been, in part, 343 00:18:09,013 --> 00:18:11,599 a story of the extraterrestrial migration 344 00:18:11,599 --> 00:18:14,852 of various advanced exoplanet life‐forms? 345 00:18:14,852 --> 00:18:18,188 As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, 346 00:18:18,188 --> 00:18:21,066 the answer is a resounding yes. 347 00:18:21,066 --> 00:18:24,945 And they claim the proof can be found by carefully examining 348 00:18:24,945 --> 00:18:28,908 everything from ancient carvings to the religious beliefs 349 00:18:28,908 --> 00:18:32,703 of ancient cultures from across the globe. 350 00:18:36,415 --> 00:18:39,251 RRATOR: La Silla Observatory, Chile. 351 00:18:40,294 --> 00:18:42,796 2011. 352 00:18:42,796 --> 00:18:45,215 Astronomers announce the discovery 353 00:18:45,215 --> 00:18:47,217 of a large Earth‐like planet 354 00:18:47,217 --> 00:18:50,930 orbiting a star in the constellation Orion. 355 00:18:50,930 --> 00:18:54,600 The planet is located in the Goldilocks zone, 356 00:18:54,600 --> 00:18:57,978 and the star it orbits is very similar to our own, 357 00:18:57,978 --> 00:19:03,400 making it an ideal candidate for extraterrestrial life. 358 00:19:03,400 --> 00:19:05,361 KAKU: This is exciting 'cause we want 359 00:19:05,361 --> 00:19:08,155 to have a stable solar system like the planet Earth, 360 00:19:08,155 --> 00:19:10,157 that's the goal. 361 00:19:10,157 --> 00:19:13,619 NARRATOR: As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, 362 00:19:13,619 --> 00:19:17,289 this may be the most compelling exoplanet discovery yet, 363 00:19:17,289 --> 00:19:20,084 because throughout the world, numerous ancient cultures 364 00:19:20,084 --> 00:19:21,502 have told stories 365 00:19:21,502 --> 00:19:24,588 of otherworldly visitors coming from Orion, 366 00:19:24,588 --> 00:19:26,966 and even built their most important structures 367 00:19:26,966 --> 00:19:29,969 in alignment with that constellation. 368 00:19:29,969 --> 00:19:33,806 TSOUKALOS: All around the world, there are these ancient structures 369 00:19:33,806 --> 00:19:38,227 that have been built in the form of Orion. 370 00:19:38,227 --> 00:19:41,605 One example that comes to mind is the Great Pyramid of Giza, 371 00:19:41,605 --> 00:19:44,608 where the three pyramids are aligned 372 00:19:44,608 --> 00:19:47,486 according to the belt stars of Orion. 373 00:19:48,529 --> 00:19:51,615 But also, in the American Southwest, 374 00:19:51,615 --> 00:19:55,995 there are structures that are in reference to Orion. 375 00:19:55,995 --> 00:20:00,958 Native American myths talk specifically about visitors 376 00:20:00,958 --> 00:20:06,380 who came here from the Orion constellation. 377 00:20:06,380 --> 00:20:09,341 The fact that Orion's constellation exists 378 00:20:09,341 --> 00:20:13,470 in magnificent archaeological monuments on Earth 379 00:20:13,470 --> 00:20:17,683 indicates to me that someone at some point taught our ancestors 380 00:20:17,683 --> 00:20:21,311 where and how to build these structures 381 00:20:21,311 --> 00:20:24,940 to illustrate where they are from. 382 00:20:26,984 --> 00:20:29,653 NARRATOR: Is it possible that the exoplanet discovered 383 00:20:29,653 --> 00:20:32,698 in the Orion constellation is the same place 384 00:20:32,698 --> 00:20:35,701 where extraterrestrial visitors to Earth came from 385 00:20:35,701 --> 00:20:38,370 thousands of years ago? 386 00:20:38,370 --> 00:20:42,207 For ancient astronaut theorists, such an audacious notion 387 00:20:42,207 --> 00:20:44,418 is a very real possibility. 388 00:20:44,418 --> 00:20:48,714 And they also insist that Orion is not the only star system 389 00:20:48,714 --> 00:20:51,300 from where aliens may have come. 390 00:20:51,300 --> 00:20:52,926 CHILDRESS: All over the world, 391 00:20:52,926 --> 00:20:54,762 we have different cultures 392 00:20:54,762 --> 00:20:59,933 who identify with certain star systems as their origins. 393 00:20:59,933 --> 00:21:03,062 The Quechua people of Peru, 394 00:21:03,062 --> 00:21:06,774 they believe that we're from the, the Pleiades. 395 00:21:08,400 --> 00:21:10,694 In Africa, we have the Dogon, 396 00:21:10,694 --> 00:21:13,947 who are saying that, uh, our origin is actually 397 00:21:13,947 --> 00:21:16,742 with the Sirius star system. 398 00:21:16,742 --> 00:21:18,911 Various cultures have imagined they have come 399 00:21:18,911 --> 00:21:22,748 from specific places, uh, the Pleiades or Sirius. 400 00:21:22,748 --> 00:21:26,418 Well, that would be a planet near the star system, 401 00:21:26,418 --> 00:21:29,254 suggesting that, at least in mythology, 402 00:21:29,254 --> 00:21:31,590 there are planets there that could be 403 00:21:31,590 --> 00:21:34,093 inhabited by creatures like us. 404 00:21:34,093 --> 00:21:36,637 NARRATOR: While many ancient cultures 405 00:21:36,637 --> 00:21:40,307 pointed to distant star systems as the homes of their gods, 406 00:21:40,307 --> 00:21:42,726 ancient astronaut theorists suggest that 407 00:21:42,726 --> 00:21:45,938 one of the oldest human civilizations, the Sumerians, 408 00:21:45,938 --> 00:21:49,733 left records of otherworldly beings that came from a planet 409 00:21:49,733 --> 00:21:52,069 right in our own solar system. 410 00:21:52,069 --> 00:21:54,488 A planet that until very recently 411 00:21:54,488 --> 00:21:57,699 was thought not to exist. 412 00:22:01,161 --> 00:22:02,663 New York City. 413 00:22:02,663 --> 00:22:05,249 1976. 414 00:22:05,249 --> 00:22:10,170 Author Zecharia Sitchin publishes his landmark book 415 00:22:10,170 --> 00:22:11,964 The 12th Planet. 416 00:22:11,964 --> 00:22:14,800 The first of over a dozen books based upon 417 00:22:14,800 --> 00:22:18,762 Sitchin's translations of ancient Sumerian texts, 418 00:22:18,762 --> 00:22:20,806 The 12th Planet ultimately reshapes the way 419 00:22:20,806 --> 00:22:24,977 millions of people view the history of life on Earth. 420 00:22:24,977 --> 00:22:28,772 In it, Sitchin claims that ancient Sumerians wrote about 421 00:22:28,772 --> 00:22:32,067 an extraterrestrial race that once visited Earth, 422 00:22:32,067 --> 00:22:34,486 the Anunnaki. 423 00:22:37,114 --> 00:22:39,449 The term "Anunnaki" is essentially 424 00:22:39,449 --> 00:22:41,827 interchangeable with "extraterrestrial," 425 00:22:41,827 --> 00:22:44,997 because the word "Anunnaki" itself means 426 00:22:44,997 --> 00:22:48,625 "those who from the heavens came." 427 00:22:48,625 --> 00:22:51,503 MARTELL: There's a whole pantheon 428 00:22:51,503 --> 00:22:53,338 of Anunnaki, basically. 429 00:22:53,338 --> 00:22:55,465 There was Anu, who is essentially 430 00:22:55,465 --> 00:22:57,176 the king of all the Anunnaki. 431 00:22:57,176 --> 00:23:00,387 And then his two sons Enlil and Enki. 432 00:23:00,387 --> 00:23:02,848 When we look in a lot of the Sumerian tablets, 433 00:23:02,848 --> 00:23:05,017 they seemed to have come from 434 00:23:05,017 --> 00:23:08,312 a much larger planet, a reddish, glowing planet. 435 00:23:08,312 --> 00:23:11,023 HENRY: One of the great questions 436 00:23:11,023 --> 00:23:14,151 about the Anunnaki is: where did they come from? 437 00:23:14,151 --> 00:23:16,904 Well, Zecharia went back into the ancient texts 438 00:23:16,904 --> 00:23:18,906 and began to build a theory 439 00:23:18,906 --> 00:23:21,867 that the Anunnaki came from an as‐yet undiscovered 440 00:23:21,867 --> 00:23:25,829 12th planet in our solar system that he called Nibiru. 441 00:23:27,039 --> 00:23:30,042 MARTELL: Nibiru is described 442 00:23:30,042 --> 00:23:32,711 as a much larger planet than Earth. 443 00:23:32,711 --> 00:23:35,088 And it has a very elliptical orbit. 444 00:23:35,088 --> 00:23:37,799 More like a large egg‐shaped orbit. 445 00:23:37,799 --> 00:23:40,844 The kicker here is that it goes once around the Sun 446 00:23:40,844 --> 00:23:42,429 every 3,600 years. 447 00:23:42,429 --> 00:23:47,726 So a solar year for them is 3,600 of our years. 448 00:23:47,726 --> 00:23:50,062 CHILDRESS: Sitchin believed that there was 449 00:23:50,062 --> 00:23:54,066 a time during this 3,600‐year orbit 450 00:23:54,066 --> 00:23:58,570 when this planet was actually relatively close to the Earth. 451 00:23:58,570 --> 00:24:01,698 And Sitchin then theorized the Anunnaki 452 00:24:01,698 --> 00:24:03,909 would then fire their rockets 453 00:24:03,909 --> 00:24:07,037 and then they would come here to Earth. 454 00:24:07,037 --> 00:24:12,584 And that this was how they were interacting with humans. 455 00:24:12,584 --> 00:24:14,586 NARRATOR: For decades, 456 00:24:14,586 --> 00:24:16,713 astronomers claimed that no such planet 457 00:24:16,713 --> 00:24:19,508 could exist in our solar system. 458 00:24:19,508 --> 00:24:22,719 But in 2016, Caltech astronomers 459 00:24:22,719 --> 00:24:25,180 Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown 460 00:24:25,180 --> 00:24:30,269 made a discovery that could prove this theory wrong. 461 00:24:30,269 --> 00:24:32,271 Batygin and Brown were using an interesting method 462 00:24:32,271 --> 00:24:35,274 of looking for other planets in the solar system. 463 00:24:35,274 --> 00:24:37,109 Namely, they were looking at dwarf planets 464 00:24:37,109 --> 00:24:40,279 and distant Kuiper belt objects to see how they move. 465 00:24:41,613 --> 00:24:43,907 If they exhibit any strange behavior, 466 00:24:43,907 --> 00:24:46,868 astronomers can use that to theorize new planets. 467 00:24:46,868 --> 00:24:48,829 And what they found was 468 00:24:48,829 --> 00:24:50,872 a theoretical planet‐sized mass, orbiting in 469 00:24:50,872 --> 00:24:53,333 a hugely elliptical orbit around the Sun. 470 00:24:53,333 --> 00:24:56,128 CHILDRESS: Astronomers have often 471 00:24:56,128 --> 00:24:58,130 suspected, because of certain 472 00:24:58,130 --> 00:25:00,465 gravitational anomalies and things, 473 00:25:00,465 --> 00:25:02,259 that there is still some other planet 474 00:25:02,259 --> 00:25:05,012 far out in our solar system, 475 00:25:05,012 --> 00:25:06,930 uh, beyond Pluto. 476 00:25:06,930 --> 00:25:10,934 Astronomers called this other planet Planet X. 477 00:25:10,934 --> 00:25:13,812 And it could be a very large planet. 478 00:25:13,812 --> 00:25:15,647 Astronomers cannot see it, 479 00:25:15,647 --> 00:25:17,357 but I would suspect that astronomers 480 00:25:17,357 --> 00:25:19,318 will eventually discover it 481 00:25:19,318 --> 00:25:21,361 and‐and prove that it exists. 482 00:25:22,821 --> 00:25:24,823 NARRATOR: Batygin and Brown estimate 483 00:25:24,823 --> 00:25:27,951 that Planet X has a highly elliptical orbit 484 00:25:27,951 --> 00:25:29,828 and takes it thousands of years 485 00:25:29,828 --> 00:25:32,831 to make a single trip around our sun. 486 00:25:32,831 --> 00:25:35,834 This matches exactly what Zecharia Sitchin found 487 00:25:35,834 --> 00:25:38,795 in his translation of the ancient Sumerian tablets, 488 00:25:38,795 --> 00:25:42,841 concerning an extra planet in our solar system. 489 00:25:42,841 --> 00:25:44,343 HENRY: The thing about it is, is that 490 00:25:44,343 --> 00:25:46,386 if we discover Planet X, 491 00:25:46,386 --> 00:25:49,014 then we will also discover the Anunnaki. 492 00:25:49,014 --> 00:25:51,475 So they're absolutely entwined. 493 00:25:51,475 --> 00:25:55,103 The idea of the Anunnaki and the discovery of Planet X 494 00:25:55,103 --> 00:25:56,646 will prove one another. 495 00:25:56,646 --> 00:25:58,523 NARRATOR: Could extraterrestrials have 496 00:25:58,523 --> 00:26:02,527 come to Earth from a planet within our own solar system? 497 00:26:02,527 --> 00:26:06,990 And if Earth has, in fact, played host to alien visitors 498 00:26:06,990 --> 00:26:09,993 from multiple worlds, what brought them here? 499 00:26:09,993 --> 00:26:12,662 According to the ancient Sumerian tablets, 500 00:26:12,662 --> 00:26:16,541 the Anunnaki valued one thing above all else... 501 00:26:16,541 --> 00:26:19,169 gold. 502 00:26:28,261 --> 00:26:32,432 The Trans Astronautic Corporation announces 503 00:26:32,432 --> 00:26:36,311 a partnership with NASA to develop a new venture in space... 504 00:26:36,311 --> 00:26:39,564 asteroid mining. 505 00:26:39,564 --> 00:26:44,236 We incorporated TransAstra in 2015 when we saw that 506 00:26:44,236 --> 00:26:46,905 SpaceX and Elon Musk 507 00:26:46,905 --> 00:26:49,950 and Blue Origin and Jeff Bezos 508 00:26:49,950 --> 00:26:52,619 and other entrepreneurs were developing low‐cost, 509 00:26:52,619 --> 00:26:56,081 really effective ways to get in orbit. 510 00:26:56,081 --> 00:26:59,126 Once we have rockets that can get into orbit inexpensively, 511 00:26:59,126 --> 00:27:01,503 then it makes sense to start 512 00:27:01,503 --> 00:27:03,713 building real industries in space. 513 00:27:03,713 --> 00:27:06,299 And one of the first industries is asteroid mining. 514 00:27:06,299 --> 00:27:11,263 Precious metals that we really value on the Earth... 515 00:27:11,263 --> 00:27:14,933 things like gold and platinum... they're called precious metals 516 00:27:14,933 --> 00:27:16,393 'cause they're not around much. 517 00:27:16,393 --> 00:27:18,103 Question is: where are they? 518 00:27:18,103 --> 00:27:20,188 And the answer is asteroids. 519 00:27:20,188 --> 00:27:22,774 NARRATOR: Metals like gold, copper, 520 00:27:22,774 --> 00:27:25,944 and zinc have been mined on Earth for thousands of years 521 00:27:25,944 --> 00:27:28,822 and are vital to civilization. 522 00:27:28,822 --> 00:27:31,533 But their supply is finite, 523 00:27:31,533 --> 00:27:34,870 in part because they are not native to this planet. 524 00:27:36,705 --> 00:27:40,292 When the Earth was originally being formed, it was molten, 525 00:27:40,292 --> 00:27:43,962 and a lot of the precious metals 526 00:27:43,962 --> 00:27:46,173 were drawn towards the center of the Earth. 527 00:27:46,173 --> 00:27:49,384 And through this molten process, 528 00:27:49,384 --> 00:27:52,137 all the heavy elements went down to the core of the Earth 529 00:27:52,137 --> 00:27:54,222 where we can't get access to them. 530 00:27:54,222 --> 00:27:56,474 Then the Earth started to cool and form a cool crust, 531 00:27:56,474 --> 00:27:59,477 which was made of lighter materials. 532 00:27:59,477 --> 00:28:01,771 NARRATOR: It is widely accepted that 533 00:28:01,771 --> 00:28:04,024 without access to metals, both technology 534 00:28:04,024 --> 00:28:06,735 and civilization would not have been possible. 535 00:28:06,735 --> 00:28:08,820 But luckily for mankind, 536 00:28:08,820 --> 00:28:12,073 some 3.8 billion years ago, 537 00:28:12,073 --> 00:28:16,244 it is estimated that trillions of asteroids crashed 538 00:28:16,244 --> 00:28:18,830 into the Earth and deposited a layer of heavy metals 539 00:28:18,830 --> 00:28:23,001 into the planet's now‐hardened crust. 540 00:28:23,001 --> 00:28:26,630 These elements weren't actually from Earth originally. 541 00:28:26,630 --> 00:28:30,342 All of these elements came to Earth via comets and asteroids 542 00:28:30,342 --> 00:28:34,179 that impacted our planet long ago and early in its history. 543 00:28:36,306 --> 00:28:37,891 SERCEL: So all the precious metals 544 00:28:37,891 --> 00:28:39,684 that we mine on the Earth 545 00:28:39,684 --> 00:28:41,436 actually came from the asteroids. 546 00:28:41,436 --> 00:28:44,481 NARRATOR: The bombardment of asteroids 547 00:28:44,481 --> 00:28:47,901 seeded Earth's crust with enough metals to make possible 548 00:28:47,901 --> 00:28:52,113 the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, 549 00:28:52,113 --> 00:28:55,867 and today's technological civilization. 550 00:28:55,867 --> 00:28:59,871 But many metals, including rare earth elements needed 551 00:28:59,871 --> 00:29:04,042 for high technology, are in increasingly short supply. 552 00:29:04,042 --> 00:29:07,504 Because of this, many experts believe the asteroid belt 553 00:29:07,504 --> 00:29:10,507 may once again come to the rescue. 554 00:29:10,507 --> 00:29:13,176 SUMMERS: You get a typical asteroid, 555 00:29:13,176 --> 00:29:14,719 a few hundred meters in diameter, 556 00:29:14,719 --> 00:29:17,555 it will have more of those rare earth elements 557 00:29:17,555 --> 00:29:20,809 than have been mined on Earth in all of human history. 558 00:29:20,809 --> 00:29:24,145 NARRATOR: Of the more than 6,000 asteroids 559 00:29:24,145 --> 00:29:28,149 in NASA's database, it is estimated that even just 560 00:29:28,149 --> 00:29:30,485 the ten easiest to reach and mine 561 00:29:30,485 --> 00:29:35,073 would yield an astonishing $1.5 trillion dollars in resources. 562 00:29:35,073 --> 00:29:36,908 SUMMERS: The asteroid belt could 563 00:29:36,908 --> 00:29:40,245 provide for the needs of our civilization for many centuries. 564 00:29:40,245 --> 00:29:42,330 Maybe thousands of years into their future. 565 00:29:42,330 --> 00:29:45,000 SERCEL: The natural thing to do 566 00:29:45,000 --> 00:29:47,252 is to build spacecraft, 567 00:29:47,252 --> 00:29:51,798 go out to the asteroids, 568 00:29:51,798 --> 00:29:54,592 mine them, 569 00:29:54,592 --> 00:29:56,344 make goods out of the asteroids. 570 00:29:56,344 --> 00:29:59,681 And we presume that other intelligences, 571 00:29:59,681 --> 00:30:01,141 if there are other intelligence, 572 00:30:01,141 --> 00:30:03,101 would think the same way we would. 573 00:30:03,101 --> 00:30:05,103 And so anything that seems to make sense to us 574 00:30:05,103 --> 00:30:06,646 could make sense to others. 575 00:30:06,646 --> 00:30:09,566 NARRATOR: If other intelligent life‐forms 576 00:30:09,566 --> 00:30:13,445 exist on nearby exoplanets, might they too 577 00:30:13,445 --> 00:30:15,947 be aware of the vast resources that exist 578 00:30:15,947 --> 00:30:20,827 in the asteroid belt and also on planet Earth? 579 00:30:20,827 --> 00:30:23,413 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 580 00:30:23,413 --> 00:30:27,792 and suggest that Earth is rich in another commodity 581 00:30:27,792 --> 00:30:31,212 that would be of great value to any advanced civilization 582 00:30:31,212 --> 00:30:34,299 looking to mine for precious metals... 583 00:30:34,299 --> 00:30:36,718 liquid water. 584 00:30:38,595 --> 00:30:41,639 If aliens wanted to mine the asteroid belt, 585 00:30:41,639 --> 00:30:46,519 they'd need a base, somewhere to regroup and refuel. 586 00:30:46,519 --> 00:30:48,855 As it happens, there's one pretty close, 587 00:30:48,855 --> 00:30:50,565 and it's called planet Earth. 588 00:30:50,565 --> 00:30:54,152 BIRNES: Why aliens come here 589 00:30:54,152 --> 00:30:57,155 might well be because we're mostly 590 00:30:57,155 --> 00:30:59,115 water on planet Earth. 591 00:30:59,115 --> 00:31:01,868 They stop here because they could 592 00:31:01,868 --> 00:31:04,913 break down water into hydrogen 593 00:31:04,913 --> 00:31:08,500 and oxygen as fuel. 594 00:31:08,500 --> 00:31:12,587 So, if you have a craft 595 00:31:12,587 --> 00:31:14,714 that somehow uses hydrogen power, 596 00:31:14,714 --> 00:31:17,884 you have all the hydrogen you'll ever need. 597 00:31:17,884 --> 00:31:20,678 It well could be that this is 598 00:31:20,678 --> 00:31:24,140 a way station for extraterrestrials. 599 00:31:24,140 --> 00:31:27,143 NARRATOR: Is it possible 600 00:31:27,143 --> 00:31:29,813 that extraterrestrial civilizations have come to Earth 601 00:31:29,813 --> 00:31:33,733 not only as refugees from planets orbiting dying stars 602 00:31:33,733 --> 00:31:36,111 but also to mine precious metals 603 00:31:36,111 --> 00:31:39,239 or abundant natural resources like water? 604 00:31:39,239 --> 00:31:42,867 And if so, would that indicate 605 00:31:42,867 --> 00:31:45,620 that these Earth visitors might be physically 606 00:31:45,620 --> 00:31:47,705 very similar to ourselves? 607 00:31:54,254 --> 00:31:56,172 NARRATOR: La Silla Observatory. 608 00:31:56,172 --> 00:31:59,426 Chile. 2009. 609 00:32:00,385 --> 00:32:02,554 Astronomers identify 610 00:32:02,554 --> 00:32:08,518 a potentially habitable planet orbiting the star Gliese 667 C. 611 00:32:08,518 --> 00:32:10,395 It's a large Earth‐like planet 612 00:32:10,395 --> 00:32:13,731 located firmly in the Goldilocks zone. 613 00:32:13,731 --> 00:32:16,568 While evidence of life has yet to be discovered, 614 00:32:16,568 --> 00:32:18,736 scientists are able to speculate 615 00:32:18,736 --> 00:32:22,240 as to how life on this planet would evolve. 616 00:32:22,240 --> 00:32:25,577 When we imagine life on other planets, 617 00:32:25,577 --> 00:32:27,036 we have to imagine that 618 00:32:27,036 --> 00:32:29,706 the environment on those planets 619 00:32:29,706 --> 00:32:33,877 will determine what the creature may look like. 620 00:32:33,877 --> 00:32:37,464 DENNIN: In considering planets larger than Earth, 621 00:32:37,464 --> 00:32:39,591 the increased gravity will likely result 622 00:32:39,591 --> 00:32:41,801 in shorter complex life‐forms. 623 00:32:41,801 --> 00:32:45,054 This results in a more stable, um, life‐form 624 00:32:45,054 --> 00:32:46,431 and protects against falls. 625 00:32:46,431 --> 00:32:50,435 So life‐forms on larger planets would likely be smaller 626 00:32:50,435 --> 00:32:52,061 than those on smaller planets. 627 00:32:52,061 --> 00:32:56,399 NARRATOR: Like Earth, a major evolutionary force on the planet 628 00:32:56,399 --> 00:32:59,486 is the strength of its sun. 629 00:32:59,486 --> 00:33:04,073 Gliese 667 C is a red dwarf star, an M star, 630 00:33:04,073 --> 00:33:07,243 that's about 1.4% as bright as our sun. 631 00:33:07,243 --> 00:33:10,622 Because M‐dwarf stars are much smaller than our sun, 632 00:33:10,622 --> 00:33:13,458 they're much cooler and they give off a lot less light. 633 00:33:13,458 --> 00:33:17,295 Because the star gives out such low light compared to our sun, 634 00:33:17,295 --> 00:33:20,965 any life on those planets would look much different. 635 00:33:20,965 --> 00:33:22,926 BIRNES: Let's assume, for the sake of argument, 636 00:33:22,926 --> 00:33:26,387 that there is life on Gliese 667 C, 637 00:33:26,387 --> 00:33:30,892 such life would be living in kind of eternal darkness. 638 00:33:30,892 --> 00:33:32,810 In order for life‐forms 639 00:33:32,810 --> 00:33:34,479 on a planet like that to see, 640 00:33:34,479 --> 00:33:36,981 they'd be like owls on planet Earth. 641 00:33:36,981 --> 00:33:39,692 They would have very, very large eyes 642 00:33:39,692 --> 00:33:41,986 to capture as much light as possible. 643 00:33:41,986 --> 00:33:45,490 CHILDRESS: They are going to develop eyes 644 00:33:45,490 --> 00:33:48,660 that are perhaps more like a insect's eyes, 645 00:33:48,660 --> 00:33:51,496 where you're seeing different light spectrums 646 00:33:51,496 --> 00:33:53,831 and heat signatures. 647 00:33:53,831 --> 00:33:58,127 Something completely different than the way we see. 648 00:33:58,127 --> 00:34:00,463 NARRATOR: For ancient astronaut theorists, 649 00:34:00,463 --> 00:34:03,174 these descriptions share a curious similarity 650 00:34:03,174 --> 00:34:07,011 to accounts reported by alleged alien abductees. 651 00:34:08,054 --> 00:34:09,847 BIRNES: Alien abductees 652 00:34:09,847 --> 00:34:13,351 give very consistent accounts of some of the types 653 00:34:13,351 --> 00:34:16,354 of aliens they see. 654 00:34:16,354 --> 00:34:18,356 The most consistent account is: 655 00:34:18,356 --> 00:34:21,651 four feet, short, gray, 656 00:34:21,651 --> 00:34:24,445 big‐headed, big‐eyed aliens. 657 00:34:24,445 --> 00:34:28,074 And this would fit what we might expect with gravity 658 00:34:28,074 --> 00:34:31,327 so intense that you couldn't grow to six feet. 659 00:34:31,327 --> 00:34:36,541 NARRATOR: Short, gray aliens with large, black eyes? 660 00:34:36,541 --> 00:34:39,544 Is it possible that the habitable planet 661 00:34:39,544 --> 00:34:43,047 orbiting Gliese 667 C is the home world 662 00:34:43,047 --> 00:34:45,300 of the beings known in the UFO community 663 00:34:45,300 --> 00:34:47,719 as the Greys? 664 00:34:47,719 --> 00:34:51,723 As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, 665 00:34:51,723 --> 00:34:54,934 the planet orbiting Gliese 667 C 666 00:34:54,934 --> 00:34:57,896 is just one of a number of recently discovered worlds 667 00:34:57,896 --> 00:35:01,316 that could represent places of origin for extraterrestrials 668 00:35:01,316 --> 00:35:05,945 encountered both in modern times and in the distant past. 669 00:35:08,615 --> 00:35:11,242 Mountain View, California. 670 00:35:11,242 --> 00:35:14,454 April 2013. 671 00:35:15,538 --> 00:35:18,708 NASA scientists at the Ames Research Center 672 00:35:18,708 --> 00:35:21,044 announce that the Kepler space telescope 673 00:35:21,044 --> 00:35:23,212 has discovered two new exoplanets 674 00:35:23,212 --> 00:35:25,340 that seem highly promising for life. 675 00:35:25,340 --> 00:35:29,427 Named Kepler‐62e and 62f, 676 00:35:29,427 --> 00:35:31,429 they are so‐called water worlds, 677 00:35:31,429 --> 00:35:36,059 planets covered by an all‐encompassing global ocean. 678 00:35:36,059 --> 00:35:39,938 DENNIN: The planets 62e and f are very exciting because they are 679 00:35:39,938 --> 00:35:42,649 ocean‐covered planets and in the habitable zone. 680 00:35:42,649 --> 00:35:44,943 So if you're an ocean‐covered planet, 681 00:35:44,943 --> 00:35:46,361 it increases the chance 682 00:35:46,361 --> 00:35:48,905 that there's actually life on that planet. 683 00:35:48,905 --> 00:35:51,074 BIRNES: If there is a water world 684 00:35:51,074 --> 00:35:54,035 with an atmosphere, with water, 685 00:35:54,035 --> 00:35:59,415 the creatures that may inhabit there are waterborne creatures. 686 00:35:59,415 --> 00:36:02,085 They wouldn't necessarily look like human beings 687 00:36:02,085 --> 00:36:04,128 standing up on two legs and two arms. 688 00:36:04,128 --> 00:36:06,464 They might look more like mermaids. 689 00:36:06,464 --> 00:36:09,842 NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut theorists point out 690 00:36:09,842 --> 00:36:13,137 that many early civilizations reported sky visitors 691 00:36:13,137 --> 00:36:16,099 with amphibious, fish‐like characteristics. 692 00:36:16,099 --> 00:36:20,186 Considered to be gods, they were seen in China, 693 00:36:20,186 --> 00:36:23,439 sub‐Saharan Africa, Central America, 694 00:36:23,439 --> 00:36:25,608 and Egypt, just to name a few. 695 00:36:25,608 --> 00:36:28,569 These amphibian beings 696 00:36:28,569 --> 00:36:30,989 were said to interact with humans by day 697 00:36:30,989 --> 00:36:34,826 and retreat to rivers or lakes at night. 698 00:36:34,826 --> 00:36:38,162 Could such entities have come from so‐called water worlds 699 00:36:38,162 --> 00:36:41,624 like Kepler 62‐e and f? 700 00:36:41,624 --> 00:36:43,459 POPE: Creatures like that, 701 00:36:43,459 --> 00:36:47,296 if they existed, would evolve on water worlds, 702 00:36:47,296 --> 00:36:49,424 planets with a global ocean, 703 00:36:49,424 --> 00:36:53,177 and it just so happens that in the ongoing search 704 00:36:53,177 --> 00:36:57,515 for exoplanets, many such worlds are being discovered. 705 00:36:57,515 --> 00:37:02,478 CHILDRESS: These half‐human, half‐fish‐type gods 706 00:37:02,478 --> 00:37:05,690 that are like us but are still aquatic 707 00:37:05,690 --> 00:37:08,568 are coming from these water planets. 708 00:37:08,568 --> 00:37:11,362 Extraterrestrials may be very attracted to planet Earth 709 00:37:11,362 --> 00:37:14,824 because the oceans are huge and vast. 710 00:37:14,824 --> 00:37:16,451 So aquatic extraterrestrials 711 00:37:16,451 --> 00:37:21,122 could find a‐a‐a very happy home here on planet Earth. 712 00:37:22,874 --> 00:37:26,210 KAKU: So, when we encounter alien life‐forms out in space, 713 00:37:26,210 --> 00:37:28,463 are they gonna look like us? No. 714 00:37:28,463 --> 00:37:30,840 They could look completely different from us 715 00:37:30,840 --> 00:37:33,843 and have a different pathway to intelligence. 716 00:37:33,843 --> 00:37:37,388 NARRATOR: In their search for habitable exoplanets, 717 00:37:37,388 --> 00:37:40,224 could mainstream scientists be discovering the home worlds 718 00:37:40,224 --> 00:37:43,436 of extraterrestrial visitors to Earth? 719 00:37:43,436 --> 00:37:48,399 For ancient astronaut theorists, the answer is a resounding yes, 720 00:37:48,399 --> 00:37:51,402 and they suggest that the search for life 721 00:37:51,402 --> 00:37:54,739 is about to be revolutionized once again 722 00:37:54,739 --> 00:37:58,910 as NASA prepares to launch an extraordinary new technology 723 00:37:58,910 --> 00:38:01,496 into space. 724 00:38:11,089 --> 00:38:15,927 Astronomers Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz 725 00:38:15,927 --> 00:38:19,097 are awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering 726 00:38:19,097 --> 00:38:22,433 the first exoplanet in 1992. 727 00:38:22,433 --> 00:38:24,644 In the years since, 728 00:38:24,644 --> 00:38:27,980 more than 4,000 have been examined and categorized, 729 00:38:27,980 --> 00:38:30,566 and more are being found every day. 730 00:38:32,610 --> 00:38:35,446 KAKU: Let's do a science experiment tonight. 731 00:38:35,446 --> 00:38:37,532 Go outside, look up, 732 00:38:37,532 --> 00:38:40,284 and see all the thousands of stars you see. 733 00:38:40,284 --> 00:38:42,829 Every single one, on average, 734 00:38:42,829 --> 00:38:45,123 has a planet going around them, 735 00:38:45,123 --> 00:38:47,416 and about one in 20 736 00:38:47,416 --> 00:38:49,627 has an Earth‐like planet. 737 00:38:49,627 --> 00:38:52,880 And so, when you look at the stars tonight, 738 00:38:52,880 --> 00:38:56,300 realize that somebody could be looking back at you 739 00:38:56,300 --> 00:38:58,219 from outer space. 740 00:39:00,471 --> 00:39:02,807 NARRATOR: In 2021, 741 00:39:02,807 --> 00:39:05,935 NASA will launch the James Webb Space Telescope, 742 00:39:05,935 --> 00:39:07,937 a satellite that can do something 743 00:39:07,937 --> 00:39:12,024 once thought impossible: take detailed, color images 744 00:39:12,024 --> 00:39:14,986 of an exoplanet. 745 00:39:14,986 --> 00:39:19,031 The James Webb Space Telescope is, um, a‐a different type 746 00:39:19,031 --> 00:39:21,492 of telescope than we've had in space before. 747 00:39:21,492 --> 00:39:25,997 It will give us the ability to look at the reflected light 748 00:39:25,997 --> 00:39:28,833 from exoplanets and the infrared part of the spectrum 749 00:39:28,833 --> 00:39:33,171 and to search for the potential for biology being present. 750 00:39:33,171 --> 00:39:37,717 NARRATOR: But when we look upon the images of other worlds, 751 00:39:37,717 --> 00:39:41,012 and possibly even the beings that inhabit them, 752 00:39:41,012 --> 00:39:42,847 what will we find? 753 00:39:42,847 --> 00:39:47,518 CHILDRESS: I think that what's really lying in store for humanity now 754 00:39:47,518 --> 00:39:51,856 is that we will prove that there are these exoplanets out there, 755 00:39:51,856 --> 00:39:53,566 that they have life 756 00:39:53,566 --> 00:39:56,360 and quite possibly intelligent life 757 00:39:56,360 --> 00:39:59,071 capable of coming to our solar system. 758 00:39:59,071 --> 00:40:04,202 This will cause a sea change all over the world, 759 00:40:04,202 --> 00:40:06,537 within scientific communities 760 00:40:06,537 --> 00:40:09,248 and within the religious communities, too. 761 00:40:11,542 --> 00:40:13,586 NARRATOR: If astronomers discover exoplanets 762 00:40:13,586 --> 00:40:15,880 with intelligent alien life‐forms, 763 00:40:15,880 --> 00:40:17,882 will they appear eerily familiar? 764 00:40:17,882 --> 00:40:21,427 Could they find amphibious humanoid beings, 765 00:40:21,427 --> 00:40:24,180 like the gods depicted in ancient times? 766 00:40:24,180 --> 00:40:28,726 Small, gray aliens like those reported by alleged abductees? 767 00:40:28,726 --> 00:40:33,231 And is it possible that some visitors, 768 00:40:33,231 --> 00:40:36,067 perhaps coming from worlds very similar to Earth, 769 00:40:36,067 --> 00:40:39,654 might look remarkably like us? 770 00:40:39,654 --> 00:40:42,907 Within established ancient astronaut theory, 771 00:40:42,907 --> 00:40:45,952 it's generally thought that these 772 00:40:45,952 --> 00:40:49,914 extraterrestrial beings coming from outside of our solar system 773 00:40:49,914 --> 00:40:52,124 were interacting with our society 774 00:40:52,124 --> 00:40:55,127 and they were manipulating our DNA and, in a sense, 775 00:40:55,127 --> 00:40:58,005 creating people on this planet, us, 776 00:40:58,005 --> 00:41:00,299 who look like them and are similar to them. 777 00:41:00,299 --> 00:41:04,178 HENRY: As we discover more and more exoplanets, 778 00:41:04,178 --> 00:41:07,223 the implications for humanity are enormous. 779 00:41:07,223 --> 00:41:10,142 I think it's very possible that we're on the verge 780 00:41:10,142 --> 00:41:13,020 of discovering our home planet, 781 00:41:13,020 --> 00:41:15,982 the place of our origins. 782 00:41:15,982 --> 00:41:19,193 TSOUKALOS: The big revelation will not be, "Do they look like us?" 783 00:41:19,193 --> 00:41:23,489 But we look like them 'cause we are their offspring. 784 00:41:23,489 --> 00:41:28,452 NARRATOR: As scientists continue their search for habitable worlds, 785 00:41:28,452 --> 00:41:32,790 are we on the verge of discovering not only alien life 786 00:41:32,790 --> 00:41:35,543 but the very extraterrestrials that came to Earth 787 00:41:35,543 --> 00:41:37,295 centuries ago? 788 00:41:37,295 --> 00:41:40,172 And will we find that the strange gods 789 00:41:40,172 --> 00:41:43,634 depicted by our ancestors as mythological creations 790 00:41:43,634 --> 00:41:46,137 were very real flesh and blood entities 791 00:41:46,137 --> 00:41:48,806 not so different from ourselves? 792 00:41:48,806 --> 00:41:52,059 Perhaps one day soon we will look 793 00:41:52,059 --> 00:41:54,645 at the satellite image of a distant exoplanet 794 00:41:54,645 --> 00:41:57,732 and see not only mankind's future home 795 00:41:57,732 --> 00:42:01,360 but one that could have once been inhabited 796 00:42:01,360 --> 00:42:05,156 by our ancient alien ancestors.