1 00:00:02,002 --> 00:00:03,879 NARRATOR: Ancient stories 2 00:00:03,879 --> 00:00:07,633 that describe civilizations long before our own. 3 00:00:07,633 --> 00:00:09,426 FELICIA BEARDSLEY: Oral histories 4 00:00:09,426 --> 00:00:11,512 always talk about the "before the before." 5 00:00:11,512 --> 00:00:14,056 When gods and people walked the land. 6 00:00:14,056 --> 00:00:16,225 NARRATOR: New discoveries 7 00:00:16,225 --> 00:00:19,019 that challenge conventional history. 8 00:00:19,019 --> 00:00:21,480 MARK CARLOTTO: These Meso‐American sites 9 00:00:21,480 --> 00:00:24,858 actually extends the time frame for archeology 10 00:00:24,858 --> 00:00:28,153 from 10,000 years to... tens of thousands of years. 11 00:00:28,153 --> 00:00:30,697 NARRATOR: And monumental structures 12 00:00:30,697 --> 00:00:33,283 that suggest that everything we think we know 13 00:00:33,283 --> 00:00:36,537 about our planet is wrong. 14 00:00:36,537 --> 00:00:39,706 DAVID CHILDRESS: This pyramid city is so deep in the ocean, 15 00:00:39,706 --> 00:00:42,626 it must be 50,000 years old. 16 00:00:44,211 --> 00:00:46,088 GEORGE NOORY: There's no question in my mind 17 00:00:46,088 --> 00:00:48,924 that preexisting civilizations 18 00:00:48,924 --> 00:00:52,594 on this planet had high technology. 19 00:00:52,594 --> 00:00:54,805 They had help from the extraterrestrials. 20 00:00:54,805 --> 00:00:58,600 NARRATOR: But if human civilizations existed on Earth 21 00:00:58,600 --> 00:01:01,144 tens of thousands of years ago, 22 00:01:01,144 --> 00:01:03,438 what happened to them? 23 00:01:03,438 --> 00:01:07,109 And could it be only a matter of time before their fate... 24 00:01:07,109 --> 00:01:09,736 becomes our own? 25 00:01:12,656 --> 00:01:14,992 NARRATOR: There is a doorway 26 00:01:14,992 --> 00:01:17,744 in the universe. 27 00:01:17,744 --> 00:01:20,747 Beyond it is the promise of truth. 28 00:01:22,249 --> 00:01:24,501 It demands we question everything 29 00:01:24,501 --> 00:01:26,795 we have ever been taught. 30 00:01:26,795 --> 00:01:31,091 The evidence is all around us. 31 00:01:31,091 --> 00:01:34,595 The future is right before our eyes. 32 00:01:34,595 --> 00:01:37,264 We are not alone. 33 00:01:37,264 --> 00:01:40,767 We have never been alone. 34 00:01:48,442 --> 00:01:50,485 ♪ ♪ 35 00:01:50,485 --> 00:01:53,280 NARRATOR: April 2018. 36 00:01:53,280 --> 00:01:55,532 A groundbreaking paper is published 37 00:01:55,532 --> 00:01:57,492 by NASA scientist Gavin Schmidt 38 00:01:57,492 --> 00:01:59,995 and astrophysicist Adam Frank 39 00:01:59,995 --> 00:02:02,748 that tackles an intriguing question. 40 00:02:02,748 --> 00:02:05,792 Might advanced civilizations have existed on Earth 41 00:02:05,792 --> 00:02:10,464 in the remote past that have been completely lost to history? 42 00:02:10,464 --> 00:02:12,883 MICHAEL DENNIN: This paper asked a very interesting question, 43 00:02:12,883 --> 00:02:15,761 which is: can we detect ancient civilizations 44 00:02:15,761 --> 00:02:17,512 that are tens of thousands of years old? 45 00:02:17,512 --> 00:02:20,349 And the intriguing answer is really no. 46 00:02:20,349 --> 00:02:23,101 Because all evidence of these civilizations and remnants 47 00:02:23,101 --> 00:02:25,812 of them would've been destroyed in that time frame. 48 00:02:27,397 --> 00:02:29,900 CHILDRESS: The evidence for them would be 49 00:02:29,900 --> 00:02:32,611 hard to find, they were saying. 50 00:02:32,611 --> 00:02:34,655 Cataclysms and Earth changes in the past 51 00:02:34,655 --> 00:02:38,825 would have erased the evidence for these civilizations. 52 00:02:38,825 --> 00:02:41,828 DENNIN: You know, we're only a couple hundred years 53 00:02:41,828 --> 00:02:44,164 into a technological civilization. 54 00:02:44,164 --> 00:02:48,919 That's not a very long time frame in the fossil record. 55 00:02:48,919 --> 00:02:52,464 So, if our civilization got wiped out, 56 00:02:52,464 --> 00:02:55,175 we would possibly disappear from that record 57 00:02:55,175 --> 00:02:56,551 in the future. 58 00:02:56,551 --> 00:03:00,597 GIORGIO A. TSOUKALOS: Once humankind is gone, 59 00:03:00,597 --> 00:03:02,432 all those skyscrapers, 60 00:03:02,432 --> 00:03:06,520 all the results of human civilization 61 00:03:06,520 --> 00:03:09,439 will be gone after a thousand years. 62 00:03:09,439 --> 00:03:12,651 So, who knows what will 63 00:03:12,651 --> 00:03:15,445 be left after 100,000 years, 64 00:03:15,445 --> 00:03:19,700 or in some cases, hundreds of thousands of years. 65 00:03:21,618 --> 00:03:24,121 NARRATOR: According to mainstream archeology, 66 00:03:24,121 --> 00:03:26,581 the Earth's earliest civilization emerged 67 00:03:26,581 --> 00:03:31,169 in the area of modern‐day Iraq around 3000 BC. 68 00:03:31,169 --> 00:03:34,673 But the surviving histories of many ancient peoples 69 00:03:34,673 --> 00:03:36,508 tell of an earlier age, 70 00:03:36,508 --> 00:03:39,761 one where mortals and beings known as "gods" 71 00:03:39,761 --> 00:03:42,347 lived side by side. 72 00:03:43,807 --> 00:03:46,601 Oral histories have been around generations 73 00:03:46,601 --> 00:03:48,979 upon generations upon generations. 74 00:03:48,979 --> 00:03:53,066 And they always talk about the "before the before," 75 00:03:53,066 --> 00:03:56,153 when gods and people walked the land. 76 00:03:56,153 --> 00:03:59,531 BETTANY HUGHES: Hesiod was a‐a Greek author who wrote 77 00:03:59,531 --> 00:04:02,075 that there were Five Ages of Man: 78 00:04:02,075 --> 00:04:04,786 the Golden Age, the Silver Age, the Bronze Age, 79 00:04:04,786 --> 00:04:08,039 the Age of Heroes and the Age of Iron. 80 00:04:08,039 --> 00:04:10,917 In the Golden Age, basically, people were 81 00:04:10,917 --> 00:04:13,378 living beautiful lives along with the gods. 82 00:04:13,378 --> 00:04:16,131 And he thought this was real, he didn't think this was a myth. 83 00:04:16,131 --> 00:04:20,051 BEARDSLEY: The Aztecs have other ages of man. 84 00:04:20,051 --> 00:04:23,764 Other cultures have similar ways of breaking up time 85 00:04:23,764 --> 00:04:26,683 and going back into deep time. 86 00:04:26,683 --> 00:04:29,770 It's their understanding of their origins. 87 00:04:31,313 --> 00:04:33,148 When we look into the historical records 88 00:04:33,148 --> 00:04:35,233 of the Greeks and the Aztecs, 89 00:04:35,233 --> 00:04:37,611 they're often talking about ages. 90 00:04:37,611 --> 00:04:41,907 Often, ages that span many thousands of years. 91 00:04:41,907 --> 00:04:45,744 And it opens up the possibility that humanity, in fact, has gone 92 00:04:45,744 --> 00:04:47,621 through intermittent periods of dark and light 93 00:04:47,621 --> 00:04:50,832 for many, many thousands of years, for millennia. 94 00:04:50,832 --> 00:04:53,627 And it's just part of our experience here on Earth. 95 00:04:55,504 --> 00:04:58,006 NARRATOR: Stories of an age before modern humans 96 00:04:58,006 --> 00:05:01,468 can even be found in early Judaic texts, 97 00:05:01,468 --> 00:05:04,846 which describe a race of humans that existed on the Earth 98 00:05:04,846 --> 00:05:08,308 long before the biblical Adam. 99 00:05:08,308 --> 00:05:10,644 ARIEL BAR TZADOK: The pre‐Adamic civilizations 100 00:05:10,644 --> 00:05:12,729 are hinted to in the Bible. 101 00:05:12,729 --> 00:05:15,816 There is a curious genealogy, which is portrayed 102 00:05:15,816 --> 00:05:18,693 in the Book of Genesis, Chapter 36, 103 00:05:18,693 --> 00:05:21,696 which states these are the kings 104 00:05:21,696 --> 00:05:23,990 who reigned in the land of EDOM, 105 00:05:23,990 --> 00:05:27,661 prior to there being a king in Israel. 106 00:05:27,661 --> 00:05:31,456 There was intelligent, technologically advanced 107 00:05:31,456 --> 00:05:34,042 civilizations of a humanoid nature 108 00:05:34,042 --> 00:05:37,671 here on Earth prior to Adam. 109 00:05:37,671 --> 00:05:40,340 According to Enochian literature, 110 00:05:40,340 --> 00:05:43,385 we have a record of it being technologically advanced, 111 00:05:43,385 --> 00:05:47,347 even to the point of having nuclear technology. 112 00:05:47,347 --> 00:05:49,891 ♪ ♪ 113 00:05:49,891 --> 00:05:52,686 CARLOTTO: I think there's extensive knowledge 114 00:05:52,686 --> 00:05:55,021 from many cultures, many traditions 115 00:05:55,021 --> 00:05:56,857 that something existed 116 00:05:56,857 --> 00:05:59,776 before our modern human civilization developed. 117 00:05:59,776 --> 00:06:01,820 There might have been, uh, other, uh, 118 00:06:01,820 --> 00:06:04,865 civilizations on Earth, um, that predated us 119 00:06:04,865 --> 00:06:08,201 that were not the only technological civilization 120 00:06:08,201 --> 00:06:10,745 on the planet, but just the latest one. 121 00:06:10,745 --> 00:06:13,331 That there had been previous ones that existed 122 00:06:13,331 --> 00:06:15,709 that were destroyed and that 123 00:06:15,709 --> 00:06:18,336 had become forgotten over time. 124 00:06:20,130 --> 00:06:22,549 NARRATOR: Could it be that these ancient stories 125 00:06:22,549 --> 00:06:25,051 are more than just fanciful tales, 126 00:06:25,051 --> 00:06:28,638 and that our planet has witnessed the rise and fall 127 00:06:28,638 --> 00:06:32,684 of more than one so‐called "advanced civilization"? 128 00:06:32,684 --> 00:06:36,605 TSOUKALOS: We have stories of the Golden Era, 129 00:06:36,605 --> 00:06:40,609 when the so‐called "gods" still mingled among men. 130 00:06:40,609 --> 00:06:43,361 So, you have to wonder, what gods, 131 00:06:43,361 --> 00:06:46,072 and what time, and who were they? 132 00:06:46,072 --> 00:06:49,159 According to mainstream archeology, the gods were 133 00:06:49,159 --> 00:06:51,995 nothing but a figment of our ancestors' imagination. 134 00:06:51,995 --> 00:06:54,998 And I wholeheartedly disagree with this, 135 00:06:54,998 --> 00:06:57,584 because our ancestors were very clear 136 00:06:57,584 --> 00:07:00,587 in distinguishing gods of nature, 137 00:07:00,587 --> 00:07:02,964 and gods who actually descended from the sky 138 00:07:02,964 --> 00:07:08,261 physically and taught mankind in various disciplines. 139 00:07:08,261 --> 00:07:11,514 So, if there's a prehistoric civilization, what I'm saying is 140 00:07:11,514 --> 00:07:15,018 that that knowledge did come from the extraterrestrials. 141 00:07:15,018 --> 00:07:17,270 NARRATOR: A central idea behind what is known 142 00:07:17,270 --> 00:07:20,607 as "ancient astronaut theory" is the notion 143 00:07:20,607 --> 00:07:23,485 that extraterrestrials came to Earth in the distant past 144 00:07:23,485 --> 00:07:26,613 and altered the course of humanity. 145 00:07:26,613 --> 00:07:29,783 If the various stories of ancient civilizations 146 00:07:29,783 --> 00:07:32,452 are true, including those concerning 147 00:07:32,452 --> 00:07:34,162 gods living among mortals, 148 00:07:34,162 --> 00:07:36,581 could it mean that alien visitations 149 00:07:36,581 --> 00:07:38,958 may have happened more than once? 150 00:07:38,958 --> 00:07:41,378 Ancient astronaut theorists believe 151 00:07:41,378 --> 00:07:44,339 that not only is such a profound notion possible, 152 00:07:44,339 --> 00:07:46,883 but that evidence can be found 153 00:07:46,883 --> 00:07:49,469 by examining the stories of the Sumerian civilization 154 00:07:49,469 --> 00:07:52,472 that emerged 5,000 years ago... 155 00:07:52,472 --> 00:07:56,810 and the beings they called the Anunnaki. 156 00:07:56,810 --> 00:07:58,978 TSOUKALOS: The term "Anunnaki" means 157 00:07:58,978 --> 00:08:02,148 "those who from the heavens came." 158 00:08:02,148 --> 00:08:05,318 And our ancestors thought they were being visited 159 00:08:05,318 --> 00:08:08,488 by these divine magical beings. 160 00:08:08,488 --> 00:08:10,990 CHILDRESS: In the ancient Sumerian texts, 161 00:08:10,990 --> 00:08:12,909 they were described as 162 00:08:12,909 --> 00:08:15,912 bringing knowledge and science. 163 00:08:15,912 --> 00:08:20,583 They were often depicted as bird‐type people. 164 00:08:20,583 --> 00:08:23,545 NARRATOR: Curiously, a similar figure 165 00:08:23,545 --> 00:08:25,255 to the bird‐headed Anunnaki 166 00:08:25,255 --> 00:08:28,591 exists in cave art discovered in Lascaux, France, 167 00:08:28,591 --> 00:08:33,430 which dates back to roughly 16,000 BC. 168 00:08:33,430 --> 00:08:36,766 In the Lascaux cave, is a deep shaft 169 00:08:36,766 --> 00:08:41,771 with an incredible pictorial story on the wall. 170 00:08:41,771 --> 00:08:46,693 It shows a huge bull‐like creature, 171 00:08:46,693 --> 00:08:49,529 next to which is a birdman, 172 00:08:49,529 --> 00:08:52,282 a figure with a bird's beak. 173 00:08:52,282 --> 00:08:54,826 HENRY: The Birdman of Lascaux 174 00:08:54,826 --> 00:08:57,746 was considered to be a‐a shamanistic figure. 175 00:08:57,746 --> 00:09:00,915 But we have to ask the question: could this be something more? 176 00:09:00,915 --> 00:09:02,667 Could this be an otherworldly being, 177 00:09:02,667 --> 00:09:05,170 an extraterrestrial being, who interacted 178 00:09:05,170 --> 00:09:07,714 with this prehistoric culture in France? 179 00:09:07,714 --> 00:09:11,051 NARRATOR: In 2019, 180 00:09:11,051 --> 00:09:14,679 archeologists in Indonesia announced 181 00:09:14,679 --> 00:09:16,306 that they had discovered rock art in a cave 182 00:09:16,306 --> 00:09:17,974 on the island of Sulawesi 183 00:09:17,974 --> 00:09:19,893 that they believe was created 184 00:09:19,893 --> 00:09:23,480 at least 44,000 years ago. 185 00:09:23,480 --> 00:09:26,274 If true, it is the oldest pictorial record 186 00:09:26,274 --> 00:09:28,777 of storytelling ever found. 187 00:09:28,777 --> 00:09:32,822 And curiously, among the images painted on the cave walls 188 00:09:32,822 --> 00:09:37,577 is a depiction of a humanlike figure with a bird's head. 189 00:09:37,577 --> 00:09:41,498 The paintings depict a group of eight humanoid hunters 190 00:09:41,498 --> 00:09:44,042 approaching a group of animals. 191 00:09:44,042 --> 00:09:46,169 And one of them appears 192 00:09:46,169 --> 00:09:49,089 to have a very large bird beak. 193 00:09:49,089 --> 00:09:51,841 44,000 years ago, 194 00:09:51,841 --> 00:09:55,261 we have these birdmen in Indonesia. 195 00:09:55,261 --> 00:09:57,889 18,000 years ago, they're in France. 196 00:09:57,889 --> 00:10:02,644 So, what are the chances of these birdmen figures 197 00:10:02,644 --> 00:10:05,855 being just, uh, coincidently created 198 00:10:05,855 --> 00:10:07,941 in these different areas? 199 00:10:07,941 --> 00:10:12,195 We have to ask ourselves: are these birdmen 200 00:10:12,195 --> 00:10:15,281 actually representatives of the Anunnaki 201 00:10:15,281 --> 00:10:18,451 who are extraterrestrials, who came 202 00:10:18,451 --> 00:10:20,995 all over the world in prehistory? 203 00:10:20,995 --> 00:10:23,373 NARRATOR: But if, 204 00:10:23,373 --> 00:10:26,292 as ancient astronaut theorists insist, 205 00:10:26,292 --> 00:10:29,420 the Earth played host to numerous advanced civilizations 206 00:10:29,420 --> 00:10:32,298 long before our own, what happened to them? 207 00:10:32,298 --> 00:10:36,970 And why is there no hard evidence to prove they existed? 208 00:10:36,970 --> 00:10:41,432 For many, the answer can be found hiding in plain sight, 209 00:10:41,432 --> 00:10:45,186 and the hard evidence exists in the form of objects 210 00:10:45,186 --> 00:10:49,399 made using the only substance that can stand the test of time, 211 00:10:49,399 --> 00:10:57,157 stone. 212 00:10:57,157 --> 00:10:59,284 NARRATOR: Aerospace engineer 213 00:10:59,284 --> 00:11:02,370 and satellite imaging expert Dr. Mark Carlotto 214 00:11:02,370 --> 00:11:05,123 has spent the past three years investigating 215 00:11:05,123 --> 00:11:08,710 some of the world's most impressive archeological sites. 216 00:11:08,710 --> 00:11:10,712 After closely examining 217 00:11:10,712 --> 00:11:13,673 each site's precise geographical orientation, 218 00:11:13,673 --> 00:11:16,301 he has come to the incredible conclusion 219 00:11:16,301 --> 00:11:18,928 that many ancient structures provide evidence 220 00:11:18,928 --> 00:11:21,431 of being far older than has been suggested 221 00:11:21,431 --> 00:11:23,600 by mainstream archeology 222 00:11:23,600 --> 00:11:28,354 and were likely built tens of thousands of years ago. 223 00:11:28,354 --> 00:11:29,939 CARLOTTO: If you look at many monuments, 224 00:11:29,939 --> 00:11:32,859 uh, today, um, 225 00:11:32,859 --> 00:11:34,861 they're often built with respect, 226 00:11:34,861 --> 00:11:36,529 uh, to the cardinal directions. 227 00:11:36,529 --> 00:11:40,700 So, knowledge of the Earth, of astronomy, 228 00:11:40,700 --> 00:11:43,661 of the heavens was very important in alignments. 229 00:11:43,661 --> 00:11:46,915 NARRATOR: Because most of the world's megalithic structures 230 00:11:46,915 --> 00:11:49,417 were built so that they would be in precise alignment 231 00:11:49,417 --> 00:11:51,711 with the Earth's cardinal directions of north, 232 00:11:51,711 --> 00:11:53,546 south, east and west, 233 00:11:53,546 --> 00:11:56,966 Dr. Carlotto's investigation had a breakthrough 234 00:11:56,966 --> 00:11:59,302 after he noticed that Teotihuacán, 235 00:11:59,302 --> 00:12:01,888 the ancient complex north of Mexico City, 236 00:12:01,888 --> 00:12:04,057 didn't properly line up. 237 00:12:04,057 --> 00:12:07,560 An extraordinary possibility then occurred to him: 238 00:12:07,560 --> 00:12:09,354 perhaps the structure was built 239 00:12:09,354 --> 00:12:11,814 tens of thousands of years earlier, 240 00:12:11,814 --> 00:12:15,693 when the Earth's poles were not in their current locations. 241 00:12:15,693 --> 00:12:20,323 It was an idea that was not as farfetched as it seems. 242 00:12:20,323 --> 00:12:22,075 In the 1950s, 243 00:12:22,075 --> 00:12:25,036 Harvard‐educated scientist Charles Hapgood 244 00:12:25,036 --> 00:12:28,748 proposed a theory known as crustal displacement, 245 00:12:28,748 --> 00:12:31,417 whereby, at certain moments in history, 246 00:12:31,417 --> 00:12:35,421 the Earth's crust suddenly and rapidly shifts positions 247 00:12:35,421 --> 00:12:38,216 and, in the process, changes the positions 248 00:12:38,216 --> 00:12:41,261 of the North and South Poles. 249 00:12:41,261 --> 00:12:43,930 DENNIN: Plate tectonics have plates moving slowly 250 00:12:43,930 --> 00:12:45,932 as individual separate plates. 251 00:12:45,932 --> 00:12:48,184 Um, Charles had a theory 252 00:12:48,184 --> 00:12:51,604 that, basically, instead of a slow, steady movement, 253 00:12:51,604 --> 00:12:54,774 he was really interested in sudden, quick movements 254 00:12:54,774 --> 00:12:56,317 of the crust as a whole. 255 00:12:56,317 --> 00:12:58,611 CHILDRESS: What Hapgood was saying 256 00:12:58,611 --> 00:13:01,114 was that the thin crust of the Earth 257 00:13:01,114 --> 00:13:03,616 can slip forward on the mantle. 258 00:13:03,616 --> 00:13:05,785 And, therefore, the North Pole and South Pole 259 00:13:05,785 --> 00:13:07,578 can shift somewhat, 260 00:13:07,578 --> 00:13:12,709 and this causes huge, cataclysmic changes. 261 00:13:16,296 --> 00:13:18,506 CARLOTTO: Hapgood's analysis was based 262 00:13:18,506 --> 00:13:21,301 on climate data... looking at patterns of climate change, 263 00:13:21,301 --> 00:13:24,137 uh, changes in glacial patterns, 264 00:13:24,137 --> 00:13:25,680 uh, ice ages 265 00:13:25,680 --> 00:13:27,640 and then correlating those patterns 266 00:13:27,640 --> 00:13:29,642 with what he believed was the cause, 267 00:13:29,642 --> 00:13:31,436 which was a shift of the poles. 268 00:13:31,436 --> 00:13:33,938 Hapgood believed that, 269 00:13:33,938 --> 00:13:35,982 over the last 100,000 years or so, 270 00:13:35,982 --> 00:13:38,818 that there were three previous locations of the North Pole. 271 00:13:38,818 --> 00:13:42,280 And when I looked at the imagery 272 00:13:42,280 --> 00:13:44,323 of these Mesoamerican sites 273 00:13:44,323 --> 00:13:47,326 and realized that these pyramids and temples 274 00:13:47,326 --> 00:13:49,328 were not aligned to north, I thought perhaps 275 00:13:49,328 --> 00:13:51,456 they were aligned to former North Poles 276 00:13:51,456 --> 00:13:53,958 that Hapgood had discovered. 277 00:13:53,958 --> 00:13:57,170 Hapgood actually sent this theory to Albert Einstein, 278 00:13:57,170 --> 00:13:58,504 who endorsed it. 279 00:13:58,504 --> 00:14:00,298 And when Einstein died, 280 00:14:00,298 --> 00:14:05,595 he actually had Hapgood's book open on his desk. 281 00:14:05,595 --> 00:14:08,848 NARRATOR: Dr. Carlotto believes 282 00:14:08,848 --> 00:14:11,517 that some of the world's most impressive ancient structures 283 00:14:11,517 --> 00:14:13,853 not only confirm Hapgood's theory 284 00:14:13,853 --> 00:14:16,814 but radically alters our understanding 285 00:14:16,814 --> 00:14:19,942 of intelligent life on planet Earth. 286 00:14:19,942 --> 00:14:21,194 CARLOTTO: So, my process 287 00:14:21,194 --> 00:14:23,154 for analyzing these images starts 288 00:14:23,154 --> 00:14:26,324 with a geographically registered image, 289 00:14:26,324 --> 00:14:28,159 where north is up. 290 00:14:28,159 --> 00:14:30,870 So, for example, uh, here we have Teotihuacán. 291 00:14:30,870 --> 00:14:33,873 And this is where my search, uh, began. 292 00:14:33,873 --> 00:14:36,542 And let me just highlight the four sides 293 00:14:36,542 --> 00:14:40,880 so we can define a direction towards the north. 294 00:14:40,880 --> 00:14:42,715 As you can see in this image, 295 00:14:42,715 --> 00:14:45,259 the pyramid is not oriented to the cardinal directions... 296 00:14:45,259 --> 00:14:47,553 north, south, east and west. 297 00:14:47,553 --> 00:14:48,721 NARRATOR: To test his theory, 298 00:14:48,721 --> 00:14:51,390 Dr. Carlotto was curious to find out 299 00:14:51,390 --> 00:14:52,892 if other ancient structures 300 00:14:52,892 --> 00:14:57,105 shared Teotihuacán's same geographic anomaly. 301 00:14:57,105 --> 00:14:59,440 What I ended up doing was developing an algorithm 302 00:14:59,440 --> 00:15:03,027 as the basis for analyzing their alignment. 303 00:15:03,027 --> 00:15:04,779 So now, as we'll see when we zoom out, 304 00:15:04,779 --> 00:15:07,907 we'll find that Teotihuacán is aligned to other sites, 305 00:15:07,907 --> 00:15:09,575 uh, nearby. 306 00:15:09,575 --> 00:15:11,744 And I'll show you that by zooming out here. 307 00:15:11,744 --> 00:15:15,081 And this shows a number of other sites in the Valley of Mexico 308 00:15:15,081 --> 00:15:18,042 that are aligned in the same g‐general direction. 309 00:15:18,042 --> 00:15:19,585 All of these, uh, lines are meridians 310 00:15:19,585 --> 00:15:22,088 that lead to a point east of Hudson Bay. 311 00:15:22,088 --> 00:15:25,550 NARRATOR: Incredibly, these sites align with a location 312 00:15:25,550 --> 00:15:28,553 that Hapgood proposed was once the North Pole. 313 00:15:28,553 --> 00:15:31,556 CARLOTTO: Hapgood believed the Hudson Bay pole existed 314 00:15:31,556 --> 00:15:33,558 12,000 to 18,000 years ago. 315 00:15:33,558 --> 00:15:35,935 So these sites, by virtue of their alignment 316 00:15:35,935 --> 00:15:38,271 to this particular pole, could be that old. 317 00:15:38,271 --> 00:15:41,941 NARRATOR: If Dr. Carlotto's analysis is correct, 318 00:15:41,941 --> 00:15:44,402 it would date the construction of Teotihuacán 319 00:15:44,402 --> 00:15:46,946 to at least 10,000 BC, 320 00:15:46,946 --> 00:15:49,115 which is 10,000 years older 321 00:15:49,115 --> 00:15:52,034 than mainstream archeologists propose. 322 00:15:52,034 --> 00:15:53,661 And he contends 323 00:15:53,661 --> 00:15:56,289 that other ancient sites were built even earlier. 324 00:15:56,289 --> 00:16:00,793 CARLOTTO: One of the most enigmatic sites on Earth is Baalbek, 325 00:16:00,793 --> 00:16:04,630 the Temple of Jupiter, in Lebanon. 326 00:16:04,630 --> 00:16:06,507 As you can see, this site 327 00:16:06,507 --> 00:16:10,136 is oriented to a point in Northern Greenland 328 00:16:10,136 --> 00:16:11,637 that Hapgood believed 329 00:16:11,637 --> 00:16:13,764 was a former location of the North Pole. 330 00:16:13,764 --> 00:16:15,474 NARRATOR: Based on Hapgood's theory, 331 00:16:15,474 --> 00:16:18,102 Baalbek's alignment to Northern Greenland 332 00:16:18,102 --> 00:16:21,647 would date it to a staggering 50,000 years ago. 333 00:16:23,441 --> 00:16:25,776 CARLOTTO: Another site nearby, 334 00:16:25,776 --> 00:16:28,196 the Western Wall in the city of Jerusalem, 335 00:16:28,196 --> 00:16:31,824 is aligned in the direction of the Greenland pole. 336 00:16:31,824 --> 00:16:34,160 And let's take a look at a third site, 337 00:16:34,160 --> 00:16:36,454 the Parthenon in Athens. 338 00:16:36,454 --> 00:16:41,500 We believe that the original structures at these sites... 339 00:16:41,500 --> 00:16:42,960 in other words, the original sites themselves... 340 00:16:42,960 --> 00:16:46,464 were established as long ago as 50,000 years. 341 00:16:46,464 --> 00:16:49,091 NARRATOR: According to Dr. Carlotto, 342 00:16:49,091 --> 00:16:52,595 these are still not the oldest structures that exist on Earth. 343 00:16:52,595 --> 00:16:55,014 Based on Hapgood's theory, 344 00:16:55,014 --> 00:16:57,642 the North Pole was located in the Bering Sea 345 00:16:57,642 --> 00:17:01,812 more than 100,000 years ago. 346 00:17:01,812 --> 00:17:05,191 So, this is the Temple of the Six Monoliths 347 00:17:05,191 --> 00:17:07,193 at Ollantaytambo, 348 00:17:07,193 --> 00:17:08,694 and it's the Sun Temple. 349 00:17:08,694 --> 00:17:10,321 Normally, sun temples are aligned 350 00:17:10,321 --> 00:17:12,198 to the cardinal directions. They have 351 00:17:12,198 --> 00:17:15,034 an eastern side that faces the rising sun on the equinox. 352 00:17:15,034 --> 00:17:18,496 Here, the Sun Temple is tilted approximately 45 degrees. 353 00:17:18,496 --> 00:17:21,707 An alignment to the current pole doesn't make any sense. 354 00:17:21,707 --> 00:17:23,876 But if we now change our reference 355 00:17:23,876 --> 00:17:26,003 and look at an earlier pole, 356 00:17:26,003 --> 00:17:29,423 this, uh, pole thought to have existed in the Bering Sea, 357 00:17:29,423 --> 00:17:34,095 then the orientation of the Sun Temple makes perfect sense. 358 00:17:34,095 --> 00:17:36,889 So what's significant about this analysis 359 00:17:36,889 --> 00:17:39,058 is that it actually extends the time frame 360 00:17:39,058 --> 00:17:41,686 for archeology from 10,000 years 361 00:17:41,686 --> 00:17:44,188 to tens of thousands of years 362 00:17:44,188 --> 00:17:46,107 to perhaps 100,000 years or more. 363 00:17:47,858 --> 00:17:52,196 So it's my contention that the five ages of the Aztecs, 364 00:17:52,196 --> 00:17:55,157 the five ages of the Greeks 365 00:17:55,157 --> 00:17:58,536 and the previous and current locations of the pole 366 00:17:58,536 --> 00:17:59,745 are all correlated. 367 00:17:59,745 --> 00:18:01,831 They all tell the same story. 368 00:18:01,831 --> 00:18:05,543 CHILDRESS: The idea that cataclysmic pole shifts 369 00:18:05,543 --> 00:18:09,088 actually occurred, uh, is startling. 370 00:18:09,088 --> 00:18:14,927 These structures can be much older than archeologists admit. 371 00:18:14,927 --> 00:18:19,473 And, ultimately, hundreds, thousands of years later, 372 00:18:19,473 --> 00:18:23,728 people found them again and‐and started reusing them. 373 00:18:23,728 --> 00:18:25,646 It's a fascinating thought. 374 00:18:25,646 --> 00:18:28,941 NARRATOR: Are the remnants of long‐lost civilizations 375 00:18:28,941 --> 00:18:30,943 still standing today? 376 00:18:30,943 --> 00:18:33,613 Civilizations that existed on Earth 377 00:18:33,613 --> 00:18:36,282 as much as 100,000 years ago, 378 00:18:36,282 --> 00:18:40,286 but misinterpreted by scholars as being much more recent? 379 00:18:40,286 --> 00:18:43,414 Perhaps the proof can be found by examining 380 00:18:43,414 --> 00:18:45,958 physical evidence of ancient writing 381 00:18:45,958 --> 00:18:50,254 dating back more than 10,000 years. 382 00:19:01,641 --> 00:19:04,101 NARRATOR: Geologist Dr. Robert Schoch 383 00:19:04,101 --> 00:19:06,979 and his colleague Dr. Manu Seyfzadeh 384 00:19:06,979 --> 00:19:10,816 announce a discovery that has the potential to radically alter 385 00:19:10,816 --> 00:19:14,779 the currently accepted timeline of human history. 386 00:19:17,281 --> 00:19:19,909 They believe they have found hieroglyphic writing 387 00:19:19,909 --> 00:19:22,578 at the 12,000‐year‐old archeological site 388 00:19:22,578 --> 00:19:25,247 of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey. 389 00:19:25,247 --> 00:19:28,626 If true, it would predate the earliest known writing 390 00:19:28,626 --> 00:19:30,628 by thousands of years. 391 00:19:32,129 --> 00:19:35,508 SCHOCH: At Gobekli Tepe, I'm convinced now 392 00:19:35,508 --> 00:19:37,968 that we have evidence of actual... 393 00:19:37,968 --> 00:19:39,970 what we can only call writing, 394 00:19:39,970 --> 00:19:41,180 symbolic notation, 395 00:19:41,180 --> 00:19:44,016 writing on some of the pillars. 396 00:19:44,016 --> 00:19:46,310 We're still trying to interpret them. 397 00:19:46,310 --> 00:19:49,563 But if this analysis is correct, 398 00:19:49,563 --> 00:19:51,357 they had writing. 399 00:19:51,357 --> 00:19:53,442 And according to standard conventional thinking 400 00:19:53,442 --> 00:19:55,027 up until now, 401 00:19:55,027 --> 00:19:59,365 writing and literacy did not exist anywhere on Earth 402 00:19:59,365 --> 00:20:04,370 until 6,000 or 7,000 years after Gobekli Tepe. 403 00:20:04,370 --> 00:20:07,998 And what we see at Gobekli Tepe, 404 00:20:07,998 --> 00:20:09,917 I don't believe that's the beginning. 405 00:20:09,917 --> 00:20:13,254 NARRATOR: Could the strange symbols found on the stone pillars 406 00:20:13,254 --> 00:20:16,716 at Gobekli Tepe represent a writing system 407 00:20:16,716 --> 00:20:20,010 that was developed by a long‐lost civilization, 408 00:20:20,010 --> 00:20:24,056 one that thrived more than 12,000 years ago? 409 00:20:24,056 --> 00:20:27,601 As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, 410 00:20:27,601 --> 00:20:31,313 physical evidence of lost civilizations has been found 411 00:20:31,313 --> 00:20:35,151 that they believe to be much, much older. 412 00:20:44,368 --> 00:20:47,872 Canadian explorer Paulina Zelitsky and her team 413 00:20:47,872 --> 00:20:51,333 are conducting an oceanic survey off the coast 414 00:20:51,333 --> 00:20:53,419 when they detect curious formations 415 00:20:53,419 --> 00:20:56,756 more than 2,000 feet underwater. 416 00:20:56,756 --> 00:20:58,758 HUGH NEWMAN: They found 417 00:20:58,758 --> 00:21:01,385 when they were taking images, some kind 418 00:21:01,385 --> 00:21:05,222 of pyramidical structure and other structures. 419 00:21:05,222 --> 00:21:06,432 There were circular areas. 420 00:21:06,432 --> 00:21:07,892 There was what appeared to be 421 00:21:07,892 --> 00:21:10,269 some kind of city built down there. 422 00:21:10,269 --> 00:21:13,939 It was about two square kilometers in size. 423 00:21:13,939 --> 00:21:16,108 And so, this is something quite astonishing 424 00:21:16,108 --> 00:21:18,360 if this is, you know, a reality. 425 00:21:18,360 --> 00:21:22,406 CHILDRESS: This pyramid city is so deep in the ocean 426 00:21:22,406 --> 00:21:24,617 that geologists and archeologists are saying 427 00:21:24,617 --> 00:21:28,204 that it must be 50,000 years old 428 00:21:28,204 --> 00:21:31,582 for sea levels to‐to be that low. 429 00:21:31,582 --> 00:21:34,627 NARRATOR: 50,000 years old? 430 00:21:34,627 --> 00:21:38,339 Might the formations found off the coast of Cuba 431 00:21:38,339 --> 00:21:41,926 corroborate the findings of Dr. Mark Carlotto, 432 00:21:41,926 --> 00:21:44,637 who suggests that the alignments of Baalbek, 433 00:21:44,637 --> 00:21:46,305 the Greek Parthenon 434 00:21:46,305 --> 00:21:48,432 and numerous other ancient structures 435 00:21:48,432 --> 00:21:51,602 date back some 50,000 years? 436 00:21:52,603 --> 00:21:55,439 We've got ruins all over the world 437 00:21:55,439 --> 00:21:57,316 that are underwater. 438 00:21:57,316 --> 00:22:02,154 Ruins have been found underwater in Lake Titicaca. 439 00:22:02,154 --> 00:22:05,407 The formation of Yonaguni 440 00:22:05,407 --> 00:22:09,620 off the southern Japanese island of Yonaguni. 441 00:22:09,620 --> 00:22:13,749 We have underwater cities around India, 442 00:22:13,749 --> 00:22:17,962 such as Dwarka, which is the famous home of Krishna. 443 00:22:17,962 --> 00:22:20,464 And Indian archeologists for years 444 00:22:20,464 --> 00:22:22,132 thought it was just a mythical city 445 00:22:22,132 --> 00:22:24,301 until they started finding 446 00:22:24,301 --> 00:22:27,721 these underwater ruins off of Gujarat. 447 00:22:27,721 --> 00:22:30,516 There's over 200 known sunken cities 448 00:22:30,516 --> 00:22:32,142 in the Mediterranean. 449 00:22:32,142 --> 00:22:34,103 So, much of the evidence 450 00:22:34,103 --> 00:22:37,022 for early civilizations on planet Earth 451 00:22:37,022 --> 00:22:39,316 would be underwater today. 452 00:22:39,316 --> 00:22:42,486 So, they were obviously built at a time 453 00:22:42,486 --> 00:22:47,116 when the ocean levels and the seas and the continents 454 00:22:47,116 --> 00:22:50,119 were quite different than they are today. 455 00:22:51,495 --> 00:22:53,873 HUGHES: All of this evidence tells us 456 00:22:53,873 --> 00:22:56,750 that there were extraordinary civilizations and cultures 457 00:22:56,750 --> 00:23:00,045 that have been lost to the story of the world until now. 458 00:23:01,046 --> 00:23:03,007 NARRATOR: Although many of the world's 459 00:23:03,007 --> 00:23:06,176 known underwater ruins still await excavation 460 00:23:06,176 --> 00:23:08,178 due to the difficulty of reaching them 461 00:23:08,178 --> 00:23:10,890 and retrieving artifacts, it is hoped 462 00:23:10,890 --> 00:23:14,018 that divers will someday be able to examine these structures 463 00:23:14,018 --> 00:23:16,896 and find symbols carved into them that match 464 00:23:16,896 --> 00:23:19,356 those found at Gobekli Tepe. 465 00:23:22,693 --> 00:23:25,738 But as far as Dr. Robert Schoch is concerned, 466 00:23:25,738 --> 00:23:28,908 the wait may already be over. 467 00:23:28,908 --> 00:23:33,537 In 1991, he ignited a firestorm of controversy 468 00:23:33,537 --> 00:23:36,290 when he suggested the Great Sphinx of Giza 469 00:23:36,290 --> 00:23:40,044 was built long before the age of the pharaohs. 470 00:23:41,045 --> 00:23:42,546 SCHOCH: At that time, 471 00:23:42,546 --> 00:23:44,089 all the Egyptologists agreed 472 00:23:44,089 --> 00:23:48,177 that the Sphinx had been carved in 2500 BC, 473 00:23:48,177 --> 00:23:51,805 that it was carved from scratch from the limestone bedrock. 474 00:23:51,805 --> 00:23:53,766 I'm a geologist. 475 00:23:53,766 --> 00:23:54,934 I went there. 476 00:23:54,934 --> 00:23:56,060 I looked at the Sphinx. 477 00:23:56,060 --> 00:23:57,519 Within the first couple of minutes, 478 00:23:57,519 --> 00:23:59,271 I knew there was something amiss. 479 00:23:59,271 --> 00:24:04,109 What we did is we looked at subsurface weathering, 480 00:24:04,109 --> 00:24:06,278 mineralogical changes 481 00:24:06,278 --> 00:24:09,573 to figure out when the rock was carved. 482 00:24:09,573 --> 00:24:11,575 I came to the conclusion 483 00:24:11,575 --> 00:24:14,995 that the Sphinx goes back not just a few thousand years 484 00:24:14,995 --> 00:24:17,748 but to the end of the last ice age, 485 00:24:17,748 --> 00:24:21,085 so to about 10,000 BC or so. 486 00:24:22,127 --> 00:24:24,296 NARRATOR: Key to Dr. Schoch's analysis 487 00:24:24,296 --> 00:24:26,507 was the type of erosion he observed 488 00:24:26,507 --> 00:24:29,093 in the base of the Sphinx. 489 00:24:29,093 --> 00:24:31,095 SCHOCH: You look at the body of the Sphinx itself. 490 00:24:31,095 --> 00:24:32,638 I, as a geologist, 491 00:24:32,638 --> 00:24:37,434 noticed immediately that the core body is eroded 492 00:24:37,434 --> 00:24:39,478 not by wind and sand as you expect 493 00:24:39,478 --> 00:24:41,814 for the Sahara Desert, 494 00:24:41,814 --> 00:24:44,108 but it is water precipitation. 495 00:24:45,150 --> 00:24:46,485 NARRATOR: Water erosion? 496 00:24:46,485 --> 00:24:48,153 In the Sahara Desert? 497 00:24:48,153 --> 00:24:52,574 If this analysis is correct, what could have caused it? 498 00:24:52,574 --> 00:24:55,786 SCHOCH: There's a huge increase 499 00:24:55,786 --> 00:24:59,498 in global temperatures at 9700 BC. 500 00:25:00,541 --> 00:25:01,834 This correlates 501 00:25:01,834 --> 00:25:03,836 with the melting of the glaciers, 502 00:25:03,836 --> 00:25:05,587 rising of sea levels. 503 00:25:05,587 --> 00:25:10,009 But when you have all this water being put into the atmosphere, 504 00:25:10,009 --> 00:25:14,138 the atmosphere can only hold so much water. 505 00:25:14,138 --> 00:25:16,140 It comes down as precipitation. 506 00:25:16,140 --> 00:25:17,933 It comes down as torrential rains. 507 00:25:19,018 --> 00:25:20,019 NARRATOR: But if, 508 00:25:20,019 --> 00:25:22,229 as ancient astronaut theorists believe, 509 00:25:22,229 --> 00:25:24,523 the great Egyptian megalithic structures 510 00:25:24,523 --> 00:25:27,151 were built more than 10,000 years ago, 511 00:25:27,151 --> 00:25:29,653 what happened to the advanced civilization 512 00:25:29,653 --> 00:25:30,988 that created them? 513 00:25:30,988 --> 00:25:32,614 Perhaps the answer 514 00:25:32,614 --> 00:25:34,199 is closer than we think 515 00:25:34,199 --> 00:25:37,244 and can be found embedded in the pages 516 00:25:37,244 --> 00:25:39,204 of the Holy Bible. 517 00:25:48,922 --> 00:25:50,966 NARRATOR: Dr. Irving Finkel, 518 00:25:50,966 --> 00:25:52,926 one of the world's foremost experts 519 00:25:52,926 --> 00:25:54,261 on cuneiform writing 520 00:25:54,261 --> 00:25:56,472 and a curator at the British Museum, 521 00:25:56,472 --> 00:26:00,642 publishes a book titled The Ark Before Noah. 522 00:26:00,642 --> 00:26:04,271 In it, Finkel translates a Sumerian tablet 523 00:26:04,271 --> 00:26:07,149 that dates back 3,700 years 524 00:26:07,149 --> 00:26:09,401 and rewrites the biblical story 525 00:26:09,401 --> 00:26:11,987 of Noah and the Great Flood. 526 00:26:11,987 --> 00:26:15,574 The book sparks a global sensation. 527 00:26:15,574 --> 00:26:17,701 IRVING FINKEL: When this tablet 528 00:26:17,701 --> 00:26:20,162 came across the desk to me and I realized 529 00:26:20,162 --> 00:26:22,664 clearly how important it was, 530 00:26:22,664 --> 00:26:24,917 it was one of those heart‐stopping moments. 531 00:26:24,917 --> 00:26:28,337 Everybody in the world is interested in Noah's Flood 532 00:26:28,337 --> 00:26:32,007 and where it might've come from, so it's a really big thing. 533 00:26:32,007 --> 00:26:35,344 In the Bible, God decided, 534 00:26:35,344 --> 00:26:38,180 because human race was so sinful and wicked, 535 00:26:38,180 --> 00:26:39,932 to destroy everything 536 00:26:39,932 --> 00:26:44,061 and at the last minute, relented enough to inform Noah 537 00:26:44,061 --> 00:26:46,647 that he has to build a boat really fast 538 00:26:46,647 --> 00:26:49,817 and put all the animals in it and shut the doors. 539 00:26:49,817 --> 00:26:51,777 Then afterwards, life could continue 540 00:26:51,777 --> 00:26:53,195 when the waters went down. 541 00:26:53,195 --> 00:26:58,075 But the tablet is at least a thousand years older 542 00:26:58,075 --> 00:27:00,452 than the story in the Bible. 543 00:27:00,452 --> 00:27:03,288 So, of course, this means that the question 544 00:27:03,288 --> 00:27:04,832 of where the story came from 545 00:27:04,832 --> 00:27:08,710 has a whole different explanation. 546 00:27:10,754 --> 00:27:13,966 JONATHAN YOUNG: There's a similar story in India. 547 00:27:13,966 --> 00:27:16,510 King Manu was warned by a fish 548 00:27:16,510 --> 00:27:18,387 that there would be a great flood. 549 00:27:18,387 --> 00:27:21,723 The king built a great boat and survived. 550 00:27:21,723 --> 00:27:24,977 In an Aztec version, a sacred couple 551 00:27:24,977 --> 00:27:28,230 hide in a hollow tree with a little corn 552 00:27:28,230 --> 00:27:31,817 and somehow manage to survive the deluge. 553 00:27:31,817 --> 00:27:34,820 Other versions come from Irish legend, 554 00:27:34,820 --> 00:27:37,072 Norse lore, also from China. 555 00:27:37,072 --> 00:27:40,701 This is a terribly important motif. 556 00:27:40,701 --> 00:27:42,077 We're used to history being something 557 00:27:42,077 --> 00:27:43,495 that's written down in books, 558 00:27:43,495 --> 00:27:45,706 but for most of the human experience, 559 00:27:45,706 --> 00:27:49,376 history was told in stories, shared around campfires. 560 00:27:49,376 --> 00:27:50,711 It doesn't mean that it's all made up, 561 00:27:50,711 --> 00:27:52,754 and I think it's one of those moments 562 00:27:52,754 --> 00:27:56,466 where the myths are telling us about the truth of the past. 563 00:28:05,434 --> 00:28:07,269 NARRATOR: Dutch archeologist 564 00:28:07,269 --> 00:28:10,522 Cornelis Hijszeler is excavating a sandpit 565 00:28:10,522 --> 00:28:12,858 when he notices something strange: 566 00:28:12,858 --> 00:28:17,863 a thin layer of ash buried 50 feet deep in the soil. 567 00:28:19,281 --> 00:28:22,200 NEWMAN: It's like a layer of black ash. 568 00:28:22,200 --> 00:28:23,744 Now, this suggests 569 00:28:23,744 --> 00:28:26,705 there was a great conflagration that took place, 570 00:28:26,705 --> 00:28:31,710 and it dates to between 11,000 and 13,000 years ago. 571 00:28:31,710 --> 00:28:33,921 NARRATOR: Over the next few years, 572 00:28:33,921 --> 00:28:36,840 the ash layer, dubbed Usselo horizon, 573 00:28:36,840 --> 00:28:39,009 is found all over the world. 574 00:28:39,009 --> 00:28:42,512 CHILDRESS: The Usselo horizon is found, actually, 575 00:28:42,512 --> 00:28:44,431 in ten countries on four continents. 576 00:28:44,431 --> 00:28:47,059 In Australia, in South Africa, 577 00:28:47,059 --> 00:28:49,478 in other parts of Europe and India. 578 00:28:49,478 --> 00:28:53,941 And this deposit of ash around the world 579 00:28:53,941 --> 00:28:57,986 is evidence of a worldwide cataclysm. 580 00:28:57,986 --> 00:28:59,655 NARRATOR: Could this layer of ash 581 00:28:59,655 --> 00:29:02,658 really be evidence of a devastating global event, 582 00:29:02,658 --> 00:29:06,620 like the one known as the Great Flood, for instance? 583 00:29:06,620 --> 00:29:09,414 Geologist Dr. Robert Schoch 584 00:29:09,414 --> 00:29:11,625 believes the cataclysmic event 585 00:29:11,625 --> 00:29:13,418 and the resulting layer of ash 586 00:29:13,418 --> 00:29:16,755 was created by a devastating solar flare, 587 00:29:16,755 --> 00:29:19,132 a sudden flash of increased brightness 588 00:29:19,132 --> 00:29:20,634 on the Sun. 589 00:29:20,634 --> 00:29:23,720 SCHOCH: Based on my analysis of the evidence, 590 00:29:23,720 --> 00:29:27,516 there was a major, major solar outburst. 591 00:29:27,516 --> 00:29:30,102 This caused, in a flash, 592 00:29:30,102 --> 00:29:33,105 the glaciers to melt 593 00:29:33,105 --> 00:29:35,273 virtually instantaneously. 594 00:29:35,273 --> 00:29:38,068 It caused evaporation of water. 595 00:29:38,068 --> 00:29:40,737 We have physical evidence of this 596 00:29:40,737 --> 00:29:42,781 in the geological record. 597 00:29:43,782 --> 00:29:45,575 NARRATOR: To many, 598 00:29:45,575 --> 00:29:46,994 the Usselo horizon 599 00:29:46,994 --> 00:29:49,621 is the strongest evidence yet discovered 600 00:29:49,621 --> 00:29:52,416 that supports stories of the Great Flood. 601 00:29:52,416 --> 00:29:56,670 For ancient astronaut theorists, proof of a global flood 602 00:29:56,670 --> 00:29:59,464 could offer some of the most compelling evidence 603 00:29:59,464 --> 00:30:01,299 that extraterrestrial intervention 604 00:30:01,299 --> 00:30:04,553 occurred on Earth in the distant past. 605 00:30:05,554 --> 00:30:07,806 In the Babylonian poem 606 00:30:07,806 --> 00:30:09,224 the Epic of Gilgamesh, 607 00:30:09,224 --> 00:30:11,059 the hero, Utnapishtim, 608 00:30:11,059 --> 00:30:14,980 is told of a coming flood by the god Enki. 609 00:30:14,980 --> 00:30:16,690 In Vedic texts, 610 00:30:16,690 --> 00:30:19,651 King Manu is alerted by Lord Vishnu, 611 00:30:19,651 --> 00:30:22,821 who appeared in the form of a fish. 612 00:30:22,821 --> 00:30:27,242 And in the biblical tale, Noah is warned by God. 613 00:30:28,243 --> 00:30:29,995 The common denominator 614 00:30:29,995 --> 00:30:32,414 in the flood myths around the world 615 00:30:32,414 --> 00:30:34,875 is that there was an otherworldly being, 616 00:30:34,875 --> 00:30:37,878 an extraterrestrial being who is providing knowledge 617 00:30:37,878 --> 00:30:40,922 to certain humans of what is to come. 618 00:30:40,922 --> 00:30:42,924 This tells us that there was definitely 619 00:30:42,924 --> 00:30:44,843 an extraterrestrial connection. 620 00:30:44,843 --> 00:30:47,179 NARRATOR: If advanced civilizations 621 00:30:47,179 --> 00:30:50,682 existed on Earth that were lost to history, 622 00:30:50,682 --> 00:30:54,644 could the story of the Flood explain what happened? 623 00:30:54,644 --> 00:30:58,023 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 624 00:30:58,023 --> 00:31:00,859 and suggest that further evidence can be found 625 00:31:00,859 --> 00:31:03,153 within the Dead Sea Scrolls, 626 00:31:03,153 --> 00:31:07,115 discovered in a cave in Jerusalem in 1947. 627 00:31:09,201 --> 00:31:10,911 ♪ ♪ 628 00:31:10,911 --> 00:31:13,955 COLLINS: Some Bedouin shepherds 629 00:31:13,955 --> 00:31:15,707 came across these jars, 630 00:31:15,707 --> 00:31:19,711 and inside these were ancient texts. 631 00:31:19,711 --> 00:31:22,714 Very quickly, archeologists and linguists 632 00:31:22,714 --> 00:31:25,258 started to realize that these contained 633 00:31:25,258 --> 00:31:29,805 Jewish religious literature that were 634 00:31:29,805 --> 00:31:31,723 of incredible importance, 635 00:31:31,723 --> 00:31:34,059 not just to the Jewish people 636 00:31:34,059 --> 00:31:36,228 but to the world as a whole. 637 00:31:36,228 --> 00:31:38,438 NARRATOR: Among the texts is a story 638 00:31:38,438 --> 00:31:40,524 that describes the birth of Noah 639 00:31:40,524 --> 00:31:42,901 that doesn't appear in the Old Testament. 640 00:31:42,901 --> 00:31:44,986 TSOUKALOS: Noah is described 641 00:31:44,986 --> 00:31:47,656 of having skin that is whiter than snow, 642 00:31:47,656 --> 00:31:49,658 of having hair that is 643 00:31:49,658 --> 00:31:51,743 whiter than the whitest of wool, 644 00:31:51,743 --> 00:31:55,497 and Noah's eyes were brighter than the Sun. 645 00:31:55,497 --> 00:31:57,749 Now, when Noah was born, 646 00:31:57,749 --> 00:32:01,128 the father, Lamech, went to his father, Methuselah, 647 00:32:01,128 --> 00:32:03,088 and says, "This is not my son. 648 00:32:03,088 --> 00:32:04,506 What happened here?" 649 00:32:04,506 --> 00:32:06,299 And Methuselah then says 650 00:32:06,299 --> 00:32:08,301 he may have come from a different place 651 00:32:08,301 --> 00:32:11,012 where man has met the angels. 652 00:32:11,012 --> 00:32:13,265 Now, we need to first figure out 653 00:32:13,265 --> 00:32:16,768 what is the kernel of truth. 654 00:32:16,768 --> 00:32:19,437 And in my opinion, it certainly was not a giant ship 655 00:32:19,437 --> 00:32:20,647 made out of wood. 656 00:32:20,647 --> 00:32:23,150 And you combine that with Noah, 657 00:32:23,150 --> 00:32:25,610 who looks very otherworldly... 658 00:32:25,610 --> 00:32:27,779 well, there's your answer. 659 00:32:27,779 --> 00:32:29,739 ♪ ♪ 660 00:32:29,739 --> 00:32:32,784 NARRATOR: Could a worldwide flood explain the disappearance 661 00:32:32,784 --> 00:32:35,954 of an advanced civilization that preceded our own? 662 00:32:37,038 --> 00:32:39,833 And if so, were there survivors 663 00:32:39,833 --> 00:32:42,627 that kept the memory of this pre‐Flood world alive 664 00:32:42,627 --> 00:32:44,796 through oral traditions? 665 00:32:46,006 --> 00:32:47,966 Ancient astronaut theorists believe 666 00:32:47,966 --> 00:32:50,969 that not only did an advanced civilization exist 667 00:32:50,969 --> 00:32:53,638 for many centuries before the Great Flood, 668 00:32:53,638 --> 00:32:56,308 but that remnants of its lost technology 669 00:32:56,308 --> 00:32:58,518 can be found... 670 00:32:58,518 --> 00:33:00,478 all over the world. 671 00:33:10,739 --> 00:33:13,658 NARRATOR: Researchers with the Israel Antiquities Authority 672 00:33:13,658 --> 00:33:15,577 studying the Dead Sea Scrolls 673 00:33:15,577 --> 00:33:18,496 make a major discovery. 674 00:33:18,496 --> 00:33:21,166 Using state‐of‐the‐art imaging technology, 675 00:33:21,166 --> 00:33:23,752 they uncover a passage of ancient text 676 00:33:23,752 --> 00:33:27,130 previously unseen by the naked eye. 677 00:33:27,130 --> 00:33:29,966 These researchers have discovered a new passage 678 00:33:29,966 --> 00:33:33,178 in the Dead Sea Scrolls that indicates that Noah's Ark 679 00:33:33,178 --> 00:33:35,972 wasn't in the shape of a ship at all, 680 00:33:35,972 --> 00:33:38,350 but was in the shape of a pyramid. 681 00:33:40,352 --> 00:33:43,021 NARRATOR: Curiously, this is not the first time 682 00:33:43,021 --> 00:33:46,483 that Noah's Ark has been depicted as a pyramid. 683 00:33:46,483 --> 00:33:50,528 In the 15th century, Italian artist Lorenzo Ghiberti 684 00:33:50,528 --> 00:33:52,948 created his masterpiece... 685 00:33:54,824 --> 00:33:57,619 ...a series of ten panels that depict scenes 686 00:33:57,619 --> 00:33:59,746 from the Old Testament. 687 00:34:01,539 --> 00:34:04,167 HENRY: The Italian sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti was selected 688 00:34:04,167 --> 00:34:07,379 to create the doors going into the new Florence cathedral, 689 00:34:07,379 --> 00:34:08,838 the Il Doumo. 690 00:34:11,091 --> 00:34:14,469 These doors are called the "Gates of Paradise." 691 00:34:14,469 --> 00:34:17,013 And something that is very extraordinary about them 692 00:34:17,013 --> 00:34:20,892 is that in one instance he shows Noah's Ark as a pyramid 693 00:34:20,892 --> 00:34:24,396 that resembles the Great Pyramid of Giza. 694 00:34:24,396 --> 00:34:26,564 CHILDRESS: Was it possible that Lorenzo, 695 00:34:26,564 --> 00:34:29,359 while he was working for the Church... 696 00:34:29,359 --> 00:34:32,237 learned about the true nature of Noah's Ark 697 00:34:32,237 --> 00:34:34,614 and then depicted it in his sculpture? 698 00:34:39,577 --> 00:34:41,746 NARRATOR: According to historians, 699 00:34:41,746 --> 00:34:45,959 the Pyramid of Djoser, constructed in 2600 BC, 700 00:34:45,959 --> 00:34:48,920 was the first pyramid ever built in Egypt, 701 00:34:48,920 --> 00:34:52,590 and the Great Pyramid was built 100 years later. 702 00:34:52,590 --> 00:34:54,801 But the dating of the Great Pyramid, 703 00:34:54,801 --> 00:34:57,721 and the two smaller pyramids that stand next to it, 704 00:34:57,721 --> 00:35:00,098 is a point of major contention, 705 00:35:00,098 --> 00:35:04,102 with many researchers suggesting they were built much earlier. 706 00:35:07,105 --> 00:35:09,065 The step pyramid of Djoser is considered 707 00:35:09,065 --> 00:35:10,859 the world's first pyramid. 708 00:35:11,943 --> 00:35:14,362 It's a six‐tiered pyramid 709 00:35:14,362 --> 00:35:16,615 built very near the Giza plateau. 710 00:35:16,615 --> 00:35:19,117 CHILDRESS: Egyptologists often assume 711 00:35:19,117 --> 00:35:22,579 that the older pyramids are... 712 00:35:22,579 --> 00:35:25,957 less well created and smaller, 713 00:35:25,957 --> 00:35:28,293 such as Djoser's pyramid, and that ultimately, 714 00:35:28,293 --> 00:35:30,587 their building got better and better, 715 00:35:30,587 --> 00:35:32,797 until they finally built the Great Pyramid 716 00:35:32,797 --> 00:35:36,301 as their, uh, final construction masterpiece. 717 00:35:36,301 --> 00:35:39,346 But it may be completely reversed of that, 718 00:35:39,346 --> 00:35:40,889 and that the Great Pyramid, 719 00:35:40,889 --> 00:35:43,308 which is by far the best of all the pyramids, 720 00:35:43,308 --> 00:35:46,478 is actually the oldest of the pyramids. 721 00:35:46,478 --> 00:35:50,106 ERICH VON DANIKEN: Two and a half thousand BC, 722 00:35:50,106 --> 00:35:53,443 according to archeology, humans made the Great Pyramid. 723 00:35:53,443 --> 00:35:56,154 Now, in old writings, especially in the Book of Enoch, 724 00:35:56,154 --> 00:35:58,490 and in the so‐called Hitat, 725 00:35:58,490 --> 00:36:00,367 which is a book from Arabian writer, 726 00:36:00,367 --> 00:36:03,495 they say the Great Pyramid was constructed 727 00:36:03,495 --> 00:36:05,497 before the Great Flood. 728 00:36:05,497 --> 00:36:07,374 HENRY: What if the Great Pyramid existed, 729 00:36:07,374 --> 00:36:10,710 perhaps even for millennia, before the Djoser Pyramid? 730 00:36:10,710 --> 00:36:13,046 Then the Egyptians come along, discover it, 731 00:36:13,046 --> 00:36:15,840 decide, "Hey, maybe we can make one of those, too," 732 00:36:15,840 --> 00:36:18,301 and that's when they build the Djoser Pyramid? 733 00:36:18,301 --> 00:36:22,138 CARLOTTO: Perhaps the... the most similar common motif, 734 00:36:22,138 --> 00:36:24,724 or style, is the pyramidal, 735 00:36:24,724 --> 00:36:28,603 uh, shape that seems to exist throughout the world... 736 00:36:28,603 --> 00:36:31,022 in Egypt, in Mesoamerica, 737 00:36:31,022 --> 00:36:34,275 in China... giant earthen mounds in the shape of pyramids. 738 00:36:34,275 --> 00:36:36,152 Why pyramids? 739 00:36:36,152 --> 00:36:39,280 NARRATOR: Is it possible that pyramids were built 740 00:36:39,280 --> 00:36:42,409 by cultures all around the world because they were trying 741 00:36:42,409 --> 00:36:44,160 to recreate much older structures 742 00:36:44,160 --> 00:36:45,662 that survived a great flood? 743 00:36:45,662 --> 00:36:49,124 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes. 744 00:36:49,124 --> 00:36:51,710 And some researchers have even suggested 745 00:36:51,710 --> 00:36:55,213 that those pyramids that were built by pre‐Flood civilizations 746 00:36:55,213 --> 00:36:58,758 represent a form of lost technology. 747 00:36:58,758 --> 00:37:02,929 In his 1998 book, The Giza Power Plant, 748 00:37:02,929 --> 00:37:06,224 noted machinist and engineer Christopher Dunn 749 00:37:06,224 --> 00:37:09,561 proposed that the shape, positions of chambers 750 00:37:09,561 --> 00:37:12,147 and proximity to underground rivers 751 00:37:12,147 --> 00:37:16,317 indicate the Great Pyramids of Giza functioned as power plants. 752 00:37:16,317 --> 00:37:18,069 ♪ ♪ 753 00:37:18,069 --> 00:37:20,739 CHILDRESS: I personally think that the pyramids 754 00:37:20,739 --> 00:37:23,533 were some kind of energy generators. 755 00:37:23,533 --> 00:37:26,119 And here we have the strange idea 756 00:37:26,119 --> 00:37:30,540 that the ark itself wasn't a boat‐type‐shaped thing 757 00:37:30,540 --> 00:37:33,126 but was actually a pyramid. 758 00:37:33,126 --> 00:37:37,255 So was it possible that whoever built the pyramids of Egypt 759 00:37:37,255 --> 00:37:40,633 was doing so to try to preserve 760 00:37:40,633 --> 00:37:42,635 their technology? 761 00:37:45,054 --> 00:37:47,849 NARRATOR: For ancient astronaut theorists, 762 00:37:47,849 --> 00:37:50,268 the possibility that the Great Pyramid served 763 00:37:50,268 --> 00:37:54,147 a technological purpose presents an intriguing question: 764 00:37:54,147 --> 00:37:58,860 If a lost civilization was able to build massive power plants, 765 00:37:58,860 --> 00:38:02,530 perhaps with the assistance of extraterrestrials, 766 00:38:02,530 --> 00:38:05,408 could they also have had the means to escape 767 00:38:05,408 --> 00:38:09,287 a world‐ending cataclysm by leaving the Earth? 768 00:38:22,967 --> 00:38:24,803 NARRATOR: Geneticist Erich Jarvis 769 00:38:24,803 --> 00:38:28,014 and data management company DNAnexus 770 00:38:28,014 --> 00:38:31,017 announce plans to create a biological database 771 00:38:31,017 --> 00:38:34,145 of every vertebrate species on Earth. 772 00:38:35,855 --> 00:38:39,943 The development of this new genetic DNA database 773 00:38:39,943 --> 00:38:43,780 is essentially a modern‐day version 774 00:38:43,780 --> 00:38:46,658 of Noah's Ark... 775 00:38:46,658 --> 00:38:49,077 where all of these animals, 776 00:38:49,077 --> 00:38:52,455 their DNA is selected and kept 777 00:38:52,455 --> 00:38:54,666 in these special databases. 778 00:38:54,666 --> 00:38:56,960 And in the future, we could resurrect 779 00:38:56,960 --> 00:38:59,838 any of these animals if we had to, 780 00:38:59,838 --> 00:39:02,507 if there had been some mass extinction on the planet. 781 00:39:04,884 --> 00:39:07,178 NARRATOR: But many researchers are hopeful 782 00:39:07,178 --> 00:39:10,223 that by the time a global cataclysm strikes, 783 00:39:10,223 --> 00:39:12,016 humanity will have developed 784 00:39:12,016 --> 00:39:16,104 the means to transport this modern‐day ark into space 785 00:39:16,104 --> 00:39:19,774 and seek out a new home planet. 786 00:39:21,359 --> 00:39:23,361 We don't have... 787 00:39:23,361 --> 00:39:25,864 forever on this planet. 788 00:39:27,115 --> 00:39:30,118 Let's say our resources are running out. 789 00:39:30,118 --> 00:39:32,078 Let's say something else happens. 790 00:39:32,078 --> 00:39:35,081 Or let's even say... we know and we can calculate this... 791 00:39:35,081 --> 00:39:38,877 that 252 years from now, we will be met 792 00:39:38,877 --> 00:39:41,796 by a giant collision with an asteroid. 793 00:39:41,796 --> 00:39:44,424 Well, we better do something about that. 794 00:39:44,424 --> 00:39:46,968 So we better start working on that today. 795 00:39:46,968 --> 00:39:51,097 NARRATOR: In 2018, a company named Axiom Space 796 00:39:51,097 --> 00:39:54,225 revealed plans to put a hotel in Earth's orbit. 797 00:39:55,935 --> 00:40:00,356 Meanwhile, NASA is preparing to send astronauts to Mars. 798 00:40:02,483 --> 00:40:05,945 Considering humanity's current efforts to venture into space, 799 00:40:05,945 --> 00:40:09,949 if advanced civilizations existed in Earth's distant past, 800 00:40:09,949 --> 00:40:12,076 might they have done the same? 801 00:40:13,244 --> 00:40:15,413 Cultures all around the world 802 00:40:15,413 --> 00:40:17,916 talk about humans deciding on their own 803 00:40:17,916 --> 00:40:19,250 to leave the planet. 804 00:40:19,250 --> 00:40:20,919 They call this "ascension." 805 00:40:20,919 --> 00:40:22,921 In many of the flood myths, 806 00:40:22,921 --> 00:40:25,465 the common theme is that it had been prophesied, 807 00:40:25,465 --> 00:40:27,467 and people knew it was coming. 808 00:40:27,467 --> 00:40:30,970 Maybe their answer was to migrate into space. 809 00:40:30,970 --> 00:40:34,265 CHILDRESS: There are a number of craters on the Moon that have 810 00:40:34,265 --> 00:40:36,225 what look like pyramids 811 00:40:36,225 --> 00:40:38,561 right in the middle of the crater. 812 00:40:38,561 --> 00:40:42,774 Mars apparently has similar pyramid structures on it. 813 00:40:42,774 --> 00:40:47,612 Maybe they were created by this super civilization of the past, 814 00:40:47,612 --> 00:40:50,949 just like, uh, we're going to do in the near future. 815 00:40:53,159 --> 00:40:55,954 NARRATOR: Could it be that pyramids and other structures 816 00:40:55,954 --> 00:40:58,122 were built on the Moon and Mars 817 00:40:58,122 --> 00:41:01,209 not by beings who were coming to planet Earth, 818 00:41:01,209 --> 00:41:03,628 but by those who were fleeing it? 819 00:41:05,630 --> 00:41:08,800 Did Earth's refugees build these structures to sustain them 820 00:41:08,800 --> 00:41:11,970 while they sought out a new home? 821 00:41:11,970 --> 00:41:15,515 As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, 822 00:41:15,515 --> 00:41:17,725 this notion presents another, 823 00:41:17,725 --> 00:41:20,812 perhaps even more profound possibility. 824 00:41:22,271 --> 00:41:24,899 CHILDRESS: With modern UFO activity, 825 00:41:24,899 --> 00:41:27,694 you have to ask yourself, are these UFOs 826 00:41:27,694 --> 00:41:32,323 from this ancient civilization that left before the cataclysm 827 00:41:32,323 --> 00:41:34,742 and now they've come back? 828 00:41:34,742 --> 00:41:36,911 NARRATOR: Is it possible that civilizations 829 00:41:36,911 --> 00:41:40,415 that inhabited the Earth tens of thousands of years ago 830 00:41:40,415 --> 00:41:42,333 did not die off, 831 00:41:42,333 --> 00:41:45,420 but survived on another world? 832 00:41:45,420 --> 00:41:48,256 And if so, might they be capable 833 00:41:48,256 --> 00:41:51,759 of returning to their home planet as alien visitors? 834 00:41:53,344 --> 00:41:56,139 Perhaps as we venture deeper into space, 835 00:41:56,139 --> 00:41:59,517 we will make contact, not with extraterrestrials, 836 00:41:59,517 --> 00:42:04,355 but with mankind's ancient ancestors.