1 00:00:02.795 --> 00:00:05.381 [ Man Narrating ] Stories of immortality. 2 00:00:05.465 --> 00:00:09.260 When he arose, it would be a body that would never die again. 3 00:00:10.940 --> 00:00:13.348 The dead rising from their graves. 4 00:00:13.431 --> 00:00:16.267 You can say that to a certain extent, zombies are real. 5 00:00:16.351 --> 00:00:20.438 And first-person accounts of the afterlife. 6 00:00:21.523 --> 00:00:25.276 The ancient Egyptians had a very deep, soul technology. 7 00:00:26.152 --> 00:00:30.573 Throughout history, there are tales of miraculous resurrections... 8 00:00:31.533 --> 00:00:35.453 but are there people who have really returned from the dead? 9 00:00:35.537 --> 00:00:41.501 And if so, might they have had help from extraterrestrial beings? 10 00:00:41.584 --> 00:00:46.470 If you want to think of the technology that extraterrestrials might have... 11 00:00:46.130 --> 00:00:50.593 they could have the ability to resurrect the dead, if need be. 12 00:00:51.636 --> 00:00:56.224 Millions of people around the world believe we have been visited in the past... 13 00:00:56.307 --> 00:00:58.268 by extraterrestrial beings. 14 00:00:58.351 --> 00:01:00.895 What if it were true? 15 00:01:01.854 --> 00:01:06.109 Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? 16 00:01:07.151 --> 00:01:12.156 And if so, might they hold the secret to resurrection? 17 00:01:44.856 --> 00:01:46.608 [ Narrator] Phoenix, Arizona... 18 00:01:47.358 --> 00:01:48.860 1991. 19 00:01:50.945 --> 00:01:54.949 Singer/songwriter Pam Reynolds is being rushed into surgery... 20 00:01:55.330 --> 00:01:58.411 to repair a bulging arterial wall in her brain stem... 21 00:01:58.494 --> 00:02:02.540 that is about to burst and kill her instantly. 22 00:02:04.125 --> 00:02:05.960 [Beeping] 23 00:02:06.440 --> 00:02:11.799 The surgical team of 20 decides there is only one course of action: 24 00:02:11.883 --> 00:02:16.137 In order to save her life, they must first end it. 25 00:02:16.220 --> 00:02:18.970 [Continuous Beeping] 26 00:02:19.766 --> 00:02:24.812 Pam Reynolds had a massive aneurysm ready to essentially rupture at any moment... 27 00:02:26.105 --> 00:02:29.670 and so physicians needed to reduce the pressure in those vessels... 28 00:02:29.150 --> 00:02:30.902 so that they could work on them. 29 00:02:30.985 --> 00:02:35.657 So they took blood out of her body and cooled it slowly, so recirculating. 30 00:02:36.324 --> 00:02:39.452 What that does is, it sort of tricks the body's cells... 31 00:02:39.535 --> 00:02:43.873 into slowing down their metabolism and not realizing that they're lacking oxygen... 32 00:02:44.499 --> 00:02:48.419 which, of course, buys physicians and emergency workers some time... 33 00:02:48.503 --> 00:02:52.632 to go in and repair the person's body while they're in a sort of hyper-cooled state... 34 00:02:52.715 --> 00:02:55.930 where they're essentially not alive. 35 00:02:56.100 --> 00:03:00.306 [ Narrator ] For nearly an hour, Pam Reynolds lies on the operating table... 36 00:03:00.390 --> 00:03:03.935 with her heart stopped, no blood pumping through her body... 37 00:03:04.180 --> 00:03:07.271 and no brain-wave activity at all. 38 00:03:07.355 --> 00:03:10.149 According to the traditional medical definition... 39 00:03:10.233 --> 00:03:12.193 she is dead. 40 00:03:13.444 --> 00:03:18.574 Five hours later, when doctors successfully finished their groundbreaking surgery... 41 00:03:18.658 --> 00:03:22.912 they slowly pump warm blood back into Reynolds's body. 42 00:03:22.995 --> 00:03:25.540 Her heart starts to beat again... 43 00:03:25.623 --> 00:03:28.584 and her brain stem begins responding to stimuli. 44 00:03:30.378 --> 00:03:34.757 But when she regains consciousness, Reynolds tells a shocking story... 45 00:03:34.841 --> 00:03:38.678 about a journey she says she made into the afterlife. 46 00:03:42.890 --> 00:03:47.603 She remembers mingling with deceased relatives and angelic beings... 47 00:03:47.687 --> 00:03:49.647 in a celestial netherworld- 48 00:03:51.650 --> 00:03:57.113 a transcendent experience that ended only when doctors revived her. 49 00:03:57.905 --> 00:04:00.742 Pam Reynolds's case, and other cases of resuscitation... 50 00:04:00.825 --> 00:04:03.703 sort of call into question what it means to be alive. 51 00:04:05.747 --> 00:04:08.249 They were sort of introducing new technologies... 52 00:04:08.332 --> 00:04:11.919 that were, I think, a little more of the distinction of what does it mean to be dead. 53 00:04:12.300 --> 00:04:13.296 [Monitor Beeping] 54 00:04:13.379 --> 00:04:16.841 If you want to use the term “resurrection,” I think it could be applied in that case. 55 00:04:18.926 --> 00:04:21.429 [ Narrator] Does the resurrection of Pam Reynolds... 56 00:04:21.512 --> 00:04:26.170 reveal evidence that human consciousness can exist beyond death? 57 00:04:27.268 --> 00:04:34.250 If so, could this mean that within each of us there really is such a thing as an immortal soul... 58 00:04:34.108 --> 00:04:37.487 and might it even be identifiable by science? 59 00:04:39.113 --> 00:04:42.325 Two prestigious scientists have developed a theory... 60 00:04:42.408 --> 00:04:46.496 that describes exactly how consciousness could continue to exist... 61 00:04:46.579 --> 00:04:48.790 after the brain has ceased to function. 62 00:04:49.749 --> 00:04:51.834 Oxford University's Roger Penrose... 63 00:04:51.918 --> 00:04:55.505 and Stewart Hameroff from the University of Arizona... 64 00:04:55.588 --> 00:04:59.300 believe that quantum particles in the brain and nervous system... 65 00:04:59.383 --> 00:05:02.637 could comprise what we call consciousness. 66 00:05:03.763 --> 00:05:06.933 The theory is that there may actually be... 67 00:05:07.160 --> 00:05:09.685 a real physical structure in your brain. 68 00:05:09.769 --> 00:05:11.646 They're called microtubules... 69 00:05:11.729 --> 00:05:13.815 and they're small enough... 70 00:05:13.898 --> 00:05:18.820 that all the weird quantum mechanical effects can occur. 71 00:05:18.903 --> 00:05:24.242 These quantum mechanical effects may be what gives rise to consciousness. 72 00:05:25.576 --> 00:05:31.332 But even after you died, that information isn't lost. 73 00:05:31.415 --> 00:05:36.450 It still continues as a quantum mechanical state... 74 00:05:36.128 --> 00:05:40.700 and that may be what is giving rise to consciousness. 75 00:05:42.844 --> 00:05:45.680 [ Narrator] If Penrose and Hameroff are correct... 76 00:05:45.763 --> 00:05:49.976 and our consciousness can exist after our physical body dies... 77 00:05:50.590 --> 00:05:54.355 does this explain why near-death experiences like Pam Reynolds's... 78 00:05:54.438 --> 00:05:58.109 are reported by millions of people around the world? 79 00:05:59.527 --> 00:06:03.948 They have, usually, a feeling of peacefulness, positive emotions. 80 00:06:04.310 --> 00:06:06.284 They feel like they're leaving their body. 81 00:06:06.367 --> 00:06:10.872 They sometimes see sort of a tunnel with a light at the end. 82 00:06:11.539 --> 00:06:14.750 They sometimes feel one with the universe. 83 00:06:14.834 --> 00:06:18.963 They sometimes see relatives who have passed away. 84 00:06:19.460 --> 00:06:22.490 So it's a common, universal experience that happens to people... 85 00:06:22.133 --> 00:06:24.635 who are either near or close to death... 86 00:06:24.719 --> 00:06:26.512 or even technically dead. 87 00:06:30.570 --> 00:06:32.935 [ Narrator] Some physicians believe near-death experiences... 88 00:06:33.190 --> 00:06:39.660 could be triggered by hypoxia, a lack of oxygen in the brain that can cause visions. 89 00:06:40.401 --> 00:06:42.778 But other researchers disagree. 90 00:06:42.862 --> 00:06:45.948 They point out that those who have these experiences... 91 00:06:46.320 --> 00:06:49.535 see events occurring around them that are later confirmed to have happened... 92 00:06:49.619 --> 00:06:52.747 and that their perceptions are not dulled in a way... 93 00:06:52.830 --> 00:06:55.750 that would be consistent with a dying brain. 94 00:06:57.376 --> 00:06:59.295 Perhaps even more significant... 95 00:06:59.378 --> 00:07:02.506 a recent study found that the near-death experience... 96 00:07:02.590 --> 00:07:06.177 was remarkably similar across the ancient world. 97 00:07:07.428 --> 00:07:10.140 Professor Gregory Shushan at Oxford University... 98 00:07:10.970 --> 00:07:12.767 has found that in some of the great, early cultures- 99 00:07:12.850 --> 00:07:15.186 ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia... 100 00:07:15.269 --> 00:07:19.565 Vedic India, pre-Buddhist China, pre-Colombian Mesoamerica- 101 00:07:19.649 --> 00:07:23.110 that there are similar reports of near-death experience... 102 00:07:23.194 --> 00:07:26.113 that certain details keep cropping up- 103 00:07:26.197 --> 00:07:28.574 that the person in this experience... 104 00:07:28.658 --> 00:07:30.576 encounters beings of light... 105 00:07:30.660 --> 00:07:34.538 even though the belief systems about death... 106 00:07:34.622 --> 00:07:36.749 were very different in these cultures. 107 00:07:36.832 --> 00:07:41.545 This suggests that there might be something about the mystical experience at death... 108 00:07:41.629 --> 00:07:45.800 that is stronger than the cultural stories that hold it. 109 00:07:47.635 --> 00:07:50.596 [ Narrator] But why are accounts of near-death experiences... 110 00:07:50.680 --> 00:07:54.517 so similar across so many different cultures? 111 00:07:55.590 --> 00:07:59.814 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest that the answer may lie with the fact... 112 00:07:59.897 --> 00:08:04.260 that these beings of light encountered in many near-death experiences... 113 00:08:04.110 --> 00:08:08.781 are remarkably similar to the descriptions of extraterrestrials... 114 00:08:08.864 --> 00:08:11.450 in alien abduction reports. 115 00:08:13.160 --> 00:08:15.746 Could these two types of ethereal entities... 116 00:08:15.830 --> 00:08:17.873 actually be the same? 117 00:08:18.916 --> 00:08:22.440 [Man ] The common ground is the tunnel of bright white light... 118 00:08:23.421 --> 00:08:26.700 and beings wearing shiny garments... 119 00:08:26.900 --> 00:08:28.259 or bright white garments of light... 120 00:08:28.342 --> 00:08:31.120 that either stand before that gateway... 121 00:08:31.950 --> 00:08:33.347 or are actually in it. 122 00:08:33.431 --> 00:08:36.559 And you have to wonder, is it possible that in reality... 123 00:08:36.642 --> 00:08:40.271 the afterlife is just another dimension or another plane of existence... 124 00:08:40.354 --> 00:08:44.650 that is inhabited, that's navigable and is accessible... 125 00:08:44.734 --> 00:08:46.944 not only by those in the afterlife realm... 126 00:08:47.280 --> 00:08:50.740 but also by living extraterrestrial beings. 127 00:08:51.782 --> 00:08:56.120 I think that both near-death experiences and abduction experiences... 128 00:08:56.203 --> 00:08:59.540 are coordinated by the same higher reality. 129 00:09:01.709 --> 00:09:07.890 [ Narrator] Is it possible that extraterrestrials hold the secret behind resurrection? 130 00:09:08.490 --> 00:09:10.801 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes... 131 00:09:10.885 --> 00:09:13.596 and claim further evidence can be found... 132 00:09:13.679 --> 00:09:17.580 by exploring resurrection stories from antiquity. 133 00:09:20.644 --> 00:09:22.521 The Kingdom of Israel... 134 00:09:22.605 --> 00:09:24.815 the ninth century BC. 135 00:09:25.900 --> 00:09:29.195 In the Hebrew Bible, Elijah is portrayed... 136 00:09:29.278 --> 00:09:32.323 as a great prophet and a powerful warrior... 137 00:09:32.406 --> 00:09:35.340 who slaughters the followers of the god Baal... 138 00:09:36.160 --> 00:09:39.955 yet he is perhaps best known not for putting people to death... 139 00:09:40.390 --> 00:09:43.167 but for bringing them back to life. 140 00:09:44.850 --> 00:09:47.421 In the biblical book I Kings, chapter 17 we actually have the story... 141 00:09:47.505 --> 00:09:49.900 of the prophet Elijah... 142 00:09:49.173 --> 00:09:52.676 who takes a widow's son who had died... 143 00:09:52.760 --> 00:09:56.764 and lays on him three times and then prays to God... 144 00:09:56.847 --> 00:09:59.100 and the son comes back to life. 145 00:10:01.310 --> 00:10:03.521 Was this a miracle from the hand of God? 146 00:10:03.604 --> 00:10:08.484 Was there some kind of a medical involvement here? 147 00:10:09.610 --> 00:10:13.280 There was some clear physical intervention... 148 00:10:13.364 --> 00:10:15.199 on behalf of Elijah. 149 00:10:15.282 --> 00:10:17.618 That's all this text tells us. 150 00:10:17.701 --> 00:10:22.957 But we know that Elijah was a great mystic and esotericist. 151 00:10:23.400 --> 00:10:28.379 He possessed a power cloak, called his pala-garment, which means “power garment.” 152 00:10:28.462 --> 00:10:30.756 He ultimately ascended into the heavens... 153 00:10:30.840 --> 00:10:33.509 in a whirlwind like a spacecraft while wearing this... 154 00:10:33.592 --> 00:10:38.556 so you have to ask, is there some kind of otherworldly or extraterrestrial technology... 155 00:10:38.639 --> 00:10:41.433 that Elijah had access to? 156 00:10:44.520 --> 00:10:47.356 [ Narrator] Ancient astronaut theorists point out... 157 00:10:47.439 --> 00:10:51.277 that similar resurrections occur in religions around the world... 158 00:10:52.319 --> 00:10:54.488 from the Hindu god Krishna... 159 00:10:54.572 --> 00:10:58.242 to the Aztec deity Quetzalcóatl. 160 00:10:58.325 --> 00:11:03.205 They believe these gods may, in fact, have been extraterrestrial beings... 161 00:11:03.289 --> 00:11:05.666 sent to Earth on a mission. 162 00:11:07.585 --> 00:11:10.337 When you read the stories of the celestials or extraterrestrials... 163 00:11:10.421 --> 00:11:11.881 that came in the ancient past... 164 00:11:11.964 --> 00:11:14.842 they were always delivering these forbidden teachings... 165 00:11:14.925 --> 00:11:19.680 about crossing that boundary into a beautiful and glorious realm... 166 00:11:19.763 --> 00:11:21.932 and one of their purposes in coming here... 167 00:11:22.160 --> 00:11:25.603 is to teach us how to cross over that boundary. 168 00:11:28.105 --> 00:11:32.860 [ Narrator] Is it possible that some ancient accounts of gods rising from the dead... 169 00:11:32.943 --> 00:11:35.613 are not actually divine events... 170 00:11:35.696 --> 00:11:39.992 but rather examples of extraterrestrial technology? 171 00:11:40.826 --> 00:11:44.371 And if so, are there stories in which ancient cultures... 172 00:11:44.455 --> 00:11:47.208 regularly performed resurrections? 173 00:11:48.000 --> 00:11:51.295 Ancient astronaut theorists believe astounding answers... 174 00:11:51.378 --> 00:11:54.840 can be found buried in the Sahara Desert. 175 00:12:02.556 --> 00:12:06.310 Low Earth orbit, September 2007. 176 00:12:08.229 --> 00:12:12.149 An experiment aboard a Russian Photon-M3 spaceship... 177 00:12:12.233 --> 00:12:17.290 is trying to determine how resurrection works in the natural world. 178 00:12:18.489 --> 00:12:23.535 It contains dozens of microscopic animals, called “tardigrades”... 179 00:12:23.619 --> 00:12:26.800 The tardigrades are a class of organisms... 180 00:12:26.163 --> 00:12:29.458 that we refer to as “extremophiles,” meaning they can withstand... 181 00:12:29.541 --> 00:12:32.503 extreme stresses that would kill most organisms. 182 00:12:32.586 --> 00:12:37.910 [ Narrator] On Earth, tardigrades are almost impossible to kill. 183 00:12:37.174 --> 00:12:39.969 They can survive temperatures far above boiling... 184 00:12:40.520 --> 00:12:41.845 and far below freezing... 185 00:12:41.929 --> 00:12:44.765 by shedding almost all water in their cells. 186 00:12:45.849 --> 00:12:48.185 The tardigrade is a really interesting creature... 187 00:12:48.269 --> 00:12:51.605 and it's actually evolved to have this amazing ability... 188 00:12:51.689 --> 00:12:55.234 to go into these deep states of what you might call hibernation. 189 00:12:55.317 --> 00:12:58.195 They're able to survive in really harsh conditions... 190 00:12:58.279 --> 00:13:02.616 but there's still metabolism going on, just very, very slowed down. 191 00:13:04.535 --> 00:13:06.161 [ Narrator] On this mission... 192 00:13:06.245 --> 00:13:11.709 scientists want to see if they can survive long blasts of solar radiation... 193 00:13:11.792 --> 00:13:15.671 so they're placed outside the capsule for 12 days. 194 00:13:16.297 --> 00:13:19.883 They become inert, but are they actually dead? 195 00:13:19.967 --> 00:13:22.636 [Fisher ] They were brought back to Earth, hydrated. 196 00:13:22.720 --> 00:13:26.515 We think they also have a really good, very efficient DNA repair mechanism... 197 00:13:26.598 --> 00:13:29.935 because they essentially come back to life, often rather rapidly. 198 00:13:30.190 --> 00:13:32.354 Scientists do refer to that as a resurrection. 199 00:13:35.733 --> 00:13:39.570 [ Narrator ] There's a curious parallel to the tardigrade in the ancient world- 200 00:13:40.321 --> 00:13:43.615 a dead creature that was preserved by removing all liquids... 201 00:13:43.699 --> 00:13:45.784 while it awaited resurrection: 202 00:13:47.770 --> 00:13:49.538 Egyptian mummies. 203 00:13:49.621 --> 00:13:51.665 In preparation for the afterlife... 204 00:13:51.749 --> 00:13:54.752 the ancients removed all blood, water and organs... 205 00:13:54.835 --> 00:13:56.962 from a body they planned to mummify. 206 00:13:58.422 --> 00:14:00.924 In order to preserve a body... 207 00:14:01.800 --> 00:14:05.512 you cannot leave organs in the body that are going to rot the body... 208 00:14:06.550 --> 00:14:08.807 and the Egyptians learned that very quickly. 209 00:14:08.891 --> 00:14:11.685 And they knew which organs had to be removed... 210 00:14:11.769 --> 00:14:14.688 and that the blood had to be drained from the body... 211 00:14:14.772 --> 00:14:19.109 to preserve the body for potential resurrection. 212 00:14:24.198 --> 00:14:26.742 [ Narrator ] If the body was properly prepared... 213 00:14:26.825 --> 00:14:31.205 the Egyptians believed its soul would start its long and arduous journey... 214 00:14:31.288 --> 00:14:32.873 into the afterlife. 215 00:14:33.874 --> 00:14:35.376 There were a lot of rules. 216 00:14:35.459 --> 00:14:39.338 There was a lot of very specific navigation that needed to take place... 217 00:14:39.421 --> 00:14:44.385 in order to get your soul from death into this afterlife. 218 00:14:45.511 --> 00:14:50.570 Sometimes these rules were so difficult that they would be written down... 219 00:14:50.140 --> 00:14:54.686 and oftentimes we find them written on the insides of the tops of coffins. 220 00:14:55.562 --> 00:14:59.566 [ Henry] At Saqqara is where we find the Pyramid Texts... 221 00:14:59.650 --> 00:15:02.694 some of the oldest religious texts in the world. 222 00:15:02.778 --> 00:15:08.283 They're devoted to the concept of how to not only preserve the human body... 223 00:15:08.367 --> 00:15:11.995 but to prepare the soul for journeying into the stars. 224 00:15:13.122 --> 00:15:16.410 The ancient Egyptians made it clear that they were in contact... 225 00:15:16.125 --> 00:15:18.836 with extraterrestrial civilizations... 226 00:15:18.919 --> 00:15:22.965 and in particular, one god, Ptah, came from Sirius. 227 00:15:23.480 --> 00:15:26.552 Now, Ptah is also the god, the ancient Egyptians said... 228 00:15:26.635 --> 00:15:30.597 who crafted, or fashioned, the human body. 229 00:15:30.681 --> 00:15:33.183 He is also the god of technology. 230 00:15:33.892 --> 00:15:35.436 So when you put all this together... 231 00:15:35.519 --> 00:15:39.273 it sure sounds like Ptah taught the ancient Egyptians... 232 00:15:39.356 --> 00:15:41.900 how to resurrect the body... 233 00:15:41.984 --> 00:15:43.485 and travel the cosmos. 234 00:15:46.572 --> 00:15:50.242 [ Narrator] Is it possible, as ancient astronaut theorists suggest... 235 00:15:50.325 --> 00:15:53.912 that the Egyptians' complex beliefs about resurrection... 236 00:15:53.996 --> 00:15:56.373 came from the extraterrestrial beings... 237 00:15:56.457 --> 00:16:00.794 that they believed had visited their civilization in the past? 238 00:16:00.878 --> 00:16:03.213 It's very possible that when we look at the Egyptians... 239 00:16:03.297 --> 00:16:06.717 performing their very intricate mummification process... 240 00:16:06.800 --> 00:16:08.886 this is something that they might have witnessed. 241 00:16:08.969 --> 00:16:12.973 Maybe they didn't fully understand the process of what made it possible... 242 00:16:13.560 --> 00:16:15.642 but they would do their best to mimic it... 243 00:16:15.726 --> 00:16:19.146 and that's exactly what we see with mummification. 244 00:16:19.980 --> 00:16:24.151 [ Narrator] But if the Egyptians believed the soul traveled through the cosmos... 245 00:16:24.234 --> 00:16:27.696 why did they make such an effort to preserve the corpse? 246 00:16:28.989 --> 00:16:31.742 According to their texts, the ancient Egyptians... 247 00:16:31.825 --> 00:16:35.120 believed the soul was made up of five parts. 248 00:16:35.787 --> 00:16:40.667 The two most important were the “ba ” and “ka. ” 249 00:16:41.710 --> 00:16:44.588 The Ba journeyed into the afterlife... 250 00:16:44.671 --> 00:16:47.900 while the ka remained in the body. 251 00:16:47.174 --> 00:16:50.219 The proper preparation of a corpse during burial... 252 00:16:50.302 --> 00:16:53.550 was essential to success in the afterlife. 253 00:16:54.181 --> 00:17:00.187 That is, the ka needed a properly prepared body in which to dwell... 254 00:17:00.270 --> 00:17:04.816 and if that body, if that vessel, isn't properly maintained... 255 00:17:04.900 --> 00:17:08.529 that person could die a second death in the afterlife. 256 00:17:09.363 --> 00:17:11.615 [ Narrator] Most scholars say the Egyptians believed... 257 00:17:11.698 --> 00:17:16.578 resurrection involved the soul being born again in the afterlife... 258 00:17:16.662 --> 00:17:19.665 rather than being physically resurrected on Earth. 259 00:17:21.410 --> 00:17:26.380 The ultimate objective was for the Ba to unite with its twin... 260 00:17:26.463 --> 00:17:28.298 or “ka” as they called it... 261 00:17:28.382 --> 00:17:32.135 and form a third entity that they called the “Akh”- 262 00:17:33.595 --> 00:17:36.265 the shining one, the shining being... 263 00:17:36.348 --> 00:17:40.727 that was then capable of traveling the stars as a celestial being. 264 00:17:41.395 --> 00:17:43.897 So this is suggesting that the ancient Egyptians... 265 00:17:43.981 --> 00:17:49.690 had a very deep soul technology or a way of transforming the soul... 266 00:17:49.152 --> 00:17:51.738 certainly prying it out of the body... 267 00:17:51.822 --> 00:17:54.199 uniting it with its twin self... 268 00:17:54.283 --> 00:17:56.618 and creating a light-being form. 269 00:17:57.744 --> 00:18:00.163 [ Narrator] But could it be that the Egyptians believed... 270 00:18:00.247 --> 00:18:03.500 that the part of the soul that remained within the body... 271 00:18:03.584 --> 00:18:05.877 could be resurrected as well? 272 00:18:06.587 --> 00:18:10.841 Might this be why they went to such great lengths to preserve the body- 273 00:18:10.924 --> 00:18:13.930 because they believed there would be a time... 274 00:18:13.176 --> 00:18:16.179 when they would be bodily resurrected here on Earth? 275 00:18:18.265 --> 00:18:23.228 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes and suggest further evidence... 276 00:18:23.312 --> 00:18:28.108 that this was knowledge taught to our ancestors by otherworldly visitors... 277 00:18:28.191 --> 00:18:32.779 can be found by examining stories from the African rain forest- 278 00:18:32.863 --> 00:18:36.533 stories of real-life zombies. 279 00:18:43.248 --> 00:18:47.200 The Kingdom of Kongo, 1482. 280 00:18:48.128 --> 00:18:51.480 Portuguese explorer Diogo Cão... 281 00:18:51.131 --> 00:18:54.259 is the first European to sail up the Congo River... 282 00:18:54.343 --> 00:18:57.554 into the heart of this ancient African nation. 283 00:18:58.805 --> 00:19:01.975 Despite the dense rain forest on both sides of the river... 284 00:19:02.590 --> 00:19:06.104 Cão spends months exploring this unknown land... 285 00:19:06.188 --> 00:19:08.315 and meeting its inhabitants. 286 00:19:10.984 --> 00:19:14.154 After he reports his discoveries back home... 287 00:19:14.237 --> 00:19:18.408 the king of Portugal dispatches waves of missionaries to the region. 288 00:19:18.492 --> 00:19:23.288 The goal is to convert tribesmen from their ancient religion of Vodun... 289 00:19:23.372 --> 00:19:25.666 to Catholicism. 290 00:19:27.459 --> 00:19:30.587 You have to remember, this isn't too long after the Crusades... 291 00:19:30.671 --> 00:19:35.842 so Europe had already sort of went right from the Crusades into colonialism... 292 00:19:35.926 --> 00:19:39.429 and one of the big projects was not just to get land and money and slaves- 293 00:19:39.513 --> 00:19:41.140 although that was it- 294 00:19:41.980 --> 00:19:44.643 but also to gain souls, converts, for the Catholic Church. 295 00:19:47.521 --> 00:19:49.356 [ Narrator] Over the next century... 296 00:19:49.439 --> 00:19:53.944 European missionaries had great success turning the Kingdom of Kongo... 297 00:19:54.270 --> 00:19:56.196 into a Catholic land. 298 00:19:57.114 --> 00:20:01.118 Their belief that a sky god created the Earth and its inhabitants... 299 00:20:01.201 --> 00:20:04.790 is changed to the Catholic origin story... 300 00:20:05.706 --> 00:20:08.959 but the locals hold on to some of their beliefs... 301 00:20:09.420 --> 00:20:13.547 including a concept which is also held by the ancient Egyptians- 302 00:20:13.630 --> 00:20:15.966 that people have more than one soul. 303 00:20:16.883 --> 00:20:19.511 We have what's called “the big soul” and “the little soul”... 304 00:20:19.594 --> 00:20:23.473 and one of them is responsible for what we normally think of as our personality- 305 00:20:23.557 --> 00:20:25.684 what makes you you, what makes me me- 306 00:20:25.767 --> 00:20:28.937 but the other one is more of a basic sort of soul... 307 00:20:29.200 --> 00:20:31.898 that animates us; It gets the flesh moving. 308 00:20:32.899 --> 00:20:37.821 They speak of us as each having a lesser angel and a greater angel. 309 00:20:37.904 --> 00:20:41.241 At the time of death, the lesser angel stays with the body. 310 00:20:41.324 --> 00:20:42.993 It doesn't know what to do. 311 00:20:43.760 --> 00:20:45.746 But the greater angel leaves the body. 312 00:20:50.830 --> 00:20:54.254 [ Narrator] As missionaries convert much of the population to Christianity... 313 00:20:54.337 --> 00:20:57.591 traditional bokors, or witch doctors... 314 00:20:57.674 --> 00:21:01.219 are forced to perform some Vodun ceremonies in secret. 315 00:21:03.960 --> 00:21:06.349 European missionaries hear astounding stories... 316 00:21:06.433 --> 00:21:12.397 that these witch doctors use ancient rituals and traditional knowledge to raise the dead... 317 00:21:12.481 --> 00:21:17.944 creating automatons that are later dubbed “zombies.” 318 00:21:18.280 --> 00:21:23.116 The idea of the zombies is that they actually have only one of these two souls. 319 00:21:23.617 --> 00:21:26.120 They've passed on, they've died, and they've been resurrected... 320 00:21:26.360 --> 00:21:27.913 but only with the soul that animates us... 321 00:21:27.996 --> 00:21:32.584 so they're lacking in that personality and in that personal feelings and things. 322 00:21:32.667 --> 00:21:35.337 With zombiism, it is then- 323 00:21:35.420 --> 00:21:37.714 Only the physical body... 324 00:21:37.798 --> 00:21:41.176 is resurrected in a sense... 325 00:21:41.802 --> 00:21:46.264 and the personalities, that part of the soul, has completely disappeared. 326 00:21:50.727 --> 00:21:52.896 [ Narrator] Could these stories have been true? 327 00:21:52.979 --> 00:21:58.777 And if so, might this be proof that both the Egyptians and the tribes of the Kongo... 328 00:21:58.860 --> 00:22:01.530 were correct in their belief that our consciousness... 329 00:22:01.613 --> 00:22:04.366 is divided into separate parts? 330 00:22:06.760 --> 00:22:07.994 But how could witch doctors... 331 00:22:08.780 --> 00:22:12.666 who lived hundreds of years ago with no access to modern technology... 332 00:22:12.749 --> 00:22:15.585 have been able to breathe life into the dead... 333 00:22:15.669 --> 00:22:21.174 reviving just the part of the soul responsible for animating the flesh? 334 00:22:22.425 --> 00:22:24.845 Ancient astronaut theorists point out... 335 00:22:24.928 --> 00:22:27.639 that African myths suggest voodoo magic... 336 00:22:27.722 --> 00:22:29.766 originated with the sky gods... 337 00:22:29.850 --> 00:22:34.604 and their emissaries to Earth, known as “orishas” or “loas.” 338 00:22:35.605 --> 00:22:38.191 [Man ] The topic of the orishas is very interesting to me... 339 00:22:38.275 --> 00:22:43.238 because they are looked upon as these divine messengers- 340 00:22:43.321 --> 00:22:46.740 messengers of knowledge- 341 00:22:46.157 --> 00:22:48.368 and the stories are very clear... 342 00:22:48.451 --> 00:22:51.413 that the orishas arrived from the sky. 343 00:22:52.205 --> 00:22:56.668 And what I find interesting is that in many of the old carvings... 344 00:22:56.751 --> 00:22:59.379 that we can find in wood, for example... 345 00:22:59.462 --> 00:23:04.759 they are depicted in sitting in these weird craft, that look like craft... 346 00:23:04.843 --> 00:23:09.180 and that they all seem to feature these elongated skulls. 347 00:23:12.170 --> 00:23:15.228 [ Narrator] Is it possible that these African sky gods... 348 00:23:15.312 --> 00:23:17.814 were actually extraterrestrials... 349 00:23:17.898 --> 00:23:21.443 that not only taught the natives the secrets of the soul... 350 00:23:21.526 --> 00:23:25.655 but also showed them how to resurrect the dead? 351 00:23:25.739 --> 00:23:30.243 And could this be the origin of our modern-day stories of zombies? 352 00:23:31.244 --> 00:23:33.121 [ Henry] Perhaps through the centuries... 353 00:23:33.204 --> 00:23:37.830 these original teachings of these celestial beings were lost. 354 00:23:37.167 --> 00:23:40.337 Sorcerers and magicians in Africa and elsewhere... 355 00:23:40.420 --> 00:23:44.591 began mimicking or trying to copy what the originals had done... 356 00:23:44.674 --> 00:23:47.930 and had a limited degree of success. 357 00:23:47.177 --> 00:23:49.540 They were able to create zombies. 358 00:23:49.137 --> 00:23:50.764 But the source is clear: 359 00:23:50.847 --> 00:23:54.434 These teachings originally came from celestial beings. 360 00:23:55.101 --> 00:23:58.605 [Man] Maybe some of the extraterrestrials had an accident... 361 00:23:58.688 --> 00:24:03.680 so the extraterrestrials helped him, like a doctor would do today... 362 00:24:03.151 --> 00:24:05.278 and the natives watched it. 363 00:24:05.362 --> 00:24:07.739 They could not understand what was going on in medicine... 364 00:24:07.822 --> 00:24:09.491 and they copied it. 365 00:24:11.785 --> 00:24:16.414 [ Narrator] Were African witch doctors mimicking the technology of their sky gods... 366 00:24:16.498 --> 00:24:19.626 when they tried to bring the dead back to life? 367 00:24:20.794 --> 00:24:24.839 And if so, are there stories in which both parts of the soul... 368 00:24:24.923 --> 00:24:27.592 have been successfully resurrected? 369 00:24:28.718 --> 00:24:32.389 Ancient astronaut theorists believe further evidence can be found... 370 00:24:32.472 --> 00:24:35.141 by exploring ancient Hindu beliefs... 371 00:24:35.225 --> 00:24:39.521 in which the conscious self can be reborn in a new body. 372 00:24:47.529 --> 00:24:50.730 Delhi, India, 1930. 373 00:24:52.993 --> 00:24:57.288 Four-year-old Shanti Devi tells her family that in a previous life... 374 00:24:57.372 --> 00:24:59.499 she was a woman named Lugdi Bai... 375 00:24:59.582 --> 00:25:03.461 and that she had lived in the nearby village of Muthura. 376 00:25:05.505 --> 00:25:09.920 At first they dismissed the story as a childhood fantasy... 377 00:25:09.175 --> 00:25:11.678 but she knows so much about this other world... 378 00:25:11.761 --> 00:25:15.560 that she eventually convinces them she's telling the truth... 379 00:25:15.140 --> 00:25:18.143 and they journey to Lugdi Bai's former village. 380 00:25:18.226 --> 00:25:23.690 [CHILDRESS] She actually went to meet her previous husband and her other wife. 381 00:25:23.773 --> 00:25:25.859 He also, after talking to her... 382 00:25:25.942 --> 00:25:30.613 believed that she was the reincarnation of his previous wife... 383 00:25:30.697 --> 00:25:32.699 who had died in childbirth. 384 00:25:32.782 --> 00:25:38.380 And then, eventually, Mahatma Gandhi got involved in this whole story. 385 00:25:38.121 --> 00:25:40.749 He had an investigation made... 386 00:25:40.832 --> 00:25:44.252 and Gandhi himself said that he was satisfied... 387 00:25:44.335 --> 00:25:48.631 that she was the reincarnation of this other woman. 388 00:25:50.508 --> 00:25:56.560 [ Narrator] Could Lugdi Bai have died and been reincarnated as Shanti Devi? 389 00:25:57.348 --> 00:26:00.143 The Hindu faithful believe reincarnation- 390 00:26:00.226 --> 00:26:04.856 a spiritual resurrection in which a soul is reborn in a new body- 391 00:26:04.939 --> 00:26:08.234 happens to almost everyone after death. 392 00:26:09.690 --> 00:26:14.115 [Man ] When the soul goes up and then it has to be born into something else... 393 00:26:14.199 --> 00:26:15.742 in another light life form... 394 00:26:15.825 --> 00:26:21.247 so then it comes back to Earth in another living form. 395 00:26:21.331 --> 00:26:24.209 So that is the idea of reincarnation. 396 00:26:26.211 --> 00:26:29.798 [Henry] In Hindu and other traditions, the body is viewed simply... 397 00:26:29.881 --> 00:26:31.716 as a vessel for the soul... 398 00:26:31.800 --> 00:26:35.637 that's capable of reincarnating into successive bodies... 399 00:26:35.720 --> 00:26:37.222 or successive lifetimes. 400 00:26:40.580 --> 00:26:44.771 [ Narrator] If the concept that the part of our consciousness that forms our personality... 401 00:26:44.854 --> 00:26:46.815 that makes us who we are... 402 00:26:46.898 --> 00:26:49.818 continues to exist after the body has died... 403 00:26:49.901 --> 00:26:53.613 then might many of us have lived past lives... 404 00:26:54.989 --> 00:26:57.784 and only a handful of people, like Shanti Devi... 405 00:26:57.867 --> 00:26:59.744 are able to remember them? 406 00:27:01.621 --> 00:27:05.250 Some believe that not only is reincarnation real. .. 407 00:27:05.333 --> 00:27:06.876 But that in certain cases... 408 00:27:06.960 --> 00:27:10.797 there has even been physical evidence to support this. 409 00:27:10.880 --> 00:27:14.175 When we examine the reincarnation research... 410 00:27:14.259 --> 00:27:16.261 a consistent theme emerges... 411 00:27:16.344 --> 00:27:20.980 regarding the existence of birthmarks on someone's body. 412 00:27:20.181 --> 00:27:26.146 What we've found is multiple cases of people who have bizarre birthmarks... 413 00:27:26.229 --> 00:27:30.733 who then accurately remember having been someone else in another lifetime... 414 00:27:30.817 --> 00:27:34.404 and in some of these cases we can confirm... 415 00:27:34.487 --> 00:27:38.658 that their past-life person died in a particular way... 416 00:27:38.741 --> 00:27:42.829 and they come back with a birthmark corresponding to that exact area. 417 00:27:45.331 --> 00:27:48.960 If they died by gunshot, we know where the gunshot wound took place. 418 00:27:49.430 --> 00:27:51.754 The person reincarnates and they have a birthmark... 419 00:27:51.838 --> 00:27:54.757 right where the gunshot actually entered. 420 00:27:57.343 --> 00:27:59.429 [ Narrator] Is it possible that a birthmark... 421 00:27:59.512 --> 00:28:03.433 could be the consciousness creating a physical manifestation... 422 00:28:03.516 --> 00:28:07.187 of a traumatic event that happened in a previous life? 423 00:28:09.355 --> 00:28:11.232 Proponents of reincarnation... 424 00:28:11.316 --> 00:28:15.820 say further evidence that our consciousness can be resurrected in another body... 425 00:28:15.904 --> 00:28:18.823 can be found in the fact that reincarnation... 426 00:28:18.907 --> 00:28:21.159 isn't just part of Eastern religions... 427 00:28:21.242 --> 00:28:23.411 like Hinduism and Buddhism. 428 00:28:24.287 --> 00:28:27.832 It appears in most ancient religions worldwide. 429 00:28:29.250 --> 00:28:34.881 Early Greek religion had a process- a belief-in reincarnation. 430 00:28:34.964 --> 00:28:37.550 Plato writes about it in his writings- 431 00:28:37.634 --> 00:28:40.386 that the soul would enter into the body... 432 00:28:40.470 --> 00:28:43.348 and then when you died, the soul would be reprocessed... 433 00:28:43.431 --> 00:28:45.892 and then would enter back into a body. 434 00:28:47.435 --> 00:28:50.521 [Man] In the Bible, Jesus says, “Who do you say that I am?” 435 00:28:50.605 --> 00:28:52.398 “Some people say you're John the Baptist. 436 00:28:52.482 --> 00:28:54.525 Some people say you're Elijah. 437 00:28:54.609 --> 00:28:56.986 Some people say you're Jeremiah.” 438 00:28:57.700 --> 00:28:59.530 Well, those people are all dead... 439 00:29:00.740 --> 00:29:04.619 so what they're saying is, “You've come back as this person.” 440 00:29:04.702 --> 00:29:07.163 That's what reincarnation is about. 441 00:29:11.251 --> 00:29:13.253 [ Narrator] In each of these religions... 442 00:29:13.336 --> 00:29:17.382 the gods are the ones that educated people about reincarnation. 443 00:29:18.216 --> 00:29:21.261 Is it possible that the ancients misunderstood... 444 00:29:21.344 --> 00:29:24.389 who had bestowed this knowledge on their societies... 445 00:29:24.472 --> 00:29:27.392 and that they were actually extraterrestrial beings... 446 00:29:27.475 --> 00:29:30.770 sharing their wisdom about the afterlife? 447 00:29:31.938 --> 00:29:37.151 [Henry] Ultimately, when you trace back the origins of the stories of reincarnation... 448 00:29:37.235 --> 00:29:40.290 you're led to extraterrestrial sources. 449 00:29:40.113 --> 00:29:42.740 This was a teaching that was brought here... 450 00:29:42.824 --> 00:29:46.869 and represents the ultimate spiritual attainment on Earth. 451 00:29:48.788 --> 00:29:51.874 [WILCOCK ] We have over 30 ancient cultures around the world... 452 00:29:51.958 --> 00:29:55.586 independently contacted by human-looking messengers... 453 00:29:55.670 --> 00:30:00.466 who give them a unified body of spiritual knowledge... 454 00:30:00.550 --> 00:30:05.763 which usually describes reincarnation- 455 00:30:05.847 --> 00:30:10.184 the transmigration of the soul from one physical incarnation to the next- 456 00:30:10.268 --> 00:30:11.769 as a reality. 457 00:30:13.980 --> 00:30:16.232 [ Narrator] Could it be that celestial beings... 458 00:30:16.316 --> 00:30:19.110 have mastered the science of reincarnation... 459 00:30:19.193 --> 00:30:23.406 to the point where they treat death as just another form of life? 460 00:30:25.825 --> 00:30:30.580 And if so, are these aliens helping nurture our understanding... 461 00:30:30.663 --> 00:30:33.416 of this otherworldly realm? 462 00:30:33.499 --> 00:30:37.378 If resurrections are really a resurrection of the spirit... 463 00:30:37.462 --> 00:30:39.130 rather than the body... 464 00:30:39.922 --> 00:30:43.718 then it's possible that we would have a technology to follow that spirit... 465 00:30:43.801 --> 00:30:46.137 from one body to the next. 466 00:30:47.597 --> 00:30:50.808 And you have to wonder if this doesn't come from extraterrestrials. 467 00:30:54.354 --> 00:30:56.898 [ Narrator] Could extraterrestrials have the ultimate answers... 468 00:30:56.981 --> 00:31:00.318 to life, death and resurrection? 469 00:31:00.401 --> 00:31:04.947 And if so, will humanity ever possess those secrets? 470 00:31:05.310 --> 00:31:09.243 Ancient astronaut theorists believe some people may already have that... 471 00:31:09.327 --> 00:31:11.704 without even knowing it. 472 00:31:20.296 --> 00:31:23.966 Northern Israel, approximately 33 AD. 473 00:31:26.552 --> 00:31:29.889 According to the gospels of the New Testament of the Bible... 474 00:31:29.972 --> 00:31:31.974 in the months before his death... 475 00:31:32.580 --> 00:31:36.646 Jesus leads three of his apostles away from the village in which they're staying... 476 00:31:36.729 --> 00:31:40.149 and together, they journey to a nearby mountain. 477 00:31:42.235 --> 00:31:44.835 [Downing ] The story here is that Jesus went up a high mountain... 478 00:31:44.862 --> 00:31:46.948 with Peter, James and john... 479 00:31:47.310 --> 00:31:50.159 his three closest followers. 480 00:31:50.243 --> 00:31:53.579 So while they were there, a glowing object hovered over them... 481 00:31:53.663 --> 00:31:57.166 and Moses and Elijah were reported to have appeared to him. 482 00:31:58.840 --> 00:32:03.500 While they were there, the body of Jesus began to glow tremendously... 483 00:32:03.890 --> 00:32:06.592 and when they were finished with this scene they went down the mountain... 484 00:32:06.676 --> 00:32:09.929 and Jesus told the disciples not to tell anybody about this... 485 00:32:10.120 --> 00:32:13.558 until after his crucifixion and resurrection. 486 00:32:13.641 --> 00:32:16.180 This says to me that maybe the body of Jesus... 487 00:32:16.102 --> 00:32:18.604 went through some type of transformation... 488 00:32:18.688 --> 00:32:23.693 which changed his body so that when he rose from the dead... 489 00:32:23.776 --> 00:32:27.290 it would be a body that would never die again. 490 00:32:30.533 --> 00:32:31.993 [ Narrator] According to the Bible... 491 00:32:32.760 --> 00:32:34.662 it was several months after this incident... 492 00:32:34.745 --> 00:32:37.457 that Roman authorities arrested Jesus... 493 00:32:37.540 --> 00:32:40.543 and put him to death by crucifixion. 494 00:32:41.461 --> 00:32:44.500 [Woman ] We know following the crucifixion on Friday night... 495 00:32:44.880 --> 00:32:46.299 he is laid into a tomb. 496 00:32:46.382 --> 00:32:52.138 On Sunday, when Mary Magdalene and the other women come to anoint his body... 497 00:32:52.221 --> 00:32:53.723 the tomb is empty. 498 00:32:54.640 --> 00:32:59.228 The stone has been rolled back and his burial cloths are all that remain. 499 00:33:04.108 --> 00:33:07.820 [ Narrator ] Although Jesus is said to have ascended to a heavenly realm... 500 00:33:07.904 --> 00:33:11.157 it is written that he ascended bodily. 501 00:33:11.240 --> 00:33:14.243 This has led some ancient astronaut theorists... 502 00:33:14.327 --> 00:33:17.413 to form a different interpretation of the scriptures... 503 00:33:17.497 --> 00:33:21.918 based also on events that occurred just after the resurrection... 504 00:33:22.100 --> 00:33:26.214 that indicate it may have had extraterrestrial origins. 505 00:33:27.423 --> 00:33:29.759 [ Downing] Matthew's gospel, chapter 28... 506 00:33:29.842 --> 00:33:33.429 says that an angel of God descended from heaven... 507 00:33:33.513 --> 00:33:35.932 rolled back the stone and sat upon it... 508 00:33:36.150 --> 00:33:39.101 and his clothing glistened white. 509 00:33:39.185 --> 00:33:42.104 And so, we have a being reported to be there. 510 00:33:42.188 --> 00:33:44.607 This means that powers from another world... 511 00:33:44.690 --> 00:33:47.443 were involved in the resurrection of Jesus. 512 00:33:47.527 --> 00:33:50.696 People come to the tomb. They find the tomb empty. 513 00:33:50.780 --> 00:33:56.285 They're described in a couple of the gospels: Young men with raiment that was shining... 514 00:33:56.369 --> 00:33:59.372 much like extraterrestrial encounters today... 515 00:33:59.455 --> 00:34:01.958 where we see beings of light. 516 00:34:02.792 --> 00:34:05.711 And they say, “Why are you seeking the living among the dead? 517 00:34:05.795 --> 00:34:08.381 Jesus is gone. Just like he said would happen.” 518 00:34:11.175 --> 00:34:12.885 [ Narrator] Many Christians believe... 519 00:34:12.969 --> 00:34:15.513 this seminal resurrection in Western culture... 520 00:34:15.596 --> 00:34:19.600 signifies that humans can- and many eventually will- 521 00:34:19.684 --> 00:34:21.477 be raised from the dead. 522 00:34:21.561 --> 00:34:24.438 But does it actually give humanity clues... 523 00:34:24.522 --> 00:34:28.276 about how to pierce the veil between life and death? 524 00:34:29.680 --> 00:34:31.654 Some ancient astronaut theorists say... 525 00:34:31.737 --> 00:34:34.824 that further evidence that resurrection is possible... 526 00:34:34.907 --> 00:34:38.411 can be found in the modern-day church service. 527 00:34:43.749 --> 00:34:47.461 St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City. 528 00:34:48.921 --> 00:34:51.799 Give us perseverance and lead us to salvation. 529 00:34:51.882 --> 00:34:54.176 Cardinal Timothy Dolan says mass... 530 00:34:54.260 --> 00:34:57.805 at one of America's most impressive Catholic churches... 531 00:34:59.765 --> 00:35:04.854 and during the Eucharist, he consecrates bread and wine. 532 00:35:04.937 --> 00:35:06.814 According to church doctrine... 533 00:35:06.897 --> 00:35:12.528 at this moment he is literally turning them into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. 534 00:35:14.300 --> 00:35:18.340 Cardinal Dolan, or any other priest who performs this ritual... 535 00:35:18.117 --> 00:35:21.579 is actually performing a resurrection. 536 00:35:24.206 --> 00:35:27.501 The Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation argues... 537 00:35:27.585 --> 00:35:30.588 that this is a miracle, the Eucharist is a miracle. 538 00:35:31.255 --> 00:35:33.633 When you partake of the bread and the wine... 539 00:35:33.716 --> 00:35:36.520 that it miraculously transforms... 540 00:35:36.135 --> 00:35:39.722 into the actual body and blood of Jesus. 541 00:35:42.475 --> 00:35:47.480 We then ingest the holy, we ingest Christ, incorporate. 542 00:35:47.563 --> 00:35:49.650 Play on the word. 543 00:35:49.148 --> 00:35:52.985 That is, make part of our corpus, part of our body, the divine... 544 00:35:53.690 --> 00:35:54.612 in this ritual form. 545 00:35:54.695 --> 00:35:57.198 It is a powerful activity. 546 00:35:59.408 --> 00:36:03.454 [ Narrator] But how can bread and wine be changed into flesh and blood? 547 00:36:04.413 --> 00:36:06.207 According to the Catholic Church... 548 00:36:06.290 --> 00:36:09.919 it's a mystery that humans cannot possibly unravel. 549 00:36:11.253 --> 00:36:14.757 But some believe that instead of a physical transformation... 550 00:36:15.675 --> 00:36:20.120 Jesus is resurrected metaphysically during the church service... 551 00:36:20.888 --> 00:36:23.516 that Jesus was, and still is... 552 00:36:23.599 --> 00:36:28.200 an advanced being that can move from one dimension to another. 553 00:36:29.605 --> 00:36:33.317 As evidence, they cite what Jesus told his followers... 554 00:36:33.401 --> 00:36:37.780 about the power of gathering in groups to invoke his name. 555 00:36:39.699 --> 00:36:44.370 [Young] Christ said, “Where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am also.” 556 00:36:44.453 --> 00:36:47.957 Something happens, and it happens in ritual worship- 557 00:36:48.400 --> 00:36:49.959 collective worship. 558 00:36:50.420 --> 00:36:54.588 Now, I'm not putting aside the power and value of private spiritual practice... 559 00:36:54.672 --> 00:36:58.592 but there's something else that happens when this is done collectively. 560 00:36:59.802 --> 00:37:03.550 [Henry] Is this a form of resurrection as well, where they, in fact... 561 00:37:03.139 --> 00:37:07.309 then, in a way, embody the Christ energy... 562 00:37:07.393 --> 00:37:08.894 during the mass? 563 00:37:08.978 --> 00:37:12.565 So maybe this is the purpose of the mass, is to create this environment... 564 00:37:12.648 --> 00:37:16.235 where they can transform their body into a vehicle... 565 00:37:16.318 --> 00:37:20.322 capable of manifesting, or holding, the Christ energy. 566 00:37:24.618 --> 00:37:27.830 [ Narrator] Is it possible that worshipers around the world... 567 00:37:27.913 --> 00:37:30.624 actually resurrect an otherworldly being... 568 00:37:30.708 --> 00:37:32.835 every time they gather to pray? 569 00:37:33.711 --> 00:37:37.548 And if so, is this just a resurrection of the spirit... 570 00:37:37.631 --> 00:37:40.259 or could we eventually reanimate the body... 571 00:37:40.342 --> 00:37:43.530 so it can be reunited with the soul? 572 00:37:44.540 --> 00:37:48.580 Ancient astronaut theorists believe stunning advances in modern medicine... 573 00:37:48.142 --> 00:37:50.311 might soon make this possible. 574 00:38:00.237 --> 00:38:04.408 Tübingen, Germany, 2013. 575 00:38:05.534 --> 00:38:10.372 Scientists at the University of Tübingen report a landmark event. 576 00:38:10.456 --> 00:38:13.167 They have sequenced and decoded DNA... 577 00:38:13.250 --> 00:38:16.295 that was extracted from five Egyptian mummy heads. 578 00:38:17.338 --> 00:38:21.383 Somehow, the way the ancient Egyptians embalmed the bodies of their dead... 579 00:38:21.467 --> 00:38:25.471 allowed DNA to survive for thousands of years. 580 00:38:25.554 --> 00:38:27.640 One of the things that happens in mummification... 581 00:38:27.723 --> 00:38:30.768 is that they rapidly extract all the water... 582 00:38:30.851 --> 00:38:33.979 and it's thought that water actually is one of the major contributors... 583 00:38:34.630 --> 00:38:35.981 to the degradation of the DNA. 584 00:38:36.650 --> 00:38:39.151 So that rapid extraction of water was believed to protect the mummy... 585 00:38:39.235 --> 00:38:41.280 from DNA degradation. 586 00:38:43.113 --> 00:38:46.867 [ Narrator] Researchers have not yet found a complete set of genetic blueprints... 587 00:38:46.951 --> 00:38:49.578 to the ancient Egyptian body... 588 00:38:50.162 --> 00:38:54.416 but this material shows them that if they do find enough DNA... 589 00:38:54.500 --> 00:38:58.587 they can, in theory, bring these people back to life... 590 00:38:58.671 --> 00:39:01.900 to physically resurrect them. 591 00:39:02.490 --> 00:39:06.345 If we have the physical remains of a corpse... 592 00:39:06.428 --> 00:39:10.266 it might be possible to resurrect this corpse literally- 593 00:39:11.684 --> 00:39:14.103 to regenerate the DNA. 594 00:39:14.186 --> 00:39:16.772 Now, the process would be extremely difficult... 595 00:39:16.856 --> 00:39:18.691 but the technology is on its way... 596 00:39:19.775 --> 00:39:21.235 and that will be amazing. 597 00:39:21.318 --> 00:39:24.613 I mean, we would-They would literally have achieved their objective- 598 00:39:24.697 --> 00:39:28.158 to be resurrected again. 599 00:39:30.578 --> 00:39:32.370 [ Narrator] Is it possible... 600 00:39:32.121 --> 00:39:34.874 that scientists are finally starting to unravel... 601 00:39:34.957 --> 00:39:36.959 the secrets to resurrection? 602 00:39:37.835 --> 00:39:41.881 And if so, can humanity eventually master this power... 603 00:39:41.964 --> 00:39:45.759 so we can bring bodies and souls back into the physical world... 604 00:39:45.843 --> 00:39:47.344 whenever we choose? 605 00:39:48.220 --> 00:39:50.806 Some ancient astronaut theorists suggest... 606 00:39:50.890 --> 00:39:55.853 that many religions describe the moment when humans reach this stage of evolution. 607 00:39:56.896 --> 00:39:59.315 It's variously called “the rapture”... 608 00:39:59.398 --> 00:40:01.108 “the day of judgment”... 609 00:40:01.191 --> 00:40:02.860 “end of days”... 610 00:40:02.943 --> 00:40:04.820 or “the Apocalypse.” 611 00:40:08.198 --> 00:40:10.242 [Tzadok] According to the legends... 612 00:40:10.326 --> 00:40:16.999 all humanity is to evolve into a higher form. 613 00:40:17.820 --> 00:40:20.252 The proper word would be “transformation”... 614 00:40:20.336 --> 00:40:23.172 wherein which we will have achieved the purpose... 615 00:40:23.255 --> 00:40:26.910 for which we have come to Earth in the first place. 616 00:40:27.259 --> 00:40:30.763 But that, in and of itself, is not the end of the road. 617 00:40:30.846 --> 00:40:33.150 Then we evolve beyond that. 618 00:40:33.980 --> 00:40:35.893 This is referred to as “the great resurrection.” 619 00:40:37.186 --> 00:40:39.188 [TSOUKALOS] One thing is crystal clear: 620 00:40:39.271 --> 00:40:43.692 In all of the ancient texts, those gods promised to return. 621 00:40:44.610 --> 00:40:50.491 Not just in the Bible, but in many of the ancient sacred texts. 622 00:40:51.742 --> 00:40:55.287 [ Narrator] Could the end of days that most religions foresee... 623 00:40:55.371 --> 00:41:00.876 actually be the time when humanity discovers the secret to resurrection... 624 00:41:00.960 --> 00:41:06.799 allowing everyone to move between physical and spiritual planes of existence? 625 00:41:07.800 --> 00:41:13.973 And if so, will this realm be the place where we finally meet the extraterrestrials... 626 00:41:14.560 --> 00:41:17.184 that ancient astronaut theorists say visited the Earth... 627 00:41:17.267 --> 00:41:19.853 thousands of years ago? 628 00:41:24.240 --> 00:41:26.443 The idea of resurrection... 629 00:41:26.527 --> 00:41:30.990 or rebirth into a new realm of existence, a new kingdom of heaven... 630 00:41:31.730 --> 00:41:35.953 was central to our interaction with the celestials or extraterrestrial beings. 631 00:41:36.360 --> 00:41:38.956 You could almost make the argument that that's why they came here... 632 00:41:39.390 --> 00:41:43.168 was to teach us how to resurrect ourselves, our bodies... 633 00:41:43.252 --> 00:41:46.714 to transform our bodies into a celestial form... 634 00:41:46.797 --> 00:41:48.799 a light-body form. 635 00:41:49.717 --> 00:41:53.721 We find a direct through line connecting extraterrestrials, angels... 636 00:41:53.804 --> 00:41:56.560 and the near-death experience. 637 00:41:57.160 --> 00:42:00.853 There is a compelling suggestion that at the end of days... 638 00:42:00.936 --> 00:42:03.647 the veil between realities will be parted... 639 00:42:03.731 --> 00:42:05.733 and we will gain the capability... 640 00:42:05.816 --> 00:42:12.720 of moving directly between the world of the living and the world of the afterlife. 641 00:42:12.156 --> 00:42:13.717 [TSOUKALOS] I don't think it is anything... 642 00:42:13.741 --> 00:42:19.204 that we should look upon with dread, but with joy... 643 00:42:19.288 --> 00:42:21.707 because it means we're not alone... 644 00:42:21.790 --> 00:42:25.200 and, you know, they're there with us. 645 00:42:27.588 --> 00:42:29.899 [ Narrator] Might we really have souls that exist in a realm... 646 00:42:29.923 --> 00:42:33.135 that can be accessed by otherworldly beings? 647 00:42:34.970 --> 00:42:39.850 And if so, could stories involving the second coming of prophets... 648 00:42:41.143 --> 00:42:43.103 the reanimation of the dead... 649 00:42:44.146 --> 00:42:46.899 and the close encounters of those on the brink of death... 650 00:42:46.982 --> 00:42:51.653 be evidence that extraterrestrials hold the secret to resurrection? 651 00:42:53.489 --> 00:42:57.451 Perhaps as we come to better understand our own mortality... 652 00:42:58.160 --> 00:43:01.538 we too will uncover the mysteries of the afterlife... 653 00:43:01.622 --> 00:43:05.250 and in the process, discover the truth... 654 00:43:05.334 --> 00:43:08.253 about our alien origins.