1 00:00:02,335 --> 00:00:10,552 A great deluge, nearly wiping out every living thing on our planet's surface. 2 00:00:10,593 --> 00:00:17,100 Cosmic battles, waged over the skies of Germany. 3 00:00:17,142 --> 00:00:24,024 And geologic cataclysms, threatening the future of humanity. 4 00:00:24,107 --> 00:00:29,821 For centuries, mankind has faced almost every calamity imaginable. 5 00:00:29,863 --> 00:00:34,576 But are we at the mercy of natural forces? 6 00:00:34,659 --> 00:00:40,123 Or is there an even higher power at work? 7 00:00:41,166 --> 00:00:44,419 The aliens that apparently created us had 8 00:00:44,502 --> 00:00:48,548 the ability and the desire to keep human beings disunited. 9 00:00:48,631 --> 00:00:51,968 They can control us, and we cannot control them. 10 00:00:53,011 --> 00:00:55,388 That makes us a second-class species. 11 00:00:55,889 --> 00:01:01,061 If anything, they may be more violent than we are. 12 00:01:01,102 --> 00:01:04,647 Millions of people around the world believe we have 13 00:01:04,689 --> 00:01:08,568 been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. 14 00:01:08,610 --> 00:01:10,820 What if it were true? 15 00:01:10,862 --> 00:01:15,700 Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? 16 00:01:15,742 --> 00:01:22,165 If so, were they out to control us, to exterminate us or to 17 00:01:22,248 --> 00:01:25,335 prepare us for the future? 18 00:01:57,784 --> 00:02:00,370 Tortuguero, Mexico. 19 00:02:00,412 --> 00:02:05,625 Within this archaeological site lies the ruins of a Maya city 20 00:02:05,709 --> 00:02:12,632 that once thrived from 250 to 900 AD. 21 00:02:12,632 --> 00:02:16,553 Among the many artifacts discovered here are examples of 22 00:02:16,594 --> 00:02:23,518 Maya script, also known as Maya hieroglyphs, a fully-developed 23 00:02:23,560 --> 00:02:28,732 written language. 24 00:02:28,815 --> 00:02:35,113 In April 2006, Mayanist scholar David Stuart deciphered 25 00:02:35,155 --> 00:02:39,743 inscriptions that were found on what's known as Monument 6. 26 00:02:39,784 --> 00:02:45,498 Researchers believe the translated text provides further proof that the Mayas' 27 00:02:45,498 --> 00:02:51,963 Long Count calendar will end on December 21, 2012. 28 00:02:54,466 --> 00:02:57,761 According to Maya tradition, the gods 29 00:02:57,844 --> 00:03:00,680 will return at that date. 30 00:03:00,680 --> 00:03:06,853 And you can read... chiseled in stone... will descend with glory, 31 00:03:06,853 --> 00:03:09,606 god Bolon Yokte. 32 00:03:09,606 --> 00:03:16,738 Bolon Yokte was one of the Maya creator gods who created human intelligence. 33 00:03:18,531 --> 00:03:22,911 The ancient Mayans were attuned to higher 34 00:03:22,952 --> 00:03:29,000 wisdom, higher knowledge, and their forecast of December 21, 35 00:03:29,042 --> 00:03:35,465 2012, the winter solstice, as a major marker in the Age of 36 00:03:35,507 --> 00:03:40,303 Earth was a true insight into what's coming. 37 00:03:40,345 --> 00:03:44,057 It is a marker of a change into a new age. 38 00:03:44,057 --> 00:03:50,772 The Maya civilization, established as early as 2000 BC, produced 39 00:03:50,855 --> 00:03:58,279 highly advanced architecture, agriculture, mathematics and astronomy. 40 00:03:58,321 --> 00:04:02,325 But ancient astronaut theorists believe the amazing 41 00:04:02,409 --> 00:04:05,954 accomplishments of the Maya may be due, in part, to contact with 42 00:04:06,037 --> 00:04:09,791 early extraterrestrials. 43 00:04:09,833 --> 00:04:15,547 And the ultimate proof, they say, is in the creation of the Maya calendar. 44 00:04:15,547 --> 00:04:17,507 GIORGIO A. 45 00:04:17,549 --> 00:04:20,885 Scholars agree upon one date when the calendar allegedly 46 00:04:20,927 --> 00:04:26,349 started, and that was the 11th of August, 3114 BC. 47 00:04:26,349 --> 00:04:33,148 In 3114 BC, the Maya did not even exist, so what compelled 48 00:04:33,273 --> 00:04:39,654 them to start their calendar in 3114 BC? 49 00:04:39,738 --> 00:04:43,658 According to the Chilam Balam book, which is the Book of the 50 00:04:43,742 --> 00:04:49,039 Jaguar Priests, at that time, the road to the stars descended 51 00:04:49,122 --> 00:04:56,588 from the sky, and the 13 and nine gods came to Earth. 52 00:04:56,629 --> 00:05:00,842 Right there, we have a direct reference to someone that has 53 00:05:00,884 --> 00:05:03,803 arrived from outer space. 54 00:05:03,803 --> 00:05:08,850 The Mayans were one of the civilizations that reported a very strong 55 00:05:08,892 --> 00:05:10,852 extraterrestrial presence. 56 00:05:10,935 --> 00:05:15,982 Their alien gods were very much involved in their society and their sciences. 57 00:05:15,982 --> 00:05:19,861 The thought here is that maybe this is a prophecy that was put 58 00:05:19,944 --> 00:05:22,947 there by the aliens, through the Mayans, in this calendar... 59 00:05:22,989 --> 00:05:28,328 that the world is going to end in the year 2012. 60 00:05:28,370 --> 00:05:31,956 Apocalypse. 61 00:05:31,998 --> 00:05:34,042 Armageddon. 62 00:05:34,084 --> 00:05:36,503 The End of Days. 63 00:05:36,586 --> 00:05:40,256 Embedded in numerous ancient cultures and religions around 64 00:05:40,340 --> 00:05:44,886 the world is the idea that civilization as we know it will 65 00:05:44,928 --> 00:05:48,515 come to a tumultuous end. 66 00:05:55,855 --> 00:06:01,152 Such apocalyptic beliefs are the driving force behind the final 67 00:06:01,194 --> 00:06:06,157 chapter of the Bible, called the Book of Revelation. 68 00:06:06,199 --> 00:06:10,829 According to the text, an angel of God appeared to the apostle 69 00:06:10,870 --> 00:06:14,874 John on the island of Patmos and shared with him visions of the 70 00:06:14,958 --> 00:06:23,008 future... that God would return in End Times to pass judgment on all humanity. 71 00:06:24,884 --> 00:06:28,430 The Book of Revelation tells the future of 72 00:06:28,471 --> 00:06:33,059 mankind, where angels appear over the Earth. 73 00:06:33,101 --> 00:06:37,605 And the angel will punish mankind. 74 00:06:37,647 --> 00:06:45,363 And earthquakes... thunderstorm... gigantic floods... 75 00:06:45,405 --> 00:06:48,366 and catastrophes on Earth. 76 00:06:48,450 --> 00:06:52,454 Further evidence of a prophesied Apocalypse was 77 00:06:52,495 --> 00:07:00,003 found in 1947 in arid caves high above the Judean desert. 78 00:07:00,045 --> 00:07:05,008 Archaeologists discovered nearly 900 documents believed 79 00:07:05,091 --> 00:07:08,011 to have been written in the time of Jesus. 80 00:07:08,094 --> 00:07:11,264 They are the Dead Sea Scrolls. 81 00:07:11,389 --> 00:07:16,394 Among them is one called the War Scroll that spells out in 82 00:07:16,436 --> 00:07:23,818 chilling detail a future apocalyptic war between the forces of light and dark. 83 00:07:23,818 --> 00:07:25,820 FATHER WILLIAM J. 84 00:07:25,820 --> 00:07:29,616 The Dead Sea Scrolls are talking about a war between good angels 85 00:07:29,657 --> 00:07:30,825 and bad angels. 86 00:07:30,909 --> 00:07:33,703 Invariably, in almost every ancient literature, you end up 87 00:07:33,745 --> 00:07:36,623 with these cosmic fights between the forces of good and the 88 00:07:36,664 --> 00:07:39,626 forces of... of evil. 89 00:07:39,668 --> 00:07:44,005 The idea that somehow the gods have 90 00:07:44,089 --> 00:07:47,884 different factions and they fight against each other has 91 00:07:47,926 --> 00:07:52,013 sometimes given rise to ideas like, uh, maybe there was an 92 00:07:52,097 --> 00:07:57,352 ancient, uh, war between alien factions visiting the Earth. 93 00:07:57,352 --> 00:08:01,272 That would have provided the visual imagery and the basic 94 00:08:01,314 --> 00:08:05,276 ideas for some of the ancient mythology. 95 00:08:05,318 --> 00:08:08,613 In Judeo-Christian and Islamic tradition, there was an idea 96 00:08:08,655 --> 00:08:12,075 that there will be some kind of final warfare when God defeats 97 00:08:12,158 --> 00:08:14,869 Satan once and for all. 98 00:08:14,911 --> 00:08:19,165 That's been interpreted by some people to say that the aliens 99 00:08:19,165 --> 00:08:24,671 will come back and they'll fight it out again one final time. 100 00:08:26,297 --> 00:08:29,050 But have these warnings of imminent war on 101 00:08:29,134 --> 00:08:32,053 Earth actually come from God? 102 00:08:32,137 --> 00:08:35,598 Or could they have originated from somewhere else? 103 00:08:35,682 --> 00:08:40,061 And if the forewarned Apocalypse were to occur, might it simply 104 00:08:40,145 --> 00:08:45,608 be part of a recurring cycle of natural phenomena? 105 00:08:45,692 --> 00:08:50,613 The Toba supervolcano, Indonesia. 106 00:08:50,697 --> 00:08:57,620 75,000 years ago, this massive volcanic lake erupted, 107 00:08:57,704 --> 00:09:04,336 triggering a major climate change that nearly obliterated mankind. 108 00:09:07,547 --> 00:09:11,343 When you have one of these massive volcanic eruptions, what you have to 109 00:09:11,384 --> 00:09:14,512 worry about is the dust in the upper atmosphere, because that 110 00:09:14,554 --> 00:09:17,349 shields the sunlight, and the planet can cool. 111 00:09:17,390 --> 00:09:19,809 And if that lasts long enough, you can really mess with the 112 00:09:19,851 --> 00:09:23,229 life cycle of the organisms that are around at that time. 113 00:09:23,271 --> 00:09:26,232 Scientists call this an example of a genetic 114 00:09:26,274 --> 00:09:30,528 bottleneck... a catastrophic event that dramatically 115 00:09:30,570 --> 00:09:36,159 decreases the genetic diversity of a species. 116 00:09:36,201 --> 00:09:41,081 At least twice, Homo sapiens experienced such a 117 00:09:41,122 --> 00:09:44,876 genetic bottleneck effect where the worldwide population 118 00:09:44,959 --> 00:09:54,177 dwindled to as few as 3,000 Homo sapiens around the world. 119 00:09:54,260 --> 00:09:56,721 The same patterns of history just keep repeating 120 00:09:56,763 --> 00:09:58,723 themselves over and over again. 121 00:10:01,101 --> 00:10:04,896 And behind that pattern, we continue to see possibly an 122 00:10:04,979 --> 00:10:09,901 alien influence causing some of these events to happen. 123 00:10:09,943 --> 00:10:13,196 The flood stories are really very interesting. 124 00:10:13,279 --> 00:10:15,407 You find them in the Bible. 125 00:10:15,448 --> 00:10:19,035 What they all say is that this extraterrestrial race... the 126 00:10:19,119 --> 00:10:22,288 angels, the gods, whatever we want to call them today... they 127 00:10:22,330 --> 00:10:26,376 basically just got tired of humanity. 128 00:10:26,459 --> 00:10:30,380 They became noisy, rebellious. 129 00:10:30,463 --> 00:10:35,802 And it was just time to wipe them out. 130 00:10:35,844 --> 00:10:39,764 It's very possible that the aliens decided that in 131 00:10:39,806 --> 00:10:43,852 order to cleanse the planet, they needed to do things of 132 00:10:43,935 --> 00:10:51,401 huge magnitude, like the flood that the Bible talks about as Noah. 133 00:10:51,443 --> 00:10:55,405 God came down to him and said he was going to punish mankind. 134 00:10:55,488 --> 00:10:59,951 "Noah, you are good, and I want you to build this massive ark 135 00:10:59,993 --> 00:11:04,289 and collect all these animals, a male and female, and you put 136 00:11:04,372 --> 00:11:08,960 them in this boat and you float away. 137 00:11:09,002 --> 00:11:11,296 And you start all over again." 138 00:11:14,549 --> 00:11:18,053 When we come in the Bible and we see Noah, we 139 00:11:18,136 --> 00:11:21,389 find that he somehow knows the future, whereas nobody else on 140 00:11:21,473 --> 00:11:23,391 Earth seems to know this. 141 00:11:25,560 --> 00:11:28,980 But specifically, he has been given blueprints, somehow a 142 00:11:29,022 --> 00:11:32,734 device whereby he can survive this catastrophe. 143 00:11:32,817 --> 00:11:36,196 Now, that is something very specific, which singles Noah 144 00:11:36,279 --> 00:11:43,828 out as being a person who might have had exposure to ancient aliens. 145 00:11:43,828 --> 00:11:50,293 Maybe the extraterrestrials created some type of a catastrophe. 146 00:11:50,377 --> 00:11:58,176 But it's also possible that the flood itself was a natural disaster... 147 00:11:58,218 --> 00:12:03,014 and extraterrestrials warned the local population about this 148 00:12:03,056 --> 00:12:06,017 impending massive flood. 149 00:12:08,353 --> 00:12:13,900 Extraterrestrials ensured our continued survival. 150 00:12:13,983 --> 00:12:16,903 Could there be a reason why humans have survived 151 00:12:17,028 --> 00:12:20,615 such disasters time and time again? 152 00:12:20,657 --> 00:12:24,536 And is it really possible that the great flood and other 153 00:12:24,619 --> 00:12:31,251 cataclysmic extinction events were caused by extraterrestrials? 154 00:12:31,334 --> 00:12:38,550 If so, who are these destructive beings, and what is their ultimate purpose? 155 00:12:44,347 --> 00:12:47,308 Indonesia. 156 00:12:47,350 --> 00:12:50,520 2004. 157 00:12:50,603 --> 00:12:57,277 A massive underwater earthquake produces a tsunami that kills 158 00:12:57,318 --> 00:13:03,908 over 230,000 people in 14 coastal countries. 159 00:13:06,327 --> 00:13:12,083 It was one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. 160 00:13:15,462 --> 00:13:18,798 Geologists determine that the violent movement of tectonic 161 00:13:18,840 --> 00:13:22,552 plates on the floor of the Indian Ocean created lethal 162 00:13:22,635 --> 00:13:27,182 tidal waves measuring a height of nearly 100 feet. 163 00:13:29,642 --> 00:13:34,147 Tsunamis are basically super tidal waves. 164 00:13:34,147 --> 00:13:38,151 And it really comes down to, at its simplest level, is how much 165 00:13:38,193 --> 00:13:43,490 energy is put into the ocean at the point that generates the tidal wave. 166 00:13:43,531 --> 00:13:46,701 And the water gets displaced, and it actually forms a wave 167 00:13:46,785 --> 00:13:49,662 that can be very coherent and travel for large distances, and 168 00:13:49,704 --> 00:13:53,333 will eventually hit the shore somewhere. 169 00:13:53,375 --> 00:13:56,670 But just days before the disaster, several 170 00:13:56,711 --> 00:13:59,964 eyewitnesses reported seeing strange unidentified flying 171 00:14:00,006 --> 00:14:04,594 objects to the India Daily newspaper. 172 00:14:04,636 --> 00:14:07,263 People were reporting seeing bright lights 173 00:14:07,305 --> 00:14:11,518 in the sky prior to and during that tsunami. 174 00:14:11,559 --> 00:14:14,688 Scientists think that that's just maybe the tectonic plates 175 00:14:14,729 --> 00:14:18,149 are rubbing each other, and that there's so much friction 176 00:14:18,191 --> 00:14:21,361 that they're giving off a glow. 177 00:14:21,361 --> 00:14:26,366 Known as earthquake lights, mainstream 178 00:14:26,366 --> 00:14:29,703 scientists have been studying these phenomena since they were 179 00:14:29,744 --> 00:14:34,874 first photographed in Japan in the 1960s. 180 00:14:34,916 --> 00:14:38,712 But although there are many theories as to their cause, 181 00:14:38,712 --> 00:14:43,174 there has been, as yet, no viable explanation. 182 00:14:43,216 --> 00:14:46,886 What is becoming very apparent is that UFO 183 00:14:46,928 --> 00:14:51,224 activity and tectonic activity go hand in hand. 184 00:14:51,224 --> 00:14:53,852 Now, there are an awful lot of questions to be asked here and 185 00:14:53,893 --> 00:14:56,896 science needs to answer an awful lot of them. 186 00:14:56,938 --> 00:14:58,732 The central question is this: 187 00:14:58,773 --> 00:15:05,739 Is this UFO phenomenon just a byproduct of the tectonic activity? 188 00:15:10,243 --> 00:15:11,286 Iceland. 189 00:15:11,369 --> 00:15:13,913 April, 2010. 190 00:15:13,913 --> 00:15:17,584 One of the country's largest volcanoes erupts for the first 191 00:15:17,625 --> 00:15:21,588 time in nearly two centuries. 192 00:15:21,629 --> 00:15:26,593 In the aftermath of the blast, Sky News captured footage of an 193 00:15:26,593 --> 00:15:33,933 unusual V-shaped flying object amongst the plume of smoke and ash. 194 00:15:33,933 --> 00:15:38,021 An awful lot of video material was taken of this volcanic eruption. 195 00:15:38,063 --> 00:15:41,399 And some of it clearly shows an anomalous object hovering 196 00:15:41,441 --> 00:15:44,277 roughly around the volcano. 197 00:15:44,319 --> 00:15:47,781 This object is clearly under intelligent control. 198 00:15:47,822 --> 00:15:51,659 And from what we see on the video, it's also apparent that 199 00:15:51,743 --> 00:15:58,166 this isn't birds, as some skeptics have been trying to argue. 200 00:15:58,208 --> 00:16:01,544 According to scientists, volcanic eruptions 201 00:16:01,628 --> 00:16:05,298 are natural events that occur when rocks deep within the 202 00:16:05,298 --> 00:16:10,762 Earth become so hot, they melt and form magma. 203 00:16:10,804 --> 00:16:13,890 Basically, you build up a lot of pressure in the 204 00:16:13,932 --> 00:16:17,185 magma in the location where the volcano is, and it has a point 205 00:16:17,268 --> 00:16:20,188 where it can release, and then that magma and the hot gases 206 00:16:20,271 --> 00:16:25,026 and the hot lava all kind of erupt out through the top. 207 00:16:25,110 --> 00:16:28,822 Still, some researchers believe there is a 208 00:16:28,905 --> 00:16:35,203 high correlation between catastrophic events and the appearance of UFOs. 209 00:16:35,286 --> 00:16:38,748 The fact that we have UFOs before and sometimes 210 00:16:38,790 --> 00:16:42,544 during these events, whether it's tsunami or earthquakes, 211 00:16:42,585 --> 00:16:45,213 clearly shows that something is present. 212 00:16:45,296 --> 00:16:48,258 Now, the question is: are they just monitoring it or are they 213 00:16:48,299 --> 00:16:50,635 actually somehow involved with it? 214 00:16:50,677 --> 00:16:52,470 Are they causing it? 215 00:16:54,848 --> 00:16:58,977 Is there a way that you can trigger a volcano? 216 00:16:59,019 --> 00:17:01,813 For example, let's say it's sort of on the verge anyway. 217 00:17:01,855 --> 00:17:06,109 Is there something you can do technologically to either 218 00:17:06,151 --> 00:17:08,111 trigger it or to make it worse? 219 00:17:08,153 --> 00:17:09,237 We don't know. 220 00:17:09,279 --> 00:17:13,825 We just see this apparent foreknowledge of an event like that happening. 221 00:17:13,867 --> 00:17:17,746 The UFO shows up, the event happens. 222 00:17:17,787 --> 00:17:20,665 According to ancient astronaut theorists, 223 00:17:20,707 --> 00:17:24,711 alien spacecraft have been spotted at or near the sites of 224 00:17:24,753 --> 00:17:29,382 so-called natural catastrophes since ancient times. 225 00:17:29,424 --> 00:17:31,384 But why? 226 00:17:31,426 --> 00:17:34,637 Is it possible extraterrestrials are merely 227 00:17:34,679 --> 00:17:38,266 curious about geologic events on Earth? 228 00:17:38,308 --> 00:17:44,314 Or could there be another, perhaps more sinister, motive for their interest? 229 00:17:47,108 --> 00:17:53,907 April 14, 1561... Nuremberg, Germany. 230 00:17:53,948 --> 00:17:59,079 Citizens awoke at dawn to the spectacle of cylindrical 231 00:17:59,120 --> 00:18:04,417 objects appearing in the sky from which red, black, orange 232 00:18:04,459 --> 00:18:06,836 and blue disks emerged. 233 00:18:08,004 --> 00:18:12,133 According to eyewitness accounts recorded in the Nuremberg 234 00:18:12,175 --> 00:18:17,472 Gazette, tubes resembling cannon barrels also appeared and 235 00:18:17,514 --> 00:18:21,685 the objects began to "fight one another." 236 00:18:21,768 --> 00:18:27,148 After about an hour of battle, the entities seemed to catch 237 00:18:27,232 --> 00:18:33,154 fire and fell to Earth, where they turned to steam. 238 00:18:34,406 --> 00:18:39,911 Five years later, Austrian architect Hans Glaser created a 239 00:18:39,953 --> 00:18:45,125 woodcut detailing what he observed during the famous event. 240 00:18:45,125 --> 00:18:48,545 In that woodcut and in the eyewitness reports, 241 00:18:48,628 --> 00:18:50,630 we actually see UFOs in battle. 242 00:18:50,630 --> 00:18:54,759 They were reported actually fighting each other, shooting each other down. 243 00:18:54,759 --> 00:18:57,804 If you look at the bottom right-hand corner of the 244 00:18:57,804 --> 00:19:00,390 woodcut, you will actually see a couple of circles in the 245 00:19:00,473 --> 00:19:01,933 ground, giving off smoke. 246 00:19:01,975 --> 00:19:03,184 They've obviously crashed. 247 00:19:03,226 --> 00:19:05,270 They have been shot down. 248 00:19:05,270 --> 00:19:08,815 That is very interesting, because it shows that the 249 00:19:08,815 --> 00:19:13,987 pattern of aggression amongst the UFOs, has been going on for a long time. 250 00:19:14,070 --> 00:19:18,700 To some ancient astronaut theorists, the 540... 251 00:19:18,742 --> 00:19:23,455 year-old woodcut is evidence of an alien cosmic war. 252 00:19:23,496 --> 00:19:30,211 And in fact, they claim similar hostile events have occurred in human history 253 00:19:30,253 --> 00:19:33,673 for centuries. 254 00:19:33,673 --> 00:19:39,137 The evidence from the record, from eyewitness testimony, 255 00:19:39,179 --> 00:19:42,849 shows a connection between the UFO and a thinning effort, 256 00:19:42,849 --> 00:19:47,562 where there's apparently a wanton intention to wipe out 257 00:19:47,645 --> 00:19:49,022 or thin out the human race. 258 00:19:49,022 --> 00:19:53,610 For example, during the plague years, there were a lot of UFO reports about 259 00:19:53,651 --> 00:19:56,529 bright lights in the sky that were spreading gas. 260 00:19:56,529 --> 00:20:03,536 And people were reporting that these gasses were actually the cause of the plague. 261 00:20:03,578 --> 00:20:07,707 But could there really be a connection between 262 00:20:07,749 --> 00:20:14,714 eyewitness accounts of alien space wars and the recent sightings of UFOs during 263 00:20:14,756 --> 00:20:19,260 Earth's so-called natural catastrophes? 264 00:20:19,344 --> 00:20:22,972 And is there any proof that alien visitors are involved in 265 00:20:23,014 --> 00:20:27,894 creating cataclysmic events in a sinister effort to control 266 00:20:27,936 --> 00:20:33,358 or "thin out" Earth's population? 267 00:20:33,400 --> 00:20:39,072 Perhaps the answer can be found in Florence, Italy among the diaries and secret 268 00:20:39,072 --> 00:20:47,330 papers of one of the world's most brilliant and mysterious men... Leonardo da Vinci. 269 00:20:50,667 --> 00:20:54,838 2005, Florence, Italy. 270 00:20:54,879 --> 00:20:59,759 Beyond a hidden staircase in the Santissima Annunziata convent, 271 00:20:59,843 --> 00:21:03,680 researchers from Italy's Military Geographical Institute 272 00:21:03,680 --> 00:21:09,728 discover the secret workshop of Leonardo da Vinci. 273 00:21:10,020 --> 00:21:13,356 He was the true archetypal Renaissance man: 274 00:21:13,356 --> 00:21:16,192 brilliant painter, brilliant inventor, brilliant 275 00:21:16,234 --> 00:21:20,363 poet, ambidextrous, could write with his left hand and his 276 00:21:20,363 --> 00:21:21,781 right hand at the same time. 277 00:21:21,865 --> 00:21:23,616 Wrote backwards instead of forwards. 278 00:21:23,700 --> 00:21:25,702 A very interesting guy. 279 00:21:25,702 --> 00:21:28,997 Though da Vinci is renowned for his public 280 00:21:29,039 --> 00:21:33,335 paintings like the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, ancient 281 00:21:33,376 --> 00:21:36,880 astronaut theorists are more intrigued by his private 282 00:21:36,880 --> 00:21:41,509 notebooks that contain sketches of futuristic military 283 00:21:41,551 --> 00:21:50,435 technology, including machine guns, tanks, helicopters and even submarines. 284 00:21:50,518 --> 00:21:55,899 It clearly seems that Leonardo da Vinci was privy to a series of 285 00:21:55,899 --> 00:22:01,196 secrets that had been handed down for many, many thousands of years. 286 00:22:01,237 --> 00:22:07,827 Da Vinci may also have actually been contacted by human-like extraterrestrials 287 00:22:07,911 --> 00:22:12,374 who either spoke to him in person or perhaps telepathically and inspired 288 00:22:12,415 --> 00:22:16,920 him to do so many different things. 289 00:22:16,920 --> 00:22:20,090 We do know, for example, that one of his inventions was a 290 00:22:20,090 --> 00:22:20,965 circular car. 291 00:22:21,007 --> 00:22:23,927 It looks kind of like a UFO. 292 00:22:23,927 --> 00:22:27,180 Now, he's also into inventing weapons. 293 00:22:27,263 --> 00:22:32,727 And did that come from the fact that, the UFO has demonstrated, basically, some 294 00:22:32,769 --> 00:22:38,441 aggressiveness, and did some of that maybe in some way rub off on him? 295 00:22:38,441 --> 00:22:40,360 Were they trying to give him weapons that 296 00:22:40,402 --> 00:22:43,571 could be used to destroy life on Earth? 297 00:22:43,613 --> 00:22:45,990 That could have been possible. 298 00:22:46,032 --> 00:22:49,994 But if Leonardo da Vinci did have knowledge of 299 00:22:50,036 --> 00:22:55,625 advanced weaponry, might he have learned of it through observation and study? 300 00:22:55,750 --> 00:23:00,130 Or was this knowledge given to him by another, perhaps 301 00:23:00,130 --> 00:23:03,299 extraterrestrial, source? 302 00:23:03,299 --> 00:23:07,595 There is this book of prophesies which is a very 303 00:23:07,637 --> 00:23:13,101 rare book, and in there are some type of descriptions that could 304 00:23:13,143 --> 00:23:17,772 indicate some type of an extraterrestrial visitation. 305 00:23:17,772 --> 00:23:22,152 There are references in which da Vinci himself says 306 00:23:22,193 --> 00:23:28,658 that he's had these encounters, these visions of God and angels. 307 00:23:28,783 --> 00:23:31,661 And of course, according to the ancient astronaut hypothesis, 308 00:23:31,786 --> 00:23:34,956 that wasn't God, it wasn't angels. 309 00:23:34,998 --> 00:23:38,793 They were extraterrestrials. 310 00:23:38,835 --> 00:23:43,631 Is it possible that over the centuries, extraterrestrials have been 311 00:23:43,673 --> 00:23:48,678 partnering with human collaborators; human beings entrusted with the kind of 312 00:23:48,762 --> 00:23:52,682 advanced scientific knowledge that would allow mankind to leap 313 00:23:52,682 --> 00:23:57,395 over centuries of normal intellectual evolution? 314 00:23:57,479 --> 00:24:01,483 To ancient astronaut theorists, the fact that mankind had gone 315 00:24:01,524 --> 00:24:05,487 from the horse and buggy to the Moon in less than 100 years 316 00:24:05,528 --> 00:24:11,951 makes such a notion not only possible, but entirely probable. 317 00:24:11,993 --> 00:24:17,165 In our development, all of a sudden we've made a quantum leap, 318 00:24:17,207 --> 00:24:21,586 where we were sitting in caves munching on bananas, and the 319 00:24:21,670 --> 00:24:26,216 next thing we do is we're building pyramids, virtually overnight. 320 00:24:26,341 --> 00:24:31,805 And so that quantum leap can be explained with a direct extraterrestrial 321 00:24:31,888 --> 00:24:33,807 intervention of our past. 322 00:24:33,890 --> 00:24:36,768 And the visitors are the ones who are revered as 323 00:24:36,810 --> 00:24:42,482 gods, who seem to come on flying shields or silver boats or any of the various 324 00:24:42,565 --> 00:24:46,111 descriptions of extraterrestrial technology that you see in these ancient 325 00:24:46,194 --> 00:24:50,323 legends, and they consistently are trying to cultivate 326 00:24:50,365 --> 00:24:53,952 humanity in a direction that's beneficial for everyone. 327 00:24:54,035 --> 00:24:56,496 There are many who believe extraterrestrial 328 00:24:56,579 --> 00:25:00,208 visitors might have provided intellectual inspiration to men 329 00:25:00,250 --> 00:25:04,337 like Albert Einstein, whose theories of relativity opened 330 00:25:04,379 --> 00:25:09,342 the door for the possibility of future travels through space and time... 331 00:25:09,384 --> 00:25:13,304 J. Robert Oppenheimer, whose research in the field of 332 00:25:13,346 --> 00:25:19,102 theoretical physics resulted in the development of atomic weapons... 333 00:25:19,144 --> 00:25:23,857 Werner Von Braun... whose innovations in advanced rocket 334 00:25:23,898 --> 00:25:28,153 technology led to the modern- day space program. 335 00:25:28,153 --> 00:25:31,031 When we look into the lives and the motivations as 336 00:25:31,072 --> 00:25:34,284 to Werner Von Braun and to why he wanted to take mankind into 337 00:25:34,367 --> 00:25:38,121 outer space, we are confronted with the fact that he was 338 00:25:38,163 --> 00:25:42,083 absolutely convinced that we had gone there before or that 339 00:25:42,125 --> 00:25:47,422 an ancient civilization had come from there to Earth. 340 00:25:47,422 --> 00:25:51,468 These people were motivated, and specifically, they wanted to 341 00:25:51,509 --> 00:25:54,512 take us to space because they were convinced that somehow 342 00:25:54,596 --> 00:25:59,225 they would find something which would completely change planet Earth. 343 00:25:59,267 --> 00:26:05,815 Then there is Nikola Tesla, whose experiments with electricity led to 344 00:26:05,899 --> 00:26:09,069 everything from satellite technology and robotics to what 345 00:26:09,110 --> 00:26:11,321 some would term a "death ray." 346 00:26:12,322 --> 00:26:16,326 The Tesla death ray, Tesla said, could 347 00:26:16,368 --> 00:26:20,080 annihilate an army of 100,000 soldiers at once, and could 348 00:26:20,121 --> 00:26:23,124 melt an aircraft engine from 250 miles away. 349 00:26:23,124 --> 00:26:28,922 When the FBI investigated Tesla's murder, they found documentation that the 350 00:26:28,963 --> 00:26:34,302 Tesla death ray was in development at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in 1943. 351 00:26:34,302 --> 00:26:38,098 Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 1943? 352 00:26:38,181 --> 00:26:40,892 Where was the Roswell flying saucer taken? 353 00:26:40,934 --> 00:26:42,268 Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. 354 00:26:42,310 --> 00:26:46,731 So we have a connection to that weapon. 355 00:26:46,815 --> 00:26:50,110 Is it possible that Nikola Tesla's scientific 356 00:26:50,151 --> 00:26:55,115 achievements could have been influenced by alien intelligence? 357 00:26:55,198 --> 00:26:59,119 Might other human geniuses throughout time have served as 358 00:26:59,160 --> 00:27:02,831 human gateways, allowing extraterrestrials to jump-start 359 00:27:02,872 --> 00:27:06,292 our technological advances? 360 00:27:06,376 --> 00:27:11,840 If the answer is yes, then what are we being prepared for? 361 00:27:11,881 --> 00:27:15,885 And might there be a connection between mankind's intellectual 362 00:27:15,927 --> 00:27:19,681 and scientific advancements, and the so-called natural 363 00:27:19,723 --> 00:27:25,729 disasters that threaten to wipe entire populations off the face of the Earth? 364 00:27:29,441 --> 00:27:33,945 The Omo River, Ethiopia. 365 00:27:33,945 --> 00:27:39,576 Flowing south 400 miles into Lake Turkana, the banks of this 366 00:27:39,617 --> 00:27:45,415 river are rich in hominid fossil fragments, including 367 00:27:45,457 --> 00:27:50,920 those of chimpanzees, gorillas and early humanoids. 368 00:27:50,962 --> 00:27:55,425 Here in 1967, paleoanthropologist Richard 369 00:27:55,467 --> 00:27:59,679 Leakey unearthed two partial human skulls. 370 00:27:59,763 --> 00:28:06,061 The remains date as far back as 195,000 years ago, making the 371 00:28:06,144 --> 00:28:11,316 fossils the oldest evidence of modern humans, or Homo sapiens. 372 00:28:13,401 --> 00:28:15,862 We are constantly still finding new 373 00:28:15,945 --> 00:28:20,700 breakthroughs and either more complete skeletons or a more complete site. 374 00:28:20,784 --> 00:28:23,620 If we look at the fossil record, at some point eventually you 375 00:28:23,661 --> 00:28:26,289 find common ancestors with chimpanzees. 376 00:28:26,289 --> 00:28:29,501 You go back really close and you have Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon man. 377 00:28:29,584 --> 00:28:33,380 And we came out of Cro-Magnon man, and the Neanderthals die out. 378 00:28:33,421 --> 00:28:35,590 And it's a really interesting mystery to try and piece 379 00:28:35,632 --> 00:28:40,512 together why were we more successful than they were. 380 00:28:40,595 --> 00:28:45,600 We are the only one who came out of the family tree with culture. 381 00:28:45,684 --> 00:28:46,851 Why? 382 00:28:46,893 --> 00:28:49,521 Evolution says by coincidence. 383 00:28:49,521 --> 00:28:51,523 We have adapted as best. 384 00:28:51,523 --> 00:28:52,565 I say no. 385 00:28:52,649 --> 00:28:57,654 It was an artificial mutation made out of the family tree. 386 00:28:57,696 --> 00:28:59,781 And then overnight, we were building 387 00:28:59,864 --> 00:29:06,538 pyramids, Sumeria was created, all those different high 388 00:29:06,579 --> 00:29:10,750 achievements were done virtually overnight. 389 00:29:10,834 --> 00:29:15,839 So this quantum leap in development, this big bang of 390 00:29:15,880 --> 00:29:21,720 knowledge or intelligence, all of a sudden happened. 391 00:29:21,761 --> 00:29:25,223 And the ancient astronaut theory suggests that this is a 392 00:29:25,306 --> 00:29:30,520 direct result of extraterrestrials tampering with our DNA. 393 00:29:30,562 --> 00:29:32,981 So we're half human and half extraterrestrial. 394 00:29:33,064 --> 00:29:34,607 We're hybrids. 395 00:29:34,691 --> 00:29:37,485 We have an incredible wealth of 396 00:29:37,527 --> 00:29:41,865 information, in stone, preserved from ancient times, that can 397 00:29:41,906 --> 00:29:46,161 lead us in a direction of really knowing that the ancient 398 00:29:46,202 --> 00:29:52,125 ancestors of modern humans were not simply born on Earth but 399 00:29:52,167 --> 00:29:55,337 came here from somewhere else. 400 00:29:55,337 --> 00:29:57,881 But if extraterrestrials arrived here 401 00:29:57,922 --> 00:30:01,343 in the distant past, who were they? 402 00:30:01,426 --> 00:30:04,596 And why did they come here? 403 00:30:04,679 --> 00:30:13,313 Ancient astronaut theorists believe answers exist in early Sumerian texts. 404 00:30:13,355 --> 00:30:19,778 In 1849, British archaeologist Austen Henry Layard discovered 405 00:30:19,861 --> 00:30:24,157 22,000 clay tablets in the ancient Sumerian city of 406 00:30:24,199 --> 00:30:28,703 Nineveh, in an area now known as Iraq. 407 00:30:28,745 --> 00:30:32,540 The tablets contain cuneiform script, believed to be the 408 00:30:32,582 --> 00:30:38,880 earliest writing system, created by the Sumerians 6,000 years ago. 409 00:30:38,922 --> 00:30:42,801 Author Zecharia Sitchin spent more than 30 years 410 00:30:42,842 --> 00:30:45,887 translating these Sumerian clay tablets. 411 00:30:45,929 --> 00:30:50,975 In his 1976 book The 12th Planet, Sitchin claims the 412 00:30:51,017 --> 00:30:55,980 cuneiform texts describe an alien race named the Anunnaki, 413 00:30:56,064 --> 00:30:58,983 who came to Earth from an undiscovered planet in our 414 00:30:59,067 --> 00:31:03,405 solar system beyond Neptune called Nibiru. 415 00:31:03,405 --> 00:31:06,366 They explained to the Sumerians that through their own rise to a 416 00:31:06,408 --> 00:31:10,578 technological culture, they damaged their atmosphere. 417 00:31:10,578 --> 00:31:14,374 And they came here seeking gold and precious elements to repair 418 00:31:14,457 --> 00:31:18,128 their planet's dwindling atmosphere. 419 00:31:18,169 --> 00:31:21,381 According to Sitchin, the Anunnaki first 420 00:31:21,423 --> 00:31:28,471 visited Earth 450,000 years ago, during the age of Neanderthals. 421 00:31:28,513 --> 00:31:33,476 And they created Homo sapiens through genetic engineering to 422 00:31:33,518 --> 00:31:37,731 create a species to work and mine precious minerals for them. 423 00:31:40,066 --> 00:31:44,195 Our forefathers believed that they were gods. 424 00:31:44,237 --> 00:31:46,698 And they were here on purpose. 425 00:31:46,740 --> 00:31:51,578 They wanted to make our primitive generation, at that time, intelligent. 426 00:31:51,661 --> 00:31:57,042 They wanted to plant curiosity into our brain. 427 00:31:57,083 --> 00:32:03,631 And we became more developed in technology, in astronomy, in every field. 428 00:32:03,673 --> 00:32:05,383 That's what they wanted. 429 00:32:05,425 --> 00:32:07,635 The question is: why? 430 00:32:09,596 --> 00:32:12,724 When you look at the ancient creation stories, 431 00:32:12,766 --> 00:32:18,396 you find that what they said about our position as Homo sapiens is that we were 432 00:32:18,438 --> 00:32:24,110 created to be a slave race, or a work race. 433 00:32:24,110 --> 00:32:26,821 According to Sitchin's interpretation of the 434 00:32:26,863 --> 00:32:31,451 ancient tablets, the human civilization in Sumer was set 435 00:32:31,493 --> 00:32:34,621 up under the guidance of the Anunnaki. 436 00:32:34,662 --> 00:32:39,834 And to disguise alien manipulation, human kings were inaugurated to provide 437 00:32:39,876 --> 00:32:46,049 intermediaries between mankind and their so-called gods. 438 00:32:46,091 --> 00:32:51,429 Then, around 3,000 B.C. , humans began building stone 439 00:32:51,471 --> 00:32:56,643 monuments, such as Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids. 440 00:32:56,685 --> 00:33:00,730 For mainstream historians, the physical ability and know-how 441 00:33:00,772 --> 00:33:05,151 to construct these megalithic sites remains a mystery. 442 00:33:05,193 --> 00:33:09,447 But ancient astronaut theorists contend that megaton stone 443 00:33:09,447 --> 00:33:16,454 monuments were erected by human laborers aided with alien technology. 444 00:33:16,538 --> 00:33:20,417 And what do the ancient texts say about ancient Sumeria? 445 00:33:20,458 --> 00:33:24,629 That none of this could've been possible without the help of 446 00:33:24,713 --> 00:33:28,633 the gods, or in their case, the Anunnaki, which means "those 447 00:33:28,717 --> 00:33:31,761 who from the heavens came." 448 00:33:31,803 --> 00:33:36,016 Many cultures had a time when they interacted with their living gods. 449 00:33:36,057 --> 00:33:37,976 So who were those gods? 450 00:33:37,976 --> 00:33:42,564 In my mind, they were misrepresented advanced extraterrestrials, and they 451 00:33:42,647 --> 00:33:46,526 brought forth the technology to build the monuments we see, such 452 00:33:46,609 --> 00:33:52,157 as Giza or all across Bolivia, Peru and South America. 453 00:33:52,157 --> 00:33:57,120 Sitchin's interpretations of the Sumerian tablets further claim the 454 00:33:57,162 --> 00:34:02,042 ancient Anunnaki astronauts carried out breeding experiments to improve the 455 00:34:02,083 --> 00:34:05,045 species of laborers. 456 00:34:05,086 --> 00:34:08,506 But to keep the human population at bay and correct 457 00:34:08,590 --> 00:34:15,513 genetic mistakes, the aliens orchestrated so-called natural catastrophes. 458 00:34:19,351 --> 00:34:22,687 The Anunnaki saw the Neanderthal man naturally 459 00:34:22,771 --> 00:34:27,692 evolving here on Earth and just decided to put their genetic marker on it. 460 00:34:27,692 --> 00:34:34,032 Meaning, they took 80% of their genes and 20% of the hominoid that was here and 461 00:34:34,115 --> 00:34:37,869 created us in their image and after their likeness. 462 00:34:37,911 --> 00:34:42,332 And this was essentially when modern humanity was born and starts 463 00:34:42,374 --> 00:34:44,084 to show up in the fossil record. 464 00:34:44,084 --> 00:34:48,546 It wasn't until 75,000 years ago that you have this super 465 00:34:48,546 --> 00:34:51,966 volcano that goes off in Lake Toba. 466 00:34:51,966 --> 00:34:55,345 And in the aftermath of that great cataclysm, it appears that 467 00:34:55,387 --> 00:34:57,972 we went through further genetic modifications. 468 00:34:58,056 --> 00:35:03,895 Very, very powerful E.T. 's came in and upgraded our DNA. 469 00:35:03,895 --> 00:35:06,189 They probably figured, "You know, there's something 470 00:35:06,231 --> 00:35:07,357 wrong with this species." 471 00:35:07,399 --> 00:35:11,778 So, they probably create these disasters like the flood. 472 00:35:11,820 --> 00:35:14,364 And then of course, there's always that biblical 473 00:35:14,406 --> 00:35:17,575 perspective, and people believe God did it. 474 00:35:17,575 --> 00:35:21,371 Well, God could have been the extraterrestrials, could have 475 00:35:21,413 --> 00:35:24,666 created that somehow. 476 00:35:24,666 --> 00:35:27,377 It's very possible and very likely that in order to 477 00:35:27,419 --> 00:35:31,423 eradicate a species, that they may have genetically altered 478 00:35:31,464 --> 00:35:35,427 themselves and screwed up with, that they needed to get rid of 479 00:35:35,468 --> 00:35:37,554 them and start all over again. 480 00:35:37,595 --> 00:35:42,934 The ultimate proof for the ancient astronaut theory will not be in 481 00:35:42,976 --> 00:35:44,561 a megalithic site. 482 00:35:44,602 --> 00:35:48,440 It won't be finding a crashed spaceship. 483 00:35:48,523 --> 00:35:53,278 But it will be found deep within our genes. 484 00:35:53,278 --> 00:35:59,576 And that is exactly what the ancient texts are saying... that we were created 485 00:35:59,617 --> 00:36:02,787 in the image of the gods. 486 00:36:05,623 --> 00:36:08,126 Though more than 20,000 genes have been 487 00:36:08,168 --> 00:36:12,839 identified in the human genome, scientists worldwide have only 488 00:36:12,881 --> 00:36:16,634 begun to understand the origins of man. 489 00:36:16,718 --> 00:36:22,182 As geneticists continue to study our DNA, might they find 490 00:36:22,223 --> 00:36:26,478 traces of an alien species in our genes? 491 00:36:26,478 --> 00:36:32,317 And if Homo sapiens were genetically engineered by aliens, might they continue 492 00:36:32,359 --> 00:36:36,029 to shape our existence? 493 00:36:41,284 --> 00:36:43,495 Elbert County, Georgia. 494 00:36:44,371 --> 00:36:48,291 Four 18-foot-tall granite stones form a mysterious 495 00:36:48,333 --> 00:36:51,753 monument some call the American Stonehenge. 496 00:36:52,796 --> 00:36:59,469 Engraved in the giant stones in 12 languages are ten guides or commandments 497 00:36:59,803 --> 00:37:04,057 suggesting how to rebuild civilization after the apocalypse. 498 00:37:05,809 --> 00:37:09,437 Known as the Georgia Guide Stones, the monument was built 499 00:37:09,479 --> 00:37:17,445 in 1979 by an unknown man going by the pseudonym "R.C. Christian." 500 00:37:17,445 --> 00:37:20,490 Some people have a theory that whoever put those 501 00:37:20,532 --> 00:37:25,829 guide stones up was either a Freemason or that the name 502 00:37:26,287 --> 00:37:30,375 R.C. Christian was really a way to parrot the fictional founder 503 00:37:30,417 --> 00:37:33,795 of Rosicrucianism centuries earlier. 504 00:37:34,796 --> 00:37:40,719 When you trace them back to the ancient gods who wore the same symbolic aprons, 505 00:37:40,760 --> 00:37:44,723 they were the ancient aliens that we now talk about. 506 00:37:45,265 --> 00:37:48,351 Was the monument secretly built by followers of 507 00:37:48,351 --> 00:37:52,063 Rosicrucianism; an ancient society of mystics and 508 00:37:52,188 --> 00:37:56,776 philosophers who were inspired by the religions of the Far East? 509 00:37:56,818 --> 00:38:01,698 If so, might the stones contain coded messages intended to 510 00:38:01,698 --> 00:38:06,161 prepare us for the imminent apocalypse? 511 00:38:06,202 --> 00:38:07,954 Perhaps. 512 00:38:07,996 --> 00:38:11,958 But to some ancient astronaut theorists, warnings of an 513 00:38:12,000 --> 00:38:16,087 impending apocalypse are meant to caution human beings against 514 00:38:16,171 --> 00:38:22,177 the very real prospect of an alien invasion... or worse. 515 00:38:22,218 --> 00:38:28,558 Perhaps the examination, vivisection and eventual annihilation of all human 516 00:38:28,558 --> 00:38:31,102 life on our planet. 517 00:38:39,152 --> 00:38:43,114 Since the late 19th century, modern reports of aliens 518 00:38:43,156 --> 00:38:51,289 abducting and probing humans have numbered in the tens of thousands. 519 00:38:51,331 --> 00:38:55,335 Researcher David M. Jacobs has spent more than 40 years 520 00:38:55,418 --> 00:38:59,130 studying so-called abductees and their alien encounters 521 00:38:59,172 --> 00:39:02,967 through the use of hypnosis. 522 00:39:02,967 --> 00:39:05,804 The preponderance of evidence of person after 523 00:39:05,845 --> 00:39:09,140 person saying the same thing to me, things that I could never 524 00:39:09,224 --> 00:39:13,728 have imagined being thought up... then I began to realize, "Oh, my God, this is 525 00:39:13,770 --> 00:39:15,355 actually happening." 526 00:39:15,355 --> 00:39:20,735 And I was dumbstruck by the fact that this was convincing evidence. 527 00:39:20,777 --> 00:39:24,572 What Dr. Jacobs has reported is that what the 528 00:39:24,656 --> 00:39:28,451 aliens seem to have been doing for these least 40 years, 529 00:39:28,535 --> 00:39:33,289 perhaps longer, is that when they abduct people, it's not just an experiment. 530 00:39:33,373 --> 00:39:38,586 They are actually engaged in a very intense, very involved 531 00:39:38,628 --> 00:39:44,634 program of genetic breeding where they are breeding hybrids. 532 00:39:44,718 --> 00:39:48,138 The abductees that he's been talking to... according to him... 533 00:39:48,179 --> 00:39:53,101 have gotten to the point of this massive program of creating 534 00:39:53,143 --> 00:39:56,521 hybrids where now the hybrids look like us quite a bit. 535 00:39:56,604 --> 00:40:04,112 But behaviorally, psychologically, they are still alien. 536 00:40:04,654 --> 00:40:10,660 Jacobs claims alien-human hybrids can communicate telepathically and 537 00:40:10,702 --> 00:40:13,955 dictate human thoughts neurologically. 538 00:40:13,997 --> 00:40:19,586 These beings can put ideas, images in people's minds quite easily. 539 00:40:19,669 --> 00:40:23,882 Therefore, what people describe is that they can be controlled 540 00:40:23,965 --> 00:40:30,138 on a number of different levels by the minds of these other beings. 541 00:40:30,221 --> 00:40:34,601 Since 2003, abductees have supposedly been 542 00:40:34,684 --> 00:40:38,229 reporting to Jacobs that the hybrids were being integrated 543 00:40:38,313 --> 00:40:43,443 into society, unnoticed by humans. 544 00:40:45,028 --> 00:40:48,698 To me, this is possible evidence of the plan to 545 00:40:48,740 --> 00:40:53,870 do another thinning; to kind of make room for this new jump from 546 00:40:53,953 --> 00:40:59,876 modern Homo sapiens to whatever we're gonna call this new Homo sapiens. 547 00:40:59,959 --> 00:41:05,256 That is the potential future apocalypse involving the alien presence. 548 00:41:05,382 --> 00:41:08,885 And that's where I see some danger signs. 549 00:41:12,180 --> 00:41:17,102 Some people think that these beings are benevolent, that they are here 550 00:41:17,185 --> 00:41:21,648 to help us, to stop war, cure cancer, that they are here for 551 00:41:21,690 --> 00:41:26,861 reasons that have everything to do with us and very little to do with them. 552 00:41:26,861 --> 00:41:28,530 I don't see benevolence here. 553 00:41:28,571 --> 00:41:30,281 I don't see malevolence. 554 00:41:30,323 --> 00:41:37,372 But I see the furthering of an alien agenda of which we do not know the future. 555 00:41:37,372 --> 00:41:42,460 Some people have theorized that the creation of an alien hybrid 556 00:41:42,544 --> 00:41:47,549 race might be a way of accomplishing a better age on Earth. 557 00:41:47,590 --> 00:41:51,761 And there are some abductees who even bring back predictions 558 00:41:51,761 --> 00:41:54,764 that there will be a time called "The Change" when 559 00:41:54,764 --> 00:41:58,810 there will be aliens and humans living together on Earth as 560 00:41:58,852 --> 00:42:03,940 if it were a return of the age of paradise. 561 00:42:03,940 --> 00:42:08,194 There are others who think that they are coming to create a better Earth. 562 00:42:08,236 --> 00:42:12,490 Some think they are coming to take over the Earth. 563 00:42:17,245 --> 00:42:20,665 We really don't know the alien agenda. 564 00:42:20,790 --> 00:42:24,544 We do know that they have been telling abductees for a long 565 00:42:24,586 --> 00:42:28,965 time that soon everybody will be happy. 566 00:42:28,965 --> 00:42:30,842 Soon everyone will know their place. 567 00:42:30,925 --> 00:42:32,844 Soon we will all be together. 568 00:42:32,927 --> 00:42:38,308 This has been going on for thousands of years with the creation of 569 00:42:38,391 --> 00:42:40,602 Homo sapiens. 570 00:42:40,643 --> 00:42:42,812 I mean, from the very get-go. 571 00:42:42,812 --> 00:42:47,859 So to suggest that now is the time where, you know, a new 572 00:42:47,984 --> 00:42:52,447 hybrid extraterrestrial Homo sapiens will emerge in this 573 00:42:52,489 --> 00:42:57,744 new age of consciousness... No, no, it won't. 574 00:42:57,786 --> 00:43:00,789 We already are hybrids. 575 00:43:00,830 --> 00:43:06,878 We already are part extraterrestrial and part human. 576 00:43:06,961 --> 00:43:10,215 Human and alien hybrids? 577 00:43:10,256 --> 00:43:15,470 Extraterrestrial engineering designed to weed out excessive population growth? 578 00:43:15,512 --> 00:43:20,934 Or perhaps to exterminate inferior genetic strains? 579 00:43:20,975 --> 00:43:25,230 Might geological catastrophes and meteorological calamities 580 00:43:25,313 --> 00:43:29,401 be the work of unseen, perhaps alien, hands? 581 00:43:29,442 --> 00:43:35,240 For skeptics, the answer is a resounding "No." 582 00:43:35,323 --> 00:43:40,995 But with the end of the Mayan calendar looming in 2012, could 583 00:43:41,037 --> 00:43:47,711 all of our questions about the alien agenda finally be answered? 584 00:43:47,794 --> 00:43:53,591 Perhaps only those of us who survive on that date will ever learn the truth.