1 00:00:02,099 --> 00:00:05,902 Ancient calendars forecasting a deadly countdown. 2 00:00:07,372 --> 00:00:08,404 ED BARNHART: The Maya have this opinion that what's 3 00:00:08,439 --> 00:00:11,272 happened in the past will happen again. 4 00:00:12,576 --> 00:00:14,175 NARRATOR: A galactic alignment, 5 00:00:14,211 --> 00:00:17,877 triggering a wave of natural disasters. 6 00:00:17,982 --> 00:00:19,915 MICHAEL DENNIN: It's like having a whole bunch of massive 7 00:00:19,950 --> 00:00:21,116 earthquakes at the same time. 8 00:00:21,218 --> 00:00:24,887 NARRATOR: Could our planet really be headed for extinction? 9 00:00:25,389 --> 00:00:29,224 LOGAN HAWKES: These changes could be life-changing or they 10 00:00:29,293 --> 00:00:30,493 could be life-ending. 11 00:00:31,128 --> 00:00:35,464 NARRATOR: Or is there another agenda, one even more profound? 12 00:00:35,566 --> 00:00:39,468 PHILIP COPPENS: Each age for the Mayans was clearly defined. 13 00:00:39,570 --> 00:00:42,171 And it was defined by the gods returning. 14 00:00:42,806 --> 00:00:45,774 NARRATOR: Millions of people around the world believe we have 15 00:00:45,809 --> 00:00:50,245 been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. 16 00:00:50,314 --> 00:00:52,414 What if it were true? 17 00:00:52,483 --> 00:00:57,619 Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? 18 00:00:57,655 --> 00:01:02,692 And if so, might evidence of alien contact help to unlock the 19 00:01:02,727 --> 00:01:06,996 mystery behind the Mayan prophecies of doom? 20 00:01:24,568 --> 00:01:27,868 Sync and corrections by bellows www.addic7ed.com 21 00:01:46,869 --> 00:01:50,139 NARRATOR: Mexico, the Yucatan Peninsula. 22 00:01:50,641 --> 00:01:54,843 For over 2,000 years, rain-drenched jungles and 23 00:01:54,878 --> 00:01:58,614 fertile plains served as the home of one of the ancient 24 00:01:58,682 --> 00:02:00,917 world's greatest civilizations. 25 00:02:01,852 --> 00:02:02,953 The Maya. 26 00:02:07,357 --> 00:02:11,827 Scholars estimate that between 250 and 900 A.D., the Mayan 27 00:02:11,862 --> 00:02:16,633 population consisted of between 15 to 20 million people, 28 00:02:17,868 --> 00:02:22,239 and extended as far south as Costa Rica and Guatemala. 29 00:02:24,208 --> 00:02:27,876 Archeological evidence suggests the Maya were one of the first 30 00:02:27,978 --> 00:02:31,880 ancient people to develop a written language, use modern 31 00:02:31,982 --> 00:02:37,886 mathematical methods, and build massive, multi-story celestial 32 00:02:37,988 --> 00:02:39,622 observatories. 33 00:02:40,057 --> 00:02:44,026 All at a time when Europeans were struggling through the 34 00:02:44,061 --> 00:02:46,195 so-called Dark Ages. 35 00:02:49,733 --> 00:02:51,366 SEAN-DAVID MORTON: The Maya are considered one of the great 36 00:02:51,402 --> 00:02:54,569 advanced civilizations with hyper-advanced astronomy, 37 00:02:54,605 --> 00:02:58,073 astronomy, trigonometry, architecture, all of these 38 00:02:58,108 --> 00:03:01,844 things while the Europeans were at the time rolling around in the mud. 39 00:03:02,546 --> 00:03:05,347 NARRATOR: But perhaps the most amazing Mayan achievement 40 00:03:05,449 --> 00:03:09,084 was their system of charting the stars and planets in the form of 41 00:03:09,119 --> 00:03:11,153 a calendar. 42 00:03:14,624 --> 00:03:17,993 HAWKES: The Mayans were timekeepers above and beyond all other things. 43 00:03:18,128 --> 00:03:21,831 Keeping up with time was magic, it was power to the Mayans. 44 00:03:22,633 --> 00:03:26,634 MARK VAN STONE: They were tracking, in particular, Venus, 45 00:03:26,669 --> 00:03:30,939 the phases of the moon, eclipses, but they also tracked 46 00:03:30,974 --> 00:03:34,409 precession, which is an extraordinarily long cycle. 47 00:03:34,411 --> 00:03:42,284 What it means is that every year on, say, March 15, the Pleiades 48 00:03:42,319 --> 00:03:47,155 rise for the first time in the sky. 49 00:03:47,157 --> 00:03:51,960 If you wait 72 years, the day of the rising of the Pleiades will 50 00:03:51,995 --> 00:03:54,463 be one day earlier. 51 00:03:54,498 --> 00:03:57,299 If you wait another 72 years, it'll be a day earlier still. 52 00:03:57,334 --> 00:04:00,802 And if you wait 26,000 years, the Pleiades will move back to 53 00:04:00,838 --> 00:04:01,806 that same day. 54 00:04:04,341 --> 00:04:08,176 NARRATOR: According to scholars, the Maya believed that 55 00:04:08,278 --> 00:04:11,980 time, like the stars, moved in repeating patterns called 56 00:04:12,015 --> 00:04:18,655 calendar cycles and that these cycles could be used to predict future events. 57 00:04:20,457 --> 00:04:23,992 One of these calendar cycles, the Mayan Long Count, lasts for 58 00:04:24,027 --> 00:04:32,300 5,125 years and will end on December 21, 2012. 59 00:04:32,369 --> 00:04:34,136 But why? 60 00:04:34,204 --> 00:04:37,072 Why did the Maya choose this date? 61 00:04:37,207 --> 00:04:41,043 And what did they believe would happen to our world? 62 00:04:41,645 --> 00:04:44,679 Perhaps a clue can be found in an astronomical phenomenon 63 00:04:44,715 --> 00:04:49,684 located at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, an area where 64 00:04:49,720 --> 00:04:52,320 there are no stars. 65 00:04:52,389 --> 00:04:53,655 MORTON: The Mayans knew. 66 00:04:53,724 --> 00:04:56,725 Not only did they know where the center of the galaxy was, but 67 00:04:56,827 --> 00:05:00,195 they understood that it was a light-year-across black hole 68 00:05:00,230 --> 00:05:02,431 that they called the Great Rift. 69 00:05:02,833 --> 00:05:06,034 HAWKES: The Maya believed this was the birth canal of the 70 00:05:06,069 --> 00:05:11,540 universe, and that all things came from the birth canal of the universe. 71 00:05:11,575 --> 00:05:16,711 And on December 21, 2012, the Earth, the sun, and this birth 72 00:05:16,747 --> 00:05:20,048 canal, the Dark Rift, are all in perfect alignment. 73 00:05:20,083 --> 00:05:25,387 And this only happens every 26,000 years. 74 00:05:25,422 --> 00:05:28,523 NARRATOR: Could the fact that the Maya Long Count calendar 75 00:05:28,592 --> 00:05:32,727 ends on the same day as this rare alignment in the Milky Way 76 00:05:32,763 --> 00:05:35,063 Galaxy be a mere coincidence? 77 00:05:35,098 --> 00:05:39,201 And did this advanced understanding of celestial 78 00:05:39,269 --> 00:05:44,072 cycles really come from ancient Mayan astronomers observing the 79 00:05:44,107 --> 00:05:47,444 stars with only their naked eyes? 80 00:05:49,279 --> 00:05:52,914 HAWKES: The Mayans believed that this knowledge came to them 81 00:05:52,950 --> 00:05:56,218 from their gods, and their gods then existed in the stars. 82 00:05:56,286 --> 00:06:01,256 So, is it possible that these gods could have been extraterrestrials? 83 00:06:01,625 --> 00:06:04,927 The answer to that question is yes, it's possible. 84 00:06:06,263 --> 00:06:07,830 GIORGIO TSOUKALOS: According to the Maya 85 00:06:07,899 --> 00:06:10,332 themselves, this knowledge was 86 00:06:10,367 --> 00:06:14,703 not something that they came up with, but it was given to them 87 00:06:14,738 --> 00:06:17,372 as a gift from the gods. 88 00:06:17,774 --> 00:06:20,909 The gift back then was not material stuff. 89 00:06:20,944 --> 00:06:22,810 It was knowledge. 90 00:06:22,846 --> 00:06:27,246 Knowledge is the currency of the universe. 91 00:06:31,387 --> 00:06:34,422 NARRATOR: But even if the information pertaining to the 92 00:06:34,458 --> 00:06:37,425 Long Count calendar comes from an otherworldly or 93 00:06:37,461 --> 00:06:42,331 extraterrestrial source, why 2012? 94 00:06:42,733 --> 00:06:47,304 What is it about this date that has a special significance? 95 00:06:48,539 --> 00:06:52,607 Researchers believe a clue may recently have been found among 96 00:06:52,643 --> 00:06:55,944 the ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Tortuguero. 97 00:06:55,979 --> 00:07:00,115 One that was pieced together from broken fragments of a panel 98 00:07:00,150 --> 00:07:04,252 of hieroglyphs known as Monument Number Six. 99 00:07:04,822 --> 00:07:07,455 BARNHART: In my opinion, the one and only clear 100 00:07:07,491 --> 00:07:13,228 reference to the date in the Long Count that arrives in 2012 101 00:07:13,263 --> 00:07:16,198 is on Tortuguero Monument Six. 102 00:07:16,833 --> 00:07:19,935 COPPENS: Basically, the inscription in Tortuguero 103 00:07:20,003 --> 00:07:23,838 was half destroyed, and everybody assumed that what it 104 00:07:23,941 --> 00:07:27,409 was saying was that the nine gods would return on December 105 00:07:27,444 --> 00:07:31,579 21, 2012, but because there was some destruction on that 106 00:07:31,615 --> 00:07:34,516 inscription, certain things were implied. 107 00:07:35,018 --> 00:07:38,253 NARRATOR: For years, scholars dismissed the evidence 108 00:07:38,288 --> 00:07:42,590 found at the Tortuguero monument as a solitary anomaly without 109 00:07:42,626 --> 00:07:44,626 any special significance. 110 00:07:44,695 --> 00:07:51,166 But on November 24, 2011, the Mexican National Institute of 111 00:07:51,201 --> 00:07:55,170 Archeology and History revealed to the world the existence of a 112 00:07:55,205 --> 00:07:58,473 second artifact. 113 00:07:58,542 --> 00:08:02,344 A sun-dried mud brick that was discovered at the ancient Mayan 114 00:08:02,379 --> 00:08:07,182 city of Comalcalco with an inscription many believe refers 115 00:08:07,217 --> 00:08:14,189 to an exact date, December 21, 2012. 116 00:08:14,224 --> 00:08:17,892 BARNHART: It's one of thousands of mud bricks that 117 00:08:17,995 --> 00:08:19,027 we've found at Comalcalco. 118 00:08:19,062 --> 00:08:22,831 A very few of them have hieroglyphs on them. 119 00:08:22,899 --> 00:08:27,002 One of them has a date inscribed on it, which is very rare, and 120 00:08:27,070 --> 00:08:33,908 it says Four Ahau, Three Konkin, which is the calendar round date 121 00:08:34,011 --> 00:08:36,546 that's gonna occur in 2012. 122 00:08:38,682 --> 00:08:42,217 COPPENS: Well, the Comalcalco brick is important because it is 123 00:08:42,252 --> 00:08:44,886 verification of an inscription in Tortuguero. 124 00:08:44,921 --> 00:08:48,890 The brick has shown that the people who thought that it meant 125 00:08:48,925 --> 00:08:51,928 the nine gods were going to return were right. 126 00:08:53,263 --> 00:08:55,798 NARRATOR: An extraterrestrial visitation? 127 00:08:56,433 --> 00:08:58,867 One which signals the end of the world? 128 00:08:59,102 --> 00:09:03,238 For most archeologists and researchers, the concept is not 129 00:09:03,273 --> 00:09:07,742 just a little far-fetched, they consider it to be more a 130 00:09:07,778 --> 00:09:10,046 curiosity than a prophecy. 131 00:09:11,381 --> 00:09:16,285 But one feature of the brick hieroglyph is not so easy to dismiss. 132 00:09:16,953 --> 00:09:20,722 The inscriptions on the brick were apparently carved on the 133 00:09:20,791 --> 00:09:23,927 inner-facing side, hidden from view. 134 00:09:26,063 --> 00:09:30,098 HAWKES: Why would they write a date on a brick and then turn 135 00:09:30,133 --> 00:09:33,537 it around so no one could see it and put it into the wall? 136 00:09:35,572 --> 00:09:39,107 We can only speculate as to why, but we believe it's because the 137 00:09:39,142 --> 00:09:43,278 ruling king or the priest or whoever commissioned the 138 00:09:43,313 --> 00:09:47,583 building site at Comalcalco didn't want that to be public knowledge. 139 00:09:48,418 --> 00:09:51,654 NARRATOR: Why would the Maya conspire to keep this date secret? 140 00:09:52,589 --> 00:09:54,923 Was it to avoid global panic? 141 00:09:55,325 --> 00:09:58,626 DAVID CHILDRESS: If there is some kind of... (loud boom) 142 00:09:58,662 --> 00:10:02,597 doomsday at the end of the Mayan calendar, it could be a 143 00:10:02,666 --> 00:10:08,403 combination of... of pole shifts... (rumbling) 144 00:10:08,438 --> 00:10:12,174 of volcanoes and earthquakes... 145 00:10:13,009 --> 00:10:16,813 and super tidal waves all over the Earth. 146 00:10:18,815 --> 00:10:23,085 It would be a catastrophic event for the planet. 147 00:10:26,856 --> 00:10:29,657 NARRATOR: Is it really possible, as ancient astronaut 148 00:10:29,693 --> 00:10:34,496 theorists believe, that the Maya actually received detailed 149 00:10:34,531 --> 00:10:37,866 astronomical knowledge from ancient alien visitors? 150 00:10:38,468 --> 00:10:42,637 And could this help explain why their calendar, which accurately 151 00:10:42,706 --> 00:10:47,175 predicts an extraordinary galactic alignment, apparently 152 00:10:47,210 --> 00:10:50,479 ends on December 21, 2012? 153 00:10:51,815 --> 00:10:55,850 Perhaps the answer can be found by examining the doomsday 154 00:10:55,886 --> 00:10:58,921 prophecies of other ancient cultures. 155 00:10:59,556 --> 00:11:03,124 For if the Maya were attempting to warn us of a future 156 00:11:03,160 --> 00:11:09,732 cataclysm, could there be other evidence that they were not alone? 157 00:11:14,070 --> 00:11:17,506 NARRATOR: December 21, 2012. 158 00:11:18,441 --> 00:11:22,243 According to some researchers and scholars, this is the day 159 00:11:22,278 --> 00:11:27,014 when the Mayan calendar suggests the world will come to an end. 160 00:11:27,050 --> 00:11:28,750 (loud boom) 161 00:11:28,785 --> 00:11:32,453 But there is another equally curious aspect to the Mayan 162 00:11:32,522 --> 00:11:37,259 calendar...not when it ends, but when it begins: 163 00:11:38,695 --> 00:11:44,200 More than 3,000 years before the Mayan civilization even existed. 164 00:11:45,702 --> 00:11:49,504 BARNHART: The origin of the Long Count Calendar... why they 165 00:11:49,539 --> 00:11:58,346 created day one to be August 13, 3114 BC, is still a mystery. 166 00:12:00,716 --> 00:12:03,184 It's obviously back-dated. 167 00:12:03,219 --> 00:12:08,289 There were no Maya back then, so why did they backward project 168 00:12:08,324 --> 00:12:10,324 3,000 years into the past? 169 00:12:10,360 --> 00:12:12,994 Based on the things we have learned about the Maya, it 170 00:12:13,062 --> 00:12:15,863 should be something astronomical. 171 00:12:15,899 --> 00:12:19,033 HUGH NEWMAN: One of the ideas about why they back-dated it to 172 00:12:19,068 --> 00:12:25,039 3114 BC is because some kind of cataclysm happened then. 173 00:12:25,074 --> 00:12:28,309 Recent research has discovered an asteroid or multiple 174 00:12:28,344 --> 00:12:31,679 asteroids did hit an area around Austria in Europe. 175 00:12:31,714 --> 00:12:34,849 (loud booming) 176 00:12:34,884 --> 00:12:37,618 And that could have caused a blackout of the sky for several 177 00:12:37,654 --> 00:12:40,988 years, and this is, then, when the calendar began. 178 00:12:41,057 --> 00:12:43,624 MORTON: Scientists at Harvard and Princeton have said that 179 00:12:43,660 --> 00:12:49,330 this massive global worldwide catastrophe... a mass glaciation 180 00:12:49,399 --> 00:12:54,302 of the planet, occurred when this age of the Mayan calendar begins. 181 00:12:54,337 --> 00:12:57,205 This happened not within tens of thousands of years or hundreds 182 00:12:57,240 --> 00:13:00,708 of years, but within weeks, within days, literally. 183 00:13:00,743 --> 00:13:04,045 This took everyone by surprise. 184 00:13:04,080 --> 00:13:07,215 CHILDRESS: According to the Mayans, we are coming to the end 185 00:13:07,250 --> 00:13:09,149 of the fifth age. 186 00:13:09,185 --> 00:13:11,886 There have been four catastrophes before us. 187 00:13:11,921 --> 00:13:16,492 Each one ended up with a destruction of the Earth. 188 00:13:18,394 --> 00:13:23,231 And now we are just coming to the end of the fifth age of the 189 00:13:23,266 --> 00:13:27,535 Mayans, which will end now in December of 2012. 190 00:13:27,570 --> 00:13:30,004 According to the Mayan predictions, this will also end 191 00:13:30,039 --> 00:13:31,873 in a giant catastrophe. 192 00:13:31,941 --> 00:13:34,242 (loud booming) 193 00:13:36,278 --> 00:13:40,316 BARNHART: The Western view of time is very linear. 194 00:13:41,784 --> 00:13:45,455 When we think about... life... 195 00:13:47,390 --> 00:13:52,860 we see it as this linear projection heading out into the future. 196 00:13:53,129 --> 00:13:57,667 For the Maya, they viewed life very cyclically. 197 00:13:59,402 --> 00:14:02,937 NARRATOR: Is it possible the Mayan calendar ends on December 198 00:14:03,006 --> 00:14:08,075 21, 2012 because they expected that the fifth age of man will 199 00:14:08,111 --> 00:14:11,647 end much in the same way as it began? 200 00:14:13,516 --> 00:14:18,019 Were they privy to some ancient knowledge that has been lost in time? 201 00:14:18,688 --> 00:14:23,658 And if so, can proof be found by examining similar doomsday 202 00:14:23,693 --> 00:14:27,062 predictions from other ancient cultures? 203 00:14:31,700 --> 00:14:34,435 MORTON: Egyptian time-coding in the Great Pyramid of Giza is 204 00:14:34,504 --> 00:14:37,071 telling us that there will be a series of water-based 205 00:14:37,106 --> 00:14:40,975 catastrophes between late 2004 through about 2006, and look 206 00:14:41,010 --> 00:14:42,146 what happened. 207 00:14:44,981 --> 00:14:48,051 We have the Asian tsunami, which kills about 250,000 people. 208 00:14:50,186 --> 00:14:51,319 We have Hurricane Katrina. 209 00:14:51,354 --> 00:14:53,754 (thunder crashes) 210 00:14:57,192 --> 00:14:59,961 And then there's actually this trough called the "River of 211 00:15:00,029 --> 00:15:03,631 Fire" which is warning us of some massive cosmic event, maybe 212 00:15:03,700 --> 00:15:06,434 a solar flare or what have you, that then washes humanity back 213 00:15:06,469 --> 00:15:07,570 into this pit. 214 00:15:09,806 --> 00:15:12,640 NARRATOR: In addition to the eerie similarity between the 215 00:15:12,675 --> 00:15:14,876 Mayan and Egyptian prophecies, 216 00:15:15,712 --> 00:15:19,780 researchers have also noticed a connection in the doomsday 217 00:15:19,849 --> 00:15:23,920 predictions of the Hopi Indians of the American Southwest. 218 00:15:25,822 --> 00:15:30,157 YOUNG: The Hopi people of the Native American nations believe 219 00:15:30,193 --> 00:15:33,327 that we are in the fifth age of man and that this is an age of 220 00:15:33,363 --> 00:15:37,150 purification and that it is near the end time. 221 00:15:37,533 --> 00:15:40,434 MORTON: The Hopi believe that unless all the people of the 222 00:15:40,470 --> 00:15:43,604 Earth can come down and live more in harmony with themselves 223 00:15:43,640 --> 00:15:45,640 and with the planet, that there's going to be a great 224 00:15:45,675 --> 00:15:46,774 destruction coming. 225 00:15:46,809 --> 00:15:49,143 (rumbling) 226 00:15:52,481 --> 00:15:55,783 NARRATOR: In India, the ancient Buddhist and Hindu 227 00:15:55,818 --> 00:16:00,488 astronomical manuscript, Surya... Siddhanta, predicts that 228 00:16:00,556 --> 00:16:06,661 mankind will soon reach the end of the Kali Yuga, the final age of man. 229 00:16:07,397 --> 00:16:10,831 YOUNG: The male divinity, Kali, that is referred to in the 230 00:16:10,900 --> 00:16:15,202 End of Days of the Mahabharata, refers to a time of great chaos 231 00:16:15,238 --> 00:16:19,006 and discord, and, depending on how you read the dating in the 232 00:16:19,042 --> 00:16:21,043 script, we are well into it. 233 00:16:26,081 --> 00:16:30,551 NARRATOR: Even the Christian Bible predicts, in great detail, 234 00:16:30,586 --> 00:16:33,354 a horrific, fiery apocalypse. 235 00:16:33,923 --> 00:16:37,491 YOUNG: The Christian writers on the end of time focus on 236 00:16:37,527 --> 00:16:41,228 certain things: that the Jewish people return to the Holy Land 237 00:16:41,264 --> 00:16:45,966 and reclaim it, which happened some years ago; that the nation 238 00:16:46,002 --> 00:16:49,804 thereby established would finally claim Jerusalem, which 239 00:16:49,839 --> 00:16:51,639 has happened some years ago; 240 00:16:51,674 --> 00:16:55,476 That there would be a great expansion of the territory until 241 00:16:55,511 --> 00:16:57,647 it was a very large nation. 242 00:16:59,682 --> 00:17:03,350 Finally, it is the claiming of the temple, which is on Temple 243 00:17:03,386 --> 00:17:06,353 Mount, which is holy in Islam. 244 00:17:06,389 --> 00:17:10,523 But it must be taken and restored to its original condition. 245 00:17:10,593 --> 00:17:13,694 It is that place that the Messiah will actually come to 246 00:17:13,730 --> 00:17:17,763 rule the Earth before the End of Days. 247 00:17:19,035 --> 00:17:22,970 COPPENS: The idea that we are living in end times, not 248 00:17:23,005 --> 00:17:24,638 necessarily the end of the world 249 00:17:24,674 --> 00:17:27,773 but the end of a world, is quite global. 250 00:17:33,215 --> 00:17:36,851 NARRATOR: While most ancient doomsday prophecies only broadly 251 00:17:36,886 --> 00:17:40,689 suggest the timing of the so-called End of Days... 252 00:17:42,225 --> 00:17:46,694 the Maya prediction boldly points to an exact date. 253 00:17:46,929 --> 00:17:51,499 Their Long Count Calendar comes to a decisive end on Friday, 254 00:17:51,534 --> 00:17:57,538 December 21, 2012, a date that many scientists and astronomers 255 00:17:57,573 --> 00:18:01,509 agree will coincide with an extremely rare alignment of 256 00:18:01,544 --> 00:18:04,812 celestial bodies in the Milky Way Galaxy. 257 00:18:05,448 --> 00:18:09,551 But how could the Mayan calendar be so accurate? 258 00:18:10,453 --> 00:18:13,888 BARNHART: It is a true thing to say about the Maya that they 259 00:18:13,956 --> 00:18:18,592 created the most elaborate calendar system of any culture in the world. 260 00:18:18,728 --> 00:18:21,195 They had a solar calendar, but before that, they had the 261 00:18:21,230 --> 00:18:22,730 sacred calendar. 262 00:18:23,232 --> 00:18:27,067 When you look at the ratio between those two, you get 263 00:18:27,103 --> 00:18:33,439 365.2422 days for an actual year. 264 00:18:33,810 --> 00:18:40,047 The atomic clock says that it's 365.2420, but they admit that 265 00:18:40,082 --> 00:18:44,118 at the fourth decimal point, they could be plus or minus 266 00:18:44,153 --> 00:18:45,753 five wrong. 267 00:18:45,788 --> 00:18:48,255 So we're not sure who's more accurate. 268 00:18:48,291 --> 00:18:50,357 Is it the Maya, or is it the atomic clock? 269 00:18:52,662 --> 00:18:55,930 NEWMAN: The sophisticated way the Maya track time is... 270 00:18:55,998 --> 00:18:58,465 is incredible, even by today's standards. 271 00:18:58,501 --> 00:19:00,935 It's almost like they had sophisticated computer technologies 272 00:19:01,003 --> 00:19:03,703 or programs that could somehow run it. 273 00:19:03,773 --> 00:19:06,273 And even today, we're just catching up and trying to 274 00:19:06,342 --> 00:19:09,810 understand how they managed to do such an amazing job way back 275 00:19:09,846 --> 00:19:10,813 in prehistory. 276 00:19:12,515 --> 00:19:16,116 NARRATOR: The third Maya calendar, known as the Long 277 00:19:16,185 --> 00:19:23,923 Count, measured time in cycles of 394 years or 144,000 days. 278 00:19:24,527 --> 00:19:26,126 GERARDO ALDANA: The Long Count is really just like an 279 00:19:26,195 --> 00:19:27,494 odometer in your car. 280 00:19:27,530 --> 00:19:28,662 It just ticks off days. 281 00:19:28,698 --> 00:19:31,498 It counts one, two, three, all the way up to 144,000, which we 282 00:19:31,534 --> 00:19:33,534 call bak'tuns. 283 00:19:33,536 --> 00:19:37,972 NARRATOR: The Maya Long Count calendar also measured time in a 284 00:19:38,007 --> 00:19:44,278 series of 13 bak'tun cycles, totaling 5,125 years. 285 00:19:44,313 --> 00:19:51,185 According to scholars, the dates stretch from August 11, 3114 BC 286 00:19:51,220 --> 00:19:54,321 to December 21, 2012. 287 00:19:54,357 --> 00:19:59,328 And there, inexplicably, it stops. 288 00:20:01,564 --> 00:20:06,533 Why were the Maya tracking celestial events in cycles of 289 00:20:06,569 --> 00:20:08,802 over thousands of years? 290 00:20:08,838 --> 00:20:13,574 Was it simply, as some scholars suggest, because they could? 291 00:20:13,709 --> 00:20:18,545 Or did they, as ancient astronaut theorists believe, 292 00:20:18,581 --> 00:20:22,883 create the calendar as a way of marking time until the return of 293 00:20:22,919 --> 00:20:24,453 otherworldly visitors, 294 00:20:25,488 --> 00:20:29,455 beings that were believed by them to be gods? 295 00:20:30,092 --> 00:20:33,027 COPPENS: Some calendar systems from the Mayans, today, 296 00:20:33,095 --> 00:20:36,864 science has no idea about what they are based on, but we just 297 00:20:36,899 --> 00:20:40,200 know that they exist for a specific reason. 298 00:20:40,269 --> 00:20:43,704 So it is clear that they were given to them by an intelligence 299 00:20:43,773 --> 00:20:46,674 who knew what these calendar rounds represented. 300 00:20:47,109 --> 00:20:54,048 And so, what we are seeing is that the Mayans are working with 301 00:20:54,083 --> 00:20:58,385 tools, technology, calendar systems, which were specifically 302 00:20:58,454 --> 00:21:01,388 engineered because they had been told that when certain 303 00:21:01,457 --> 00:21:03,891 things in the skies looked a certain way, then the gods 304 00:21:03,960 --> 00:21:05,560 would return. 305 00:21:05,962 --> 00:21:09,596 GEORGE NOORY: The Mayans were incredible at what they did. 306 00:21:09,632 --> 00:21:12,499 The big question is: how did they know this? 307 00:21:12,635 --> 00:21:16,704 You have to say to yourself, perhaps civilizations might be 308 00:21:16,739 --> 00:21:20,941 much older than we think and they passed down knowledge 309 00:21:20,977 --> 00:21:25,913 for hundreds and hundreds of thousands of years, or somebody 310 00:21:25,982 --> 00:21:28,849 came down and taught them. 311 00:21:32,454 --> 00:21:36,457 NARRATOR: Did the Maya create the Long Count Calendar to warn 312 00:21:36,492 --> 00:21:38,627 us of a deadly cataclysm? 313 00:21:39,762 --> 00:21:44,631 Or were they simply intending to inform us of the day which will 314 00:21:44,667 --> 00:21:47,101 signal the return of their gods? 315 00:21:47,436 --> 00:21:51,604 But who... or what... were these gods? 316 00:21:52,341 --> 00:21:54,141 And what is their agenda? 317 00:21:54,510 --> 00:21:59,079 According to ancient astronaut theorists, the answer can be 318 00:21:59,115 --> 00:22:01,349 found in the stars. 319 00:22:07,182 --> 00:22:08,717 NARRATOR: Tikal. 320 00:22:09,752 --> 00:22:12,220 Northern Guatemala. 321 00:22:13,056 --> 00:22:16,891 Located within the dense tropical jungles of Central 322 00:22:16,926 --> 00:22:21,662 America, this archaeological site was once one of the great 323 00:22:21,698 --> 00:22:24,433 urban centers of the Mayan civilization. 324 00:22:25,368 --> 00:22:31,505 Here, along the Grand Plaza, the Maya built seven pyramid-shaped 325 00:22:31,541 --> 00:22:35,410 temples aligned to mimic the constellation Pleiades. 326 00:22:36,112 --> 00:22:39,747 HAWKES: They called it the Seven Sisters because it 327 00:22:39,782 --> 00:22:41,917 consisted of seven bright stars. 328 00:22:42,619 --> 00:22:46,554 They also believed that the Pleiades was at the center of 329 00:22:46,623 --> 00:22:51,058 all fixed stars, so when they looked at the Pleiades, they 330 00:22:51,094 --> 00:22:54,996 believed that that may have been the center of all creation, and 331 00:22:55,031 --> 00:22:57,865 they believed that they came from the center of that 332 00:22:57,900 --> 00:23:01,970 creation, or, simply put, they came from Pleiades. 333 00:23:02,505 --> 00:23:05,339 CHILDRESS: Why would the Mayans go through such a 334 00:23:05,408 --> 00:23:11,245 tremendous effort to recreate a mirror image of the stars on the ground? 335 00:23:11,247 --> 00:23:15,182 Why would they do that unless they wanted to contact the 336 00:23:15,251 --> 00:23:19,654 extraterrestrial gods who had originally given them the information? 337 00:23:20,256 --> 00:23:22,924 HAWKES: Pleiades was not only important to the Maya; 338 00:23:22,959 --> 00:23:25,860 It was also important to Native Americans. 339 00:23:26,429 --> 00:23:29,363 The Cherokee, for example, the Hopi, believe that they 340 00:23:29,399 --> 00:23:33,402 descended from star beings that came from the Pleiades star cluster. 341 00:23:34,937 --> 00:23:39,240 NARRATOR: According to scholars, the Maya believed 342 00:23:39,275 --> 00:23:43,044 that powerful gods descended to Earth from the stars, including 343 00:23:43,112 --> 00:23:46,581 a feathered serpent known as Kukulkan. 344 00:23:47,116 --> 00:23:50,918 CHILDRESS: According to Mayan legend, Kukulkan was the winged 345 00:23:50,953 --> 00:23:54,222 serpent, some serpent god who could fly. 346 00:23:54,557 --> 00:23:58,025 COPPENS: Kukulkan, by the Maya, is depicted in a number of ways. 347 00:23:58,294 --> 00:23:59,527 Sometimes he is human. 348 00:23:59,562 --> 00:24:01,028 Sometimes he is a serpent. 349 00:24:01,064 --> 00:24:05,599 Sometimes we see him emanating from a serpent's head. 350 00:24:05,601 --> 00:24:09,704 We know that there is no way that a human being can emerge 351 00:24:09,739 --> 00:24:13,040 from a physical serpent, so the serpent must stand for something 352 00:24:13,076 --> 00:24:15,810 else... either a construction or a device. 353 00:24:16,412 --> 00:24:20,581 Now, because we know Kukulkan is a deity, we also definitely need 354 00:24:20,616 --> 00:24:25,219 to consider that this device is somehow a ship and Kukulkan 355 00:24:25,288 --> 00:24:29,090 emerges from within the confines of the ship to the outside world 356 00:24:29,125 --> 00:24:32,194 and reveals himself as a deity to the people. 357 00:24:35,430 --> 00:24:39,400 HAWKES: Kukulkan was the creator of all life who led the 358 00:24:39,469 --> 00:24:44,438 Maya into an age of scientific advancement, and advancement 359 00:24:44,474 --> 00:24:46,073 of art and architecture. 360 00:24:46,109 --> 00:24:49,777 According to ancient Maya mythology, Kukulkan left the 361 00:24:49,812 --> 00:24:54,448 people and said he would return one day, and many scholars 362 00:24:54,484 --> 00:24:57,752 believe that the ending of the Maya calendar, on December 21 363 00:24:57,820 --> 00:25:02,623 this year, will mark the return of Kukulkan. 364 00:25:10,132 --> 00:25:14,735 NARRATOR: 400 miles north of Tikal, in the ancient Maya city 365 00:25:14,771 --> 00:25:19,974 of Chichen Itza, stands a uniquely designed pyramid, built 366 00:25:20,009 --> 00:25:23,110 by the Maya to honor Kukulkan. 367 00:25:23,112 --> 00:25:27,281 TSOUKALOS: Unlike most of the pyramids all around the world, 368 00:25:27,350 --> 00:25:31,585 the platform pyramid we can find at Chichen Itza is not directed 369 00:25:31,621 --> 00:25:33,621 in a north-south or east-west 370 00:25:33,689 --> 00:25:36,089 direction, but it's a little bit off. 371 00:25:37,026 --> 00:25:40,761 There is a specific reason for that, and that is, during the 372 00:25:40,797 --> 00:25:45,266 spring and fall equinox, a shadow play is cast upon the 373 00:25:45,301 --> 00:25:51,272 side of the pyramid signifying the descent of Kukulkan, the 374 00:25:51,307 --> 00:25:57,111 extraterrestrial descending from the sky, staying a while on 375 00:25:57,180 --> 00:26:01,415 Earth, and then ascending towards the heavens. 376 00:26:01,450 --> 00:26:07,121 What we have here is an example of living mythology. 377 00:26:10,025 --> 00:26:14,161 So my question is: what did they mean when they talked 378 00:26:14,197 --> 00:26:17,932 about this deity that descended from the sky? 379 00:26:18,167 --> 00:26:23,304 NARRATOR: Why was it so important to the Maya to build 380 00:26:23,372 --> 00:26:26,541 such an elaborate temple to honor Kukulkan? 381 00:26:27,677 --> 00:26:30,644 Did they really expect this serpent god to ascend to the 382 00:26:30,713 --> 00:26:34,580 heavens and then descend to Earth? 383 00:26:35,151 --> 00:26:39,420 Or could Kukulkan be something even more incredible? 384 00:26:39,856 --> 00:26:42,557 Something not of this world? 385 00:26:43,693 --> 00:26:46,493 TSOUKALOS: If you look up in the air today, and you watch 386 00:26:46,562 --> 00:26:50,297 a plane, it leaves behind this plume of smoke as it travels 387 00:26:50,333 --> 00:26:56,704 across the sky and you've got the snake's tail wiggling at its backside. 388 00:26:56,739 --> 00:26:59,840 So if you look at it from that perspective, that can be 389 00:26:59,876 --> 00:27:03,210 described as a flying snake. 390 00:27:03,246 --> 00:27:06,881 And in my opinion, that was nothing else but a description 391 00:27:06,916 --> 00:27:10,050 of some type of an extraterrestrial craft that 392 00:27:10,086 --> 00:27:14,855 descended from the sky out of which the gods, lower case "g," 393 00:27:14,891 --> 00:27:18,392 emerged and taught them in various disciplines. 394 00:27:18,694 --> 00:27:20,660 VON DANIKEN: The message is clear. 395 00:27:21,197 --> 00:27:24,198 God Kukulkan descended to the humans. 396 00:27:24,533 --> 00:27:27,301 He was a certain time among the humans. 397 00:27:27,770 --> 00:27:31,872 He was the teacher of the humans and then he disappeared again, 398 00:27:31,908 --> 00:27:36,012 but with the promise to return one day to the humans. 399 00:27:38,114 --> 00:27:41,415 NARRATOR: Is it really possible, as some ancient 400 00:27:41,450 --> 00:27:45,886 astronaut theorists suggest, that Kukulkan was, in fact, 401 00:27:45,922 --> 00:27:50,724 a flying spacecraft, engineered and piloted by 402 00:27:50,760 --> 00:27:52,694 otherworldly visitors? 403 00:27:53,930 --> 00:27:57,865 And, if so, could this explain the frequent depictions of this 404 00:27:57,900 --> 00:28:01,902 ancient Mayan god as having a face appearing out of a 405 00:28:01,938 --> 00:28:07,106 serpent's head, similar to that of a pilot operating a vehicle? 406 00:28:11,146 --> 00:28:14,581 According to researchers, clues to the connection between the 407 00:28:14,650 --> 00:28:18,619 Maya and otherworldly beings can also be found in the Mayan 408 00:28:18,654 --> 00:28:21,587 manuscript known as the Popul Vuh, 409 00:28:21,623 --> 00:28:23,989 meaning "The Book of the People." 410 00:28:24,527 --> 00:28:26,393 It is a collection of the only 411 00:28:26,429 --> 00:28:29,929 known Maya oral histories still surviving. 412 00:28:30,433 --> 00:28:34,635 Translated and written in the mid-16th century, this book 413 00:28:34,670 --> 00:28:39,606 encompasses a range of subjects, including Mayan creation myths. 414 00:28:40,675 --> 00:28:43,143 ED BARNHART: The Popul Vuh begins with nothing. 415 00:28:43,179 --> 00:28:45,679 There's nothing there. 416 00:28:45,681 --> 00:28:48,749 There's a watery surface, but there's no sky. 417 00:28:48,784 --> 00:28:50,417 There's no land. 418 00:28:50,453 --> 00:28:52,952 The gods emerge out of this water. 419 00:28:56,658 --> 00:28:58,559 They begin with nothing. 420 00:28:58,828 --> 00:29:01,227 And the gods decide to make people. 421 00:29:01,664 --> 00:29:05,399 Coming right out of one of the most seemingly inhospitable 422 00:29:05,434 --> 00:29:09,737 places for civilization to sprout, comes this culture, 423 00:29:09,772 --> 00:29:13,474 the Maya, who create this collection of independent 424 00:29:13,509 --> 00:29:16,610 city states and build pyramids. 425 00:29:16,679 --> 00:29:20,414 They develop a written language and a mathematical system. 426 00:29:20,449 --> 00:29:24,451 They grow up into this forest there, reaching populations into 427 00:29:24,520 --> 00:29:26,920 the multimillions. 428 00:29:28,189 --> 00:29:32,292 TSOUKALOS: In the Popol Vuh, it clearly states that life was 429 00:29:32,361 --> 00:29:34,795 brought here by the gods and 430 00:29:34,830 --> 00:29:38,097 that those gods came from outer space. 431 00:29:38,200 --> 00:29:41,635 It doesn't say that they came from inner Earth. 432 00:29:41,704 --> 00:29:44,638 It also doesn't say that they came from another continent or 433 00:29:44,707 --> 00:29:45,806 another land. 434 00:29:46,375 --> 00:29:50,644 But it states specifically that they descended from the sky 435 00:29:50,679 --> 00:29:54,884 and essentially brought knowledge to planet Earth. 436 00:29:57,319 --> 00:29:59,787 PHILIP COPPENS: What you have in the Popol Vuh is very much 437 00:29:59,822 --> 00:30:00,788 like a manual. 438 00:30:01,057 --> 00:30:03,490 It is something that you want to give to the people and say, this 439 00:30:03,559 --> 00:30:08,195 is what we, our ancestors, have decided together with the gods, 440 00:30:08,230 --> 00:30:11,198 and this is really what you should keep in mind for the next 441 00:30:11,233 --> 00:30:15,768 few centuries up until the moment in time when the gods return. 442 00:30:18,007 --> 00:30:19,106 NARRATOR: Is it really possible... 443 00:30:19,141 --> 00:30:21,841 as ancient astronaut theorists believe... 444 00:30:21,844 --> 00:30:26,747 that the Maya god Kukulkan was an extraterrestrial entity? 445 00:30:26,916 --> 00:30:31,019 One that is destined to return one day from the stars? 446 00:30:32,088 --> 00:30:36,356 And, if so, does it suggest that there may be truth to another 447 00:30:36,425 --> 00:30:42,229 Mayan legend, one that predicts that our time on Earth may be 448 00:30:42,264 --> 00:30:44,132 running out? 449 00:30:47,513 --> 00:30:49,580 NARRATOR: Monument Number Six. 450 00:30:50,218 --> 00:30:54,320 On this stone tablet, are carved a series of 451 00:30:54,389 --> 00:30:56,489 ancient Mayan hieroglyphs, 452 00:30:56,824 --> 00:31:00,760 that according to scholars ominously predict a cataclysmic 453 00:31:00,828 --> 00:31:05,430 event on December 21, 2012. 454 00:31:05,532 --> 00:31:09,134 BARNHART: This is a long monument that talks about the 455 00:31:09,170 --> 00:31:12,037 lifetime of a particular king. 456 00:31:12,039 --> 00:31:16,141 But at the end of it, it goes forward into the future, takes 457 00:31:16,177 --> 00:31:22,448 this big leap from the 600s AD up to 2012. 458 00:31:22,483 --> 00:31:27,686 It definitely says Four Ahau, Eight Konkin arriving the 13th 459 00:31:27,722 --> 00:31:30,155 bak'tun or 400-year period. 460 00:31:30,224 --> 00:31:33,692 But then there are only three more glyphs and they are eroded 461 00:31:33,728 --> 00:31:35,494 and broken partially. 462 00:31:35,529 --> 00:31:38,497 NARRATOR: Some scholars believe that the eroded glyphs 463 00:31:38,566 --> 00:31:43,502 on Monument Six suggest Bolon Yokte... a god similar to 464 00:31:43,537 --> 00:31:48,807 Kukulkan... will return at the end of the Mayan calendar. 465 00:31:50,011 --> 00:31:52,845 VON DANIKEN: The Mayan specialists can read it 466 00:31:52,880 --> 00:31:58,448 "will descend from heaven god Bolon Yokte." 467 00:32:00,520 --> 00:32:04,757 Bolon Yokte was one of the Maya gods who was present with the 468 00:32:04,825 --> 00:32:06,525 creation of man. 469 00:32:06,594 --> 00:32:11,196 So they say, "Will descend, god Bolon Yokte." 470 00:32:11,265 --> 00:32:15,901 So some gods, some extraterrestrials, were expected to return. 471 00:32:15,937 --> 00:32:19,538 And definitely, some of the gods will return. 472 00:32:19,573 --> 00:32:22,375 There is absolutely no doubt. 473 00:32:26,712 --> 00:32:28,848 TSOUKALOS: Who was this Bolon Yokte? 474 00:32:28,849 --> 00:32:32,418 According to the documents that have survived, and they're only 475 00:32:32,453 --> 00:32:37,556 fragmentary, he was always described as someone with great 476 00:32:37,625 --> 00:32:41,794 powers, who had the capacity of flight and who had incredible 477 00:32:41,862 --> 00:32:45,164 knowledge about the universe. 478 00:32:46,700 --> 00:32:51,702 BARNHART: The God Bolon Yokte is not a very well understood god. 479 00:32:51,872 --> 00:32:55,107 Sometimes he's associated with texts that talk about the 480 00:32:55,142 --> 00:33:00,245 beginning of creation back in 3114 BC. 481 00:33:00,281 --> 00:33:02,047 And we see him in some context 482 00:33:02,083 --> 00:33:05,116 that seemed to be connected with war. 483 00:33:07,588 --> 00:33:11,090 TSOUKALOS: Bolon Yokte was also described as being very 484 00:33:11,158 --> 00:33:14,660 tall and very shiny, glowing. 485 00:33:15,096 --> 00:33:20,599 Is it possible that what we have here is a description of an ancient alien? 486 00:33:20,634 --> 00:33:23,136 And the answer is yes. 487 00:33:24,171 --> 00:33:27,573 NARRATOR: But while there is much mystery surrounding the 488 00:33:27,608 --> 00:33:31,577 legend of Bolon Yokte, researchers say the ancient 489 00:33:31,612 --> 00:33:35,614 Maya believed this entity had visited their ancestors 490 00:33:35,649 --> 00:33:39,619 before thousands of years in the past. 491 00:33:40,154 --> 00:33:42,855 TSOUKALOS: There is another reference to Bolon Yokte 492 00:33:42,923 --> 00:33:47,593 at Palenque in Temple 14, where it is clearly stated that 493 00:33:47,628 --> 00:33:53,332 Bolon Yokte appeared on Earth over 900,000 years ago. 494 00:33:53,367 --> 00:33:57,870 Why would anyone in their right mind record a date that goes 495 00:33:57,938 --> 00:34:01,274 back over 900,000 years ago? 496 00:34:02,043 --> 00:34:04,276 Well, something happened. 497 00:34:04,311 --> 00:34:06,879 Something very significant. 498 00:34:06,947 --> 00:34:10,516 And according to the ancient texts, that is when Bolon Yokte 499 00:34:10,551 --> 00:34:14,653 descended to Earth from the sky. 500 00:34:19,192 --> 00:34:22,127 NARRATOR: Similar stories suggesting that the Maya were, 501 00:34:22,163 --> 00:34:25,898 in some way, connected to otherworldly beings can be 502 00:34:25,966 --> 00:34:31,070 found in an ancient Maya text known as the Chilam Balam... 503 00:34:31,138 --> 00:34:35,508 a collection of oral histories passed down through the ages. 504 00:34:36,377 --> 00:34:38,877 VON DANIKEN: The Chilam Balam books were written between 505 00:34:38,946 --> 00:34:41,146 the 16th and the 18th centuries, 506 00:34:42,615 --> 00:34:45,485 when the Spanish conquerors were already there. 507 00:34:45,486 --> 00:34:47,553 First, the Spanish arrived. 508 00:34:47,554 --> 00:34:49,820 They found hundreds of Maya writings. 509 00:34:49,857 --> 00:34:51,456 They destroyed them all. 510 00:34:51,525 --> 00:34:54,493 But then some of the priests escaped and they start to write 511 00:34:54,528 --> 00:34:56,595 up their old knowledge. 512 00:34:56,630 --> 00:35:01,834 That's the reason how the Chilam Balam books came to existence. 513 00:35:03,870 --> 00:35:07,306 BARNHART: The name Chilam Balam is actually the name for 514 00:35:07,374 --> 00:35:13,378 a priesthood who were kind of the historians of communities 515 00:35:13,447 --> 00:35:16,548 in the Yucatan. 516 00:35:16,583 --> 00:35:21,184 But we have this collection of books that we call the Chilam Balams. 517 00:35:21,254 --> 00:35:25,556 These are the books in which we find this information about how 518 00:35:25,591 --> 00:35:29,693 the Maya believe that what's happened before will happen again. 519 00:35:30,863 --> 00:35:34,966 In the opinion of the people that write the Chilam Balams, 520 00:35:35,035 --> 00:35:36,834 they believe them to be very accurate. 521 00:35:37,370 --> 00:35:41,639 The Chilam Balam talks about these 20-year periods. 522 00:35:41,674 --> 00:35:42,808 "In this 20-year period, you" 523 00:35:42,843 --> 00:35:45,277 could see it was a bad time for us. 524 00:35:45,312 --> 00:35:47,946 We can expect negative things "to befall us." 525 00:35:47,981 --> 00:35:51,316 And of course, one of the most negative and bad-luck times they 526 00:35:51,385 --> 00:35:54,219 have is the arrival of the Spanish. 527 00:35:54,388 --> 00:35:56,188 And they point to that as, "See? 528 00:35:56,223 --> 00:35:59,658 Clearly in the cycles of time, we could almost predict that 529 00:35:59,726 --> 00:36:03,596 this calamity was bound to "happen to us at this time." 530 00:36:06,799 --> 00:36:11,203 NARRATOR: In the Chilam Bilam it states that the god Bolon 531 00:36:11,238 --> 00:36:15,340 Yokte will someday return and battle the deities of heaven in 532 00:36:15,375 --> 00:36:18,944 an epic war of good versus evil. 533 00:36:19,246 --> 00:36:22,681 COPPENS: Each age for the Mayans was clearly defined, and 534 00:36:22,749 --> 00:36:25,750 it was defined by the gods returning. 535 00:36:25,819 --> 00:36:30,322 And so what we have today, or in the near future, is the imminent 536 00:36:30,357 --> 00:36:34,026 arrival according to the Mayan tradition of these deities. 537 00:36:34,027 --> 00:36:37,329 NARRATOR: This prediction of a final apocalyptic battle 538 00:36:37,364 --> 00:36:41,333 between good and evil as described in the Chilam Bilam, 539 00:36:41,368 --> 00:36:46,337 can also be found in the Christian Bible's book of Revelation. 540 00:36:46,906 --> 00:36:50,041 MORTON: It is interesting that if you look at the last 541 00:36:50,076 --> 00:36:52,744 book of the Bible, it talks about some great war in heaven 542 00:36:52,779 --> 00:36:54,812 between the Archangel Michael and the great dragon. 543 00:36:54,848 --> 00:36:59,450 Is there some last great war in heaven that occurs at 544 00:36:59,519 --> 00:37:00,719 this final age? 545 00:37:01,454 --> 00:37:04,255 NARRATOR: If the Maya prophecy about the return of 546 00:37:04,291 --> 00:37:08,426 Bolon Yokte is true, might there really be a so-called battle 547 00:37:08,461 --> 00:37:10,695 between good and evil? 548 00:37:10,764 --> 00:37:15,033 One that will result in the annihilation of all mankind? 549 00:37:15,968 --> 00:37:18,303 But how? 550 00:37:23,598 --> 00:37:25,332 NARRATOR: Planet Earth. 551 00:37:25,368 --> 00:37:30,004 Although there are many theories about its age and origin, one 552 00:37:30,039 --> 00:37:36,544 fact is certain: our planet is billions of years old. 553 00:37:36,612 --> 00:37:41,882 And mankind's existence on its surface is relatively recent... 554 00:37:41,918 --> 00:37:44,118 and fragile. 555 00:37:44,554 --> 00:37:48,589 Throughout history, the biggest threat to mankind has 556 00:37:48,624 --> 00:37:53,060 come in the form of natural disasters. 557 00:37:53,095 --> 00:37:59,300 But does that mean the world will end on December 21, 2012? 558 00:37:59,669 --> 00:38:03,103 Recent evidence has shown that the ancient Mayans possessed 559 00:38:03,172 --> 00:38:07,575 knowledge about the universe and its fate that we are only 560 00:38:07,610 --> 00:38:09,910 just beginning to understand. 561 00:38:13,148 --> 00:38:15,516 CHILDRESS: According to the Mayans, the world has already 562 00:38:15,585 --> 00:38:20,354 ended four times before this coming cataclysm. 563 00:38:20,423 --> 00:38:25,626 It ended before in, in fire and in ice and in water. 564 00:38:27,529 --> 00:38:32,766 This next cataclysm could be a combination of all that or 565 00:38:32,802 --> 00:38:35,835 even something completely different. 566 00:38:38,639 --> 00:38:41,241 MORTON: Not only did the Mayans know our place in the 567 00:38:41,310 --> 00:38:44,211 universe, but they also knew how old the universe was. 568 00:38:44,246 --> 00:38:48,748 The Mayans put the date of the universe at 16.4 billion years. 569 00:38:48,817 --> 00:38:52,886 Modern science today puts it at about 14 and a half, maybe 15. 570 00:38:52,888 --> 00:38:55,222 And yet the better our technology gets the more we 571 00:38:55,257 --> 00:38:57,493 begin to realize that the Mayans were correct. 572 00:39:00,162 --> 00:39:03,396 NARRATOR: Is it possible then, as the Mayans predicted, 573 00:39:03,465 --> 00:39:06,733 that the Earth and sun will align with a black hole on 574 00:39:06,802 --> 00:39:10,537 December 21, 2012? 575 00:39:10,572 --> 00:39:15,041 And if so, will such a cosmic event have dire consequences 576 00:39:15,077 --> 00:39:17,411 for our world? 577 00:39:17,880 --> 00:39:22,450 MORTON: The Tibetans believe that the sun is a lens... 578 00:39:24,086 --> 00:39:27,988 that it activates and amplifies things behind it or things 579 00:39:28,056 --> 00:39:29,155 coming in front of it. 580 00:39:29,224 --> 00:39:33,093 If that's the case, on December 21, you have an energy that's 581 00:39:33,161 --> 00:39:36,096 coming from the center of the galaxy that comes from 582 00:39:36,164 --> 00:39:38,999 the dark rift that comes comes from the womb of the 583 00:39:39,067 --> 00:39:42,769 galaxy, if you will, that is now gonna be amplified by the sun, 584 00:39:42,804 --> 00:39:47,007 that is going to have some kind of effect on humanity. 585 00:39:49,677 --> 00:39:52,646 NOORY: I think the Mayans had an understanding of 586 00:39:52,681 --> 00:39:54,414 celestial mechanics. 587 00:39:54,449 --> 00:39:58,618 They understood that the sun was going through change. 588 00:39:58,620 --> 00:40:04,792 And so my belief is that something will happen with the sun. 589 00:40:05,627 --> 00:40:07,761 HAWKES: Well, we know from past experience that solar 590 00:40:07,796 --> 00:40:10,230 flares can interfere with electronic equipment. 591 00:40:10,465 --> 00:40:13,433 We could see the power grid go down, for example. 592 00:40:13,468 --> 00:40:17,304 We could see major things change in modern society that 593 00:40:17,306 --> 00:40:19,039 pretty much would cripple us. 594 00:40:19,107 --> 00:40:22,275 But if we're talking about losing that ability for an 595 00:40:22,311 --> 00:40:25,378 extended period of time, I daresay we'd be talking about a 596 00:40:25,447 --> 00:40:28,481 scenario that would result in major changes, and quite 597 00:40:28,550 --> 00:40:31,051 possibly some very ill effects. 598 00:40:34,488 --> 00:40:36,790 NARRATOR: Some researchers speculate that the galactic 599 00:40:36,825 --> 00:40:41,027 alignment might change or even reverse how the Earth spins on 600 00:40:41,063 --> 00:40:45,432 its axis by altering its magnetic field. 601 00:40:45,467 --> 00:40:48,435 MICHAEL DENNIN: A sign of the magnetic field changing quickly 602 00:40:48,470 --> 00:40:51,538 would mean something has to happen dramatically to the 603 00:40:51,607 --> 00:40:54,474 angular momentum of the stuff inside the Earth, which might 604 00:40:54,543 --> 00:40:57,611 also mean something happens drastically to the spin of the 605 00:40:57,646 --> 00:40:59,012 Earth itself. 606 00:40:59,047 --> 00:41:02,616 And once you change the rotation of the Earth, you do have a 607 00:41:02,651 --> 00:41:04,852 chance of causing huge effects. 608 00:41:05,554 --> 00:41:07,020 It's like having a whole bunch 609 00:41:07,055 --> 00:41:08,955 of massive earthquakes at the same time. 610 00:41:09,825 --> 00:41:12,792 HAWKES: We talk about a magnitude seven or a magnitude 611 00:41:12,828 --> 00:41:15,328 eight or a magnitude nine earthquake as being destructive 612 00:41:15,397 --> 00:41:17,464 beyond imagination. 613 00:41:17,499 --> 00:41:22,135 But what would a magnitude 12 or a magnitude 20 earthquake do? 614 00:41:22,170 --> 00:41:27,807 Could it replace the land with the sea and the sea with the land? 615 00:41:27,843 --> 00:41:30,910 We're talking about events that we've never experienced before. 616 00:41:30,979 --> 00:41:34,514 So some of these changes that people are talking about that 617 00:41:34,583 --> 00:41:38,151 could occur could be life changing or they could be 618 00:41:38,186 --> 00:41:40,186 life-ending. 619 00:41:44,492 --> 00:41:46,826 NARRATOR: Will the Earth really be affected by some 620 00:41:46,862 --> 00:41:50,630 strange, powerful astronomical alignment? 621 00:41:50,999 --> 00:41:55,201 One that will have profound consequences for all of us? 622 00:41:55,270 --> 00:42:00,073 And if so, might those consequences come in the form of 623 00:42:00,108 --> 00:42:03,076 death and destruction? 624 00:42:03,111 --> 00:42:07,781 Or might there be another, perhaps more positive outcome? 625 00:42:10,117 --> 00:42:13,853 CHILDRESS: The end of the Mayan Long Count could mean some 626 00:42:13,889 --> 00:42:15,689 doomsday for planet Earth. 627 00:42:15,724 --> 00:42:18,892 Or on the other hand, perhaps it is the return of the 628 00:42:18,960 --> 00:42:22,262 extraterrestrial gods as the Mayans believed. 629 00:42:22,631 --> 00:42:27,634 It's hard to know the future, what's gonna happen at 630 00:42:27,703 --> 00:42:29,202 the end of 2012. 631 00:42:29,237 --> 00:42:33,206 But it seems that perhaps the Mayans had some glimpse into the 632 00:42:33,241 --> 00:42:36,543 future that we have yet to find out. 633 00:42:40,314 --> 00:42:43,817 COPPENS: We are living in a time, specifically a culture, 634 00:42:43,885 --> 00:42:47,287 which really doesn't address the ancient alien theory that we 635 00:42:47,322 --> 00:42:48,388 are not alone. 636 00:42:48,423 --> 00:42:51,491 It is indeed gonna come for a global village as a complete 637 00:42:51,560 --> 00:42:53,993 revelation that we are not alone. 638 00:42:54,062 --> 00:42:57,163 And that is really, I think, a gift from the Mayans when it 639 00:42:57,232 --> 00:42:59,100 comes to 2012. 640 00:43:00,335 --> 00:43:03,169 TSOUKALOS: It is absolutely correct that a calendar round 641 00:43:03,238 --> 00:43:09,340 is about to end, but that does not signify the end of the world. 642 00:43:09,444 --> 00:43:13,012 In fact, the only thing it signifies is the beginning of 643 00:43:13,081 --> 00:43:19,686 another calendar round of another period in time. 644 00:43:22,456 --> 00:43:27,427 NARRATOR: Could the Mayan doomsday prophesies really come true? 645 00:43:27,462 --> 00:43:32,932 Will December 21, 2012 signal the end of civilization 646 00:43:32,968 --> 00:43:34,301 as we know it? 647 00:43:35,370 --> 00:43:39,272 Or are the dire predictions nothing more than a myth? 648 00:43:39,307 --> 00:43:43,778 A misinterpretation of an even greater truth? 649 00:43:45,313 --> 00:43:48,815 Perhaps what awaits us is not the end of our world, 650 00:43:48,884 --> 00:43:51,450 but a new beginning. 651 00:43:51,451 --> 00:43:56,550 One that will reveal the celestial origins of man. 652 00:43:56,551 --> 00:43:58,451 Sync and corrections by bellows www.addic7ed.com