1 00:00:03.171 --> 00:00:05.757 [ Man Narrating ] A tribe gone missing. 2 00:00:06.591 --> 00:00:09.177 [Woman ] it was some kind of harvest. 3 00:00:09.260 --> 00:00:10.553 It was an experiment. 4 00:00:10.637 --> 00:00:14.150 [ Narrator] A city mysteriously abandoned. 5 00:00:14.990 --> 00:00:18.269 All of a sudden they disappear. We don't know where they have gone. 6 00:00:18.895 --> 00:00:20.355 [ Narrator] And an entire culture... 7 00:00:20.438 --> 00:00:23.240 that dropped off the face of the Earth. 8 00:00:23.108 --> 00:00:25.610 Have they been abducted? Have they been beamed up? 9 00:00:26.945 --> 00:00:29.280 [ Narrator] Throughout history and across the globe... 10 00:00:29.364 --> 00:00:32.409 there have been accounts of mass disappearances... 11 00:00:32.492 --> 00:00:34.577 that defy explanation. 12 00:00:34.661 --> 00:00:38.206 But did these people suffer some horrible fate? 13 00:00:38.289 --> 00:00:40.417 Or might they have been taken... 14 00:00:40.500 --> 00:00:43.545 by extraterrestrial visitors? 15 00:00:43.628 --> 00:00:46.423 [ Man ] Ultimately, they vanished. 16 00:00:46.506 --> 00:00:49.500 And we don't know what happened to them. 17 00:00:49.134 --> 00:00:51.428 [ Narrator] Millions of people around the world... 18 00:00:51.511 --> 00:00:53.722 believe we have been visited in the past... 19 00:00:53.805 --> 00:00:56.433 by extraterrestrial beings. 20 00:00:56.516 --> 00:00:58.643 What if it were true? 21 00:00:59.352 --> 00:01:03.732 Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? 22 00:01:03.815 --> 00:01:05.608 And if so... 23 00:01:05.692 --> 00:01:07.485 might they be responsible... 24 00:01:07.569 --> 00:01:11.948 for mankind's most mysterious disappearances? 25 00:01:43.938 --> 00:01:46.858 [ Narrator] Nunavut Territory, Canada. 26 00:01:47.859 --> 00:01:51.112 Located at the northernmost point of the country... 27 00:01:51.196 --> 00:01:54.741 and stretching across most of the Canadian Arctic... 28 00:01:55.492 --> 00:01:57.118 the Nunavut Territory... 29 00:01:57.202 --> 00:02:00.663 is among the most sparsely populated regions on Earth. 30 00:02:00.747 --> 00:02:02.749 [ Dogs Barking ] 31 00:02:04.584 --> 00:02:08.379 Yet Inuit tribes have continuously inhabited the region... 32 00:02:08.463 --> 00:02:11.900 for at least 4,000 years. 33 00:02:13.593 --> 00:02:15.220 Because of its remoteness... 34 00:02:15.303 --> 00:02:19.307 most people had not heard of the region until 1930... 35 00:02:19.390 --> 00:02:23.228 when it first made headlines across North American newspapers... 36 00:02:23.311 --> 00:02:26.397 with the report of the mysterious disappearance... 37 00:02:26.481 --> 00:02:28.900 of an entire Inuit tribe. 38 00:02:32.700 --> 00:02:35.156 A fur trapper by the name of Joe Labelle... 39 00:02:35.240 --> 00:02:37.951 comes upon a small village... 40 00:02:38.340 --> 00:02:40.245 and it's empty. 41 00:02:43.498 --> 00:02:46.668 There are tents. There are shelters. 42 00:02:46.751 --> 00:02:51.470 There's a fire. There's stew in a pot on the fire. 43 00:02:51.130 --> 00:02:54.800 But there's nobody around. 44 00:02:56.940 --> 00:02:58.972 [Woman ] There were graves in this village... 45 00:02:59.550 --> 00:03:02.517 where every top of every grave... 46 00:03:02.600 --> 00:03:04.519 had been lifted off... 47 00:03:04.602 --> 00:03:08.356 and every dead person was gone. 48 00:03:14.362 --> 00:03:17.198 [ Narrator] There was no sign of violence or disturbance... 49 00:03:17.282 --> 00:03:19.330 in the Anjikuni village... 50 00:03:19.117 --> 00:03:23.746 to explain how an estimated 25 men, women and children... 51 00:03:23.830 --> 00:03:25.790 would have vanished. 52 00:03:27.667 --> 00:03:30.503 After the disappearance was first publicized... 53 00:03:30.587 --> 00:03:33.256 other details began to emerge. 54 00:03:33.339 --> 00:03:36.885 When the Royal Canadian Mounted Police got to the village... 55 00:03:36.968 --> 00:03:39.530 and they went around and talked with locals... 56 00:03:39.137 --> 00:03:42.599 they were hearing all about strange things in the sky. 57 00:03:44.809 --> 00:03:48.771 The Mounties themselves saw blue lights... 58 00:03:48.855 --> 00:03:52.233 twinkling and hovering and moving around on the horizon... 59 00:03:52.317 --> 00:03:56.195 as if being watched by something in the sky. 60 00:04:01.618 --> 00:04:05.330 One thing that makes the Anjikuni case really stand out... 61 00:04:05.413 --> 00:04:08.291 is the fact that the entire village was just gone. 62 00:04:09.250 --> 00:04:12.587 And that is something that we don't see too often... 63 00:04:12.670 --> 00:04:14.464 but we do see it now and again. 64 00:04:14.547 --> 00:04:19.510 Possibly that demonstrates a very disturbing aspect of the UFO phenomenon. 65 00:04:21.721 --> 00:04:24.265 [ Narrator] Could it be that the Anjikuni tribe... 66 00:04:24.349 --> 00:04:27.352 actually disappeared from the face of the Earth? 67 00:04:30.271 --> 00:04:32.607 Some ancient astronaut theorists... 68 00:04:32.690 --> 00:04:35.276 claim that accounts of mass disappearances... 69 00:04:35.360 --> 00:04:38.780 can be traced back thousands of years... 70 00:04:38.863 --> 00:04:41.741 to some of our earliest civilizations. 71 00:04:42.742 --> 00:04:46.621 What is happening on all of the mass disappearances? 72 00:04:46.704 --> 00:04:48.390 Nobody knows. 73 00:04:49.958 --> 00:04:51.751 In the mass disappearances... 74 00:04:51.834 --> 00:04:57.600 where cultures or towns or villages have disappeared in Earth history... 75 00:04:57.900 --> 00:04:59.258 nobody has come back. 76 00:05:01.940 --> 00:05:02.929 [ Man ] Throughout ancient history... 77 00:05:03.120 --> 00:05:06.599 there are various reports of large amounts of people... 78 00:05:06.683 --> 00:05:09.435 just completely disappearing from the Earth... 79 00:05:09.519 --> 00:05:12.230 and going to some unknown place. 80 00:05:13.147 --> 00:05:16.234 We don't know, but it's possible that this is connected... 81 00:05:16.317 --> 00:05:18.319 in fact, to extraterrestrials. 82 00:05:21.720 --> 00:05:23.825 [ Narrator] Is it possible that there ls a common thread... 83 00:05:23.908 --> 00:05:27.120 linking mass disappearances throughout history? 84 00:05:28.913 --> 00:05:32.583 And if extraterrestrials have, in fact, been removing... 85 00:05:32.667 --> 00:05:36.587 entire groups of people from the planet since ancient times... 86 00:05:36.671 --> 00:05:38.840 what might their purpose be? 87 00:05:40.174 --> 00:05:42.510 Perhaps further evidence can be found... 88 00:05:42.593 --> 00:05:45.304 by examining recently discovered artifacts... 89 00:05:45.388 --> 00:05:49.183 left behind by a lost ancient civilization. 90 00:05:56.399 --> 00:06:01.700 Guanghan City, China, 1986. 91 00:06:02.864 --> 00:06:06.701 Construction workers unearth two sacrificial pits... 92 00:06:06.784 --> 00:06:10.788 that contain the relics of a long-lost civilization. 93 00:06:11.914 --> 00:06:16.210 The cache contains hundreds of bronze and gold masks... 94 00:06:16.294 --> 00:06:18.421 statues and figurines... 95 00:06:18.504 --> 00:06:22.592 in addition to numerous marble and jade artifacts. 96 00:06:24.135 --> 00:06:27.346 Chinese historians consider the discovery... 97 00:06:27.430 --> 00:06:30.767 one of the most important finds of the 20th century... 98 00:06:30.850 --> 00:06:35.480 and date the site back between 3,000 and 5,000 years... 99 00:06:35.563 --> 00:06:39.108 to the very start of Chinese civilization. 100 00:06:41.778 --> 00:06:43.905 Before the Sanxingdui discovery... 101 00:06:43.988 --> 00:06:47.492 Chinese civilization was understood to have arisen... 102 00:06:47.575 --> 00:06:51.621 from the Yellow River basin- basically, one spot in China. 103 00:06:53.331 --> 00:06:57.835 This discovery showed that there were other very advanced cultures... 104 00:06:58.669 --> 00:07:00.838 on the periphery of the Yellow River basin... 105 00:07:00.922 --> 00:07:04.467 that also heavily contributed to the formation of Chinese civilization. 106 00:07:07.950 --> 00:07:10.980 [Woman ] Nobody wrote about the culture at Sanxingdui. 107 00:07:10.181 --> 00:07:13.267 There's nothing that comes up in Chinese texts... 108 00:07:13.351 --> 00:07:16.270 and the Chinese are very good at documenting their history. 109 00:07:16.354 --> 00:07:18.731 So one of the most surprising things... 110 00:07:18.815 --> 00:07:21.943 is how a culture that was so sophisticated... 111 00:07:22.260 --> 00:07:24.821 could slide under the radar of history. 112 00:07:31.202 --> 00:07:34.622 [ Narrator] The Sanxingdui culture left no written record. 113 00:07:34.705 --> 00:07:37.250 No human remains have been found. 114 00:07:37.333 --> 00:07:39.127 And according to their artifacts... 115 00:07:39.210 --> 00:07:43.798 they appear to have only existed for 350 years. 116 00:07:46.884 --> 00:07:48.803 [ Lee] For some unknown reason... 117 00:07:48.886 --> 00:07:52.140 the artifacts were broken, burned... 118 00:07:52.980 --> 00:07:54.559 and placed into two pits... 119 00:07:54.642 --> 00:07:56.227 and covered up... 120 00:07:56.310 --> 00:07:58.479 rendering them useless. 121 00:07:59.897 --> 00:08:03.317 So it's very curious as to why that happened. 122 00:08:07.947 --> 00:08:11.159 [ Narrator] Adding to the intrigue of the vanished civilization- 123 00:08:11.242 --> 00:08:13.995 they left behind dozens of bronze heads... 124 00:08:14.780 --> 00:08:15.913 with odd features. 125 00:08:19.750 --> 00:08:22.503 On November 1, 2007... 126 00:08:22.587 --> 00:08:24.839 the official press agency of China... 127 00:08:24.922 --> 00:08:26.591 asked the question... 128 00:08:26.674 --> 00:08:30.219 whether or not what we're looking at here are ancestors... 129 00:08:30.303 --> 00:08:32.930 or, in fact, extraterrestrials. 130 00:08:34.432 --> 00:08:35.892 And my question is... 131 00:08:35.975 --> 00:08:39.812 what if what we have here is both? 132 00:08:39.896 --> 00:08:42.481 If you check out this one right here- 133 00:08:42.565 --> 00:08:44.567 Look at the eyes. 134 00:08:44.650 --> 00:08:49.363 Now, why would any artisan carve or create something like this? 135 00:08:49.447 --> 00:08:52.158 Because our eyes don't look like this. 136 00:08:53.701 --> 00:08:56.537 The whole thing is very bizarre-looking. 137 00:08:56.621 --> 00:08:59.165 It is not necessarily human. 138 00:08:59.248 --> 00:09:01.250 It is something else. 139 00:09:05.129 --> 00:09:07.256 The masks look very unusual. 140 00:09:07.340 --> 00:09:11.260 They have big ears, big eyes. 141 00:09:11.344 --> 00:09:15.348 They don't look like normal human beings of today. 142 00:09:20.311 --> 00:09:22.521 [ Narrator] Could it be that the masks found... 143 00:09:22.605 --> 00:09:24.315 at the Sanxingdui site... 144 00:09:24.398 --> 00:09:28.903 are depicting ancient astronauts who visited our planet in the remote past? 145 00:09:30.821 --> 00:09:32.323 And if so... 146 00:09:32.406 --> 00:09:34.951 could this help explain the abrupt disappearance... 147 00:09:35.340 --> 00:09:38.370 of a seemingly advanced civilization? 148 00:09:41.832 --> 00:09:44.710 Ultimately, they vanish... 149 00:09:44.794 --> 00:09:47.755 and we don't know what happened to them. 150 00:09:47.838 --> 00:09:51.634 So were they some kind of extraterrestrial civilization... 151 00:09:51.717 --> 00:09:55.346 or human hybrid civilization? 152 00:09:56.973 --> 00:10:00.977 Then were ultimately airlifted out at some point in time... 153 00:10:01.600 --> 00:10:03.479 and perhaps moved to another place? 154 00:10:06.816 --> 00:10:09.277 [ Narrator] Is it possible that the Sanxingdui... 155 00:10:09.360 --> 00:10:12.113 as well as other ancient civilizations... 156 00:10:12.196 --> 00:10:15.241 were literally taken off the face of the Earth? 157 00:10:16.701 --> 00:10:18.869 And if so, why? 158 00:10:21.380 --> 00:10:23.374 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest... 159 00:10:23.457 --> 00:10:27.962 that clues can be found by examining the stories of Easter Island... 160 00:10:29.380 --> 00:10:32.383 and a lost tribe of giants. 161 00:10:40.808 --> 00:10:43.394 [ Narrator] The Southeast Pacific Ocean. 162 00:10:43.477 --> 00:10:47.690 Rape Nui, or Easter Island, as it has become known... 163 00:10:48.649 --> 00:10:51.652 is one of the most remote places on the planet. 164 00:10:52.486 --> 00:10:57.325 The nearest inhabited island is 1,100 miles to the west... 165 00:10:57.408 --> 00:11:03.800 and its nearest continental country, Chile, is over 2,000 miles away. 166 00:11:04.165 --> 00:11:06.876 Scattered around the perimeter of the island... 167 00:11:06.959 --> 00:11:09.462 most with their backs to the sea... 168 00:11:09.545 --> 00:11:12.631 stand nearly 300 massive stone figures... 169 00:11:12.715 --> 00:11:14.800 known as the moan. 170 00:11:16.218 --> 00:11:19.722 Most are between 75 to 20 feel tall. 171 00:11:21.980 --> 00:11:25.190 But the tallest stands over 70 feet... 172 00:11:25.102 --> 00:11:28.773 and the heaviest weighs up to 165 tons. 173 00:11:32.526 --> 00:11:35.488 Why did these people go to such great effort... 174 00:11:35.571 --> 00:11:37.865 to build these giant statues? 175 00:11:37.948 --> 00:11:40.340 No one else in Polynesia was doing that. 176 00:11:42.453 --> 00:11:45.164 When you talk to the people of Easter Island today... 177 00:11:45.247 --> 00:11:46.874 the Rapa Nui people... 178 00:11:46.957 --> 00:11:49.543 they say they were doing them to honor... 179 00:11:49.627 --> 00:11:53.839 certain important ancestral ariki or rulers. 180 00:11:56.550 --> 00:12:01.550 These moais are images of great ancestors. 181 00:12:05.810 --> 00:12:09.210 [ Narrator] Some ancient astronaut theorists have suggested... 182 00:12:09.105 --> 00:12:13.567 that the moai may have been erected by a lost race of giants... 183 00:12:13.651 --> 00:12:15.528 that once inhabited the island. 184 00:12:16.570 --> 00:12:19.323 Interestingly, C.F. Behrens... 185 00:12:19.407 --> 00:12:21.534 a member of the Dutch expedition team... 186 00:12:21.617 --> 00:12:25.413 that first discovered the island in 1722... 187 00:12:25.496 --> 00:12:28.791 described some of the priestly class of inhabitants... 188 00:12:28.874 --> 00:12:30.709 as Goliaths. 189 00:12:35.256 --> 00:12:39.900 [ Barnhart ] C.F. Behrens reported that he saw giant people. 190 00:12:39.844 --> 00:12:44.140 Someone had rode up to their boat that was some 15 foot tall. 191 00:12:45.990 --> 00:12:48.102 He really made a big deal of these giants on the island. 192 00:12:48.978 --> 00:12:52.273 [ CHILDRESS ] When the first explorers landed on Easter Island... 193 00:12:52.356 --> 00:12:55.526 what they found was that there were two types of people there- 194 00:12:55.609 --> 00:12:58.237 there were the short ears and the long ears. 195 00:12:59.196 --> 00:13:02.867 The long ears were often described as giants... 196 00:13:02.950 --> 00:13:06.203 and they were a different race from the short ears. 197 00:13:06.287 --> 00:13:10.791 Presumably they had these very, very long ears and earlobes. 198 00:13:12.293 --> 00:13:14.879 And they were the priestly caste. 199 00:13:14.962 --> 00:13:18.799 They were directing the creation and the movement of these statues... 200 00:13:18.883 --> 00:13:20.759 around the islands. 201 00:13:21.510 --> 00:13:23.804 [ Man ] They were said to be so tall... 202 00:13:23.888 --> 00:13:28.309 that each of the crew could walk under the legs of these giants. 203 00:13:28.392 --> 00:13:30.769 The sheer size of the megaliths on Easter Island... 204 00:13:30.853 --> 00:13:33.522 do suggest they were made by giants. 205 00:13:33.606 --> 00:13:37.651 There were legends all around the world linked with megalithic sites... 206 00:13:37.735 --> 00:13:42.720 which may give some clarity on who and how they actually built these sites. 207 00:13:48.787 --> 00:13:51.665 [ Narrator] Francis Maziere, a French ethnologist... 208 00:13:51.749 --> 00:13:55.544 who conducted research on the island in 1963... 209 00:13:56.212 --> 00:14:00.490 recorded local legends that the first men to live on the island... 210 00:14:00.132 --> 00:14:02.343 were of very large stature. 211 00:14:03.427 --> 00:14:05.804 In his book The Mysteries of Easter Island... 212 00:14:05.888 --> 00:14:08.349 Francis Maziere talks about... 213 00:14:08.432 --> 00:14:11.393 that the first islanders of Easter Island... 214 00:14:11.477 --> 00:14:15.814 allegedly were these tall, giant people. 215 00:14:17.608 --> 00:14:19.527 [ Howe] There were inhabitants there... 216 00:14:19.610 --> 00:14:23.906 that were eight to 10, maybe even 12 feet high. 217 00:14:23.989 --> 00:14:25.908 And what do you automatically think of? 218 00:14:27.493 --> 00:14:29.119 Genesis in the Bible... 219 00:14:29.203 --> 00:14:33.624 talks about how something that was nonhuman- 220 00:14:34.625 --> 00:14:37.670 perhaps angelic, perhaps extraterrestrial- 221 00:14:39.463 --> 00:14:42.591 saw the fair maidens of humans... 222 00:14:42.675 --> 00:14:44.635 had intercourse... 223 00:14:44.718 --> 00:14:49.348 and from that came the hybrids known as the giants of old. 224 00:14:53.978 --> 00:14:56.981 [ Narrator] Is it possible that the accounts of giants on Earth- .. 225 00:14:57.640 --> 00:14:58.816 Are in fact true... 226 00:14:58.899 --> 00:15:01.652 as ancient astronaut theorists suggest? 227 00:15:03.904 --> 00:15:08.909 Did the remnants of this lost race continue to exist on Easter Island? 228 00:15:08.993 --> 00:15:13.163 Ana' if so, just what' happened to these beings? 229 00:15:17.209 --> 00:15:22.840 Up to 15,000 people lived on Easter island prior to its Western discovery. 230 00:15:23.924 --> 00:15:26.135 But only 52 years later... 231 00:15:26.218 --> 00:15:31.980 explorer James Cook described a sight of mass devastation... 232 00:15:33.767 --> 00:15:37.146 with nearly all of the moai statues toppled over... 233 00:15:37.229 --> 00:15:41.191 and only about 700 inhabitants left on the island. 234 00:15:42.568 --> 00:15:45.290 And no mention of giants. 235 00:15:47.656 --> 00:15:50.117 Something seems to have happened at Easter Island... 236 00:15:50.200 --> 00:15:53.370 that decreased the population seriously. 237 00:15:55.390 --> 00:16:00.127 And it seems that a number of people either died off, left... 238 00:16:00.210 --> 00:16:02.254 or something happened to them. 239 00:16:03.255 --> 00:16:05.924 [ Narrator] Some ancient astronaut theorists propose... 240 00:16:06.800 --> 00:16:10.554 that evidence left at the site may point to a more intriguing theory... 241 00:16:10.638 --> 00:16:13.140 regarding their disappearance. 242 00:16:13.849 --> 00:16:18.312 Archaeologists found unfinished moai left at' the quarry... 243 00:16:18.395 --> 00:16:20.564 and tools scattered around... 244 00:16:20.648 --> 00:16:23.859 as if the work had been suddenly abandoned. 245 00:16:26.280 --> 00:16:28.989 [ CHILDRESS ] We don't know why they would have stopped this... 246 00:16:29.730 --> 00:16:33.869 and even what happened exactly to the priestly caste of giants... 247 00:16:33.952 --> 00:16:36.914 who was overseeing all of this work. 248 00:16:36.997 --> 00:16:40.876 Suddenly these people just vanished and all the work stopped. 249 00:16:42.378 --> 00:16:47.910 [ Howe ] The issue that keeps coming up about Easter Island- 250 00:16:47.174 --> 00:16:49.718 Was this a genetic experiment... 251 00:16:49.802 --> 00:16:53.722 where non-humans would use islands... 252 00:16:53.806 --> 00:16:56.600 high mountains, peninsulas... 253 00:16:57.726 --> 00:17:04.441 so that there would not be interference with or contamination of their experiments? 254 00:17:04.525 --> 00:17:07.528 Maybe that's why they were transferred out. 255 00:17:13.784 --> 00:17:16.120 [ Narrator] Could it be that an entire tribe... 256 00:17:16.203 --> 00:17:18.205 was physically removed from Earth... 257 00:17:18.288 --> 00:17:21.834 shortly after their discovery on Easter Sunday? 258 00:17:22.793 --> 00:17:25.629 And if so, could mass disappearances... 259 00:17:25.713 --> 00:17:29.216 be part of an extraterrestrial experiment on Earth? 260 00:17:30.968 --> 00:17:33.220 Perhaps evidence of such a connection... 261 00:17:33.303 --> 00:17:36.807 can be found in the jungles of Central America... 262 00:17:36.890 --> 00:17:41.270 with a civilization that seems to have strategically abandoned... 263 00:17:41.353 --> 00:17:43.355 all of their sacred sites... 264 00:17:43.439 --> 00:17:46.483 and vanished without a trace. 265 00:17:57.350 --> 00:18:00.831 [ Narrator] Tikal National Park, Guatemala. 266 00:18:02.207 --> 00:18:06.879 Here, deep in the northern jungles of South America... 267 00:18:06.962 --> 00:18:11.675 lie the ruins of one of the largest cities of the classic Maya. 268 00:18:13.218 --> 00:18:15.679 Starting around 800 AD... 269 00:18:15.763 --> 00:18:18.640 their sacred sites were abandoned... 270 00:18:18.724 --> 00:18:20.809 one after the other- 271 00:18:22.770 --> 00:18:24.354 Palenque... 272 00:18:26.230 --> 00:18:27.983 Copén... 273 00:18:29.151 --> 00:18:31.236 Naranjo... 274 00:18:31.320 --> 00:18:34.720 and then finally Tikal. 275 00:18:36.575 --> 00:18:42.998 Tikal was perhaps the largest city of the entire classic Maya period. 276 00:18:45.876 --> 00:18:50.964 It really was the signature city of the Maya. 277 00:18:51.480 --> 00:18:55.427 It was also one of the last cities to be walked away from. 278 00:18:55.511 --> 00:18:58.305 So you get the impression that whatever happened... 279 00:18:58.388 --> 00:19:01.600 that compelled people to walk away from the cities... 280 00:19:01.683 --> 00:19:03.727 Tikal was the last one to do it. 281 00:19:10.567 --> 00:19:14.696 [ Narrator] Scholars believe that at its height, the classic Maya population... 282 00:19:14.780 --> 00:19:17.741 may have been as large as 2O million. 283 00:19:17.825 --> 00:19:23.413 But after the collapse, up to 95% of the Maya were unaccounted for. 284 00:19:24.873 --> 00:19:29.860 We still do not know why they left their cities. 285 00:19:31.839 --> 00:19:34.910 Because all of a sudden they disappeared. 286 00:19:34.675 --> 00:19:36.593 And it was not a war... 287 00:19:36.677 --> 00:19:40.970 because you find no traces of a war, no traces of destruction. 288 00:19:41.140 --> 00:19:44.393 They left. We don't know why and where they have gone. 289 00:19:45.602 --> 00:19:47.437 The question remains, why? 290 00:19:47.521 --> 00:19:50.357 Where did they go? And why did they leave their cities? 291 00:19:51.483 --> 00:19:55.700 Of course there's a lot of practical reasons that have been brought forth. 292 00:19:55.153 --> 00:19:59.449 Possibly overpopulation, quite possibly drought... 293 00:19:59.533 --> 00:20:04.790 deforestation, a lack of water and so forth, and so forth. 294 00:20:04.955 --> 00:20:07.207 But nonetheless it remains quite interesting to think... 295 00:20:07.291 --> 00:20:13.460 that so many people disappeared all at about the same time. 296 00:20:22.472 --> 00:20:26.184 [ Narrator] Historians have noted that the disappearance of the classic Maya... 297 00:20:26.268 --> 00:20:30.981 seems to correspond with the end of one of their calendar cycles. 298 00:20:32.232 --> 00:20:33.817 But the priestly class... 299 00:20:33.901 --> 00:20:37.700 seemed to have made a new calendar called the long count. 300 00:20:38.405 --> 00:20:41.366 We're still not really sure why they created this calendar... 301 00:20:41.450 --> 00:20:44.786 but I do note that its timing... 302 00:20:44.870 --> 00:20:48.665 seems to time with major events. 303 00:20:48.749 --> 00:20:53.712 The Maya are leading their lives based on this long count calendar. 304 00:20:58.592 --> 00:21:01.940 [Narrator] The Maya constructed the long count calendar... 305 00:21:01.178 --> 00:21:04.765 to count down 5,125 years... 306 00:21:04.848 --> 00:21:07.100 or one “great cycle. ” 307 00:21:08.268 --> 00:21:10.520 The calendar was further divided. .. 308 00:21:10.604 --> 00:21:14.650 Into 13 units of approximately 400 years each... 309 00:21:14.733 --> 00:21:17.270 called baktuns. 310 00:21:18.195 --> 00:21:22.616 At the end of each baktun, the Maya held a major celebration. 311 00:21:24.326 --> 00:21:28.455 But curiously, on the 10th baktun they did not. 312 00:21:31.166 --> 00:21:36.880 Their Maya calendar has this very important juncture called a baktun. 313 00:21:36.171 --> 00:21:40.217 It's a 400-year period that comes up in 830 AD. 314 00:21:41.843 --> 00:21:43.470 And they should have celebrated it. 315 00:21:43.553 --> 00:21:45.472 But it's odd. 316 00:21:45.555 --> 00:21:50.102 We know at Tikal, for example, that there was no celebration of that 10th baktun. 317 00:21:50.185 --> 00:21:52.105 [ Hawkes ] The Mayas were the best timekeepers... 318 00:21:52.187 --> 00:21:56.233 possibly of any civilization of all time. 319 00:21:56.316 --> 00:22:00.946 So if they know so much about time and they knew when to do things... 320 00:22:01.290 --> 00:22:06.535 was their disappearance from their cities really planned according to their calendar? 321 00:22:07.828 --> 00:22:10.539 Now, the Maya of today that have survived... 322 00:22:10.622 --> 00:22:13.625 talk about how their ancestors went home. 323 00:22:14.835 --> 00:22:16.420 Where is home? 324 00:22:22.175 --> 00:22:24.845 [ Narrator] Is it possible the long count calendar... 325 00:22:24.928 --> 00:22:28.306 was actually counting down to a preordained date... 326 00:22:28.390 --> 00:22:31.101 when the Maya knew they would disappear? 327 00:22:31.935 --> 00:22:33.437 And if so... 328 00:22:33.520 --> 00:22:35.355 could further evidence of this be found... 329 00:22:35.439 --> 00:22:39.359 by examining the clues left behind in Tikal? 330 00:22:39.985 --> 00:22:41.820 Archaeoastronomers have noted... 331 00:22:41.903 --> 00:22:45.449 that the seven most important pyramids in the grand plaza... 332 00:22:45.532 --> 00:22:47.534 form the same geometric patterns... 333 00:22:47.617 --> 00:22:51.913 as the seven stars comprising the Pleiades constellation, 334 00:22:51.997 --> 00:22:57.294 a star cluster revered by many ancient cultures across the globe. 335 00:22:58.336 --> 00:23:00.470 Many of the Mayan monuments... 336 00:23:00.130 --> 00:23:04.384 have undeniable celestial alignments... 337 00:23:04.468 --> 00:23:06.595 with the Pleiades star cluster. 338 00:23:09.598 --> 00:23:11.580 Is it possible... 339 00:23:11.141 --> 00:23:15.145 that these people originally came from the Pleiades... 340 00:23:16.396 --> 00:23:20.901 and that's why they encoded the Pleiades in their monuments so many times? 341 00:23:20.984 --> 00:23:23.987 And then eventually they returned home. 342 00:23:27.740 --> 00:23:29.117 [ REDFERN ] Today in abduction lore... 343 00:23:29.201 --> 00:23:32.913 many people report that their abductors came from the Pleiades. 344 00:23:32.996 --> 00:23:35.582 That's what they tell the people who have been taken away. 345 00:23:36.666 --> 00:23:39.920 So we seem to have a situation, potentially... 346 00:23:40.300 --> 00:23:43.882 where entities from the Pleiades have visited the Earth... 347 00:23:43.965 --> 00:23:47.100 have interacted with humans for literally thousands of years. 348 00:23:48.303 --> 00:23:52.570 [ Howe] Those Mayans didn't leave because of drought. 349 00:23:52.140 --> 00:23:54.935 They left because it was... 350 00:23:55.180 --> 00:23:56.728 some kind of harvest. 351 00:23:56.812 --> 00:23:58.355 It was an experiment. 352 00:24:00.230 --> 00:24:03.110 The Mayans reached some place... 353 00:24:03.193 --> 00:24:06.290 and somebody took them from here. 354 00:24:06.655 --> 00:24:10.617 It was the end of a calendar cycle... 355 00:24:10.700 --> 00:24:13.954 and the beginning of another calendar cycle... 356 00:24:14.370 --> 00:24:18.125 that means a lot to some intelligence out there. 357 00:24:23.839 --> 00:24:27.717 [ Narrator] Could it be that the collapse of the classic Maya society... 358 00:24:27.801 --> 00:24:29.803 was due to a mass abduction... 359 00:24:29.886 --> 00:24:33.560 as some ancient astronaut theorists suggest? 360 00:24:34.349 --> 00:24:39.146 Was this an event that the elite priests and rulers were counting down to? 361 00:24:39.688 --> 00:24:41.982 Perhaps answers can be found... 362 00:24:42.650 --> 00:24:44.943 2,300 miles north... 363 00:24:45.260 --> 00:24:50.657 with the disappearance of another tribe intricately connected to the Pleiades. 364 00:25:00.917 --> 00:25:05.672 [ Narrator] Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, 2014. 365 00:25:06.923 --> 00:25:10.594 In the desolate high desert of the American Southwest... 366 00:25:10.677 --> 00:25:14.140 mysterious ruins stand as a testament... 367 00:25:14.970 --> 00:25:17.601 to a great civilization that once flourished here- 368 00:25:19.436 --> 00:25:23.523 the ancient Pueblo peoples, or Anasazi. 369 00:25:24.357 --> 00:25:28.236 With a population estimated at well over 100, 000... 370 00:25:28.320 --> 00:25:32.365 the Anasazi settled nearly 50,000 square miles... 371 00:25:32.449 --> 00:25:38.997 of the Four Corners region of Arizona, Colorado, Utah and New Mexico. 372 00:25:39.800 --> 00:25:41.458 The highly sophisticated culture... 373 00:25:41.541 --> 00:25:45.450 built hundreds of miles of ancient roads... 374 00:25:45.128 --> 00:25:49.382 many converging from all directions to Chaco Canyon... 375 00:25:49.466 --> 00:25:54.304 a ceremonial site believed to be one of their most important. 376 00:25:55.472 --> 00:25:57.390 The people that built this site... 377 00:25:57.474 --> 00:26:00.180 somehow came on to the engineering principles... 378 00:26:00.101 --> 00:26:02.479 to be able to build multistory buildings... 379 00:26:02.562 --> 00:26:04.648 such as Pueblo Bonito behind me here. 380 00:26:06.483 --> 00:26:08.401 They developed a culture here... 381 00:26:08.485 --> 00:26:11.404 that integrated the alignments of the buildings... 382 00:26:11.488 --> 00:26:16.409 with celestial objects and events such as the rising of the Pleiades. 383 00:26:18.453 --> 00:26:22.749 The Anasazi were a very successful civilization up until about the 12th century... 384 00:26:22.832 --> 00:26:24.459 and something very strange happened. 385 00:26:24.542 --> 00:26:27.422 And there's a great deal of argument as to what that event may have been. 386 00:26:29.673 --> 00:26:31.675 [ Narrator] According to archaeologists... 387 00:26:31.758 --> 00:26:34.386 sometime around 1130 AD... 388 00:26:34.469 --> 00:26:37.347 all construction ceased at Chaco. 389 00:26:39.557 --> 00:26:41.393 The buildings were sealed... 390 00:26:41.476 --> 00:26:46.189 and roofs of the ceremonial structures, called Kivas, were burned. 391 00:26:58.118 --> 00:27:03.540 It's fair to say that there were groups that did move and migrate to other areas. 392 00:27:04.332 --> 00:27:07.200 Those then became the Pueblos and the Hopis. 393 00:27:08.860 --> 00:27:13.550 What is confusing is what happened to the central part of the civilization... 394 00:27:14.884 --> 00:27:18.540 the ones that were the astronomers that built the observatories. 395 00:27:18.138 --> 00:27:19.723 Where did they go? 396 00:27:19.806 --> 00:27:22.475 It appears as though they simply disappeared. 397 00:27:25.186 --> 00:27:29.399 [ Narrator] Some ancient astronaut theorists, like author David CHILDRESS... 398 00:27:29.482 --> 00:27:32.652 propose that there is, in fact... 399 00:27:32.736 --> 00:27:35.989 more to the disappearance of the Anasazi elders... 400 00:27:36.720 --> 00:27:38.283 than a simple migration... 401 00:27:38.366 --> 00:27:43.121 and they claim clues can be found throughout the ancient site. 402 00:27:43.204 --> 00:27:46.791 On this cliff behind me here at Chaco Canyon... 403 00:27:46.875 --> 00:27:50.420 we have about a dozen unusual spirals... 404 00:27:50.503 --> 00:27:52.380 carved into the cliff. 405 00:27:53.340 --> 00:27:57.594 Archaeologists believe that they represent the sun. 406 00:27:57.677 --> 00:28:00.764 But some of these spirals are very unusual. 407 00:28:00.847 --> 00:28:03.975 One even has little spirals coming off of it. 408 00:28:04.851 --> 00:28:06.770 So you have to ask yourself... 409 00:28:06.853 --> 00:28:10.190 are these spirals in fact representations... 410 00:28:10.273 --> 00:28:13.401 of some kind of portal... 411 00:28:14.110 --> 00:28:17.155 some door to another dimension? 412 00:28:21.760 --> 00:28:24.120 Both the Hopi and the Zuni Indians... 413 00:28:24.204 --> 00:28:26.206 say they came from the stars... 414 00:28:29.626 --> 00:28:34.756 that their knowledge came from the star people, the star ancestors. 415 00:28:34.839 --> 00:28:37.384 And the Hopi say portals... 416 00:28:37.467 --> 00:28:40.512 are marked with the spiral petroglyph, 417 00:28:40.595 --> 00:28:45.160 portals to a different dimension, portals to another world. 418 00:28:46.142 --> 00:28:49.729 There are some that believe that that may represent the portals... 419 00:28:49.813 --> 00:28:52.399 by which the Anasazi and other southwestern cultures... 420 00:28:52.482 --> 00:28:56.319 crossed from this world into their point of origin. 421 00:28:59.239 --> 00:29:01.959 I think there is a possibility at least that there is a connection... 422 00:29:01.991 --> 00:29:05.370 between the alignments of certain celestial events... 423 00:29:05.453 --> 00:29:08.123 and the opening and closings of these portals. 424 00:29:10.417 --> 00:29:14.300 Is it possible that the Anasazi themselves... 425 00:29:14.870 --> 00:29:16.798 vanished en masse from this site? 426 00:29:16.881 --> 00:29:19.634 And did they go into another dimension? 427 00:29:24.222 --> 00:29:27.392 [ Narrator] Could it be that the spiral-shaped petroglyphs... 428 00:29:27.475 --> 00:29:29.769 left behind by the Anasazi... 429 00:29:29.853 --> 00:29:32.105 actually represent portals? 430 00:29:33.148 --> 00:29:35.859 If so, did the Anasazi have knowledge... 431 00:29:35.942 --> 00:29:40.155 of when and how to access these other worlds? 432 00:29:42.282 --> 00:29:45.535 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes... 433 00:29:45.618 --> 00:29:49.380 and believe further evidence of an otherworldly connection... 434 00:29:49.122 --> 00:29:53.460 can be found in the oral stories about this lost civilization... 435 00:29:53.543 --> 00:29:56.546 that have survived through other tribes. 436 00:29:59.174 --> 00:30:02.177 The Anasazi is actually not a name that they gave themselves. 437 00:30:02.260 --> 00:30:04.804 It was a name that was given to them by the Navajo. 438 00:30:06.139 --> 00:30:07.640 [ Howe] The Anasazi- 439 00:30:07.724 --> 00:30:11.436 The name meant “stranger from afar,” or “strange enemy”- 440 00:30:11.519 --> 00:30:15.315 something that was separate, apart. 441 00:30:16.816 --> 00:30:21.321 It is possible that the Anasazi are in another dimension... 442 00:30:21.404 --> 00:30:23.948 another timeline, another planet. 443 00:30:25.366 --> 00:30:30.747 All of these various disappearances of people over time... 444 00:30:32.290 --> 00:30:36.669 whether it is the Mayans, whether it is the Anasazi- 445 00:30:36.753 --> 00:30:40.256 You can look through history and you can begin to see these rhythms. 446 00:30:41.716 --> 00:30:46.513 Advanced intelligences that are behind all of this... 447 00:30:46.596 --> 00:30:49.682 are using the planet like a laboratory. 448 00:30:53.937 --> 00:30:56.689 [ Narrator] Is it possible that the Anasazi elders... 449 00:30:56.773 --> 00:30:58.816 were an alien hybrid race... 450 00:30:58.900 --> 00:31:01.945 as their Navajo name would imply? 451 00:31:02.280 --> 00:31:05.490 And could extraterrestrials have used ancient portals... 452 00:31:05.573 --> 00:31:09.494 to remove entire groups of people off the planet? 453 00:31:11.788 --> 00:31:14.958 Some ancient astronaut theorists suggest... 454 00:31:15.410 --> 00:31:19.379 that such portals still exist on Earth today... 455 00:31:19.462 --> 00:31:21.548 and that the evidence can be found... 456 00:31:21.631 --> 00:31:25.176 by examining recent disappearances. 457 00:31:33.226 --> 00:31:35.895 [ Narrator] Burke County, North Carolina. 458 00:31:38.189 --> 00:31:39.732 For at least a century... 459 00:31:39.816 --> 00:31:42.235 a strange phenomenon has been witnessed regularly... 460 00:31:42.318 --> 00:31:46.614 by thousands of people in the foothills of the Brown Mountains. 461 00:31:48.491 --> 00:31:52.412 Unidentified lights moving erratically just below the horizon... 462 00:31:52.495 --> 00:31:54.581 have been photographed... 463 00:31:54.664 --> 00:31:57.830 and even recorded on video. 464 00:31:57.166 --> 00:31:58.310 [ Man ] There it is! There it is! 465 00:31:58.334 --> 00:32:00.336 Ooh! Ooh! Look at that! Look at that! 466 00:32:01.838 --> 00:32:06.759 Brown Mountain in North Carolina is an area that has for centuries... 467 00:32:06.843 --> 00:32:10.179 been associated with mysterious lights and disappearances. 468 00:32:10.263 --> 00:32:13.570 And for decades these lights have been studied... 469 00:32:13.141 --> 00:32:15.602 and no one is sure exactly what causes these lights. 470 00:32:15.685 --> 00:32:17.687 There are many theories about them. 471 00:32:18.605 --> 00:32:20.898 There are tales of people... 472 00:32:20.982 --> 00:32:23.943 who have gone out into those foothills or onto the mountain... 473 00:32:24.270 --> 00:32:25.695 and never come back. 474 00:32:26.863 --> 00:32:29.532 [WILCOCK ] There is a long-standing tradition... 475 00:32:29.616 --> 00:32:32.785 of disappearances that happened in this area. 476 00:32:32.869 --> 00:32:37.915 In 1850 we have a case of a plantation owner... 477 00:32:37.999 --> 00:32:40.126 who wanders off into the mountains... 478 00:32:41.440 --> 00:32:43.254 and disappears completely. 479 00:32:44.797 --> 00:32:50.803 And then a whole group of his slaves, carrying lanterns, go out trying to find him. 480 00:32:50.887 --> 00:32:54.974 And they cannot find him. And then they also disappear. 481 00:32:56.809 --> 00:33:01.147 In another case, a woman went missing on Brown Mountain... 482 00:33:01.230 --> 00:33:04.901 and a whole team of people who were dispatched to search for her... 483 00:33:04.984 --> 00:33:06.986 did not return. 484 00:33:09.300 --> 00:33:11.949 There have been mysterious disappearances of people... 485 00:33:12.330 --> 00:33:14.744 who have gone up on the mountain and never come back. 486 00:33:16.621 --> 00:33:18.122 And in each instance... 487 00:33:18.206 --> 00:33:21.668 there is always this reference to mysterious lights... 488 00:33:22.335 --> 00:33:27.632 as if these lights somehow function as perhaps a portal or a gateway... 489 00:33:27.715 --> 00:33:29.801 through which these people disappear into. 490 00:33:32.804 --> 00:33:36.150 [ Narrator] Could it be that there are actually places on Earth... 491 00:33:36.990 --> 00:33:39.180 where entire groups of people could disappear... 492 00:33:39.102 --> 00:33:41.270 through some sort of portal? 493 00:33:42.605 --> 00:33:47.276 If so, is it possible that the Brown Mountain lights and disappearances... 494 00:33:47.360 --> 00:33:50.290 are part of a larger agenda? 495 00:33:50.113 --> 00:33:52.990 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes... 496 00:33:53.740 --> 00:33:55.910 and suggest that this may offer clues... 497 00:33:55.993 --> 00:33:59.455 for some of our most baffling modern disappearances. 498 00:34:05.461 --> 00:34:09.424 [ Narrator] The Pacific Ocean, 2014. 499 00:34:11.217 --> 00:34:13.636 Malaysia Air Flight 370... 500 00:34:13.720 --> 00:34:17.980 en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing... 501 00:34:17.181 --> 00:34:22.610 mysteriously disappears from radar over the waters of Vietnam... 502 00:34:22.145 --> 00:34:24.647 with no indication of distress. 503 00:34:26.607 --> 00:34:28.151 The plane vanishes... 504 00:34:28.234 --> 00:34:33.531 as well as the 12 crew members and 227 passengers on board. 505 00:34:36.409 --> 00:34:41.372 After one of the largest and most expensive searches in history... 506 00:34:41.456 --> 00:34:42.957 no debris has been located. 507 00:34:46.502 --> 00:34:49.756 Theories abound as to what happened to the craft... 508 00:34:49.839 --> 00:34:52.490 including the possibility... 509 00:34:52.133 --> 00:34:54.844 of extraterrestrial involvement. 510 00:34:56.471 --> 00:34:59.980 As soon as Flight MH37O disappeared... 511 00:34:59.182 --> 00:35:01.642 there were some people who immediately started speculating... 512 00:35:01.726 --> 00:35:04.604 that it might have something to do with UFOs or aliens. 513 00:35:04.687 --> 00:35:08.240 And there is a historical precedent for these kinds of disappearances. 514 00:35:09.442 --> 00:35:13.821 All around the world you hear these stories of people mysteriously disappearing. 515 00:35:14.697 --> 00:35:17.909 The Bermuda Triangle is a classic example. 516 00:35:18.951 --> 00:35:21.287 And people and airplanes and other objects... 517 00:35:21.370 --> 00:35:23.581 just were in the wrong place at the wrong time... 518 00:35:23.664 --> 00:35:26.542 and vanished through the portal or star gate. 519 00:35:34.500 --> 00:35:36.100 [ Narrator] In the United States alone... 520 00:35:36.930 --> 00:35:40.389 over 600,000 people are reported missing each year... 521 00:35:40.473 --> 00:35:43.810 and up to 1% are never located. 522 00:35:45.895 --> 00:35:49.774 And paranormal researchers have noticed a disturbing trend... 523 00:35:49.857 --> 00:35:54.904 of unexplainable disappearances associated with remote areas. 524 00:35:56.239 --> 00:36:00.660 Hundreds of thousands of people on planet Earth disappear every year- 525 00:36:00.743 --> 00:36:02.161 every year- 526 00:36:02.245 --> 00:36:03.788 and nobody knows where they are. 527 00:36:06.820 --> 00:36:09.168 National forests, parks. 528 00:36:09.252 --> 00:36:12.338 There have been stories of people talking to other people. 529 00:36:12.421 --> 00:36:14.257 They turn around and they're gone. 530 00:36:15.967 --> 00:36:19.470 They have no idea where they've gone. Have they fallen into portals? 531 00:36:19.554 --> 00:36:21.389 Have they been abducted? 532 00:36:21.472 --> 00:36:23.474 Have they been beamed up? 533 00:36:26.185 --> 00:36:30.857 We can only speculate about why the intelligence behind UFO abduction... 534 00:36:30.940 --> 00:36:32.525 behaves the way that it does. 535 00:36:32.608 --> 00:36:36.904 But it certainly stands to reason that if they need to operate clandestinely... 536 00:36:36.988 --> 00:36:39.699 if they're trying to keep what they're doing hidden away... 537 00:36:39.782 --> 00:36:42.910 then it might not be possible in our culture today. 538 00:36:43.619 --> 00:36:47.874 It's possible that what we're seeing here is the same phenomenon... 539 00:36:47.957 --> 00:36:50.167 but the means have changed over time- 540 00:36:50.251 --> 00:36:54.213 that long ago entire cultures would vanish... 541 00:36:54.297 --> 00:36:56.382 and now, for whatever reason... 542 00:36:56.465 --> 00:36:59.468 it's happening on a much, much smaller scale. 543 00:37:04.390 --> 00:37:09.562 [ Narrator] Are modern-day disappearances a continuation of a much older phenomena? 544 00:37:11.147 --> 00:37:15.670 But if entire groups of people are being taken off the planet... 545 00:37:15.985 --> 00:37:19.155 could it be part of a larger agenda? 546 00:37:21.949 --> 00:37:25.578 Ancient astronaut theorists believe answers may be found... 547 00:37:25.661 --> 00:37:28.497 by exploring clues seen on board... 548 00:37:28.581 --> 00:37:31.250 an alien spaceship. 549 00:37:40.920 --> 00:37:42.136 [ Narrator] Houston, Texas... 550 00:37:42.219 --> 00:37:44.931 December 1992. 551 00:37:46.150 --> 00:37:48.809 Eight members of the Houston UFO Network... 552 00:37:49.477 --> 00:37:51.771 separately report being abducted... 553 00:37:51.854 --> 00:37:55.608 in one of the strangest mass abduction cases in history. 554 00:37:57.526 --> 00:38:01.197 Derrel Sims, a former US intelligence operative... 555 00:38:01.280 --> 00:38:03.574 conducts the preliminary investigation. 556 00:38:06.285 --> 00:38:08.579 All these people independent of each other... 557 00:38:08.663 --> 00:38:10.122 and to my shock and amazement... 558 00:38:10.206 --> 00:38:12.500 they all came back with the exact same story. 559 00:38:14.210 --> 00:38:16.754 The same craft, the same entities. 560 00:38:16.837 --> 00:38:19.548 They identified each other in great detail. 561 00:38:19.632 --> 00:38:22.930 Some of them didn't even know each other very well. 562 00:38:23.520 --> 00:38:27.473 All of these people described being taken by a small craft and-and a small entity- 563 00:38:27.556 --> 00:38:31.227 and the entity took them to a much larger craft. 564 00:38:35.898 --> 00:38:38.734 [ Narrator] After researching numerous UFO sightings... 565 00:38:38.818 --> 00:38:41.112 that were reported the night of the incident... 566 00:38:41.779 --> 00:38:44.281 Sims makes a shocking discovery. 567 00:38:45.157 --> 00:38:47.785 Someone in Japan had filmed the moon during this time... 568 00:38:47.868 --> 00:38:51.122 and filmed a massive craft that left a shadow across the moon... 569 00:38:51.831 --> 00:38:53.916 as it crossed the moon's surface... 570 00:38:54.000 --> 00:38:56.460 during the same time of the mass abduction. 571 00:38:56.544 --> 00:38:59.422 So there was the corroboration that we needed. 572 00:39:03.259 --> 00:39:06.530 [ Narrator] UFO researchers following the case... 573 00:39:06.137 --> 00:39:08.681 believe collective details gathered from the event... 574 00:39:08.764 --> 00:39:11.851 may shed new light on the abduction phenomena... 575 00:39:11.934 --> 00:39:16.689 and perhaps clues to understanding the extraterrestrial agenda. 576 00:39:18.899 --> 00:39:23.904 One of the people taken saw a map-like thing on the wall. 577 00:39:25.114 --> 00:39:27.616 The map that this individual saw that was on the wall... 578 00:39:27.700 --> 00:39:31.746 indicated approximately 6,000 years of the aliens' involvement with mankind. 579 00:39:32.413 --> 00:39:35.166 We were down to the last small section of that map... 580 00:39:35.249 --> 00:39:37.793 which was about 100 years left. 581 00:39:37.877 --> 00:39:41.714 What we deduced from the information from the abductee was simply... 582 00:39:41.797 --> 00:39:45.384 that this experiment, whatever it is, is almost over. 583 00:39:48.137 --> 00:39:49.889 [ Narrator] After viewing the map... 584 00:39:49.972 --> 00:39:52.975 one of the abductees was led through a massive hallway. .. 585 00:39:53.590 --> 00:39:55.190 To another part of the craft. 586 00:39:55.686 --> 00:39:58.355 [Sims] it was a huge room of enormous size. 587 00:39:58.439 --> 00:40:00.566 I said, “What did you see?” 588 00:40:00.649 --> 00:40:04.779 He said, “It looked like a collection.” Like a museum of things that had been collected. 589 00:40:05.696 --> 00:40:09.867 They seem to have collected species, animals, people, all kinds of things. 590 00:40:09.950 --> 00:40:14.747 And I said, “And what was significant about that?” 591 00:40:14.830 --> 00:40:16.832 And he said, “I don't think they were dead. 592 00:40:18.626 --> 00:40:20.961 I think they were all in suspended animation.” 593 00:40:21.962 --> 00:40:24.149 This may explain the reason why some people disappear... 594 00:40:24.173 --> 00:40:27.900 and don't come back from an abduction event. 595 00:40:32.807 --> 00:40:35.935 [ Narrator] Do the accounts from the Houston mass abduction event... 596 00:40:36.180 --> 00:40:39.772 shed new light on the extraterrestrial agenda? 597 00:40:40.689 --> 00:40:45.778 If so, might the stories of mass disappearances throughout history... 598 00:40:45.861 --> 00:40:48.447 be not fantasy, but pan' of a program... 599 00:40:48.531 --> 00:40:51.951 to collect human beings and other Earth species? 600 00:40:53.160 --> 00:40:55.162 But for what purpose? 601 00:40:59.125 --> 00:41:01.430 [WILCOCK ] Perhaps these abductions... 602 00:41:01.127 --> 00:41:04.380 are not happening for some random reason. 603 00:41:04.463 --> 00:41:06.799 These samples are being taken... 604 00:41:06.882 --> 00:41:10.928 so that the human seed itself can be preserved... 605 00:41:11.110 --> 00:41:15.224 in the unlikely event of some mass ecological catastrophe... 606 00:41:15.307 --> 00:41:19.353 that wipes out human life on Earth as we now know it. 607 00:41:28.700 --> 00:41:32.199 The evolution of humans on this planet has been completely and totally... 608 00:41:32.283 --> 00:41:35.161 an experiment on the part of extraterrestrials. 609 00:41:36.912 --> 00:41:40.666 We'll call it “experimental lab process” on this planet. 610 00:41:41.876 --> 00:41:45.880 Intelligences are cloning and hybridizing... 611 00:41:45.963 --> 00:41:48.215 and mixing and matching. 612 00:41:50.801 --> 00:41:54.680 [ NOORY] Earth could very well be a farm-simple as that. 613 00:41:54.763 --> 00:41:57.600 It's like the island of Dr. Moreau... 614 00:41:57.683 --> 00:41:59.727 where we're genetically altered, we're mixed... 615 00:41:59.810 --> 00:42:02.855 we're abducted, we're taken, we're brought back. 616 00:42:02.938 --> 00:42:08.277 This could be the greatest melting pot of experimental work in the universe. 617 00:42:08.360 --> 00:42:10.446 But, you know, as NASA has said... 618 00:42:10.529 --> 00:42:14.533 they're gonna discover alien life-forms in 2O years. 619 00:42:15.201 --> 00:42:19.622 I think we will find that creatures on other worlds... 620 00:42:19.705 --> 00:42:22.458 resemble us very closely. 621 00:42:27.880 --> 00:42:30.216 [ Narrator] Could it be that extraterrestrials... 622 00:42:30.299 --> 00:42:32.343 really have been coming to Earth... 623 00:42:33.344 --> 00:42:37.348 and abducting large groups of people throughout our history? 624 00:42:38.599 --> 00:42:40.184 And if so... 625 00:42:40.267 --> 00:42:42.610 are otherworldly beings... 626 00:42:42.144 --> 00:42:46.315 conducting experiments to upgrade the human race... 627 00:42:47.233 --> 00:42:51.153 preparing us to become part of an intergalactic community? 628 00:42:52.488 --> 00:42:55.824 Ancient astronaut theorists propose that one day... 629 00:42:56.325 --> 00:42:59.912 we will be reunited with our alien ancestors. 630 00:42:59.995 --> 00:43:02.414 But perhaps for some of us... 631 00:43:02.498 --> 00:43:06.168 this reunion has already occurred.