1 00:00:03.588 --> 00:00:05.590 [ Man Narrating ] Mysterious structures... 2 00:00:05.674 --> 00:00:08.426 numbering in the thousands. 3 00:00:08.968 --> 00:00:14.182 They created as many as 250 within this valley alone. 4 00:00:14.265 --> 00:00:17.727 [ Narrator] Monuments containing secret powers. 5 00:00:17.811 --> 00:00:21.648 It could be a device used to transmit a type of energy... 6 00:00:21.731 --> 00:00:24.109 that we still can't fully understand. 7 00:00:24.943 --> 00:00:26.736 [ Narrator] And architectural wonders... 8 00:00:26.820 --> 00:00:30.281 that could change everything we know about our past. 9 00:00:30.365 --> 00:00:32.742 It's really rewriting the history of the world. 10 00:00:33.785 --> 00:00:37.122 All across the Earth, there are massive pyramids... 11 00:00:37.205 --> 00:00:42.430 many so old that their origins are completely unknown. 12 00:00:42.794 --> 00:00:45.714 But some believe there are thousands more... 13 00:00:45.797 --> 00:00:50.135 hidden by oceans, jungles and the desert sands... 14 00:00:50.885 --> 00:00:56.766 and that once we find them, they will reveal shocking truths about our past. 15 00:00:57.350 --> 00:01:01.646 Is it possible that extraterrestrials have guided humans... 16 00:01:01.730 --> 00:01:05.900 to build pyramids for some special reason of their own? 17 00:01:07.110 --> 00:01:11.531 Millions of people around the world believe we have been visited in the past... 18 00:01:11.614 --> 00:01:13.700 by extraterrestrial beings. 19 00:01:14.492 --> 00:01:16.244 What if it were true? 20 00:01:17.370 --> 00:01:21.499 Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? 21 00:01:22.250 --> 00:01:25.860 And if so, might there be a connection... 22 00:01:25.170 --> 00:01:29.340 between aliens and Earth's hidden pyramids? 23 00:02:03.166 --> 00:02:08.463 [ Narrator] Western China. May 21, 1992. 24 00:02:11.299 --> 00:02:15.136 An underground nuclear explosion on the Lop Nur test range... 25 00:02:15.220 --> 00:02:17.764 sends shock waves through the Earth. 26 00:02:19.390 --> 00:02:23.311 The event is recorded by US government seismometers... 27 00:02:23.394 --> 00:02:27.649 which reveal unexpected geological anomalies under the earth... 28 00:02:27.732 --> 00:02:30.568 just north of Anchorage, Alaska. 29 00:02:31.736 --> 00:02:33.238 Six months later... 30 00:02:33.321 --> 00:02:38.243 a US Army counterintelligence officer stationed at nearby Fan Richardson... 31 00:02:38.326 --> 00:02:41.788 Douglas Mutschler, sees a local news report... 32 00:02:41.871 --> 00:02:47.502 that claims these underground scans had detected a colossal pyramid structure... 33 00:02:47.585 --> 00:02:50.588 50 miles southwest of Mount McKinley. 34 00:02:53.216 --> 00:02:56.845 Mutschler contacts the station to find out more. 35 00:02:58.263 --> 00:03:03.226 But mysteriously, they tell him no further information is available. 36 00:03:04.143 --> 00:03:06.855 [ Radio Chatter, indistinct] 37 00:03:06.938 --> 00:03:10.400 [ Man ] There has been talk that there's a pyramid up in Alaska. 38 00:03:12.110 --> 00:03:14.320 But nobody seems to be investigating that. 39 00:03:14.404 --> 00:03:17.198 Maybe because it's so remote, or... 40 00:03:17.282 --> 00:03:20.702 maybe they have investigated it, and they just don't want to tell us about it. 41 00:03:24.539 --> 00:03:27.208 [ Narrator] Frustrated by the lack of information... 42 00:03:27.292 --> 00:03:31.421 Sgt. Mutschler contacts journalist Linda MOULTON Howe... 43 00:03:31.504 --> 00:03:33.506 who reaches out across her network... 44 00:03:33.590 --> 00:03:38.520 searching for anyone that could shed light on the Alaska pyramid story. 45 00:03:39.929 --> 00:03:42.599 Soon after, she receives a response... 46 00:03:42.682 --> 00:03:46.102 from a man who requests to remain anonymous. 47 00:03:46.936 --> 00:03:49.230 He claims his father was an engineer... 48 00:03:49.314 --> 00:03:52.442 who got a firsthand look at the secret pyramid. 49 00:03:53.651 --> 00:03:56.700 His father had had a Navy career... 50 00:03:56.154 --> 00:04:00.533 and then was asked to continue to work... in Alaska... 51 00:04:02.535 --> 00:04:04.913 on a very special project... 52 00:04:04.996 --> 00:04:08.499 that involved something underground that put out a lot of energy. 53 00:04:11.419 --> 00:04:15.590 There were mining shaft elevators on the surface. 54 00:04:15.673 --> 00:04:17.383 [Whirring ] 55 00:04:17.467 --> 00:04:22.889 He would go down to the base of a huge underground pyramid. 56 00:04:26.184 --> 00:04:29.771 His work was to try to understand... 57 00:04:29.854 --> 00:04:32.607 how this was giving off... 58 00:04:32.690 --> 00:04:37.403 what they estimated was a gigantic amount of energy. 59 00:04:37.487 --> 00:04:39.948 [ Thunder Crashes ] 60 00:04:40.310 --> 00:04:44.702 But he never would talk, because this was a government secret. 61 00:04:46.370 --> 00:04:50.166 There is no doubt in my mind that there is a cover-up going on... 62 00:04:50.249 --> 00:04:53.586 and that something was found there in Alaska. 63 00:04:55.505 --> 00:04:58.490 I think the reason why it's been covered up... 64 00:04:58.132 --> 00:05:02.804 is that we would have to completely rewrite the science of human origins- 65 00:05:02.887 --> 00:05:07.580 the concept that at one point there was a global industrialized civilization... 66 00:05:07.141 --> 00:05:11.145 that had reached a technology that is, in fact, superior to our own... 67 00:05:11.229 --> 00:05:14.565 because we cannot easily build pyramids like this today. 68 00:05:17.777 --> 00:05:21.739 [ Narrator] Could it be, as some ancient astronaut theorists suggest... 69 00:05:21.823 --> 00:05:25.702 that the United States government is hiding the Alaskan pyramid... 70 00:05:25.785 --> 00:05:29.455 until they can fully comprehend and harness its power? 71 00:05:30.164 --> 00:05:35.860 Perhaps the answer can be found 4,400 miles away. 72 00:05:37.755 --> 00:05:41.592 Central China, 1945. 73 00:05:43.344 --> 00:05:46.140 While transporting supplies from India... 74 00:05:46.970 --> 00:05:51.561 US Army Air Corps pilot James Gaussman spots a mysterious structure... 75 00:05:51.644 --> 00:05:55.440 that becomes known as the Great White Pyramid. 76 00:05:56.232 --> 00:06:01.529 One of the most unusual stories of pyramids came out of World War ll. 77 00:06:02.822 --> 00:06:07.160 The story is of an American pilot who was flying the Burma Hump... 78 00:06:07.243 --> 00:06:10.747 over to Chongqing in central China. 79 00:06:11.456 --> 00:06:15.918 And what he claimed he saw was a huge pyramid in the valley... 80 00:06:17.628 --> 00:06:22.633 with a gigantic crystal capstone on the top of it. 81 00:06:26.971 --> 00:06:30.990 [ Narrator] Two years la fer, the New York Times reported... 82 00:06:30.183 --> 00:06:31.726 that Colonel Maurice Sheahan... 83 00:06:31.809 --> 00:06:35.563 another American aviator flying over central China... 84 00:06:35.646 --> 00:06:39.942 spotted a 1,000-foot-high pyramid in the same area. 85 00:06:42.320 --> 00:06:46.240 Since then, many more pyramidal structures have been discovered... 86 00:06:46.324 --> 00:06:47.867 throughout the region... 87 00:06:47.950 --> 00:06:50.661 some of them covered in vegetation... 88 00:06:50.745 --> 00:06:54.749 seemingly camouflaged to look like natural formations. 89 00:06:56.125 --> 00:07:01.506 But the Chinese government denies that there are any pyramids in China at all... 90 00:07:01.589 --> 00:07:06.469 claiming that any structures resembling pyramids are actually burial mounds... 91 00:07:06.552 --> 00:07:08.596 from the Han dynasty. 92 00:07:09.555 --> 00:07:12.934 There are a number of large pyramids in central China. 93 00:07:13.170 --> 00:07:16.312 [ CHILDRESS ] But the Chinese government has gone out of their way... 94 00:07:16.395 --> 00:07:21.984 to try to dismiss the idea that these mounds are pyramids. 95 00:07:23.361 --> 00:07:28.866 Still to this day, the subject of the Chinese pyramids is very rarely discussed. 96 00:07:28.950 --> 00:07:31.577 However, you can go on Google Earth... 97 00:07:31.661 --> 00:07:36.124 and you can see the pyramids of the Shaanxi Province for yourself... 98 00:07:36.207 --> 00:07:39.430 by just zooming in on this area. 99 00:07:39.127 --> 00:07:42.797 But the Chinese government does not want you to go in this area. 100 00:07:42.880 --> 00:07:47.635 It is declared off-limits to everyone except for the local peasant farmers in that region. 101 00:07:47.718 --> 00:07:49.137 What are they hiding? 102 00:07:52.265 --> 00:07:55.726 [ Narrator] Could these pyramids reveal a different version of history... 103 00:07:55.810 --> 00:07:58.771 than what the Chinese government wants us to know? 104 00:08:00.148 --> 00:08:03.693 Curiously, other modern discoveries of pyramids... 105 00:08:03.776 --> 00:08:06.112 have been met with similar denials. 106 00:08:07.738 --> 00:08:11.325 In 2005, Dr. Sam Osmanagich... 107 00:08:11.409 --> 00:08:15.246 a professor of anthropology and amateur archaeologist... 108 00:08:16.414 --> 00:08:21.836 announced that he had found five ancient pyramids hidden in Bosnia... 109 00:08:21.919 --> 00:08:26.700 a claim that the Bosnian government initially supported... 110 00:08:26.900 --> 00:08:28.426 but then later denied. 111 00:08:29.343 --> 00:08:32.346 When I first saw the pyramids in Bosnia... 112 00:08:32.430 --> 00:08:33.973 they looked like hills. 113 00:08:34.560 --> 00:08:36.893 But you could see the regular geometry- 114 00:08:36.976 --> 00:08:40.438 four triangular faces, obvious corners. 115 00:08:40.521 --> 00:08:42.315 And when I took compass... 116 00:08:42.398 --> 00:08:47.403 compass shows me that those sides match cardinal points. 117 00:08:47.486 --> 00:08:51.532 I knew immediately that these were artificial structures... 118 00:08:51.616 --> 00:08:54.660 below the layers of soil and vegetation. 119 00:08:57.121 --> 00:09:01.250 They tell us that the pyramids were built only in Egypt and Mexico. 120 00:09:01.334 --> 00:09:02.501 Wrong. 121 00:09:03.586 --> 00:09:06.881 They are built on all six continents. 122 00:09:06.964 --> 00:09:12.887 From Asia, Africa, Europe, Central, North and South America. 123 00:09:13.471 --> 00:09:15.640 So they are worldwide phenomena. 124 00:09:16.849 --> 00:09:21.145 In 21st century, we will need to establish a new science... 125 00:09:21.229 --> 00:09:23.731 which will finally answer the question... 126 00:09:23.814 --> 00:09:27.860 to who, when, how and why... 127 00:09:27.944 --> 00:09:31.489 built the oldest and the most superior pyramid. 128 00:09:32.490 --> 00:09:35.243 [ Narrator] But why would governments around the world... 129 00:09:35.326 --> 00:09:39.205 want to try and discredit these new discoveries of pyramids? 130 00:09:40.998 --> 00:09:44.835 [ Man #2 ] World governments might not want to be forthcoming with this information. 131 00:09:44.919 --> 00:09:46.772 Just like we've seen with the Chinese government... 132 00:09:46.796 --> 00:09:51.759 places like Alaska, and others might also hold hidden wealths of archaeological finds... 133 00:09:51.842 --> 00:09:53.678 that we still have yet to uncover. 134 00:09:55.346 --> 00:09:56.973 [ Narrator] Are there ancient pyramids... 135 00:09:57.560 --> 00:10:00.101 that are deliberately being kept secret from the public? 136 00:10:01.686 --> 00:10:06.607 Might the discovery of these and an untold number of other hidden pyramids... 137 00:10:06.691 --> 00:10:09.860 expose the truth about our origins? 138 00:10:11.237 --> 00:10:16.200 Perhaps further clues can be found in a region of South America... 139 00:10:16.284 --> 00:10:20.913 that contains more pyramids than any other place on Earth. 140 00:10:30.131 --> 00:10:34.552 [ Narrator] Northern Peru. The Lambayeque Valley. 141 00:10:36.220 --> 00:10:40.266 What appears today to be a ravine of large earthen hills... 142 00:10:40.349 --> 00:10:43.185 is, in fact, a lost ancient city. 143 00:10:44.610 --> 00:10:48.858 For centuries, this region was overlooked by archaeologists. 144 00:10:49.483 --> 00:10:55.489 But in 1988, explorer Thor Heyerdahl investigated the mysterious mounds... 145 00:10:55.573 --> 00:10:59.243 and determined them to be man-made structures. 146 00:11:00.703 --> 00:11:03.664 The excitement at what he and his team found... 147 00:11:03.748 --> 00:11:06.292 led to a series of excavations... 148 00:11:06.375 --> 00:11:10.671 and to the discovery that what had long been considered natural formations... 149 00:11:10.755 --> 00:11:14.467 were, in fact, massive adobe brick pyramids... 150 00:11:15.900 --> 00:11:17.636 severely ravaged by time. 151 00:11:18.429 --> 00:11:20.348 And this vast system of monuments... 152 00:11:20.431 --> 00:11:23.517 was built by what might very well have been... 153 00:11:23.601 --> 00:11:26.687 the most prolific pyramid builders of all. 154 00:11:28.481 --> 00:11:32.693 This was the site of a culture called the Sican. 155 00:11:32.777 --> 00:11:38.741 And these people, who rose around 750 AD... 156 00:11:38.824 --> 00:11:43.829 seemed to be absolutely obsessed with the creation of pyramids. 157 00:11:43.913 --> 00:11:49.919 In fact, they created as many as 250 within this valley alone. 158 00:11:51.754 --> 00:11:55.549 And in one particular town, they created 26... 159 00:11:55.633 --> 00:11:59.136 that were all basically back-to-back, side by side. 160 00:12:00.137 --> 00:12:04.975 And it would seem that the stories from the myths and legends of these people... 161 00:12:05.590 --> 00:12:08.200 is that they felt that they had to do this. 162 00:12:08.771 --> 00:12:11.690 'Cause if they didn't create these pyramids... 163 00:12:11.774 --> 00:12:14.402 the world would quite literally come to an end. 164 00:12:16.737 --> 00:12:18.489 [ Narrator] Archaeologists suggest... 165 00:12:18.572 --> 00:12:21.909 that it would have taken 2,000 workers an entire year... 166 00:12:21.992 --> 00:12:26.800 just' to make the mud bricks for one of the 26' pyramids... 167 00:12:26.163 --> 00:12:28.207 here in the city of Tucume. 168 00:12:29.166 --> 00:12:33.129 But who could have engineered such a massive construction project? 169 00:12:33.671 --> 00:12:38.384 Is it possible the builders had access to advanced technology? 170 00:12:39.385 --> 00:12:42.888 If they had help to build these pyramids... 171 00:12:42.972 --> 00:12:45.975 it would solve a lot of problems... 172 00:12:46.580 --> 00:12:49.270 in trying to understand how a civilization... 173 00:12:49.353 --> 00:12:54.108 could mount such a daunting enterprise. 174 00:12:58.112 --> 00:13:00.448 [ Narrator] According to mainstream historians... 175 00:13:00.531 --> 00:13:05.161 the Sican people mysteriously disappeared in 1375. 176 00:13:07.246 --> 00:13:09.373 Although there are no written records... 177 00:13:09.457 --> 00:13:12.668 revealing why they were obsessed with building pyramids... 178 00:13:13.210 --> 00:13:16.630 ancient astronaut theorists say clues may be found... 179 00:13:16.714 --> 00:13:20.176 by examining the multiple images of birdmen... 180 00:13:20.259 --> 00:13:24.221 that archaeologists discovered inside one of the structures. 181 00:13:25.806 --> 00:13:29.310 The birdman image is something that's iconic... 182 00:13:29.393 --> 00:13:32.438 of depicting someone who can come from the sky. 183 00:13:34.640 --> 00:13:40.112 So these glyphs that are seen on the walls of these structures are particularly interesting. 184 00:13:40.196 --> 00:13:43.320 The idea that we have the pyramids... 185 00:13:43.115 --> 00:13:46.994 that we have this representation of people coming from the sky... 186 00:13:47.536 --> 00:13:52.333 is yet another validation of an amazing structure... 187 00:13:52.416 --> 00:13:57.338 built with the assistance of some being that came from the skies. 188 00:14:04.845 --> 00:14:08.349 [ Narrator] Depictions of creatures that are half bird and half man... 189 00:14:08.432 --> 00:14:11.769 have been discovered in many ancient cultures. 190 00:14:13.312 --> 00:14:17.983 Approximately 1,400 miles south of Tucume, in Bolivia... 191 00:14:18.670 --> 00:14:22.488 carvings of birdmen can be found on the sun gate at Tiahuanaco. 192 00:14:24.823 --> 00:14:27.576 According to the local Incan mythology... 193 00:14:27.660 --> 00:14:32.915 these are beings who came down from the sky with the creator god, Viracocha. 194 00:14:35.876 --> 00:14:41.480 Similar stories can be found on Easter Island with the so-called “birdman” cult... 195 00:14:41.131 --> 00:14:42.132 [ Bird Warbles ] 196 00:14:42.967 --> 00:14:48.138 In Japan, where supernatural birdman beings called tengu are revered... 197 00:14:49.557 --> 00:14:53.185 and on the other side of the world in ancient Sumeria... 198 00:14:53.269 --> 00:14:57.565 birdmen known as the Anunnaki were said to be advanced beings... 199 00:14:57.648 --> 00:15:00.901 that came down from the heavens to colonize the Earth. 200 00:15:02.403 --> 00:15:04.446 You have to wonder if these birdmen... 201 00:15:05.531 --> 00:15:10.369 aren't the Anunnaki who are coming from ancient Sumeria... 202 00:15:10.452 --> 00:15:13.247 who have these elongated heads. 203 00:15:14.331 --> 00:15:19.753 And so is it possible that these Anunnaki extraterrestrials were coming to Peru... 204 00:15:19.837 --> 00:15:21.297 and to Tucume... 205 00:15:21.380 --> 00:15:24.258 and instructing the people on building these pyramids? 206 00:15:25.301 --> 00:15:28.596 I don't think that it is pure coincidence... 207 00:15:28.679 --> 00:15:33.267 that there are so many motifs all around the world... 208 00:15:33.350 --> 00:15:39.106 that are not just similar, but, in many cases, identical. 209 00:15:40.482 --> 00:15:45.321 That to me indicates that not only were they not isolated... 210 00:15:45.404 --> 00:15:49.450 but that they were visited by the same people- 211 00:15:49.533 --> 00:15:52.411 by visitors from the sky. 212 00:15:53.912 --> 00:15:57.625 And the only way our ancestors could make sense of it... 213 00:15:57.708 --> 00:16:00.753 is to outfit them with wings. 214 00:16:04.131 --> 00:16:09.303 [ Narrator] Interestingly, the Sican people who occupied this area of Peru... 215 00:16:09.386 --> 00:16:11.513 not only made carvings of birdmen... 216 00:16:11.597 --> 00:16:17.394 but also told stories of a mysterious being who helped build their society... 217 00:16:17.478 --> 00:16:20.564 and then disappeared into the sky. 218 00:16:21.357 --> 00:16:24.151 [ Man #3 ] The great, heroic leader of the people was Naylamp. 219 00:16:24.234 --> 00:16:27.196 He built the pyramids and taught them a new religion. 220 00:16:27.279 --> 00:16:30.240 And when he felt that his work was done... 221 00:16:30.324 --> 00:16:34.286 he went down to the seashore, turned himself into a bird... 222 00:16:34.995 --> 00:16:37.331 and flew off into the heavens... 223 00:16:37.414 --> 00:16:40.834 and is, in the end, a celestial being. 224 00:16:45.547 --> 00:16:49.134 [ Narrator] Could it be that the birdmen depicted in Tucume... 225 00:16:49.218 --> 00:16:52.388 were really alien beings that came down to Earth... 226 00:16:52.471 --> 00:16:56.266 and helped the Sican people to build hundreds of pyramids? 227 00:16:58.185 --> 00:17:01.605 Perhaps the answer can be found by examining pyramids... 228 00:17:01.689 --> 00:17:07.611 discovered on the other side of the world, deep beneath the sea. 229 00:17:15.369 --> 00:17:20.874 Yonaguni Island, Japan. September 1997. 230 00:17:22.710 --> 00:17:27.214 Multiple teams of researchers, geologists and professional divers... 231 00:17:27.297 --> 00:17:29.717 launch an underwater expedition... 232 00:17:29.800 --> 00:17:33.262 near the southernmost of the remote Ryukyu Islands. 233 00:17:34.138 --> 00:17:37.933 They are there to investigate a mysterious stone configuration... 234 00:17:38.160 --> 00:17:40.811 known as the Yonaguni Pyramid. 235 00:17:42.396 --> 00:17:47.609 Less than 100 feet below the surface, the divers come across rock formations... 236 00:17:48.235 --> 00:17:49.945 including pillars... 237 00:17:51.155 --> 00:17:52.740 wedges... 238 00:17:54.324 --> 00:18:00.289 platforms and giant steps that appear to be carved out of the bedrock. 239 00:18:03.500 --> 00:18:07.379 The Yonaguni monument has been altered by carving. 240 00:18:07.463 --> 00:18:09.757 And it has been very carefully carved... 241 00:18:09.840 --> 00:18:13.844 into megaliths, platforms, stairways. 242 00:18:15.137 --> 00:18:17.139 The only problem is that it's built for giants. 243 00:18:20.559 --> 00:18:23.854 [ Mott] The stairs are immense. So who built this monument? 244 00:18:23.937 --> 00:18:27.316 And what cataclysmic event sent it to the bottom of the sea? 245 00:18:29.234 --> 00:18:33.864 [TSOUKALOS ] There are all these different cuts that seem to be of artificial origin... 246 00:18:33.947 --> 00:18:36.533 and not of a natural origin. 247 00:18:36.617 --> 00:18:40.621 Because it's too... precise. 248 00:18:42.414 --> 00:18:45.459 Was Yonaguni artificially altered... 249 00:18:45.542 --> 00:18:50.714 at a time when the water levels of the oceans were lower? 250 00:18:51.882 --> 00:18:55.302 We know that this happened at some point during the last ice age... 251 00:18:55.385 --> 00:18:57.679 which was 14,000 years ago. 252 00:18:59.473 --> 00:19:04.311 [ Man #4] Now, we have to remember that at the end of the last ice age... 253 00:19:04.394 --> 00:19:09.733 sea levels were as much as 300-plus feet lower than they are today. 254 00:19:11.680 --> 00:19:15.447 So at that time, this structure would have been above sea level. 255 00:19:15.531 --> 00:19:18.450 It would have been, at that time, dry land. 256 00:19:21.745 --> 00:19:25.791 [ Narrator] Could the massive underwater structure known as Yonaguni... 257 00:19:25.874 --> 00:19:28.794 really be the remnants of an advanced civilization... 258 00:19:28.877 --> 00:19:32.965 that existed here on Earth more than 10,000 years ago? 259 00:19:33.841 --> 00:19:36.343 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes... 260 00:19:36.426 --> 00:19:41.348 and claim that further evidence can be found in Polynesian stories... 261 00:19:41.431 --> 00:19:44.685 of a long lost continent called Mu. 262 00:19:45.686 --> 00:19:50.357 The Yonaguni monument may represent the remains of a transpacific civilization... 263 00:19:50.440 --> 00:19:52.250 that the Polynesians call Mu. 264 00:19:53.277 --> 00:19:57.573 There is evidence throughout Polynesia for an ancient megalithic civilization. 265 00:19:58.282 --> 00:20:01.285 There are similar ruins off the coast of Pohnpei. 266 00:20:01.368 --> 00:20:03.620 The ruins are partially submerged. 267 00:20:05.289 --> 00:20:10.502 This lost continent of Mu was in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. 268 00:20:10.586 --> 00:20:14.756 And it encompassed Hawaii and Tahiti... 269 00:20:14.840 --> 00:20:17.500 Tonga and Samoa... 270 00:20:17.134 --> 00:20:22.472 and even Easter Island were all part of this lost continent of Mu. 271 00:20:24.141 --> 00:20:30.220 And the central pyramid complex in Tonga is called Mu'a. 272 00:20:34.484 --> 00:20:36.403 [ Narrator] While most conventional scholars... 273 00:20:36.486 --> 00:20:39.781 dismiss the story of Mu as being mythology... 274 00:20:39.865 --> 00:20:45.871 ancient astronaut theorists suggest an enormous new discovery in Southeast Asia... 275 00:20:45.954 --> 00:20:48.582 could provide irrefutable evidence... 276 00:20:48.665 --> 00:20:53.253 that this lost civilization did, in fact, exist. 277 00:20:57.549 --> 00:21:00.100 West Java, Indonesia. 278 00:21:01.136 --> 00:21:03.513 Located in Karya Mukti village... 279 00:21:03.597 --> 00:21:06.642 is a mysterious site called Gunung Padang... 280 00:21:06.725 --> 00:21:08.977 or “mountain of enlightenment. ” 281 00:21:10.228 --> 00:21:11.855 For thousands of years... 282 00:21:11.939 --> 00:21:16.443 the local population revered Gunung Padang as a sacred site... 283 00:21:16.526 --> 00:21:20.405 and many came here to meditate among the giant stone blocks. 284 00:21:21.198 --> 00:21:25.661 But in 1914, Dutch explorers discovered... 285 00:21:25.744 --> 00:21:28.872 that the basalt columns scattered across the hilltop... 286 00:21:28.956 --> 00:21:31.416 are not natural features at all. 287 00:21:31.500 --> 00:21:36.421 They are, in fact, fragments of an ancient megalithic site. 288 00:21:37.297 --> 00:21:43.220 A century later, in 2013, the Indonesian government sponsored an excavation... 289 00:21:43.303 --> 00:21:47.599 to see if anything was hidden beneath the layers of din' and rubble. 290 00:21:48.809 --> 00:21:51.395 What they found was evidence that suggests... 291 00:21:51.478 --> 00:21:55.857 Gunung Padang is the world's oldest step pyramid. 292 00:21:58.902 --> 00:22:04.282 [Collins] Gunung Padang is probably the most remarkable megalithic structure... 293 00:22:04.366 --> 00:22:07.770 in the whole of Southeast Asia. 294 00:22:07.577 --> 00:22:10.330 What it consists of is a hillside... 295 00:22:10.414 --> 00:22:13.583 on top of which are a series of terraces... 296 00:22:13.667 --> 00:22:19.214 on which are structures made from basaltic pillars... 297 00:22:19.297 --> 00:22:21.591 and other types of structure. 298 00:22:22.759 --> 00:22:26.972 [ SCHOCH ] But what is really important is the age of it. 299 00:22:27.550 --> 00:22:31.143 It has been analyzed by an Indonesian geologist... 300 00:22:31.226 --> 00:22:34.813 and he seemed to have very good data from boreholes... 301 00:22:34.896 --> 00:22:36.732 from radiocarbon analysis... 302 00:22:36.815 --> 00:22:40.777 from seismic sections, as I've done around the Great Sphinx... 303 00:22:40.861 --> 00:22:43.697 that this site goes back... 304 00:22:43.780 --> 00:22:47.325 an incredible 20,000 or so years. 305 00:22:47.409 --> 00:22:48.910 Maybe slightly more than that. 306 00:22:51.872 --> 00:22:53.582 [ Narrator] According to geologists... 307 00:22:53.665 --> 00:22:58.336 20,000 years ago, Java, where Gunung Padang is located... 308 00:22:58.420 --> 00:23:00.714 was not an isolated island... 309 00:23:00.797 --> 00:23:05.177 but the southernmost part of a subcontinent known as Sundaland. 310 00:23:07.637 --> 00:23:10.515 This has led some researchers to speculate... 311 00:23:10.599 --> 00:23:13.643 that Gunung Padang, with its high elevation... 312 00:23:13.727 --> 00:23:16.563 could have been at' the pinnacle of a civilization... 313 00:23:16.646 --> 00:23:20.484 that disappeared sometime around 10,000 BC... 314 00:23:22.270 --> 00:23:24.279 when melting ice caps flooded the region... 315 00:23:24.362 --> 00:23:27.824 and turned it into the series of islands it is today. 316 00:23:28.658 --> 00:23:30.786 The compelling suggestion is... 317 00:23:30.869 --> 00:23:36.833 that there was some sort of civilization here before this flood took place... 318 00:23:36.917 --> 00:23:39.377 that they built this with advanced technology... 319 00:23:39.461 --> 00:23:44.591 and, therefore, they were extraterrestrial visitors to the Earth. 320 00:23:45.342 --> 00:23:48.762 That's why archaeologists are not finding the evidence... 321 00:23:48.845 --> 00:23:51.140 that we would normally expect to see... 322 00:23:51.980 --> 00:23:54.184 showing a geometric progression of technology... 323 00:23:54.267 --> 00:23:57.729 leading up to the ability to build a gigantic pyramid... 324 00:23:57.813 --> 00:24:00.190 well over 12,000 years ago. 325 00:24:04.528 --> 00:24:06.822 [ Narrator] Ancient astronaut theorists believe... 326 00:24:06.905 --> 00:24:12.350 Sundaland is only one piece of an enormous underwater puzzle... 327 00:24:12.119 --> 00:24:17.290 that when put together will reveal there was an advanced culture here on Earth... 328 00:24:17.374 --> 00:24:19.417 tens of thousands of years ago. 329 00:24:23.547 --> 00:24:26.299 But why did they build pyramids? 330 00:24:26.383 --> 00:24:30.178 Is it possible pyramids played a powerful central role... 331 00:24:30.262 --> 00:24:32.556 in the colonization of the planet? 332 00:24:33.890 --> 00:24:36.143 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest... 333 00:24:36.226 --> 00:24:41.815 the answers may lie not only underwater but buried beneath the sand... 334 00:24:42.732 --> 00:24:44.234 in Egypt- 335 00:24:53.493 --> 00:24:55.412 [ Narrator] Cairo, Egypt. 336 00:24:57.706 --> 00:25:03.753 On the west bank of the Nile River sits the world's most iconic pyramid complex- 337 00:25:05.922 --> 00:25:07.924 the pyramids of Giza. 338 00:25:10.135 --> 00:25:12.512 These ancient marvels of engineering... 339 00:25:12.596 --> 00:25:16.474 have fascinated mankind for over 4,000 years. 340 00:25:18.180 --> 00:25:22.397 Ana' they are just a handful of roughly 730 pyramid structures... 341 00:25:22.480 --> 00:25:25.734 that have been excavated in the Egyptian desert to date. 342 00:25:27.777 --> 00:25:29.863 But for ancient astronaut theorists... 343 00:25:29.946 --> 00:25:34.326 even more fascinating than the Egyptian pyramids that have been found... 344 00:25:34.409 --> 00:25:37.537 are those still waiting to be discovered. 345 00:25:39.247 --> 00:25:43.585 Many archaeologists believe that Egypt may be home to dozens... 346 00:25:43.668 --> 00:25:47.380 and perhaps even hundreds of hidden pyramids. 347 00:25:49.549 --> 00:25:52.930 I believe, just like many other scholars do... 348 00:25:52.177 --> 00:25:57.724 that we've only uncovered less than one-third of ancient Egypt. 349 00:26:00.936 --> 00:26:06.107 I am sure there are so many pyramids that are buried underneath the sand. 350 00:26:06.191 --> 00:26:09.236 But now there's a new hope. 351 00:26:09.319 --> 00:26:12.656 Satellite-imaging technology is the new tool... 352 00:26:12.739 --> 00:26:16.701 that can help us find and locate missing pyramids... 353 00:26:16.785 --> 00:26:18.286 underneath the sands of Egypt. 354 00:26:20.330 --> 00:26:24.209 [ Narrator] In 2010, Egyptologist Ramy Romany... 355 00:26:24.292 --> 00:26:28.880 was part of a team of researchers looking for lost ancient cities. 356 00:26:30.131 --> 00:26:34.511 Using infrared images from commercial and NASA satellites... 357 00:26:34.594 --> 00:26:40.225 they found something promising 15 miles south of Giza in the area of Saqqara. 358 00:26:41.351 --> 00:26:44.200 The satellite image that we had... 359 00:26:44.104 --> 00:26:48.108 was just two days after a strong rain. 360 00:26:48.858 --> 00:26:52.445 We found a square-shaped patch in the desert... 361 00:26:52.529 --> 00:26:56.616 that the color got darker as you got into the middle of it... 362 00:26:57.784 --> 00:27:01.496 which means the water was absorbed less right in the middle... 363 00:27:01.579 --> 00:27:04.124 and absorbed more towards the end... 364 00:27:04.207 --> 00:27:09.546 which indicates a pyramid-shaped structure underneath the sand. 365 00:27:09.629 --> 00:27:11.840 - [ Shouting ] - Once the digging started... 366 00:27:11.923 --> 00:27:14.634 the political situation in Egypt got really bad... 367 00:27:14.718 --> 00:27:16.511 and the digging had to stop. 368 00:27:17.220 --> 00:27:19.806 I believe that there is a pyramid down there, missing. 369 00:27:22.851 --> 00:27:24.578 [ Narrator] Ramy and his fellow researchers... 370 00:27:24.602 --> 00:27:28.732 believe they have found a total of 77 hidden pyramids... 371 00:27:28.815 --> 00:27:31.151 buried across the Egyptian desert. 372 00:27:34.612 --> 00:27:38.740 [ Romany] There are so many pyramids out there yet to be found. 373 00:27:39.750 --> 00:27:42.120 We have evidence that ancient Egyptian kings... 374 00:27:42.203 --> 00:27:45.540 built pyramids all the way through the Middle Kingdom- 375 00:27:46.750 --> 00:27:48.877 more than a hundred kings. 376 00:27:52.339 --> 00:27:54.883 [ Narrator] But if there are hundreds of hidden pyramids... 377 00:27:54.966 --> 00:27:57.844 buried under the sand in Egypt alone. .. 378 00:27:57.927 --> 00:28:00.930 Then how many might there be worldwide? 379 00:28:01.140 --> 00:28:03.725 And what was their original purpose? 380 00:28:05.435 --> 00:28:10.106 Because of technology, we are really entering into an exciting new era... 381 00:28:10.190 --> 00:28:12.567 of exploration and discovery. 382 00:28:14.736 --> 00:28:19.574 And we are finding more pyramids than ever all around the world- 383 00:28:19.657 --> 00:28:25.380 in South America, in Central America, even on remote islands... 384 00:28:25.121 --> 00:28:28.458 and even pyramids underwater. 385 00:28:36.299 --> 00:28:39.520 [ Narrator] Many mainstream archaeologists propose... 386 00:28:39.135 --> 00:28:42.722 that the reason pyramids were built throughout the ancient world... 387 00:28:44.933 --> 00:28:46.893 is simply because the design... 388 00:28:46.976 --> 00:28:50.397 which distributes the majority of the weight closer to the ground... 389 00:28:50.480 --> 00:28:54.484 was the easiest way to create stable monumental structures. 390 00:28:57.904 --> 00:29:00.281 But ancient astronaut theorists contend... 391 00:29:00.365 --> 00:29:05.360 that most of the pyramids are, in fact, marvels of engineering. 392 00:29:08.998 --> 00:29:12.919 These people are moving gigantic 100-ton blocks of stone... 393 00:29:13.200 --> 00:29:16.464 and assembling them into perfect, beautiful pyramids... 394 00:29:16.548 --> 00:29:20.593 that have still held together and weathered the test of time... 395 00:29:20.677 --> 00:29:23.138 nearly 5,000 years later. 396 00:29:23.221 --> 00:29:25.515 And that's based on the conventional dating. 397 00:29:28.977 --> 00:29:31.354 I mean, look at the great pyramids of Giza. 398 00:29:31.438 --> 00:29:33.731 They are geometrically perfect. 399 00:29:33.815 --> 00:29:36.484 They are perfect structures. 400 00:29:36.568 --> 00:29:38.903 5,000-4,000 years ago. 401 00:29:38.987 --> 00:29:43.366 And it's a perfect, smooth, pyramid-shaped structure. 402 00:29:48.246 --> 00:29:50.415 [ Narrator] Ancient astronaut theorists suggest... 403 00:29:50.498 --> 00:29:55.628 further evidence of a connection between these early pyramid-building societies... 404 00:29:55.712 --> 00:29:59.716 can be found by comparing their architectural styles. 405 00:30:01.885 --> 00:30:05.889 [ Man #5] There are pyramids all around the world that show incredible similarities. 406 00:30:05.972 --> 00:30:07.891 We have the pyramids in Mexico. 407 00:30:07.974 --> 00:30:11.190 Now, there's ones that have been discovered in Peru. 408 00:30:11.102 --> 00:30:12.979 There's also pyramids in China... 409 00:30:13.620 --> 00:30:16.357 in Tenerife, Mauritius, many other places. 410 00:30:16.441 --> 00:30:17.484 It really does suggest... 411 00:30:17.567 --> 00:30:20.570 there was something very interesting going on there in prehistory. 412 00:30:23.281 --> 00:30:25.366 [TSOUKALOS] You know, something has to be said... 413 00:30:25.450 --> 00:30:29.996 about the striking similarities between pyramidal structures... 414 00:30:30.790 --> 00:30:35.840 that can be found, for example, at the Candi Sukuh pyramid in Indonesia... 415 00:30:35.168 --> 00:30:39.422 as compared to El Castillo in Chichen Itza. 416 00:30:41.490 --> 00:30:45.970 If you have similarities throughout this entire vast planet of pyramids... 417 00:30:46.540 --> 00:30:49.974 then there had to have been some influence from the outside... 418 00:30:50.580 --> 00:30:55.630 that helped those people of that era build and construct these. 419 00:30:55.146 --> 00:30:57.565 The architect is probably the same. 420 00:31:01.736 --> 00:31:05.365 [ Narrator] Is it possible that the pyramids found all over the world... 421 00:31:05.448 --> 00:31:07.951 really are in some way connected? 422 00:31:08.451 --> 00:31:12.247 A no' could it be that the ancients built them to serve a purpose... 423 00:31:12.330 --> 00:31:15.208 modern man has yet to understand? 424 00:31:16.167 --> 00:31:19.300 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes... 425 00:31:19.870 --> 00:31:21.923 and claim further clues may be found... 426 00:31:22.600 --> 00:31:25.843 by closely examining the shape of the pyramid itself. 427 00:31:33.601 --> 00:31:37.146 [ Narrator] Auckland, New Zealand. 1952. 428 00:31:38.481 --> 00:31:43.444 Airline pilot Bruce Cathie spots a UFO hovering over the city's harbor. 429 00:31:46.864 --> 00:31:52.453 The craft holds him spellbound before vanishing straight up into the sky. 430 00:31:53.997 --> 00:31:57.125 The sighting turned out to be the first of many... 431 00:31:57.208 --> 00:31:59.919 Cathie would have over the next two decades. 432 00:32:01.170 --> 00:32:05.883 He recorded all of them, documenting their exact flight paths... 433 00:32:05.967 --> 00:32:09.120 and a startling pattern began to emerge. 434 00:32:13.808 --> 00:32:16.561 He spotted multiple UFO sightings. 435 00:32:19.147 --> 00:32:23.735 They all followed the same north-south grid lines and east-west grid lines. 436 00:32:23.818 --> 00:32:26.154 What he realized was is that perhaps... 437 00:32:26.237 --> 00:32:29.699 they were powering their crafts with this particular grid... 438 00:32:29.782 --> 00:32:34.162 because the Earth is like a hugely powerful energy source. 439 00:32:36.706 --> 00:32:40.710 [ Narrator] Cathie worked with software engineer Rod Maupin... 440 00:32:40.793 --> 00:32:43.796 to create Gridpoint Atlas- 441 00:32:43.880 --> 00:32:47.425 a computer program designed to map out his theory... 442 00:32:47.508 --> 00:32:50.720 that electromagnetic lines crisscross the planet. 443 00:32:51.721 --> 00:32:54.474 According to ancient astronaut theorists... 444 00:32:54.557 --> 00:33:00.210 many of the world's ancient cultures were also aware of this global energy grid. 445 00:33:01.314 --> 00:33:06.611 All around the world, we find megalithic sites that are connected by geodetic grid lines... 446 00:33:07.487 --> 00:33:10.281 and energy lines that naturally form from the Earth. 447 00:33:11.324 --> 00:33:16.162 And there is clear evidence that there was some kind of ancient survey of the planet... 448 00:33:16.245 --> 00:33:18.414 that took place in antiquity. 449 00:33:18.498 --> 00:33:21.876 And the evidence now is the placement of where these megalithic sites are... 450 00:33:21.959 --> 00:33:24.870 that we can still see today. 451 00:33:28.383 --> 00:33:32.512 [ Narrator] Is it possible the ancients built their pyramids to tap into... 452 00:33:32.595 --> 00:33:38.393 the same electromagnetic fields as extraterrestrials use to power their crafts? 453 00:33:40.520 --> 00:33:42.605 If we knew the truth... 454 00:33:42.689 --> 00:33:48.653 if we had a sophisticated enough perspective on planets and geomagnetic fields... 455 00:33:51.364 --> 00:33:55.201 we might realize that the sphere of the Earth... 456 00:33:55.284 --> 00:34:00.248 with a molten core that sets up these magnetic fields... 457 00:34:00.331 --> 00:34:04.168 is exactly what other intelligences look for... 458 00:34:04.252 --> 00:34:09.549 in order to use pyramids in a way that we still have never been introduced to... 459 00:34:09.632 --> 00:34:11.134 at least publicly. 460 00:34:13.261 --> 00:34:16.347 And that once you have them in the right position... 461 00:34:16.431 --> 00:34:19.559 in the right magnetic field structure... 462 00:34:19.642 --> 00:34:22.311 you have free energy forever. 463 00:34:23.620 --> 00:34:25.640 And this sounds incredible. 464 00:34:25.148 --> 00:34:26.649 It is incredible. 465 00:34:28.484 --> 00:34:31.404 [ Narrator] Some ancient astronaut theorists contend... 466 00:34:31.487 --> 00:34:35.408 that pyramids were not only built to harness the Earth's energy... 467 00:34:35.491 --> 00:34:39.245 but to amplify it by using the pyramidal shape itself. 468 00:34:40.747 --> 00:34:45.168 There are certain pioneering scientists that have made the suggestion... 469 00:34:45.251 --> 00:34:49.213 that the secret to how the atom is powered is gravity. 470 00:34:51.900 --> 00:34:55.762 That there is, in fact, a union between gravity and electromagnetism. 471 00:34:56.262 --> 00:34:58.306 So if the Earth is a sphere... 472 00:34:58.389 --> 00:35:00.725 and the energy is flowing in from all directions... 473 00:35:01.309 --> 00:35:03.394 you build the shape of a pyramid... 474 00:35:04.937 --> 00:35:09.567 and as that matter is being created, you get a swirling current. 475 00:35:09.650 --> 00:35:14.697 And that swirling current generates a great deal of rotational inertia... 476 00:35:14.781 --> 00:35:16.449 in the center of the pyramid. 477 00:35:19.702 --> 00:35:24.457 [ Man #6] The Great Pyramid does make an electromagnetic energy. 478 00:35:26.626 --> 00:35:29.962 I have taken over the years instruments into the pyramid... 479 00:35:30.460 --> 00:35:34.258 that converts this energy we're talking about into a voltage. 480 00:35:34.884 --> 00:35:39.639 And measuring in Los Angeles, it was putting out about .08 volts. 481 00:35:41.599 --> 00:35:43.643 And when I took it into the Great Pyramid... 482 00:35:43.726 --> 00:35:46.604 it was producing 1200 millivolts... 483 00:35:46.687 --> 00:35:48.314 which means 1.2 volts... 484 00:35:48.397 --> 00:35:52.902 and the area around the pyramid was putting out the same voltage. 485 00:35:58.324 --> 00:36:00.576 [ Narrator] Ancient astronaut theorists contend... 486 00:36:00.660 --> 00:36:04.705 that Earth is pyramids were not only designed for energy disbursement. .. 487 00:36:04.789 --> 00:36:06.666 Or powering spacecraft... 488 00:36:06.749 --> 00:36:10.753 but were also interconnected to act as communication hubs... 489 00:36:13.890 --> 00:36:16.342 and possibly even teleportation docks... 490 00:36:16.425 --> 00:36:18.845 capable of transporting living beings... 491 00:36:18.928 --> 00:36:23.391 between pyramids both here on Earth and on other worlds. 492 00:36:25.351 --> 00:36:28.271 If we look at all the specific instances... 493 00:36:28.354 --> 00:36:30.731 of pyramids being placed around the globe... 494 00:36:32.775 --> 00:36:37.488 it could be that the Great Pyramid was meant to interconnect with these other pyramids... 495 00:36:37.572 --> 00:36:40.616 that were built so purposely in different locations... 496 00:36:40.700 --> 00:36:45.413 and could have been orchestrated by an extraterrestrial species... 497 00:36:45.496 --> 00:36:48.207 for reasons we're still unable to fathom. 498 00:36:51.335 --> 00:36:55.464 [ Narrator] Might pyramids really hold the Key to self-sustaining energy? 499 00:36:57.800 --> 00:37:00.520 Was the Great Pyramid of Egypt... 500 00:37:00.136 --> 00:37:04.515 in addition to an untold number of other pyramids hidden around the planet... 501 00:37:04.599 --> 00:37:06.893 part of a global power network? 502 00:37:08.144 --> 00:37:10.646 But if so, what happened to them? 503 00:37:11.731 --> 00:37:14.317 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest... 504 00:37:14.400 --> 00:37:17.904 further clues found in Giza provide evidence... 505 00:37:17.987 --> 00:37:23.701 that an earlier advanced civilization was deliberately covered up. 506 00:37:27.705 --> 00:37:30.249 [Chattering ] 507 00:37:31.918 --> 00:37:36.500 [ Narrator] The Giza Plateau, Egypt. 2008. 508 00:37:38.132 --> 00:37:43.179 Researchers from the University of the Aegean and the University of Athens... 509 00:37:43.262 --> 00:37:46.570 perform a study on the stones... 510 00:37:46.140 --> 00:37:49.310 used for many of the region's ancient monuments. 511 00:37:49.393 --> 00:37:53.220 What they discover is that most of these structures... 512 00:37:53.105 --> 00:37:55.107 including the Giza pyramids... 513 00:37:55.191 --> 00:37:58.861 contain hundreds of thousands of marine fossils. 514 00:38:00.446 --> 00:38:04.575 The find intensifies the debate between archaeologists... 515 00:38:04.659 --> 00:38:10.122 who suggest that the blocks used to build the pyramids were cast like concrete. .. 516 00:38:10.206 --> 00:38:14.168 Versus those who say they were carved out of natural stone. 517 00:38:15.920 --> 00:38:20.490 But for ancient astronaut theorists, it raises another question. 518 00:38:20.132 --> 00:38:23.970 Is it possible that the pyramids were not built with stone. .. 519 00:38:24.530 --> 00:38:28.140 That had at one time been submerged beneath the ocean... 520 00:38:28.224 --> 00:38:31.143 but that the pyramids themselves were underwater? 521 00:38:34.230 --> 00:38:37.000 [WILCOCK] Right in the middle of the desert, seemingly out of nowhere... 522 00:38:37.240 --> 00:38:38.526 we have fossils from the ocean... 523 00:38:38.609 --> 00:38:41.700 different genres of marine organisms. 524 00:38:41.153 --> 00:38:44.657 Where did they come from and why are they here? 525 00:38:45.324 --> 00:38:50.121 Some say that a great flood did in fact happen, that it was real. 526 00:38:52.415 --> 00:38:55.459 [ Man #7 ] The flood is clearly presented... 527 00:38:55.543 --> 00:38:59.588 as being sent with intent as an attack upon the Earth. 528 00:39:01.480 --> 00:39:05.845 The powers that be, they had an intent and a purpose for experiment Earth... 529 00:39:05.928 --> 00:39:07.763 which they believe had become corrupted... 530 00:39:07.847 --> 00:39:12.184 and therefore, the flood was sent as an attack... 531 00:39:12.268 --> 00:39:15.271 an assault upon humanity. 532 00:39:16.647 --> 00:39:20.317 [ CHILDRESS ] These gods were going to artificially create this flood... 533 00:39:20.401 --> 00:39:23.779 and cataclysm with their super technology. 534 00:39:23.863 --> 00:39:28.117 And who could do that except for extraterrestrials? 535 00:39:30.119 --> 00:39:31.787 [ Narrator] According to the Bible... 536 00:39:31.871 --> 00:39:35.249 God sent the great flood to cleanse the earth... 537 00:39:35.332 --> 00:39:38.169 because of the sinful state of mankind. 538 00:39:39.211 --> 00:39:42.798 But if the flood really was sent by extra terrestrials... 539 00:39:42.882 --> 00:39:46.930 as some ancient astronaut theorists suggest... 540 00:39:46.177 --> 00:39:49.847 might it also have been an attempt to eliminate any trace... 541 00:39:49.930 --> 00:39:54.935 of the advanced civilization that existed here on Earth in the distant past? 542 00:39:56.687 --> 00:39:59.523 Is it possible that the secrets of the pyramids... 543 00:39:59.607 --> 00:40:01.901 were initially covered up not by humans... 544 00:40:01.984 --> 00:40:07.730 but by an alien race that lived among us thousands of years ago? 545 00:40:08.783 --> 00:40:13.579 One has to ask the question, “Well, what was wiped out?” 546 00:40:13.662 --> 00:40:19.627 Could it be that it was an incredibly advanced society... 547 00:40:19.710 --> 00:40:23.839 that existed before recorded history? 548 00:40:24.840 --> 00:40:27.426 [ Mott] Many new pyramid structures have been found. 549 00:40:27.510 --> 00:40:31.970 You have pyramids off the coast of Cuba in 2,000 feet of water. 550 00:40:31.180 --> 00:40:33.682 So who built those structures? How did they get there? 551 00:40:34.725 --> 00:40:39.230 Researcher Frank Joseph has actually found remnants... 552 00:40:39.313 --> 00:40:42.399 of at least 1O pyramid-shaped structures... 553 00:40:42.483 --> 00:40:46.237 beneath the surface of the water in Rock Lake, Wisconsin. 554 00:40:46.904 --> 00:40:52.952 Two of these pyramids have actually been explored by scuba divers... 555 00:40:53.350 --> 00:40:56.205 and mapped out through the use of sonar... 556 00:40:56.288 --> 00:41:00.918 which is how we figure out where things are in a deep body of water. 557 00:41:06.132 --> 00:41:08.134 [ Narrator] The presence of man-made pyramids... 558 00:41:08.217 --> 00:41:10.594 at the bottom of Rock Lake, Wisconsin... 559 00:41:10.678 --> 00:41:15.975 much like the structures that have been found in China, Alaska, Bosnia... 560 00:41:16.580 --> 00:41:18.769 and off the coasts of Japan and Cuba... 561 00:41:18.853 --> 00:41:22.565 is something that government officials continue to deny. 562 00:41:23.482 --> 00:41:25.943 But the government has gone out of their way... 563 00:41:26.260 --> 00:41:31.448 to try to dismiss the idea that these are pyramids. 564 00:41:32.199 --> 00:41:34.326 And they won't even give you a good answer. 565 00:41:34.410 --> 00:41:38.289 But the answer really is that they don't want people... 566 00:41:38.372 --> 00:41:42.293 to make this connection that we have pyramids in our country... 567 00:41:42.376 --> 00:41:46.255 and that they're connected to pyramids all over the world. 568 00:41:50.509 --> 00:41:52.845 [ Howe] Are we living at a time... 569 00:41:52.928 --> 00:41:56.599 where keeping things like underground pyramids... 570 00:41:56.682 --> 00:42:01.395 is considered a national security threat to our government... 571 00:42:01.478 --> 00:42:03.981 if the truth is told? 572 00:42:04.640 --> 00:42:06.609 I hope that is not the case. 573 00:42:08.680 --> 00:42:12.531 And if there are pyramids that could be linked together... 574 00:42:12.615 --> 00:42:14.909 to give this planet energy... 575 00:42:16.118 --> 00:42:20.497 then let's move on with getting past all these policies of denial... 576 00:42:20.581 --> 00:42:23.417 and let's find this pyramid in Alaska... 577 00:42:23.500 --> 00:42:25.711 and wherever else they are on the planet. 578 00:42:27.630 --> 00:42:31.800 [ Narrator ] How many other lost pyramids might be out there? 579 00:42:32.801 --> 00:42:36.513 Will the truth about who built these pyramids and why... 580 00:42:36.597 --> 00:42:41.143 reveal our connection to an advanced extraterrestrial race... 581 00:42:41.227 --> 00:42:45.648 that was here long before even the earliest known civilizations? 582 00:42:48.734 --> 00:42:50.736 Perhaps one of these hidden pyramids... 583 00:42:50.819 --> 00:42:55.199 is the key to activating a global power network... 584 00:42:55.282 --> 00:42:58.327 that has been lost for thousands of years... 585 00:42:59.245 --> 00:43:00.746 and when reactivated... 586 00:43:00.829 --> 00:43:06.430 it will once again reconnect us with our alien ancestors.